The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 20, 1851, Image 2

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- .7NITESDA • MORNING, NOV. 20, 18/.1
We have recently conversed with a number of
gentlemen who are well acquainted with the
countrys,ttp the Allegheny, and its eastern tribe
''Aries, who all concur in representing the arum
. fry as admirably adopted to the construction of
a railroad. We had supposed that it would be
necessary to follow the va:ley of the Clarion,
through . Forest, Elk and lu'Reari counties; hut
they.say not—that the surface of those counties
is so level that s railroad may be carried at
easy grades, almost, in a straight line to Olean.
If that be so; the distance will be materially
shortened. Thislcharacter of ,surface may be
• _said to Commence about twenty miles up the
• • Mahoning or Redbank, and continues in a north
- • - . ..esstern direction to the State line. This will
net be an expensive rood.
Of course the country will be thoroughly ez
pored by competent engineers, so that it is not
..worth while to speculate upon the relative mer
of diterent routes, further than to eatisfy
those who are not familiar with the country that
Ihiground 15 highly favorable. Several gentle
num spoke of one route which they regard as
favorable. It is to to follow up the
talloy or the hi/shooing about fifteen miles, to a
Stream called Little Mudlick: thence ' up
he.follejl or the latter to the table lands be.
- V.,..M,lifiet - ,./deltoning and Redbank, which latter
•egr would be reached in a - distance of tram
. -.hretity to twenty-five mike - from.ther,mouth of
Aludliek. One of. hem said he was sure that
on this routebetween llfahonitig and Redbank,
4 . •
no grade of more than 30 feet to a Mile need be
encountered. Thelma to Olean the ground
highly'favorable; and if our Mends are correct
in their observation, we may set down the max
imam- grade upon the road from this city to
at thirty feet to the mile; because it is on
,-- lal('hands conceded that the section between
and Redbank is the most difficult on
This, however, ilt but one of save-,
practicable route
r .'..V' - t"?'.,..'''ilhesubactiptions were going on briskly yes
at the St. Clair Hotel; -and we hope in a
o e able to announce that the two
' . . - • : "- - thouitind shares of $5O, necessary to secure the
charter, are taken.
• Darla on Lawn Henom—The water in Luke
gluon is very deep,'and it has beep frequently
'Snit . ..lsiah:lt the bottom of the. Lake is below the
surface orate ocean. Tho depth in the vicinity
of Saginaw Bay has been reported unfathorna
bin, but - a note from a member of the Topo
graphical 'Surveying Party, in the 11. State,
..'ecrrice, to the.. Detroit Free Press, corrects the
matter. the writer says
When the IL S. steamer Surveyor was on
her way to.tlie straits of bfackinac, last Spring,
eoundings.were taken on the visual steamboat
'route, 'at forty and fifty miles from Thunder
Bay Light-House, off Saginaw Bay, and bottom'
Was found at the depth of twenty-eight fathoms
and .at thirty-two fathoms. The bottom is of
said, Mule and white speaks, a good specimen
Living been brought up in both instances.
':'•,,Ovethe return of the Surveyor an the SOh of
'Ostober,, a sounding was taken abreast of t the
dock at Fort Gratiot, and the water Ia the nar
row parte SL Clair river was found to be 17
fathoms, or more than ball as deep as Saginaw
Horst sr LAIIIOIIE.—A fine Hotel, just erect•
.4d -at Litrobe, the point to which the Pennsyl
vania Railroad will be finished on the first-of
December, =ilo which care will run and unite
stages for some eight months to come, is
oirered for rent. ..This is a fine opportunity for
. netteiprithag men. See advertisement in an
otber column.'
_ .
ZWIrl.&013)171AIIS Ontsurunoll.—The Rich
OIMILWkiy translates from a German paper of
iiinbanond„ called the Wisher, literally the Ma.
erver;--the following constitution, or declaration
•• 'of Frit:toil - des; of a society which exists in that
We hare no means of busting what num
beri in that city may have embraced these man
ure= doctrines;.but we think-their monstroci.
ty the best antidote against their evil effects.—
loth ! , fact. that there are any people now in
• - `this.cOuntry, of coming among tts from abroad,
.."'Stith hold, and attempt to propagate, such prin-
Ciples, is matter for seek= reflection.
Platform: of Me Social Democratic Society of
• . Working Ifni. •
Both (political parties-Of our land'have proved
their incapacity to develops and build up the
true democratic principles of the Constitution.—
. Theirfate is inevitable ; already the process of
dissolution has commenced.
The part* of the future, although at present
steel in numbers, has already began to put for-
Ward, with settled convictions' of mecum, a new
political programme, and is about to enter the
path of reform, guided by the belief that inaction
in the affairs of a Suite leads to decay and de
while activity and seal produce • new
reformations of life—a guaranty for the welfare
of all.
By the co-operation of all those who profess
radicalism we will be enabled tor establish this
new and popular platform, which our party will
look upon hs the basis of our political move
The Working Men'e Society in Rrichmond has
therefore resolved to littblisfic.the following fun
damental principles of reform?' :
A....Referne in the laws of the General Gorernment
as well as in those of the States.
We demand, 1. Universal courage: 2. The
. election of all officers
,by the people. 3. The
. • abolition of the Presidency. 4. The abolition of
- Senates, so that the. Legislatures shall consist of
. only one branch. 5. The right of the people to
recall their Representatives (cashier them) et
their pleasure. 6. The right of the people to
, change the ConstAntion \when they like. 7. All
hillWaiti to be condaeted without expense. 8.
. - A department of the Government to be .set qp
for the purpose of protecting immigration. 9
A redwood form for acquiring eitireaship. •
- .1,, .B. Refere e in the foreign -relations of the Got,
t -,.i.,;. .- . - 'I. Abolition of all oeutrality. 2. Intervention
•••:`,,-; interne of areFy people straggling for liberty.
C. :Born to elute relater to' relioirin. -
- - . 1. A more perfect development of the princi
ple •• of "personal freedom and liberty ~ of consci
' etre •• consequently -,0, Abolition of laws for
therobeervance of the Sabbath. b. Abolition of
- - prayers In Congress. c. Abolition of oath up
on the Bibb& ' cl. Repeal of all laws enacting a
religious tart before taking en office.
2. Taxation of ehurch property. S. A pro
- hibition of incorporations of all church proper
ty in the name of ecclesiastic&
• ' • D.- /Worm in the social conditions.
'.l. Abolition of land monopoly. 2. Ad ye
'. ~ loreen taxation of property. 3. Amelioration of
the condition of the working class._:a. By less
pg the time of work to eight hours for grown
ons, and to fire hours feet children. •b. By
----.- emulation of *mechanics, associations, and
- . ..protectiie societies.. c., Bygraitting a preference
• ttfechanies before all, other creditors. d By
'establishing an asylum for ett rannuated me.
' thardca without means, at tit public expense.
4. Bducation , of poor child en by the State.
t . 6. Taking pOisession of the 'lroads by the
State. 6. The promotion of e oration. a.• By
the introduction of free - sohools ith the power of
forcing the patents to send heir children to
school, and prohibiting of all erical influence.
b. By instruction:in the Germ language. e
By establishing a German Uni ereity..
7. The supporting of the e ve emancipation
exertions of CIII3ICLI Clay by. Co aressional laws.
• 8." Abolition of the Christian s stem of punish
. meat, and introduction of hu amelioration I
system. .9. Abolition of eapi punishment. •
Porthe name of the Social D ocratio Society, i
, DR. C. HEIN TZ, President. )
P. ihEirft. Beeretat7. '.•
RICIIIMOHD, October li, 185 .
; ALLEGEENT. - . : .AD, •
Omani or nut -Roorot—Ata meeting for
the organization . of the Commissioners uf the
Pittsburgh. Kittanning and" Wanan Railroad
Company, held st the St. Clair hotel in the City
orPittebargh, on-the ;19th day of November.
i CoL Tames Ross Snowden was appointed OuLin.
nun, Robert 8: Heys was elected Trnasnrer, and
Use: S littefloorotary. .
• . Ori tootan„ Easels:at That Sobel.* B. Hays,
isappointed 'treasurer of the Pittsburgh.
.Nittarining and Warren Railroad Company, and
that the Books of said !Company be kept open
than day to day; BandaYs excepted, at the'allei
of D. Tafel* Co. in* city,. of Pittsburgh, - mi
ta the whole amonmt of shares are ia!deeribed,
maised by the sat incorporating saideopepan,
~ , ~
..,,, _
' ..
for yeara; and asp that Kossuth himeelf could I CALIFORNIA INTELLICENCA.—BY NKR DAN- hes pledge .- .. Bat wet& the Sinned *R.N. in that 1 i UTTA PERCIIA . ---jue ' t reed, a Com- ' — CIIESTER, Merchant Tailor and Clo
- - - aoteurpass it in depth, meaning, or power at
Mai HBO. Nice giro 13ratil the protemion She might &se I niefepsort m e nt of Ont. Perebs math, ~,,,,t , ,,,b a. i titter No 71 Sntltheekt trt-ot
fuomspeetidenea of uii• P"'Fb.l ., lb , G .5.U.9 expresekm-' ••Nlr Welker drew a most
. vivid 1
a , reatened The steamer Central America et lint acootu3te Coald thia Govvrnment honorably be an assist- iz,m r, o ,i all,_T=. a. 1 . ,i,t... =sin Fluor, laid to Boyle Rad booths Claret, t pas y
ill // coalition , had made [went fire miles up the San Juan ' t
Wasumovoa, Nov. 16, D 351.
, r o ' f Eu r :o O pean a Mpom And that is no visionary , river. Mg party folio. breach of treat,' And th en nas, a • erotic.. raimets so] etil . ttes ef dittee7vltfiral. I TAMES McGUFFEY — , lauccessor to John D.
The periodical revival hes win netted the picture. It was nearly realized by the elder I Tye •
political 8.
j e . : , :e n ar . D .l mector had cepteed on the the etfect of the d Unit e d 5 t „,,,,, nterf . c.. „. 4, ,, , ,, , , , h: 1 f , ;+.4. 1 11 .. t , C ,, e 0 11 ,1 p w a a
/tam.,. i,teti , ~, , ,, , , ,,, ,o;: om i ..a zh, r ‘ r k zr.y;
i fizt ,, u ,
z r e h Le t a
°mar" eip,..,11,?..4,,i..Lh0t=izakft:4,,man,..11....1.71700110:,
federal capital The principal hotels to-night Bourbone before they fell. LAnd the
ru n Liver b- ,ml Wonn FtLler .
__ _ 1310L L L y
wear the aspects of great fairs, or, more prop- events and changes in Europe are at this too- tehnidinfvP r=e7ll; t " ,i ' (otter ' r sucha slave trade etTilcien:- „':° ll , ,l' F o ' , ,, ,c) !;? , R ,r7.,:r a ,: n i f, l t ,: i :V i d . 3 7: l 7 l :::7 l : ::: ,:l7 : 7! dift i7 r,R ol .r. :.' b r ,b ; :ei : ' r a ''''',.,T,' L '4',d,,,1,L7,P1b,,f,f;,P;zr
2113 4i800K131 NEW - BOOKii
eel), of political exchanges There are many
it: .
dred .
of . hthe
...e fortunately drowned. revan P."""er' we " 'rn- . ry, unless Brazil transferred to the Eluded States
The general news from California Is not very her co operation for its euppressiou, m which -
picture 1 impormet Business generally was dull and "case eye would gain nothing by the oproteetion ' l_t n poor arrataa pat we'd at No 116 Starlet at i i. T 110LMES' LITERARY DXPOT, N 0.74
new arrivals of honorablee, who all bring with
there, wit r h En ' gla: r d al ' one Zak e t: ve h t en e d
Purchasers were holding back for a further re And , more over, If she thx.., not keep faith with
I L"
o ,,, , rb r : . rozr;ciairg: the i:r b t,rn.
them materials to swell the tidii of conversation , the leagued despotism .ardentpe g Ile p ' o g ..t a rr
, TRING--On band, a firah t9 . Slagiazip,
din F q i i h ol . a r tn a the prices
c,i of goods . d h G a 7 li a k t ee riti l t a in tb w w h i a th t fzr u alt t e: d is s t hs e te r t . that tilr
• 0 t vat ° t i f
f t ') I
Senator Shield4of Illinois, and a number or ea also the armed and riutig. populatio 3 n
art °toyer c.:i.i'. ti.... ',,`" lTot9-,4,,,...;•—u" ---"
western gentlemen are among the arrivals to- or America, ready, at a moment'a warning, to , drooping—Lftl:bee'r steady i ng
Li% u Go — tis Pr'" T 's Co. P taise. as , for sale at ttirinisTso r4.isii Do 31.`1 1 ,:i' I, , i t' '. ra'"'t'''',2 4=l7l=7.V;r•ovembett
Hy to the succor of their old fatherland The
nolo Ja D. PHILLIPtI, Mod r r4' . .4.C.llltect,'S 5
[tight. The General looks well,_and talks with
and seamen a wages were lower ). o 'Lc
Mob, Diva, or the F 3 Vhai n a t 0... wort to, [Lerm a n Mel
Daily News is quite enthusiastic over this 'great ,
lio ‘ tree'to Capitalu' - as.
all his native enthusiasm, of the Democrat. vie- fact ' for hitherto the americans hair I e ' The money market was variable at dfu.6 per Falllmportation of liaraware, Cutlery, &x.
Inotlonary of blutheothean Quota/lons
larks in the recent elem.,. Ile makes no re. speetators of European events. and, as :peel ' s ' ./" . :p t "r month." C""
per onc e.-
- "MU 1"I kW if E. NDRED SIIARES OF llorticolturiat rend tinkle., r November
LOciAN, vk ILSON 4.5: e( j . SToeti In the lot,a yon ,tall/ Ru a ItallroaJ tout , 1...10n Lao, and Landau Pour, P . o le
(erects to 'Wisconsin, where a Whig Governor tors. their destres went rather against Ortat A g t r , d , ' „ ' i f i L ,: r :' w t .,, b ' ;I ti r t d': c i tie s f„ • r ' t
-, OOl, 1010010 L. 6, outperth.ol Pereoue within., It eualo Harpe r a Stoma., rot 1, bound In mama
Brash tPau for it—but, on the authornj of ~,,,t t. p, rem, news , very l 7 ":„.. le . 4 " NT; No 129 Wood Street, i - nefe oaf prontatde tor, attueut. well call nt the tan, of of /Mee 113 natant bv 1/ II Thaekera t
and, it Is said, Legislature also, have just be.
i , Fed:erne. / I,e, inurtb e read. or upon idle Rube.. ri lo ndeo Art Juutnoll for October
Peor to •n the ~ t Zt2, - L o . f ILer . e" ,, ant• ..o I • •lo.p. ;1 t , • r alf li lt Pr... Went of the Life awl Adventure r of au Arkatpaw Vo,thor
chosen by overwhelming majorities, where .I.le ; rMr Walker, "We ear th "....c11.' ."P lung Discoveries of gold were daily being made.—
orth at length, not to he our antagonist, but to
iii.d_w_ Lettiele, ar Vlell firth i ns Cr
irt..ntV0...N....7,...V k i , , , ,! . , , , 1 ,,• . , r ,
~. „ ,to t
Quarts mining art ca great attention
lion of Democracy was never found r.ualkant or Ibe our brothers and allies ' Kossuth s appear- FOREIGN AND DO2dM3TIC
IQ ACKIN it FLA Nl\ I;LS-1i rep, of differ rii\ Lily end th:li..o, 4 ,31,,„„e, .....,°.° '°°
rue steamer Cr Komi, from "ian Fran •
dormant before
atme "d dia..'" have advatiomi bY l`'T/B*P l took out $1,600,.100 m gold due . ; . Twd c o‘ ' lte ' r ' H AIWWARN
, c., ~„ -,, g -o----, ""^mski i a r Z p irr roors. iint re, el l q lb. tao•Coek of th e kt II lamas, or Woof Datt.Sluale,
"URCU'rfrLD l' e ll,lll L ° ;%t. t 7l.2lP."'h's a i` l o " I
half a century '•the Peried when the Gaited steamers taut large amo - unts I tlettltTED Ul BF CF: \ T eACSBYtt
FLSII FLANNEISLA full asourtment ' /Jaunt .or • }limn.. iii . Dam.
States were to fling the sword and the trident The receipts to the Tree.. Ac fines, razes na-' `"" ' th 'r "`' '"'"" '''''''' ''''" ""a h ..' ''' 1 1V o 'l th a t ru t . rf o r amok, ',pi th k ,,,, hia ,,,,..„,,, ~,,, r , 1 1 . 1 ,. T . J /),:0 4 e , 1 . ri ,;, a4 , a . 100f tar A o nmeste Restitution.
ee• cannot MI to {dear.
into the European balance of power This they and licenses were '1;60,000 Treasury
beat.d t. • Vt., to touch Lati../act on to our ruetrater re< dI,
a y i 'will Annad i e, n /rank ialrleash. or bane' In Mt Life of • Privata Buell
have already done. The vote of Con g re ss in
, -- Ilßtor r of tee liestorattou of Ulm Mthareby In Proses- favor of Kossuth. the vessel c ant to receive Stud wer C e r r 'n et e ur a rn7g f th ro er m t' \ ' t s h ' e ag i n ' t ' e ' r ‘ . l lor t"op cnn4"l ' 1 '''''"An'n't"''''''''
' l ‘ - /171" s TIMING-10U feet 1.2 i, 1-4 an - d
1-" , hr A do Lamarti ae
take him to constitutional , lands the prepare , Five of the Port Oxford Exploriug Exeedi 11:11rMy wife
bad the Rheumatism for :lli LA im b India Rubbe r ca. Tubin g . for vale Ity , Matild a rataomertp . , ... I t'll to tt acorn.. \
110133 for his personal reception, the enthusiasm ' tin T n h h ,, ,aal . t: . 2 e, i,, , led i.r .
hltuthrtiele J e n PIIILLIPe, lin Market it I , r '1 1. , 14.°.. °''''... Ri g' \ :'rr "' R. ' "' RR p "“ 1 " "r r
ot public opin all iiitheate that, if within I , er, t art of err Pai r that the multi not rim e without ta N EW GOODS I—A. A. MASON ii. Co.
a destroyed - by :7ne"isrj'a:':::.:o::.o.ritoth'lr,::::;:o".:7hni..l.ll ' s, ". . :050
trthurtaawa r . or Sanaa. the Ironies
, / . a ula at thr olden lan by Barton
the I.t century Rusma has spning up like a
iios ntand 0.1 .
:we street. an mew oneutt, ande, latheri n e Walton, or the bidnll Of arTa.rfor, aa BLi t
tire and several lives l ost . The boat was a tota l I name,! to atm. a thefetou , ever, , tere ' f ee,„' a :„,,,,„ 1 i L ecetvan g inane , lt, rarer enterekr \ env Gond
colossus, to upheld the victoriously waving ban t o „
s intil ) , and hand, Los*, ~..1 os., .i vsisd won 1.., I
Lev rare r of 6 ": an ,..', il 'l'a . ",...,..i1 . ..i..,.f“'".;4 7 , 1 r 4 ' " 71 1 o 4 'rel'"
_7.,•Vr r- gj g i ,. ° 1 ' c " ° "
Her, of d espotism, And that with a aaa.a'aaa:r. I, The yield of gold for the prese nt ll , tome/ ill. ree.l` "vr• bard sob to...acted.. that iity Lava:. an n d D P : MILK"' le tt ' th Alp• -, y.'""l'it r ..r ,t i , , T S R,Rbr-l" i , ~,,',,....f. 0 . 4. 7,,.•,,Ti . R..r.CL ' 1 81 ...... ,
a ueterminatton, and a power winch Frallee and . exceed that of ~,,y pr,,,,,, year year wi i ore pe h ea r at a t bon were .v. to- thed and drawn th at she aorobarfues ae .. th IN were. Blank and Fan-y Ertlka a [ Wpb 'ittatht T uf;vl"%al. l" . 0,0 P K j " . "
1°.r,r:„'°:,::1,',",71.."Lr",„„?,:m141:7-411,.:°11—ht-1-''—' 1 , Tb,.,-,,P u°,,,,,c1,.•1•04"•'"9
England, the natural , antogonota of such a Steam communication between salt Franca: c o 1 : , ,,'', ,, ,c,,,T h i L` s :. t e ,,„` 1 , , ,7::', - ." 1 ,
p 7,%"''' .. t .. 1 r ,
r„ D n :7 l , ltt l
5i t ,, :t. , : i tr... d .1 , 7 ,
.., _
~ , .„,,,,,,,
~,,,,Ira.i. .Ih.. thlw a r Chisk or OW, II Itryttold r
principle, want the courage or the unity to corn and the Sandwich Island,' was ab ' out beteg
arrsil s Arabian Ltonnant of thus Al, moll Are hot
n 13._ CHARLES STILWELL, ht;ving hild 1
, ,.. , . , ttatatt.or th. (Bald of Me haute staid. a Tie at W a e
/1158IliTy. 1 p..., , ,
bat, 6 new power , equkfly caloasal with Ragalft, I , or p p h a h e d
equally ardent, has sprung in another henna Movements were on foot for a rail rood to I ed,o"n"h..'rednt'arls'lM.L."obtre'te:'es'isoh::',/171"aliti„17t1...s"lb,:.
phere, to raise the standard antagonist.. to , 5,,,,,,,,,, 0 , th ty .
transever al. as ILI her lif'e,thJ entre* and en eve all day .1-1 , 2 5 *,... skew-loom. le public and reissue in. u . Om '
pOT ASLI—Iii - cocks P'rii
Roam and Zealotta to c '• t "
rY aOp t. li , AZ' , Real estate was active and advancing I
~,„`"""," ''," ." iii7i4ft Telliart . 1 1! ' p„=..... -- 1, --... ...:1,..t.v..,..., ` h ,, ill Oki: litaTix:-15
restive march of despotism
The It S sloop of war Vincennes had sailed i d ''''" i"'''' mile, "" m ''''—'"'''`'" ''''''''''' Nervous li stem has enlneel'a'tlnottl"or for-tho'craetkl-n't • '
NAL ' e n, "ai. br
1 from San Francisco on a cruise to the south ,,,„,,,,,„„,,,,„,.„, s t tititiL I 1..;, t , tilln i brzniof the profethio n , and mar be e 'revolted fr •
om .... , .., It.
At the Southampton entertainment the fol
--------- ---- _ tin- l'auolitimt`Z*.T:f.g.Mll7,Z,liiit.2.l2‘ ixi ANUFACTURED T
lowing letter was read from the lion Abbott
kite Caltfortua thinks that the move-
- „ill IQ/totes I II k Robituant
8 `2 . , 800m5f.v..
poiand• ,
for sale b
Petroleum I
f I_TEALTH, ECONOMY, and COMFORT, , to - IL bo n a a
Lawrence, the American Minister
meet to divide the %to amonnts to but little
4 i y I I 2 , ~. le In
„e ho ' rn b '
more fo e.
b i te r ra ( ' tl" . 7 , t . I , i ,
. e . " 7( e e 's f . t. h . 'e , r e
e s t i
u P e t ii:k ... r e. Le h i Lille s e ": ' `'''' ' '" ' - Jo
l r°
1 I'l 8 ' ' .'
The liabilities of Wells s. Co., amount to
1 , 200,000
ox. at IlOntorketst Innis) Jk It PIIILLipa,
______ _
FRESII TEAS-5 f chest. F. liyaiiiLY
The project of supplying Sae Francisco with
N 1
water seems to be falling through
~, ti, or Fourth .d Market street, herb. recently ,
The steamer Republic, while on her voyage
mir,l,atqa h a,neina , ... theft •711 . man,. of , vOW PALL I ' \
neepol to offer to th eir T., t;r,. heem.aershoiperha
JJ chook sue Black ea;
from Panama, struck a rock 20 miles from Sate
re g ular curtomers Lad buy e r, p e , nerod y,. an eth0 p,,,, e ,.. i For sale by 'l,. iv 0151
net. to rale...thorn
bola —_______.____.o--_
Francisco, and the water rushed in so rapidly
.to extinguish the fires. The passengers were
The success' of the Union Coalition party in
Georgia bas been consummated by the 'election of
Robert Toombs to be Senator, two - years before
he can take his seat; for the term of Mr. Berri
en does not expire until the end of the Congress
which meets to-morrow two weeks. Toombs
has taken Union ground in the late contest .in
his State, though he opened the game on the part
of the South in the last Congress, by vehement
threats of disunion. lie is n man of talent and
remarkable energy of character, and withal, of
an ambition which knows no limit and acknowl
edges no obstacle. In view of the circumstances
under which Ex-Speaker Cobb was chosen Gov.
eruor, and from the division of the honors with
the Whigs, as shown in Toombs' election, it Is
manifest that the Unionists 'of Georgia have no
Intention in the world of coalescing with the
Democrats, and it is probable that the rote of
that Stat(suiy be secured for the Whig Presi
dential candidate, should he be acceptable to•the
southern portion of the party.
It is understood that the Spanish Minister has
put such a construction upon the reply to his
dispatches on Cuban affairs, that he will not feel
bound to abandon his charge near this govern
ment. A. fortunate issue;—but as a pendant to
this statement comes the other, equally import
ant, that our goveruinent has given notice of its
diseatiefaction of the execution of the fifty Am
erican prisoners without trial, at liavants—;.and
that it holds the affair open for a-future demand
for tedrese, on a more full investigation of the
facts. At the proper time, the re-opening of
this suspended correspondence may be only the
turning upon its hinges of a door through which
to admit Cuba into this Union—a measure which
I desire distinctly to say, I shall be in favor of,
as soon as it can be done in a manner consistent
'with the rights of the free States of this confed
eracy, and with the real estenstan of liberty.
As the first Monday in December approaches,
some inklings of the message, reports, and other
State papers then to be delivered, reach' the pub
lic ear. It is kritiwn that Mr. Corwin has nearly
if hot quite prepared a powerful argument for
more effectual protection to national industry
than it now enjoys. 'The Postmaster General
will report a falling off of nearly forty per cent.,
or about 8400,000, in the receipts (or postage
during the quarter ending September 80, as com
pared with the corresponding quarter of ISM.
This is the first quarter under the 'operation of
the now law for the reduction of postage. The
deficit in receipts is just about that
which was anticipated and provided for in the
law itself. It will probably require from one to
two years to bring up the receipts to the standard
of the past three or four years.
It is now generally admitted that the charges
upon newspapers are badly regulated, that they
are too various and intricate, and need revising.
It will be 'done, and I have no doubt that the'
whole matter will be adjusted by the establish- ~
mint of one uniform charge of one cent upon!
all sites of dolly and weekly journals . , and for
all distances cut of the county of publication. I
The Secretary of the Interior will recommend
the establishment of a Bureau of Statistics and
Agriculture, and it is likely that Congress will
adoptthe project. . Testes.
so ssarre Is Easiest'.
Speech of JD. iFoLksr—Late' of Abbot Lawrence.
Among the prominent speakers at the enter
tainment given at Southampton, Eng., on the
28th ult., do the Hungarian patriot Kossuth, was
the Hon. ROM'. J. Waimea, Ex-Secretary of the
U. S. Treasury. When Kossuth had concluded
his eloquent speech, and proposed a toast,
, !,England, the Halted States, and Turkey," a
response was made by Mr, Walker, which is Guts
alluded to by the London currespondent of the
Philadelphia American
The Hon. Mr. Walker 'said, that as an Ameri
can, be felt no miserable jealousy because Nov.
Both had first set his foot on British- soil, nor
would any jealousy be felt by his countrymen.
It was due to the citizens of Southampton, who
had first interceded for Kossuth, that he should
first tread the British soil at that place. Mr.
Walker then reviewed the history of the govern
ments of England and the United States, and
showed that many of the vital interests of the
British constitution were embodied in the
American form of government. He then spoke'
of Free Trade and the doctrine of non-interven
tion He contended that no government of one
country had a right to interfere with thegovern
ment of another. There was a sentiment which
Mr. Walker-paid would be endorsed by every
one of his countrymen—that was, that if the
despots of Europe should Combine do overthrow
the liberties If the British nation, the people of
the United States would be prepared to unite
heart and soul with their ancestors in the de
fence of freedom The Americans considered
these islands as the breakwater of liberty in the
ocean between England and America; and they
believed that if the surges of despotism should
ever break on their shores, that England must
first be overwhelmed. If thisalliance of despots,
headed by Russia ahonid take piste—if they
should dare to say to England, abandon your
Queen, your trial by jury, your habeas corpus,
and otherinstitutions--if this tyrannous demand
should ever be made, and the people of England
should say to the Americans that they needed
assistance, the Americans would say " the time
has now come when the conflict Between the
principles of despotism and liberty must ho
fought;' and then millions of his countrymen
would flock to England, and, under the united
flags of the two countries, defend those princi
ples otoonstitotional government so dear to
them. (Tremendous cheers.) -
Mr. Walker' continued in the same animated
strain, 'Why should England and America fear
the world? Wee not the ocean theirs! Did not
their commercial and marine navy amount to
nine tenths of that of the whole world! if the
time to which he had alluded should 'ever come,
America had four millions of militia, and senile
would not contain the millions of Americans who
would rush to the rescue of the liberties attack
'ed.': (Laud cheers.) 'Mr. Walker concluded
his speech by saying that when Kossuth arrived
In America, be would find the good' old Anglo-
Saxon word "welcome" written upon the harts
-of the whole American people. "Welcome,
thrice welcome!" The Americans would take
Kossuth to their heart of hearts—they would
give him Such a welcome ai they had never
given to any man since the days of their bene
factor Lafayette--who, like Kossuth, had linger.
ed in an Austrian dungeon, and like him, had
suffered in defence of the holy principles of lib
erty. (Mr. Walker eat down amidst. great
Kossuth went in triumph yesterday from his
residence in Eaton Place to receive a hearty
welcome from the Lord Mayor, the corporaiion,
and the inhabitants of the city of London. His
progress was a grand ovation—all the streets
through which he passed were crowded; win
dows, steps, balconies and side walks presented
one masa of human beings from Charing Cross
to Guildhall. The scene was au extraordinary
one--k appeared as if all the inhabitants of the
first city in the world Ind left their homes to
welcome the immortal Kossuth. The open car
riage in which he eat wait .pushed along by the
crowd. There were generous shouts from the
moment }Kossuth entered his carriage in Eaton
and daring the entire routa to the oily.
'Thelifagyer stood up and took lids little black
hat, in which waved a feather, end constantly
bdwed to' the multitude. When, be arrived at.
Guildhall he saw ten thousand people waiting
to send forth shouts of “welconie" to him. The
object of Koseuth's visit to the city, was to re
ceive the address of the Mayor and Corpora
tion. This being read, the filagyar chief re
spondellin his usual happy and eloquent man
ner. The reports of his speech, in to-day's .
journals, occupy several columns. He spoke in
a very flattering and animated manner of the
city corporation, of, the great metropolis of the
.world, and of the government and institutions
of Englund.
•On Monday next Kossuth will meelihe work
ing classes of London at Copenhagen Fields—
It is expected that all the chartists and social.
lets wlll.ahto assemble, and that Red Repribli
osnism will form ,the principal topic of their
Mr. WalkWe speech lathe Sonthatnpton ban
quet of Kosenith.hui ;attracted ranch. attention.
The Daily_ News , et, yesterdnf,ityaeor It as
the moat ramaikiale spi*fi r itutriuurpeiti heard
. ....
••Legatinn of the U. 8., London. Oct. 28
"Sir—l bad hoped to have bad the honor of
being one of your guests this 'evening, but nun
positively forbidden by my pl4sicion, Dr. Hol
land, who tells me that in my present state of
health, suffering as I am under a severe cold,
and the consequence of exposure in London last
evening, I must not make tee journey to South
ampton it is with the deepest and most un
feigned regret that I am than prevented from
joining the authorities anti citizens of Southamp
ton in this testimony of respect to his Excellen
cy,M. Kossuth, and in their congratulations
upon his release from captivity. I watched his
caseer during his brilliant administration of af
fairs in Hungary, and I have seep what he hes
done since; and I am persuaded .that he is em
inently deserving the admiration of all lovers of
constitutional government and freedom. He
appears to possess the affection and confidence
in a rare degree of the people among whom he
was born, and with whom he has lived—a peo
ple devoted to constitutional liberty, and jealous
of their rights and privileges. He is now free,
through the joint efforts of the United Staten
and Great Britain, two nations anklet.' with n
common desire to see it enjoyed by all civilized
nations, and now has the opportunity to MOD I/D
the Alums of England, the working of n con-ti.
tutional government, and the happiness of ;
free people.
The cititens of the United States, of every
shade of opinion, without yielding to the intlu•
encoof suy visionary ideas, sympathise deeply
with every struggle for human freedom Pos
seised them-selves of institutions whose liberty
is founded on law, and whose progress is com
patible with stability, they cannot look with in
difference On the exertions of (gill, ustion.. to
attain the same happy state They 'wilt weicome
31. Koseuth warmly and heartily 0.0 one who
though he failed in the effort, labored to estab
lish in his native land a constitution whim
should work such results. I begyou, sir, to
convey to your illustrious guest my eincere
respects and congratulations, and accept for I
yourself and corporation of Sesuthemptoti the
roksurances of the distinguished oonsideration
with which I have the honor to, be, sic, your
obliged and most obedient servant
Te bit worship. the Myor of Southampton.
The steamer North America had arrived from
I Panama in It doys, being the quickest trip on
i record.
The rainy-seotton was ab o ut commencing.
Financial rdfairs in California were highly
Advicas from Oregon bring intelligence of the
nnninuBinn .. , t' important treaties with the 111-
A valuable gold mine and a mine of anthra•
(la Thursday Kossuth ngoin visited London ian
and received the public address of the muninci. cite coal had been diseases,' en the Charles
sipol authorities, mogratulating him ovh is ! river. 4 mile. from Astoria. Goa. 'Gaines bed
rife arrival in England. In hti passage kfii,ugl, let! nn a . vitht t" San Fr an '''...
, etintlench Island news is nuimportant. The
the stre et -a ... 1 .P°. hi s arrival at G. ild " b • Polynesian is occupied with /engtitry tnspera from
. . 3 ti'- . the Agricultural Society of the Is land. Mount
liessetth was greeted with the most each
applause. Madame Kossuth waters' , ;sent dwriallr - ,Manaloo, whoop had been.p.lftd Porn liing Hata,
this ceremony. After the reading of the tuf. Inc now he/ohinefortn liquid hare. '-
The Island of Koolaleme bad burnt
' dress by the town clerk, Lossuth replied in an
throughout its =hole length, the ahrubbery bar.
- able speech , in which he made a strong Repeat ing.heen accidentally fired by some fishermen
to the people of London for help in the rip- It is uninhabited except by a few conviets.
preaching struggle. Ile appealed to the men- A letter from ban Francisco says. the mince
tactile and trading classes, and to the capital-' are yielding gar ,) return)) and the miners err ,
lets, for help' to a matter not only of humanity dail Y . increa "'g in hh ! hh,ra t a " P afidahtl Y
t •
anticipate, a larger yield of geld !than upon
but of self interest He showed how absolut• , no.). pre year,
, . r , c 0...,,,,,,,.,,,,,,
of .
ism wan opposed to social order, that it crippled 1 another year, it s . believed. will lind cur ebb
trade, makes capital insecure, by creating am. , pantos much reduced, and a large proportion
sense and constantly increasing debts; add final• I of the ' f. th e re° " i rh' of the hlin° 4 . will 'retnate
• ul 1 sestet with us
If.that it continually endangered the peace of pa
The Venter-Ma Courier .ay a gentleman
rope. Tim following is
the conclusion ' of the I called on us yesterday andexhibited a letter
speech, in which he assured the Corporation i from a friend at the mimeo, doted Sandy Bar, or
that 4, • ,,, did . a ,i g h for an armed iaterf eran " i Yankee Slide. giving glowing account, of the
in the canoe of Hungary, hat he did desire to I
. ',, ic h 3 e ,;' ooo " hr,C7e., i'2_,t_bat272t.ii°%
(rem t h e express an opinion that Hungarian recede= was 1
~,,,„. ..I
worthy of their approbation and ought to pre- 115 feet to yield 14000 to SIO(NS per day. From
'ail. I
, every legion is heard tile • most cheering ac
t counts
"As to the practical result to which oppressed
humanity, and :specially my poor country, looks . .
forward with manly resolution, with unehnken GEORGLft
courage, and with hope, I will but repeat that . The Hon. Robert Toombs w. on Monday.
which I elsewhere already hare said. When I elected, by, the Legislature of the State of Gee.
declared —“ Let not remain harren your gimp.- , gin, a Senator in Congress from that State fo
thy; help us to carry that noble cause to a ' the term of .ix years from the 3d of March,
happy issue; you have the power, so help,' 10.53, when the term of Judge Berrien will
when 'spoke that, I intended cult to ask England expire There was AO regular opnueition. te
to take up arms for the restoration of Hungary the election of Mr Toombs. The rota w. ~,,
to its independence and liberties. No, gentle- follows:
men, that is the affair of Hungary itself; we Robert Toombs, 12P. E. b. Hill, lip FL 31
will provide for our own freedom—(hear hear.) Charlton. b; 11 Warner, 1. C. J Jenkins, 14: ./
Ail I wish ie. that the public opinion of England M. Bernen, 4. H. V Johnson, 3. Collins, .2;
may establish it to be I. ruling principle of the Blank it
polities of Europe to acknowledge the right of Mr Toombs, in a speech made subsequent to
every nation to dispose of its own internal con., the election, announced an the determination of
cern.; and not to give a charter to the Czar to the Cotertitotional Onion party of Georgia that
dispose of the fate of nations--(cbeera)—rind they would not unite in sending delegates to
so not to allow the interference of Russia in the either the Whig or the Democratic National Con
domestic concern. either of Hungary or whet- I section, hut would hold them.elven at liberty to
ever- other nations on the Continent—(hear, support ithel candidate. nominated by either, In
hear,)—because the principles of freedom are case they should declare their adhesion to the
in harmony, and I love—l am interned in the compromise platform
freedom of all other countries : as well as of my The Legislature also ele c t e d on the came day
own—(hear. beer) My lord- and gentlemen, . the following State officers
these are the words which I again sad agnin . Nathaniel C. Barnett, Secretary ofState, Wel
' will repeat here in England, and there in the • ter It Mitchell, Treasurer; •Plessatit 31 Crimp
Visited States, How a meet honored member of ton. Sumeyor General; and E. S. Candler, Camp.
which I hare had the honor to hear principles trollor General.
which if quite once carried into effect would The Milledgeville Recorder, ,of Tuesday,
.and will give liberty to the world. newel. the 'enjoined Letter from Judge Bar
,I hare heard it proclaimerlfrom an honored rim.
citizen of the UnitedStatss the hgoored otject
of the sympathy and confidence of a great part
of his countrymen, even a candidate to become the
chief magistrate of the. United States-1 Lave
beard, in answer. to my appeal, declared that. he
believes the younger brother of the &Theft race
very heartily will give his hand to England to
protect oppressed nations, not admitting inter
ference with their domestic affairs—(Bear, hear.)
Gentlemen, I will again and again repeat • to
you these words: I will repeat them with the
faith of those martyrs of old, which has remov
ed the hills and the mountains; I will colicen
trate all the fire of my tientiments,:all the blood
of toy heart, all the energy of my mind, to raise
then words higlrend loud, deep and photo, till
the almighty echo of the public opinion in re
peating it becomes like the thundering trumpet
before the sound of which the 'Jericho' of hoc
man oppression falls : and should this feeble
frame succumb sooner, ehoold it succumb to the
longing of my heart to see my 'fatherland inde
pendent and free, which longing heatts'elerlest-
Dig in my feeble frame, es the captive lion beats
hie iron cage—even the grass which will grow
out of my grove will cry oat to Hearin and to
man, 'England and America.l do not forget in
your proud security those 'Who are oppressed.
Do not grant a charter to the Cr. to dispose
of humanity. Do not gratit'in charter. to tile
despots to drown liberty in Europe's blood—
(cheers). Save the myriads who else would, and
will bleed; and, by not granting thie chnrtei,
be the liberators of the world 7. (M. Rossuth
then resumed his seat, amidst loud and contin
ued cheering.) .
In a letter to Lord Dudley Stuart, lioesuth
declines tilt subscriptions for his personal benefit,
!muggr that he has the means of tanking a live
lihood for himself and family. The Daily News
says, of the enthusiasm about Kossuth "There
has not been, since the Reform Bill—we do not
except even the anti.corn law move—anything
like so combined, so spontaneous, so decisive
and so fervid an expression of feeling on the
part of the nation. •
A London letter says
The accounts of Komuth's reception in Eng
'awl laic reached Vienna, sad it is said that the
rage of the government and court, and - of orient
part of the army, is• Incredible., On the other,
hand, it is stated that the mass o f the people of
Haniptri adhere with obstinate firmness to the
belief that Kostruth wilirretarn to his native
land, to re-raise the Hungarian national stan
dard—eeen the impoverished by the, War do not
curse him—the wounded do not blame. him,
and the • exiled do not sconce him. Kossuth
remains the :idol of three-fourths of the
people. • fibs patriotism • and, energy,. his
simplicity la-power and 'dignity In milder
tune,. compel. ,and feschnita the actuated=
and'affeetlan of thi n.natio • -
relented, and the steamer subsequently gotten is feared that she ix seriously dam
Efforts are on foot to revive the Chamber of
Commerce, which had been broken up since the
May fire.
The papers of the 9th are fied with due,
murders and Outrages, and there ll is strong ta el lk
of reviving the vigilance committee. Mayor
Reading, the into Whig candidatelor Governor,
was badly wounded by the accidental discharge
of his pistol while out hunting.
The Methodist% he'd mailed a new paper call
ed the California Christian Advocate.
Lynching Was still practised at the mines.
The Mormon, have purchased Rancho del San
liernandino for $100;000 and intend-to build a
large city there, to connect the greet Salt Lake
Ciq with it by rail road and secure a port in
San Diego for their marotimo intercourse with
the world.
Sews 'from Southern California was of the
u tmost tor
ou portance The southern counties are
orning t strongly fox a covention to divide
the state Santa ITarbaro is the place fixed up
on for holding is The various counties were
ongaged in selecting delegates. An address will
he prepared for circulation and a petition pre
sented to the legislature at au early day in favor
Or division.
New+ from the mines at Carson's Valley are
rcry discouraging. A company of GO were ta.
I king out ounces daily. Miners in the middle
fork were doing well Several new discoveries
had been made at Cold Spring.
The The Ciiamo lemming compan 3 Ltad preyed a
davassx, November 5, 1851
Mr Duos Sta.-1 have your letter. I had
thought that I could not, and would not, becon
sidcred as a candidate for re-election to the
Senate of the United dtates, until t had so an
nounced myself. Lhasa made no such annou
elation The position which I occupy was dis
tinctly stated in my address to th e p oo p), o f
Georgia I asserted, in terms which even cav
illers could not minundentand, nor any honest
man doubt, my devotion to the. Union ; my un
faltering determination to maintain, by all con
stitutional means, and with undiminished feel,
In whatever situation I might be placed, the
'equal right, of the South, and my acquiescence
in the Compromise. Perfectly eatisfled putt
each a declaration, in the excited state of gh at
feeling, would not satisfy the exactions of
either of , the two pollticil partite, who were
then engaged in a contest of pen - Wier bitterneses
and unable to sacrifice, for the purpose of pen
cilatteg either, the dictates of conscience Sind
the convictions of m Yindgiumit, I exPrctsxd.
my willingness to retire from the public per. '
vice. tt the consciouenem on having faithfully
',li.scharged my duty to the State, and sustained
Oy the:repeated nod reco rdedlapprohation of
my constituents. lam told, however, that the
fact of my being in office will lead to the in
ference that I am a candidate for re-eleetion—
It is the purpose of this letter to present each
an inference—to disclaim such an intention. I
do not ask from the Legislature ohtieorgia the
renewal of commission. Nay, more, I would at
once resigti that which I hold, if a strong scone
of duty, which recent ocoarrenaes have only
rendered more imperative, did not induce me to
attend the approaching eession of Congress.—
IVhenever that will permit, the situation of my
family will present a moat° for my retirement,
of which I will gladly avail myself.
• I am, dear air, yours truly,
I IMPORTANT, tr is mentioned editor
hilly in the London Specator, a journalproven
bully careful tu its ointments, that the doins
of the British anti-slavery cruSiers in the g
of Brazil' have induced theblinistry of that Em
pire to propose to the Senate that, in the event
of continued attacks tiPon their shipping in the
parts and sea. of Brazil, their coasting trade shall
be placed under the protection of a foreign lag.
Thtre can be no doubt, adds the Bpectitor, that
the United States is the nation whose protection
they invoke; and but little that their request
would be granted.
If this be true, we apprehend that Lord Palm
erston will issue instructions to prevent such on.
issue. But we cannot see that statement coin.
ports with the understood agreement, recently
renewed between Brazil and the British Gevera
meat by which the former pledged herself to co.
operate to the Mama, with the latter In roppres
akg.ilie date, trade 'upon /Ler own coasts: . /t Is
Likluq, 'may Iwo already repeated of
hOTONLs, Cram, ar l ii mnotrnte.—Wo lame thw attention
of the afilleted end the public tr i Ihe
of Wm. Ileih of this city. The mow may bei otwn toy
tmemn who may be akeptirs I In e•latinn to the farts here
• I h N. M. KIER_
ad limn allheted sow :al mart with • /0,211,40 f Lott:
srldell continued to inervise until f i cptember. 10,th
:he inflammation at that time having Involved the whole
tin.tntimm. of Loth wit, and endod In the deposit,
ot a thick tint which wholly deafened my eight- I had
operating (m i tten... Land the thkkimlng removed, which
a won returned and left toe in an bad • condition as bvtire.
At this am, of the complaint I mash application m sere.
tai of the must eminent irmilleal men who intern , 1
that •my eyes wouki neirry get well.' At filiation. I could
not distinguish an y oloect hr
vomcoeccad the which
of Oclo PeLTDIeIOII. both internally
and under my emi• hare lnaptoved daily un
til the protient. time. and I Liu,. rimsivere.l my eight entire
ly fly general health was very much Improved by
Petroleum, and I attribute the restoration of m y
its ineo. I res Ult at No. 102 &mod street, ha this city,
will be hell') to gins any igformuU n, In relation Wom)
Vor sal. hy Rey., Mo Wood street; E. P..
Sellers. _r sin 04 It, A. Fahm-sowk. Cu. Lamer ant Emotion...Gs: li. ft. Carry. L. A. Elliott. Junta,
Montir.tan.. and II Pt sleteutz. Allegheny; the pro.
r• '
at. KIE,
.• ...wen that- liiitß•liurh
Citizen's Insurance eattipezty Pittsburgh
Water ' , tenet. In tho oft.' fl.
CO. President-- ..... A. W Mon., &Y..),
An work ...Ina) for th. ability ant Interrity of the
Innltutien. fir , alionlef it the character of the Newton..
who ore .11 cit.... IttAnr.h. favoral•lr
1t0...en co the wonmonftr for theft rrutlen, mtelNene,
sr.l Intenity.
Norencota—C II Itto.ner, We Pax - o'er. Wm. Lorimer.
W.ltee lllrrant. /Nob it. Ifearlnn.n.
John Ilevanwth S. Ilarlewoh. It. M. ler r a a n . t .
Pittsburg cA h r L iT ite t
L l.nzurazt ,,
.. .
owror —J....aro . Lroon
....Wreterr--C A. rotrer
odeertownen, .teeher hf, pan,.
CV= No . 75 •FOBVROD,COnCOO:.r:P7T.Y*
of e ; c : : l aperlnf•fuNnt, fn.
At/. 14,0re1
,v•-rt If f'f,ul/...1 FOP
. _
Plaice—Lost Certificate.
NI/4 /1 0 11.1/ . P j.f11,11 !Mt applic,l.l/m
t:':e1671.1";"!' v.
n T
1)16 " h.
g 1% ruppiti ; f ,
3ane.faP sf. 14,4 117,-.1
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Iir ALL fuld American
Pa',',.pr 641. r.. 04 'al.' 1/ 1.701 4
- M
I.TEL P AIlSP(11.1.
Horst) for Sale.
4 liANDSl l 3lEl.rown colored Horse, 4N___
t•in 1.,. tarp. ,Illat•I• eith,
A ' P fg 141 •IT••I T I •
t nter. h 1 , 1.4
13iCiRON—ti. t , m.J«nnp I.lnrl Furnaf,
1 rot avle Crt, 11,
J Jbllir
DOLL BUTTER-12 614, prim e fo r .o i l e
fl..i, A It
1111:CKB*11EAT FLOUR- in YEI , r ,
and mr ••10 h
.1. alt LI/}
- 1 5ij'LiM,rtv
A"..N.• 1.31•,./.1 1.41, N.../• 'SP In t
Ma• $6•l .1 14.1,11+1, f.nA.I
01 . 0
•almoo. All du. , n 1 1111 C.
1 .
A 11011.1. ILU A ,0
iIIAL OT.L If L'T 71:11—Tafai nd
JI far,l,, !.,,N, $ P ' , HMI P. 3
RUTTE , --5 . 1 , 1,-,,, I re.b rev'd and for .1,1.
At r,..1. r f' PIM V 1.117
.. . -
Q . IR; AR-20 ),bb. I.,,yering:. Crpnbed GI:
. -- 7 aale 1,, n.,4 . . slltlV E,t
B ROOMS- 161 , 1.., Dr:r C.. rn, friib, nale 1,,
‘.: A LER A 1' f 4---1:, bbl.. Cro 83b, by
I - 7 “.12, I N P 13iIRIVLII
CIDER' - VIN K ( i.B I: f,f , : , 14 - 6. — ii;rut , it. 7 l;i
tura, , r , nrarEft
lIICKORY Nit , T; , —,3o bblk for rale by
c , ...1,
1117 D.; DOW ri L A SS-200 bin Six 10 - and In
y v
nl2 6r WE, ti.,-, uaZ s P SIIIIIVER,
New Rail Road Hotel to Rent.
qlll.l. extetadv.) and well, eunstruct.eti Itad
I, /load 11,0.1,., Glyteet, Westsuoreland re.ontv. ,, l'a
r iVn."l% . lll ' l,a .11X1r . 11! h
i ;°ati Zi,".:!:t. 6'...r'aP,'.
by 'he subeerlb.r. tat slaw , sable terms. to • itceel tenant
1,1. Latrobe vines
wlvantas,ouely .atusted In the
:Odd of a thriving, agricultural regtnn. where ,rep
wet pleatitist and :heap. and
pOtot on the Irn.. rte..
. (treat Railroad wherean istlenstve patronav mar be re
! lied upon. It will tw:so lcompleted by the shoe
I lb. Rallrowl 0pen...y.41y m a ss mourn. as t be rvai,
1 fg.roualar:h,=.l.7VZ.'i'd.s'4',`,,,b4.!':,:`;;„9l.4.•:Z.'.
6... ht.. emotes...rut Snr kilettena ke It will bie
of snomooalatinz wb44l. we hundred and RR, perenn•
tobly. Iv ere
'say well calculated for • tr.-claw
0.1,1,and for e • noe. lot 3la, rawer/ger. revs!,"..l%Z;Pite`e'`;:r"g„ll,l.o.'''SJ:ir-''.;.::".7,:,;',;,"j.'0'
Appllearloul for thetae !tote'. address,' to the sob—
wrihrt. YOungstown. a. wilt be reewlved until the 011.
any of Droeuttwr next. It 1. desirable that applleatlnny
*brush' be mad. In peraott,lf by k'tt.r.'teatlittoolat.ahou:st
ia. mariners'. Experlenred and faeorable known logei
teespera will be preferred
Latrobe Is shout nine miles ea. of Greensburg h. sui
may be reality rewebot by Salting t
he wage us Young
nonht,lawtileq. °Ls
tow. I VVIL W. RNhzt,
Cennesuntesea of Pen'osyleartio, --111; Army Co, Bj.
...-",,,1e,,. Ittitr e ;=:flsl ° . ' l%"l.l7".t& ~o `.f h':',,'
.7; tt% aehasut of,Jas .91.wcars, Tru50,f4,,n,,,..
garettvwOn.latloa of John tondo. Llo.'d
ra 4 And no, to alt. Nco - .llkb, 1531, thl.
^ aceount cabiblteit In open Court, and on
` irr lootlon of A. 11. Sllller. FN.. Ilie lourteow
Wen the A11i121,11 , i. and also ord., that this
eonth.u,ation bonnie atwOlute no It,, fourth, hILL) Stan
daY of December, 1951. Unless ctswptinna be Shal l in the
notntinse. .Notica .1 thla order to be given to all' parties
Inlaositted. by publleatlnn in the Do
Pittsburgh U.
sett,. by three Inarrtions In the earn, Iron, the ilecord.
. no-Th.l3le I/EO. I. lIATti Profit . >
hem the ma
Ell( of flatlet; Da
vis A o. Ityston. Ell( of their low prised
IltriDaWtsoh PIAN:, from 12 to 114.10
itr ii r;:Voll ' : ''' W*;'''''''
' .ft ' ;l " l7i ' il n .li ' llffi.4js d , S'
ttol• isl Word etre.
I A3fES PA:iiii,S,TOTxigne r and Wood
RograTer. Philo 11.11/:11 stteot, ay, otho.,
third story, most res,,ettnlfy tnfottus the public thee to.
14 preplan...l to 4 ,1 14 0, all kinds of In4Ognlng and WoNt
Ettgresing. tech u y,eirs h :auildings: etc.mid, end
of ..ror Oronmen•
tel Newspaper Heed.. Druggists: Labels. Cotton t l
and St NU BM, he. Toms. u.rr modorele. onlo,
Cough , •71'.1 1 . Margin's Worm Wlllet, Moro'.
it, snit herTo'snd nano Leolment. .1W n
sosortmsof of brovs.. , ll.4lcloos, Paints. Oils, bro
offs, r.tCrs.lalws. de , whol,alo Alla
I. nt tn. limo Moro of JAAIII24 1 , 1,411.714 EV.
.1. No. IC IRnod
o A r 3,ll A N r i p.d "Nl i ; ',i f"r tn i ' lt Ca"
tvrisive Fidel el the Amunline. ilurinx the last thitteer
Id strongly sang, the high e•itlinntlon In which It I,
held by the ,oixrtaotty: amine. effwarinUa acv I. hesJin,
virtue, that It xnay. wlthnut I, N:iteration, In re:Tinned w
hdlth, ,eniedy Ice ttie,waneriteanniorenesart
skin, with wbieh seminar arerafflicten during the in , ltan
' l7,=:ifl.p i l h rWe r ti) he
Ott re , II and r I
A. E. nbiLLE.ltn, °' 4: \a'n4 n.
IS btils. Linnla Oil; 10blil, /toll Sulphur..
Ms. Toonene 011; 00 •• Volition It o 1;
Spirits Turpentine; 10 . (11n,
iticiml.lF23 It? ,
~l irm a gli, l LLzad,
.• SpanJoh IVhitlnr, 100 groin BPainhet for onli. by
. 1 A.11613 Metiurr,v, DruClii.t.
nol9 No. ICI Woo/ FL .
1851. la - a
By the atreland and Pittsburgh liadrood.
From clovelayd to Ilanorer Station ........... ..... tones.
From rtannver to Wellsville, by btsge.. ..............
Ant from We to Pittsburgh ito, new and eel.,
did steamer Fagan Virv.
Tble arrangement to onothaus oath Shp I. January- 186'2.
when the Care will run from Cleveland to Wellsville.
rriflE Express Train ,0 Cars will leave
aevelati Jalle (Sondays exeopt.l) at 8,15 A. At. af.
ter the arrival of the bight Trate. from Clociona. arr..
log at Ilaranrsr tltation at I=l P. 81.. and at Welloville so
7 P. 51, awl at PUtaborgh the ear. ermine.
Itatontlngvelll bear. kitisbulgh daily at 41 P. 51., stria.
It g at Cleveland Mb P. 11, la arson to wonnewl 'watt the
revalue Traln to Cgminnati, and with Strata Boat. feat
mall the b ur gh
Or navigation.
limefront Pittsburgh t o ll leveland,:glbottua-to Clncin
natl. 30 Imre.
Fare to tagreland. St.IXO to ClooitlnaU, MAX
U. PaltriTilias Poraldeat.
0111 , 0 OM& Pitta- E.& Co, Ravenna. Nov.B. '6l.
Fere Tieketaappty to fl. ILANTON, A r t,
, Roo". IBAMtralt Pt b b.
17.1 Water ma irt trust
Amt. e
mus. • solaz
Fresh Teas at Redhead Prices !
V OW being, received, and on hand e — II iloi';'fr'"l'i:iiitri'',-tir h`A7lEVE°;`,,g.'" frkr - t
r...eghr emelt the rerent reduetton In ilie net, end
whteh we out pelt et fully 20 p, rentAbelow our Pu.nwr
tinod Black T.. The- pool V. ar k ' ..... ... ..... ...10,
Choice - r (.0 e Walr '' \....... .. .. ... JAE,
Cure _ - ' %.,. to $ 1 4 . ....,18uper - , ;,..-75, Ut ‘ fl.
W • ‘l,7lerTet ttfr i t i te7e7n ki tt o r rlt rutel44et TV'itlr
rh..... and &leo neatly put up in 'flu Poll osetage tV
whteh We partkrulatly Weill, the attention of 11...e1l ( T.s„
ter Ch. u 1 1
„,tL.,,,, .".... ' IT °. ic3ii,V.Q.l.ll/101VOD..
nnte 111
Tea Deale6.
lU° COFFEE-IT, liirs pritrie Greern, , .
osis ' iW'y'v'74'c'"
lAIRESII TEAS--35 tr - , sts Y. 11.; I,
51 tlpr ll ) T.tnd k l , uperial; ,
.. '' l
ky n 1 ' ' . • • ' 'l' '''' '
ROSIN Sr TAR-5066L j l . Tar;
by inos_f__
.L, 1 . tonnms o.barwaaare 6' , a uktl'a
= .. Price A IlallroVa:
6 •• P. Rahlogarfa . ~,.
''",' 1 5, 1%11 1 ; th rO':\ it,
10 - Iroll.V.lair lkib \,„
) . o , ke:aa riltktz!ah nnunn \ V
CA.Z . r.litin.
In .4.n0 .1 Gr une by. Jtkl ‘ lN IV ATT a ilk). \:
."- - ,
1 EATHER-204) aides Nola, Yrk; NA ,
6 del Cal for Pale Lr \ '
.TIpiIVATT a I.X) x
LP QC KW llE a ll —Ilk) silekslidiled. fur sale\
it by ',rnl.,:j AVICK .k IinCA.NOLF,4S.
it.p UTTER—;2 kegs just rec'd.for\ule by
E.,ls wicK, 14440.r.5g.
~ - ----T - --7 "- -. - - -,1 f . , 1
e b
EARLS—ToIe d ay Yea, an et f y )
n.. 5 14 icif, • MeCANDL '9.5.
S , l UN DIU ES-3 bbla.'prinie Roll But r;
, :: of.ananta
1 1....P..Ar..r. ,
j;73,.1.•, , ,,t'.."&',:rpr-:;.g.i.,
_ . _telle rti )5 . 2 ,40 5hL 1 htantideld e t t
t I ON IPA li_. Tuci4y, and Wed' tica, No-'
..,.Y977'7 ;; :4144' g4.'fr;',4;,,e,„,,;
F 1
i lt.‘ iflrt , m , iy, , o l sii . i i r,o ..1 , ,
.h!, , Fenrematin g
'e' e. 1G.L.?...."..t' 'll.l::::.;;;ns:l',..4;\l47gtfeelt'oll Aji.;71',".2‘,1
1(1,116(40,-11 bi all— thy'heet Pankrama hAtbr *orig.
Doom open at 7: Panorama =iv. at 7)a tecoti.
flop, will La an emdlehon eaelis a ift e •, at Stre.oct.
Admire:nu 2) rent, EUthlren half poi'. m,l7 :2I•
Sight Exchange on City
F OR SALE at the feo,t fltrarabl )7ttei .by'
A. Wit...KINN W.\c
Premitun Cow and Calf N ,
TUEprop - let., of the Cow aud tlelf ~
that huh the Len .premlu m at the thWat.
A .5..);hm, C.c.°, F..., mrl.thlor gner hos
•(.00. • oold eel, said Cow and Calf lo la heagal n
7h:, -,:',",:f to `g..'Pf:,:"e,i`..'V,.;,7,,!!l°,;;.°ll.*;"i;Vn','.
APPI I . (FM IIaPTP. Wtlanteleurnti. , 0f.7 . ,.:
• Canal .Boata,
DE AT7.LI'.. to rarry Coalgo kne. It .. ..Litkral frei g ht
ey n le. paid. sti4 pr,mpt 1 earmlch given.,
~ Vi.l,f
~vt, „t he rp , t ! .i It, , h , rtliztelae i tua t a lt , at
.durg.'.' ' ' ' " ' Mr. ' "" L lg n .Cii'llt)l) Ellfiira' ..'
.47 ot Loathe, Chant:re I..'calF.e.m.p arer
Crane's Patent Roan. \
THE PATENT RIGHT, for the foll4in 4
c0.tte.a. , ... f z: ' , ale Allelii i t l i r y„
„ Derr . , IlV e r .
r‘t4.7n7.'=',..llgelft.r4.‘ Ilts ' l ' ;. 'l.2 lllel:l,.JetPer'r o "O. F. Ileftean. P Afer. Ti'.,n:utile., R „lard, an 4 LuatrAe . .
Aga r .... ~..t paid, the proprietor. I). kIeVOY.SL D.. New \
r. N. J. The max,re ar-kle I. destined to megwr e ede av
er f other. It can n,se tr. mad, br • late ILlMveinent.
as al,ot '; ere", per lb of good quality. N
7,1. , for -ala. M lehismo
'I 0017.21
I i ALT METRE- - Y9 bag, CrtA to arrive
17 an.l 0.1 sale b, I.sAlA ff DICK 'T A CO..
. .
n"I" , i‘ater andt , Front eta.
4 ,.) 61).›VEg. wbich mreiren the firet,pnre fort l ' Ise
1,1. attire Agricultur a l Fatty of Allegheny Cantu,
"'g' =Mill l ' all'E ' t'i &117f\:) It VC . ' L.
we. r arr. )
rer,ton GRATES A.v.i , FE .... .
.., \
(If modern style. • great var mt y of pante f..nesonf
J, mutat:naiad.
PLOllliEf t i. \ '
T ere f t A n.olt of all the kinds in ur e 16.11'. tent L.
verp. rue arleAn. Ewan,. OranoM,Efaimild . Wood'.
Pen.get's. Bull. Imp. hull
The gliehigaa Double Ploug h le a ii...» patent Pugh.
tint has taken We perolgim at the litni a P a l m o t La o ,
. I. : . ;l n o r' a . l. ' e l o ' rl.' ' i .. o N t7r7 , l7;7l l 'Sn't 7 l A t t h ' u h' b i .: , iTlrtlir: ni a1a... , „' . l ,
• herever [rigid, an supm or n 0), , -a. 7 . , 1 c... -
an, other kind, -owl, th, tnrr o r kuto ,w. .1 .f,
1( . .a.n, a lona, .1 cep. and Tiede...ant t...d..,. •
17105 FENCING. . .
Ei a lat temullful designs of Ornamental Fet a -I na l k
Cnt in C
J C. Parry's Patent Chi1i...14.14 Al., KoUln a gill
g. M a de to t.rler,
Patent Kmtles for .ScycN Pot Ash. Soda dab. a,
For lb< timnufsMuto of Cum hope. The Kettle, are
rays on the perms hy J. L Parry. and am supe) .
rim( 1(.1( dorabllity to mar other...lsola lowegthaun Moe.,
made on the old Plan.
tgar- Stoves of ....g., ilfwerintton. ht.', Plpo'n o d Ti..
Ware tor Ohm, and Caatin e s of [(Tn., flocriptlou.. Ale,
111. tli and NAILS, all of which we offer at the very /oven
Great Sale of Town Lots in NiNtl.'mane, O.
tQUILN the 3d of December, 1851, itLloq'clock
A. M., cc the premise/. ail; be /talc Uisio cumber
DINO /AT., farm:ably Toeitml for bl.tsl3oll37mm.
;mem, helthr 1,41, eat,. or the hallread IM:rimed
la pot. Tole Irllspetahle. Terms at 'Sip,
It M. A. lIILL
Cheaters Bmpontua
VI EN'S WEAR, embracing crazy tim ( ti'e,
INA needed tor • gent'. °atlas Ratko:mathlp
renttalt nor
with the times. \ •
bra,' frpto. 3eata old and uptrant,
faro 411,1 •Ith cattplete °Wit at the ahorteat port,
t,11)11) L ' • . o. Cluthing an hand. Alto, Iltn• eb
ttuntendnro. Ilandlt.rchlett. Belt., Unarm Eta•l'll.
Cora !tr., At ISa atudY to Ylea,e. A
0 HA
R LYME'S Grand Panoramic Sketche of
thr ALLEGHENY MOUNTAlNF—gamethlng entl
ly new. and .111Ter”nt In &slim, ution.nd nr,nn,
• _._._
.Cold Weather has Come. ••
ON"f FORGET CllESTER'S,Emiarittin
Air of slrtior •.nd Hoye Iteady Redo (11., 11.1S11. Wit
musty to Was, No. 71 tholthfla at
seer Glam . slier :
-Row Dress SD4s.
VV E fte h n 4u Z t . rl l o k e .:t 4 d. ' t r .l 4 l::::l,!q l 4, W ,
plaln and 'hack Silks, ltistatter of , t‘a
oel. Menu, • sumo sttiok, sad
J1..111010 goo& fur th in reon.e.
't,,, other with an sown:meat Of Coif.,colore . lireett s
rich Maroon. Cu,! otArr 211.1 c. of plain Mouse d
1010011 Morloog. of chclo. drat. and Otte. eel • slackßittailla 11... t..; inn artists .en SttalrliG oolan
Shawls; timirfs;
nein Northeast rot. Fourth and Market kt
CLOAS!- - --J. A. McKNIGI)
40.113 Fourth st has roe 'd thin morning b: Ada.
raw, 4, larne lot of Cloaks and Swell a. minable tor
dins and Children. An early LI 1 senora a obolon Ear
nv'd--it (nub aod largo gloct Tri=6l o of
mt delinkb'e
r. 2 , 14
A LCOIIO6-25 bblE. 76 and 92 per et.;. fur
„ct fele by Id E. eiti.Ltais,
noI5 No. 07 Wood Kt. -
Aitll OIL-91610. Winter Strained, fur
4 male by v It. E. SELLERS.
Ci ARIL AMMONIA-2 cub! fur rule by \
L./ .15 It. E. BELLISIM.
NI)1130--2 cailo .51341. ram and Maniilq for
..04. tor )t. k. tikLLElt,
1/ ORA-K-150U lbs, for solo
Jur Doi:. • J. KIDD s CO.. CO Wood rt.
OICURO3IATE POT ASII-3000 lbs. fur
_UP sale br J. EIDDA CO.
LCOHOL4-30 bbla. 92 and 76, for sale by
riou, J. JUDD t CO.
INSEED OIL-20 bbls. for aale by
A .17 J. KIDD CR
ENNA-800 lbs. Alex. and In., for [Wetly
--- - -
F UNOGREEguRRP.D-400 lbs. for sale by
J. ELM it CO.
11 EA'f 1111• • 150 sides 1":
;.for sale by
!IA 11'4, ... _.-4 .7 ___ ___
Or 4sii--4,casks pure or mie by
I mola\
1.,,_ , ,kll . . i:/...01'D. ati _
TIER Testa en tury to .$ esiute of
......., ',Mu, 1, .i,:``t.::u"o`rolrtf.,.v=tirorllli
frord'uir.lovtLtrt•Paiti=r ' V I i ' ' ''
I' av i. rvuv uo, \ V
‘11 0 R0b)1S-\-50 doi. for !!)..
~\Ttt., .
PPLES--_bs. ,t ec' 4
Til tr rale bA 1
Cl-. 1111 A
or ail the ff , rent rsgtt, tt,
‘tor r,No. 116 Marke etzert. _
,k not %.
itA LU P
no rat . , mull
eu,u ettu ft .Cr West 1
14 ,
..,/ ORAX I' ease for sal kby
IN nol4_ EYSER Ipe.DOW ELL, 141Tco/A
( 1- I!RtE . ftEEN a YEk,OW—,-.lcaseio
_° R if___ !).! o . ) .f. l _ l:l '+!_r_R4 ,. _1 4° _ , Y..211 0 ,
F SW 'FEU ' ,--3 eaeke.Znate Currants;
1 \ \. i' V4 lll. llnuain u
r toie+re2
\t; wittaL,..? i , e4 \ \
IASII 130 A1ti.. --- donol nte ' Pat ;
'o r .
I:" z1 "`" br 4° ` br J. I:\ WILL &
.A CKING —llO doz. 311:ma's Challen e,
~,. b r ±m6. D. LLIA-44 & CO.
I SH-10 casks . for sa by \ .
LS-15cioz: en,AleiCr
OAICDS--toati ;.iir;: L tb; e le 1 1
40 boxes extra Ora= I:1\11. F, '
e 1:.
wic!,:,,! :lisC49IDIAS.,_,
11E4E-400 IIE1:41401
.• and Zlntulea Cbe.". Ulla dal, r
E-400 boxee fug sale by.
WICK. & ifcCANDLEP4,..
fin, •
i - ,aa \
1,..'d An. ' l'
riEr -
, I , Lrattd r 4
c.., I •ed ror kl.
" t ' V
C ' 6ONG
liT fy
and and ilf. bbisriO., r
'ICK* . 4 1 ,4 101DLE..44.\ '
riiABLB, SAIT—IiN es,- oa — " --- i --
mall. - , , t.ii & 3 1rCAND4 , ..,M \',
t)OT AS A prima `ailklo for gale\ By ~
poll . WkCILJk MeCANDLES t L
MATHER 4t GINSEN,O,--- --- 7
IKi.OO ..a:::l..ti-ab`ris.u.lejara'ix\.;\
Iti axxxsed FrOla 4.
lITINTER 01 : 6 TES — Nowii;iatore, a corn-
J 4! ~ .t . l , : r lf:!'- ' ''t - - 1.-A..r1,0nz.,!-'
b C6UN
,TERPAS::I7Z?7''- NB—W e 3
443‘, 7721°,:. 77 k;“lcg°'•--
A..l.MAtk .
\ IA Cl o 9l2o4nat a d., ci
I* 14p.ort erAis. Intik Aieet r .
e umonmerit a dolhTepiu kw rt llstaaad •.
.1.. 4
• , N 0.13., 4arketa..
ta, • eanil
Cep to , aYtL
n 07.1
, NINA fi ER SIIOES'--Jst tee'd, 2.0
A ....0. Lootiri, ' 9er:tete,. and Nifts , nnits Bubber
AT,4:llt.Pc7ll "rufx:.:!7:::,'%1....1t Plrj;
AIITIV.I74T. b.. `g•ti,?G i llils,f 2 . ..1";`. ' '
ttrk i P J A II P1tZ...4 1 .
•,.- . - • ' A- \
Y MISSION 0. Ps.4-z,WO,OOO' fur is e
I. b, \ junl3l ' .t.
b r i tti..NE-IToctt A C0, ,, ;*,
j L A .-1-'
, '4.:LACK.-- - 14.) .In papers, ass
ti \ \
I.f; • Itk balk: \, ~ s i
Sup lbs. •rmaatottla, FtreAle-br
nn l 3 \ \ H. A. PA s a:STOCIK. A
VI INCE,E7, HEAT—Put trp ba‘G lb Jars, 1
'Tx for fettil , it, for tette b A '.
not:: ''l ~: WI A. mNLlsitr, i CQ,.._
`. 4 : 1 AROLI NA \ Olt ITTS--,.Tust ‘ree:'.l at . 250 \
o l oti""" ' '' '" " l , cc ' T i rd. t i. 11eCLUR34 C;).
cICK e WHEAT i3 l .Ot)R—P
\ s 0.
20' see /si lb... As. far tale br '4V3l. A. MeLI7III3
to 3 't tirocere nod Tr. Dub,
-'\---.1-ill')VbF LIIE.-- 0 the 1 best u-'
" 41 ' . °' hirilse f 7ultitti%ca., • \
F t ~ tmir . uk,L,_\ , _
Wile. Winter\i•cl Oil, leirtdink,
- ,. 0. nt. CITILN a co, , \ ,
i 1; 'primaiiipip 1 / 4 ;
,` 7.
, Cc mm.: ro , tlend ter le by
J. B. CA,...1. ta..
00 p r
f\ 11-2-:11
, rola
\ ',cilfEStZ.
l \
n.. 13
1 - I"PERS--7Q b 8:for el* by L .,_.b..
,ER . , v, \
' litUttEß , -20 box prjrue Roll, jat 'd
ii.y,,,,,,i , ~, J. n.cnnvinnn. •
1,1nr,4 1 / 1 1., .43#-10 tol*,No. 1, for sale
• 0..13 \ _\ , JO3. CANIIELD, s .
IWW6if,--7-IA-6—. for 6\40 \ y
Ji." non \ \ - , k s ti. \ee:num.
11. .1. riot ind.for . salo bY
LAttiCAPEßS—A\Oloice Io
1, 1 ot Enal/on 1 414
&mimeo =I k'obor
nol2 wner of. Minot ond Unnl
uftbifixo PAM' g — reanas pa e
!glri.‘tP 7Zlr44\,
l'opet Desl4r. { .- r. let and
lint:EN APPLES=76Bfiblcq7T ---- Laio by
tra r uire b 9
SO bbla, Alantatio
; Lips
No:\'‘ for Nc\s,
t / nt,ll
W01:1 1 BUT,TOR',2-71
We have'on hen • 30 pea.
rnlorl. N k
4 J, : 31/1303 a w : areik e s .t.
her Cream, t• e 1..`1 ---- Wey
. 3.4 IV. I/ AR,3141:014
.1. for Bello bi\
: e et BEL .ETT:
\ M2 --‘—if7l C
.\ , tl it' urto L. 1.1.
S'• TURpEN,t, L MA'(.4 L. 4 NE-761
._____ _ °V4 \B• A. CUR,
we win \ 0. ,
?Auk and whk.
4 s GO.. kluket\z.
OTING-1.. b ee , (1 r4,,fc7Ti,---salflv
PA 1/A..1..EC & CO.
R a .7Z
Twfw Toinuice
0. I,
047 'MUM% k
11 /molid packed
-7`ol R—li e
d° d°
A. •
ncu s . k IIiaIiAIJOIL
- a 1 1 :4 2 ;
soc. \t, ‘
re. 4
`‘e 1/1".4
_lo Excelfatit lm:4%n
ii=all l 7 7 ! 4 ‘ 4 j.
a Tea. ,
.old the;best Ten in
Dnt now , le milh is
wand dace froni
VREESE- 7 690
Nl * 27' bores .
ETTER-2 b*ond,.s 1.22
Mt MOM*ikai
50 bbllL\
fun ion.
r, far Nib brf
11741 L.
CO IMER C A., \\ \
\ , ,
Bat:mots Am et adverb...a Wad . 1 14,
be tbla taper noon 1 and tbranuslid Vim., Olga Omni'
ht. t. 21”.
—\ •
•\ \.--• \\‘
- \ ~7 ........ aze..
The weather set, te‘ \
A . \
.oc, and e Ate trees. kuo
't ough utthou t nay hva*.r t
malt rendziau. but an hart
remainder of the won. to 16,
ter f all the trurPoe. .r 1 .1
.1 \ .
tan r.andne have bra din A \ .
\ , \ ,
so 1 tbere . turd to ba tto
\ -\ \
et arl • ,n' '• :`,
` \ \
5 L•tl I.—The ntelL•ta of
‘.% ,
.51 the .... , e‘a nualbnt ham \
WA. at S.l it,. ,r ,l' . au! , \ \
\ ‘
from .t.r.• teen nu bed to
\ \
I, , m I r.,er rate. ``
51G, h ‘a UL at ktk\Llt —• •
In, ard ..Ou rata Gout gore al \
li 1. 5 L0t 5 i—.114.1 tas qt ,
1 1 %. ' •t i o 'l •` 11kA1 \ ...-butall aj. '‘,
..... A —..,P1,171... bbt,
Sales .5. •0 lb. &cm an at d 4
31 4 ChKEL—Pa \t) bbl.
1 .. Z .,
e:h IL , — -eh It hbL,
Jugar at 5 ', 5 um, lad 17
Mc, Sale••sl,,vam art‘tuut
the o , tire ae *el/ I .KM • rkilui
Gllt}:£s. A l'l•LkS—eutali:„
barn /
CLICE. I 6—.Iea4:IS to 100 bkv t
ITITTLII—Th• market la filip
at 12(415r„ and of keg at 9. 5 .41,04
littAlN,ltneipts InvCOMPOI2II4II/S extdr
\tra uncbastred. Saks 1:00 hat Oatk ,r, be
-1.!2,1!..±____1 OF pr
9 -f ittere was 9 4.t6
mark.. Auk. last asstd., a
J. Kee. Usii:dristron.l —,
AU tie. Fulham. I.lrawns_ .• wlll,
f a i m t s ,,hrimn , =,r i t . ttetrent
Wirer o;
Al..ietux Bows. Rearm. '
\\ ~ici l i t ix
~\ 4 .17i b k , : ,
.kii ttt iL. ,
X Uor. tletp.‘73huatAZitieloriant
1, Itorit..Wdl3llM, Clnedeamtl.
, i xibe z Us
n r a lle t7. , U .,1 11‘10: ‘,.
...,,a .ii . el m,;s 4l.teart ,i,. ..
.. •
Ail ‘ little. Parkl D mipa% lifo E in : ; 24lll. " \
. 11 . 11 %., ,2 7 ' 11 .t tir=341Zia. \ . it, '\ \
\ th,
Taos ajlrer7iitler..lfeatltsa \ '
Lamm, timed°. fleavet;, \
UitgaZilit.Egpiti. . . \
Palds. t,ioeir, Cineltmatl:\ , S
altitV "."" al'intMOrr \ ' \ -
Leech A C O ' s Puiroger PaAtet 1 daily at 9 a end \
it llERLlNU—W,lnthestar.
',". W ELLSVILL--T,orest. Mr. . - \
lir LOUR —Diadem.
- \
NA 3ll ViLLA—liartforii. ' ' ' , • \
WIIRRLING—CIIppor No 2, '`. ' '• :' : : ..\
-th,. b n , .... a . , ,
Mag Imat 3t. a. : ‘, ":
---- \ ,\
0f.14i11,.. Lax.
bba blun
a. at ells ho difrerel
'he stion,,,r Clope2 No 2 Ukase.
tylT*on, ie stinger Whiathas tuba. \
." thin ening st. 10 °Want— \
The has-Atty . been ‘ ltteaghly . iepedrel and
nV lei noni kininnateni, de LI. the mamma
\tattoo of treAvellers. tskt Moore. Ehnber, fork
q; of the *Joon.oz , net ,, Lbs sts ,of Cafnels, and •
akrr 7, l• ll. gelq./ mou e lpe . ptly Qualified
, , • • V__ -
giV LtaOTs afAs a t' liars altti'L` trarti: . s \
.1 !rtgsi.n4 Nls Th esr4 3 l l l ° olMTrri Is lire& •' ' \ :•
lsiNs dl j eLtratr Cre,•34o Esila s paterl LSi 140 ;... ,
tr,sl bdWI.O, bbUtilie s ' Nrrf LIT ' ' ' \ l .
l b 1. "
tal‘ Th . 'bu €7,:`, 2 ''''w 6 - 1 ut. \ '
r,,,f,-.441.#1t. °-, I•b h a - r - “Z.,., ~ ' -\ -
g b ''' \ a_....1..... roo
laL e atDc Bs , ;a ~
2o?finalrp,VinirS4A,%..7*, - l l f
x. kli4aisk \ : ' bits% les fi ' PM; 51,i14,1414: \ .. \
2 o stareb3 do batter Balkans
be I t7+ 4 l/ M ' l:frg I , e j l aV bTaaV "' Atk . • \ -c
l'il**77, U *T .* I*U
7,. A• ' . ', A . \ , , i
. l s
WE VIL.I* -Pia F . • —I mi11 , a,,. kiss w.., \••
to.".p. ArtZTl Irk N rek '!*6 l,4`bas bU ttr- ', ' \
l irk ' fil .14 isklekey Mb it 4
..,,:ctxUtuN4TT—.Put,\Ap.ceturt-r lto 2-14 ear ••' \ . \
1..11=. 474:•14;
Pinker== \ \ \ t
140 Mils tor Pl ot a 10tajl lo ton Trm* tke \' ,• •
ris.4WE,,nz rclortratitllson - ,)71. - ; o octmtt ., t ‘ -
Put GotA4r,—.2 bxs b Its 0 ruff ..4 lik - eta baosj s t \
MI!: ihtre' Mut i ny= v gm! \
zt.,,--pg..?" v..? ,,,,, Erg.,•.,7•:Pp1brx„.A..i. ' '''‘ •
. ...
~...a p ,,r , ~......• .., .di Illtaxat It tamales s-, \ [
ig i t.t.? wlutz Vtataz . - .. c , , ..
ceas"Ta4 " \ *" 't,
,I '' ' 'k u \•\\ " ~ - t.• \''
Pts tbiaoa-4 br. 20, tbli staseni, 4 bu, 044 'ett 't:
Lemke Vi 1k I ? ISt t au do books 4. 4 Davis, labs bans- \ - \
,';:wee 1 bti tams .3 do taunts Barralont ,cr o 4 bao r,,,p, , a 7 .
4 ' 1 ' 24 1 0 ; IZcf r l )% 7 1 4% IP . 011.; ' c g l ' A u th.," lm 1 .. V0 . , . \ -
••••■•=...........m.............\\ \ ' \ ' \
• \ \
\ NOTICEb, &a \ • • ..
, \;•
~,, • . ,
zert . 4.. 4, r.ozwitt, S. JQmsti is ; caididat s for \
see nast City Rk 4 ra
et )o Nesi, fat/. theldp. of • '
th. A.thi•thl...i. wad Ina,: co..sti... .ftartit -..
annOrpce tkrouitx four Oupor
• .01014 " •
Please • /-
zit wai
t eo Lb. 6.4*. \
n : \ \
[mho ---------n, 9,4.16.18151:\
TR IItECTORS 42 V /nail*
f.Soo of Slietthir..
_, ,ba t hi s do o .fl ...... 7 .
moot of t ar
cows oa nob staarA of 1/10
.idWooopool l oz. lulf o,fable Oa or be
''' . tVe d irVeg ga l l'? 9 ' . ' l' .. " .
_. \..15
742 ' i___ _ .4 . l. c * .i .,
%ME Nerabants' and AI
AL of PI t(abor g h hl4l, day del
ri=il=l,,tepZ.T elliegri.
, E . p._._L__________ \
rtnolect...A,mLiw oms nte7 s ,
iN r4 Cpatents ant":4l,4
of 'kluge;
cr . :oer Mfig. erectic
,!te. P.llarsl
*i.°4C.,44 4 1 11F1ge0g, " 11, 5 11;
tbo 'lnnicrt en on an ben Ln• /Lth vla • a .
°Tier inn Bonnier( Intnti r ali
,• steroltistuatiCe \, 011 . 14
1 - 1 . ITAL 8300,01 I.A • R. 3111, 911„
l i vt A w :- . .42k2ita; ri t l A ,',;" a3 ' --- -t
•. la t Alberni], d., mat zt y
'MN:4n; • armin tT . ' 14,41,
tre e.; ..... 4 .1, z , ,- p tb.'cluq, l
. A 1
.a...- ..4.... .- -P-7 . -..- \ \'
LW:4— beitMlLler. jr, J. . tir.;•
on, C. \Lhamt
W. Juts.. ii -, a.-641 • Wu:
"lt . l-- 14 'W. -a w- MI. •''''
~..-d..,14.4,, . ..,..y...,,... "
\ \ •\ ZIN . ki\IIILT 8,
AN ACT REA/ It'T , ..,
JERSpI ' I.7.PLQ. '0 11:41411NINt
721 17 ;1..
j .4.J.
r,,, .
. wbiZt4 ZI
‘.,, C P IN TS .
liatrope VP
ar t r ol &ate, retaol,l
bruit) . =NI Ptoirr4l o 'Prnio• \ t4t.,
\ \ N
L a pmatron Aricto of lbw. Is warrn.ted 4
06W-io ulll 1-WPorttl oa / a oermi. it. am,
" TtV P, 07 ot r'117. 4 1• 1 70, tl 'P Six=A'
lot paintery .ir =Wee. ,k,
WI \ expoard to fiII*TOUS or 7dile
evroVlnt OP 01 </WM.,
tt, 'd
..; o
.I.birr%tht.Viarst.kPbto grs%
ctltbi•\ 4041 rub r 'oll. k \ our b...yror ol wii
Irtiti watojt.od doe i of wit rati,lavrb(ch brl
Theso w flitztabnt Lea l oi s ptioe,sio.aro ~.
4 1 !S . 5. '.± 4 1 i b i "- Pant. 42.'. :. ' a; t
[1.11,14 . Um, Pro h .
Dutleolvly ralitit
/VortlV r I gt?
\ ciaor of the •Cithr .
l b 7 ItTA.'N
N.. 4: to Milmr;.E. Pk
'. 1.;400 Lai
614 Ti".:IIAAI
e. prime
`4TrucK 4 Co
. 74 ' 4 ",t4 Ed Nr 1. - t'or tt
\ Q7C AR sglq
Nik \AD. SYJRUi t'a.
t. A. UcCillita'ANCO,
linen% zat Ts as.
-•\ 45..• 4bi, Engrah-Sphi4
and for ^Jo
am Cheese
wry for„ sal? 1.37
mas ' C 4101 .17 4 N0T:
iutraF f eAsairrakiriA:\
• AXttrUBOX.',-'
:et star iii,t4es
at it, o'elo.k 110