uIoME MATTERS TIM PLANING MAC.I.II3iI QUM —MIS Me, to which we yesterday briefly adverted, was one of considerable interest to many of min:Oß.ons, and we therefore publish a more ettended report It was , that of Elitha Bloomer, :cosignee of the Woodworth patent, vs. McQuewan & Douglas : Some time ago, several bills in chancery were filed by Blishis Bloomer, annignee of Who was assignee of Wm. W. Woolworth, the administrator of William Woodworth, inventor of the Woodworth machine for planing, tonguing and grooving hoards at one operation, against mime eight or ten of our planing. mill firms, in Pittsburgh, whiett came on for argument upon the general hearing before Bon. It. C. Crier, • . and Mon. Thomas Irwin, on the 18th November,' 1851, in the Circuit Court of the United States. 'rhea° bills charged that the Planing Machine Was invented by Woodworth, on the 27th Dec., 18e.8:-elfin d suggested the decease of the propri eter iu - 1837 , the extension of the patent by the Commissioner of Patents , for seven years, till the 57th of Doc., 1949 ; the further vault ? Mon of the potent of 1828, fur seven years, from .'the 27th Dec., 1849, by tho Act of the Vida:Feb , .Pary. 1845 ; the surrender of the pat ent . by L :;nite administrator, on the Bth July, 18.10, and 1 rellostifi on the same day, with an amended 1 specification ; the assignment to James 0. Wil eon, on the 14th Murat, 1815, and 9th July, .1815, by the administrator, and by Wilsoh to Elisha Bloomer, po the 24th June, 1817, of the I', interest under the potent extension, under the • Act of 20th Febritary, 1845, and the unexpired term of the patent extension by the Commis ' Monet.: lly his arguments; complainant claimed. the ' right to 'construct, use, and vend, in Western Pennsylvania, the Planing Machine, for the • • Congressional extension, viz: from the 27th Des . , 1847, fur seven years. The bill then goes • on to allege the infringement, by ruepondeote, from the lot of Janfiary, 1950, at Pittsburgh; and then charges that the tieftidants used the machines by a series of assignments, carefully -net out from Woolworth himself, and insisted that those purchases and assignments conferred no. right to use ouch machines longer than the duration of the original patent of 14 years, viz tho 27th Doe., 181/., and prays that the respon dents be - requireddo account for the profits dur ing tho Congressional extension, and;Ohot they maybe restrained by iojunct ion.< Tim answer &ohm the originality of the in vention, stating warn, uud where, and how, it „ hod been need by.othen in England, Scotland, France, Maryland, - and Pennsylvania. It denied the identity of the machine De Woodworth, and the one used by them, and alleged the rations ° grounds of invalidity, among others Cave Which were urged upon. the Court. For ; ',cocotte not necessary to narrate, the nr• gamest 'on the hearing, was confined to six sev eral points, all of which went to the talidity of the patent, or the face of the Bill. _ . . .. . The . cause was argued at length by Mr. Loomis and Mr. Dunlop for MoQuewan & Douglass, and by Mr. E. M. Stanton for Mr. Bloomer. ..,.. The Court did not agree upon all the points made and pressed on them by the counsel of res.. pondeats, but determined to dismiss the coat i plainant's Bill with costs to defendants. COURT OP QUARTER SESSIONS. Present the Hoe. William B. McClure, Presi dent Judge, Mid William Boggs and T. L. Mc ~,blilMn, Associate Judges. In the cage of the Commontrealth•va. John .!lienderpon. reported yesterday, thejury return- F. _lad a verdict of guilty. Several trailing ones of aasault and battery i were than tried i •••• ALLEGHENY COUNCILS. 'Pio Allegheny Councils met An Thursday evening. ,ELECT COUNCIL. • la the Solea Goo. William Robinson Jr., Look lbo,ohair.: The report of the committee on finance Was read,. nattepted, and the following resointiou 'adopted, whirl. seas offered by Mr. Marshall, 1 upon the direction of the Committee: I Resolved, That • the committee on finance be ."... authorized to settle for the Allegheny City scrip. ":. on which suit has hero brought. Concurred in f • by r eatunt on couticil. 1' s - The rolinwitut_report told resolution was also ~, preientati by the nestle° committer,: I The committee oa Miens; to whom was refer -4 red the comfililliielitlion of the Auditor Benerel in relation to the assessment of a tax on the bandy .t lashed by the city. As the subject is one that' lcannot Ito decided by any bat a ravager, the com mittee decline taking the responsibility of decid i -.. tag, and-profer leaving the moan:width calmells, 1 . to which they would again call your attention, 1. - and sheath l yen decide to withhold the informa tion demanded of the Treasurer, hp will require .... k the councils to take ; measures to keep him in )demrillied in case a Suit is brought against him. , ''' i JAMCA Iloesuatt, Ch'n. Resolved, That thh Treasurer decline making f-- ; - ony response to the inquiry propounded by the _Auditor General, and that the faith, credit, and • .....;,property of the city he pledged - to indemnify him from all caste and damages. In select council accepted and adopted c com mon council concurred in, hut referred back to committee, to consult the City Solicitor. I An ordinance was presented, read three times, I and adopted, !bleb authorized the issuing of twelve one thqattatut dollar bands, to run 20 years, payable et the Bank of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia; to the &mu committee. Also 'T one of mix hundred end tw nty five dollars, to 1 Joseph Walker & SOl2l, for work done to the 1 , sewer on West Columba. Colnmon council coa -1 curial in the action select council, after i striking out the devisee thorizing the issuing of I . a Bond. I The report of the cow 'ttee on claims, on the s, bill. of Duquesne norou for taxes, for $B2. i wairead, approved, and e Mayor authorized to . 3 draw his warrant for thlt anis. Concurred in by common council. .. The following resolutio was read and "ad i common council . in council. I common conned. re (erred to committee on streets- " Resolves!, That the Street Commissioner be I and is herehy instructed to have the north end of Federal street, from. Debits'. corner to the 1 toll house on the plank ioad,'ll'Adamized, forth l with, Provided the Plank Read Company pay 1 one-half the, expenses, a that the same shall , =heves din the whole, 30. ' 1 !' 'On motion it was , . ..: Resolved, That the oo ittes on streets be in strictest to aontract lelth the lowest and beet -/ . bidder' for the repair of the Penitentiary sewer „I In the First-Ward; to we the cost will not exceed •: eighty-dollen'. :'. , . I i i . COIIItON Wm. Boyd, President, the chair.. Afr, Egnent preatinted a petition from citizens of Shelia Ward, praying- t r the laying of water pipekon Eatit street from Ohio to Third street. I Bantered insister commit e.. Concurred /12.4 1 ticket council. woe -Roared, •Thit the 'committee on engines be authorized...to' contractfor 600 feet of new hose for the American Rose Co timany. Referred to commitiee me engines, and concurred in by select couneil. ' On motionit was Resolved, That the street commissioner be and, ho it; hereby authorized, to put in passible order, the read leading from the wharf (near tho unper bridge) toßank Lane . - Referred to coin .. mittee :on wharves with power to act. Select council,.non.concurred in, hot referred' to nom mitt& without poweito act and to report on next ; meeting. On motion it *MR Itmolved, Tbatthe cans. on str's be authorised to receive' proposals for filling in the break above the upper bridge, on Sunk Lane, Refer - e,I to commute on streets, who are instructed to report Meow:mils. Concurred in by eileot coon ' ; cll.. • A petition from Charles Crasser, praying for o settlement for the ,maps of the four wards of Allegheny, was presented and referred to com mit tee.on surveys, to report in full at next meet , ing of councils concurred in by select council. The report of the street eommittee was read, which rocommended that a warrant be drown in favor of . hlvescs. Warner 4 Harvey, for thirstim of 15240 OS, the amount of bill presented, for lumber . frinoishesl the street commissioner, for building bridges in the city. ; And the following resolutions offered : On motion it was i Resolved, That the Mayor be, and is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasurer I in foyer of liteusrs. Rill er . , McFarland, the sum of $ll5 50; to be in full of their claim for con ! struetieg atone work at Canal Bridge, on East Lane. Laid neer. Resolved, That the Mayor booted is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasurer 4 4 in favor of Warm & Harvey for the stun of $240, being in full of their accocuit for lumber for g. Wished for the pee of the city. adopted: not concurred in iby tieleet council Common soon cil adhered and asked for a committee of nonfa t.' me. lion it was 0 a motion Thnt the committee o e f u rr e o el n e c i i b . : 1146011`-io report at next m eeting t on the northehie , Instructed ode for the atree od nod nd wards . F ! 4 P I " °` 0re...... in the - i., of- the Noll '- Ad"t4l% it-wog • ice on surveys b. i On moti o n Th ., the eoninutt unclla id their ltedole4 amend to 6b te around the , t e d to tee for the dive oehiat inext ne•rad tin names . re ,t Inb y adopted Nir'..' Ce"r • committee an etraeflo,s°4' Ger:. report of the; eenceronce Wu ',l - y s 'i a committee_° bent app i a nd Di ,„' Wm UNITED STATER CIRCUIT COURT.—/e the coon of Joshua Naohtrieb vs It. S. Baker and others, the answer of the defendants on oath directly denies the allegation on complainant's bill that be was turned out of the associationand de prived of all share in its propertrand effects, and oleo denies that complainant is entitled to AR account. The defendsotti . testimony strong ly controverts that allegation. CHARGE or Mrnnca --Michael Montighltan IrILS yeeterday committed by Mayor Guthrie, charged, on oath of John Thomim, with partici pation in the late murder of Jamee Money linear ; .—Jary Ebbert, alias Coursey, was yesterday committed to prison by Alderman McllTaster, charged. on oath of Julia Ann Dun lop, with bigamy. committed in marrying James Caursey, in April, lt , ;(), knowing that the said Cooney had another wife TIITUNG house.—Michael Flanegin was yea terday committed by process from court, charg ed with keeping a tippling house. Ennow—We yesterday copied on article from the Enterprise, stating that Messrs. Murphy & Barchdeld, were sufferers to a trilling amount, by the swindling operatione of a Mr Whitetield. We are informed, however, that these gentlemen lost nothing by him. Fro. tl4, liriti•L Arm, 11‘..kteb, CHINESE INSURRECTION AND TREES STAND By the Overland Friend of China of the _4th of July, further intelligence has been received of the progress of the insurryctiou in that empire, which appears to he making yet mate succeaftil head against the imperial power. 1a the early part of Juno Met, the Chinese Lieutenant General, Wu-lan-tai, had left Canton with the intention of coalescing with the commissioners sent by the Tarter emperoi—to put down the rebellion. But the insurgents had no intention of allowing him to form the coalition with the ease it would appear Le had esiticipated, and giving him battle at a pass calledLuk-wo-oe, he was totally routed, with aloes of upwards of 1000 mon, the gm, ertil himself being so severely wounded, that it is said he will have to undergo amputation of an arm. The success which thus seems to attend !hip outbreak in the Celestial empire, and the contin ual defeat of the imperial troops by the undisci plined rebels, goes far to support all the notions that word once entertained in Europa of thereat numerical power at the disposal of the emperor; and little surprise should be now felt at the rea dy success of the British arms in 1°11), peer the Chinese forces, when such evidence in furnish of the powerlessness of the Emperor to crush the lawless bands which have thrown his realm into confusion, and perilled his throne for sc) long a period. From so,enlied official documents, we hard, long peen led to believe that China maintains on foot an army of 700,1)110 men. But from in teresting details recently publised by nu intel ligent officer in the French navy, Captain Ju ries de la Oraviere, who made it more his buei neen inquire into such matters when in China than our own military or naval officers appear to have done during our hostile expedition into that country in 1140. we' are informed, on the best authority, that the standing army of China amounts, in reality, to no more than 60,001.1 srd dier,, wholly composed of Maudechu Tartars, di vided into night banners. The greater part of these Tartar regiments remain constantly in the capital: the rest are diet rihuted throughout the provinces, and form the garrison in the chief towns. November 21 • They are described by Captain de la Craylore' as courageous and strongly built men, hut, not withstanding, anything but formidable, for their arms consists only of bows and toatchl.ks, and they are void of all skill in military tactics. The pirates of the Male Archipelago, are tub niiely superior strategists, says the captain, to these Mandechu warriors. There last enu merated features, so far as th e personnel of the Tartar soldiers, are corrAntrated by the ac counts given on all hands, by s tlinse officers and men who made the Chimse Campaign bf 1840. Besides those sixty thousand men, which con stitute the real and only Chinese regular or standing army, Chins possesses, It is true, a nu merous militia. Thy profession of arms is hero ditary in families. When the son •has learned from his father the use of the sword and shield, and progressed so fur as to he able to give with one hand the stroke while be corers himself with the other, to strike the mark with the jave lin. and to load and fire the match lock, he then appears before the mandarian appointed to pre proof of his capabilities, and then purchare the right to serve the Emperor. This privilege, which is sold for a few let& (about is Grl) enti: tles the Chinese militia-man to a certain quanti ty of rice, era piece of ground to insure his sub- sietence. Thus hound todho glebe, these militia are not congregated in barracka. Each .militia man lives at home in the circle of his children, cultivates his Morsel of the "Celestial EMpire," awl puts on the Uniform only_ on rarticalar and few occasions. When the militia are required for any emer gency, scarcely one-fourth of the soldiers are .inscribed on the Mandarin's registers. Some do not report themselves at all when summoned, and the greater part have net er existed, at all, and their pay contributed only to incense,. the appointments of the ill-paid officers. When, however, they are assembled under the banner, this undisciplined army frequently becomes mutinous. and, not cairn:quo:ldg, whole corpli refuse to fight :the enemy, unless they are ppd extra to do their duty. Before the invasion of the English war, there fore, all exercise in the use of arms was a thing scarcely ever dreamed of in these Peaceful re gions. Even the robbers, whose bands increas e-NI" want aild oppression, frequently perfilted the integrity of.the Empire, feared but little the Chinese soldiers, and were more frequently dis armed by enccesiful negotiations than by the imperial army. it is thus also with the pirates which infest the coast of Fokien and the Gulpti of Tokio, who beat every war junk, and laugh to scorn the Mandarin Navy, fitted only for the naviga tion of rivers. Whenever the Chinese govern ment wished to disperse these pirates, they were compelled to employ .some captain of thyse very pirates, one who bed quarrelled with his com rades, or been bribed to desert with part of the rebel fleet to the Emperor. With each ill•organ (zed elements of etreugth, there is nothing more likely than a great revolution in the Chinese empire, the seeds of which were.perhaps sown' by the loss of prethys; to the imperial power, humbled in - the eyes of the people by the enla ces& of the European barbarians. 011/1501/1 or Tom—another change or time kw been made in the time of running the ears ,between the this place and Cie{eland. Hereafter the train will leave Cleveland at 9 A. #l., end arrive in Ravenna at 113. On the return trip It will leave Ravenna of 1/, and ar rive in Cleveland at 4}-I.l.eur. Noe, 111. CENSUS OF OHIO. Dwelling helloes in the Stabs Families In the Btata White melee White females ) Free colored. melee 12,239, „Free coloredfeeinles 12,091 Total population Deads daring the year Farms la cultivation Nanufacturing eatabliacmcnta produc ing annually $6OO and upwards RUTTE R— 1 0 bble. solid poked; 2.11. D/ krus do do .4 sole by 001 l IL I/ALZELL t CO. . .. _. _ it UCKWIIEAT FLOUR-100 bags hulled, 131 lo non, and ',angle by null • A. A W. II ATIBAUIIII. , WS-5 Bach for tulle by .Ji; P. 2 W. lIAIIILMOII. 1)1{Y PEACHES-270 hurfieln received on vgi'''' °6 '2l,ll; l aiti l l'iliiiiinti,l34 ru„ii it FLOUR -90 bhle. S. K; ii do Rye; lee We by —_.!!..1 .10110 . OTT & CO. pit I LAD. S Y liUP§---Lovering's Pltilatra Nyrup, W, ALL. by non • NAT PEAS'-11;br: English Split Yeas kJ pa. received .n:1 tar KAI , br mil WM. A. IicCLURO A CU., tirt,fre. sand Tv& P.O.*. . . ITAIIIRELLAS-2 eases for sale by note gt ASSISIEILE Et CASSINET-150 pee. fur 1 IIEEN APPLES-LSO ree'd gold fur mi. hr .11 Y.a W. Try Morrill 50e. TeL ORRIS hal always 4011 the beet Tea in ttob rgla uat Ike but tune quality le Ati than li ewer Most delicious Oolong Telt.-- e,eusig Etutlish lireanfmt teit ............... to, Excellent enable ............. - Dia Mmon dOM.' Tel Nan Is to the Inatuutid, verrrod doer t from. WU/. .12 -• • —YieREESE—ZOO !Minn prime Cream Cheese; 20n do 404 Wlt store and for iitle Ar molt la. DALZELL a co. Lit...t r .1. BUTTER -2 bbls. and 5 boxca fresh roll, inert remind and for rola by /l c ; S.* W. lIARDACOU. _ ....,_ _ F1.1K.450 bids. axtrafandly, for aaj,:i., - noll . S. t W. UARDAUiIIt., RPNCIARIAN SMOKING TOBAC6O—, -- 40 bbn.. far solo by ' 1-nnonAnDLICSS. JIG' IRON , l6 ; tour foes 7 .... nOlO .........:::. . - o. rlnialr, I BY TELMRAPH ILCCIVED DT TUN o'azala I".LIGHAPII LlN■ IIItrOBTILO 7011111 P111110..011 O,lEll'l. CINTINN,TI, Nut. 21 Flour—Sales ;1000 bbls, e.t 1;3 to hl,I. Whiskey—Sales at 164.. ft Rallou. Cheese—ls active, with sales 1500 boxes, at I:ie V lb: Tuhacco—Nlenufactiired is active, with sales 12:, boxes, at full prices. llogs—Are firmer, with sales COO head, at $4.Z,0 for heavy. Provisinns—Sales 100 bbls steam rendered lard, at Illy lb. Sal. 300 hbls mess pork, at 11 r 1 Plover :teed—Sales at 1,6 - 0 hu. Groceries-- The market is unchanged. The river has risen 34 feet since last report. Business is active. Freights are plenty, boatel are abundant, and prices drooping,. 11 ECK ER'S FARIN A —2W It.. for 5010 hy twit] . 11 ; , KIDD k Co., awl wom 0. %R ROW ROOT-200 genuine liernin .l, I aal.• by J. KIDD a CO. LIMPER lIERRIES—Ro - Ol It.. Fresh, for J KIDD Cy. 1 UM CAM PIIOR-9 blAiti. for sole by II 4.10 J K I[4l 114 . AllllO k IRVIN La),- a few sharng "Ohio 1..11 . 001,11,14.n koolc.J,Dxk." - Exeb.uee FLAX -111 rooks for sole by .5•555 wi t oi • Mr-CONDLID,IS 1.) UCKWIIEA — T F LOU lt--'26 onelos for sole JP Cr Willi 1 SD-CANDLE:IS MOCOL A T E-100 hxs fresh , ree',l and for o.k by WICK ♦ !DiDINDLES6. UNDINES -6 barn,. II IMMO uuii I El) FLAN N E LS— a+6s 4 e, manufactured l Foctr. c oi, Pa. , r 11b. . F. Itumrgerlops 1 ju , lr y relie.ll.l r, un As y h. los by .11 .11 , 11 N WATT' a oi ONDON PICKLES AND UCES—J u,t Irst No. tb.l Crop.. 11%.acts.11'...1.brat.1 L.l.mtra Pesler and 11sur..F. Het Ira lihi rkin, \Forceluer.Larsun-, Chow Ulu., Heads.; 31aruom Ret.La q 11)41uut Each., becueum and Royal Tat la Saws., ur taut) {wt.. 1.011 1111. A. 11,11.1'R11• 01. New Goods—Thira Supply for the Season. U & ItUltpliFiELD eommeneo zerupi: i Oat,- 11111tD SUPPLI of uhld Van. Cuhnlert V , lvet. And :•'IIA Star.. fern, Fourth and Market Aura.. welt. - . 91EA-51) hf. chests Y. 11., hir male by . . IS %JAI' DICI,III A CO 14.! mite t'Y EN.,1.1: , 11 a lIRNNKIT. nns cord. and 141 hr.. d liEESE—ioo boxes for ~.le low be 1.,...1.1011 A n TT iI UCKETS-14 , for rale lin KM/I.ISII 111PriNkTr. - • • , N AILS -WO kog4 for ,ale low DV ENGI.I , II t VENNIMT 130 T ASII-6 colaks for sole by I 1,1.11.1,01 A BEssrrr 11y• E N ED—:.A$• 'a I lbs. prone st I IIP br , , PLAsTEtt--501 , ,, r d s 1,41,, Lm n 4 Pr J KIDD • ro I LEX. SENNA-750 Ifs . prime, for sole by WOO .1 kohl. & •, i.1.11 4,4 •o. T \ PA PElt—l.a rgo and Vi•ry y, 11) r 111,1.1.. barlorarf J 01. 1V...: at 'Rh I.lr. I, A:110 11 . ICE bitsli A hi AL SOI/A--a caAs by hhi e Alt AIV A SERI. —I ,s4A f-r -Ale I.v S ulrH k. 1,41,11 I It rnitlOl: A .),COTCII PLAID DE LA INES—N,,w nn 1. Lao/ • cataracts Mo, A A lIA/4.S / I/LACK SILK S--,510 pcs, :1.11,1 high l - flu.try• for A. A \I .0.! , A 4, El OSI:: :‘, 12 1 A )1•1 11( i 11 ~ C.11.9n.f.)111 eer , ;S. ..hg.-.- , Ibu - CL two, n'o n•nAt..l - ! ...,..a .. - On Kn.. nt 1 1 .1... , 5.11 ~ I.Allhe Wmlgo Curnru, 2., .•- llooth• r.. , 1 sul , r sal. C Aran rit% IT. • • i --•--- • . _ FLAX -10(11) lbs. fi.f oak by s sa s • 11 II 41111 AI 4,, i..; OA l'—'alii) boxes tbisiirt, for sal,. hr a ,.- 7 sat - aII it li.salia i i . . A a Atli Eltla.-1:20 i 11... , I vale by I a s a w IlAbllatbll. - it 1./Si—'2.i.h.) bbl.. Nii. , l.fi i ir l a , ll , %l A i2,; ,,,ii aa . I - - IIIEAILL ASil—in Jaws for sale low by II urg I 1:401.1,11 • RENA err J UST reed at NI.. ....Ai Liberty street— ,. La:ss Frs..h holey; I . • - CA WI. grru rt."' hr yIIIOPr r. I ''''.. C .l . " r ° l:i :: ' 1 .1 ... ' 1 ..' / '. mean l r 'r . In ' ' ' '''''' L. ' box, i rub ra. g - - 1..eu,n0 mut i /ran, 1 ' , ..1 fur-2. , 1. 1 . . umgAbernt, - - l'ernea. 'lousy.... 1 .1 , ou-e2 L.g.ottr, 164 Fre.b .k.... 1. of,. All e1...a. /0.4, .00 I. 1 nate at lug ne/ by IT 11 A. IleVI u .U/111 a fX). 4 , ttrurrrs au, Tea lowlet• a a ASK' 01L-1:7 tiblAgreitl: i i .. ta t,LxB., I) „., 4 lIOMATJC,WICK T08ATi3,.. ; ~. llciasesMyers' Q'fON,,,F. PIPES-2111/ lutXo4 for sale by Li oul WWI, a 11n12AN DLl.gih. JAVA COI , I , E Es—:J I , ll , ll4 . fiff , tial s edif ,,, 9.11 E sub.iertbera reiipectlnlly call the at a aviation of bottler.. 1111.1 Keep. r• .r.,1 Eatorl.u, t.... !hair larze •nl agb..-1 uort .5 1111014 K 11111.A.:1311X1 A5.11 - 21,1u, Ahl , l/ thaf offer on the con , t fahurable, term, romprlmog lilt pt,A. tlft.au A 111 . 1 t T.-aa. 12, boxr• auauu,l ruK/Wit., I,liZ r o r pn o r ' a ' lro d lo% ' , "' - 1 11 -• f . rt•nerv . /I t UI. P . ' 1 1.1 - 112 lana •• it . ) .. itti,ill/I, JI , .. Lagurra •• 100 11 and !4 bms Italsinc 12 hb ht. oprao. 4.0 Sugar • hex, Ittrun, b. 5 hbl, er'd ant hard - t 3 ttg , al Corr.... 7.111/01.e.a Pro. Soap. i f. ruota pram.. II .. ~,,,,, .. 1 , 24 'tram. Fig, gu - Whit doff:anal,: . .t/ boxes ChOehlatte 1., - afar a sp . u. . 10 .. 1 1u - rang:kg eau., Ilroms. "urmo..lll. te Alb. Loodou Pk.. sod gair.a. and ranoua co Rehrurfra atil bulb., I...youtgalt aele-114 by 1 . 4 A. MCC, 113 the rill • of Saw lurk. l'hilaAalottla ashl 11.111. Mont. co AlLogsaber an anaorttorot unagoatbal to Pittahorgb. Wll. A.ll'CLlllo.l a go. 4,0 LI b•rt, 01. • aIiAIUMS-1400 dor. for pale by ill opt 6. W. ICA RBA UOll d 1 110 ICE IIOLLANI) 111ILItS.—.lust ree'd I I, exp...., upo cat.. of ottluire llull.nd limt.reft ta5t13,4.11, II ...Intl. tanti (Sur u...f SL. rtn.t.t - rkrUttlrl uf rolor.v.l ront, fur lietscring tu ftt.? Min at J.., mud .a-oawre of • W 1“-1 . and le B Al Wind mt.. cz , r of ,Ixth b SATIN lIONNETS=-Wit Imre ro t." rend toad till valahlt fer nale-I,lna Fl 11, mud Sat t, Norma, 1,111 A. A NI ASON,a BUTTER -3 Mils. Fresh Roll, for sale by reze • SAMUEL I' SIMI OEII. iILERATUS-1001as. and 25 Ibis. pare, I. far Ruh. hi J a. CAIitIELD B UTTER -CO frrsh, ree'il and for sale byWICK a B EANS--15 bap Small White, Lir Sale by WICK k M ACKEREL-100 kits Mackerel; Ito 3 •• A.: .• awl .Ibl.. No. nc..l 0 .' WICK A SI,CA hbl.i,V. ('sHOCOLATE-25 boxes fresh, for solo by I.) 0..3.0• otmcnoir.mr:* INGIIII.Ati._, B UTTER -50 kegs No. I; ' 0029 3 I ' M ' R ''! ,l igr/Vls . . j ;lTtlA'at!'" ... N Infallible Remedy for TOOTH ACIIE, 'ti. Tarbly on 11. ' A Tratb P . pnary.,l 111011.111:17,10 M , Go • volt", for pals at 61(0E11A MrDOWY.l.l.'et, . 0 10 110 Wtxxl str.nt ✓ 11. MOLASSES-30 !ibis. Goodulo's Ref. 1 - I . 20 - Vt. J011111..1 '' Ye, Fab. by lltillltHlNl Y. • 1 YOlllt 111. I OAP SUIIAIL-75 Tills. irbs'd Nos. Ilat 144Vidfir:°4111,'i',nnlYtr Rellanry: 1.0 .. .. - lit. Jau...• r.. - I..nrrrincift Crumbed t Palyfrll.4l4 fur .. n 4. "pelt 11111111/111.1111 A 11 , 10111tAtl, 111 Wet, et.. 4.1 POTT EI) FLANNELS—Just received nt 11'A. A MASON • CO.'S, 02 PURI di )latkrt pt.. a faith. or Pcaply or tipott,l 01an0P10. for dal r. 0.... rya,. 0091 ' d 111,-25 bbls. pore Tanners', for sale by I; r ~ 3 0 111111111/IDOK A 10011090. PtAILLS--.13 casks for sale by 0 ,....1 WICK • 3CANI.O.KNS. : }/N. it.F.l)-21) obis. (Eng.) prime, for ;urlo r I: • IV. sv.i,t.sfts .____ .._ 14 1 I'. SALTS--211 hbls. for sale by ,LA 0029 J. FC1141.10:$1 A KKK A CO. A 1,1151-30 bbls. for solo by .1 Nebel. )IA KKU a 1.,01. tiOFFEE-78 bags prime Rio , arriving and IL, for oal. by 00110wATT A CI). 4 urrE it-1000 lbs. prime Dairy Packed, torah. by Jolly WATT A tx). MOLASSES-20 lible. S. H. Slirup, for j• dirair low 1, JOIIS WAVI..• (0). I 17 4 iJ,..K . SILN. LACE.9—,A. A. Itlssosr . # ,k , _!.._...)".... J,,.11_ __.,..111 ., a 0y , 011.1.4 . 10 odour n 1 binc , k, e.„. 2 , 1111 .." • "'o''o"°"!° and 0. 1N I )10 0— 3 eeroons best S. F . , 2 libds Mad ll dol.F.,,actleby n .t 2 J. a 11. 01.001). ---.- 1) ICE-10 tea fresh Carolina Rico fir sale 11. br er.t.) J. A 11. 0141011. ILOSIER Y—A. A..lVisson & Co. hove reed 11011 dot. Cabmen, lambs ltml. Alintor.l.l4llll, Rut IttroSery, tam•rlPlng the wart. rat.retey will cell at work mark Ito. 11. Vt. roc, exhibited. which lbo , ll le, llOut to lap ,•_. I seal QQI A—ls casks sup. Curb.,for sale by o .yy oe:rs - WICK A AIeCANIM•SS 1.1 2 11,f - P aiii s .--12 kegs for sale lii 0 ~.....30 . WICK A Mel/AM/LESS. A. MER. PEPPER.- x OO lbs. for sale L PEPPER.- x OO lii ri. 6.1/AIINESSOCK A t 11). iiANAAY tTEEII-- . 2ciT)Edii..f,;,7.l;;ip i . l_/ .I'7 II" A:Y.4. Wit:STOCK 0-N. .. GrAutEn. SAITS-710 bbls. for side 1)1 R. A. TATTNEBTOCK it iX,, WM. I. L CO., liruceru aual CIASTILE SOAP-75 boxes for solo by - eby ---- XolloEDuvio 411 . 1 E0Al1tliTS0AP-50 bur, for'palo by .44": La. /•112110STOOK EUROPEAN PACKETS. lAM ES BLAKELY. European 4 -4 up, Ageut knd Forel,. kllrbartc fr.• the fallwortn, N.. York and 1., 4444.411. • Tot) Row. 4oillragr [run. 4,44 004 144... r• u[l.. ult. owl 21414 •••••••• L 1441,44.1 L. Illy 1t4,1 Nor it..., Irh • L. York un tho nth, .n.l µ1 ..4. 1144. 1.4404 Lou.- .4 letstu Th. , 1.4.11.,J rneliot• mad. (1,111 New V .algllll, I• 1. , 111. I. , th. mut Inma lognl.4m.a. I am. l ra to• Lino of tolon.golw INarooe• mol Ir-ga Non %mot ntol “Innann tl.o 1-1 and' lag a. ...Is sigmlb A .-rAh 1 1 .1..tnt• 111,111 Lit ',a..., In Now tar 1. lanolo I.ane Inr mlngrmina. fomn Nor 1 o a•tottn I.nl. •1, ni, naa.l Anal. 1. am oora na..l a:it 11 ra- , n• romlitm . 7n 1 . 1.1,1 C . an,. .In, — o n,r 14.1 r Itiong: ma Jana I. l m , Na..oniont. .1 na.ni/relnm m 1 . Mew I•tanalit.ml 1110 ar..r.t.• I amen... into,. run, lo•no g...aa. ram. lmtli,o, no Li tarn, Ileortanut al.lo tort°, ikt p, Looryonl. lileaaan , • noir fa - m00t...1 01 mailing lar• a. 41, inamibilil .11 Jll.lO INa-mag. ona. mal-nl.o.n.gure Ita.ut I.lta ram..l Nov, ommman,ll,ll4lllla, rbarle-tt.n. tol ..mman). I/pr.-4.A toruittangon in mu nil or maw., "ISLAKLI.I Steam Communication between New York and Glasgow. FrIIE NOW %%irk new tgLaStot.l.2 RoJ 4. • , N ,lowart. (W. of nard comma/4.1,14 appoilabd 1.1.a° iruts,...w 1.1.41..1 tlatunlat, t 1,61.11 tot 1/...crual•ar ofs t. al I'l t,lrlt. lown. PARPAGE LIONEY. Plrt Calthi , tuclt“.l./ No .leer.• . . tueltr , le but vet estop ur 11 Win 1,•• tr.ant..l urulresto prt,ut tire reteur,ort iretal.t ‘,l nprrle. eeut " 11,r11.1t,Ictrtyait.el, The NEW I'OllE. 'Aro h,,,, murort to the tlivrorow., he tut the Nfirttou at rig neat hielieary's Philadelphia cc iiverpool Line of Packets. d" by '" "°l4i'M . . . si4Sailing Irma Philadelphia on the Agh 1,11, aud Liverta....l no the 1.1 ci tV AJAR% 1 . 1.1,Att ILNT,..t, II II kappa., Haiti, 11E1% 1. 4 .111. Wm. Ilatlmer, %lamer EUROVII. ll•tria, Meats, Alirod nulth, Mane, .111 tXtrIS, (new - ,I %Tea. fleeter The shorn •Itipe wry built 01 the lead and moat matt{ InAterial, and s.re , noted tor the el their piteiacea: th e , a i s . u, .tth all et Impr.detneuti, era tined thuroughl, ventilated. mad are 1ak1.1.4:./4/.1 tor their ik aolcaak.aba, and °thin and Xireidie ilmirepro, they ar...inntlnshibd I', won of ackunahalired talent, to ho An. nalled for then eltlilli•Info al thely,Vel tatiett deivron , Vrtadirot thelr Irterul• travel thr lIW Coutitri oldeau /tak....4 0va..., which *III L. load tor eniht month., our aiwut. to e inland slid Lie .rpoot .111 theta the Fray. r luterirddion atdi la. .Ina Vidditee th.nt partnro. I,.,tie eouvetiodtee tiesavnaere .1.1.1nd to nin I nor en.a,i.e.uppl, arena for LI .tarlinc and Ufa/WA. p•i.aldn at algid without that...tad. which will lei iituht.l Id' any of r attl.., in the I:aited EOM Mori v..t ihr following wupplirs will to Wrinklier.' riweb pavowbinir of 12 In. of W. , fibil oror lb, 1 , 1 , 44. lbw no, 2 -a n 11,..naltund. b lb rwcww. I lb vivo..., wail b. vrk. nir rit• okac II.• I.n.m•IMI. I l rk. full all- t m oi anor iif initor inn and hwii who manor of Ira, rusar kir Alrlllolll a l'll - 1. fns Sernui? i noir Sixth nuil W.ll n 1... 11101 . 1 ,, 1" . 1',1NCE5- 7 I'o ENGLAND, Mi.:- L.f!ANL.. AND W ALL. —Jr.., Hine lino of the •brio of Ilikkrlr rriil vininur to 1..1. hi dr.!. on lirrwt a ro nil ' lreland. •Ini. Fr.., kok nori f i k , Wioilvar.l Iliwk.l, . ii.biiikr•arii ninvr of Lair-sit, inhi ,11.111 olj , .ortry ~ ttgarr,l, 4 , the Ise,r•t•le I,retie le•ns New ler ie pert Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet. PEDruED!—The swift rnooth, -r ITER h•• .:0 1 1T ' 5Z 411 3nur1a,1.30.. t• tut Mink eNI 1.0 Ttsr,lA, %o•J :••turda,,•et It , A In %I . r• 11 llrrWwl. A ..luu da, •e.•I v/..sat. % %I. . I•sr og {orrpa.g.s.lspssl2,• •irigor ags:ngsgrnissigsgre,g,, Aoki. on I owl. or ls. tsl.l /I A ISINNIrsi•• slw•., only '.l•rtgl ells•gwr Ns , to ones ssf L. usst.rgi Irrstss s•srr slams ou b. r tsgursstsc In 11.0 1r... . ... . . . 11 IEOULAR I'ITTSBUItiiII ar,..] t IV K I.l_, MLR I . It li RT — . Mr erten . kffill r . new ,ArLet .tentner Iir.RY—TT ern. A I ..due, ninder. leaven Pi11.....,:h ho Welletill. every A , l l- • ielnTtning. I . und• 1.1 at 1.. 'elnek. A L_ mad Rntuto. Inn, Ina Ten Weliblli la ....r7 LIAR at IA de..A i I' M. T. illln 1.111e.t t.turdt. CA.' Ra r dt. ne l I i n n ...ellun wiik lid tier...l.d and . . Aosta, u 11 11.111ToN. llovano.aloela. Lica. 11...tk:Nt Agool. C. IlAh$IT,. No. IT Water. and t.l hit ttn.ol • boll. Wheeling and Pittsburgh Past. FAH): LIE D!—Thu swift rlr.numa r art IA lal laa a.r. 4.1 at.r arta all 111:.1 - 61,41 al• [.ll , 113 , 41altist. iu arrrtarlr. Incersurata, ... . . a.a• . . If alitalr••• racr. art nut law rauu•L. .•• Ell/ anal. • fuytharrraluct.an. tnr.R. (it. 11.... rt, 4.11 Pt. [ . l, aigl , .TllAsru/A,....J t+luttlay..ll9 A SI , 1...6.r• 11'11,11w, et v•., ~ • ......111,4ay. Al 1PAQ1,1 , ./ IL" /11, sar,ty ur . • AILAISTILIAti , /,CIIIIZAII . Meek, eireel The Ai Ike faeteel I.Let• veer u•teu led I, IL. trpl. ALIA &hipper , . Len Jr,erAl Ler risputtie ill IL. ire, re, uhrle EOULAIR P11"11iBtlittill AND I a.li IILe.LIN/ I' WI( lT.—Tbo otv gmetet ra 6.rm e•tnat DIURNAL. norm.U. mu Annday. Wa•int—Ltzt, and lral./. .t al Mamma, elarT lut+tay. nuralky a 4.1 6aturial. 1"5 The lout nal in a al• what.' N.V. and t. IL. hr .r.t analra.a.t v./awl - a...1 11 ill. tt irwa. riapper. dty.al •ti her eviinnuticg in the -- • - I.bIiILAIL PACK - ETASE• 'YU EL!, PITT,UI'I:i.II 04.2 11KINUALI Ithy --16. 1'13,1 Y.Crane. mast, tli hytebuy,h I.r 111,..11.. Captina amt gw , ri, evert 11.10141•1 n-11..111:12 I..tyy: I , ..hug,rt Capc.na, I.vrlina and PM. , ery dr Thur.lay •L t. I . l,,Acyr• ..1•111vry-r• li•aurun thle Mal ruoulasq r.cululr dunnd the alcr . - For !might or paausr., .PDIr ca bunt col; lEGULAR EDNSDAY I W E L I' IC% FT, CINCINNATI. Crkirtalts Joh. jai rtrisre.tri prrotlitlC.rraw.brt,.l( Ch. orrtir., rtrAurrr 1.... , N•otort, •nd other.. fat the Cirtelrionti *l.l htirtarrrli Part .t tradr. ctrl k... .r) t 1 NA, alas for C.F.ritmxti. lrelght LATSrj.II 11 II M11:I L1 , 11)11 1 / 4 k111.. Agent VOIL CINCINNATI AND LOU- , frr, Is% I tt.r I. H r st. In rnr=" , l,2 t apt `Duna. eol la.rre r AnJ inl•rlundlatt , p.,rt• on a Ildayi 61 In A )1 fr.. 1.11“ oar paaaagn apply uu b.anl n 0,./ 14 1 01{ NASHVILLE—The aplon- AO new ol.uner s tuaet..r, gill Inaa.. n,r xl,ve anA 1. , A1 , uU .11.A..14., nexl, at fralgtowax., tabard. 11 , 2! VOR SAINT 1,01!IS---T11. mwift U and xplen.ll,l..mutor /iIAIIRAI,CcIInzo..P.„42 uiJ•r•111 in.fr for glove, and sta.,- .- tundlalr landi,oun MIN da,, al 101.,./4,1/ }ur (might or swe.ai.te, apply on board. ar:Al 1 101[ LOUISVILLE.—The Tien. .laruouu ll aa wrta .ill I Ow. /la, at 10 A M. Pert freight or Pa.., spy': vu huard. polt N .1 SI I V I LLE-Thr mpli•n- B ,lid any otraru. r J K.nt, courktostgido.r. sill I. al t. ar.l In. '1:21 / IUFF PI NSI—A noon and varied assort- IL) moot 4 Ytrel. 4,1, sod Unit yurt bred at 0,0 44 ILIE'IIAbtrYON'S I.ENT's BREAST PINS !—A solen - N.. tin/ ~r th4naobalr.o4,l U. 414.pu11.. 011.11,. Tort, , .n , er o r ryntr or atLICIIAItbBO4,44 4 1S In. D I inxnln .Ica tc Ateral44 Fria. Me. SLIGAR 1, MoLAssEs-- .1.1..1. 2. i d 1,1.1. '1 0 11cbmary ; Fyylll.lo J A. 111.0 DA1. BWISH LUSTRE-2 eases lor sale by no , n I ,!1,/ I.lkit,, 47 144,141, 4)I LL BORE —.81.111 for solo t k ir 11..4 It h. 5E1.14:440. SAFLETIIIA—.4SO lbs. prime, for sale by 44..4 It. E. SLI.LI:ItS. UMBER -11 1 00 lbs. for sale by 4.4 IL 1. 5E1.1.4.115. lAL CORKS-1000 gro. long and shun, V for .10 by A. SEI.LERA. casks ler sale by M Allt:i ~1) ental:/18. / 1 OCII IN EA L—l7o lbs. prime liondurne, . 1 for 43.10 by It. E. MELLEIIO. .USE PINK-2 bids. Eng. sup., tor sale by is 0. 4 0. n. erv.bnas. InIER-10 14.5. Prenh. reed and for sale U 1 by 10 ,4 1 S. A IV. 11,144110 I/1/H. d if EBSK-11/11 Imam. Cream, for xale by 1j .4 0. A IV. II AIIIIAIIIIII. ‘..1 ALE lIATUS--22 casks Cleveland; ,i7 0e21 g: Lot,,. I'ulyvrl44.l for rat. 1, 7 . WICK a IlicilANDLEde. ULT. MAR. BLUR—t bore, fur male ITy .1. MCIILIoS3IAKKII A CO. EISII-5 drums or sale Ly J u 9 WICK a: 11rOANI.I.F.:01. ANKFTS—A. A. Ai AININ &La. aro now lip opening C.% pairs an. rigid Illaakett. , iLMCKETS.-1 have received my fall JP 00.0 of ilLANaus, thr-tillierreat kiso tine!. aunau Illaokan will call sod ens our ri:l.Clil at. ILJ dos. pporwwra, Hon& al awl Cofurta.just - er,Al Lf A. A MAMA k Ca, llarkyt N.D/130-Iceroon Carman+, 2 kgn Manilla, for'salo tacky., a eobslgaturPt. hi' weild I. I , ICAVY A d' IItIMSON VELVET PAPEICTIYI4.I - 1000, fur Drama,: 11. m, fur •sleiri n2l IV Al.rtll I'. 51AllylIALL. . i - - - 4 — Olt SALE—A linit rote FAMILY Hollltr. •Illch nu be seen et JAUFLIIA:VF airs-, Med, trar:ra qr.+. aw a I AND OIL-12 blitz. No. 1, for solo by 14 nil! JAMES ILSI-7M.L: riCIANNERS' OIL-50 bbln, for ante by I. ra , 4 J.011:9 11.11,73:1.1...' _ .-------- i - t NA/3LE COVE KW ul /I NS-30 dozen Od Oloth Ta ble, KW. , d corer.-4lfkreat siarierrta uu br IL. gu•ri Ir 4 . or retail at rout J. & .11: 1 . 111L1.4P8'. No. 115 Iltrkgt 5! iII.ENTS' Klll OLOVBS—Now.openiljg at Be4t.t,trat`Mot2...'" b 4 "1 -t.44) STEAM BOATS ENE TREMONT HOUSE, 1 , 0,10 N, NI II IS well knoun emt:iLli,;Lnient is fain ann dill lbe mxtao.r 1... Tli. p1...mml Mtuation ..1 itr „ rionu, ~ llte trarrl..t Ott u •ptlft o 4 thy firm .1: 111 . M to tttl.froll elt., .1 C... hi• et.rt ... • t•• 1, hk,1141..11 plui n '"'"'"'" lV V. 11. [`Alai Kit 1 3 1 - 111,ADELPHIA Insanity, 1 1 )IZ_ Flat ing11:1,1 h14,141ad. . I !: " , 'fi t ' rt:. ". ll:. "" nn.1 1,l llr . ' ,E(;(i'S PERFIJAIERY • FANCY SOAPS. r 'ii ESE viloeri, art lelni II f Porlomery. arr• enm•..tritetl jea•ll, vele, 0, It,. 'l' 0..1 1 , •11••,• Chon,, nod 0111, ni/•flre, ...a, —Wait., u.I ra In. , ian Itrox and M, M 1..1,, l'an.r. Anura s ..l. d unrs r xwl r Cr.,tri. 6.l¢m• t% are, the .11:trro, tiearto-lr, I:au I..tra! Harr 11.—torah,... k... arr ufamorad un.l to. • T r LoNI .rara,l an. Iry •c nraunuatorr air) urra hicn ttni r. 21 . . • Shriver & McLean, Produre and L'EJninuminn N., 4 V% 11.6 brnss, 11111.AM:1.1'111A i jONSION NIES TS Of FLOUR lt - illl Pro- N. , l - du, 1.T...ta1, wrlll 00. ye y.n.top .tlntl.a. ant. IM but etolchfrltr tO4/1r wlayf.. to.. • AJMit. k•nlil4.. On to apt a Billy ol Lyylayy. rhea J. /Ore& 1..,i I. — M.... 4, Ilsan t l4.. a 11,1 k. l'ltuLLl N ly Mr F.m. r,,,,. 11.0.. y, 31e Aley I xa g hlail, NM emu, 1. 1-11r0...r. • Matchless Blacking and Inks. ri IF. CP:Li:BB:ATM/ '• MAT(' II LASS 111..U.151Nti '—i•Nrrantryl oumnor to Any ) el offf.r..l to 11, putlr, lin.' tt .t 51,1 in toy efirouo. Ilnoufactory,l by 11111.1/IYINt o N y Co., Lyyy r y, ~0 . ,: . ~,,,,,,,,. ,I. tr yi. et. i'll,lL.lelphity. I.N. .L. 11.11. .. ... ... . . . rpIIONIAS WHITE, IioNNET MAN u. liAlst Ullill: ' No 11 h.uth toy-yald .trust, ysta.t. C....taut...YE •tle.) Illilln.l. Mao. 1..1.1L ly .st..tMALS4 . /PON , tow.t..yr a. BAtIALk:I, 111101111' A 611 & Co., IV hole •i). Ilr,p r o. Ni; 0.:1 Market ft . l'handrlplat npll IVAL I's BUCK:NOR ,it l:( /.. T,,,,,, ...lutotY•loo 51,..t.ant , No 11 N,..tt1l Wm., ..m..y.t, ..akka. NI, to li.rlt, Wharvey. Iltillayltlobi. augl BA LTIMORP- W A LTER i l'o.. Flour and General Produce OMMISsIo 11 - 0 E N•• , ?tot.Tll IlIr6ALe. NEAR 11,11:N4.1HE ,TItECT. BA L71.110h.r. RAILROAD TR, A:0 Tilt; letooll 1101:01101, IFt . Ol ,1 OE 00 Von sluNn lOTtt 114,1.4 ott Irwri rnna• 4.1;41,a,n• In 7 rmt•,•rtn64l vr•U• hrr 14,414.4 .4 4••4 4 rairirr4tr -r4tr nt .111: nun , rrturn, att.l • Vrrnrlent I 1:4-1.1v . , M4rtttnlt . 114nkt 1,44 ••1 nano/tow 1 . .../turrnwl E 41•41. r•' 11.1• k NEW VORIi. Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas! S M ILLS, No. t; C”rtlandt .t_, 11:4 uraum, . 'haul War•r.a•-• Fr tr.- th ara, or 1,1 n:I ‘llru•r Sa, rva1 4 1.11124 t I •111.• • ruli rtrtuara A rva , I. :ma Vuou• ',ao arail Luna ••r• art, /Lao an ...roar, •Er•A 4:.•uru, Ar•rlre.. Silk, •rul alavt • l•La Ira • I 11.1.A5. • Ir• wanutr• alartra• am! maauf .landfuLCl Pr, pal rrra•u /q rt L.:Aot rru 413,f1e uuartail> 181.1. v., lie 11.0. A Ltn. att.ntnna rnagn...rn rt• lirtakvit• W nr-1.. In., • nn w Luna, :or 1.1. t- n.ar. utoorpin....l War., .oin,. IT and kine. , 4llnn 41,...,1 In ..tnr, Irlut sanl C.00.h. al An.l To the Public. I NI , IA 1:17in 1 E.11 SIJUEZ , ..• . --Our att4 nti.,n I. tran railed h. 11.. r....• ..1. 0 h 11 • 14 ,11, to tft.. 1•.•11 11. rt I th• .•4147 ALA 441. • Her EA that me dna, huh • Jahn., ar,. 1.1.• un,..• rat....t • 1/ • .1 ,1 4.4. I, • ha . 11.. •uu•' any htb.... al t• .1:; t.. tail.. rt 1.1...• .1, ar. thlr, ja, 1.. • rloa. i" • valLI ni. la. h. 1n...a.. , II: aekhaalalg.ll • r1..1.... • .1. lulu, 4,1 • h.• 11.. , n. • ii, n•A ......truta kor•• our. 1., a 1... 11, . , 1114 • fli? " l:tft..t:! ' Cl . l .l ea tiro that •n r. rard Ilt. rim lv or . ..r mar.... "Warn... of I arht Arab.. hill I. • lIA I 1 LI t: IS I I IA 11 .1 ' 1.1 1 iI r' ;1113 ` .!•11 • VOlll. A 1 3 k1 1.. 1. 1 1.4 1.1,1+4 11'r Im B - uperior Black Writing and Copying Ink. I ONE'S INK, /47Na.3IUstreet, nil. 14,.1.11r5c.. New 1,1 . or • iii.lrsti,lll. n r ' e tit Ittio it• t it., .177 La...aloe:tor, I Cu t . (rot la • Lto(I fl% (tit h -easel .1 , 1 re I hale. orKi ...r. , oil tLi t i utri-it“ t(Ir( 1(171, tri•(.l /ma: rut, auttol,tr ler rile and .lopte ,tr.•l I, Thr•Ol(ttat,,J to . uJ lr Pr^(4...1 el thr7 r,,rl to Lem: ottuotiO(7(l...• n( o , ((t 7 r 7, 77 le o/ g.ut up ie.t ord.:. owl enol Is( ani {etc( c( 11, rit tree tt: ettoricr stir coot, 1411,17 of k"" """"i•llE.omnit o( Ns... 7i 7uct rrti ( 7 • Ell' n Professor Alex. C. Barry's Tricepherons, d cumi.puls:r). for re l- I otirrtur. otol 7...otiftino the halr,rroilte. OW: t,tri *Ltd .lotuirtatf, ticei t .11(eare-• of the Ant, E or tit• prielorvel tr. toot. elleet to urti(a tliwootee ul le. nai t.tr Itt , reet. lite ottunai kirt,lttitt The tettut ttooi- refit i t to. bti(i/ritl , risuilor 11.177(trt, ..I I 'h. • .11,19 of tio• ,elnrsll4.. t. iatal the .. , 11.L.111,1 (IL. Jr II to • leoltl llso. • •ho it • trio; New Vuet, eolet Te...yleY Y../ Dear f —Dwyer ,ir— Lam« teww alltleuyi with • Y twaw.u. htey.../ ey• wyou. e twwt yiwyeryyeacwl cLar. wet-r, !ley y eure, wo.l &Irina Ilat rwel ti.. LW werlw wwew Yew ontot ...ewe ph red. elan.. apt bee. e”,el torywratli4ay tly. wwl okily ky.on te •• bey./ L. w,et twee,. I we.. aJeiwwl by • In , . ee, roux telewOyervu• I yyn • Iwyt to my mud vrat.w It. eu,,y 0..01 . ~,, h. •we •yoLeurt we awr,:er 41..1 et LLIII ,, yw1 , 15111 blied H— trolly 1.510. ty I yeAI'EL E, I MI Cw'weaylita Brywkly et. Nam You ISLO. Mu, —Ale.. y hair rola, a [1,4.t doa. nJ ur 1.1.1 much wthirui 'nth J.,,ituff Imu L. 1,1 • 4 Mona In tour Tritvphut. mu. Awl .13.1•.. La to us, uu.:.11tu..33t, uir hutr Hru.lzn.4.l. and ull the .landrult tha hula u.• ob..w. Ittr " h ""4. 711 4 fiff ,D, 4.,ut.t% II", • rwll 1,1 l'intt.w..• I i r n o.l'Own. K. will 11..0.rt0-I.ttel.. 1.ttel.. Ul t ra. Wr 11110., and No,. It; 1.1,11 it IN• thr cur. os and dr...., .4 1.1..tt • 4..klivrutii, Ci0tti...4.1 ile rt. oh, t't til thi. itt mare, Ili 010 Wad It 1 • tit litlirirt thi• Lind. it ti Litt bid, the nf ne• a. It itottal.. iparPall...l 11 it tit lan. al No. th p p • 37 tintl Itrittruit. CLIICAl:() AND PEORIA. THOMAS HALF, FORIIARDINo 31 foN 'MERCHANT, INTINUES bin uxuul facilities to receive Tratirtil r ininnt. fir.rcliatiairre I.liti I..trip lor all points oft thr fir .1..1.ii A Cailahry. nitt ern WM. 11. Raskin, • I I ENERAI. corm3ll:,tiii.lts; AIEIicHANT A I. A Ilairr rlriort, I la,lt LA. 1. F.:peel/NI Atirr.l..4l Lurinn*a. ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSRPI3, MISSOURI. 611 IWO:TON, RI LEY it .11.1E.F., Prwluen. aud I .4 , anling aterrhauta, nu fbn kl aln. Hafer to Alo Rawl, Owtton, awl Lino., Stern. Co liwalwrath WA, _VA VIP C.. TU'I'TLE, Attorney at Low, and Counulawoo, for Paul, 110. A munauuWatakun prosovtir aura. I WIN RANK IN, Attorney and Cooti ewooer at Las, awl Poutuatononer for the Slate o nourylvaula ht. Louta, (law of PltInlooxla.) kaaratie - n—Pilabora, ma W. kw Ilniutdoki Shller, 11 Caulk,. a hlct.lluta, Job 1.1 Parke,:ikr.viiP • bomple. McCord it Cn. a14:14 More New Goods. eIIAMES A. ISILANItiIIT, No. Fourth et., haa Slall.ollllll of Fall and 1% int...e the umorlty of .I.lrh hawing been pun.h...ed nt the large SUCIiOII .11.1111 lo thp be.. dur.ng the LAP Mocha bins eb••l , .. Very cheep: Plain Caahlorre Square lilta•hq It.t blalee, I hmuolacturees rrirrs: Drench Merlnoa and 4. , ,etaue,ta, /nu- Cy Pa Cl oatel or, tO suable. k, Chamloga. a.- . se. oeLti - JUST ItEC'll at JAS. A. AteliNIGlll"S, fiat ainartment of infante and Tbutt.s . klarino r•olrt.. • . %lad (laden. [fouls and Coate Alan, anow ana lull .Wet uT itueloyy, Moves, Trinuale,. In v. er) ty of all /I, 1.4 J vice. varie m.--Countt INTO:m.1.014011rd at art toe rates. TinBßill ON°I NCiN I i I r tl6vcrvlll.: • VEIIuJIT ' - parehaid St, A. Aran a 00. HOUSES, FAR ( ..I‘I,S,".C. For Sale, A , A I ( iN . E ,i lll3NDlED in .i rd k , ' , o2tAAt s,. ...R b E i .A.: ?, T . ,. ryas.. ( 1'...al 16,9 unapprpan......l ret pe 111,a1h.1...,1t1i 14r. Inr ili/.1. NMI 4,1.04/ to tn.' Ittat h o e s as,Vn s, `.. A1....---.Prp. third isplrrep.S.l part p.I -Sp NllrtYl . tips ..".‘ Y ''''`' . • ` ,,,, 111 • Psa.ally )I.popenttabe .t ,e,.. ...... Lull p.—K.oaq. ..r.11... 1,014,1 p , Irrnt• tend 1. , sa.Yeeppry S. Ip.t / . BAlial 44 \ " \‘''' % • ii_p A I lib & II:V IN 11:11•• ul,o f,,r , ss*. \ \ .l.. I) ~,. ., — rop,.. ”,,,...,,,,..4 1,.........0.1• 14,tprvelp re•a1.p...... or Aile.,l.ene t: 11 Al-••• t.I .P.' (, 'N '''''• ee. 4p r..r la•-ty....• maple.. 1., i...rtb • 01b , ..1T11 \ 1/V Desirable Property tar Sale. A \., A NI . NIBF:II ~f \ ory ,:.h.,10, , Iluildide,i 0: • 1 !.. '',, ..:: P i , ;•:-.`1, L ,'." . . r . ' ',', - .',',. \ \:',..;',„',',", n 1i 5 .\1 ~,,...L. .'1 t,13 tr.. 1111.1, Md•..e), ...I .1 Irlela •1t...,. \ 1 Al..— A • aual.l. essays...l Ipt. nu the .; - npt . of 1.11.. mos a11...he Peps. II 'A. 1....1 int ..t. 1.11,b). y lan sp. p1e..y..... Y.... 1... • . IllioLetlo: 1...4 I n ppm., alley. AI- Sp.. 1.... •raty ill,. leaalltua notp.••• a sl.spartY .., u. 1,,,.. I, .1...,... ... 0... ta.ina , i.,.. br lot, 1. i .t...i T 1... hp.s-a r. Urge and pepprpn P. &pn is usatiPrr. ,t I- vc.ppl P's... Pe.,et. rt•an- A rap , AIN ...1 .4 arr. •st LP/. ap, costar, P \Mee !Parra N., 1,..1. An, - , sruo. , In p....••• mlit.t r. al tarsal, alts. Ikea PYnKt. leK Y pr -peep za SA •Pa.lr.t..o.p...enlne-Intpr, ,tra• rs t ssre P a ,i: 1. IL y /.11 I !SM.,. tA . ,311 kr''''" j'5.'...i7.,71,'.1.,i1;7',!,::::;n•••;.:1'.`fr.:h. Land and lqt,. von :•.1 Lk, on the l ' bigkyvitAtua Lanai, ...1,..“bn,b,, SIJI. t IcioidA, to \t ~k,,,,, ett...l. Apr.-. of I amt. Prillt a II..1)0,, , p..{l prptplaap pp( sel4pat I -pre p nes.. pp( 5....1 sal.. 11 .1,i , ,...re),....,.1, ...I. ...I .., ..., t...e.e.rt a t • I.• letitat Lot Seepere.latp, Put' p.p.., pilhatent v rou Pal PK tpolllpeep•. so /I mt. 1ne1...11.1.1 \ ~/.. • .,1. , , ~1 ...111. .L. , 1 IL ,' , 4.1•11.1 IV le tap te.P.l tn lent. 1m1..5.• the , Pt. PP . KnAr pp, t. it sell la- 1.1.1 pot pa .I.pey ....I .....I I as Peron,. .1 s. nweeetp. Sp. tp ..pp pparrhap..., a- mos, lapel., tepplp.Pyi ..r Ipaplptpnyp Ipt• ...Pus rtia PoPat druesupl 1.. r 15.... as lepla In lIK '"."'" '" "" P ' . ', l . e: r t ' l t :: : l """'r l Y llN,ll7l, ‘"' kk 1.1 A" '" \ 11)ES1 , 1t.V11. , E ,, PIZOPNILTI" Flit: , c, LEA ; ancl riptpart , lb.. ,rt.lrrk, tst .1... r, el itut/i 111...i i ;.r ..1 t.• in.1. , ..41 . bu ‘• lia.n. ba i.. 1 b . rn... .11 1 . .. • 3 ~.,. W.:, .11,r, I 11.,Kleintl lea,Prnett\l Pp...burnt., Pet. \ THROUGH TO CINCINNATI , \ IN 4 ,4 lIOUIIS. - ' \ g IN and , after MONDAY. OCTOBEFI , I3tIt;, ii," V. tt• .....tAnd ..1 ...........1 Railroad Company" d I 't . 11 .....4 ,1 , ut tr. nt 01, ...land au Ea. r...• train ..s.rt assn. ..,........,•., krt. .0,01, ots , nrinuatt at Itl e'rloeuest I 1 ' tutu:: li.ualdnd d'. 1.. ur. th rim., ier tweet. ..pp., to a:\ 1 " 1 1, 1 all Ol3ll. Astral, litp:tdairs,d \ \ , ...its,. t l / ater and 11.1t1,1,e1d ta,•_l ‘ • •N Al I,I4IkIEN. , tbra.nesh•la 'Lotter. 7 , - ''. Ohio and Peimsylvtima Railroad, , ca.Oki,.ii. , i tt 1.• ok ::•11111N., \ i . . b,l' Nf , .(1 AND n Ar rIItdI. : . M lk . 5 ,:.. rt y ‘. the ~•.C:rtl ins. 'b..att .; '' .lt ra' • •,'l... t .,i 'tt,''' ..°:' dt 1 bklNdlt.ket A....nt ' \ \ \ Ohio kandPenns ‘ ylvania Railroaci . -*: •Z: '...-- .,• '- ' ',.. Z ' - '"Y - V, T , .•,7: Ft l k Flt 4 , N . \P1'1"rtIltUI:1111 'lii NEW EItIWITOb 28 MILES. \ , i I.l\\ it t. after 310NI/A X, AU( ll 29lll4th % r ....0. /....ncer T tut. a ram will reline. LEI 1 r..N ~ iv au to I 1 . 11 , E 111 T!„ a 11 ...o. I 1 . ,11 LEAN h'.0,11 , 111 , 1 . ..uh a. It. A. M. and d I'. 61- WS, 't s i A RE, 3 etre. I'd It, lobe.. \ 11,4 e. ' .. 1 , ° 1 1. 1 . ;%!111 0tW' a..7.1•117et?::10110°,' a,\ hall "n /IFr d r, c• ,...i ,•4 ~,-;.„.,,)-,• .. \ %,•• .;,::,.„.- \.. .. , ,„.. „„„„,,,. - ,-0 , ..•••,- rnet....n.i. . -.... .' ~. ar.ln.n. 1 .i! - \ ' t: ' 1 .' :• , 7 . .IT . r " : 4' 1 ‘ 1 ' ..!In ' ..1; !•' I I ... 2: ',' ,:4 , 7,. N k , .„l‘th• .4°1..11.; r ' k " . 1 \ 6. 1 . t. It. la-. a rttt•loarvb atkoj t .\ .. 11/ ta Woo end badk, , , ,n, l',l'''' - ..1.' .'., 'i,' , :" 'i' ''' bra i' rdii,,,,, . 7- t• r' •% , !I ',.,',.' ; ', .., ' , ' ,;,1,4 \ ,\I 1.% . :::IVOY [le rnkrilid• t•I. Moodirtr, ''.‘ . ~.0.it,1.::,1:::,.....,.",•,•..,,,d2 L...11,,,,,,,,,..,....,,,,.;;,-,::,..i.,.,,..2.,..t,reegiu1l it .Itstb \.. t. , tt., NIANL, I. lb.. allay may 10.•... Out. ...a.. .11 al i ,,t r. the Si , nnott...abide 11..., tn....telt rt. rk.'l , tt 1 irLyitig 0. llul.ara. ter .Mk.rlit:l 11'......'11i.X..";:k"1r1''.:r7..' .14klIt'..trd!hirt..lre,blr'o': ••\,, ', 11 .., t.. ',la k... ay . ct .1. n.r rt 1 1t0r , ... , ..t. At any writ at.tic. tb...... po. -roe., ..a., LAI' ik Mamba., Andy., •,...i.d0.1 Id the • art. P...• I,lllnad •11 M. ext•dtded tepkini ew Ittialitoaket thr ka. b. et prartlralAda t 11, 4.rdrr e. ildk Il,ard r 4 DiroNdo‘a. To Let. \ I,..nit, ,b,AI, lid N. rillif: v.ll known EAO LE 110TEL,‘FS Id•l'd II • • \ kI.L.. Arrell I. _ I NOM II THIRD Still:l'4 PI I ILADELI'MA, ...4a PENNSYLVA\LA r+ ATT.P,,QAD. rm.' ....apt, by 1..1 1 I lor r. 11 Enid t....in,ip, n t,...... ~. n.. f15.5."1,". "LOGE PORT, II'ENTI . maks WEST I 1.0. I.r, end rr.rinivaitou• II oud -04I.unttot upward. 00l l'A. reoirrv• a , ''' druin , parl 1., :0 loet, • ..11,' JitilATl in N. \\ • ......4 an% ....dill., • I ~ d...... rarl•re witL lad r“,.... et , t...ninu loon. .. t., ko lort-o1111.•*1 t. the n.. m.. 1.•,.. ~,,.”, el the I..rue., wbol••ale /to., near,/ ........,or i 1... u. I. trow n 1,....• 111 aI•R EL. or ira kr r, , I', ..nn be bad st • rvaannablr rev( trout ..I,after the tItItANCI lIENT. l'Si. sitt,r [my 'tk APRIL. NENI, whet. to ydrpAnt ,r...U. pant'. Ir.. eoir.... GE OF H UR. ~ 11, Marl • ... randaly arrrt...l upon dn. I.tkat end Law \ AN., SI'LLANCHEA salt! itnpuk.nl .41. No. L4yor re...mte•ndatinn. Lowerer, khould 1, ......J, than tt unpar.ll..b..l aueue.. of the rood and P-eprhl Path( Lin ' , . Wt....a lle,1,1•T ittle.. them.et od 1....- .., ..... . .„? .1....0knal F., turd', parr....11.r...unun,. of in.. ow a..r, ellltlrTl IN A bAI•NY.k. MR, *ANT Can duatr. , a'satald a,' 4 Tn .......r. dui New. rod. 1 lard •t., 1 . 1.11...1‘.1p1as t I I ALTIA 1 01tE&111:1Y YORK riNi I I .1 . : T-A large and did" enitint2 .„_ es Express Parke ,Boa I c - ri.r.,,,,rer.. on r...'nd ntr.....1, ',tr... u W 0.4 .. - ..1 •Inttl'o. id I.noatre o. ' DAt4 L' ..7 i N \ WM II .1 1 I INt , d'i, . , ENINI.CnIN, i. 11" FOR PAtr.iENt) 1.. R. 1.,, - '' Private ResidenCe for S le. Lin and bit, ' t 441 day, Augupd 24t1411te rilliE Plit.l . r:lrri s IN otrobvti wiener ing- it,,,,,\1• on, \,. Later ,Alt Isar.. Itnt•borrh ttr le , rbdPit 1 I) t ..,,,,,i . • •r, sir...dm...dab.; t• mil It' . , .. , , rtyytt.dnir , i , l4 ttr \ ka r eddf 6 eLtiltr,... r,that......tut.tt...),,111brt. • u.....t . ti-tir. bent,...l lu 110. midi'. Inl. roving 'lrt . • 4 .. ~,,. 4 ,, , Th.., „.... u .„„. , .......,..........„. .. ..„. y our , 11 ;• .14 1,4 , 1 1 4CILI•I ' it• ' •.*fult., `.ran' ......:: ' l.lTarr ' urn..:, - . •,,,,,,,,,.,,,,, ~ pod. pleartow 11. n.l Ile rayed Pitt. r , ct kkr 'intaal•l db., ',„,.‘ 1 .r.. I, et., thr., r....r• ..I • vial,. te,..1... 1.....Arnn.,- Ater 1.II• 11,T.1.•n,1. nth,' 11ma..... - fill ''. i ..et I 11, I ••....... ~....•1 I'lihl a ll U . mi ni an „ IT., tr11 ,:,. , : • :: .- 0t trr k ° 4 •....41. )..."`1•11 , r! "I" thrt.. .h 1 / 4 , '1';••••" ,1 ;'• - •:.•1'::::';'... , 7,t.",';;!..!.: . ..T, ' .:, 1 7,r.1r,, j , 5 , ` ,1',. ` •,. ,'- ::.; ‘, , ` , ' ,.:.:..i 5 ,.;:k!i ' , ' ,, '` ,ti, ' ; ' ,,, `" ;',,. '5 , ' ,'; ' ,5',,,74;;;;,,`,?, , ,, } 7,;;; . ,s , buti 1...1 aset Mt. 1... 1 Irene, rennin,/ letet 1... h 1 1.I. , ••• 1 e.II 1 6 , ... 1 . lamp 1V... e \ \ Ired ....4 ton v 1... I 1.. an %11., 'I I, Ititorokrioettnoa • VAIkfiENCEhIikYOR cat.hqsross "' "... '".- '''''' ' O . . ... , ..I , IP ..1 .1. I' TA. tbr inrk Lind cond. oand tild\•,,,,d al Ilaxrbluri• ,r ia r dc,t . ,. 1 :,;t , ,1, , 1.,• ,, ,. .t . , ...,. ,,.. .r , ,. t1. ,.. 1;...•Laruirr , ...b h. ...r ., .:... ,. ... ,. ..... k . t...,,,,, , ,,, ~, , ..b, v ., , ,,,.....,,, \,t tern! ~ ,,, i; J e w ur.. dd. tt ...., t t . ...or,. ti., Ih. ro. 1. • ....11 ' ,4 . 3 rid r.t et. , \ dere to Chintladdbut, tau. \ Fern to entrant«. 61.76. t. rat t 1... 'it ..r and rdp,. luoi 11,14. d. enl v.... ..r. Ltd* 1•• l*nrultut ad ‘, do darevlburg 11.,0n. P. 1. , . ratty •lahle. . v.r...1, of •Id 4., .r. o. a4l Oa,- \ 11 , . •'*•''' ' , U ., ' ' ,. .5 - *''''''*s ''' 1,4 %. 444 ..... - • \ O. r• It. •14. rt. tr. dldalLob und Rd • antudon rt. on., , " 1 \ ..t..• ...On' 1 ' , Ar 4.•kri• aft • rl , ket J. l6 ra, dlubon/a. no, ...bibs u tut,. 1,..... an. "iv aro t...-.. 1 .. tl, rider ‘‘, .1. P. I104:11E,S, AgSlit., i , ,,a ob. oa, ...t. I. 1.• In rum., .1., ... m. ~,, ‘. I, st It • . rar, ......o. 1.4 ...rt.., . dl•glalul .4. UT 01 1. 1 . LEEIII., A. CU.;\ \•• ...,.. rm ,I , a I ILIIN. 111 r.0......1 11 114.1 k ‘'' 1 . 0 . , , , e1 I . l ll4\l'autrittritt' . _ Real Estate. ' FARE REI) 7 CE:ki r ' 1: 4 1 01: SALE- Iw.. 11..n,es and Lot. in the i \, i B r. i , \ v,„,, ~•111-..0e .i. 1.1 1 .et11 ...te•t. .....1 •h...... \l , ' in t. .., I ' C • \ . oNONGAHELA: lttl,UTS.\ \ . cam. 3... , ... I, ',met. • ii.e...t..... i; Lb..., ..! Cl.ltrowi.N.llo Ana l Cumberhold, to `Baltimore ....., ~ J...iinal ono' . . - \ •nd l'hilirdelphin. \ \ \ Cl.) TltAl..Sl . ..irri.:lii.., ( . ..MI.IISsI..N - A \ ril . ; molz\ , . i. riN G i„,,,f 1 •• -'. the wht f. l . eNTea, i ..r...i'Cu per. I 1.1 \O. - I r ...I. , n ner.nuin ... , t 0,.: I. nto 5.4 , it ~.rt ',au., b dal,. earl, mouton -..•. \ • "'iv . , 1), .. I t \ td"... ,l •lLY. et ' 1 u'eliTt•Nreetoely. Nu\ p,.,, ~., „„fir, ~,, p, ~,, p . ,„.,. A „....,„, ... t. ~,.... , r ,„„ ray . ..!..a . 4.. toe ,a• at tditu,riand ne '!'' , .ut .rninal, , ... I. . 1.. 1 -ni. a.. 1 1.1.• b.nr....1. In. don ....pun ....I '', ° `..NP' °. l ''''" ""''' 4. 's '""" 'A d .' ""' d..) tb. It 1 , ,, . arid •N1•t44111......e1. t.. 0... 0.110 1N.., there ...!..‘,... rt.." f:•/1:1 , •••; , 411.r. 1. - ltb the. rut at I Laitenit .at ~,... ~, , , , , . , ,, , , , , , , ,, :A. ~, , , ..., _ . :,r, .-, ~...... kr ..d. Wen% 1., sick., ~X. , r,..1 . ,6, ','„, L.,.4, t .,.,,, , , 1„,„..,,,,), sp . 1 .. r trrno. • nditit ••1 It l ei•adKiti,N. All.ntrty tit, 7,f , k "7 - ah• i ••I't;•!•••i• - lesek. e•ie l e.k. Fat oz,dr . , % .-r at tb• d,-..wore t °. ° r '"''s ''• `N. ti ," ''' " t.' 4 "'s" V" ii"" ". I•"' i rl'ari'" " k„os .•• - •r." , . ' , at.. and Th.rd rd.. „ .L. ,." 7tN1: - .l••7l ' .rdr: tC..1.i.4 . " ro " Ut.• •' ll....t '' . ' ' 7k"rb \ llP(iii }ZEN . ' -I lie 1hr , •11,14 1... i. 155 i \ '. \.l .11,E,Lil 11EN. AAL 111 , ',w t .,. ..,..,..... „, , ,„..„,„.,. ~,...',..,„ ~,., , .2 .trt.i..7 \ ~ 061, 11‘ . 1 , 1.y Mont.:o.ls !blase, it.• L. • hu...1..„, .....1 ~nd par.ranr °P.M. 'PENNSYLVANIA ••. RAILROAD. '.. • \ the •uhr, 1.6,-.. I. ...,/,‘.1.•...1 11... heal 4 . 11.111...t0ts lh.• \ teen eel 11..../ 1.... • I.U. re. in attuell..l , ult.. h../ mud nail •i 1......-11. • Iloilf* .40 trona.. ri 1112.4*ralin rapt. Env... ' t ---0-.-K 4. 3 ' 7 w :''''P''2'r .. \ .. ; , , /'....L11,5, Cups.l,,,ni In tOf 4 . 1.nr,:c1.1 'N.. trdoß , -. 3A ..... Chlreite. 1,6 `. 1,. atul Judea YntruNhe effect of tlitisrmier. AO ottirt• T° '. l. l " . ,11, d 1 thrunali to dat 1CR111.14.c. • portret mare. . ',. \ ' • ILentuckyttlutual Lite Insurance Company, %, . \ CINCIN ATI, \ %., TOMa. reTY rerPertfalit. s /I. COEUR, 11 t./.111 ANTI' FUND, $lOO,OOO. Via Orittentn.‘ anti Xeole, by lovalatal sal ClAAlnnatt • .t , . t , a., ,c. Rallrtaul\ .1 li Ti!is ~,,N IPAN Y " fr on' t " the i"urqd nil eir.-7 . ,;, n ,Pc , " ,4 ° , `, .. "Zo u :, ( .;',V 1 0 a.:T1. 3 T,- - IT. ) ,",`;;ht - i; r =O.. \ 0 0 .r\L, ~.,... ~,,..,,,...,.; . ,...! 1, 1.1. , ...17 44 1 1I:$ of , th. , 1 ,. dittat ., 71,.....t rummer. , .: ,. ...11irbta:k.0 la bate tal i d ev. ht. ver30 .1 14 Stair. Ppauldina.ut Erie. Ca..ettri, of tizwr COnnflain • : . ' ' ' ' ' ' l'rr•: l' . l' ..i , .: ', .. 1, 1.11 , r• l u " rr ''' l ' ri n, ••:.t. ' 4 . :l... ' ' , r 1 1 17:4 ' etti a ' e t . o ' :: ' .;e 4 4.,; t l ' . ' l2it i ir ly l .l.L "r boq ' t, "'• \'' „ a t'ilfth‘d t, c a ' e 1 h..t ." , '" 1n in ,V,:, - ;.„, " ,, St-ii.,.,1 4- . . . benne, In ' arldisr da be dbl. ttritr, la . routetnlllanin. - ....• ' Lt.,. “.la t fdirt,*: palely ' PP Uus ;Ate ' 'allow .1.4 ' ,.; Cal.. ; •• 7:-....',11, - 1 !.. " • "11 •.• tl • L '-' •k ' • ' •"••• " • • • ' ••• ", • "1 r l i o ' r ' t - 1 ',7 a '..124. ` ''' • natt. tit. •1....U10:•, 0 hd Oa dlt,n-2. dbl. 1 ,, , e ,,, 1n „..‘ nd murl quieter.' , and \.... r.aparllho \ ~,,,, h. , b. , ..,.. I , , 1 1F:, 111, . tu.i.0..-r• tor tit.. u 1....• utut cd lii.., .lair no epul rpep...y. and plirloal•tvr, lt „ •., .111:11.• IIL • not to lb.. • h....0mit...it lurid .......111...1 It. ouch ~.... L 1,11. lid A Rhtl,P2l4ll.PYOra • \J . 23:‘,C • 1, ..E., .., -1 . ...9,..r DT Wll3ll.rtal ,Oly la{ ‘ , ...h0 r :i*, ,, py , 01:1* .1 41oulh, 1 r credo. up..n tire.. ladl..ter,' Icon arm. it, • •n • d.....,..,,i tot tio. sadrunn.dd ..ettritt nt For .faker or Inittite\a ply tuktde.o( ra.at•tr Yellow I/ork and d'arearatril which , . ' ~,,n,,,,..„.., ~ ,, ,, , , , , ,, , a..., . .:..re . aoi ki. , lor 11, pr•dedil ...runt, U. \ dr)! S P A C. WI I I \ l , U. • Apanh s ,ot or 'ma .mmir been - 1111rtrOurar,..03.14.Ydbi• 41.,41 a (U,..- " rt,. 0 ,,,,,,,, T n , r , s t i r ld .1,,, , ,v ~,,, r 0 n ="„,„,,, ,, ...., 1...,d ,or ree tor in• me tri Its alth arid llndada. •W - I 1 .0 , .• I 1.• ..oly Shit ual I 11.• InsuraeruCompauy wt.... rase. •.I pree..ein orh r.st.l .., a hue rt•1u1p..71.4.41..1• 4,24 " .... " \ """ FITTS . Illlttilt. 10 Tanta tt ' , ...": .. .... ,. .. ,ing u N . ~,,,,,.:., ' ' .. I ' \ \,,,, . r . '. .t . ::. 1 .1::11: . 'o',; : - Tt: ‘ • " . -7 :::Z L t ' : ' ;•! .' kt ''' , ' ,,,V=T. - , - .N. , ~.. ° \ ‘, .§ 5 4 ; &rill. / VIJIIIIdIII.3 • /d•Ord Frilhlr ••••1.1011. I VaiArdy*Ol , lit* ratotidl 41 1,...•••• ft ar.,l lli*.nerrid... rtol• Ind... 4.41. '.'“'l''4 , .L..“ ‘..‘' .." .n. ly erilleted with Ca pitation of the ilnArt. 1.1• with th. ..„,„, ...‘„,„.,...„, ykeina in the bark and Ate.. i • mart,,,,,,,. tr.., •... ad.., lo d• Lail th e Nan anal ' .._,, . ate.... tins ur ikonpat,, lurtdoland ook*rto and appllL'll.puu ' UN /0•DIPl . LIN•r• I ' .me eh troubled with Itzlo••• In the*.tal....l,lnara t 4 Its \. I:'P Hood strrei, Pittokurgh: , On th PennsylvartiNnd Ohio male . \rata. , at...natio, and numb ma of nu Wads and lette. a.] for \ 1,1111, 1.1....t0t, 1ht.10...1 Etaunii.d \ ! d...r. bat. 1 " ...7 .°4 l' .° 1 It l rat4 Mae, yeam hetet • ' dt....1, ,i., \ \ 1%01 RIET rbi, \ 6,11.N1.111ES - \ OLAItli E. .IRtin a, 0.1 ..._ . .... 11,0uretted. rt. 1 .... 110 °I du.I 1 to•t•I`• medical mil. iti,thut recline, and \' 011 A 11 REIM N, 0/I.llFoltl;kliNtd... - 0 9 , datantadd. to Buffalo. but enald ant n' lief fromd,h/drprancriptious. \ kJ n. ..ok. 11 int, Santo:id 11 - I.xle I'd, . T III'S wel know. \Line is • , paw prepared to 1 hire also trial a grrat rerkrty orldtararikt edlrine6..witkri \ • ' \ tratu.sa,rt fr. \tht and pa... uger4rnek l•frltrumall, mu. or no f ,SELV IQ I. ItAc-tlir, Ar,,,,„.k , i ~,.,, ~, 0 Md.. v nor 1,.41 11 ' 14 1 :1•11 ‘ ''''. at k ...TEVELANIt.b. any wont on tti,4c an./ mad Lakes.- ~,,,,r t. „,, , ,,, ..,,,, r ,,,,,,, 4 „, ti 1 .,( .,, t, ,a. ,, - ,t., • , 2. ..; .- ,..a. nn .i • btnen I..s.tter... 110 . 1.. far dal,. of 01. true arr uu.tir.... ,,, N1 nt I te l dt r ed..tual . 1,0 1.... .tor Ito t.... 1.... i ~,, e. . , t ,,.,, , ,,. ,„ ~,.„,,0 tt. „,....,rai0 0r a .. .,,,, n ap M. 4.1 entalinu.al to do se uoUl I Oku•S tor. utibr• 0 4 .14, , ._ ' 4 blainta rare entirrir Yediddr td. yVet•k LA nnw atrOon I "' `i,` "1"ill.. • - b dClavaleadult.ranara t • -.. \ \ Iti " . ' ret:•...i.... a :lb ' . "' ln ' t. " :4 . . , Treatho•t• inwri 1 , 1174 , ' .."4 f- 1 ... 1.-. , ........ e g .. .... 4 . 11 . 1 i. rt. • • ' • t,/...t. hone tea. 111 1 1111111,e ' .111/1A 1 !It, d • 'Anent takltel a/teeth \oats t ., ewltiti•s' l °T°.• II I .II r•ILI°. ......, leultir. \ ir Kt, ~ m 1 , ...0, rad,. ~,,, for fs.ly uer, i tornpalland •••••etat on 11.• Lake.. bowel. itrwroirular. and I bell fn II re•prcte pay ..;cii- • CAIN ids kW IT renorate.l matt. I bore Aran I, ..r, , rat r.r.or 3.“5r., T \ e •• \ the\liere stra, end unable to buy yrdk 'eery enlualdr ro.- N a a •Co, 1 ha •tni• 13. 0.1 lk.V. t e . 11 1 1 . ..11 ‘ . V .4 " 44 ° ia11i;1.1.; 1. ',.. \ liitii• , the 1..4!.ar /lock and 'emaera la, and en hare 1,. r'Ntli.,.„ltatr•nnV. d ,1... en Atratly re•temi by it, and tipla uthetr baartfalt 10. 1. ukln . hare A. 14 'frehluk , Yon. \ tbuls, 3 . IARCLIS PAI.ILDINU. , -. k.,,:\ ivlntiel a co.. no, 0 i \ rfir•ENIO mulct, 11u1e..... Ina up la tar; boa,. aus, •,„ . A. 61111 r, Cut adman. all, Ild 11 heel., le• A (M., Aar... O.: deNnlag a quart. %ad mane of the 11,Mip dlewn mile . Ilendera. trattlbune,lldittntly City, 1/... r\ , phid.., with the writ ea Manatee.", S. r. Iteltwatt. on.tha _. 1 - ,..knam • hnott. Toledo, 4.). \ U. H'llltante A Cu., Detroit, ./c.httgart, lou a , thumeutati A 1....... 1811wetikith,11 is; a eel Oy J. kt. i•Alltb. inrinnati, Obio,,,,nortbraat eibrirr \ ii.o. A. dilkbe A CO, liti^eacklit.. 'Nal Coulit• 111/ft.ll'alu• rt•\roet• • rub.= on Walntit gent, ~ -,,, \ ': • T•Olnk. tbd. , ,.4.2 . i s leagri l Al L ' ear- We ' t i ttr•od talthrtal.lT: Am , . b . 1 4,1.1(1,1J1 Co_ p.. 4, r t e Co, Al A. a oc.cr L-._ , ',•._' Allembrartltr• I: l 4 . 7 . lir i a l l l l, "' W=ig . n. k nowir, Ettirritaws,„ii: - ••, r.ttrroc Welk, lirretiehurgi'V. Enalada. *halt &nit A • ilthAat.,. - •,,, Bedh•stlntaat Ann. tbinthottlo • 11•Atdrr,11rantlayrbnr. .. Idildebtmet IT Imm, lidromir j. „Wright. Kitt:huh, 5 4.4 ... ~. n . . \ Kraus " A t.to,DrunkatntAft: WI a Boa. Nam :burg Itel'ilmakt m (MI.'S. tl•thautrr, .11. rill.; 'Sutton t C. Ertel (Iraltipat t Tit:tract . . alereen .1 01 hotly &Up, R e .,.. l•rig. gruittil i tlassei4J.O.Surnmertma. A reran; 1. ti... 4 u 5. - , __. . • . , , •Itet.. 0.1 orworh,P.Croamm Ur .mankrilldr. . ' ': I jfirrtitt-biti Aft .110i(!e;\ Rir i btatalopt,s. _ -____ A Good Bargain is vow Offer 6,4 IF APPLIc.t BB MADE lI , UM, 11;10. % J. , 1 k k -k .nrk,l -•- - . • th Lumo, tutr., , Iton, .0 10, I 'rii.l,l,umr. Non • kuntlußau..l tar Nil. by te . ,. 1 1 , 0•41.101 • 1)1 OX A „ L IkJ Aul I lip. 1,7 kale by. klllla W. B NUS UANULEWICH— raum.:. • 1. - 41,/luwick; v L al, .8 A. Cirl.liPittl,iN t lA'. 1114. PEPPERMINI'—Iiiii likv. pore fi.r I. h. :r.1.1.61t.1. ItilittUNS:-. - -A. A. 61.,isps S Co. 111 Laud to vat tow. rich Iwr MAW Rib. Wr oriB.l t,' lN}.U.lli—lhu b 111,4. tor tale by \ , URN STARCII---;kli , lbs., a choicaN \ aTti- J In mAubtArtur...i rapt...l, ‘llAlle x. 1.111417 ra"llTr-mtst:t.' tZatrgVutr:lltjaal7l.ll7,....dZiVA illurdl,ynddl. 0 ,1 1 1 1 .?l 1 11141,01. 1. rut up . .tt TN.,* o.c 11th liptit“ttrkitutrat ot,3stirttjkig. I,lllt. US$. 1 3 L?E—Ci .boxes belt, for We by • orzi • \ 601100NR/tkatt . EON: itl be,rocaliOd.in exolioMTwith nokuroom Of Mono), for pp) lam TRANSPORTATION, etc Excursion Tickets to Bearer, 25 cwit t s. E flue passenger steamers AL BRAVER, and MICH WAN. No. 2, railed Isar. their .latollegs at l'lttatterab and eteeter even day, Inutelaya czetteted. t N Col tosrk— tadv,Tri.tcs.l,va Ilustgrah at a.. N. N. Rochester n Ran r S. v. R. Ramoe elahten to no to Beaver can procure rnsureion , Ticket• teltechatter and leek to ?Mahwah tor 00 tent, Tickets at foe dolmens der and ett tha nein • •. oroboartt the atotaasbeete - Beaveirer tan no. -, or at the ethos or JOII,N A. CAVOIIEY Ainnzt, • 01200 Oor. Water elaithiekt stkatlttahltra. Allakgr v demall' t /dada to Forwud .14fight, \ TO DAI.TIIIIOIIII IN FrvE DAYS, . , A T ciAlktF, RATES, PEI NSYLVANIA Aok RAmoso corawir er..r 41 E Phitsd k r I:, I , wo saw Jot , . eavitrl mia 1 v ix.. ). _ ‘tiNnwl.wirlBsl..ifat \ FALL AND WINTER A ItRANGMIENT t \ \ \ FOR TRILVEI. BETWEEN LAND AND PETTSBITEGH, akar C'et4?4,l and l'aus.ury4 liadr4l. • - 17",'N) , ?°1',;',ttV. , ;`,r,,",'.':'" - ~ .-1:--- k A. F fivut' t ilorrall.. 1 4 Pitt,t6tir:,l:l,.. tiL,. ..:/%1.1 .: 13- \ old .t..,14 - .1,1: Yl: ',IT i'liv aaa a ' 1 ., a . iti,,, nrr.ngArnent 10 oc\p(thununtll4ll,.-t.tartmorr.'sC2 ~;,,,,,,,,„ o w 0,, ,Il rt),,,,tt,t. C1 , ..14p0t r.• it rt tr.vtlloN. , • rl'1.11,1.: , EY-pres i s _Tri‘ila or I.lttrti will lealse 1. ' l l'' i' l .'" ` 4 , ;;P:.'':•,V,' ' ''''''!'N ~,,,,„ n,rord o. the. tsl4,),„'cl, r i Innn ~ lim ~, l!kr...Ter 14. n. nt 1 . ..^,.. k. , 1.. und nl It ..16,1tk.., . •- \ . I ' ;lonril;i;!.slrl',l4;:glt.tr4t7L.o/T•o I'. ‘I • *rror. 1 ' Ir. at Ct.., ot•tut . A . P. 111 . al kll,t. to mot., .11.41 pl. \ • 4 i N.,.ning Traku too ClL.,!Ellusl, str.d,t. s krit I 4 L•ataa Ike., Luct .t. 0,1 tit ...t ootmi ths rt.., not 1”vi....4,., ,L,„ L... , 1 , 0 , ..,11n.u,41,burc kw I.l.•relarq,`Xt boarr. tuo 13- .. 01.... Go•urw, , , , \ .. , F., to. Clo, , lxtd. .5.1.1.,t to Conetror•all., ..140.00. , k C. Pit.I.:NT4, 17 , 1iot•rit. • • ' t, ollio, t tor .t hit, It II Co• . ll•retant“ 'Nor. 8, .7.1. F. r roo I,l‘ tot•t•tl t. Ei 31 Il.lltll, l .X.•Av.ttt. - N1m.../trocla llntpko. eltbotot.ire.d. \ ' , Uhl .4 :oat, V. IlAtilsk,:t No. t+211.4,r and W !mat . ..,,,,, , i , \ Isolttf Pennsylvania liailroad.\ W INTER . s Ft RAN MENT, PHILADELPHIA AND PITTsIDIT.OI. TIN( Raul. ed . l.. ON and after Deeclubpr - pnger. VIII to. ramoi r the Yrn ) nmylrnnin ILO," ro„„, h ntuAlvliburxh. \ Fite TL . the\ - 111AtAn iVe.t .1 the Az.; ;;;,.°5,tm;;:•;:,41:,1P"t In .11 rm.rt. t .11Nr. irrA nola\lntTllA , !III)0814 Arent l'enu's it•a commi,nr. lIIEDICAI.,. , \ AUDI'S Cry PECTO p'ill Tilde 011111 a pp . COUpillil,' CO4B, HItAiiFIENESS, ilEogeril-, \ iff, WUKPINO-COUOII, CIIOUP,A \ • \ AfiTIIW„ CONSUMPTION. • , s \.IN otvring to tho eomtnunity thio bait • elebrated lemed y for\linearee or IEO tArout and lunge. It , s hot ouralah to trine Pith the tires Cr health of the , alltieted, hot faeokly to lay 'Oak. U. , w the' onenlone of • dietingl.4.l den endionte At tho ...j, , cot 1,,, .„, mm, icort abloh‘. hay me judiee ler theMPI(iVI, We qr.- mir k1..11, ou •Is. to make ob. slid untebllrd. or relay ...men,. of Its e -am . , nor nifty hold nu 6u.• holes to ' ~l k \ suffering'kumanlfy lehich facto till not rsorrst.• . • Ilan): inTegi are liiine pilau, and ve•solleitan • nity .. \ Crosnthe public into olio publleit. tattling a,. they till find thrkperbear . lullable, and.. medicine 7 ..-; , '..,\ th.LI , hoot contluene and ‘lt,ationege. \ IProm the distingureted Pinfenor of Cheltdotry and • • . tenci,lfediea, tin dot Cbllega4 - \ •Insethlllt I Mitred allinr..iing Ibe recolpt of yet. •. \ Wand. will 1 Leet;t" uppongity or .orueonzot ile rl, , - ‘....1. ‘ll,ll, IMO Wu ly. or In t tainlllee of my tr.... t•, a ..,/,1•Is I have ram do e anth • Lm n ly deurn, of eatialentlng 1 lo r,Wiia. ' e h o ' glt . , Li ct i tl:ltu l ;141`1,t1,.show, .r....d.i.. " 1 1' \'''''"r 4 '744l"iritalrt . iiD, P. • Bruttenlak.3le, \ Feb. b. 1.47. t:1 •••' • ' .• . . • lEretri l'kir...ereeel'ln the Il,nnillton al‘riLs, in this bity:i - 1h . ...• , ' , beta.: I liayo b.......n.1uf the wont cough 1 es er Lad•tfa my lie•Aby y.. - enter, , Intcrosylil 031 , 1 nes ui, a.4. en y I,,,k, r ,,,mnity of reseMmere.og . lt I' Lft i • t s . l: A ‘ u. / 11 . T .It r tr "'"'a""T. P.. - I;. ' t,3lEitSON. - I l r o. fle T at h l i tpe r. ig , is h lnz i ,d c ser . i ., t e l r li r lsz t atl e. ...... d it .th iriat e h .. • ' \ ace,ef the medicinistets unnakeal•ly dlythitt-- . ' y ',..--. ..,. .., \ \ \ urn C. 44 8 ... ' . 'sfam , 1, 0' 3 . ' 7 - "t '• el 'teen of the limo. lend Mk than elntlduserut '--• -.`, en anation, for more .2 • ) , c ti, ; 1 .041113 Pre wort b y•lur Chen., Pee \ a .. nt it1.4 , ...... a t . ' ' '.' . " 13ve leen et, nby pciniiiis Tiem etvp •b . • any heel.' well nigh rec nl. Ilable nettle y ,• ' • , n'clne, N An enaioratiu bt cusiuke ith It 1.1,' 'ern,— ty- _-: - ....'", \ end I n Air Trot.. el utopfee Pletrict,•vtle.l.4l ' • - 1..,n rung dad Para h. pen Mal dutyla bp. neerre all• _' ." . .t o el, of L.. chine I bare oh lure . fey - nit/Mg .th.a... ....,t \ l ' ''' ' "'. 'k n . . T.dfil.lrU ., :roni:tA&Mlinn. .! • ' . •\ , \ \i. , , The follow. wu ono of'the 1r 4of , phi& tha physician,' a.l 'ands thoophtto • I.r.eniaboimilynarapy• ,Ang. , !6.1(7. .V , • - , •N I I ~ terfft. -car t Palau , . . hu en team 1 wean., ' ' Y. •to ' 4 AI l' \ J. C. Am.-81r. sax Gin, tiri7b beoustbt on by • col lo tbn bcu r lomug t, 1.10 Yr .1 , ' 1 1..11 16 , bed fn a %re t i l. ''''''''" -I'''''''''' W u ' Vett ' atul gritta.N.l iu 1 •ck.l b•b, r . . Ttr".'..Ar.l,lly fluhrtg..A.d In. " 7 t ' .l; "- ittlt7lll.'butijttle i.r. 0 7 mi" ,. `' . ter. \ i 1 ... 4 •;te . b . c.l, 111.11n11111/1• rituatiou..ll7.m.l al , .... . . 'l' Übf.:4l'h,lnEle"a`;.; ::.r01, , ,va , ,,„- a -.7.,„,‘ „, ung * try Itkl'm our from ..113 , Ipectstiou of . old , lug 7 , 7 , lk ~, \ 111.; It + govd 4-1.4.tb, luttu... - .1 to rv i To No. tat i .x... 1, 4, , A ‘ ' 1 'ln ""' N ' , Y "th .P " :! . ATLFrit!fttribute , :+r , ,, ' \ ''' ;'t" IN, Lt 3 ,..i . ,1: Vl' f g, ,' W b th.4.1.1.c..., c• ~. , :' --'-\' ' ' ' \ • .14311:::GOV \ \ 17 . N 4r " Atul ikp b,, 1 \ . , 1_ , 11,_ ‘ E.3 . C.............. 11 \ 1•2.1ratC1; .1 , 1 In 'l' ..)f • - - F 4 . FI/K . 4 \ 4 IIRPIIINt IitTRCIIIIE6S . are ww A c t, i110t04114 Lolkes 1.41'0140 Cloth. Coltt sod New BlYleltEcche Mr.* ittoW gabm,) 4039 7eptctil~L vdostnr "Aaraa4l+ \‘ -\ _ '~~~, .