r A -__.- ..rizttveL or CoNGTIESSICEN:-11011: David R. Atchison, Senator from Missouri; Gen. }ltalia and Col. lYilliams, of Tenuesnee; Col. Gorman and Col.Ristiop, of Indiana; andlleasre. Rieb i -ardson .and . ,AliOn, of, Illtnota. members Of the t., ~ Goose of Retire.t Motives, orrivednn the Bril -1 Ilan; yesterday orning. CII route for ll'oshing-. , ton. • The oteatner Pitteburgh, arrived last night, , t. ! having on board ,udge McLean, Aition Benda% Senator Dodge, Ithmphery Marshall, J: C. Ma eon. Cal. Taylor,.. Ewing, and eiveral other ;;. members 'of COngrese, on their way to Wash :. .1 , .. • The O'Rielly t4egra ph office will be open e to- Jay (Thriniragiriug) until 10 o'clock, A. M., ; ; and from 4 to 6 O'clock, I'. M., by order of the ' nte urperindent. ' ~.,. • • 'COltinigti'il In(IrF9T --Ifr. W. Al. Arthurs, t the Cnremerof Allegheny County, yesterday held it an Inquest en the body of Robert Mitchell, who had diedin - the. County prison. Of delirium tre !°"°. The. deceased is the elate; person who i Irdlicted such ghastly wound, a short time ago, GM the faxiSau of John Wallace, whom ha struck i-hitchet, on the bead, while inn sfiste of • ; hatanieaddina'. I, When hi•tria brolight into the prison, he fell d r o t n i 4 an n ea • dip, and afterwards became aodelitions thatTg the advice of Doctor Shaw, the ciMallaiit . physician of theiCounty jail, he atita . tied . derrn, to prevent his farther injuring hiteselk r i , ,ddr: Fox, the able jalige of the County "E'Ciaon;iiincuan as he found that Mitchell was 4xigeCrOliiiti ill. at once we nt, not only for the pliy.sittuir,'!ina for the . wtfe , of the deceased. l`kb.Cidirtiat'a jur y returned a verdict tom plipairitinetbajedier'npan the earn bt) bed taken Hof the 'deceased, who bad. as' they returned, t . died 'of 'deliriurn tremens.- in neeitriontw "with an-itid. established. the hardwore stcres.of this city will bo fclosetl tat; o'cloclc, I'. M , from the Ist ofDec. Ito the let of March next. j ,MAISONIC HALL—F(III enough this ufterneou • ~i4ind eveni/tg. Prof. Harrington gives two .of his itnimitahlei entertainment to (Ilya 24 ehlock and '' -- .st the useit bent in the evening, wort we predict ;., .for him rely full, houses, for_ everybody seems • 1 lontiptee to see and hear this famous rewrite . .. mutat. This is the first time that this gebtleman • 'has been in this part of the country;and we ihuvo frequently , wondered at it, so popular fiS he ! . has been fat years in the Ea ,, t. As a ventrito • tquist he is superior to any we hare ever henna. ' .119 e weredq error yesterday in saying that the !last exhibition was . to be given last:night: Prof. !Farrington will give his plessaueentertainmests 1 ', .'... !every night, Ibis week. POLICE DulumenNtithing' of the elighteAt .izittoetnnee*as done at ova the police OffiCfl yesterihty. _ • , . :, DrritsolNEl LALT F:,11 . .-- 2 . A calmed ma, namell John - .prown, who, In conjoo ction with Eden :Kent nod Ann William, Ives convicted at the ;last teiln olthe Cooit, at hrerny, committal in .....410,64ding mutton from•Adani 'tendert, ono of oar - dlutcherp, was yesterday committed to Prisor4 'clittrged with stealing the same article, from th "Same.tiorion. The other pnrties tire also con ... earned, as is allege-4On this larceny, but theT have apt yet beetkorreSted. . ./kit Casty' Lan.crin . : —A youcig woman tamed ,:ilziley,lresierclay-lodied'a complaint before the * , Mayogogiiinot kaihn, who had, - as . she alleged, rorblt-tsk.lM her cloak from her, alleging that she Motd 'him lame money. A warrant was is. 'acted !fir - his arrest. . • A . 7111.iw.,—.3tr alterition in the weather has . ;taken -lane ; and the snow 'which Yesterday g lad- kleneChtin eyes of all who like sleigh riding, iti ... ' xapidry • dieappearing. • • , • •- ,W;& - Drserrsz.., ny use or DEL MC , ILINF's )4Tin 11794.—N0 d1.r0,0 with perhsp. the nettle intioner ctn. : nit/Ibn, 1. m Imicktii:ovq4 iu the Gni. ,tat. tuit.inatha. insaAlaes..datatenf • - e• the h0k,.:11- is often enufaualeil with rouse'. t' itself ;hy. the .ittnhaypw enffdrer. who pleas away Wean Aaoth - !Jamie lilalinaltalu; yet a reaany to within the reach of } oil, which and reuses aL seem of thelkirf,atal walk a .00u:dyneal a/tactual core 3er. itlieer liargan, ~I ntlattedehritergirOrVlenitr.a.-ent wrest- eatannees..4-1 _.-';tie,, - sea W. , . pilia to L I roce, of dyeratala. cad to oasis with c.mplett. stlN:v./. 0.4 acm.lo Landance Bate in the penis of the rropriatare of tLis invaluable Ines ~'•, :Ochre' ;0 . . NOW tea , trawl ettneacorner of Fourth, Pitt.. Itiorala She haws Tyr, tram willepeak Innuatei to .i.boa suffering nester nor of th...a• ilwhletianto 0. •,;.• Nevem:T. le to certify that my wife • 411114- biett.slilicte4 tar nereril year. with the Lnnwina it periods, moss or lout Polo to the right t4tie, tebnat titO esinv of thet ta h as to the fifth t should . ~., • •ler: rata-Inaba bad; rmit.of the head and - bore the tin. 3 .tanapattied try.w . eekuelat, law of spotlit, a - tialmoet ~ OtattUr.tenannea to her flow, Aouosl *helm - anal '• pave boiu of .11r. atet....a Liter 11110, cod I hare now • state , that by the me bf tErce pub she has beit tent 0-elted In t im ordicear UMW therrurilinerrlhod she now 'valor. wool health, ett.ia abLeto , attend.to the '•• - • tasweente of a:w . f.:airy. JAf. errirar.T. sae by. J. FJEDD kat, Nana Wool street. Pet:rah:min I • Ward MOOT' ThlatAPtATILTei Caen OA TOTAL ; ;,12d.wrratralt Cote or Pantottrat—We invite the attention. Lot the Afllleted ma the public penerally, to the certificate •of Wutlialt i of this city. The ear may ha aaan briny may boohoo/4=J in relation to the fact" Inn eat Yuth ., B. y. KIER. • lhaif heiniffilehol savant Sean with a anneneseof both • eyes, whlelicentlnued to ramose until feptendmis. plea tuiliMinatkarait . tleat time h &vino-involved the whole tinmg Memb'eatia o? - troth atea. and °Wad Wino deposit, • • • Li. of a Mkt Aim, which wholly de/Aveiro' my sight. . I bid • .„ it! ' an openttraupernraiwil 1 and the thlekaningrerlothlornith : 4 .lmoion returnelvend left me Inns bed a condlliOn aie hoar, ."; LAt this rainy of the complaint I made Applfeation to Aare rid of the mut . eminent tonldral man. vat* /nOirateil noe ' - '71.1 111 " w 'm7 ern . otild neves get will.' At thletratel mnid / cot dhstloUnianony objrct- By Mead, fan of roma friends -i.f./Itaniamennivel thisio of the 'Petroleum, lora.h internal], and locallY, under which my env have Improved Wynn - flit the Issenni. time, seed I hoe - a - recovered my,icht eatize ;•:• Idt Eli saner/LI 'health was vraT much improved by the mcd.l aratitute the reatantion of my milt to "1-• La nee., I resit/tat No. - 102 &mind atrest. In Ude any, and 1 11111- ho gitti any ratan:U.lMo in relation to my 14: /as, . ; WILLIAM HALL." tort aleeloi Eerier ef -- 11.e.Dow ell, ILO Weed street it. E. ; Wont ntren B. A. YohnestosA., Co. corner ?Wald and Irma Stmt. It, It, entry. It A. Elliott. Joet•Ph e? [ . .t.torattr. ll .l ll l6 4 x7; . ;l7 . b i l i lp i trc. aellatarti Ca-nal Itzein.f.menthet-.Pittenuelli atom insurariice Company ofPittsburgh. 4.1 .APITAL 8300,000. MILLER, Jz t Per. AL Hanlon, 51 ill tee'vtaTitUalVf 11 inz, - Viria and Marin lames will be horsily ednnind Pemtundi paid. f; . hearialnatliotirro—unowcr by Director, who arc we crimmuony,..direl who env dehomined to nommen and libtrallty hi:maintain the elarecter • .. , , ,,h l , ll .L arte ce ri v ricd.../wr Mien C. neat protection to than/ 't ImtMo*ee be Miler: ji.. J. W. Betts. .tr.. Le "'on. p, Ilunsen. Thon fladt_Aleit.llintielt. Oro. Ohm/. Or. .IW. Jacteon, Jame. dl'a o ivy. George Monte. nominal /Woo_ ea/ Jame. Llpplcoutt. and W. (I Smith. ..‘,...u..l.e.ntsitiaLZletraat,(warnhousee titiatiffAitp. Comm? Hive thurtirance Gomm:ay Pittsburgh igNOOURAGg UOME INSTITUTIONS al Watch 'treat. In Iliewareholow oft . . 11. 71 5 .1 L tt i niTtiVie rn'i rgiF e Ll • z7llir:4lerlttio r ' f tn . Trgt. / t! - • bo-ant All citiscua. Af ilanatoursit. will and farrably Libman / to etty. the °Loran unity Oa [brie prnden.ic, I nteflurence. L Jratscrinta—ti. IL ifiteacy. Wm. Ito„-aley, Wm. Larliocr. Walter licrant. lluoh L. lit ed, Ay. flentlaton. . yam .11.annvill. tharbaugh.ll. Kier. , aro". Pittsbtrgh Lite insurance Comp. . • CAPETAL, 8100,900. .. 'OFFICE, NO. 75 FOURTH :TRH OPPICEPP: VcerProstdrot—rl.Sw H et. ..i, • • .jarims= t•glrellimtprnt in w 7.11.4 parthil p • , Q lIGAR - &Oaf, ASSES— - 0 3, hll.lB . N. 0. F 0•.. . -; M) bl,k. N. 0 ,410, 1 e, i For 0,0.1, JAMLs 1...11.FaiL,1,_ 131tITISII LUSTRE-2 cues for @alp by n O4 N. P. SCLLEI“.., t."; Wm.! ot. ..._ • 111 - 111.130XES -- 4104 paper. for I , alo . 1. 7 A STati:TIDA-4801b._ptime,t ..,if - sr kalo by ill.. ntl L 13 N NELLFIU, ' lUb/8E.1t—,10041 MI. for sale - byl -, TTAL . ft- toT . - It. iLSI . :/IEIL.q. . . .?NLADY2OF,II.-• ,- 2 rooks for role. hy L--1711 - lbd. Trim° llutitlusas v.) for nib. by - it. E OSE PINK-2 bbisAng. sup., fbr sale by - P.- E. `. 4 ZILLERB. CILEESE,-100 boxes Cream, foi• Ly w. Il!LtillAU011. SALERAitTS-I.T:el4l7ClOVefalrd; 111,1 g. for mho by. L - • JAHEB 1214.1.. 7 COTERS-3 0 dozon Oil Ta r, ~. b,bb.,,,..„lll.'nor mi n.pr,rl--a..imucut dui- -‘4,: r :7 ! . b me. SM"t'T v,r„,, LIN' N.. lid Market a. ' Lk ' • • • TtiV. KID •131,0VE--Now opening nt 4 t 4 l A:A..1JA...41N c 2 .n 4 et Slakd arec-- - no dos. Aleunegre tat tons for gale by L unto . - - caw( t SteCANDLEAS. J a,&D .O r a u-12.hb i 0:.1, 4or Gale .7 AIMS DAUM& BY TELEGRAPH aIiCILIVICD ;IT TAB O.II XILLT 711.1.1311.6191 LINN, AND SEPORTLD NMI TIES PITTIABLMOII GAZIIIII. Nnw Yogic, Nov. N. The ship Btar of the West, arrived this morn ing, reports having, on the 17th inst., fallen in with the brig Harriet, off Portland, 'and took from her 90 passenger., and 10 of the crew crow of the Britsh ship Union, which was dizmusted and suok. The Daniel Webster for Rostra, from Liverpool, took froth the Union 100 p.ssingers. WASHIIIarON, Nov. 20. The Rcpablic of this morning says, - ghat Ron. Robert T. Walker in to be the English free trade candidate for the Presidency. • ma, Nov. The steamer Asia, from Lirerpool ßo , having 2G. an chored in the aticam last night, three men be. longing to her, named Thomas Haskell, David Watkins, and Alexander Turbbnll, with John Summer, watohman, hired Dlr. Davidson, a boat man, to take them out to her. Then was severe gale et the time; the boat capsized, fiend an except Davidson were drowned:,. NEW YORK MARKET. • Nair YO ILE; Nov. 26 • Cotton—The sales to•day aMonnted to 1000 halts at Do for middling °Annie, and 81 for ap- Loud." The market closkid'finn. Flour—Sales 10,000 bhls at $3 816D3 04 for common elate and western, and $3 94 - €O4 12t for Ohio. Grain Sales2ooo bus Southern white wheat at 930, and 15,000 Michigan at 90c 1,1 bushel Saler 40,000 bushels , mixed western cora at 59,4CLGOc, and 4 , o oo'hushels rye at Oa 19 bushel. Provisions—Sales 300 bble pork at $l6 12i. for mess, and $l3 62 for prime. Sales 200 bbls lard at Ne ? lb. Linseed Oil—Sales 3000 gallons at 65(66e per gal. • Whiskey—ls steady at 213 e 'tl gal. CINCINNATI SLARFETS WINN/V, Nov. 26. Flour---Sales 2,800 bbls Cl: at $2, /1 95g3 bbl. IThiskey—Tbe market is very dull at Si b Fallon. Bogs--Are in good demand, and prices Grm. Sales 3000 bead at $4,45 ,64,C.5 1110 . . Pork—Mess is in good demand at $l2 14 bbl, with sales 1600 bbN. Groceries—Are unchanged.. Cranberries—Sales of prime at $8,50 7,1 bbl. Linseed oil—Sales at Gsc 14 gal. Cheebe—Sales 1600 boxes at Gjc ql lb. • BY MORSE'S LIRE • TRIAL OP THE CHRISTIANA PRISOOERS. PHILADELVIILI, Nov. 26. . The court room is densely crowded. The Br boner displays touch self-possession. He is apparently about 35 years of age, tall and slime .1,..hn Junkie, Samuel M. Hopkins, Eprism Pres ton, Solomon Guru, and Jonathan Wainright were sworn in as jurors, making 11 in all. The 12th juror was chosen, but not sworn, because the ljury could not siWarate ,if all sworn. To- Toltow being thanks-giving day, the Judges adjourned the court until Friday inviting. BOSTON, Nov. 26. The steamer City of Pittsburgh put into Coil( on the 12th,.short of,fuel. Complete election rotonis have blen received. The House stands 197 Whigs to :loupr ail other:. —4O vacancies. The Whigs hare a majority of 4. Last year there was an anti Whig majority of 48. [We cannot understand the Telegraph's !arithmetic:l Whig majority in the Senate 7. New Vass, Nor 211. The Comtirio took out 600,000 dollurs io op CHARLEsTON. Nov. 2tl. The British ship Virginia, Capt. Remain bound to Liverpool from this port, was wrecked Ten of the crew were picked up by the steam! Vanderbilt, and have arrived here. The re mainder of the crew, Captain and men, hay. not been beard•of. Nave -Noy. The eteaniship Louisiana has ORLEANS, arrived, 2o. with dates from Texas to the 2lst. Col. Rodgers had effected a treaty with the Cdmanches, and re covered 2.; captive& It is reported that Cara raja( tied receiied reinforcements of 400 Amer icans. /ULT. MAIL BLUE--8 boxes fur sale by SClltntS MAK ER a W. COB FISH-5 drums for sale by 5.,/ nosk /Ckl dig If cCANDLESS. nLANKETs__A. A. MASON & C. are now ~P .2lnc WO pairilassnrsed Blankets. ..0 LANKT.TS—Y hose received my fall ', Wel( nf BLANKETS, of P 1.,. owed. Ur eft. wanting Blankets! will call the and diLlerent nee our stock. orl,, , 14'11. NOBLE. lIILDREN'S ZEPHYR. WORSTED-400 N._./ dee bnencere. flaccb• and IDDraforte,., net reed by run A. A Al ae.V., 41. Y)„ klareet Ft j NDIGG-:-1 certain Caracas, 2 kge Manillas, jl oc for tin e. low lock.. i echsidoment. hr l's _ 1 - 1: .. nip 0 . EiHmsis,; VELVET PAPER HANG INGS. for Drawind Roma for Bal. br ce..21 WALTER P. MARSUALL. IFOR SALE—A first rate FAMILYra llOltbE, which ran be seen . JACK-Al -Mr I direr, MAU, Irwin mat RON will be received in ezchaa . 0 tirithq, I'.. ern. amount of money) for Two 11181 NO LOTS, b*Si'th Wo”.. %W aaoll E '. rarnsi,: a OEELT. Nir.URPILY & BURCHFIELD are now IT arum(( &SIT a ler, road's. of goals of their . Fe con umbers for this fall-, au. lot of Pitod WWI. I rleh Printed De /.41.11111) and Perri. Cloth. n.. New Stria Broche :bawls. (lone seal 4.9 clamC) oh cd. • M and i. ' T:lntrmerchants wtshina to reldentell their ...k• are invited to rall. • caODA-15 casks sup. Carb., for sale by Lj cc:3o R-IcIC .11cCANDLEC.O. SALT PLTRE-12 kegs for sale by 0c..10 WIOE A DIcCANDLESS. CAS. PEt'PER-00 1b s. for saleb; B. A FAIINECTOCK Ar W. ANARYI SEED--20 bbls -for sale by B. A. VALI 'ESTOCK A CO. — ,LAUBER SALTS-10 b Is. for sale by ' 0c27 B. A. FAIL MOCK & CO. ) IS El 3 e. for sale by I STOCK & CO; as. for sale by :STOCK & CO. I : casks pure, PELLEES. • le; T o tb:fecq 5 Tot.Zro• for we 'O7 sep22 ONES 5.'0. VINDOW GLASS--300 b s rcc'd and far atln't.y. sora: a. t' . liillll,ll/011 ,- 1, for sale by INO/111AU. 51 7 I.e fiASTILE SOAP-75 bozo Ij 0e.1.7 B. A.. FAUN VARIEGATED SOAP-50 1 . 27 E. A. FAUN pawß . A. CAY. PEPPER foe Palo AY R SUNDRIES -5 bbls: Salerat 2 Lox. See,l Leaf 40 . prime tet 25 e common 5 icieeetra Deer Hain HARDY. e II IOCOLATE-25 boxes fret J 11047 7 Ett-50 kap No. 1; ac2l 3 "I"'all'ilVlnlAniATEW. A N Infallible Remedy for 1 . 01.1 ACID:, Tarter art Or Teeth. orwy x.rid II edodineGurrts, far at A. QaMOLAaSES-40 bbis.Goodnie'sßa D'n*Ele " by 01311.11 RIDGE k AM. 1 - OAF SUGARR--7S bias. 11,11'd NOR. Bat- E .4`4 ° M„o le it,emr, Loroolne'r Crurbod Jr Polvortard: for care br 0,30 OURRIITIx/11 Jr ING111,11)1. 116 IValrr rt. POTTED FLANNELS—Just received at A. A. MASON COAL A: and na Market at, • turtle. er annwly nr Spotted Flannels, for chlldwnta wear. oeau k . bills pure Tanners', for sale by pi BUTIBILIDGE IRLS--13 emir; for sole by 0c27 WICK k IIIrCANDLEI4II. . . . ..., VEN.I,,EI)--20 bbls. ( Eng.) prime, fur sale V by It E. EIELLICEM. • • VP. SALT. 20 t,bls. for nala by ergJ. fiLIMONMAKEE It CO. A LUM-30 LAIL for sale by • J. SClibbibiMAKEß* CY/ Time Bills W CINCINNATI, L01:118ILLE, SAINT LaWIN. NAMIVILLE, LinttulT MEV cLEVELAND 4"'h4 - tr. V.. 0.. lALERATUS-10 tons in boxes and bbls. L Por rale by (elrll R. DA LZ E K BUTTER-25kngsfmlI i by r. i at RADDOCK'S FIELD PLANK KOAL— A) xo OMNI. V., R. 1.. al 1010 tate Ly s•nILKINB DI. 6013 Stock hull lizebanvy Maker. INSEED OIL-30 tails. fur sale by ftD2c) J. SCHOONAIKKER M., 21 Wood NT. _ _ lERSE-40 boxes W. R.; ------ -tm Crearr : lta z lky, a 1 4 co. OLIVE OIL-10 briskets for sale by J. SCHOUNIIAKER k CO. VARB. AMMONIA-2 casks for sale by ) rer..9 - J. SUWON MAKEIL & Cu. ORAX-10 ca.es for solo by J. sonoosr lITARSIL k 01 •VIIEESE-77 boxes for sale by st•t,3 18ALSII DICK PT & en. IIOSE-500 feet 2 inch 3 ply 4 India lintbsi Itmer. brattaht mkt exprMaly for Fin ,knalnayuramtes. We Inaltat.tas I.pastMtaslstS battt shim U. and satunntsabssa. &slimy am worrautsat stand 111,M tkrmanns than marimbas hose mattufasturat. In all roamthem they Ito twain..., Mressamutati, the many will tetunittl or tha Hs. mplassd by new 01. st IL I'ItILLIta. •atsW • . a T and Want at. L BALL-43 cues for &do law 117 .I.**XWONMAILIER I! CO Trig subscribers re, tendon of D. Rote t ""aa gf l OrCl.: (41( leet Z4IfIES AND..TEPP, *ht. they offer on the Prot !wearable tsro. ef.ofir,.. 100 lag, tlreen t d ll 'Pe. /I bun. 64.1,1 Pickle,: i nrwle Wa rotriet r It .. .. Keeoftl , . 10 be.. prim ILlo CoffoN Preeerrel 1.11. P. 20 ff - old Lye .. 10 - Rohl. 10 - Leguyra fea Si sal 4' Use. Ruh., . 12 htoto. prune NO. 3 .sr: ,1 1 . 4 . 4 01 . 00 IS Ude. er'd tad puha - 1 3 .sks Curran.. 30 boxes,llro. Soap: 2 Nu. Prune.; • 1 , - . fancy `I " / hose. .strums Fist al " WIG it dpllhoullen 1 Chocolate: 13 .. 31enearoalf Also, handisi%a• Te i lL ' itriS:u n et a' , i aL a Lrions Forehin Dellculee afil Perillea pereonolly xeler.t..l I, Wan. 4. Mee., In the elll • of Na. 1000, Phii.mpb , .... ,,, mt." ~,,,,,,,, ma, a da ein alto ether an aneortmenvon.ousll,l is PUtehorph. a IV 11. A. III:LOINS aCo . no 3 _ . 1t.16 Liberty . 1 -•- - BROO3IS-500 doz. for sale by B. t N. IJAHBAUGII. CHOICE HOLLiNI) BULBS.-11usi hr ...b ac., at. ram? hcacr. hollatal ttant, hantN, compruing hyacinth a nd Grua, of thr.fineat rarkta 1. , of cape, aTti , ar,n, too. guitsble Cos eriatt Flan., La rata at Mu drug and nor.: of scd . 44 .u, itz.Nu.,l:JT:mll.,Ar.lll.l.4l.th. kt .1 , 1, 0 !: gt. SATIN BONNETS--.We have re. aelvd And 501 rxhlblAtur nale—S du. Silk so.o Se sa ta. lAA-11J A. A .11AFOS a co. HUTU:IR-5 Milli. Fresh Roll, for sale by ALP 4.40 SAMUEL P. SIIIIIVER. • CI, ALERATU-100 bxs. and 23 bills. pare, kj rot xal• br J. N. CAS Fl ELI , 801 0 gs.resfic d for sale vuis „Vssiht:;; BEANS --I 5 bags Small Willis, for sale by oc:10 RICK A %I - CANDLES:I MACKEREL --1(10 kits Mackerel; ''2 . 9 . "' I Sl n ,i 3 li. ta:l. so , ' a ICE a aIrCANI/I.Ese. SL UNDRIES-- EJ • k ;trained lV halo Oil; Idl. 6 Idilo ILarkedh uh- Li; • • ' • 3 •• brown Toutiero• lOU by prune did l•oitlioi LI. E•Sieno I'. It ri.a. 111 Dour. I•ourtiong Toa td and G IL bus, extra E..e. for boo,. S'e Tolia3d, hronde • 10 •• 1 lb. Loam. • 15 lien.. Moe t Cr1.4.1i " aw .W 1t g ALIC ACID-30t) fur oak by V n4l 1 .I.xuiu i cu. BATTINU CANDLEWICK -210 to'. doldum Candloricki for lain nob N CO IL I'EPI'EItNIINT-IOU Ibm. Euro fort e • ...it by ‘.-.01S) 1: 3331..L/:1:3 LAID ItIBIIONS—A. A. 31.sus• S Cob otilo tat Loud cwt.n runt vide Nadi Idle '... VINEGAR-11M W ~ We.-11M fur sale by • , T .4:3 A C 1, 1.1.1E1.T. .N IC4 '. I lint WIN STABCII—;3OO Ibn., a ch o k e a , t i lu clA..nucifecturrd oadLte...l, f....- dl.dir mil - wenn,' rn' T . ;;rda j ;a7l:.T,T.:=l ' =' , ctionard, griddle A, M.., porndlre or eo, n, ! A I fraud patkages 00th lull do.. ilut.. utr on.. ki ..i. t., oc2J2 J.K f 01. • CI. .01 %, ~ ..1 ,I. 1 • - - pnuss. BLUE-7 bt,leN beg, for sal,. by a,...) 2 144.114i0N %1.V.1.1: t C. i . r .- , , for Mosquito IS:Aro, 1VA,,,5,„,.1 1 ',, , ,,.1. ,- .l Lb j ,..‘ r , ed. for As.la in ltd• r.:.“ .4,1,, v, 01 SOLII..t. Duni n QUNDRIES— so 200 baida Ilk. Coll, p1i0... Las Win.l.. lilac; 1.. pkgs. ur,ii a tin T.., 1.0 Ltda. Nd .., 11.... m. 200 1,..1.0 a fia It'd Tonna... ~.I '• N C Tor. Su Lgs % ir.l lir IP t and s .Si s. Plug . '" % 1n,,:,. • ! 121 tel. fremn isim AI . trolll,/, tvd.r,,,, SU 001,1' Ii (1 eucar: . . da.tern Mum, 'AI LW. I..ar. n %I. pun] " , 11, - Clad,/ 1.1,..: 1 1. ..' .. 4. M01ia....,, 2 err.. ludok, Si W. ll,c 1,2,0• A Ica: ' Iv ." S, rap .. 2.0 .0.. 14.1 1..-Aih r 101 Om 0,.), lIV 1: Choc,' ... • I.t. 111 nu.. A.., 1 . 1,- ,- -..rju Ilr.m. UK, 1.,. Nolo, r.:, ..4.,1, I I. rcx-thr al, 31.1, r. C1..t., 1 / I n.q.r I, .... r A ',.. • Cin.ruon, x - On band And f. ir .adr in ...pito 2, ilo. “ t I'd • Co . LI tm at. .: ItOSIN-2110 bbls No. I, for =ale by k.eu1..l- t II II.11:dd I I'll: i , LASS-1010 1,,,x,...m Windom, for e.:41.. by j I, I a.,12 na II /1.11(11.‘1.4,11 I - by hor G LuE__ ~„ bblt. ruc'd :"...1 :4ali, r N II14,1.1t:111.• m. •••{.ll rnri....f II ....I And ,z 0. ...• ! Pittsburgh, Cincumau & Louisville Tele- • graph. • THE STOCK of this C;onizn . z:s-xtod Ly me 111,11.yr:nto l , aqi.B eon., Mrk. rtl .en-vts. dr RA N I Es—..lust roe'd and I br the quart tn. IntAmL at 31011.111,' T. n.rt. lutt: Mum.' _ . . lla U., for S $4 , 1 , 10 b) ApLAs.tEs—,32.4 1,t4.,4,;. U. : r I It 01 411111.1 i I. 11_111(i for Male I.v sair,ia ax.o a LEA:rift:R-40 Slat. good !,earl hyper ttgro ' t.V:r.7 j l'T l ZE* CO,. Lia.rar riIICIESTE oasts (stair by I J S4;111100 LI a I. 011 it ki ki t : 0110 < Ca, -DILE OlNTMENT—Wtlrrunted to oure the word eavl of lilt& alan.d.., t. K.Erst.i: aII .Inlll ELL. 1.'11,0 .1 1 , we Ll A V.EN ON/I.—Extra tine,Caverunst, N.}bare& 100 tale , r ICKYMMIL • 51,14,1 T EL, 110 Wmai at BUTTER -1 ldd. and •.!4 keg,. fors . . sale by 11 11 . LILA): SEED OIL-10 }Ads just received •.1 for We 1 r •'.a.2.3 IL IN vli.ll{-97 bbli. Cider, for only by Rim - GENUINE 31 ANCIIESTElt GINO II A.IIS —can be itiumi AI the .biro or 101 allill.l'llV k BURCH rump. TUBS—Z2O doe. in Fttore nod for oak by wail! a • Ar. 11A1:11•,,11 I B ucKET&—.sod,tt. in otorwand for Bale by ar&Or: N. • %V' )Hull SILKS—A- A Aloalon have st!. loo ..7R l .frt, " 0". '" V . AILS—LBOI kegs a..s'd city brands, on I hand and for ital. by A. cuLtiLitra.ls Cri sep2o II:. I ia ILK POPLINS--Beautiful goods, just ' I. teed rur expresii.E. ityliel A. A. MASA,: A 0,6 it 1 1(1, ARS--50.000 Regalia, Principe, nod w IL &bayous cigar, on band and for .1.14 pLA A. CULliaatf&iiN & CO. 1 " EESWAX: & YEA TIIERS— I li tor .ai,, b 2 , " " "' D''''''. ' g.:Vil F tVtili' ArVi!, "' '''' xpld 11"..7 and Prune K. FOR CIIA3IIIKRS—Very cheap Wahl l 'a per.....ltherip Elnrilur, in lleli U! Whit...WIWI. 1,,r Fal. 1+,191 Mr 0. .11 , 11,11 ALL PLAID RIBBONS ANI) SILKS-- LK S --M t: CPCIV ' 1 1.0 .. tra! , 10 . : 6 11 , ..»;: 7 •e n thin morninx a 7 ... npy cf 4.11 1 .11){ CANDLES--In whale and hi. Ilze 17_ for mile b., 1-6'.1 lIA & yy. • - • IIGBAF TOBACCO--In 1,/nie. and boxer. for ..1e by ria.y.=) HARRY. J oN EN a U. -1. INSEBD 01L—.5 bbk . r. c'tl. Ism! for role Ii by .1 ,2 7 P.l W. lIAIIIIMMII • FLAXSEELL—II) bble. for role by .....-30 SAIIVICI. 0. MINIVER. -.....----. Portable Thrtuddlig Machines, Separators and Corn Shelleri, _ ViTARIUNTED to be thoroughly built, end to wort well: made and *old by 1144TIAN I OL, or posit. Hiranleertter's 0611100 31,11, *treat. Pittsburgh. The Thruhintt 31adeines erg beauth fut.eltple and octopi., too evil,)removed from plooe to lace n•r.or heel* better work. More than w.OOO of theca are now In heel* the Western etatee, nodes sonny Eng of the Slutintains. 11 nnY of then" hove thraebed front KO to Iral.unti hoel,• and. on thoroorh trial, they bare teen rervinteend ed br thaw who nee then, to be complrte. and In wort se well al One in the world. The Newerat, 1,1 Itool'a Patent, with iiiiiettan's ItoplbeW mull. and attached to the Thrasher. and entutdrtel) wire vain,. the otraw and .hall frum the grain, and loas given rntlre satisfaction whenever tried. /flakes but littie pow er to run it, arid lin he atistehowl to any Thrilehin: chine now nee d. The advertleeie also hare right ))M *Minn righ end 4t for this nehartitar . i l n the /Slates of reanare ZITIVisr r, ' , l 7r , a:17 . 1/ t n e Stale of 0/110. tumid the countless i t rumhnit and !dans. The Corn Sheller is also flent's•Patcor, and is one of the best In use, being ehean acid not likely to not out of order. th:itu b ir ;47Inh"tillide'ert;oodf 1,1.4;1 great number, and i* an Inmate. creurrtel where they Lave not olenu entire eatlslaction. Persous pitrrhaeing will ree.elro watt the Alaelittin draft p:V nrwur" , or 0., NO. ear , ilnetitB rraa In A. FALINESTOCK'S VERMIFUGEI &Tr...TI7e eriz, foe W.MAIM FroCh . lktrroligelile,lraixelopl: • Me FFFF II A. .. Vatineeld . ok Cerl have been selling your Terrnifuga gar threw year, and so far &a I know, It beele do malefaction invariably. lcur phyeletan. recc,muletul tad puichme it for toe In their Trachea. One youogo•t ehild, about Fie yearns of we, for errerol menthe had cymytom, of cholla at Mort Intervale. which the rencedaa ueualiy adminiaterell by and mother felltA relieve. Her euffennes were terrible., and during acme the attacks / thought she ...id die. lat imagth b of (at venture) Mow of your Verrolfuge, which. about • day allerwards a brought away nreds quantity of worm., sod me inetant relief. About thrra moothe alturwanb.• eltallar attack occurred, when I gars another eta] of H... larmlinge, hieb expellobabont So worm. more. ic fle "' „7,l.l ° ,! ` kr I. ' o l frr ' Pe ' rti l la u" 72.171 'd :1211'53:r Carroll/male. mina, Jan. 2.4, For Bain by U. A. FAIINESTOCE t CO., corner of {goal and First •tn.el.c, - - soil by lrferc4anta generally. 0. K. OHAIIBERLIN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, corner Mar krt and Third street. • • • • 0. atone as. Principal, an Pr0f....00 orolm PO' Jonidrxnunts. Plum, nand.. In Donk Keeping Departiornt. J ad bosh:leer on Men-anlily neiene, .I.l.PlinJAPJ,lnntrucnionf MercaollNCodputalicn and Profemor of Peonroaneh A. M. WA... Ecch, Lecturer on Conemerelal Law. E. Prows, laetructor to CommercialE. Law, MN. KM: iTcSoishe of Math ...Um, {web, TAIS Ytt.fresor beauechaalcallOawlnw lhatituttoa bee nweally Impreved and enlariO ed. and now employ. eight Profecaory and Teacher, h. PgfrolfrorareVoTatnidilrtd!hro wmncl y L. the Ttetoft 1 01 l lb. I.g°2 4eu or Iraneu• tat that eau 17.cibly net ur In bnclrewe. " "1. i. n t; P.Wileire ' Z. bricab Der. hue be ca n, Oa M. Inct rMthe ructen. lby • onnulinuon ram. men. nected with thls yet, Important sukkot. Thaw that_ of obfainlow a 31ercantl. Ekl =lion. are *mired that Omtw hf atlJao thla Notion of oho rellattr mint ale... In r7.llfyinE young awn Me ay,haaa putaulta of trde. . EB=a11111:!!!i;0 EUROPEAN PACKETS. ' spectrally call the at gnaws-end Families. to `moo BLAKELY, Enrope THOUSE, an,„,*-'' TRFASION y Aannt an, It...aler In Cor.nan Pachange.a.V.l T ins wt.ll known estaLliAtiment is still don -7.?ol etallna from •Ira York and Liar, ;, elesl":22leil'lles'.. tr'b4: Intel nu 110 nth Ravi 'kr. ..yorn month our ar..Meta, and the 011.. ru, lulurirn to le on jK. 11„. L"'r ' " ar"X'd " Red fiat Nen York nu the 110, and Lir e , ' barn th r e , :lo r t . .l..ll. Turkey k r. VII pu the womb Mow at, .h eed ea rd the rradttlotheirnt. tbr roLunt..r y„ 'L rk fku.. -a 0 lat. • mouth from Llrrrpad and Nal. ph.hrea hi. h alum:4.oln manna... It. roputa r io‘ n, and , Ore •ntl.faktion to Ina The Lina Id Prke.. •ail. w New York un KM.II 1.4. SO, lerb and 11th. nod from London nu ...It h, auk I,thod eiory month eivd. r'dttlargovr ',tad. rail from Noir burl -- - and I.ll.are on tit.; I.t and 14th womb A II P. 10... Ind, Li r, n 1 to %el. 0. Lln. tor .d.neratitts, Nrw York, 10 ....da bon.. nr (0' Coos. and It/ l't.ltura.l. parrougera rdee. re ay... and .4.ler u.r. en rl..rfoll, at tb. Tatort k .o A en, EA,/ hoar. POW.. and At A y T Ta.nolt G uthNo• Yolk. or nt Me (Mite of I. ad 'rt., corner ,Slt .0,..1•1.0.erty et Pltiaburall Y•nr•••,•14 b•Ablibg in the slates sr Canad* wo .1•L in Jro 1t0.,' ttlend• la I• 131 1d LRxl.ull. Ireland, Sentient.. r 1.1. r•ucentnta. ihe Isar, alone tavugla out to' au, thr alrt.- tarn , . It.. .1 1,, "'.al hurtl.•..,) r by lind I....diant kn ...Yorahla torn... I, war rd1....ry.,1. letioluo. or hi...ow Iludr of pr oder the po-.41.41.ty kola, Ilan he anat . lb 01 1.15.0.,...1 tn Nen (Al,a.. HAMM, . l'hibbli•b•hby P. 1111,41. Char...lnn. bud bliVllollllll bust retrallutie..n • well or lurer rum, to JAMES 111. AK Y.I.Y. MeHenry's Philadelphia m .hiverpopl Line of Packets. S,iiline; from on the ..4. 2 11 It an and hirrrponl on the lel o.•A Map MARY I'LEIbANTO, It. II f 11 EN ANI.IIAII. P. Intr.liner, .• 1 , 111.1%. Nathaniel C. Ilanla, •' 11:1(1.1N, All.l Smith. Sloutor. . " eIIACE AM AXON, (now t ) W Wnyt. %oh., Troy Alpo um' ball( of the and moat roast,' material, •,,4 Ike moido,,,r their p.a., Il,nrtlity are 1111.4 up •• Ilb 1111 kb•Yl itoprrdoluent., aro mart unnly ruulllote, and ben nut.urpw....l Ji thrir .e. romounllon. for ,• - ,0.n.1 Coren cml tlo y *re n.u.ruun.lo Illen LI tnuale.N..4 Wont. who II'„ une...1101 fur their e•tra......... the palnt stnilea . I—nour of rlnguiu their Wood. fn. the 1.114 lY•1•111IT, ran ..ntatu rertatrale. of plena. which ~. ti, ajlXlll,e'tlnt...T it 7 ; ,l rr 'n to j ar S lV. L X,I ...tertuu, 1.10 upwaid, Farah.. ...Oa • at.% Yr, Uhl, la Wilt br• • yby ul 1 , 11/1A •• r 'apt i tho haled...to c,, 0.4 roeioutne /dea•r kr• r. week 1,, y/ fdrulata. ed k rd..... • 11,, 0 .1411,1. , y •uea, 1 1n..1n0, I 1 / . .1. yearr-of 1.0 1.n.• I a te,rl.. fun .11.0.-da r cl water and rant ttn,l bolt ult. an.. ..1 ruunr on.l Mbby••••• El•:t 1 A lit .in. . I{ llr I.llllllelplaa. 1,1141 roh I dal d nl st2.l. l Steam CommuntcatiombetWeehNew fork end Glasgow. 9111 E. 11 la.sg,nr and Nine York 1. awahip 't inarrfail raw h.amtbit, ton. not ‘.„ P toakflf: NO Y. i....runi•• I— owl ... . rteerace reas.oe. c taken. Thernuh n rat. hub pr. 01..... nnt nun er t. In .notllol 11 . 1, r, , •• PV.,• 111.1.1, b• • .1 I.•:- 111,1 n.:., 11....a a y Nil, Th. W tan.. 10•1 ear.. to th. rtatl.... 0511, ip ...I I. Emirt.tscr:s w ENGLAND, ME- I a I.,lNthtl .I'.'l, ALE.' —.14•141, 111 I •tf• ••Y Ibe ot Itl.k.i •. “n , an.l . l, ••I • Nlno 0 Il.sk ao a (~..r, l o , WI 1 . .k0k .....,1, tla k • hena,l n. 11., .10. it. ...attar ...rt., the %1.,. r• United States Patent Office. W the petition of lt,irliaba. 1-angdon, gr•••I..1 1•,p; to . •... It 1 r•I•••• tl.• ti • ••,•: r•-I,tr• t• Al ti,. lut t•.• •••.. •I, •• •. 1 ,••tht,.•,, •.•,,;!•1.4t la• ONOBOARELA ROUTE. Via Brownetille and Cumberland, to Baltimore and Philadelphia.) , Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas! ....., i riIIIE,MORNiNG BOA'l: , leaves the Wharf' , 14 '. s . AI 11. I.S, N;,.. fl I`,,rt land' .7., N. l',.rk. . 11. i -7-'''''''''... I a!tie r witl, ti,...e. i . t cumi.riaml n.f,'uf,717 4 Tl `?°- 1,,.. ) c ...., ~.,., 4,...,01. 1 L- .1•.. (LI •...... all $ •-1 1,.. .t. A ...a 14..0v0„- W.,., 1, v1...1, ~..0..., ~.,.• HOUSES, FAIDIS, &c. Th. F... atn.,. Naar Ira Tue daily Dar,: rum' oeritlnrl ,•• 4r• ./• e:ram:rota,. van Ma cars at anberi•ort neat ~.,,,,., ~,_, ~ , „/,, , ,,,,,,, A, ,„„„, ~. ; 1011 ea. ran. ra ,I / Dr...h arr I n.rine ..ro.T. .41 1... u, •. I. ~ .no at la ovlark , e,..•• .. ••• -a...! .....•.. n arr lva, V 11 / 1 1.11V 1 I.Tre.l, e.t.a, .1 ... or., Van. ttorwah to 11•11.m0re,.12 boors. lara only SO. For Salo, 1.0... ar... , ,1• to P hilsabllpleia, 40 hour, Fare oolr 110. Le 1.i..0nal /.,....1 le u..... ,re_al. Cauduttors on ala ~,,,,,t h.,. ~,..,„, - ,4INF. II r N lilt ill) ,k. 11/ICf Y ACRES OE th. r c,,,,,t... t.t....e Itraan,sll.. anal CumbarLend. Willa 1 t 5p...., ''. 1 •I.v v . ,r 1 ..•., / 0 , 0 ,, r,....... •• . . (.0, ~I 1, awn s att a rlstaa... .Daa•• ea o. rral• t.r • N, yrl. 11 rat.esnal In VI.1•11 Date /I. • rraret .la rID r mar. 'kap drul•Jef th• 1.... n.d. /aut. , I. a co. • 1 ••• , a. • . 1 ,10 rt..- .1 ill qua., and %dr,. J MYIIiIMEN, ALTOL Ik . a l i ~.,,, a,.L 1 . t.... I . .‘j..,,„,, 14.....„ 'IL., 1 1 , 1, 1.... re. u..i., aII,LII. .. ' , t.•••• ao,l tl .1. ta.- aa ~,,,,,,,, ea, ~,ee, L., / r... 1 en I. r.,,, mt.. 17 , • 1, 11 7 11 1••;nAtIr• tlnnrotrah•la Made. _......, Cr Intl., loco ottorner of Drip, and \ ', 1'.....,,....• 14- r. , .........1.1..11... 1 a v 0 •1 1 1 1 1..../0t1 1 Vll.l . 01,0 • 11, To thr •••,... a- tare 1,0 Ellan 0-I.oot. ,114 , —..n D. ••• au:LID/ tart ..1 on.. I•an.lrod •nd "'"r''' 1."'".“ ' th" '"' . L"' .'% i'l.2l''"::: . 1, ';.." I": '. ` - ' ' .. ':.7 1 ‘' ...':, " I ill 11 , W, 7 ~i ' t r „Lit.lllll ''''' L ' : : . lo ''' "" ' " ' " .. ' ''`f l^ V ,. l , `.'ll . , , , P .:''' '" 1 '' '!"!'"--"• '!--• •- - - " "-- " -- r - ' '''''`" "•",,.'!--.-!!!.--" °-,- .. 4- , r L. 4-• ..,“• ; ...,.,, , !!!-.! r I , ' , • ~. ~t.Ol, 41 ,i ? A CD, Et.' a ; PENNSYL BAILROAIL .1 1:‘,. ` 1• ,, ,, " ‘ ' .,1, 1 72;„,,,,, '• 7;,, n cV;t:',,,,,L, ‘ ,`" . .• ,, ,..d t1, 1 7 1 , - :.,,, , ) ,' 1 LL'._ \\, ,4 ITU I l E ~.- - - z , _ _ I F F L . 7 . .1, .., .:' • --:. , ! .”. dla `a rOllef hr rettorioo thoefoundallon Of twalat.l •, ` not_ la a la C . ••••••••••..., or 1 . ......1v •/'.e,e,e.'•,l';', r'ver;!,'!:•-.!re•••••' \' e'ee3 •• ''''',..'-111T, ''''' . /it Ant / 1 ../ lltl'lN Imi. , also I. T rale, /41 / n • .I,ll,lh—the LID', It neutralizer bad tilacmrs, arta r ' e a. ,,, 11,[1, , / .., • ,3r ; •'-‘/ Ala, treat of Joi.orr:Urthe •, V nited States Patent Offieff. ' To the Public. .1 ji ~,, ~..-, „ ~,...,, , , 1,••• v 1 •1 1,••• 1f Mt. , 1 ' e a 7 • • 01313.01,1 a,..rotiaret7l and stir. healthy o.7e:Aotr to all 01.e ‘ lurfl.V.A 1, Iv- 1 TINE EDUCED ASI 1114,,11. INCer.is•CD t , ' vital Dower. ' 0. • •• , • ; OD! DOM:all .4 LLeritakaa La1ie . ...1... , DC, 1 N I , IA R E • BB 1 - . it snit Es__°;,,, att...„ti,,n • '' \ 1 ► risili. SI., It Ill'E t. have• le pe• sure t J b'l lo• .b. llilb l‘ l r.orre 111061. d rm. tfichaeorities: ' 4l ' 1 i nn. „ Et. 0 '4- . th-n. inviMr....Deratreti.o..!‘ •' ..h• L y,,n 't . ' . ootarlectal am free itaJulorm - el Liam are , itit'adurin g Desirable • Pr.verty •tor Salo. I ~,,,. Irra,aa. ewer... la, ./...r/Dead trarahl,...a • tLr what,. am! la Drp.. A, asarohl to roLutattmular \..• • r ''' from ....Dlr.., • • ...... ',a.. a... L t.e. • , A, ao '"'_,','''''.'• `,. ' 2i 'Y j ..' L.'' , ',. ' •-• ' '• ' ' ' • '• ,: t '• '''' '....'• i ! ••• •"'" L''• •-••“ 7.••••"" "•••r• •L'•••"6•••• YrLY D .I bI . I ' LL I aoldnar,rerort now to Dr. l'lo ientt ' a Yrirlect of 'not • ••• . ~,, e , ~ ~ . a „ „a, , . e. ~ , fr,":...•••,..1,`•t• ' j •-' , ' ' '•,' ' ' •••••' ' ' . 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" • **''• ••••••'Y ••*•'^'LIV.••%,;•••Y ' t,..... • •11 •I‘ , , • D errr l - I lt • Neer ~. •ot . I ..,•. ~ 1. ... rD / Dlr. .. re..r.... ; * _r • *.•••'.•.'7Y.•.•.4.••_,Y" sf.,'-'1“-/,..••*•i••••"' .."••,'. • , Yrk• ' I ..ut • • rornertrull ' - NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! Professor Ala.. C. Barry's Tncopherous, , ~-‘, - -,.. .., . .1111 IL f101., - 11. A... 1. 1 to • • / . r, N t -e t. t: ..,, . , ii It NI F 1•14 ' 1 nil. CU NI Pi 4`; it fo r r. 4 4 ,4' "" • '''' • ''"""'''' '-' "•" -1 : - "''-'••'''''. ' " I \ A T MO L 311.••• LIT i'. It A li 1 lif;Pl/T, No. 74 ' 1 p ~,:„.„ ......;,.„,,,,.,:,,, ~.. ,',,.,' ' ' ''- ''''"' '''''''''''' '''' '' r..r•Dea Aar.. r ... ,,,, s,r•• • . • s • • • ••• I ...• I. •• • ••. le e L a • 011'6 ili7i7r,'rj`''''' 4 . ~ fu.r ta liar - .L • ,•... , , I TV ii,l or Li r ccatfai.lot, - • ' Y.•:„. - • •••• •e• s .- fi 18,51.\ -,, I"i‘ . .' !" .. 'il "A",".2t:iii ~' ''''•!LZ'it'.!ir ' ••• ' &tl'il •:. 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DL.lairltdine 917 . 1) C NAL \ ,+r\s ,,,, ~ 1 , \,. • I , , i.l ~s 1 ~,,,,,,,., I ~:-... tvo t Verlner Doer a '. Per . ' , .`:•-";!.-A ! i7::'. t `." :y ' :: : :::,. ` :-7,, ,I ,, , ' , .. ,'„' X" , ..::1?,;:r1'...t'.' 7 ,....,: , : ,:: 7 7.. ,, 1 . t . 1, El :11 : 1, ,' ,: 1 , , ,;.-:: :7 7 : . :? :::,::: 1 ‘ 1 : ; :: ,.' . ... 4.t. 4 .1.. if... ,"n, .. ' . m ,5 ' ',.- nt ,z,H zu 41 , :::,7, , ..1.,:::.1".=- , :-.,A,','a1..-.-- • - ILP II lA, \BAT LI- ,drlll\ I ue trulf \ iu WM., - ..b , 1 , ..0 roodition A / •II‘LA ior. • ' ~ • yoR K. . I {,ollit L .c. .rlttt I'4/Agitate. o ti.••, Iloort, ancl Ulkb am , . literia4t.,./,/:•111i:.,,,,,,T./.;•,. n ., . • 0t../..•. ~..e..... -road ... . . 1 . ... rt. a.. 1. . • a., •ort ne• ...I .:)......n..11,,1. ~.. 1. cat ii , l! . s • : ~ `.1,1 11 .14,117,7a1A Im \ \ tut a ern...1.0100 ktles In a Lark and rLies. v.* • ' ..; 1h• a.... k ..I 11... " 4' 1 . 4 ' ... ' ::. ‘ .. " , " ;17 ' i.y , ~ '," j;'":,,'7..."11!,:, ....'.,',',;.;.,-,..-, -.' --, Iod UT& r. ANVIL\ ire i iaitt4t,ie...t.l I.tta eur•lu.e. In ha h0.1,.11,/rar 0 art •-*.L.t..`,. Daa 4a.,,/....., ~,. I. ,' ' ' •*' ' ' *•YYL.;,!,,,i,',!„,,,i'/A. ,0,,,,, , . ' ' t , s . . ,, L ..., ~,, ' .2•rivatt Besglence for Sala : ro 0,1 rt.vertatreNtLartrleattre-r, • I nou..l"tos cf my rrOA Rol 1,, artel or. • 1 It. laltliai of It. 1 /...1., I, 1.11.•••"• ta• Ca1at01,...t.• .1 1ir.....,.. TIIE.CI i, ,PEIcTI .....:1-rctl elcerfinif•.; ~`•••,-, rorlu t , ‘• ", Trare s AtAan 1 -... aert - reLeD, I hal nauftny Tears ' , • 7,1,'',.*,,,,,i;,',,*,,,*0ta trY,,,: ran•••../11_,Lot./. roAt . I.l ‘tor.ltral me t;i:t thheareLtiont.e ' t \ • , siren. ri. 4 a 1 . .• , • • lan, le 1.01.•.- .-- Dna ••••••• It '' 11,. 1nu01..... a 1 0.011 11... 110.01.111 1,1,111 01 ! ft 11 1. VA 04. DLL , • a ta.• ..//:i..11./T14...7•'../M. •17 ;e .” .... 1 ?7/n.oral Ina It., • ' D * Lr . ••• Arisa.l • • r0..1: - .• at 1 I. L. , ~ ~,,,,. al t Drag. 5..-- Attn. I G.. ~1,14{,.., h•dr sof tire., v., 11,. e.t.a... ;et... 1rv...a , ' . .hr D rowelecoe rrMtd , ...N 1. In Cloitl. Lot ......kr,r, DODD., from heir vivarrirarto. , Yrr..lt,P,•••l...AL..craorela,t,h, I if. a • 1, 1 1 •;•. 1,141 . ,vlt.' 011/ • 0,40 dea n l ag . 7 .al 1., entu u ettll.l,l I re ,11.1. ....1.1, A 10..0 Ora.. V VII,V ..1 thr. Dr; el , \: i hr.' I" ''•' s 7 .:1"70-'..la i .`lji"lj"..lul \ .'• 1 . ••••• br U .:.'.i.. b r . r e,',,";;,'", • :" ''''' '' ". '''''''' ' '''''''--- j ~'.'...",,..:7;:,a , , -.'.1:1'7'. ^' ''. , 7: l J',,u,t'2Z r . r i..1" 1 :. ! ,;...:;,".7,. 7 , ' ,1 .:'....,:',',;;;',.7 i`-',','::';'.*; ";;;''''' '-'"" w „ .. ~,,„,,, ;,,, s zt.: a L.,, ..,......... 1:u..1,,, Ent wia ,that I toot the\ \ .L. .• L . • •1 ur eneobthind Mu taa air nt, me. e,. a .....,1 , d ~....1, ; an . Inn. I:fut./gat:L. ,' I Use 1,-.), aph Sar k urllla. . 7 eyartomn letpreral., ') , tar.,..... u . lilt,. , ...- it,. ii.,,,,i,, II , L t .../1 j P,::".j;„'.;:".7,::...`,", itL'i . "'''''''''" "''''"' d ' " ""' ' ' . " 7 . r . "t '''',.. "r r.. a'' L. 6 ''''''''''' .. • e , ..1. ..1 •tar., ea ar an arra tlf aroun I l e allAt ' al rl. rant.. ‘14*.1 `“ , •'''•"`Yl *•," YL°'\••*•4 ••'•'''L" .;\°'Sling ''"''.•:• e . '`, • '•,J 4 'wend. ' '" ''''''''''' j ' s c ! il'if..lAti,l.l".," s, ..,J..., ._ i ';'., ';."'",',''..-': ',",'.. 1 - ' s 'r . '",`. '“,.:"n1, h 5 , k.L.1„%; ao. 1.4 haek ts l ua etreau i ' •• r' An hurCenant ••• r• a.. '.• r•L l• • ,'1 \i l'irko...l7l7•74:tm"rn ' 0•. ." . ' : • ' L' 111. • telr t I tn.. 01.1,1 16.1. • I. 1..111,1. If •or airl ..• r•Ltlearna• .I.ana• th. autilenDat, ..' * DD. . '',..'..'. ,•I:,' I..na/... 1 ! ..".. • . I.Ulitt to. l . l : : ratrla r . * ar 'tn.: , 01f , '; ,, , ! , ,,!, , r ,.',7„', ! ::!;;;;„,.',L!, - ,',', - : - .; .•,', ,',;!,;;;;!:'"r - '"'. i L .-. ! '!"., "" ''" 1 " L'''' 1 ' .. ,! . ' i , ". 7 ..'..; , :..t:t";b::;•",L'i: i :... 7 '' , ! , ••."' , ..'' 1, .:rr'....T'' . .''":,..,..4.,.-.."- h'.."'.' , H,....,,.u......,.. ,1:;11.,0,.....1‘.T.... Tea, ..Ullarrne, th terL•er3lVire.•l••• wOrm'4ltoulL _' ; L-L Y / • ~A , ,,A , ,, ~7,Y,Y; e,„ my 5 •14.. • lira troulart sod I i trl fu all ra,rce . lll lit •) • , •‘, \• : j .. ' k 1 L In..'•:•••••**L'lel'l.7247;';:''!'.V.; 71 - '';"r ''.:"........ : -- [ '.''.-•!,,:'... ,:, ; , •.„:, ...' " i 0 tn. 'll , llaSr''l N. , . Al; r•. 1, • • • C. lan t lion, -....1'..L.'1.;•/•;...1'••''''•7.../1!e',..'7.*.:1...!:',5.7.1'....1.1'.:•rfte:11‘%...'n1(.11‘......1:,,,,at I • Akoliaud 1 0.1. 1 1 ,1,..., 44 10 RA - 71 k..u.r lo . , 2Ef 1101.12f.b a cLEVELAND. . 1 that 1 0 ,- , a tura attain.. t, LS ' oar Tar ~tttat‘ kr fat. ''• V .l , lin e n 1.1111,1,w/, r. *••• I • Al. "*•• i" '''• •'• ""•"•"'" ''''' •"*""'"Y" •••••' " ' glig_ .i'tS rAI• -1 6-- -. .m. , ,, ,t ' dlcine. th.t. ' el:Oer Dork \Cul S l ake till, 2' dan ti v , i e ''• -t i . • 1 111. air llunlan, n • Ito af /1.. tra n, .1 1.. et, ...........o LI a,. onarto.r. / 1 0•-. ' , i t.‘l",,•* ;,',.;r:;;.';'.?4,./:...,Ci..;',."1:1,,:e•:ia.'ti,,5.,;114.',..1:::,1::,..1•F,:r..... ~.,..jr 4 !• n ' ..1.1..nar D. o„r. 1 ...., „tr •nrard to rail on ar ne..l,- tke..""eVir1.'.A'1:1.11,1"11,‘,,511::ci."4.'•1L111•LT..1....1 11 at, ~. :::::::.11::::..ir'l:relt.:::•:•':::: ::''l ''''''''''' ru"'" '','"":- :10.1. ..... • •II taae 1.k...n. in .ct•aic t••••c f tb•ccitc. PI rr alit It uII A Isal .fl c i t3 . ;l"E ."'"-'"n t,,u; 1:--,, sb::.l”.“Zu\kron;l.l%.l,,br.ll: 71.11:t 0 r i '7 . -1" .u . , 'L'' ' ut.. " " "" ..' ' ' ..-:4. : 1,0 1.,1 . tra.,,,..y tio..t the orp , r•••••••. ••• Do' ra .ranattyt lb On ft 1. a ran. can,. ear NT • di qi / ' n rf.j., j., thy 1,, ,Lira n ~.fia.ora te, th . r ,,,,, ,„. r , , h ,,,,,. ~, „.„,.„,.,;',". •" '' "•. n'' . Eq,.re.rs l'orire( and 1eu11r0e1 . 1474, to eleur ' ~ "'" \h .. 1 "' }V' .r.' I'I'•NNY ki.T•• ll 'l'''' '' \'' ; A io4.••• pii!L AD. SY HU p:,_b„ ye,/ n g •.,, rh imd . ii. 1 nt'en,"4;7:l'... :', Un. klml II In.lart./ a loar t • tr.• ....gent ...r2 .. It ,s 1 sat a lit VI N. 114 ,t,..01a At .Et A ..5, SF \ f ipizs I , , . ~ taint.: a qua I. and nat.,. rr t the S, , lelarrit s r 'ElieA 'r r ‘ .-. ...' . ,r, . , r cave ,e f ry triornitt g at \ J ,„,„ ,6,1, the fti ,„ ~t,c,,f i. s . , iy:.,•. •qc,..... F . oi4 El i -i ' „ \ \••• •••. '''''''' '""' '"`'''' I u A t1. 1 :11'110 Afa • , I ";:•..!•*•ji `,",t , ..`", !. ..',1:7',7;.T. 1 .1; ",,",'," . .b.',. ~..;- : :.,1'.:.'"t; - Real Estate. i , s , -I'g ,' Z'i; 'lii.,''':',,°:,t'js`: '''r kr. iii i •Tttt:''"il . ?"„ `N"'"'''' . liflvvvf • . \•N . .. •-. \`',..f,',l',', nail 0er......•• net :lea tearing,. l, tau no.. , o , i , r,"",' ~' '"I"' • "° ' 11 ""4- ''' "'"'""P"; 11( . 111 SA LF.--Tu •• I limit., and Lb+ in lite : icttit timi f otw .(21c,c 1 .. i °•`; '' '' ` ' --!"'"•! ' ‘'*.t. 1 ') v t : 1 . 1 . r-tk. Caulv e l• th cab.. '`'•*e'CL°* = \•' •"LL'' "•''' ; - _ , , a a worm. MO of, .........na dip., , PLIT PEAS- I W.I. Ettglittli ;I / tilt l'i• - ao 1 rt . .',7 , titc't!tit'o'.'•it't ,I corm, •••,••••.••••,•/• o •••••••!,.•-• I ,•• 'h ,••,•,--•••••• .it u , - . • •• , • „ -L ." ".' .. 1 ... '' , U ' 4 . -I .'t t. '""onrai• Kf.. ' aC !fourth and laalatt. unenc e ntranceon W . ea. , , ~, .. , ''"r,l'l'',.,. ,1,',...;;;;Nt',1:V1C:.t--',•.:,....t"711',`".41:1 Ala. - • ,1 ......f ord. , ' I-, r•-t ctt wcltt . a It a.dLtals'tarnt nal Canna.. '' t . " . ' ane•J'af' I lot' Lat i11641/vt• ••••-•-1-1;10.1.1 .117 1.11•41'7.4'"•". •••,,i; nen"e"ta n 'aT'r en Uln i ti d e i N i . l r';';' , l \ " , 4 . : 4 : , :', ‘' - ' I ' 4 : l ' , ;'-•' ColT- A- = •.' 1 \ "' • • •' 1 " d ••" ..741. 4• 3 ••• ' . 4 , i ‘ ,(04. \ II \\ \ ; ''' . • -\\ s t.i•urnal cory ; A. . . t'llICA(.() ANI) I)E(1111A. 101 N . ) , . , ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (2031 NI I SS!! )14: .e. OTh L '" u " . .... , x.. 1- by' , IV cu • .,,, YlltAhurrh• 4.6.4 „ A. B e o k laame Allman•y r air, ~ \ ... 1. ‘1,,,M:6 4 11 , 41 . ._ • _ F T BRE I.LAS--2 !o r wale by • ) C !Alt' U. l\ Lfl p„ . k• • , g Eur,t.N AppLEs---st, reel rind U fi „„Ii NI 1 V.11.11:1: AI ..11 Try Morns' 50c. Tea.' ORRISbn ; . ..111Lyticold the In nt Tea i taut aaaltli Nlttt 4,.ka.a.at ;t.10n,, Teo .... . ........ 11, .......... 'fn. Matt l• in . tataa..l r Irak lhailaa4l 411. r. n ( 1 lIRESK--51/0 boxns prime Ct . /nun Chennt .11 I.ll3alty rt • (1 W NER t% A NTED —Fitr 19 hills. of Sob Inn o, I 1 1. , ar.a.nfiala bat .Ratty } Atli , n.t, H UNGAR! A N :•,, 510 K !NG TOBACCO ii: 40 bbl.. fur 1 1.11, by II ICI< 4 MI.CANOI.E..III 1,,1(.1iLD AIUSII.i .1. SI'IIOOI. SINOING 13 1...,Ks C.nr.: i . ,.. 1 7 . 4 ,1n, by I. Mann 0 . 1 . ,.r 4 r l; t h u nzall . look. L sj 7rnil ' l r g . ' ! ' +r:':. ' ,l * :, Moot, '..'411,7r:i'j.1Z1:i...HZ,..1:.', 1 Jurrisev7t.r . k. b . . 1 . /1 . ,... /lon I, I. "...nu: 74;:1” - ,,.:,.; Zn.`.2 . ,:','",,= . , c' , :' , ....1"V.",:::::t.',:"'",.,:,,,, 110400 Oho., 11.nnt: I ny,..,,a, 1./ A Into--Thr , /Mat to, • yrs, Pr.tl Urn mnz .. ,, LL. , 11. M. Torlnnoy. mune by Mrs. Knxt will. my 11,yr, n ,, .r , m, h. 2. e I; Ihyaton, 0 . Th. Itor.k i,T—A1.7,....a,n.,1 ~,0,r,....., Ils.l+arlYm II nolur',. ..y O4; Tbo 10 ... , mr0+4,,,,np1m at. eatharfue 1141 ay' p.m.', r.,mplan.yalr b 11. li LkliElt. 101 Third tlr.n.t noll Stun .1 1 1...dulJry, har,, t igia.nifi.',F, - l i ziStr—..2 i',Ves rink. malll LA yOrt,f, .5.).. b, 0 . i. U rehrIINIIM, lion Wm.l y0,..1 ',mow. t.l ,lan 4 BROW It o ol'— , ..NYl am r,, mune Ecru.. /IL th., (15.51), km lath, I. r .1. NMI,. l'O JUNIPER BERRIES—Iobo Itutyresh, for kg UM Cy AMPIIOIt-9 bbb.. for 41110 by IT POlO „. HAIIII) & IRVIN have n few shan't -01 1 ie sod N.., hat, •INtinw l. •-tsztmeal;.k aubek.” Nruk.: tnr M 1 F.TIU_ rUithi=-725 kji La I It 'I IIOOOL A.Th - .400 las feted* ree'd and fur sa,e WICK a aucvaDLuas. NfiLS--4 Pm"' nic„,tmg r , PA, hr ttEnPui-:-L-v; t7rAA F,64?..b,„wr joini WA BOSTON PHILADELPHIA Insanity. lit. CHARLES STILWELL. ha that l: re an tautalae met pries hat, Cr la.amaa, lI„• Usaiteh nada., Laaaa Weaat Ithlata. el the ataeenvee we grad alernaaveatt 'il r ata Nertella au taw qtaas. haa LI, )01 .414, tar lbw ta• • I I tua. Atha fr eat at till fa mat ,aa I alae.tsathat artaama 1.1111.41.1.t.1.111% 1u11,.. CLEG(i'S FAN O SOAPS. insr. Attpilarior of Peri s h ?Ivry /Mint Oahe ee rivet, Chad,. ill elite: tat tray, hew, -Walnut end I.:slre (ten.. Ilnn atal W nate., Flt. Lt., hean. Aluateel, ea, Aunt Itelet llul Fharlatir Cream. Hair Ine. ha/ogne , true, tor the handlterettlein. Or Mtn row, Beer', Cr, tal Pomatle. to new at te.le.o Eau Luetral Harr her.. ally, flat, (111, Philo,. e. 40,1 c, are uteufateJ anal a of hr site 1te ..1 ta, IIIN 1 Perfumer nod l;hernle , h.: Alert.. •Ltarl., Leto. Plalletlell.lle. ttlerlle,ehante dont h etre( the( Cleg's. In dot et. next an( anon eatt."ernanuteetary Ile. 1(1, hint I , sort S. FilalVrt • • ...... u[o,ll.i. W. m1.z.01. Skiver dc McLean, Flour, 'WA", and Comma:l.4,n .IfrAante, Nn. Sven! Wwita Wrna.l, Ati ONSIGIOIE KT& of FLOUR and Pro wwworally, u;11 nve gorwmg..l wttention. vitt cur 1.4 enJearprr tn Adra.cetsuml.,n rerlipt 01 I/111. of Lal.n. to—Met,,gro, ILimplon a Miller. l'imr.buruL: MrMr. Frsitri. ts. . Alm Mr. ;awl Shr..r. Matchless Blacking and Inks. TUE'OBLEIIItATE.I) " Tell LESS HLAed:ino 1. on, ),,..r..r.‘l THOMAS WHITE,. BONNET 31.1 N- U In . qw wt. mot 5idr.)1.1.2i.1.•101“‘ 1,15 A(IALEY , OODW ARD Co., W p 14, Nn ,lartvt Philadrlvh. .01 I Main, BITCR NOR • T,,bace 1N -""*.Tr. BALTI3IORE. WALTER. Flour and General Produce coMMISSION 1101:S. E, ItoWARD, NEAR BAIA I111ont: Brit Ei:T. I; A L W. A' R lt: Poot, IX 41. E oN Haws, az 1 ./at aqual //I runataar-tat, nr n; • n/ ~ru. char,/ ; r ... • a .1.1h......artia I ; 1`..hr.r. , l afar Gant.' Nut; /tank of /./I ;ha .r.: mn.r n.c trm...* Ilauk NEII YORK _ • THOMAS HALE, 'or C0313118.510.\ MtiIICHANT, 'ON FIN 1) Es 1,10 uattai faelliti. reeniVe 111 IL) altrrlinualan 0m....,1 /Lat.. I,•are 1 11,k It 1, all yolpta is I 'au IL. I at.. oral 1,1;la traoa Itlvrr haoate., merltng A C., Jot,. a 1 / 1 1S,La 11r A. Van..., . IV m• H. it Eak ifC ENFIL AL Ci).11:11.155i0N Al itptlF.F.lt, ill at: 14.01.14. ILI. Fa.pyrntl attention In n angle,' S'''. lit)Ul;S A S'l. •J0:4_.:1)11. ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. MIIDLETON, RI LKY Wt; EK, I.,ll.•••f'urvenliuv 11 ercliagaS. 6.4 the S.rlha g 0111.1.y,t. I k %1D rl Atti.rney at Law, 10. kilN 11. RANKIN, Attaravy and Goan 01.Grcomr.,--Pituburcb: 11. For;AN.Ib Mahr. M.C.cl rd 11,111 & Aka U re. John uttptoh & Betuph, d o & £OOII,IT i 'ete New Goode. ! lAM ES A. bleli NIIIIIT, Nu. ti:: ^ Fuurtli at., 1 0 h. ---ish4 I. P. ,,, j1 num ° nf Y.ll rad Wint, I ....I. It, ma,rity of utilvli,hativr 1..... n pureba...l at t h.. ~,,,,, .111 C. kr,. mliv, In 1.11...4trrn .111..,.ilinng {b. rin;',lLlsi.:.‘i7;^." ii.l;V:::ll'•lll":,:%:ll,'.lg:‘t'an'tf.rale; 41. 1 , ~,,y. 1,,,r, Yavrl.. V.!, r . hunit, Main C.1.F....* ''.."'.f..17:111:it 5it''..;.17,"1.4,1 .t"..t..r..41.:;?73".7r.' ey 1 , ....t.i Dn.,. Nll., %tr. d.. 1.1.41,.. .1.k., Cia..l4, ac.. a, ......V I _—_ —.. _--- ---- I UST IiEC D -a t t JAS. A. MeIi_NIGLIT'S, t!.,:. leor=ugiir,i..i..l.!..,',T,:erlAlZU, T'eost= I Lull ~... , I 11,.,icr,,,tilursa. a, 1.1,4 1,141,J11441.b. asury MK., 4.4 .tTi.A.I P..... '-• - ' N. it— ..!...tu alp , th....e, aupt..ll.l at re., Inv rules. 1 ONDON racalved at N. =6 Merl/ alma. a lot or crop . ! prNloaaua calebrawAl 1401 .1.01 cm., awl Nawraa. Polled Obarklus, I Wortgarereldra Panto, • Ilbor. Ilawitaa ‘.l'll::•Zaiitajliatalwikrnskiakut liattliu ty AtheLutra a/4/10.7 Tablagattlivlatxl.h.ltaedu-,poaa7 • SI'EAM BOATS, I TRANSPOIti [ Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet, 1 Ohio an ---- :. , nnsylyarda _ 1 141 ARE REI ) L'CED:—The mwift I e .. (In place. ni the Jaugea Nalann.l leave. far . NEW ARRNGEVENT. Th...)....• ....I all Intrmealiale wrta Una morn., at v . C.IIIMOIIeihq 4.n Monday 'Nov. 24th, 1. , „ • E .t,..,,,,, ..... . ittruJe•lnkte r...r Ir .. irj1.‘.:T:'.,,,'11;:.1:,:.u/.1:nv,:,:1r'',,.:',..:!1";:-,:.(4,•.i.,,h:e3e,1i5i:::,ri,,131...e:ru1:'.'11:;53,a{*:1;u,1::7.:,..:,. ti.,11.1,..'.7.A.1,1\ 1 7 1 : 1 : 1° . } .. : 1 : 1 :A P:71,,,:rrr8,'; i.:.,:.:114,17..1.1.:7:r!te•:,ni,Errn,...2,h75,,i,ni•ar1117,M,,:da1°,..:,,a,k;i4rA:7:nt-37.1,;:tal,r:la:1::, nc eater at 1 P. M ...and na.'h hatenur e h at .: I' 3! Thr An. lahala , tl . Tralu Incl 1. ..v.'11,1h at t a . l ati. • J. W. au.lNnar Ilelghna t at 7 ..o .••, IT a ,,, L; la‘tla 4 b•;:%tll2 V .l7 . ! •Te ' .ji: " F,,.„!2-I,',"' 7-` "" ?r w 'r Ah A. ‘Vratt1...1.1,4 n 11,3 ,A1d......T.• Fll,l :c 4 l ' u, ' ,l, ' A. Il.' t . e:n - Ml..sla, k ll ta. ania I: `•r._ I,lt.huniih. haat, 4., ... . ~,, ~,I,Trame_ke r iannn ?un- , llnahibuaeNe run in nna. , l:nu ant, the tra,u+ to end it the enatNn e n l•nderal etnert Aline of 111:1, la now ransilna 1.. I wenn • , ' metier, and llne,01“.. ma., C•dunauy Lae i L n a a j 4" '7,. ~ utent 4to nonn-1, • ith lhe liallteunl at I u •rk v ''''' A ur4rn,s, ..a I.TI lee rant betae.n Sah-na and A Brener: a, ,kten• anni3 , .,at the Yealera; :qr., n,' { on ' r''' h. ht Hui I: l• in ' ll 1..' i Ttraet •aet , .ir v1r.,..11 t r orynn modation, ar!,:'r '?,;:.'it.I.:.:;::.1:.;7:-. ,liv.,,,,r;'4',NlN'll. Agtp., nolv .‘lvil.,l .t r....., U.. C 1.,, N.. •• tr •... or ttr fi1.•,..,,,,,'''',. -c I 1.,r t/.. rr , ,s, I, ....r, ../..1 -I.kprwri, ran dr ,u,i uu I, r rout. tn 11. tr... °U~' _ 1111 r:GuL.\ It purr:, (. RGII alai 1 wka.4111.0: PACKET -Tk....Ai•len.. , . r I . , lltl.'NT LITI 1 ' \ 1urZ:11.1:;...!r:7.1,..:1 P1it.1.11,1. I.r ' lfeilovill. ev.,l I .1.. y. ~,....t..., t11..1.,..1.. I.• •••••,..1....5 314 .nal rpturn- Tlta, 1..... In .11 ,. .1:, ~.ry• .1., nt I'. NI .J n.. uA 1,,, t „ ,, ,, ,h,,,,,,y,t,.. ... . ~, i ) r: k ..7e,,'.,,,:!:,',.. 5 , 1 , .;1:‘,",!;,.',' '. Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet. FARE REDVC I ;II: The h rurtnit, tosoltt ti int.ioarto. too Ito •Itoro no.l t.t.t.rtztoOt " ttt. t.tot• tttt..l:tt.rtattg a/o look tott t ,l l. 1. Whop La: It atto tot, nro ~,,, tt t,lt lo otto. ‘, 1.111 tuttko • fur., rtoluotttA t r,, It I,t , t , tt. MtKoo" It,to Pitttlturtrit ti Tutoosty. Ttamotot.nntt nt A. 01; rrturtott, lltoo.lolo ovorT Mttuthor. lu tt",lett . .1 Prttl., - ..11 , r A. M /or 'retch, or hat tag •urortor tit oroamulati %wily on IK.nrtl. t. iiniSTRON.-) Cll(4E'. Ail, en `s The Winch...t. r ik on.. ol the 14404 boat . ... zonktuk• led ( Upol, Par...,..aunkk and klotn...k• ran A., her running in thy ton!, reonhali uko EGULAIt HIIt I AN I ) mnanknr 141./11.1111.."-a.ettd'1 trr, ie LOW In 'foram., L. rk,uir trEwneElk trilun botWnon tEIA und he.di u , .•TIL Z INttabur c h at 10 o'clock Larefr 31.Ani rk . I/ ....n0...1a) and T )rnlaf. and tolurninit. avtAh11.1..... very.Tud.ria,. hurnlay and Salunhy, ""klalF;TII-1.1W0A tr141T7.71'7. au'Th ol, llllll.ll knlo whokl and I. thplin.t and 15.1,0 t kcal. evnr rnnstruArki ink the trade. Paen.n. and ohtorer- ran 1.1.k.nd rrntinoin n lu the undo _ }:11 U It PACK 1:' B E A HOCK ING.ldguak w.ll lea ro nrr TLitrwln k a n Al Al[, A V Puen.nver. and Flit rr I . pnra a n drinsol oon thn. b.kai running regulntly during the na ante, flrkoht or pa...a., &noir on hoard .)1E Ul, A NESDA 2. PATE ET, ink:llN k. ATI. Coma.. Jobs irunnennto folonlid nont an. built bythe , the nwur• of All I.na, Nkv-tnn. and for ilneoa,nati nAllt,hurrh trade. End will limn. 00,10 .1not n i.•tt '.:"Ern"'""r Az„,, F°' SAINT 1,01 . 1 S .—TII,. tin.' . nr ik rt. on at Idkl knn.o.n •nn tuai I. I U I I. —The 4,110,, •ftc•-ft, 1IM; ZAN ESI rh. fin, tr Elok N .r \ own., k inn.. " r I,jt N \ ll l l ll,l,} ` —'l'h.• ft pl on . • ftri •t.Ano to F L. UR 01. alit .•.unnand.r and s• k .___. , \ ~ n ott, 1., 4; U. 14kN'inclnaall. 01.13.11;‘t \mt . , I It ty5r).1,41,1, 211 hour, I.'o bstrr s t)i. 30 , , ' ' kdm.d" sad Wdl" d dr"nt.""a""' W 9U , , •-• i ie. )...f grhurrl 1.) (....) ho 14 nb•hrr street. \ ti• Ilultalo, t 1 •• ei,,,,,,,,. ,„,} k''.) 1 ) tlitha.).ll otters 14 ,ba arlith,...l. •‘, 114. ... ,h) Nhurr...)..--1....,u. r . ) at 117 hate)r), s 1 ..1 Tfr.. . 1 ' ,. . U ''' ) ) , ' ''' \'. ' I . Ktdd 1 CO\ /1. A. A.,..5t... k a .Co., J. A. auh))/. It IJhurnal •opy ; ). CINCINNATI, \ ''' ' , R. car.l , ,Pituboraii • jant A-1 kb.... nUnfbi , rilo TiiANspoicr Eits, ( 263i NlissiuN &. I.'"Vt. colon:tutu and Loan, by•Cltrrlan t l val t t Cfn PDAII \ L Itnarell, Washlntrnanikj. 1.1. 111. P.n.. ,Wrltr Urnpusbnre, P. }tonna, Sono. n poott aWI re \ ,A, I ,.lll: , t . : , l: fr it . Al , ll , te e [IAN?, -tor , zale nu a,ohnun ,t.. I)a.)...enaers far Pernlll...i.tt o and 11 \ )4 ' l' ' - lerl 41, it..1.,s on 11.,j ' 1 ' ,,V, '" A l r, - ,. " 0 ,:,i ",t1 . 1) '2:TT': t C lCh•lhh , • ‘ • , , t;r: ht .trenll) at 61. o'rlork, 'l lJ[ L l tt .. \ .! " 11 •11 " " '''' Ik4 _ l' ' ' ''' ' '' 4j"t'''''rr' ;11"4. t* . \ I • lit, r In. IN•nn a attl „ Li/. 1...!,..01, kir1uk..;,...',:"... 47-tg r :t .%* .. ,, i ' i ` , " .l ( ei nto" l.4 , l i nn r n ll"' "'' '''''' La, 'I ' I C"" '''''''''' j.. "l . '!'. W . h 4 it'.."li \ tit , It nlnt,,l ..r . i...ti ". • , ~ .., . 1.., . ha ..htitavul by altLer ) Puriug low water by Oilldi r5werd..111.;143.).1.h0r, P -.)--- e 'r t , N " C.} ` ''''''.' M .4'll ..“\..'.".... ',, . ;''';!''''''''''''.'ll"''''''''''''''''''''''''''"4. L'''' , :::,.77.4.1'::::: : n.'" :1 ,'" :1 11 1 : : t ki ' h ' n:n..1 '1 :: : t v :: i tus '''' 1. ~..',..i.:-.:---;:-,„,,,,..::°:',„,,,tu:.,,,°•:::,.-',...tin :/k " Ce. '" E n-a nt. \ lor I,n, ..)..).11, f•I 0 C rT II C.IfIt/N, !!.them City rhea ••er \ 4 1 . l•r-,8. t ) 44ILIP. r••er J. o.ntormaTtom Warn :P.L A C ~ or ...1 11, , Ilt,inat.r. of " It C snwi,r,,,,, • ' ''''' ''''''''''' ''''''''' ''''''* ~,,„, ~,,,,of nh,„..t sod lhiN ... \ ' u T 'h 4 I..A""' " ' ' ' ''"' \ •I° '' se ''' d .. Warn \ itcm,n,:elp.. • ' "' ' • .."'"•• .t"“. s, ,101: lIENT—Itto Dwellin g No. 155 Tor !fete or Infortnpuon i appip v. • : .Prict—: I ; f ur Bp k; Six X'ottlenr *5 - '\\ ' . . \.' \ - LI \ \ Thin! +tr.,. near Stolthtekl-a • florin 44 ttma (Up ati.ll7) rorlort i - i Nltt n "i ll U a?nl fi rtr ..A r ' n ' tree " ta.. " nee 14 , 1) 1 , 411 hop son lh• I•Ontinl 411 rattrlin , oP t• • Pfurtongmbsta ft.,. = =-=--,-) .7. - - . . - - - -=- ----== - 4 ,- - -.- -r----.----'-- -. )t . • Op. •stt.rs I)hts•.• I, rotori.l..l Ili. ohol Heunhe d d on h.. rrzwnumv. .4,41 11... r lir. 14 bath rr,u) att,ll,l, with hot and mid - d..'"' • -- \ ))) \ • emsr I. u r 6.,,,f, ..s. Afale , ti Temal. is Fish ,antf\tlatoitai Sth . " Ann-t., ILL,- routtnin t f. al a tort.lrral. , rent Poponra laiEga \\i 5 . ' - \ .i. 11 1.41)1.1h1)1)04, • ntantrao. 'rant roPvrt, ra •:\ ally,. 11 1 , : urth 0tre5t......• lt - ,.1. . \ JA. N. CIISTONI ). A. 1 .i ., PnitscirAt. For Sale or Perpetual Lease, ' UNION \LANE I IIIS s'STITUTI NW 1 be‘chen to the• \ .'' * ' *Ss • : *'-- [4lofiTl-11113:F. Ittlll,l , ING LOTS, laid,. On, the Peonsykshia had Ohio Canals. ~ •, rt.r.ptio ot pupil. latal. anAlonale) . ploo, S i, i a 1,, 71.• rhur, -.........., dan rt..•lr \ -'. -' , 11 ~,) :, 1 . ,1 ). ).11 , .):) , • P. in the orl4lo4lplan of thr town \ , tutotnispott: ', -\I ftt,lnttoss tiAt t .o. tln the to ' .na r prralina. \ 4a114 tis , ' ~., i,..,, t iiv .. ... tn,nin r/ It t-aL ~.t . nt „ of Ilabarr a surel .41 (:LAIC r."11/$ , S e . i cp, ... ... A ..gursru!. Pa. , rl, 4 Illuetratihre t wall.) T A 1.,., tor n 111 for one 4,10 ye a' , t h" 5 ,,,, r,b \l l , l ir tL. . ' *.• . I). ‘ “ )'`T rt l , 4 .‘‘" ,-- C.) , ;.-- ) h ) ". 0 - of 11)ri , r. Ih• h0h4.41 f• rt., oot tot..t, tto. um , ~,,.„,,,,,rj!„,,, ,„.„,.., ~.,.!,7, 7 .„, . ; , 1.,0 1,, i1l knoirn L eto now p opored to ssslos Ls PLarrnlttl 1. et), tran• frelpht truf pas4.n.ter• mar. et - 1'1)111;11611 P.P.. )°, 1,1 v.. eon r. , eisph...l ro • pa, ore lot. 4. ('LM 4. P.P. ioany polnPun for Canal Pe...y.4.4dd,, •Trne)), t, trrols 1, nqulre of 3lr llto,t2a litinLt N D the owotots. or ot uto sots-rtist..st his Oho; 1 . 0 ". i1 1 -11., th .,),)) tth UP , b1....tt• 411) N r P•t) , • ,,.1 4. 1,1 414 , 1h•1" 1 ." " Ii "'1" 2:' 4" ' h"" " 11.1. st.tret, l'illrurxl. ~. ' 1 1 )\)),..J.).1).. )! "of 11......71.4•1,,) 4tt Cartattir.,.. er I - ‘ . \*:- • , hie of s Su ' c'sca 3, yy 1 If 11 11114 1 / 1 " IVILKJN4 "'11)." , . ‘4" )..:)5 ) .) A Good Barg a in „„ w off ere d , . rin":4;t:Ai.7,W.."=:rtql.l"sZt:l=lVlg ' %., 1081 , 11 1 / 4 1C .k BGROI abtaeneo .\ \ Illllt).11 , pnd Lik:Allt, au) • Inv of rnichass . l.l.lAnt-ato 1 /pi oprolngt thla o • Ittn U 1,. -I n,.... an . n F A I'I'LIe.IIION RI: NI.l DE SOON.— ,i'... '1 1 t ,•. ', `tt". ' h. " i ) . ") \ Prot* fUr a hall an;l47nt 4. ' r-- " - ' " " *l. - "') \ • pre and ram,. labb,p)JCPathoe, Tars!. \t, \ tnnslOte,Pkto ', a From Thn)e . Pour ACUP:h. In bu , ju...n 14) •ti ' , SC3II • .11.1 \ Malt oth, 4,040,1 LI, 0.14 lolay. • '% ' ' -.."--'. orar 11) rrs 1.14,...1--ou 11.• prem.., p. a artrl'4rt"da'rl. IX:: . 1 d 5. , 1 -' , , 4-',g„.Tr..° , \ , ~, , . Nor_ , . \... or ~.r..d ,i.,„.,,,~,, -,, - pan h..s•hrary building), dr The prwl,. Mill t ' ,l . ...1 halo 1).0. and •••))1 ))) a ~..)1 profit Pt, .. .1 '))..):).4 i‘J', , ...',,,.,%;A L.... .. P‘ill , 04 ), \ " . - ,ln "'. ' ) )Purrharr. 4111 apply lu 1 1 411tD 4 llt ' Vltt " Jlhh 111, 1 1 1. . 1 )t d iTr=4 "•La t ‘ I:i11,; 0, rilE Hoff —so h .-ch for salo 41*".,."`;';'2‘‘&'fI.1,'.: NA,,I ; UGA It-14• 'hd 1. 1 ,10:1 * , I•Zii;V * ll' 44, i* "p• '-'-' .. \ \ 1127. \ c.. Wiliiam.• Co., bar. , N11,1),n) ! - ‘t . - ~ \4' 'trot sot , . 0n...4nm 4 N... 11 .....• • . • 11.-, A,..11. 0. c,,„, 7 ~ . d 1.4 ,;\.A.‘vAY s hy Them .., tor : Ippi u,U er A .lth d Epttl -1 4; : U st i. : l A 's . ti 4 (I - I . ~.1 mPpE P‘ \ .. \---.__ kJ 1 , In 1 \ t EXCUrliort Tickets • tb Bea ' 25 cantii, --" 2- ,--\--- rip 4 E title ptuAongoz\ sten \ 1 \ x Att*...\oo \ _ i LILA% En oral k11A111.1.119,N0. 2, 111 "'' .4 ' l l I, n l l \ , , Warr ter laralin t s• •at Pitlantimh anJ n ' • - -- (IT ‘‘` " - 1113 AS/I=4/ rprator. e'er,- Jay. (119ndarr 'rear at .41 nn- . , ' ' ra.i:i.l:l;°lr '"u , "r""''''- "- , L'h 4 r \ ''.. ''' :••- ‘ i Parenita arlabfetr to ° MB,. P. 4 . , d'' \ "1. a. TEN. B.Eu--- za . .t , : , n47 . vg.: 4, S.itaP=Fe...72..`Fkk=- ------ ", \ ~-.-'-. ..,,r g ,= , ,,,,,, z ,,1,-.00.7,4.' L4.,,,,.(.0...,„„,„ _for n." ,' _...,, c-\ . :74 1 C1P.1:2 1aht6 . 61P , 4 1Y '''';i *l 4, ' Lr,. \ A \ h'.\. A 1 ; ', N.... " 5 b E r N...4 - ' - A n, . - - -- A - 7 - -- 010 - eenkont Mode to kOZWard l'reit4 Iv BAAIbIOIU3 LY qvz I I AIES ‘, . J I L T iLi 4 , ) , ;I A .B RATES P.F.NRSYLVANIA ' !''' \C \ °4.a __ N Y Vero ii' P e u tfr a S b/ ton ssesfr ~ , n on'Sbd Wayymorak. ~ • is ''' ‘, Kentucky Mutual Lilo lusanince Company. uumtA NTr FUND, 1100,000 11111 S CO.II PAN Y offers to the inhored 5;.,, jr...,,,,nu0rtztrg.;,,,,,127,,,A,11tita,,1nnt1„.1rii,1,.th ritte, titvreiltlour i tit antirnil n-turn ...nib nt rivr rental,- ri . putrist fur lln- en:atilt:eta ri-k it Cher e.r. on •ieilu•h-- but mit excweirefirtivkllcn 1, tin- future ••-ti rill n 1 member , kr the • hulo Iran of 111, with hie Inter.. in lb. iaretunuLltliiir aeritreil hi such member., pityliitile at thAnr W o nt fund ilen:ried for the persnanent rum, - of Wont term menthe-rt.. and oho kir we- recunlyof !kin, trir while ire - ,.. et 4 / 1 1r - Thiii I. the enly Slutua-1 inmrance Company ho:.we. of pit-what:a are flood • bur reduced it...f t.:. with a rriirU-liinfr-r int uno natty tr.ommoni: of 41i t. Suture pet-to-It" riruportintrto hhonrnintut et nuiiltirua knit the toureatlng rink from ad tanitu• aruncit the rnwtstwrii. tracts. ie.. ttivlrtft In detail the plan and rd the Cii.rnlittriYi _st - i;mlc, and application, t4 r luminaire rocoMod by runor. - rr. Atptd. I:YY Wood amt. PittroomM. Ear. [Mamma, Itedical Emaraimer. ly ~ AVA COFFEE-20 bagir for sale by IVICS kIIcCANDUzs. 1 4 11: 1 01110E R 097-1 bale fui sale by •I, FUN( Peniusytkaaia Railroad. WIN fElt AIMANqEMENT UETWEEN PHILADELPHIA A3JD PITTSBURGH. Time liedured Rau, • nod ) after the Isit. \ ef December next, ste......,trnt tttli rurriaa (ha I ruvlrasualltail• ruad I,..tupan. tadwrra•l'hiladriAna awl I ittn_ur, ~ in '•J hour., with l'ltrupla•• I, ... red ti,••• Allantu au., ilea \••••nnucalat•,•l,-arr. 14 all al errs of tur•Lu t autracter \ Tllt , a l . , A3looltE. nu 13.31. 111,1.1 I••rau ILLANLII THROUGH TO CINCINNATI 1N 4R /1614R5. 9.N and after 2 1 10,N.DA1 , OCTODE,R 13th, .4,..,11,7i.,1••,-,••nland Cirtrin.ant, l`rutLanr inn'at ~:ri:jr•Vtror',4;;;"anno.tr'47,:fi making 40 liour,thrUuFtt. Fur war. npad, to JutlN A LIAO:11El. Au. at. (tip .tales ,) '""" 'I r l . ' S ' ;74g4 . lTN7 M " 4 " nula Vcd•ou.uhrlallour•• • PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. OPEN TO LOCEPoItT, TWENTi MILES WEST Of JowisTowN.\\ .1851. FALL ARRANGEMEN'P t 1851 CHANGE OP HOUB. \ TIME EIPICIIP Aril, anti, INCLIE.NLI: rennAyle,mo Ratinoud and .E gear Packe( an nuns nialirna.l ....... .L • . .... tollexeno4l. SAFI, KM, PLIAS,'" ALIO COLIMETAILI IrS PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE& NEW FortE Two Daily Lines Erpreaa Packet Beata, • ENCI.I - 91{ ELY Fiat PASuE:alsk.itu., On and after - Monday, August 25th, the Puke, ••t this Line 'lli it.4tr for Lta,pur% rt., moralism . ••• orhun. •••••1••••• r, arrtund , 2••••Inult, r , ••••1,--ther. takl, t'ar • ••1 Oar ts.ur aunt ILatli , •a.l • trht• t• 'ear. lutrußitatut, att., thutr arnrai, di r••• 1 , , 1%1 , 14.10.4. rfar au. Au ••, L .Forty a; 11 ,1 1 -11‘1,1. t'TruUt7,X,Tll,..ril•l! ran. rnabliuu ll•rtu nu urrtval a, I'Llladelplas uun•.\ra lark at our, i • r , raENC.L . -E, roe lIALTISIORE Tab: the al••1 titut•r•ri••nd li.ilread. at IlarriaLurs. lu-tau-a • a 1,0•1., 1••ur 1.1.Pna1.1{,11,,11n Van, u. 1...1t1m0n, to,;/. . loutiva-ar .1•, ilatrubor,t Zl% - • Lrla licu•—• • I rrg I 7 J. P. 110LAIES, Agent, D. LEECH & CO., Canal Maio, l'eun rare, • FARE REDUCED! lasZ 185 1. EL.+ lA, MI __+ ~~ i it it , 1 . wilt ....,:, :: ' tkr, tram wt.ich tr.. evtr ~ ly p1..1 ..ur.c:•... ',..t.. , 5‘.nt..,.1 it, ,iliecc,. L. outtocito; hmanitr Which fan 31 •SY Pc , i/a am. here civet, .. —fi,,,..ll‘..putle Into all ... Pash ,,, h• sill un s uiT s ,r 1 ~/ :,,,........4/ ' h ` \ inns. t.,,t cpuildenne itni Ps.cons,c. i i.,.m ti , ...l:frlnrnilahni ra1.f....0r at Chercls-.' \, loci.* Sledica. Bowd.in Collept.i.l ' . - VC. t , 1% I 00a>.,/ ...werine. the rr, Of rol''' par.tlon. until 1 hs.l an oproctuniny of witalsOing Os- - .. !'"T.' , , , f,%i A o•sc 1anL , 1i .. ..,....a Ell/ I.icilllies of sui . actual, n u in c.v., r...thr " .. 7ln d g a: , leantaarsi caltaluslaUn. -.• .j t 11,r. I. 1., lE....slain 4n] toi. Oa ... . eel)' Inc , n 1.1.. L , Lact,,, 5...' . . \''', . . . . 1 131h/0ci074 . n . I. ph +tnmetvllllß,ii ~ \' ......; i'- , -" \ b 71211.1t 51 ,f,,„ heti 1 bave Vow, .1 - 4 140 Mr • t:l.i saiiew.L.,4 •e 1 of Elie 14,3_1 Pr. J 1 .'...V.;;;— " 7f-1 6. IhiD. Aire...a or 11,. lu., c I n”lnto/ ...t "Wed -HI al no Inn. Jh,ton t ,nt ,hal.l roach th .... "f ,ur 11... my l'och,d, _..- :",.."."T‘44111th2,-. lir!. mn,l I hart h , ..n rhunlily r,lein:-.'n3l'nntli ~c ,.. health ir .1 - ..t1 saln,.h tv7,tonnl. While At e r-lb nia ma: ,I,l7,,,,!.:l!'er'7:43: a cr; ! ' cW lr, gg4. ' eagg,T l ir b rd ,7,...j r a trcth hi* lurochial dot.* by ...nor..teat te,k of , n.n, I. I 1n.,,,k 14n...re iii ecnifying r ran, to )..to, onat lam..tr, Thur. r?lnetfat.Y. • Th. hthAr z hz sn J one L W e W 1 a, : al o & cAuw Caril rityce.h+ ..J fhhJs tbon‘ht tabvbuna*v°m n I Wu:— . . I: -- ' . • • . . ...-.,i- m. - . •-••\. . .... , 1211.:iii: 8.,tmt.2.131a; '. J. C Artz .-,:r, I Ira:. hatan cab a torribh