..I , ....GtONEBDAY MORNING, D. a, 1851, 09 -For Commercial matters, tarn to the first Tae 7ltissonc —The reading of the message -yesterday . commeneed between one & two o'clock; itrfiich time copiett were delivered by the; . f . ........postnioster to the -several newspaper offices. • ".....Tiisibessagr isi.Cmorotlou'ustostlength,road. • ' ' treats of a great vtriety of subjects. The Presi-: iiient,eftercongratulotiug Congress upootheblase. lei enjoyed by theootentry, nod acknowledging thagoadatlesof Providence, proceeds; to speaks at • flume length of the' into Cuban inerteien. Be • • opentsaith mach dignity and good temper of • that nohappy affair ln its several aspects, and =x rt ei midisntly - Vindio:itv.s ‘ the conduct of the goy !: evitneUt in re rrenca to it. • hereememends dull reparation by the Gov erilinetel to the Spanish Cuueul at Now Orleans i for ,lops And tlpteage he may have sustained tho riots in (bat city, meowing out s et the 'tram , ",Cohan. ixeitenient. pronifites that the good loffices of the (lee 4retneent shall Le put forth for the pardorr and -E". :111bfitition of the unreitnnate survivors of that i ' l%-innbappy expedition, new confined at hard labor in Spate. •I' The compact between Ofeat Britain end Fruce4 .. for the protection of Cuba ;froto future • - ititreutlon,„ Is noticed but he states that those • . I -Oirrernments .hpy - eight • • • :orlateotiori to seirch.or molest any vessel un. • . ; der the protection rdthe'Ateericon flag.,, • 'Tte President again invitee, tha.attention of Congress to the question of reclprOctil trade be t hieen the United States and Conotte, and recent • { tnencliethet It be established on the basis of re '•• I cittrucal - The tite'vieit of Amin Bey, the agent of the . Government' to this country, • .• ... v.. sand:the liberation of -and--I.ig assn. „Otto by that:government, are both referred to .n-getierntis terms.- To Congrosa is referred the , queatiou how lioseuth shall be receided and :treated by this government • . Pre s sident dsetta upon the importance. -• tittle contemplated Ship Canal across the lath: t. ' ISMS otPanamo, hot makes . no - particular re 'commendation. . I . • The financial coalition of " the gorei:runent is tnrtictypraspereas couflitinu; but the President • !thesis "ira very sitswig - testae she injurious opts fiTotir prese c bt revenue laws- upon both the - indutrid intermits and a irculating - medium of the country. tie gpeak9 strongly of the frauds upon the reseurie which grow out of the prevent • eysteta of ad ralorum dntielo The remedy be t,‘, • t proposes is the dopCieti of specific" duties on all articles which admit'of it. This portion of the k message will clotimand special attention. Hetailslies that the mineral land of Califor . 1,14 .# 41 1 - not be" surveyed at present. but that it still he bettei.:to wait 'until. time and expert .'esteis shall enable Congress to make a judiciotti :'.disposition of them. ltu however recommends • ' 'that,the agricultural . leads in . California and f&non ho eorrcyea and tint into market: The - president - .earnestly urges the ha. • partance of 4art appropriation for the improre 'mantof ritirs and barbars. "Sidon of the messagli is - .made 1 -. up of !various interesting topics, the =opt - rations nte:the rations "departments, &c., and some temperate reraarks,!especting the compromise = !measures, of none of which it is necessary to" "speak here. " Tee - Afesaage is long; but the reader will • Pay. when he gets through,,tbst it is•ss concise . as the greatf number if topics touched upon Would admit of. There is a rich ecin of practi e.o..good 'Sense iataiiio".4:hrough it, which leases . plea.siug and eleritinkitr.preseouupon the;l ;mind. Although a mordnodesi4Oinilentlawer emanated from ifushiniton, the nettnber nod importance: of the subject:l &massed leases • strong impression of the commanding • position which oar country occupies among the nations ',at the earth. • 1 Exts • Dank Breast Itimatt rx , Evooes,-The , -- • - •1 ' , Great EMteher, in hie prophelic,revelations rho taming: the-dm:traction Of Jerusalem, gives as, one of the Cigna whicit'should usher in that ter ' j Tilde event, age:tare! and fearful. looking far of , some great ;Calamity - a universal expectation of '-ttome dreadfal:ivil-;-•,'men'e hearts failing them for teat" i 3 iimething to - that j. time, 'yoking for of a revolu , tionat7 stoker' hi : Europe.. Already in the awful ' . -eHence which now prevails, do we - hear the die-, .tant muttering , thunders which NIT usher in the tornado. Mr. Choate, in hk . late speech atEnnueil 11011, in support of 31r. Writ has givcnatteranco to the prevalent feel- Mg, in the followifigeloquent passage: has seemed to me, that there iteomething • in the quality and adjostnient of 31r: Wehnterk prudential and intellect - fed character and tem , perament, which - fit him in a remarkable degree for condoetir-g thee-.loreien relations"-of -this country with Europe, in the 603114 tomcat of the :European w0rk1.... What that aspect nod state 'exactly is, bow; unsettled, what - shrub-we. Fi • cicada 1111 a darkness appear to rest upon it, you centirely aPpreciate. It has seemed to me as is . the 'prerogatives of crowns aind 'rights of men, - and the hoarded' up resentments nod revenges of,a thonsand years, were about to thabenth 3 : the sword fora cotalict, ia which the blood ehall flow, as in the Apocalyptic vision, to the bridles f .t of the horses, and . in which a whole age orpan 1, shall pass away—ta winch the great hell of time obeli sound out soother hour—in-which eociety itself shall he tried by fire and eteel—whether it :in of Nature nod of Nature's God, or not_— .1 Now, In each a condi& as this, have we, in this 1 Country, nothing to fear!" . , • • , t Innentag, HARRIETT HLIZ A, lnfut danab . ' tat Of. Hobert and Ifarrlat Wray. _lhe Itiveral geith like plata thie aflerwoa. at Ho'clto::, -- frairael'rerider.cenf the 7i • fatlahly. cornet of Webster and Mai ateeta.; at - 3 o'clock. JOHN J:CUITTENORN. iun of :Jobe add Roux:nab &man, aged finai 761 t. The friend. Of the tuair are Incited to attend thntaneral. Iron the _•, reaklenea Of tda fallar.ad ja . e.p: d Nierling'e Work& ed 3.1 • .1" • Election.N Election for,Fifteen Directors of 'The °Wm." insurance Cleirenr," affil bt bald at the -e at 114 Compeer. No 115 Water sts.vt. on the tbirl k1eaday..1.,..4 of Deceseb, test. beta eon the boon et 10 Vele* A. 31. .ed 3 n'cleck P. 31 • •• 41a3ts . ALYII.IIO IV. NARKS, Beer. Irtb j.,erson , who .found m.pair origotti Enureciimo. Fabbath la.t. Allealamr Qty. an pirate aat: at the aftlat of Palmer. Ilatzus 4 cu., co, two( Waal saal !mirth Rim la, .ud reerfrectaapenoltloa Or the ia,las. WINTER 4RRANGEAI.ENT. r: Fta7-474: lINION LINE, ." , TIA RAILROAD .AND WAGONS. We are new preparecrto carry Freight between • - • , MiIYNPIIILADELPiIIA -AND. BALTIMORE, &win tha vintrr , oral will plye licrongh recelpbt - IIY GRAY" , k 01.4 - Canal 14,x4it. Pitt.burxh. DUTII,II 111131Y11ItNlig a rya, - • • in ltarlfmt.trert. CITARI.V.B 11. 6tN.111, A Wilt, Froth , tr.rt. Baltimore.. -7' 7 ..• Chestefs Clothing Empprium, • . driELETIRATED for Neiancra iif Fit, .Fino l lvJ wool or Roollty. Doratilltf or tvortm..tdo— . oar gook 14 101 l and oomph-I , brooltfo oil ortkft4 of on I Llofe Clothloo ocol ' Voroblono Gooilf, all mat- AA nt ray owo io•oarilno. Ste o yltal to call nod roarnloo, a. we or , Oto , foroo.l to 101 l •' • ' 1 - 1 sunt:l.DM Ivor inaotosof D. -1 ; 0 P , 004 B,lLet ont on to. otkort• 'UST Iti.A.V.D-51.1 yds: thin Shoet 'Lubber, CJillabdoHno.' For sale at No: 110 Slorßft rL ' J. a U. PHILLIP& . 111 BEAST PUIVPS-2. din. India Rubber; ,B tbo. G dot 2404 $114.41 , ..141•40d grloo.d. dod .1 4 U. PIII'LLIPS. tIO Slortiot • • V4itAl it CUSHIONS-2410z ? India. !tubber And Air ju4 and tor sale at No. Iltl'ilookktotto., dot . • Jt t 11. PHILLIP:. S - -- -- - --- UGAII---ig ith7 - 19: M N., reed on c on sign matte weld f0r.414 by MAUL' 30){0.3N. de3 • i - 131 Front ed. _ ... • Chtuter Union, No. • 41. LI...TT-of AMA:hefty rut. Itoith deolundol •or s• thand thaw/ IT of T. of 1.1, , , , ftde of Pond, Too Ins.tholo the Itarisllrtho 0 Opt Nations! Volvo of N. A. MountilA DOI flolso it sto looser propnlted She Gotta. Union. • • • •, A RAO' IJA O. P. P. .I+IINSTIIELI—A 'now iyia xl Poo Jltokal Potation, tr It. Mk Jost reed *ad far sale nr . 11. NI 61.1.0 A, deLt FONG SLlAWLSiltupiii . &Ai vein.ric Lu: hoW le, 'd a wry. foil Roost tooth M. the sbni• MtTi!,tlVl ' M u ng, •• A Brooks Loon olo t os, of ososst TA. St H. see oposthit• OWN /.041 nutnel, of altssrable color s ~,l Drug ESTA.PLIS(itIi STORE, 4,4" trocetietel, buetumt ton gore tIAI, •n't. Wrtlrnlan of J , 4611* in, Wm street, A tut 4; al. ,Tolrt stirkes rms . •- HOME MATTERS • At a meeting of the Awl-Masonic and Whig City Convention,. held Dec. 19, 1850, the following resolution,was adopted: - Resolved, That it shall he the dutyof the Pres ident of this Convention to order the next pri mary meetings to be held in the several wards, on the second Saturday of December next, be. tween the hone of eleven, A. M., and five, P. M., to elect five delegates. to meet in Conveu- Don on the irtinesday following, to nominate o brindidate far: May ar. -- In accordance with which, the election for del egates will lie held nt the time stated in the resolution, 'and the Convention will meat on 'Wednesday; Dec. 17th, at 10. o'clock, A. 4., in the Supreme Court Room. QlllO ASO PgI7XYGVANIA RA11.11.011)....—The. roil of this _road, have been extended into the Stated( Ohio, Nadi - James Cris well,w bo was so sere rely injur ed by falling down the steps of the Court Rouse, about two weeks ago, died yesterday. Ta . YOUNG Mue.--The file, of a series of Lectures to Young .Men, Ism delivered in tho CumberiMid Presbyterian Church on last Sabbath—Snbjeet •'happiness." • Tun RAILIIO.4I,—The number of passengers, who travelled on the Ohio & Pennsylvania Rail road last week, was two thousand two hundred a nd twenty one Orv.rue TILACK.—The "Masilion," one of th Loconiotirea on the Ohio B. Pennsylvania Rail road, ran the truck on l'ilonday craning, short distance beyond Loon Valley. No on sus irjured. Scu i resern.—Ricluted Burrell soon yesterday sentenced to ten days imprisonment in the coun ty jail; and the costa of suit, on a conviction for assault and battery. TIPPLING Iforst.--John McGirk was yester day committed to prison, hp process from court, charged with keeping a tippling house. STATISTICS or Catur..—Osto thousand, one hundred and ton persons have been committed to prison during the last twelve months, charged With various serious offences. The alarming numbir of three thoneand one hundred and twenty-fivo males and females; have been com mitted on charges of vagrancy. • Logan Sitais.—Wo omit much local news ow log to tho important document published in to day'sllazette. Lanceser.--Mayor Gotherie yesterday corn mitte4 William Moore end Charles Jones to prised; charged, on oath . pfliam Jones, with the larceny of a swell sum of money. The members of the New England Society of Pift,h4rgh or hereby notified, that, a mewing of the Satiety will be held or the office of George F. GiGalore, on Tuesday December llth, 1851, at 3 P. 5 1, to eke! officers for the ensuing year. Dec. 2. 18111. - ASA P. CHILDS. NEW BOOKS} NEW BOOKS! IT HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, No. rThird ntrrit.oprewite the Pat Othdc— ei. New .11outhty Mau/Wm fen December. Chabers' Papers for the tenni,. V.I. I and It. yrwetAlt, 1:1 ksru,l'e InteriTational Magasine, for Due:tuber. Magweiru, ter Notrutber. ' V i tn i. nr l ttzu7 , l , t: Donee/Are cly. r the ti bile: a 13,v wart by Herman Mei.' Ille.4.nry of FLO: trerce.ef tluotittrne. London Later •nd Lnodon on e. i n 15. • Brner' • Mawanne. eel 0. boned in at culla. :ketches In Jr el.d. U. Thtiaat•T. London Art dintenal tar teretriber. Life had Advditures of aci Arknuilter Doctor. (leonine, • hew novel br. /Winer. • The Lily mud thi try, by hatunel Warren. lon The Ta Qn ktnz of tante an the b d hic S,l4iti• UsyDed,umas.. Panes. • ..11entoriee of • Iliirawian• ..filarir number, • tsa. of the Arced:can Ilarotution. Lean Arundel. cr the Railroad of L fr. IrrartlL/Pairluich. or Senn la the Li de of ti Private Pupil. Matitda Menturotere, aregult to it Aiwa... fullThicrelbo. Illstary of the num.. Heart. part Artinir Cooney. or Benne. In the Tentless 10, a tate of thy Olden Rebel Barton. Katherina IValtrin. or the of I.rrbester. IIJ•• laricallZokisnec of the Reroluitou in Carolina. Theeenteeor. an li:snidest Nero). • tintru and Shiedowc,orftodit enifthinwn t e. They, • Tale eletimon Tann, by U. P. IL James. Midrib utherford. • Sea Tule. 'the Std. Harden, • tale alien:ed. Ibe Uiptier Oiled, by G. W. AL Reynold.. Matieltur tho tb• I:34tp• 1 , :•11. • • Woof Wenn- Inc. ded • - - VALUABLE bISCOVEIii. kronaw hich hc ro il been loce'ncht tar. alai cII.E.IIIe.IL 1.1 Ico • tlll .sOLDED, rl,for tire/dint: Mi.. W Wk... Earthiiii mai '•1..., Pea t.ory, . Be i -all article. loinel b. 'ht. valaatile corobr.lllen. wilt yend•re I berleruy Wit, and toady tar ia-e to let. time, lire nilouter oft, it ha. tar-.. joined As it I t at no nal,. > t lean". no make at aural', haratii; been apriied t.• the broken rota.. a leo on the turn hig., it at. ncti. , ll of h.. taly other kind of th i nid timid abilot a bola, thereby ranile Wi t theca an Welt. aa iherwere beaten. The Platte will at one. ow the inpurtanne of becomin g amriaintal with the beat and only article fit durably re pairtna.i sat n re Per eale,, wholes:4 or retail, b y It. P. SELLF.RS, if irbial street..l.2 „ - LUDIS—".-10 bales ObT. s f . , L l o ,i a v l , %lvi , Co. - peg ASll— , -25 casks pure, for sale by • c l L".". • w a' d A I. ta nn . .• tutdonc thdweettEndn and Ndr. •tth, and tn. I.ln ,l/a I'..nit. ha • made ardang.- ruh. to nz,r num., •1111 the Itallmad at kth,n r Tm appq. the V”deral fttr II tddsk If rttudi.4tn' n KIN; Tfriot A -Arent. Pennsylvania Railroa!l. • WINTER ARRANGEMENT IIEpWEL'S PHILADELPHIA AND PITTED7I7BO3II Time Reduced to 24 'lour,' UN ,• und after , the 14t. of Do.o-embertiezt, witu . .17 01 Turnpa, I•ern Ilto W.. 1 at .1 the Atlstate Ott., •trl itettottati.•l•Litthiallo tu • • •••• . t....1 Ita•te 1 • L•t ~ t •t .A.:ettt I h ,, l'aftettrh ,hlot tta 7. THROUGH TO CINCINNATI IN 4g nt •,n I,hott Irv...toad al] ... , . eve t., •t urttu. t I. estaln s/ ~ .rrittw. talk k. Itt.tit.• 11.tt,111.1, 1 - hst 11,4 eh . 1 114; 1. , I!.4l.t attl.A.ceht. Ihp th.r..t •,tritt r ttl Water hrwl htlyt1,11•1,1 AU.% kltathnFL.lt•lat Poo.. EDUCI a id t &„ z 185 1 . awigwei9 FARE REDUCED ! . ICONONIIIOIELA 1/013TP. • Via UrOlartmiiiin and Cumberland, w llaltimom aatt Philadelnhia: DORY' Jetty,' the %% r harf ale,. toe Lod, -I see. at 4 tiet,•ll prc•-iiody, coo. torn'. •11111 Lo can. at CuloJerland nen rn..ernlor. 14.1 1-miel dolly 'ow...ea epndly,replu) at n oclock. ronteelm, with the tan. Coast...l.luu oral er..u.; ha 10 1 1 .r.uh In Ilalona,re. 3 1houra Yin, only Tu.' Ilan ..th h. Phlla•irlphis:lo Inane, Yuen only SIA The Natienal Irano great. 1t../luctort D u with the .Tian... let... Brno arrllle CuatherLand. which wale. dn. Jer•iJ.JII LLe Leo hnoc last, J. 13 1 / I N. rlyenL In lb• n.nstnia litotae. NEW TORE AR Ella LBOAD. 1851.\ .1 8 5] I,ll' ROUTE TO NEW yonE\cry r i„ eam• coil lo b, r Ilaiten•-1 enz.n nub to.' c.a.. •tr• Inae t etc. Ilia rclogat., tt.' L..• 'or. lliannilati. Ple•rland cud Potono,enh. and nanduely nod t'encenual. ...tyro. • co eh. •.el 1 11"..1-opnu aud th• tn.., Ind. and' Pcnor'l•4lll..l . lls4ll/1. I.L %I'll FOLLOWn: cr•.,-.1.1 nrr.,. train •i A Llr-I,l' Tra. •.• p• et rlll,am, -ner lln It• edre , whet.- tee...ea.:other/• 1.1 net rtn. eat'. at o ...L. I. oak/us/the t I 111.11...yur.. , h•poe. Yonstt an.l Tenn Icarra Dunker% a: I A it . • 1 . ••••-..,cr C.. .t..1 - Ird ti Orr. Train h. f; .cnn-oncel ar ar *ad hoseeri. ara;•••.0 nom f'1141.11.1. tO NOV Vert. Chu. a‘l. I. ra os Iry on" 11.1. ...I any are ..erpan-d 111"15I t all /me atct-Ir and IioLl• n 1 all londr I.• nut Dux Nes Particular 11,1111,t1 VIII, I PIM l• novlt The gene. 1- wet givre nor 1,111" unno edratarttetuder WI( ,tur inoln•l• to ,oa-k - AdJoi..n/ ram, Will L. yul entrull,.. In • are; rhorl owe. 1-rnuht Tann• rill I. die tot-pled la o n roll particu r. . re. t or the el • •• naM:IUTr, eau %U. Aar., "1 26 HOURS TO C.LEVELASD. 185 f. il ' ITTSBUI:1111 AND CLEVELA-Nii. 141733 J'atFrfnd kositooll 1,1, to Cirrilemi. 11:1 1 ASNEN ( Ikillti k• 1 every inortiltitt . Pt, 9 o'cloot, LI .t.elubont bi Aror, Llo-tu, by .kr , raaol pookob. 1.• by rlttnturghatol Crai..b.t t•• lowl tIoproo•I L. tfborlood. eip•••Ybro to , levelautf.YA,oo. Tlcl7CleArlooJ.3?; hoot., g Ti, e r g t .. r z t . t, at: 4 4 ¢1::•to Itan h IA OINNATI, Pia Lt..typpb. Xtol, by Cb•telosoi pod I. 3nrinnati ry.trotorort tor'ibeltoo. t'b uto.l 3111,tuko, bray. C1••,%F..1 oyoutog ye t.) o . .toek, tho oplookhl tto•tto.t . , I••/o,au Cootn•I m:l , mA t.e. Woolf, il•turo : .. , 1144. • A. NI., by 11..alroul 0.-w• yr, orrivo.,..ntO t. tio:tz•• b•ooI•..t • po t! , 100 ayttrt 1 41.1 rot., .1•I• oto 1:11010. bb ytol tott.-11 woyltrr. rbroP, I•loteobter. that, an• Ath o t. CI.ALK.K A l'A/tti... Proorietola. • For tlekt, or totbruntflon at.ply to VV. oob (Up 'taint rono•nn J: PpatthFold CAl ond l,ll ll'yte A. a g llyobb oPloKlto the :NlonougabolA Hook. trIZ vitt:ono:ob. • 185 1.. arg il UNION LINE On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. reorairrogie CI-ARkR, IAIIIOI A(lts Ji , aartra. Pa. VIIASIIiERLIN, CIIA‘WF O UILD N.c.....ClArttyol% 0 , Fr 11 IS well known liine is no prepared to hntnlOn aO C ttoci•llloa . or I.ln o l. p XuAt. 1 01 brpyotort to nutob uod or,, 1.1. Ity,yrol ro.rtßy hoot, !I pf ri,llfits of ploinb no-1 tbsoy of Agrols Ono lkoltleavoo Pittllntrphon•lt;lolobtod oilt,rponiag to ennurrta,u wit/ o Liao r.f stetniktoato hot ,171 Mill/Al bud 111. A, hIL no•I b 1,1 no of Onto! ptoAmbtoda • (Poop.• 11, a.rotvo.oololoo :ho Lncx.. , tAINIAItINEEP: Para, a tla, treisnraart.o. , D. iaot,r, I% .c S. Otork. NI•oton toll, OA % C. Pn•nt•tay Rawson..„ `. o• ',lt. di.... iiriontll A ro., bronAlto t tkt \ II I. 1111Ior. Cu rbboon P 111.• 0' • It book., Leo A eb., Alton. , Ittntloroon A Pottilotoo.PozolutAr_eitY., 1 . ;''!f' . ...t4 • ~~l~~~i6,~~~.'a~iS:' ibir;~i, iL4ntc.n T. ' 1..ii 71 . 7 ...1:i • ;::Vi1 , ;;;;4, 114 11" th t. 't!nter 11.4 ExcOsiou Tickets to Beaver, 245 cents. 'II 11 . E ,, fine pn?tsen ger Nt.3lt m r rs . , ii.t.,"tttil:Eil,t,-.T.:,":ViinAn'aLVP ' 471 : , ,. " i.t . trZ",rir I ' ) It m . Jhat,`,;„ ,b, '', d‘,"' li ., :. til 17" ;I'l* Ti,,,.,. ..linoA,o to lA , neer ron low,oro P.m... riti",.`: \ 2.‘i,'7l,','";"l2''' r'''`'"'".2-"',2,2*- ,„„ta', eprul o VkNliVro " ./ t he ' tt "l tee o \ “fliehleino Nu. 2. - or the ollie,\ or ''''''' , "I ''''''' " moo. \ Cur. Cl4'l'.AAO,fog"elt"i'eAT"ai k la a ..1:T, , orfh. , a