PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PITTIBURGE FRIDAY MORNING, DEC. 5, 1551 AtirtIVPING 11217 . 7f4 I t7hL BE F3LNI) 011EAC.ff PAGV OF THIS PAPER. . . The question whether Europe shall ho Cos anchor Republican, -appears likely to have its -aolutionin the coming year, 1852. The war of . opinions, 10 long 'foreseen and predicted, op lirombes its final struggle. The hour is come, - • 'and thesitin. "-Tile Czar Nicholas marshals the 14t...f the One army ; the lately escaped pete 'osier, Louis Kossuth., leads the other. The first • .111th Stir hie . lieutenants the Emperor of Austria, the Kings of Prussia, Bavaria, and Naples, the . Pope and a hest of minor despots t he has the • 'resources Of many nations at absolute command; ' melee ithich may only be counted by millions; mganitation, discipline, and possession ,—every thing, lisiould almost item, necessary to, ensure SUOrne9s. - .gni/nth h not a solitary soldier, - net ontilliip, not one !penny; scarcely a foot of ground on the. Many bathe field on which he , could now set his foot without denger of impris (maims or death.' The odds are indeed (cartel,- -the danger great—the courage.whiCh is pre pared to centre& it admirable. Nevertheless, perilous as the tontest may seein, It is not ab eolutly hopeless. Koesuth,-though armed, at present, with but words, is no despicable fun.-- Those words have • the terrible power of truth and justice. To tyrants, they are indeed awful realities- They penetrate 'where bayonets can,. not reactc er guard. They sap and mine the foundatione of deep - oases in its „strongest holds. They appeal to the consciences and arouse to action the hatred of tyranny Common to all men. EOSlilifis. the Luther of politics. If an) Czar • has his armies, Kosenth has his people., and to tho course of . events may bare his armies too. The potent sword of France hangs in the balance. with a strong tendency to fall on the aide of freedom. A smith matter, a mere breath may turn the scale.-7• With the armies of France to' ' tackthese, the_nations of Europa would drive their appthasorti- before them like chaff before a whirlwind. glut this Is not the only England, though desirous of pace, will be very far from saying that inn* event will she declare Mae. Iler initials in the ,Bleditarranean. would . scarcely brook &Russian army in Italy, andshould • the Czar once menace Constantinople,. England _ would be in the field instantly, with the hearty ap probation of all classes. Oar own country too. We are net entirely masters of oar own destiny. Events may hurry as along, almost in epite of' ourselves.. We are in truth a powder magazine ' that one spark may explode. It may come in a thousand shapes, manes foreseen; obstructions, totter youtinerce, Insults to our fiagloj arias to our citizens, the Combination of Kings to repress our • ' principieswherever manifested, can scarcely fail . to exasperate the public mind of America. On the other hand, our part bathe liberation of Kos. sath7,k the reception that await! him ; the ac claim with which the letter to iltilsetaan was everywhere receired,'are not likely either to be .forgotten or forgiven. . These are they possibili ties, not to Bay probabilities, which are before U 9. One thing however is certain. Our diplo- Emmy will assume a firmer tone than itrhas here tofore. The days when our 'consuls could with impunity busily employ themselves in tre y-during republicans and eulogizing despots have . past, we trust for ever. The absolutists may hey • newspithers,--i-as the London Times—to write diwn republicanism , ; the,accersed pieces at Saver may_ find Wretches sufficiently base to Incase the apologists of despotism even hero in • Aille0";-;;but servants of the Re have to be Republicans, and not on ' ly Republicans, hat bold and courageous ones. The -recallof Console Welsh and Owen are anffi cleat indications of that. The future; then,-(or Kossuth and liberty,las sufficient in it to encourage hope. His greatest danger is perhaps to be apprehended iron the -Jesuits. awl the :Catholic priests, who, though ready enough tifplot for the overthrow cf man- - partitively mild Protestapc governments, will lie-' . tea to nothing that Impeaches the divine right of Catholio.soverelgoato govern as they list.— • i With them while O'Brien is a patriot, Kossoth, to meths dignified phraseology of Archbishop • or Cardinal Ifitglies, tea 'humbug.' Inviaw.of the great part allotted to Kossuth in the approaching drama,. we have read all his published speeches in England with the closest - scrutiny, and they will well bear it. Weflusve been struck with the singularly American tone • of thought and, sentiment which pervades them. . • With the exception of some few foreign idioms. they reed 'very much like the productions of Mr : Webster. In Ability they are not one whit' ,inferior to Ide; and. we are confident that there ! -is not a sentiment in them relative to the great prineiples of freedom, property, order, society,' that our great. statesman and jurist would re . tams to subscribe to. Its close logic, an emphatic style,and tivigaronecommon sense, are charac teristics of both these great men. • :The bevy way in which Koesuth adapta his ergumentsand illustrations to the peculiar air. . , f ro • camstrume o s each of the numerous delegations :Which:have Met hitn, is quite remarkable, and breathe theme of universe' admiration. ' ....'There is one point in "the charecter of Kos !nth upon Which ,republicans everywhere may If,congratulate themselves, and which, more than t , ,.. anything etas, we think, will contribute to the semis+ nf his -proposed uprising. Re is CO dreamer, no visionary, he has no yearnings for the thopnicticable ,lie s aims at nothing more for Ida empathy than her ancient municipal stitutiona and the , right of suffrage. Ail else that is desirable he rightly judges will follow. Communisia, Soda/Imo, lie emphatically and bolalyrthubut Now nothing so much strength " ens the Abmilatists in Europe as the dread • righi-minded men have of social-1 ism and socialist leaders. No man with this foal taint iiporthire could hays the least chance • of succese, and it ii - therefore a fit subject for `congratulation that Easauth is free from it. It is a. barmy into which no man at all fit to lead • can possibly fell.. 4e.hava dwelt at some length on this sobject, became we feel that the coming of the eloquent Ilangerian is likely to have a large influence ap on us. Whether for good or for evil time only can surely tell, For our 'own part wo have filth and•thope in the future. We have no • gloomy apprehensions. War is a great evil, 'whit' all men should their utmost to avert. • And we have confidence"that our nation will be so guided that it will be averted. tut Punnet be dented that frequently the very best ,way of avoiding; war is to bio'itell prepared for it. As' a Manlier of the family of nations, with a coin '. tante largely extended in every ocean, it is our •-• policy to seek peace. to implore peace, arid, if : • need be, to soaiesond 11. Bach a cotomaad, from • • each *people, we cannot think will he discs. . 4. YESNSYLVABIIi aAILBOAD. . . : • are gratified tote anthorited to state that , „. ..tlii...PenneyilvaeLe Railroad with positively be •, opened fur travel betweedthie city and Tuttle • .; .. Creek, and from Lockport, the present western tertaiuns, to Latrobe, on the 10th of this month, • • •: nett • Wednesday,„ t hus Making - It continuous lisilread between, this city 'and Philadelphia, with the exception of 28” miles of etaging be- i -,' • • , tween Turtle Creek and Latrobe, over a good . turnpike road, passing through Greenshairgh. The time will be 2.1 houre--paasing the Portage • 1 Railroad in the day time. The supply pipes of •' Abe sOatioaary engines on the inclined planes of the POrt.egn Railroad have been sunk beyond mach of frost, eo that there will be no ditS ' caltyith working the road all winter . The Ez preasitrala ant/eaves this city at half past seven, 'A.114 and entre in Philadelphia the nest mor ning.% Lease Philadelphia in the evening, and arrive here the next evening. This will be a 'Most popular route to the east, and must do a great baldness. .Idr. Joust Miamian, jof this we ll k A 6 wu se Agent for the lifouongabehs Navigation Company, and for the West Newton - rig% and for* long aeries of yeses as agent of •• the Ohio Stage Company, has been appointed - Tiokelt Ageneat Pittisbitrgh. Thiele a most er • iillent selection, and we ccogni tt ! htte the tors on:having pioonxid the /16f1ICCII Of O 0 - pm-lanced - ism' ettliciencr officet.. THE WET TEE Ansioctiu Ed) TIE con:moan. . Oar readem are already aware that the Dent ocratic members of the House, met in caucus on to aeleet their candidates , hut SeturdaV evening. for Speaker, Clerk, etc., and that a resolution recognising the compromise measures of the last Congress es a Oral settlement of the slavery question, was laid on the table—but they are nut probably aware that very - great excitement prevailed, and that the reason the resolution was not passed, was because the compromisers ' were outvoted by the Secrosioniete and Aboli. Societe. Such, however, was the fact, accord leg to the best accounts. The well known iVeth ington correspondent of the Baltimore Son, who Is a Democratic compromiser, says "But fifty memters voted against the Compro• mise--that is, for tabling it—and thirty-one or thirty-nine for it—that is, aguln.rt tabliug it.— The short sense of the long story in, the Com promise was kicked out of the caucus by shout nineteen majority." • • Several Southern men withdrew, on this remelt being announced, who felt themselves -kicked out," as well as the Compromise; nod of those who stayed and voted were each Democrets 64 Preston King, of New York, Gov. Cleveland. of Connecticut, and others of the same Free Soil stripe. • The Whigs, under the leadership of ouch "Un ion and safety" members as domes Brooke, of New York, were silly enough to bold a cantons OD Monday morning, and to adopt the very res•• •• elution "kicked out" of the Democratic conven tion. How many were engaged in this piece of folly, we have no means, as yet, of knowing, but we Infer from the following extracts from the debates on the first day, in the House, as reported in the National Intelligencer, that they were very few: ),Jr. Brooks had great pleasure in informing the geetleman. from Tennessee [Mr. Jones] that the differences in the Whig party had blab heal, ed. He had the pleasure le inform the retie. man from Tennessee that this morethr, the Whip of the House assembled in large numbers, and, by e decided and emphatic expression of opinion had aerjulefteed le the compromise measures. Their breathes bed been heeled. Bet how was it on the other aide! Mow wee it that the com promise measurer had been deserted by a large number of gentlemen front other portiuto of the country. Mr. Mende was more than gratified 19 learn from the gentleman from New York that the Whig party had healed all its difference, dud had united for the purpose of supportiug the compromise measures of the last Congres—the fugitive slave hill and all. If be bad understood the gentlemen's .romarks, he had stated that the Whig party of the North were now opposed to agitation, 4g4 were perfectly willing to execute every article in the pempromise measures with 'no exception. Brooks. Yes' sir. Mr. Meade than understood that there wee no division of 'opinion among the Whigs of the North upon this subject. Did he understood this deblaration to be made eutqualtfiedlY! ddr.Brooks would only say that the Whig caus es, by an almost unanimous expression of opin ion. had acquiesced in the compromis lemma ' urea through o espies of resolutions, and henceforward action against those resolutions would lei disorganized. Mr. Meade said that the explanation of the gentleman from New York was fraught with mane things addressed to the refiection of the South and of other portions of the Union, woo were in favorof all the provisions of the Com promise. He understood that the Whig party of the North, who were in caucus, represented probably shoot one-fourth part of the Whig pasty of that election of the country Did he understand the gentleman to say that they would undertake to declare Data Union that . they truly reflected the opinion of a large body of the Whig party at the North, and that that party was now prepared to cease agitation upon Seslavery question, and carry out faithfully the provision in relation to fugitive slaves! Did he under/axed this pledge to be gives before this Union! Mr. Breaks replied flat the beeves planation he could give, would he to read tba resolution adopted by the Whig mucus. Mr. Meade raid that therresalidien was pass ed by the Whigs of the South, united' with a email fraction of ther - ,Whigs of the North. A voice. lust thetaverse. Mr. Brooke said that a leap majority of the Whig camels were from Northern State,. There were not eighty Whig members in Doe House. The number present at the caucus wee between fitly and !sixty. At the Democratic caucus there were only eighty-nine members, out of the one hundred and forty-nine Democratic members of , the House. Bat be would read the resolution paused by the Whig caucus. It is es follows: Besolved, That we regard the aeriea of acts known as "toe adjustment measurer" as form ing, in their mutual dependence and coneemou, a system of compromise the molt CODelliDlOry, and the beet for the entire country, that could be obtained from conflicting sectional interests and cell:apes ; end that, therefore; they ought to be adhered to and carried into faithful ex ecution, as a final settlement, itt principle nod substance, et the dangerous and exciting sub jects which they embrace. Mr. - Meta. What were the yeas and nays on that resolution! Mr. Brooks. There were but four or five op ponents to the resolution. Mr. Fowler stated that he moved to lay the resolution on the table. He was aWhig, always had 'been one, and probably should always re main one.' fie stated, in connexion with the' motion which he bad made, that he would not be booed by thise resolutions. Ilia judgmeet was that there - were about forty members present at, the caucus, but he did not count them. Ile woad further state that in voting to lay the res olution on the table, he should judge that about one-third • present voted for that motion. He felt It his duty to state the facts es they were.— Ile would not be bound by resolutions before hand, but-intended to'act upon hie own respon sibility in that House. Mr. Mende mid that it appeared, then, that there were but forty members In attendance in the Whig caucus. It was fair to patentee that twenty were from the Swath, and that every Soothe - to Whig voted for the resolution. Take one-third of the members who voted against the resolution from the forty who were present, and there would remain but twenty-wawa. Take the twenty Southern Whigs from the twenty-sev en thus loft, and that would leave but seven Northern Whip to waist the Southern members. Now, it walla Very significant commentary upon the action of the Whig party this morning, that one Whig of the North had nominated for Speak er another Whig of the North, for whose Whig gery the gentleman would vouch, and all the colleagues, of the gentleman nominated would vouch, when the nominee was known to be in favor of agitation, and of repealing the only fea ture, as he deemed It, in the compromise meas ures, which was benificlal to constituents and to the sonstitnents of Southern gentleman- Mr. Richardson WWI Hat the soldier who in Hat hour of battle deserted hie standard was sure In the hour of victory to be the noisiest in proclamation his exploits.: This was not only true as applied to the soldier, but was equally to the politician. The gentleman from New York [Mr. Brooke) was the ebauipion, the leader in all, the measures passed by the I'M Congress Called the compromise measures; but, if his memory served him right, (and he thought he was not mistaken,) when the time came when Northern men were to be tried, and the issue weak) be made upon these measures, that gentleman de serted his post, and wee not to be found. Mr. Brooks - said that he voted OD that ques- Son in the mane way as did (Yen. Cass, Mr. Douglas, and of the Democratic party their [members. Mr, Richardson. Does the gentlemen deny that he was net here when the vote woe taken, and that he left the Housed Mr. Brooke I answer the gentleman that he will find my vote recorded ten times on that yoratiou. Mr. Richardson said that the gentleman left the House before the final question came up, and thus he did not vote fur or against the meas ure. Mr. Brooks admitted the fact, and would only any, for reasons he had given elaewhere, that he deeply regretted, as a most unfortunate act of his life, that be did nut vote on the occasion re ferred to. Mr. Richardson bad no doubt that a deserter ,In battle. after the victory, wee _tarry that he was not presents to help in the combat. As for himself, he had no interest in the abolition par ty. Ile expected to tight them to - the last mo ment of his existence. The gentleman from New York, however, having fought enboth glides understood their tactic. better than he did. The above extract is quite racy, and is an inkliicg of what is to come. Poor Brooks will End, for all kis humility on account of the "most unfortunate act of his life," that the South will not forgive him, or hold any fellowship with him. They know how to estimate political tricksters and time-servers. At a aufsequent period of the debate, lir. COAL of Florida stated. that there were but twelve or four teen southern men in the Whig Caucus, and that only five or air persons voted against the resolution. Admitting this to be trite, and that forty persons attended the caucus, it would bum about. twenty northern Whigs to note for the res. ,ottrti on. This was probity the number. The *bole varrrentent was "uncalled for and iniari, inualethe tunity and welfare of,the Whig way. niom wiininiorox iCeatiiimaisipe of th.Pltlabuxgb Dell, Gazaiml IVAJIILNOTOII, Deft. 1 To come to the core of the matter, the 'Whigs this morning had a congressional caucus, at which Mr. Haven, of Buffalo N. Y., took cip the compromise resolution offered by Mr. Polk in the Democratic cairn., and rejected there, and and passed it two to one. Not thinking it ne• cessary to make any nomieations they then ad jou, nod. This in conallered by come a very adroit movement, and one that must deprive the de mocracy of any advantage they may have deriv ed from claiming to he the especial friends and guardians of the so called compromise. From the feet that Mr. Haven Las been the law part ner of the-President, it is looked upon as an ad ministratiou measure, though upon that point I *wive no very decided opinion. That it was in judicions. 1 think is attested by the very first .proceeding upon which it could be eupposed to bane any influence, the election of Speaker. The very consequence, of holding a caucus which -I feared and deprecated in last referring to the subject, hoe occurred, without carrying along with it any benefit whatever. A sort of a test was imposed, without rallying or concentrating t.e party. Mr. Stevens, supported by Free SOD Whigs, receiving more vote. than any of the candidate. of Free Soil Whigs and Demo ' crate united did two years ago. And while the mejurity of the Whig moderates divided between Chandler and Stanley, the disorganisers, who in the last Congress detested:Mr. Winthrop, Ste- . rens, Cabeil, Toombs, and their confederates, strayed off, as ou that occasion, after purely .outhera objecto of partiality. Boyd, by the last tarn of the wheel, was made to appear the northern Free Soil Democratic candidate, es every one of them voted fur him, excepting Mr. Tounshend DPhil). Indeed It Is said that it was through their Influence and determination alone that the compromise reso lution eras defeated in caucus, and that they all voted for him there no W9ll an in the D e nse .f_ piverthi. The Ileßsage Bill afford suhjects of di.IICLUIbiO • )1 either House until Christmas. No busineee of import.ce vill be trap acted berm that time ORUANIZAIIO lg HOUSE At id o'clock Judge youn g , the Cloth, called the (louse to order, and noel be should proceed to call the roll of members. to ascertain whether a quorum were present, or ndt. The roll was called, and 218 members were found to be pre cept. 0. W. Sooty, of Tenn moved that the Douce proceed to au•elention oSpeaker; carried. Four tenets, two Whigs and Iwo Democrats, were ap pointed by the clerk, tellers. 0. W. Jones Dominated L. Lloyd of g.j. , ap Speaker, and sold be itoold vote for it only because he was friend and supporter of the compromise, and a proper man for the station, and not because be was the nominee of the Democratic cau cus. R. N. Carter, familiarly known as "Roaring Bob," seconded the nomination for the reason tbat he was the party nominee. L D. Campbell, of Ohio, nominated Tbadens Stevens, of Pennsylvania, and male same very entertaining and at times eloquent remarks up• on the situation of affairs which made it a duty with him,eis it was pereonally a 'pleaeure, to make and vote for the nomination . James Brooks, of N. V , said the Democrats occupied the position of repudiators of the com promiee measures, which the Whigs had express ly and solemnly othipted as the platform op" which they meant to witted. Meade, of Virginia, intimated in reply, that the caucus at which the rejected Democratic MR olatioo was taken up and paned, .was a mere inandfnl, and not entitled to apeak for the party. Deaseemmi under lta Leadrrship of Bartlett an, Cass, or Donglass Might la - toljetjuricis for the protection of the South, but he expected nothing from the Whip. Air. Fowler, Whig, of klaseachusette, said that the gentleman from Virginia was perfectly right. The Whigs present when the Polk ram- Intim:Ll/83 offered and adopted. could act hue been over forty, of whom one•third voted to lay the proposition on the table, and falling, left the meeting. Mr. Gitidiogs should not object to this discus sion going forward at this time, but it was best to go ahead sad organise. He belonged to neither of the parties to this diepute, and did not doubt either wOIM he able to make out a very clear case if perfect servility to the slave power. Ile was a free Democrat; and could tall them they would have many occasions upon which to dia. con tb,eso, questions ; as ha and hto friend.. would take care to present them. After a little movie palaver by some of the prominent ;epreeentativee of the.partiee winch divide the House, a ballot for speaker was bad, and Lynn Boyd was elected, by a large majority over allothers. I refer you to the regular re ports for the exact vote. The Whigs, proper, divided on Stanley, of North Carolina, and Chandler of Pennsylvania; the Free Boil Whigs voted for Tbaddetu fiteress. The extreme Southern men went for Becock sod Bayley of Virginia, or Gantry of Tons. The voting on this candidate showing that the .11cmocratic puts diicipline wu almost perfect. ly restored, little further Interest wu manifested In the proceedings. IForney had 129 rotes for Clerk, against 79 others. In the Senate nothing of interest took place hot a short discussion over Vnlee's claim to the sat of Mr. Mallory, hie duly chosen successor as Senator from Florida. Mallory was admitted, *ad a motion to refer the credentials to a earn. mitts& of five wee laid over until to-morrow, and that to-morrow will probsbly outer come. Justus. THIRTY SECOND CONGRESS. Term commencer Marta : 4, 1861, and emu:nets March 4, 1853 The Senate consists of two Senators from each State. Since the admission of Cslifornis, there are thirty one 'States, represented by eixty two Senators. Tho Senators who hold over from the 4th of last blerch were forty one,. sir eighteen Whigs and twenty three Democrats. Pf the twenty one new Senators, two aje yet to be elected, from the following Status— Californla—Legielstere Democratic. Connecticut—ZLegielatnre to be chosen in April 1862. SCHATuiII lIOLDINO OVER AND ILICT. Whigs in Italic; Democrats m Roman—those 'nark ed F. .5. are Fres Soils. or Abolitionists; U., thou elected as Union Mug S. R., thou elected . as Southern or•Stdli Rights Afsis: SXCISZTALT, • Wm, B. King debbury Dickens. Essnrav JrresniahCisradn. 18.13 Alphasia 1111.5 Wm IL K 1 OR, (8. K., • ...155.5 Lewis 1157 AIL[OIII/.11. SIB/1011111, Woi IS &budlan 1851 David IL Atebison 145 Colon 15.1 . 1rI zirct ..... . 1E55 limn, 5 (kyar...... Inv TrznavaTinds...., 7 . .... -.1855 Julio vr.?..ly iaa —.—..............1867 /loft. fiord:, Jr —lBl5 I,2I7DANIA. NNW TOM Was 31 Gale.. WA Wm IT Scam', (0 . 31.-1 , 66 -- MT Hamilton Am.. 1851 OLLAIIIINA. lISNI ANIAILT. pr A ery 3pomana..--....1855 Jamb W Jitilltr....-....-1555 J. A Amin' ....lASI' Hobert V Stocklam Ibb: MA. casuaras. !sawn rmA 1855 Wi11.54 . Alopes.- 1553 51epben It 51allon ''' 1351 Um Z &dor, lAA OIDALIA. • L . L . AMA .51 8crtime....—..1863 Palmmi P Chime, (1? 5)...1855 Wm C Daum",' 1550 ilestassio F Nude 1651 INDIAN/. PLANIIII.DIIII.4 Jam A Wh1trm5........ .ym ars (Impr pin I.mD Brght AAd Ormsdhead, Jr... 1851 ILLIALIA. 11110D1 I.IIAND. Atapben A 1ka551AA.....1853 AAA V Clark....-.. ....... 1853 Jmmes Hh1a1at....... ....... at= en.a..TJ•anre..., ....,.067 UM, ALUM cAIAZI . NA, them. W Jon. 1853 11 El Plait, (5 RI 1853 AuatutusCUmlge ..... -..1355.• V Butler. (511 / 1355 NANTAAJAI. TOINNAINAN. -DANIA II Covirne..a......lsr , a .Ahn Ik.ll 18433 //3517 Gay 1555 JcoVes C lon” ...... ........ lOW m . A iff,V.l4 (-) vos3 5.... i lat . :; isaa M.,..° A .„, k , 0 3. 1 0 - 13:h Thom. J nuak - - 1867 Jam. W 11=.3rT......1553 Vali., TAV..'.: .. ......1853 ‘ 11=511.1 II IN ......1357 SAymns ( mama mm 1857 . J. Jo ., n. : . „...._ ' 1353 . B 111 T Hunter. IA 111...1851 13s arks &mow, (P 8./..183. Junes 31 Hum. 18 11 ) ...1857 la ..... AL. lIINIAINDIN. James A /Loam 1855 Isaar P WAIkAr 18.55 rh. U P.M..... ..... —Ala 11.111 //Alps MI /11113.0111 1 . Urn, root I Sofforson Laria.le V./ 1...1 65 7 olt o b o rr Toombs (Whiz) ham Own elected to sneered M. 11rrto 0, al the explroti. of OW term. teAid tr• hove torlgood, to take effort =do BM lartuarr, I SS :LLosigurd. • • Of the members elect, and those holding over, thirty four aro democrats, twenty two are whip, and four free soitire. Of the free sellers, Hale and Seward were elected by a union of Whip and free sellers "Sumner and Chafe Were ehmt• ed byjdenuacrate and free rollers combiatt Dodge (democrat), of '‘Viaognain ; Melk Magi, a film Yori;" Rion (whlg), ol Veimtitt4 Wade (wigs ). of Ohio, are aloo put down by 800111 treasonous. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. counsTi.- The House consists of two hundred and thir ty three members, and four territorial delegate& Theis delegales, however, have no vote. SPEAKSI, - Lynn Boyd. Curia, - John W Forney. n'' 10—Willard Ives. B '' rossg (8 R) 20—Timothy Jettkioa. J6ps.is Abercrombie W Boom. 3-8 W Harris (8 ll) _2—!ferry Besmar. 4—William B. smith 23—Leander Babcock. 6-George El Houston. 24—Daniel T Jones. 6—W B W Cobb. 25—Thomas 1' How, Jr. 7—Ako. 117,ite. • 26—1 l S Walbredge. AIM/MBAS. 27 Ifilham A Sackett. I—B. W Johnson (5 R)28—.46 H Schermer/10m CIVFN review/. 29—JrJedicth Haojard I—Charles Chapman. 30—Reuben Rate. 2—C Id Ingersoll. /ll—Pm/mirk S Martin. 3-0 F Cleveland. 32—S C 4-0 S Seymour ear..rroants. 84—Lorcuro Burrows. I—E P Marshall. new .teaser. 2-3 IV M'Corkle. ' I—Nathan Is Stratton. neuereaa. 2—Charlen Skelton. 1-oeorge It Riddle B—lessit Wildriek. FLORID, 4—George/I Brow n; I—Edward C Catell. h—Rodman Al Price. OROROIA. NoRTR CAROLINA. I—J. W. Jackson, (9 R) I—TheLC/iasson(Sß] 2—Jas Jobueoo, (0.) 2—Joe P Cadged!. 3—Drd J 'Salley, (S R) tr—Alfred Dockery. 4—Chas Murphy, (U) 4 —J. 7' Morehead. 6—E W Chastain, (U) 6—Abr W Venable(Bß) 6--Juniu.s 11111yer, (U) 6—John R J —A 1l Skqelwna, `O) 7—W 8 !tithe. B—Rati Toontbt, (li) 6—Edward Stanley. IN 'mot. 9—David Outlaw. 1--Jas Lockhart. NIW 'uaxieo. 2—Cyrus L Dunham. —lt W IVeightman. B—John L Robinson. OEIO. 4—Sarnl W Parker. T Disney. s—Thos A Hendricks. 2—L D Cumptell F S A Gorman. 3— thrum Bell. 7—John G Davis. 4—Beni Stanton. B—Daniel Mace. 6—Alfred P Egerton. 9—Gramm N Fitch. G—Frederick Green. 10-84ntitel Brenton. 7—E M Ellebury. ILLINOIS B—John I. Tank., 1--Wm H Bissell. 9—Edson B Olds. 2—Willis Allen. • 10—Chnrles Bvreetzer. 8--Orlando It Fickllu 11-I.leorge II Busby. 4—licti4 8 Moloney 12—John Welsh. k 7 ..-Wm A RicharJoon 13—. lames Al Gaylord B—Thomas Campbell 14--.lfr.rdnder d(arper 7—Richard bobs. 16-IVen P Bunt,. totra. 16—John Jo•hoion. I—Lincoln L Clark 17--Joseph Cable. 2Berphartit WAIL 18—David is Carter. / 9 - EN - a JR G uldingo, 9) 21 -•N 9 TounDbentl. uttcoos •Joseph Lune. F4 o TuchT• I—Lion Uoyd. E UpT. 3—Pres/y gremy 4 WIN. T. 11'..d. 6—James Stone. vw.N wHYLVANIA. 11—Adinton I—Thos. 11. Florence. —llumphrey Harshen 2—Joseph N Chandler B—J Cd3reckiandgo. 2—Henry D Moore. 9—J. C. Almon. 4—John Ilohloins, Jr 10—R C. Stanton 5 —John McNair. LOI:1811.21.A. —Thomas Ross. I—LonlsBt Slartio,U) 7—Jon. A. Morrison. 2—J- Aristide L mdry 8— Thaddeus Stevsna. 3—AI i Q FootuU. I Qlancy .lona,). 4-1. g. Moron (8..11 ) tO—M. M. llimmock. k v,ias 11—Henry M. Fuller. I—Mosas McDonald. 12 —G. A Liron (F S ) 2—John Appleton 13--James Gambia. 3—Rohert tioodenow 14 —7'. AL atioghsus 4. -Charles Androies 11 Duro. 5 —Ephsaim R. Stoat'. 16—J. X IleLan than. 6—boar! Washburn Jr.l7—Audrear . Parker 7.—ThomaaJ D Fuller.lB—Johm L. Dawson. MAISACnUaLITS 19—Joseph II Kuhns 1— Wiliam Appleton 20—John Al icon. 2—R.Raztoul Jr le.s j Tl.onms di. /fah,. 3—James D. Dacron 22 -J. W. Howe. ( r l'hompron, 23—John Walker. ii—Clotrits Allen! (r s 1 n-4—. Alfred Gilmore. 6—George T Darts. !AU.. 7--John tales:l. I—George Amy. B—Moran.ltnin (r s) _—Hen II Thurston. 9—Ortss Foslo. Fount .11:01.1••• 10-Zr. Smarr. I-1). 1r &dace In a ) ualsoisn2• j—J L. Orr. (s a ) I—Richard J. Boole 3--J- A.Woudrard s 2—Wm. T. Hamilton. 4—J McQueen (s. a ) 3—Edsrard Hammond. u--.A Dart (s.a 4—Thomas Y. 1ra,,,. A'keo.(a.a) 6—Airrasder Fraor :—W. F Colcoat.(s 6—Jos. S. Cowry:tn. _ raxsa rsar. IICUIOAII, I—Andrs. Johnston. 1-13. J.-41serusum 2—A. G. p. Stuart. 3—W. Ur Chnretwell. 3—Jsar. I Cenirr. , j—Jolin" H. Savage. RUNGIGIL 6-41. W. Jones. I—Julin Y. Darby. G-11r .11 Palk. 2—Gilchrist Porter. 7-11rrwlith (t Gestrg. 3.—John G. halm ifitha. 4.—Wiliard P. Hall 9—lsham O. Harris. B—John 8 Phelps. 10—P. P. Stanton. ki-C. It Wrllbasnr. I—U. D. Naber.. (U) TEXAS. 2—John A. Wilwin(ll) I—S. Sentry. (U.) 3—J. D. Prretnan. (U) 2—V. E. Howard..(ll) 4—A. 0. Brown (a n,) MS. 'John 11. Bend:dial. •H. H. Sibley. VIRGINIA. anw aaslr.uue. 1-1 8. hlillsos, (8. IL) I—Amos Turk (F. h.) 2—lt. F. Meade (8, Si 2—Chas. 11. Perukes. 5—T. 11. Averelt (8 11.) 3—Jared Fn-liss, 4—f. R. &week (8 IL) 4—Harry Hibhard. (8. S ) ace Tom 0-1.8. Caakie, (8. B.) I—John G. PloyJ, 7—T. H. Bayley, (U r ) 2....01adi0h Boyne, B—A Utioll.4) ($ a—Entarinellt Hart, b—Jas. F. &raker. 4—J II Hobart 1/acs, 10—Chas. J. Fo slam 6—Grorge Briggs, 11—John Latcher, (U.) 6—Janu Brooks, 12—H. Edtostshint:,( ll - 7—A. P. Steven., 18-1? B B—Gilbert Dean, 14-4 II H Beale. (11.) o—Wm. Murr a y, 16—G IV Thompson(U) 16-11. Stltoormaker, VINAIONT. il—J. Ifistherhad, Jr. 1— elAirmin L. lhorr, , 12—D. L. Seymour, 2— Willi.,. 1146ard. 13—J L &knolentft. B—Oro B .Ifen.cAoro, 14—John g. A lt a, 4—T. LiartleDjk.. (1 , 8) lb—Joseph Bzusoll. lO—Joky Will.. I—Cluis Purim [PB] 17-416:u:der H. Doti 2.-41enj. C. r4I.l121111), 18—Pros. King, [l' 8] D Doty, $P B. ] *Delimits' from the Terrnanes szcarrtusestas se narats -1850—'51. —1848. — . WAig. D. IVAig. Dem. 2G 2 5 Alabama, Arkanaaa, California, MMI Connecticut, Delaware, X 6 8 C. 4 6 / 1 6 1 6 - 1 1 6 6 6 4 Cleorgta, Indians, 1111n3le, lowsi Kentucky Louisiana 1 8 1 . - - . 3 Maine, 2 6 ' 2 6 Maassabosettil, 9 1 10 Maryland, 4 2 8 8 hfichigan, 2 1 1 2 ollissessi, 6 2 6 Mississippi,-..- 7.-.. 4 New Hampshire, 2 1 2 2 de. _ rpg Now York. I 4 4 1 C. a 6 3 IV 11 JOF 11 9 16 .16 9 1 1 2 North Carolina, Ohio, Poinglnnis, Rhode Island, Booth Carolina, - - 4 7 - 2 - 2 3•1 3 1 2 13 2 18 -8, 1 2 6== --, Total. 90 14C 5 118 Democratic. majority, . Demoorado , majority in 1848, . Democratic pin, 60 A majority of the Rouse is, 117 Democrats elected,. 148 Southern Rights men (21 Demo. and,l Whig) 22 Fres Boilers, 13 With regard to the vote by 8402;10'1dt occurs in case the Presidential election is referred to the House of, Representatives, the following is the remit.— Demomair States —.2o Whi4l St ala-7, Arkansas, [Becession.] Florida. Alabama, [Union] Miami, California, do. •lifiessobusette, Connecticut, do. Michigan. Delaware, do. Maryland. Georgia, do. North Carolina, Illinois, do. Vermont, Indians, do. lowa, , do. Divided-4 Loads:is, do. Kentucky. Maine, do. New Rampebire, Mississippi. do. New York, New Jersey, do. Rhode Island, Ohio, .. do. POIUWITAILIL do. lILCAPITULATION. 8 Carolina,lBeceselon.i Dentocnttio ' 0 Texas, (Union.) Whig and divided II Tennessee. do. ._ Tirginia, do. Democratic mai 0 Wisconsin, do. . Falllmportation of Hardware, Cutlery, de. . LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, Dr. to cal the A t trios of Maseb o rts load *am to FOREIGN AND DOMOmO • HARDWARE, CUTLERY, ikc., MOM= BY BWZNT PA(Z vh.tah tlrr as en Dornat wound Warn se rub Pim ean nu Maow. da Thursday. the ith lortoat e at: o'clock. rt. it.. Mt. /LUIS 111C11.611.D80N. We of Totoperoaterrills. aged Al 7..... 6 mouths. and le dors. Carelagre.2 l tla drag store In Tomperanorrille. at Y o'clorlr this morning. and ororeed to his late aaldeare le routh-forotte town ship. The Inroads of the Welly ore rest...loll/ flora.' ta oared. Ac - At a meeting of the Anti-Xlmonie and Whin cur Convention, held Ileeember ft., lusting reroluttun eras ulop4si Readvrd. that it flail be the Jots of the President of mu Convention Lsorder the nest primary rlleetill. to be lasalJ to the reversal .saran, 04 the ...cyan! natuntai s.f liereanber nest, huts,. the hour. of It d. ti. end P .to aslesslS we delegate, ha fur. Cutureetinta. the Hujneshic iuileis mg, to uotniusato • ceraltdate for flat et. • In secorolatoce nab lothteh. the election tor tiring...or rill be helJ at trot. lane totate..l u noeulutlrou, anal the Onorentran ofillirreeet ou Si min.-rd.., Lotoretuter I;th. ost 5u 0 .„1,.. A. 'll., lu the runrrnte Court Itin•to. oolefootoo NoTioE is hereby given that an itrieoBs - rot Tvoo per share Lae been le•Inol en w. A....111111e Nt0....•1t tor thr N..rth ACJ•rie,rl Mining Com , uu,51.1. et the thine oof the Treunter. in the Car 'iltelottralt. Ilurtna). January Lit, 5552. lir vnler of the Bourn Dirunors tlesit IX. PALSII4II. Trraourer. - u l TKI STORE, .1 N DIA; Randeu..., Curtanu ........_ . _..9 Nnt. ItunclL ..... 12S Na• Prunes 12% o Almnd, 11 , :r Candied Ifltron, °rang. and L• 113011 Fresh Urdu.' Co m,. of all kluda: LacuAltrat T.., Sue.. and rriso. v lb• 4.S ALT PETRE—b9 bags Crudu, Inudlug 10 and for halv by 16.11A1l 1 , 11:10.Y a Water and In.. VEATLIERS - 775 bugs for sule by 0.0 I. DICK Er 0 t%l. %Vat.. and Fmnt.. C IIEESE-3Uu beze" Eng Hell Dairy; lee - C.13111131:1: for ..k. b r un.s ISAIALI LiII:ILLY a Lo. “FFICE ro LET.—Au Office To Let, F; lur oier l'bilo null, at U uuar. door to N.l•ou , u,..:: 'TIT .' , P. u 'OL. JITIL l lTLlarts l rtt' , l{ . „,,. (P. , . oar j 'OAF SCUAH-50 bbld. [we'd, for dale by A deb LIURBRIDUK n INUIIItA.II. d , ItUSIdEII SUU li-30 bbls. Levering's, 1..) or ro by llUBBitluults IMIIIII,II lEA'IIIEIt-200 Sides N. Y , for sale by A deb IWRIIRIGUIR A INUU/100. hIICE -25 fi ercer prime, Mr sale by deb 11111111alai6 • 11EAREI ) PEACIIES--5 bhlr. new, lor to. W a F. WILSON. 1111 ~...‘31311 -EARL A SII-20 naske fur luau by deb me. Y. WILSON. H. So,n3 Monongahela Navigation Company. NOTICE TO WADERS NN.ISSL'AIaMEETIMI of theStockhold ,,..ll, Nairnrfttinn CoLLIIIMar• H 41 Pura tha towne of the Charter .‘r In.,,,r.tson,(I. LIAINV AI, 1.0 ((caul otn•et. In Oa Cit., of Patml.ntgla, on flow(.) h U. PG.:, 11.411.0 Iho nr.t %owl. it. llotinA.th,, for the '4" f, 17N,, . B -- I..EF BLADDV.H.S— W A by II A PAULA I:Art o'h . I Art ntroor Firm ww.lWoo.l ato. H. MOLASSES-30 bbiel. GOLldule'o I dor, for osl. by nuitutuDoe I 1,111 It ‘lll. No IS•too. .r 11AN 1.1CTURV • I TOBACCO— box- Robinson • 0 10 IV II lirsora o •• ur • 131.1.1thltIOGH 'FRESH TEA'-2.i hf. chests Y. Ilssoci; hf chn.W titip Polstlt.c. sttrunsl. tno Olnelt. Ice sale br th 4 LIttni,KIINIE I'SGIIRAII Kti Clone DOZ.PALENT hTmion POLTSII— Pnt C. lu ttie prn•nnto Inn horn rltLersis,4s t • tint L•st.n.•nd, ttu.t f•uut .stseaspa; It c..rstett, ssothlua 'Nunn. 10 clothes lo ato reepeet. The b... 1.4,a fiat the Derwealtr 41 each .ocruel... ass,' in this their rsp•••• - t• t•••ts I••• runt ntn.l. ass• f.ar.skt af t.r acs lotrattul 11 rsn 11.1 1 0 n Ceke 'nil Alathorty •Inann hi n th,h•ent no nnutir 0h..u1.1 ettl.ont it r. 2% Cunt. leer Cale—with full tfitt•ctlow. For ale •hol..sin sad retell 1.• S WICK ERI 4 II/01. 4+5 •-•rn• nt Want and ttl.th Executor . ' Notice. VOTICE ix hc,rehy given that Letters Tex t•foroury oprn i.e.tc4 .I.taa.. L.sitell. Sr 1 1 4.. &lit oleo, h... Le , ra wraatio,l IL• •oL , critwr All ;nr...00s Carlo, claitor OT 4 , .•tAx attir.t rood Idstat...lll mat. konob woe without t.l.tay. so.] todeLtekt vlll ...Y. IL• eo.ver.t.r..t L •sreboome to th.dir of fllLabur.r. J A.lll, 11.012011. J.1.3.•dt-S riaorutor Jlll Es A. I§IeKN kiln . , No. 62 Fourth At., C.. 1,1,1. ml fr,m 00 , 0100 • Int of 11f, , C114 LONG raid %. ki T*l3. 1 manse. R Lite and 111.-1. Guira, . et deorA.-11....r.i. Al 0 r., , 1— , ,,,C1ecnct.• (30An.., pv, [4,n A. 74 rsr., ..... .10 ar al • oc , 1.4 t - . VI {LS. C. 1114NIAN ot itotng to kayo thi.t c” I nest su •bo•l4i tac, vplo.o, c" re. 1 .trumnids, 110. [Ms. la, pc-hi..., I, Istiata,ll .1r 1. ristla *Met AAA , rer.‘ , OHN MEAL--to Stttcd - , Cro Nala by .1.4 r. r Vo7. DONAIIO‘.7 a 0. Neiman Mustang Liniment. •RODI RICII ANDXOUkt, hood end free " all gnaw.. aett.re ad saa.llClatta, the wO.O 0.'4 a tp"Sry.; N. ahigeataOrntas it Rttera..t 41 .p *ha glie it, awl ths... lA. ny] aet.tra ‘ll. - vetry4 toteh het Lesltoa .111 eatahvo pref....we It Sas 1.12 e 42 ert.eiti•a pone at au* tital. a • matter 6, "bet or Low rt.-21.3 - tta.g da.l.wattoto. Sul. p aw bras.. Lute., was. attar, rloumatl.m, cettra'4,7,“. or ant r4:77; .pp at ta ~ ••cr ettaaaal lo tatt2L42224, IM. Try lel for by 4EI dill DoWEI L. 14t Reel .tr.. . rltubstrab AIM'S CHERRY PECTORAL Wit Tilt CUalt Of 000011 H, COLDS, 110A11.8MES8, nnutiom TlB, WHOOPINO c07C,11, ()Ewer, Aliviat,t, coNstaterroN. Tlll3 lI.F.MEDY is o ff dred Vrthe vim:nu oll r the rvnd Woo v 4 feel In au art,la • tarb ..1.1,10 falls to reatise lb. haOhleat that ram I. de sired lV eide te the hind of Ins use:ult..... ar.l Ma hops, nom the esitee of Ile eons. that almost c•erf Portifo of the ceitiotry atriunils in teira:us, sqldiely 'koolth. she have ores reatottal from oltranee mat ctett despdate guilt of lb. tubas by Its woe When owe triad, 111 ea. petturitf oda ...en other torataue et in kilt! is too tanvt to escape okeedvet.oa, sod when Ile virtues are known. the public ooloth:er heiltata slist.indote to air. Oar Cu. the distdisaing Sod dehirerida WT.1.141. Of the Poi/mien or,t,..shich Les Incident to ear [110.43 Aral ma oal r Ih the formieetA. attacks opeo the laugh but to the talkies tonsil., of Cohle. Orilla he, lloarwa.n, 'he. eat fa etatiren It la the itkadateet stet Weal oitedd eine that ten be üblido.d. No fatally ehookl be without It. sad those who ha" u.. 4 It stover sill kited the oeirdoo of the Lipsitia Coottatato4 slot will kes niooguived to th• Tan,. PeCtitais of coiletry when lb., eive keeled—each mad all si own:hauls of the first ehr pal of the td4hset t 11.1 , 14.1 Lea mart extensive stiOleeste desists to tatedloitu. 111th ao expert. uolltotted m lbe outodt of which they . r .k If non I. Oay reige Is the jiditimesi of expend..., coo Cl.llll Xtehtg. We has uthlrtslgoal. holesal• druggists, h•rin. b... low acquainted ath •toi's Cherry Pecumal, hateor car WI 0.4 ball.l Oast It Is lb. bat sad most .taiti Assn p..leannarg Conn/motto.••ser r ed o Who t lb* Aso gnaw People, aid so would, tram oar ano•ladge of 11. e t .past/on,and naclolnees. mantally mintues..l It to t 1.5.11114.1 as north/ that, best confidellea. ate./ the Ors. ounwlertl... mut {ll 01 thole c..linf 611 that assNlicina eask do. 11.1r.basr. Xlgnituds t ...ton. Mass {Dew Cooloma. 11•114nore. Maryland. t./.1.1 a Init./am/as. n5....e, 11.1... llaellan t, 11.reJ1 Co-. Cliarbanna. tl C Jamb a. tarrand. 1/mro/t Michigan. T U. Ma•lllater. lnul.allM, L. Prauels a Wallutl. at Louis, ..sour.. Joseph Toot: r. Mobtle,Alalmitra. • TI 01 , .. I h ' jt ' erit n .,llll7:ll!.l Doory les. D. ••41/111, Trant Now ./././.1 J Tosnasatml, PlUsharall 01st Do.. Uhlcago/ t E. sI.J. llorllnglnO. U. A. lisntos • son, Itrfolt. Is 1. Vl7sr i thlt ri r U t I. 0.. 11. WU. Wuhmton.U.U . J. Wtlght 00.. Nor Whams. La. Maappy, Wall • 1.b., Dal W•lne. I xdixxx. C Itichmcs..l • Sign Franc.sc... Cal Levin A Am , . Tallabu/o, fond.. • 0. M.:strong. TenneWe Chilton /I Darr, blttly Rock, 401'. XSIDIr.11•410 0/... PP b e . N.D. LaLsodle , I/Ms./un Charlo Div, Jr., Pru st e/den.. J. 11. Turner. iinsat.o.h. Os. WaJd. beltsteln • Ct... Unm..lnnatl. U. la /01IZIOX Cott/MM. V. i G lf.ratifd ° cal ratio, ®lll. Prod. Ills A Co. llogolfu Nu. 0ra,... A. Provoll A Co, Usa.. P.m klurizzt , Nova Bet . Alo.. T. lam W uo You &two. atol from oath mon. uo strous. , Drool an to alduced. ozeopt.tballlOUnd Ip It. ofkota upou 14 :,4 0 p 0 d app .4.1 by JAlibb O. AY Mb. bract.' Oho.- isliftt i sburgb, wbolsoalo and Mail, by D. A. /AZ NdATALIA 01)...aud AL TOWNNIIND. la bear 08y. by IL P. 801.1WAITL gal J. Lou OILAB; AA br. DrusirDistsbetsily. A Meat for Covhy, Colds •! IfoartYn., 4rainia, ,Sronc 4NIINCIPIENT coregamenom. 11R. KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP.— II does t *kis. tho sionlocto It area not Small. pa cot the bowels: It dose not Mat tom ektn, mid render the prom who iskos iloble to • [mob cold by overt buff of wind toa d o 1t le parboil) bonnien la its lusrmila sulk, goad la oda nod an. usl produclog • cum Th. most stifled We of recont ti and hunt hbre • coi k d by It lu •f. 110.fk. B h., ...Wing ly JIM action.—The old cough Illetlelnee all sicken the stomschloid orlida. nausea, which Maws dloogrosotd. than the wash itself. This is t beistsd to this mistura. Mr It 114 pleasant soothing *nick, tad it 111 , rbs •0 I .../...4 e:4 u~o i -e~nmo, Ibum. o•. • • • • ..„ 11.. tun.. . . 1:-..:4) 176 11....6., ...1.3:11.1 1.371,04 J II". 1.r.6..., 1.213 1....m..7 t.t.A. hue: . 211 aa. ~4 I?..,nntra3 10,1N.1 yin ono a. As,' / L....4 .. .k 67 . •Itn , Tot.. 1.. d. to, 1 2.6.1711 IS.SS.9vS 11,14...... kis. 2..0 1h.71 • . Ihtr butlain 0 rano. sklna. 51. o,d , 1.15,1 Priktlmr•. 0. 50.343 4,4 .. 904 fd:'‘°!4`' t' . °'. 11 - 1 ~,:,7, 1, :::T ;"z a. 0..0 W.n1.0..., 1931.5 1.4.51001 X. 'art lun,round. ma.. .1.0 11:0,,i hara.,...und. 1.771 Doard, Omit., 2. f 21.070 421.05" Ilaidluir •trl bnlla. In , 3.000 Karr. 1., bbd. and WA, 2.010 20 10 tlalngl.a. nuashrr. 00.0 W 31.00 G 14nool tor foal. mad.. '2.1!.4 1,1 44 fllnalrarv. W. coo 1.73 a, COL, 5... . 145 10.4.. Shvcil t. 1.4 84. 1.4Y1 , Mug. and moduanna. Ms. 10.0510' 175.091 . Dry tic.... D.. Pio. L1.,14 350.9.0 Enetbenwarr. Int, 12.5.5 3.7.yag (Dar...ar...0, • '417 1.125,1 V/ firnorries, 0.. 1. .137. 14....7.701 Uanlware nod oulnal 0, a 4 iio • awO.SS9 Lwa.l Da1.11..., t.1.x.:: . ( ... Gr0gul anlla. 0.1. 1.115 13 ' 42.71:6 WV". cords:, and ba.,,..a. 15 0. 9.151 Baia. 0 u, =.7V. 13:4972 td..., are. 8.. " t 0 0 ' :t1 g - . 7 41 ' Tol..arru. Imanf..l Da . 01 151.1. y. ..11a. irr;f..l6 ' 4.910 N'tndolor glaw. tam,. . .2.41 S P.r.l and mhar alba... 0.. 30.117 4 - .1...1..• C 1.,. Orman. os. 41 a. (..N.l. (mineral, VMS 05069 5., C.- 11.0...., 0. • 133. 1 • ti , p.09,.1.A. 1 .7...t ' 1nt f. '. ' 21‘.0 5. 14) 2.14F\ a. 350 .170.15 1r... 1.10.. int and anchoulaa.l2... 00.0tal 54.111 Inn..are and 440,1a.153, G 09.244 5. 0 1 7 . 157 ...I .b . Sc. and 9i., 0., 0.41 u 13 . 4,0,25 Solo and .016..... 7 i.i'M .:: 1 .' 07 -..',.:-? 51....4. It*, E3SS=MUI MM=gl M.. 032 •.• • . 14,er Lotl barrel, Frrn,h a )1111slooes, Zbo, Lary .c.. 1 f•ra 141. lbs. Jnoa kones. Marble. I.:- ix., 6.041 15.0.0 4.045 0.153 24.010 uuw 22,137 load tmormaght pffr. . . - Oil, (4. i.t4 lvd,) galls, 2.7.59 7.1.241.% Par..l .1.1 11.4..5. lba, 9.531 &0,11a9 Tar awl Koala. 9.909 :4215 Sutalriea.lbn 1.473.&= 1,117.6:0 . . vs.j o ce , 8, - , 049;A 10513 519.901 60,113 Z 37,179 19,62 U.OOU 3.51-V , Lard & 1 , 17 A ll. 3•0 candles Dw. Stra. pser. Millntrart. • • 'Number of boat...lowed, 1450 4-1418 Palmennem tulles traveleJ Z,424.937. Amount 01 toll. 17,879 $1:87.407 89 pEt-We, the undereigied, prosengere on board the epleMid mew steamer PIMBUROH.on her first Min Rom Cincinnati to Pittaburgh, lake otameloo, be. lore Parting to to unlin testimony to the admirable mannegin leb atm I. magagml. Co p t. Di m. I. Konlett, M. urban. mat menilomanly.oftleno lo conamang, is mt. Mall/ entltleo to our tbanki fore ht. an:rambling (Mew bat to ou `.sole awl aim:prim arid we would algorism. DOT Lhanitglo W. M. ItorlDbm. 10111* chief clerk. tir his c.natant efforts toimateour tripagrvir able .rid pleUeat. Wit have found the accommodation. of Ow .. Pirlebsargh ° la ail reapectasoperkw. and bar ta ble sumptuously aupplical CM. Me amal Minas of thbi 10., • We tate greatMessum to heartft moommendiag her ti the D I traveling owcommoll Ir Jon S. it Cie.; Ifim S. A very. Jones, Tots. Mrs .lauraL. - H. Ma Mew R.Fla m ing. Fitts betrtin Mr. Item Db. boob/Mlle; Um. Warren, Connect'. A Mrs. Payilot.Cmirtleut: Mr.. C. C. Hook, 0: Meg toe! " rirg : ° J , l ' Ze, ' ll ' iriC . s M toViegifera p .trrg: Mu; Delli li ngeM, ft, z • Wm. wawa:, KT; o.a Ct .5k Crusted Ctn.: I.°7aylr, n: Mr. . 11. C A!nendall,Warti linton. C.. A. 5. Dodge. (11. C..) low.; V. U. Cultilar, 0.n.: 11 tiara:mil, (M.C..) P. Ewing, (M. C,) Upon. (M. 0..) .1. B. Ptewert.Ky.: WmAfitleformy, A. P. If .oelaer 0: ilarper. ritMhurgiat 0. S. Crime, Pa.: A. Ont 9:: 514. so., 04 J. Cmtnelabt, it ¢1)41111er 2.0. BMW. V. Wight:can. J. D. bileorth, Fitton b: 4, C. Orr.,Loula- V43.ll, ' i• N i l l= g ll..k! ' ).l.VY/To . P C hira r f roil, U. At J. Brown. J. Pike Joe , n0 . 4 .a, rittsbumln .L 10.14. little Sack; ia`l , L , faxlesll. Oa S.F. ntene. N. Y James Ilarpoes. Monty P • K. D. WIZ= LOWY, Ky.; P. Kirn, Clarion, Pa.:l4.llalworwllillabmw; C Overtarf,Portaimentb, S.ll.ShrMlerOanattilie. F• . Sith.llaann t•: S. W.Sartat.ConnaniMila, Ind. A Warner, Waterton, Conn ; ElNlebolit,llonemlale, Clomm. Brown, MetwamlL. Moir ption: A. C. . ItOA eh , Wm. Uolontownt J. Wilds Pint. I. liniwirie. PittsbnYtil.• Ilont . tml. AP. (Oa.. C lenom - Pittabursh: Jo. . llelutralutary White. r.lOll ZINO PAINTS, WNUFACTU RED BY TUE NEW HIIBMP SAPLORING AND MINI NU COMPANk\ aViark. N. J. Th Ckdonany L. Vowed to Painlab • randy of thaw valuable \ ZINO PAINTS, Wadeh karate. fond alter sertald,keane Mal, both In M b. = z 1. 114 wf'rnle snae(lm to ail/ attar Wu whams...A_ MeV WHITE ZINC PAINT de Purely an Oa Ide of Tan; and 1e warranted fore M. all adolielstionr al. /hamar: wbal•sersr 1 1 P... .. 111 ' . beautifully while, apt iii.otlrely tree Ova the taboos. ardr_pr of p_ v44 aaan, """7" the IT WILL,. IvOT TURN YELLOW When expoaal to aulphansua or uombltio .Icaliblop . ok Itwhen Ant on. elm moo Ae an conlt. a. It within.. • soothe. Mims. nod the soother Md.. thanour - other, not W.\ liable to torn elan , / Wcable wad rub oft 1 any b. tad ith water sod Ore , or w. 'trona., whkh Oa. the BLACK AND COWED ZINC PAINTS Thaw am fur... at haw kwjee,and are Undoubtedly' Om asap. and beet parda, to the market lbr monoll Iseta, , ,famina, outflowµ amnaboits, or soy espoaed Gm of .ml. Vick. ht, or IronMa they an both- :WEATHER AND EIRE PROOF. Pm Irdo sorbets they are partia4arlf unable.. th ey form oamnlo monattoo, aid Shady prem. asida. Um. they dot sod 11.1126 1 , 6f1 roecalne beam, do tot shave oolur like many of Mu. earthy mauto owo Dadersawaalledm liberal' terms bat/m.l.nm of MA fr P. 1.1.40N1d1 APO, ausrl 21.1 7 koutl. Wbarma \ Ptilladeluhis 1 11FsESE-46bia. W. R., for folk by ‘_./ . WICK MoOANDLOI L HERRINO-150 boo. Dry, for man /ix dal \ WICK a buoanot,r.4 4 4l. _ BROOMS -200 doz. Corn, forszlo \ 461 \ WlCiek MeCANDLIIO.B3. F • LOUR--201 . ..bli,,Estra Family; 100 Eamon=7Rtab b_y \ • W. ILL/LIMAIJOU., LIEESE-100 boxes : cream, for solo by - U . 44 ?1 ..,& V. lIALIBAIMIL B TTkR-50 Cgs. prime. reed and for salebi Lou N. W..IIAILBAOOII. MACKEREL -160 bbla. largo No. 9, fur silo by [dal B.s W. HARKWaII. LAID OIL-25 bbls. No. Ijor sale by DALZELL; WILL" as. VINCI FLANNELS . Zurpny Banblekt hare melted th is amateur by ripreq 4.1 jund . other laymen of Paellas ~ifi..b,,fise C.lthato2l. wahh Ku?' 117$BURGE Then.-4an. area S. t....t...• 'k as la ahsanal by pot' , mark. at d last rna:da4a •lk fa!littg ataarlf . . V K • J. Mel , : fletutrie A tixtrad L'Misattle. bi1t ..,„ 1n5..1. r0...0411.1.. . a,sh. if"...:....; 1 ii„• "'°"- \ boar., thadaa. Ilaavr " \ atlntuda.....\:.kayar. s. • J. Ilayntd. Pee I, fai... ‘ h t th . . \ Ei.r.••.c City. ?do e..e_ . 1:. 4 ,. Vt ...11,..1in \ A...,......,.., Bailey. e.t N. ,, 01a. 0,..r...1. C....tivr1....6 '1....e110a. 11,........14.rr S., .. Egtlwr,thaeltiaatl. \ '.i.r......•-•••• van ~...• \ , 0.1...11... 1tra1e.,... • ,• \ J . AJani.. Luca., St but.. „, . Alla\Ll... Varkiturm, Illn, ',11,. \ • baluAlLnuett. Brolroimirlt. J. 11,1Neitdri,Gaon. lle ...m, , The.. sh Iv.e, hail,. W..", . at m , , - • 511.-bigan. 1km.,.... Ikavrt , \ I+. Bayard. j.....td,.. I , llrab.lth. (. G..a....... 141 )^,•'. ,,, ' I rnre.t. Cur 11A , ' Itrilaiat. , - \ Sl i ''' ). 11 7 ‘4. ; l • S. \ ' S \ \ BOA illY. x , LTISIDItit kr ~...\ 1, .F . g . 1 : 11 ,, 1 ... L , hair at II spa at d \ N. 4i,;!il 1 .ELisa 'A% It-7 I . ,I:\...W — lt . :S;tote e.. R.llcote. 1 / 4 ,,, -.... Cllppar,No ... Ur,. liaoter./a. s . •, L . ' i ltf ls g7aad " 7. a. a petit 41111' L 'l, a this uturnitia at BROVN9VILI Foa War-wall—The Cou.all. .111 leave am Abel. DEPORTS itY LOllllO ILLS—Psa VmLaaol-10 taut Likuie Ick F Co: aMs cottco T Artor:Li \ilt ¶do Birk wick: 31 Jo Kennedy Maas • C : 70 tplir tom & Loomis. ST LOUIS—Pa J Aoi•iii—Vdry bkl•4 43 gni& do W &moo, s bble &mask Waterm. * Son: Cdo ma:o*r do noiftitpotnio.*Caiitoio B D4lioy: 30 pli*. 0.01 1. lode mdse klurphy Wilma A Co. ,`, LIBIDO F.POllT—Pck WruktiLi e-30 bulk\ moot to\ nO; Pi tails cutmmo D LeroM;4 Co: Si B. mra 17nex aboard. WICLLSVILLE—Pst Fuels* Cat—Z6 sky Whesd , Wil- Nobb, So .10 brio +l. riff tloin 54 do l'lllo - Ict %mad. 1.1.1ze1l 1 (10: 4 dot. broom.. F...h.rar iI3U. - olog: 7 b,o, Coot Alunlook,unilty loy of Iroltht °toot EI4PCD4-9 hat , clock!. D Gregg: 7A . eke rts. dila. 104 .1., shorto .1 1‘...d:251.114 leather U Da1...0; ...0; ire. I ern, rad. 4., Joi Grvocu. 20 brushes Ba/talar Lean .1 SleClor,r; 31 do Darer.: b. 014 4W Lwas; kits ms.hlle tr..* t. Idle I lo.ks 010. Iroodsi tow 2 hlul• NG Übe,' Mathew, t Co 006 1.• f d Armatrona: 34 bbla eiover.4,l Da nut. rrs Nr. 2-1 bbl tatitar 7 keg" I.trdtu , t C,klo 6.1, lobls butter It Dahrls:ll.3 tlnur :0 bu a out+ owner. Its NiI , OIILeTCP-12 1,14 'tom') C0c1,.; 4 do F. Cram font 31 4. app le. ' 4 to,. 11 Tngßout: 17 btal hour sdo ap- Ftsleer ' + ' .;T, ' . 'sd l ' ' l 7l ' :; ' ll ' ll 3 .tl . ; 7 1 /I ' ::e: ' ZiS d 4t trr" . °,;. 1 .1 u 0.1: 10 ~,,,: ~ Of do .I. OIV Smith: 10 to o. van . I LP,- fug.too itnc on A C. Iv: h. barley J NI 11:set:L. bble lard Elarr it kvr.,• the a wagons Toortarend Carr t CO. 1 , P. DirivtAt 15:. 1.110 paper Ilr P 11.•M1bel. 9 ck. Whit. a Co; 3 rar6., I,o nett Berry It C, 1 anvil lona Wilson 2 Co, ca., mi..o 1 Ureg, Id pigs tolso C 1d,...,i olty; 9010 hams BJ N Smi • . NOTIOE,S:, NA TURA LTY reelhe name of 4DEYW MCMASTEI be euhinittnl tar nomination* the Whie Convent the City of Pittehuroh. for the nnlco of !darn. nt leir LEONARD S. JOHNI3 to a candidate Mayor at the next City Election. auNict to thatleetaton the Anti Maanalland Whig Convent/or. wan, .11::"Pleaso announo3 through your , JAMES SIATTIIEWP: as gin... Mate Ott )(aim so to Ma tuutioalloo of the Mai-Amok COW Liar, ier3l.croam.rr.—Mr. Picase .; nen that this fnentis of IS C. FAlkrt wil \prom en for nomination for Marv, sub,ecn tontiedneisiot be Whin Convention. Eon. Wittn. AN'Election fur Fifteen Directors of Mites& Insurwore Comtree,“ will be held & one. the Compeer. No 1,5 Water street.. on the t. Monday, Intb ..0 Deretaer feet., between the boon pt o'clo•-k A. )1. Red j n'ci.elt P. id delis A LYRE!) W. MARKS, Seer . Pam.. I, 0.. TILE DIRECTORS of thetColling Mining Damper, a Elrltiman. ham thla day made an asanaa ce-nt efElty made en each Our. or lb...natal Mobil of erd Cowan,: on half Irn,nek ern Cr Latare 1.1103n11 No- Tanabe, end tle—ahnr halt on ea leKre theD)da Deembee nut. et flair EDDA m Do. mar. or., KENNEDY T. 1 , R LEND. Tana, House of Re.inge. TIIE hubscribers for thA-erOction of an Rowe a Refuge ter Wrieern lesserivenise era heeeby uotlf,lthat aseeerment twenty per-amt. eak anneant IRlb,Mihrti 6/ tjo/..1S rnswitr tn P.M Pe the Treeeorer. on or beiges. the lith 'da te y nt.bovon . oat By ordercf,W Nem!. of I.finenors. ccZlatr. .10AJWA HANNA. Ter. - ' • Notice. • • Y ETTERS Tritammtary to tho'iottte of ° X. 1 =1"1 1 :, 4 '. c° m4r a ti ra - „;% ? t,l.TU===`,.4° "I'"" H.111.1.111311N,_ V, WM. A1,1 , /80tr, IIItADY WILKINS. Kutptars. teltitmnd. ._._ A Card—Life Insurance. . Aliit. C. 4. COLTON, Seey.—Dear Sir— , AA amnttn of eomman dtodion / dam li my dote .owledge 1.4. On; prclayt SA4 obliging manner in whin, the Maim of a teller namely elfeeted by nitte amounting to iaTut 46400 Mc Itganuml dnllars; be been paint c C,, h. liberal trineiplet °den elech the tad re ef the " , Pittsburgh 111. Immune. ,to puny . ate readoeted... \Mtn It to O. cement.tion'tiod maronmas of the nubile. • ' \ \ The prinrhote of prudontial Mum.... In the mutual arrangement , of year urgantration. t* the ve. ...mast ~, Mammal benlflerom, which tainmelty and Christianity b " * V'"" 7* * ex t ironYtaVA.Vin' ntrYolew • oPPint Baptise Ch.M.; PUtsburgh. Pa. risoUT—Fr L oat the tieg. of 'April next, -. I, nig.. dwelling home, with twenty ..so oil .I i t'.2 . / h'ra ta Onlaand. • ' MARDT..Patilli 5 CO. • Notice to trick Makers and Quarry Igen. ~,` EROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED until . • ': the 20th .61.1)nember est. for the delivery Of two aMU nallloriV brick ring the etaubsit milingand D. in abou t ',l gum 1... at the Maar Depot ..‘ la. Money It sum road perm. end tat Welrr ,oll ,4 I , between latent w it P.m. \ • ' \ .. . Toe PrOywals state tbe en of delivery at,eseh Point and the toze of 'Me tants; ono Of the lerger \ M ' tension. Nana Inent.t , A Meilen of Mr Isnrk Mikity.. at Grant simat.lo ' be baripe.deft.d, for ride \ 1 . . , :: prim d dicommons Will . ' be orated separately. - . Proposal. will Sao tte red Um whole of Mar \' 7 brick, made from clay obtained from the evas 'figrOtind \ • -at th e outer Depot who're farrnatt Moll...tied b rallealde.' \ . aim low terms. • . \ wk . Propmds will N. receMet at a game Ulm. Ins dert livery of about 400 petal. C Wm. tar %Med IA , ~, the aborear ILL or al any cony .at pall for ' en Met of (be railroad , be a Y...4\agtiltkr Brlglll.Cl.- The proposals will beat:Met to Award liftler.Bl4.• ' m • Pk. .-v*.,:n F - - -- o3,tll=•Viti,'":l!ttef !Wet. ' , 'r , dm S. Wens. ' ..‘ Wm J. &MA • • . MASON'S CHALLFMCIE BL,acKaret. • '', • -. IT SHINE'S 'OR ...: ILA . .' \I • J AS. S. MASON ,t CO., have RE . NOV ~:- - :A . Leer acre and fartnry 1. Philadelplabte r to thy nev • ' erecis 0 RAN ITli 11 DINU, lab Neathert et, li. • they continuo to 0 0 !., • PlitinilC3l P Oblf • ' l TiIItUSANP DOLLMI2, tor atm rower Moe racking. • '. It leinkl Is r ill maroctable Manhunt. and Ditaleriejts the United ht... 04Inn Almon'. t bluer ha bluer WMTlNG MY, at the' menet.: 4 Notice. . \ .. . • , \ . , • TRE Stockholders of the Penneylmmo' b.. ManufzetotlocUoathooy aro wilted that Am eettho will bo hold on thorn!. day or Deember swot. ot 12 okdoek. at th e °Mee of Samoa V. Fhb.. Not.. No lON Walnut stn,et. , - 0021:2•• 0110.111011110 N, 'hem als . d . SW. BENCIi MERINOS!—Muirur &BUlttlll muo have loft reed as sonrtroont of above Good.. o 'choke colon, various shades of boob, Oreno.ootroe.Oal or,Wo. et very low vim far quality. also. Coborws of the 'work., colors. •oal. r# LACK CLOAKING VKLV!=-11duz- Alt eta it lICILCIIII.I, hate 'wed and drat fd ET- :theaken wad n 024 VEATKERS-21 Backs nor. 4 m d f pr ime Kentucky, J d \\ ooe Jl3lEt an . U r relthog 100. FEATILERS a BEESWAX= • 10Sawks Fratberw , . Ittlareasßartnnitc Lan= and %Wale by ISAIAH MCKIM • IX). Straw and Frost aria . gUNDRIES ltebbla Loaf Sew; ."' • &burs Lowell . ada.ll .atrar IS'abl. ercwheill• $ .1r Putrarlawl • .tl OW \ 100 bean saw Al R. Ratan= • ' ' \ fie bl. lac " " ' SO boss emus Cbwww WO Kasai Straw emd . i_ll2 receiving and kW Welt , -7.."Mr"4111 T tall • '. /OLEN WATT A CO.. : F :30.0 .IoILY ' LOUR-30 bbls. Superfine; • 10 txtrultut 'd for 107 ree WATT * 0.1 1010 kATS-=zl6oo bu. on mniigriment awl for ILI sale br T. Wer.tea t SON. nt2 l at Water Mawr. ACKING\ FLANNELS—Grey, of differ. PAIrk m URPHY kliO oalnrx lust rveakt 1 M nivrigux Vit ELS!! FLANNELS-A full wts ortmen t • y of that mapretor satiric which has What., aims so mash satisfaction t 6.1. summers, lased by_ • 0010 IIUkP BILIECU MILD. 'IUAB TUBING-1W feet 1-8, 14 tuyi 1-2 A.B Inch hulls Rubber do. Tublba. ins W. by uolx J. J U. MILLI Vs, 114 liacket HEEsE--.5v 3 boLevrime Cream Oh!cr, "m "'"“ .k ii DACY•ba. Co lub, , ,ty Niloo.-2 casks . 81a41nu , s4tir BORAX 7-151 . 14.) lbs. far sale by J. KIDD t 00, 60 Wood lit. liICIIROMATE POTASH-3000 lbs. for J. KIDD 00. - - Try Morris' 50e-. Tea. .• aORRIS [lib always sold the .bee. Tes In JI Pittabargb trio lt, but bow thu g na ll bf , thus aver Ron delirious Onloog —.14.'0 . lb. bum, buirlleb Brlnklast • 15m.liont four. Mord: Mc. Marc Is 111„1.b. Dlunowl.saboa4 illrObjboar Dlimond no= ITCA3IPIIOR-9.bbir. for sale by I T . B AIRD lc lIcVIN have a few Awes ',Ohio Woe UCKWItEAT sada for bale 11. sucerni,Ess: ED,FLANNELS-.4tasegonattrActured th. Krw It*: bY lAN se Yll Itolobasar ud * Ca: jdreceiw.J OlLN W d AAA aztt, by ATT um