The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 21, 1851, Image 3

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Total Eudora l'ottoaylrao
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VoldWeiterst Peonniennt , i-..
-'••• , 7TcP,I - FA..,tm
4 Axisearst VALIXT RAILIMAD.--Mr. Robert
i - 8. Hays, will receive subscriptions, to this
-road, at the office of D. Leech & Co., on the ea
mi. IPe urge on all our business men the ne
-cessity of promptitude on taking the' number of
Bharell,necessary to secure the charter.
• faxottasta.—The beautiful panorama of the
1 Allegheny 1 1 .10nataiiis, painted by our talented
tlythe which is now at Philo Hall,
, will be exhibited on this and to-morrow after
tison, at two o'clock;no well as at the usual
honks in the evening- ,
Prertnun.-1113 - honor, Judge McClure, yes
7`;.terday decided question of evidence - argued
1, before Lim on Tuesday. His decision, in aub-
jialice, denies the right of the attorney, when
examining a witness in a cue of obtaining goodU
under false_ pretences, to ask whether or not
they-were given on the strength of the repre
sentations whichlhe defendant had made. The
:ground of this decision is, that if the evidence
admitted, the Witness is stating to tho jury
as ti:fort, what Is his Meld cpkiort.
Dvairrno.—The Honorable R. C. Grier, of
the finpreme ,C ; ourt of the 'jolted States, left
Pittsburgh at twao'clock, yesterday, on his way
toPidiadolphitt, where ho will eit in conjunction
Wiitiludge Kane, of the United States Circuit
coirri,ii try the Christiana rioters.
Tim Wuramsa BRIDGE Cann.—The argument
ihisimportant ease,Will not be taken up be
Supreme Court of the United Status at
Wasitingted until, the Christiana riot cases are
disposed of , when J udge Grier will at (Mee
- IN"
, ma.. It is supposed that it will be argued, about
1• . - the first of January. •
tirisTEED STATES cuicurr cpurr.
November 20.
31tfpre ilia Hon. R. C. Grier, and the Ho
bill .
is the ease . erAllemul„ 4 ,12 2LE10n"
iii , el4dlierise4 - 4.lerotitte
17,-''reraigartgrrans '
rt Aber,.
to p l y th e docket costs. The Cou
The Di,itriot Court met on Wednesday. Pres
' eat the Hen. Walter IL Forward and lion.
ter H. Lowrie.
The lion. Chas. Shaler having announced in
suitable terms, the death of Thos. Ligget, Esq.,
P., the Court directed the folloWing entry to be
4 .
made upon the recordi of the Court.
. 31 ..TheCotirt have heard with profound regret,
'Of the-diens& of Thomas; Ligget Jr., a member
efthe Pittsburgh Bar, and in token of the re
' tispeet they entertain for his integrity and
.worth,;' it is ordered that the Court do now ad
.;.l' ;Pura.'
I ' November-20th.
Present the•Monorable William B. McClure,
President Judge, and William Boggs and T. L
MeMdlau, Associate Judged.
Cetrutunonwealth vs.
..Toslah Adams. Indict
-1 meat, obtaining goods ander false pretences,
from-Messrs.• McCandless and Campbell, • was
_ resumed. After several questions of- evidence
had been argued, the jury were addressed with
much ability by R. Biddle Roberts, Esq., for
-thicCommonwealth, and A- .13. lacCalmont, Esq.,
for the defence, the falter gentlemlus had not
! concluded his speech, whon the Court took its
futud midday recess.
I — ,
arrzattoon essstos.
TheJlory:was eloquently addressed by Messrs
Marnsgh and Black, the former on behalf of the
tcoseentiori the latter of the defetthe The
t -.judge then delivered his charge and the jury
retired. After u short absence, they returned&
I verdict of not guilty, and that the proscator pay
the 005t8. ' •
Commonwealth vs. John Henderson, colored,
'enlistment burglary. The alleged to have been
I committed in stealing an overcoat, the proper
ty of James coarcey. One witness testified that
the defendant bad admitted. that bo took the
overcoat in payment of a debt due him. The
ease 7113 not concluded when the Court ad
! jaunted.
Puts.—We sincerely trust that theupprosch
fare. one for the benefi. of Ilse. Mr. Passavaat's
honest and the other for the support .of the
altklulleillphen Asylum, will be well -attended.
•- - SCP80821) biCZEDTAIII3)I.—It is thought that
the,geein Mr. Drain's house on Dank Irene,
*Wed to • yesterday, was the work of on in
leendiary,lthere haring been no• fire or light in
jthe nom et the tits it originotey.
• '
The ease, of Elisha Bloomer, assignee of the
Woodworth patent, on. Melnewan lc
argued in: the toady part of this week by C.
Bhater-f; Co. for the plaintiff, and Danlop and
Loomis' for the defendants, hem not been deter
: mLneff, thejodges not hiring been able to agree.
Theltßt was therefore dismissed, and an op;
ma:granted to take the record to rho Snpresne
;.. A . ROXIMLB2.II.—We woold respectfully call the
' attention of .tho• street commissioner, to -flier
abominable condition of - the side walk on second
street, opposite Mr. -tiltaick's metal yard. We
• are informed that its condition has been a sub.
Jett qt complaint for many md*s.
TIPPIANO HOGS c.—Daniel pagan ,as pester
.,day committed, by prdoom from,. Court, on a
charge of keeping, a tippling tioneo.
Cowittrreo.,--Cornelius DeloTan was yes
terday committed to prison by process from
aux.-:-Tho weather yesterday was *ay, and
;We We SO to press, the sky is still overcast.. A
eeritinrusnee of high rater may therefore, we
4 think, be looked for.
BtrlU/WIT:The Warehouse of AL.,f;sre. •llus•,',
- - say Ec Flays was entered on Wednesday night,
thO aid of false keys. as is supposed... Tim
rasesla pt nothing for their pains, howirer,
thottglt they opened the iron safe hudassmined
Its pentanes, the money basing , been.remorcsl
.1 prior to closing the store.
Tug Gam) Jrar.—The Grand Jury have
isited' on over [Our hundred and fifty bills. nom
prising awry grade of crime, from murder to
Petty AsroPY.
- • A . 33ATiLT . 111111 biENT TO Ktl4.—Testaidar
Gam= of - the name of Henry flaelmaister;
was •charged before the Mayor with assaulting
Johatois, his wife, on the 12th instapt, , ;and
.jesting-her with an irouspoker, thereby; patio&
he iajeoparly: -He woo cchn.mltted - to take
te41. 1 4. tile Vesta iel3/0112;-'
E Ii
F . . I I a
1 z I
12,A0 260 29:, 26,0 S I I
aN3W•I 2 , 1 • 9'2. 77.1 N
' IV S I:I
. Pt/ 2 4 , 1 7
11574 ."," 771 21,555
47,4411 1.5121 1,7 v r 13414
. 2
4.03. 12 '..:4“ 1
13..121 141,414
10.t.44? ' , ~''''
2,a6 • - R. 4 S ,
11,859 341,7:04
13.Ln', 1f1,515
C44C3 17.4:1
4.23.5 11.649
0.049 184 W
14057 7.7.
4:10 L 1.112
2.1 Z 1 16.41 x
.5 0.h95
10.36.1 71.281
- .4301 • .au
. 1.1.50 10,17 i,
71322 1,4,1:4
443 3.49,
10.tr_ . 71 31..V.1
3.80.5. 40 ,
1u,1611 2 , 1,j . e , , '
217,N05; f... .441
!Lit. '
10. , 1
i - :. 7 :76,1 .... 6! 4, i t
2.,1 I'4t b 111 •11.1 4flZ2
2144 . 4 . n . 9b . :,:bbl
24 956 . ..b)I . .1.6 40,713
1 LW:62IIP, 3,1 21 (6."' 1 P. 2 .40 P.PC3 i
P • , . .1
, . 1 ' •
, 5„ ,, ,"+, 1,6721 1.7541 134,4%46
1430 P, VI 91 24,260
13,072 122 121. .26,4136
11.055 210 tot, 23,052.
15.15 , 11l 14‘,1 21,771
.20 .4 , , 10; , 42,1:31
14,13:1 51 33 30.346
iiiir:l I' l l, ll I $ '0 ? :1. 1?121
fJI . II i ' il ' ,V I li 4 Zl
, i,L7 2 47 17:711:
11,700 7 2
'''.'; I 5 0
' ".' s:n7
1).1].0n O9 4,742
1 , .,21 , sa , 421 30,113
.6 ', :ii ' l P i ,' ;;il " ' ill 2 . .! . .i1C
1, ,:131 4 ,. 1 11 1.1 4 ,1 18 : ,1 7. 121
6,p2 . 4 63i 52 13,D29,
. 1 2 1 1: 1 ,:24 0 1i 2 ' 24', 1 I 6i;; 7.4,,57‘P14!
2 2:11;"37 7.:l:fj ,
3 4 ,0.T7 1 1 1 3 §2 2 1
3,42 11.050
! 1:12 I FZFi ' .7I
4411 L; 4y
0,6w2 19,31
, 1,5,91
- ,019
.29 10,7;.:i
,i r o3 . . I gl
i:Vo G 2
2,36 i 1 7,
2,190 0,472
Z 2,701 10.837
9. 1 • C: '29.465
,roU 11.134
...i 9 I,x.
7 2C
.3:152 1:0' 4
1,125 1411.
115 1 , - . 1
4 .11
. 1 2, 5; 7 41 , .5
.5,4.. 1 4t , 13 Ii
1,t 2 '.1!
4.i 11 . 21:1161
ril '4 4 ' 111
41 13 0'
2. 1 4 ' 411
G 9
L 4
11.1.3; 491 49 2.3:95;
1'1,!(44! 091 4 9 1 211,i,53
S - 641'
- 1 , 5 ,1 -761:1 .li7Sll
.24,117; 4 , 26 - 1
10;. , 55
6,765 6,611 1. , 411,"1"..
aso,; 7r2 18,a:2121,6W 1,2.20.(=
I 1 116R0:25,057i ;11,:166 2,311,7;6
1401,1512 1. 0 •
- ---
Btrunanno . s.—On Wednesday night orlburs
day morning, some burglars entered the. pork
ware-hone of Galway sk. Shaffer, on Liberty
street. Aftei ransacking the premises, sad
strewing about various sr/ticks, and boding
thing of vane, they left the premises, taking
nothing but a razor.:
The -establishment of Hussey & Fioys•was
also entcred, the sauna night, and two promfa.
sory . notes wore eaten—oee of $301), and the
other of ;ikl:10 ; but not being endorsed, they
eattliknot tie made mailable.
r -
Ctevmtc .- The Enterprize says that "a rath
er strong game has been played off open three '
or four. of ear citizens recently. About tno
weeks age; &man named Whitefield opened
goods and-grocery store. in the stand .(.0.0
occupied by Mrs. S. A. Reid, on Fedet ;tg"
On: the treditkiystetif he obtained .
Mr. Frazier amounting to abouV StAtuyt . el"?
dollars. from Mrg;;. Reid about oger tindrid 'an
ten dollars, froze' Mr. Berner, IghlY,..dollars,'
and from oeeerat homes Pittsburgh to the
autonfit Of -about one thowSitl., - Messrs. Gregg -
& 3feCandlects, Murphy .4: . l3,urchfield, Mr. Mr,
Olurg, and others, are soffereriftii,uotee extent.,
Fortunately, suspicion was attfched, to White-.
field's operations. and the creditors above men
tioned, seized on the goods remaining. in this
store, on Monday or Tuesday inst,,and thns.ra
claimed a 'considerable portion of theirgeod34
Mr. Romer, however, lest all—az also did Mrs.:
Reid: Mr. Frazier sustained on lore. 716 ii
scheme to swindle was certainly n
and he had succeed to some extent in
the goodsffrom his store, before a die
eatery was made On Toesday morning the
store was found open, and the• family and
greater portion of the goods gone. He has not
since been heard of, but will probably fell into
the hands of the officers ere long."
PRINTING OFFICE, amply supplied
urrusary rater - ale amply
Wilt tthe
of the prelL tow Will it.. Ir bmb~~a
ajni fcrr ale The nareris are 01 a gar aria:, all
rourtlr tear, eue am the ono., are esanzed It other
owe, 'ail Le *old ray much belle their value, on arose
vendlating tau.. The abate Fraents en area. which
aidom oteure. For particular spell et the .
irHAVE reaumed the Practice of the Law !
and Vila d r CVO4I aly .1.4010 00, and itnatirn to
I , pactuar.= .melt fdrratrly •0i0.3 tonlroila
Corn,. t . U.
27 9 =Z0/3.. '7 11_,'"uk.'";kibrir.
Irdal. indarra. 4s'aentr . alaertr:ecrrancknaid
slnad. . )1. /11)151ProN.
• Oct. 31; 13."..1.—{noltdwirt..9
,Cantink Lartclt. by Chnrum Bozic
A Webb: 11.11,er 31LISIrt,
New Camilla bazrs. Seminary Cla,C-11-alk,
Sar=al School Fan; &rot:
Jusenik Orntorin, Glee Ilire.
ET= &not ante ..ichcolronm: Ikevrte, of Cu.lnicour.
Traptruue R. 132
800 ChGrue
Alao—Th. • •Pry pretty vex am,: ccr I+ by
Q. 11.Tisizn., tacti•Le by yr< Ernest;
Willie my Itrare, m. P,IIK by S. C. Fent,
The Rork of Ace. Furred quartet:,
The Solo. Iltztitefe
The Illoomer'e
Catharice,oog, comf.lete Fcr
IL. KU :131,11.101 Thurt •tre.,t.
no] I Firncf the 1/n14.12
LIQUORICE PASTE--2. cAses prim.) small
nnset, for Kale hy hyfi N. WICK 1111.
' Wood corm, a sixth.
FFLAXSEED-10 bbls. for mate by •
ocm 4 SA3IIIP.I. I._ aIfRIVER.
t b WNBB. WANTED—For 19 bias. of Sole
It r Lexther, left in store by e! Monon.rahrla Wharf
Ita , ter. with T MAILS d I , ON,
mei"l Watrr 0.
OWNER WANTED—For 1090 Fire Brick,
Lrand..l .. T.Frevinas." an) I.ft with r... by the NI,
nangshela Wharf Magi,. T. WOOD_ 4 O.N.
ona el Waur Ft-
I - ECK ER's FARINA— 2.. A/ ling. for sai eby
1 . onto .1. K A Co_ ro WoAl a.
A RROW . I{.OOT-20U lbs. genuine Hermo
n". nsr.l,. Pm pal, by KIN) .k 1 , 1
1 UN IPER BERRIES-1000 lbs.'Freeli, for
Iralr by J. KIM , K Cis.
1 01 CAMPHOR-9 bbls. for eale
•1/ nolo Klbll}l_,.
RAM!) & IRVIN Illvto a fru - slurry
JUIP milrAn:n KadrAnd k." ^Y AAA., Bann
nnrk," and 'lin. slunk.' for rub. Apply rrAn Ivan
I.4 I LAX 11/ sada , for sale by
n UCKIVIIEAT FLOUR-25aaeks for sale
1 HOCOLATE—+-1 09 16 , freeh re.e'd and for
by 7 WICK A Slrl'ANDl,Eirn.
1 1 1 9BACCO-80 boxes Va. s'4 , ond b's, good l LI UNDRIES_
1 brand., for Wei by ISAIAH DICKEY tCO
. _ .
ke.s Malaga UruPw,
j“gt LT
W. 51. A. 11c9LINDri A CO.,
irromro • T. Dealer..Dexicr
n trl'TEß—Fresh Roll and Can Rutter,
Jul , 11101P1.1.• gurl reLil. Jaxt re , cl .act fnr .1. by
D. 31. DA 11 Kir ell
r 0 ,5 Matnaic Build Fifth otrewl
-1..) 102 bap Frathern
1,4 2 thrt,eci.
COFFEE --500 ha Rio. for sale by
CITEESF,--7 Lass Cream:
.. •
Landing zni for solo hr I. DICKEY • tn..
IVater and aunt
MARLS! SIIAIVLS!Now oven:ll4 at
I A. A 3111 , 02 , A CO.'S. Gear.. Bar Etatel.onm
of brilliant and prrman•lit mlorß
• 00 0
IBLAYKY O TBI-Icow on hand over 0511prs.
Amerind. Pala.. awl, Frew+. of 34. 104. 12 5- an.'
5-0. lain an l tvilf.O. n ogle awl .100 , 1-. min. , ' A 1.,. •
roardrlntr,nt of Crib and Cradle
A. A. MASON t 00.
Da , ca and 04 Marl:. at-
GUFF Pli , iB!—A new and varied asrort
=te nt r,, and Gold. Jun rf,'d at
thin of Diamond, (Mimi, fob; , Garnim. Togo; a.° , now opening a; it. itichmcnsoive.
ji AISINS-50 bxe bunch in nom, fur sale
Water and Front ttr.
:3) eta.. N. U. Suon.r: bbl,. N. 0. Molosa,
For sale 0 JAME, , DA LZEI.L.
BRITISH LUSTRE-2 cimes for sale by.
not It. K. SKLLER.s, ~7 w oo d,
BOXES---Ill)pupers for sale by
It. r. SI:1.1.1:1It.
A SAKETIDA-WO lbs. prime, for sale by
UMBER-1000 Ibs. for sale lg
pay - IL b. SELLY.I[2.
VIAL CORKS-1000 gro. and short
y for oak by a. eSELLEICS.
MADDER -2 casks for sale by
coi IL E. scusAts.
(IODIIINEAL--170 lbs. prime flonduras,
for mkt GE • IL E SELLERS.
ROSE PINK-2 bbls. Eng. sup., for sale by
, w.l • IL I. :ELI,EIIS.
BUTTER --10 bra. Fresh. reo'd and for sale.
h, took) s. t W. ILARBAUULL
iIjIEESE--100 boles Cream, for Oslo by
0.4 s. * W. !IA EMMA+ IL
tktitix—tooo lbs. for sale by
11" S. A W. ILiItOAUOII. '
cgOAP-200 boxes Rosin, for sale by
sat s k W
AcKEREI.---120 bids. for sale by
LVI. no 4 6 t R. TIARBAUGII.
a A l i7n b A y wili.
PEARL ASIi-:IA) tone for•yale low by
.5 V.NOLISII t ngs:laY.
UST reo'd at No. 250 Liberty stretd
-20 boxer Fmk, Mawr;
1. , - Cautort Prrs.rvel Dry Oltiv,
1 OM sud Jar., mit IT In f.ney Pos. by
todcrgrovi a Co.. acao,a
r. box.. FmM Caron:
• o Oranar
, Cherrks, in A
•••• SrbaNl Lobate.: '
100 Fresh Corns Naar,
All choice cool.. arid for alio at awl rata by
WAI- mcol.ooii
Ottrp” sai T.
RANK. OIL-21 bbis. for sale b 7
roi WICK. k
AROMA= TOBACCO- 1O canes Myers
Art d e by. w a- womintrat
! STONE PI.PFZIU bozos b_,
. : , .WlO4 - .4 11 :3 4 CAN104.9-IS. 3
3=• 4
One of the most frightful Manstrophlea it has
ever been our lot to record, occurred this after
noon. The following, as near as can be ascer
tained, are the full particulars:—
About three o'clock, just before the pupils of
the Ward School No. 26, occupying dam new
building on Greenwich Avenue, were Shout
breaking up school, the Principal of the apart
ment on the third story of the building, Miss
Harrison, was seized with sudden illness, which
such curious effect upon her face that it caused
the greatest alarm amongst the children, a ma
jority of whom were girls, ranging from six to
eight yenre of age--consternation which grade
increased; and in the midst pf the alarm the cry
of fire was raised. The children at once made
for the stairs, - which, In their eagerness, they
completely blocked up; Immune wedged between
the baatrade and walk Suddenly the balisters
gave nay, and scores of children were precipi
tated to the ground, a distance of about thirty
Lana 121
J; 801 1 .
4 "0 - 1 su
147 24C 15i1
h 711,0,8
C 4 1,,42
4 , 4 1.9.5 E
3441.7176 299
44: 5 5.247 4r.;,
1.619 6.1.0,11 1 5 145
219 1,449 144
9C , .. 2.074 =II
134 lAN 74
71,1 fl5/7
Yu 1:70 40
No 1,247 91.1
: itiq 11..71 ' 11 ' till
17,0441 GO.l7Yt 13,0,2
I,h3iii 1.224
211 1,012 2,1
325 1,541 100
214 1.27 S 117
242 ,241
249 5,1140
191 2,940 14 0
423 1,0v4 11c,
59 1,011
1:12 1,12.1 242
112 2,211 121:
The scene that followed beggar's description.
The parents of the children quickly assembled,
and no body after body W 0.4 taken out, droll or
injured, the screams of mothers were heart
So far, we have only been able to ascertain
that 48 have born while therii aro 'proba
bly about that nurnher/morc or 1ca .. ., injured.
Some cannot rec., r and doubtless before
morning the list will be conviderably4iugruented
1.17 4 1
4f . • '.O
041 7.,11.4
341 2:1311 1T:1^-
110 1.1',V1
TIJ 1 .44 ::./ 4 1
1.11 . 01
V 011403 0
li 1.4361
1 , 1 i::Siiii i...
!-..1 ;% , , r',
7ryt 2,Eil 1,0
Tho Govan:in:mat bill, for the conatruction of
the Quebec Trunk Railroad, -has pawed the M
.:ombly by a vote of 31 to 1.1.
1,:0 15V
1 , ,
2Thl "
The official returns reduce the majority Fir
Farwell, Whig, for Governor, to liissithati b 130..
Thera nro four Democratic counties to hear
Several of the visiting lire companies left
here this morning. fur home. Among them
there are (oar for Philadelphia, others will re
main two ur three do's, enjoying the hospitality
of their friends here.
Motreractra. Nov. 20.
The Legislature pod u hill to day dividing
the Orate into Congtossionil distrietr. atter
which it adjourned.
font.; Nr,v.
The Bei'. Or. Whitehouse Wes consecrated
Bishop of Illinois this moil:dog The sermon
was preached by Bishop Potter of Penosyltania.
. •
i%O . ecution of Conklin, for arson. takes
,• • •'!". di.morrow Ile has made a lengthy eon
nf implicntinq tereral persons iiitherto
an craned. lie is calm, and says he is pre
'Faredfar death.
Saw Yens. Nov. .20.
hour—Sales 5,0013 Ws at , S; 816,5: 94
fer'cimam state and western. and $3. ARIA 06
for Ifidiana.
ttitin—lVlLeat is without movement. Rye is
d01;113 69e- Sales 7600 bushels mixed western
etoe bu.
p{osieiunr-j Are Eitildy, with .ales IUQ bbls
. P t ititieS 'be'ef at, $7 51.42,t1 bbl blales SOO
.keis old lard ae 'it lb.
tirocerks—The market is quiet and on-
Linseed Oil--Sales 900 gallons at 0 •e jet
'came, with small sales at 3:
To Printers
• New . 2.1)
Flour+-4100.1-4/2 , ,oati OEI2I et 'S.: S 1 O 4 125 as
in quality, The market being very firm:
Grain 9,000 bus Vatfte
at 97c. 1:4 but. Sales 1090 has mixed Western
Corn at e.,0! v bti.. and 2,090 btu stye at 093 c
-e ho.
Provisions—Tbn market is more active, with
sales 900 bbls Pork at SU. for new mews, and
912 75" for Prime. Sale, 200 bbir Lard at 9
...Artiskey—Salue at 21 ea 21 '0 gal.
Freights—Cotton to Liverpool lb, and
flour 100 r bbl.
Ml~~f l {
Cotton—l, steady. with gales SQO bales at
Clxcms,...n. NOT. 20.
Florar—Sales 3,000 bbls at $ 7 47,:.: - e)
Whiskey—Salem at ICo ? g.ll.
logs—Gond hogs, on the spot, are held at
'l4 511 11'O. I. l ales'l,soo bend Mop fatted. do
lirerahle in December of $1 1. ? 100
ProlmidFm—Dalee 1,000 trim now lard at
,1c Nalco 100 Otto new mesa pork at 11 Sb
Ft - elate here declined. flour to Now Or
leans h.:3c; pork 90c. To Pittsburgh, pond
(eight, 12c Rio
'JA mq.. for .1.• by WICK t .1147ANTWK,A.
aIIG I HON —l6 tonA for .ale by
r.olo WICK A WriAtipl.F.,,S.
4;ti: . ...nring and for wln by
Wat, nni Frout
b y
nil JunV {yATTR CU.
. t IA twrty otr..t. u L.l of Crop: a
114.1 f ..1.,mat. , 1 1,, loff aryl 1au,...0u1•
rte21..1 llnvf Wont•f•ter.l.:,
121,k. Itealdff,f
Walnut, Ilfarr
AthPlens uuill.e ga Mu
,e r
Tw it W.ltaut
u al euev. ut up In 'due s
[tell pa.
M A. Met2Ll,lol e 00,
Choice flew Teas and Foreign Fruit.
I.l.aboats Lalf of Ibn fin, Lind: r f (Irmo and
Mark rea,
7uo troce, Or. bunGh micnn
. .
100 druure 1 urkey
FY, raorr 1 . 14 x," prune.
. .
10. bble. Fn.ort,
Alan. Reis apple,. citron pa , l. o enl levlun ho
lied, partners. rerrnamlll. momaroni, torn march,
nII or whicb a, nor aelllng at a 1,1 law Oitar , far raab
New Goods—Third Supply for the Season.
New rtylo Pori, FllLbono, Za.butorr. Volvot. and 111 k
Scarf, and .c.rious.othor llor,lg will tot open Onlay
'"Nortttesat torpor nI Fourth . .l Market greet,
hi. chests T. II- for toile by
r r
8 uG 4 R-13 bads. for sale by
Enindsti A BY.NNEIT,
_nob No.. Ir.l Second, and 101 Flrrtot.
A qiIiESE-400 brines for sale low by
..., ~,, ENGLISH 111FNA Ere.
B UCKETS--40 dos. ii,r sale by
Esu LIM! 4.111{N NETT.
NAILS=-300 kegs for sale low by
F id T ,ASII T 6_ casks for .tle by
smiLisii A 111.ICONT
1' EN. RED - -MAI 11/4. prime Eng., for rule
Y by J. KIDD 1 CO.
~ . t DIIESIVE PLASTER-50d yards fresh,
- IL for 'dr •by J . MOD At CO.
i LEX. SENNA-750 lbs. prime, for sale by
..... - 1. 5010 .1. 011410 CO. OI Iyool 11.
IQUORICE ROOT—lliolcfor u ' —
nic by
I_4 as A. N. wicK,Eneu
band a rampleta stnek.
It LACK SILKS-50 pcs. of rich and high A. A. MASON CO.
Nnv logo, Nov. 20.
Nov. 20.
MILTVA ulas, Nov." :20
Uncn, Fu.. 20.
do i.yrup
f amity 1:u tt.,- I- ale w I
QTRAW PAPER—Large mid very hency,
IJ raltable for her.l,ll , .ar ...r.neht,,:e, far cal.
'',. J. bCIIOI,SMAKI; It 410,
nn. 24 Wood .t.
1 01{KS-6 bale , . for sale by
) Fl. N. WIC 1; 1:11.",11:111
Ci, AL SODA--4 ea" ks for sale by
CI s. N. wuniEtzszum.
if 3 . ARAW A Y SEED-1 sael: for SNEC by
‘..) ..s N. N. WICKENSIINg.
1110SE, - .Trool)s, COMFORTS; •
dar-Itlterz and Cuhmern
11,i. • Chsidren]. Worsted •
' LU "2 , lavie?Nr,xon comtre4
, .
-• 2 , , um), nu , aser
. .... .
IP kt,tit .11 LtrtJerin Farefun Extlannn. i IthiSTNIN, AI al' i
Agent (or the follnwinn I . NANt Liner rims Well I.llolnta ',Willi aldul e n t is still COO
l'lonw.r Line a! nrkenttLtpt. tvtween New Yark and L.,
erpont. duchal In tLe ran, vane, r it ben eltear, twen. I be
nwailaw T.. 1 .ine. ceiling nom Nen York end Lit, ' central nkti Itn'enknl•ntuentat al II- I...ehe . , th. trn,Nttnt,adt
r'''' n th " ''' ''''' ''' a ....." m"th. MuT1r.. "',"" : 4 ;. 1 4.! ° J ,' , ". ; ' , ' , ' , ' ...7; 'LI-T,`,.`:.7,1L.7: 1 .
no'lt: ,;•'.'"..1 . ,:: . ; N arta; l l7. tk " ''''
j '' ''''''' ! Veottk In , L:‘ , -- '
Itt.l Star ;an, ' Neir Nark. knitte Ilth. and Li v er • 11.11111; kern tn.. af the ("It ~, J.kat L (...-kn: N n., the . 4,111 fat earl, thontb U. lath; et the Lead at the •.tat , lttla.toot. It, .tit.arr.k.
Z Line atm, twtnn a unkat from Liver-pt. -4 end New . l'ttal.ten ht. twtet kinrtlon. h. ittetntan. It , rentttwt , tt. wnd
York to etve kntinfeation t,. Ith. untatat r.
The Lotal.kt lA, at Ite.tkett ...Ito (rum New York on the ...I , 2N.Natltthn W NE. h. PAlliiLlt.
I tt. nltt.lf th. end 2lth. end trate l.Ntidonnultte 41,1.110.
21. t. sod :Nth. at et., tanntlt
The fwd.. lan, at lile.tat., Peek,* pail &knit Naar lork
end Ctlentkokr the trend likh 44..1 Intuattt
N Weekly Line of l'etkete 1.1vern , ...1 to New th -
Daily la.. for tob,rata., Irow 1i; Yot 1., by :I,looto
hint,lisolrora. ot il.tod xrol Iltilloaa. to Pittaokt. , ll
it attoutioti, and ~or
ou 0.1,1'1111y ot otlbu.of Tap, o” S ,
guny, Duhllo, maul 1, 1 4.11r0t5, Lluildlopt Itritoocul.
a.l 1 1 Inp,orbt I . 4 , 1 Noulti Wert, 'Snit Yort e,r
tto. all, 15 tho Lat,rtlu.r, so ;It elath
ttn,t, Pittelonul: , . ,
• .
hu rho thritorl Yitaltx Chum', dm (..r irtrnyl.. to unr, part or EnesoJ..
Irolano. li[alliyltd. or h riny, eau make• rho oxcouxr, -
.....I,ll.ent• on nurbentirn In thr onb/rrlhoh and harp
them out 1., of tho 0.000110 Lox, 14
rung. from 1,000 to . 2.401 . 1 tom burthro.l
rr by firrt clr.4 11,cl/sr...hip, oh, favorable lorm, by
way of blirroo..l. Lun.lnly, or Their hequgory
o f lb- Norribthrr of dello'•
tr. rrour.. Ly.....ryr.01 NYlll.Orlexu, Baltimore,
Charlo.tur, mud harhonsb 1110.01
rrolitta..reo .tnall or Irro. num, ...rust. to
0.-2 Y JAMES IMAM-J.l'
Steam Communication between New York
atilt Glasgow.
T IIE UluAzow and New York
('`‘ nt ere ful esr
L extn ' etrUnEet6i4 t' . I, ), ltet P'
. - tone sold ion
Iti.ree power. N etesrxrt, I tato of the.Co
ixed ...met,. remotander. Is tore - MINN to mil trout N.. 14
Vox', titreet ter, on Satortlet the 6th of 144,31,
next, at e'eloe.k. neon.
FASAAGE 1.101. - FF.
Fix , " Cntitn 1.......u•nra1, .....
C•lnts •• ••
noo. torluar rr. , ll.for.A. Out cut clue. or lipuers.
wblrh will mnlrrste me., Oar.
,urg, I,loa ,r
.knr long.
Tl, billy 1011 K. 2110 tnt,. gni 4.4 hn. unnorpr.
mum rt .111 nu thy I.lAtlnn 0.011 utit,
McHenry's Philadelptua ca Liverpool Lnie
of Packets.
:sfitSoiling from Phila.telphin on the 4°..
tb.ldrepool on the let rd
• . tp MA KY 1 . 1.K.1k. , N1'... k. It. Deacons, MOMtl , .1
Allo,NaWie l mp. u.p-o „, P11:. than
0. flarri,.
N 11.41'h.111 p:k1.114, .tltted ronitto
AXON. teer.lW W. NVeed.klufpr.
Tb e khuee are built et the Prot and meet tertlT
maternal., mot are toted for the rapidity of their permkrm
tip, are fltmd up with 101 iturrrrements. me moo
thnroughtr seuirlatri, auk era tturarrweetl fur their,
makundatton. for ,erretd !bran and .5,,,ere rtm.onspen;
the, are tom nmodeJ men ,4 arkunelo,lael talent...rho
ate uneguall, r..f their experienom In the pa.-Ael ter..
Pemous atestmeo. brumluk their frtende Irma the lad
Cauntr} eau ol•tain certtocam. of pat.., winch Intl De
,poot fur right month, cud our mrrutr ltk frelaml cod
•rpool ranskih them with We prop, infoooakou theth departure.
I, tL9 enntruicarowithicic to rood ta ,
m. y, lye goivlt .Irutz• Inr LI Plerl,Lig Ttokl
Lt Etch,. without dia..L.utal. vh felt will to.. rerh..l bl Lor
llmnlts Or 1,4 to Ihr calms] limaLtoa.
ro `
ES'ri et t. 4 (4 rt.... 1
hr and /Loa met: 21j lb o hr 1.44.
igL4,.a. 0.• It. lb rocar. I 11.
ner t. sr.noa
MAIll•IN /it A Or.
)1.Y411 U.
• AIA tt ,11.11 rt...
R1 111 :1 'N(ES I"
t,elA rm 4lll S,li l ANI ~lcnrn
t~ I A, .
L•Ak 6•1 - 5...1 Ireland. ftlA.l, vs. }natl..,
A. 1.1 German,. - 1114,11 A. AA,
1, ..1,1 . .ca, , r) cr,44. - v4
I..rie I.1,1•Lov-b.
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet.
FARE REoucED!_The . w: f t
,k, hGe,lice
wtii ht.
I tat, tt
r Titttnta • Letrt , l”, act , t trtlay, al I , IA.
. rrtotslttpt, II hett.t.,
yr:c14 , 6,. A. II
. . .
fnaritt ntwrir
stti+vo MIELIF s
vs* - .I IL. ...414
otrartord tar 1 . ., ..11,jr/N .I..ypvt• , att
droa 144 r 'unclog In the tra.a. LAZY )
fra EQULAIt • ar.d
c 15 4 1141.LSVILLI: I'AVV4ET ITI2II-,6„ , 44
11,11 r r fllkl-IT CIT1 L A.
Mur4l,l4..anter. ialktro trx 114.11.411. 4.4,4444 e.
(..4r.,4411:41,..32,1.r., at 10 44'eso , k. S. al. mylnter
1144. 11..1,4111,..444.r, Any 444 v.. a.. .A. M
curtun. 414 c0ur..4.4.444. lo , :th Ci..44444,..1 64.1
1. , . ,, Si 31 HAlti c.N. Sactwouxhois
I rr. b.f.ltA Et. Att. IQ. N at, itrot
Wheeling, and i`ittsbiargh Packet.
t i lAttf: REtiPet.P! TI. swift
rrr.m.4 5v..e13.141 - {r,tet
R. frr the &1.., all 113.1-..Ns
I. .r
Dgct . . • ...s"*.
If nu... are 004 tc.file
IL• 1V1NCH6 , 17.r., Cox , - k.
a 1.t.t...t....rb rruri Titwrlcy.
M; rrta.e.ire. trocria...
± A ill
La, frrt2trt•rrry.,,,,,
rn.l , arl.,rs •
r . 4., •
It , nrheei, 1• r, r.l the fx.sest er•r•
1,1 r try 1.. I.. . er . , rtrer.trael,l4llsvers - an 1,-, •
hr, ruuntrtr trAle ,cul•rir
19E1 . 1 V LAB. ParSßLiEll ANN) -
, i•AcrtrT —The I
1,4 y«1.4 11; N A
~ c. ,, r haq trV w0r41,t.,1 t.. - t44v.4
thin -ity 441 Whetila4. km.;
f1 , 4,1a7, Wr411..e4, am: 14144., a.:41 cluxon.
I:+ I 1 Ilinarlay An! : , ..*Jay
le ...Ad] frogGt hpi•l- • n I t '
AIINIPIROSiI 4114;7 . 11.. I . cn . r s.
tr4l.• •
II 3t. ,,, arzb I, 1 , I: . 6.4.0na%0l
T r u
..ry Tl..m.lay Al. • t.<.. r•
up•rl runul,
Itratifswllana ri..• ttrl.lo,ll.nst s t ad! )44 - 24..
the °warn o 1 the eten., ••11.1.1, tr.i
the Charlnnati 1,14.1.urq11 Verie; 4,1. eu.l kr,*
eeee, It•••• Cinelasna{l.
I.TENIII:Ire, Arlo.
.PV MEP., (m.r. ,I.trrar. urn Ica‘r,
w. friday t , vst..r
xi A ro,fr
1 - 4 1 01 t NASIIVILLE--The
j_ dia
51,1 v e
It 10
1 4 1 01 i SAINT LOUIS—Thp ,
ADEM,I , ./.1.”
marscrlat, , l.r. ,11 6,r ate.. mal/.1 , r
tht.,l•“. et 1,,
1.0121:,S LL E. —T hi. I.len
d, , , Irn
11-fit n#.l
itTronl). :lnc Cant. fla , :vll. win 1 , 1‘,. In-
shme awl pnrut n thl.
tor rrtn:ht Or pl.. nprir I
1.4 1 01{ ti..: - . } lV o.artr
.1013.,r ;Ora tr., IA
lato,ltut• yrrt• . at I I. At
F„r r-ight or rowsuge, ..1. 1.. a—. I
SU Elf. rhsHo Y H . luV 5 bY ,
ant P I.F• ' l,,
to ,, t :ha mid Ito I.x•
10 Wag ti. .
Say oar 11. tAx• tiprrnil J.
Oaf tial sed hz• :•••• l'h••
. . .
70 !I II 4, an, .241 Cubs 4 t,s4 Iff.tty l•
:4 Lg. 1,4 I 1.•• 4. , 4 • 1.1,4
n n . rod •lor Jana. t r
Itnnou sn.p.
& Int• Cv.tll. j I. i , .• • A I:n.ark,-1-
& ex. I . *lm & Altn..nd .1, I 'Z. EWA oi t 51 . 11•1&n
1.21,111 ' , nun l'a , dr. I
'2 hip I. J..s. I 1 . 2 do, Ind Vont,
2 La Guru :I. tit e'n'n
Alan. White Le... 1. Cotton lain.
and J WILLIAM' a (`, I
0,2 Nnrt&veht ran o, 1{...1.r..1 11, , • c.. I
& Bennett.
Merch..lla ;ant J 1.14, In Produ. e and Aloe I.l__ rIIJ
. ct..l. , in ten
WrW an I .-Irintlifi..ll i , a ltn.l.
and will fullownigl,l. 11, Int
&Me al lb,. market rata.:,
" " '
. .. • . .
RA/ •. 1,11 6 II)" 1/.4'111. ..16, 1110 .. 0 liol36•Ye.
1$) Al MGM ,LaztLl: /.71.m/rn. . -t/ I/
1 . 616 , 1, • I.n, •.../.. NAM, e.ll,ltri 612611. :
45 "Ile, is. " ..,..., 1,.. Ss 10 a /Uzi:: Mit,. ,
. .
.. .
la/ .. CoWuu,n •• 11!}14 • Jil0 06.1ei Oen.
30) hale. A/mold, I. 0b.., !!!!!!) .! ileihro Med le!
E. Walul4l, Crean! nal , , !,4,4 A'nl.4.
and tiruoas.l mai, -A c,.. e , c.s loth:,
Z. 1.1 4.3.. /Luck Lund,. 2W 1. ..., /:,o,u , o , •1 , . I
Wnuns It.m.cuCut.lop. .I • 1... e/ - I
40 •• l'eppor Saw, I,m '• Mould 011190,0.11111
3 " Llqucatro. IUO W.I. Crwlo r,
IL. drum, ni, ut0.,.. Ilk,
110)1.... 31. I/. R.,.....,, 3,0b00 i v.:, I er.hed :47% , 1
11,0 •• llmon.lnyio. b. lOW pl. awl Qt. Pluto,
WO matCwa.olc. bo WI. Loaf' PlOst.
PO CraneCraneUt Pipe, 0
ile ,pper, Whitlng , Ch 3,
1 . bog. 11 0. i...liCuirsr,et.ttou 1.1 wt. llmtavg. Urn i
11/ Lanes . 11e.1.... " ,Nevi. luso/ 0.11.4 CLAW
IJounabl cop,/
- . ..
S A LE RATus— , 22 .hk,, dereinne ;
11 Ina, Pollrri..-.1; for Pale .J 1
....-. ..—_......
T LT. MAR. BLUE-6 boxes for Fnla by
U 0i.m.:8 .1 sCiiiit,3lAKEll A tsi
d lOU ILSII-5 drums for sale by
LAN IiETS—A. A. 16sos & Or. are now
LA opening :do pnis. i-1
Ldt NE ETS.—I ha ri
ve. re,eivod my '
or BLANKETS. rizt.
11... Irrintit, Want,. will ...ill nod Kock.
nrlh IA 11. N4111L.F..
!I II LliftENt'S ZEl'll - YR V ousTEfi—iCio
Cortirnrtm, fort ra,..1 by
A. A NIA,);, • tAI., Jlarkftrt
NI MOO--I veruon Cititt!SlK, 3 kgo
AL for sale sew t.e...ltntr a cr...bolcortt,t. bl
Li ECUS. for Immix. Moine. lebreln 4
ohs ICkLr.Ell 3 LAG.S.I/ALL
OR SALR—A first rate EtinaiY . 4„,
which nn be $1,3 Pt JACKMAIPS
rem Stale. Imp rtrert.
3 A 111) 011;-"12ls.• No. 1, for silo Ur
no 4 .110M.D.ALZY.LI:J
' Teratitacs: ott, 7 bble , for said bp.
. 4.q ..JAwritreaizztr.o,.
, - -
YrESF. mlrerior article. tsl Perfumory,
tlttuttag,l s6lss4l ar. lott $ll-11$ tt,tl.l
$ Orttt.s4l Alosss.4ter, 1 1 .a$ i t 1tt,,,..1,..11$ ts.l
T.$11;•1 V.. 1% 1.1.1 k mid titer tot; rtts,l
- aka. mot F., N. Fa, 1 11N , u :to.'
nolxor. 410.1,uc. I,lu, ,11mou,1. ay.], Tol.l
:fox, Slut i, er..m. 11.1. 113,,NN,. Ex
tract. for the 10tudk.,,1.1,16 0, lid . en
lal •1111 , 1,1 Lau L...trot
11 x , r U, I'llll/worn... Ir., at., wr. ..oulau. 0r...1 mu.' for
11. IN T
.r.l 101001.
• •
•• . .
Lardthat • .41.,
nni tale. h. 01, kil,P itlo/ 3it
1 /II
Public Sal
-1.1- n—d. l Nor I'l4l. 111 n . • 1 1 • .: • ^ lll
1••• nt otlr prrin...,ArlnurrAor. 1.1
lortr•mi ro and tn'oanbl. 11 At'Ll / oro•
f•(• b•rre• pn‘rnr StratiV.nuic•• vol Itnoer.routplrtn,nntnli
••••I Ina ktlo o lll4 01.nnal, Is' 1 0.0• .1 t.•.r.r. row." ,
F•rrtn.o. L•11,noTAI: ....• ILL lid 0 In, 1 . 4 oar •r.or
11oftrod Lab.. fro. 11 to •.:11
/,• un.l
(tun 1 ...0,10n 1111., la ILI t.ti Long: con
t'onrl/11,,,, ...1g.,. an,l 11:arlimo,
1 1 Inthrla Nl.-htuen. .1. lad., 11Ialttr.op; Portat•lo I , nrze r .
usrlinl.howl no/1 'abet Iron: It,
asrl l l,l•onr•ry, 610- urn
lug Do, 111 1 , 1.01111, limier .11Kkrt,'T•ntr. loun
.lry 1,1 larg.• .0,1 r•ruall throulnr romr.
I.lnchin,r. Iron nr.l o•nl Put, 1u0..•
Large 0,11. I.nran Cr.• 'r um , 4 (I rough lrou
/ 1 1mItIng, or.ll•rta•-.0 01 caw Led s•Llitalir
I~~YiI .
Tlo I ' , kilo,t ree.vrst.
dp,11.11, 1.n.1n•...
. .
tw,nnun...l n,rx nr.s tk,th k•u,
In d ..nn•h Mar t.nrl nn arnikr..l :s th ,
rnn 11.1ntir La .1 nnn,
nT II .11
Shrivcr & McLean,
1 . 1111,1“. 11 1. ,I.rllln
CONSIGN'AENT.S , t"LOUP. nni Pr•••
ii••••• I.ArTure lr•ta••lA r trA r i
Itlrr, --‘l..A.r• liArAfA• A A A . , r 1,1 IrArgA
rrar•A I.Arret. , .r..
+r .errs. It A Ari. r }hacking and Inks.
THE CF:1.E131.1.11 El) .51 Tc II I. 1:
11 -
tr. >yr
, ' MI
A, a 11 r
Kln 11... lit INN ET MANU
GLLI.II Of," •
t o AG 1, 1 . 114 0111 VA RD ,
1111 AI
t; I t. .e 1 , L.., ' ft .1•4• L
Stliiwte ! Clo4k.s Mast Illan !
F sll C.,ri I arvit
R S cr., 0. at.. ...I ov
.:,'1 ; ..,Y~.~~...0:
-n. _
ry.-. ... i...~- .... - _. ~ ... ~ r I ... . a..
:VMS. it .11.
V1U.26 • r 1 en.) I , •
e 4,
r 10, •1,,J. !I,— I
To the Public
, NDIA I: LISISEIi SLIOLS.• C.. httenti.
ti.• 1..... n va1 , ..1 thirttratt,h h
-ttl t 11 rm., 11 1.,. '
11,.. It-:tthf th II th hair t,t,t,
Us ttr . tr ‘ t?it:t r ttr ' r:t3 tt ''' ; ' ,... ' : ;
•Crnarner.../21 6ry tlttl, r•••...c • v... rrrr tfor irr.rure. ad.! i
n':;'';:',A7;fll.n,' - .',0.",.., `;':%"..,,.,:;',‘.:•;.'„11,;,1,;—.),;;
thu.. u —,....,—, to purvl.•.,-. • r1...1 6 , r...1.1 t•••
1.,..!..1.1 , vms t 6 16.t..66 ' . ie l: 1., -; „ . .
•,:r.l6rt i l ' u ' t,; : ; 4' k ' a r l ' L '. l;gL -' ,::. '- .li .i p. l7 .4 : r ' ;: ' ,6 ‘' • :'.. jr; .‘ ,.: ' , ' : .'i
666,110.:. ~ e , „ , 1 ,. .r.111“, ...Li ~.,,,,,, t,.„ , ~,,,,.
c0,...1 v., .'hr. /.66v, rr 1 15../,•
•I:6,l•r•t:vlr.. ~ ,.6r - 1...,i
at* Br ttr - t.• e 6-1 h.,. ../.r. r 61•1„ lAvvca Iv%, 'trtt Ctottrt,
St tity. 0..r . hr1.4. 441r . rthtt sittisaltt.:l74. , . tat . i
r " ‘?i:?.Yr:t , - . 1.';...:fr'5;,.7,i,:7 , ..-'„".',,,'; - ,`„ '.;::: .
~ ~" ivems.s stl . lelto 5, ....v.v,rl,/ IvIII: 16, , I 61v.
~ r 15,,.r.,. ,T• r•ty.r }al. . :vv.......1., r,....11, r.r rr.. i
1 .64 . li , rr - , ..v.l
ir,11....61L1. nu t.rn C.,
I r I, r., I. tvoclti,6t„.6. Tr - ,- .ir ,
lIli: , Ell.. 4 1 , 1•16 Itt. tat.. Ili, 1.1
U 110,11", u. i'r,.:: ca.
Ir.P 6 (L
'Kr, V:.., 10; 1.h..
1, -1. I=_,.:
g'- --- Apjricr Black Writing, and Copying Ink.
f o r NE;`1 ; :. 11'11:1: , 1 . .` : t•'.. .7 . . , :,,, tt VI r tr.,
ty, t -
t t;L : 'L. ~ t 1 . ,h
.1 't
1 ', •r - , . ' .
• 'lila , ti. ,•" •;1 . : '.. r
cht.thhilj ..rt. d tht
I. :I
Thr. t.t .1 - ~. I t• k tt t •
tlrt 7Dr t tth .rt , rr t tt''t • •
1. v. ylev.r. ,:: r.,• ... v 6:: r,r
Profasor dicz. C. 13.,r1y 6 Trimplimus,
g 111 Mi. 1.1. t.l. c NI., I r
. -
htle 0.1 114 4.01:4
d4.11‘. ;at 114. , Lodi Lte r 44.1
ctin Kno• vith,” 0—
ltd. to my .id,r/ 44.1 vT
eutel 1,4“.: .01; L a. 4
ti.Ld titri I Ldod
14:41 , dol . 1
gxr. g I au. nagri.
gith (•• , •1 , ril.ll • rut frirg,ll , ,
Gt. , g
izod, ar tru•
flea, r/r.1., ,, , •I',...4prtr
bug, MI , / .• • r i•
.11,1t. 1! 1114e 41 .1.. I L a:Utirit, at
:• mi
Ka, lltror le, • 11e.i .4111-.41 , 4 11
bt.bor rbb.E..ubli,,
ultb,•tevlliybbner, to 11.. 141,,1 LI , 41 tu
olier /t
Ibb 111 , 44ta t tib12i.L1, ,, ,.• ..614. , ,b401u
1,1,1 , lab:1•14 .;.11
trt,na 1,01 cbrua. utber nbbotzbuo
3.11 a I tir,bi.n. In cheap., n. ~ 4.1t,.1•
unrttailta,lt it".ta 111 La: I, F.
11rxr. Mll IJan t.. rbiruth Ita•ttistileui
t l+C Jura. fitly.
bel!tt:teititst-sysalui.usatt. :°‘
ti I AG() AM) PEtiMA ,
Titom As iLwi,
‘ON 413,..NLV11
1 . gt.:
.. n•i t .h N
I r.if • ,t.. 1 t. 4. • I
J 411.4
a qutgr.
:Jr J. .1. (! , ..ber. xl4 u¢l
Wta . •
•- - -
-•• • •
FlOl, °ter Plata t, PkUltl A,
•)...I.lattactuat hrLallaT
- _
:41‘. LOUIS & °SETH.
.M.IDDLETON, itiLek, '8: ANER,
al , cpptrt. , nia, In (ha
oa al.rtlaz C 0...
II h A Vetr.74.,'.;
P.4 . 1 , 11/..{askait,
All c-annla . t . .,ti?na yrcantalr aniwopr.p ,
g z; Attorthig. nit.l etotilt
opa tlui 0 Law, •au.l Camtuireioupr (dr 11.. !W. o
at. LQuii, 11., (late of KaunuroP
'alVtaullasa a llPClur..;a.alti P. Parks, 111.401. le
&1,11 , 1r..1110...1 Llu. ang11:1
More New Goeds.'
k AXLES A. 31eKNI(IfIT. No. GL) Fourth At.,
AA. tird....l 01A 11.^crrYi ocipplr of Kill antl tb Intnr
Ilmtna,rity 9( a 1.1.11 havloa tir
tue Mtn, anollloyal. In tn.. trattpro
pax: 1...40.n. hots eual/P.l:d diem-our tlp,
Ir PP... 1 r ,, .n•ul.t ',I particular ap,ntiln
la. • •
firnclia 1 / a nn Shau, very ehrnp; Plain Caslan..rn.
)11:,synr Zl'att%:Tj:ll7.6
pjahl IrPP •P
Or. . OCT- ,
j, UST-ItEe'll at .JAS. A. Dl , :llNlUl7T'fi,
pt,cwll ne.ortnt,nt 01 Infante 004 kontla'
' l ' l4ll ' l7o4 o p
.nn sty!. owl *
51, catantaiwuppI1PI at tort'
, • Timio Id;
- Lquil.vitu, 4 .
:••.411:17 1 .....1.W..._
C. 3-D.
4 b."'"
b 411.4.1NE,1 CO. i
LO4Cu Lb l , T , , , Ctr, I
. • .
COVERS=-3U &atm Oil ClothTa
14.:tuot: .bd Orers—direzeirt
- ./.1 . 1 1.111/4sl42e.llllMarkert4.
. . .
For Sale,
x_y 00AL. .atiand In Third Dan, Manon4set Is Oil,
Ivo ~ I L` ars unsurnsa.d in pc•lity •nd a.irth.
tsar. and Nu al lost no the n,.,
A1,— [tort undivided pert one hundred noel
nthety dfr....t(y ',mans Nlnuonhahela City. For •
toll iuu, iron° c , l the prorwrtr.t,rrus and floe., fp.r to
LP A 111, 11,1 N ham nl.o for ogle h ome
Lo, nuitable fur pr t.
iii A11,1...f1y City. Abu, unitnprove4 Lot,
14- .tatt.t, For Particulars apay
• • .
Desirable Property for Sale.
vry v:1112311, Building
L r Ilroot Iho Ohio and
1,11, ik•11/4. 114.11 , 941. fr”nt,o¢ on tbn
io n
aml uhiutp anwL,
and uu .th.,11.0 • at
ta1.30.1.. caa the
nnjmu.,l ...or, blab Ward. tt.
ant Cetboti...l.l.l - ..t...x.1....t trout ou Litneftj-, icy fret
Imck 1.. tirring
Hrlck 1.v..1111q now, on LIT.VIT
II 1.. t L..: but froiatlpT
lb.wU.l.Y NJ .
ti9nc... c....saveu.out.
AI YA •I ta•
I..rut ..f .
ac• st. res
In. Nou t nstio
In , catat,, variour Flu. .4
Yrlr 'Nun u
For Pair luw r.u.l cn n,..anzun,l3ting 4.rm. Laquire of
N. 1. a n L LIMAN.
Attarnprs at Lcuasul Itea! knerne,
,1.1 If Na IU. L tcurtL 1.1/I..Luratt
FOR SALE, on th e rennovivanin Canal,
.11nInlet, the holttt at
Flth.en Arra, et I a ,I. alth reluatale Pin 1.11•11*,
%Nall lon, arras ttetal e,xl. Thu pr,erty tr., teat. an.,
tal every tether: to latattem fur thaunte,turls, our
ev ter - 1.04,11v. etth an iner.l.•tintt
ble etti.plt "et ata.i
the eartal ors. ieg
it r.r ilPi rt n 0 . 1• nnJ int.! r I. nn,l tin qua.*
Or+ ni n • man, apinuni (or I, 4llalitn
In,' liio Jemin.l Inn n.unes And Int, In thr
ImonnlinV , vwluiti• , ti no.n
-• ...In it Tilirsl NIELIAIN
it A . IJ .1 gr , isntt tronnm, Lnrt 011 Craig •
uniri.tmlnc I, 04: in Omit! sitt;i prii,rty ~
hurt tll .1•"..r I..ra ihn Vin.ot .•1 tho MI. 01[11,1r nn .
n. V I irN nni Frt. Ai n
rr w,ll knnwn HOTEL,2
Ly i:o1,1111. NEIIII, tvnlesly of
rltty .n.l r.1,110.11.•13, I..l— , .,ntatmng upwarly
oftio.l 11t, ,yrt.t,ou
prrn petrl, 'Ai 1 y 1.11,t(
pwYuu • o dty 1,1 room. At•
.t.nutc , U15...1- -.lttuo.l tf.t.
Mu .4 it.. yt ...att.—, tomtit ., thy ofllk It:111CL k
' 41 4 .I:ll'll..l‘.4'Ni!!':l7,'.:lll:'t.g..
II ....lerr-1 , cl m..1 .1 . . ' 1.11 ' 1 " 1 .1.
A . LI
Frill LET— .t • lArgo and colivonsont2
w 11,31..../:. ti.......1.1•11n.t. Ina:" t,
Private Residence for Bale.
rilllE PROPERTY I. offer, 1 oxot,liti; , - r:4l
l. 111••
Inset. n
• ' • .w.`,llt, •ts
~~. ..
r.J 1 ~.~~.1 ~
Real Estate.
J :
I .•: r,
r 1,,
t•t 1,1 4
F uli REN I Ito Ihr , llikw, 155 V.,4
4.1;1 p1rer.u.,4 1 .: 1 . 6
, .
A, -It . nn.1.1 - :j I, • ca..i-cnto rvnt. Encui rl ,
1-'(.r dale or Perpetual Lease,
VORA 1-1 HREE 11U11.1 , ING LOTS,
• ' • thr
t /•11. -1.1••• 1..
1 , 1 II WILR.IN•'•
A liood Barg WEI 13 now Offered,
. Air RCM 4 .1 ,
1/0,, , .....tvazi:.
lo•rr • 1•1, 1- ,/.41 'l,lCyur.l
1.1.111 .1 111,1.1,
Uuited States Patent Office
O N Os, o of
a a a 1 , 1:11 • 1.1. J•lannr3. L . -, 1. an
, u 1
. a i 1.• ii .I: i.tna, n 1...: i”,... a!li I,
!!..1.',11., 11 : 1,11 f ,1 ! 11,, I...ntrian, ai...Kra,,....1 la lr . . , n i c I ri . liSo ....:k ....a
~,, - . ....• ~,.- ~. a., L.l . 1 i...0. 11, 1.., ti. u!af ,C.t ni.; 111 1..! • ~.1 to ~,,.. Inc [ - Au. i
I ii..-‘1, Loin., b.,: an, • ...lvi \la- : - ..i1....:rcat ialra tainstnrcr.:
Uffit.i,.l Star e; P.,,tent °tee. ! ~ `; ;- . ;'.: 11 ' .1. ..-1:" I '''''
'.... '''
' ''''''''''
d 1„ N 111! 1.1 11.,raa1,,- Laai1,11....14 '' 9 .. !: 1 ... 1 1 "" J '' ,!, '' , , ., 1 V;, ' ,,.' , 1 ;:i 1 . ,....' i :1 . t .,, f t , .
~n 4lfa
X. , , . 0 . , .• . . •-, f•':• , 1 0 :- 0 ,.. ,... ' 0
I ...• n!• , .! r.!• LI 1 :•!!! '' n . 1". -.1. " . • 1.-.. • 1! '`. ' llf J V 111,111,‘ M .lorca iNtit/al. • .!,110
f tiiriini•n I ..11 rt ni 41.1 I. ~..r ~.s. •• . ; 1841. \ WEST 3i 1
B`,V. , ;,,PoIiTATIO m
N\coPANY. l l
' , B. LEEER .0 co•a4rii-E. i
. .
:7 I
,„.,...,., ~. lalci,. i......,..taintivc a iIL !Lc i nici.o: tn... I. !
11.• ar titan ..-.ll!..ll,l;ra.lic.l.infilill!c..ll.
..,..r..! 1r T , r¢rA
. ,lial lin.u.itir. I.e iiinni , n,al in u,. , aliEra • 1 PITTSBU II GAL \ PHILADELPHIA, BAT LI- ,
~ , ititcllii: Lc., li.,,nlair. and 1 Lei., 11 rtiliru.: 1 ..:,. o t.
•MORE, \ AND NEW cliNki.
~I !r ' T"'' . "‘' . '• rilllE Canal I,,eiWK in 1.0,0 d order, we are •
' • ."'‘ '.""'""""'-""J''''''''' ' . 2 1 ,1 'zil,',7 l rz . °„xxnt'l42 t - tnr; :',l
•- • :•i,.,;71.1:.'" - .., .-L , . 1 . .P0.,.. . 01 .14 . 0,0 14 . bV\ '!"
1 . ....., .... r I . ani • C.., Lre , llin ~r.n c. nttllol,. lt, prorlnt....
Unitedintl.of la.lin, Iratl , nallt...l, 0n..1 aly - lrnel an, timu,lf • al. Stintim Patent Met, ( ...,,.., .-,
: Ami, W...., 4 iJlty• , I
11_, . IlAt 0 a Nelt.l l ,priclorr., . •! '
i ii-N ,,.. 111 .
L li , ctitittla
~. .il , NI. :...r,l, of P.,ri, , , . • Hanaddl tl i tOn,
L l' b .01,0. 0,0,1 atrati.
,- r,,„•..,-. , .;.;',. ..r„,..;..y . .:,.....,,:,,,riL','..r21:-.T. : ---. ~. ..., , i'4 . ' 1 . ;;',1,Zt","f,;',1%:..A',7.. \
4,1 1,111 ":11.. ~ vi 113,1 I, .2.,..“ ii.nn rrt. liir ~1,,.
o.ll.tri I ' .l " ta A At. , l;:i, .5,0,, 1
• ~,,. :5, !,0
.”.... ldalitt.,rn.
1 II 1 . r..a/0..1.. 4 ,aut.
o Ili, lni Pa, ~..1.1.1 k. 1i,...14 , 'lie rsi ' .
1,... :. 1 1 ,2 st .1, e.elil VOrki 4 '
i.“ 1 :1,...... ,tar Jai. 11, tat. ..! 1,.. •u.t...t. 11....1. al If : .•'" ,
cl • 4 1 ' lntl OA , t. r...i....r. n...0...$ in app', and ,oi. '''
t ntiS.. aA, 11.6 , , , 1.,01e N.,1, .4. ~.4.1.1. oti,4{ ,tow u 29 11.013118 TO CLEVy.4ND.
.r•tulorl ,
Patent till., 11,. it . 14.. lion, .., ...will, ,id 1,11, in al,. 1 , itit. i 0 Sr I. •
1.,,, " 1 111.. 1. ` ".1 ' ."l ' .-.' 1 . 7 ,, ";:' .10 1 . '1 !••11 ~,,, • n! ' ! I'II"I'NEURGII ANL) CLEVE ND
1 ....... 1 .3. 7 ...1. ". :. ,'" .... t .,....,:. ' ....... , i1,1 ' . 7' .. ," .:7,T[t . , ' PFT , ' , !'outer .r.'d leave L. , tt'' el(r , !.nd•
,-'"', ."..","''''''"," '"'"'A.4 , ..1'n.h . ....- ! ill ISSIr'Nt; RUN leave every La drtlieg IA 9
v.....1 , “ , i”, - ... , ,,,, , ,,,i,r. ...,1 Luriiii.i.f W ,,, l.lnnlinr. ! 1 .. V .0 ' .. .• !!! !1".1 . 11111, 10 L 1 a 1,11. . 0 . -0,, by err , .
0 c C.nirli, and I . .pguircr. : i !..5, V.,1,.. t,,,0,:,,,, ~. 1,. -‘,.., 0:' , ..:. 0, 0 ' , .. 00 .. 0,,0, . Er ra0 , t0 , 40.04 °Tr.
' • lan i Itta • rrau to ClaTahoul.
I uutfar,ll4/....0,10a. e6 1 •14 0 ,IY•LIIi. P1, 41 ,,1r10, j1..1.t. . ~ ..,..,.1,1•11d.,4.1, . . \N .
24= ''' ,T=1VA . 1. 41 ' t "rthilr. home,
' 5 ":13“‘“:r.4. ~ .5 kw..,„ _., - .4,..i.,,,.,4 ~ E.
1t.t,v..714. 0 , , 1th.14..4111.,417..."?,. -„ , ,0 , t 6 .1 0 ._,- ,. °,,.,, , ,',.',• - 4 - .ii.. 0 ..
anti, tar dl r., ilierii.,l4 awls ort %baba to tha atalb 4,7 ',,, - ~.. rl— —- r .•
at tko.unbar at, t. 1 llu.i MI llAbli, CINCINNATI; 'L I
.aaa...tila ..... Crauraiaa.coat ot P•tililla. I , l* I.N.lutolola az] Xeslaa. by Cir,01.3 c.os-ctr.ritnin4
ktpluay MuitaLl Lily 111514rallat CO/48.4y. Pasapti,,,rt fdr Ntrota. Mk... 30 a.,1 laul,obi, b . ,1,a ,
COTO:ld •Vtrr fn•lti,, at eta .cledr.L. hr td0.. P 1,1,,, d a'
OU.IIIANTY FUND, $lOO,OOO. rontaxata ot. Tabi,ou o ,mm/id - it:Wand lk, rot Ottrolle t,
r iIIIIS COMPANY otr,r, t.,, t.l, ivattrod all “tnfiii:74 4.'t.:14'.,i111ir:V41:;!...1.,.."5.'n''`.1
11_ 11, --stlllls and orla anlaallool thy Slott Qat and Jane burin, !Or I.:ova iti m u Ohio tint, o:kti :000. to Limit, i
!.,•,, I`l., ki..1..,,.. , .., itiiiiiii...l) , ..lin...l. tiaim.l,, Low not, et. Loll., mad litmus.. 'rill 4 . ltoaud utuatt goteko, i
tato. at vo:uCoo.r. au ...mud olio, IL .1.-la ..1 the par rboabo , a‘bt PO • filfr, 1 111,/, aur ur.b.,. . .
• ...DU,: rrionnil I cr Mr cOntinput nfi, n 1 Lb. seal, aa.l. I . l i lliti , S Padtall , , a l rolo
njo ta i tora,
.Itilistel. bat 4,leArt.,,Tt MI - Male. tici , {inure won - \,
of Linril.. tor Ow wbole taora utdtta, .. W. us. olu , t , ' rat tkket trlntattnatt.n ‘Ol O l 1 :-
101 100:5,1 lu ma a.,:totollataug 11.1 oncotad to roull, --- , 46110 .i.CAtitlllEN..A,ant.
not4A , ra YaTaule at .oaLth, lo • credo, Ito. of. pabOas, / '.
o.itt “liii"t/ aaanab • ill Fau ' libtall atal Wall, atratta.,
quaraol) lialtill da.,a11... ot the
. t..t , • • '.; opponta the MOnantahola Haut,: ,
$l ,O l .rus ruen - ,boa, col ad, fur he jare.uot aeckaitY 4 1 ' '""• - YlTTilltilittaL
am,. VI the a 1,.4.- tow 41 lifv.
atay - fhia I. tbe a w l ) Mutual Lite Inaurdur, Cstbyau,l
n ' Ll ,, 051 ... 4 14 o.oolt no. tl - aal al a vol . rolu,d nand
arl. wall .1 Not 0u... iOl 50 1 1 4.110117 Incr,o,n, .vututo,'
laiwn a tun, ,:n1 Itittifc ...:11{119 in cßaft /nrclnl3 la
Oa nn.., ..I it 1, 11..........1 Wu icierv..ll.4 osul. friilla Ltl
laitrtfig +in. anilllan 111. metal/arr.
atnVt' L. "l :n tl4 l l" ..7..rt7 a t i l t blY ~! o ta tta ab ik4 lt 4tlfttafe.
tor in , urau, r 0,115.1 by "' . 1 . 11) Linea, Avant.
t'a. 05 0,1 a1t0rt.000.4,10 - ,A:
„,,,,, f.,,,,,,. ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,, \:
, Zi.I.X .....,
1,7 lit nu li . La 1 4 ' ,oica . e . C ... 1 Witte Gib
0 bbl , . .. Rai:a:W.l . 4g, l ' tl V . u-
, - brvott l ' azzara • Ott:
111 , laZa Nutty B, ocolltem • \ 1
10 LI er.,,, 1. a. r,,, ‘N . \ '
la •• •• taAvebong Tot: '
Ili and ola bane, ea.tra tale, for foully aoa: j
lla lauo, a ' , l ' alortn. cbatra boo),
I i titre,. Wt.: , 1
:al iado•Crural..l:: uunra '•• ..
' ..
r-“ , - - J • ,Inguli Ilg Ea utle 1
rog - . i, L- ia LAURI:CAN sk or. r
0X.6:1.'1e ACID-34.10 lb. fin : Wk .- by
• • .b,nt.i!p,, 01.
.111 A'l"riti 6 ,Y, ()AN DLEWICIZ—
ir. ..,:,,, L:I,. Lutt.lue,
..,• 4,u.11....kt: , -11 - r Bale tr
OrS . A -Ctil.l3:l\lloS, co.
a VI. ..PEIVEHMI N'f-1. 1 .1 0 IN , pI fig
"....g.b . by .
... I_'Y..U:A.L 11,.` , ‘,..
)11111..A IL It/ litioN.S---A. X. 31,,t,4.N , V , Co.
1..... n,.. ~,, t.,,.. , 1 ~.0 ,astnarial Ir, , ir P1a1,1144
: \ ~,,,nu
'VTI,N,EGAIC-11/0 bbis. to: sAl i ) by
, T r oir - 4 . A.1:01.19 , trauN 500. , \ 1
- ---. ----- -
.ti3ORN ' STAMM --300 lbs. ' A CilUiCe„ aria
•••,fik.nnyr,,,l.,ll ..apacady'ltr.,Eleile and eulint/
1.210 , 0 1 . At 1p extcostv./, aa....,lacuraauut, us
au par fillaFatiuu of puttulUga, Marc , ph",
Cakiatuhaa aruldie Baker, 'amid...U. Yut hal
ysekag‘e. villa lu,ll dareclicars um um for - .
b L. ', :
~,,, _ 4 , • J. 1:11AL. • OD- GD , % a: I -
FIRLISS..BLUE—i;busea, best, fol 7 fa 4 •-
ol sc r
• -4 .. 5 0004NNARY.r. a Pa. t
,--- ,-- —......
r N, mill bi belti.eoi,vediiivtgoi( 111.
mall ar...1.9Va1l toeTWO utrutanti 474
, ••••• - .OAW•• -.,•-• - -.) 7 o47.i.r...giEutatiii a in4a.. , . ,
. ,
. 2
\• ‘ \
A -
. ,
\ ,
\ \
Land and Lots
„~.. ~.~i,i~~,. ~.
1 .11U411C
RT 1-.‘v 1:Orlf: TO N1:11
I att., 143
, • • , s, Crit,
nat. a, a ..I • .I,l:twat ItniornAti
\t^J sirs, , i
'Yin AIN: , VC ItUNlZtlii,
• tslar!:li.:,
4) 4 kk.l• , tipiirl , spern cas.ngeri
°"" i•srk n• tt ...Sine, at v;avt.r.r..alw;:ht
Licl, ns •
~• anl 1, i 1 C Fl .1f 1a 1i , a11(.11,; Ditc,nrkAN
• r A si „au, n. this Train
t5e.h.3,1 at the
.• , .-
01101{ TO CINCINNATI 1 AYKIL'S OBEERI3.7T.E,OTORA.L. ''.: - ' ''''
1,' , 1 • k HOURS
L lB . 2\ ' i ' PAR TITE cußoß'w •:-• '''., ''.. • ' _
_ ,
g's ....I. aftef..3IONCTIAY ODE'OCT 13th , 1 COUGHS, COLDS, lIDARSDiTESg, BRONCHI- .".,:.
% 1-1, 'lCre....d.othl,a..u,, h tta t , Itatlrmul TIS WITOOPIIiO.COUOA:CLOOP \. . -.---;
eil 1. 4 4.1 out (rum Clsnm,l au E 71 4 ,18 train .r. , ,,,m-I •
'''' ' ''''''''. '"\ 1 " .. `''''..l.' ..I.STIiILA, CONSOMDTTON.
. 3 4:mrato a . mak. i, , tanr• ‘u Oh Nor !let 41A x ilTi . 10 -
j'''''' A ' '"" I , ' • A .. 11 ..1 4 1' , 111i11.)
~. iN ~frocina t - , the ainnituatilv Alia justkr‘ -- - e--.
•: . C'l.l '":1"\17;11,P N VP...: 1 . 6 ' 'T"-- , j c,lal.r/J...arera.N ' l y . f b r dheaaaa or that ihrOst analhairth-tti
_ ......,!ati4 \ mtn. „, thrattola Ilons.. \lt It. not cur wiel to tut wlth tha I:res or 1 3 littalth of M. , :
F Ohio aim i'ettusycyankz Hai. road. l ' ' ''''''''''' l' '' ''kli
'u. b - , 1
,,u1,fard tu„n .A art o erldtam 'or no .nko• • . ,
a stases. or
N . consur: IN TIIIF. olr a `Altl'lNh. . 11.c.t , a. thmawhtch they CID Judga ItYr th , tallehrtlh. Wilda- - .
!hill . '4?lip AFTEI: M0N1).%, tbe 6th inst., I •‘ 1•!•• • 1,,,,,,•- ' ),... "",' ° '",'"'", ' . . 66. " ) , NI"
7 Lb,. larti , ruoral tram a 111 6, - Urlat,t..,, a t iy i , tatctm,: , l 4 , ,orhartholoY. 6. , ahlw"ltr ,, a I - 11h. oor -opoto: • • -...
~ k . .6.1 ,• , ...-.1,,.. I, , am 1....1,. :,..a ntah,.., ot 4 aul.l - eru h , Itut.mimt, • 1.,1 l''l ain 0 . 4 ...." \
P.. 11 11, „11 - d , r ot B, ua ta hm, , ,,,,,,.
11E0 PARKIN. „ ~• ~,.„,. I 5),,x: pr ..,.: ltm Ile, gir:ll, ah.l we octllclt an Inquiry
......,..;_r_ - 1 trate \M a r ha ti,t1,4 0 ali we , tathlhh. f.Alne adma.114,11107 ..
Oiliti. Pti P. , .. 11 .,y ,,,,,, ...ia ad. t al/1 nh.l them ,riltaaly mllable, Owl It,. al74: , lll•Warlit7
.. : .. , r4- . F.1-, ,,, C7. ,._33 9 I ttxtar haat c6aratenc,and pstanago.
-. !Fruit th a ,hattchroi.,7 6 l7trttra.r Of Ch.llatlT tand 1117 7 • , -
FROM PITTITyIiIIIGII TO NEW P.P.N.ITON. \ 1. ,, .....:iimuc - ....a0 - . dol. 4 ••Nak , so.l , '• • \ • '
..b 3ILEs I 1.141 ~.41-,t..d nitawannc ths iN11.1a,c145...... ..
. 1 tamm.a. u7l, I tial au ann./Malty of with. pA!...,.:,..
( IN ,
~a i a d ,i'tcr t . i. MoYDA V, A Ci; LS T\ 4th 1 .. .1.ttt,v:1 , f ,. . ; . 3 t . t 1 : 3 ? llir ig ttg . `• 01,11: 33 7 1 .= . '„'.... ,
1 , ,a f aaa rig Than 0111 mat act allow, ,
1.14 r)1 Nt.ll Illtlti rI'UN . IN, a ,t1'..,1 I 1 , Ns, I 1. ,,‘` , - l'6l.h:lf adallaaral 1411,6a1.
E.t% e. illununtity. •lu aM. 001 •l' k d; . ,,y.;iT:! ., p.,,t ,,, :gwa1 „ 4t: , hz. 0i.:.0.rdru0.;,.
. • WAS.. FARE, `,, C r Ta. PER 1,111,E. \ I -.: PAJIKEIt C117411171LA.19. M.D.
Children under taellysuaot a g e halt h rtee. Brahm.,.-t, Me Frh. 5. 111•1.,
Between Patatur i att and II 1,v4116, Jure an rta. , ---...
, 1 11..1:Mtn, < - :15 ... .II an Oaaraa„ 10 1/11 11a.1arn..3144, In tni.=),_ -. •.,- I
.. .- liana:tut' , a...
a ••
•• .11a,Lith . c , •.. ~,., r 1... t ila 147 I 'ant. Pr.ruza.." utel‘,.;
.. .. .. ~. a.,,,r fad, a Gout r of tocatsukahlinag It
- - - 11‘,11,..tar. . , .• aNitlhers.
, • •• a, Nat,ll, An G .l6,
64- avatah.a hest, .111.. , •la at rein:xi rat,,, . ... , .
lat La...a I.,ttst.ur,h anal Itt,thcm,r,., to 111, 11411ra 4 O ' A. heal 11..1,1 I this thetlll4.ll6 I wotth
al 7 (*Ade, end • •2..• ... ..-'
P........1 , -V , ,aoursh and tm.l Nr,al,to.: mu I•tach, • „. „ i . ~„ , 333 ,,,,,.
antblr dlatlnct
' L. an, da,
• 1; ~ Ho
Gar Iha 'tram aal 1 , 1 , 1 ,Utl OD autala. but Eacur,Du „. , \ • • ,7!............ v .i .s,7acant., July 6.1
it a 1... la, au 44141.11 j wai ha w0h.1,16r thr haunt 11 , 11 2 ...• '', A ,..." 4 . 1 ' • 1 ha*. laan mini .h.l a ,, a p a l n 1 .. . .
oh MC.4.14,. \ ,ta a ,tt.t., ..1,,. lat.:, tahl all\th , kymrthata or as
' • •
Cminicua-maii, 1..• al tit,. thlct. r. P,Jtral atrtet, t:. •r 6 111 :¢ P." mat , . than a TO% ,1 ,n u h t th, p a .. ..
, alt 1•11 I.,mneem!,t-htt„• at, wh„ t e ,I, the root. 6 , ata• 11 . 41 1 .1 41.1 1 , 7221 my ca. „ antlitcar4thonclal the a',
froth the 11r1.1 Q „ la 01,,,t,..ln lino, lbey ma, Or. ' 4 lh6r 5. , " fa."thrah lalu. , RIM SO Mina Tr-
0rn,, ,, ,„3.3.3
~,s , „
33 . ,,
~,,, 3 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lief. awl I ht.
, 1,04.11 Matdilr manta. ; ray statth,-111 111.... .. -
lint,. lmu.,Miattly Nt o tha ha at. a th„ Com fir or , bl'all l, 1'• al," . 10 .1, l , e-11 . 6d. 1 110/..,..g DMZ 111,
11, t0n,.., e-ado .r h aa , ,,,...rn ta Ma !a t m. h atalha LT Me atllmt. 1 h11,t,h.51 ,1 1. ,,,, h, , 61111 CI .1%11 lar itarar- •
11. , rIltattm . '1Inh.t. Ilt. 6t , hurt. , , alon g / ittb,roet, Irrm 1 . 1 ,6 h -, 1 , '1 ,, I'l' Im.•11 1 4 ahmrt , \ ll 7../irt.•ho Ind
11' 1,, Atarlmh ..,1 al, na .. Cht,„ „tr...t. at * .,,, i,, , ut 1 -• , 6 1 , 1 , 1'1 , 1 ,4 '... ht. 76. 61.101al dt7 at•Toro at , '
*lots; ti, mute. 1ah..61..1at., rah Lail tlt„ in - 1 et, 11. of 1,, a1 1,1 1 1, . I h',.. pie:taut., In ote 6t ,fyi ng t h m
r. nal,* to tba Cor, '
11,a 1„.41..tal will lo ottaadhi N'Tond Naw Prh=hllal at J. l . CALLIOI.II6, ct 13r, .1427,1ha5. ..'
the I . r I I t , a . practtraLle day.
Th a 6-.llavin g .. wm cho cf tllo worst or Gloa.,‘.r,blehth t
'4 „f Ihr.wmr,
nY ''''''' 't th ' ' l "' It Eu tt Gy: F • A ',KIN , taual , las, vtatrtmelo thau g ht 1G 1..0 111 , 1111 14 =....p."
Titlrel Agt.nt. hat.
en." 414 Al.. Ann- /all'
\ PRiitSYLV7- I thA RAILROAD. . J. O. A rat—Sir,..l was tt...-ten Wttitor *MINI* torah, . ,
*ERN TO LOCKPORT, TWENTY MILES IVES . T• tl:Vtt t, ' . .,t,T d r - ti. , r, t , ,, ,, ;41 ,, n , :•:4,,.. 1 :V51rrr0rr. :
n *calm
, op ifSIINSToIvN Coughina. n.,,a.antly hlaht tool MIT. /.ho.ta• /lolly
IDaw air my ry. acre Funk. and ahlorsaraiml' r•allt i
~,,,,,, yr„ta - F-......,_,.,.......,47-zt,L . ....,....._ , ~,,..., ~,ry „hrtrt 1ud„,,,1. I wa.:a7l , llT fall:hx,imi it. actlidl,. 1
3 .3r 1 a , ' 1 .15,„.._, : ,67..1...1C-0*,1„,.... -Na l , tr a o,4 r.r 1,1-4.11, that t.. i
1 1 hope al MY taC.1.arr.....44:1
t. P .., ¢ , r t we.... 1 _ 1...1a It, 10 114fi r ..i,14,1.0041 / 4 , 1 1, 117 . ..\. ,
FA LL ARRA NGEALENT. IsSI. 0b1.):cv../el.n kmter . , rf thn t satuAlat Lard, bran t
ma 4 /441teot Jour t..LrrY3 i'vcturat; which 1 v.1.-.1 ,• , ,
CIIANGE OF HOUR.- te •,..1.0 - > f, any raiaattation Dr obtalhlng
Ler /I, 0 ,1 00.rts tudarr.l ar.. to manna,. 11107. amt
. Cr'. '''''... l• - •'' 0 - 1. ' OCE l, .. l r.r lr I am: :Laud \h„altll much ittay.lnlPl. N . 411 11, itteeta , 1
• , 11/ , nad and Lopee, rvrAy i Line monti,lx.. 41 tayi .tratt,,, ant t-a altritaat. PST Mu*
4.1 , „al- to 3 nut as. 1 t„-liZar.` Mtt, timdeepatattrhatittall a
1. , 3 miler t a1.,1 3 , .
.VANINntiOI.IIIIIIY... • ' .
041454.7 4,9 r 014100. 1 .1.1.1 1 .11.01, Tl. Tre,,.. 4 orb v.\ 1 io Jvat s ....l2. A lElt, Frartital(2.-.617'
TA, P. t LTINIORE k...tiEtiYORK , z 5 V.... 1 , L , .. , \ , 1
, h.,11 stt a.atmlatti, wlml..a,e ch.arttall a by' 8./LAW. ..:
1 el, Eapresa packet Boats, Pr.. 1•01.7:. LAN. a...t.J. .31.'1,31V2IFNUL, , \
In Ala... yr' CIO y It. P. tallllt Alt and .T. OD. •-.
?:::... ~.. tii.kf .4.1 1., '1.1........,r...:1,- .. , .p/i,1,r1r.3.3.2 ..,
Lk F., it 'l '. l .l l, llAiEht l :-T •. :
,taltlV, A tiwist 2.51.11, the
0..47..,„-,,a h1.1 .u1r, at ..r.Lorkt.crt
.and l6',uk,
„ a , ylrmia
• 1N,,,, alt., M. c
:, ~,,tva, di.
.;•'-.1.'. , rl i:k ( : 'll ;t pl T u
' l '' '7:i6.,s lT c
\ TIN OR a
Mad. 41 flarr.m.rr.
141tIl1mor, m :h.
I. P. lit il.)11 - :1, P i;:nnt.
O. LELCII. & C" , •
. .
J l l,:e:¢ll;;.g i t,
1,1,11 i•- , ...- ./am. , ,
tr - T/ 44+. tarot ..1,
E.H . lkiral..l.l 13. r,....,
ri.Wit, r.1....u• ru
k. : , ..1. - Ica r.,
..1 ,2 .: 4 4:FR53 FOR 11,
. ti , IlJeucal , rlnr.a 1i.6
1 'I.:, rt. 11..• nr.-. 1
4, d.. i
Via sr, - .t• , ., [Li awl I 'ti tithe: . /111J, to LIMO ,I. 'e
and Phil,ielohia.
9c1.1,11(AN IN.: 1:1 , ,AT 1,,,,v0, the Wharf
•I.,t'h '... Tint., 4.1; . , . CiiiiAr t•.,, , ,t, ii, \
r... •int , wit:4ll.w ,iis• rt t.:11=1 , it..i..1 i..,•. 1,. rria;
1 .. Ertl", it., 1....• a :ails wrc.,tit .•••••,I, ~ v iinint
1 it
/ itri,4 t., re. ti..• "....2, . CUM... 10, IleSI
I. .'' ...•
t ris w , It i.• telitrit.n., 2.2 t,urt irie mij 19.
ti, rit•pi 1 1....- , lptii.... , h.., tlrri. thic SID.
11, :, tir rt li• , , ii. viiit r,Pal i •iirli.-I.'i-I , 1,, with
I. ~ ,,,I. i..,,..ii , ,.. ri..l, utrtitirtid, cLit.ti
.. I,til iit.N, Aqrtat.
', VV., iii fir. : , ..crirrlibrits Iliirm.
.. i k YLVAlialli RA/ LEOA.D. -
. tt - Ta • 7 11.41 , ?.. -- 71.- - 2
kr.hc. :I. Ai.
' 'St:it BE
C,npl r. 10)
null E-e;asui, pleasure to
11 I
.0 ie; 1 , E4
f Ll.l CI 1 re.; -.
• r.., r.
I ,, ,thrra. 1 un..aur, tlr,
n ~„
bucti. b,,
11.1, tt.±lA r
CLAP`—:‘ , l.7.7:Niar4
Gt-rm. n ell y.ll .r.
crak , DA.
cram, of Prnn
kr .0,1
~3` 3 ~ tr~ =•3
On 'tlnePelinsjrlvEiia-ancl'Ohio Canals.
..I.4ckfi,2 \ PAttita
CLUSIMERLIti. LltAttl"OA2 , .t 1t•,......C16.1 . 1.1.43 , 1., u.
pill* well known Lino is no t tifecliA
Tic factlitias or' ll•ktatko are I: L.ll.m q?
117. t.ol.7aair) Int*Lithi, at
th la t elUTtrTsPlii4b 6••••iti..idgia,••44
In cont....toy with • Lk...4
o kt 211.7,
13t114111..idiniAvEn.01 I. , ..late KL,e 4„. 0
,;"•\,,, • •
1±49,67 ,, ,cAi zt ,
Un. , 13•1:01111:r. Atrtt.
- ••trtAittirtleid Vitttbur.•ll,
Excursi7tvla loaver, 25 cents. \
111 li E Mae , :meager tteameri. :
ji. BYATER" ;211C111. lAN , ik.. 24 .1 /I
it. 4 a 1.14,1 1.4k1X, 4 P t t,h " o. ..d • •
dn fitfyl. ' grx , EgivrgFrAt=t7..;,.:
~.,,n-..,„i . ..v,..., i. , • \
l'ernout • 1... , 11.9,0 tb. Ile., f 41.12 tea., rtt..ust.:
Mita*. /1... b. d.; br twrmatts.qu,...A.,"l!.l
T l i =tVapttlti,iasF T. e 1 '
os l. l, =•rii...,a;ii- i
7,4, 1 ' 44 7 .'
_, ,
DU t
..,,,,,9 , c,,,....i..,er reithfi.ild .1.11.., .t a urcb.
' 61-11E8110:i0**.aid:'r rOgilt
TQAte.firtailefi'44'ing. DATp, '.., • ''
A , :itAzgs . 4.a - s.r,t,v , Alitt
,r3L 51ALP..ux7.11^.175 1-o , At.:tkaiwvib i
- 'i r i c is, • . 4;• ;;Q; - h&..i.r.i4 14 1$4-'11D-544.i ''',
/MO tRA.I4I,- '
2. sap; . .:A.ATII
, •-•, t - '.
1 4 :0 4 t . 4/,:jk4 •
' s vg+) .1!'' .. 2 " •
' , RSA?
v-s o , s iiff %. • ,
kf) ' yik4 • t
{ ••
1, ft
-; up:4 4 4 e ...,;••
4-9 -
t-•>Sci , A-frtifr4l'.. •
) r Fr9:l;tl:e of
'ha larr,rt . r ‘,1r..111\
, pAirc...IPARILLA
rt,rt,..rm I.
a: hinit are 1, k
i: .rn vr. thL% :• rn!; , - e crqd vri-A .c i
1 h., to .'e
C tUf 1101J7 FtII
• Caarvr, Tklnors.
I (Iron,
I•tiu4 In t!,t itrten,
..11 Form cad V.1rtzx. , 5. ,- ehllii:
1L,;11Z Main
cf tl. i inot F, Isar of A ripotl.4.
idyl Ott
..u.I tt , ... - .1.14...ha11tk. s
I : etor.tttodurtn.l ,
I. restsl pamper
•ta in.:a:ton inlhal,
rl^3l . :Irtm =Vats ,
...,t.last. frAlthhtan
tell t , ha, ttailltoi*4....:
.4.1 - -n-ne;ntEnte•wrl ‘ '...3,;
. tbo'r want at 41/th -, 1 '
1 ..0n , ”1.1n0n7Pr0np1.;,..
t I , PA-1/f.1.hnd,...
- ,Ainl Lott. L IX ~...21. ...,,,,„
4 run.. Auhria ut Lt . /AIL anl apirna,battreval,makiLlarqua - C,.. ~4
litataalf an.l otheatt. un Oar:. ihAnkt., ‘ • hl.l.tnnnpar...lan
th; hattent re; t.nd r.,: - ...1 tLx. t 14\holo (phi lire:
L ' -
Ittnratalla h. alon; In Gor , alt.; Entrun of lellqw Bunk
..a t h-t utrazu Is. ant tenuAto I'l Li t ' llre's stk.; in
tr, kt. cr. I ac tr.
. hAr. n• tolti, tr r -,./ 4 L .
r5..,-tat ;to heAlltt
t ~,--: 1 -
Fr. 31.11.1, LI AD ?UK rououlh - —:-...\
\ ::, nwAnn. N. .7 „.7.4tary 25.
3 , -
/ r. met .— . .71,t5.L0 n......tary in e...lattn t\at yonn
Van.. Ilc,k onA l - rtapartlia girl, great attection In -
ay.P ra..ce
1 ...rr rosh;clnHa 7tienten tnrortnod tot ll at ';
u,h,r sr,. t - T4blc.l .th dlnket iner.Alnisti,rt.
to.: air, ...4 pecalltar to le . / . ..X. flut had nut bat 4 1
\r,,110.2 . ra. mg --ual d. , ltarne tun nit= t..r. r Ann 114 t'to
A.,..: :,- ~. pot elel'owpmk an.l ualutinruillashnorsa
n. , 1. - ai, ur...1 51. ..,...11 - , 1,....„11'1.. anal othrt‘o .trop
rc- ;int, t`r. pitnl le , . Orovla Lo had (Mel:laugh...tar .d.h.
com the ran, tau. \ Ik • Tllat • at k Co. \
ixrsll.l. 7. - 1.1. t. Cutra.. uutt,-,rt ,'•••%‘• 1 ' 43-
\t. 3 4,, - nn n —l•unt , 3l:. I purnbutud. u , aLorttural ago. u
I , ttl, s u rv, I; hen 1,..c.,n enJ , nrrnpanUin tar 'ray sn , e,
a t, it /In, Ito 1, , I t , r , hen ron-enint, 1 ryttrA.lnA and
lt -Cl h”, FAlhu t , f tl.All , m.u. tc., nu it Laud:v.l,
a,,, 1i , , \,-r In. n ..'; ~ hryx t.,lns tt L. naatit,
ut .-, n -an\ I t
t . - u .1 , 4 \ yinvf . .l.s•4 ‘ a Ire cr..l until,••
\ Iml i 4 _,a, fr,• - t3..• tu . :- . 0 th. rum • ,.. .1;) crtel.lent
nhat it ,r II ati-../ta perfrut cam •.,
cone ;
teAnr bt , aul A ur.rt, Itna. l's...curArT laitT`htstplaina, •
':C.T.' '.f',';',.'';,,l,':VtnithZ4Vit;%,MLlWint'lli It
I n Jinn; rthn a tu— ;01;1. u, tittritts lillor/ Doak.
' X ". \''"" Fln Pa . N'orezber Z, liall.
1 ,I /n.t \ E-a.-: a= happ an harm fan aim dttre
t• -, ,, :::. ut i 1 ta , u: ,,,1, : r t z., ...:
..,...:7:::: n..rL0ar110ta,Eur,......7,
li. , 1 , br,3 tx 1,,,A.,..1,1',1.11,1,./.1,4111.
aku l . n. 't t, Of rc. 11 - 111, /n to ..altbarOltheAlo ,
1,,,, Isci ~, e S ' \
willa I a, trit3a I s n a rum: et. ,Ple.ltint ; I VOA fOre-
II anzlrlix wan Ittlnltativn nt , ,, 1.. .11 1 r ,- 1.
0 11.3 c "n th the
rxrtu eatink , :L l atra In t.. anak an I ~..
Strut ..1 tt. ,111, - -ntta. ilk .lii noldrrons
L.t ra.kbrin. 00l La, rts In le,a,
. .ti CA. , int i Lt - 1:r 1 ,it
14 ,..,
, :r
1 , . kt 1c ,) 1 ,
, r V.UT \ the Las
ntrurllla, an ,
an aunt an
c.,va.t.h \ DI
n 4
a ,
, Inti.l4ol 4
I Lar l l
. p rint
• by.)
, h
a ~
'4 t,
roc:AO:log tt., ,
al 80r` , 3• , , but .
I ko,r• ni.r tr, it ht
r rut
Ic , :l* 1 , r.,
' thou, Dort sc./ e
~ ...t o.Cenet to Jo
li,i,i4s ..r• •
•••,I er term, toi reXtrieikoir, tzs e,
,e - h., •,-- ~,-. re,relse, et
I! ti.r.•ivl man. I ii,
11.11 t Ir ' lltre •k at/ unable
theme,ti, Yellcre Doc'are!
been r;,• 11. iil• 1,.1 LT .
ertaltu {,• I rr• truly, Y
AiTe-i•our• , •,.tiot, chives rot.
lotoole • go it •Lt7thit.t...i'l-14 ,
trt•rt, tr 34.1. t ' - ttoll.sizesitair
utiei. wrier i y
lioi / Z.', ‘.1.1/. I', r ''.(ludotinif,
et Fourth mh.l W.l 1.... , tc ,, •11 ; ,
1X.7. I Fit,l,l * it ti ' Cli,.. l' IT. r .l.N. ' i* ti e•t re k A
1 i. 4 l l ' i lr" l l .. '° l e '/, ' ,4 r ltte ti . ..T171
ClVeli , tireirotrork 5. Loyie o ,e,„
i li4ic ;lied tµ or.ltiitti \t,,; L ,Y
lii 1,1 , 1 Co.. ./oimont, rL
La.,y, „,, C, Elr.ikoAle. A.. AT 1 ,
~,,, Wier, /;, C541..,,1 , h. , .1 ,
Coto 11 :..1,. a 2I,A; -4,
, ail D. Se
Cl '-r•ii Z. CylL:tirtiat,re.., . , , •
ID. ,Timely Cirld report: P. Cro.t,3 , rat. \
itri••• r 111 pre,ElLei S s i.,ii r
, JIILICra* Cated /q ll . l r en
.1 r
rAnIisART c E icic le ,a,.,t . r i gx , yth,:,\
~.i 2,1.,L1111 t tr, ii in I , i•t.eac‘rierr fur ;
„, i ~.,, Ili 1.• !ex Ylv ratio coL•rwil t .latier el \
~-,,,ir to
it.eii ter, et. rot eli ..troi, ..10,* i..„,,,,,,,. \
Cr .r ems a:, ect r t t, t h r%•.l,g= l , 7.. , •=4otrial ..., s,
;t i t 'l :g^ th'''''' ' ' i ~, p \ ' \ \ \
Thb ' ""T 'n ”
" •':. , Zlk r a ' bed illi!.ttrk ' : ''
Q,,,,. / ;... , ..,-- , ,....;:,T;. 'l.• . ,„..,s„-.17,
.1',..„,-,.„,r,q,......,-..,..i ~, pa ''''''' .."
4.. • ,A , ‘,
ere•Lirel, oulJ•ltioto" Cr IL il, PICAr. ,Ind r r
bums, eat, T,.. ? 1,1.. g,, hien, •a • I khoil•er ala venni;
N i,itlity.r.A V WACO, D.. \'.
V:4i l ) l tlll " itib/ /1. 1.'1 ' -.
' \ 'IN • , " 1'
11A1.11140it ..0 111 ' 11. D., A
cy,..,,,,iA,,g •II t.. pra...etirot Piiiticie Wo o *in aut lil. -, \, '...
Axle rr ' . B. A. WALL:i I QIVCA*.CI4 \ . \
1•21. ', aann, W.X4.01 - o-.. ,
LtiVElt (.:01 . P 41/N Tof lice yeais ^ ',:', • .'"\A‘
lee etc. Li ioitrit\ibe etiiii.C.rig4r - &prim , '
~ \
I,i.` ..lll.e d lke i tgeZ• - . 4 . 4 :1 ' t, 2 ;,`,.1.'21. - \ 's • . _ - 4 \
Mr. r, L. I. , .iii t.-Ittur tit. IC t•xlii. p•inotur,kl, e. \ • .t. ,
\ \ i ,
recoetitical 3 c. it, Lit .e I,:tri ahleli heir ri.t... , i,10, 0 ,3....
• iieLerever ute•l ic car rixt et i ; rot:vizi. 2 , 407 4trity _ \ ,
,„,,,,,b,,,,z, /4r, ne.ft t •ohl.• roolot Corm at 4.1.4y.,T • ~., i ~...
tw. utilltry Ire biCeo, el - era ..i. \ ',..•:.•
i dist It/ et ray Hiatt' . • Joibreer•n a m•dieirei \
its.• (lot.. me i., ir.r.c.ii•er it y , i'' , ii , t l AMioit•l , CtL 4.4
,\i. ;ix
": I '''''''•'"•''' T \''' i, ' / . I:t.c7'n'girgir . ' :4 ,
\! 21 b l,::!:,-°1'&':-. fr,..E ;fly ,r, Y Jif- L' , 2 . 1.;,. \\ ' •-,,, \
4„, t\c\
,a;•itio.t. :,,.i,..... , ,,i,. -=.l. • -..,-.....,,.,
1 ti...1 , 4*, ricolowtertil Cr.. to' \ll le•.....eleteted •int ',,,,\ . • . •.'
dl et the Liter.
\ Seer hvaietutleletrir 7- . -\. - J. 11l \\ \
PteteL•wely will-ren.i.elLer 11l 'LterliTil;- t+ ,1
toritil `,44;er '. l ttee 11toi there prof 1.0..1 ...- . it,
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