The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 04, 1851, Image 4

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' TO= Daromoria
now 91,1sznertn,--The rapid
raltyitilkwitbili*.ditpitdation of liiiond
45453 wareogliicable by a view of the desert
ed territoi7.„,,4.•correerpondent of a London a
disttletornome twelve moles of country,
at me=tinny side of the County of Waterford,
the populaisnhstrealtogetherdisappeared; there,
wan not,. Ine•miya; a' human face to be seen during '
Of two hours ; the very dogs ha 4 deserted,
Om looked as if tome pestilence hod I
..,.J';',,lt*tOptwortit , all traces of the _lnhabitants. As
onisof tlte natural coma:Lutaes of theiCeltic 6x-
•'..'olitte..thelrofesition of the law is nearly annihi-
branches—barristers andlattorneya
aruAhreatened.with one 'common ruin. The
''.....ructitabered. Court has all but swallowed up
Chineerye • With its very long fees and longer '
and: Vexations. But the ruin does not
here. Where there are no more people
there Can be ono litigation; and this diegreeenle
_made gaiefully evident fear times a year
. •
::at the prescribed sittings of the Contte of Qmor
l:ter.f3easlons, Here, foe Instance, is a sample of
.the and fall," furniehed by the report
of the Elusions held at New-Roes, in the county
- of Wetford—a quarter which even yet can boast
, . ittimenunity from the bulk of the onisfortnnee
• -Stich haveovertaken three-fourths of the king.
dome' raatiertisy night-Cmr local Rescinds, which'
comineuteedthin day week,have just terinfinsted.
They 'odnetnued a week; once upon a time they
occupied six. There were-between 300 and 400
.'entries" inn locality where there used to be
twice that number. The people are too poor for
litigation. Where there is no mousy in the
publie , pecket, the allegorical figure of justice
on vain holds forth the scales; n 9 metal to make
wide therein. The civil business here occupied
, five days, and the criminal tee." r ,
The Sligo Journak*with reference to the emig
ration drain in that district, tells oh that: ,
wAlthough ler thin year emigration from this
lotality is eubateutially over, yet we are every
day; reminded of it by the extreme scarcity of
lablireri and itis literally s fact, that there is
not a single domestic servant to be had its Sligo
at this moment acquainted with the commenced
of household duties_ Ina year or two more we
have little doubt the wages of the counts.* will
; '
have considerably increased."
'Tsai Gooa.—A friend has-handed as the fol•
hawing good 'an for publication. He clipped it
ficim a paper in a betel reading room in Philadel
phili: •
ltarn Edilora.—The followng legislative an
itedote woo current ,about twenty or'twenty-five
years ago. There was a mointrer of the Legisla
ture trom the city or reality of Philadelphia
*lose name was Martin. In the same hody, was
-.&'ntember from one of the western counties, I
think Allegheny, whose name van Craft— In de
bate on' one occaeion Mr. Martin concluded a
- 'Meech in. reply to : If C. with the following
distlehr • •
"Larger:ships may venture more, .
But little Craft shouldkeep near shore."
C. immeclitately sprung to his feet, and
"The lordly eagle cleaves the sky,
fintlittle Murtiut only try?'
AMEQ u. PARKS, Designer, and Wood
• Itegvaver. Philo Roil.
Mil stmt. oior Post Oftwo,
dziccr. must respectfully infozau the pubs tbst
‘Ss .0.001. all kinds of lualuolcus suzl Wool
&tumulus:. such as riewi of Buildings. Scam bast, • Oli
SitailDßlT. 81.643•11 . 5e11i50f suety d..ceiPllon.Ornim.n
tLL lissds. 1/conasle /abet.. C.'cl.s.un
lasi am, 81l b. Lo. Teruo surf ss.lofuls. • - luat 4
Ladies!! Read This!!!
TICE PRESS; tifid.arill shortly be ready,
.111.11 ILLNDSIAID TO THE PLANO; nomorising •
desert:omo of the mechanism of the instrument. tbe
. • &frets to which
COOS Liable labtext
lan numbs% the
• method Of r...ra12 defect; and structleas bosh,
. tarp
the 0:111T meat always ha La... H y,S. tl. TROIe
t rot 9
ad. The Inforntelleu It Lawn. is 'worth ten t rsIL.
'price—ono dells/I ourd among other &desalt/sex, it will
ergestnelly guard you Iran hellos rout Piano +polled
unskillthl tuners
- Ladles and gentlemen in tits cahoot' Pittebunth sod
Allegheny. denting early rotas of Intesort, mu let for
niattail at th eir residences by lect•lng their address at the
: •01Sem of any of:the Pittsbnegh morning er , e
U t tit.
• bo
n ngo atom of hears. John L. dielioe. Unsl street.xsul
settl i gl r anellar to L enthor, at the ewe ell
flee. fitiebutedx, new sill be forwargtXl. lee s of
to pert t the United Stem. Six coplee Ca nee doi
b:r' 1 aIecOIIIILIO la
te s
hat A 41; - dreier.
There ISIORI apyropriete 'present t a betoken.]
Emmaks to hely than • copy of this book.
tnyrour coxierel
TnIL d E subscriber has in store andniTers at
, pre., • goatavortteent of Alpe..., Cohnszt
and •ecred blooded.. /Anne, Poplins. Yr lata.pue
t !
Crays% •lbetlueth.. cusacercs. mum ?weal% !C .%
Crown and Bleashal Myelin& Willa, Tithing, Colt! Cane
bele. YulAing, Canwle, llcohrellad. Meek and white tie
' finne.Orttoo. Linen, and Silt tare, alldens. Li 6013 Told.
MO., Woollen Con:abet., Cloves. Hooter/. Waxesda.
Maine, Batboy; atm • large valley el await te wht.
1 Moat resneetfollyineUe the attention of merchants and
Pdleln can C. AItIIIiTIINUT.
• • :Exchange livery Stable, and Furnishing
Nq.:178. Pam fired, nen , /ha St. Clair Ibid.
• EV The subscriber , thank
fat t o the public for the liberal
custom In his hue heretofore would neform tam
ihatM b"gfrtgVlvrtLlPtaTdAgiN:it,=,::,
• as reasonable
Se any In the city. Any
sly thrz..tadil,l
ir h b a . tez r htv . sta t t e .
, a=
• • !to promptly. zna rtaa 1 4 ; asel ne.tort manu re.
• -
,rIOA- Lo.SI prepared to eontrae
• : atth.Glaa .Itanafacte utka tbx uatte generally
• their la DV of boas Mb, dluitta the .rtraar. at to
preseatalartat. price. We wary.. at bar eats e1p..1 t...
'VA bat babartett. • - llCaribrrr, Ballttlf aW.
' • • NORSE'S
•:_• ::-Vl3otopcnted Snail of • Yellow • reek Root,
.QC . CLIPISS the front rank among the pro
benne/ toad. nee of this moon for y
; oeterarteli
(Saber. Fait Rheum. Ernisel....d othee.h..
Nun mining from as tenon ante of th. blood. Ales.
User epteelant. Catarrh. birtenso4 Heslnehe..
- ' Cons?* barman sod Tightness Oont the meet
.-; shins or h0ar....,. dn..% ton • Want
Absat tD. 013 . 0114 ant I. owl ASS attprerslaund noon
• 'AMA' Wiakoru cad Gerwral Debilky.
iltnkststimhuir [tit scanned laxly giving tan to Ine
Soo.. otgase..d I igershos the pinata;
; . 41 11 the Vtrtrutt:ltuat=ro.lll:43:s stments. foam
linaorr. entregrfrarili ,„
-, d and lose oon.tltattoal. It t.
• :
Puri7 000eta
fy the Blood tharmonloaetr C .
ii , r.tr4remend cnni.......dleree blab Date b.mel
'`...sajt . .= ° l=Streur .. horolsteh obler non rid tr.i74
th° cklP 3° V:
• -•,•• wt.,?my that I brnoate 6randu b arb:rteTtine 'a,
-00312.1.A.1N111. It remoras ; all entreettara
' aratialkm. wzmkrthor lb. Liner fren.sethre.'nol
:.11 morn Napa.= of tbslienit, mut reborn In
tuna( detturn. ant may be wed I ill cliantan. &Di
WI avow of tb•
rooo o anteran p =gg i k y ., c , .....1c237._
,1 le .12
I . .nt"fai r Wimtwas. . mrn.r Ram and ant. sta.
BMEW HEAT FLOUR--1011tiags'
sy ll to store =I (cants by •
3.4 w.
-•• • Copley's Fire Brick.
COPLEr sc co., near Kittikuning,
.4= head ► few tboneand /IRE MUCK. of excellent
~,egity; t hen Amber be lea with Jakob C 0147 .a• XX.
Gustu Owe.. wsennylse easy bee peen. •
e l.=Car , n , t , ty• o lo sann
then. kettlizoNlATlErizr*Ci&t
Wood stmt. ate 044 wean tor tine but named articles'
RORER'S FARINA-250 lbs. for salo by
nolo . J. KIDD .k 6o Wpm' 4.
EESE-7 boxes Cream; •„ •
- • 1
for ail' y D.
WWr. DV:
IiLWIS: 81fAWL.9!—N.1
A.A. ILAW.I A W: a, opienriks ,
• ••t AAA peraummt Woo.
LANKETS!—Now on ha..
one n. Beim. and nsugh,
BED ' ROOT-500 lbs. Ain., for sato by
REAM TARTAIC—D)OO lbci. for sale by
J. BWD 00.. 00 Wood 0.
COD LIVER 011--Rusluon, Clark & Co.'s
ensmtaa, WM or by tbo doyen or gr....t0r...t0 by
bra • • J. Una , • CU._
or become tW n, tut W cure
gra= rfieg r Xl for ell It? n s i lge bat
" AP 5 flwe " H. N.
btizes'Slterweal'i s's and
rs. oo oaortiOrroont and for rola Dr
efs r . • .• • JOLIN WATT* OM
. .
lb . p. prime D i ol , r , y Packed,
- M0 . 1.A .1 13 1 E ,, 57-20 bble. 11 16 1p:t it :LE :). for
I I Co. will 60.03 thb, morning 30 rsoton• of ,black 3,
sos~ of 111 r.
illtqualiti. innd wkltoo. •
NDIGO-3 esroonsi best'S.F.;2 bbd& Mad
, dsr, Re ',slobs . sC-1 ' J.* iti b WYO.
)ICE--.1.1.1t.C1! fresh Carolina Rice for sale
J. et it.: ruwo.
• 111.0S1ERY-A-. MASON Co. ree'd
deb. Chut:wee, Lembo Kcal. Alper:. bilt.
oidepaisiod Nn molt exterdive mark thiiy
bsee eves exhibited. ',bleb they , will sell vote? , les.;
POFFEE--78 bags prime Rio, arriving and
mated la oak* Wit, rave, and unoaaten=utzt -
Ltresal. whop Ztnar faxhrL tit p•o,
"W-OFFEE---50() bVI RIO, Or I
ANK 011—IN bbls. for
- _
N. O. $.3....17 j=l,lll,l6rr.
I • , E. S. 681,1411.6,
•• 8/*N.E. Plif.S— , 2oo boxes for •
aoa. eaukdE . a &et Toter, for Faie bi
. 0.r4 • • DIES DALZELL. Water et
20001ba. extrafresh,
Dracunrus 1.141.. day r• , '• • I.•• l•t' a pu • e.
run . omo madly blanket, vary rhosp.
of 1ak1.4 white horn, mute FLANNELS. Nortkoart l cor
ner Fourth and Market uo
CREAM TARTAR-I'2 bbls. pow'd, war-
Isnted pure, for salt by
L ALAS OIL--50 baskets for sale by
SLIVER SAND--l 5 bbls. for solo by -
ITEN. RED-10 bbls. bright Eng., fot : sale
by . A. FA lINESTuit A CO.
totto A. FAUN ESTIoOIt CO.
VINIM,III-50 bbls. for sale by
BAMUEIL I'. All 111 FEB.
ANILLA BEANS-20 lbs. fresh. for sale
by B. A. FAIINEStuCH A al.
- 4_ o- 41 LREAF CHINTZ&
-ritr.v3rrs. lust no K the oottheast ce.ruer of
"oetri'd"l""lltf RIMY BURCHFIELD.
11UTTER---Frebb Roll, in boxes, reed daily
is— J.
allEESt:—.soo boxes reed and for sale by
J ~,A3 • J. n. CANFIELD. •
faiET Trout;
fAr saJr. br
.1. It CANVI6II,
~1811-10 Lbls
3 EARL ASII-25 casks for sale by
oa J. IL CA.:7111.3.1).
LCIWOOD- - GO bbls. on hand and for 111110
0c.17 J. KIDD A CO
& A.WERS-- 500 dos. Men's
t,7 Lambe 'Wool Marta and Drawe., reed et
0c2.1 A. A. YIAWON A CO.
E V TS-20 Os A. M . most deSirable
nem opening by A ASON 0.00.
g AMMONIA--2000 lbs. Cur !B u gle by
11../ oOZ 0. 0. FAIINFDTOCK A Ov.
lIRPftY & 1313RCIIFIELD have ree'd
.1 , 11. thi. math• Log LA lahriA4 the following v4eleo
-IHligh cLouloeerd a l l n l
ewk o M k lh
o ho l lOphi o hr4toc•
tool lw Sole:
Aloe]. Avarua hiike;
ttoUuet Ribbons:
Long Abort,. •
Deli AL ocAth wool COO. Fourth an•l
CANARY SEED-5o Lu. crime Sicily', in
L.) tom mJ for eide
r1:1 J. EIDD .t CO, Do Weal la.
- .
kJ for ode br J. EIDD A C. 4).
CREAMTARTAR-200 0 lila. pure, far
—Will lb;
111 CARS. SODA--___ )8. Leo
111.11rwthvAle bratt., for sal* by J. KIDD t 10.
ALUM --30 bbla. for halo by
aeAl3 r '" h I"J'g
8 0., g -/U 0 b01&3 No. Rosin, for ln
.ca gg i i .
g ILARIFIEII SIRUP-15 bbla. foriaale by
s IyAMY. A. IIUTCIIM I, i .11.Clt;
Irki.icKiliEL-5001>kla large No .3, Moe
..lVlrtotaau losperkti'assibbl4.,o.7tarosaz:.,,'
--,--L._ -- , .....
VI R. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment-100
KY Jot for Yob. bi J. jiIDD &Ca
- .. .
IV 0 0, 0 D Els: 0 R . ,!..1 , - IN? i I)y
• Jana t e b t o ll ii P it t; rt i
*tient, am , th feet (Jfae.l3.l.lry. V ) ,,ors Cl bia:l.l . toby.
bowhootm to.,,bakto. Ibrom moderato _
HATtiiiio.l3V-0-NUE-11 stiSis very tine'
_EV SW' Yee bi - oar .4,_;4:Ea9";11 KER a Oil. '
VIAL CORKS—IS beteg tong P:11‘1 eltArt,
V nr ads br .1; J bCIIOObIIDSET.L. 0. CO
twIIOSPII.ORIJS--10 can; for sale lty '
art; J. b•Ctio,,CiSobi,tll C CO.
---- ---- _ _ • .
rIIERRA JAPONICA, for farmers' use—b
.l. too for yob: by eel: J. SCLICONNIAKV-Itp. b..
. ..
sAIII-----ItiKE-1 al best A ,eriran Pepper
2 f i r sal. ipr 0 .61
_l.-ILI:111 ,NllAlilt.ll. ttt)
atirrEit--.5 cella p 'bed, receiving
LP .at for mle by oar IL /L.APZEL± :21
iAt....ERAMS , --- 5 tens in h da, and ba.. fur
0. sal. lor oof Lt DA LZILLL t i:”.
I LIJIII3E PAS'IT " Eag e Brand"
i ' Lazed an lla
t Vani, for Lai LT
oelSed Le IL E. SILLEFte. I
TrarisrAilkicrr FaAp .S--A fine LH- I
s.rtaieut at Tntvirmut W1r..10. Etigil,. Hr tai._ al
. 01.-alt ! ad man br
Deli. .I.l‘ U. PILILLIPIL N 0.116 Slaw-LLL
• -- - --
A',U . NTED SOON—An active partner in
Y A •
b..* steam f.....1ry and erme-blne 1 , 1..9. 10. Le ,
OT:alt'M."lT:iltb"..t:railirtlViatt, ty:49,.'t1.1
Itto h. It tturstrdpr .. U.N . trkolutit t 0.......... 1.
low vran...el la.clasturi. to on& a tad serf
=l:lo44l4TlT;t7lria,'..Uis,ols,:q° 7"°.*4::::
'1,11.-.'=g5=r...., , :0-1...i4.' ` '. ', . ' hi1; , .
Q uoAR-5o iiiiim prime, in stag and for
$o 'oak, by mli lt. DALZELL t CO.
Ai OL&SSES—LIV bble N. O.; SO do. S. 11.,
ITS-'A. , le. 8.i.+1 , doll. .mk .o.p.ray.•tar irsl• 14
DALZKI,L al, La.,' st
CiNTIIARIII-7 5 14e. creel', jtod ree..ll
Ark lor sal. hy ortri i J, E. 11/1• t VO. i
Ca AiIi.PETRE-•-50 b go Credo nor Inn diug,
10 trot Or . ../6 1. DICI. , :1: 1111 , .
-----Th ---'7--7 ''-f---iii-Jiliib--- •
lON I.ION MUS A x. unreal:tied
A Puto, awl , ter ul. bY J. Ella, a CO
- 1 v 11,;,11..41,,K,T-Suoo Itr j .. i i il i i i •r . e , e , t , ol
ACOMPLETE set of Boultet Ittte . /11 W leey
roe In by octlif J. S PILWO R i TII . 1
Z POOL COTTON-10,uno doz. jted reed.
0 fr."' £ sol '''' , " k' .1. C. Aitrarrim.r. -
itt 111. SALT -Y -045 bgs ground rue WNW
tanding'hoe for see by ISAIAII PleihtP A. to
collet Nhathr Lee bruin ! tn...
CIiALK-5 tarts for sale by .
,:i; J. P.CiIIh,NMASEIL 1 Co.
I)OTASH:-1 0 casks prime,for sale by
ji. nolJ P.m W. LIMIBACtsII.
Qi, IL MOLASSES-- 50 bbls. for sole by
1...7 . ocl3 P- IW• 1/.III:PAUGLI.
i (.ITILAW PARER-200 0 bills. superior, re
)..7 ecleod per steener J.ll. lehleal. and for eat. by
ocl3 erne of Penn sod Irwin ete.
fIMIRIAGE OIL CLOTH--Justrec'd from
the Plalilnerille ' , henry s ., 4000 I tib s. : 41 o. c a s n=ny s .
ME. and ' . 414 V. bol tul tfate h ue reel st No, 11l Ifhtkel.
erre. 1.12) ; .J. 4 11. PIIILLIPP.
JUST opened at the Depot for choice
tio.lte überev , o,..t—smodi tot or sevi-
TeD °RANGY Ykr.Oß T,NA, s Ivry tlne artlel4.
„ • WIL. A. McCLUltti aW.
Ursa. and Tot been.
H EMP -60 bales Kentuebiand.Missouri
L'. Hotted. fur il
li b l y l-4 A. lIIIIVUISON IX.
UROCIIE SILAWLS--Jurt reed, 2 casco
!JP guyarMt Oroch. AAAAIN A. A. BIABuN AW.
TOIFYARN- 1 sack for sale by
J. B. CA:. WI XLD.
• oas
GREEN OIL CLAYTII—JUst. received from
Es‘urty—da , iron. sour atul Ave quartos streets Oil
C Ws fur widdor jor tale •hosestle add easel at
No. 116 Xtraet st. (alb) J. •iL PIULLIr2.
ITA-4.2ai1d)"117.p.0r1rfa't....1 in soy Wind..
anab a ucLureg by iloaglanfou
•fb grass lust reed sad izeitiouvlairri lajilAsi,
oea grout. para. of liistb.
FriEl2-43ca Y
f chesti . IL;
ZS atilt,.P; •
" 11 of Isle)ecut i tten
/..'"'" for
.de Lf n 7
•IU Web,' 0.. t
.oamaing at
tallLous thawl.
over 850 pre.
. =4 ant
11CKED GUAI ALBI6-150 lbo• very
r want., rat:Web R. X. SELLERS.
4ANUFACff/ TOBACCO —l5O tag.
LrtudJ, on Land .01 for mio Er
A. CUBERT:: ON t 00.
(Winter,) for
ILO SIN-50 bids. .N ., , ;0 1 110 11r:lfe E t i ly.
CHIP. LCIITIVOO6-100 bbla. for 'ale by
JAM. GINGETI — f& bble. for sale by
a,SI 11. E. BELLOW. iT 11.3cd
.rx. Powdered, pure, Tor .I. br
oclll It A.I4IUNFS}I)CEI A CO.
BU TTER -4 bFls. Roil;
2 .. a 4 3 keel Pweked ; simlilelt
la:[ sad for sale by , JillitS 11.11 , LtiLL.
ociie CA Water street.
CI ILK FRINGES—A. 31..5.1.•n0N A Co. have
1.7 reed 20 cartons 211 k Fringes, black sod 60 . 41 colon._
RICE -20 tieres best, for sale by
-600 yards 4-1 Floor tel Cloth:
3110 6-i
Joy! rao'd and for rale atone till ClothWareroome, 116
blaiiint et. i ocl3l J,t i., lt Pll , 111111
. 11, ° o l gA S 3 1 1. 1L b: S eo viTeIRIVAI <vs. a y T s
.kn a i pa go \ p. N 2
tr./Z/I'4l.lff Cream to irvv t l..ll l C..; I
tY.atiel tretratiewi tteedtch im•wriat analogous to Wier
hal:ea druid - Wad Cream, end other shelter compounds. lt
ers • I by the emollient pasty coassideney
'eltt:=9l:ldellisnellOxie• the bolild am Ln reiVIVT obs
ess. plewsuit and morn
l o p
the Imported ,oath. In hewn ly otwo•wiet teem the
bast materials, oath lb. greatest At 11, and l• {tot. sil l s the
best, but also the chestiest articlo for idmrigit. l
de easing sal. of this ardiele during the Laid twelve year,'
end tb• wren) wold and Alert modals imirded tor it.
1174,1tir estedt.theht.g.tztt=. eih r. lollt4 held by
<el It. IC C KIX!: IL.. 61 illicd st.
ILF WIIITE-2 0 gross of various styles
obi prior...Jost recolrerl slot for Foie by
IL r..sauxus. 61 Wood sr.
L . ; s
PT S. TURPENTINE-2.A1;1;.f01e by
et,2 A. MAILNXerrucK Ji CO.
-1111.1 SEED OIL-40 bbla.:prime, fur eolehy
851.12.19L51-19e invite the at
wear. at tho ladles to lot of .c• otyl• &AMA
' r
a 1 1 1 v i er e.
IL " "Vetritr ireiti l t arii 1.101)
crow , of Haricot sad fourth garotte.
PultT W
IiENIVAND mamma WINE-1n botiles and
' 4 " dr,724"."litasrs. 31cDOWILL.14 0 q.
bozo fot sale by
LA..zio4 .4dute-Yelant.
14 lIE SITBSCRLESER having tatati &to store
N 4. CC FOURTH .417ZPET. fon:only omaphd by
11. U. LAWN, end baring entirely rented the state,
will open. on the ludo, of Seputralwr. with • torn. othl
earerior stook of
DRY 009D8,
IBrcoins Induss 0 10 miNp t
by that well
trump and &melts estebllshusgsst.
ue . 00 m , s p e csrally InAJnts those persons dmr.lrl 1 isk
Mourn ilook• Vurnletdret or ithell (kW*, that
hi e s tare they mu obtain • woe. szmpleto 10001%. thou
m the city, as Ism insen4e devotlaS Part.ieldrie sttro
(ttil% Oubt"tlurtroc'iis7bleb'll7=l. cl=isUrl'nPtrbgraic:l
aue2.s:tltr_ A U ! ?IcEliitlll2.
and buyer. generally that'ther have
on. ,ppen SECOND large eupplr of Gordi tor th• fall
trade, •nd aak attention .1d their nunenally fall woo*
WIENS (100Da, In me eien rich priand
De Lathes, Pariaren*.lttrga French St a riaDe,
Baer. de.
and Equate—New style Bench, Oar,
handern.: Ca.htnere do.: Wool dn., vlatu rtYlea
blivk and enler,,tiblbet, de.
Irwh plaid Iti.bons, blwl: and half mourning dn., new
'l 4,e .‘ , "t a d e . X . alan received further ruspli Fur.r
rbirttun Iltolin and trial, Uneno. and St.P , e Ouralv nen
oCountry aerch•oG Va a l ' evl7l ftZtl P l our w
mom, up Malt. where, Goata are anld In.. oral
t_l at A.A. MASON and Cr Market st. nets
1., A Co. hare now an howl 110 dn. of Ladle? Carlr
, rte , r r e A, tl ,, k ,; jo f l7_ad, „ Kia. lee •
. o . the Leer. 00
Mir. Lon 11001 down.
orOs •
BESS GOODS—Opening daily at A. A.
?. ,r ).X j4 l. Fl e o . f w ta i to . rt ., MT=
Paratontfat, taps.a.. dr. •
l SILKS!—Now opening at A. A.
1•• 11M107 , 1t
pltc..s f verT Iwlttoctblo tilt, tome as low at
70, ,
tirt• til.te dv. last.
111 an plrtantßinoulA do. 007
DONNET 8130155--A. A. MA SON. &
ri cazta I.2hibit thin tumult al glansof ricLltit•
phy• t Rurchttld Imre noire. !teen ineale of
• ,Inntrat. 011,.. .3
- - -
J bwr terd a full Mortmeat 0.
N ' V ' rl L gtt l 7rl7V '7 :"'"Z le r ,e
V 0 •oorllc.7g;,g
I.lurchfleht have Waived an aaPortment booakln
actor., grey and hoar eclat, which they ate rolling
low—also auper b:arlt tlasslcharea .al cloths, and • 'art.
sty of Myles eo.poelally lalapted for bus s' wear, s
VIEW 00 DS! 41',W, COOPS I—A. A.
01A:a1Z.: A Cll ill otaio 011100 the 0413.1 v
Vl' r
t. oW trhOlTarclaoh , rs IP t 0.7.
_, ;I,IIN acla 0100 n 24.1 tate.
abot'e pole
4 —Nor uylnfvg at A. 4a. 01.1+018 A (N)
'f.' o
rich thrj Frer,th Merino, aoillah , Cloth. 6,0
A. A. SIASON A CO. haveAst coorivo , l af
Le styles (..,1'0140 11 ah)
Nog, cocul.tlfhoreivine at t 0 MOU
harret Watehouse. toorth stroot, !lath OP 111.
t h r=4 w " te r'' r eia l r:l7h o,l%
FOITSALI;;- - -.1. very Jt:stra4 :::
0100111 Bum., warrant,' ((40th
tiouha. k:c4lllr. of J. S.'..lltlghilAff. l l l s
oe.l t0c...1 at
VELVET PILE 6.l3.pti's—w. mee'LlN
emt.tautl, creetalta IA; fall shrk. ol I
(a4110.4'1'.: aTte?)'l"lo't.lllkluVar.;":.•4llll:4,72'll:!ltt7,
thaeri Man vt.4 torloreoAenal I.a,:s µtate,. at 11a,
aafsbllobe,lthacoot WarebottrO, Nth 1:4 fourth 11-'
1 . *AMU-16F. CLoTil. Tuimat !NOS—
ah-14,12.Tt.C.11 lory.i. the Iteration of Oactsco
ShallohulAlrers LOW, largo 31015. of 111.. awl Drab C00t.....
011 Triton:atm, .5,011 ic till ..I1 .t 1041104
yrinva..t the {'aryl Warot.s.v., a:i'aohrq!
r;'L..".7,11r , t;
i.r l4
~r.'l; r mm
e,lueoJ to 011x0111 larito tho at.
0 II lunrib al
yr. sroch
12 USSiMS CA Meetisre,x
h:l4 I. ' ll Lovor Ihato
to thts market. Call at th e old astattht , CrO.not
, 41
house No. V aoarth
STItY CARPETS -- N ow and rich
I style .
V ;: r 1.t;;:
• r
-•, .
NEW cfPcorl:
THE SUBSCRIBER having now releire4 1 _L - .....
his entire Mock of PALI. All I) WINTEI: thrObr, New ' Music.
...h , men...fully Infarat his enst.ert mat the milase I
that he is Prenhud t" ... " l `' . ' Ps " . " th " ''''''' T III: GIPSY'S SONO. or My 0 Zara Bark.
saw or stall, at wry la• Prlna.
lie ......' es In Pry Pond* all the stai , u wall M a laTge_ I ~,!,;thy,.„7„t.rit,,.,421,,,r., a3l tame ti Jean, Mad. at
ow fr fancy ;;;,,,e ilonita. mamm. let put- ~
• i.. , The 114.querkt tornrin tit, a fru tit le
. 0
4 . 4 Ct.. 4 '.• 01 " , 1, tlofj...mi 0 .1 .1 "".".....".• ' • "1.' .. . • The Lately Or, m unriyl`stbanne Um •in driehlea
3 , 4 lifecmie tiro, . • if .
rib. Vert Sligo, all yriect cod wl-iti.3 ' . Ile Is cemini . Lanie. sung t., Catharine. llama
atie,plo black mll. '.. • ••• ' theamske.P.l nermil.
Ilemy ii3, , treet lit:).. all guider. • The aton..4 143.1thoininproql h 1
„..P..i . " 7 .
Preach Trees. •• thie Fatgligeltetnlihnedmilmt
Mut Lairtma , Al,l-0 rah-oral releetlan et the meet yerular aa , l dr
ininchtlerint* mai Ciwthousee.
...1 ' idral..l. hator. 'lotion am! American.
Inze,ther with lirrikeh mai English Polars.. ...him ev ...i It KLIIIhtt. 101 Thir4 rteveg,
rlety. Sign of the Malden Ilan,
11005 E FURNISIIING GOODS: 1 BuTed llus}c toop ,
1141. 11, ,2,...i, / 3 - 4 ,.. 4 0.-.... 7, 2 , : - . d i r lz -- ,,, ,„.,,,, . ;if !ANTIC A fiAlll/IS, by Marion .k.. Webb:
4,, 3 and 104 Talkie Duauto s._./ OMNI NA SACII.k. ft,
telt au,' li4 Paruuk Napkin" sad lea liar, Pala OAMMIN• SACRA. ' ill do
- litiretaTaerl. Mao. and Crash Tat. elanco • Ill? °LET 1110 E, • Mew aellectlew af Obey and p.ri
Rich 1. to 1'J.4., Jynd latd. 030000 supmb ytnyliS :44
j e.i.Rdelni lynt, arr-anlyttl , lLY ll. , _lyow of Np3.lcol CM,
".".."`" Q ua ' }....". P '' loll3l ' D' ''' ' '' '."'"'' ' '''' . AITt7, - , t.r;i l ."! ua. 1.1t."::11 -4 ....,!':','",,,,",`I Ir. b 7". ' a
,„,wu 41...rut...yr , . . ,
7.IIOIANINQ 1411 l•OODO; . A 1.0.r.10 , 41.4 ,10 , Id 11;6 Ji w l. Ty 0 4,..•1..., nn ,Ye sate hr
' i.,:15 aUIIW n. Kr! i ...IL,: 'Peal .t.
cit ' ,7: ' ,iri., O-I and k.l wile: - -• • -
1116 rt tannin Oath, ^ . clarioneta.
Wart Mohair Lueltma l THE diffoiulty of llid-Yanjni a correct and
ST, i4r•gii,.b.,..: c•uoar.
-! tent Aced-level
c lTit ' itl: rr.t l'` . ' i "" :• . t ii,?: `, ii ` .;; " :
F-iteti • e P".. ,1 -r... er , i , n ..,,,,, .o,i 7 .- I . tehu ill ' oride ' for i - ra eximeaeltn ~,'l,. L....,
and rack. co, fall tr. met Coda it tem ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,.....,,,,...,,,..
~ th th ... th. t.r . „,... 1 . 1
mei inery: all rf which will foe ratnut.l of mad 1 ~,,. Mn ,-,,,,,,,,, , g‘,..,,,,....„,,,en.,.., ~,....,,,,, ~,
colors mut cluan tor quality, in , Cianenets mar offered la sale-tut muter
wenls ...JAY. P: A. str/CNliiiii J f i t, c...4c emu :rt.,-
Al°11(31841; ht li a ' i E r, , l a ' ff:k ki 4 ‘ in k f . .. 6 . l. . r i n n kag:33 at et T s "l i;n 3l6lo IL bl e l:^ •• ti Li.-. .. ".'--.1 : L2 ""'
1 . 3 K7'
An autortonant now groan at to non. of 1
g."4`" muarin Ji ounclurisi.o.
«p 7-1 : ro.,t, )44 n.r net 3. ma 101m501 eta T ,, tr,os.nt.. ( re 44.0 meet Clutoulwkll L 3l , ..;,hts a
Nr"l i 3 R.E.I) Al I NtillAMS--Murphy n''', lchaos. 5 - 1,.. of 11.• 1741. Ruh. :Co. lt)I Thu. , et.
a 1 1, 4 0 t001j hit , te , JYJerd a choke arrortrunit hf I .
Mows Erode az aWe quahly also, a Yuppil a J , .. k h .. - 1 New Maw.
LY.....! and leash uterkitnoLony ; .
?: ' - 92 - --.- 1 ont4 11. .111.11.LOR; No. SI Wood .trect.
d iASILIERES AND PE f.4INEEI4 ei... , 4 . .. ypiTived the folkaring new ant roriil.r ro . a
lb) ...or I • Krt..: It, 1.. w.l ..r.irrh..bill . r... a . i.?. I '•-•
and OA Market st.. imams) A. A. 3 Olt at Jaug-li. P. P.M: Illter.ia Pahl I.Bola dy Lam.
-- • - . at haf c. c. utelmr - do . • igenn...a .
A. MASON & CO. have on band, mod I ~ emortii .1:1,7,-tiloger.. Feu Wl4:
are dahr in recelpt of large Seto Ones , Lailnlight lo elleTtult =l:3;r. It!ke, _
_lt o
ha such as 11. gourd Sataie.timeheures , Pe letinem lr • now Mart Park . 1P . ..W0g Sop:
all which they will ■guarantee In proemial quality i , ha Mirka. , . I' haree-tirh, lb but
goolost this market. q q ,,p.,. , Take me home la doh I !minty-tarlatan.
I I watch tor thew Cum• Ana cos that ewut Mr
- - - ~ ... ~,
1 . 4 1 1430 E. OIL C LOT it-wl) yards 3,4, 5, ! !. ku.3 . . ;ck,eal man , lc.: umin-lornktintit
0 and II equirr.piskrie4 aim dm Phtillpaellle Fa , i ..,,.. ~t;, t : r. 13.1recielo-Itneeellem rat,
hettere men all the. oir
ry. and far el wmety . had rt-'ilt .h.,,....• il3hy dn rummer treoll lade: Judo. Tonna d....
13,w. 7 mat 0 Wand •1.. jn•iLt . _ j!.. P I . IL. I
_ ...L. , , ~,,,,, . .,t h , th. ,.. ,.. .., ‘ ~.„.
, NEW GOOD% i blue, limply's. Aga: and , fdlrer bell 11, t 'allsol,
6 Al. .A.v.1.1...-0.:0140 inner,
0 3.. 0 Z , te ' 11i7 11 7 :1,1j
it E . ll O E . l , V i. f. A 1 0 1 0 1I ; 11 1 1 ,1 D L ty and p
. n o oir opening 1
~..... . .
.. . . . .
.. „4
1 ppica. fancy and black Pamir:tare, t t the hew est an 1 ' '-'----,-. t • .
mod fs..Li pter. y 4 :i iota\ li.D PROMISSOBY NOTES a
W planes blast sod colored Cloths, at the YIJAVS“nPett , J , I . j ILRlrr.g.--A,,,,,b7f7 •Irs l l / 07 Notes tu , 10 ,1, .. ,
o l•rilfa4 and mod eplenlll.l amattotheat of 1 eatlnos •!
' ' •tr II l ' lWEl ' i'll tqationery Stage
T r
toraist.t to WA city. I aral warner kluihd and &maul atm.
00 das. Undershirts mod D irrr ,
LP der- hue aud tupesptiatf.i.i. IQ LANK BOOKS.--Il'. S. 11. YIN, corner
A lugs uouttuent of Craws 114ndkeyr$Itts, Oa . IP Martel and thmaid streets, has fur sale the largest
kV blab, then •ltit tr. wary largo *kart of 3rtk mut of Plank backs erer 041,1
Minn. elm ousisistlnit
kIADO CLUIIING. of the mat hir...LIP styt, plash ct breri.Jouri.. lo . r.rnor!s. in. &mkt. ara In r .
. Land, yyylieLitil one Of thr Larmad mei moat luLlohal. I arT 3 31 1 .t 4 39 .1 10_Ye-,2-" "1 "' I "" " P ri `"' '''''
I...W.:ltMt:4=e VlVehrttilT=lgelalrinPur' alro ' liiseiiNKS F O l l 4.lrflitNElS, ALDER
.;to offer at thil . gor tanner. Priam. fur earl, MEN, Aftp J STI3IOS Or Tit 1.:AtIO -4 , ots,
thateri la tore Tell/Nina line taunted In th• twel‘pialT ° fl ours, rimalti,.theciartious, IntlehtoeS. 12P , IIii-na.
ere mut at Lttoettortmi notice. . - 'eh' , , Sul , patias. h Waons, Dills uf ri.. Arno.. otrirridi•hb
I Attachments, t.. Hill, le.. kg, for pale •I
M. I& LIAOON I S, Stationer,
corner klarketogid Iterowl Oa
-------- -
Hew Fall Dry Goods.'
A. MASON k CO., have received and
ant noMdenlng-1. cam no. french lierinot, a
..dal Ando, adsoud ;1/4, 4U la
Alcamo! and flonsir lmtden , onl wino hl
milk warp. fancy co(d,C.:lomo loon and o ur cornden
12 cam ParamottmTldloot Cloth. and gs, moprlo.
log Amy obade and puantim Wontod a.ra, tra
and xdors. Tim aboca goods cm btret for M. at
prim Mach co arc contdord ..e napr.vanax
ItCCDADEONS — A splendid and varied
moot of the best breeds, Yon ncelved.
UTE.S—I car dedrebie seleetto, **ROL 4. O. .ad 8
ten. oar.. weal. cad of the b. 4 IrOasici.le7l BBB .B./ 84
°V iriA Mx es Libelee e**4 than irteck ofa)1 8 8.
IffOLLV.Y—dome very
800 2,4 eon. soil nee ,f
118 7 1 111 7 /: 8 1/71f l .41. ° Iine Bantle. also. fur tieltsr
Ceronetr, Tubes, Begin. IlibecorMirner.oBdBr
iteltt°lßTlrr:iti"dU°°4 by lb. Leil I,ltTtVigr.
th lt oe.abgeliligraPgfat°eM-t‘2at W t 0 N.
rennet ant lilectry net eati c r s. foodd Lolly an mir
°":l2.l °°°"°'L dlitiff 01 GittfYlolllllo°.
b a Y ral W L ' e,L . , T ztavc . 2l , ,vr. , tr4 Pa i.e.,.. tot 11 low. than way Cann. n e e tiefo. mord
In One market.. We cordla ll Write the attention a
Mende and those "tithing to purchase taxivs ue a .11. a
lba Old Hntabliatdd arrbounn ho. to Fourth at.
send W. IIcfLINTOCK.
.INACIJ (100D8.—JuBt rea'd, per expreee,
at A. A. MAHON L titt.".. (Alcamo. Bonnet Mho..
ogred and tout lblostablio atylen 1616donTateandeadi
ioYlist - a:JO pen O ro do Anti., beautiful color', to pen
Mareellna, guidax 6 dianlJairich Flume, chant.. that.
NEVI DRESS 0000 S—We go now re
ceivC lm e or o e n s, r Bo tliel. 0
B h or u .i o o f w
D KO st . l Al d t k .. .. It , h ß t
reroottos. Preach 0100011044 . and kWh.. NABOB
Into 1CO)
plena tow open. loepal A. A. NABOB CO.
aon "Vr. glinTatn",,l7l.lllilvi•
Ida ßook Swiss Moo tiantoolL'lluslltts, Ac. A complete
worts:moot soLl. 0107 dOl4. estO
ai r LENDID SILKS—A. A. TeLteux & Co.
03 have fort reel* beautiful amortmeat of very. rich
dewed oxal ploht knook E11f... 'tan airy. dear:thin gaols
aro wall worth the ottoatleto o,f punt MA, terf
.upnior Broth, Alrlooo. ballo 40.0 Chop, Ivoatlful Chun-
Orono. le,
—MURPHY k ItUttCIWIELD bare owned this
atoralna • Jot at Saba angloa• and loacrtlowdackanat
Thud flllO r gran th dlil i sa k entYd ' if;traVl i araarld .
01.0.1• and
Straw Bonnet awl Hat Wareham,
He. 105 Itkaier STILL;
D n PALMER °Were for salo, at very
w•pri.••• foil ansatiza.s of e4r. tdalio
,l3igitlFarsign and lauticao 6. 1 4
at.r., Braid , Cato, Ulm N11111;44 Laza. Matt.P.
barn". sa.
HATS—Meek% Vratba', E ar e =vviv.
g.n. Ml'AllfBl%%, ettistlmp„Lace, a. lig.
Mime ipaa, Jenny' and other . bra. la great mi.
ZdAifitirattri Loma =a Haut Plata s•u•••e Tat.
• ,21c16 7 121 tlirarrl A Tht and ea= ' fl C. llk P itad
°°, l 4killszmuthas-43,13.13....rirge5.
tZtr".° Pdg
" 1, BILK.
r ' IIP ILllOrck. Ns•
ft i ga 111.10c..Noelmi, *War assattlod
• AIT/NZaserted alishket
lAN" kO. lov wlaWamas Vm
BOOKS,. MUSlic, &c
Chiokering•s Yu ItOL
JOHN IL =LIAR, Age at for l fift w
chi t wing'm Pinnox. Lr KV Aburgh
and W.Aern Petuvriv.i , No. M , .cO O 4 a
by" }no rreeiTed amrw and wars la ~,..i'
ot MANI/ FORTE.. 4, trona llamas ufartors..! Chletarins.
Ruston, unzalsilnit or d. 6 4. ~i i... Aal 7 octave, rarrrd and
plain.—-- no.
FOR SALE—A senor d hand -moo— .
, , ANo. 0 °dare., arena , rushointuTtriVlM
c. 0.. mad.. by Loud a brotbana brimone,
hundml and tHrr dollars , err eix months'
credit. or the usual alba-aunt I A.m.: tn. sale hr
[ nal JOHN 11. tIaLL.OII. al %nod ot.
New Music.
Pue bII
Came shemi the M ite zephyr& phut
Th. harp that ohm. threads Tatel hallo:
ul Met: to um. .
Conlin' through the. nye: loot f...rerm;
Aoki Robin Urn): Little Iled Ithlicui /load , te
non.. home: ken tom tho Men,
1 he Caroller. The Lord's Prsyn, with mu
ne Ktmurake, •mquel to the hYmover:
Cavalier. A tartag Slder•
'.trike the burr gentir. hyl es" ara all arr rat . " ,
Woodbury. Why t‘ warner Hems fade:
• - with miter.' rame
Th - rlJ7;i " Hr;ot:i
th ro rt.plate. •
_., 0
ttrrrt .1, of thr VtOrl FrOA , HrIdr , rhorr_. r.. , J. t
no rrinthrr's ...J.; Orh and Bloomer l'olltr.s. ,
°Oen 1 COL. Dimmer, JteJ7,
0. 11 ) e ' ;. " 7,0 P" .r rr ...). br JOHN 11. MELLOR,
rerE bl Word rttrrt,...
_ . ...
Double Reed Melodeon.
TUE subscriber tins just ripened a very
flex Mt-1,1. Am. to octave, with &mile 1 , A4 of rrvd%
tnegh , tur orivinal V• 111.14. Clgthartit Newthani. N.
In Inatruucut 61 equal th puw.y loan; small organ.
. . . .
nd inualt aureslir In It it pnitlt of Aweetuer.• if vine, ra
rore i l7.r t e c .:l 4 ;fn a „ in ud ' ATr n u '4 in rhnrrb.o. and oasis toils
iow prim tom h t,referelde to any 4dhertnetruntont.
porches. an Iritrutu,nt of the Lind are reerect ,
fully In•ltr.l to cell and neandue the mate. previous tett , .
ding talon attar front 1h..1 anbarrlber`a warerooro, herlum
11. ):It, Solo Alient
kba onlered br "Roiion in this rity.
for the original Makere-earbenit h Ner.llsam.
New BooKs
I UST RECEIVED and' for oak by J. L.
fa Read. 4t noel.
Forett aueltliorast Trews, ormrrtain,,,Welt•ro LOW
LIL , among the Ingram and wild wood adventora, rtl
‘ l,..artiptione of inberinv uperallno., a, by .1. Fprincrr
Hula and Ihiun nlr the Enwliab Amtri ,- , bY
Tbo I.lly and tb,, Bra, ott Arlington of lbw Crystal Pal
by T% noon V It. S., author of Now and Th.. le
A ht.{ m's 9ketchea. by Spoor,
Th. Tir.l Thine.. a ,wron
fip t.
of lecturer on the Iranl
Pan4P nod ;floral L-CfriAl• t raralod to mankind,
tlardiu ,, Spring, L. L.
Tb. Llntne Altar, WY Avowal la twhalf or r.dir War
.hip. with prayers and Lynn:La,and ralandar lemo n tuna Scrinturr. tor family um.. by G. V Deem,
14.11 th , lEmnra, or dy Log - with and without roll Ann
(la illu atdza tho truth and pou'ir of cbristh•nn,
br it W rk, It. D.
lb. abor, with many Ohio no numerous!. tamouu,
anJ a neat], supply 01 thank Work and Stationary an, In
Rom tn.. En..t. oc.
aI.. -- • _
tungnificent NuNNs
CI kr, Crund Plsen to Le from
vut.rsl.o. warmour, ho bag rrreL,lpet.l.on
th , ,
uhL. a1 , 11. , 1 It to rv.ln It f , r our .I.o'
;r1 nhlerr allorl tho. of t h.r.
1 11 -t•olt 1141% woisallwl gmeitia.ot A11,1 . 11[411
or.p.rtimit, r... 1 thr
i. 6LCiA^
/I,•ont lot Nunn+ k C:atk. So
Nnains' Grand Pianos!
ivs-r rtEestvf,p,n arlantl4l
/ hl. 1.4411111 c, LAI atria.ll .
iinggddd. all the land imongend rd, anon al pandit
uuci, pi., wit Lanier, mid 114,41 , I+
pot and vidunig ddio aro truly aid.inilbitig_ *al and)
tha a• Lvuadv gidrfOr.
goer In livadooe the auffet bud sneetagt I.ninrip itoe
aid id
w furonnrolg•nramely nigh and
in good lion, ithout that Indiadrlcndiate °gat loading
gidl lit. Vitiatingion. slaw.
tii ta, Arpin
arid in ntlrtneu •r• gd gang ,
• Kea ' xi ' ete::::.....4a .“ : .'n'n. " Irittga, l lul
Agglit. int Lana •iiid Clain.
twogirml. • gory Nu* gnu, rsi aunt - M.ll
Lain , Xi , ..)1,
A History of Pittsburgh.
BY bikiVILLE Is. CitAla;iEny.—Alliu'
wry it Plltiitio.‘b, Irvin Lti,e oh., it
torn, Jetru•to th• dor a it.- Innt
• cont.,. with 401i , 11 et the Or t eatatilPtitaint 0nti...0
the 1n...n0el inualfnetorlies and clew.. wort. of Intro
to.prt tetarra. op to tb• prowl. Mon Un•larla ✓ oat
f d ehnpter opou thr nlystanies to nor ha Wall
otactuitor ow/ enoonairead 'introits. with
1 ..
upon var.:tut ot transattint bele nono•li
1.. upon our ri,sca. an 4 ototti.•atini lernio , rowrn.
I twee writ in thin Cairo when , no m.r
tant iv, tal and orrot ern,* Onitoiles.l Intinnt bay,
inencaimil • Wan ea Ural • period of Ilion, tu the
country imlai! the bond 4.lthe Mao. Ti reflect toontlet
aral <lnit. to hirtattind or-lor thew various locidento.
Octi in poiclntoc tto. adiarnio.... clout ., {ll,lYre
conitohet... to nett, hot, utp, to<
r o u tri II 01 MI.IIIR,
Wind doer!
. .
New Stock of Chickarines Piano Fortes.
ME ,UL- O .n ft. +1 \V oodow il
Lratul ccentglArirgry pl eturt.r.e.ll44.
wnsal-cms a all lb. • arketino sow snanut. - luml. The:
maae •1 MAY, witteml nay
p a
P.'" I".n
'n .l a t:trii . 11 IILLIA)11.
I'ER TU} WATEUS NOW, by 11. Ryan;
brio's Celle gi r. re o elja , ildretalt. we .. letleY. j a m
14:1'.4, 1'P irraiiglietr:: amt. Ileart; e;oest to thy LI,
tlett, vith eleitettetlte ;1 111 y, _Yoeter. The ee.renttle, by
Nelluterfi Th.. ..L in g s• ilLtr.0 1 ,Let'
i="121:12.4% L., La The al tlftec4
wiu l t Lean , r i el . tteet w ftteg — T light
dropl; ete,
tbr 14.11!.... 0 ..
OI tNabN; Lo Rata of the Velee lyriltleett
tiaftrVerg' \tekal'itelfoltr4%?ar"Vet.itrytttit =
tmelt Witlewl=tZ,
habrut atm , ' ha Petit asshoonr—Roodo.. eiiver
L ta leltivn,V,2 , l3 , 7l , 4 l .7rotirTtrlL l *l .
TY4(I. of Cumtlead• ,ed by
J ; ' NE401451 Wood et.
s L
NEW 110 0K 8 I—The Stone 80 /
MUM of Saint bond: • innate Vitta 4'
.De I.IYO tram- Tranglated from the ....7.1 ...
Menton . ef litre. Edward Blelmvitethstateitertoroi Wet
ton. lierte by Nev. T. N. Birk; N. A.,Atector ot.Kellishall.
Haig with en introduction byttephen IL Tyng. D. 114
volt" 1...
Atithotea Rm. Anti/Attar a kiannattnl 91.n , ...a.a .
Diu ita.•itt. o outer ou a illostrothitir by ,havies than,
,:liifYi , . Pla I TZ1: 'O l =l,T =T.':
toe na nd r Dne, EDO. '... ' " . .
The hte or the wt. Afr.. 0,,,, m , t-r 7 I v ~F, -,
• ch.„.,r tll. alattbewt by Richard I. • vil i il- ..
•D., Raand inAEbnplain of the Lori Bishop o ulso ,am
Revised.' nt the Loniolleilltion..lllmo upon
LoosoLe Alg•bra.—The Element+ of .Igebra. designed
for Drain era by Ellea 1,00611.11, 11. A., 'Wawa of 51
aortal Vicki Book of the Br/volution: Erwsing•
Ses= , 1 N:Af t 1 4 ,...r .
b 'e y New Dotat . leinfitrilze.
_. . • .._ 11l Apollo Banditti, Vottettt vt.
IVBW /50PitS!- - qravels in the United
0.4.R.r.b-4,',Aid.4,VilliLta..llo.'f'' by the W ' Em.
The ninon of Di. Et:absent. Jhnephlue; 67.1. 11. CbbboU
with engraving - a 'I rod. lbroix. boo.
. 8. bin a..... 1: Appleton's I/tabu:4a Mananine And
R' tt i fictogl Yield Boot of the Rovolution.
Non. 55 and 18 Dictkonary of.livehanic. Eriabile
~.1 ...y.g. Just ned and for sale by •
J. 1.. READ.7S Apollo Ilnildloas.
___,..Ji Icittab waist._ _
rut *. Emmert= have lust reevived a lot of very
brentlfol 11. It.h hints, mole exprearly for exhibition at
Or Eortire Vitt, to whleh the attbalicm of the Dam hi.
• , D . '
Novi )360143, Alft 4P4, Yeti.
T: a Problem; taprintea.
COM , '
and additionu by autr.or of A Wit L Yorks.
Mears of else/atm (emu of Punt by lamb Abet.
H Oitilr&d: a Salof the Puritans. 12m0., mug.
tastbur; Cies. by Anus Dowry, author of "Iliarida,
l'oretufa':, Pap. andsnus.
dniru a moshaukr Rum. and Deaner? Jour
"girstotioty of Illimbanks, Eneria Work and Co
sh/seen Nos. 31 and W..
rwitl l sa nail, of ills Itsvolutionl,Pip,ki4
Palietl , Rig ki lin At Plea
'grcatriaTl' ape .
" : ffdtr. d i r lir
.Iby ,a
rk Apollo Radios. Poen , at..
p tmd Palle Poem:dente of SAP United Mob*
the ItHiriOn or George Viaehluteo to the Perking
e complete 'Lowery. haelon relations si*e
tim, um lamudmuc Coadential Pocomonlo.
Naze tour Ittassal; roe telnlpw Political. Illetorte4
GecorepA,h?eL'Eoleolilloggaiatotleal , hion=ical, and In
111m.,latt= 1T24.7f2
Itepato Of the nog IePO2 ISM
;no abcfre esloa-the warp forego by
'IL U. MUATON, 47 Market it.
Dr. Keyrefe Pectoral Symp,
CONSUMPTION In ILI cult .M.4....Whn01 , 1na
lirt.nclaa, and 0.. of the
mon ren.MLln end ..freclual
or lb. cto.n and roironnarr organs actor J,• cotard. It a combination ot various re.grtablc
rine, in Inran ot a Syrup. in onler to utak.. It raw..
Lie. It ban an action tinarcir din . ..trot from any ad lb..
Cough sininiura nowt In nan •• II doer, no , onturnpzte
Wand,. In
produce 6r n=. of Ow glomach. a Lunt a,
common In Congh
. .
Thl. rented, tlixtolvna the superuhandcnt reeredlon of
rogeotn end plaletrnt w bleb sttnnd Catarrhal and lipmehr
al tiff : - lino anti Its /to-10.w etre-et 111 tilta)lng
hotrsetnett. and m-tnattlog. rrlied ot. rnettil u.
pruprtetor has totted this nietllrine to • rtnetlen nr
rem' mast, Mal with orthoon.l.l concept.
Country clor. keterare would .In well In inoraxupplt
this tosthelne nwsttantl, no Land. at , it will term WI to
giro s, irf, and afford. • lunge prptlL
Casey of the moat .letu-eotinct CotiFhs have been Frpttght
brio,/ thn unlit-. of the prow,rtnr. sod here Leen rornd
In • •or) hour T It I. one of IL. thnattett nlndlnlore
knnwo. It It Pat up In hall hint Ipttlro at to mutt rach.
or 0 bottle. (or
For tale, wholeenle trt.l Tetra. br KEY:I./tit k Itlcth./W
-ELL, 110 Wood 5...4, l'itttburgh,*Pn.
rr lIE new steluner NORTIIENEIt, Capt. B.
IL G. Nwerr. baring rrrry nodern unprrtremoll for
erd, ty 0101 renit , rt. wall weer Clerelatifl on I. rklay. the nd
YMay next, . her Ord top --and wbekly thereafter a.ll
riay..ti i, n'elrark. P M., for the Faut bm. .Mane.
The steamer al A N•MAT T AN, Capt. don't Catowsu„wlll
h.a... Bard ute. Marie, Co. the different landing" ou Lake
Superior.. the. arriral of thestemner Northerner, nyabitair
• renal. line, flan:mahout the ,soma, tarternen
Ch.reland and thpprr and Iron Mho..
t Cl„eland. 0., April 4..114/11,-I r f '"NCl'• Pr'P''''''' '
i-. Y 1
EIII::T IN BI.VGIta 11'S LINF., to my brother:.
U WV, lIINGUAM. the businem at Blttsburnh anther... ,
atter b.. transacted under the style of "arm. hingham A
Imohl l 11 . 31 DI NONA 11.
Bingham'' Transportation Line, '''
' ig
For sale by lIEYSEII • SIeDOWELL, 140 wrest street, PITTS . BUROII S. THE EASTERN CITIES.
Pstlaborab. /,.,/ riliffl CANAL Icing now open, we are rune
QEI.LERS' IMPERIAL CUOU II SYRUP. 3 1,t,,,LA,= ,, t 4 it ^rt flrererd PrnethtlY, Bride. , end
t.,1 -.ado hare osral this Medlethe I. oil r telullr , end in
Li E n r , cfght• altars at Ine ' r . i rat. charued by restonsibla
our antral.. It Is one of the beat appsnitlono for rougha,
r 01,14, ac., whirh has ever been „11„0.1 to tbe pokily. At l'roducsa and Merchandise will barerelved and forwarded
the raw on n 1 the year we voold recommend O, es Try tam ea „," " a „,, ~,,,a „,,,,,,,, t ~,, ch arge rue foot ~,,,,, , a ,y.
da to keep a bottled It da th„lr houses ready for 0..., e. „„,,,,,, i .,.,,,,1 „ „,,,, ,f „,, B . er e - ' ..
.easinta army reluhr. 11e sire this as • matter of ed. ice. liar, o f 1_,,,r,„;;;,,,,...,.i.,T4 ° ;i,,t.,1f.,,„....,,,„„.,.,,,,,,„,a,
. our actual rawer rner of the gaud qual,ttre of th. , ~,,,,,,,, ‘,. WTI, ,;.:-,,,....,,,,,,,-,„ --- •-•-•-•'', rani du not nob our ro4derr tn consider whet we - - - litir - fri.,;,,761,.,i 7 ,,,.. c .,,, ~,,,,,,,,,
say simply in Mr 1104 Ed m,,,,rurndattou tapir a allay. Corn, Liberty and Wayne eta, Pi tt sburgh.
nrif para. knowledge of the ante • ~I which wesPcer . }lnstil/1M DOCh, ICJ Market et .
raftsburpMl Chrome , . I , lwern Pourth and PIM,. , Pitiladelplna
Prepared and geld by II E SELLER?, 57 Wo.:1 at JAMES WILLION.Asent.
Piilit7M,lll7,v - , d Vl' . i'lN-V . .,`lm" -
- 1., -, LoitENtip: WIIITE-A Lonutiful gIrU-il L. t.
, inch 1 New York.
a; white Palm, that la tanclaorreable su any cowed,
it le Inr•ladad fur f aria+, ~ ....nnybost and s hip fur •
altur , , tr. 11 itti l'ois article T. be bald ta, „ ,l the Iddh..4
... SSW 185 1 gg/gq&
ata. of tl.;,lit. lo p,re white of Roy wale!. kungen. 1... A -
aduaiweable of a wit.. li teuule,d, alter Pio tonal h . e. Merchants' Transportation Line,
for mato Id J g tbo • co , 01. 11 ca.l at
r1t,1.7-I N'S FINE TOILET SOAP Mill "
aur. It„ont, Cirraerlao. Nimph, Vertu . .. Anal. OR Pill L A BEI.PI lIA I)IREC'r -IV I Tll- ,
l i ! A pawl... Pelehnuly. Ito.. eprlng Flowers, ,I„,,ay OUT 117 elll l'Pl Nal.
Lind, Coro, al•ralanadios, Aserroarcrtl. 1 OA. ilcAlsbLTY a Or.. Canal lbsdn. CM Penn str.t.
Thiteen,wpa taw
from•the 1...L1 .re I P..l . nrKb.
hoists. Int l are Ynt.p.11..1 hi au) „i liar booed :nat.. . (1141.1.1....111AYN011.(1enhal 111n..k, Moroi duet, PhD.
1 , ..a. eal• 6, a etial 1, la. ol.LLl.lth. 0; M..,.1 .1. delpina.
1 'e err preparLo te twelve a lar[a .uotrat ruersh.dlar
J'ne root Vifitiorarnun; - thl,c,rer," tit Mr 11,4 'S and71.1.41.r. In •top on the opru.n. ad the c.a. In Phil. -
tie ear Ana,i , ot Item.dy for 3130 and Br art/ eirlalw anal all lutermedlata, 1,1,0 en ed lower rates. and It
, lei.• Ilmr than sti anY PPP WC.. sea..
H. O. Farrell'' 1 c N. B. Thr tor:en:o yymber of Trucks prortdeJ by -
, lb, C mai I .....c.a.4"4ner. fur earl-, anat oW h. . l on tbr
CELEBRATED ARit.BLAN LINIMENT. 1 ''''.• Itatlroadia l will pretrut an, 17/OMirT 01 drier et
John:derma lic.l.dayebueg or Col neabia, his sem..
1 1 O. FARRELL'S genuine A t.rbian Lim- I C.A. Mr 1 LTY A CO,
fools Canal Basin.
Al ~...or r. • most tttanullnary smell. tor . Me truth 1
et aback, Is pia,Nal be, end d. 03, by the 1..1 ..e.... .... tel. . *---
art1:1„, and th e Lowly Turn bo th . dull 1. , ,,'...1. , . 1 ti rt. ntt1.4....A
•Idlt prerluunly had neisted all re,....` .: :Primmer. and th e 1 . - -,, - . 7 „ 185 I ziEtagai
am ~ i tc. b.., rb, , . la tar enrld II . a. e.B‘'" -"-
a baleen.... :-.;l, stn lima in.ullar to Arable, pos.,. I To Shippers of Merchatthse . Produce, deo.;
sait,... u. • coni.entrattd 1,.., all wale sumulatios, ann. ,
J.., ttrnetr•finer • 5in.......1a and reVuLPV. , l.l"..p..lllp end ,' rueanl...i. P1:19.3 . PIP. Pal, rtll.lllloas also Id pat.
0.• pp. which. a.... d.. a.r. 1/..1 by 11.. '',lll ..1 I.L. ,if 1... LI A NCE PI rtsRuROH 'FRANSPOR
1...ert." with sum miraculous autens, In Ma th s' lb. y..
ea'. 1 both from and beast. TATION LINE.
Rend the Inllpring remarkable cure.. ..goi , C. ithrtalo .1 1 111(MA a CO., Proprietor.. No 1t27 Motet: and 61
thenterle. Ore 11 la Parcel, 4,, e nau Limo.. ho Is. ; C0w1...n...111. I. l'keadelphia
y..u.1 any similar remedy . ' ItEl.l. A I 11.11/kTf. A,...eut, Canal Basin, Pitteturgb.
• Aboot • yaw .., ..- 4,eff ago, A 'nailing appeared. mr 305. TA 1 Lt.. A SON, Agent, bald:yore.
wife's 01,...,4. gradually turremin. to au. amt.! it Le. ; lk, „ re Pr „,,,,,,., „ the .nth,
of tha
Iv:ft.., Si nor., m my list end so that she mold met I Cl,. .1 , u. road:art . - as n f
rei:lat .t ar Inv rate, and give
the least prevara 1.1,..'n 0 without oscine 1.. d e1',...• 5h,t.t...r...1ti0, h .1, -ta, it and rue a. t.t.; other lane.
pain 1 gni th. ad. ie. of our boat dw, ...1 au., .Itder frt,l2.-em -
ad In .Irilon •1... It „ Lone odd it at
Agee Cap., art ' •- _ .
..nariletelmst el tb• "mars, a., that It was. Edam., Agricultural Implements.
E 7 ., r 4 th. cv.,-. ..,.., other. 6111,1 It • it. it eth ers '
. tirade, Let WWI not 1 , ., run-4 .10 , 13 1 , 00,01 1 t 1 II AAL . 1 UST reoeired from the East.tho
ou. i• ue. cm..., 'w aken. I was perreaded to try 11
f.,ll„witty ,mobstoonts, all of foal Inaaa.o...
0 / errell • • Aratuan Sanan. GI upon lt. and. PPP, ...'
pay ~.........,,L. ,b. d.,.., ~,,,,„, ~,, t„..,. ~, , m . I and tt.," tau.-1 re.rot .n...lnas, sot I a, old Invite all
. I. t. rna , r . .4n .. h il at , o r tle_u . .. uj i 5,,411,,ab5a.,ix'a.1.?„:„, • 1 . , ket ,i; . ,,, ,....: 1 0 01 ; t ri r. 1i t. 1 0 1. , ..... „ %: .. .,.. , ,, ,..r t : F.......,.. 1 .1. . ,,,. ..t . : ,4 0 ,. ,: , 11. , :,,,,,,,,,,,,,..... • c „,
. Peoria flare, 6. la 11, Ca.rzatt , hCruchers ,
~, ,liriser, err LOrm and band power
'Robert lb , . :.......Wer./w1
1. - Pa. Maniac r, 1,10. .`*; end 1 -, ,, re l'Llalt C.f..: B.A. -
07.. a lan.. nun ova your Litalysrot with ' •,•:Z:•:. d :_t • ,'1, a .,f 1 ,,. • ~,,. _
'''' h" '''''' "a '' . h a h... " ' h 'r '‘..'. " 1, . - " '4* 1 I :5f . .. , :• 1 t . .;:o1 " .7,1 '1 1 7 :31;: r ytT::: and Ilan,
be.n: ert,trath.d.en that r /au" weer „ alt m mo. white , ~,_,...„,
-,rte,, ,t , ~,
............ I nfa i ke th. W. 1 , 1 1.1 „, le • a hale. , •e • nd fu n r prone PPP.
"a11...1.4 .I. mold yid Lend them In the beast." tatt L. \ L.. , co ultetund trot? the bast toateriatha sad for ..1
th. ore of 11 st Varrell'a Arafura. lanlnt.el, •1.... I. ......V ' •• ''' '''''' •'''. ''''''' '.'"..." .
arta t.. well •Itta ra.:sta.l hes • ../.., !,.., ....a I kai.,..
Corner a.l 11",...1 and MML, streets.
6,u,n1 it ••
mast excellent fp...4y ...< nn.lfeett, alp., lit I ......' .- .--
inTy rhino wf.,._....„ - ...iaaft s in Plernal rtalny. .
T,n , L.4.. ,, 0 r:rol
10wa. .1, , ,, , j r . v•0 , -i ; •at ... - •.nnur Farr... Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish.
Frani th• anewdy unl ' perana ' OWnt r j Col..43 ' cler, an! 1 13.1. TENT Eli. fair ;261 Isso. -For giving I
adavt, whirl your
lanlm.9l II . y..rfnlrdne. I .1. $ I a te•atttal I,6,nle'Llneus. Muslin, Celan., to,
not ".• Isla In prmenn.. II the Plpat ll.P•dt cl the :ars, Slut Ibnans. ae., aml /ow. prinval. UP trot fr..,
Are" I 4.1 r• yrw-rtord .1„. toeing h „ rees thrt yr., , p'.us rang u, Loud.. , ...I prevent. olUtt GO= stl4lct La
and bar , Used all Mr r• hu110...a...ary1, 4,. . I Lyn... AT . .n 4 matalln. notnlns Injurious
se, nth, 1 a oderl up to the pater, tut I term ea, last /I 1 , ,r.. t... , „•-. Pot • rhos. the ets.. et • yea to• quart of
U. Varselle Ara Man Itytua- mime e:r.„,,,1a .0 that I loo• , at:.,o 0, whrn bud.. arm he.ekl > .
pay..... of DI Ms r.,,,, I twee nerod tre.or and „man ' PE., 1.4 route a., Crote. ~add wholesale and retail 11
I. r.a e 1.., they 01.4 1...11 prni,..rnrad Inwradl., awl I 1 , ..Y• re , It. I. obLl-I.E.S. 67 1% rod st
eared asore tic., IBy• dd. ',n a no with 0•••10 Liril
won, twiT.Pnly era s that. of dle,,,s. :rot, „Trstrb.• '
. t. e .t. It 1.1.-I hart removed n, tr.y nefr,tore o
end brawn, up In •perm. r.ort , o , nod .r.. , .1. I rare . A tad,. d.+ re b„...., o ze, umw.ore th e Daub ot
also brae legit...l ..f its red err. u , a the Lotman •, I pattabnc,.2,, a 1... r. I a 11l le r_ted t., ea... tut frsende trod ttl
tern I w. r- nth-, at arty all last slut, to WY ,44 '.'• I Inv 0uren„.....1 re...ft* a share of their rustom. t will'
with Illaromattent and soubt get noshing' . ta , s• ~. oo oo•• • very 1•.-:, y.u.:l4llnent n 1 Vohtdetery Itahaand Pod.
Itl I .. ....' ..1 ". u•. ill 7. ‘ . L'n'•.... n.h "" .. .' 4 di-- . -1.4 Our Nal: : Moe, lilts. apt llualt Matra.
rund me N .I • IL 51 " 1 " :4- i . : - B;ortlace V. 1.: halanni. and Plllowr, 81.tet5. , (1111.,
.an Pan of ten years' standing .7e. 1 bT 1 .1. n. ;etas...
11. .. , ntera.., and Conincts, 11 assdow likalraf., of werty Tr
.Iraldsol.nnatut , .011). ~ JIM, and ever, attuie nrually found in th•
1.1. it ti. 0.1.•-tians nut I bad Le. atll-ntel ilea ' meet raNasa•• of the kind. Urlcnre.reo
- a,,,,,,b 1a n1 ...1,...,.. k.,,,,,, ,„,i, ~.r......1 salsa ...,.•• ~, folly ardwited mud moat vrinftly ni.
Hier' rta„,,nl by Line) of but by Oa a. of It U. Yarrell'a ant , Hat Nottl.. Third strw•L
Ares Plan Liniment applied over the taublar•almut Mr.".' s /_=,.'- - ' --•-- - .
kw, ,our • Jail. I{ •Y • Meer ly ...ed. amt I Imre fall
00 , C 1 1 .4 ip:: ,.. for ii .4.1 b
nutlet. of it san.w I and Ude tlo.atabla.... ni:l,l. to 1 11 I. E'T' NA LBS.
•‘NlLl'4ratt,..*l'''ea'll,'te."Vultit'sna-ul'tt7,:re.thear . C 'cos,
n buil; that toea 1 ' 0rc!...1 m Ida:A aa no al. realm - mg ,
Mr= pusaracra.. I applied your Lnrunt.atad arm well IT AVE juat received from New York. an d
cou•ka le * lew dal. In in anntS4 Imade II• nanal. I ale , 1 :that bore 1., or oew style triNnovvOntYinni.: and
ortlehnl my
,p o A nor to • sboothut manner, bi - ler,. • , u urata dIANW. Mot salt low.
beak-kw tall alt Lot your lanimmo. non be
it up ' „,..1 . IVII. 1Y,081.K.
JOIE , It M.. 01.1. 1
la Sri.. Pl.e4ist. N.A. ,a, in, v.t. c, 1...2. ' (, 1 I'EC T CL E: S!-Wo olte a complete
j i.:l .a of dold.:alrn and E (owl Sr t•elea, and tho In-(
1061,11 A ..,,,e• 1 arta rma-are , 1ii..... w. re g1a...... r.
a1t.,1:: 1., L'ocariffn:r.. ..... c,.-r.....,101.11. artnrimr. to th tarn Farhat - Ird. el
TO 47.100 41.3 AIN!? INN - 41110% 11E41/ rut bob. ~,,,,.., ~,..„,,,, , ,•,,,, , ~. ~ ~,,,,,,,,,
Lo. u, tal/LITI,II . .
The Publ ., ma larla.naler. •.......ed .0 11041 1 ,, ,6, . Nit AN CRE AND IIAI FOR S-A good
thonta-r.AU labia, Inf. lately node n appaateixe nt o I • ~1 ~. a ,
1 1 L , thq-e-,,“,b-u-k,. 4"11 v ~ .-cr• ,-.- . 1,„,,:';':,:.'. ,t . ...l'o"::.!st':,i i .7 l ;:is b r'd a
D l eh,.l " ,
au unnent a buy • donee , we haul .4 nilat. , " • ',, ~,,, , ,,,,,r ~,,i , .v , .,,, ~,,.,,
to trod., few boa an nag th e w .ae uf k 4.111 k 'inn ,l I': Am.. per Ilara r A to.
lama 4. WWl:ler parr. Cyla for .1% ft. 0, ..... r , r. ,, VI . .
I At -I • Anthracite Coal.
nOstr.l-c.auer. 01.41 you f. 41. the genuine. but dal..;. all '
, 30 TONS oat. r•criced, n ,ll tiiele
.. i ...try or Wall, ... for ntr 1 4
a as t r i : 1 h .-:: 4 • 1
.. r 4 : ' ti . cle e b .r. Tu i : jarr:',
ensto' :I, .• :a st:t:h a . ?el ' n :r Is . ; /.....
~.( tn .
r t. e l p. E., '
, 1r A ..11:e.1 , -,:r1 , 1 . : .. , '. ~
od...leen In 0 . . Oar+ haul.-"!/. G. 1 cre ,- .4 , 1 -inatnts jo
14r.1.Pd.11..T....- • I . Lan. ft•Az.
A.Y.IS •1.11 , 1 In every Yearn. VIII.. apt hamlet M •
the Vatted elate, In winch one b nnl .tabdatent. Aryl:
1., letter In 11.0 Farrell, 7.31,111 . will. .....1 Pt. rsuo ,
aa le chmarter.rurrisstoiteltty, na.
Call n Ow agent al. arril fonalah Pre. of Char:,
book senatamor.: much raluable tralbrmatiora fbr . Teri , law •
of rhino , . . . ,
Paa:2-'aewata. 60 Cent/. sad an. dollar per tattles ,
no NV.. pe.etww Ir utitaufartar.l by II la faro ,
. r,
lures, and pprodar. sal wholesale drug:3•L all I
Masa 'Over, Peoria. III:and Kr sada •Itetrotleszel r ial
proprietor's , tart.'. 0O IL K. SELLS Kai,
soullaw : ~,,. 6: 1 , ..1 ,trwar.
ro: 1 .:,- ti M. CllllllO. Alla:hen, C 1,,..
The Rump Body m ost Perspire, .
610 SAYS VATUItS; tolin:vs a Ilealtnu:e
ami persona who do nol_prespire. areM
to th e court dlagastlng Salo P.a... Now, .b.ser , Itels. '
Clismind atop mow , . a Ir. prrapitati.. mad the .. •
1,1.• melltnes am' as-tiena• tin akin. /thing P. “.1
et am Infant's.
korty,2l•ll Rheum, and act.. Me .t nuly healed,
Doby ite me, as al, leoet 7 ployairlans In N. York In
who u. it In such ...low awl 4.11 uohailing--. ad. . , In
ricto•.. Mulches. Frocklea °ramrod:ter siltadtreow. It*
Molar la ararored thali thba se no wale., pullad ricatrtun a as
one trial will pro... I rual4 al put eighty
p.lllOOO cured of aura bead. Nano lemt. and Fors bespl.
' Dlly la-rant the reader la again wound I .maid nut erns
•ITY Val IA Jar the c..,,01. 051Knt Moen ig tube all 1 MAW.
Tipp wk." art, bald.' to
ut . , .vapar.l. or ennote , l IN-b,
will hurl this not only • c but • peeves.. a, and I eau
new ouly add, that any nue attlicted with arty of the alon e
or admits' dienks+s, erlll Dud title all. and mon L,,,re lethal,
ral.le In Its wmpertoot than 1.... _
-11 - 2 z. 7 '' l . , ::ilt Tr ' j ' c ' , ' o " .' . llllltx d et '-ith l l'lU p.-. °* an
buy'lt only of ° . M. JACILEUN. eau , Agent In I . ll.l•Dulan.
~id 01 Rood-
Fur Dahtneee, It.,:urf, Dandruff. and the variouo tllieasee
of U. 60 , 11,--I . ...mmo.nata hy the l'ittaburah Cairn
mental Jourush Evening TriltMon, Chamben.toora Senti
nel, and other inure... MA Ltial On article extant for tho
puma,.srel, as an cleaanti perfumed pnvira.
lion tor ‘auderinp the hair Pdt and Wry atthoUt autliaa
the clan... Pith avlse.
AN INFALLIBLE TOOTH ACHE REMEDV, m rare, the wont met. of T.oth dam
.ry ase, wuti ia.taaoaeoUNy.
In Quart and Pint Ilottlin. urtnrirrd by Launtno Brraler
. UPPor TOMO! .tree[, London.
So touch rrroratucuyed phyrlclino tho no.
dkinnti_aa • yaluold. r.nnoly 111 COO/061144kb. :...tututn.
l'brotue Innuauunto. blckon, lb
Inoson. Manta Swelltun. Ihnuand ot
, c. Col 111 Of
f • 'Asa.), r ,, llnile• I hy K. WILLIAMS.
P. A COON, al. P.. 11ICNNE1'Y.11
I. tt. 1. E.. uh.. L. J. JOSII 11. if 11.. of tfo. Moor
Tb...tith . "I OM lorry Oil may bn doromdral nu as purr,
aosl 11110 be On tolrally hnted so orn, m aatisfy tb. doubt
Pearly White Teeth, and Pare Breath, to
both tieestete.d het or rt;i1;10, nod thertietett •Ith tatur,
that 'IS not boh Jarir Aintort Tooth Vane rill ~.he
the teeth se .hth , mor. cad the titt,thetteriGrhu,l7
&Alm, nt JACH:4ONI3 Fitz.. Pio Libaty et- hood ro
A Scientific Flair 'lonia, !testator and Beau.
Itlen—Trthl Bother, VS ma no th Thcal. .ho haw. wolod
Jonas' Coral /lair weloroz. kw Ito expellent quaint.—
thowe who hate nu it t. we lowan. It to powwow the hallowing
ouditien—it will how the hair to awe , oo ant part wham
;Kure Intaudol heir to grow: stop it failing A clangour,
tat datalrutjo and wake Tashi. rad. or Kra, hair wrote dark
tandathur rho hat *oft end al/hy, no th ing to. canted
thlar—tantake. It truly beautiful. add lo it .. it In ho•
deed. the anon duCinullaGO—fat thhattor—artleda tar .0.
Bold 00117 Wth JACICPCM . I3 Store. 240 Litowly street.
heed of Wool, Pittsburgh.
Plies-17h canto. 60 ortda. and Pl.
JONES' Solution of Jot, a Liquid Iloman
Ilatr Dye, for the damming of white, red.., War heir, we
besotlful brown, or black tot color. lo a few minutes.
faicate—tu cent. and jj.
hold by Wa d . daCBSO-I.24ol.Sberty dreet.beal of Wood.
flit ergh.
JONES' Litk): wip.TE.—.f.adice are eau
umaa bertha tbe rthidott umt.4tl Chalk. Tbey
aro hot aware how rbtfully injurious It ls tlie sklid
now e we. hew rough, how sallow, yellow, end uoliesilk,
the sale appear...her rail Prepared Chend Betides.
.41 kg
I V? ' 0 ". ;alert a " htnt . 2:l o
Jawed huly Whit.
It It perfectly lettobarC below berthed of deletrtinus
guallth.% ertl It impart to thd skin a Worst- oadthy,
aware, clear, Being white; et We saute thee while es now
lactic cut ths eel. making It ...Maud meat,
g e ld by the gr t ad, Wu. lAlliderth, 240.LIberly ItiOIL
burl .f Wood, Potabureh Prine."6 otos
B. T. Babbitt's Oelebtato4 Soap Powder.
T T AMINO without labor! 'Warranted
to Ulm tho otaluo out of table Linton and m.o.
Inartl.o. rot 6n.—Put your clothe. In a safari..
downtitr of eold water Po w de r . them. hn add two table.
. mc proa We Soar .to each tin quarto of wt.
peed 'with th e If the water le hard. aid morn at
the ['order. and bail them ten minutest In the me. nine
LtwieLltettv...lraillptareled:lllotnbloutaysen In tub Idol
not be too het
b.d t hee . Then ibe dirty strelh,
r'• them a thorouo rinsing, and that la eutheion u t to
no t, L deem
N. O.— ere being no main to this . &AP. It rill leare
the itt7 01 , 1 trad Mei, as pot.
raw do. Ti.. entire met Of t Melle ono' does pot I
'mooed two mite, to rompleta w u bl bd Of Oct pmeorm.—
Warranted hat to rot or Inthro the clothes.
11x.1 familr Bolt e.
t otoparer will make twelve quarts
Macrote rod thia.—ieke, ear oh hnarta of Irate an d
mix the Po tin ith tt. and lb. let
err t
utee i t . hets odd ,
it Say where It w.ll nn[ Ixeeq d
quarto cold water; err thorn intimate'
iff;ll Air .171 b veer twat and du Whlle Po. R and
ill orb tell aid will out ut th. bandrlllte other belt
wa ll
r.. by mak gasp nor rot
t. too tititstlm Into ebe
ta o llr b t=f.; ur
twelV.rjbepOlLho!y bent adapted NI wathlrog enlito
"41"1.1.1=i4 retE4lhr n. X. EELLCIWI
t. fa: Ward stn
Th, Mal satmtnri. hatt.mld aid trifle inropritidd
0 • i d rulduir, rudder It. far dupdrbor C.4lour. W.L:r
for r uuourr rammed of Um toilet ad4.lndth.
th. W lOO Po ' afe r Vt=tol i cr " F " ...i / 4 111.Zir
1 1 1"0' 0 0 10:dirrreOln . maildei toilet. adied =1C...4%aq
0 ,11, 0 y. purred.. of tht .tut Ihrr dirsdrrlng the
rredlondo or the cumpldrlnn. llserdnlltut proper:Jest
urr the beat And drjudds 14 stlu. au4 /mart to II an
.¢:redblo'pft lagUlty. In bang It, adli rubl,lo4 uu
It 71112013 FM bends:he lo Ow oltuuled.
d:T.S 5014 bll4 U. 0001.0115. 07 110.1 rl
- CICTNEB.SEIIP , The subscribers have
entemt Into 133-Partnarelilp_utnter the jinn of IMAM
A t Okety. Wit. h.130A1)11.
JOUR )r. .1„
$I TT, BERRY & CO. h'se r r.noTed
• max oat warstieuse.oxemiro,f enemy Ism aid
1.351. daft
Cl.till, L, Pa 1.1,P t 1 , 1, I e.n”.c,... Iworatrroas.
I'IIOPHJETOit:a of dn.+ old_ and well
torch Love the canhe that they ant
now In nc.ratJJ fe. the tn., wnt pea., n end hale eunmen
eed eerelwaur irw,Wt and nal,. which the, an, lolly
L o wl " Vi7r a h ' , ' ;rat
Lite wlil he, eonstuutly at the landa, balm w the elanno
.h. la Ilrldwe. reeei'w Nw N ht ,
Otter. e er. Mater aud butithfle in. Pltt.burgh .
It iv Cuniutuhlm. New Cant.. Pa.
Mathew Cut...kJ. In
it. C Meta.,, Ph.&
J N N P., hergh
Inv O, nville
ul Ilene,. !lark. wn.
, c I oat, o , oneant'olle.
Rent, trin
11. U. 11 allbralore.llos,lo. ,
New Lake Superior Line.-1851.
AL EIIATUS-100 las. a1.,,L2i,%14.1,5:
H UTTEIi-:.`u kgr. frrsh, rcc'd and for hala„
.UP Li or.lo WICK • SIcCANDLE:h. '
BEANS -15 bop Small While, for rode by
..,,, w . ic a IIeCANDLWI.
- _
11)LAID lilillioNS—A. A. MASON Lt. Co.
L hay, now on Laud :Al CatUa• rob 'rule Plaid Rao
ne.:,o .
1 Di F.G.AIt--100 Mils. for mile by
Mss . CI; Llfelli,.. ils 2 CO. I
- • - - -
if , URN STAllett--4100 lbs., a choice arti
si , „:„., ~,,,,o w i or, ...i.,rr.iity or diot, 110 , i 'Wins; 7
ri:'l.7 . r .i.. lt Iti:er,r i :::,l l lll,7; d lll2.:;2o;'..."F ' V' ' .., ti::, 4
ss i e,eis.` a r, ed., riorridNa. 2 , 'rai in.,. I rout
~.kar ri .. • tth tull dirirti o ne b i r nee. for stir by
_ ,a..... .
.. J KIDD l Cali, , t2llood rt.
',RUSS. iiilf.E , --7 boors best. , for sale by
i ",,.. .1 .tiellill.llolA Ell 0 0,./.
11 L:r'''',ruoo
~ MAIL IiLUE -- p tcboxes ,
Ejt l c e , b ,. y.
if 10 ____
1) FISII--5 drams for sale by
1, J 1,21 Wi12.2 A 310122111.. V..-
BLAN„Hu, K 1.:,1 , 'S --A. A ,,,,, ,151 ,.. .r . 0 ; : r1 it. Co. a
ot re
1.. ~,u.50,,..e
. --.—
LANKETS.,—V hove re — miived my fall 1
Wick 05 D BLit!: 225:1, il dor illibin.24 11r. il.d .
wanting, 1112tuteria trill call and aii. nor a1,..1i
.015 Nit. NidILE
, 1
111VCOLATE-25 boxer 'rash,'
. for rule by
I ' ',-,' 8C1.1.142 Mil g a mou - lt/Im.
.. _ .
, It UTTEK-56 ri ,, s No. 11
LB It Lida 2011 ; yo..rweil as re
and as rII
1 .... 0 OAMVI.L Y. 2112111.2.
AN lutallible t itemeily for TOOTH ACRE.,
Tarte on tit„ 2.e11i Prima and nleirll22Grio, Fr
rt.“, (.4 i.eibe at . • ILEVnilt ili Itellk/WKLL'S.
v o lt. lad Wood rirror,
11 ICE-10 tel. prime Carona
_,a for sale by
Ls. ~ess 2512.2 A.III,ICITIFON - 1 CI),
• —,-. ----.
. EAD---550 pigsValena; - .
hi,u rsslisr,mebt. bur.) Int. rale by.
1- t•e10 JA2IIIOI A. lllire4ll9.lo l, 2 Oil.
. . . . .. . . ..
L 1 11. 1110LASSRS--'2O blds. prime St. Lou-' ,
0. Is Sensory, feral by '
~elb J A3la3 A. oirreirckos a co.
rvORACCO-4.03 kgs re, s's, S's, and 16'o.
USA day sued ine so solo
4.415 WICK A 11cCAND4E8S.
tiLS--23 Idde Sperm OiL 31 do. extra do,
13 do. Western Sloaelled 404 40 4o Mm-
Moneys' do'
otrill tool ao4 for oak 11
Oetl6 KICK k MeCANDLL33 .
REFINED SUGARS-4n aseortment of
cro,b.i. co.duo, rat,,r0.d..11....f sig.., it e m
t. Louts Seam Sugar Ileinery, kande st oatocal
P6'7,4 W.
A ' ''' ' JA1668 A. lIISTCIIISON A Co.
- _
plAratfggb°"4:',cl:l.7b7Pl4citf°' we th'-
suttsfootion to our- pent betetoturv, btu .1174 1m 1Z u i... cb
I:eked—rm. 37 Sio :to. , U.uuUtio. lb* Eug.
full ugsbrilakahlo White Vi•nuebt • •••1 •
full.auutrUnout. fie.4.but
. 1111.1tYLIV t UlUjtinEia
S -----,---
000TRINE.4DES-2(X) lbs. for ealc by
cell, It. Y, lIKLLERS;;,
(7a . WAR LEAD-400 lbs. for snip by ---7 7
I. °CZ, IL. sta..Letts.
OIL & ROSIN-20 bblA. Tanners' Oil;
Nn. E Ronin: inr gale br
—V------10.LASSES:—.50 bbir. N. ~
IN I. 0c.74 A. CI7I.IIERTSuN 11 , 1,
Q. /.I. MOLASSES' et GOLD - 'sl 1
1,7, t o r ..1., ki. _ A-9U1.12 . N Fsi ,
Ix LASS-800 boxes Window. k,,K NI
IT for rat* bT JUL'S IC :TT ,
IIiMiTARIV ACM-1500 lbs. fu ,s e
I ne...1 11 A. YAIINKeTTOCTIka
u , :t OIL-40 bbls. for sarot
• ....ATM% a\ 1
FrA.DINLRSOIL--40 bbls. for saility,
lOLUEN SYRUP-10 bye. Goolinta'sa
pAnne. ke Sal •bi J. el. DILWORTH It
13ATENT THREAP-2A impotpea
BTLANIY-5 casks Wild CWOI7 Brands.,
Or Pain by A. CU LIIERITON t 00.
wastni by , full J. B. DILARgaII IU.
LI IL, MOLASSES-20 bbls.SaLLiround;
0. far We be . JAIIL'e,PAUF.I4IL.
15 Lettere freed great 'Britain. Praire, Mir; ...Hs..
rgeLIVIM Ini aW 44 I " I ,'"."
We at IMAM epPpefte r th e Yost ima m "
I'IVBACCOI6 kegs Oars No. 1, itiatirq
'A and tetate,Py JA7.B DALZELt, , 4
' 68 Water 0t4.,,, •
LLltd-r-3Q11.4a. for eactl37 : _,
or-% " . 8=00.1A.E.0.
for thr , Fafer cl3ssekk cf
eatatal, Annie' Nu trrt .
nano wr
RAI LA, Arta. '
stbf A, rat,:
• .
I•mtwrly has no el.pPt
.rualuuntay, lu 10 ,, n , of
un 1 iPulatotl
r.-noeb ,•Cleu, NEL 4.4
Orleans Insnran Company,
&cured in accordance with tis(
Lot, of (hr Stat.
10 lL
above prosperous a
i: nd
Oantany, bantsnt non:W ..1
low`of this State, Is num unutun
Acnnt en'tha non) favorable WM...ts
dnunn mud saftr. 01011 , i1.0
11.:; St :001.1..1.731.
,ghee. \'0..:.! Ittrolibteld at, I 5 tt
A. A. CAlti:llqt.
Pittsburgh Life Inanrance Combk
rill! IS COMPANY soon 'lncorporate.,
Fet , rntax,. lasl. nob a Perpetual Charter. ah
crn.....11 tattinr•to er. capital of '
The (Innpatiy cloaabuslueso both on
II canal plan.
on Ws .Ivlnt Stork plan rise rate" arnone o tllo.l l rwe ihat,
!boss tha:;c.lLlllutual COM Patlin4l, and riftern INT Orel.'
luner than the rates of biont.
„Mutual ratta are i.ll4`rone adtllnani_bn
, otinneted Cororanies. nrured [De math,
al (poi
!lava the oumbltonl renurittenturniabed bv that
system of insurance, and the (:spiral atal Surplus runsf of
th.• Jotnint,it deattrutth , .'
The Chart, porinl. Wanintiling of Infiartnne on
in every Lou, including the‘riald. nife,cnihinm, gar
ralationv, frlinds or crt,llhont—lo urn. , thn
[ otheran 101 . Ll...trona exeltisme benefit. paiii.lialterneaut.
or upon the parties arriving at tbe Lg.. 41 LO. Lb, tal;nr
o f
Wu option of the inAurml. •
JAI., IlOosa. It;;ikl*A2C
fiverMellurkzn.l,lArrenlatAt: b. Lech.
Ch..r11 , 4 A. C.1.1t,,,,,ret,q.
Jilmee S. !loon, Jo•oph S., Leery.
J oho
S. thlworth. Charle..i.Cultoo.
V , atomet MeChart., 1V01.1.1.1114.8. ,
J. A. Wi1.0.0. •
cox. or Ma... \
moo Miklo, Into etera.t.u7 or Kilt:
lion. IV Forward, In. ewerotar) of Ireaeury:
John kni ,:r. Eq., Cart, of l'itteburgtt Dank:
31•Irohn Intel+. k...p., lt holm& threr.
Ilan. A. NVl \ .\a,tui., A. B. Bloc tarot - mt. nal.
MrD,rat WALL.
' '
\ thnata‘tw. PhYwri.....'
J4.,11 liarrana.‘3l. U. Ilithatti Adair., kl. D..
- Jeremiah ht,alltel3l. D. E. 4.1. Mrinwton. li. D.
Emporia-two tAysicians. .
eninuel Dilworth 4 31. D., 4, ktalthfield ,trout.
Hobert Hr,rder, 11\ 1 , .. lot Fourth street,.
Job., crawfurd. MAD , 'Ai Nat Kt.t,
wm. 31c).. Morgan; . 1. D., 114 I.ll,erty greet.
Dr I,llworth will I. 0 ittle..lato4,ltt tic' oliler, eretl
d•r, tit IT. o'clock..
link. of the Company, N. 7L Fourth streo. \
r:!1 , 41kw ., C. A. COLTON. t. , •ier.
- Franklin Fire Ilignee Co. of Philed'a•
Ili IRECTOItS: elkurlts W. Buricker, Goo.
41,..",.111,V,,0k•r'ii t i t`,41}1!• - ,7•' IL!tio:i'LT,':,4"
Joan R. Stnito...t.rris ' l . s.wrw , n. . " - ‘.
CHARLEY F. 14404014 14 304,1.1.
Mum. O. Iltaczta, tier..ry. \
ca.tdaninw 1., make Ihturaonet,partnanct.t
or 4d, ot, every drwrlptiow of tippet; /D Lola lau.l
noon.) , •t rat.. iv. low la aro eknalmtent with etwurill-
Thn 1.....0mpu0 - Lave reerreed ~, lit,,, rooting ...a Ina],
which. with their Capital and rrytaintne,ansft.l, insellt..l.
•1101,1 ample
t he
C u toll.,
Itte use. yf the Cunt pal*, on January Int, IS I , R ,
Ilahtil to the Art ti At,, arr. re e f lowr,
tit,- ,
Heal ',... .
w .0111
Teintart IL/I
rw. 4 \ (a.,. ,N I
9;., 0 \ 1
415. , .. i k mri....,-.1., a perlnd of ' Tue . Ika,
bars Inv, upward.. of tine klilhou Jour /1 red /h unand
1, Dollars 1.0,..ew L.O Jan, therehy allotalna eerlotisn I the
atrantagra t f Inattrunee. at *ell w , their shilitf en• di.
r'''''''' '''''
P i: ' ,l!: " Oit l i l ltna \ ~,,,, \
1 owl! 011Irn S. K. et,hor of Moral auNd ne.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Plitlad .
AGENT I 1 PITTSBURGH., W.11.1).1 - IS,
r , T \\
(0. J..nrate.,. 41- gettuted., tio, L. , /. I twrtr ci 4 .
r the Wt., rouvr,olente nf perpub realdhan . ,
lower part of the eat. the aarnt n.y *lathe round 10 r .
r"g2l.". to ll
.r . :/..;_/ ‘ I ...S Z{V - UtZ ' Cl i r . :([7:•Tlrre '' all " :LX
y I.IJOIII/11[1/ /OLD Ha wr given and eocinintdeatiPn. I.rnml.A
It ....J.*. , 4 , l'aintotilyta explaining the printiGlea and
bytietl. of Llfn In:urolvv, and blank 3 urszio fornitheat on
apklication. .
t..imital etock over Ved.Otai and consta.tly t1....i.5.-
PTolltsdlysard luz.iir amour. tiros ltuttml fur Ilf*.
l'ill.Lurzli, Jo, 31. Ils:s1 , - , 1•34
Marine, Fire, an d Inland Transiortarion
. Insurance.___ . . .
ILE Insurance Vompany of North Americo,
I .—Clutcrwl
ii.OUii2. ss 50. Will snaky Inouritncc
an] mntent, In al.u ray kna tkaittil Ala°
Zd ' 07k?.;7 1 4.;;107.270 d e.C7V.ll7,Lt "" l„Zl;: ', :ltnt:
RAJ- .
Arthur 0, Cain. Prr't, Thomas P. Col*.
liazonal W..totn, ' John H. Nrti,
Edward bnl.k. Itichani
John A. brown, 1, inn. Wslsh,
e.amn..i Mita. Yrattrirt
Stunt:L.4 Itmbks.- . Aust.
Cbarks - Wm. 11.
Alitimue MIA .I.¢. spiwall.
Jacob B. Thou,. h
V. It. herrtn.l. Lce's
Thl.lolbe °West Inanrunzetbnanunr wan ,
and wan m laya, statuhng. Wog, .s.yrrirnew, ampie to,una,
acid nu4,ling rh.lo of an extra hkvadout el,nracter, tt,
mar lw conskicrs..l.ritents; say, security tn tL.
11 A.ll JO: , Kas
N., 141 11001 etrrt.
Delaware Mutual Safe4lnsuranceuomp , p
grFIC,E,: , ICORTII 'ROOM OF T. 4-1.1
1 ClLyialLe.ThlrJ orror CYbiloletplan. '
• ca e ntritlem—elhellelinen;tierebo.ilore ond ether
property. In town and reorritry, Imam! aosinat lore or
Same by Are. the kmoe rota of oreroiuna.
kler.lrrelentourult.—Tioq oleo ironer. Vemolo. Cargro,
oral Irciubre. torelcu'or. ....otersre,uuder open or eprelol
the nornootraly &eine.
Inberop ToesoronloSlT.—Tbey alb Inner. Mareboneben
trrourported Wagon. kit bad con: lebnol tool+, anal
.team hula. IA neon sack., on We afoot Ilherol berm,
11,...ersee—eloodph EellunrobJl. fonder, Jot. C.
Thrrte. Robert Burton. Job IL Peurole, , .Poroorl Y. 4 wedge.
o .r.te C. I,l9treloloortl Itterhoerute.. len. R. Par*. It
FolvriL John tionflrGN Dr. R. IL linen , Jan... Ce
Rood, l'brophilux Youldluo, Jour. 'Prook, Henry
Oien.n, Boob Creolg, thenro.L.noryilL rprib. , or l
Ch orb.* holly. 3. b. 0.. h. Boy. or, S. Thorn.,
Jolu. yollere. Wm. Ity Jr.
losaroat Ilerearnon-1). Blr ran, Hurl. Cr+ar,
John 'V.
roJu Luna
f M P C oa l r tel
l al , o r r ß ,
ere ~br.ufi
buP urroloatbtafl ronyert. MADE e
t 11to.
Ohio Laboratory.
76 qa.l --* \
r" - ;
111 l
85 \ 99 drs
Per cent. strength.
OR - ELL FLETCIIER & CO., Minunieo-,
not ALCOHOL:re
lioSpLiitefoiculeopi aria ilritia•
lois. Copper aiar Whiskey alra7e oat bad- ' \
• \Carver of Vide sod Veen,. st(Wt3. COMISiltl. Onto. •
JEE-111 orders forma Dittetomili will be DeotatiDTV l .l\
at lioa, est laszkel prima
Lew Pateat Reversible Water Filter
yTlow to be Heen 'in operation:at WM.
AIW: •CO Meaner*. No. 10 Fourth etreet,
o Fexry awl tebertr al d.. and at PlllOO &
.Z,..10 Ceti. street, Pntetntrao atr, bearer . ..W.l
• Cold 1 from tan Arnett.% Instants of New 0001.
and • Certuirate hero Ina !mann lusutote of IMlladel
us... for its miterlorityln elenn•MßProPert/m. aml.lo.
eertlaestra Cron? dwellerlog them In we Ptaladalotua.
of which the foklowma are exarapies
"P1M.L.1.1:11.4. March "at11.1051...\
It Mew me great pleagure to rennumend to Ole lover/rot
peen"i•dr, them
al month. lam %pealed to it i de Wen . 'aloe .
01.010t1 P UT, m etreet .
--%•Proututtrau, alarrhlodl. 1000.
The Parma Iterenible Water Pdteref. toremted Id Mr.
Undue! 11. leenW. and . need Lyme for Dole menthe at 0'
ra=reddrx , ; •11 that aor to
remantagod 11 to tbe.pigtre!". to 1 ?4..4.0 P.) .1.11 ate ttie 113711 r.
'l 4 timarter greet."
Them filters are warranted to tale 0
00 t anr PrEwil or
.teme Irldel may art froto‘nenemptred anal or redene
bit matte, the Tater Ttnw are warranted to Wet tree
to and with
V T max irLII tut Cc; and remain
O."''U litetiSlt A 34/11110,
Earlatt 9 Arab stmt. Phlladelnlna.
PAD PIPS--Cornelre improved patent.
1.4 14ad Pip. for I.lgtr i, Z.
gsteroVlV. '4 \
An At:. cro baad v it tr, ttt v B aboN.
tcte.blntr 13.5 Front %teat.
and Ventilation
nee.i. by Steam In Ilotalaonort Inannalacture'
llleina Book o c. =yea. Btu. Prterim. tionitolamolfolla .
In. of e very demoriptlon. public and private.) Also. Laun
dries and Drying Room, for all porpeare whe maul.
tomperotium eltbentilith art., deelred; re for Mate
no_other Method Le equal to
41.1=VeptIlition s by Ytsbarsl or forted nioattiti uLH
the prororal trhorereroloatred.
Collittonm of the mirkna dmnrlptiotui toentatual aro
mod beattAl ea, pl. In Yinatornione.
oat. method I.uree \wholeeeme. uniform' heat. let mil'
required tetnyearot.e4th maim freedom Yr., toot e
smoke, a.. duet.. row, and moiety from lint:
Copley'dVPot Clay.
HE subscriber' tire Do Sole Agents
o 1 J. *Vier kap, Itrr W. their Put Cley, an ,
cle of well netablblied repuoirlois L the minufseton
of au. Pots, Steel Pots, to ints rude f one of thesauri
infusible robinamon knornn undas eerynifully Merton
and clenrunl ravetens to crinALlnO.
Mr.!. • Pn
UZBEEN, OIL CLOTH - 4 6 00',
Lo and 5 quarter Utley I it Cl°llo,l'sl .
superior for portico to any articio mursfactt,
Puri...Mat rroeired nod for sale by t):ie piste
as Ware roods. No.. 7, and P Rod . arygot.
rierits JMiI
MMALLPAYER—Freshastortmeriv for
ooi ales. npelred from the woe ,J \hem,
the of Philadelphia, her lurk, and floeteh
iq s dl
don OS • 'ruled stock of dotoestleMttr u niei t tg zit • of
London Cap and Latter Marrs, blue anti dream W
lae had at W. Y. II A Vlol'.l Paper Warebalm.
mos rintiar Plart,t apJ l‘ratad,ata.
INEUAIL-50 bblel. for ealerbv.
RolosoN, LrrYte* do.
DHIEI) PEACHES-100'W. for Bale
for ealo by
Is I lbetl7 tt.
sI & co
'OO keg n.sed bites, for tale by,
- 1514, rtON--350 tons Bens Creek blond
\ LIN)"fli» Creek
• 5 s es bbm N. 0. 3101333..
'No hkub. N. 0. Sugar for Web!
ors, • - 1,081 4 0 N. &Trial •W.
I~~OIiJCCO, 3c •• .• •
2.1 Grilg4
•: text Tkrlet;
\ boe. pe.
nexs • stom, Vor bi
;to et do N. irrrr.s 4 00.
ikttftLere ittruitted by the ovinerti to close
tvl,,•=ml=tmloce..lll,les, nod woo
--- fAlu Iga:li - btu tel. t.:.a.C.ric
..L.,,'S: . 1ux ... 44 \ :
I\-C6t. Illankott. Ortate.) . \ • .'
• A J • blue tad =en.
wi.EgEl,7 , 4io b6lB. No. Loge
'...\ ' . .. ~ V --...,. L- :\ mi.: ''.:i6,.?:
\ --..,. J.& IL FLOW D •
ANA DM:SS (0011
A.. MABOX a 4914 cue! 17 ,
WIZ 63141. • ftedil.e . ,
- \
Needles' Celebrated •
1 . 1 tudiatint plytens p hOeb 1:112114
l.• durit.! whit!!, tame tboy hay,.
snitml • tahrta tin.. =et et• le
Ith,taru.le t•tstb-oittg , rts,ft.t ,rer offered. Mr
Kielatt.• tb• blqlett tminet,e, to "Owe, their notopt•it
Uon .übmitmi. bay. ...Iv,p the tlllot IlattsztNt
,irtu• °wild! othwert.,
..:,rti . : t 5ii• ,..., .1,1 , 17 ., n , ! , e , ef
o t . ti , Ll 1 .. .. „ c0 t tfr ,, ri p t55. , 0 ,, . , 5 ,. .7 , y , 0 , 47 , 1n 0 rir .i. ../
yes,. to Fut, t ies • ttl. pulm , nary dbe 4 .
I‘, 1-41, 214 14, is - reet.. rasa:tuts irse• yretractsti= l .l . .
wh,. vs,: -t, db.. .and 1..1-I.atty to Ye. various pettral• - d.
.1 -......, Ist .1.. tea". le le t...t.t ~.1 .•/arnstrt. le lr.- •
, or...t.pute,
..le a resuedy in Lonshago. the/. • .-
s e; o rt . e , r ,, tt , y,; ,, ra. , , u . l .,.. t i s s rt n e r is .. lr , ..,,. !Mit ... ilnith
!sr •,..014,.... Sr.d rSlol, tooa 1 ' ..t . :1t b a . ;2•7i. ... ' .re ' etTts ' o ' ;.
tr. te a-tets t:aloe. yees.ea e . the Itant•eys, a c,dlr...i• au"'
..., , st , lfette.rplatiers hes Lee. sv..idy her
• IN tr eats:ay:y.4 sure ard relief
est , iettelon ye aseh tte kitties •11) rhara lir rains, tr
I tV„1'1T,,,int',.,%...'',::';',' , 1.,1",':.`, 1 :Z:.1 1 1.%` Td7.l
ier sfe. u1,,,,,,i 11. titall,l6y ' c y '
0,1.. ' ii:'l,.. r.Y.1.LE1t5.37 1(.4 It
El is 11 , 'N'/"..." l'..Vi \ , )NT S.TAIZC,II P
/ I-11, s ti..d,:d,:Pe
a autdld ghee to Linens. 3lns
A t•
nd.r.... Collat..: ye t Is vesits....eud MI kioda of yruat
„ ~,,,,,.. y„.. j,,,,, . o .adi,ki,t„,y, e Lia,,,,,y,
front ...kin, a rsititds.s harthth4.,uutvidua to tittle.
any q.v.-L.11.e 1, ex 1.4,, 1,1(4,A1it, telt the necrs
oi . ouch en amuse. and u 3 titta their... yretailou •111 be
Itrealtaed. a 0- re•trelitieu It fear,/ atter . wit
N. U.— sue Cake .1.1,1.. l,",:irty down of alOtbes, .
3 1„am1'y sheold tv sithrsat ti. 3
g r :Ttg . '''' .. 2 : !.. j ,b''''' I ' ' '. t. ' fitk.°l7lll,NlVr. -- ,'
c "c ---- . prraourat. on ROCX Olt
, \\• . Thert. are mordthlti, la le/oleo and thudh.
,l'lnan ere dr...att.! in yhtleerrhy.. .
'fin`. VTIVIIIES of tilt+ telnarkibTJ rt
.I.r, ..1..1 the menden{ applinUlfin (Grit. loth.,
ehtr, has yelered bits to har• it pot up Ili beftls ht
leds .I.c/we..a ter the Ise ens of the Polk. "
The o\l littl.Y.ll3l I. 71,;r11N , 1 11,0 n well to this
t). st • Je%th of !dor hundred, i• • atire. 00011
td artscle. \hit/moil any chattanad oltaava, but put
flews fnhn• .sturr r. tires( LattrahY . ' That it jolt
„propertim rvitching A ,attrater of elkseseees. ie no inn
Wafter of me srtalult.. 'ft-qv are many things, a U
eau/tot nature: • bkh. If ken u, nest.( he of reel t
nern to •11..iudind surer/oft, atred ...forth.: the Al..
0.-alth and ric,rto many a Plitlrrro. Long bethre Ma
VrieDsr tituuslak et putt/unit op In terdirts. it had a tel
Yon Ter the core cf duease.• The cothrtsurnytid l atty fna
\rgA:ll,"is,';'`X'l.l"itiT,O, '',.111!1't1it'.....",,q,
Vt .leht.e.l itsplieatino In the
of dor., \
\W. de not hyl. to make along stf orrUildth
he are rcesekeet that the trd/rine tan asen work
Info the/N.Bd of :bte alto rudr. and huh trade he .
W/aUst or do vita claith far It • melverval urrlitanon in ar.
~" ..4 ,,, - . .. , w• ~01. ...U., 4 1 01, giv•11111 - 10,..1...e, or
Cbronlo , lt Is unrivalled. A uttth• thee,. nay he
girgiMi: d ill ' fMTlTl ' l ' ,• ' : '' CliKSlVl7 ; llo l . l 7(riPi7. - - " r;„ ,
Vt- emrii.'im.7*4),:?; - ,;,. '..;',',1,17,..."?:="4 - 1,1;
.....r,..1 Kidney,. Patna to the hack or Ade. dierroua
Ilioosess, Nauru/die. Date .. Itteatuatir l . niro, Yong. Ntraly
oast, TettetOth,,s.r.ruis., llama 5e.1.1
a. th . ttheh. hdd t•drs.
eI it ...o.,en ..1 4114:11, rein:taw flans exposure, st
longand poare...trd tm...• et dissa...: this ttexitetwe Artil
thing rellof. It rill act asa general TUtile and AL'FK.I
011%11 In ItirtintaaeS. Inghamo.l to. end en•rny t., Y..
whole frame, rrtntaing obetruetiota UVOllillj the eteee/...-
taustintie, whirl, vat, thee.. and 0 trok. saeseetedt.e.
and ,icing ineree...V and renewed env to al/ en. oe-er ..,
rl hoc li t e prsid lerhe oi attend tor. of 1.1rd5...
that resisted every other treatroent..l.l.ll InNai. , then •
of the I'D.lll. , thelll \ tor a short tune- 'the a...! rest
, given to soy yera.,n alio drelrre it. '
s, Not, aeon, • itlet the eiguature 01 the ,
'k''''' br
' t . , 01".'i,rair;I: i1,...1 e.... .F....,r.,.%
\At, b, 0 . ,.1 . .... Fitt.tdArd, 1, - ; trona es
1 \ ecru., We ' ti l t!!t...t ' anl tir ' ,!inSlel'Yall , e
o.l \ - 2-31, Pia reaktlarly appesntod Jyysdita
, iii . . 1 3 .:21 , 5 , '
~n , ..1 1, ... l o n , %I:
o \ i ti t411 ,, f• t: n tf i i r E it. ,, r
1 4 1,
~ , ..a lb i t
11 4 : ,... ,
4,..,,,,,, ,„ 1... F. or Ida., etif(yoluta.s.'l normrannia,
u. ‘ U . l73 ' i .v4-..;,h-, , :,,;.:,!:.-u-;L'mL..k4.12:',.:,? . .7.!,';r,
. sou please. a n doe. not male it Ks tort. proclaim.
fare dt an hem S: community. that It la. virtue.
.ho are notrdtt.dtteil In any °att . taitualyi • The tn.
Tr. l ; o :tVell i t ' s7 l •7.3 'l l . lffel b t ' rcli l i d arTy 'r' o b t b 4 7 .%Tz..... r gt: l
Itea,hN It rneta\very little ha sate tatrdal.
~. pd. Petro.
੿rtt„lss%Ttia'tl.lo‘7l:Vn't'aboV,old..ll'l':VZ `lll,l=
1101 b
hasteter htl of na i tut . a., o .4polilileaSay fret:t i the
le ni of eu \ ctott4th. la I ., , k orittate yuritlal
cad \ te‘o sutler.. h td . •re truhdr.l7
'olie ux. \
\lt as cured illea. 1../..r other lard/eines 1.1. failed kt
trod any refit , I', It has r0r...1 httettubsti.n. ot 101
% o Z d h '-' l ‘ .' th"°o4' S 'u t! ' 0 '"" r 'b gr,a ' ' d b or. 'b Vt . b.
'''' ‘, l
4 ' 3"u . .1 „ u a . rfiV7.: l Ai ItiviZol: r wr TT 04 .... 2 1
Liqr% "' Dol . .AIL ', . Al , 11110,31 Mai ra• burns oar •
\ h' ids 1, ft blb,t..rvtitattaul44lCOonntpttuntle or oilittnetit \
lhat hi, knot" 01. It ‘ vvlll cute chilblains esadlroshal feet.
i aftt \applicatioth:Nutelotibred lertannor ellkaiit furtilsh. \
tel of th druth testithine . tern thy statement, brvap. \.,
ig . on r 3IDEL 3/. ISf tett, Canto lisadhDerenth atirtUrd ~
either of tr \? li.Crllt*.
u . N
r '‘ lcoal etreat gad Vlzgla
all h e l gTi. ' l.l. ....We ' rs7;l7 . l=str o e f ett. D. A. Eliot. and U. li, . . \
CurrAdlit.g.r.n.t..l7,.....7ltsfag,ta. \ , \
IMPOIL T 7 Tti \THE `4lfin - CTED. \
ip -L,........ .4 9 / 1 ., the tlits-nrervr {rid sale peurirtint . s.
T !be, r.ft ja
, let and. Issuerfelal ni•ditineh. tint tt.yo
t . ho inverts al
, t , le .reebysy i r t = i Tugg.L...togx,
,;.:..-ra.3,:0.7.,..-”‘N - ,:,....,, i...,100 ~.,-4....: i.. \ ' \
drat of INniv . dd. a l'innylrect `n•lat \il,4, l4 for thirty\ 3
ye , atai i. t d tr th e L . at i ts b e , ..n th a1t ,e . f .ed r.„ 1 , r. ,.. I, , t,t ,h. inv m iat t,, n a d.- , \
'' 'Ybruh the 4 e ed . It haftating \ tnl3e.lnretr. - Mb \ ~,.
hia Pronbalv•tin 117 u,, hrY4 hie - .* tint .\ . \
•Sturd au unnerafelesl ri 1.0, , .radf4l k \
and 'fatal thaltelieN Tub• I.' t:ancers s , , .
armfuls. Rbettraald..n..4l4lthes. Rums*. ‘,, \
all kiwi , . Clatthe Ertsys.lait, a.
f.l b r e ti s al.Vtl i gTll . l f ;t b sl l kC ' t . hit
ty la Leir—rent by the nv. et 1
ie Ineompatilaki stithd`hroioloi. ate•
u d . i7 . ~
./.rat ,
his remetliea, adathed thell‘nd.l. 0 \
\ %Tura .1. , ...• • L •
pr. k...• Tonle Alteratite Pit. 1 , 721 N
lily lastriteeleilaed to he tn,...-rthr
li. 'V111..? PIM i t r , , , ...A.. i ,
terlly freetn. tee vent*, 4,d,
taltted. by' the (Acuity. th pearrde ,
ted to ferule dhaanr. Pot loidot ,
41 suliiol.l to edatlhat what her ,
the rivet vkeptkaL o
' Thearthotedaro !urinal Os t ,
eure (gratin, our of the Doctor. .
ed xedaunt of ...attire n by, and i ..._ ~,,
Ver saletyrbe fallor . -earl/U.ll"v
,yets throughout the re it • IL
J. tkhdestroalt A Co. • 3f• dtd.. Pt
1 .
J. 11. Tor.. Trim i-,..• idlarketty
Leh .3. Belt. it .Dru lie:the :
Joseph Redd .no n P.i • eater cat
John Elliott., non ' o
T. Ada., re,
udir.3ll. ..
re pon.ble
I•ems d ut-
To the Eeitdetetf. the,Pittsln
D UtadC ATTENTION .ii . .,
1,.. vast' in tha fethot leg main, mt .
ous M the most IMittriant rstoodisloa r
PlitattLJASS Olt lattlia. 0114 tit tot
rear ago elate th is arr et remini . was i
ro I t l i Zi.rne, e l.7 "`c .... ` 4I rUP
timmunitt, and ant Mir That rod It"
moroCertnin .111 Mt yr" aproath
Vi r t. ltgictl a ns Inc, llle r n i tit
•an 0fg71',.it05t ... ,, rum ban
' motto. '
a lantorai nettit.r. nlttammasd 'tt the del
er a power and .40 . 1.7 that 1 Oa to a
al• ,t
ompotltiort. 'lt Ir our duty., art owe 1.111
sitt. that ws write the truth—a tat .T
1.4x1 to, w ho mar t our wet
ma, Itt or antaments. Sly al i el t, lc . e very 1
oar thing Iltst pmtaleas ralMf dicaatir
hardly he too highly imouatit to ltet an lb ,
Inn or hutntro ec Ma come of them, Ar r,..o,
ho do Wa. vs ma 1.10. only ; War am._
our retool' ihdold Le told. In tuderht I.
taboo iOFr el nwyieF say tinate article 1111 to outer.
lea. 1 1 111 n ma antubni L ou—tatathst ar beasmatAl....
In nor Mir and mighlturlincl. Lem manna \taltiatorty tat. ' ',
atr of the Petroleum.
Wallin the' 'marten mom.; two or oar ova oatteasa• \
1 \ who acre totall7•llll.l,have Imen'arstured tp dabt. - WM.
1 sral lamed or tdaidettat. In ate btato of Ohlta •ttara betat ' '
uttorea. /Mahatma the rue of • &Mamma la Snorer can Mr:.
le '"" '*'''''''''
hM tat '4 ' \
\ marred to bo any perk , . who ham doubts Ws mast \
Mal i, Them mem warn oozed altar ant bod brat idandom
rr, i physicians *a Impales. Tat Patrolman atilt
eats \
when, oro.t tureatlina to dlrectionc—Plarrboa, tarry. \
leauralada..nWitatusent PAIN
t1Q 1 1 . 041 tlifittPte r' b r t ' a le r„7„, E ,. i ltallii=r4
w..... 4 .....'Cttr05in Coughs, Aaiun, Reeltaltio, and all \ '
Polmonam arrectimm of a chrunlo mans, LaWittlt to pan. ,
be. taw otoption. ",
Sarno mid Mali. diMarm of Um Mahar ae4: .. i • Tti•Pt •
Chopped Iland..katortated hippies. traps \ Sonata.
In fast, it it a erne entesmat rumor. gait ha lead
Is, rotator the, atom. tassmas within the paid rearmith the,-
' he
pettect mans. Cartilestes that waLostimattam la \ '
, the handi of thy proptcr,whottllt Mk, phew.' to
Z ' .
1 " etgakra th'‘ t 'e s W ''' Weir
rri .
'. iiel \ ' '•
•nu an Mena their.= ma Ma •
attrohturn Is the` rea. amnia' of th . e•stra. 1 . 07
-*thigh Kaman is It. prufeerom am am-M=a. to Ma 111
is their ;traction. 'note who at beet looted onntlth Saida
mot uncertainty, ars willing to award It dos palm tad
emaidtmdient.. /ham ...tam rear rola romit sil'alS ba
emopidlei to u/tnowLidge th at the Petroleum La thin
eat InvediCirei CT.' datetwerad. \ Fur tale, whalmale Leo n, ' •,.'
tall, .hy. Manta t DicDOW hLII, WS Woad at. \ '
Also-144 E. Seller , Li Wookstattet ;D. 31. Co m,, II
Elliott, Joseph Mont. itileghowy (Sty. .Abot hr aut tont • • ,•
. tUt 4 ;:h e ,'llll . .l.7ll . lnS= l rt i t "F . = TIZ '
(..lELLEArt' S'slAinglAL 4 10 - 0311 SYRUP. --
A 7 -it einnalb MI to taint. and kiwi 0114..
tolttit t4ooknart.o.=
e. S. &nem-51y ebildmn. bees
entueet. to tronnimome coatutt. met /tannin nenti dj
.dv \
i1,t,U91.1 - 014V
P 1
Vivo t ter two My boy. nty m •
different and It bat nem 7.11.0 eure th em.
1 WMr froommended it to sar and do Mai
nnclow : lybalk&tbat IL ta th e bnenelunb sedie nao babat enOM off ellO
tha 7OWir.A ri.
Cuenca Moult not mesa their children tole from .
0070, vrp,o 0207 \be enent by* 25 et of OM
Cr and mid by IL E.
toebni 57 Wood et, and Drugdet tranuently.
in Mire. and tar rale id
Ws Ointment
':''''''"'• '''
=al Salt a
Time and Bone Liniment
Opodeldon Siemer
's Igio
,Attdello9 . ll
"' Sar p t
" Pittlpx"romato
" German
ttoli4are \
Poe "' Valli
ROM Oh:MM.( for Tette,
btrAnAtbetansc Flatten
Emaltu's Panama
VanolltLS, '—
Worm its •
At tit.
p rug Starr of •
trds 4,4 i,
al fur that
• 100 Lane
5 drusi;
in Gn~orart ttlotAlM
4 1 1S1 .
I 7 . ---- ‘, . •
It I t' . I. F. ge ggA 3i' l l'r- '
z s imiii3oNoarnm.o3 .
•s ec.o-4
1.5. lelf. o , l!rv. :
.Z. bt bests Tr:Ur \
2.5 t; bolos •• \ ,
G7i, ,,).
/ 4 5
s..tts i'ePPer.
• s , ,tnre: , \
bbli." acd, for ends by
acra 1 W. AWILBON,II3 &cowl it
HUTT bblo. ... Boll;
1 ker. NO2l. for ntl• by
J. a a, HAVE.. ra" tam cbra.t. Buildtvg,
ka IL MOUSSES-3D, Ooodale's
or.verkff, "
J DIMO/1311 k CU.
Debanutcas and VuU
far sale h•- ER Y.ll
AYA 01L-20.bbls _No. 1 landing per.B
ls•Perar.."l=l,liltiVl l:iirairarat.
b te. 1
, ‘A Atmita6lo al kssid o.A.bitt o tetiale
. ,
\ . .
. •
9 .
the moe. lawn.
13 . •1, rit z ou ds v •
carvcrdeecratrsclof Butt
Wrung's. Syrup, Ibr Al's\
cars Vides Esil, East
stls, 8 to
Lars l'sppermlirC'
" ' Clasers -
.... 1$ IP
I, x ' W w.t 4 . 1 , , m7132 Dap
Gardenreo tiiatuld
ke d ll ' Ur " .
r liata
. B. K. WIC
of Wt..l and Bizet larem
Nay laarkpret
• pnicrr Salmon and R•hltes,l
%.irt s 00..16.ty
exam •
MAI. Raulns;
lbs Ws. Cos - •
boys . wa=
3,0 dos. Caro Know% •
bss. 15 - Intim tblvs • d:
YoS We by ' \
kega TitoiLthlt, for sale by
\J:a R; T LOTT..