The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 02, 1851, Image 3

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    Ornstau or rue Dtnatoi Coeut.—Th e room
of the DlStriet Court wee edsided yesterday
morning, by the members of the Bar, who as
:. eCiabled for the purpose of seeing the new judges
- take' their sews. We think we have never known
lie large a nuniter of oar lawyera meet together
very f•ew Lein,';
!At tho hoar at tea o'clock • Judges Forward,
Williams, and Ie aria took their seats, and the
Dourt woe opened. George S. Hays, Esq., read
the commission of tLe Honorable Walter For
ward, and that geutletnazwas morn in, so Pres
ident Jodge of the District Court, by Judge
Lowrie, tinder a special. dedimus potteatem, from
On Governor.
The commission of the Ilon;ratite William 11.
Williams was then read by the Prothonotary,
and the oath of (ace adminiatereci by,„ltidg,e
Lowrie, upon which that gentlemen tool• his
seat, as Assisiant Judge Of the District Court.
The 1 1001.rabh,. Wolter Forward,
I hold in my hand, the' commission of Wal.
.:ter. H. Lowrie, one of the Judges of the St,
preme Court, together with a drdinrue from the
Governor, authorizing me to administer the
oath of office, which I will OccOrdingly do.
Judge Forward administered' the omit oath
and Judge Lowrie retired from the Bench.—
Proclamation for a jury was then made, and the
`Wool brieiness of the Court commenced.
TOOK TIE SZATA.—Tho Honorable William
B. 111aCture, was-yesterday swore in es Presi
dent Judge of tho Court Of Common Pleas and
Quarter Sessions, by. fletekiah Nixon, Esq.—
T. J. McMillan, and William Boggs, were also
swam as Associate Judge.
• .
MOND&r .Deoember 1.
Before the lion. William B. McClure, Fri's.
ident Judge, and T. J. McMillan and' William
Boggs, Associate Judges:
The Court was occupiid ail day, yesterday,
in the the trial of ,‘ case of alleged conspiracy,
whjch was-not cutichuled at Cie tilde of adjourn
ment. We will prabobly be able to give the
veidiot of the jury to-morrow.
NIONDAY, December I.
Before the Honorable Jndgee,•Forword end
'XiMem Digby as. Henry Chignell. In this
case the Court ordered the Prothonotary to pay
to William Dighy, fire hondred and fourteen
dollars, out of the monies paid into Court.'
John Glenti, Administrator of T. P. Brown,
ve n Jamee AlcOilteny and John J. IklcCombs.
NaoerdlOt was returned iu tbia cave.
..8. and W. Hnibsugh vs. John Stokes, a non
resident. No. J 4; April Term, 181.
Judgment ag a inst defendants on motion of
W. 8. Courtney, m default of on appearance.
Thp. E.linhurgh Re'riocr .for October has jolt
been recaivecl by W. C., Wall, Fourth fitreeL
310ET4SG OF Too BOARD or M.lFinaolFl or rut
• .
ALLEGHENY cOUNTY Anawut.ruam.. Social
The Board of 131.12/:,eri met un Saturday morn
ing,rin the New Court House. Preseat—MosAru.
Murdoch, Mardi), siouog, t:ooper, Boyd end
Murcoch, Jr , of Peoble,, was rolled to
tite_chair, io the absenco of the reo:ol,,r
dent. .
filartla read a report, stating that he had
received from the County Commissioners the
Furi of ono hundred dollars, directed to I.e
given to the Society by Act of .iiesetribly. A
certificate of its deposite with Gen.:William Lar
imer,'was handed to the Chairman'
Copies of a correspondence b'etwern Mr. Wil
liam Martin, of Manchester, and Joha'Reynelts,
of.Neweastle, - Lawrence county, Were read.—
Mr', Reynolds, .on behalf of ltx Agricultural 60.
ciety about to be formed at that place, requested
information relative to the Allegheny County
. Society, soil copies of our Constitution and Re...
aiews,.which were furnished by Mr. Martin.—
Thecorrespondence was ordered to be died.
A Jitter from Mr. Martin, of Altachester,
ire published yesterday, relatita to the
growth of turnips, was read.
After some' discussion, it was resolved thnt
the eileer cup, awarded to Robert J. 13.11 a. of
Indiana township, should bit presented to him
op the First Tuesday in January,' by Wm. Mar
tin, of Manchester, at Weaver's Hotel.
• On motion, Hie Board of .11,inagers adjourned,
to4neet again on the fret Tuesdaiiin JanussT,
at four o'clock in the afternoon, at Wearer's Ho
tels corner of Fourth. and Grant streete.
,Vazz'aser AND DRUNSYNNDSI3.—Ozo hundred
sad seventy four vagrants and common drunk
i .ards, were committed teprisunduring the mouth
I.' of Noveipber, for various terms of imprisonment,
ranging from . .one to thirty days.
; atittr.—Ninety fear persone, arreeed of va
-ri one crimen, were committed to prieon daring
the month of November. One of the member
(Robert Mitchell) secured of en aggravated se
wilt and battery with intent to kill, died a few
days ago. •
Accynzgr.;L-A drayman fell off his dray, at
the oornor of Water sad Wood streets yesterday,
and 'pitched heavily on his head, cutting it re
-17 mach. The - dray afterwards pawed Deer file
body, sornrely injuring
.Rscovraro.—Wo are glad to perceive that our
MEd, Alderman- Ifijor, is again at his post;
dealing out justice to all apitlicefite, having re
minisce!, from his recent illness.
Ifts:Nenrc..—The name of the colored man, on
whom an impost-wee held, RS noticed in another
part of this column, was, as we have since av
ottrtained, Howard.
. .
.-.lLUirozons Alrecntsr.—Alderman Major yes
tencloy, eenlanchel ("gurney to prison, charged
with malicious mitchlef, in breaking the windows
of one of her neighbiirs.
. . •
• Au t umn lticenv.—Polies officers Reed yes
terday arrested a
_man named Hewitt, on the
AMMO! Michigan , who 'is •accosed of stealing
cheese from a grocer in Beaver. The informa-
HOD MO received by telegraph, and some of
Vat missing articles were found, we learn, in hill
7A1NA427 AND 8A172681%—.1 colorOd. WONVID,
iinsan Smith , was yootorday,comooltted
- tok prison bf Alderman Major, charaitt. on meth
:of Miry Ann Trutt', with aaratilt, and hat
Van!esocer....-Mary Sap Truk e, the defendant
413 the above cue, was .eamadttedto 'prison on
the imp day,.hy Alderman .llnjor on o charge
Benotrizr,—A warrant was yestorday hurtled
for the 'arrest of Willi:an Smith, who is "moose('
..of burglatiooslyentering the holm of Mr. Joe.
lletatiog, of Ohio township, coil demandiog
looney, failing olgt_h_taill whirl), Le knocked.
Mrs. Smith down, mode Lis escape.
erneitre °merno —lle:daub Nixon, El.,
yaetirday swore ia Merxre. Ammtiell ; ohntsteek
and. Alexentler Itieharillini„ • the new County
neeorder ;tad .ftegieter, and they name:lloBy
=Peed upon the Jurie;! of their office.
- CATIAIS.--.10b1:1 , ..5.1Ck . WAS yesterday commit
ted rjs n on a capiaa
Bcfchameter, Egg , ono of our
'elf, magistrates, yeaterday morning alruped on
ast ley pavement, acid fdl, brcalringbis collar
Canas,u, Itubdrell and
thini - thr" acted' ors by the Greed
Jag, duriiag their les.ion tr.oPist
Tbls ii ono lauiblrel an./ thirty-three were khan
t. sny preirsora tom.
PEODAZIL2 DEATH —We learn that no. hopes
-arc entertained df Mr. James Criscrell'a eeeoe
cry.. Oor,renders wilf remember that be fell
dgirn7 . th, steps et the Court Hons., nearly, two
weitka ago, causing I Woooll2lfiOn of the brain.
Bine, that time, he g ligis remained in a *tale of
stupor, and it wu deemed advisable, last gab•
bath, to perform the operation of trepabding,
which wan accordingly done by Doctors Walcters
sad Holmes. As boon es it was over, he became
arasible of what was going on around :hire,. but
this lasted only - for a few firoments, whin his re
lapsed late a state of insensibility. lio hopes
ot'llla:recayeiy are now entertained.
. .
Cll=l. Of Promo, Corsrejrair
A teen, minted }teary 'antler, wan rirreareci by
CetwAble llngne, - churged witala_niag a 'aoua
tarbit aerie on a person named Turner, inlab re
tidoaQlr the Canal Linetzt. Ilr Wll3 committed
t 0 tlrawer the accusation..
: • • • - 4
ADMITT2D.-612 motion Of the . Hon. HODOWeII
Hepburn; Hill Damian, Esq., was yesterday
admitted to practice in the District Court.
Fine.'--A fire broke out on Saturday timing,
in the store of Mr. G.. W. Gardener, at the ARRIVAL OF THE ST E AME
corner of Logan and Clarke streets.. The "Good
Intent" engine was promptly on the ground, and . PRO 11ETHEUS.
the flames were extinguished before a great
deafer damage had been done. The loss is New lone, Dec. 1.
The steamer Prometheus arrived this morn.
ly covered by insurance. Tile fire is supposed!
to have originated from ensue matches, of which tog, in nine days from San Juan, via HaTILIIO—
there were several cross in the store, taking She brings $120,000 in gold, on freight, and
fire. •
$51:0bla10 in the hands of passengers, of whom
she brings 510.
The Prometheus brings dates front Havana to
the 2tith. Mr. Thrasher, who had been sen
tenced to the Moro for eight years, will receive
hie liberation it in stated, on the loth. His
brother had already been released.
The Pr.onctlieus triage the Pacific's passen
gers from San Juan, to the Slot of November .
The Prometheus reports that the authorities
of Grey town, Nicaraugua, claimed $l2O front
her port charges. The Captain refused pay meet,
and' had got under way when the British brig of
war Express fired two shot, over the steamer,
and threatened to fire a bomb shell into her
less she immediately anchored. The captain 1114
forced to return, and officers were sent Oh hoard
to put out the fires. The captain finally paid
the demand under protest. The British captain
stated his intention to protest the authorities"!
of Ore} town.
FOUND DaawNhn...— . The dead body of a color
ed man, who, from his dress, is supposed to have
been a deck hand on a Aeurnboat, was found, on
Saturday, floating in the Ohio river, opposite
Hays' tavern, nine miles from Pittsburgh. Cor
oner Arthurs was rolled in, and a jury having
been empannele4l, a vdrdici of "found drowned"
was returned. The name of the deceased was
not ascertained.
Cot-sry CLeaK.—dared M. Ilrunh, Esq., was
yesterday sworn in as the County Clerk, and at
once entered upon the duties of his office. lle
labored under some disadvantages, owing to
reasons which it is oat necessary for ns to men
tion, and which were unavoidable, so far as he
was cono3rned, hot notwithstanding, he got
along admirably, and to the satisfaction of all
persons who had business with him.
Petroleum I
fltivowees Conan -n Partantetwil'e melee We athuillou
GI the afflict,...) and the publle generally, to the ..heats
of trot. 11.1. of thin Illy. The caee may be teen by ant
noon who may he ekepty•al in relation to the fact. Gant
0.1 cell N M. KIEII.
- I had beet, analyzed aeerral years with a soren.auf both
rhich matlnunt to form.. until Peptember, 1650,
the inratornation et that time having Involved the whole
I 'tumi d
mean brans of ledh erre, and endod iu the der - Alba
of G. thick Glen , which wholly deetroteal my eight. I had
porntlonperformod,an4 the thlekaulogremored, which
--At retorted nod left trY.conditionbelore.
At th in emu,/ nt the enuonlylot I made nopliratlon twee
t...l of the eindt emineut medical men. who Informed me
that eye. wonl.l nays got well: At Wartime I could
te.l dintincuiddi any obleet By theadrion of amide friend.
I Ad:anew...Al the “51. of the 14trolema, both Intentally
and locally, under which Mt el ee hare immured daily un
til the ore— ot tune. cud I have recovered tar eight outire
ly. g..neral health wan .err much lutproyed by the
Petroleum. and I attribute the restoratiou of my cat" to
Its W.. 1 rtod - ideet Au. 102 Second attest. in thin city, and
riN be happy togiTil any information in relation to mt
for .1. by tleya, a .11“Dut.ii. 1.11, Wood atreolt.R. L
%.ellere. Si %V ted etre.; it. A. Fahorstoek. A Co, tanner
Wood and Pronto...4x 11. M. Curry, 1./. A. Elliott, Jraeoh
Douglaos. and 11.11 Schwartz, AdleAheny; also by the pm
8. 0. KILO,
poldtiA•:T Canal !Lulu. oeeenth et. Plttdbur
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
fIAPITA_L $300,000. R. MILLER, JR.,
lit... Moat, F. 5. (Mu.. Matiretary.
Will intiee awaitsl all knyila of nil., Fir. at,/ Mariam.
All lames will bbenaly ailyuxuat mut latiannlY mob ,
A home I ~, iitunun—cniumail by Ihrtimini wha
Imown lu coalman., aul wine etre ilatartatiml by
tinitutnatailunil liberality in Mammal Me character •Lich
IL, hat, aiatunail. as Whinny him ni-ia yr." Inal to aim.
who Mi... to I, imurad
Dinicrom—ltanta Hutt , . wit bl—
ot, (boa taaitt. Ale. Nlinlck i lino. Black, Ulm.
a'. Jackson. lame,. s.Auley,lreon, hathmilai
Unltnea.Jasutai W.p.m.; and W. IL lirriltt.
btlhee. No. Via Mater iitrerat. i.arwhouae &
up stair,' lilltraburrh
Citizen's Insurance t;ompa.uc.iit Pittsburgh
, I , 4llfir. 'n., 41 lister street. in the twarsLaum• of C
C.O. llrnstr. Invel M•ll[A, :tee,
"rlivs i• non prennrnd t., wenn. urerehatidlse
In , tore, .1 Id tratrntu: Ae.
An sinplc ,rittgntity far lbw ability laid lottcrsty des
!rpaltutko. Agnr....l In thn elara.r of ths
rho an. nf Pittsburgh. wrII and it.•• e••tninurnty 1, their prulen,-,
anth , r. , --.C. 11. Ilumn, hi. Duals, it u. LArltner,
Jr,. Wglter I :r,.., h K bbln.l
Jahn Ilarverth, b. Ilarbaugh. M. Kier.•tl
• • •
Pittsburgh Lire Insurance Company.
• $lOO,OOO.
. .
' of
I , ..sideni—Seaum. abetter
Trst....Luvr—J.Asern Lcr.e.
ft!:. vlr..nlA..cnont Ie sesthts part t sag-,
31AlloaLyy 0 •
Ctlve, modern made
e:Lerd t haying . ! . ! et ! ;.V.:',l.: u i t sr ,% ° " ! " or !' '``.
Ai,. a ye, el-gaut Itlrood Puon. 01aTt. hlre
Iby thu month yfte
tur nem Eanca no baud t 1"..r sal
, from ot
to f-t.l JOHN H sau
rrrr . p''' '
.hirh ~ U7'"'
. a6-ad of soy thing itopor.rod itto ' tbts "
to'sl,o 1., lb. Choice Oolong Tos at
o r .n. •
9111 E CREDITORS of the late firm of Atl•
rr.Port. Ye., ¢”.nant.. err
trynelte/ In {a...a,. the, c 44.24. 4, the Wm:en/gy, a.
•L.en Of aid Om. ct the ,f.r. of Pontkey Startrt.t. No.
.4th rtrra, atal ha.4.44a.d ...41
4, t 4 trig ptea, =flat
plane thazr se
N.Y.. .44,4 41 or
FLAX -3 ton.; for sale by -
, ricg a aI•CANDLESS.
ISLACK WOOD, for November;
Art Juurns4, Lae Naavratmr:
Jrrrn4l`primls.BC for Ilan , ot %I al. • new le
Wart , l'amiala•
l t. natto
Received 'at Iig,LMES . Litatarf D•rat, 71 Third suet.
^0,4. SLe l'att OG;e. tro y
MERINOS!- —M.1.7111 . 111 Bratl3-
rav• hate utvt rec'd an listartraret of &bat. titu,l , .
mkt., anat.,
eh tee at Prab, Gr••at. Cala. CrO
.at r•rf lam porn quanty. f
tha variou.
NIT & llcsntrazun bar,,red oCer low tl - ....1.01
attmle. no2l
['TATEMIS-21 imcks prime Kentucky
,E reed pee pu.eporr Irene. end(or ,ale by
r - EA
IOU Racts Feathern 4 D.rms 1te , ...x. - ..
Landinn and Yor nal, by 1001011 DICKEY 0 00..
n 0 .1.4 Wa4r and Fraut ila.
15 Lida Last Swat - .
' boxes Lorartny's Saalr:
0 b bl. " Cru.had Dutra:
I - Pulevrited Sur,
• IDO boa. or+ M E. Raistade .
.5,.1.5at Creamnda
o Cheer.:
Dg WrAD Paper.
To , Dratt,tra. a
Jail tusirloa 001 ka w by
FLocx-,—.30 bbls. Superfine;
~ 10 - it 111. jun reed and far rsle by
00.14 4,11 X WATT a CO.
k ATS-1600 bu. on coneiznment and for
Ur sale eq. 'Olt R :41S.
o,ot. GI Water newt.
open. no Watley. Noveinto.r lleth, 11 ea...a of
Illy Goals. ellghtly damaged I T water. contorts:ea Call
nl.o. Oingbann, flannels. Marline. ebeCkS. Re. Ac, all of
• hlob will be sold at nearly one half the usual prices.
an2l .
VORNELIAN ILINGS!—A large rvsort
k) ewet of cart.. sizes JILFI toed at
• taoS4 • ' IL RICHARDSON'S. SI Market at.
fILIEESE.--100 boxes W. R. for gals by
moat S. A U. 11AltBAI0IL
YOT bbla for siloby
0°24 S W.
fIOSIN-100 bbls. No. 1, for eale by
5021 S.
- a W. ILI Rls.41:1111.
New Rail Road Hotel to Rent
extensive ItT,LI will constructal Hull
lined liatoi. at Latrbl.. estm4reland p.unty, Pa ,
forty et. cf l'ittobarvh. on the hoe ortbe Central
Pennsylvania Ranh.), .111 he rented early telt mouth.
by the int , serib-r. on t.enrable terms, to . g.... 1 tenant.
The Lam,* Hotel I. advantattpusly Wooded In the
midst of o-thriving. wrivnltunlreal4n, wt,ere proyinton4
at'. Plentiful and ,heap, and at point on lb. Hne of the
Meat Railroad .here an catenate* patrons gP may ton TR'
lied awn, It vrill be en nearly completed - by the time
tie Railroad open., eerie In Dalt mouth. a• t, be reedy
for ...Panne. It le • hand•me inlet Imlldlnc, bl feet
hunt °nob. Itaflroval. and N, feet d.,•tg where stories high.
ttoneha.mosst for kitehons, tr. It will he cepa I.ln
ofat conno-elatin. handre4 and tfrr
e. ll valeulated tor • first chum
note,. uo-nr,nldlng teak fro- 31 e/pa•sengern
,4 1 , b an ePPortunlty elddom aetive, entrepri
sine 1144.4 keeper to reify °ion a motorist. In.
App Ina tho above lintel, itililsvowl to the wh.
writt, Intiowtosn. Pa.. still savelvial until tha Lth
day of bannatoor saint. It Is desirable that applications
baald La male Inner...if by latter. liatitanonatt Would
'tnicenclosal. Ityperienead a d twits/his known hotel
awpara will he proftwed.
Latrobe Isabout Wow miles east of OreenaLarah. and
may be wwilly stothisl Pr taking tho otow to Young.
tins. ()LTV kill W.
Notice—Lost Certificate.
vyricE ;s.l:iereby gival that application
bas le-no toultt to the Exchange Mot for the renew.
A i ( of CtrtiEnar tie. ON% far fourteen nheroo so raid Beak.
II•grl to hovn Mentlestropol by fire on Os 10th Aorll.
1515. noatr-herOw 3111 A JANE (1111,41.
rik ryro t t, Monran'• W•n• Km,
•xi /luxhrl•ltl's ,r••••• Red Dem. I.nitrvt, 171111 •
g•ti.n.l aseartumot'pl-Pror, 311.41c1•m, /Writ, 1,11,
VtuttO, Varolsb•s, Perfumer', rhol•••1•
•• the Drue Mom or JAMES MeIItIFVYN,
nol9 No. 00 Wiwi otent. ritobar•l•
itimball's Chemical Waahing Flnld
THIS ELVID is far superior to any other
Fluid or ampPo.derrverollendtolblremnmunitr.
it needs is but a tritl to mtlsfy tae arbo may turn a
doubt of Ita power. In recoil., dirt or anon from cloth-.
My. It rill not Inany way Injure tbn Inert fabric:, If
noel arrortlins to Ma it ran be had by the
GAI/011ot In bottle , . tn suit pun-hasera. Persona
to try the elm tstiVelll both!. Cr,. of -harm. at the
Ormi Sum" of I. N. WlCKLltttitd 11,
totttl corner of Woo-I and Cloth ata.
boxes Cream, for oak by
lJ tdMI JA VES I/AL:ZELL, lilt Water rt.
CIL ASS-100 bri. itse'd sizes Window, for
LA side by JAM DAUM.
IticE-1O tierces ?yeah, fo
A r s i p• ear xekt,
‘;llllrEit Napkin Ringo, Port Molinari:a,
.1,3 Alarm Cocks Fowl Fulovo,Ctillsa Vsoro.
Mantel Ornartlents: Tabc (11666,0, linnte DroPIOF
666666 boy i/loovets, Patent 116 s Parinn Marble
Mal.% V 11'.1nt16F.. )latch Stando, Car.l Cages. lillver
111(IIIARI/60.11, 61 Markel 01.
sreentrad a choke and bandana. assortment of
'Lill hilt., orlon:10ton .trikod and rich daroarkr.
Plato DU" Silk', of ...atm wkith wol quality, and Douro)
do, ri" dahntak Arbor. Abu, ek few patterns of rich
PLAID PRY:NeII bIKIIINOt, a rcattearticho. Changralh:
Tura ains, for elwako dma. Mark Mantilla and
elnaklna Ifelvata. Nov R i o n bs. of baron Part. loll"
/aft rred. placu—northeast earner of Fourth
sod Matter Moots.'
WINES & LIQU9ItS, of au periorqueditic2:
t*. , 11 1 T,61:147.:', , P0r
1 . 0 " 4;14:191ne n . ".
Junale, Rum.
" Mrotrtilt : l3:loo °
ltor ode et MORRIS' TZ'A MART, h: the Diamond.
WAsitisuron, Dec. 1
youse—The House of Representatives mot
to-day at 12 o'clock, 218 members being pres
Mr. Jo'nes, of Tonnesssce, nominated Mr.
Lloyd, of Kentucky, as the compromise eandi
date for Speaker, sad as such, he would s up.
port him.
Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, nominated Thaddeus
Stevens, of Pennsylvania, ns a . good Whig. .1
spirited debate ensued, Involving the soundness
of both Whigs and Democrats ou the compromise
The Houae then proceeded to ballot for Speak
er. . Upwards of 20 candidates were presented,
and voted for. L. Boyd received lIS out of the
212 votes cast, and was therefore declared duly
elected. He was conducted to the chair, and
made a short and appropriate speech.
The members were then sworn in, and the
House proceeded to ballot for Clet.k. J. W.
Forney bail 120 votes, and all the other candi
dates 19. lie. Forney was therefore declared
duly elected
.The following is the vote for Speaker of the
House of Representntives
Boyd—Nlessrs.• Andrews, J. Appleton, Ash, ,
Averett, Babcock, Bartlett, Bayley of Georgia,
Bragg, Breckenrolge, Buel, Busby, Campbell,
of 111., Carter, Onskey, Chins:Elwell, Clerk, , • .11.1,4,i. ru,,,...r Largo 0 i'....lflah.
ClOvehirld,•CObb, Antis, I,Anl, Davis of,,,,, , I ' ,1.1.1. 0.. 1 11.. krt.! ~,, ..:.. nu., 1.1.,
. I
1...4,1011, Dean, thinintek, Disney, Dunham, -
Duty, Eastman, Edmondson, Edgerton, nchliti, I
I 1...1, ,, ,u0+rn,r - N h. o ~..Ironn
Fitch, Floyd, Freetoth, Fuller, of M ~.., e i Gamble, 1
Gaylord, Gorman, Grecti, brow, Ilathillamilton, 1
Hammond, Harris, of Tenn., Ilarria,ur i.
Alabama, I j,..1 r..r.m. n, Allxi fvr •al- by
Hendricks, Hart, Rena . liebbert, Ilellioay. I ~,,...,
..... .7,11 t \ W.ATT t C.!, 5.15,,,,rt, ~,
1 4." 0 .• ' 11 ..e. of New Jeiser, Ingersoll, 1., , , ! 1 s lA , V1:1; A 't INIOTII Y . SEED, for side 10
Jackson, Jenkins, Johnsionl,el Tenn., Johnston, . I_ k .•,•, J. Alt 11311 D •
of ,thio, Johnston of Arkansas, Jones of NYI4,
York, Jones. 01 Trim. Jones of Pa.. Preston, 1 11 15a;..., ~.5•4 .../..,. , ...1.1., I,r
.., 1, I. 4AIISHALL. 0 , it t ,,, 1 iiees,
King, limo, Letcher, Lockhart, Niece klarshell, '''''.-
01 . tialtforip e , Ni, on . m e c or k 1,. mcDenald.' Illi' A LI. PA PER—French nod American
Nle Lone, NBMell
-y NI cSatt , kleiole, NE lion.
~., "" Pni.+ ' r ° "' l '' ' rrit. f rp.tV . j i A w.ii ,i.i.,
Mallory, Morrison, Niamey, Nabors, 1.1.15. Isar . ' •
k er .. p 0 , L. ,i,,,,. A. o. 1 ,,.,,,„ , f .,, r , ~,,, ~,,,, , ,I . I 111•11. IIION-- no Po, Jenny Lind Furnace
Price. Rini,. /, Illelikrdson, Rid Be 1t0!... I!, -.!:' ' 4 " . r ''''
''' ' ' ''' S
w"r l . ' S ' i:rt.,ll.
,5t.',73:,..1i0",,t.:.n7N. U y . 1 4 .... i' 5 " ,:;.` • . 11 :,.: 3 . 7 , t i g.": , "?: . " , " . 1, " ,. .' i l i it uLL Ill'T [Li: 12 ills poat.. for mile
1 4 I, F,1..
ten. Smart, Smith, :thaw, Stant., or Teou , ' i
. 1, U ri , .‘,. i i EAI ~,, , ,
~i.. 5,,,,,,,, in
S . t.t. , ot isy , Strutter, Swetlzer, Stuart, a I se , ~,..„,..1• ~,, Js n ti.... 55.
`teethes'. n I '
v. r •I.
l it t."'P"“. " r
• 1 : hu " " "?• V " . . N EW Fl'll re.-0.•.1 nt %,.. 116 I ibertv tits
no,. ...oz. .. e..1‘..,k, and .V11, , m14—,1" , • , . 1 L.,..:,..1 .1,1+1., 1,.....1,r,i,. rt. liti..
Thaddeus Stevens recsived 1C votes, Siat.l. o <.O ”....soth .., t 0i.....r, b.., ,5,... 1040,0 ~.•
21, Chandler 20, Bayley S. an., votes were. i ",',7".Y.r " th"w " .. "`"" 5• &'!,. ° ;,!::,., ~, a ii, i
thrown away on Howe. I.4,rtann, Evans, Batuck, I .
T 1 FP—r: l Ids P-Iti. ree'd 21,
Bowie, Ontlaw, Gentry. Hillier. Cuhvil, Ast.s , I I i" ' ILL RI.
Jones of Tenn. 131 , 1•TER- r -d0 kegs fresh rii. - 0 '.1 ,, an . .L1. , .. , r E 5 . a1e
The whole number of votes was 1 12 -1 1 .. - - ''.....'
LL Is. Boyd was declared elected, and being. couducted .
S UL:AIt—L.IO riols. Lot entigii L . in/elitist for
it P ,1‘1:,
to the chair, returned thanks for the honor con- '
-, _ _
(erred upon him, and promised to diseharge the I BLIDONIs--11.0 dos. Dry Cn.Cl.. for side Ly i
• 1. Y. 1.2, tea
duties so for a• he cauld, rotator, to the ' • !" '
coember•, and profit to the country. ' 4, i : c if-EI:A - ITS—I • Ode. tor •iile bv
Mr. Giddingi heir.; the of le-t memEer of the 1 '' : ' ''' .... _
.._-,", titatrEE
House, conseentivt ty. a Inainisterid sir soh.l +I DEP. ,N I , r:t . A 1.-- 0 •dds. f_d ~:o 1, 2 ;
, i pori,os, ,
amid mach iaugattr.
' <
The menthe.. were then sworn In, after la bid!, 'illlis I ll y :,.1 Td, --_ . q. 1,0, tor col, 1.1
a resolutit% woe adopted to inform the Senate ~ r . ' I se _
the election of Mr. •Boyd. , ilk: I X NAV YiLAtt.S.-21a) Eat. vIO nod 10
niss. M . s Allot Ow
111 , II. me •k V
_ .... _ ...... _ , A.cemmitN0 4 .le them appoipto.lo...,ima.t• ...;...;. 'o---.--
.- -- . . ern:
-,mmtlivilth."Stil.;7riK, 61'1 i jwitt ssi...L'S A .11:1N DIN E. ior the
a Speaker. . li I s „,. h.,,.„,,,„5.,...., it....t. rk. ssi i •s
Ibe Jules arid orders or the test SE9! In • 1 ".". * :, , " . `" ' ;',.,,;,,;;,,:`..",`?."'..: 0 ,::,;;;,.-1" . ,:.; : ne, ,<
of the .11ouse ace. adopted until otherwise ,r ie,' i , ... •••aeomoi• . .s. -e.,.............m. i......,
ME Feeney was then ciected Cinrk. I,y the t4l. A, .•••• s ses ... -se, 0.. .o.• .. I ,1....,..., .
InWiErc vote. —Forney 120, J.,' Walker, T'd there "'""..;;;;''..',..........;:,,,•• 0. se.•l sok p..
being several scat:ering votes. ...ds " f'.. si i.,..Eus LT
Ok.breatiCT was elected Sergeant at Arno.' a I L I 1,... pI,Hp 1 . N r I v,.. Ap o. llt
McKnew, Doorkeeper, and J NI Johnston Post- iv - • ~ ;,. . .. ~•41.. I , •• •I
Senate—Tbe henate was opeue.l at I net o , l<
by an appropriate prsyrr, by the Rey Ur. liu:-
All the members, excepting Messrs. Bradbury,
Bunter, Stockton, Mangum, Badger, Boller.
Ithett, Jeff Davis, Scale. Downes, Bell, of Tenn ,
Douglass, Fouriand, Sebastian, Ilou•ten, and
Rusk, were preseot
The credentials of tan newt memorre pore
then presented by various Senators, and the
oaths pfeecri bed by the constitution administer
ed. The certificate of the Governor of Florida,
of the election of Stephen IL Mallory, as Sean
tor from the 4th of March, last, Woo prevented
by Mr. Wthrtor. Ile also presented a copy cf
the journal of the Legusinture of Fiends., with
record of certain proceeding, which war con-
aidered, by lion. D. L. Tutee, as evidence
of hi• having been elected. Ths two pa.
per. hoeing been read, the chair said it wan a
question for the Senate to decide upon, whether
the papers presented entitled either to a seat.
Mr. _Bright moved a reference' of the paper,
to a select committee, upon which, considerable
debate ensued, in which Messrs Clay, Foote. an t i
°there took part. Finally, Mr Bright withdrew
hie motion, and Mallowry was admitted to
seat. Subsequently the papers were referred to I
a committee, to be relented to morrowl
Soveral members gave notice of the introthre
Lion of billo.
Mr. Owing gavenotice of various'lolle relative
to California, including the constrootivn of it
national railroad to the Pacific; a telegraph
to the Pacific; also a branch mint: and a navy
yard and depot
Mr. Foote gave notice of a joint . resolution for
a committee of the two 111.11.11, to make pre
parations for the reception and welcome of Kos
The Senate then adjourned.
The treason trials were resumed to-day, in
the United Stutes Circuit Court. and the
denee for tbe . Governineat was closed. No new
or irei7 important testimony affecting the psis.
over was elicited. The defence open, to-inor..
9 / 1 11.10711,1, :NU• 29
The caucus or the Itetnoceatto turtottera to
nominate candidates for of the lions, of
Represented,oa of the U 24 Congress, met this
evening at 7i o'clock. The atlendaoce mw
very full. Wm. A. Richardson, of Illinois, was
chosen Chairman, and lion. 11. If. Stanton,
of Rentocky, and Willard T. Hall, of Misnouri,
The CMUCUA proceeded to ballot for candidates
for the various ~Lticee, when the following ren ,
tlemen were nominated:—For Speaker, lion.
Lynn Boyd, of Kentucky; for Clerk, 'Cot. J.
W. Forney, of Pa. ; Sergeant-nt•Arme, Adam
J. Gloeshrenner, of Pa.; for Poet Master, M.
Janitor, of Va. for Door keeper, M . SloEweu,
of the District of Columbia.
The vote for Mr. Boyd. for Speaker, woe two
thirds of the whole caucus, and that for Colonel
Forney nearly three-fourth. Subsequently all
the otherinomiuntions were ratified unanimouely.
Considerable discord prevailed in the minute,
and * Inept number of the members retired be
fore the nomination. were made, declining to take
part in them. The difficulty commenced in the
early part of the proceedings, on account or a
portion of the members desiring to make a nom.
promise basis or final settlement of the slavery
question, and a platform of the party, to, which
a majority refused to accede..
_ .
The nominations were strongly opposed by
many or those present.
The Republic of this morning, says that Col.
Duthie resolutions, approving of the compro
mise as a party platform, were laid on the table
In the Democratic caucus, on Saturday night,
by a vote of 69 to 80. Lynn Boyd, for Speaker,
received 77, and Mr. Forney for clerk GO votes.
Fire members withdrew.
The canal is partly closed.. Sorge three or
four hundred boats are frozen in, in thin slain•
Mamas, Deo. I.
The raarerd bine have passed both breaches
of the Legielatvre.
Roman-re*, Dee. 1
The 0105h1 ‘ll5 unobstructed by Ice, bOt few
boats are running. At Buffalo the canals ate
still open, but the weather is very cold.
lira Your, Dee. 1 • TREMONT HOUSE,
Flour-- . Sales 00/30 bbls at $3 94&5.1 for corn- , BOSTON. LAS&
rrinS well known establishment it still ton
mon, state, and Indiant.
-, . K , fie<tad it , the ueer maener tt La, alvara Imese 11..,
Grain—Very little doing. Rye ja held at. • ie. ; central anel ',law.= aiteation rff the hoe., it, cotetn , at.
Sales of 9000 bushels mixed ecru at 1..,94 . v bu• : L',..r,r,„........- . .;.: 1 •=.1 thr '''''" r ."' "" .. s ri 4 .. ''''
te ea to recal,r, li a.,,,.ae:e beet advataa.
Pro ions— . port: is telling at $1& 50, awma In de 1%1,1, --
." prime at Sid 1 4 W. Lard is heavy at Ri ,
orig7:l,, Isza h :Leg , t „ he firm oii f Jebn L. T,nekar -r t.n..
- E , lie Sales of bacon sides . at .9461.10 e Id lb. I ~ii,d,,',ah'i1t.„,,,,,,,,,:t,',".:11=',1'.',..1,:41.6.tS
Linseed Oil—Solos 1500 gallons at C.10_ , ;63 V ''''',7",..:Vj..47;lrt;""'"'"l'vli. 11. PARKER.
_„ _ .
Tobacco-1 4 firm, with ,ttiP9 of 100 hhil,
Stocks.—.lre improving. Ohin six., 1-867,
advanced a, Madition nod Indianopolia cold nt
ICVEVINO r. atom'
Saw VOL.o [lre. I.
Cotton—Sales tc-day Were 400 bales at a de
cline of A,
Fl.r— Salts 17000 Mitt at 143 97 . (1 . u$ 17 for
roue, 0110 $7 7:I11t $.l 10 for Ohio.
Grain—Sales 10.1100 bushels Genesee white
Wheat at 1 1 71(o, 1011 c C I bushel. Sales 23,009
bushels tai.ced corn at aTt
Protisinnt—Sales 2130 E;blii pork and 10,1)00
bbl beef at full prices.
Gruceties—Sales 300 lotto Rio coffee at Sign
Flour—ls in goodl demand, with sales 3000
bbls at $2 'A/Cs:3 hhl. -
Whiskey—Sales al 16. i 6Oltic , per gal.
(logs—The ruarke4 it unchanged, with sales
1500 $4 '51.1044 Ito'tdloo.
Provisions—Salon{ 000 hbls mess pork at $l2
per but. Green sides are selling at 5c per G lb.
Groceries—Nlolas, has declined, with sales
of new crop at .14c. 1 1,ales Row sugar at 5j for
good fair.
an.l 11 Mut.. for lab, by
S a 11. 11,110,11011.
; LA . SS-11)01o,x,
HTIST'S C. SV-AS—'.:so yds. in-Tared,
14. r •aln by .lilor, LAI.
ADDER—I ,, OO tineL'rnbro, for tial ,
IT I br J F HIFI a C... cal
GarreCK Sect, , for Kali
.1. liloo Wea..1.1.
A llsrNlC—ltll.ll/
61AL AM MUNI AC-12.50 Ito. for sole by
rn .1 A I 111) 11..1,4 W.... 1 O.
RISI I 31i;•, 1.116. Fre,li and What.
J .1t 1V,•1
tu •
4 T T.l PER.'li A'•- -.ln.t • 1/ COO
L. • ,/
•/..I • • r•r,•11 riulm• r..•
J a 11. rill
1 )(If
nnl, J. a 11. AIICI.II,
4 IL (1.d)111 C )1111Nii—Th, hand, a
a to
part ..1 41/1. ava... Val,. ..... •
•• . for as/ Itul.I.,11.1•Ii 1 11,1.4't
.1 a II 1 1 41,1.11,
'5 4 I
.•••• ry•
w 11 111 a 1 11 1 , 111 , 11[1 , ,
I 11:11ING 1.4 „n 1 11
inn.. not Tubing, for
nun. , .1 11 11111.1.11', 11 , 31.1.0 t el
lIELSE-500 hog , s prime Cream Chovnet;
u., tt
11,1 I.y
It .1 0 . Li be!
0, r,r)
...Olt, r, , w 1 .1../ iv, -
ru th.rLh n, • f t0...1.
1., •.4 •nrl LlTorp,l
lan vv. rrn
. •
.1, la.. N•-• 1.41 Du It, I
ll.n tr..pd.
Lwe lei,. • m... 1.11, !tem .p.l
Hat IrnJnn .f Ittin l'ork ..n Ili.
:II sal Jtattt,
The .1. , ha. a M., 1,.,1...t• fr...n . or..
and ag* Woo latabl af
' A 11 rattly t.ina ntni I.larrb ad to ar•
panat•lst, Vkrk nban,
I la.n " t. ....nal alai tta.lna.l. It. I . lt.burblk
still Tir...a avert. nltautbn. abl ..lratta
elaaartully at Ti,.. nib.. ta - ntt !Ao
guar. b..1.1ta rt Gar., 111111.11nbs. Itlvartaannl. W.
a J labarott Co_•
strap.. Nor nr at
blba. tha altortiarr, anent, 1,1 e.
' .I Mart,
ai luta 14,11--.1 Status ur •hu
alak, • , ..u r s tur ,r I:. nu v rpm .4 ).turlutul.
•'HI r hn
. t. , u...
u. nr" ~•••,avtiiit.:l4,,
r.,kut, .g. t 0... 6u Maar,/
tr.t•nt miry,
un Inrat:4. term
Lllartinul. Lomita, or •rb e ir
aalt.uu Pr uJr. Mu jp0 , 11.11 , 1, .Irlny. rata
Lirer,ar.l t.. 1 .41..anr. itallunurb,
14.11.1vIrlua, Cllrla. tot.. •n.l
r. , tnitlan,q, to •tnall ur lunra
ar22 JA.Alrli
idiffonry's Philaddlphia oz Liverpool Lind
of Packets.
from Philadelphia on it 1„
nub. ao,QLlyenAnoi un [hr f eyihirintith.Z . Ut
iiton Al All Y I . I.RArIANT V. R. Denton. NI Amor N.
MIA:NAN A 11. 11 Tn. LIAM
EVIII/n R.' aaileiniol C. Mill, )1.1111.
awed V. AIeAtAY.
11AVRAMAXIgi, (twin.) W W.,. ihoitty.
The aliovo ship. layi 1 , 011 of ,Lin Not rind itioyt o
And 010 0 0 0,1 ar It . roniAlty yinioairoil
II all
th.i,wl.ll. AnUliard. nod •rA 1.. r their ay.
ornitootALlon. Nre.....1-1111.b. and Verra.rd
they IMO noin I. ...rayon ti/Aot. who
An. to it Anierlyner lig yoelost Arrolcia
lOrrwant Inlmn. of brincing thrir frlAnilo 'min 10,014
Country eyn n 11 1 41 .1 p0w..... will to
RnM moot!, Awl our 'wont. ill In•land and Pr
tirpool will forni.h theni - Ait 3 / 4 nropysl. o
I' ViT ' l7.7. " ="i:Zor o A ‘ rf. i' t ' !i ' ..Art a r.!: " r?....... to I 1,:o
Al.)", ....Pelf . dn.). tor Cl olsolltrit yina unwary]. nityllblil
PiAbl Moonlit, wldeh will lAA esshed by nuy Aif
tho Hanka lo hot Klngilony.
.11)yelirnelidAnA nipy.ll.ll payloon,..r. oniony Iiono•LIYAY
Ever, took lho L.liowlo Aupylliii 0111 lo furnoliol
earl] yoomnaer of lorii soil over 214 lb. Lilo.),
2 Ito. riro, ...A. l.a, J lb.natintol, Ai Ilyrupay. ) nunr
1), ninbin.... And I Ih. IlndAr 12. ,
lino.bitAilTik I lb. mu*, full .11,,044n1 twin Awl
0 0 0 1 . • and half thrwannlAut Loa. .near and milli...
No ill Walnut elm.. While WO)
WAT. 0 Llll
lAltlitf tom, HMIs and Wol/11l
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow.
rrIlE Glasgow and New York
ktestoxhip wArerful nowt
swattoghip 1.,62 ton% owl intl ' -
horan,porar, ~ t evrart of anlneauw.., znuanan.6,l, sw.,,w.+l Cu ,ln owl Irma
York (or t/lampow. Na:ordAr. tta r.tll 1./..vetnber
, at 11 tfelnck. un,o.
Y. 1.1.1011 LONEY
Vint Cabot (.tnvknl•. tisnluledp.,
o.,Tond 1241411 -
• •
No rtrrNme raranaarr term a 6.
The. , rater Nttha. Prorlelone. but o,t valor. or Ilquorr,
which will be our idled an trim], at noalt4l. Drava. Car•
rice I Surgeon. rretritt rpeele, pee Cent •
frr''bt or
7 ii"
3 ,N. lirtudNe.r.N*.L.
Nlfir Ye 2100 moo, and 110 horn ',ar. fa
Consort to the Ullygo..) Viii 1.4. on the statiou earl,. beat
loir ILLAND.I , cort.AN, ANN trALPl.—laarr Bata Or.
at firm Of Dlalely • Co.. VIII ckattlitue laeoe
eight Araftron (brat Di Ihitt mad Inland: arra. otaraara
aPd Garmanr. OM. aith ,Woodwartl. Mahar
ttitmenaNere Rare Nome,' 'lnver of Liberty and Wall
strata. l'lltaborath. • ,
tr to a
CataraSallartrarnl.sll:llo.tate"rtelllr 4=1,5b.
THESE superior arLiel, of Perfiguery,
amouw,kc alv ....nerved II .sly ceridrair.
Id hi IDiude. trioth nail
Powders, Chiurso, other lintdddi
, !wind Idlowii
Sharing jrfiim er•
aunt ro t il,,
pal tracts for the hanitter 'ld. I Ilswirw w,
Pomade. i• !.-M .rtiol..) Con. Lid...111.1r Itratoroithii.
hole 114, Plillteenne, a,, Ana a.nJ tar
gale hr
s t'LY.IIII.
Perfumer and I'lloritiat,
.treet. heti,. 2J, l'hilied.phla
Ser-Mewilianit fidget Dd. Clred I.
me. retetintre suatiutwitnry thr riti. Wye .
Shriver & McLean,
Flour, Perdu and Cowin...on Merchants,
No.di r t iivrit Warr. snarl,
t., du, eruerally, will rive vo promo, iittentloti
lie. end...tide give rdtintactliin Adm.-nem:oe
...lid 11.11. of Lading when dr011 . ...
itorr Danititow Miller, Pittnhurigh,
Mr Prenelii ii
Mr Al,
11f I'. Him.,
Matchless Blacking and Inks.
It . — warrantal ruperior to any offered
thw purr, roil Maned., turrd
1,,N CA., iduidiry street. 2.. North 1 Writ
l'haindeltili lei P.
_ . iliWo
VAL-AUK/CIL Net. 41 Senth Downed titre, dab,.
bratniit. 'a., .10,1
wir. .6 AUT.
I/ AG A L oi : n s ) i W k A RD Co., Whole
Whole :
1.11,1 A. HULL.
phl.. awl
1 1 WAIN CL.
11 I R„, &
o. I, bu t co
.D.f1 , :0 15 North Wham,wL
Flour and General Produce
I? A lano.ln rx.k h — r, THE m,o x.
al naat equal advanlagra In Tranan,tam.
wan any a/o,pr mark. tni tha ///... Ward. a amalerat.aaala
rhart.... nal,ulnk pair. aml quirk return, and Laat
mark. pile., ar• •nul I reap...ninny n•lteit natrvnau••
nrwaldrin ..n.l CA...Mar of Mor-hanta . Bank:
flank of Ilaltlm,•r.;
Commprrial • Farturra . Bank.,
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Tricopherons,
ot-nng kr...orglug Argi I.rautifylng lA. balr,rradirg-
Uu• tgurg Au./ JunArue. bud runng •.f U. pion.
I. uro. hug urt.t0...1 r . rilret In r riti#
Ltu. u 4,11 thr .“in,, , L.
following uutunongaig, lint lb. .Icullar
L41......e1,11.•11 • r LL. erslyr. rrf • cvat e,r,navalad ,har ,
A-mr. Mr rib.. laYs nrmro r.. , ....14.n. 1.. , - I ,• Ymdr
Er r had L. Wry , - r
:4 orluer4 tr.. 1n.., rmalbarst Fbrad . HOUSES,FARMS C.
_ ,
.oa, an I tsar• trlsd all the tr,pri•LiC.• bkr tle bitir sod _
•Mat In.
loam . , ,•14.rd lb. laAat sobs I yr.& 1.1.18 ed :
by • In. ml Y.. tr, jr:or 1 rlr.rplA arr. I dal arr. aq • fast For Sale,
r7 : ,,,- . ",' . 1 0:: , TZ , TZ..1,-`h .5 . " ,..,',.`,, " :1 . 1, f !.,";'0ttiti1: (ICE HUNDRED & FORTY ACRES OF
diomLer Itat at Moo.. I • as maratallr 14,41 X, COAL .rtoot.ll to Thstrl Dam. , lonr.baabora marr.
al , al„ 1..1..10. or C.•I aro 00.0 w.f.. It train,. an.l adman
-4 '"'""'.
''''. l4u lLlorablA arrrrat. ntrarlay. . tmrry fr t ornultor. •rrd r. 5 tral r' lo Or beet lo rhr. rim,
A Ixt—llor tldrd trodkmrlrd 14 rt or ,n.. r,/ xu4
Nro VIII. 0. - t . ..M. 1,0. It arr., 41 r 1 T 11 5 .m.... m.. ,,, ...0-1• rl.i. Yo, 4
Vrar, Illara 7 -al DeAr Nli*-About taro y nursArn my Mar lull .vv of lb. porirartY•tr , m 4 ao4 Pr.' , apply to
out a
fir 4-.1, am! my brut m muctr AClirrad oo•lu 11AI/41. .11 Ila 0
11110) ..las,lzu a I, r, 4.111,- . frirml ty tr i a l.alt Talambher. • - - • -
1,... 4,4 I 1 , 1.. a.l an my sYmorarm&r.a tat tralr rasa 1 1../ Al Itp di lItV IN have Itki, ha. bale •01110
bstat• m. aNt arrd dl lA. dimalrorl 41.Arrysarral, sr th•
Essra evAa.1...1. I,
I . .r. 1 .3'. . 7 ...7 1. 1.1 .. .1:71 t . ' 1 bmml way. "",'::' ' ' "."'"' .!'". '''' ''''''' '' l 5 , : i'1 1
It yr, , alr ra avast:rms.+ .4 , .arr IL, at.ill.-.) , .1, of the '' - , . .
I, 0 , AL .410 , . 1...., 1,1.• ~ 1... /will pn•lar, tb. rta
aryl Icon-
Desirable Property tar Sale.
NUMI4.I: e., v vtiit.abh.
W.• and haw& Artses. As• C, 1 1 .A4 /rtrt.. " 1 • 1 • 11 • 1 ` 1 `c 11 •••• I ` . .rt Nt••• 1 • t '` • 111 .•••
1 ,•1 11 - 11 11 10.01. t „ 01,1,4 .000'
L-,putertt, sks."rt, ...I 1./ a. 4.04', s, r •`• ` • •"`, s . •` l ` • • • ••••
1..1,1z _ • A 1.,. A vs` t 1.14. rttut,ctirt 1. trt4..4 Owen!.
theuryoss• ot ...I. st.l, • L i . •
*Swell ..... carer`, in the Isat usest tu pref.rt".s ts. su 'Seth. , ” t`tu l- I. C - et fl=l , l-n t ` l ,", LT `.rtt
other. ezt//art• Use Clurt. 0 101,04 I:gut I. rtt. / .ct.rt cert., I , ,11, 1 4.4 40,
L.rt hart, art.: Errtunrt.• it , rtr rto, LI. • L. ‘`.`—`,•• t=l- , scrt:T / 10 • 1 / 1 3/`rt rtu I.•trtrtrt
Lur Pus au./ etiee,_ It 51 1 1,, ot trt- /`.• 1•••••1••/•• 10110111
su.l. as eeLl Lsed, de, ...So saber • , urts - rts"ut • 1 ` `• •`••••• • • 4-, =`•
as` • , the Ftt
C. elstraptus, sr well ...thrterrt. rt A`•7 A
,F•tlrt "C.. tu I •••••• c0u ,, 11. • mil.
01,0411. t srL ,`...1.
Pe:metes, , at,/ se Cle artru.rtiste .... 4, thi.n.tilL,rt.t • •r•tu.• t. IL 11, ••• e= ll =Cs• a v.....
`.ll 4,1, 4,2,41/1/no nn,.s
,s L t
.01.irtrt/ :at 1 40 0 , 4' /.. eLt.
a . ...1 a 1
Land and Lots.
THOMAS HALE. F .•i: . • ••1 t•••11111•Vi,Ilia c. 1111,.
1. ~ 11WARDINU a COMMinsio:: MERCFLINT, v „,`1;•"; ''' „
ILL/N. r.7.1!;'
iONTINCES 0:411,1 redei • pur-
X, ,Nir. I'M:O./M.lllyr, itllllerrharbas•• it,- • • t - • • •tt al/ prw t•Lutt,
1..t0 UP. 4..-16 .•4. -t t, earl. rly•r •rt.t.u.r
too tlt. I .I.• 1.14
Lrt..Ll, .nt.rllLa a pt., rt • t. .1 In 1.0 „.
Wm. H. Haskia
M1 , 1,111.1NT " • rr '!""'
A, N 1.1 I 11 ES! ItLE 1.1;01'1. - AiTI ,, Fuji. sALE_.
••.i.1,.._•t u tuwit ~„„„,
•It•rnok,t Mt.uAl. ul.l N•nuo,,t
qt, ark
ST. 1.01;IS & ST. JOSEPH.'
• • - • -
II !I E u k nto rt E .11. LE I i OTEL,
MII , I ETON. RI LEY ' UFLE, Nttttl 11 , 11 t• tit V) T. 1,11 AttliLltlri'th
1.. t ' h KWh “hr...rt t
t. . t %h.. ittrrrithhthh .n th.
iht• t, ta. neel‘elf.
f " .r7t'llA 1 . 1 h. t 0,... n . t.. tl % il•
, I[arrl.
, riot .1 •,t.utthte itlttet •n.l aftrr the
„ , • • 111 , 4.1 itA .ot IL hA 1, ht.hrt It. titt.tatt utn
I i Athirst, Anil t rth,
• t f tio• o 11..c..1 •L. rocen, t.htnn the latt.t.t.ral
ttt . tihttr to,Mr”ret.
P 01110,1,11. i'Llt•,.old,
itehten......-1,1,..1.nt 'lt tl' thttn,h.n ht-ritrtf, thttn nritt.talluttitt ti the.
h Itt 141 k.. !hitt,. prettrot .*r pen. tihrthh the twilit or hi, 1PA....
•nel.l I. Fkkr est.tutte of tit* oirpe ,r
. CIII4IIITIAN A ItAltiihliElh
Arlin ' twat Ilunlitth.
Fr° LET—A large and convenient 2
Sy ...H.. l'hc up .W...s street, t.t.thrh Wittnti
an.l .tnttihr..l • ( •
. _
Equitable Fire Iniu-ance Company, of
9.HIS Company inyuroa a cimt Ig hre
tmj, roa
dar. mf ter p,
TIIIS t!ompanv ineures Lives between the
, rr 15 aml rit
App •1..u•5n... to: ..talreC•cusn
II •.f
nunlltne3iS II II A.
First Bate Farm and Coal ; and for Sale.
rip (1 F. stibserilwr offers f, sate hi. Farm,
' g s de, t, ist d„. ~,,,
la /11 e .1,10 towuahlt. rt. I soun i• .1.. aU.
Alloylora, au.lot{, atal ruutasn• u•-•rit 'nal Acres. MI of
whi•l• aro Coal Ltuo...tnua. •10, tar
I•mullux Iu Ir 4
A IaTA,. p.. , 11.4.,L, of tlag IAIAI fa,
quality rig. bottom. TA, Farm tro/I I. Auld entire. or
sulattrala•l puretuuars The 1,4.1 sr ill ba sual
ar •aparstaly Crow Lb. aartu. Tata Farm uo pusrally
1tt10r , ... 41,, 1Y taro.. wialolus to buy it la Ittal) to
asauliaa nor Itionsall Full asfartostlnn roam, tu tuna
NI 1118
1.1. lorkl,llll "
NOR SALK—A hrrt rate FA M Ly. , .."
110/lal 1:1•1r11 aan mo .t 8114:11Ires..JCIl.
81.1,1.. !raw •
r iliON WILL in) received 111 esrlatage (With a
(Collll of moialy) al TWO Lora.
II Slith II sru. F:ulviry '.l
sealt IFF.. ATI•I,,oN A OK ILI
Moro'Now Goat.
AXLES A. Mai INII3IIT, No. 6:: Fourth at.,
nk , •llT , r nl 1,11. and 41.,
Ala. rho u..,..rity xh•l, Itarly• at
thalara• ILL* ...dem a 11,.. duriu• lb.
' : - ;?l " A74 . l:?u ' ll i raTion t rrt;
linr•rr; Hein C•olu3 , ro
fiquorr 1 , 114.1.1, Hay at ruaultfactur,•
Vtunell M•rlr.t.• I.:..•llcarrek Ysu-
er turr a•siral,l.l
. - •
I usT itEun at .IAS. A. NicKNIQIIT'S.
0 • loll•••orttunnt of I of•se... awl Youths' Ilerluo
11.111., 01uolilmters. awl t.‘•11,. -alror aoJ
rolllitrk le ti io% marl A 1..,,
1. ‘ •71J - Isato •applip,l al Trry Irow mtgs.
UN DON l'l , 11.1,ES AND , AUCES=JURt
at N.. :tt Lil.rrtr garret, a twat
ata OT.. •
Mit, Po :deft nod Mces. tom.
-I'u.Llnlll ArrLins, Worpralrroblett Sauey,
• Choir tap,.
atout, Itatt"
Plohllll, li•lehop, it stool,
Beer """"'
"""" ."' le au . u . l a?kart n it f trjt! '"'
- - • •
V , A NTED—F or 19 bdle. of Sole
Leather. left la tar., by Ito. 0 50toorattola Wharf
t l tr. wilts I'. W. , olta.
Water St.
11 ,, 1 2 11 . IN --;301.1
I, ipmcs—
tentice laud'. 1.1 L Nteennitihen Chorus toot,
a Witri . bi I laleur 31011euei
li/en'illerouna liarta: ii.,iinloati Clue [keit:
Normal &heel Sung lira , iii lieninerunce 31,iluanui,i
Juvenile inielorlui; OWe Iliie, lq L Nero.;
Fong boos faille nelitinhinoia, Urtlll(ll...ii Leh:4o44n
hinuery &hail:king lout ilii.lun Teuiouilics .loug
"Ration Chorus h,nki i Ito: k;
04— TV °` Zr4 . '7' u *" . ""` n"nb byll.t. g.. :i1 11,.t rn .
Wiliar . l.Zii :,.. .. -
~. , . .rig li, Y. C.. Toitor;
Tt,to pilas Ilinelvea Yung:''''"*".'"...
Thu oumin'etneuiplaiiiti
Catharine Until . Yong' c•iinplete. For aide by
gall 11, KLEKEIt, WI Thinl .ttnet.
Sign of lba kdoldro ham.
Who., t i lierunal'e tre and iriC
Ilil - Prieu at Ilitrwteal'a irei
1,,, : „,..,......,. t:„..!
~° : ~,„,,....,,......:.,,,,,,
lO'kegs PlO6bor 6, , up; j*''' '
_ 6 " Crreodfl
.-. Inst.'s, 6141:17,661,,bi . .. JOI
I - sole .
FARE REDUCE/Y.—The swift
corailug paay J og•or pactrt No.
Iln phay of tit. acneY NYlnott. , Intro. ler
Mt. at•-no and all hatortunitate pons this =cam.. . at ltt
low.. .Data tart.. . .
Dyck P.n.,
Tlte Cl.:1•IttlIt t
, Cap, Nln Latt
latll on I ntlay Moroi, . na.
ra ttt a
antt Sayr'•
31.: return:ow. u !yarn .
Ultcylittit c‘Yr/ t
•tol arida.. at • A M.
tor frelatt• r Porto, trupyroc aennyoncadat.ot,
apply op lanrd, or to NtlEtt I .a krt..
Markt, -trn •
'rho Clip,nr No ! “. 0 pr faa It. r sr .2..• tnit•
t . w1:1.1.1 I LL}.I , ACK 1.1 thlewZ.„.
new iIA.I CITI. A
Alnt.lch. :o we wl., 1.w... Pot-Korai. Wetlowll.. ecrr
I,Aw•t C.I, n tenue,, A th e And
Au.aa.. 0 31 lIA MTLIS, 105.0.•
Vr.Mil. Ai( Id. N., m.t..r t
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet
-FARE p!—The Kwift
runnunw g.a.reneuv. r %VP:CM:4EI
:It. ',Lyre for tnw &el eIl toterenli.
anw i.orte thiagnrtung. lu yreen.elr
I , nr Wheeltun
Inn.nuednew port• . • .
If theunere nu e+ are ont etn•tsvh. • •111 wake
further rekluetem.
fht. litn. 31.,ur, 1....
Pit toburgh rya., Tu...1.3 Thura1.y... , r1..turd.3..4 14
A. 31.; ...turtling, loaaa. r 3 ' , tab, •-t3
uralar. and rltla, at BA. 31.
Ent. ,I¢l.l or ;mum., Gal 1110 .uparn...vomruadailf•na
apply on I..ard, or ta
AlthlSTßtl\fl, CRI 17. LR A 4 . 11.
Met rott,
The cilochrrt,r Ie nno of the regto.d ark
ev, reh t.
hml Ihr the teetin l'aenAlerre and rhilawn. can ch.pehd
bt.r runnlnu In lb. trwle rrgitler
WIIKELINI) PACK ET.-1 splandidiara
nes/ yaairt sts.arn, DIUIMAL. eon
tor. Is now prrforming ber,e4ular tri.werit ly Lrits
this and Wheeling, tettrtng Pittsburgh at ciel,ln
every blonder. Wean...slay and Friday, an.l returnlng.
br,llna every Tupwlay. Thuralar and daturclay.
In each Yu, frei ht
gant r e t r lt.T27l/t b . ' Afc d t. ;
The Dhirnn lls a .0.1. wheel telat,n.l cneul tha
and nuttost l* at. rrrr rtasotrut ted tot the trade. taaa..n
gres and rlappars ran deprod on her ry ntinuing the
ape. I s i !JOCK LN I' L.A. urglt for :I°37..4'4.rn':;n3jtockinc
port, • p Tundby at 3 o s elyek r. • return°.
Iht.l°l,pt for Cap, nn•llny sad l'ltt.4.l.lrt(h, ay.
ar) 'aura°, .111 o'clock. a 1....en,rt tm.l./1111,14
P. dawutt urott lA°. boot rut:timing ragui.rly tturina tha
low water watt°, _
froi.h l or .ao,th.thrily on hoar.] cmIT
atia‘u. ThL. apleudid tan. au built Ay
th. Owners the Iltaso N..wto ad n, °tem
eindurdidi and Pit . thurth Pack tre a a m n l d will I...ate
I , AA. Citscinuati.
t might or pm..., arPly 6 ". rd• "r
• _.- -
pqott NEW 1./ It LE,t N S—The
•plenitill new •Wanter FAIAON, Nei._
A,. Mater, will lex,. for the aldne and all
Internterligle p.n., ou tlik day, t Ito A NI,
For freight nr ',mu, •pply MI te•trit, r.r to
ANSINSIttINiI. 1101/Eh A 1.0 . Agetit•
AM?. I.MCISVILLE—The spiel,
ii did mner NA VIIIATtiIt Capt. 'Wag, AF.--;12
~„ ~.... ~, th• iihote awl •11 . intenowltate
porta ma Vv . .
AA . at lor. - eloek. A NI. ,
t, ..ail or twee..., opply un Imird, or to
de': tiliiii L. mlLTEsilEhliEr.. Ant
VIM NAHLiV I LLE—The spl en
a .41 -s-usss veicr PITT. Miller. triarter.
will log, the •I...m.witil 1n 1 ,111 0 .1.4. purrs
nn Ili,. Aiii, at 4 oclock. P. NI
I 2r , r . ~, .. 1 . ....., Mit , i on honot
111.4 1 0 i t 111)(A iNI3I4)IIT —The hni
J -
lee .mi., 1 . 11.0 I No .... thht Croon. wllltitaig
.. ..
.r the gbilt - +arol tuterutml.. poste on
lliP .1, .•t I ~ ' el r..w.
For freight or p -.1,. APO, on Leant
r1,4 1 01i. Ci N "I'l S. ST. WI' IS—The -
..t..arrwr I - liIIMONT, limn... will ....'-
e••• for the ....vie nil , ' %II loterme.lion. twin,
on 'nir-lei tlit "I, n.t.. At• .. Hr.,. P. NI. -
For fringlit or ratowttu. appir on tem.'.
14 1 1)K NASH VILLE—The splen- ,
6. t.
1 .•• %La il•h gro
t u,al ...chi hihtt - "'.Arit.
11 ,
.. ES Y., ..artain liorturow will /care for
the •4.e. and ail, ralht, on Oil. dm. the
24th. at I , i 0t.1,w.t A NI
ior frelgltt 0,• '
.i ' iti..ttY.l‘\''l...;:rEt;'
L , Age. ,
Prtvat, Residence for Sale..
91111.: PROPERTY to pffvred exec'tdiogA
egal on rarraggagotaulateug firma
LI einrildi Weig..l thi. rapidly ta•Pwannerlty
of All, a heai . flea oltve•gon i. unTurp.........1 la ilea
y. raw...waling pl./slag liT•ig of the mfr. 01 Dig.
burgh seal they.. rit.r. at • -laver; 1.1•41. a beeng ronrr
mew I. Ow. f, a. 1 , 6(1 Of eincal.inittir luta
neen.tre ilea... the uerantagiaa of bath town and annul' .
rn, I, layer, gmbraglng near.. was of amoral.
on. loneatrad taat !rant, running Ina I:we/-
Mail and kitty fewl 1.. au all, The In.ornaTeuenta earn
or, Ow how brie, built in modern atria • of go. tart
material. ,and guida. lb. h..manner. leaving •rerif
ricarTem..egg tho neite vkill could auggesfa
i.e., T aril .got.mi. IlTery IT • *ell tif otriillent .a.
ter at tl.c..ll , tr e ue..l Inal lig lildrant. water. Carriage
how. aml ....hug. a ravieti .limo. fruit sod eilernlT.
1,..rf .liart, sta ann.,. and 6.lraLlinien van unit la
appreglanal giametiat.o.o th. prang.* (Trot',
niah • hhlner u. Itialt.l tee call on the under.
egrgal. alio well ask. olevor. In giving eir•ra Inform,
Tn. II • rnn. dieing. tar runny r..a.
`U . roreulata o.
ago/ lit V IN. 114 Seenud at.
Real Estate.
MA LE—'f'svo lioutlea and Loa in the
114,1--Pue. Lzbarl, atn.t, .o 4 nth, In
pl.' prpent4. In,: fret up 11 - Pbert att,t, tf
34. 1,1 .•La Eupulp. at 317 Lil•Prt,
ual evr,
rllo TRANM'ORTERS, C031:1115.`490
111:01.1:11 NIKIII,IIANTII.—CIir nAlr .A.Arffp,/,
flo u r Lento, 101-!11 very valuallr LOTS, rath fro.l2t,A ,
trot 11X"Iurhor nu Bank A 11,1.1 end Ir
LLad 11.41 , 1,A,1 1•11.1,111 *, un,
itX ,' l7) ' ll ' :l4?tldli,,, Leek th e ( C ALA!
by thr grAvi,,,t r.r vl,i, tarot Ly rith.r
111, Ilatlrrad or C.,u
iur lerna• rayon. 01 1.1 STOCK7II:4, All.gtvll.7 City;
pr At 11. 11r ,, Avtore of ii . U STlH`li to
atu.,ll, evrunr 11Arke1...0,1 Thad nit.
1, 1 01; ItENT-11.0 I)..elliog, No. 155_;;:4r
A Thlnl ctn., war Smlthnehl--.4 Kulp Ae ttr , . 1:31I
In 4 b+rk tonbiltn: ono the planting' out tntpertna of••••••
the unlit+ Lou,. entunletod. The put choral+, on tb+
+ncood tins boo both room •Ith hot et4eo,l
not., nob, cltnet.
t Al , o—ttn , ',note .1.)oloitn, at • mt•lntate'rent- eu,inan
It liAltLlNtlittN,,
meal r F..ttrth atm., ne,
. _ . .
For Sale or Perpetual Lease, •
14 1 01ITY-TilltEE It1 , 11.1)I1O LOTS, laid
~11 out No, :It. In thet.rltlnftl plan of (Le town
ot Alleghen. floating Do both •I.lB+ of street, awl
oa tl.a. Lone.
Abu, for rent far on• Sr mom years, tho residue at t !out lot on th. alit, extunalng Iwk. to Ridge otreet., late , r.
oceupled on • rocturo lot
4th areal. l'lllcburght
IL 1
. 1 , 11. A D V WILAINI.i.
A Good Bargain is now Offered,
From Three
t . Four ACILEkI. ULauran• iMrough.
near lierr Isluvi—ott II prantlaut IA a good Um pad.
rtth unrcroary building..., The tov•trty mat be My..
.1,1 Into lot. and ..uld at • gam] pr.L T• ma
L. yurri•••• will apply tn 111VINk
Iry • humnd
Kelittickyllntual LifelmairanceCompaity.
iIIIARANTY FUND, $1(1 0,000.
Iluis compA.Ny Micro to dip ingured all
thy ouourlty and adrantagno of the hlttleaf tralJotpt
Su+.ln hlany sta heretofore api/l1.1) Yoaohinya. namely I.r
InltY. of OfYrolonu ah auttual rrtnrn In ,on ul 11.• per
ntag• t. a wired tor Alla tuotinount rh.k orfhe year. an
atlryttata, tat not einatnit•juttion for thy Intone a , to.
ray of me dump for the whole In n,, of Ilk wlllhan Nally,
hle lowly t In the anrunfolatant fond geoura to Such
triernbmtovyithla at duel., no credlty upon thylivultviutu ', a guaranty fond derbrom , I', the yorenanent steurity of I
abort tem roman-to.,atyl al. fur leo preyeut urnrttf of
that • for :h.. Y hole tyrot..4 Ilk,
.w-Thl. I. the yob. Moto./ 1.11. truturanee C 0114.7
IF we Mt, of premium arm Dont 0: a Wr nal tteral statttl . ,
I. .Ith a provl.lnof or en abouals)) locrynaloo arroulu
7 . m i r f;f L o h. t.; ,, lyy ,,ir u te r r it . h: n ln d y .. s a y , f
. 7 0. puza .nd ta
Mr mono It a honnera and the locryasoni rink front nd,
ILi the Ciaulany. foralsbad j ur.,_ and appllrahyo.
for Ilnylraner rrrctro‘l hr 't I:MIMI',
ltv n ...John.% Plttatmr/t1
BAltrltl fntiredurn. Molleal Examloar. - .
,17-2,1) (I.) \..
TAIIIRELLAS-2. macs for male by ,
I noTO c.mmirruntrr.
.JAVA COFF4B - -20t E px 341.312')
maw r cot
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet
OAF SUGAR-75 bbrs. 'Noel —‘ ahVt, Bait
.4 41r Around liesm,Y,
CO bbls.a.%l N... Lafayrlt, Ilt.finerr." ,
Lnveting's Ilnutted l Pulrorit.4; fist \ sakrby
k V:11) igl , ltHilf ICE a IN.llllt/131. 114 Wit, ..t.
1,, I'OTTEITFLANNELS-Just rneei% \..41 at
I_7 A. A. Af Az=ON A CAVS, .11 and 04 liar:tat olc A tont.
cr murrl, of :1,04.1 Ilantwl..l.rehtlanWa..l l ., %, 1 0
0 1 C. 1 73 b hi's. '
Pu Zm i lit n iniTe!,; l i s o ,ilfi ' l;. bY
ph AHLS--13. eaeher for pule by r '.
1. 0,77 . 14400 a 3treANDl.{:-.A.
.tti; 1 TEN. 111:1)--20 bbk:Ahug.) prime, for ...Ile
nok I by ' If.l. SELLER:.
11l .11d . 1 ilLi ASH BOARDS-40 dot. Zinc,' for Bale
nit.. :' • • by MCI: a Mt-CANDLE:P.
otlh. iIIIE:ESE--40 biases cits‘t Crew:ail 11. F.,
•xv r.e'd Auld fur owls by ' . •
. ' 14 . 141C1( ar Nce.l.NID ,L11...8.
' e nd
bi. Viiiirrx,Fl6ll-11, bblo. end hf. . .
JT Myr. y Y \ wy .I'6T WICK • MeaANDIA...V.
-_. ,ale by 1 711.41,E S.A.LT-In bowl; foi'aab by
wiiik ienispat
..1. mid W/CH 4 mica.Nnraos.
Ei:tl f SS
i••it iRAt 4.1 •
lEA t,
1 NG Pit:ur4h ,Sundays es
-1,4 ,• Cr:Ati•-. AAI. by lb.
FOREST 7 t-;.•? CITY.
A -1- (P./ V •
ty=rt " :•. '" ••; ‘ .;ll7
'" 11 - • '
Y., I . Ab 11)
11, -t• •
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad."-_••• •P._.....--,...._,,,
'.. Nlv A ItliAsttENllit.;il'. -
Commexieinz on ,7 1 : , triday. „Nov. 24th, 1 s, - , I
Pr , Iff, F.A,preig 'rain will key.; Pittel.urgli
at a A. 31.. and t. , No. at .4 I' 31_ .1,,,,0nd,..1,„;,,_
um lor, 11,,,0h.N . e-r. Now It ii.htru n n , ll , ,llncton .dation•
Iteternmg. Um .V.,,,. rain ..11 t o:Ns 11rehmtor at 41'.
NI . nod re•ol, INill....urch t A I. 51.
The ••mtnint./eal, Ira. wile to,. 1 3 , 1 , tutaIN at MA.
NI and a 1. XL, ael I New 11 Idldost al 7 :. A 1.31. sad I:.,
I' Al. Th. ArecharoNlatlon tr.on aid , Nton •t All 'h. IV,
Station.. aml nt 3lauel, tor, d‘h. tw....tmer. tdds I.
Ati aroorlll.olttfat - n Tram aft( leas. Y. n n 11,30 A. Al
F..otadon Tiel...d• aid be -.hi hatam. haNhureh. 114. M•
mt., ...1 Now lloglmm. I holltrns will not runak Sun.
fM23Nin7 '. M. i I D ../ .. :e n ..1 '.. ..t! ' .; "h W.
A Ile.. of Iln-\.,. t. nom het
<A.M., nod th... L.. rla... loylnlanf I
mem. to oN.A., soli 1, 1..1.N.1 . ..
A Itlaata.fater . rt. la ill 1... rola Lot orroo tt
111 , il.ll th.Nenem e .1 the (\ A
lor to Lt. eps..l . th%:,"th.::`,L..67;`,1;,..'
Pennsylvania Railroad.
• Time 14,,1 fa 2 , 1 lima s.' •
0 N ......, a . n 0 t ,„ 1 .r. a1tef ,
~. .f. i.,D i t :ei. .i nb. : r
i neA
t...i di.,e x ei r . ove. It haNl.ios and lked7:4t. ID
. Inmra. wult otal, 23 talle. ht !hag's,/ cr. r an ex.ellent
1 urttt r ko .
This l• M. mrtt..t azol hoot rm. te :Not* v.'. Mr (heat
\i . tot ....f 11144 A On Oft , CM-, Idol thr accurdmodeadm aro
tu all n0r. , 0 ol tl...lll:hmt chatart.e. '
n01, , Avant Penn...hail:Lam C0.mi,.../.
_ . , .
\ IN 4, lIOUItS.
kNan li ft
,f:thtr 311 N I•.IAL,Y, OCTOBER
13th, th
:c,tiT,Zl,`'l7;` roil
~,,\ itl..l..,.tgre''lo a 3E:Hok. It, in I,m. nln tedoekneataurnlnd\maktnelhl. itronF3 A 3or
io n . apnly U
..lIV\.. A .tl7tlklTl.,.nt\
N'l of I\'..r Tilß " '''
cl 4 . ;.JNi.lll
_c__.\_ .
llommtmhela Ilona..
\ FARE EDUCPJ, ! • •
~..,a 485
Via Brownie:tile ,Arl Cure. '4:rifted, to Baltimore
anikpiiirtde hie.
r rliE NiCliticiNtit 1'1 1 .1211 lea Tee the Wharf
et,.., 1, leg. d 1,013. at siela^k preeloelr. ran oo'flt, N., th Mr, i.ara .t Cd-.l..riand tell calaNntad.
1 . 1.•• I:r..dne 11..“ Immeo ' .\;ny : , unday rern . ..)
at r. 0'..h...d.. with .areaim t\Culdhorldhal next
or.ndad at 10 o'NNIN,It.
Tun. through 41 Baltimore, s , :lboare. Ilan, onlr 29.
Ttm. thro:m.l, to Phihntrlt.lda,,,, hrme.. \ F., unit si,
TI, !..ttlonal IMad io to•• guteNl. Cd.dn,etoro ‘lr. wah
tho Coarhao•ttlle and I.3mul..llAnd. which
waken thlo demd.lly the !NNN-N 10,11N=N1....L. ;
J N113 , /{.I3IEN,` on:.
1111,7 Vat, In th. Gab: Linea,
N EIV , It.OI - f ki •.I'‘, "A 1;: , %li . Yuliii\X2lTT eXa
t ,1,,, 1'. ',. . r. ..i:: ', ;fr!..t.. 1. .q.,;'.. r 11.`:'t t ,.,Z"Z`:..,:e4
Co: itt1.114114. n, Cllirllll4.l. firroloctil tal.l Pittehr,h, she
m. ~.1.1- s ..4 I 'lt.r.m. hallttA.l3, to Rfoorti.o on the
~.., ( st,,,"..inpl Meer, and the tn., Indoll.. and
I e Nur, ty4a I ane.... .
ft ~. %, 1. , , \ V Pt ,N !if/Ai As FOLLOWS
• . unda, •xeepte.l.) l e i •
- ,,T• ..." Xr. 1:1O )4rftrOar 4 4 .4 .'ll ..
T 1.... Mad 1 eNI,. ...n, ~. I.lmira. s. Lom vaeoenzata ran
1..0 7 tam,. Ad N.
th.Eam......TraJuartir.uor in Nem
l'om noel rumnd, , ..'el.ek. making th.trhole Macadam
I, da,-I,
T. SO, :,,, Fre. L 4.1 t ',mi. Troia lor e. Dunk trk al
4 A 11..1.11• . 4 Pa e. . k'er 14 atta , l,, , lt. thin Train tn
0 a r..... . Mo. 1 ut,N, r
~. \ ~. I..'N. am. Serond [la,
p,.. , • .1,1 le ~,teu . t,, ,, 1 \ ,, nu; •
rt.. ....en... a•-• :r. a e
...• a.i i . ,•• , I. ~ ..4 t •
a/ -1 ea... r,
Ini,. J. S. i.r.rviai.
L'S RoGItS TO C • AND. .
..i1. , , .11. Ilbio. tA.riAred.l.. ran,
•of row-than,' It utout atr.....,. eLtritn, tra, U atuntdrtt,
a .. ?,14 W:, s. - . .i . ....}', , , E ) iB5 i. N wit,s3 . a . 11l 1.41.14/1/ 7,...4 \ m‘,..:: , 4..wm,...,.., ,
1 . 1 1"1 . :,1.1. I:i , kii -AND X.,'LEU AN!) xvike.,,, eei,e.,,,Ai i ..., A. ii,e,t," ~i...,,,,..i., mi x;
j r , / ,,, , ,., 1,„, ; ,.•,
~,,,, 1,,,,1, 1 ,,,d n„, i„ e;•,,.,;„,,d . . 1. T. hu,..eil, IV Iflttivt •.i.,L. 11. h... t,,, 11u1,[1,' , 11, L.
ii 5.)
~... ~.,, . ~..1 ;!: ,. \\,,,,...
~t . ,,.
~, , a) . Welty, t5r, , ,,..but., e.')o•.• '4,en=reget:,..,,,otti: 1111 am-re,
''' t
-' ` . • , - ., 7 . ,..:`,. ,
~, R i .,,,, J ~, ..,,,, i
.. 1 , ...1, nhtta , ••.l a evn, 11on • ....,,,,u,elr. Orr.ll,4:e.‘lainbura
•a,,e, t•.Ret• .1.. , ...ut, t ...t, eL, l'ittnt orgban 1i.7..- ' ~,,a . L. , ...1 r Co,, 1 4 \ 114. \F . ....itf.44 1111.1....¢.,
Lot./ It. tarrod I. 4 CI, at 1.1.4. I Era.. .4 Vo. en...Art:l.o Al, V on a \'' , oll.: WIIS;04.11.04.),
t 'r ; • f !' fo ''7' O ' Ll ' ; ' 4 ^. .; , l '. 4t . t ' O ' ...O. n.' . 1 lief root, 44.. 401/4\ M.'....' '." IG, N. 44fr. ' 1 0 .4. \ ' 4 .... ".10 4' 8...1.. i : ' 4Co
t, aa t Jr. .. \ C 5...„..,.. a ., ..4 44 ro t,At in a Vur.-r. 31er, tr. \tan,. I:My a Co. hut
\ ', re e man. Ilear'er; J. 0.5,—..,,,40,. w4....:.p.....i 0
El 11E114 1.4 TI, `‘, •it. Jo -A..., C , Adergport; I'. Cr - vb.-4r,, Drprearlila. ~ ' .
V`, e '-ao ' oN a,.
, N , NL,1 , N , 1 ,,,, , , ' l elah , any Cl.ll.lma I' - j',.re—iNl pt.,. Pottlei\tAr WAllkrjlir :PA
ee,,,,,,,, r- Perrott, 1'1,,, , ,,, 1 7411,101 ate, Way ..1,,...,t,^
.), : '',., ...• ' ‘ ' . ° .l. " el ' . 'r r• l e ti:it ' ; ' ,.. ' :::).1..; it ' tlC:iti: . AY E - MS CILER RI PP •CT 6II ‘ AI.
.... , r. , 11. ....' I • ' , aft .Cfilro,r4.l f. .14.o.,1(.11l.
' 1 \
4.,..ata, 4 o -., m rt. .hat, li n os tr. mut.. tlrmin. . . ,
COLD:i, ilitAlliiENE'Sl,i„ On.c/I'
ee, Lte, .0 ••nectat. .111 1.4. tutu touch qumker, C , ;US,
n.,,,,, ~ .., ~...t. r. 1...0 e., oa•e. ~
S, IVE10,1PINtl.C011e•II, eltati
CLA1.1i.3.. a PALK'S, Proprietors, , ;
\. e IFTY.DIA, I. , ONSIMPTIO,`,S , ,
'''''''''' 2:.ll ' ;PA •CA 1 , / 11F:t. coot
I I o, d.....t Nd mmu,,,,,,,,„, a,..,,,' i ,,,, ,,,;,.. , IN , 11 - 114; Eh Um C . ollllLtlllny 111
~,p x. ,..,, , .. 0 ,.. a c ,„,,,,,,,, 1 , , orml.l..atVeda..3 nt dn Me thmaL
ie. INITIIIII,Ikt \ II. ,It 4, ma ;„.\., snb to tr,te wnl. the Ihea of Leal
-, • -•- afflicted. I,u fr`,ol,lp to IV tonere thl.ol• the .1 ,
185 i .. . aIIrILIOLIaItALAII told at CIO • I 11.• roldruc, o!
eal. fro= wesio de r an j.d, ”r theMadre.
, .stir t.1.N.Jy.., di,eVea td maim lie, wild at.4,ellon
UNION LINE ....into. el tts ictltv-r. tmr wlilwe hold 0ut.1131
Oh the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. ' •'''','.,, U...m Y 4, l" ch U. " .11 ' ..L...1 t
al l: and Prenf's strALae Etnee, ans) west:4l4..
t • PhoPKILI011e:
• , eat , be puLl.• llll.k s lnpe publlth: !toil** .
CLAltii.t. P.Ahli: , a Co „ .... Itccittenla, p...
I%NIA \ 111E4113. CIIA IN 1 , 91t1/ R 1e , ....-laarrt•ef,, 0, • , i r.1....i them yerter:lK tallable. and the thetlif
IF vlt f's It ell known I,in.• is 110 w prepalTl to . ', t , b, r lee: r. , andes,,••• and , too -
t . _ „ •
I j ren.p, rt •onght to. , t te..e. ow.r...frote , PiTr i ery,tm , ..}n- • the d, , :pmuN..hed e itt ll.ll4:f litleauttry
I Tie .', . L eti . .! . .± .. .i 5 i; ` ,.:t! " ,; ` :?..g- ' ; ` , ' ,!..„ ° ,-, ` .:.: ' .7: ' , 1 „7,,;,1,,1 . „I;J: : 1,,,,, ~, ' 1 j r ,,T 'l :'.t.., 1 i r,,,,%' . .,,=.1. r
i 111, and Netwear ot 1n.44. eaperwne.• of (aptatua, aal et- I Para.. . o toil 1 1 , .1 an op
fa of • thrw
I,o'r 4.f A not. . :••••te ix. t, own fatotly,or ha familia. of nly,
isue lt wt1e.....
. I lettulannr. end Cleeelu.,l daile.rutang •1,4, 1 • • •r- non Ll ,, ,tte *ill , * . htlegrtelof wade
1 1' t'i r t . ::1 ' 1 " a ' t ' artt . ;•: ‘ , . 11• faj ' ...1 1 = , ;11 " nt ' ela:a .. rt .' .• il L i a , t; ! 'l';.;so't.'4„. u‘dati'..auTt:it'a•.;ltr724.-Orroty.tWor
ttion..ll,...ind .....,,, on ;he ~,s. , odY for roo/ couglo. itud_pubtoona 411.eue..
1 ' LeT•ori e1e... 1 a. Feb. h. 11.17. • \ ' • -
Parts aCo .1.0.4440.1.t.4.4.04 • ootoo.- .• ' .
..`l , . '/,...81,.4.1,,,,Aff.,,r7,..04L,...04 4 !Fralrl Pr rt ter In the llamlltrat )2 gii. loW
i I , r. 4.C. A . 1 I.are bona cured of t worst
Prentlee, 1 , ...11. 0.:
"‘ . .4 4. ,44, ft. r . k. LI rear -career ' , Lima
bottlr, h. lb., Itavenna.o.: I nerrr fell. wbe3V , IS To orpc•maity of ntrzuna,
' ttratt.(iriNlei . t'n.. Frunkl , n. 0 : to otir,r, li era; reapetthallr \
''.ll.•A. 11th r, Cu .oboe* Fall., , 1, , ,,...ii, 1„ . 1 ' n ' It. D. N.,11);
Wheeler, 1., , t, a Lt, . Akron, 44., \ -..—. 4,4, 4 4
_ !le. - lyre. a pettitot , ne. 041511,440 let). 0.: i aia -- P.e althea, . \ .l e. and aee 4 this madklea• 1r
:,1,r,,.....t A 1,„'" .. • 1 , L 2,.,11 . !" . .. 5 i..... . I • trtal.
,Thie laden h laeora• eery feeble. mkt the el
~.,,,,,.,...,,,,, ,a ,0 0 7,m,;.,,k,„ w ~,, 4,1 .1 the medicme ••:/,.e opt.i.takeaLly trudicot:•-.
i,,,, 'A. nil.ha a 4,. Ch:eaeo,'lll, te.
. U. wilt.7l, 44 .44rr,1 SrIIIISOr. July 6.15•111.
Thoreau ltalo,lliktona 111, ,
.„ dulk,S A. CAUtiIIEX, ,ant, ..,,,J:42: O ':;,AarINTA' I : I .\ l l , 1...... *Wk. , +la. • 1 ,- ktnPrl
.pr eel.
~.. ., a ter and etuitt,heid .t.2,,./..1,...a1t
~...n . , „._ e frr 0 , t1j. , ;,.. , ill .
.lh. T' .told
e r ....k1
I ditto.. ILL irc:old mach - ii t .... not Il ' i ' en '''' 'ITL"
Excursion Tickets to Seaver, 25 cents. 1 ex.. et lou r Churry Pectoral, 1 ,„. 1 ' c1. ca.,. so ' u ' ir!r t tlTal '
, lief. and tha•r Iron stradlly4f a Ind r, otrancloh until
'llll E' line
~paeLsenger steamers • ' , beam... N e ed molt r 0,,,,, ,il, ~,, ~ T ,. .
j bdaVßlt and 3141111iAN -No. 2, will . .tolne. II e.,1 the aratinrathat Li r Ini with ' Si likVre . er-eA,
1e,,,,, their nuat,oge at , , ,`aad Re. end friend. Mr Ttva• •.t Fihop r Ili.ict. who Lad \
, nbratur. ererr liar. teuntl44. er , ..Pted,) ar. follow.— , b.en .u..etale.l Irian Lis y.ron. \al ;Att. aby tr. serer! lh.
iDmvor, .are, lettahurg at If ... O. itocheater 2r. a. 1 tarlt of 1...0rbit., 1 hare pleaeot ter odyltag theta
s i llichlawn df. , ' , t
. '„i i..... 4 r. at. Jo
~..! 4. 11.. f/4..4 to lOU, au," an, air,
_your. r-a.e oily, - ,
~ll'fr::. i11,',.bf1.; and larhor .. P=l=l7tr POrga, J. Y. CALlltrt: 2 , 0 ot cuth Carolina.
:ftet.t. go,/ ,1 f ,, rl.wn emu
r ah an , l up tho heat • i T '' .." ' 1...... ...r t he ... ~ - . ahielt , ta N
..,,. ~,,,,,, ~,,,,D.,,,,, b o ard tif, da a .,,t,,, A , ..8..,,,Nyr IthYnehaut and friend, thought to tut b,:ememeir
etiltelinnia P. 4, oral the cdll,,ot `,l, . •
.101lN A cAutttlET-Att,,a , i ,
__ ' Cnraixa. Pa. act .TL. till.
lOot4O ('or. Wllfarr..t kl.llf.ffitolat ata,1 4 11.11101.1,142. 4, J . C . Att,j—S.,F. I au,. t o l e , ‘ , .th. 'a a „,, , 0,..,....0,.,
L broma ht ... I, a &Id, lo the Loudening cf ant February.
F 1,511-20 bbls. rind lit he:, Wile. too ; and 4 .4.. rentmett .my ded t th• t ,tahtho,'
.` lt hda Ptah, and lor rale I, ' CinMttl ttirmaaidly dal .4 deq. 1 ENN sa .drat!
node i., u . „,,,,,,,,. att,t !ale, MT odes were armkeon atallilAas, to . dr, att.
, ,_._
_...,.. . . __. very al. r. Indeed larau rapidly fall•ttg ' and a Ul,. •
\ ' • . 1 , lb tl E L littl h 1 . '
‘ N al) SU LAID PA P EltS-t...A. ettitice , lot , . '. : . :lfcr "r al;: i '' kiiint, ,th; t1g.i....° 7 11r 7'. !&it't .
r 4 0, hhallel• Leta Tape, alp ant p at. t•o ter had of , (the Hoy.
Koller, of the 1 1 elltrallatelearrha rolegli. ,-...•
W. e , rtAVIIIN• Eta• a lattle of your Lberr Pectoral - w Ith 1 fro
et ti ,, torr rod l'e . Der Pealor, , Ito ,rmlfy him than firm in, eai,ert'atito t.l °fao ''' ',,,Y;-,
oe l3 : e,pra.e .... ‘ Alnr.ko,t *O4 otte ,, ,V .tetAt. ~ Hot Inc good Itleotil lutluord we to <ol4lhtle kg hole ... ...-,-....:.
- „ , I POOP JO.. my hralth omen lmynored. Now In fTr
1)1111s:1'1 lit) I'APEE--Lti rellnill',D,,uolo \
to I ..., well and etrou: and eta r ep e a te = e a
only to tour great tro4lante. %at tare ttn.
,i , ,,„„t 4 ;.;, r :lr l : T VVa r r:f r ,: P , ' ,:f.V,'''' ' V, ? " ITI C k . ' " yenta, lc. • ' JANtre Cii,l4llPY.
„.. ann: \ . 1 ...11.4:pezi.r ~.r. xiiiriiet.n.telX , •,... II;T::21 1 1. ..e 01d Al JAMES C. Al KV, ['it cdcaltham
i,..! Ul3 AR-2.4' filitla.,for ~I.le by , `., ' -- Avid , n littabtar.l. wboleaah, and retall by LI A. lIA/1
„, , t , ~, ~ „ p , ,
~, ~,,, i ~,, h NEhlere.`,fi a tr.1.,-and j. 31. IoWNSIgN P. ' '. e.
I,J .12
~ .1, . .! ' ' " ' -]...: ". --!-, \_ ! In Atlegh•oy City, by 11. I'. SCUWAJI.I2, and J. MO
Y1 , 1.E.-1--.5U Itf. ch....tti , . Y. 1.1., ter elite liv '.' OLAF; 0411 by UrukTirut generally. e',lVdaw....lsoef
o:. , i•• k!ih lock:! it Co ' d
' "----=',-- ----'t--- ----------- ------.
-'.: *.
', United States Patent Office, I N
4,2 uGAlt—i - 1 hhile,s.for :tele IA
' • 'X
)..J . 1%.1. , f.te1l a trYellTf. ' 'l .... , \ tklurs.l G. 1,0. ,
.i . " N‘.. I V2 ~, , o d amid:dd . /re% O. ' (IVA the petition\ of M. Sorel, ..if Pai-ie t
't, • • tx ,
CA ItAW A I 5E1.11.1 nrait for' tette In; el , 'l"7 ,tr 'x'''' ....' l "' 1 . , ‘ 1t '.. 1 '." ,... ' ' '''.."'"'" :4\ -''''
• , 4. N • IVICKY-1,5114 , f. , ' l t h.tu ;,litty t ' i=nr :,..,.:;. :'t"' ... gi.
ratidt. tJ nald tudont. *hula talc.' is,. du the aeron4.l.
X I ciLiSSF:S-60 bble:.'Platitutior.;., ;hi, ex De...ienir.lebit
.1..V.11. 4, 4 4 ,41.4, S. IL. , • • It la or!, that the Va. 1 , 1141111f'. h4rd at thr Pii.
, • •., ... 5„,,,,. 0 „ A,,,,, , out IIMoN .. Sat %mho, the Nm n 1 It. • rater. /331. at
..” ' -,1 DA L 2, ri dco I ,t,-,.. t , , ,..d. a. .. ~,.., ,n ~,,,,..„,.,,...,,,,,,,„; ~,,,,,,,,-;---
New Goods- , Third Supply 'for the Season. 1 "il'-'..%., , .111' . t . r\At h ..1 1. •t.Ei i
''' l
... t ' l , t \ , 3 % '''
.1‘;. '''.
tli .' a th.
X 1 1JRPIII iti BC Sell HELD volnntnlePt. i I "''" l i'' '' t . .. r ; ,',.,‘ A . e . '''''' ''
.":•'''' • 'n yr". ,
~..1 , ...1 . a . ,, , ni ,„ 1 , 1 . 1 8 ,1 ,, y , 0 t r0 i, t er 1 lli!L s la SUPPLY ' m re ' c t- ' ' '' "=l b " .
a , tor .caeoy f. 1,1 1,, .tt. o„ r t rty tnl• wed at the hearing. : . •
nauet he I.Lett atol littert\ 11...1 I{l are./..1.1..0 H . l 4 b Cue
b.e .tylo 1 1 nr1. M. N ...., C a .( tor,. Val \.l and .3iIIN. 1 rula• ol thr Ntflot.. velt th wtrt br ratrOl•Vrta . vrtul.oll-atife.o.
Bard, and tuna tther. (NNW. •td 1 . Mom 3md, . ,' PrlamNl. al.: , tli.t - thi, tette, Le rebli , x nt In stte - Va-
oi,-A rine., eore e r e( /ono!, an.l Mark., 0t.....1•. tinoll Mtell ,ll,l •••r, l4 , , ldle.‘,.ll;otoo,c,fh.'s hlunt . iat. ' • ',,
''', . , Za l' : Poor . ", an , llnpneer e , ra Vvr'•• P.nuaslrahla In. - -
• -- ' ' - '
1 re.. 11 ... e, -f a 4-11L.49 tvra, pr.fot.t.en Ji.r.3.,
S UNDlil ES-5' t,t,1,, S:tier:Atom:
‘,.....:•., , PnWoien•-k, .node letand: 11,uly Adtertter. llottn. - 51.•
onoltusettnit.!, =menial I:ollatl..Now Itrlranr:LunlehsteU
- 1
to ..`, pnauo r, •-, 1 ...I Ntf.olatiriffr lil.hae.Pittgburidt.rralteilv.ia,td...* :
In c'con r• 1,511 To! -•--
I 1 ',7',, t0, ' l ' . l . l :r ' n ' e ' r '' ; ' -.7 '''''''' '!4-'ll4,n!ii.i.. h .Zit ''''
+1,...,kil 4 ' 4:44f,`, 11.24, for tale by '..
,_' teP22 • • , ItAlcnr.'.l,l?, be a .',) •• ,,,, raV , 'o, \'',,, Crantar , oryatento, . `...:
11./ILDIt EN !7.}'.41!1 .b.rO. 8 ZEPI,II,It WORSTED--100 ' irk i ( - 1 / i'' i I E,.L,A] (\}S - - Sll --Yo;Zn - -
...1 .1,,,,....-,,,11.A. and! ':o , tlntle,jitet irvtl by 1 k-Jb .!" \ 1 -ern, AV . '
~ •
WIT , A...t it Ap4..N4 t:tl. Mart, t 4t. --”,!:'„ A 1 ~.
--- 1, ' ili 11N A ii.S.- „ ,,H1./U i', lOW b - i -___l
NI.IIIGO—I cerouti 4.7anii,s, L,k rit NI
for eslo low to elm. a cateirtinlynt,hy , 1 h:ei ,
_,,..,,,,,_____;.,„_, .
watt 1. LICKET 0 CO- I lekli. A sif,„_,6 k, fne•pple hy • ',: ii
.E.Attitieg . L I K - NNI• I7 . ' '
' 1 \ 7E5\ `. It EL , -,--\,"(ILO \k' ~,. prime Ely., far sit-,
; \' • ---
- VI - - 71ice:ii
4D14;;', , 1VE PBASI. .1.--51. j . h yti4 . , , i
. _!..'"" '...,''
4 Lux , -- ~. ptims,fnr eale I;' ,,
e co. le WNW o'
141P111aT rt bra rtrrlt end
1.. , Tb. ETlnte
!gaull.mism in
Caneera. Tumor..
Eruption, of thy Skin,
Ery.ipele,,ChroneEore Eyeir,
itinaworm or Tett.... 'la:ad (had.
I I : l, eumatism. Paine in the I. , neetir 1
4 Joints, old :wes anit ;leers, t , stelliEtkni I ?
the Oland, ny obit, I. , ;are roe,,,,,iiru,
Die.w of yhta Kidneys, Lis. of Appetite s '
l Eleetsee :akin: from them.* of Me, \
out 7, Pain• In (be lEdew owl \
1 libouldurs, flonerul Dalillity. \
Dropsy. latabasoo,Jann-
dice and Conley-
The FionEer prepared " Yellow Dock: . 00,1 the . 11.1
llenitura, iLarsaparilla,' .atel the invaluable remedial
agouti from wiLidi lir. OuVotra Improved Entrant of
Yellow Dock and eursaivrille in formed; and lb. lalatuv
on Do. f/ursott Lae gl , rto 1.13 Ihe virtues of those roots
I\ .. i ci l,tir po ro rteetion : Ills pr. manakin matelot all tha ea
st atlre pr.ertio, of the roots, eamldned and conneutra•
sod n their atuaret strength 00.1 etigacy. . -
E rimer. were matte on !I t o trilnufacture of tidies:to.
diet... until It wt. (nod that It eriu,d not he further Ise
proved. Artonlioniy, , to. Owl II rewerael to, almost nni
recast''', et cues of !fanatic, tkorbutin and entente.
~..,,1,,,a t o r general proetretii i. of ail the,rital.P3w.
yr, and ell bona lormoutini; illeeaees of the thin so trying
to patience . d so Calm low to health. • '..
4 ; 4 4 4. :•• -
orofttia. !volatie, 3lercurial Complaints. Canner, Gane
rte., hheurtioie and 3 Vroi vorietr of Other dia. -
wreieltile and dart -ere o. ilieoaxee. nee ',weedily and
manently cured L 11... UN. of fil e medlcdoe.
50:251, Mich., Octet . .., nth. ISZ. • ,
3lr. John b. l' eir: It no with unutterable
fe , litigs of ~ratitude th t I ass. OLIN through the Divine •
Providence of (Eel. and Lithe wonder...corking annoy of
that i -elleut wedieine, I. uya.itt'a Yellow I).,ek and Sar.
uperitla, to give you e reirli \ rtiptrms of our almost hope
less esee. In the winter of I 'Kit Wt. attacked with La-
r, re pain. whirl a.,, gri.,ltuill'y extending through the
whole nosh[ and it..“-
so the'‘ume tirne,titure was at..
tel prostration of my idly eical e;.tem: alie, my 4 i' had
shrank to about two third, of its e mmt C 0... I ;moon, •
Nthe attendant.. or a ehilful tor e:! yiur., • lin pronoun.
red mOlOlOO.O .e of it.. u , r , .. f rme \cf liver complaint.
Ile raid my ea., , was cue not te•ily I/stogie-I. but prea-rib
ed tor roe. I no:lune' older bit tree:him:it until I was ,
satl.tied he could not help roe. i then p idled of your
aet.iit,et th, , Mace, tr 1 11 ..e,e. ~..., ~,. .11. of ..113.1,01/ . .
Yell,w host and Sarexterilla, from which I re,irrd •
...t 11.33.0Aut or benefit. AC:et having taken .ur,bdttl.
mere I ma. al.i. to our, ue my host.... a itbout or Inceti-
Terihnco, ao,l Lane ranee Ito -on lime a woiluis, 11, while
hut a -tort l erlo.l , ofore I had ' , eon triallowl t0'17 . . Led
Mr,. 1 . .... r.• a 00, V[0.00.: LO.O I eann, ii,rite
turn ..t my health to az, other ,ettee [Lau by the agey
or th at t- :y valuati.c m,,,,,..,... Gu;iott's Yolloa Or_t
and Sarsaparilla. 110.!......i , 01, yAUltly.Et
31r. J. P. fart—Drat Sir • I .end ;inn the Shretning'ref:
nt..l will! thweaso, it is\
it migl:l be ahead:lt ht \
~ate te privilegoid Winn `,
- IV. A- LEERS. \
:hi,' re:pee:able 01T.4 , 13.. .
~I.i. •j, N. 1.1.1051.
. 1, -. tin, e,.1.::, Eatruotpf
I li, in, i .. to, 1,...: three
rat I, ...1111.3 . ;4./...i Cosy.
..1 LIN - 3.rpi:: N.......,......
:C.L.1., a ,1;14.1i15..., uu- • '
.0.r../..t. 0 01,..10,14,(.10,14•
tart ivar . ll., of gnat ion.
:a.. alid eme4, and ran
T. 4.1......., A‘....i...t..., nal.
i ...., ~...1.14.4.V.1....1
p.m Erten so.l , i,•
, .an mule :unto,-
1.0 Alliam,
i urutalrait,
n nc
f fit by
x ”r ,
%tin:. '2.IIAAI
/ AA.
1 4 ;
for by
es) • •
J P;Gi•VI A 17V IRS ' EAT "
qtl. Goodale's
At. James A ---
"N t RitUULA-11.
ST EL Ma: 3Tb)
Tor nL b 7 Btrent
and ver y hurry, tnr vrZe