PITTSBURGH GAZETTE 'PCISLIELIED BY WHITE 2 CO _ - PITTABUBOE! IVEDNESDAY 'MORNING; NOV. 19, • 1851 gtrITY.:IOI. S I6 .11.4 TM WILL BE FOUND ).V EACH PAGE OF THIS RAPER. _ • • RAILROAD ARBASGEIMMITS. The interests of the public, as well as of the 4Stmleholders, imperatively demand that suitable • arrangements should be made between the sere -rat railroad companies forming our central line, to run their trains at such hours as will form the best connections . for the public accommodation. On the first of December we shall have a con , Unseen railroad communication with Philadel phia, with the exception of 28 miles of staging, • end the time between Philadelphia and Pitts burg will be reduced to 24 hours. At the name time we shall have a similar communication with Cincinnati, via Cleveland, with twenty, miles of staging, which, iu a very short time will be au - perneded - by a continuous railroad. By the first 'sf..Taunary, ariaitgements might be made to bring: liansengers from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh in 18 or ,14 hours. via Cleveland. But this cannot be done unless an evening train from Cleveland shnold bo run by the Cleveland and Pittsburgh ;Railroad Company, from Cleveland to Alliance, la miles, which that company has so far 41e iclined to do. r iOn the nth of the .present month they establiehed their hours befireen Cleveland • rind Alliance, bud gave official assurances tluit those hours would not he changed until January next. The Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad -- ;7tplipany immediately made arrangements to put .. *Wan express train to connect at Alliance, sad with the Ohio Stage Company, to carry passen ,gere,Letween -Boon Valley and Salem; Co that, • ein a few dayS, passengers might be carried in eleven hours and a quarter between Pittsburgh . • and Cleveland, in either direction" Now, when this arrangement was on the point of being cArried out, the Cleveland and Pitts. burgh Compkttypnve altered their banes, which defeats. the. Proposed connection, and makes some other arrangement necessary. It is un dseetood that under this last arrangement the . „ - passengers who go by Wellsville. from Pitts. to Cleteland, are to remain all night at iltinator ; and we suppose that those who pre- I :ter' the railroad to the river route. will be "obliged to sleep at Salem. Of the causes that lid to these sudden and unexpected changes of the time table on thh railroad between Clove --laud and Welisidlle, we are net informed, but vbey ought to bc,6f a very imperative charac ter to justify the officers of the Company in Outs disappointing the public expectation. • The people of Pittsburgh and Cleveland have a right to expect that every reasonable effort shetiltTbe mode to afford the greatest possible fa cilities of communication ; and if passengers can be carried through in day light, they will not .be satisfied with being obliged to sleep at some place on the route. Wo know that the officers of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company are ready to male any arrangement to accom modate OE's public, and in a like spirit we hope they will be met by the officers of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh route - 7Lrrat Sass Mut, RUN RAILROAD CourANT enterpise has been started for the purpose of bringing re a market the immense bodies of coal which lie along the Little Saw Mill Run, and extend from that to Chartiers . Creek. The Company was organised some time since. and thorough surveyors have been made, and the line located, and the grading let to Contractors ''The present dine is three miles long.commencing "on the Ohio river,-at the month of Sat, Mill Run, and extending:up that stream to the farm of Wm. Espy, Esq., where the Company has 200 acres of excellent coal, and where the road is in the immediate vicinity or 3000 acres more. The jgradexare very easy, the heigheet beine,lo7 feet to. the mile, and that for a short distance only. • It is intended to 14 the track with three quilt.- . ter inch fiat bar iron, two and a half inches • wide. The whole expense, including right •of 'way, grading, bridging, superstructure, iron, 'opening of•pits; equipment, including one Loco =Use, its-estimated at $41;900. This also in . chides a large lot at the wharf, just below the mouth Of Saw Mill Ran, which the Company has 'purchased for a lending. The grading is to be . finished by the first of February, and it is ex pected that the road will be opened by the first -of April next. About 200 shares of this stock still remain to he taken, and when we consider the cheapness of the road and equipments, and the immense, we may Say inexhanstable, supply of coal within its reach, we may expect the amount - of stock anted will not long remain osumbscribeil Tot CLEVAI.AND AND WHIELING ROAD.—We yesterday.nfet the corps of engineers, under charge of Mr. Linter ; engaged in the survey of the, road front Wellsville to Wheeling. The dis tance froth the mouth of Yellow Creek, to - the west end: f the Wheeling Bridge is 38 miles, the route'ls one of the best that could be select ed anywhere, The coot of preparing the sub structure upon the whole route will not ho as great as that from Wellsville to Beaver. The stone work will he very light. The whole cost of the road will not he over about half a million, and as a connecting dink it will he one of the most valuable in the country. It will be a noble orttlet forties Steubenville and Indiana Road an -tit another eastern outlet may be made.— Wheel . Mg, Gazdt.e. . This iitloe western portiolt of our favorite, the tkircumbendibtio." Weare gratified to find that we have an advocate in this line, in the editor of the Wheeling Gazette. We so seldom agree in the support of Railroad projects, that the plemsnreio all the greater to find ourselves heartily pulling together in the same team.- - Let the "circumbendibis" be built by all means, andthen if we cannot intercept the trade and travel of the Marietta road, the Ohio Central Road, and the Steubenville and Indiana road, before it crosses the Wheeling Bridge, then we do not desalt, to have it, that is all. We wish our Wheelingneighbor great !access in his new Project; it is one we have long advocated under another name. The Wellsburg Herd& publishes an address by. professor W. K. Pendleton, delivered in the Court Rouse at IVellsbarg, on the subject of the local relations of that place in regard to Railroads, in which he opposes very bitterly, the grant of the right ad way across the Virginia territory to : the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad Company. Tim editor of the Herald eakes a much more enlightened and liberal view of The subject in the following article, introduc ing the addes s to his readers: •aWo have the pleasure of laying before our readers the address of Professor Pendleton, at the meeting last Saturday night; but we regret that wo cannot entirely concur with his posi tions. As to the policy of prosecuting stead fastly the Railroad by the Buffalo route, we cora dlally concur with him, Mal never 'entertained: thir idea that it would be our policy to desert L it. On the contayay, we. would be glad to see it an der contract to-morrow. But we do tako ex ception to his position that it is oar policy to oppose pi...alien discountenance the application of the . Pittsburgh and Steubenville Company for Right of. Way across our territory. • Leaving out of the consideration the abstract question of tights, and the dutiei of comity between States, there aro!, sufficient grounds purely of policy to lead' e not to discountenance Alois application. Byen if this Right of Wily, be as peroiclosu as Is asserted. Wheeling is sufficiently able of her self to defeat it, without our turning against our criiurb, sad making for ourselves Commercial enem ies en the North, as - we already have on the South'. If the Right of Way, ie to be defeat ed, let Wheeling do it; and let her bear the o dium, If s however, itshould pass, we do not concur that the effect would he so pernicious. In this opinion we are sustained by our largest property-holders, seen who in other business transactions have gained some repidation for shrewdness. • • • • If to. law should not be passed, as it will nut be at this Legislitare, no harm will have been done, And we can with some face ask a subscrip tion by Brooke county of $lOO,OOO to the stock of the, Buffalo Road, which we, at least, would not hate . the hardihood to Insist upon, cater re. toting to northern half of our citizens, witch' ' it . reasoirelde request as they make. Wee - presume that some such means of raising money, as this, is.contemplated, for it is idle to suppose that any thing like the amount can be rained by prints wabseriptins• . - • Thetaiatiioil3 l. reworks that could be urged sgairat : “Opptattion" not here to be mime- . , , Owing to the sadden and unexpected change I hundred tons bf butter in a day. Prom the of boars on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Rail- I City the freights are light, but the canal and road, reverted to In another article, and of which V" . l l , s .ar ni, alike inadequate to transport the notice was only received on Monday evening, the 1 down r ht e e g nry t. Grinnel has 'been presented, by Superintendent on the Ohio and Pennsylvania 1 the British residents, with a very elaborate gold Railroad has been unable to announce definitely medal, to testify their appreciation of his liber as was expected, the hours of departure and or ality in fitting out theoretic expedition. Mr. rival of the trains to Enon Valley, but the an- , • lGibserafilt deserves is [ Lin tribute , e f a o l r ed b' t ' o id i7 va h i i t s i nouncement will be made in a day or two. It is for a wo y rt ' lly: abject, he is one ofthe LOOM retir. expected, however, that the express train will , ing gentlemen of the day, He is one of those leave here at 8 o'clock, A. Al., and that paeseo- great people, who, while others are resolving. accomplish the task they make a great clamor Pre wilf - B - o;ptlt through-to Canton and Massif-• • .r." shout t' lon thename day. , ~ A.LIROURNT RIVIR RAI LROA —We erred yes terday in saying that the Books would bo coon ed the Monongahela House. They will be opened Mi. tidy at the and we trust that every citizen who knows himself inter ested in the permanent welfare of this •city will step forward and subscribe according to his ability. No work has been undertaken which is of more importance to us, and none which promises more glorious results Let us have the stock taken promptly', and let no one inter eated excuse himself. See notice of the commis• sioners in our advertising columns FREI{ BANKING IN I LLINOIR —At the late election, the people of Illinois voted to adopt the Free Banking Law passed at the late session of the Legislature. It is now, therefore, a law of the State, and we may noon expect to see Illinois I notes among the common currency of the day. KossirrEl AND TEM OMCEIR Or TYE STRAY ER Mississirri —The Washington papers are authorised to publish the closing piTagraph of letter addressed by General Kossuth to Cap tain John C. Long, of the Meant frigate Missis. ippi, showing that the kindest feelings and friendly regard existed on the part of General Kossuth toward the commanding and other offi cers of the frii — Ste at the time of his tearing her at Gibralter. — The letter is dated— "ll. S. STRAY FRICIATR MISSTRUPPI, "Bay of Gibraltar, Oet. 13, 1861. * • "So I have but one favor yet to claim, and that is that you mar be pleased to accept for yourself; as well as for the officers and crew of this ship, the moot sincere expression of my warmest thanks for the noble, kind, and gen erous affection I was honored with on board this ship. Tbe rememberance of it will be a last ing treasure to my heart, and I will cherish it ns a fair gift of the Almighty; may I meet with whatever fate throughout my tempest tossed life. I hope to meet you soon again on the hap py shores of your glorious land. Let me hope that you and all who hare the honor to do ser vice to their country under your command on board the Mississippi frigate, will bear to me a kind remembrance. and the same high-minded affection they honored me with from the first moment I bowed with deep respect before the glorious flag of your ship, and felt free once more because protected by it. and surrounded by your frank, loyal, gallant, true American ••May the blesiings of God, and glory and happiness attend you If herever you go •Please to communicate this my warm wiehen and sentiments to the noble minded, gallant offi. cars, and to the crew of the ship.. _ _ 1121EMZI Captain Long states that he is entirely un conscious that any hut the kindest feeling and courtesy were extended to General Kossuth while on board the Teen STRACV e a RIOTEIIII. —The term of the Unit • tit States district court opened at Buffalo on Tuesday evening, when the Syracuse rioters were sworn. On Wednesday, Judge Concklin delivered his charge to the grand jury, in the course of which he alluded to the case in a tone described by the telegraphic reporter, as mod erate and impartial. He remarked "I am sorry to say that in the execution of my judicial duties I have been made acquainted with certain other grow. infractions of the lee, : of the United States, into which it. wi Il I.e your duty to inquire : and, as offences to which I al lude are novel in this district, it is proper that " I should briefly explain their nature " The learned judge than alhided to that article of the Constitution of the United Stares which ordains that persons held to service trader the I iwe of the State, escaping into another State, he delivered up, &c.; and to the Act of.Congresa of $793, passed for the purpose of Carrying its pro- . visions into effect. After pointing out the changes made by the Fugitive Slave act in Feelairning and apprehending fugitive., and reading the seventh section of the act, the judge briefly ex plained the nature of the :barge against the parties, concluding as follows: “Having now pointed out to you your- duty, gentlemen, I shall not detain you by undertak ing to vindicate the Constitution by which this duty is imposed, for I am called only to see to its faithful performance. Such an attempt Would in my judgment be an insult to your en. ' derstanding, and an impeachment of your in tegrity. Surely it cannot be necessary to inform any grand jury that a judicial tribunal is not in-, vested with legislative authority to enact or re peal laws at pleasure, but that, on the contrary, its sole function is to understand and impar tially apply the existing laws ; as men of com mon sense and enlightened citizens, you. must know this already d well . I do. and to exan• erate you from honest fulfilment of the duties it implies, and. which you have just solemnly sworn to-execute, would be to.impote to you a welling nes to violate your duty and your oaths : and whit right hare j , to do this any more than you have to impute the like to met Of a court of criminal jurisdiction, the grand jury, no less than the judge, constitute an essential compo nent part. Both are alike sworn ministers of the law, and are bound to obey its mandates." PROM NEW YORK. 10tu'espoudeued of the Pittsburgh Duly Lissa.. j Saw Yosz, Nov. 14 The Whig press hereabouta • are just now ex plaining how the party was beaten at the re cent election, bat it is a very useless labor. One point only has been settled by the election, and that is this 4—The Whigs of New York State have determined no longer to be ruled by the Whigs of the City, who: would freely barter the party for the chance of con ciliating the Booth. The interior Whip and a large class of Whip here, have an old.fash ed notion that they own themselves and votes, and do.not mean hereafter to think so mach whether their COIIIIO We please the southern country, as whether it will promote the good of the Whigperty ; and Whip out of the State, may make up their minds to see a fend in this State, that will not be hanionised at the farther sacrifice of the feelings of the North upon the Negro cpestion. Another invoice of gold has gone to Europe, to -day, as s natant consequence causing sen sitiveness in the markets, and great caution among money lenders. This repwal,o,3pesite exports, and the absence of regffar• attains based upon cotton shipments, begins to shake the confidence of the moat hopeful, and it is now a matter of certainty that to California alone must we look for relief. If the gold yield continues large we can keep the balance of trade at a point short of -ruin. if they diminish we ehal see. a stringency in financial affair, before which the strongest houses will tremble. At this time when free trade prevails, and not onlyeur crops, but our bullion are.requircd to pay our debts, it is well for us to look up the promises of the political quacks. who, when in power under Mr. Polk, ',figured and calauluted us into so much wealth. Great Britain has free trade in full blest, and eo far as Robert J. Walker, that flightiest and greenest of political economists, could effect it, the United States has been placed in the same-category. Tholoolleh aystem of custom houses, so far as cotton, grain and iron are concerned, has been removed. The glorious era when produce is interchanged is upn ue, and what is the result? Where now are his hundreds of millions of exports set down fur 1851? • Where the fire hundred millions of exports of domestic produce Mr. Walker es timated for 18451? It has 'brink to less than a hundred millions, and oar entire exports, for the year ending Juno Bd, - 1851, are twonty•two mil lions less than our ImpOrts. The previous year, the imports were in excess nine millions, and the only comparison favorably drawn in con nection with the fact is that we are noted'inach in debt- The news from England In not favorable (or any article of American produce, to a degree that makes it desirable to ship, and with flour at $8,60 the barrel, our ships remain idle.— Freights taken together are dull, and no partic ular trade very properouc. To California the rate is 60 cts. per foot for vessels about to sail, which ls notquite half the prima of last year at this time. Jost now there is . quite a quarts mining Meer here, and capitalists are going into companies for the purpose of building heavy stamping mills. Capital is quite abundant for this business, and nothiag but the absence of gold in the rocks, wilt prevout a large harvest when the mil, s get In produce there bra large movement towards the it as 'the ;mace :advaltoss Among the' no !Welt rear 47 lauded by the Itele road, was o , pc, Mt Pete.Oniry4 GaMte THE TAUPE' AND NATIONAL PROSPERITY Ma Ems.. The Tariff is u subject canvassed by politicians ter design, and but feebly un derstood or appreciated by the people. It would be well if the mass of our citizens could see ito proper operations in behalf of our pro gress, not only ae ci nation, but as individuals I do not feel myself competent to unfold these advantages fully; neither bare I time io - devote to an article sufficiently long to open tint the benefits arising from a Tariff. calculated not particularly to protect us in a manufacturing sense, but to protect us physically , as a nation, and morally and sogially as a people. Our no tion commenced its'career free and independent. we guarantied to foreign..re that which we en joy mulch Mi. restricting them only to a short pilgrimage among us, in order to learn our hab its and shake off the restrictive ones pertaining to othel• countries. It requires the watchful care of our government to protect as in the en joyment of this freedom and independence guar antied by our constitution. And here let me say, that I consider an attempt which has been suggested by Mr. Dallas to amend the constitu tion of the United States, a piece of Vandalism calculated materially to restrict that freedom and independence which the constitution •guar antics, not for a time, hat for all time. It is claimed that ire axe a progressive people, and that the constitution does not suit our advance —in what? Con any body, ell 7 It Cannot be in wisdom,—for there has floc been and will not he o time in this country when the minds of as many men were disenthralled from selfishness and self-aggranditement as when our contains ,' tion was formed, when their country Rat fore. most in all their thoughts In those days, 'we read of but one traitor. It is this very constitution, and the genial in fluence of the government under it, which has protected us in our progressiveness, that Is pro posed to be altered. In order to progress as a free and independent people, we must have time to think, limo to ex ercise oar inventive powers, and meats to carry them out. If we, ne a people, art to be aban doned by our government to the merciless situa tion of Europe. where the officers of the govern ment and a few others swallow up the resources of the country, with whom capital is n drug, and ready et any time to be invested at a profit of from three to four per cent. Can it be expected that we, whose capital is our labor, buoyed up only by nur indomitable spirit, engendered by the freedom guarantied by the constitution, can cope with European capital, which can produce three or four per cent only, by the depression of he• people, morally, physically, and of course. progressively. It is to us that the oppressed people of other rations look with wonder and astonishment: at I 4 to our government that they attribute our en ergy, our enlightenment. and not least, our morally distinctive character, and juatly so And there cannot be a doubt but that we are des tired to produce a light that will enlighten the whole world_ No doubt, some will say, — What has a Tariff to do with all this — I will again answer by saying, "That we want a competence to bring up and educate our families, in a manner which will comport with the designs of our free Insti• tutionaamong which may be enumerated-- means to apply and carry out the inrentons of the mind, whether mechanical, physical, or moral we want means to assist others and one another. And we consider that these great ends ought to to fuesere.bby nil goierlarlenta,' for the benefit of the people Our gusernmeut is hased sub stantially tin ibis priuriple, and it 14 the only government eu,eessfully so based. and shall we undermine it ti aggrandize the dart nations of the earth, and add weight to the backs of her people! Rather let 11, take such measures as will enable us to show to others that itie not the concentration of wealth among the few, hot the dissemination of wealth among her people that makes this a great sad progressive nation Fnarrnattio.—Some of the proof sheets of the . handmaid to the Piano" being shown a few days ago to an aged gentleman who had been-all his life engaged in the marinfacture of pianos, he expressed himself to the anthem in the following words "Well, air, I do not know what to make of you. You ray you • not a piano maker, and yet you have mentioned matters in your book which I can hardly conceive it possible should have en. tared the imagination of coy man who is not practical workman. Nay, more. Although I have worked at the business for nearly forty years, yon have shown me some things in con nectiou with the instrument which I should never have dreamed of, hot the truth of • Irtliell I see at once " Copies of the work are expected to be ready by Thursday. WANT Or PR011,102.1 ON LAKE SUri RIOS The apprehensions we expreased last week from .the impossibility of sending forward the large amount of supplies that have been accumula ting here for several weeks past, are likely to be sadly verified. The three propellers that were up the lake at that time have not yet re turned—the Independence having been cut 18 days. the Manhattan 13 days, and the Napoleon 9 days. It is estimated that there are at leant 12, 0 9 0 bulk of provision• and supplies of various kinds now here, and this'amount is likely to he increased before the end of this week to 18,000 bble: And as these supplies are destined for the winter sustenance of families, miners and traders at all the different points on thelake, it ' is evident the whole country will suffer for the want of-them. The three propellers will only carry altogether about 6000 bbla., and if the weather continues as boisterous as it has been daring the fall, they will not be likely to make more than another trip. After what was aid last week on the want of a canal, in. this con , . nection, no farther application of this subject Is necessary. If there is any justice orlumanity in our neat National Legislature, the people of Lake Superior will not suffer for the want of a canal between these two lake, more than two yearn longer. —Late Superior Journal, Nor. 6. TRACK Lenee.—The-tracklayers on the rail road have commenced operations at this point. The work will now progress rapidly towards completion, and we are assured that within tasty days the care will be running between here and Pittsburgh and Cleveland.—Maseilirn Mae. Pirrantataii AND Rate Ram ROAD.—Thomas J Power, Esq. Chief Engineer, -and his asaistants are now busily engagedinmaking a survey, pre paratory to the location of this road; between New Castle, and the junction of the Pennyslvanla and Ohio Rail Road, on the Eufaide of the Bea ver, Last week they reached Moravia from this place, and report tbat they fotmd the ground !favorable for the construction of a road. After the survey is completed, and an estimate of the probable cost of appal:motion, on the two routes, a location for the roadwlll be fizedePon between New Castle and the junction. No survey will ho made of the Showing° route, this fall, as the season is too far advanced—Yew Canle OCI2. Tus RAILIIOAD wart. or Coutleataxo —Tito Cumberland Journal Of Friday says, The passengeriars of the Baltimore, and Ohio Railroad are now rurining to Oakland, 68 miles west of Cumberland, and the track is finished to the 66th section, or about thirteen miles further. —The amount of travel on this part of the road is already most flattering, showing the import ance of tho local (ravel to every railroad. The care are generally filled with passengers, both :going west and east, and the people on the line `of the road seem delighted with the facilitiee af forded them. All the officers of the company are polite, courteous accommodating, and a ride on the railroad, west, is worth taking, even if it be merely for the pleasure of passing through a region unsurpaesed for the grandeur of its scenery. Barroom, Nov. 12. The $760,000 coup on bonds of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad were taken at eighty per cent, by Messrs. Lee & Co. Fifteen percent of which Ls to be paid on acceptance, and the balance in monthly instalments of twenty per cent. This secures the completion of the road to -Wheeling by the first of January 1861. Coal-Bumng Lamotives.—lttr. Dimpfel's An thracite Coal-Burning Locomotive, which bad been in attire coo for one year,on the Beading Railroad, has been bought by the Utica and Schen ectady Railroad in this State: it is stated that it has fully overcame, al obstacles In the way of horning anthracite coal, and has greatly reduced the mist in fuel. The French Democratic, Socialist Journals; are no at an pleased with the speech of Kossuth st Southampton. If bui disappointed thorn greatly sad the more so as the,' hod expeeted Kossuth to join the Europein Democratic Committee, and all et them had whoorst asserted that the Cute - =Mee -would hrweenrarard lint SU its orders in thsktiesti of Kossuth, Loden Rollin, sad Mao. Yellin:Tana= of Hardware, Cutlery, &e. LOGAN, WILSON &T. CO., No. 129 Wood Street, Iheiew to nil O. sttecittosk of Nerrhants and othen to their I.Astut ertrm of TORSION AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &(.., , tI . IIItTED BY I,ECEN r i PACKET,. And .bleb they are nova pnpar to plipt •uch rPea a, rautiot fad otos., 1114 - A tor ~ .—prtneant pl MAN, c•lelaap-.1 Cr AA .1041 , 1 lOter LIVER C OMPLAINT - rhe only remedy ~„, the nubile, winch ha., nee, lell.J of .ben aro followed, is Sir Lan,.. La' rr :111 It Lao n ta...n ,ar. bawl , 11, polnor.aad bon Aetna., ,nut i , Lpra.• I. pp. tr,p, 1111.1, .11 tb.,llll.r.at and has Pret. faun.' equallr alararinu• •ii J KIDD C.; Wpop nultadJor im}'My wife had the Rhoundu6m fur 20 oars. during that uta• ouGranthr au. A. Arran. pain IS re part of her pod, that Abr c,uld uot .key wlthurrt ta: 1,113,, large amen of °Nara; having no anwitp. ape pa. relop,l to &Imo,' • akeleton. eta, a a• a p,qh.r. vemir. and hands. kopea ael perk ...eared with large lump... the cora E. re Itall an , , oritrseted, • her s. lap• and horl, sore ap tw..1.1 and drawn that ,he p••~ebllaeJ to.lle h. 1,4 ron•tatal,. During it, V.. .she got nutbtuQM' at I hranent mite( OW •h• tried 11. J Farrell, Arabian Littimen% of Iln• the peed fie. W 1,. of the dollar Fla, sod Om verellmga hare all VON the P• 10 ban entirely loft. eta Flee, ...mud', in ma, thpl, than ea. Jibe araa lo her life. and coin, and en% On day. If nor Pne doubts thii arida., hr ran oil at tar aY/11, three MU.. ltrra People. 111.. and Ip. aatlatied. NA•11'1:1. 1,1311 , .I•ortl•utueht. tp.7 I . . ~ nll•'in• -.11 11 e1•at1• Petroietim - . me- A Most RctEnu..l.¢ Carr or TOTAL t arbor ravarrttra —We invite tt. gltetztg't of the sig. tea end the public gem rally, to the ...-rtater.te of 14 uv, 11.11. of Orb. city. The can. may he 'wen by any prom, oho may Ira vlseptieal In n-lation WO.- facto here set SI. °I hol been aftlirted several year. with a sorene,eof tmth eye, whirl/ nourtuued It inetvar , until Agt.letnlnt, the Inflammation at that rime having. involved the whole 'ming o tobrane of both eyes. and ended lu the den cite n( a thic tri k him, srbieh wholly deetroyed my aluht I had et opera pop tverfonned.aml the thlokenlng a moon returned and left roe In ag had a condition or bob,. At this mane of t h e c.310+1. , I mad" annllo.nno in a"aa" rat the moo etoinent ttinliftgl men. who tna/m..4 tint m, eves-would n.ver get •ell.' Al thivtium I solid utt diattogylth any olgttrtt lly th. mitt, of ...me (two,. I entnMenoml the ut. of the Petroleum. Iroll . tuternalir and lomvii, under 'able/I my ^yea have IMprovol un. til the preen: time, and I haver.. I la th y a•uof our.'" Iy. My general heal wan eery muol recove, Improved by tlo. Petroleum. and 1 attribute the rertorallon of at eight to its um. I reelde at No. LL: Second alters, to Ohio city. and w 111 be happy to giro any mint . .. Mon In rnlatlmy to ft, rag, It I LLIA)I HALL.- Fen oal. AT ICB7ser 4 McDowell. 14, WoBl V. E: &Mr.. I.VoBlstrYvt.: LL. A. Ithoestoct.. a en : I.Brorr WBB4lllBB l'imut .4,88 M M. hurry. It A Elllett.JB , Bph DcBBlBBx. and 11. P. Schetyrtt. AMA-Alen, siy, AS thy. pm , ••19,1.k• - .T t7ene. Ita.nn.•••••nth •t . Vltteh It rt. Citizen's Insurance Comuszy ct Pittsburgh crirsicoutuGE ilomg iNSTITUTION , Ott,- .1 Wen, 0n..., In the trareltozate. nib. It . . C. 4.1. i . r5.A1 , 1413t. ..... W in 4111,. ar.d Ir. C 0121,/, trals now .11“. • ypvixel p. nrud l ar. awort,ll c...retha=ll re . An amp r Canty fel. the lability sal Intearit7 Inatllntiun,l4 afLudrJ Ih the ehnras..r 4 , f 1,13.• I.trvero. rho sav nil . citlteu. trf rictsbla:ll. Gworn . bly known tn the calintnunity tb..tr•urade1a , ......11...n , .. acd . : 11. A% En. Lenta.: Jr, {V.., 1:.11 ..art hn ll.rnoffrth. thol•ftntelm. K . Pittsburgh LIM Insurance Company. CAPITAL 8100,000. WRIER 7Z, FOURTH STREET OrrICNRA I,6l , lett—hart 9 MAIN I, Prxwriera.—L,llll:l-1. Lar,n 2 , ..,irtary-1:01:11, 3,... la.trtil..l.l ID avoMer part 11.72.4 luesiey na:rtritLi. tte Istltof N..f T Huai Al` Lltisirri. Jr The tuners will take pl., thle ottesping• tr..nt the bt. lather. near Last Lltertt rlat.. wilt leave 01111 LtPttenytt , runt hLeitt street. ILI e eltsek nel• iIIEAP PlANOS!—lust rec'd i ff fnm tho oacluturtory of 11.11,, • l••, cf tGe~r pct.., ItOK. from SZT. Itl Al, : . .1.1, Ifni= Weal aNcrl awl ,tx.f •f N., tuck • J,IIIN II ) on' AMES 11, PARKS, DrAigner and I% ...od .. v 4,44., 11,114 11.11, vrt trite. O. ttoi. reo,rtfullr Inftarr.• day that hr prvfatro.,• all 41141. ref 144,414., . c ud VIe•• 44 , M4c1,1t4.4, o 4..4.•••:441 , ..rt lettoort... N.4.44,4er !toad, Itrttoptt.••Latwi., 0,0,41 rt.., awl !or.,U, r farm. t4r, • CUNSTANT SUPPLY OF . 31ORGAN'S Cough Lyra tlnrjae'. t\nrm Iboonu renal - al moertuaret of Drool, a 1dr.11,1 .ra..Patnta. fere, rf r , teeth. l'arteaLra. Prrfumrrlta. tr. et • hrire•ir at... 1 to tell. at ter Drug itter• JAM L.ll NiKir FF/1. orle 00 93 Rodlettatoo:ll OUSSEL'S .151Alcf.)INE, for at, Cnry CYO sae •n-,, awn of char,/ Dun ,• tredira rale, rt the itretellte. eutlto the law alrle a u Ue t t *.t without randuarrlatlon. /1•41.111.,1}, te-••/ tallied remedy !mth..uanty etiOnerweesarf the able. with whirli fa/ cap, Sr. alllictru Juries lb. sotirge , ant 'moue, of tb• trash, teal re ,1 f,t mato 1/ 1 col' K. . %I eel at ILS. TURPENTINE, AI.COIDA. ~s nout /Anna, cot 101.11.. k01i •*ittrber le ?I. la totlllo.l, 011; •• 1.1:11.1•11 Uteri. torpaslitra to r 10 • it gaol. rl6 I lOU area Whit. Leal 1 . .',1rt4 .1 eerie. rszt. lOU liat , hm by ...Cr JelitYS AlrtiliEVEl. Druivn. No VI K.of sL -- •- _ • I UI"CA PERViIA :—Junt r.-'d. a 000rle plete •••crtmorte 6 )titts P•rrha ko ;art of tho (.+1 Invlsta" Lio•J*, tbr., olr•or I•sgo and Form... caw Fiat,. Prota Dishes. Vl..h .pittrutis. Fontarl• ith 1 Dc•ttl , .. A d,rtrroot 711, 7. C9l la posbl.(lMl Cava rnrmunln.tr virtu to Yrs.., lrl 1 slit Ni loch maul orlth . • Tan.t, men.. to coont..n For owl, ot o t cnl9 1 • II I'M IIOOR SPRINGS-1 go]. ludin Rusher Uror Pprings. Just rred .t No. II Nlea....t 5001.9 J t H OIL CLOTH CLOTITINO—On 1..1. irnr. ,r Oil Cloqi enll.llll.ln pat o; itt.r Coat.. If•vany J.ltets. Danto Ca;rs. rut _le at tho itlab , ar Dept Iln M . 5 . Lob , J a ft. PHI LIP." IIST OF LETTERS remaining in Wilkins reo lime.. Al ,,, thenr moot,. P. Nov.:Oyer lab. Aoht•r Al...zanier lli.ll.John Ilr..opm I•etor . lialt.lc..rt. Coonl, Kea Nna , 11..+1 llecorre V. C lark Wllllatu , 1 !...11,..r. 1:11....th lark Jo•vpb IV Y.l .arm nf Tom:we-al:l,v Dlekry IVollam n019.+11.1 . LUISE B. L , AVI.:):t. V M . Land for Salo. • THE subscriber will osorat p ublitsak; on Cho gth of Dora:ober next. at 11 o'clock, A. 11. thn rano of lien, !Mud. deg'd. The rattn contatne 60 arr... of land ID North llontlorlou township. Westin°, land out,. P. on .hkltt aro good improeemene. semi good 11011. Tortos mode known at .ale • nolf....St•er JOHN MITCHELL agalialigg 185 1. ,iirtiat FALL AND WINTER ARRANOEMENT TOR TRAVRL BETWEEN CLEVELAND AND KIMIBURGH tee Cerrnind and Pow orgh Railroad.' From Cleveland to Hanover 74. tolles, Fro. Hanover to Wellravilln, br ?dads Au! from Well . ule to Pilts FußEAburgh y b the new and sob., id eturcur T CITY. This arrsagenient ro contJutu until the let Janunr7, l ilds. when the Cave trill run from Oieteiatri Wril*VlPg. MITE Express Train of Cars will leers ClneelandJelly (Sunday aceptal) at 545 Iv 31.111 , ter the uviest of the night Train fret. Chorin net. arviv. Ins at Ilainour Station at 1215 P. 51_ end at Wellnville et 7 P. W. and at Pittsburgh lb., snme,.e.y.," Returning will Inane Pitteburgh doily at a P. 51., orris log at Cluel.d bP. unsun to cenneet with the Eeronig Train to Cincinnati, and with gleam Hosts Put sod Wrat until the clone of navigation, natl. Tin 50 roa n. er ttsburgh to Clniand.l . o boom .. to Conc. . . Coro to Clove loud. 1.4.04t0 Clucionnti, 110,00. Mos Clot. a Pltu. IL It. , For ?Ickes aNply to U. 3L I.IAIVIt/N. Agrut. 31onoogabelo How, ritutNtlt. itslght Atreat, C. BARN Rd. No. El Wider and 6 , 1 Vtoot .Ertet. croll3l Notice to Capitalists • A BOUT TWO HUNDRED SHARES OF ti 13TOCE Iv th. Llttl• Saw MIII Atm Rslltosti Com- N. P. rettorman. Esq.. Fourth rrret, oc qpno the suhscri• Wht. ESP Ptvrttlont of th. stollitlh• Allegheny Railroad • TN pursuance of the directions oflan not of Aerembly of the ath of A idi. end aupplatorni ir.to of Lb. 14th of April, 11131. etaltle4 - An Art for th , looorporatioo of the Pittaburah. Itittaanina stet lasrreti Rellraied Cotataitifi - Loa. 'FM oPeteel for etthecriptione to the cayitat okra of ealetarompsoy, at 10 o'clock. 31., on w o y na ny n y, November 19th. 11151. et the IL their Ho tel. In the clay of Pittsburgh, to routinize open Irian ID, to ,tey till a eitairient slumber of shares, may Li eub•crft.ii to snore the charter. P HARMAR DENNY, WM. ROBINSON Jr.. J. a. SHOENBItIiGER, ' OeORIi6 R. WHITE. BENJ. DARLINGTON. JAMES GRAY, ((Fourth et.) FRANCIS BARNS, , JOHN MORRISON, JAS. 11009 euvow USN, DEMME OGDEN, HOBERT ORR, ' yiAMURL BAWL. JUAN SIECHLINO, PRIMP MI:CIMINO. JOS. BUFFINGTON, ALEX- COLWELL, JOHN HUTCHISON, CHAMBERS ROBERT SPEER. JOIIII(IILPIN, R REYNOLDS, ! Cteansissioners. “21 ACZI . N id (.7 FLANNELS—Grey, of differ tj ant mlaturec 0010 MU RPHYy chin:. yOtt Med hi colt BURCH VIRLD. WELSH FLANNELS—A full assortment of that naterrior article which hitherto given so mach eat/elation to our ...Omen. rec . ,' MURPHY A BURCHfIELD. I[2 AS TUBING-100 feat 14.4, 1-4 and 1-2 LA oh India nubLer Gas fnbina, for soln by oIU J. di IL PLIILLIP: , . VW Abate ot- -IVEW 000DS!-A. A. hiASON 1.1 NM. 82=1 64 Mutat finer,a. now 'opening and 'rooming tome 200 tam of lutlryly Now I/ood, comma. ing R 8 amen nC Lona and um Woobm Shawl, V) eaves Coburg and Parametta Cl oth; 16 omen Clubman', Paraan UM". and In i t 's llo To * .. t y lk,s i Plearto, llaadker o, set k 001 chlela,elym mins, ern. Alen, Inanneb, Insanity. R. CHARLES STILWELL. having had 25 the expettente In public and frivate fotity till fur the lotatiala tho United eta'. England, and the Wont !DIP% Oi the dhateaes and deran gement.' of the Nem, 8 1 8 Z . m. has °Dented an 01E fur the prestke , of tide gran= of the ippoSterfolt and agar to cunsulted from 8 all II in the snorting, and from 2.111 8 to lb. B,ening. at Mo. 2162 llbolmat at, PHILADELPHIA. net lux .Coadordville Nunazies. S. PETERS di SON have now r ady pifor tale an entendreentendre OD Ilettlon of cholut e, Year P•aeb.flwa,fpricot. Cherry, AD mond, and neetarlarTreer. limpberry, Gooseberry dud dtmaDerry Pant.; - Gave ilaµ dllrer.Leaf op,* Thom tam UM set been 'ratted DT worm. end manna be elmeded fnsfm. to LIM; tI.Y STSB9, set Worth I:lghtk si.,I7II.IJUM.PIIIA. neallnrauT • ItEALTH, ECONOMY, aid COMFORT, io Ina oar uf Hutu. Pornba &bon Foie.. tn aett an. ut tut ma.n duraltla that. '.other. and to knrep the (net Ale and ,tufortabln. Fnrattl. , wlth -111 - netinnaturrurttun nut at 120 Mark, ar ;and% J a 11. PHILLIP, • URPLIY & BURCHFIELD, N. E. nor unr F.-nr - th and Markit atrnnta. 10. rtcnutln Gnu naaktuA- addittone r,.auturtmaut ttut SitW FALL A.NH to latl Elt UH y prepared t.. t•ffer [nth., AnitanHunter. and 1 tat w.ktnuanaltd. an .-nt..nuidan •tt runt, frotu Fresh Teas at Reduced Prices ! OW bring receivi.d. and 141 at So --trnet. dtt.l VllOl.O . tIHEEN AN! , BLACK TEA:, on =t; - .1 ut-ugh L. re.-- rtattp ton In the ra.t.atalkStCtoil ',bleb t-4•11 at funs tat Ind- caul ..ur fdrdn, ant- , tint. Blank Tra u h:atrat.•• attp, 7..-- to II , td-• .1 un n'h Ornsat,t Int •t t. •la InAllt put up In Clu and I .I • r Ctat•tt. and xad . 11 , • Int up I.tr.tamlty usn 2% %I a ‘I4:IA/Hti 2 0 1 ttnl% Tua Beaters 1110 F.---It. „ COFTE lnt :TA prime tier n • • Coning, frr JOHN MATT t ftt, 1; ItESFI TEAS-4c5 lib dumb , Y. u , pk,c ti F and Imp.-r... :St Itf ntn.d• But.--1. In, sal. di • not . d.tlla WAIT a 1 . 41 k • -•- - 40SLNIt TAR —51 4 2 , Mils. N. C. Tar en. +a 3111 N. V . i/t ' IT ' A NI AN FAC ,L TI. , 2tED tIh .. TOB ACCII- , 2 Itric.- Elm tudS. io • ta • '' 1 - Robin , WI u' a. It. - Mm. II Hr•nt • Us. tn.'. Ita urld's Fair t• knot Itittaburtah Ppuu. ',tat Can.-W.lu It. •tora and I . or -ate Ity .11/11:i Id Air t tt 1 FATHER-200 aides Nevi York; a don. Can ,kine. IA saln 1, note JOHN WATT t tic:AmUu:AT-Imi backs ijoilnd, for LP Ad ,rental HICK a MeCANltLatit. U n l o 'T , Eß:.--. 2 kegs 11)1EARLS—Thir dos red and lor hi • net', 1.1 - ICh A IInCANDLEnd S PRIES-3 1.11.1, prime. 801 l Butter: Itnsrouta. 4 tP hue BAR, .. Parked Hutt., lOU !tux— etmns• - .. to It*. Deeloralt ftr Faln Ity - ENoll I All a HENN rm., Snonnd . nun nun-n TI , vAI and Itualthllnldl %la NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!' T HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT.No.7.I :IL Third rnrent.oppoallni tho Pant is Lady', Lind, for Swoons ber• iirshaner ayirtainni • Intarruitinnal Magazine, Niortimbar liarporho New MLuthly Maiptaina; Lir Nen-earner. Model Architrnt, L. Mohr-Dick,. r the WALL. a new work by Herman ND, •ilin. Ks, Dirtlnfutry of Shaksperarn guntationa ilisrlinuituriat and Cultivatnr, for London Winn. and London tin IL. Harper, Maustine. vol bonsid in muslin kohl.= In Iroland. by IL 11 Thacitern, liontion Art Journal nutanntien Lair and Adventure.. ~t La Arkaana. liontnr The Orntilana, a an novel by Buis., lairrustis nal Mahal., for inn Snii The Lily Itee. by Bunn.. Amin. The siamathyrit of the IS Ildersiessa. Lhe of Dan Marbin Um 4.N1 and his Nairn naonho Num tie taking of the Rauh, by Nam, \Limos, of • Klima -1., by Dunrny II trry Burnham. •liaie of A11tt.e..,12 it. 1,..11. Arum.. or the hasinnul bd. ' , rank kairleigh. or inormia . the ILO/. of a mealy. Pupil I lintory of the of the MLnareby in Brunn.—. hr A sin Lesciartui- Sinit.itis MrnitsoLue,i, only Iltinalition. n Mau, or th. human 'Yearn. part userLl Katt...rimy Walton, ot the nelayi nit uorrhentar, an 110 lanind itoinauceot thy ',volution in Carolina. TO. Conionaor. en historical hovel. :Yaw.. and htiLloirn, or litida and Stinsnum• The Vaha. a Taln ralrnirting 'ran, I' It .I•tu. , T ILLIph hurninsforl. a Srnlale. i n Hunter, • thy afMal iiipany Chid. by !Lipoid. Maine., the Chibi GI N. Bath. I. nil& a Tab, ATHENAEUM GREAT LITRACTION—THILEF. NIGHTS ONLY' ONI)AY and Wednesday, /VI oembor land P.0d , • 01 2 10,,p will be asbilAto2 areal ong,nal ~ndram. of EDEN. illustrative M Xidtudo Paradipa repre.entind he Rolm, o: the .:LoL. oistb thre.grotmo uf Adam an; lore [be ot h(o.elowettel, tintoh.d nAoadot, doron.c3 bo.t Panora.. ;n the uorl , I'durrost.o3 sr: A.l 0, •• Then till by an rdntlntron ouch aftertgoon id out. Cb22drau 5,11 roloe nor At° Sight Exchange on Cincinnati, .it the tweet thrombi , rate, Ls 13-11 Preminm.Cow and Calf_ pc/riot:a of thr Cava arrl Calla Inc t.s.•k th • trft pr , sroorn r• .1.1z,t2K tt -.I .• t.r.a.‘a MMMME=I • canal ißoats TEN \.IL IiUATS 'IVANTEI) DIME IA .'t. urn Cnai tr Lrr. rn nttl prrtnrot "401 ut .21, tb- C. tutany, nt ‘l,Xne . i Flank, mth. ondent.,,,l a tb -111.1( HI.. rani: or I;nclann , 'lmmitnn Oral 1.,Y160., Patent Soap. ✓ M ill . E PATENT RIGHT, fur the fellott - int; ..„..555t5..5. .5 .4-55 - er, DUO r. Creort,l:4 tor . Vrnal,o. Wamm. Crarir... • L. 1241.n*. 1.101 . nn1, Ptairr. I.tll.tvett. nt,.l \I. C:}l. M Ir. • J aeJrle. Lo • ut qa•t, Il,r Morlarsta ♦PETIU/Lw? Cnlde• t r "*.,"' anal I, Kw. i 4,11.411 DICES Y •••• . 11•••• 4•41 • rvnt •• • • 10 A. FOITHD.RY. N.). 103 WO 1) sTRErr, prrrsimituti. SSIZES VA COOEIN; 4.TUt 14.1. vo.e4 r••••••••••• ttor Yr.(•• f•••• •••••1 14:1, wt 11. Atrric Komi t alro ut All.gh• r•• n•Cotiuty. V. ••••••••••••-01 J 1400 •I• • have 01.•• Iwe • 04•••• (•••••KI , O KS 1,110.10 c 4 . I:AT E., Er .1 WI.: 04R, ••••••ro ttyl, • k 4.an. t, ~•tteru.. t••,0,0. ••••••••••••••0 . A I•zge all thbkonAA . gs. rater', LA vr, ,rue Amermsh. Cr K Wt.+l•., A•cro..• lOLIALE FLAIUGIL tlirheA.A• I•JuAlr I. aare patent Pl.u,h. . h.. t. ten the p1....11mm At the St3te tasr• nr Obi, 1.. r et.rl al A,sr-kil , tarei I ear e...kialy. r I VII It ha• Arrr , v, • ~, 10-4. n I 0,1, , e1 Va. t 5pe....1.-•ltrAs,.t. an, 0•1,. A (LA Mi... Ink , 1....! 1.-•.111, • 1,A0e..1A,...:1 rr4T, I /MN EPNCIM, Eight beautiful .P•or.p.af trrtumontal PAT ENI CHILLED HULLS. J C. i:l:111.4 Ilnlls Sing. 142111 pg Mid (Sating, ma.ln L.l Ht2l: PETTLF.r ASP CUPP:. P,t.nt Erttlra it tiwp. Pot A.h.P.xl. Ash. do. Vcd tbn mandlsolus• (.1 O.* nun.. rho Isom., inn mat on On pr.,. patented ht . J. C. Oar, and aro ;ono sior n.r ddrabilstr lo an, nth , . and Fold lownr than Moan m.d• on Ow old plan id" Stores a u to ry Jerre; two. etor. .r. fur 141,tr, nod Camtalns of rvery dearrlptlOD. IWO , .rd NAIL. ..1 of whirh • offrr tho rury J LAHR V a ell Great Sale of Town Leta in Wellsville, 0. N the 3d I)erember, ISSI, at ll)e'eleek A U.. nu U.. proontava. 0111 by wild a large numb, lOTA. favorably lubabll kr bu•loans rub brag en both auks i•ftlie!mad and Railroad ''4"""n"' T.1;71' wt VLL CO.. not.l , laoBLS Pitt.hurat, Pa. Chester's Emporium OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. VIIEN'S WEAR, embracing ererr artirle j strolo.l Lrr n cent outfit. Worksannehlt, one WI - it,: rte is rommeneurete with the times (1161 'earn old .n.l Unu•nia furnished with • romrlete outfit nt the shortest, none, VP° suits Ito, F . I,ottung on hand. Also. Roy* . Ohl., ieere, Surpecolers, Itnnultercluef, nett; ourks. U.S. , a, Re. We .toll to plea,. r.. 0. it,, id Ouothhedtl Wert. near Diatantol Lite, • PRIZO HALL I FOR A FEW EVENINGS ONLY. R LYTIIE'S Grand Panoramic Slotchcii of Ll the A LLEt/lIENY SIOUNTAINe--wctething ent.re It nett, sal different ta Jetta, elocution anti arrant, thrnt, front any 11111. hitherto °Verna to the public Tickk, ST rrottc to be hala< the lintels •nd noltrtt Western Insurance Company ofPittsburgh. (I.:APITAL $300,000. It. MILLER, ,a., Prswid , ut. Y. M. lionlon.S,,tary. 'AI tenure against .11 kinds or rigkh Fire and Ma/9C All hmutw will be liberally adjurded athl preand.r paid. A home ltntltution—maraca by Direct/an 160 RI, well known in the community, and who hre determlned by C r ; are Caer t d gt h. Vin ' th " irbn denim to I.n Itomted. Utahnovs—lleubru Miller, 3r.. W bnlicr W. LY ml. C. Ihnisen, Thos. MAL, Aka. he, black. lh.o. W. !snap., Jame. Wank, George Danl.. Nathaniel Jame, Lippinentt. and W. II Fmith. OM, 'in al Water Pin... t•st , Lino., ot 6parin & up Amin., Pittabar,l, yttiAly ti• cIiEsTER, Merchant Tail — Jr anti elo- Lt a this., hn 31 emathlSAJ On et. Parbenlar .hell. nun pall N Boy,' and Yputlu,' CinthinC unll Cold Weather has Come. DON'T FORGET CHESTER'S Emporiu'm „ 11.,•• CLOTIIINO. Ntwly to 7111mItlaft.:1.1ntro+t, 11.11, • n.OO Dtxruond alley New 'Dress Bilke. "TRfan have justroi:'‘i a variety of styles new thee•includin, • low panern• Tel moods' eWt plain and found el•vk Lunn., ter latter 017 ,11 M. Plaid Vrvnrh alerinos. • army, article. ond np dealrable nogaln far this innoon_ Toilette, wall an w.rortraput of Coffee rniorci, Omen. rich Maroon. god ohad. of plain 'don.° de Lome.; rench Merino, or r_bnlra arab wolf othrr rola, Mark Mant.Wa *el ru b . new Mile Unxba Lou. Shawle. IV bLsirlr, Searle rant Ribtwnie On. 31U1IPAY a nueettritLe. Leaf" hnrllleaat ror. rourth end 11 roil 000. ILOAKSI CLOAKS!—J. A. MeKNIGIIT, gi I No. 03 Fourth n, has trod (lair tuortiln.; by Mho.' aynr large lot of Cloak• and Fade, ruthaide fur lAt. dire And Children. An mely rail teture s chub-. bar. Fudn. rred--• fra 4 L and rtrmk of Trimmlocr. ei nin+tdefirutOr otylm , nolb • A LeOllOL--'21.. nun per rt.., for mlo by It. N 0 . 4 Woad et. I AM) bbl, Winter Strained, for A Jr by - IL E. SELLHite i'Milli. AIiIMONIA=•2 casks for sale by J Dom IL E. SELLER... tillll3o-2 casks Madras and Manilla, h,r ..M by K. E. SEI.I.ERS. BORAX—nou lb. for gale by 0016 .1. CO-; ~+ 1 t{mlwt I) 'CHROMATE POT ABll-4“100 II s. fur ifl gulp by .1 KIDD t CO. ALCOIIOL---30 bbls. mud ;G,fur sale by 11016 J. KIDD • CO. INSEED OIL-214 bbls. for sale by J 4 sou J. KIDD a CO. (~,lENNA-400 lbs. Alaz. and In., Tor Buie by 1.7 nca ItE.sALLEM. BALSAM FIR-10 galls. for salt% by nalo IL S. En.q.ths 1 1 UNO0REEK SEED-600 lba. 41 . 110 by aola J. KID "POT ASH-10 croilts prime, wile bp noI5 J. IMO a cb ROLL BUTTER - 15 hh is. B I:l:t y Grovk \ l oni c j Clantela Buildica - ANCFACTL'HED TOBACCO.— , A 413..811 Lump. J. /Vt. FL , Q n 00 ola 1 dor. Pnd I salP jup .4.1, FRESH 'PEAS—_SO hr. chest. p88814,1,13rd, r hf h J • . EAT!' R —.150 N. V., for S:t II FLOY ), AN/I— 25 k s pure. for m.le s FLOtio Notice. lETTERS Te.siroueutary to the estate :f A J.mre ”f I nthatta t015 1 1131.- ,,, unq 'Pt M. bay. ,rlkB Ica V• eh,. .u.rrit.try: ‘II havrna uralo.t ..IA ..fate rt,-....ut th-n, 001, a1ath0nt1.....4-1 h.r eqtti,mrtit to.. It. lIRITITRN, W31.D1 , 1:54 - . R. It IVILKINS Ezmutorx MEI= tik Ito IMS-50 doz. f.,r Sok liv W. s .MSI n 56N. _el Watat. st A PPLES--3il Ells. reed on consignment .an for Wooll6 A -ON. n. , la nI W•ter rL 1 1'N CLIVE RS—V. doz. Indl Rubber Gun 111 11 diflerrot 10110 Juat re and 1. r at S. 116 MarkeL atr,t. ,•"" J t 11 . IIIF: PRESERVERS &JACK TS-6 , 10z Lll.. ... arsl Jack/0,6(411lb. 11. Tent kinde umuu far ur..6. (sr at ft,. It uhSer Depst.llll.Mart.lrt J 11111 , ,LIt'S eels 7l l{ L tt e Ei f i r :1e.1. 11e /UVELL. 1.11155 , 1 e.t II RONIF: GREEN k. YELLOW-1 e ses, 116 W 06.1• 14 , RESII FRUIT-3 'asks Zante Curran • Lana M .11. Ittiahar, I 41 Ai A Is boar. SI, It. Ralmns: rap., . WILL Citron: y, r n WILLIAMS A CO ASII .n itOAHDS-50 doz. ilolxnes' Pat •otnnl.l J WILLIA3Iti RCO I / r LACK — ll o Challen g e, it ll(Yl' ASH-10 vask.i fur sale by 0014 .7 ft WILLIAM: , R CO. HOOMS-175 doz. Corn, tor rale by ooLI 417)0 R.Mce A N DLE. , S ‘IT ASH BOARDS-40 doz. Zinc, for rale by WICK a McCANLLES6 lIEESE--4o bezel; extra Cream D. H. F.. mad ft , r•xto br 0 ,, 14 WICK k MeCANDLESS • 1)1.14 D t11:1..71I CHEESE--. 300 bxs. 11 . erlep's. r Cbmse. W u dmy awl for wali by RICE t 31...CANDLES,' UTT,NO I:REESE-400 boxes for walk by ndi WICK k 71IrCKNI/LESS. 1111111'E FISII In blob , . and hf. bbls. for Y V by • RICE t WWANDLK.,B. 'VIABLE SA LT—ln boxes, fdr sale by Il unll IVIO,K • WCANDI.I,I+S. --. . - - [JOT ASII—A prime article Tor sale by II nt•lt M P.:K 0 fircANDISA. ANIES Mei; 1.7 F FEY, (All oemsor J.,lirt 0 31 ,, nisn., Ikholossls Itrugglst, ski dealer In Ml', • tont, srnobss, 1/y ofluffs, Perfuo,lsa, kt . No, 1 1 11 o,ssl strs, sc. door srotb of Dtsmoodallky, Pittsburgh. C.qtycsDill on Wool Y mr . pply ••1 3kogsn'• kr too 1.,5, 1111 s, nod Worsa Kills: not 3, WEATHERS er 111 sacks estlook 3 /11.3 ks sni rot so,. by IkAlktfillCKEY k Cu, W•Ookort Fowl. sus _ L~ V INTER LOVES—Nos ;n store, aCOM •onapri.h. eyeri j , rittr,:,lrOln 1 , 1.. 1 .1 4 rst 1 11 1 1 t A. Ni and 5... streot o: {,TEAM BOAT COISSiNTEAPANES-11 7 4. , 1.1 Y. , . tonticnno.nt mnys fol k ( C ooo y s ,.. s , rs b.-1 se sill ...11 undo.. coo of. lusnnfneturs. n:11, Yl‘llllAt , o3 • CO re•?'d, Offtcery' Costs. larks: cap.. with tie , eet rtir .4 " hbort: fi heenne Jerk., .th rtar.Vie:. iiseortceintiir ilifftteuy strlen N y h llarßet tt, NH 2i) rr... 1411, 1 . otter we, %hues' India Ilithter . yublir ah.l eui retail ilt ts they ter ,'r.4 In this 'ca. Fth awl. at le I relit Ili Vtartet c 11 iucii.Lir, • )Eiti 1 . 7"-•!! i . . k P,_2 . 11151,11.45 f or Ir I. A A 11'0,111 . • CA a ecc 1 Am r BLACK—{uI ictslc. in papers., aff•'cl: A 1 ! in bul .7 , 40 Iba f.trmcniern for Mit by II A fAIINE. , TOCK Co. NI INCEIyIE. , t , Tput up irc flb. Jam w. u.l; IcNl': A NI,CLUIC) , AIZOIANA ORITTS.--clunt retc'd at 25.6 for cc.. by 0 , 13 w CI. A. hicrlAlltf; A Co. (`CKWII EAT FLOUR —Pnt up in 50,.:25 " k rn . _ II Lyit beM coml. hand nnel 111 Co . . Fran, near Mart, ) ( ) 11,---11) bbin. Wan., Lard Oil, landing fer ad , . BLALKIIUK:`, Po. ' 111 . :1:. , I..-5 0 0 prime Shipping; :se Cenamnra cliVraale IICa,e1•111.1,. A PPLES-7u tads. lot salit by J.'P. CANPIPI.T. --- - _ BITEK-20 boxes prime Roll. just you'd and (3r nal.. by .I.II:CAA VIVILL, 'EA ASII-10 tons No. I. sale by 0c.13 .1, PI Pit , . 11 11 . ,0l. ,, ! , IS--Zol , dot. for rate j a ny__ Ls : S.t F rsu-2t t bbl, and 1 0 Id. ebb: Ty4_.l ot.. Who, vet,: rer . .l aml (or aa , LT J 11 1. , ,1111:61 , I'LAIII PAPERS —A etciiA hr ,4 1,11Q141.1 Lal.l Parer, ran nr l7 PP ,I7 W. P , ntar.a*er and Paper Deal r. en rner Mark. and taenmJ.tranu IDIRIN'fINdi PAPER-5 reams Double\ Slallura Prinliag Paprr..AT.7.7\ I , U resat linp , rll.l l rolling Paper, T. 1 .T..".t. Tut sato HAVEN, rn.,12 • Paper Meal, tor. Xarant.and am I KEEN blits4or rue by pIIEE, up , re.rn, Penn rarairltn. I,UGAIL—'..I.I [aids-for salo by A 1.7 K DALZELI. a Co, ‘kitn.rt, NIL/LASSES-1 1 , It.DALOI7 . ift,O.. ` ;;;;;V: b nrr T ITEC, No.—D for l N 7 017'r• N °l) lit E t L av t ltu lt rpt, f^r Neento 5. for N,..“12,t, :`,..1.1.1 Slaansion. ter • Ka,pleal and Donal. al WAXES' Latrrary Depot, 1 7 , C1. , P1 atenna. Ka. , lon lO.lrnnrn , 1,12 -11pir..1.11/ SILKS—We have on hand 30 per. INA sins. brilliant rotor.. A A. 31,015 a Cll. Market nt. d , LIKESE-150 Mace Cream. for-eale t;Nr null f4.t W. lIARSAI:fiIr "L MUTTER—i bbl. tor sale by ENGLISII / DENNLTI. ItIOURN SHAWLS—We will open ly thin murning czaleo plvja black .04 o\l at u/T \ n o tt, " % . bats am trutlar change to adios in Oila.-: limalls [rumba at Om TolloWirm maw-441 0 .rd 10 No 1 Lard ,c. and Zro 9doatoo 0, allot. ~ " \ POWOhlt liabrd,Dopont,:),ll Latin 0 thriltrea Bier, aarf\ c, rowan" mar quoted it largo quankbes, at -3 , 14151 and bY rin*ls krg. at .2-5055.50 "0 kat--,Kock roe rider at $3,12.10 to 03.50. for 1 and .10.11 quantithw. \ ', *lt 51ETAme small asks 6,6. PVT rim hare barb /dna-I at 113 0 ton. dof liaruring 01/r1 i \ ... b. at szs 10® "2"7 'A toa- IPTATOES--Sales mon canal at 20•01 1 5. lelbr Reds. and 17010 for Naabantme \ \ PIG ,51ETAL-Tha b rla now la enc.-archr \ for Lrkts 1. dorm =arid. and ma nderabh grawripti are *had*, Thr onlywalo wa heard of as 100 tons Etna, LI 1\:. b- at $2ll t 001,6 001.36-11 no are wOrth 2 0,.' a mud demand. StEllO l -From Bra bulb, ire r Timoth* at 6225. and Plan mut t I 61.10.6a1es •41.62(4171 ik k ertraro TURPENTIOF.-Salb -, -bids extra charbi. 6110ES-22m following are the currant nub for - spires cite,. ..TOCR & Co Parper " \ t ' o \ 1 ae ntoo3 'i XALT—Sale4ll3 ‘ . regular 3ra3 truOiegulArly onablksbeJ IFIiCO TI PLATE—Sbe 'llrug more a1a.5h11b... 4 mo.--,50., P lox ite .. lli n , . ---- ekt theho cm Ume. -. T ALLOT -Bmall aerated Lett . SOBACi3O-Tberre LI &Woe dated ...... aerrignOta ll \ of miaufautorni tobacco, aWI orlon oat lance Tee .--, The tollowlilt may ho glie 1,11.1 do drs.earat neat 9 PA thente marrufactured .T.L.427c., 13•11..tt ob, tocim , L b Loreto'. Irk. tine.. text 111413 i. Ldp. test 19...-c 1.. c •fl tobacco leriated at 43 o. hallt.l'. and Woblsocords\ ea heLl at M:-. . \ . TIN kTIAR-.4.6 In limited lea b* lb. bbl. Gat eel a liki9o IP . gal- \ \ WhIL9W9Y-nalekbee ben cool/wed to limited rota • ' Itkcia2h 'Bina for fkat'l. . .i. W have neer. to n Caton\ I tem mete- Tbe Bonito 'Wool Ureter kr Ceobee, IL\ not/tel. the viol merhet. ona . , \ _ , •'1 het tam. donne.. an) downward teodeacyof wool •hICI. was notool In Augdn 4111 acetate.. sad them at co olunprot that It Wu readied its 1..4 end. The net ure of route brat: manesefurite estealebtnoate sheer nt ,l the pelmet emote fondest,- Wit. with a eoceessed Acto,eocy 1n the money motet-1. reentelylolt by week 9.°9. • T 1 .1..... _ ,1.99 P 99, EL.. .bled le by to minas anew wilts to man s t•conrers, tor the w Is to hooey( any ad. T• 111,112 flbtle,' Wool must thereon, melons to decline. ant:ell undoottedly.to Yee totteb below Its true rein. thromall peon tow to lank-ego oaf anices or of 0 .10.1 inntwo large ett.w.re made g arbs it. mouth, one in Wee.. and 000 . Iff'new torkt:end the aorrag. los =tn. ' Te h ro t u l b .res a o:l7.lldirT :e brat to =t i PCs: Istl relied. bat note fallen on. To shoe wholll4 halloo t 001... 9 - 9 . only ...7.1/old an, If you ewe yoar . wool;loo the market now yon will met low, .raw . -- - dog lb. winter. \ \ \ \ -footman ti worth froo \ \ . ; gall do , 44 .1 , 141 . .. t. 3 . .ter10c4 1 . 48a54z0g641, CATTLE DIABEEI , . Ats.}atuott, 'l' hit nititber al cattle WTO44 to Wag lassartalan last week. but arisri aisasa=,abott4ookatatl , teatollestd., sad at tottO 7Ostoot guano IMP r svmse—nalem Z.k h.ca4 In it>. at SI ' : ..- 11.- S.CCIles triOntr. withnoci2ann 0 • V bead yr. - . 14,14 u ‘S , l,li , MI 1,• 'eel.; L n. Oin CALVD—UUM to a Itmlced VIC LC1.... N. -..,-.'. 8.111310141 . ‘ . I e--Tlas supply lit bosses et the ~t.wla.rie as on 'lntl Monday. but th24\... e nnitlity • and prbreea:ightldeclined. e • reached 1600 tlerd. of rrhiPh TZ nehr .014 . on. liX .'parlbree. lOU leitreer. •11 . • E S 'phis. r.. from. VI Zra to :1 on t..- t- 't. $0 10 i t. •J averacitm a_ wt ar•••••• e.. and the part wee he. ream • •ur , eqn-•\ \ T• e puotau,-ar h• Ir.. b abeee 'br Tie.. %. • herb thrcug k li.'` , O. '' air ..... n the market, earl. o: ....urret. U. obi, •.f nouhlers, tb,• they haw. .orer . rly.'Dere 11....' b....n a tali • ntl 1 a b• natural Prat the mune . t4„(ttete. The .r... Are ••••.1 from Su ul, , a 6 ':=5. — CA.. i„ maaa iwumr Tb. offer to cat but detee it to 11,1 Prim , rang...), ~ ,,i t.06%6 3 urt. 11,,,..-The den, [nth., etipply. Th. {l. gft ' ::::l * l. l fi l t 7.' itrop.ritr, .Wu .4 lute ltie ~1,011 on q k Pl,t, is. the tt",..t... ... - I L Nt ' a ' :. ' l! ' h ' s ' 4 Pititans:rnti'. Nor 1.3.‘., l'h d,mftud 11.4 nil -. , :is of ~ ttle bap bees; :mire • trd than lota lnv a• •k• past- . The on rim, at tho lard to .4 IS ti hrtal bort eartla4., ~,...,,,,,, ;.,;,0 dr,iii ti• :...yr pt. It. FJ , Coro sad. Calves S6O Slog., tiV 2300 tilarrp and b.- - , PAICM--. ( ra ttle range Irnm SSOtoST St 1001 4. •' \ Ong • and C I.e.—Fresh rows SIS .7-\ Itpringara $l2 \ 24. end dry Coro Vita 11 part/. oi—Thr la 'art f,a. hogs .11 , .."1t-gln Ni....4 . b.,.. \ \it rirr• than 10 .me tin., past. .! average prima ••\ \ l'i,in V , C. : Ci:.'4 la It.o 5,t.. \\ p and Laiiib• ..iitr• nt di , firmer ' SI 60 * 3 SO. .. i \ ii t tatter SI itnk 1. -, '• \kio OF \i. , ri'rrsilu • Gn. : \ , ,\,, LOO • OUT FOR TEE isoN CITY.. \ ' „..‘ ~• .I_, o f ~ , xr , „..„ ~ etoos2u uelf Jo.. \... ~iar,att's f rog City Trading Roar ‘s,iss, yesterday, and fortad his assortment ofyiarrehaudise \c, - exceed arytiting of the kin ,l we lai e zser beforiekci-M Mr. Maks lett has been tr.ll habit, for many years, of , paying annual TiOIVI 0 the West`i;ol South-Weir \ .. in the capne4 of a radesman, %.,-Mil being en: Uonniged by past race ss in this kind of bust- ;" \ Ucss, be now geeS, withlm immensely Increased \ sMck of every de4itiption s uf merchandise suited - to !lie wants of 't.ht.'lloutherti farmers. His as- - ' aortMent of farming\ utensils is splendid, and col:nat.% of planglis, harrows, fork e, spades, - shirels",\ rakes, collars, trace chains, harness', sad-_ dler-y, &c\ c &c.--al4 , of Pitkibtirgh manufacture, and made upon di b most itiodern and improved' ' styles.\ the nppeic depaMmenr, or cabin of the '.. boat, is dlridedlato different departments; one containing \e harder= and' well faceted aeluirr , . moot -of city goodic another of .4 large and well .. l elected ailartms at of cutlery, nod another of ... eking glassm, , i , icture frames, musical instru- m ts, and erer variety of fancy artielea,' which ', can be desired, \ln fact, there to nothinithat cord be desireii by farmers and °there along, , the rie r, which' fi/M \ blarlatt cannot furnish on the mos ressona ble,, 'terms. He carries in tow `No large gat ti inte'ilehly freighted, 'with the, \tidelN\ sa . re en- emeritted ,and all who may wish r, --r 44 A-4 4,00, 1 4, .si.souga.2 00 10,70 D. .13e . Tbe . 15,,f16 cil;l:ieni'"wc;ehiciozet. DEPARTED. _Atlantic. l'oriiicom, Itrosnocrill, R&M.. Bennott. Itrownrrille. 3..}leKro, ilehdrirkson. Ihrh eitsport fir tihriver, lle.iiry. West hsert,o,. Renter. titsrtims- I., , sstrs , ' 311chhasa. times. Bartz: B. Berard: Peebles. Eilsobtlh. Wincester. Moore. Wbeiriinc. Vermnt, llasiett, Cinrinnati tither:lla No. 2. Batchelor. Clocluneti. hitosborah, /prow., lancleville. BOATS LEAVING TIUS DAT. FOR:SUILADELPILLA Arty nAvratonr.. D LeecGi CeY Pmeenyc Packet Metres 'lolly at F 4A• r, air IGO iit LOUlsVlLLE—Pitleborab T. LOUIS-rhal Anderson. \ NOV OKLEA-N8 k *omLE—oiorso. eT. \76SlsiooolB—P.e„ ••,I ialLbladli: \IKLLSVILIi \ EL ,E—Toxt tr. WSEELINL—DitrnaL , • CC69l2C.lLTl—Cintintatt• NA'ar:LL BEAVX.R—Homing but Aa. r S E A :rn a"l ing r' bo nL at 5 r. narnmanste men 811017i:STILLIt. BA. a, and 6. ar, IMPORTS BY BIiTIL . , C11101315421,—Pis iroacctca-21 bl4O *We/mw do alcohol Laub it Cit 200 pkiis bad J A 11n1rblinor 4 00 dry hide. IF Y ung Co: A bss 1174ssoeut fierdontelbbla whiskey Is► hananare 10 do la dobbobol do otsiabarrks Ltelo oilasbnestahet—Cet 21 likes mdse\ Mon wharf boat: 12 bbl. 0! 0.U.,0 Vino* 1 eratii 4 bin nab B Wlnobeater; 4 'W., lard oil 150 bbls arbbl7 D Brobned ANTSVILLE—Pbt•Jrue Dtaz--1000sbbla door 211aran feather. 2 kiss hookal do drop CO MO 041 s 244. ' Bingham s Co; 270 reaat, 0340 . W C Slartbosth a kin bbl. hotter Orter A.Cte . aka brua J MoClutur Onbalra. \ • tablo Chamberr, 2 tasks broken clam Carling bobertson WELLAVILLB L —Psz Foam Cr7r-1 bs ‘boOnsts B. /1 \ Palmer 11 abut/ . bb/a .11 Donal: lot Funds Bableaq 29 bbb dons 11411 Elarbaugh-13 pkos Ilanabrlsbt; 1 • crate turklas S liorldnun 10 bbl. dour II Batllll 640 Lazo bart A 8111phos. \ • B G CLiITRAAND—PIa o. bNTualiza-1 • Ibl 2 Ins buttor J., od 7 kg! 4 bbl. do Casiihry; 311 bid ". • hate. 100 do 'days& Psuntor 4 tall* nots Leech it Cott . bbd shoulders 100 pre do Lipprt Cc 4. 4 hos 901301 danna NOTICES - s.c. \ LEON:kip S d . Mayor sr the arzt,eity nretroo:mi.irrt Aai . .g o o o rr4c ikod WOW Cburroooo. tut cLgunct thyvugh UT paper JAMES, MATTII Elf 8, , u a santidalelt Ms. or, vobjert. to Et,. :tomb:al:Jou fth 'Antl-14.onit, vald h Convor •• liolo7te an ; nonce that the frhaalo of th, , C. BAoirE'R rocas Mi . claims for aolohostioa for Mayor: siotJect to the toe.ohtool• the Whiscoareatton. ' `b TA Wura. nototaw. S=l ... ,„, - , MILE DIRECTORS i,f ' re 70)111 '''', L, 18. .--U.L. r s - AL...comm." ot 311higeh b. th i . n - Munn— ' losut of lilt, cents on each th ' '' treTeit ' .0 .,,, " : " 7,17 vvn sset Co r. mpan . R . one n _l a tla u aTette m ot or - LI , ihie tte Znls ' - Nce. -- nestlote______ KOOth O Dy T. FitpiND. Twee. it thtr othe ' fin this :47 b'''''' th ' ''' h '''''''''''' \ I 17 Cltlate Cl avcr 170 • 1:N. \lst bilis at 41% -Noireataimi4tb, 111317 VlECE,lderchants' and idanufactqtre' Bonk ; . j. of Pittaborgh Ear air day i deelari 4 a 4141dend of 4 Pr. peat. Oa the capital , non. cut of the On4ile for the P4Pablo o n demand.. \ floe \ AtCll5Ol5 w1:4lOOk.-i5 ie ItuDlssu-1 \ rout to t0r ,5 5 Fn . us). eterang,'utu.S,l - irss POO,'too K. E. Sellers." se neluestett to return It, stuto ccuteute sae ralsable only to an unmet. teetEl E. E. SULLEUE. 5. Wood .t.. •Hone of Refuge. T 4F. subs crib 4-3 for the erection of an Howe. of. Ittfogo for Fear= Potturrmolit, •: br, ootltiLi that. bu Ihmielflaral. Of t‘r.kty per COOL toe amount subLotbed ly.vorh. Is rroo•ted to in rue to the Trolooprrr,' oo or NO. the Irtb ; .1100 of tiorioritta next. 00er of Mr *ant of I,lll , tors. L • coMtlf \ 4941111 A NNA, ?rm. ZI C PAINTS, ANURACTV RED. BP.TIIE NEW Jl:lthn Ith.Plithlna comrANI - , 7 RL. r . V....P refer • Al Mel La besu Sou Lunn. and\ tn. h o! bpg., .41 Jpl•o4,lllrs kJ! poles eLatercr. Their INTITE Is Lithely an Oxide of 7' thatteralith and \IPsI, Ocuusurdly uthla,oth,l trUi "A rl , kr.lviLL When exposed to ruly s, ht . \ . even •hc shut up Ina ! It atththunls a southern Oath anber, Lot tor crumble rub oll.' I Vitt, 0•11 ta utenret Stl., ta lath enlals. BLACK AND CI are furnisher W e cheapest and lest Profs, truelon, outhouse tee. or wood, Lrirk. \ WEATHER • - Puisitho teems that km, gilewale CALM Ithrs, th dry gulthly, donut then r /0 osier lAA Laws trundler 9k Ca 154214 70 • , I . \ _ 1. _ \ I 5 UAW. priors About NIAYMALTY taidate fo' o decision of nolOic \ \