The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 03, 1851, Image 2

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. WtiftiE.SlDAY . cMol3tiiNG, - DEC;
. .
d" - Rowe of . kr; ;•isolatil;r,
Xtergontalate yon and our common condi tot
ality. Upon the .faverable auspices under which
you meet for your first a easion. OUTd3oUDYr
to o,t_petsie with islttli - e - vrffittli — Tbe - agitation
which; for a time, threatened to disturb the tea
teinal- relations which make us one people, is
feat en - bsiding: and a year of general prosperity
sad health has crowned the nation with enamel
bleaslugs. - .. None can look back to the dangers
- which are pissed. or forward to the bright pros
, pect:before no, without feeling a thrill of gratifi=-
cation, gat the same time he most ; be impreesed
- with a grateful sense of our profound obligations
. vs beneficent Providence, whore paternal care
to so manifest in the happiness of thin highlYfa
,wored lona
Since the CIAO of the last Congress, certain
eybana rind other foreigners resident in the
`'United States, who were more or lest; eonearned
in the prcsiouninvasion of Cuba, instead of being
discouraged by its failure, have again abused
the hospitality of this country. by making it the
scene of theequiptuent of another military cope
dition ngainstth at possession of her Cathol in Ma whirl, they were eountenanced,aided,and
joined-by eitioens of the United States. tin re
ceiving intelligence that such designs were enter
-. coined, 'I, lost no time iu itsuing such instruc
tions. to - the proper officers of the United States
as Itemised to ho delled for by the occasion. by
the- proiclametfonl a copy of which is herewith
submitted, I also warned those who might be in
danger of Ming inegleol into this scheme of its
unlawful' clinrneter, - and of the penalties which
they' would ificitr." Foe some time there was
reason to hope that these.inensnees had eutbeed
to prevent any ouch attempt This hope, how
ever, pritived to be delusive.- -Very molly in the
morning 9f the third of August, a steamer
en thin Pampers departed from Now Orleans, for
' Ceba, tarring on board upwards of four hundred
arnied. min, with evident intstutions to make war
uporithe netheritie.s of the boland:o The eine
- dition Sves vet on toot - in palpable violation of
the awn of the tinned Stateti. Its leader was a
Spaniard, and several of the thief officers, and
- - Come others engaged in it, were foreigners.—
..Pieper:ens composing it, however, were meetly
tiatens,of the United Stater:
- Means the expedition art out, and probably
befactitents - org,anised, a slight insurrentiona
r,--roy tatnement, whichappenrs soon to hare kepn
suppressed, had taken place in the eastern part
of Cuba. The importance of, this movement
was unfortunalely cinch eonggerated in the
gime - tints of it published in .this country, that
theca adventurers seem to ham been led to be•
lieve that tho Creole population of the 'shim]
cot only desired to throw off the authority of
the mother country but had resolved upon that
step. and had begun a well-concerted 'enterprise
for effecting it: The persons engaged In the
expedition were generally yOung and illy in•
..- formed. - The steamer in whteh they embarked
left New Orleans stealthily and without a clear:
singe. After teaching stiffey West, she proceed
cd to the mast of Cuba, and on the night be
tween the lith end 11th of August, landed the
persens on board at_Playtes, within ahont twee,.
try 'coignes of Havana.
- The mein . body of, them proceeded ,to; - . and
took possession of an inland village, six leagues
eliatant,leavine others to follow in:ehargeo of the
'baggage, as soon nv the menus of trnesporte
enuld be obtained. The latter, baring ta-
H ten lip: their line of march to connect' them
sielres with the main body, and haring-procied
Col - about four. longues into the country, were
attacked en the mooning of the nth by a body
-• of .Spanistitroamt, and a bloody conflict ensued,
after which they retreated to the place of dos
.:embarkation, where about fifty of "them obtain
ell beats and re-embarked thetein. - They - were,
lionever, intercepted among the revs near:the
.shore by. a Spit:nab steamer cruising on the
'coast, cepturen and curried - to finvorna, and,
after being contained before a military court,
- were sentenced td be publicly executed, imiOhe
--eenteueoswas curried into effect do theWth of
On teeming iifforthation of what had-occur
red,Commodore Foxhat. A. Parker was instr Oc
to proceed in otte Steam frigate Serena - 0j to
Damao, and inquire into the charges against
the piiscnsexetuted, circumstances- under
which-they-were taken, and whatsoever referred
totheir trial and sentence. Copies of instroc
tiorinfrdm the Department of State to him, and
'of his letters to thatDepa.rtment; tire hevoistith
. _
, .
According to the record of the examination,
thepia', Olken* all admitted the otreacel .cluirged
against Chem of being hostile invaderi of the
"the': At-the LIMO of their trial nal execution
'..`the Main body of the Invaders was atill in the
feeld.'making war upon the Spanish authorities
gad Spanish subjects.. After - the lapse'of vitae
u days being overcome by the Spanish troop;
they . diipe.rsed on the 24th of August; Lopez,
their leader, was captured come days after, and
executed ou the let of September. Msuy of his
remain - lite, followers were killed, or died offbun
-ger siiiil fatigue; and the rest were made prison
, ers. , Of these, none appear to have been tried
or executed, Several of them rrere pardoned
upon application of_theirfrienda'and others, and
. the rest, abont one hundred and .sixty in anothe r ..were Cent to Spain. Of the duel. disposition
: I . made of-these see have no official information.
....... Stash is tile melancholy re s ult of this- illegal
and ill-fated expeditioe. ,Thita, thoughtless
yonagmen have been inthiced,by false and frau
dnleaczwpreacntatians, to violate the law of thir
conntty, through rash and unfounded expecta
tions-. of assisting to accomplish political ream
Julie:lain other. States, and base lost their liven
in the undertaking. Too revers njudgment can
hardly be passed, by the indignant sense of the
. - -paimutanity,upon those-who. being better inform
,edtheraselves, have'Yet led away the order of
youth and an illdirected love of political liberty.
The cerresnondence .between: this Government
.. and that of Spain relating to this transactiotris
- herewith communicated.
'Although these offeadein against the laws have - !
- forfeited - the protection of their country, yet the
Govenhment may,sa far as is einscistent with its
obligatietirta other countries; and its fixed Mu'
pone! to , maintain nod enforce the 'awe, Teter
. tale eympathy for their unoffessding families and
friends, as well as a fealin4 of compassion for
themselves. Accordingly no , proper effort has
_ been spared, and none will b spared. to procure
- the release of such citizens o aths United States,
~engaged in thin nulawful enterprise, As are now
in -confinement . ** Spain; Mit it is to be hoped ,
'that Such interposition with the government of I
that country may not be considered as affording
any grOund of expectation that the Government
. of . the United States will, herenfter, feel itself
under any obligation of duty: to intercede for
, the liberation or pardon of such persons,ahi are
. „.."41ngrantoffentlers against the lows of trAdsOs. I
and the/awn of the United Seaton These laws
mist' be executed. It we desire to
our respectability. :emong the nations of the I
' eary.h, it beheves
.us to enforce* Steadily and
.-. gently' tila nentrality acts passed by Congress,
..anikteltoi, no far ea maybe the violation of
ttiosirie with condign punishment. .. ,
...• ". Ilutirhatitives a peculiar criminality to 'thin
inlander( Of Cuba, is that under the lead of Spa
'. ieh sabjests,,nad, with the aid ofnitizena of the
United Stater, it hail its origin, with many, in
: inotives of Cupidity, hiolley , W. advanced by
individuals, Probably in considerable amonnts,
to 'purchase Gillian bende,as they have been call
: 'red. seemed by Lopez, raid, doubtlese, at a Tory
•• large diceoutit, and for the payment of which
• the public !zeds and public property of Cobs, of
whatever Mud, - and the fiscal recourses of the
.: people , . antl gpvernment of thrit Leland, from
„whatever -source to be derived, were pledged, as
• well as-the good faith of the government expect,
to be established. . All tlese.mettos or paYment,
iris evident, were only to be obtained by a pro
yens of bloodshed, war; and revolution. None
- will deny that those who set en , foot military ex
, peditions against foreign States by means thee
..1 these, are jar mere tulpal>le than'.the Ignorant
' and the neentsiteno whom theyiedoce to go forth
e 1 as tbe ostonsiblp partite in'the proceeding, These
- 4 originatbra of ;the inrasian -of Cubs seem to
:.' have' detersidied, with connote sad system: op
et en . aninudertaking which should diagystee th eir
"< ; violate its'. lime, :and pot to hazard
'.., ',the lives of ill informed and deluded into. lon Till
;`.consider: whether further legislation be newt
`nary to prevent the perpetration of each offences
~..110. , individuals have a light to hazard the
'Pll — Mt of . the country,' erto violate its lawn up.
..: on vague nations of altering or reforming, gar
,: 'ernments in other States. This principle is clot
only reasonable in itself, mod in accordance with
. 'Fablie jaw, but is engrafted Into the codes of
other i m stions as well' as our own. ' diet while
. „. ouch are the - setitiinents of
,this Govensteent, It
';_maybe added that. evay - indepeodent nation
• mast bopresumed to be. able to defend its pee
" session/against nnauthorinal Indithhals faint
.ed together to attack them. The Government
of the United States, at all times since ate es ,
r.-. tablisbmeot, ; has abstained and bas soreghtto
restrain the nijitette of the country, from a n to.,,,
. lag into contreyersies' between - other powers,
-and to tiblerve all the . duties of neutrality. Al
, an
early . period 'of the,Govemment, in the fob
ministration of Washington, several !awe were
pueed for this purpose, .The main . Fransiote
'of tlrae laws weri;resToseteil .by t he . act, of
April:lBlS, by which, among:rather things, it
I'," osob*red • that if any - . perion 'shall, within
the tenitOra. or Jurisdiction 'of the United Shiites
• . begin, or het on foot, or provide, er ProOdf..°_,_
rileOol , for 1 , 07 y military', expedition Or illterprlSO
to V*" -UTIOa. CM from thence against 'the teen
tory or deminion of any foreign prince or State,
or of - any colony, Mattis; or people with whom
the:tidied Staiis are at Itasca everflperson
l offrediag Obeli be deemed guilty
. of a high I
inisidelitesnor; end shall be - fined, not exceeding I
three thousand dollars, and imprisoned not more
than three Teter, and this Iser•luts been exe
cuted and enforced, to the full extent of the
• polite of the Government, from that day to this.
In proelaitaing and adhering', to the doc
trine of -neutrality and non-intervention,-the -
United I:Mutest:wee not followed the Iced of other
civilized nations: they have taken! the lout
themselves, and have been followed by others.—
' This was admitted by one of the Most ,eminent
of modern British statesmen, who Seidl in par
liament, while a minister of the crown„ "that,
• ifinr - fflibeff.for a guide in a. system of inentred.
ity, heaboad take that laid downlby....America
in the days of Washington and the secretary
ship of Jeffersone, end we see, in feet, - that the
act of Congress of 1618 was followed, the en., '
ceeding year, by en act of the ParliaMent of
England, substantially the same in its general
provisions. Up - to that time there bad been no
similar law in England, except certain highly
penal statutes passed its the reignlof George)
prohibiting English sal:Oats from enlisting in
foreign service, the avowed object or which stat
utes was, that foreign armies, raised for the
purpose of restoring the house of Stuart to the
throne,ehould not be strenthened by reeraits from
England herself.
All must see:that difficulties may arise In car
rying the laws referred to into execution in
empatry now having three or four thousand miles
of seu-coast, frith on infinite number of ports
and •herbors and opal inlets. from soma of
which unlawful expeditions !gay soddenly sot
forth, without the knowl edge or poyerament,
against the possessions of foreign States.
Friendly relations with all, but entangling al
liances with none, has long been a maxim with
• as. Our true mission is not to propagate? our
opinions, or impose upon other countries our
form of government, by artifice or force; but to
teach by example, and to show by our mamma.
moderatioe SIM justice, the blessings of self
government, and the nelvantages of free institu
tion,. Let every people cheese fox jteelf, sod
make and alter its political institutions to suit
its own condition and cmirenience. But, while
we avow and 'maintain this neutral policy our
selves, we are notions to we the seine forbear
ance ou the part of ether nations, whose forms
of goverarannt are different from our own. The
deep interest which ne feel in the spread of lib
eral principles and tho of- free
governments, and the sympathy 'with which we
witness every struggle against oppression, for
.that we should be indifferent to a case in
which Au etrong arm of a foreign power is in
voked to edge public sentiment and repress the
spirit of freedom tea any gouotry.
The governments of Greed ihritLjn and France
have issued orders to ,their naval conimmuders
on the West Indio station to prevent by force,
if necessary, the binding of adventurers from
any 01140/1 on the Island of Cuba with hostile
intent. Thu copy of a memorandum of a con
versation,ou fhb millept between the Charge el'
Affaires of her Britannic lliajekty owl the Acting
.Secretary of State. and of is imbHutteut Soto of
the former to the Department of State, are here
with submitted, together with a copy of a note
of the Acting Secretary of State to the Minister
of the Preneb repablic, and of the reply of the
latter, GO the sumo subject. These pepere w'
acquaint you.will the icts).7.otts •of this interpo
sition of the two loading commercial powers of
Europe, with the apprehensions, which this
government could not fait to entertain, that such
interposition, if carried . into effect, might lend
.to emsoe in derogation of the maritime rights of
the United States. The tanritime eights of the
United States ore founded on a firm, secure, and
well defined basis; theretsurl upon the ground
of hatiortel iffdepet . tdenie and public law, and
will be maintained le all Iheir.foll and just en.
. . ,
The principle which this treeernixicat i , e ,
heretofore solemnly announced it still adheres
to, and will maintain under all circumstances
nod at all hazards. That principle is that in
every regularly' documented merchant vessel,
the crew, she nevigate it, end those on board of
it. will find their watt 14'v ip the !leg which is
over them. No American ehip cep he allowed
to be visited or eearched for the purpose a as
certaining the character of Individuals onboard.
nor can there be allowed any watch by the sec
ede of any foreign nation over American vessels
on the touts of thell. States or the seas adja
cent thereto. It will be seen by the last earn
meifeezion from the Britiehparge d'Affaires to
the Department of State, that he is authorized to
assure the Secretary pe State that every care
will be taken that, in sweating (lip P,re , etttie°
measure, against the expeditions .- * bleb the
United States Government Itself bee denounced
as not being entitled to the protection of any
government, no interference shall take place with
thaionful commerce of any nation.
In addition to the correspondence on this sub
ject, herewith siateithitel, official information has
been received at the Departhimit of Sate, of "-
minuets by the French govuninen• tbal, in the
orders given to the French . naval. for:;-, they
were expressly instructed, in any petrel-ions
they might, engage in, to respect the Sag of the
United States wherever ;; might aPPier, and to
commit no Oct of hostility apia any easel or
armament tinder its protection.
Ministers and consuls of foreign nations ere
the means and agent of communication between
' us and thee. nations, and It is et the tart im
portance that, while residing In the gentry,
they shordd feel a perfect security so long lA'
they faithfully discharge their reepectiv duties,
i end are guilty of no violation ief our law . This
is the admitted law of nations, and no wintry
has a deeper interest in maintaining it n the
; United States.
Mar commerce spreads over every ;es and
visits every clime, and our minister. d con- 1
sots are appointed to protect the interests of
that commerce, as well as to guard the peace et I
the country,4nd maintain the honer of to Slag.
But how can they discharge theee dutie unless
they be themselves . protected ; end, f pro
tected, it must be by the laws of the country in
which they reside. And what is due th one
own public functionaries residing in foreign na
tions, le exactly the measure of what is duo to
the functionaries of other governments residing
here. As in war, the bearers of lane of truce
are steered, or else wars would be interminable.
co in peace ' embassadore, pablie ministers, and
consuls,_ charged with friendly national Inter-
hoarse; streabjeets of epeeial respect and pro
tection, each according to the rights belonging
to hie rank and station. In view of these im
portant principles, it is with deep mortification
end regret I announce to pea that, during the
excitement growing oat of the erect:ideas at
Havana, the office of her Catholte majesty's con
sul at New Orleans was 'Smiled by a mob, his
property destroyed, the Spanish flag found in
the office carried off end tern in pieces, and he
himself Induced to flea for his personal eafetY,
which he trappcsed to be In danger,
On receiving intelligence of thus ;rents, .
forthwith directed the Attorney of the Unite
States, residing at New Orleans, to inquire into
the facts and the extent of the pecuniary lon I
rmstained by the Consul, with the intention of
laying them before yen, that you might mate
provision for each indemnity to him as &jest
regard for the honor of the nation and the re-,
spect which is due to .a friendly power might,
in yonejudgment, seem to require. ' The cor
respondence-upon this subject between the Sec
retary of State and her Catholic majesty's min
ister plenipotentiary is herewith transmitted.
The oceterrence at New Orleans has led me to
give my attention to the state of our laws in re
gard to foreign embasnadore, ministers and con
suls. I think the legislation of the country is
deficient in not providing sufficiently either for
the protection or the punishment of consuls. I
therefore recommend the subject to the minslid
eration of Congress!.
Your attention is again invited to the question
of reciprocal trade between the United States
and Canada and other British porscesions near
our frontier. Overtures for a convention upon
this subject have been received from her Mien
ie Mejesity's Minister Plenipotentiary, but it
seems to be in many respects preferable that
the twitter shorild . be regulated by reciprocal
legislation. Documents are • laid before you,
chewing the terms. which the 'British Govern
ment is willingto offer, staple meaiures which
it may adept, ft some arrangement upon this
subject shall not be made. . ..
Prom the accompanying copy of a note from
the British Legetion at Washington, and tbd
reply of-the Department of Bate thereto, it will
appear that her Britannia Majesty's government
is deeiroun that • part of the boundary line be
erten Oregon and the British possesaletta should
be authoritatively marked out, and that an in
tention was expressed to apply to Congreu for .
o an n a t ur p optiv elt o s f ion tr i , jja d i e ti fr d ay sta th t e n esp
the expense
Yourt hereofe at t e 1 -
tint - to this mikliet to accordingly invited,
audit yroperappropriatioh recommended.
. A:convention for the .adjustuient of claims of
citizens of the Molted. States against Portugal
has been concluded: and the ratification have
been exchanged. The first Instalment of the
amount to bo paid by Portugal fell due on the
80th of Sept. kat, and has been paid. _.
The President of the Prench • republic, accord
ing to the provisions of the convention, has been
selected se arbiter in the ease of the General.
Armstrong and has' Minified that he accepts
Coe trust and the high 'satisfaction he feels in
acting se the common friend of two nations,
with which Prance I. united by sentiments of
emcees end basting amity.
The Taskiet, government has .expreseed Its
thanks fru the Med reception given to the list
ton'e agent, Amin Bey, on the occasion of his
if tea visit to the United States. On the 28th
of iehruerylest a dispatch wee addressed by
the Secretary of BOW to Me, Minh, the Ameri
'can Minister at Coastaathoophs ' instructing him
to ask pr:ll4/- Turkish geeemment permission
roily,. Ilungariana, then imprisoned within the
- dominions of the'Sabliene Porte, to remove to
.this count* On the Bd. af, March, tut;lioth
lionmsa. of Congress mooed • issolntion request
ing the President to suthorirst the employment
Ia pabilo vesseLtosonsay to this ooantiy Lauls
°smith nu 3 bin aintoclitas in captinty;
• 'TkelustruetiOn ',Moto referred to was Cori
plied with, and the Turkish government having
released Governor Kossuth and his companions
from prison, on the 10th of September last they
embarked on board of the United States Matins
frigate Mississippi, which was selected to carry
into.effect the resolution of Congress. Governor
Kossuth left the Mississippi at Gibraltcr, for the
purpose of making a visit to' England, and may
shortly be expected in Now York. By commu
nications to the Department of State he has ex
pressed his grateful acknowledge:lents for the
interposition of this Government in behalf of
himself nod' his associates. This country has
been justly regarded as a safe asylum for those
whom political events have exiled from their own
homes in Europe; and it is recommended to Con
gress to consider iu what manner Gov. Koteuth
and his companions, brought hither by its au
thority, shall be received and treated.
It is earnestly to be hoped that the differences
.hict tom far some time past been pending be
preen the government of the French republic
and that of the Sandwich Istands,maybe peace
ably and durably adjusted,so as to secure the in
dependence of those islands. Long before the
events which harp of late imparted so much im
portance to the possessions of the United Sta tee
on the PreifiC, we acknowledged the independ
ence of the Havrailan government. This Gov
ernment woe first in taking that step, tend sever
al of the leading powers of Europe immediate-
ly followed. We were influenced in this mea
sure by the interesting and prospective imp.-
twee of the islands us a place or refuge
and refreshment for our vessels engaged in the
whale (lottery, and by the consideration that
they lip inle C , illl,lf, o( the vast mule whach
must, at no istant. day. Le carried on between
the western coast of North America and Eas
tern Aria.
We were also influenced by n desire that
these islands should not miss under the control
of any other great maritime St tie, but should
remain in au independent condition, and so he
accessible and useful to the commerce of all ma-
Bons. .1 need not say that the importance of
these cobsderationa lies hoe.. greatly entuthecd
by the sudden and vast development whioh the
Interests of the United States have attained in
California and Oregon; and the policy heretofore
adopted in regard to those islaudswill be steadi
ly pursued.
It is gratifying not only to those who consider
the commercial intercede of nations, but also to
all who fever the • procreoe of knowledge end
the diffusion of 'religion, to see a community
emerge from a savage state and attain such a
degree of civilization in those distant St..
It is much to he deplored that the internal
tronquility of the Mexican republic should again
be seriously disturbed; for, mince the peace be
tween the; remit-di,: and the United States, it
had enjoyed Web uomparetixe epee that the
most favorable anticipations ior the future might
with a degree of confider,ce, have been indulged.
These, however, have been thwarted by the re.
cent outbreak in the State of Temaulipas on the
right bank of the Rio Bravo. Having received
infer:map - in that persons from the Polled States
had taken - part in Jrii inevirretion, and appre
hending that their example naigei be followed
by others, I coaled orders to be limed tie the
purpose of preventing any hustile expeditions
against Mexico from being set on foot in viola
tion 01 the laws of the United States. I like
wise • issued a proclamation upon the subject, is
Copy of e'bieh is herewith laid before you. Thin
appeared to'ho rendered imperative by the obli
gations of treaties and the gene'ril dutirsof good
In my last annual message I informed Con
gress that citizens of the United Staten bail Un
dertaken the eonnexima of the two ocean. by
' means of a railroad across the Inthmus of Tele
ruitepec, under a grant of the Mexican gorern
meat to a citizen of that republic, and that this
enterpr.ine would probably be prosecuted with
energy edieiieter klegico should consent to Duch
stipulations with the oi ion United
states as should impart a feeling of security to
those who ehould invest their property in the
enterprise. '7 4.
A convention between the two governments for
the r.ernmplishment of that end has has been
ratified oy two tiorernment, and only awaits the
decision of theCongreas and the fixesatire of
that Republi,e.
Somosinexpected difficulties and delay* have
risen in hoe ratification of that, conventinn
y Mexico. boat it le to be presumed that herde-
Ition will tin governed by just fled enlightened
T. CD'S, its well of the general importance of ;he
objeet,,as ether awn interest and obligations.
. In negotiating apart this important eubject,
this doveroment has had in view one, and only
one, object- . TiMo. °lira pea beer, and is, the
constriction or attainment of 'ti lwatsge tram
ocean to ocean, the shortest and the, best for
travellers mad merchandise, and equally spee to
all the world. It his sought to obtain do ter
ritorial acquisition, nor any advantages pea-ti
lls:to itself; and it would pee. with She greatest
rem!, that Mexico should oppose any oteitacle
to %le' tal'eMptiftment of an enterprise witch
promisee 14 mac cotWetaletece prt the whole com
mercial world, and malt eminent lid 4idusgeo to
Mexico bereelf linpresned with these seoti.
Innate and these convictions, the etovemmsnt
8111 continuo to exert-all proper efforts to bring
about tio, necessary arrangements with the re
public of Mexico, for the speedy completion of
the work.
Per some months past the republic of ewer.
ague hat been the theatre of one of those civil
convulsions, from which the cane of free in
stitutions, - and the general prosperity and 'so
cial progreerof the States of Central Ametica,
have so often and so severely Suffered. Until
quiet shall have been restored, and a govern•
meat apparently stable shall have been orgaui-
I sod, no advance can prudently be made in due
-1 posing of the gateßops pending between the
two conntriese
ago I t qpj friannbance that an interocean
ic comma sultan froci the mouth of the St,
John to the PacifielM4,6e,ou an far accomp tet.
ed as that passenger Laze ectrisity lea reel
it end merchandise:lm been tramper ever
it; and when the canal shall have been comple
el, according tolhe.iriginal plan, the moons of
communication will e further improved.
It Is underetood that a considerable part of
the railroad Berms the Isthmus of Panama has
been completed, and that the mail and passen
ger* will in future be conveyed thereon.
Whichever of tin several reifies between the
two oceans May. ultimately prone Most eligible
for travelers to andtrom the different States on
the Atlontioud Gullet Mexico, and use coast
onthe Pacific, there is little reason to doubt that
all of them will be useful to the public, and will
liberally reward that individual enterprise, by
Which alone they hare been or are expected to
he carried into effect,
Peace has been coocluded between the ma
tending partied In the Island of Ht bemiego, and
it is hoped upon a durable basis. inch is the
extent of our commercial relations with that-is
land, that the pnited.Statas cannot fail, to feel
a strong interest in its tranytility.
The °Mee of Commissioner to China remains
unfilled; several perfects have been appointed,
and has been offered to others, all of
whom have declined Its acceptance on the ground
of the iniideqnricy of the compensation. The
Manual allowance by law is six thousand dollars,
and there 'Biro provision for any outfit. , 1 ear
recommend the coneideration of this nab=
jeet to Congress. Our commerce with China is
highly important, and is becoming more and
mere so, in consequence of the ineressinginter
course between our ports go the Pacific coast ,
mad Eastern Aida China Is understood to be a
country in which living is very expensive, and
I know of no reason why the American Commie
'inner sent thither should not be placed, in re
gard to compensation,. on an equal footing t . wlth
ministers who represent this country at. the
courts of Europe.
fly reference to the Report of the Secretary
of the Treasury,. It will be seen that the aggre
gate receipt! for the last fiscal year amounted
to $62,312.979 87; which, with the balance in
the Treasury on the Ist July, 1850, gave, as the
available means for the year, the rum of $58,-
The total expenditures for the same period
I were $48,005,878 08..
The total imports for the year ending the 30th
June, 1851, were, . $2/.5,7 25 , 995
Of whiehthere were In specie„ 4,067,901
The' exports for same period wore $217,517,130
Of which there-were of
domestioproducts $178,546,555
Foreign goods re ex-
"Since the let of December last the payments
:In cash on account of the publio debt, exclusive
of interest, have amounted to $7,601,450 56:
which, - however, includes the cum of $8,242,400
ald under the 12th article of the treaty with
lexico, and the fur th er sum of $2,591,213 45,
being the amount of awards to 'American citi•
seas'under the . late treaty with Mexico, 'for
which. the issue of stock was authorised, but
whict . was paid in cash from the treasury.
The public debt on the 20th ultimo, exclusive
of, the stock authorited to ho issued to Texas
hythe sot of Dtb September, 1850, was $62,-
560;396 20,
The receipts for the next fiscal year are eeti
matt:drat $51.800,000, which. withitbe probable
unappropriated the Tredsury, on the
30th Jane next, will give, as the prhbable avail
able means for that year, the earn of $03,258,-
743 09.
It baabecn deemed proper, in view of the
large expenditures consequent upon the acqui
sition of territory from Mexico, that the esti
tastes for the next fiscal year ehould i be laid be
fore Congress in each manner as le, distinguish
the expenditures an required from the otherwise
ordinary demands upon the Treasury.
Thetotal expenditures for the next fiscal year
'am ftstboatod at $42,892,299 19,'0f which there
is required for the ordinary purpose.' of diet:lev
ant:meat, other those ,consequent upon the le.
quilatiok of our 11rW ex - rib:mum', and deducting
the pylitents oil aCCOunt of the puhlic, debt. the
sem of $3:3,243;198 - 08; and for the purposes
connected directly or indirectly with those Ter
ritories. and: in the fulfilment of the obligations
of the Government, contracted in consequence
of their tioquittiiiou, the auto of $9,549,101
If the•vierws of the Secretary of the Treasury
in reference to the expenditures required for
these Territories shebl be met by corresponding
action on the part of Congreas, and ¢ pp ro p r i,
dam made in accordance therewith, there will
be an estimated unappropriated balance in the
Treasury on the 30th of June, 1853, of $20,361;,-
• . , • ,
943 00, wherewith to meet that portion or the
public debt due on the first July folloWing,
amounting to $6,'237,1131 :triz•as well as any ap
propriatious which may bo made beyond t!he es
In thus referring to the estimated expendi
tures on account of our newly acquired Territo
ries, I may express the hope that Coogrels will
concur with me in the desire that a liberal Inhume
of policy may he pursued towards thou, and
that every obligation, expressed or implied, en
tered into in consequence' of their acqUirition;
shun he fulfilled by the most liberal appropria
tions for that purpose.
The values of our domestic exports for the last
fiscal year, as compared with those of the previ
ous year, exhibit an increase of *1.13,13-16,32'2.
At first view this condition of our trade with for
eign nations would seem to present the most
flattering hopes of its future prosperity. Au
examination of the details of our exports, how
ever, will show that the increased value of our
exports for the last fiscal year is to ho found in
tho high price of cotton which prevailed during
the first half of that year, which price has since
declined one half.
The value of our exports of hrendotuffl and
provisions, which it was supposed the inpenthe
of slow tariff and large importations from road
would have greatly augmented, has fallen from
$1*,, , ,7t11,921, in 1847, to
.1:26,0,7,1,::73 in 11150.
to $21,918,65:1 in 1831, with a airoug pro
bability, amounting almost to a certainty, 4.1 a
mill furihvr redacting ip eon oorrent year.
The agaregatowaluer of rice exported Jur
the hit:twat year, as compared with there
rme year. als.T . exhibit a amounting
to :ft trlgli, with with a decline in the valuer of
the exports of tobacco for the same period, make
au aggregate decrease in theca two articles of
Thu policy which dictutoki a low rote of Elution
on foreign nternha,ndjuo, it term thought by those
who prom that and cebtiblished it, would tend to
ttettellt the forming population or this eonntry,
by increasing the demand and raising the price.
oi agricultuPal pralucte in foreign markets.
The foregoing facts, however. teem to show
incontestilily that un such result r hos followed
the adoption of this policy. (In the onutraty,
notwithstanding the repeal of the restrintivo
coon tows In hnglund, the foreign demand for the
proineto of iho Antericau freer has steadily
declined, since the short crops and consequent
laml it.. kilt curd. of Europe have been happi
y replaced by full crops and cousorotiveohun
dance of food.
It will he seen. by r‘tmirring to the commer
cial ntatisti, for the pant year, that the value of
nor domestic export/than been inerensed in the
tingle item of raw cotton by :810,009.000 riser
the mine of that export for the year preceding
This is not due to any increased general demand
for that article, but to the short crop rattle pre
ceding year. which created an increased demand
and a t . ausrusutect /once tor the crop of lastyear.
Should the cotton atop now going forward to
market Ice only equal in quantity to that of the
year preceding, awl he sold at the prietent pri
ces, then there would he a falling old in the rid
ue of our exports for the present Ilsenbyear bf
at least 48.10,(100,1100, compared with the amount
exported for the year ending 30th June, 1851.
The production of gold in California for the
pant year seem to promise a large topply of
that metal from that quarter for some time to
come This large annual increase of the cur
nary of roe woriti rowif i). atiegyed with its 1
tenant results. Three hate been already partial
- ly disclosed in the enhancement of prices and a .
rising spirit of erculation and adventure, tend•
ing to amending. as well at home as abro .d
Unless come salutary check span be given to
these tendencies, it in to lie fearej that im
portations of foreign g, , ,,,,it beyqnd a ngalthy de
mand in this country will lead to n sudden drain
of the precious 'metals from us, bringing with
it, as it ha■ done iu former timed the most die
r.trons cone illellerS to the bueiness and capital
of the American people.
Th.eaports cf 'peck , to lic,nidato cur foreign
debt during the past fiscal year bare been '821,•
263,979 over the amount of specie Imported
The exports of weir during the first quieter of
tiia present final year hare been -$11.f41,827.
Should *refs gondola to t , i , e n trorted at the
rate for the remaining three quarters of tide
year, It will drain from our motolio currency
dump (boycott, ending ZOLA June. 1S:.:!, the
t9OrIIIoGIS /1.111011111 Or SI.IB,GO7ZOS.
in tee present prosperous condition of the tiler
fiend finances, it will become the duty of Cos ,
grecs to consider the best mode of paying nil the
public +slit. Sfthepresettlendanticipetetsor
phis in Ar .TfiesUrypoiiist 4,iarticil by.
appropriation,: of an extraOrdini:ry
thin surplus , should be employedin such was, and
under suer restrictions, AS Congress nifty enact,
in extinguishing the outataniling debt of the na,
iiy r,feTtp,e to the act of 'CougresS. *mires.:
ed iith Septegiber, )ezn, it will by Leon that, id
consideration of certain COreet..V. , l by the;
State of Texas. it is provided that the "United
States shall ply to the . Mate of Telns . the noel
of ten millions of dollars, In a clock beerlog
five per cent interest, and redeemable at the
end of fourteen yearn, the intermit payable half
yearly, at the Treeettry of the United States."
In the mine section of the Ise it is forthet
provided "that no rare than five millions of
said stock shall be issued until the creditors of
the State holding hoods and other certificates of
stock of Texas. for cplurn dale. on ,n fiats over
.putaiist pledgol, Ulan first plc at the Treasnry
of the United Steles, - releases of nil chains
against the United Staten, for or on account of
told hands or certificates. In such form as shall
he prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury,
and approved by the President of the United
States "
The form of release thug provided for hss
been prescribed by the liecnunry of the TIVIs
ury, and approved. It bee been piddlebed in
oil the leading newspaper, jo the copinereial
rides of the United Steles, end all persons
holding dolma of the kind specified iu the fore
going proviso were required to fits their retest:ex.
tie the form thus presoribedDn the Treafitry of
the United Stoles, on or before the let day of
October, Iffsl. Although this publication ;bee
born centir.oed from the 25th day of March,
18."11, yet up to the let of October last compar
atively few releases hail been filed by the
lore of Texas.
Tho authorities iof the Sesta of Texas, et the
request of the Secretary of tho Treasury, hags
(crotched a schedule of the Tublie debt of Am:
Mole created 'prior hi bie , aitmiseioe• into the
Union, with a copy of the lairs under which emelt
class wee coutracted,
have, from the documents furnished by the
State of Texas, determined the chinos of claims
which in my judgment fall trill:in the prorislone
of the act of Congress of the 11th of September,
' On being offiiially informed of the acceptance
by Timm of the preposition. captained la the .
act referred to, I calmed the, stock to be preper.
ed, and the five millions which are to be issued . ,
unconditionally. hearing ahriaterest of five per
tent. from the first Joy of January, 1851, have
been for Rome time ready to be delivered to the
iltate of TEXAS. The .authorities of Tow, up to
the present time, bare net authorised any on.,
to receive this Flock, and it remains In the Tee...."
qury Department, -subject to the order of reins ,
The relen.c, required by law to he depoited In
the Treasury, not having, been fileddbere, the.
remaining five millions bate not been honied,.
Thin loot amount of the ;stook will be witheld
from Texan until the conditions open which it le
to be delivered shell he, complied with by this
ereditirrs of that Btete, unless Congress shall
otherwise direit by a Modification of the law.
In my loot annual minenge, to which I ro
epectfolly refer, 1 stated briefly the masons•
Which induced me to recommend a modification
of the pi-caret twill; by cOnvetting the ndielbrem
into a apecifin duty, wherever the article import
ad was of such to character to to permit It, and
that each a diecrimination should be made, in
fewer of the Industrial pursuits erotic own coun
try, as to encourage hoine production without
excluding foreign competition.
The numerous fraud.. which continue to bo
prnotinnd upon the revenue, by hams Invoices
, 0 4 utlervalnatioun, opnelitute en mummer*.
bin reason for adopting epeoitio Instead at ad
valorem Mitten in oil colons where t h e nature of
the commodity does not forbid IL A striking
illustration of these frauds will be exhibited In
tho report of the Secretary of the Treasury.
allowing the eustom•houso yoluation of articles
imported underra formke law subject to specific
duties, when thdro was no inducement to un
dervaluation, and tho ,custom-house valuations
of the same article'', under the present system
of ad valorem duties, no greatly reduced as to
leave no doubt
.of the oxidate.) of the moot tin
grant abuses under the existing laws.
This practical evasion of the present law,
combined with the languishing condition of
tome of the groat interests of the country, caus
ed by our over importations and consequent de
pressed prices, and with the failure in obtain
ing a foreign market for our inoreasing surplus
of breadstuffs and pr‘Crislons, hay induced me
again to recommend modification of the exist
ing tariff. •
The - report of the- thterstary of the interior,
which accompanies tile communication, will pre-,
pont a condensed statement of the operations of
that Important !apartment. of the tioverament.
It will be seen- tiuit the cash Bales of. the
public lands exceed those of the preceding year
and that there is rumen to anticipate a milli far-
thee increase, notwithstanding the lenge dona
tions which have beep m a de to many of t h e
States, enil the liberal grants to individuals as
a reward for military services. This fact fur.
niaties very gratifying gratifying evidence' of
the growing wealth and prosperity of our
Suitable measures have been adopted for com
mencing the surveys of the public lands iu Cal
ifornia and Oregon. Surveying partied have
been organised, and some progress hos been
made in establishing the principal base and me
ridian linty. But further legislation and addi
tion, aPpropriations will he necessary before
the proper subdivisions can be made, and the
general land system extended over those remote
payts of our territory.
On the 3d of March last an net was passed
providing for the appointment of three commis
sioners to settle priTttte land claims it California.
Three persons were immediately appointed, all
of whom, however declined accepting the office,
in consequence of the inadequacy of the com
pensation. Others were promptly seleeted,who,
for the same reason, also. declined; and it was
wet until late in the season that the eervices of
suitable persons - tould be secure. A majority
of the commissioners convened, in this city, on
the 10th September last, when detailed instruc
tions were given to them in regard to theis dc.
tire. Their first meeting for the transaction of
business willbe held in San Francisco on the Nth
day of the present month,
have thought it proper to refer to these facts,
not only to explain the .causes of the delay in
tilling the rommission, tint to call your attention
to the propriety of increasing the compensation
of the commissioners: The office is one of groat
labor and' responsibility, and the compensation
should ha ouch as to command men of a high or'
der of talents and the most unquestionable in
tegrity. •
The proper disposal of • the mineral lambi of
California is a subject surrounded by groat dif
fieultiel.• In my last annual 160.11ge, 1 recnin
mended the turvey and sale of them in small
parcels, utplor such restrictions as scull effect
wally gnarl against monopoly and speculation
tint open further information, and in deference
to the opinions of persons familiar with the sub
ject, I am inclined to change that rem:immola
tion nail to advisistlnit they be permitted to re
main, is at present, a COMM. field open to
enterprise and industry of all our citizens, until
further experience shall have developed the brat
policy to he ultimata) , adopted in regard to
them. It is safer to suffor the InConvolorno,
that now exist. for n short period, than, by pre
mature legislation, to fasten on the contds
a, stool founded in error, which may place the
whole anbject beyond the future control of Con
The ngricultural lauds should, however, be
surveyed and brought into market with a. little
delay us 1109SihIP, thnt the titles may become
settled, and the inhabitant, stimulated to make
permanent tinproveturam, and enter on the
ordinary pursuits of life. To effect these onjecti
it is desirable that the neernpary provision 1.,
mode by law for the establishment of land nth
gee iu California and Oregon, and for the rib
cient Forertilion of the surveys at an early day.
Some difficulties have occurred in
the Territorial governments of New Aleiltu and
Utah; and, alien more accurate information
shall be obtained of the Callren, a further com
munication will be made on that subject
lu toy lk.t annual communisation to Con
gress I , recommended the establishment of an
Agricultural iturceu, nail I take this occa.ion
again to invoke your favorable con..ileration of
the subject.
Agriculture may justly be regarded an the
greet interest of our penplu. Four fifths of our
notate population are employed in the cultivation
of the null, and the rapid expansion of our set
tlement. over new territory iv daily adding to
the number oi those engaged in that vocation.
Justice snit ennui policy. therefore. oldie require
that the Government should use all mean.. '
Merited by the Constitution to promote the in
tereste and welfare of that import.' cla.s of our
fellow rititens And yet It is a singular fret
that...whilst the manufacturing and commereial
interests have engaged the attention of Congers.
&mug a large rortiea of every session, ant oar
statutes almond In provisious for theit protection
and encouragement. little has yet been thole di
rectly for the advancement of agriculture It
us time that this reproach to our legislation
should he removed. Pool I sincerely hops tint
the present Congress will not dome their labors
without adopting efficient means to supply the
ominsioe, of those who have preceded them.
At , Agricultural Burr., charge'] with the
ditty of collecting nail divsemmoting correct in
formation as to the best modes of cultic - nib.,
and of the moat effeetual means of preserving
sod restoring the fertility of the soil, and of
procuring and distributing seeds nod plants nal
other •egetahle product e ous, with tustrartirom
In regard to the 1011. climate, and treatment best
adapted to their growth, could not fail to be. in
the language of Washington, in hi. last annual
memage to Congress, a —very cheap instrument
_Restardlpg the set of Congress approved 2elth
SepteMbei, IBLO, granting bounty-lands to per
gone who had been engaged in the military ser
vice of the country, as a great measure of ..
Paul on q11',101;3
hqs been telt, bir the c•theere eutru.ted with
ite illirtl2.lllllo exocution,, to give praeript effect
tq its provi9ions. All the wean. within their
control were. therefore. brought into requieition
to expedite the adjudication of cluime, and
lam gratified to ho lads to state that nehr one
hundred thousend oppii,alioga have hen con
sidered, and about seventy thousand warrants
iqeued within thr short spare of nine month,
If adequate provision he made by law to carry
into effect the recommendation, of the Depart-
went, it it confidently eXpeetid that. befog,: the
clone of the next fi &nal sear, nll who Tan on-
titled to the benefits of the act will have re
ceired their warrant,.
The Secretary of the Interior has suggested
In his report various amendments of the lows re-
!sting to pensions and imunty lands, for the per. j
pose of more effectually gimrding tipit , ,r_l tih u scs
and frauds toe tire tioverninent, to all a . ebiell I
invite your partioular atteidlets.
The large accessions to our Indian popula
tion consequent upon acquisition of NewNles
ico and Usliforois, and the extensive of our
settlements into the Utah and Oregon, bare giv
en increased interest and importance to our re
lotions with the aborginal race.
No material change has taken place. within
the lees year, in the condition anit prospect. of
the Indian iribes who reside in the Northweatern
Territory and weit of the Mississippi river. We
are at pease with all of teem; and it will be A
enures of pleasure to you to learn that they are
gradually advancing in civilisation nod the f oe.
state of social life
Along the Mexican frontier, and in California
- end Oregon. there have been occasional maid.
Imitations of nufrimolly feeling, and some depre
dations committal I atn satisfied, however, ;but
they resulted fromilie more destitute and starv
ing condition of the Indians. than from any net
tled hostility toward the whites As tho settle
ments of our chit prelims towards thou, the
game upon which they mainly rely tar sandlot
ante Is drimeit elf or destroyed, and the only al
tentative} lento them is Starvation or plunder.
ft becomes us to consider, in view of tide con
dition of things, whether Justice and humanity.
as well as an enlightened economy, do not require
that, instead of seeking to punish them for of
fences which are the result of our own policy
towards them, wo should not provide for their
„ •
immediate went., any •
ennautage mem , 4 — c.-
rsge In agriettlture, and to rely on their labor,
Instead of tb¢ charm, for the means of support.
Various portant treaties have been negotia
ted with different tribes during the year, by
which their t'i'tle to largo and valuable tracts of
country !ma been extinguished, all of which
will ut tile pram 'taco. be ' eabutilleil to the
Senate far estiticatiou.
The joint commission under the treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo hen been actively engaged
in ruining and marking the boundary line be
tween the United States and Mexico. It was
stated in the list miniml report of the Secretor
ry or the Interior, that the initial -point on the
'Pacific and the point of junction of the Oils,
with the Colurnde river bad been determined,
and the intervening lino, tibnot one hundred and
fifty mitre in length, run and marked by tempo'
tory monuments. gime that limo is monument
of truirbielite been erected et the initial point
sad. permanent landelarki-of Iron have been
placed at aultableArtitances along the line.
The Initial point on the Rio Orande hue nine
been fixed by the commissioners at latitudo 32°
22', and at the date of the last communication
the survey of the line had born made thence
westward about one hundred and fifty miles to
the neighborhood °Oho clippers mines.
The commission on one part wee at first or
gahiled on ICIIU4IO which experience proved to
be unwieldy and attended with unnecesiery on
puma. Orders have, therefore, been issued for
the reduction of the number of persons emplay
nil within the smallest Unlit., consistent with
tbeaefety of those engaged In the service, end
the prompt and efficient execution of their im•
portant duties.
Returns have been reoielved from all the offi
cers engaged in taking the coronae( the States
and Territories, except Chlifethia. The Super
intcndent employed toreilio the enumeration In
that State blis not yet made his full report, from
causes, as be alleges, beyond hie control. This
failure Is much to bo regretted, as It bats pre•
vented the Secretary of the Interior from making
the decennial 'apportionment of 'reprebentetives
eimong the States as required by , the act op
roved flay 28, 1850. It is hoped, however,
' that the returns will soon be received, and no
time will then be beat In making the necessary
Apportionment, and in transmitting tpe certifi
cates requited by laW• ,
The Superintendent orthe Seventh Comm is
(Militantly employed, under the direction of the
; Secretary of the Interior, in classifying and ar-,
ranging, in tattular form; : alt the statistical Infor
mation derived foot nitwit+ of the matehals,
and it Is belitoed that when the work shell bp
completed it will exhibit a more perfect view of intluditie. of thOooarik , The dry doek i at Vhdlaxiel• 1 ncatert.u•t to this re, irrba.oue,tholsuustatutoro Tkrte• '. ,
the population , we,dth, occopationil and social plda is ret. , .tted alt,‘ , i leted, and le exisr'tea aeut , • ~,,,ty. tn. onmher ' ,..l ' ttwo, 're.esAo
_ s ,..eem ,,, ort ,
s,, ttYeLY ~, • , ~
couditioit of a great enntitrr. than ban ever been tn b.. tevtg.l and difiiered over to the agoltierf the ; :,,,%1,7;;i,‘,,.,.;,1,: i t.1:,V„,7,7f;,7.a - vreii. ' .
presented to the world The value of each a . rotor et. Thai at \Port.,,noutel. Nee , „ kamp , .‘er .“ .0•;ib;.:::..1:0 , .. - . ' 7;,.i . ,,,,0.1.31.u s tiOa l . -..--: \
... . ' „
work, as the basis of enlightened legislation, coo I shoe, Is al,o ready foe d o l.kery ; and a n . . , , tittpt , ta. ' ~,,;„'n- t ht...:z27..rza1,::;•;:.;":.,..-....7.'',•!1',...;:::_','z;4°,:z • . _ •
Lordly be eve r oefitnated. end I trirne,t:s. I.ooe I '..,.. ^nn ' ind ^ d, ^ F r. ', ahl Y ' ti. '" ."'". '`! . ` - e' t , S ,''',''',, i '",' ,'`', , ,‘"„''',...2...."'>'^ ' . , N..c'-",..‘,'''',,f7 4 `„,„,,.," , . . \
, , .
that emigre, wlll lone no Utile la. mrtking the I " - h ., • ``'f`ior , , fur "...tiro" reni"." l dixol. " •11 Nx , ;Ll' t f. i :, i . :;;;;;. • , i s i c y, i; ',, t ,'l,l,',';',, i 'V - ',";;;Z da 'eu - .;ia i u - tTar--: _- ,
approbation.. toc.....ary to con.p.b.d. , the chci- ' ,
1 1 1. n . wr
; : e r t.o ' tne l tl.7i i oZ . ol i t
h i e ' i' v e l , ..: . ; . tt u u r e f ' l. a u ' u .' :l " iin A , 1 3 " :,.. ' 10 ' : ' (; . tir. ' Jut n ile Gs, t• eu:V..21 . 1r.0...:C.1t '' .gl,7l2eVal l' el:' '..,. ' ''......
ficatitme, tat pubrtt the results in 11.. sti l e ! ,b,„, sidi ,,,, d ,I. d ~,, di d ~,i,,,,,„0 , 1 4 dti j r, . ....11%, n , ,,t ,04D, , 1 , , , ,,,1 , ,,,,,i t , end Ittrg . .._ .,, t,, .
worthy of the ntildect a
~ " °l- " tir 'i n.. ..a oh" , I ...wl. tio. dock n the Dseli 3 e. Stich " nation i \ o '• • wort, t., rend eeer:Oer sILA l'n, ' l ' elr 0 . •it e cherub- . ...• 'ix.
"' „', r • .. ~ 1.0 . 01dy iteet.i.mry 0 the "ronvenie ce e - C1 e ff ect, e.. , ..,1 „, 1 mt,ern.n . ...., from o • er niyolution.:C.- ' rat ' CIA '',
.. ;.',. ~..
't Le weal 0/ a uniform De Lill, preYeriliing i n , „r ~,,r be et in theft mean wh eh mum 10. el. , ~,f n ".. '' .' ,, n.. ! .. ‘. , 4 , , 1 kaZo. M.; : comilensl , ',.;,..
the compensation to 1,1. allowed •Itstr..., aunt- • p a th b , Moroni with the itrowt of ridiiititt\tx• L i ti ...'r:; . • '' '' '.l ., J , ‘ ,' ?: , ; " * • :.'' ' .. ; '' ' l : -I • 3 ... '; :a '.. . ‘' .. 11,11% ;::„ 41;r i, i .'
:-.'' ..
1 - . .
neys, clerks. marsh tin, and cuintnission nes • in t and the rapid extension of •our anal. othe n° ' '''''' ' i "" i " -iii i 'i'• `---'-•''`''''' ' 'it' ''''' '"'"' i"*"...-*-- li . ' • \ N,
civil end criminal canes, ix the cants of much 11, oaten, •10. .. h.eit tv, ecuroael. ana I r-ceonrc.•%l mthe.".. , ''.
~.mien, in rater and complaint. 1 4 wottl.1 re- The Nevel Academy at. Annepolie, 1.1.. r a ro• , e•....., . ton a... j 0 bouni reat.,i , lad by theeo I, •.are.e . ... . .
commend a thorough rerinion Of the lawn on the cei.ed tied iO l proved .plenl, ni r n .l. ' in .. 000 ''''' 1 ' ; " . -' l i ' ll ' o -. ?..e1. 7. 2 ..,1 7! • 17:.n0 t 0 b- ± . ..4::! . .!: -i.--,t,T; ng -, '' • - " k
whole subject. Ittol the .I.ioplion .• of a tariff' of 11. f l. "11”. 1,, 13i/i, , pf eduntion nid tel \''"i'"" I. il' t' "'i "'" " 1 i x • "''''''''il'i' it . -X 1 ;.V . ...;.:17 . 1.• ,. .t. ' t
h. 7r.... '' •••• .•
. \,'
taco which, an for lIS proctirahlt , , , ,v!tou:d he uni- ' he P n l"k 'l'd,'" "gnol.i' .I. ?" v i e l ` l ,, ; l o " e ,, ic,' ' ' ' :,,_% i' l 1 n. ' o ' , r'....'.'u'l.i,'. ''.;;.;,..,',1',,q,'.,1•'‘'.,!..'',.`„1,',..',',,'.,`i'1.,..n,'.,,,,r.,i, wla ' i• • • ii.i . .
form, and prescribe a speci fi c cntrtporkiation. r r iii i "'O r "`'"" i " t • I" [hoer "" i l i '' . • • j " i " • ''' ' '' - ' ' '' '' t } ,!;,',..f,:=,"' . ' a "" .6 '" '' . ''''.:
\ s
every service a hich the illieor rimy 1., ~..I„ired , : 1' ill '''''' . Araa ' .3.. • A ri ''' ' ' d'" of '''"'''' , 't.'•lo"'" eta
t '.l-
' ' ''''"'"Y""'ut I.-
i4ipten wet received at the commence nerd , it • ." '• 0 -1" . non
, ont r. , rt ..1 ti., e. tee .
...,. .
to perform. This subject will he t.aly .}, anent- 1„f t h,.1., ~..,,R.„,,, ~,,,,,. and ~' praeliee , hiP •'.., I 1 r ... • 71 ;:: - . 7 •• , • ' ; ` ' N ' ,= ,,. A.--”,LII-1 • 1' ' ' ' ' ' ' •+• ‘ •• 2.."7. . 1 :it " .... "` .1 '"4 ... 'A . , \\'-." •
ed in the report of the Secretary of• the Into- 1 i.„,, ditd ,,,,,,i ,‘, th, „ i ,,,,,,, i i„,, , t o at i on i the a... , i... 1 '...• to 1 , ..p., outs ........c pottinu a ummt. '
•pre s , ~,
riot. 1 p'. d means :or rygeler in e truction iti searunnvhi • 1 ::..i..;.1...1..i!'i1i.'.0•1\2.; ii ' '.l,?„„"f,!,!„7,,•„',, ii t' it ,i i Lir '
\ •
71 \\
In my lASI 11a ,, .. ... , . , r : ... I give brivi!Xhq u• " ,11 "xfor crUi,e t uring the raCe . tinui 4,1 Ow. bend ta'hy all 'nt, %elm. the you.. - . - 0.1;e - itite ' z;iirn; '- ' '
1 ....
~,,,,,,,,. A r ~„„ r e.c,, nrommendake
reanonn for behoving that you posse.ined the con. or four m on th s in each veer. tool 0,0 o•nle., 10 r . v. ra•lll:lo].!Mtlr'a 4 nil' eatxres .. \
ti ,
Stitutiodral power to improve the harbor,. Of nor The adv,inte,,,,o, 0 ,.., e ,,,. ee in nanticai,anaim nary 1 ~ t 1 ~..',rut ~ .ul.l , h , , '..d , ' , Men lhexenerel ',
K eeat l a koc, and neaena,t , an ,i th e nay i g „,i,, , ,,, ,f rarely been more Arikingly illustrated than in thol '! .. .:' .. ;;• . :•," . :' ,. 17,?r r r . i . n i t . ', 1 ,, r i11,1t i 1 . T: , ""• i t,i1 th i hat ,temt _ \ ,
rue principal rircre, and recomtnemled that apx, l ixei ' in '' , i" the reltdi tt the Nt") . nod i nime ni • i ri.- , t.- ....m.r. , ....lut . e.Nuo in n.... , ne .. a.o r' r ',', .ll ' lV.: ''... ',' \ \ -
. -
propriations should he made forcolopletingt.such that. by , mers of 11. , .. w ind and eturent ,„ ,chart, I
, 5 , P , " . ',.*:•::::....: r ." , e ,., "•,. , " , 11. ‘ i , , ... 1 ..,1 , .. , ;.. , i;a 1 e ,.. ....0tt0 . rr1aremint ; \ . ■\
works . had already been commenced, and far l' '' '' ."..i” : “ IP` '.. l' ,"n bY ' i a ".'' i ' l ",T. l • th " ; awl u en.tunt....... tbs ton• ii , ‘ l .- 6mi...ors:NW ma. ~ _ • s. \
c00., , ,, ,, ,, ,,,,, ,,g
s ,"
~ „. I. ,npermttinerit or,tue ..v Irosereat. , ry, tno 1,0 , - 1 e,olo qm - the.lor tll.ty oflo4.oleem.,iterleu,;ol . :•. . ~.„..._
' ' -3., from the Atlantic to the Peeific ports of our V , ..0 o e . . , 0 , o , ut , ~ . ..that, o r , 1er , ....+1 , 1rUt11 , 21.1• ,
the wisdom of Coupons to lie of public nod gen- ~,,,,,, ~ i,„ ad
~ ,h dr, ,,,d , .1 1 ,, 0 b.., to ,. d ,,,,,,
~ ,'", ,... ",i t t...1 , n .. 1 1 ,i" , ' , " „ "t * in- wt- tin '"' " r ''''' t"' all tit "' -• ' . \- . \
oral itnportance_ Without repeatin the rens". l , 'rt..; ...notate, for 'the support of tI. Navy ah. 1 n . ut , ••• ... 0, ".' 00... .i-J. '',.
then ,urged, I deem it my ditty again to call Your 1 ill'arioc Corps the ensuing llowl rear will, he bound 1 ~, ~,_\_ .
attention to this important. subject. The warkx !to he ",,X.. ...i-172 It'. tliv . eStimaiM for the current
or. many of the were left in an Unlinihli- ' y eor„lo.o,g 5.5 llarr,r;?..l. - a
ell ElOl.. 01.1 01.0A1••,Be11111 . 1,1,..aki to the notion 'rt,;"•,,r 00 ,, 1 „ r,,,, , r ,.,.;;;1. 0 hji.,,,, otUder the ....r • I L0G...). ' ,
of the element'', which ',l (.04 destrortr,.. them. P , r'd "I - , ,5 1h 1, I. l'.. th.rd 30 “.. 01 .' $ 2 . 6 '". 220 "• ' • -I.°' , \
Great number.: of I.r. s and vast amount. of " . •" 1 " , \$ 11 1 ,1 ". 1 "`" for the poecent , °r• 'he' in
~ h‘ing ocr,iarre.4 lov the addir....nul mail • •
prop. My 11, onnu dly lent for mitt of ,info ere] " le "' .'. ... ' • "' e
, • •
Ir• ..11 MC l'o:ntie Co:ol, and the eonvtruetion of hlrbllr, 101 l OW 1111,i, NO. , hot ,!:, d,„.1., id , r a tif oeu i., a uthori vd d a t the Pint .c. r . •
those who hale been exposed to that dlogeroux '
•. 3 1/f
d .
„p• . /LB(1 . Ime .I it ti laill.]B,;d .
navigationt . . fully approcbito the i imp\alntice i ' , ' ,..!,,, id . „p•l o 4 ir ~..„,,,.' e u Li o n ,l rqi.,,,lre in nay: , '
of chili. uldeet The whole oorthw.tet a . pi,,eall 1 t .„.,), 1,„,1,,,,,,,.e., . , ree d,iners, \ ", \
to you fur relief. and I trust there appeal will •; I d.,... it of 4 "" 1: importance to a jtilt. economy,
receive doe connideratinn at ysur hand.. \., a nd u - engrect mlfcremntling of novel expenditures,
The ratme ie is rt measure true iu reg,ml to that ille"kc should laj an entiroxeparatinn of the ap. \
some ‘`.
sme of the harbor, and nt inte en the Cr,seo cca...te Taroprietinn. fur thwentipport of the natal Xereine ~„
\ \ ..\\
The unohntructed .avigoto....
mof . In. go‘rlV proper. from tiro, foj\permenent impr , vt.ment. at \
ere is °regard importance. I r .mttirtnent. age ~n, ,Y ). Yord . . mid ...ion `(. on . ' from \!,^.... .trim-mail
now extendlng to the noureen o f the p i e - it rivera i 'tivic . ',. and 'niter ''PeCi?i nbj , rte '., rigm , d I.! , the \
which empty into, ..I C,rro a part:., the Nlisni , - , 4 . "I"• ° ' • ''''" , or rho , Depart cut. . ,
.... \ •
~,,,,,, and the value of tl,e public. lands in those i flu: r . 'Pk . ' or 11 , 100dAt,.....dcr General : here.tth \ '
reg.ons . w„„I.1 ho greatly ..1.6„„oe.1 by freemg I \ ii i i' 7 ”'" '''' ""ii i\ r " ' " " r - r . , ..., , ,, , 7,, ,,, , th e
too naviextton of the. ....ter.. from olinte• • Pu "Pi."'"." ' ni"-
". i " "i'n ' ...-'' - 'il•-• -•
"' mitot .
Duos 11. riew. ther., ,re, of tit, grvt. Intere, A ,
~ ,,„,1„,„ ~,. ,i, r i.i a . t i',..,..oveer, th;,l; of 1 ,
Iron il my
4 . 1 Y op us to urge noon l'onet : en.l mail moat., 0 illun the 11nee,l ‘ litnte. was 111.1,29,1 ,
to orike Nitehl appropt intim, for the.e Improve ...1..•., the ~..e.tol traneportatiell theret., d 3,272.•
mew.. an they orq derv, nen ...ore I .:...! roil,. eml 11,.. antkual coil nt,Uvil tran:vorto.
Too •ur,..,. of the D, Ira ,lf th.. Th.,eiseipto, I 1... n• .$ . 4-121-.7 , • ~ ,
'... -
~,,,, ~ ,-,,,, ,„ 0,,„ , „.,„ „„„„ „f,hr „,,,,,,,,„,, The 1.001,4 thr 11 , reig mail ronic, 'O4 c.tim ' eted
,i,,,, ~,„., i „. c ,,,,-,i ~,, ~,,,• , ,,,r O„ ,, , 0 0 0.1 , e ,,,, , ,,,,„ ..,. I . 1 1 / :,.: /9 .11., and the annual ITanoportattnn .
~ .„,, , ,y , ~.., 1,..,,,,
rte, , l.
~, , i ,., i !1i.,,
- ,i a I 61 ..,,,.. miles. The annual Cool of fhb •
report- there.' a h.. laid before ‘eu re now in enter .v 111 niep,Vtlnin, I , r '': c. . ‘ 4 ft, 1,17.:! ,1 1 .''• " P ' bin .' ,"I`.'''''',ll I. i ' p" i ' l ”
I will nhor.tlyl
, tot• I ' l
„.ttu. rinpartmout, and $1,023,%5 pam „,,,,,t, ,h e
~ De,,artru ,ur i
The 1 ""'" ni " i l." 1 "" r ” '"'""'""" f ' • "" i t' r . Tl . Na.' . al Iran.yortot:on . within the I i •
on,l tel the Inkn ' tren3 Mvli...,n : , .tartr,,, ognitn-t'llo, ;:.,,,,;: ' ,, n , " :1 " :, lint. tb.'t . •'
0,7 I . 9rtie“ atul olio.'
eat ail...lion. l'Onertit.l vcohtne,..l in the L - tbnkivnt!eloCnti'of the Depart
haring fatted. at i.e. a lit
....Irian. to adapt toy . meat j ..../ ..1.41. that.of the preceding ;,,..., ti,l6^,-
r,ron t.
unctolatiust that 5n ntillotilinnl I egment of 1 '...i.ea , ..• al on race. ,, a ,,,,,, t of •$517..110. . -
1111, ,14t,....i/V 31 Aided tO I illif lervtett
,h,tutti I.e tmt.ett, WI teat - remoter.) lo Lt 110120
. .......... .
wos to mak. the hest ti-e el the means at my Plitt were 0,100 posteofGees` establistted,aand 256
deposal Accordingly, all Inc troops adapted ' u t t. "” mt ' d ' dttrit 'g tht. year. '
, Tie tiros , revenues of the Department ibr the
to t. , . crvicit that t'llobt ht* Prolw'rlY l l'''. lireal N 'MT Including th for the
from other quartets haa e been cuncentrated on i eto k n li ' , ma . nt „ o f c„,,ttreeeit„ appropriatio ns, f t b n .D epg ',..,,, gitta ,
that retainer, and officers ' f high reittlaticn se- an d ,sh e e n . ~t iloveent, and eschading the feu--
leered to tmustitatel them ,1 icia arr.ingement e'gr , rotaheett, collecte rnm d for and Jek:3tololo 100 . Il'lll
of the nnlitary„ posts has Ale° hren made, Intriin pop:hotline, amounted to SII.V,MIG 7, . ' ~.
whereby the troop., ore brooch{ water to the Th. , expetiditrar,. f or the ~,,,,,.. period ( , 6 1 .1i.g
Mexican frontier and lot lie 1111. , 1 1 . , y .1 , ill- • ?1 1 , ~..., 0. pond umler an award of the Audited, in
tended to orersere porsossiee of asienilittion of rho last Congrees. for
gullicient time has not.) et elnst ed to Trebre III: "! '''lrst':°". tits 'A'? " r ° l-31 j'' It " t UP t ,t,' it ' rtl r t l i ns '
all the benefit' , that are es:heeled to nosoit from I ''' :2 rood P ''''" ait t' the am ount p aid to tht te l3 s titt.h
loomo t amte. collected for, and
throw arrangements, hot I hove every reties. to I I tt ' - 'l' trt ; '' f t' r f ttg tt ,
hope that they will ethetuallt cheek their mar- I """t't t. that ° "'"" °tfl ' utt" to ." ' 1024J;111 79;
t learmg a chance oltrevenue over the props ea- ,
wading T.:l.'4lllooft Ft, nattier or the counliy, tp` he ~r tht , ~,,i...,,i taringso to . 1
wiilrth throll 4 l'll 1 ° 111 " for the '‘IIIIIorI Itt . on 6, ! The
for postays r the year (eke -
my and abound. in Nacre of rougetartil conceal 1 ,hidg. a t ,: h, ng i go pru, sgen s gu L g . e t e if f or and pr,),IN,
Loma, or re1t1411.41.1y 1,: . .i II u.l4l , tea 1.. this yrcho i to the britt•ti I tet. t,ollee. amounted to $6,315,-\
tory warfare; and we Lt.n mt.. elf hoes. that .Ifhi, helm.; an increase of ' ;'!:';,rill! 70, or
our uleola.ry tar cc, com6,uetl WOO the' greatest I I•to:!,.loti per rem_ over ti.;,, like remotitt, for the
signal, e, can entrenty !opiate~ it.
liy the treaty of - trued , klupe ilidalo ire are I The rodaetron of nostage, uoitcr the act of March
I Is,. 1,1 oot fake effect mad the tcommencreaent of
nound to protect the errata 01 Nleoh-o aed,ortott
t,,ette,,,, , ,he
re n„ \ttti ,
tt , ,t „ ,
t,;‘ ,„ 1 the pr.—, of
i iire et ~ .h i l year.
• The accounts for the .firrt
Larder •• oath equal tiihm ore lkhel en, s) ' aret if 1 t l tt t rr tet * ;,, , ', ewe ,. L't t t e t ' e l n tt l t e t`;‘, l4 : h e l h 7 t t e e :'_
the seine were uncle within i n ur tutratory or ,,,,,,,
ettitn,,, of the reeett,h, for th ,. ,
tt;reeeht rear
: against our eittreena. I hate roof h.? v.-.41t0 Cona.s gt;; ,, , ,, he 0,„,h., lnc hettene,hhowener, that the.y
pre, as far im r,,,,t.i, with this pika.ston of the ell 1,1 for disn at tho-L of the last' year. The
' treaty ' Ili pl o r of th, rcvstrucs odit on hand fa, linirevcr,ko
I ( trek , . hare here , finer , t,r the fll'istlcts co. - : Ire.,, :Ohs no forth,. appropriation fronS - 11.• Ire.-
mainhog . n that fr , .101.1 Pr tie Me r, ars, ~, o ld . A Ir.: ro„tanooti of the Dero a rtt m , n o, j.,
ca ,, ~,..,,L , „,.. ” r , I ~, j„ht,,..„,,,., ~,,,,,,\IOy ~,,I, 1 to qulr t .d 0, ii, cllflnnt areal year: but an told,
Our own entitled to Mt ir prorect n :\t41,1 lo i 10,-.1.,,1.1'..•1'".'1". for t t lln.frtt ...nog Juno fn.
; make all their pia cc and artaucetnehtu I.(itli a ; " :0, well td"" ttl T he t'lttod . 00 eItoollf when the
view to the .11, - 14 o"; 1',...-, ol,ect. InArne- i ''''''l't • "1 the firer tau 0‘00.2e•••.' of the local year
: ;lona bare ~!.- 0 oz. peen to too Winn 4:`, 4 0, "I' lolly O . aero'l.":
hie la, laid 4..1,1 repdrt the Portmaster Geacrol
MiSainitern red agents among th c , r , wk., \ o
0,1 a reductioh of portage to rates which
rill treaties, to make the clauses dilsigmil for ilk! '''''''''''"' t :
, he dee.' ,I or low a. e.uold be prudently Adopted,
P r " l ' cit "„,, of . O " ",", ''''', t to "" i y , ' l,. ' l ,"' ,t'''''i s orders Congress
or to opprsviate from
1 those of memco. i mire no rt.. ,11 to .0.111 ,• ho ~,,,,,,.. fur L i ng e ..,,,,,,,, tt o f 'th e D ei ,... ungfitt a
that these iastructiams LAT. , hers o f
fly carr;e'd 1 \ on moraihan equiealetit &the mail.parrices per-
Into effect. Nerfnhelerc, it is proha le that, n.rn an a by it fur the Cloverenrient. The romtneri
-lin spite of all our Titbits, clime 01 the u , ighlmr- c it ho, of the Pcsmiaster Ilectera.l. in respect to
0 tag Srntco of Mr , in , may hone ° buifer , olo '''S our !'tool poottage,exect on letters from and to Calibre
own have, from deptedatluph by the India to nil arid Oregon. were substantially adopted by the
To the difficulties of 'ilefenillug our t•wt. 1 •rei- :11 , t'"- /Iv 00 ^ rec....oat. "Ilotoo" 1 °
wry, rg. oadoie, are ' t-uj ei.lttde It; to ' dtt' rot oVO loot , rod,. and advises ogsinst a fur
&fent:hug that of Ito-a;. those 11, 00 i, I r, '
0 slier 1,4.1m...int0 until Jolty:el 1,3 the revenue of the
o. ,
its remoteness, resin the Tort that Or r Lsve a.
right to elation our troops within her boils
I and that there in ho efficiint [:;flit try - three a.I
the :Siemer.o side to co operate with our hem.
tio long as this Alma coatiutte to belhe care, If
humhre cud activity of our tenors will rather Or
; erre.? than diminish the evil, iii the indium, w,
!naturally turn .tow-onto that country where tin
encounter the least retadanre. lel !lade iron]
are necessary to robotic them, idol to canon
them to make and otc'erve treaties. Vriti/ th
shall Live been Joao. neither ronntry will cub
any security from WAY attauti ,
The Ithliatis in California, who Lad provion
1 ly appeared of a ptaccahle char;cter, and 11l
peon.l to rutireste the (Mendel., of ;hewhir,
0 hale 1 - o,ooll‘ c.1 . ..;..;:t.w,r0ne..itH of Lostilit
23 0 'urge thirimn of the reinforcements sent 0
Irite Mexican frouthr were dlawn from the P.
0 estm, the military force now et:incr.,' there
, c maniere-I entirely inade.paeho it, delences
1 It colonel lie increase. I, however, without an in
crease of the /.1 . 1313,. and I again recommend
that tneaoares as itulitopeneatee to the voice
non of the frontier.
I invite your Attcntion ts Vie suggestion on
this subject, and ou . sera.ol connected with his
I itepartolent, in the report of the Secretary of
I Wore.
The rpprapristions for the rapport of the
army daring the current fi-cal year umbra: :titth
June neat, were reduced tar below the remmnte
submitted by the Department. The consequence
of thin redaction inn conriderabie deficiency. to
which I invite your curly itilmitien. -
The espeteitturet of that liepartineub for the
year ending :loth Juno lasi, were Stbfleitt 'AS :0
The estimates for the yoar-ennantencin t t At
Jail; nost and ending June Niat. .are $7.
" 6 • 77 ' . ' "I"'wiflit n 'taken.: of 111.11.1.d9,
Tho 110ard .T VatatolsMonerth to whom the
managment of the affairs °Nile Military Atiyluni
created by the net of ad March 104 was en
trusted, have beleCil,(J% S.t.i far the estublish
ment Clan Asylum in the viciutty of this titty.
which hits heeu apprured by me. bubject to the
'production of a soutifeetory title.
The report of the Secretary, of the NAT; via.
„exhibit the condition of ill, pu'otioi:iervieo under
EN: 6 - 414:tibiae of that Department Our naval
force attend during the present year has been ae
lively and usefully 'employed in giving protec
tion to our widely extended and increasing eon.-
, meted and interests-In the variant quarters of
the globe, and our flag hag everywhere airorjled
the security and received the eiipent: tnaPired
by the ,ittatiCe* na4 41146110 y of our intercourse,
and tho dtguity and lamer of the nation.
The expedition commandeilhy Lieutenant Del
Haven, despatched In search of the British com
mander, Sir John Franklin, and his compan:
ions in the Arctic Sena, returned to New York
in the month of Oclobef, after having undergone
great peril and suffering from an Unknown and
dangerous navigation and the rigors of o northern
climate, without any satisfactory luforulatioll of
theobjects of their search, hilt with ‘307
hutioue to minuet) and usetgutlntiTrAn the um
freourpje4 pint fegions. Tha officers and
inert of the expedition, having been all volun
leers foe this service, and dunning ao conducted
it as to meet the entire approbation of the Gov
ernment, it in suggested, nit an act of grace and
generosity, that 'We mine nllowances or extra
pay and emolumente bo extended to them that
worn made to the officers and men of like rating
in the late exploring expedition to the South
I 'carnottly rem:lnn . ..l In y . oi.r attention the
41 .rieuriare i tetr IP+ ige.i atahltaliment, appivtitolnit
sad (Wan e number of Oilman It, tech grade. proVidinii
.r t t e rie t ider promotion to the Ithther th.
harlot( refornetertn moil. stud rapartiv, rate:, than ...•
tatty or Oslo of entry Into 00 , 1 for tritrom
from to , .rr t .ottro list upon redured tosy Illto may he
incatotirtant ration periormame of stellee duty. Ara roe.
auto of eennomy u well ne of ellieleoci thie .cm of the
...retro. Um o . r d oe , i=last moutioned ta entiotiotly tr,srtlip
.4. gflaVrOutt ' ailo . d Oh. queetione of relative rank
.tneen the sel, 01311..deleti ettleera ot the nor,. mail
between of the army and ear), the veriolla
omits of each, will elan merit your attention. The fan
g,. t o provide any enhstltoto..hen.e+rooral puriehtionf
nit alinifelhed for offerer. In the peer,
conertung of ottmenitt• rourtamet tie/ ,icon the arrival of
veaevis to tortl aterneinele , frl to hove had an totto
rlfret neon tha domineer aed .01eleory ot ilte retvlee
To ,moderate punishment from ono grade to nn
other is among the homano reforms of the age; but
lb abobeh one of severity, which applied ro general
ly to offences on chipboard, and provide nothing in
Its stead, Is to ruppose a progress of improvement
in every Individual;amongseanien nhielt is not an:
sinned by the Legiebtture in respect to any other
rhea' of men. It is hoped Wat Congrase, is Wo
ample opportunity afforded by the pres,Dt.l.fiol3.
will ibOrOUghlr Investigate this important subject,
and establish each mode. of .determining guilt, and
cinch gradations of punishment as tire consistent
mite humartitY • emetho personal rigida of individu
ale, and at the'lliliVitims shall en.ure the most en
orgeue and efficient.performaams of
~doty and thO,:
eupg“sion of mime in our ships of arer..,i.• r
The atone dook • In *ha wary yarclat .New
whlett'wei teeytiarsixr process of constittetiod, hoe
been io far flubbed as to be troneedered op to We
numb, of pOA-oirir., in i 17
ho nitea
::9th day .r'June tam, vrg,, 19,796.
'I 'IL tv I, I
lat the rates of postage on
i-ed as to render them
.intorm in their %weeded
ed matter. I submit the
report to your farorahtS
the United State? have
fur more than slaty years.
private aces, are smatteted
te. nods from the emit of
gmmt inaceemibte to the
hoot:dip. They also exhibit
y and imperfection of haste
Is to he gene:lllly conceded
emtalon law" the United
u of theirs-legislation, it
rat lesidnecon should lip as
eine every powq. intended
rune intended to he made
. ,
.eif eo me particular caucus - let.
efogth.‘the whole criminal codu Is
117 v lament:ll4y derectir‘ i Settle nirtilMl, .0 141-
Perfectly ift4etitmli awl a bore ate entirety miffed:
ea 11-tt tlagrant crintee tan) be cnimuitied with int
pointy. The err.le of tatuieh unt it not,in liirtl,C: ,
graduated according to theogre. awl tkiLture of
tire falcate, and le often rendel morn unequal , by
the different mode:tor itaprieonta mt. or pcntentiary
centmenurni. in the different Stalk, ,
01.tal mit , . at aperil/went ehararteehme been \intone
....I sue apieonriale , n bale and it 1. rtlim callicult ii; d..-
t..ennin. wliolicorino patt.oniar elan... eypire. wilt th.
r0. 0 ,..e•r, ar, , k/ a Mob it 41 a imrt. or cbtktinues m n-cr.
It tn.' cti•. , ....I.entt Impveoe.l that. enltment, .4 op.
IF\ \ \
aLsi..n. , oi 1., .. h.., i...0n her.] oced into b Ils‘yrith lue ti 1,
IA neat 1014,1. nf whiell they lisse lit 10 ott 50,1111111110 •
~.0 er ii.10”..n 'ln ibis inotte of lezi.lation lb many...
ammos.c. hay,. Neu 1,00,1 nnmi ea.-la other.l..l ella.
.li but uttie ~l l, l loralieo. tlini. in many Unitait is
dm e.ll t.. s.amh mit ..iOl d..henitike wlti. la tun W.
110...,0.r..niv0 I. 01. the i..Oted awes ...what ntly
t r :-.. ~' ( oT, P otfi,gl-I:.' : tnt . i r ,Ury ‘T io•t; , ;e hc Te k' :.ViT, -I ,
1.11.1;1111, r114 . ....11 inlanstourn on plum aint ultras as
. Is. 101.1,e•tool
I by sol. and arranged In such holm
as 1
I .. .. '..- .. 0 ..Ti - t1 4 .!! l ' Ali.Pc,.... '' . 'u l ' a ‘ i . {ll i.. 3,1.0 t :talt r f, ' ; ' ,h;
t...f.t. ' n ' n 1 tare:
that proeloon le ninth, bY Int;
le the aop..inizartit 111 ti COIII2IIIM/012 19 0401, ;Da 11131.11[
. Old 011111. 1 toted Nana: s unset/clog them , m order.
'Lop 1,100 dem ene.o.. a...riveting tanatorruities..impllff -
1., 1 we lan:uage. and relseiatig them tO Gus' Kayire ita
. 1 . t'l orConaxer , 040.0.. t : 4 0.0.;, - 1,4440040./. 44:01, 4.0.-
4,4,0 .44 evltion for Ills 0.1...44M of the • Capitol. ar
omiiii, I .11..1i peo,•) inlelkt be approved 04/ 004 Presi
.o.l.l. awl uproms,otcst one hand cat \ tho arand Millar. to
ie ...Kn.], ,c.arr I. Ullmann, by sueli archlicot n. be
0e ate 111•11 ,, vt to " . 1,1111. the
no, kin examining the
various pen - 1.101.kb had barn outenitt.t by clifforent ar
in puX.uticier of an{ by a tesnmtunii
rq tie 0,0011. no one a.. 411 04 to be entire.; satisfactory.
00.1 it oo• thor4ani doeintal micas/able to.. combine nod,
o.vont the advaniame. of :enrol.
TI• ' , eat ^ l O ,l to Is' c' ,, MPllrhol yr,. lo make ,utL
on tiMtanni WI wonli c attord ensphi Mot conrank.nt 11.111
Ile at , .I , llln-tall,nc t ll,e tea Louses lit Congressocith
eon: Lint aerlentrleisliOnt tor spectator, mid: reliable
41 , ...r.vt, Al,. (~r 'the .climmin.e mat ofhewr• tit Itta /wok
1117111c11... of the Le.M.,lsior,. ' It la alm &nimble not 10
Ince Ilm haroloty and hermit' of tbu yreoent otentinin
wid. a. Is , Omen ..I el , Ilitectrirs. la so uniceralty int.
1010.1. liervitio thew. ninects in Tie, I emaciuded to
ilia , . thr 111,41 uy win,:,. delached from the preknt
kod kiwi. , e.eiliettca with It b 1•, cot-riders. This meats
a.l onlarg.quoi t will leave lbw Prr2;lol Capitol uninrunok
act \
.atol aft,rit arc
, i so uhritmacne. for ventilation and Um plot.
bon of Ilitlit. a will coati the work"to prof jes.l witition s t
intertni , ling thi• L.liborationis of Corgnera. To MITT thm
plan Into e^ort. Phan. appointed iitarapetienced and wan ;
, tom Diehard. a le men, shine was Mil on the taut
Jul, 1.1. writ anitaele oorenionts., sitten,WhlAtlitte Min
work In. n.l 110,,1 w th nwrinnen,lntlo rapicate. and the
loondations co both De , go aro pearVi compliar. , '
I again N.M. , : to L.:l4N7rabl. rev:2.Tc laterect•
Of 11,11 I)octic of I , lllina ha. atvhdnein it only ...Dry to
\ itt
r ., ... 4,1 ) 1 n•tii , ‘ ahlnier, 11. inimbitmita hare no 'lollfr in
thr'clani:cont ec hensennitc sin cientreel. they tint the
less .10111...1 to' , a 111'1 lOW liWral consideration in tour
irgi 4 ation. Al s opinions et 0111 subject are • fully
c‘prune.l In my •
tel minual roman:int...lon,
011100 MI himae were bronght‘to the attentlim of
In my hoe xonital Mecoage, to Il v t . ich I would roe Ily
refer. but 1111 , ..1r/11011* 01 en than onnamy lorercut
to stitch l onto Melte lour *cc than
attention. tan ule
to the rerennmerrialma tor the opmrintment ot ot maim*
111,0 to eettle prtrate ebline asaintt the United Statto-O
.111.1.1ie Co ittliontuale ar rel so * %ClosocoMient loriPcip
lithely di that conic mote v.eiont lard eXteal
am, than sat appeal to I,oirrersa.Dhotild be *looted.
" ''' i r . l l ,lo'''' Z ' l i i ‘ N‘ 4".".-" !t v` .l. l ‘ l .‘• l llt=lt
Z::11`;', :4.l, l ::itkiiiii,, , ro:',`,:ri:`,;''', k.``, 1.,;..,..., ~
4.,..4... ‘fluireff,,,,,tc.tratelettddenatOttbyl/IVINAPand
Celletit moth. altJ Mono caw such roinstolipe remiltel II
C 11.11.1111 of e. , litaxble citizen. stol In Wther. Amiens
iller' liMoble Vow, morn. anal to thintonlisoluile
len , weir eh
their nothavoratO ritztain (halving. Pro.
44•1111•Pllo iiiie Wen 10.11031. v! aoninit the aliesei offender,.
.... a l tar a. they maid be identified. 4.1 pre alai Ouidittg.—
I liasn reliant...N. my 111itli Int.telw f 11.141, tioglre sit
.01 tensity to my Mu*, to, the. sante...went of tarn lowa,
au 1 I eball continosto do ro, serer, sal whenever q,,LIT
'NAV o , on may be reolonsit .
The act oi IMucr.nision the return of (ti;,tilbsi nom la
boy la one required awl derimpkod. by Oho es.pums ereirits
of the Coue,titutlat. ', , \
The tionctituthoi tpulirls ' , That no person hell to elp
00p, or 1 , 1 , ! , ; ‘ ,1,It , Ito;: hr . i't \ under the laps Umert, soup,
Vs ' llti l thil4f. etcchir,retll7tra7Xerriicrr7aU ',
b„,,,, In
gi ld
n uns
of am party to •hnni
rou t s aervie, , br isl.r marl* w\ duo." Ttila tonstiturional
i incision id equally 01 Itnatory upon the Leculatiee. the
UsiunUrin and .ru 11.1al borarttrunita nt the Unreel:meta.
~,,I tor , every mill., 0( the United 9',4141.
chincreon'itnocter. MUM. (tom'onnifity, first net upon
. %It Iti . I 1;1 - ' 6 r',1.1 - Pr''' . .. '''T ' , " , ' 2 '" t . '
7:,','..f,„ bb r-11 , rallon to lt. ' t . it.VatY. ' 4117.= . 0r t ::
14 an art owed dating tlie Vat inem of' Promdent Wash
luSto.. woo ti nal 4,1010401 by that:snarled by' he
I:f . sTire . t l, trton d e2ts ' a . ta= fi;'IhIZZI:' IV;
a:v.11641. . Ttill. isinuction 01 the tkmetigntion
r iS IPA per and 11111, dine
t o
any Other, it Man..l.. ex Iron
the mime f •ucolatiMt m that amuse which PenaMe Lulls.
return 01 Ingiares from 'platoon, or that which mimes
that mt Intl n( at/strider or m pet fade law ohati be pm,
ini, or that Plank provielm for on equalf cf location, an
curator re the censor. et the'rlattre de Mtn' thaVall dm
tieS Shall bannnn throughout the U Ink litotes , . or the
important provision that It Mist nf all crimp shall baby
Jun'. Theme emiteral article* and clam.. of the Constlto-
Mont Sil cull./ on the came authority, moat steal or fall
tourther. home clidoutions hate beau urged Watt"' 1 4tt
detelb 4 tho .01.100 the rotor. et tumllter IMon Mhor.
but It 11-worthy of rernatk that the main opposition to
'r°.oil ,I*Mnot , the ConttitutionitsetU sod missed. Int=
rail girlOrem of perintuts May Of cahoot &Slam
04 014 Mane tfiatOoluiritortmosertntutisl. 'Thee cove r Erie bartllity to w 1 4t which shall glue fall lind prom
. . ,
. . .•
. .. .
, .
' .
. ,
' .
. .
. \ \\ '
no.r , ~
.., .0. .
..tion .., I,
t,' t at , `•
?annoo , Woof Fiaraw7 , Cutlery,.&x.
\ -- ,
• 14,0. 9 Wood Str(of,
,—!, .....,, a,.. ,
t 5 ‘ 1•41.. , , ,c0 n n; , ) , 1 „. .. , 2 , h ,,4 x0tts kzof othori to
FE AND Donusriek \
' \.,
Ats.l trlattle IL, stn. .), , t n.' i srot i.s. at ,t., rec.
CirtA lull ...torment of\ NI. .iN't s'elrlotal..lC. 1.. - 10
alas., ss Isanl. sag th:A ..
\ r ,
1 111& . ; 1)11. Me[Jo NE's o‘ II PaYs.—The (i '
magog ts, tist• great rrnas..l7 tal `3, , Ily ;k r, rs-ing, soul IA t
g no, err, slay rncerring ..r.lett it , . ni-ttshr. for 10ta... ,—.
ial, ts son nod it Aim,: logo., glo o :apply ao foot as,
rontsre.l. 'I Ito tr.!) i..ll,remss.l. In 3113•oulyotrialto,;.:
1 enuin. Ilsa ntr.t.ttoptstoll of i. ler If., Wo Rivet . ..-.
ir•ilLl 3Li• 14 omit.. giugulag ut, thn s 1: trosnt
.. I!o.msits.N. ts , k ,,,
Lvov- J Kgon - k ro—ggentloutoug A. I An .togtni in .4.11.
":1.,. . et,- choter.nisslleint, I sin act Insider MT
so,sssolzt... 1.1?,:•'33 I Isar., a ,uptsly rst.P NoLoogg's
1 Livor 1110. i ggloogooJ t fe• d,o'nn In., r a t ~ rill,
14ti Mitehrll Ait... n Lich ...LI c.,ty 1.. J. IV Sritih
stntn,nut , t , lv trtnumln.test .
II s ou . e r, un to.•I a tate rstsnesiy. lti thtk Or .. a.
oot• 1,, .. ;Is Itls a CO. t \ S,
11. t's •Ist.. I t.. ' leo nst Woo, st.‘,
1, judi`Faring•rgi ! iogroler At en tiVetC Ils& /114 \
t .. , ,,,..1 .. , ,toott. alit (WI, I. rtstl h..;.t., and cattle. arlsiA ',.
• I\ nn ts , t.l. r them ...Is,. 1., •
M... ni.est. it you anttl..N ,
t „.\., ,t, . 1 .... t, n t .I.ent.. is tonal 11.0. Farrnlrts
A r.tnan I.lnir.o.nt t not. rystll It,. ths. ,Jirtn.lenn..l in a \
fun .Iktel nrol Mu, not c.nlr In Ott:, 'lnt non witui3
1 ...1.1 thst 0. L of it 1913•: the rreature liFve icl.
etti. , ntnt. I
, •
.' t Fey•oleam - t ..
~.4 Ci2}-" , A 'MOAT ItFRAM:Anti: CASE OF TOTAL.
ilitApenae Cr. 44, ey—We hail. the atttetkm
or the eithcled ittul the public ,nerath, to ttuierititleats ,
Win. 11
of W. 111, er111• city tufty . The mien fty to Prem . ht . ttoli
tenon trl.r. Mar be ykey.tiral to retatiou 6 the texts here ' 1
r. , t hell,
•• I hot hero Oily 1.1" , 3 Frirl,l yearn alth a norenreeor both \ ,
cre. elArli enutinutel \to Inercaeo until September. 19.50. \
tip- it Otatuation at that time toeing involred the whole . \,
, I
. ...SI.. u.mbrane of tort i, ,r t . Awl en. 1,11 iu the drposile
of a th ick 111 m, 'which wh-ilir dc , troled MT rirhh I hit ' . •
astii, er•tioi. per t0rm...1...1411:e [Mei ening remortel.trittelt • '
r.n roturued stint telt me tine brie condition ea belie, T . •
. t: .o yhie ruity I,l' the campleint I t±tJe ei.rlirttiou to !ere-
ryt .1 11.. oust ientocnt nitiiieri men, tee inS,rmett me ' • 1
trat • my , cyst would peter in welt,' At {hie timoi.dnukt
Poke r Itetiorubh eny , Ott,ct or t.ll” , irireY et,me reads—.
I creent, rpect the UPI, of the rctruirina, Goth Inte.enally „, .
and IA-oily, unit,: 4 li:ett MI t , / .e Oils ~. 14- ,' , 1 , 1 .iii U.•
Gil c1,,,,1,ry. 4,,,t.50,, mei
,11A.: e r.c..lye etch ieiproy4 hy the • '
Pery.i..ony, emllatintaite Me re,,rationiul Ll3l . tiebt , te
I `p :pleat No. 1112 ScrAmt atriat. in tide city. and '
',ill Ia hattir to \ iitt , at: , :Vona:Aim, in relettim to my
cafe. lt ILLI'AN HALL: .
!Nl' .411. , 1,, gyre, t 314,, , ii. MO Wesel street; R. E.
Seib e, Lt WreA,eir, eft li. t Cetincnork.l. Co, artter ,
troAt ni ry.nt A.,, , ctc.N , ...2lXurry.,th A. E11i0tt... 1 ..1h
le.uala e. ,tp.l 11. I.\ Ar.cl4ll. AlleAiroy, oleo by the rye
pr i„„ r .. , . , N .i. AI. 61x8,•-
yelgalkerT ittpkt i ~,e.Fe.cotheti. Pittebtark . . ,
Westerik Insurance Cc
sAP !111 t3OCIAIOI
Y. )1.
nsnine...ll t,ol
All is , r,ll I,e I:berAll I aN
r o;; .OP ill "'-'? ."alii•zy.Ait , 1.,
to to., ipaef , 1.
Ihnottn. Thca.
W. Ja.,t, , no. Jan,. W.toler.
Jana, 1.10,0t4n,
Ora.,;;a, 92 Wan, stru..l. (
Citizen'lnsnrauce U,
A . t.fticn .1 c:•
--- i 3:
e‘caraor ilnow prep.a:
nnro: and in trawilu. row
An &tank rua i.h Cor'lnt.
all 41,1441. 14, VIII
W.% n OQ/111111111;y
a.l lotrtrit T•
ILL.., 1
Jr, Walter. ISrrnaL I ilarw..rtil. ilarl.unt.
Pittsburgh Lice liisti ) 'y.
OFF-ICE. XO. 75 £Ol '$7'RE ,r, -,
•0Ffiu.b......,„ : . \ -
Prls3,lont—SAlrin S. 11.v.u.
Vico Pr4.2.l.lent—solv.. ird!. , s.o.m. \
Trrmin.r—..lnsten d.'Lou. \
~,,,,, - 4, A. ( L..., .1.
l'i:- . .53, , naTortligement lo an,,.., mt pr, i..4.g. N,
~,,,, , . ' ...
re::"Tit , ll-2,:r . .10 of ANDREW Ittall.istr.s. will.
Irt runm:th+l. br tcontontiml nt tho Whig tbartnallOn of •
tpa CRT of Ditthurnh, ff,r theca, ot
tra - Lsos.ilio S. Joass iw a ermditlate for.
I • ayor at the sir. City Elretinn, ..h.l”rt to the deriiirm of:
lbw Anti 111...0n, nu.l At'hiu- • oolOrte
p& - P,loase announce through your paper
SIATTIIIiIV•. to • muaidate tar thuor,•••ikt
Gift.? uoninatioit or the AIU;- N1....0nic 004 %MI. pouv•a•
Mr. Editor: Pleaec • an
-120...v-that irLe• trienJAnt IL lV
C. VAtitat will prom tits' o,4l.: for noutinsUrat •tal,rti thtfr.lesietta of
111 Lo Vaiic C. , vveuttun. Sowni WAY. ,
...1:42••• •
IThsitt rat, Oct 1.+,1551..
rrIIE DIRECTORS of 111, Coiling Mining •
tan sirr
14 t....rnitattr n nt Mag
iclan, O
re tt. Air laltd•
.nt Itur rht rar eurtts.l. rtrrli
r 4.131 1 ,111, h• brir 1.7. , • Lrdorr thr anb
M.rcud tir• other httlirn ttt k:lrre the tlttlt Derma,
13e0, at their nth, tit thl ,
t cat,t , k Elt? T. 17.1 ttti D, Tres. •
....... ..
- , \ Rouse of Refuge..
i rPIIN subscribers for tlio erection of ao
I ( IF llr"lNTl,.:i f ti, } ii",:ti e rj, 7 :4 % ,::::;7.‘ ',Z `l l ,:';itt... r :
' monont, sobmilh...l I . qr 9.4 Insdld to
IF 'I re......t.rkr , co ur !r o o m 11... 1014 Jsr cf .11o,lobt,
ue t. rm:tf 11p \ cr.', a tb..t. , .11 1 ii( 4 11411 , ; , :v1... r.....
\ 'Notice.
~ . .
- F F.T \ TEILS Testamentary to tilt. - estate -of
i l . L. to j l ° - m ,17 1 0 . '7,.. ar4..s o fs li ` d Tio'jigni=t ) e_ t if Vi
1:::-.........Ite'lna elciat aza.ln.t. ould etlata will 4nment,
them duly Chaotic:l4,ll, . -. • .
, ft.
' .51. ADM:4IN.
\ ' H. I . I IADY .II I-1/11C.t.
v.--.Deai Sir--
It ar due,-
invinner in
eninind In. eon.
dollartr, ba.
B q. A :
Asa matter
acknrer tear , . th ,
1r Melt titer claim •
ban Mid . to Shot
baort caMl.
Yhe pet'
Krtaittmelt LIM 1
he anaciele of
= " MiTlalTile?l
DotE Gat eDPtae
- ,
ati the 11Ifstra or - tha.
TC, are ootaluto.
coAsita el the publie.
.eleard in lift anat./.
It Oa trtiaaocialialo
in and Chriatiealli
Y.rUers, at, .
%Wm of .....Cbtrch. Pltte tar . . Pt.
s .
. -.
. • '.. .r \ ?
.Pro 4./ET—FrO Ell the hist , ~, ,t p, ri ll up t,-,775,, ,
• Mtge duelling - hoult l with a .... 'Ol
lead, satleted at Oakland, , • --I .
• tulYi \ . lIALLOY, ONES .1. IV.
Notice tiijirrik Makers and' tarry Men.
042:th 4 LteretaLer next. for lb., ddlieery ad :set
a ball million, of brirk e ur , 15.11, atm. Ole stproaa , with
mamma, in about...quad. a u.tutitia, at Lk., Outer daqQl eL:
the Peasolylrania liatiirnad Cotapaua.ana at Piatuy atreet a
ti . 77t= t,:iii r El ' atr , lb. yr:re r t I.;llt!telset:
=, ,: a:tl b t .. lle , zvar 7 , 041,1 Lru - k, ond. a: t?. i , ray di,
• Abut d= et tfla * Lrldt iald , lellyaful al OLILIL ti \ riai.te.
be ladilrraral, am .rhia Ilu: atiro awl uluter.aip vIII/
bl' r—tits- ' • . i
wv,t,:,,(-1,,,-,cr,it-,:sitr;•lLr.,t l ab . -s;f- L. •
r) ..
at Ulu ...U ter mewl. ustre WO cal 3 to 1 -, O;;1111r . " dfloof, '
71V,f.%Trii L. r...i. , ,1. 1t.... tia, ii.. - ,1,4
livery( of a ut be., torches! Of ohm. tor Collude
Oa oNove Ulu , or at sof rollo*.ro-ot odut goal. scot ;
YU atm etc ur the rally:aul. ladeade rittahuraiN , td '•
llt.PrulwFut ‘ will Le ditautal td ideera IIIII;0.. FA., • pe4leaur. et llialtlrville Indiana en., I:
_.,,,. • • \
tr,NLLI \J. rid] .4.211Y.11 t...1i11. pkiettllea'r." ~,,
.- - .7--..........._- -, S.- J. , P....;: ''
It sits,huls YUJC --A L f... - •
ito their ature and %limy . is Philadelphia. NAV/anew
1,1 eauesaus li KAN 11% VII Lbahti. 104 tuath roast at..
1 1 Ira rt r t I 7 , o " ?.Niti ' . tkl, er ay ' .u t p. " ,,,l l : ,.' ht lird,lif .F . '
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United Strut...
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melee.. \ • nalluateur..
Notice to eilditors • 'TIIE • •
CREDITORS of bolato.firmii
ex.& (barony, of IleKtropo4. to, tritiorsonfo. Ore
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mogl r. J. Y. I'k, '.SU A... Worn
Ilrstramofft.. Nov. ' • •
rr Stock.holdet ig- A . ° o ti f t c : 4 e Yerinsilv:;l2k Salt_
AL , blskau Livia I lux egattan2• aotlata Vllat an ltara•
alatt.tat sell 14 L-41 at, thelfth dater .14 attlbrizast.
at 12 ticktaL., at tha Nat , 2atotal P. 11 , /.Pa c a
10h—tralaut stoat ralladtlthts: :
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