The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 20, 1851, Image 3

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    ''M7.7 . 7e . ''v•M•"" — —7"
Hoironanza Hamer Cur.—The - Honorable
Henry. Clay arrived in this city yesterday, on
the steamer Allegheny Belle, and - tools lodgings
at the Monodialtele House. He left otithe West
Na*tou Packet, Thomas Shriver, In the after
noon: No public demonstration was male. the
eminent statesman being in feeble nab, but
ha was Visited during the day by numbers of his
personal friends.
FUNZaal..—The funeral of Thomas Liggot
Jr., yesterday, was attended by the member',
the Bar, sad by a large number of penione fro
the oity. as well as 14 those tiring in hii neigh
berhaorl. •
ityIIBLT iIIPOILMKT Csee.l.A highly import
ant caaa wavargued in the United States Circuit
Court;on Tuesday, but we were compelled to
omit our report of it yesterday, owing to a press
of. other matter. It was that of Joshua Notch.
triob ve. Romulta L. Baker and Jacob fleurici,
Tmtees of the• Harmony Society, of Beaver
county, Pennsylvania. No. 28 of November term,
A. 1)"., 1850, in equity. •
Messrs. C. Shaler, E. M. Stanton, and Th
Umbfq, otter, appeared for complainant. Meson..
A.W, Loomis and Wilson McCandless for res.
The bill alleges an substance, that the com
plainant in the year 1819, being then about 21
years old, became associated in Harmony, Indi
ana, with George Rapp, and his associates. He
&Italia? removed with the association, to
Econotii , in Deavercounty, and remained there,
a snembsit of said. Association, until dune, 1846.
• penal, of : about twentyaeven years. Daring
that peried, be alleges that he labored faithfully
and diillgently in its affairs and business,
devoting his time, Ail:land are to its interests
Within the same period, the SoCiety increased in
wealth by the acquisition of property, real, per
sonal, and - mixed, to the value of over two mil
lions of dollars. The complainant daring that
time, - recsised nothing but the necessaries of
life. In the year 1846, the complainant, being
then about forty eight years old, was turned out
of the saidAasoolation, and deprived of a share
In its' property and effccda, upon which be
brought salt , against them, demanding that an
account may be stated, tind that the share to
which.he claims he has a right, may be decreed
' We presume that the decision will not be pro
nounced for some time. •
lowa Fomunix.—We went through the tom
dry ware-room of .T. C. Parrx Co., on Wood
.street, a few days ago, and Were much pleased
by 'the beauty and excellence of the castings
which we found there Finewntacuneled grates,
admirable cooking stoves, which, by the way,
tocde the first premium at the late County Fair,
iron rolling constructed on anew principle, the
patent right for which belongs to these gentle
men, and in fact almost every form into which
In/alias ban been moulded, is to be found titere.
~.We examined, with particular pleasure, a sub
soil.pleugh, which has taken tho premium at
several State and County Fairs. It bad two
abares—n large and small one. The smaller
tints the sod,. while the larger buries it um
and so tboroughli prepares the ground,
iti to least; little necessity for harrowing it.—
Thia:plough. the patent right of which belongs
to this firm, was' tried at the late Allegheny
County Ploughing• Match, •and , worked admira
bly. :It is well worthy the attention of agriccd
t,tristil: '
WiDATSDAT, November- 18
Befere- the. Hon. R. C. Grier, and the Hon.
Thema -
Another of the apparently interminable suits
rtittits to',ther Patent of Woodworth's planing
nischltie, occupied the attention of the Court all
.' TER ;FIRST Casa.—The first case argued be
fore the Honorable Judge Forward, came up on
Tie*:lay, and was one of considerable importance.
' If was that of Mary Ann Woods vs William Pi
per, and wave-bill on the equity side of the
-Co to compel-the respondent, who was trus•
oiher'estate, to execute hie trust, by selling
. ris ortion or all of the property described . in the
t n
t4st dned from Jolth G. Woods, Mrs. We has:
Wd, to 'respondent
. 31r. Woods rested the
this! in- i rtfr. Pifer,' on going to California.- ,
' The complainant alleges that the estate, which
s - valned at Seventy thousand dollars, has been
mismanaged.'- Th• 17 mbItactter, Elul...conduct
ed the ease on behplf of the - relator. C. 0.
Loomis for respondent. No decision has been
"Ttte hforroiL—We are indebted to Mr. G. W.
-Bunn, for the November number of the Mentor,
s' inittable periodical for children, published in
Ind edited by the Revrend J. H.
Penonawa, --The charming panorama of the
Allegheny tilanntains is drawing crowded houses
at Philo HalL. •
Ammerman Fnm.—ThelliSTlll of fire on Tues
.-day night, was canoed by o bed in o house on
:Bank Lane, Allegheny, taking fire. Two chil
dren Were lying on it,.bnt num:stand no damage,
And the flames were soon extinguished.
- *IS yS3Lerdily
, commitled to prison by Mayor
iluthinte" charged, an . oath of James Thompson,
,Wrltti assault and battery with intent to kill.
. ,
.--blayor,Gathrie yesterday committed a color
'44 man, named Clement Rodgers, to prison,
`e,harged; on oath of 'James Allender, with ob
taining a small corn of money from him, ender
talse pr
ifilALTlrf.--Ordy eleven 'dentin' occurred to
this city from the 10th to the 17th of November.
Gras •Mcornto.—There will be another public
'meeting in Allegheny, on next Monday night, to
make arrangements for the pnspose of providing
that' city: with gas.
Siseutser.—The Enterprise of yes - le:day ways
that "ii will be recollected that some time in the
!early part of hot summer, we . ponied 'the fact
that a colored woman hod exchanged babies with
a family about fourteen miles from the city, on
:the Franklin,road,, by secretly Sloping with the
white child, and leasing the colored ono _in its
"Since that time till - this, neither the colored
~:7►oman nor the white baby k are.heen beard of
by the parents of the latter, so we are credibly
informed. This circtunstance will rank among
- .the 'wonders of the world.' The colored child
`was given, out for safe keeping."
Linn CottPurirr.—The only
weer *dared to the public, width ben neverkelled of woe•
lag a ewe when direstiOns are alike...4ls WeLanes Weer
Pill. It boo now Wen wveral years before the koblie..l
has been Jot:minted In all seetioni of. the Ligon. - Whe6
it has twin nsed it has had the twat triumphant an=eiv.
•ral has . 1 .41 driven out of ore all other medial/sir.
Inns , ben tried under all the different phases or trehattr.
att6 ban loon round Mnallr erleadaus In all.
7or sale' by.l. KIDD k CO.. No. CO Wood street
ainuninirs .
i B o L OO and* by L. Mason' Choir Chorus Book;
* Webb; Ildta, Moak.; •
• New Certaina harm ' Seminary Clam Book:
Norm.: Bawl long kook: 7 .00P4 , , 500, bokdoak" •
Jaratetila Oratorio.; 01,e, /live, by L. Maeda;
Songbook alba Behoolrunn; beauties of.Calolosda:
'Primary &hoot Song Book; Union. TanVeranee Boo*
.koion Chorea Book; ••• - Book!.
• Also—Tbe Albattnat, a, very Ti,eo wog; woad. by
IL kl. einin. mole by Aim ' b
Willie my Wave, tun song by C. Polder;
.• . The Hccir'of Asko. sacred en . .
The beim iliantar's eons; •
The bloomer's. Coonybuot; ' . • • .
Caitikaine Bayne Soniva L oomflab.. ' Per male by -
b. iiLEI.O.B. 101 Third sane.,
boll . -
--_ • Sign
, or lt.a Uoldea harp. '
' ' -
•To Pnatera.
APIUNTING OFFICE, amply supplied
with all twenty' water ale for dolor a fn. rate
.el Job flolow, to tbla city. together with the a.
eswWed low of the (mutter, goodwill, to., benby o
And for rale. rt. materiala are 4/1 In good order, eod
=wily owe; gad ea the anon. Ire enngwi la other bad
ow. wit/ be *old erry blurb balow thole valor, au wool.
hoodwilbr. Ceram The &bora prewits au opening which
eaddomovOn. for bratloolara abOlY th o lataw. '
40 bids. for szda br • IVICX * IdeC,LNDLEZ&.
DIG IRON-16 tons for sale
1 " 0 .8. °rule .3.
wow J. KIDD CO.. IV Wbod
BROW ItOOT-200 Jhu. nnuizio Bermu
da. osa). foe We br " J. LUDO s. co.
111 . N 3. 1 .. P r E It BERRIE . S-1000 J. Itz i gr , /,.
GUBl v d-.IIPIIOIL-9 bbln. fvget
II AI .- 4.` have a ewsharee "Ohio
I ,&tee—.. ay! .14 Pall • Stock." . 114 . . ' s
.117 1 LA-V-,-10 sacks for Halo by
r isicsasiccANDLtia!
UCKWREAT FLOUR-25 sacks for sale
vs • • . - IPICS DI<CANDLIss.
govOLATE-100 bss fresh reed and for
ki web , • - WWI di 31eCANDLIM.
:Ilk; Sat br WICK 11441511)41:150,
I' - -
ISCSIVED BY TIM o's ;ma Ts.t.zowu
MID REPORTED YOU TUE r rfreatraral GALItTre.
The nteemer Africa, with date. to the tlth
inst , front 'Livertinol, arrited nt tt o'clock this
afternoon title sailed front Liverpoo at noon,
OD the ath
The steoniship Washington, with Kossuth and
suite, would leave Southampton, on the
for New York. Kossuth continued to receive
the most marked demonstrations of respect from
all parts of the country
The attention of the public had been mainly
directed to French affairs. The Assembly had
met, and the President hail delivered his wee
sage; the chief measure of which was a de
mand for the restoration of universal suf
frage, with some very slight restrictions—
The Ministry asked the Assembly to declare
the proposed measure, but the Assembly refused
by acclamation: thus the Legialattve and Execu
tive powers were placed in direct opposition.
The result was anxiously waited for.
. The public tranquility' remained undisturbed,
and confidence was unshaken, notwithstanding
these occurrences.
Cotton— Lit - saran, Nov. 8 : I
The market has been active, and a
large business doing, middling and ordinary
qualities are i! higher, and the sides of the week !
had been 5,000 bales, of which the trade took I
48,000, speculators 6,000, and exporters 5,000
bales. Fair qualities are unchanged ih prices..
lireadstuffs.—Flour is in good request, and
prices have advanced fill per bbl, with indica
tions of a further advance. Corn is in limited
request, but prices are steady. Wheat is in
far demand at steady rates. Some circulars
quote an advance of Id per bushel.
Provisions—There is little change in the pro
vision market since the sailing of the Cambria.
Bacon is scarce, and receipts are anxiously
looked for. Lard is one shilling lower.
Tallow--Sella slowly at former rates.
Groceries—The demand for auger has been
large, but prices area fraction lower. Coffee is
in limited demand, and prices are unchanged.
Ten are inactive. Molasses is in fair demand.
Rice is inactive at former rates.
There has been little change in money and
stocks. Consols for money and account are quo
ted at 98®98i.
• The shares of the California Quarts Mining
Companies are rapidly advancing.
.Formen and Fiodon, among the heaviest pro
duce brokers of Mincing Lane, London, hate
failed for a large amount.
The state of trade in Manchester was encour
aging. There has been large sales of goods.
Wa have advice, from the Cape of Good Hope
to_thelst of October, confirming the previous
disaetrons account. The Cal Era had surprise.'
and surrounded two companies of the 3d regi i
meat; and bad Capt Oldham, two ear ,
gesnts and nineteen privates besides wounding
23. There were 8 othert missing.
The Caffirs were preparing to attack Graham
The price of bread had risen 50 per cent at
the Cape, and was atill.advancing. .. •
The workingmen of London had joined in a
grand demonstration to Kossuth, on the Sd
het, There was a monster procession, number
not lees than 30 ,000-pereons, and an address.
. was presented to him, in the name of the inhabi
of London. Koasuth read a written, but :
very eloquent reply.
. Parliament has been further prorogued until 1
the 15th of January.
The Commissionera of the late Exhibition, es- :
timate thedlet profits at £150,000, which the y i - 'Choice New Teas ad Foreign Fruit.
propose applying to the increase of the menus of i
iudustrial education. They Ask a a ch.
„, rite; ,
to perfect the necessary arrangements J maRT. IN rue I , IsUoNL ,
The sub-marine telegraph, between England kg elt.evls tart half clee•ls et the tuor /ova, et , i,,e ~t ,
~,,, ~,,W X ,,,„.11,,„, „„,,„,.
and France, has been fully completed, and will ,Irume stiltena ral.itte.
I be opened in • few days , l• - t hble. n•etll, , ts,
•o v..' eurraelk
Kossuth was to visit Ilirminghato and ]lan - -• nes 51, ...‘ter•
theater on the 11th. The' a:layers of both :town, l ',',',: "=„';',,T„'!.!;r n ,'', , ,%,
had refused to'call special meetings of the torn i ii, hr.: ern-brelute•
'Connell iO--TOeeiTOa - the pet b1i0„,1 . ,„ r ,t,: : , ; ' ; ,,, 7 , 14,X,W, e ,,,,,',,;;;;:.z.'„,',71',' 7,”
therefore, taken t he matter in their own hands, ,soc: sr hi.b *e* . 0 * ,*,.'.' * ;.* ' o* ....^:,...-**...
and were determined to give.him an enthusiastic " On ' .
reception. ' -
; New (}polo—Third Su
FRANCE. Supply for the Season.
The Legislative Assembly met on the 4th.— i ', tVi CritPia R BURCHFIELD comments
0p , ..in6 `ht. mornizc the, TLIIILD SLIPPLI :,
AL Dupla was re-elected President. The MOB- , .. ', := 1...'j114,t2;,1,, L , ...,.„ 1.;, ..,,
~,,,t ~,
of Louis Napoleon met with the most vie- . ~arrs, anl eannum 'Aber Q.,. e• ' ,II be ere•t , 4s/ '
lent attacks in the Assembly. Oa the benches - w ff:i t ,',: tth ` o4 ° I ° lo . , 01 1 ° 0 . 1 :00 1 **•", 'w o o'
of the majority -it gave rice to expression. of _ ___ .
incredulity and irony. The majority would not
T"Al'__,,,, l life chest. Y. H.. for «arit by ,
be convinced that there exists any intention of - '' IsSLIII DICKEY A CO •.
- .
co-operating with it, at the very moment when .:
St LTG A R-43 Mids. for !tale by
I:shim:Li lt• lA:NNE - IT, ' ,
it is asked to disavow the most important and t ,
01, ler IL,TInd, ~!151 Ir.t ea,.l
decisive act of its life. The President is next ;
~4E,___dol) for sale low
accused of personal ambjtiou, nod- obamay cal- , ( 7". }: ” -- - bows by
1•INGLI:til .t laUieitlTT
dilations. The" electoral law proposed by the : ' '''''' '
President is at best a return to the old electoral II UCKETS-40 doz , for sale by
• 1,,,t11,1,11 et tiviskyr '
law, as drawn up by the constitutional assert, A -
bly. V A I LS-160 kegk for ,:ale low by
' EN.A.I-11, Irr l / 4 NETT
The President represents the Sitancial affairs
:i 1 ° " 5
of the country an being in a most deplorable ' POT ASII--6 oankt, for sale by
condition, in reference ta the socialist move- ; ,:.°
meat, and says a formidable conspiracy eliatAs
the avowed object of which is the utter. over
throw and uprooting of society, as at present
The temper of the Assembly and the nixaori
ty of -the press, ,is so much averse to the . re
commendations of the President, as to render
any compromise coon, o matter of the extremes*
Upwards of 100 persona concerned in the late
riots in the Department of Cher, ere about_being
tried by a Court Martial.
The health of the King of Hanover is steadily
Ncs , Yons, Nov. 19
- • -
The steamer, from New Orleans, ♦ia Havana
arrived at 8 o'clock this morning, bringing the
malls and passengers by the steamer Illinois
from Chagres. The Illinois met with an acci
dent to her machinery on berpassage from Chu
gres, which detained her at Havana.
The Georgia brings about ono and • half
million in gold dust on freight and $400,000 in
hands of passengers, of which there are about
John S. Thraiher had been found guilty of
treason at Havana, and eminence,' to eight years
in the chain gang.
The difficulty between the Americans and na
tives etill continued at Chagres, and 30 Ameri
cans and 70 natives are reported to have been'
killed. When the Illinois left the Americans
were preparing to storm tba fort.
New Yons., Nov. 19.
The eteamship Canada enllcd to-dny !tor .Liv
erpool, with 5.5 passengers, end $1,295,993 in
Crusizsion, Nov. 18..
The brig Somers, from Havana. has arrived,
with dates to the lOrkinst. the Captain reports
that Mr. Thrasher was confined, and undergoing
an examination.
• R. H. Brackenridge, one of the Cuban pris
oner,, is passenger on board the Somers. He
owes his release to Mr. Consul Gwent', and
I others. He was taken from the Spanish war
steamer Isabella, previous to her leaving ; for
Spain, and was placed on board the Somers.;
The Isabella leftfor Spain on the Rth instant,
with the remains of Gen. Enna on board. 'She
also took to Spain, R. Beach, ofNew Fork; Geo.
Richardson, of New Orleans, two Hungantine,
and one German prisoner.
There are but three American prisoners re
maining at Havana, and they are tick in the
Hospital. The Isabella also 'took out Mr.
Hodges, of Texas; Mr. J. Keenan, of Mobile,
and Gano, of N. Orleans.
Cuaahseibs, (8. fl.) Nov. 19.
The steamer Isabella, Capt. Hollins, arrived
today from Havana, bringing dates to the lbtb
Wet. • .
liar accounts confirm the reports of Mr.
Thrasher having been sentenced to eight years
labor in the quicksilver mines. Mr. Owen, the
American t:onecil was present, at the trial, but
was not allowed to sit down; and all his appeals
And efforts in behalf of the prisoner were treat
witk indifference.
Loutsvms, Nor. 19:
A masinamed Wm. Howard, last night, stab
-bed Henry, Driehaus, keeper of the White Man
lien Coffee bonne. He died of tfio wound this
morning. Howard has bemfarrested.
• . BUFFALO. NOT. 19.
The ()raid Jury of the 11. S. District Court
have found true bills against 25 of the persons
charged with being cencerned in the Syracuse
riots.' Warrants are not'yet executed, and the
names are suppressed.
. Sr. Loma, Nov. 19.
The *tumor R. M. Patton accred lut night,
and the Lydia Cabs tbils — morrdng.
-' The rimis at a stand, with id,x. and a hag feet
Nate lona. Nor.
Flow—Sales 6,000 1,1110 at !int 81a% 11 19.
. e o .6l.o , state and western, and 1 , 4 , 1 12 for
pure Genesee.
!halo—Wheat is without movement. Rye is
dull, with sales 1500 bushels at 70e. Corn in in
moderate request, with sales of wined at 130 e,
and of yellow at ti2e,:id bu.
Provisions—Port in dull, and /10011[141. Beef
is active, with sale _Oat bin, mean at $7 7419
:5, and . prime at Wie 5 ptbbl. Lard in stag.
ant at Elie '''t) It.
t l roceries—Sales 170 bags Rio retire at
rq,nBj, and 11)0 buses Alstansas sugar at
" i d lb
N ew Vona, Nov. 19
• The autumn cement of the arrival of the
Africa has but a stop to transactions in cotton
and flour.
Cotton—The market ig firm, with aalea-of Thou
Galen, chiefly in arrive.
flour — O./1041ti,tal0 bbl at . $:3 91(013 94 for
ronm,on .state and western, nod $3 . 94a,4 UG
for Inditill4
tirain--Cora.. is steady with 1:10 • important
Provisinna—Sales :300bbls pork, and 401.0 do
beet at full prices. Sales 200 bbl lard at 8.143.
84c? tb.
Linseed 0:1--Sales 0,000 galls at 65€ t 6c ?
Tobacco—Sales 50 666 Kentusky . at 47 1 @9c
? lb.
Stocks—ore hrm with:sales U. 8. sixes, J 867,
at 116}.
Flour—Safes 1300 bbla from store ; at $2,95
bbl; holders generally ask $3, but this ie
above the views of buyers. •
Wniskey—Has declined to 16c gall.
Cbeese--Salen 2000 bxs at Gic, with' an active
demand. .
Lard—Sales 209 bbls slop fatted lard at Gic - e
lb, packages extra.
- .
Linseed Oil—A s ale of 40 bbls froze mill, at
70c is gall.
Salt—Sales 400 hags fine Liverpool' Salt, at
$166, 90 day . s .
Otheniticies are generally unchanged.
The river has risen 9 inches singe last even
ing, and is stilt rising. The weather ie cool and
cloudy, with indiantio4of rain. The 'steamers
- Keystone state, Buckeye State, and Gossamer
have arrived from Pittsburgh, with full freights.
Bush:foss on the wharf has assumed its usual
lt AItRIIOUN lAnertnd .teek tam ....n %Rood 71 1 iittElta \ \ gliiiiii
arc,' Numbtela knautre szt
\ - •\ On and after SlondaV., August 25th, the
•, and
thl. Lade wlllkle.ze hatmLorwlt for rawkport
gill E PrPßlOVaPteEltileTll!l:::relfeeerrid°er \ lt;. B e al et e littg- ~, -: g -,,,..-r. ,-.7''',....,,C,z,',;.v,;:tr..,,,„--pa:z,°,,-,,5,.2,,,T.,,r-k,.
, I, tow, and .. rem...rat...4w Dr.,. It . .a.' jaallAUl r h I, a., Trommitaml; alter 1. 1.1; ; :Trieall ay
a• .tom... ...eau, ,u the mpadly am/Trull/a Illy r.vt tor Plolladelplua. • 1 1
, ‘, .,nS ; :. ' .. " :,...r *;""; '';
"," 1:;: ' ,77, l"
'''' 4 '4 l ' 4 . ' ''''''''''"'''''"".
4" "4"'" ' -'° '
„,o, ~•,4 414.,". ,„ .....t4 " n7:,,,.. 4. ' .4.4. 1' . t ?t,":4,4•44t4" 444'4%.‘41.:.432131747,:f1"...V.::*"7.., r.'nf.".•?Cip..tli
mew to the . ha-me..... of Paho tr!, e.,,.1,1 Ina to . •ranaß , meal., wabliatt then on art..; .4 P l :l l ...;.!,plia.te ' . I
an,..1 Mama 11,- is•uma. • 1.1 I. t to• n ao\rmotry \prom. , " hr. In Neu , Asolt st once \
Th. Int k km. mot,. Low new . a2m. uf w and. I.
'ate hundred and att• lect fr La wn t, romonw tinck t a lam- • . PAMlLNkaalits Cog BAPJIIII ,' II a •
J awl RP, h.. au . •11, 'I Le Imarovernet/12, we 1 3 ate acol Capolestlat/J 11•11tra. ai, Harr." . ..
hen the htw. tnt k. hut ft 0, ...fern aryle, of thn kw 1 'mkt., 'enth 0 foot mole.. Timm FORD: hcan •
ut•IrIAI. and niti•Urtt tu Inn 1.....1 planet, havlng /er. /we to PhtlatelphlaNllM Cam to 11 - .....ziv, ...75„
r..../ eat. tm taf ...11., ...1 .1.11 .....l. ...1/ do 1......., 11 , .
.ado ilaknaloanw llaa,
I:7ma rem. 1 - •., ow, Them .. sell of are/lent sw- If .. Ma, et,... rnam•llaa old rvinnfOrtk,ln nrn.nnitnen hut asta. In the large. elsnd 1 1 0.1 es. ~.,,r iqs.ext,uredara. :,
~.-.' t...,i'Z.:j5.4711r.',."7,0t1,','.171,q,1V1"0:11''..0‘,1':1'0".4 htall ;- Mt ' ar ". . ".'2 • l '. "'r "';"‘;";\';" . 1.;;1;';'°( ‘ ‘.; 4•7""' ~t,';;II:'• :;;ofindE;',..tralSCAiJlLEE'N'r I ' t ! lift L4L4 perZt e col " , ' lb b . " orfgli 'd ia - \
tor In .h. rt m ow. sold Mmuumea .... was ..1, ~ J. I'. 1,1014511 ES Agen
ri , u , 1 , .....4 t, ~,, . I .ninikll•u (11 like prnrann.• rr.”.,..' '., iy - -vi... aII bldi ate 1., the MasdlatiOn aDM yzroprk.tat - 1
. n .11t . w. t. , ...mhaae r .r, alt.. to rall on 'hp uturnr ia Or ~ f .! II LF. Et skl .Y. CO.. ', 1 .!•InnIllItni. than no fhoinuly fru.knd orminAlteUdit. • ...
r'1.r...L',..t.....zi ~.,-...z,f.:7.,:r.:b::r:Z. e '"'" ' ',
... "1
. ''
" 1171 ' C h t474r d ts er " u " tr i p r th it,rt L ai : "t*'''' , ' \
• ' ..,:1 . '"'r''''""" '...".4llT"'''''''' 1' \ PARE REDUCSIII !
• 101 IN . , 114 Mout.. , 1 \ ' .
Real Estate. ',
jail 18_5 I . akvivi. \ . \ ..
; F OE SA LE- To, Hut., and Lots 113 the
\ ,
• , 4 • -
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• , 3 1 .1 1 , .....1. :amen, .t inntitrn at 11 laturl" Al ',. •\. Uhl l'hil.lel Oita. A AI ' Rheumatic, Pam. in•r„. ._
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Fur Wheel..
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new, Ltolons. •e, the lani,. ud p • P e tt...o.••• ' pki fte5a.......r .....-- --; s ~. rwra nnu nate of mind, ere eared to Dr. nervat's ' -
To the Public.
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11 11 ELLS. ILLC P ACE LP -T ht sple.“
1,1 ww wel. Milt.). CIYI, A 1 1 Nt l l 4, 111 - 8 BEI/ SIIM ES • littr “censt.n • ",„''',"o, J „°,,''',,. tif„,:,o• * ‘,..• ''''. ` 11 •"' . ' 0 • '" ith 0. • • °1 '''''... T, , ,ospested fo L0ckp ., ,,::1. M i:e ' 3., et .1 of Johrtutro. uh, tut
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forth. maunders,
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rt.. u INCH/N.7ga. oft t•ce.. D 31 , 2uNir 11 Mace I ist.4.-0Yur....., 1 1 ,. .././..• P te t . 1
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tmtun dd.. In health . tphits, bacrer lo..llAvantta . 1 / wt , ~
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h•nlao ..1 f mi.) 1. 4 . ,1I
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Ma. tmicht or ~/.4.... Fa, 114........ arrummtdalmn. / -1../. Pmms, will M True.out...l • , ard Into 1, A.....ru1ad51 az • mood prt at Person. 44Detam/ i -;.- Ire , . ....rstwa Iles slone la tiff.nrottN, kit . 1 f Velhow Dori\ \ ',.\ t • '''-,
..);A. sat 6 ...1..r.
* I. CANI , NR.
Its poch... will •puly w lIAIRD s 4/4131.
rA •r , .1,,
' and Sarsaparilla, aud wdauadelaim...l3.r‘h We's Wu.. I ; • --',.-
AIIIISTRO‘h 1 kOZIaI, ACo Act.. ; 11 4111111 Ith Ilita 8 cot • l, a .
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II W __ - _ iL, .4 we have on heaNtioainnix3k. Msg.* ; s - ;
I I). WmoLmter . nue .1 the /we , 1- .t. ~. • ... rotro ,
11 Ilhuna,-.... ho -"Lot, United States Patent Oka. 1 ke.„ i ' ,.
her ruoulns oz, the trade ......Ir ..e. 1, A . ~
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:Try via ; Vit ‘ VIALES, RIAD riIa: I IOLLO.IANti,
11 . ta luau,. v kch .7 . nh, ~.,....) Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink. •,''''.. ''' '!!". ''' "." "''. -' '''''''`o• I "' '', '!-' '' .4- ISI 1,,, / ,
, 1 ,... 9k...''.. t h"% :•k 4Lt: II Influch'lt'oent4Z.ltraYilY- Va.rtav•:''l'a.:el'll).3,724itie. '''' = ' ; '‘l4 :. , tlica\ - 1.. "4 , -.611. 7 t ti:
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1. , .., tar A, , nr.•114/.. nas tun Pettsboruh .la ~ Mork al -..J. 1 .... , .. , •.4... •••• a 1 , ~.••
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..”. ;, A toe, szam. 3- . / - ' / ..
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...her dhow poeu ar to bet sax. .he ant'art 1,,,, \ 3, • , -,1
111 weat 0.... r cen,..-..,1 our tte tr ate Paver TT m . the 1, emu. manufneturo. 11 stir a• - .le- '"' ." 'T• ' L.-, °." '''''''';`'". et\ ' . ` 88. . 811 h 1,0,8 thr ; N
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.t . ~.. um .1.• 1-1, re th, da, ut ...os 11
...,,. t, of Dr. Lluyantt . •l•ll....Dock. Iflld,11rif il obi, a/ 1 • 1
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„ ‘,.,„:„,' ~ . „ nun„,„,„ t -una, mania Mouse.. Phiholelphia. 1 • at. Potauural. "`7 ,7 "." , " '''' "r""'"
\ ' 044 • 14 4,4-444 . t4.4e t ' . •, 4 ... - \rpt:l P :t. Reit ' 1'.. ". . 4' ,7
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1-1,13 . - a bottle • /On( It nlkkr.l).Ac:...,aci4Bal Mila - • •/ -'
by J KIDD .CO r , ',bur., .I ...-bwk. I'm tarmotie,• and •17,pper ,
reel. I. 144•01, 111 ....nth oaa or Jan.,. 1.5... , ' . -, .. l . l ..t. ' ra,r k te ' oth, ' , ; , ; Vil I ' •1 4, ..i . ,1 ' ';',. •••;•::::•, Teo \ Ana. . ' L. `t'o• ILL:
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b."'4 ktle r' s ' -
•on .1...0d own Om teat runtmor m:ularly Doan, Ite
tmaette. thttacumn. 1. ...........ek fur mem- „eve... y e l :; !, ' 1 " t " "".. "" ...!'. "10"1. • ”" h"
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_1 for tale hy d FOUL, I, of fretcht ~• -- rmalr un nes,' no: . z •
v - 11 • 01 . f.bbor Alex. C Barry's Tricopherous, ,„„, „., , riltis ho DANK. .c ts Det ....... clan "` thl• out , anett alea.t.te,a er ' ' ''. \ r
.-• _ .
LEA. SENNA-. 50 lbs. prune, for male by pEGULAItWE l• N ES DA Y ' ...-_,,, ,4 ili C. 51 E1 1 1 cA 1' f.l) coNit.ol . Nl), tor to- -' - - "".--'-''''
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:111_ anno J KIDD •CO oa, Wool a, II PACES Mr ,'INCI N 1 ITI. • Ceta. John AV V v a.... pr- rt.,: ../. 1r.., ... the b., arvllew United States Patent Office. au' A•Ms.'ona' Tn... win , put •,n Nontromaion I •;• mud judmog Ira tho effect orj e forrkr. kult.),3 eat \. •.
..... 1 . :',..,1 1 14 . 1 7 , ,:a .„,,, ~,,,,,„„h r
~,,,,,,,..„,r , , • that /t ertlliolkact a Cure. \ \
m. 0... ri.....1 law 1./..1., tit by
STRAW PA PER-Large and aerie heavy, th4otte.r...t t,.. ...tie, 1.,.. ..... t. h. 8n; ottereer ,°: 'r. ;`,, , ;',;,,',:!;•;.',';:., .'".`",.. :°`',°' '°'''''-' ' ' l 'l 4 l° ON the petition of Bar nnitne tampion, ol
, .„,,,,,,, , ~,,•,i.,,,,, „,...,,,,,,,,,:, ~,,„.„. tn. etneoln., eno Isa.Lorch h.q.. tr..l and .1111..... h,' , „ „,.,•,,,,. , , ".,.,:; ‘ ,..„ . .....d.;:i i?..4 . ,t 1 y,; ; . :, , , , t. l Burt.. New 1.. m• ..stow,. the ...moo PI a ' •'. 11 . 1.. ...1. dir rein - t ,, I\t, .. 0000 SIN (term:ea '.....71 , . v. k ..U.L V. 1 \ \ 1-11 r 1 C O 2 ULT.A.‘ ,
J 2CIRVINNAKRR •CO , ... 1 7 11 .../...•) 1,1 : 1 •matml) \
'at Kw" at
orMeltnt at wamate,..ply co Maid., to mt., • ,•• a ibt to.-... are
ait th. ,111.11. ktuol.. The 2 " .--.' .... 2-1 . 2 --.. J M. ... 1.1 . 1 tMea /M.,. yea.• ' 1 . ~., . As,.nit z ,_ . 1 .1 t•
arz.h. 1,.. , • trzahan.l flo - -31.. en r umn. .........4 rhe 1 “ .... 1 •1......2.1 tu r n . ... Lite 4tt. J.twar, LAM, Cl ; ' ".. "' Zr:j-14,.ii 4, . \ „, , A-• •
>i ,,,,,- , , , r/ 4 . , ,,,,, :, y Fr; ... ( .1 \ 2 s , - •
01. 111 DILTI , NPEChiVit c Agent. i, ;
1.-11.; noti wo., .....-“. fn. bundnon , f almllar 1 ''..• th• " V.v. " r - '. VvL ". °LL. 1..k.. .. ° ..11 '' 1851 Wf S 1 .".
, r \r r' \ r, ,
-, Olt CINCINNATI AND 1.01:- lu„.. r. .......r..• tr rou e moo ..o. f ........,.....„ the nth .1., of "wain,. 1..,
sad ta. 0,0001..1 ir 11 - 1.11:1, II I ',1.1 I 4 „,,,,.. ~,„ e • it ~ nrnitrat , Las the .....1 tvunon t e twn' at Li. Pa • ! •
area. Vratilding. al Frit. la-tUrDto Liver Coinpleint.
' let ILL!'-'[}le tio.tunt no. at.....t, ,e. n e t e tr., • . ' ' ° - ''''''
' t'at . a ,. 08 tau:, h 4. a J . 44444 . 4 4. 444 :4-..4 12 .... , u. 3 1 . ' TBA
NSP°II ri •. AT aloalnaust 1,1 the, Heart. Dint.* td atilt-ed. COO- ; \
ont 11F1“,.. Capt :0.. wall leo. Mr 0.•
Na. aret . -S. Dro). . 1 " 1 " . V....v..1r. . " .0.4 .. a r" .. 11 " ` L. " ..1 "" " D. LEECEL., \ t • I , :t r,.:, tt..,,!.x.t,e,ndlat.tnti ? , ....titnert~Lleent, of \
at... and Intermczila. p.m so, Mad.. t. at It, All ~,, 1 ...-Waralr-1 ha. kw, . 1 1.. , 1 with. rue I •"' . o ` , 11 " . " "" v. ' . 1L. "" "" A" ' "" ". L. "v 5.... '.• \ ' s "tr . .0.; , 14.; " . ‘ r " -'-- '"?'"'"\'' '' ' '' ."T w-t
_ 0f.',1 two, 0., 44,..10 4 , of •I. J . 1,, , ,, ~I.• 44 ,,,,,, -....,,,,, ,-.. '
.. 00.00 A unto.: 1... , t.... 0 ... rommed to matt/the wir E„‘,,..„ , •
I. or fn wliturp.......•ptal. km.
"' A
\ . '5 . VI 's
. , . FYI .. \ o .coater tat, 181.
- • 1 „,,.. „ ~,,, ~..„ :,.........,...,....,
~.,,- -t z: ~,-„ ! , ,,z i 7 . , , I .tent ' , M. ta, olueottuns, 'COoutally Cl tut. au •ri , 4 tn.
I ARAWAY SEED- . 1 flack for sale h i a
1./ Dna liiOlt NASH VI LLE-The solar, ... i r . ~.,„1„. ~,,,. „.,,,,„,,, „„ „,„„ ~.,„, ~ j, ,,, „ ,
, nazt , ::.,..1 , ......t . t .
~ . .1-. . , t..u , ....; or none ut ...m ow •,. -. "3 l € l-
P"'' "IeKE KS"'" 'IV 11,1 new Ammo, 11111. M.\ 10 u ~;se;o'Cr*:l,',=l/!''.11:, l o:T1,. " R",r1 " - : " 1, 0;r 1 "..; ' al .' "‘ 1
; in.." r'sit!"l.4l.47ri2ri•Z :4'747:44.1.''1'-r \ RAIL ROAD y ,y• c........ 1 utahaeart s • 'au= rns, that Lbramc
h 00.12,11 ynolfha 4 on* Dock ad B nreenarilla. "Ind, - \ •
Isle t --- . ena22er. will Itave In uLove and tuteram-lil.
• I cut 2 f 3,.. 1 11.wrc 'weal lIA La.....ati/-, the bk.:thank
ir IQUORICE ROOT -1 bale fur so.c , i ~,,,-. un ono. nrat. at 10 Aal hr • Imo . ' to tr• ..ur r.,,,,,,h, " ,,,,....'....,,, ..•••°_,' .11 2 :, th e, *then wilt ta. iortoslo. ~,. &wow/.
',-.." .'''' . ' ortlermi am. th. tn. n tare t •ul a. Ith N '
• kind Craz onmern re reetoelut Lae'. hada, end tne ett. \
_8 N WlCEttnell et
„..., t_ .„,.. -. ,
..,,,,.. I!' ,, ' s ... In •.• •, , , 7 - PIT UR G 11, PEIII ,
1 . _ ~.. .
u . .Ol .1041. um the ..leson. of th. ; ....4 1 ,4 ,.. :1..
." a P. • ,n,la Mu a. .
3 - MORE AND ioymenk t {tit), A , -•
SCOTCH PLAI - 14. DE LA INES-S.. un 1 4 101; sAiN T Loilis__Ti,,, Rift _
.... ../ k , r t..r In ti 50n..., I nn• ,ro,ktt /,t,,„,
) 1
Ilt. t. llkoll/ /nt kr .
,7,,e,...:,r0:..,,,111:',u1,,,,:,,,,,,::1,'.,..r::ite...eg1i..::::tirn4i1ir,p,,,::1'1::::17:.iit0,,,...:“..!!:::::1 t 8 1,...i : i. .: „ ;O z 1::: ;: t a n u 1 .; 1 :\ ° 7 : r t1 :: 1 ,.. C : D :2n 4,11....: L 7 i
d r:Le ....tio ak i l: :,, ,...: .thf r aii e .. .
L 1,.,1 ft mmortf,...tock . . ji : ::: „ .i . : ,,, s, 1,. :::: Li , :..n . r): :10,,,.1::::.:.,. , • ..7 . 4 ' . 1. A V E" A l . ' ;.•,..-r-f,.,5, a '2• ; 2.;;; . " 71 ' .... '"' 5) n". . ' "! '"' " . " .. " j " "‘" i P l l l ll - ECIIII4 k - Wit - IL
i .12 " ...... I. ' 2 ' . li".."V" mr.1.11,...D.';,;•:::•h'u1r:.:ab.;;;;;P:at0:L1;;:. 1 tallithal . mansp.m.
on" AA. MANON •TO oolommoder. 0111 Duce La ...m. oml Inter
Vit LACK SILK S-=,50 terr. of rieh and 1.01 ' Por Dow!, . ;assn.,. ..1. un "...DI
~,,„,, ~,,,
..,..,, . a„ , , ,,,. pa. mo aaw• • • lot tune A 4 0 ,44144 11.00{, :0 ev4.-4.• to the mu troa, top atm., Mu....
...,,, a t. ihkh , , , frewlit. with Tr 1 1 1 4 . 2“. ..
Pk. r Inuit - . .1) Lour Vv.,-.11,,uVu 0 y v., ~,,v. v, Ima I .
_LP loattra, for male by A. A. 11 A 2 ?___N A . l -_ - _" -
iyOR LORISVILLE.-The splen- .. , ...... ..„: .„ s , ~,, ~„ ~ ~..., .. MO4I atllo4+l U. '"' '" ti e
.m II Imlen. eam am tmapt .1. mottnal , atlch troubled wath \Brats.. trt dm/D.j. lama aftl,ol
1105 E, HOODS, COMFORTS, tte- ski, asa sad bat Mau.. rlnAnknn with laotroa I tem scol 1. •InnJ tot/. rnorlnwther-
United States Patent Office of tail.: treounzatteu....l .
I . Dnand w \
L kV) ORD, Cunt [hal..., ail, 1,...„ ~,., thew . .4SE una ow . LIAI n.. •krti In Lar my bait •aa r
no dn. A Sp.. and C.braere Iftw.
• ppl t to, or aastnet•
..,,,,,,, ~,, ~......... ~....
~,,„ 1 ,„. 1 .,.. ~, 0
~..... Main , t..t....1 All I. ,Ltutroti 4.....,.... .. ILA •
11071.1.1141 0, IOZa J
it 4. 1 414/0. LUI COLatigei'nhrelleffroc, 6:frt.-seri' piton., • '
110 - Cblldren'• Worsted ••
nwad now .1... tor welt
\ , 11AV, *
s tireelan Beet
; ON the petition of 51. Sorel, of Puria, • tw. ilmara
have ak., traal • vrtakt Sittiety of DMllik Munlicittea,atinit \
30 . Ladia.. WnOlen larotorttn F. hulaht nr lama,. applr on board so . , 1 111 . r.-1-^L Iwo )..o, A/AA/kin., l,
J A re.* DPi N LL, oco broalw.y. ; 1 n.. , hv.... /. 2 41 . va1....A. 'A . P.D. kraut. 1 \ ItAILRIn A
.. w .• - Iluesla roc'd .0.1 hw artlo
11.1,s , hcly rt gentler.. Jo.. 11,. outoenneai or the !. 1 /A ' ll . 1 . a. atnlonvwd ...../ ot Pmmt.o2 /too wad "2 ' .""" iLvV.. ;‘,".",, a U
Itt. ur no BUCT:n3A. illli On ent 'met\ Mat / tOolaht •
n. 5 .---'
C. AIthIITIINoT FOR N.: SII VI LLE- -The splen
. ,,, ,„, , , 1.0- a. at trofes. r A t 11./r • Lela. 1 Aowl trona root moan's.. fur .... u .....ra (nu the LI •
ca ore ste.u.r LI Leta. a 1 houute... 7, ~„,,,,,, ~,, ~,.„. „„„. ,„„ „,„,„., ,-, „„,,,. , ~,,„„ „, „.„,, ~,,,,,,,, „,.„, , , ' -'' , elcrif - ,. .1L
N.,,, , , ;,...:?,...,..1.....
H t ‘, ! ,, ,, 0 ,, , ,, ,,, t , ),, , , c . 5 ,, 50 i
~,, ! .d a so. or,
oto. 0000 • , t, the rem.. •
- 100 RICE PASTE- -2 ease, prime small , ~ /mander. wlll leare h.r the ak we and in
nal Mtn,
, mr •ot 1/.......t 1,1
,tint, far mle hr
w.„... " , 1; . n 744 , ..4x=c , caypt :. . te9so r et .. a . tur r ut,ta r rla .r. t r. b . ,: r dn i, thre. •
~:;,rri t ....1 4 P. 11
... Ita t• uttered thal the a.A.I vent.. to. heard •t the tai ; , InN.,, ,..,V. ,11 VEAUCNo Ain. 'it al. •wore catittlyremotta. \My hawk L. 1.., ..,•,....
$l;4 . . ' v " v. 11T_ v.
ti,....• .he hunt., and N.,. tir• `• z 5..,. ✓ ,
i tit
whm. uu Nuto Ka., 11. utt. ut he. ember. 1 , 51 •t 1 . , ~. 'lest streeL N.hat Sort .
• „,„„ ~ ,„, „,„,..0. ~,,. ~
,„„ n .“ . „,, ~ ~o 'clock al ftud .1 .1/..2. are not.. lo ere,. en nue
i .„„.„. ~,,\ , i ,„' ..,„ . \ , kralroe , truM Tank cyan. attV leoll ars reltmaa to par . \
- ~..
„...- :::,:".....,...,::::,,,1,1.1"......rm,0‘i5L0.,,,.;..,,,,..-1,,,,t1.,...,11.,,m;:0h,:i ..11/......,.4. ::::: , 1D . ::: , :; ,, , ....; , aLn i ar . J . ,;:t , m ,, , , . ,, ,t; ,, aurtz t,.;t: I _ 2 11_,,,,,,,..c, Our :, TRLAND , ;,,
~ z act, ~
i57.25,,:::::::.,..:5. i , c t s i l / 4 7 , 0 0 1 , ..5 . 7 \0 :7:7, 1. 's 5 r !:.: 1, ",.
Bandries. ‘,... vc , st , ..! ~, ,, ,, o , t. w moo km./ el , Prelester amotml.
• a ..., , 8 , i _. , • Lae 1,400 .re rewlar. aDI / larl in ail rarDectipbyMeal. '
F L on AI-SEEfi----11) .b
M A S A ; .If r‘ t . l . V. " L Ui l '2 2 i, "i it/ yr.o
4 kwf,,tEß WAS •r eEp_For 19 lth. of SO - 11l . Mr) ta.....?.. 1 IL. • 111, ... .. ,
.. ~ ' • nu a ,,cly swat h, we tippor /lase... of the communoty, ~,, Patent Volam ch..- utmeti0.........L.11. .1 torth hi wr . ~,p ~
...,......... . ) ,
I that nA,X.124...1 ...MP to buy yo Ur .err nal.hlont-i;• ..
P "weber. left In , rtore 1 r the Monona...ln 15 hart ~„„
,1 , ,
~,..,..„. 1 .47:. _ „.„ g .a.: 4 ,;•::: .,. t . . 4 , 4 ! , ..
altuoct as. rt ntimery IL the Ickkt/ II 2•14 , 1,1 io preymom. to Dui. at immt luent. da, •la Mr. thu day a 4 ... a,,, •4 ~r PITTS ' U ROI it, NI/ CLEYELAN.4 \
~,,\ ~..„,,,,,,, ~.,,,,
.1,, ,, , , ,,,...,.. u . n ,
~u 0 , ~, , ,,,,, . .,.., , A
3friAter. with 1 Ii' , VIDS A NON, „; T .., ,'. • • ... 1
2 h is 11..deor ; m i n ,",,,4„ ei n, ~,,,,, „ „.„,,,,, ..,..,,, ~ ,
..,,,„, o•thoou) DI , . I.) either Rut) to ne u-ed . the Marlow, \ .
' 0,,, h o a, ..,,,,,i thue ..,..,,,,„, .t,...2...., • ..,,,,,,,,ht. ~.• um•t ta tAlken .1.1 tn... ad ~. ...Adam+ awl, tbe , cr.trins PDT" f v,iol Agijir,,,oJ I al, tv eh-1,1,N, ' • -•• '• • '.'"
'''' W .l . ' . ''" :. Hi Ins 0r... and 1115.., 1. . his Star 1.3.h.1t0K
. ~.\ be. aree,r reli , ve4 be it, oral e.t.a Cede bee.ttfelL,L.,,,,
. ~,,, It .hattn, ah, dondroll ...I ..,, •,. I mate. Ida ro l e. , I be hace, 12 . 1 . . 1,1 / he 111 .....1 nu ALP1111.41...j4 'SIN'l: 'l'B i' "
10 b1,.1. a tr Su • r
a r kWNER WANTED-For 1900 Fire Brick, ..,, ~ :•.„„,, ~,,,,r,..„,,. l',', ' ,',;, " ,7, 1 1,71/0,,!5,,,,,,,.. , tor nue 404 Momy It will ~, •,t .1,,, aces. the mml. • • , rdered....,, that 1111. to tow he p0h...,,,, a, ,N. I -)AS . 1 . Ca \ t every ntertung at P \ :rm... M. ailment twly, . \ 1 1ADC/14,VPAI:L.Dbtli . 1 , 1- , - . 1
, I.
~.x . ,,, .,„.... i , ,...,,,,,, ..h, ',ld No n ., d o ,, u.,„, u ,,,.. ~,i,,, ~.,,,k,,,•.1.., to.u. Imtelllccu,., Iteput.oc,lol Cul.. of 11 Wow,. 1 ".".' L e . ....... t 0." 1. ....P "L.... fa •• , ,atu'a ; \ es - Nsu• aetunue Cal
Put UP la 1 . Ar 11311 ...4 - ........,. •
ILY trat/81 - T. /teem. and loft wlti, I. hy the 11“ Sugar. •
, i.a 44 hrt alto Dr. V. WOODA •MA . A 0 .....I.l v innmees ! , h.• AI D. Mager. ; ''." " I ' I " •01 "• I " r. " .. '" 2 " I.* " e " ` 2. • . v.... " " -1" r" ."4
0-" V "*"";* ".`' """ ' ".1 "' • t " f . ' " "“
0 ,1 1. 1 '; "-""." C . " 1..."'..L...1°•.••.' . 0 4 ... 04 'tame AV Ibn '`,Tvt , l l.avn alt tne '-
at ~ e ,:,,, e t. ~, , i i i ,„ n ,
~i n ,•,,, il , i ~,,, i.,,,,,,,,,,,„ j. , uutiva , lol It it etht tt, ,sty e nottlav, pr., .1.“...., at No outrer, 1• b/wIr..... 'conc.... Pm, tdeu,a J , ........ - .At...a 11 •., .A• 1 ~, ,
L . , , ,- ~
red .
3. Do ado at , 01.5 , 4 1, 4 1, /./410444.1. 4,4101,10, throughout Prot 01chm....1e Ml and. Dal/. Adler..., 0 ......11.. \ th, /..• ta , Clore.' , 2-4.0 u ,), , „.1 -., with thtt . ..ntten l al2.....te, :AT. F ....., LAI a.
p 11,,nr.. Inn n lot Mo. dairy MID
a ,. ~..„. la Aset., to tom . VA tseln., 31 . 1“Sura
,7. tas hin Cullm. ~,,, ~„ ~..,,,,,...,„ I 11.01:,tedttalmandlam•la "V :',.ll.7,!:i:Lre.,lftler.t. l ' ' ',' l li aTiet.l.4. • • '''
. „.... te, ' •• , -14' ' ' "P'"'
• "
30 boar. Neer Ra,.., .J.A bw. Lacuatra. 1 mik Mulder: , aar1anarmaam1ia•••••.....................................mmm. Imola. once I 6 T..`,.. . 1 . '
- week no. throe .........., seuk• pre , tl.l, to the cittb da 11 h , t Mae. 1t 1 t 2, 43 ato h. A...1131LE. Canagnoth 1 ./ 110 Nattrtywat .r . jn
• •..‘, he, old 1/or Jo. I I enroo, Indamt
1•1102 all /IA NI, L 1 \ 'C / /i l , ,ti N A.. I r 1"‘ "" " " W"\z,"""""b*"""'";'"t"F"'•
oo las fl,lll 040,4 110 eel. totalh. . I CH LC ACM AND PEOIIIA. '''..=l„‘,.." CA.mlimm e r of 1 . ..... Ikm C. D.A. ..atl Maly, Iht Cletn 'tel 404 1 .1110/13.11,4 , ' .3 . 1 ... . "" .. L'" N . " . L.. •1 1" ....4, 1 - .' .1
Dm C.. .s. ; 15 Ma. No 1 • 8 Tharket,l, .•
\ Gan Palm a Aim.. do. M r el l
• ft k 1 II Nola., , - 1 --- - -
z .., Itallf,ml S \ ~ . It.ladals CM. L . h a a.xi A. CO, 3 . .1. al - oneA. i.
' Kentucky Minna Life imuraece CompallY• ! P.A.i... I.r Mtn., ti an 1 1,1maskle. I.te I .4, 1,• etteeturelt . t Lee A u di...bun, IL% ;Ley, CJI) I
L bre 1 1 .,,C. st trisnintrt ~. Itc• Oroutul Ark., 1
. Cleve./mai .4 takulug • 0 ., bn the • I.did • :' N g
4 hts ids
lest •10.
.I'.l Ma Ih d Cori.,
~.. et et, el.. ctlite i Iteilronalf.ifue b.,,ca •,4 L. I' ...• • u"""! ' • ! ‘ i l "''''''• u ° ,,, ! , .... , P..
Ws turn Ntareli; , slos tOm 11.,,,m. i 31 /R I V.ARRItit N. 1:1.1/ 3118: 1 11IN M ERCHA NT, .
A 11, 1 ,4., lt/.4•, , In. Lain, Cotlna lan, trholena. i
CIIICAII,I, .11,LtNOlt, 91 1 111 S com PAN Y "Bern to the insured all th'' ' ' '' ''''i t .P '' '''' "' 1 \ •"-• b ' N r ' .4 f \-' s f . " 1., I°o 'l , '' •A k .4, 2 • b '"2".... ',.... 4•2 ''... 4. U 1 4....,
...dr.rtall, hy I . d I. 11 11, LIAO. A so, ,
and arm pw sani .rama .1 Ku br ,1,,,,, 1 u.d.,..., 0 -1.„:.... ila W i t a CADNNOM.liollodayalmr, s
N. , r,......,u, lima .ta Filth:. 'c ON TiN UES 1 11- wool I/iodates to re,.. .. 0 A L th5.,,,,,,nir ~,,,d of the Ilut .1.1 Jot. 01.11111/ 1041 .nt la fhp Ohio la thb,
tctluel.. , ,J, . , ~. ~.. • e et t
1 ot. Mora.. hate. nho Yr .1.,,,...,, • t. D., ~,,, ~. Nom k Plano ta•her, ll.l,Jrar 111/0000 nouhlued....M. Lot nath St hoods, . IhtlAna • will \Mahound lA.. quieter. / ......, 1 " . ....., ... " v.- , E;l3 " \ ' rn " -" ' kva.v ." ll . o ,
au "its Uell .
.04. I ~ „..,,,,, i n , 1,,,,,,„ „,,,..1,,„
,i,„ . ..,,,,, ~,. , ~,,,,,. mte. of prwmitzta
. an .noal ratty. tu mod, *I the wr abash., ..1 1 ,..“. At. fttan anya•Lber. a \ ; , k:tann A La.... ..k...! 1, 2 1 ne.c. mi. ! 4 • ,, Jetteatant -
English & Bennett. ,„„ ~„. „*„.,„,, .c. ...,,,,,, ~.. ~,,, 8.,,,, ...lute.
required tor the cnt:weal ...tot `luau.h, au 1 \ lattr r E .k l'ALs m Profpuhar, . ywc...-.1. 4 Lc, le alleal eRe villv, Luta. 41 Co
...lute. tut nut ...matte pro... fur the sew I ,
, t o wan,. Down Lonmr, rte., Aco .
L " V2V..1 0 . \ ca 1 11r4W . ... Por, e:Ale Jolt -h ell t' a ea, am„
iIiHOLESA LE GROCERS, Coultnieaion SI. can Jun, . g 0..., rt. nt u,..... Dar the , loin Wm of Isfe. ...Lanett... i . Fat Ueltets or. tralLtrationaspply to
~,,,,,n , me au..., in R. ...u.nletleui tuatl tereteti u. each , • • Mcite,, A CAL Ir, 4ent, I ter. 8. Stadia. Plarat ' in.,,,,,,,\Fr. L. n) .t ,
llr John A CuoAtt,
V V Merchant...l drain iti Prmlure .u.l Pianamr. ,
totob.r. Toyable . tenth, by emu,. Own their ...\..,- • UIT stalr.3lctraat uy SaDthfittla And Vat. 24 . ...."... Ih. jots,. CoKsierapWßl Crook. or , Dreeeteralte . '
alsnufarturew-tin. at kral 151 1.1. st ra . Isetwerm I
Wm. H. Raskin. a t.ustantj /Wad arstaned tor the ponsatue. awn.. ~1
\"V'.... 16 \ I*. U"..1• 14 6. .&"41i; \ 1 ite • Prat \ 4o. p 801 l ,E4t.113 fOr-S4
%tool sod 0 'op.. ltt•butub. l'a h.v. no bunt '
„ , •
„,,, Itort 141 / 1 1 , 1,1141,111.0.10,, and also tor the prenent want, of I te • hh \ 1
etai sit, noetv. the ft,..... ...k. .....4 I. th, utler tor . (.FSr. RA L C 031511 SSIt IN IR EEC oA A 1 thwe tor the w hula him of UM
a- \ - Ne. \ ;\ - . --1 , 1 Mdanta..Alal • \ 1
......1•• town. marl. ' ,
I il AND, it Then Chit. no .1 D•ter PD.., / NUIIIA. ;Li - Phu Is the onl. Nlutual ter insurwure Company
15,1 burns inkrird 1.1,....), o\ a, 1• Itto Odra, 'Li..
•hose rules of promlum /au Imed .1 a lair ..t." elande 1'w,10,,i4";43.1 kkB a I \
- g . - •
mu -,,,, , .tut ..,,. 1 " , PLA A , • , "IY.r , r" , Versa.. .itentlou to tomiolszion businem .1: Iu 1' .1. . W. " ° V.v.. ..." •""..", "....• ........ •
24 tem. a, Pt/ c -.- Isl k.ima,. .4 . i •
.. Pon of tund. (Mr future norm-Hy) to a.. Drown./ to , ‘,k t Judd ' s*ca . .El URI! Eticle ,'-' -- .! ~ . ..,--.
ii:l'9-1, . ' Tr.C1V7,,, - : ,' :.?„ ' 1 ` 7 , ,, ' 1 4i:41 N ' 4r3ll "` '. i 44 -- a. 1/ALIQUIII (4 Maine. .4 11.,. tocre.tng 2lst Ism . 6LI O.N ilti.N: E,\ \ ; \rIINIIIS ART Ele intended for flialfutte,, - -..- - •,',-..
\,• \ .4, .......t de.oata to Da mank toata,,,rt,. a N,r,,,, L aur,.. ~. . ~..2.
hit M 11•11 tpurwt. Ctßam, Iv - It II
.' .. ; i‘ I ' . LOI lIS az Sl ` . jO,SEI ) B. '":::„,'°: "." '''''"' ' ' ''"l "' "
111...., trucw ..e. In denall Lho pl. .4 On the P ,
,rame an .10/M0 C y ' , it, in 11,. laud 31i-ha., aim 11.. ta tuunshttlaup i vi :
r .,,,,. i ~.,..„„ \.i.. , toy., I. tiane Dretaf.rAt‘urniri.a.l,),..,l9.3, thy!? a
.... P. Primly. .. Roo 1.. c. N•11/11. ton•sed men, 1 . . . -._ _
.. - _ rate. ul Um Company, furni•hml Knit. and appllcatiout
45 .. 11.1.1.• " 010 born, Silltt 10%1:1113,4 I
for ...rim, nwrived hy
c ,Ch ), ,Lh i ttl ,. l 4 l . , 4 , l"K r., N is l w l„X/ F0 ., ,,,, c.o . ::
; tut .ry 1tLAr ,.. .. „ ....•
,f 1 , 2 , 1 , ,, ,1: , :tte1itfrn.1%, , aer re t;leltll` , . ! le'rtll.l; ..11tel'e.. ..
1 , . .• ; onwor. - 10,, IN, intenteum Si. . 10 SEPII, MISSOURI.
I, i ' ..,:i ' ,, ` , " ; ' 710=4,
• -
5..1 lit Alumna. Illberts.2 ma, •• 0...., SWIM:. ; ' 511 DOLKTON, El LB Y A AUG EE,
\ -
E. aluota Crean, na. w Alum,
"CM ly /...,
rilll6 Icell knoina Line nut \preparod u ' 11,), mattortlll tbi, r .1. andeBtairaed, Levin} be
ot titoutol not, 4 erne.. ladom, Maslo... , m0w..., aral tor
law Dor. t 0...., . thy ,
c . ~ 4 ~,,,,, ~,„,,,trzr,,,,cucc , 40.1. th. Ale lAA. PL. h. I rAndicartml 2,lquidetititlctim
nun . t i,,, t. ''' r. ,
i t. "1 ... " . ` x.7 .0 ? " :14::44 L. TAr , 44 ,
. 4 L . , 444 4 4 ',,,, 0in i ,: t,...,V,L"..i.,,..,..1-, Cf.,'"rivotiy'rl.rer.A..ll.llicaustrletP•Mall&"4-•;l\irrel'h' Dspa."'.7;
I Ituln• Rock Laud, kW hums hullo may, ,
a.I I .INDRIENS--- '
U... Tomato ent•tap. for " PALI, .. 1041., 10 1 . 4- 411111.101.1 410,5. kn 4 Lump., 21. I 111, 1 C., , , - -1
.!,,,...„,,,,, ~,,,„ ,„,,..„,„,, ~,,,,,, 0 „.
for . Papp. tauce. taw .1 Si A thp C.D.. , notttoro.
ti 04.1,
- • • to.t.nent cot it 1, and capaeli,t II Ihwa, Isayetleure Cap... sal of- 1 . eareDent •ut Mtn, I mils... 'Raw, lu 0r„„,,,,,,. 4
1.10 tau, Crackura,
a u ..
maid. , Ls omatla OMPall kitulsol Ira,)ound • '. -,
OW druhm Vista ...ces hum . 11.13 ID M. TwrrLE, .tttorney et ,Law, sWs - ha to. 11 hale t/O.
' rITA t r e:t=l* eltramrafirand CI.. dual` 1 • Aa.a.rleatutalpp sw,••Yastl yliactlilll.l.. •\ .
112) tame. "i R. IDunto.. .ow Itus No Ica .I,el Sneer : .R., 4,1 Caonout mon. hot Pt t.../ 1e.,.... Loom, Du 3 - WO* n Tenn,: 0.
et h a Line ot Dekuilw.ta ettre. aro, 1 W.
\ 1-,,,tanLer, %,,02^10„%a0-14,114•14,-
I. lags pritue Haokullem
ILO •• Dround shone. Mu pl.. pt. •od pl. rlrmta, Ali .0114/1“1111,1,001 przon.4l. ,an. n.
..... Id et... 1.11 I', . litligrertrlt ea 0.11, ana a P.m of not hosatta haat§ ; . , , OD. / 1 , ha,...Yam.. Da t \ \
D. DARN im.MS Jt. D, \ \ . ,
'l",),' t '„°, :". ' irr:4l:• 4,,.., .t, LW. 4010 Sow.,
....wt., 11 hildow, CL.M.• 1 WIN 11. RANKIN, Attorney it ntl es/1111- in .1 .. Imp " .- 1
Dour/diet nall yew+. ut,ll, lalm ,‘, _ - /
\ CONSIGN it L • i. • , Y. ll cOunnt4aL L.
~ lIAMILimt ad.attil at \\,,
.• ti::::."!"' till - V , :""• , `'t",:,st7'.., l l',Vtt a o ,'" ' 1 " 0. ... *" '''''""'••••'...'l '-' L". .L°"; " 15 . - Po•cnuna Tea
' I oak/tura,. ....11, tlan. of Plttehtarah./ la end 4 1 1 6. Los, astra One. Dr Mustily 01.3 Park , * Cu.l V W... 0 . '• 0 •1 , \ k.I.LDWaIItTLaIItUKH. 31. U., iclnt.).
ut: I.lournal wot I hen.reure•-• Ilou 1 1 . 1 0r... at, tletuna. k -t, La. h a INtacto. chum. Itruala A Ccotp 1711 the M•etlaaaa P01Y.......1a CI
. 3 i; : J r , o Cte r trf.e ' ttt o lie I. U f t: ' ,",,, urget9 u • , -,- , - \ i i •' A • •
. _
, --- - 1111... it a......... • \ 1,1 LI, .II s I- Park ,1114.010, a
' 'IL A. tall:1218. 4 CU, '
S ALE It A TUS--1.21. curl.. Clevelantti 'N, tutn..11,12.11 a C.. : ..;
;' ; %.141,
c I•nuatte. Rev.. .
i h ,„,„ . co., netoonte 0 t , tr . \ \e, 4 eettl ••,\ ' masa cou wtat M/-1 HAN
1.,7 '4
'''. l
; ICJII:ITaAO;7I:I.I.',4' - • ' - -
eent..i.u., a L., erantl, tt :
.8 . __
More New Goods. 15 t..rwlkur. •
11. A. Diller. Ct./shwa WI.. I .
- 4- I,T. - 51.1 - 11iiiui 1;,.,T. Cur 1 - . air - 10. • i . ..e twe Crushed tug.
All l, l A ‘ l. . ',.,,.•', . • , ,
L ..,,, y.
~...c ji. 5 mAa, ,,,, .. .
a s • ......_ ~.........•,.... ~. ..41.1.•Zrourte st., , 'A , eun - • ins: iuesute en Mir W. by
I. tit ACnlttna • t. _
h° ' '"'. ”.. . 8- . 8 .. tufo., ot Lit odd WjOlor
/'OO EISII-5 drums tor sale by . ~.4.1. the anuorty ot wno t. h...., men ...two.. g k XALIC ACID -3011 Ihs for tale ba.
• .
1.) nr.3 D ICI' A 31eCAN DLL, . ,-"'; ""'"
"... 11 . 2 kJ - ~ • J. 1:11.1/ a - C.l
_.. . -
LAN KETS -- A. A. Al netts A Co. are new 1l„," '''''' r ''` •••• • II " •"°" • • • •1 ' 1,011-01 >r .1• . 1100 . li Art I Ntj St. CANDLER' IC K -
ii rm.., c(a) Tales umorteatillsolcll 0.20 , linens Innis oh. le. ~,,, elle., Plain Cashmere 2.50 Immitutwor.
maw, Shaul.. Inv mud.. . muout. - Imre. Ao •• t'...11..,1e1A, fo. ca. by
LANKETS.-1 hate rucel Ted iny Litt • ere, Iwonu. tire... Inet Cetn...r. ' l.- .
__"''' A. CULIINIONOS • Co
afoek or 111.ANKKTM of the dillen•nt ctn.. mod. 1 , a Urea, NW, to
IL PEPPERMINT-WO .11. a. pure for
..... a ',Tnna 1......-. sal roll an,. ••••• nur tort. , i hat, Clatinta. 4e. A.- cm:“ 0
IL E. 2...1.N11N
.111. Ntoltbi:
I vs.!. itEci, .t JAS.- A. Muli N111111"S, . , •
CHILDREN'S ZEPHYR. WORSTED-Inn fal 'clan e-usam•st a 1..t..,,t, 'sus 1... t...• 4..r.a, 1- 0/ •"! hinti ON4 - A• A • 3L" ' ''' & 0u
..,'17'. S'"'":".
" tl, '" A ' s C lriat ' rd . 'LW", "' 11•1 1 .7.t. t ;;:1.1;1'1r a ' n ; 1 2S / 17 . ' ‘ t ' t .L a. '-'. ; ' . ; . T 1:::,.....; ;'11, .. ;;, • 1" 1 ,7 r5t ; r0 "- ttalor n i : r. * . ~Y 4 ...vs ".e
" ' sou''
"'":''' aj''
---- -
_. --. / Innety •01 say le and
ND carotin Carlotta, 2 kg!, Manilla , ' n.ll.Countr) 51 erclwata•opyllud at •• r. lota rate, V faS.ELJAR-14 1 t1 Wain. for aale by
PPPC-LI A I.l , l.lthitimrN A C.
. for We 4.144. 0,104141 a maalguaunst. by , . __" 1 : .
• •
_ -
0.16 ' T. bIOSET k CO. ' 11%1 Bills di ' , OEN STARCLi-juo lbs., a choice arti-
VRIMSON .VELVET PAPER HANG- ' i IN CINCINNAT , a...) eh.. macrulactured exprooly lor dicta. and .11narY
1,.../. INOS. for Denying anon. for ear by
LOUINV I 1/. .
e... 21 w ad,,
OR .SALE- first rata PA.I I IIE - Y , *. • ASII I VILLE,
DICIRDIT an s.c t
t wia ... a .70 1 ,
r t . ti r:. e : a 7r tf
i n
~.. .., i.a
. • .1., ,..1 0. ) ..,
dr: l. o .... :,,,,,,, sl rr a ., :t . •
r i ; r ro y
1 5 , 12 : :: ,,,, a ,; 1.
0000 , ...r D . l
J. RILL/ 4 OU.."till Wi.ilt.
• 11011. NE, wh ic h can be Mrett at JACKMAN." ,
/FM MAGI.. lewirtetn•ot or 1 I WI ourchanuf ut. Ca. rub Mhz If p RUSS p.y . BLUE --7 bares best, for sale by
- AEU OIL-1.2 bbls. ! No. 1, for sa ''' 1-` A WILK IN it • CO.
J. 88:1100NLAKER k 00.
.. ka
. r
... c z ,„ :1 1 Lt1 Cloth l';,-r jrnal
.arall . tr o je r ze o i , v , e ) d irt exchange (with a
JAMES DALZ EL L. _ TAR c iA.E ,. C , OVE u RS--3 . 0 0
tor xwonounda.BLOltt
' TX u.. .
2 u a. r Zir. r u " '•
N. U 6 W•tkat AV: ' V.:11 "'" ' ' XL ' 4 41" texxxxxcomnincriti
Now 0141.0 ABS, Nov. 19.
Cotton—Sales 300 bales this morning—
The demand is good, bat prices are easier.
-- Orocerics—Sugar is active, with sales 400
hhds at firm prices- Molasses is brisk, with
sales 1500 bbls *at 24€441 7r? gallon. Sales
10,000 bags Rio coffee is the past three days
at 8©8!e per lb.
Pr;riilone—Lard has ticclint, with entice of
:prime in bbls. and in egs at 9®
lb. Sales mess prk at $14,70C)15 L 4 bbl.
Flour—Has ad noted 1.5 c on 'the barrel, with.
sales;bhls $3 87€,A fir St. Louis 'wpm:-
fine, and S 4 124 . or fancy.
Provisions—itdcon aides are dull at 10c;
shoulders are scarce at sips} ? lb.
Corn—Sales at 48€01c, with email reteipta.
Cbeesc--Saleawestern at ? it,
.14 S.'GrrU''' .17
4,- cr'4V
2011 "A—
F.... 1
, 5,
fp ED FLANNELS--1 cues, manuenetured
-MIN WATT )1 L.,
a ß eb o t . a , 2 1 5 41LLI 4 be D r O t rP ir Aa r . • • t 00 0 o ervp
PieYIN tlivartluf. • W..P - eptprstir. Saw,
Cho. [loos. Arid.up
U m"'
Sl‘phrt.tu %IMuut licuhuu.
.Ithen.putri at..l Royal Tat rhup... put up iu tnur,
u.. 11 iirCLIJILO a or .
VORKS-6 bale+ for gale by
1) .
C.:AL SODA---3 esek, for gale by
17_ anii WIcKIRSIIAM.
G Leggy Alalaalk
Just scr'd and for sale by
W3l. A. McCldillo
no 7 Caws. < Tea bealorsi.
ODA ASH.—We are prepared to contract
f.7,t l ;houT;l7
prveent marker prim. We warrant our euin ttmli ../10+1 to
the hest Import.l. BE \ NETT. 11E410 S CI)
nUTTER--Fresh Roll, and Can Butter
jJ wholeutle and retail, just rne4 ant fur rale by
fl HP. Co.,
11•Annir Finfl
-0 IbU bags I,:oth,r,
•i tr.l.teedwax; 4rrivinr end lur LY
0r..5 .ter 1.4 inad
f rOßACCO—itiu bores Va. otid 6 . r., good
11 tmst)44, fur ask I.) ISAIAH DICKEY Ar Cil
lat TEE-500 begs Rio, for sale by
14/11A II DICK/a et CO
~--i brazen Cream;
10 •
• 41 1.1,11 , 12 ban,:
1-et.llng nail fut oak SI I LICK E a eo.
PIO Frwtt OtrOrlA
- - -
IIAWLS! SHAWLS!—Noss opening at
I - 7 A. A. : 6 1ASON A (XL'S. ti nn Ilur 5t.14.4 Ltitigkib•Wi,
qb!illlsot had peratattept enlorx.
LANKETS I—Now on hand over 850 yrs.
01•1, and of 10-4,12 4. and
plain sad and Ai,
comolere rirrortinotit of Crib and Crwlle
A. A. )1A.1.)N A CO.
'boo Markrt st.
I lUFF PINS !—A new and varied assert
Jt of St.el, Je4 and quid. wt n✓d al
nail •- 11. 1:11.1IAIIDSON*F.
ENT'S BREAST !—A fine selee
Oo nef Diamnd, Oniniti. iiartilt, Topaz
Ac. min omninig at IL ItlellAltDMlN .,
I_IIAIBINS-siTlixs bunch in store, (or Bain
111, Mw 1 , 7 ISAIAH DICK }:r A CO.,
St -- Att &31 1 7/EiSSES
Water mad Front .7a.
07 ha l , N. Q. Sue.; 30 bbl;. N.O Molowo.:
For *sir by
--2 sale by
not IL N. SELLY.IOI. 17 WoodsL
BOXES-00 rapera fur sale Uy
0.4 IL L.
SAFCETIDA-480 lbs. prime, for sale by
t 1 Coi r.. E. SELLERS.
frfIBER-1000 lbs. for safe by
{TILL CORKS-1000 gr long and duirt
ftir by IL. Y. MUER&
it " A NEE BLAKELY, Europe
.r,..n1.4.;7:1,„. .. 4 f In Forel. Ractian,
1. 1 ,, ,ewr Lis. of Sleam=4l4,P't•lttia
• I \ - um., //RED & FORTY ACRES OF
_.. _ noon c, , tabl 1,11131 en 1i- slll . l ~. .11- g_l ' i„,,„ ~,,,,...d 1 1 , E - 1,,, li 3 . , i
, ant, //nom, tel. rtree
.iew York sad LIP , ' a
& ducted In the tame ow, .., • L.. all ~ , teen 'db. ' Two vett:. 0 Clad are onant - paemed In , onto, and Aran:
~,,,, •
nd nal tn the hen ' on the rirar'z,.T.,•,',',11:,•,-„t",! 1 .,. ....... r „‘,::„l'rk ." Lir"'
' ',"e'r'n!f,tder..b::::."s'.'l".,Y.t-::.;.' ,:,'''..',":7l:::.:;%,',:T:';', '''' ...:i:. ' . l ‘% " .. ll t o rtlki ' 00, 11 , 14,t .e.,.1 01 no., hundred and
Nw. Eit, learer. New rock ou the .1!i. sod Llverpawl : ,0 / I. !Vhete c ,,,,,, ' 1. , el i.o t , c. , e , .I ,c en 1 . Ir.. I...ers art ,, , lircetl/ , ppovite monou•shelACity p nr •
rot the lIIL of erery manth.
Tr ,---, to, de.ortpuou of the pr0per , ......1 PS., 1 /11P Y
' BAIRD • IRV N ' 4.
Rod Star hue learee New York on the 1 ith. and LG.. , ,,J , 0 , 5; r 1; o r 0 ; ,,,,,... ,i.o, -i ;: i -,... ; , , ,. ! --t ; , .....0,, , ,, ; --ii
-2' i. tae =" 0 , - --.- ' .1, ..t. hi. cti%,..:., „: - „: - .',14:;:i7;7;'...,...,” ~..,i . H A I HI , A - IHVIN nave al w, tiir fade t.oine
,„ .1,, JIM. tart, a month from Llvempo.,l and New
. 0 ., , , , ,,, ,, , , ,, , ,,,,
1.. c.., , p
I .11_, tee/ deadahle ...Proded unable 10, pnvade
7be Loodot, 1 ore .a I...keta wily Ir., New Yoriut. the ..-P, te...1 !,aim II Al. 11. EAkiar , . ; ~ a.....,,, . a Atteghent City \ Alro, u tti/OW.Vt. , 61 . 1 .
1.. nI, I. ,I, owl Min and iron Londe:ion the 4th, 13th,
1 - - , , uitable fir horown. elanda lye paericula, nnr, or
rho 01, de 1 lue „ 111l..µ„• Pan., rail frous New A urk
PHILAI/EI,PI-11A. Desirable Property for Saie,.
sod oila.sto• the In ..f Itth of each mouth .
lWatt' et l• Line 0 ka. ire . Atm Liserpunl te New or
----- --.--
. .
D 0 I I
I •r it 1 ''..
' ' r r.Uvr '''' .. i '''''" Sr. ''''l ''' '''''''' '( .I
.EGG'S PERFU3IF,RY A '-'• -h;:.; ''' - "-- r ''''''' A ''' ''''' "W " ."
',.......' .....• or to o anel awl Itailowl. to col-lough
• ,,, alia . 0r..., Jo ille.rbens aft,, 0 otatt, ht , the
. wier , . will ree. ve every attention, en/ ....1•.,..0.
i NI. haiineld An,/ on i rankla, hid•eil ndduidata .de,
. 1 ....V. , / at th- of of W Tato.cott ,I, P., , dAlet, •
.0 ou Alle:hoto aeenue
Yu.. buidiu, and .t. tieor e' Ruildlng. 1./ IV FANCI . SOAI-)S. ~..._ A ..1,1.1, ...opt.. Lot, ' , II the ..,,rw, of
I• 14.
" ;E T ''''''' . . C... LL 0r..., i...., v.,,... „r m
~ , ~.1 1, tori wo, 1 at', Ranh • , / , ‘,,i, do , oar
neer, luttehurwh
1 ,, ... ~,,t ehr I. use ett0u,..r..1 L,. jund . el./ rat, deo, on 1 .. ruin., tow I, to 1..111/.1.. eled,
1 -h r to in th e E.,,,,,,t hi.. or C.,.....1,,, la . Who... .0,0. .110. , ,ner Pe .0 1 11 , ..a. I ,, th toot [hetl.l-e- hreo no, llnca .'well Ilusite ut, Law./
wh i, .and Pre the, tmende in any part of Etighnul, lotlet / . 11‘,/,'. ChM/ ,%, 1,. Chnik owl . the, approeel , nt- , .... ede o; the eh.. the ha led, .A.oeet trout Los
I relsn • Sew land. or II ate, -so mate the ore... or It ets,
Ita , te.t doer The Iwo, I, tame d con • . Lod', Mold it,
um.., ou spnlwation 10 the sulwerMer. and ' hare 0 , ...r • tn at uo t ,o 1 ((11. blob ,li 1 lir , e o .4,1 1I hit. ~,,./... w. ~ a u s s ~,,,,,,,,„. „m„,, ~,,.,,
'..' l 'nottlOt nut hy itnr of the atwer laworl, 011, of ,(I .1010. 1 Po out,. P.u. thaw., I au.', .1 , 1 1 ode , I .11,-A Farm .a 151 in Laurence nounty, S mil,
totokete. ( 11 ...1 ran, fm 1,000 to 2.500 wo, burnt.,,, I Soo, Suor'..., I reen, /I or 1 ,, . ,' ..,_r" 11 utet oEx ' rmos an,
•./. Id Urn claw Alereli.l .111,,, on faeorable Orme. 1., tmcia Mr , he handler , 1.10•, id u,, , , , .... Rear , 011 V.- , Ate-ra.n. ~ fle a ., roun ts „, ~.,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,i
11 . , '' i v v ', i. ~,1 00. or Glom,. 'Yid, ir..ncy tat Vowed- ~, too. arta..., Eau La.,. 111.1 r 1i0n..... r. pr.. , woo. 1,1 .-1 , -; /i.., n .
of eallzom pr .0. a the pogidolor of .10, 101 ....• natt tte , r thl• t' ,, .. ,-, to., t a , , are twodowen,l and !'1 , •,,, ..,,,.. ~... and ~, w commole tic, tern, hudol,o
akote ...cur• rorn Lleemewl to, New Orleans. Ralthwore. al, to
.0111 N I C 1.0,0
1' a li I. 11 I ' IO ITE/131.4 N.
Philadelphm, Itaton. Cherle-mt, and 112T.1111111 100.4.1
1, rtni• r awl Chem.., 1 A th.r../ .. Law ,sed lIIIILI V•Latu Ag.,
troulttance. in •mall or , acre nu ms, ae wood. 0, '. AlArket ne, ,, t Vet.. 11, Phlladnido , ./r2.1 lt No 10. Fourth .treet Pdtehur li
JAIIRS BLAKELI be,t , rohoot , ~ 1 1, t I mot it at t le, ... the , •twopen j -
~1 1111.111. vl 1 , ..1.11. 1111•11111,1. r, ob th. ods Glie 11101 a i Land and Lots
Steam Communication between New York .al
. ',OR Z , ALh„ 011 1110 r enusylvania canal,
and Glasgow. Public Sale., i r
~,,-.,,„..-1.1 It i , 10te, It E•mo on,
v,tteen Aare- dt 1 ...1. with • valuklie ete.l pond', 1.1
Intl it: 1 3IaNurv• and Nett- York Till/MAli V. :•• , ON:+, ACI TIcSEEIV
1 . 4.“ 111 .41. 0 ...I co. 1 100 mien/ 1, well suit
I ut.,..e a . c , ,,,,,,,,,,, ~ power/111 new ~.c 6 LOU. ' E STE II I RCN WO II In 1.-- On Weo.l- ! ....... •-, r; n tl'eot ae . 10c... d. m eond.cturins Pt ,
;11 , 74na r, d0 . 1z t.L.,A:9101A. 10ad,2 tone and 4.,
umelent ,01/ MI 10 hothlw,. Intl, en inealiaucti
11. , IIII) 1.11111,1t1, ~. I . ../111. 1, I. /at It , o.d.elt• .ot 1 f, wsput/ cl nal owl the caner 00 tiv, tto , rAztAyor,
r, A Rt....., Ilale of the Ete
Ll '''''d '''''''';
r' ' '
r ''''''''"'..r. "*t r ulr ‘ i '''''''' ''''''' ''... ti . i.71 ' .1...t. ' ',"..'el',:d /‘..".. i. ', :e ' VAi ' 'Wl " / ... e. " CV7r " .Z . n . e one 1 '''''''
. drie , Z . (
i l , s. ; +=e n . on Ratur ay. the Oth ,If Dreembur ; ~,•
1i ,,,..., ~,,,,,
~,,,,,,,,, ~, , ,,; ,z„„.., „,
~r , ,, Z „; ,.„ . ;‘, .
~ 1 ,, f , out In lux.. 1... r. the nr , t ofcem Ler hes.
11 he 1.1.1 oist In dot. and w. 1 ,11 on ten,v Atid In quante
• I W . .d-rwr , o-oo , • , o , .... ..
, ..,. o . ° , , ''''.' 0.0 10 .I. pu,tia•ers •• mint ha, ..011,1 Me !mall,
, Enume, /Wm.,. en • 1. u. r5.,..,,,cu1 a r. do •,..... 1 ot, 4 , 1;111117 0; the ire. demand for hnit.• •d Int. in the
Fir. , C. , 1. 0 ...” 1 ' , . , 1111[11111,1.1 . II:III 1,{1,,11,1•• ..(,. I Lull, F,r. 1,1, ...,, ~. I ~,,r o ~ ......, ,
v..„, „ .,
,4 , 0,... , ,, ,. ,,,,,,,,, ~.,,,,, ~,,,,,..„,
wand Cabin . •' ' .... . , c, : Ir: sol ~1 ...11.,..- , 1:1,1,1 ... ~,/ 1., h. h.oe 1 •W I ...ratio, tr. 101 r/ w•, '1 111 , A1 ir , Nitli,Mei •
Nn Ca b in rassen,ra taken
, r 0 tar t , Pooctioe, kivetow et. rtenuine A1ee1,,...... o j
The, mu, Inelude pr0e1 , , , .. Lt ':,ammo. wince or honer, ' Plant, Marl :nre , er , n.lins 31,1111, P.....b• Foro., , 1)1 ESI RA BLE Pl'EliTY FOR SALE
~o ,,•1. ..,n I. nopphed I.n talnt, derate prin./ Cur , ondni.h. Mote, leol, ran I , therdou Tr, 11.. r.: ;
A lot c f cround troutsnz , ft. un Cal stn...
rie. • horgenri l•n•ltht of epecie, I . per rent 1 Maladt. • " 4 t 't .l. ".. `'"',.c M .. h 'ir , . SW - '..... 1. ..." ate nosson il, 0. ~,,, I. Thin ,rtl I i
100 T. , .. I , l,loduit h , C.., Mole Mole,' 'rook to., 11.
" fr'''''
" ''''' i r AV ' tticl ' ; ' ,N. 33 Broad.," . 1,, t. dr, olv,• t. lartte aw l ow., V,. , l'lreular Woo, 11 ~ .1 r i ." r 'l'4.'l. tom .. • ' sr. !' s . ' .ne ''''''' ••'' ' .... "' ) ' i r ,^4
S I'AV Irdltß. hon., Mwd,iners Iron ond 11 Purchmc 8.,. "'' ' '''' . o E ilstit . : l ,!,ll: l ,i; ' .l \A ,t, . ' •
The '.lll 1 ,ollii . 2100 Wna. and ;150 his o-' power. (a ; /.or. tall. lodge .. rat ~ h, tee. Torn. d Wrouen 10.., ,
. ... PitlX ' ,l ' ,- 9 u . h. TV \.
con., to the d1a,01,1 .II ta , en tha antirm e•rly ne 0 1 -.hefting i.e.. mllect.... ot n• e ond ealoahl. Pat..., 1 ''''' • V
To LeR • \
i ~ ~,,.„ , , n,„. 1,.,..• ...,,,, lw.h. Fr LIE v,ll kbowi, EAGLE HOTEL, :7,4
McHenry'' Philadelptua di Liverpool Dine 1 Vuo , " i. the m. ,
of Packets. 1 0, - -,1
The 0d. , .1: ,. 11 , 1 , .
, 1; , ; , ....1, ... . ~1 • • tic tootohtor. now .ect,,,,el 1,, Col 01, . WRIT, foretell) of-Meet
i ,111.11:11,:g from Pliihttklphig on . th , e b 4.4' i '''P:41";;.!!„.„„L.,',:0, ~,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,, yr;,o rasa ; '.'A;',"ir,::;'';:;,, ,n„;,;,„„;;; 11,,,,,,,,,' ; ; ;1 ;; ; ; ; ; , ;;; ;;;.,.„1,
.... 14 1;; i: tft a 1.11:=W4VIZVT.:;411.;;;;71 11Iu , ' '''''' '''''
''' , I pµl .-:,.• : ,
' ' 'l'.
, ' ' l' ' ' rr ' ' '' '"*""rrr ' rn '
''''''' ''''
l ' '' 'F' ' '''' U.' ' .
. i 0 , 51 I,oi I rth..,. I ,rll 41, I ad. 1, el,ll Ltd twd.,.. at
.SRRN A N WALL Rm. P. Gardiner, mart. I " a . houla ten in ur to a e ..1 11411; 1 11; 11, at,
w 1tt111,111.1, Nalls.i. C. flarris Studer, , '"'"'
51 ' .1 . 4„M AS A Rio., AUctlimeera. :;:.?1,1,1",. ' ,et, '''' ;',,l','Z': Cl j '' „,P ."- r '' '''' ''' '''' '''.
w 10.1111.1 N, Alfred }'.!mill,, Alas '
' .11 At
ulei, e how,. oessii
1. Walnut .1 Phdadeia,- ~, , , _„,,,,•11,:•:` , •11 known hou, of EChßsi.AßAlishdh
" RACKABIANdN, (new,/ W.ll , West; Ala.. 1 •
otov'' v . R t-Vvrt n it ' l 'l l .S T "l/ 1" -Y t h IV Al n % li n t L r''' Pl I.l ' N ' T b . 6 w r l7. " '''''' l
te , p .a re ' ee " sa r t " Tat.
The abr., ohs, are AMR of the hen and mac enetly „ye t , .. .o,,rs
umterialv. and are noun for the 0114111 of their 1.....
Unty are fitted op with all latest Imprneement, aro mart , Shriver & IldcLean, i i..,?, , ,.. , ....,.,,,,,,,.
• • •
lintel less rerentis r hid upon t on 1.e./wad meet
~%.,, , ,11,1r • b r Y,,n' : ' np .,' , ." ; .,.,,,,,n " . ‘,/ " 1it,17, ' ; ' ,,, 5 . " o r ~,r / ,' ” ,,,' "? ,,,,h & th y, ' r 7 I 170"7 l'lo4ll, and Co rnntusion jfercitunU._ I TrmiII,IILI.I.,,.N,LV,IF:
they a, ootnmanded by men of arknow I.d,red talent, who No dl Sec', Want. .r... I preeent oecopant during the ,i-to of hLv Ire.
am Unequalled for te, experience in the packet irrrlce
PIJILADELPIIIa For further particular" enqulnf the waner, , N
{''muss dealron• of Mil:mine their filen& prom the tild
Country can nbutin rem /Rest, of p.a., ,rhieh will be I t ➢ ON /...; iiiNIIEN TS of F LOl l ll Ind Pro-) •,,, • (lIIUPTIA A bAUNEKE'II,
weal for wild month, our agent. in Iteland aud I.le ' • ' . 0 e...d N t'.• 0. . 1 ' TV , 7.. P ht , delPhh.
. . du, o,•cersll,. • 111 rere re prompt athrntlon will, err , / . 111 01, ..feb the. 1." 0.•110, c.. 1 . 1, ... , “ • ,- .. 1 , „„: t....., endeavor. tom, ..I•Lichor, A. i.e.+ It!eele on I rl l O LET-A large an convenient vf•
m oor
relative to the, dem....
re „, nt Rd, Id Lad., when e1...11,-.1
•' v -
Poe the convenience of paseenwers wilblor to reu Imn 1 „,„ ,
_i, ~,,,,,, • ~ oo . t. ..... ...,
m,T.,:e,e,stzl,Vewt,lnr,il .terptiviiuml upwarA --- . .. i A.
It; - r 7; ; iiii .. .
A. 11.4 o I or. / Itt.l.ilrgli
atlerii-i1IK;111.411;;Ortlit7;hltii--;:ii77:117„:7'0'7:;',. i Alt
it .. o Bai. ,
ltle Ale. Laughlin.
the Ilanke or Nut (Vilma In thv UW1..1 Klnadana
11r eau, I. : ..... ,
AD-Prerritlout turplled pamennere craning from Liver l
~,,a . ,, •
Matchless Blacking rind Inks.
E,,,,, vroelc the Ldlowlue aurrller will he fetrni•Lnl i
mvAet ,A ter ~r 13 year' , of Auee and yez! . .la lb, !ood, 1 FrliE CELEI3!IATEI , - M A T CO L E SS I
- 2 it.. neo, L. ~.a. Iva. 6 lbe. oatmeal. n, 1 1. . !Aumar, lln flour. ! lILACK I Aol "—aarranual Amu., to an, A, t ,1ee...1
1, IL tuulaxecnnud lln rook una, 1, ~.._.r. ;,t 5,,.., ti I ih- ~.0,1.,....1 t, .4.... d In au, ;oleo.. Alan,aetur,
/IA braAlnullk.l. IC Lama. full allowsnenof water and yin. h, in ,fa,t; i a ..,,:a vco , quart, A.; rvol. uos , Ayr , l lof l• i
vicar, ani hall ahr ...woe .. I :4wza i r i lM , To . lAr; . ... i , ~,,,,,,,,,,... ~..
. . !..A.LknA
Aln 3: Wairinl floa t , lul/ 0 w so..tth . v . . 121 p, , ,, , .. , riIIIOLAS WRITE, BONNET 3121 N-
lelnif s corner tllatb and Won] att.. trttonor;la. ! 61..ttN 3. .. L ., q t h ..1 . 7.,NAL,„11,,a , ,t ~.--.. , -,-,r,, , ,•;...- f,
I?E3IITi'ANCES T 0 ENO LAND, IRE- avi 14,4,...t .. J... e..,..1...V.
stLAND.SCOTLAND A lliA WALF:ef--Jvcra BLAI Ar, i mu. It Tr....:,..a1.1.
e a the tr.. 01 BiaLdl a Co. tell' funllnuo lo it At Li ALE Y, Winil)W.t II 1.2. 2 t C,,., I% h"1,-
eight dralta on Carat 13t, *at, 0.t.t1 Ireland: •Jeta on rias....
and Gertano,... Oltre nab I VocelwareL Illakely a 0... . 1d . ".4f......r .' 'l. ...3 ‘'.''''-`,` l'lloafolrlue ei4 I
/queer...rare Ware Emma' corn., of /Apart, aud //A./2 • A at. A A.-1. .-.
at uts. rittetturgh.
l , .0. ..L.1 . :
‘........r...." from th. /''' ''''''''' , r '''','.'''''."'' kVA LI., littK NO1( d. et) . T.., , ,,,,,, ;,.
covet f”orable lArn,, al,- trota yea Vara tu VittsLuraL. i
+oda./ raft GI toe /Veit
au l/.. le Nurtt. , 11.. r.,... iloladonnut xual ' /l‘
-- -------
ricktffpcS• 04-50 bbill.toeliHs,,,de,b7,.
. _
For Sple,
-.•;" ... „_____v - - --- - - , - ----
• \ i il 11PutimoBB-t'PEL-...
iolo:vii s s cui4 or '.-
QN and aft:tkr MONDAY, OCTOBER 13t14 tOHOBS. OhDE .g O \ 4 •RBE I ME• 4 • 9 5.
w _ t!! ./bileelari4sand Cincinnati Raltraat Cotortitill T . /4 ' ‘ '14.1- ' '''
. ' '
~,,',, .7 6 . .==lnetaind an Exprea, tx•ln ,wry tiro, -1..., W,illap..g..g-coUGII POW, •.-
'''''''.. ''' s p,v27, ,l tAtF:,:4T u at i . a i r ;lt r `pri`,t I' \ A'B/.1124 0 1 ? COPUnitON.
. 4.244-N'Ll t A rgl a' A . ll4l s.' S\ ! IN uireriiig
t"lab'' . iTiinal l . thill6l '
0,3, 3,,,,,thmE, w.- ` ) •Ittiraliati ratandr ...r Carta tbe int Wm..;
. M . naw?Aorahal t • Mow, 'i it la nii, our •riento trln;rr,trith prey ar, ealtlt a Fa 1.....-...
Ohio ana Pennsylvania Balboa —re . b°`""'"'''''''' l'ek.4\
th"' • 44U4'‘'. 44‘
Railroad ‘..4. thal Men sal aotra, a t1i0, , , 'Mee of it. tatr i .\
t.. ellAtiti F. IN II NIA tlioviTAßTlc4
( l iN AND A r cut m0 ,,, x • . nqa.. wilkh they can jkirdse. itnic4isrlV‘ '- W• Ai. , ' i ,
. ' -,
X. OW it)] inat / taralr blea, oarielare to e y. mir thr eriel amen torah* .ss
i,,,c:,,,,..,,7.,,,,:i,,,?:(,1‘,u.,;:.::,,..:ii.„/„.,/,‘,...t.4tre,,,,,,,,,57.,,.:,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,r.itii /
, rtate ,h, tart ,,,,, ote , df, t . 3 7,..„ .th r al :
b .. , Y ,th °Lt . : Sc ul l or •
.11 ., 41411 n. t . a0 , - \ , 1 1011•• ,,.. 10 ' \\.‘\\
,110, PA INIS, 1-, ~
~,,,.... , 'ili
„plod ..., bore tat , itt. 44,0.1aCtlivi as .11101.1 . 1 • \
Ohio and Penasylvani:34ilro 11,44 i), • public: utn•lliore punlanti. hello/ ••iiiot•Ll tilsy
, , ~er li..J 1.,' -- r reliable, tiarlhe , nierl,ain: w, L itiir , .
agiti `al ClifiLtiEle.r/rMatittzehrxr„ . -.. .,,-,.. i ,\ r b } :...r t) , ..1 Artifk . l.l3Ti an 4 latrontke, \ ' \„ ' \ \
FROM pinsituuuu To Nen , montiToN: \ ' " .8 ""' '''ltr3tr'Fru. it' , -7,i r ce'''.'. l'l '-\.\
4 vc
)IC and alter 310NIJA Y AO; GST, `4th . ort...ta%,' tf
..,aa....1 , tri4 :LI,. k ,arUSI •
i.:4 1 -:.1 1 ;%"rri;,1 • 51 . fr4" ''''' r"" ''''''''' \ - ' ,s,''''" IP''''''''''''''''''''''th*l“'hth.'4"""t4tl°'''.'9"'' .\
.ha ' , la/. mrsaimi ~ • 1 , . A , iAd • iA ',AI h 4‘ .... ... , 1-,Nr.t.[Cred idnn
ielliAalaTl, A Novrthartia• '
MAT FARE, 3 01' fitlt 1111 i. \, ' '''''
" 'kb '
'" ~ ..r0, . ..ad4.---- ' v
etilhlren under twelve „IPMVAsi 11,1, t'N WA •A \ ' f ru” i..,,i, i ii i- ,A I ,n;LE,. CA , EtiA-4111 Si D..,
liiihrown ihtabortr.b and /taro lite, ' ,2 , ,i/,,:!..„,j.,,,,,\ i ' -`, ". -..- •" , .`"••.:
. : t.titiwirklii;). . kti sl: `1t , , ,.? ilaiwlrat hi .l / a .oz ,l lltort o ll.t., , : . A . th Ca •I \
•'"' •i.
- 2%1.,:". ' \ ' a , • • • ••• 1 a..r h•a lit In llfri, .t.. - b ;l . 3 ' n ' ; ... CoszAT 'A d
- L.
tioVe; s i, \ L . E „ ..• uw, alat. I bate oripartitattr at, rottia l utr'''
.. ' N .
\ .
" "
IN" Ea iliaan hokeh..lne!tireq,
....4 rata.
11. ttraii.o lltn.t.urt,h and Itcail).6ti.r. Pi y nation . Read th a •41, -.
c , o n ,i ' 4 i .. i . s s wnLii= 7 ;e If thitimiatlidneja , ~, \
lqic,ii. tn.. iwri) di ) ,
lti.twei,n l'ltutiury t h and New lirightore orr..fta L k, ' ' " . "I ' . • , 1.) //// ritbtat hal bmo • rel 7 &able. aruttlit et '..,. \
1v .. .1t...tar .. .. ....... ......._..... ...., ~.\ \ . ahla t 1 i',.' .C.. in t s . tt a t . thel.c . \l. omit ably 1114.tlict-- .
o Crall4 s'ill not tun lin tintithtS i tin Lwr‘traion i
ticlitita nyint-it iin tiatimlar will I, , ipil Lir to i.,..i orn ir , o th., .1. c.thl- 1 1. i8h1::...,,0,,,,,,...4 J A l c io a io lB42 ' .\ \
on South°
thA. ‘" ,,- ". ~,,, t . t tni - linKit. on federal ttteer. i a I ..:11: ' n n ti ' ttit ' tnln r ,. th r ••U'd 41 ,,,rTa1 . 1 0 ir, 0 " \ \ '
....v.) 11,Winvira,./iinili.nicittien.;inylwhoir I/ l VIP I dWIII \rr would a L eci, \ur n ..., - .,Aiijii,i o nT.i o .. - 1 f,L , ' -. N . , Vi.
lrholitip.Z.ll..i,tl„l,l. o ,: di 3 . ;) , i. , iti k tti . • , Eolin. ,;,,, i n t mll , Vi t .
i ti b. t. ,, , , tuPl.ozhish I , of Intra . nalt , tal ree \\ \ \
linty. ininiedia4l, tiii i .vli,os tii th.. lii•riug ot thii\ i..r i Y hi , i+, n l/ ` a i R emo ( in
- , -T 'al noti th ; -"" -,.. -'
\\ \
tli. 'tint , ' , in)). nr tia.....npir• ti. the Depot.. Tulin', 1 ) ,)? i orini .l' ad te t ,ri W '1 %4 ft .-
, r .,,•' 55. L s - . '
ilerrhant, /tate/. the Bt. 11,..1.1,... oi,a rothnrtat ir '' *nil frOo'w ' Vitt' fit!on oliktAilitia ' r g . /titi a n - " - : -‘‘ \
Wiii‘l No Marlii i t.litnit limi iit. Clair itrtirt.. At
1.w.0t. (trips.
L. ling Olio parnefil•l4•M••..... " i' l ‘`
- -•
~, , : ., o , ~,ii.o. ~,,, , ,.., , ,,,,,,i i , o b.,' 0,„ ~,,,,,,,,E,,..., LOU ra What bronehitio. Yea 'Oeuvre eatigrying
rAiu,,,, ~
tl,h.r.ciio.:l,:isi,nditrw4Lit•th?.ol.oo.,•,Lor*b......_,,,..c(o4lo‘,,, :thicil w. t.h y. l) ,‘...,, - \',- \
t',Nertiltrrita' itorll7/w..atenilail ti.orool- - iirw 114. ''
t*"'"'7' n.."'r e l7 . l7 Caflrg ir i ' iia. \
"rt'7 gr r ztn i or , : ,- .,, ~,,,,—f,',
•„\,, .
Tiekersornr hoo i
rvizisyLyaisaA 2.41.11,204
, •
eikmu.P.4us- 1me.r.,.. , .'.\• , „.. : • -,.
.1. ‘I. Arix-Enr. t‘rts t•ll.lna with • !ebid. 11 :-- ' 2 '-. S i s.. :
OPEN TO LOCKPORT. TWENTY MILES WEST t•mual.t. bY w ',041-I.l<u of htt , F , ‘ka'Zi'
\ \or JOHNSTOWN. tri t t lasits,nott4 b. , t 1.• I h•rt rim than two lamata ',i .--- ,'
\ ' . 0, ..1a•,... - .....a115\fe,c , ,,,,,a,,i. 1 b,,,,,,„, 1 • '''',;, ,', -.3. ,
, _______,
, e/allahbatT e/ ea acre rink. anil , gLuerr enanar ritet `.•'''''''',/''''
...,, Ic% . 1 4t . tryi Orai EnNi th ril i o ' borra irtnfr'"rdl47ss'hanatl. .\, \
g e gg .1 1&,,,,,,-...,
__,.5.L.,,,., rer 7 n,,... ..131.1....d i v iii r ' a '''' .. \ '
lASI .-, PAE4.. ARBANOESIENT.. I i,54, iii,:il: " ...' '.iT4o,oPote l lgti.,,e‘q 4 -I f Pd . .), ( , '' ' ' ]ta . \' -7
' CHKNGE OF irons: . top • toitle I is nttr tuirr, rt,lict(iral., whig ri, . h tr)=.•
to yr•ttfy Lim th•n froiu.)nri i xiirclottion‘rif ontainlity re-
TIIS X . RApliCkli AA Lisi Altir.Ctr INCREASAD: Li " . ' ''''' ." -d " M "' - . C A , w , ilitir to ./iitinbTritt tot/L.4 •
P ,. .3 , 1 , 4\n0 &ob..' ~,4 tkpros Packet Lin.. lEZ:tr;j7l:!l%:.!;'''''"tr."''''''st'
. . ...ttrl,utit y eta 'l,
Sul utiles Illlrciaii..A . 1 ii.s .14. c,...j on/Y in /Our Imiat nuidirin IV/IL th tletipukt irtittttwilk
\ J '
siva,. ittekr PLIAAAT lhaD ahrroartate aorta to ' ' ',Ti.:::, . ' ..... \ ..4A1 1. ?!._99.!'_ 1 1T. \ \ \ .".".
\ \ .
Two Daily Lines Eapress Packet Boats. \
..ntwirr. L., e - (..... , ..iii:Oe7:7l., \\l \ 11 . LItelObIrLAINT of tee pare ttaad ,, ,. . ..
it•Vc:3l,<Zultr,:i,•:lt - '\ 0, 7 0, , 't., , A't;.'l%. , qgtA` , 7rVirit.)l7,°J9'.- ,
BXTT -w ' i— ''' o 3l,wt.',f:•! l 'o 4 ° , ' • ‘ i\• •It E. P . 11 : -.21 t " rilr "*. ' ", : 'T.I ' VIL ' \
I ' lit/1 . d.. 1 11 7 1i45n “ Il i r - , ' . •., . \.'
' meld rt7r,Arrr itlnAclar lslVUCrrs ' Cl a r t > ''
TI MIL llikagl, 111, .
~ nillo,
, i rr turn In' cur larlrd clw emacirr..dhx id acs .„ -
~ Johrt. A. (171/E.V. agent. ' 1 Ciada(lrwro i lrY . - tady . .nl tirert W-
now lid.myst,
c,!. , ...!,,,,,..,,,,,, ~ „... 1‘,,,,h,4rL. ! ~r ktti.l r;,',4'..',1.4, 7r=;•,r.*..:l!:'r a:!4(c.f:ll,tl \' ' • E xc ur si on Tickets icißeaver,R.s cents. I t . .. 4 4c , r , .. ,, ,T,1 - t. 1. )1. '"'"t*,; . ! ' t:;f;; ,. ..1b. , .• . 7 ' . . .'...'Y l
91• H E floe ameenger \ eteae6n!* 2 Z.4 1 ,1 ,.. t.eNn .1.; eie tie' r - ,1i raw, 14;(.111(Z . • V,, , -
; HEAVER grill ' )(Will i: N \
NA "WM . , rr nen Grata Urr ....K.. e.e.1. 0 e, . -. ..•.1,,,; ' - • • ":7-,
Any , - clwir Intahnix At I . .tcur A h gal W id., •i ra.ul, aanntratlan.l.4: 1 (dr, ( ./...rnrrYccji,tnracr . • ..
In•ncr., yr.-0 al, (Sunday racrWlrd.) as e te., , ,,,-.. \ 1 4...etekevt• , :eir... ,, •;•" , ie.."! •4 '''!:':.",a , "Flt , l*o; • :• .
1 1 . :•141 1 rD' . ^ . '" ' St'e,'' h 4 '• t :',\ ".-tr4t,:- d''''''' gl ‘ ."Sarr-Ya r ifriirdi \ \
.' J r 4 ,311& ''. '. • ' ;...4 '-, '.!
1 . . yawn wirh4nr t 0 .4/ graver T.
\rnrurelf , ur-o:en I.' r. , ,dd4r . 1 4‘rnacc. , # , U. , ' 14 V .(4 , , , •a;i4: - .L.Ste , •
ikkruccd knrbrater And '‘Ank to Iltinb rgh. (nide (vac, M, LIZ, -.(lku than rr,(WW , -Pid lc ... AA LLALS4Itn.„ \ • -'i .-•
Twaricaroll Car 401111 one QS, ..d y, Q., p., `,:.
,r ~ , 14, M.04-, reamr.r2,n.).#,Danatcrratitlchs. rw#l,k r. , . ~,. •
~,..._ I
1r5.,#.,..01,15.:5c1bf11t N,n:i.HETT.CD12.00..73::t11t1.A0p!..4..:'4:,,cd::yi,f...\\...':7...::5. '''N,
..atglran, /417agt lb: rr " "r '''
' '',
' -- t - itor AEr C BABitY4TEI \ - -
LP '• • • • -'• EOP.III , ' • 1. ••,
\ ha. 'f"
Ruud \ Car. Wat,r # endtbneld Yr
Arrangement .Made le\Forwr
1:"6.,:e 1j e 7 - ---,, . I."' d,' 7-I'.';''Trt'll4' l.7 . te - . • 1 .
- •Wv /a Drtfert '., '''''
-A T SABit.RATES PEN',........._
../ .- 1. AuLeusn'comeaar ~,,6 004,Tara.huo.
. \ - , alioan 2 OIL& .
r 73/ armor Yet. And Warta sta. Ettla4..
riNWI:Ir COAL FLATS—For isal . ibji '.. r.'... ~
' • rr.scaoterazca a la wood it.
~..i \ .. \
=,` \
, \ ,
\\ :
.2 \
\ •