The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 04, 1851, Image 2

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TIII7IiBDAY 110kNING, DEC. 4, 1851
lir; Mess/doz.-4. more careful reading of
ths:ranssage, since oar last Issue, has suggested
-,-..!, .1;11Si lilt - more to add to our brief remarks of
'il .m
.:,yes y. The chief featureof the message is
:";: . :-IPP,.- •' - character, embracing a great vari
...:::etyist bjects, and!all handled with perspioui
*li,nd.' onable Conclseneas. With its lug
. .
:glitl an d recommendations, with probably
:' , iitier Or o exceptions, there will be a barmoni
ow irui almint rusliersali acquiescence by per
,' ~.. sonutof till parties. They are each as commend
-..,:." - thiVtiuielles by their propriety, wisdom and mod
Oa the subject of foreign relations, the Mee
ivitige ls, fall, calm and dignified, with sufficient
indleation of the Volley of the Government, in
relation to the cause of liberty in Europe, to en
courage the hearts of those who are enlisted in
the good work. The language of the President
is so eignifisant, that we 41l especial noel,
. Lion to it by quoting It in this place. Ile Rtlyi :
','Let every people choose for itself, and make
and alter its politldal institutions to suit its min
condition and convenience. But, white we arow
and maintain this 'neutral policy ourselves, we
are anxious to ace the same forbearance on the
pot of t iher rations, whose forms of govern
-' Meat urb different from our own. The deep in
teitrit which we feel' in the spread of liberal
principles, and the establishment of free govern.
;merits, and the empathy with which we witness
straggle , agamst oppression, forbid that Ire
1it011414 indlire'renl to a can in which the 'irony
am of a foremen power it invoke? to nifir
...acetinient andrepncit the quit of ptedam to aoy
There is a remarkable similarity to the eon
*slant of this paragraph with the language of
Kossuth, when !Peaking of the duty of England
and. the tfoited States towards sister rtataons
Euetpe which are struggling for independence
• lie thinks that the great cause of human liberty
'odor human brotherhood, should induce
landand America to insist upon a policy of
etrict non-intervention, by all t he powers of
.Europe t illaC4oo of revolution for independence,
•r or for reforms in Oovemment, between any two
nations, or between any people and their pros
' ant rotors. If Hungary throws Off the yoke of
the lipase of Hapsburg, and enters into a war
for iodependeade, the Emperor of .1111.Ftiil most
not: NI permitted to interfere and decide the
quarrel in favor of despotism—end if the pee.
..pee of Rome establish a republican government,
Trance isnot to turn out the republican rulers,
e • tend restore the one-man power of the Pope.—
The parties to. the contest are to be left to their
own unassisted Means, and the winning power
to be recognized. If a large majority of the
people are not in favor of the revolution it will
-not succeed. ` If they are, they should be per
teittad to ;decide their own political destiny.
The language : of the President, above quoted,
la very. eignificant, and sufficiently direct and
siring for the present emergency. It declares
'097 desire thatoorr doctrineof non-intervention
shoald be acted' upon by other nations 'these
• forms of government are different from ours:
arid. that our sympathy with every etniggle
••• , against oppression, forbid: that we should be in
-difercut in scare where a/Oren/a power used
'to repress the spirit of freedom in any country.
:This is directly to the purpose, and coming from
• the President of this great nation, in his chief
. 0 1 E41 Commusnlimition to Congrese, it must have
greet !eight-upon European politics. If the
• sometome sentimenrwere embodied in a resolution,
and tamed through , both Hoagies of Congress,
a4i.f the Government of Great Britain should
give tatielble form to a similar purpose, we think
tte Cade wogld plume long before he interfered
.4 1 .altuathrer.liuntiariatil qetarTel.
'Oa the Tariff: subject, the Message is brief,
poisied, and direct. It recommends the atop
' don of spocltn duties on All articles to which
they"ctn be applied, Instead of our prestmt
,tracfCve - act valorem eliding scale. If the very
.10deOle recommendation of the President,
loudly called for by the necessities and
distranarof the country, is met in a like spirit
'of conoillation on the part of Congress, it will
greatly relieve tho present pressure, and will
- take this vexed question oat of party politics,
...probably for yearti to come. We earnestly trust
that moderate and wise counsels will prevail,
to the great relief gad happiness of the country.
There la but one subject, touched upon by
the President, ori which there will be, we eon
".'calve, very great difference of opinion—that is
the: gogltine Slaie - Law. Harmony of
meat oa that object is absolutely impossible.
ivillyield,conch when- their pecuniary we
- Ai*, ` .. and even their civil and political rights,
:anti -ateatfeeted, for the Bake or quiet and bar
asiit good brotherhood, but they are pro
verbially, obstinate, where moral and religious
`sentiment tasters into the qaestion in dispute.
Now 9ie people of the Northern States are as
kw-abiding, Orderly, upright, right-tiunkinr, on
alscinet army subject: as geed, patriotic, and
I , :orthy citizens, as esti be fos_7" on the globe.
• :*rri ate no firmer Union met: no safer tits
:. -sena, no more intelligent inhabitants anywhere.
Wll.9e.sish. of Mein in the aggregate. Thu a
htigii*unber et these citizens, amocmting to a
hare nit almost invincible—among
tata:Athoitiaticteit Is absolutely invincible—
! lacing any. share in the erbne of
dusty; aria im far se to totem totara the lagitise to
.tasmuter. This'This itpugriance may sleep, when
there is nothing particular to awakes it, hat let
an exciting came arise, and it is at once exhib
lied, and has pry:Meet we regret to say, most
disastrous restate. Ursrmony on this objet
cannot be expected—it is impossible. The best
we can do to bear and forbear, as far as we
monsiatiody can. That man would
; Una* benefit on this community, who could de
' some acceptable mode of relieving the
North'entaely front all connection with slavery,
and take it out of L'ongress and politics forever.
`...-.Ancmststtor Utronsa:—.tio this gentileman
'hair throat himself into the *sensor general ,
es he is in'aven to be the great expo
if hie church in the United States, his ex
Pressed opinions become of sufficient importance
to-Olaixa the attention of Political writers, and
are a perfectly legitimate subject for discussion
in the ettoular prep.
The ...Fneemens' • 'Journal," published in New
York, has genets* been supposed to be the or
gan of .hisStrace,'? and to speak hia aentimente.
In his recent letter to Horace • Greely, be dia
411E1i any control that paper, hot speaks
approvingly of to general tenor. s- On the other
' band, if we suillerstandtho following p' i aragraph,
that paper, elaims l to be the
~ ! organ" of the
Archbishop, sod of tie POO, tdo. IS says:
"We shall oanthaus to speak as with authori
ty In behalf of esthetic faith and principles, so
often as he, diaboloituutexts tl illo ablemperante,
- shall =denials to revile or trample on Catholic
taith and principles:- liajr, we shall speak aa
the 'organ' not alone of Our Arehblahip, bat of
the Pope, se often as we shall find proper occa-
„ :Thio high grotind and:plain talk. Ifow we
&ail:ltal. what thle‘. 4 .organ” esys upon the
great. controrerty In Eniope between freedom
artd.despatisio: What it says is in perfect
'agreetnent with the', late publicly - expressed 'en
t.intenta of. tho Archbishop. Both these porn
, *int are taken [rem the same article.
- will, therefore most assuredly continuo .
to ' speak as in timn past, of lawless anarchy
both in Americeardin orOpe. We will continue
to-show, with the authority of troth, that rad
icals and red reptiblicata are the worst and
;kola thorough despots, and those from whom
,both Europe and Mandela :and both the State
an d oe Cbureb, have moat to fear. When we
a great C/irirtiad A'nrinie, in ids spirit of ill
lag and Italics: tradieknr, struggling, as Aostna
is nobly doing, between, on the:one side, the we
ld and overshadowing. Russian power, based
,upon a heretical religion, and-moving down OP
'on Earope with its' heresy, an its right hand,
and on the other side, a viler and more ereora.
hie form of despotism, under the - name of rese.
lotion—a revolution that openly seeks confine
- don of property,-the enshivement of persons,
aindahe utter destruction of all religion—then
'no'amount of rustic ignorance and sati-Csth e
'or-irreligious prejadloo in the community - In
, by birth, our lot bas been coat, and no
rapid Laic*. opinions or feelings of lit en
who 'are Innocently mistaken an tithe trite facts
and merits of the contest in Eastern Europe,
shall hinder no; as becomes one made free by
knowing the truth, from declaring the bearti
seen of our sympathy, and of our admiration for
the governmeneof such an empire.
We care not to make any comments upon
sentiments so execrable as these. Its eulogy of
the "great Christian Empire" of Austria in in
perfect keeping With Its gross and open slander
upon the Hungarians, and its covert stab at
American republicanism. The Arcbbieuop and
his organ have defined their position—the clo
ven foot is fully exhibited—we know where they
are; but we cannot believe that the great body
of American Catholics are prepared to endorse
such sentiments.
It is false that Kossuth and his associates In
Hungary did, or attempted to do, what is here
attributed to them; and it is equally untrue that
red republicanism, as we understand the word,
exerts any influence upon American politics of
any party. If love of freedom, and sympathy
for the oppressed; if hatred of tyranny, as It
DOW exists and is acted out in Austria, Naples,
and Rome, is red republiosniam, then are we
all red republicans, and the Archbishop will
find that he has only excited the hatred of free.
men, and caused himself, and those who hold
with him, to stink in the nostrils of the Ameri
can People, by the utterance of such sentiments
as the above,
A meeting was held in Kittanning last week,
at which over three hundred and seventy shares
of the stock of this road were subscribed, to
which more can and will be added. This amount
is more than ten-dollars for every man, woman ;
and child In that town, and considerably en
ceeds,itt proportion to the population,all that the
people of these cities have yet done for all the
roads terminating here. Kittanning has done
pretty well for a little town on the nue of the
road, but not more than D. ought; for it will be
greatly benetittad by its construction, probably
to an amonntrauch greater than its present sub
senption Bill Pittsburgh, es one of the termi
ni of the road, the head quarters of its oera
tions, thogreat sourest of its supplleA, the mart for
a large portion of its business, and the collect
ing and distributing point of all its tend. and
travel, will be benefited in a for greater ratio
Does it not follow, then, that Pittsburgh ought
to . cootribute proportionably more than any oth
er place ou the Hue towards its euestruction
We think this will not be denied. But what are
the facts so far? After the people of Pittsburgh'.
shall have subscribed the two thousand shares
necessary to secure the charter, they will only
have doneabout one-fourth as much in proportion
to their newborns the people of Kittanning. We
gay nothing shoat relative wealth; but we sup•
pose it will not he pratontled that Kittanning is
relatively more able to tabs stook then pinc
her& •
But take another view. After the stock shall
have been subscribed, the first instalment of 5
per cent paid in, end the company organised, the
work will be put under contract, and pushed for.
ward with energy. A great number of men will
be employed upon it, nearly alt the sapplie,o for
whom, both implements and provisions, will be
drawn Prom this place. Why, If Pittsburgh were
to subscribe fire thousand shares, it would be
more than reimbursed in this increased trade
before the road cap be completed; and when
completed, the outlet which it will afford to her
manufactures and 2rovisioss will probably do as
much to increase her business as any role's' that
terminates here.
There are two dangers menacing this enter
prise, or rather we should say, the iutereats of
this city, which ore little thought at.
Those who read the late ropact of the Central
Railroad Company will remember that It .92441:
of - a branch road extending from Blai to
the town of Indiana. We knew that there was
such a project, but ilia not think it was likely to
came to much. We hare recently ascertained,
however, that the ctoel is nearly all taken, and
that it will soon be made. nut that is not all.
The Lord step is to extend the toad northrerd.
ky (rum ladisas to the nab oiling. and down that
stream to the Allegheny river. Now what will
be the effect of eli that! The Hemp!!leld route
extends from Whetting to within a few tulles of
Blairsville. Blairsville is but a Niles from In'
thank sad Indiana is within 20 miles et Idaho-
Ding. Thus we see that a man could be on the
hfahoning from %Beeline, by that route, ici less
time than he could react . Bittsbugh in a steam.
bast. We tell the people of this city, that an
leas they arouse from their lethargy they will
very soon find themselves stranded high and
dry. We have, it is true, the shortest and best
route by whlch to reach the valley of the Alle
gheny, sad, through it, Western Now York; but
what good will that do UE, unless we avail our-
selves of it! We have let the New Yorkere
get rotted us on one aid*, and the Beldam:eat=
will loon Le round as on the other, end now,
by the Bempflold and the Blairsville and indi
ami roads, we are likely to lose a part even of
the valley of the Allegheny. Pittsburgh bay
lost enormously by her slowness.
But there is another danger more immediate.
We have an excellent nor of AsJembly for a road
from thin city to the New York State line, near
Olean, tr any place that suite as; but remember,
it in only an act of Assembly, which may be re
pealed ati easily as it was enacted, Cud in all
probability, will be, =dens we secure the Mor
t, before the meeting of the Legislature. We
do not speak unadrleedly when we say this.
By the terms of the law, this road will be for
ever free from taxation, and in everything, it is
as favorable as could be desired. Let us lose it
in the way we have indicated, and it will be in
vain to ask for another one like it. There are
many and powerful interests In Pennsylvania
inimical to it; eo look out. There is yet a
month in which to fill up the stock, Cud secure
the charter; and short as the time is, we feel
satisfied that our citizens will come forward and
mato 411 secure.
Hor. Johnston is in town, making arrange
ments to take up his residence amongst us,
when his term of office shall expire. He will
then be ready to enternpon his duties as Pre!.
ident of this Company, and if any man can
make It go, he can.
Tin Pai2SIDIM—Th: emitting year will be
one of exciting interest in•politics. The Pres
idential contest will be swarm one, and although
the State elections this fall have gone with few
exceptions, adversely to the Whigs, wo look for
ward confidently to success next November.
This year the vote In nearly all the States has
been very light, and' the Whig strength bas not
been brought to the polls, or if brought, in too
many instances it has been divided and weaken-•
ed, by causes that will not exist in the National
contest. In a fitw months the National Whig
Convention will be held, and candidates for the
Presidency and Vice Pietidoncy will be present-
ed by the united Whig party of the UlllOll. The
"signs of the times" unerringly indicate, as we
think, that Gen. Winfield Scott will be the
Whig standard bearer, and with Edward Bates,
of - Missouri, James C. Jones. of Tennessee, or
some other good National Whig 012 the ticket
with the. Hero who never lost a battle, the vict
ories of 1810 and 1848 will be repeated in 1812.
under Scott there is every element of union,
enthusiasm and 11126:658. He In eminent)) , a
National man, distinguished for his intelligence,
experience, patriotism, and, services as the
successful - Pacifnitor, and the great Captain of
the age, and his election to the first of in the
gift of the people would be but the just reward
of a life devoted to the welfare and glory of the
Republic.—Cleveland Her.
TUB MErnontsz Boos Concsan—The U. S.
Circut Court for Southern New York has, in
accordance with its late decision, directed that,
an the present Trustees deny the right of the
Methodist Church Booth to a share in the "Book
Concern," the !bane belonging to the latter be
placed in the hands of other trustees or agents,
to be appointed by the Church South, and that
'the whole subject be referred to the Clerk of the
Court to ascertain and report the value of the
real and pereonal estate and other assets of the
Book Concern at the period of the division, and
the proportionate share, according to the number
of the beneficiaries, that the Church South is
entitled to, and what amount, if any, it has re.:
ceived since; alio, to ascertain and report in
what form the trainee? of the share to the Me
thodist Church Booth may, with most conreni
euce and advantage to both panics, be made.
All questions which are not disposed ofby this
opinion, as well tuithe question of costs, are to
remain till the coming in of the report.
Ron. Jona Bonn, formerly a Representative
in Congress from Pennsylvania, died on Monday
last, at his raddeneela 'Beading.' from a stroke
e of apoplexy, ander which he had heti atylafats
. , ... .
. .
. .
---- mire TictsentaToir..
.t0.p.0.......f th. Pensburgh itUr Gaz!tte."
19...sunurrox, Nov. 29, i 8
This is the night big with the fate of a dozen
political aspirants to party favoritism and official
honors. The democrats-hold their conireasion
al caucus In the Representatives' hall .at eight
o'clock. It seems that brethren of all shades and
stripes are going in, Preston King, of New York,
Burt, of South Carolina, Grow, of Pennsylvania,
and Towashend of Ohio are rushing to a close
embrace. The hither and the nether swing of
political factionlem will Hap in unison there to
gether. But the anti Hankers of *Ze and the
other extreme of opinion will muster in such
force, it is supposed, as to present a most formi
dable check to the contemplated plan of pro
ceeding by stringent compromise resolutions,
which, rightly interpreted, mean sheer and out
right proscription of all manliness and inde
I have not yet learned how the whigs propose
to act. It seems to be the opinion of many
that as they are in a hopeless minority, It will
be bettor to.hold no caucus. That, upon reflec
tion, is my own opinion. Between tho candi
dates propotted by their adversaries they can
have no particular choice, and to call a conven
tion for the interchange of opinioM into which
the insolent renegades, whose treachery defeat
ed the project of Whig organization at the open
mg or the but Congress, should intrude, would
but renew old controvernisa, and weaken the in
tegrity of the party. It is certainly better to
forbear, us far as possible, any concert of ac
tion, until such persons as the Toombs, Cabello
and Clingmansahall have settled themselves In
to such party affinities as they are probably
intending. That they will never again belong
to the Whig party, except to betray it, I oonsid.
er quite manifest.
The official corrected otatement of the eena'in '
of Pennsylvania shows a pdPulation of 2.311,-
785. There are in the State 140 establish
meats or industry, producing anuually ever $5OO
each iu value —of which 208 are cotton mono.
factories, 583 woolen, 320 for castings, IRO pro.
diming pig iron, and 1:11 nought iron. The
following are atatiatics of the iron business In
I Pennsylvania; capital inveoted,l $7,620,965--
low, produced, 163,7102; Into 'dooms u.ed 50,
405, tons minorui coal used 325,967; bushels
coke mud ccal used 3,333,59 S Value of raw
material COOSUSICi, includdig fuel, $3,488,391;
number of hands employed 9761; average wages
per mouth, $37,65; tone wrought iron made
192,506. Voiotia other products 4:219,500 En
tire value of products $8,902,807.
Tho Preside:Wm message it ready fur delivery,
but it is not probable that it will be read in the
Muse before Wednesday missing. It would
hk a little worse than idle to go into any speci,
lotions 03 to its contents, when it will be laid
before the readers of the :Gazette sa soon as
the present writing. I intro that the most am
ple arrangements harp Leila ma-I0 foF transmit.
ti l :g it by mail to all prominent points in the
c catty, and it is expected to he in your city
tarenty -four hours after its delivery at the eapi
W.k.131111 , 74.7T05, NOT. SU.
The Democrats estrimi.throcgh trir prelim
Wary arrangements, hut night, f-r the organi
4tion of the House, with success, and in tot
amble hsrmoay The caucus was 1.1,1 •t th
Capitol, at pureu•uro of • cell al the u•u
1,37. On the calling of the roll. 67 membe
were fuuad t 2 be present, which comprised
Ino fly all of that politittj hoe I. town
' Ma k jar Richardson, o f 'Minot., woo appented
1 Chairman, and Frederick A Stanton, of Tee
-1 nessee, was chosen Secretary. Lynn Boyd, or
Ky., Dirid T. Disney, of Ohio, William A.
Teictirjenn of 111., Bayley of V., Ilenston of
Alabama, acid cuue;:ef Tennessee, were severally
pat is nomination by tiiiir 40.4.! for the
Speakerahlp. The Scot ballot attested the per
fection of the outaido drill. Boyd received ha .
votes, Disney 22; Bayley 2; ohs ethers quietly
tralliag along, nowhere at all. For tie Clerk
* Fenny, of Philadelphia, retailed 67 votes,
r i
Young 21, Potter, of Ohio, G, and others in pro
portion to, thair prealo4l g n mumal chances of
success.. For Sergeant-at-Arms, elossbruner,
of Pa., who was carried In two years ago, by a
lucky chance, was nominated without a contest.
The business of nominations having been con.
eludes, Cal Wm. H. Polk, of Tennessee, bro
ther of the late Preatic e ut, preilented a Series of
resolutions, substantially endersa.i C,-e Com
and making the ..settlement" designed
1.2 be effected by the measures composing it, the
plaeorn of the Democratic party, in respect to
Slavery. Col. P. male a speech in favor of
this proclamation of democratic opinion at thie
interesting period. kir. Johnson, commonly
called Bob Johnston of Arkansas, • nephew of
Old Dick, and who passes for so AntbCompro.
miser and • Secessionist, offered otter resolu
tions denying the aufßciency of the Compromise
I se a security for the South against alleged ag
gressions of aap Herth, in regard to Slavery,
and amercing that :t u4s py;essnry to have
pledges that the party would appose all further.
action or discussion designed toeffect that 'M-
I stitntion in the States, or to abolish it in the Dis
trict of Columbia. 'Mr. J. made l it rapid and
rather excitable speech, in advocacy of this
course. Mr. Stanton. of Tennessee, took •
different view of the case, and thought that the
meeting had aonve4ca . l for purposes which bad
nothing to do with framiliC 4 Pried Pita° Pam/.
That was properly the work of the Hatioscal
Convention, which would meet at Baltimore
next May, and he was in favor of leaving it en
tirely to the action of that body. He offered •
eubstitate for the pending resolution, embody
ing his views of the subject. i
After half a dotes Sonthern men bad deliv
ered their opjtdons, Mr. Carter, of Ohio, Bob.
Carter, of Stark County, itoariag Bob, as he is
called, rose and lifted the hairs of his itudieoca,
and almost the roof from off the hall, by •
speech which, if not the ablest, was certainly
1 the loudest of the evening,. in which he opposed
the passage of any resolutions, affirming or de.,
eying anything, Whatever, and ended with a me.
tion to lay the whole subject on the table, which
prevailed by a large majority. At this unto
ward and unexpected result, the recolutiotdsla,
Polk, Johnson, and their followers precipi- I
lately left the banding, probably thinking like
the man who wse left maimed and bruised by
the way side, that they had fallen into very bed 1
company, and only anxious to get out of it as
quickly as possible. The secession of the Se- I
ceders wee soon followed by the adjournment of ,
the caucus.
I consider it now pealed that the regular
Democrats will hays it all their own way. They
will elect all their candidates to-morrow, with
.ont any trouble, whatever, and the organization
of the Rouse will probably be completed the
tint day. In that case, the Message will be de
livered on Tuesday. Justus.
item Byfalo ComenerciLa.
wArria Fogwaap
The lion. Walter Forward hu been appoint
ed by the Governor of Pennsylvania to fill the
vacancy on the bench of the District Court of
Allegheny County, occasiond by the resignation
of Judge Hepburn. This is the office to which
Mr. Forword was recently elected by the people.
Mr. Forward's public career has been a chequer
ed one. Ho was for many years s prominent
and influential member of Congresasal le that
station rendered as much service in ;:rfecting
and sustaining the protective systeox almost
any man in the House. When Gen. Harrison
became President, he appointed Mr. Forward to
the office of First Comptroller of the Treasury,
the place now held by Mr. Whitticsey. On the
resignation of the Harrison Cabinet, Mr. Tyler
tendered the poet of Secretary of the Treasury
to Mr. F. He finally accepted it, but with much
reluctance, as he .preferred the office of Attor
ney General, for which, by the way, be was
mach better qualified. lie labored faithfully
and sesidionaly in his Department, and although
possessing talents of * very high order, his bulk
of courage and decision of character prevented
him both from doing himself justice and fulfill
ing the expectations of his friends. His posi
tion was one of great difficulty and embarrass
ment, and Ms health gave way under the joint
influence of severe application to' business and
the perplexing circumstances by which he wu
surrounded. lie resigned just before .the close
of the long 'session of the 27th Congress, thus
deranging a nice little scheme connected by
certain patriots, all of whom were to be snugly
placed in office after the departure of the Senate
—they having aninvinelble repugnance to' en
countering the scrutiny of that body. Mr. For- 0
ward was promised the Brasil mission, If he
would rentaitant the head ofalle.AMpunititteat
until after' this JadjinunMont. 'Bat...being averse
to emitter management; im thi: firet Pieter
and knowing, besides, that the peculiar friends
'of the administration had allotted the office to
'Proffitt, of Indians., who was appOinted daring
the recess, and rejected at the next session by
the elmost nnanicaous vote of the Senate—he
refined, and left the adminiatratioa in season to"
necessitate the 'nomination of a Successor.—
The first nomination wee thrown out, no was
that of Wise, as Minister to France. Mr.
Forward'a retirement was a eau of booth-shall,
thrown into the camp of the confederates,produc- :
ing a great deal of confusion and more chagrin.
lie was subsequently tendered, in a romid-about
way, a third rote diplomatic station, but he
promptly declined it. This occurred in 1842,
and he was nut again spoken of fur nay public
of so far as we recollect, until after the elec-
Has of General Taylor. It was intimated to the
administration, Icy the friendes of Mr. Forward,
that he would probably accept the office of Post.
mailer of Pittsburgh—but Mr. F., quite as able
a aim as was contained iu General Taylor's
Cabinet, was graciously neglected by the admin
istration, and was at last fain to take the place
of Charge D'Affairs at Copenhagen.
Qo has recently returned from Europe, and
will of course go on to the bench immediately.
We hope the salary of his office is sufficient to
give him a handsome support. A stroug argu
' meet in favor et the popular system Is to Ice
drawn from his election, and we congratulate
the people of Allegheny County on their fortu
nate choice—regretting,,at the same time, that
the sphere of his dirties is not more extensive
He is well fitted for the bench of the Supreme
Court of the United States.'where he ought to
have been placed on the death of Judge Baldwin.
lie is a pore-minded and true hearted gentle
The toontien of the mimeo( the Hoe (When
J. Walker in connection with the Presidency
in England, hes again opened the discussion of
the chances or the several aspirants for the Dem.
°credo nomination. Upoe a question so uncer•
Min, there is, of course a contrarity of opinions
and speculations. We propose to add our mile
to the discussion.
There is an unusually large number of aspi
rant, ag this time in the Democratic lanais
Many of them nre uld stagers. who, should laT4
pass without their receiving the nontiontinn,
Ito laid upon the shelf. The list embraces Cass,
Buchanan It nglass, ,Marcy, Uous[un, Got.
ft ood of• Ohio, lia-Scuator Gen. Lune.
Gov Doge or Wisconsin, toot Stockton, W. 0.
Heart., It. .1. Walker. In our opinione, the
contest will be narrowed deco to three candi
datee—llass, Marcy, and liougltms. Cass nb•
strnetly nolteesnes more strength than any other
tad were it not for the disinclination felt to run
ning a defeated 'Wile n second time, there
would be ori doubt of hi. nomination. Ile he
the elements of stlongth with him. aide from
[hie, awl present indications arc that 016 a with
thir, be will cuminer against the field. Gov.
Mercy's friends are many, but they are not at
tire, and his nomination will depend entirely
upon contingeinies flat connected with his per-
Local popularity. There who prefer him we
nor, except in a few localities, hostile to Case,
and their preference, an a general thing, ran
easily be changed by circumstances. Douglass
in gaining !strength daily; but he is young yet
and his warm trends will notjeopard his almost
certain prospects in the future, for a mere chance
now. Thep will therefore out urge him very
strenuously for the 'coMinetion in '3'2, reserving
all their resources for a bold push in '56 or even
'6O. at which time their favorite w.II be but to
the strength of his years.
No Icandidate is seriously spoken of is connec
tint, with the Democratic nomination who M not
!mum, spun the greet national tinestion of the
day They orelawere that node other can be
elected, and, therefarta, will not court defeat by
chosiog • sectionalist as their standard bear.
er. In lhii re-sport Mesere. Cats, Marcy u.d
Lk.uglas are eyusl. Thtir poeithaLs are well
known to the country, and the eelectiou as he
tweet them most ta governed by other conside
to the present position of allairs, New Eng
and, tony, In n greet measure be wnisiiere.l
ss net:lead 'ground. Hitherto. the preference of
the Petnocracy art . this trelloa pe1.41.1.1131.1
towards Judge Wuodbury But his loath left
them to form other associations and other' pre
ferences lo our opinion the... Acrid quite de
cidedly towards Gen. C. Mr Marcy has his
trifled* and so has Itoulass. but an think in
the National Convention we eLnll tint a large
majority of the delegates voting for the defeat
ed easdiciutd !"?ew yort and Penney'.
saute may be act down a; detifteabla ground, In
which if the delegates are chosen by districts,
cc they ehould be, anal as in the precedent, Case,
Marcy and Buchausn will ..diride the Boast,"
with a chance for an occasional delegate for
the "little giant." Ohio an indicated by the Tots
of '4B, in unquestionably for Cue If her own
distinguished cillusit4itru Wood, t• seriously
brought furvard , j4leritew may be chosen whose
first choice mu be for Elm; tilt tilde eecdnd
without the tenet doubt, to for "the giltelll4ll
of Michigan." New Jersey cosy he Set down as
for Coto Stockton,.if he is voted for in the Con
In the west preference are quite decided.
Michigan, Wieconsin and hill• are for Cass.
inoiie' le for popgla;:, end in the event of hie
witbdra•si it will be a'''qileauon of ,aectional
policy with his friends, whether to throw their
innuence in favor of an eastern or western can
dilate.. Remove. Douglass from the field, and
the State is far C.itss—but Gov. Marcy•
my warm Glenda in the tucker - State. end hie
claims will not he orerlooked. In Indiana, a
movement is being made in favor of Gen. Lane;
but we don't think it will amount to maoh—not
sufficient to OW] 'Fly delegates beyond the in
formal ballot of the Nittional Convention. It is
difficult to determine the preference of eke South
Old party !inners so much broken pp that in
mitered States Ate question of Union aid Seco,
eon is the controlling ono, at least, a disturb
ing ono. ig Fps ponteat. Circumstances yet to
taantlaire, • may govern the 14emat.razy of this
section, in the selection of their favorite. Hen
lackey will undoubtedly in the first instance;
pr ent her own "p. Gant son, Gen. Butler "
Maryland Anclaware,Tennesiee and Mielauri, are,
judging Oren all indications that reach us, for
Cass—though Marty or Douglass would' not be
unacceptable. We think, after looking °Teethe
whole ground, that the Whigs may make up
their minds that they will have to fight - the bat
tle of fhb? with their enemies marshalled with
the leader of '4B. ft is trae, a fFesh candidate
may be put upon the course, but the anapicies
are at present against it.—Fram at daany
Drily Earister.
snivel at Charleston, with dente from ll”ana
to the 23d lost, repent that the Captain General
bad intimated to the American Consul his Inter.
tioa to pardon Mr. Thrasher In a few days. It
was reported, however, that he would be requir
edl to cave a blood, and that twenty days niter
his release ordd be glen him to settle up his
affairs there. In whet appears to be en authen
tic report i t his trial In the New Orleans Pica
yune, we fin that the following charges formed
the ground o the prosecution atalttst him:
I. Hostility to the Government and perversion
of facts in letters sent to American papers.
2. Illicit correspondence with the piratical or
gans—Delta, Picayune, and Sua. ... ,
3. Frauds 'on the post office, by ratting letters
direct from Mesmer&
4. Sending the so;called declaration of inde
pendence to New Orleans.
5. Raring two lettere in cipher, inch ea used
byte pirates.
On these charges Mr. T. wee pronounced gall•
ty, and sentenced to eight years' labor in Spain
es has beep heretofore elated.
Reegonoe,:ef &nut/L.:Tip Committee on the
Reception of Konnth, hare nearly oompleted
their arrangements. We learn that on hie ar
rival, Koseuth will be requnted Oland at Stet:
en Island, and pass a day at the house of Da_
DO/011, the Health Officer, of the port. When
the arrangements bare all beet completed, the
steamboat Oregon will proceed to Staten Island,
and, receiving him on board, will return to the
eity,•aud pass up and down the river, in order
to receive salutes from the various stations on
both sides of the city.
The boat will then proceed to Castle Garden,
! w ho r e igoepoth will be fpnwally received by the
Federal and Municipal auttoetiett Ije irimPo
presented with an Address, by the Mayor, and,
It Le expected that be will make a speech in re
ply. He will than review the troops on the Bat
tery, and, a procession having been formed, he
will be conducted through the principal thorough
fares, and will racelvd•the honor of a marching
Anne from the First Division N. li. S. M. in
front of tie City HalL •
After lkyLcereponics of the Reception are over,
M. Kossuth will be taken lb his quartprs. 0 Pc
Irving Hope, where Mr. D. D. Howard to pre
paring for him a sosperb snit of parlors on the
Sent door. The windows of his reception room
look oqt an Bradway, and we understand that
a large triple triumphal, arch le to be erected
immeditately opposite big window, croseing
Broadway from the Hotel to Stewart's Marble
Palace. The arch will be thirty feat high In
the centre, over the carriageway, and twenty,
feet over each- sidewalk, and will be decorated •
with suitable devices, prepared by a Committee
of Artiste who have voluntered their services.
the evening auceeeding the day of his arrival.
the Corporation will entertain Kossuth and bit
suite, at a splendid banquet, to be given at the
Tiling House, and daring thefolinang days, be
will be shown all the sights worth seeing in the
city and neighborhood. The programme of the
Committee will, be tafbliged in a few days, at
. .
- The military will be reinforced by deputations
from Brooklyn and 'Jersey, and as most of the
corps will than cot in winter uniform, attiodpos
log display m4l be mended—N. Y. Com.
. .
`:l3tiscisriari.faND Si.. Lotus RAILIOAD.—The
contract for the constriction of the entire-Rail
way from Cincinnati to St. Louis has been sealed,
signed and delivered, in New York. The con
tractors 'are capitalists of ample ability, and
they take fire millions in stock, at par.
The route of this important road has been sat
..reyed and lauded from Illinoistown, opposite Bt.
'Louis, to Vincennes, and the right Of way obtain
ed. The line from Illinoistown is by way of Ca
sej.rille, Lebanon. Carlyle, Salem, Olney, and
Lawrenterilla, to Vincennes.
The road is divided intn two sections—that
chartered by the States of Ohio and Indiana from
Cincinnati to Vincennes; and that chartered by
the State of Illinois from Vincennes to St. Louis.
The contract includes the entire construction of
the road, with the machinery, .motives, pas
senger and freight cars, station ho tees, depots,
all of the very best material, equal to the
work on the Hudson River and Erie Railroads.
—Cleutland Herald.
Frenc4 yirtit u, Southern flietorim.—For some
reason it appears that the eervice of slaves
not considered as desirable by the mattagers,of
some of the Southern manufactories as labor of
another description. A Mobile paper says the
ship Seine is now daily expected to arrive at that
port with forty young women front France, te be
employed at the Dog River Factory.
Fall Importation of Hardware, Cutlery, dm
No. 129 Wood Street,
u, rue ta tad timr art, raneron or Mer , ,t o lntl and ,t1,..r4
And whim W., " t o : ize i rte.;l i oacr nt L
si 411 - A usvrtmcal of MM.:NV er.l.brula..l C. S. N.Y KS
Petroleum i
Mason. Cca. LT Pcntottrst.—tl'e Iran. the attention
of the allete,l ate tha rohhe generally. to Ufa cent:lrate
<I Wm. Liall, or thu eltr. The mar ma➢ to. peen t‘y soy
al . rttOn rello may Ce eltertlnal In relation to the f..:1. bare
set torth. r. 3 t. ICI Ell.
bed been adlkte4 revere' ytaro ettb ovratyrouot Oath
"Cl. irblzl motioned to Increase until MlpttlaJbor. 11.0,
the Md.:ma/11km el 11,11 limo Loving I utotoed tn. whole
Ilalua mombralao both •,,o, and .adet In the
of • thick him, Lid, • h•Ilt dretro),l real .inbt I hail
no operattou perrunnnl,aud th• 11,1 lento. oot ooo ‘4.
woo return...l awl loft mo o• bad ...,1•11mat Ito botet.
Li thla &take, , t tine ...topic,. I mule opulleatn.n to 41 ^
ral of the Mtn% amen tlltilinal men, one nit
that toy ,eoirpuld a..tor ••• aril' At tblatimo I canal!
Oct dittlneutah •oy olueet lay tl,. a•lt lm of rm.• frthato
ltln Yin 41 the Loth totootalt
and 6ettily. 004.1 •htetn my boy. tunntyrod dolly uu
lii tbo prey. sod I haye y.ruren.t un, .iaht raw,.
It. tlI a' rat bean), •ao worry me.,A, trot Ly
P..trolourn, sad I attrltuto the tm;trttl, of ¢l .101.1
Ito nee.. 1,414,0,51,1,J Wand opal., la Mat..,' l , •nd
;All Lit Lofty L., alto soy toformatleo In rolatl,l4 to my
toy male by Ilt4eor k 11•Votrell. too Wood atm., K. L
dollen, I? %Vocal' etnet: 11. A. FsLo..laak,k tto. tarsal
Wood and tree) c•00t... 1 , M carry, M. A. MiMott • Jbeenh
Ce•nitho..end If.',FlSzhearts, Allembenr, ale by the pt.
prt,tot,- 5. M. RIPS,
oel• • T Ctitirti rt. Plttobarti
311LANC'S LTV:At PILLS.—The d. -
mewl for thli greet to replity Ineresetcy• end he
are every day reee , ving ceder. ham a dmtahro for lots.
which rt Cad It &Imre tnap.ssiblo to euryle a, tat as
Y,utrvt. The troth is, the remedy r , pntr , se.,..l: 0 trua
eemv:vmu the meat akezalral of (4 4,e/tete,. Wo elect
from a Me et etniiu Ao:om,nte, the .11o.ertal
. C. , eoNurva. (Ohio: II l..lkea;,
- 4 I:4.0 a CO —lielelletLier. et lam engage I th mil
t,ng few very choir* medlelmea Ido at
evn.idor my
stock econt.l..:e. 14“0..ra have ertm,ly, 01 LP, Mel...
I:rer I few a...oeu (...1 Itllr
from MitcLett t t o .p. vtOrt, e , 14 sod I huh
f••• eat , l ,l , toeht,Jtatel,
Sel.ll WILtfiNP. P..%1 '
if 306 61•6 • c.r1•36 • •ase r•mv.l7 try Lb. at...,r
Por er J. KIDD • CO..
34334.11•11., No 63 Wide
tr:s•Forrners! ponder well over the iitoll.
•anj s,etfant4 fatly itzLl cant., which
oils.. rattJ, Maul tattalaat fur litat tobra. Ii you wouLl
malt. It • p-tat to 1.. V sisal.. La tt•r.J II to I azt.ll4
•raLlatt, Llumtaut. tt,ti r uIJ G•ve tLe LL.D.,' curt. to
taw data. sad ILI. sko , l t.uly •ata Ur.e, Luz you would
•reiltLy risk ci lomtne It. I.uurr Ilto,ttLat I d.. ad
rot lia.Ltaut,l
Weitern trumrazico Company of Pittsburgh.
I lAPJTAL 4300,000. R. M1LLER,...4.,, !a...awe/try.
Will iaar. axmlust 411 tad. Hats, Flew sal Matta.
all will L. butally PIPablY p• l4 .
• tuna: li
I tosaluaa-suaba.t.l Iltrecton who sr* w•ill
lawortito ta•ruaanowity. weJ . who 11•Lranot..1 by
•bu dmotra to La. 'maw.. I
.11,3 a. tr. J bull,. Kra la.
11. ' .1 ' .11 " .1 aa: /varr'"'":okEtstr..l7:ftia'ct"7:l
11..,1110 1 a, Jam. lasqaaanam.a, W. ll.toltL.L+. No Irat, Aabol•
ol Upaag k Co
op "9'!
°Waves insurance Comfy a Pittsburgh
4 X?.
0,121. No el Ur ata raw b tn warga.A...• AM U-
C.O. Liman, Nel.
TOO 0 .-offitt.o7 ....0..0....1 W toott.-..11 mot-EttodLot
la .1,, nj tit 0.T.1t0,A.A.,. Ate.
Act atoolf Laattt ./.1.114 alt.l U..
fattfintloo. Wetted a tb. cloatc.C., O loottufs,
an ore an Juba. of Pit4Ltagh. •.11 and fovolsOli
Luton to lb.oamua,ty %t tOrtr pro.lott, totelliouttot.
tol t...r5t7. ,
DoZottos—l...ll. ifsa..Owootf. mt. /Afton,
Jr. 'WOW Ofliot. Itcch It Otos, 6.1...4
JeLo Cat votzt.... ttotLatoth. tl .011t0
Pittsburgh Lite Insurance Company.
CAPITAL. 8100,000.
IMTI 7 -11tWil,t%ua
tar.tol•rT-1.1 •
ifort+ o!..1.1. - ;art tit jar,?
110 rasaktni avcnlng. Lee 4. ti Wt.
lir Lotlll.llt tUILU t,ll.4stilit
of J..llft I..gblutr 4.f 4.1.141 cal
on IA ottlz,,llo . attorakts. [Co SJ tcstuat. Cllsitt-LS
TILOS LI 3.3,. Intact beni ilj , t aY. and llsztrue t J.lataltrx.
I 1..1. 111 prz..ll att. Alit:attn.
Crtunktalt,ttnriti.% at iyttlt.t.t. trtiti tL. rogiiicsitto nr
Gtr rt. frksas
of tt. ta.tty tav req 11.1tvi to aura) •itbout
(Artier oOliea.
JAMES A. biciiiNll3l77, No. G'2Fourtli st..
has rooolovl frusnionetion o lot of
riIdWILS. Is
Woo. Otaaa c. VI ato.l Pim; Unit"...
st Eocli..ll Wog... 4
kb. ror . J—letntlelo;res Ltrooolog annex Whit. Amon
Donn ao.l ranertmo.llln nrout moiety EH
IRS. C. 110F.4X AN io suing to leave tin.
eft) voot UM. that. !wilco who .41
Aus. Imo. in Voca or I elm... 31oe, .
her roaldrort• lm Cold street. I.toreon cloth street
&JO Virgo
l OR-41
N MEA LO Licks S4fteil, fur owe by
I/ .1, 5. VON lh/51liIIIIKFT t 1110
lexicanik — uatang Liniment.
vito3l tileff .11. ND POOll, bond and frog,
r all grade. milon and muiditiona, the mole mead of
prat.. Is irrulatlbly given to dila worshrenil reeneratlen.
Thommad• of bottom. am add and et...dealt,. and but ore
opinion Is uttarad by all Otto ton It, and that la
that no retnaly .nn beluga discovered poseeessit ouch ner•
hint beating and eurativa peewit... It i
ts like tolgic
lo non. of mar kind , no matter by What canted
or bin exeruciatton—vtiratna dial.aations of Jointa. ruts,
N . M., burns, mania, nun; ram:era threttnatiam i e . ta ;
tad braaat; or ant pain. wriertats, atlffnera. or we
of Mom, mewl.. or ligaments. This Liniment la equally
applleabla and equally effectual an giving immediate to
he. Try 111
for ant. he - U.lCktEll a .I:aDOSTELL, lid Wood straet.
Pittsburgh: • • del
THIS REMEDY is offered to the commu
tilts with the °cochleae, we reel locap grrle,e 014
aeLloca fella to ccalibt toe Lappieataffeeta that con he de.
ausd, On wide le the field of It. umfulnem, and so nume.
nue the elms of its Come, that almost a ery Poction 01
the country abound. In paracne, puldlely.known, who
he's teen restored from alarming and ergo desperate die
e.g. of the tang.. be ibe cue. When 0111 V tried, It. so.
perLerity ogee writ,: other medicine tel Its kind, la too ap•
Pwent to escape observations and where Its girth. are
known, the nubile no longer hetttatswhat antidote loam.
plop for the dtatrawing and dathgertua erections of the
pulmonary nrgana, .filch an incident tt,.•ur
god not only In the forinhlable alba, upon th e lugs,
but for the milder varieties of Oolde,lkonatta.iloarametse,
de.: and (or eddidren It IS the pleagantgatand Watt medi
cine that can he obtained. Pro family should he without
It, sod thwe who have deed It never will.
/toad IL* opinion . of ISO geoilesown, ono will
b. rorognisod In Um various ..lions of oovntry 'ohm
they are located—each and all aa merchants of U. Ent
classand of am ttisloroloharastor—as thaoldest and most
oxanalra wholasala daalas in medicine, with ao expo*
ono* unlholud oo tho anbject of whlab they .peat. If
lh.n Is 007 vale. to Oh. lodgment of a:paha:tea. aaa
We the nettlenbmed, holemle druggist., haring been
1014 .1.1[142,1 01110 doe'. Cherry Pectoral. lurreor me
lt'', our belief that It ix the boot and mom etiertml BM.
...ty tor Pulmonary COll.lll6lPtiort ever vested to to. A.
amen Peopl itird . aiL would, trom our loop/1,44y of Ito
Arm mein. mid erte re 41 . 61111 nem.cordistiy commend
I; to the iltlictedaa rthy bole besEconedeace, trim
the firm omelet'. Mat it will' do toe their relief all that
medial. ma dA
Ilmalmer, /Amends A Co., Boston, /dux
Item Coniao o. Baltlmora. Maryland.
Ladd A /a4na ham, Bangor, Maine.
11,011..1.11arra1l Co.. Charleaton. S. C.
Jamb 0. Farmed, Detroit, Michigan
T. IL McAllister, LoWsrßl Kp
Prancis • Walton, St. LooLt, Idlasotot.
Joseph Tucker. Mobile, Alabama.
T. A. Peet, Burlington, Vermont.
1 4" It 4 fr q hlaY4N.fni "' ' ''
li.xeremen, pitontagn, Ps. "".
Clark. CA. Chau% /IBMs.
any, Ilarilogurn. lows.
X. Banta* Jr eon, Nnefoll. Pa. •
4. D. a , Walhington, D. 0..
J. Wright A CA. N e e
Cal l
La. '
Wateon, Wall 4 Co., Part WSJ., Indiana
C C. , Pan Francium, CB.
Lewis A Arties,Tallaham,Ploridu ,
B. }Temps. Knoxville, Tennessee.
Chilton Dun, LIMN IMIL Ark. •
NU eled• A Co.. Lexington, tut,
ff. D. Labadle, Galveston. Ter.
Cturles Dyer, Jr.. Provideurre. IL I. •
J. )1. Tame, Baminah. Oa.
BeketeLn a Ca... CmeinaU , 0 . •
.1. U. NU a OuuTaltetrairo, Chill. •
Y. et:Dtatand'll Co.. Vera Cime. Merl.
if red, itleaa t Co. Bogota, Kew U 0.054. Pronot OA, ~ Pgru.
!argent Co.. Nora Bootle.
T. siker 4 Son, St. John", Few UTZMICk.
D. 9. eallnas aCo.. 1110 Janeiro, LtnatlL
With such .mason, and from ane6 intriL n 1 strcuiter
gmf can Pa .4410.1, cumt that Smul In US GEIS ts oponl
• ' no g roaLTJAMILS C. ATV; PreeMealllttemi
11dlolltlidwiletr..Wbolenl• and ntallp
TocK♦oo, and J. M. TOW 10111.11 D..
In Alieragla7=WAßTZ. And J. DUD
augit d.444.-3=13
A Medicine for . •
aoustha, Cufda, BOargenesr, AnfArna;',BrOnC(iliA,
Ay It does not sicken the etomartr l deer not eon,.
paw the bowele It does not relax tan stiO\:ltt render the
periem who late. II liable to a huh b yr ry purl of
fitly harmless rta ingredi
ent.nod w .red eireetunl In romancing), cure. lb. st •iolent elec. of reeent Cough,. and I„Luarliene. hat
ben cured by it In n few hours.
Ie Aare .n I, neva artion.—The old rough ? ,. eiliteiriee
all eieten the flomarla and yrodnne panne, mo
dwagreeahla than the cough Ramie. This is plpriateni
LWe mixture. for it Is a pleasant ...withing pate.. luta it
the wunry wad he n,/en reef ' Tue uridence In
fewer of a. meAleine In our rit•, from our can nitirene,
ce an, one of 110 ettleaer. It Is the Precerip.
ho nregular physician, and ha. born issenl by lam
oi elpp
n yr... for n number of ear.. with the mnsA
hen. rum-es.s.
‘hn,amptnn —A lad y from Steul.nville orritre that her
daughter had been adlictoa with a mogri and rape -tor,
night evreata. hectic fever, and all the distre,nng,
eyruptoms of c.mcomptios, and that alter taking ten. lol
lies ahn .ea entirely cured A gentleman In ll'
fopasty. who had coffered will utiona and chronic cough
r et. ht year+, ha. been •ourely relieved, and the await.
or by the 0w of half admen Of bottles of Ohio P
torsi Sy fur. A gentleman Dom Peons, Moo., wtitea
that - lie Imams the Pectoral Syrup tee be a hicAed artlele,
foe he h u usad it In hie own rase, nod the case. ti
in lt enther. of Ws fuon, vrith the moo ruiefent amees."
oens !! the rhe t =Minn., klunen It. put el to in
half pint bott,es at nit ono a each, or ell bottlea for
Country ntorekeepere •suld do 101 l ho neap • 0000 1 of
tn. me 1 iciste on hard all the Ohne, as It la one of Ma .130.4
per to and etßraelone remedies over diacorated for all
Couch. and dlse.e s of the longs. and Itimplentannouni,
fAcution .Ertra.-31any perilous will try to get yOu lobo,
wane one of the verso. °outcome. hot do not brad them.
If ,ou want to get wou uuy Dr. Keracr's Pertural.3l run ,
and take no other—it will eure you. It h. In it Nome of
the moat valoahloplan. and herb, of the arderns unarm,
Thetas comie,undea Li I perwoo Rallied In the healing art.
e o n no deception in tide ine,licine. It le Prepay.
ud In }our ..n Cit.,. and the proprietor hut:tumorous ea:t
ilt-ate. from
residing hero, attesting its 'gloat.) •
proper., which will he shown to any Per.. dent , . :r
•steunt w anted throughout the United States to Sell Cll6l
Laiiihnor Lareo ilier.iitut, 001 be wade to
tole uu intereet tueillthie It gil pry • largo pro
fit to all 040110: they <tll be .10121,‘ AlidlerlLK nu.
uaa n 1.7 piecing iu their Lund, the
lung dltegieis the world hat ever product il.
For Rule. lentil...alt. wad retell. lip ROlOOO • 01,:iii.A6-
ymy. iou,eistr, 1.4., Win el 41... Pitiebutub. des
F LOUR- SU bids. Extra, for sale by
dirt S. F. VON 11 0Nti/fORM • CA)-
1 LASS-1000 boxes us4'd, c. b., for sale be
ilt.4 s. V. VON 1 111 S0110082 a GO.
HBltoo3lB & WI I ISKS-20doz.
for mule by S F. 001: BUNN IfORST k CO.
1 1i1L L I COTII F: SOXP—ISO boxes, prime
1,../ snide. for faintly ate., on Liana for es, by
dye 11310. 1 1 1eCLUItitti Cm. 216 Liberty
'PHI ME -LEAF LARD—put up expressly
for loudly tin, in keg, end trucks of 2.11, sod 10 ICJ.
BUTTER-6 bbls. prime, for tale
J: byk ilet/ANDIA..OS.
I id. 1
Url'Eli-10 kegs recd and for sale by
WICK a 111c.C.11NDLES.S.
We are now prepared to carry Freight between
during the &tole, zed .111 glee thrnugh renirt• et mod
•ee,' nb.. 1110411 Y GIAYY &
It. Market eareet. kithtailor IN
.1,111 71 North ot.raet
Chester's Clothing Emporium,
lELEBRATED for Noutziese of Fit, Fine-
J 004. of yu MRr , ari.l Durability or Worktoanshb
l U'iS h." ,l l : o. :11='skill'I+,‘,'rubir•= l
f 4 /Vie " Jil k ri;:!
.Vo , JIIMP11:1.0 ST, rAzna
N. b 4,1 all age,. anJ size, htted inn as the shal
e.- Moth...
I UST RE(2'l) 50 yds. than Sheet Rubber,
(„ r u..t.,1 0 ,, 1 , 0 Oslo at No. ;In tfartret at
Jai .1 11 U 01111.1.5 M
DI:EAST PUAI PS-2 dos. Indizt.Rubber;
JI al., S dos. Nipple ablel-la, duels nsA trimmed.
.1 • VIII LLIPIi. 120 Market st-
HAITI CUSIIICIKIS-2 doz. India Rubber
1,1 sad li c it:ll : Ai Cushloua, of dlfitreeit sham.. last
reed tr,i3 male at Nn. 116 Market stree
4,4 J 11. t
UGAR-49 hlole. N. 0., reed un coneign
t,3 t sod for sale NLNN 1,0140,30,
4,41 131 Wrout et
TUE elsortc.r of 1 1 1ountain Bell Unica., No-
DD t,I T. of Niles:hea r City. has te•er, ilez.aatted
oT of tam t stl"4ll4lll2ol‘fil.tlr
0.001.,. I'6loo I. groogu K 4,l the
, 11/o."l'l2lti I now syn.
Ilasieal Nutatios, Ny J. It Antic ;
sod 10, .ale ly Jon N IL III:MA/II,
ONI i SIIAWLO' —llusenv &Iltatenrizzo
11••• •er, tool e•sort=etit of the abr.,
:;i1"1 0 .0' ,L e " 1,?",Z‘,1!•';i: ra 4 ,1 4 . 1 1 0 T,T.,; 0 sa 0/otyr, aJ of !VA
quehty gad et, l•
AUL,— Luny obayl....if 1,4 a, si sty les and choke .
L. • U. an otsscuug new tarseu,t ovary 1.• dyw
ra J. Dud SaeLang sOurn and
Drug Store For Sale
;X • goal retell burlueek ugh a..l.lolnlng ths.
.W 1 L0g0... L.r Con. =A p.atkulars of J. 1(
.1. 11. Tossseend. Lu.q Atm.., Pit.
Th street, belin , it. the I'mt 0Moo , •
InrT , irt , New biniall; StitaaseiZe. breenlbwr.
l'hailatam Pap.l, for th. Lot
I utern I atil 2- Weil fine
5itt.....1 ila:aelme. Lvenniber.
e lank • Slareslo,hr Nina:obi,
I Wane.. •1 gue,,, by Ilaraesblieely
r 50.1.1 cl. No
the N lisle, a new work by Llertuan Net
Initionam atia..a Qubtations
Linalim Lebo ti n.
: end I.. , cluti Mt,. No. IS.
I/ arper, Magazine. VIA. 3, lainwl In muslin
e ketches in Ireland by U. IL Thacker's,.
Leaden Art Journal Mr November.
Lae ant Adventures of an Arktineaw Doctor.
ilia Orme.,a nee uneel by huliver.
Th. 1.0,, anal the In, amnttel
14 : 1 i..ibTorttierie, '" L ' Yna r."
V.'s - eons. of a Phys.clan.
Ilarry hunahaut. a tele of the Aro/lean Itai,lutlors.
Arusidid or the !Lille bf L le
/rank It
[ha Went a Private Pupil
Ida otWasene. storyYA anacuta.
eelf nr . history of the Mune. lisart,, rJI
Arthur t'..ovey, Itri,ner tbe TV.143
Ili, th. Olden Pans, er Benoit.
er lbw Haibel nf horeberter, an Ills.
tones' William, of the lievolirloa in Cat..illna
Pr, Oiatesenr n
, an Iltsioval Novel enl blisdrivie.or Bud. and Illossurns.
Ter 7•1«. 4 Tele of Stifling Time , . by U. P James.
The nalp Usa4r .{ale of
c ' 7ll , 71,11.
M •
rr the ill of the Elattls J+ ICI. a ,Tu l sa bf let
VALUABLED/SCO - VERY, that which
?tti".rokn'.4?°filr "11=La LI
an d
3 art.le , whin, Pearl.. Ivory, ornaments. Ai ,
N. IL—All articles Jambi tan 'Just!. rmftiraltion.
will retiqrte I prefnetly roil I, and reedy for are In lee.
than Eiv. minute. after has b.., Jained. A. It has 111.
color, It leave. do
-tuarks of Larlog Iwo applied
t o Inc Feld., rani, even on the floret alma. It will also
nettit the ectlou of hat water, en ds . ntb, t Ind of liquid
unel ale of a boos, thereby. ren leg them 1.1 i i sslut as
Lab" il.•, beaten.
now , .11l at or::: tee We . .. U. . ,"
asinalnted with thi. Lae Ind emir ,rie:e CO. durably re.
psuing. when The 4074 II Iv
See sale. wholesale or nntile l L, E BELLEW. 17
Wool itreat
H OPS -10 bales Ohio. for sale by
DOT A . SII- 7 23 casks pure, for sale by
‘l•2 J. S. bILIVOILTII s CO.
4.z UOAR-20 hhds. prime N. 0., for ealo by
I.7deg J. 8 DI .WORTH & CO.
1)10 COME-150 bags fur rale by
1. de2
BUTTER-5 bbln. Freph, •fur isle
br S . • I : DILWORTH s CO.
S REIT-53 kogsaaa'd NOS., just reed per
del am m • 'lllll7 r
s"tarcinsov a (xi
• •
Ij EFINED SUGARS-22.8 bble. Crushed,
1.111 Pondered, Ciarined, and arnatl loaf Sestra.Just re
Y awl oar ask br
pEARESTAE — CLIZO boxes just ree:d . uu
voosbunnent and for gala br
dal j144.0Y. JUNES OJ.
iitrAsr - crfrEsE--so boxes prime, for
d mi,, by S. P. VON RON:U.IOM CO,
u 3 and 95 Pint not-t-
PINE APPLE CHEESE-24 eases prime
erealtr.itut bolded lubt for vale by_
Now Heady !!
CVERY LADY •' having a Piano eaould
puiciume and read Templetor• pale boot.
mmr to 000 l Ws Is • beautiful Look Co. • PREgLiio.
171i/tout Granitic. as teat • pima of ininLing and binding
was executed.
There lino pogelble casualty that can happen to a Piano
flit which It does not point an not remedy. beeMeit
Vl ' Afe ' Llstri r ihl; W reap th i rn U rto ' l t th iM ita rA lNi ' I f(
mu aeut by mall to any part of in. enited " Stairy
f• Teilial s h - al . py Lee • Walker Philadelphia, and may La
8116.041,1. MELLWaShrot'll'lnd oo
Wog dorm. deal
Great Sale of Long Shawls at low prices.
AA. MASONk C will open on Tuesday
• morning. December 2 , at their large navel Ss
n—ls cola of Long :Mar which, together aim their
Prnaloua Mock will mite Wmeat extenthe ribmrl sale
ever bald In this city. . del
Noti e.
rpGE Gaardpina of Poor will receive
rtfrolult. Until the sth Derciaber,Gir farnlsignitbe
neer Alms blouse with one handrail it Iron Bed•
dsteals. agreeable to .ample,, which may be &eau at (War ,
int. OM Fourth street. '
ti t nNrt W
4t li. - Bulldlugo ßr .m .r lt
s tee onr,
T .i n iE Co-partnership heretofore e.liri,us be
tE. tot.le r the erm or:0%-N
be.,\ ,
t CO., la 'the Ca r tage sad Kama =Mae
bufhlmo. dioolved by mutual enaetot.a the dishe. Mthdrattal of Etwr Towaerad lam the
thla. The Lttaltmo of the Put 0111 be timed er the oth.
sr platoon. TIOrT
T. IIE undersigned will continue the Carry
agt. - Wagon fill , aufacturlag busittata, in aU its
tr . the, at W. ,14 stand, amt.,
QOM a Cu. K. It.
IWHlllilt CALE.
ODEL ARCHITECT, No. 5, Tor Nor'rr,
Lembo .
Malt Il yato, for
1....tr0e National Mang. lb, Ararat.,
Igmattra4 sad tot W. at 1101,3tES. titars,/ Aliot, N.
71 Ttilr4 nom. ovPralta At Nat 0 . 61 ca. arl2
ihaCIAP-100 kn. Cin., for Bale by
ACKEREL--200 bbli. No. 3;
100 Mb No
lOU klu
WA!.bla. - For sale bl
wlwl iIeCINULks&
111UBEAM CHEESE-140 Las. lleslep's
Ay celebrated /lathe. and Nausea (leen, lib al ab
eneed fbr axle by
del I WICK It MaaabiDLETal.
Itunici“ 4011firti-14, climes:. tad subwri
as Ittl, paper norsirint and Ibnprardwl het. of exp.., hvo
00. amp
s a st MOVgNENTB a a t
111{01J T. MITI. STA...
ASIA. Lana, tram LlterpnOL..-
AUL Male. W..t. from Litrrpool n...
CITY ov.ULAS.:OIV, Leltrt, fur ti15.4.,,...2.,......1,e ti
lA4 ERICA. Ellsrinaa. br !Avert - oat ...... ....-...-..... o.r 1p
HUMBOLDT. Itarerr ........ ..-----...D." I d
N N IAOAItA. Leitch. fur' LitertoNtl M. It
TAely , C. NI, far. Liverpool . - Dee - -0
6`BoPA,kot4 t:a e Li v. , ,24
. ..
-.for Liven.% .....
•l4111 . 11".1.3.
EL'NOP.f, Ott, fur t) . t riL
.v Nem on, solt t ptr y s i lo . n band kir Ennian.t.lrs.
am stammer. no matter
of what line..,
Lettere to t 6. Coratneot of EuroPe. Or the Collin'. Line.
must Go Dm* 1 terroty out rents a single rate. except kw
ObtooTletve reglllr.l to be prefab] in full.
Lettere to the eouthmeot of „Europe by the Cunard Llne,
hoot be pr,patld Gee route u!adoole rate. eireOt to threw
nNturett to he prepaid to f ull.
Let t i h o e u 4 . leta laud Lbte l ,m o. li:Lte h r:p:tl e tre . s . tz , fr
I, t;
Nnerepeters by e 111141.... to the Outalnent, must he
prelur reale the
loan e d Toetatro must beyttOled co 'Letters cml Nome.
Derr the C.hUoeht Eot4Oo. by the Herr* and pn.e.
prrrsEtatait.. mama
Urns 1 d 201.11/ 01.14714.
Muted., \roorntrx. Dec 4.
The weather yesterday was cold and nnpleas.
one Latin... vary doll. and no stdet any extant.
:leer still runtinnes to decline.
FDA/it—Th. decline In price ditnint 1
Ude:ably. and We market la nrosing . Orza r
of .7/0 bble k, in lota. from ricer and wag a
73 bbl. extrea.tS3, sale, eapertne, drone o
lost, at 1.3 12.
BR:KuIp:AT FLOUR-ISr note no salee.
at $1 11.(11 50 for.looie.
GRAIN—Sales '25.3k bo Date at Ze. ft° do at"‘..c.; =do
sup.dier. at 2Gidc. 'Va . lee et Corn at 400. ehelled.4.l44be In
Saks WOO bu ;51.94 to City ladle. at ~sz. avl , 7
1. taken sat Aye; ay. 4d,
S.kt.l , ..—We quote viol paver firm, et SS 'ZS, DatleV
."CIIEKRU—SeI, 4,000 !MOW it at 6 ldr
twill:lL—With small ask., re quote prime key at k;ii.
Sad 101 at 1,.
LAii • I Ink,. is quoted at W. au lots. gal ic
TiLLOV—iaa. of 100 bbla at 'a; tat
tam I.;cbtain•J fn, " -gt.ta eankl not .
€O4. vould ant brinovar 63a
11,--8.1.1 1 Lard et :o, No 2do c. Linserd
3 ton. Paarto, at 6, .©sll !eta Sale:att. at
P011F: Vru 4.l,otruirta et pr.a.. 83k of 2.010
•bouldru, to Jrr L.t
b. C05—.1,1.• of 4e• Maus at 9?;<. Eboaj9(rs are we
kW at
kosticet is alaaoat ban of 31classea.
rule Ga- smala 04 4 , ia; rtugat le quot..l at ogGV, ColIca•
ax In 011.114.
rt:nifw.l nt a Cniknt:in m=ll
. ,
Al Pl.E9—;ale cretn apvlcs st 11250a2 i 5 bbl.
nnl Ep Fla:ll—We Dote DU, ralt%. Apples arc 0 nurci
CI 50, Peach. Du.
\ LeCarats, Nor. ..,..o
00:,--:4.11 the Lout/te• ere killing. !lettere Jeckeon..
14 * Co. here tantedg blledunerartle of :10.040 1)1,4
'gr. butter, though but ere do &Jt yet meet the view
ere. We hear at • contreet of 1800 Lead. In . etl
eountt• e 4413 1 ,5 gr.. , sal a eels of 2t.ket hoed by
at 8.1 2.".. A ogle et 101 head etetra •en
en re. ,
1,1 20. Proms from SI 35 to It 15.—Pour.
0 IN\
of by e
y-rted t
1...\u th
SAN ICS NS LIA.NSII.II—The number of inturfaremd
bank. lu th bulged crate.. at thin time, is 8.45 The ao-
Oreaate Lanpltal IA the bank drculano,
ISSMASUS lLaa York atueeda am other Mate Inclum-
Ler of banks. dabigel.eimmlation any amount of coin—
Slamachuretts lisnrit In number of banks capital and
rieaulation. then. are three Stales that have a
lamer amount of keels. Bennarlearila Innen tlp order 1p
hanks an 4 eireulat. Cotttpan nbui.iant sing other
&saws Nes Y art.sarachneetta .10 Prunerleanla have
Larger an Ital, . o York. Masaactusette, Penuarlya
Virisnla. South ebkrosina, .04 Keptutev, larger
Odreulahon; Laubliana agenda um to Sear York mi
ar amountof ann. Louisiana S. th e Only Stale In the
Union In ethleh the mooting. of epees, eseesle the bunk
mrt ulation. Sew Sark has a bank rimulatiou of SMbuub
WO arm al:booboo,. ccopeme; Mbusatm, ....Um.
eirenlatkm. mod SZ.POu.Late 14 maxi,asese PenneAsaula, SlO.-
bOO,CatD Caen mul
0010 cirl'Ai4l.l.l awl 1L'..714,30 Specie: mad; Lotafiana. SO, •
-rob abreast.° and 14.000,000 epe...4s—Phlla. Cam.
tilran—Tt.tare nu 0 Oxt u tba.el by 13t00
0. at dui. last eroololo. and slowlp,tall.o,
IICK IlatleaaperG\
Stun Bartver. Ne• mon, \
Baltic. Bennett. lima - v.4111 .
Neer, liardmi. &atter .
Cassa. I.sui.a. Beaver.
.1 Bayard. P.a. Let. Elisabeth.
Forest CB,. Nlurd.c.b. -
It E:ellttg. • '
Wlthmalca, Hulett. tit Lops.,
.4.14 . ark -41zserninson. brownswill.
J •
kt.ftl .410tlie.
lbeadrictooe. aT McKee, tart:
Tbaketlires, Bailey. West Iim•LOAL.
Bearer. Orlon. Besttr.
If 401... Heaver.
S. Bayard. Mebk...
9aarate, Baltay, Wort !.1:0114111.
F•rest City Attird.,l4. 0161 - 111 e.
Milan. Ds vls,
eiartanall. Birrtapubaln. ClationatL
Julia lean , Wootrtn.t. Zaaesrlile.
D laseclA • Co's Passmger Neila I dell. fl •os d
o n.
31.1.5Y1LLE--yuiest City. •
A3ilC/LLE—part Pitt
BEAVlat—liaming boat 10 t. r.
evening Lost 3 r. at.
Wll2.BlLlNG—Wintbater, 0. D, Kam, 100. 8.
Clo4per No 2. Th 0 ,184880,10 , Y.
8,014 - 80100.8 . 802881 0000.
BRuIeNSVILLE. 8 r. Y. sad 6 6. 6.
ST 1.4/UlS—Pr• Waleneare3,42.s ems hid. 450 dry
de BMW; tO bblt ref. adlar Ilueckdaon C0_; . 094 plea
lead Watineo:4 41:5:1 bid cranberrae4 Morgan; S
boo Lynx Vaal t Co, 1 ewe seam LHardy' Somea • Cke 74
bbla ale A A Wend: '2 ak• 'crap Iran Coleman Hallman
et ea: 25 bble .o.4aue lard J Orem M do Bettor Franca
Morris; 4 du 11 Ware: 1 So ladle Daiwa Fccarth; 19 bbd,
CINCINNATI—PIa Itaisvaer-1 hi boot . . 0 II Sflltes
!leper; 1 as Curtlng • Heber.= 10 bbla beselny klend•
Dian 7 do 'Amur a Wd..1133 do arleisker SI larLauck
100.5.7141 IT Labour; 4 5.. Feral.; 3 544 o
Forsyth. •
WIISCLING—Pra. T/;3.0.44—.Kt 14 mds4o W Platith: 33
A. barley A A A WrM: 01 kII. 11. r Drown a Kirkpat
rick; :ix. =deo A Da,:: pan Eakpr t4 , orwtb: 10 Odl4
pap•r P Marshall; I deer C Shao.klet 3.l)yb ow*. b
T Atorgatt;ll 414 Corm). is Cole.
WE:LI,PVILLE—Pta Fora!, Cm-41 0140 mew Rok D
A Ortor, tailt• rorn W Grafton: 21 bbie 25 11, flit-;
laugh; .1 hogs litagOO• horses ovrolp.
ZANESVILLE—tot ]Liu D.A.-17 113.194 Condo
We: 4 biro boor L 4.41 MeAtolo • CO 3Kw valla Abo
enborgera Co: 34 400 d 4borela 169 poa [mot 44311e110at. •
I d z4 - 2 , - 4:2IIrAL-
R.bertacla la, 3; 01:44 ortuto Wiltotwoa Nobly " grkgi
Indic ovu4r
Pim • bN. Lnoos—sandy a Dena Can4.l-1 ourbitte
Bakes A I , ..rsith; Ido i UrataltunaK 1 do litaziny tads
boltarti P Wilda.: 4 do ICrlip4 Fabnetork • C4a 99 iso Iron
draft Lin /nap • Co: 01 Ao flour Cl4rk. 4 Thaw: 190 Ells
bolter O 11.0414•03 .73 4444 cliair EUIC M Gould.
TLIE SUBSCRIBER hue just received a
most almimible and extensive I. I. of Plume of 6. 63(,
a 7
the celebrated factory of 8. B. Dun.
ham. .V. ILIDOLIg ter
6 rourerood Plums. 6 at , ermine tablet, )
6 do do 6te oct i do.,
re do do 6 oil 14,,
Alto: cm of DUNILSMA Muume 7,'•.u3 , tetlifeleriT
PIANOS. ..I tereakmel Pismo to porerane volume of
tone. Tbs. Pianos hare • new and tomproWol male, allow.
M • very large felt one. humor. and thuralTordinn
.lithe mir.tenes of %arum P.m. The puldlc and
Cr el ega n t %LT:LT 1 1 , 1 °'411. "4 ill'...":Sultrit .
'demo. emliti It :Cala of onell. at the;
00,, and pronounced the 60.00 Pl.O ever brouebt to
:VeUtie'll;Vr.L'?ne. too
P lr Atin t i,"'" 4 "' o' t""
N... 1 Thtnl M.... 1. of Na time. Warp.
Y 11.—Nert arrsagem.cs entmcd tote with Mr. Dun.
hani...ho the ettb.-1, leit; to allet. P h." 10 Mr '......
lower theta Premily t thee ettabling parttime. so bay
ettespinL here. their at the var y Call .4 exmolue heron
putt... eimerbero
--- --
rbso. been 'waived, and are far Lthi by I. L 7 HAAN
7 mull at, Apollo Build.. t \
Watema's Practice of aladmiml,
Dangliosolee do. do \
D.B 6 Di... a
Gettloefe Lig 4scussurn \ -'.
eztr ,4t Er
Paine't inside ter of Medkine ;
ilocaVe Btody of Medicine:
ilamitidle's l'histology ;
Carpenter's do.
Nem.. on .'item. of d \
Churchill . 'Menu an Children \
Churchill On D seem
or Females:
Llama and diatteee dom.;
Villa. tioddanCe Limo. An
Melee' Trestiee onOberetrisei
El rita'saad Paget'aPhypenonyt
\ at
Monampattie iiemestLeuili.leLttanca.htWologpiteya_.
frgargrii:lthYeilliAtlYt"::p: =.
An abrldged. ideal Ca Medi.. By JLI he M. D
Revieed.4 velum& .
at enark. N• J•
Thln tk.peny la nrypi.end to furnleb • nudely of them
I o Lich hare been found eller emeriti yam' trail, both in
and the United State, to retain their critical
ben end end peiteetive novena, rope.oo to any other
mkt alm oner
lIIT. Their E
Is ps.rsir an Oxide of !dna aog , ie tad lima from all
minitmatl. end Impurity re dearer, it anent well. Is
Itostiti.llttethite. and ta entire y fr. from the pohnnous
I=pil ' AtersUniVrrerriille. " d4'"'" th.
efloest e t rosed to su i ntlime er ineplitlo emindetiom, 7.
It :I=o.l n 3 to
climate and thTic ' ere:! Vier
than say other, not being Coble to tuna M.O.' no to
crumble and Tole Mt 13 may be vorkad alth ea, ,01. r.
with miter and r 4 ,se or atilt varnish, which Mom to"Mo
Mated imoteleln Coloh.
Tams ate filtalthed at slow ini mead Ma uplcubtoill
Eh. <heapat and beet pola. 14 tam market no coltit ,
F.g e t a fc =pl,o4hozr . eleamltoatt or alvl b mtertl
Coe Loin iturfaca th.r.o tortiooloNY ”th.hio.. ten
ems • mar.O^ canneetem and entirely prevent mkt.
Moo. they do outdqy, and haelnit • Imre metallic Os.,
do not
la au. ebszoto color las many of the earthy paints new
, ` I
Nola. tlutoltol osalibiond ten. by the agents of th e
company. , , P.O. Juno e - ou. '
stuns ' 7 eouth,Wharves. Philadelphia.
_ _
§Bt ina ACKING FLANNELS .,-- Murpny &
rafield lan mewed Ws morning bj •LxDrno
CkO. qthor. Kluane of It is.Rets,
sad -
•o. , , .
„ •
Mont w Wald, ;the somata. 'l7llertakiblo\ Vela
be .u , nnitt,l for 120 601211[1013 al tha Inis Commotion of
0. ea , or for the orita or m.yo, .omlo
Attb — laosaca, B. Juana i 3 a. candidate for
thier , tt the neu 040 Median. nhOct m m. Lkciaiao nr
040.011 )fo.~.nirisaJ . Whig. °navel: - An .101 e
riettil'lease announce through your paper
JAMES Oa • otto-11.1att, Slayttr, subject
tom, noittnatlon or the Actl-11a.uto atotlWlllg Conran
uoh '
11e4ueaun : \f r. Bait,: Please no
way,. that flit, lritt•th of It. C. OA W VIA: .11 press his
elms. toe otoolo•14tn f e llalur . e it to theatteiaion of
the Whig I,totTentl9o.
s :to t , orto 1V•ao.
A N Election for4ifteen Directors of "The
Calra.' ILaurance lkhanany.. ha held nt
ottl, ot Gornreele. No. 93 Water *treat. on the
ilonJer, lath of Ih.c.ernber 'net . beterran an boo. third
of 10
and 3 n'ehak P.' 41
da3ga ALFIt6II W. MAalt9 , Beer.
• teeni•cm.,s, oes. Is, mi.
Trim 1)1 RECTORS of the Cell& Mining
in!io c :•re P li f t Vo r i m t th- rent r eaDit:l'le a Ti:(
zero Company; voo ball pay 3.141 AE before tkko 01.1 a No.
rerol , er. and do. valor half on or Wt.., thr Mtll Do , Anbor
s t i 3O !"r 'aic's
• lime of Beige.
suhscribers for the erection of an
Lou, ut Refuge for ITesten I . .onnylntun.
notipetTtbat anearrnent month anonß t. to
the =wont n 106.111.1 unh. toquard to be pni
the Treasurer. on or before tL« 1411 day of 'talent.
nust. It order of the boan.l of Director..
r2nrtf .10n111.7 A /UN :Ca. Tina.
LETTERS Testamentary to the estate of
Jaw. Ito.. late of Indfana townslttp,Connty of At.
',hen,. deed• bare been granted to 1.114 entstmlbatr:
111.1 . 11. Chl/6111 *c t. paid totste Will present
them Only autlisiatiented Cu settlement to
11\* recrisrs ern
et $2 b. 03;. .,
dre.j dray
A Card—Life Inn/aims.. .
to 4
B. (~.., t. ‘1, .; 0 F2 . L . T . O . N j . Se:Xic :i —D e ar
„ Si d r .7.,
ownaledee the rery prompt Ana nbitging lontaner in
Which the chit' 'of or bailey recently effected by Me.
amountinq to .0.4 ea. easaLl Ave thotert dollars , hal!
been paid.
rho liberal principled lir,p which the affairs - of the
- Pittsburgh Litteinsaminto Compthe srawnst. ducted. 1.-
.titles It to the renriderlition and patronage ler the public.
Ths prwriple of pruffeional benevidicurs trathas mutual
derangementof your organitetlon, is the true r smthltyalls.
fraternalroal laintheetith, which human) ty and.
bulb bui4 !,... su"'PP'''''. BADSV.VI I I.L '' TIVIttor.
nrivaltiw of Flea'. Lappet Church. Dittaburgh. Pe.
rix,iET—rrom the tiret of Apitii4l —
a !er dewiline hon., With twenty keno of
land. situated attlehlthd.
at ID '
Notice to. Brick Waken lind Quarry May
the bolt of likeentrOr.o4ttgy th e delliery Of two
au. • half tallith.
squatketd g theensuing spring and
the Pennsylvania Rational 0%3p.) .thil at Wel. .met.
tetwn L.herty and Pram •
The prote.dale will state tVrimi eV delivery at each
mpoint. and the lia of the brat \t , tinee of the larg e r di.
iona bring praferrul.
portion of th e brick ca heath red kt Grant street,)
,th Lerd i prthael. tor wtoch the grille end dimensions Witl
I' Vs ' titio ' .w.:e 'r ?. ' it e i cap . he raw' ni r -the whoa cf the, mad r
D om t. eilmilned ' f ' rom compel:l,4==W
/AL • outer Depot. where tool c so Ls o .ain eat by railroad. •
' l ',' • l ta ' .7lllrW7i I. receive/I at the same 'm for the die
'liver ,of al
lo t thug perchee of stone Ir' e ' s
the aberie polotans at any convenient
ea the %Aide ye the rstlrded. Oaths
lies proluoels will 7.e directed to to
Associate EA ginarr, at Blairsville. loth
no:haul \ J. alb/AR TlltillP
Yes. S. alvinri ,
MAO/11\ 0/a/siert/GE
JAS. S. MASON A CO., lu,
their .tore stiff i (calory In Philsda
hd .014041.• figAN Tr. BUILD/NO.IOI
ere they continue., Jo offer a Mb:
THOIBIAND DOLLARS. lorany =merit
It Is entirby all lespestddlr liarehants s
Butted Sulu, ' ..
. Alto. Mason's Eno black WiII:IND '
luifee• • 't
1 0 11 TI E CREDITORS of the
am s k tioevrer. 01 IdelletAort,
geld{mascot thom chonalt
altoo• of dna, at the =lea of\ '.e.
104, tt4, rattaburah, mud tiro
prm rill play: call at thy tame ale Pal
00201,. J. r. YE.7.0
tinsauraw, Nov. 25. 1041. \
Stockholders of the Penn ,
.11auniftrtutioa rampant - zoo oot ,
11:1 . •q/111( to hold u 0 tha BIM aelr
et 12 o'elock, at the Wilco or Samuel
Walum 4‘.4.1 . 4114.de15.41n.
ocittrJa • 111.2. 11.103.1N01
g • 01101, 24 r
4104 rve'd so asso '
nt clance colos, w
various ehaden ofbral
the ratio. co/o
or, ...07 lo pie. LT quality.
Er1141714.D bat I . 4'd an:
arucle. •
EATUERS-21 imoks prime
[az .1 rex attam er her. ard Gar sale
no:4_ JASI233 1111tellitOX & 03.
1.02 rend Yea-thaw 4 tutu! Nem=
:1 "1 I V " I Y K gt W Llte.
S 1
15 bbl,. Loaf Bow= ' •
. 105e4 Lorceits6 o 4 Sagan
bbl " Grow setgaz
, Pnieerinsl
/We ICO Lane* new .51 //.. /Wet=
14. ••
50 bone. Cream Cheese;
,5.0 mats Mew Ind Ifni WM- PnVen:
!c awl far We by
\ JOICK IV/117 t CP.
FWUE-33,b12.1312an5te; mid tor ulobr
0024 \ • a rse;
WI WATT a co.
CIATS-1600on- cooliignmerd and for
a* br T. IV WW2 BON,
ncal \ GI Wain Ersatz \
Gct ACKING FLONE LS—Grey, of diffez
I,7zig . lnixturc e.szuvO i t i lmez ratr a tritakbr
7a rELSiI
et tyrt fLllh'atrz.:l2
so mach utl:fogrt otTr,-'4l
Dos Imam], it lIWACCIMID.
12...kS TURING-1W feet 1-8, lei and 1-2
kfi Inch 1.49 Rubber Gas Tubli.g.lay caLe by
adda J. A-IL Pll/1419.
(" T. ; LIEESE-500 boxes prizaaroata Cheese;
9)0 da
" trAirELI. a isb.eteat
'4-2 casks Madras and iihnina, for.
' .E.417.31.121L8 .
B o n i -15W 4 -71 . ) ; aa0
J. le6/.7,,T...
B 1011a031ATt ASH 7 3 = a ibta.
.1 , C01101,--301b1s. 92 and
j 7t, i ftr k aa a l x o
\ by
INSEED - 01L-20 bble. fez sale by
A n 01.5 A. JUDD
E NNA--13 00 lbs.Alu. and In.; for Bale by;
ALSAH /133-10 galls. for 8411014
eßux rat.
m ot • pvure
atSo{B ebb
• 3. ROC co.& •
OT ASII-10 casks piing. An ftle bJ
J. SIDI) Cu.
R OLL BUTTER-15 blitz. Plain . Grose,
. J. a B. pLoirD.
eeie • "Board Charah Buildhm.
1%/ ANITri
IA ,on.
Pot sale bra
Russell • Itobbson'slr4 Lamy,
W. Grant 44 5'..
Jones ♦ /3.'4 . lib 41
1. 015 1 J. a it`noYD.
ROOl5lB-400 doz. Poluki„Tor sale by
nols . J. •R. /SOT&
FRESII TEAS —NW clieste—Y—Frieon;
trolS] .) R.YLOTIK
1 - 71
_EKTIrEIt--150 rides N; T, for sale by
r " \ J. a 11.7LOTD.
POT ASII-2.5 mai; Fire; for 118.1017 a
3 2015
f.r hal e
JI ,
T. WOOD., Sibr. 61 Wata
_ _
tl PaLLEt.Q.:r:w.iCkbr nce.dTvosoirtignmws.e*
tali 61 Wat6r at.
rt trx COVERS-2 doz. India Rubber Gun
.111 Corm, e di& mot length.. jag% recy sad
galeat No. 110 Ilargerntatt
no" J. a 11PE11.9.2P&
Ife Progetagrg Jackate of all Psi alligitant kiwis
Q ' 4X-4,1 ease for sale .
,oy I Feyssu t ileDols 114140 Wcolii.
eitt:c. -
(EI.G . REEN tt
WC1.L.140 Wood r 1
DIT 041150 Zantalcirrante;
to 11) bine. Wk. Eta War ,
ig A. X Cox. IC K. t ec
'JJ ,c , •TE... Leila 0
waK soA. .
...14N.t..0- .
igiSl;;;lii Lli , 37;:iti. 41 , ; 11;`' f A m Z i7 "`"'
etoll A. A. =kW A
* CO.
"I NDI.A. filitTE fILOTIII.NG - - 44 treed,
co %.,
p rab n C.ltta.l , ll.b ' \
- 4 P.l . /.4244,'
. •• Lana Led g
24 Reeks Jacket , :
lintb a emplate &seam= tact !fat ofrief of lia tau n t
Caps to no.
aft:: \ a 12. PII A
. \ No. 118,41arkes ft. ',
J. 1 . LU , 2 1 1-60 bbls. furiLls.l4l.,erA
_ •
bbls. 'Witter: . Oil, anthug
mt for wad 0. , 1.111 a CO.
I tIiEESE-500r , itz Wppirlr !
1.1 'ITEMS
11. 8D.411Y WILKINS.
. •