The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 26, 1851, Image 3

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To-morrow being Tbanksgiring day the Post:
Office will be closed at 9 o'clock A. M.
Taa Antinnews MATOSALITY.—A petition,
1110et1 by a large climber of influential members
of the Whig party, is in circulation, in Alleghe
ghony, requesting the Hlt 11. B. Fleming, to
consent to let his name be again used as a can
didate for the . Slayerality. We base been tett
mittely acquainted with Mr. Fleming during the
past year, and cheerfully bear witness' to, the
'faithful and angertie manner in which be has
dnns„;.hia duty. Judging 4'of the future by
..the pa,ti" If again elected, he will make an es
aniline °giber.
ty):Fmlerackeek Convention met on Monday night,
In the Third .Presbyterian Church. A resolu
tion, declaring that in the opinion of the Conven
tion, the license law should be so amended, as
to give half the fine of those convicted of selling
liquor without license, to the constable who
should make the information, was passed.
.After a long debate, on another resolution
. witich wps offered,but not passed, the Convention
adjourned until next rfnesday evening.
Ssorose To Sioux° MEN.—The fast of the
itrieepc sermons to young men, alluded to by
IlrA fete days ago will be delivered by the Rev.
Sir. Simpson, next Sabbath, in the. Cumberland
Presbyterian church - , East Commons, Allegheny.
TZANC.9O.I7 - ING DINACEL—The proprietor of
-the Pavilion house in Itochester, will serve , op a
lhankakiving dinner to-morrow, to his patrons,
smith° psseengors by the, Ohio and . Pennsylva
nia R411151+1, at which every luxury of the sea
son, will tie provided. It is anticipated that
the railroad caralwill be crowded. ;
Thanksgiving is coming, and among other
good things, a cup of tea. is most delightful, and
thin may he had of W, A. McClurg & Co., on
Liberty, whose "Queen chop" young hymn at
:, ford a most charming beverage, even for plain
ii Republicans. We bony, for those enterprising
tea dealers,%do not forget that the printer Irises
t t cup of ten.'
HANDII&ID TO Tne PlMlo.—This most excel
lent work, is now for sale at the music stores
of Messrs. Mellor, and Metier, and we are pleas
ed to learn that the copies' on hand are going
off rapidly. We advise all our readers to call
early, u only -limited addition will bo offered
for evle in Pittsburgh, the anuffnelores it the
East xequiring a large number of copies.
01117111113$ Sin:ans.—Several of our omnibas
lines, hove sleighs provided for the accomoda
tion of their:patron% who can now enjoy the
pjcooore of A sleigh ride at a small expel:me. ,
Tna POLICE °meas.—Nothing of thealight
est importance was done by any of the police
officers ycaterday.
(. EARLY Biwa.— A heavy snow storm commone
). el at an early boar yesterday morning, and con
tinned until tire o'clock, P. M. As we writ.,
the snow is still falling, though not so - rapidly,
• and its prolent 'depth (at -sin o'clock) is shoat
eight inchat. • This will ho certain to keep the
river at its' present stage of water, for some
time to come, and our largest packets will prob
ably be able-to run, until the river is frozen over,
if, indeed:this will happen daring the 'resells
GRAND Exmnirios.—To-night Professor Her
rington, the unequalled ventriloquist, and most
will:hirable magician, will give.his last exhibition
at the trlssonio flail- His entertainments hith
erth bare been attended by crowded audiences,
and we trust that his list will draw together a
—erewded house.
s An omnibus, belonging to the Manchester
what yesterday crossing the Old alleghey
v, bridge ' ono of the wheels, in atone manner, was
jj drawnoVer the plank:running along the side of
s the bridge. The holies had to be unharnessed,
and Considerable delay and confrusion was ocea
'l sionalbefcrre the omnibus could be got out of
its awkard position and the narrow, passage
Dnevue n Prrrinsumitt.The deaths it Pitts
burgh, from the 17th, to the 24th of November,
were eleven—els adults, and See infants.
Tcr.snev, Nov. 26
Present the lion. William, B. McClure, Presi.
; debt Judge, and William Boggs sad T. L. Mo
1 - • Mau, Associate Judges. •
Commonwealth vs. Ann McKee, indictment,
lareeny, alleged to hive been committed in
stealing -a lot of tea pots, cups and saucers, din
-tier and soup plates, and a number of - other
tides of crockery ware, the property of Colonel
*Glenn, a member of the Bar.
From the evidenee, so far as we'eould under
f-• Stand it, it appeared that the defendant, Miss
- McKee, was the , owner of a house in this city, -
' Which the prosecutor had rented from her.—
' Prior to the defendants leaving her honer, the
proaecutor had removed a portion of his goads
• into it, of which the =lasing articles were alleg
ed to constitute a part. The goods of both per
t ties had' ,become mixed together, and Colonel
.1 • - .Glenn's crockery was found in Stint part of the
haise teMporarily occupied by its owner.
• The - evidence on the part of the prosecution
-1611-very weak; and it &premed on cross eland
., natiem, that there had been some; legal proceed-
Inge between the tame parties.;
The defence Maio a very arcing muse, and the
jury after a short absence, returned a verdict of
not guilty, and that the prosecutor pay the
They Were informed by his honor, Judge Slo-
Clueo r that in a cane of larceny,,the proseenuir
could not be made to pay the oasts, the offense
• :being-a; elony, and not a misdemeanor. The
1 jury then returned a verdict of not guilty,
t Snarly or. run Peace —Alexander, Black,
f information surety of the peace, on oath of Joke
f-1 Paley. :This was one of a number of cases sel
f sing from the late disgraceful
,riot in the See
- enth Ward,relative to the poSsession of a torpse,
which bocarred a short time ago A few days
after, Black'--and Foley met at the: Corner of
t • Fourth and nigh st r eets, when the foriner ask
- the latter if he was as good a man then as he
profeased to be on the.Sundsy of the riot. An.
1 n
s.gry words then passed between the parties, up.
which Black took his coat off, and laid it up
&barrel 1111 if to fig ht - lie thealiftod it up
. "'Po
, again, :and took a double barrelled pistol from
"one - of the POokets, which he put into his pants
f lAiss• A relative of the defendant was also
• - angled with a pistol. •No damage was done,
'however by either party. ,
His honor, Judge McClure, directed the de
, •
. , fendaid to giyo bail in the sum of $2OO to keep
the peace for one year, at the same time making
• ' some severe animadversions upon theicereasing
prevalence among a portion of our citizens, of
• carrying deadly weapons. NO, man but a coward
would indulge in this practice. A heave man
• would always disdain to carry weapons '
upon due deliberation, he were convinced that he
Was threatened by a danger which he could not
otherwise avoid, but a cowardly person would
• ' use weapons when there was no necessity what
ever: for them,
Assawzr.---Commonwealth . Vß, John Gordon—
• Indictment, aesault—on oath of George Gardi
'-ner,s colored man. It appeared [teethe testi
mony in this cue, that the prosecutor,-who was
trespassing upon, the defendant's grounds, had
'kicked a dog, helonging to the latter, wed
therefore drew a knife, and threatened to kill
him .If. he did not leave his premises. The jury
returned a verdict of not guilty, prosecutor to
pay the costa
'. I LOll/.5 L11111:41 , -10dietfilellt, 11531511 t and bsttery,
- off oath of Jain G. Fahuli.. The testimony In
oda case eras exceedingly conflicting, but, in the
,) °plaints cf the jury, an alibi was - proved by the
• defence, and s verdict of •stot guilty, prosecutor
, to pay - the costs," returned..
L A zeetre.—Commonwealth vs. Tames DAVIS—
Indictment, larceny: The defendant was accused
of stealimg a sum of money and a watch, belong.
, log to Francis Richards.
' The' jar, Omni dettndant guilty of stealing
j the Watch, not guilty of stealing the money, end
• strongly recommended the prisoner to the mercy
• of the Court, -No sentence was passed. and
Deets was remanded. •
The trial of -crass actions of assault and bat
--5 tery between Samuel Neely. Peter 'Pardoner,
George . Bradonner, Henry liciater,stnd Henry
• Bermere 3r. •
• Tho parties had 'some legal difficulties, 'which
' they attempted to fettle by arbitration. So for
, from settling the difficulties between them, they
' L - f
quarrelled on their way home, relative to tt-por
' "Gott of the evidence given, when the alleged So.
• :r.scults and batterie were committed-. ,
Case nit' - concluded rhea the Court ad
. .
.tlikiii"Ftirmers I ponder well ever the thou
.-iilne .eetaeete thstdelly belb.ll hare acid cattle, which
eiteci.rezider tbehi liduitie An . lit , : when'. if Ton would
~406. it . plat to tei.7 always ea head 11.0. rtiertli's
4teshiset iholmeitt,,yost &hull bore the aritehil cured In s
1 !' 'i . e.' &Tel imd -thhortiet snly sere dine. be Mt 'hula
: ,-,, , , ,,,,04 0, r idtpf liming the mem* atirgPer. ' flies LI:
. • •
❑norm, November 2.5.
The steamer Asia from Liverpool, with dates
to the nth inst., arrived this morning, at 8
o'clock.- She brings 55 passengers.
The English papers continue to be tilled with
accounts of the triumphant progress of Kossuth.
Ile is receiving every where, unprecedented
manifestations of admiration and affection. lie
attended the Polish. and Bulgarian ball, at
Guild Flail, London, on the evening of the 18 th,
where he met the Lord Mayor, and a large num
ber of distinguished persons.
The steamship Demerara, belonging to the
West India line, while on her way from Bristol
to Glasgow, to receive her engine, alluded, and
has been, abandoned. She was insured for
The nab•marine telegraph_berween'England
and France, is new in full opera — eon.
The inquiry relative to the conduct of Mr.
Ramshaw, Judge of Liverpool county court, had
not terminated.
The British exports to the colonies, increased
last year, over the year 1840, 18 per cent. The
exports to the United States for the same period,
increased 25 per cent. In British shipping.
there has been an increase inthe entries, of up
wards of 221,000 tone, and in the entries out
ward, of 150,000 tons.,
Owing to the many pressing engagements of
.fiossuth, which had absorbed alt his time, and
greatly worn him out, he would not sail for the
'United States until the 20th inst, in the Bete
-1 boldt.
' "The New Zeeland and Sidney steamer of the
13th of August, brought 11,000 pounds sterling
in gold, and £B,OOO worth of diamonds, from
the newly diecovereif mines. It is reported that
in Frederick Valley, the mlners are reaping
rich harvests: and lumps of gold weighing 12
to 14 pounds value are found. Two men had
produced $250 worth of gold in two days. The
gold is found in large qnarri
Tho Catholic clergy, from the Bishops to the
Carafes, are particularly busy in spiritual and
temporal matters. They are making a regular
onslaught on the Free Masons; a determined
opposition to the National system of education;
and, finally, are proposing a plan of operations
for agitation in Parliament. in which they hope
ti he successful against the ministry, early in
the session.
The eecond reading of the now electoral low,
took place in the National Assembly on Thorn•
day, when it was lost by a majority of 17.
Notwithstanding this second defeat of the minis
try, every thing remained quiet in Parie, and no
extreme agitation is likely to be attempted by
the Mountain, until the general election, when
the strength of the respective parties will be
excited to the utmost.
The accouchment of the Queen of Spain is
daily expected. Arrangements are being made
to transmit the sex of the heir, by signal lights.
A bill has been introduce I into the Cortes,
proposing a reduction or tho Clalolll9 tard.
The Sing of Hanover was barely alive on
the 10th instant His death was hourly antici
Intelligence from this quarter to the 18th ult.
give the most flattering accounts of the quantity
and quality of gold. Receipts from the prin
cipal towns average 20 to 25;000 pounds weekly.
Intelligence from Alexandria to the 28th,
elates that Abbe Paeha bad received from Con
stantinople the consent of the Porte to construct
a railroad over the Isthmus of Suet, by which
certain facilities are granted, calculated to lis
ten the work to a completion.
Lircuraci„ Nov. 15
Cotton—The market was active during the
week, with sales of 70,670 bales, of which near
ly 6269 were taken for exports, and 19,000 on
speculation— Fair bound mobile is quoted at 6d:
Grim= 51 per lb. lio'Hogshead's circular
quote, advance in middling and lower quali
ties. •
Dreadstnffii—Flour and wheat are steady. and
fair qualities are a shade, dearer. Corn is doll,
though in fair retail demand.
Provisions—Beef is difficult of sale. No sales
of pork No new bacon is offering; the first or
rivals will sell welL Lard is heavy, with limit
ed sales at a reduction of I s per 100. Cheese
and butter have 'lightly advanced.
Groceries—Sugar is depressed. Molasses is
firm, and in moderate demand.
Iron—A fair businessis doing, with no change
in prices.
LoNDos, Nov. 14
The market is overstocked with capital, and,
discuunts are easy at 3 per cent lower rates...—.
Funds are advancing. Consols too money and
account closed at 98} ea9Bi: . 11. 8. bonds,
fives, 1853, ore quoted at 93(4,94: U. S. sines,
18 1 32, 105®106; do 1865, 111 e; Peons7 lllllllll
fives 811 i 0821; Maryland fives 884(i;891.
Reports from Manchester indicate increased
activity, and prices are improving.
Bo.stox, Nov. 25.
A convention of the friends of Mr. Webster,
in favor of nominating him for the Presidency,
assembled in Fantod Hail to day, and organ
ized at 12 o'clock by electing lion Geo Ashman,
of Springfield, President, !misted by 28 Vice
Presidents, and 17 Secretaries. Over 8000 del
egates are in attendance.
Mr. Ashmun, on taking the Chair. delivered
au eloquent and forcible address. He was fol
lowed by Thos. Stevenson of . Boston, who moved
the appointment of a committee to prepare an
address to the people of the United States, which
was agreed to. Edward Everett was appointed
Chairman of the Committee.
It was also moved to appoint a permanent
committee of correspondents, after which the
convention adjourned.
' Uponthe reassembling of the Convention, the
committee appointed for the purpose, reported a
committee of correspondence, ccnsisling of 28
An address to the people of the United States
was also reported, which sets forth in glowing
terms, the various qualifications for the Chief
Magistracy of the Union.
The House of rtepresentatirer flow stands 195
Whip, 199 Coalitionists. — tight towns are yet
to hear from, siz of which gave Whig majorities.
Nwornaus., Nov. 26
A fire this morning destroyed Boers gro
cery store, Ford's book :store, B. C. Ander
son's clothing store, and Foster A. Co.'s, and
Y. Bowlines dry goods store
The matter of the Christiana Rioters was
taken up in the li. 8. Court; when, after ar
ranging tome preliminaries as to the questions
to be put to the jurors, Ac.", 'which elicited colt
siderable discussion. •
Costner Ilanaway, the defendant first to be.
tried, wee arraigned, and pleaded not guilty.
'The Court wee then, until 3i" o'clock P.
occupied in endeavoring to empanel a jury.—
Thirty six persons were - called, out of which
only fire were selected. The balance being set
aside by the Government or challenged by the
defence. The use will be resumed to morrow
morning. •
A large crowd are in attendance, many of
whom are females, mostly members of the 8o-
Met) , of Prieuds.
it...1.7010UL NOT. 25.
The committee appointed to make arrange
ments for the reception of Kossuth base molt
edopon a grand procession of the trade, military
firemen, and other associations.
Pousuchruts, Nov. 25.
We hare bad a continuous storm of snow and
rain throughout to-day.
New Tons. 09,,t.124-
Cotton—The market is quiet at yestattf 4 34
Flour—All descriptions are active, with sae'
50001)61s at $3 94044 for western, and $4 ••
$4 06 for Michigan.
Orsin—Bales 2500 bushels Michigan wheat at
88e. Bales 10,600 bushels mixed western corn
at 600 1 .4 bu. ;
Pronsious—Tbo market is steady. Sales 100
bbls pork at $l6 12 for new mese, and $l3 02
for pnme. Beef and lard are dull
Linseed Oil Bales 1.500 gallons at 04c gal
T o b i ,cgo—Bales 100 hbds Kentucky at 4 & Jo
Wbiakey—Bales 100 Ohio at 211 1 gal
Stocks—The market is steady, with sales In
diani state fires at 85.-
I* 4.
New Yeas, ,Nov 25
Cotton—The foreign advises Lave given tone
to the market, and sales to-day are 4000 bales,
with a firm market
Flour—Sales 13100 bbls at $3 91 for commun,
stale, and western, and $3 94054 I 2 for Ohio.
(Stain—Salea 2000 bushels mixed white wheat
at 994000. Sales 40,000 bushels mixed wes
tern corn at 50c 11 bushel, and Ole for yellow.
Provisions—Are without change. Sales 300
Ills pork at $l5 124 for mess, and $l2 64 for
prime. Present stocks amount to 0000 tilds.
Linseed Oil--,Further sales 4000 gallons at
04000 c per gal .
Rice—Sales 400 tierces at s2(s* l 1i is 100.
Flour—The market it firm at $3 11 lib', and
holders are asking an advance.
Whiskey- I .Bllles at 1467,160 14 gallon.
Cheese—Sales 2700 boxes at 60 "I? lb.
Hogs—Are firm, with sales 2020 head at $4,-
60 -pi 100.
Pork—Sales 6000 pieces green hams at 601 ,
6 lb
Trade iy generally very active.
The river hay fallen 3 feet sihcolast,report
Tnu Lonvon Tests non liossuxii.—The Lon
don correspondent of the Boston Post explains
the Times' hostility to Rocsoth nY follows:
It may be asked, ,a pasymt, why the great
"Tieutiderer," the ••first paper in the world.
the Times—a paper that professes to ..go with
the times," should gn BO bitterly, violently and
falsely against the Hungarian hero. That pa
per is generally on the aide of tyranny and
despotism. That is not all in this case. Aus
trian funds are constantly ebbing : and as the
cause of Kossuth comes up that of Austria goes
down. The house of ltothehildu—half Austrian
la stock., funds and persons—the branch here
. .
London as well as that in Autria, has a great
. .
stake in Austuan bonds; and that, with the oth
er great monied interests here, including, no
doubt, that of - Baring & Brothers, have swung
out at least ten thousand pounds to that paper'
to write Kossuth down. Yes, Austrian gold has
attempted to, crush ,where Austrian bayonets
could not. They have reckoned without their
host. That spirit that prompted a band of
draymen to pull the beard of n Ilaynau, will not
permit the champion of Hungarian freedom to
get foot on English soil without at team show
ing a sympathy with n people who struggle,
however vainly, for their lineries. Itothsobild,
the Tim. & Co. have kicked against a wall—
: against a wall of human hearts—and the re
bound mill injure the titterers, but not those
whom they attempt to destroy.
/1 - nri AlLam( Ars,P.
One of the most revolting scenes we ever wit
nested came under our persenel observation
yesterdny. During the morning, intelligence
reached us of a bloody tragedy. that had been I
perpetrated on the Delaware Turnpike, about
five miles from this city, the victimes tieing a
man and his wife. We nt once proceeded to the
spot where the deed had been committed, and
found our informant had but faintly described
the same.
Prom the evidence of the witness examined
before the inquest held by Coroner Brouter,we
glean the fol,ktwi rig particulars:—The deceased
were named - John Moore and Elisabeth Moore.
his wife—the former about 40 years of age, the
latter about 30. During the for. noon of Wed
nesting. Mrs. M. Lad been in the city, and on
returning had stopped nt La Grange's tavern,
where they both drank quite freely of liquor
They then went to the house of one John Day,
about an eighth,cf a mile from the bridge crms.„l
log the Normanskill creek. Item they Met Mr
D. and one or two others, and liquor was drank
freely by all prevent.
' James Riley testified that he was present at
the time, and drank with Moore six times
and probably more. and thinks Moore bad drunk
considerable when he was 7 not by. lVitstest , did
not see Mts Moore drink any excer. when char
ing a pint of spirits with fire others He did
not .hehr Moore steak harshly to his wife, nor
did he notice any ill feeling between them. Ile
bad never known M. to quarrel with Ilia mle,
but on the contrary, lie had always spoken fa
vorably and kindly of her.
John Day tertibeil that betook None and his
wile home; that both were very.entudi inoexicot.
ted, and that Mrs. Moore upon gelling out of the
wagon, fell down. She went int.. the house and
got a candle, and upon coming out handed it to
her husband, when witness says he used very
severe and harsh language towards her.
This in the last they were sees alive by any
person. About 6 ohclock yesterday morning a
man named Samuel Wolley. while pairing down
the road, heard a boy say that Mrs. Moore WWI
dead. Ile went directly to the house, and found
Mrs. Moore lying about fire yards from the door,
3 . 111.5 t inside-the fence, bee head partially blown
off, and lying in Ispool of bloc& Ile then went
in the house and found Moore lying by the Nt,e
with a double barrel fowling Piece by his side.
one charge of which had been lodged in his right
side, penetrating his Mom At his fret his two
' little girle--the one five years and the other twol,
and el .. tll( years old—were standing in their.;
I night clothes, weeping a, if their little heartS I
would break.
Dr. T. .1. Van Allen, after examining the
bodice, gave it as his opinion that Mrs. NI was
shot by her husband, and subsequently that he I
had put an end to his own life.
From the general opinion of the neighbors and
the evidence, the following conclusions were or-
.rived at: That the deceased were both very
Much intoxicated, and after Day hail left them
and they had gone into the house, they quarrel
ed together; that during the dispute Moore
took his fowling piece and discharged both bar
rels at his wife, both charges entering her limd
on the right side, and shattering the skull in a
most horrid manner ;i that he then reloaded the
gun, and going into the house, placed the mos.
:le 'to his side, and with his foot upon the lock,
discharged one of the =barrels It. is almost
certain that both bands were discharged when
be shot his wife, from the fist that he must have
reloaded the gun, as one of the barrels was
loaded when found yesterday morning. What
should have led to this truly bloody deed Coe
not be imagined. They lived happily together,
and were never known to have quarrelled.
Moors had been accustomed to drink. although
when inebriated he was never men to quarrel
with his wife. Maddened by liquor—which was 1
worse than deadly poisom.rie it deprived him of i
his reason—he must have lost all control of his 1
passion, and inn moment of frensy, while gear- I
telling with his wife, he must have conceived
and immediately carried into effect his hetrid '
purpose. They have lived in the house where 1
the tragedy was committed for several years,
and the neighbors usenet that they have never
witnessed any difficulty between them. Conm•
I quently the poisonous drugs which Moore had
been drinking, induced the criminal actionwhich
first sent his wife into eternity, and perhaps a
temporary feeling of remorse urged him to put
an end to his own miserable existence i
The two orphithed children appeared to he '
well aware of the melancholy proceerlingi which
bad thus early lo life deprived them of both fa
ther and mother. They wept bitterly when told
they should never nee their parents again. The
mangled remains of the wife, and the livid fee. t
tures of the husband's corpse, would have caused
the heart to sicken at the eight, .
The jury of inquest, after carefully deliber
ating, rendered the following verdict: That Eli- 1
mbeth Moore came to her death by being shot
by her husband; and that John MOore came to
his death by shooting Limalf—both being in
toxicated. Coroner Brower raw them interred
Imi . the spot where the deed wan committed, and
then returned to town. The little girls will be
cent to the Orphan Asylum, where they will be
properly taken care of by the worthy Matron of
that Institution.
13011TOX, NOT. 25
Tilt WILSIMITOS itosn.—We are gratified to
loam that the Cincinnati, Wilmington and Zaues-
Till. Railroad Company hare contracted with
A. DeGraff & Co., of Dayton, for the construc
tion of all that portion of the rood advertised for
contract, extending from Morrow, nu the Little
Miami Railroad to Lancaster, a distance of
miles. The contract is span most favorable
terms, and embraces the completion of the work
id all respects—the company furnishing only the
riffle, chairs and spikes. The work will be fin•
inked in July 185:3. The well known energy,
experience and success of the contractors—De
Graff himself having won the name of "the rail
road ing"—in that respect, afford a satisfactory
assurance that what is promised will be perform
ed.—Zanesville Courier.
BLYTIIE'S Grand I'anoramir Sketches of
tha ALLY:CHIEN W NItHINT A INO-rarrnethin,ntlr . e .
Y ;nes...Vagn= I !rt 1 1 ;4174:417 0 ' ; ' h n e a ‘
tOto. bad at the and Hoolitatas.
AMMI-60 bbls. fur sale by
IX *IST fOI3ACr.!6L-111 kegs No
k) t.ot roe/ ea can Hanment u sa i tg . s . r 4 l;l6
7"' nal2
IP UTTER -1 0 bble. sold palcod;
r_lLDai.Z6Lka Co.
11.EL'CKW.Eriii bags hulled.
Jar hgetor.MM fatale bj I
e. x . HARDMAN._
I.lOAOg--5 tracks for sale by
RIL nal! • lt Ir.
PEAcitEe—n) busbelß received on
eel" iginTwat sad for.le eT
A LEXALDIII, OnDON,l'Sji:rat 4
• n do A 7 I oliN M a i a col
. AKELY, Europ eaA a A { ent and 1111, In Partia, Fachant
A,lll fr the follow Paclnac
l'uropor Lion of etuawhip ing,
tpla ket L
eta Now York and
Tall line. from Near Yurk and 'Aver
t., un th, Lth and oat
d. 1,000 rrn•olh
N•ar Llnv I..erv• 1.., York on tho no, and Lir , rl. ,4
no thn 11th or., mutat,
fbd Star Ilzu.. Illth,i
nunl tha of umott month.
Z I.lnt toil,. a month from I:A . ..max:ll and tioat
rho I.nn , lou I in.., • trunk N. Turk Au the
let. oth. VII, and ',Rh. nu.l !rum 1.. , u4uu uu tba CO. nth.
,A.C, and :tAlli,ol every Inoutl.
Tn. Line of nta..von .A,l In= Net Aunt
And AllAeuun nnth. 14 au I Itth a mouth,
A 11 if tn,ni laver,ul U. New efr.
r uoJrgute. troln Nro 1„b. hy tileano
yr can., aod tn I,l4bura/
juonongerk n receive e, ..r) att..ut ton, and toll,. gly
en al...1101) tlo• olhere of TaPw"nl AT, Ellen
Qua), •nd Boading, borerPold.
J aireet New fork. ur at
the ogle.. of the o
erner Math and Liberty
Mrerle, Iltreburgh.
bereone n.eolinz In the buffed UL .« co Canada. allo
aieli wad Sr, the, friends In an port of England,
IrelanAcollutol. or ale, ran wake pee ee.urn a'-
, angon,ente on applseauon to the aulmeriher. and hare
(hero brought out by any of the above layorfte line. :
i.i.kk , try. (which, range from 1,0./ lo g_Moo f.1 , 11A
or by Ilrft Hann Merchant blur, on favorable trine. br
way of LIN London, or Illttotow Tim ir frequency
pr- ode. lLepowolllity of delay. basaafra no
.1.0 ',UV. .nor I.lterpo.“ to New Orlytou, b .
I t
PhitaJelptna. U.wton, Charle-tou, and harannab. lureet
Immure,. In • wall or Inrae lour.. to
” or= JAMES 111-AIIELV
_ .
McHenry's Philadeiptua or Liverpool Line
of Packets.
.Sailing from Philadelphia on the
I=lfith. end Lierrpruil uu the Inn,' riy-h
M Alt V I-I.EASANV. It. It. levons, Mum.,
IftiN AN Lei Alt. Wm. lier.liner, tenter
EVItiII . E. Nathaniel C. Hams, Alexia.:
-- `if lAN. Alfri-d Eimith, Muoter.
II ACK AMA XON. (nper,) W. t 1 IV mit. Alssiter.
The eluuru or.. built of 1111 f IDA MORI unnir
nintellals. And ere noted for the modify thei rpu they ern up ulll. all int..el ere MA , .
thurrumhli mailuty.l. OO,lfir,i I, their eel
t-ritrimiutaliun , to Almuna thfun IVEP
they .I...cum:minded Li uf .l talent,
lbfee it ease-Hr., inAlse pacloturtles
1, - YoulA du.trulit of Colt Owed. In. tikt
run 01.toln ceriairrii•-• p.m.,. I, Itirti hu.
',aid let richt innuth., RIM car lucent: lu Inland and Lit
eriuuil furnp.l: ilium with Mu pri.fu-r infuramtian and
Instruttion. in their det.nrtuty
Our the OtOlTetitell, O/Vuo,o,(1 1 WIP11111{I lb runt mCI;:rtt,fult,"..ntl,:,t,ln.,iir :11',?,Y4'11,1
Our ur in the intir.l
piwungeru conlYmi from Liver
C. !•kliroaln,r oupplit:4
f 12 ,0,11 to,rottpo . 'eon. of ogo ood Voo ,
Ito. no, to. . nototro l l, 5,,11. , 01g0r, 1 lb. flour,
t!'" .m "'""`"
.I'. ST rtroot, bolo. socont lI. I YI ID.
norner hixtlt and Noo.l
Steam Communication beiween New York
and Glasgotv
T ILE Gl.Ls g ow and Ncir York
horo .. poof. Mow,. lino. .1 tn. •.T
Ynkr .1:roc;• '""'"T"' N ""
Och of Dm-ember
'atm Istesurd , I.* tn.-N.1..1,1.
•trvr.,..r r.t.entrro tnßen.
Th h e.. toolude t•
h' but not 'altos or 'Num . ,
ehin ilt whe .urrlseLl nn Nowt, ra
nusfrir prforo.
4 ufoonn I
Fnr troo..lit or govoo
J • •fYf
f,/uA l l w l l Y t •ff r ° t
h ,Ilnoart 4.0 p horn. , r• 1. .111 ou tl.. ALtlinn .rl, n,•.
11 .15 1. 1 - : IV AI X
.I: 6 + L
.I l o N airs i) ' . 110 1 41 " !; .. .
1,4 Ihr (Ira . . of • Co.. fotil coutinv• .1.1••
ugh dram un 11. C on off. 4 I rrland on Fragion
[ol Clounk "111 , .. • 01. ICatoly • IL,
,Qtfertay.•re S 1 or.. It.o.nt, ...rot, of La , off) nnO So•Lb
IT, C. 11, W.) MRIT,T of .o.o"d On IL.
nlnwt favorahl..yrnY tcou Nov o. t., Ihttoburfrh.
xrul any trn of
Tb. NEW 10 , 1 E. •
United States Patent Office.
N the totinz...f Iturabai
.7. 1 .rlat Etli, 11, et • rt...
ofto tont un ntL .Isunare. tsr su Imprret
...omit nos - tone IA t I•rons plant and.: ..titer lumbar. f o r
tt von ent• trout r
s•, •1 J•utott, It•tot
It to roto, I Nat tn. est 1 A- Intent the tat
31. and •11t.
1, s, a
r.l .lanir 000,
4 . 1.0 • 10 .OaD•
seat 1.-1, tt • ten., ate of eslntog.. ,
te , tontoty Ewe r . ntrtt 1.- mm.. 11.100,10 ear
-03, O.upt tzLau are. rlloo.e • M.. Mc.
1,/es of ale tort. 1.. tug .0 appliests.u.
• Ordered. ateot. that tn., 1.010, /- in the Ns
alln nt.-In. - nest. asa.l toon. eetnostoo.l.l.
L., E. rye, 1 . tt,r•en.t. Mane, S. 1
`. 1 Jou. ,
0 0.10. Itnt•tott... a toe , a sera no tt.rts • .1...r00a1,
see ke nrsentett
the sae'
1101.11 1.• ..1 Pats.,
United States Patent Office. To the : blic
0 . 5 ...',.. , t . h . i. , pe 5 i . i w i..c...,..1
, i , i .. 4 , , ,n ,, , .,ti . ., ,,, L „. .i n n . , , , , i , :::,,,; , f . ! i N!.)1,.,..1n11E,1111ER.5, 1.1
~. E. 0 . ,- ; 1...r0r 41.1e . tri ,, n
N." . ii ,-,i i -.1 l. • " 44 .47 "' l ' /1/ ' ll 471 I• l ' 1. • 1 114:•I.I ' I .31.10.,1 in 0. 7 . • I rra It r 310. 11 3/. Jl.l.
from or. e5p...... ir ....•' t°' .'• •'-'"'• '"''"' ' `'. ! .r... is t una: .....1• , ..- .: ,r , I ~,, , .1 .: .1,. .... u. 1.,
rhe Mb .la/ ...1 ...rm.,' l• - ' be ts... tt• thar 10-.1.... 1...1.0 ~ h,, ..1. fur /3/•••1
001:111 . nu ttm 111.,/ . i ......... , ner I, /tort, ll • ?,.,,(,, ~.,,,,.„ , ..,„.,,, ,* ;..' 1 ,,., -1• , 1 `,,...';::
.. 1 . 4 111 tef. 7 II• . 17 1,44 . 4 1. 13 .• 11 7 ./ 4 0 :" . 3,317. • 4 0 .1..., par -I•Ased lut 1.., • 7 1, • /3. munuts..l.... ..3
11 / .. 11 1 • •• • • • 114• I 17 ' . 11 •••• 7. " 4 ' • ••• •1 ' 11.4 71 1.*4T.14.4- Indta hut, r Y. 1:........ 10 .yrae. 1 . 0.00, ..14 141,1
~...,,, „,,,,ii,, ii,............•re Tryl"h l ...• usar3u.nry. furl ar. .4[3:y ` Pal , • a turl f.. CI.. ....3. •...1
y.,.„,. ~,,,,. th ,.. ~1.,,,,, h. J u st.../ ,:r3l. in wn , ..,,. ,[...-, ... n r. 1.... 1.... I n.ll. e
"3.. i ~...d tr •
t...., at IL., v. GI, •1n)• , -I.ra tUr r. -0 . It 1 ••• 14, 141 do mu t•th..r thnn f 3[.. 3.3. Ihnorser rata U. W..
‘,..0......., nl, I, vstt..; 3 ..rty tv , ....I .. t usaml near 1 ~,,a , 3t a „ . t, yu....... 00... to 0... rand 1.1
Ink. utu•t , twitrn In r.../,she luso., ,the ur. ~.„. . E,,,,,, „, ..1,.,,,,,,. ~ ~, t ~,,,„,,.„, h „,,,,,,,,,,...„..i .
f....whh IL • irl r. turvrl.3o .....Ml-•,.. •,l trt.....-sr • Ohl: . afar,. • 0,1. m. 3.....1
urdered rs. th•t thi.r. 3t.-.1. t ut.1.13.0 It. 0.3 Nat.. 3 ~ ~..„; ,„ ,‘,..,.. ~,,,,, .., k r , I. „.....,h. (...,...,,,,
/Di In,..renv , r. H. [nth,. rod I ra/ h. It ..40[.... / 1 k • I oil..rnptlns. not r•nly tnintrlnh ...I (...r. • lut 3... u,
Fiiiiii . ii...i , niii , ... ~,.`• ii.a.ii ,. 0 1, .1 A 4 1 ...,,,, who Lave 1. 3 • 1.. , c......./•,.... rurrim3.l
m.,. N 1 . .h.../ta .......n.:. Irt Id tua.e. 1, u, ~.. ....„,.....,,.. •„„ ~,,3 „ ,.. ~,,..,, ~ ~_, ~,,,,
ton 1'...1, A....• r. L. .r n. V... II uur, 0 er.t• 163... • ..; 1,„. ~,,,-,,, Ls: , th....... ..,,,,.. r ......,,,, ~ • .
r..11.....1unta. 3 L., •/st ilft•tm[cl. 1,..10.. I'll,heru L. I t „ r „,..,,',.„„ 3 . ,;,,,,,„, , ~., ~. ~, ~,. „,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,, ~•,
fti:l ' : '' '..7.7:,'“'L ";',:r '" - "':,;.:;"l":' . .Vr.`"`"' '''. '" • ''''''' '- " ."'.'"' ' "- r''''.- -. 1 "' -^
. 01 , „....... ~. ,
. r. _,,.... ,
..;„..,. II.a: ne foal a-1 3.11.•./. r0n......1 • rth f n .r. kr.
e1,./Inh • t r•tnirnv h. 0.......5nad.m. vir, ... m .. am I I',
OM MO to. Id, ~- 1,... , 1,44
United States Patent Office. I t 'i i :0:10,4
II t 111 .51111 lll.Burn ,
.y II la k Burka:than.. Trerfaun,
ON tht . I..titi”n 4 M. Siii.•l, 1.4 1 1 3.1,, TUE N PA% A lln INI.I A Ill:1:14k.11 .1, hi,
Fran,. kr./ In: 1 r Ilm Poen ..... t I • .0[4..0 - i II Hui. lOU. 1.. 1,, I. t.t.
tj l.• I are lur sr. .1,1..1 rn.1.1../.13:1 (1. Ir. rriac .3... ant . 1.11.3 It k f.I.
3.,..1 tn.f. rt.. : r ...31....... 3 .3 • v: t. 1.... cr,ul the rllif. N. , 1•1••• Jot 1•,1 b. ,1 • • • 4
r.....n . ..... {3.. u.- •I. I. ... / pl.. ... tr....v./at. '
rl. of 1/3. ru.,.• I. I ' Snpenor Black Writing and Copying Ink.
d l• /.0[1 . 3-1 tn. the ....I , 013.1. 1.. hem. rit 11.• Pr.l •
atwilhoo ~,, ,toota,. :I ~to . I 1.., , ,,,.., ,•'.l at 1.: !ONE ' S EMPIRE MK, , o 7 N loot::: 41[1/L,
o r wet:. II .....,1•311 ,r• ... ar. t...W...11,1,,, A/sinus.. 3 0 fur. hu11..., Nevr inr•
ram., It ars, th 3, h.t., wt./ 1.1.1 ,1.1t.,11.,141.* WI he 10. , fir, rar .10 Tlll T1i..11
grTlll,4 .1..18./. p•I de. .. 11 J. ("1, {wr .1
hrs.... up„..., tbt e5t......ts atr ,turry 11 , , coin aro 1•010 '• . . 1 t. , 1... •
Cetrut 0/ose. 0.........,......, • I rurtki In •ts 3. r 1 ... . f3.t. •• 3. ••
1.4......... t•eift/ .1. / • he,. the de, . 7 i. , :alltl.i. at/ 1 • n. iraucht. rol .. al,. . ~..1- . 1,
Ie.AIZOI.tI) 11, lt, 30n. t tr.. L. t. u--.. 11. hr.r..A. . T 1... ti,. 1....1 .0117. to-mt. - rum , it t 3 • • fr.s.o
0.13 MlO, *ln., /13.3_,... ta .11: 1,. pa. h1t.1...1 111 thu Ns/ 1 ...I t, .. c.... 11..... Ink, ....,... I v th. ./.3. fu11..,; '
Cowl Intsr.e.u.r. 1......t.1in .1..11..1 ..... .1 11.111.,,,,
.1•10,.1 for 11... M.! P.r.
L. C. hurl., .r.I I.u..r.rm N.. 1 -rk. ertatoft Iv., la • 11,, is t 3, ,r.. 1 I. turf... I. IL. tr.d• 21-
Gus., 1 t. 111.1,1, Ina. ...,........ I :-.....h0.1 , ,ca..1. 0., ao .1, at go. Aran, .....o.ocw:. ~ 3 , :o ..,, ~. •:,
1,.....,.... ,,, .... 1.1... 1 , .‘,11 A.1 ,, ,..r. 6.4.. ti. ,. , ,•• 4. , 1 - ...! pat •...,..• ~,, artivl .I.lnl .1.., r.-1 1.. •rry tart
Mawr:huh I •.......... 15.... n. :se• irrikaronl........a lof the HI / r•-. ut ....., N. r13,-..• t..r ..-- 10...
and P.1.1..30......10, h.LArburhl., I•runsAtanla. uhro • 1 LI te-cot .r. rh....1.1.1r• et n.,•...
•r: It 1.4 11. , .• rur o . 7o, •••••........ tu 113. math hat I nir.miati 1.1', 1 .1. !
es tr....u.ber mtt 111.1. ENVI/ANIk. 77 iv 0., "cm hu.l3l.norn I
011 , . 14.111/.. Cl.ll/6...fttafrl Valvnti. 1 snya y 1. .I/. II a
NEW BOOKS! NEW nooks! i Professor Alex. C.Barry's Tricuptierous,
ME DICA'r Ell 1 - ;11M1 11 11. Nll, for re-
I 4 T iIOLNI ES ' LITERARY . iIEI'OT N 0.74 I tr t
. 11.th11. I ...P...., ..3.1 h...113f11ne the I.lo.ernt.n.
I A S.. Third etres.t....y..l. the 11wa Ohler.- 1 tlllO seurt arr. 3.l.ntruff. and tor., ..1......• ut .1. -ton.
03.0ry's Li. 4 y e lkatt.. E..r Pearcitwr gland: and murie,s, rut.. mat. ,I ra., ovum., ..., II
Itrabsin's M yrs.., hub ,: /.....I,4ra bf .11,:kil .11: (LA tlarry'• Snr(3l3
>artalt... " . 1 •,,,,,o hao I roaluotot th. tam. oda.: in .0 nn. 11, a., of the
/5r....0val 11.....3nr, (..t . !, ,r, inter. -- , olln, etr ut tht hon. .124 0111:. •irn,al I...chi. Th,
11.3 - ,e. N.. -kluutlrty klurfasln... L. NOvtruber. 1 04lowsi. lastihmroais, ...4.030 ( 1.13n10.1. (.1 -Itallar
t 1.1.1 A...rt. Sln. 6 c.porh •311....... to Atm. 01. 10, A 11, mrtntatina.
%My 0101., sr the .Wboilk. . new work try limns, NW- .1.,1 0,....taaw0 ~. a aoa, It 5 ....4.1 b, 0,-- wlm have
•111./. h.., 110,n It • trial
Ihrtnunft of tilalopetean ou.stior A :614 . 11q1... 5.1.1 l . 12, 1/..1.
11.0..-ultur,l 0.1 / . .111ralus. f. 7 Suvra.wr eh.. Lto.• -Usu. Mr-1 ha, ,•.t. 0111.4.1 with • rth
Lurslou 1.... r ats3 1.10011 I 4., N.: 11. , tsar... murtlon . f the .:•Ip. of 11 ...I •ncrxialvd ~1.0.
I/arr.:C. Havrao., ..31 '3. b ...I .3 WWI. , • - tura ha thr , In. P.,. ,ar., ant Jurlnst 03 ,1 P. 0.4
ken bar In Irrlauh. hy L .1 Th..11:111 hare bhl Mr arlsi.,• If ....rut the onnot 0....... 1..140/
/... , 1.1 , 41 Art J...... 1 Ihr or. 1., ' Cluns. 0.1 hay. lord .1100 thrharatlon. for n Lair aud
. 03.. nts• knuan. •00,30 the 1.4.1 ber...flt 1 1 .. r •ths.l
The tratruissra. • neer nutel I.) 11.1 wry try • Inerid :11 try .30 1 • 0 , 1 0 . 11 : 11 . I 4 ' l ~• It 7 I 67 , ,
In.litto totl Ilisaasu.. 1. r Ortnher: ran ex....lleslt Nu / ramort, .04. to tr., .urpri3/3 end wrattl 3- 0. v.. 1.05.1 mr.ii , ti
Thu Litt .n.l tb. 1t...., by torn It Aar, , u.r.h. *bunt .3. inn ..4. [4.1...... thr ~,u, ot the
Th. Ilamet, k a the It 11/003....., nr Ur ..1 flan Muhl* ath,t/Thr 51.0 at rime. lau parball Irlitut
Dun 0.1,3, •nit 1.1. 4..11, raurtm roar. .411,1,04111•• lours,
t si 1.210 1 . LT Z.
1,. 1a.,/ n( th• 1....., by Dun... 11. C.lumbla h.,. I:rout:l7n
11.. mor- . I' • Ph, 3.0•3., by frunr.•
Harr/ Ilur awn.. 10.11, th. a rn...,n 14 vulutunt
1.. w. Arun., 3. th.1.13.•.1..fh (.3
Prank I atrlnlall. I .-.114.. I% If,. LII , :I • 1,...i.1,[311.
11.0nry uf Um 111.,,,, ,, t0 . 71.. N. nano.: in 1...+3--
by A. 1. lanntll , 7..
Hat Id• Wm.. •ur...... a •. , 0.0l to 1.10,41.1.0
8.11 in•reDlAoll. or 111,,,t0, tlf 10, human 1...... In.
Arthur Csam.Y. v. , ' ol ' 7 41 I ' . IT 441*
1.1, • tale rl' 11.. 10.1,. 1,0.. t:, Rati,
Katherine 0 •Ihm, or 0,1..1.1 ..I D.,roh...tar. on 115
torrid lloniala-...f the h.,4111 , 10i. 111 I arultn•
Ts.. tso /i 11•11 -volt
nunloo. ao., ..1,..1.,..,•.0r o ~, 1. 111.4 1 11
The /rata • tale nth...rim: I mt. . by 0 t . U James
Ralph lip. 11,1,4. a I ...
Th. Scalp Hun..., • tale of Het 70
11, .....0 I:1.1.h 1011 0 II Itkynold
Ran, ~ 1 the I h 1.1..111. Batt, Yw Id. • Tale of Water
Inn. up. •
YIIILAIL SYItUPS-Lt , vering l n Philitd ' a.
Steam by... ml s•I• L 1111A..11/4,3.111:0 A 00,
nail uro.tra and T.. Imalera
4„' PLIT PEAS--I litil. English Split Penn
l 7 .......1 , 1 nn ,I La ••1..
0 Ly
11 k 11r1 . 1.111:11 h CIL /
Doll 3...... ...../ Is. 11.41/ 11
NIP.ItELLA z., for side by
II / now. ' C 11t111[111(i0f.
1 t ASSIME RE ..t. CA: , SINET-151.1 pcs, for
N I ..) • t,, t' AIZIIIITIINtfI . .-
. . . ...--
URI...EN APPl o l;t4-5 11 hill:, reed and for
1..$ salr I,) nell I • IV. IlAltilAIit:11.
Try Atlorrie' 50c. Tea.
I tb•• t, v ORRIS )137 altyttpt iota the belt Ten in
ITN l'iturrli sa C. , .. I lb. hut twig tb.. qualltri.
..1. b eer
lint drllrimix Uolung Tea GOr 1 , lb.
Fir..., IStagllrlk 11re•41.. I ..• . ........:,9 .
11t w
Morrl, T.. Mart I. InWelnuw. uJ.4urnol , l , .r from
[runnel ail,. . . : .
111E1:SE-400 boxes pi iin • CrP win ClK:ese:
011.1 ho L ... 4 wi,
stow. ova an sole I r .
all ii. Iral.:10 11. O 01. laLowty 6._ . . ..-
11 kVINER. NV ANTED--For 19 hdlm. of Solo
Iv brolly', kn to Moro 1, tho Nl.,wonosholt Wharf
!tooter. willt 1 Ii..ODS a WON,
ww ., .. 111 Water or_
1U blao. tor solo by WWII a aI:CANDI.I.ISB
..._ .
ii 1111(11t A--
C , Culloo Loud", Ay I, tleown1(11010 (Immo 110041
A Weta.. 11.11wr Sitl. l l . lll,
Now Curtnlno Form ~ ,o nilw•ry Cluw. ftwoL.
Nat..] arllw..l Onowt Itro , k, rrtwiwnwww )I 4,.1+
Joo•nllmiwwWain ; , 11.. Ilan, II 0. Moown:
OwnaLle,,k °aim tloh, ulwronn. [look'. oi l.slodtalla
Primal" Sobroslllonv Woraw ,11n1wn . r.......... t'atl l ll
Wooten thwru. Woof, I Wool;
ll.Nriflt7riAal.'ntrZi4 )17: rrn'..7t.""''''' woo" Fr unoo. n..... 00 Ity W 11. Ftw.r.
Th. look of Ago, twerra ipsortotto.
Tlr SWilo livulor's max:
The 111norner•oe...nPlolo”
eitmplete. Far ale hi
H. K L61.1Y,1t. PH Third trust,
nnli 1.1.1 or the Holden harp.
LIQUOItIitE lAN If oasis primu small
14 Wet, Pa al, by wicKERNILOI.
vot , {Ver.' nr tlyal.
ABROW' RO OT -200 Iba. genuine flerniu-
As, (Pa). P.Y !Ale by J. KM) & CO.
UNI PER BERRI ES--1.000 lbs. Fresh, fur
• J. KWH A ell.
I 1 U N Cloll'lloll-9 bble. for sale by •
AT .010 . J. KIDD
usilip& fit'9,N have -u few shares "Ohio
JUll sod renwylays ,Itsulnat,ls.lnclC “Earbatro Book
sod tlvelt,e hg. ale. Apply pan. nOO
iICIiWLIEAT 1.10 , 1g . - i i— i te il ls r, [zzale ,
),;,, fresh roe 'd
nlo by
f..:1) O F .
p LA r .i.N.V; p. L , ;S : :! y ea i r . :l 4.. m t ttuaat i, u . r . e b d „
Eltv=borser lkOtist sward WI for all. low by
• • • -•
PHIS well known establishineet is still con
'. ducted In the mune manner It ha, elwaye been. The
central and rletvant altuatlon of the houae, nommce)i
one arrannemen4, .0 rendermort, sod luxurir, to be
found there. rosolnue to lt eurrektd. , end warm...-
a-eon, to-the traveler.
Having bven one ref the Inn of I. To:ter a t'or.
en long et the bead of the ,stetatehment, toe ruheertber
pledgee him beet nxoru.-,,, to matuteln IL, repot/Luc, aud
to vire ratiefactin te toe c,tuntr•.
W3l. 11. I'AIIREIL
T t.
u s a t wi,
tait lo mod prirwo• situ
to ,for th a l n thejuttol:tater
. kotlatl. tool
the Went Inim.. 01the
tltmasen arta ,rtn,rtornt , of the
Nervotta Synclo. Las oµtool att pent tier of
thin braniqt of the profettniou, awl inny 14.. , 11.11/1 , 4 from
11 t 111•11 In thr moron.. nod Irma 2 1111 a to the to:ping,
at No..2l , lChennal YIIILATIF.I.I I IIIA ot- . 2.1 . 1t0
lIF.sE superior • urlides of Perfumery,
smangat h aro ectiaverat. , l jitAif
Ty Whit, Ono.' I , arl, Rau,. ml.l
Toilet VAT,. hall, nu.l tuber
•• .
r:on rn • -Walnut and F.,. Fine rand Brown
orron,r, Floating, Palm, OILUnli. F Entf) and Twirl
N•uiso, Sharing Cream. (lair Oro. (2.,lngrn, Wntnr,.. Er•
towin frr thr handkrrrt,lef-, On Marrow, Brar'n 01'—
40 Pomndr. new srtirlr, Ken I.rintrnl Hair ll.onkraore.
!lair OH, Philannanrn, le , , nra trinnulaclurtrl nod for
s.l* . 15, JOIIN T CI.IAO.
Porfuna, nit
G; 31,r4rt n
al-Merchnnt• don t that Cleg:Cx t. the , nr , S.nt
n.' ..vt..nnir.•nia.nutv.rt , ., in ft....1t, him
Shriver & McLean,
flour, PITA,. and Cum niannn Ifarchant
No. 34 South I"
dor.. generally, wlll re, co 'mann , ethttwo.. , ‘ ,
our hest endeavor', tri, mu/tn.-Lou Aucwalaeugule cn
reeelpt nt of Lahr, when ttgeirtel
Item to—Nleaars Hampton o Pittalturglt.
Fraurte te Itatier.
Mr. Alga. haughlto,
Matchless Blacking and
ta,AcK INV—warrto-1 gap. 1.1
to Lb. pubbc, and by rand In
In Any row.. ‘l..uubt. tur.A
by IllitnilYlNbyrN n CO.. tbaftrry near 1,.r1b 061 , 1.
- - •
/1 4 11031. A S WHITE, BONNET MANU
)ACTURER, 10. 41 .4 .44tb. :qty., (0.1,
Lb.:but. yip! l'hliatirl phis 1,15 IT
Y. gIiOALKT J.. s.
Fah. OrCerf. No =1 . NI4
• •-•
J. J v.Ar.ot
11 E LI), 13 N „ 'one,
• !riTb:glTlltl
er • o. toi,ttiv7.ll:i
Flour and General Produce
C 0 31311SSION HOUSE, '
NV . ...I 110 U aI:D. NEAR 11/U1'111.10: STIIEVI,
Ran !WAD TR, 1. TU Till lolls
ADVANer...9 YALE ON (.113)00411 , 171
Meth,: mulynt.uhre. sn
vrlth his r nth, shari..s a ahki.rht•
rsth mahl
Innsk el •••,41.1
and ~s )1.-o•hAnt , 11.0).
1,11.:10 , 1411 A m Phu,
.2.14. Ihna
. _
Shawls! Cloaks ! antillas
S. MILLS, N. Co Cuttittrolt sf.,N tk,
. t.ora ht• Stn.t •
k k all 10 11Wt., 2.lin 'A La ."1,14.La .11%
of :4.4.11 e".
• full •.•••• rtru,nt tr,. qua /04, sta r rxdr,i
tr. of k - rad ,
•u •
Thrle 1, Ilk,
Sat.. wi..l V.lvet GI •kA ‘. ASTI 1.1. A, .ul
f•ru... • - ty c..3.1....rt tr...
4• - u• 011.0 "up ump , r.t....i.•.; r 1 4 !
I, mut, [L. Py.,al eatetutr,, of nn.l —t
ern Ales...its tu the 10..1- ft tl.ry vat
tutdurt , ./..! in the r 0 v.
A I"t1 . 1/t MO. Pl 4ll.
wit Nlst u , •11•.. r•• •
ods.h.•l t-r lard f, e.rts
fr 1,/at. (ht .
!Mt, llama—My Dam 1 1 1r—Aleut lto {MI" IWO Mr Oct
CalLa Mt a riCat dmkl, and my t.rno.l t ooh aMlMatt
a‘odruff 1.. m. t.. 14 1 , , a; voltrilimplum
end I 414 #O, and v. II .. , nlt4m , ml. My hl , ll . was
Oltmlwttmlod. wild all th. tlimcM m , ths
heal tow .Is.• • tot halt
It ant lady ot gatalentan .141.uk0 , It. attth!nttaitt 4 tha
.but•, that ph•its. tal l al Ito Mm-rt 1 harry • nihm.
if It t ..,Thrzy, Yot hdtra ha "oil tm.lum thy ortitt
tiro. the !LiLtarr ari,l Novai ti , . ,
There an timid; hir the toirmaiieut ritre
and allemoi• tho eetii.ralli, that Lao - iesolar.i
the popularity eiteiyool tu,sti ao Pniloetr
Ilarry'o Trireiiihervuo. Mioiicatool L.
,petel twiltir lite LIVNIT Of the ~..tuailouity, lu
al try
ainetovery ouroory it. the laud 111. lu tirolitreure
ether article*. tho k It tiriparto th•
the hag. arid thus premed*. Ito growth
witch or realti slut other oriunokus
de rf the skim. to f/101.1.103.. 9• , 411k - .7. It 64111 d•
rthriralloil• It to rind in taro, Zioroto, at
llroot.leray.• l3ll the thrnuulii..ut
thalthitoidtitatroaal Canada.apiartl
• •
p l , oNTIN Im uLs 116 usuaLl.l t,l
facillties to receive
) FL.r.r, ale, and Transhiont.t. sli NlerclAndl ,
Ikukt• kat. lon .1,1..1.0 tor 14111.1 n.
cn the LuA,lOlll t 4. Illuwo Conn , .nd
11..1,r0n0.--)ln.nro ~,, nterlakti A C.-.
II .Jonve C Quiga.
11r. J6l. A Ca.l,y.
Win. H. Haskill,
AND AUCZIONI4.II, C“, •Irrrt, I.El$ltlA.
I L.
Enswl.l alberMuu lonelnesq. nglll4
ST. JOSEPH., 1116801 M
hEnl Formarling 1.1.,rch.n., am
1.41 Joinsph. Nlo.
Itnfin ,o Altstantiqr Ot.rtlon, eterlinit • to.
l'ltniburatt. .ptly
IAVID - C. TUTTLE, Attoniey at Law,
auJ Volotainalon.r (Or l'onsuyl•aula, :It how. mo
e7loouarnunkatinna procuptir uotITIY
011 N 11. NANKIN, Attorney 11•11l1 C•011n•
MU. 111. L., , 11.11 d 0,M1101..ii , ..f tot tic Stone o
onna,ivania. $l. 1..4. Mo., (la, oftot
Ilotaronno.--I . lh.hunh: not, it. tury ALM. &
Minor. Porthuadlorao )Icdurr. John h. Porloa:
&mph...Mot:NJ A Co. anahhly
/lore Now Ooodz
I AMES A. It N I II T, No. Co 2 Fourth
du rrreived lilastrand anpoi, of Fall and VIII. ,
t/004, the majority of alilrh having (wen purrltamed at
ty tv,lur..l 'mire, Itr would rail particular attention to
Itmelat t.nna alumla, veryrtirata Plain C.a.:Ran
Square almaln flay htat,.mauttfir.utet'•
pnres, Yrrtath Itlrrlnms and Cat
.4abraorra Far.-
hula thra. 011ka tart d. alrable;
eima, Cloak anat. ac.. ac.
iI VUST ItEe'll at .lAS. A...N10k1110111 - S.
qty• fail aar.ortmerit if Infra.' and Youths' Harlot ,
. nnl
al ' l r' stocl 7 l VlValleaq, sled e , o s ats. g
r i i¢k " :3lll
'' el k l 2 - 4 doVtrllle72l7a . ata saal•llrd at reef toe
reoclynl at No. tt.'t hituuti week 4 lot of Crolto
luaxanall • celehnite4 14.01100 Pit-Firs awl Payee.. .-one
tnittitiON Wotertlorsbiro tJaticv.
Pion Ilttolipst
. ttalnute. Raney
Ploolith .in,lateira ketchup, Walnut Rem... ,
Athena . = and Royal Tale tlaucw put up in fancy Poi ,
• Loll •• • • WIC A. liteCLO/t0 t lah
_ -
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet.
REDUCED:—The swift
rltPurnarprourontrer paeLet CLIPPER
(In place or the J•met Ne loaton for
the abort. ILO.I all Intern...lln. Po , . at IP I
eel. el; t re.i.rlr ).r. ICI
Fur ti
[plum...Palo Plod`
The Capt. 1. I ar.
Luna,. et., li;trtadat , and rotrard..t. at 1 , . A
relorcir.o. 111...eIrrr e•rri • tt :
un I oartl.., t.. 111). .
`larkrt utroot
Clrpp. r N,l I. .1, • , f 11... la
1 oat- er er rt,
ttrurted for Ihe and
dood Gob. r rootorip tr. Um Imo..
Eli IA A frf,
Muni...Ell, R...., 1,.r Itellavulip re,
ay. tearopt.p: co
, to
InR. 'ear.) er.rt t. • P; )1.
For.. C.ty or .. , ‘,..ortlon oilL the .^d ‘
Pt...buret. 1,11,1.
kart Agora. , 11All Hop- ,
Froight Agent. I' HAW) ator and Fitat
et rot. oultl
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet, •
4 AREIIOI36I REDICI:?.1):- ,Tlte ,wift
4.11, 1-
lour,. 1,, the aLuvo .1..1 Intorno
tor A11...e1m,:
lutortvoll4le port
11 tbe a tr. ;or. 0r.,...u1,
Tbe WINI• 111,11.11: l'uul ....• I , )1 •111
Thurpla, And ).utt.r.tar.
A. \l: Prturniug, 111.. • ltoir . 51,
prod.,. nod at A. NI
Fur fr... 41.1 pu...)4.1.1rat10u toporour aur,drr...l PP board. ur A
rnlt• t .....,1,-;;k•
the W l n c ••t la trr 01 Mrr • L
her rminlna 11••• ctn.. re:
A V II EEL( Nit 1,1 rIl• I —The •••pl.ndtd
pert pre et -terra:r DI U:\
ter. IF l e•ri rue!, Ler tri seehlt 1...1.-en
thie rat ; atel terra.. at 1(1 o'rl,elC,
erre,- Mrl.lly. .therda, 4.11 trhht,. untt
Iraver , Otter 01• T, 1 trmatar • 1 ttr•rluy
In ranti weet For fret., ht tersee,ftply lo 011 1.4 , 1. , rto
11111rIllt. IN la 1
TI. DlUrnal .• `Vie .6,l.And 1.01, t the rte•at
un I rt.. •r, .i• h en h., 1., r r. n the
g a TIII.KN rr , ini 1,1(il II( (1 - Ir
Ih/l(T —The 1,1 t 10.% , ran.. mir•lter.
u-111 tent, 1,1•1.1tr,1: I. r 111, itna. raptly. 0,11111.1kIntI•
~rt, et e t r I kiutl, •ut h u.. retarttlne kat..
llorklng,rt ft r tartana. teetrny tn•l lltt.t.hyrt.qh,
er 1 hared,- .tI • u. Iht•teentrurr 31.1
• mt tle r end u ,attt 1110 least ruhnintr. anltrl t tariha lb.
lee water
Ver lreight yr 'lr..' tthl
It E 11 L A 11F: I) N I) A 1
t p.scraT, CNCINNATI. Cnr.'n .'".
tlncln(ut. TIII 4 nv,-lalltl ,l
the Cint-..1..1t and Iht.huralt Perl,
ere, trranentl, thnrltnet,
n• i= It Ni 11.11., cent
i i ' 4 (ll: SAINT 1.01 . 15.—T1nn•
.1.1011, iL40111.11 . 1 . o.•r
I lens, 1,
I I I!, \ I, —Thn
5 I •:. E.. , rya
FV',.l;;`N"i',.,`''' . !} ... ... - ..,n,:...., 11 .1‘ . ..,e : ,°'
11(rIC N.1:111111..1 . - rh•Tier, ' , / m, ~
r il i, r'•!''. ° "..7„;':,',.",, ' '.., 1 :'..'; ',. . ` ,:; '. . - :,', 4 ' , , : r ' '
• \ .
14 , (Pit , N.k: 4 1,1 , \ l u t i l , , , L: ,
, I*.•tn , , jr -,..,
„....,....z., ~...,_ ~., , . .... ~.,„.,....t..-
F * , , , , , LAltl•\ 1i..1.1. ,,,.... 1i,-- , 1 „, , " : ,..... :,4
11( rt,'SES, FAlli‘lS, ' I:. !
For Sale.
WEill :,. I1:1-11&L,;(,F,1y A \ia ,
A ,.... ~,,,.....," ~,,1,• ~ q t , r , . ~-‘,... r• 4 ,: , ..t.. .
i ..;.. ,`:!;.';'.., ", .. ', ;‘ , " l:::•;:ili:). ‘ ii\ L -:\i',. , .\; \
1;.‘ , 1 r itp . , , , , !) . ;
00 61111 el Evil, • •
Cancers, "roman.'
Lruptione °lithe Skin,
lhog worm onTotteri.S.l.l Read.
libetusatirm, Paine in'tbe Pones or
.... A
• • \ - o\•' . "
dots, Old Scree ad tilreir, Swelling Of
. tte Gland., Syphilis. Dyspepsia, SaitTillarna, ,
4 , Int. , . or th e 174.1.ner5, Low of Aputite. s ." . •
a. t ..• `' • ,\. I.•• .. \ Dioceses arising llnun the Wee( El.- '. . ,
, „try, Palo in the, Eder and A.. , ..
1 ...11.. &un- „or e at. th. ..... \ Shoulders, licoeml • DellitT, \ ' ', \ •
• kalltu..c.. l,l,:atre. I..a.suly, ea. \ i DV:T.)", • L=haSAIJ. 44 . 4 ,
'• 1,1 0' 14 . ,11 4` 44,- '' 4 . 14. SU . . \ ' , thee `rod Ctotiii ' ' • 1 . .
,„ o I
,I W.
-,...„, qo witt . k
, Or:mho:l..4. a b ..1, I , .
• ...t . l nig ,BE4r FE.VALI; swatch s 11170 .Arrl s
1 eN, ;51. ,,,,, -' larotplontVousumptio. liertuntreire. irregular . ilegortru
Irmo ilavor •
v ...../.. -_. du 1 anotoLucorrlva, or Whites, Incontinence of ITeir s re. \ AM
,R om , \ I n..t,i/i/ 1/100n11 411141 of mind.. are cored lv Dr: 01.4.
-- r -, ,d Lal,,t\c/ 11gr.4 Dont .r Sarr4l,lllVa, .11 . 41n.h glTill IA
_.54 1 .. ......, / ' .71 7,1 \ \ 4 ‘ .tliste . rellor gg renewing lire foundation /417,•e1tb ax..
~ ~, j0,,,.,..\,, . Streneth-aehe )4.'4 It neutrailou Sad' bcdpora, stalk
• . 1 , ' mammon' rervi..r, and ..ilnslllC4a l 7 , .. .1.. 11, \ .
'CEASED. 4 vita, poaurl \ \ ' U:" \ ' •
,e filear , UtO to .1 sic W ll,l * to' Dor. , thw/doodlrom Mein . title* . •\ ,
~,,...; i„. 4 , 41 ,.. , routmataX too too trecrodulgenre of the elOotlle .
E'S 1 ' 1
.1 Ir....hips no . the winks, an .to prep are the eyaterri • to resat rtuadatr .
• l' l t s. I ". 4 bi 14 1 Tt 11e.1,r, recut enok. to 'Dr. Ottreott's latmat of . 'ir gs lor
r , . ,
'' ! , ,„,-,,,,,,, drock ar.4 SerworaVtla Which is proving Itself an a te* ,
t a il bu , te .for moor of the me t maligutst Ilse.. that gash irlk4r . , \
! • to. and to.y will As be dyeepprcieted; for /AUL / . 1=1!
'lO,l ia, the public 41411t.a/tnotts vtartml-arititati rarer: . ,
it i• tou..ted au ex ie
snce,just as their want of faith
!, ~!,
~ ! layther wed Ppuribun co poundilisfenlll.l.c2peritoce; \ I ~
,3. , it, They 11l Low mineral n trams to seek tow, IILOAndYS. N
•••/.' ' P " ' .A 4.••• • .44,1. 01411 lt.L. Intreli; wv-4¢.4.,r1-Aitel,;• tberettar. *waver . / ' •' ..
.„...'/'•:\• "S - 4. . hrtkon .Ic...tat to health and nips, bewares 10510.001. ea
T)11101 , \1:-\\ t y .,t , , I Liao/cite. utl.uns, :et Pus., tierpelr of hit mystery; let ..., ,
• and( 1 the patient anti understand that Db. 1401,0 of PbTaluirr , -
it 0v.., ~ . .O .. . . ..- , . '' ...Dan ileo aim lo Onrentl. Edtrert of Yell°. Kook
~ 1 ..d Sarraparala, amid persuade In, fur hie Life. eadtc.l4 \ s‘ \
' .. IN „ Is •l c.n.d. 4...1nt.4 ..n..... lta , uat,..1....1
-cuts+, • . l s \V, 1 op,: 1 C. 11.477, j, 0 .4. \ I trY it... 1 •," 11,1•1• no ar.. 1 ".. 1 rrr/iruoa a1..1 4 . 11 f" \
1.,,, , \ • . rock t. I•eno 401 11 ..,1•• J4reete. I. rex:oration to Ln.11.11. ' \
\ ..
\,R LW YORR - 1); BRII Bit 1 [4 , 11 4 11 ' ' i'4' .. 4 4 \ 4
t • 1 - 44.1 :Viol 1.473
1'351 ''' ' ."'"-'i , -151 gavIALKS, racAD,IIIE jr)4I,OIVING, • \
1; 1 . •1 1 s \l , e., un In• r , .....(liNtrig 1',.0n1. _.• . V., _ er , :/ ,I. , Ncex N \J„ January 23.1 \
I ..„ I.e. I, . ...., • o 1,14A114r. tn., Ik Ell IZyll'a 1., Tyl. Ntb • yonh: ciTyi3-,11 -Or temo,q,-.l,re take rial:me in swinz that rota` \ \,,
Ix 1 t r... / ./•'' • • ....../ 1 ./ . '' , 1110 , ‘ .3 ,4 , '''
~1 t ,„”,,,,, ~•,,,1 ~,„ #•,.. gro, or ; ~,,,,,,,, 4. 5 ,0 I.•eiher Dock sal Pareaparillaalres omits atletautiolllu . ‘‘ '\....''
.... , , .• y r . „. ... • . . i :•
..... t r 0 . ....t;:. , , t.. ” 4 , .. , : \ ty ,,, .. , ~,,„„ ........,. , ....l. kl W.. th MlA,i,oa. Clevelaad. •eerl ' arose \ I A,
T .. 11 I c..,...;.; .:;.., ~. 5t..,1,,„..,.,,,. ,„',,, ~`,!,„,„ , . ,-,,,,.• .r. , c ,, t , . , : 1 -‘:\ or , rmq.".h....4„ 1 1 \ A eery l'ASTAntltbin gelatins:an\ informek wi,that Ida ' . •. .
... .; al, . I ...o. .. r tr., ro v.. n 4 „, r n 0.., 0.-o v ',', • ;;;:,' 1 ;:, i 1 (1 1 ,..,;;;,,,i , 1 ',1" " 1 ' 1 1 ~h0.b.,... troubled with didledlt ra.mtiOtatkre, and
~ .ern . 4 t o le ' . .4, lnJutus .I,sl. ........,
II r.: •.1 ... I ~.. y lc: ~• • 1,.... , .f Isc.tot.e . ocet . I ' n',..,.... 1 ..Z.,.e, \ .k11 m il..; . ' 8,•• • ki..1..• -, as.
-- \-, \ ,
tot/vr 41...:sece peel:dial\ to bar an .. Um bad apt toolbar
re. Olsa memoruol discharge for a 1,...k tine; tent 1, I• dur,
4.9 Dr. liuyeotre Tallow 11.1, and listruparilio ebe saki '
ridlraO y cure. She used Townsend's and other..will:Lon
;;;, v; , ~,... ; ,o, , , -
15 \ c , ...0u h0r4,N,. 1 . " .. 1 , 1 . • 1 ntx 1 vo, \ . tho sitobtept betenk 11., bad ono daughter .lie
I I,
; ,
• \ , .
• .
_ ri o .41 .4, ....,.. et Fop ra, a) ....t
r ile..... rr nesr r. . ran •
; ~,,w fr•aaall same estue. LE. TIIII . I I tell ' \
I ) 1•. ' • I l ' A 1 ' I ' i '' l' { ` ‘'/' t I'I I P ('l ' '' A l ' }:' ' - ; ' i ',..... ' ' , ' : ' ,_ ` - , :„; ' 21 - . ' , ' , ` , '.. ,!: ', : `, F, ` : ,' :::. ' „ k,,:tt....1. \ ii,,,,,,, minty. May laili. •
.v. PLJOertarat r-Daer ettr. I purchased, a short One Ur, ..4 .. N , \ V
..I L.,. .... t . ..... .• s i .• i n .. ie.. 1'.,,,. . I ' t ,. ...414 41410..1s Tr., I.IT-rlri hl okOk at 1„. b,,;;;„,4 i,,,,,.1.,1, 0 .1,,,,k „, : 4 e nnr „, , ,,,,,ni. 4...,.if.. •
no, . 4 ,1 , 1 5,.
, 1 , .../. ; ,...1 „ it/ : ;. ,
~ .
~, , .
r.,,., . 1
.5 ,„..,..
k ,. , ,, ~„ „ r „,„„..,,,, j i ., ,,,, , \ -::\ I hi. I. Alia ken cud Lot bet complaint, ,Eryslirdar sold ••
. '
, ~,,,.„.,.„. ~ , , • • A An mt.. to 7.cs /..r1.... .kqn.o Clara tAI eakbc.:?slLing of the Womb, fa. and it haerdroadY
• ... ,
1 l'r ! '" "' M ' "' s "" 1 • "‘. \ • I help,' her eaLF)(carch. Of the Eryalpel. it. bag %warty.
TO Let , ~. ... on., •n y k... , .... par... t...ranc , ort I.r
•1. \et, . .11 ylt..). r, .tni n. ul Nor.lllork ', 4, I effected. cure. 1 beta just yard:wed a ,atom halal.. • \ I
Er F. tt .lli . ro , n EA I I Lit lIlrE E L. i z i I've.. nlur tr tr..t..4. \ s , o !... t... 4 . 51..-R. Tb s . r 6 -44, ' area to ring : rm. td,e•tket or the former. key ,oresqr4 V, •
• \
P.n.. 11 1 1.1, ..t; ~. ~. I 1I' . . I 1 . 11, ~, h' . ''\
• ! i•
• . ..,....„ . ace ii......... 4,... llw tr.m.porkntkou 4 1t.,..k •
1.0 4, - I.I. 4 t " t ll''' . I .I ' I ' II '''''' I '' ' ' , h. .... \,..).tional 1...tu11e - 11l be put In.evaucoo I . 1•1 ' 111• •• ".1•411•"`"al'7. N. CODUIIIi,
, .
t 1 . •n or , no '' '
.4 1 . • . '
- .. .
s 1
I !'is ' ••• V v .. "' s ' '' • s"'"'• • ' ''• ' ' ''''!''' .•. ~ ~....‘,\ l v. h, r.r......, Prootla, ol man AA thr, •o , (
tor , on tr. ~. .oo .... rsr , s ... 1, - , "rue' ...' . I • ` ' ... .i ov MINtrT.S...... . - • .77. 44 *f \
;.„ I .• VVV , v nu.... . . IFI 211 . 0 1. , ~ 1: OW. 1 ilk I 11. .O. '.,, n . ~., ll „ ' t
i, ' , , , id of rtiara.,ented of . laver et.P.41 ,1,1 :
\ ..- v-s-- - ' , ' , 1 ,!,',,, th e ;,,,,,,Il tL l i del • tk • riurl=rner r atYreti a .llA
... .1. . • (4. .. - , .......... 1 1 , o, no.. .... 1 411.41 •P 1851. \ s W EST ERN \
,\ 1851. ..t )..n. staxelmg, Solely by UelysotEe Yellow Arm . ' •..,
Fll.-1' ... 1/ . 111 •I. Vl' cle, ... tr...nt 5... t , a ar...toddle . '. , •
Tit.vS.N.4ro la (I lON COAI l'A NY. ' t-, `Cita. P., Ntreerater =ISM 1 '
I'L. Dori ~•• ...ono, ..„.I.rui ~..,... the ~ .....4 ... t t.or, , .
li. , ,I.EECH St CO'B. LIRE . \\' I • DSilut, DO,-1 ma tort,. to inform:iron that Ono \ , ,
ni . but es q llui mars TellowliJoik and Sarsaparilla, oirltkh s 1
;,, n. . 4,..... Ono.. ~.. term ..1 „L. o. .
i g t ,.....,_
iii= I got of ?Lou. have been ltd. Uelgrounder the bhilletaa:llol " . ` \ I
ter t, I 41/11-Alat• .1... u...... Os ........ 1 .14147"."'".-.-7e. VIA.
'. t•IIIAI. Al, ~,,~ , - \ . :
„,,,,,, ,„ N,.... „.....1 ha, rt. iv.. 4.,...0. \ RAIL ROAD AND CANAL ''.. t0r...0 °km"' • \ \ . .
\ L When colom erred using tb.l.Sellow Dock and Satrap ,
- \ \
1:1 1 1.1.:T- Sr 1.1.rg0 and von, entent "'15.... . . \ \ • 1 ,
. ' • ' 1 1 il, , st.l 1 1 I\l l 'lllU ILO 11 Pll IL ADELPIII . A, BAT LI:. arm, I ituir in &most feeblo condition; I Wae sore.
au Yudd.b.l.l En,.., cl , \ II4ItE, .01? NEW yon K. .., 1,. aht.t ith Palpitauon or tiA . Ii.A.-6 and )/1121. the „
,Isi it ..."ItSsIoN i.torat excr Itataa pains in the bee t's.! eider, I was
. ,
i rtin'F, ( Can 11l being\ lii good order; we Isre lianch troubl aithdladneas in tire teid,coldnesetif the ~:,,. '
Private Residence for Sale. 1 reotor„, to tran.prrisproliree ono .erchandLoe to I qete e mitiee, en n'ombnees of my um., and 1110. eulfor
IE I.loi P E ill' Y otT , r , • , 1 r ,‘c- 71 ' "'.. f ' . ''... ''''''''
' \ th"
h";,'"•VP`',..,,, true*.,''' 3 . .... bane bre. •.4J ..'v". 1 1 .'• 1 '....1aTT5• 1 . 1 ... 11
1/141.. Lc, 0.41, nr,,nlr Mex. sad \,hdatc.. ....... .......6 AA .2 ,_ ______- __...
it i• trw,•r:d nn ...... 4/ 4..Ann0• 1 / 1 11n4 I. r.,...... I: j;,,,
~. ..1 ,/, 1
~,,c ~,,,,,„... L ~„, i,,,,..,„,,,„ Inn. 1 corisulting the m t kble =Ulm/ Men mt., -...........
1 .,. ellatl.l. ...v... , „, M. r0t ,,,, ". a ( •• ,, s r ."' ; ~‘ .....,„ r...,,,,,,,,,,,,t, . 1 4 .1 , ~,,,,,,,,:o pre...aptly •• ' Ito Buffalo . , but eutt d Act to relief frotathedyparatipalea. \
1 ,
... A11...71'., lb , •,,v•its.l.... ti..•..f1...... 1 'I , 11... '' - ' l . I. , ~.,,,,, ~ I \ ,
IY. 1 t'n/InAll iina . n rl.•, ........t, •iya ..I tl.c •-tt, ct lattn- ! , ~. ~ .4 , l •I I hall. *Ls. trite! aea satiety or fanallytdodloilus,with ; . \
( • ,- . 1 . on( . ht.- ro. o 0 .4 0.n...1 t.... 1 ., Nan: ...ate- . •re Yt ~ c.a.,. .....
\ ILAN, a IIL,V(IK. Proprietors, -4 111 r or .° 1. “ .•••• • / 1 4 1 I h r 5.0 weak 1111 / I.ra ra ' ar !
o. lc th. hu.....-. ps.rt , Pond oral.. Ueda, to .n ' s
........ut .1. , ..r.c In/ 4, •14.5‘,. ol 1411. 1....n.r..1 , ...1•1 , i 1 ..,'1....1...1 Dm..
.P.•• u.r. Ettt.hurgh. Yellow 'Doak and 0 pe,olle. my nutd.l4lU / latirrorildt.
Ti,.• i. 4 o 1...,.. •, t..... An lA, ot t. \ ~,,,...„,.. t .,, , 1 11 1- ,1, 1 0 '`,, , I', I ,:' . i i:: l - 1 . 4.2,4, 1 ; 1 13 1 ;L 1 ' r i . ,..,,,, , ,, and colvtinued to do 14/.91 all of MT toratenttiumon- , ,
.. o. hundr.. ana id.. t....t trout, 1.4101./0/1 ha, lAA nun
1'. ... ' . i /441" V , tm,li.pgt, L':•• ..t . ., 12 n.. plaints were entirely re ell. Tify Sack Is vier stmlj\
irul no i. n , /1,1 In An Alio, 11.• 11-nnA,..m...1 are I ,
el( I Ttl Le ' SOON CISOUS, agent, sud fur. from pain. my • . thi legs are rostatidtkPus, . . i • j 2 . !
.v 0, ....,.. tr. • 4
/ 1..11 111 a.......r..„.,1. u. Ho Iv , . ..
mot. rt., 01.1 1 n vu, 14/ ILA 1. -1 Ineut.... h.......c ,s er; . .., N0..75, !iorth t.,fieltunote. poet .neolveuees, my est jes ere warts end fueolthr. \ v, • ..1
c.0....11,w , thm .. , 1 i5......1 .1. Ile ......1 .t.,-....1. arIL I \ .T. O. I•X4Itt•S., agent. ~.„,, 1,, ...out.. eno v4l In all mutate girth*. . .
Nu 7 W,ot otr„.. New York 11 'r .• •r • --o - •
b0n4.1.. dn.'s, OLTIA ,I, • ,111 for '10,04 sat.. t ....,... 1 ...-
e , .....1 da1....s • •arca, .. , 1. , .. trod •tcy . mi. . t;1 HOURS \'l'o CLEVELAND. . that urre •sick End una bl e to b f'd' Tur v.r7ll•lllahlit 111.11 , ~
-•:" ''''•/' '
1.:,, ,,,, 1:. ;.;: rt. tt . . , ..txt...• r • , Aa r y..1 , .y . e..:.t. rj.l I. r c 1 r „..,...,, i ..,,,,,,,„.... e „ , A Melo, the Yellow Dock and
.. puillso end' a Dave ". \ ' ?,
vr,r.h;,. 1 ' ..7.,;,.,......„.;,...,., ,„,....,, .„..,,......1 . ... ' tea -Mt- ~..• 140 0\ 1.• - , --3-7' 54 '...z . bre. frrunf rrlirrsl by 14 •a IrSTI".• their i.a r arl / \ ''
' "
nun..!. els I st , ,111 .• Puo• 1111. s , '''s l ' ' l, l sh". l'ITCS111;It011 ~4 c .:Cli CLEY ELAN D gratitmle. Tours truly, di CDS 4r.s.utattfo. \ ~ ~, '
c•., it . • .., ..•••• ,• I •rt a r 31, • .1.11/: 4.. .ern : „ „., ,„ ~ , , „„ , , KNeue gettudse tad.. put ap itlazgel.temNi.... ', '----".-
.1.c.,... or ID plltrlnun /0/ 1." 4/1•••n ..,, 4..zyr rye r dca.r( red atuudeda borer 10 t te . Preana. ounio• • quart, and name at• U. • lisp blown*, the . \ , ,
„1.1 l ns 1.1. A lIIN IN. Ili „roof : •
N. to `SSENtiEIIB,/ea547.6. morning at. 9 OR., Itiot W. trottt4l siltn•tar, .8 , 4..t.,8...8. au tl•
Real Estate. ,i ~ •.• • ,/ i... I VAT, throne by ewes. ~,...14.. aray par \ 4., , 'l\ ••,
..1 n • lIa lea. th.n . .• I Potobur -band ( lot '
' l Oll SII.F. -T ,,,, 1 1 o.leeS. and 1440 .P , Ire . i11,',, , ,T,,, - , i .,; ~1 : :,, . - -- , dasi by J. IL l'Ans.ctodnosti, Otio,ltStrtnagat minor
.1 . litl. 1, act -, , ta. .1. 1.41. 111 dr .t. a., t1....11. .41, ' VI 0-I,r. to CI. trlsne. 14 On \ : . ,of Fourth .4 Walnut OM., outran. en nt (Fut.
• ' •'''
'' ''' ' ' '..l .l!•` TP . • 1 " !'•`!"!‘• . 0.1 1 ... K jto n ham all unlers mut 4..44,....0. •!. \ `,
eG10.,.. to r•
1 J 1.141 a Cc,- kl. d. NMeatock Jt Ce.., J. JOU". lr \ -
o. out ..0 rut,. r- •I I. u , inn 0 .17 1.0.0ri, ..
.u. ,or 1.1. or no, ~, L , 1 • \ •''
. • • irilrox,Jr , rittahorka l ix. A. Irr/b.... Allok/rroTeitYl ••
P I I I IO TR A N:q . illt'lllS, 0..1A1 SI 1 Ssii IN a: :1. r•i•nit awl Cite Hari 1 .. t ausru. Wunotittott L. 11.D...ft% Unlan9Jer,'•l4l.l. \
1. \ ~_ Warty, Ciroctoburtg. B.K.oects.e=•r.uemtt a Time. • . \
I tillockil lit lulls 11 1/ S -1,.. 1.41 V , Il //' COOl4l. 'A ""' ." '' ' '''` l .` ' . . t* ile.iford,Raed a 5..., uecteue•m:litv•Omllalltd.iibluv \
,e, ,•re... lool.• spry 1.1unt.6. i..9i, ..o.d. // 1 o f
, e, \lack hl
- the spletnll.l
are, sI. in.i... on Ilnok 1...., •II.••••.•/ 01 1. •In't ins l r . .2.1. , ..i e.c c, 0,,,,,., 11114ebIettl * 0 , ,, Indiana. J. K. Wright. irdneolhbo. \
.na on lb. I . ..nts. all t0t.... 1i...1 I. (sitl , ... • •a^c. .4 Itnilnad to inte.k., LVIIA• g. co,lirookrill,...“ Wilson a Son. W•Tr.;All'Z
0, I). put,. en., .v..... 4 ,,.. tvev to rho, ovo, boo.. 4.... 1ne.44 by . etro'ut'...t. mayor-4.4 •Co N. Calltoder, Meadedlq Thartdatla 141.
1) utt da.n.y On ut...i.., t....n,... Y.: •1... t... gat .., rah..
Q... 1•....1 or Om .1 n.'"l
r'"i r l"'W.l Sect Orellaan g Fatter, Metter, Jamas N. 0117 AOh B•ii.
~,, ~,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,, o t -Aut . ,. 100. kn. ',ln .1 sett': " ' III . ". " 1. "' I '''''‘V . Cle J 0 El Ma Waruir, j• , 11. • a ° \ • .
• .„ Dr; S. lonltt, ••••II J. . War..
II, 1,1 •• , ,,.
1 ' l " li '. Prourlesedf. \ ii, Jo Coudersport S.Crooker.yr.,Browurilla• . A
• 01,1 la -.lot ..I 11..0..1 .......1 f Inni .t
. \ n''''''''"•
\• ' \ ' - ' l .pri l Bot tle ; sa Butasi for $6. ''%
Stir m - i t r.•
izOK It 1 . ::\ T--floe Dwelling, No.,fi' PO 1..
A. CAIIIIIIEI . Aac pt. „„rdaataa(bdT .
A ' rho( rtro t. y..... Y....tht..1.1- se soon 11, OW ":
T he/hi upi TV,Orr otree „.....__________.__--
we ..11 sin, on i 11. , pomp.. nod p• 01,00 ..I 11... e.•
' 1 ' 11: . 1 11 il r ' 1. 1 1:........ rumpie....l. Tb.. 1 , 4 chamber no M. rlTTsillOUill.
e... 4,4 ii.... 1,.... loth roar, ottarb•Ll. a Ith hat all „114
1.1.4 r, vat./ sheer ..-
41,..-0... Dun-. ..p. mt.... motoote „mt. ragtOro
if it 11.1 g 1.1 MIMS.
1..4,A. 1 nt ton ett. noes
N 1 usd.
_ - . .
For Sale or Perpetual Lemke:,
t i loltTl-TIISEE lit' 1 1.14 NO I.OTS, lid
A Ain on .1.1 N.. 4.'..a .1. urn Ina, 1.1..4 tILL INp..
.visa's. r. y 1n.,. or au Lath 51a,...f Rel. east l .
en Imo .
Ala, :tir 4111. for ... or more ).I[Al . n. LhA coeds ,. er ,4 \
nut Int on th. 11111. . e.t.d..: lark In 11.41, , street, hoe.
oropiol 115 a aoeture lot
/or tem, or., enquire of lir 11o,1Et , InohLANDI tn...
11..• must.... or of tr.. •ttbs-rth.r, ..1 Ins ((Sr.., N. , It. ,
nth •trvet. 1111•1...rwl.
_ . 141 , 41 11 DRAM II 11.KINtI.
- _
A Good Bargain is now Offered,
IF A E'Fl.ll'.l'l'lliN 11E MAIZE; SOON.-
From '111r.... rn lour ACILY,.In Illvor. iturotr.ll.
bear Ilerr• 11.1. J --..11 OA 1•111111••• t• a ••.... p 1 litre) .d.
wit!, oveeeer, toll inoo. or 11... pn.....11) ma. he that
ded 1.., let, and ....111 at • a.s.l prcfil 1 . ..r.0ny .11... , 0•14
1,1.1,0100 will opt 4, u. 11A11:1, 11.1101.
//,.,.' Illeeecolul .1.
fDr ,xl,tl.nlnCl,
Deairable Property for Sale. , I
N rki la: it ry t.ou 13/jig
+:-- rat, ( 4 ,,rty
l'Artn , • in
• _
Kentucky Mutual Life Insurance Comininy.
1m th'e s ••• c
eu o ri m ty
P••Ani NY
oofonrrog t th bo irooiwdl 4
Nock riam.ilotierott•fiqes•tplu-dt rontloue.l.ll.•,‘
Wee t•f prrnilons. nolo.] n turn 1•• e•tA 11••• ty rt .
reUtre.l ,uttny,ut On' • net nn
.•to,tante. Cut not ••••,•••••re nion tor tho oat., ....•••
ray of otro•bora Ita• thy n Loh , torm li•o. n•thauoounn
l•l it•tmpt tn tho nnnutnutation fuu.l o`oor , ol 1•••••••••
110111 It
uolut or, at 11•11 , •lenth, by • - rollt - utyy• tholt
cuurVnt, fund •Itosittn..l r tlo• Oi
111010 110 . 01 1 n1,. •011 el, for tLe t•re•••••nt nYt•urtty of
thune tor th• whole torm •,1
114r11.1. It W. onit Mutant , Ltfe Innuran , Comps
n hot*. mho , 0 yr. tutotu aye nt.••••I n tnyr ryylured ( h u rl* 6 f
•r .0 nunuelt, mere ..Inn 11,01.1 .
7.IItIiZOI'VI:IIWr Z"It11161O .1014 1 111 eruct I•ropnytitat to
the .1111.01 atta thn tucrY,lng ri.ti front ell
vaunt/in ~ nlttot, lhr
hitotil•ltly. tract., bush the
I plan nud
rot. ulthe C•otaptto, tut u•Ylut•lnrati.. anti nntinnttot.
.1.1 in-urtat• - •• no-iietl 'YU Immr,
It.'l , ltt4 rts. t t. tuAcitevh. fnunnrrh, Ali-tired Lltantner• •
• • __
. .
J__ ira
V li
1 AA Z.3.A 7 FEE 0 I,
—2pgu fur male by \
ROOT- 1 1. ") . 1 , 1 1 .g0r sale by\
\• it •s\c}.
\k m
co Wptps,,,
\nn m
\ ort ours.t.t,
lout \-wakl
labia th
.:Si . .111:1:.1go mak]
It \ iktetir • x. , lr iv c
aannkr h
114 T 1, aro h
pttoto r'
r4tif ,
It t r, 1114
ski N. ,, clll . lglAtnu. ILO ' , AA UP kll
\Jy N. o,Atr ,111/0
0. the t
s , n
n , e nattrv F \
A 11 ,k-tat .evt
. a
.I.IN ama 0 twain
Aft. /I 01.114iin s,l 40. 1 ti
A v ..
0n0,.11.13 itl. for l,
o `vl... a tr.,
For 11, ..t.• .1, 'h. Venlev,l etrwt
41, 1 1:11X PAIOI
I..ylcriia Railroad.
If' • '
ivis;rF.P. ARR. \N(:I:3ILENT BETWEEN . ,
I t .• b ‘l 2 ' t
\ I AN anA, aind• in is of D. r.:a .
vit 1111 Arurr . N.ll., the Ileutorlu.,,lutujl•
Voun.. tt ”1,1, •..^•• sult•• • r nx.,lltut
It• '11.• .n,l lire 4
u t• Si Intalc ••. tIU• nuevmuc.leiTurv• arts
^ " )1(101:1... •
. P•A•u'a,l:o \ lrocul l'•_
Tilt° Uell ~ o C I CLN N~Tr -
\ \ rx'4,\Jii , rll6.
and ?Wu MONdtkA V, OCTOBER 13th,
•\II•iol nnn 17,t.nonti ecturatTl"
Al • au..." Imur• I`. ',••11 Ler tiArt•
n.) .
, Nrn\rr.i II ulut..ny ; taint•l•l
i L V,:..T.•••11,:t \ full,.
or JoilX:iTiMN.
or o
, ~
, .
3.51. \F..i lA. ARRANO,RAIENT. , \
~ cRA of OF 110‘F'R.
. renn•T:rea/NT ~ (eictinn, eL and E4prreV!,ackrt lonf
1. , / Tuln I:Nilln\ur,. .N , Nal,legOTTA).
„.,. skTTNT, 4.1 Al I \Slot,' ND (.01,1TOATAT.te , MT'. Tn ',
Two Daily Litiaic s a, ois Packet, oats, \
,iiici t't•lVß(.ooji: PiraNtirlt,.) \ '
, -Om ttfo ,tfl,r . :I , n\i'lq,. Augth:t 2:AIL\ the
..-1.., 4 Lf , thid I.lnn ~” ir, ~,S: I . - 0. ror i0.:14,i,rt
~e ',..1.. - m‘2llln, .1 . n n'elr.T.r . „ r.r, , ,lnt,TT<llari It Tnnl6ot,
I ‘ Tu i,T . ,... ' .i 41 . n . I'lr " ;11 11 '
\ L.. t WIT N VIL I
roTI(. , 1•1J1,11. i,,,n. ‘, •
f '. In;ll..‘tr, 'O ,
r,%,V,...,.: . X . ,. PC . t ' t ' . ' . ' :',l:. " l%l,a7A4l7: ,t ' 4 ' 24 n" r b :i:.;...
. ~.,...1 . 1., N.est , ,,a, t b.. 11, t.n t0r,44„ so l'lotwlelrtn• to
• .i.,-S. , ;N:GERN, Fult 11'0'040 1 LE '
~ ,,t... , t... WO .0.,.1 I, t..0. , r1m..11:..1rnwNt IlartiAt urn.,
D 1... ...0,:1 1 nr rAll., Ir., 1 FA1.31: our.s.
t... Philn.l. s,:tms, , 1.,0k. tt. Ntitag.. ,
• . 1..1,110t. r 11 , LI.. Iluslosx
~ . 1 .. , :re .I.e , si. U.... 1,, .0..1 ~.stt N. I\
).its, Ltn{..t.... ~..110..t
'• „LT. 11(.1/.31F.S. Ag.cht,
. ' i!. LELICII & CU.,
, I.: At,“ I 1.11,2 Pew, Nintik.
F.,11t1l TiDDRCED ! \ •
4.._:;:ta ISS 1. aw,, -=-4-,
RcoNOtiodali..9 ROUTE. •
0, in 13aNtilar4
~~'' \
" "'
Ai , ' 10r Nll , NOME'
1 , ..
() :'i•". e.;.1:..t1r.:=; 0.
(;..i.l4+ non preyftre , } i u T
''' 'L ' '' " t '"1 ; 1 1711 , ,, 4 2
wx „.- ~,,, c,,,,,1L1.. sta, el.
n . .ig, elautt,latir,ruun.lo 4 ..
‘ O ' N ' l ' ,1tt ' e . 17 ' . ' ,..71.2.;1 1 ;.0.4.6
..,r),,. \''' . ,
\\\ \ corimos.e.XL: '..
\ \ 1'0Tk.. , C. , . 10111,111. Q\
\ ; .1 4 ' 1,17; i i... re n '...: . 1 , :•111,1
\ Vii7 '' i l' r l in l ::>: ". l : : k. l ' il:W:i ...„ tO,V \
11. ,t, ntliKr.qtrvOlo..ra 1 , 44.1)4..02.
II N. 1....;,, to., Altrtu. 11,- ,
11r041.1.1.t I 141.1.10rt41,40..144,147 CAT. ..
~. ~ ~,,,, t. , . botrott..lfichntani ~ 4
iu.u....11,u a t.,. 4),..tuktr, 14 i....; , \ 4
~,,, ..,, i ! ..„.., t c,...,,L . , ) r .., i , „. la.;
rt.'...' u".:,•1'14,,,; .2.Amilliii.Thr. AP;r4t.\
".4 mr:".Vl4C4pr .44 11011.1.1,01.,14 0.4... 1...,,,,b.pk0.
\ Excursion Tickets over; 25 cents.,
1. II E line nii. ,,, enZl „ s roomers „.
1 - 41:0 OEII and' 311C111,1 '.7 l'iu.\„,` in
h... 1 .1 I.ll4linc, al. PALA trxi, ;41.41 Ito.
eltr. 4 ter. etor, 4.). luthlttrs‘rx 1.0.414,1• tolkut..—
it,ger. lo.ore lllLsburizti al 9 It. 104 tester 21.11. '
11v.ti1,...E. 414 do , 4 1 114, du o %.4r.
Ti l 4rl:, rt!...c h h::ir ' rli 7 J tl . l . l : l l l .lStt u U4 ' orl..t ' S,7l 4' l4C.
TiAct.4 5...v.a.t I", dor* 00, .14..;.4.4, u q.t. 0001. ',
' 110 11041,t. 011 . 1 . 0 on Imam Ow etc bc1.4tai1.....:ra,"4,
.111,,:r4r,Nn. _, or at thotilloo 4.t , ' .
4000` \ Col. IX ku.r 0 kru114114,1 4.4.4.,}.4“1.41w11.
Anangempt Made to Fo , •oroi Fight
~ Tii\OLTIMOILE Ili rivX il&7;s, \
a. iciiLltott.tclatkANY to-4.1 . 0. til i'l4lid . , , P,7
CUYODE it !A ' -
ilia \,.:olliaT Pg.. , SM WV , . PM. ,
• ...Eh. I:nci
n uu. Sun
, I
i ‘`•
• -
at'ild .t ,
Mak t
Dca\fyt ' • • •.. -
parattr•ll t
' 711:;1 '' l ' 4 s t
to rat. , ter,n I
Yr b t=l 4, ,,\• • •!. eni,p - VuttrattiH M"'
1raa5...... --,\,,,,,,
„ „MMUS CL Vl.Lalfrk• R•, ,. ', „ , , ,
Nl >; ' n, " an k u k : r 'e
r„ }"*. i b t . 11 '' ,I;d3 ?) . rlt. h. thl4 l‘ .‘‘
\ '
”. .i:ZI2 tu t gf. '' Y b ;tlln't=at "U %•= '•.•\ ..
net, NIL wbro 1,4.•• apportne i llt i f ,r of of ,
tn ntl ta.
Ld• tl \one. 10, 164 ".4*c 4'
'*l.l. ricks -ix '• \
/9 , ‘ A the 5.110vi4 ......., kep.bibbi- \. \
acW. I. 1.. t r4tleut hod.. .... ~X.taa, .4 uu d• ~,,
1 ~i , • - th" 1'4 , & , .... , , ; 6 1. , `'.k .b `4/ 2 th.e 4 _, s ._
4, theta, Flu .• a Stara Julr 5, - -. ' . • • .. •
Dr \L C. A3 , —Sirt I ban. ham afdletad with • nIIII \ ' ~,,,' • • --,
, attrition ol 0 {um.. mnl all kr , aymtdana of • ."
~ E iti t r. a mt i t:int; „ r: t v , reg,an l „ .
,: ! n ro=dlA , ••,., . , s . , ,
c i
tine t:f yrntr llbn r,lLtb;l, 41witb U.. 4 arena I - 4 \
\:\ '•
lltf and
Lb •ra trflt , a4ily nalnint e zy armtb an
txylmsitl,l4 well 'ad I... Lured. Wl4 54124 you la cb ' \\ ,".
uiclr. , .. I 114 a. the faratinn of natio ILA' • Loy mar A .\
~,,11,b,,,i, lir. 4t , ; ot„PamptAr Wait; 1r54.0•4 v.,.\\ • ,
b,„,,,, „ b „,,,p,i fmm la paroclital dotat br• were st• 1., : • s.M '' .
t .,,b br tsronthitio. I .14 1.14.4atar• lq ipplifyinib whoa •4.
-a- ,',',. --a•n.l. Airitmnaki,ol, - .. . ; \‘.\
• ,
, b , fr,„„„, ! ....„ anti o t t t t. tror i,.. Lornatall t ary k l& ..,
'yhyalciana a•Y fthr•ln Um b . . „
'''','.-- „ • , ; IA
1.. c. Arta-5( I rt. taLbP . lliill\ a\\cadD
,V a • \
~ ,t ,,
trought on by a mid, (lathe betthanntrolthtat Jra a
rzyl nat. rontinrd In my bad (At Mono tllap tw o MIL
lnaatttrnt ImorattntlY Oahe std.:TA berm s -. .. ‘, \
and pale. ntY era wan ...U..° ..r.._ my beat • •
~,.„. ~,,,,,, iy,dy r ,Ll,•as platy 1152,41 , 0 , attetillt••• ' • ..'''
'lrry• for breath that big lltt bane fmy Toyer: endld , , ,
Ira rntertnitnd. Witilitin tLI attuatParn•friatal4 Wyk, - •,
(the IL., John Fella, Grabs thodlACtarpulhro=
~ ,
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ra ilf,„ 'u t l V i l .o' It= li b lalrt ' l l , ' ye ' r ta , Acif ot•lac - ."
' \ 1 .' s
ic,ry ttr'ar•tl effects induced ma contamt It. asKI• -:. . . ":.;
i ilf4ll Mund my health ranch • tm red,boar tr iE rw '• . .i. \ \
mnetha I ant wt•II and .4.; , , , .. ACI Inttiollte IWO _ . ..
.., \ . N . \
DUI? In your areat ntedleinn. 11,,, Ith Litt= klm , ‘`.., ~, :' ' • rt \
rmra. At- '
. ttparit;!.l9:l2 . :ol.l by JAUE,
~, s •llranktn•L , . ,
', t te • ' . 6 ....dd% WiLtbarith, trhatesafe and ratall.2y t,A , ..17,• . - • • \ •, k. \\'
' t.' 7 N l l 1 \4.6 . J La 2: V; 1 . 9nP5 . 1PA,.. \.i y. 4 \A•• DOtl. It. \ \
, 1,• - •4121 . ''),
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ket, c
the Wharf i
Stmt., evertitti , .
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Wilkinsburg Academy. . •. _
and Female Ensiis4 and , Mulled Sclmi r .
\ \ Invssrata., Auxasarro)6 A
T. r
\ ,JAMEB HUSTON, .%.Iq., rnInC.IPAI...
IS INSTITUTION will te open for the'
.tPra ° 'TP P '4gr ' a tte...`fg,; ) = N;all '
k t,
I;:s.' "6,;:g.l:,%l , l . ,a b gittegr.,,T , .. — git c
or the lin, &tool It
_rewind vitt, .'extritutto nun
IndttottA Inkiln,Apical, certstesl. andAstrAtatnient AD
g.ralvs. 'in . Nttittulart. ecntalrAna tub rAttirttlars and
tet.FL•nen, Lint : 44.l.lbn Prineiptd.
VailkltnitnnlA Annuli% J4.llt3l.—tangliltnetdnr2=B
- -L\r''''
and Ohio Cullalc
_New Go‘ptiril Stipply for the Set*.
Bp . RCHFIE_LD commenee
1. aturao g musz BUYYLIf Of
°oh. ha Vol ‘ 41,1 winter. • --- •
W. itAbbont Coaaaert/ Vehot; Ellk
_heart. ,4 naiIDUA \ - 44 G&A. wl ,l
\ oaf. , Fourth eau Uartes. =Ws.
S-50 hi. a'
SIIgA.R-43 Ithda,
IiIt4WAY SEED=l*ek for sale 1)y
sicorcu-PLALD L.INES—Now on
• T
• : A.010.01A
TAILS=-3W kegs RI: , sala lehr b
A . ! , E ,..xsEIINA- 1 25
,l i ia a pozae lL eary
C ou►~
c, IL; tor asle by
'AILLAIAIL D1CK14.7 s 00.
Cdr sale by • •
rzioi e lau a ovmsrr.
tioa. od. sad 1i1 , 13.1 M.
rime D E W., fol. safe
rtes for sal by
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