The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 21, 1851, Image 4

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The people of Acton, inpassachusette, have
erected s granite mot:maw. to the memory' of
Inca Davis, Abner Roemer sod James Hayward
istrioteokliere in the battle of Lexington, 19th
April, 1775. On the completion of the work, the
event ins celebrated at Acton, on the 29th Oc
tober, to triad' Robert C. Winthrop woo invited.
—The President of tho Day tuanotroced the Col
/Wing 53 the fast toast: ‘'•
Copt. Isaac Dares, and Priture Abner Hamm
- . The "only Americans killed or mortally wounded
altos Old North Bridge, in Concord, in the With
-of A 761,1775, in that, as believe, first open, or
. marshalled attack on the troops of
Mange, 111, in the memorable war of the item.-
halloo, which split in twain the British Empire,
and converting,:her thirteen colonies into the
lUnited States of America, gave oars a place
among the governments of the earth.
i is reply, Mr. Winthrop made an excellent
'speech in which he introduced the following an
ecdote of John Q Adatas. Said the orator:
Lame illustrate this idea, Mr. President, by
relating to you one of the most interesting per
sonal incidents *Lich I can look back upon in
the equine of a to h yearn personal service in Cen
grees.,lt was an interview which I had with our
late - venerated feliow-citizen, John Q. Adams
about :trio or olz years age. It on the door of
the Cipitol; not far from the spot where he soon
.'itatiewasta fell. The Hotter had adjourned ono
.daytennetthat suddenly. and at an early hour,
ithappenial that tale(' other Members bad
left the Hall, Mr. Adams and myself were left our nests, engaged in our private car-
rearm denoo, Presently the messengers came In
rotherunceremotuonsly to cleanup the Hall, and
-- !Mg= to 'wield that inexortsble implement, which
Is so often the plague of men both under public
and private roofs. (Laughter.) Disturbed by
the noise and duet 1. observed Mr. Adams an
poaching tao with an unfolded letter labia hands
...Do you know John G. Gurney said he" said
bc "I know him well, sir, by reputation: but.
I did not have the pleasure of meeting him per- ,
many when he was in America.". 'Well, he has
- been writing me a letter and I have been writing
bles an answer, He has open calling me to se
=turt for mreouirse oaths Oregon question, and
taking me to task for what ho calls my bellig-
Teat slirit and warlike tone towards England.
AndA cholla like to read you what I have writ
ten in reply."
And then i "the old man eloquent" proceeded
to readto maul far as it was finished, ono of the
taut interesting letters I ever read or heard in
my life. It was a latter of auto-biography, in
Which be described his parentage and early life,
,asid in which 'he particularly alluded to the
Sources from which he derived bin jealousy of
Great Britain, and his readiness to resist her,
erne unto blood, whenever he though that she was
encroaching oa,American rights. He said that
he was old enough in 1770 to understand what
his father was about In those days, and he de
scribed thedemormwhich his mother taught him
during his father's absence in attending the
Gongicscsf Independence.—Every day, he said
after saying his prayers to God he was required
to repea4those exquisite stanzas of Collins, which
'he had carefully transcribed in his letter, and
which he recited to me with an expression and
an energy which I shall never forget—the tears
coursing down , his checks, and his voice every
now and than choked with emotion
"Ht.. sleep the Isrlre. who rink to rest
IThl i n t rer i l;,7l 7 Z7 'i r ' net " ge b rs i' t
'Lenient to deec ' thetr d moat
mantbs. shall dress serest, eat
Thatt Putter • fret hard aver trod.
ET [dry hands their knell is rang,
By lissom unseen their diraa U mom
The Hausa rommot Dltarim arar.
To bleu the turf that. Wraps the.lC tiny
AmlYroodam aloft aohile repair
•S oda - all a weeping Hermit there:.
And Acre was another ode by the same anti,
ot,whielii he said, he was obliged to ripest, tot
a put of this same morning eierciee—the ode, I
believe, on the death of Col. Charles Rose, in the
action at Fontenoy, one verse of which, with a
wobad not be inappropriate to
yohr own Davis:
Ety rapid Sotte 's dvteendinv oat-.
Ella counters TOWS sbal I Wee. the era,
• Where've theyouth le :
That atteul nut. the Laid
With vevey esteettot tnxfball Itut,
And Tanya protect the shade "
Ladies!? Head. This!!!
TEE PRESS, and , crill shortly be ready,
srms.ELS.'PDILAIDTO VIE PIANO: thothnsibd
deserlhtkot or the inethanina of the Instrument. the
dufhltd to 1, b Ich It Is noble thboot ill In nonthoth- the
..boatttol of mum-dying mob defect. and.:tortruttiong Lon to
.-., Petrel" tortruateut azure In mon' lir P. fl. Tthrw
l",Yyerppertble hoeing Planoshould have eon, of this
diourort of I. e kind has ern - Lertsth been publotb
irss, mt.:swum 1t imssrn. if "myth ten nub., ith
ro", e:ad n '; o ool , i ' e e s 'olfilgeorrrAt' borglt u,l
'AL T -m . 4r theme by nothing Choir .0 the
th*"" l b r TsTo m o g icoTi r' sr or
t ' lst
dollar to the author, at the Othette
I S A :T:1-1FM be forw l l i nle.. f i r e e „ e c or Igs . lll.L.
discount t . 4 o
boot tlutiodenlere.
;.',..=2ootrn-rrs..ll'effieVf 'O7 - :LT 6V. • 0"
war ontersi c ce.3:751
riElstbscriber ilas in store and offers at
-7' Arm a_goodnctortmenc of Algae.. Connrall.
said gimped aloam de Lain.. Pr inta„ Han
nah LlnamOottnal ntradllla. and Wool
en Wag Phone, Utah Linen, Panda. Eland terehlara. thotta
Quanta,. tlatinotte, Casslmeraa. (Nabs, Tamil, Jean,
Hamm and Btesattad Malin.. 0.111., Tleting. Cord Co. ,
talc. Padding, Ltknrats; Ututrellaer; black and whit. Net
ting., 00tn3n. LlEren. and SAC Lace, Ribbons: Linen 'Pahl,.
... • Maths. Woollen Coraforts. - Pilot.% [lottery. Macula
'Bhagat% Bottoms:Also a large varlat7 01 gold , to • halt
man restartfully Wane the situation of tnarthanta and
oolg . C. AItIICTIINOT. Pb Wm/ rt
SODA ASH —We are prepared to contrae
vita Glatii Manufacturer, azat thr trot. ueuerall,
for tbelr supply of toils Atla, durlur the minter, at th
market prim. We umlaut our hada Anti equal
beatttoporteL • BENNETT, BY.IIIOI eth
H. Hep ;
TTORNEY AT LAW—,O4cl, 39 Fourth
U* d, orpoidt• Maya/ 4 A (Nicol
Copley's Fire Brick.
I COPLEY lc CO., near 'Kittanning, have
. Gramma t rev l,botosstul 111:E BRICK of ozoolkort
Ori . et: b moy m b rn o p l i g:l2 . 7 , g4;loololC , ..Plo."..t. tko.
J.11.i Co. continue to morudasture Pot Cloy, for Glo,o
manufacturers atul ahem. .1. SciIOONNIAIi kit* Cu..
Wad Meet, aro solo eavetv for tbr WtauCLIC
Exchange Livery Stable: . and Rambling
- Office,
. ,
_ No: 178 PC= street, necr tAe St. Clair Hotel.
efflgThe subscribe; ihank-r_ fa
ful to the public for the Innen!
tstoth in hie line beretufon , A trithl4 inform them
.that he by caunneneed th e IiIIiDKATAKINII bunnies In
• eanneethe with hie LlVllliff btil : v s: me ill attend to
fined, on santsonable yams thy in the oily. Any
=ctl; '" * if y dnd hftW ppo_ u'd e ,', •.=.•zr.„ - . 1f.,:=
. ! .,,P=. l . nod th e wm o an d Went manner.
: . . .1
1851 Hops.`,
65 BALES of first: ,Sorastern and Wee
c alr: lim ' o '
Letter Copying Presses.
DANN'S Double Lever Letter Copying
Press, awl Metallic Darelarber: • tone =line. la
maths& and =suer nevIOS
• Tlihi Frees and dlostpealng tablet permeate derided ad
: Tautegre Orer all previous Inventions for the male obteet ,
. . teL The prow does sot requite fearaming doff
M. Through the levers awl eenerttie joints the pressure
• a ehttitted with Pam ease ant meet, pUieker than by cub.
.tal. The re Is applied's. easosiir that the press la
fa liable brealChr get oat of order.
4th. The dulateuhair tablet Is asubstitote for the broth,
• blettlag papa, sad wet cloth, Iltelug all the trouble Seri.
deist to their use.
The Tab
_let ruse he ase4 to great stimulate with .117
Yuen unser It ow, alai tar that Porpose will be cold ter
".. M . 1113 COPYING BOON . the paper of .13.1d1 is male
Ps &M ea iaow Met. Wass' an puebteew t becks, with Print.
• drpOlcit . /lntibert'r, sad Itarrte t sn o ia l esrpgrgf . ins ii.
lette at ng °_
Mauls Dept arra Stationery Warehouse.
ee.3o corner of Market awl Pesos/ ate._
Orphans' Court Sale
r ib IIRSUANT to an Order of th , ; , ( 2 ., 7hartie
eettlit of Allegheny tlynnty, trill be. to ode,
on Wylie. the Mtn day of November, A. • 1851. et 10
delotk.l. M. at the *nut Lk., to the hlabeet and beet
bidder. all ttut certain lot or piece of anntnd shoats In
tha nternrhln of put, county atornfald. In Jam." 13in'm
plan of lotaln said tcrenthlp, beieg a Pert of lota No..
asdt 61 of veld planote*Aden Is • rrtwd one frame hear,
two stories Mgt!. The sold dgeerlted ;Awe. et Froond ns
Z ,, a parted tit; eAllte of Jane. Barclay. der A Term.
r the
(butt. ltalniter LEN CRAWFORD. Adder,
Orphans' Cote Sale
. guitsuANT to an ()idol. of the Orphana'
Court of Allegheny County, will be exproed to Isle,
on =day, the 211 b day of November. A. b. NM, m the
Court Doom, to the highest and best bidder, .11 that cer•
LW lot or piece of vorouml nitwit. In the City of litisburch,
• colinty idicetailds Canielderr's alley, on rideli Is erected
.omMme Im
erum too stories Nigh. The raid deicribed
1 4 , 4ce ofertintal beit . r parl y lt t esta turd Jam, Palm
. siold.b ROOM . PALIIZEP
To the Public!
rjrEundersigned, having. taken the store
. 61 Market street. lately cesobled by JAKCI A.
awn, sae soar total...lag their second SOPOT of F. B
anl.WmippGoODS, cosulnias Is D irt
oorkpla4e imartment ou black sod taster 14111:98
131141tk Usstuaeres. Lair" hhlinos, Ecot,tl Plable
R eee bea, Ma; and Equara DOIAWLO, Haat Leans Slats!,
AA. CAetLVrtq, Oollsrs, ear3,lllbboso, Moses Sc.
AbS—A sumacs . stock of 11017 MIN 0 GOODS; sod tbo
Askeskstylo of CLOAKS.
.12to =domes of the lac. trm and tbo jpstblls are love
Sod to tall. lloaltal • JOLCt PORTER i CO.
s,: note to ottkollitht. meet. and etnemwetaT
twos Breed. when eed_nove.i.,_. A tbn 1 11 .7 a,
g=pl.lllC. j!ILIDD ECO, to Wail we:
' -AIiD 011-15'bbLq. No. 1, (Winton) for
14 use by. ECIWOMIAIIER a co,
24 Wind ttreet:
F.B.ONV ' GT-500-Ibs Am
laD., for Nilo by
D .1k CO.
REA3II TARTAR-0: 1 0 0 lbs. for sale by
nal • J W. CO Wool 4.
V.OD Lriadt. ou,--Rustitoq, chrk Co.'&s
irmar.s, balk or br the dam _U* (XL osa,Laz sale bT
J. &W
- Emeplabloar zed Ora Ilar, 'an -store
!'nd c.r.
oQectaalt; !fete • at ter s or
rel tor ale by tbs. dean orrdpg labor
.. ;; ,..144.5t7a.-Ar store of Woc. it, WILIKYASILea
UGAE. LEAD--900 for,eale by
m 3 ; • • ; J.6IDD6 CO., GO Rand st.
ITIOBACOO- 1 105 ban
atitSlte.ra-cod's s's and
-04 'd" . "' l "'"it.SlESVATalta r tant.
CiiiJOBICE..II.OOT—.2OOO lbs. extra fresh,
fur J. KIDD te CO.
- ,
li b ti.llE MADE 111..AliliETS.—Mueruy
11 l'll,l/TIELD bave ., :l a is er day b rec:<l n Inrw. of sup. ,
" r
NnrtheaPt ror.
and Markel unl
BREAM TARTAR-12 bbl 9: pow'
I) Ll, war
ted purr, fur role ,
`ALAI) OIL-50 baskets for sale by
61ILVER SAND-15 bbls. for sal* by
ITEE. ItED--10 bble. bright Eng , for sale
4.IENNA--10li lbs. prime Alexandria, fur
sale by H. A. FAHNESTUtIt A Co
VIE EGAR-5O bble. for nab , by
T 1 ANILI:A BEANS-21.1 MR. fresh, Mr sale
- by it. A. k'AIINESTUCIi AW.
11111tdlIFIELD hare }net otwoml am,ortnn.nt of
Orazo, and theen Sa-ting rlannol , ow.:0
r.ed at lb.. not tbi - aq mtner
or,a, 141)Ill'IlY 11111tellF1F.1.1).
SUNDRIES -300 tiOZ. Corn Brooms:
:413,4 N. 1. I,•tber
.2.1 ,
, pt.. Last and Crn•hr..ll. , n4 - ar
1,211 JUAN WATT 0)
liV'l'PEß—Fresh liull, in boxes, reed daily
to t t,e4.l _ J. CA:Mall-A.l, _
gi I II EESE-500 boxes ree'd •L rd A f , 7:: , stil , e by
L„) 0,7,1
ViSii-- - 10 bilit+l L ake Trout' . .
..1) 111
. cle
for sale toy
J B. cAtairco
1 IN SEED 01L-10 bblsilirissvold ' strand,
JIL4 Yule t.l H. FAN man
p EAHL ASII—Z ensks for sale by
043 IVOOId---60 hbls. on hand and fur sale
C.lillltTS h DRAWERS—C;OII doz. 111en1s
Lamln Wool Skirts and Dram ore, Fred by
_ _
ILK VEL V ETS-21.1 pos. mnst desiral
r l sqn, by A.A. SIASON k CU
. _
d Alai. AMAIONIA--'2OOO lbs. for sale by
K. ♦. FAIINC,Ttka n wt.
I~IIUHPLIY MUM 1 , 1 KLP have rex'd
worning hy Espre,• artvl
rt.lor,l All s'tkol 1.• 41,, , • -
lhKhl,ll., 1,1 k :WI,. prim,
VD , atie IWult
II pro..
l'iud Donne,
L.,m. !Mow!,
orlJAt north rent ror. Fourth Anal Mart.,l
ANARY SEED-5o WI. prime Sielly, in
rton. rod Tor nal. Gl' .l. KIDD rt C. lI , N
17 Inr Imle by J. lill/1).1 ,
. _ .
REAM TAHTA R-2000 Ut. pore. for
N._.) ran by J. KIM'T
1) 1 CA E.B.
rand. SUDA oo 110. Lee
b tor I'M, J /DI,
LI; M-30 6614. for sale be
,7 J
. .
A 1r.,11 A,,tin '• al drag •t..r...4
wt.] • J KIDD a 01..1.1.
QOAP - 100 biars No. I Eosin, ~ .I.le
. .
if ILA RI PI F: 1 SYRUP-IS hid, for
0040 JAMES A 11,1‘,111aioN A 120•._
MACK EREL--501/ 1.1.1 A. M00,j.117
,j.1 1 7
. .
D It. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment —WO
lot ral•• hy ii 1.111) A 1,1
I 1 n Park.
ktrnd• oter thel'n.t Orany. .inry lin.• of hull 1,0,...
machinn , y. M... taken. I,nfl. modprai. ••••11 , .
BATHING SPONiIE l I Ft, inc' very time
say ovlelby J. S•AiIIONMAKEII a 01
riAL CORKS-15 hales hing c.nd short.
for 1.1 .sr: •.• •
rosp . notius-1u oat, for
nrl: • J :CROON 31AliF.i: Y c 1
TERRA JAPONICA. for fart - no - 8' I
con far nat• by n-1: .1 $.1;III1OlINZIl.Ak 01r: A, r.o
C/ 41 ENNI-1 hest Americati Popper
Or min h 1:_
- _J 000101 , •NMAlirft i 1.
UTTER I SO kg , solid parked. TenelVirlF..
LP and far Lie by ca-17 It DnL.ZFI.I. A i.a•
i;;, A L.IER. T CS-5 tans irrbblm l and bin, 1.3 r
k 7 uia b, cOOl7 DA121,1.1. Y CM.
. .
VP nn.
wilahr•oln andl4l by
ielS .1. A 11..
WANT .1) SOON—An iictive partner in
v • 'a, run= mol insch,,, • •1, - n• in a I,n
se rn Irmo nom
of gnodenitran . with • ata•ll ,
who h. a wloolge r ,, tto• moulding blieiar, nial hot
law ••ni . mu-hither ouch conatant indlo
vrac he prim, loajoeng mx, %M.. a.moll
I• r prontabla situation will 1 , , mr Ple• o
cap t •
for (Later p.timilam 100 At 11011111,
or= A,nay mod lot,llmen• a Ofiln, War, mi. 011,
IR3AIL-50 lihdc prime, in store and 11r
mde by ..11 . OAI./.ELL. Y sir
Ai CLASSES - 2W *Ls N. 0., tal do. S.
IVAOI.Io. iyrup dli ivn i c , llma•maa. twr
1. 0.1., 1., tarty ra
lANTUARID -75 lbs. fresh, just recd
./ and for Pnlo by 0 , 10 J. hit& k
61 ALT PETRE-50 bgs Crude nuw landing
and for Tale by 00110 1 inckvi A CI.
LONDON M U STARD--.5f30 Ilis-warrante.l
purr...! for min by J 1011/11 A
WHITE CHALK-5000 lbs. in story and
lot by ncli J . Epp R too
ACOMPLETE set of Bucket Machinery
farmily 1,7 wall: J. 0 ',amoral' •
`POOL COTTON--10,000, 4 19. not res o d.
tj from England. and (Jr rah. kr
0,7110 C. via
ABLE SALT-50 1 ) bga ground rock now
1.3331e3s and for ash, by.•l.llCh.El A ln
octiti Wat•ir and lima idreet,
,SCE " Eagle Brand " -
~a V math. fur rnie
ENT SHADES- —A toe u
ra b n,varnakWia4v ,
! T n. 1 , 111NII:I. L;..Shvy.
if i 11A11-5 tons for link by
‘.) —OO7
IJOTASLI —lO easks - priine, for sale by
oa 3 0. a-I1 11A1,11A1,111.
4.1 11. MOLASSES-50 (ibis. for mole 1,
ti. wiz, 0 sOS HA il..l,lthili
CRRESE-100 boxes \V._ P. : ,
i iu A r i, ta A l u e u t i l f y
oda ' W
`THAW PAPER-2000 bdLs. superior, re
17 issise.t per steamer J. H- Lindsay. ...y . , 1 , , : r . , i t; :. .1
cer.l corner of Penn and Irwin .I i i.
AItRIAGE OIL CLOTll—Justrec'd from
lJ ths Fertory, 4UUO I. yds. 4,1. and 0 q uo
rott'.l7,un uW
tl sl i Moltto LT„,2V,e .erieze Oil
stmt. I os-10) .1.211.
1 UST opened at the Depot for choice Teas,
(E) No. IV: Liberty_ strriri—s, Email Lot of SWEET ECEN
UED t/KANOE PEKOE TEA rosy no • ortirie
orl3 Orosers and Ts. lEulers.
HEMP L-60 bales Kentucky and Missouri
Dew lioried, for sae o f
It ROCHE SIIAWLS—Just reed, 2 cases
1.1 superior Drocbs ribuvls A. A. MASON A CO.
rroW YARN—I sack for sale by
0e22 , .1. B. CANFIELD.
GREEN EEN OIL CLOTII—Ju4 received from
FuoLoPT—O)) reads tour aril I:llreEluartsrs Grpen 1.111
w Ms.bkr.s
urn! 10
bTilod a .'l`'
Wand Moat. coru.• or Mixtb.
TEA--G 5 hlf chests Y. H.;
'25 catty Irzel 0. V;
1 1 1' . 11, of I.e.imlorth.tion
just reeki of for gab. b 7 J. a It FLUID.
Q. OLE LEATHER-1.0 1 0 Sides Y. fur
oals by J. A 11...11.01i
bandobme, for n.leh R. E. AELLEM ,
Mchoice brand., op h
ca ood arol tor rode by
A.. CULLlinmus a Co).
OSIN-50 bbls. for sale by
JUG , ml9' rellooti M K r. 13. a CO.
" -1 11 LP. LOG - WOOD-100 bbls. for sale by
JAM. GINGER-5 bbls. for sale by
o&11C. E. BELLERS, 57 W.l rt
."" / "' 4 ' VP
0e27 rikusEetocK. a CO.
BUTTER- , -4 bbb. Roll;
NA. 3 tern PAckfd: arrlving
Wr Atreet.
wr canal awl for 02.1. , by
(aILK FRINGES—A. 41. MAB3ti &Co. hare
rofl'.3..eartanotEilk thug, meek .01.ridrolnrn.
RICE --20 tiores best, for Kale by.
.30 1013.13111001:
WO Tape 44 Floor Oil Cloth,
100 red safd for mle. et out Oil Cloth 11)w - room, 110
./LlArkrt4t- locl3l .l 11. P 1111.1.11,,
CREA3I now unlverrelly seksiterledged etigeriese
any gbarlog Cream in the United. Kate% or gueeps.-
1 -" hla delightful greemsration la unequalled for nuritT.Le s e .
tr and frairresseci. though eartairtmtanalapoae is liver
lain's Ambrosial Leone. and other similar compounds,
eu rgaisas them all by the eturelltent pasty cow...eller
of Its lather, which ro toffee , the beard as torend, Ala
wing pkaelint and easy; lt pise,gies great advantage is over
the imported grticto, n Win freshly rrcoaml Isom the
boot m.tertals, glib the greased Milli and IS not only the
beet, boot also the cheapest suttee, for ahaving. hf. In.
ereaslng se ve n r Ibis during the last sand. 7 , wee.
and the seral goli sad .115 , 5 modes ior It,
. tro porAted high estimation in which It Is held by
!he cmntisunity. bar rale wholesale and retell by
IL U. SELLER-4.; Li Wired Et.
IILY NVIIITE-20 gross of various stylos
sad prieminst rec7i red and far sel. by
,E. tf,:tEILLEII3.37 Wood rt.
SVPTS. TURPENTINZ--2 5 bblaJor sale by
INSEED 01L-40 bbls4pricne, far sale Ipy
ROCILEA SHAWLS I—we J i m% the ftt ,
test Scot of tbo Wit* to tot of ow otylosoltuy%
4 . o . l4l.Z.NlngirkrOl i a b."'Y
04* coma of liatkot oat 'meth otre4
SUBSCRIBER havitiz taken,the store
s To. o FOURTH STREET, formed! OcnnPiwd by
V. IL EATON. aud,tanvlng entirely renttnd the Perirf,
will otnu, on the La day of My...10,r, with a lam., annl
auperooretact of
tocather with a rnrk of TRIJIMINGS
0.020 17 [MC'S, si• corrn.b.b. e, b.1• 0,1 b 0 . k•Ilb by that •
known and faTOCII , eltabli.lument.
11. wouldthaw. p.rvane dairlll.
Mournimg and House Furni.bltig nr Linen tionds, that lo
Lie eture they pat, uLUu, a more ,-nutplete
where In the ell', a% low innnads devoting particular a m.,
lion to the. of Lininno... important( the team
rf.V on w " l l lt:L !' rn . . 6"'"
MURPHY , & BURCIIFIELD inform their
mtpply cd r lin. li :1•
trade lh.T here
. ndld ark ea...num to 11,00 unusually 10,11 n.rrurt.
'7;.\ "MK: , Irl:FLP$Irt)(11PI. in great variptr, rirb printral
I)• Lain, ParirMom Coborp*, Frenril !arms.. Mtmlrn dr
hail., dr.
PH-AWLS. nml Srpram.—Nes,rtyle Ilrorh, 'pry
h Mrk ands nod m hared Thliket rhrm, 1%00l dO,, plain end g T sty
I{lrkt pIAI.I IriLtoor. blurt awl half ranornind do.. n r,
''Vfl. " ;' , .l%l C :: also irtr.ired • forth, •uply r,r
FOlrting Munlin and I.inorm. and Hopi, lionthr env
rlty, and a 1 I will hr. Fold at low prim. nunii , ,
Country Nlerrhnnmi lori4ol to roll In our nnol...alk.
soma R. Up ctrrier, worry, 01oods am mold low. m2I
- •
'oil A A. MAPAN Wand GI Nlarl;rt el 'oh I
4 IT h VioZ CLPSi. nprMingr ,;:;
derrr , ption or 11•mry• mln
mom than I.nvl domn
I .8
DRESS GOOI PS —Opening daily at A. A
cau•lvdiziA et 0.1 k... C,ldarre,
Par:mkt:km. Al,arrau,
1.17 MA:l0:, A CO
paa — ol I 1,.1 , ill 3. a. I
root, M,
Iv A.
do •legant
idaroind IA/r.nrton. rl,l] taml
phy k Iturcllll.ld ter...lre.' a ouptd rat
1 de.irable
Ilarddield ho' , tad...iv...1 . full 3......artmp1a ni
Kook ho es
It.l;r. yard—and al • a nos.,
,t11...r Mahal, Alimran, at VA. 1. , YAM i.
ALI., dolor, Lid. tnry
1.." —cad , ..up,d Ca.Alco.d.. es..l lotto, wad a vac,
t,, d ,
adatl ,.i kr
NEW 0001151 NEW GOODS! -A. A.
3l .kOl/0 A 00 =lll t,pio within the 0.,11..v.
bpanrd! c.l ea.*, ;did
—A. A. 11,1,:a
Now opemng at A. A
—Now crentn. nt A • Al %Art:. A ‘11 . •
rrh rtA rvro r lt •lortror• rtr t ti
IL lA. A flAAtor. A:. ! ' } tut rt , or t Ar tt l , or•••••• r t f
1. ATLI IM -
et:4,1,411T roor t ,r,',or •Irt•ltrui
Orr .11 . •
I t Atir tt , Ar. t horr-•. •• It
tr.-, to • 1,1 se t
or al
w. nll
tro z
.r. t., th•tt tt, r I t rr tto•
kiliSF, FUR BALM: ' -- A ory
, tortl , t.txt•LsYM.:
• wqttt.l. rta.,lttr. :0110W:1A ht.:
a • r
tr rr I.ILE VETS —W. :11,.121..1N
y la,
CAN' tr.,. os- ettt.l trt molt to.
1..1.1, , to
tuat.. V .tttltt .t
u.. , Irt:I.INTOCh mem... M. . larr.e... -
taerra.trtnerr, 11Inr a.... 11,11. • t.
r:moor. , .411
I. Y.
Nt:11,11:s: CARPETS--W.'NIcCLINI ' OCI
eh,o, 010,01 -rat- ...
te. , .re, S,
pRt:- . sr.s !iv
. Ca 111•,17 1
;,1. uttet,,r. :
in„c i,.L.
11 . il, -• 1 t
TA PE:iIK rl,l
Tr;,;;;;.; ;;;; ;,.
_ _ • _
rrinT. su - eseraßvt no, re , ,r,
by (talon an .n. a I"1.1. AND ITlL: i ttlti
ret,tratititY .ttinnt• irnt ,
tnot 11. to i•rntnonti to of 1..• it• t• nrintt
. ..1,. r nntalt 1,77 f •I.t• para.
lin trin ta it tn. the tarepl, a• vitt. a• A tar
ont: a int, Ittir•• ittitt•Li • • t . tit'V' s it''.
O'hain t•tittst ft,nrwritti: ',DI art, Jr•-••-- •r r
Itlittat Wart `tit, 'ill aton• •ta Ott,
• linony itiptanti :lit, all •It•
ht-In tin lottetto,
Arnotot • nta e'ttlittintrotr
17• nntl, wititt It'r,ob tr. 1 ituttilvh rotttt• tit nrtt.not
114, 1"l an 114 . 411arnalt,
\ " .44.1 I.
a -S and 1.4-
and .51 barn... Nag...and
and :r.t. To.,
11l -b Printed bianc , fat. 1 I all. . n0b...14 v.als.
Mar5.11......111,Frrn./.. rural:at, Wolf, anal
blattmni.. Qt.
Lnr ~oars
t ° „ ° ', 1 ,11;'7'.."1...-. 3-1 :n,l
Ilinrk 10.01.0 C4A.1.4;
21.Qtair Luatn 4,
...Ilk I% &fp
Wark WWI,
2.2111. Fra Ituitnn Qlode. and Crape
V 7.14, ao 1 . 14•••••., 11• 1..1, • •
ouJ 11,44 b.,. .11 of .41.1. rill varrantol
P 1.. r q uaell .
‘ d i UUSF: DE LA INES, in great ritrietyed
Dri sod printa4. (ban I bt
M1.11.1 1 111' A 111.1:1:1111b1...
North I,lobrorr 4th 5.14 31.414.1 410.
U tharthbelA bate 444.1 r PI a
allore gr . .. 414 of e. fine ,n.41.a . Al,. 1 . 1.11.1 1 1,1 1,11 N 1 •11
too,' laantastor telorham.
ran ,-o
-..f lb. atyl.n. and oolor..
at. A A. bl Att. 1.11
A. MASON k CO. hoc. on hand, and
• ..xv rnatmt nf larma b0ant.t.......1 bow b r o.
141 A. er.• 0.411f.m.r0d baba., Cludnoort,44 l.-
all of wb..l. lbaf .111 wawontoo 11. prmo am./ ...h..
stsioat this
14 f 4 F LUOR OIL CLUIII--liut) yards 4, -2, 5,
.0.1 quart,. Jur. rot'. MAI. 11, 1•11.111,a11,
tory. sal for 4.14. Wholerolo and at Wu
:1. 7 awl 1. tri.4 J.
RECEIVED TIIIS DAY and now opening
c at {V , I lql I.ll.rtr 'trout.
torm moo,. snot 1.1•<4. Curnituereu. oevout oralmoxt fumhir.nuble patteron.
LU poo.n black and mloroi etntho, ct the molt xnperiut
Thu lan:eft and most Ll.l.n.lll , asoorttuent of le,tlnrn
r brought to thin ray
00 ilos tio.h.rettirts und Druver..
01.1 don. taw nod oupertn, Hlurus
A largelu...talent of 11r.0104. Handkerchief, tr.
Whieh, together with the Teri' lower .tru.k of It I:ALI
MALE cf thtt most lu.lB•ousb,l /a) ce,
on hand, prrrunts one c o tnel.rwekt sod moot futionsiae
ittnek4 of lOugh,
tor ventlemen's eur, in the
se.tern country': all 1i •luch the prourketor Is determin
ed to offer al the very mwent prier for rain.
Orders Is the Tailoring its executed the best 61:40-
we, and ut thoruhortept oak , u,17 •
New kali Dry Goods
A. MASON I& CO., have received and
ns MorinfA. 1.1
tetrilrrraLZ P. WV47l s expr . :wlt 4 l n y ' frthl.
rarea liipaernw rapl Lw,tren. etubraclug plalu hl'[,
714'warp laces rul'd I;lamelern and h¢ J, of 11 rn,der
log all attatles arla pw. Wanted Serge ' .
sod [whichwen. 'Ale above gro,lll ollet fur rm. 01
priren w ere enntlent IS
CCORDEONS-A splendid and varied
stock of the host brands, jun . W...
.I.l.7t:S—A very' dealrable arab 1, 4. 6.1.1
keys. emus anaxl• and al the beet maker, serf rhralojust
f;LUT.I/28—An oxtenslee and chow , . neck arriving.
VW//.INS—Some vary floe e. 1,1 oar:. and new of evary
nrlett of etyto a1:14
• HAI 1' .NTIIINGS—A bee rolectl3u: al., fur tiultar and
coronots, Tubas, Begin, 11.1, , nrilos.'rrutntada, and er.
fly .arioty uf firma, lnatruinonta. aelocted and tried 1 , 1 tn-I
suloaritor himself, and rot) at Tory low Tatra
Also. the lamest and notot rmvu tar 111 En, Jost reretro.l:
N. 11.--The alaava ixiatruna•nta are warrannal to 1, coy'
rect anti porfect arern par.-et—if found faulty tla. na
no, will rocurnl4l- 11. 101 intoltL
Fent. . 8111 N OF 'f1111.
lARPETSI CARPETS , i—Ree'd thia day
V by W.1i.i.:1.1NT01.7.1i. nsir rani ri-h styirsinnin.rnni..
.... mar.on /..VGA nbish nrs
prey... 4 to rsil !ow, tiro, nny linenntssver Wore .41..r..d
in this mnrkst. sordintly invite the ntsntinn
(inst.: , and tins , .. toparrbs.• in u• t rail...
the VI :it...IIIVA Foor , t , tt•
1%. SiselANTtitih
LwALL UOODS.--Just reed, per express,
11AF.U:i t.Ossrenne
nsen an.] A. ms..t f,hionithis 12,&,....1212, F ins
Flowers: lAUrn.lo Airiq4P, 10,111/i/ioi mile.: is. ..
tins Intrirb Plow,
EW DRESS GOODS—Wo are now re
1 ,N.„;•:.,i't°,!,1'; - .7r!prit.":.7 1 z.r, r a 1 .;, - ..1..'7,1';;:f. ,- .1 , ':,
nmettap, .I , rehrh 31riluo , . al/d 'flab. Cloth. tnyr 1(0,1
plocra font 0,13. lonp3l A I A. II A.,ON i.,1'11.
W i!ti .. 4 , :: ,. - 6 ,
n., 09D 5, 5— ,0 A . . 10, 1 1 . ,.. h o. lts?: , 1,t( . .::: :„
plat, it'''''.l, -I ,Yt°,:r i,"ti,t r; '"i,' Aih . ..'l!'"' 2 1 " “n'l :"
a-..urt.tnorit and very elm,. 4".'
' I ''''''..' 4.6
~0 ,
_ ..,
IgI'LENDID SILKS—A. A. Anson a: Co.
kJ hare ,n,t n,ll a l,atitlful amr.rten.nt or .cry net
b. 1 1,..1 and plaln Mart ,Ilt.. The OK,. deetrable ~...l•
ure wvll worth Ito ntl.vatxn ~ t purrbnren. Ain°, amp
ouperinr Gro d.d. Atrigur. bath do Chrhe 1,1.0.110 Clo an th,
dim', Rc. ~...4,
—51111114117 k IttAtCIIVILLD have armed thin
naorninc Int et SeriMl tlainct tavl Itatertin dl .fiv
Edo n , ota d n,vrthlge r . Pohl.= - Folttlaha any In.catiaa•:
ihrvad rdCingo AEA ittertiouv; Of ai sr 111,1,16[14 .41 , 1
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
No. 105 'MARKr? STRELT,
T { . [ IL PALMER offers for sale, at very
lon prices, • full arsortosent of Strew .0 0111110- •
err Boale,s In •
kttrliar:T.s-Fros•ign and American plain and 'nary
Phan, Braid,
Chip, Unzip, Milton, L., Bair. Pe et ...S
-haman, no.
EATS-N.% Youths', and Bola' Isightosh ma ey and
plain Bald. /Straw, Pumas, 11.11 b, and Balm Lea. 10-
poste Lonhorn, Braki, Straw, Cbity Wrap, Lace, and flair.
SWAM ipoey, loon y and other tunas, inn rost mi.
sty of shape and mannish
RIBINIVS-Rlch Bonnet . t 4 Set plain Bade and Te
rabit., all widths and oolon; fancy lianse and Crape Caps.
t,. and whit and colorsd Mt 6.1
Chß.% Netts. .
• rST.II4 W VAIMMINGS-Corb,Tatnelo, Ilattone.
VUWALYInneh .M American Sprimbuathirg and
'U NLSE N' HILS9 011int776-01aeo. On. do tit
c p i tzth r i litst, Flortnee, sati • tirthsr styloik atoned
-litalsidtinidltles andtstora.
• AJtotillob and low anted Parasols and Unittoftriart
&link tn.
Chickering's nano&
TOEIN H. ItIELLOR, Agent for Arr
Chlrkaring"x Piano, f. - ,r rtt.burul,
anJ Wercern
an d
and No. hl m.] 4.,
I pant rml an, and very large
432 FORT E- 4 , f u. 11.1..ruannfin,r• Clnaerinw.
BOA, c.f u. 0.• carvoi an.l
1 1 0 E . SALE- A second hand__
N A N,. ~.t.,,,. pinclut ca‘i ,, kganrili
~..e. n... L. ixiii.l Ai linitliorn. Prin,nne
lininlrl midi lint' iliiiln , on `, nnin , li. ,
emlit. • r tlin nau.ilial,iniutil llr tn.: for sal.. LT •
i...-31 ' InillN 11. MELLOR 0 1 11.1 Ft.
New Music.
alut , thet.tan....t zephyrs Ws:
harp that nn, thrnuul. Tan, halls.
Comm', thn Ur, littlurtut lan.' Punt,r,
Auld Irotuu Urn, !Attn. It ,1 Unlit. Hood, (a
nnum mse, btu, 1..311 , 40 ttu. slot,
Tru•Cartaln, Thu Lord, Inure, wall mu.
a Prttltli tio theru. lilnturt
Caraltur. A inetinat Hymn-- •I•ners
Smite lite harp Gently, Pr t; , u . • r.arpyi.••
Hu..ll.urr: w
TI,. but withnnlorpti ram,
t•nwort Ana.. ran, Fun, DEW,. Flow,. Subut•
Th. m , ., Pre. ennu. • titth and Bloomer Itutlnt...
Call rut, pa yam, ritralle Waltz. ar.
and t.r Fan. PT JOHN IL P11:1.1.011,
Wotrl etr.rt.
Double Reed Melodeon.
hUE vubs,rilwr luts just ::pond a vary
tta,,a.,o. 6 rAotag•ta with double 5.10 f mai.
tea •I, tarorotinal Int entat., Cerbardt Nerdltt,
1 inAtrucaent tA en nal power ant' anon urns.
and mart,
InudAnt...riot Is, It In paint .'I Arrotorrg of tont, cit ,
and rt'OYTC%'../.E.r.l‘"lnVil",i'l.,
Ir. pre , tends neAferable to any uth•cangtrument
sigbaur hutch... an 1t...tea...1nt of th• kind ant rretret
full, Intritml to tall unit rwentin.. Int. yam, pc•eleug to it/
Iganutalrat arse frhin lle tril.Acritur'e unary.., kering
trAn at.l.aett enure...lC..ll ltti• tat,
'II. eole Agent
tr.,. for the trrininal te.ltAr, Carnardt a
New Books
I UST lIRCF.IVED and f.n. ,ale by J. L.
ktik k %rt,:
Fort,: Id,ukul Trkr, mpn ¢ IV,tern Ctuu
Life karnruic tfok lokukrk. and wild u no% %Wrenn:re. wk.
kis..4rtutok, k nerkuu: rkprrat lukk, Ok% , y J., r prkun,
Rule and Idurok of Om Euglikh iu Atzu,k-s. by /WI
1 lie 1.11% ‘ll.l Ar+.1.13.• nl IlailryNtal
, mrrrtl, It. ulthor 41,
A 1 . .0t ”. A 21 - .eue..r
11, I, c,I
r.,t , K.l r...v..31,1 In tamslcanl.
'IL., vv..] Sr 0
lb Iv nil It, tub.. .11.1
ir i
11-nth Nal ...rot, .Iring with .n.l n 111 r •lirrion
to. I ru truth towl vows of
lb. xillst.ll..r. ton purnern.t.l,, artnc.ot.,
urkl Llank ork. ,ntionnry yrt,
louo, Moo. of r , 1111.4.11. ob., to
n ni 1,11 ploroorn r
Nunna' Grand' Pianos !
f UST RP:CEIVED. :r , plendid
o 'ar.l
tr ra t ttra lt•rarttort at at a Clark.
It r traztstr tit nt
,11.11 platrzat
I• it
tl•LI. 11.
"" fr
i;1 , ;.... " 1 ! i r j.
t,.., an,:trwanunsir str
ttt r,:r. ta 1-r - r 111 'rho 1,1....
I. I it rik., II ta1.1,111.1: I , tl '[hip.].,.
A History of Pittsburgh.
INEVILI.f; 6. eltAlt;. F.p 5 .--A 1 1 s
p I:sts,l,ruh, from :1,...1'1., utu.n
ors 1-.l•l.l„:,ms'ul ,1
' r
•-•::•ssE russussru t., •u I s•s's•ss. st.c
ur..ur lu...stsnn tut cum
•-rus.u.:.•!... ',Os • ustan'try
•• Luss:rs— • t rasstuu.tess bs-ro •nussai
•ss: unuttst•Tasus,
.• sts ohs- ,st • Issr.. ••• tuspos
awl s.l o.usral I.ssuss tu.s • pens.: uf •.• ni thr
us:, en I.s-turs.., nr.lsr s•rs..•• stul.ust.s.
2 1, 1. 1 ,, ,th 1 1,- ,
L,,,t,1.•.,• , 1 /I.
New Stock of Cilickering's Piano Fortes.
1i tAIN it. MELLOR. -I 1 .1%,0,1 0 "
eine 11 .ITT. ,
h I•`.. AN. r, Irc.m Lb+
,o,rz • th.. nr. L1M111111 , 111,-, Tl..
, • th• , un• n•
tr , n
1.11 t.tiLon
.1• 1 1 I, II
6: I
tarrt•eary. nu .Ya-aaa.t.- For,r
Yr no tray gnarly or ao ratan,. wt.., 1..414 •11 ntan
ratarl. ,• oraloon I loony:, a. loari arnaany. I .1
I 11, I ,to ,oc 11 , f ira;
v••• •t• ,••••• .r• 0711. t Mgt a
rynA• ,tar f Ita t as.
.urt• I • r ar , na an Lpr
10..ty all. r 1111 ,n 1 tryt ota M r ] r 1 k I
.Newnatant. Yroaan-s, •••-o • LLY r Ern,
S . O Lt Si: (1./11 int fizrk: I , n ;
~,h opps•rEn I.r ant I .ta I. at rain 1.1 - ...tnt .attut. yul o 4,1 a .l aananany L. karat. mot.
a. r YrEaotl •/: Pat Etturrn rl
tra I...xlmer • Coo: , t nt. troth, - y Lunr.l ca , al 11 I 1 atlal'l in"
"ntt. Ltt I I'L.LE aar:• '" Pat. PoEtt of t-n r+.l, tt.taling YEL-1 • y 11. LI Eyrratll
.• cania. lanco, rung II ai• Lanaunont
IL I noty,l 11-faa 'AI •
1 Ely lor t a —lnat to.n tyLi born &Marty.' • - .1
it. Mot .rynnyaryrl I • II 1.1. 1
h• Eno aLys.. Et gannlrtll.:. I tby :non L thy lo En rya/ L 1.,a1L1 .•
of ...rya-a La LI. LIE L. tn. a.P., I tl .• trr. ,
a ;2,1"
It 1.1.F0L/ rr.,nt trioyt ' ' •
ttnn Ur Ilyltlyn horn. ty a latt/ ol at oLter Ila -LI In:. any stank n, ,tt,
I It In tan:, • try , La,. and Not, yr., L.., Lyitui
Sacred Music Books. nt I 1. r. "Pannbanr, nta.l rato,ngatat
Ly.Er tion: 110, turbo, Llark It' .1
A NtICA DIti , M Ivon c IV,.hh:. n•
. nottyla at. n Lor laa •In to ant tat agnEa I
' • 1111,4 to.telt rruEs..l sat, Lug., Ea a ahay tan, manta,. ant IrttaLy
'IEI a.l .I . t. a E to n ..! Myr+ Ant Part a ' a " .. a.. a. " "a" at, a ' aa a " .a
101 l N It ii,r
•rraneral i"ar thy or 11a111' ai ••:,
arn.a att. 1...tnal r.l tIE Var.,.
. .
. ..
. .
.101 IN 11. \11.:1.1.01(.•11V.,1.1.
.. ,
TII E dif.•ulty of obtlining a c,.rrCet and
,:,- 4.1...1 4:1.7,1,t 1 OA. ...n , 01,1rIC 1.,n
vet. r..llij Ciariunvic tilt: •
11. Ii1X111:1,
,Izto Om. Ji•rp. No WI Tlitrd
New Music
OHN H. MELLOR, No. SI Wood litroet,
nor Rl.l
11,1 ,
l , Lry C fmrn Luels 41.• I.lm
Oki v,rry .rino"r.
\,hell. ltul~k Nbp.
Worl d s lislr Quirk 94
1 than ll
Alutottalat t- `l..ptuK.
rtov uttattt ,tart.
I,ttve. Pru,•r,
• •
N li, do, gum..., rn,.... Imd-r t dewing young; rharal
Wit,. 11,1+4 ... y tux. k :-.',•{1.1
Ann., nod 2111Vri 1,11 Waltz,
1.11y..1 , .n , y , Far, ISlomyr, Alarun, lire Hy, Jenny
Gray. rlyraru.n, Wunun, 0011.13, Cups,.., and WI,
emrn —A larg
.. at gamely of Totes awl Dealt,
.m., tr
S. 11A V EN II t•lntu.nerg,lare,
ea, her Menet Mernwl
)4rget and ,mend etn..tei, hvr IM ride 11,. largeet
1.1,11 /4 Wank Doe.lta err r 01.1 "1 In UM. rim —reenwting
e, L e gg, Juigmals. Day Itemke, Minute Donk, A., 1-
~ et y I. or towline. and at the loyeenprievee. rm.
, mtgagee. Ponds. Deelaratlone, Irglentun, Execution.
,J.mrnae. I•umm Line l' Act, Artlelea.SAgreement.
A ttaehMente, Fro I:3ll emr, ,
Ve E. 11A1 EN'S, Stationer.
nerel_ mmJer Market Ina Semml et*.
(.)'ER TILE WATERS NOW, by 11. Ryan:
Alnneirfl; Mountain Palsy, by f nieri
I was happy en. I loved you, In dreams oi peons.
the %Fore, with vignette, lAwit Wart; 1, rteal to thy La,
tiro, ulth vlg rOts, Nell) Illy. Votter, The Serenade, by
Schnbert Tlte Ut y ebStlee, by Itureell,lJ tidy Mebeary.
,Pcnie nuoP. Who, the Bright it avec are I/what. &lett,
florae. Mom.. I lone The, doettof The ii'll.l Old Wood.:
belly Lady, F.renlag Soir—Twlllght.,Pewa ray.
Weeping - , Home I het I, drawlna nigh. due tee, S.E r e nt
13111/d runlet,: !hal Columbia, with of Urn. Belle of the Villa, Vale,. Militant Las
r Woilt-a; Nonsuek Walt= IticVe Farorit.,; Melt. Album
Mao, ii,erlya Malta, Ilulletone, Ferrel. FoxolllsamlAa.
onahly Polka, threw Alpenhorn, and
llitifels,alth colored viwnette, by Beyer; Flower Scbortiabl
aliala Pal.rau and be Petlt Tatobour—ltondow, Silver
S flainplrituarle' , Quick fltepf , three NhOley Orertures
—No. I, Pole of England: No. ll,.:lnaufrock of Ireland; NII.
3 Tula? le of 1 ,- aland. for role by
1 veto) JOHN II MELLOR. tt Ward Pc —
EW BOOKS I—The Stone n,
'alarm of Palnt Point; Tab.,
U. bomarttn.. Troolated Isamu the
,ivtee , ii of Rev. Edward Illeacrsteth, late Ito.etorof loopton. Merle; liy T. It. blrks. hi liortor of
Hertz: with an introduction. by Stephen 11. Tr..
1 . 2mn., mu.
ninon's !tom. Antinnltl, a alanunl of Roman An.
ma. frith noon, our nor, I.y Chorine Anflp.n.
L. P.
Livia in the Park Place, or Riern6rialn of Chriellrin Life
Irvilse id. 11.. Aston from the flerman of the Anglo.
ton heonder7 Itmo s molt.
The Star of the take Mem a Commentary Gnaw SePon'l
Fhaptorl4 St Matthew; by Richard Chenerls Fnneh, 11.
10., Chaplain. f the I..nd!Whop of ut
Ilt•keil from thy Inn.lon edition. Inn,. mue.
• -
Elemrntet of Algebra., denial:A
ert 11,inurv., by k7tu.. Ltmr.d., M. A., Prof...or , f Math-
VA tr,Lo
lh rin
n. i Field lt..k of No 11.eyolution, LcArlng.
n f l Mootti . ll . M i ttr6o . e.
••••p2 7f Aalnu Youffb
EIV BOOKSl—'Navels .in the United .
Fla. a, .. doe,. 1.`19 and If !An by tL , rn
Ludy E.
NFtulart Wortley: I vol. t2no..
III.Lor) of tit,. Empr.F.:2 Jo,eDhtnr. by: , . 2. CaLbott
with vn,rseillg2, I Tot.
. •
. .
No. h. for Auaust, Appleton's Mechanics' Alantalne and
No. 15 Vichorlal 11•1.11 , Aolt of thr 100 fut,vv.
No.. 7, and 30 Illetlonsry of Ileshanir,y Enslor Dort
and Engunserithe. Just reed and for sale by
J L READ, 70 Apollo Ilulldltuttt.
fourth etro.t.
Nj rtrr A ttmcnnro base Just Orstlrpl. a Ict of serT
besttlful Runtish Printe,toado expsreely for exhltution ut
the. World's Pat r, to tehlth the at tontlyn of the IWieala to-
New Books, Just Received.
YEAST: a Problem: reprinted with corree additlonr, by the author of Alton like.
brroo., roue.
lllrtory GI Cleopatra. QIIIMP bf Egypt; by Jamb Abbott.
I' Mel%le ' id: a Tale of the Puritan,. 12rn0.. moo.
Eutbn ry; Tale: by Annan. borry. out bar of "Friend.
and Fortune , " Pap. and roves
t ogletotre Illetbanice /flagon°, awl Engineer: Jew,
' 11 . ) - g ' ;' 2. bletiontwIr of diaehoniew. Engine Werk and Ere
ginwrlnic le. 31 and VI
hotelmen' Ilirtorlai Field Book of the iterointlon;
Itateetlow ItOgraphr Fal Itlble History: with 01 LIU,
croraphk %woe by F.ll. of Eon Uenetwe Canted
crows edito4 Usniel P. hlddor. nolloe
d'or w 41.. by' J. L. READ,
-- 11o11.1bc.tta. Fourth et.
pen and Poblle Memnon Cr the Uhltril Mtn.,
the Arcenkat of Neorn We/Moen to the neekten
uttablito,nutee=acoelna onetime don
Nil/nine& Ima= eantrAin:Ptir ' ,ll4itorkul.
-Geograliesiikrauticstansistieraitonamicsl, BF
=re or the Aru itaatztures,in=or t :
tyna., or Um, Mug tram Ital.
. 4
I . 1 1:Ir ."‘"b - 1 3,Vel.X1V2S. rautert.
Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup.
. tb.fnc, rmrta.n nrol offaa - tval retn. , l lea
La' of the an.llna•-t, kr, rtgan. ,rer
ml It ia rotot.,natp.o ..t re.reteLle
-Ita" II lb , I,yrt.p. iv • nl,r tnaa, It palata
ble II en a...0n , tlll,ll (n. f tb•
M.,11,1nr , Ln a.. it nut muatlpat.
Loa ola. rarr pralur , •t/lIIIR , II. II Inuit
r i in C,llOl
r , lngal , lb.
elorl• art,n.l ant Ilrabelti.
aae,ll.,a, and It+ n0 , t1.,,,a. , flect in aI/a,.ng
11c.rne,, and Naghin.,. mum, n. 11.1 ;at a,. • , ,(41n.
pr , ,, , 10r La,
,rel yrurs.andllls •uraaa,
Country ,tore w.,t41.1 4.. keep • Puny, of
Lea,. ran It
,tv. , relief. en.laff.r.l. a lar, prola_
a the no the CS
thP p
t tnr, Ct.tixt. Liwre Igvn I.touchl.
ttee roprie
yrry short fizw• Is one of tl,. rure
up lo half pttit II Ilk. et to r. , u11 , I a. 13,
mt 5140.
V.7r arvl t;y Lx ,t NtrlN.l4s
LI., I lo Wood
Fur Bedtime.. Sehr(, hnnarull, nod the ran... 4heehnls
a theen,h,—reehthruended I.) the 1'1..1,1,4 1 . .. t. oth
mere's' Jeurnal, Eeeinn t : Trlbuue, Chnuilwrehlarg
net. mrel other telurce, he the best exude extant f”, the
he ae pleg,ntly perfume, pre,rn•
huh fur rehderinh the bh)r eat .1,1 0,, without N.lll.
OM. (11111,1 Kte,t•
6lrrnut , l to run• tn. vroz, r, , rs of both ern.. In e
maul Inetantanonuet,
In gnarl and pent ltuul.r, r , Lao On. Ilr..thow
I'l , land ',AI Upper than., leuoton
hn trout mccuannen,lnt by phy.hirtrta..l the both..., au
Moray a. a Tat uabln . r.rae.l, tn C. ,,, wousytion. ovo.tuta
Chronic Pnenzuonla, lbeketa, Cart., ol th
Bonne. Uhl. Re 0.1 1.1,.
11 I hluhlr r.etunnwn.l., by C. It: IS 11.1.144,. h
11 SI / TY. At II
E.. to,: NI I, I,hl Itnuts..
arlie,u Col tot may on a. ta.o.
land elwourall, tertnt 10 .3•1.. r If W. b...
1 1P1 , 01VKI.L. I W 11onl 4tc•
- -
61 . ELLEILS' COUGII S'lltlll'
thIA mrdirrnA in our 1010.1,. An.' It
nor C;Ax.....n. II 1.. z, 4.111, I..rAA•ag I.•
robin, Ar. wltlrl. 1,4-A Alr..rA4 11... pull, A
tLir E.I 11, ;Aar st . .. would ra ., 1.11.
n bAtt1....1 brurr r ter..
o.,,,ALAr. ma; rvq.l. ,If tlll IN 4 .Lit. r
Atir •rtAAI ol 1,1
WJin t. Awl .1.. AAI Vlktl .•ur A
Anuar an thr trrAminrr...l,lo..n A. al
Arr.vl,l, Ar1.r,..1 A WI.
_pat:fain, "
Taal rot I II 111:LLI..11,.07 11..4 I
witrrE- A I,enutirul got
I•w lure 1,, lb.lnnYllnn, In un nn oa st
It Inno. ,1.-1 lot '1.., Alk.l •111,, t•in , ;n
niter, An lb, Ills• 1.,1,111,-.ltibn 14,bn
.I.lsoubl, ,4
!yr nal*. by
Int,. I,,nyt, 1%1,0 ,411, bYrb.nn. Amt.
b.!! nanslab, entrbnaly. Ro-n. t‘nnon
t. l
Th. Jkx , oord.nary thoenrPry In t.te it oriel
greaf Arabian linnely for .1/4.1 and Beast!
H. G. Farrell's
11 O. FARRELL'S gentling , Arll . .tn.
Gnirk..lanai Put,. he tat: "•
"''' Itltt •Hatt .a U... :-..1 I I I
to tat. a .$1 llt•tr .NEII4. art."
rt... ttt otp—t ••. runt,a
hat: trtrt t.
. • .
k. 1,1 rl.. I .1. •winc r-nl.l* , ta++, whall .bond
al.-m..4,... ,lu, , II it rtrai,
rum! at; 'al, r..v1,1
M.o. (x 1.,r tont a 1,01 *an. sw-tiatc nr,..r.,4 InT
ote.‘l,ll, tv,,,..ux In otr.' nnttl 11 1—
ut, , tar, n• t , t. ttt,l thxt
1..., tel..t. •annui ...tout& Lna tr , tra.
pain I nt • I r..-• t.A...1.11,
11 ➢
tn. ; .L ila ..1... 11., a r 11.31,
Tro.n Mg nr ~. I Tunntr.
untl 1. fur., •••,-.0 to- r1:11a,
cNif. ritt..ftt .titnAtsno. I gut,st,nni V. 11l
Yarr• I. • At .t onn I°,ll nn.l, •vanz.-
•Itt..r, Ott
Crorr,•.l I tinl,ll. ntAll
ttv•l her tre• h•t;c •• Loh. h...
rrliri• th. g• ht I.••• /.••
al • to rl.ll r, cm,
Berm, of Ccuntrrfr::.r.
The Publir .r. puitr.olurly rt.tttt..b...l J.:loa a If,
artourrfryt • tau, its zrprartusro tatt.l
c... 11,1 I cq.,.trr vat.. mato It ',I It ittrr/.11 . 1. ArwLl
WI llttr tr ..I.ttaurrtour frat.t.l Kul nt..r..
tr..m Ittrtnr I tter.l4 Tir.rr.
t,.. pertit - ot tar qrr-r . r •tt , r...nt• • I ry
tl...:euta.n. t..,* r, t
ss ..n ktt, wrr,,,, , u5..111,....
1. .Ir stA-sa
/..m.l, P.ors3
Ages.; , r - oltolor.rr Tmro, I /Hoz. •n 1 IO
loltor to 11.Ei 1 . ... rm. I
12,11.•nt h• a .fv• .if lurpixti I . Tya Charv•.
Look ...talnina art r.11:661.- at.1,,, •1 , n ifLuft
.11 • Nt,
Atkin ntr,t, I.lnal , -.lst
yrtpri•tnin F
mAgtlaw Sr. GT ~,t1
Wild 6, U. Allezhenr Citr
The Human Body knot Perspire,
4; 0 SAA SNATuItE, to haven ho: lthy
I. Inntratane. nehl hern•ne whn an hoterecare. are ltl,ln
In the thoel tit-cwt.:a SRlttlerapen ona. JON.. Itanah
Chelan-al ~evaa mane e s In. ,repirahnn, and nt the •
time tra.llll,e and aolten• the 1,1, tnaina It the tea
ct an Intaare.
. .
Ithanct. and :Ultra. am not onlr
wtt.l itt I.w. at at Imhu pby.irian. t.. hrt. Yu
b* ut. It to ea.., un.l Lod It 1141,111,14-9 s 1,1, In
nor other mt lo,luhlvw. Th.
ltha 110 , It nu plut,l nu•truo, tt
on, Mal 1.111 prqv.. I ,utthl nntitn,ate
erun.4.l non• tunl, run, butth
ltu thr n•luler in again araun..l I whuhl not rin•
11, it tt Cur Ow I an..a . it tut..•all I Outo.
Titur , who sr.. rhal,l, rh.Ltp,l 1.40.
will hu.l thin nut only •cum, Lul a un•tvittile: +lid I , th
noc only u.hl. that nut usu. allintol W. au, o:J
f the un,
or nimtlar qt...., will bud Eh., 1.11..n4 pr., non. 1.. m.
ite than I nano.
air Hut . mw rtoroo Aro eMJ.I with Irwinnor"
sad t. our, you uk fur ItulinuebtalSuay.—ntad
buy it onli NI JACKSON. only A.,ut 1 . ,;?.1 , nr0tt.
bowl or 110...1.
Pearly Whit° Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
be 0.1 tot et , tita—Pprnomt who hare -atm., an• hmmta
bly w r that if th,.tr t.r.nth 1 , RP fool. er thrir
troth yvt4sw, and pm-noted w au tartar,
that a root nf Joon.' Atnl..r . l,4o , l'ant. trt•lto
j .,. _ ..._..,.._ ...e_...,..._..-..
F.l4lntllT et JACKSON `4 :Itrt, 110 Llt , rt, h... 1 ni
A Scientific Hair Tonic, Restorer and Bean-
Mex.—Trial INttlix Y. cents. Thor', etto lair. , wed
Joxts . Coral Hair I,,,torer, know itr nu.lltt.,
Lboaa who nitro not. Ir. %sr), it to n0r..., an, folloarlOS
uuahtlr.. 11 will fora. Lila Lair to grow on any part wLera
nature intrude, hair to prow: nlnp it off. t rrurl
or datatrult, and onto r.. 1. any hair noon dart
rrntlrring the Lair poll and Allay, tiotblow. can
thle—lt to trul, Leautitul, and keeps tt. No. It In.
moot auta.rlor—artlebt tor ttir
8014 only at WM. JAClif),llla •FL 0., 410 Lilwrty 4trart .
hart of IVonr.L Illttahurch.
Prlera—Zl7){, cant,. GO meta, an:.l SI.
JONES' Solution of Jet, u Liquid Homan
Ihir Dye, thr ctour;tiort t.l' whit, mt. or prrer Ina,. tn.
twatitiful Invw, or Mork J. rtAnr, $0 a
cry.. likod
Ihl.l by W N. 210 Lite rt ratm•t. brad or WC.I.
Pit.l urab.
JONES' LT LLY:WIIITE.—Lactior. aro can
tvioon 4
ta g w i a n r s e t
hvnAwlow the normll6ojur o
i p t . e , Itl Ci
k. Tskhin
how °name. how roach, how fallow, yellow, audotthealthi
the chin eap,rs. alter Usingprepare.l(l•ll.: le
I' Vro k lT4 r ; n ri?VaT• ' . ', l ' ll . l%Yul‘Tg i' ele ' ll„ h :r . Z.lo.lrhich we
call Jenee . Ivanl.ll Lilly White.
It le twri. rtly Ina. ,,, nt. twine attrilh,l of ell deleterioat
moth. onekln. filing It 0,0 and am..oth..
h thitl ,, i/ v ctl.J . A r
1 tro. 11. rrettr
at. lawlr
B. T. Babbitt's Celebmted Soap Po der
without labor! War anted
V to tyke tLr NM* Irnrrzt r J t 194,
liutecelMo Yon Usr —Pat yo ur clothe'. In a s•thrlent
onantite of cold water ta them. then add t table.
of this Fray, rood,. to cult sin numts water
awd with the clothe., if the water It hard,aid kr., 01
the Powder , and boll them n minute,: the mean time
press them down with a .11,, then put them in it tut, and
dd sulllclent warcr. so that th ey will oat 1. tan hot
to handle. Theo rub the dirty stmak,, or In other words.
give them a thorough rineing. and that Is euhlrient to
Make them clean.
h. 11.—Ther.. bring to mein In thinßony. at will Iran.
the clothes Trey while, and bad oily smell. as roma
tnapa dn. The entire runt Of I no
L. mateilal duce tint
+d In r 4,mmmp4Na
Thls to a Venter that oro paper Will make terclee quarts
bedt. family Soft Scar.
DIRECTION , FOR bsr —Take. Fay EIS Quart.. water =d
roll the Powder with It, and then Ict It boll. en her rat •-
Wet, then add sin quarts cold water: stir them Intimately
loved:cr. and Ent it away where it will not freer, and
when mitt Trill he Tory thick and pion Whim Roan, and
will 'earth well. and will ort , cat the bands like other Soft
t 7.1 P c
,"°' Iktihr; ntbc.. Can
n6to d
tweisc, ". Tne ' Smt Soap heat adapted for wa.til ' ug
an.l wanton
Scld lrloArAele sod retail br R. E. FELLERS.
No. 6T. 11'0,1 ec
• o
OSSEI.'g AROMATIC VINEGAR._ The highly 'amatory. Litleulle and tonic propertira
a r r Vinegar. rtuder It far auperiar le Coleco. AV•ter
cnr the ordinary parp...... or (Po tr4lrt and bath, eurpaw.
log _ th e latter In It. te.rrunne and theardiesS, nod in its
g e...aree chins., far Wenn - mason of clesolineaa and health.
It It highly reconimended 1.. I.dlry h.r tte. ordinary and
dollen. ;moan. 01 the toilet. and to preerreina the
trerhoctot or 0,mo:tole:ion. Itermolient propertlra tear
per the twat and dm neaa of the akin, and impart to It an
agrreable alanicity. fly inhaling It, and rubbing no
tempi, it will remote he...lathe in few talent.,
p. 14 ICILN. tl IlLood et,
+O-PAItTNER.SI.IIIIThe subscribers hare
outer...llnm i...S.Pairimmrshl and.? the Arm of Brain..
att Won it Otely- ETI Fki,
all JUILLY hi. otit.i.y.
ENNETT,i r BERRY & CO. have mmoved, ...hby...cormochumirs
t amt.
<<~-,. ~.
N6ieA 185 1. lia l e
mositac. AILKS A W.. Itoofin , rtn. Iti•Artloutr
91IIE PRoPRIETORS of-this o and well:
to,wri wouhl thyn . lti.- of . that th ey nthi
"Li . ; f=.
Lmeails ••..t.trutl. .L the lauding, trlon• tiormn•
ushol. Tr. eirr. lrostrht.
J.rlit, A. 11 1:Y, Au-ut,
outre, n.r atrrJathl rlturthne• I Ft,, hit •torqt.
a II UnnuintAun. Nes Cagily. I's.
U that..e r Wlukll'A
t• Niri.n.
~bro Co. tirrenrrlhn
0 Io 11,01 - 0. liarlAtuun,
11,0 Puurr, CountautvillC
C Heed, Erie, 1•34
II b. It rtlhnJue. buffalo, N. P. ' .
New Lake Superior Lino-101.
FrIIE new e•heamer NOBTII,RNER, Line.-10 1.
r•rry nludrfAr
b t
e Lxr
uni .111 burr.. Clturel.nri rl
Igny orrt. ou bur Ling S then rr on
I rt•lny, .t lb. /J•elock. P. M.. for the I•aut` • . ,
The rNotetor MAN IIATYAN, Copt.John . ..OW. will
Irate taut UN.. Alum, fur tto• UHT...A Inn lage on al.
nu,roor,ou thr urri•nllcf th•rtruuner,Northp Jnr; rusk ng
anise w0...t.1y Ilpr, throng tout thewr, •,
Cler tr rhuol an the Coll. , •••1 I run MluP•
• A - TUILNEII, Pro . •tort.
Clutolen.l. U.. Ayrll It. \
TER/1...P. IN lIIVGIInAI's L/NR, fpy tUktto•r,
lIINIIII AM. the laudnerr Pllllllsrlth ere. ,
Eft, L. tr•rosuoal,.•d under th stl•• of ••14•nu. lilngh •
CO'• .01'1/ WM. III:3141 MP,
Binghams' Transportation,,Lin ,
I M 5 -1 .
TH E CANAL being now omn, lir era,
.IT !•k reerlre nag for Aura proulrltly, Prftlorn nod'
..rr•looullor. taut an.l west-
F.,uuht. utnar rat I.l.rert rater rharg Ls rr• ernrulhjar
Prodnrw an•l!Arullantlirli 111 . 1 retelnq ‘ l,l \ td Eartraitl•tt
tt el.l oti
t any , tre fu• forw rtlng
"r Mies
r.oriu: tr. iuh• nr trat,
Poir ••I ‘•
toruxrde.l, mid tn dirvrtinnA f.ittlllll7 ,
Ltd., 0.0.1 11•,4y,
P.two..n Fourth ant Plan., Phrludrlnttlp.
JA111.• 11.,,N,A,nt,
No. North llownpl ftr , rt. lialltrnoreA
JA NIPS ItINU II A NI. No lo 11e•t Cl. •
mob! New Inrk.
1 .07 4••1 18 5 IR,
Merchants' Transports ion Line,
rEN ,1(1.1,a; I e CANAL4AN RAILIIO.I.DI,)
FOR PHI 1.0t3> V'HIA
I . A \I , ANPI I. y ,Aunml
•II 01,1. t ., .I.llH.ft.r.trll Plunk. ilt ‘ os rh(l.
uro yr-p.r/ol to ru-rlor I,l . u...turnip! lA•bnarliro
a • I y.n.loro ablir on tlo. oprunlc of avv rttal. to Philo
•Il IntrrnpAtint.• ylJ•••••••[ rVetr. land ,r
nay yr-, Itu•
d - :s atoro,ol r. r
o u r tn•nrlxl L,
th. t• 11ml Corornlmlonerm for onrrylnu our lAnt. en th,
nr.. I,lroug, w ~,,, Jt 1,0, PottII•II , It f%lr , tlt •
1851 ithi4W:«
To Skippers of Iderchazdise, Produce, &e,
/OM , P*171.14 ALVII,
ATK R Co. orßotort, No 2 . 27 Slarke_ Mll
uL LI. A 1.1,n1 El 1 \ (Nasal'
enr.ll ~.ntrut \ oh, I.•o .atsA, owl m `sto“-r. mll'h sit •oor- aor vlbq Liss.
1'0.1,6= \
Canal LJstb, Penn Strert,
Penna. Rail RoailCo.—Ceatral Rail Roak
,•111 , .erii.erR haring teo appointFA,
ot.reilt. Ihr ,
k , .1-rut rult•l,.•aluvr preimr..-1 , ,c0 re
rar.ut, Lar,Lxr.tre, r
4 t 11 .4 Till 1 •4 - entrifli thr - ..b In CV+ Int.
An - yew - 11, rrllr
I.[Tarry 0.51 rrtrvr.r.o.
Mi.,..1,.i..a15t1ettu. ,
1 .C 4 at..l
1 0 0,,
Ate,•. slwr
. 19 A A (A , 0
01 , r. A COL),
r ricd 14.rvJntnsto.
Freight received for' all the Way Stations'
on the Pennsylvania . Central Railroad.
Iri Ail , Vt. 7,,
%Ohm Jatrsns" , :tta.
.1.o.• Millilt.n.
llnut,t l ~t..J, J. It.Zerhl.:...
0 .6
.., et.. .1 . J-tr.
11.11.1alsc urit.. 1 A. ~.,..1,.
I Jornater. tt, Ifle:lert.ll.
Cr..., . .s.lcderaell .1‘ lisal' It.
1 ,,^ " ...,
.J.,..A.J..n. .i, lialoser i ,u.
A1.11..r.t. mu. Ilerv, .0,11....
‘i. 0 Ttiotr,no.
51 ~ ,..v..1. 11Jrhard. Ilork.a 1Mr..11,,0.
lurk..• titythers
Jutto liu,ett
mrn, of Nur. 41,1 ,1 1.1y0.. a,rn,...
July ISIS. 1551. .
Agricultural Implements.
I II AVE Jt: tiT received from the East the
lh , •ng ippikaretr. .11 thr bert msnutacturn
rarl rrrrut twrrntStaan, 4.1 I ',old assit• all
.1.11 r.0.1.,..uuur
01'01.44 ‘1..-haor..,.trr twrrt, turnit ,
h.r r).. 011.. U.l
r :I.,rtlrr,
sud hand power.
el tun. Often luta lour pruun nut,
untnufnnturn.l Ir.= 14• rnot unttnrint, and for We
nt Ili. l•rua sur nf
lny'47 Corner of Prod and.44lth strreta
Beanmont'kPatent Starch Pplish.
lIATENT}II), July 26[6, 1950.—Fpr giving
L stwautaulJ .. tolinetta, hhulinc Cemnries,CoT
!ara. 41.1r1 I,4anc Ile., and aleo pretent, the Iron from
Inert, to I.lnen. 4c. and prevent.. duet Troulatkiting to
.tc, and mulatw nothing. iruntiauc
Interh.,nr-put yir44 themitt of a p.,a to a quart of
starch when holiinr, {tun latakij.
Prece. It , . rent. petl2.4e. bold wholesale and retail by
It. C. rEI.LNIa. 67 tl.xal
A CARD.—I have removed tomp newatore,
oar , . .a.,•beloo•P th. Ratak Of
etttoburnb. where I wlll to glad 1., soy mr frit4lo and tol
oa cotton.. and re,lor oharo nf tholr ontdvro. I till
kr., ...Ty large satortment of Uptiotatrry, Ileticand 13,1.
Slna Curhol dr, tlprlng. Muni, Cotton sod Mirk Matru
h, Costner BM, 11010100.. and Pulutrg
o..mteroan,, trot Comforts; Window :halos, ermr, as .
Twit: lour Slat, sod ocery article clonal
ly taunt In the
usc.t...ttonglvee.tatllclltneunt tho Mod. tlrderarc , Pot . t.
lull) o.llclttol and tonot promptly rillod.
apl LULL 1.0111.0. 'Third attrat.
- - • - - -
1%1 L—Cash paid for Wool by
.me • UNCIIY 6 LEE.
HAVE just received from New York, on
larce Int of new f WINDUR CORNICES and
ItTAIN LANDS. Inn vale ln..
E C 'l' A C LES l—We have a complete
1.3 *tuck of Onld. Sill., and I.t.....lSpKterinyand the bolt.
`j d am rez And ,orscave W. fir
rerl,ty of Tl.tion, areonling the beet principle* of
I .1c2.41 W. W. WILSON.
51,:n•r: tV4. ° l-oI N I; Ilnr
ro ecr
f!r* C . o ir . o7 l* torn d
11 1 1 .0 '4 1
W. POINDEXTER. Warr etrrrt,
Irl_Atnlt hr ihrive! On.
Anthracite CoaL
Q t - i TONS just received, is superior article
0 1.11, YounYrT "r e. A7Zlr ' / I A 14 'A . CO
IiICE-10tee. prime Carolina, for sale by
orb,_JANIE-A.A. 1111!TC1112ON & 00.
L. E 4 1.-550 pigs.Galenu;
WOO souval Bar, (light barx) On rale by
JA311:6. A. fit TCIIISUN CO.
11. bbls. printe St„Lou
" •' ucle .I . A.7a+ A. lIUTUIUSIIN aCO
TOBACCO -203 kge s's, S'e,and lef's,
~,,,i1 , ( 11( day rn.."L'r ' Or roar
, 4 , k
upS--23 bideSperui Oil, 31 de. extra do,
ET do. au.. 40 to Tftnnerte do• re
.e.vrd and for ,5h,
~,,,, , '
~,„. WWI:. MeCVSDI E.,
ItE c f . lN ... E2 c ) , :y .d liAl h lS - 7 , Ati .na •ar s truent of
tri« ,:t. Lou'. ..-: , traia ' nor. ft, artery, tor rallt U itt re‘2 . g.. ' l
prwo, b) the Av..1,t , .
.... _ .. . .
i 1 FoNUINE ly
N. 3 nupply of lb , . vl ,r. t
port. and I ,, inif ?".....'.
satk,fArtina tc , ,r,..ur .ssod*
34 ~..r. Up to t: "
114 ...1.1 Am... 1,.. unflhrialm
tun m.rortuivur of :.,:king ito
0,2, XII 01
• 4
snip by
M} A. a ely
F. tuerchaftsl thus U.: ins
tlide that L.. alt t q an much
litnotorc. ha,. jun Lts.o rx-
N quslitlon. Also, tt{e
4 , Wk... ilsnuel% and, s
suei,U; LEAI:100
OIL .k IiOS I N 111)1e;'.
• ' ho. t 4.r ,k by
re.s ‘,1408120N, LITTD.E• W.
0LA55K5—tiJ? ,, b . 4 . 3 ., , , A..0,, , f?rtle by
'TANN ENS' OIL-40 bbls. fur sale by
OLDEN SYRIR—I 0 bb Is. Ockidale'ft su
xy hertoe, for nee hy J. El. DI LWORKII.4t..NI.
tiIiATENT7IIREAV--2,000 lb& imported
!L. Wren treat the toanatltclaet• eh , / ler'WY , .
be reit ourchsient • Eel; C ARBV
RANDY-4 casks Wild Cherry Brandy
Jil the ma. by A. ceL.CIERTSUN
m eted by law) J. S DILWORTII &O.\
bII. MOLASSE 2.1) bbls. Bat. Ground;
. car rale by . '• JA ES DALZELL\
/I ILANQES AT - killitlPE, ka. Series 7.f,
Letters fee& iirest Britain. Fr. Italy. Salem
laud, se, during the Yuman of 1851: Jae tallaitx.u..ft
the [eat Kablbities. by. Horse. Oreelex. I sal:, Far
sale at 1101SILV. aPDatitsits , Fon Moe:, GeV
FI I OIIACCO-16 ktge Gvi's No. L in too
ji. cod for We bl• , JANIMIDArizt r, . •
.. .. . ,
'l \ -
\ ~~.
~ t~~E,
=~ -
1 lESIG , NFIT. , onlS\ Nr the eater elwes or
.1„./ t.r.5,.,.rtv,04,.: . 4.... h. \ay - Sul. n , 5,5.1 . AP ., ...1de 5. 1&y....r5.
.issts '" fs t ss. ' f..ity ' at " .....s . L.A .. 4=a7sisl?...l tls Ws , of
dsr../4nso. nal Issolss l / 4 ,1 ...s. cuttre.6=k- ~,,,,,.
r t....';‘, hranch'lslA. .N . O '„., A Pittsh r siy.
\Orleans Insuranett. Rompany., .\
\ „
- . 4j...1H..1 ii,ilecurdartes it3fh Me Gel) , , 1 Inskranti ,
1... of Is , St. ! ' \ s .
rj l l,llE o.lAve prospeiOus and ' mporteible .
1. , , ans., \ 1,..0, mnpllki with Ors ussitioniNssf
s. In* C.l tote Stn.. Ls how Vs.utoss. ,polica st;./ W.
4 470tzt. , hz ,.. ..5t ess,,, . tt r s ,.. t i rar , s4l , V , , , .ol , 4,l , lt . tr. \
\" ' nn.. . ,\", : ,',.,1 : ,`' ..Z: ' ,7 ` :,:!..r1itt., “_ litt." o2 4b.
~.7 s, . A. A. CAIIIIIKII., Aaslst..
)eittsboxgh Life Insnraikee Compan \ Y \
rrii,lS C..MPANY tuns eorporttleti \ s
1 t hena , ry.slest. , tsith • Isvrt.s.tust Cha rter, 413.1 h',
'''t!:.7. p.. 4 74`.%'.4,:•Z;:.;t;.' LLb"fec,...,, . \
On 1.1... J Int Sitoc ‘ k.plall,thA rat. ar.• On hird ‘ h.... than
thaoss. char.. 4 Mi11ua1t,,,155y.5u55...1,0d„1 , 4.,..1...r C.,s, 1..
Lower thats I e ysts.,..l, trsolsst tstock tot-apish,. .'
Thathal rot Are tt,t. aSsAs.. 4.... tbs.., ado,. lit ,that
I\ c, ...
44,-, Y , ',mi.. I C , A , n5ui..0.:11, ,,, .......r...A t. W. elutu.
al sptlnclisle h. tls... r. , ,Lulsiss. istnurill..,. Isst hos , tly„thnt
ir. ' .i! ' ,ll ' t itA r 77.:it a O ” \''''."" 0"1'
\ Th.. Chart", 1.41,11 ts the Arantjog. , ...f 1..4. ve . lip,
X. ' .1.1 - ',. `' .7?,; ' [ . .t:l ' , ' o '" r . '- r h :uiV: 4 4, '' . T.T. ' ;,`, ~ L.
. 1 ,„ for I.l,,lrowtskaelus...., bets,t„t . “ , sryabl7ss . d 4q..
t.r p.a. the pats... arsoriug at thessoot 1ti....1. l r c..J.
~, , ~, , ,,,,so o of the 14sPOY.•
\ Jans.-K S. 110rn.7r " .:1.1..0rj
.. \
, \ s .auss..V...l:ll4rtsT. Vln r. t.?,stss..nt
\ i'-iVi' 4, 4• c::.' , ;- ,7 % 1- - ,, TN,
Jnoussr.,l, Ito., Joseph S. 1. , \....h.
J 1.5.0 sN\ Dlworth. ChArle A.V.,11
\ ~sao..s lf,Clorksscs.
\ n.
W.. 'h.R l,- \\,.
\ ss.s j. A'oe",=4“, „\\ ~
110 IVII: . .Also, yjititos, lat. ,01 . ... r e. et
_yVir.\ \
\ ll no ~y.ll...r.F‘rg. 1att5,5....,...tar or 1,-.,.. , 13,7k
\ 5i.0.:...; del., .. losr.hier of Hy. urgh t...tq", \
, psleohis Lers-eh., . I-. li t L l , ogr r tst.r. , r. ' \
,s..n. A Nti 1..c0r2:1,. ‘ ' A, it. Mressimcht. EVIN \
\ ,
*Mut. ...4..
(14 ‘ 19/o.rns, rispmtostt. ,
1, - ,41 , 11 (i. uss. M. fl,\ 1111111.• Addl,ors. M. 11., V,
`, 4,-ritsinh',ls ..,ks., NI. 1,, \ i'... ti, .Iritt.on, M. Ds, \ \
\ . . 1 ".'"."'"Slolg P h.. , ...'.
}4mn,sl lAl.aptsts. M. ALSI, 47 tstatthheld amt. \\
, esht.s.(t. Flsysl.v. 51. 1,-.‘14:1 Fourth 4.*.5t..
Ft. l ' ss ' ii . . ' O l / 4 :sa l ; .ii. 1. k .. ... Vl!i=i „z...t. . \
Dr.. - 14roills *it L., In sittkahsusse 5.1 Its. ollle , e, 1,47
sly ..q. 12.1,1,..k...
op,.Nt` the V.tps ,
y. 1., ., . Forth .g . r s,
A _F,A.9:a.tux. 5., , , , , , .
Frankfixi\Fire - 'lnknran co \ co. of Phibid'a
piliF,CrlVltS, ',Cliprles VT. Raneker, Coo.
10,1c11.115t.t. Thqs.:.ll , ol, Mordrral `P. Lolls, 'robins
'' k ' T ' l r t: t h' ilh h' it
"°r l l' itc 4' r lUr'r4.l,vi'l 't
''''' 'l
.t ' - • ' ' i 'll , r fiti.,•%:4 4, President_
P.n.s fi. Bincr...., nstnn
TN. Comp., sts, - ,nlystirss to ra e lovoraormywrmitnent
h54.t...1.1.n...5'ety snwictiption 11.operyy In, worn and
motlnOust had.
n •,,,raftly slareat.l.
Ist. ' r Eq. \ pub ,
. wso as,
, ocs..
P1E.1'...1 GI \
. 41 ' s .
t° :is
ee of Ills
.11 dss.
Pl.' S r. :f, l
o : Aac 4e.d
:1 ..
. % .4 : , 1,:„ ,
Marie, I' ,
1r 1i8k2. - uran\
a% op,,:t.
• ,MltAry I. I,A. al. I
d.„r, y
r, a, r
n,1,c1,., .... 1,...ith, -,-
~.),,a r 1). - Vn, Pr..':.
C' \
, ) , g:Y ; 'l,zo,r . . N,
C h i.l . 11.
Charl, ,, 'Aylor,
Atoln,,, 1 LI,L, ra
./ 4,•1k,.u.m,A,,,
• .Mt rm. m. \ IL 1
A•t,... , 1,....,.1- 1nF0r,m, , , , Cittill. /.
Vag Inno it, 1,..,h -1xr..210,t,.1c , n, ../p.• •la
arr.l,a, , Lltal ,of .ii tun La: c.
LAteM, rt.,,.1.-re.l 4 01,414, - aism,l,, r...c. r,
Del/xore 9intru s t3afetylnaura.
CH,..k , (4 , .. TLii,l nt.. PlMl.Solphla..
Fla. Ircur,,,,.—Bui mg,, M..r.c.Lan..lifte...
S t .,Tal r iq '' l4 - 7 1 1 tfi l icVat " if, O r r ' W; 74 i= lD N
- 5\,.
....N. 1.117,:kr —They 11..,0 io.rure ' Vel.,l+, ,
sal tl-vlghr., ,t..iri, cr . r.oer -1.., uo.lor up,, op
P' = " 1=2;11OV:TI:4 • All.o lottire Aler.firit,
n--",....,!'115c- kt..:-..1.111; =1',,,',',-.:;:,\
Dnactor."--.lowo R e..RI, Lanalya A. :Woder:Jr,lao 1.
Den, Robert Eartpu: Jam IL role• Salowl 1. ,, 10r•rd”,
01,,,,r, C. I,ippr,,`rec H•'P.T... W ii
ii., 1 olwel I. .lolar, livartio. Do. 11. 31 in.., ,hIIII, C.
i WO, Theaphllus IV , lku,t. II .Irderaoluk Una,'
.Main, Iluah Cram, •••.r., E.:rvill, S neer A:fly...
Char. , Kelly, .1.. i. Jo ram . ,o, Mu,. ILLy, In. :,. Ttiorra.,
1•1 - aLeruit.e DT Pmmitou,li—D. T. Mor,an. luzb Orail,
Jolt) 1. 1.,.,xv0. \ '
11 ELL,. IlarrLl,Preeldoitt. loos. C. 11./...“2, %ice Pred-
LioaL JULIA W. Cuiarr, ~.....,!..rj.
Z.iN.IIFIC.i of Lt., Gamimo).,•.^..rj WIG[
LA. rit 4. ,
tan :`.ITI k• C AM./Ell:A. ofruL
• C.
4 .
~ and Int d Ttuiruartition
Insurance ' \
\)orupany 4 Narth Apericti; .
In d ij.'iT C iii . . kVA,'=".
-,,, t,,, in thu , rit and xicindn al.
nydinn, !LIP. 1.. r .V . V...'
Inland rrtaurp 1!..a.i,i on V
Ohio Liborator7
,—__-_,-, • 6,1.-,--e- • , c.--.ff
„„__,.. 0,1 '9 5 \ It''' .
film , 01 , iiiirr • • ~ it,.
~.,- 85 Illirry: i 9 , ~., ,
Per cent. Strength. \
12"- ELF. YLETCIIER & CO., Iganntetn-
t. of ALCOHOL; Pur•lipiras for Colci,-pra.l
07.. -
pp,l.4tili,l % apor WM:4,y altreqs nq 1.131.
Gm, ol Nhtle and IF mut streets. C11,....t, WHO.
Arir.l II ord,r, from Pittsburgh will to pruotUt filled
at loWeEt m.rkdt. pn,s. .PrAIT
Lewis ' s . Patent Reversible Water Filter
tS NOW to be - een in operation at WM.
SASE I Cto'r, Plumbtra No. 10 Fourth street; Le
a Vert, nod Liberty sm.. and at Pit( ellt 4 Wil.k.k%.
,No. 10 Market...Mr, Pittsburgh ibis Filter limreeeivii
• Gold Medal Irian the American 'natant., of New Vurk.,
and a Certitude Mona the Franklin Inentutiwf
Phis. for im Fut...tin:lqm its cleansing properUrhand shin
°prudes,. from thrda hayind them in me to Philadelphia.
of which the follow in3 r arr etr w att , :•: . .o h , • \
It gives me great Dlennuroto wwortiummt to the levered`
parr. Curu water, the Patent I:eversible Water Falterer,ltr
vented by Mr. Leiria 'teeing 1144 one of ti.{ll for weer
al menthe. 1 %CI enabled to middy of their rah..
daulitil. PLl'f T. Ihr Walnut Wreck . " •
- Purtanetrum. March ItOth. 1001.
The Patent ReYerstblo Water Fliterer. invented by Mr.
Samuel Loam, all d say fur-Anne months at my
prmate rosidenee, is thaty Demon could wish. I
therefore consider privilcre to hart it in mf. Pinter to
re.rnmethl it ON
the public. JAS P...fAiltikAaill
No. Summer street e
Thee., Filters are warranted lo take out any smell or
{sate which may orb from iheoraireed anirnal or vegeta
ble matter to she water. They are warranted to Tart two
year., and wlth erdlnary care .111. not ten: and rmaJzt
my tale eeen to be aprn,laud.
nLATrat A JAADIti,
mylOttf 0 0 10. Aecb street. Philadelphia.
EAD PIPE--CornelPs ironroved patent!
Lead Pipe for lied e.'
PuAq mpse.
Cisterns, ao
All Avis on band and to arilvei for wile by/
mehl7lf AL
lAL 7 D II : IIProt aye t.
Heating" and Ventilation. \
Lleatino by Stearn ln liotals,CoPft Rom; Leeture
Roams, Hank Offices, StoreaPimMries, ilaVitals. mad braid
idnArLodertitenlyition. I, , ealif i atl private. Also,Lanye
temperatnre7efther hi l ßoom lotiotr i l s ' dealre ender l:l7fo7=,
bv ill n ewa ' al
n,natural forced irmane will
ite.prepved erberevi desired.
Iluildinas of the varian• -detwriptione mentioned are
Intel en.. .quilt . brand upon Ida. to= in Eastern Own%
as the method insures a whalesame, unlform.hiah. at
required temperature - N with entire freadnin, front aard.
-14rf•-d____, -, 7Etwx.vvilrgßral.'i.
Copley's Pot Clay...
subscribers ate now Solo Agents
icpley tx , .. for the sale of their Pot Clay. an
article of walP established:reputation for thi tuarinheeturt
of Glass Nike:keel Pots, tek it le tuedehfOrm of Oxman
Innialtdo sub/ o utires knownYand Is eery earefdlly selected
and oire-nsed P Moue an drin , aina.
4:)1004llAKRIt I Cal
CLO'fl(-5.00 yards 4, 4 , 1,
IL. arid 5 quart r.(ir•n aoti. tor Window inardA.
aura - Ow:tor atrviee to any wllmeimanufactured far that
purpose. mist receivid and for elle by the piece or yard. at
the ware mots.. Nos 7 and o street.
onto -PHILLIP&
I,Nksortinent for
mart belebrsled minu.
rb, .d% ba.tolN iuldb
ry. tor sub. by
kat street.
Amer ]test.[ and 6.941,b5 „,_
A N r aiArt= ,-. :6 bbbi. 'fon sale by
\ N, LITTLt , s
ED 041A1HES-6.) bit. for sale hy
swex., 111.113 . 150 LITTLE kc()
N ass d blbbli, for sale by
bonitoN, LVTLE t
11101 , 1-35 c) tons Bens Crk Metal;
Fn. sale by ,;\ ROBIbON , I.
••1••• zit
Ilan t• • varinl stpcl
Ibs. for sale by
E SELLIAtt . •
14 1 7 , 4 2 TaiSii
Lemlea Cap all,
r, be bal at
s;Ioor., s.o.
c<2: ,
Ve instruLted t• e owners to close
t u b rt hefjoirkFenods4 um, rat er,r.l ,, Pc`P
Hoodk C. Detn :!ll24:;
sMACKEREte—E.O bLls. No:3 i4ree:\ \
11 I
, \
''%lP(3 ,. 1 1 .' ;' '. 1 .1) ill" 4.
e\T ..,... 1,1 Lly triedjea,md ,
trarm 'V. u ta. ty yanr,,, , ..
It, '-' ,;.it an l' ai7l .' ' re ' ri g r Zl ' ...tita ' 1
*lrian. of mt eininen....,
tum h.,. t • cub itteil. have A,
I...titiondato stn autirtior
It Ingoi.lle to oft alt rotoptanUnn fir ea,
roarrctl.. couthi .....1, n. ler thOu pm., 1,,,,,,,,,
peranntithrfarlo.„ •i\ n rllla pnlinouary dimii. . •
lei, pain. to 11, I.renth. 111 a.
nit . .tricted .
''. . i .:..ririt:V. L i ' ..../, ‘ hei " i"..t. A ,. ' ,., ‘ ,3 ' :,. ' . 21.. , ,Prtt4.,
tai l l.:,%' ‘ tr;lNVl3V.:;tit;i ' l 'p
Fdtg a s L"' i. N .. ..a 1-4'4 ...7
\te.,..h... r bern (hay cor‘i,Lota 1:.3 the' r=, . l iienecird.
, .1'33 If v. 1.1.0,30, 011,1 RN.. In les leo* au?... , • ,,,tio,
(rum keveni,tenth., ilima,..miaf be Inln.p., Ac . 1,1, 03
rmr:3;;l . ,,°lV 6 l . ;Ar I=l ''' r ' . '. . iTli! Y i It. ' 1 " ;
Li.picall,in Tv /tuck. vink, tirtat rhuta•tic ilia ILIr
thls :•,i: r l ' ,eu r . ' ii:efi ' relf .' irt . 41 " tt t....u7V - Cr.t.. '".. ."'.
tor le, .e tiolioiaft,aott. l 4. l .!.y \
. R.l: i.1..L1. 'ILS. L. Wind at.
.t, EA . .NION'C'S. I'AT I. ; , :q.. sxAii li. Pu
c l .9 It 11, .r givaig tistwiiiinifultylm. , I.l ‘ ..tip
„,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,.a. ak.ii I 1n....m....P.1 all I. talact nit; 1
um prat. nt. be I nin in.*, allierltat to the inert, nil duet ,
tom ecict.Log..,it contl.n• no - thin, ittjunou to r Les is •'‘
` 'l',,,lrg':`,;rt‘ ..:, is.V.l*; t itg,:lt ! :f := 4l l'' ‘ . rrrl
re:ll,th. ii• i "super/U.4i. 15 teerol a atter 9 1 .1 - List ,
&II -One traketcldeapirir dozen di \ sloth ,en s
faintly ' , tumid 1, w hoot itA ,
Pk 123.. 'Cm:italic C.a, aehthilan telt . ull di act
For f hi; inc tra
l. a t
K LLI-.R., 7 11oNsi
- \ ETROLL4I,II, ki, 13,0C1C. 11. \ '.
• ...1 1 / 4 ,. are more dOll/1.1 /31. 133.11/301 and sa \
rkb,.. •
Tr HE v 9 liT I; ES of thin \ronarkablo reak, N.
A. .3,, Vo moidant applimlacq fee IL to the prop. \
AP. hr. Ind him tn base it put Alain Pottle, with la ~.
N k ri . l.lllrl..limi; na, nit Um hettett r f tha pub(, • \
Le 1 . 1 , 11: 1 4., , U31 “ pg.-toot from 'well in this ...tar •
ti.`• t e .1.., In ‘....., ur hundred Pet. Is a•pttre. unedUltera . •\
' Y
..I {a le. eithokt eny them nod ch‘thte.. but Jun .It L L \ '', •
..... i ‘ cout :•• ktUrA+ ilreat I.stratory It,%tat It rontal. i ,
i im. i... r... , 11 1 4. a nuatha rof don iimitAi.a no Emaror e , . ' \
2.r 1 unerriatntl t . lc tbare 5a...,.ny LltiUvi la Llio es. •- • i
i 0.,: a cif riaturt.• wt.,. It Lattanr might be ed \ vaet Usedul• '
•s• .e. alleetenns Su -nog• end ri.iinrion 1.1!.• blrinis ot ' '
~.. ' rtf,,,`AT;rortiiVat‘nai'c".:liq`ria,t'l"..;:‘h,til;tche' pr -.- . \:,
, ~ 11....113. old' ~-..a. The our. tent sad de4l gavot \'' •t. '
etas\ s finit, aul eeNstli . n oisslishle
le tt \ has per. • .
term . e Oise, 1...11,, .n. of It. inture lepularily and '
te.,t. L. t i aggrt , tloAl kA t ,, tv .„ - u v re , i . lf , ftr , n i se r . ,...l,,,,: l „. \, • .
17re ' s that then Jima 3611 No. tort it, . 'X '
ll:the sr of ' or them who 1143, 113.1 IV. hLibe ti ,
r i
14111141 tr iti not Mahn fors also aprli....ion lis Of . \
err illmaa -\tntmaitstinia .rfay. tbst an a number .
Chanute 1.. . .ii It i. unrifkii , V. Amin, tho-o may \' i
l u g Ni n "g:ilitcjo " e t j, 4: t ' ati = l7oV..i;, ' Pilf " .tVer , . '
. 1., ,,,... /0 - .. - rolki . ;‘,.t ~1. 1 :lo;-,.., or,Ow ~h- J t a ssauts, ELIO ,
.1.4 t, hs \
Al CLO T 3IPLAI.' ~1?1,1T.P..-iIA, %taint, Tinessin of the -,,
ENlcnad hi' 5,i,. I%one In th. ittek ar e. fr, :sent. . \
\,l.ii ame. Nouni.4. ISI.y. Ithcamak, %dos, Goat, trY•IP, •
Wise Tett,. lilnkilme. Burns, o -..-1 ...i.ientees, Oki ovate \., '
ge, \ln rase, o stnlity, Inn, Ran exposure, cr •
'tag od rlnr - crt ma of i1t., , ,,, th, , ,tneli•noc will '
bring lief. It I.llPast i as a gerund 1, Ni4i im..l ALTNIS. . .
ATI yl. , ,iti the' ...tam., rani. mow . ouenti t.• cwa 7•'"
inn/3/10 frgalte
ntl'oc4 •-i otructmrin, openspotthe tJue...t.
eas tura. b tuta . gastesauttese - '
• ''''.
' • ' t
Li • neve,
end slait• 1 atur;T til tae
• hl.i \/ h ra of vie4arid e wit ...( PITA....
'r) I , tttortt.t . ot tr, \
mater f the \ ,i ..
Illsanin. neanlSerent
iIEPW , 7 1,ii....
real Irwin A 1.7;h0
eitularly aril...luta min..
ti.N.- --\-- . \
who arm -pick: raid \afeichk, ' a
Pleader end I:blocs, Nlth rhea \ .
AZ, 4.. ntill arint.. old ioreeNrannlna e ' •
. ,
oleo.. b, t..kiiii, the 'IMO - 'a .‘ .
LEUM. it It, Ming n. noatrhin, much ..... { .
' ig ' . '
ant mate it an, we: Prf WM:: ,-• I -
'l '
do t that it hits it: tine .
s 'eh iti noy other n.m.dy. The
let la lad aufferion Tram dltieliaa.... • -, Ni I
Lir •,) r......, . 'rat a \ any of thi. 11/3 conmortit "
sbn -- \ Nt s
Re fr. it ro.ta eery anted° tali. a Via . ,I. Thus Ps.. • N
in.. TO nomtureo compound. put UP 1 . Um Para ... _ 1\ '..
of 1.1 unnlonthe COMMUDIt'II 1101 il 13 0 3 . 1311.11, • \ •
bid by 1 o hthit rf untUT,nodi,ul.l , lrruP fn.. the
bosom o G , r iuMher Para,. In i i naluirml. prity, and 01.••
f,,,.. ”.,,,,, ...i.,,, 1.,,..,,tty • aray kamcdy, • rcanidu .4. , \ . 1
. ..
th lyiTit 'r e . otiad Pales. after oth, r ital4rilocii hare fulled to
re et any it.f. It has c.c.l tlmurantinn: of 'Oh; •,' ''
then an•• f the so at mod mr.if Joni' character. It
cured Ch, e•rn Moth.. to bo. . two dases. It C,,
c mil cid r.v.eaNnt linzation. in width, other anniedl
h . limo cf na sell. As • Imsl ram in .burns and
1.,i7 •lii. It IA I.atte ' Pxliana,,,..nedical ft.. T. 13 or ointment
t .• .e kruos ta. t will- ear. ehithla.n, and trosicd feet. t
•1t.\. , ••• applindimt . undriubliid I. tingiu ma be funoleh- i
he truth con it.a.'i in the 01/../Te eta by call. . , ' \
in itAXICEL. Sl. "LEP., Cll3lll Enda. I•lcathlittet tr i
ettl. j• i the atmuta.
A.M. A .11rt,uoti..r of Wool 31.,11.1.1 1.130. 3 . .
3112,1. r \ I.:chem.::: V cui Inman U. A. hlllon and It. /L - •
. ,
~ ,
'pit. Ito. VS 4.:ELE 'RATED ItEME,DIES,,,
•-..1111.‘JA " 0 R 033, the '•lll.rur atd tote yozatetor •
o eloot con.t 1 .nlar 1.11 he 110401 3110.14311.0.' 11.1113 ‘
.. \
11. Inrootcr oft • mlalitalcd I srtimirrit Inc Intsth4 the i
I.`"l""r7t.',V.Mi, -a . ,Tly-sc:‘,•ti2' T,,! . . 4 n%7; . i.7`:; . 'iirt,m: \
um , . 'nate of the Liti ', M.'S . .. PiAillroinn.aridfor thl T , s . . , .
yeam Fiore hi.. been Onnrd in Inymtittailon .1 , • ~, '. • 1.
~..,,ittal the applimit aof . t.imedlrat.lnnito. . \ `„:
Ihthunli ttie um of •is Lean.. tube.ntrormectonwith L t . ,
11.Prze,-,!v.'%1? - ..ra..:,.,d.m, "..., hL lTlV:e " Att:d h Crt s . \
it foul .o.lw , . guttorrular Consuringcn, Canter,. , \ •
\ t
' E. i.fula, hbenmatiam. Asthma. Fr fir sad Ague. Leven u e ‘
• ,
stiltiss., ohn i n, a:rya/pelt, and all tbr-ie c1..1.1.fis dui
- . . • • • , .
t) Is bor-not by the eat.'
ot one euirstund only; far that
\ lti ' -
nllnVn ' a r . s ' th f ett ' l . h.f d „ '"i med . ie . 7. r ro l trit4l. 6 ll?- '
I most..." wttl. Pls,iinlogml Lao. but by Its nge id
Lit incilis„4,lapted to, and prreeribi.dfot, tart. Peroll. \
Lola uf dim...
Dr.'s Tonic /Monti.. s'when 111.41311iirlsrls••'
brace eteledged to
to supenor al others, ea • pure. . \
o Leer pill. maexaush es they lets, tbs. tusieds per , . \ \ • t
t Irk Ire. suet.. nnos as a 1.... Golden Pills are al- ' \ \
. tad, 1i,,,,,t1.',.. facutra, to µnem, ptcullar prapertora aisPr . '•,
to !cantle dlrna...., but being manned Shit • Lars trtst
\ \3
.Hsi tliciont`bo ',Ladish what Lae barn mid, in tb,llnioda uf '
the taunt skeptics'. s s,
lesto united to call won tin neat, and mt.
re , \ \
cu lit tow of the totottW•r•bittbl•Paot • &M. ' .1 \ \ '-
l i tdl , u! Meh rem dT.lnd
rot sal by the taboo . >goat, sa veil. br 'luau( ,
'Oats throthttiont the ro st•
• .1. rishneganahard,Cia ,tt toast. Pittsburgh. ''
. \
J !I. T111,J.1,121. 11011.3• !Stetter et" .... ~ . ... .
,tee. A. lietkital.Orn , s s tone Post ..3...Allrasts
IT dty. i.. j,
Joceph os.ruenthali,,i. L / rsTer osunly t Pa.
h - ha Ellibit..auba Ii I - .. '•• • I
' aimPtill. ' •
\ .
El-.112r L,,,
Old , c
Ir Wait.
!FIN t
;UP4 .. .11.1: t
30., Phila. '.
V. 11. DAV,
t31.11x-rtp Or.,
_ vt
rrsiclitot tui
wbe found dna
rout:Ming 41 , 1,01
pt. ch., .11 pecepv
3ntc...tiosta prompt
, e prict ,“, cplat ,.. r...!
;Pt lerreasini.— I
ell Mr 111,
—,-- --_
" iTC.I.L.. P 0
Jchn li. - :i rt.
I.,bara b. 11,
NVPII..a Wvkh.
Am.cin Allibuu
. E. Bow en ,
, Aer.lmra.ll,
qt N. 1...cb0t...
ritztlad.init"l PIM
,nee,sl.mle sal l
.Lou.l c.mrecte
\ r?71 .., 0 ch;p , l4l
‘1 Irv.. st,eat
o i l
t c il I
"' Ct i
. •riVz . , 7 l
• 41••
the Readers, °Vac Pittsburgh Garotte..
3VILIC ATTENTION is respectfully in- ,
.I_ ,
, ir , l . l i o n, th,e . / . 1= . , 47 . 1.1%, c , , , it . 102, ,, ,,:, , r4,u to
ye P „ E'r e l' el:AlAT l affc l ouut ux3 i.gdy 'l 4. rrt.zy . a42: ~
f:V. l 2. ( glr s - , , ;1nr4.`1'.:::2,11r 7 ir. u ' r ' l•Vt ' eel ny t a t:
ee.hounity,vid we altrwo 'that I..he ion P wer lt hi tried - Abe
mere Oct,. :?; Its great fume synosd . It le ROt the ran. '
dy, of • day, . up, for the win 1.21.0:50f to - 4.m money;
OnOo k r, whi ce ceive. tout e.g.. to
need erneta
phi of or noetrwob ela te. rn forgotteh. The Petrel.= Is.'
• !!atiriel Beznedykh. ha the lleptha Ot. the oeoth '.„
by- oy 7 o and neYstley that wanner te, reond all human' '
c.rreti . It Ls der duty. when ere weitSaboot a znoU.'"
Z. 7 3‘t°,.,1.;"1; . e1ir a ! , Sir. th i l i'o' t Fi7l: 4 4l4l,l,l=':
ffrs, - b !,,,,°'d.!!'!`-',e,!!!A. ~T,tienk o rdlre.4"telk S t7're:„* .
laer, - teet , I , lt ,. .s m erew s. :VV .,. bkpt of d hnll•
ins . to
to do ih i , that the tooth i ndatlon to
`47,,f,7 .
k ),.
Net to roe.. O It • repot
' triple in the to,' de we].
le .1, I'l4 -Sapts thu maybe seoritainod
In Ckur a
t i), , B e ar iniple t
sor c
Within t .IS, ewe of on
who le,rk , lc be.enT.Ord
cial cswee oi he Otal'e of 0
There And. k 'a need 1
There Te at
be (err' 1.1.rx...., . ---. who hey do.
pot. The caw were - Xn after they 04
ed hey Oh) sieswe ...Pe' . .1. l'etroge,
when used nomad - IT. to hi obs—,
l'iles.lthenerishern, ' , Wit. lion ala,Erso+
Pimple. on thoscare..novitk.' Em, .
Eyald Lived, pal >! lo e on jolnt.r.,
Hells, A., Chronic aughe, ien., areW
Pulmonery.tectkne o 4 chro is slum •
dnee Conr.ashon. \\.
Andrns mot ally. Tee see or
. 1...
li L.
i:Cli . Li
. 4 i,
.117 - 1 e... v is •,
...i..\,..' •' '•
,O..ii I lan!, Ezrtiated _bin;
‘i .' Oftit boo 1=7;141 ` tie ',.
i , 14 ., y , , , 7, 0 - qtriari,' ,, L , i3,lll.l. -- :
"itull• r Ttl.r.k r i gilk.VVrili ..
IMgrZlltlt t :f.r.t . ,K ' „ L th ! I' ll
in tbeiv . 7. Malign il t. ;E• l an,lrl:',El ' 4 '. ,
egabl ' a ' ileforilloth i fq yit Siocla no\
N .
cirkagn lb.: ntn , ,ii .
one.llei e • eit , i L lliroorral. For .
tail. by 'I.I..YSEIL lt Elellol LE.,.,
Alta—R. . E Ivo., II IVoalltreet; ' .`al.
Elliott, Joan J EW, Allonhony Qty.
Ro, S. at. - C., Canal lioain, &test
tr, and B. . Flinestook k bia \ Wand;
kJ —lt b, cbtap,
T.ItIALL Vinci
it . and IsLeblre,
.1 44.....
Idr. it. E. hell • . 1 " Z C T:Mre '
FIT y . 21, I •Ot n
subjeet to trouble.. ro hs, and haeink
remedies to very littl s ; 1 . ....2,,.. r .r.f. ^ 1
Memento about roue
gore it to two of nor Sorg, deI:AM - ET . .staLt
different time% end it baametee felled to mare 2'
1 bare manaramded A\ to Vs - neighbors
-7:1.1'.%1V1.17,1=4Y t u i rtiVr • .-----
, _enx .A.iirsnint '\
Parenhosbonld froth...ft sit Illldnus to anTer
Doan. when they Mir Dew E a :Met. hotthe of th
(imputed ira.oid kr ft E. SELLERS, \
nmbE) \ LI Wood at-. a 1 Ognist getwelET. •''
- TE 'A. Lugo Stock.
u... , " " ,41, •r0. , ..tir - \
~Arnmaife E. 4`.
121:ZWa. \ : : 5 . . i.
r 47=1 \ I- ." '' r -' 1 -;
&TM:2 4 -Z,
- t‘dT4' '', - - • \
Dalber Earl, ..- :-.•-. 3 \
Deunnatire ayes, the eh '• •
fa t gA i li, ....., r, 4 ! r!f.
Yuman Otliptthfl; '•
• I
\ . .
. s\,
In store. end for ate on
in'e ofnlmen;
Lemon Arid - \
Keene. rat of
Nerve ad Bone Liniment
Pulmonary Bala.
Anaßillo. \
Anderemes ,
, Poel•
1, 1 1. r nti-DyrrAppo
41 ( cis 'I tTa
Nora Gintorrot for Totter
tirroogthroio* /looters
..svralm's rumoro
Bs s — •
Worm Tot
At . Ake , Irror l Str\ of
FiSii lr
— lird 11.13.1 gt. 710.3 litetc,i;, A
dn..1 . 1,... codt.Ft
„,,,,, . J ....
13Obbltiatef uptelartt,....l -77 \ • ,
1 ° grl °' lo ar' 4 "' mbfi Cfl 1.133113 : \ %.
, s
, %
pisu— .. \ , \ . ~
T \ \.,
la. Ln. ursv W.k.3 31 . 331 •4 \ \.s\ 1 \\,. • \
l'' . : ilfn \ \ \ ‘.\
0 ) r . .— ~.,„,:.... - Ea ma14 ,6 7' \ \,, \"
- lio 8 f3CLN, LITTLY t 0.1. '
14 5 '71 b.f. rt... Vro., 13 tot.* taunt ~ \ N
. i
, i5 17 ., 11 , Q tr c i t , E 44 . 1 ,: „... . 12: s_ .. : ,'-
z .,,,,
~..) a
.t..,, 11 ..I\l bore
~,,L , . t . 4 * , ,,,
.., : t. \ \' \ \
Ai n t .; , -
1 1. .11•31/-r.
\ .3
230 dot Cora 31 , 7tt . ,
low Bdta,
For Mhz
, UTTER-8 bble. Packed, for sale by • \
octiv \ ; F. aF. W 11.3011,113 &toad id.
. \
• ,
\ \
rratt'l •111•1 LAIVIE
bath InOok; •
iLlnet •••• For mai
bbl,. prime Roll;
0 ' WO kegs B sating, or ..
H: MOLASSES-20 hi. bbls.lloodale, !
P " k `t: fur t b 'l J. H. DIZWORTLI '
e.rOak Decoilation, cpclAtatan t Tpa
said Tor id by , .MARSUAL.
111 - ARD Ws No. I Ltaviing.per
. 11 41. "4 7 /I " g lffua l " : "'ixo,alll, 65 wiar
aw 7.m+tanlaical'
bq s pun \
'OCK \t
%. ,
t., r. tulLt Lae
t t 611\ t
\I , Lb. L ,
rrr \i '7 4s ti: r'
r t.
tux 4LEIt• L
'-• \‘' I
'I ILk
't Ark
a ..
t. „.\: ,
A \
\ '
. '
been 3.44 La.
49 th.T. 111.11,1
t 7 edkeltioll4
Te- Mr
'r mument:
. .
W+. . •