The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 05, 1851, Image 4

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... ~ . .
We lenra from the late English -paper that - .11
fresh drop i ili about to bi T arias ill " region hi
therm nn ed be dis c over trar i a of the long
missing e e
tilltron of Sir Telur Fituddin. From
the remains lama It Cape - Riley' it is generally
lureited . thattlieexplotingviumelipassed through
Weliligtoi Stria.. beyiud Whh and - to the
worth:of th e:Parryjeltmds it is t gnngbt by many
geographers' atienavigatora ;that they would
meet with a more •open or -.Pelee' sea. It is
- also beliaeathat Franklin himself had resolved
-toendeaysli the longitude of Behring's
Strait by hiiiiing westward in ouch Polar sea
-0a these * tratrviaettt. Pim, a ZSAIORS and able
ulster , ' wi t s had saved on board bee Majesty's
trarinying eldpillerali; Captain Kellett, in Bell
ring'a Strait, has formed the following plain '
- .'...i1e CtitiCtiVed that when Franklin reacbed
the lengiteole of Babying's Strait, he would be
foiled in alibis efforts to get southward through
the one only, passage, from meeting with a 'great
east and weed barrier of ice and land, and that
oonaelnently.le•Marlave straggled an along
: its tairtlicayitiore further to the west, until he
"'became" Inextricably entangled in a religion
- which, though entirely devoid of human beings,
..Id supposed to, abound in animals MA which ttie
' -navigators could subsist. Lieut. Pita has In con
- aquae° euggested the following bola , plan of
ransack:. . .P
. .11e propose s s to leave London on the pith of
November for St Petersburgb, whence, if the
prolate should meet with the approbation of the
imperial authorities, he wishes to travel directly
: :across Siberia to the mouth of the river Kolyins.
Thence, accompanied by'two or-three persons
only, he will proceed either to the islands of Now
Siberia and others vi-sited by Wrangel and du
-jot!, or in whatever ether direction he may be
led by the information shtidned from the Sam
eiedes,:...whe roam further towards the north in
. In those parallels of longitude, there- ocenpyiag
hlmielf in &thorough surrey during two or more
years." . , ,
Thee a rd uous poject has met with the appro
bation of many geographers, and is 'warmly ad
vocated by. Lady , Erantlin; whilst, In order to
facilitate - ice succeas, the President of the Royal
Geographic Society, Sit Roderick blurchison,
has written urgent . letters to the chief authorites
• ...
St. Peteraburgh. The British Governoacu
.hit; skive offered' novistance to the, intrepid soy
TAMES 'IL PARKS; 'Designer and Wond
RP . Ittuamv_er; Pltilo Hall, Third streat, oter Mat intra,
Malt Maar. moat ttatmettolly M .lb. pottla ttaM essaute all Mods Llesigulow .nd %%cut
P.rmesricur, mob as Views of IMll4lntot Stem:atomic and
llattanory. Itodatim' Scala of atom Ommtlaio..
111 Ziolrmater Shads. Drumtiate L•bels, twtwb SWWILS
aaad Show-ilills..te.• Terms rem malarate. mai 't
Ladies l! Read Vasil!"
AIN THE PRtSS, and willthortly be ready,
`TUN /11.111111AIN TO TOE PIANO: eomprialug •
description of the merletunins of the 11.4v:tont, Os
defeats to . t oo
is liedu (about tale nomlu:rl. tbv
Emelt./ of rellleilytog rich itufert, and itutrortt.w. bow to
1111301.111atlat .Torus In Woe.. P. w?Earls
' NretTinernit haring • Plane shoul d hare litany of this
boor. to +aorta( the kiral has ern . helm heal yublkb
ad- Tha lorornOttoti It iroletro I. north In. lataa
.Prior—otal doll.; nod, smog other utranogre it will
otsernidir guar& goo from tolog Toot INeto enolleJ Pr
WIN/ and gentlanonln the cities of Pittsburgh and
ALegliett, dinning early copies of the work, can be tar
nished at theirby learialt thsir edam. .t the
cakes of •ny of the Pittsburgh riteruinit or ia
math stores of bleasn• John 11. Aiello!: trod street, owl
henry . Kleber.Third Ores•
lig am /Ws ousi dollar to the Onl ireteita
tee. PluAnii gh.• engig will be forwarded, free of !MOW ,
to app pot ol JIG timid trt.stes. SLi root. for ore Jot
Iwo. A Ilb•Ta db../ to Hook artier. Sod Iloilo d•olow.
Three Ir no =lra appropriate
that a gentlrotiot
Viol. to • liwly thaw a rapt Of tlus book.
- tl.pd In your Ordertl • nett.
HE subfkribe r ham in stare and offers at
low sakes , : a good assortment of llaseas, *Alum,
w and agar.' Mouse de /show, Pooh.. Pr iota net ,
• Bas isinasT, 0011 on VlsartsLa thlbet. Atlantis. end Nutt.
en long Ilbsoss; Isiah Linen, Pongee LlsmikerebleM.
tleassni, gatinotta, elott, Tweeds', Jeans.
Brown snot Blessened linslins, Dellis, Ticking, ead
brie:Bstadlog. llaorass, Umbrellas, black mad wLite bet
. doge. Cotton, lanoN sod atilt Lase, ililiboulb Linen Tails
Cloths, tforts.• More, Itomeri , Stir ads.
Bindings, Btaleng •10r. a have variety of
/ mart resnestftdig Wells the attention of enstensols sad
pallass. • •etalis U. AltallTllNtiT, Mt Wood et
ExchangelLiveryStable, and Furnishing
• - Office,
'Na. 178 Pent street, near the St Clair Had.
RCN& Jlta th en . bet:Libor, thank-,
ware nrcurtaxa han ' rlits r t h en ' n. " . b' j."ll.ltvror. th,,ul
h.tohntal the UNDSittAKVaII hasloc.n
connection with hiS MCVAY huAhae.., arial 111 . e e l lo
funerals on ot. reasonable th.• eity. Any
person linYingsny thing do la nit. her. who way give
hint anal!, eat aernaa apart their hno.inno. bang atnandnl
In prennons, one bent novo.. wan... ,
• nalra . ; • • inidia:
cguoAss , — Lorcrinee Crushed for
luapty mai
Roo3t*-100 doz. Dry CON], for tab, by
oriEtt--so kegs fresh rec'd and for sale
II er. , Joy e. v. ellarrEa.
ASIL.--Wo arc prepared to contrat
,sth Ohms 11.nfcetaren , sod thr trade stetrarlly
for their eubply ro,l, JtAb. 1151 - lao tbr abater. Ist tit
2 pro... martet ws.rrnot rur Arta r.turl
dAteArbar,rted. 1110iNerf. Q.,.
s 77 ' : MORSE'S
.Conipotoad ' Syrap , of 'Yellow Dock Hoot.
OCCUPIES the front rank among the pro
- urlatery wintlrlnea r ef this country Cur trouttaut^ l l
curing tbdetr, an Rheum. EtTalPelluy nbll all °U. , .l.'
saws saintly , Woo it, hum, Au... the blood. Ahoy
Llner Granuistet,Catstrh.l:ol:ettela.llntdarbenbitnue as,
03[1014 Met. red Tlehtuted about the Cbtalk nwoe
ti r
Odle., on harasunot, deynesr, and *lived,. aruu tom
atwat thr e, awl la wed with uneretedrotel aurena
, • le all cases o ••
• ~..", -, 7 Fon* :Treakmrs and 0 enerat•DrEility.
J_',... Bireuathaulthr the astound lad T, siting tous W the
''' Tartans unans, and Lua * lsotatind th , ealttu ~3 ".4t. m .
.• jt•tta L uirlLoo.y or Wad:Ludo etc liznug WiNarart, ruin
dl N>'i?ott6eawntn'.~;znb relied npnn:lti
tod and Imeen down cnostilistioun It Is Insult Vonfets.
bit ite'. composition. load eo grew - only oombloef if he
propiatiods that the chemical. botanical, ni t niedical pro
perties of each Ingredient lunrionioualy unie to
- • Purify the Blood.
• le ha: removed many chrotindlaitorm Irbleh hare baffled
the Wiled the beerph vizier., and has aleciound Cantor.
dolt ILtimno, Inyetyreloo and horotola. - which darapatilla
lerrope entirely faded to make the hoot impre.los 11100.
It Imo boon tens ha ovum omen of CANClOnitid IWO
The meet obstinate Cancers toss been cured by
this medildoe. Weser - that it Is arnlttatle medicine le oh
BILIOU6 fe/SIPLAIOTO. It TR1310.01 alletwtroethsu to
the etreoltdion. renderim the Liver free, active, sod heal
thy. It ammo Yelyitation of the Heart. and roller. ha
all eases of Anima, awl may Le anal In all climates, and
or ill *eons of the year. •
this flyrup le eeper.] only by C. NORSE el 101
Pollutant street, Vrc.vidonace, lid arid ,IJ boneale and
',doll. P.II. W WILEIre
WY Agent for Western Penn! heat..
itrybyl Wombasee. carrier Wag awl both Its. Vitra.
U.OKW LW AT .FLOIIR-100 bags bull
&Pla Leon gad fur ale b 7
-6. t 14". 11/611AUU IL'
Copley's 'Piro Brick,
T COPLEY 4E. CO.. near Kittanning, have
air . °lthaca a Mr thottrand. YI RI: 'BRICK of cuallont
rlg6 ft tet:r r y bot: vslr b loattla lloplay, at the
4.0.10 n. continue to manufacture Pot Clot. Mr
matrafacturant atul °Mar. J. netloo:46lAftEn W.,
Wool rtrect, anamle agent. for ttes nanteJ .[!Iola.
iIIEOKER'S FARINA-25011A. for sale by
IL 11010 • J. 1:10D t CU. as Wood at-
g'IIIKESE-7 boxes Cream; .
N.J Is
It goo ul! Dorf: ,
Diarafi Co.,i
""" ."341 toe b Walor,sirl Irrind
w 4 • -
Vir f &WLS! SELAWLSI—Now ownirp at
.14 A. !I AAON COM, emu, Bay Sist• tong M tswli
brUllaot • e permanent nbl.ts. bod
)11LANKTETSI-Now on hand Over 850 pra.
American, am' Virencli, or 84,11/4, 104, and
plalo 00. Ansel. and double ,11ao, •
oompleaceaeonintecit at Crib awl tirxini 81•••• M.
A. O.
lii•S(111 Ot
• .3•8 ••'.' ni and 84 le Miret rc
L'&Rl) OIL-15 bbls„, No. I, (Winter,) for
isle bT J. SCIIOUNM.IIi TR a
. en, .4 Wool ue..
HOW ISOOT-500 lbs. Am., for
4 slot • J. KUM CO.
.CREAM TARTAN--2000 lbs. for sale by
poi J. KLDD t CO., al Waal et
I M • asliton, Liar • 0.'5
Edao. in Wrest. by
balk or by the w.
1 12 : LL .a llA wa T u l a N r, V o l? „ 0 th it n :
(ha hi-I ' l% R; to
ffrarttAtrn oil or Itsoono. tbm, sod to core
or Dondrart.. • •
"' -u 5 awl for vela br the . n.111: ito W-
•°442.°h° ° 1 , 1.4 otrpot. comer ot
• 0r03: , . •••
1.10:AR-1EAD-900 ibti. White, for sale by
tark J. KIDD it Co. Oa iyona at.
I T OBACCO-100 jxocps Sherieud's s's sr,tal
otitolasignmsot tud for NI.
Jollt. WATrA W.
UTTER—.IOOO 168. prime Dairy yutkutl,
• for ape by • JOHN IC ATY OU. •
GLASSES-20bble. S. H. S'yrup,
Iwo low br JoliN WAWA CO.
T.,cf•-.=•s. •
- u""
tillloo-3 eeroobe beat 8- ~ bleb Med
-7 4,2!Akr We b7 oc2; • .#l aH. run P.
)ICE-10 tea fresh Carolina Eke for sale
r o J. It It VIAYD.
_ . .II , OSiEILY—A. A. MASON &Co. hove recd
Namara. rattabo itaof, Atalanta. Silt. and
Lb, moatettcwtlea atoet they
Lave e, Mtrr
which vhay will wall as . ur ry
than wust.- nen '
110.FFEg---7d bap) prima Rio, arriving and
JO- by JOHN SYNrr a on.
.. ro otat t o foram light, art.; sad row:No..lY out,
ag Bread, taro good flour b wird. foil dtreigirott as
...p.nie•cgtt barbs/au War solo by
brgil• J. KIWI)* 1•0 Ru.t .1.
()FF.E/;-.600 bags Rio, fur bale by
134 co.
11 OIL-el. for Fiala by
!r not_ • WIIKt SteCA4DI,EI3Ii.
- ,
SilbtAlt 35 MOLASSES--
644, N. 0, Lbla. N. Ls. MuIaNAL
Par *ale L)
._-_._J.t..qtd DALZr.I.L.
nrusli LUSTRE-2 awe fouale b!
U: ,o4' ESELlBlte.67,Woalsc
IPES,H-2.00. boxes for Olio by
moo t IdeCANDLENS.
J UST reed at No. 256 Liberty street--
, .34 . ~/. a d C
jJ m
•ntoXrued.Dty Mosey: .
JLvuruv mr-f
-• - •••=2 bl
, /mon szta OruTePed eizatid;
%rtcnl ig* Plum,
All ett iroate, , ..l •• •et ItnlasiZ
InstELbou" . §: -
do.ltneicits: ' dos. Tuber; lb*
• ant. JASIEB DALZELL, 01 Water t.
IQUORICE ROOT-2000 lbs; extra fresh,
for raker - J. KIDD I CO.
ECECIITILI.O have this day raid •larioi,k?e of 0440
nor Me co•Is Blanket.. very yhvap.
Alpo. 44 whits Wale thade
FLANK Kl 9. Northeast ear.
Fourth and Market Ma uol
II AREAM TARTAR-12 bbls. pow'd, war
•4,i pure. for sale by
(g A LAB OIL-50 Lukas for sale by
1 , 3 «1 B A. VAIN DeStADC 1(N).
V.[LT ER SAND—IS bbls. hir side . be
oe3o It. A. FAIINF9TOCK A tot.
ir EN .
RED--10 bblii. bright, Eng., for•sale
I ENNA-1000 lbs. primal Alexandria, for
17 sale by • ft A. PA lIN F.ATOCK ACO
1iT1 . 11.20 AR-50 bbls. s f t o m r i, s r a , le l lsz .RivEß.
IT ANILLA. BEANS-2011m. fresh, for sale
B. A. FAIINVatOCI. • Co.
Pll — /:
BURCHFIELD bare Just oposslan ars , Mment of
I . Bk. Blur ,..oyanse and Green th-sma F1!.. 0 .• ~ .3 0
4.4 1,51.1:11..LEA10i..1,111.N at I TZ c ir. h yla i .111 E D,
Fourth and Market Meseta. _.,
r."O SIIIRCII Y A stlDOßFryjav
I,p UrfEll. Fresh Roll, in hoses, is 21 daily
JI by ioe/Al J. It CAN:Okla,
t ill EESE-500 boiei reo'd arid for sale by
si.J was J. ll CANFIELD.
2.1 ht .. o
DISH-10 Ws. Lake Trout;
" Lo val. by
LINSEED OIL-10 bbls.Uriftwold's brand,
Swazis by J. B. CANIIII:O.
I )EAitL ASII.--25 casks for sale by
OGIVOOIO bbls. on band and for sale
Any orll ... 3 . kiIDD & ()))
SMILTS 4t. DRAWERS-500 doz. Mou'a
lambs Wool Sklrle and Drawer., reed Ay
or= A. A. 311)a1.). A C.)
ILK VELVETS-2U pee. most desirab
•, mina, 13D, 00 , 4411; by A A. MASON A DE
I Anti. AMIUNIA.:-2110i) No. Pi sale
,iettl IL 4. FAUN r,sTOO4. P.
tills taoralag by Xxpraa• the tAlealoa &drab.-
!halt rolorad all VI. De Lath, 4 14 - due;
High !abler black allka. W pee,
11l sd. Poult :Salm
Black haurad ailka;
riabl talue : ILlbbiaar.
yG mot co, Fon,ll, and Marc et $t
iANARY SEED—W fin. nrimoits
rtontaal for aide hy .
eel. 3 J: KIDD* CAL cm 4,jurz)
S rf.
S, 'f URPENTLNE-51) bbln. prim°,
b.r bybobr J. KIDD !CO.
1.141-a lbs. pure, fur
Ditab• SOPA--woo 11)2. T k eu Po, ,
trot 4.4101.011
•.Ivr side J JilpS) • Ctj.
—— -
A LUM--UO btAii. fur pale 6Y
n "" h '"l9 tuTotc
4,10AV-100 luaes N. 1 Rosin, for sato by
A 7 rel:t n. k W.11•KBAINIII.
for sub ; by
bbls. byre N 0.3, btu.
taritusetla N • CO
..clO ' J A MAS A'
1 IR. TRASK'S Iklagnatio Oiatiueii
dn. 63r malt. by J. KIDD l 00.
OOD KNORAVINO fly Japes 11. Park,
~V.rit:f, l. Jf „hi,l
1(dl l 5.1
t,settioa•y. ta LA.II. Te.ius
LP for ..we br 0:17 J. iluluaaw eD 6 1.
ANAL CORKS-15 balm.' lonK and
tor .ie b. mr J. liellOONUAltglilA)
11110SPLIORUS-1 0 coca for sole - by
.1; J. SC111001 , :11.0,k11( a co
rIIERILA J AVCINIOA, for Camera' arsit-1
tou Wr malo 1 1 ;47 _ J. 6.1110..111111AKE1l t
'AI ENNE—t bbl644.ruerit'an Pepper
) Azle by °cll J. 11!Olittitii://11.`".&
LITTEItLIo r ) kgo oulid re,:e4 - 77)!
Lk and for naln L r .cl 7 It DALZW.I.I. l 00.
QALIERATUS-5 tong in lihk and tax, for
1..3 nal* br ta.l7 6 1,11.7.1t11. R CO.
E —'• Eagle Brad" 7
ej lan. Lemon and I anal.. 1.1 NA, 1. , -
valuta , . al 'rlia,l4lStEll erne al
J. 11 PIIILLII,L N. 111 Alatket
WANTED SOON—An active. partner in
• largo ate.] jetn.lry• and machine illatT, in A lin.
Awed town. twveci stallatt:cm l'ittoonwlt A 'wane luau
if maid rnatuart. with • mmii.c.Ptot i j3li. lot `titir. Awl
alto Las • howls ig• of tb....awns biota... aid h. 4
tow ware mid machinery, to etieb etnotent rock awl ,
wage.. will be givirr., Aid via yontic how wt;i;
tai • very.proiitAlen wituatnin ii
sµll fart
OtTi'!..VICAXtr. Wg.
4.lUtiAlt—t.O ' lilide prime, in store and rod
ley D•IZELL • Co.
MULASSES—Ltt—.'tit N.,6.,Lu d a , b. It.,
srr*P q ° l.Vll.l7.l. ' l ' .l ‘°,, b k ,
g tANTIIMIID-75 &esti, Juht reed
I,_) and En wale by nevi_ 3. KIDD • CO.
ALT I'ETKE- I A I bgn Crude now luudiug
5:3 and far retie I. DICKEY a tit
ONDON MOBTAED--550110t. warranted
a A Pam And for PAN by .I.KIDD a 01).
41 1111-I:—CIIALK--a-7-0611-FITs. in store and
77 V tarn/. by ' 417 i k I P P Y' •
ACUMPLETE ert of Bucket klachipeq -
Inreale by twtid 3. tl pipronTp aO .
POOL curniN-10,11v, jutt recd.
bjEngland, and for talc by
ABLESALT—fi® Llgs ground rock now
lauding and fur wile by ISAIAH DICKEY tCo
rout Witt., awl Eruct etrweis.
CHALK -5 tons for sale by
11110TASII-10 casks prime, fur sale by
11. 3101ASSES-5 0 bbls. for sale by
• B. k 11/11111A11011.
GI PILAW PAYMR--'21.0) bdls. superior, re
per “Am..: J. IL. 1.104107. V E O ,
aria rner Petia Mai •
lIA HAUG E OIL CLOTH--J Wit reed from
xj (Ss 113111it.vIlle Dalfay, 4404 plc 4, IL sad 6 quar
ter plain atat flgutaal 1.001. l'atratt (itased Cartiaaa 011
Math, atul fur 1.1. atiulasale sod ratall at Na 116 Ilartat
aro.. b old J. A 11. 1.1111.1..11 , 6.
I lIST opened at the Depot for choice Teas,
1111 labart) atrupt—a 1.411.4 of 0 4 41 1 4 4 9.C10-
14.1) 010400/.: r1.K.01 1 7.1
1,10(. 1, 4 a. ar ll,l *.
14 1 4. 1.1.1111.1 a CO..
0.13 Ilrooars and Tea tandem
EIESIP -60 bales Kantuuky and Missouri
now '' , for Jairif.s A. lIUSIII/1.!0?: A W.
I. BOWIE SHAWLS— '2 Just rec'd, essay
P aapariat St.lllL4 A .31ASON A W.
T ow x r ,„N-1 sack fur gale by
it KEEN, OIL CLOTH—Just received from
Vt vs‘torr',-,ssi 3sr4s lour azal 4444 qu•rtara linen ell
Clutb for • ludor 411044. fur .1,1 arao.earla god relall at
Na. 116 Dlarkat at. 4.40 J. • 11. P1111.1.11:1.
• • "
1.1 BlLtllaotrautol Tw.r.torci=
11111=na btlioMkowowo C.
owou Just loved no.s3 for IV or,..t,owcialcalgifot •
Wood amt. earood of 81:[h.
rrEA--65 lilt chostn .. ...;
I..ti; has N.'l` - :"*.
2 -
- ~,,
ra, iy... a of Wiwi meallan,
71ist reed ..1 40 ml• by w ' .1. •Y FLOYD.
SOLE LEATIIELL—#.I) Sides N. Y. fur
ba ma. by 0e..0 . J. It IL. NW NO.
PICKED GUM AltAl3lC—w , yery
haodbOiv_e,.X., X. U. ' , ELMIRA.
INA ,b 4. brad., on ILAM and far sale br
1:111LIIRILITuri 00.
11_110SlN—SO bbls. No. I, for sale by
CHIP. LOCIWOOD-10 0 bbls. for sale by
IAM. 01.NGE11. -- 5 bble. for sale by
eV , teL, It. H. HELLEUS, bi 11 , ssl st.
fi Powdered, bore, 16M ea4a by
B UTTEIt-4 lAA& !toll;
• 2 " zed 3 kegs Peeked; arriving
Bet mnal mut for mde be JAWIC.II,ALYELL.
e pays GB Water
1 ILK FRINGES—A.A. histmo & Co. have
rte'd 20 vartuno tillk Fringes, black mid she 0 colon.
I.IIIIK--'2o .. tieres best, for sale by
0e.30 ObNoltllAb a
' 400 rattle +.4 Fluor 011 Cloth:
Jug reed and fur Pale at oar CO :loth alereneere, 110
Ileettut J 121ILLII . n.
La, citi:Aal 1. no. unlvereally “katoritdead euperlur
ta sly Ilbevlng Cream bathe halted bast. or Kum,—
Thie debebv(ul peeper/went!. ussegualted far Dant) , beau
ty, and truentevo, thuhgb MAW/ WO. .111.1•40%. 1 tr, utter
Atubttetal Cream, ant aloe gashes tempo... it.
ter eighteen them eh by the rheelbeut
ye Ile tether, whlctt AO witene the burd me te reader gm
vol2 pleasant and easy it sweet*• snug alßantagreever
the gavotte.' arUcle, In bung 11,41117 yregeared irony the
Legit material', •sth the graguet.skilb.d is not oult the
beg, but 0130 the ebeatend arettele tor gateau,. Ihe he
mmentg tales of ado erhele during tha leg twelve Inn.
mid tie/ several gold and giver dale awarded r It,
attef IL.. eetimattou which It se held by
the uumanually. Fur vale wholereata anti rniell by
oat tt. Y. legl,Lblitt, 6i 1100 l et.
LILY IV ITE---f.'n pima of various Itylea
sad prim:Just teceiredrood ror tale by
uelb • It. E. N.E,LLEnt, 6, Wood at.
frz TURPENTINE --2.5 bbls, for sale by . :
oar ' A. FAUNthitlltht Cu.
IIN SEEP OIL-40 Ws. prime, for sale by
rem 11. A. VAIN WIVOK It
ROOIIEA 811AWLS1—We invite the at
tentlm ot the Wire lo • lot of wt.' AN Sh..
Mr henteitse, Wag ...I onnue, eteortul wt.,. /sten'
, oeli • cornet pf Market seal itotath nreeta.
111LANDY;10411 11.1.0101U1 WlllZ—ln battlamo4
".V 0 kt . Vgga 2 IicDOWII.I.. 140
C HEEBD-- , 6( 41 boxes for seie by
DR S~ GOO iI; &0.. `..
TiItSUBSCRIBKR iithibgbiken the store
.61 FOURTH STREET, mfoly onemPied hi
r. U. RATON, and basins entirety refitted the soma,
wi culvertll open an die let day Of &ptmlba, erten • IMO and .
siert of
ton-ether with • eteck of TRIMMINGS AND PVILNISSF
LVO GOODS. am complete, u heretofore bpt by that Waif
known and favorite establishment.
He would rev wtfoltf Inform Mon persons deidrind
rDillit and lions 16rialsidne or Lion Goads, tbat in
his store they eau obtain a man noinPlei• shock tlimi eh.
where le the city ax be intends devoting partionlar atter
lion those branches of bulginess, ImporOns the main
ra=eleg ' s . n ac"" h' — ` s2Ainiwirfuti l 7.'"
avain.dif '
cu4omen sad b.f.. generally that they hire
new °Pee their PIECtIND lerge suety y or Clouds fee the fell
tad.: net mit attention to their %Mutually tall Varna
' 111,11.:E' DRESS GOODS. in petal variety; rich printed
It. Woe* Perieteoe. Ocburps, /french Merinos, Muslin de
Huy.AWLS Lau
handsomr: (7' aaherfere "' doNroaf — dn ''.. adai s" n l aud e BTahrsat;:at
Llark and
,laid Ribbons, black and half tanarningda., DIV
st le Ne 4. do.
• •
. .
Luella rroetred • turib•r supplT ettliet
Shirting Wod eh Litman. mil Starlet G oode Seto
euillit .4111.111 be wild at low wino for quality.
111; and
thud:mote ere tooted to call in our wholeselt
roma.. on Calm mho. lion& are mid tan. ,a 1,21
st A. A. M dd , ON 1V.3 and 61/latket at nett
LA . Co. Lan* non on bud TZA) dna. of UMW Cub.
men., Hilt, Flowed.' NW, nu atm Glo Alna. graari
detend.tit.n of Unclad. ntdniddm.n moo. ved.
pILESS GOODS—Opening daily at' A. A.
HA tIN a CO.V. ~,,, stflo of tothV.. W. D ...
/Ado, roueltpog of Sae. Caolarkerec De • e•• Mario°. '
ParatuetteN Olphcca, G. t , 0 , •
/LK S ! SILKS 1--Njv opening at A. fl.
ptrece of Terr , fthhiettable Plell MM.. ohms le low 'As
:4 pl,4,:ollail i iia; de rho. .
ht de rktatta Ihnotolc Jo. ' oaf
0,'U..01 exhibit this thoruks SD cartone of rich bore
il.trone. 007
, 5t:71, 0 4%111 hero red-tient afresh .00plo Ll .b.
kJ Iturahltell hors receirod a full aesorterookt of ahem.
hoodo—ootrio or lot ea PAO per tord—ao4 olsoeome sopa
eNprF3lohoir . tipsonte, It{ hie* per pot ,1•4
11j ARKMIY , FP Pat: SiCINS -- Murer :tr
l .110 rr h4e I d hi., reffiii• itu N IT 0rt....
~... Ore) awl limey httore. Oute • ty m e demeg
leer—ol eo eo •uper hock floseloterre and a at B. att4 a Tea+
er • ln .I.o.ollLiir 0 , 11*W: 0 r Wl.' 0... 5.'
NtElv oCioui . fi NEVI 000DSt-A. A.
;MASON Jt C0..111 open 4011011 a tha next fa* der.
up 003.418 of alz hundred mar. sal pi.ltural of Fore..
rh1.1':;?,'.:1P1r.;,gr.t.."1,7g,T1,°...n!'"" 0! who
1.-A A. 11.0,0 N 0 CI. .111 upou 10114107 70 mom of
V111N01114011 4 0 3 4 , THIpETCLOTRS
-Now 4.pening at A. O. 714000 a t,‘) 7-250 *cos .
fIL cord Into!? 3.terllactlaaL7l4l . l3Jthp. o
14Sifiakt-S-i-pipps. BR I:AINa
(../ i ._kilVtn,i a CO. 11010 Just fecel7.l 66 cow of
Lot otri 1.!.-Eloroo ilyl v. ollul. o,:is
TiinEt : -I'l4 JAIJTAI4, 9,..ftirs--
Ltn. %, .7=No.wili s irtv.6.„,.. ,h.,, , T.: h ivi .4
rik rk: 0 11.4011. ti of 10.074 , lintlog ta To77,f4CoLa 24
0 1 01 , 110. 41'11P,17111 41144 400 . 07 Man oyor bef,,oolAudo
i, 0 b ny..2 1 , , 0 ,
i ll BA . LV,--ji. vary deholr , u•ya g
.red soma. 003 01 01 of J. ttittltntat i tl4. o4 / 1 00..
2/ Weal at
ELV ET I' tLE CA Rl' ETS—V. !deem*.
y Turn If cowcowtanti, temllloo LW tell nook of
CARPETS, the tiche4 aN3 arrest Alto, to which he
Invitee Lb. Went ion of purcLamers, u h. ts determined In
ll beer Mat ever bet.‘re ofkre..llo this market, at the
tti r illiikrlyriatt Wareboom, No. 1,5 Yoal.tti .t.
W. Itc.CLINTUCK toet , r• the altbatida'ht ll
:',.,r,VX::::.aiti''f„u••"lll,l tat I —h ":°-
" ti n'
1q,41f41 P Fieg--1V L INll.lllg.
01) 1P0.14 , f•
lowa t. , , , VISti 1.0 rurt,141,514440 5 •M
toll la nxt Nmvel f v . .s i kvar auc to .
11 - 11iTR41 - s AlcOt7rNrues
s i it t ,T1111'.rrur. 4 1,71,t ? 1 , V..."t:t 70 .V.. 58,1, ? •,
rhaern,, a. he Is det..rminni rcil 1, , e,r than ever Wl.<
10 this market. Call et Oh. old established CtorlN4 F arr
Louse. No. NS I,utth 00. net
ItY CARPE'r.S--New .nd rinli
1 % 71 . 1 , i ; .---7 ,117 1. " 1 ' 2 T.. 4 g7" - i ft,Tr.,l ° " c " -
-La Vphby.;ir:ST 10 JW11:11.11 • 4: 1- .
I: , tft i!row.
9111 E SUBSCRIBER having now received
plui.L . P..,ritallp I iil.rm tag etialcalm 4aJ the rattle
wu i5 ,, ,,,i , r4.411.•th , m, hi.. 41.14. elttat •Dui.-
"', .II•AZ g um.
Yptc, ma 4054.. 1:11
4-4 Moan PIMP. mplait 644 614. .L 1.2711....:
4-4 brmula kilt.
Abs.A MattPlitt 41 prim virittas
Dramle allprk Plitt "
Watlent Pint all .bales
ttrnell Polvs.
21.1.144 ri lalrms
Preach 144rDp4s at 4 Catbaarret
72rAtarr With. V nontb sad Daoll4t Prtnt..ta troll.. vs.
Boum; wirgliv t fifflNO GOODS:
114. 124 mad 134 8er014.111.1M./...,,
b.. 1.0 4 04 and Irts• 4.4.,,n
14, net and /0 4 Tett. M...
14 aud 3-6 Uamuk haptuts Whet
Llackaback Uap.o ao4 Crub Torelikom
r t :c f : 143.41. 1143.' sod Tablet Monts intmr=
Usnoilie4 Fremch. liciluiturg. Moony.
LII 5 .. Blark r i cgert;Tlrislas. 5-4 4811 hi 44.1
Bly Caohn Lu le
Ins t
et W..
6044 , :,:natta:Lt Clott.
Eogli., Yawl. aor Malta. Crop. 1141 e .4 Car*
Ltical.thno sod 51....; Collars anAC446 lihno
ttrul 1144.13 all uf which iloodsgrill b. war... 9 9 6061
colors and
lly chap to 0/O , IOY.
pliptisr iIr;LAiNES, in great variety of pnite., Loa 123. X .: rip to
f t.t.
0 . f A.."",,alr.dt4VL.":l7l43l.lyirjuo
4.411 ~urlh Cht . conarroth934 hurt. I;ts
U0r.11.41 ha. ferstm - 4 • amt. 0
• ny
re gorght of. flo. qualltr. AL. a .090/or 0 . 01 3 1.3 -
cherner au. Utogh.o. ;J.
y)....a the rtette.t culnr6. jam nett at 4.2
.3 64 M laeptuj .4. A. 11611451 • CO.
AA. MASON & CO. hays ou band, and
. are 1.1101, ne-Mpt of 1.7..1 aawhtlu 4t x.w Dry.
.1411 •kb 0... L. 16.6
ell of which %bey sill lu 4.9.1 44.107
.114.1 Ws market. .4450.
1 4 1 1.41013. 1 111 E i . arrit-SUO yards
.1 3, 9, 5,
M. 1,44 j 4.111
LI.II - 3
• L
'HIS DAV and po opening
11, E .fi l a V3l .sl l llo 1 15r • •
1 - $. 111 L 11.444. .11.4
1.0 fatoci sal Lact Caaltuere.. ut Om .901.4
4.4 patter..
to Dl.. 1.1.04 mad colored Cloth*. 0 the malt at.P.4 0 4
o 1 . 60 tau.. ao3 amt. maattnatt of baling.
/arc brought to this lilt.
tha. 414. 4111 Uri s.
5.0 dot 1.1. au4 Shi rt,.
A last ggaultcligtat of 44...1.1. if hulkorchlal., to.
1/ bid, top... 'nth Mg • try 'lugg clock of T anis,
41.01111641. of soo. Mlle, Monis,
Op 'spa, recruta 343 ,•1 lb. largest Watt Zahn bwhiol/11.10
M... 540.1 L. sruz, Q.
04.444.1 4.44 . 14 wbi . b lb° 7.1 ' 14°0 L ' d"."M".
al 10 utter at to. 0.0(14.44 fLor caah.
MN.. tb... 3lMloristit 0ar..351.4 lb. hatt 1416.4
u.... 11.4 at Lt.• Abort.. a...
New Fall Dry CloodL
A. - MASON & CO., have received an d
log if
• alw now opening--b cue* terrb laoritow.
uttful stamina, adoplra olpfeatir for tbll Marital; lu
Ivrea A lora. t.
and Mohair Lusty auktradog plata tr'k,
rib •Lf fancy rAW . ,Ctrimeleteu atui lasfl.l. of all ander.
12 caete, Paratuellaa,Tilikeet Cloths. andi cutopri•
li , g oil atuolo• qualifier, per Warbled Werra. Di%
and f,,qcy vars. -l'b• ve pada we oiler Jr lOW at
via. whiz!, we arv.q.vdevivn abo
4CCORDEONS—A splendid and varied
web or tla beat brands, just reoelied.
LUIES-A very desirable selection, will , 1. 4. 6,
opye, moo.. of LW bad wake nvery diselb
61.1774115-An astsnilve ..4
_etudes stock arriving.
riOgLf LL iibl-gurrna very g ow old otss. and new of • , ..1
ety oe and
BA RP SIBINGS-L • Welton: dab fur Guitar and
11.0•Inuer 1 1414ussif, yot4 at very log rates.
Alai, Um weed and moat 'buggies lingo, Just mend.
H. ar-T4e above instruments at,/ rigri . sutegl to to
senld be r eturn ed. ss ll
-4 1apat, intT 7 ns Q
01 'IIIk PP.
V.itIPETSI IJARPE'rS l—Ree'd this day
1,..) by W. MetILINTUOK, new and rieb Mies Miperntok
lima, am' ilummon INGRAIN CAR 1104.akb w••••
prepared to *ell lower Man aviy Carped...Ter belbreollerwl
In Mid market. We ivardMili lovlte the attention a
end those wishing b pU rehabs to give vie • cell, a.
tbatna kidabileded Inextoode, No. MS Fourth et.
ftDi oaken/lg.
' 000)8,—JuKi re'4re=
AA. A. MAYON A.C/.1. ut2
s..nd''"'u ri cl.6e ercT v
h"*"' Uro wi o .•-
Uaoll...Aabe%a o,,kt Ylamu,lbende
MEW DRESS GOODS—We are now re
eglelez the newest WI styleeof aul:kale, inch
tut Cashmere*, Peeling, I. Col., AlPee•Atr.
resuetree, Yronch lestleos, wed .Thlbet Cloth. Ova IOU)
pieces bow epee. telp3l A. A. MAIIOII • lAA
WIITX 000DS—A. A. Mown & Co.
„.. jr , coed 800 pan WhltaGandin conalsdlnA IX
Pam.and pl JorilneplA Mulls, Al•laraa , plain and lad
Indla Bunk no ac .11/11, Bann.* klualina,Aa. A can plata
am:lrma:A and any =stn. • aap.3
t art
Sli.K.9-JA. - X:itTsor 4 CO.
haca /tut void a beantdul ampronont of my Nen
atind and plain Black Bilks.
above daaLrabla goods
art wall nortn am actual.= at porchnnts. A 1,,, MT
superior Bro.& •Bigne. Main de Ctaan taw:Mini Mato
•lwna. aa. a•rd
S " Vulairg .i ggigf.
.oroloo •ta of Bolas tdologs leuertitio; J&a m.%
Usiogo 'pa Inoorilr" Dobbi.ll Edfi
Tbrefol Ldiflow and losoft.go. bs bow otrf olul ofoo
dump.. orof
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
No. 105 ISlLatx? STRUT,
DII. PALMER offers for Bale, at very
. low rem, • toll Gartment of llual• sad MM..
"Y„Ml4.i.r mt a ilu. .a r i LLh a i nk . o palr ml:o 7
rcathe, sa i l t. M6 l b .„, tv .
rirrilaistrrir, ebtp,blnsp. Dm. sal Mgt.
Maw' Ulp.y.. g6pe, 611 d otha f0r66646 plat vasi
" Wort ! : nli r ch a .1 &yr. 6.3.011 Tat
fata_46llutAths sad ° L
JaCES—PII.III 6.1 6.67.16 664 .4.4 . 6i1k
W 11RXRISOS-4:kado.T.Amft,Rattanaksighl.
.1211W13-tistil .r6l Arad= Splisg,lreaduesad
,rgP,ZINZTrAIt ri S e . am, 4. Ns;
ow,: UM /11tF6... eoa otter .strtut mew
ror 2 =iitait eta tows.
Aiacitattkiw mottrettettrol
ahickweinrs n4ms.
JOHN 11. HE1J...013., Agent foropy ll
Ladcitarloree Marne, for Reteldireb
'sad Sestina Peaniry dila. No. SI Wad
too lan received • nevi sad voriderge stock
of PLANO POWTICS. ado the manufactory of Chlekering,
Viodern. coniftUng of O. cde r , 6X. and octaves. es.rTild
' nod
WOR SALE--A second hand
iu PIANO, n onto yes, elegant !Inborn'?
nue, nuclo by lend a Brother.. Prim one. , t T
banded and City dollars. on months '
Wit, or the new) diorama. for run; for ule hT
mil 10112(11, MaLLOH. el Wood AL
• New
SONGS lunge by Mi
Como who,. tho
. Th. hart, that oat.. dm..
Comfit' throtott, tho liso; laud f
Auld Habit, Ural; 1.12 u
Itttl Halloo Hood. la
moot Woe: Imo the Orin,
posVoralor. Thotr•Motralor, tau.
arybFra paar
, Ulas Tan'. hallA
Tneu Ih.qua to t1.1111;'
evil: a . .; hay setstiy. 1 , 7FX14 . 711 uo parted...
W un. oodb
Mg do rummer It..* fad.
Th;rcarlieart. allit .- rja , Z;;l"ileie.
Sweat Anne of the {ale; I fanahllyht, !barer, Sella
The tuatbaeo wog; thal end Btaomar l'olkaa
0,11 me tat hameh Giraffe Walt; Illonm e r az.
KeYeleed end ha. tale hy .1011 S 11. MELLOIL
ael7 al It'oce.l etrata.
Reed Melodeon
IDE aubsevihsr has just opened a very
lin« Melodeon, h mum,. Ith tat le .at
by t/a original inventors. Carbanit be.lhati. N.
V. Tbis inatrusnant equal In poaer toany .mall organ.
and ninth yupotior to It In point of aorintinass of lour, a
pasity lo 14.10 d In inn, and to ll
is oxprculy 1010,1.1 for use la obuiro.4 and nnhas to iu
low prior snarhbrvferable to any olitarin.trinnent Tboa.,
.niabin.b, rota.... an Instrument kind ate rv.p.,
fully Invited b., call aral °gamine lbw rune. pravinua Ito
ban, ,aka, away Irtzu lb, aulawriber • sansriano, Layton
baen orileriid by a In this city.
111.1iliEll, eb,b• Ag•-ni
nea For the original miLkera„Carbardt Na,,iltato.
New Boone.
UST RECEIVED and for gale by J. L.
' , T
RAmt, 78. 4U .thetth
Liferen LIN .4 Forest Tre.3. rnrnprithng XVIM•:0 Camp
.mono the logthth. mita cow adthothth. cite
deethipUoom of Jumbo; lug op.rat thus, Am, by J. N. bpdpthr.
llblo ....111thruls Of Ito English ba Am.rica, by Halt ,
The 1411 sod the Be.. MA Spoltsuenf the Co tint Pet
., by it. S arnica, V. K. et. author of Nes and Thtn. le
A Duet irbt Pkotchni, h 1 Spruce,
She bin. Thin g .. eerie+ of !....turns on the Knot
rinse std Moral Lens.. Kilt reicsleil to Plikaltida. by
tisrilluer Sprit.. D. It.
She Doyle Altar. au Appeal In Paul( cf Festally most
slap. with NADU. awl hymn., end !e
nema pf Inmost
from Scripture, tor tastily It y !nema..
Death Dal &nuns, St sith end sine. ,
deyitturti to Illustrtte the truth stet R..r.Dbcteiiiititt/.
Ly PW. (hut. L.
the shots. with tuor other, trioutaturnousb susesuce,
u p,' &pees ',stay .1 Slash nert. Stspetiary
Olt DOL. man
1,1).—T4c magnificent N mini(
o La rolnove,l from
ef'd woreroanbeing .but
tfoo trivr4 Imlnfo.fiou ol
ttn, gau
nutl,m,n e, 1,0111**,1 II Wl.lnfif It Tor not
long.r, In k.nler w .11..fd those of rut ratite/Is who not seen till. uniltallml .purl en Atnatle.
oppottbult, to call lat..l.,aminto lA. tame.
rclo A.sut Nuung i Intrk. Nu. 101 l 4.1
Nana Grand Pianos!
L OST ItECEIVED, a splendid
" I.
New lark. nd•
po.44l,es'all ft. West 114114,Puien1P, trod, patent tu.
;1(4 . piiii.'fvfll:.ntbrO. nl.l 1 , 1w04 m p
t7b/1./I 14.• tDe prrlt,
m a rine pode,. Ito, .11. ove.otroit Wool .11i1Amt
. of ff. w4t pnl,l. Ti.e turpltora heat , ,nolr h all
11424i1r. ''firc7;!"111b:!111"1{1.tVr
lipL.,l Tel I . Dlsier.
rg'itay."ttf.?;ll%"J`rlTV. l ‘! l . ''" ""'""
I tbn pnqn.
We of thr ouiwrintr 1.1.101E11, fat ilord.t.
urlk Ko. Axe. I,e tructu...l ('lark.
N. Torgive4, • very nue dourral ...rtzueut.
Louto XIV. all 1..
A History of Pittsburgh
Lit y NEvILL., B. CItAIU, .Ery.—A Ilio
n/tory of Plitabutith, from th• raellert rind when It
was vhditil by split lywn, doss IA lb. cacao .4 the last
conturf, • Ith truly. a the 4,1 eotahllochterot of ems.
th e important manufactories aura tare... ester of Rao,
mil 'irror/never. up in the praiont tlb h:rh to ulit•
.4 r m hareer 01 0111. talsaultutte of our Vb.,. wan
il..ger t u„r ap.tnienorieriol pereults, with a ounimarr
o,artagereget• anntout of hueiures traoieehel hers autrual
upon oar nem, %%%% apt ...6.•ater Impresituritte
Te e m, is rut hoard to Ono Vale. Viten. so 13.1117
set kT.4.1u4 ourntt.sirCe . of hlehor:.l Ilalsrart hat.
4.ursmiterses4 a Ithlp n Lief a P•rb•rof lltle, U Id ills
amulet arias.' 4.10.1 of Ills Otto, T. c 011.4 Wroth+,
of ••411,11 In rid or.lcr there tstious
New Stock of Chickering's Piano Fortes.
101.1 N 11. MELLOR, e 1 Wood rI A FTI
la naalytvg 111CIT•iir Lem
401. k 0( I LINO POICTK• , . th.a. 1n..i.-
Lta maautar.ory .4 Clackerlog.
matstitsa a! ail Lb. arutlu Doa
prima trr!Ay aL...atuo a• at
oLary traeoportatioa n+t
MI Fiance taloa to part Pll , .rjati ,
•altalYi_tp• Ikea 01 Cr,lF.l•llts.e. Pup.. t.. 1 .1:. 4
.at Pa.
New Music
Tut: GIPSY S SOHO, or My Gallant
1. as mans wltt. topttg... applaw.
2501 . .,.r.rett In ri•t4oirgh
elgo.9..r.'Pla of ia ratb~e'n tt,ficorri,
IN ' 4'
•1 • itono og rv i o l Y. , 1
b 11 lilebn.
The Lag...metal tr II In:
grtural oclortine cf W. cost ropnlat nal d0."14‘.
'""l""*.' 7l "' l ' lL " rtg. ' ti
i i oe9 Piss Al glad I....tdvu
Sacred Nisi° Books.
11iANTICA. LAUDIS, by Mason ,t Webb;
.1 Cl RIIINA BICI[4. 4a do.
211ri411111N A ?4CII 4.. 4o
IVNOfX lIIVC • - rolloOka El11”1 eel re
atnn, . un , i tk rtn,
fa Ma mg a lil plrat C...
Taan..., Tts4tate I wpm!, 44.11.1d0e1s a th, 1,..41 , .
Ava 1.
/., a %talk, by la rval• lia..n 411.-n a. wee;
.4 147. 01=Ilt, . 4 •a. at. as •-t•eX , tre4•4 4 , r rat. .%
niti .J. , lj X 11. SEJAPL. 9 13%..., I •E
.... . - .
rrIIE difficulty of (Adult:dug a correct and
Instetustel Cletriotts. is Otto couttlrr t tettript. ter..
.bbol mrataty belt bb the mum yel Nola, the calacrt.
bar Ims b.! made Our bun esorttelt, s C oln x.lttiott,
fill bat. Jost arrived. lbw} an from Mt tut,' el
S. be. t tn.tttar bnrota. sod Sr. ...Inured at rcrettJa to
sty elanewate seer 06.2,1
to, sato—. sot or wee,
at,t eamptt•ae--
A ClartortrlA-11 and 17. Kerr.
Tha• In vr•nt rd really pwal Claeonoln fln.lLlt. it. •
rare a... KLEIL
• X 1 the Oul.lesk Llarp. lul ILArlat.
, No. is! Wool street.
• s Sot op.. 04..
has trrelBBl the AllOBll
Dok, Jo (I ftwier,
Ohl tADe.oxsrytaelong . ..-Jo
reaD•rul Dighte—Olvver.
Mow:My& ix fleeplusr
WA Dole inoet pen:
Take. me home to dm
I watch Ar Woe
Be kiwi Welk. loved ones. 0.1
/Atter'. PrliTM,
Jo., Ilardr. •
war do rummer rum. hart
18rDoeoi.k. Du.% titeol
egA,DB•BlB . t. A 11101". esB.l 81 1 rer 8.81 Welts-g
8.8) , . 1188.roor. Ahem. FDA Oh J.Bl
0888, 87708000. 4A.Lieute. UlArO. tloguatte, ~8 11/
toilma %or:
DLAYTN—A tarp vadat/ of totme as. W
h melt ~,,,,,, for 1+
If. .8 DAVI:NiI tehdloorr, Wore.
st y ouftgAr Marlot 8281 °AI DA...
?LANK D‘Dller
biarket sod NOMA streets. has Br 141, 11. lerreot
:rtepo "d rs. U tu k tr.:ll, *, Uril=tta= l ;:t 7 ru U : : :
07 nil@ of 14,408.8. 584 At thy latent mine. .0
1111ti. AND JUSTIOAS UV TUB PIC I OO.--1 , 47.
A. B.A.AA Decluatione, hAletaunee, 8:14.88tIoAA
lUDs of Con:Ankles of 1,1,46.111.
l e' ii:ritira l 43t..
/roll corner Harlot Bud 4 8.10., rts
%Matta gutr.k Melt
Vorl•l'r tiu.k et , V
I ha,. rid.... [ham b..
C.O. ring sua that arrest atr
a.• if all cr.
&mica roust ctir.fiha:
O'ER THE WATERS NOW, by 11. Ryan;
u,i,11 CPIIO In hotettobt ilouot.lobY,LiLd i trj
va• Way I 1..4 too: ht• of p., r.
•lasettni.a. howl; 0 otaat to 1.4 7 41.
Neh t y ,
b itty; tbe j hate
04 rtl i i .:u t./
w bc sa but.. .4 4 .t r W 'uggi
Robot Do...,L o taa:Tbar, chatty; Th. old I.4abr:
Mtn ' IM Prt n firpT g org i brd i eta L t:
thrlillal bag Ithn Mabl.tat. vilth Illytkia. of Ito.
. / W" W h altth ila' o : na " y i ttal f tettigh7 ; V 4.. tr2l l r. bu' Alb
www. hy.y N tya ° .l.ll.; kothtoo, Votost, hozoolasatt
otobly Polka; time Yalba.—blanella. Atrenboyo, Rod
Te01.1.4-Ithoulon.lvizolab by Bey.; Pb..., ha• OtU•ht
blsOula gala. hod 1. path Tasolibur—Roodor. Kim
Etty Uslouth It
0.. ztlyik's=k N b o brAtb i =tr f .. !tattres o.
L. Th itdil• of &salftt ' d ' Heed ant far .41. by . .t.Th."
eta* .1011 N II hilibbl)ll. 01 Wood FL
EIV BOOK Sl—The Stone
Mason of lialut Voted; • TIllmt• Tole,
14; Iwtnartlnc. Trarmlataul from the
torEgsr b ß y7t:C 4 c L _...l . ,i 2, mr. n th ,
~ L , 11=2. ,: t .
Ilsrls; wt.. In.. ..abut by Tyng, D.
%tan .. . ilott kntl%ultlm.: • Manual o f Roman At.
tOrno.;elltt nurser oustiluMmaintur, by ui.
I.lgbi In If,. look Hamr, or lannorlaln of Chrletlon LIM
l a th. wooly Ame, from the turnout of IL. late Lugo.
rue Oreuder;mua.
The filar of the Woollen: • Commentary cutheoevood
Mout. of M. Matthew; hy Diehard Chrneem Trench, K.
mi010g11b5.4.14.11; of We Loot 1;61.4. of 00101.1,
Wiwi Dom the Loneon.llDon. Itto., mu.
Lama.' 4.lgebroi:7Th Damage of Algebra, dettord
for.Beginoer. by =VI lAGELUI. 4...Pr00.r of Moth
'AMMO 01.12 Dock of the Fla.:ltalian; Leming.
Notional. Ito. of Ilaryer's Now Monthly Homan..
Matt nerd and Ihr hy 11.0.. D.
inigf 71 Apollo Eltallup, /0111143 ot.
sNEW BOOKS I—Travels in the United
gets, de., during NW) and lidid by the Lady Env
ue tituart Wortley; 1 rot 1=10..130.
Md.? of
the hroProw kwebltio. br.l. Abbott
with engraving vol. limo.. toe.
o. b. for Agus d . Appleton's Nee/lank? Madman. and
Engitiferi Joura
ha. lb Pictorial Wield Boot of the Barrolution.
No. at and ha Man:diary of Mechanics, Brialy. Wort
cod Noglinering• jun reed and tor ale by
4. t.. 1 ,14 1 3.70 .41•1 h, Builings,
Fourth wren.
j rut d Einstrivnito boa Just moiled a lot of very
Word'.g Print*,vagrantl of exhibit at
the Pair. •hich the attentionthe slo t bilk
rite aura
New Books, Just Received.
NrEABT: a Problem; reprinted with corree
A dons and wblltloor, by the &tabor I.f Anon Looks.
loom. mut
7ll lfillorr CloopoWl. quo.. Of ItifrPO ar Jacob Abbott
qa irld: it Tato of tbo Pa tau.
. 4 g u y , z7l,l4l4y . Arga Dowry, 111 Or of °triads
t bia's Wotbsolcs . Itsgarow Jim..
t,..;?,..Dlrtfoosry Mor.bialot. ratans Wort .ad Ifar
giggaNflttglrl tai Book of tbs Revolution: If o. f 1 .
• i s o Its 14stor Twardt.a . with SU Mb.
1111.1; P. klddsr. Molt mot ‘1.41".
Pot by J.l. EM.
I It A p o llo 'llulklbt •s. /north st.
raretet t A b iVoi=rali " e l ottlth=
COW., 6 maplot• Anal aorta:Um r.u.U.....1.e.
idar_tedadlus CoolLhastial ficenzurnu.
~, , ,,L , ....=
W ES 11 / 9 . 1 . 7 Z4 M 1 :1 1 . 1 1 , 1/MJUCa. Illstaid.
line . Ww.hogklsltitiul, klouatal, .ILO 111.
Ream end w..ctc um miak
popy ot the Azu ittioubeturea, ~w. all.
• a the iVIM flOalitit; • • • • .
'Arm Talasta. Inaba : Val -
J . , . : .-' AC . aMulist att.
Dr. K weer's Pectoral Syrup,
CON81)11111tIN In Ito : . u
ntoe.,Whocsing Couch.
Croup, Cronehltis. and the Of alb uhno-
' l : El ' s ' t no of themoot carton, and effectual riumall;
fay diem.. of M. chest and pulmonary Groan, trot du
-move/fol. It le a combination ot rarion. Tea ...table man.
clues In the tom ot Syr.. ..rd•r to male to pelata.
Cda. It Ga. an action entirely atinervot from the
ough Medicines now in use. as It does no , eemelpeta the
Inbowels. nPe to eicknees ilk• unload a fault, too
oommon Cnugh
Th retulaly dinnolv.a. the euperabondant Prerstlon of
.tu,un• •nd yll,grn • hiell Attend Cal•mhal gind
td eternal. and fry soothlng di., In alta, mg twining.
tootrarnes, and ounalllng, may nn enrlatn
Tbn proptletur has teen! thir cord! no In • arm:ldea 00 re
venni year, and 'nth ont.non.hd 0111 , 01 , 1k1.
Cauntry store krevarm would do well to • fll,lO, 01
on hand. Do It Int Dryer hall to
xi. , relief, and afford• • larae nt , nt-
Cam.. of (bubo. diAtr,..ln; f'ouph• tren bion•ltt
'bed.... the toner. of the hroproets.r. an I lat.,. eurrd
trt• Tory stunt time. It d• Era. .I.e • drupest tuudadna•
wars. II 1,1.dt up In hall pita barn.,
or 1.10.-$
• -
. •
Far rwtr tml,oloßod trtr.ll . , KEIAEO
ELL. 110 Wood Strearl. lialsburgh,
For naldnes, Feuer, Dandruff. wc.l (Pe vart0u5...11,..e....
f the rewlp— hv the l'lttalitrvb Com
..erchtl Jsonowl. fr,..ennw Tpl.uur, Charuheipburt
el, awl other .our. Ss artlehr4pliktt [or Ulu
bOTP alk welt utt
too A. 5 rwudurint the balr.hil awl I..loway Without. &riling
by driller with srm,.
arruanf,ure frontt cues of T.. 13 .1414 p lo
rf ca., sod Itudantancuusb
tlu and l'lnt prev•nr.bby
a 224 1 :1r Lou,lon
reeomtnPml,l by ph).lc. ns nf the bn , b.,
1b.., walunblo to.tani,Lion,
hrowa Pao Itbelmotktn. Cub0 , ..1
Don, Whttr ilenvna I bunts,
Oil I. lovlor r..Antued.l.4 by C. 1111.LIAMS, M. h.
.111,41c0 1V 1 04/N. 1 1 I. .IQllllti 11. SI 1 , .
E. It. E.. ~..s I. .1. DE
Tti3s•titcb., 0.4 Lln, inl !MY I , k1 , " , . 1 -1 , 4..
ar4 tOll4. r tteu.4,4l, 4.144 in or rto m. 11. 1 .; the doot.t.
In. .1. tor liltYS.Ell •,DOW LL, 1 . 1
awl r .
kj —% hot. ututt ILL mealtelun tu our ittruitt. tuul
nur opts... It Is Vu ot torel. EMl...noun
,149, a.. Owl. LILA ..ver oflerad to Ws p..1.11e. At
Lin,un ou ronutunour 1 to vv.., I.A.
11l tu L., • of It to 1b... Itott/... rvtult
0 r lust quire. 1{ ..Iv this tuatt, of ...twin,
Irtau our .clunl of 0.0 ...rah,. ol .
temlinue, nal 0., 1., cat our mutton. to ettu...1.0 Oh., It.
tuu.olt the 1100 .1 amt. tt
war pnrtltulat . In I.uou el Lb. art. l 0011.111.1. yr.
I•rt.tll,l .00 tuft 10 It P. LT
ELM( ENCE W 111TE---.1.. beallt..liti I gl,iSs
visit. l'hont. lA.( it tinchnueent.i. In ..ny . r... 5.1,
iii. 1ut..u.1...1 I, ~..10,....1..i.5u1,tt au.l.l , lPrnl ,, n , I'
Tatum. dr Wilts ihir nrl.lo, .au I, ~.,•11...1 Div n
iv 'al° o, ~, t
stn., 1.5 tui.l, in pore sostie
nits ,11:1, Anat ~ 1..,14
161016, VI • yulta. 11 , .
eatior Ili. u•opti n.. 1.
1,5d1.. 1., KD . a Wt 'Si %tool
lAZIN'S FINE ' IOII.ET St/A I'S-- lill
-0,11/ . b.. ta.l. tltraoanin. It , mph, %,. kw to, Attar,
II dni.ssuisn., il,trisoult, 1i..... 'pis,: 1'1..t...5, .1..i.0)
Lit.d. 0... i, bl.rphia‘l,lntv, ..4,rtnro,ci.
1L.... Amts., At, g.ruysfr..l 5r,.,, ill. I. t 1 And ' , neon 1911-
..41-, no I an, m.. 9.11., i., Ih.. I 1.11,4 5t01.,.
S. r ....1...1.• • ...sin I/ K. :1.E1.1.1'.., .5: WlAlid .I- •
V.'..1 ..1 ,,, t111/./ ,, , DlSCaVrry In the florid II
ter prat A.' t.1.1.En itrn,dy for Om and brae!
H. O. Farrell's
n• FARRELL'S geonibe A ral.i.tri Lini
1, on. ti,r trtal.
.134:741., " Z .51 " ta l : ° tVe
sl, .0,1 ale Lb.., estero Leah:awl, p.te , rtn. , l la
w hich hal to•seled all ether 11,..1.,,he. ate! IL.
er the beet rh,ohlabe eo tie• werlo 11 se asse , .. ,
1.41. e,.. vett - seta at,/ se,tsttsor er e...eee
• vtio.liale.l the.' -1 , 141:130,.. se,
Om, ;•ebetretlta,h unetstou. ems try v. en,erttee..ed
the mu,. whi.h. • ,• ate, wes. I, the .1 the
theert.. wah euels ' esslt.ruloa. nueven., th curiLg 114
Lotl, blab ate] 1wa. , 1
Iterel the /011L.11y eets.stahl• rues, •lileh ul.l el
themeeleen place U. U Arabbaa hsesenent rat I,
,oael au, klaullra MlO/.11
About b. fear Uhl • Dalt ytru a surlily, app.:sr.-4 In tor
rtulitacl. anra.ta.tlr In a .1
ram. . tat bot..rel • io. Met ruuLl out
Gar the Ireell preer•ur. utu.tsli • Mc,. v 11.114 i..tvittry...
9•111. I Dut Itow • t, nut 1+.•• docluin.•, r
Lti oplahls it. mu1ta.....1 was •it . 1
•olasueuseut et it. a rt.,:
wt rtur. that It vac.. 1....1,41,•-e
0 ID tilt. 011141.1 •1114,..ik. •• ltr
O. Fartell'. tiututeat uput, it. +tel. .
car appear, upon the hunt urtate.ico etc. Leval. lc Inc
PrDr. l • l ha. uut,uu.,l getup,/ tter daait, .4W Dor
eter—aujc,laiv eteetlctst I.e: Mt.
V1 9 .e . :1 4 111 ' ..Le. PC•turacter..l.l
Certalu•u. Mare. Z. 11.41.
ttue•clUtto tt Usel , lout
• itt e1 , ..1••
kUi '0; clr , l eo 11,41 ber tetra *wt. t•t, v...
ts•tursl ie.o the pusitica ut 11,
5i1L1D•..11,1.1...cu1d not tuna lboua Eta. ieurt, Put 1.1
tit, 11. Vareell . . Avabl... lvisitacut,
•1.1. Dalt ..tb 01.. e. o.lls. a elsali,Lll.DA: I
todtDl it • urc.; escrlleut li.t 11,1.• 0 , •
.rvey lb It. • an •rterval reccuty
Ln olgulou • au cll.. ve ,t. D Du.clmt. a . u.l .fleui tr V
I •rt
btiv , ,
•••, aull.tuuu,vat lath on mu. to
Loa., al•Iel. I atif .eltallatt laullawnt I.....rtaieu. 1.1.
nK t.t/tital• t,,ta.ttu a It tLe ...I la.
Aga . 1 La*. ,ratoeal .1. - Lortba 1.1! i
anal La,• ;1,1 all lb. •azlnua
wawb ap us IL, rola,: but I Flat 11
J. Irarratra Atalaab 0bi...v....N1. our IS.; b...
Li usa... Late cur../ F.... atal by.ssn
bal. tbL .`, 1•••ba •aar.-1 la.aa•l. 1 ".•.• 1 La`.
run.l 1.1 0 111 tbau Lb; hon.. Um our la,
eb, •Abracing tr.. I tr•aa ralct,••
trw , -• br Fa• •i•Tia. Itt.ita. a• I" I ati
rj 1; 2 •,. a..
lain,. I •am cubbo.i nea;
au4 an 1,14
ul I ailllglttiCatl 111 , 1 41 lat., LlCltra• Ot t tt 1,4.4 .aurrlt
cubu.l ua 1111. 11. i.KI/.11.-9.
8 1 , Z ... %1 4 1:121c." rax4trig CUM/ LI t(.. g.t
U. k...11'•
T. U U. rsrstri.-11,Por Mir: I hsJ been sllttirl WIC
tb ',fur 11.111 - tor Uh. Con Isar.. au.] curia g.t
Aef .srey.t I , y Lt. .d lurd. hut oy tlersur or IL tarrel'•
Mtna. La
four Unser dry. n ors ..atiroly rourrerd. sal 1 0.1 , . h.
.11111 1 1{ Of SI eau. ••al got. W. •saste on. 4101, 1,.
app tt to borra'•.....•, sr/ J tut lux.
trroat.l/rll aostriur ,har ..,
tt rums Ursa
so hal( the. Our guano] a.. T.tudestsd
them ',wrests. I ah011..1 Liolaunt, Lus
swarth In ler day• 1,. ro •Lnut,srs.o tunas I
sms•br4 hall, to • eh...turd Amor., .pr •
tosis.t..l Sall upon Ir. tut u.or Lmant ro
. JOIISU . 11101.14.
I. &Or I recur, P....rt. u.. 111. Ist 0.15.
A.lNof 1511,.1111.1. ILIAD TI /01.
L.0141N1/ Cll4ll/I_l.l'
TO. Niblte mt. rat - .. 0.141.. ta,11.1 ...lowa • taut
1 , 1•10. crelt • Ltd. luta I ota:le It. mu...strata. , .1.1 la
4101.1 by late I tupow.t . • ta., autaa• It 11 farr•lr. Aral,
n I...lulatettt 11.1. ia • acusatTuar tr. autt {l4 , Ila.t la
a.. .• treas aartalrf
Rue ta. 1..•• • fa -till f - va t , y 1.4.4?....1•L
4.1 .4414.0,4 Jaatera 001 Ital.= tb. . 5 1' 1
Ittett'S martyr. aa...n ana tut It.. gelatin., but uttuatrt
AT — lf. fi a'srralft In aaj
tar Ma gatuttna tato-alai Wu lb. tuttaas II I. Latta.. Va”..1.,
1.11. noatur.
ua lapt....
a l bl . .•a .itaat Utttaa--aa.1.1 t- i
AT .1i....
• •
tarmtl rataln.l In ry.ry Tvinx, aul 114=44 In
l'ullrd ',tato, In •rlAch
ty lever Isamu. 111.. wilt *tn.! res , r•ore
•,,u, dux . re5,...:14110
(WI for AA, ut who •lA furnbh C!•• •
la 44t0m.;
sn.l .t,J •
SI•In 1,,na.. • 14.4....1.•11.1 [Kull al
yrr.,l.lnr, ,tter. It V. 5V.1.1./
•11.1.1 6 . ". .Vreet.
bi.. 1 401 l'UftilY,luhan.
The Human Body Iciest Perspire,
4.10 SAS S NATURE, to have a healthy ap.
1,7 PP..., sal part...r. ari.o .N act 4,..ravira,L.r. 11%1.4
to Nr aa...a...ll.guataat ,10.4 lartaum. :UM, JON,. luataa•aarat el•aat man. • :ra• perai.lratistu, and al It,
Uw• sa.tilifies 4.1 aut. , . Ma elLiss. cm.* ti. , a
ot an altaat's
Ban tlLeum J tlut.a, ars 0.1 t.uly !waled.
carat by Ita so at loyet blayelat.•
"Po un.. autb taa.a. and bud II out...hug—. a 1.., lo
hu.pies. lautrbni. kterklaa. ay sYYY
Ma.. la ..wand thiii Wl. is no uaalr, tuotai., ;./
4 6 4 - ,6163 abGlbaflte * 41 obibtl
P' uuy (a aJ ia taorus.. I m•laru•
op, ...41 it 64 lk . Lltl I 007.• it , to . k. all I !tat,
wa?t71.7.t.t...L"'11 cury
übl, 0112 &Ay one aillaeta.l .114 any Id Mx .1.0%
yu 2.1311. thseaora, Will bud au. 0.11. Ala .04 41...jr 184.1
yuyb. 01y.prytb.e, thau .1.1.
ykellut. ordrt. abura 1•111, Itultlatact,
ilitta 10.11• 11. .1 21.4 Jumwy' Itallaueluaule,riutp—oud
buy It only uf W AI...JACKSON. tad, Ay.ut In l'itt•Lury
bowl Siu•L
Pearly White Teeth, and Puro lircuth, to
M b•J tutl.s conta.-I . ,vamo bavo at. la.taa
el( .6.0161 lb. II Liu, lu,tll er,y n.. tyqt. 11,1!
W. Lomat as .6.1+0000, aaul the brwklbolorlfervualy
Sala obly at JACK.),PIi Awry, ,tu Liborly bea4 01
A Scientific Hair Tonic, Reaturer and Bean
Illor.—Trial Manor, 31a.u. Moo who have wad
heart Coral Flak &alarm Loam IY aaortleat qualitleo—
them who b•.. not. vl• assure It Poaoo• the
Inatitira—lt • haws Ma hair to grow on ant wart whore
gawp* lat.oalot hair to gmo. slow it fallihg Ott. comma...
daalrult Etat mate lislih rad, or gray hair grow dart
ft ow. OP" nof I.' .1.0
grfltl:24 •47.1.•••4)111;Fl. 10 Is, lo-
4.11, taw oast 1,413414.1410-14 rata. lor—arti. II lot tto
Ira only at WSJ. JAUKISON'S atom, :WI Liberty str.t•
bead of Waal, Pittsburgh.
Plinw.-1 11 ). c ant I cants. end IL
JONES' Solution of Jot, a Liquid Human
4ier Dr, fur the cbaaxlby or whit, red. or 0, hair. to e
UM brown, or bilk'' , to a N . ! cam....
mob, end It.
pitl3, MIL J AUKISON. Liberty street bead r I Wowt
z.k unth.
Vrelts 'i rell tleirtlt7tftftf " TOrtn it at ' Ne T etto
bole man, boo tough , boo aallate, yollov, and unhealthy
gla, silo appear". OW tali. prepares/Chalk/ Ilealdeti, it ta
WhO.l trbleh
a Vel ' ajteifgrylluo4l. ITIOS portfle4 of al/ clolatorletu
quallUtta: and It imparts to the Ala a natural health, ,
absetat, clear, septa white, at the panto out. acurt: to no.
tootle. the Alp, waling Knott ao4 wooed .
Pold by tbe &tout, NIL JACKSON. 244.1.1b0rte atm'
bowl 4 Wed. P444arah Ptleo.lo ^onto
ATAteN e l bra ltt SoapL°wder .
e!ttut ,irr.nied
Mite We straw out of Pablo drums sod oat ,
Ltaarrnagl roa Ilea.—Put your clothe, In •• sufficient
quantity of cold water tr. corer th em, then mid Lao table.
spormfula of Ills logp Powder. to 101, sin quarts or water
2.1 111th the 01011010 If the writer is hard, •401 more E.l
the Powder. and bull them tan minutes; In the mown time
•pream therodawu with • stick, Men put them in • tub and
wld ariglolent cold water.. that Umr , will not be too hat
m b e nd'''. Then rub the dirty etremnb or in other word,
glee Wow a thorough rinsing, and that is eufficlent
mate them ales.o.
N. N.—There being no rroln thla Soap. it will leave
t b,, c i qt h se eery whits, and no bad our aa mum
maim do. The entire cost or the matarlyl need dwa•not
pre d t e'er Lao
This b. • Powder Abut oneP•Per ntAetwelyeausryy
beat htmnT Non ge•P.
I n nascrtoka amt Mut—Tate. may ail quart/tar 'Mee and
p„qgq/mthlt, did hen let beil. oar bre num
lsgsitse, then add sh quarto water, Mir Ibetn
ether, and eat It away where It will oot free mt
entltyt will be •ery Mica met nice White 13. , 0 . 1,...en
will week well will not eatlhe hands like mbar hog
&rap. new rot Me clothe,. Can be d uml with hard or salt
wart, by maimm the etintlty 101.0 e quarts matnd of
001... Th. Nutt Map la hest indebted for washing calico
and woollen grad.
gold wholemle and renal by sigu,prt,
.7 100.41. Slued Et
ib . l. ptittenes of tho toast and Corp.,.
Ithif the latter In Ile ferfoote and Llteeptitn, and in It.
fit Vr e hrret r isTetTlingite d. fanro b""b.
delleeto potholes nt lb. toilet. arid for Prtm,v 3 llll " 2
fre l
etimpleacloo. Iteectolientprovertine
per the bw eh d at, ee ee of the eltio. end to to It SD
tleTZLlrlagiV. lip te th aall:637 ' Wyg it
l . no
laid he K. tlNLLlfitB.67 ' iinikilit.
-The au hearibera have
I ondeftho Ina of Soft .
RENNETT, BERRY& CO. hare rr.noved
o* to w pew Walla:MU% =Ma Or alatletrl
04.1.1 .11/1
185 1. l i gui
CLA ILE E. l'Attlit, Ploritt,toan.
this told and well
kto•tru. ...Id I the public that [hwy..
ott , ratt..n the •prentot ...nott. not Nit. rotituntn,
old toolatc reoht .obl 1,--rtorm. 1, I. that ant buy
.„. will I— monanil, Intlott the tot.
n"". 71.T1 . ;,f 1 t' A I'l II F. . Arent,
1,11!Iro nor. IV., nol ,1111Iti 4..•httaburkh
. .
C , 1,.
ShPl. , ..rUtt,
. A i.t OD ,
11 p r.
P. M. Ite., Ens.
M .111.ptp.. N I
-New Lake Superior Line.-1831.
11E nets etrnmer NORTILI:!s:EIt, Capt. IL
0. crr. r.
aro, rooter. 0i1.0..“,rut for
1 1 y awl roof fur sill the
of Vi poN on Get lint Inp—arld aoOLIr than.attorlas
YriJ • Crl,lE. I . M., flit A/1u11...fa. Mario.
Tl.. n0.,4 MANHATTAN. Capf. Jowl (Num.., .01
Iravo Suf. Man, far Ho. dittorout larulit,a L,ke
Suporlor. cA., the nrri,flof Nortlirroor. rusklfrc
reditlarr. wooklr Ofrooptmft tolirof tt
Clorelnuol stool In.. Mi. , .
, A A. TVILN Eft, Prof: 0,4440, U., April I:5,
.II, tran,s,..,l an°. 11, PI, le c 4 rt
.•11 , lona LAN
1..eLl 5151.
Binghams Transportation Line.
ginkT-'-' 9 ,7 18 5 .
RE 111 El,
i'VriSilti R(111 A THE JUSTERN
1 . 1 .% NAL 1.,•ip.z . n0v.dL . 1 , , , , ,,
1.14 11,0,nt
Fri Ada,. %I% tt.. .1. , u rnl. , lelbrria,l LI rvervuhltd•
1,..1ure .13 11ereban.11, And
1,.1, alre.ll.,ctsf..thrtaly
.u.I 1.1•1
Nti IEOI I.IK .1.
Fouirth hat..
JAtI lit ~./11A111. N.. 1.1 1
kkt 1S 51 a_Efigi
Merchants' Transportation L,ine
-11 1:•:,1111,1?,
C'A 51,001.11 • 01 . 1 1 . 4.14/ ihr-111” 10 , 1 p • •• •t•••,,
• •
(..11 A Itl.l, 11 41 . a1t..1 . • tar, 111.4,. I.ltotot I,lla.
I' ll. aro pr.p.,lio Neva, /Aro, 4111,1111 1i1v1111141 , 1.
1. 1,:q1
MO' N It, tacr,a,..l rl r Trztala ‘.tot I, r
t 4111.1 oarnaor oar
will ao, al, at
t.. La. Ilia -.atm,
c A , IrASLITII a 4 11,
frt It L .14.11,...
a to : : X IS: i 1
To Shippors of liczat,,,Lbo, Produce, &c.,
It"EtrA\lil .1't . i::i:11:(:'17 VI c‘‘.<44;it.
' ATION 1.1 \4:
iTh A 0 ,
aonnurn,' ' Own/N.10,1a
Canal 11,,l•tnca.
.1, or 11114.1. A
I \rl ...n.ew • 1 . .00.,1‘ ant%
t.. 1, I ...1.1.t Iwo sate, r. 41
1.0 h •• r
• \ - ~- ~...
Ag - nPullural lm pi x kments.
I II AVI:.I II ST 1 ,• ,1, 01 f ral
, 1 lit e E , 14 th.
J . 1.,it0• In.; t011.1.1,..t.t, •h .t ... .... ~....,... as,
1 , 1 Ili- mt.. ..4..a lONeuLii., .41 i 1.441 /I ~,,, LAI
i•fLOYI •,. C.. 111,11 ~1.1.- u. ....k.
ti,t. Pr 111, L4.1%1.-1.. ~ o• .'.•• .., h. ,,
1-..1, OA, •r u ,l4.- -
' , truly .tta ek•re .3.1. Cuttou 1.., •
oi 1 , ..-• .l.a •.... t 4..1%. Haller.. \
All rr ..., th. 1., 1.. T. rr... ..1 emlo
~ , N 111ee,E1,11.151. \
, .
Beautnbut's Patent Starch Polish. \,, ,,, , i
1)-111—N . 1!i1...11,1y 2tL1..1A:.0 - 1..1 4 , lng 4,
a . 6 , ...,4 ....• t.. - i ... ta. Nla 1., 1,1••“1..... 1
:AKA. vial. IN— (... • •fla ~.., ;a ....t.t. 1.. 1t... 14., . F.. I..aNn. • o . mr..l , o‘. 'a.... 1e..... a ktaa,, z.• I
" 17.; . ...., ' ,..... " 1 “."''' r"'" . ". ..: .."'l''''•• I
•... It e I.• ti l . 'l: l 'n t! l os .. ::t: . I. I t I ::5 I. ' • S.. '• 4.
It o. I-, ...t.i. MI ....... ...It .• ..I...s.ana ta
Ma I. S. . t Lt,t.t.,, 5: lt ..•I .5
CAIIII,-11.5c, -.-.,..,..•.5 L., a.- nPu "re, I
N., • tr.; I ...• .... ... nt .t N taml.tor•• e.•,- owl 1...
ti.o. t ar1...1 'at . 1...... ‘ 1, .... •••••NA. ..N. 1t"... M.' r'....
•0.. !tea. t 1,1/. ilm.ottm. •n.I I.lllaom, 111 a ...... qua.. '
tlmaat. palm h., I ..,1.3 .r., It ikao• :...kto• ta . s.ry
att ltoa 115., .54 .Ter) anwl.. 110.1.ny ..I at tb•
lu ll
•tlmmivelo...lotaLtra utoma taa t.. 1. We •MalmtlN.
t . .... , itt. 1,1 4.1 ....t otili l t/LII-t •
.1 I.K. 11+0.1 .. r ,...
006-,--c..t, ra.1 4 1,r It "
~ ., 1 , ,.1 .0 1 . , , A .
Cornices. ,
LIIIA V E ljto.t. received l's-;,m Neli. Turk, ah: ,
■1LT1•A1ar , .. ,. 1. i . , t , ..1 :..:7 . :11. , . 5 .. 1 I • MAI' Cttlla /...1,..1.,'
dt Lt A I. 11. I, It r gaol I dew
k I AN HAI FORA'S—A good
A V AF:Vo'- ' tr.‘,. ‘ t,•!:7T, ! LI "'" "`r,";
• c. ni fr Ilar,r •to
Anthracite Coal.
301 su
TS tart received, a rrior article.
Cuns.4 buiv.
1001.r.v. pore
j 1.4 ....I I 1•1,. 1.1.f.1.10
fre l n t l i t, ,.. ret,:dLoul ,, fo . r l.. s ., ltlu
II Khitr , •r • I • I, •
1,14 uld.. I 10,1 A.A.
'l 7 l 147 A A.t •
...j ALA Lily( y A At,
g , OEA STA I: CI 4, 'hot., .1 1 6.
situt.Alttrtur..l..ipt.....l for .11..1,
with lull A.,. Vow. u•e
3 1.101. a Wr.
iltr. , N F:—:;i.y
J. •At'lli AIHSIA h tilt 0 C•V
-- •
I MAR. HUI —8 110 X e. lor sal, ,
IL! rwkloto , AK 005 lAA
coDyisit- drums Sr. sob, by
111 Th 1 11efaS111./i,-
B1,11:1—A. A. NI A 5.,!.. .4. Co. ore nou ' `.
..4..i0r0; Wu p.. 1, um.rl.4 '
t LAN K E I T L S. S T , ruceiyed no' full
WM. Ntiltl.E.
11012OLATE-45 boxes fresh, for ~7,3 by
l - 1 orb" 1t11111111141 , 11E a 0101111. AM.
Lre E It-50 kept No. 1;
3 bbl.. RAI; 1,3.1 reed and fo r NI, hy
N infitibblo Remedy fur TOOTH ACHE,
TArl.r no M.. T.etb. Spmgyawl 111,411nelitit...i
ti (.., MElrriElt • 310./OM . ELI.Y,
140 Wc.,l atr,..t •
111 E-10 4011. "rime Carolina, for main by
4 , 4 ,1 JAMES A. lIETVIIIeON • 1..1.1.
ES - 11-5;10 higo tialeint; .
IA . Nu/ bazr.,? km`le by
'!i? JAME:. A 111 , TellLsON 03,
S IIOLASSES-20 blAs. prima St:Lou.
11117 .. .rrai b i y .. s A. C,\
rr oit,teell-2113 kgs' A, ti'o and IQ'
Ills day tm,l mud rot tale
11LS-23 M,1•4 Sperm 00, 31 do. earn do
illrachutt du. 10 du fanner.' do' ru
I 'n '` " I " "
F. FINED SLItIAILS—An usborune It 0
&e._;Cr...hed.Charlll , ..l, Sul rerleed awl lx•C Sugar. non
St. I.ouls 0101.0 Lugar Iteburn .ulu 000,
pnet.O.y du. Akre...
.010 JAIICS •(kr
.1 thr •bove •umula, uurauved Teem Q.. is.
sod,. •na butug ware rtlcle he , Use glleu et. marl
ustleinutima to our euvuunur. hccutoteu.
euieril— Ise] up tu tbu En V
lull :,?2,,r11`%,7., L'ar, . I ' l •
(et:a 111./Itl'tlY A Willi:11E1E1D.
QQCOTILINE lba. lop nale hi
4UU,.111. LEAD-4011 lbd. for oak by
I. my 0.Y.. ~13.1,E1Le.
OIL It(AIN-1.41 'l . l)11;
10 -
•• 2 hot. I Rs.lo, eslw
. _
MOLASsES—So bbb.. N. U.. for tilde by
wee A CI , I.IIERTSAIN I et, UM I sheet, wt.
it...g.• Fre sale by
di i LASS--SW bores Window, rasa eirre,
tit C., nit hy JOIIN WAN . s ca •
r Alt TAltle ACID—IRS) Ito. Mr rule by
V tAN N FRS' O.IL--40 bble fo
. r tale bir
ern, n. A FA lIN I:STOCK A CAL
LOLDEN SYRUP-10 hble. Coodolo's so
k,' perk., 7... r eel.. he. .1. S. 1111ATORTII A Co.
tIA'rENT TilltEAD--3,000 lbs. imported
dint Inam the Inannlactory, and lee oak. at Mao
I . salt nutehaftra. eohA A/ ARBUTHNOT.
RANDY-6 casks Wild Cherry Brandy,
err web,'
I I/ vrantod br f. J. EL IIL MOUTIl1i)0.
4.; U. MOLASSES-20 I..bis. But. Grourgi
`I. fif Na.. by JASIV4 DM/SEI.L.
1 LANCES AT .F.l I.llto PE, in n Serre;nl
• e.,Vii r OrthTZ:n reVi
)5.1:441thee. Home (lereley. Far
le at 1101.111tr,e4pneite the Poet Mee. ce.12.1
I. INCIFACCO-16 in sure
and OJT I. Lr JA)/ LaILZELL,
ner-NWi Water minkrt-
LUM-30 big/. for sale by _ '
xi. 0.29 J. 501100N)Liala k 00.
I iESIC,NED only 1 . ,,r the cJee6 ,e of
j 1 ,. . •it.l
m. 1 ,411.4, 4
.1.0. A.. T... ea, Att.l comotor mon Imo,. Aagl tArauta....l
A. A. CA 'MIMI. Arit.Al).
trfl.p., N... IA z1gnA1.14.14 A- L'lll.Lurgt,
Orleans, Insurance Company
, CAPITAL, 6150,000.
accontante inch (hr (imeral Inevnnicr
Lau. Of . Sta(r.
I .IIE at , ore prosperous load responuil,le
, r law
I,run,. bating comoird wltit
. .1 min a 0.4
Aernt ha. ut..1,4E,
far,ral•le tcruos Dm
•N0..4 tin.111.1.1,..t, Vitt: burgh.
A. 4.
Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company.
9 1 1115, COMPANY was incurporuted in
a vo ruary. 141,1 th aIN Charter. and ha ,
Anain.pi ou • capital sl.lNuit
tkput.any blinlll.,. nn 11,Joint C.t and
Nlutual plan.
Vu the .lolut Nua k plan the rates are nne , itura lea na.n
Moan by utaate.l9lll{, itflai l. .r
lower than th. rat..., num! 14.muanir
Mutual rte. mr., the ap Mop. talopipal at ,
rell, turtial 1 . .n0 paw,. thi. mutu
al hat, the caprphin...l rectiriu...lurniPhaal ha that
of tart u:, apPi the Captial and t•ut Irina bun,i t•I
th.. Joint iterarisurtit
Thiplaarter 1.4 inlia Owgnting of insurance en /*.
et et, f.rin. including granting
tipe nal,' t.l all...hildrota. 14-
rent, roletioata in.... the 111. el
•a.P bet th.irea ta,arluaite iJestit.' I
or upan th. rtiaa ionising at the w. ul W,:.e, Po, or
1.1 lit+ ~ 1.12, 1 3. pi the inrur.d.
. .
1•rr,,1.1t , 113,
,1111111.01 31, elm'
4,0 , 11. 14.1.11, Tryl,un,
i. 1.40, .1. Vukt,.
\ %.• A
or .Nl2.
J, la: r. 1 , 1 • t
hlair , ;ol4 6 " ' h . 1. ' 1 " .!!.k?.1..2.,.,•:"
......,11, g....
• ,/inir.//ing .1,..,....iiii.
::::;; ' ,1, n ...1:=1:•. ' , 1 i1 1 . i ii, t. " . l l7L ' l;tl ' . ' llfl.., ‘ ' l l . - 11. -
. ~..,„,.., I„.i,
f: ,1
v: , '. li. :',' , :;7,v,.;:,., -„,
,:,......t .„..% 5 , 1 t , 1t. , V.,r1; areet.
.1;,.4 1 . .-;: ... 44...4.444. al - 14 . ' 1 4 7 . 1 ' :11 ' 4:4 ti otrCer.
114 44,4 oil!, 4. al la In .114.1441.4,44 •L I i......11c......ei1 .
" 44:- ..i . 1 . 4 ' . “. . ' ,...,...., 1 . .,, 7:, r,...rtli +' n[
WO JA. • , ' 3,1 ei.1.1411i.. : , •.....r.
Franklin: Fire Insurance Co. of rhilian•
tilitfiurown: Clt.Rrh, W, 14.neka,.tiro.
II ti vi...., .Ibor 71ko1 I, 31 , ...1..... I. loin, T.. 1...,
r4•44 - ..V411.1444 14 . 1t..., i . ..,............. 1., id, LIMY/ 1..
J.". s, II I," 1"/1, KIWI,"
iliA It 1.1, ..f LI 13 Ch Ha 1 . 1 . ,1 , frat.
or 144414.4 a 4144 44,a0 . .14.4aatar“. Of 1 . 144r.rat, in la.. 4•4441
...tar,. ri r al, sa Um 44a are Isl.lietsl..lll. or W 4 rvarli,
Tko e 4.4444.4.. 1..,4 4 144.44,44.441 a troge attioarat 11111.1.
t .\
wh. , 1,, ~. 1, U. 1.
I 1.14 44..4 441 I, Vt. 444.,..441..40u0arr 1 , 41,1. 4.44{4121,-
14st., 44 4 ,4444.44/41, to th 41, 4.1 A .......tiv. re ora a0.1,4144..r.
l . SI. I
tIl ..:II." y
...• II
Au r.. i ~ ....ennnine yn, 1.0, . nc., In.,
1..i.i e.g.+. ..:
.111 i . Foe 1111.e...1.1. •nr 11ut,,1111.41•Ln.1
..”....1.... 1 In ..... 1n. , . .... will k. Men' rl,•11l, ..0.1.11
~...t.... i. t...., with rrniny.l4triot a111n0..11”....
J is.lnliNnli \ Liil. VII, Avent,
Knit. litnr• A. N newest, nA II te...i mend ...I one.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance \ co., Philatra.
/ 1,. tlixr IN PIrrSBURGII, Ati,ll. DAVIS,
1 ..., ) Fmne . ). IC . tn., nr....1.) NO 3.3 til...n:. ntrv.el
,r i t... c...tier ...1,11,e1.1 , 14 prrx.n. re.„....11n5t in 11.
I ....r ne, t ol tin , en, 11.. ..reen , Innl III•••• IA '1L.. , 1
cr.i., II 1.. 111 am, -.: 1.." ....1...1, ni any nounqua nowt ot
.1 n.1,..n......A. r ey ‘.... Se. y. II .....1 ..trect, • t.,e, .111 I.i,
nel , ninin...u..n n ill 1. , .: e,..n Ik/..1... In monlext v n. pre my ,
e t 1.11.1, .1 I, 1..4.011. i • r 114.1,1.1,. Mr prinCy.lici en..i
i . e.. i.t.. . I 1.... 1.... net... .....1 Wank lornn. turn \,...,
titn ../.
''' i l ., " .
;•i ‘ t. t fl.. ' ,..-It ow., /..In.. uno
lio und nclantlp ~
• ,
. PrAlt.. i1i".n.1.1.11..11-1/ 11 1111.1..1.,1 11..,.. illourc.l nee . P.
I, ri1ici.......1.. Jan NI. 1141 —ll,ll
Marine, Fire, and inland Tramportati
\ Insurance.
, r rill E: 11,1Uranre Company of North Ala en .
11..1..kinni.-4 nftrternl IN, Capital CA/U,lik. ytmll I
......4c4, I.:. i,I. E1.0n1,14.. :Al. II ill wake Innierustee 1 n
1...1...n. .....i Fn., inutoul, in IL., city ne..l 1.1.1411,1 0.11
L 7ll l- 1111.., " ,!— "' .. " .::T‘V!; • 1: ' , r„ ` 1 " .°: 1t ' , 27 ' ,.. r',:,",,=,;?,, lies:.
A. tt...rAl Vann. Pt....stleic t. l'l.on.zok I . C. 1...
r 1.......1:4,t5tt.. . 1t..1.....1 IL 1 , .....1.
.;..:L. " , itZ:lh. 11 .11,,,,, ,c,,,t ,
I'ra;..i. , 11.. a.../..,
\ e.....m..... 1.,.•.1,..., '1...
m. A u..,2” .111/I. , ue.
,A.tai.t.... ~ Li ....t. si 'I IL.Lot.. ."""'
' lZ, ' : ,' ." .
, 4 , 41.1. It a.,
71.: 0 .. LLe ~ 1 .1.4 . . t luntsr..r.. , . tole`. tnil,-/-4111,../ H.atea
..TVt.,c ' ..ft h "'''''" ;[. l .. ‘ ; ' ,. ' r.:2:::i.. '" : ".ir .."''
i LA.., L.,,,,,/i..n...:.!:.n..„,, ...,, ....... " ,: ' :7::11Z1,:!.
~ ~LIAII 1...1.1A5, ALoRt.,
- - -De la w arajd ntual 811.1ety Insurattce GolnVy
d kr Fii:Ls Nt)itTil 1,;(1i1AI O 1 TILE E: , , c
I r 1,11A!../t. I'W:A .ar....t. PutlLlciptAr...
M.. I t —titilidlll . 44 N/eII4IIIIAiIV, scul .....o,o‘
..F . ". t. ' i. " 111...t I:: l l:::'..n r :irk ." ,7lf '' ' '' ''''' '
3.41(1), ',Mt , al.. tlxn. V.-..... IN C.rg0,....,
au.l i0.1 , ,L.... 1..r....r. ..t . .1.4.1, R. 1., ..,L. or 0f... , 10
..... lA. , Rea°, am,' ~...
'Num. 11,....,....1•1‘..,—Tb..y. alsayagoru Mrs:hat:lllw.
tr.,..,,1, li'agonL\ 1,../I r.. 5.1 car..1, , C.2411...1 1....0...... art 4
rtauttki Wit1f , ....44 t oers I lat...m. tt. ti... n.ti Myr./ trrra...
1.4Lz , •.A....--, IL :. *A. EAE111.11..1 A : , ..v.1..r..1../tra ,:.
Don.. 1L , 1...rt 1..rw0. J 6.1. H. Prtar. , ...,. 1 , ..,1,na.,1 1..1wnr0...
1i..... , r.,, , , LeIPA. FaitUttlll / run... , 1. , ... , A 1 , ...DY•i/L. 11 .1.
ham bf,ln-1.11. .140 \.. C..• Pr IL ilfll•L.4 u. ..1..1...,L , .
UAt...l, 41.0rhi1..... ratsidiug II J....... Pr \n. IL nTyr
1 , ,,R, Iludt. L....ig, ......Tee Lo, rill. '...,..L.. \ !1 , 11.,....
./,...,L,.. 4,11, .1 IA i:AD.. U. t tit. il l ,, 1.1 . Z.. i LL..itut,
S.L .
\\ \
41 , 1 , ll,t. It tu my r.. n.
.J,....L.a... xr I . ,mrat.A.l- 1 , . 1 Nlor:nct. Hu. (7 •.
r ' .l t
11,,,,,a. 110,97 , , l'reet , i..nt. AA.'
, Itne , J ~ 1
. r. ,4 0 n . o. ANN , -1,:..,, • .
1 hul:1 -'''' i.. t o , '' . 7l ' l ''''''''' . .•.k.'L;
L . `e,PrPYI
A I SC'. E 1., LA iN liqtTs.
• Ohio Laboratory. ~., .
-'-'-- I go) ••••L:
,-----_, 4 _ . - , a etd , -.-,
. 8 / 1 1r • , eta Ili • , • Ilen3lt t
'Kt ht \ in t ) a NIT,
t.,,, 7 , 4 - ;?. r ~.-,- • , 44 %liar • • •
l'er cent. Strengt 1.
LOW ELL FLF:TCII4I , It Se CO., Muntilnetn
nut A W0...L. Pu ,piran kr Culugn'a una hrs.-
Aar, Comvr lu.tili, Tapir 'I 'bb.1...5 , Ca., un bawl.,.l Incl And Imo{ , A ... CM t I,rl trs.llol.
44 - All 0r..1.,.. Irmo Pi11,b44(1. will Ur prumPOY aped
al lu weal mar kit prirea aPITI.Iy .
L6wla's Patent Reversib s le Water Inter
I S NOIV to be seen in iNration at \Vitt.
11 . TVI , X a etr.i, Plumb.. 'N,.. U tunnh '4 7 ,1, 1 1;
I N t ,r 'l7, te_,,r(ll'4,k,t,lnktt . ,,e.7,:v -,A,;1i,',1t',1.:,„;;..4
• ,1,1 1 11P-.4 fr.ta .... Amman Itrult•utr t , l" New Vert.
and a Cr ruhmla Irc. Ma Filuilin luntitut.• of lquirlel-
Wu, fur an suluiio7ll• In an also
rettituuttearreux t [ln.., taring In narln l'lnlnJ..lphis.
.I which the fullurtug are example., ,
••l'utLat.radoutt. March Seth, but.
It this me cmrt isbutatrim mouannerul I, the larrtnt of
purr. chute ult.., Ma I,rut. Itrvrr..l.l. II,,
wrnt...l tu 11l Lawm.. II a% tux u.aut ono ul die lur rota,
I a' :l l o:ll , i ' l l l: ' l.Vi t . ' 4. ' i.: ',l ' - e 4. -
, -Pits tn[Leutta, ...sp. I, ItNtlk. S3l.
rho P.11.i 11.«...m.1de 11.ter Vtltrrer. in,..olna bi - 11r.
,nuri It. Levu, un.l nat.., b 5 MY tor mato• wouth al my
1 1 1.5 1 '. r"'d"' l ". " ‘"
" I " ."' l N'' l ' t ' ire i pn * i . r to l
:-.7.g:r.:;7:''‘,: r,:,:`,.;i",';',;."'' 1°,,:"1:1 1.. VA1111..,M .
Nu. n /tun..., atn•rlV .
Inilt t e ‘e :tiferus7y . 7ls ,4 7 1 . r r t . drIttuTp ,' 4r.::Ju l :rt;T::ge " ii
Ha Inuit, iu lb. rater. it, aro uurrautud to ho , ts
•, .. 1 .1. 10 ., , ,,..,....,.., n b ,1 ,., , 1 .... 114ar rr: - .A r ;: t i ,I 1 hut ten. and tuunatn,
', " '''''
01.AT511• JAttlsl,4,
rn y V:t.r . ....:0 Amh ntrrat,Pluladrinl....
IOM) PlPE—Cornell'A improl.o,l' latent
Leml . ,Plpe for 11r1ruaa.
11)draulic Ham,
Illalernr, A C.
All alNa Op taul.nd to arrive., fur
tneal7 \ 134
H ding and Ventilation.
V Heatingi:% , l4am Ilnirb.Court Leclore
ltunuys liank • ot,. tilarri,Farturlea.llo,M.l.amlbalbl
lubro rvrrydr,cri a., public mu. 00,10 e. Ala, Lauri
aad 11, in,, for all putpoa... ~here rat; lnz
trquarnuunr. either L or too, le •le,lrad.: aa. fur
Pai:puovs_on.her mual bu IL
1 la. far VenUlatinn by natural ar forced menu., wnl
be prllolre4 aln..rrr dontrl.
11.1101.1. 11.101Irf drocriptkm• mentkmml an
a ... 0 1,...,4,0 a ..
1r 1.1 Op. thlu plan In F.a./trro
1,4 M1'111.11.4 101/11(Vt. a alhaanme.
tee uniform Li.. at oar =anima tklukralure, yro
or .0n . 1.. ani rakt, from
In, lb a 00 EL,O..
copley'p Clay.
FEIIE oilPferiberm ztfe ow Solo Agents
11l J Copley A. 1.1 l o f their Pot Cloy..
el.. of we11,,,,t11,1T.,1,nl mnot* the twknw,"...
of 01., Pot, Mee I popt, At. 1110 Ilium. of the =tot
, ul,, , hance,. known; .4 la, er cwn.folly nolect.l
end rltwo..l ravrlour
• ,
.1 ..
j• 6ny L quaart,ralreenatoll f..
superior r p.ra le. to aoy Itrmrie
VITA CL l'APEl—Vrcish anNortlit fo,
Ts, tall fmlen qe tl«hfntlJ
fact Uri«. at Phllatle , :i
Ipl It ir York, onkl Ihvatan: , )n 11.144 ,
,o rarte.l,4o-k a - 4 .14..41c mantlfartur:. ta male by
T/Ita3l,Pl t ALNIAL,
' 31ArkotLtrra.t.
f r, '1;1111 rAPiats.—The
i/JOAOI3 Clap ItnalLepfr COtore. fable
q. tv hod vS al A 110.3
1 7 1NE(1,11t-50 I.llls. fon, Nato be
itontso2 , , LIPTLE A CO.
i I'EACLIP.S-11/0 In ' il‘eor unto by
im AILS-4AM keget nizCs.63ale by,
JIG IRON--ASV turia . licrts
:N bade
Cot tale bY LITTLY. I,A,
• 100 Max N. Who., \
1.1.1 , 4. N. 0. 9115.1 to ..le \
04;3 ROBISA". LITTLx to):
7..1 hosce Orent's 6' i gad fi'i Lqm p, \
' . ..,
14 keg. 11 , 1'..1.1., "" ,
2-i. Lambs Il'6lte Pipes. \
• . ..:A), . Stow. .. ',For .1,0. x,
~.,,k., s, ROBISON. I,I•ITLItt (N). l,
'6. --
A .
X/ I: are Ttructed\ hy the owners to elose
rv 1 it. i.. Ina gockla at ',Jut,' rates, stud lip.
Avotglilit lame.r l mge.q„,u:
ica.e. Illalk gna 1a.uket.L74 , 41.4,1 n
-,.• ellt. BlAS.ets, (+2104,) - \ ,
. 4. , ,•• Jek...., 11 . .11.1 storm\ 1
, 210HPI11i I L 122: %. ,
MAcKEIRE 50 blots. no. 3 Liras; .
, 4I) 2,2
''. " 20 I 'tau hi
feet 1 ' \ • . '.. ..1' . ...4 IL f Lint,.
'JUL isuAvas D mass coops
- ! ziaa t eal
, , .
Needles' Celebrated
‘....., 11,• ,, , bl•LI, weak - M.l tanners LINT, Well nests Ms
M.. 111. n
,r•rn. &Irian ulna., tame they hall
•5 ,....1 • "ernanent repot..., is Me most entrarkasa
10,1nuenc u.. 1 Streomlolling l'in , ter erer othretl. PL .
.iOwn.... f lle , blahe.t. eminent, to 'whom their
=n 1,.L..1,,,n oul.ontLe.l. Ins e Oven; the most 11•1trrhs*
Xestbont,l.le .3 I. their •oprrinr Or rt.. over all Into, Mar
1,. • ,
7.r.rredm ht. rl their rom,ritli, rem. earioNllr ..5
..,,,,13. ,n.t.....A. rnmler theta ~ o arly n{3 , 11,121,4
1 , 1, as AO, riutraith pultoom, 1P...,
1:k.1n ,, n. , 1 , 1,, net• n . a.lnow Irov. rrotracteLlMlAn
•1... mu.: .4:I, .411 1...1 r. ,o• le th. 'mi.,. lueur.l.l
.1i,,,,.. aku 11.., I.ny, their I...neornl char.-tar tab.:. - •
.11.3{...i. I, .:xl.ut... A. • reo.k.l lu 1.um1,5,0, (hal,
i s lt ‘‘ 43 l 3 l l7.:;Tillti ` , '" ,,l... ' r, `' l; ' ,TT, '-'" ,!: ', L ,,L,.—„ , ,, ,, , ,, -,,,:::, ,
~,,k , ...ny males In the ' t " eu1..1•4,..i.,„. • - • ,
~„.. „,,,, ~,,,,,,,....,.t . nt the tato, a. a..... thvir an
1 :::;:l , • '- • ' Is 7' ; ,1 •: ,, : , . ' i r r.r , l ' .;rt h 7t.l ' r n i t ::T1r.lqlhg
Isiq i...,,, l'v rorb le, •tl/I,•t nito rhymstl, FULA he a l
,„3.1. r• .e t 1.... , tana...,..1. wan the ....Meat ...nom
Mt: 110 II t 311, trA.,E • 4,13 1 , 414 I. 1..11/2 i reel dad‘lnt.
0n.r... • 1: V. ri..I.LI:IIS, 47 M onl rt.
lli E k I N.. \ \ TVPATENT :iTAI:CIi POL
p :4 , 11 1-- 33 411 iAl•r•asllfor clan. to Li05r,11.41.,
in1r(1 . ,...1.4.•.'1,‘1,', tnot.‘ 4w...0, and all kaaels am.= tie
14,,ipm,..r.,1, I n rn , 11,11,1,4:tithe Llnen,and dui
frna i•kkol•: r. 1341.3 wino.: 4nlorsou• to dolt* La
anr re,,. Tr, 1nn:...• I,le 1.4, run, lelt the ovraernn
1 ,1 ~,en •,i 5m,.•,... •rs,s In 111 lbeir nm.r.leou MU ba 10
1, rau1,,.. 1 , hp. ~ 04,tni, 11. fear...l tam witapaztua
It —I , m , .C•R r will An thlr r•l'Llro o( Mott, an r
.o il .1“.01.11a• vs it /n.ut 0.
4 11
I . rice 1,... eeoll. pe•r Chao, Eaell kr wp.ll full dlrect
You ..a1.,1, . .0, , It. 11, , .I.I.LRN. b, P.*.
PETRO/dark - 2 7 6R - OYIE Of/7
-11mre ow raLre tun,' ils Itra4 gni earth. '
- than ate eiresonid of su
rill: VI IiTUES of rexo•
Ai . and tlo. ronatant application fo Intim wpri •
hao ttqlme It i.orsup su.,!....ltleonthht •
leda.,ldsmlawia fat Lhv benefit or the ptiNitt. -
I,ho at procured Iruin• Weil in gas tons ; .
tr. at *depth of I.,ur !intuited &eq.. purespadultera , •
1..1 am,clr, w suaL.r.l.unnai change. b 'just so It' •
Ilfwg lomat Nature tirrat kalastory . That L contain.
}roa-risen re,nldus • udinher , ,sel longer • •
matter Of unrettasnly. Them &mutat" thulKs , I the
ranw, , f nattsra. 11 know eluslght Ness( • wattle ..
nm. end:sing, an reat..rk,4lllo la el •
I.enilh :0 lo Luxor a ~ 0 11..0.`1. len= I.4fer• Lbw pro.
r N it op in - Ipttler. It hul a Must.
00,0 1., 1, rut,. couhLAIL int1.1.11,-Inekeat • ,
call• for it. and ...sal resnartandu cur. It On pas.d •
f...runel, le u dune sndi4aluou LA it. lutnia. papulatilf
Jo In the cum of SL..- awn.
IVO Jo nut ankh to mate a loot; Paradia of eertltlnatwa. •
lino re me
that the ta.allesna ran sa:sn work ite way
LI. favor of whosoder, and atUds to las healdall •.;
11Likt • e do not claim lac It a untim , ali4lieatlon In tr:
erf disra.e, au, 515:.1\\ Ointl bee
kuiytrall. , l .l inemhMliee, Ma/ •
thel ll i10.,`V14 kWh • .
CIII LI,Ni'll 1
t '
lo , rO O l ea.... el 11, 4 tr 1. •""
00111`1..11,T. • rh1,1.1. Duw.taaa of the
Illadder and M...., e, ll.s.AL,or NJ, \tiervona
,v, IMenusahn Patna, ‘l4.lofrysip
e 1.., lirtsl,s,
u. de. la Janthlf..teeolting frnna eiamatc. 1, •\ "
thm noaliaue , vat
restun It will art arisrral TONIC ah,l
ATII insparlon., tone and antra)" to
whale fru. ms ~,,, ha ettnaej . ,
Unkind, asloch dna., an..l a 1,114,n...wean, \ •
soul alt•sutfitten-s-M on) nmeir.l e a
to all
.1 I .r. 1.,10 , 4,. 01 rrral rune ‘.
that reales, Oh, trratwent, gat wall and.* the st•
if It, 10.1.11%1/ fd •:ed't lsnse. The ••••••••0... •
”•••.,,•.00 new •Lo
0 t011,1.0t ..,:roatora of the
ILI Vf,, °anal
I It. It. 7.1 L 1. uak
40.5:!:1! SII.a .11 !ILL..
corner IL ~.t ..tieet and Vlr.ln wLa .
mm,•ll. L. m6niars.l ,!,data.
111111101 w or ,, nod oglieto3
. 1t1a.1.1, nu:l kidney, .111, the,
r 131.1 te,rra, rimnint
ovrrn. er, 11,0, 11,1 eau berored taLisot the ITIII. '
1'.4...ra, I.l‘ si 1 0 . o- - lt
.se, pl. a.... seat 11.1..1. net nd,. it N.. proaana,
LI., .s an tenant rouertuntl), that It hafratrlona
del. am ne: ont.:. in euy other fermi). The wan
nwlted ustts paha, .41 ,unerusw for.erudiswara. mu,
le. teal, get relief fmna our Cl ntstlttndaltal
tt r4,t• at,rlsttle 10 wake • trial ml. Petra
kiiut a. on ma stur.,—no ntutpapattt.b , ,, r.f . Ibe Purrba•
of imonc II lototooly, Ltat It in • OIF
1.t.1 by tb^ html t• 1 list uro. ay.% babbler oltft,m
of elatb,•ln Itt,orlonal patty'. bud .
co, N11ti,11.4 Itaintattity a rt.ctomir, • certain WA
rasa nut!'
It ettrr tut,. r medicines hall itiird t•
f r f I, ras..l I:l.rumati•wt ‘ , l
.t...lana, mud or taratrpt and tni,t Talufalebarseter: '
has cur.4l Cke,l,3 31.Arlau..'b.1 o .lr t• 0 14 ba•
. .• • - •
.+1 cl.l vrinrl6 Tint
I ',en rwrr..tybow. stud ' •
nr..1.1 , . it a• 1... ti. r 14..n0n, Medical ootutatunds or oisithiant ..,.,,.
that •.... kn..... vi It ii di rut , • toll.lAius and Illartod lest. 17
In a tea appliestir.i..... natl. u1.t..1 lastimoty can be Purnish-
..1 4.1 t 1... truth' ....ntairu..l i, of ohove statement, by call. • ,
In t,• on t-A 11 II El. N. F. 1 r.r., Cazal paNit., Se sent tietreat; nr -
he, i .1. bri.0...11. futile a Wreil .(relit .tad Ti la ...
alley; h 1.; 1....11.ri, :.7 troth rtreett. U. A. Elliot. at:4 D. M.
Carry. All... Lexie ..ity. aro the %ovals. ',. • :
It. it. ItOSE'S CELF.I; ttAT):I) ItEMEDIES. • •
, —1.1.350 m troms. IT e iti-eovrrwr and wain proorteice I
o eai m 0.4 tabular wol 1...m1e,a1 no..lllllles. and .la - .
the erniiir OPIIO nil“,rated Iwo-num. foe tollatIo•ellti •• . ,
Lunke• in effortnia. a rare of Chrome dlreaseit, was a stet• ''
data of that etiourtit phy.irian. laaitiir Mayas. and is .---. • .t. i
aratuale nt Om Univers:o a I'ven•ylratila,and tor thirty -.
year, Mae, ha. I.e. en0...T.1 lu the Inve•ligation, of dit, '
aretartairattvu cf reetodles thercte. .• - - ~..1 Ter - ,-
Throw. , the .... of hie Inflateno tulw,iaehoreselloplrlLla
his Proat -tie limp. 1.14 othor °VD:last-medics, he haw ',..'
Minot an ulsion,lll t.... 1 ensinenee lei etttinSt the , * tho'adhal
...I 1.1.; mkt...her Ti. t,..rto.lar Otoisramytion. Onmer .lint.
.nerofula. Rlieamattoo, I,tlinot. Fvver and Ague. Fever - SW . •'
,all km 4... Chn,4l. Li, sis• las, nod id.l 11.miv olotlnato di, '
......s r....-wilar 11 f. tr.. 1.... Indeed. every fr.rm of Canal,
eanlehot onoer tlse nor ot remeilka, to whirl, humaub , . -..
ty is hatr—net hi. Vie u...... 1 en. -5 . 1 uP0 0 .1 ..IY‘ for ah1it1.....
Li Incom de patil wlq{ 11.3 , i. , , , eal law, log hy tits toe of ..!"
his remedoo, .1.044 to. anti ro.i . mbeil for, card.' yiscultair •
torte el di........ \
Ur. Itoo•'• Turd,. l i, ttile, When M. sr. haearla=
bly sekninelohied be redianorlciall others, aa a poop. ,
use re. 4,, nil!, tuamOven as WV) !gate tba lato•M Dar. • -
redly frail frrm riatlvenel: a• alm Ms ilelden 1111. are sib '''
, ,opted, by the fneulty, to re.. rentlfar yosyertira. ads}
' bd to female dineiiii, Lat. atb.: .thkr.4 a.. • 1:•.• td•l , • •
„f. rofilrient tni.tatillah what Las been Wald, In ths hAndlelf '
Fl.• Nlti
~1 he afdirted are Invltol tri 11 upon the agent, and Mir i
rTl f .:=7 , Mg r el b : 1 01 5 .t4=.1=1i. "'g _ .. . 4 7.1. '1. i. -
tor rain be the fullne saenlit, as well asymvia•arsise•
Irlets‘thronahnot tba been
aI• \ .
J. S.:h....maker a t.ii. Il cadet, Yittsl.
.I..ll.‘Townoiral, Drug 'alar;el st... _ : : • .
A,Beekhem. bra
nr a 1 I e!tt.l. \ Peat OM Allitia ~
lioroh,harkley, Nei 11. t
.. oTity, ta, -
lam 1.111ert...
T. ....butis \ 14 "'”' ..
...aIT-dl - \ .\
" V .
To-the Readers •••••
, ._...
to-the Readers of She Pittsbui 'Gazette,
13litLIC ATTET'ION is ies tfully in- ~
i ...,4 \u. th.kron.”.i a truths, .et fact 1 relation 1
tie of the evat Important remedies of moa t eat
\° PL - TFLot.eltil oil hilt:K OIL. It Is not Mere than Mart..
yew. ao.i rho' Ode 'rtent ttitteelY wee brocteht.hoiers the \ . e
Doi:, fur the Tulle( and cure ot Iii.IVIC. Ito antatHere ' ` •
ti r ..I. he, elute hen, huninte Indy appreciated , the
e.e unit y....}, we t ellece lint tbe longer it is it ' the -
open, eertain wilitte erred law spread. ' It Is nut thereto ,- ' \"'
• eilj t%i, day.D. tip far the sot. p.p. a noskihe maps.; ,e.., . \
krt. r. i.. winch we eoneelre. pill ivothine to let used when ' ' '
en alio D rater. bare been forgotten. 'The Petrebtert Le '',‘
a :Latinist Remedy, elaborated le the depths of the earth. .e.• .
hr s ~, V alf r awl nortiny that \ Inert. to sect. all hunine . '
crentenit.o. It te our duty. wheat we writs about ells'.. ' ..:el rime. Wirt we a rile the tputli--that, we. sap nothing ne, ..e.'i
leted I. dere... lbosu who may Snot our ward or pet webs \ ~.
duo.. to or Ist ik atetnente. ' , XII. etch ate -rtn7 ept to ratchet . \ .'
thine th t terumieee relief trout .I)itease' A Mort' cute e NL,',
heedit te toe ighly
to etre. the object DI guile , ":'.4.
ire, or bumbiiiir Foote of "the. , hot. we dd rad 'led.' '''''''
te do thie; se at enalnue unix Met Ste troth{n 'elation blit.
uur mend, shoe Ihe told. in order to ewers for It * retie." ,`,
Latin, 5q.,,,....11 ivy steels article in the malaria Riede .L. , ..,
ire Plato unento birehtseta—PartalliateuaY be aartertairtd . \
in our wty and Dui,: berbuod. Lear ample testimony in hp' "-'
\e.t.a the Detrteleuto,
\ illi ' ne 4 l. l. . i t! ' n ' arll7l s L7, ra o r ' bie . erit- ' An ' ;•Til ' lti ‘ liTetbr=' ' ' chi t
ertd cute el Litwin., 111 file little of tildee'
. teen ' .
dal. rte.. the ezir_of a gentleman In dea
hoo rtettotthrie.......,, , ,,
r.V.P. ' e s r:Li to . l - iy ' at u y t 't h Cat. who bar n ell r otietteret . ShertA ' ,- r
trot. alit-, mica erre toted after I ber'lled been altwartotte c
,rn bi physicians es' howler. I Thee Peirt,lerta edit • Cart a
"Awn need now:Ditt: to dirltonti—histrbirtailtyeentert a ...: Ly.
Pile+, Itheiititoui. Ueut, hen el. Yr urt kale on tbe brtne .. ~
Pimple* 'on the rt., Ctirtaili owns 0,70, Litman - IM, Tettere . '" e ' .-
IL:ald Iles% pales in the leetwe end joint, oh 4 sine*, Vlettrta i .
.11 eto. &a d, Chronic Vaught.. dathrte, thrombin; Kul all .
l'ultrtnerertlectliu. of • ihroule \ nature. toeultelf, to tr Jo .
turns end . wilds, illtrtate. of thwllladder sad 6.l4Derta
Charted 'Hanle Mai - label Nipple% Corns end 'Ender. — ''''r•
In taut. it the waste usiecartrt trne/cod Litea learn Crie e 'r , 1
lii tiout .orbs shore direst,. within t e 1.. year With the ......,,,
IDIA l [Krbo[l. SUCTII6... !Orr:ldeates that ilt astonish Ire It • -.-
the hoed e id the proprietor, whole dl tale pleasure WADI', : .•: ie . ,
" % t lt . i ' l ' s e tc ; l rhl ' la lTh tl i reaT e l r bt r ot 6 tl Medicine* . ISIS' ,e 4 l
Petreleurn Le We ereatest Remedy of thei r /ie. Thylliciann ' i '
..of high standlott le the p”lreslon art lieehrtiltey I. nse It '
Iss th m e w l- e Thew e hold drat looked pa with doubt. ". :el ,
Net aunty. are willing to award It dea Fmk , . ddt/ e, 1 :
chnskieration. ',tort lineal, y.r DAIS round. all
S ibl to
compelled to acknowicrtot that the Petroleum le the MO. ' ' I i
eat medic,. ever illeniver.Ll For erte. wholesale and ale ...,
tail.ty a: ELDlrtt teldelellVELL, hie Wood et. '
Abee—it. it Dollen, DI Wart steel, : 1414.1347 . D. dr.' eei,e':
Kited t, Jwth boucle, AllegbenY tin) , klet. br _Peat., - '
protor, D. 01. KIEli. Canal eartin. he.nthe Or. rune e .
'hutwb. atel It. A. FahnestortitikeClL. Wert and tette ...0,-- k i
, Jute " 1. . . .
S E ' .Cel
z:LLEES' IMPEMAL outran sYitar.,
Is cheap. MOT tO ttitil•AD4 highly Illeor sc oe. -
urrte.el4..Vrr. Marl SA,
Mr. R. K. I...llanco.‘My Wildrett. ilk. otere•
soljort troublroome cotorbe. mol..tfl i ti u = b or . Mo r
Totoe4loo to eon' Mile purn. p w re It•MLJ.
.. " e ' t7to 6 y0u L1 . 1.1..d - d r .mmJ
,bff:r.xt tlm " re! f aLl y it bee never foiled to comae.. •
recommemlol it to My ortottbnen4=l... ,
ronsetrocionely Wirer that It la the Ireton tat
timt tote *Ter beau offered to the ppllll,
Parent.. nboold ootperialt their ailarest to Ludo, teas
eough. *two Wet Way be tarred by • t% et. bottle O(
Elroy.' . , .
: yreparra and cold b y e . ,
mete.. +II Wood et— end Druggist rearn l l7.
, A 'l' I,: NT A I EI) I C 1 I
to mkt; and kr ash fog
11 blob Ointment
Lexao 'Add 1
6713tial Syli of i i
Na.v. any LlAlment
" tt
Ao-IlilloAA •
Let's •
•\ Eat AAAI - DrVITU.
n l v o
- I:ls,.WolltVi l' ; :IA A I
SmnAltoeuldg kistnn
i...10111 . A Panama \
TiArlitmlete• Wm=
Vermlfune • I
AIM Dros 6 U:. of \
• \ =moo'
urn] f
ihILSII__ \I . .:\ . ••
100 1.14J4...a:1ge No.i Ilael.trek
.2 ..
' 6 drqm4 Styr Cuoilistit • . ... _ ~-.
1..r0d 0 1:u 664.1A&LtIttutlarelsoaa maul Wnusszes I
'th". '*4 'fru A iSt WAT 4Co Llbeitist.'''
A. 1 , 4 Uri Lam; No 3 Iraelrer4:
\ /t )- Tor Oak IST
\ • -
IA 410 UUhlt [ Ls, ac--
fags Rio INALte: bbla. N. C. T.m .
3 Id \ chest.. Teas; 13 1.:.x.0s ItaLritog
23 ratty Nan , 2., MA,. Out Lanorood;
1.1.;,,,1 , erp0r, 23 boxes Eirmors
1 Mk& .iiodderr. t. l is ..e...lrlrro S tort *
2 .-oroaruir S. I.:;rtgilim; bss- a ustortillsgatosV-,
itomr4. 'Ai a cti; -
rt. silt 1.412
UTTE,Itr-- 8 bbls. Peeked, fox sale li3Jr' . 7 - 22 .
0e..1 , \ W. 2 F. WI LVON,II4 &wow! d.
I!UTTE — ft,46 Nils. prime ltojl \
\1 knttlit:.l• cot rale by \
LO it
FYD. koala It •
1{01111.).E1li0 kegs Blastin fo? . sale by'
y i a U. MOLASSES-20 hf. bbl 06odak's
J.N.tilLifOrill 01 : ,
xp Oft bronairgui sad Statuary, for Bails 14414141 ,-,,,
bulbr uale by . WA.Wart. Y. la A lir HALL,
Attl.) 01L-21) bblB Na flana itkg per.
/ MY" cl " 4 ",eirvArord..R .
d.aa o( clothe, a a.
iES, ae.-:-Alar g e stock' '
' - ''
U. tenet liberal Dram. etc
Ll:=,;:t7/1, 1'
Iru !Mc ' ' 1 ' 1 ! q u " ft I •
penteeertattant of Dubs •• "7
Ix t r4vz in.u " , ,v, .. .:.
D e o n litntp,' Orr
eon of Diaper M/ Dont..
ala. 871111; le. . . .
Dunce of
. Perpermlot;' -f•: --1
litur ir lWranm
r -
- L.m..a.Fi •
" ftbritteo tor Am ".'.',••
i r gi4".4 . ^:Lbame ' lit `,. ''
Pro, 1 7‘oc C 17 .",
......I ‘' ,:.
I 11=Vir U der
\ N. N. IF/ClaßibSafili
\ Xii• Word tor Meth envie& ' .\ :