The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 26, 1851, Image 4

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    °A - . _--
"ar,zonar, 81751105
. , .
The cheerful sniper doni; et:low : fora
They, round the Ingle; farm • drab, wide;
The dye tams o'er; patriarchal grace.
77.41pitte Buie . Mara ids father'. Pride;
'lns hairnet mgerently Is laid mid., .
llislyarthaffela wearing tide ma' barn.
This Want that once did react in Th. glide,
Reinke *portion with irsholooiretr. - -
And .. .Was worship Cods' he says with eolecon
'Zb.y chauttheir saline notes le simple guise;
Tlse7 tune their hearts, br far the noble.t Om.
Pertispibtiadee's wild. warbling
Or plaintive ilartyli worthy of lb. name ;
Or suable Mahe bee& thehear'neftgl
The sweent far of than. holy laye!
Compared with these IGLU.e trill'', are tame,
The tackled ears rio heirOfelt rapture , rahx.
Nary anlicaLea they with our Creetoi's Prole.
. ,
The prisetake father erode Um sure' Peg , .
/low Air= was the friend of fled .In blab:
Or Mamba& itinad Wurare
With dessisige ungrerbomProgonl
Or bow' the royal bard did
Ikneath the stroke ot.llearoll . ll.TrAghig
`Or Jobfahathetle Plaint and walling err;
Or rlgie Dash's wah'emPide faa;
Or telr seem that fah". Lhowoered Ir..
Perhaps the Christfan' volume 4 the theme:
/low golltlesa /dog for aolltp Man w La shed
Ikea- Fly; who bore ha heaven the rieond [ll.lO,
flip not ea earth whanim to la y h 4 hood;
flow RH trot followera iluesrecr.ta eyed;
Thepreeepte sage they wrote, to miter a land;
flow be WM lone In Patmos beadslood.
Saw Irfttia eon a m/ghtlr angel eland, -
hod heard wrest Bab'lort's doom proemeo;ced Ly II
:cogiimand. - •
down, 4,11cm-rae eternal Ritz.
Lmart,eXixtiebef,tVer, ash the husband pray..
OtPs "SPlItZs el-Ultiosc roltlumuilhant
..Shit they:they . ..ll alai! meet. to future /tat .
,There t cites but it =smart sirs,
meta to elPii SIP chest the hither tear,
Trzelborhyttnlnz their Creator's peal.,
suds rocistr, let still wore door,
• WtlleOlitliwt - tizne:tlor. rtuad N as ,-terwri solo. r
t.wnpeiederW thin, Low le - or Iteligint e pair,
laalitbi: mean cf noWldel and of art,
, Nhatt men dlavlaf to eoozr. , gaUo... ll ".
more r.v.xpt the heart.
The.tory* ilieets'd, the twzertt will desert.'
; PWZlPOuistods. the sorer lots' stole:
itutbatry la tome Eultage tar apart,
hoar, well pleaatd,tiki lanewszo of IL. cool.
7:!,ikcid: Ili ELI:, Look Up. instates port et to/1.
Civacoans or RON r- —The Berne Deux
:Mantles giTes an account of the researches of NI.
..-Ertallin the catacombs of Borne which will in
tereet cur readers. Itappeurs that the antiquar
ian in quesitan has been engaged for six yeas
in exploting the catacomb!, and in capying the
remnias'of ancient art hidden for ages in those
extrarßilitehambers. Burying himeelf for fiat
years la this trubternarman city, he has examined
every' . 'pea of it, in spite 'of difficulties and perils
of thtgrafrestaharacter--the refusal of his guides
to at:iceman:whim; the intricacy of the passagee;
the nataity for n clearings way through galler
ies chocked:cip with earth, 'which fell in from a
bais almost an fast as it was removed; the diffi-
. -unity of damming up etreams of water which rau
• .ba front above; the foulness of the air, and con
tlifficulty of breathing and preserving
intim -lower .ettambers. During Lis long
sojourn in the nether regions, 51. Perret sac
otecTed in exploring the whole of the misty cham
bers and their connecting galleries; and he has
now retained to France with a collection of draw
lugs whieletlk"etende to 360 sheets, in large folio.
Of these, 153 sheets contain representations of
frescoes; 65 of monuments; 23 of paintings on
glass, (medallions inserted in the walls and
the bottoms of vases,) containing 56 subjects; 41
dawingeoflacupe, vascs,.rings, and instruments
Ofmartyrdom:to the number of more than 100 sub
jects; and, fanny, 20 contain copies of more thee
500 eepulchral inscriptions. • Of the 154 draw
ings of frescoes, two-thirds ore inedited, end
considerable number hare been only lately dis
covered. Amongst the latter, or we luau from
the Berne, are thepalatiagan celebrated realise(
Platonia eaid to:have been the place of interment
for a certain period of St. Peterland St. Paul.
Thittepot was ornamented with frescos!, by crder
of Pope about A. D.. 365, and has ever
since remainetllclosed up. On opening the em
ty by permission of the Roman Govern
mend, M. Parrett discovered fresco paintings re
presenting the Savior and the Apostles, and two
coffins of ' Parian marble. It is stated that, on
thesetarti of M. Parrett to France, the Minister
of the Interior entered Into treaty.with him for
the .acquisition of hie collection for the nation.
. The purchase has been arranged, and the neces
sary amount (upwards of $7,500) obtained by a
-, rute of the National Assembly. The
denithigi be published by the French Govern
ment in a style conunecusurate with their imfort
ance.---Loridus daemon.
Ladies!! Read This!!!
r'TEE PRESS, and will ahortly be ready,
Prue HANDMAID TO THE ITArio comprtaing
deeemptlou of the meahmient of the Inst ru ment, the
-defeell to Which lt Is llogle labotts :MO se number).
famthod of remedying each defect. and a:retraction* haw to
keep the Instrument always: to tone." By Y. B. TgaTtr.
HeatliWrigt haling a Mom edgml.l hare • copy ru of Mt.
baok. mof the. kind ban eve Legge leen b:stir
ed. Time ock
inftelnatloo It Impart. la r
worth ten times Ito
price—ons dollar; aul, among other advantage:, tt
attach:tally guard you from haring your Pluto *polled ty
• nuMlLlfra tuners.
, Lanett and gentlemen . t o the afire of Pittoburgh and
Altogheny. deeding early mph. of the work. 0m he tor
ebbed et than MM./ewes briaanag their addreaS at the
:aces of mayor the Pittsburgh morning PoPers. or M
music atom of Ifewers.John IL. Mellor. Wood newt and
Henry gleter,'Llard street
By amallisfr ono dollar to the author, at the limette Of-
Plttebrogh, • eopyhellf Do forwarded. fee of meta.,
to any parrof Me United Rates. PM tondo* for aro dol
- A Liberal diaconate Dook.sellms ml ?las i deal. ,
• ,orie ls tto more appropriate present tints grtit/enlan
mg make to a tidy than a' pr of this boot.
$ In your Order*/ or2l-Mo
subtle rib er ha in ,sture and (41 . . a . ,, at
Rap.... a 4-.1 gagrtment 4/1.....5 . Coburg*
an figured Home do laines,l'opfine. rt late
net. Linsey. Cotton Flaanala Thaw,: Ftn Lille. so.t Woo,
e 6 ktorf El...lrbil. Munn. Cong.- Ilmidr.orehicte.s.ent e
Carats.- Statuette, Carthame*. Cluthe. - Ta rod/. Jew*
Enrol and MorlimO
. DD:, Ti: kin.,. Cold Cam
he:r o b:4El6r. (Wt.+, Ilmherliae. Ll.-if and wht. Net.
Clothe.tto, Lintel. lad Lace, Mhos,. Liam Tale
Woollen Comrade, Moro.. lloriery, Parra 11.
Dlndluga. Dattenr: *leo • trio rartrty of *two, to 'ableh
wort reamwt
p elt..y inviteC. th AttnirralvoT. o seem/on of co-real:me
t L
Exchange Livery Stable, and Furnishing
. „
,No. 178 Pant erred, nertr. die Si. Moir lAN.
The fiubscribcr, thank,
puhlic far the tibrol ` a
atAre. custom in Ma line heretok.m. woutn hareem them
the. he has commoner:A the USN:I:TAKING burineen in
. cterneetten with tile LIVERY burin..., and will attend to
flintral• L nn an Manna& ten. ea any‘na the •it ma y . Ana
Maim !tartar, any think to no in Me line. VII. y give
Moe a all, t can depend upon them twiner , talon attetaleil
to kremptly, and in the best net treaters manner.
JAMES mArritmr:s.
.CODA'ASII. , —We arc prepared to contract
L. 7 - .Wt. on. 'lstanafactarern and the trade reneralir,
for their reapply- of Bode AM. dente. the winter. ...Ore
- preactit Market knee. We warrant our dada Ash equal an
the Mat inWortral. Er.SNEIT, BERM' k
- -
.Copley's Fire Brick
COPLEY k CO:, near }Cid:toning. have
9J • bit L• 1344 tboarrail PIM MITCH of ....Anent
entatty • Ohba, mo be left with lowish Co I at tl
-theoltWOOleta wilejorropitto may be town. P "•
tt&t Co'''' :grtittle ' lti! 'n . M170 1 0 '0 45 '1 21, :. fi f il ' i a itt . ..
Wood at sole agoniar far this tart armed artiole.
R 'am
ICIiER'S FARINA-2a/ lbs. for sale by
0010 J. KIDD 0 fXL, CO Wood et
1 ESE-7 boxes Cream;
.. . Is - e
: '''.. 2oz lom at'D•irr; •
, • - ' 9 " - - (colored:,
- Leading and foraala byL DICREI. IL Co.,
- •Tans • ' Water nod Front atre•u.
SLIAWLSI—IsIow . opening at
A. AtASON *CO.'S. 6 cams Ear StatiLong➢Etter Is
• dill.and permanent colons.. non
ITILANKETSI--Now on hand over 850 prs.
Aznetkam. Belo: end Brawn, of 04.104.124. and
plain and twilled. single attl double milled. Mao.%
nominate wortment of Crib nod Cradle Blankets. I
Boa to and 01 Marlltt Et.
1 - .ARD 01L-15 bbls. No. 1, (Winter,) for
24 Wood street
RROW ROOT-500 lbe. Am.; for wale
.1. KIDD At 01.
SEM& TARTA.R--2000 lbs. for solo by
nal•• • J. KIDD .6 CO, 60 Woo! et.
ArIOD LIVER OM—Rushton, Clark. Co.'s
11,/ genuine. In balk or by the dos=
j or !rale by
ATOR; rajyrayont Deddarra and Gray flair• to mono
tr.bair. whoa it bar fallen ort or beam. thi a...1t0 am
edorcaally Scud, ar ikan4rort.
0,00•3040 rO6l and for .ale tertho ,lo . o, or . I kPAI^
W..rlh. drug .tom.[ S.
bad • • Wcod stoat. aaraor of Math,
UGAR LEAD-900 lbs. White, for sale by
J.KLOD At CO.. CIO Waal wt
ITIOBACCO--=.lOO lxrces Sheracod's s's and
on conalyomaial and Gar scl•
oaf- . 01IN WAIT &GO.
RINO-1041 bro. for bolo by
111% UTTER-4000 lbs. prime Dairy Packed,.
IP .fiar mat br : JOY IN WATT/kOU.
------- --
VIOLASSES-40 bbb3. S. U. Syrup, for
goals for JOUN WAA 00.
fill open thin morning 10 esrtons of Sleek Silk
of an quantiee 0101 width". oat
1 m m iR g a Ugt .
ICE-10 tea fresh Carolina nice for sale
Sr set: , J. •IL VIVI D.
4081ERY-.—A. A. lifAsoN MJ i. haVo reed
MOO de& theihnscrey Imenba Vr col, AJp.O .u4,.m1
comprittou the mod viirmnom stock thdr
M Mgt ".41badd, Mblch they. mill roll al much loci
than W
COFED --78 bags prime Rio, arriving and
' mv mi. by JOHN WASTS co.
`To the Public!
'undersigned, having taken tho yore
...' 61 hake err. ''', I .I,IV.I.'IAIII
....; ara now ma tint II
. 7 Van:m(looDß, eonalsung In part as fiAlovni: .
complete nalortanaut of black and fancy . , DILLSS
'.• • 111 , (Nalonexca, D.• 14an0., MoTlans. rated rlakbu
/3 a, long and Eonare SLUIVLS, rusq 1.6 L4balkap,
• -ea Cbetolsatura. Collars, 0131rS, inhylll , ,tatnl, Ae.
21/10—A glynTinr stoela of )10 . 0152.11.1.1 t.4)0D...; an d tius
"Ibitnatninass of fho iata ft= and tha public arc (XL
eta AKa
t c .,l to nalj. [coUlso) 4011. N POILTkit a (XL
Trg.t. WM; W.f., Confokttetarr Dlltri•
Ms M& 'When Bonn le med. A. dirwctionas
eoznienia rocb . War Aoki trry. • '
045, . ;' J. XILDt 00.:CO Wood of, •
v . opten , =-51.* bags Rio, for rale '
IL) na natal 'DICKEY a CO..
- GD dcs.eoetetc 6 do..TubA for irsi.b7
JAMES DAL7.ELL, 66 Water ot.
LIQUORICE . ROOT-2000 the. extralresh,
i'r °± l 2 J.,
-_ _..._____ J. KIDD a CV.
ii Ber.ovnutt have title day reed a large lot of top,
nor ome made Blankets, very ebeay.
alto. 4-1 whit, home made FLAN:init.' Sort lteaet eor
tier of Fourth. and Market ete. nnl
TARTA-12 bble. roryd, war-
C h ,raabld dpure, sale by
r U. A. PAH,: I:STOCK l CO.
(,2 ALA) OLL7-50 baskets fur sale by
SILVER SAND—,lsA.bpAlitli.,fg4ls
ATEN. RED-40 Ibis. bright Eng., for rule
T Ly , 11. A. VA fIN K`ITOCK a i•o.
ca ENNA-1000 lbs. prime Alexandria, for
1..., nalr by 11. A. VAIISEST.3I( A 00
VINEG AR-50 Mils. for sale by
veal SASIUM 1.. SIMI V1:12
VANILLA BEANS—'2UIbn. fresh. for %de
ha twat npennl . aannpot of
hat, Blue, Inanan and Omen ns , lllan Flannel, nr:10
11= 1, ut . n.e'd onrll.,t nornn ,
Fourth slid
urrtaL—FreA null, in boxes, rood daily
1,411 .t. IL CANYIEI.I I .
( , I LIEESE-500 bnxca red and far sale I.
F ISH -10 bbls. Lnke Trout
3.11 CAN!, i.lll
_ -
INSEED 011.—hl 1,1,14.0r151001.r8 brind,
1 , 4 .111 , 1.7 A. 11 CANEI
.1. 11 11. 1 0q1 , 11,1.D.
01;W000-60 I;blA..nn hand and 1.. r .3le
I . 4 1 u ),R t A F
enA ;, 1(.:-- ,, 5 , 11( d0_. , ) „,, Men's
A. A Alto , i,o ' N A
4.11LK VEL V ETS--24) pc, most desirable .
cl..uing by A. A MASoN A l'• b.
vAlif.3. AMMONIA--MO IA- —MO 11e3, for sale by
ilk 'hi. mottling by E.apre.• Ila till:,. lag
11,:1 rolored .11 'cool
high Lu.t, Dlaeß.piik6, all prin.,
brocade lout ue Sr.l”.
• Meek dz.,:
rinl4 Itormot I:ll,bur.,
Lotng !hosts.
roll ' At unrtr. • nsr Voirth and Moicet
CANARY SEED-30 hu prime Sieilc, in
stom and for sale b,
J. Kinn i
TURPENTINE-450 priote,
0 rut vac, hr : •
IREAM TARTAR-2000 11, pore, for
LiA-60611 Ito. Leo k.
11:ntr Ca,le brand, fur !al,, t.j. J. 111111 r 11 , . ts
ALUM -30 bbls. for sale by
J....4'11011N NI A6OO a 00
A frn.t. In, Jaet 01...u1t. at Ow ds , s, 0 ,
nelll .1 KID" t ell. n.
OAP-1101 boxes No. 1 13..1n, for ~1,1 hl
17 ocl3 S kW. 11011111 171111.
SY RU P-15 1,1,14. for sale I,y
Ikl AC IiEREI 4 - 7 500 bbl,. Large N 0.3, Ma,-
LTA . lnryallon. 6.r .al,, Or
4..1 0 JAMES A. IlliTnlllak l N a Co
lD i d t ; Magnetie ( 4 /izt i t i ty:n a t w. loo I
IAT 0 ( 0 . 11
, ENCl l ll. , AN i r:ll ob by
o J
r..Tss Other, stnty rtss , ..1
naatlnne.y. ar . 'ferstn.
111 ATiIiNG SPONGE-11 strings very fine
fee Ink. by 1.17 J. WIIIIONNIan kg a CS'
CORKS-15 11aleo long and ,Itort,
rml.ole by J F(11100101 Mir,:
Yeanu for sale by •
L oar 4. K,1101551.ti.1111 I0`"-
TERRA JAPONICA, for farmers'
ton for alle by 0.17 J 1 1 C1100101AK KR a 0)
11.AVENNE-1 bbl best American Popper
t , a. rate by .117 J neJIOON MAK rit *
up_ kgs solid packed, receiving -
UP and 0* mai.. by belt n
61ALtERATUS-5 tons in bas and ta,, Ibr
MAW by nrl7 lit_o
JUJUBE PASTE —•` Eagle Itritnd --
bat. belnun and Vanilla, for ea.n ni
19 'U. nELLEI:,
taall nt Trans Patent Window Shad,. 1-1 nal, Si
aelei .1. dt 11. PIIILLIrS Illi Mart,
native kg r tre:A-•ataan ..,,.,,rth hu
town. /talon wits trczn l'ltt'burgli A ',lna mho
of good tnarector, with a szttall eapaol n 1 $3O. n, }Sul, .0.1
vta, Inn, a kn0w1...1a , . Nth+ ournaltnz 1,13. tn.,.. ant 1..1
low war, and niarldnery, to 'nth .nd I
weq.. will ho fitivvrt, sad h t loan z“ •tIL• • to.
alibi • 'at, prottablo gat:tenon will V. sta..e.
• end; It, bather platten'''. to ISAAC IIAILILIA,
Agene, and Intelltgraco.ols:...lnant ,,, l,
U(iAIC-50 binis prime, in store and for
ij tat. toy mI7 ii. DA LZ1.71.L n Ctr
GLASSES-2W Mils N. 0., LO do. S. IL,
IT 30 do. Syrup do, in oak rotwetaa.... far rel.. bl • •
na7 DAL.I.NLL A• L,l,erty .0
• AN'TISABID--75 lbs. fresh, Just reed
• and for anla br &U 7 J hlLn a Co.
( n a ALT PETRE-50 bdi Crude now londiug
ant Mr pale Ey ratla 1 DICE) A CO
• ONDON MUST A111)-550 lbs. warrarged
m.“ 4., mat fly IWO h t J. KIM , a 1..,5
i I VIIITE CHALK—WOO lbs. in store and
Mr-via by - se.l7 J. KIM , 4 ,,
ACOMPLETE act of Bucket Machinery
Mt sale by 4416 y. P11.11,1,T11 aMI
6] Mon, COTTON-10,0W dr.z. ivat tE r c'ti.
1,3 frtm England, and for Yale I.• t
TABLE SA LT-500 bgo g . robllci Inca .
la..dine an.] Mt Ha. by 11A
00114 %%airy and 11,111. r
'to. for sale by
1„/ J :.8,1188.84:41 sKF.Ii A I.
I 100TASii - 1 4) carka prime, sale iv
„ e l:.r A 11.141 e -bale
''I'RAK" PA PEIL-20 60 IrII.. ruperier, e
rn, Libl4.lBy,
.4.1 4 • - n.. 1 Penn h1...1 Irobt, •E•
A lilt l ;It; /: OIL eLoTif —Jug red lrem
lliP r111111V•t b. , -48 , r4, 44 44,4 lb 4 , L. 84 4 44 8, 9 884,
ter plain $ll,l 8,1
Cloth. and for rub hnJ r4t,881 at N,.. 116 liarcet
. 1,4141 J. a 11. ,
1 CST °retied at the D 01,884 fol . clink° Ter.,
Nn.27.4 Labrrrylntre.4—• Amall 18,1 1 4 44E17 EC EN.
Tr.D ORANOI: PEKOE TOO h Trey artbk
WM. ,
A. McCLIJI4B, n tor.
0c1.3 • Urre..r. and T. 4. 144.1e1.4.
E P hales Kentucky and Idi.t.ouri
AA. Dee Rotbd. for rale lq
blO AAA11....3 A. 11UTC1111. 4 40
SILIAWLS:—Just ree'd, eitatia
cuprrlnrlltheb. 5h41.11. A. A. MASON *
TOW YARN—I sack for sale by
ibM J. It. CA, HEM,
V r REEN OIL CLOTH—Just received from .
Fart:Tr—Wl yard. bar 6. quhrb, rern I 111
C th for window blind,. Yet rale 4.10,..4.4,14 , and ht
No, )lartet et. (nebo V 1111.1.11,4.
M ArefiLESS celebra
ted 3ratebless 111. eking. warrnoto4 roponor to •ny
ritmm '
IL, gyms jtut reed smot for ealowholeocitlo by
Iti.VICK I.:1211A51.
cr.l7 - Woo.l rornrr tilxtb
PEA-65 hlf chests Y. IL;
1 . 5 edu • udd (1.1.?"
V'ri •
of joint Itoy.rintiou
mound arid for mode by 00 , .. 0 :4 J. 0. ILO It
(.10LE LEATIII.II—e.OO Side. N. Y. for
iJ vete by 0r.1.4 J. t It. F1..011./.
temo•emv. tor" A . U. E. SELLER/
choke brand, on hand and for rale br
ter. ACU Viamei ACO
A. . .
1:9OSIN--50 bbls. No. I, for sale by
11, ocx . ./ ' J. gellhONN AK Kil Ato
CIIIP. LOCIWOOD--100 bbls. foi sale by ri MK
J. bUIiOUAER a Co.
-- •
JAM. GINGER-5 bbls. for sale by
. Co'27 it- it. Uhl-Ll:lth. t,7 0 boJ 0
Powdered, pure, [Jr rule by
-- . - --
B UTTEII.--4 bbls. Roll;
2 - eud If Rego Pnekgol; arriving
per rabid *Ad for ;Ale by J ARIUS D A LY.V.LIo.
beat clb Weber otroet.
4,11LK MARDN & CO. have
ky reed 23 cartoria Stilt Yrininii, Wart and see ticolt:rs.
b a t ty ' f it o t r olil l ii b ititurAm.
COO yards 4-4 Float 011 Oath;
tw ha
_Just reed and for sale at our Oil Cloth Warciioma 116
Mart sL J. a 11. PHILLP , .
lu 411, /theme Cream lo the Cat:: ta r ts or Cur..
Tritedelatintlal preparationls for Pura it / • heat ,
ty, and tiagranc, though .onattetiat analait.te , itio,r
Anitaienal Crean, and other attnilar cntrounth, it
tar aurnmat-a than all hy the emollient pasty cor...tirr
ot its lather, which an rut... the !want as to render sha
.ees Dyer
Tien . plimaant and easy; It swcst
the mirerrteal article, In tieing trvohly trot. the
Twat matertale. with the greatort WWI, and is not only the
best. but al. the cheapest article tor l
creasing ;mien or this article during the hod melt,. leers.
and the Mural auk! and allrer medals awarded sot IL
itronaly attest the Mph estimation tu which It is hell li t
the community. Cot ii•Je wholeeale and retail lit reu IL a. at.
----- I
iLYWIIITE—'2U grunt of vartotto styloot
1 .4" d Pri'..i""""'" g.t d d r artlilg f. - .. w...,
ix 5
.45PTS. TUfir.ENTINS-251 11 1tH. for hole by
11 A. FA II N KS fOCJi tr Co.
t INSEED OIL-44.1 bbls:prane, for role by
sIVOC/MA SUAWLSl— nrito the ta
t/ration of the 1551. to a ml woe , 5415 51.5 ,5 ,
'''Y ''''''' " g AltrgTllTlVAtft, I'd)
.• 0C.5 . tartar of Market awl Fourth oinwtot.
i tp un ng, 'gr . . 4r MADIUD.A botg.„
01,111 "KEYSER & IIItDOWELL.I4O wow _
'S.E.--50 0 bouts for sale by
iLj no 4, JA.IIO lULZELL
HE SUBSCRIBER having taken the store
G 2 FOURTII STERET. forsuerly occupied by
T. P. IL EATON, and havinw y refitted the ea me,
will open, fin the Ipt day fit ~,,te2aber, with a aral
irapvt-ror fif
• • •
tonther with a !deck TRIMMING.V AND
ING GOODS. .ormipiele 1,,,,,t0f0re Leta by th, well
known and favorite ~ t abliehment.
Itoould reppeetfully intorm tho* , porgona doxirinn
Mourning and Haute Fiala:shin; Or 'Anon that
.tore they can obtain a more complete Inek than elre
whet,• in the city, a.• he Intonde ilerottmt Particular Stoma.
Lion to thou. branchro of lathinewA. IMPortinc rho main
portion of the Goods himeel JA M E S ogng nf thom at
timttraw Paicalt. A. MeV:ill/11T,
MURPHY k BURCHFIELD inform their
ntnj Inn; ern gnrwrully thet they have
now 4,Two that. SECOND WI, Fuppl, of tnr the fall
[tad, nod c6 , l‘ al, utl.,n t n Itwlr uougually full ar.F.ovt.
m aDll ,, DRESS GOODS, in gnat varletr, rich prloleii
Du Lunen. Pnrision, Cobutga , French Mvrinne. Mumlin dr
• .
Flt AWLS, Long .ml Spiarr.—Nor stria Prorbc. earl
handoono, Caohms , do.: Wool in plidu mud goy
black and rolorod Tbibrt, dr.
" Mph plaid Ribbons. black and half mourning dm, nen
etyle ook d.
Tho N r bar. o alsorewired a further .ply of Kuper
Mu•lin and Irk!, Moan, aud Stant. ilOoda gen
trallit and ni will ho nold at how prier• fur q uoin ! .
Country Morrhan. are {0,10 . 4 In call In our a liolo.aio
room,. up whore lien & n r o sold low. 4,41
1,7 et A A. MASON CO'S. r 0.2 and Col Market at. no!!
‘ll A Co. bore non n n hatid 7:0.0 t Cn..l,
mon., nod other Wore,. Al.-, riot,
do-cc-mom of Iloturry. 1,11/{4,11t, moo. 11. Ipoo JO:V!
I RES ' S GOODS—Of...fling daily nt A. A.
I 1 hl
~, , ruu: io ~,, o,
i,,ILKS! SILKS' .N ~prom; at A. A
N E I W P 1 L.A1 , 1 1 , 1 4
Itor•hlieht have retuuvt./1 a Iltli at.ltntestt n 4 ale.,
tul a e per It . 1, 1 - ah , ' lllll ' . 111111 '
curt %atm,. Alteceecte. nt 1 1 1, 1 le , rue 1
. •
11 - ;:7 •
1:w CP 0 01 ) ti ' NEW I;(01)S--. , .. A.
1 1.1• 1 1 , sul ll theu 01 1 1 . t• 11.- 1.. 11 1 ,111 d lll- •
uttuar.l. al •tc hothlrt , .l au 1 t 04 , 11
I Jr
ret..ll hotl. cce, itlytte.l •e 2
1[70.1. M TT.% S_ L VON ESE , ItciS
FlarchCli 71i Eit MIS Till IiET (I,OI I IIS,
ca rich ett.l
11 ,11.F4 llerltu •ci 11,1.111.0 t,, e•
EIt.ES 1 MOW , . IIE I,A I N
art., IV nr,•: ..... !-• • c , ,et. ethic!. ye In
elle the ntlew.en •• 1 Ile- , 4.luht, tr• torh4•l, ur
u• ue u .11,11 lex •er tlhah c ter th•fece it. th••
market. •••1
I 11.)AS:r: 1 . 012 SALE—A rrrc
Lcm . ratnt 'tot
~t.tirt. n• 11
.t ...0 vt nti /.11
ELVET I'l c.kitrETF—tc 51 : cL , s .
y rot.r, it nrts - ettn.lant t->
turtt• the ottrt•l a• lir .....-rustnz.l
tt..llltArrr tturt -r tn.; t. Et,
:.n a oa„~
loOF: rLurll
llltoor.t. an.ll )1,13111
triat, at LI,. Carr. t tt
noo orrvlnnt •••••••••••nohl• 1•11•Zo - R •••,, noortioo.
Ono, and rotor, n I Ma: t•A IL 1•1,. ot nos ro•••
n•)irs st •••••Ito.l to • loch ••• o •••
• - •••s 11••• ••• nl. toorlh
if i11...5:7,7E1,S
lliu ro ••n•I ro. ••1••
Lo •••• . 1. ,•• 1•• ,-
to It
tos...t s • •• •••••,*
CAltl ; rlS--New
LIN 100:
71 , 11EL,SUI3SCRIIIER has lug not: re,-vis.l
e r F, LI AN:, ,I'INI El: 4 , ,
that lae ere;e-1 e , L..
"17:V.L't . u
01-nt r.l F.nn, Ibn—, tinn.ln.....rtirrl,nc in part
44 len.. %It, fn . wr•
• Brw-m.l , Black ;Wt. •• "
. I% obt.l^,
11 , c,11 and Cw•hm.,r,..,
.! i
114. 12-4 amd
1-4. P-4 4,1 Ina, , tler.
4 .414 A 134 Ta 1.1 ,, Ilan*4•
.1, 11 1. 1 than. , •/..1
101.4,,, 40,1 1 P 0.3, ,
11,Ph Ilno,k 1.1 130. , —l,
111,a,4111..; t r.r.rh.
• •
Lupip • Blank
Mourns: ch4.0. , .:1 and s
/11,-k Conlon ,
"I, nrp s
• V.A.
hr. n - li ant Xl-1.• nr.4
am! , P.sni`
nn.l,l,rap itanfir,
JYIIY a 4:A.,/;111.
1 SE DE LAIN EA, 14, ;!: . 4-4
' nt " 314 ..4 11. • I,lin
r •r, :
N EATL - EAEEEI) tAM/11,%M:s••-N109.t.v
A• ";`.,
MASON A I'll t,
11'1,0011 1)11, Cl.Ol . _;,,„,
N.. st.l) ) 111 11111.1.1,
Iv ECEIV ED THIS 1).1y, an" Pow
jilt, at %, lA+ rir st:•-•
:tro f.r.r., %mi1...4 1 r—rwrre... , lll, ar..l
1.1 1.1-4 ,1 rt., rol,rval mral surar, r
'if, 1,1.w...a fano,. ra.artm.r.l cf
v.. 1114,111 la llt.
40 4, I. nalerottirt , 0401 innrcrr
144.4 dor. 44041 4,0r1.....
A Ito . , 0.04.4,110.4” 4.1 4 . r.+o•4 A( 0,144,4,
. . . .
. -
~h t, h ,,..,• tl, ..., •....• pl., ..1 it KA I .
MAI• l:14/1111,:.•11 deg ITV, 1../lom • bl. 11, I , . AMT.,
nn hwtd, , fe.a....g Pm , • i tho 1.r.,...t .ml tur.t1a.•1•1•41.1...•
etiokv 01 ~.t.h., w•lapt...l I.r ...on z.,,1t .. 1F..., sts sr,
ressistetrs entrust,. an A • .1, h 1.10 — ia.4. , ...t• , I , ~ ,,r a1.....
•••1 u.•.0..r at tho ver, Kor•••E pri•••••• 1.4 .a-h
er.h.rr ;., 0, Tatior.r, 14..............1 ts. 11,. lam. m.....
New Fall Dry Goode.
A. MASON t CO., tutee 11.1. , 1Ved and
• Pre non. nponing--6 mown nn. Yonne Moritnn, 01
wittlfol rhailen, rolontani:onnroppl, Itz thin market; 10
ranee. Alcamo. aml Lustre.. embratatic ;Awn 1.1
inlit wan, onl•ii. Chameleon and fut . 4.w , Pi. nwinlew
rarro I`anama...o hlnot Clollin. and COMM . , intuition
all shatlen arpl nosh:hoc 100 pos. Worwini I•erltn, LAW
owl f•nry elo•r• lot •1
miern which ne ate cool:dent aro unDmoolentrill,
4 CcORDEOICS—A splendid and varied
knek .1 iL. Loft brtruly, Jari rlrrrlvrd.
if 7E.V—A trry defirablr ruluetlan. with I. 4. n. and
kryr, rnrint irtrad. and rd the int.t matrya, •rrj , rhezrujurt
orwut I.
rybrreißlAn rxtrartrr anti chnle , rtrek arrfilna.'
110/./.lS—Ylsmu ra•ry lam aid rm., and of errfr
S fay ir and Prn . • . •
lIARP TRINUS—A One 411.-rtlatu Orr, far fiultar hnd
l.Wtnnrq,Tahsv.lluair'. Illimenrnr,Trumprtr.mOrlr ,
ery yarirly ot Purrs I urtrnmontr. relreral hnd tr.l by Ow
oruperlimr lummulf• aryl unid at Trry rm.,
Alan. the nrarrt end mast populsr hi tisk: ,nat rrrutyrd
N. —Thr 111rOT E. Ina rnrurnta ere
in hr ror
rrct por u•rt is orrry srrpret—d try thr ma.
ury Ir. rrturnrdr II LE111:1I, 140 Thini
Frpd r`lriri Tllb .01.1 JEN 114111'
I A /WETS CARPETS —ltee'd this day W. 31E-CLINTia.A. ro, and rieh rtyler Snywlf nr.
I,t, hod Cstumon /SUR A I.`e GI R11:7.5; wiltrit In. arts
prruared to 0.11 buret' tin , . ruy Chrwthrrrt Warr narrusl
In thin market. %It. cordatllr Invite thr httrlttlon tri
frond. and than wn.bmir purrhhhe I. air. no n
the Old tablishod .3hrtsrt tt hreln•urr, Ni,, SG Yourth rt. IV. AIrCLINTIICK.
1.4 1 AL1• ree'd, per express,
4. Grrrations Ifunrirtllildranh,
whrcat and Most Inflion,ldr rt, Inc dus Yher
10 pc , . Urn dr Afryjao. twoptuful
Alaroohnu, /LW h tirq.o.hrich Mon, rbendro tips
1W DRESS 1.1001,5.---Wa are . nrav n,-
relvlaa the newest 1411myloof Droomlloodn.ourh
Itz., (71utorwrot, I:ohea,
vonutta., Fr..rwh 11.r3t,.., nod Thll,ol Over luta,
ptoo, Ivor toe. 1r,31 A. A. al ArON A CO.
VIIITE COODS—A. A. Ataaor.r tr. Co.
have .lant fled While tonnlailna
pinip nna plaid Jardoolt, 2 , V 1,011, pia. and 11,...,1
111.14 Dank livolea Namo ,, 4 Muslin., at. Au nawrlmetti ca,l ••••1 rl,eap. 0..141
rer',l a twalsOful vv , rtment of very erlrh
On. Marl; $114.. •Isoo OPITabl.
are ital/ YOrtIE the at.ut4 ,, n of purellawas. .ry
nuperlor Or. de Afrinu, de Loaistilul Chau.
- -,• •
Feiss A Ni..IA - CRON ET EDui!sum,
kj —MURPHY A openal thir
morning I'.elginko..l4 inbrrting, Jurkt....l
Nixioax Alla I nr,11.1., 11.1 and Isksvrttn,,,,
Thritul ELlglg.ip. and lo..rtatug. of 1..-
rhexl , pet"
Straw Bouact so 4 Hat Warehouse,
No. 10 MARK FT Sreirgr,
11; 11 ;
p r ,.., A , l3 . l , Fjt . offe t. ro ,.n, fo . r f
.0 1 Zl7
try Made, en
~fl . ,.°l6tira,. 1.7.1 A :;11
1107.1 I.thy , and Bo llo y. , Lorhorc,
LyoS hop) and
Iwo. and
lan!, Awl oil., Nina., arrAt 'earl
sty or oh ‘, mid niaterl,l
RlBlW:s—ltsrl. Bonn, And Krarf. plain
Cn Satin and TAP ,
CLUon ttettA
3r1t,411 , rriMmv.a V—Cordo.T.ntiA, Math°a, RrAhl...
Naha., ,
Aso inats—i math azd /mune. Molina bunches .pd
" Mr SrflirlAtltTLVll-1112cia OM 4. N..
L .
tiro. de lthine, *larvae, and other aryl.. arsortod
coalitiel , and tutor.
fas—Atoortpd m 55.1,1144, and ak.,
Aw,..4och wig by 'mord FasseoLf Unbeebl3•o4
Bac% 14. •
- - - -
chickering's nano. •
.1011 N H. MELLOR. Agent for iv o isi
Chlekerinsro Timm for Eittsburah
and R'eftorn 131171V.ia. No 61 Wood
o h t " Pt:7; : ti ' lZT; ' ,TolVthz o ,zlnr:, ' , '' , CI II TP I a s
Boston, cousinlog of 6. Oti, 6 34. 664 f rarwrd mrsif
F OR SALT.—A second hand
ritaye, Oleolat Mahogany
cake, naM. by Loud Innthara Price.our
and.ynty-dnl/myr. on nix monllm
or the usual dlyronnt Iny rash: for sale h 1
total JOIIN 11. SI nI IJ , ll , nl 4 4mYI yl.
New Millie
Como whereb. gee, sorphm pas,
Th. harp that ono, through Tara's Italic
0. sin: to me.
Comn'tttitt B t Y J
Combo' lI
Auld Robin (tray: lath hod Itthom dotal, he
Homo. meet ill.e. Is.o front thy sat,:
The Cavalier; rho Lord's Prayrr. nab mu.
Tho li...trate, a sequel to the MC by ti Mori,
Cavelier. A touting Ilytan—... Sworn
&lite the Lam gantlY, hy rcattll fro Pat'h.d."
Wtsylluirr Y
Why do umator Wel
Thu I,st Wart, with rsteore4plate.
Sweet Antsa of tlo. bah. Forest.Brbloo, Flow., Stitt.,
Th. .ors;: - tvh and Illutmey p o mp..
Call mu pet auto, Oiroo alt.. Bloomer, gr.
14.1,1Yed end for .ale by JOIIN IL-MELLOR,
o'u7 At Wool Are,
Double Reed Melodeon.
eubserilier bee just ripened it very
floo 31..10d00n. with doubt.. not of root:,
II tea. orlhtlnel Invontor, Corhardt Needham, N.
d. 11.1.1 tostreetnont is ...tout in tumor tont). Mtn ar.o.
n.I modh guto.reor to It In Polo, of nvrooton,n at lono, on
10-lly to 'laud In tarot. nod raollily for t.ranntotr , -1.1., It
snloodo for tioo In rhurol.o, nod tootttit to.
lontom I. to any nth,
put-attn.. no en , troutoot t1...1...r.1).00 t."Poot•
lolly to‘lt• .1 to call and esnenlor Ow ran, 0t..v.0u• to se,
Lolo./...nat tone, I.nt elm
h'o...•olorod I• 1 111 , 11 ie. th is oltr
II 111.EllElt. ri.'dent
New .Itoons.
rST RECEIVE!) and for 611..1.y .1. 1
1.. t.• wlllllrnml 14 - 1111
11'` , .11 • 1 0 1. • , J I T
I 111,rtile th, Ilk T
11.0 11,•11
160 1,, end Ow lle, on A onl,gur the pr3nlnl
II nrron Y nothor 1.1 Son nod 'IL n.
n oro ,n 1 Lector,. on ay. .irnal
• ar.l mronlol 11 lannkin.l. 1.
o I.nor I na. In O
The 11. , 1ne .111.4 r, Appeal lu 1.400(.
and h, mug,. and eulen,lar
r.r, tor fasullT 00..1,, Jr. F.
0. 11.0.....-ene, ..0.1 without re1t.0.0,.
011001, tl, • tru:ll.l4
le, I, NI
it.. Alv.%n. Itlr r11:01) (Mt. t- 14, notnr runt. In.nnrrrtnn•,
M rolp, ~1 It ..4, awl mut/m.41 a -i4
• 4. -11t1 1 .---The magnificent N I:NKR tt
~„.,‘ /diva
~,,, Rt.!, thr
11. hl. tail tail
',II: elnrt. N.. 101 .1.1 .Ir•vt
Nunns' Grand Pianos !
UST IIECIF:11F:1 , , .plendid
4 : roil
•••• Nu.,• rimrk.
N. , . igixtruu...nt
nt it I mt..l rack:lllw tut... l u g
r '•,. tru , ,~a 11•111111.7. arMI
•• lk•ri•••li,1/ 111 jt••
.0•T .• 1•0•1l1••• 114,1 . 4114 ••Ng•• 1‘ tint, 1 /111.401. m.
tit pul • • fur11,1 ,, ,,,..1,rne1, rlelt Rad
_• • ••••1 Ulll.l Itl I tr. 111•11.,./111).3,.1.•
II 1,1.11:111. Ir.l
Nunn. and ..inrit
A History of Pittsburgh. •
p (11110. EN.-A 11i4-
I).rT Input lb.. , nrlirwt 01-.4
,•et..l I.r st tap In. n, Jnwrn (11. rlla.i , a al.-
,klur.. • t•lx ‘.l 1.1•‘ , t4l.l.o.mrkt nt m. (
itLaroi ..... grk , u• rk• 1100,
1114 r tit. i.r”kket las•twi. I- u•Id•
• r • fkr
i i
:t t.rrl. i• n.• r.n k. i,ku
ten .%. iit• •11.1 rrkisrrk.k.... of los,.
1•••• :. - .1.K••••••••• • • .th.r • r•rn.l
-,starr un•umitbe 111:•".•• /•••ruiliwt 3..g.thrr
•••ihtt•••• tn order 0.., var..u. lur:tl-oco,
1.•••."..s..—•••• ••ur a's ii. Jun-
at,l Mg br )01u II Al M. 1.141,
New Stock of Cluckering's Piano Fortes.
It/ rvr•ltn.
l'lll, , .11:,
rt , ..nuitt•.il .41 ...rib:. 11. n.
6. ptn•t...:....f. - lund
rnsr, r...„.rU. P .. " . 7 " i.
I - :anon part 1,1. n 1
J.. 11 N II f1E1.14 , 41.
New Muite.
1 1 11 E GIPSY'S SONG. or Mr 11.‘11311t
, rurs: • ars ras.t.rso4. arsp.aurs:lsy J 1:14. at
lirsssorrst • usossoir „L. A •rrr Who'' , • Os:
.13t, L. it," • ,•• %UM,.
Aunt Er- er.thr.r.n.
la.rrsr - tor
Thr llsso I. r—lssoraral l.fll),:rt r
„..or rrsys u Sax a„I des
hi, Isrstr. Trs.l-1
es:a , sos—st Ilaro
Sacred Music Books.
d 'ANTIC.% LAUD'S, by Nlasou & Webb;
SI INA V,Vl.i.
Nt tl CilnillN4
111 'Y.
diheulty ,orrret umi
n, .n WM, LAS k . ll, tr-411
;“11.1 as.l r.. 11 e., 111 ,utow.
juot 4:re.b.l arr thr tror,
yr r r.. rr, r. Iwrr.a. •✓ .rII C•rl tn•
1 1:1 nl•1 I'.
.. n tl.. rr•.l 1..r~ Ilxrl , . r.,, ILrt.l •r
Mete Music_
I toll N II
OP ••• • •
- 1..
t Mhar,, , •ra,
ft. 1,7
• _
NGRAVEII PltiosllSSola NiyrKs
A 11101)T: —A 1 trio n.r..oty
• “ HIVE!. Elm,
m rr, r , mark. a ,, l I 1•.
ji LANK - S. ,m,rmer
hn. It .2 Iv tn. 1•r,.1
..,11,•••1 ut it 11.1,11ni
rrll I. .l 11..
MEN, AI , .1 I,Ltrl ICP.:I 11V Till: -
• 11111. a C4....t...54111-1, Id Agrrou,t , .
Psim al
lIA T I:Yr , St Sllnn.r.
nn.lmrn, an.l .1.
1 . 5' 0 A Tl. b. :llb li No b,L lV ;.
i by . Il b 1 - i tzi , tirl
f .
if TE low, In dreams of twir . e. y rtillJoi
the Woo., with vignette, lam. ol,fl to thy 1 , 0
two with vignette Naly lily, Yr..: The Serenade, by
,rhob.rt, Tim Carry Chant, by Itmeroli, Judy blelaari
n eon:- When the Ilrlght 00
ho art Darbing.
llorne Ili me, I lArre The., doettn, Tho 11.1 Old %%nod,
w a Lad' , Evartiou .—Twilight 1/•• arw
Come 1 fret lo drawing high, 40,11., Son.J lit
the HOW lirothenc Mall Columbia, with likenetwoflion.
Ua.bit aton, La Belle or.the VIII.",
1.1 aft: " I l t orti .4 , l 7o7e r a l l:6 ‘ o b a ft o l l Zo l a 7:
Lt n .l'e u t
51,11.1. 7.11511.11 and t.• took aarinrour—llocolor, Haver
Mar tiolop Huagle• Quirk Mem 1n tin Medley llvertnros
I, nose of • octant). Nn. 11,:fbmrook of Inland, No
I, I NMI, 11 2,Alavirl. Ito , d and for gals by
4011 NI II fli.l.lallt. Si Rood
N IC --
BOOKS l--The Storle
Maw n Saint Print.. N Wake Tale,
S,il Ur Unman. franalith from the
Mello ir I' Itt • Ir..lward Inekrryteth, lab It,. toi 0 01 a'
ton, ll• rt., I y new T It liirkm, II A , Ilartor of hellrhall
brta. with an Intpatortlon by Merhen II 1 yrtu, 1/
2 TE Rena
otleer Itonian fintlatiltlce • Manual of Item., 81,
numeroueillartnitlonr, by Chart.... Amnon.
Ila 't
I halt in tho Moth Claraw; cr Irleknotiala.of Chrlation 1,10
In tr.. bib kg. a from Una German of I h., lota otop
t Neraoh, linno sow,
(he Mar of the 00 Ire al.n. • Commentary oath. , Arson ,
Charter.) M. Matthew, by Itlchard Cheriesia krenct.
U., hsaniinina Chaplain of the ., or /halloo of Oxford, ae
lamb. I from the linedlitio IN., moo
Lemont Algebra —The klernenla of Alkebra dealknf.l
for litetnnerw, Xi/. Loomis, St A, Prof...or of Math
°math., an
N r in o:• , l.l . ll3 ,,b Lr l zsln •
t , el.l.inta r No of
o lla r . rtr b . n y am• illoralily „ rol i ztaL••
N EW 1300KSI—='I'ntpi. in Bin United
Mole, ar. during PIN and lks ly
frith - I.
f,.0 I rot I Mo. OW
No I. h r A naval, Applaton'a Itechrisdre Inagname and
nocito.ara* Journal
ho. le Pit tom! 1.14 Id nook of the Rovolution
. . .
N. a , awl Dictiary of 1100 co, knxibn}York
." Oil on
J. 2:111:71 . 1 4 . g harti fion i vi,„"
art lourth rtrort.
V F I A Ilnacorimo halo loot moriroal a lot of v. , / ul EnyliJlk print.. for exhibition at
Oat, ht attention of 11,.. nolo. O. OZ.'
On ,
Now Books, Just Beceived:i
A.Er EAST: a Problem; reprinted with correc
t p.m aed eAdittour; by the author of Alt.. Loan
ih "'" l Cl""Patr.Ouw,oof Egypt by Jacob Abbott.
ISmo.. MOP.
!duel. . Tale of tho Puritan. 12.n0. mutt
orn a Taliv. by Annan. lknrry, sotto... of l'lrriarntr
aryl Vortunen" taw.
Appirtoriv . ll , 44.4l,4' Nintakin. and Enewurs . Jour
rink No O.
Ily rriv'm Dictionary rf Epition Work and En.
gin a ln n¢ 3 • N rnlie u rtiel ' a POO b lo tio Revolution; No.l 4.
Plmitin, sits( Toby an.) 11 llittory; ultb^.l)l.ltb.
ev ,, ellie epx. by . 11. ilibbank of Rata Ural,. Cord ,
.4(40.1 by thltl el P- kildJrr. tntin
for vale br ' J. 1. 11R.411.
111 . .tttktto naneler, inuriN
em and Public Nocuotrats of {ha Rolled &Arr.
i the, Anievaiou of Orlirgis Waelfington to the bTuidetr
•onniplein•lauorourlbrutzvirelationa akin
that tloar t . .tricluillog lkundeuttal Poraiountii.
Nan' acct,.) Itiourna; Nand, Utrtatioali
Onev rsphke I. l!tsteni d, mbor o t t oj, and. Pk
Inwaeweny PlEara era ho tin tokother rtlth
~.oboes of the Leis and - vttnsfactotos, sail • liscord etthe
Sera. of the Times tun
The %bore talttablo wort* for Nile
,kl 7 11. LL fITMILTON, 47 Market et.
M.E I / I .CAL.
Dr. geyser's Pectoral Syrup,
COditoIdSIPTION In Ito early otadeo, R ht.nitt,Counlt.
Croup. Ilmnohltto. and lb. •ftrit•or thoesorto of the htz Im
Mart 1",.f.
oh. of eh. ntoot ,rtoin and etr..rtllll reraiolioo
for a10e.... of lb.. 0h...1 and ruhnhrtarr erranr eror
not It to a comitinattnn Tir, ll l•lolahlnm
elnor to tho than of a Syrtto. In .4n, tn mot, it peat,
Lle. It boo on action entirldt dint rent In - am any or the
Cough Medicineol II nnt rhaotipato ih.
bowel, nor nroduro oh-kneoo hr 11, otesnotelt. a ['mutt -inn
enton,n uI t..tralt
. . .
This tonsidt th.• sopstastinuilant s, tit of
mns e n s unit ottend enturrliai
id tarsi-nuns: isnd its natant,: rttt•rt in &Liu,. ts•t lint.
G o 'fA arsen..., end nittehing, lie reins! strtnin
propristnr hits leAttallltlo isiedirine in • sescline ye
twat yea, and with, slimes
Cuutitry slurs •onlil • sitneirsil
this welkin.. sonstantly on Irani!. a. It will :tot', lan to
sass rplisf. Anil affords n I .stis tirntit.
Ciews ti !bp most distresinun Colighs Lists lirniticht
before the notice of prusitn.tor.snit liars
In • serf Short time. it i• of the st.estesLl
Itnnan. It up in MI , pint bottlia at In NI., tqtrlt,
or ti Winks Sir
Yore, norLt.l,..ale rotPll. Kaysaa a ma'am
ELL, 110 (fwd t, I.
Fol . Baldness, Spurf, Ihuadruff. nut the ir knot, dixeln...
of tile I.og nJ Ip--r•rvartmotdvil It. tho Pit.hurvli 4kl/1•
merchal Journia, iv rims Tribun, lbnruh-T51,4,7
other Anon., Icsr
larr P.M.., d , .. *). Perfumml prriokru
~ wnder iithr ng the hnAr wit end bout IN/1111W
IVnthantol to rum the vrtm. rxe.. al Tooth A cn. lu e
ery th-e, nod thsthut.nrou,li
- - - • ••
lrtiort ,antl I•ita 1.:t0,. th. r
I r L ln.l
rommulentl.l 111. 1.1.1.
It 1 •11.1,.• 10. 1111 ..r. .rnl 1..1011%. •.. I •.:
lil I' 1- 1 ..111 • ... t.r l,, I - 1, ,L 1 1,
t‘ .fi.ii% 1a.., 1, 11 1 .%I
11 11 1. II 1.. ...1.
,Frc •al.. \ • ,I. 1... -1.•
r I ,11,11
s Et.I.EWs' I'm 1.11 •11ti
„, ,
...hi e. n
1 4 1 1.1 )nENCE I.ol.llllta'
wt... iuf• ••
I t I. 3111,, , 1,1 „: 1 , „, •t
-„„ „ „ ~ ,„,
~ r
Vi•r 4.1.•
, I FINt: 11)111.,” )I.ll
lAtnnmlirm, 1,411 )
LI tots ••,, ...•
t• t 11,• •ti.l prtre,
lert,d, 1,1.1 r,. 1/1•• ,1•11,1 le
•••g o 4( inArem.-ry, trl 'AI ••
yrea: rJraLtan 11. .U.,n u-nd
•H. 0. FarreLl'o
FA ELL'ti gentit,
ntrnl t• a ntn•l , rat HIM., I,
^r oo, •at , U.^ 13 , " , 4 I...ttte 1,11 t • - ttt..l tt,
Int•nrt,' v. tilt nwit•mtntt• •11... • ... 0/4 . lir ilt•t1; ,
1.••••• Itttz 411.1
,tnntisit, n mint,
Alttnat • >mar and • 1.11 w, • ••.•111n.; urn. •rt•l rt,
••••' I nt . ,1 1-, tt•t, trttl, , 7 11 - ..11,
pstn got Ott. t•Ivt•• r•tr .•••rt ttt.ll..
nntrg•nn-nt ttf t 1 .1 •n ••• I .rut•
tnal [lto • •••• • anti attn.., •••4 tz • tt • 't •.1
111. I n 61.1 nnl.l nr:
11.••t inn, 1 • tt• t.. 11
i L .
I Rol., portoratrtor • I
lin. woman hot or, ',air torot.. v.(tl
lm M •ittt.n.l .n (I o Irutt
tlooo r-outr, .to rr. r torrlt
I. Vr'r , m Ito. •prtetly t, r,,. • •,1 , toto
nln 14t
• ot', • , 1 , r•I I .....
tom., wmlrry t ,rort Arr., • str.r, o•
tool I.rutrorr or to ro. , • or` nr
to I •.1 r.,ntoo-, %,t, .1 it., • L•
tri ..t.tunt.t.....1 (L. 0r...4 ..o. 3.! r,,.t. •-••••
rorr, .1 ..1111‘11,r ,
Irop I . 4in of ^.•c revir'statolloo , or".ll.,-/I 41 Varr.r•
,tt I Lovi I.wr, apt -4•1 ulth
tul 11.4
rut •••l II 0 r l..n I! •
A. L+4,11) ttAl tl.,
Ir tutu, , r
r . ri•.— I • ,••u: ,
t a
al hn,.. 1.
bark,. 1.11 us,,, hul 'nut
La Gsl, er.dr.l.l. Prnria t. It it.
r 141,... t I.‘
The Humiab Body tdukt Pciapire
N1T1 . 1; .4 1:...1,,.
W111111:ai 111.1..1111 •
.I,l] rid. It,. rt... 0r... I 1:,.
4/•,1411. r.‘
buy it 'mt . , “11 .1 Si fa., VIII.
I.:6• Pearly TVI.:6 Von Breath,
Lir Mat II Ihro •• rr r ir...t
ii.A1..1,11, at zet [l. .:40 1.41...att .
A Scientific flair Tank, nisiitoror , inii Beau
r.—final rtint+ TL , who Law
Flci IF tit qualitFi-i
Mope who bale *.• .1 , 04/a , • 1/1 ,
Qualitli+—lt liir /14L/ pi"
~. i t in n
rtt air , vor
er r iatiO cr =rya, lut
'kr w t Lau' +ill mail .110. la , 11,11, i.n „ tc t at
thia—ll a.. trnl, M., it It
zoo. t.
tirlld only at Ne M. J.U.KSIIN'FI , o - rr. XlO 1.11..rtt 4r,01 4
hret I .4 11.•.1. Pittal.urAb.
JONES' Solution of Jot, t LATlid llmai
lI.Ir fi.r th, ch.ingloa rOl, or Crrr I
1.0,15 n. prort
.e.. 1 fl•
11.11,1 I.; VAL JACiLS 4 tS.L4o.Lawrlt+tr...heral..l WLol.
rltr4 ur.o.
Unaral unitil
Tint ntilpiari, nal, MEI
arovrarn al
hnu roar, how rniath, awn., an, ~Fri 001
Lbw Ai warp , :l.v.l•
artilrh les
all Jon.' 1,4.1,41 Lilly WM..
IL iia,airfinitly Ina.ciint, putlfnal nf all i:iilvfnrlntia
qualllinia 9101 it imp,. in Ow akin a 1.10,1 11 0 0111,1
aliaatar, Hoar, wine at tin= • an, Ain . a
moll.,) walls., it if ill anil
.. •
140.1 b 1.10, .1,.44, 1441 J .141,44 b. 0cr4.44
held .1 4...b0r0.
•• • •
.r.4• • ••,1••••/ ••••• •
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder
W A t S t.t i t2T uut t
,u,n lV r ra t n to:1
Mai:MM. Ina Ott —Pot your . rlot3er In n rollletent
quantity cold 1,1,1 tt. 3.3r.trotto nu then add 1,, latdo.
3 .p...113611r nr•thlr rut, pew 313,3 to .3,13 t watrr
trot with the it the water 3. 1r.,. rid 1130,
he Powder. and 130311101 n t/n the , 3 3„
pretrt thrtntlorrn with • atiet, thou rut thrtu to ' h
told aunt/lout cold 'rat,. to that Ihrr will ant 1313 too hot
In handle. The rub the dirt). antale. or its nth, ...P.
yrirt. them a thorough rlnitott, and that to eult,iont to
mato theta heap. ll.—Thrre bring nnt,,wi n In 1,-Katp. 0 • 111 Lace
rinthra wary while. ani.l 133,13031 3331, rut.3ll. a.. 13,0
nape do. Tin, rut,. eust of lb.. L11..111 3133.. a rot
two ern., to untold... a %Kenn, ul antad
Warranted not ern . , 33t 3r ',rn thr lothem.
Tidal+ a Powder that nowt..., • tit wale I trolve yuat t.
131a6rrtuse rvat 1t3.• —Tait, ray alx gun,. water 3,31
nna thr Pow.lrr tt, and thro .t 13.3,1 3 3, i3.3t.
utrx, then add ria um., eta t... 1.03. ~,,,
turth and rrt army whet . . it not and
.111 r.r) Inlet and tore It Isiir and
will wto h writ. an3l w e n not rat the hand• n 11,3 I I,•rt
Snap, nor nit the rluthrs. Can Iry orrd with ,tui or roll
talc; ht tusks'. thr 300014 In, Is quar. met, had 33t
brut,. The lullSoap'. Molt attantud for wlulong .33133,
and woollen
Nuld whulerrl. and retail ht C.
....... - .. ,
, The Maly eat . ..torn List•ntnin nnd hole,,,
As Vines:Xt. ryml..r It (sr sup..r., d......h.gn0 It 4.• r
f;r g 'ts.:7,l',;:rrri.l . wr,:: - ,4;'. 1 . - .;V:1,7,1!:L":z - ri;:
~r , ....,,,..• 'henry tor the pnmtt km of Hlloi Ai nod brin ' illi.
Ti lii highly twoMmentlett to 14.1..1 tr.r the ...oaf, and
delimit , Purism ..1 . t 1,.. It.ilot: an
t e r 5t,.....,...t 11...
Web... id the er ot plea wt.. Ite .. molten p r..pert 1.... 1....
per the heat snd art no, of
the sin, -anti 1111,rt 1. , A all
sUreelsble elnstieity lly Inhsling It. &ma rubbing et .41
the temples. It rill remove henAmehe In I., M 1..,
Jai& t ,, , Ad be It. ti :1..1.1.X.4.. 57 et.
,10SIOP—The suhdcribero hrive
entetnlltanOo.Partnershlp under the bent of Fouts
A alma A (WSW. WA! lI.A.IAIVR. '- .
1- -
'R ENNET'', BERRY h CO. have ro.noved
to their op ', Warthouso,cornorot (Unary hos sad
area. i • Jriktf
...,....,..,:\ '
--Jam.. 18.
LILA Ith N.. PA.IIIIN A ("1, , Ilocnx- . I'aualllrrollf.
riluE PROPRIEISONS if t i. told and well 1
k F area,, e,.told to4 , rtn the p lr that they as
flaw it, operanou lop Lbw pm"... am... Allsrerotamtro.
eetl r-a,r.0.: trawl., and P I I-N . erPl.' , ~..., , ,I ' I tIT 'N . ' T 1, ! ,..
' .51371:11 ' .. -' 2. " si 4letlr=: l ''' ltz t e ot tk.a L t 7 l ix
Line will F... cpuetantl aat the landlng, Lela he !Inca.
i''''''' ' '.
'''lv Stli ' llf h A " CAIJ(1111 t,JI n L
Ollce. epp Wsteh and F,LatthLw'a a 11..., I . lllc,Tk.trch
11 W INuntpncli ,ra. New
li C. Nlslnew-, t'ula.akl, I's
tv c kir Inn. Nharpn.
1 A Hal, :tharr,burgh, \
, tr. ',pone d Ca , tireelmil.,
it ra IlenlT. 111 In•
SI , IN , wer, Ceuesutallle,
c if Ilepl. V 'le, Pa .
0 11 11 allt,roda, lluffsln, N Y. .P
' New Lake Superior Line,-1851.
'TINE new .i4..ime NORTDENER, Capt. B.
q to P.rn . . haylop very modem Improtonent at,
0.,..t( and rota (am will I,- ye Cleveland on fkoilab the .1
E 4 Ms, t,, ,t. on her hr.,. a—nthl weekly thereafter no
Frley. at IN, n'elnek. I'. NI, .. the Bull Ste. Marla.
The mesa,. rII ANIIATTA. Capt. Jana CALWIFILI, Will
lim,. ,alll Mr Nlsrle. Jr the /I,llereaL Imulanp• pa Lake
,Nup.razr. fat.the serves' al thVi 181121, Di nn , ...rn., Unk.loc
• 1",..1) , .r. , 11 ha, thr.ll, ....t the.} , lllf.ll, lAtlrk..,
e1. , ..1...1 .+‘.l ...0.1.1. , ..1 IT , !tiara.%
• r.,,,,. , ~,'' i t A. TiIN YU, ‘ PJ \ rop r letorr,
" i VI./ al IN fIi.VG/1.1.1/ . .c M. '',K, to tall brpther,
plpiN 111 N I/11 , kl, the \l•lneee nll hl , urphzill laere.
ham a
' mehl WM RINI; II II
--\— s
. .
Buighams' Transportatton the, \
, t'4........t. ..-- i• • s \ i , •
i i. ra
:1 - . 4 •: . ------4-.;T 4 ( . 5 . .
11E1,1 FEN
1 . 1 Ersitt 1:.;II A TII P. EA.jEttN etTIES\
r , I •t, • \\.l i. t. mg now 01.. 1., we •rr rea-..
'I p 1...0,, r.,111,. I. ..,..
.., t .a.l I , r 1 nmaNea,
I , I la. i 1 wz..A 1. , /, , •I Al re, ur n .. l ,,thrally
, r. rl:,;iMi or %
~.., \.., 1,
'''",'.r :'.'riVii '.,'"l , 7l;:l•,;`r,i,":.Tr'‘ " h.
, "re, n i N!,..” - ‘l, my! I'll/ode...a lA.,
!Se 1, .pel, 11 , ,,,i ,Inet. it rims
alit itNle 1'
1 fll F.: 111 Null', NI la.. ill Ct.,..t. 5. 1t... k
Merchants' Transportation Line,
It • , il N Nal 1 0 kl:Ik CANALS Alir, RAILIZI/1 ,)
Fllit Ili I 1....1 1 iKLPIII.I 1 1 111ECT—WITI\
••• • I:P4-1111101 N.
i. Ile %Nl_ 1.11 n kit , Lei., Ilse., 404 Phan sur e ',
I','r'' .rL'. -.
It I: Central ulmd. Itmairtrna,t; red
„ m••ithitidl
111 ••I t...eap• •P Op • rwnit, Pf rpual• to 'MO
••• •:. uthl,i•
P.• 1.,•••
, uuntln.r a.s 'rose. ,••••1•1• , 1 t•
r 1 nny [lily .1 A.A.,
, 14un).1•, ' 1,).•
C. A MOSU4.II co,
C•PRI. 11.1 P.
nw 185 1
To Ship Ors of Nerd:Gl- a / 6 .5, Pioduce,
1.• • 4,..1, I• IV r t rnt-g... /14LTIAIOXL. MI
N. X,X,X.
HELL\ \CE PI FT:ill EtT .
T.ll' I uN
1 -; gt t l'rurtn•torn. Ns, .47 glarkt4, anti (4
t l
Cntut.,t•rt••• trt•••1, I . l.o,letnitia.
1.1r.,.E1V. Aut.., Grata Ittkto. Pt. urgh.,
.r.t u urn', linlttrunrn,
1, • N 1 ... pr. pur., ••tt ,1,-41•••nitn t • I thu Inutu Irant•
n• mutt,. t nr• .r.tritt
X. X•lbi n, XI Ir•C
•1.1, t.t•trat nun n •1••••natel• und tuar M. /
• \
W. \
11,*d• I
-1 1v Alt' len & rAI
rosr 1
Ca4Basos, Prnn k
Penna. Rail Road Co.— \
Q \ Rail .
'II it. a11t...r111,2. harlll t \ilt,l l appoint,
t,,, pin: rt.nt. frt. the Penns ril*Or erOtrzl RIO
1,. At r, ros Ilir p.rh.h tha t tr.. krt. 1 Ar pt h pare d lo r
h t
....• ‘
.....1. ~., 1141. rout: rr th tr ;to.' th th a, t,,,,09.4
.•, ~.......,...1 ~. u... 111 he qrirgrdet r•• th,eoro g ro..
i, . r i . • r .Alvsn,.
• r tA,r rt, 0r,.1 I,IIS. • ritltt I. hit A rzt4csoo.
1 , , ••••••1 /1..1. ;rl. .. 1t.......r. [ utr's.t., 1 1 ,(1hIlleo.,
I. r•,.;,... Vurt.ll , bru t 'Aki,
Slo llti
01 1. , '
1,. -I. 1 ..h. Oult..r, I.Art. tint 11.1, 1..1 r.rn L.A.I.W \
nul l
t•.” A, i1r.,,,t11..,. . . to. r t \
A ,-4 1. r., 111-,..,, • l'ar. Par, ,11r 1 0 iirrnmn ' T .
.:,../r 1
C1111vf11: A %PLY,
Frei& hit. received for all the \Allay S tions
on the Perinsylvtiaia Centrtiißadro d.
Alter 11.431,1 11
.1 \
i 11 r illt,u. \
A 11 i iurt. .
I '"'"' ' ...
\ \ '
j4.,..!:. 6 rfr.. \
I II \\F../1 tiT n•roivr,'
.•. , 14.11
cent Starch It h. \ \
fili, I , 'O,-- F. \i \\Y,
,' 1 k
k \ • to`` t nt• IL.. I `I, rto o , 1,,-., ,
\ ,r o •to• ,t rtof I I to.
`ft , o, aut retatkAk MILS
~I\ f,`, tf'T.l.l nt. 2 ` \* -•
I . kitl - - I kat 1 rolr ~ ``.l ,my rivw,t,a, 1 , , i V. 2 , -,
~.,,..., ~,,t.', .k ''i " V'l , '.' •` n ' "I ' " .1 ".
, ~, -,...,,,.. ~.% \ ~.,,, , , . .,..r. , , ~ ,
, i ' 11 i 0 ,,, 0,"
, f`t m f ,f , i ,\ H,... ,.r,r tr , 1`
,i Tk .„,, , , Lf1 , .`„,
~:;,;,:::, : l .f - Tivi i t; 51...7::,,‘i r,.: ~ C. , Ot```ftt • ''we lrol , klill fitttit. , \r , I
''''' . ' '''''' '''''` """`` l '''` M .4 ` , lLVli 'V t,.,lortt ' t \ k tl:lltf:ntltTet r kkt..!/4
(FR trortrat le r•
1.. . ' t:. ' .7 ,‘. . ' l ' l ' ,Pl ' , r :it: it ' ,V... 1 ''''' ''`f * t1..k , 11. 7t riottttloo '` - '
l'- ' ""' Vi ' . ' .... 'l / 4 u."4 '''''' .\lt 4, ,A...t . i' l r , ... ‘ 4i m."""m" l L'ltt'c 451 \^
. "..".".
r :2.,.:'l '') ` r" ‘," I Y•l‘..• ' gm. , tk , ,t - •1 Miy.remolwao, ,i 1 ran%
' • '
~,'''''''' ' •"' "'' ',, 5i " , , , , u 1 ,.. .„.. „1 „ . .... v rowed 91r. Look.. TWA st osett °prof . theta, for Ter
• W ' N ‘ ' I ...'''.4''' .I ‘ "' t/rt h li*4,l 4 l7 ISPVal y nt i ntvert.
W" „,, ) , 1 -` ---tn rh P'L'd 1 "r
4 : , , , , 1 u tk N k s • i ',„ ,• ••14A4m*1ii.,31,...1,.. , th. Iva.
.A L. ILN, _ . ',710,:k at.' ReverAblr Itr. r ,t •ENt'llt.Orr, Ittreotnl bt 1
` vane moot bo el en
Caintces. \ . \ \ ~'' ', ',7.,:d,g. ~..,„.' ""r d . int,fl\ t ' , n' ..AA ..u., 1 ,
s 4..i‘
i. , Ihrr•lnto . Irnmt ` It ' . prtytl2 pttotret It I. tur r`......
1 lIAVF Myt rOCei CrNi fr , nl. ‘ New r•,l1 - .N ~.,,,„.0„ it e N N r h, ~,,e,te. N.,. ruts IN I , A IItLA MIL \
~,,,, r...r.t*`, lt I N lOztt" MIL `Le t i \`` \ \ \i - .. - Y, b1{6.11.% StIV,..
Lt k c., I. N tit ND, For otle ko. t . .
~, 2 - 1,,,,,t, Efft,,,, • , ~,,,...,t ri i4:: , •,,,,, r•,,, ft ~,t,
~_, ••
~ t`, , ,
_%k , 4` :Of o. ohleh`oirso
. .„to . from der. , itrairotl IV
awn %, Pl. e I'.\ 0! I. E S '.—‘o lioY%; oon dote :„ r m ., * .1:1.. ' V' r .4, y . RV ,likr4e,M `. : '' :,l ‘ ;`,lC,: r , "
1„,, ,o. k f.I 11, I ,11,, ..11.tery,,t,1 math` pr. . ty. Orev,itetworortalett. ._,` ~,'
~', \\ .%
._ ~ ,,1 , - &, ,T .., ....1...wk. ,
7 ""' '"" lrkb P ik ri r ' - -'-'-` - \ A '. W ° ^ '''' t.;- k -. '`'- -
--- -A -, 1 ' ill IPO—Ctell'e tin tirfkrc4 potent'
IV iAN Ht. F. AND Hai .11, tht - ,,, - .. go ot etp. n.s. tt‘nln . •
iv.,!!l':';',' . `'h::l"7, r!t:" . .V4;r.%. „1",1`,.' k`,1741..., \\\ .
w poiNDi f v , it er r. !i n ril , \ \ , yi [i. ,,, hcip ,. .., \‘\ ~
Anth6,....--_,--- \-- dal A o band and Irian( temo.l,l.i x .. ,
, t.a.i. ' •'-.'., \ \ \ N
too; LK,4,L4DEIi •JOILLIrfIt,,,
', 1 134 Yroottst, 1
'll k TONS j u=t reeNred, c uPef i qur ti al'N, 'l' l. f t, • --'
d'T . 13141•1 \,7
04 / ff , rottrolrY or t•otN
. .7 i , , f..: , SA L O T `IT \ A , " , ,, , , k pa liaa
.., ea _on. • \ 1
~..1 Li , ? \ e,..Ae41,,, Vik. . , AlkE KING. Al ARATUNfA
N ..-A.,- --\s , •, - KT - - 41inalndsb ' , Learn 11l lintels, '..l!tanlns,Lnelk
j! IC ETIL! tee. prune eitrolino, for I , ge la lc.-- Clo., --- ...41.,, • Aati.:, 4 , 0 t . .1. 1 11.1 la ~
1, %4. I. JAM V.r.1:1VL1LV , L11 , :‘ , ..9? a....a)k .,, ,,,..‘ , ',Age, .. ~
1 f.. 11..-' 111 pigs linlenes ,64. • •;', • ' n e '"
.: , ~,-;•„,.,
. .1 - It'N
• rul for Lh. v .
Ed !WO pound. au, (11 t , t Lar.,)\lor ',anti! , 1
orlo 4 %MU: , A. II CHIN tt 1t , ..._.-:.: ,,,
4,. 11. NIU LASSES-20 tAlle.rime•§t..l.ooa ed
i' n.
I t, o Koff...rt. tor ~le II t .
oellt !AMOS A. 11 UltIN & CO: \ IC
Tatit 4, • \\_
W/Aell.t--2113 logo l'o, s's, N , ttrtg If.,'e. - ' t,
,1., Nei: & el , i. Nl , 4l•Stk
0 I , LS a -2;1
, 2 1 3
0 1ib r iy ,, ,5p , 0ny d 0i1,..3 , 1 ,.. d0.:0f t , r d n o, d r %
"'“S. . '
p Eris El) SUGAILS—Ari tsimrtane 'of
. „
a. Cr,ttost, t`larltott. I ttherflll o, 4 ..k.t ~
J.1..,„',....,..aul norer 'WWI ''''''•
''''''''";,-,. '
''''',:.l,j '''" "4""' 1 Alf ES A. llttliON A rce
Iti ~.,,,, of the .0. ,,, ,,,,..4, eurdkatm •‘•=. the im
1. , t1..t. ~ rot I.- ma r the mono ort`cto ill. 11,to woo 1 A.`mach
....Lett , . ti...ur cust” 1...r..L4, ro, 100. jui‘ 1.,1a ro
n,tod-Irrtn rtie .P . 6 .. ~..,,.. W 0... tlatt bot
h. lam' Ano,,ono unsfirtular,k. )11,1to Fik\orto\soll
toil 1,.....rtu0t`t ol rftetoor kinon , "l.l
~...:1 ill,ltlllt 6 1111111111VIEL\_
,soeuTRIKE ALO E S-' , 00) Itie. fe eA
..,.....3 N It. E. sta.cAus. N.
Q CI li A It Lt . :All-10014s. 'fyr teole,hy \o
L net/l' '
'LI V.L.A. l. F'
' OIL & iIOSIN—'2O G(l.. Tr -
•,,, .- Na 1 !Wein; fat
ex`"lff ItuilinioN, LITV.IIdt,..
% 1 UL...k , SL. I . ; S A • —,
, ~L ,
, h i. ) ,
, 1 7 ~... N. 0 t .,,,
..i .;, In s i 1c
~,t . y ,,
IT • . " • ,!•\ . ,
s lI.S. MftI.ASSES tiol.l/11N`Sit
' 0 elli 11/ ins rtt:. a (z.,
g 1 1... \ $: - .--r.OO boxes Witolow, ayty . tt MYOS,
% I 1, , yo. hr . J dill, WA l'T ,L,C.t ‘ ,
rff IA it l'A it I C A Cift--ISt ril 1 he, for sato'hy
.....z.l It /CT MINI:STOCK & tgl`
T A,,,, ~,,,;its. 01 1.-i i .l . il
F , 1.11 4 1: . 2 , 1 . ' ante by
~ \
AA i• 11.1 'EN S Y ItU P— II) 1.131 X. qiviilile'e ;U. ' ',
I, A t ,..,,0r. lor txt.. kr .1 V , DI fty`tfLlT.l 05., , , t.
II a'l' EN . l"rilitm.Al,— . 4l,ltYi to. f4norted
Mort Imo tt.• ronnufaetorr. Jona Inn roan nfsc , r4:e.
1,. , u , t ourrloorre. r` o, ' t , Atccutto,
111 I:a NI ii —5 doge 1 Vifii i..Ziter'iny BiiiiiiY,
1 ) g., ...o t, A C Ll.ltt,ill Sol!. 8 Cl.j. `
VI AN K l'lT'l'SßUßfilf STo6lc —; .."4ehaVet ,
11111 ...A.-I kr lor'M J S 1111, 4111. 4 CO:, '
, —Oriku-,---nd,,
4.1 11. 310.1•ASSE,S-21) WAIL ii
kj • for to& by J 1 ILLS
, LTALI,4.
ALI.LANCES AT EDII.OPE, in a 'es'', of
VI Letter. from Orval Britain. Fran,. /tads Watle.
bold. tr., during tkfi Summer Of I , Sti looludloo to• on
the tireat ifzittbitiost. Br Myryer onmiry. 10 . `For
fain MIS IIULMILS', oprodin Meiv't MM. oft
—.- t .
riIoBACCG-16 kegs Ged's..Nu: 1., in ':e •
1 . and tot ulo 14 . , JAiLL:I3 DA LULL
nail :: As Water 4tai\ \
Beaumont's Pai
1' ~. lan ` .~
~. 1 ~ .~;~ :i.~.1,.
. \ OISU C.E .' \ \
-,- \ '' . , ,s i, As r - A 1 , ,, ~,- •\ \
it- 77
AXIR ANr .\C 01 . ...1. N\l" \
.... /O/S4it.R a :,.4. •.. \ , \
0,41 y fur th t.afe, -, 'N,e,\ or'
n1rr; , ..,1 , -. ' , otur.)r,i.
';*`fit Q1 , 1...u., ( • ,nara ,, t
Pe ''', lrn
th.,‘; '
Ins 44
sLIIfIv , NV
: pe1,\154
*d c< tott.)l4
,Lato , , of
L,,:prooperoui\ ‘4nd respoliki‘
A , 05: comrlhxl4rlak th• n,,,s.ium.,
-a t , to ~,,- 0.04 A Foll , i. by aPti
fa ;table f,rmv, ` LO
I 4 with pro
. a \ II tilell ‘I4N. Preanlent.',
.1\ ..e. , Lary. \• ',
Udicc. ' 27. NnitblSald al. ro.bxtruh.
A. A. CAII,II,MIt. Aont.
... ,
Pittsburgh L . e , Iturance . doOpang.
HISCO3I . PAI4 \., no incor6iated to
~.,, vlbr . : i tz:
jo i . s . f . i, on w l ti :, \ 4o LTA l t , Vl l l4l and 11 ,,, '
I eoronatly do. Lunn to. on the Joint A Mk,
M a\lV.l n ,fl ' tfitack piltl the tea ono.thinlf than
Ma«, akryail: br Mutual Com ,i paltleadmiklfteen l et: 't
1 11;;:at,„ — :g.":1,=,t - 4, '"in" c.,.., br".ii
.nkI T co fed Couvranir, Tnated on the tanftl.
. 1 P.nrioc avu th e ormlbittol n.cur istetvenkboal br tool
Opt.= of I a ranee, lOW the Capital et)urptua Fond of,
the !omit St c denarnavnt
Th.. Chart. 1 . :a1t. - lb,. granting n'ti . c 4 s i .nre on life.
In every for , rloding the right of ife;qlaldren va •
rent., relationfyt coda or rretlit.,”-10., 1 surylaP litr ol
annthern.rfheiroyn ruins. T 0 t,, I, t. IV, A r ter.f..alh.
or ova. the partleenrritina at th e .., of ots ; , co. or ~5
at th., onnon of the Isvorml. ".. 4, „ •
• J.n... . 0., f•r•Fident:
coluel 11
NI 'iorkan, I lt, l're•%.l. of\ ',
. \
Charles A..1 ; ....Lyt-n l terefArr.
:t, „ , , L n ta , , , 0 ,i
3 / 5 i 3 , 1 , 17 , , , r , th i.,.. ... \ \ 1.. ,.. .11 . ar . 1 , , ,.2 1 . , 1 i. .r . .1 ton. s ,
: a.t d a:, ‘ ,l ‘ ll.:riv. \ tt„.
i-la. V4 - 11:;aua Wi1k1.,1,,10 ~., ,r ..tOry At Si., -%,,
11. ,. . Muirar,rnrotol. lots ftc.rotar), .1 l're.ori• vt
.Intin t.n, ,I,r. F.,.. t,l,i, nt Pit.t. rgla 11,atk.
Multntro Locht,.,,, 111,olpanIe 11,7,,
41 o,tharn
ann.., IV. 'I. ~da.., A... A A,eIcCa nat. Eta.
t ' ~ lIIIMICAL 11 4 4414
...a tmo ii? , ...".
!1:-Vn'N1,'-',Ti.,,... U. D.. 11';','1341" 1 ,Z . .4 .1 ..1`.'• _
LI. 'nano Pysviana,
•, ator.t.l.tOlart.rth,l„lt.,F , ,EutthtkVttreot,
1 k ..rt . p)der. M. „It!.. /north e.toF \ er, \
\ i'it Cr! ' aI ol .11 Ix. In S ' llil ' l4:
U ' lll. ' SI& ' ;4 4 47 . 4.4 i 4 :44 It, ' ha . l ' lLWlr,to , d 2
Dr.',lnlnorth, alli Go In arrendanir at \kin; orttre.,o7
ay. at 12 rielo.'t. ~ ',
d Ofhttt•t`Jthe COMPany, No. j';, Fourth atreelN,
.11 . 211,1 km, ; ,. C • ' o.n.
ia Pao' COLTON:\ Se•c'r.
irankl Insurance ''Co. of Philad'a. ,
ii.R.6071),H:,: \ Cluaks 'IF,,, Banektr, \ Geo. 1
w. Itirtn,nla. Ttoo.7.llart, Mot** 4 4 . 6..1.,, ;dna. ,
4,,,,-,. Ad'ototo. 1......1u.,... : 4 .142110 IiNITS(.II/ill.l 4 4 L1N41..
j*".' : ' '"'"'.
i'.. , • ;c,, ' ;i . ) ' . ' ;...n 1 n.,,,-,:. ~_,...,, -
\Cot 1.5.... G. Ilanrarn, I,4 n , Larr.
or r l l , ' lltti:l. ". ,!::l` . ; ' ; '' . l l=llWai ' 7; l i.'n i l,,,, r, rii ii, P =',::,',
coootry, at rat,l. ken : C 4. art conaigo.nt vritn irryrsly. '
1t1,,, r„,....0., bare n.aorrrd 11 iIItIGE. 1 :4 1 04 4 ' 4 . 4 ' 4 .. A•
tvhlN , with,thAr Ott.ital anti ro•rooloot.aoaNh ii.r....0..1,
n Atiotiolon•lcollyn to the, a..worol. `,
TI,,- c,st 411 4. 4: 4 441144/4,4..tat.aary tat, 15,51 az pal..
10d,....1 , rooal , ly to the Art, 0rA, , ,...-mbly, ..1.1 - 1.1. 4 41411i4t.
.., 11,4itt:0 4 V '. ..:... "1 .1 ' 1.k 5
' l '
aitttOce th,tr it,,,i i, ~, pc `lot 21 p.n., thrLy
ha ' vv'patd oldt'arXt Z! r r ‘ o t e Ptllloo I F I ',' S Idutel,-111,..uoark I
lo Ora, klo.rel,) . odtoniNg e 1...,. of.tho
ad.. autato, of losi`rauNt., . aoll \a , 1 .Ir , alahti and .10-
9....1. ",',', '''' ' ', ' N v",';‘,T,Ti;;,',.'N.,i'del7.l, Acent. ...
.P l s \ i.ttllcr:rt \ N , .. enroer,zd It kl nod Ina, '
Penn Zif-ntual Life Insurance Co:Philad'a.
~1,, .I.l ,' rr.-,,, , ,d Itin ' i 't 1,1..4 'ttrtr 1
.40 A • r
14or Le lad.ter, .4E1.4,11, I \prrwm. \ r,..ltt to 11,
I;ra r ;or,. of tlo, ro,, tloOrto,ota , ay alrn 1.• ~,ux, ~„,,,,
~ I, to 12 mot ti. In 2, oU,k. %hi moot,. ro ,, n+ .1
.no loonrnaker a Co., Ito 23, 11..1 rwr, vrll,:of all
wars I fi , rtoarl..r. wilt In• Oren and 1.. or orarwo. SP r. nl4-
If 14444. :Jed to. Morphia. eOlnottalln. ,tiottoor tu.l
boro.oi 44 LIN Inattran , , and Ward, koro. fartawn , ou
P I; 11 "' '°' ' ' s ' \ ' \
\ ,atd. •: , ...1r over W. , .3.000 and ronala7y Inernoulna..,
, e,.. dt. ,1...1
1. 1 ,
11. (Lae*, 11 rod UPr 111, \
‘ 111.1.aOur h. Jar,. A. 11,11.—taaJV
tl . iiie, \ Fire: ine;Lniand \ T N in ' ortataork
\ Insurance. ' \
I'll F. 'astir:Ll:lce ethaipoiiyof 'orth:, erica,
\l. 'l' iladrly,bilir-Charrentll7ltl. CaptwOO,l APel a
4 alluv • 1.,. 1,1,.,1,11.1.1,:.0L (Q. ,11111,. e 10..,t, aro, on
11011,111, anti thvio,cont,ltta.33 t 1 4 ear d Vlrlll • ttilwa
on propeol,ery de.t.nranna, 1,1,1p.a., et.
' t0:1 \ 4 . 4.1,0,,, Lr Inland atiopor Ono or tl , e
A\.thr , il, Cofllt, P ' r ' y' ' t, 1 ' I.Or:
,Jo I. \OI ,an,u.l\%-n t Joliti s lt ,1
\Edaard :MO, `
1 . 0 ..0 ' ""\ 4 •\ .
Joi,tl A. ItrOwn, s' 4 , It ,loorti I ~ O h., t
eanrovl 11 , .`v•itor.h.. \ . /nue. \II art,,.l \
'^t:X l T n alil \ '.. ".inV;l:‘ ' '
. i ‘ \ ,
. I" .t . L 't :L l 7. IV. ' ,
\ I ?/ " ;1 5 ..; h,' '''.. Z;ao ‘ :. \
A MorrerM aln,\ \ , 1 Ir. Ahern. A,V«,...y,
. tr.. a 1.1,4 Inorrancollolkau7 lotto. tol, ,, Attt a
anA Stunt 1. logh ..ttOollao. Inn t, alywnr,ar.., a I.l ‘ m..tett,
soltarnidin / , a 1 1 .... .r . \ an ot, it Ward..?
, t ,,
, t , „ •r>,t , t ,
" d ' ; ' , 1, y,v' .lo!'.. 4; b'
Ni 111 Iront\r ‘ .r . ,
De ‘ 4re Mutual Silty lAsma ) *ce Colopcy
AI "1LF ,1 ,.', 'NOB.TII .00:4r1 , \IIE
It C 1A. : 111i. Third arrret. 1'411.1000t, \ ,
Y . . 44 11444,...-141.1idd1i144'R, 4 411141,EZ1k44.1 444 nd 611.4 \
t and roontr ltoorr,4l •aln lora c
. 2111. r ce ' V ' r;r: ". a . tha tin,: rAti( pronA,
SlttaNk. I au t‘c.,•Tltcy can tkoott, N.., 1.. arm, ~,
d 1, vet,
L, Ortt or no...riot, tioder"4. or ...oh]
~....,, , ~,,,,i, ~. h
1 LAI4II , Tto. 1 TALl,4,—Thry i Insorn,m
'fan ortol LI% "at. , na nd l nao ca c tl,anal,
.... od
Loa.. on, vv u Intrn, on t .. c ., , lerN
boa vor,—Joar h li. Srat ‘ karrotrol .:nitd.t, Oho
lt, 1 , bret BAJO , ‘1 hn IL Peorn" rotorl,l anl•
,1., 11.,,,r,' Inuit:Woe, O•itte IL
Si W,l
- 11, .Itdot .'eati.a, Itr. IL M.llll,reat. 310141 :, C. .
"Ii .phll.' I' ulding, 1; 4)44111.4 414,40/0. MO. ry
.' 1
C .r i . If. ' .l, " t=: ' ia;. "* LlZ . : ` 7,7.s. m il, '. 4l
1,, , 1d,..11. \leo., ' HAN, 1 . : 44 ar,et,
1, a
Coloyan,, ...a. J 2 'tUr . rtr,...i; NW
, I ' t. A, AI
o\--, \ . :\ ...
,„‘ "...."',',
b„tib - ' —aP2,
411 ,
‘% \
el 4
' Wi
V ..
12, .
IV ALL YAMC,—Fro: snsrnikot 1" . ,r,
-. 7 tau imir.. r ..,,,0- 7 th.•\ale .IMrst.4 to
far ..s of 11,11adp1104; I, .} York all ikrne.lp 1\
rati.l •tock t e r ak. Y . . Eq!q 6 .l .. .SfU r t.
'NSILS-sth.Ntei . 4 sale
.10TR . & in \
IVO NON-4 tom 116ns Cce.4 Metal: \ .
-I- \.. % • . 1 ::' " i ,S!!` "k. .\,. N; \
Fr r plc L,, \ . \ , ,.. i lZa/ AlSelal.. lel TTJ;IlI . 61 . 1 _
\ 1 1 010SAS .li. sU MILL\ . ~, \\
or t . 1\ \HI blale. :1,1 Nolamaea, \ \
, ~. ~ 1 G 4 d 4 . 5 T „,.. 1 .„.7 oa• 'Ai, br. \
.....-. :, . . . •
.Ru i .. LIM.): 4.1:11'
‘ ieciliAC(Q, ' &.C .- c - ..'
- ---\.:
\ - ' ,l: ' . \
..,',,,11- . A
\ ~ !k4 box. lirkeneif,'s .r 4 A. Lumfi,
" ° OTT , i's \
'a, Ayler.i. 6 Telaa,l'e \ \, \ .
' \,, ' N r ..i/ "i‘" ttr( l T ' \ in ''
ale br
. 2± . ...6 . 1\_ : _ , 1. V .llO 1&l4. Airr`4;.t7y.
I lu E . u • i 6.4.., the ow h e i,,. \ t 0 , c 1 044 ,
t ,24 .1. tt, i ,f0i ' i0 u ...13. e , F d 4.4.044,44,d 44..4\0:du0..
4. 74.:4 arit:l ° ` . :jt\
, \ :.' : .1' . ... - • " \\,' \ ...
1 4114.4,44.4. t• t...)
\ ,
0k.1,, . 1
4 2. , L a 1 g
a i . .4 ~ c -' '''?\
it' ''' .
\ ',li r eedlet's 0e11 .. .
Ttb•se highly mnileatnln
more thma [weary run, diming • a
\ gamed ilk I , r2Datlkni reputation , sa t
Bh•tioaatix:d htrFrigthentnt ktaate •
ne e of t • lalgti.if rminenre,\ to w n
\ t li ' V 4 lal. it. To Tett4A ' nr . :.t:•• o t .' t -.
" --
t 7h d tt . f• ', lT ' \ ° \r
cr. r„I y • vot o L l!?4,l ' . f rttd a ; te em 17. 7 .1 7 ` ~ • \
I. , n•e,u.derirt..ritla petitiary dt.,4,,,..„
\,..,!:.-r.r.'.4„r,..M,17.11"Vg:\Ti ni,t
di....._ ii‘ ii.... 6.,h,.11. bortc,l rliap:ater a
!I',. -,:‘,.= A,,, t 1; tr•in VA I' 43 ', Vr , i, ' • -A.., ,
\ \
7 .. ..\f;tor ,, , . d . bolw it ,n, tt;...rvi......"...,..4..
(1-., V•T ?.inut!,,,dann'a . :' f tii:l.V . l__ga d ' 4l l 'n ''' il• '''" il‘
rZI ',v.".•j,r,:ll.4k=;;rlk7,l'.',l=e'Tt.',thbrir.
tisst n, the •o, .tar• art 1. ma Tory de , nded.\ s ,
.1 .,1 1 '. ..1 r %'tiaclN.Totl4•'.l%fte
. 1 ,•I. 1•.. b, al a nd .:. by
\ \ naeh• It. E. 'hLt.l '. t 1 Unr.l.l \A • \‘‘‘
p i, EA
‘IN' ''S I'ATE3, ' T l'. , • sCII PObt
ordi, E. ...,:. . _ • ittitul e ‘ totla to , Moab.. \
ti •"' P .C .t= r i ' . ' y ' agi '. .Srrilt.4 ' .l l :;•L A tael!Vatj:4 . \
tr7m r vaiking- ' i
";., , t lm: ...mfr.+ .1,181.1 In \ .
‘1,1;)= ... . , 11 , J . t .r. ‘,.• ,, c , 1 , n e n i t . ame ..,,,, b1 ,,,, t t r, t n, tle.e ., 1
' \
1, r ,„1,,,,,,,,, „. n.. ..i . t• fe.:4;tit, mi partial , \
tea/. . „ ,
A fnm ),B--Onecalt• a I \to tiV. dorot T
c 1 id`hr with neciothea, 'n• ' \
I• I _t cent.. per 1,1,-Ealh 'at,. wi h fall di \
7 0 e ~, n r ~,, b., ~. IV 'LLEIt. 47 11,..b A\ „ \
-- --,-
A ,'\ TROLEU ~ o lk CC: OIL. \V,-
\\ ...Th are morn this. .in Id•krrt and . rth.
-.171. ',I RICE of l lrlam t 4.!
ila nn t, it - rt . l F• rem. `. \
I:, AFT. and• h. , neustaint ay 'tralit4 It to t propri A
IT, .a ohn. him h. Ise... it nt up.. .1... t nth Li
prt,:ur. , l row. a `tkl in thi, , ratin; •,
beat a eyth ot b r honitr,..l n•L. r• . p -•\unsul %ens' \ ,
bed ,m iry ,vr ittv, ot . any Hwy...a irsa• b. jolt .31 ~.„\
nowf IrtaV.artin, GT, t. Labrato .'i ttl \t met to
_, ,
,'.'.'" ai. l . ' . '" 4. ` l '"7:''s :I . 1 thin ' . „,.' -,,!:•,.* \- r• • No,
„....., ~..,,t,„.. • lb , at, and re..
\ ' ,. ..;: 1- :.'‘ , v0. , :. 41 14, , '. , :; , "'z'" ,, ,1__'''''‘, , . ,11 '-7 1 - :714 . 1 , AF\
lir • ntst.• on/ MCA '',. "' 'n .t.....;,.....,1 daily \ \ ,
Y ung •3111 I, it. Ai el mslk , " . ` III V, III I I . '" \ '
T: 1 t . • ', 1..1 T4 . 1 . 1 . 1 ' f,; ' : ' . ‘," •:, - ' . '' .. \ r; , . ' .7..... •°^ , —,
V .. •,,""'`,Z,'.: 4 , •'7.' . ..', - ,,.''"„ 7''":;`,,".1 It' ' \
in A ,„,,„, eb tn. , I. • 11,, an w.h .we teali
t\ l tt
AMU!. an do het •Ixt 1 ‘r. 1 t un o, a,,,h.T.0. •
1 :hroa11 - 14, e,` It t, 4 n'n - .. tn, ~.t ti0..0 b.
•noto•satd-sit di.,,, , . ;T.. no.. .10: 1...u.,14, ...a ,
Cfilto Ale 111; , .NCIIITI. . ~,,.. All • 10,', ,in .0. t.„ i f 1,
ErZ'A ' lllVilVl', •' ''"'''•'-' . ""
1!1`1'".''1 . Nutt., • ,a,nt, 4,
Blaohl•r suld. Kidney., ra , r, in the 1., t, Ts o ;...4 , 11,4*
Direne., ffri,,,,lget
g •u u.saPain . Alt a. 'TM f\
etas, ett,. )T ' •x hart -.. Alt., bru re, tl , ,
Ac. An. Inn -. net. tility, ....i nit \ from r• tre \
100 end bra rte! .. or , v ~. !hi , . to \
bra., r•tiet II 111 ae a. a goi TA ToNtl, a 4 . :FT!:
..\,x - ri st; in 'moll • ne t
~ t artn•., un and eti 3•f -• \, \
\rabble (bum, r-mo i twine.... r. tong Ile. sto •••• \l ,
tnnoinna atit•li co ~ ..tibl‘ a ...• And l, .ke rao ao ~ • \
and tn. , kn.... , \owl nn.. , 1 • .r , ° 'di b. ee.' ':, 1 ,, , •
\ ,s
.s lila; 71.• pro,rirt, t n o *. of we r. \carom 1,4, •IL , , , \
thatra.irt•l ..i , r3 4t h r InAt ott, g.c •••B 50..4.,, .w'
of Bic P ) TI; ST A4l tin. Tha ....... •, \
'. rhi ' i ' ,VAin?.7. 7 , ' ,lll.7.t ‘ f h.' ,l;tme.r , tm\
E.,ll ' t: 1 yrni,T.A.r. \ , A \ \ \\ 's
. ' 1 - 1•11,4 t, 11,n 1 Ita. ....rm.: ...
A 1.,, hy It. 1: \ r „ tb.l. ',K.-. br 1,.... • \
aL d ItEN - LK k 11 . 1.01T.L, \,... .
• • rnT 11...b0dy.0t kul 1 i In
~,,,,..,,,, , id.F. , ,,,, d•rir .1,i,,ii1•4 . 4 ;' . ''. - \ \ \
j.' NOW a men 17.,h4i at , sick . trid a Retail \, \ \
pi, ~,, ~I—,, 4 ff. Ititald , •Tal Kid Y . ' , wig tie', \ \
to.t. pay.• n. iv , \e• itrit,2 , ANi . ;il. , .. ',..L11 , ,• , . , ,r 1 f . 1 h n:N . f . , \t
1 \
z'a Y- , 2 ,?;%,.', - ,1,.Z...,11,, ..., 4 . 0 v. m, an %I ..2k
\ A
7.1;;N, b : - ,..,';X - r:.'n' . ." —. :LT;:i"`,.U'i r t..k, l "zr'tlt:
bin. .d• i”.i nauator . , 1p .3 . ~, . , T•: , ..` ,11 ... \ ''' .1 .1 %, \ \
la ni. AO, d wt ne patn, and ...nag trot. at, , emt,,,,, ,,
b. bu c,..., get nind f en, of to en anted s \
ILT b n 14,34. r•ty littl• tOteake ,Thle Ira . \
ti • b. ok \l'or.-ni, ror:rop,Lnur the plrr... -,
.., n i n th Ing u it, e•lnan flr, u t', \medy • •1a k t...... ,
telly t • irm. ‘r bend td ,tun. und.4,9l+4ns •
t r:7+1 ,',. .;4 ' ‘ ..rl:: '' , ' ; ' 1•Z1V: . • " ;‘ ,1 114 ." .T:4, 1-. 4 " : ' ri'irn ' atAk
I L.lov. , u ..1 1' i. \tier nth, nn • elm, hay tailed LC.
~,,,,,,,, „,. 11, it 1,,.. rur:+l 1.1 .urrotion, of In i l \
otandnt.mel‘f thp .4, :ant lw-t 1 ,
e n tut chafe t. \
~ ,,,,i old ••• . r hare ~. a. in which Av. y •dier• .17 .
t., I•an bt rt. , NI . • a 1 I i LIIA‘a 111 burial and \
1.1.. is ib. Ts, .au - .cabal , 4m,NOrlis or lar ut '
th. Tr' . "Or L I . 111 te . I d, l, lnf an trb'f.d i 1 . • \ \
In • team...o.. undo 1 , 1,1 lAdtmon3 ea he nom, • . ,
lod of the truth nal. ,nd .1 the aro', 'flat,. Lbr eal \ , .
I , It, do 0A.1111,L M. I. hit, C al limuri.ttreen . rt.., ur :- \ \
' iti . . r y ' ; ' , t r n , ' 3l?l:, l :;:ell, . ter • . Arndt 4,1,..t. An Ilrg \
Ikey; 1,,P... 0.11e.t. bi IA t:, lb A, hillot sit 1....7 •• \
, C. T . ' "I I,E I I"" , ` ' ! r • R " . '` art:.
. " . V . -..,_
thilso4'l`Alill' TO B.Ii'FL .
ICT $.
-,1). Anna Bob* thr dlwor•,r tul POI, ropil e
bheao wort *pular aml bentltirial ra tics ;R, And , \
' \
the inT•ntor of t.• rvlvt , rated inArtimen 11, Inds ing the
, t; ,
ug, In eS , cting a rumor Chrnote di., A ern•
,lnt of Ord ihyvician, INeter I' ....., , ii. •
. 0 ..d 0 .t 0 of the unirereityof Pcbmtlranka. n.rbbroiotrlY
Pat - emu^ bar 1.... rt •ntaenl in the...-th. on \II4IiT•
\ no, and the applieationnf, thb ndra
; \ Through the tier of toe intlahne tub..` corm linnalh \
Pn,pbylmetio eyr - up, and rd ,r of I,lr toned ~ I.'4Q,
AMped xn cmparrdleted•nnnon.,3l3oUnna thrt\• trvadt/i s -
MIA total nisdatir, Tula re.e. \ Consumption 'tture4
Ter Om A 1 reran
i/AVod ' ;. } etr;. ' ,T;TTP., A h r, ' N . l. l. ..l%lll Om.. obsh a , die \ \ ',
" IYl , n it i 7l ' pr t' itl f t . . ' ::. k .l hi j . ' n ' in ' ...i ' !.; " , r 4r, f alth ° l. "'" x;r• 2 \ \
I ps
I. A-not by tit. , u•• el one n,mboond s roly, fr, mtar • ,
co thtllde with PhyT,otomeal Inw; but by Use net Of
~,,lant,d tr., and 1..e - crthott for, per a .r. n . -.., ,
•. k 7.i:: - rd• Alterative 1•110, when in;•.d, id. Ines \\ \. \ \
^ telig.Jl to Le rorwarr to ell other., la •rn \ ' . \
v f
gr i nat ' Z ' n '' . 'h a . • ' •,l C utt ' J ' t7Zl . l3; • Ara d' 11. \ ‘
'nk."l:'7l,ll= r" .. 71-1 1 . .%ktTa g rilttial ' it . '
ego \\\
% \ \
-, . Inh what nag I . bed:4 ,11 ..4. 1 .°i \ `,,
`l,lterl to esti) open ye a tiNtlt. arid \ ,
.• . laerer , p.=. , ,, .••INF
~..a i..,, \- . \ , \ \
. - \
agrnta. a..
i ell tut bynost &Inf.\ ' \ \
\ , . • Ltho Va. Mace. Albans (
\ \
\ - - . '•\
- •..- 1 • 1
s\l • \
tre of the ' ttstaugh On.zette:', , ',:\ \
.TTRNTIO 'LF resregtfully is- \ : \ '
entlawitar truth s'at forth in reltlton lo •-, \ i ,..
iportant reni.lir. fampdaru flannel I ‘. \
Ili ROCK 4.114 it • inn more than matt 1 s t 1.1
Itni . .l I c,74Z,107; r;ti ' , ' i l . gt t etZe n Tf ' rll.7a h .
"rt:TrrtiVriebra• ', \,\ ', • 'S
' r; s •PstiVZ.l. l 7 -. X:7s:r l e "' trtt " t r lr . . r Tit i l=ll: \ .'
• .
rim car.= ill it, nr,Nt tame apra. tLa nal , fhb rem. ,
nly . *Ant, tI. re,r
ire , pury•le • aktur money; •
, .
bot, o .• hi, we connee. will avenues brut,' wt; ,
Itil ath nnera a ha... boop forcolt. st T. lii . A
a Natural Item.. y, olaborata.l Itt Oa: depths f the earth \ , .
by • nowt . ~e an egt e ncythat \ laughs \to TIN. llmyha MI N , '
IV A ' iLATt . . ' V it ' '' ' ql r l • 11 1 11 t Y f
1 I St ' r ' 17.4 t: th ,t A,. Zflt \ , N.
' A it \
Late.% to dn., We thr,to may I et ourorecilor . t tong. \
den, in or Libman ‘. 11. Kt ar..s, !Lytle , hat
any thine B. r prom relief fiA. /in e sn• \
nanli3 1. ton 'ghly • r\mht to. • • ~ c . bit .1,1. opcnti,
. \
in, yr turabutung atm Ts wß, w. eln not dt,•ire ' •
t d = ', : 7l 7. l7 f3 ' l " l ' . '" ;;;ltrfutio ' r * n . " P• r' eft? , ll: '`\ , \
l•ten tur ....n.lsinK by th•rte,aincie nt • re. en. mole s. .
1.,, Plain unrarno.hl tat•c-racta Bad , mjclo a ,taltind\ \\\
' .•t r' ' tl. ' •!l•T! .' f .'' iti? '''''''''l•••' '`'''' ' ' '''.. 0 m M - 1 \
ti \
IV Ohm 141 mist two tnotud,V, two ot ra n - TM,. '
•rt, s , n. to,lly 1.11.1,\ harr temp r.torne, • Ist- Ser. ' , • \
rat eel rc thodn...,. \in the Xtra• rd Old, • Te •••h
hrv•it, the rabaof • cmill•ntan Int . eon 17. \
Tht . . , r are art,•,_l.4t th,.., rzoro., ,nu. In , d I 7 \
nitt.-p.r , ... o 1.- tut: r•rlort• trim ha. dont.. t wen •
1 4
Per. T. w ea.A. were cured, aver thty hat I.e tuhfulnt '
~, . .
ni ll' Ph,soiarta, . brp1,..., The f• trolelam tun.. •
a,nhnz In dir•otion•- 44irh.,. ll tary.
Pilo, tusetietnl„(lont, l•••• , ,stuta. Er tion.• n tr .. \
\ l'unble nu t hem .. , Shrboir ,To Ey.., n:, cr., T. Unt , \ •
.r Id liepd. rtdcra iht. law, unlinint• %Id lAA,. L
AOK, L ... \r A.4.1ar,.., granchitir. .• . \ ', ' • '‘ ‘, ..l '
1 i•ultnyurt an....n. (^( A , brow , ...tore. V.Nuirng in 11.% ,, ,
, da,Con.uraption \
It.trn• and \ t mid.. cii.ear, of tit, 11 Adder Lai Kidney \ , \ \ ,
AV I aP.. iltm/ 1 . 1 . , ••• , dol mnr , , , , ,sine aid
e F ,4 . 10 .•••‘,
et fart. it in • nat... vrvra...nturb, mid hailben rl.l \ \ '\• \ i
I mart of Ito *To dt•eruna withal th e year with Ws \
5C.V.1,..Y;tri.1.=;,..T,1T‘.:. ti i rsT l ;l,...l ' n ' re; 4 lAirt:o!rt s \ , \ \
1ng . ..414.0 the siNod or thAr friend.. , t
1. alarm...them ,y say anoet tiodvaedichaeM. the '. . N `‘.
Petrof• s um iv lit, gr. ..,t of the .... Phymelpre ,
of highutandleg inn
0.,, , ,,1 pr0f.. , 5k stir beginning to ..It . •
\ 10 thelep
.. .triter. Th who at Leal balked en wit
~..., !
,amt tacapattity, an. • ling m fIA•Pi I• lii OA V. .A.
retundetneon `dletoro an 1. r year rll. entito •li will
, 1.11 '\ . 1 \
cAmswiltli Iv t.ektiowl.h.rat thn Petroleum 1 the greal. l s . \ s
•Tet‘inedlcine.erer\ Pot .3•1,1, wlnd \and 11. \ \
% it '''. D. ..'Y•ll.l.f-tgYl.lll.4rj;:t4rk.N4l" / 1 . t .4 \ \ A
b 7
Np uth , rle.ii-ki1tz. , 11,11.1;,..7.(1.7..46,-.1b,4,. L .Pr2. ,'„ \, \
.. 41t, d B.1. • .k•laook •41`..0. 17ond Stod Fenn me . A \\
, A\
Qt. L 'ltS' 1.5.11'.61MAL CVITOII \SYIIEL.
____ .
` , s'
1.,' -t in eid,.•
u.. tota . k .. n.sin ern. d LI .
m gh . l oth r ellgtriont, ,v,,7, \
1 , 2 r It. ...1 , , leer -al children. likonthers. Ms,. Dent
sulikirt form:ea tigWad haring need different'
efs...dice t very httle , I was twinned br Over , \ \ .-•
Bement, a ,net \ Y Long yrup to given • nrial. fil 's \ , •
gaup 1 1M tan \of MY Intla• •Ita•tro to nu daughter nerd . , ' \ \
different, timrsonaddt has nefatted to enrettrerty,_= s‘ ,
s 1 111 rte recnramonded it to y Weight:ore, and do Moe s l,` \
arnectenrionely latiter\Xst has tha l butt cough inadmln• , ,
- that h. over 1., olf.! to.thatalb se. ,
NrentFilizOnld prtnalt their 4 4,lldre "' lt A to slitter &tn
',cough. whet:slimy na y Uvured •- y in:act. bottles o; Me '
. s
.I."P''''''''d'''" llod\.t. . It? E.
t .i.\
mcliAl Al 7 , and Drnorl.4 cesierair.
' 'LENT /ItlEff.l INgs, ite.—A large !tut •
\ \n . itOre and ter tole hza the nicat libnral TAITEII..•IV
A . AO\ WITZ " " ',...S ' • ' / ' :(1=‘ , 70,% -..‘
.‘• t r init oF k I.Mit do mthi, ‘
i. e . e \ \ 44l&,,,,,ttattn•nt lirmid?para Llitlr of /7./1*
syndehtko.seta.r.9 \ BritienVil '
- i
Pnirel•ll4l 1 1 .1.nk . Canitent.`erlittmetof Ihmtin
Pala. 114sVjUlions \ ' tntirt yleatt,r
.t 7,
mr,, ,
EN BlLlA , Y4 ‘ l 4 4 gml fl r ttlife . , - zr .
.. i
" '‘4l3.77Plrttie t3 . 1•. ' ~I,‘,ltl,:f',:d. &Sof.
r.v.t., 'N ,••• . \ . E....2, ,,, .ct i r.,,1 e rt,tav:
.: gI i TZ , , ,),.. 0 7_.
, Ilya V . \ Berg.. ;...
\ •
\ nint. , • 6;, : , 4
nor oat for TolityilWate ' r !'"' \ . ft ,
: , F ,.
. ing Vaaterll \ \ U . tr ll ,&n=l./1 . 37% \
, :LTA , ;dna ‘, \ \ (loWeihinctute \
17 I\ .t.•,,, \ ' I legn ' 111•7 '
A the k,llkire of ~ V N.ll. CI.KKWAX.
1 • a cont.! n, Wm/ and ttiMil anat..
11 ae rI A \
tvr or 11
Id frev f
It d. by th
tral tn 4 mat ,
1. au Marta ta
tht . tni kpp
Art. (sratie non e
anNunt of rub
j- 'losns~mC t 4 .11:
chum, Dr; \
, I b Lar7i
Mr 3 '
\ t
tdr e' Verta t Llr ' '\
".. \ \ GO 71.1.4.zattrzios '\ \ n and land& ; •
\ s ' hi'. Id - -,. : 7
..., .
_.).__ flN4o".4 lw i l,, ',..:
. 11.: :, % \ /, 14.i i..!rk , \ \ . I
:., ta :4: 4; z 4 Lo 's: ..d. , ‘`,. :\ \
tL dat 4411 r% \ 74 d Vrn n 6 ri. • )• '' \
051• , altui. VIX a • 6 ia:47. et ~, \
.77,64,..\ \ , 0 tr o,
ar q uo,
co.\ , \ s , \
UTTER- 7 414c11d, r s4.le by \ \ ' \
~ •, ..101..solkils r.c..1 ,:\
, \
\ k • --- \ 16‘1"'4°."°'4' br
°' \
..„._ , 3.. ir, IL 11 Lol \ l4 1.641C;re ~ 7. .
TO II WDEII-- Ukkegt —.—..— .or\ able, py \ ..
____ N;
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ii 4 - lktoko 4--.2tphr. Ppl/. , .,G0t)
\. 114-4;- 4'
k-- '\ v eN ,, Foirits,* ..\ \
riPEC 614T10N 4.REIt sIA NlciliVS ~---
riV " lviTili ., .Iz:re- \
i - ittl) 0120 b11i.ti,0,,11 di ,m 8
\ ...
422:7 ° XidtSst.l3.l,, 66 W r afire 6j\
\ el REENic CO AL VARISRSII—atitY,..)#:,
13 1 F,Wiar.„ is IRtil ka., , s 0. 1 1 _ f^"
\ \
britte'-' d\
h h .x. b .ril
~. I ‘x...
14011 ..
IL ' D..
=q v • t0i1...
'... , 1 FA, k lUil
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