The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 20, 1851, Image 4

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The movements of the Aston:asp:ma *ITCUZL
•- are great cause of wonderment and ciliation,
The Cleveland True emoorat •
• repeats the email ictin .
.rumors of hi
e engage•
and takes occasion to complim nt him,
%.,..,...yhiters.ho following spit,. fashion:
• -- - ;•2-'.•'?PrOfcasor; Mitchel has his bands He
• is,:eci hear, to be Professor at Albany; to have
•+in eye on the Observatory building there, and
• aver 'the one built in Cincinnati. In addition,'
hale: to, give a portion of his,time to the Ht. ,
maid Cincinnati StAilwaY! Did you ever I
Iseuths,Professor, reader . He is very email in
Stafire, but he is all energy, and there is no
• • em'eh thing as *tin' in, him. He can sleep any
'. Inset% cot anything, work night 'sneaky, write,
leoture, and be always as (reek and liveli us any
mortal we may meet. Take him off a heavy
day's ''survey, muddy, wet, (only giving him
• time to brush up,) and he will discourse, at night,
on Adronomy, with a stirring eloquence. Such
'is the Professor, and if say man ems, he will
get through, unquestionably, with whatever en
. pomade be may make, be they ever so nu
.' sperm:m.4.
074 *Rediori why the Water of the Deed Sex if
• trofiricif to Support Life.—Mr. Robert J. Graves.
hi. Li,'; brie communicated to the Edinburgh Phil
orophical Journal, a very interesting article on
the ,eansos why the iraters of the Dead Sea are
destitute Of fish and Miter marine animals. The
• Dead Seim containe no living thing within its fatal
hemsdaries, let this nett hea, so famous in etory,
' - .le - *applied with water from fresh water rivers
' whiCh - abound in fish and - vegetables. The our
":-,;!totethe Dead Sea is 1 800 feet below the level
the is 4000 feet deep, 00
, rodel long and 9 brawl. It receive, all thou water,
tof the-Sea of Galifee. - A Corr - eat chart of this
lake was never given to the world until the
expedltionunder Lieut. Lynch. surveyed it. The
'lel ereditof thin Important fact is given to our
-',-;:eti,Phtry by Mr. Graves. It had been ,toted by
andiMr. Warburton, that the shores
Dead Sea were non-volartip, but the ex
. brought soma. speeimens of it... and
thus refuting former accounts.
There in onotherees is the world just like the
Dead Sea of Sodom, this is the Great Salt Lake
• . or.theltlormon country, discovered and explored
. • hi - Lieut Fremont. This lake contains no lie
. ing thing within its ,bosom, and it also receives
freali„watere of Lake Utah.
• • 'The 'waters of the Dead Sea of Jordan cootnin
2-Iper; Sent. 'of lodine matter, eousisting of
ridea of potaislum, sodium.:caleium. magnesium,
. - . --.drin; - .. , ,roagattese, with. bromide of zneguesium.
Thlf lahlit. impiegnotion account* for . the ab.
tef all vegetables 'and ordinal life, The sea.
the 'Orem Apericati Salt Lake, are nearly
:critriposition, and present ei filar
tothat of the Sea of Sodom.
• Ladies 1! , •Reat This!!! •
• and will sbortly be ready,
noiat Or l itiTtioiro=ll:
detente to lt le liable (about aio to onsioort,
withal or rettedylruesseh defect, and hartruetlotts how u.
keep the histmsneas advert In tune'. Dr P. B. Tallett.
graypersori !tartan's Plum should tonsil . , copy of this
book. • feo iork.of the bled bee erer beLyee been
The information It Imparts Is worth ten times Its
' • rtee,-- we dollar; awl, among other advantages, tt wtll
' ' en= &art nui from Miring your /lam spoiled he
• 012
'..• sad
:;tittgT:l3,l7llrgr r en io
9%1 '. 11 4 :11 . 1 4 1! O Pi li t t 2 t tge
aisttedst cud, realuenees liltanag wen' ao.dress at the
. oilLeatel• =yet the llusburgh nionsing,penere, or et
ittent ,derv.. John II: Mellor, wood street, Vinod .
Untry Third etreet.
lly mailing one dollar to the author, et th• Gazette Of
' gh, • fiypy will be forwarded, free of
to say trart of the united States. SU cont.. for twe del
• • • !Lei. A ilberal dleeoootm Book sellers and Ilublepaler ,
y eCr or r pg It ge tlemact
Bead to your oraerat . • oc2lrim
TIEBES - iuhsciiber has in store and offers at
low ark." • prowl meortteent of Alpen, Coburg,
th. add thrared Steam de L. 1110., Comm, Br lett, Slat.
Cott.Ftannde. Thlbat. hiratilla.,..o it osl.
C 3 auk Shaw, Irleh Lhasa, Pongee Ilandkerehlers.dcat's
Cravats Winch; Cualmme, Cloth, Timed, JP1113,.
Bevan and Bleached 2loallna Drill, Veld., Cord Car,
brie, Paddlag. Oaovaap. Umbrella, black ad_ white r B t .?.
ISCIttOOR. C. a lark. variety al mod, to able,
...kraut re...heaths:lV the attention or car refine m au t
'Dodiktv, _cvla C. ARNITTIINUT.. kb Wad et
- • ' -• H. Hepburn, -
.TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, 99 Fourth
Fs. - street. cp • • . to the `Mayors (Mee. arrin..•
• - - --
•. • • • - Copley's' Fire Brick.
17_.COPLEY co., near liittanning, bare
et , a/ 4a - unhand tile* tbottsamt FIRE 'MICH of o.calleut
be p lg Cople7. at M.
may La Been.
C. Co. otatinue m Pat Oar. ttc d Ike.
. . tisattfaetttrets sail°then. J. SCLIOONIf Aii Eli .
• :IT?cd street, Ks solo agrattt tor flus (pat ustrw.l article.
Bxehaiige - Livery Stable. and Furnishing.
.; Office.
No: 178 Penn street, near the St Ciair Hotel.
IMML." The eabsenber, thank-a f inEwo m .. m ...
!al to the public fox liberal.MP — . '
.... . - -•- .-
thanecUnn ithhis LIVERY biteineht, and gill attend to
nn at thasdable term ss any in the city. Any
yawn haat ay thing to do in his line. who nay gl.e
nine} call ea alehant itNn th eir basinat being attended
praptir, lathe and nes.. manor.
. .
1551 sops
e.-BALES of First Sort Eastern and Wes
tut rata 110P.I. now rerei•l4-zr.d for nix by
Oan1:12 • 11E0. W. Par rant
: Leiter • oiling Press ob. •
AT.AI4I , I!S. Do blo -Lover letter Copying
- eras, mad illeNdile Dampener; time samo,•i,
wing and money timing ...Mine
This- Ones and dampening tablet presents derided ad
vantage/neer all prorinufbretwlluna for the tame oldeer
• =As& Ylm grow does not renninersateulng down.
24. t Lei me b. the /antra and erecentsle joints the prepense
Obtalcied with mere rime and much quicker than bf•etti
is applied m oduniir that the Mem o'
. ' =Citable to break or get outhf order.
4th. The dampening tabletis &substitute for U t i , o bi b e n t s . sk
g igi t n o wgzer, and wet - cloth. eating all the
Thy Tablet may le nod to groat achraMage with ear
Premalmwdy uso.r.nd for that pumeme ho old seg'
MA COPYING BOUICS. the pager of which isms&
e &II linen stark. bound on basebuseut back, with Prim.
rel pages.
Ifthbertis:and Bartimtes copying inks.
'Y dliz . ttter Copying Presses of ulj...plttf i tramAm ass.
. • Blank Book and litationerr Warehouse,
tieSo turner of Market and Seemal
• • • • 'HOrphans' Court Sale.
:1:111IIIISUANT to an Order of the -Orpherve
; Court of-Alleghaar °minty. will be as stows to sal,
lop Thursday, thieWth doe uTOSI A. 13. laii. at lo
:Iwairw.k. A. hi, at the Coast /lowa. Id the tilithreCandftt
ilAadar. all that certain lot or phew or Crustal eitmits I n
the township af Pitt. eotioty ahownild, loJionts II Irvin'.
—,pleosa lots In es/4 townehlpi bring a part of lop; Nra.
sad 64 of sal4 piw,oo which Is ••re,a4 coe fruit: ia%
two irlailies Men. The said doigitead p ar0in 1 .4 0 1..-
I=erarthf stig i iiti w ita or J11.1:11.1 Bahl IT, 111"e' d.
• n04.113ar • EtV E N CRAWIFOUD, Admits._
Orphans' Court Sale.
K ITILSUANT to an Order of the Orphan.'
•• Conti of dlleglbsny County, will he espowW aal,
on artist, the 24tb day of blorember. A. D. lel.l LL the
Coottifonse, to th e highest sad Ent binttrr, all that err
:tan Ina ot pleosofjprousid sintatt in that/10'ot Pittsburgh,
isonstystfccenald. to Cantratar's alley, an whack, to entetwl
_nun Mao* brassi two: torted high. The Raid dearribed
Ateltnt ground being. part of U. agate of James Pales
sWidec'd. Terns dash. • By the Court.
: : tualtd3w • Itt/lISAT PALMER.
To the Public f -
hexing taken the store
7 - Ns. 6r 366 a. 616.6, b 713.111
are any receiving Lti wend earn o
_ ';"°a" it=ti g 1.1.11`,".11,11.Ty DRESS
`ARS, i l . viiaaM=7„ Da I t ailoa &VC°
ZiaVreoffs,_Ribt,7ons ' , h t loves, JOWL
Also—.ll superio 1..
r Wet of MOURNING GOODE; and the
'-nienraiii Miler of CLOAKS. . • .. •
Um late Arta aad the public are no
forma. loankinal JOII2. PORTER a CO.
, -'7 - R2ratitild to may light. twit. and corwcouratly nob+
, 'icor. Bread, thu. good fltar b wad. A fall (WAWA ac
4991.1.111.1 sr- F ..4 ;Arturo For sale br
, cre.b ' - •• • J. KIDD A al- CIO wood rt.
• • Dr,Hegaefe Pectoral Syrup,
• . •-; ooxecaettoa lseariretags,icluopitig Cough.
d.rogruilrosieldtles aoc the VSACOACQIOI)II , of the pulpit , -
- • • of • •
tOo dlseesiee'r:r *te. r`.°li"
curcusd. It is a tombluaton of auto= yogstlble 'r niut
sines ln the Puth of • Bream 10 order to asake It owlets
. • . -- Ade. It. lua an action entirely' dithrenthiroaluir of the
Cough Medicines now in rue u lt does not constliute the
. breath lase&reros +lanes; of the stomach, a fault too
e e ttelir .
. .,.. 4. leugesciass .pnaor and t. siog u t
Jean, and with unboonded succens i l• 2'o•6k• of
004=1,4076 Itesuure would do well to keep a ouvr of
'L'ld t et Tellet'Z2lr''Vgf.!t .111
"" 7 •"
Cats of thermos/ dietrusitur CAoirbs be. brought
rutin* the notice of the proprietor, and due beau eared.
% in • amyl/wet time. It le oms of the chusisast medicines
is raj up in tett pint bottles at 60 cad/inch,
•,,,,,VN,intiu wholesale and retail. br KEITER k
/40 Word Med. Pittstothrh, Pa. • • • ..
• •
• Vor had... Scurf, Derstruff. and the Swim:A &macs
c 1 the eea lb --eaeotetnended by the rittebutigh Poet. Cobb
arystal Jos:att. /issuing irritant,' Clismbersburg Bent -
aft. sad other moron. as the best ankle extant for the
n UM. parboos, as welt as ow eleasetly perfumed ntelnra.
:non nay rendering the halt KIR and aloft without waits' ,
with anises .1 .•
• woiwool to cuss the worst Cases or Tooth Acne
an ea., and instentnineunly.
• '
is Roodt gad Plat Dottlq, prepared by Lundell Brnthers
„- Scott. =, and VeS Varies Theme west. Isieciaw
So mash itecoctaistalel by pity Wats. a!
Omit , se • Valuable reseed/ •in bkrctsum talon, &wore!,
t tAtti.) sit.awtoulasltheualatioa, Rickets. Wit. of the
,liostrartibitaliwellitc; Rearm' lictility. Se. • Vol Liter
•41jelfretz , ,gzr tu9i 5 11.111 , 143N: 11: Pi:
Y. n- wxt DEUO3OII. D. of - the ilwase.
.• This article of Owl User Oil lazy be depended ant. Pure ,
sad lortlibe chemically Witted In order to satisfy the doubt
byEETBLill SDfeDOWELL, 140 'Wood street,
-'14'1: 1 1L-15 bblo. No. I, (WintoriTor
male by ' ECLIOONMAKER 00. •
1:41Tood tams.
F.Row twar—soo Am:, for oak bp
J. KIDD r i 00.
10. REAM TARTAIL-2000 lbs. for rale by
J. KLDD CO, CO Wool et.
'top Livgß.oth—Ruabton, Clark it UO.'n
, 7....) .. tmaria /a balk or er the glom orgaujacala by
AVM. prmat Saida.. and any ildr, to mem.
Utz' wber. l l has fallen o 4 or Warne Ma. and to ewe
aLlr bow or D{adrafr-
MrairVrro i f t".
QUI:IAR LEAD-9W Ths„ bite, for sae by
' Ewa a cu. a) Wand
0-100 I=o aerAroo' A '':Asll.
J- 42
B ucKETs.l TUBS— ... . . ...• i
IA dm-Purbets: o dm. Tubr, for We by ,
.__... -4 JASIZS DALZELL, 68 Water At-•'
LIQUORICE ROOT—`4)OO lbs. extra — frjif,
, f‘a• sale by 7. KIDD a CO.
runimmii. lui•• this Air recd • targilat of murk.
rmr m• made Illmkkrt•• ' , Pry rhmai,.
Abo. white home node PLANNEIA. No r th... ~,,,
•urr o f` rth lad Market m... ~,y
a i REAM 'TARTtit,-12. lib's. putv'd, war
) rnot."l N.. G. $ *. b/
.8,0 E. A. SALINE - STOCK 0 Co.
I.: . AL zth OIL St)fur Bak by
I J .0O . E A. V.illSEAroCil •..,
ILVER SANI-15 bbl.. for oak ht
iJ orm B. A. FAIINESTOCK k. ir,
VEX. RED-40 bbls. bright Eng., fur rate
7 by • . D.A. f ALLA ESTO.”. A CO.
kJ.ENNA.-1000 lbs. prime Alexandria, tor
rah: tm ' IA A..-SAIINESToCK Ayo
V IN EGAR--50 bbls. fur Pale by
VANILLA BEANS-20 lbs_ fresh. for sale
V sr B. A. FAIINE..,"TyCIi a c 4..
I BURCIIVIRLD Lova juat opened nu Ml4y6rtrnont t,l
Tina, Blue, (hones and Green Ss. 10014 11 . 000..
just reed at the north. AO. e.rope .0
A LLU 1:131FIF.L0.
UNDRIE9---300 doz. Corn Broltus;
177 9w :Wee ) V. Leather,
atn. Le:nd and Cruel2e..l
0.211.0 WATT '
UTTER—Fresh Roll, in boxes, reed jinily
br 1nc2.11 .1. 11. CANFIELD.
g ., lilt:SE-500 boxes roe'd and for onlo by
) 0613 J. B. CANFIELD.
fibls. Lulu Trout;
2.1 hf. for sale by
n+.= J. B. IJANYI
LINSEED Of b;--1.1.1 bbls. Griswold's brand
for nal,- br J. El . CANFIELD.
/)EARL ASII-25 emirs for sale by
04WOOTY—(30 bbltt. on hnnd and for rode
bel7 J. KIDD'a CO
RTS DRAWERS--500 don, Men'o
Y 3 Lambe 1V...1:1th mil Driver., roed by
0e....3 A...110:4Y1N 0 00.
tILK. VELVETS-20 pee. moot
ti mom, no. opening be A. A. 31/150Y; 0 CO.
ARB. AMMONIA.-2000 Ibo: for sale by
11L11b. morning br Express tho following article,—
lligh colored all wool Do Lalom 4.1411).
limb Luster black rills, all price* ,
Brocade, Null •
Black tlgnved elite;
Plaid Bonnet Ribbon:9: •
Lon, Stavin.
At oprth ea., one. Fonrili and Market ats.
VANARY ' - gEED-50 bu. prime Sicily, in
C./ afore and forirale by
ocl3 J, KIDD k CO., GO Wood pt.
4,2 PTS. TU PENTINR—Ri bbls: prime,
10 far sale by • J. /ADD It 00.
'REAM TARTAR-2000 lbs. pure, fur
j =le by J. KIDD CO
ut , CARR. SODA-13000 lbs. Lee A,
NIP New Castle bnod, for gal. by - J. KIDD 2-et ,
LUM-30 bbls. for sale by
_ .
fresh lut J ust ° D iming eitbe drug gure of
oel3 J. KIDD a I.V. tJJ Wcaxl
. .
`OAP-IW - boxes No. 1 Robin, for sale by
I . LARIFIED SYRUP-15 bbls. for sale by
x_.; oat/ JAMES L. lIIITCHISON A E. 4.1.
ACKEREL-500 bbls. Large N 0.3, Mao
narituetta Impaction. 1851, for .ar by
R. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment-100
I doz. far We by J. Kipp a CO.
vtr oop ENGRAVING by James Ilt , Park,
v v lfumm9or to Neville loboakat.) Philo HAIL 0.
=3:4 ! . d i r,trlningtstleble. "" " bu Var •
ATHING SPONGE--I I suingi very tine
LI/ for only uel: J. setmossuKtm A CO.
viAL CORKS-15 bales longl, and short,
for We by nal) J aCEIGONMAILEII a CCO.
JMIOSPHORUS-10 cans for mle by
91ERRA JAPONICA, for farmers' use-1
too torn), or oel: J. beIIoONILANER a CO.
fl AI ENNE-1 bbl best American Pop or
sal! o-1: J eCLIOONNIAERR a
it UTTER-50 kgs solid pocked, reimiving
JP and for $OlO by oell' DALZEL.L a 0).
ALAIRATUS-5 tons in bbl and has, for
3i mit orl: DALZALL A CO.
I UJUBB PASTE Eagle Brand "—7
bisa. Lemon 4=l Vanilla, fey soli I.
tortimet of Trraorpspera Window bbiAeo paled
..alo and by
nelB J. a H. PHILLIPS. No. 110 Starke!
lartner in
'WISP. town. emen m ID
Do rm. ratsbstrgh. • young man
of garden...ter. wills a mall ca
pital of WO
•ho b. • knowledge of moulding bus... and 5.1
101 , sm. Audi ingebinery. no saris conatant work and meal
.25 ho girm,...4 to. young .••• •ith • .•••')
capt s l a rem problable sltwatiou will be giros. Plea,
applk for further partmnlars to ISAAC 11 ankh%
oda Sigencs and latalligreace Olarr.Diamand. Alleg.
lIGAR--50 hhdd firinin, in more and for
_,.1? by ocl7 D. 41261.1., 0 (N).
81 OLASSES--200 Rag N. 0.,50 do. S. Li.,
100 40.
6 "
" It t . o a1.7. - ;1.7. 7 0 ; tt :3 .0
iIIsiTHARII-75 lbs. fresh, just reed
k../ an , ' Kw ante by o-tl7 J. KIDD a(0
WALT rETKE--50 hgs Crude now lundiug
, sod for solo by Kalb I. DICKLI ACo
I ONDON MUSTARD--550 !ha. Warranted
pure. and fare.!, by , J.KADD A CO.
yRITE CHALK-5000lbs. &store and
VT for Ale by - col:
A COMPLETE set of Bucket Machinery
!oriole by non° J. 5 DILWORTII • CAI
`POOL COTTON-10,0011110Z. iyeireo d.
1J (rtm LoWood. and for satoby
rrlln :0. 1611UT1130r.11
nriBLE SALT-500 bge ground rook now
Wadlns and for rale by ISAIAH DICKEY it Co
octlb Ic•rrr •od Front orr.r4.
ILIALK-5 torm for 'tale by
1101Ta.5,11-10 - crielce prime, for sale by
crel.3 B. & W. tl.ifillAlts IL
11.1 IL' MOLASSES-50 bble. for miie by
LIEESE.-100 boxes W. R., for sal. by
acta S.'s W. lIARDAUGH.
QTRAW PAPER-2000 Wis. superior, re
-I.J mired per .reamer j.ll. tandear,an for mac
J. d
1.. SIIP.E.
ocl3 corner of Penn .4 Irvin sta.
CAtiIIIAGE OIL CLOTll—Justrec'd — from
the Ptaltiserttlle Pastors, WOO yds. 4.6. and 0 soar
ter plain end Spared back Petent Glued Carriage Oil
Cloth. asal for tato wholeaale and retail at No. 116 Marko.
J. Lool3l J. at 11. PHILLIPS.
4UST opened at the Depot for choice Tam,
Ho. 606 Liberty_sterst—a small lot of SWEET SCES
11s./JEANGE PEKOE TEA, a eery toe article.
WU. A. MeCLUtIG t UV..
-- • Grocers and Tea Dealers.
HEMP -60 bales Kentucky and Mifidd Utt
Dew Batted. fo b_r_
eels .1.111. ts s. LIUTCHINN A co .
[TROCHE CRAWL ust reed, 2 cases
Ilibs Broc Shawls A. A. MASON S Co.
TOW YARN-1 sack for sale by
0c23 J. E. CANFINLD.
ibIi.REEN OIL OLOTII—Just reociredtrum
rut:ay-60072NA tour •13i tr. quarters Otero Cal
tb for window bUrd.. For ralrwrhoiewdo lind redidl nt
fi0.116 Market sr- loan) J. n MILLI N.
The celebra
ted Matchless Ellsektvg. warranted suseties sal
7. 6 N7Wiriilltlll6ll,
oeM WO4 street. oorw la.Ml•
_ . .
TEA -65 1.1.1 f chetitß Y 78..;
z.tbr.E. u.
31:C. If i' f ' Pe of latest LoportWoo,
J Zit reeds 41 for =IS Isy 07 J. tL. VLOYD,_
'OLE LEATHEE--eit Sides Ni Y. fur
A. 7 oak by oej, J. & R.IFLOYE.
DICHED GUM ARABIC-150 lbs. very
bandaomo, for oak R. E. SELLEInd
du . brand, on tarot and for mde by
TIOSIN-50 bbla. No. I. for sale by '
14 oc . z. J. atfIOONMAKER 0 Cu.
HIP. LOGIVOOII-100 bblo. for sale by
JeM GINOER=s bble. for sale by
' a 2 7 • R. R. SELLERN.S7 Hari el.
Powaeral, out, Ibr rah* br
BUTTER -4 bbLs. Roll;
2 AN.tul 3 lunPacknl , arriving
WoLter stn..
QILICFIitErCIERA..ii. Meant: ok. Cud have
47 reed:o carton. tilt Prlnge& blest and kiii'ztioloet.
RICE -7A tieret belt, for tale by -
or3o BOEHM/nit • /NU tIHA3I.
GOO ya . r , da 44 rkor 011 Clot/4
by wdai
Jat rad and for ate at one Oil Cloth Waren..., 11.1
Mket et. foatl J. it IL PHILLIP&
CREAM Is now advert:oly acknowledged superior
suy Blueing Cr.. in the United Mates or Europe—
Th. delightful permeation igunagualind for Pail/. hiltm
tr. and Ingram.. though mmenhat analegous to Hay
Isle's Amami. Cream, and other sail. compounds. It
tar MT.. then all by the emollient pasty conelslenef
of its lather. which so ooftena the beard . be render Ogg
anew PleaMaiat amt ewer itpoum eI goat advantages over
the imported mile., in being freehlY ratnred Tern the
hart malsraleorith the gt«nteei OHL and is not Only the
be,t, but also the damest arr., tor sharing. The in
taming minor Ohio male during the 1.1 twelve yam,
and the wend gold and tiller medsbi awardtal lor lt,
strongly attest the ash estletiallon In trident to held by
the mmmttnLLy. For gate wkoiwaie and naafi to
os9 IL Y. rELLY.I.. 47 Wad et.
tiILY WIIITE,--Wgross of variolia•styles
and prkrs, lust sm ebb, elied and for by
oe b • k.BK LLEItb. L 7 W.LI nt
INSEED 01.4-40 bblit:pi
oez B. A. /AMU
-kJ waii. of the 1441.. . -:-W t
a pr.bsztaimma, - Imi undowes - mos,
• Attgta fiel.42l#
THE SUBSCRIBER harm WIWI , the store
'N79. IntrE77l SrREEr. octopi.*br
. H. tIATON, and havlox entireir rofi.` , 14. ^^..,
wiU open. on lb. 15l .I.l' of :4,1,121,..r. with a lam. and
Porwrinr non of •
Invothor with • dnek of TIII.II.IILNG , A ,VP FU .crs4
11 , 43 GOODS. u ivmplet , as hrret,furn nvid.hy to-t
knuirtk and fanorile
lie would man., I u orna nernnun do.lrtna
Mourning and . lion.4 u V i n . m l in f hhaa I.M.h than.
hia Moro tin•ntutu obtain taw... ,nunlcto .tuck than
who, in lb. elty., ht. to , ndo dnvollor yarurniar ettrw
Linn In {Lon , hrannhan of bumnnah tmPorting a. main
,urtnm of lb. Chad. hiro.ll. and diapowing of theta nt
r.,,rx. Mum , JAMES A mANkon
pl. RPHY Britt - 4mm) inform tlicir
urtonter4 buyer, g.totrolle that they hoar
n. - ar opa tioor tECON Is, go. aupply of hood.
trade. awl e , k attroono . the.. ,ttou.oally . ll.ll aa , ort.
LA DIiK . 4:+I;IIOW, to area* ,rialy: rich printr
ite Woe, Parhiena Cohorea Frproth neroto, MurAin de
" tfretL.s. Lona and Nuare.—nor Ed)+, Broeite.
handonto: rosionero..; Wont do., plain nal ,aty
atol rolorod Thltwt, ae.
FUrh plaid Ribbon.. 1.1. - and half mourning .10.. tu•ss
't f !. ; N y .m l k tn ' S in. islAo rersslss<l n further stipulf .4 For. ,
tskirtuns Muslin an d fts..b 1.i...u5, sod Stupl,.
Istul MI son 149 Pohl at lou rtirus In
onulu: •
Curtutry Mrs...hunts- ars. invited 11. run In uur whobul ,
room.. , .1.1,,, ul, ure sola taro
u 1 A. A. MASON ket to2ntul fit 10,11,15 t. .4-1,
.Itlb. Lem urns un bond dm n 1 Cssh•
descsllo. esui nth, MOTO, Also,
ription llourrs rum p MC, than frill dna..
I IIEESS GOODS.--Opening daily at A. A.
ll AtaeuN r.s.r.stTiu 134 .... 01 "
. - I
GuOds. , ..sthse...l Cushmvres. t..
bui. Merinos.
l'aramettas, • rc
ILKS SILKS!—Now npeiking at A. A.
t. TrrOwthioont.le Plaid 5111, 110m4 nn Inw ns
70 cons,
Aileen Olv, RIM,
10 do r".
Co. .111 exhibit thin morning . ..atom , nr rirli Mm
II phy A Itnrehtield hare renewal \freah coop], .d . the
MAI,' dmstrabo, cool, a.,
Dureberld have ,emirs,] a full la•wwtment of b1.' , ...
mwl.--noton a, low a. PiXr. Prr Ywrd — wad w1.' ,. ." -r.
rouper r Moltair A1j , 1,,A. at fl,nn per yard ~....
A ❑ R ur
DOE i SKIN `, MuTtlly ki &
I o
c",.1,,,,,,,,,,, .ind fanry Mkt. r, whic r h ; ' are a..l7iriF
1,...--aha..,up.,r Nark Comte:m..ll4 awl. rl, la.. and • lan.
of Arlo,' everlally adapt.alfor hob' ear. ,w 6
11 NIASON A CO. will open witlaii the vest for dare.
upward. of bix hundred ear. and pokAlitr. of Forrlua
and I,.m.tie Dry linolb. to which the attent ton of whole.
Kalb and retail purebbbern iA 'wetted •
r'.. A. MASON .4 t. , 0 will ojloll thin .I'!,, to ea.. of
I le ILLory cond. ne ,
—Now opening at A.A. MASON A Lk) 'S-2:al mow.
o eh rani French Merinos bad Thlhrt M.P.. oeti
‘,,) .4. A. MASON A CO. bore .lubt reeelv,l 3.5 ca w s. of
loot Utyles Cabhtnere. ..I L. Lame'. I oell
,11 nomlooll y re,1.10102 Kt WLINTOCK'S
I arpet Warehollae. No. K. ' , mirth tat, tt which we la:
cite the attention of thre... ..wl,hing ofu lxii Wm.... ..,
Stearotaut.". 0.. we will ball lower than eve twforl. In Chic
uveC ocl
FIORSE OR SALE-1 very esin k ,
t.le Family Hon, 'rammed peklently ki
an bound. &quite of J. I,IIIOON M A iii ER •CO ..
owl '.l Wood '.t
,VELVET PILE CARPETS—W. 1.11,131.1 -
You ts caw...wally rff•CCOOOr hl. full 'dock of
CARPETS. of now
the a sh es* sod newest ' , trine. to which he
lora.e the attention of pumbaNtra. as he in determined to
:70::27,`4',n 7:4. 1 7r,,:tre d .';',„ 1 .`„;', - •;,=•.,' .4 `h
IV. IlreLIF,TO(q ti
i in.l or tbo sontion of Corrmgo
mannforturero to Lin largo gook of Wu. and I or,.
1)11 Moth, gm) Trimming, or blob or • will .1: at r‘oltiroF
union..t the linnet Fourth st.
di r tAIg:CARPETS — W . :11eC Is:'POCK
II on. oonstantly rrolortng 111' toil ,tor.'k or iito"rfino.
rine. 11,1311 COMM. INtIitALN I Al<l'/: - F ..:1 nor owl r.oh
ity log. at very I,luerd price., to LL,I, , loFite the at.
tentiOn of thou. winhing m furutFL Flttuti.ogto or flout..
ellvx us P roll al the Carpet 11 grehonoe. Fourth .1
00l W. !doet.lSlt.g)h.
1.1 BUSS LLB CA . teCunnore
. .1-.. .has in more uoi for .alo rich and n Ftyle
oAitl'M. to .hl 1, Go wt..- the ttcntion el p.r
rhwors. ho to:Talmo! to vet: thgn over Foto? .
In thil market. Cgll at IL. oli..t>blo.t (7erFot %lore
house, No. g. 5 Fourth rt I
"II A PESTHY CA , 11311
11- r'tr..4 It, C.
V:Nr ' d;l7,l * .
", S,
- -
SllltSoßll3Eli hartug 11 ,, 1r rrt , i,•• • l
would voL,rza v. 11.1-
Clam. b. f. et LE. •L.l.
11. hug rn rr,;...:Y0t ‘ .77.T1 r Ca., , L.F1.. 8.. 01 . , • 1 . 4, .
rackrt F.ney
44 OA.. stn..: 1re...v., tor! . rl.l.
4-1 Nrom.le
Mork 2.11 t.
iddl - =itt tin=
• net)
114. 12-4 sod 134 14r004, Oref r 0,4:
44. 44 maul (.4 u.4lnAts 1.121e1:4.
,/ end lo Tat.te
Lob and 3-11.atioaalc.SIO.O.• and i 4 ,11 .r..
fart Outoer awl rh roarninnd .
I,rostol C.. Tatl. u per,. 1,••1...
Fur totur... POr.:11 ALW
corlain 11.ten•1a. 11.
MOlial , ilNO 'DRY GtiDDS:
" V" .. M Y' ti713':1%":1:7iAin...,-+
1;11nek Canion4:l,l,
Mars Nlawr LuAre,
Wasp Tiobvt
losnob and !WI:to-Crow. Mode sod eras,
Von:: Chemlutb. and ,Oesres; Von.. nod Coif<Otos,
osol 11..1). all 1.1 vlorh si,.cds .111, vorras.sod ,orSI
..nlor and cOray tar ous:Ol
troth JAiti:S A Slog 0111117.
in great variety of
M 4jt
E L l' L
tn. ; sad ' pelt:a/A.4 from 111% up.
"T 25 North Ea-t man, 111, and Market Its
EAT BARI:111J GlNGl3A3lS—Murpti3
II • Ilarrldh.ld Lane rree,..rd R .00 4, 11.26001
~re go,lo .11uraualiti. , l•o. Aarall - rr. , / MA ,
-4....trr and I..auc•xter
thr rubert otylro and r.lca-r. Dot rler'd at
and C 4 &lark. At. lsopl4{ i+. •1. 215810 ttN
• A. MASON ik CO. hay, on 1161:1, nod
rTch Sk el l tielt ' ATUTor.
oil of whirls [bey gaaraatn. la pr.:. qualtti
Aftatnst this markeL r r p 3.
ILILOOIt OIL CLOTII-404) yard', 3, -I, 5
12.11.1 s quarter, )011 re , '.l from tn. Fm•
Wry, sod Mr Falt. vrtmleAaln aml rvtxll. at the warvrrm ,
S,A. 7 sod 9 WohLrr . .- ;pp': l J. a 11 PIIILL11`.•!.
now °foling
`llyUpienro, Lamy sod I,lAck Car,irner, nr thr nese," nn
nlnfl fuhrun•lanpaer.,
nn pincer black tt
and mlured Cloths, Ndm meat caperi. r
Xhr /vnert nni onrx rplenll.l Iforrrtruent Vilrtlnn•
ever bfrarat In thin ray. •
dnr. Underrhltto nlnd Drawer.
• • • . • •.. • •
60 dos...flue sod nuperfote bbirte
A large aneurtroetat of Cravat, Itauiturchiefe. &r.
Which, 6.G . ethor with the 'err large ttoce.or t
RAJ/ h CIA/Tillttli, of the moat leehlountle
Go haral. I p•aeuts Ont. or. the I.ret't •od oPet fudsh•o•h , e
italte of limit, adapted tor pettuctoett'a :tear. In the
erstern country; ell ot ehtelk the proprieter
....I to otter at 1110 Teri - MIC.O taken, for .ruh.
Ordrra Iv the Tailonott ean-uted Iv the beet oleo.
uer. and at the t.hortertt tudio, oeoll.
. .
Sew Fall Dry Goocba.
A. MASON & CO., have received and
are now opwrdng-5 caw, line French Merino., 0.1
Quint phades, adapted cable
Moe market; 10
case. a Iraccas and Mohair Lu•trer.. el:ohm-lug plain On,.
Silk warp, fano'. cord, ChlrLIV/IVY ond ngd, an gruiirii;
U canes l'Arannttas,Tbilwl.Cldtke. am! Coburg*, manor.-
mg all ellaclea and gnantlew. 110 pm. Worsted Berge, In'a
and fancy -Glare. The above geode we ono. for eat.. lit
wr are confident 11ry unprerndentedly low
cconDgoNs.-4 splendid and varied
etook of the beat brand, .d re
ALUTE.9-A very dedenthhe sedirldon, ,rith 1. h 0. and
top, coma vrood, and of the beet =ten,, strt rbow..iwt
o G UITARS—Au viteneive and ehnire eteck arriving
VZOLLYS—Pome very bin, dd dnes, and new of ever,
v. 1 1 .4%; 1 1 7 .4 0.. ar.f.5f1 " Eine relertber alx, for Gaits nod
i;•;43Let, Tubas. nuglan, illiwenrnee.Trruntrei , end er
lrale‘elfWboif b ' l b.
Alan, the newert and most popular Music, just received.
N. U.—The above Inetrueoduta aro warnutted no en,
met and perfert in eret7 reepr , t- - 1(...4 mot! . the mn
tier will be returnii. K 1611Elt. 101 Third et
een9 sloll OF TILE 1/01.11EN
h r MeGLINTOCK. new and rich Rite. Oupertln;...
F nib and Common INGRAIN enßpers, which we are
prepared to sell lower than any Carpet. enor t
efore offered
in trite market. We cmdlally Invite the attention of
Ineude and Mope wishing to aural.* to glee us a call. e
the Old Ketablinhed ".7arpet Warehouse. No. reel , wth et
m,4 11. McCLINMK.
L~A - LL GOODS.—Just ree'd, per exprem,
at A A. H4SON k COFd. fel eartotta Bnnuerltibbone,
and most lishionable deb, 126 dar e Tube and l'aer
Flower, yr,. biro de Aniu., beautiful hole, 60 re...
Mareellue, Ce abed, do, Ostrich Plume, eltendrr 110
- - "
. _ .
11 1 LEW DRESS (DX)DS--Wc . are now rr
I-mem, *ranch Merino, 1 A
A. 60:t. '" =1:41,
nieces now op.* Inara 1 A A. AsON A 151
Urfait GOODS—A. A. :11As11u & Co.
hot.. j0nt..r.c..1 , 500 .7 . %Yid. t/olads, roronaitua
Idi .11tdolratdi
cu./ailment andvery_ enmip "
_ .•
Fla:NI/ID SILKS—A. A. 1111....0s ac Co.
tJ have .113/2 Red It b.nutlfnl 11.0121711•13 l 01 •rry
*spared and *lain Black 0111(a. Tbe *burr tlnaLrahla 1;0,1.
are well worth Ow attention of puralmagra. A 1.., arm
superior Orn. Afrique. ratio .Inawne. beautiful Chain.
1.0 —Unarm' k BUILCIIFIF.I.II hays oparked 11,1 e
morning * lut of Swim:. *Aging' , and !awnings, Jarkunet
Edging. end 11.11,1na Md. , . hod Inaerfloca,
7baa.a Phiging. and Ineertlngs. of naw atria" andadd
zbeen. ean4
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
R. R. PALMER. offers for flab!, at very
sor, aria, s, ...orbarnt of arr.., and MUM,
YltiAt-E egn mai Ararribra plain `.• • y
Vitra, braid, Crap, Okay. Milian. Lear. /Lab. Pa r
h211;'1-t ‘ e " . " hi lTir . `1 1 1T.; tri
Mtgo.l7Ai r :r. ;fr."; •Cl
Maws' bony, Jartu wed, athrr Lana, 1.4 arr .[ varl.
11/ ° 7l,o h Tti— " liir m h goatiet mut Pa t rt. ta . .lo , o c allo TM.
! Ti..b4 Dattooo.llraila.
irebali and American Sprig& band,. and
ml anti atytaa.
LA'S AND SATI37-411ace, jv z
- Moamar. sad other Arras,
1 tow priewt Parasols arty
Chickering'a nanos.
JOHN u, :VIELLOR, Agent for ••••-- •
Cnldtent,ea l'ittiburnh + •
Wen,” ....nemytranta.. Ni' wl ft t
hamiun vett neve and 1 . -, lar:n. slArt
1 PIA fern t tn. Unillattel,r ebirkorine.
Ilnatnn, ronnaling nl n. 6 4• nyd - C and
I' , OR SALE --A ,re.e.l heed
riANn Laihr,at,
made to Lnud Itnithen.
lam/nal an I fifty •t„ Ilan. on ...I rannthr
r renn, F.r 11.. en.ant narrount Inr ran:. r
cral JOHN 11. 51...L41t. al Itnod aL
New Mneie.
6: I)NGS swig , he Miss Can! l'Ea:
1.7 . i nnts whnre Iha ;erect nrphyr.
Tl,l hay that an, thivinn,
JE.NN 1 Ll'hb, 1I II :.t,
nnin unit fir
"". •
11.1. in
non: Lin
1..n.1 I rat,.
Thr Kcvt-ak.,! to thfi
Cwratter. inn., Ilnnn.- • F....,
Sn the harp nnntir. tn I
I ' , muter 1t0.... reap)
I. at with rv. , .(.1 , 11.1ate
the [n..thet,......n. tun, and Itli,rwr Poluna
Call tun tan. omen, thrall, II all, 111....cnrr,
Itnn.ned mud for ntle hr Joll IL 1 1ELLnk.
ne.."7 W.n•l
T UE tlul),rilwr Ills lot °petted 3 Vnr
nntln hy orLohnl I.tni• tt N, N
1 rbn untruunpl t. equal 11 pow, in an. •thnl I hrt;nh
.1 unh nuprrna tt rn Int on nftnitnnn $•1 tune, na
onn.t) In tote, nthl Inr tinnnpntllnq It
n.itanntnl, mirthle I Int tun In thl ntwint, to Lin
In. , prin• mu.. 12 intfninhln tn no t otber nnt en,.,
ho u r to purr! tn. nu tontrunnut , [lnn tind ntrtnnhtn,t
u.vtnnal to etnll sal 111.111. thr
i. lnu taken ntra, tram MA nutnrrilwen win . ..tonna, Ann iso
nnItiNNI hi et rotutrrintloon In Ikon nit,
, .
11, the , /rix - Inal ulakrr., earbartlt.
1/Sl' REC PAVED and for kiale. .1.
711. Ith rtrort.
For, LlP‘upl For.. Tree., rompriding roor.rn Camp
LiPr sumnv tir n uu.r. and wild Ikr.l 14.14..p1pre. %/ph
.I,..erlmmor of limarrsiug oprrplrap...,tr .1, J., P.prlurrr.
Rut/. and Misrule of Ihe Fedist/ 111 1111,w, 1,. 11,i11.
The 1.113 land 'h.. 11.. nu A pniinrue tit" the Criciul
lo Wrreen, F. IL ol Atm sn.l tb.u. A.
A Ituri etketehi, 1,, Sprin,
The Vint! Things n Lecturer nu the iinnit
Yun. uril Thine leceniie n.ruiliil ti. munkm.i,
tlardiurr ttltrinUi it. It
Ada, nrs App.. to.ltnlf ',moil, lint
nut hynin, and cal..ntlnt of he..
fn. Serml..,. L.r WWI, 111,111 C
IN.ath 1 5c...., or Jt ing rrldi nn.l
fhr truths...l w , wer I'lsh. , innitv.
1., W. Ilark, 011 •
with man,' Mt"-, n , nuni..l - ..uNt.....11i , 1111,,.
thank Wr.rk 11111Ststionar, *maw '
Iron. Ow Ens,
munificent Nes,
rt. can Cr . stat Piano being !awit to ta.. 1,1{) ,, V141 'l,ll
th- ;ulowrsher srarernona he La , .1,1,11 parallax./ ot
.the gentleman alie. t.urrharet it to retain It 1.0 one .1,
tmler to mann' tbow of ram ra1z..1... .1... hoo•.
nt.l men thts ivalled premmun 01 Auteric.n Pal
....ortuulty to roll aorl examine the name.
Foie &Gent 34 Nunn.. A CUM 1 0 1 34 streil
litauss' Grand Pianos!
I t:ST rtIiCEIVED, a Hpleadi,l
4:1 ,ttrot
• • •
Nn Ynrk. Than mmtniiireut Ittatrument
titeta.s.iea di the late. trunrareinentA. Vntolit to
tuna tatta Pit hammer*. and talent metitlitt tube. ite
tatvor and volume id hde nr. ttult net..nithlngt and meit
ei the perh.etten Invoilmlll.l. t....110 , te 01. im dor
mer to prdn, the wiled and Ititeo...i nat. A without the
eel et Chu soil pada.. Th. furnitara tr. melt' twit and
gaud Mite. without that indleirinithdr iitiorlemittm lii
carted dirk, sleek in etty . littrAlturAtt..
antitenthie ie Lei, idea. on eted enter Ih,
,itn u'ren
" a ' treAteetluill , itratti and ,pant,lh". ' "r."rin."4 Vl l.4 i'"7 7. the Auleienhe, 111 Li. I,lA7T;tri..
Seia d ient Nunn.. /And Clark
N kite reeetved. tem mmeral
.1•1 lug Lem , lit At tle
A History of Pittsburgh.
Y SKVILLE B. CRAM, sell.- -A 11i,
tory of I'ltl•Lurr;NL,
It LI, 1..31.1 wt....
ti, ri-it"l IN, whit.. doveu 0..4-4 1..
- .
vni at - 1.. 1 0n tni l liN. Of the tart eatslillFtinvot , I tin, ..1
it. tii-,ant onalitttfraitritio• •ii,l raetto of into/
itsl ogitiovouititt, 11. pr....a I n no. to vl,ll .1,
„ ,ihnotot oval ol °to tosolllnoi,liir tonn
010 tprt ..tonsastutnind ynroutl. .1111 vuotnnti • oi
11.0411W+. trnii.o-1.1 oo- too,.
v our rt.,. onnant. *Oil .1,1, von, rot
fLo.• ux... •Iteit , no ow) .
:Ant etrato otol iif liotorto.•
iiutyn”ed • ithtn mi ',riot • t.n.•l t.f OM, MO IP ti,
. .
••••Litis emu. howl olllo• 1•1111. • eoileot cot:mho
.31•1 lts un.rianu - 1.1••• witantAws• of our gKow ton, •••• •rolwr.
mout. (Jr roritaltato 1•• holt, horo, .4.1. ,1 •11•••• rn•
• •••••••.1 wort.
t., .iL ell• II
New Stock of Chickerint s Piano Fortes.
utIN 11. MEI.I.OIZ, sl
1..1,1 . 11,
I ail tio.t",
n• t.V
.r trm• ,Irtntaort or via .
llama part V.,
til PSY'S SO!s;(3, (pr. My (41sIlani bad:
s.• ntth rykrtur,un mpilau, !rm., Lint.
114 I . N CA 1,01
Tbr iti,. pl rArr rcv..
The fun ' , I° Cazhxr-AIA• 'll4, A AAA 41A.,
Ilw I. ~•m{py Ceatmnn.• .1 , , •
1 . 1.••
11,• FIR - sled 51.,A1C4-111,1,(.•••••i Ir,
ural 4.1 mrultsr rot I .1
,t.l•l^ cne
nal Anaerl,n
A STIC A I,A 1 , 1.15, by Mitoon &
TII1: net relleenno /4 in.,. nn
n•lerte/1 a, I .rrann't Lhe A II In leal I 1.
• . 1,••• nael Oxen'. eI
1 11...1en
Yt7ll , l '
.•1 obtatriin4 and
..... —I Clarfe e l.: fe.ur, Imetur
losb. Awl re, , , felt by Ow mu-)
tea ha. b.l made ha lola • Irrre-ls,
jurt Ifie, are Item the faettr,
the le:et nrel 34, la.ntrosf,l, e.
fer sale- enat .r fre..l
Jlwrlenele--1 . ? un.l
Thr"' " 1 flail) Clarorrtr, vr.n fir 1 lb
WAN . H. MELLOR. N.,. t.. 1 Wood
rreel.v.l thr. nmi
C '
rf me. fut . tia,ll4-4C..r.
We wee meet pert.
Tire Cavalier,
match it , tor •:114
ktal -warugt4,r...
•• •.
r•I, 11 , Tr, sar
t,, dr +ln n n• o t , ., h
el , I ,larnc
. o t quirt
nrri lilrvr 134.11 Waltr,
Lib. !saner , lan „ 111r..wor. illognm. Fir. , 111.
Um>. .11
larue ranots or door. atal
Itt.rolsomoly onkravoal, Bat sato at
W II ViliN'S .Stata.:nott,
ttP“corn/ r Market and e
I/ LANK BOOKs. --W. s.
JUJI/ Mark. land Samoa att.., hr. Ita rale 11... Inr, • t
.takk. of Blank Ikatla okor alterod att. ott,
al Login, J4urriabk, Bak Ittaka. Mutuu. Boat, ko.. ot •
err strlr facallnit.. , l at the lukaat Ono.. aett..
lartgaara. Baud.. Iletlarattork. Indonturak. ttserottat.t.
Ittatwaratrk. Bummons, Bulls 4 , ( Cant, Arl,l,loart
lattachntanta. Btlls. ler sale at
11. M ii IttLßtakanor,
ram, Market an.l Boettallt.
•Irina Call
lbdnnaln Dane, hr
1 na ha m'al; m
pogo, Club!.
'lbw Ware. vllO • Inn. , Lnet II • 1,..1 m tLr I
tlce. vitt. I-Innen, Nell,' fill. bf.trr. The teereuade, Ile
rehnhert. Ti. Hap•py Mum, 11. dadr NirLear!•
entolr umr, 11 lom the Might are. ar, 1,,10ne. duet,
Home, 110 m.., I Lore Thm.. duetlet Tim 11 ad Ind Idmeie,
Nett, was a Lady. Eranlng eoug—Tailfght Dry, or.
Wm.ying; florae I f.+l If dravfluF togIL •Inette: Lem: 9 n 1
the It 00there 11.11 Culumlne. ot
Waahnntrom La Welk a the V 1111..... tabu ,
ay 10 altg ~.33.00L 11 .110, arorne Wand. Alkdna
It ; 11 Walt, Fond, .eniunla and A.-
aembl, I . nlkar, three Polgae—feavella, Imo r boro. &IA
TlOntle ot Scotland. 118. e 0,.v,d England:
'd and for eels b,
aetn. JOB ofl LIt'LLOR .1 NV 141 --
N EW BOOK Sl—The Stow ,
11laoolt of
be t
I'ololl • I . lllege Tale. In
4 . Latuartine Tranalaten nun the
F rench
,d „ it uf Fdlnard Itirkereletb. lam Iteet,ol
Ilertr, In, T. IL Ilirkx.3l A .Iteelnr
Ilertd wdb an Intnalurtmu by Men Len II 1..
.4 " fri ' [ .1'' 1 . 40 ° 33 1 1 " 11, Menu.!
tlyul4 ' ,.elth [Run n er:um
Light in the Dark Plan, or :Lemonade nf 11101NtLan
in the Middle Agee. Irma. the liermen nf the laM An 11,-
tun Neenden town nau.
The Mar of thn iffioNll.o. • C..mmentar, uollse Mene. I
Chant. of it. blatthert, Itldbard Chencvsx Yrcurlo l
LL, Examining Chapin.. of lln. Lord ILI font. de.
garlsed from the uov
remmia' algebra —The I.:temente of A Igrbra, alemened
tor ll...nnner, hr Ehan 10w,.. 11 A.. fa 11,11,
...ache., ay.
No IL Ylrlonal Field IL.LIE of the Itm..lutmn.
setderrant 01 liar,a.ra Neer Nlnnthl, 111gedme
reed and mr rale by J I. It LAIL
AlOllO Ilulid,uv, Inlurth wL
EW BOOK SI--Travrb , in tilt. Lftlited
. dorinr In. 0.4 ;+'.o. by thr Lad,
01uart 10001101. I VII Idmo., 7..
The Illntum ta ll.e I.mpn.,Ju..eLlino. II) OL.LbOII
larith rotfraring, 1
Nn. 4. for Am:lW. A ppleton . • Mmlottliea' Magarlue and
Engineer' , Journal.
ho. 1:1 PiF Lorin] Yield ',elk of the Iforl‘lulton.
Nm. 3b L:0 Pi...mug of dhehans, Ermine Wm.o
end Enanao.rin.r dnet eml for ...le hr
J 11i:411,74 Amin. llnlbhuge.
nerd dnorth en,
-1,. int IliAritrlktt, p 4 ftWIT.I 11,1
New Books, sBcceive d.
YEAST: a Problem; reprinted with eoirvo
tonr wad addition•; by thr nothor of Altnn Lrler.
ClronatrA, Que.rn of Ferno by hint.
Cabeb !Irk!: of tto. Veer) ban, 12tn0., tuna
hart burn n Wu; by Aunn Don ry. t her i.l"Yrlrnd•
and burn .' fenp. oretl
... .
Appleton's Meehaulm' 3lntgarre nod Easiness,' Jour
nal; tio.n.
Ityrne's Metlonsty of Idscliattl., Ems - Ine Work mot Ln.
rloserinr., 1.1.. 31 sod 32.
Lossins s Pletorial Mehl Bonk or the Itssoluttont N 0.14.
Palestine: Its th.osrophy and 111blellistorn with 20 .ILL.
ters.phle Ala is by V 11. Ilibbstd. of East to-t.......C.t111,
edited by Daniel P. fi1,1•17, otos I
For emir by .1_ I. IiKAD, 1
.II I M . 71/ A 11,. Ituildtos^. Poorfit .t.t/
AN t 111 CAN V IIA I' L S 7 -ILt 1-
r.r...lrubl A.. , : ,n r l l ,,,i :f k..
. the ArcredolivrAtor, W.biogt.. ~, the r-den.
0 7. ...Whiting • 03 .
t ee vier of our It.roiso relsti..tts slurs
'PatU.Sh.hld, kostolentls: Documents.
Nan,' • • [att . I ~...., co owning Pollll.l,lll , unital,
""".THYPObaUlleat. tqatistical. Ilvoordkal, And 111-
,SlTspasest - ~... gamy, and Fatty; humtbAr •riCb
'tiolicel of the Artft d MsouLtc . tortavad • r.r7t of ,, ilLe
7 1 =•1 nir fr glig i f i e ' r ad. bk • . '.. '
, :44...4; .., .... -,. ..U., 43 ..4 1 : 1 "75 1., 47 /1.1164 4' .
- . ._. • . - -
Double Reed Melodeon
New Mune
K LFltlllt. nan.l
St,al W.
Sacred Blasi° Books.
New Music.
fm. I.ems ile 1.31.
1 Me., qui. A Flopl
thou ha
tl EDI('AL
t _tertlii. tnnilleine in our lam)), WO In
opinlen. It in one, the lent 7i.rpercrinn• fort
Ac.. • hieh ever hoen !.Rend In the palate. At
I hi• Fee, the year see ...mid teraminen It.. .lam
J, in linen • A 1,,,,,. er It in their li
neeti.sion i.e this.s. wetter ..nire.
'nom ..ur Arta, experienee die
tin.l.icirse. m aul nel enr n.ailer• ln enti.e.ler Irh it 1. - •
eiiiitdy in the QM I • with.,
o f jeirtleular 12.1 lIIA velneb leer net
Previa., and eeld .1.
1 4 1 T.ORENCE W HITE—A beautiful it,bAs
. bite Paint. Mal uneliancetbi... in ,‘ ilanote
it 'J. I.llendal for ineltin.•••••inno, land 'lib no, fur
mint, .te With ihi• iirtie le nom pr.: need
tate rd 114 pare ~ A V. • I /on
el nnii.lllriltre the
i .e J (11, it, W.. 641 .1.
111AZIN'S FINE TOILET selAps_mul_
laud purwet .•-
1111,11.1 i. 1.1 tar UMW Stat..
t I: k ttELLEItIi. Gi Wt.nd mt.
To, ...••.• Eutraordnwry fruiretorrfs to the World .•
it, rata,. nr”litiy for Man and Beast'
Li G. Farrell's
I. FA ItIiELLS genuino Arnhian
octal, and the man, coo., loon» dail, too - fon:ad 0,
bah prgylouslF had malstra MI moiliolne• and life
• Niii of ilo. la st plarietati , the oath! It is to..mrscoal
tit I.ll,Ana. otrocio tool tuun powillar to a oat:, Pica , .
otos. at o ion, all the. .tatoultamg una
•L roctrinig. onsolous taut protorticr. nod
1t , , .
Fla. whirl), or,- mat, won waist by slip - tons af tho
llcoal.," with nob liiiroculous soinsoos , in curing tho dia
oven of bath ream nail boost
Karl the following romarkahle run., which should of
thoniorloo, rise.'
11. ft Parrot I's Arabian Liniment far to-
nil otra •imilar
.scud• be ago • ' , welling appeoroi nil
• s motorail, geoduld y In 1111.1 it bc
o t , ) haw.. flit and . ode tlad shr could not
boa ties boat proasury• topou it wlthotut giving her cotreme
p.m I got Itir gonna.., nor thol diffor
in opinion about it: A.M. saki It feat to Ague Cl
niarautivot of the an d. some, that it was an Enlargo
rano., and. others sala ei TOM, at
tbr ,nit
~ unit nai ion Ito cured taleopt cutting it
to In this critical oil twain. 10. pot-wools. to trY
ti aerial's Arabian Limn:cut up.) and, strange •• it
goo norm., 111.1 the third applicotton sib) began im• ,
r. toad h. oriitintsetl getting realm doily, until now •
is es woll asi tiror--etaiit tug coolleudiaolth.
'.sang, blarch A.
I Nolan II kola. toottlutobsr. min I
Florist:T. lad,.
Ono woman hae use/ your lonirmoat with grow... Yea.
LAte bad lia4 the use nl h, r legs air throe year, the runts
aing num - or/sot so that her leas were Acct., WWI/ fetal.
,ramming. a. natural for the prieltion of the Ingo olitie
• sittig. and .lie could iiitt L
• thr tan ot it Porrollai Arabi/to Liniment. stir nos
; able to emit with • and hits if straight limb. hare
, lambi it a mat evollont rental! for hoere float. al., for
erre, tha; which ovituro• an ...onto! nanoly.
Tha opinion of Basil., eNtorioncol rind crierada•
• Wasdanaton, lowa, June L/I. I. S.
the mtosoly tormannnt enrol. both on ro n and
bran, a hich y our Araloon Liniment a psalortnino I do
not h00t... to pronounce It the “tir rat nausea, tits
Ago" I bare mactaoldortortng ham". for twenty year
and hare tricot all the yiaious lino:nen. tont..., As,
en. ach palled up In the pitting lint man sal ti at if
Mitre:!,, Arabia. Luituata icacroola any. that
mole tao it By its ow, I liner cured noorny a n d norm
lany atba• they but loon pionounnol incurable...mat haat.
,rod moo. than filly Intraeo .this scums with Jour Lint.
Local, embracing orery Ihado mrrntcrrs
• and lanai, up to •parin. ring-bon, anti {Mr.., l tall
iss. hoar 1.,11.0/1) of its goal effect. ou lA, humus rye
am t woe conlmal t
ioarl all lost wallet to fa,nom .
ti ith Itheu moon. and amid get analog holt.
1, ail I I h.. your Idniment, which el Lira,
nuf) , WS!. FL. tilLI)1) S.
Atutu lit 4.11 years . sail:Wing curd by 41 Feta-el,
ndUan Llotm.t
ir. 11. I) Fattatit—tivar Mir I hall loon atflictod with
j the - Fun Pale for the last, and could nor, gel
I alba except by blooding-. amt tut 110 ow of II it
latomesit, applal of or Q., temple , . Biota thaso
. tour time. • it.. si as cutlet, mintaish amt I Love fah
°ottani) • it out, went into the rtSl , ir ant, night, to
! stall it ton son. leg, end being eery lame bona],
bird arid fell at:roust tar "rushing anil bruising them
badly that t i n. °scoot la Marl, as nly hat, rendenng
• them lowerleas I applied tour Liniment. nail ) w. wadi
to • few st.. asi about •gun ia usua I
.rushol to, (iota, . shocking mann.. Sr hallo. •
lad/ Lipt. ot. b tatar
JoIIN M. Shilgt:
its Mali. rooms, donna no.. 111, tab. Is lons
Th.. Pub., ur.. ,1111 . 66 . 131•06 .autltaani ...r.tutt • to
ibbtert, vriarl. Inirlt tatula mod
rar....1 by Lbw impuuut Ithutaak. it . 1% It Earr,ll,
. at taar, " If 6, • 61,116,6611.611.6 (mud tabi morr
x...tertre tr. hi: bran, Ow name bt Vatrrli. Vara
bra b. pbrtu att. ttrror tar. far Os rame . Furttlis
Linitnunt."La unmunpir.l ticalikr .111 IMP, OP'
ta.ur. art,au Ita.,nd fu;u
' u•
ilwerestaur altrat• T
bob,. u. Farrelr,
• unit. ...wt. al U.. bat‘b.--uti ente t Amt..
w5nn.111...., 1 nwn. IlranlA .1.
an- nuan I sauna, En It Lial ntio Ir net .-‘4l.lnin•a Aar , .
lett, 11 n . watt a•.. 1.
aaaarter...annnonint. Li
aa• n ,
E5r41 , 41 •
r-nauancv raw", • •na tan In!nanan.Enr
I , or.. lit
I. I:
The Human Ilust Perspire,
~ `1• N.11( . 1.1. 416
• 1 11 1 '1, , 11V111 , go. 1114 it Mt. trs
onvlrrt• Mkt t• ynef•nt u.n.' out. •
nor Ennl pro, I nnal.l ronno•ro Irarl rl r
gr.enr.tor ruml n'n load. rnto log, and •no ,
Ou it —nn.l
1,- tlor I. no.ou aktioUnA Veaula ont rri
net ,:trv, hut n noa •-•
YAW ont, 4414. tl.nt alto SILT tOn
.Itn,lor • 111 On.l tto Ari et, R.,' , stir
s tFi. io oo , ,torno tbnu I +tn.
r•n.r. ,
.g• 1 1.r.1
r. , nut
Pearly' IN tot, 1,01, and Pure tircutti.
til Ih. 16r 1.1. ~b•I
1-.:1~3 L ~..1. ~1~.: r~il.a .~I v:tL r i
e •ut 1.. ~~tt. I'w
J. •11.~. al~~l. v.u..a ~i~~t tnr linn:l. ~.~.•~'i~r~1~
401.1.10 .t
A Sol ontitie Ilnir nn.l 1%,
l antala. to, hi
li t uta
1.•. r.• aer e..arrarar. itcar aarr•rn: •,t1 liter
alit.. rria• stra• nat. a.• tr. tri.....a•kt the. le.
111/nr..1111. 1 11./.1 trnir rd. ,riana • cur. arra ,
, .I.n•tr,tl mak.. I,!et. ter gray ,••,s
rrodcru.4 lot" matt awl atilt, .•nr. .• an.
I rata—it mak, It w, y 1w:11111W arrel I‘..r, in an. I{{
J. ..u l .r...r—ortieie tt.
JON L:+' of Jul., a 1.14!11.i
11. [ Upzot Ibe cir aura uiroL tut, r 1 - I`•]
twantual !wt., or zn f... 4111.141 en.
JUN En' LILLY IVIIITE.—L.LdieN are cull
Itattett uza.ttkil tt,lnte fn. t , tittat , ll ...111. rL I
I,ttl ttt..r.• 1.,.7 Inturutus It 1. llu.
t etttt .9, bow rt , ltat, Low Ral,Vr. irllottt, unht.allt.
at,sr. nltt r won.- prtttrat...ll:lttal.: lltottlet, a
totu ! lttta, t'uttizttnltio laratt 9ultrtutt ul
!save I.l,rapotl Imatstital ve,elsltlttartArlfoor tat I. L
Jt.stt.A' rtutktvlt Wk.
It tvrtt.t.ti, poritmt tti
tt.l It to lit• nlstt, ant URI.. 1..*:1bj..
ph•VlCr• lilt, ,ttiLe 11,11 ar:111, L. 4
plett - c , n th• ;I‘l4.malan.,ll. wft
0. I , 31 I.lClt,u!s.
ball f
Compound 137r4 of Yellow' Dock Root,
t'cu PIES th front rnnk among the pr
u.,1,11,r. of 11., rv.untry
<urn. enn6 T r Erroilwl.. and all 171.1.n. 1.
11: 7,
a T r i ,Fl . to t ,T,'"‘„lr wWn
aud upprrenl.nital
Female Wraknes• and (lencrat Loeb, lity.
stivegtberting U. weakened holt. going loan to lt.+
orattna, and Invigorating the enure aytat.
It the tr•lttruaty thountrala 1fk11... In.
all ;nu. , of the mutat y. ran Iv relied Maul, it 1....1n,:tt1ur
eltiraelaue tu cur., tzU Butnurt. nua
4..1 mut hnllters duwn eonttltullona It It , purely vartu•
It. .y sh4l at, arrumu.l, euutkluea ;u .
pruptallaha that the chat:ninth lontatilvtl. hi,
writ.. of. each inttrealieut bralzon.ualr unite v"
Purity the Blood. •
1. Itkr Lerr...11.1
thr tho and l..xal..rulnlentaltrr.
Salt oll+l. and
Sytutta latl.l um/. inn Irsta nurre....ll
It mato rarer .4 CANCt.t.OI:, 111'.
M01L... ntort Thoth... brytt cup.. I y
Inb wo•ltrlar. my 1.1.0 to valuably oalidnrit..ll
11114.11:b L'ONICL It rm.... all obotrurtton•
r.....trritt,g thy 1.... uctirr, And hrol ,
th, It row,. I.lapitstiou t.t lloart. and rteliorro in
•tt utnl 1.. owl In • 1 1010.1... at , 1
....II the t
Tl.l. syrup f. prepan,l ouly by 1.. 141111 SE h Ql., a 111
Prorlthinea, K. 1., mud .411, wh01eA.1%. , 1
11. N W1C111.1..11511A.11.
. ,
Only .11,.111 fur %Ver.lrry I . ,trwArltarki,
w)l4 War,hous......crner Loud ani rictli
B. T. Babbitt'a Celebrated Soap Powder.
%r A SIII NU without Jailor! %V uprall
t Inke thy F.lll. nut of WO. linn.n nn.l n.,
laze:To, r a I,ia.—Pit ran, clothe. in • aut,..iit
tit al- of runt water hi rm., thrn two W. 1.-
rreinrol. nr thin Pap Powdr, earh quart. ar
ern th. lb. water le hard. add ranra
rho 11,a . .1.e. and boll thrtn tan Illltalter. the mean tin..
iirree them duwn withtick i hrti pa t them In tut. a
totheir at an, a a
,that th rr er not be tou hnd
to handle. 1 hou rub the dirty etraal, n ill
r. in rabir a.m.ti
twat a thrrough rlnrlog. and that Ir atithrient
nrator.,thrm MitoF 11). 11,111 It will irnse
rho. cloth, tar) white. andno Lail nil, .tooll. ota ',owe
raai r ie tin. Die. M[l.. !NT ot them aterial di... n
two ,e.nts, ,tnilll.ll. V.lllllll . Of ICI/ rovrZnn.
IV arrientr.l 11.1: Mt or hour.• the rh.thra.
Thi. is Powder that nnr pa,. will malty twelve quart,
heel Vitali,
lOnacTo4ok tO, —Tana. ray nu quarts of oat, aliti
0,1 the Okaribr nlth tt. litid tla a bt tt LutL NIT hl . l.
add sit wittor. 'Or them
toqulber. auti net it away it Will not Irearo. aul
alien roldlllt Will 1w ..,.t and oleo Whit, Sint,
onoti r oil, awl,. not ant tbr baud. lit., sit
tan- rot litnoloth,. 17. is. 11,4 With bnot
w n t r , lki ioaltout itt/olltt iiito sit quart. In•truol A
the. Orono is bort adat4.l by amain.: call,
nod vo..ljeo vuodn.
Sold olaoleaole sot ortril
No. • 00 , 1 Pl.
TI, 51515,151 r .55n5t51555.1.511f1atn5,5 and IntOr 515.1,,r5,5
.4 - 1. 51,5 1155 , 5:rir, mu. it Sir 0ur,5551,155 tssl;s•lnglle %rat,
porprl• s / 5 of Om, eirul bath, 5515,,a5,5
na 11155 Int. In 11. i5.515(unn0 5511,1 ,15555,5555,55.., ,55551- 555 I.
55,55,51.5 r 5 1 11 m5c, 15 . 1511, ..i 5 . 5, 55 11,- 51 , 51 , 51 , 55inh0r.•51.511 5 .5.10,
It IA rairt,ly r onlitusit 550.1
1/ 5 ,, 155 t pr , 5.55,5ry1n, 11.55
5.0 Lb, .5454,11 , 45 Ito rll..nt T-555
nt •be 155551 5555,14,155, th,s .1011, MO 111.1*.1L {L• It 5 , 55
5 51.151515 55.'45,0. Sy 0i10t155.55; azi,l nildoints 11 5.55
5 b,, pi,. It .111 trag5,511,41,1a4 5 5,5 5n 15, 115 w 15/155.1 , 5*.
1,151115.5.5 Ft
_ •
10-PA la NE lislld P - 110 PUbscribern have
3231 JOON 11. °KELT.
Removd. •
lENNETT, BERRY & CO. hav e t , ..„„„d
p their DPW WZMlbOU,,,onler of Cn..17 1.0 MA
I Jr1.1:0
To Druggists and Painters.
.IpARIS GREEN "8" BRAND , T ut ..
Senweerz , revelth-1 hr the &told )1,4.1 of
t a• AlLefir3lllntlitute. for
mit, of atadr and rain?. 'rho tonuufacturtr of the ntv,to
',gat raw rrodurol 11,1twor•I lara,l mot 141111•nt wrtielt•
of l'itrislinvo, tit.t iormsneot..l.l Rrouott
withoutsleirtutent to lb, thad, tow rrvllurod hit pro
% to onverrln4 uniformity.
Th n ,u, eprnlticial .le nyent for the Bala of this
reieltottml brand of Vali, VOrvbx.r. VIII 1.,
141.1 at rice. , IL E.
OTABII-15 mike pure, BaleyM- J. IL.
~.w.. , --'..ik..
. •
• ,
1 8 5 g u t ,
CLUMP. PaI:KS A Co., Itotaltlerrn, Pentsirroit
lA~IIE PROPRIETORS of tlits old and Well
k 12 1 ,1•11 LIP, would lake= the taiblso that they mu
1... In operati.m toe the pn4ent neaeon, end hare MITI/I.k
newit.a Frvialit end PaYeroters. sada, they ate fullys , ,
oits a lt!: k o " l Er.
turn t
r.o.tautly at the landing help( tha Mono.
under, to n-telve hefghc
jou, a.. l'aUfillh •
nne Water and Vroltld, 1 1 1 4Lorith
h A, tWathk
C. Mathew , Pa
C Sharon , .
r , barp.thurgt:
arhtv ,I:reenr . o
Wm. Henry. flartnown:
Am. Pow es, Conhoentellle,
C. 11 newt,
Ik Wallbrelne, Hultsl)," N. 1. ap \ I
Now Lake Superior Line.-1851. •
1 1 1 11 E new steamer NORTIENER, Capt. B.
I LLi'7o% i r h t!t7l rs.L r . T ca'sVtiTo i o n tl P rila' . tr f g
..1 May next. on her nen trip—and weekly thereafter on
, r w a ,, at tiff o'eloekP 31.1 , 1 the Saul It.. Marla..
The Ahem, MANHATTAN. Capt. ]nun CALOWILL,miII
lout Ste Slade, for the dinerent landings on Lake
:+op,rint. en the arrival or the Ptemer Northern, making
regular weekly line, throughout Lir keason, between
li. t A. T 4 a~Kl4l'mprkrorr.
Cievedand. 0., April r..5.1851.--tf
A T N: i l r :s: T il
. I!ILP N O GI S L. E N D , O r iZA to LVI b tII74- .
battlaesse.t PittAbarKhVlll
Oft, le. , rsin..rted order the P!,10 or .. Wm. Bingham A
knellll WM. BINUIiAII.
BijaghantlV 'Tranaportation
T.othonHE CANAL ',cling now open, we are roa
d, I, dla rec
rameive an
d d' forar st and prompt/y; Node.. and
o. an
Vn.lehle alddre at 101 eel rated charged by reeponaltde
td o,
Perdue. and Merchandise will be centred and forwarded
ao and .....t.dltbent and , rbdrga for torVkldlnit or kd
rantin, /Med. co.:platten:4 or etre - ago.
Hills of Luling forwarded,. and all dinretiona talthloilT
Ad In.. arydr to
BINGHAM, k 00., Canal Basin,
Corner Liberty and Idayo. eta, llttabargb.
RIDDRASI d DOCK 18.111atket
1 1fTl ' I L"71 1 4"er" .
—hi . .t2iIITAT. 4 c . ..1
New York,
Merchants' Transportathan Line, •
C. A. MeANULTO A 00., Canal Bub, IDS Plian Motet.
C11.11(1.1,6 to I: NOR. lost Illook.. Dryad vems, Phil.
It • are prepared to Pie a lams amount morriandla•
s n d Prndoce to eDIP on n• opening of the canal. to { 'Pllit-
Itiphia, nivi nil ipterm Data acne at lower Wee. and in
1....• inn. tb.n in Lily P [ tun att..
s - a- N. B. Tbv !unrea."' nitro rof Trucks prneidnkbp
N ry
11.• Canal Commlssion•Nlr ea tun our talksm da.
L.", ., will pre ant ank possibility . of Saar at
U'Udn""' r C
il ' l ' lki i t ' ita..l7r.3s '''
Q-gg 18. I .\,,
To Shippers of Merchar. ' , ErOnce, 'kn.,.
to o,n, iron rceit,tion. 7..A.,‘Artatons ann S. Stag.
.1 h I Ne• k 00., Proprietor.. N. Vt... 1 Margot, and. 00
Pomin•••• ere. Plislasleiphla • \ •
IttiLL A LIOOKTf. Sprenta. Canal Basin, Flttahurgh.
.1.1, TAY LOB A SON. Aim., Baltimore,
tt • are pnpar,,i, pt. tb• opening of t.S• Tinintrilwanla
Canal, to contract for Preistit at a. low \rms., awl giv•
.liippert ti. moth tl.titacti sad care aruteotlter Line.
\ riitti
~ rv - • .. -141 et*
COVQDE dt COLE. \ - \
I Pucivitlorit 'to Menden ACg eode.l \
\ Cana: Basin , Pom Siceet
Penna. Rail }load Co.—Ceatral Bail Ecad:
TIIE liuLKeriben. Fl;lring boon it.ppuialfil
.hi,... ......t. for disiPantaylratita to Central hail
it...a. infiasn Ow po taw that 1111% WV stow prepa.thl to ri,
.. a. ata.unt of merctharrAlw or protium for Ailment,
\ , i ,
4.... vm this routsr .111 bccartialthrongh Lla dye Sat n
su.t .1 •ouriiiiii,l 1.. us will b., ti.twarded free of oomnto
.. ~. ••hnr, for ft...a1:1.v,
IMO el . 'Align* urrselle. 1,111.11.141.• 160 ilifilllGll..
Dr y ~,, [lat. Ettrc., Ibrlt...Ratlmartlery,Confte. 1
ti,..u.s, , Prum..1 ,, rnreitare., irs, II•dletml.
,lir, . le e ,
44 ' On 1' Ir"' ' .
har.llenrr. quevn•erste. Oree , rera. I WA, e II 5,011.,‘
L. , 4413 , r.C1.....q, ll•x.Tlmothy %Rd vlbay lira.
p •E•rd,
wet lut ,
1 , -.1, Port. Hut., lard. Lard Ull , Idbaceo , X.sf, UDR,.
T.tlew,.l;zulo end It••. ...., VI- v ....
~,,.. lltetle Ifmr,,th, 'l4r, I:uh, Haelo,thttina• V
' 50r luo
thirl ME • COLA,
- • ..---- -.---,-
I ,l,l , YritMl Jul, 1..1,1 —Urn an 4 Mrn ne
Preight received for all the Way attitiann
on the Peanaylvarun Central Raihowl\
atießl. ,
‘lttil{u ' 4121. Noah
. Lne1....0n, Jam.. 111.111terk.
3i..1.4”( I nit, 341,i.h. , th1qr.J
111 until 904E4 . 1 U. Kerr. '
..?..r . , uno cr... Z. Milithert. '
14.11Z•burqb. 1114.•!nt .-, 11 •
no,11.: Modervell 0 KauSIIIL
ilarritLutp. \ J. Wallolrtr 1 eon
~. 4 ' U .
N,,,1,r, \Jeums...mrey,
)dillpv.towia. Vrrej J0n....
D Thompson
!Ohara 1uk.1.11.
Na piecula. Jolt u Donal4sln.
AIIII L',..k. • . K. 4,11.1,0 Ilrottwer •
1, .. , ... ~ 3ohr, Iluyett. •
eyVol.K • CAJLV.
~ ..ruvr pf 1... mt mad . e r ne. ~twer..
Jul, 11. th. INA.
;' — c --
iolliming nuttier
tt, mont rvaa:
Pnrukeri 4. call
rem 11,1. tor •I
t , rn Cob erunl. ern
torn Stull,. rm. 1
r.w and C.ra SL
I . , tra ,able Root Cu
.1. Ynkro 1,.•
at the l•rug avd.:4-44
Beatimont's Patent Starc aT
t.VCENTED, July I:6th, 1550.-4 or giving
• i•nound 111 to Linen, Idnslina Oel
nr-... elan Mem... do.. end .1.1 prevents tikelron from
.01,ring to Liven. ae.. end Etemeute duet trottiltickltut to
Linen, tr.. and convans reottnag Mltniona
loreetieue--I.ns pi the dee \oftepm to Capart
+tare° when boiling-. It o Crackly.
rents per Cake. Sold wholetals'and R l lir
CARD.-1 have removedto'uny newsihTe,
t itiorew doom below-I nearly Camillo its Dank,of
run.burull. where I will to glad to ee: my friends lued
omen, and melee Moan of custom. 1.1
keep a very larare a:nortment of L7nhalrel7, Dialeand lied\
•Cna, Curled Hal , . erring, Nu
e, and Nark
Nee. Bala Bohlen , . and 11110515 Illankete,Quilta
1 Counterpanes, and Venn:one; tt ludo. Mande., of every me
riety: Ikon. lota and every .Carle usually found in the
° elr `" ZirrtZe7r L'`ne" t t'O',%:::pa r i , th e72‘ 4. ° """""P'` -
a4 4 IILE, , ,ThIrd attweL
%%TOOL—Cash pnid for Wool s by
eue NlLltirtill a LEE.
• Cornices, \ •
HAVE just received froew York, an
other hage lot Of new style WIhreMIK,OOILMCE3uaI
, RTAIN BANDS. For eala low. .
jeZ •
I,,I'ECTAOLES I—We Lave complete
1.7 Ptcek.of Oaf, Enver an4s.l2pnctselee,Nwl theta,.
d uality moves and concave Wu.. Wit Caglaseas to
nevery variety of vision, aoourdtng to the beet principles of
nattetO eaten,. te7.11 W. W •
eitr:!"inolg.t o ti.2fLl ( Z.".ittg l igt,
WIN Vat.. Meat,
A d ept rortiarrwr • Cm
Anthracite Coal.
3 0
0 0
r u , s
r received ,ll
o. f A`=trilri r co
0.118. A. •
too. prime Carolina, fiTreale by
.IAIK.I. A. Iltlo/ ( 11.180:1 CO.
EAI I -550 pigs Galena; \ •
1.1 , 0150 rounds bar. W i ght baric? toy Pali by
61 IL MOLASSES-20 bble. pritar ,
St. Aott-
A 7 a I. Refinery, for pule by
rI I OIIAOCO-2U3 kge s'o, B'e, art lei'e.\
tat. day recd and for sate
oath, WICK a MPCANDL • S.
01 ,3 LS--do.
An, 111
d T t n e t t e tr . a ..
ntl.ol and ha 'ale by
•etlti WICK A .110CANDLESF•
!t E er F a i , N taa L . l- t.: ) t Stj aa4:rate:•riao.tand ''' 811 ent f
•LOW* Strata Sllgla Refinet:y, tor sale at ralueld
ff... by the A g enat.
JAMES A. 1113TC11IR0N a CO.
01 pupal ) or the above g oal, , punk/I.A from tea
.rorler, ballo o .em. nude hunt agog-tree so touch
In our hes lust born re.
eelerd—frent Xi Kr up h. finest qualities. Alta, the Cr.' d
I and 4.111,1<1.1 unehrtnkahle White rlannels, and
lu .. ll...vrtotent SurkluapannAlp
llGla'lll' a BURCHFIELD.
S UCOTItINE ALOES-20016.. lor t iiale by
It. E. aELLEItz.
LEAII-41 1 0 I
( )1 L A ItOSI N L2O bids. Tanners' Oil;
to Lln9er4
No. I !kW. for ftala
ror .1.• BS A. CULBEBTIIN & Co.
A I LASS-800 boxes Window, , ass'd eiees,
• o.r •als hi JOHN wArr co
11A It TAIL IC ACID-1500 1b7, - . - fiTe, sole by
P 11/NNERS' 011 - 40 for Belo
• OLDEN SYRUP—IO bble. Goodaleeeu
et parlor. for 'ea,. JS. OILWORTLI A\
I) TENT TI.ULEAD=-2,0( ) 0 lbs. ioppo \.(l
• ihre . g. fn, = Iht coginuggrgorg and for galegat-B r d ' g
g.• gait putchazels. C ARBUTRAUT.
HANDY-5 casks Wild - Cherry Brttedy
1.) fur mtv br A. culheephosi co.
I wa.tod In . I 0 , 7. I J. S. DILWORTLI & J.
11, IIOLASSES--20 bbis. But. Ground,'
AJ a for Air by IaIIEB,DALZEI.L.
LANCES 'AT EUROPE,- in a\ SeriO, of
ILA lettere hewn Gnat Britain. }Yana. Itaty. Eattintr,
I nr 4 en ., daring {b.f.:lfoot of 1011 looludloil Nato=
the h mat Exhibitiot. By nom* tireekey. / troL For
mole as I toLifeth'onlybetta the YatOthr.i: ,ae2Y
rvoBACCO-16 kep Ged'a No. 1.;; #oic
ais4 Ica Jab by - JIM DA.U. •
ayy .
V INSU4ANCE. '' • `
\ STA --sTIiTTIILL's NeedleeCel4red -•
I , ir LN SA) R A:4'P E 00111`Ali Y , ..
' ' '
CO T ) tib;r l lIEMLOt, . PLASTEJL--;
e ..,
1 IkESIONEIIi valy tier .
~.i at r‘ohosses of mow* t. ' 4t•k ,a 1 . 7=%t i a.". 4 Z1,11 ; 1'7,', th"41. 1 4\
-KJ' "4".af, ba lif: L . n a t: "L ne:te,.•Vr a q ad' "P ' '' ' A''ll:isi!".l' tAt' il%'" - "l'''''N"` affiae irlt a'
wr •drsotil ot p. • 01t • • •01 00n0111030. ng 11. Warr e eritffored. I T
„,,,,, ~,.. ‘; ” ~,,,ntry 0,0r0A.01L11,, •,..4 ‘,,,,,,,,,, .f doz..' tl. boo of ,. .mittnace, 1., 01.0. p their onal.P*
•lesilines. I-J.81 , 81r. runnrel POnortr. •• • Dm has twenve tellt..l. hare Firm l Om Uteri
A. A. tiAtlllElt, Actuary, testimonials cora rirentwr• ' l' a.4
a "
I ••,.7 url-b ianr, No, or ragroliosa.ratooor o ..ia ..o.t: - \ v ' '.'"". l7)‘ thtb"°".
rti. 100r.41..0t \.t telt .......•-ts ~ • '
OrWiiasurance`Company. ', ..,,, ~......L.A 0 - ''' ”".,"'"Y".
Britics , DI dr ql•ltr•bio
!., • 1 .4.IDIQS • S. It\ a ‘`, rwm- . 81 , ''. B w .,_ u.. . ,4,
a, BB ,M B nerY 4.8.8.. . •sa ••—• ,
' 2 ..4. CAritiaft 81•80,14 \ '' '/'" . " • W BB l l irit-nou• rntraoted co.
• s to,,n•s..s•-•••pyl.. so. I. trwour in dt. ver•dts an•ord•
1 Ss'eUratf 6 arra •riknca :rich Me Genryai intrarttna ' l ,7' - ' ' ' '''' l'''''• U. r l' .B "t' B ' ' ' • Va tw .
, . .:.8 •• -U. . so rom•dy to I ntstso, q.t.
Loh of ter Stall. N \ .0 ,- 0 , •:‘ 0,, 1 u1u .. , o,,,, ..llavolicsile, ••• .Ice At tle
... • t—••• t 1•11 r•nrraw nlll th . .
a -•
T LIE above prawrour Dlid T.BlBo:inittio ''
• ....."•• • ...W. LI Junk., i heatte=dartraZena'44o,''
. hurl plied with thr rerptl.4poriLs cd ti t , -, .. le >tr.p., di,elU-1,0 0 tl,O ky,1,.,., ~, - it:,,,,,i
0.• htVN ' 0M ' tan. ix local Demon polio ha thrir •-••-•.•• ' ••••••• 'ell other OTT bot.. ..,0,1,,,,,,,j ,
. 6 ,A E , [o the doe f.rongtAtermr. ...o.utrut• .0 pro. ;••••. it . w .... 1.... ex g•••• terra ouwer.l trilki tli:81 ...
A ente &advert,.
Vlt'llitallal. Preside t• -p, .. ,• ••• 1•• .a.reelk • h 1p. 0 .,.,,,.. ~.,..„ 0,,,„ \ •
ft •S. 11.-tarLLI; 1. Seer..." r •••••- - • • :•...••rn•••••lsgaa t th they• 4•lithoot '
tWarr. tin. frt Pro hewl•P rt , lat.hUrgh tn .•' • 't• - . ••••, • "•,-. 8 li 1 e• . etal rory 0...r.1.81.
...1 8. = , Ar. A. DAIatIER. Ars.. I, w. • • ... •••. •••••I r. :011,11 \ - •0,
--,--- , 0,, / \ .r. A 1. 7, ey
Pittsburgh Life Ingamace Company„ 's
b uff' t t i i - far m .,., , - ,
xrlikT \ 1.. Itell POL
TIPIIIS COMP:INY too lf meorportfletl. ni ',
h• tell. ,tiTI, .1,, , ,,,,,tif0*, o t rs , ...,i,,, , ,
I. .Pnbror - ut , DPI , with a l•rpet i ll Cbarter. =id ho ,stolrk.., Collore. rl••• •, .11 i of prmar. Ds .
commenced bust:ter on • capital of I TOO. -! , LLIRO ',vent. t ho 1,11 ori•II, triberinw o t tAase,",d... ; •
The Company does businwa both on @Joust Owen and; fh.tu roler.ate, if rct.t.o tt . Loth., ,n, ,;• ~, "."...
Mu % pl.. - • erwrrpeot Tt.e ladle- bays Dug Do • felt Mesons/hi
on the Joint Meek plan the rates sw•on,tlilrd Ime thut ~ 1 ,40, 1.0 urinle. and in thin their rot. alt Iliberal
thou., halos' by Mutual Comp.-1e...a Kneen Per Cent 11 rt... , m81. a ,•• .; rhilre to leso.l Mr in Dat ed
lowa an the Dd. of Mad et•Wk tantipante. ••• • trzt. .. .. a • • . \
Matt* rata, ore the same as those adapted ar other a• ' P...--..rn•Dake will do thin, •I••ten of abet.. An
.- ele
VgTZNAV. l ,t ` t% " :l *. ,4 Th v,r - ivr.,,, ',- Pd . , - ,= , '74'.< l ;t: , ;":;'l7n ith ' t ' :.l " ...taqlCske ih 1
syattuto of lesurane, end the Capital am! BurplVund of •Dm tale O. • - nni•D• ' - tt. n. rKL1.1.88.68,
the Joint Stunt department_
to ;termite the grziiting of 10.1011101010.._„011:1 lii.
in ever./ lonO, including. the right of oft; eltllderto PT
frets. ntlatinet. friends or eredit a r•—to insure the %D. of
another lorthofrowrierelnlire bentlit•PnabieenrrlPf•th.
or upon the parDw arrirl• at the itas of W. Pb. 00. nk,Aa , .
at tbs option of . 7 loom.. o. ,
Jams Ilmn, Presdent., :
Pummel. eClorkan. Plc. President,
1 . Joseph . Leech. Treasurer:
Charles . Colton, reerrterY.
James B.llcon.\ . , Joseph .8. Leech.
John 8. Dilworth. \ Charles &Colton.
tamuel hleClurkaen ; Wist. Phillips.
J. S. Wibluu
nasal: @Cream
Ron. WlE:seu Wllldru,litte Naar t War:
Mu. WaltcrPorwani. latoDettre of Trsasurp•
John Shydwr. F.,. thohler . of IltUt h Cant;
Metall= Lent. lag,. 11 . holmodellrOcer. 1.
Roe. A. W. Letornbt. A.ll. 31'40de:out. Ur
Joseph GazoaM, !I. D, l 'll .m cIL D .
! Jencmloh llrcolts. M. D., E. O. Ldrlnga 2. sl. D.
._ Emnsienv PAynnicm.
bentuet DllOactl., M. D.,
_47 bmltbdeld Meet. N .
bob./ 11,103 Fourtt atteet, ,
Joh. Croolnol, 11. D., 210 :Roth styled,
Wm. WK. cllmoo, M. D, 101 Llbeet7 aldnob.
Dr. Dilworth l•rW be In attend... It the ogre. ..FIT
dayot 12 o'clocl. '
) ma« or Do acennuor, No. 75 fourth otreit.
( . Fife lionrance Co. of ,113310 ,
I:RECTORS: Charles W. BaaakeT, Geo.
W. Rie_boidc, TbeaMart, Mon:local p. Leolo,Tobta.
.onoc. Adolph. E. Doris, //rant, David a. Prowl,
J PP. Smil, Mole Pan.. a. -- . t, ,
, --
C 11 , &mamma, Preaklent.
I ro t . 13.13eoutro. docnrhory. •,,
I or 11 4'a ltd .' o P lr?..T -" =;olOrj* "' ii t :tirto n er 1
eman n tiT, a't rates a. low ea are • .1 NVIIIiL.
The Oompany have marred 11 the' contingent fund
10/ch., oltb.thelr Capital and Prenntune,easfely Invested.
111 an emple protartion to the ar.Turql,
The ...seta pf the Onapony, on Jeattary 111.1851. se Inlle
Inthed oircetobtr to the Ott of doombly. sere an folios.,
limU - . , e. :cIISOB,IDS Di
Peal teiatlL -'
/,84,071 le
'emencrtry learn,. '. 53 964 I? '
Wadt latorponaka • $1.211.. ,
a maisd of 1:1 '19
Doss, U.,
p:1 radd upward. Munn 511111-n Your IluudratTbon.d
'Mina" Loam by Ere, Matto affordbut mid.. of for
adY.loues of, lasurancy, aF w. ll to that abllny lad dL
nalalta to wad arab pampa. o 8111LtbilitfewO
J. likLan) kit Auent:
onld 01n0 mruerof Wad and id sta
Penn Mutual Life I.unriui‘ ee Co., Philad'a
o tiglatat - m..
be l 5 w 12
bootaxatey Co, to
Zaa . :ll Waal area. ataa ...-
NZ, mformalloo seal so and commanludwasPanaFf
tigtli ir.:,1.`.:21 1 .1. 1 7.
•P ea ' ttniak oaiy an .01 soust.tly\ inasoulnit.—
Pra dnadtid annually muougst those mound for Ufa
Pittsburg", J.. 41.1b.51.—a534
• .
I Marine, Fire;•• and Inland ' Transportation
ance. ,
SUE Insurance l Ciim uitai pany of North America,
'CPibuldphla—Clmrter4rl/4. apital 1154:13,..=
mobarse la., MI. si.cuiaat lA. Will make
bald4ruer arid their entente, in thla city and ricirdWi Za t 2x;r4L1:7 6 .5,dr „I:r.ta= . ,..=-1-Ig,
i --, \ 1 \ ~
drib iald, Comm, I,Te'r , Theme O :, OnPr4
apin W..loties, I John, 0. l`iaft
\ Edda :MOM, \ Illchibil li. {tad.
\ Jehd A. lily Willlain Weld:v.,
. ~.„: Paul t,i u m. el s ltid , i um : ,...t.p .i. i ld . tl ip b b illitiona.
\ Char w iriTaz ti . ', Mira. k:. Clorou.,
• Attain. Si nife, . therm< Aapinnall,
\ja,=,i, si. Tp,,,,,,,,. James N. Dickson,
A '. Morrie Wald, .. 11. 13-4Merrard, e...,.
Thd le the and inmiranee Miniminfitll.6oll[lili,l tqatt,
Ma frnm its high cliodiud, Img. experience, ample roam,
laud iiebtalti t g all rtalr.4.,dt au extra hamidons character, it
'V '''''
''', V. l l4, " itill ' nfi l lirlI t Ztr "-
Neel4l,Vm e nt.tdre .7„ ;
0, Dela a Id tual k'afetylnigiranc ati ' y
\ :".. 7,,,,..‘,....—1tutic1iuk,, blerrhatidiae., and :o. otV
A kFFUL:I4,', NoitTli\ituOm . Of , "fllE 'EX
. fforZ Y Ll'ar:Atteb:=7,l,o=d l ::',.'."'' ' ;,
.2 0 1 1. .11. „1, , , iLasr.....y.—rbor .t lf01 , L . tu A r.o r V , t1.10. Cum.,'
roodo, pan or emeld
iailiclna, a! tbai ainitrl;d ' lnay deerrd 1
Ini . Bl4,4riatraMiriori.—Ther /dip Insure blercbmpline•
by .llriuran, Sall nu,l mr , a, Canal WM, sal
Memo M. on thers'and Ink., 00 rtirmoat liberal terms.
Diaamoks—Jooeph 1' al retained O. yonder John C.
Darla, Rotart Damon, .Ilphn R. Penrose. tea:Mind Edward,
i demi,. C.llbelper,Ed.arildiarllnaton, led. It. Darla, 14i4
Dam Y.,116.11, Jolou Newlin, DT. It. W. II vie., J... C.
Rum, I beimbilua Paulding, IL 0130,4 Ilrnika, Ileum' 1
iduart, IlUgh (Inuit, teem,* nemll, rpences Well:vain.
Clark'. Kell/ , J. J. Johnson Km. Ilan, Dr. S. Thom., •
John miller, Wm Erre , Jr. t ' .• .
Ilimmima IT 1.411.151.11,11i_N.....,..., line, Crab:. •
John T. began.
Wirmap Mauna, Presplant. :nos. V. llaien. Vlca Preal.
dent. Jebara, W. COVAN....ictr..c.y, •
ihrOrTIC2 of
5.111 NO, 42 Water streat, Illtie.
burgh. 1 toeMidr4 . r..&, MADEIRA, Aarrib.
he Fast. th
k• m•Aubaztur ,
Alla MAW a I
\ _ ...
tvalpo. +k^
• •
Ohio LOoratori`
. 1 -!--- -- ,p 76 41 9 4- ri-,
..,-........., , ..,--,
4-11— 80 .11E1 i
'tin IA I.± . ' . ~ 1
• ‘..-1----
"• ~ ,,8 5 "*T-- . 99 , ---;
\. Per cent. Strength.
Ulf per
fora Soilita Ofr Color.. satin • •
Ulf per Distilled Vapor IV Moire). slims on bond.
Corner of Vine and !Vont streata, CIMIXI.I. unn..
. 40rA11 onlori from Pitteburgh will baloomPar ill • ,
at leproP. market mi.. • .. aolLly
Ize \
I and f0t,11.10
Letvis's Patent lisversible Water Filter
IS NOW tr) be peen in operation - 'at WM.
TARN , Plumbert, No. 10 Fourth stmt, bo
teenerty and Liberty eto... and at PRIV WILLV
No. 10 Reran street, l'utoberch. This Filter lute wai ved d,,
• Gold Medal item tbs. 41:erten institute of New lee.
and • Certificate from the Erentile institute of Plillutel
=ftzlta_oupertority Ita clrtuarteg propel . ..tier also
[llolbit 111 USCILI I rims. i i
• f which the foilowinif
a re example:
\ ioi•esto, nerch 2.3 thl•sl.
/t give me great pieartirt il to reco wto nnneed to t he leen of
port. clear water. the Pateht Reareiblin Water Titterer, in.
vented by Ile. Levis. Reeler used one of them for everts
al menthe. I eat enabled toJudge of - their
ONORNE TLITT 187 Walnut Meet."
.110maritstch,31areb lltlal 1851.
The Patent Reversible Water Enterer, Invented by Mr.
Samuel'll. Levis, and need by me for soma =tithe at my
private Haldane*, to all teas nor perlson,wield
thertifore t adder It a pet lee to eve le my pow leo
noommene\lt to the publle i ,
The,* FIA wiatarded to bap out way smelt er
taste abash y arise from deicemee. animal tuttetw
Ms matter In t e wate. They avo wed
warteeted to let two
years. Mod Et/ Ordinary toe, will last tam and remain
" be seen be "P"'"" Iii.TER JARINN,
mylOnf Areb street Philadelphiao
HAD PIP ' omen's improved pateat
. 4 Laid Five rtsr 11 •
•4 41 4 ,
• Raw,
411 sizes eshad FadtoVW n.
:ma bzl •
, \—
134.Prott street.
_and ,. .V \ entilation.
ir u ARE JAKI wm w ItAPPAR n ATllto r r ,
IV? grr2l l 7itirg='7lMt u /i. ; ' i jil:
% sod Deyittg giants, for 111 poi N e \ ists where
letteptzture,trither high or low, It de_ 're* mei for these
Ott too GU...meted is Dowd to it.
seelfor VeletirVi do bj ruttural t.: trims, will
h Mtn ES nil rufous It ", ,, ,?Fie ihntal Shl
m entecessfult,hesteil ➢ cozeir:ls n yttaltt
sNo metlitet iretwitlts iirlteletettle, lattlfqm,hest, at./
required, tettipersture, with coll. feitosts, Rom sect,
,intinke, mhos:lust, or damp ti LS Si, aid safety from Ern. '
"Copley's Pot Clay. \
HE aubrioribeia are now Sole Agents
of J. Copley al Co, Ibr the node d tbelr Pot Clay, an
I \ la 01l ealnlillshon regatatkni fbn Om Inanufantor.
of OUR Pa n. teel Ynts. An It In nude of on• • of Med".
Infoolado embalances known: and in verr carnfollr
on olentand previous In aninntnta ' .
\ .1 i 4 ,linCI:11 Akl lalt •17
LN OIL CLOT!" --SOO. pude 4, 4§,
an 4 koparulr Griw•kal Cloth. for
ou • rfor for 94,1, to say art‘olo cownortwerorwl for thwt
war • . I ust , reeclrwtl amt for..l.Lrthe PIO. Or /AWL wi
ho w mono: rim 7 and 9 Wood ..trwrt.
WLL PAPER—Fresh asauttment for
k w..... Actireu from ate oust oelebratril maim
ISetorlee o f Philourra, New reek, and &Moo. tu abb.
boo toe r led ewe of domeatio . Mar
i r . s i eg v sto or
earul.S , 65 Masker West.
boadou e r \and Letter Papers, blue are: cream lald,
eau Is had at IV. SAILAVIVS Papez Warehouse,
asps , es:11011mb. mat *mud eta.
IrINEGAR---\./ bb1.44 fo r Bale by
T cie.s . RUISISON: (MIX 6 (X).
J). .
lilk.:1) PEA L ES— 4.1 bu. for sale by :
ooh)' ROBIPON. LITTLE & co.
ilitg--stitil;',. , I.sTti;T; f o r l 7-
orLs ,sale
. __
11410 IRON-350 tr. BOOR Creek Metal; —
j_ :,u iu c \ ..
Fp. I. br , . ROB 'N. 1411.11 • (..V
10,/ bblb .14.fts . Mb useg ; \ \
hhd'itiiiilA. tut ale
--. ii - 65 - 45 .---
j \k
25 borax 0 nutt'r i• .41 tro,llr,
b°, . ~.. , •\ r s
\ ; Is b 0 •,.. In a . '" r .: . ~ s, \
',, 10 Tarr `'. or .I \ •,,i'
" 515
4re, ~..tructed by the owikere't. elosq
I„o.tth.rowi.e Md. at resluml , r;tes..s. ,
t:r &tt ' lr=
Inket.. (*Wk.) - • \
hie owl '
UURP/IY A 47.\\
siENtwil p i lietESS GOODS:
21Z: 4 3114%. sa4 Dm. lectia,43°,7l:, snh
`•There are morn thing" Itrinouren and tertk
i`lben era dreutipt cf in phllowipiy."
FrE - VIRTUES\ of this remarkable Itth e
\iis, and the mutant Andheation for It. tn the ititigui ,
cer hat Induced him to bits It put up n bottles, wl le ‘
bele - amidleretions. for the butent of th, ,' pubilL ' •
The skaliot.siat is u pr.s m d rm. ...ill in this oo 2 •
ty a a= l , , o , pth f lam t ir . t y nd c = oLej.. , i i a . t . t . ure t/t. oualulle .' , •
Op. from ‘ Tialute's (heal Lavatory!! hat t li •
=l !' ti twit ty ' Then
n, a o koptuy tt4lu Um ' at "
out of nature,- high ' . If known, tkelit be of vast use
- •
nesetu i d g
end storing the blame of
huniltend rigor to sway at uileror. ,Long banns n PIo
plietrioought of putting It up in Doti had a r e
slog &YU* cure of disease. \ The emineXt and
It Maui L o,
slug nett, and t o \ temarkablete It ba• pael ' C o
formed. Is sure
tau lif It. Mtn. poptaluity Ined 'I
lOU ure applicant, in thare of di \ • •
We to nobweth to mate along wanPuttitcatee, ' t
we Ice consebne that throttedlcane eui , s a ns \ wort In way , •
We the fater‘M thou who miner sat y,o lot tool
Millet we do net deem for it a nt\rerriil
Ur , '
cry dbienu, - we unhesitatingly say, that to e number or
Chronic Liesersint is noriralluL
are these may on
u rend—all llireeses o(
ON- m due bulge. each
gIiTNIO lIRONOCIIPLI. CON - 8171.1 'TION, (ba ite aarly
stun) ASTMA, and all +incurs of th air penturteLll•• \
bit COMPLAIN, lXtiPlortelA, 'Nub Mums of tine .
Bladder and Kidneys. Veins In the Bub nide, Nereus -i,
Dl.. iiIIMIFII4 111 , y. Slegulatic Paimb liout, Eruip ; ,
em, Tnor, MinewernaCilinon. Snsliii liirai Inn
a. to. - 1...,,, a debit/tr. ' , nth , 1% frosVonatat,' or •
Imo end protein-not men, of likal/10 thiS KliCil. 41 . 14
bring relieL 11.
set as Kent's! T bt/C Minn
Alirn in such E... impelling tons iml entre, to r.
whole flues, removing obetructiotu, opening
functions, which came diseasesend a Morten ..
o f tiring incleausl and uneven eturgg Wen i
of Inn The proprietor krei, ofaserer - -I truer . t
that misted late" other treatinegL got mail ann.
of the PEUOLECM (to, fl abort t,. The
tivento c oy person who destros it. , '
:Mme t he without the sl fNa
BM by the preprbint
R. Al \ KUM, Carel Bashi, no brut a lL it tithlt , .lt , ii, . tir i ,
corner\ Wood street end V Irno 14 ,
- Modly \ hie regularly moulted, 1
7 191 \ 00LAzATI031:7
c NOW nil inci *hi, are didir'itiiCk'
It with diecase of e Madder endliddieTe,
tiwpaina in back or sobs, did kick. old
leret de., th at the, - ro be egret! by taking; thei
ELltlis To. me talks .ut tin being • rawnmme
as you phew, but y
this d not make It am forwep
In the face of an tamest unity, that It ;as
width are slot contained IA any tltar remedy. 1
who a rutted with pain. %uttering from dhiee
for 50 cents„ get relief from al , ty of the ills BIM
. Veliell'it eons 0 little to aks a higl. Thl
' berm la no mtgture—nocorop.lld,' put up farther
of bowels,' ondb• cmcdo.ity; tit It le a remedy
ted by the mater hand of nature and bobbles Up i
, ban= of our mother earth, In its Pnrarc
i fere to suffering humanity• reedy tuedY..a . .mri
taw* cure.. t
tMa mewl Piles. alter Other m idne• We .
any relief. ' \,ll. has cu rod It umations , a t om
standing, and of th e worst sod condi MI r
hagictired .Cloolera Neaps, by slue cr wo 11= Me
lit i
cored old mows of Dia:than, In whkh • other -smoky
has Mrs of no 'reit . Ae a laid rem edg In bums and
maldsidt Is better than., medical &impounds or ointment
that I.ILDOW 00 'lO win' curer chilblains read tondo' Wet.
In • few giplaticur, uodoubted testimony ..q. to be furnish.
ed of th e' nab wootalool In the:abore mateOgnt. by ceD-
In&oli PA luk.i. 51. hlt.E., Canal Dais, ' . 4 1T...1iit trtrl, , om
40 Or of thy wnts.' \\
_boys. a 'McDowell, 00.14.,,a Mood street a)td Vlrgto
eller, IL E. :teller, 57 Wood street L. A. tillot. ti.d D. al.
Carry, Allialaity city. am Um agrts.. . • . .
—Da. JAM. Ito., tbe dlocoterer end mle.proprlder
mere moot inpuldr end I:apiarist s medidoes a ad . a4
the Memo:mot the Mbuldated 10000.0.0 fowl
I.:to t itaoffectirdes , - ionire oo7 g h role dlk i lt i t was • :gee
`gt-Luate of the University a PonneylemOn.fink for itarty •
rears .into ben been etutagol lu the cnrertlgmlint of dlo.
. the application of reduelles thSTAIL
Th '" Ugh tb. nee of hie Intl/aka tube.inconneedonwlth
Ids irmobylsotie Ityrup, end atter of his remedies, be bag, •
landaft apparelled...l.llfoot.. tu curing those desmilisi N ..
and fatal maladies: Tuicoredim Cr.:nowt/am -I..Smstmoo \ • ,
_lll°lft‘tiV.:=:sg.` \-,
: ..
....0.1 peculiar to kmalee. indeed. -ewers form' of dimes"
v.lehes ender the me of hie remedice, to whlehltumtuil.
it to tair-ihnt by tho um of one compound only `for that
to ineonmatlble with Physiological Law, taut by theme of -\\
hle re:nettle/0 adapted to, and presoribed for, mob podnlior
Dr. Itoe form of
tWei To .
Alderattoi Pillsorh. keel, awalstWarise ,
bly ackardeledged to he superior to all others, an a \
Um co...liver pill. Inasmuch ~ they hare the pet- '.
fertly fnelrom onatieenmg as aka liktloider, Pills am.* '
milted by the faculty, In pukes petunia propormos. sant
cod to female elbenteig but being satisfied that a. tare kW ,
ts setlideut to establieh what bas bra. add, In the standout '
mr moot ocrptlmol. \ '
Th e e ggew mo, loyik.l to all upon the NMl,end Prtk. ,
cure (grade/ one 'or Umdlocky's pendible misled:add/Pe t
.5d amount of men ra.n iii.mul Its Implicit ' • •'. • , '`.,,‘ '
/tor Rik by the follo*.• N • agents,. well. most druip N s
.dolte throughout then:, 1.1 , 2
J. Pettoonmaterh Co. ~ P. ecilet., Pitteb -'• , . - \ .
. i
4..51. Townamd. Drug ‘,, Illawist se..,
Lee A. Beckham, D7ll '' 'I t oral, Poet 01/Low Alteghe \
nr our:
imcom-ammer. mull c, , , o ocli o -ccr minty, PIO. ~. .• . . ,
John Elliott, ) M unn - 2 . , . ° 0
T. Adams; Dearer.
` Adams;
... . \
To the Readers of the'Pittsbargh Gaiety!. . . ] \ . •
DIJBLIC ATTENTION, is re s pect fu lly irk. .. ',F , \ .
.. . .
tie the followlag truths, set forthlu retell. Lo , ,
nue of the most boixotazt. remeellarot modern thanei , , \
4 1c
Oft ROCK OM It is hot mere' than ono
le. ago Cure this great monody was brought before the \\\
mobile fur the Mkt and Ohre of diem.. lie glut •
to beak bore. slue them . Leon. fully Imprecated MC , . , ‘
...unity. and we alien that the Imager it la abs 'i , ',„ \ ,
la y s will Its 'gnat fame epreast. It le not the ram
t'cl , of t t --06 )",
go off tot the sele Lonnie otmakhu mensal \
but. rum w mut .we coonire , will coutinoe to te tont when
ail other nostrums have been forgotten. The Petralemn
se Natural ecomedy..elabonled to the depths \at Lin earth., ' s, • , • ,`-
by a power and o u r leoghs to soma kll homer ' I .• ' '''
competltimt It Ls our duty, when we wins ale.% a meths , . , , ' ' , ' • •
rine, that
write the truth—that we say nethleit celcoci , ;
lated to deceive those who MUT tnot ear wcrol or pot eon& '
dune 4n or statements. The sick are,sau apt to Cum
eny thing that sonnilses relief from - dieseaer A story eam
Unity he ten highly wrought to answer the object of, gob.'
log.' Doebomotos some of them_ Dow, ludo not Madre - s ' ' •
to do 11J.o we are andlom only that tho t roth In relaskerto ; •
our runty abookl be told, to cider to wore the It • repo. , s ,
tenon far mcseeding any Cagle article in the =Marls sued. \ , ' , \
ea. Plain unvamtebed h ood, ,hot may be...taxed, ',
In our city mid neighborhood. bear amble tostbaMet to ttic\ ', 1 .
TOT of the Detrolentoc,-,
the WET two mamas TWO-4 OOT own ethete, , '"• ,
.0. wens totawium, bovi b. ..
0 ..oumf . 4. _ ft.. -, \ i
s n a rams of thase,' by the &ate or 0 TO bee* \ ',
\mind- And.a/4.1.11. ease ofd gactlemanaln Sneer Monty .
I T:ere an °thug but these am our near Dome, mad ''• ‘, • e s ,
teem. to by soy variant who bete doobts on the eu \ '. ,
Met. The. came were cued other they had Lean about.. \ '
ed \by ohysioluar m .hopeleas, The Petroleum will tun, , \ I
wt. used acconliag to edrecottou‘-Darshoisk lapenten. ', \
PilUnbecmmuttodaut,Nyortalgia. kuption• ant/meet.,
\ plee cin t , .t. . Chronic Pore Dye!, Ilingwern, Tatter. • 1 ,
/deck Indus In the bone. and Penn. old Amer. illiene.• ,
crokgue. Christie Coughs ; Anhui. IlrouldUkend 8/1 '
Pulmonary wilmildtw or 6 , citrOoit note.. teedlog to r.- ' \ ‘, . •
Moen Conimmytton. . s . - . . ,
hems /TOd T.eolds, dines. of eta Bidder and ndiliaiiiik \ ~ \
Ch Pad flads, Envoisted Nipples, Caret and Bum., ,• , , ,
in' it Is anal oundost num, end hoe been 441
ha Mm ,ocur, above diseanonetildn the put year sant the - • .
Meet Defect mean. . CertUleates that will Wonted eM led,
the berdsof thermitieter, who will tit. nirvonce Lt ..•:‘• • _ s \
in hem o. tbekneteet or their Invade. • - - • . - 'c'', • ' `,
tom., abets 1..7 ray about limit. modlelateh the' \ . ,
Pe loom lathe =utast gamely of th e seta Physkians -_ _ s
gw.Landing id the tofcsalou an be 'to It , i
0. v h. 11,4 cak''''''Ata pee
ed.... on sr at 1 ed on
~•vollinic to smut it due mite .0 1
\.\\\ l '-'
anistleratlon. Detre sinother'ner mlls Mud. ail Ira fa
'compelled to anoopradedge that the Petro/asna ts the cm* .
an modieftle ever lilesoebeL ot. W. wholesales and...
tali br \ EintSint 0 IicDOWOI.I.,,MO Wood et.:
11.. Z. &Dere. 6, Wood sheet; D. az. Corry, D. Al
Elliot; Joseph Loma..
_A140..1411 t. Also. by Use pro'' •
trib.or,.p. fd. ILlnit."Vanei , -.Nsto Umtata stn. Rt.
and B. A., ramastar.A., it. Oct. Wood and Prottts4l . , s .
k,.7 —lt t, cheap. MIT JO 1440.'4.4 Wear taLTOTIOIii. " . ..
, • , ltummarr Cat: Al.ret =„ zsaL, -k
, At,: It. K. Sellere—ity daildnu. lee others. hate bece - 'su ,-
bject to troubl.nme roughs,, out differmat . C
remedies to very little er
en 1 n thinned by adreir , • ,
teemte about yourti _perpowe,
II ough Eire in floe IT wisk , c
, gars It to two of my boys, end Mom tomy daughter weer- 4,
, . s
diftentat limes, end it has norm Pilled to
too. y 1 hoe recconmended It to my scidehmol, and do ewe I ' - -
ontorteni-lontly bathos that It Is thelest rough Medicine, r .
that boa ever be. offend to the potillk - ' -• ,
s• accemtW - .13110210.... .-
' '. Pareete should net permit their claDiren• to miner trees
ut, em ah they may' he cored ear a,%et, bonds of tide
. .
Prepared and mictew, ' ' nt. a:
EL 14 : 1 0.. . - .
Loch% \ . 61 Dead et. and In ....11y.
• •
. .
. ~
RAT - TENT 111 . .f.D19111
Irt . tor ono on
Alex Ointment I
Lemon Acid •\ - .
.N. Lai l on ik rattg m '
aidoidoc. Mete,. , •
Pidnionarr liilioni \
Pilii, Aldi-Bdions .-.
.. Ilacres
" Eoff • Anti-Drsprptie
•• ' Arline \
1474 a p r a4
titt - ta.
" ttaulue •
. •Olutioinst for _Sinurr
• stErclue P1.644,m,
Turtillgt•Va BaLawa
thOrug dto of
` ,4 \ n.
ti bb2.. 1 4,/ , .;1.124........ \
\. ~.\ \
.15 afti:V",..i.,,t,6'.',.....d initicui.\;
I n a . ood older and f, WI, by_ \n
0.:24 \ JuILS 17T CO ., CO, 1.M.M7 •
N..• 3 4 1 . 1 . 4 .4.
• :AE " No. 3. 4 ; •
20 hi • :•••0.7. ago Pr
0c.% crrtLeiko..-.\
• •
IROCE.RIES,, ite—: ' • ..\ . „
WO bms Ric Cideii rli tbli. H. C. Ur. ... .
1. 6 lii. ebeirtgi Tau; , 4.,5 boxmliatzlim \.: ;,.
...5 way &cult "', , .., blili.. Clit.Liric ~ .
1 'v,"All= ' :,.. 2 11 - =•.§..
•'1 btuL Ladderi _ , . , [Mu il b c, t v o i rsr.lirorj4 ,.
Immo, ladigli: Xi) xi, ow
lo aim. iLiz . •. todtfo:.
• for i.l. b,4, •
pe.r.i . , LL. lalittleiili, L. 1 .1 Lt. &W.:\
- ---- -
IiUI 7 ER-8 bbilveriPf 11401;4,1'1;r°
i 2 UTTER—S bbh:. rirnOtbll;
OW DER-100ii (TTTalay
. . .
-- '44 R. 31 0LA59ES-=—W bbls.Qoodalee
.upertar. tt.r ykkla by •
• . • - DILSFORTII kw,
Oat throoraaeres and hdbary, halls and ir
for dad by WALTY.B.r.
' oc2l • 63 Waal strati . ••\,,
11:7411113 •; I \ Cj
prngt.,.. , is logo terxd bbiatilkdbd.3ll4
• -;
il k
- •
Aith OlL— , 2o.bbls No. i\
B. PM - op/Inter:lM Toe eWDyy
25 N 0.2 - ErW• r
• n.
r . 7.e . - 4 - \
\ \
I the moet, ifoentlftereu q . TUC'
clejlaga •
CarreatreelEstracria Ireeo
Datbr'e t:encii.stiee •
Me of lib rru ex Fortin=
opt erDK.
1111a7 ° `
rce.e. tX Zen
Ire Neter
tiard.ncy's Linixeref. . 1
Golden Tincture \
liarkm U l
8..21.1V lukltilll.
‘ of 1% we vel ezreele