The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 24, 1851, Image 4

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The discovery of gold in Australia jhas
turned thei attention of England strongly in
the direction of that quarter of, the globe.
The first accounts have been confirmed, and
spet!imens have been sent to London con
voying.tho emphatic proof that tae precious
metal. ii-iottnd in abundance) The result
will liia'rivih of emigration to Australia,
aril" in impetuS such as nothing but "gold
'could furnish, to the growing fortunes of
that rich and beautiful country. Thus, in
sa few years, a population speaking the
Euglish language, and rending the English
Bible; will bald up an empire in the
Southern heitiaphere. Taken in connec
tion with the recent rush of American
popnlatiOn. to California, does it not look
as theugh hrovidence . was gathering up its
mightLresources for some new and grand
tuifol gs in the destiny of tiro-human
race? 7 -stis . though some unprecedented
epaeh,was about to break upon the history
of:nations ? The dominion of the globe
. .
. .
will-in another quarter of a century be put
into 'the bands of the United States and
Great :Britain :—the Christian will he at
AO loss : to determine for what ultimate
.ImrpoSes. These nations are Protestant,
and UhriAtianity exists in them in its forms. They are commercial, and
already.have access to all pagan countries.
:They arc foremost in political power and
...s.S,..:Progress; and in thin, pagan nations are
'emphatically weak. What.s!". the inevita
conclusion ? The mind which sees
God in_ history, discerns hl, footsteps in
'prtivitience, marks his plans in prophecy,
• ~ cannot:fail to perceive, the approach of
, • that sublime consummation, the conversion
of the , world. That British Christians are
doing something in the way of meeting;
their obligations to God tied the heathen.
world, will appear from the fact that two
millions and .a half of dollars are yearly
expended 'in evangelidal bbors for the
conversion of the lieUthen, and twenty
millions of copies of the Scriptures have
been issued .by the British and Foreign
Bible Society, within the last. fifty years.
The Bible is now published in 10 differ
entlangnages. Nearly a million of dollars
contributed by the American Chnrchee
toForeign Missions; and last year's in
:come of the (Merican. Bible Society ex
''c'eeded 8276,000. Its issuas of the Scrip-
Artrez have been between scien and'eight
millions since its organization. The, fol
lowing paragraph from the French Reno'
&incur, ilondes, may not be uninteresting
'in this connection -
cflpf all the races which this day occupy
the scene of the ;world, the most active, and
that which posiesses the greatest weight
and influence, is, unquestionably, the Angln
Saxon race. ther nations may be more
noisy and brilliant than F.Mgland and the
United Stator—they may exhibit more ex
, ternal glory . —but no one, if looked at
'closely, can ! be considered so necessary as
both these people. The Anzio-Saxon race
one of the most important springs of the
cgreat... political machine of the universe :
„:.,2. - 2.lirithent it., it would perish, or be abandon
ed-to the-contempt of the future, in some
most important facts of history, end
some of those moral notions which are so
essential to humanity. Without England
and America, Protestantism wouldexist no
longer. Had Protestantism nn other sup-,
port than that of Germany, we would see
it now expiring in delirium and in bias
- phemy, amidst the laughter of other no
' • Alone., Without the example afforded by
England, the French revolution would
not only be anathematized but abandoned,
as without reason ; and full of incoherent
eitra . :iiegancies. Had it not boon for
.: , tgritharub America would, on its discos
.;,s.l.iy;lia,ve' fallen back into the barbarism
:•-ii Spanish vessel found it.—
England that the glorious
~ t.,,,,..discovery of Columbus has not proved
and • counts for a great human fact,
'andrfor,roliervice rendered to moral order,
and'not merely a &cover). interesting to
science and cosnaology."—S'onth.. Chris
• Ladies!! I
rJIM PRESS, and will . shortly b 4 ready,
ine LIANDUAIBTO 73.1141.111 , 10, comprising a
dearrlptlrm of Um mechanism r.. 1 the IlAttUlDeLl2, the
to which it 11 Ilablu (abantt)o in number), the
remegyingSash defect, and innroctsnato bow to
rn.ckeep Burins:roma. always in tune." By P. D 5 Doos' {-
havintra Piano Shoniti hare a et Cr this
hunt. - Ail storgof the kind has secs before been publi,h
ettr- ingarnmition It imparts te worth ton me. is.
doll.; end. maong other acleguatag;. It erbll
guatlyou from having your Plano. viby
..Itedies and gentlemen in the titles of Pittsburgh soot
Allegheny, dealt - Mg emly stogies of int work, can be tut ,
Mehra at thelemaid•ncen by leaving their 3.41.111.. at the
offices of :mayor the Pittsburgh morning paptta, or arthe
trinaltectoma of Measly. John U. Mellor, Wood street, and
' at .1.. If Of.
biloi lll.'7 , 7 P= Kl. gf b arei Thid 4 'd 4 . :F.,t,tp:A'AT;ha, free /If pastas,'
to say Mat ol Bulled IlMtAs. lilt copies toe nve dal
lary. A littoral discount to liookeelicrot areiblusic dealers.
There is ma, more appropriate prsssot' that a georgmais
ma make to lady thane copy of this book. '
gond In war annual oell.rot
TIECKER'S FARINA-2.504b4. fur ,ale by
noI.O • I. KIDD a CO., Cu IV .t.
ELE.Bubsariber bas. n store nod t, . era at
low wt..% • good too•rteerot a /apse., ',boot,
p n .111 gored Ilona, do twin, Yogen• Pr int r . VI•o-
Megan 0.2t00 elaxnals.Thibetabtratillia., and Wool..
en Moms, hide LLogo,Pooger /LoaikeratiirO, imata
l.kag• Estinetta, Calmer..,, Cloth., ToroAr. Janet,
Ihown Blaselled 310.1108, Drina. Ticking, Urge Con.
brie; Padding, QIIIIILAN Urabrellaa,park and utile Nat-
Goon - Cohan, Lama. awl nlt. Loge, tiehoos. them TAW..
Clothe. Woolf an Comforts, 'Glare, lloalrry, Thread,
Nodingl, Bottom:. Woo • ha , ,, te: ',Ariel T opteed%lo weigh
- rjaatter ' r U oar, br"t• C th . A4llVlN:& ' etr WOVI V
ASEL- , —tre are prepared to eontrnet
with Olus WlLnufastussys and the trs,le , ceuerslly,
for Shale supply or Bad.. Ash, dmins the .logo. the
TAS.U.S Mates psi.. We Iriersnt cue Muds Ash usl 00
the best haportAA. BENNETT, SLURRY A I,U
- uo6. r
. Copley's Fire Brick.
T. 'COPLEY n'rar•Kittannin, ,
er4 ottlitmd thoomuidlYr:RlCK of
- Ord:x CWtt.O :4mo lar
p t . ltllll;ll b, ..lorltn Copley.
J.Q A Co. continue to manufacture Pot Cla fo
onnufantarers ind other, FCllOOl4.lld K y,
Wood Mort, are ate egonty for ohm lost =mod a
Exchange Livery staple, and Fern"
-.: - Ni4178 Pam street,' niar Me St. Clair 11
• The enbseriber, thank- La .!
• hiltiAtie . polar ik.the llbrool
Moors Of custom 10 his line laretofom. would hno
that kw Poo onsanenced the UPDERTAZINO teal
wannootion rah la, LIVERS' tatoe,f, sal will at
'lnnerato On is reaansble terms no any In the
person havtoy any thlog In do; in hit hoe. who me
Min seal, unt stipend upon th ese Gottnea ',lnept;
to V 1 ,1 In the best afvl nedtryt nooses .
,sOrphans' CqurtiSale.
• IDDITESUAIirto an Order'nf :the Orp lane
.... , Court of AllAchtrrf thziety.trill Le azoot,A) 1 lid!.
on Thnealay, the Dish day. of retuter. A. P. la , ,at 10
o'clock. A. Al., at the Court tic'., to the iiitheet a best
I all that certarie lot o plere Al - nru oil Mtn ate in
the tolerably of Pitt, county afortealti, it/Jame+ ILI in's
.01.1. of Into 1p Arad toollohlp, Wog A part of lot. on. al
and (14 or Asap/an, on Anion is monad ono (ran. boo,
two starter high. 'the told dr.-elite.] piece 01 eta nab..
loss part of thA r ret. , tito Ate ,
of Parctiry, reed. 'feral!
• An . r43n I. PILLEN CRAWFORD. elahree.
... _
orb court szt~. .
lIRSQAIC io an Order-of the Orphanl!
Court of Allttray County, trill I.n expeArd to nab.
on °odor'. tho Way of November. A. It 1001. at the
Court noose, to tbatairhmt oral tout btUlor, all that &r
-'tttirt klf Pito , lot 'mural Miami,: fa the City of YitaboftOrt,
olortuty aforreartl, loilarvoulrr'••Wiry, On Whith
ow. fratoo hotto•Owo gorlor high. TOO raid 41e.uriiiml
OK. or trauma linou • parr of the clot" of Juno" Yalu,.
eridet'd— Um, rasa. Cy Ow tiontl..
uoia' 1.31 r ItotrEct CALMER.
To tae mimic
ItEundersigned r .haiing taken the' store
No. el Norket stmt , lar occupied by Jouts A.
nom, sire now receiving tl tit resod tall
aid Winter tiOofli?.. opt riming pan lc,
A ccoripleto :morn:cent 0f,.0 lick and foncy DRESS
alum Q.Labrarl”, Do indlont, I kirritne. eciitcn FLUX
Artelier.l4n/f Fgt... bll Plidd Lorin Shan't.
Clierobleunti, Cobs., Cu itc,_n I bbon Mover, On.
Also—A songs . .. mock of NOtiENINti ohs Ito
word flee of CLOAskin.
The cludittorin of rho late 'eta! noa it put Ale arc WTI
to mil. , I . .‘„T r a. j • • JOHN poltTnii A 0.1.
. reseed to make /lOW, sitivitilank tnno'nupotly nuts,
whim roof hour ir pant. A fun direction oc
onnipanied each wernor. For cnio br
oar,: iiii)..lrl Wiicl it.
bbk. n. I;lWinter,) for
. .1 0 .J. FCNOPINWa /MA. Ca, .
rdaWl r- lIISCY.r .-.-5 09 / .1: A.lll. IV r tine by
~..r. ..- , . . J. 111111) t t..YI
..-..-- - -
riREAM, VILITAIt- - -'' WO lbs. for auto by
gray:i.e. butt. DT M.
att.') or &p . m... for
4. LILL/
Li ATOII, - to prevent Itsidomra sad (troy flair, to Ineom .
Ur hair ahem it hx folku off or Dewar , tddra and locum,
effeelmedly lic - orlf or Doadroft • •
If gm:etas% reed and tot rolehr rho d orshog e bar
n6l.! tc ! t* . :Simi "" o U or i eTr V ofltgita •
IJOAR, J.P A 0-900 lbanVhite;for sale
I - ! MD kW. or wood.t
OICACCO-490 boteo Sherwund'q Vs - an ,
a. era.isan=t by • -
ERRIN.O-:-Ipo bze; for sale by
- . e wisass sidzeisms.
r uccs o -10.bbim-or.sak, ,
I3 Buckets: `. 4 dur.Tobr, fn We by
• • JAMF-S DALZELL. Wan, rt.
TIQUORICE ROOT-2000 lbs. extra fresh,
La fee rale I, J. KIDD d
tra. day reed a large lot of super
nrr anne ade Blanket, •ery heap.
.1-Iwhit: horn. made FLAKIIKLS. Northeast nor.
nee er Faurrir ova Market Ins. -nal
'REAM TARTAR—I 2 bbls. pow'd, war
mul..l.l pore, for eel' by
V . ALAI) OIL-50 baskets for sale by
QILVER SAND-15 bbla. for sale by
oe. ^ . U. A. FAIINESTOCH ca
"trEN. 111111-10 bbls. bright Eng., for sale
• br D. A. FAUN ESSOCK A Co.
(7.IENNA-1000 lbs. prime Alexandria, for
43 sal.. by D. A. EAIINE.I , TUCE A CO.
ATINEGAII-50 hblit. for sale by
✓rraU HAIICEL Alllll , Elt.
%lA - I , IIIIA BEANS-20 lbs. fresh, for sale
✓ be D.A. FAO:LS . I'OCE & CO.
HURCISFIFILD here Just opnne.Jmoor...l of
and Omen As-kinz El an
4.4 PAI , S I AI ... LEAF CCIEV , TZ .k th, FIGURED ,,
m' "
'''" IICEI ; 111 A 111;111.1111ELD.
I.tOTTEIt--4'resli Roll, in I , .i . o , y e e i r s u F e.; E l4 l l . a . ily
• 1, 1 , A, 11
aI IIi:ESE-500 boxes reed and for sale by
J 43.40 J. D. CANFIELD.
-- ;Me. Lake Trout;
J. It. CAbFl}.
I INSEED OIL-10 blils.Oristrold'sbratd,
• ~ a ;.• by J. B. CAN FIELD.
11.111•LARL ASII-25 casks for vale by
• moot J. D. (JAM , lELD,
OCIWOOD-50 bids. on Lund and for sale
I/ nel7 - J. KIDD & CO
_ .
‘, l , lIIRTS .1. DRAWERS-500 doz. Men's
i) 1.0EA15 Wont sot Unmet, reed by
ILK 1 ELVETS-20 pes. most desirable
• itair tobebing• by .A. A. 31AOUN CP).
g AADIONIA-2000 lbs, for sale by
• oc.r.: • lt A. EAII.NESTOCK x 00.
.1Y ,1 •1• un , rninA be Erynt...s the follovinF Arlirl. -
11,71, iwboi
11,411 Liotor. blurt AIM, rU roc,. ,
nroca.l. Foul!.
1,2m.k tiguml
Fiala lUmu,t
loug shag
r.... 11 AI north va7t rry. Fourth And Mariet rte .
t A Nali SEED--50 lin. prime Sicily, in
J. KIDD.. CU., CnlVtod rt.
4al"l.'s. TURPLNTINE-50 bbla. prime,
hr . J KIDD L
DREAM TA_RTAR-2000 lba. pure, for
J. }Mil .t
IPI CARR. SODA-6000'be, L e e A Co.,
Net . eraelt, hrand, for •ale FT J. Kim ,tee.
A Llikl-30 labia.. for rale by .
....!iIL A fresh lot Jtt , t openiug at the .Iruz rtr.rr of
A P—Wil buses No. I Rusin, for rale by
I LARIFIEI) SYRUP--I 5 bbla. for rale by
JAMES A. nuTonsoN &
M as
,lo JAMES A. Mita:lLS LX).
I) R. TEASE'S klagnetie Ointment—llk)
for nAlo•tr
LIT OOD ENGRAVING by Jame: 11. Park,
to rhiln 11011, Dl
.tr. .t. ove 1, CI. ..B. ad nor., Vlore. butidharr.
rim ae., la Tel., moderato. reel,
n ATI( ING SPONGE-11 strings very fine
IDfor sale br Mc J. fiI.3.IOON3LAKEIL i 01.
VIAL CORKS-15 bales lousg anti short,
v sale hr J ECIIOO3r3fAKIE t CO.
111108P11011US—I11 cans for Sale by
TERRA JAPONICA, for farmers' use-1
urn for rale hy J FLIILIONIIAF.EII . ,..A CO.
f IAIENNE-1 bbl War American Pepper
` , or rel. by rii.l7 .3 SCLior.33;33Ahbli aCo
UTTER-51.1 kgs solid parked, rateiring
.11 and far sale by cirri , it DALZE3I.I. 11 , 00
tons7lnliblit and Las, fur
rah, hi err,' a. DeLz.xt.t,
1.1.11T8E PASTE "Eagle Brand "
to ban , Lemon and Vanilla. for min I
riris 11. E. nELLERS.
wrtaoat al Trazoloutont Window :had,' pale at
elo•ab. and 1... tail by
aria J. t 11. I'LLILLIPR. lid Market at
• • - - _
virANTED SOON—An active partner in
rllv 'Argo mile.y and mat,biew i•oip. la a bo
-1,.. towo. rwen lrma rattburtal. A young ta.,
go.ol coarrter , with a mall capital at Vtat tat-Lat. and
who ha. a anowirdp of tta inotttling burino.. sad hal
tow war,. and wtationery, to Farb eott.o.ani Ind ao o 4
tai a tore
utvto.n ILh. Firm plea:.
a.ut for tomb, otrtiral,tre to MAC 11Aavt111.
Aze - ony Sal le. 111.1..t0 . Lnu.snowl, ally
- • -
( 1 .1 HO Alt---SO hints prinari, store and for
AJ nn le i.e otl7 It. LA4.7.11.1. a IN./.
GLASSES-200 bbls 0.,50 do. S. H.,
IANTILV.itID-75 lbs. fresh, just reed
1..) and for ,al. , by octl. . J. 61111/
4.1 .ALT PETICE-50 bga Crude now landing
1.7 and tor tale by octlS I. WC/Cal k CO
ONLION 31LISTA.H.1)- 1 ,550 lbs. warranted
1 . 4 par, and tar talc by J. MN/ a ()It.
e,,IOIITE CHALK--5000 lbs. in store and
ask by on J. JUDD d
AcOMPLETE set of Bucket Machinery
Yor Pal« b, ...CIO J. /3 DILWOLITII a Co.
`POOL l;OT1: 1 N-1 0 ,0 00 do;. just reed.
C. AltiniTHS47.
9"AISLE SALT-5i50 b; 'round rock now
landing. en.l v i e by E.:AYAZ incs-EY
oat. sraga.
a . I tons for sale by
. .
11WITAS11-10 casks prime, for sale by
ocl3 N. A W. 11AILBACuLL
moLASSES:--46 bbls. for dale by
- --
STRAW PAPER-2000 bdls. superior, re
oor.o pro .framerJ.l.L Ltrulog. u.l for'rgo er
1 .11 , ara, of Nan sou Irwin st...
g lARRIAG n E OIL OLOTEl—Jostrec'd from
Factory, 4008 y. 4,4, nig 6 gag
1, plata sod figurvd lack Patent' Glag.l Carrogre Oil
Cloth. sat for Age wholg , sle nod rgall et No. 118 Market
greet. •• frel3l J. A 11. PHILLIPS.
I UST opened at the Depot for choice Teas,
11,p No. '2311 - 111,111 F tn. t malt lot of SWEET NCEN
ED ORANGE 1.1.110 E. TEA %eery hoe attich..
WA?. 11rCLCItlit ext.
ocl3 grocer , . sad Tea Dealgl.
EMP—GO bales Kentucky and Missouri
p•C llnttwl, tor, iukt GF
IRROCIIE SHAWLS—Just rec'd, cases
auperior Brodie MtAION A. A. MASON A CO.
TOW YARN-1 sack fur Bale LS
ordid J. H. CANFIELD.
GREEN 07L0L01.11--Just received from
‘.X Factner—diC4 yntds Lam laid five quarter, lawn On
Cloth for window hhzdA Par galo whowinle and retn.ll at
N 0.116 Market Bt. (oels) J. A 11. PHILLIPS.
od %deb)... Dbithing. warratiOd Meador to any
I.2 4to "'ed In ear ' II ') 1 „ 1. e.
1.5 Rios , R. 4 . Yeeldertll t ' or . e . ale .bolemale la
erell Wooer i ' reet t oga CM I .
11 1 BA-65 hlf chests Y. H.; I
2.1 carte lw U. P;
ai - tys
su - tr; of latest olyartatlorl.
joa f0e , ..1 and fir rale by op- J. t IL LOU.FY
Q OLE LEA'fll.Ell—ia Sides N. Y. }for
1..., role by ~d 2 • J. it •R. PLAY >.
liondeocre, for rale 5 r It. E. BELLI:RH
.eholoe brands, on hand and for We by .
A. cublmicTtoN 0 CO.
bbln. No. 1, fur sale by
g 111 P. LOGWOOD-100 bbIR. for solo by
GINGER-5 bbls. for solo by
0 0c29 R. E. SELLERS. 57 Rood rt.
" k
tl Poirdrrnl, pun., for nolo by
BUTT_ER - 4 1161.4.11 . 01.17
1 . 1- •2 uOJ 3 kcgo rsAlted: vnrina
per canal oncl for lab. br .1.1..M178 DALZELL.
0t..71 CO Water Atreet.
FRINGES—A. go. Marx: As Co. have
cartons Yak fringes, black and word colors.
tierce best, for gale by
1r COO yards 44 /Icor 011010th:
4q/ bd
00 IH
Jnet rued lad for sale at our Oil Cloth WarerniAtroy 110
Mulct nc.13l • J. IL 1 . 11.11.L1
O y t
ti , S , :SE I L'S o UNjiIVALL i ki , II I. V . V p„ III , O r
Sharo,A Crown in the Unfbwl titatex nr Europe.—
This aeltalabil preparation Is unequalled for Portly. Lew. -
ty, end tevaretner; though ....what analean. to
laufa and other timilar critripenuila, it
0V . 1; '," =7,1117e1 4 , 1 1 " 4,1 1, 11V1, 1 :tiri ' . ` V „' .31 ,
tlpleayant and criy: it pewee..
_great ale .te4X
e. itopottiyl article, in being
prepared !tom the
boil material; with the green:at Will, and is not only the
lost. but alio Atte cheapen article for Oncring.
Fraley of thb.
during the hat twelve (ran,
and tt, I.Verld ROI aul eliver medals awarded for it.
1117 Vints; 1 1T. th l i N g ri l Vl i titILICIet.71 h 41 "l 4 "14
orn n7 Wool O.
11.4 HAY goose of various styles
bad. receive,/ and for safe by
• lt.Y. SaLLkittli. Li 1TC.,1 et
UNSEED bble"prime,7;ritale by
, B. A. TAIL:a/MC% A CO.
BROCILLEA:EIAWLSI—We invite the st-
Intl= at tni Julies o lot of nen Ado &India,
no. no., tong non., anonon talon , Indy
nw a" t t.: - nitatenSr DUKCIIIIELD.
CCITUGt Or Aarkot and Mourn, moods.
LA BRANDY, ANb hiltalak WIST.La.
" ar"4t b" ti t gEk &11k:DOWELL.1011-;:d
iTi — ClEESE=7sl:loppxp to sale by -
' - - •JAILES D4rtry,
DRY GODS , &c.
ritE SUBSCRIBER ring taken the store
SQ. 82 FOURTH .57RELM a^^wPl•4l ~ 7
. r. C. IL EATON, eel having ..itiraly refittrd th. awn.,
willeen, on the In der of Sepuetata, with et lerge and
auk. nod( of
tncnth, with a st,k of ria.v.34r.vus A.ND FIT Sl5ll
- 00UDS, camplete heroaorara kept La that wet]
known and faecal. ,atabltahtnent.
.. .
lie . would tfully Inform. thorn per.n..l ,, irin
Mourning and Haulm Fuishng or Linen Goods. that In
his stop, they can obtain amore proaphite rtnek than elac..
i In the city', a.• ho int..ndo .4 .• particular otters
tion to Mora branchee b f „, x, curling the main
~.Lt.°'- 1---" .i. j
Enni l a •
i`;1111.`" uI
augt. , .lt(
%II CIIIPItY & BURCII lELD inform their
,LT.lruc...r. x. sll.l,
1 hutr. g.ll, tint they' hero
, noir open the, MECUM) large annul, ot l;cedA In: ,h. foiltrad, and tot: atu.ntu.n to their unu,ually full tußort.
LAMES' DRESS UOODS, In cm( rarietr, rich print. , l
Lainer. Paritlrnp, Coburkt. tr..nch Armor. MuAn dr
fl 1;.,
Long and Sunars.--Nru Rtylr 11.17
handeuros: Cr...lnnen. dn.; li"t .1 dn.; plan, nod
black and id illbbon mlon,l Thihrt, Ar: •
ILO, plas, Mark and half mourning do„
lark ,10.
Thor harp Irish'
a further tupply anP ,
Shirting Muslin and Linens. and erap1,111.0.14 gen
erall. and of I till tt sold at lot prln.4
Ll'unt.tY M. , hant , ar. to tall In t, r
rt.f.tns. .nira wind, Goals are add lon
(..; I L K WARP PAR.AlllXT'l'AS—Justri,'d
47 nt A A. MASON .4 CO'S; L 2 and 4 4 Mark. , Qt•
GLOVES AND HOSIERY—A. A. IdAttott A tn. on hind 150 dr" Lad,: ea. h.
tort, Silk, Flt.e.,l,:tild, and nth,, A t.o. etery
desertatlon of Hosiery. comparing Mart than (l 0" Oat..
I)RESS OOODS—opening daily at A. A.
MASON A CO.'S. trriry kyle ol fa , lifsnable Illoot
Guodt.mngl,tllnt of hll4 , ,Cdstuor.r.l. Ue LaMar, Mttln't•
Alpacrat. A,'. 0,1
. ... . . . .
U,I.LKS ! SILKS !.—.N u tv openin,. , at A. A_
11 MASONS CO.'.—
(. P=Tery f..hinattld , Plaid 50 k.s ~,,, .. 1,,w ~
20 Wers ridit't:', 4, a i,..y. .
In do .I.lrust. lifor .1.. .1.., .
phy s Bureht. , l4 hate c , - ~.l u trenh auaGiV t h.
• &Anita. rad, ,
17 Burrh&-hl bay. ,c,in.r.l 3 full 4 3 3,31 . 1111e1it ol
noC.l.—rma a.r low 104 e pvr yard—nwinl-o.ncle nu,,
ut., Mohair Alprw at.thod Thor yard.
Burchfield ha,., - a re,l en a...nrcir..nt 01 roeskdak
Cap.:llnre,g, wrvy anti md, rn. .1,01 th,
Iror—alm ff.:epee b:nek.Q.-...huniren and v,lotb.. and a•turl
alp of styles espnclallr adapfnl fur Loy . , Ire v . act,
44.511:1 k CO. will open titian thn ne, tor tin,.
upward. of by 'I raw , and tmoka,...d fn,ign
and Dma.atin Dry Janda. to which lb. attcnti. n of whole
on.le nnd r.lnll purrha...
—A. A. MA:+4./N A CU .01 , kto,n ltd.‘ :10 non of
lave wood,
rivenit": At A A.,11,i0N ACO 'S—:[apen.,.,richcad Frem , h Skrino. and 11.11 , 0 01/.11,, en.
A. MASON L'l). 173+,.i
nr.,17,1 36
In n , Cul, C.‘shmorys an I Dr
Now oimitautil rtrelving a: W. AInCLINTOCICS
‘Carehu, N. FS Fnurth rtnvt., , g 1,1,11 tu•
rite he tittrnitial tit ttal. furnish c.r
: , ..acutmats. a$ a, will aoll Inds tG.rn es. t r twIL,, :0 thl•
i l oßszior. SALE—ll very .le4ira-ft_ . \--,.. 4 .
Vazalp W m., Wit rril
eX .lted rrfOrtl,
4 4, pl,d, EtiqUil. 4, .1 . ii , ,NAI A t,t ,
.el' • .11 15.v.1 .t
TM'S cooptnntl, t , relvin. In. tall AUK,
CARPETS, lb. r,brat n.arat earl., ro cblel.
atlentuae ..! purebafter, an be u.determio...l..,
NIrI`LINTOIIi loran, tt,e, • f'-
nnwntacturpt. to ht, large an I I, al. ClPtt. , .
Oil Clotho. and Truntninc... srblrt, we • at mtv-.•1 lb. Can.. ,
it Pow canctently hi.
e, and csalrann CAPPVT , ,
ftyl., at arty valn,ed Pare,, to inva.r.the at.
trution 1b.... vrirblng to fortnahfletont.**t...rll..n.....
Iliie I.r , a till at the Carpet IPatrn..yr Xa SL P..urth at
bPI 31,`1.1NT..C1,.
but. to Ann , and (iv ,P rod new et y le nrx: ,
s CAP.Pkati, to alia - b
chaarra, a, be 1..1..b.ran0...1ta t.r
in tinsroartet Call at U. aIJ Irara.
bow, Nrt. Fourth rt.
APESTB. Y CARPETS—N., emu rich
wftiona 'v r e"r" a jt" °
JEW Gool.le
FrllE SUBSCRIBER It3ring now reci - i7od
nutzre stnek M E4LL ANL, IVISTF.II
•••.1.1 r!sporttillly lot,rru sod w. vti..b
that L. in prepstal to dot... of Lin Li.o-4=' ,
Haor ivtall, st 1.. prin..
Ha has in Dry lsond• all Um 0.0, se sell •
ntuck of Malley Ito—A 0.04,. is pus—
Clietio Fa,. for el , tiv, so! .Ir.q. dr,"lon. s•rr rob;
V Wadi Silk. s
near,' Wittore.l
ynlyh !' Slay ' •
tiszois•s,ariil Cni..havrcs:
Fr*.neb erah...
11,1, (:!.-( aft! Isartyity
--•.-• •. • - - •
.14, 44 KW 64 1. 444 lat•lt 1:14low I.4orfii/r,
4,6/ and 104 ntble. 1.0•14w.k.r.
4414t0d 3-411444.4.44441. and 1441164.,
llvelcaba , k bi4p.r 44.1124.11 To•r111ncr:
1t. , 11 } . noted 12.n0 and Tal.le. Co, n,-rl. .m... 14, '
hi... W.. Quilt, Frroth. Foamy., La.mir,.....{. Curtasnaal
Curtain ituti
aala, At. i
MOURNING Day GC 01.18:
L'E''''' . m .'1 ck' .V0a,4%T.13.1,...:4 ,c., I 5-4 'dd.;
Mark Cantnnl,l , Ab.-.
Wart Malan- Luett. , ; I
1110 Wary Thlb. Clcthr. '
Blatt Chall..l; I '
En 1711.0. trench and IL,llan Crap+ Naband Crap.
Yrfir. ClorniirOt. and 1g...., thdlarland Call, ..10 , .....
and Homan; all of •luch (......1. will L.. •arran.../ ot 1. , ..1
.0(00 4,1 .h."'R for q'.l". dahl E.O . IItICNIGHT.
MMOUSE DE LAIN ES, in era vurietyof
.tyLra, plajo and printa.l. from 12..: ch.. 'up. the
gr%d". A'4""t AVI . TI ' I7 ' a
U ' llall f i t ; ' .l.l./ 0 , 1 1
ary2".. North tot c•nrn.r 4 rod 31.00.1 .[.... 1
a - kt0....cht. , 14 ha.. nectired • thole. aurArttand of
ahoy.. goal. of a .11. qualltr. Lla... • , aPPir or r.,lhln
cheator and liinizhanta: .T's
Ir. n th. rizbe,t trylrm and rotor, Jo, .....: L. .1 at .
m`.-- -, Ma. a- 1a.p11.11 •A. .1. NOUN a C.)
.. • . _ _. ___ . .
4SON 4 , (X). have on band, and :
. am anuiTio , .....0( lx.rx• guantiLl. of How Dm& j
• ...Ins, lixhineter, m,
Lt mull as rich Mirtirw• . .-.. In Dr' r. i coliii .
.11 o which 111., will .aron.. - ' a°
m- ".M 7
against Chi. market.
and e qu.rtar, Jct. reed blare Illy Kaki terrllle Fae.
tory. and for vale abolertele and rdall, az the crammede.
Nna. 7 and 9 Weal It 11e(2.1 4. t 11. ( B ILL'(:!.
tashl CEIVED THIS DAY And noir opening
at W3l. Medi' .11001. moa
raterno. arra black Canalmerec r of 101 rercrect and
1.0 (lens black end colored Cloths, ell lb. moat capcdet
'ilzelarkeA and most splendid Nmrtment M Vendors
over brought to this ear.
LO dor. Undershirts and Dritnera.
LO doz. line end superfine Riles.
• eamninzent or erarats, Handkerchief, Or.
WLV on hand presents one 01 the lukon and moot laziiit ". to .
Hock. of flood., ralaptal for gentleman's near, in '. llll7
ra ted.
ronhHT: WI of which the proprietor is detertni.
ed to offer at the scum:mast prices for nett.
Orzirre In the Maurits lin. cleennal in the loot man
ner, sod at the abort,. wake. rept:
New Fall Dry Goods.
A. MASON & CO., have received and
• • , ••••••••nloK- 6 caaes I'moth Merin, o
Atlnal shads, adaptod napresaly ar al, mark.: 10
nave Albacca• and Mohair Ltutr..s, eintrtacing plain bl'k,
sllk.gargo, fancy cord, Chimeleob abal 11011,'of a/1,2,M,
12 mem Pararnatta"Tbibet Cloths. and I.lobarra comprla•
lug all dm]n and eagle/eV 100 Ws. 1r0b.1.1 Cnrg., brk
and' Caney "nlorsa The aboa. 21,a1a aryoErr fu nalo at
prim 1 , 11.11 Ira ca confidant am unproewlentpdly
sapid .
A %
i CCORDEONS—A splendid and varied
peek of the beet bread, bet received.
.OTES—A very dtearaLlotoleetion e velth I. 4,0, and N
keys, coma voW, sal of the boot makers, verycheap,fuet
GUITARS—Att extensive avid ehcim otnek arrivina.
r/Of./NS—Soino Tory Rue eitt .ten, and new of every
" raga VV " t3rlint, ream also, t,r 0 altar and
Ceranetr, Tubes. tingle& Ilibotrane,Trampole, and or
:11 . 14.1 , 72 , y h 0 i f Orr luo
eod r i T:rt:4lro u tedeful , toed by
Ito neweet And moot popular brus ' l . L. ;I:utt IWwived.
N. IL—The above Inetramo am ere tosarantul t o be ear
rem and perfect lu test rearteet,-II found faulty lbe mo
nay .111 be returned. 11. ELMIRA, lot Third et
• su.psl 81014 OY Thr: OOLDFIN WARP.
CARPETS CAltl'el'Sl—Ree'd this day
by W. McCLINTOCK, new anti rich ..true topeellion
Flue and Common INGRAIN CARPETS, which Ito are
friirTr7 i 2t!:"7. th rzil, c lat7a, b Argen
Meade tad I to purchase togs*. to a mall, a.
the Ohl EStabliebed Carpet aMbonee, No. Fourth at.
mpg W. IdttCLlNTidet.
VALL GOODS.--Just reed, .p7W . express,
.L • at .t.e.IIAPON A CO.'S . fneertortprponnett.lbhona.
newest ate mosttashlorrable stylwo 12diloaTatwand Fare
Floweret 10 pea Oto de ...moo, hentildthl Milo.: fellew
Marceline, ate shades; I domOstrieb •chondee Ups.
J EW DRESS GOODS--W 0 are now ro
c...Wing the Oils!ylesof Dress Goodasuch
to,Ceshmerea, Poplins, Per.. Ilbteter, P..
ran:tett. French Merinos, ,nor Tinted Cloth. Oyer luter
Pim. NOW open. [fts..ii A. A.?lAioN A Co.
have knit reed MO pm. Whlte Coals, mordent, o of
plain aed plaid danotiette, Malls, Oldest, plaln mud !Lea
1041. lkok.Swles 01011 Nardook ltitedins, Am A complete
Intendment and very then,.
kJPLENDII) Mason k Co.
bey. lost reed • beautiful assortment of very rich
toured nod plain Irbe above desirable reale
are well worth the attention of purchaser.. Alto yew
/ulterior ro. de /tinder. natio de Chaos. beautlful Chau,-
hues, Am amen
.j - .-sttutrnv a BURCIWIELD have opened 11,1 e
morning a tut of Swine Elaine. and I meeting:re, Jaekonet
Edging... 4 Insertinge. Nabbing Itiolooa end Irwertimos,
ThrewEdoinoa and insert:tic of one .Ides and sold
cheep. sent
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehotse,
RPALLIER offers for sale, at, very
is. Imprimis, a l
full assortment of Straw and:111111n.
lO U MTB-Forelon and AMericart_ plain and •in 7
t e ed, (into. ntmp o inillon, twee,ltalr, Yam !...sont-
HATN-Netee. Youlttle. alcul.lll 1 4 .7.4,• and
plain Braid, Strew, rename. Mann and lerV,
Mats' brawn, trail, Straw, Chip, imp. Lace, and HAI,
Mare 4.iiinny,J.nor Lind, and otlurtforias, In Kraal..? i•
air of slum and material..
RIBBV Bonnet and Scarf, plan Satin and TaF
,r all width. and oolong flant7 Mum and eniPoCsi.
LACIZ-Ploln and dirariid tinge and onnle.ilk sad
Cotton Netts. • , 1 L
STRAW.T . N L l intrnal t eiConlaallinetaMiNtOmtepreddt
r lL l SWitliiconed, and Ammi Sp battdus.~nd
Wanda, rich sod oonl nylrs. "
Boimier a1L448 AND !(.Wand-4314,. atm_ .det
plao. Urn. de ins, Flamm, and olneeft7lM
qualities and coior. •
.• •
. B ATINS- , Assuctodnnalltios and onion, • ." =
AL.-Ricnandbw prloodPaniseda and thatorsan...6iradi
Chickering's Pianos.
!. TOIIN H. NreLtoit, Agent (jr_________
AP I:bird...ring's Plano, (..r l'itu.bnr.nb
h 1 ‘Venfern Punnfylvanh, No al %Vocal 2
clllst re,erfial A new and ref, larzo gmek
01 NAN., I , OIVITS, from the mnonfantory of Chlcknine.
14,t0n, ronfv.ting of C., 6,4, t,%. nod 7 octave., c‘r,ed and
j.,`IOR SALI—A seemed baud
i • PLAN°. n„A•r, elecant mahogany
eau, male by Loud A liruthers. ['fief., one
Ittuulu.l auJ nfty
on th MO Wll9
/..i "h” ""al
'i'.lWlrA Ti.'4l4.ll;ll'.'t 4011 XL
1 New Music.
Cae Olen. . weet leph)t , pa.
The m harp tha the t um,. throngh Tara'a belle;
0. flog to 111,
Cumin' 1111 , 11..11 thn Ky.: 111,run land !Greyer,
Au , ' Robin tiny; ILittle 11,4 Bitting Hood, tae
Ilan;. Core) Lime; I ken from lb. ntury;
Th...'aralivr. , T 1 u. Lord'. Prayer, with ma-
Th.. lia.worake, a regard to thel dr by 1, filuJu.,
Ca•alier: IA yar ting Ilymu—"Meter,
.Strike the harp Mundy. by er, we ail are paythl:" ,
I V.ra . llinay: Rh, .IA klutottn.r lum, rm,
~th en o red plate .
1 the Vale; Pun., Itmleg, Vlowo,r :fehol.
ci , ..: " L ', V, , ,:!;:': . ...r.i.: i ti.o awl Ifionmer J .. . 11,....
Cuil:L'.,.':', ri ' a ' n7r,;. : Salo by kiirlZ.llY'l 11. !lit:lVA:l'
51 Wun.l stre..t.
Double Reed Melodeon.
just trrlt very
0.. brti„: ct4rlr.A;Tt .1 g:•..dliaLl",
r I t...t rut.por 1.1.10221 powm to/my mmllormm.
11. i much superl., Mit polut o 1 otr,tomm of
um , lty 1. Inn.t in atul facility for tramfmrting. It
m ten& I for in rhur,,, ,n
low pm., jmaerabl. to any , /tio•rlnFtromont.
m/f.kln, puroto,t lostrunmut of thokimi
f ully 211.1 to mall and r . m.utlne• Kam, pre.moem to it.
holm; mkmu au,ty from the eal.o . rriber's mmermml, tom
for Mc rmiorml m lt tti , ret lmrdt a/latu.
New /Worcs.
FYI' RECEIVED and filr ,111. Ly J. L.
tp 7s, nth krirt.
1.1, /...rnnt cytrrn 1 , 19 ,
I.J. len,ern, find 1.11.1 .. ,, ..11.1rentur-.
•1t r.nth luirul...rtnit otn• ll rntn•u i n A , 1..1y1..1r
Il in. nth] 41 , nr.,1...11 [4.. 1nu,.1, n An. n, I.y MI,
f h.. J. 1.1. n 0.111,1,.... an A t , 01 , 71, rf the errnlal Pnh
I VArt , nnthor t•Now end then. 1 , -.
1' ir. , Thtn, ji.rturn•• nn h rent
h. 1,1.1 Shrill I.lhnelon tirnt nrank,n.l. 1
i•• !inn, ,r, no Appeal in 11, halt nf Family It , r
.1., I,th pra,r,,, na.l brinn • sc.l rnl••ruhr 01
Irma Inr nanny n'llny, I, C. 1 1 Prom.
ern , ... wails .441 without re/limn,
e,-,1 h. di...unite flit, truth mud hn•not vl l.Lrt+tivntl).
h, I..\', lintk, n. 11.
rn (GO rittinorout annount,
uhd I rrni , nnl , l•l> hint,. Work eta 1 'tatioti.r.,.aririug
cw .1G
. _
t CARD. —The znagniheent NusNs„
A ci.,n I 1-nng al..= to I , from
ft.. .I.l•••rlinnr • un,,roonh he ree,,:r.nt eOtiOOI , II Of
,entirtn,ln u lin purchan•-Ireto,n it Jar
h nr.l, u• effonl :hon. al t .llt ~ In, hand,
na , , wen thin hndnnii.•l 'l.<th-ie. of Ametlest. l'nnonn, sn
r hnin, anal et..,tuinn• the mll.
I:1.1:11 En
101:4 t.
}limns' Grand Pianos!
JT'ST RECEIVED n vplendia •
rotKar• Tou..nrcnd NIT .Izoof
rr..r• tio.turtruta Num. ttl.trk,
rht• m.struitir.ont isoitruotettl'
1 , 1 n• (01 L•turpo Is. awl ttat,tti uuotallt. to It.
&gel ot un- truly axtroni.hin,-. and , ourtt
P• ita U. toostote tho ;wort,
toot to. t0r..1 uroo 'Woolen tone. without the
. Ito. furoltuo. t•extreorn•ly rtrh
..o 0.. I t••t trittu ut thus tnoti.ertmonxte oow.ri•onollttc of in rlty Polt•buruto, we •Imrot
tu,u0..0.1.1. to kroop au I iadi+4
• .ort o n. rr•quortltall, ;1 , 111.4 to .3111 tunt
,1.1• i.routot .1 . t0u.0 Prf,
roo teay.. tt. tortoua
•ut...rttl.r II KLEIIL rhsrol .
1001...11 , 0111 :or Nunn. mood Chat.
!. I' ro vt, Ult. grurral no...o'rturotorol
I trortnionc /V my!.
A History of Pittsburgh.
frnnl tho twrir.l .lion it
<ea, 1,, white men, throe to the ,Inoe I the Itct
• • ow, oof the 144 eel:alb:l.:went of *cm. .4
th• it,e•T•tas. , grianfzettrtot earinw• week... 4 mt.
op an the pref.... taw., to which I, .4 4.
Po • W a tri f gat ' T
he a, ,e.,•41. efle•u uf Irue.tiere tmotnet..l her. .De na
!, impnwecnento
.• u Larur
e.-7nrrrne, n{ Ilattru!t bur.
• Itbin te(a at Owe. us in OA
r. nn.l tr.uT
LEA uhiLit In tn.:urinal oral<r ilu•Pe.rar6ou.l
,ucluna 1.1”. saw Ant.u.,.. 4.1 our puitivn.l¢ r.
outtl.. i•thr uf w. prd.
New Stock of Chickering's Piano Fortes.
it if (MN 11 Lwit, s w,„,,i o p irr
rut•ly b , u
,t.rok thr
at.rgitt •r,
rar• row trotauf.luri4 Tibu
pm. at. miv .r
er.i.l. .s.r. • ukt fro..rtou. • itimut
rci lart pa, .ritt
.A.,10 bIELIAIit.
•,nt or Ch.kkerhu . • Plum.* 11.
1. P.
Mow Music
(i IPS or :ay Gillant Bark:
aunc rargurnu. applbuo• by Y.n•ay . Lind, bt
~ , urrt In. IblY•bbrgb
i. , tanie'ra. a r.ry bathe). YbC;
Lotb•ly /In, al CM( by 1,111.10 r Hay's in 111bedra.
i• bon". sync by
Yby Uo.xyb.b•l
lbw /I 1,1, bn ,
'1!.• Ibbrui.•••tneni
.or A.
K ct th.yirrldete II•ro.
gA 61 A LAI , S, by Mason it Webb;
41_ , CA ' , AC% do.
1!),11 EN 4 t'itcn4. !t - ; do
TIIL MAIL It. a n,,F ant Part
gni arrduerd L., a sae of .14ntleal poo
-10.-I.eLL In-nudes. awl L"Laa..... or tho
w, ,•1 NLS•O, 31sana AO, 4. 5 4.41•.
PrIt ' . II I ' I ' :IT . I ' ,IAVIT. 'I LIV. ' ; ' I . • I .! '
rrilE difficulty of a correct and
& Clazi,aet la ttn• touner,, taanr.,r
L , lt by tA- 0230-n1 purAle,
0,..1 anal. f
l oc lafg_entre2.llr. chui , a e-eleetka,
011;1i h.r. jug!Thr, ere 1 , 11. the (oncry 01
11.1..‘ xa.aer in nad are gtszan.t, to
an, 020.11121....evrt .1..1-al tor sale—rot 00
I . look.oeu-1 . and I. Knit
Tl:,'" .
•ill cu -I Ma
ran. <him,. 11. KLEllt.ll,
E.• I v of 11, ilr,ldru Ilary. Nu 101 Mini of..
New Music.
ll 01IN 11. MELLOR, No. 1 , 11 Wood street,
• has h rei..greit the fulleelog tire and popular peeve of
! eel,
rile.. Jura—v. C. Fret/Pr !Merril here Lucia do Leto
("tl . :a.rrT r,'lone—ilo:' menial.,
reeoeitfS:s l o.—Crsop :: Feet si.rch . :
Mr.,r,it t tetriveriu,,'...' Vhlea'e ri , k bt'ir.
We now moot part: Worl.ra ',Le while
11. Cumber: I Case nobs thee llaiii
.L. to, reeve to ilk 1 Leautir—eal ' .4tinair, 1,
eti I, thee: iCenie flue tee ttiat /neat ale
dte the tigreil ones. A a.: i again —raziatlolA
Le Tux...le—km.ol re ran:
kW:v . l6l.llv;
Pellare roe if all dree In
-ewe rimee Islet I d,ritt en..p, rbereinr,
— leit etolsi
ewe 614 ref ,8711 Wall./:
,y.lem Itrrrt i A Limy.
Lily, NoLcj fancy,
21,11 , 4113, ecttrg, Ug.l..n.
DItAFTS.—A large irarkti of Notes awl Doan.
(wool, enoratnl, forgale at
W. S. IIAVEN'S Stationer, Store,
corner Market and &iota rt.
LANK BOOKS.- -W. S. ILtrEN, earner
nfarlu% aml Ponnut otreet.l. H.. no sato tbe larpeet
stock .1 Blank ifooka ever oQrmf in thl. t.ty—onOlMMt
.1 Loper, Journals. Da) Bonk, Minute 11.7 k, le.. In en
err atpla of Wm.... am' at the lomm
Bond., Deelaratimaa, Indenture.. Exematimm,
Pulmomax. Humi.o.e Ittilauf Coat, Amid*, of Agreement,
A ltacho,o., ire ,
metier Market and Semn r 4 Ma.
ER THE WATERS NOW, by H. Ryon:U Erin'• Child imAnterle. Mountain Llnle7;
I au bonny w i t h
I Cd you; In drew. of
Child ol
the Way., with •Ignetta; Heart 0! steal co tby
arlth vignette; Nslly Illy, Eon. The terenade, by
FebubseL The IlannY Chants , by Iltussell; Judy MeLearl,
anntle eonnt When the /Right Maros ate Dasbnu, Aurae;
Mute, Home, 1 Th ee, duo Rte; The Old Wasl.s
Nally woe Lady; Evening Song--Trillgbt Deers are ,
A.**Birfi o°.
WashluatadU to Belle of the Vlllase; Tal.110111ant; }el 0.
ay Waite, lionsuak Welts; Rice • Favorßa Waltr. Alb.;
Walla Ilyeely a Welts; Ilnllstone, Forest, /antis and Ass
carZfela r I. l ° 2ll " oslogrl . an P° .!ttrt - 3, .ifyl;• 4 2 FV,rAr<P4lrt°
Mess.da ‘ Pabr. Prfit sansuour—ROnnun
Etas Oaloyo Ruggles Quick
N o . the* Medley Overtures
No. Loan of ngland; N 0.2, naturnek nt Ireland; No.
Thistle It Bootle.. Reed and for Kale by
tes.9 • JOHN SIELLOILIII Wood 4.
EW BOOK Sl—The Stone na
Mason of /Saint Point; a Vlll.eTale, Aszi s
De L.sartlna. Translated from the -„ a ,
Memoir nf Rey. rdard i rkeesteth, late Rector Of Wat.
Inn, Herta br Rev. T. IL ka,M.A., Rector of Kellettall,
Herta with . Introduction by /Reuben IL Init, D. D.;
2 vol., nano., roue.
intlm s o'; itoMen Antiquities. Manual of Raman An
ti nit e numerous illostrutiong by Charles/ Anthon.
L? 1.
Light In the Dark Plasm or Memorials of Chrisliaglire
In Ms !diddle Age, from the Herman of toe lat. Augus
tus header. Ibmo., mos.
The blac of lb. Wise Mem Commentary pother:items'
Chapter of Ht. Matthew; by Richard Cheney,: Prenih, U.
IL, ksamluing Chaplain of the Lord illehopof Oxford. Au-
Ilvelsed from the Lorvion ISmo., WWI
Loomis' Algebre.-IThe fitments of Algebra, danigned
for begtonere; by Use {metals, 11..1., Professor of ..11aLh
No. IC l'ictOrial F 1 ,14 funk of the RevOlution; Laming.
'' il )
rsTP:e'd '' Ll f 2l ' a r ary r b ' y N"' Pao
r j,llrA
peps; 7S Apollo fourth et
-_ _ .
NEW BOOKS I—Ttnvels in the Unites!
Elates, it., doling 11547 and labi); by the Loll km
et Stuart Wortley; 1 vol. 12m0.,
The Ilistory of the Empress Josephine; bit. S. Cabbott
with engravingg 1 vol. lamor. OW.
ho. lb Pictorial Wield Doak of the Rarolatton.
tlk and SD Dictionary Of bluebird.. &mina Work
itiwo u ering. Juin reed and for aile by.
J. L 11DA.1).7d Apollo
nerd. Fourth Arcot
‘i PM a licacuriztv hire just centrist a lot of very
beautiitil Auntuh Print., mule tkpreiwly for unttltiltion at
the World'. Pei, to which the atteutiou of the ladle. DU:i
nto ¢t.l
- Nei, Books, Books, Just Received.
VEAST: a Problem; reprinted with correc
tions sad addition; by the author of Alton Loa.
ilutory or Cleogates. Queen of Egypt; by Jacob Abbott.
Pima, mos.
Caleb Yield; a Tale of the Poribins. 12r00., non.
gattliurri Jale; by Ann. 11. Lowry, author of -lirkrids
and Portant, Pap and ma;
Appleton'. Mechanice Meganne and lingtoecrs'Jour"
nab No. 13.
Byrne's Dfetioavy of Slerlaalcs, Engine Work and Ert
gineerinir, NM. SI and 32.
LOAdillall Pictorial Yield Book of the Ilserilotion;
Pithettoe: its lisographt sad Bible Melons wills At LEI.
ogiaphic Map; by y. Hibbard, of Zest Genesee tgatliat •
me dl by Daniel P. Kidder, Illermettins
For rale by J..s KEA%
Apollo finEllng fourth
A 31E1110/LN STATE PAPERS.--Stato Pa
t t
pars sod Public Document. the United Eta.;
tb. Acceakaa or Waage Wobloglon to the Prealdes
othaty, exhibiting =opiate ',korai our faaatito ootottoogatoo a
ilmr.L tocludlttla Colatklential Doento Ofattl
~lc 1. tata.
Mune ItaaaanN containing Polltiotl.7llalailt
0 4r =ltaasisetr, Lb' To=ar with
Notton tlsOallts zoo tdonutactures, and • itaomi tha
jmoto ant* TlOaes room 101 l
.T Th. abovp valutal. :oaks monis by .
• 41,11,0T0C1110N,
Dr.Keyser's Pectoral Syrup
NSI: ‘ll-11 , ,,N 1. its b oop Co u gh.
Yu, nod the rust.. al-.-are- a the rtutmre
Thie . 13e of themo.l o.rt , tin and offectrial roor.o.Hee
for ..I.earre of ibe ob. el and dolour oresh• .
roverol. one:lb.:m.7l .1 verlou• re,(5,1•
elm., a. the bal. or 1 ....Ins,. rler to mote It palm,.
blt. It 11,..‘ artlou o•ntireiy J.Cereut trots/ •.I the
evugh Methrine• re•vc st not .o•tspot: too
nor prodo., m to•
ek-,• et aso ,, rt •
taw: too
,t, Nl—lseas-,
:Irmarntundy thn rupnrefiunqafit neervtlou
u au.' pLinfilu which ha.
al min.-noun. and It. vc...tbinvf nErne; .n
hoarvxnesa. and mu.vhng. mar nrnau.
proprintor ban tnvontl thin Tunlinaue in p
r:.l veal, mud rich ur.,..0u0n0
Our tfin.l.tne I,and • , t n
alil ni , vvr favl
vOvn aud afforOv lark. un.fiv.
I•annn the tuovt 'tow fin tut to tov,fit
bet,. tfin tire ,:t tho prt.ortn. fivtvn t.-on nor,
in ten short limn. It iv nu th. nfivnlnVt ..nn.bnefin
kunnn It Iv put up In PILI fo
nr , I.l.ttivo. for
Ft.r nn,l rth)%l
14u 1‘ btr....t,
For llnlJnrr'n, :Turf. I , 4nd rult, nad tbo
tu..rnal Jnurnal. Tr.! other
n. + nerfurrndgi aan d, o ersn hair .al nul
We Hutt... with
Warrnnu. um wor..t T., 01
rry a rt and ilibtani.l.ll.l.,
In Qt,nri mat hut tayorr.l•yiatt
a 1-tratt,,l.l2/31r4 am! Ti'( rham....t
0 n„1,
mach 1.1 , 11 , , 1t/1.11/5 .1 .1,0 111
Ilactrlty so , a Yaluabl. rOl.l
nitaly In L'onooo.ll.a.,
l'LmnPnaumonht, Ill.,11,1111a1•1 1 .1. I.llkeL, Ctrs,. th•
a.o•llltra.,-, r
(01 f• t/IFhl/ 4/0.11.1/ I / . I/. 0 11.1.1.t)la. 01.
'IIIOOA, 11 1. .1/ /II / 1 II 01.;‘, %En ,
Ift 1214 I. ./ .141 . N..11, Ii of 0. 0.1. , .•
Tht-nrta Io I I. r. , r 11,1
„ s
nn, by 1,1.1.-Ett. ELL. 142 1 . 1“,4
I,tolorrel. two. y
b.!ELLEE:n .
-- Au. a...a MI, 10 , 15r5n•....r lin I
11,,• wa 1./ / I,• wuld r ,,no tooter. ton
1/, trt,to.. ..f
.nt own t
,' In tI, •-1 ren , nalny.l.,o,. 11l Ir.. .;
my part.. War an,..; ~ 1 On arty n / - .
a 1... .1..
‘,.• •
Prnpart,l nn.l to I: I'LLF ,
g11.1./P6PALE 4VI4ITE A lantlttfint
t PennY. that. 01 un , l.nn•r,tl.l.• ;ti tnr il
1 , 1 oten.l,l parlor.. •tanrnl•on;
I 0,
nilurY. A , IA 111. hip nrl,o r.tu lb. toy..'
1"11.11.. 6 -
For •.‘l.• by
.I_ll 11.ur. 11 , , Mr ,, , tan. NI tail. no. Atnetn,ltny, l'ar,;llnuly. nr , o,,r ..I•.,ny
/..101. Urn, ‘lar.l,ll - 131100.
nra yrer,..ral • tlo r,r; I porrof tn.,- sr, I ./1/) 1,111.. I MI, ,tl. •
1. I, I: • 1:11.1 - 11, '71",..1
Ta• most Rxtrrsorrimry Ditmr.ry m lhr Is °rid is
lhr ilrrit Arabian Brandin far Min and (Iraq:
H. G. Farrell's
ti . G.. nl I. : t RR ELL'S goTuinc Ara
, lin , Lini ,:
1,,,1.., so.l the Illftilr our-. 1..0nt .1•;;. ;-;; rot-I 1 •'.
tr blot; jotriounly.lami rota., tta ~ , l otr 11...11riy0• ....1 (1.•
.{il tot the !...I iii ll, l , l/... in lik , h•• 6.1 it .. • ~t tt,...1
of h3l•ntli, oltrral; ... ,10• 1...., . '‘'....' '....'.
tto3o. In • otontontron, trtn, l It, otttutatl..a.
tl, tot, ar,ntrattno. attrolotro,p.; to ro aort. ~r.titrrtoo. 4r ,, i
thy roato tratrit nat.. a oo. tr.r. um .t Itr Lao ',no. t.I ato
INottrt. - with tart; anntoatour tatr.Noo.. in ....trout. at. •Itr
rarer, of boob mon end I - 1. •
trt s,
head IL- lollrorina tom tkablo tart, trbrt rhantd '',
thottattrlrro. plant 11. LI. VA - 1 1 - . Ittatogn I onuttott at I
yawl any collar nont-.11
about a toss and • half an, • rwellina ttaltrtta - ti to cot
watt). stamach. gratahlly motorway. in rtot tn.; at 1,-
carrot at Isrtre Art tot tot. utot ......r..tott .1...-..ta.; 1•11,
bear M. loott t.rt,totre tar IL ' , about ',tit, boo tr.,...
pain. I gat nor toivtra of tat boor ;lora., arod titer tat!,
....I in opinota Ono. rt .., a •atl a ...., ‘tt A.,t1.. t .atr. • , r
nkozonto ILO
t.f Itt• :Orr ; part, CL, a wtot.ta t Warr
morn sal ILO tlettro, err other. rat.] n tr., • 'rano, ..1
tot 11..ri, not rnl/1 , 1 no I ir • tsl,i ex. , p: I, , tattl, 1.,
POI. ill this critl,4 eat. ion, I ...0 2•••8••••••4,1 to I, II
ti. rorata'r Anthlon Lima - rut ofra aot +trsn., b.. .;
tutu •upear, trona Itt. ttt ra,oratil l tato tr...ot to tor
Pal, kW 1.. roullllll,l ran., too tor UPI, • ~ .t, i . .
. 0. 6 . anti ..r , --r"). 11 ' ~1
31 C I• oNN It , 11
tl'an - rla, March, 1 , 1) ,
I /Int nn 11pa 1•: ' , 0 , 01'41,. , .21 i
CM1,91.14 n. ra . Maa1..."7, 1549.
(OP ttntnan too natal y• Or lantatotal a Oka gnat tat -on..
1 1 t.. h. Let lot thy u.... of lam 1,. 1,0 tl. ..• I or, Ito (Jralf.
101111 . aontra,,d FP that bet im, taaart l• - ot ..• nannh ' /a ,
tatandlnit. to is natural for the polttra '4 ter 1., a an
ali tint, and .hr natant rant 1,1,1 them i 00 IJaatt. Van: l t a
tto to, of /I li karr.ll • at.thten 1.0 a 1..., to a
able , to salt alth emo, an, Ea. att - POO lemma I hate 1,1 . , ' raaJoat ncr•mm ttonmact.en“ att - ra 1:07NEL•011.
10U11.1 it • maat rrolltnt ornanl a - f at - tatart. [Soh. a: , . Jr to •,....t, p a t, :am-, patan a n Stan...a, ,nutlera .t . ..ufa.c.
ay., thing whirl; r,ttunt, so naatotta, /a...Ay LOl O. O, 11w1.. loth., Fa/autumn Lana,. 3/..itaatto,
110 farina., of an a LI., o /1,0,1. 4E11,100:A6C Varna, ~/ 1'.., ar A p 100 r..
w...hin g t, n . i., Jul, _II, l•f., . lilt-, an tponta•••rt.irawn - na 4. l'cult.. Ix, Plat., natt,
iron the eponly atal ta-rmata, to cur—, tJait.a.n auto ant a • ono tla mar. 11.,'1tuna et . t sod nth, atm. , "analt,
Nan, a halt t,or ArlLLlAn,l.l•tmenl I. I•r•••11•Aug • I lo 1 ••••• •a •
of, Leans, to pn n nun,,. It [lO "Gantt 11tata,lt cl to ; h, , 1,00, Ituntr a Ina I. LAT• WI. Tub•rl.o 1014 •
1.4 11,..
40." I Itay{tartiod.laftltotop 11,••••••• fur ?annul..)'. I no, S. alrmu an Iha at. •11
tinal Lam. In nll the 1 a noun Int aapnt... nantanants.... 0.L•.•. tlarnln 110.10.11, Var. Pltch. Roan li , rtatsat Clay.
aa, munh purr , np to tha pancr• tot I moo tar tnat II E in a. a, in, ,antf . ' Go at. lOU
0 IsmaiAralatan Llrototo ...troll% .1 that / hear 1 til ODE. A CoLL,
Mule too "I It, It. rap, I ha,. cnr , l•vonaly and "t••••• • , Penn told Waype tatraata.
hog alt.n lb., had taf•nn rar anamnonl In, uralale. anal I Lm. hit , ur0...i., 1 Halal—lna
•un,..1 tn.. than Litt lantin , Man na , tatt with a a nr Lan"
tnent ntoloacmg aorry f all. aaf L'lbel-.0, 'l,Ol a•-•ratel,o
aod bruin. ay to ' ,am, aramt lane, anal .• nna 1 , ~. , Freight received for all the Way Stations
Li- ,-.....,..., .‘ ~. ,-. 1 -:,-, ..,1- Lamm " . • - on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad.
s. Is. Ponta...4 Ina> I/ 1,1 1,1 ta atm, - amt n•no
gill, Ittlaumatirm, tad 01-a •I e. I 1 , 1! m 4 to lolp I,k• 4Ja
Ul I '.. :a43 , ....01 th tatn ni t nna /...ttanont. •10 , 11 ma to 11 a /. • " • • Adam J tI ..110rt
czot Mat. t• st It Itlll 0l , !. I 1 1 111 “. .1 umem North• 11.1111 ton
Pun Ppjp of :JD 1,... .4 , .1 ..: '",,, i' , ",' , ..".' . I ' N , ...,. I ~:,°. Jla ',chin,
alfltamta Lit..mtant
/latntpopt. t. t a torn
lin 11. it Vaaettn--1 , .r tap I LOl .0. ca .IQs. :..1 a.. f.y.n o . , t m.,.. ; WU-v.
A Il I Inr4.
:1.114 euvq.l. I, 1•1•••• Ilia•. 1,1 ho 0, ••••• 1•1 Ii to. l•mr,/,‘ • 4 II ," 1.1 .nurnt, /At, • II
•naJatt Linn:mail. ataPla , J on , tao trma" , ./.. 1 tlat l.l • • / ••• - •f •
CllCoat m.o. • a/•/. o wat •••11 , 13 ~ .1- . 1•••1•••1. awl / Lel. I••il • 1.1••• • •.. A.../..,..1/ • 1.6.a1ta
of a mi,. I weal it•l•• [I, rta•,...••• 1.,t, 1,. , inrrs•batr. •
ITV/ l• II to • VI , •••'•• . r•• tvg. '4.1 twma, iv r , Lon. to .tunt , aan J talon. 11.1.0, 11. ,An. A 1. ,
haa"./ and (,4 / atf _Lunt to/ t -at.. tou.altang au, lamoo n tia. m ;
.t..... a . 1L,,,,
.., ball ) ti... t ..> 10,101 If ola'a at ml Its" r• - 0 , .....1i •
un....,10,1••• I applant I ont• hat:llmo, and a.. a• al ta la 1 Innartaao.
*month In a Ito lap to u, Itlana 9.41.114 as o.taol I 40.... Itaa - Intral Ittaataait
It n., Logan an a /fowl...oat mann,. ha 1-Itanat .1 JO,. Pan,ll,l rm.
Dint log WI opal it, gut your Lantnotat ....anneal-1 it atta ha t•lt, a Itrntat ral.
.1.4111 a an, It, 11, no.
La bah, Pr... Ann, renra co.. 111., f.. 1.. L. 1.04.1.
OA ..14. 6 1 all.F.
, ryes fa , ila.nn ryas Wa,na. antenna
Ja, 11.1 n. 1,1
linear. of Oots:itri ,,,,
TO 1..1801 I.I.I4 4 YSITIIIyb. RYA') Till. F.L.
TY. Public ar..part' rulatly .auty. d •,..inot • /hr.
Lbw:born, urbb..b by• J.. •ype,,y.
rstl+.l by Lbw It - V. It Yu:
4r. Lhylin rut 11A. ls • 0n..1 In, re
.Iroviry In. GO bogria.). the u, Earryil 71... n
0 . cub for st m:
otoriwirla a... 0.,.
irstrit.lY up.. you fbr but 1:4,1,./
S. Farrrify Arneebv. olbt cv, n.
go the 1,DIO41.• ed.voy. ban t.b.. It b - 1,4.. r.. I •rr..11....'
bt• 11,gnatttr•• no the LiaGl/it ....1
Lbmt. On gum. tottl.---/I.
AOSSI, Iraate.l In er,T Tess. L lii., an 4
Wow VOILA &Alf", in ankh one L. noL ndrild/On knply
br 16dt.. td 11.11. Pary.ll. Prorin. Ith ^ t
sato <lituart.r. yr.pon.lin ity, 4e.
un Inn adrut who furnidb In.. if Marco. a • no
beck andtaining much nanduatnnf d •y-yr rln.e
, Intene.
Padcs—'W , ynta, f.O ,ota, ant cn. dylinr per Icluy.. •
TAY dnin aenalne -gr...nuiddtumi by II Yarn-11.n le
inyent,r and prlypriator.ntrl nbolyynle Fn., No. ' l7
Hain Way!, and tor yade nnub•—...l.• and r.d.nd al
propriator'a yr.. by It L.
außl:d3ar-S Nn 47 teNI riraat.
Fnld by' Si. Ail.chanr Ot,
The .Haman Body Mast Perspire,
L , Co SAYS NATURE, to hnOO hooltliy np
- end oot,o, .ho Jo not perrpiro. aro hol , ln
to be moot dip...tip', Ftli, Jun.:ll.ll.
Chemical lion moors to pgroporstotn. ou.l Um •
no. monitio• wan f 01.... tho Akio. niolat II lo• to.
of nn Infant',
, -urvy Felt Menem. mid Faee. are nn? on) r
ttee. es at leen phyr.ietan. sr, 1 cr . t.. , 11 ,
cre u:tl Mill it urea
lin ea, I/WU-12m 11,.11, etir A 1111.1704 P u
m rCa
• t. tileFi6l that thin Is !fa tixa : %, % Lida,
buy It—and the
.111 find I.b. nut only • rut, bar • rra•.....tirt, .
new only add. Ilia manor aillirt•Ll with on, of the
or alnillar ow., will 111•1 thin all, and even mars .adta.
raid. am proprtUrr) tban lota,
liar But. reader, tlsa nr.• with . 0 -M1 60 .,
atul aut• you ••• Inn J1 , 1.14' Italian Chl.llrma enstp—•.ll
bay It only of W3l. JACK•iiN. only •0•0110 I . l‘l.o.urrb.
haul 05/ 'O.mA
Pearly Whitt) Teeth, and Pure Breath. to
be had for cente.-I , trione who hoer rittirr. en: Eroarar
bly exelurd that If tbrir hr.wlh ir ogl. or Ihrir
foth df+.Yrd. dark or rearm. end oflrruetrel with ter.r.
Net a ZS rent box of JoNeg Mole, Tooth reel. maef•
the tenth whiter 14 50.., end the r.uelr
W do/10121r at JACIZEUN'a ntor, Lattert7 et., bed of
A Scientific hair Tonic, Iteetorer and Beau.
Bottle, 37h, rent. 71..••• who have ..y4
/on.' Coral /her lipatorpr. ann.
not. we ne , tora It (II 1.01,4 , 0. We tol:owIng
qualitlem—lt will tom. theltalr to gn;w on any part where
nature Intended hair I.n gen.; etoo It fAlltug ult.
or dandruff. and Wake rml. or gra, her crier dark
/or rend.rtoo Lila hale poll AO inky, noUung ran carved
thle--It makes It it
beautiful. taut 10 , 1. I IN
deed. the anet economical—ref aut•rtur--artiele lot the
nold only at IV M. JACKHOhiII Ho rr. 340 I.,bort, ctrt,
Gaul of W.. 1, Pittsburgh.
Pricrui-411.4 0.040, di oft,. and
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Itutuan
Hair Dya, for the changing of white, rod. or gr:. halt. t• •
bov. Prlnea—LO route. utitul broaro, at
and al.
Woo/ jot nowt, in 1r1111111,..
JONES' LILLY WHITE.— Ladies ore cau
tioned agalnat oiling the common protiar..l Chalk. They
are not &nu., how frightfully /quarto. it la to the
how cairoo. how rough, bow ealloa, andunhealtby
the akin appear. eller liming f i retaerd Chalk! Mod , les,
NWre=j=ge'leitglituolo,o.llgltflehgcle h
call Jane.' i‘ Lilly White. lty
111 perfectly Innocent, being purified of all deleterlon.
qualitlen and It Import., to the shin natural. healthy, al.
absetair. clear, [Wing what.; et the ...roe Pent. OA rte.
melto an the Pain, making It eoft and sinaah.
Sold by the Agent, WM. JACIiSON, iituiLlherty street
hard if Ifival.PdtAhurah Aetna
B. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Poirde . r.
AvASEEING without labor'. IVarranteil
7' to beta the etaint out of table IlnuFn and on,
initurnomt roe. your clothes In a rufilelent
Quatotitr of cold water to cover them. then add two table.
opoonfule or thic Poop Nader. to eneh e/o• guerre or ulster
ur.d with the ninth, If the water Is hard, icl.l more et
the Powder. and boil them ten minute/1: in the mean time
WDrum lbem dm, with • stick, Mel; rot therll lot • tub atel
4 culbetent rob] crater. an that they will not he tor. hot
tolmodle. Then rub the dirty etrekkr, or in other worde,
glee them a thorough rooting, and that Is nularient
make them dean.
- •
NN. 111..—Thers Wino no mein in this Peep. it rill m e
the clothes very whit, aol 1,..1 oily ell, tome
e o ape do.. The aohrleosruf . the . owe:risk Old them not
I t ? ot n m r
This In a Powder that °mows ow
beg family Pea Soap.
DIRWTIONVI roe 1 1 ...--T•kr. ray Me quarts nt eretor rand
pd. IM Pooder . erstb tt. and then letat,t,ll. nes pre ruin.
t~te o
ro and wt TToZT r Vte " re " ;f .
he %err thick end nice White e ' CI:P, sort
will ware srelL and wilt not met the It
like ,o 0
sum our tot the dothes. Oslo he used erith herd or enit
matt.; the Testily tote quarts hub ad uf
twelve. The Soft bolo to
best adapted for wetting °ellen
Bold oholeetie and retail by It V. FELLI:Ith.
No. to. Woml et.
The binhlr sanatory. Nanette awl pqd,. psi,„, s ti„
ot t Vinegar. renier it far sabre to Colesee
the sedio.ry pursuers of the Imlet and bath, a urysee•
lois the latter In Its perfume and tLeattmtx, end in its
greater elhetrylim the promotion of eirsolineee and health,
It Is highly recommended to holies fur the ordinery and
~,,ba d s , purposes of the toilet. and tor pre:ferrit', the
lrpehuetS of thscompiesims. Ire emohent prepertieelstm
per the pest and Anneee of the skim and =part to Man
eisetiekty• 0 y lnhallogst, end rubblou it on
Ute~ pled. i".""zra
. - 0-PARTNERSEIIP—The 6ubee ribe — rs have
c a eltered Into oo.l'artualttlmervtillp- :±mar,..
At n Oteiy.
fo:31 JOHN 11. OK ELI. •
rNETT, DECRY & CO. have rravaved
to their bew Wantboose, earner ofehaneerrbermult
, -
c „,,,,,, ,
' Needles '• Celebrated \
taiEj I M L P 116 ji t lti 11 , 1 It s :,',ts s t.., T ' A s. A N , C , I LTs A C L O .NI PAIN,i• .\ L,,,,i• 4 031. POUND 11ENLLOCK PLAST
LAKE MILE AND TOCIIIGAN 1.1 , 51 . 1?„ I VA A r -. ' • \ iLy- The... , igh}} . meaticatnt play., have beetign
j, 'SIGN li• onlv for th.6safer dar.sei of ~arn than laenty /ear, during which time 11!..7
ON THE EXTENA.r. , ; CANAL. A ; jur h ,,,,. pr‘ttn gtple capitk....., I AZ, Oa •uPar, 1 galulet a pernmotent reput.ta, ay thy otttot. dh . ,
CL ;M a y% I , oBop A CO, Itcyta-gra Itorturgai. \ lor &Jam:Lt.:es in traria ef ....apnea, y• , ilet; ..1, anaanta , l"•-h-tattnat , c tuna , Ift , ..thertlng Play., ever rear ...I.\
•;,,,.. r , ~„„.,;„, ;,. „ g ; 0 ,,,,,, . , ptetana\ of the httche..t. mune., to v. m thaw no
TIIE PROPRIETORS oetLIT, old and * v ji, 1;`,..?r,:.`f ,), ,n ,
-..!. • —... ;',.... • A.„...,,r , a , nntry pn.. ,5 • 113 . . • I twit Ildt Doe tt Atitttilittol . ,bytn e ttn o ty, y,, , 1
.1. .... o Loa.. ar...11,1 Inform tjho u Ant.lie • that lb, eke , a, A. A. cA11.H41,1. Actuary. y tnYttnnartjt. a+ t:1 theit'Ptinetirr a r7e aver all other.
th'''' in an.rattan Yor thy pyatt yeasan}anat haven...-. \ • ••-,
__t...Tel, CIA, ty - . ... fyl .antsubtaaNltt .1.L11•44,4 ~ t yn....,,,1., . •
r.-I ry. nrng fr,-..t.t an.l I , .....aper,,whieh they are fullyY, -- ~- ,
.. . , Tart ner,anen. of their nocalnYolt. u. vegy ranfailly
prepared ....rr, ta •II pont. on the entlal. atul Lake. kryr. ‘ l , , Orleans Irevirnce Com any. cga-,,-•ri; talntlaned. rex, 1.1. thou, Inaly applkable
/ . I tbutodlu. n. I. Intro. rat.... 11 11 , 41 , 1!... 1.30.4 of }lli,. , ! to t r-Jort• ole.tyltzd with yu..t.nototry dist. "...•
Lm. a,ll la eanatautly at tin InnolingAtatkos •the Mortal, o 1,..r pan.. in t tn. 1.raa,... reeutung frt. • pratrac" KV.
gab.. nr.d.r... r...i, (reip'.l ‘
CAPITAN '4150,000., . : . I
5 ar...,‘,1,..„ o.,aglt. and inent N u,. Ili lltn\LllottrltlOU , lot;
, aIN A. CAL'ollkl} Agent. ' liyat., a Ity ..o. „In., than. lyre, r•r , ,•!, narter is t -
~t tee, cur. Water 1.4 Pi:attn...., 0t...\ hitont•urgb A 'l 4 "V'l . 'fff ,, lirtr.P .(t )l it fi . 'n' f; ,,,,, fn ,, rronp . l atte,,, , a, ye g...pgy,, Aa . • e.,,, , -,/,„ h., i t ..., ty .., ...
. ci - sSFIVNEFF.. In \ , i ➢
~ a, /., of a r a,...,,,,,,. 1 .. y..:., ' ,a alla.doranl•appts „ an. All, \ x 1•• ra y ...
, , ,s , . 1,,,a teen fun t \ rorranonataa ~, the amt.; .13 rny ...y.
it to Cunningham New mane, Pa. ''. j TUT: ..21b.,ve presp,r4A and respo sit. b.. -
gy re Itnut. 4 ....y . itot,. t,,, k ~.„, re 5,,,,,,,,,,,
I, t panes., Puldom. Pa •
•M . C Mr ma. Yharunt . ' njyint a., 1.,. r., ~,,,,..t taph th.• rey).....Ai,• on j ' 'kn...., ~.,,,,,, altyra. , .... of We kelp-)., gic, tlyar
JA - HUI!, nhart4l.lgotth. \ t.. law •f thin ;are. I. nor 1aa,....y, i...1i01t , i t tintr t NO , . 54.., ,114 1hk... Y...., D.. lona 1.111.1.X.dt4 by•
A ennt an ge sa.,.t totnyral.. ternan, gpasYtrtynt .. ith ,ro- t•`' ooira•i• 'On' it , ' n , "P . "'' } ' ,,,, nor. Pod rata} the. a
. _
‘• a: Achre A C, - ..,t•at t a all, ‘ Jetta, .4 ` rant ` ) t.t. n114 . 41A,,,,,N. t•te,..4,,, •,. a r, ty ‘ l ,., , s tirn... ngur L h , .,, , , auger untl, rhu on.. I Le, tlyna
sl .1 1/...U. ll.'''''A \ ii , Mat 4.1,1,1. Plyeretarr • • .al, w.lll thr Yno.t..luut a .41 . ..4.1f
' '•
' ' A , 'III • I • • a
lrn, 1',.• ea. Cnnneatn, k .:
e.,. 1te,..1., Pg. a 1
r.,.., .tlita., Ja. :a rimillityl4er‘ l'ittehurgb. , " n ," . ' .. ' Zi r , , t :r0...„! . ?„7 , 0,.7,:,,,Z,.''''''' ‘ r, jr n t•
li H. Wallloralge. huffaln.p. Y. "c .... I - -.3`
A A !.".A. l4,an " A ' n i nt- ' !,. /p la. Y.. "a4.l.LhliP. .; grn4 ,
I , a ', • Pittsbur6l Life Insurance,tampany. •
New Lake Stfperior Line.-1851. \,, i . ii . r • )1..V1,-‘I , .N I ':-• I •A' , l EN T STA Ku ii A
ri , HIS CO. PA Nl'la us in,4 , xit..,1 in 1 ' , ..b'1,1,,,,,,,..0..: .. t.,..t.lfut r.r., ,ck Lluotrr, Me.INIA, , \
1 1 11 E new,teanier Nii)I2TIIMF:It, Capt.V.` . I y,,,,,,,, I t o . ~,,, ~ ~, ~,„ ~,, :,,,,,, , , ~,,y e ., , tA, 1.-,... t\ y u.r., ...1., t I ~•, .I, nn•l all I , ll , l, ,, rl , rintt.,!kia,
t; am, brn, rak nYalerrAlrrnaement I. it ronita.maal 1,, ...,..Ar0u a rat: d.•l , a ~\ ar.... ,La; ha in si iron. 4.11.0ri1n! 4. the. Lawn. and ,Inlic , ,
,• I ra,n,l rytnn or. will leaye , Clevelnuol I I End.. the . ..:1 , , 'I - he Cara,. ,I, , van ... t t'• n the J,... rook and in 1' ,. , \ ••. ''''o , , . ''. o ''' n. , -.^ 'nt.r.nn" In nh. " ... .. , , \
. ‘I Lt ne.t. On her brat trtml rreet,}y thee..after no . Slut .1 plan. .•'' a ' '-`' n .' .' n a ' n; ' yt....1 lly yatoe , ioa, h.., rim, i-it the 111K5.6.1 , \
Prtqa,. at ..,•,, ..,IN-t. V. M.. t. th.,ant RA Mari 'tut the J.ant ' , tek pktn n .. rut, are any-11.10 neon !`t 'a" ',1.n0 -,,,'. 'I. ..r.. t , ' "I' , ' n 'f . l} l ." v "}" b " , "' \l,
The .1...., 1, a NIIATN, ~,,, Jot, 13,o_na I t., will OP, charged hp Mutual enturantex. anal t one.. I. Cent 4, tt . o n, ...•_ s , no t r.o t on . trar•-,1 a. tan an inlkartial \ , L ,
ieln, aU I ~. Mary-. tar the , I teraont lanctfan, no Lake (nark' than tne rare., i'mnt punk Ca.mto,tue , .. \ • tl't. j \,.
ro,yrry, on tn......ri,.J.,ri0...b.. yr Nnrtheak.r. making MUttnal rat, ~... thu Vanuy s ... Mu.- uh t t...l \ ruh-r ' ', i' , -,,111 , I'.• sr , IIII`• t!ir , lll , trtt of t"' , "^^. a• •• \ \
r.-utelar . .e.-kly Itne Gtr I tay ~,,, r a n _ ..tareen ratelina.lon.hal Co•ninan.r. 1 , -..111,N, "11 lb ruhtti 'l , o h ' • I,,,tei Ir a l .... t: .• ,
' \
t1y5..1..1 511.1 tit..troy., Find I rm. Itn. , ‘.. • al ortartylo lint. the roanlyned ...only, tr..l.olied . 045 , I '''' ~' Y\\. \ t" . ''.. '''• '..'"l's,rril'i'.'.l'oir,,","l'
~,,L n.i. ~ . ..I. IL It \Eit• Yee fp:4IAI snatinsu. e, and tin. `,`Vin y l nud :, urpl,,, k,, ‘l ,l . r .., y:.\\ , go y.• 1.._ to. ~ . .n...., .
.. April 2., lan --, tiro Jninarnt. department • \
DEDROLS DI. OR ROCK Oli.. • \1 •
4a • Thy Charter pYrynt . the yrautad, ni th..terao...y. f,
a A VINO DISPOSEO,OF I , IA LP NIT \ IN- in n,r, in... ~, 0... ri,i,x, .1 wily, ...In.. a• - Thy, tt nioreLoss. an, earth.
i 'I riti,r la rifStUfn.ll'.l„/./.11% to my talk., r'""• r . 1,- , y , - ,,, : - ....T. , r ,, . ,,,-
~,‘,. ...'".
' ' ',
' , .•
t I•Ati ... , 1,19 I\if In yllt...ridtt X\
tttltti Y. HI Nli ll A al. the hintony,at Pittahorgh oilrhenn ' ,. ' ,.. L 0.7.L ' a r . try. ' rrqt. ' • ,''' rsi ' D ' irlt t•;17....LT.t.V,'V1,..7',... I THE Vli 1 t I:Es .c , Eli,' r.•l'llarlru ble 'rens* •
',`",'.!. '''. '""'"''''''' ''''"l''' . 'l''' "I'''''' "" • , '"''''''''t . 5I tDo notion /.. Inc ''' o r sltr.•l . • dy, tnyi il, 'a..nYlaut r.,n.n.,,.1,-..- it. to the proud -: . „
:turf.' , )1.11 I hhtlAll.,,
, , t.•.....3-....1 I ft t . bur/ II yut up tn tttlea. with la
_ -
Jan ,a llntn Prealtlenn ' I a•lt Ina••lsnataro tr th.. I-Art I, 1 the mil•ne. , . ,
Binghams ransportation e, , - ~.s, i \a:furl.. 1P•••• l'ry• Vain. j 'el.. e.-:,n,oi fli ... yin. Ot.l Inns 5 , 4.1 In Itl.,nn:
, t :. a ti , ,[1,..1 ..,ur inu,ll,l ket. I.:, tkrn, uhatioll,ri , •
goar,L- '4 -4 ; 185 1 :,,, ' n771.,\ liar la \ AlCnit,g. \, it t ......t4i.V..1 ....11., but Da, al it
. , A Na11,r,,,• . i,,,t. I,lth-tr, That it eontasita
BET n LE, \ \ Jamey fl 11,a n\ \ .I.eephs. 1.....\1.. ' j 1.,,a.i0, nal", • .
PI TTS II nom A I'll li E.:l STFIN CITIFS I \ . 46 ^ ' t ''A "."'''' " '''''''. ..-“, ,
1••..,./ . %awful-
r lys 1I E cANAL being now open,.* areVen- ..` A. t'l,h ' I lone\e \\\
nem:. or tusk, \ lu•Alt.
al!iat.,',?ttinrr.':=.,,,N.Ll4tr'" '''''''''.
N lL'''''' I: '\ ik . '''''' Wilki''
' fn
\ ' ! I'
sr a. D. , .
11., , .1., Furwai,l, luse Flerre.tAr. . t Tr.....tire., • I ti. a 'lrtryrart
1,...1.1,t . ,ri a a.- , rate, rharueyl hr ro rt r.oeullie. J. 1.1,, . . 4 . i . I tan.. , •lur
-,. ...t,Y,t 0 , r. hni • aaa a. „of, tt . ...,Py1,
P.rit sr:Vp\'
1,4., and Mo , tallerahre will he reryied an tier artinh. "." 4 . 0n , ("'"' '''''' ~"„"`,l , •‘';''S.,""". ." .
,-, At. , vr , .. uuhr , or any 01...t0 it, fora unli ar gl• i , '•. \ • • - ' - 'T - ' • t y
AlrCaltur.nt,- I, ••\ ratu4,
. uel t. r tr. lOtt...ontosinr,oh. or •toratt...
s 11, n lIA
i' , '• .1 I. non,: Inryar.le,l. sad all dlrentinna faith xlly t , \ P..' , 'a; . a. .
- a' in. a heal •
snan In, • Adrina• nr apply u. ', \ ' tharantnp I'•,, c. nr ,
I ' , nub ff Pga ' M. p..,.. n . ~,, i, %%In ut ity '.
. tut.. lllNtill AMa C , 1.. Canal Must. ..„
~,,,, , ,,...A„, el yt l ilr...4 t t i t ' t nn * il l '', 1',7 , . Way
(~ ',..,', : i _ 'r n 't j t„rA :el , l7 , 'l'l Llr h ni • ' ;'.'... " l"l " l: : .l " ':l 4 . l . \ . ; rnl D ' 7 ' ''4' ' ' '''' ' r•;l.7•l ' 'i ' ' '' ia;th '
. ' i ':!.•,‘:k,. a:: '
I •• " 1.•., • •
Aallr. WILS , NArent. t ...Viorar. 11. l, lan } s nurthr\, a C . }}I L
• .
..^ I, Nt.rth Haar, I .traet. Hakim,. ''. '''''n ' -r, "r` 'N • l ' i ' '..P rte
J 1 NIEJ. 111.N,Y II A NI. N.. 1,, W.., et. , "•I "''' 1 ";."` ' '''" ".. ' A ' ~'" ''''''•
1. h I ' I/r I , l,gurtl, toll ha in attendance t o t e tonne. • ter, Ilmtl
.klp . ' •
"'Lk ' .1a; ,‘ •at 11, lo'clos' A , •• , I 1,,,
• .
' WI," of the aNnitettny. , }in. 7,'. Footrth str.4, I P oat .
1-}74:Z4i ' 185 1 gti . , "L'''" - ' ~.\ ' , C. A. Cl/LTV.' :1,.. I . si r
MI .II . . .a
Merchants' Transportation Line, • Franklin F.'s, iiiiti'ianee Co. of ilad'a• I .'; , 7,:: LTE
to r/.
(VIA Prr.` , TI.VANIA CANAL. , AND A AIf.ROADS.,) I I INF: - ( 4 1:011SI i \ i, 4: , v1,.9 ,, W; Rana , LiN T Ge , ' , . 1 r ,, h ,, , , ”.....,,,,, , ..
FI , E PH 1 LAP E LPII lADI li ECT—WITII- . i ,fif,‘,"...,i; ,T..1.L.,';;;: k A1L,....iT,:::,'.1:Av .ti. t ''',.:' '"" 1 ..-......
r'' `'• ' rr lei OIL.
rill' Ita,lll 'TIM). Jar,. It Paigh. ItlyrnyVntanan. ,
I he .1,
I -- A 4,11 Ti l. a Cal. Carp, Mom. .1119 Pcno\ street, ' CIIAIiLES li lIANCEEIL Pr-cl.l‘.l i t. I "I''
I'`II•Y'I ,I YCttc/..1, Asurar.u. r e fryfor,,. . .. , t
.. i I Alt I.EF RAI So IR:Cent, Block. Brand aln.t. ha. rho Canip., , ,,ntinunp. mgt a lortinanny.pyrrnantn. , 'Il ..
nr limilod, no ',IN, des.orintitto of Property iu wart nnil ,„.,,
ti • ary prep... 4 . reyeive •• large ...mount merclam 'o. rautar,,.. rat., ask... to Din noto•lnfotit irk Itl. uTurity. .. I
'..1 Yr.. , In , hip . th.• 0t...n10y of the ranaln to, !'Lt • Th. o.natatuP Ith, re , Y•rital , 4 tar,. contlnkeut tund},l
. 1
a 1 •Yr,. 3.114 i all ultercueu,..u. wear... at hew, rut, arul f sl e uth. uith ..eir 1 ttritul soti I reminu,goatyl. ourran'h • J
.- \ •
I. • , a. :h., In unr 1.' , " ' J r.••••'''• alhatt au... yr...ann....a to ... 5,4,1,
0 d ...II 'I In , 111.......1 ittlin Der . Trooktl,prt.rld•JYY Iheeauu.te rf thd•Calpipany.o.n.laultary Ist.W.l. ,pnb.
rt.- ,',,. 4 cusuirtu.-...0rr• tyrer.., Ind ...or faatte nu thy hataal agna•ll4; b: nay Ac to A-el:tall, Vern 4. I\4lcrion. \".
' \
'I Itniltoolt. 401 pro, .1. not no , ibtlity yf oirlar at It • \•
' . \
toff-:...,. 11 , .iia,1., , rl , ,!uinlk,a, tl 1. 4.a.n. \ , . etet - 1---
C A 31"-..xu . i.r1 a vo, W r jr..T.:;... . : ':- ....
r..r. i A 1,51.1 Noll]. T'.P.r , I ''''''" N,.." hi\
. -
WC;Y .. 185 1 k•-• , -- . \ .17;N. . Mil . +
. 1.. ‘l .,, ,ntar./ t.. 1. a ...It ita .. lug It 1 . 0 04.1 . 1.62 , 101.11
. too on ov.o. hut tb , /tns nat rt4t. it err Ihrtre yreetathe. '' \
To Shippers of Merchnechse, Produce, &c., \h"P. l 7,,t, i ,'",, i °M,M . `lin.,lV: A .o
t . ;'A 7: 11... It\ N . Att It., . nOrdnott.y. th . St It hali.virtura
, • .
orn tivlr Irt 1,..r• a ag. pan , 411IXORY 5511, N. TOLL. 'Dark' 4 . ,, 14 1110, 11.14.,, , ,,r .4tro. ,n. :2 , . ~?...,:.,,;:.,
~ , , , , , , , , , , ,1 ....;, .% , % .r. ) , ,; i:m j. , , , , , , t , 0, 11., T .
1 ri. . n, ...%
1:1 1.1 AN C E I'l rTsiiu ROll TEA NSPOR ' ''''''' " f 1 '''''' .. .Z7 . .... - - 1 2 NI: "' tor 1. nottO ...I reltef fr • any 0, \ thy MP utuautryetau ko, ,
- P‘ '".• "' " . "'" l ' ,- 5; o'ool, • ' • \ •
, 1,....4,- , .0,11, rery MCI. ho make Li`hial. Thi,t Pull, ~
C'hiNtl aCO , rt. - quiet:A., N,. ....17 Market, slid Si . ;'' , "., M. ' . " . ''' ''''''' 6 1, .*".- h.nin i• 4010 ix e v n—un etnapantad. put.tila far Glen pimp., . . \
Pen Mutt( Life Insuranc 1 :Co., Plumu•ft, ; i'.. l -itr;;;:t.! , ?i•%a u f.'9",:i!,ll:l4",:rs' . 4',,`,. - Ir.. 7 \ 4
J. , T A 11..111 A r. s. A • Dultnnur... '
i, , •,..,‘A .i 11,0. od.yur n.yi ,arth. it, t . crtaloal jOlr.ty. Jody 04
15 .44 otopsorn, nn Itte ry . ....11... 1 1., Nn ' tlaylvapits : 4 ( 11 " - INT IA ITTSBUR 6 IL " 4 . IL •"• .., for,. tot:. rusk ID ?only a rt. • y. 5 4.44
nt, tr. rota/
4.t fro hooch[ •o a. hay rate, an.l may ' Intra, J. rtift. • /ra d.• I) Nn•jtAltint - t3 ntroot.' , ‘ do 54.1.1... ' \'''' , ,
\ \
p1.1,-t , es.. 1nu , 1 , 1...rat.4-0 Aral rate. S. .1 uto er Idtrat. l.t Ilon loyttyr v. ityhinure a•lf ty r,a.n. ainad.tog au the' s t t byr cur-I IN:k, . ~Iler Mt,. r turdfrlnea 'yr railed 10
P.1.14n, In'a,k• pare ~/ 11.- 111; (lan not. 05., al, I . l.lotaistl dad,. t , yoo I. no , rnh• 1, lt h a • gyn.; gt,,,n,aty, , ~ , 1 t out _ .
. .
• eruy telui ono.. ' t0.t...a. aud,..f tlin u - , , got an don,rt Tint rh rya. It - •
Yr' '''''''''...}". A 1• y; ,1 "..--1.. ,. . , boN , .0 .--- ha, rotnal l'hyl.rabv onp nt tyro dehoe It bat q : \ \
I.,yr, toturn, at...a wit la. 'IN er....l.tattnitiratkpy pr... 1, rurnt rt.! , a.,... , , ,, t kyr-OA,, hi winch . 57 nthe - .OW]
tact... Pal 1,... Pantol, . etplanntuz the 0 invyle• a•,:1 h,•11,.., ~y r . ~,,,A AA, J r ,. ~,, yh, h... a ~,,d
{„,,.nt. ht u x.]. W.I. forme 1nnT•1....d ott tr o o n., tr , t.1, , ,, , ...• tti i ttlity , t . ...lqlm t g , ne :i 7,,c v ,.. 1 . v ,
'N' t .''l'..l'l It ..ver S''h.l ate. 1 ,..; lltlr Inn' ....- -f' l'n";:f!'•.; .tru th 'ouut, .1 turtheualy .an Im fur ga t
V'eatt.: .I.x, manta; ant .4 tht.sergur.4 tool al . yo al tlyc truth rhnnotyal 14 1,. above snot ant, tey • , .
\ Pittntir4h. .1 .1 , \. LI. 1.511 t
.. ..
htirine, Fire , and and Trtinsportalion '"li'..:: r1 ,, ,1t1i . ..4 r.urner G Wrol strait \ ! ma VI: 't
• • .1. I 0 ~....P,A0..,.s %ow ,tr ,, , • le. A. 011I0Warui., b. a' Le
• ', lllSUranie.
• \ Cor, A linnitnrof • , ty an. the age , Y - il 't
ry RE InsurhnoCompiinyoN'orth Amerie; . ~.....po h l Ast ,O THE it tc .b m —i- T -
Phi,..l.4l,ia—Chastrry,ll7P .rld • :DA... Arsett Y.=
aut.,. 13, iyl, 51dn...1. 1. 415 r hkuraury nu 1)1t . itOS - JS cF, -TR A IT . RENEt k iEs .___.-',.• ix.; 1,11••• I • auteuta. to lb , a •., a d vjr'l , },-.J hy. , v ttoet, t Iyucurerer erde przleior
DI. protorlnPytry doottyptlDED .. I. 4; r t.a., Want
...„..,, ,,r
. a, 1,.. a
k a, 1 a ,i ,.. a , . a s , 1, ,
" .."
'''".!` r b. o". • nd ''N' . ''''',"'" thiraysitur of a., h et inotrntruen fur hellayin,46l. A 5 -. a
t t i .,, 4 , ... yrlyrtlur r r. our,. hf Vlinuuie diatalyes, vnivt a MI.
\ ~,,,,
hat emit... ahyeitiata. lloy-ur N u tria, awl 11,•
Arthur lY Guth,. l'ro t., vib ,,, • ril., • '" '- 1 ,l➢ ,-- 'I - 'l' I' I . I f elite
....E. 1,4, I .,.., 1. , it 124.9 1 . 10.4.01111. Dr tr
hamll.l tr.,...g.
}:,1 ,,, ,,1 gnolCh. ,':‘,". „ .l,'N \ ~...—. lir , Imaleon rugyared In\ the tney.ltgation`of dlti
.._ \
J , A. hr.' 11 ' 4,,114n1tt I‘.. 4 1. • .." . ......I ~, 1...." } t' , . nfnlah. , ' than - W..
Patna., I' guatit. ;Nary. Ilan 114. T hrnuPh the ttr. , ..f hit satlntlngluity.lneoporrtloweith
hIY hu.hh3.l,tir , yrutr. mud, othectf Mx trim... L e t. ho ha/
L' . a t ne t, u ,, r; h i r t, u , t . :.. '
~ =,,...A,11; : t . t, , , , ,,1 "' , ..,..n...1 au unparalleled .mluomen . haring tinge dramdfal l .• '
tord, P.tal aoulailia, Tata-re...4r • 'nnumptloo. Canyon,
Atutnye Wt.,. . tient,. Av.. ii. pyratuta, Ittlyntnallsra, Aethmli, Far and, Ague, Fawn fa.
...rub 51 1 hmnaa. \ J ,,, M ,, N • t , irtna. h
P Mon, tt att. ' " " S i''''''ndo • •n . • all
• ''''''' eh :n'elt'Qt.l:i'n43l,3,V.!;,nrorilreeda's.s
Thl , to 0P....1ts rim I usuraunet.....tuyau, sr , the find • tut.. .7`,,V: . ..f ;;;.T, .- „„„, ~, , „„,,,,,,,„ 1 .. .„,, „„„„,„. , ',,,, '
~ .
--i -- bilfh ' 1 ' ..1. .. I JA ''' ns, t' sr '''''''''' ..n p h . . An. ' ty 1.1 heir—P"[ , ` F ta. ' y ut - cn , iinna ' ..l . und nt;4 - f -- 111 t' .
luel artadiug all r. 10.. apes Ara olear.l.u, cluar .he, it ~. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : 0 , ~,,,,,,,.„,t , Lt; ,-,,,,,,,, h ,.
...,.., t e \
...,, b.* ''''' 4 '. .r,r i r i ,lor'r, 7 . '1 , ;,!,, ,
,to, ~ t- v , .- tn. lannYllys, Pula !al to, and preacrlbtta - cur, each . :Say •' \ . i
`l, Lam of di•eary , t .
t _ bn I " 1.. ""' " r '' k -
.b,; t n, : , 2, ,.. y 1,4,.• ii,1.:,,1F, ,: ,,,gr; i t,,,i,nr.1.,... i .. . \ •
~ .\, \
belaware Mutual Safety usuranceCOMp yr -„ '" . 4 •4- .. r ."• 0 , ,•••• . • ..,. •
tor haer_ .111 It 13311 n &a then lea . thy hoary
k'FIC.E, NUltTii I{lll.Mf \,. OF THE .E.)0., ..tify fr.., frut cnlnt., a... taro fl• t.I%,JIPIIP art. . • , ''‘ \ ---',
CI IA 'vie. Thin! stn.,. Philaalefutlia. ; ahT tt. InntAt to Fn., a peculiar i. e r r rtu.e. . . ' I -
.... 7 1, h.,. .
9_ ;Ntor.O. • .-.11411.04d5. Merepp.unt. ,, e, am ell; \ i : ,, %. ... rnth...4- ,r• n''' bni ng , IblLl.a \ b.r. • . .' s .
A, •1t...
4.51...rty. 111 town nod woof, /u-are,k,.....tehet. IL,. yr ~..% ; ; , . ,,,, 4- , 192. , wiI.I. b.t hr... ra1.1.1., u W.I. • `. A.-
ri: ' :=. A...., by Gr.... et the Intrust rate of pr. 19.5.11. 4. p Cryptical.. ‘ ,
ai ,5151. Itiodan,rs.—Tbry aI,A. ...An. \ \-rrl, Car.... ')" 1 "art"!'" .' ."‘'lr 1 . 9'i "1.• t h••••'•%;‘••4 pro.,
i. i A t...-TI
11 • ...... ,
~..,.„. ~..,,,,,,,..
„ r ,„.,._,,,,,. „„,.. 7 ,,,,,..„ :...„.„ rat r I fe .oe•hr the. tor l rater:W.o , l, or ma t talles
secs J \
.....1,. • haute,
!num.. Tra.e.s..kie.Tture —The, also /noun. Merntrantlire F'. 1 1 . " ., 3'
t . t it-b4, r 1,.... ,', .t 3 :Zer , l- 3 ;: L..x.‘,.7 . .„ , \ \a m .' •• •
tottu•nort...t hy 14 ',one. Rut rou.l ha, Can Ly....te, uu,l •'"' y " 7 ...".. I '''...o ..
1..1....i L t1. r... 412. A Itt ,,,... ~,,.,....... m
~, „..,,,,,,, , h ..,,,,,,,, „,,,,,,,, r - ,,. J..
tuyaar A au. \ alit, I'llftabilEgh. , a • ,
1 " .•
Jot , 1 1 ; II , al tdrannkl A. "yodel•\J..heu r.: J- i'L ''. eYu'l. Prua .Markets'-. .\ \ •
ihner. , I l'.. n vo'•-" -- ••• - . Y I.,re A. lam, Bra •1 s Idle. r/st Ofllre Al tur.
Dark. Hobert Hum.. John I:. Fenn., }runnel •luar,l, ~.
I .1.,....- C. I,sp , .r. kAwant Larolugu. . h.aft.- It. 1hee, , .11„,1 • , ,u'` ,, ,:,`, \ „ ,
I Euterrll. J , Au Neunn , hr. It."Al Iluytrr.,, .4u:h.., V. • ,,, a,., ,, ,r 7.. rt. 11. \er. 71tty, P.. . \' \ . '
aly,dre. ,
ilau.l, TL,...p1u10, Paula..., 11..10n.... hr...,1/A, ht, u ry, 4f. , 1.,""V,-yatlo• • 2 • ..
tih..o. Ilu g h Cruig, i te...,r, F. yrrtfl, girt•nr. , n , };.:11 ,. 10,1, ,, " 4';',..l . ..}`:',"„f'''t nro a .. . I'' \
!.al „ E„; . / ,. Ir k, „J• t... Job ...4, Nam. 11. ,P. . kb sn. - s . ~________, s
r in. y.. Jr.
1 . 0 rj.:\ ., ,To the Reatte of the Pi .s •
litr..-ay IT grrrwru.,-4.0. T. )Ir,, . H.
\ \ \
Jeht. 1 buotts. . 11 . 31 i RUC S. 'ENTION is r,s'e.
d-ut.l .4.11 Mrtitlytt. Pryai... 'I n , ....0 111 'D. Ido 1 . ..111. , ~,,,.., ~r t y„ ,-,,t ..,, ~,,,.„ 4 i \\ \
. \Do Of the 1/I.n. ttotkre ra innil.. of I.
aki-oirkx of thy Camila.. N. .P 2 lanteettm,-. I tfrt- , e ek- lueL y. ‘ , ll u t r yi, / . g. on ., i , ~, t c ,N ki t r t t V t.
bunch. rue:Y.:3f I r. A IMAI/lIIIIIA. Allnltt. ~.., 5., :torn this gv. tame. aim
. I . iV Or the- te•ef Al .re of da. aye. I
.. na. have, en,re than. nanny tall! aPPNAeI
A m isatt. uml
~ ,,. ....llrraigt Ma
. Innget i la\;
pre p•rtz as.l. na trr.-nr.f 7.. uhr.• 1 t is
AWS r.
tn iwt..n ♦ enro.t...i
Canal/ 11,15 m, Penn Street.
- •
Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road'
• rrl It: euliPeriiiiirs having. i , een appointed
I ...moo orent, ,tr x f ic.ll
nest we Ie • DO< oreivro4 to re
.orount ei r.liceloe r Cr oliipment
1J•4•1• .z itom r, I,
ma 1 •-• .1+ sill to ta.m.rd•-.llrow 4.1 ccu
kp.n r tor ViTIPIII,I
griFultural Implements.
lIAVE .11;ST received from the East the
all ot. thn °,
nod I would malt,. all
Isebte , , hor Ooan a . ta-ats, lump. ac.'
t.r.1.11 1,01. h r
t rt. , r nrol harol
otrax a
,Wo n t
Star. cuttio.,
n. cb.u. Ilralters.
ca...., ',am sod O, Lb, Ana 11...
too. Um , ' and lour orouu fora ,
All mu...quo-a !nom .0.1 for rale
Coro, of 11'ot.1 smi atvrt
Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish.
1 )A T ENT EII , .1 lily 9.fth. 1 ti50.,--For giving
1 a I•Aval,rul 1114.., Lillous.
. 1 . : , • - ,, Ile a, , , s . s.LI ., ru n r 4 ..n , :;Lu: , l' u tz \la Flirkiaa to
tqr. , 1 , ...,.—Put th• n twalq a quart of,
Ihol . + • tan
FL br
CARI).-- I Imvi removed to my new ivtort,
f0t0...4 0..0010 nproot, them%l ‘ c of
1 . 1/1-I , umb, t.4r , t to glad D• 1441. trlondo ant
nu/ r..cut.n MII,, rumtool. tVVV
lilop v”ry tar:, ....:krtraeLt I'rhoLttery. Itritommt
illnk...`oried II mt., Spriug, not 11 , 1i1. /Infra
1,..f1a.r NON., nod I.lllnrrp; 1 1 1111/..t, ttudt+,
Countvrvenor, mud I...mulfrt., 11 min. Shade., of a t- . 17 Tar
nett: Door Mott, KnJ en.ry artirk Amon n tics
ton., rtten.l , ••.tablilhment.e.of the Rini. OM re pert Foltrarq nod mvst orctlf . tlK , l4 , l , l
r paid for INaglik LEE- I . V rl7Ol
Ic. an
• NIC ES a./
tilll/ Al - E juEd received from Ne •
th, lot,. Ina of mew Style WINDOW CO
CltrA IN VAN DO'. {of Axle
1,7N111 G
12 'l' A 43 LE !—,We have aco 'Ede
ttot-k of Gold, Silver OW ittzol tilttctorh , totti 1 t-onrox sod ennravo Olototo. nt [I to
totrlrtt nl rl.lou, oroontinx to No
rti , l oro•onn I 1+2 , 1 . W • AV X.NN •
1 ANUILE 11A1 FORKS—A go 1
' I I I V. torply of N. MOT, tt ndobtotfo`l 11. r.
too, York', nu baud und, for .I,e ,d rattern Or
It. W. I.OIN Dr—Vriti:, Ma0 . .. t0
0 go
12 Autfor Lio,.^r
Anthracite Coal.
:Dr i Toys j lig rtveired, a anperior article
- )4 I '''''' r°'' ' '' ' ", 6" eali ' d;K ir ti: F O ;6 .
. .... - .. -- •
II ICk - 10 ice. prime Carolina, for sale by
A•. '''',.' J A‘l FS A II crken liOS\ h CO.
L EAD -5A pip Galena; '''"°
'''' Y ' Zmi. ` .!. r. ,(l ` 4 l ,, ', VVZ.,% Al
. .. .....
1"s H. MOLASSES.—"_O 2O, prime St- t9t l-
.I ' ,.. ' .: l(PAn'' ''' ".' I.IIIPS A. 11.11TCIIISON h CO. ' '
rli QB ACCO-203 kP I's, ti's, S's, and IQ's.', ,
1 , bl 4 an, rri.',l.l. for •el ,
..eI.IC, ,”ICK A 31t.CANIILF-41.L . ,.
Ai hILS-2 btrla Sperm 011, 31 do. extra do,
N- 1. , , 1. , 1 1 . ... , ert4 11.1e.chod Jo \lO do T.11.4 . ..40 . _ , .-
ct•tvent and for knlo b
` .X
"''' . WICli h !Of:AND/at:S .
I IEt L EFIN El) SUGAJIS—An \ assorttnent of
Cm-hett.Clarl.,K ri
Orrs,ll.o Lonfl+twarr.,fechn
... et !nut Mertm l'ugsr.ktefin.ry, tor redo al rodue.o.l
pric,, ur th , . A ,L , .. _ ,
. . . -., , _ ..
lJf gqxl,
nbart, ftc,r, the luk
~.ort,,r7.rjMf a g' l ,l., ac rirtirlr ghat
, 1i
3,tctiun uta t\UFWm.r. heret...rr. hAs jApt bora re
,.....d—trota 7 qr. lot tri winiiil4, Al6o;,lbrr
lirh et.d Aulertqau utp,hriukahl, ual
6'1 . ' 11111 1 1W:1 rt
4.IOCOMINE, ALOES-200 Ho. for sale by
I. 8.1,251 IL
UU Alt LEADr-iby 1101. for sale by
O IL & RUSIN —.O bblo.Tanne rs oji;
!In. I 14,41 n: for opl/1
4,.1 11. MOLASSES & (HADEN SYRUI'-- ,
, •
g LASS—' , "IIO bozos Window, aini'd nines,
1 •A - !kr -MON WATT
'TARTARIC ACID-1500 lbs. for sale by
EMS' Of L---10 bids. for sale
ll ,T U. A. ALIN ICSTOCK (.la.
A 1
OLDEN SYRUP-10 Goodale's
rvrtor. Uo Fab. J. S. DIf.WOUTII
A)A r l'EN'lr THREAD —2,000 lbs. imported
dlyrct Iron tLe tognolactory, arab for sale ft pokes
salt urla t) ARAIUTIINLYT.
BBANDY-5 casks Wild ()berry Brandy,
toe ark by A. CLLRECIINtAi A CU.
1'11751.11.113.611 STOCK---'2O shares
metal br Io<al J. S. lOLWORVI A CO.
16a 11. MOLASSES---B).GUIs. Bat. ()round,
IILANCES AT Et)HOPE, in a Seribi of
VA Liana from Cirrat Britain. Vrabra, /tar, ElOtten
loud, Ap, daring the 40:Amer of 1551; Imitating Notel on
Um Croat Caltlbitlaa. Bora= Untie). ,1 vol. For
sleet oppoeta the !Vat rem
'TOBACCO-IG, kegs No. in star
.4 for sale by \ JAMES 1at.=,1,,
a= \ sob womaregLi
-,Ohio Labotory.
• 76 ' :1. 1.- ---- :- Tn \ i, 9-2'
...,-4 .1 ...N.., ,
1111111. 8() 111111 \ 5
,\ 85 •\,...
\ Per rent \ S ngt
Clii . ...LL \ • LETell kR. '4 . CO, 'A Annfaat4,
rt\ c, a
t k l
JA rt.rt I AL(' „, F ,..,,,,.., _CC., . 111 ,....
ino Constar Mimi for Irt taokey amaan t
Cornet oci_ino -1 I mast are r tto .Ci al T i t'; v • V• n 'r• i •,,,i,
A/-All ori rs fre Pabst:arch wililte li tt, e l), N i
at lowest mat I. rri ,_ \____,Y,t,:-T-
', vris's Patt eversible Wrtter Titter
S NOW In be a n in operatiO? at IVV.
T, A L .E 1'
and Li r r l i ". ".
I ' I . I4Ii F IVIV‘ TM. al ‘. .
No. t /flatlet envoi. 4tsnit la This Filterticreet•
a tint thslal !rem th Amen rains:iron of N a In /
mil a '<Mona. trtto t Eta Fyn Innstute of I ;Wale •
K ti4„
phi. Nat enpetiontr I ste otalenuoin , nortien lal ,
,rertnce s from [hotel. at thc in use in Plaits& 7 , 111.,
'Of abilt 't
'''''' - '7 4 'si . "' , "'''' ' nil \ '
trit atrult Alma, . \
it an. Vat iloamrst \ menu to the furor of
- • ---,„ ~,,sin. stoteri• 'not Is 11'nterilltmer..
W" l
th •C otClriTi. ,'''.7‘.
~,I a ~,
,tr. Pasoan' hr str.
ournsomoattia at my
lai . n neuld wish.
nAritsYArii f 1 .,, ',
'3 Valet, ream.
, e,,st small or
a 'mai an vrata.
r ,..A k t tea st tan
! taa . 4 1 , 1
. .. is.
.Phil' [Mine
-- 7 ''—'-',. ..,- ,
, .ten . }')L LE:R . .4' IMP&DIAL COUGH SY.RUP \
Iroved ‘
.t . l , \ .
~ .
\ I —lt ‘‘ ..b.-ap,,east totako.atl hit4hly;taloslioria,
' r \ titr. ff. F. sol.ri r " VA11a. 1 1Ti.:,,11"...1/2'. 4 .10en 'V
, \1 Ai titeet m trousea,,,L,, l ,h,„. „1,„,
, . ronnellea to nay it irk mirpoion, f Fri. tedtte..l edger
byi , \ to:moots abeut ye (.nn Pit to time Ito linali It, i
401/Ds:ill. ' , num ftto to of my b4.l.lind aleo to m) . anttak 1%.' , . , - • '
Ir.* o t-' , .. 0 - \ ‘..tiCiAvu brime mot I hiA neva Mile,/ to cute dist 'i,y:
I.' I his< nown. VW It to my heighbors i , autitlo mos - i
ii 6/1., ', ' smalstarionsly boll, e• that Iris tbit teat niunlt'mniticlus'
'4IA.TUS for , brsit^ttr latatarf.a al !la Pablio. • . ~_ ..
Wren O r e
• .
ur'l'ukat• L...V" o - ettteobonlit no permit their &Wren fre antfrainillt
_Roof Amlb fhb ,i,,, ,t 1,, wi ,,,, H .., ~i.i , 1--m: ny .:5 a.- bout., al' WS
ptinite a Ailito.taan. B ,, sie; . .
; lt d gn . LT:t..:Nt:',,,,, r i itriol arol soliibi . . r _h. E. SELLEaki, t,
I .
eacsi , - et tux]. st, awl Druscatet etthuallt,
..14.4. -
,j, .
,-.-..1 ct r , .v.,:i wi..,...1.01 OICINES, &c.—Alarge etoti
tlfi.ll\ D<AtinP.irt. ale op Cho moot liberal terms; air , •
. I v Ar l,t mit tr al„ tbi, t;
t, 4 rlll4m i lf:T, .30 " ‘ 7 1
iro sfrentati, tam eon
. i
VittlUilt Wl ' . ' tillivolitniel'a Palely of .noiltl i g
, intinli IA
_ • ____ rpenterslar.tracttlitua,
Clap, •rt. Motor '
es Cannloatha
*lo a cpiB 140iii%71'fittkib;
of their N . Pot Cla , m
• :Syphilis, A.
fu Um manulat nr
nimin of an0,...0f the wet 0 or Porarratlit4
to,r 7 ahrvf Alf ....-4K ,, 1 Cirmsmor a..
•RVr4St AK PAP& '-: liartramet,Z •
tarn a
CLOT) -4thkscarr/3 1,, 41. , . , Clot.
tirL74`,'',,, e - ,1-, iuff plAsha for A Milo* MUM, rent
litalard '•
' - rine, for pees
r nt .r ne r.o ri ... — or ., : i. f;;;;,. ,.. te ' il , t , to7 n a d o . j . a x.r artle ,,o rni oi si, t a , tly l l ., a ‘ tait ,
\ 11111.411'N.
aVotiiiciat fo
1214. orl•bratetYmitm.-
; ould q.a Vval,
gam re pr •s
e — "K•
Ctilf PAt'ER—F
v4il.t.trat rmol lb
fotorte• Phllplalpti: tie+ T.,
LAW PAPE 'S.— 'ho hes
1.64 m/ Cap ••I Lahr E.E•r , l,d • .44
can, MO W. IL TIM EN't. l'sprr ark . 6.14 .1
alarlo4 an.7o4coolLOs. • .
rINEGAR-50 bblst'for ante
140IIISON, LIMP . 4 Ll\
k WEI) PN NC 11 ES-460' bu. for \uile
111LS-61.111 , k0gs 4114'4styes, fors* by
yIIi.IRON-364 tons Bens Cr \ ivk
S t - cr11013(e0N. LITTLE lk CO.
:S er. SUQAIt— N
lee LLD.. N.; O. Moles., \
tth'l' ll i ()Vp \ Ftr. , 7,l ' .l7 2 ll . l. l lls.
2.1 Int., Orkare & and 6's Le!pp;
S 10 taw 6 T. .
\ 21 beses White Pipes: s
s 11l •• litsue •• For rile Ly
,e6•..5 • \ ROBISOSe Lt 171.): a (XL .
-- ,- ---- ------,,
It/ E arc itmtructekt by the owner* to close
y i
L. the t6llsey:o6 Fontat reduced Wee:664l6pm
fer6talle o Lk, for inset not,. VIZ
J . Sell Platt Istanet Cas.lS66
~,: ,
. ..:, • • Gret , • .0. - \ j.,
2 ..• Crib 81i.61044:14r1itte4 ••
' 4 •• Jeans, oitlltt au 4i,{{TIVP. \
c.a., . \ • 61URKIT k LEE.
M AC .REl'-5—'4(03 bble.3 Large;
\ J. a IL 11A)V1,
~ i
== i
\ ~
'. ' ~...
F " L : Or 1;r11; — .. - . 4 , ::;;; rx 1 4e 41 . ; k/ . T. 's. );
ho,lrl,h ..." , lleetV")4l, rvotttme to be Isle, Mb. ~
;_ " 4 . '.2 tt7; h el ' ;.‘tt- , l ' Vt‘tro ' jvit: ITV ' eyi i ll
o,- e vc , weX end avere.y that !tett, to ,na ell nalthe4
e.,m,,t1,t,... f\i 1., 1 e unr 4 ttty. whey n wrilaboatotetelhn„
Noe. thet w ert,te tlse lamth—th,t • 417 ,4,14,, dad, ,
15.b.1.t0 d,r,., W tbrn. who mar trart ur • OT par. '
derve . to r• 1 euent, 71. swt et v.. , fy etd to b r ae t\ \
, 11.0, .tetmbe rrUer tr,m ' U. ettirrea ‘ -
.1(r I- .r.t , h , t •erooFbt t.• moowormliontunAt of rAI ,
L'•p i p,ll!•l:' , 4•.'o . tt • noioe. o
. r i th.nor. voti , lD drt dwirr. .'
our Teet;jr mhL. l 4,l,l .% :.l. Teetoo ' .ethto.fet F ir j Akt. \\ \\
t..,h 1), , -.....1,,n,,, 1 ' , MAJ.` emrle In.ll,4.laErekl
tra. k . D.Irl 111/TIT I A fait— r,ro ord mar r.l
our ttyr2l.l ex alt , xl.l,mxlL. !stet ample tee 'IA te. t \
tl' thm. Petrol,. A‘ \ • ,S, IA
L, Vabite‘ll, Dent wo ntl4,s lw6 of chi herb atimitiy \ \
~,h ~,,, totAliy lii I, w beep metratand toritrbto,,pwre, \. \
, r ~...:7 :if xtuzg. . ..: . Lv Nt414..t.1 gt, b into osenp \ •,
iturr. or 0.1...„4 . 1,ut II,: %' :;:r Lulr,=4; \ \ \
k.. rofne,4l• Itioy p,rivom ~. /mu. &mt.; ott tWeatTe %
me ca- ',cr. ruNal they had beers eteuipe.,,, ,,, , \ \ ..
...I try ph I , it 11131.1 11.• b. , boPys. 7 k . • Petrokorto will OM%
wheu . on - yd!no to dlr,cti Dbo - rlws. TlWlstorS. 4 i • .
VI., rI:o. • !at, Coot, he Le uptiezie on the Ski ' T,„
I . trapt , 4 P. •• t:“., Chmor, evtr ' .s. hin;;lnvin. Tett. V. I
rid.ll,-sd. Al,. Itonod rs, old 111.441. Inver, I.'
\ \‘,\,
%owe, Agu, t. runic l'ouybA etrAti ltrostehttlA owl. wil
d.:an:wry IslT‘4l‘.o. 4 A hrook\he , temtlote t. , pro ,
;Aro, llwartuntoso`o.
tousle am r . callo.ditowon of tte\ PI r awl Ridtwl%
Chotbod MALI, lip, ttsbet.:OlOPlen',,P Ned ilehjohlk • '
1 odkt. It Ls a osraWyntrzrYst. odirrbt 31ss to , . WWI'
I K , p,,,,i of th , r•.‘,.” ai.....-, tritlito th/t4s. \ year With Lbll
w. LI, trot surer, Vititraies that II Metbh..ipl 11l ,' N.," •
LtholtwlNlPtbn proprteda.wbn will tsks`wi ' lOW. ,
'\, g h bT* ; t n ... .V . Tn i = , #:: "rk.nd' 71.
1: ., 1111 „ 1 , 11 1 cI r 'k, . •
Of ~tlt,N, ! ; ftrttr E pro . leoslori ore 14 4 ". t i
in t srprn . Then,. ht, at Arrt looked op ',doz , q ; \ „
.rul coOnly,. willing \yo awnwl. It duo
roweb te`O, reo that L iao roller rotood, all ill tit, • '. ' \ `k,
eompei ,I 1.3 Ark oellorlirn that tiao Petroleum is e \ ,
'''' .. , " 1 .. 4 ctl".‘ l . l ' ..r. qe .h.l.rel! 1 / 2 4,.\ , . \.'
tall. I , y „\ _ . & Alc1)011WL, 1,10 nee „ ...., ' ' ‘ •
}pry Fitue'ittrt- , - \''
.. , t ,, ~,, . .1, _..., , ek. 0r.947. Also, by \ „. it I
pro tr. ...,Al.. Kt Ish..,‘,Anat ...Op, iweitili Meet, P ,
bun:Woo:A wo„A. labssedlock A to.. Ifaxt and Trent ste •
AL • ` A
A -
T at
\ i Lth L
f l qsAl
Inlgl \\ \
eAI I / 4 '';'.'
iV r .‘
ytti t., 'ej , Cl IN, ..,\
't.. :
iL.I4L; '". \j:„,r.inuz„iar.
bol - L.b.
dun. 2 , 14,
bl& Lau vy,
ea tor Palo ,
U'l Ult-2141.q..
111 1 7F*76
..14 ‘ J..
IioWDER.--sho keit
4 11 kji.S - VL:
t4ittperld . y, raloy
)1 Oak DormAlm'. *act Et
bb.t, E.r yak by t 1E"
ARD bble
L A IL c'"l"d•raYsSrilat
Paraldw, 11.10 tepid e,014 / • 'lir
47. oetio • • AC%
_ _
;it Gazette.
ectfulky in
V M at.. 1 4 2
v b 41 1,..
"k no