Australia The discovery of gold in Australia jhas turned thei attention of England strongly in the direction of that quarter of, the globe. The first accounts have been confirmed, and spet!imens have been sent to London con voying.tho emphatic proof that tae precious metal. ii-iottnd in abundance) The result will liia'rivih of emigration to Australia, aril" in impetuS such as nothing but "gold 'could furnish, to the growing fortunes of that rich and beautiful country. Thus, in sa few years, a population speaking the Euglish language, and rending the English Bible; will bald up an empire in the Southern heitiaphere. Taken in connec tion with the recent rush of American popnlatiOn. to California, does it not look as theugh hrovidence . was gathering up its mightLresources for some new and grand tuifol gs in the destiny of tiro-human race? 7 -stis . though some unprecedented epaeh,was about to break upon the history of:nations ? The dominion of the globe . . . . will-in another quarter of a century be put into 'the bands of the United States and Great :Britain :—the Christian will he at AO loss : to determine for what ultimate .ImrpoSes. These nations are Protestant, and UhriAtianity exists in them in its forms. They are commercial, and already.have access to all pagan countries. :They arc foremost in political power and ...s.S,..:Progress; and in thin, pagan nations are 'emphatically weak. What.s!". the inevita conclusion ? The mind which sees God in_ history, discerns hl, footsteps in 'prtivitience, marks his plans in prophecy, • ~ cannot:fail to perceive, the approach of , • that sublime consummation, the conversion of the , world. That British Christians are doing something in the way of meeting; their obligations to God tied the heathen. world, will appear from the fact that two millions and .a half of dollars are yearly expended 'in evangelidal bbors for the conversion of the lieUthen, and twenty millions of copies of the Scriptures have been issued .by the British and Foreign Bible Society, within the last. fifty years. The Bible is now published in 10 differ entlangnages. Nearly a million of dollars contributed by the American Chnrchee toForeign Missions; and last year's in :come of the (Merican. Bible Society ex ''c'eeded 8276,000. Its issuas of the Scrip- Artrez have been between scien and'eight millions since its organization. The, fol lowing paragraph from the French Reno' &incur, ilondes, may not be uninteresting 'in this connection - cflpf all the races which this day occupy the scene of the ;world, the most active, and that which posiesses the greatest weight and influence, is, unquestionably, the Angln *Z Saxon race. ther nations may be more noisy and brilliant than F.Mgland and the United Stator—they may exhibit more ex , ternal glory . —but no one, if looked at 'closely, can ! be considered so necessary as both these people. The Anzio-Saxon race one of the most important springs of the cgreat... political machine of the universe : „:.,2. - 2.lirithent it., it would perish, or be abandon ed-to the-contempt of the future, in some most important facts of history, end some of those moral notions which are so essential to humanity. Without England and America, Protestantism wouldexist no longer. Had Protestantism nn other sup-, port than that of Germany, we would see it now expiring in delirium and in bias - phemy, amidst the laughter of other no ' • Alone., Without the example afforded by England, the French revolution would not only be anathematized but abandoned, as without reason ; and full of incoherent eitra . :iiegancies. Had it not boon for .: , tgritharub America would, on its discos .;,s.l.iy;lia,ve' fallen back into the barbarism :•-ii Spanish vessel found it.— England that the glorious ~ t.,,,,..discovery of Columbus has not proved and • counts for a great human fact, 'andrfor,roliervice rendered to moral order, and'not merely a &cover). interesting to science and cosnaology."—S'onth.. Chris Admrate. • Ladies!! I rJIM PRESS, and will . shortly b 4 ready, ine LIANDUAIBTO 73.1141.111 , 10, comprising a dearrlptlrm of Um mechanism r.. 1 the IlAttUlDeLl2, the to which it 11 Ilablu (abantt)o in number), the remegyingSash defect, and innroctsnato bow to rn.ckeep Burins:roma. always in tune." By P. D 5 Doos' {- 0 havintra Piano Shoniti hare a et Cr this hunt. - Ail storgof the kind has secs before been publi,h ettr- ingarnmition It imparts te worth ton me. is. doll.; end. maong other acleguatag;. It erbll guatlyou from having your Plano. viby ..Itedies and gentlemen in the titles of Pittsburgh soot Allegheny, dealt - Mg emly stogies of int work, can be tut , Mehra at thelemaid•ncen by leaving their 3.41.111.. at the offices of :mayor the Pittsburgh morning paptta, or arthe trinaltectoma of Measly. John U. Mellor, Wood street, and ' at .1.. If Of. biloi lll.'7 , 7 P= Kl. gf b arei Thid 4 'd 4 . :F.,t,tp:A'AT;ha, free /If pastas,' to say Mat ol Bulled IlMtAs. lilt copies toe nve dal lary. A littoral discount to liookeelicrot areiblusic dealers. There is ma, more appropriate prsssot' that a georgmais ma make to lady thane copy of this book. ' gond In war annual oell.rot TIECKER'S FARINA-2.504b4. fur ,ale by noI.O • I. KIDD a CO., Cu IV .t. ELE.Bubsariber bas. n store nod t, . era at low wt..% • good too•rteerot a /apse., ',boot, p n .111 gored Ilona, do twin, Yogen• Pr int r . VI•o- Megan 0.2t00 elaxnals.Thibetabtratillia., and Wool.. en Moms, hide LLogo,Pooger /LoaikeratiirO, imata l.kag• Estinetta, Calmer..,, Cloth., ToroAr. Janet, Ihown Blaselled 310.1108, Drina. Ticking, Urge Con. brie; Padding, QIIIIILAN Urabrellaa,park and utile Nat- Goon - Cohan, Lama. awl nlt. Loge, tiehoos. them TAW.. Clothe. Woolf an Comforts, 'Glare, lloalrry, Thread, Nodingl, Bottom:. Woo • ha , ,, te: ',Ariel T opteed%lo weigh - rjaatter ' r U oar, br"t• C th . A4llVlN:& ' etr WOVI V CODAC.. . ASEL- , —tre are prepared to eontrnet with Olus WlLnufastussys and the trs,le , ceuerslly, for Shale supply or Bad.. Ash, dmins the .logo. the TAS.U.S Mates psi.. We Iriersnt cue Muds Ash usl 00 the best haportAA. BENNETT, SLURRY A I,U , - uo6. r . Copley's Fire Brick. T. 'COPLEY n'rar•Kittannin, , er4 ottlitmd thoomuidlYr:RlCK of - Ord:x CWtt.O :4mo lar p t . ltllll;ll b, ..lorltn Copley. J.Q A Co. continue to manufacture Pot Cla fo onnufantarers ind other, FCllOOl4.lld K y, AU Wood Mort, are ate egonty for ohm lost =mod a Exchange Livery staple, and Fern" Offi. -.: - Ni4178 Pam street,' niar Me St. Clair 11 • The enbseriber, thank- La .! • hiltiAtie . polar ik.the llbrool Moors Of custom 10 his line laretofom. would hno that kw Poo onsanenced the UPDERTAZINO teal wannootion rah la, LIVERS' tatoe,f, sal will at 'lnnerato On is reaansble terms no any In the person havtoy any thlog In do; in hit hoe. who me Min seal, unt stipend upon th ese Gottnea ',lnept; to V 1 ,1 In the best afvl nedtryt nooses . CJAMEIS MATTII}I. ,sOrphans' CqurtiSale. • IDDITESUAIirto an Order'nf :the Orp lane .... , Court of AllAchtrrf thziety.trill Le azoot,A) 1 lid!. on Thnealay, the Dish day. of retuter. A. P. la , ,at 10 o'clock. A. Al., at the Court tic'., to the iiitheet a best I all that certarie lot o plere Al - nru oil Mtn ate in the tolerably of Pitt, county afortealti, it/Jame+ ILI in's .01.1. of Into 1p Arad toollohlp, Wog A part of lot. on. al and (14 or Asap/an, on Anion is monad ono (ran. boo, two starter high. 'the told dr.-elite.] piece 01 eta nab.. loss part of thA r ret. , tito Ate , of Parctiry, reed. 'feral! • An . r43n I. PILLEN CRAWFORD. elahree. ... _ orb court szt~. . lIRSQAIC io an Order-of the Orphanl! Court of Allttray County, trill I.n expeArd to nab. on °odor'. tho Way of November. A. It 1001. at the Court noose, to tbatairhmt oral tout btUlor, all that &r -'tttirt klf Pito , lot 'mural Miami,: fa the City of YitaboftOrt, olortuty aforreartl, loilarvoulrr'••Wiry, On Whith ow. fratoo hotto•Owo gorlor high. TOO raid 41e.uriiiml OK. or trauma linou • parr of the clot" of Juno" Yalu,. eridet'd— Um, rasa. Cy Ow tiontl.. uoia' 1.31 r ItotrEct CALMER. To tae mimic ItEundersigned r .haiing taken the' store No. el Norket stmt , lar occupied by Jouts A. nom, sire now receiving tl tit resod tall aid Winter tiOofli?.. opt riming pan lc, A ccoripleto :morn:cent 0f,.0 lick and foncy DRESS alum Q.Labrarl”, Do indlont, I kirritne. eciitcn FLUX Artelier.l4n/f Fgt... bll Plidd Lorin Shan't. Clierobleunti, Cobs., Cu itc,_n I bbon Mover, On. Also—A songs . .. mock of NOtiENINti ohs Ito word flee of CLOAskin. The cludittorin of rho late 'eta! noa it put Ale arc WTI to mil. , I . .‘„T r a. j • • JOHN poltTnii A 0.1. YEAT POWDEII-15'riii . reseed to make /lOW, sitivitilank tnno'nupotly nuts, whim roof hour ir pant. A fun direction oc onnipanied each wernor. For cnio br oar,: iiii)..lrl Wiicl it. bbk. n. I;lWinter,) for . .1 0 .J. FCNOPINWa /MA. Ca, . : rdaWl r- lIISCY.r .-.-5 09 / .1: A.lll. IV r tine by ~..r. ..- , . . J. 111111) t t..YI ..-..-- - - riREAM, VILITAIt- - -'' WO lbs. for auto by V.OD LIVER OfL-- gray:i.e. butt. DT M. att.') or &p . m... for 4. LILL/ • caTORIVS:CILEXICA 'LIME INVIGOR- Li ATOII, - to prevent Itsidomra sad (troy flair, to Ineom . Ur hair ahem it hx folku off or Dewar , tddra and locum, effeelmedly lic - orlf or Doadroft • • If gm:etas% reed and tot rolehr rho d orshog e bar n6l.! tc ! t* . :Simi "" o U or i eTr V ofltgita • IJOAR, J.P A 0-900 lbanVhite;for sale I - ! MD kW. or wood.t OICACCO-490 boteo Sherwund'q Vs - an , a. era.isan=t by • - ERRIN.O-:-Ipo bze; for sale by - . e wisass sidzeisms. r uccs o -10.bbim-or.sak, , - MISCELLANEOUS • b UCKETS & TUBS— I3 Buckets: `. 4 dur.Tobr, fn We by • • JAMF-S DALZELL. Wan, rt. TIQUORICE ROOT-2000 lbs. extra fresh, La fee rale I, J. KIDD d . SOME MADE IILANK.ETS.—MusTuf tra. day reed a large lot of super nrr anne ade Blanket, •ery heap. .1-Iwhit: horn. made FLAKIIKLS. Northeast nor. nee er Faurrir ova Market Ins. -nal 'REAM TARTAR—I 2 bbls. pow'd, war mul..l.l pore, for eel' by B. A. FAIINESTUCIi k CO. V . ALAI) OIL-50 baskets for sale by B. A. FAIINEbTOCK CO. QILVER SAND-15 bbla. for sale by oe. ^ . U. A. FAIINESTOCH ca "trEN. 111111-10 bbls. bright Eng., for sale • br D. A. FAUN ESSOCK A Co. (7.IENNA-1000 lbs. prime Alexandria, for 43 sal.. by D. A. EAIINE.I , TUCE A CO. ATINEGAII-50 hblit. for sale by ✓rraU HAIICEL Alllll , Elt. %lA - I , IIIIA BEANS-20 lbs. fresh, for sale ✓ be D.A. FAO:LS . I'OCE & CO. ACKI NG FLANNELS.—MURPLIY HURCISFIFILD here Just opnne.Jmoor...l of and Omen As-kinz El an 4.4 PAI , S I AI ... LEAF CCIEV , TZ .k th, FIGURED ,, m' " '''" IICEI ; 111 A 111;111.1111ELD. I.tOTTEIt--4'resli Roll, in I , .i . o , y e e i r s u F e.; E l4 l l . a . ily • 1, 1 , A, 11 aI IIi:ESE-500 boxes reed and for sale by J 43.40 J. D. CANFIELD. tStl -- ;Me. Lake Trout; • J. It. CAbFl}. I INSEED OIL-10 blils.Oristrold'sbratd, • ~ a ;.• by J. B. CAN FIELD. 11.111•LARL ASII-25 casks for vale by • moot J. D. (JAM , lELD, OCIWOOD-50 bids. on Lund and for sale I/ nel7 - J. KIDD & CO _ . ‘, l , lIIRTS .1. DRAWERS-500 doz. Men's i) 1.0EA15 Wont sot Unmet, reed by A A. SIASUN A CO ILK 1 ELVETS-20 pes. most desirable • itair tobebing• by .A. A. 31AOUN CP). g AADIONIA-2000 lbs, for sale by • oc.r.: • lt A. EAII.NESTOCK x 00. VIURPITV; BURCIITTELD• hare reed .1Y ,1 •1• un , rninA be Erynt...s the follovinF Arlirl. - 11,71, iwboi 11,411 Liotor. blurt AIM, rU roc,. , nroca.l. Foul!. 1,2m.k tiguml Fiala lUmu,t loug shag r.... 11 AI north va7t rry. Fourth And Mariet rte . t A Nali SEED--50 lin. prime Sicily, in J. KIDD.. CU., CnlVtod rt. 4al"l.'s. TURPLNTINE-50 bbla. prime, hr . J KIDD L DREAM TA_RTAR-2000 lba. pure, for J. }Mil .t IPI CARR. SODA-6000'be, L e e A Co., Net . eraelt, hrand, for •ale FT J. Kim ,tee. A Llikl-30 labia.. for rale by . J. SCIICONMARE4t. CO. PAI MSTS 'ATERIALS, COLORS,' . .te.— ....!iIL A fresh lot Jtt , t openiug at the .Iruz rtr.rr of J. A P—Wil buses No. I Rusin, for rale by Li "a.: S. A IV. ILAHLIAMIII. I LARIFIEI) SYRUP--I 5 bbla. for rale by JAMES A. nuTonsoN & M as ,lo JAMES A. Mita:lLS LX). I) R. TEASE'S klagnetie Ointment—llk) for nAlo•tr LIT OOD ENGRAVING by Jame: 11. Park, to rhiln 11011, Dl .tr. .t. ove 1, CI. ..B. ad nor., Vlore. butidharr. rim ae., la Tel., moderato. reel, n ATI( ING SPONGE-11 strings very fine IDfor sale br Mc J. fiI.3.IOON3LAKEIL i 01. VIAL CORKS-15 bales lousg anti short, v sale hr J ECIIOO3r3fAKIE t CO. 111108P11011US—I11 cans for Sale by J . PPICKET)OLIAI ABABIC-150 Abs. very liondeocre, for rale 5 r It. E. BELLI:RH 31A.NUFACT1JMD TOBACCO-1501as. .eholoe brands, on hand and for We by . A. cublmicTtoN 0 CO. bbln. No. 1, fur sale by AA re:9 J. tOIIOONMAKER et CO. g 111 P. LOGWOOD-100 bbIR. for solo by • . .ev J. SCTIOONHAKEIR I CO. GINGER-5 bbls. for solo by 0 0c29 R. E. SELLERS. 57 Rood rt. " k FRICAN CAYENNE PEPPER-800 lbs tl Poirdrrnl, pun., for nolo by 027 If. A. FAILNESTOCK * BUTT_ER - 4 1161.4.11 . 01.17 1 . 1- •2 uOJ 3 kcgo rsAlted: vnrina per canal oncl for lab. br .1.1..M178 DALZELL. 0t..71 CO Water Atreet. FRINGES—A. go. Marx: As Co. have cartons Yak fringes, black and word colors. tierce best, for gale by . VLOOR. OIL CLOTH 1r COO yards 44 /Icor 011010th: 4q/ bd 00 IH lt4 Jnet rued lad for sale at our Oil Cloth WarerniAtroy 110 Mulct nc.13l • J. IL 1 . 11.11.L1 O y t ti , S , :SE I L'S o UNjiIVALL i ki , II I. V . V p„ III , O r Sharo,A Crown in the Unfbwl titatex nr Europe.— This aeltalabil preparation Is unequalled for Portly. Lew. - ty, end tevaretner; though ....what analean. to laufa and other timilar critripenuila, it 0V . 1; '," =7,1117e1 4 , 1 1 " 4,1 1, 11V1, 1 :tiri ' . ` V „' .31 , tlpleayant and criy: it pewee.. _great ale .te4X e. itopottiyl article, in being tree prepared !tom the boil material; with the green:at Will, and is not only the lost. but alio Atte cheapen article for Oncring. nos Fraley of thb. acts during the hat twelve (ran, and tt, I.Verld ROI aul eliver medals awarded for it. 1117 Vints; 1 1T. th l i N g ri l Vl i titILICIet.71 h 41 "l 4 "14 by orn n7 Wool O. 11.4 HAY goose of various styles bad. receive,/ and for safe by • lt.Y. SaLLkittli. Li 1TC.,1 et PTS:TURPENTIN ' b. A. tALINEESTOCK A CO. UNSEED bble"prime,7;ritale by , B. A. TAIL:a/MC% A CO. BROCILLEA:EIAWLSI—We invite the st- Intl= at tni Julies o lot of nen Ado &India, no. no., tong non., anonon talon , Indy nw a" t t.: - nitatenSr DUKCIIIIELD. CCITUGt Or Aarkot and Mourn, moods. IZENVINE MEDICINAL PORT WINE, LA BRANDY, ANb hiltalak WIST.La. " ar"4t b" ti t gEk &11k:DOWELL.1011-;:d iTi — ClEESE=7sl:loppxp to sale by - ' - - •JAILES D4rtry, DRY GODS , &c. :HEW ST E.E . ILE ritE SUBSCRIBER ring taken the store SQ. 82 FOURTH .57RELM a^^wPl•4l ~ 7 . r. C. IL EATON, eel having ..itiraly refittrd th. awn., willeen, on the In der of Sepuetata, with et lerge and auk. nod( of Pk , , STAPLE, MOU RN INO HOUSE FURNI SHIN° DRY GOLDS, tncnth, with a st,k of ria.v.34r.vus A.ND FIT Sl5ll - 00UDS, camplete heroaorara kept La that wet] known and faecal. ,atabltahtnent. .. . lie . would tfully Inform. thorn per.n..l ,, irin Mourning and Haulm Fuishng or Linen Goods. that In his stop, they can obtain amore proaphite rtnek than elac.. i In the city', a.• ho int..ndo .4 .• particular otters tion to Mora branchee b f „, x, curling the main portion ~.Lt.°'- 1---" .i. j Enni l a • i`;1111.`" uI augt. , .lt( i) %II CIIIPItY & BURCII lELD inform their ,LT.lruc...r. x. sll.l, 1 hutr. g.ll, tint they' hero , noir open the, MECUM) large annul, ot l;cedA In: ,h. foiltrad, and tot: atu.ntu.n to their unu,ually full tußort. meat. LAMES' DRESS UOODS, In cm( rarietr, rich print. , l Lainer. Paritlrnp, Coburkt. tr..nch Armor. MuAn dr ,A fl 1;., Long and Sunars.--Nru Rtylr 11.17 handeuros: Cr...lnnen. dn.; li"t .1 dn.; plan, nod black and id illbbon mlon,l Thihrt, Ar: • ILO, plas, Mark and half mourning do„ lark ,10. Thor harp Irish' a further tupply anP , Shirting Muslin and Linens. and erap1,111.0.14 gen erall. and of I till tt sold at lot prln.4 Ll'unt.tY M. , hant , ar. to tall In t, r rt.f.tns. .nira wind, Goals are add lon (..; I L K WARP PAR.AlllXT'l'AS—Justri,'d 47 nt A A. MASON .4 CO'S; L 2 and 4 4 Mark. , Qt• GLOVES AND HOSIERY—A. A. IdAttott A tn. on hind 150 dr" Lad,: ea. h. tort, Silk, Flt.e.,l,:tild, and nth,, A t.o. etery desertatlon of Hosiery. comparing Mart than (l 0" Oat.. I)RESS OOODS—opening daily at A. A. MASON A CO.'S. trriry kyle ol fa , lifsnable Illoot Guodt.mngl,tllnt of hll4 , ,Cdstuor.r.l. Ue LaMar, Mttln't• Alpacrat. A,'. 0,1 . ... . . . . . U,I.LKS ! SILKS !.—.N u tv openin,. , at A. A_ 11 MASONS CO.'.— (. P=Tery f..hinattld , Plaid 50 k.s ~,,, .. 1,,w ~ 20 Wers ridit't:', 4, a i,..y. . In do .I.lrust. lifor .1.. .1.., . 04,7 S nrt NEW PLAID BONNET HI BRUNS—Mur phy s Bureht. , l4 hate c , - ~.l u trenh auaGiV t h. • &Anita. rad, , • UPEK. BLACK' ALPAOCAS--Murphy A 17 Burrh&-hl bay. ,c,in.r.l 3 full 4 3 3,31 . 1111e1it ol noC.l.—rma a.r low 104 e pvr yard—nwinl-o.ncle nu,, ut., Mohair Alprw at.thod Thor yard. DARE MIXED DOESKINS-- Murphy A: Burchfield ha,., - a re,l en a...nrcir..nt 01 roeskdak Cap.:llnre,g, wrvy anti md, rn. .1,01 th, Iror—alm ff.:epee b:nek.Q.-...huniren and v,lotb.. and a•turl alp of styles espnclallr adapfnl fur Loy . , Ire v . act, IA'EW GOODS! NEW OOODS I—A. A. 44.511:1 k CO. will open titian thn ne, tor tin,. tit upward. of by 'I raw , and tmoka,...d fn,ign and Dma.atin Dry Janda. to which lb. attcnti. n of whole on.le nnd r.lnll purrha... raARAMATTAS, LYONESE nCOBURG"; —A. A. MA:+4./N A CU .01 , kto,n ltd.‘ :10 non of lave wood, RENCLI 'MERINOS & TIED CLOTIIS rivenit": At A A.,11,i0N ACO 'S—:[apen.,.,richcad Frem , h Skrino. and 11.11 , 0 01/.11,, en. AF/BIERES 1.7' MOUS. DE LAINF:S A- A. MASON L'l). 173+,.i nr.,17,1 36 In n , Cul, C.‘shmorys an I Dr ryIiRRE PLY IMPERIAL CAPETs- Now oimitautil rtrelving a: W. AInCLINTOCICS ‘Carehu, N. FS Fnurth rtnvt., , g 1,1,11 tu• rite he tittrnitial tit ttal. furnish c.r : , ..acutmats. a$ a, will aoll Inds tG.rn es. t r twIL,, :0 thl• mark., i l oßszior. SALE—ll very .le4ira-ft_ . \--,.. 4 . Vazalp W m., Wit rril eX .lted rrfOrtl, 4 4, pl,d, EtiqUil. 4, .1 . ii , ,NAI A t,t , .el' • .11 15.v.1 .t VELVET PILE,CAItPETS—W. 11,,PLis . - TM'S cooptnntl, t , relvin. In. tall AUK, CARPETS, lb. r,brat n.arat earl., ro cblel. atlentuae ..! purebafter, an be u.determio...l.., CA - ItRIAGE CJJJIII NIrI`LINTOIIi loran, tt,e, • f'- nnwntacturpt. to ht, large an I I, al. ClPtt. , . Oil Clotho. and Truntninc... srblrt, we • at mtv-.•1 lb. Can.. , INORAIN CA.RPE'CS--W.!th,CLl ST01:1: it Pow canctently hi. e, and csalrann CAPPVT , , ftyl., at arty valn,ed Pare,, to inva.r.the at. trution 1b.... vrirblng to fortnahfletont.**t...rll..n..... Iliie I.r , a till at the Carpet IPatrn..yr Xa SL P..urth at bPI 31,`1.1NT..C1,. RUSSELS CA,RPETS -- W. MPI2I.INTOCK but. to Ann , and (iv ,P rod new et y le nrx: , s CAP.Pkati, to alia - b chaarra, a, be 1..1..b.ran0...1ta t.r in tinsroartet Call at U. aIJ Irara. bow, Nrt. Fourth rt. APESTB. Y CARPETS—N., emu rich wftiona 'v r e"r" a jt" ° JEW Gool.le FrllE SUBSCRIBER It3ring now reci - i7od nutzre stnek M E4LL ANL, IVISTF.II •••.1.1 r!sporttillly lot,rru sod w. vti..b that L. in prepstal to dot... of Lin Li.o-4=' , Haor ivtall, st 1.. prin.. Ha has in Dry lsond• all Um 0.0, se sell • ntuck of Malley Ito—A 0.04,. is pus— Clietio Fa,. for el , tiv, so! .Ir.q. dr,"lon. s•rr rob; all'ats.l V Wadi Silk. s near,' Wittore.l ynlyh !' Slay ' • tiszois•s,ariil Cni..havrcs: Fr*.neb erah... rya,. HOUSE FURNISH'S() OOOOR. 11,1, (:!.-( aft! Isartyity 12:19=1 --•.-• •. • - - • .14, 44 KW 64 1. 444 lat•lt 1:14low I.4orfii/r, 4,6/ and 104 ntble. 1.0•14w.k.r. 4414t0d 3-411444.4.44441. and 1441164., llvelcaba , k bi4p.r 44.1124.11 To•r111ncr: 1t. , 11 } . noted 12.n0 and Tal.le. Co, n,-rl. .m... 14, ' hi... W.. Quilt, Frroth. Foamy., La.mir,.....{. Curtasnaal Curtain ituti aala, At. i MOURNING Day GC 01.18: L'E''''' . m .'1 ck' .V0a,4%T.13.1,...:4 ,c., I 5-4 'dd.; Mark Cantnnl,l , Ab.-. Wart Malan- Luett. , ; I 1110 Wary Thlb. Clcthr. ' Blatt Chall..l; I ' En 1711.0. trench and IL,llan Crap+ Naband Crap. Yrfir. ClorniirOt. and 1g...., thdlarland Call, ..10 , ..... and Homan; all of •luch (......1. will L.. •arran.../ ot 1. , ..1 .0(00 4,1 .h."'R for q'.l". dahl E.O . IItICNIGHT. MMOUSE DE LAIN ES, in era vurietyof .tyLra, plajo and printa.l. from 12..: ch.. 'up. the "t" gr%d". A'4""t AVI . TI ' I7 ' a U ' llall f i t ; ' .l.l./ 0 , 1 1 ary2".. North tot c•nrn.r 4 rod 31.00.1 .[.... 1 N - F , AT BARRED GINUllAMS—Alurphy a - kt0....cht. , 14 ha.. nectired • thole. aurArttand of ahoy.. goal. of a .11. qualltr. Lla... • , aPPir or r.,lhln cheator and liinizhanta: .T's i 1 ASUMiRES ANI) DE LA INES-15 ra- Ir. n th. rizbe,t trylrm and rotor, Jo, .....: L. .1 at . m`.-- -, Ma. a- 1a.p11.11 •A. .1. NOUN a C.) .. • . _ _. ___ . . ji? 4SON 4 , (X). have on band, and : . am anuiTio , .....0( lx.rx• guantiLl. of How Dm& j • ...Ins, lixhineter, m, Lt mull as rich Mirtirw• . .-.. In Dr' r. i coliii . .11 o which 111., will .aron.. - ' a° m- ".M 7 against Chi. market. FLOOR OIL CLOTII-560 plias and e qu.rtar, Jct. reed blare Illy Kaki terrllle Fae. tory. and for vale abolertele and rdall, az the crammede. Nna. 7 and 9 Weal It 11e(2.1 4. t 11. ( B ILL'(:!. BMW GOODS, 4.Et tashl CEIVED THIS DAY And noir opening at W3l. Medi' .11001. moa pierec fa ncy raterno. arra black Canalmerec r of 101 rercrect and ecerble 1.0 (lens black end colored Cloths, ell lb. moat capcdet donu!.elan. 'ilzelarkeA and most splendid Nmrtment M Vendors over brought to this ear. LO dor. Undershirts and Dritnera. LO doz. line end superfine Riles. A hl • eamninzent or erarats, Handkerchief, Or. WLV on hand presents one 01 the lukon and moot laziiit ". to . Hock. of flood., ralaptal for gentleman's near, in '. llll7 ra ted. ronhHT: WI of which the proprietor is detertni. ed to offer at the scum:mast prices for nett. Orzirre In the Maurits lin. cleennal in the loot man ner, sod at the abort,. wake. rept: New Fall Dry Goods. A. MASON & CO., have received and • • , ••••••••nloK- 6 caaes I'moth Merin, o of Atlnal shads, adaptod napresaly ar al, mark.: 10 nave Albacca• and Mohair Ltutr..s, eintrtacing plain bl'k, sllk.gargo, fancy cord, Chimeleob abal 11011,'of a/1,2,M, 12 mem Pararnatta"Tbibet Cloths. and I.lobarra comprla• lug all dm]n and eagle/eV 100 Ws. 1r0b.1.1 Cnrg., brk and' Caney "nlorsa The aboa. 21,a1a aryoErr fu nalo at prim 1 , 11.11 Ira ca confidant am unproewlentpdly sapid . NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! A % i CCORDEONS—A splendid and varied peek of the beet bread, bet received. .OTES—A very dtearaLlotoleetion e velth I. 4,0, and N keys, coma voW, sal of the boot makers, verycheap,fuet opened. GUITARS—Att extensive avid ehcim otnek arrivina. r/Of./NS—Soino Tory Rue eitt .ten, and new of every " raga VV " t3rlint, ream also, t,r 0 altar and Vlolltot Ceranetr, Tubes. tingle& Ilibotrane,Trampole, and or :11 . 14.1 , 72 , y h 0 i f Orr luo eod r i T:rt:4lro u tedeful , toed by Ito neweet And moot popular brus ' l . L. ;I:utt IWwived. N. IL—The above Inetramo am ere tosarantul t o be ear rem and perfect lu test rearteet,-II found faulty lbe mo nay .111 be returned. 11. ELMIRA, lot Third et • su.psl 81014 OY Thr: OOLDFIN WARP. CARPETS CAltl'el'Sl—Ree'd this day by W. McCLINTOCK, new anti rich ..true topeellion Flue and Common INGRAIN CARPETS, which Ito are friirTr7 i 2t!:"7. th rzil, c lat7a, b Argen Meade tad I to purchase togs*. to a mall, a. the Ohl EStabliebed Carpet aMbonee, No. Fourth at. mpg W. IdttCLlNTidet. VALL GOODS.--Just reed, .p7W . express, .L • at .t.e.IIAPON A CO.'S . fneertortprponnett.lbhona. newest ate mosttashlorrable stylwo 12diloaTatwand Fare Floweret 10 pea Oto de ...moo, hentildthl Milo.: fellew Marceline, ate shades; I domOstrieb •chondee Ups. mitt J EW DRESS GOODS--W 0 are now ro c...Wing the Oils!ylesof Dress Goodasuch to,Ceshmerea, Poplins, Per.. Ilbteter, P.. ran:tett. French Merinos, ,nor Tinted Cloth. Oyer luter Pim. NOW open. [fts..ii A. A.?lAioN A Co. WRITE GOODS- I A. A. 'MASON et Co.. have knit reed MO pm. Whlte Coals, mordent, o of plain aed plaid danotiette, Malls, Oldest, plaln mud !Lea 1041. lkok.Swles 01011 Nardook ltitedins, Am A complete Intendment and very then,. kJPLENDII) Mason k Co. bey. lost reed • beautiful assortment of very rich toured nod plain Irbe above desirable reale are well worth the attention of purchaser.. Alto yew /ulterior ro. de /tinder. natio de Chaos. beautlful Chau,- hues, Am amen 4.1 WISE AND JACKbNET EDUINdS, .j - .-sttutrnv a BURCIWIELD have opened 11,1 e morning a tut of Swine Elaine. and I meeting:re, Jaekonet Edging... 4 Insertinge. Nabbing Itiolooa end Irwertimos, ThrewEdoinoa and insert:tic of one .Ides and sold cheep. sent Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehotse, No. 105 bIAIIKET STRZET, I RPALLIER offers for sale, at, very is. Imprimis, a l full assortment of Straw and:111111n. lO U MTB-Forelon and AMericart_ plain and •in 7 t e ed, (into. ntmp o inillon, twee,ltalr, Yam !...sont- Sire., Warn HATN-Netee. Youlttle. alcul.lll 1 4 .7.4,• and plain Braid, Strew, rename. Mann and lerV, Mats' brawn, trail, Straw, Chip, imp. Lace, and HAI, Mare 4.iiinny,J.nor Lind, and otlurtforias, In Kraal..? i• air of slum and material.. RIBBV Bonnet and Scarf, plan Satin and TaF ,r all width. and oolong flant7 Mum and eniPoCsi. LACIZ-Ploln and dirariid tinge and onnle.ilk sad Cotton Netts. • , 1 L STRAW.T . N L l intrnal t eiConlaallinetaMiNtOmtepreddt r lL l SWitliiconed, and Ammi Sp battdus.~nd Wanda, rich sod oonl nylrs. " Boimier a1L448 AND !(.Wand-4314,. atm_ .det plao. Urn. de ins, Flamm, and olneeft7lM qualities and coior. • .• • . B ATINS- , Assuctodnnalltios and onion, • ." = AL.-Ricnandbw prloodPaniseda and thatorsan...6iradi BOOKS. MUSIC, &c. ' Chickering's Pianos. !. TOIIN H. NreLtoit, Agent (jr_________ AP I:bird...ring's Plano, (..r l'itu.bnr.nb h 1 ‘Venfern Punnfylvanh, No al %Vocal 2 clllst re,erfial A new and ref, larzo gmek 01 NAN., I , OIVITS, from the mnonfantory of Chlcknine. 14,t0n, ronfv.ting of C., 6,4, t,%. nod 7 octave., c‘r,ed and plain. noft j.,`IOR SALI—A seemed baud i • PLAN°. n„A•r, elecant mahogany eau, male by Loud A liruthers. ['fief., one Ittuulu.l auJ nfty L. on th MO Wll9 errant. /..i "h” ""al 'i'.lWlrA Ti.'4l4.ll;ll'.'t 4011 XL 1 New Music. 1' k SONGS sunge by MIRS ejsTIIARISE ILAYLX: Cae Olen. . weet leph)t , pa. The m harp tha the t um,. throngh Tara'a belle; 0. flog to 111, tUINILA el:NI: fIY JENNY LIND. AT 11E11 CON6};II.T:t, Cumin' 1111 , 11..11 thn Ky.: 111,run land !Greyer, Au , ' Robin tiny; ILittle 11,4 Bitting Hood, tae Ilan;. Core) Lime; I ken from lb. ntury; Th...'aralivr. , T 1 u. Lord'. Prayer, with ma- Th.. lia.worake, a regard to thel dr by 1, filuJu., Ca•alier: IA yar ting Ilymu—"Meter, .Strike the harp Mundy. by er, we ail are paythl:" , I V.ra . llinay: Rh, .IA klutottn.r lum, rm, ~th en o red plate . 1 the Vale; Pun., Itmleg, Vlowo,r :fehol. ci , ..: " L ', V, , ,:!;:': . ...r.i.: i ti.o awl Ifionmer J .. . 11,.... Cuil:L'.,.':', ri ' a ' n7r,;. : Salo by kiirlZ.llY'l 11. !lit:lVA:l' 51 Wun.l stre..t. Double Reed Melodeon. }ti,, just trrlt very 0.. brti„: ct4rlr.A;Tt .1 g:•..dliaLl", r I t...t rut.por 1.1.10221 powm to/my mmllormm. 11. i much superl., Mit polut o 1 otr,tomm of um , lty 1. Inn.t in atul facility for tramfmrting. It m ten& I for in rhur,,, ,n low pm., jmaerabl. to any , /tio•rlnFtromont. m/f.kln, puroto,t lostrunmut of thokimi f ully 211.1 to mall and r . m.utlne• Kam, pre.moem to it. holm; mkmu au,ty from the eal.o . rriber's mmermml, tom iog r for Mc rmiorml m lt tti , ret lmrdt a/latu. New /Worcs. FYI' RECEIVED and filr ,111. Ly J. L. tp 7s, nth krirt. 1.1, /...rnnt cytrrn 1 , 19 , I.J. len,ern, find 1.11.1 .. ,, ..11.1rentur-. •1t r.nth luirul...rtnit otn• ll rntn•u i n A , 1..1y1..1r 11 Il in. nth] 41 , nr.,1...11 [4.. 1nu,.1, n An. n, I.y MI, irenh.ll f h.. J. 1.1. n 0.111,1,.... an A t , 01 , 71, rf the errnlal Pnh I VArt , nnthor t•Now end then. 1 , -. 1' ir. , Thtn, ji.rturn•• nn h rent h. 1,1.1 Shrill I.lhnelon tirnt nrank,n.l. 1 , i•• !inn, ,r, no Appeal in 11, halt nf Family It , r .1., I,th pra,r,,, na.l brinn • sc.l rnl••ruhr 01 Irma Inr nanny n'llny, I, C. 1 1 Prom. ern , ... wails .441 without re/limn, e,-,1 h. di...unite flit, truth mud hn•not vl l.Lrt+tivntl). h, I..\', lintk, n. 11. rn (GO rittinorout annount, uhd I rrni , nnl , l•l> hint,. Work eta 1 'tatioti.r.,.aririug cw .1G . _ t CARD. —The znagniheent NusNs„ A ci.,n I 1-nng al..= to I , from ft.. .I.l•••rlinnr • un,,roonh he ree,,:r.nt eOtiOOI , II Of ,entirtn,ln u lin purchan•-Ireto,n it Jar h nr.l, u• effonl :hon. al t .llt ~ In, hand, na , , wen thin hndnnii.•l 'l. I/ 1,1 1,1 ta atm, - amt n•no gill, Ittlaumatirm, tad 01-a •I e. I 1 , 1! m 4 to lolp I,k• 4Ja Ul I '.. :a43 , ....01 th tatn ni t nna /...ttanont. •10 , 11 ma to 11 a /. • " • • Adam J tI ..110rt czot Mat. t• st It Itlll 0l , !. I 1 1 111 “. .1 umem North• 11.1111 ton Pun Ppjp of :JD 1,... .4 , .1 ..: '",,, i' , ",' , ..".' . I ' N , ...,. I ~:,°. Jla ',chin, alfltamta Lit..mtant /latntpopt. t. t a torn lin 11. it Vaaettn--1 , .r tap I LOl .0. ca .IQs. :..1 a.. f.y.n o . , t m.,.. ; WU-v. A Il I Inr4. :1.114 euvq.l. I, 1•1•••• Ilia•. 1,1 ho 0, ••••• 1•1 Ii to. l•mr,/,‘ • 4 II ," 1.1 .nurnt, /At, • II •naJatt Linn:mail. ataPla , J on , tao trma" , ./.. 1 tlat l.l • • / ••• - •f • CllCoat m.o. • a/•/. o wat •••11 , 13 ~ .1- . 1•••1•••1. awl / Lel. I••il • 1.1••• • •.. A.../..,..1/ • 1.6.a1ta oat of a mi,. I weal it•l•• [I, rta•,...••• 1.,t, 1,. , inrrs•batr. • ITV/ l• II to • VI , •••'•• . r•• tvg. '4.1 twma, iv r , Lon. to .tunt , aan J talon. 11.1.0, 11. ,An. A 1. , haa"./ and (,4 / atf _Lunt to/ t -at.. tou.altang au, lamoo n tia. m ; .t..... a . 1L,,,, .., ball ) ti... t ..> 10,101 If ola'a at ml Its" r• - 0 , .....1i • un....,10,1••• I applant I ont• hat:llmo, and a.. a• al ta la 1 Innartaao. *month In a Ito lap to u, Itlana 9.41.114 as o.taol I 40.... Itaa - Intral Ittaataait It n., Logan an a /fowl...oat mann,. ha 1-Itanat .1 JO,. Pan,ll,l rm. Dint log WI opal it, gut your Lantnotat ....anneal-1 it atta ha t•lt, a Itrntat ral. .1.4111 a an, It, 11, no. ... La bah, Pr... Ann, renra co.. 111., f.. 1.. L. 1.04.1. OA ..14. 6 1 all.F. , ryes fa , ila.nn ryas Wa,na. antenna Ja, 11.1 n. 1,1 linear. of Oots:itri ,,,, TO 1..1801 I.I.I4 4 YSITIIIyb. RYA') Till. F.L. LIOVISO TY. Public ar..part' rulatly .auty. d •,..inot • /hr. Lbw:born, urbb..b by• J.. •ype,,y. rstl+.l by Lbw It - V. It Yu: 4r. Lhylin rut 11A. ls • 0n..1 In, re .Iroviry In. GO bogria.). the u, Earryil 71... n 0 . cub for st m: otoriwirla a... 0.,. irstrit.lY up.. you fbr but 1:4,1,./ S. Farrrify Arneebv. olbt cv, n. go the 1,DIO41.• ed.voy. ban t.b.. It b - 1,4.. r.. I •rr..11....' bt• 11,gnatttr•• no the LiaGl/it ....1 Lbmt. On gum. tottl.---/I. AOSSI, Iraate.l In er,T Tess. L lii., an 4 Wow VOILA &Alf", in ankh one L. noL ndrild/On knply br 16dt.. td 11.11. Pary.ll. Prorin. Ith ^ t sato