The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 19, 1851, Image 4

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    Lew.t'—The idea , thst the, Public
ln was devoted to parpores other titan Sip
:very did not oidtate with Got. Seward. the
it Evening Post pn ',hes an extract from a Speech
of the i on. John'A.Z. Spencer in the Legitimism
7 of thiA State, in 1820, en the tleetrimi of extend
'dog Slavery once Free Territory, id Which he
• :esid:
S. Ling .iu C.ngress permits a einile Slave to
bti- held in bondage -in the country west of the •
Mississippi, so bong does it moat effectually re
peal the low againat the importation of Slaves.
Sir, acaricatore Juts been exhibited in England,
reprecenibig on American holding a ecroll to one
lanud con:sluing the words of our Declaration of
lodepeadence, "all men are born free and equal;"
while the ether. hand is employed in lashing
a miserable female Slave. Who dote not feel
htkitibled at the gross inconsistency 9
' • The gentleman tram Delaware ;eye that tho
adoption of the Declaration of Independence in
oar Stan; Constitutibn, renders Slavery in this
State noconatitutional. I contend that the first
Act of the native, -being the eolemn recognition
of the liberty and eluolity of all men, and that
:thu . rights of life, liken). and the pursuit of hap
piness were , unalienable, it wes the cornerstone
of the confederacy, nod is above all constitutions
nod all -
• • The best intetalb of our common country, and
tho rights of this aol all the - States North of the
'Eciotnita impericusly require that Congress
should exemiao .t; power the spirit of our in
stitutions, and the principles of our government
feyibid tho eitetesion of Slavery
• Mr. Spencer and Gov tieward, in speaking up
an a kindred question, vii whether Slavery
eitould extend over Free Territory, employed
language to Convey the same Ecutimeut
. Pernap , A tome t ure whenr e as on.
takes the prier of passion, the People of this
will beam that the sentiment for which .
t•••.. . •••••,;b-..;-; -.;;;80ov. Seward tan been HO ouch abased, woe al
ways entertained and frequently expressed by
' ••• • Washington, Henry . Jefferaaii. Jay, Rufus King
• . acd other eipluent Stntenairu - Albany Evenmy
. ,
Dr. Colton del:sore:la lecture upon the ••Fai
Annihilator . ' at Triplet. Hall, on Monde) even
inz, and concluded by setting fire to a nitnature
house, dime feet in height and three feet lons
hen the !tames began to burst from the win-
Joan and-doors ho applied the . ..annihilator' .
anti z riatifiguislied them instanter A sheet Iron
•vakt, four feet lone and eighteen Unities deep,
tilled wthl combustiblea, was ate set on fire, and
atl r flames were extinguish:A in a tu,quent. The
seemed to be, satisfied particularly
vapor, of the machine was brought
iiltilitsri.pcn the 'fianse of two belted candle'',
' extitlguished at once!
-•-• • Vil•Mar.
Lad t ies !! Read Thie !!!
THE PRESS, and will shortly ready.
11-flux ILANDMAID TO entoprising
11 JeAniPt.qn nt the tzwbanisto of Ike Ingickinent.Lbe
e. to liiLllnble (about in numlrrl, th.•
u,ttitLl of recedllnz .•,11 def•ct, aiLlinotrcirLinun how
,i4Lp the Im:tn.:trot always in tune." LIT I' Ii Tact.
hiLit•i, 6 IV/ &DP nip - 6116i
2 , 0 6 , lrA (if the Ciud I .""'""""
Tha in,rmu-lan it I P
tu,,. baV..uu tour Eptatua t
- . . . .
bullea ....1d Z,s¢::.,:hop ID, 1.,., el[lea of Pittaburah and
, 11.11nithr.y. deamihg early mrilj of tot work. rap 1m ru,
n' heel'[ by leas mg their address at ~
a:3.10t rzr efl,th• P.ttsh.irgh U. 4, 12101t r.r....P. th.:
mashy stfrea of 31k,hra Johri LI Mel`....r, tinsel steely. itcd
Henn - kr.leber. Third ,tre,:..
Br see _lir., oho .mazer t. the author. at the (issete 0'
• It,. Pll5 !..u.,1“ arno; teat be forwarded, fres Cl porta,.
0., shy 3 tof the Chard etatrs. Ea r.opihe for vs, dot
:hr. A Ibi.ral distort wt Co Rat .ellers sod II usie 0,..d. .•
Thar. I , uh no te wt.rt , priate mese:, .hitt • ,ut Iowa:.
akthrhats In It holy than a rcpt of till, t. oh,
. . ..D.Prht in y0ur.0h,..r., , oc.2l:nan
, rIMIE PrubFerjber Inv in • stare and oilers at
lern.prlc, n zoo 4 ....Munn: of Alpaca, Cobutg,
Pum and tgar , .llnnsr de Loitfo, Perkin. Pr In.. Il.n
Cotton riaan,la iLilrt. : 4 tra nlll, aad Wo , •I.•
rn long Shan., I:414 I. , non,rnngre Manclicerelliefa.l.nt
Unman, listinel, Cla-hinere-. Cloth,. nn-,,
'trns-tt nod Blev DM 3tanlin, Drill., Tlcklim. Cord
brit. ?adding. e11111..4. CrlbreLln, t2.ox and
15110,0...4 in
and tick Liven
Ltndl(lotto, 'Woollen Corafortn. nrrnd,
Batmen. alma a In,:e rarirt, ni 1 mart mptellnlly Nvlto for att.ntton of marhant • at,
rodilam ‘,..15 C. AllRllTliswr. ii Wo,,J •-t
- -
H. Hepburn,
TTORNEY AT LAW—Office. 99 F,urfh
/111: oncsit.the 34)-.,
To Printers..
P.ltlNTL.rifi OFFICE supplied
tab 01 refine." res., •lolr, a first rare
ed:rb - Ntwr.tx, t, , ,ht. t...,, , h41 'rah tfi, us.
leer.• 4 1 tb.'r:fifitnii.e. W 44 b. , r.t•t
f,red tasterrsl• .re ell In re..l fieler, slet
meetly new. find th e owew. sea engsgel In ,Ltr
~ , u-~-
~, • t sr% be sold ere, moth below the. rah., en Era.-
modsting terms. Tr. aCT.. pr.tatta operstafi
eallOne For keratin:ller. apply 0 Ili; cifire
• es9l7oiwerf.T
Copley's Fire Brick.
COPLEY ,t CO., near Kittanning,
tt l lTM o . ' 1111 ' 1 E J
C E4 f t
•uasetta Office, when sample. may be roe.
J. C. IC.. cettelutte m manufacture 10t CM,. for Elle.
maaufacturert anol otAtm. .1. SCILIOONItAKRtt 120
'Wood .nett, ere sole damns tar Mus last named article
• melt'
'TNeebmige Livery Stable, and Furnishing
No. 178 Penn soya, near the St (Nair Hotel.
Tbe Subscriber, thank- r —Fr----_,
eh ful le the pub:to for the Ilbsral - •
sf matom 116 herstofmt, would Inform them
thee Imam conmannal the IitiDIALTAILLN holiness In
conatotion his uriair boldness, and will attend Co
funerals on as Mosalsble team m any In the eity. Any
n thing to do In Ids Ilne , who may saes
Lina aYo b at: l go a decend,llPlol2 their boamas losing attemleJ
Co prompt:l : and In the best sad Loam. manes..
E of Find Sort Eaiterii and We
6 nor , a, now noorlring and . for
wall= lao. W. SMITW, t otrort
I.l l ,l , u t. blo , Lo p, ve . r ,, L . etar CoPyi
{,or esTlng, and mousy RilTl9. =arta.
ls: was and dunpealug tablel prevnie
vantapa n . rfr aft 1.19,10 Lt. Inventioos En'thit mine objoa.
let. The vrisa domp pot revaire tunruine &own.
Ttatmet3 lb. 1.050 s and ac,etarle,oinu tbegmaun n
la nbt.1.41 taora tan and mp . th quleksr than by cal.
3d. Th. ticosura Is soptled N ettally that ths
not Italls to-L - seak(.l act out 31 order.
•Ith. The ..Lomyening tahl•tts a inbstitut,
blottlo, paps, ..Ili yet cloth. salty 41111., trouble ftc,
dant to Ilea use
The latkt may to ue.d to gsrat 11:1VASIL•kr.ratl any
-Brant already lu urk, sod the that porno. will be odd s•t-
HA.", ,CCIPYIN(i ths 50001 of •ttirt) isynadt
of WI linen Reck. Lo
in i.a.r.d.ttnent bsett., 04th Priot.
fitther's. ant Hartisonrevy;nni
.Cao. LAW, Cob; m, n,,f all pattsras now ug.e.
FOT st HA V,I;N . :".
Bionic hook and Elationerylt cabusN.
on3l, .nrost of Jlart.t sod Its
Orphans' Cobrt.Sale.
piirliStlANT to an order of the Orphame'
• Court of Allsgb-ny County. wlll.b. •x 1339.1 to ail,
ThazabitVabennlA,of, .Noveint-r, A. Di lASI, at 10
otelnet, A. 31 i at. the tion rt. t 3 the highett and bin
Maar. all that cetetate :at er See. a ctheed ornate..
the township of Pitt, Want, af3r•sud i In Jae, t tl.lrwid's
plat et lotg in said townetup, being a part a ota \m. is
nd 64 of Dahl plan. on which a err•ted ono f • both..
two Witten high. The amid described plena of pound bo
lag a put of the EMAlirt of Jemee 40e T....
oath- „Br Me Gear,
• hial2l.. L'LLEN CRAWFORD, Admit's.
Orphan' Court Sale.
PURSUANT to do Order of the Urplutun'
• Court or Allenby° or County,. u)11 pu . s , l:d .411,
01111ondayi the 24th day of Nolember. A D 1,1. at Ihe
Court Boum, to the highest and Lem Linder, all that eer
tain lot or Vete of groutsisttualuln the City of Pittsburgh,
wiunty stormed, in Cletenenterg 1.11 which 1. erected
.0 for.. bream, two movie. high. The said descrdebt
Dime of ground being a peat of [he ertats of lame. Palm
er, dec'di Terms rash. By the Court
nesteltw PAL.II/11t.
To the POE° !
riE undereigned, busing taken the otore
--No. 61 Siszkonstrom, lately inenyled Jsters A,
OWL me non rehel4r.. their ...mai sumit of Sol
in I Win Mr HOODS, bond:ling in ram as follow. •
♦torspleto Assortment of 151146 awl into
SEARS, Cashmeren De Merinos, bunch 1 1 1.4 A
do rner.. Long sad Einar. SHAWLS, 61.4 Lon, Shawls.
Men:damn% Cobses. Coifs, Ribbons.
VlPCliff I' stock of 61017R11100.1.1001.4, sod Dis
newest style . 4 CLOARS.
The csitatotis of the late Tina sod the publle sew ltal•
led to tell. feeTelm] JOIIN POIiTE.It a CU.
-antsd to make tight. sweet, wad contte ti.ntly nutrb
I Broad, vber. tpcod sour it nmett. A tull,dirmticu
ctsAtitribtt omit yncitager. for nig by
J. blob A CO_ W Wood it
Dr. Keyser'a Pectoral Syrup,
COXEMIPTION in ita•ratiy +tac,. It - Loopinc CoJetb.
cdo - Brouchitta, alad the various dieezree or the pp into.
'" girr ' szto of the :Croat certain andaffectual ramedito
for &swum, of the cheat and pulmonary organ...An dia
enemal. lo combination of
o do r 4egetable mate
bins Is the form of a
la Ardor to make tt
bias It hit an iction eatirely different from any of the
Cough Slattntines now lwute. aa It does ont coned...nth.
hoWebte ars proton" adelnaraa of the stomach. • fault too
oommoa ta Wash Medicine ,
Thla remedy ditocirre the aurora - DM - Want eecretinn of
mamas and palegna Which attend I:slarrhal and Broof ht.
edatiLiononst WA ICA onotblog effort all aping l hoarsepetw, and moulting; 6lor reli e d on tia mrt•in.
ThaProprbtor baa tooted tick utwiidne In • practire of lee
mud year,' and alth mtbotindett
Country &ton brawn ereettlAl do well to keep • supply of
thie medicine noustantlyou hand. a* It will never fall to
Leve relief. mid afford. al t ance pro:it
em" Of toe moo. dettresine Coughs here been brought
hefOre the notice of eta ptoprietor, and hart been coral
la •
err short time. It I, one of th e thespele. reAdicileve
IIIIOIA2I. II la put up fa half pint bottles at 60 teats each,
or 6 bottles for $l.
For we, wholesale and Wall. hi KEl'tikkt McDOIV.
SLL,I4O Wood motet, Pittsburgh, pa_
Yoe Balettno, Scurf, Intadruff, and the various et/tease.
of SWintalge—rennontontlei by tlen littaburub Porn, Cosa
rearoial Journal, Ilvertieur Tribune, Cbsceborabure Syne
nel,•and OillLf urcco. s the best article extant fur the
ollftre Porileln a tut Well ati Inelegantly perfumed prou•• • •
Tr. terilerina Ito lair soli and Hoary without 'ulnae
Slan cli..ibut trait vane.
my We
etud ltuttautsuooustaten to curs the vor r . at oases of Tooth done In •r
lm Qn•rt Ned Plot &AU.. PY.P_.b.I by Lensten Brothers
m &Mt. :at end I= Upper Thames street, Londe.
So much remmememeded_b_r physideas or the hithest a.
Short:, se • rattatle trt Consmortion, bagfuls,
Chronk Pneumonia. I.icket• Grin or the
Bonen, Atblte Swathes, li.enk.l Debllite. A. 0 , 1 Liver
hirthly recommended by C. IL ILLIAMS. S/: D..
TllltilAS WATSON, AL D., Jolt:: IL I rm alA,
4 , - R. & U. Ind L. J. 1/E. JtrACill. M. D., or the—
This Article of Cod Adler ou our.bedeleended on as Puts,
and Inn be stsiceleally Hied ho ceder to sutler the doubt.
Pd tide by ksYeiics mcoowELL,
'4111) 011.--15 bblo. No.!1, (rintor,) for
by 1; J. Fan:v:ol4w kW.,
A AROVI SOOT--6(orlbs. Am
pithmat tiareit—moibs. , or sato by
- Col- I • 7. KIDD If •• • st. .
fi.ODI4VER 011.—Xusittos, C k 4 Co.'s
lj is bulk Mbt the tbittHiSigro*E.'ma•b7
1 .3 1
& .nars2--' •
IQUORICE ROOT-2000 lbe. extra fresh,
• fe, br ... ' J. MEDD it. CO.
nor,. flgacilnaldbbave this day reeds large lot of soon
nuolelilankata. you cbeap.
..Alm,l-4•hite bon, made FLANN ELI. Northeast, rut
ober of Paull, and blarketala. not
. _
REAM. TARTAR-12 bblo. poled, Mir
k)rant.] pore; for We by
oao td A. VAIINF-ST,A:ki. I Co
4 7A.1.lA i i: C/ 1- 61:macetti for Bale by
igILVER SAN O-13 bLim. foi by
1.3 ',eh • 11. A. YAW: FliTtAll abo
TEN. RED-40 bbls. 10410., - Eug., tur ~10
8. - I,FAIINESTBett ` co.
L , ENNA-,10,10 lbs. prime Alexandria, i,
1.3 sal. b, . PI A. VALINEMIt PCB 1 t U •
- ----- -- -- •
—s - -
TINEOARO bbis. - for sale by
0c..81 EIAMOEL P. BUM ,' 80.
VANILLA BEANS=-20 lbs. fresh. for tale
ILC . II VI CJrw,,L,D tmam r
7.0 orW
:AELViV•t v El s ;ti..`"i!: . "' " "" ' " . "`"'"'"' r
rYo altillllll 6 1t4RCIIFIELD
UN DRIE S-5 . 11 ,0 u
N Ou y rn L. l.l 4, r h o . lni s:
I HILoLf cod Cruniat..l
lo , tj WATT Or '.
UTTER-42 , r1 . 841 KA, to Ip i x i 7, ,, r;;;; . ‘l ,, litily
I'II:ESE-500 boxes reed ond for sale by
11.4 1 1Sii -- 11/bell. Lake. Trout:
31 hr •• hr sa. u
LINSEEDOIL- 10 Ll,ls.llriswold's brood,
' for pale 1•1 J u CANFIY.Lb
',)EARL eiteks fur safe
I 00WOOD-60 bhln. un hand and for sole
!A b, • J KIK* ACo
4.2 HI IiTS S IMAIVERS- -500 doz. 11Ien'e
1.0 lambs Wool 00151 A saklLlimet, reed by
0k.1.1 A A. 01A.SoN A C••.
I LI( VELVETS-20 pc.. ittiwt desirable
W A A 111,,1N / CO
AM3IONIA --a/00 IL, for Fnle bo
1. of= II A VAIINtaiTOCH
BURCIIFIELD have reed lNK this marntug Lr Laps., the follow/14A srti.lev
High 051055•5 a11v.,: 1.4 •141gral,
Hightu ac
I.ter black bin., ill ta..,•••
11.6,1k40 POUII Sole,
-111erle ftrarrd 0114 s;
I,llll.tatet !ULLA.
IR. 'PRIIS6' S Magntlicj 7j 10k..
% T
UOD ENGRAVINa by James U. Part.
teuechisor 'to Ne,lll. Jobtoch,), •. lis a.
the Prat OM.. suur. tileve Imu , d•ng4
uAwb.wry. Ten. aud.noe.
Y RRA JAPONICA, for farmer='
tumor onle by ml: .1. hell Cti , N NI AKER c CO
IAtENNE—I bb! best An:enema Pepper
E solo orl7 J. 13CLIOUN11AH011 o
I.IUT'PER-60 kgs solid packed. rneeiring
and for stale nr ocr k DALZ.I.LI • Co,
- • .
(.I,AI...ERAt US--5 ton in tibia and b.ts, for 1 ,
I.J gala by ~.17 8... DALZELL 4 Cu. ' NEW GOODS
HE SU BSCRI BER hr.ving now received
bi...ntir: 04,4 rr I.ILI. A5l, irlYtial G001e. , .
1 UJUBE PASTE " Eagle &mi.! - 7 , 7.41 , 1 ., ,..... 3 t , n...61. ,.. .,4 . ,.7 .. ..f1 , c . :,:.1 . ,u h tix .
1,11 Ivies Lamm and Vanilla. Ice rale by. . , . . '..'2..... , ,, , , ,, . •
~ _ 0. 1 ,...+,7/n., : :L 2 . . ., ! !:1..1:::., o ,
0,111 it. L. bk.l.Lkll, , •,,... ' L ,,-`",-;:, r. 1., ,r,,',, d i tha a..., ... 1,11 aa • Lana
TRANSPARENT SIIADES.--A Gide ov- I ?5r,v 3 ; ,, , , ,,.. v . tw . L.77 , ,, , 1t .: =,, Pg . t i v=- , 7 ,16, , ,b.
.moment of Tramoryarapt WiedEra Chad.. 4. Pak . i " L ,.....,. I n ,. .. .. .. -
nals and yetal by
Plato Ulu* rill., ail y.n.... aml •111nr.
oclB J. tH. PH11.4.11•11. No. lit Nl,ltcr. al 1,...-.1.. /slack Sisk. ''
• - 11.-ar, 1V...v..1CM. all .Ledo
lrilrl ...i ll . Hu iz.v.
Tooth.' ;Mb rr ;"'Y'f.:lel l 'alNT". n i l lshl• endleat To.
• rt.,
IVANTE,D SOON—An actLve pazrner in
v v . 1.12.6 MiCO f.,..11.11 j . and =arab= anop.. • b.-
Mto•rn,•even mil.. fruit Pataburakt A young mart
crow enaraclwr, with. small capital .V S3OO to WO an!
i .
•no baa • kno belga oleo. ronolduka bur...a, aid bto
Ica ware anol hungry, to /mob constant work aro! 0.0
wage* will be l ien. arm to • Tunny roan with a voAl
mpltal • very rontable eltruktWo will b. given Plea.
apply for tart
r par/oculars to ISAAC tlokliltl2,
1,...1.. Asaoel:and Intelllgton• I.l9lcs.Lnamorki, Atlea
ZIIIGAR--4, 0 hhdv prime, in store and for
kJ twie by.' h . .. cel7 B. DALZELL A C.,
, 10LASSES—'200 Gbh' N. 0., 50 du. S.ll
.0' it , 40. syrup de, In 04.1 mtoperare , far Hie by
DALZELL I CO, Labany .‘
VANTH4RID--75 Ibs. field', iugt recd
LJ sad for sod. b, oar J KIDD aCO.
4,IALT PETRI-50 bge Crude now landiug
1,3 a/ad tar sale by oath, I DICE YY A 01
1651 Hops.
I ONDON MUSTARD--550164 warranted
11.1 Pun , . vxf fxrd br J KIDD II CO.
W I 6‘ I , IT .. t. O CIiAL ,..c K r -504./0 Box.; r
KInD accriond
4 COMPLETE set of Bucket Machinery
IX form]. by octl6 J. DILICL/Itill aCu
k e ,, , POOL COTTON--10,000 dor. just rec' 1.
from England, end lur mat, t.
Or ABLE SALT-500 Mrsground rock now
Jll. 'audio.. and for salt by ISAIAH. DICKEY a C.,
. .110 Ws. .al Front Strew.
t [TALK—,S tons for sale be
sa: J sCiItiIN'MA6EK L Cu
TARLI-10 casks prime, fur sale by
call • :4 aW. 11ARB0UL.U.
4.1 H. MOLASSES--DSO bbln. for sale by
t 7. 6013 s a w
dri ii.EESE-- WO bones W. ft., for sale by
/ .14 a. a w Batumi:off
TIiAW PAPEII--2000 bdla. superior, r.
1,..7 .16,1 per aleam,rl IL Lludaay. and Or pal.. LI
J L. silo,:
.13 rorsirr Id Pans .ltd
'ARRIAQE OIL CLOTH—Just reed from
L.) Ibe F•0411, 6.,. .10.. l i ds. 4 1 1,1.1 qoar
tallat.'"U.,l for a t Xtrbo= ;.ar to ns 11 l
t Nu t . 116 trarkel
14[13; J. •
JUST opened at the Depot for choice Teas,
No. 2'6 Liberty_ strayl.—• real ion a NV, ELT KEN
ref/ ukANGIK 1.01102 TOO . , a erry article
oclll tir...rrt and Ty.
HEMP --60 bales Kentucky and Missouri
Dew klottod, for .Je
.10 JANIS A turriatisoN a t.x.i
i t ROCHE SHAWLS,-Just reed, 2 ea...,
UP rupee. Ilrotlythasla A. A. MASON a Cu .
91 1 0 W YARN--I sack fur sale by
nCb J. lUCA.lihrlaLb.
I.IREEN OIL OLOTEI—Just received from
rsc , or7 ooo ant. and Ire our., O l e .. 011
C.AL for alialoar 01/rala. Cor sale •b 0...• aml retail at
No. 116 Market at locla) J. a H. PHILLIP 2.
tea Matchless Blacking, du - mated Allyorior sadr
gLo u ln..! to .rid to stand to my climate,
111. smuttier reed and tor eale%iolessle t
KC j
Wood street comer or Sixth
V EA—GS hlf chesta Y. U.:
30 •• 11 : of ;stye inapolet.4.,
Just reed and GA ule to, J t M. FLOYD.
Q OLE LEATHER-400 Sidea N. Y. fur
17 ssb, by Ol2 J. A K. FLOYD.
GUM ARABIC-150 very
attloorne, for sa.. . R. E. SELLVLS
INLhoios bram.J. au 1m0d ... ag i 1ag! .7, 6 6, .
lf)OSIN-50 bbla. No. I, for sale by
lIIIP. LOSWOOD-100 bble. for sale by
lJ oceo 1. BCIIOONMA KEE & CO.
JA2II. GINI ER-5 bblo. for sale by
ocEP E. E. BELLERS. 57 %pod K.
Powdered. pare. for eale by
B UTYEI3--4 bbls.•Roll;
• 2 and 8 kean f'ackad,ZY:Lf. a ,
leer <anal tad far Bala by JA.118.8 DA L
oas fa Water etreat-
Q ILK FRINGES—A. a. MesoN Co. bare
/0 red 20 carton II Frinde4,l/IVt sad amidFolor..
RlCEL26iieree bent, for sale by
0d.90 DURO/ODOR it 11(011 1 / 4 :4
GOO yards 44 poor Oil Cloy];
Jur/ rac oo ' ' d Ad . o 10 34 r 441; at oar
4rlon et lrel3l
Cl/Sign ts 1)070 univervallr stknowledged superior
any bluetit Cream In the United btatell at hottope ,
"I aTir " :1:11I n gat. " 0 " T 70 .
Le's utia/ a lp.% god other ' grail. tionipounda it
tarleurpassee them ell Lbe ollient gestr render
or MN lather, which so niters Ue hug a 1 In shit.
visit pleasant and
gam It portable greet &Ural:daps OW
IthhOtted ...Ude. twittit irrinur bre Mut the
bait materiels. with the greateat m o t outs the
ben. but bbbb the chrepert article tor stirring. The lo
angina salee of We article dining the last twirl , . r.ttre.
and the eteeral gold and ether nottiali ewitrded ior it.
stronigt etteet the high etthuatiou in which It le held by
the w mmmlty Par sale whole...le and retail tit
loci/ It. h. BYLLEkti. di Wool et.
Wcod strevt.
- 1 4 1.1. X WHITE -20 puss of various styles
• and raiess.Jont neirdnd On Je
SYLLEiLd. 07 Wood at.
PTS. TURPENTINE--2S bbla. far sale iy
aoai - D. A. PA IiNESTOUR tW.
I for'sal* by
L INgEII.O ! V-4 1 % l ef;e g y
. 2 joit
#B.OOIIEA SHAWLSLL-Wa invite the' at:
.... a. hillas to a lot at on, s4l. &fwd.,
u.d.c... , wog
~ 111 drm.sasortadplum, Ist4ir
111 011/.14011Y/zw.
!., p# ~ .., ;4311 , 12 etkO ant row% draft.
lung Shoat...
Oat i at loath east c..r. Fourth nod Mozart it. ,
_ .
CANARY SEED-50 bu. prime Siciiy, in
Cr norm ozo.l for ta4 by
c-I'l ".• J. KIDS a Lt).. or W.. 1..
TURPEN'fINE--50 bbl.. . prime.
altar be J. KIM. e
g 1 REAM TARTAR-2000 (lbs. pore, for
Line b, J. KIEL t CO
I CARR. SODA-13000 Lee a: Co..
New Cootie brood. tor vala b> J AISn AEta
lib's. for role bT
K 7 • J. SCILV MA h a tat
A n.nb last toot
ocl3 4"‘ Ptil t ara ' &., 4 . i ' aZol - i ' oL rt.
boxes No. 1 Rosin, for sale be
reis a II ItAlitiaLlattl
, LARIFIED SYRUP-15 bble. for sale by
GG ACIS.EREL-500 bb's. Large No.:1, Mas• Cor nit by
rah. JAMES A. 111111311ISON t C.,
BATHING SPONGE-1l strings very Cale
LIP fur sale My Gel - J. KIK/LPN:AA Co.
VIAL CORKS—IS bales lang and Bhort.
V for sal. by 417 J SCIIOINSI
cam E:lit• by
MBE SUBSCRIBEIt havjng taken the s t ore
CO. C 2 FOCRTII STREET. Cirnserly oernole.l by
Mr. P. U. EATON. snd basins. eddlrelr trd suns,
will open. on On. to de; el S•rtdmtot• with • i•r•• ••C
Inc:Stier stock of
uvethrr with a nt , ek of ;TRIALVINGN AND FCTINISIt
!NG GOUD4 rompleG•uhvrt , nfore I
kunwu and floreriu.....ablinhue at.
. . . • . •• • .
Ile wouldpeoLfully INurm thoee r.e.ote
Mourming and
Ilona FurulAdog or Linen Go Jr that
rtore the, obtain • mare rutuy!,.• mock [Eau olor.
r.L• ca). an Le lot.ods dryouo, partkulwe
non Inane/. of bonnet.. Importing the onto
re r g " ...i f lut '"'"'".iA%ll.?T.llel6ilt; at
Card. -
.ud I , ufer , itPutrally that [hey h•v,
[lv ,lpott SYCOND 11:v supplr now. for dr tall
sutteutlou th , .11 - unuptunlly full moor,
LAD:E DRSE. GOOD& In r.% sirt
IN Laln.. l'arl.d.r.r.t.C.,•hor.r.. Froneb koriook, Motlln de
Long n )
havid•omp. v.sghtn«re &cm' 2:l•lain ' a . nd n. y .l4lr
atad pelf mr.uridag do. pwor
atyl...‘or.k dn.
. .
haro aleo teerlvrd w further :upl7 ot aupur
Shirting Munill4 mod Llttenx. Stwplw
enll un .3.l AU 11 be told se low erirwo C.raua , l y
try Meretkeut• iu•lt.,l to rel In oar ,bc.o.f.ale
are ',ld low .z. 21
ILK WARP PAR AM AT T A u to, ree'd
.17 at A. A. NIASON aCO awl ~l Akrlttil at 'wit
k.,a on. nn taod 760 J... , 31 LW.' Cash
myrn. Fleft-r.I. KM, Lad otbur A. avery
Jenrivlon a 11.1.7, romprlnlng morn al. V.,
IRESS GOODS--Opening ht — A. A.
Jr RA.)PI 3 W. S..v•r, n.yl• t fla‘hiGiaat.lo
r/ma1.t.44 I ;ilk, ea,,hrubros. Nminoa
Prramettao, klim.r.nar. e. ocS
• S —Now opening at A. A.
very lublnoaut, kittd ca low al
7.1 ,wet.,
tam,* ,eki 111.,we J..
; to J. olva.t.nt 8r00a4..
elll eaultttt thl• utornin., ...tor,. Or tiohU u tt
ltorll.• ph, I. rt-h 15.1.1 Les it ter,: tot . i, oh .n , ho
.Bur, t. 11.1,1 hut. rceett...l ....two.. ut afx.s,
br,4l.—.4.snc 'tor ou t .,
tu t u, Mohair et 51,00 tour ant 2 ,3_ ,
lturotifittld hat. , ...Met, otoettottat.ut •-f
pen) wo , l I,uo which Mo t er.
lue --alto, ou t ., , Ark 120,4mcren .c.l atut rad.
01 %We. Ni•:oto.lf o r 1 . V.'. . 44
kr EW DO4)DS : NEW DOODS I- -A. A.
1 . 1 )1A..10 A .4 I '0 r in 0,0 tottbtot th, Lei(
upt,firtli 4.11 butirati mot. nua f ou t te gea ot turtle
end 1/..utootto Or Gnu., tu which the amount. •hute
uttli and ..tall uurrhotorro to it 3•110.1 0,
—A A MASON A to alit °lra arts der AU our. of
bove goods.
paulpg at. A. A MASON CO 'S-2:sa plecos
rarh rolM Frouch Mormos and Thibet Cl.ltb.
x_, A. A. \ CO. havejust needs.] 35 cases et
1...0t ott Iva C.uharooras .1 La, tattles ca-4
-I. Now ova-a...n:17 madviag at 311 , LINTOCE'S
Warvhoaa.. No. Ka {'north •LiVct, to ertil , tt svo oo•
he attoonao :hire wishing to furnielh hours or
,samtoutta, a n • will .841 loa or tbau ovar aofors-In thla
Eupuir. or J ti . III.IOVrIPC . Ell A CO.
2A Wnnd
.;yttlror.ivl.iop ht. 1.11 mot 1
i.T.rwt. " ,il - ,.
the .i.t.atiola of intrel'isrrn. w h. lvietersztio,ll,
-.•--.•-• • . • • e • •
Il lower ttan sec' heron. offered In marli e she
eslat.llsbesl Carpet Warehouse. N st
St. 3IrCLINTOCX !col ro N. atter:A.l2 el earn..
r.muullurturvr,.l , . t 1. l.rle rtt--k of Illu• auJ Dr.!, Cletlip.
i 11 Coin.. am.ll,, reduc.o
tn. nrwt,nose. 55 1 nurth et oel
I NI:11 Al :s; cA liycLi!jr - ocK
hip laR 6,4 of atsperr.G..
at.d „ ,aitisoo INGRAIN CARPKTR. of o•• azd
azyl., 'lvry re , t , 5,...t alskoh a- the as.
teattOtt of then.., turAiAL
” "rau
" 'h.
F "V" "
hum at.. at, S.O rtell 1,4 urn. t,. BITA*I. ,
At, C.A1 , 1 . 1,1, ). att.Glt,ar4 prl
-ba,r4. ke A:se:tuls,l IC .41; than ..•ar
•7I thla snarkft Call at It
oid ee-stratalsed Carp.' Ware.
t.,urth oe I
riIIAPk.STILY CATIPF:.TS--Nesc and rich
t•ry, Tan-str . , B:usool, ()art..- I . tall :led • Lb+
11.4 1.7.4 and 12-4 Barnsley Ethaatl.g;
.4. S 4 and 6.4 an.l Irish Pillow. Llnens.
7 1-.1 Rao 10 4 7aLla De.s.ske
S4l end 11.4 Demsek Nal/linear. I..eiller.
Inayer ...I Crab Tr:v.41424M
I,miltrd 1•1.sco tual Table ceeer- ettprt. Ennelx. Qu.lte, rend, t•ursll.e. Dtzulty eve:ae awl
I,lierislt.t d 7l L..7z,„
sap TiAile-t ikaht.
W.n.:1141,, ritual. ...el 13.11. Craps:, /Lela and Cr.,
Ch.tnisettmo •nd tad OILY, 'ii.....
.a.c.l 11 444, a 4. 5.1,13 vlll be warranted tel coe.l
nnme r.r.4 cr.e.; Cur quality
,fil — O t tlSE 1 , 1 E: I. — ILITTS,Fi .d z, gr . eat variety of
, trop
.licitral 111:34CIIII.l.D.
10.00 Nor th kavt corner 4th ana Market .ta
n Larn rrcylvrd • chow. £1
.t. - rt. Ir 66, it 0, s h .. , ...., , Ity iltr. • . i.,„,), .6 r.... lla., , New Music.
rt...., wnil Lar......r.11..a.m., aao , ..
01IN 11. MELLOR, No 1 W0,,,.1 strfr•
d , A:311.1111.1:ES A VI) DE LA l N ES-15 en h., ~...i.,,,t ,h. [,halt[, h ..., D ., ~.,, ph ..,.. ,
ori Just reed m i ~a , ..
''l a '''. rkh... ' " ' I I '''' "1 ki sOO ' lc J 6 , 1.... 131 f I. .. to 1-. -
11,1 61 01vt..1 et [Katy AA - Ahl) a i 1 ones- ( Mr, at,ll rota u a
- 1 'eh h^r•-..tTr t.• 4otnr-.0, ramtwor
I A 51 ASON &CO hart, ...,0 hilnd, and .... , :ftli .N , 141(..--Olor.r iv.. 3.lwritt.
-I: Sr . 4. " , . Wr.'Pe'rd'rA'..trja.s.V4ti . . r ' 2
.1):1:11re,' Z l ' '' . t.'wh . 6l,B = l . ' 1 '4l-''..‘ i ' VJ . t ' Q '',3, 6 toP
..0 al:Ft:A..lh., AI nuarma.-. In pru• .64 , , M. ' "."" i have r) che.. thou txx,
ag...nst 1414 ourk,l , ...on Tata xt.. Inn,* to di. ..‘.7"--.ailsLo.
I watch hc- bw. tam. UP g ma that 0w...t ..11
yLOOR OIL CLOTH --S(JO yard; 3,4, J, i It. LILA tntha 1..rw1.... a. a.ialn.-wanallon.,
6 and natter Juts r.,..1 [rum km- I 6. 1 0. . ~t r.f. , IL•lrwtt.o,o-h.m...U.t.... ,
.. - f.,and for nal. whou,a... and rwtail at the • 1 e...t. i d .- ~ .8...--.. , if -.1..... -
~.......,, wt. 0.1 ft. ,• 64 i Ja I t PIIILLIPM , L' 11 1 , ...:,.. i r . : = , 477,..41 , 4 .......-0u.. , .....
NEW GOODS. 1 hiattaan, llyerir • Anima. and &liar 1..11 ft altaar
Ll 4. ' , au... taut,. Ihoutuar , et egri u , fire riy J.rnnr
il ECElrt.b Plitt DAY nod 1114 A I veuang Om , 61 ~, ttaa... .Ardela. et..r.1.1.+ a. ri I a o.
4,1.,... %oar
I 111, at VI '.l Muhl ...,, 101 Lanai., atreot --- _ _-- -
muttl. Pt... ~ .6 1 •", tA " Le...i.. ' .... '' ......- " I Il i ' NGRAVE,II PROMISSORI 1\ OTES ..
lahlonstd- natter.
" 0...„, ta,,, ~,,,i ~,3,,...,1 4„6,ty, .d In. 01 ,, ~,,...)
h jt a DMA PIT. A later tartat, ...f and Draft.
minemnutury aadanm,dr angraTerd, ir malt at
I mo .row; .o.i I.lo+l ebi.411.1 as.t.rtm.ut ,n 1 amtlus. 11 S. ItAl. EN' c i., 1 .1 . 0 .,
. r Irm.,,bt I, Mut .ttl ‘ ' 1 " .0 ' nurn.r itarltat...4 e",,,,,, ..
”.•.. 4.. 1....1 ..hirt....l Drawar•
od. /.... an a .up.min. that. r PLANK BOOKS - lii :s, HAVE , . eon],
0 5.61,0 aaacrtrawat ol Cravat, alau/atr,...1.1 At, i II Inalvt and F100m..1 .dt....•., - tar 1. talc the larne.l
_Which,.•thrr with tha .er r iataw recta of 111. Alit ..tact of Blank book, .1 to aeon.) In ;ht. to t -;;;L:l3eir.
.11/I.llai C/01.N1... of the most ta..h I. natl. ntyle, ulna a , c I Largara..lntunala, Day the Its, .Haunt. Dc.oka , a, ih •
Lana, h ea r .,[. nu. e I Liu lateral at, mot, Maid mat, a .ry attic of bindles •IA at tI c lout prima 1.13
atoct. cLf 1./.11 adapted to atutl.metio temr, lu th. -- _ _ _-_
wastarn mutat, all al which tht urr I. tot.rn, i ' iii L ASKS FOR AI:YORN EYE, A 1.DE1.1-
....1 to otter .[ .1,0,1 ,mrtst prices 100 ata tIEN, AND Jt, , TIC rq OP 'I Ilt PEA“ -I. .0.,
Ordors to We T..lorani. , mc ..ta , twd in 1t , .. 0, "'t. ...Nona. Bond., Dacia. M.. , thdantnma i lect
oar..nd at the .bortaf,t notime 'pl7 to f tubputtatt. Snattahto, Dal . ot we. kstidet I f Aarrem.nt
i Attaartansota 21- IV ns 3.t A , tot e. 45.4 4;
11 , 2 lIA , I.VB,;ttatlontr
...IA" Marl. and ht.asn I rt.
New Fall Dry Goods.
A. MASON & CU., have reoetved and
e. Alfetc.r.. nod .11ohnit ,ustrys. erobre...lon
Inwarpa fancy cord...ChnoleJeou nod r.f nil gred . ...,
if :wen Parnmeltan.l7ant Clothn. p an
In A ell ands. atqt oLualltieg lob c. Wonted Sag. tin
faacy +okay. The abosa good, we odor for eal.,
Vions whit), rt. are are unor,o4latt.elly
47CCORDEONS—A splendid rind varied
ittotk, thv lAA 6randa. Just 24.1•461.
.(71:5-11 r6r7 duirable alit I.a a, mai 6
Wm, cows 900 d. CA Of Lao heat makel,6 •ery cheap, Just
RS —A rt extreiviroesp4 choice stock Lrli
r/OLINS—Eonte very floe ad mess. and new of even
trilitreflardirrf;ru solectler, Uul hr aal
Can/oats, Ttawk Boalna.l:lltrwcrcra,Trampvl , amd -T.
sry vukty of Brun Inetroments, winded nod trod by th e
suburltar mad told at very low ratu.
the /lowest sal must lamular MU/v./um rawrowl.
N. B.—The above Inatrumeole au warranted to La nor
mot and perfect In aury reuvrt—lf (mud taulqu.
ye, .111 be returned. FILE/I):R, lut Tblnt
up , PION Of THE (101/1/Ci /IA1(1'
VseAP.PETS! CARPETS:—Redd this day
b, %% McCLINTOCti, mar and rie rich at,lea au:aorta,
. and Common INGRAIN VAKPASTS..hich we
100 tower than Any Carnes a.n. baar.. uttaral
la thN mut Ws goodish, krauts thai stlantbo at
frwads sod Naas ...labia h,porattss• sire ato a call, a.
UN Old Xstabllahad :stet Warshaw., loc. .5 Fourth at.
,K. ItaCLLNItoCat
L'ALL GOODS.—Just rse'd, per express.
.Ml, 60 eartam Bonnetßibbons,
romeM wad moat (s•lMmao rtylm: 126 dm. Talmmud
' , loam:, 10 fra. l/ Afrique, ImutlFal color.: So pm.
)farcelluo. a,. shadet 6 dos. thtztrb 1 1 - cmat.cl3..adoollpa.
EW DRESS GOODS—We are .now re
r..rrala tbr nehabt 011.4 Prom tkala,,nch
Lain., Cashman., Poplin., l'erhan Alpaca, ra
raznattaa, lunch Merin. and Th.lbet Cloth. Over 1000
Dhahaa no. oyrn. ...oh] A. A. If AhUN a (XL
WiiiTE GOODS—A. A. Maser; 4; Cu.
:har• jolt reed bCd_phs. Whit. gond. ronsishnh of
plain and 171•Ri lacanet.ta Mylle. Swim, ylaln and he]
hulls !hat helm Mull, han.a.Kr Mush., I.a. rocapletw
awortnnent. ant vary cheap. •Vh,l
L..^ just need it beautiful morn:vent of eery nob
arum: and plain Sleek The edge. thedrable sonde
an, well went, the attention of purehaaera Abe, Teri
euperlor On, de Afrlone, Sato Chene. beautiful Chun-
S 1
3, S u S i AN T . D a Jt(? Og t E ; ; L T , ti
ffujrakts lot Of Bala. nod lumbrlln °V" r i k
£4 1111 d
of new at) lea gaud /a;l 4
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehonie,
No. 105 Mwecri. STRUT,
It 11. PALMER offers for sale, ar verf
Jame. loe tiVres.. usortmtht of Strzw 94 cm:,
er ig r AkT4--ForeLo and Atherlegn_pled. and •pi
cuip, Okay. Mill.. Lam, Lair. - . born de., se.
ir.,inu—men. Youths', .
Alunllo, thd 1391." Liglintdn, fang and
Oslo :Irani, Straw, Annul and Mint LexL
hate Leghorn. 11 mkt, Straw, Chip, Chop, Lao. and Bal.
817“0, JeanT UAW. and oulF tarros.lll (Test Tali.
of share and tosteria.l.
.111.1180h'3-10ch Ilnathrt and Surf, ;than &thin gal Tar
War. all uidths and Colon; luau/ Gum and Crum (
C64-11sla gad gotted witlte and oflored Al and
Cotton :lett.
Itunc Anna.,
P. i r irth".R:4ienott Aintrthx. Syricsnbsonth.. and
re11iV.4,21r411417.1"‘ 'at. 4. N.-
Atpto. ds Mtn. .fiessaal, sae othieuutyle.tutuultd
.11427506:nurt0l unlltt.• and an ion.
Also—lfielt and los paced Amass 'sawn te•eilad a ilisl
aa. '
ChiCkenng . I'Linos.
.1 - 01.1 N 11.11ELLOR_, Strut for
• Chirkerimee Plum, r Pitt•baar2h
,m 1 W.sterrt S. 81 It eal
ret,,,ln nwor and r.rt
of , PIANO 1 ,, ,RT17:u. from tho ipat1117114t.,;... Cbickerlas.
r, and 7 , tate... mry aid
cm 9
1401 i SALE—S to;cond hand
IA ve. elegaot mahocan“
WI. by Loud R. firuttAbrn Price, on.
rzr canutbs
''''3?)lllll7.'aj.,l%"A 10
New Music.
ONUS bungs by Nibis
L-78 tha avreat taPtISTe
"th. harp that otua 'raer I ..1!•
:1;>1.; bT J 1.,, I.; AT 111.,
t • e .%; elan
Au.lll.l,in -Ut•le !Ltd 11,-1, la
11... ow. et Lome Iran the 'tom
T The ChvallPr. aim Lord,
Koet , sek., 0w.p.i..1 t bel ale Gjover:
{.4rtUr 113,2 p— 81410 re
W t , trlke lb.- gently. a. all are partad."
I 1( 1,1 Satatuer Itono.
rh. Loot Reeve walk ro 0 :01plute
fra , vit Ant. of Ws Vala IForval.l3rlLlar-, now' r, I•hct-
Th. mvther's welt.
m. pet 1:1•1:11%, Ugh and Illaray.t*Pa:kim
titratTe WaltB, de
itecaPrad .ml Lr Mil b 7 JOHN MELIA - 11i
8111'1,1 anat.
Double Reed Melodeou.
THE subneriber tit. just opened n vv.
a ;Al
orl ava, will. ow/U.. Sc, of rrnli.
1.1 br yinel tylva.t,sm. Carhertlt Net‘lbeta. S.
1 TWA tootrutaant la 550•1113 rp,,, small
4c r itT a t:P.4 . /en 'i ll " ' lr r trOr lt .
1:11rIn • 7,';',`r7;;;,„,r
I exp.-say 1nt....1.1 for YAW churci 'tend tn
orlr,. tuntb praantble to •o.• ,qty. I itram.nt.
.tabog, porct. en WC rtLIP(111. Of kind era
fully Invited to call ausl veamlue the rune. proal..u.tolt.
Meg fekna awe; mow Lb, aubwrlber's totylog
been cYlletrad by e entlayliteinal
,Itio tor unglual tuaka,.. Carhe.rdt
New Booss
II UST RECEIVED and for !sale by J.
all floral, :B. ath atntaft
Von. te l lLi mo 1 . -- .1 0 ./...ruprtshaft Warort, uacryy
Lifs, aat llionffumba had .101 sood ads tura. arltb
of lriag uperauoha. Li . blf
Rale and Morale of lb. YoafftLql Atu , r, by. drfirar
ha I 5 .. 1,_Lt01 tro. 1.1. a. 1,4 stpol,un t,t ;La Cr,-sial Pa ,
a., al arran, Y.!: author of Noy and TO.O dr
A Yartr.r . • , kfthfbea, hk , ouror
the rim Thitfe, • ...rm.. Lo , turaa tbo Sr-at
tact. .1.1 Moral 1...a.0na drat tar I.+l to matflool
'. l2. ','" floon ' Of• l Att L ar D a " .
a 15 . :•:•lerf . tfut S i ' yittt ' s, to fll L ch '" l. a I r at .' 4 ' f
from 0 crlpturo. !or fLmfir uan. t. I ihtha•
ffaath or lying with au/ frltbout
( 1 . ,/ .. t r ilu . tt i tfe the truth •04 poser gfrChruoimaltl.
ito .bore. alth Luau, 011,11.. ~.6.r0.t.• at 0...000.
alai a tram, ruptor .1111.00 'ff fora .01 fftetft Lar, rlriva
mom th• Ifart.
CARD.--The illaguiticent NI-off.
Crausl Pofeu roln, aka It to r... -not n"'
I '
aubeerfber a waren - rm. be haf r. * • r$ t " .
tlo. eel:diva:mu Who ourch . nonf u h
It, order to abaft) eihraua att., baro
watt.: unfltallo.l 'patio.,, of Amart, ,, l . .scra
t unit, fa •oall and arataino tt. um..
Nanns' Grand Ptanc:'
LIST RECEIVED, .t spieni,irw
11,11 7 ortav• bill sl.s.srf GRA:. I. ' •
NA!, from the , fact of Nunnsit:lnrls.
Tort. nnn,sulen.ut 11.4,1.15ent .
rossessos all the Ints,l Unpr• - •ronnantn, sunh pats•nt to
nit, pins, fait bastnner, and patent metailn• 11,
f 7 ;17, ` lam
suer co s sort,st and snnetnst tnnos e.n.huut
t o s p•InI Vs/ I•lralturs rt. n and
o n WI, tHtt Indiertmina.. ” , -/Ins , nug
ranni •sE Istal.b. In 4 elf,. :Ike Int•abu• gi ,Is ann. , .
tuLp•nea,l, •-7san nn In no , KI urn.: '11.•
nod nnntlann., 1n5 . 1,11.0 n•. alit sAn•
tGis unnlsn:led rune u ~ ..urn It: soros they rtak
teen of Ih• sot yern, LL. I.Eur.ll. flimist
F•••,..-Asso. Int• Num, • n•I t
N —At. , reealsal. s *Sr, tan genersl naoninnaent
Harass. theiti , llng Louis Xlr..t;-14.
A History of Pittsburgh.
it Pittaborgh. fro. <La tatifoot r.rl••t w h en I
"aa , !(((ad by .101. (gen, Ou•vn t. the •:..o. t th. las•
‘lll not( vs oil!. ant etal.4(! vavnt ef 4
lturtropet-lant pannfactell.. varlev(v vt r (4 •nte!
nal natvt(evavnt, tn the prat. (mac to whin!! at 4
ail • ettapter Cho • vantages et ue reattlog =an
afaKorltta eennmerefal rues!, • wile.. !+-nrusry
tha ag,tegata con. huoltteuto..,srtaal Eara anent!
I) u.. • , ..r ap, sarkaate, 1.1. r vaazvev,
Mars ls➢
. {glint to tha.l. whet" a!
taut avant. alai re-ear - ran, v betmen• Inta ( a•l
, e-an ~ revay.ed • 1t!!!...,be! , r•tl , l tla.a. J.. I .
evuoirv- an•oau !Tabu T vae.tteg
ar..l In 'ASV-11,0 ',in- !he. nev-uv
and cv proclaim alvaa,age• •!Itv, at !mine!.
(((mat. a! •-(l,e be(v, tn.
caul at
111 . 1 . 1 , :m. 1. m;.
, r/n. $1,2
.7011. N U 4jELLolt
..92S '1
New Stock of Chickerines Piano Fortes.
j Oifti MELLOR, 81 W,,,,d
s lv i?
I.rnted , =mato of
l:aver,. o' C 1110,11.0. 11,00 n.
, nodspn, call the vs.lnotto• Dry TI.
nro Innorl6.^, tho Ea.* a* 11.41.21, tr.thalt
St nn
',sent n.Tr nto sale of ChlPLortneo Mae, fo- /v.,.
New Musk.
rilliE GIPSY'S SONG, .4 - :V1,7,0.1.1. - Bark.
A ....val. with reptumnsamit.upo Ly.l•any 110. al
The 13.1‘...5er • eery
The ]noel)) Orw. biCath...ellay.m Amer,.
:le V olulzai bee, a C•rhe."..^
,Th. ML al .r II Mob.:
No l . 4 4o.llVaent Litadrtior,
—..t moral eelectirm of the mart
drab,. cau.k....nreign sad 'emorleer.
nrJ It ILLlNtira.. 101 Tiard ru
_.____-_.tinlit N. C.,/dwo
Sat;red — Nanio — Books.
V ASTICA LAUDIS, by Masons Wobb;
5,\ CflA.
TUE °LEY 111 1 Y.. tow eAnsfuma ofl,l
wirtad W ...rtafage,l fOt up. hipArs) 00‘
' 11 "
1.-717 ""
rIIHE difficulty of obtaining. a cornett an.i
cold-ten.] Cliii.nat In tIIIA n untr, fia r ri
ion,/ 11.1 d lamouly Alt b 'and, , acha,
tar Eam bad raa4. gar h lt bp Ire F. 1., 1,.
ablak be.. lasi arrt•ed. Tl.,' ar• lr..m,t
tn. 1.1. maker In Caron, and ars mal raw., R1PT.11 , 41 t
an i t b l..larlom• ever od'rrud Irxr
Id and 1.1 Ka.,
t 0 t tal•
ha want of reset, gout
anot •ch Due
ucl Slzu the lic.i len Herr. No Ift.l.l:lr,re,
(''ER THE WAtEtt.S . YOW, .11 . Ryntl;
I Erin's Child in .nark., Mountain Date, by L. l . Yi
but , DY •n io••••.t I 1. In drratue of pear*. Cblid
the We', Irlth el,nette; Lott Ileirt: AWL' to thy Lat
lea, meth eiffue . L . t, :frier 617, Vona:: i••renai.•
T4.4ltre c g, — , tr.t —P- 1.4.V. K m .`t17tr4,
ticzte. ' aume, l * Love Tht.. h durt e; * l be M..J l.P. , Ww•tr.
ugr, '" ltontr — l l h7P b
l t i ta. D' Zc t f.e ' t:;
We nano Brother,: Wall CoinTenta. l l.l tat - If 4, I.
W.hlt,rton: lima} of lb.
Mati.L Wpm an.A I ' o M b /oast...Ur , notloa.
Rat hol 19 -. . 110 y 1,4. Quick there Orerturoe
— Nn. Y.e• lireigituxi: No. 2. t!hasruock Irtlar.d, No.
Thletle of Brahma. hoed oral for Nair he
JOlll Cl MELLo/i. 5l Woul Cl
\TEW BOOK S:—The St-Air:at e
4Marion off rdlar Print n v 1140.141,
. Laartartlor. Trnwalatral frrta Lt.!
VrTngM ir of Ear. Edward Itkirerataill, Law
p. Hartz; by Raw. T. IL pirka..ll..l .E.act7r
Harts with intralurtka maraen ff. .
- Itioai ItntuOn AnLartlCer • • .risnuiti IWp.•n A.
Lpi•tties,•ritb otlp•rnn6llltutmtfx:r: .9 , lllikrlos
L.. L. U.
lo the Du* Moot*. or fttrroorla/3 of Christian Ufa
In th• hletldLe Agee: trim the .f.trooth ef the late Au...
toe Neandert hmko., no to.
y ,4 [
,4th. Mew h Cotoomeotarf . t. l .^
Tr "b .tr idd'"
C ti '" 7,V01 " 45 . .
llaelsed trOof the ' l ‘ e l lgel „ u ' eoltUren.. n7ft ' r. •
Lootpli Algebra The Eloruent..r Alt,bre. Lleounr4
for Iklancora by Kilos Loath. 31 to.. Prooo.eor Moth.
=Mice, go.
N St o 1 l l'ictotiol
f kirld floe . 1; of the hoevlutfon; L0n..111.
fg'"..Tb°,`"" 0001 i' 30
otetel 79 Apollo Ihthdlog. Fourtbet
EW BOOKS I—fravels its thoUnit , .d
I. n.u.s.? :deflig.ollo43, by the SAW, hro.
at i 74.r, .7 t
/he kilstot7 of the Ctopreoo JcAophltor, by J. 6. Cabbott
w ith .ogyarlahoo 1 vol. nano.,
N. 0 . for AfOtt.f. APPlotho's Mocha:llu'
Engineer? Jocund.
No 13 kl.olal tehl hoot of the Rovofottou.
63 01 30 Me-tow - 07 of Mediu:ilea Logloa {t orb
Athl I, btlfoe , hhtS JUst reed exel ter I. by
J ItIIIAD. 79 Apollo th.ll4lol'.
oupl north Aro,
d ilia STAL PALACE MIN TS.— ) 14 : 1,
" "a am. ..a. 1.•••! . ./ I•Call,,1 I, 00 Oslo
1»v 010.1 Enwllab Onoholgo•olo axpevonly 11.4 oatill.tlioa al
lilll Wurtdl Yalr, to whleh tho artootion of the into.
New Books, Just Received.
YEAST: a Problem; ruprinted with o-rree
time and s4dlillosto by Us/ author a Alton Lcoks.
L"KiWI% ClovatOw. :Posen or figyot Of Js'ob A bt.t
-1 Calebril:l; s Ts. of lb. Posit..., ill:Oo-Otwt:
Pool:mit • Tale. by.Amaa U. nowry. sottsioisllrs•ods
sod Fort..." Pap. aoos pos.
ttorloton's Mosobstdoe .itlogaslsu and Englorrrse Jost.
_No. E.
Byrnes Mtloasty at. Ztlacklanl. Engins lOstt. ^•t Elo.
glom - two bloc St end T... ,
I , Csoilole. Pictorial Pit.l4 Ikolt of for R.-solo:low No.ll.
Palastiner its Goolll, aOll /ALP/ I li.torr with 29 Lids
ograpble MaOs: by F. .. Hibbard. of Past Gerisoto:Aostb ,
sum: Wilma by Dsatol e. Sadder. prod., mos.
For sale by J. I. I:P.AD.
/Itt , TO Apollo liolbiloo. Fourth st.
{Peel Wed Public _Doetunente of the 1. 7 41t , e1
lomo 4ttoe•Otim of 41 gorge Washita ,ton to the Yrtertleo
oT, ttx ittit.Suit complo• otr, fi . ,nrra nix ilaus clone
thnt tlamr_,lttelottlo, o:ll4dentlel DocoreentAe. -
Nrut wn.g=l , 3: affitalalturicAluaJ, iurAriral.
fltvat aka!, c4J, Ptatletleal tbottotolinel, smd JJe
g A= tv,ta l• • .1=
1 - y —We LI, 1.04 t11.....41=0 0ur5 . . 1 17.
cp10h.... It lo roo• of LI, t.ot pteyora.l no for rt.ot 0.
,otd., or., .Noll Go. ovor artred . 1 4 , . A ,
tbl,. 111.• 0,•oo oyez) tom.
1 , : . to of It tu their tx. rea.d.f for 0 -0 0 ,
c.s; - reicl, W 0 o till. a• lOtatter.of
from . U es; ...r,,,,, of Otto 0t..1
znoll4doo. ne , ! C•or rot4ar" tq
' •
• t.3of re-co..u.ctsillalosa maple Inthout
C0..7.1,, or tie sirtie,.. of which vr.epeak
Prer.r^l a”d•ol-I SELLLIIS, 57 Woo.l
1.4 LOR EXI'E IV HITE—A beautifulgloaa
f phltk P&L:, that 1. tincban.,sole In was alto.'..
It I. 1..b.,1.1 r e[..mto.tml no. fur
:Ante. de ma, th,cart...l.B ran bo yr,..10....1 the bb,b...t
tinl.b in 'WV ICU, nay astir]. IL La be , n4
lon.dowal..l. of 4.
/ , r eat. hr RIDS a CO
nour. la..eupt OteAgr.tan. S real h. C.rb.ov Mate ,
'...Neetu.. Pa./3.141r. Pining flowers. Jenny
Lind. CAN, stertear..o
a p r .
r are
. yr o .b el .. l . rl l
by r s o o y bb ln w
tn s d l Stat. m
r Sal. mild 11.11 ELLIS t . 67 . rnpl
Fatr,l-41,11 3 , 1 , ,,,,very iw i.te IForld ;.
Arabi= Hena.l./4 , ter .Ifan and Bead . .
li. a Farrell •
Li n
geuine A_r:Lhiall Lin i
•elobo. old
Iny to
Icing perfortuod t y
rtettood t th, r mealtelnenarkt tht
I eloar, In the world. retutmot4
r tb•NIO• 4 toteraote end FOttt l44 ,^1.011.4 4 tO it abla. t , et."
11 11,1. In a rono citrate. fort, their r e ottog• aloe
op], toon.trotlnc. uncolou•tonl re•ol•Ir probertier. and
the tam which. r,os ueott 11,.. • :Inca al rbe
Deb.nrt." olth t ' ti too at olnoe en , reee etsnnt: d'
move of 1)11(11 ben ornl InvOL Itrad tollowtot; remarttaLla nun e. bleb nhounl 01
tn Fano], Aratoso I.loltootat far he
retrod ay, ntral:ar retool r .
About a rear th I • half 11,14. 14 t ..ring artrarod th,
, taniaott. gradually men...a, tot •t se Its
!arn, toy list. Lab! en sore that phi. cotno
1...1 the :ea.t. promore opoh It without gleltot her eatrasoe
Vats. 1 oat the atirtre of our beet doctor, atol theT tht!ar
ol 12 oratoot atqatt IL ism rant It area tot 'Ago, n.ake, or
011,1,1101ta1l 01 the *AO, that tt era, an Enlarge
000t • the othere said It ten+ a Tumor 111
toe tot rt ootibl uot.te coy eat-ell% lk, tottloar it
1 In Ho. ,
.Heal ntoatitn. e o n ~.nanaclol to tn . , It
o. tart,:l'e Arabian Llnhneot 1 44 LI it, and. •tnange ai it
abntab, ntolt the H. 4.1 ertollesttlan nh• bet/au to tho
n hat ^11 ” 1 . 1111 • 44 1.4 4 11111, telt; 411 .4/1, 4 OttOsaw
th sten e. tom e wont,' behlth
t an. Uar.g.
wr,,uril. Pa, ataaah matas.
• 'lu+. nal nand • Llnlnant anti u
, IS.• 1 , ..t tn. , tat, uf lags Int thr.
shalt, ao that / Ing• wart . bon' a• nut. "
rataltn. , natural fur 'Utt rn.
tilting. 51 1 , tatuld not tang them tha nut t •
us• of II la larrall'a Arabian Igniturall, tlta la nui
tr, 4 . 1(1, n.I Sal • atraight .ItnLt. I b•T ,
it:9411 .r, gra•lngst J r
nar hot,. flegn. tin . tor
st, tla , ng utt• rs,uirgs •gtarnal rumrd,
Tt.• tan In,. at an • 1 1...., ,, rtattc,.1. and a - wraith, 1,11,
Waphltartol.. Iv., Jun.l, taro
: , [ll (~•• apaay and patanauanl hart Lug
, a !nab • •nr Aralaan Inurnaut te. lagftrlanna. I
nut ~•natu s. prveuun - • lit - tiroat of th.
" I Gave aattea•l daatatnnu Sonata f•r t as
an.l nave trted all th• wartnna :sclungna..47,l.7.aota
•• owe,. up fr. lb. pup., hut I arm, .1)
at ir
Purroll's Arabi. Lin =ant nx , s,l, , an,
~,• "f Ita tug. ; }men ans., ,tn
r., after the, Lad Le..., prunourg•gl In r. • t.. 1 .1,,
rt.l LhlS4 Saimaa ohs/ ea.., an •
r 1,131-. onulautung error, anatla of' dist., frnuit.arnun.a.
and Srolan• up In opnatn, r.utgl,or. and as
Soar tattmanf of na volt
vg-. /or( ot•rerr
410 . 1 gertugnlng la 1.• Is
t.. n ortunaonag the °«. uf on, Laninnu.t. h.- , •
attrad rn• WM IL ont
:ttl/ P• 1. IV hens ear.l tn . '•
Arabmos I.lintotnt
`.l It ['le I had tea •
al, - atm for Cu. 'eat tan ,foirS. and Otn,. er
1.,, 1.1.1 (I._ ,•• .1 r
i rattan Llngu•ns, auptlal ..aar t.n/prta, •.,
ut - U/ , InT, it .ifin •Ittl!•1, atnv,.......1 I Luta
n galit, ti an., I sant tut. manta
aittg• , t , a 11..n.a. a an, tog. auri aat, lanta
an.l fan sauna: Ira.. •rualutta
..,h ; tin LtaL. agn...,•,
CSen. k• tr.. ...I
k , • 14,01. ,0 abanal.u,ll.ll,
t.alual pa, Snaer :a aLtsinna tnaay.r. L
s log salt r. It. 5.1.1. .1
f a
4 , ..1._4 "' RT1 1 11 • 15 2`.-- JC .44 . 7 4 -p-11
To Shippers of Tacs . chr..\ 'be, Produce,
„,,,,, ec . o.,
.. ''';* `'-'( •I.' ' - }y . '''l. - ' I'OR
I .I.LIANCF:, iJ I .SSt. ''k i 1 i.. - b -
TA,TIO.:. Ll' .
ATM, 4Cy , Prop - lA.4C , I - . -4 .111.0 , - ...., ~,
x 10.44,. ph.
Itt Lt. Ll4t - 0:77 40r1.4.,y•,......,- ' , Lk. .1.50 , 00
l: , IA a,,,,,, .0,. MIS 4g.tr1.4 11.111.110. r
I r .1, prrpri.re4, cO, •tho •9•40:0 -I 4.. t ..ou,,,ran.,
vas... t ,, ,,,latrtrt rer Yre..,r AI /0 ....• 51,.,.., •nd 1,1 ,
*Ai, :4,, .. 01,1. Je.qat...l.s. 0 0,11/ 5.,,,,,,,,1.,,,.1„,, A ,
berurt f / C , t107,!„,../ .1 ' \ r \ •.„( Ats.s,c,
T ' '''''''' "1 . 1 :UiNt; ' • ' .; . 1.7.N1.1.'..” . ' ' '''
' .'
',• . '. . •.. \' ' \ 'N .\. "'"
,L,.: ~..,..... •r• pe r rt,...lfal, .. , .a1v1r.,..1 4... 0 . , & , , \ COVODE 4 \GOL4 . ..- , \
(1....,,,,,,,, ',Lie! I•ta.lf 0.4.,,, tt. ar p , ••.,,,10.-. ~..J .
T. , / , .1 1.1 . 1.0,. hr.1.0,,r .. 1 ..c....., II "W II FIII , .• 4 vf.t.• h0f. , 4,•0, ix rilialen, ,in t.)0•00, \ \
•A LrALfO•O:" I, , • 0,,,,,..nt fft,lol,l .., r., 1.. ,„,,n,,... Bc 'c . 'em . 9 .,r5 .
In .1.....1 1 .• trona 1,.. 1 4.0 . 1, In• Imroc...f 1.1... it...,
~..,cuLar 7, /1, n4,,a, 9 . srrill . ,
karotorro. - f, uni.0,0,00,0 0.,01,,,, w l', tc,i. , -- ~,, e ' l'e/1110.. 14.4 - Oet.t: all ea'
L , l f 2.: ~, ,,e, ,i.., y•,u f. - - It. ,f , f , ,•.• '',., . ~., '.' - Ii 4 II P. ~ Lo k i L vt, s lpll , .ll‘t , N.l
..40 , In. a: C,AA..-0 h's,
• tt...0 , r.u1., 0..ua1.. Um ch• 1e, , .., a t.,,..t. r. :. •• .. .1- • , -.1 .. . L 4r.
L, v,,01:‘,,. I. lawato.o- I. ~f,,- ,r, i ‘o,,,''''. ''''
;' . r.. 1V1 '
-1 0 • 0 ‘
la , , ct Prl 4, \ \ N
~...t, ne. v,--,.., - 0.
tdot, , aut , eo tA ~,,, Am., Vt 1,,,, f.a..1 ei..4-. , " -'. is - , ,,rv. , -fdr.,_ ,-... •
i, i-e.• ~• ii , r...,,,i, - , ~,,,... .11. ,a, ~ - ...,. r•-••• - • • , •-•A ~ <L ,,,, A , .• , vAr,..
~.. • 1.•--,.:...: r , ..f, , ,,A.At,-Ilt. 4
. "., .• ~,. ..2 , ., , et, I af..,1.7.ri..
• --.- 1 " - , ;ri J.. 14. U.. Fp.., 1A3 , 4 / o,,inAar
""-- - ' ' .!'- ' ''-',' '- . ----,: ,•,.. 7 0 ', .. ' •7 ' 5 ' ,1j . . 1 ;;•, ‘ :• , : . %. f.:f.,1%10,
' f.T.Y,,, '''- r.. '- ;,•;,. - 2., ',
....7, - ' I ae.thr,..1)..„..1 1 - 1.0, •=- 4 / 1 4 0 0
`1ni......,...t. I nun.. I, ..., 1,/ ~.... ...,.. , ~ . ..•,..oAt ,t , .. , .
~_“ ,,..1,.,;‘-
~, ,, L , r ,;: . A . i . .,
11 „..,,
. t, 4. 1 •tie. T.,u , .. dtaia ....1*
.:"..:,. , .“ , ti.„.- ~, ..,1,..... ‘1,0,1., ,r,,,IAL • DA: i,utz.,
2 ." '''..'•' - .2_,',.. 1 : : :: -.-1" *- ;: i ' -' - \
,\--\-- . 7
,ireight received 14r all. the Vi , aZ . Staticir c
, ~,,
on the Penneyciaina Litlatralitqiiroad.
' - 0 - '• 44.... \
t.iArN/ 11.1 g•
• .1.,,,,a, 00.1,.
.%j,!!! . '
.: I, 1;,,,, - \
' ' t
li a tAti: ,
0.1.r.r.4 • Itsul:II, \
J %% •Ilo•mr 4 1; , ./u
I- othaa .5101-fau. , A Co.
..i . .7:• f ' .l .o r' ;A
',6" , g,- Doc U artelr.
~.•.., • 11,4,,,
O,,Le, Du,.
.„, Attu, aO.l 0-ants•tlesto.
rhe unman &my Mast i'arspire,
• .';.‘l; • ,
• Inv pats - F.1,17.r au,
: m• n , qIJaLLA au/ r.trov.• tar .ca 17 .
atv.aa nal 7.
tr• an. Ya want 7 pursmanY N ,
gent, tta• tn •,an and tn.)
Ytn.wltaa.. 1.-caalth, w. wtur a,, ' e /
rrral ayannai that
/ r/././ r../11.1 anu-,trata at ...A.
at ISM haw; 0.,11 logs. nn4 ago. Lyard
• bur ...La II &fain oaurral I na
t:‘:7l 1 ft
and lA. 111 n 0 ly A .17tv. t•ut rmaanatsa. an di
nun .1117 a. 74, Mat any of ti.r.0a.4.1 wan a, at tn.
7 . 7 . 7 .7.171ar ot this aO. and
r. ft prnpurt,) toy s l et...
Ayr Ittal at. oval..
L . am] ta. suly lan ILL Arta I tanat, itt.t.aacal
=l,l KM JACA:Y. , . only .t.
La*A.l at 1i M.l
Wl.cce recd.,
, lad Pr .1..•.
27„....e.w , -.1 cLat 'f 4 ,7
err r
A Sttloltitt,t u. t•
161,—Inat lk ti.. rw cauts. ••!to• Lave Lt.—
/^t•t.' It.tmtt•r•tr. •fr
•Le . ••-•• It 4. ~ o rmoti the WI vr:l.
—I I wit. tt.• I. tar t, t,• tt
u•st•ire w.•••s•1•••1 t•ur 1.•• •tt•t• It tattt.t t y ctttrt •••••
tto,•41.11•1,111. t.tt4 alakt• r•••••t_ or ast, tts, .tr••••• •1••
For r•tn•l•rtlati ttla Lair utt't ut•i tatAlttets: • rtt•—
tht. "” tt?...ktt , It 4 ,1 , t r.trtrt , tt•-• tt •• ••••
,111 Vs
, —Eitn. v.. 44
, •f J. L. 1:1.10
fo, •.!
,blorattral hrnrrn. t-':: k i•I In
,nu. nit I
fluid 4r 1i k 1
Vl4-11 4r41
iON ES' Lll./.1 .
tac.iust .t•to.4 taus
an. t•A natum trl4bau.l. , Ittjtattotts l• tt ,, •
00. bov tt.u,gb. ti•ett Ik ,••••••
111. AID apf,art. aikt 1,1.1•ar.11 In
11111, ".
It Is perfartir Ititm,cht. I. nal; purM,.1..,;
ttto,t It •• - .(1 ."k"
Compound Syrup of Yellow Docl. 13. c: ,
ICCUPIEb do.. (ruin rank among tar pr
'LP Pflett, ,C tbt. r•••utttrr•• , ‘,,,•;•
ear•ug Cantor, 1•1.••• um, 41,115. alut •,.1. we: •-
•ra•-• ariginf, !rota an Igup•tr••• Am, •I 0, Lira, A••• •
Comulaiut 11••••‘4,b
ettugba. Sort•a•••• 11µ.••••-• aicyg aa -ii:..:
rm. of
Female W•akr.,4 anti ()rural I , c6sl,ts,
etretuabeola, the reen k,: B.l body. glellor tot,
e ll
oruer.s.uolloelAna-..100, the mum
II its tortletioßy of tl•ousetole oI watz0...... to :a
ell t,e.rte of the o.ontrr. can be relokl .•
effleeciolle to duct. all logrovra...l roetvehJ, •
Lod broken akr.L. cvnalttutloos. It Ii pat-I,
Li. tt, itsoompoeitiou. r.. 181 ko uomareteli 0... 0 0t-to•.1 ID
I , yeatlutta Lbet thy chomleal. hotkamnal, am!
r-ntee of nerh lairuheut hertuonlouslt unite to rt
Purify the
remo.,l men; chtkmledloratee welch Late kn.:, I
Cate alttll of the next h7ceuh. , end hitsouB , 4lCon r.
olt Rheum. Cr,e1,1r..... 11.4 Ber...hal. whsl e LL
Strut cute,' felled to make the lust iMpreeoroo tqk
It hap hoen t0vc...1 crokr.y of CNCLIC ,
MORS. The moot Calacere I.v A o turn c A oo., I r
iiitltn ' tf;.7lll r2T t B i . it l
the mreulettot; reotlermg the Litre Iroe, actrve, aml . fin..
an M 1.,. tho year.
TI/ts yrup le prepare. ',Di, blcl4B C. d oles . rut It
foonta.n Kroet. 17 ,, tdenoo, 1.•.1.14 eclat whsl.: and
nisi, te.
Only Agent tar Weetera Permeylvlo.l.
V. ambolue, norner ikokl &st 813,A1l Lt.
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder.
labor: Warrant,: 1
to tato the 'Woo out of table auneu and tuuo
L an
U.. ••hr J.
quantity of r”1.1 wnlnt torwnnr thou 24,11. w. t
atnn Df this hLwp Vondtr,h, ratla sLa quarts of n•h r
0..4 with Un. If t!.. valet ,s nan apw, .1
.In, .03 them 1,11 Initintnn tlan mann Lim :
linhuti4wsz awn pill thew n nlOl al. I
ml , l fotticient nat.,. thst [kw, will hot t aw too 1,4
to banll.. Thwn rub thedirty sthwsin. or In ottinr
nty. tthorough rintinn. ant that Is surn,nnt
man thnm clesn.
N 11.—Thorr I , lng on min lu tb. Snap, It ,rlll
riots..: nn •rbtla. tot no bedody ru some
'rile entire rr, 5.5 th, tr. , trrlELl usr,l •r.r. not
'l' nr ''' Vris ,"l .Z lL r 7' jt ,'",,, . ` i ", .7 . ° ' ,.7 ' . ". r: ' ,l7Z2it.::. s 50 ' """""'
i• • Powder that ~,,, i trer mar,. ts• - elvrqnnr,
bent ratri:r Soft roar,
Inarrner. rrr. Cor.—Tokr.suy alx quarts of - vat.r an]
tali tb. Powder .itb It, sod then irt 11 tiro
utri, then add str quart+ sold vat., Itlr them Intbna:rir
Wr ' rPgi r!' wiltl xitt `7" .
Lana. r woo
s k 4p, nor rut thr rlothes. Coat too. uotrl A - Ith hart or .It
vrat.r, by meting the quntlty into elr Vuar t,welre The rrft b•RI arlartnl for ircohtni, cab.
and iro , lien
gold velac,le., 1.4 retail by
'So . Wow
hlit Welly souittnr)• and Undo prnpert.o , s
Vltrwar. render It lax loopcnor W l'ologonltnter
l o tl
tins ,- ord.o,.orr, and Lath. nd - r.r.,
t latt
gt. (+TE. wod 1h I
at.: rffirory toi
id,m M ,tloci rimulit.a..l, .3
It I: highly rreenttodrd intliv• I.llt 0141/.,
t1..1. - uto purport.: r.i
Ilto ctlL :on.] pre:.) - .);.4 to.
fresbn••• of the. tortirdval,n It,
pr..),.ri.,• tut,
Per , 21.• brat tiud dr) ores of the t. 10., mod trin.." , it ."
4¢roemble ..I•Atelt; inhaling It, I etr..l rubtdug •
t. 14. t.talol..a. It sill minor , (ea wlautre.
brp6 dd by It K. , A,LLKItN, 67 I% i.V .t.
oubseribere have
1.91 JOLU kl.
JRENNETT. BERRY & CO, have r novel
th•ir now Waretiou4,,trur 1:11.11r-ry Inno end
tr. Me. 1:1431'
To Druggista and Pair Jars.
Schnthre'it l'rrMrn ion ernol tr. Gold Month of
Azothooma brentoht. for hoineeetng turentrin e uu ii or.
mity of erode wed rolor. The mthuhmtuter or the atm,*
l'olut hes protheol the ilotheat and wog brillient article
G re en. Met ispereronteth molthatoso be ground
without detriment to to rhiolo; ervi tun nritiror tio• pre.
owl to wirer ) leg ninihnentY-
•. .. ... .. ... . ...
linvina be.. .1 , 1.1..t.1 ..le aim: 3'.4 the .ate of mt.,
.labrated knout- of l'atis Orion, y0rnt.,, , ,,, w ill t. „,„”.
Nkd ~t roluetal mi.:A. IL I:. HICI.I.IaIA. '
. 411. • r. 7 tvevv. slrq.,
p ol e Asg-15 casks pure, fir ;ale
8:j 1. •
h A 0.3., I , ...{hiivrx,,
lIE PROPii.IETOIiS of tie old'v.nd well
lesll, to rvAlk thi,t 'they aro
Its op...rdtum for tte ra , xera 1.4 yo.,‘tannan
retvivaig F1N.,111. and [hay
!.: 213111, =:i'; , .t , ';;;Vio - . 30".>?=1, - 2011%tfi.
e fr lAlackdatl heloTr !loon
3011)? A. CA Utlif kora.
Water amid Sratt.t.' . eta . PittorbarA
cn.sar.c.Nr.E.'s .
1 , C C
athal.,.., 7,, ~,s N.
C q• s I
A dull, 61u. purr
..(leers, tl4rt•lLan
O,Wm. Pot C.lnuotuts .
m Erie,
0,11 Walibtl4, Wart., . to ‘i
New Lake Superior Litte.-051, - ,
rrITE new steemer NORTIIEKR: I Odryt..4i.
,„` ar
MAy , nuxt. bur Manl Wmrxr R'
t, Unr—and woold, theres.\lo*.
ErMay, 51, o'r...ack I'. M., fog Ilk t
leaytt Uaut ditardurlsadings au' a
ou thy atrivalluf titre !. orsluarcitor: OR
5 troprl,tan:
Cle.rxtuurl. April 2.u. POl.-41
jr:NL&T IN BINI7/I.qc'S LINE, t o toy bma,r,
4 II ltd Nli I/ AS!. the buomo,n . 6 tPittturrA'rilllocr,-
.Iter le Fromnot.i under tho 'We of . •lVn. Ntowbs. &
Enchl % WM_ RlNollAll.
Bingham' Tranai , orte,tion. Line,
_ _
. . „
rjrirE CANAL being now op,,a, \tve are rea
dy in ntad , • ttvl fort.r..l ...apt , ' .Vr , d.C. tad
10•LiP, cat<
Fr. Ightt sr lowest rattr.. - “rifeJ t.1"...1..04tib1e I
L: - .,...
',dun and lifer,haLlt, sill t, re....dr..l•ll,oForwatd,cd
~..Jt sad w...., vrit.beln nor chsr,..t P.r for•rardt , -.r N.
e..t.10g, coniadtxlm, or ito k..
i,,,, of 1....114, forwtzdekl. and or'. to Ad dli,cd.lan (a 1 ;(ally.,
•:futtd lreau or a
.ppl y to
' •
WM. DINOII.OI .. e..174/1.1 0....tu. f
Gorner Llbertr tad Went. tta.. litt‘bortn
BINgIIA3I A DUCA, 101 Harttl rt.. :
\ s,ern P.m), ukd nab PG . 11ta10.i..1,d7/.1 '
\ ' JA311:0 WIL6ON, Agro t. ' , I
Pk.. 10. North flowsr.l ttr , ..t. paitim,r ,
AYE. lIINGII AM. N, Ito , A•kot IL
• eo 01 \ ':AN O..rt.
9 t s :*:& \
'I• 1 5 . -- i , c
~_ n :-4f iThanty Transportation J.III ? .
le . PL :\•/LN
4Ls ~ ., . ..N.11..:, 4:11, ttAILHOADM,)
• \ ,I - 1\ ht-aiiii•pl:,u:
.C ,1 Nink: , , , k. T 1 ‘`c rni,l . ll i1..t.r.. .1 lt 1 . ...,, otx...t.,..rh. s
V 11,.E1.:'• , r. Ay. •.,,li. 1.. tr., E10.k.1:2 ,, A.trec., 1'1.1.5.-
I 't‘botr,lpftt..,\, ' ' r''''''' ' ''''
3444.` 4 :,.711`111L 1 * . u 'lea l .,: t`c.1i,,:::"`,,t,:', r ,., In
- 4-•'-.;.'i',"4;,,1:',., ~1`;,,1=7,i ~ ~,,,i,,,n ~,
~..„ ~,,,,,) 1).1E111,1 vr t, "47:tut
. unr b . , 14 ~ .
t^ V....Nr , ....,, .•
.II ,—.. eut , .0,, -,.. , ,i1.1111., , If Imlay,
,;"/.. thi u
tdbl, . .\ C ' ' :13.10 ;S.W.
_ ,
u V
WM., rt
xr 4 , 1 , 4
1“..” "
['AVE JUST received film the East tLe
It. . o •••'..k. all of r• ,Lea: a.fact.
amt lanit•
1 , 11111aF:$1.111e, for c•-ra, trot butt, to-nipt;
min Jill!, bit ,•
• ra Col. , :rumbtlt
tyrn ter Lae, .p.. 1 la. I t.wat
Box ..•
01 ( ioi,;11.a Cbmta lithrre.
and Silhor, .4 Ilia
( ••vt•••I Crt.:Czvoz tirrOft.
1.. Is, IN I(,
;- • ror,t and st
Beaumont's Patent. Starch Polieh.
dd jIATENTED, July
Li lan La ert=thr,a. lr
NI.Lt . ~. an 4 krever, tr., Iron (mil,.
erl. to Lane°. rte .11,4rorkuneit dust rpm ftio/cbag
orpt.alla cgutlaiz. isiorSoua-
I to'
nrecti...--Put a• tore lb. es. a( a trot to • quart of
rta.rrb vto, bript ly
!tire, 12S e.nta f.r Cake. F,ILI wholkFala and rttatill,
34.1 R. F. ,it'LLEI,k, 61 Wood nt. ,
/ Cit.Rl).--:i hare romorel to my new stor , ;:,
Ulm* dare"
ePP,Allek. the hauk
viturwr w .h. where will be glad to Ire ply frlvr.ufr anta 46
lo =tire.. and noceire • Flare of their rueNra. I
tarp • very lan eamort.towat of U . Farrl,dery. lirdemod
data'. Curled limy. Sprthel• t.4rtfmr sod Husk Hata.-
reelher 11.1 m; 1.,..4,tar5, I.lllne, Wattle.. Quilt..
4....erovenarms. end Cooforta; every • a.
tat`; Door slat; umually L..trudlla
Imet ~leafy. eeta Alishve r 14:0-1
li,arvi ntret rmuortly _
ap3 \ 11 lard steer,' , .
00.;, , —Cu,is paid tor Wool
g 1 L recciiod frun3 NewXork,
uhti is.rge ot A%l, coljNjek:s,
tIVI /11.: PANL , , hr olly,low
YE C T-A Cli 6 S'.-IVe have a eathpieh.‘
L. ,tnet Goki. Shear and 2.4. , , , 15.ertti,ai.1 the l.f
,onetx.end Illoase.s. We tat
• ',let, fbocio.l6coordln, to the beet prinril.l..,l
•Vl”i..rated Hay K.!
I. V. I'VlSA4l7:, ' ltrxte ' r m s•
_ ,1"/ Atkerit ❑never
Anthracite Coal.
j TON 6 just :I,,uperior artkic
1, I, by
0 MrAYVI.TY (?),
tc: , . prime Catolma, for salr
Y. oclu 3ANIE.S 0. 111.71:1J: , .:1 Al W.
I F.A.ll—aoo pigs Wilma. ...
i t ; H. 310LASSES--'.21l bble. prim., St. bou
Ll • 1. Retirtrry, lor ty
WV JA,311,S A. 11111 , 11151 N h C.
1 1 013AVC0-203 k,s Pc, s's, B's, and lE'
ten sax recd and tar .1^
)ILS-23 , bble Sperm Oil. 31 do. extra d
3 a, 1V• 4 ..0rn Blonott.d do. 40 do izarter , 0., re.
.. , 01%.,1 nue far hz-..ixc
sr/CH • I.I,CANDLP.,:S
I.III.NED 2.e:,Ortraaht , ul
Yulvrriaula.l Ltaf SUP., 'VIA
tin,. ht. Lutil. Sum., 8u4.-ar Refl.,. Jur rata • rsluctd
Druvt DT tbx Agent..
tlf iupply nt tb• 4135ve g
P Ver. end being tbe barb,
saultactinn to our eusto.Pre b
reivenl—frrea 372te up t' bent
end dmericcunnebtintab'..
sH Fl„l.ti N ELS
T r it'Za' h
61 OCOT RUC E ALOES-20 16.4.-fur dale by
t c,29
- -
UGA_It LE aU--NIV ll~~.Yurulu Lc
1 - 3 cev - IL H.
)1.1. IiOSIN,26Is.
to Lts..3 4 "
LIITT hal LC o. fur psla or
l~f OL45rE'~~-51i Lt
1 mss, ~.,sec.
N. 0., for ha
H. :1101,A,.'ES 6...G0L1)EN
• !or sale b., A. t; El 1.13 K ra;o:i, A CO
LAS - ;_'--45:Ut./
tt, calt ,
FRIA it TARic II? ,
II • «23 gym
3 AViLtdow,
- -
1.500 )bB. iol . saJo iw
rVANNERS 011-40 Gin. for vale by
Jt oc= 11. A. } 11:1r$Itteli A Li).
. .
Psrlot. gOt W. J.K.I;I.I.WQRTII
pATENT All-2,006 lbs. imported
1..:I• nts.,:tamr.r j . act:•- 'Os nt ri-en
t.. suit porch... s. on/t.
RAN DY-5 ,CELvii.ll Wild Brandy
for role br i'l.'l.ll:ilt/atti a Oa.
Alsa l PITTSBQRVH BTOClC=2ilshare's
A p wastunu by inrl..' D , LIVOILTII 6 Co.
011. MOLASSI irbln. Bat. Utauid;
. tar In. by DALZPA.L. •
C.LANCES Al EUROPE, in ¢ Seriet of
to Letters tram brut arilsln. Fracte. ItslJ. Ssit
taut. at, durtat Oat of Ittji ittehttin ;Lams •
gr. 1M1511P.V.7, - .. 11 3 1.1!.1 7 .7.=:7:- 1 021
rVOBACCO-16 kegs Godris NZl 7 liT s i o p e ;
X sad to tale by ' 411.131DJOILL. •
Life Insurinee Compi4S\
IPANY Wae ineOrpor r aWA ,
.... Trame- onnililtrl=67. 4l e4l l ;ollllo, l &. ' ' "a
1 7„
The Conipuur .1.1 hnelusrPrqth on . the Joint &cock atidd
Mutual plan, \-
Do the joiollanser plan the rates an anisttonl loss than'i
dices rbarged bNlutual Con
and klitorn Per Cent , ,
loser than th e Mum I mat boxk touspaistra.
Mutual rat, ~,,c : .. thaw adopted br othrr 'I
rate!, conliurted Cr paw.- Thum losured as the =pito.
al principle hoes the tabinsd, rev:millet turnhihnd by that
Ottani of losnrance. 41 thill Capital and Soria. Fund ul 1
Up' Joint Frdedi departs:ar ,
l ac e Crzartsaperseits Op./granting
insuranse Isia htr,
taory form, iorlutni the right of wile, chikireo, Plu
ws.a rsiationsgrlyndeo restitora-doinsure the life al
%holler tor their ow ti earl se benedt., pb le liter death.
.r. error the parties arrieli, t the = aya ear 1.0, 55, 02. or W.
o thisuption of the Lusorod.
, . .
\', '.4, nTerh i cCi fr' L 4 rititl7y ij i ' ru ' l , ruse : isn i.
paactol% , \
• =l l l o 6 4 . i gttzi.
‘, , 14 ,
j A. iillAotA s \ •
. o /1 ~
arts, lA. bocrot.l47 oi gar ~
U. tart), 1.1. Secratary or (sailors \
/obi \ Caahler of illt.blAryb•• sok: ,
dials s e tt holenaletirousr. ~ \
snuerrons. \ ,
11'.a. Ilk ., \ L. P. McCe7dit. tad. \
lral posy.
.rosepir Datum. M. Li e ` 11 Whoa Addison, 0 D., ,
Jeremiah Brooks. M. 4.. \ E. (). Etteingto . `M. r. ,
t.....t05t . .4 \h1....4 , ...
'. ansuot Dilworth M. Dp S`Lninithneld etre. ,
, liobert earder, M. D.. /03 Fourth alma. \
',...hti Crawford. 31. 0,20 SI th spurt.
of or. Mcli. Motu.. M. D., 1 Li \ bertY st.“ , - ' \
Dr 'Dilworth will -bo io aft nes at the atm 1 , 41,
" in ' ;:t . i ?IV. - me, N 1 75 Iroo ' titre_ t. . • s
" r . ..1.V.P.5.S T. - C. A COPAN. Ewe), ~ \
% \th
F ' • Fire Ingurtince Co, of Plilad' -
PIIEOTORS: %Arles W. • nektr, GeoN ,
, A. Ltichards. Thua!llext, Maniacal . Luria, Yob!.
..,...., , ,Adolpbe E. /Pork, Samuel °rant. rid 0. Brown.
C''"..- ga ' ln! . e.tscarit. ant.
1....14.11S 13. Datum.. &c.d./. . \
rut Company copilot..., to male 114/ truants.:
Or liniltsei. on retry dsserlirdcw. 00 Prorrty in ern am:
rountrf, at nZtas as bow ea are osnol.ten c ont
nu .T.
, 1.4 1,1..1.4 bore reserved a large continues run.,
.1 , 1c1k..1011 their Capital and Presnionia. e - sately iu evuel ,
e1,,n1 ample urniectioulo the assured.
F.,E. set 71 thr I:
.1, .Iftrittuylo.,lssi, .. 4 o
.o 1 wan - a:pi,' tr, .1.,.. Ar: ~. +tab), were aafol as.
`‘* "",, e
' 11718.1te rA
‘ lgit.rtS= .. . ;..... - :.:71_.. ..... 04./1711
53.1401 17
!:17M r . ' ... r . ' .. ......... ........... 01.01 e Ou
CroN. Pr '. 10.14001
k 51.212401 44
,11,• A. uf 21 Ir.", lb. - .
bar. {odd ofohords 5.1111 r Four flundred Thousaul
Iria Lo.sre\hy thrreby atfo.-difff evidence of
shams:Ns fururitm, •ult the.: ability and
(ioodun to for. ,ttth Iromptr.rr• Xll Ilabllide,
J. ir Ah. Nnh tort LS,
aplO Vigor c. Infer of and and:d
Itenn Mutual InEurance Co:, philad'a.
i2...7•Jr.N,deet......1.)1.,...34:51 Atlb.,
or Pb. [wt.:. cunr;. , ; , .u., of persons remain, in tl.a
lovar Tart o!the eft), cold mar also L. found dt/fii;
i r . ' WhOornf l oVorl \' ' Who ' l l o=rto 'b re ' afr
will bo CI , ref and rommunicallons Drororh
I if tu. Pamphlet , . erplainlng the principlco rad
I.mrnts of 1.11, Ihsuranr aro \. blank forms furnished at.
Pr L n lI
u.ld d d 4 adou r a l lt " rr
0 4
a.1.00.,u gtflnss'tadur
t n f c u a f n
Pittsburgh Jan.Oi. \o
Marine, Fire, and Inland, Transportation
Insurance. , '
111 NUL Insurance Company of II ortlrAmerma,
,Ji PhaalelpMe 1.--CLarterr:94. CapPMI 8500,00 M AI..
\ Jhnuary'la. /b. 51.. $ ANL= O. Will amt. Ilwranee mi
noklltra., andthrtr enntantmln thEl city mad
.'7. elmaity al.
dw¢t baste
41/Lt.s.lbsr I.: nill...puration
or nu Lb ,
.-. a. e...
...\ - ,4 t.':;;:.,'';:.'"' ' j,.,ii.r, t'. Aa.'' ,
\ : - ;),t,t',.. . i1 4 fe..1 t-If, ,
PamiLel, k \ Emill, fra.4l+ Iltakm. A
-\ \ t..ntrtti.. 8. Newlin \
I% pm N. Bowe. \
~ rabrdips &pi, ' Growl e depirmall. \
-on A. otpx, Jam as N. Dle.k.o,
I W lt., ti D. 9114rperd, Peer
-. it Itanmunco Company (num Unlt.l. Maj.
.: • .p.,.p.up, pof expenance, ample smaar,
V....0f ma, extra ImeartMus ciarackm It
'" ` 4,.
..", , flititi r :Va c ' 'A li ' 'f, "' ' ,
.N 0 141 Frail, stmets ''
ISkflatl Eatery Insartuice Comp) ,
6, E 0 iT it ROOM ,OF THE EX
: —ill l ,l;'‘L' hi l i =ii.. ~. oth„
~. ~ tl2 town, d tuary;, Iwtotted , ArAllt c lout ur
du,..... Itr tU t t, AA Lo ml, nut of protrapstu
ALAAL., btautAsez.,..,TAWALtu hum. t uutLS. Canoe%
..... k
HA FiulgituAlorelast ot, be, }color otue o: nee:ILI
P l '"L TlL " e= " 4ll*. l ' alui , lnuntlutulta:diut
,It ruur b tin7rtrt.: . k V
. Atlie . gra Abut "; V.
! \ lL:Ramat—A oli. li. URAL, Ru ud A. LtutAlsr, AUL, 11.
AuA, Itobect Liu , John LI =cue &mod Ulm: t ,
LAZ \ 1
Uuore C. r, ....r.r.l Atari
. ..Is t ue, It LAUL, WI.-
liftti k . ' lC; ''lt' k=4, L 7.ii, L
AAZ, ' , lf:. , ' , Z,T. , "r'g',';:r.`l4.,,'TLlZtt.
JoAn 4 ell , Alt, Wu, ktyrAl,./1\
ltututrur.: :: Pram:AA—Ll I
ru 2, 107. 11.41:" 0.4,
wuz.t iv Axtrtt,\ alitat. s;..:: .A\ LllO3, tulru.-
Illt .r4"tl
,7t), 8
,N.L2 14 Ctmet. t
u .,
ek:turAA. r, u:AALI3 r. A. SLAU ArC.-
\ \Ohio i;o \ boiltol 7\ ' \
7 6 407
921 :;:t
keel him. "0, f ‘ n
Him r Nit) !lei I
, 85
Per cent. Strength.
dt4OWELL FLETCHER & Co., Mannfactu 7
of ALCOIII.I4 Pur•SpititaluttF , V;
:41 7re P iZrol`i c rjnr=ggclza Tut:
Pittabargh *ill Lr iislugipio,
10w... mar*. pnreo•
Liavia's Patent Bevenale Watiir Filter
IP I`WW to be seen in operation lit WM.
a. VTR A CO.'S, Plumber. Co. 10 Fowllt sine. If—
I If.‘e Terri and Liberty its. and at PRINNI it %list - ICI?,
Co. I Alarart stroot,lottabnish. This Filter has Tles•l
. 001.1 , 4.111 Root o amertron Institute of New Torii,
and a L•Chtrata from the Ina:Alin IneUtato of Iti wish
phi. mo o t. ouperlortty to Ito elesmingtrOportlex sod also
cettill , stl i rrom Otto. hatin g th em In owlet rhllatielptif,
:I ik- hlela t o thilowtag stet.sf.rde.:
~ Ntil..a.r.rult. Much Sdtb. 1851.
It }] , eis rao Meet pleas are SO rectitetniend to Lhe Worms q
cot. lour stator, th e Rattris ReTerably Wolf, niter., •
• \by .51.rI f Itc5ria. Rati.oz orodlceteof them for term
''"Vb. I .. NZWI: IO ,•triV,II I. 4I O .V.L. ' 4, - •
\ ,PErtortrir..3l4el,2Stll. 1881.
The VaAnt Rotetwthle WatenTiltarer. looented ley',lllr. I
.6.aud N. Iwtots, 4.1,..tiat by tpe for wane tnotatta NA IPX ,
‘ r l,,, b , r•A•l, , n*, ti, .11.
Rana could
hombro confider It ylirtietia to , haot it In my paw, to
tercansond it , to the hnhtic. d 1118.1.5 I'. V. 1.111.14,11.11. .
• ' No. 8 linsolnerrtreet. o ,
TN,. etiterf\fro warrant.] to tale 000.007 samil 1
04. which May fr. , firtn.tiemmppedill2lol•A or ye.........,
I. i,iter ate, \ Ili,y ore walltiittra 'to loatisro
a V \
•, r. ivi seal t. tars ,, ,m.r. vill 1 .1 1. ... 0 '...."
Jkilbr_,, -
- myitlil , , • 2 . ...'"i‘xtrch Cavat..11111.1•11
EAD TIPE--corniqrs iruproyed pni
L L 4 ri ve for Ilreliva.r. '
g liVratet
inchl .7 tr t 3.1 trout etrost.
Healing and ' •
I N u O w A,
Itroms. ligti.gerri..ll=34e'SACEo•pliai••igdbolkt%
iugi of urvrideperlptlL, 00011 e. and.zugratee, Al.c. Lour
•nd P•xna", for all rurtose• "hare regular
tompersture. either high or /ow, ls do•S;ed: nad lbr th•se
s.i7g ad l eth nlrlaT* r M ) Lll=2 . 4 ' ;\ Will
"rocri,ll,ni . V 20.41 aro
or‘si so , ""sfu:y hkr‘tel. alL a s ths_kle" ru‘So".•
•• tho intLoa I.arol • "hong.% ,•af4.4"x"t, Eq.!
rvitArr'd tenperlcur•
wbut, darter aonoo
brit. ATI{.II , BON I OlfaLY.
Coploo Pot 11,1ay:
oubberibPn‘ \ nok Sole hcents' •
. plOl Co.. for Ate sals.O.T. their Pot CLs
ornell Te ll rstabilthei rrootatlikt forrlor losourst4nrc
snd r;rstosslfollf w'
si7 t
tEEN OIL OLOTIIOcI 511.24,111 4,4 i,
1( ni4 carter errwabil'.Clolh.4,l\ 111.11. Dllad*:
perlor• for urrylc. to au) xv.lelo Vasaurveared`fur 1.1.1
m.. r0c.1,..1 .1,1 for salt by Lb\pb , oll. /1!..1,11t
tr war.. room., tin..: ay.! \
set/19 ' ' J.. 1/ 11. eu1f,1414,
itT AL L sPAPER—Fresh nasorOnent- r
T T r•ccived non=e moot eelubnand =sulk
factorletd bow Turk, and act
Von toe Yuri.' start otdocTrtle lunuuforture. lb, salt by
- INGLISII LAID PAYERS. --The \be h t,
Loedoe Cay..d Lett?: Pat.yrs.Adna ankl neelmttad.
be had at W. uelhmi YainWareh.4o4-
won., • menet. Markel and mooed eta. \
VINZOAft-- 50 b , b1!3_,F9r .. !34113 I by tt,
co. \,
IT.AiEZ)b t for .al e b y
N. %.
AILS-500 ti.g3 wis'd Fizra , for g a l A e
by xonrsos. Imam. a co. ,
11/10 IRODA-45V1.9:!asBens Vreck Metn.t;
1. 1
SSES d , ‘ SUGAR--- •
\' 11 b!b. Kt bibl.o., "., .
, ' ..:511be S. 0. sorer( krt' e'l4. by
USIALON. unix a w
TO ••ACCO, to-- \ \ \
, - ...14.1ie 2Ve 1:1 awl Na /.i.lql
10 kigs 6 itlit• , • \ .
- • . /1 busgs lipl• Pjr«:
01 " Butte - rm. Ws bY
nen `, ;' 1101 , 190 N, LIME g M ~
%%7E a;t,.ktstrated Up. thi
tai teh
v st ,:f °
. 9 man
Ihyys Busoket Caattuir —
F • • 140
.ert b laakW, (whit.)
4 " Irtur sod
Ai AckceßEp t s 2 ,b l ,l. : l4,3_
1 7 45-D,:•••• -
oputiottale i LLco.lB,,
ttiity &Ito clothed, id: nq
11 \ci.3,,,
~" 1 : ' °CU/TA U:ll.i.
I NOW' ' 4 lll \D, , , wl.c. aro Mt not
^ Swill. Jlota to bl'' ~.. Gadder tad I:ldt,,
- adan la V., 't by
10d? . .. ::,, thet k thr r oan,l, a/ral by alarm t
k. ' -, :u'Ti,":,-;',.t.r -, V,N;V:;;•„';',t,t - t."l
'40 . : ,!;' , .Y;;',.'is - p1 , ,„'.:;; - ,', l lT:r=l 7
te ho rackab whit v-lo 4a.rita frtto •
hlr bh cis. det 10.1.....4 ha p by of rbo Ma
r' ' • l• $ d C. ' -
ea.e .. a.. very • . u to
Ittal• bolzture—uo dpaptuh
tb letyceit • oh the TC.3.1,131tiv , ,b0
abby the odei herd of roature, K.
IN.G. Q: too taother.6.-th, ara lb. a
fo, t mp o eull - korilhlty e.r.olr,
da cure. •
.% ,
It be curtu Ita. totter •••.:::a ii..a:A.., toil
reuber thy tell /t L. c.d.; &.e tl6
% ,1
etasellsw, luarbf , , u world anielawl. C••• 0 cht
hal cured Cholera Morbot'l, one or to a
rad old a., of , rhot. I. oll'cl la - cry•dtb.
has. b.n of do AVAIL As • lanai ',,, xai!dy ukt
ecallA. It 1. b,tt..¢ tA ,day medical coda pounds er o.
that tre knots cf. ft alb} Can chl/bledaa axed qaa .
. •
In a :1. - . utileatloust u Imabtal tottlfraory ran - f
al of the troth matalred la the aboWeittealcu by a..
oa Y.Allt. - Ill • holl Cahn] itaPlolf/venth h pr.
either or the a dome_ \
Koyad .t Ofetiowell • a.rz . 04 1.004 or an 4 \.krea
.1107, 1:. r- SAllAm s f. 7 WaPl. - at: lb u t
A. 0t...4 - 11‘
Curry. Alledhcal z•ty, axe r, the eats.. . . s ,
k r ,
lu li
-n IlL: up far ,
It t •
1 biAble rm. r
lulldy , a yur
' ycle
. •
—i/u. Jrnei Reek the "3t vent and ode prone. o.
0 these tn.! motor 0004 belioklui, nmel • lli• C riand uthe
die ha venter of the to o f 1ne . 4,17. 1 : t 0 . t for Inuattug the o ‘
Lanai, tn, el:m.010g a gun of kb. 0 dlicamok a std. i ;
demi of tbut cuilmiril Phlelthth, •oriFhTerlZN , b •
Know,. uf the Gnlnireity of rthery nab. and for dolor \ .
nen since lin both eh[ 'ail hi th e roglaation of dOw
mmul the erPlibitico of nroodles thumb. ,,,
oon,b It., on of hie lodating tube:o cosmoution imtk
hi, hrephylactic errap, am other of hla fomedi ess ar ax , _ _
Wined an unparalleled em.nerge in unriniththow
end fetal melailloe be led Cormucto4on Oda ' ‘
oo..fula. Ithouto•hni, Aglna. Fever sad gratme Penn ;
all cinch, roods Err elaa, and ell thoserta
peculiar to famales. Indeed, every le of
• 1
launder 00.0 the or 1.. remedloo , to
ty Is hilr—riet by the cm
la ithotopmlbla 'with l'h r e \ lger.. 1 1. _ ~.° l 2 ' IT i f t4,....1 a . 1' . -
000 rexmain, adapted to. anikpreminpna kr, each •
form of Alma.
‘i. Dr. Bowl. 'ldthi Aiiithtvil P thi l_ W hit„.....thiii• W i i i bi l l \
oly acknowledged to . he superior to all .....••••• n W MOP"
, 'l:ly7frei:gtel'cootVilerlo*bas%74l7,ll,,riVgia:
. „. \\
1 trrh., I=='tltrii==7n-w,t,
le sulDelmit to oeta
gL bliela what fhb. bar iii iiibiliblafl.
The stEkted an inntol to os4l la tb.eiryint,:eghl jaw?
curs (gratts) one or Use Doctor's
el amount of sadiron oy, and to mow r, - \ ... :
For ra m th . j.the 0,11,
. out:lice. w las by i
mint donll
J. &boomother a Our ii w d sr-, Pitilthargt.
J. AL Tolumend, Dreg tilarkstar- e
ny allT.
lie al. Cobham. \
boo, • 1 i Who pamoe...,An•gte, • -
.ttillgatot th • . ' n' ' ''''4' 4 \'..?' .
T. leholut Amen, •
• eutilhollr \ \
TO the Readers of the Pittabiugh'Oesetto
"DIIBLIC ATTENTION is respeCtfally in .
HI vitod to Um folkairg ernithr. rot fah& In relakiem V ' ' \
cue of the moot aortmat mob. of Modern Come • i `,
PETROLEUM i COCK OIL; II blue. Man than\ to \
re. aeh Itallre great ntaelr Rae tomiglit beforo i•-
gall . lllllo .. or i e r.,
u ar .. ..!l=di=. • It= rig, \
\ . \
enumunty, and wo l al ,. ar, that the Lamm It Is trial Of
more thrtoth *III Ito bon shrewd, It Is not the ten .
' , Or of • day, got no or km.. mle Purred, Of Ilsatilig IreaselY
hat. eve, Wheal ara oanctdrc. will readmit> Do used mega
Al other noetrimut have been forgotten. Tha P•treleurfe
. Neutral E....4n eltbrested Or. this - depth. of thy .Vl_
I la Vrart aad arketll that Illeght to MTh all lecke , .
I l ow Chou, It Ir our duty. alba we web tthottre mat; I
; rink th at wa write Our Crutti•cthm ere Sir =till.' 'cake
I heel to derive those Who may truet ter word or pat rat ...
den. 4 or etateracute The eick an nor : apt en catch a. '
Cldi d y d tigrt t, iiTirt4 ' .leto. fr t,.. l ., o ll:4ll.ll7oz, . ~
or hothlmomog race of thorn. • lioovin dotart dab -I
to do thre mo biol.. only that*/ wan to reiattoa t ~:
our rem r rhoolta b.MO, In order is kenos Mr It • bIll; rli '
bthth rte thlOwil wf lia eihgle ankle In the mantle met'. le
law Plata rm• ,
animb facte--fectektat may thumbs.. , I l i,
Tn the city roadroad netetherrhowf. boo ample teethe:oar in A •
i v
I of of the renolema. • , .
Within the liert too mcarLA too of our own eltlene.---
who wale iota y bUnd e hare Ono revoceod torloditrrno• - •
coal latalel of hilaidibmo lo the Rate of Oldw, WIT bee
rimed. And-Meath* trainfo genttemairththerer mutt: le
Then too bilierg Loather, are our p.m bmn, and c O . 4,,.
to referred to by nor Plebes who have dentheonlbs rul .4. q,
ma. Theta cane wen co: ol alter tho had Gem abireloo , . A
by Plinichirg b hereibmic The Citmleura 'MU mu ' ~:e.'
when wool acemillrtg to dirrotionar—lharrhork byeenter; ~,,
Plies. Ithsumation. hoot. Neu nark. kno igloos on lbw h Ith ~:. .
Pimples on the bee, Chronkthore gym, Itlngoorra. Tette - ';;
ced Heed. Taltisin the boo,. end Muhl. di Som. illaar 1
W..• AR., V , E , ...1. Couan.A7 Broackkla ski a :''.'
Paknotarr offeetioT a ek-mcd =um .41.11.4 0 * r , 5 , \
lime Cnsumption. .',
Ithrns end dcalds, 4....... r the Vi.Pler .3 g2 O .Y• I.
\ 2T-rle ~Ufttaelire aeitc,lflVirbeezi a ' .K. . •
p it
aril. above Wind. with th ' , to PesOlioth With 6 -i ,
Olcist perfect eumeme. • Conifnun that Whi sotomeli ont
o I d .
the Web pr Li. take rlatettre el rho - -O - .
ahleted re tllair frhato/a. \ \ .
rat. ottea, ' rlar •\ 2. 'stout ttelr,lraikruer, t o
Pr mine la too p
Ithimely of Oa the. ' Yhniolb , . .
of h h standing an the proligibn arc 1 . ..M0i15; cd.utet . -- -
.. .
hi their practice. 'Thom oho at fat hoted withidoul 1
Mid eileartalotr.azu willing to goer/ to du Probe-sr -....
consideration. r Beton another yiar 001 Is num all will I "li.„'"
compalled to eckuntledmi th at tho hicolctho. the mew 'l. ."
est moil/a0 ever_dhicovervd. For rae.,
• and g i.r.. 4
.tal* ._ .y . kIiTEEK a..llrDiAicali ..40 \ , .
B 11. bolicrs, (.; Wood Akre. i'./.1...t. theta
T.I ttdoseph boucles, alleghns Cit.,.. , , Ala,. by •yr .
"piator, 11. M. KLEII. Clunal.baMm. 1 , ea:lth alleet. kel . \
thigh. and 11,A. Fthnemcck 41 Co.. lewd , . thd Irma \of
. 4 7.,
‘ '
.10 -.71t to dumb, ossoAtoke, srd L. oblr oasselosts. i
~,, \ . nor, (Ism /duct SS, /M.
..110. /S B. Polorrot— r cllll.lsco. li).-a otters. by toK;,
subject torocblettosot m 144. slat Lotting voed'Oltratst
N're/Stadikl lo ve7 iityeerrs4, 1 1r , .1.1...Met i ..1 by,.:1.4.1
... INZ .' oo of n bN) SNLI alas% / 4 :rti7tel;l Ves;r;
, c'Erearl UM..WA It LAI lamt .um t., turalel;.___s
I i bare r0mcaa.....1 'lt to r.r so,. ob.:, nod do out:
i ootsolonelsatali. an. alit IC to stot 0,14Zt raedirifi
. a.stas °coo boots oasso‘i So [boron,
tvY.t..d.cragt 0,61, , , ~ ,,s i m , .u. , .. , 1
wuxh, \ oltoo tbey'• Sulst ..7 • ....ct• tvlla• sff \ ,
47...;4',A,t kri o ,lj b'.., . ' \ Is. .42...0.i./..131F., . i
000br, "ST Sr.:: sc., isoi Lotto:lC, oost,rarts.l. .
. ,
I KATENT NEWOINES*I.4.2i, Arge u uc ,
• • lu E. mud fur maleoo the tare/ lad 7- tern, e , ,.
u 1011./in t \ • At. at, Auk. ,
1... " ... d r.du,A; itt,...ali c 0 , 0 ,
~, . 17, 1 ,1. , 1 . A1 1 :_, , , , r ,, h t u
E,,,.. .„ ,
\ z‘
1, rot 1...tru0 lila." ,
i PIMA Auti-11.114 , 8 ‘.
, 1,,..1 \ : IY/ Clum.:, , aUvu \ '.-
t : tto a rer. "* T .. 's . ' 7,l.'.lll=''l:g== ''
IA ' xon A.ti . Dl , 34V.'
t o - uittli ,, . * At . ' -• •
1 - .ran..i - \ , Intu,,c.r.r.
1 .• 41 ,,, Ipe'lLostutc . • \ ; :: ~. tut. uuuta:_;,,
• tywier. • \•, • - .1-U.t , ,,,tut,; 6,
-.. .1.7.7.-tta ; .,
1. •
tau. • 4'• iitt cr,ur ';',. 1 \
l'Re Bcda •,\ " :AusttAt \ ,
1 Vtat:..t. Ttttur i tt;te itt..x• • •
.. .
~ ' f
l ' ,r ""V"
li;tV . ;q l ;: ' l ''*.
lut•Durteti: EA.1.... • ,tioLleu..:iu"..t...r. ". ~. ' ..l's
VA,341117: ilic%l • 4dltr • . \ ;...
At tt; Druz turu t: ..: .... ::. •t, ICA •••ittit , t s t , .
\ ar
1 .4
• ' OW --b.4. Lep No SMs
tln: ''°:-
i' tlfais l l ' inuo4
:‘ 2 ,1 24 , A= tAL S NaI.. 4.
T ISI::- 777-7
' \ 4 r , b I t' s6 i i i,.. Pi'
q,',.':. \ \,: .:,V,
\ ,
«In', --- 7V.ii:Tdi4: , Waitiii,'„
it UT11:111 blip. prime 4,, • \ \
. 8- !,0c.:21 '', .11 .6 411.9 11 - . I a;MC IL 133/1.11;4:;
..1 1 , ) WDER-10Q.k.111 , 4sLiilg, r eel°
\ 41
.1_1.T.. LOYD. .
.H 4 hIOLASSES--21) hI
, tib E(IOI . kATION PAP 111;
Oak L.aratikai and St•lut27l
sal. p r\ ifeLLLO
I AK OM-4.1:1 - bbis Na,
LA 11. GralAilAci:sza n:o tiA
landau.; .1A /bag hi.3gl 4