The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 05, 1851, Image 3

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    Teti Pirsat.scut I/MUM/at —A' festival In
tia of the. funds of thii excellent institution
nal be held on the 9th end 10th inst. Notice
of, the place.ind hbor will be given hereafter.
In the Mee n time, a pleasing opportunity le
presented to the beneroieut, to contribute to the
mimes of the ftstisal, either in articles suitable
to be placed on the este boards, or in the geed
thinprof the season, for the occasion.
. There socoethiog Nery grateful in thus he.
tug abfisat once to gratify 'the temperatedsaires
of our natere,,t coj ,y,..n0 hour of pleasant social
Intereome, and to cethribute to the relief of
euffeifog humanity. .
The Roe. Mr. PASSAVABIT, the benevolent
founder of this institution, and upon whose
labors it is still mainly dependent,.de-
Mines lobe cheered in his anxious_. endeavors,
and made glad in 'cuing ids means of doing good
greatly increased. We aro not heavily taxed,
in this happy' country for the support end re
lief of the destitute and Buffering; and there
for*. yre appeal with confidence to the peo
ple in behalf of the Pittsburgh Infirmary than
Which a purer or more deserving charity does
not, exist.
A number of worktnco spinow engaged la grad
ing the grpnna and laying tho planks between
Irwin a ripe -walk and the pored streets of Alle
gheny. When this is finished there will-be a
isoutiounds plink-road froin y Alloghony to Wood's
Run. •
RAILROAD ACCIDLET.—Wojeain, by a private
telegraphic despatch, that s collision teak place
between two locomotives on the Clevelend end
:Columbus railroad, near t'levelend, on Wednes
day. The locomotives were very much injured,
and two medernewkilled. Wo did not receive
any particulare. .
Fon Ltruoa sieru.—We lan indebted to llessrs
Wegner, Birechner, ST. Mdeller, for is beautifully
lithographed representation 'of the Penn Glue
Works, belonging to Messrs. Lorena ,ES Wight
man. The resotablauce is very etrikiog, and the
work welt executed.
costar or OYER. £ND TERXINER
. Dream:ea 4.
Before the Hoe! Wm. 1.1.1 McClure, Presidia
lodge, and.T. J. 11cAlillari l and William Bogie
immolate Judge s.. EßlA. FOR ARSON.
The sane of the Commonwthlth vs William
Eddy and James Downing was taken up. Eddy
did not appear, and Downing alone was tried.
Emanuel W. Black, Esq., appeared for the
Commonwealth, and Messrs. John N. McCleary
and Wil3oll AleCandiess'for the defence. The
_ trainee was, in eubstance, as follows:
Richard Sill sworn—l 'reside in the city of
Pittsburgh, and in conjunction with Mr. William
A. Herron, keep a lumber yard. On the 19th
of August, 185), a pile of boards in it vas net
on fire, but not consumed. Shavings and sting
. les were afterward.) found under it.
. . B. Riley sworn--I reside in a house in the
middle of the board yard. Do not recollect the
• night en which it was on fire. I was the trot
• to:discorer the dames; about two o'clock, I heard
II craeliity la the pm', and thought some one
was moving the boards. My home is about two
reds from where the fire was; gave the alarm et
once, and put the fire oat with e.- skiff full of
' water which Thad alongside. The first man who
came to the yard, was the watchman; I don't
suppose the fire was ten , minutes burning until
- I discovered it; shavings and shingles had been
put under tboboaril pile.
Cross Examined—There is a cooper chop 1
near the board pile, on the Bank of the Alle-
trhenytiver. there.
illave aeon shavings burning
emiently saw the ashes of fires on the bank
the river. -,.
John Hoffman sworn—l live in the Perry
. /101* The board-yard in question, is about
. tWeiVe Or fifteen feet from the boner. Snow
the defendant. Saw him on the Belle No. 3
last spring; saw him in August last; saw.him on
• the night of the 19th of that month in our bar
room.; on that night the board pile wan set on
fire. A riling man who called himself Snyder,
was with him, and be called defendant, Ander
son; when they came in, they asked for some
drink, 'Melt I gave them. • They also asked
.for some metchere said they wanted !ego fishing; '
_ didn't stay more than five minutes; the alarm
afire was about ten minutes afterwards; in five
' rebates. I wentdown to the - fire. Saw defend
ant when lie was arreeted,'next day in the bar
ber shop, on. St. tar Street. nett the bridge.
They went along the erect toward the board
pile when they left oar house.
Examined—Am watchman at the Perry
' • The door Ins not locked on that night,
sod the gas was turned down toe taper light.—
Snyder milled defendant Anderson; asked for
drinks,. mad at diorama - time for matches; went
- .oat, and shut the: door, but did not lock it; I
looked Opt of the front door, end saw them go
ing up inwards the board yard; beard the Alle
gheny town _bell strike two o'clock before they
came in; was standing at the doorwhen I heard
two watchmen standing on the cornet talk about
ths fire: This swifter it was over,
T. Burns, sworn:—Am watchman; recollect the
nightthe board pile we, maim; I watch from
Hand street tq the river, beard the alarm about
twenty minutes after two o'eloik, on the 19th or
24th of August- Was at the corner of Penn
and Hand streets,' when the alarm was given;
asw two men together at lio'clock in St. Clair
• .street, near the Red Lion betel.. Think the
other. WM wee William - Eddy. Don't know
whether defendant was the other person. This
• MIER CINTTIIMPIS in size with the one with Eddy,
They passed towards the bridge., Saw them
' spin at the alarm of fire, comltig out of the al
ley, and went towards them. The witness then
. described their general then and ippeartutee.
• William Riley sworn—Am watchman for Leon
ard and for Miller; recollect the night of the
fire; saardefearlant on St. Clair Street between
half-past one and twenty minutes to two o'clock;
Eddy was. With him; SAW him next at the corner
Of Pitt etre* and the river; Eddy was with him;
they went the river bank towards the bridge
John Bat !in swot — Came out of th e Mayor's
office five, notes before two o'clock; went to
the corner of Sixth and Woad streets about twen
ty attrtion' of three, or half-past two; saw Eddy
• sad defendant there; am satisfied defendant is-
the Salo person; Eddy asked if it scar burning
Na; durendaut said, don't go yet; bad not beard
the la= of fire.
IL Bayne. worn—dad no knowledge of de
' twasluit till after ids arrest
Witnesses for defence called:.
James . kf i Caffrey sworn—l have lived here
for twenty years; knew the defendant , eince ho
MS • Chad; I have been-an engineer for twenty
years; defendant has run on boats with me for
font or fire years; has run with me on the Alto
idteny liven. hell s good man, and attentive to
bla bah . Less. •
AndswJacknum swam—Rave lived here all
My hase known defendant for twenty- fi ve
yang assassin' anything against his chant
tar aincsbe was a child: .
Weldon tworn—Know defendant since he was
• abilth, never heard anything against hie char-
.ArContnnith mom—Know defendant never
'.."llle4snything against his cherticter.
'.'. The evidence on both sides closed here.
. !The. jury was then addreseed by Messrs.
`Weicahl M'Catalleas,for the defence, and
107 Colonel Meek for the pit:mention. No vet ,
IMO= baits rendered. ,
Oristosoca Aisains..—Some man, whose
mime we did not learn, yesterday esening threw
•itstohet at& stage driver in the Good intent
Company's -- stable, io this city, muting him se.
rally iu the abonlder. The assailant then mode
escape. • .
Lawnswi.--Polles officers Dougherty and
Wed* yesterday arrested James Dickson, some
tam out the f3teubenellte road, on a charge of
larceny. - When the officers mune to the house in
,which'he was, the front doorlwas locked, and
Mahon jumped out of one of the book win
dews. Me was pursued, and after a desperate
reeistance, meshed Pollee officer Dougherty
Woes of Me ftrivni broken, and his hand se
verely injured.
On their return, the officers arrested James
--Motwaley, who is cluarged pith hosing been con
. - weed In the elms affair. The prisoners - were
, committed to prison by . Mayor Guthrie.
aramitted to prised yesterday, by Alderioan
alopson,' et. Manchester, charged on oath of
?sates Berner, with surety of the peace. We
wadanetaad that the defendeat is partially do-
MUM? Asp Barrear.—A colored
Ifsacniunsd.Alfred Wlitiame , was comeqjtted to
_p er
non Wednesday by Mayor Oathrie, charged,
of flaw Turley, Catharine Fredericks
,isatthrati Sage , wlth aasaulesad battery.
Lioanyr — own Dotwettr.—Philip Pheridan
Cad! bad 'it complaint before Alderman
'Chatting llfm JandbAlurphy. of Penn
litinoti with beating, him on the head with clot.
MILO TO DAV...T.-John. Wlienry was yeater.
4 li k :No o lit b l i eta 27,zr cotliiicutgra:2l:
, ipo. him.
I.f •
- m^ -
Chaos 07 PLUM Pumalnwa-4A Winant
wasyseterday lamed by Alderman Lewis, for
the 'arrest of Thomas Hunter, who Is charged
with obqtiolng a quantity of boards from
Hamm Bowan and Dawson, alleging that he
was ordered to get them by the Alderman.
expected at the planks on ibis road will be
extended as far as Stewarditown. In a few dap,
there being now four bodies of laborers at work
'Lanocar.—A quantity of goods of the value
efvenenty-four dollars, were stolen from the
booze of Casper Landparter in Diamond Alley,
on Wedueeday evening.
DISTRICT COURT.—The District Court Was to
session yesterday, when a few motions, &a.,
were mode, but rfo business of importanco trana:
:1 1201,r2r, t.. 7.1
I J f A ° 9:l;lt ' LlR I L
YEA , 'UTS--53 bags landing, for sale by
del 1. DICKEY a CO, Wm./. and Front .b.
&IPA-- 500 drunis fresh Smyrna, for sole
br ld.ll A. CULBEKTBON a Gu.
'ir direct d from the .
dal a lit a Mrsti 'r
a/ CSKS. PORT WINE; and 5 asks. WILD
CHERRY BRANDY; just ewa .;d for by
HATTING-150 bales No. 1, for sale by
SUGAR -50 bblo. Loaf Sugar, for role by
MOLASSES -100 bble. N. 0.;
5 tiolden
for talo by WIRY, MATTI( YIVB i 10.
17 610 TY Wet*, st.
.1111i0 METAL-165 tone Foundry, for yule
by 1 , 1 , 41 MIRY, uuATruYAvs a tu,..
FLAY SEED—IZ bo. for sale by
BUTTER --,5 bble. prime Roll, for Bale by
~ . •
14 bbL..ll.lllmore ....rinkL,.l4(.l‘; for ..le by
1%7 ALL PAPER—A full and varied tie
r v retlina Wu Euprn Manufico
vierr. endfo SllO3. IALMEN
fcEiN WLLDO: , 2 ir d
1. rdu.. l'Ai.siEr,
Flt.Pl) PAPER CURTAINS—A band.nie
..z raurtmeot loft rmelved spa Lr e.l. Lt
POPAL VAIiISLI—in bbls and half bble
FloYring,ffirraping. PoltAbing and quirk Dryine: for
ule by no,r7 J A CO.
igAL.II) OIL-10 totAket for sale 1,7
10 u,7: .1 SCIIooN SI A fall en.
89 3 ... C2 1 1 , 1.8. SO ,, DA— J. 2:. , , el lf o rg , l:ix t, C * log . le
6 casks Trite.:
I ..;Chlie; . :
1 box Imperial:
.627 """
A J" . E.VIMN7gIP6 CO.
inCiFF - ITE-314 bags Rio, for Pale by
1 del 11.11NY,. - 111ATTIIEWHAt CO.
No 62 Fourth 13u reed th. mnr6in6 by Ad..'
W. 6"1!:1
AI ree'd-6 fresh .and luny stock of Tr'tamin, of
tair.t 41f.nrab'e styl... siol g 4
11 INSEIED OIL-20 bids. for Kkle by
-4 no! 5 , J. KIDS 1 CO.
4g ENNA--KHI lbs. Alex. and la., for Gala by
BALSAM FIR-10 galls. for sale by
FUNOGREEK SEED-600 lto. for toile by
onls J. KIDD CO.
-poT ASII-10 casks prime, for sale by
Holt_ J. KIDD & CO.
1,11(.11,1, BUTTER-15 bbls. Plain lime°,
tot see by J. t IL FLOYD.
boll . Rtnot Church Building.
-10 bona Runk! a Robinson's 6's LIMIIN
00 ." W. 11. tyrant
Fm sab 5 Joon; • eons
I wan] J • 10. FLOYD.
BROOMS -100 des. Poland, for sale by
11015 J. & IL morb.
FRESU TEAS-50 tif. chests 17. Ilyson;
25 yk....Gitipr., Ardor a loveri.d:
2 , .., laf. diem* •up. Dlsoic 1.....
For .a.le by irolbi J a11.1.1.0Y0.
EATHER-150 bides N. Y., for sale by
I '4 .1.5 J.kft. FLOYD.
POT ASII-23 casks pure, fbr sale by
1.115 J. a R. /LO D.
B ROOMS—So dur. for sale by
reol.l T. WOODS a SON. 61 W.t.i si
APPLES -30 tails. ree'd on consignment
and for sale by T. WOODF • e6,N,
r/014 61 Water R.
1 UN COVERS-2 doz. India Rubber Gun
a W Corers. a'
all tbe different lenetio. Itut mod axed
for sale at !it. 116 Ilareet went.
rtnl4. .1 .1 IL PHILLIPS.
We Preservers and Jackets, of all ib. different theta
tuatanfeetore..l. for sale at the antotoer Den_et, 116 Market A.
aoJ.• U. PHILLIP!.
B°R.tx-1 case furVEL
IL/ wort.. quality, for nle to`
to./ S.LIC9rILa IIoNWIreLL, 110 Wood at
FR E SH FRUIT-3 cooks Zanto Currants;
20 bow, 11. It Halal..
liJ .I.‘ tore } IL nalaloc
4 Lexlsß•l4llnr.
2 Genoa Curtor
Fat 441. tr .1. II wfixians ado,
0011 116 Wood argot
,(/ASH BOARDS-50 doz. Holmes' Pat
Ll nt Me. Sur Ly
witsimaa a
ef e l —llO do
j z. r idr i zz L e i s A T:a . !loge,
I T ASU-10 clinks for sale by
nou J. D. WILLIAMS it CO.
lbetElt GLOVES—Now in store, corn
y vlete easortment. coninianut everr varieti c •lrcan
A. A. AlAnoN
10 per var.
.13 02 and 14 Market sinnrt.
1 bars ou consign m tics e the nt • cow a l of lrgo
1112.3111ctigno.lot of Mountergause,
we will sell an
iota A. A. glAggIN I a).
24 Officer"' Costs. lame,
is "INN C41.44..1th 4i4ver.
24 4 , 417 Yung ,
" lan* LCore.6lor.
Jd " 81444
AItL reamplets ustatattut cf different 41,4 les of 11414.6
Osp• 441 suit. J. LI. PIIILLIPII,
anl3 No. 116 11•4144.4.
A LUIII-4,0 bbls. for sale by
0 I bbla. Winter Lard Oil, landing
iTs";! l • 3 nde by U. nt.anK awes a co.
nom e
finEESE - 4/00 prime Shipping;
dUO Common; reed and ter ra/e by
nol3 J. b. (.1..N YIELD.
APPLES -70 bbls. for sale by
a 01.3 • J. B. CANFIELD.
Nos. 02 awl 61 Market street,are Dow alma lag Mad
recerriar *me :WO ales of entire!, New Grade. ormayna
Ina `.45 came of Lang aml Square Icaelsa Fhavlc ramps
Coburg awl Parmsetta mires Cashmeres. Pend.
Oath, and De I.ahma•lo arms Aipaxa% Pretteb Herb °,
Berahasthea. ae.s.e.; 110 . pleeee Clark awl Ym, $1166 a
hf•f° lot of CoCama O•Pa-eleeres. Ilarsdkerelskha Chem,-
arul other embroideries. Mae. Plattaels, Callemas
tihmtams. am • OOlB
in the
durablea Perch& Moe Pole.. which are
red to be more than leather, and to Poet, tbe feet
dr,. anti comfortable. for aale (with direclion• for wooing
on) at 110 Market M.. ia.alti 4. 1 . 11ILLIPS•
ItOSIN TAR—,5 w O bbis. N.. 0. Tar;
ate hi 4OllO {Y A T I R CO.
LEATHER -200 Aides New York;
6 dos. Calf Pkltm far $616 br
colS JOUN wirr • a).
OCKWHEAT-100 each Hulled, for sale
JUP by r balk] WICK & IfirCANDLESS.
B UTTER -72 keg, jue t reed, for Belo hy
1131;ARLS--This day rea'd and far Bala by
'SUNDRIES -3 bble. prime Roll Butter;
beO.BL tr,
4 " IYIOO an
3108. Cricked Boiler.
403 boy. Cbeeer:
10304. 080001; fn 404 by
BICIN Err. ammo it.
poib 180004 W.ti Mid Pmltbpeld str,
I.IEROUSSION CAPS-2,000,000 for Rale
LAMP BLACK-40.bble. in papers, 055 . ..1;
6 club • -
IS I bulk;
1400 166.0ertn n autuvrn: fur tale by
IL4.INCED MEAT—Put up in 6 lb. — Jars,
1i for tamer ws, tm .ale e
ttol3 A .
`j.grir "'`"`• Z i l4! T
rA. DJ LU RO (V.
inUCKWIIEAT FLOUR—Put tip in 50, 25
" " t 14r1. b /.IIeCLURO k CO..
013 f arum. sod TeaNam._
OLL for nab, by
M 6 mamba tams td plain black sad white end
Mourning tuna &marlc
,012 • . A. A. ILAISON t CO_ Slarkat a.
1011ILAID SiLKS—We have on hand 30 pee.
It n 1111" . alike,
I"` "kl‘ori A CO .14atkat 01.*
`IS TWIST TOBACCO-111 kegs N. 1,
NJ /Oat reed ou ostudgcluout and Hew. by
sold LIAHDY. JON SA /I Co.
UTTER-10 bbla. solid packed;
2:) koaa do an
"far Mae by aoll EL DALZELL a CH.
rDI A RUBBER SHOES—Just reed, 20
bo, , Lade two act S a ylSSn u Letn H rod h To pu d l .,
or. lualltal to call and •Zalattla pot potall .feet. as they
aft supatint to an/ fool 54..4 ID Ibis ell, roc pie at
Lao Itaka Hdlg.!, Dora. No. HO Idarkad intact
11613 I. It 11. PHILLIPS.
'LIQUORICE PASTE-2 Cale prima am ) I
for ul e Ey S. N. WIC ' 633IL4II'
soli Wood nireet, aorror of ma
Scam: —Quite a number of executive com
munications were received and laid before the
Mr. Foote withdrew hie. Koseutdi joint rreolu
Mr. Seward gave notice of his intention to
Introduce another.
A number of bills were introduced, after
which the Senate adjourned.
Senators S. F. Douglass and G. E. [Mgr sp-,
peered to-day. The reports of the Secretary
of tit., U. B. Treasurer, and Superintendent of
the Coast Survey, were ordered to be prin
Mr. Clemens introduced three railroad hulls
of which he; had previously given notice; be al
so gave notice of his intention to introdnce a
joint resolution to give to Major ()mem! Wind
held Scott the rank of Lieutenant OeueraL
Mr. Owynn introduced bills, of which, he bad
previously given notice, for the collection of rev
enues in California, for the Branch mint, at San
Francisco, for the survey of public lands, and
(or too creation of a Board of Commissioners
on California claims. .
tr. dejei introduced a bill to grant the right
of way end a portion of the public lauds for a
railroad from St. Louis to the western limits of
Mr. Morton introduced n bill to grant the
right of way and a portion of the public lauds
in Florida, fora railroad.
Mr. Foote introduced a joint reralution of
sympathy far Smith O'Brien and his associ
Mr. Undeiwood introduced a resolution ma
king land warrants assignable.
Mr Fmk gave notice of hie intention to in
treduce!a bill to establish a U. S. mint in New
Mr. thrynn gave notice of bin intention to in
troduce a. joint resolution for employing and
equipping uotiootil vessels to explore the north
Pacific coast of China and Japan, with a view
of opening commercial intercourse with those
entmtries. •
Mr. Hale introduced a resolution requesting
the Secretary of the Navy to inform the Senate
whether there have been any violation of the
law against dogging in the navy.
Mr. Foote introduced a resolution declaring
the Compromise hills of lasi Coup efts duel, xv
respects the aubjects they relate to, and he asked
the unanimous consent of the Senate to make it
the order of the day for Monday next, as he ex
pected to vacate ins seat on the nth lest.
Air. Chase objected.
Ale. Foote said that he felt very much flatter
ed that opposition came from that quarter; he
hoped it would be continued.
Atter some unimportant. business Mr. Chase
moved that his hill respecting public lands in
Ohio be taken up, and et dered to be printed.
. Mr. Foote Tae disposed to return good for evil,
and should vote for taking op the tall, whin
was accordingly agreed to, and the bill ordered
to be printed.
After a brief conversation between blesses.
Foote and Chase, the latter waived his objection,
and Mr. Foote's compromise resolution was ta
ken up, and made the special order fot Monday
next at our o'clock. •
Mr. FoJto then, on leave, withdrew his • Kos
oath resolutions, remarking - that he had found
opposition to it from unexpected quarters, and
ho did nut wish to consume time in disimsaions
Mr. Seward pate notice of his intention to
introduce a joint resolution giving Kossuth a
cordial welcome to this country.
- „
The electiou of Chaplain for the Senate, was
next in order.
Mr. Badger suggested that it required s joint
resolution, which I,ting conceded to,
Mr. Sale offered one for the election of two
Chaplains, one for each house. which hes over.
The Senate then. at 1•2 o'clock, adjourned till
The House was not in erosion.
WA61.11:41.11,N, Dec. 4
The Republic of thin morning says that as
soon as the particulars of the outrage on the
Prometheus were received by the President, •
competent naval force was ordered to repair to
San Juan, to protect Amerienn vessels from like
outrages in tho future, and inquirtes were od
dreeSed to the British Government to hetet Lain
whether the conduct cf the coniniandiir of the
Express wee sanctioned. .
The tutimony in the ease of Heaney, on trial
for treason in the U. S. CIITUAL Court waa Cf , l3-
eluded to-day. The arguments will commence
to morrow. There is little doubt but the defen
dant will be acquitted.
The Directors of the Vermont Central Rail.
road have accepted a proposition for a loan of
one million and fifty thiorand dollars, redeem
ablein lBsu and 1892.
The sentence of Orcutt. who was sentenced to
.be executed on Friday, fur arson, has been now
muted i u imprisonment for life.
BUFF*L., Dec. 4
The execution of Hiram Knickerbocker, for
the murder of Karl liarkner, in January Inet,
is to take place on the 7th of January next.
,005 MOUT.
Cotton—The market Is steady
Flour—Sales 3110-bbls as $4(11 , 4,12 for State
and western; and $404,31 for pure Gsnesee
Grain—A cargo of Genesee white wheat sold
at $1 11 ha. Sales:l3.6oo bo. utisea western
corn at 69c.
Prorlsions—Are unchanged.
Provisions are inactive, • without change in
Linseed Oil—Sales 18,000 gallons at 01/c.
Sales 200 bbl, white room at $2,0763,28 "g 4
Other articles are quiet.
Stocks are steady. Beading has advanced 7,,
Erie §; and Canton declined §.
New Vona, Dec 4.
'Cotton—Tie market is steady at yesterdays
qaotationn. with sales 8100 bales.
Floor—ls unchanged.
Grain—Sales 8,000 bushels mixed western
corn at 60; and 13,000 bushels round yellow at
60c, Sales 4,000 bushels rye et 710;72c.
Tobacco —,Sales 100 Mide st.64(7:veo.
Rice—Sales 300 tierce at 2,874(1;3,25. Sales
200 boxes Illtntansas Hogue at 4,1(.4,44.
Flour—The market is quiet, at. $=,00®3,0.5.
Cheese is in good deiand nt 60.
Clover Seed declined to $4,50
Grocerien—Sugar 51a6c, for low fair to
prime ;meioses. declined to 32c.
Provisions—flogs [managed, holders .firm;
COO wild at $4,60a4,55, exclusive of premium.
of 25a 40c per bead; Bales 500 keg. new lard
at 71; 25 Ws uew bacon at 80.
Money in very scarce; eastern exchange ifsl
- discount
The river bas risen eight inches; weather
(a AXON Y IIIAGANESE-1 cask; for sale
17 by no'r .1. S(311m)N11014011 • ell.
A FRICAN PEPPER—.IS bursa far sale by
AIL J. SOllO 01.111 A ER 1 CO.
INTER LARD OIL-15 bblo Ixtst qual
♦ Ity for ule by
LACKWOOD, for November
al Art Journal. An laavous ben
not: work by Douglaa
Jenard—print I'-`)j
at IltAllEir Literary Depot. 74 Tllll4 etra q.
.TPtelta tha t.nat °alto.
A/lUltPla 14, BIJIWIIFIELD, N. E. cur
wr or ' , earth .ad 1I .txr.ta, havaa . r7r,ally
nm r ., ca h lriars !tad butt", uetwrally, ao 0,75,4.,, ,, Va.
1110 COFFEE-101 .i !
018 JOHN wPrr k W .
I,4 4 ITESLI TEAS-35 hi. chests Y,11.;
to pkgs. P. and gonadial:
1.1., by. clians Inaek.: for awe by
soli .10111:1 WATT a 101.
New Dress Bilks.
hoer E
tut ire i 4u , nr d e i g .: (I n
u v a ar o i g e7 o k. f
, e . n .
Also, pia and Osumi lII.k the.latter of new
N 1
Also; Hard French Merino, a scar , article, and eery
A esirable oats ter Wm ...on.
Togrther with . aseortorent of Qat. eolored. Wren.
hiar.or, otber ehadea of tolalo Moo..
Vrenel Memo, of elation drab and other colono Mark'
Mantllla Velvet.: ore Itoeha Long Nnael, Woolen
Shaseho Pearls: Parte lab., te.
)11/114.111' • PURCIIFIELD,
noI5 Northeast cor. Fourth and Mark. eta
BROOMS -50 doz. for agile by
non J. 11. CANFIELD
L3 — IANO COVERS-1 doz. Vulcanized In!.
die Itubbeir Mateo, tan reed ft= lkateu. sod ler
et at the Bubb, 1/epot, 116110645 t et.
SYRUPS—Lovering's. Philntro
L Steam Syrup. Pm rub, AVM. A. Me4I.UIZO a W.;
Doll Ororeut •al Sou
(g.PLIT PEAS-1 bbl. Eng Ugh Split Pule
ti7lme received ytyl tor nate by
. .
moll Crows nod Tea Dealers.
IIUItEEN APPLES---50 Lads. recd and for
LP sal. by onl & & W. lIAJIDAVOII.
.11 REEN APPLES-418 Mils. fur side br
J. 4 Min.
.42 comer Tem ad Irvin sic
4114 . 1 AME ,
otir. Loot for rt. folkorina PaTet Liner '3'
l'ionneriit. of Nteamehipa. between New Tort sod Lir
plot. Tail line. froth Kew York and Liver
pool tda
lineh and . ..get of month
Nei" I New Tort on the 'bah. sea Liverpool
on the 11th of every tnnth.
Red Mar hue,leavee New York on the lith, and Lilt , '
pool on the Nth of mph month.
Z Line retie turkey a month from Livery-x.l and New
The I.ldOn Line or Pneketv nAihrTh. Nen York on the
1.1, hih. I. nod NU, and from Lookup ou Ike kth,l3ll.
The Clr,e o t7iTlik . l 'o nT h „
not Ulankow on fbn 1 . 1 .04 16 1 it n k f en. ' e nail o l TlT. N.".ork
A Weekly Liu. at Ca,ket• from Liverpool to Stew t)r.
Doily Llll.l kkr emigrant, Irmo Nrkr York, by Steam..
Lena. et - Canal owl Itallowl, to Pittnb•rgli
Paeacukete .ill morn,: c v ery attetstion,ackt Wrier kir
cheerfully nt the Mlle.. Pt W. Tepkentt A Co., Nino
U. ottb e el the ad•ertlNer, corner ot kixtb .04 Liberty
etreetr, Pit.burah.
l'''ame re.l,llng In tbr Bolted :Slalom nr Canals, who
tab to send /or ihrir Weal+ 1n any part 01 houland.
'clans. Seminal, or 11 al., ran MAIM the neerarary •r.
s ang. 0,0010 rn applications subacrsber. and hoer
thous bnmght out by any o the .Inure issoritor hurt 01
paritelr. (which range from 1.0101 to 2.510.1100 e burthan.)
or by 0001 rhos .llrrchant ship, on lavorable tern, by
..11.,varpooi, Loalon, or Ulsonrow. "[heir Iraincnry
orrailing pr • '.don lb.flo ni Llht nl JCI3I. VIV/4110. ran
alonl orrurs tutu I.lyrrpc...l W Nr• il.rlrans. Baltimore.
rbilairlpla, Boston, llaarle,ton, and novanualy Direct
rrmittoners lu -moll or large soul, os fruit to
o. 21! bLAKELY.
McHenry'e Philadelplua at Liverpool Line
of Packets.
goSailing from Philadelphia on the Alp
15th, and Llverpool ou theist of ea,th
Ll', MARY PLEARANTR, R. It. Des.tons, Master.
ANL/OAM. Wm. P. (Jardine., Master.
Ntliti/PE, Nathaniel C. Ilarris, Master.
Alfred Y. Smith, Master. P.ll,l.Cl( AM AXON, ( pert,) W. W. Welt, Master.
The above ship. are built of the best and mad molly
Malaria/a, and are noted lb, the rapidity of their peerage , .
they are fitted up with all Intent Improvements are mat
thoroughly ventilated, and ere urieurtm,ased for their ar
nowimplatton. tor &toad flaw. mid Meerugt
they aro mmxtrandeal Ly met, of mlinowledge.ltalent, who
1.111 e.) tor their experience in the racket Irorll,.
Rename dolorous of brluglug their trierels from the UM
cuutiLry ran obtain eortMeates of namaire width 1.111 b
great for right mouths end our agents It Ireland and We
ernnol will furnish them with the pruner itid , rinallou mad
instruetious relative to their departure.
- p o r or ameugers wishing to tend mo
001,00 supply drafts Mr CI eterling .ml unwell]. payable
et tight without 41a.unt. which will be eashiftl'hy any of
the hanks or Pat 01.11,8 in tho 11014 d Rintoloto.
4d-Prorietom eupplied Pealeugers emoing from Liver
Y.ory week the following sunnliee will he furnished
rug, f ries, of 12 teary of age end over lbe breed,
2 lbs. ries, fo Me oatmeal, !hangar, I It. flour,
Reflb molasete, aml lUnder 12 years 01 a,.
. breadstuff. I lb. teak, full alloweure of •ater and v
egu, end "."
No. 37 0 stout etreet, below Smoot r i llito;nl . le,
tal&tf eorner Sloth and Woad Pitt.luirgh.
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow
TnE (I lusgow and New York __
titunmphip Colopto, powerful on,
t,atably ULASiI,M. 1..1 loon nod .4tv
bora. pan., N. etowsrt. (Into ol tha l'u.
• owl .trams..) erartmauder, in appoin,d tr. nall Moto :....w.
York dirwct for 1.11..guw.u0 Fntura.l,, tL.urL of 13.w.e.enber
or st. at 12 o'clnel. non.
Pint Cat•ln (otr.ard'o fro. inthArd.).
t , erllollCablia ••
. ••
r•lrs Nunn,
which stlll suppls-4 nu K.ari. sk nlnalrrste
rs.. • Pari,m. '47t.r raqlt
ha- In, hi cr nui•l,
' ;:rl ”" l 7 (,tlL '' '
TI.. NI.Vr YOUR, 21M RI:I.T 4:4 h:rpn powe
r. l•
r+.(i•nrt 11.. on Matiou
It .J.IlV1:111(3•L—..1A,N..1)11,1„"nE
-6... lb. 15na DIA"-, • Co— will analltm. to
Lau ' .
o.• I.rll4‘u 0.1.4 Iredand: on Pr...
•ud ./..rm•py_ stub Make], A lb_
0,1.1...,.••r.• Wn. marlin nr LIINTI, and 1211th
l'ar.rnif or. to r7tr , l from the old no. trr r !mgr.' nn tho
mrrt rwt•lo al.. from 1 orlt W I'ltL.Llirc h.
atrlArky lwrl ollhe %%TM'
wilkinsbmg Academy
Matt and Pm aft Ensiani and Musical Moot.
JAMES 91UFTON, A. M., YaiNcirAt,
'ill 1S INSTITUTION will be open for the
lnmly and 4.12,a1e.)
ta-Ttavar. I, Th. cool.. uf iu.trurtinn ronepriAro .11
th.• brunrlu, tanul-ot In the bo.A A”..101n1.... and &mu,
111uouutunq eivrn in all I ran.)....A.111,11.tinX
nt them. Vb. ~n. t ..00.41 • all so
C/u-nu—.l. owl Aotr, ... .. curul Ap
par•un.. .k. , I. r
arular, . - +.nlAumlng lull tururularo ma•J
to llrlutlPu/.
U.lkin.hure Aui.-u.t IJ. I.4l.—Tenplel dent •Am:S
Smith's Patent Sell Acting Binge & Spring.
/ f t ME attention ..11 C.upyntyrm lull
thr art4 . lo. • laiib t.tatiount•ri lir
mtrutifir meu Viitlt 1.4 ✓
n. lb. •aiusla• triver.Von th. A., 1.1
•larrn ha•
• ~A•ry t.,,,ya me .
It ea.., if a Ilia. tow .11 wit,. aniarti.a, pith, r
iattii • rq.nn,r In the Liht of the d,nr tarp It to
• 1.1, tat Avoiding th. aLI truth... •prlpir 4. brier tar
and litveirrantar at/. 4 1 . AA
rod, Itl., num.
.1 rut at tap., t • trt• alit.... 101 l t-Yui , .Y
I.r ohil rin ..r
A lat... r.. 11-1 rn.. r••• V.h•
hm. i, 11, bu, p1....A, tat A 4.1.4-1 • 4 h rho
V— I. a ha . .1••ItO A 114,4,1111
A ii•el.hy Viva, ilia.
Al., a,. to IL, of ,r b , • lb.. andaiiriti
rateut f.,• the a i.e., and Snottirra
1 ti•••. 1
• ' , LAX— 3 ba. for FA, by
to tt Ilk A •,1•1.1K-fiK.
Fresh Teas at Rednee4 Prices !
VOW ree,ive.l, rind On lonndri
IN al n 0.. ., 1..1..r1a taro, r.a•r /nn:nlle. or
4 • 11011:11 010 . 1LN nal. M..% 1:A. , ara
I aught In, nt ro.luil.oln in lb. want, ann , lna r ael
•Lich vr• ran man ~11.121 1 rant wow ..ur
11 .AAIMAA'A TA , r`.-'Um] .11,00 n p,
1,1/1s ' 1 1, tolll.2l4;pur, 11 . • IS.-, WSI
VA ,- too PPAIP.It llreAtfit.l rya sAt 1-1
AI. Pal- Al, at... 10... IDI h.,
e 1..., pp 1 .1, u.att, A ut up au Ipp
pArlu - ular ,o'l<a• 14. AllobleuP I •
Quart,/ ClupLA, an./ 1,, IP. 6 4 .3 ii ar1d 1 L1 , 1 , . 1 2r . :11Trr7 . 171
up I, t *Lai
oAle S.. 01,1 . 111
d 1 11WRIDE OF LISIE--01 thr I•est quid
% I evuAlaptly 410./.1 Awl 14 AA!. 6r
111,11 h Alf, Ite..lll'
I'rur.l tary N.O.
n II7EB-20 r ime R„ii, just read _LP A 044, •ulp of .1 U 1• INP11 1 1.1 1
ASII-10 boo s No. 1. fur sal, t.y
I ; TS. TURPEN TINE - 7010,1§. primp', for
1 - . 1.10-t.r
_1,..42! 11 A 1,11A1:41 - 1•CA 4,/
A FLAB() FOR 8125.
A hiAtiouA NI 6 oeuvre, modern made
IV, Porto. heel. tee.o uerd st.e..l thee. 'err, lot mete
at aloe hundred awl trent eller
1.4 iLe mouth yen,
A teq, ‘,l ne. hand •nd IJan
$ . ..1.0 I,XI, J .11, II .11 I
1. 4 1 XTIO FINE YOUNG 111 SUN • T
I.: A..
UA —Um. A. McClung It C,.. ba.•)) fAA
h.U.b hf the all)lutin
T. in In.-I ...ftt to I.
littio .b.. 4 art thing • into 'II. n.iintr7
{lmo inrr Oulotig T. al itirp. hi, ILO
LANAI, 0tz....t.
• -
Ir ALLow-5 bblg. l;eid;
I, ." and II tn. Ilution: Lit 0nt1...i1•
n-T1 r. A W. llAnnAl',lll.
LASS—WO boxeN wmurt.A. fiir mule hy
no2I II A W. liAltliAril 11.
• - -
—lO 11115. N. 0., - for self: by
IJ 0.2-1 it. tW.
A it ri ST'S CAN VAS--250 prtpAre.l
fAr Adv. 1., J. Mot,
.1,1 ‘tg.i
ADDElt—irq).libP. finn Umbro, for kali ,
J KILO a INt • 60 it'neel et
~NUFF—idol ILK. liarret'l, Scotch, for 001 e
by J X IT.I , t CO , to W.s et_
IS ra....2 .1 It 1011 A 01... Wind
;AL AAISIONI for male by
tJ J. KII)t. A CIL ral litnel
IRISIt bbk. {genii nnli MI
1_ no= J /KIDD k CU.. LO Wood •L
r, .Iretaa• ratior Largo 0. B. tiattlatt:
0; We. rt 1 Slarkaral lora. and lob
ku No
3 5 R1 in ' ,
/PO •• NO. I (*ate Raperka. Saloum
1.... No. I Who. i'Lle
Juel rtaad•.ng atul for W. by
JLIIIN WATT A CA., Liberty at,
VLOV ER 5... TIMOTHY SEER P , r nab, lby
002 - 2 t u . VLOVD.
wilrhla N ne.rly ottr"b•11
411011NELIAN 111NOSI—A large assort
t of variona urt 1.64 at
no 11. ICICHAIIIISON'a, RI Market rt.
lIIEESC--100 boleti W. 11., for Haig by
Itl 1104 O.IW.
130 T ASII-8 bbla. for male by
JIL 1024• 0.1 W. CIARBAUIi 11.
OSIN—WO bbl.. No. 1, for sale by
notes 9. • W. Manila INIII.
rough Mt rap, 2.lnrgan WI.
a Worm Miler, lloraan'a
41 1 1-.. and ItittLfial.r. Marra nod hone Liniment, with •
general anortinrist brut,
Mattfa Warnirlter, Perfiuncrina, he.. At , vb.'s]. m-
tall, .1 the Drug nom of JAMES N,O Ur FEY,
0014 Nn. Wood Areal. I'lltrboruh.
Kimball's Chemical Washing Fluid.
TII IS FLUID is far doperiortA, any other
YIuIA or Soap Powder sraeolfered In this community.
it naado le but a trial lo ratlaryany who may Lawn a
domes of Hannan.* In retcorlng dirt or maw, from cloth.
tog. It nail not Inany pay 'Worn the finest &brim If
used amonling I. tba directions, It rag tat Ima Ipy the
gallon fr, In 1.11.1 e. •nit porrlnnwilt. Parton.
h g
l o :ru t a ry ag7 . a. t I .P " M.N. WlDxEnd
not'l rnemnr of W,..1 and Math
lIEESE-122 bodes Create, for sale by
./ AAtIEs DA LIM. L. 4.9 Water
II LASS-100 bxs. nedd kizoi; Window. for
X., rale by JAIIK9 DAIJAML.
creel+ Fresh, fur sale by
R ie f l° t J t ES r,AWyLL.
ALVEIt Napkin Rings, Port /damming,
Alarm Cloeks, Sher Fruit It tthea, Mina Vax. , ..
antel Or - mullein.. t Gen.' Ilresrltur Cow.
Franeh Styr Illaex, Patent M a Match., Marble
Vegan, oh Vaulting... Maid, 14. d, Carel Cara, Oliver
CUD, , ae 11. It ICHAIttgtON, Market et.
Paps or
P 711 . 817 A LL, I Woad stmt.
PAYER--,French and American
WWI Paroor Ind
Vila I ItUN-60 tons Jenny Lind Furnace
Ja. for ode from tlm Allegheny Whar
paOl f: b; Cl. VCQhD.
irriat--12 Ude. prime for, solo
1 1„,, J.. R. 14.011 i:,
p VCR' IV It EAT F LOD N--SUe¢cicn in at t ire
kiwi kw Mit. by - J.* IL PLOYD.
ISIMY FISH roceived at No.. 56.Lilx.rty, et.
N.• bbIH Now do, d lo Into.
row Miro. 00i#,11,ry Doe,) Nes. Codt.h.
ealmoo. MI OM We by
0020 W. A. IieLILUM.I t CO.
• IkertoN, suss.
THIS well known establishment is still eon
1. ducted In the Woo manner theas sawn eS been. T hIP
central Rad pleasant situation or house, ootomodi
ens arrangements. and the comforts Ind 'stories to he
bond th ere, cutoldne to tinder IL agreeable toad advents.
genus to the traveler.
Haring teem roe of the firm of John L. Tucker & Ca,
so long at tho head of the establishment. the subscriber
pDled Rea his Imeteunlone W Klee eetlefvtlrn to hie tozalotais. Its reoutotion, and
...t.dtderndlLOnt " 1 . 111. It. PARKEIL
rriEsE superior articles of PtrfUnlery L ,
nrnon,re ar• eniller•le hi. ttoly ralut.rat.,l
ly %IL (taun dte Alttha y
mar Itaa d
rl, H i otta, Tooth *tat
T,•liet Powder.. Chino,. Velvet.. Chalk. att.l calor •pyrttratl
5 . ..., Walnut told Erin Flu* hand Brown iota W 1110
WithOor. hationth Palo, Alrpoo,l, lat., .0.1 Tuna So*is. Soap., Charley err., lhar It, ts , lttatto %alto, Ifs
traria f•v th. handkrort,lnft, 11a,rn.,•,
tat 1nc,... 'l to new al tlrled Eau" Luatnal lee hrshorallt a,
Ilair 011, I t lottootar., ra. inanufarturol 0.1 let
hale I, JOON T
l'erfunarr atal Chrrashrt
" Maart .teal. helots 21,
Iritallarrhania th , utt fur .lrl that elegy'. I. tla• rrata. ,
au 1 meet elirttalio atanufarthry Iu 1b...,
m 01.411.
...taatit lel..
Slither & McLean,
Flour, Produce and COMM 411011 it rrhan(4,
/ 4 0NSIGNNIENTS of FLOUIt ml l'ro.
xj Jure. gnuordlly, win . 11 1,
our beet outur.ton to give es,Urfactruti Aar. r.ours.let
r N
orelpt Llullnr. Itru tlawl
eter to—Nlo.rr. Itatoptou • 1111 tIr 6, 1111 .0+440,
Mr. Pratte. 11. l llrr,
Mr. Airs luglallo,
gar Nut, I.. rt Nlimer,
Matchless Blacking and Inks.
to.Aci:lMl"—•nrrmotal 101.01.., 1.. •nt tr. 41...1
to lb. ant/ tr• staud au, Illtotuf.cton,l
hy OICK I NNoti 1 CO. Quarry alrowl, agar Mar 110.4.
Phtlattelphs, , out..ttliu
rjriio3l.ltB IiONNE'r 61AN U.
FACTUNEK, No. It Itnulll lierotul 141.nret (dt•Dre
lortnut, tut attl..)Philtulfloltl•
114041.117 mm • 0t...111.
ICII. 11. 4[0.01/14...1. 1,,11 414.1•4.0.
1./A,PALEY. W001)1VSIII) Co.,•Wislo
p_ Ilrrovra. No 22t Slartet .I . l3ll.lrlphla apt]
E. 111).., BU
lI ncK,NOII.
No. UI N CO., w Tobacco
Id !rural IN bant, "a'51134:1.4
_ .
Flour and General Produce
I:ArLROAP T.N.oli TO Tv,: POOlt.
Having at ItaPt Irina]nalluntsges In Transportation
with tor otbremarket td3 the pea Wart, a modorate.ala
al rharog. •Ith quick Wee and quick rrturne. and ben
market pric,a, are would tegpretfully .11.1 patannakv.
Proaident and esehier of Ifer , hanta . Bank:
flank of Bailin.,
Lktuuneroal A Farmer,' rank.
Professor Alex. O. Barry's Tricopherous,
kft , MEDIC.I.II:I) CuIIPOUNI), fur re,
t u
rte. It
been ' arr , rtaitu..4 14 " eavererceuL u that /I ' •rryl.lnmab.
rors• 0r..111,4 lb. wale rUrtt eurluy dua.••••of lb*
.0 n 5, It the and all the abler. klrolaut. The
(.11o• 1114 te.thnoulat, from bututr..b. etrullar
importeery, to •tan.. - lb• w•la• of the
• the to • high . It I. LeLl by Nut. ult. halm
41..111 • trial
tau Vol.. ....LT:. 1140.
Lunt —lNear 01r—J has. be... aftlietel wltlt • en.
a.erupthm nf the salp. of • Boot aggrarate.l
.1., far the ler, et, ben 'ram 600 LloftbS that Peel.l
0.., 1.1 the aavlre ~f wawa/ the tarot uota,nt Ph
ds, au 11. e. tried all Me prepa.ralb.a.ll. tt.• hair arsd
atlo un. bo•O. I.:theat heart 1..4 1 3 I .1. tulyleed
by • fr.u4 W try rut 1 ..h.l • Ise,
ruy .01,1.4 and 01.11
re.llo al,ut two dent. Stub waa the eta....e•uf th•
Nu,. 1 • ttartmlir
t , ..4.ectfullT. your., 11 0 it I UPELTX.
14a Crotauatua ItrootJyy
n u n
11111111-1111.. Fir—eyrie,..ars an. tar hair
nun. ..1
11 0 wee. 4..41. 004 soy b.a.l .0. tutu* ithlaeled
WOO d....1r1l Iv. b. 1.1 by • fneulw tr yourTiles , pheir.
• ab,l 1 .11,1 srel b. tny •enouLtaeut. 1111 tratr
dealt •bot •11 Lb. daLtutrult 40eity......1.. the
betel nov •Lowe It..
4 , 1 it. 1 .ta Tour br...3l.era'‘.
t.t. /ILL, CM Grr..l ear
•ny 1.4 4.411.1. the authebtirit! a the
tb.. '4. se. e-al. 41 r 1' Barri • abr.,
171 Itre..rwar. wber• •.11 ilyrenta.
bat letter.
!From the 11,1,
oary ••4 Argo. Nov 4, loth
abT.l. ~ 1 pr.
o fr .the r .t e y . .. I . ha t pr r a . an l .al nays a bald.r
u rr ypuirrrt, etthbred bythCebel. `ru.w4
I 11.1ra.1.1 Canul...l It - la as•
trurivel/ art. ~0 31111.11.171
alrac. utt:••, tb• 1..54 a
other artlrt..
a lb . . it Uarrif 1r v.. Ur. ...I•ot
tLe la. I U.•lle gr.olt ..:ararbabb
,ee. It tt-eirt,r• .labdrult .14 Mai.
balr due and phe..., It ...11 sale.
• p• .r•l4
Jrrr wet] ...Cleary, It ethod.
uttrasll.4. It tutti.a. Q.t.,. Nu.
z..; 'tn.,' ray. 511.1. IL. Ihu,i.te blactlehout
thaVultealnatre 5112[14
iosTiNuE-2, usual facilities to receive
ee, triuteemeet, all klattlakskllka
L.. IkAlk Ma. his 4ocl laity tut all poluta
Ikt. - • Mr ['pun! and ITit.q.
estothky. ape - ace
Win. H. Raskin.
.1 4 .14 4... (1..1.1 .41.14
4 auilkry
M I I)l , l.rittN, ItlLi;Y• t ArtiET,
rt ..1 . ,. .....ntu......c . •: . : 1 1 , 1y:r,;!1it 0. t1..r.1a5a1A. ea lb*
t.. Al. aat..1.... Ilorees. esterilog • Co,
AVII P . V. ' PUTTEE, Attorney at Law,
I r,:nras.l,,,,ikono. root., • •taterr.....l I,
II)IIN 11. It A N IN, Anon. r and , Conn,
ipp At Low. art,...rtar l , r It, 81ab o
rtern.tirsot . ...,••t Patnoortgb.)
/tAl.nrs,..-11t1...t..arg1. K,..,m. r.•roud. Ilamptott
11.11, tl A AleCluro. K A
1 , 6,1 A
Equitable Fire 111E2r:wee Company, of
►pilW eatuttnny inFureg agaiont Inxn by tiro
buMllean IPmniN w•es., .n•I mn..hiszullsa
p.IJ. sixty dAY. sitar of Sin.
Tu IS Company insures Liven baarceen the
awl ro oats •
Api.ll,sta.o 111.1•1111, NMI., of the shoreConitaw
les I,i-rived at tie. 11.0,, !loom. •4
Wit. A. HILL Co,
nott7 , lltow:US l'ittabornts, Pa.
First Rate Farm and Coal Land for Bale.
rrlIE subscriter offers Tor sale his Farm.
on!h. toot! POLO its. Strosingsloola Plack•ster.
In rilasb-th ..attain. Ilia Yam ie one of the Lein In
Allenbeer , ounts, and mot.. orarly Area, VS of
whleh are Coal awl I.lm.stune. •Ith eee r e facility for
loading Into lam.. A tary, , portion of la knit
otality raw, Ultima. The Verne will ton Jd entire. or
ailbdlrklail to purrhaaers b. Coal will to void with
or 'separately Irony Ilia kat.. Thus Farm lan . ..nay-ally wall
known. and any twranis wishing to Loy it viol to likely to
natalce for hunswif. bell information In alma! to
.IAI ler." pa, tnent can he,prialtred from the eta...mi
l. on the pmistooli, or from T.A. id; ittn s g.. al hill..
noTililltsuisrarn..s NAL lirCl.Ullll
11111iSk. •b taw.
sch no be . at atACKIIO2I . 6
sierr Stahl, I twin atrees.
IRON It illy's! received in exchange (with a
P.M amount of moor)) for f1V 1 )11VILDIntl um&
is the Sloth than. Eno
ilea of
lore New 'Goode.
ANIES A. MuKNIGIIT, N 0.12 Fourth it.,
it'oo ,h. .lth r ."`o=rl; l. or"rtifir j h"o u oTiL t o f 1 i,717 1 .11C3tf
the lame auction .alea In the eneleru dunn a the
raga tau am., be la enabled In.allepuee of dra t at great.
to m
. .t. Ile sun),) el parlleular att.:moo to
Ilrocha o..ngg Mewl', very chea t , Plain Cashetutre
F`olllll.B Shawh e liar plata, at oranuracturar's
1 reit. la Dl.rlno. and Caelnuena, Van
e, haul Donut ball., very deelrablel
loaks, On:akin... . le. 0c2121
a full ot..nrunent of !haute atul Youthe. Merl.
rintrto, (I•,tera. lira.. and Cunha Also. 'a now atul
full chwlL
N. Move., .r, and Trintruln. averY
• atyle , prlnr.
11— oi Country end l erthen. rilDlaied ' , or, low Po".
- -
evrelled ottrot, • lot eram a
onlAntral I..reaon Plea. and Yaw.. nom.
Ilritled,iihorkinp, Wore.. erubite Sauce.
- vb... Chu, 'Uplift's
•• Saluutp. liars, ..
Pm.llll. Siff•llnuen Kele'alp, it Oval fistsalitt
A.11,..nu1f uf awl So" al Tat 100 hem, put up Sti UtuUT putt.
uo i I 0011. .1 ileCt.Shfi •W.
• ...
0 tV
NEB, WA N TED.-Fur 19 kiln. of Solt
Loather, 1. , 1t iuour.. by WeMouonvabOit 11 butt
Ruts, vottb T. tYcfvtoS k SON.
~, '
01 Woloy
N SAHA (Nil TtiltAii6o--
.1 40 Md. .flo blf !UR !kVA:. ULL.I3
VV li IT I NU-3110 bias: best dry, for Kale by
Coo [lra Laud., by L.,Choir Chorus Dook:
ticw • Wahl,. 1111., kluolouff
CarminA , ou.inary C 1.41 Book;
?formal Nobool Hoot Ike. fa; PonflooPtuo. AI..loftolo o •
Jurrollo oratfAlo (11, llosco;
Pong IfLok of tbootboultooto Hematite of Caledoolt:
"PrluoarY School Song Hoot; !Unit. Tomperso. cog
lluaton Churup I/our. Hook;
."`"r, Outdo pr
1,11:noy /loom ova *fag e . ff..C. Post,.
Th.. Hut of Ago., mono' ouarloffe.
l'lfo Poo.. rouy;
null _
101 !Par a.!. T Uolaro et
Pitoo L•
bototPlPyroo.PY A'. and Int
L 5 Pyle. A Iltu woody b's
P. Robinson's ft . ,•
IA Wm. 11.../yatO,O, Les.
ea'. 124
Wolif/'• Plow
111 but. liibbung6 eptia,
25 vitt
6 . , CaventliDN,
1.01101, dad 16f Nal ' JOIIN WATT A OQ.
.Wheelbig and Pittsburgh Packet
running paMincer packet CLIPPEII No.
n Plaza efr the Jam. Nelson,) I km
the awe.and ail intenandlnle ports this ntornlng, lu
cicine r lt r p w rec h Lsel l y n k
Intermediate porta—
TLe ''' '
hursh every Tue+lay, Thursday, and Naturday. at I ds, •di bare d
1. reurning. leered Wheeling eserr M.nde,• pNuv
day. and ay. itt I A. IL
kor Ornslght poses., havlnp superior areomosod•nons,
apply ba board,.
.4.IIkItIVI , I LIMN thli, Apts..
nolY &tarter. stret.
Tn. CUPP. , No. It Ls ono nt the fast., or, con.
genera or the trade Peseeogers and al.lPP‘'re e"n de .
dent on Nor running In the Allgie. wUI
WkLLSI ILLF, PACKLT—Tbe eplen . aZt
new packet stxatner /01tEST CM, A.
Murdoch, cusvter, hares Plttohurgh fur every
day. i•seentlng Nund..y.) at 10 o'clock, A. 31, •nd return.
Yo, leaves Wellsville every day at U P. M. The
Plltsburgh Ilailrnna Car runs oa . d
Lane. Cutiltrellnn with the Cleveland and
Ticket Agent, 11 II ItAllToN, Monongahela
Iphl Agent, CNu Vt star and 61110,1
stoat. our.)
Wheeling and i , ittabtu• - gi Pndtet
PARE It )I “Wift
rooolott pa...mtor tottkot
It, losvea tor thy &Wo stud •Il lotwrttotli
alat 1.1.0 r
ru~ ltil• utortsinx. at lu to+claelr•
• ......
Iflt7ttla=raltott.t.ttitt.:l lO;;;;iit-,;;;lll.2ttlte
halite" toluetton.
14. 11N1A1CiTY.It, (1.. D. Mama, Ul
It, plo.roli ovary Thud., Thor:Way. ao.l N 3 Ltiz i d . a r y . . , :;l . l 4 O
A. ay ,otorl , hl. I Wb.oll
" 7 4"."'E 1 1 a '"I." ' I L rfor ..aamaar.latioaa,
apa r y r aVraadl, tn " ,: 4*. "
A Uklllllllllttl, 1.3107.E1t A CO,
th. *lselonter Po cons nr lb. laatet Lnata Naar rr,nstrur.
Li - 11. Inv). 1 . 1,8.4.1111 S and ahlppar. ran depend 014
had 61.1.411.1.1 1114 tralorrn, early
.t1'.49,11,11..„,,A,Ltai'11:i.14 111111t11.1t121.1/,
1,41 t Al. .,Conlah,
le, Is w.f. no.lnrualp4 roe., tr vowed top. bat•ren
altd and Wharllna, Marna, Yltr.bure. e 10 o'elnra
o ~, 14.aluardad and Veda', and ratntaltik,
inmate Wiarding
er roar, Tu.laranstaantaly and Sanaa,.
(Fall! .T!if.. t °
'I L. Marne I. • 111. arbrel 1r.., and I. onnol 1 11. 0n..:
and :..fowl Irnse•war runatetit..l h,r Ih. UM?
Ora and .hiPtana ran dayand h•r In th.
leada nol
' • ' -
1 , (111LAII I'ACKET
Isays l'itteurn4for ' tll;s;ll ' ..t. eaptina ;dal 11,4Ine
port, arary tuaalat at d efrnalt P. 614 rrturnina irava.
11, a in,. grdt 1,0 Cantina, Vilonding and lorrlnsra et'
rrr 11.40110 111 n'al.ra. Y. I . ..iananr. and rhlr..rra
41.7 .. ..1 dpu n n Ilda runnlint donna IL,
r,,, ir.Lbt taa.aa.. *Ver . no bard nol
/ Ell L It IV F. I)N M A Y
11, VACS( (ANON:VAIL Captain Johnligra
111/. rnirtn/ a...0111k,
the OW of otratoar Ir., Newton., and otharn, fur
thr Ono.all and l'lttaleurith PM Rot tradr, and .dl
1, 1 011 ZA F.SV I 1.1. E —The Gno
I PlikliKena,truastrr,wll
int ern., ste Interandlat. irsali on this
dor, at Wrier k.
lirri.rht nawme. apply nn
14 • 01( NEW UILLEA NS—Thu
,iendie new dwnier ALI , AI, SAlst.
M. will have Air. thy Ow,. awl •Il
luterynwliate ht !tile ilsy, lo .1. Al,
" TI A went.
1.7011. NASLIVILLE—The nplen•
• 111.1 gem, VOICT 1 . 117, 111I4r. con•ter, - 4?
1.1i,r tn. •lAn•n•nil port.
Ynon at 4 n'yliKilt.
Vny nr ,ntwingil apply , iti IN,II Xl4
Itueli.lNGl'OßT—Tlw line
.Rams PILOT Sn .
t14 1 :71:7.1 1' 4 '1 :11t7.. d 117 k."'"h"
For Relight or tes•aagn. apply nu leard.
'Oltn. .nn Hunt drauebt • NASIIVIZLE—The mpiert
dl4 Irans taut
Er, Y.. Captain Robinson..lll lf•ava for
Ina above and all Intermr.liat. pointi. 4.3.
2,lth. at lo o'ctoct A. )1,
Vor frelaLl or iquutaxr , •Ppi. on to
Far Sale,
COAL, situated Itt Third D. Alimonualeeia river
Ti., veins of 0.1 Ise mum-pm., dmint. and van
Lit fc* for mining...A equal in 0, lo , t I , la litt. I iv.,
11/0--Inse third undienhd rosi ono numbed and
Pi MKT acme. dirl,ll y y• •
full description of the teITArd.D.IITia.VI
- - •
PA1111) .t IRVIN hurt , ~1,, (or sale some
wery desiraddo L,4. tnr
I • 12,
AliceMmiy ust, •Ito. Yllah.,TOW•4 Lot.,
sultMle tor bo.iiieee lor derticideie •pply
at.ove n
o 1.1
Desirable Property tot Sale
NUSIBFR 4.1 very valuable 111.1diri,7
1..1ee ad at.l on kraal., Aida .le ate/J
eel yt Alive heey av•
Alm- A walual.l. aermed Lot nu lee "mar .1 W
et() met bare r, street, remol, the tier
elee t earned eter+A. Altolimt hest vel Libent. t, live-,
de., on inn., 'Armee hark tab ere. all,
Alw—tte tlasem bet e& lereasee Rut* re Lamely
tem,•4,..•,‘ it.• let
104 Fr. I .emt b I. lane ae4 rut.. !wilt le
muffatyl. an 4 m •14r. n rt. Arte
t It•Im Lawreum. wept,. b rally
(row :11.1.
Alla.rney e a. 1.” awl Roal luta. lgute,
U An. ,
- - - •
Laud and Lots.
VON, SALE, on merennovivenin Conn!,
&A I law!. •Itte • voin.Ll. erml“ivil•c•
04.1 L.ret aer.• rota' ..•
TL.. .•••• r
.•1 t0.4.,y •• •L• •I.‘,L ulattLl 0014 p. 41
prO4 - lottl••1 t•iPda.;•. •oh •“1.x1.4•1.t.
LI. Anapyl, .1 owl IL. .•1•41 Lur
11 Pot otl.l lung. kr! An the Soot Iten-Aaber tol,
It 1.111 Le laltl nut to ' , ln not .44 nn tnron. stnl in /we.
1/r, evit a• man, Latv r 1,11.1 A
1.411 nollt,, en L oet getue,,,l bt. L.A.... and lot. L
..nets nt. ( hr ca4otien %Anti, ones
epersonn lor1,11.••1 Tll.ll AA MELION
A A Int of grown, [vottlang feet no erel,, oret,
• rtotatue IA) Ina to wnsperlp t. - I.ot •
rtort danennelroxt ttnnneo..t ul ate Ohio atn.l l'unntylvstot
Ileorne.l 1,31 omo.
S V VON VOA Fllllloll' end, ?toot Isl
TM: well known EMILE 110 TEL,
b ohm 711141. nTIMAT, PII
r.... 61.1 by s .1.11, braby.rly of .
.1.4y..11...1. • tbks
. •
71.1 e lame awl rzcutuo..llt-u• upw•ed.
rocun. , . • ..rentles, parlut ky :u • ladle'
s.atit.t and otallneut. Pmate k're , • , t 1, 4
iscL.l. dials. town 1$ 1., 4. the au
media. eirtultt ut I•ra..ot whvle.ate
orpteu. IL. ••11 Ituuteth bow. ol 1:A1,11'11..1
lav 1.40 et • ree...oebie svut •n• 1 after the'
ba vi .11 . 211. NEXT. sheu .te present met,
TL. 11,0.1 erae er,ted upou the Welt and u 0•1
hymned 0t,14.. ree'lluor.u.l•ll.m. huatarr.
.114.13 1.. 0...1.4. Us. the uupgraltelt4 townie of Ms
ture...ut cceut.eut •turina tLet..tut ht.
A tar. Lear lbtri et. I'LJI
111) LET-A. large and convenient i l
f t .rowdotre•et.tet•erti t•ore.l
1,..1ittte , .1 Au.tulre of
Private iteaidenee - for Bale.
F.I•IIOI'ERTY in offered exceenling- x l.
rein anboconoblating fcrubb It
ib mud olutlidy ,afed . the rapialy untanving City
01,10,h., The bitua,b is in the mute
in ronona/oling neJd plebs,. vie. of ilse ct Pitts
burgh FtVi then, Hirers eta glance. lebbles being cony,
niont the Imola.. tabet of Pittsl , neglg combining in an
4 I .th bunanJ
Ti,, int I. laego,tubraring twat an acre of gmund,
one butidted and Oily feet front, running hack tan bun.
dew aud tfly fort I. an alley . Tire inquor.ments are
Ueir. r t e nrk. built In in.bieln stele. Id the heat
material. and holobed In the , Irst LII.DVT. haying every
conven.euee Unit 'mod tun,. and skill could sutreevt. with I
Joe re,turvi to eetd.orn). 'Mate lb a Poll of eanallent pp
ler al the deo., and h l M a laid for llyi!rant•ater, Carriage
T. *tabling, • variety of donne Ise It and shrub-
Leer. Inbill et. its situation and ruirantagre ran only be
arPreeisted by an ellaulination of 11, reeinisee tianliP
hni•bing 10 purrtabe me invited tr. nil on the muter
ears.• •ho tali• Plenum. In ',lnn every Infos-ma.
U.. It
a nee ensure 1,31. securing • delotlatful rwi
deur, or to fainlbee on speculation.
nerd IR V 1b1.114 Penuild st
Real Estate. •
port SALE—Two lloueos end Lots in the
4 11 . 111 tt anloottn, on Liberty Mao., and the other In
Alyn—A pieta of round. 185 fart on It rbbr Alreel by
100 feat on Sower.. Lactate. ad 311141maly at.
nsoiotf I.Pournal nap) l
Ili11.CM( MlLltUlt•Slat —nor to on aeeotemo •n
ti boar.. very anlvable LOT& each franund 51
! ' lit ' lg ' : ' gra s st ' l end nbm
. thotat.) and exbooling beat. to the w enal lth ' ltath.. u tt ' o:te l
: I Lll d roa n d
o f n l‘z. t. ezrtaat thr nbirtnent by elthar
kor terms ...minim C STOCKTON. Alleghear City;
or at the lk...katore of It. C. itTtICKTi.N,
auel6 nom," klarket arid third tits.
14' , 0R RENT—Tho Dwelling. No. 1,55 , .a .
Thlni near 11Inithlh.1.1—.• enn
'oVo tV=l. 1..
*mond boor has • oath room attache& With hot mid cold
I.•urr Woad. •n.
Alr , —W
- •
Ilmwout.malne, la • moderato reoL Exult:llM
- For. Sale or Perpetual Lease,
od In out loeho. 29, O u t origna l l plan or the town
or Alle
on thcy, hooting. sides of Nakao* etno,,and
09 Ateg. 100%3 lbe oe ar more years the reeldue or the
out for on the 11111, . 0 09941000 here to 'Ridge etre., I
11 1 {e. d X, U a l t r Ilo . of Mt 14009 BORLAND, near
the PiolnWe',. o; 01 the eubecritur, 90 his onto, Nu. 101
.trout, rittabUrgh.
17(41 11 130/Ll , l
A Good Bargain is now Offered,
From Throe to Four ACBILN. In buqueene Borough,
neer litres 1.1.04-on the premiere le good tan yam!,
With memory building, le. The peoporty toer he dial.
dad Into WU, aod sold .t. gold broth.. Per.. Olsten...if
to pureheae will 009/17 to BAIRD • 111718,
Jrl6 111 o.oood of.
Kentucky Mutual Lilo Luanrance Company
UUANANTY FUND, $100,0013.
both 'gaunt. heretofore applied) combined. nicsuOy: Low
rat.. nrenttuto: an annual nrtuto In cub to the p,
nenta. renuired tor the cont... rink the toeft eo
aolopoolo. but tont esettvo.yroelolon for the future e,eto
rii) al mentbetftbe the - whole tfin. of li fe. with. .fulls.
btu Int.yrnst In the neruntulatlna fund meowed to en.
tioecubort4deyable at drwth, by rtedito opoo thetr
• opilaraoty Nod daehtned for it,. pertne.ol
.hurt term toothbere, aw 11.60 Ea. the pt....a...Mr of
Moro me the whole term o f Ils.
• • . .. • •• .
trim. tbe oc,l7..Aluttui Life Irs•tarzura Ontopnnr
Ilb.we rate,. of premium at• - 111.1 •;. • air nulllo.l
}W. With • trentkauo fur no sueu•lty lorresumit •
latirm of tupd. 4for future, s.,,,orsty t •nnel pronnallon Io
W. al.amtut t.f I.u.ines• sun the 10,....un• $4. Inuin ad.
miming aort , amm{ tbst sopmber..
l'atuplateo, tree., ,pvit, d•tall the {Alan 4041
raw. th• liottiputY, fornl•b•I g 404. tad •PS.hcat.....
6,r Memos. mai rod by J. 1 It WI r, A•ntit,
I Arent. tenur•b.
gamin Dutton., 11411,41 Czamluer.
TAIBRELLAS-2 vase. for noloyb
J unvi
JAVA CIII4IIE-20 bag,i fur mile by
moil a AIciCANDL
yAus— for sate by
i„,i t s.• W. n AROSLICIII,
aell&S-27(risehele reeeived on
,gnainat sod
ALII.Liti to law by
DSJI G0E114E1,134 Prom st
W t: . 1 . 1. , .1 „, % .t E f0, N , '2 . ‘ , V .,, t i yM COMPLETED
tn. Al l,
Lam, th e ,otor, Lorwern thi•iu..,,,,
Bill. ~ ~,w„, will he giver, fur J , •ltyrrin• thr•sagh, •
... 4 *'" . '''''''• CLARK a THAW.
Lll.r.rt c , . 11.4. l'ittetrumb.
LOV IS a Buri.m,
. _.
_IV Nlarkrt •trer.L. PLll•Jcluhia.
, I. • tioIIIMIN. '
~7 North crer.t.,ltaltlmor•..
Freights to and froth the Eastern Cities.
ir /.v T I.' I: A R-1: A N . G I.' it 6.P T.
.-„t9 VIA. • Wy c EpWj
Navigation. en atilt 1 rtattrJ ftvnglitt In ant trona
laboan giving 1.1114 laving in mg... Mal tame
" 1"."
/1.5', 111.A1K.
C" .• *"
tNal. 1 2 and 15 Stji h attn., 1 . 1.11 a /olt.bia.
011 1111 Fit ANClnttlltt, •
No 75 Norlb •trtvt. klattingtre.
THE subscribers, agents l b r the Pennsyl
4lldlmml Co , n•Pv , mew (tot
mewed to re,eipt al/
rt.ugh dark°, Lh. .lout to It thalelphia, at tti., hllw
lag rat.,
For dl Ana claw. cood• and wool- ..... 100 lb
01, Damn. Dotter. Lard. Tallow. and all
heart !rajah. $l,OO
T1110—F111.: DAYS.
COVolni • MLR. Agent.,
con.. P. 14 and %Vey. stretta
PletmburclA, 14:.1,
S i•=4f
*SY V; a . ;. I :i • I '
And Errress Porkrt Line for
Morning Line will he e•m-1.771_
. tbe •extber
bbl:CII a 6)., Cann,
- . 7 A 41 185 t ..01E2
- - •
lEAVI Ni; Pitti.tiurzli daily (Sundays ox
•e1.14,11 41 In t...;• , k. A 31. by 1.1,
Copt. A. Mustily's,
Fran •by • ,•ta/..1.1 lIANA I V ER. Inlging at
.rri•ing in CLKVELAND [lnn
•i• •11 I q c•rnir fa ther/nrinnall train.
, ion I.y th” uu ken du
ring llo.•••J•111•1,6,1•••••431.1gIlloil.
)II •I‘. ". ... . .. . ... . ~
iif Car.
W•41..11/o. t whring. nnTra will go from
I•ll•.horvin tol'•land boor*.
1 1 Alln4N. ARTnt,
il.innnnatiols iltulTurth.
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railrbad.
•9 4 4
Scrofula, ) ph is. , khreurial Ceunplainta. Caterer
Wane. Illsenenatirro , and n eat 1 ariety of nth,.
groeable and daogerona thaeuen AM /moodily aid la
r0e...01i0 rural by the nee of this medicine ,
SAUNA, ttard.Ootoler ath.lfa.
lfr. John D. Perk-Dear elf. It Is with unutterable \
feeling. of ..ratautle that 1 aut all, through the Divine \ r s
Peer! lance of nod. tad by the wonder-working agency of
that ex^ellent medicine. elnyaolCs Yellow Deck and Ear
upend, L, give or u p few compeer. of my almr.t bonn
ie...ran. In the winter of 101.0 I tr.r allaelud with are.
veto Olin. atueta ...... n-ednally extenama through top
who!. atbt .tale and ter ..l the Name LIMP. then Ins alp.
lel proatkatku I f mll hvrical Proem: al.. ...r Dgbutt
.brduk tiate.w. twoebent• of its common MA, /preen,
al the ati.Ndaraeo of a stand practdboner • who rjonocuy
nal my di.eye z„ "
.one of th e wornt f rm. al Dyer complaint.
II oaa id toy ^ 'FBA tee not racily !medial, but ptenerike
el fo7, tn. I V.Luittu.J under his treatment nefli I wan
catienrd be rod'
- not help me I then proecutd of yonr
carat a; lb.. I I ,IV A V eer, two bottles of Ottreotre
I ellen lief a
t Sarrapanlta, trom winch re
I *end.
.mount aanot of tap ett. After having taken fur tgftleft
m 'do I n 0141.1 le tor•UP my bo.lneg e without any tn..
C:llan, arc 1 1 Ave h a deco that lames well man. white
Pot a ohm". i.e.ritel I dew f led team yowlers! to my bed t
three numbs Of the t a. and I cannot a•nedbe the ro
tor. ^1 ray beeltly to as 011 i, canoe Wattle,' ate agency .
of that truly 14nable -yheine. Dtaytott's Yellow Doak I
and datnaparilla \ i il'Alingt. VAUBIPI.II.
Mr .1 1. I art -11 tar Sir aped you the foregoing cer- i
tifirate. and era far as. ..11 an. &fated will, the en..., it if
all true 1 premer.d a Conti -it might` e humid to
yen aral to the adllieted \ Itel bee the orlytt,krf using
^u you It lot le•t- Vpurt. IV A I Ens. •
4 •-•\.. g tu
• . .
Ihe fell...rine letter Ist,. a hied, r L31.1e p i.. 13,
1et......u., 3• au•A ten. 11, g raldl., \
hamlet, wart `g, unty, Nan LI \
..\\ „
Dr. John ll Park-Dear e... , ni. (la, LC. Estrarl s o -'•
denaterille ht. teen IV - Ip., rm bo hat flit \ .
' '
yearn. w Rh .......1 elect, lu Olney . Liver Co la
Malta. Janualer.. Pr•pe,•.14.., nod td Nerroe ~ ,
In-egeee Ite all /emu.. Complal 1t fa nee. \ .
ouall. d In lb, tate of et I \ tileglfe L natant- ' \
lo gaunt re. tedeb at, tlaor. a fl • tt?rt tow k. \ I
...loran , It I oleae•ot a . the ea I, a.
L. X nau
:. u... 1 t • y 101000' nail IL,. Lort ...ha with \ - -
nate er, entlAr an, a .00.1.1..1.10.•••• I 'peaking if ex• ..
Perked, , sod t the -ri 1.. I -.• ....,,,. \
'0 J. 1 t\
hil Elt- ' '
&4.1 by J 11.7 IV, t irelonata. Cal.., northeast come.
-.• :
of Ponitti .4 IliAlutal.t..... to, •ut..ona me 11 alma arca.
L. about all orders worst 1a,a1ar...e.•1 - -
J •Ca R A latine.terk A (N.., J A. Jones, L
71.1 r • PatAbiartat, Le• A r.,.k bum; All. gb.ny City, \
L T Ituaell. II u.tdoatul.l. li.Bowie, f\l wentown.ll. -
Ka kr, LinAtastur,r, A honut,Someakt, gadt A Grimm.. - ..
:14owd, Heed • hole, ilnutlatdon.llre tirr.llealletayaberg \
1 1.1 I 0 Indian J. IL IV - bt • rm.. 1.,, • \
.i.u..Co. • u rt.. •1. u It.
kr.. `.• CO. Itne,t all, A, Nihon A 1..... Irlyneabovel
litreralka a. t.,.. ..I. ..ddleo,ler.
Dutton A Clo
gel, tirehara\ A reriter, Mercer, James /sadly A Co. 1101. .
I . "' Jl!ta: ' . ' C ' t e L e . !: ,.r..l P o Co u tre. " l " r " ,tro '''''' efif " \ ' ' a U \ \ O.l
hedf - Prettl per Beietir;. Six flotilla for \ S6.
Ifinted states Patent Office, } \ \ \ \
tit% the \ i)elcin, of M. Nivel, of Paris, .\ '‘
~.1 - , ) r. ,, l1 , •, 10 1( ft rib. AIL mut) \ A., • pahnt gran* , ..,-%. \ \
\ed t. h. m for
log inrrreve4letlatal of pro...erring iron and
ato.l fr. an re.t o%x.adatenh`fer
,y etre fn. , . the eel e . \
\ rayon of an, ga / • nt whirt\taket, plane M. lie a.rveuth
ey,';`. l, -n r T;11,:,„'1 4 , - ;k,,,,,, th..., ~....$ ut the Put
e\nt (dre on tretunley. the htil\e . .l ...rntere:a. at Et
.I. l k. s t . and all.. 1.6..1 to appraimulabovr \
eau.. if ally the, I. . • t., sAntkelttltn oughtoot tube -
14 n t. me eine the ...don ...teduirod to akin the
Patent. (ace their obatelmos. alert ally set forth In .all at eget twenty day• (stela the' lay ol Leering; all
finitllncs,\oo,l by *Wu," party to be tatl at the bearing, •
mu t be .irrn and ...Iva! an we trdwgre rlththe
ft la. of eh blare, whsch well\bo turea.ld,el me anr. lk•Atlen.
UrderrAl. t.e. Lt.& Wl* torte. Grp ul. hal in Um ha
te oaf !Well enftr, itepuLtat, and 11,0401, ft} astono - 0•1;,
I) C loortor 4 kenntrer. hew Y . Pr ltrunlaltt.
* ober. PULA plata Pe00.0 . 1011.0,.. PrOslAtir Co Journal. •
rOVident a. Kb a lelandk Intify Advertiser, odon. Mae-
otbuaette. Cese errlal Bulletin. h w Ottawa., Loul.hung
1.1 11et.1.0.h le etre Pat... b urgh. 'enurylval, oce& I •
w k tor tine sue one weak.. prey ea to the ar be day . 1' I
of ter next \ c\ TUU ^RIIDAN •
~. 1
oe \lam elib earauladclue of Pa . tdx, ,
- _ _, - _ \ - --
, 4.1 1, null PLA D DE .AINES—Now on
6 1, ~'
~ ,
\ it
l , I
.9.1, .1
1' 17n 2 1 'l ' r"'Pl.' ''''
A A. Milellf A f"`
o, a
14 Al fiS-.30 0 Leg er sal /
II 'I4 \N YO -
Idle. el 0 .
1 1_)10T 4..41. --ti casks real
i A ut%
I ArEN 14:itt.--.1014) it.i.
1 v b , :-
1../ - I:. Is
- 14,,, h iTi `. 1 . .
1 .11 fer .al. by a :
.. a
Ilk,. It ...4
be f., eau., .:ltd, I.lNul .en n._ 4 LEX. SEX:NAN-7S
.1. ‘oTTI Nal 11, Adger. Vuokinl. 'yy I:Lam \ .IL . no,. \ \J
~\ 4i TrT "- A VV P.l P.:TiV
2G Hoults TO CLEVELAND. PUILAI.I. It r hardehr.
Qiiir,zw2A 185* 1., . --, -±r-; i.,:, 5i.,,--
PI 11 :still Ili I AN D C LEN li, LA N. D \ jr MIRK S-6 bales fat E:1110 by
ExPre•e leorAet an, imbued Lae to Ctereland. 4 -I \ 1.4 1
PASSIINGEIS k ‘ : \ d curry /nor\ tag at 9 TIEZIARICE 1100T-N1 bale for sale by ,
&N. WICNEItitIIA/k. \
. ',VZ..i'..!!ii',:,`...:.‘"," W,ti,q7it:.'l7l' . * .. 'l le ' vl. 4 ""
Itt i e...Ti..l to ki..ellol \ 'bd:', .: l C (li i ßlgt - Strif VELVEI'A.pAPER lIA.Ntg -
'IIIA., n,l\ \.,„ rawing Porto. Mg sale by \
1 . I . 1 l , kti. ' ,.1 V 1- • \'," r '" .l '. s '‘ h " . ... , , , ta ll 'l% AOrLar. si Ansa u.t.
t:,...i.„.. . -
, 0 11, - iIOLA ‘ SSES-30 bb
(,____.,dale, —.. Ref\\ ,
Ticket. a,,eo th ae , ~,,, ... \ ‘ ‘berago... ••
CICINNATI, , S \ fa . leL Jame.. \
Vi. Colombo.. en ICr4, by Ctdvaland and Cleetneit Yoe ash. by \ \ l l.l . lltllitiDGE 4 INUHUAM - 1- •:
adlnedi . ,
I..gnaer. I r ` Detrott\l i biewer et, • Mtlwatilae, las,. vii LILL 1 1 11TTEit-to Mils Prito,e reed and
ch ' , quo.. every In a t t•lte o'llkil• he tha 'Venda IA morale hi\ 11 .% 2 j.--V'H U-% ! 'n
44 , am 4., , %Od e n (to ral Rail., 41 V.. for thernet, - , -•.--
Mete, al 7........1...4:\A 11 '.,. Radnmet t. to New Hta gale. ilio l lAllo TO ACCO:-10 care's Afyon'
'"i!,;', 0 .,`,;:1'.,"'„,;',`...;.',„", ° „.',',,' • ,',!;:,.;: ,`,'„1,:', u r,„`"',.„L..,. .114,,:tnr:ala by \ \ KICK A McCANli . „fp.ed :
r ,:::
~., , 1 . , . ~..,...,.....4,..,..'.:. . Tt..,..y ,k i t •
• ,,T . . • , , 5 i ,,.,, , ,, ... , h gal ' 4 (4 II ill. 'Eli IVAjCTRIDL—For 1901.1Fire,Brick - ,
ft 1.1111 u• 1......,..0 Mee
CLA li i. • NIIIIii, Pt*, rletors. ,Y,.X,i' te, - ..T i l't 'r•°•' ":""Tl`wc..Q.• . so , .
..,... T .,, ~,..
et Watt% At. .
00 ‘‘ .
" i"ft'"".4 Jl/IYI PP 1 , 1 1" : 11 • — \ -- - -- ‘..-
afP eland wt., or s i:o l l4,. "l i.', "l 7,„ . 4 KIIE \s bscribers capectfally call the at- "
opposite 7ontepazeb,de Ilia, ' teoldm f Palen. I ted Keepers and YartalellVo
1.1..5 . rirt..ll o * u I. r large itn aelect anek f,_ I ‘ ,
- \ _ ..._. , 11l CH liht.Cl IF.n AN . D TEA:I, g \
. eln.b 11,.•y 0e en 't i e meet feveral I 3 her, commis:leak \
la iG i a 18 5 1 ,
.. ' ~.,:,,,,,,,,,,,,....ts oral „ F . ln Tel, 11,1.\ ? . ..te. ...I.ilia hIZT; \ \
..Jr ” ' . 11‘ .' , r( ~..d7,.,,r, ,
UNION LINE \ :0, b- ‘,,r,T,'„'', ..c°.!' iu \- \ R,T.. , - \ \
\ io - ..,,,,,,, <,•• . 5r,;.:,,i x ~0 . ,R..0,..,„1 ...
On the Pennsylvania and aluo Canals. \ g 1tit.%. , ,T,T1'?, 1 .7,-.:- ; 4 , :vinvgl . L',,, .
1 4 11.0nRIETOID.: \ `,..... te.....en Itr, t...,tr. , \
,F , •, ,,,,, eliv..^ , \
CLADRP. PARKS a (le d -- . Itn - axerta. PA. ,I\ ~ ..,,, ) . ~..,. , 74:;13...,',..,P'' . ..,
„,.,, \
frilCita ;Mika LT 1., CRAM d.itlD A (kJ , CurvaLext.u. ..\ ~ . 4-- ...-%‘': -, e - }n e ...... r \
lS m tll known Line is now t Fired to I ' ''`‘` c!...l ' iin, n,t, ' irialeeln..te •\ \
rime Vbraign`
Ia:;•ty1 1 :1111.1, - „mr:',Vt.T!;. ..'W..."fi Pe A ll t ei \ . 4 - le d.°" 41 ', -.' la ",..,,,,—,;,. I.' ", 1-,,t , by Una, A. ' \
)V t.
TU\ Wilt , " ot Mr Vine are onet.fpured in uo Ver.qual licc, l\ the tithe or ,! loky,, I htlad.-Ib mowed heti^ '',
it r, , ,ina .al adaty iodate. eateries,. of Cantata., aed al tuna, ....i.prning elte..r.her tat...erne..
um medlar
twee) Id A rout \ • ' , 1 Ilttoots, lt, 114 A. 1111.111.1/ a CA.-
On iloatAen•ea Pirtabursh nod Cleveland dally.rouralag arde \
__:_- 14, 1 , 1'1 0 ,
In coo te. tam Walk I 140 of oununhed. tater.. I.llTi
bl- Bt. I atel 111. AV! lle;,and • Liao el brAtcl.l doter+ ids ci . ,, , ,. ..1•0N BA rr 11 , ? .., -- ,
.., 117.i.v i: . ;
I. ' „ iun t., i , ly, f
len a. II \an I ...redo) An .t.• Lakr•
tn sin 4 , 1 Er. . \ \ _ no.-1 , _
.._ li I% aViatolllact k t aft
Parka A et, . 1.1 Lii,,..3...-. \
\ 110
bu r ro P2O tons PIIII`DiFIII ace, I'
1 I` .. r .‘'l c g'rk" . •!..;:,.. e 'll e ti. ,a.
' ..d e prom tb AilegLeny Wharf, b \ --
4 tern. lleven,,.. ow , / J, •It F 1.01 1 , . 1t0n.4.1 nand..
1.. • , 'OO • tea , Ravenna t) .
“*"' 'ff'' t uri 1 - C... I' raollte..., 4 141, N -... X . 11L5' t--- 2 ; C O bb.s. sup. ' ' .- 4.0r&-11.b,
li A 111. r C.A..../..0 1,11.. U. J. k. H IrldtVigt,
M 1..., I , lee aCo , Alt 4, ... a .
lb o ter • a A I ettibmie.ltarelt.rty City, rye .11lkgcli7e Bank. s
r;',V,',l;" 4 ,„"„'", 1 ;`• T y ' ,,. ' ; ` , ' .atjAlky,e,,,,,, 1 F1', ,,, \ till NILES ot this Stye': wattled lo
lk ureloan ( ....trutrault ; ll et, ' All 11,hrig lti).
, t. A dab e• ....(7barae, 111, __ -- _.----
\ Chi \ and Penn; Raihoad Stocks
n ' '''' '" "''l'l'"l'"A t i,ool Agent. N
a`i cot 1.. t. r I..l rr eetilatai_ d_ r ete.Pelebornlt i 't ° it NA F. A'r A E4.) , ' A .lt i r l ' , :l:ll' .. :l•'
Exclirsion Tickotie Beaver. '4.5 cents.
' s in II E fine pussenger steainorti 4 si dw E i
ip. ao.Avtt and 311CliltiAV No. will
leave their . \ landlady at Penal, rate and 10....
eh'ater, ever) day, teunday• et. purl.) sa hlleure
letlaver, leatt•Pattsburete at 1. Y. Itahaner II r. ax.
alr'ingan do\ do . 1e rt de aa-at ,
, 1.1,.
Pe.... euatafiir moo to D. procure Feennuou
1. k endd tench to u r I Wel ta Con , Purith. ler .. Degas.
.. O V.; .' A 'L t. ' .. "l t7tr .* t.7.r.n.V i t l err:t!Tell ' ;..ll ‘L ttraver,
N "' (' lrfavaiig ' t.„-1,
.„„, \ nor . r A endthaeld rte litt.burith,
r.,,,' ' 4 \
~, „A, ,_.„.,.., ;or',l ..
\t \
A fr., . the math. tdi of IlallA. 1...‘ ' .'"Ti' .4
i 44,... bi . , . , ,.. in tet e ‘ tl.. gt r t , e..... , lrr o rr , ..\ , , I
art.R., ,':, ll',`\ , --.... , ;( i:lti;",i'4,7ncw, ..d .
..? \ , \ _ ..t“ : "'r'rl•
V l . l- 2 1 .1,1.1.1. and '•
i bbls. free!,
a I V
s blu
v ' n' ti i.l ' ± % 4 " (if 4
‘,. "1
\ ' •
I. 00 40L."--C,(. - 1,4 s. 79 an 92 per et.; tor
411.• b) \ \ " , ‘,...tt1 . )41;,,,,_
jA ID OI -9 ' 11,1 lel tor\Strained, for
..4.2w 1 .i.,. \ I
~,,,,, 3. ..," 1 u. s a t `sELLesb \,.
C '-. - l • 14 7
,kl 4. Ald 0 ,1.2k-2
, Atl
2. 0 4 ,. t. x,,
\ ‘ \ t• 4
ennunenning nn 31.,nday. Nov. f...4th,
TUE Filial . , Train will leave Pittsburgh
~t A 31. and t.t TI . 31.. •t. pt tog only
, • tlt•ltto.t..r. N.... It t Idburtlnt tl 1td.11,/,•,,,t•th Ata
Itottirall, the 11,111 •ill pAtta Ilt•dat•ter • I'.
attd topeb Putroiottgli at .• 1 1
Tl'....ArnAlthods'ion I rapt 5111 6,r, PlPAltor,t, at It; A.
II And 4 I'. M.. and New P•tchtort at 7:0 A 0 And 11:0
P Tito Arr.111111(4341.0U I r mti tI -tot. at addle Mal
511.1 nlAn•lo. tor. vitro int... 40,, vrl.l,
An 4. eaumv•wa. o 11w 0.11 lea., 1A.,. at 10.:A1 A.M.
Ktrrutstort Tl. 1,. vlll hrttt to In I . ltl.lttr A L,
Ift• Pralt,•lll not /Anon San.
troy.. 11, w rtdoloo..
t ... /on • ottoort on attlt t/te train, to And
. Y•Ti I,
A Id, 11 " 11.• .41
la ono t... nFAnn And li.S•
atAlt.. nod ttloo tak• It.. made Arran.,
non, to toast,t SPA 111.. lindrnatt at 1•Atolt,
A gtat•-•matt, car *llll., tAtuttrt•••tt Sod 'Allianlll
t ce
lion • tat Ma AttAtur or tto. • 'ou•Aturtton 'Prato.
t0 . 1...1••t0.1,. at Ito. Federal Sttoot ,Talmo. to
0110114.111 PAULIN.
to,lll TwArt Adept.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
'time A' 'dared to !I lketrx
W and after the 1.1 Iltta.s.thar next.
-.1111. .urru..l ILe 1 . 4i..,1vnu1a Rail.
l oq u wuu.ll,ll.urult, lu
ur 1 / 4 vor excelluut
TL. • I • Les nrolino .n.l I• 0 n ut- 1.0 .1 no 11 OW Glee
IV!, ma ll,r. .1t1.0,4.- Mr,. an I th..... cr- I .oo.4.nrnaranr
... ntl rr .g.n. lA. r It 0 11 1.0 .3. r 1,•,. r...
1• r t t. n I. .. !.. nni r . ...,..n•
IA -IN ovi;s.
e.'\ etel\4ler MONI.. T,OCTORER 13th,
t,,„ •,,,, , N,,,,,i ft,,,, ~ nna itnitrund I 'curt...,"
nrii ...1.1, In.r, elev.-1.00 an . .ci..., 4 , o4r:ter) ertnn.
. .1 .... ....1. artrktrrn In t',l rn, .10 orlort nnxt
L'''.l;`,'4 ,h 7.q . i ' :l7;A Y . ' 4 ' , 1. :4 * :i::?..1 "'
. ,ft
r . t Motor rnl !torlbf.eld r.t,
11,0 •nrrnirnla Ilnuna_ ,
II '.. • -4.--
\ia6i 1851. , :.--e --'
Viii\llrdtosk.lie mud f:Lalt , ellatet, to flamer,
\ \ and l'hifittlervhia.
TIN: Ifc/11S1ik;11 1111.1 . 7++ e . aves the Takt-1
k AXte• -7!l ‘l7 `a i et
th- r. 00 r"
n I
on. ...en they WV PIiPpOIMA
lie affected by
th e too free net of Marrow. Iron. thiltilom.da
or King's 0011.
R Tomer,
roptans of the With.
Eryelpelas.lihrenlc Sore kyr;
Ringworm or Setter; &add Head. \
Ithenniatlem. Paine In the Bones or
Joints. OW Sore. sod Ulcers, See Gina
thy Olinda eeptilite. YYSIMT.I,4 Salt
1 / 1 /eue of the Kidesra Lana of Appetits,
1n...... arislog then the me of 1t,..
cony. Palo In tho Fidre and
Shouklera General
Dropsy. Lumbeee,..launt
e dice and Calle.
The Phaker prepared Dort," and the
Mindoro, aorsaparills.. are the Invaluable rem,
agent, from which Ur: Goyeottie lothnored Exit,
tallow Doak sod Fereaparilla a fcron4 and the lal
•tory cf Pr. Goy - Fiat her given ofl lhe.iriVe.7 thine t
In their perfertfon. RI. preparation mohlnyall Ili,.
Horst's., properlies of the root, nwihinadand conteolly
tad in their utmost strength nod efileary.
Experiments were mule in the roanufacitara of Mb
dicine, until it eras found that It could not be forthe
Plicieed• Accordingly. •e fled It reoorted to. 'almost
vernally. In rues of Hepatic, Scorbutic. and 'Crania.
remplalnts—for mineral prootestion of all the 'Hui you
wed all there tormerakta tll.eamsof the elan .4,71.4
to imtieve, •0.1 an 11HW kn. to health.