The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 27, 1851, Image 2

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    " . . I ,'
. good ibiitg to give thanks to the Most
'atheism:4 . lone of impiration, and wheth
'anka are ..'uttered or unexpressed," if
' a edit in 'grateful homage Ltewaris
' I:good, it is a good thing.
.. „ ,as pleasing as it is sublime
Th. 8114" Pen spontaneously and aim
% 4 ei4 t ,,atitle their avocations to mi
-1 ( 21yar: almighty-"for the great bear-
I . lat Via hand, and to set forth his
plir7!r.orthjr"praise." This, in itself, is a cause
o .. resjorauf ratituile; this alone is well colon
..,,::4lited,4o:7:tiuspru the lore which the Christian
beara tit[las 'country, and to inspire patriotic
hope that , it is. safe, for it is written, ••Blessed
is that people itboocMod is the Lord."'
'Nell may the American' people, In their na
- •:tiOttakobarscter,render thanks to Maker,
:for be has "oat det_St_so..:with any people as be
, bas with them.: I...tcalth, peace, plenty, liberty,
'and late, bless - them .in all their borders. No
• evil too great to be Couttolled has been permitted
.kodieradetheir heiliage, and i n bointeona Provi•
, dettetildut OrtAre:rett,aPcii . them as many good
th:ey-entdd safely enjoy.
lidiTiddnliy'each has his separate, cadre fur
',gindittldm,nad.whether his lot has been what
the, -world 'calls prosperous or adyerse, it has
.IMeei idea, and ought to call forth :htnotions of
grateful homage towards liim whodaes all things
. . - nTlititlay, in view of the beneficence of Ilea
wen; 'ought to call iforth thoughts, and words,
•lutd acts of kindness and charity—to open otr
hearts - and hands' to the relief of the destitute.
If ought to be marked with efforts to restore the
wandering, to comfort the afflicted, and to ce
ment the bonds of brotherhood between us and
all with whom wo ore; surrounded. 'lt is a day
to cherish and 'cultivate St . ° kindly affections of
'the heart in the bosons of our own families, and
In society aklarge, to reconcile: those who may
hare been enstranged, and to "forgive those who
hare trespassed against es."
It is a day of cheerful gladness; a day for tht
1.. interchange of aocial affections, for the en
. joyinent of the bounties of the season. Let it
be marked..iith temperance in all thing., and
then may tie. hope that God will bless as, and
givO msny.rnturns of 4houtigiving day, and
many alditional reasons-for giving thanks.
• 'beEeve he is a Cardinal
. 'nos; and wonfd make a good Pope—does not
like Kossuth; Or rather ho hates him, and pro
nonnces him a "Atds/dig." It is easy to call
nameS, and that the Cardinal knows gs well as body,
aml'when lilt Eminence opplies that
term to Roesuth, he knows he is disgracing his
- (manhood, his intellect, and his priestly office.—
; • no - world it the present day, ecercelyirolle the
••••••• 4 „equal, at ..Reastith in intellectual Tig . 9X end-true
. • ;eloqiCindei.and there is probably no term which
• jarinipreisively tells what he is not, a$ the mod
ern word - used by the Cardinal. iVhsterer elFe
the great Hungarian orator and siateeman mny
.•-. be, be IS certainly not a ...hamlnig.•' Kossuth
••• is a large-minded, warm..hearted, prudent, and
sagacious man, who adapts himself with woo
- derful Simi sod - dsliesey Lathe circumstance
"with which ho is ourrouuded, and thus avoids
• giving offence, while he commits himself ti.; Huth- t' . .:ftrtag stung. warm lover of Republican insti
tutions, he praises such true freedom az he finds
_arming every peOplo, Without marring the inte
rests of liis noble danee, by pointing nut their
ams.' In this he net, with a wisdom and fore
cast _which do him infinite • credit, and which
short that tho , judgment of His Eitimence is not
haifmally revoked the grant to perforit Divine
tilqship 'accordlUg to. the Protestant faith and
forms, within the walls of Ito — m - e, which ho had
himself expressly giron in an impulse of gmti
'tide to thc American Charge d'Affaires, Mr.
••• Caes,lnictitidi for the inliortant services which
that fUnctionary rendered to the church by pre
senting 'the Propaganda College from being
turned into barracks for Garibaldi's legionaries
by theillepubliedn authorities during the seiga
of that city. The AmeriCan chapel has been
"..suipressed, and the bnilding, or room, shorn of
its pulpit and other appropriate fittings, has boon
- ensued into a painter's studio. The American
Protestant congrgation now meets Cass'a
residence; ' Such is religions liberty - under the
7' . lattniaitiiralertho official head of the Roman
Giarrit or Curies.—The Neill American
iUtereeting article upon lbw relative ail
;:wineeli.Ofkitiliidelphia end' New ti or in calumet.-
tutd:numerical greatness. After having no
their population and commerce, relatively, at
stated'Periodi from 1760 to the present time,
the editor comes to this just and forcible conch'-
. ,
Id,iew, then, of the obvious present supe
riority' of .the city of New York over Philadel
phia, in - conimerce, population, and the means
and improvements required for the transaction
of a vast dconestic . and eiternal trade, - .it may - be
Inferred that the result is attributable to that lib
epirit, individual enterprise, and sa
gacious application of private and State capi
tal, which have as eminently distinguished her
citizens: They have neglected no opportunity
... of snaking the most of their natural advantages.
' , They hare been lavish, but shrewd, in the ex
, pendlture of their wealth upon welts designed
to facilitate commercial dealings, and intercourse
'with them ;sand as the just reward of a policy
so enlighteno and munificent, have acquired
for their Commonwealth and its capital the tittle
of the.P.lcipiie City and 'St ate of the confederacy."
, Thi) trtillf...4 forth in this paragraph mist be
otrvi'ops to every reflecting mind.' . But New York
Is not the only example of the happy fruits of
,Ilbandity and public spirit. Boston furnishes a
s.tilletronger illustration. We hope Pittsburgh
vin troll! : by the example of both: It would be
Iplesrlint for her citizens to be able to point
to their :Own City, a few .years hence, to its
growth in every thing that 'constitutes human
greatness and happiness, as the result of the
wisdom, wealth, end unselfish liberality of Its
The resent is a time which imperatively calls
for the exercise of a large and liberal spirit, if
we void& nid. he left .behind in the great race
now going on.. Every month that Is lost Titans
relatively in the back ground, and renders the
pelts noire difficult to attain. Depend upon it,
"There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, letids on to foitnne;"
and that tide is nowla fall flow ati regards this
city. If eyelet it peas unimproved, it may MUT'
flow again here.
There is a feeling too prevalent in many com
manlike- and poosibly there may be some of it
here. It is this: Because Ais a chnrf and a
nigoard,l3 and 0 will be elmrls and nigiards too
lest A - should derive benefit from their liberali
.:t.ty.. Thie'is a foolish and short-sighted policy,.
we may call itpolicy; and one thatwodo not
observe In 'the affairs of private life: Take an
canaille: A, &churl, and B, a libearedu, each
own a square of ground. A is ad ono side. of a
street, end Don tho other. wishes to erect
a row of fine dialling; on his lot, bat by doing
ea he will greatly enhance the value of A's
lot on the opposite side Does' that. considers
ticat induce/him to hold back, and leave his pro
party unimproved and unproductive? If so, he
is a great Simpleton; but not any greater than the
nien who teases to help. forward great public
enterprises for 'the general welfare, lest some
`niggards might "reap . where they have not
, •
Now we. ahati place the condnct'of the people
Of Boston and New 'York in the matter of, their_
railroads upon no higher ground than an enlarg
ed and sagadons nelfuthness, mere worldly win
dom—ond worldly wisdom in a most excellent
thing in Its plate—and yet we
,may eery !pro
perly apply to it, and to Ita opposite, tip word
of Solomon There ir - that sneeth, and yet 'hr.
aeaerth -; and &tieis that witkitokleth more than
ismar,'cndii tendeth fo porati" ' •
outcast eons of abandoned parents, or
,ophans, their 'and of sneh as may have been
convicted of petty offences. They receive in•
etruetion in the Common branches of education,
and in the doctrines and precepts of Christiani
ty. They are also taught habits of indastry, - hy
being employed a portion of their time id usefril
manual labor, chiefly shoemaking. A corres
pondent of the Courier end Enquirer speaks in
highly encouraging terms of the success of the
benevolent enterprise.
...toy the relig
-.2 at the festivities
paper will be isthed
We do not any that such an institution, crat
ing nn the same basis, would be expedient in
Pittsburgh. Ere long a House of Refuge will he
reedy to receive into its guardianship come of
the wretched vialins of' bad trainitet, hut much
more than this is needed. In the meantime can
not gomething turdone for multitudes of,boys in
our midst, whose language: find conduct pro
claim shocking procosity in rice! The benevo
lent man is pleased, it may he, to witness -at a
distance their active and joyous amusements;
but upon &nearer approach he is shocked and
pained to hear the coarsest add rudest language,
and often gross profanity, intermingled with
their sports. Of many it may with truth be
slid, ••they know not what they do, - but their
ignorance argues, cad dereliction in duty on the
part not only of ' their parents, but of .all of
as who may happily hare been better in
in remarking upon the subject of the institu
tion in New York, above spoken of, the Couri
er and Enquirer utters some deeply impressive
thoughts. •tWho," says that paper, "is not in
terested in art enterprise of this kind! ' 'What
tax payer, what citizen, what philanthropies,
what man;within tice:botinds of this Vast city,le not
interested in staying this rising, rising, ever ris
ing,ilood of crime—a flood laden with pillage and.
streaked with blood, faaming with foulness and
reeking with infection. This flood is swelling.'
The guardians of the public safety have cried
out again and again that it is swelling. Every
page declares it—every landmark shows it.
What have we done: We have tried to dam it
with penal statutes, but it ,goies eddying nod
ywhirling through them all and still swells! We
have built huge prison reservoirs, but it
rushes into them, fills them, overflows them, and
still swells: We have done this; —what are
we doing now: Doing! Nothing but looking
calmly on, and at intervals ejaculating curses
upon our nature. But still the torrent all the
while swells. There is not a day in which it
does not widen and deepen its course Have wo
done with our efforts': Have we made up our
minds that thisdire tide is like the unebbiugriv
er that flows through the infernal regions—a
a yeritahle Styx, over which na human arm
bath power, and by the Bide of which mortals
boundsfor Elysium can only stand and moan!—
But we have power over it: for it rises on the
earth, and is fed on the earth, though it emp
ties into the waters under the earth. Its
sources and tributaria• are here—in our ve- I
ry midst—all around `%. We cannot open
our eyes without seeing them. They gurgle up
from our rank city soil in every direction, and
make their way down into the very main channel
through the sheer force of natural gravitation.
We see It; we know it: There is not an ob
serving man in the community that dare deny
it. Why, then, du we not act as the case re-
quireq - Rear.. urges us away from the damn and
the resierroirs, up to tne head waters; rind there
she bids us work like patient, hopeful, earliest
Christian men in turning every hitter fountain
of vice into a green and fruitful spot. Could
half the diligence and expense that hare been
employed below, be transferred here, the stream
that cones us would ere long shrink to its
size. There are noble spirits that are appreci
ating this truth and bending their factilties and
energies to thisdrow field of labor. They meet
with abundant success as far us their limited
means have allo i wed theta to operate. gat they
wish to extend and systematize their Inherit,
and appeal to us for help. Shall they hare it!
Shall they not hove it!
"No social fact is better established than that
Society, throsigh its own remissness makes a
large portiOn of its own criminals. It leases
abandoned children to grow up into abandoned
men. It fails CO supply instruction and em
ployment to those who have no appreciation of
the one and no access to the- other. our Pris
on swords show most conslusinTy that the
great mass of convicts were unprovided for and
uncared for in their boyhood, and that they be
came what they are by the natural effect of
evil jutinences, that might have been and ought
to have been remedied by the community in
which their lot was cast. Society has labored
vastly harder to punish than to present crime,
but it is beginning to e iscover its error. No in
strumentality has told with each effect upon the
criminal calendar as the Bagged Schools of Lon-
don and other large towns in England nod the '
same salutary effects must, in the nature of
things attend the introduction of them or any
other similar agency in New York. We greet
with pleasure the commencement of any such
efforts in our city, and earnestly bespeak for
them the interest of every public-spirited cid ,
We fervently hopelhat the sentiments no elo
quently expressed in the foregoing may sink
deeply into the heart olevery'readcr, and net
him to doing something to dry np the deluge of
sin and wretchedness which" the writer haii no
fearfully portrayed. This day will he a good
time to think and talk °flit.
Mr. Sauna. CIaIIOITZAD is on n visit M this
city as the agent of "Dyes Counterfeit Detector,"
which iv published in Cincinnati, and is one of
the best works of the kind we have ever seem—
The peculiarity of the work is, that every num
ber contains new engravings of different coma-
terfait notes—the places where counterfeiters
have made the, greatest deficiencies in the en
graving, are sought opt and re-engraved ; also
the same part of the gettaine note, making the
difference so plain that any one having the book
will be enabled to detect the bill at eight. The
work is cheap, and is deserving the attention of
our business men.
" Amine's C'ycloiedia of Anecdotes of Literature
and the Fine Arte."—Tbia is a most charming
publication, containing a copious and choice
selection of anecdotes of the various foil= of
literntare, of the arts, of architecture, engm
viugs, mimic, poetry, painting and sculpture, and
of the most celebrated literary characters and
artists of different countries and ages. It to
published in numbers, sembmonthly,'-and will
be comprised in eight parts, making in the
whole 700 large octavo pages. Price 25 cents
per number. Boston: published by Gould ,t
PROGELSO3 tv 011E0OH.—One year-ago there
woe but a tingle eteamboat plying in the waters
of Oregon—now the Spectator says` there are
eleven steamboats of different kinds running on
the Columbia end WilGarnett° rivers; not in
cluding the Pacific steamers Sea Gull and Co
lumbia, the former running between Oregon and
California,. touching at the various points on
tliti coast, the, latter running semi-monthly
withAhe mail, between Astoria and San Fran
Trips on the Columbia are now made in two
days which used to require three weeks, and hu
eineee on the river keeps pace with the increased
Dr. Daft, the Indian - Superintendent, has
concluded a treaty with four bands of Indians
on tho Pacific coast, by which oSor 2,500,000
acres of good farming lends hair been ceded to
the United States. The whole amount of this
purchase is s2b,6oo,payaple In annuities. Set
tlements, the Spectator says, no doubt will soon
The Oregon Spectator of Sept. tlalb, says
the market of Oregon City his been supplied for
two weeks with peaches of a large size, grown
on a farm-one mile from town. Price from 1 ,, 1
to 6 pet bushel.
Napoleon, in his message, says:—"The reclam
ation which a large number of French merchants
and shipowners have to bring against the Govern
ment of the United States in consequence of var.
tons arbitrary seizures by the Californian Custom
HOU.Se, are not yet either liquidated or paid;.bot
the American Cpgress and the CabinstatWash;
ington b& o formally ie&lidied their juatioi,
and we aka 'anon 'obtains legitimate satistae.
.._;...•.ttutidn called - "Ai
:vs." It is somewhat
and management to a
except than it is not a muninci
.itcate charity. Its subjects are corn-
. ,
There are eome pointed mid good bite, and
no little iimuacment in the following article from
t the . New , York. Tribune :
Flaiiimonct--43Einam.. CABS
Of all the absurd infatuations of our Bine,
that of three or four ex-politiciatuf who cluster
about the Detroit Free Press office seems least
excusable.- Judging from the columns of that
paper,,these *fogged ones would seem to ima
gine General Lewis Cass a probable, or at least
a possible, candidates. for the Presidency, when
he has not backers enough in the whole Union
out of Michigan to give him a show. In this
city and State, tho Cain party is reduced to the
person of our friend John McKeon, who main
tains the fight just at hearttly as if ho were a
host—which ho almost is. The rest of the
crowd that once barrelled for Cass are now all
in for Douglass, secretly or openly as they can
work more efficiently, or else laying back with
GOT. Marcy for the chance that "something may
tarn nn' that will make maid Marcy, the candi
date himself. :To far as we can judge, they are
looking sweet at Old Buck, just now, but withno
real intention of nominating him, but only of
securing his friends' help for tiny- game when
ever it shall have become evident that Buchan
an has no chime°. The Connecticut leaders have
neon figuring for Houston, but several of them
are secretly in the Douglas arrangement—one
(Toney) fur Buchanan at present, bat never a
soul who can carry eYlfp a township for 1211.118.-
In all New England, there is just one notable
Cans man—to wit, the "Soldier of Fortune - -
and be has a keen eye for the chances. Cass is
elready undermined in Ohio—we know who
ploughed - at her State Fair, and where the
first premium went—and in all the States south
of the Delaware there is no Cassism alive except
a•mere shadow in Pennsylvania, which means
nothing but hostility to Boehanan. The author
of the letter to the Chicago River and Harbor
Convention has no more chance to he nominated
at Baltimore for President nest spring than we
have; and onr'chance in 0, as the following cor
respondence will show
The Tribune to 111.1,71. Greer Donedvon.
N 1,7 Yong, °Ct. 25th, Ifsl
Geart,nman . Pardon thin intrusion I have
aeon your names in the newspapers in a way
that jUstities the ter that you are very well
posted up with re rd to the next Baltimore
Convention. Being shrewd, yon are aware that
"the Democracy in in a ticklish position—that
its outward show of strength is hollow and de
lusive—that the coalitions with Free-soilers and
Barnhurners, by wiich it has made a ehow of
strength in Vermont, Maisachusetts and New
Vdrk, are elements of fatal weakness next year
—that Secessionism has eaten out the vitals of
thp party in the South—that in short, it is into
fill and must go overboard unless something de
chiive iadoue promptly.
Delicacy will forbid my speaking of the chan
ces and running capacities of its rival candi
dates fur the Presidency, but your practiced eye
will see at a glance that none of them will do.
Cass has been once badly beaten; and is itTead.
Buchanan is nu old Federalist, and running
him will pull the wool off n good Many eyes as
to the party s democacy: Douglass is about the
pattern fOr a Idinnelota or Utah Governor, and
it is the Presidency we are talking of. Besides,
the Extends , of these etc already undermining
each other and will succeed Kilkenny -cat fash
ion before' next JUDO.
What would you say, then, to taking um up as
Compromise candidate Compromises are all
the go nowadays, and I belong: to none of the
eliques which are now getting into hot (and dir
ty) water hy their scrambles for the spoils I've
read the story of Roman Cortius, who leapod
into the chasm, and perfectly agree with what
Niebultr's theory ought to be on the subject
namely, that Curtin, COnsented to take the Fleet
Consuleldp in order to save the country. Well;
why shouldn't I tie patriotic and make Acerifi
ces on well asCurtius or Welisteri• You under
stand the unfeigned reluctance, personal sacri
&c., he, which I may keep hick for my
letter crucceptance, suffice it that I am willing
to he laid a sacrifice on the altar of _our bleeding
country. Don't you think i'd be the very man
to hold on to lhe party's free soil tildes in the
North And do you know that I'd answer re,
markably for the 8,Cm:1101:1 wing of the party,
asi am decidedly in farnr of letting any SW,.
1.441 out of the Union'thot wants to—in tact,
I'd show them the door and open it if I
. found
any of the States addicted to tantrum,i— the
snreit rare in the wor:d. They'a be careful
not to go out. and if' one ever del, it would he
mighty noon 'knocking at the d.'.' In short,
I think I'm just the man for thie perplexing
emergency—don't you"
Yours; considerably,
Jlerare Greer .1. Reply.
Non, Noe 2 IW,I
Dean Sine Yours received: Good idea, but
won't do. We want a Detooersi, of COSITSC*
'regular nomination,' and all that—but one with
his eye-teeth cot. Your Democracy isn't the
sort—you really seem to believe in it Ste must
have a man who gore hie length for Liberty in
Europe Itli.l twice his length for Slavery in Amer
ica—one who reverences a white Kossuth and
stands ready to burn at the stake a black ono—
one. in short, who regards the Federal Cnnvti•
totion as formed expressly and entirely to en.
able and help the Southern planters to catch
their runaway Engross. So you see you wouldn't
do at all, and would certainly be beaten in
the Convention. We must therefore advise you
as a friend not to offer, for, next to Gen. Cass,
you would he the surest and worst beaten of all
who let their names go before the Convention.
loom extensively,
C. II Dosstuson, of Terns.
NATIeI. Garen, of lowa.
—We shall take Itl.ars. G. 4: 11.'s disinter
ested advice, nod keep out of the way of 11 de
feat 114: it known of all men, therefore, that
we shall insist nn not being a candidate for the
Baltimore nomination. And now if Gen. PUPA
will only come to the came wise 'and prudent
decisions, he will nave himself from an inevita
ble and mortifying diseoinfitures, and enable his
few surviving friends to go in for the chances
among the rdu candidates. Why should he hold
back' Better cave appearances when it's per
fectly cure you can't nave anything else.
f nraa Hunt, SerrLant`x Maganne.
About 280 years B. C.. Hero of Alexandria
formed a toy which exhibited come of the pow
ers of steam, and was moved by its power.
A D. 540, Anthenius, an Architect, arranged
several cauldrons of water, each covered with
the wide bottom of a leathern tube, which rose
to a narrow top with pipes extended to. the raft
ers of the adjoining building, a fire wee kindled
beneath the caul/ton, and the house was shaken
by the efforts of the steam ascending the tubes.
This is the first notice of the power of steam
In 1643, June 17, Blanco do Garoy tried- a
steamboat of 209 tons, with tolerable succine„
at Barcelona, Spain. It consisted of a caul
dron of boilffig water, and a moveable wheel on
each side
,o..fithe ship. It was laid ankle as im
practicable. 4 present, however, was made to
Dares. .
I • In 1850, the 4tat reilros4 was constructed at
Ilswcastle on Tyno.
The . first idea of a steam engine in England,
AM in the Marquis of Worcester's 'History of
Inventions;A. D. 1663.
In 1710 Newcomer made the first steam en.
i tan
gins in En l and.
In 1718 atents were granted to Savory for
the first ap lication of the steam engine. • ,
In 1754 amen Watt made the first perfect
steam tmgitte, in England.
In 1736 Jonathan Hulls sets forth the idea of
steam navigation.
In 1778 Th..mas Paine first proposed this ap
,plication in A . prim
...In 1781 MsXquis Joutfroy constructed one on
the Saone.
In 1785 t , Americans published a work on
it. . . .
In 1589 WII 'am Tynington made a voyage in
One on the For h and Clyde canal.
In 1602 this experiment was repeated.
In 1782 Re.. .ey propelled a boat by steam et
New York.
In 1787 Joh, Fiteb of Philadelphia navigated
a boat bye et' m engine on the Delaware.
In 1763 Robert Fulton first began to apply hie
attention to steam.
In 17'93 Oliver Evans, a native of Philadel
phia, constructed a locomotive steam engine to
travel on a turnpike road.
The first steam vessel that ever crossed the
Atlantic was the Savannah, in the month of
June, 1610, from Charleston to Liverpool.
CLETtLAND, 0., Oct. 8, 1851.
101 NT, Esq., Editor of the Irv-Monte
, Peen iftai—lt was only a day or two since,
(owing to absence,) that I noticed the short ar
ticle in your Merchants' Magazine, for August,
(vol. axe., page 2.140 purporting to be an ab
stract of.the progress of iuv'entiou, in regard to
the use of steam, and its application to water
From this list you have omitted amoral im
portant names; such as De Hans, 161,2; Pepin,
1698; Bernouilh, 1763; Raynal, 1781; D'Auzi
non, 1774; Perrin, 1775; Hiller, 1787; Stanhope,
1793; Des Blaine, 1802; Stevens, 1790; Roose
velt and Livingston; all of whom, with others,
preceded Felton. With regard to Ramsey, Fitch,
and Fulton, there are some 11:aperient carrel,-
tions to be made in the reported dates, which I
presume you will 'cheerfully make;
No boat was propelled by sitcom by. Mr. Jag.
Ramsey in New York in 1782, as is stated In the
••Condensed History of Steam," nor was a boat
propelled by him in this manner until the win
ter of 1785-6, which was done on; the . Potomac
ricer, at Shepardstown, Pirglnla, • Mr. Itaessey
lutd-coed tt'workl.ttrmrs!lel,tobe
- -
' cravat power, with setting rat attached
• , /7840 and this the boat to
which General Vlashingtr.n certifies, in his letter
of September 7th, 1784, published by yea,
,: ; 111nasey's petition to the Legislature of Penn
sylvania, Nov. 26th, 1784, was for the exclusive
right to this setting pole boat. ;i
John Nelson, of Philadelphia, says, tees Ram
sey's pamphlet and Fiteli's reply, by Zacheriah
Poulson, Jr, 17811.) that Ramsey
told him he had theng/it of n steamboat in July.
178;l• William Little says that it urnsey enid, in
1784, that he had perfected the plan of to steam
boat; and Charles Morrow and Joseph Barnes
make affidavit that he began to build a steam
boat in May, 178 r,, which was tried in DC,1:11 , -
er, 1785, and o defect in the machinery discov
ered- In the spring of 1786 he mode a IllteCe.,-
ful experiment at Sherherdstowa, with a boat
of nine (ii) tons, working agoisist the current of
the Potomac at the rate of four or live miles an
hour. I have before me a sk-tch of this boat,
afterwards patented in Great Britian, anti fern
haled by A. W. Boteler, Esur. , of Shepherdstown
Virginia. Mr. Boteler has n, portion of nutuseys'
first boiler.
John Fitch first conceived the idea of a steam
boat in April, 1785: in 1781; constructed a work
ing model; in 1787 hnilt a hoot of sixty tons,
called the "Perseverence," which . , owing to ink.
perfections in the machinery, made only three
(3) miles an hour that year, but in ()dither, 1788,
wmv,..propelled at the rate of eight (81) miles an
book end made a trip from Philadelphia to Rur..
lington, averaging six tU) miles an hour. Fel-,
ton's first boot, the "Clerfoont," made hut four
miles and seven-tenths of a mile per hour on the
Hudson, in August 1807, ninteen years after. •
In 1772 and 1773, Oliver Evans reflected upon
steamboats; Mr. Ileary of Lancaster, Pennsyl
vania, and Andrew Ellicott, of Maryland, also
thought of the same thing; about, the .ante time,
but neither Evans, !Henry, or Ellicott, applted
their ideas to n heat, or even to a model.
John Stevens, Jr., of New York, and blieho
les Roosevelt applied steam to vessels in 1790
and 17;11.
Ramsey went to Englend in the letter part
of 1787, end died. there December 12th, 1792.
Here Fulton mode his netpmintance, as ap
pears bye letter from Runntey G. W.
Fitch went to England and France, is
179;, and both Fulton and Livingston had his
Faltan's tint mention of etrombonts is in n
letter to Lord Stanhope, in 179 J. Ilk lint work
ing model was put in operation at Plompiers,
in France, in 1803, and his first working boat
on the fludaen in 1807; and yet the innaa of
mankind regard Fulton no the inrentar of steam
Fiteh's moth.' of 17S5' Srhmi nt the
sides. like Fulton's first working boat of I£tl7
and so had the boat of the Hulls in Eogland.
Fulton's engine was made by Watt, in Eng
land, and the "Clermont" did not inekii ao g“.l
speed in IFO7 .us the i•Perseverenee" did in
1778, when no plan or description A . I 1 au',
patent rotary engine bail readied America.
In regard to eteatutmats dill Fulton in
ert, r Ths Committee of the New York Legis.
!More, in 1817, reported that the maehino used
by Livingston and Fulton, under their grant,
Rao in substance and principle the !dm' as that.
patented to John Fitch, fn 1757, for 1/0 years,
and that during the life of Fitchie monopoly, lie
had the C.lflaFiro tight to it.
long line of illustrioua mechanics had no.
pendol their inventive gadns upon the atelaß•
engine and steamboat for more than 100 years
before Fulton thought of the subject : nail the
plans of succesaftil boats and engine+ were before
kiln, in 171 , 1. %%hat roam was there for inven
tion • The hoot. with both wheel, and patilleg,
.had been put in :notion by plena, in Fenner,
England and America.
The rotating engine had lievu completed: the
crank connection north n n revolving
wheel, and rotating paddle., had all been mode.
and used at good 'red But no the Seine. on the
Delaware, and on the Scotch Lochs, the amoont
of freight and I),i:engem did nut coil, it a pun.-
mg business, nod on the Hodson it do! pay
It is not .surprising dint errors of dates and
of impurtant (twin ri.ottla obtain notoriety on
thin oulijeut The perfection of
lion belong; to oo one Mi,l or gentliiiii,hit
on honor itr which a great untidier of meth et
high mechirniral grain, hare, or ought to hove,
n share. and niji clip et in O - rttirz
sketch n the parormonce tf a ditty
crowd of illustrion. inventotle and improver, who
preceded Fulton, but to whom common bone
has m
denied a just churn in the merits of the per
feted steamboat The subject is heviol enough
for n whin,
Vottry, trly. .
CII.IP.LES Will i11.E.41:1
GOLD wr...TUE Murr.—Tha
letin Mote+ that the amount of gold bullion re
ceived at the Min, in Pliilmlelphia Irmo tholes
instant to the I h renelior the sum el Orl,r,00,010:
This amnant ewe...lw all the ahipmenta to Varner
of the present tnimth, lid the Cana
da on Weilticador Then we have the ewuple ei
millions received flint morning by the Georgia to
meet future wants; so there will still hen liand•
&Me eneofs in the itopnett over the CX141.1.
The entire receipt, at the Mint in Philadelphia
premise to he hr.!, this month than over before,
een,iderohle mhos:tot hoe nlre gone to the
New Orient. Mint.
.N AV., ft LAWN %Then. underptand tint
Commander Slatiivon, for name tints pant elation
ed at Oar Navy yard. hat nevi emd hi• entnn,io.
Pion in the Nary Ito had been arderod by the
Navy Department to prepare the nlanp-ef.vrar
I , ,rtenneith, and rake - command of her nud join
the Pacific inward.: but he proferved a resign
ation of Ilk eamtninninn to active pet-vole on nn
long a eruine._/, Tree-iler.
.le•Turpern! ponder well over the (bou
rn.' as.n.csis that Flails befall boss- •I cats.. hirls
r.flen muter tril=trs useless lar .IFF
tr sou mould
uwake It a point to R.wt. :shear.
Ark.. I..lmont• you esuld have the eured in a
Ins day, sal thus not onir 'rune 11Mo. bast sou 1.151.1
asol the risk of !PA. the er@stur kllosssiker.
yds.:moat-I next
Fall Importation of Hariare, Cutlery, &c.
No. 129 Wood Street,
[.air. in ...11 ter Allen:tan Al•rrhant+ end nth,+ t
their tutOilmnr. of
tun avortmnnt n 1 MNN'S rolo Ore ta-1 C D
the,, on hand. A
Uu Wednesday morning: tle :Mtn 100. M lie 1
John Lind.iny the tirm of t)ratl, Lind, 1
Th. fun. , nti rill Iravw tlio rn•iden, hu.l•and, r.
liana Lan,Allectiro,, twarthc upprr
thig all , rororu. to proceed ID Mt Union Crm.lrrt.
Inorntl, 'Nat in.t., at '2 A M , U.
six I) -eighth year cf his ay.. Mr. Puna Mato : an ,r.l
and ro.twet.l citizen.
ills funeral frill tyke play, from I. 1.0. rcNtarnm on
Carrol street, north west of Lilo .arr. Anratieny
Oty at half-nun one o'clock. tau 14. marrow. k'rllsy.r :511r
Thom desirous of utteuling thc fun,ral. will awl ear
riarrea al the stable of !tones Matthew+, ou Nun 01.1,1.
(Pittolwrgh) leaving prooinely at one u'clook fur A 11..-
PHIS DAY being Tlinnkhgiring, A. DON
:11,70,1,1 •M#4l Will 10.
the 2 1 . th. at 3 n'r Ci
lork, Inr Vanua 171..1 m
1..11, at rrow. Friday
lb% Prides
Ilan. outman,. lo Waal ..trva.t.
. ••
P. 13
S. A. ~ N ernerwa rerportfitilY the citireno of
Nen Brighton that bo .111 nywo a la.e 14 Lancing.
%Flatting and Polka,. at th.. Merrick Item,. Monday
hJ Tuesday. Doe. I and at 3 o'eloek P. M for V..
ulk, and !I for Bentioto-n, and at bridg,rater on
Wodneiday, thn Bridgetrat,t Il3gel, t the
name bnurn as Brighton. na12...11t
t - y Burchfield bare rreeiret thia morning by Bat.rera
Block, Gray. and other nal‘tures of Barking Viannfla, one
and In. price.
' AI.. yo an h.cA, the gennulne Unphritik,bl6 . 171.1.11
Flannel. sur..7
WALL PA PER—A fall and ;varied
rieiy „nrmvrt e n't from
:i th e
N ri D h OlV . n , LTD PA
annartnannt mod tandre,l and for tale , / I
n 027
A Card—Life Insurance
It. C. A. COLTON; Seep.—Dear Sir— a
ther entontou . Junk, 1 deem tar duty
very preturt sol nsr meaner In
whirl. the elelm nr a policy recently tneettrl I.r
re ohont (.16.0:10,1 fire Shoungrgi hro
been wad.
. .„ .
"I T il: e bur Ii
II bfral yrinriplon upon wh:elt the .alf4rt Ilta
Llfe Into:mance CrnPant" Oroen.
titles It to tho rowilderstion and .1 Itt,
Thu prtneiplo of pruJontial benevolen.... In
arrancomnut of your organiratlon. la the Ova roriall.t
traternal heulheence, %loch humanity And
Loth ""'"'""' P A UTZ7.V1111TL7,74.41.;•..0.
no al' of Firet Itnptlat Church. PlttnhOra. I.
Drug Store For Sale.
a retail baxlnvoo. Enquire slit,
lora and par
ert aro of ; J. M. Townoend, Draawlib Mark n ol ntre..t.
I l ittoburgh.
(Pain ropy and °burn thir
floret. vAlusti—in Idda and Wit
ai lFiroritia. Peraring, Valiohlng Mail/14kb lir, forfah by no= J raIIOONAIAKE.P. a CO.
SALADOIL-10 bnaket for sale by
SUB CARD. SODA-20 kegs New Curio:
for *ale by .an= J. 8131100S)IAv"
casks Trieste:
1 sass Chins.:
• 1 Int
2 tans A msnrest : for sale by
SAXONY 111AGANESF-1 cask; for male
br ma! J. :--cnoor.atxxix....
n 1
PEPPER-15 bosoa for ealoby
• -,5.,601100N MAKER • CO.
D bent 5121
. 4
ir 2l ' .J. knOONitaxEm a co.
Equitable Fire Insurance Company, of
e‘ittipany insures ag.ninst lons by tiro
„nivar.guodg, woos, and merchnnllz,
.fee Did, am Loma], aixty day. after proof of lou.
Tills Compnny insures Lives between the
x 4... of 15 np.l c
All.l.mtion for Insurance In either of the aboTol , mpatz.
ine nvvlved et the Ilanklug 11‘)..4
WM. A. HILL k Co .
14 . LYTHE'S Grand Panoramic Sketches of
no the A I.1.1;.:IIEN V SlttltS I AIN r•-e4ttnethiur
Ir• co, lard air/error in th.irrn. eztrulicto ant amt. , -
[tient-. lecta ner thitte hitherto atrerett it, the-nolthe
fele, relit, Itt. 1tt.1.1 the Ilnlettinntt Ilo.tkatoree.
31ATIOGANIT G nictare, modern made
havinc M•eri it.r.l about thrto yes, for gal,
buntlml Awl twenty-111.r
A .toot of new Manna on hand and for sale
frrani.W./ to JOlLb 11. lIIELLOH,
SI Stool at et
ACCORDAI , iOE with the sth section of
g ,he Art Inenna.retittz the I'ennatiranla Arrri
Penn. Ir..m are reyttlii.d to tratudall atlOntlir the
Ulotth Der...caber. I , ' the EZeolltr, COMtnittoe of It..
anin Stole A.trictlltnAl Sc.eiety all guell rennt,.
a. 'her,
ant rethlptl to dentorni and
(rot tholittint• for I.reralntme. together with an al”,trart
nt re,,, ,, ,dlnca dating the rear.
Tll, *t_
[Mire of the Nona-State eoe'f, Nor..N .
------- -
Ej_wm .I..llrMu tz k en.. 11µTPitn.1 wrrelrod few
bnlt rI the owlehrkie.l•llnern Ilhot, loving 11,In
üblrov,ally arknowledge.l In Oo east to ho
hrlle al.snd of arty thing Inwrl.d In. this roontrT run N . elyslca Oolong Tea aufru eta \n. •"
Lawrly ntreeL • --.
sitie to Creditors.
S of the late firmof Ad
amsß Ge;eareyi IrKeeepnrt, Pa., merrhant, an ,
reepteatel I pe•Aeat it. " to the neJer.. , htned.
nf rat n a
treerslt. o Olen of Penney a Fterrett, No.
11 , 4. 4th etret. Plnahernh: anJ thee; 14.104,41 te Peet
Orn, 1,1,-Ace retlf o:thr , eet,neelsce and pen. their v 0 PENNEY, Apogee.,
1.11,3“.11. _id 1.
EAVING Pittsburgh daily (Sundays ex
crete.l) at to o'clock. A. 711.. l.y
Capt. A. MMMOCK,
q. 4 .lre 1 ., - v.v. (P.I , mile.) t tlANtoVe:it Irdzln¢ et
over ned arming ,0 CLEVELAND next
etterneen at I o'clook, in thee to take the Clecinneti trait.
-nr:¢.l Or Wert hr' etraso temm on the LI,•11 do
tin, tto, ..eutene un-. narlemtinn,
Moot', Cleveland .„ • hex r..
I n a it',e fleet a .larootry.lSJ2, the aro 1.111 running
to Welteellie. alt:eh than teteeesaen, vtll eeo tram
te Ilene land In N
T.eltete apply to O. at. II AltToN. .(cent.
hleeengahela lanu.c. Pit.eureb.
ennumodinstp, AVarehnutie, oppoo i te
att. t. Pbarlr • 110.1. .rreL running.EA
thltabtts to Third bccublod by tbtxtrlt,
Pt ttiven bn thr 1.1 0 April. r.r
r:Nuirrtl. KM AI. SItitPLE
tow for sale by
LACK WOOD, for Norierober.
Art Joorcal, for Noromb or ,
.1, 0 0
ra ,l—prier cruta
On. Man rf War: work hr Douala/1
11,01+01at /101.Alk1:0 Library lie 4o , :4 This, 000,,
rpra.r.te !bp 1,0 11111,
Firot Rate Farm and Coal Land for Sale.
E subscriber offers for sal.. bin Farm.
I no lho tr Ira 1,01 of 111.• Slarksrater,
in 111:410th toril , blft LT 1.0 Vara. 0 ono of IS,
All.ollly roust., ats4 ooatati, orarlr Arr.t.
sn (10.1 and 10a14 , t0n., .111.1 err, larll.ll, 10r
tots loat. A try , 1 -01,1, /11 .J 0 0. laud ,• 11011 onliferi , Ler bottom Ihr Farm 0111 t 0 , 1,1 ruin .
.01.(1,61.1 Tl.. 0111.
roparatrlr from arn r , Tho Farts 0 rri.rallr 100
koma t 0 awl al, 10.r.n0 • ...Ging t, it 1 , 01 10 14,1 t
r 10.1.011 Fall 04..rmalr.n 1..
t o.
, of tnoit coo 10 ,rca.-10-01 Irotn 00.0 r;
10r s./.4 nr T.. J. 110, 1 / a rn. 1 , , • sl 1 tall 0.
let ,r - o• LS 11 At NI. •1 r
Novel and Rare Entertainment.
I II I IIE .I Great Em.tern I'ENTRI7.OQ U IST,
1 “1, th. fir•t wo.
Ph , FESSOR ILI /2 I: Lye; ro.v
• • •
From 1144•41 0,1 1, Itl. n ,rt Kit.t lir 'neat
n. 41.11124 aal a•E 1 •11,11,....1 iI.IIIC. .111 101.•M1,
.11 Iv yr.n., • • an.l ',lt. PL. 14 Ilse 1..1
•ne •••P ,1 1.11, ann..nti•.•
1 111. 4,4 al.i. 1 •1 ,4 urg1i...n.1 • .11 havo hanart4
h.• ~ .nt•rtr.a.•
• n.tura•it, .41
1.41, 4/.11 , 401110. all • arul Thar tar and
:••aiur.l.t, at 11AFLINII: II 41,, an 1•111,
.111 .*•r•i..• marl •nr.4.41..1 1 .44,11.
7 ' l ' r \ I •I I
mr/4...}.,...; .4 Itir• :/411•••n
lert.eul ra • .1 , n 1..1 In .4•.a.1
Tilt,. . 1 .•,41 in, .aatra
mr.;7,7, atat a fink,
VILENCII E I :4NOS! 7.,; 4II'IICUY 11 , 1E1
C I EATHERS--21 Aackm prime Kentucky,
'teams aral (by sal.. by
.1.4 41 4 .4 111!T4 . 111,44N A Co
11 4 . 4.. k I'II ERS k BEESW .1 X
1.. Frulf,r4. 41..4,..
by ASA 1.4 11 10t.% Icy
Wal.r and 144.
It bk... l.*t 1 4 41,rar: •
s 1.1,14 erttolmd Sugar,
Pulver - 10.1 4 1 u. o:
ho 1 410. now. 31 It. 11,141nt•
.1 Ltfrs.
. 14n4n.i'mata 1•11 , ..44,
romns• 4 trn44 [awl Wysp
J 4,41 11 , 01,4, b.r •Alh by
. 1 0113/ WATT a co.
FLOUR— 30 11!.. Superfine:
)1141 reed itotl far PO. by
./44111.1 1141'1 t Co.
A.Ts--4;40 1411. on ennsiznment and for
"T 11tr tl,l soN ,
4.1 Water stye..
.r k A)1 .11; P. 1) 11001191—A. A. MAsoN & Co.
Y till ...4n nr Monday. Vrvemb,'24ll,. 11 en... of
• y 4 1 4,4,113 Elattm4,..l by water. eralabrEring OW
-1:14.114.1314. IlAniarls..Nl{l4lll3, Check.. . 411 of
.4b,.•14 , 4111 ,41 orally roue half Ihr.
lORNELIAN lIINGS!—A large assort
of •ari.a. Rizen na.l r.e'd at
r. H sl Market St.
lIEESE 100 boxes W. R., for salt" b 4
PUT ASII—S trbls. for sale by
m'_4 0 t to. itAROMMAI.
144 - ISIN . 100 b1)1N.
rilA LLCM'
•to Sal V.. Mutton: format b
14 1 I.°Ul{ 100 bills. Springer's Extra;
, JI iillls.ex
" "PS'ltTt'.llEtstt.ttgill
if 1 LASS-100 bore:: .SOrted. for Hale by
tll oe::: e 2 W. UARTIA1:1111.
TIRE PUBLIC are cautioned against ra
j.,rinc folhorlug not., lbw payment singb alny
thc, ..union Inns/ the safe ~f the ratnnrlhnt,
on chn ntht of the Inth ' A note drawn by John
grb,. to n the on!, ol 11mon., k liars. rtiO 111 W.. Well
nor/ 11 , 1. for 5ti06,40 Mow. otante drawn by
Willinto 11.11ormly. In Old, of .10, la nll days, d•lnd
Iletoln't 1 1 ,:.1, 140,141. Neither or On shore
tiara are nnJorgenl hr .r. 111111;6Y A lI AVP.
UGAR-16 h 1 1 .41, N. 0., for laic:
A RTIST'S CAN VAS--250 yda. prepared,
fnr Ault , br J. KIDD
- _
xi A DDER--I SOO lbs. line
( 13 ,, mb r ro, fa i r sale
. -
1 NUFF—SOO Ili,. Garret'a Scotch, for sale
a. KIDD it Co.,
. . _
RSEN IC —lOOO lbs. for sale by
2 .22 J. KIDD R CO.. CO - Waal
~.A I II II I CINIAIij - , — R 1 1 ; 2. 1 :r . , 0 20 b . 5 .
t f . ff weon ale ,,, by
bbls. Fresh and White,
J. MOD R C0..00 Wood mt.
stt truto. xmprifilw Large
Shin No.l Mackerel, lark"
SO No 1
• .
100 No. I Lake Superior Palmon:
L. I s Irbil° Fish:
i;,r)rit All' it CO. lactrin ct
lorroN BATTING-50 bales nuttily. for
Water nod Pinot its.
1110 1 RON-120 tons PiltnniX. Furnace, for
onle frcul the Al J le . ghe 0. FLOYD Mo un d Wharf,
NNERS' 01L-20 !ibis. sup., for rale In
I c,c.: .1 kIL VIAIID •
C LOVP,it SEED. for sale by
• .1 A It. kLOYIk
- •
Exchange Bank.
FEW SiLlitES 0t this Stool vraxitcsi by
ll_ eV! A. WILHINS A CO.
Ohio and Penn. Railroad Stock,
r , 91 . .. z ti , A1.1.; AT A LOW RATE by
• Sight ExchEingo on Cincinnati,
FOR SALE at the most favorable rates by
. . m a,. A. WILKINS A CU.
• -
Fresh Fruits: Herm e tically Sealed.
4 1ItESII Peaches; Fresh Strawberries;
Pin. Arpl, " R..riberrler.
kreql Tomato.,
Pr .h ehrrrii, Frost. Minn,
Th , ohnee orY put ti4getlieir own job, and !turmoil.
rehitning gAinAlmrrarit&r,hnaa.
2W Liberty id.
PnlcanizE India:Rubber Soling.
usr . kEe'D, a large quantity of varione
of Voleania.,l Ite hays employ
, daperleneed workinau to sole and W e !adios'
and geu tletnettll Not, enoca, and tilippent. •We 1101 it:L-
A.lw thO attention of the citizens of litteburp tad violet-
to 1.1.1•4.11n,w. which nue boon oyawtna. favor with
ir Lu bito (Or th. Teary reeoninend
,-L,..,gr, dvea. tot ID Ecoomy. Intrabilitv and am
for oni o afoot pre...tree of lIXALTII. &peeves cene.
rat totetidarthid tto the poople. J. it LI. PHILLIPS:
• nos:4 7 - Rodin Hobbes Depot. 116 Plarkat at
aNO.CON atS---1. doz. Vulcanised In
4ttubber Moot. 40.4
3 r . cil t fror . Dorton , and for
tray ^ Dabber "*
A lIFIAT, strong. leather top new BUGGX,
Ft rot atnia, or eat/maga tar Nails anal Iron, at '217 Lib,.
t) at tnn2ll4l FAWN anStICE A no \
XiMball's Chemical Washing Fhud.
iHIS FLUID is .far superior to trip other
nab] nr Snap I . nart, r ever otlered to ;Ina reran unity.
t °ends itt hut trtal to ratittla any't
rue y
thtabt of Ito nacre, In iennortnat Met nrt Intruclontt•
it nor anr nt9 aunt.. tha fabalc..
unetl are untint: 414,c...t0ntt. It an In. 1,1 At the
caZion en In battle. to Fait nuenhaafra Prtrrne. .ittat,.c
tn try the I. lui.l ran have n M.ttl. ft,. tir -hard .4141,
Venn Stuto of s.wicitrastiam
rota. r %cowl 1.3.11 , 1xtti
111:ESK-1•_"2 hosos Creani. for oak by
l.' 11,11 J A )lE‘ D.ell.7.tLL. t Wrtkr nt
LASSI —lOO 1118. AS? inchm-, for
14 1 , ( , ._: , t i —1u tic:roes Fre,t,.fi ,. ) , r ,i s;:i s le D 1
4 oy nLt:.
Napkin Purt Muonnie.4,
.1 Alarm 1!1,k, fro 11ni.,.. (10ne
17enl , DTPA•Un1n1A14,
brA l'ariat 1,10410
l'icnirn/b,lll VAlnllug... Mlbun ot atch Stan nbar t.. (bird 3
Cup., ete. 11. 111C/lAIIIII , IIC, n 1 nlarint .1.
Ti S . l ti
b !; . -31 n rt h rlIT ,
Phan exit, width and quality. nod iliturnl
to of rich dimwit: nt , Ars. AID,, n Ir. pattiroa nt rirb
PLAID/TA:M . II MERINO nrurconiel, ti
Ton FAtin. , for cloak. an& rt
d d 0...! Mark Mantilla and
Clonartnn Trivrtti Niiar Ribbon. of littrat
In coed ifarTloi tilian—tiortbeiv.t corttor of lourat
and - Market 41.ei fa. rA
IVlN . :E;S:k r. L o, l a C2 , !! ,2 lt ,.% . , i h r
i• kir. Port Win, .
10 Madan%Shin. . Si t.
Pi Jamaica , t
; t.rotch Irlsb
for go&lo at MORRIS' TItA MART. in th. top mood.
Smith's Patent Self-ActingHinge a:Spring.
IrilE attention cif Carpenters and Builders
fa callcil to the oho, article. which pronounced bf
the acieritlL, mgiv of New York and other eavtern ride,
Icong the mon renmtile Inveutitin of the are. end
linen, It hoe been anciiveidoilli intriidured.and ono octal
Oil every large huililing that 14 ererting•
It o.onv,eta of • Hinge that trill work noiielevaly either
nay. a lilt a faring in the top g f the door to keep it in its
glare. thts• omitting the old iaihloned term to keep the
el PHA and 111.4 h.• doing agar Iran the dieagrfaillfile
arJ.e.•f clamming It Came. vrry cheap. knot liable TO
O , OUT h.f ~pair. ic yeti einfily orDlled. and
Woofed to gore, folding. it'll, ha, room, and other door
A lam. vgliPir 'oat reef hied from No. York:Alan. a
aid:rde door. frith the Improviignintrfj al J. ha tern "a application to JiillN A. 111,0001t:11.
leeiten) ning Mille
Alan. ecrot fee the We of Wald, for Pla the Wendeorth
Potent Plantro, Machine, for the Weetern and S.t.uthern
Etat., no2l 1m
UTTER =4O kgs. prime. reed and fur sale
[n""-al S. el W. II AUIIAUIII - 1.
- - - •
THE PARI'NEI:SHIP heretofore
. existing
under the name of It. BARI; A CO- Im Lb. til••
l 1., mutual ormsent.tdroree It. Nltte,, , •altdr.twins
from the Item. RICHARD LUAU,
Patahurtth. Nov. . GEORGEIt. ITO% CT.
• • .
The Leather Bummess wtll he continued at
the .11,1 Nu. 103 W,.,1 t.tme4 ete re. by the
wailer-toted, ut.let the name and .{1 h. fit,: BA I. it len
!laving a very large mtoek of every
In our line. a, re,netfulls tollolt n rt.tdlnnau, ~ 1"
7 . 01, oatrnnag,l..,lolore rxtrud,..l 1,, tlO.
unt uuned
urve.cufito 0, do
lne, all iu nur puver to give r.r..
T. lI.VIU t CO
Notice—Lost Certificate.
NOTICE is hereby given that application
1.. heron:Ale to the r. cloture /tank fc, Wet rem.v.
if of Corwhente No ..10. for loomeenthare. to shot 1).,61..,
altewthl to lA,. boero , tyorod by to .111 the luth AthenslfLlN ne.o ha..,, tf
.2.he toe 11110 A AN!: tiltlEtt.
IV t i t ,. A. , P , P ,,, 1f 1 i 1 ( . ; „ 1 . ' , A.1t
,r l ,. E i,b —Straw Wrapping
sr , t ,,, II i. MARSIIA4, SO ft oott street.
if i V A lv i j ' r "PE i ll n7at r . ren rr, t e t i • ' .art i
...!:1 ITNI.TEIt t , •,, NI ARAII A 1.1.. -
IE --
G IRON-0 , tons Jenny Lind Furnace
fir rale fro. the Alleuto.ny W harf. I,
yr:, J. a 11. FLOYD.
... . .
R O h LL I r
tITI'LIt-1.1: hida. Id , im . e f ur ? ale
4 .` '‘.. C l oth .
I.II.IUE.Wiii.AT Fit/LT IlL.Stiaacks in stiire
1 and for .ate by tit:l, J. A. It. FI..IAD.
_ .
V,FAV FISH received at No. L 6 Liberty Ht,
\'..w No. I Marl:prof Ip hblA Near .It.. Jo Italllty,
... Moo :qt.! to MO, .v err to. 1 Sr. c oe th.h. he.
Salmon All thy , thn• (SOW ~.,, ' , Jr I.T
- n. A. Mo,l.Ultt: A 1,1.
1 b (ILL BUTTER-6 1,1,14 Prime reed and
El I. , renle by No, I • I'. 611111 1 /At.
14 I . TTER---50 kegs f ta, it ree'd and for rale
II) ), an., , I. ,ftitimat_
_ ..
t ,
U 4 i A 11,—."0 bbls. Lol ering's Cruslc: fol .
1. - 14ain to . 11,-, :i. P. ,III: V I.::
rßooms lin. 111., Dry Corn. for s s h 3.
• s I' NIIII_IN 11,
(..! A f.EitATUN—I ft libls. ft, Mai, LT -
\.\ un:10 1+ I; StiltlVV.l
. ._.
r II DER. I: I N Et; A I:—'A. ',Ms. for Hale by
1 ' It .11. , I' ollltl V Vit.
If -
II '1•01{Y N UTS—..tii bids. Mr sale i.y
I JI . nn , .. e. P. hlllll V i.R.
New Rail Road Hotel to Rent.
rilllE vaumare and well constructed Rail
11,1•1,•t Latrr,be. Weattnorn etoolily, Pat,
ft , rtt ut— cad w 1 1 1tichontlt, on the In. or 11., Centr•l
liatdallrdad t re t ticd ..atj, neat moral),
lyr the at , le watt, in • aithi tcnattl.
thYl •illitatitaxono•lt "xltatat.l in ilte
aiidd o•f• thti, aarteattztral regtdn, ea-,.u.
e and awl at n point n• h., t pn. lo- of tn.
cl,pre an extemdec pat•donste mat hit re
ty n f• t
ii,i,. It will , nearl, e•ailen , I, Y
.1, It , dridd °pea.. caw! la nett month, 1., rt./ I
1Y , 11,411^,•. i/ • Ittna-rdne h/1.1, I , ill,llnc. 44 feet
frot•t co the Rallro. and , •t2 tl,
w i ll, not
t.illee Acne G. , rdent Ittlettena. a.r. It will,,
of amdtdaddattint altmtt ~,,,, huh/Iml And Hitt,t
ndidditaldi •t• et-, ay well cal.dtlated • ftr,d
lintel. awl for pr,d,,lgn• mold tor 31.3 pa...cntrrn,
irdi an °N.G. - tit., .1 , 11,1101 Tc, ttn active, ..h
wit, Lae! keeper ld latt t elt u t i , n a amain - ate In
Aax-atoms for the dare ILa.d. 1.1.10,0n1 to the nub
erlber. Youngstown. will le. ne.Lonnt until the Ott.
ou o.
.ensher h eat. It dens:Ann that annhentons
hl he nia.le
Iw onine.el Eannrien. nl aml faebrahle known Inunt
keepers will Le preterre.l.
Instrnbe seabout niu. miles rut of tironneburch, and
mat be rea.lll3 meant hythe Asc.. to houncen
OLIVER W SUR!: k. 5.
IV 15110 W GLANS--. 2.00 Lxs sail/ and 10
:12. the nate ho ec.ll 5 I . Sill:It - Mt.
- - _
nn. 31orn-an's trnens lerunife
auk Ilusbnere leers* atnt hone Lu.huenk k , with a
general insanrtment of braes, slokicjues, Pau.," inks. b y e nun.. kart.ntite. Perfumeries. whobLeali. and to-
tall. at the Droc Ruse ni JANIS:S klr4/I`VSLEY,
0015 Wee.% stre.t, Pittsburgh.
110 L'S , A Ay of h N :S1 , 1:,
ni for
T th e Cure
ten.Cse ode od r
the Aram:dine. 80004 the thli T te7L.
1.1.11411 attent the Mull entiu.atiou in which it is
b 3 the n - Lothannity. 10.1 rlllea..notla are IL, hoeit.
tirtnrn that It nay. without exawneration. hn regardr.l
• oter Inning ...minty Er the anportty asnt soreoena of th e
skin. with which an many are attlicted during thy inclem
ent eranons et the year.
A 15 nto suPPIY sera and for 5.4 by
R. E. SELLEItSI, 47 Wood It.
oil; W
10 bblo. Taont.m . • %erlioll/11red:
Turrntier, 10 •• aloe.
10 •• Alcohol. (7 , , I WU Whit.
'2 maks Sal St.l*;
epaitinh 011,101., 101 - 1 .17n.llatep,0 fur gale ET
nnle JAllll.$ &HAI YFEY,
S. ,
lUUTTA PERCIIA!—Just read, a eorn
ifi yaortniebt of Oaths !Web. Geod.. ronviatlog
m part ' of th'e follwing- tins, Aro. Floo
huge and arnall: Face,. Cool Plate. Fruit 111.11 e, W..h
llama.. prlttoona Forme, and Doilies of Jitter.. afro,
Patent Collan”ble011Can•lor ma,blnery. heturn Framea.
Dagnerrvott Vramea,Elhoe Sol, Water Pall, :beer Out
la Pyrrha for lining delve, avid 'Nara, Soda
and inch round Cord. adtb a variety of artlelea Icy at,
morou• to mention For male at No. 116 Market street
nol9 J. a 11. PHILLIPS.
ante ~ JSPRIN GS—
oel lagos.4t D o. 11“Ilk..t
diait , obber
J. l 11. PHILLIPS.
0 1 , 14 .
r,eat O s i CLO TH
etr or Gil 0 T 1, 1 , 11 ,.. r .
, G h hand, ,,, 2 ,0i l o u .
part 01 lover Coat, Reefing Jute., Pant.. Overall, Rots.
Can, ke., for eels it the Ilubbor Ilepot, 116 Market .t.
nold J. 011. 1'11112.11.5.
6 1 ,ACKING FLANNELS-44g, of dtller
rut mixture,: dakony do. fancy enloreunet r00 . ,1 by
ELS!! FLANNELS—A full ~ante moot
v w
that auperiar article whledl has hlthertrl,
90 mush uttlafactlon to our eurtomers, reed br
gap; 111:111.11Y A DUlte/IYIRLD,
ILIAS TUBING-1760 feet 1-8 \ - 14and . 1-2.
Ineb laths Ru bor TUBING— (Ira
Tubina for ' aile be'
nol6 \ b J - 11 - I . IIILLIVN 11 1r - t.
• • ',.j.'11'.--
Not. 62 and 64 al kat straed. an, now oponlugind
ntectring Fame )0 ram. f . outirfle Dew Gewal,coMpria
and Lalnea 10 e Frenen urea,.
110robarlms. Sr., pl en Mork and Faller $lll,
Ittkge ha Drennan,. Capa.:Sle veg. llandkerchleff. Cheraw
tette. and 0110,0 embrolJerica Abal, Flannel, nation,
f%nd to be th
morn durable thlWlelttl•
dry and comfortable. 101,14161 w,
nr9 319.eket St. [LAS],
StmeSoe, lelt,ary
tkr. and le RTI , the Tint
,sular cugonleri mad bp,fr•
het, In relect hew.
N. E. cor
n 0 fdr,a, t thew
n lO COFPF.;-,11N.1 bugs_, il -"T ckTqWeTi; ---
olf, JIM?. SW 01
F RESH 'PEA N.IS till.ehte:ts,
IS . .
M 44
.7 .
nolS .. JOIN WA '4 A
OSIN & T 4 R—lo la, N. C. . r, -. `
1 . ..: int\Vil \ ' I]ll\ WAIT ~„
i i (.4 tni, , iSherny 'n 4% , an:l 11k: \
. .1
. '\\l : l2 , k 4 TA "': \
In' . Arm. lAi at'. , i'...1 ,
f . ,; - -: lit i N 9.. a \
in kcia
r 4• - Caw Alan > ~
In •tore and for axle br ' VIII% ''',l. 4! 09.. •
nolti .. 4 4 _
I HATE E IZ-200 mitleANnw I I tlic\
4 dna. ear :4i..k c r. 6.. by
nolg ...1011.' Wit . V.C . ! l.____
BUCKWIEAT - . - 100 Kicks I UHC , 4I.ISIIIO
br (INAS' ' WICK 4;7I4`AN - DIISZ. ~
UTTEIt--72 kgel
i jurt rep , : ki, #kr ErtlO '
a) Dolls
DEARLS-I;hix ree'd niul Id ale.,: ,‘
i . noll \ WICK t BIWA:0 Tss. -
SI UNpRIES-3 bblg , , prime Roil Btkir: ~
a - , Li...t., ‘,"
1 ‘l l ,lKle 11.tausl '•
40 : c s , Leg t. P=llutter. \:\ .
Ilq It. Desnmigf.; fn rale bi \.'
EN14.114111 .1 lIKKKI, 5m...114.
between Wood apdArnlthflal4.l.
Al:3 PETRK-49 bags _
for sale by
Doldtiter has C... e. `0„
I.j° M.doC l"°. W.
W MT 0-,43,00 b
C(11%1 ER C 1 \ILL
liaLtrawne A olittc....— , Ztds . crti4ne... an‘nul.aelikt.r.
'fur this p...por recniv,l prwmpe,lfh. of ren,r
.liitia flr
Tim markot yesterday was s.
t.• any tart, ext.% but a tati\r.
W ener
W 2 very mat,rlnl ebange lyric .
IL F1401:1% -The roc,ipta a moue r tto be 0
1;0m m, tban rmalrlnt,
1.114 63 0, IQ 3 for :qtrs. tfittea`4rom rbt
4 • , •.1 17 for af. and eNtil brand, Tb •
vervalutl. with aJe I , UO taudenrf .
Oft ALS- e heanl..(uu thinq at. . ler
Earley, It.teev, aro oritltou I roa,c. la, 100 b.
from 61
Oata f Ol, al •-,r, ttud INtiao from t arhar at
ttf 0 00 Int ab.lhvl Coro at 40,..
n 1 0 .13 0 40 1 ,10 0 11 1'41-Sal.. it tt, I bran
al 12‘...e.and 500 do .Forts nt ••••••44 bu \
^sllo . l Vhipis-s.i-4 of Sufraz hart, le..n•n fin to
025,11 loofa 61 4eiJtid. !tofu.. I' yore atarfv , a• am , z 4-0
3.0.10 r obtained fn. mall lota Orient:l:Nand 4 't - 4
4.. tar. 80,:ar hnufe. a sale of 100 hgtt „Rio CollifT at litta
h i re
mar he quotni at 44 - 4 4c witho\st .11
tnany tar, extent.
t. ellt:E.E-4....4 4 les . 211 0 1 fa: crcarn ea 11 .!•,r.lf10 do soul - rmx - • -
torat at ttNr. and 15.11 do at 10 To f or and Ira
.crcn TT t.
Fir-Emirs tt, 1..0. 1 . at tic. and' , o4.4u at ftfir.
Choke n:11 rot:Um:ea In avott dera•od at 13r. ordifiarr an \
coda:non qualities 1114,a12,fir 11
A1 . 1 . 1..F. 4 ,-541,4 100 0114 seen north, from store at 5...1`
eaff ;041. ar , ording In qualify. Suppllea are .a,r,x.
iiitas-t , aiii IM:dry Dint stt 110011.4ie Pt
61:041: 0 -400,10:1 fin, ,prtrt, magi,. from S 1 t^
BAC:WV-Sale. 1000 Ifta rhoulders at Cyo 3, m. Haw
ar, at 1 00 Syr. "
L4llll (mltr-ttales 10 tdds Nn
PE.IIILASII-:talett 5 bblv at 0r: if 11. -
1V111, , K1•3"-tTlte market feu quite artire yrstonltty.
with Nle.4 001 Md. at . .11e it halloo.
Itisw Olassne., Nor. 15.
et;GAR—Tbo morOptent in the market haring been in
terntpte4 during the past Ohm+ days be rainy Weather.
t the eel., Lave boon /saint:led 10 430 hints. including 300
" . ..rd., rsir and plion. hake been only ht moderate
request. and all other drerlpnont Lave been extremely
. dull. The week'e ' , nun,. etdapthee MO hhdl. We
/pion. Interior 1154031.4. tionttoeu.2.l... rrio 1, fair 4 t:l3tl. prime
'w , e. elo in . :list , . thunfittl command, Shar,:c.
Xl(tLAnnkls—St the dote r.( our 'sat review, the. market
chnel at . 2.144114t e r Our prime. whlelt IVR, a tle , lhatt of
nearly or quit. le I N the ruhunratea torthrde the latter
Mart ,dart wwk. Niers hare nave reottutted to tend
and then. hae'leno a further decline of le TI
eelloti The -.lee reinvent...7so Inds 1. Wednesday.. 111
WN..e.inte.ll, tenni.. at 1 ,3.10, 10Ou'on 'I bun s 's,. when too
opened al 1 2-1.h t en,41... anti etwoel 01 . ...'l. and 11 . 11 1.
s.terenlss. the market onetime: at 11`te and liming at . ...hc.
Thisuoakee no egurenate fur the thrre date of 1 ,7 e. hole
arel St.,. I. the seek
htial(l.lX—rt... heart Inter-anon. ntottertl in tart re
s-hut. liSve been followed by I pan, in therlemand. which
may be hartlr ettelLoted to unfavorahlu weather and the
u s . i t t e, rort for the \i - e• awl the roles hare been
mot . 1 t 1...1.0 bee.. Inelud T yur WO
o eld mi, ye•tentro.,
bt: ' :..T 1 0t1 . 1. ' 124 . .11.,;.. L , 1 ' 1T:1.:1?.. ".- ;V ' ..%1! "' e r ril::;, ' ;
rota .10,, th • .bek h. heel. hand. nt 4 o.ll9 r haus. ant in
grocers 'IM i t:Li.. total 5.5,011.. agamat Zino, aa the er
: re-notating daii; oat year. The imports Fiore rsuly I. to
dew. eompri, .4,112 bi,.., direct. *satinet 193111`1n 1,541.
1 and ',I tio ent.rwiz, nutunq 1 1....7 1 t.ehorrluFht groot eye.,
ot F+2.tr2‘. heurs
It Illi:-Ths qtor - nf Mee le aMple. mod there Teo...timely
anS demand for thh moment. IV...tuotel3l.ine.ll, l Irt
to ,
ol nomin
eropa. !. prier from tint aat.. the lowest rale testy
\ .
, .. . .
NeNi\DTess Silks.
ltrE have just re'd a variety of styles new I
7 7 lan,- Dress Silks \ Ineludinc I. few patterns Ter,
net, l'ln.r.s,le
Aix,, plain and floart..l Illack Silts, the latter of IN,
style,\ r
Alan. Plaid Froch . 1 1 , tinol.. a scarce article.
,and Vert'
,ble, goods for tbL• possonl,
riZ . l...‘ th' :r ' da ". .l h tt ' ! ' l . ti . e ' r ' l•lL n ... ‘ o' n f r p e l; ff" )l:D l' so r' l , L7n . .e . '" .
Preto r Nerinc.. ' Ot rholro drab \ w0,t " .C.4, only,. }lliw-R
lantil ' ls %.1.40, Dew st vie Sm.-ha Lnojr S 11 . i... % , 00 , .1
Shaw k: Scarf.: Pllrt.4 1titan0....., ' ~,:
Lg.* ? 7,- .rthea4l con touttE and si„k,or,
2 4:2 F . o.arlE hoe rer . 4 1h
Syc ovroloo Adam:
exyd,v n
tel .0 bloke &DI lut, cos e for La.
dor and CL.ldren. A o rarlytyall viii e.rst rn 42holee he,.
A /Ate...CA-01 IreNh * and large clock oeleiMpluarg.o:
tgo.d eu,ls
. LCOGO L-25 bbls. ,ti and per et., fur
by It E
57 'Wood pL
'AM) OIL-9 bblt. Winter Strained, for
t. Ie—E—SELEEES._.
CA U. AMMONIA-1: eakU for sale'lly
IL E .91.:LLEIL 5
eails.Madms and nln jlia for
• or' It. K. Y.E.1.1.1,1,
noitAk- - aiN) Ibe. for bale by
z 3.1,4 \ 2. 01E0 s. CO, I, 0l W.l Of.
ItAIItUMATE PUT. ASLI. I Ono 11,5. tor
J. lillei)
ii.::0110:1.7 bbl,. and 76, for male by
INSEED 611,--20 bbls. tor oah• 6y
A n 01.5 J. KUM
ENN A—SO.l) Alex. arid In., for sale
Ak 0.01 R. E. SELLERS.
ALSAIU FIll- 2 10 galls:fur bale, by
nol7, ' It r_ sEiLtlrts.
VOGICKEK SEEp--6on lba. for only by
.1 1:11.1, t co.
11 01 4S I I - 1 0 easlcrime, - 1 7 ,7 r sale by
RIVE • al.
kROLL ISLII7EII-1.5 bid... Plain Grove,
llk. .1) by J. k. PIAVE.
0015 Round Church IIuiILEOZ.
/NI In ..a Iluaxil C Roblod,ou'e Lamle. •
1 , 1 W. IL amore ,1
" AnA ' A A ' A C .
Fr, poi. I, R. FLOYD
ui ItOOIIS--1 1 tloz.l . ol.ind, for *ale by
XI toil J.s IL kLIII
TEAS 50 hf. gileStO 17. ‘ Uyiren;
o ' groMf.thr: ' .
F., rain hr yolk .1 • it. noTti,
EA9'HER-150 nl. en N. Y., for isalol
s ly
3. ! 4 1 ' 1 4 r'
E lsa eank6
B R? . ??1,S-50 e
A PPLEs-L-31) bbIA. reedßater !t.
nolaaria fur sale hT T. (
liners, to 11 the dlifereat let
for v ale et No. 11 - 6 Market etreer
11014 J . O
I.lre Priservera and Jazkata,of
man otatt uted. for sale at the
ID i - 111.AN ease for sale
JJP .14 IiOYIF.It a Alcihl
raserior seiztr. tar as.l.. by `•
n. 4 K61'81:11 a yeTi
F RESH FRUIT-3 casks_
21) boxes 14
I. Ni a Jib
1 car Le.
For ale Lr 5 ,- ' J. D. WILL
unl 4
Vir ASI I .130iitti50 doz. Iloime s s'Ta'i c .
5 T at M., 4'...s sale hi '
"°t l J. P. WILLiA3.Ii , a CO.
R LACK I Nd\-110 don. Mason's Challenge,
IL) 11.11 ii.liil.i - \ Jii ICTIAjAMS k CO.
1 3()11-14A--
''' by
A '' •
sms & co
ill 11004 . -
sale by
.- I 2PIJ
V ir SU
\ tine, for sale
if iEESE4 arn ff, 11. F.,
1,..) K . 4 •Dd . for h
IA b ASI - as. Hezlep's
JUI celiorawki In react, thls dei ‘ sa
reti,od an \ for sale •
_ ell \,._ CIANDLLIS.V. \
d 1 0,17INGiSHEESE4400 boas ' s\ for sale bi
I,ITIIIT E - Y,l 11 - -:::1 — r) . 11 ili, -- ...111d - hl - ':iii;iB.7o7
r r rilr Iv -, • tric A.P.TcCANJD TS.
riIAULE n bon
`SALT—I* for salelir,-,
r di ', - w tea r; rossntstir.-- - '..,
01' ASllL.A . p'ril'ne article or sale r
Iv ig . l*it 0 LOVES-- . .Noir in.itters,-ii cfilti,,,
i'&7. in'ii.Vfi&V;i i r • ""1.. ° 1. 0 ;Mc . 7 . 1‘ 1 746.: 102 ',,
... ! i E ,I3 ...._ - 62 and 1,4 Nlatin t t . 11 n et.
i. hare on ron,aliori n t a lii• G a Int of hininiewwwilew
wei will 1011 *index tea coot of 113.11factur..,,,
' ' A. A. 11AE09 a tXI.
A_ \ 11,011103W Colin, lmigri;
L 24 Tira ' - \ ' •
\ • Ili Ills lo g Cayes. with Icevo,
',l lb.eilag-I;cltst \
With matt.ipt. a..irtanal 61' differ.
Cap. tnoitnt. \ . _ \,.1. a 11\
1 Nt . ..1(.11, RUMP. SIIORS--.1
yk 4 , s 1.411e5., q.,it lemma's., antt s nierrs tbl , . uns..,q style, mult.tatturvd.
are incited- t:t all and ...{l,lilln elle 41 - (.l] e
ll,e wi a nr t.r el . hred
. in . thia el ty.
the loan. ItuLter Depot, :Nu. I It, Narlrtree.t.
.0 J.
14)....iie65;10N '0A1 7 83:1 - 2,664 t) . f b r f nniA), b. A-.PAIIN !SIN .ft. kw,
'. A 51,P111.46R-10 Irbh. in raitie \ rs, a.
'•,,, • -, ~ e 7,11 it...6.lllV i iliii
.. . - . ..,e1,,,.
, ‘‘,„:,,,t _ , , ti. A: Li. FIN E..!.47.79! Av. ~
8 - ,1 T... ,CEP 31EAT,.-Put lip in 6 lb. ars,
' \ 8 . 1,....0/ o' , 4 1 .. 4 1 .'
'‘, , k i , \ „ , V f',... A: MeC!.0110 k CO.,
i N tA4OO:OIIItCS , , , .III ree!tl at 256
i s - "Ain, 7"'," I ' S Viii ' 3. n'&eait_._ntco.
- II 0 . 1:14VIll3i, Tri'LOUIC4P - iit up in 51.V..if;
l ' ' '' \ ''l k,„ " , `,.' "' r l;ritt. ii,c s Luit ' ' ` 0 . On.,
„,,,,... ,_ _L,, \ Arose,. arta To; Dekleaw
r-- ~ . ~ • •
1 1- :''Ci \LIME -=0( ,i ‘ he liest (pull
.N j It, coFtgian et.* and Rnd ta Ink. hy ' '
\ .'A '
.ENN err, Bram'
;..,.:. 0n1.3 ‘ _ \.._... .I . cklat 0.4 nelk:!,ahrkert.
i,,k I L.--10 lisle. \ Lmrd\ Oil,. landing
gut ....i L. pan •.. 'i. \O. AILACEBUIEN JE CO. •
tk g,
\; ,c,3 % ), 1 / 4 :ski ) ) djari \r, ,j :lar it, Ler .frm 4 .
; Ifirt:S•
I , and toi
\ R , \ lrl3
, for salely
if i g&A cv).
1 .T4.* TUT/
• Fmk 117 ' .
The Ica. 6 I.,rt 4 Inebes in ebtone.l by Dlem .
1111, at daft., I •t e•reanay. e.n2:fallin,
J. licKet, Ihtulrkkroo,AltlieeepOrt.,
Atbkotn . .'paritict. ,l .l l t7Aktial:lll. L . •
D . Shrrcer , tiler, %est Nev...
*l[l,lW:tact Brown,' ille.
Aaver, LIONo &carer.
nn, I'V,,7' if>•7slisbeth
P.4`iint'.. - stzsi. tc14r111....
lirn ..e. 1 1 ,f. . 1 . , 1. o. , nn.
pi,,,b rgik. 1,11.1. I.nuiscil..
11'..nrb ter,Oiler., , , WLlt4,linz. ,
Clty., , ~.,0..2..114..r0, Wb....11.1,-,
elN ix m 1
tt.l.ntl, \ rk.l.n.rn.llrn.nostile.
altir. , llenio.l.t. Brewnsrlll.:.
11,•ii., T. 4. , 11c:kw .. z .„ , , m ,
Perth.., b .
'r e . U : ' ; ': , : 14.18..L..... .. '.. 1 '. 1 ‘ ert.rk1.r.. _
. N
.. iley, Vel . t N....r103.
Conwell, 11 h,lin4.
I. Hirtnin4.2. Cm/u:I., ‘
. WilOds,ett. 7...n..111.. \
Chilatol.l. eilnetnnstl., .
tirrucane t..Err,x. 1 ,
rum, soy. 27 r
withiout movement
It. Oh. bib. •In.elzt
fmrn Cut name I
\m a s 5.3 : r i
' S r :;3 ,I f
• tourket
'31.1 . 1%
%,..'... C
,iepre. •.
.om-inn I.
.y...10r .
TI IO. , I, TS 1.
j'.."''' " . '
FOD 111
D Leech a Co
1 1 / 1 1EILI ,
• ts.IN II
\ It I
t.T V .‘I,I VI I , I;
\ nckymt-
.. .
\ Lid - POETS, BY ItiVER s . \
CINCINNATI—Dm 17; - 11.4 vs - r-10 Dl i s , tnadiaitws ickld"
S t:tt: t kgilnk D .I`r.&tr: 4.ltblx bonti Vanua A Dpart
t; do 6t' 1.11 N exnpta Adam. a etv ttble ahlaati.
Bmald l Co; ltt Ids cotton Kennedy a Cli del do B l Dit B .
reran t.
Z.l NEtiVILLD--I'm Deritzm--119 bit t/lo mik7 Jo bran:
J 11:ga 1 s: DO do `tltipttuClD ti It Co ~, A.t . i. • 1/0.,,, L 4 ,0. 4
7 \tt
Co: 2 Jo __:.k• aborts Eta r enley A do s ; 6.. J thbt tlotrbotttamrr
I.4m tle m i ' r. l, f7l,l2:,7LF!" ' i 6 ,bn ,%'..4,!.1";k.,111 , ,17, -g
, Co. 117 132, bran I. Little `,c+9 .6 o' C%V Artnatronit . 7 ' do:.
cutLl Grabs..
\ \,. \
WELLDSILLB— rourn , Crtr-1 bx moDein B
Ent.lert / do J vt.twartt 1 Ito 11,31artio: lot • acme Has At:
I Pkg. 4[41 Ilunting a 31illsan,, ha tands Al IkoD 11 It
lour D do ttlantalt. \ ,
DE tat:ll , -I,n. 3111 . notta-24 Ildn I La 29 krna butte
J A Cauaber. .7 bd. flatt, lt , ltaTet. 2. do bran owner
26 bbl. 11...ur ftbet Mellows S ftt..l6 dos 'melt./ bx Ts=
ltonahorrt. . , .
y The nnito of ANDceiv, SlelllAsTen will
to .utrnittel the nomination at the Wh'if CourentiOn of
the City of l'ittp , urnh. for itr offendl Mc or. tioUle
Wife' LEONARD. k:. JOHNS is a caikdidalo for
Mayor of the next CI Election. rubjert to te derision of
th. 011 O'tsnnte and Mhlc . Cooyoutlon. ool(1,:te
Le - Plane° announce through TOIL
JAME: MATTHEWS. •• • randidnP• Tor Mal'
to tt• uominatiou oaths AntS3l••outo and Whig
',. .Cte . sl.-I.SORALTY‘, — .l.l.x..tFtlttori Pleane
lorlare that the friend B. C: SAVTEIt Rut press • '
cla.naa for nominationnlr.layor, subJeet to the dceniOn .1 -
lb.. Whig Cl.orentloo. Form WOO.
notnl. - nr• „ \
. .
\ Prrrnlcsau, OeL IX. lIISL ,
rilllE DIRECTORS o the Culling Mining
i. t,, , mpany of 7illehinan. har. Ilan day mule an wee....
turnt ,Itnty uvula un each ohar. al the capital des of
avd Cccapatlymne half pa, al.le 0 rr Lehr.. 110 Z./th No
-s.mher, son, the other half on or fire thy:Min De:entberi
next. at thelofll, /0 v.l• fay.
lit.:, NEI , I T. FRIFIND:Traam. 1
!Ibvlnunn4ll7fiii: .
.1 , 1 4 1.1 E Meiehanht' and Id anulnentrers' Bank
ji . Cl l'itc..burh her thlA day neeler4l a IliThlrnd of 4'
IL , ;;V..:::! - J!.. b . ` ; '' .V.I. ' Z."14.1 . n.."rf-mfir , "" b-1..
, IV, II I)V.liMi:CaskJer ' \
N O , T , I r C . IL :i i — , :ln r i , i . ;.1 , 1. e r , v , on
~,n 'ho. T ),.......its
pN .-
ay' '-come: n inark..l"tr to. l'oet. car..17E ! ..7;6. " 14" .
11,10 , 0,1 10 relo.l . o_ol. \if,d 0,10.04 ore vat nalLb/onnir t.
t/.0 0!Iler. t.,,..) lt. I, n11.L1.1..1in, fa Wccal at. -• `,
House of \of Refuge.
-rrltE sill;soriber.s hAr the - en,
t 11.1 u. eof 11. tun^ 1 .,e 'Wet:en. P.'
1, , ,by a:416.0 "that an •-..-.1, t / 4 ta•
Ihn aitnotlnt atit,sil....l by ~ , ,,nj .. r.q.ur......
tho 'fro -unto, on or .1,0 !It` ' 101 it ,In,'.
beat. ny ot.i., .1 t cob n.ntr:l.::111/,I
----. ',,,,
130.000 Bushels Coh,l , i Wantud. \
‘I , ,A L I.; I) P 110P4.15.1 v.
LS i Ibe received - I)j\ ~
.3 tisa ••, , t. !Anti lie, 1..1..1,1 t'a." uniktba f.itlk :10rmt....• \
Lir mot., tor Yuttonblnu I !"( ( 1 naabA4. bro:TC.Jor
.., 1.0 . 0t.r.0 1',..!, othat.l., tof,sorattniC IMO.. la Oalta
ra.l ta -ma 0.1. %Otte hi :VI etenplttlX (kiting the ;.,
mmtot and Netettler teLs.a.htt or 1.1:"... alart *not le. dawn \
:Amu buntalm ID to, dell'. ottdou...3 . t;el/. the ilt of .5 111 ,
naxt. am! the whole amount by ist‘ot Nuramtar. Par. .
Mente te in mad.. on .1.41,ery ta namate-4 not 11.. IL. \ ;
thl.ol/0 boatel, The nuatitt, In LO aatartanni hi mean H.
, -
nr•maitt rst by or•Mt:law at Fi 1-nula, In tbe.mrat.M'd., y,' ':
4isarri...eir port.. 1...-may 14,....5ed, 47orm -, -
tan. ny a, era, tbe .Lola antoknt datlevta,L
Jun!, it DAUM:TT, B.e. • \ K - ..
St. L. , nia./ina.1.1... ISZ.I.—t &obi'.
. ,
SN . ce \
ETl'Ell. Teßtaor ory 1 ,e estoo o
Jame. M.. Mtn 6f III: M.llg LAM I Cnontrof AI- s - .
.-aqtany,..1...1, hare law n rant.... 111 a bmmbetm, all' `. \ .
yamon. Miring elalnt , agano4 aMI art o RI reraent \
them duMAulhoiticitkNl fot fottlriSaut \
. It. El% Z., • ,
. WSI. artl/1- • ' \
\ u. ur ur
n ,
, 1 , 4 . INS. ,
n114:(1;•)Ilt \ .. , E t. "
\ -
Frals \ Teas • i , ,lieduced ' 'des. : '
VOW bell\v F eee \ e:ii, and an h (0,
" LI hai , titi- 7atnAiri h il r r 4'....
be.. ..hi MOM ,r ail hn min won in Itie r ,uid
win we •ran at nil> . e.c rent..brk7 our roma
=I act Tra..• •-•••.TiVi , i(i. 1 c , li r .i ti , ...--e--- 4 °.
C.h . "'" ' in' i 7. ,:q..n"\ •:: ,---
""Very' In; k. ' n ' ili t e n ti, t re• • 'ir ' irtTr ea \ t ~,t 44 6* - :,..'" .t. i t
\We have r share Amid ai \tile of lanai entail andhalt
ViVc " i s i . w .L e 'd nr rui r
a2 tl in ‘ l ,' l o (..!t ' i; a l itu ' l l iglf .r ittaTti rr,
r, ,
l en ' ^ ' b '
er Cara' a 1-• O. . • Ind 21b1,rnnistarr rut
tit• Q l 9 uur.ily u. 4V\ . A. alcC13;11(i &Ca,
'lre, for solo by
J: •le FUJI D. \
out's* e(q.
lIIR Pit\ OS.-- ue: d - 1
) t i' ' v ' ' •••
' '
I from Ao rOano am-, of Into Da •—",.....1 ~•
ri * Co, - Boinn, ?I .or tb••ir uvr ST, rArd , . . 1 I '
kW: EWOOR OIANOS. rom CZ.' to *AO
'A 1., 11.1.t.Vrato IL • ar•l a B .1.11.10. awl btod• : 1
._. .'.
n ',-.-'.- -\ .- , 1\ Wool meet-
', '', z r) - -AI 11 . 7. . ..
fAkliF,k,O\T U .itK R " TOR NEW
~.... JAL
::1: 1 : 1% X . P 1 O , O 1 .. tra to \ a lloll,t/ a worDir s \ \ , :f . llao•
'T 'k g ' o b ri l in:tt i l Vt.Z.n i i ii ialf e tb " ete . otl '- ' :''''.:
1•0,•" ,.. a O . V . tioAire Oto'reios_Ouriziur to aix otheo :
l c
, i'ilM r \ ;(. I.:O .. P.A.UT \. ,:',\•.':: .•-;
' - ,2 t'Y Z i etfg . PIL,, i 1 ` 7 :.q . lty . fi at ' 1
, ./) fir
d rca .,: n tr u iri. 1 1
l ; ' lf . • ' I N ,. 77, i
R XEL W V. ~
`v lt ' t:gtm: . tii.. \ .
ir t ROOMS=-5O (toil. fc
'JP non
VISII-20 hrls. and \ l i t) hi
non 5 " ''' wh'''' . '
.. _ .
s : r Eualish La al Naa r& zap a ,
j. Medium Pr.ling Ptwer.
hlads: ...
riCl2, * a. DA
11 - 131WARdilITE(
II H utturiei. for Nei
Cultivta_r,pr Nt . ..yeratnea
'Ylfforti is
AID Sll,iS - -Wei;avo on hand 30 pee.
etinu,ut cam.
2 \ •.116.40\
4 boxes Cream, for ealo 'by
IL/ u.;11 5.6 IV. II ARDAVO 11. ..
bLI. for bale by
is, 1.. E. A
1110U1:14 . TIV4l SIMIVLS:LW . e , will open
IV tala akoiritair esatsV, 1.104101 mi. and wait...a
• a.i.x,2 41yuroitt,1,17 ah.. 4.24. • \
\„ A. A. 1A.4.():•: CU.:Market M.
1..U.1ii,760 FIN. for kale by
.eae D. A. S FAI!NY-STQC .,
tix YiVisr kege
enciplaa7at sad iur
tor: 11A Lin, JON la at
. • :Y. Rego \
-174 Nilo bAL2R.LL a CO.
FLO I / 1 l7:00 bags. hulled,
ii,Lor, ink! a.r mte b., • . •
••molt. • •• ". lIARDAIAILL
1,10 31arkn'st.
nt rep'd, 20
IfJii Robber ,
TI public
( k.aa th y
or rAI at
AGS-4 .tacks firr sale byy ~--. ' r- -
' 101 l . ~\ 8. k {V,ilititliAr.Gll. . '
A II trPiate.lll.279 bush received on
ii-7 .ol7l'7 , '"P' a L x xt1 . 1.1 . il t b i r onboN.l Vrobt kIL
FLO 11... , 0 bble.'6. 1 . .; .. ‘. • .. ,
11' do ill lee •ale by • ,
_. ,
/LEE:. AI,q ; LES -.- Waibip i fill: .by : 1 ,.\ . ; \ ,
1102 \ " eenvr Peattal•l trtilk• •i.'', .. - \
3 lik 1 , PIN , §P—A ne* and varied sivrt 1 \ :
1_) Intuit - I' bt•cl, Jet . , awl iloid.lun T•ed a t . .. \ ..- . :
\ . it. itlell.ilttlit).•2.
/I.l•DirS liitiltl.6l PINS !....-A Jinn , F1".1.,',c t ' \
•,..‘ us , it Lhastamik 0 as, gitl5l43tA.T . XkV:l.4
Itl . !S b .I , N S 5i '- • Ni ... .
Ttl.n DAY.
♦.a dailT h at •so t,
t- n
\ \