The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 02, 1851, Image 4

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Cunacn.—From.the minutes of the Annual Can
lerences for the - present year, just published, it
'appears that the members of the Methodist Epis
' copal Church, North, now number 721,814. The
'increase.: the past yearhas been 32,132. The
f-nimber of members in the Ohio Conference is
67,985:1 The increase in Ohio the past year has
been 2,999, s.
The largest number/of members is in the
Baltimore Conference; Ohio has the largest num
- bet (291) of effective travelling preachers, and
alio.the greatest number (524) of local preach
largmt amount ormissinuary money was
raised in the Ohio Conference)feing $15,039.
'.ln'-proportion to' the number o members, the
England Conference haYl done best for the
Missionary cause, having contributed at the rate
of overyhittprtine cents a member; New York
East comoluest, having raised nu 'average of
over thirty-seven cents. The whole amount re
ported from all: the Conferences is $138,989,
whicb makes an average of nearly twenty cents
ler each member.
• total number of preachers is, 371 !Riper
annealed, 140 supernumerary, and 3,035 effect
lire travelling preachers, making a total of 4,450
The number of local preachers reported is 6,700
A Fox's REI'LSOE:—The Rev. J. Murray, in
hie work on Creation, tells the following story:
An old and respectable man of the county of
Montgomery, used frequently to relate an mace
dote of a circumStancehe saw. In his youth he
resided on the banks of the Hudson river. One
day ho went to a bay on the river to shoot ducks
or wild geese. When he came to the river he
sow six geese beyond shot. lie determined to
sniffer them to approach the shore. While sit
ting there, he saw a fox come down to the shore
and stand tierne Rine and observe the geese. At
length. he turned anil:weut into the weeds, and
name out with a very large bunch of moss in his
month. then entered the water very silently,
sank himself, and then keeping the moss above
water, himself concealed, he (looted among the
Soddenly one of them was drawn under
. ..water, and the fox soon appeared on the shore
~with the goose'on his back. Ile ascended the
bank and found a tfole, made by the tearing op
-of a tree. This hole he cleared, placed in the
koose,•and covered it with great care, strewing
leaves over it. The fox then left: and while he
BeaS gone, the hunter unburied the goose, cldsed
.the hole and resolved to wait the issue.
"In about half nu hour the fox returned with
another in company. They went directly to the
--place where the goose had been buried, and threw
out tbe.eattb, The goose could not be found
'They Blood regarding each other for some time,
vliensuddenly the second fokattacked the other
,most furiously, as if offended by the tele k of his
*friend. During the battle he shot them both."
Ladies!! Read This!!!
IN THE PRESS, and will sbartly be ready,
B "Tint IaNDSI kW Tit TILE PIANO: ooturrising
lull timeriptlon of the uterhanisto of the instrument:the
defet.' to toluch It is habla °about ]at lo ottotberh the
toothod of remodyiotheteh detect, and tostruotamo boo to
heft the Irattroroent always in loose. ” Ity t'. 11. Thorax.
Every person having %Piano should have n ropy of thus
- romtz. No wort of the kind has ever hetore b,ett
Tho information It Impart , is worth ten' ' dot , a tto
rrtee--one dollar; amt. mom:lg other adeauta..-es, It •111
atTeetually coard you from having your Pmoo tootlal by
atiashillful tuners.
lira and gentlemen in the Mattef Ihttiliurgh and
• Alleglaeny. dr,irintt cori. wnrh• "in tar
• . virtleki tneir naria.nreg by leaving I.lseir mltireo at lbe
cfritP , or zing of tha Pittsburgh morning attrf, or et the
musts Mort, Merarr. John It. Mellre, Wrgd strut, and
lir ...ling one dollar to the author, . the linsette
, • Ike; Pitt4buigh. a rapt - will he foreanlrd, Irre of iseter ,
to not part of th.. tinned Sox ropier for uve
- late. A lifieral ilisraunt
ri ltatt. nod Mamie denier..
thrthreeh no in. , . nOnmpnte t.r,....nt that a gentionia
trle.4.e to a lady than acuity of lredi.
r , r sent ten roof rimer.
, 111111 E subscriber has in shire and °tiers at
, •rood a....ortrnota or Alp., I , burg,
Lame, P0t..., It tut, Flare
xad Wool.
I; I.lxen.l.kaag.wllandkorelilef...Uerit's
Bravo 13D11111"whol Deal, nekloz. Cel . 4 Cam
bulding. Cant., Umbrulls, I,!nrk sad 14.1:14.
tahl ,31k
let. C 4 arliortA. rs. 110.ier,
. v..rnty
ren”, trot!, iktu-ati-o of werehsol,
pnAlats. C. Al:lli'7.llSta.
'Exchange Livery Stable, and Furnishing
Office, rr
Nu. 178 Penn areal. near (he S: aisir
„Sit it The ,übscriber, thank-,
• , the pubthe tic« 11h-rail:lQ: 7
a tare of ra.t. ht i. lin. heretcf.r, a,n1,1 Inform thew
that he tut 11.91iletlet.1 the l'!“/InITAEINC: ham,. In
cowmen. till, ht. LIVERY buoiti,... and attend tt.
Womb , art AY rea.nottble terms so any In the nit Any
hint a la ic.
th t
10 lup
priantttlf. and 311 the oa.t at, ..-I.t at manna':
Q,OI)A. BSI —We are prepared to edntruct
I.."with Gina; blaiattaetun , re and the tra.te generally.
far thaii Fupply Or &ta A yb, 4lotioc the winter, at ti.
Igaabestent , Markt% mce.
BE NNE nabrant oar no sd ay:al to
the TT, 0001:0
Copley's Fire Brick.
COPLEY k. CO., nom. Kittanning, hove
.411 oxth.nd a filo tbons:itot YULE CRICK of oxco.lloot
" Ne
...J. C. 4r Go. tookunue woorotactuto Pot Clay, ft, 0h...
Inatuoracturero octo.r., Of.:1100S.11AEXI: k Co.
Wood. fiSPCI, trneie 11,;IMO t'r oot lut..rned ortiofr.
ECKER'S FARINA-130 lbs. for sale
Low 3. 6 IDD k. CO.. O Wool 0.
CHEESE -7 t,fixes Crelitu:
- 0 " Common:
ft4l .. Epglith Dalry;
'— (colored.)
Landing and for gib, by I. DICKEI a co..
..:. 7 Warm and Vrmat. St.
81.1AWLS!—Now opening at
I. A. A. St ABBY: k Cowes Bay ".tatol.coott
•brilllant and teirmanout mlorn
.11 LANKETS!—Now fin hand over 850 p' s.
Monies. Potty, nod thwart!, of Y 4.164.124, sod
p/sid nod twilled. anal., and double walla! Aleo. •
empl.l.B ttgoortnatnt 01 Crib Brut Cr... 1 1 ,. Blanket.
A. A. 01.1$1).ti A Ci./.•
atad 64 !lark. et
ARD 01L+-15 libbi. No. 1, (Winter,) for
24 Wet./ street.
A RROW:HOOT-500 lbs. Amrabo c ., for
At sale u. by
fi,REA3I TARTAIi--2000 lbs. for sale by
11 nal - J. fiIDD i CO. Cd Wood nt.
: . - -'II9D LIVER OIL--Raahton, Clark Sc
bOr. or by the &nen u K
rom, rbCal e l by
• . IDL-k
A . :ror.., to retreat Ilattlbeba Gray Hair, to restore
. 4 . lll . 74h 2 =b , b r a i tsmo r tbor bettor. thin, and weer.
6 ants Just rhea atal tor dr
gale by the &rue at Opals. bob
tbs. at the thug share of A. lit WICKlat6 ll63l ..
• .63 . earner of !both.
SUGAR LEAD-900 lbs. White, for sole by
063 ' • ' J. KIDD k CO- GO Wool
MOBACCO-100 boxes Sherwood's s's and
Fa. ou consigamust and for anle bY
./UTTER—.-1000 lbs. Trinpe Dairy.Packe.l,
AD - for gala br! Ram wa'l'l'a CU
M _
OLASSES-20 bbls. S, IL Syrup, far
tale log JOHN & CO. f
Co. will (get this morning 10 corm, of black Silk
of .all g1111.1114.1an4l origin&
INDIGO-3 ceroo ne best S. N. 2 hbde Mad
der, far rata by J. A C. I , lOliD.
tcs fresh Carolina Riei for sole
AIL by J. a tt.
IJOSIEItY—A. A. blAsoN , &Co. hare ree'd
it stoo do. Ca/Ranters, latratai 51 , col. Alpacas. MI t, and
atilat liwalart, mut rising Ito most CAI:Kai. melt they
• bare tier wobibitod. wtil,ll they will well at much its,
than wawa. twat
COFFEE—Ts bags prime Ilia, arriving and
`auf=,'ntao,eatgabkrir -d.trzydrY,..m,
/.717jarea. ca wcai wt
or at&
t "FX.E-51}41 bags till rocsi = i a co,
a) braes New
last reed sad rot wk L 7
WU. A. IicaLURO k W.
ti macre a T•a Dealer,.
..:110TTER—Fr.chli Roll and Can Butter,
--MY hnlnale MAO. rust reed anO for'r.O. by
0. M. DAR): a 00..
Mosotho Culbilag. Fifth Anon.
BLACK SILKS-50 pee. of rich and high
•U Iw rn. for pob. by A. A. MASON W.
,NOSE, 1[00.1./S, COMFORTS, &e.—
dra.. Cadapnro
/SO " Claldreregc Worsted "
Orcv an •
su Lahti' Woolen Ctralortr.
.. • . limb; rre'd sod for We:
irlEArd. ASH-10 on for male low by
. ENOLI/311
ciliffET reed at N0:256 Liberty street—
1 ttS t re a tt=.x . utnio ,
5 bile Vv..124 - 41:m;
.4t r=:=O ante P eel. ow=;ea,
t." Mem"
IWTmb Coo.
Al -
i n
sb .S T f7ol 0111 I.l‘;ll.l:TlVit_..oo
; ; , tinter. ...ITea
BANK bbls. for sale by
Alloiiiilit-10)3ACCO-LlO cases Myers'
Julo by_ ; `___ WICK t ISKIANDL,_
NNER'WANTED—For 1600 Fire Brick,<4 sae hit sub so by O. 11 S'
pougthels 'Wharf Matter. T. ITOQDS4 %,11e
, '
1g1 , 111.1' 8 übstriberf reap,-
crotkin or D•ir.ter , , not.' 'F
t brl" '''''''''''' ''''k griS AliD TEE..
• :CHOICE intuC t
"l'i' Wes a" " t" '''''' al e
szio.ted Pickle.;
Igo ....I en E no, A.. 1 , . - K ..„b um
' Pl 4.
r ‘ 4.1.." ' " ' 2 ' l'4; . " . 1'r....4 iv..i.; ,
3AZ:40.. H. CogL"; • It . • lilbillC__ .. ,
1.4 "7... 41,1 Jut. ; , s sad 3. hoe MS...
. :1 1 ) . hm " - 1 ' V V ,, ,1:0.5.,,,,r; . 8 kw:. CIP - o.:i , ..
1 A b"
t.r. nbee, ,' Aitnit vard --. 3 ~, , ,,.."..k. , ..,,y e mP .,, .
" 4 - %drum nix -
- l ' '''''' ...
.- box Clioculzte :
' ' .. l a & dr 4 Col l ' 4 to ' “ " 11.......A', .'
--_, n‘i
, .
_- Qom, Brom.. ~..,?.-.2, ..:1,....,,F0re1im
Alla. zooklion Maid gad Zzat0e.......,..., v., 4 .
nakvies.ana Itazitlzz, roTo.dir,btXgx,bl,, add Be
- 114 - .0...1.1, the ch.i of biro York.
1 ..6 zz B zrzi.izg allogolta. an amortmont nnequalled It !
Tittwargh. et•
.W T I . .L..ILVILItui *M.
• . - 7147.9111rir .
, . ...--, _ . : - •
W a... Buckets: 5 de'. Tilks fin W e by
I IQDORICE ROOT-2000 lba. extrafeeZ,
.1.4 for
I. by J. KIDD k CO.
8r1C1.12.1.1> have this day reed a large lot of f IlDf.
nor ome made Blankets, veu cheap.
A 150.44 white home made 1a.../lik.KIJI Northeake me
rger of Fourth and Market sta. eel
DREAM TARTAR-12 bbls. pow'd,
o rutted pace, for ale by
Q 1 Aida) 01L-60 baskets foi sale by
SILVER bbln. for sale by
kJ ea.
17 EN. RED-40 bbla. bright Eng., for sale
(gENgA-1000 lb - s. prime Alexandria, for
ICTINEGAIt-. 1 50 bids. for iialo by
• rwxa SAMUEL P. V Elt,
T lba: fresh; for sale
BURCHFIELD bate plat opened so a...tment
P ok, Blue, Oran.. and thwno Saeltinir Fla.onala
B L 41.1` C .
Jun T . ! 1T
:1 L
m7 ""`""leap touenv c BURCHFIELD
UTTER—li'Le m e l li Roll, in If te c e, ,, r N eA' } d i d i, aily
iIIEESE-500 boxed roc'd and for sale by
lvJ 05.33 .1. B. UANFIELD.
bids. Lake Trout;
al hL
for We by
INSEED OIL-10 bble. Griswold's brand,
14 far es.le br J. B. CAN Fl ULD.
PEARL ASII-25 casks for sale by
ocM J. D. esti:YIELD.
ODWOUD-00 blue. on liana and for sale
LA by ocl: J. KIDD A CO
Ir k DRAIVERS-500 dos. Men's
10 Lamb" Wool 111Orta and Drawer, ivied In
( i a ILK VELVETS:-20 pee. moot desirable
I_3 colors, mw opening by A.A. MASON A CO.
IARB. AMMONIA-2000 the, for side by
D. A. FA) NESTOCK t 13i
ILL this morning by Express the following articles—
High es:dotal All wool De Ly.loss.
Iligb Luster blurt MIL., cli
limeade foot! Do Solo;
Block iligurvd Bilks;
Plaid Monet Ribbons;
Long Shawls.
oell At north mut nor. Fourth and Marna so.
CANARY SEED—SO bu. prime Sicily, in
orqr and
for ml,
J. KIDD A 00..00 Wood rt._
4;; PTS. TURPENTINE-50 bbls. prime,
17 far mle br J. KIDD < CO.
/1: TARTAR-2LN for
vi(LB; S lie e : L o• C ` ' ''
ALU3I-30 bbls. for sale by
4 . 111 . 2 „ 2: 1 111.i.A .,
o T rc E r EA .I I . ..S .; &.4.
0c1.3 .1. KIDD a Co.. 10 W.,041 rt.
`I OAP-100 bores No. 1 nolin. for sale by
tom ocir, 4. it W. UAO uun
LARIFIED SYRUP-15 bbls. fur sale by
NIAC b KE n RE i L-500 b . ble. , Larfe N 0.3, Mas
ucie JAMEOI ohitlT7lllt e lir: t W.
It. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment-11.10
LP dot for mlabr . J. KICOh 101
1100 D ENGRA e y!NyI4 anes
( orthe;: s Z i ~4 . 4 V iii"
; ttlg r 4. ievsn Irillb: my..
1. I,aktn Term
tool, .ton.
Tor nal. by ozl: J. bCII(b):SMAIiER
%rut, CORKS-15 balee long and short,
• for Woo by 447 J. bellOON11.1110:11 4 Co.
DUOSPII6RUS-LIO for 01010 by
• trl7 J SC1100..11.14; Eli 801
I IERRA JAPONICA, for farmers' 111.-1
son Int Intl. by call J MInIMINIIAKRR t Co.,
it ENNE—I bbl best American Piper
• be bale by fell J bCkIOONM.IIIiVP. A tll
it mil: It—so kg, .Aid packed, receiving
• and for otalr by toll It DALZELL 1 1 01
L.ERATUS-L.5 ton. in bile and boo.
by toll 01211.1. • 111
I UJULIE " Eagle Brand" 7
bbse• L•nunt i l ynaln., to tale by
crIM It. It. FELLNII:,
wll.tot-1 IRANSPARENT g•ne
name) Ilanyparesit IVlnlow Shade,
and ratan b.,
J. t IL PHILLIPS. No. Ilel Marta IA
ly e
ANTED SOON—An active partner in
• • • tv.ra.• stay= aindry sna Exacta.. slop. in • bu
siness tow, temp tulle. from PM...WIn. A rout.
of told emvacter. with • .malt capital ut E... 01
?et . = ' lo r in" t
wage will be pin., and to • 1... a •la. •
capital IL Ivry profitably eltnation will b• siren P 1...
apply far trlYtlice parlkalary to ISAAC HARRIS.
tr.= C 0..., sad Intelligence Mow, Diamond, A 1.,.
QIIGAR--S0 hbds prime, in !tore and , for
ula by ocl: R:D•L7111.11. CO.
OLASSES-200 Ws N. 0., 50 du.
1.:0 d. dimp dVa D a l karjeorzz, far “1. bi
“17 L Lib<rty •e
PANTITARID-7 5 the. fresh. just reed
1j tad fur gale by ortl: J KIDD a CO.
(~;, ALT PETRE-50 bgs Crude DOW landiug
LJ sea tor wiser ottlB I. DICKEY • Cu
LohDON MUSTARD-550 lbs.,warranted
put. =A for ..l. by J. KIDD a CO
IiTHITE CHALK-5000 lbs. in stare and
for gala by ad; J. KIDD 4: W.
ACOMPLETE set of Bucket Machinery
forma. by arse J DILWORTH a CU.
`POOL COTTON—BLOM dos. just recd.
lj from EntbLad..ul far way bY
/VIABLE SALT-500 bgn ground rock now
landing .14 La male by PSALM DICKEY * Co
oetla Water and Yr,. street -t.
CHALK -5 tone for sale by
°al' J. BCIII.I,INWAKEIt a Co.
ITASII-10 c asks - prime, for sale by
ce= S. a W. 11.1.8.WILUOIL
(g, 11. MOLASSES-50 bbls. for sale by
to •
ssi3 s. a W. lIARIMUOII.
QTRAW PAYER-2000 Ws. superior, re
1....7 mired par Moan. J. IL Wolsoy. an.l
J. 808
SU oal. 0 r
L. =
col 3 comes of Pena out Irwin oto.
kj the Philllperille F.emrl 400br
ter plain and livered beck Foreot Ulud C..r o 011
Cloth. and for We .I . l:mlam/a and retell sr 140 110 Market
AnJal. tocl2l J. YUILLIPA
UST opened at the Depot for choice Tame,
No. VA L.Sberteortreet—s mall lot or dWEET NEN
-1.06 ORANGE PRHON TRA, very fine edtHe
WM. A. kIeCLI/101 A 40..
cold Oradea end The Dealers.
HEMP -60 bales Kentucky and Missouri
Dew Rotted. Mr sale bt
Lt ROCHE SLIA.WLS—Just reed, 2 cases
lip superior Brodie Plumb A. A. ElAtiON ACO
%%OW YARN-1 sack for sale by
(UREEN OIL CLOTH—Just received from
Factory—COO yards intir sod to 50sriers Oti
.0 window ror sale Abaseale sod remit at
No. 110 Nuttier. (pale) J. a 11-1./11LLIM
i t.a Matthias& Riackinty, sstrtton 11psflos to any
gt traanal to
b tlat pub i lls. 1.1 en. at • 1 at.
:5 etroat ' itatt reed jut thr Mae W holesal • by .
ocZ Wool a:mac corn. of thsth.
T EA -65 hlf chests Y. II.;
mcatty tam O. It;
as Int
Y. It of lats. impoyoulon,
inattas t a antl for sal. by on J. 4Y. trUlith.
1.7 .1. by oat' J. •IL FUND.
balsam.. for asistljt It. K. SELLERS.
shale. brands, on haul and rot sale by
1 No.l,for milo b
ft °BlN-50 b .i.CIOONHAEZII y k CO.
lIIP. LOGWOOD-100 bbla. for Bale by
JAM. OINGER— , S , 1 1. ) . 11!eLf L o i, r K e N tx .
Po dand. Dorn fur de br
RUTTER-4 bbli. Roll
il ;
fcrr =Os br
60 11a1.11 aunt.
2 • " (I Lem Pool;
6 kenll6lagarilcapes,
fiaILIELFRINGES:—A. n. Hems & co. haw)
IJ reed 2/ carious Silk Mena. black and asteteclors.
ItICY'--21) dere ir11101ta1f3r.1:,%.,„.
COO yards, 44 (kilt 011 Cloth:
Just toed and fir stale at out 011 Cloth Wanniveule, 116
)Jarkat 1.131 .1. (11111.1 PS.
Minn ix now ustleerea/G acknowledard.supatior
ear Shaving Cream In the United Stat. or istrope.—
T 6 "l4 .ll i lbl l, t. =T '.°,=2ll.llr:Tr ?
. .. r
Oarl gimilaa compounds. It
,7 1 2:?:67.71:17.41,,Z0kr:V=4; 0 4 7, 1g 7 L 1
*lag photo. and easy; It bowman greatadeantagcs ova.
the battened erne* in bring freshly brazened lonm the
bast material. with the greatest skill, and la not only 1 1 .
beet, but Wiwi the Contest sande for sharing. The n
creasing Wee of Ude tattecto darling the last me,'
and the oerenl gold and .116.0 ntwitais awr
inroads atlas; the high astbstathm In which
tha ceinutitnnty. los sale wholow h d• and Wall
-11. S WOO. 67 '
1 4 ILY grime of variL
.A brim, Jut randard wa for oda by
It. h. SZLLSILS. 67 Wood rt.
2spectintlp call the et-
Ld Keepers and lot:title% to
f,;.• PT& TURPENTINE-25 bbls. for sale by
0 ~.= D. A. PAUBBSTOCK 2 CO.
LINSEED OIL-40 bble.riale, foisafebi;
D. -....------:___
BBACHEA SILAWLS I—WiNinvite the at
toation of flu Judlo. to a lot of foror ifylo now's.
, h.d.ome. joos sad noon, snouted 1101011, latolf
evolved. • . 311.11cy/fir & BULUII3I7.LD,
, .ao ' woof of Market sod Nourth strofto.
P ° wi um a k4 b lints aknowita., iia waxu.
REESE-500 base? for solo bi
SUBSCRIBER haring talrenthe store
. 02 SOMTIT STREET forateriroword , +l Lr
. EATON, wad having rlairely rehte..l the gam.,
of f...14,./Aber, will A largo and
flock of
3117: Y.
T ll
will 0 .
17 C 8 • s ri. r it
with . .trek a 1111.4(310;(13 AND ITILNISII-
o)3. ciiri rc te plc as heretofore kept by that veil
fa un eidei
uldreetwetfully tan.. Qt.. Persona deeiring
d Mown Furnishing or Linen !Raab, that in
they ran ottani a more complete clock than else
the city, b e Wends devoting particular atta in D.
IrL br llVrhlll• h :ll7 o .7; *
. I
'd sum::
hi. sto
I •
tlon to •
'IPITY & BURCHFIELD inform their
!iitonsera and buyen uenerally thus the? pass
their 2P:1:11N11 large supply of th• fall
attention to their unusually- full ...sort.
- •
LAM I+ " bilk:1+,0(101)S, in gre.t ruiz prlntrd
D. Laine Perizions, Cubur.s , Fruatql Merin., Alu,lin ti.
..FriA.-..5. lung mud Squnrc.—Nur oty le ilr.che. , PrY
b lack : Ca.hmrrn do.: WuDI Jo I. plain 1.1 . 24 goo grit,
black 9. lured Thlbet, te.
gictt p_ 11 llibtx.a., black -- • • '
alch piahl Itthtame, black and half mourning du, new
'`VE,:4I.I: . al. coned a further aupply of RuO ,
fthlrilna Inahn and 'doh Linen., awl Staple , Joola gen.
Frail), al 11,111 be nal at low
tor quail,.
Countr Nlerchante are Inv 4,1 to call lu our a h01.,n1.
rootn, ots atalr, a her thAld. are Aoki low. 4.21
Q I.l.dii WAR ,i' PAILAMATTAS—Just ree'd
a._l at A: A. MASON kCO 'l , , t'd and 64 Market at. ~-11
GLO'i . ES AND 110S 1 EItY—A. A. 31est.
e C.. hao now on hand 7:m In. of bath.? ea.h.
mere, : , 1111. F1e,..1, - . Kld, WWI other Wove.. Ales. ve,r7
desertptlon of Hosiery. iNquariatni.: more than Ilto 1,,.,
ltE.:::ti GOIA)S--,Opt!tiitig daily .tt A. A.
JIARON 8 00 '7. e'er, .ty le of ho I.
hfonable ree,
code, eon.i.llng of 8111 r, oa.hol..res. be Lalnea.3lermvs,
rararnett,O; Alparraa. Sr ce•
! SILKS!—Now opening of A.
1,3 MASON it ovs
-2.1 'Mee+ of very fa•hinnable Plaid thko, enm✓ BP Inv a
Id rprilX,
10 do el.:want 11ra4. - Y^ EIL.
tt, tunruluG'~cvtnur ,t n-h boo
hurchlic . Li 15-hnuopir the
.I..wirath g ood
iv •
Burchfichl have mech..' • f4ll acirortiocut of •Lic...
g ovils—ornio 3.4 kelt.% per
IMIDY, Mohair AiOncc.... SIM Pcr o.'
liorchfieli 01 no ...mimeo: of
riwy and he, which thcy
low—alo Ca.iforrec sad nod a cnri.
117 of .Ifl.. .-rycinllf td aotnl for hope wcar
ill) .. I .ea ricrT few .1.,
opwar‘la of 1.1% h0n41.1 LIOr. a.l of ?cr.,.
Is which Oa .tteotior. of wii.,l.-
eals nod ...WI
—A. A. SIA,ON £.OO dny
b ,71
Ll A / tt.onL a Sr, 'Ott 7.3i
b.% dr lr. C7Lilicr ,, l th. 1.4 u, •••
N. conttatilly Twn.iting et 1r Mrll.l.Nto,•E's
°. Wan tinune. F' , .tirth sirs{, 0, whl.l,
nit, N.• attria,lL. of L...Arts.ttinot formal wiii2fttl t.b.zi ir.r ta. taf • IP it,.
- •
ORSi: FOR SALR—A very deoira•:',,
blv FAmllr warrant...l k
Anu,,Aj. ruA,ltirr 'ri N....IC L A oN II ell. A
IN •.1
VELVET PILE cAitprrrs—W.
ht. oloAk Al
CARP Al,. Ar ihe tivt.r.l rivvrAAt
tb.. Ar horaAAAr.. w hA
writ lower tl.At. I.A.r AtAr..AffArAd 1n Mt, 10
n1,1•Ata1,161,1 ea, t •A I..urth
g cARRIAfir. CLOTII I Nw. , —
K ‘weLANTot KTvtary tv. att....1a,. .4 1
Imm:dart cr... Ai. 1).11:40, , (.4, 711:Taram., lm Tr.. .111 .11 ri
st - 111, Ta , !mar tal
- W . 1d .. 1 . U 1 '
IN mar rm./nutty v.rerrea,llal• 1.11 Orr la Tat euvvrr....
.I " Tl:Tr * ,t l
Laratrm. 4 thar. i/iTrat aa• Tr -1 . 141, `TT
Giro .to a:call at 11,1 Tarr. , WIT I-41.1.... . NT`
11.4 . 1.1":7..
111 , Iit'S.SELS . Nta'i
rra..., an he I.i. , al •••r 1.
it. MK. curl., 1111 11a• vArblest. v • av,Tal
Imurv. , vurtl.
91 4 APESTRY CARPF:TS--:New , tnd rich
•,,/,I•l",trt P. , a.. W lar
W.,,,‘,•171•••u•••• ~ i s•••t. A r K i
' 1;e1.11":4 14.
TD F. SPI4SC RI ItEll having tm . reeci,•l
!ft, •ntn - ...t.•4 )AI.I AND %%IN rtl:
rm,rtfuLly Inform lof ect•f•m•rr•
t .l
v•ny i•••
11••• L. fr., Dry tt •taplr. •• •
rioa of lanes Pr.,. ;art
4,-1 Chan, f.yr •1 , 1111.,5r ski Ure." r•rt rt
Plum 10.'4 clthe i All rriret wad,
Yrvoch WAtivint y llk. .11 thaiws.
Weetach thorinew.ceid
Together with Irtinch IthiAititi
-11 4, at 1:14 6..44,44 , 7 • ;
44. 1.4 t
Daaacit< •
541 AEU (14 I.4Ykln. and Nu Hoc
_Pacitabar* thwiier nn9 CreAlacw•iiiii,
.al T.M. c
acArllle• Vritrati.
Lupin'. Watt tlncalmuic.r,
Mvueuv 1. a.] L-Ixl-.
Marl Cat.. CA.41,... F
tact salt Lurtrw,
Natl. Thttwt
Mart. lulls
Eacb.h. Vrvoch eind Nnla ari4 ,•,
au aril.•.
.al flasks, 1.11,4 .Soh warroool..l. , I
rotor. mud chalt• lor aualllr
or.oll. JAIII. A lohNhillt
%I OUSE DE LAINES, ill rot Caner V
sty Oslo on! prihr•S. cr•
A'.'"" Ni 4 Ml7l 7 : T . 11C 0 1t(11 . / . 1 . V.Z1;. '
aryl, Nor. /..w Nan, 411. road 14,01.4
• 110,115 , 14 bar. moray,' • rho.. arsiortx•eut
. good. of • Nor, quarltr Aloa. • Papal, rrri
rbir.r homruter I/Inatme.
sas of the nctuts rtyla• ahol rola., runt rwr',l •111
al lima.., A. A 3IAtON • C. ,
A. MAS:ON CO. bison 1/1/ hand, - atta
4 Mly In MONT.{ •of Jar.. ausahthatO I•I.-•
arr sorb am rkhhalms. t 0.!... Do Cur.,
all al 001•1, lira, will ...atom la prrr• mad aa•ls.
••Yraa thL haariort.
- -
VLOOR OIL . CLOTII-51i0 yards 3,
Ju 6sad e quart., pa.reed frral Lb.
LOU. and fur w. • 10. waarrn....•
:roc 7 awl ir Vre...l i.t.2 J. • II PUILIJI,
ECEIVED THIS DAY and Dow opening,
4. DIODVS, LiNertv etmt
L t i.r . n g: „ T rs.qmerev. tte
LO pie.. black and rnlonel CI ULa. cl the mart • , tt.rP'?
.. • . • . • .
The larevet and c.a. rcl.n3 d uue-tment Va..:lngo
vrr t this nty.
no. we dithaqtrie
. . . . • —.-
Which. ingather •Itt, ft* Ivry lugs gtock of itgA L. 1
HAUL VIAPTILISII. of the in. lashkgmble It rl,,
on band, t nalgola ma of thio largrst arol tuvat fa.6l , ,nahe
Kock.. of tioada, odagg.l for itootlemen's von?, iu the
areatarn coantar, all of which groprigtor Jeteroilu
rai to oiler at tba-grry inmott grit,. for rash.
Onion In It. Tailoring lion p10p...4 In th. toot anon
ar. and at lb,/ ahort.ut nob'..
New roll Dry Goods.
A. A. MASON & CO., have received and
• ar. , owwePealog- 6 caw.. raw Frensh ad aural Avulse. edsptol orrremly aro We Marla, II
own Alpwae Slobslr Lusirvw,conraring plain
silk war p. fat.) rord, sad Med, of all grade.
12 rano Parstaattal. Cloth.. and Cold ?'I, &Mara+
lag 6.11 'hada. sag quallllow. 140 res. %Canoel berg.. la't
and Err "Wore. 'the. aten• wr.d. ue crr for
prices which we are egollldent are upprr--egataelly lout
4CCOHDEONS—A splendid and varied
woes of W. ben bnavlA.,jun non•ml.
UTR.I—.6 denrabro .Intion, with I. 4. 6, nn A
t./r, nto• wood, awl of U. bon maker.. vn/ n 660. lu.
o G pottwf.
UITqS—An extenann and nde, Onek arrinbe.
. . .
. . .
170LINS—Some veto La. old •mu, awl (lOW Of ... , 7
varlety of orin and rri.".
Milli' .117t/Nag--s Cleo oelection: al" 4.rfluitar ..1
Corounta, Tuba, Bugle!, 111bneorons. Trumpetn, and ar.
:=l , :e . t r ygif nrtalatxt; ; ;;l=d r latil root by Co;
A 1.., tb. new. and wont popular Maine-Just Yra , sel , " l .
N. 11..--T he shore Instrumenta are warrantr4
roc( and feared In every rcapect--If Mural faulty the mo
ney will b returned. 11. 'HA llOrd
c:).A.RPETS! CATtPETS !—ltee'd thin day
by W. AIeCLINTOCIi. new and doh atria. eu,rtne.
V no. and Common /A*UflA /IV C.l/11•17,,I. • hid. we a,
prepared to mall leper than say Carpeta•Tor nnti r nt.cron.l
In WAmarkat. ,W. cordially nulls th e attention of
Wands and thou. *Wang to_purchaa• to Ora ne a calla.
lb. Old rAtabllatied Warehou, No. Kg Fourth pt.
aep4 W. hInCLINVICh.
'PALL GOODS.—Junt reed,per exprese,
1: at A. A. aIAYON a CO.'tl, bOcartuna Bonnet
natant and moot Ouhinnablo 12Z, dna.Talu and jou,
Florrarr. 10 Uro Arno, ti
nrannil adorn; NI pea.
llarcallne, ale abaduu dos.Ostrleh plum s. Ora.
srL TE.
DRESS GOODS—We are now rr
si lavast. W I stylts of Dram Moods, roan..
layCub...a, Poplins. f•nalao antra, Alwan,
Paattneperench Merin., sod Tblbet (nab, Oyer le a .
pleas chop open. Isep3] A. A. MASON A So.
at roe'd SOO pen A. MASON & CO.
. Vadalloaa caudal., n 1
paw nod have
plald isanata, Mulls, Swan, plain sod 135'd
loan Book tarla Nsonook Muslios, As. A cont d..
sanortmlaut. vas clamp. snp3
VPL1.11 , 4 - 011)81 - Eks=1. idLoN ACo.
tars jug ree4 s beautiful ussoftemelet of net' rich
gulled win plain Mark pun. Da slava cleanable iroodi
2.nt vortb sttnution of panda/tan Alta, ray
nuptial . tln. du AfPloue. Latin de Chant. beautiftil Chun.
allots. la • aan
—MURPHY buffo
opened thin
morning • PAO' Swiss Ed ona; and Inuorthle in J•ek i onet
Itgli.,.l g gs th4 I 4 '"°L.:.VIIOV itfy lee " and W i rd
cheap., mod
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehowie,
H. PALMER offers for eale, at very
g los prises. a full argortment of Straw and 31111 h,
910.17rEl — St i Foreign and Azonrican joislo and •.g..g
bboo ii arr i zar. Oh I p7OL.D. Ihdr.Pcr
HlTS—lsfa, Youths'. M W OW Leghorn tansy and
pßraid. Panamalio, and Palo; Lear. in.
Led horn. Braid. Straw', Chip, (limp, 40, 4 .4 Hal,
Wee WPNT 6 J d a= i l i d . , and other forms, ingreat sari.
I IdafIOVAL L Web Donned and Bead. Plain liana and Ti!.
fate_ r, all irtsittts and oolorso boor Osage and enP.B.P.
LAW—Blain and Awed addl. awl colored Oita and
Ootton Nett..
IrTILAW MlNNlNo3,—Cor3lchuolAr.,Button.Brald#,
Yeleriars, do, go.
YLO WEBS—TII=h and American Bprigs. bunches and
" Mtig h tifLA and a. v AlYr &TY/NS—Glam. da
Urn. &Bain% Moreno, and
stria. 4sec:tad
erl d colon
e—Anterted dualities and Word.
Bich and Lon priotWankeqa and Ondroelts t atand
• • '
Chickerings rianos
. .. ..
'WIN IL MELLOR, Agent for li ct irr
0 cb,,,,,,,,, , ,, N.., tn. Pittsburgh
mil Weytern P6111011,/•1121 i. No. hl Wood rt..,
bug jo.t I,...ivedantyr mud 'err ler, st,rli
of Pl.f. NU FORTES. from Ow umoufactorr of Chickrrmi.
Ito.too. ronm.duc of 0, 65., t,,!., and : octisre, carv.d and
piniu. 00,
VOR SALL—A second Landow ;
i' PIANO. o ~ ctar.,..1,..{ ,
. toode by bnod & Bmther, Pru, on. •
turnr,d sal hit,. Jolla.. on •IN 11a0111b,..
crept. or tbc usu.l ank,uut .•anb: l'..r .b by
oat JURY 11. NIKLUnt. 51 Vi..l Pt
__. ___ _
New Nuke.
`ONUS twilp by Miss CATIIiRINE HAVE,
Cotue when the. sweet zephyr. Iwo:
Tbs. harp that ma. thrvugh Tura's bane
eitle ue.
ht,NIIS SU M./ UV JENNY LI NT. .AT III:It emi.l.l . ltT,
Cogs,' thrvueh tho nye: . ..`lle-ritu laud I..rewer.
Auld Ite.bitt Gray: Lath. Red hiding Hood, to
Hum.. hum.: ken ft.f.tu the st.,rl;
TO. Cuvalb - . The Lord's Pray,. with mo
th.. hest ate, a sequel to the IOC by S 1.1101-1,
Cavalier. A tattling Ity.”-- SearsStril, the b•rt , ay:tab. i ere •e ant part..l...
IV u,lbury. IWhe du Summer Rev.., lady'
The 47.111:4 ;
vet "" rtl ' lni• - .1" i 1.
Anne LI thn , • „ n ,., A.nn,
Thr tnnthrie tinh and Moonier 14,11....
Call Inn I), nun.,
Romsttxt and fur nele Ll
lUlrn le Waltz. elnoturr, do
YI iWooLl
Double Reed Melodeon.
riMIE vhhaeriber has just op,afai n Very
l tine Alaitaloon, talarar. alai daub'. /tat al ',al,
natio 10 Int. nricival entar, Carhartll Neralhaul,
V. 'Ma Ina:rut/Lora la equal in ;taxer it, I' 'OO,Ol art..,
.0.1 inual, tuna. tur 10 It in p 1 ,1121. ot agraranea• al ion, re
1.4040 it, rland tan, and for tranttlatrllng
ia thrtaair tracadal faro
st ant, mutt!, 1.0.4. - .1,1a lo 21.111 other sn..truthan tl t
wan, u. tranat•aa• an iurarnaittnt of nn
0- 1 1 , a i w ^,
fully atritral to call mall ....lex it , ..10, Prar
bring taken array from Eba •Itrarfora. Wain,
haart nalarod hr eanantashon is alp ally.
11. lILKIIER, ahth Arrant
rt.' , fur Ilia original mak+, Earlatrat N.....11L1.11.
• usT RECEIVED and fur nale IJy .1. -I
0 . : s. 4th ,Irwt.
I' Lit
audwin., It ru two,.
unnu,, and IFIkl it0..1 ad% ..turnl,
uf lumberlog opvnal.los,lr ,
Ituln and 3.l.ruk, a U., Luglota by n it,..11 .
Tln• 1.i4 tAI the Pep, Apolt.p.A. GI ltok
nor. 1. , 8 11 .rh•n I' It 2 , author nI &La Th., A,
ThinGa u o, Inn•lurra nn .e.' Orrnl
%int Inrnl Ann.A.l .ARPAI.
the UnM...ther, an Appsnl in lok.Anl( Fnnally ‘1% , , sk.l &Al ran 'Alla uf
front B,llBup, A. leimily t! lkinnuB.
888nn, wllll nnJ rithnol
.Iknak.Bl lliu•Yrnln like truth AAA 14.... r of eta-wawa,
1,,. I. 14.1 . bah, is is
CA Rl l .---The NUNN. It
It netng I. reen.....d frorn
11 . , h.. rverminrina...l
the u. relyn 1,. no
r rd
u... 1... 41G11 , / Y
-...1 t. ty”; .41,11,04 J an
..unortunli. In nnil aW • learn, Inn
II 1,1.1:01:“,
, 1..111 ,nr, 11.1 1.• I
Nunna Grand Pianos!
1 I - ST RECEIVED a ,plonds,l
Q I ~10Vsli
m therm,
\.. 1 1 111, uwe....stl
liir -tt , tt et
t 1•1 r - :4 nt
utt vt , t, t 1 .111 t 1.
I , t naletE end •....tent nate,. without Mo.
to.l 11,1111., In ..... on!, rick end
ri ~
vrt.u-ti. In tI3 laltm•tt
t.• Le., • en I tn Th. Intir•
n•I ntn,n, n lull, my in4l n... 11 awl
re I. a er, tine ara t r a i aaaaniarot
111 .1,
A finery of Pittaburgn.
I M.:VILLE ii. Cluj i , E,q.—A
hr. r•rt when it
• trrinum•ra..l•ren In, of the last
Itur—rra,r•strra if; trwtorrom wr.a• or lue, Ihr pr.- , or LI., Ic• • ',tel. +.l
11.. I rwm••-t.^l auras"
••ur r ..... . •Fl .1., • •tr, itzrprr...rneuta
• r+nmt . of
brm. o+,B,
1,11 an.llor sal , 1., 51b.L.L011,
.1 1,. rtr,
New Stock of Clackermg's Piano Fortes.
FINN 11. MELImIt. HI W,swi lj e
1/...ves , ..tito tnauulaa tun..
ar• ~D 1 1 . ,. a: 1, ../.,ut 16,r
.11,14 II ND'1.1.410.
tl.l iwt.oug, 1/1.141,
New Music.
T HE Girsr•s NG. ,r NI; I: 111:tru 11. r k.
11).nrar, a vary
iir i• horrpr. I'r Catharird Mari
11, tu r •,,,,,,111.61
, Marrh, ~.ap,and I , II klab•r
Th. V ae.,nlieut +qua/1111a , ,
i.4n It- mad I , loalar .d
.ran, rua.te. h ra , ara
II 71.7117,L. 1.4 Thai L
tury Ih. I 4411•1441 HAM
Sacr . ed Millie Books.
I A NTICA L.IUDIS, by Nilson A. Webt.:
, ‘l,llr.
. in, rmlertznn ••1 Ulwt 5...1 1 . 1.1
swirctsVrO A.A1,..1 the u•• Al 111,1-al
I • G., .1
A 111, at, -An A •
r1 1 11}: klitTo•ulty of I , l4aarlitig a vorr,43
q strple.•nrrlT
ta• had r R..hlva
• [tsa arriv.l Tory fl , rn the 1,1,r 4
mat4l'm Kw , pr. ftrd 41, vme.:rt, .••g.r.• to
A athau.t...-1.: .
th , 0,11. MIN et
New Music
OHN 11. ME CLUE, w,„„ h.t re ,t.
,,.. rveyne4ll44 loCemtv4 oes obi pc•pu," r...•••••
C tp.m
M.• t, .- :11. psl.. V 4 ,4. 4.4 - .. - t.,.
5%. sw. ru wa stht•4 yutels St,
Tl, , •”..., I b.r.. rt, t..... th...ti t,..nt
Tx, D.O LIM. tu 4,—. , twv.,t ••",,,,
. .
. .. .
I uzstrltz szr (hr. I truzuzz stzz• no flaw •eznet air
I, lazzllz, Me /shed tuwz,ll,l wz.- ann...,
izzltozr a Pr, trZ I. 1 aTaa,i.aaatirli . Tar
Jor 11.....1,L. !Wt.., rze 4 zz, ittz.z. en
‘ll., J.. zuzzurrzet v... WI , .1......11., ......s .....m...
INI,vIll liana in 4... h ,ter f
lz , azdrzuz , tnrl, .. Aare., etzzl
L eolver I, 1111.11...,
Lit,. Nzzrzr,'• I.r z ,111...azrzr z ellowziz z irztz ri, z J•url
tin,. hi [kn.., C........,. ...,Int. C...,......., .1.1 laZZr
I,,lnaz •uzi.:7
u 1 ciitAN'Et) PxuatissußS Hurts
/ DILAVI, —A I.rFe TU., ml Praft
V 4 '
4 1 ' 1
.0 onrn, Mart en . . 21.. 4 .n. .t.
I LANK BOOKS.--W. S. 11.0-/N, corn,
,scul the
•. sta flf) - folo - fof 3 OF
Of Il
JOlfabff. If‘
IftTIO Of trwl the
L li L.N s
. K I
Stat,am, I , ,,rutton,
11111. of Cort. 0,1.. of Agrveus...l..
1-cruot Harket
•. • "
hill Illy, /rotor, Tbo 0rz.n.,. , ,
extinlort, 11.ppy Mug., by 11°4.11, July fJelwary,
oung: When filo Wight ....sato 1 - /..1.g.,4.1t0:
Hose. Ilovoe I Love Thor, Quetta; Th. 11,141,1 , 1
1.1.111 wee livening Tong— Dom. an
{I vont no, llome 'foci le drawing nigh, duel., tong. of
tho Blind llrotbenn 11,11 Oninothis, with Ilk•firest of lion.
HnolOrigtots: Ia Doll , . of thr 4111. g, Willi... 1..
1y {Tacit.. Nonenok 11 %M. itufe• Favorite Wail., Album
4 aim. liyerly - r {1.11.. lloil4ono. Vomit, 0010014 sod A.
so shit {bro. l'ollts.-ISonollit, Alpoolaorn.
Teufel...lth volotel elguritr, or. /lower Ivhottn.h.
Matto!. twbran and lo Potit Tarabou-14.4. Silvor
,imon, Hugely'. Quirk rtop. 111.3,1 , 51.41. y Overton..
—No I, Ifoo. of / rutlenti, No. . h.wnnk of I trlaarol
0111/41. n(andl.l4. Reed °sod fog by
nhu JWIN 11 II g, LTD.
. _ . .
N 1 W BOOK 81—Tie Stone 'I
. ,
kites of Faint Paint: • TIM., Talo, I
Lutnartilin. Trannial..l than We
Mean.. It.. i'flward Illolc.r.toth, late heo - lor of 11 ah
tn, netts, by Ite•. T. . Influt,ll. A.,110010 of 11,1.1411.
voth •n Introdu lt ction by IRephen r
Opus, l It.
111ufn., LOCI.
Anton'. 11. mat Atallolthal, • Manual of Itomao 10•
1., Charier Anatol].
Llaht In the berg Hares, or Memorials of Christian Life
the Middle AP.I, (nen th e Unman of the Mtn Aug..-
tee Neanden Elm, miss.
The Star or the N leefilen:la Commentary...Ow tlectind
Cbsydiir uI MI. Alettnew; I, Ithhanl Ch•nevia greneti, It.
Examining Chaplain of the I,ord libilionuf Oxford, ae.
!levied i r o n the Iggistual Milieu mu.
Loomis' Algghta.—The Elements of Algobra, dygdgerd
ha Beginner', by Elias LoomL., M. A., l'ioteseor of llallt.
• A...
No. 111 Pictorial Yield
. I , 7 ,A lt: in tli n i l l i ta; n ol g, it y tln v :: . l7:lnE.
tienteintior N. of nerve r's Nwe Monthly Magazine.
reed and for ride by 3. 1.. READ.
NEW 11061(8'1—Tray°In in the United
Ntatex, Lc . chalug 1.4 U and IX:Ar, tor Um 1.1 1 . En.. tltnartW r, artkl end ctinn. 71..1
'Chn illetxry of 1101 I..orrers ./..phtow. tiTJ X Cabboll.
dW enuravings, 1 TM. Dux, 60t.
No. S. for Atigust. APOlehtten kieolianine klainstina Sod
Engineers' Journsi.
No. If Pictorial Firl.llkok of Um Rovlution.
Nos. IS .111 011 ihelionsry of Mechanics. Itoatoe Work
sod ktosinotriosr. Jug
and to sale by
J. L Apollo lluilditlita.
Fourth street.
l.). flay hove rsorircd s lot of *err
beadtiful English Prints, mut.: expresnly fur exhibition et
Ilk. World*, Pair: to which Lb.. attention of We ladles tail.
-- ---
New _Books, Just Received. -•
xEAST: a Problem; reprinted with earree
-11.• anti addltlnntE br Eh" natl. nf Alton Locke.
lERIN mum,
01 . 0 9. tr.• Q... 01 Edina; by Jamb Abbott.
Mums nut..
Caleb Field: Tale of the Puritans. 121n0., new.
hutburr. • Ttlin; by Anna ll. Dowry, author or friends
and Vrirtunee.^ Pap. and taus.
Appleton's Mt:chant& blagenne and Euttinestr? Jour
nal; N 0.6..
11,1114. 4 Metiorotry of Morhardco,Suglon Work sod Eo
aiororinsr N. at sod r.t.
Loanlog • Plettrini held Book of thollt-Yolutirito No tl.
Pideotinr: N. Heogninhe: and Blitleill.toryt with Lith ,
osimphie Blow, by Y. H. Hibbard, of Lug fioneem Hoag:-
eon.: edited by D.J.! P. Kidder. lgoto. moo.
For tee by J .
le RBAD,
.17= 1 Apollo Uo hNogn . Faunal
p.m and Xublio DikumeOU of the United Ptah..
the Atomaim of ficeirgoKublogtim to the Prmiden
cy. titbit:Blow nom plate Mow of our Lniunrel.tions dus
a t nt Uma lutlddlolt ligmfdlential Document,
WOOOO. it.HH...; containing Politimi,
ocien&tkal. A W
.Ihotombotti, and
p rolL of teu Atli= IlsooTfterare!. ' Zl:VglerLe
Meerut. of tlee Tease Irmo Mal.
Ito oboe. Nimble - works for eale by
.i. 0•• 4 • • . VIOCULTIMI, 47 Market ek
Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup,
(ill Nliti'M PTION In it early .me... ithoop Cough,
'rout, hronehitho and the Tarious illwarrW of Lb. prig,,
° Tll:i r r• m' otle of the trimt eertain and .antral remedies
far dinemici of the (Me., and pulmonart organs erer
metered It • eitmliination at various vegetable rneuii
ritiew in the intim aa Sy run. In ' , di , to make Pat.,
I ble. It b..• action entirely different from any aM.
Cough Alettemen how in dows not roustitiam the
bowel., nor prod., nettle.. of the ettimul. a faith to
common VI CrEnlid)
remedy Inoeilve. the iingeralnindant tion
martin. 10.1 plikgm w hie!, itttemi Catarrhal awl Ilritietty
allectione: 111al POOtiIISIK etTrvit In all, ing
Loariainemi. snit cowithing, may tie rebutiw certain
The proptietor lot. limited till, niftlieene in a Prlirlion •••
tm] yeary. and with unteinnimid aneiwitia.
Country keepers would M. well to gee,.
flit. metheine min.tuntl, tin I and. uIL trip moier mil to
gin.- relief. and added. • ham. profit.
I' of therm,. dmtrioging Coughs Mire loo.ught
tat, m...ini 0
theuotire the proprietor. and have leilin rored
1 merge I
Ina ter, Mort time one of the rheapeet
It I. put tip iu half pint bottler at CU cent...each.
hottle• per s'l,lll
or ,alr, wbi , lselo trln.ll, by KEYSER .t 31r kAI
ELL, lc) t, I'ttubur¢h, I'a
Fur Itritinr, treurf, Ilmhtruff. and ter swmm dir-mt-r
of tito eralit—rrrratturtetlerl lir the littetturgl. l'om
ur ....-
mermel Jonal, remit.: Tribal:, Charuhrrehtirtz Sem,
urt, roil mt., rttureve. thr Imet relant 11111
•trtr m writ m su elm:matt, perfulturt prhars
tin. (or rt.:rim-lug lb. hitir ern arta eltwri without totting
thr clothrr with trrrtritt
W•rrahled eure the wor,d ea. , of teall Aeon in of
y reee. end lorlardAtleoway
il/ ItMin an t tilt &M., vrep_nrcd 1,1 I.nosclcu
:c.a,tt. ILta awl 11:1114y, Than.) 515.4.1,
Irll,ll 11.1 . 141110 , •Ititril Rot.itlatn...l lb.
11515111 n 5.3.517 In epAPUlllidit,l3,
I I.l.ctitunula. ikaler
llcurrnl Dcbllitl, 4r. (3.1
011 1. Inchly co 511.1 by C W 11,113318; 31 1..
I'llol3l. MIS, 31. llk, JOHN 11. 111:515 071. NI.
11 II 11.. And 1, J UM. .1.3.1111. II 11, nr 31.0
Thin ortlele n 5. efri 1,11, 1111 may 6. . 1 .1. 1 . 1 1.. ^II nn
will No chemically tr
leri In or.lnr 3..0bi
ri toy nolo by 1111(3 1 1111 3.11,1/031'111.1.. 1.111
IMPERIAL Ci.)111:11 SI !tll'.
- tl. have used this nrettlelue In our family. and In
.r c.piolets. It is nor of the heel. pren•rettoue
le . Whirli ha. ever Lee n oftener to the void, it
11. 11i...A. oil MA. ettr tee rou id recount,et, tom
4 , 1", • lquitle lit then neuetx nnt.l T ter 0.0. I•
ne•oeo noire. We//ty r thl• at • matter
4 .f
+ s.
ninolt a 01 .1 14)11 of reeominetolanoo inn, • onoul
ha 1...v.1411yr of the •rtlete winch ne Tte,
•-)Slrurrn %nen,.
'Winn. and •ohl I, It I. SEI.I.I.IITi,
1 4 1 1.4 1 14:NW.: boacalkil gins,
Paint. (hot tit nchantt , onle ony flimote
I tulttutlftl for parlor.. +trot:W.4ot laud .Ittp tu
utturr. tk 111th 11,. linnlut• cl haat,.
rtol. of Itut-1, to pt.. trttit, ony nr,io kroton. Itotrott
ot 6 rt..,µ11 , 0, ftet. uttuttl 4..
ttr , tltt 11( 11.10 a W 1.,.,
N 0... Cirra.,an. 10 ...IL Am.r.
il r . 05..1.1.u.. •11 , 110131,
1 11..., an.'rum 1...1 noll por.,kt 00.
1.) ur.. ,
lio.• 1 001
•71. (.1.1/1 1. ,,;,: •I.
fr, most hirr.rtirnury I , .e.,very .91 the rif oria
rsr g7rai Arabran Itert,ly for .1).:n and iL•wN
H. G. Farrell',
. t.i ,;, 1 , .1 . 1t1t , 1E , ..1.: t ti
ain rw
fla lb.. ni
ihn rin.l 1n.., 1.,
nf innit I.leilikirli the rl.l
'lnn' ,
If 1i • 1.111111,11 l
.11. rut • To. and • hall nip, • iirrlling •rpra.rni in n.,, :min.,' In. - n... 114 in it
1.1.• n II without to , r.f.i .•
nnt .;,In inn... 31,1 tin.? .liiint
lid in until.. YU.. it. .1., 1.1.1 SI %Pip
of 0.,. it mini.. tular,
urn •11.1 WAY • 'NIL., ni
Ant..., I inn.. nn
-1. ,
a 1.1
ra %.,i,17 1 4 9
, ~ u
~ •n La:Jn.4n at
thelmud , •
1. natural Int
tn•situnt nt I
11.. 1,. •
in.. nnul.lnt bred thrtn U. 1.5.. t. hut I,
tb.n.not II Yarn,: • An.l.laa I.t.rn.nt. n
•14. to wall • n.l Lam • .tr,tl.l I,NI 11..,.
••..1•1n rntnnat Int 1,r.• vol., • .
- . • . .
.• Try lteloo 1.1.. I, re...•er., ....... - te\l
a. ...,
Prou \ t.. on
et Its. T of el..
1...• ft , u, pulifta up tt, pftftro, I Lou. II
tore Tel \ 1. , t0T0T p
ot •or de. te.•
•••• Ite I
I I.•.•
I , ruov. up
Opt , lp I.,:pap:
.ith taw u Lnnt..e- 1,41, uu
411 4.1"% y0..7 1.1 . n0,nt. entir-ly
rural tnn. U It ki
run Peull uf yaar.' rtadlog rural hT U Vary. le
Anktaan Litogrunu
Mr. 11 M. l'•••.4—Dau Cir I h..... U•lotat rah
Itto - that Mato - ta the 1••• •oro. onou stator gat
roMor to.ra 0Y.',..•..011ut toll by llto au of a to Yorr..l.
OO.:•taa LA.t.on , •OOM,I trauplot •Mout thy.. ..r
Dory um.. • .y. It ••• •ottr•a. rem0r01.%..1 1 Mara fmt
,thin of II moor moot th• table on• rauht.,
.It'll Ii to • hoyto ••ore 1,. awl Ivan tart itt, bort..
.41 urorort goy cou•tono .44 1.r0t0.0. them
[A.111..11ur5...t t•
' .“'""
;a • • 4,,
C/aci. b 1 .4, ..t ' 42;1 :s4 ". :n r artn7l
dull` Iry~6
La t..... Pivr.i44 1 1 14.r1a co . Vrb I+l4
retr,Ti jet.
. .
/ S.l
Tin I'dbllc n. plug 4 - 1..,:gy rout, n.-. 1 •rannl Ann
ll.unanint orlnrl. Inn Inni
1 . l; eon, 'anlnarnu4p •n 1 n
cni4l Intrononnl, I••••• 1 11
nn 11311•1/1k1 7 • a•aun frso nu mon ,
•Innlv• from h,.noun, lb nt .
num* .1 n
In.rt•lt, Tlon-
Int+ ti ,.l. 4anbrumr nen, loon , : fl LW man. - •rr•IlIt
uni.nnnistlnt anal,* • Imp... th• nt . •
kin/ .1 nano., nn.o, 1,4 th• 41141 r, anolo
An. •I, n An 11.41, Itntenw" •Inl I s 4/:
,nnunn. Wan,/ h. IL. /..11.r. II nnrll . ,
hi. " 6l,nalnr• 14 nun on lin •rsp..r. nut th,•
wt.r.lak 1,4* Li In Ito. oen• o ..r..bson
waultri Its art..,
lbw 1,0.4 r•,1‘.... o:1
4,t , t II li Fwt . refer - rt...
.I.anwler. rr0y...n..11.111tr,
the ii:rnL •• Iran. l're• rlar.r.,..
u.rao.ratrig tut*, t, .rtf..r0...u.04 r rr,
1 44 ••.•....1••• 4..11. iyyr I+4ll,
20 , 41/SI. my..ty...ind by 11 Is 1.ure..11.• - 111
Inveutor and pr,nry , r...l 7. .7
It atre,1 , 41...111....1 114 pa* •
Li 11 4. U0• el
7••• 7.; ylry.
N. 1.1 1, II CORSA. A 11.4.... 17.1,
The Human &Ay Hunt Fersmre,
su SAI:, SA I Oh& 4, have a lienitliy al
4. ILA N... I,4*v
(It ...It,. ft.fz.lN• tl. It t..
own nn. r•lt hheniza, tool an ..nln
auro.l ny 1.0..4 phrhotor.• N rk
who JUN nueb •11.1 tntl ittlat.t.,“.4.- .1... I
...1. n
Illotohon. I,lo‘ sr ann. tn.: . akin th• Chn
nnxion that too , ha:tool nuotrunn. an
1,1.1 ,11,./Norm •outoor•to •t
curt..l 4 Fr, bona, nor. log Ana .or• Intlthin ll anal th• t.....t0r to •npian annuroLl *.onll nut :o
ell, roil it hr th• •I.4ern. union. tn., It to ho all Pt.,.
whq 11•14 to .4.0,4. orarhoh, on•opon
thin hot only •rnt . ., hut . prein•on.o. •an I t s
now only hl. tut w 1 oho alllkotol 4 Li, o
en all., .1:••••••,. • nun tlo• all. 4...1 •••-34 mon
"Ono o.• ,
limo I •taln
kr. Itt. Ininl. I.
..lour. I tkun
hu, it .1, of 11 H A ACKMO4I, t
Ayrut 1,.1.14rs
Pearly Whin. Teeth. and Pan, lirvath. to
b La I Wt . ovum-1'0r... who La...v.1,r. wo Loa .ta-
LI, r (1..1 it 111., 1/ ol , tto it
4taravwl...r• or nail 000ruolool soh taro,
alit • root iv, oi licut.or rvnL I'.al•, and mats
tW lawaL &a •111. at moo, stal eLa LrratL ✓lor,lrn.wll
sw•w ,
sow Dol t a 1 JACltl'•lN'a Mort. iato Liberty at.. tivad al
A Scientific !lair Tonic, Itinitorer anl IieLLU
mew.—True Bottl,o. .11so rat.. Ttoon who has,
los.. Pond I,dono, Is non in ox,inotudu
Won. •111. h•... not..r d to tower./ tho loltramo
I,aa to :row on ant part w nor,
111111,11 - 1 .111
h., gitr, atop it tanind curoo,r,
or duping/L . and want. hold. red. or don, ban grow nark
Wor terolerloo tbo hair wolf and oilky, cars rsrowl
nu.- et matron trun twoutirml. and loops st en. It so, on
donl, U.e moot wrinouncal—tot rupounorisrtralo bar to*
!WU ont, at 01 St. JAI:KA/WA Moro. otrrat .
MW ul lbnod,
. . .
fy.te.,,—,lN out., 44 rout. anal 11.
JOilziES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Unman
Unit IV, 6,r the citaaalog of white , rod. or gray hait.u.•
bAutiful•ti, or nPlor. i• •
Pr1.,n0—.44 trout., 11.11,i
JONES' LILLY W 111TE.—Ladieu are °Elu
l/no.] stteltut uteo , the mm prvpared Ch.lit. They
tmt aware how ehtfully Itotth tttt a I. to the .4..4
In , . rear., how ruthat, how ulL.w, yellow, en , lutailt.wlthl
the skin eltpeers. tiler uolott Pret•emlelt.l.! 14. ..1..t. It w
I V e e l =t7iTrt!:e . t Y
a a t!• at e:s7llitr w hlrh
WI Jane.' ettenlsh I.tlly It tate.
It I. perteell, Ittatevut, Leine penr.d of mi
qualltwA seal It Imparts to the *kin natural. h, elthy, .1.
Sheet., dust, Ileloit whit.; at the came Ilmt acting u at,,.
'mak on It. okln.natlatwlt era awl ...Kb.
low hj the tt.tent, 11,11.1..1Actirao, 24.1thlbetir Attwel.
bled iftlfge..t. taburelt. Orkw. :Id nen.
B. T. Babbitt'! Celebrated Soap Powder.
IVASIIINO without labor! War rn ntoil
v to take the .talus nut of labia !Innen and ma,.
Inatt - rnom roa Mts.—Put your clothes In a !mill:lent
quantity of cold water lo rover limn. then add two table.
epoordols of this Soap Powder. mach nix qua , of water
igreratre ' r t irATl:;. L sr , . 'k tio?n7ie. p rw t i t irti ' oi ' l:t
hamile. Then rub tun only ntreasx, Ili other w•lnfo,
glee them thorough rinsing, and that b. sufficient to
mole them clean.
N. 11—T8rni being uo rosin In lido Soap. It will leave
Me clothes very whtte, and no bad oily small. no me
. dn. The entire mad of the mate al uned do an
es not
cal two cante, complrle m
whing of tan pareuris.—
Warranted not to rot or Injure Um clothes.
This in a Powder thalene paper will make
twat family Pon Mg , ..,
DlOllO,lOlO l rt. nay Rix quarto of water and
mVr th e powder with it, and then let stir lt.
tree Min
-000 .01d nix .4narre coy water. them Intimatals
rr.n th g . 4:lllrlT tre ;741 thick nine
will wash •ell, and will not ma the hands like other 1 , 41
kaap, nor rot the clthes. Can be unal with hard or salt
water, by making lb. puntity Ino nix quart. inatead 01
twelve. The dolt Soap Is best adapted nor rennin., calico
and woollen goods.
Bold wholesale and retail by R. R. SELLISREI,
. No. IT. Wood el.
ti, The highly aanalorp, balm:tn. an/tunie propartins
0 t Vinealsr, render It far auperior Cologne it star
llng the
ottt 7;17=',.,T7.ti":1, • X.11, 1 1.:r'irri . 17.4
greater riltracy for Um urn:notion of cleart 'L linen• and health:
It la highly roMloollooo l kti tO ladia• for the ordinary and, purpoaen of
toilet. and tor nrenerrlnd the
freshrossa of the romplexl.u. emollent
im p a rt
to tem
per the heal an
the Fain, and impart to It an
e last.lelly. inhollog It, and rubbing It no
tt,n 6do plea, it will remora headache In • few minute,
man sold Lp It. E. ULU:HP.S7 Wood sL
CO-PARTNERSHIP — The subscribers have
bentared.into tb.Partnerahlp under tbit firm of Peallh,
At woo °Mott. • I.I.BOAIFE.
lENNETT, BERRY & CO. hatto ry.novad
to their now Watetnall. Cnninr [(Chalon lino mod
ntt l atneot. Jr2L-If
- • .
...TRA . .
- • ‘.
• INS: ' • SCE. \ \'‘
iii&iMisTA murtm.T.,
I SL.IsAN( 1, (~.1).\11..1.`, , ..,
, - fro .(., ,rw. ro,
LA R'7 2 ERIE AND MICHIGAN I.IIE, ; i I E,mG, sfa "niy
~,, r the 1. , 4er clusspa't,,F, ,
ON Till.: EX Tl' N:. , I, /:', I' k si.,‘ I. , , 1,,,,,,, 0 ,0..4, ~,Ln ~.-,p, *r , ha. .1 4 ... , ,r - Lh. 0 .1. r -, 1
CLARK K. PA ELKS il t'o. IL, 1/1,12, Oil IT 117 , ...\ .., kArelzl,4• , ak41%:• , •••••-;:,: l . , ,.. .: i‘ L • . , , Z ...
THE PROPRIETOP.S ,l' t:,, ~I.) un.l w s y ;i' - :-,. V., ~.1..k,, ,{ ..‘ P , 1•••..1,.
''''' '" ". nary,
-1%•., I. 14/Ic:V.I 54
Sml, Id 1,11 ..
j,, ,n.l arr, znp ,-L , t LAktt-- \ CrlearS hsVance ompany.
1f ' 4 7 ";.n , ;:1.i.:7.;ii,;.,;::.. i»i:.17%,.1 \
‘ t,. r,..1‘ f,I A cklr&L A150,0(4
I A lA4I. k , A,..,,,. -1 , , „ „.. .4., - t,,N (~. 6 , ,,,, , ,! 1 ,,,,,,,, r
•Ift, ~..r WA:, ..11,,,n1.... ..• I ,0..t,,n,. • ' d'''' -'' - ''' ~" . • •••
Fil F. alv.rq L
I “ ,r 47 6:P . e ' ru As tt'4 '''" l ' t ' nd re,ronsible
.1 I. , . '" ,ft"W;. h AT. ' a m „. ' .... 44 ,:ra. " nZr. l V " X.. ,'
‘ ±,, - .,,r •, tt.• ;.....41,,,,zat.1, trrcru,l• l. ,./.km..“ut • sal pru
tt , NI. tk1,1.11 SI. ••••.•rpteki,r " ..' '"
_ •.i11e,.. S.. ...-14..WE1 , 1.1L1 IA
t•,1 6 . l•
1.0 ,
t u. Shul!
3 .4E, A1.tr1r3...31.
m -Ire 3 ,• r
Wrer Ilex rr
Itoutt, Cuuttraurriir.
11. 1,4.1, Erie, 1 , 1
0 Ai ul:i'rulge. llurlJi, r I
-• •
New Lake Superior Loc. 1851. • Pittsto
rrlq: rIINIf new stv t 8
atoor N1 , 1".T11 111.. IS.
.pu her •r•t trtt•—•ena tteeatt plea
'mi., ..%111 , 1‘..k. I . . etc 0. , 4 ulst ttte M•re• tat
Th..esul, NHATTAN. Jett, treat. chr,
letter Neat rte %tn., ler the tun . torelittc• el. Late \ lee, than
Superior. eit the arrer•lt.t the mat:. r N..ttket r.. t. u.satiag • Mutual rut
• regular rteeklt hue. tltt,uelentt tit. -.•••••ett. bete etty ealett t. lettle
ei,..11.41•4•1 tieteett t er pal 1/... 1 ft: prtetple
tt A A TI lIN I, t•tttrel et te
A 1 1 :2t. 1,1 —tt 11•1r•rit't
1 The Caart
after 1.. tran•aeled utrler the etyle t.l ••11 Itthri, tto a
jutehl tlll 1111.,11 111
BingiraniC Transportation Line,
icie'; - ,4 185 1.!':/.7-1
T HE CAN AL being nro• r0n
r..0.,v.• nt.l prwartly. / . 1,11.1 , ..
Fretv ehrks.. rn.F
Vrodury an , ' 31 ornl.novi/ o x. 111.. rrnel renl•o,l fon xr.1.1
Ant, And 1,41, •ala, ot nu r mare , 1,,r for+ 501,1,g a • , 4
'"M'Y.,"LV,,;n..:,,:1::1.1°.,.1f 3, —,..
'""'' 4 ' . 18r71`;:.:1;`:: i''.; e. ~. ~.., C. 2.,
Corn, 1.11414, no,/ II 0,11. 4.. 1 . 11,1,4 ' rg ,
111 A. 111.01 I IA o A, i•: N 1 ,0 0,, . 0 ,
t , ..... , ,.;, , i i.. ,v,t h . , , z ., rtntt.- ,11,11“ , 141{,h1. ,
N". .t . ,& :, cl. l . l l l ' N I . I :I . I w AN . I ' , . ' ,.rt ' o . ll l :.: l t ' : "'"
norl, I 4.r lark.
IiIMRII 18 5 1
Merchants' Transportation Line, ,
i 't
VI A I•LNssrisnsiA r. ,. .Al." , AND nAII•RDADs.)
1 0111111LAI/ELPIIIA 111 it Eel'—lV ITII-
, rt:T 111 . ..:111 ON All
C' A 11,4 Nl, I,T A A 11) , ...Ai 1 1, ,, , ..,, 401 Ponti ntr.4.l,
1 . 11,1,1,11
, 11 01,14, 1(11n.i 0, Cep,. 111.4, 14/.4 ,rent, 1 1 V.11.
~,,...4.1 , r... 0150 a lArno wasnuol AsoroAAn , ll4-
' ;I: 11" II,. ' 1:: , Y;II ' ,;,;;;:.-7',., ~—. „,.....,
Ntate Ilntlrt. 1,0 ,414.111 a 4.• ~..4•115 I•l.lyki., nt
Job onto., 11 / 1 1 1 .14,n 1 01 , 4 11, ..1.111 2 .. .49 11 • "''''''
1,1•1.. '
17 1 ta
.. . . .
..M ... . 7 . 2) I t/S t . 51 - - '-. ~1F r i•
To Shippers of Merchcmitse, Produce, ese.,
RELI A NVE I'l I t. , ltl'l:,ill "1'1i.%N.9P011.
ii i. 1.1. A I. •••• En A. r• ..i'nr.A.: t 0..., Vitt.t•urgli.
I'lll. k A , 1.,,, An.rrat, I.Annn• - • - •
. \
Agnc rural Implements.
I II .1 lt. •It'.•.•\ reoved Iron tho a6ithe
4 , ~,, ~,,,,...,•• .1t , ”... ..., u,,,,...
• . ......, 4. u 1.11,/ Mil ..I
• ......1 1.“11. I. t ••a4 ',N., •AAIA. Au, rarl
...rn rn•llrr. ta.r I.• rA.A. an I hand rm.. r ,
' A ' ::::t.:•!;. ' 1..... " :1 '. .. " , ' •! . . '"L" . "''.
1 1......., Cron Ch. a flalti‘rs '.
.Art i .. 1 t.... 11 n.•An I A•Ste nn .. m, 1.• •• •
A.• tn....1A, tut, Ir. ur tbr , 1 , .., t.... 1,1,1,.. mn I 1r Able •
•. tl.r . I•run An.l .0 r.: :: Jr. nr
c., :.. •rra . A: W.A• IC{ Ii.IINAI
Beanmont's Patent Starch Polish. \ ,
r vit....vri.i.,..i.iy..2.„b,i, ~—F,„ ~ ,A .o,\ I t
!am I , llirt In-. cu.. •• . .•••A •••,,, • rA . '" '•,• t.... ~..." '"•• i
1nr....- l'ut A pi..-.. 11. , .••• .3 . V.I VI % qu,rl. I
.... t -1.'1,, .; 11,-1 , •
-1 /14, i - 1111,,1,1 It, m,
I 4. i.tra—
.llu.i.C. rl , l 1, 5-,
. r
;;;,; ' . ; "' l.r4: ' Si., ..i.. 'laws/ 1 u 5 1 ,1 LT. 1.1 ,
tormt ' rite... • 0.a.5911 155 C0vv 1 1.. • I t lll , tr,rdrs - s
• v 1
IV 1:41 , 1 t r
IiA.VI: just rtwolv'e,l fryln Noa y, ,k. an
..f 1. , V, .1,1.
(T ill ,11 I' I, 1 ,, I , ,41,
P kc:Y. A F.; iN.19.1.•t. , ,
1.E.• ,
X I .1! 1 / 4 _HA) Ffigti.S— 0.6.1
\4*.llCif Coal.
- iarav . ~r -Al , 1.1
, ea .111
5 A1.:k1 , 1.1.115 - --14.0.1...ii:. Aml 115 lth , . port',
8 1.1 . 1 \h...--._ ; i , 1:;!.... frt;:ir , 5 . ,1 ,, t11 , . , 1 , 1 , ; , ;r i, ..21‘.
1...) I . : A N.' 1,15 z. .•11151\,% . .itp. ' 1:.r ~1, by
.10 ~..t. A irq, A 11.1 . 111.1.1,.
'PLAID I:I PAINS- A ' A, M.,,,, , , J. C.
I h•rr t.,,,.. uz Laul •• ea., , . Nei, 0,1 , 1 1 5.1 1,-
V i NilA-;.1E1. - - I , 1 1 I.1,1•; , . s:r i :gl i M . :;
d 1 1110; sTARk•I :11 , 1 1 lb.. :, t•,1,,,‘,.e wt.. :
, lu, ta,tualucaura , l . ~,,•!!. 1. , 1.1... auJ.II/111.1: y
i!ur .0... li , ..., uut• : u.... 1 aaut .r, o,h aaratr. 1
arulaia ra, a. ~: 1, a! 1,. i. 1 , 1 . ... , ... , 1
r... 1.,.. 0.1 1.1,1 aar...1, , • V., u- Yur 1...1 1 - .
I 1 U
1 J1M'5 . ..1 , . ;ALUE--7 I.oes 1,4,1. for 5511 , 11. y
1( ' LI. MAR, E 5 BLU— 1 At, for .h. bk ,
4 - 0. , .m 1111,114111,
1 1 111 1 } ' 1: 5 11- ,- 5 Aron,. tor , r` , ,
N ~,, • „ il Li b, A 1 . 51.L1, ,
itl.,k NE ETS--'4, A. M,,,,,,,,,, ,• Co. ~,,, „„„.
PP 0 1 0 u , n0 .0. , pa,. a5,,,,,t0,1 Blank., , 0
)ILA NKETS. —1 s• krs“ , reco,r4 my 1 . 311
•tc..l. ..r 111.A‘FiEr , , , ,..,1 tt... 401.1,M ..,..,.. la.,
10,.... 001.1.0 litauLet. 0111,1.11 ...., ~, otlr ~ a !! a
,all Sealti.r..
' li W OL.VrE —2s n hArtA' tr , o . h..
l or
. ,
uulupot o N f MR.6
~,it l llk t l ~,.,,,v .ia \ ‘ ::n (I alltlll
. -
N Infallible lleinely for I ' l l l./11l A.lll
v Titrlpt et, thil T.OOll, Ipon, mul 1t , u 4,00 000 . , .. 0 1
a ouuls. lot alit Li ti. 1.1,1,1; a StOOI4OKI. Ur.
.1.10 l4O Wiauf stnua.
Ill(te-11) tee. prime
A. iirrciiiimiN A t'ir, -
I EA fA) t41‘,1111;
Aolk, ‘l,ll, 1.1-0 14 sal.. by
wio J %MK, A 111
11. NIOI,ASSES-20 bids. prime St. Lim
tJ • la 1441rtrmior
u•la\ SIAM., A A ckt.
. . ,
kgs :I's, 5 . 14, llnti
this do roo'l skk
' k NTA st.Lll:ss\
I LS-2. .111 e. . perm 011, 11 , .. akin, 1.1, •-
13 dn. W...torri 111;X1,..1 , .1, Tanntr,* du r
ftive.l and t.. .ale
‘,ll. 31ICK L 316.1AN1)M4S-
I[ ll
ta EFIN Eli SUHAILi—An um.lrtmerit of
10t.e.1. lAttetTeed otutt tiuttare, frelo
tte St leAtte euestm SttcAr Re..., ter tAI.. t.t tettut.:l
• Ay the Ateettle,
1.:11 ea/Tit of the abate htteeltt, rurtitto.ed Prom Wt. tetrter ittel twit,: the name attlete that Ito t t
A.Attehattlino to etir tuattuttort Itert...tore. tete Just Ire As
t r
tlrm ttot.ttt likt. hot,
Itett Attd Atm-newt tiste.; a
hrinkohl. Wl.ite Flintaeltt, ate! A
lull ...ATM. , . of :Lariat It
it tirtra 111 -
QOOOTILINE ALOES--21.00 Ills, for sale by
1j or,/ IL IL SELIAtIt.S.
ULLIR LEA I.—dull lbs. for Bile by
0 th ROSIN—°II h6ls. Tnnnsra' Oil;
• ..
I Ilorla: far W.: by
lito.N, LITTLE t Co.
' OLASsES--MI bbls. N. 0., for tulle by
A. CLIIEnTsoN a CO.. In I .:lLaltY
, Pm ed, Li A. CIT LIIIiI:TPUN A Cu.
1I LASS—AM boxes Window, mon'd Tiara,
W for u.r b r JilliN WATT a CV.
_ . .
gIA it TA RIC ACID— Ird , o lice . for nalo by
II A. FAltNrsTocit A Cl.
riIIANNE.W OIL-40 fifils. fin . Bale by
U. A. Fall:tit:SUCK A
' , OLDEN SYRUP-40 (fikothile s Cu ,
'color. ka J. H. UILtytIIITIIO 00.
I.IIATENT THREAD-2,600 lb°. imported
CC dinet from the manufactory, aca tar Pala at prim,
4 , coil nurrharern. pen. (1 A IIIICTIIn UT.
I )I4INDY-~ ortahß Wild Cherry B :t r , dy,
waatod be IoeLW J. 0. DILWOlgil a Co.
4a U. MOLASSES—"u 661 e. Britiround,
k . for Ysto h r .1 AM En D.I.I_ZEI.L.
- ,
I ANCEW AT EUROPE, inn Seine of
I._j latter. from drvat Britain. Franc, Italy. Nettle,
land, 64" Marlon Oa Sommer or lasl;lncluding N ea o
the Great bahlintlon. Dr flown drvvloy. 1 vol. For n
Fade at 1101,11bn*, nnlvvile the Past onlre. or
► OBACCO-1G kogs GeiPs NA. 1, in stoto
and for age by , 4.1311:8 DALZELL. •
nen ' ' • 08 Water 1nr..4
LUM-30 bblis. for sale b',
rs. *99 - J. 9CIIOO. esMt k
'• ' 11,d, are co re tit.,,o ~
. -. lhaa . are ',atoll , f 111 I,llVs
1 .1/ rf VIM I,l'S o' do
r l
1 Ita aa ' etant . st.c.. 'l"l \ it
i . •0. tf.....11f1.10.11 1,101 1.1 1111, 0 If ro tt . ,
I.h• fi.l A, ..tonto.afer sto. 1. s,. f.f . 1 f00 ,f,..„
1 . D.lf 0 POI hoLlat ,I, 15 1010111 - ..1 11 , 11 1,0011 to ILI. coon
Ile , ~rer.ll dt lat.Clauthaelib, , Al• • Oltre, ottadoltara"
tel . 1...... wohout oNi,, eh, da tut lot La it
V.., rani a att.... , . rest Lal t ,tat . 1 - hat It rota/mat
‘1,1,a% '. v r .;;;.:g1.„ " .„. %;','.',",,r. ,:..1....;',7,,' '4.;11,7,,„,;
~.,,, t k . t o r e : WllO I. if %lode 11. CI, IA
. I.\ f criet`ratdot•
1: ,f, ' .l .‘ ‘ '' .,Tfo s r ' :.!!;:s " . -.11 ' .1 , d r... 1e ' Z ' 1.. " :re%t '' (.' q
1 I
'we its..i.iTie rd ta;ritrocirup Ha If tt I are I.e .
.t• 1.. r 1td., ,0.1.0 'l\ ~ , tent sod .1 IT to
1 , 4,4
rine oath far . . nod .....tal re terkahle curve I hu ,
I . kroeNt. ,n Yu e net/cr,. at h. apron 1 , 4.1 sty. •
a 1011, 1,...01010 (.1 rertlflca ca. \
er: , Trte ratt , ..l ~.... t .1a h. moed,env. Nan a.. , wort s
..7 \
‘lllll4 w. .1. , led .1 .o. t, r .t • 4,e•.. . I .i et , ohdatlon 11l eel ,
et, dier,..-. w.• ut,h. Vasto..l, ..y. L at .1. a tanober ot • ,
tiv,,,,,, , , 1.,„‘„, .. t t r i • ut.,..iled - . e0....•111.,.. mar
, enotorrated -ail 04 04.0 • f 11.0 001...4. 10001, entrh a.
1 Cline, IC I:tc,..Neil 1 e ~.. sissa..-L311 . 11,,C., Hy ILI early .
.te. , , , ,1 ArTIIII A rad , •he .., •.1 H e ear paceicer, L 11„,.,
„,., , LI: 0311 LtINI 0,1 l's-1 I, 14.4 W., \lS . s . :Wsre . aOF
f ., 0 , N,,,, (I,F f . f f f , t r , , f ''' l. f r' 1 1 1: a
' ' l l. l -0 0 !' : : : ' .;? . 1 . 0 . : .I ' l '.
'...: ..
''' l
1 - 0
.''' :0
. L" :11 '' . 1 ' 1: I L IL Ft . .... , .. 1 ,1, 0 2 11 4 r e ;PI. :, ~.
* - ‘• , sUlf„, ~.., , ..c,. In . wee- 1.1 arhott,. ....uthr.t Ice, ...elautar, . \
I mm -o nce c of phil o o o \ 1 14 . fk 01 . i. I
. 1%7111 met a. , . , , . , ., , ,,,.;../ .., 1 . 0 . 111:
o sto ,i t ,i .A.;flie. ii ' H ..
, \
ei,z,rh,.... W. ilzker, G 0..., , iel.k;, Irrl ' e u , \ r,,,,.. ' 37;.: '," 1 ' ats .1. - tt, " ln.. aceutoc the ..t...., `,
• -tw0' 0 1,..1 Leer., TaterA If t , i` 4 .. , A n.' , ~ ; , ,, , : ' ,,, i ,, 7 , ..7 , -. . ....., . ., 7 . ~,,,. .7 , 1 7 , .^,,::7 ,-...7 \, \
~.No -7 , , ~,- ' "'-'7 , - ~'i',,,), , "1- 1 ,. ',',..;.,-,:..., ',.,1". ',.: ..,'„,%:.,'".1'..,,r..... , ~...Z..+t
- 1 ....; ~ ~,,,,,,,,,,„3 . ,r , ,,.,,,,•
~`0,,,,, m. , ,...,...., ..p.r, art., trentsera. get vr. /I wrote , the;r. \ \ \
ar‘the PIVItHrLim r'' • "". ''''''' T i "..4
- ' '
Cu 4111- \
';'....t. a,,..,,, ~„,-r..,....,,, ~., ,,A .- ~. ,7 , -. ,, s• '. 11 . 11.111 r..• 11
or /noted an ~, i . nii ,, iy in
~,,,,, Liar , hake •,, 40110. UlllO.. W. 1.1040111”. 01 11.• \
c... , .ameart..nt 3,0. -.. , ''-'" lA. "::. '''' r i r jj:l'
The C.d.. ' a 1,.., e, , vti.,,, h.a.t, ‘. . tl, , Cauel haat, a.. , •
aldh.,ll, t recount... Val/ or
nin ,,, , •tH• I
atl.da 00 We 0 irea
ri... 0k.... 5 0 ot \
''''1.4.4i:..•!;t:F4..., i rw , ' , . ,, Ct toe ncularl• ac[ toted Agent.,
L' ... \ \
5i,•, i .......:,
1....1i.i.,.. , • ~ .Ni7 i: alp is ley ‘ II: .N . . , t ,, t, \ ‘ ‘,ll ie.,. , la , Ore, irk and ufflietou •
,•••••...”•• L.:: •-•- ..... ,•••••••• t• •), %b •• .'b \ •,••• • f tle. I . .tadder rs,l lildt..,n. a HI. rheu.
htto....a s ,r,
okeN.. o a w 00... tai r0int...".1 mr.r.s. nsnottl#
1 \. sr., As 1 s 1., \Le, re:, re. eored 1.1 lel lot the 1 . /AI,
. • \ , .-- hi II Iho rdc, \ t •It eh dr ,•• leaor fl Q...lnt/11e, tllll,/, j „
1. ll,lff, ./ . •
• . ' 1 " 1 ' 'het' ..,.. e' 4 • 1 ,. .A `;,' ' , e" a 's ' 1 * 4 .' 2! '.- ..,... 1 .11, ' , ' , ‘' ,7,• ', .. ' ,. ' 1. " 141 ' 717..1. 1 e .n. : 4='. \
be.. prld u•wer i va f ore. Itihat, Four 1.0 -171., , 114 , ~, ,tf, "::• ,..i r ,,,,, , n,
. „1 .. .,,h f. : 2 , ,,,, ,,
~, , , , . ..". ; ' , 4fif , f . f, ,, r., ...m i1 : . , ,,T i:: : : : ..
1,,i f. 1...... e • 0, PO, 1.130 .tv athadttocer I.ure. a the, , i , i. t• ti \,
ad, ,••,.....,‘ In. ornto, r... • ell o, tn... r ,. 1 ,, ,,, , ~,,,, .- , - ~- .7 , ,, ,, ~ c .\ , 7 , 1 ... d .u.':. i ti i . - ,td. , ...: ~n tote., as ctranta .....,11 . t i t.ilit..., . iir ., i :, ....' ' . r•- ' ' r "'*" " `; ' "'"'"
"M ' A " ''' l A. • .....' heat :It ..... tetlerja little Go cod. • fetal. Thle Petra 'i
eel. , i 4.1111,,5.1-. ss roe, el
i ' , .....1 P1i......{1 f 1 1 ,... f ,, n , , n nun ~.„o,_, n ,,,,,,,, n , ~,„ nn ~.,..,,, pnr ,,,, , .
.. ,
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co; , Ph.4u'a. .... i. 11 earoe-h-r I ,/glt 1..t0 . .1 hut bler u fr. ,
GENT IN l'lTTgi,ililleal, 11\11. I.IA I. ''''''' '" ` •' "- 'i. '" "'-'''' .''''''. "" ooh .
- r• d• eudes 1... Imote‘dt,aa real, renualy, a vats.... ...
..4. , , V. .11. r .t e et, \ ,
ar she
letter roues...La> ••1 ye . lesna•••••: . be b.. • •.n. Co atl.r .-4,1.• r to...tht.• hoc,, fatlrd to ,‘
lee. , Part vt the Ht`.the tt.t.t ..31 1 e , he tet•od dot • re.. • r set, to • 1...,1t 1 . . a. arr.el Id 0111100,11, a Wag
II s- IV so,sl V. eSS ss . sslor el. lb sousliso!, rns us es ss. sr,. tool s. Ow usss.Assnit ....e..1 catold/rhararter. It
J. eo-i..•....m..., o iy.. ‘I nerd rtreet, a I or., +VI ord.:. I, red Cle , J• th.rt., 1., , ,,, •.rI. o dews., It h.
A. , ..'....."l'"fts' . , . -.. , -.. , i.b•bes9. re t lb ••,,,y, \ . n•,,1•••••• . v b•eb ~,,y'bteey ,ymye T
IA ..•••••-• .... 1.. i. 0 . excla•oing t 1 . i rsoppleel,nr , h a Ire ,ot a.. .h it A. a ,ev ratu,,,, to .I.oroa au4
leoetve .4 1.110 I...oreure• atol blairk ler• • furna,,htd. a 1 at . , , t e st, r ,p..„, a „, „„ ....,,,,„„...„„,i.,,,,..„.,
~,,,,,ii,..a.... , tat e t ~ a et ' , A.,,1 ear. ...Widow mad Inecel feat,
latatal •-tera over IC-arq•Ulat and outurtactlr noomewatt - t ir nI. a a olteatado, 4..1....1.1, horst:ma, eaol , , , furoVh• .
Itoote .fed Normand woof,. theddt loam, tor lett• , t ~..j d s . t ot, deo:edam ....1.0 halee etatcraact, by ran
-I,,tateur•tt. den :rt. IhdA -tahl , :\ I I , •• . 01 'l' I. 31 uni..i. un Itae,u, edsroth streak or
o \ '
M. 111141 3 1. • Fire, and - Inland p. ano n \ , h.. eer x a 7.1.,,, , 11. rA a .-der of n.. 1 et.rert sod ' Virgin
Insurance. - •, dl r' : ht es , 1,7. h. 4... etre,. aJ. Elliot. and P. 11. ,
'VII E ininranee Gent • • f• N 1 I • I•C '''' • 11- '''' ' '''' . r...* V •• ''''' s
Ibtibx 0 Or I: /11 flOsl.s. \
II rbstestelwtsl..-41ati;rwOrts.1 Cepltel .o,s, oss st 1 ‘ \ 11l i T TO 4, 'RE AFFLICTEZD:\ -, a
4 "‘"' . " I t , .. 1 . C , 1,11.0.1. ,3 ~ 3 , 111 make .i..... "". n . It. 1.0..., :'. t'EI.I.IIVATIAI4II:3IEDIES.
~,,,,,:„.....1 SW', mut...U.10 thisCst, ml , andi,: I PO , '
...,,,... , t , n .. th. , \ „..„._ _
~_,_ ,_•__.
.1. ~0, rt., 1 ..., i ., de•enotoon. elopprel 0,.r er%
\ Ht. to Le 1
~ i ii .. 1
n.i ' i it - i „: , .,t Z"'Prfl i n:ff,
*T ' l ""'' ......".. "th " . l ' r "L" ' "" "'" 'S'' ' ' '''' ' ..r
' ' 1 '' a.s; laine ' . P it ... .1... ' ni011 ... i , talsnens: " ''' ''odn ' rtua.... "- tbs
. Lottca. in • Ife tarc a c re . ',CO sr the ,w.a at
lent 1/1%1 • III, - r an ;I .0 •
1 Astlosr ki entrOss.l"te t. Th.rd. ;`Core.
rad a r f thN utri t•• . r,f Pen Alrpoin 'for !hiay . '
, ~I , ....z,. ‘ , r,„ , ,, , ....,... , . ,i,,., 2 1, •,, , ,,,,n,,.,,, g .,.:,a5i t i..........\ , ,,, -.1 in sirs' snossOV.llksso ofdb ,
o ft, apoltrati,„u o ...cll. thrretc.
• Jet, eA. hrdeo . • It tlitato tth. 1
111 h. I A.,77 , g i t ii o i ., i n r
in. ,, ~, , N , , „ inn , in %
nr , ni.r . ith .
, '.• n i _ na ~,,,,,, I INt IV. g,1,:1‘ , t.,. )rd \.. ether of It rotor he h.
hni . t „ v, iii „4 , a.a, a , t . i. ti,,,, n caftwal uo It aredl ii :l., , ,0.. .re to,co!I • thn.
Au.l.rer. Itt,t••• "''' g° ' . 1 ... ''• I t ' gY ' - ' l' ' ' ''. rt :at ' . I ' ) . . L 'n r le..V ." ''',
• 1 a
' ‘.
. 4.‘4'..... '4
'..•••4 N.
''•L'...l * nil . 1.1 ' 1; V.44,,:i, , 5, , . ' - , ,:cf" tf1,'5°.,.,:t.,... ,",t.'
, r„.‘‘,.,,... H. h Alerrerderrer
1.., t• H e l•ed. lx,uranor Camp., to the loth. rtatee , H . '"." ta, , th`s to ,,, hre ,, , • , , , 1. , • er• , 3 - • s ta. ' Of ate.. ,
•od sou, ..... 1.1•11.7. leo,. racers. ore. ample•coat, t !n"•,..f i !^,r i thX,...' rt . iti,... ,, ,, i , a r, t ii pi n4 , kh hoOt.ti , •
. •A'
. '"•'.4.
• ''•
" h4".•.r.
" 1 Att . ." 4 :: .UlO 4 fi ' ,,lfi , , : .: .:,.....'.,‘. ,I ...',r,ut.,.'1,,,,Y.tbt1.41r ‘,'
...., ~ , ....,,,.., ~,....,,,,,,,,,..4 , .., . ., ,. : . : .. , , ,,....r ...,1 : :::,..4 1, . 1. !
,i .. ,, ..
~, ' 4;7,4 1 ., , .
ti ILLIAII L. J.,. Er, ..Icrut, . • ' .." ‘ "*". '" l' '\ 4. ' "r " ' ''' ...' kr ' ` • ` - ' 6 r``''''''' •
• I lisess ‘ 01OkyesIre 11 v. w st ward...slaver* s '
Delaware ItlutdakaletyinsuranceComp'y ' l';' 1
~ l';'. 1 1 ,''id tf' Llt,Tr.,;, , 'W: . 0 , 1 , ti. 2. r,i!grs's• • . ,
g 'Ft - JCL, NORT 11.0031 .OF TIIL ON:- ae.i.;cri.i-.1. - ..,1:`,11.' ..i..."1,11,
C1L...4g, Thud rtr• et. rhilairlytna. celtt.-1. ”'the fa ulty, . t i ed -ear r ar , , nvregods, &Sep \
tr. lartoary.• -8i1d... Ilerchavair.r. was] othre " A' .",.. bot , Alo. ee ' l' , I• • I...PAU • .
in „,,,, ,n
mini„ i in . nr n, n , n 1 i ,,,,, i ira „, ,„ r 1. aulliefetec to e•te On mite\ tsas We os .1,
11.,.., 1, tr, at 11,. her, /,...... of prenatal.. Ike, tore , ekt ch•-al.
it .nrs e laeocasca.-They aho In. 1......1.... Cara-ore, , L .. •'''' .s A A''' . ... II !' t V, ,, 1•11 • 1 ' 11 T l t l .. 114, 11114 6 .c
awl rres..t.W, twoo,s •.s. s.Wss s under wiwo of ssos.csal '‘''', i•r•rir'' r , a , rir 1, ewe 1 cearlile , l.. airile ‘ t •au ,
ted.e. , a ue. tot ar.uta.l roar &elev.. e.l or,.ant a ael. , a ry . nom to al.rheal , n. \
i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : _rt,,, a ,,,,, h asu . n iti„ c h aa a t . F.. swiss!, t c NW.' oasts ,so wystPwa sy swt dyss4s \
twsws.,wwo t,, Misowses, kwil rea,lre, Cattal ta.a.. au.l R . l.' th.'....". ." ra ,I.
:tram hauxe. co reverapd Later. °Vibe moot
fowl e r.) Mtal tercA J. 1t,... 0 . a A„...- \ ' 0 .1, 1 , 1111-` , . \ . \
lONI.M.Fie--Jamet , l, le•cral Eeteut.,l A C. J- AL "‘`,.....',.., \ • ." 6 “ , ~..
Dar te..ltchert 11 , tr.0, lottoll. Prot-tar Samuel I.4l.rard, le'' A I'''' i 'e I' , . the I.e , 0 A el.*
G ,. .... c. I,, twe. tolerane Ootelowtoil oanc a Pay.. ti .I- or 6 ir. , • •
au.. ioloti. Joi.i.. :ow ill, Ix It. 11. ilueort. Joao.. e J. , ph nerh/r/.Dejl , ~• ' =ter icar.ty, r_k.
I 11 , act. Theorhilor I'a 1 . II Jour', Orr.. ' 11, or,' J.. , , /o-t.o . " \ '
e. ad. Iloct. Crard, He. fCo Sarni!. hpeorcr Mcllio..i. T. AJFe , }',,./".•
1 • 5..., .• hell,. i h. .10.10.0111.. It sa llse, ae o Ta 0..., aocl,ll+
i ~..,, .‘ ~.„ ~,,„,,„..,..,,_„, ,
~,,,,,.„,,,\ ii. r. „,..„ , ITo the Readers of thePittstrosgh O•arette. . \
FL iiiii.l ATTIiNTioN i, renteetfullf\ in s
, • n •,..5... 1. sot., Po ei,li at . 1„1114, C flora, Tore Proei- .1104.1 10 the 6 , 11...adec truth, ect fort to - rrleflosito
het. J••••r• la. rue .a. eaa - rrtatl
1 1 .--- ~, ,i ,,,. N , ....2, , v. ,, .‘i7 , . 1 ,,, - ";•,.-ttlrilli"'R '' ''''''''''''''''' \• \
~,,,,, ~,,,,,, , , .., st ‘ takaa.A. A,,,,,,,, „...,,
r. ,., , Lock; mt., ~, ...,. m. morn lb. on " \
ire I: rte. , reololT wua hrrucht Lrfore the ,
1 f and core. dareeca.
\ --
• A \----'-'-- f0u1',`1i.'i1:.b."..7.,.'.7. tV,:.,, , r*, - j"`"'" fl
\'. ill I SCELLAIN EQU': \ ~;m; ..,...i. - .., , ,,, - .,71T.,",;.;! f0",,',1'r;t1:11,...,1 115 \
1., • \
_ \ _
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y _ _ ,
_, i , ,____ , , more carrato alll its treat !1111- rd.r. el ,It ta out thr rat.. '
, .I, ed 4 LIZ), g..t of ,or the /0.0 put/ a , i,f 7s tuakica• money:
\ Ohio Laboratory.' \
. \ \ h,,, Inch ae more ~.I, recho r tot. uoorwhela
. la •th., koAdrutor I. rate t o be l'otraleuro is
‘ o h•tural het:teal, elabted to ezloi de f the .
„,..,- \ - ti
...._.. ~,,„ \ ..--,--,.\ by It tea., and aceury that lugh, to iss C all aro. .
0 i.i 1f ... / .___ \ i 7.7.7... _ ;-,,, . --......._ 2 2--. 3 40.11,01111.10. ll I, our dote, shro ste Wli obaat a roadie
Ilg et t • lo i n L f eta l, t , doe, thott a.. wrOr the truiL-11..t e.d raw •Idoc c a tev.
itig . ()
rii __... . 5 ...__.„
‘ ‘,..,.......,0 n i.. 77 ..... .an tr i o. nor wr is c :of rt,ort.
lim i 9,.. 'tutu ii , 1 , ,,..,„.: ra,,,; 4 •4‘.'21'..;.;t.?;f1',.`.,:n,',:"..1."`"°,t1-1b.,,,1
‘4477 . 1 . , tis , ~, „, ...., ~„,di, 1.. h..1.1,b1, a revert to art..,,: the eau .. , f trUlle
----- SasS e , los.WkW , Koie saws , .1 [lssas. s ow, we du [quit &wins
U • , to sly OW, ew Itre /.2101.111 vol., that thr tro th la Vssletion Us
11/1\ ,nt. Strength, \ \ ee , r r•noald ' , koala Ic tat. sr! water . taco. for It repo.
ta ion far errtedrurotar Esther. artc.l.• Its tho loafer mod-
t WELL FLP.jCII.EIt. & CO., • •Menufaeitie i•.• l'ain orrortal•ltetifaele--faeL. that roar itool
.i . 4 no. . t 11.0.111 , 1\ Purehtdraafdreolocon and Bran- I t''''.F11L t r.V. , .?. 1 .b i 1Fb .. . 1 . 6.,,, triple teahooaoT In.
..a, Cord., 1t..H11 , 1 \ Her II holey alai°, on Laud. .. - v - o r • • ...“!. ''''''.e.'i...
Csr et Vtne knit e ot atreetra Caw+. tir 1,11110 1 S ••• 1 '... 11 . 1 0 . 1 .• 1 1 ... 1..0. Inn... two or Oa, 0,.... ef,i,
/If - All 1.1,0111 rearm r. diburoli will to croutptty Oiled 'Co. • r. i ,.."7 hhod• hose Ueet, reeLoall Weida.. Er
a \
el Irweet marina oleo. ~..„,„. :1 ,,,,,, a.a7 ,,, , , ;e:;itnan0t..., la tao atop. of Ohio. hare her
, .- ^.• the ac. ntlrotart to Bear. riwaneri
Lewis's Patent Iteversible Water Filter r.Z.:4.,, , ,, , tt, ,, ,i, - ;.::. - i -, e ,,. .4k i r . .. : T4ret i r home, and may ..
I :s. NOW tb• be seen IA operatien at Wisl. ~••••[.. \There ca., werZure.l . laller the; hTst a l:V:=l:.
I For : A CAI, Pourhers.Vid lo Fourth atree, l ea hr r ,.... ..„
to Thr cam .ill
tr. I. Frrrr mid LIT. I, ..: ....4 at PIIIOII. a WlLlerh. hen red accords,: to directkele-Ittarthrea,Dymitotrry.
he Iv Market •tteet. l'Htelanch., Iht. filter Amor...creed Pile.. Ithrotuatcm,truot. N0traff,a,1,,,,,,,,i,„,,
...: i m...hl ~,. [bp. Amer... Isistailie ot tie. Yore.: rorialer (.93 the he.' ,. . rboo•ti , i .. e , r O EIL , H lIHICOorOte Tatter
rod a Certthoute fn. she trooklia s lownotto of Ilitladel. hettll ifec%wtoe IO the hone,. seut lola, cid 'ay., ul aa !
~ iii,
ii.,,,,,inriii in ni , ~,n niainir ni ,,,,,,, a , au d a 1„... 11. , .... Adu , kt.rouie Couch.. Aell, a. Brnochilla. and ag
carttrwatee front th. , •el,aetuc theta st, uadrel irlailwiolphoo I'Lr , •rr'...Tr Tu... r'r • ' hrrw'r' r , rata. ' , lair.; to yr.
dOre CuttaucUo•'h
th'''''''''''s i lL o r" lllLTet i t 7 , At ', .T h 3the laat Il u na. sod kle. Joiwto i a (.. tea. 'll Ider itool Pallor/A
It ate.. mr cr./ clearure to rernmnii , tar the lover. of 1 Ch. a . ,PPed klaurfa„ Laronated hicodv. tame aM E r ya,,,,,_
n . inni thi „ i ,. n , ni i,„„,,,, i .,.. , y ,1,, ~ 10 1.41. it I, • 1311[111 Cf1.10t.10.1.1. if apil bV. tole
i t
tssssts,l bs NH Lewia. !lasing used cue .. them far erre, to whet 'Atilt...ha a t.. thee.... • ithla the tete‘l Poe wait Lao
~,,,,,,, i
...,.. ,, ,,i ~,,,,,,,,,, ~. mot iieriofe euereN l, . Certlfteetes. alit .01 udrrJab an to
tlthll i il..l . l,llT. le:7 . 1fi 1 10v!,,e!.... I prb0501et i a , !1: , 1 , ,,, t7 . 1,11,1'._,-I{o fOl.l/ :,t.•••,..t.a. Io abed,.
' .
11.41. 'VII.
11., Wult
tubn ,I,X
11/ 1 W
`II ti . Azx,,
411, Br,
-I, \I
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'.. r.
.. .
I t
It I
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~.. N.
4 I
t ,fully
J:::1: ri.
Jol,n l'r.
II 111 M'a
\ 427. 11{T.716%
i" ' tit ECTORS:
' . .1'.',1;': - . 1 ,;;;:,
?: 1tnr.;:77;:.,
, S \
' ~t, tt:!„',,.
~I 1 ,41/jllalli • 011
\ • '
a 1,,
11 I
, t_
- PtuLtrtcritta. Mang/ t 0.51.
'rho Patent Iteretdbln &ter Filtprer, IneeLhd by
IL Loan, and LINO b, me for Aral. grtNntßa at mr
p a 4ate reeLloon, Pt all that any roir.n mo lt wish. 1
thereto, eonstarr it w hare tt rnistw'urr
tr.nrolueuL it to the Jt.tN At , P. FAL/1141UB.
l;tn 4 r htltere are warranted to Mac out an, en,tl tr
twAre whin met. wrier frtm shwa:v.-et-LI animal or Atte..
Lie into r/ .. the water IlLey wee •arrwoled to lad, two
I...rev. with
in ennamri mew lad Le. and Noonan
"Pr".." VLAnnt a J
torlaLtr , , I. Arai eh-c.d. Philsdelolda.
I EA tt RlPE—Cornell'a iniptmed patent
111 A LeattLper Ilidratga,
.L. Irdrwulte ßASßA *
" AA7.'" to
ATarg rail 1: TI
uteh IT tf 134 Front deed
V . fleattug\a.nd Ventilation.,
unto br kkomdu llotade.Co
an urt Anon., Lecture
hank int on.. Pfuree t Factories. llowpltaJa. odd hand-
Teff i '2 l r•l ' LTirtru r at 9 w3A l a k I_PAv n tut " U . ! . 1?;
~ -.Andre, rubel' lt , t to' 4l , l trd , eirnth and for wt..
" I r 4:7 4' ts''' ' :e ti t ' lrlftfonl7,.'eUggl to o[ L ParC'ml mean., Will
ht,prerta‘l wherever dr7oreek
Itutilintn of ill e irariiiilto.l.wiptioxis milatiOntd err.
tangt sUrcelt,fullr heated upritiVilakplan Ewatent Puna ,
sot the tnethtd towurew • wholetteme \uniform htat. at and
reetuilvd tendwrature, Intik rthlre trredom from lard,
nuolte, tulle .I.4uut,onlautpoess,, and valet, from Pre.
tort!. • 3, :WAIVE. ATLiINOON i.I)EKLY.
i copley ' s Pot 'CIaV.
TIIE mlllB4 - fliers ere nhr Ag6ta
of J. Cop'. y 40, for the male of the), Pot Clwr, ao
snide of won ...dab - 4241rd fox mutigactuni
of Cita. Prote,Btrel te. It Le utaLltobf Mk. of
unil it Ti•ry Artitltily
mud driodlot,
Melo •j., I r.dittwiNAl AR 'can
I i IiEEN 01L C 1 ilird4 4 ' 4i ,
41411 .nd c ,usr.r ttn-en . "0"11 Cloth, for. II Indult linden,
ouperlor for sere.. aukorttr ‘ Le manufactured ftd that
the ware nennw.
v v 110
raetorler of Philt
900 Wa vaned
Prii2s ' -
on GipLond and Latter P.P.*, L.P!
no. be 1..,1 at la, r. RAVEN'S lasso arenouse,
ssylShako an.a.Spoonl arc
I tible. for sale IN, •
F beds. ROBISON. I.ITtF i CO.
k HIED PEACHES-100 bu. for\sale by ",
itontsoN.l.triLEAk co.
AILS-5M kegs matt sizes, for sale by
or2a ROBISON. LITTLE* 4 , - 1
too IRON—Itt tuns Bens Bieck Sled ;
For rob by , ROBISON. LIME CCO
!if ()LASSES & SUGAR— , 4, \
LTA. 100 bids N. 0 31olasan
15 blab. N. O. Sarar; for Faie'by
twits nunteiu., LITTLId &
V boson Grant's Vs and S. Lama
.. hne
10 keg.. lain:
25 bO
White Plans.
31 slime For Pale tor
11 14 mi are inatrooted by the owners to close
i.vona a m teeo. c zleol,ltkedueed, and upon
B eases Dia elan kit Co :41
2 - Cob Blankets, (white,) .. .
4 .. Jeans, blue and green.
~,24 . -,. 311311C11T 1 L 9.14
M . CKERYL=-O0 Male: N 0.3 Large:
s\ Aribt.
eat r-tf.Ocitbr
any ,
MILK 4 ft.. .Lug
-4t4, A. 'HAWN * 00.1, cues tai
or Shwitlitsiuld Dr= Uoxia oral
, oNI PO 'S 1)
ttutyt ty plat
ty rs,ty rt.t rt
tau, utttattr AEA S ""TI,UI
, 11,
,• itut, 4
t. t
tty.ttztNytttyl , co to tlotty
esti . ..nay rox.a4n.l.
sun -In, nal,-
Innartr., n..t
iu Inn:, a
n.I nuts - nr,
kr fully enrrni
rhnt ateir in.s.i,ti,nl nit.
.. I'iEL R..4
c ri .N
n om. •t y
•n) i..nn
•10.1. rn
A er.,•,11
!• •h•irll I, .1,
ii;;; it 1;;;: ii.C: ,:6N- . ;...:;;;.-a,.....,-...i;;;;:-.,.
~,,..,„.,. ~.....„. No; .t., shout ;their ACllrlites, the \
Petrolrutu isAy cretej.t ll.m.ily of, the are. , Physidar•
(highs tandluu to the prol,-..i n ens bermaig` to bre It
in'thrc Practl.. Tlo, v. ho at trot Ocecl on 'frith atouht
soduureetatoty. ero a rtl.m.. to icia\-.1 It due Aralee - and
comederattum • Iloo , n, .wather year tops mond; .thermlst
c0mpe11,...1 to art.,. lodge that tbe Prtalcum is Lal1311111,1."
eat medicine nor dicorec%). For .11 , ,, , ,chn1e.a1a atiel lei
tall toy .. hr.% ttla, 'a 71r_POIt ELL, LIU Woo'kett •
Aleu---11. R. belle
I , .7 WA./ Ace.; IP. XL Curry, AAI .
Elliott. Joarbh IMuelas, Alleacuy Cur. d 4 so, by claerl. ,
Aprirtor, 0, N. kiltat ecial Itcoeere., .p.c,,e, P. A. Y.1 . ...5t0ck rA C 0 ., \0 %loud wed Imat std\'•
\ \ •
- - ' - -
, 117ittfl'.
—lt o, ebeAr. A., to .t.t...al4heeltly'e %/11, , \
Auctia.. Cr.t Starch `,... 4,,47. •
Mr. E. IC, Sellerc-1, chittlreb. her otliere, halo boob
Pra,,,,, to truttlileeome cough., awl berth omldegateull
rerardW to very little purl., I wee tu aced br .114 , r ,
taserueuts about your totteh 0, rot. to Aire It a trill.
gave It to two of MY ll,'. sad 4..... r*7 .
different Clams. lard It but tle•er 6i1...d P, curt them. • \
1 have recemmendtel it to roy urhehhore„ and do moe
convirociously beliete that It i. 11... cough Meelyista
that haaarer ber U. lltreMi ID Ito publ,. ' •
Arthur. A.varaoao. '
Parentsehould but permit their child. v to auger nide
cough. cher% they may 1.• cured by a 2:. et- bottle,of thig
Syrup. \
I•recared nod I,ltl by . 11. I:. VeLL,P,RI3; , , \
met? , \ 47 Weed rt.., andlirum.lot gebecally.
kATENi , ..}, ,, DiciNEs,&c:—A — largeetktek 1 , ,
, lb store. tot far sale on the rice liberal ten.. alb
u alb'. thubacal , Aromatic talc': s < i
Lemma Acid . ..,,', , Iliatinat,'s Proper, \ .
. bAreolial part of thah.u. dr .slaltLa • ' ••;',
'Nem* aud BOPP Linbulat Itlceletaspe o r ili.utc.,
Opodalsloc.l , teres. ,`, Itrittah uil - . - \
i.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nap. \ \ ,Carteuter'sLitraciOf iris!. '1
ptu n Antellthons \", ,Court Plaster '.• ' ' . . I
. Lre's _ \ \ !Pall , y • eParmtrkatire ~
. Andereou'e , , PreuraLee oyrupy fbr the
/goober's i `, \ Mr. of Killer MIL foray
,g's Ant .I)yepePt/ bla,.YPlia,
lama' \ C. 0., of 1 . ..pp...1.0 • :
Crurehockres ,
" ' Y'' ''' ''
. • Germs. . . Larender :
1 . Moe 4
1 tiulairts - \ c , . ' .
Norden., mi. . Aftexto.rd
, Padilla • eort,Co., for Oen •
Rant Olotruera Prr 'fetter tyri Water
etneogtheulter Hutt. I )...rdet,er'sLitaittiebf. 7
Sicalm'sPenare.a .kalfrea'a Cordial '.• '
Turllnglau's Ilalsam ti I.
chlr. Tioctu. - •
Vrrmllt .- Ilarlern NI .. .
, -
Worm T a . llore. Pnadar • -.
At the g Store of O. N. NVlVl:fattt/lAIII.
c.rtter of Woci au \teeth strata.
Ir. bbl.. Large 1;••:o . ..3 Slaclcrel;
_ drums New Codteb; . ' • ,
is {Coal or= " aw l .ll;:tre ' try . 6" ''''''"
"... ~.'•
JOON WATT A CO., LlSettra.
US I;t4e. Large-No. 3 I.lseke • ' •
.hE\" ' " N
's LULL` \ ho BISON, Llrfal. " -0. '. 1,.. br \
_.,„. .._...,
. ,
ti.tiOCEIZI ES, ‘4,e—
ao beta , ..nio Cuffee; 2 , •! Lbl, N. C. Tow. .7
.'.. ''•
2, ew h' it; b i ' ;.! '.4". . \ ! 'l IsJ - !'''l
ii.,.L.,,,,,,,..i.. ~,, ~. CEA I.weW'wel;
‘ —. ...lee Clew-Lwie:t • -
L . 3 ,1; r0! , .1.... „ 1-twets SOO: `..
1 661. Sladtles;
2 setups , S. P‘l s ewligG; oe, 1.,..; 4 , i ' fr117,,,,,,,,,,' a, ~..,
/oUeree.....llseg ‘ 1, \ le,y," k. y " . ...• ;
Lis \ LORllsos • LCIILC A CO.
.I\ s ‘'