The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 20, 1851, Image 1

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T. 1. 111117.1
I.l.lll.lneeeu Peter. ',comp per. , hi• halt
tiiIX . :OJMUId If paid
tire:/ili.Ly•—rwro dpll,te per evuota. advanoe. CLoPe
*lll Mt upplied on f,,hoeiog epoditioto—
Three eJpies per annere • .—.. g
Tventy noel.
Ph teeeetet fee efe,t, Clot. tohe; to Oar Pe"'l
re.Tetki to be takhl Peetriably In adv.., No Clob Paper' , ell
to .44 ante the pear expirie, Litlit. the Monty te
• OAF= OF A.DvitaTiairii.
osol. (ID ha. of lioirrezeil "r Iss./
&Lett additional Inversion_ 0
top anelui
3 00
• one month
00. tin tannthS-
D 3. [Sri." &maths.-- 0 00
LSO • ' t IS 00
st ling Cerde lensper aracnn.-$5 00
.01141/ellsr Rs each additional ling • ,
one Musa. cbansublo a -pleasure (Per siP
noml require or the parr ' is
haresta, dation:al mare. Inserted ...TT one month, awl
llar each*additional square hunts! ruler the yearly Fuer,
M C :4=l;as rosicsanst miater ' .;. eta vv= our tlttreq
tub. to be charger! as s mars and e half.
LUbllehere not ecceuntable f.:r legal sdrathetconts fs.•
Med the amulet cherud.. tot their pahlicatlon.
Anersechtsc escalates Cor orate, to Maurits] the ecru
nu ether adverasements
' Advertisements not marked on the copy feu • shool-.1
number of instnious,
.be cautioned till fOrbld.and pay ,
meet eiwited soccedlualY.
Site privilowifoletinual advertiser:lls strictly
their own immediate business:and adverthenclas for
the beireetof other persoas,utv lla daleertLuarients nor,
immedlstely =motel with.tbeir no/ badness , end all
thaws of when/Dement; len gth or otherwise. toyordi
the limits eu..M, will he chanced atthe usual Vats,. Po.
ill ouch UznAent. advarthenw, bill.. will be evpiirso.lyi
et:Mnd:sod orompthentient Is desired. •
Allehertissratents for chadtsble•iustitutkia; be, tom ,
leadee, ward, township and other mublie meetings. owl
sorb like. m otisrawl ' half min; 1.13 - able strkttr
. .
. .
Marelade nod.. to be clarawd
Dealt notices Wooded without charge, unless soccetiss4
uled by funeral Ineitadons or obituary rintil.S. and whdi
so emendates" to be paid for.
Herniae advert's:Ts. and all others emoting oommunica•
Mond. or requiring notices desist:A to call attention
lads. Sointes. Conotate, or any public entertainments.
whale dunes dogsde for Ilandtt.le.-.11 130rietql of OH'
rata essodationts-weery =tics designs! to esllsttentlon to
Prdde enterprises, calculated or , intended to promote 1011.
ldual interest. twangy Pt inserted wall the nrulerstandi
aOg that the =Ma 10 to be -paid ter. • If Inlondol , to be in,
sated in the keg colugn.tge tame will be clearged st No
rare of not lees tbso 10 gents per line.
dhlmy Or igit• Notices to be ebarge.l triple
herrn gems" Polltlona $2 curb.
Red Sdatiggente sod Auctioneer? saserlisements not
toter clamed ogler , year! y reasw;bot to be glowed dia.
fount of thirty three sod one third per cent. tram tba
ageing. of bills.
Oct /Iguana, Oven Intertk.ns..— ..... I to
.D.,.. loath sddltional Insertion. 3.
.....nylansoLons t 7 want rota.
• '
.--• • - • .
" Ode Dioore. (10 lblob) °nehmen/cc. 60 vents.
Do. each eddltlonal laserdon—.--25 cent,
&LI trasteleat advertisemerate od be raid to oleenoe
e .
, ._ . )V,JIUTER, Attorney at. Law.—CQllec
• trora iind CepToyanetog twfullr at:ended tp. 1)0
o-11 akelreles a wilding,. ()Mat . cam', flea the wart
no7 7 F ;
1-AMES F. KERR, Attorney at Lam—Office
gh. an - rave& rt., h.q. - vat Santbnekl and Grua,
08-3VEAVEIt, Attorney at Lriir, FourW
Meet, near the Mayor's Mee. - Pirrahargh,
cations attended_ to promntlr.
4:23 Or Uniontown, I (Lato of Itllasoi., Pa)
'insLIPYLINT TAYLOR, Attorneys at
NJ, Lssr—bries on Fourth atiooP.No.B2lfoliotwon FaA
-, P.1.1 Smithfield strratii. Pittaburgh, Po.
O. Oliphant io Cominhialoner fot—tha E,„
look. .
Ilutttrfoll V. U. cr-ttra.
QUINN &- COLLIER, Attorneys Bt Law—
irlaso 1/11 lintritt •tnVt, strove BUMWield.
W. )VII.ITE, Attorney at Law—tif
on Grant .treet. twar Fourth. In Arthur' Huth,
tnlnaßttaburcb. PA. tadett,
Lih ri.:17.611111 ' Attor
--o.lls at Lam athl itttal Tatft. AFints, Ho. 107 4th
t litubttrgh &hitt
4 ,AMES.J. KUHN, 'Attorney at Law, uffier„
ectintqf Orant greet sad Dlarueott
• trait4gbargh. . . islk4l7
N 0.17 6 Fnigrelt amt. rsteauro.
OWE .& WATSON ; Atiarneya at Lan,
• •
Nn Ito !earth onvet, Pritabahrh..
paltaara—alesander t Day; John .Noydror. 11.,
Alorrlro W.; Pway; Juatt Fleathig.
: t eaaalaat: tho. Jacknou. littobargh. - -
.*DWAR 1
D'. JUNES; Attorney at Law:
"' Odin YOurth otroot. twooo Word god ocnato
Pllth r
s, BRAD - kr,' Attormsy at Law,
, • .p.-,Na ittobors P.
SEWELL, Attorney at Law,
Übhl Etat< Comm!mincer i.e taklng Depowicat. ek
trintiOnnuta ..or DMA.. ye. Otring.—Kaorth ab.e
:9111111ADokL_ • out illtwq
' I:INORGE,H.. ARNOLD & CO., Rankern:
'Drairra h. ail - tuna, Coln, Nnnk Note., tn. No. 74
Wealth 'tenet. not doonto the Bank of Pittebont.h. Cmk
. .o.tirtulai to. and the prorneds remittal to
jm77144' of ittio Luton..
- -.. , lly ki ld.••' II; Wii..I.I.ANIS S• CO., Bankers
. lin [l
4 tualp [linkers, nrth Ea. conarr of Woodl
04 rd streets, eatsaarre.. l'i , . .
.. . an trameenorte oat, ea k norrai term. and collectio.
• A.5en..1r....... - .i.--17
D..KlNG;Bankei and Exchange Broker,
a Foarth stmt. Zealot In Bank Not.. Bina of Ex.
aaatuWW na.; Gold and Mom. Stooks boonhl and sold.
iw tdahast market pries puny'? prem.= for AP.IiC.M
Half Dollara.and'dia,nan aged nDanall'
M. LABOUR, JR., Baoker paid Broker,
4tbstreit, te; adj&autt me sank er Pithibursh.
S a riNS Exchange Brokers,
• South rut Corner or Txthe ..act Muiketetnens. AU
at tutut-libmiratea
lic:I ES & SON, Dealers in Forci f
" I L LM no mu. runs
a 01k Nl.'and BPeel4 gr. if qk prward dt l .4
t.bro _ •
LRAgE_ *R7III - 31:"Yaiiirrs . ''ax,
etans• Urobas 'Dealers I. reizn and: Dentool
of Xneba:se,Oftatirar. of Del:stit. Sete,-
618Mnacon so f My: and Wood !greatly diroctly Dins. s:t•
- •
.tttron I mt. one.
:BAIA k IRVLN, Commission 31orolants
and RUI Motets, No-1U Seetnad otreet. Porrooot oat
.r.koste toeuxitlea from .6100 to 11u.400 always. tot laud
• Inatil 012.. SUL IL .47.
EALMER, HANNA Sr, CO., Successors to
Rain Itaseser.' Rai Ca, Bums, Exattiatis Deoues.
Asetters ha Passim and Domestic Exchange; ceruemte.
ePn=l e
~74opsT tri t n ts 4NrVaix . d,
ListS7a rescuers Nu foe Ponta. *ad' Amens.
..-4.laartese ma& csa sonslatsteatsofTmioce,stilyped east.
oo Urea tars=
.11115 r.. TAYLOR Commissioner and Bill
AA Troth; 11 . 2 Second great Etrlet att./talon .in b
CM* to all buslacis I...troxted Wide :are. Ilttsbrman
inanniaotund wholes rmeare an hand or froeured at ebrt
ache. Norm, Dorms, Mortgages, se. negoliand w fawn.
able term. - Armanorm mad. If redulrad. oar
0. STOCKTON, late - Johnston & Stock
--xt• tot, fbokooller, Stotkruer,Prinfor, and Ilindor. tor
'two of 31ark4 dad Third otrectA. littaborok.
jr-A.S.. B. lIOLSIES' Cheap Literary Depot,
'TAW atria, opporito the Pint tlitinAn Nal, &eta nn
vett daily ay extnem. tint Pniptirma-renelyed tn any of
Ihe Iki.nellap NPV9PWTF..01141.11144 iLt tfo 17.b1Moe.
lest peo•
L BEAD. Bookseller and. Stationer,
t:n.. 79 Fooith Ittref t..t lie Bulldinto.
BI'CLINTOOK, Manufacturer and Irn
. .T• 0g16,14: oil Clotho. /Ream Mot Mm-
Window ehoiles, - /Le. , Werobouoa.lio.Sti Fourth rt..
and .11 Wood EL. Pautairch • .
W. POIN DLXIEIt, corner of Water and
e".ltericrt rtrrete, Pitteburith, OonalsiOs a.vh in
er...yet Hoye; oentl. for the 'parehese end rale of Floor,
Weetera Prrritior.lroa,ZieilsStleerhe.hdthehhthhne.r.
Wert. of litteborgh generwlT, . .
Ate.—Altent fur the aloof tv: Harper A Co,and 1 RSI
sotterettebrsted Manure =el My Yorke. a! Fhtl.tkir
flreferet end Jenne. A Ce.'4llUpeito} parktArroes.
A. McANULTY' & CO—Transporters,
• ‘,../• funcaritnx COIIIMIN3IIOtI Merellanta. Dn.%
c l ena, 1 .. rms. Rivet, Pittelmrsrb. rob/ 5
..-Weal woe.,
W091).13 DEALEns
, „.t Montano. No. Nt Woos. otowt.'
_ _ _ _
r yv31:11: wro Joarwarding and
e4.2.25200A*2 120.2.1, A*. 112 2..1 Arent,
.11, lc (114i:-R; leorwarding arid Corn
• .6111.1.1211.24.6.6..., 6:eteere in reNtics .221 Ott.
5~561•22224.16..1. 6.64... 24.122 66419. beer Yennith
g 6
;... A, RD Y, JON KS .4 CO., 546.60-mors to At
-22=.6.21 aen . reve661.4.26 .6 iffnoudisa • U....
Is 11121.7.2.2,02 24.2.2fsetvirmel 0,..61
~ Pitt.
.1, .li. ' '
A. All.= A oyl'lMolultL. Axnerei 4 rm, . 7 .10 WK
MASON tr. CO., ~...e.
WhOlcgat [lnd Retail
lNalen to FALACY ,a.l NAO. Dn' 41 0‘. 4 . rR Harm
owl. ,
AM 7;10..11 , 7)14=i:1 , n . sle,Ato, son* a Yontlb
DIMI'LST - 8 -
firntist, Corner of Fmrtb
4tr4n btartot and Parr en^ot..
y jl)* I:i:ti• ;MBE
& LEE, Woot. DIALLICS and
- MV:1.11:. ITLitVttrsr, 4.".170
& W HARBAUGII, Wool Merchants,
1.7 Dagen Inflow and Pradtme opmen,ll7. -atrl
..1441aq awl Commlulon No. 110 Yiret greet.
1,4110 OAP.' stmt. Pittnbarch.
5; CO., Impoitcil'inA
Dcllert,ln tbrilnr• and tratirrr.lgo.lz,
Atn+L Pitt.d.rch
- .41 Watches. jouT47, Silver
WW.II/1 =par .1 . wag sad
- Rem
.g.D.--washocuarn atf!l
. .
• . ,
, . . .
P ill u - imi..,. 111 - 1 , .
D . ~ •• , . z 7. ,
.. ~, t., I,
. ._, lg n i - t: ,s \
. • . ..
t itt A . $, . IN ~! _4:l , V'
pli[T ~ , ~ -, , cm', - \ \
• \
• .•
_... ...... .._.►
Naar 6. Reichheim
11 1 ... 2i FOR MS hi, I Ana the public in ge•n
u, I•run etn,t. N..
. •
to L,u, (..r Irtia
F. It. Moore, 11 L A
um. 1,',0 TII!C PHYSICIAN. deria.,
1 .
ptt.•{lllt.lll. l Cl , .tr ,, tmeut
mot, •n•10i1,,.,
An a,. '4,11
flaud serernrrt Una,. 41,t1 tl.r d to rs, lL..
Lnur , : tA...1 A Cl
tn. I Ito 1 . . NI
It. J. J. IIY E ICS—Surgoun and Ptivnician.
rimer4l,l dwrli,EG. rorner of Ihrllnennq , rtne. No
or,. door Own , .... , udtlifirld rd.
Ur: Ayr' t.erinnnently 1...1.1 in rittel.nrth, nod
will ettelul to the duth , et he. Prete. , em• Het..
Partirutxr Atte.a..n to Sl , BOlOO. and the Eh...ft..,
%tom., Aud rhslaren.
la A. FAIIN ESTUCti Sc CO., Wholehale
11.0, 4 . manufacturvrr , 01 111111,, I
14,1. nu I,:thu4• r..rtirr m.l nutl Frct ht,
byry(l/. turh;
Q.'ll. 1.61-46.1
. EYSER :RCDOW EEL (Si.theeB ,l l/rl l tl/
to Karr c liry.r., arkel
, natuiptiutt voirn,r .tr....: ILA 411,
111 1 ,16,66• 1 1 1 , ...1 .1 1.1/011V 1 . 0113,..11.1 , 6 111 6 111 ."
I kiDO & CO.. AV hoiosale Donl
0 . in 1 1 .5a1t,, , 4111.. , 11,.. ,11411, n9 , 1 - 134rtrunlynt..-
I . roprlrtort of Law. n•lohr.l.+l Man - tri ev.1:1111.. /.11
bn.l LILIIK St ru t , W. corn, of Mont skl.l
I , lurth /Ira, v,1 1,1f 1/,frrft .111 he mr.zon,
• I. mot for. ar.1,1 .i•ll.ll+,latrt,
111 E. SELLERS, Wholosair 14,1 0 ,
l•nrea law
SN. WICK. ERSLIA.NI. V holes:tie Ilru2gi,t
art' Wakr In &."4" and .kg - nrultnnal lul.lem. ut,
Ilk ftn.t 1.6 Wno.l ,orupr r.f Sislll
RAUN S REITER, Wholeriale and ltetnil
Libert7 gu , l St. glair ntx Pitt.
I se HOU N 31A K It CO., Widt - Imin Drug
-0 aict, No 1,..1 it.. PittsburaL.
„. .
k CO.. Wholesale (h
r+ ltoa vaarnt.lrl, and drains In Producr• su.l
Puuenrcn Matzta...etureft.: I pa.. and Oakum etlvr.,.
nt their ,:nr .rvec.
_ •
. -
F. 1V LL
. W
holesale Grot,ers :maPont.
P7.7, wS
L. SIIEE, Wholesale Grocer, Commi,siou
11,rthant. nnu .1-.1, Ott l'a,r awl uu., mroer
Frail sal lrynti
Q JIUBL P. Stilt I V Eli, WhOle,ule
- y r.. 7, rtMun. An•l Oommi..noo .11,chnutn nu.l
t'SL.hurvil flattutartaii,l -krtvir t. Nra 1:10 at
Mcnoil iv
.111•0910. Jt.Z1111.11.1..1,113
()FIN S. liLWOli,72ll a Cu., 11'holemtle.
lietevnt, ri.dtire OPuircilwino Movhau, maid
ty for ot
URBH-IDdE 11 , ;(i.RAIIAM, Wholes:o,
iirt , -;.1, and o. , ramt.,,n Ilercba.ntor.,Na. 110 II Pa,
atr...t. and Firlt l'atAborgdx. • • •
!LEY, stAfriiEw s S Cu., W twice:o4,
and T,,a411.. 111 , 4,11.1,11,1
1.1601.43 (Natorr, 1 1 . run. 67 11,...,4_ / 1 41.4.3rgh
1)011N WATT CO.. 1r11.,1t,..tie
I.laccmi.lort s.lerrlmut. , . mad 1. 1 .4.1., ("mi.+
ittsburgh Slanututur.... N. ',I 1.11,44 INlt
I B. CANFIELD. Late of Icarren,
F.l'LL'gnZr't,s.t,s'Y''!i'll.4..;," 11 b;O:1
1...! /Ob. %%e.tern 11..r
lutsxn ,mlLl44ohl ..1 Val,hur,l, •
4.1 F. VON 'ItONNLIo1:81' a. Co., lYbul,-
io• la Graoara, Fareranhaa arid L. , Eckaalaticu
watA. Plat, In Vlttalalrah Manatarturaa
Yrodu-a. roraor I. rout an.l t'hu..a.” Lap.,
. c•r
SALtU Dlelik.3l . .1. , ti.lesal 31,
, ••
tlrretutnlt. awl ta,,trt lab 1•17.4.-.
W. , . ana lo; From; 4rta, iNtr,•buratti
- •
Ira .Jr.. 441 , 1 ”
lialleab, O. ttl...taaLtirt. - tta cnaik. , an
ol.ant at.. 14 1 -
4...utartar, N 4, Ikn , i
. . •
KOK, 1V11,,1,•,11.1e 1.1 rocer.
- .
1110 Vit 11101.iltE, %111.1,...1,
and Llquor, .Itr. Lawn, tau:
wh3th 1L...A, iow 4,
auil Pittahurtch 4144ufaccures. Nt.
Greovr. Pr.turr, Fcrwar,br., an. 2 Onatn,uwo %I.
Drat. iu Ilauutartur, :
W3l. BAGALLI CO., IV th.
OH; D. FMK Ilitil. MI Ct•DI-lun.
WICK At. MeCANDLESS, , huccesovas t..
L. V J D %f Lnk, igh...lcsai, am... 1-, 1,..., , 1i1.4
laid Contrat...n )Lr.. 4.1,..1.,1,-.. 111 Ina, N.,J-. , ii,L,
Cotletk in and NU...burgh IlertutActon* ,:irrwl.y.
Bens vf 1V.,, , e1 .nn u.•.cr arr..... Ilti.bumzh.
CLOUSE. Wlik.,alt,
• Gran.. &di I....ramin..tnn NlP•rrhant...
uce. and l'ittobur,d, Man at.. tur , -1 Latrri.,
'I), WILLIAMS & CD.; Whulerale. and
• feally tinnerro;f.mranliair mid Cmandorina
D. in Coninfry Cr - Maw an' ititroburat
blanufmnum ',Tram of Wood sad Dab Pittattirgh.'
AOBINSON, LITTLE .4 CO., No. .2;i5
Liberty .truer. l'idebmob. Widen. G11,11, ' Pr rt,
Ze Sad Camaneeion llercho oo and doxl,rs la Inubirrgh
FLOYD, Wholesale Greeere, CorGteetlh .
ritbbargt. ' N,3.1. •n't
•• .
Toitx PARKER & CO., Wholeßale 0 rticert.:
DeNlerreles Prrdurn. Voini. INlure. Llquor, Old
ougshelsarA Ercatied Whisker—NG. Vartuarrnal tt,w,
Librrt Pan
A •DALZELL, Wholes:LW Grocer, Cum
.iselon asNlFurwarding 3terehint, sod do aler 1 .1 .
10. tilW, Cott. Sean. sod I . lt4burzh 31.EINetyn,
rrnerally —No. GS WufrEt . s.d r;ro. et
JOAN 11. MELLO.R. Dealer in Piano Forte,
Musk, arul Sinaloa! Instrumsout. Eehtsd Deets. and
talortery. eole adsot (or Chlekertatea Piano Sone, tor
Western Panasylrault—tio. NI Word et .
ENRY KLEBEft, Dnalsn• i n!Snail, Ai
aical Instra, nd Import. of Italian 'dtralos.
11-s f ent for Nord, a C lark, drawlin] square
rah teolrrnan's sro lean annehmsnr. Mom ferr
tuner. of ail tire* 00E, Into •04 Inmp lark., el ar
Dolt, and lining outls, tull/411uu, clout, Lob. aro/
us milt: flour barrel and lathing do.: al.x. Sao. aml
0243, at . LIY,PENCuTT .t CO.. No. 110, Water Pl..
burah, Jot
I.Teti /CXXI G ,FI
scriber" manufacture ask] kass ..oassantls en bawl ad
In o 4 Tacks, Beads, and bless - cols, }mad.. Clout- an I
Hike ilcur Ilarrk .14 Lithh.
sad Tasks; P.,' La 1, Lo r e
stow lut4 Yastarn Mak,. Pints; buret,, assortsd sou,
spiky • Wand:q.t.:es Wats, st.. Muni or a l.
ENNEDY, CHILDS tr CO., Martufactu-
RtnT:lo ° l l v `71:2tr157 ittur'irV'gic:btrrt'
no. Am- Marnotactorrol of &Ida AO, Ultath
ro94ll...lltirlatk.,oud eulphone - Achla Worth.,
N ug o. 41 iVotor et. tolor
J. A. BllolVti.Nrould mont respotittully inform
t o e p an, tlit - he 14,0140 hind at hie etan d on the trod
onion! the Dishafunl, Allobtattt.etu. ebnibleto itewnetent ot
of Veulthin blind& aloo toultlaa eiinttere an , mode tr. order
in the beet at Ir. wattentoo equahto any in the United
hjstot.• Ills BIM& can ,be trioutret without the aid of •
driert. Haring purchowti the etuet, nude, and wq.4
,of the eahlortoetAbliehutent of hatueay & birClrliand.l
prep - god to furnieb thAir Old C0.1.11at...4 well as the tone
J., at largo, watt even' tbuia theft. Ono;
Agoery, No. Wood ofneoz, mmotirot..
intbUn ' J A.[MOWN.
rOrMit Thi
N. ° S. ' ±ti l t j g b itn n rl l ‘l, gorlsr. bath,
lIARDIE, Vnterinary Surgeon, ialn
1 Irma K Ibtt
llntaryt, tlnod, would rtnywoll'atly ht
la at tbx public Shut lie lab ellinivrnretl prxetto , , in the
sitova yrtufroeb , p; and, by earrful attention In trbab ,,,
.atruytna la tan% ha Inv, to ...ire enatObttlon.
In ronnnetvin with Jatnrallatat, llOrllog Shoeing .01
IThatltnahlna In gonersl will be carried Oa, at thnnonter
Of Tunn.lntynot saulIN.1.1111•11.111x A.hua.
11/ILLJA3i setiuctiarA 4 vi; Lith g rEO3,--
I Y-.W.llshra•ra. Thlr3 otrePt, gm
1,121 , 1 1 14 burg1i..1t4t..14.m.p.r, i'errtrait..E luaBJ.~l 18.
Isoll , .4 , 4lknittn, , clatectarul .fl 31Alaitte
Ikt:ll.icia , Cards, 6r a ut.1.1 or
JrawY on an.l • jai:llva 040 / . 4 . CT
Marl, In 11.• Irv.. ppel./..101f le. aal .7 111. t
:'Wegner, Bnechner & Mueller
• _
! H E AllflVE.illl,slremimatChllyartnolinue
• ji• to tbeit frivnUs Mad th.'1,,,,,C.- golenaly, that th,
an, .r euvarrd 10, ext.., In th.• tnt rt,lr c.t . ,b, , ,p , nt, .at
onion, lon If how Carla, 1;i11,, 1 , :qa..A.4n4 - Ch.,- VlC,Zing
and 11.4,..5t1 , a.,1 cal,b, '4,, i.,l:l:tit 1.. I,ntolla, ,ic =
, kl , e.tslill , lnnent I, at ..,. iir, A1 , Cria1.T...3r,,,t, ipitv,,i,
T 1,1,1 ond Yonell, etr.,,., ~,,, 0.1- m
etUktit. FAA W., [Le Diaitanid,
.. :
AWN. A. ''' '
jiTit47at a tfal ;7117, 1" I VIA":1111.
es and Wlixt o._ 41.—tsito4 Nu '
• la sal pa& • VON= ,oZairai
lialrObst 01 I. Mia
vir A LiER P. M A ItSIIA.LL, Suever,sur
Fmnuci C. 11111--lmrnrt.r mad Rater Ie Frvncti
Amt.nran r, flanalyra Onnlrrf,
Itrant Print, dr. .U...n.-- s arid, I'ringn Y.
nn l 1t rai.p , u, Parer, hf...S;. Knot .creat. Imtlrve Fourth
"1.3 rittAurelt. Po
y utiN A. CA UU HEY, Agent for the Lake
1110 En. ttrui Michigan Lino, to Beal, end rho Leltne.—
• MI, on att. Font., nt lean, end Finitherld et,
treportert• by Canal
en4 EE
4attl Fomenting Nterrhgente. crone, of Penn etreet
Ow Canal.
New Marble and Freeport Stone Works.
a; I'M NI) WILKINS, in wiklitif in n 1 Lia
LI • 'Yawl,. e-inlillohmant ria liberty .treet. bead of
tt aa tale o,eni liraneh nl ble Keyrie.Nlerbie
vibe,. to h.ciabrarr, are. when , be manufstannai
.yt ear wiy ol Yreeteyt elion.Y.y . Monument.,
yalte. lemh Sibs. Ylanteie, Curbinu
and Fe11a..., la. Ch, WY, lc. 01 breelaY.'
4e, durabie um:W.4l4 betvg larair4 H. eon v , Pnwrit tit.:
h.. 3. psvpareut rxect. orders with WoOrto-
Ita.le. mai on ilia lowest ,t.rme.—anil hnire far a coritmu
unr. GI the tannins, t.retwors. NJ liberally extended
Wm. M. McKnight
IV ILL 3'.vo fl)ecit,l trntion thy Collee
v v
lama far.lleschuul. Rod rttu.r, alt 1 rftl
era I...unA, I r.uuu I.lul Eanturu Otaa.
au Till:I/num uppositu'Roane
Reim - deo, —.Lam Mort-L.41, r.C. Flaurdrm. U. N N hitt,
dlosda Ilaromon. and 11 m. dlridarollam. Erm.L44
I ONES &. QUIOG, Manufacturers of Spring
co and 111,g, 54,1, Plonoh tout, Morl Tripgp.
touch a :1 taiVIC Sor (Lammerml drop Axlefo.
ddalert Almin,ble Cartion, Fifa Esmtor Lamm. awl
Trnuonr, ommmild. torn., of Ilms sod ,runt Ma •
I&MAIL DICKEI CO., Agents for Me
ritalfir, Iron Words. nol4nolLL on Wald and
far ...Mat rut, dos ortom aul o doddrldr oar
aml :Meet In.m.
WIL:t1,111111 A NOBLE—City flouring
V V Mn.. Libarty cor Adam. rI htdthOrdb
IV 'CHOLAS VIVIAN, Chil Engineer,
11 Dratightdmon, and l`matteal Stminc - Ammt 31aRm
draught.. of 11, .. 1,1, for 11. Patent Lamidot .•1 Marla..
LL:rd for Moo, If star IdotkL, nolLimf dllll, dr. 11111 I.
found het sun In A. II and LL 11.. arLi. mnionre,
Itlarbum ,t .a L. lOLUMur,M.
r ot 1 CO., Wholceato and Retail
V s, tor's, aol Fart.
r"...l.lnrhrtlx•tr.«, 1111,4mi:1 It here Lt..,
od.ra roll nod 0 , in0...L...t0rt. of lair. Cu', Fore, a,. of
mdm out dr. by and inlaid at,J tu.
LW. rho 4:lrtalon Iloor caMmmm and ouvAuPte.,..Orr
an, %.**tlrlik¢ thero 110.0.1 all! owl) nu 1,1,21.4.14 m,
ilk' M. DllO.ll, 51vrohtkikt. 'rairur, Drn,
V etnall,ez.ler:rll,l4.l, NW. Clotlstug,nl I.lberl .
y - wt
,loth and ,v,itlt
. • •
A. M-A MARA, Agent for I Itllawure
I OAR N COFFIN, A geot tor ankh],
te./7 kin lu.aran,
IV M. ,
1t.{.4..1 1.. J.,•pr, •,1
rt 41,1 mit
,, 1.1,1
. uti I ca.(4 , 1...,pu1uck 44.4.•
(.4. I...hug are In 1. , Pall.
Steamboat Agency, and General Conunia•
sten, Receiving and Forwarding.
B lIV I L '
r i:sso Lb. poldso tsp. ,teat,LoO Awn:, Lrrso+,
loczo,Ls Arr.l D. 1,1. ILL Y ititsisas'
apro . ,L , S,
oU I,Alcrt)S_-_c rr. CHAS. NATIOC.
jas Ls.. \o, 1.1.: . mrsso ..1
rrrw. 1L
14.unt, Ls , st , crs sol I ...Misr, 0,0; sassol iny .ahor Ln.
.Ith h.. o....risorns sr I• 11, 6.,01
en-rsts. o
Drawing. Penpectice, and Painting in 01
B. h. it sMITII to .4.5..
fr.,sn tr
1174 , .ris n1. 4L.%t. . ow. —re .
ttet. r to nr lor
Fresh Assortment of •Spung Goods.
LMEitreerts log
I or , . I,•trin st .14 .e..ot
N. 31sssr, STYES-T.
.•• 1",14.1rt, atyl 11... rv: • I
Can Cr. (.4..nrActa.- •.1 ..t whig. •
1tri,ta.711 , ... 15 , rarj
[nap :1,16,
a...-1.11.111.. , f nur•ltanta kw, Otavn
Gorage,S tapping sCummiscion/tlerchanu,
tt' A LE •ietakr, tti
♦V 1.• I 11..1,, •I, •.. ar..l I
IC" ,f ~In
•rla tyWit , 41 , 41,541135t02,
. .
uu i
VCI.--Jer. gubll^.
T k 1640* r.
MO. Llr,
Rockingham and Domestte Qntenaware.
til :i i ., " „ l , l -.• •
roe,' :'.nth
(11,un.1 Chart:, •ntrat.n. n%a dam. 1. J
u. Se.
r • ,, u
tar.r arrl tclomvi4
Vain U rat, Fan-, r0rx,•1 , , ,, 011
/Ir.' , Faxo, 60 , 1,1 ornato,ve, an
?am -11,:x, and Lrra . ,. r nt 46. t;
&Jul", untb,ll
Alexander Erndley
No. 10 Wood s:rfet, Lclsun Flea 4.11,/ s.rond e.
41. NU F.I.CT L. , Eli of ry q.le6urit,ti,)n
ah - /...vt; STOrk.". 4,1 lb. 6•441•(.14,....1 pat
' txrn, At/ 4 : j urat .ill realrr
Attn--11/11. :TOV)L, •ho-b
a Ponot'a taLrorate , l toota, Y.rlor
0: 1:11:2 ti 77, +auk pl.l. 111.61.,
to whtat 1....t0ma10u of Guill,t • Tv- E. , 11114.
Ilnllavr Wur: W.,no w ' hl:4l -. 0.40011
alteati,.l4l. 0f.4.1.16.:.1.21.r.. Our, 1,41:•
• -
Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works
E undernigncd hm•n just eompleted &dr
11:01`; TUBE WoRKS. - :
.• • • •
WitokitillT IRON 'PUBES,
1•111, 1,, 44T, I. ..loat IC. 1D... prier,.
wog yrapanal at,,ui. ta raiwu t, artiho,l 1.
tar ai . A.S. a CO.,
Bolivat Fire Brick Iticumfaatiuing Complr.
GLOVER. El ER'd. CU., Nornirroas
9 11 111: SI/IiSCRIBEItS. haring been ap
prliflt•mi A CVLAt• far th. m..nwas roma,. *lll
keep eemetantly an hand a supple at the aeh•hrateel Waist
ire Bete k.l,rnribl• atre t' , u rare ev.e thaamt 10 .
are al., prepared n. e,eratre crier. CA. .10;1 lirtrk, ti,
be un,j, u t,, suit purrhaerrs. zebieh ehall
he a f6 ari ' v ! •tt i l ' e l t i t ' ll uaeveaary . .eharne rale tlfal ennui
the tire !Irtek p,,eareal over all otheretLat
hare taam nflrteet ill. In On I)nfleal th6a sumer
tinder Nein, well ate,. to e,:ala.t all Who UV.
Ilriea The praprirtore have dleternitymal that the
Brick eta II lore [V kW. Of their lava.. ena%shle TePntat ,. ..
sat that Ito expenae shall le. +pared u, make than, en
hatterthen thay have le.,u , r,:ere laaqa 'floe It the ou te ly
eetabh,linseut not ounnufacturiugkfia , - , :qrk , :? „ 11 , (11 . 1•.,
meta Cann: ;
W. Dison'a London Pateat Lever Wattles,
sryrrt..rm ase Match..
ILICLIARDSON, el Market stretit,
fly apt.oltatro.ut In thy Admirwltr. 15 M. el Chr.;
51atiufacturni. 45 gluu ~4unrn.
Thle ewlifte4 th, ake , .nrp.o/yamt MntAi. —.
enrr.....1 un. 0,4 n.. 14.41.
with my wow. tm4.i/ It In'.
rrrttfiral.. Imurory , ,ay
I gorrull.x to Um , I, It, ma.,
gmf,..M.. 154. ; I , l.kirN
• •
IIAWE FITTED UP, [ion the Now York
pe.u,{ v.) nwrinr \ (Or tho MI , of Cur
eurtxin M6t6rin10.60,1 ~to)11,166 sp,i4llloi,. to
I.l.liluMadO o\tlnr, fool f,•r 110 1.640 L tool
\mod eOporior 6,6ovfnoml 61 Brneviols,
I Wm], 664 1/
\ 6m6+l. 10. 1.6100, 1161110. h Innlar
31666.66, C1,1n0,,,, 104.. 6..10/64, of
ovo.ll kind. Loor flumno, '6,0,46.61 okol /16.111. 11.1-
160,1 of ailloront 61411fn, \ 61\ 1 , ..6
..04 Mr), 11.4., Mk.. iu.low 111i6,10 Modal. 6106.161.610
goo, mol 116nrl, en of 1.1nre1;6...61.00f i , f 6 01 1, . , 111.•
:MA and 1V0r6061. OM Obi tta.of and 1•110,1 , :, Mkt
sollato 6:01 1,6 v/tor gull, 06161 , 1'06 0,6
I'nnLwll. \ Latin/L.,. Ite,ll fool 1611,1104 f.
11,61,610 rooomot jaollll.My EIMPJ
O, 1,0111. K. 'Flora /toot
.1, Wilson it Sou.
%IV HOLESALF, nod manuin,tla
v v ctccd ict Car., Nct.
„ rpm! clew tolettr itmlftc•nt‘—velct, lb,. offer n fall .4 roucicct•to earl cct y..
and t:,titct Of Melt. own ttntl itcutsrtt nc.ottlartur,oL4eter,
rcurt.lll,. ticci clyic tcy tt Lich...Act And rct.ll. citccl InyclA lit.
cdt , nte. , n rtf Ihnr rtiattncittl, 411t . i pct Mitt. ctrucircotc brra
thott they Alll nrll c.O cictt oto.c. rcltxtetttlollt Err..
lOCALIM , ILK ttritnANitp,, voiN, BANK NoTts,
Iv. 1 I /teat ~/ Palk,rah
and Ina.. .it ti.rt• r,f th. Unl , m—
Sucks - hoitirnt ..,1
swinof .f.f aro cof roc
MlTtli CUI.t" lig, Coal Merchants
t.and In-nliiietnlron and Nail
rortier Wain. , an 1 la axhlnitton
Bearer Count, and e d jnernf enun tits,
1. `4 inn twitorog ov NEW Ilftlt/FlTiiti,
/ I, I ILE SUBSCRIBER, having been Inefaild
tor Pomo Gin year. (nor in the finurtitilatt ronNtppf
tat ilrialiton, and rein , lid f, aeon , than t*olea feartl ,
.ih We Tiiinity of the P.M. and durtnir that time , hi. at.
t„.ntion Kan been ntrvn atntrat exilnelvely la land Alien
' rot the nrematactiml.i.n the Putilte Itent , ndlriLe
iinrnett an nein. the C. - Raab-11 an
Urniit.t.O7 near the ekddmet the town) daring Ma
W 1,14,, a 11..avitry entering town
. other rya/ ...tote for ell.-
'Mery are new a rinailar. of Talnahla Into wad ACM re,l•
to ft.. 11.sengh and rielaiibilrhood, for late of Iry
ratei, and triita.,,toiniose.rus..
Title etrittli ...anted Inte. and n 0 ProPortr
otlyrial tn. title I.lolthutatila,
l'ororru. doolrooo of purebooiog 1011 do well call wad
wundue The thenduedves. . BL.NTJ.RUISII-IMALTOYD
A. Wilkins & Co
• 71101.r,--UrTiNiiMi.
W 004,13 rued. 1,0 -Wily.... •
\ glllll and Marrleind..
New leek anil New Enwland.
North anil Meth Carolina.
Sew lurk and l i hilicielnhiw
L , kl;2i d D I
r n No"7111irtIn1",..•"1-71'.1:.1r..
AMITEL KROESEN keeps constantly on
kaod v , ..1 amortueut of Kasha nd Ba th Till.
or, etmzhook. Oak Well, KOrL.r. or brow 80rk...
W° "" Cho... I , ry 51...‘,0m5. Zinc MI Chyrrt Ikinrd•. and all Ohm. kind, of Isere htl
War.rm., 11:MVIliP Ilan. Fifth nrml. Pitubufkb. Pa.
Fall Fashions
.15'ILSON & SON, No. 91 Wood at,4
tlhinl qksnr below Diamond alley., would In
vite the attention of their ruatoment and the pubila
t“ their lar¢e addition whichthe, are now reooiefhoto
their former .tack Good,. ronrisla in
Dart of the new style HATS. lately intnwiursal.aral winch
aro a, ram muc h admirKl for their beauty and treutilitt:
to,thr wlth groat tarieti Bra.. an d P. " .
Sh.akan. Hungarian. and other kind+ of lIAT3, for men
and Silk and sloinur pLusal oni•e: Cloth, 1111.011),
and Hia.r...d CAPS, of ulmoat all deacriottons, lamer HATS
and CAII , for children-_oo,.radar mvnmhla orh.ea whole
name and retail.
rlx • Itinek and Natural Linz.
Vltth, lienn.t and Cone, .1091+5; Ficol nod
,quirrel TerolllN ES and CUiTS; and Children
.Mlll,l, ..140.1m
AITE harp just received this beautiful
V Idyl.. (.1 IlArd. to whirl: we loritw the•tlet,
tion of our tripod' , anal tin, nobllP crop:l4llr
aogn McCONIP A cor iirth ond Wood FL,
Penn G 1833 Works.
toltr<l. •/0 11109.
Olt Z.t W IftirDiAN, tformerlrof the
ki , „ll.liT ll
W•ler sad rule[ scr.el, Pi . itahurgh. Pa.
haticuler etteutiou p 1,14 tz, mid Fitt. et Windolf
prin. moulds fur Itrottle. end Vliklp. soc".l
- -
C..eme, Professor of ma;
al EfiS ienvi• to inform the citizens of Pitt: ,
hunk mad .111,71,nr, that he veill templenc..
g ,, •• HAN. tu11Tr...1.4 % 14.11.1 1,
..n Fr.r peatirular. enquirr
Mu•ir ntofr. Nn tn, f , ple.n
Inn 1/041•0/ Huts 04.1. x
New Chocolate Factory.
c„;•!.cl.. (31 A NIIIONI CO. ietTectfully in
bum the culll:c that they... now umnunicturina
CI On nf every qualtfy trUe Mt, Chorolatu.
uullke mnot gull, ...I het.: le rrxrreuate.l were aid
.lultairsted. aml hence of tines. nat., more anfl
ul - Ireutue ti A 0, . hat.; beet; unuruttors of noe.
the largeo. Cliere - Aate noinumetene. to Iwlr....ute th.
pub!, th., they will tumuli .0 equal If not *Um.
ter to the le.. =q.v . /A.ll, anl at a lee. prte,
It .•rale at .Urrorerf
• 1.01 luurth .1. Of. •talrf, n. It .Iter te the Nlayur's O(.
• atuo thaftlirft)
Vertuerl . ) the Exottunge,)
Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets,
r I IIISI np..ioaa, central, and moßt coasatii
-1 rut!, Lootol I.II_ , TEL. ?look., born rosnpiatol,
Ludoloo. asad I.6bnoganly repairod axis 1.1 low
one:Liarrl,oonbabuoalation yobLio.
•utoorlhoz. book.. ud pronriolor ol lh. ST. CLAIR
11014.1, r , rootluny tulbrboo boo friond• awl lb. pni
that b. boo furoolool it lo nood 010, tot and voinibotro
a " :::tVot=
oaf. o,ual ou. !woos li+ oo.ntr).
Ito soli b. noon roubzol looaloot ot aso Moo., aM .Ifl me
,,q1,111. K. orrangoboenn, rendorms it lb.
bto +lnnen t,o veto, or borbasnent
of hias
on.l hon. lks It o If
of Nan...ow
w aaNaart.
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
M. A, WHITE A. CO. Iroulli
tus. run- nrstirs i s ay. vi.Surs,l in usesuro
Itsrstur.s.. nu, $5 • *nub Iron, star,
tf.rus ....jortursu, to Van munglacture ul as. •trure on.
Isrnitt..• lan.. tts, Us, nurs..t.nt the, nro
suat.,l do ons grunt, ssUtt
tta or
s. enstuts oftuffro In cli.nt 11,
rs. ro,...evixr te. of
and 1.1.1., lg., h ot G.r.•
tn •Arratamg t!..1, work ther..kno (to
Naleti ..1 16111. r.
M32=El 16=ES
. •
Grindstones ! Grindstones !
()CAN, I l'29 W,,,i
4 FALL Ft.l: I'L5l 4
ca- , s
• r t1...r I,llAm tn•
,IILZ ter 11AT, It Pub O,
W. {fib su.i Ytll
Suni Plre Proof lisneral hint
.ll.-crlbitr, having ,owpiet,,l Mll . Ow {Lett 1714 ....t,....
taw!, [war Clio Lee.] .11. 4 , na
mre.l turulth It. eat., art,
6.1,1aL.i.t1 aII JAldi., I .IU,
J, 111..1 11.,-,1 .F.
I I A , 31
I. Nev. • O. . Utagllw.ti 11., L1...y.0,m
11. P. Dragaiwt asd
A kleghrer.
1,rar.“..1. Ailoshvnr
~...1 . , Kt . r..tatsne.t, I s3'2,Ly EWIIIN It
t, WILKINS, No. 21.5 Lawny st ,
14116.1 of Wt<al dr... I . l.lhbrytk. 1 . ,
.I.l , aino.nts Ilun.: k ..114.7.40.,u,k.
A. , . Stand- . ..,nci. ust 11,, t- t .
1./vl47*.ra hand kaa =NV. to urtGr, el ii,
ct.,..-dt. 115 z.... t•r.l r•I very rnSur..l
i .: - ,, ... 0.,. acrcet...., ~, 1.1,........, cn
. . I : k.ccticv..l
? from
-11-nh i
Llariaar Ikruar .lark &-v/.
Juda• 141111 a. Jobs Harp., Y..,
ft•laaron,rs.., /ap J. r 11.. h r e . t
Ju P ba
t.burwb 1740,,
Baa a, l
C.ll N 11..11./.
lt • r•ria:ll,trr ,
it ahra.
J. 11 rbetraber-or. Cm. 1111 i • •earn'. ii
11,m & rarr•ut.
lintart SlcKeit kr, 11 al 11.ra*,
Jo.. Bralla..l l . T. AL: rola L 11r,
haw Jotboa aboirs t Co ralrra
I,tb )19,, Allrghear.
K. 14 f•rlr gral.lul Irry r. dulino. route. Irani In Mt. thly. barta bar 1/‘•
ap , i Got Intn.atnGtnl l• In. rare. up b. tb• pr•a•ut
Wu, •111•1•Joaror 4. nnJ. r •stilartior, Arrvarlrr.
Is..tut.r. IS ars rorme V: • Thir 4+,4,
J. Iv rrip,rtfullr teem. rn.0.1.1 slut
euet, , so.rJ thst be 1144 O,IN i• 14./
41 , 1 •to,k of ty.u...tioldfuraltu. user Inforo tu
tt, .1,.4.150i0.,1 to nt.t.01.1 ,onl,ti with, beat r+
is nod nes...t
SIM, sad froui •t .141 or his mkt.* snd facility to
ruauufaetorittu. ho wosl,l, pr.dtte. wsrrsot•Jfurol.
ture, at thr, tureot prices
IP nu adlipbal V., pclur.ple rd identifying lb.
ors' intrtaal with him Gan, mquality and' ' rice, and 1,1.4,
o hand IL. 010. variety 41 viety a •rery ol
(candid., from tb. ch.mold and plaineat, to the 10.,4.1..
gat, anti ecally, that • bow, or any rut vt ono, may
funibihrd from hia rte , tt, Or manufarturrd ex tu I
order. fir dart ,r, tropoa 11.. that tho.dal ran
tam" of hi...41.11,11mm' may be known. Th. toldoirinii",
article+ run4•l.. In part, of hi. 'lnca. which d of
.-Lyle anti maul he aurgamard in any tf t i .. 1.a.b.r0
Parlor. Jkavrine. and lad-rural flair'. of ..err
74.rurty, ronalatina of ...woad, mahogany and walnut.
caus.rvatnino mut Fray Chair.. of r.rry d..
rri and men.. of tdo, I
Fr! ' ur ti n nud Aincrlcan ..Born. tot., •nd
bah.? patios 11 . 1 - iting laal" of rarlone lamb, Mork Talde.
and fancy Inlaid "Laud.. 0..11 rtainbt, and
bip, mahogany. rnornarorri and walnut centre and • , b. t.
er, aatonaion dicing table., of l .1041 , 11 b.. mad improrni,
awl der:ll.lly Inetald kind mial, rani. Pembina. , ball arni
ranliobv., bo,litrado and raahatanda of earn
auortinvut; gr holland parlor -rrevaitun door., I
ottorp.u• and ktunla. 0r... tart and boka maes.altle board,
Or. Ferrero, loart reek.. hat •ini.l.„ .11 , 1 m. 110401.; rob. ;
and noun 1.0 children, paper math., table and tea y..y a. I
mating., ro...vrond. and inlaid jo,rl TAW., a, to to
It lam. a...anima of Comm.,. I urnituri and
Chain. Cabinet ma kn. , oapplied .an all art./0f...b01t
Stramboat• and Hilda. tursdahrd at the. ,
All ~ 1 1.1qro prOroptli 1414•11,101
1,1 AOLE 31ARBLE WORKS, (establishod
1113:41 by EDMUND WILKItIti, 131 Liberty Id.
br , ol or 'Wood atrrri, Pitt.lourvt,.
Vault , . Tomb,, Ilasolatnnra, Or.; Vantel Pi , . A. •^ ,l
alwaya on limed, and male to ord.,.
The only real New York Plumbing Estab
VIVIIERE work is done tai Scientific Prin
♦ and warrant.l.
Ilpuot , and ,t.smbost Plurnhins. to all It. brand L"...
dna,ltk onion and diopateh.
/lath. fitt.d up with rlnno. , to, to SIS
144th Tubs ~, 0 In 0;
t 1 n.L nand., cntuldotr h In ~41
f+Julc., "r Ire.n
to 71
L. to
It 11.1..t0 1,, Went; T 1,4.11.4 Mt
1..en,1 f0rneg1....,1 awl put xt; thre
Pu'"u lt ‘' ' olr.tllll,l4, Pl.l Vint a',
' brtorre.ll Moarkvt
FO2t4A lie.l;,KM,--mirtnro,i;
rr•-t e.
qv«.l from the rnso t iris
uractitntr, PlLdrlphl:ouettnAturi
anus and hr win hr ,r oiNimxTgit.
Wotor Stro..t
Por oritgowo thaimh lutrloslo
cannot ho murprasool. 0u.1 . 11.e low yrloo el wlikh 1h../
.1.1. most Itunr. tboar .w.01.1T
=Mat re...sod higtmat nollt paid Sir Amor ,
ran Htver, It pat foal,, 1,, 1 1 . 0
plll Itanknr Min.'', K.
1, PAI'KIL-3.:0 rostby2l by YA Printit. Pap,
300 24 by 30
300/2 by 22
SAI 1 , 4 by 21, 2: by 32. 24 hy 31. 24
400 •. 111U1. t'd.ry •
1200 b•lly. Cronrb Lqn.• Yap.
3.50 "tl ihrn and Melt Prat/ u nue
ll,usalrrslianvi afi&M&lil IT nil and fi'r
iin agaiuniira fur Itags, limn , ana ganeral a...turtineut .a
eau, Lain,. Ilan: Prate. and Tea Pont
Bor,. a..
Alto—Felting nf +Palter, far paper mannfacturarg
Printing Pager mgtr to nal,: on abort nailer.
J. 1,. 0.111iti;
GAM eorurr Nain COP Irwin gas.
Patent Candlesticks.
_ _
81 Alariat dna; auotbgr lot of Poltta Caub
ckc, a nor stpcesoutnalcis la TOWllfs, and cc,, A t
• provenl=ft onabc old 8181 e, ablch Inc public
dolly lovlted to all and K.:mina j c 2c •
RROPIMIT.-41 . barialn w . W a lhan 11 1 01 cation
Henry Richardson, Jeweler,
1 11_1AVINii rir ti , tril hi, iiriirii in a
',iglu., malts., anti tcti eat .4.1 i.. ', tit it ::2'.;‘,_
Int,ll4!lit : I V l i f V.l.lll ' ...4ttt; P ' .l t t l ; ', T. ' Psi:. ' , A "",...„..0 "f hi. I r1.”.1- . to ~t...m.,• :.., ..
tact Ittal . atat.tta It, II utt.L... It .11 I c t. tottrt Itt- ...a, rt. a
? 0 ' f ..3 .! ', ...;; : , ,' . "` J;. - ,. '' ,;; ' 1' ','.`,:' :: i 1,,..1,—. ~ 1,.. ;
r It: n .. 4 ' , t •tttt % cat Chamt, ktuttar Ittota•. Kat t It in ,,., NI tutatt ..
'kat, ..t.
n" Fan, •orh 'Napo, Much. ..r
Colt , 1 . 1 , t010 Poro , looneoo ,ro at won.. . F
atal Vitko HI . with o omit.... ronol, of teo. on I
unsalnoolti artirloo olach ' hoer only to Or 00, to 1.. oi.
prociotel (n• 1 No •.1 mARKEr STK
st ol Mr , A No
•rirlFn,la> of h ‘ , " :1
tul ...r? no of un on;.ro or, .4 . S.ruvr. Silt,
ea., Volt ot lottiots. Cricumnoo. e , l rsmou..
ouflAhlo onooo
Y. on I
11 nsailwouoilui
11011 N *EI ' III:ItELL, 3Lintita..l or, 11l
• 0111:N1%50UL Ho: awe It A Zit oot
oor of A toloro.n oml Ool.loot o ot- /r..
Howl rtmel Hrol.o A it gil•I/1
Patent Shingles.
/ 1 11 S SIIINGLES nude IV:dbat.
01.1 10100,0. i 11.
14, 00, 0 0, I•r•1110. pr.taton, 00. lorrt 1.0. 0: 111
f ra
011001 Cl , {llll ho 110 It.o 111 010
I'larou, 101101 , 1111,011. 1000, a ill. 11000100. r On
10.04 ran rooky 10.000 00r . 1 01•
kind 01 %ital.., r00..r, .01 .ouni.r, 11 , 11
furth, tniornixt..o 000..1. p10...0 0,1 0n lb/ rut.. r
1.0, al 11 II orror'r ilotol.rorn, et 4,1111 ar..l 01001.,
1,1.1.z0b. 0,13. 1 , 010.61.
11. D. King,
..t the inrirt,g rftl4.-
%%06..1 N 1t,..
ETrh‘ni, , n the 4.uhr I
1 , u,11.t Ind .114 Cll
1. 4 1 1 NE W : ITCHES, of
mul manul2, •
eu I.T.
WatcP, l lraerautp.l4.t. cr
WATCH 11 KVA 1 R INO 1„ lb. 1...1 111•1111,, ,•••
luc a... 1.11.1 by
0.31 ri7 .1 ..orn,CJ F..urt
King, Pennock & Co..
IV A 111,1101"14.-- No 2.. AID ,T 1: 1.11101:110,11
. L. , ,11 . :T.. ' r"....,1;.. U V1V141 . .,11 Abn hYtol Ir Al Err
WE il7l, wikr,r,..m,
119 , I•rket nlm , r. W.,/ kfit •r: I
to luvp hand •
own trutnutsr
II turc ot tst., cArrlft,- F rt..n
a ir
Qmela e'tilth 1..1.• htrwln r •1.1
¢llll,7ciaaplra, !rah Eh•larts an.l
In n•ldnlon Ow r keep r,rurar t Iraq
full rirJ !nat. ItuJlrr turret I rr r.
arttrle urarrolarturrrl JI 1,1 rr urr.trr il.••ltrar
tratertf. all at trtrrrt. wr JO, J. ',try" ilia
o ,trisrrt rs,
Orr.. J 1r1111.L.11.
Flora 'and General-Produce
COMMI - S S 1 u'S I' r E
u.n)API, NI AI. /' 11.11 vac,. rl
8.11% 1lIi('i
1,1“111, 41,1
11100100 •t oat oof•sfot•cof Jo 1,
•0, other comal ooo oof o art o
of rfoolooo wit/. otior.f .. . pool yff r,fo
mat kof ore fro•Lol i - P-To • oofTlf o
IfoLoo too.
l•rf000•fr as,lCool., • N.rtofu, Lot.,
n0 . 2.1t• o'Lo
Fall Clooiis
VII UltrellY Nurche3
, and
Len—. ['Al.., I. 11.
Splendid Inartraaente.
•• • ••• ‘"." , a iraa mini-sea arairrllk. IT
art. awl Iraulanaa, ark A Ikon. 4
rya, a raa,atlkraul lair rum- , ..../sra Grau.l har.. I.IOL.NIES SONS, Bankers.
lklrraaa k Clark r:c ~,,, ...•ul, alt., • ear.
Uwe,. 1 Sr• 1 rt . rs• u au., • I 411.1 ISIS , Ilranub al Ilaarrlluakr. I
rful rlra
_.l ‘ l . larw r tr. cr...1 • OW • - {154/L •.( rtitrturrat. roarTraaarl r at War , -
Cu , u•lre..l iut...04 iu au !e,P. I .-. 9 9 1 9-1 I I, 99.1 1 1 . 'I , 1.99.. 4.91, .. /9 Par firarieL It i-vaia. , . .4.2
"''' "1000"
' lri:L2-It 2 t it ; ;....:.attrt r i,.... ' mu ' { . Zl4!`l7ittiL4.‘ ? tt ' -f=l " 7,. ...2
. ...e. of it. L. - . 4 1, II rr2 LL Ltt. Li •tr..r ., t Truk .1 4.ftlr a rottr44 • pare.mtcurctalltLuAtstaniamalic
.tatt.--ra., fri-ut it-- ri ..r.. • 11.1 , 'E. •00, nr.,. -/ . 1144 i ' I , ioui l• Luta re Tula, u treat
m. Matt 77. '.,, to
..,so•1. it m 4 ..i.-+ , . L ...0, •••.t. 'ri.r.r 4. . oi ~,t , , fru., f. , •2.,10e ert,..0100 Ltfr. la, a Trout L•is r .do I
It I. 114ni .la, r uiL.l Slut.. I' - .K...ur0 fuururr Barta ...,,to I
. 14,2. .t e.._ t aultui.l. Lf .41furkIkra '
kall 12111.t'W inter Stock of fancy and Staple I 1:`."."::;:".'”,,,..,.,. a. ~.a1.....1 5a.... -- I L - ..., 4 I
. a a.... :I•.v l L4r to 121 ISILA:4e , ~
bl 1 1, 1 i :10,4
f.. , au 11444.—._. ~. 1 1
A . ‘ ‘..,, ‘ I A " N A , ' ''• " .. '"' i . •''' r''''PA ` ' ri , ...'.::,.. ' i s t. ' : 1“ " .
:' • ,- ' 1:t I L '''' ' . ixot
, .a., 14.• 911,91.99 I 11 • 194 - 19 . 9 'O. il l l , ~....,..,,,,„, ~.„, ~.. 41-1
9 ' 9 " 9,. .. ,1-9 '. II 99 " I I'' l. 9 .' 1 " 1• "... `' •. ' l ' •'' ' : 9..91,14 9 1 ..1 1 999 4 4 I:I4IILANC .
Y '< Lemur. . .... rat
4.4. f, e/tj.274 . •nR.
.. ~ • ti..4. . I , ...., 4 _ I. ',lt urtrreu Rant.. ..... I
Iru erti . • cr.44...., , ,, •.... pt. •,..g..i. -r
~ t 40 4 - , 4444 •f . t...t..t • • .31. 191 LIILLIt.I.4
, Lat.e,•t or.L, I I ...ruurt 1,44 tt 1 irirtuta
1 /..... 2 t.,.... L.. rir• r •-•' ~I •' Lt 4 .2 1 rank . ' luu at. • 2 • itlrrehati.' a Wee au liatili .
••• t•at.L, t....
~ t... i ~•. -r.• ... t .../, .la. , ' ~,1 4 4 „, ~. 1,./ re; Itruitetu. -
~,,....., r .,
...„„ ~.,..,. !..r , t. , , ,.,.. ) ;.,...:,1„1 .14.9 1 ..., 1" 41ifiTti CAROLE', .
I Ituro rl r 4... ruar • 2
4 o,iiiii.r.nut,l 00.1111minw'n
rur, Ili 5.1.-or, hook. Nun 2
, 94•12., 1 , 4 Lt Itor,L. O. go/ fll it 111. 3 1 . of IL earolitia 2
, f rturtt• lui,s.....ter par 1.4411 vt Pout!, 0114191199.... 2
114rii..i • ti.u.L. Mewling Pur.maa 0• 0,2,1 ..... 2
p.a., 114 ~ri-iii., Ilitl l•I mrirly.rr• it 11.•rhaoleu 1,11 2
In. 419 , 11, 0 .-,,,,,, I, (I TO IA
Fra-tii,irt 114 ....Ctn.:L.4 ~,151 / I . sararta In. it lifting 1.1..
Itantri.or., Itanii I hunk of Autuota. . . .. - -
ti ti 5.41,... 114., I el ../ Ltruurriek , Leuusta 2
luix•,.tr• Le ...
Leo. .5' I'IANNKNank.
LuaLurtr.s.,,unlr e.t.a- pal All 2.l•••iit 44.2...—... 3
lulLiii, , ii Ifiitot ruf liENTrtifi t
. 2112,..r. NatUi .114 , ...,1.. I at, lirntocky. Louirillt• I
41, ..... bai1..... pr.sllk of Luutsvillt, Murrell •
11... Irrutar4 221.4 . I • Nortturn 1111 of. Kr. Owl; •
14 iocuno 1.2.1 2 t144.thar,....r,1•enit4ura Ilk of liontoft it '
1 54 11.1.4 r . 1; Sil Steliel
rut, ' . q oll"t., . 1 1 1111 of rita.
ofl Mitnouti 1
. ... . .. . .
1, 1 ( ; 11 1 ho
tt , rmurr-, ig
114, tr.rrrot•, vur-th
4 ox, ,1 ,4 4 ttlll4 a.. •. - 1,
f‘tl st:4 tr mn I mo.• 1
v„ I u.hl+.n.hl v1r1...
tat• M.- 10t1”-•11,11,,
• Ii:EP Br:11 , 0. I
FIR. 1.11,1-'l.l-:
ttt , ott., ran t,titt mlyt tttt... tt.,,,J—lttt
•ht. Itte If...utter vf wt. t
et • I. irtt ItltSll 1 \l.
ietreo, tltt, .11,1 'Lott .t•
It Eji T I N :RSI' ti ,
So I; 11,4a, 1 . 1:1Au- 4 A,
I? taw icr-w IN A , !A.;
Itt 4 , :7411 ‘111,14N !a, t • I w1:1 nn It al
•1.---7.441 i de-cr.:lan .44 •,„
1 1 1. AI A . 1Y0E11.1,.. 11.1":, /I.Ntli
I llirtttrelttta that tl,. rr. .4,01 artirlt trt
" t o t ' II "' ' 1 .. , ir r 4 l.4 .4 lrt.ntrtrrutt 4 t tatuntrt. art,
ttt 4tatt.,a, ittat It• 4 t:t tt. Mb, 11.11141,hr
It 44 lltat atto Itrt pat 4 tl 11 1411 alt /1, rtrvirrt •1111 4.4.41
their Ist. Ittl• antl 1114 ott tat I t.
/%1711. - .101, efft/gnew, 44trrt rt. 4.44 4 .4 I.
Drug Stare far Sale.
1)111".1 I , IVITI:F:S..\ NI)
vI•K K of *11 , 11 , 1, 4 1, Itt I tit. 114rn
arrtllttttl tti tt.tta It, ttia.atatt tta, Itt . l
t• cmta•ett-t1 eatattlkltutant attottral nar.ort-tf
ttr•ttultts atAtrattaa •tattli Ma pillar ht.. MY., relottat.
It ayr ttfltuttla lilt. 01111. /Ai 1.. lilll 1 .1 , ,.11,./1 . 0.0$ rllya...oe
to tt ittr lialltyra 1L.% 4, att. tt al t at..
North..l l'tir, I,etttr•• it. the
1 , 41. cr. .wor it ...I
..,. 141.1..1a; N.....narr, nt.4
aro ra,
It 11, 1 flgof of .1 of iloDorf/1
AllawlDT;...fDl 1.,...:..,.1 110t]..1. oD.I I 'loin,.
I sal., I. AI 1.. /ow. ot I D., In
ilwo I
r] .n.l 'D, Dor of 11:.11tIo..
11111,4CD..1 AII:h1A.1. AI 11. Proff.o.or of rlorte rr
Jun!, I'.. Proloo.r nt Mat, no
rAII I) 1.1. DT Pro.f.,]fr Choir:l,4r, einkl
lolivol .1 lai..rna]l]
M JA14.11.1 Io 11,1]. 11 11.. 1.,f00,r
4v. tor nttra rouror f.l I..orturo,
”alrieulalotn o
AVlnn gyre. n 4,0... to 11.1.1tP
inn.... 1.8 15.1. j.,1,01r ,r.O
a•rTrltnp to 14 J....ticr
.PT ...Owner In tn. donut y Dinricl In whirl. nit P. Inn,
1n01de.,1.111 In ....Inn..? man. On, pp, ..ttAT
51T.11051 Inn... Who In.To tun
full routs... of ler ip? Own u. 11.....1..11111.
lam, ...P., .n.1.11n1 to 4 fr.,. 10101-m31.0 In the 1x..., tr.
IP.) .ns ale Mau iculan.,
furl, ran In procurnl
st prteunroNtenarlton.ll..pu IrJ
Ter InTllll, .T 14 Na1111.1 rat,utanittnl nl tut.l.
•rnlxetrB •
A Otelituotary couren..l jorturk, 1t...t0 oil AlstrieulonlA
of tlr k nlll 14, 1.11PII•il (ter neek• promote to the
eontolonotoso Ot sA Ole reou:at tos.l conlioue tint.
the nproil, term, nor goon $e made tor the °sill,
eloo, ok, onnlossi, Ii".
Ale,irel nl r rnl clllll4. Cllllrri,l.ll.ll the
Oolege. Mr. eliou l'ollefooro llolostoo. r, Atri •
1.,ar01-0..„ . Its 11, num onto ej ,' arid mileA•o.""
o' rano' , t'rekutol .11.-”,1 1.1. r 1,41 au? the
grgal..ll ,verrfory of Ito. %leAlral Vocally.
A , IY.Atills I. AND /.V1 . 1..Ne11 Y. A z:Stilli111:1,1 tit
Wall Pape r and Borders, for the EVlSales.
111S'1' RECEIVEIt at the uld estublinit;ld
Merkel ntleet, - Inat entet , .l ihr• entehreted
greanluany lot I'APKIt 11.1\,r
IN. send .ter Putt 4 Ter
the ~/ , te
eld prioe,
.et. ran hiettl) Lui th e ~,,,teeno,l
teas .f the 4114
111u11A, I'ALM
SMALL VA td ILI S o, .css n be alollll.
innanterl With plvor.ant tnint romne. ibo lurnl.ln•dnr , 44trtl Ann , r
4, the crriset ui Thir.l kn,lllrant -
Alf:ZUjtd!—Tho W acerville M4An New ring ;
,} bare rr.tablie.l.l,l a Irvpor nt rho mot. "W 1
numb r. for (It, rttln It la I N7lllllr r 1.1 Ortronag. It.
r•• ,24 - 11 1 6 - 11ir.. L01431e bore rtrynn the ton, rfott Ferro t.
ul any 'l.l..rt.turanr. 1.141. and color. an unmailed rate 1101 ••
wta..r.r aa*.a.o. •K very harm bring ',IMOLA. , I;r2 • r.utrt..r.
elliknOttAstri ded aor 14,10
lore. und erturr, urn: of tr. 0,1 unlni It 1 . fur perpoora, hrr • \
ranifort land .. •
tr..l.abe Imrt ollluPd also tor ball. Oesalmeo'r • Oucaoligto_o L tinoil.for bolsn.Sll
Loraumg Cobl, , ltc. • • W. W. WILLOWY, 4l. WILMAI3 .o ut • ...„
nob ,• : - tamer /toast and kvann St& ' Mph ' - Cana' 11311.0 C,
• ' V()
, Mtli \ I 'B4 '•• • • ' . 4.-
: - V.- • -X \ ,
. ~ .
~ ---\
, ---
STOCKS,. ctrltltENct A-ND MAAS% Piri'Sßilk Gil (a7ETlt:f. A cl.. 1r at. SI %mos --The sus \ , i,-: ,
- • -
11.1 /it it Li l lie it OULA lILT ..\NID . CARIVIrtt.T.) . _ ___________ • . ' •. N .r i„,.,,, 'n\-,11:0 7 1 , ove r ,e Erni, A
PILICEX ' OI? stOcKs. F. , the Pitl,l.6ro Gwent , 1 iiioi YnAit , bare t\ o, seed f ir a wide \. , .
CIOLII-BEAIGIO QI/A.8.T2. HOCK. ' !'*.ew4"l°. in ,aid eh no ion-a rent, \ ~"- \
kE. .01 Et. F , rat THE 'l,(li" , 1t1.41 UAZLTTE 1.11'•
[I. , ,
, ..
A. W I I, K 1 N S ak Co. Ina California letter in the Gazette of the , ofie ,nabtleSs—seernt general
• •I• ?Mai?* hat ' ' .-.''',.;.•
' • 13th, it is stated that ' The belief is well 4 Amvriqm .'''` Pw.tlY "UPerh ' the 1,-. ' '' - :'-: - ._\
-, tabliehed,th•t the quart: rock bus been the tan-,I Koh 'us 4 tp handers &MI ,alloys. .A, offieeko . -;
t•ouAki, or wAIIFIET ANti IllIkt! ST ,
• ,
. .
-‘, . . t r ig of 01 tha,gald in the country:,
.1 toade th,. the Iteiyai. avy, hoWilvpr. \ lisn'tak6 up he cuk, ... : '.g • ,
oven as N0... , 11. inta
. \ ...:\\.
•.-- - \-- --. same remark when the gold was first di , A,o•eritd ,! Eek ia be If of his col \ mtrimen, n', 'in a ' - \
' , a '. usiamiti. is California, though I never was there \ utiel I I letter atter \ a`ssigning 'alines t o !Innu fit• IL • ' IY
~,,„,,,,,,,„,„, ~,,,, ~,.
..;- t ~, . ' lt 7.. .. iiii, now held, that quern: rock bus been the niari-4 i do - a.t . cr the I:aelit pquadrOn ot Cowes: e' •co- re; • , ' \
Its , I,
found on the g.0..e Air that
, 1,., luZil, ant kubiir of alfthe gold ever ls lt , needs to make ,i , hold s prliositkon -for • r at ig t f. .. \
s .
1 , ,n n•,1...,.,, , , , i,. iD D ) 10.; iradaor air \
I.• ~, iou nc, •95 la. Fab! ug ever will, he found. !dead, clay, and man tier ' the ....altar rqWiti" or . 11 na tion , . 1 : . ' - s . • \
I ~, V.: ‘1nt,110.41!?4,
I• ''', I‘. •i , ; u: , `do •,, earths ar\ nothing more than disintegrated ' roch\l NlYs , ,
.., . - oar , l .. WO in
1 . 11,1.0 ri, •, • • 1. . 1,7 t,„,„,n,„ ° ,,j,„?;\ which rocknonetitutedihe original crust °four \ "Is England, the greatest naval'. . s '
th \ 'N
1..,. n "...clot_ 1. I. u-i • • do
,i.„,,,,.„ ,0,. ~,,,, , ~, ~,,, ~..,,,,,, „globe. leatnense upheavals have produced MM.; t tiortd ever knew, to allow herself beatenlti hex . ve•.; , . \• _ \\
h ,„.,, i u*kri u)eineur Our security ? perhaps Ovilrer*, \ , _N . •, •
I'-• •••,.....•,,,. ,1,K.. rio„. , . d
~,,,L ~,,.,, ,''.. ranges of mobntains These - upheavals
existence . es* free nation:depends upon '..,..... -•.,.\. •\ . • ,
lint°. .4 rtt.Aurge... , ;„., ~,, ta...tfuT +grri e'en so vast, a'y from so great a depth as to''
r val sup .r oray. Our pre.eminence as ft couleur- : ,•
. e i
j.,7,; . ,!;;;:,',' L',„ l ZT!''''' • 5 . •,,'•, r,.., - ' ,„1, • ,; do . brilig up the go 4. In process of time, (mil.
!Mal [Nellie will in futurs depend greatly upon --,, s ; , a \
/01,1,n, ,„,..,„„, 0 ,„,,,, ,: ... - +.. d' .: ~ lions, of years enn`y be assigned? by otmospuerie
i fors peed of our ships Let us then challerige '.,.. /4 , - .', \ Ic„, ,
amiolt, fire and saw, these rooks disingrate,
t 0,,,
67 ,,,. the.,whtl,7 world to compete with us i; - , naval ar- \\ ~:- - c.,.
' V
11::: . Atf...= '
,smell Pieces of gold.are carried along
' dietance,hy floods and stream, thilargest lumps callecture , at a grand regatta.of all nations—. '-- .'-`\ ..'..„ \
.. '•
' --1 \
. '
remaining nearest themountain gorges, the ,is ( cam P V !' b er. 4 . l4, Mea'af - war. merchant shins, and .. s \;
alone of 411 the mittenremains unchanged, ex- I Y'c?:.7.,:7,,i,'r:!,..1i.:':i.e7c7ner us we have loos
.iti ' --" ' \',. \ , l, ,
ceps the pitces are mean small by tittntion.-7- I
Y th e e ' di ffered i t \ad: orronsels tl ' e ' cl u ritse u d r , -. a . nildel, . - \ ' 14 -,. , -- '
1. heap no ddubt that originally the gold contaid
b. \ . \
eel COu,sidereierle iron pyrites. The larger the every vessel w " 7 " -enterw% f'r -the competition .'•.. '. '\ \ - ~
‘ -,
1 urup,
,i ~ knit pay a certain suakof money towards si. grand, rose - :-, .-. . , ~ - ' ,
for the winning 'nation (baying an appropriate - ..-'-',-,S ••• ' ••
by my 4pm - imams in melting it. , .
to he placed‘in-„:, , ,t,... •3 . .. \ \
I predicted ten'.years ago, that California cos-`l !7 ri ,P'''''''. ) "'k mthwmiliwPhy
Of cone. there might h -...",-- \ '..7.".'.1.4): \ '
tained richminos:and that the `', Yankee's would I :--' a-- 1 3. o r ' rL A I
develop them . I also predicted\ that the pre- j ' addition, "ti'L,CP ,,•j " ll " ,.e h w o tn n e7t rY o ,in or y 9 tlt i t.: W sgr*L le ' •;'''. :".: 14 ' \
onu sMeMbi'Trould 1 ;7 found in Or4gon. I found- I for " c ' d . "'
a grand regatta of,all nations would do-mhiejlis,.: .7 ..-
Jed hay opinion ' from, geological 'data The y
improve ship build ng 'in one year &Mau it hati - J.,\ .5.,
mountain range whichltas farnishid the pre
' c ?,,,,, ~,,3 1 , r „ r cai fonki . „ usada - 1 . r ?„. ?sap°
d h e e: d o
y itLp r rrd, .nailTr,,at\yely, for the last bulb- '
Horn nearly to Bbering's Veraite, At \Bhering, -
there is,a depression, lint the SWIM rallgklllnken ,
its appearance again, at about the 65th degree Foßmar—
rnail latitude, on the Asiatic: coast, end \in a
circuitous course reaches the heart of that our
tinent. It to sit of thi , aame ace, and they aro
all composed of -similar Materials, The anon- '
tains of the ninon, range in„Africasere elite, au\
- riferous, and at &omit as Mob as California. ---`
But hitherto the sickly coiste and rivers in
\Africa here kept the Kleeee and enery s i k es of the
>„White meant bay but, the tiele wale me when
healtly ati\iferous districts will he discovered
in Africa, near the equator; and then sip ton
will yield 11E4\50 or 100 millions per annu m of
gold.. \ I have no denht that the "
relative eel s ., of
gold alad silver- will ha changed, indeed it lans
\ changed, already, and had it not been for' Gep-
3acksoit'S foolish gold bill, it would at this tilde:
tave he4ri•,..nb:eut right, but the change will still \
goon, aurt ‘ hi , disparity will soon he great. The
buil of commerce will regulate the -matter, nod _
then •we shall 'have another act of Congress to•
protect our silvc , , , ,
, Two n ihousan years from ibis time Will not
.1 1 e the end of g Id mining in California and Or
lig u, andl predict and wish lie pregirtion In
n on roped, thit, , there are pereons now liv.
mg \ 0 will, Pee lumps of \ gold mined in Calif - or-
1.1 ~,
a over I.OU pounds wMght, exclusive of the
matt-ixTo attain there golden results millions
will be b gor e in the 'attempt to get rich, - and
whether o r cotitury at large s will he furnished
\ ikk
with more okements of bagpipe. thereby, is ex
tremely sloulatfulL'• That We card \destined to he
„more wealthy‘ond powerfid than any nation '-
which h. exer existed on'.. t his \globe, arid
one can see, atuNhe ante will loop be, when de •
shall dictate to- tha nation, of \ Ettropeorhat ttei,
shall, do, and whriboheY,shall not do:\notwith;
standi , ng oar standidg makim of 'peace pith all,
entangling alliances \`‘ i i i tts \none.' %Hamm: \ en•
tiara will out, whether, is mud feit'ed in r
piplic oi n despotigoi ' listerfire we Milb In e-
-ropean affair, just asNieNolan\ now 'does. hut,
hope with more justice,, \.N . \ :4. C. F. \
Canton, Ir‘, Nov. 1851: \' `
\•. ~ ' ' •,. \
• ',. •
• - -
Nig.flticlt., ridrot N •
Itoro ;dr', • 5O 45 hi
North. rn thhenti,
Willinnr,rt Haag , ;4
.....t, 1. Iwurannn
Vait....,' 1n..111-nov..N. Co . ,-. IP 12, ii,"" 6 '• a '''''
A.,,,...,./ Yu-rump •co v , ,' ,1 S ' D '" 43 P.b
• •
fet l
x II
?IWO). ,4y :4 o
Qr..; yr Cr.
Ykt.l.urah I.auarnll.• VS d
1.4 t, Cr 3. , . ;a. . Llr 4yrc 4 mo
^ '•“ . •eT• .
), L. . h„ 4r44
14 ,tio4c4r.t,
k,slrwl :;.y
j":[Fvl ,ret
Ert..l xual told/
' Tlahlrl7: ,' .4 t r.
Aar: A l'irrr I'k zh
r 1 iRi r 4 Ihmi\, \ tio
\ :
5 •
l'iti,nurth ivontiova
Ina, Olt .
lal-I.tirvh 1.1..1‘..r
11141 n 13.1 q,
I." Nlllll,l, In4llswen. A 550.41.2. Yn
St.wk 112rbongr
C 4.1, 11.1..J4,6.0
Aak.,l 2.21
" `‘. 7115 ui
• ho .1
' .• 2 7::
-; . 1 4
I 2 iv II 24„
I ois ; ;: 1.) ' 1111
„7 3 1
.1\ .
• 11l
16 1
i 1 '''
II ..shi'hfl (u,
Inal .
.W I ;0
3 ' o! I, 3
01., 3 CO
k tt "
tun O 0012 2.5
, \ o l‘`,;
uk , •
• ?
Cl: '
3,k-11 . 11 ItitACtICII.
Otto. Viab. Wait. . I Mate Book and
Minn h al tltrat do Bank of Illittobt
brai..t. at .dui 44 . 150f1N51N:,
Hf an. L idiJoaiorh. do,Martii. it tiro I or. Co. <btu ti did MICIIIti
bran• h at fcetand unlratniarte tiartvaalci Hanka
b to
ran. I, at _ „ tiot.ridnent tittica Mutt\ -.3
fiat ....dn'Potonaular (1ank........._
sorti to„ I 0.n.0.. t'utipaod—
d 1 da,hola t N.AbA,
itrotodi .1 oat.. .4 , 1 1 1 t MN.. ntertd....Toroutot.
au d. stavathdd . .1... hank .1 the , tpla..4
-h . fatal ot Moo I
branch,. , dot bona of ll.Caofada. Toromo
I, ob.+ at id • , htnithdi do , bNr• Zurlt
Iltanel Cad.
litanth at Lazbadt.o .. 11. .....
branch at M t . . 11CAANtit'..
braifeh Ft Mt. erttou .
I racer at Mal.. ..a .
bran.lf a. Tr„at
. Priot
Brooch at Mt..... . ..... :Ad&
Noraalh. ..... lo*rottot .....
d•thd, l'ortita...ll3
limn, al ....di.. dowereigifft...
I:tan.b.lil.,ruua tio n auditor.. 4.00,
liraorb t foliumtha....... do 'MI M 1...
, -
Tu. tut orarroals and depirtores or ,b...n.
v. ...toad= ',rivet. to the latter. \
g. 1.1/.., --P.litl,lllbuts.Cbupher.burr, PU1.1.11 , 1,1 , 4
S. • 1 orl., 1 ...ter:l,i entre and N. tarnt parte, of N. York,
' le..i.war. Nom .1......., and the .ix New Laniard Stat..—
' 11,.
“. 7 . ,.. 6 .1 . .. '' . ' ..: ' 1 ''.. . 1 '' ;:; ' t e‘'''A t• N t4 ". pt.r b ist ‘ 1:t 1
~ Z.,,,' .. ,,,...,,,.t. . 4.2-14. li r tl i trtvt . ll,,lm A i 11 , 11Idaysbura. I'm:.
h '..!":i . :::' l ‘Z i'.;".V. l 7;„:',' TZ`,',;."Nin c i ', is , .Z l '.l:r'P;.:
! I „,,,. 1,100. —, pert of It estanursland. tla Liam:pont.
Murra,vlll...,lett, ..,. hoods, ).0. Alemitulna, ..114 ludi.
sna .. Al.!, An-1.... dad,. at 11 r. r.; depart• daily at
I 71{ a. m. \
1 Cal 117 Antler, Pa, Marrnr, Crawford, and Jet:kips:in
notot,e.. We.i.,nt vane f Sew a t
II upper Cartada,da.
Arr,ve. at 9 r w.: and departs at II A. Y. . . ,
F... 1 Tara,) 'Nulling.; Pa. Grown.
, 1..,.tt., r.tit..rart, part 01 Wotationland county, it - OWN ,
!1....1.,..1. Latta...o, W5...1,414t0n elt). Southern and nen.
..r,r, ~*r” .1 .‘bit, And Indiana. Kontneky.lllluota. Terme.-
.., .1...,1ant, rt. Allast.alppl, Arlanna, North l.larre
Jinn, ,I u. Louumna. Florida. and Tex, daily. Ands.
/at ON P. IL: and drawls at 6 A. is. •
I S'ottid.aritt.i. C.a.—By Yvette, ascrarn.
I Plon•ti , .., Paris, 11.. 11,41.1.0/4 C.Ve, Va.. Jeffenord i : 4 rl=
lon, eArla.ll, II at Mot.; and I tp.rnrawras contillnaOhlo.dallY.
1 Arritro at II F. m.. 41e.parto tit il a. Et.
itt . t ‘'l l ‘‘.. ll, ‘ lti - Zl. l'". tll4 "r ei l llt: L N. C'!'"l.'a lt, .tintuga l'— ,
lehtslt..,,rark.ll*t• n t .lledlnatinyahorra.thamtutt.Laka.
lit. bland. 1...r.m. !turn, Littman. hrte.. bandutity. Word.
' .0.1 1...., ..,1(1... Ofll.l, the •xtreme northern manta*
I or 11.. 'tau. ol Rolla'. and Illttrov, truluding all 111r1d..,
• ion. lowa. 101 II umuttu. dad, Arrits. at II a. I. de
part. or it • tt ,
...'''. -- 1. 1 , , V, , PPDury , liounatt,Sprioglielsl.lsrr.
litta• 1 i' . •Port. nittnunig. hinktraltuttni, Armstrong. Chu
iolisl t',.. .i geld ramillttrA daft), except on Sunday*. Ar.
tit t.. " r ut a A V.4ll.ld.parto at 7 r m.
311..a:0—1:> lerryaillle, Wash.', Z.llenonle. Parini,
1 rllle. 11..thtulni, and New Anise. TilettalltT•
That..iny, and ...D11), at 1 r. as ; depart., Mondays,
1 1te..y..,,,r —l , , ,t,,,,,,,.. 11.11, Flnlsprllle, and Mn,.
wain, ~,,, .trr.......1......1.,.. Enda, s. at ArM ; d,
Part.. Its,
edneeday. and salt...lad u, at ~, a N. .
1 ~to,noss —lt, Itu..nanan. Street 6 /tat, Mehe.wport.
noel I allot. I
'ere- .n,llaatchlo t/aroblo's, Itostoser, Palm ,
no, 1...a.101 0. oi. 1.. A, Idberty. Lipper MkUlle..
ton. Pi. 'Amt.. ands)", awl Wedwasdnys, at fr a. DI; de.
" I: a; i g' A l .l * tnliy ‘ %} ! .ik:W . n7111, ' ,.:,7,:i,,„.... 0....
Burp...down. Crtaatt,, I. I
l • nt[0 . 11 - 441'1 , 11110, PIA—
Itat ham .la Arrllo. 00111a3.. mal Tr. il mi.v ~0 10 ad. 4
' d' l r kcrtit i : ' , ' l " t '' lrt i 1 ki 1= " :;1 . 1114. 1 4:iu. , . 1i... bio.-
War, branka.rt ramp.,astlrstrw. Va. Arriver on
Prllay, at 0 r. at, depart. on ndurday ,el il a m .
. AtlAL,rta —.lly . Ant. Tilt, r. , .i.t1.. Washington. and ..t5.011 ,
1 P.. Arm... Eql W.-I n n. . al 1 1. tt . depart , ' oa. 3 h.nds ,
at I, A w
I r .......1.4 —By 6u...n, Feery . Arrirnk on tralar. at I
, Y. At ..i.nart. on ttaturtlat , at t. , Id ,
i , ,k,tv..—liy Perr,..116., W ...Mot, Pro,knerit. Ogle,
P1T.,...... 111,110.10 ,, . ti, at. . indndlum S 1 anzit i .V .. „Y . , , , Wifr,
, miunt,.. Amy.. tri-•....1..t, —SU. tai, Th.,...tay, and
i Fr..isn .at 7 A. 111.. and depart. , in. a . , i
Itt ).at G • A 't.
' '' ' 4”.• ' ft. ntAn In the MA, eashour
1,, n for tj,.,. dad, u.a in •
11...1 .e. their .1a loth,. for tho toweekly. mail.
levet') .ou 1 a, matts mann I. to the 0:11u half.. hour
beh.r. II„ "r deP,trin." 7 ,
Coiipet Stock.
___ .
For Oa Attritiri thi.l . i.
Poi( -ras POOR YE HAVE AuLtANOrra yo- I
Title remark, made by our ltdigelneaet eighteen
I,,hundred yearn ego, continues trtteNii the prec
ept time. There is always hotieet Nvetty and,
, sitffcring worth in the world, to*eep‘nli've and'
in 7 t ive exercise the benevolent syinekthies of '
our store.
Th re are, however, particular circutuaiinocs,
at wel\as seasons of the year, in whitilf „thekthi
lanthropist and she ebristian‘ may be Coiled:lp
n to \p t forth a giaattz degree of energy :i% i d
`activity,Nhe discharge - et three benevolent d.
ties in heh If of the poor. Such, Mr. Birder, ti
conceive to ,e the \ preseattooment. For'seve-'
MI moutheymit, business has been much . de..
pressed Nekt of out rolling Mills, glnca work
`cotton mills, \and other extensive tosnufactUrhfigM
establishments, have been either silent or work-1,
Log but a pornon of their time, and with to-iny
f them, this suspension of operations will Loa- I
time through th' !tinter.. Nisuy worthy fami- 1 ,
lids hkre, nod oil Aotre about parting with the
In of the little a ee . , they hod roared in more
e ,ii,
1 prosperous times; Mid , ant is beginning to store
them \in the face. -.. \., '
The \ inclement seaioina, of the sear iv about
supplaving‘,the beautiful weather through
which have passed, ancilhleak, cold printer to
salute usk with his chilly lii'et, Let us retool
ber'thst we ODITBSS,LIBVP thdlpoor among .too --
The Directhts and b.nardialla tif the poor in our
cities will find enough thelielititute to partlke
'uf the means \ provided by civiksstates, and the
various Genet', Ant so cieties, etc having their
partionlar held f operations. will nd the pres•
enht, afford am c opeit t igs for their most vigi
lant hod y,raisewo thy ae ion'. \ A
ThicChurch des "one, the Deacdpakthe CBs
try, or‘hy whatever term Me aiithontins of the
varions'cbristiaio c rclita'are called, , ,ivill te.
found. (an they ought to be,y,in itlethiNe\f't all
others, instliscovering he wants and "rtiliaitdie..,
tering to the necessities of the'aninte „
of tkiri 3 -
respective chitges. And he ladles. ever \tove ( -
most, alwayS math.), In deedo of charity...74l 0
ready in person hi adMinic`ker with, their . don
hands, with their Superior , j , edgment in snhit \I
matters, and with Lrugalitynnel, propriety, 'eh it ;
ever means may be\placed uncle t heir directionl
and control. With 'proper eiga`ollatiotkmu,b
inn be 'done with evenlitnitt4Mi4ns, to:relieve i
the destitute. Who will Stand has !• WhiLitill I
steP„forward nod lead? `ftememhenUg that s iith- i
,er dtelstreoltha from the some benevolent lip 4; I
` , IT 1'1. , ,810RE BLESSED TO 0117 TBA 0 10 ' Centre
Scarruzati &amts.—The Chariestt,
C.) Aoutberp Standard, in apc\king 11 l
cent defeat hf the Seces,ioni,ts et the , S
tor ofthe Coll
_. \ ~.. tomtits Timis has Tots i
gins-us probably more light on this subjeet
thou he intended to give. According In his ex.\
\ planation, the .fieceesionista Of the other , Suits i
had no idea of disunion. Oh no, that would be I
too horrible ! \ TheY., wauted_Secession \ th.y
\wevo anxious for South \ Carolina to secede, but
dstocion was thething !bat was farthest fl to !
their\wishes. The experiment wits:expected o'.
week us. South \ llarolitia was to secede, 0501
the dOutr Stites were to continue to agitate atoli
make V‘ chow of joining her. \ This would scare f
the NoXth Into a retreat, and . t'orce from them
new guaranties, and then, ever)thing being ere : , ;•
tied we might return to\ the Liana_ According'
to this systeni the other. States were to' ploy
monkey, end -, 0-ktr'Elate was to be the cat, whose
pl 4 was to tinned for pulling out the hot chic
nuts for the eat. N
A correspondentnrthe Ne.o York Contier pod.,
and Engnireii gives the following. as so ao ornate I
statement et- - ithe hieing], of the aewspapera in
Yfaslaington city: ' ',\ • ' \ I
I/1g 7INTION A L I.i.TN.LL I 0 L 11
ICCE. ' \ ,
Daily', - 2,088 ) • ',, \
Tri-weekly, 4,626 i 28,74 6 papers per week.\
Weekly ' 2,322 1 \ , I
. T FrrtiliON.. 1 7 \ .
Daily 000) .' ',. \
Semi-weekly 2,250, , 16;150 papara per week.
• 'Weakly . I . : 4,300 ' \
7,430 .
• \
Daily -, ' 830 •1 • 'I.
Tri-weekly . 1;000 ) 10,300. priperaierlikek, ' I
Weekly • '2,200 ) ..
. • \ II
I .' ,030 x :
Daily I 212 } 11,809 papers per week.
Tri semi-wly, 2,142 ).' equating the Semi and
Weekly . 5,782 ) tei-weekl i y .. ;
\ I
. . .
14,500 'papers. ,per week
Prrrsonautr hes now a hundred thousand in-
hahltantu. In 1770' Gen. Vaskington arrivra
at the site on which the city now stands, ' and
the first-description of it is from - his pen. The
population'at Fort Pitt then wee - about one 1
hundred 'and thirty souls. The coal field Pitts
burg is the greatest* element ofits - growth; ti;so,-
460,000 kre - noir Intuited in menufac toting in•
dustry ltd otlier branches of business there. -
It befit cheaper to transport the pit - iron of
T,enitessereto the calif Pitisburgh,thati te trans.:
putt - the , coil of - Pittsburgh necessary to work ii
into ralli; - fic. - ;-'to the forances;of
Tenithisei, it , resultithatthe coal &ail the from
el Pittaburtir: - 'And iieher cliespfoel draws cot-,
thet, wool, and other materials of manufsatdr*
to-ciist fields of the:United \
Sti4wirttltimitelibetterielfteregions &great
latirllepralffo r irrZfashtslie Basiner.
- •
4 14'. .
. .
• •
• „ .
• •
, \
f \
Sfany of the Parisian If(
eon daily to read the to ti
at work. •
In Constantinople there
libraries, chiefly attached
`Vous institutions,
\ A sharp shock of'earthe
°hardy after tine o'clock of
2:111 At Bogue res, also, r
about the same iintedt Mt
This is the tbirditime thisJ
been noticed in the voiles
some period of the' ear.
In coasequence of the
waged by the 'savage-tribe
t iia Spanish gaTison at 5.14
eially on accoo 't of a re,
"',Sloorish 'denies, the Government. o.
7 n rn sto be determined-upon, a expeditions iqr
th porptwe of Chastising the Arabs alluded \ to.. ,
A expedition of, this kind is always popular in `.
Sprtio,,the old hatred against she infidels being. '''\
, .
one o the principal features .of the • national . s
charm r. . • ' '
They question of' the Egyptian railroad may
sniff be s t aid to be satisfactorily settled. The
: railroad Will he established, and that without
1 any act of dlsobedience on the part .of Abbas
, Pasha, or of \any•disrespect Mills sovereign at
Enligration-from'Gerniany, says a letter from
Ilauthurgh; continues to as great an extent as .
in she spring. Threalarge vessels left that port ".•
last week for the diraxile, fell Or emigrants,
e nd ' 4,
an immense numbs ' were still Waiting fiir , so.: .\ •
portunity to embark. ~, . 1 . .
The principal Turin sperstatee thief Carl
ario,winiTiOnbis sickbed lathe hospital 0
of ,Ischia, Wears. neveithelesS; the chishas
[ scribed by Mr, Gladstone : l Ttirspaper gives .
thee Instances sof the inklacAltile cruelty'''.
falsehood of the Neapolitinsiotetiment.
•A letter from Rome state( that the Pope
S,forined a mixed commisairsa
,of C'arditilq9;
lofts, advocates, merchants, and tothufact
ltei sirnple"trorkman; to examine it/1\ the
„relative to 'corporations, and ftO repnrt '
the ameliorations of Which - they, are Oust
ible. \ .
, 11.. &astir, an Evangelical pasterns F'ront
has gained a prise of 1000 fran6 froMa tioedke
in that country, for a treatise vii , depreselios,..,
moral •:sentiment s in France, arid the Moans '
strongtheniim it. '\ • , s ..s
%Value's. AT l'llla —A religions Protest •
and sersico' has recently heen established in. Ttsi
rin by the 'Waldenses\ (laving, themaelisa ha .---
bitter 'eaperienceln lte - og deprived of rellgioui
privileges, theY \ lino* u* to !ijyrapathisesiiills •
\c. \
s,..the Christian- refuge-es • ota P.spal.lisly.',...For
1 \hese especially thiaeuMsinnarsi Mantillas ts' \
est.s.blitsised in the. Only free , State....lmb , .. 7 -.-,
halt of this enterprilm, a deeply intern:sting' meet
ilaetuts hien Xecentlitheld at\Edinburg, restili.
ring ikit handsome contributiod' ' • ''' '', '' : t '
I `.See %SION TO Rave.-The Ef\SCOpta . .fsll4tr... A .
rmerly settled at St..BartVev.,Kniglit? •
. `,..,
bridge E ~ under \ Mr. Bennett, nd :latter y `,..‘
resident ils Margaret, street, Carentlishdiattarc, \‘
were puhliy received in. it body itlhe Rd,
_TORO t4tl.lo)i Churcli, at 1.4410011. 11 .. art limo •
since: \ .'t • S, \ s ~ted V L...
A Ash moo ger Londodhaatgourd,in h` a shop,
which measures it feet two 'in has in ct cum-
fcrence. andlwei?. A !201,1;711. . i
„Devi nt, who:, fro 'the "time \ of ,
Gentile to the p,resen k lea, been 4 h ightesi pt . i\
h il
_ . .
secular star of Gernoth opera,, bet banithe
Irene Dresden. on acedout oC'heinte est in the \
people in 1848; . \,' ... --'•
A letter, dated Frank:ort, 'way.s., , ,,
arrangement et the Donlan succession qu 8,
seems now almost . hopeless, The'llaniVh o
crease:it goes so ftii ea to thscatea th,\Duli ' o
Angostenburg with trml 'hy cpurt-tifardior or
taking, part in armed etioabot aXamst die. Dan
. , * .. . . .
isn crown. .
' \ \
At Falaise, on the ¶efth inst:all ~'ormairlySoss ,
'-enabled to inaugurate the squestri‘n eta's.. of
William the Conquests. ' 7
Prefeesdr Pellegrini, one iif isle ruvnuc , s o
the Provisional Goserament Of, parma\iri ISIS, s
and who h. since occupied a choir of plißpsophy•
tat Turin, died on the 18th ult.' . . `, •
: \
Foes Rome.,.-The Pope, it . te \ said, tot
rR, a defensive force of-his-own, and the ,C n-
cil \if Berne has forbidden further \enlietnieliss • . - •
of Swiss:and the . King of NaPles, undel...-
sto s 4 is to lend to the See his own, &Iris's regil,,'
Inept, It ie said that s tell:al of the 'll‘Cnigti“ s • " '„-- "S ,
of Mal " is thought of by • the Popes. and PIA
. ..
i the 'lisp thou and confiscationof Its posses. . \ ..,,, j
'i01:01. , 0 ce so immense in Fmuser,t,Spoin 4k;os , st
Mite,SPola d, Italy, intal"Portursal,. preen...Oh, 1 '' , "l -- -I t -1 .
chief abate is'. The Knights of Malta wthe,,ted '
t • -' !,
igiM s allys Km lite of Ilospitallers of SI. Jiditi f • .7 '
Jermalem;•sq on-the- destruction.of the °rile ~ s Is-, Is
of liAglits Te plate' by. PhilisdlV; of 'France. '‘. • ' l i, s .
and Pdpe Clem ut V.', In 'lBl4, they rescued ''
:' : - .'..'.'t-
[ the enormous j tied estate or their - rivhle.— ' - . ''.' .-4
kAa a MaVOnic o \•tlssfraterniileir are United
' \ '1
I \,,
I's ~.a s . '''' ' ' ''--:- '''.‘ t t; ' - ' ''''''' '
ANISE 49. •ii. ALI tOTON,-4t II stated .tLAt •.,.,,.. •- . ' lst • ' t
the \ government will \log to Washlngton, thes , ;,. ' '"..... ';•
'• . B s ulitg lawn?, \tnn Tap visas officers and nen.z-:' ''- - Li
I picked ,up at sea by an Auscricatives - sel, and 'car.
riedsiuto San
Frathiso Thly Will be entertalited
,'et thepublc capetrtarl-alt
. .s . .
wn our nubile ts ar s,
: It iiiatiiations, extant of utietptionvoistmerse, t . , ,- .75,
,t, Tiles \ le are said he its igent, god ,all
he able, Whe lAey aranent give such . ....i - \
. ,
'an account° this country aS Ma poslably tend ' - .0 ..
elf kid \ the el . ° sof the iiviernin nt to obtain a - . -
mistime teal ts y with . J:ipriei, d?mino-aore ~.d. .i '
Shithricd was` , sent ma to the U. & %ate Sus :- \
quithanint, to Sapan, with a letter fro the Pres- ' ,
-- 1 \ ss ••
ideal to toe Etriperhs.,the,object of whisiicaa to: . ,: •
.i:,:s• \ 's y
open a CutalocriCa) hlttoooliooo, Dal 0 Russ
, qushanna never gatltesoa d nd Rio danceila,yond is'
there likely ta" be amused. long Car Cepitirk„'; l•.'. ' ' ..v. , - , \
Pe -77 nnsr — vrtru l7 a\
• 7S•mr• Reduced. to 24 if”uear
• a 41.4 r 14:Y.13,h1t+14.X411.,
otaly mile: of hpkg.c..,,, Px.reltetki
TM. Ow and tr..,t rhure p thr,Csleat
1 Vogt ma Video, And the accutrunalatlaustat..
It, all rr.lnntp or the b‘44l.44,Lektsmtg. As
Agent Petna • all,ti4oarQ.Utuitil - . •
130,000 Buzhetri 'Co - litlifiantet . C :-
0 lila .. .it. Lnuli,,tlasi Lighttii. , :natil ilie Tilli '.:Aiysij. L .
tity,'lnst.. fey foiolitbitic 1:11.0t* bashils 'l.i.rst quality
LI Pittsburgh Omit s initsble tor sisaliltiztSs, toil. di,. i .,
tired at {hi, statiou Larti4l9 or sisht iminiyiaal dart.: 0.,
syirinix anil Karam, si-asso \•it 1,2. a part in-1 iiiiii than
:WS. h,l+
Lb.. .be diiiblresd mash....o,3st of AtiAl .
iost, mat Lb.. •hule-stanunt by id. sit ,:itiskuttisr.' 1 , 0, i
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ni..nt ii. bynis gliinit at. it. to In the n:sriir. n: .1.,
In. l• taels pnrirr,rr a....rir1t7deirtr."1.:ert....0. 1 “.,.....i..i. \
':Lin iy are rage the Ishols amount delisiiniii. j \
AMIN 11. umi , irtr.frly.
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'Tillinghurst'L FreiTinCain Cliwrar'
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''rEt.), June 19', ti 49. .. * Gie3i. Ei
.1 latini.---The'Umliirsitrtsisl sys
- ti Chum, Cl I:Niktomhaut .kt ars,
At lbsir a iilas , iiss. , flnii kit -
This Illittra 1,... ;,e• 1. , 1 'Oily
I Counts. ' , sir lillisso it tiss his
tyty t - iii.klisii lid F.
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atv Haim
and thn.Prnetiet £
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ferowely teJlediet•te.t.
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