ESTABLISHED IN 1786 PITTSBURGH. GAZETTE PODURIND °AILS AND WEEKLY' kIY WHITE & CO: • Wan." TER3IB. Eli DAILY—dr:. dollars par annum, parable h , 4;( rapylind au th. Collnamir Threa.aaples per =aura 9 00 1.4 Jr tareaty capars m be, .... . Of u l r.on the packet LJr aseh Club aLlreseed uaal a.". tar Paid lararlably la a:IVMM, No Club aaat attar the rear stair, ualeu the manor la sera fur a ranansral EATER OF ADVEHiIFOINO ovue (10 hoar of Nooparrll or Was) Inaettion. .. . 0 to) loaertion.. 0 one two weelta three weeks.— toe intoth.-... lee ratutlan I: • fat, month. .... 10:00 line. or a, rwr aconni...Bs 00 nar IM fu for rw-ti wriltinnalin Onn ,tatar, el:oz.:able (pin anni, exe10 , ,,, of the tn.per ...... 00 F.,. a.l.llWonwl ,u4re, over one month, t o Lr al:1,t1tonl lat:rt.l anier lb.: yearly rate t slf prier. ldr.rtiaementa arat.e.linir a ,[acre, mai ott orar Ofteeo be roar, I .Ans, 001 halt Pohl:rto nri I.:r lea,: advertisement:: be- I we( the etiar.o..l a.rr their pu,ii.alaon. Annzurente c..n.h011..4.1 t,r °di, u, le, ebariyal the Rama sa.otto, a,lvlrtireesenta not otarka.l go the top,r:r a sr:reined attotber d, continued till f.mbid.ratni Silent Th. tirit'lle,p: of reril.rrs 1.414 Itutited to their ore loiroodiato anl ell :Otero:en:rota tar benerst of other perroo.,a. as all.lrert nnt Immediately eanueete,l their own humor., atel all ::f n•trerriseinaut.a, in length or otherwise, beyond the-IL:014 to:ra,re:l, •111 ebr.rr,:‘,l at the .11110 rate,. F.. 'I Atli, my. h zuii,raginz, •111 .eparareir url proonot pAynioilt deslonl. I.Jrrrta....ura.t.4 charitable InAtitutleos, bra coo:. noir, want, townah:g:, an :1 other pablin ineetinor. no:1 stir!, Ilk, in be charge...l 0.11 parable ottietly in ad , :mom. • lerrtw, !Int., to , ' Death uotto..lttrortad writhaul, dune. attires ....haps .l,l be Irup..r, Mvii,tti,tnr or nilltu.ry untl,e, and wo. , aommapanyerl I,ter ‘,l-41 fur , lleznier a-it-Wien, hod all :then- rounnuttlea UM/e et tutu: d,,1V,4 rail ellen.. to lairr. ,w en/ public.out..ttrlnrorutr, where are taimivlvr maim, of Otte to J.ln',4ur-I L. run attrotiou to priertp attLerpriA33, c.d.ukt:o..lnr, itsten.l.4 to proven.. Judi -1•Ittal 4ttert,t, ear on!It tum-rtarl • ltb theu.,lergtrod- Jag that the we.. Is 10 be void ibr• f IntontleJ ..A.l I. the Imal mlittun, thr tame •111 be charted at the„ r eta of tot 1... trite to r rtO, ror Int. linatm or Yd - ch.. a.,1 tapir prior Tavern 11.1 rot octloo,w.. talverJeaturate not her tiaried tnaler :earl rains but to be allowed a dta cOlut of thirty :.her cod our third Per tent. from the 40111 It of Lida IN DADA PAX.. One , Square. tbrPa ...... --Si 60 Do. real; eAlliLimaxl losertioa ...... 07 .lIonr.fll.lZNN 1 WIECIA: 1LP12.. 00. agctare. (10 linas.) Inaarttan-.....-110 cote. Da. eseb loaertaaa as mote. All Ipm:talent wlarrtlamat pup to, b, paid In ad roma, BUSINESS CARDS ATTORNEYS it\V. lIUTER. Attorney at Law.--Collee• • ti•••••d 0411 erancing a:traded to. Of ta-11 tke•cli's tiraat rtnet, :war Lbw Court ant, A.NIES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Office bargh. nr. bet,..An Emilbteld and Grant. 11. • I OS: W} VTR, Attorney at Law, Fourth 0 street; nyor the Mofor'a Pittaburgh. P. Col. .ction• ottenlM pracapti,. _ mytt.b.tlf f_aux•An our. t. • 1/AIT . (Lote of I: otonh,arn a . P) I ,AL4tU.A:7 TASLI/"3' LIPHANT TAYLOR, Attorneys at Yi>+--omen on Fanelli .tieet, Zio.hZli, between Woof ft: Sclithp,kl•, Pittsburgh. Pa- N.' —., P. iiiiptiont Cosuinimoner for the State of ern IBtllll,l A SLIM.- .• ... • 11 =ULM (I Nj.%; .k COLLIER, Attorneys at Low— e._7ll2ilr, 4,1 iburth atrvrt. above SolithQ.ld. - • W. F. WIIITE, Attorney at Law—Of- • • tl• • I • 1 [tor . nen. St 4.:.0r L's:sto Agents. 11.3. /07 Oat _ _ Pataburgh. 6301.0 ... 74A.m.Es J. KIJI.L.N-, Attorney at Law, office, to Tilgh.wo 11011, menet of Grant %treat .s 1 Diarnotol IL elr, rittiibt r r el. ltlsoll, LIRANCIS C. FLAN EGLN,Attemey ht Law, k• 11,170 VoarTh .00.4 Plltabarrb. ',whys ti rrOwrWA T SON, ........ etre_ is. ',rums ..,53.)WE .V. WATSON, AttuITIOSS at Los . . .3.1/0 Fourth rtrrtm. Iltirb.Fh ' fact utti—illt..,orl,, k 1.,.,T, .1...0uit Snider. Earl rest,, , C rri.u.a k ~W m.. W. It. 1..,. - : Jo hn r6.' . ' 11". ettairtlatits tiro. IF Usti:run, Flrtrtyruh. ja",fl:lyAc `7‘ DWAIIIF P. .10vp , .... ... A 4 l DIV AHD' P. JONES, Attorney at Law: r e o.ka Fourth tumor. r.ityroeu iTo‘l .al Smith. 1 ASPER B. BRADY Atta racy at Law, dg !tn. F. Fath Pltttl...h. Pa. HatRISON SEWELL, Attornay ot Law, ty Ohio Elm. Commthrsiorms tar taking Dopodtitare Ark. 11 , ,orizommntr 11/..10. a.. 0 1 11r,—rmarlb rrrrrt. aboro Entitbflrli. mr4112-s:T BANKERS AND BROKERS UZEORGE E. ARNOLDA,CO., Banker!: N_A Dude. In Excl.:Lon, Cain_, Hank !int., dc., Xp. T 7 Fourth /ft.,. tort dr.or to tne Ilank Pttn.wrr. factions cnretullt et4oole.l tc. non the nrotvede tvaltheet to ant . ' pert of the. Linton. WY. 11. vna.u.s... -- a. :Iron.. H. WILLIMIS i CO. , Bankers and Erehancr Ilmkere i North Twit cornet aria - all and Min/ eteoeu i l'itteburith. • 411 traneaetione made on liberal terms, and aallettlona arnibrUr ationded to. KING, Banker and Exchange -- --- hange Broker, nro.o . rlh t, In Bank Not, Mils of EA cULO,G I and 011‘ tr. &oak boustilt and kdd. biGL k laarkkd Trizn paid In prmium 000 Asetcrlan Half Dolls., nod Meskan and Fmniall 1/0110ra. in 002. fund. Jell Wu.LiW . nt:IIER, JR.., Banker and Broker, ithxtroot, N 0.04 klLnlnlng the Bank or PlIt&r010 &WU .HINS 1 0), Exchange Briikerm, potatk tlaxt Collier ht Thlrd and 31arket grade. AB How 111.104 Illwral ran.. NLIOLSIES . .X. SON, Dealers in Foreign . and Tkinostin HILL, a kAckaoooo, COOI.IOrALA of r . .. i , int 4 ,.. and 0,000, No 00 Hartet ./tart. 1.H.L0- ru -' o iL t.... L. tglNdleutiono mule. nn II th e peikkPal 0100. throstchnut H. Cuio,l 34000. -- sauce .... a.. h a II.A3IER RATISC Bankera and Ba cbauza Smksve. Des.lrrA In Forvli. arid Donp.ttle Exchangn.lLlrrotirsan of Dtpasil., flank Nous.— 0111 m. cor.r of TWA' /DJ Wood streets. jitywti7 oppuelte the 13t..1.31.r1na 11E01. en IRVIN, CommisiiionierAuni..4 11111 lin Arm, N . S.vond [trod.. I, al E.., Aecuritlys 1100 to 1110,0,0 cu Lent .... & CO MY. M.... ALSIER, FIANN., Successors u 11 u.sey. Manna Bumßm. lexcliultaz deakr. W F.s.lnn .0 Onup...Etebanue. o,ll.lllnaang orbt, Bank :law, and tio.l—North Wen Wd Thl2l oat., and Mon.y on I. 81gla Ch.. !no Tale. and eollctiono Wade an acnr. tyullth. principal point...! tbn United Sham The hlgthein pron.:Pi pal.l for FOrtigll .o 4 Amp... 000!. tliM= I W. TAYLOR, Comunasionor and Bill La. Iltokerr, lla &cool Latra.t. atrtot. *tuna. will ba peen to all buAocmos aorrtorted to him earn Pinang r.rlt atanstratturoal art:4 al ./ ay. on bud arororrratodtort notke. Nola, .11ondr, 3brialres, aa, nez.tiatoJ On favor , ablearrima t.nza made, rayuirnl. ern BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. 6! N, Into Johnaton Stock • • toe, Dookuller. 94 [ inner Print, end hinder, eor. oei of Market uld Third streets, Pittsburgh. .VB. HOLM ES' Cheap Literary Depot, Third suet, oh,r.siN ,Pc.trihneh. New Books re. lholtic= 7 .7kr , ;. ' 4.;.tlat=ll;: d prbirg,l owed price. 1 L. READ, Itnokaeller and Stationer, • Na. Fourth streut, Apollo Drantrig. CARPET DEAREIL WipLINTOOK, Munufadturer and IM r of C 9 - rot 9, OH MU., Steam Bost Trim . RR Fh9dro. kr- Warchavw N 0.8.5 Fenn/an, and 79 Wood Id, l'id.ohurv.. CONNISSION AND FORWARDING CIIOP W. YUINDiaT Eli, 'corner of Water and it. Market. , ta. Pittaburnb., Como, ant For. 4IRDLCO llodsq and for. the, purtnaad and solo of Floor, Wen.orn Produce, Irun.Nallr,Gbuts, add tho =nurser:rid anklet of Inttrbornn nonoror alko—Aront for the sate of . Harper 1 Wll - Nlanuro and ar Worn., prkkk and .I.nt k Co..' 'opal/. pocked Tena=ifFLT A. NULTY Sc. CO—Transporters J. Forradistf sal Commlarlon 24.1.r.bacts. D 1..• • .1.•• . :t.Pi •r• • ' ••,'M rCLama. WOODS SON, PRODUCE DE " AITIS ; Cemonitat Irl aa erehaata. No. al Water stre.t. to M. 11. JOHNSTON, forwarding and Cenniseto2 Mrreinat., No. 112 &ma Knot. Pittaburgh. 6KhIEU £ JONES, Forwarding and Corti ratiwkra Merchants:D.:Jen in PrOliti. 111:14 Pitt. sweat. Pittebornh. szticlen. Canal Basin, tau kkTenib ............. - • • AItDY , JONES k CO. , 9atmeeeon to A Jonen A Co, Comm! Won .24 P ts, dosters InPato, gh si or. Pitts ll ns M., anolocurod Omni.. 'rialto Ps. DRY GOODS ; a. A.K..sox t GJ y rarrucpan...—..c. I...orporr rout. AA-111AbON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Donlan In Fancy . . .1 Staple lArt Good, 61 llszkrt gavot. Ptusbur.h. I /WILY t BURCIIFIELD, WrtonsALs and Retail Dfr floods Morrlants. ctiroor. of Fourth arket f itGourgh. DENTISTS - - PR. D. HUNT, Dentig, Corner or Fourth st.. bor.en Mart. surl Perry .tent.. WOOL MERCHANTS k LEE, WooL, Dz.% and Commis:ion Merelunta for. th. ral wa Goo,ts, 111 Llbertyit, Pitub.r Wool Mereluintn, ),7 lloolors InFlocir sad Produce jrooorollt, and rob ward! obt C.611R11,11 Merchant ', So. 110 iltot Kroot. 116 11 stmt. Plttobargh. VETEIUNABY StlitGEON ADAKHARDIE, Veterinary Serge . oa late Veto EdlnbetrAL, Sttettv.t. would reverts:tr u.kt th■ public that Earewuracrd prvtt, „ 11=1721.1t ft ' 4,Ftt " g r ti l rr li t. " Vq " ' '44 La ■oamt te with =tee Hardie. Horse Ettbeltialteti • Ineeketulthiette aarteral faffbal o■, at Roomer H of Tama /snot ■■d Paasy/rowa Ammo , THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GA PHYSICIANS Doctor G. Reichhelma INFORMS him friends - Itnd the public in gen .e.t. [h. lax ha. remora...l hi, olara to P..naf attaat. ~, pall to at. Clur ll.nel. I'. a.—Paroaala :falt.t.tad to him for a 11.1aata of tau.. a ra.u...taa to path.. Writ uvoual.• .fyl,afal F. R. Moore, M. 8., OMO.:OI'ATILIC PIT YSICI AN. .I,•vutea Aiatirotwo la the treatment of •'o men ent rhildren. and Brun. 1i1.4. 3, 4 ,lgenetal4. %AI cheer& ell/J.0 , 41 dn....sees. Vill° on And.fre .r roe[. ntar the tiand Street Ilridye. arid next dwr tt,.. .'lab. lug Still. Allegheny Cit). Othca hours from j A. trnm I to 3, and fn. 7 to cy R. J . J. nrEltS—Sur g eon uml Physician. mit,. and dwelltntl. nernrt at Darin:l4.lo'. row, No SAW otreet ono door above ,Intlllneld et. Ile. hirer. ham permanently lurnated to I,tiAturan, and adllat.oLl to the dull.. of hi. Prole...lon Ile 101 wier vartirular attention to Srnatcat comes and the die.mere of Ivor. and elaldtan. aple.3m DIiIIGOISTS. JHIES Alotit FFEY, (iueeessor to John D. Mori... , Drnaal..t, and daal.r isln4, araw.lia, Yerlauwerso., Att.. No. uw vaal tn...Lp ~tl:llaumni alley, l'ltut.ur. It, It tantly 01,1..41 • al Mar.:an .` , %•• 0 . ,• rup 10y., vol. Nora. 1.111. r. It A. FA UN ESTOCK & CO., IV hole Hale Uraa41.1....v.1 acnulxtpnci 51 tine any Lalenr4e, c4ruct 11'0.4 nal Fr.Yal aw.n.. ILIII.- bargh, l'a lach7 I.a• • •X.. , t , ..•1 E I .7.1E12 ct. 91cDOWELE. (Sueeedsors 1. to Ken - Key..0.)111.00.41e Wu: aar.l rottaiptionSun., g , ruer of 11...1 atm. , . u...llzralu •11, y I . ll,..l