The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 18, 1851, Image 3

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The London Quarterly Review, for October,
tun haeo received :by W. C. Wall, fourth street.
I/macrons or mu EXCHANGE Berm—The
following gentlemen were yesterday elected
Directors of the Exchange Bank
Thocivi M. Mire, Harmer Denny, hates An
derson, J. E. Shoenberger, William Bagaley,
J►e. M. Cooper, IT C. Stockton, George Bowie,
Solomon Stoner, J. C. Blair, J. B. Lyon, M. Rob
erteon, .1. B. ld'Cord. •
_ BANC or Purrentmcin —Th'ii following gentle
men were ye , a-r.lay elected Directors of the
Bank 'of Pittsburgh, for the ensuing year:
John Drab am, Jame, Wood, -
Thai:. Bake:aril. Alex Laughlin,
Wm. Holmes, Rims. F. Span&
James Dalzol, ' Jacob Painter,
John Bissell, Wm. L Semple,
Geo A. Berry, Bobs. S. Hays,
'Detu2is Leonard
Bo L
The following gentlemen wero yesterday elected
Directors for the ensuing year
neunsa Scott, Morris Jones, Wm. M. Lyon,
Alei. Hunter, John D. Wick. Pollard ?Wear
mick, Wdliam D. Dolmas, George Et, White,
Ibanez, Decry Graff, Abijah' Hull, Geo. Moak,
James Park.
Lc:rumoring Susx_While a number of work-
Men Irene engaged, yesterday, in : removing the
pew locomotive ' , lndiana," from it , csnal boat to
iv flat boat, in the canal basin, its weight nook
the flat boat to the bottom, and the locomotive
• now-lies half covered with Water.
R on a tir.—We understand that some burglars
entered the residence of Mrs,McCulimigh, on
Pena street, near the corner of Irsrin, yesterday;
and 'took therefrom jewelry to lbo amount of
one ituadred mild forty dopers. The thief has
not beer!fet.,detected..
APpotsrxrewr. 7 —The',l - Hotiorable Walter Por
-ward has becii appointed by his Excellency the
Cioverner, to fill tho vaolincy occasioned by the
iectixostion of. the tionOrable - Hopewell Hep
burn. Linder the - new ;cor.stitution, he would
have taken_his seat on the first of December.
Ras (in.— attilhhed to Li breadwagen,
- the proprietor of which iva s busily engaged in
seeing the Sicamboate,ran off yesterday, oppo
-lite the - 'month-of Mood ..titeet, and dashed at
full speed- down the lOVellO`viards the-bridge,
where the wagon Shiloh, against a pile of pig
metal, and the body Was separated from the
wheels. The horse sniltained no damage. As
the whorl wits crowded the event occasioned no
little' ommotion, many persons narrowly mop
ing being run over.
InnrEsr.—A Uerman;ishoemaker, named Gen
Strohm, died middetili yesterday morning, at
the house of Charles IF.elmer corner of East
Lane and Second streetThird.trd, Allegheny.
Doctor Ifartmeyer, hrk-physioi . testified that
to his opinion, the deceV:'4ed had probably died
froth the effects of Apoplexy, and a verdict to
that effect was rendered by the Amy, Coroner
Arthurs having been girdled in.
will find below, an abet-act of the will of the
'lite Colonel Jamie Roo, of ,Indison Township,
the vast 'extent of whore phaseseions, renders
their disposal rk matter of interest to all' our ci
Messrs William Addison, 11. 'Brady
and Hopewell Hepburn, are appointed execu
tors under the will, which contains the follow
ing provisions.
The testator gives it'll bequeaths a tract of
land iri Peebles Township to be disposed of in
the following manner' one fourth to Mary L
Woods, one fourth to Elisabeth S. Anderson,
one fourth to Awn - Dike, and one fourth to the
trustees of Mary Johnston for her use. It is
. further directed that the said Mary L. Woods,
shall pay out of-her share, the tom cif $2,000 to
her sister Sfsrg-aretta.Dike. The will then de
- vises for • tint term of twenty ono years; to the
said executors, *ll the lands of the deceased, sit
uated-is Cluinir.gham's district, called the... D
o- preclation Lauds' situated in Indiana Township,
excepetracts No's 19 and 20, intrust (erne pus
pave of leasing said lands from time to time, and
for snob purposes es they muds= proper, and
to apply the net rents and profits (deducting ex.
'p - enses afterwains directed; that is to
say, in fee, the said lands in Indiana Twirnahip
except as aforesaid, to the children of his two
nieces - Arms R. Aspinwall, and Harriet Living
The will further bequeaths told:try-L. Woods,
Sliest:nth S. Anderson, and Wm. Addison, each
the inm of fire thousand dollars; to Wm. Daily . ,
thiSsum of one thousand dollars, with an annoi
ty of six hundred dollars, to be paid to him by
the-execators during his life, to commence from
the date of the death of the deviior., The will
further provides that all the residue and remain
der of said tracts. Nos 19 and 20, Shall be vest
eitin the aforesaid executors, in trust to sell and
,eotivey it upon such terms, and such manner
saithey may deem hest, and to invest the pro.
eeids in each Securities as they shall approve of
for the payment of the said proceeds to the Me
hes aforesaid, share and share alike, and free
from the control of their respective' husbands;
and that said nieces shall have no power to, die.
Imo of Enid income by way of anticipation
Alter the demise of either of the said nieceit,
Iherahare to go for her children, (if any,j share
=debate alike. In case of the death of - these;
nieces without issue, the will then disposes of
their interest in the following manner viz, one
%oval forth part to ,Virginia, daughter of N:
Dike, stow tho wife of Thomas Blair; ono equal
fourth part, to. Mary; wifo of. Frank Johnston,
..and the remaining, half part to tho Western
Pennsylvania Hospital. The household feral , .
tore, silver phste, and books, are bequeathed to
Mary-L, Words and Elizabeth S. Anderson.
The carriages and horses; agricultural imple
- remits, and other personal property of the de.
ceued, are directed to be sold by private con
tract, and not by pablic yendue.
.By a codicil to the 'will, the devisor revakei
'.the bequest of one fourth part of whit is-called
- the Scotch bottom tract to his said exeentors.
• end devises it to the said Mary Johnston and
her heirs ind assignees absolutely. He also re
vokes ilia bequest of -a certain portion -of his
. „--rest estate, under certain contingencies, to the
Western Pennsylvania. Hospital, and devises the
one half of the real and personal estate, to which
tf: that institution woaldhbve been entitled, ander
‘„*. the contingencies named, to Virginia, daighter
of Mr. Dike, and her heirs and assignees, and
.1 the remaining half thereof to Mary, the wifoaf.
..i.Prank Johnson, subject to the oontingencies an.
.7; der - whieb the laid bequest was made to the said
f W r eath= Pennsyleania Hospital.
The cedieil to the will, further revokes the
1 legacy of $6OOO, bequeathed to Mary L. Woods,
and also the legacy of $OOOO, to Elisabeth 8. An
fderson; and provides that the sum of $lOOO
'lsbell be annually paid to Mary . L. Woods by the
1-executors of the deceased, during her life. For
this purpose, the will directs that the executors
ball invest such a sum in such a - manner, as
they nay deem best, and in case of the decease
Of the said Mary L. - Wooda, they are to,dispose
of theaaid investment in the manner provided,
' In regard to his residuary estate. It is further
directed in the codicil, that the executors shall
tay to Dr. George V. Andereon, of Bedford, the
cousin of the deceased, the sum of $5000; to
Virginia, daughter of N. Dike, the tam of $5OOO,
and the executors are empowered and directed,
(should they be so directed by Anna B. stspin
. wall) to purchase real estate for her benefit, to
atramount not exceeding s2o,ooo—the title of
the said rotate to be vested in the said erica
. tors, for the use of the said legatee; in the mon
.. net provided, with regard to the other bequests
and desist, for her benefit. The will isconfinned
At : the codicil, in every other manner.
Us property above. described, is valued at
betieen four and six hundred thousand dollars.
The property, which came from, his father,. is
left to Airs. Aspinwall, of Philadelphia, and liar
child, to the two eons of Mi,. Eugene Livinp-_
too, deceased... ; That portico winch he inherited
from bis aaut^ r lrs. Woods, (Scotch Bottom)
Jo left to his cousins, her relations.
- Ann B. Aspinwall and Ws. Harriet
Lieingstou,nre made the residnay legatee&
F/RIC.--A fire broke on at Shaffer's tannery.
on Sinds,y,erening, bat was extinguished before
any damage had boen done.
Arremprtn Buttotway.—An attempt way
made on last Friday 'night. to tweak into the
drug store of Mr. Douglas, in' Allegheny. Mr.
D. who eleepsin the store was- awakened by the
• noise, and discovered three manna attempting
'to make their way in. Who at once fed-
• Bsen4catu.—Beraard Louth of Birmingham,
who pleaded guilty to keeping a tipplipg h o .,
'was seatencial to pay a : floe of fire dollars and
the costo of prosecution:
Latosits.—A. young: man. named j e b u t o ,
wan committed "'to prissn CM Saturday" by bh,
honor. 3lsyor Fletniag, charged- :wish stea li ng n
quantity of change from tilP,talTc! of Mr. Thoe.
vadaingtoo. on Imo street-
November 17.
Before the lion. R. C. Grier, and the lion.
Thomas Irwin.
-.The case of - Win. Grant et al, citizens of the
State of New York, vs. the county of Allegheny
and Jan. Gorinley, was taken up.
This was an' action to recover twenty seven
hundred dollars of County Scrip, with 20 per
cent interest per annum, since its issue. 4 •
The Court was occupied all day in the trial of
the cause, which was not couchriall when the
Court adjourned.
November 17th
Present the Honorable William B. McClure,
Preside:A,Judge, and William Ll:.ggs and T L.
SMSlillan,dasociateJudges. r ,
The cue of the Commonwealth vs. Mrs. Mel
ligaa—informatiou, surety of the pesee, on oath
of Mre. Sweeney . The principal offence which
the defendant bed committed, consisted in sing
ing the *Boyne Wi n ter," the promecutrin being a
The counsel on one side contended that the
singing the "Boyne Water" was such au outrage
as to justify the Court in holding the defendant
to bail on a , surety of the peace; on the other
side, it was stoutly arined that this was a free
country, and that our citizens had a right to sing
whatever:songs theypleased. The nice points at
issue were not decided by the Cnutt, who
summarily sentenced each party to pay half the
Commonwealth re. Jacob Fries—indictment.
The defendant is a yettog and:prepossessing tad,
Rho is accused of stealinx two bonnets aid a sack
from Jacob Jervis,'M Pittsbrgh
Mr Jarvis was called and testified that one of
the Mayor's police arrested the boy, and found
the miming articles on him. He did not wish to
prosecuteiand desired if possible to be excused
from giving testimony.
Some evidence as to good character was called,
after which the jury retired. and brought in a
verdict of guilty, accompanied. by o strong
recommendation to mercy. The prissier wan not
Commonwealth vs James Nolan. Indictment,
Inaceny, on oath of Mrs. Frederick Kline. The
defendant is accused of stealing a small sum of
money from the prosecutor,duringruarket hours,
in the diamond. The evidence woe altogether
unsatisfactory, and the Jury returned a verdict
of not gully. The prisoner was discharged by
Commonwealth vs. Alison Albert, Indictment,
Larceny, on oath of Nicholas Garber. The de
fendant is accused tif stealing five dollars in batik
notes.from the tilt of the prosecutor in Man
chester. Verdict guilty. Remanded. for the
Commonwealth vs. Steward Dalsell. Indi-t
assault and battery, on oath of Elizabeth
Davis, a colored women. The jury returned a
serdict of guilty, County to pay the costs.
Commonwealth vs. Frederick Miller, Indict
ment, assault and battery, en oath of Joseph
The defendant was trespassing in the house of
the prosecutor, and was requested to retire,
which he refused to do, and threw a large stone
at him, striking, and wounding hint very severe
ly. The prosecutor fired a pistol at Miller,
which was only loaded with powder, in order to
frighten him off.
The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the
defendant was sentenced to pay a fine of fifty
dollars and the costa, and to be imprisoned un
til the sentence was complied with.
Commonwealth re. John Jones, a colored man.
Indictment, assault and battery.
The counsel for the prosecution stated that
this was a most unprovoked assault upon of a
young lad,whom the prisoner would have thrown
him into thellonongabela riser, but (or the in
terference of some of the bystanders.
There was only one witness for the prosecu
tion, in addition to the prosecutor, and that wit
ness did not- see the whole transaction. The
defendant produced one witness also, who depo
sed that the complainant had used offeusive-lan
gunge to the prisoner, and holding a stone in
his hand, threatened to knock the colored man's
head off The defendant then caught the pros
ecutor by his 'hair and threw him down.. The.
prisoner has bt:en in jail since last July, tieing
unable to procure bail. The jury retired and
had retained no verdict when the Court ad
NEW Tama.—A motion for anew trial has, wo
believe, been made in the ease el idle Common
wealth vs. Joseph Dowes. There is likewise
another charge against hill.
Rzeoossaro. —We are pleased 'to learn that
Mr. Criswell,'who - was so severely injured by
falling clown the back stairs of the Court liouee
on Saturday, night, is inn fair way of reao7ary.
AIZEJUIZIeII Orem:ca.—Nothing of the slight
est importance was done at any of the Alder
men's offices qesterday.
Trim GARDEN' or EDE'S —This beautiful pano
rama will only be exhibited two nights more, at
the Athens um. iVe trust that not a single citi
zen will suffer it . to leave Pittsburgh, without
taking his family to visit it , riuee it. rs — Well
Worthy of the most liberal patronage which can
Da bestowed upon it.
Tug Immure of the Pennsylvania State Agri
cultural Society, are due to William Darlington,
AL D., of West Chester, for a'Contribution to
the library of the Society, of his work on Agri
eultaral Botany, and a collection of addresses on
the subject of AgriCohere.
ROBT. C. WALKER, Secretary.
AZORS!—The Witerville Manufacturing
Ilmaany have establithed • Ikt•ot at the rune of
ateersbar, for the ale of the eelebrata
lt,t2oßS. These Haan boa Ora the hat saturfactl•n
of aka beretcdca made. and cd)orso
an ale
wherever thtrodtad. Every Haar below warranted, or
the Caner taunted. etatomers are Prowled Lau an'
lon, and acne. one of tbe molt awful tams for aranal
canton and heavy.
113. he bat ATIIOFIS fal Alma Oentletnen's
Deeming Casa. le. W. W. WILSON,
noS 61, earner Market and Fourth eta.
JUST reedat No. 256 Liberty etreet
-20 burs Frch Honer;
to Capbon Prefer, 1,1 Dry Ober
1 can Jellies And Jamas. yet op to ren<T4 , 3l-, bT
Iloderwood Lk, Boston:
4. t 44" Fr r i. a
Lmoo and °rano. Seel. csbdDst;
Doosrbrerw.c •
• 3 " Claynies. Plums. Ar,
1 " Spiced Lnbater/T
100 Freyb Cocoa Hal; •
All choice goods, and for gbde at Lrn raDy•y
nob aad To. peakra.
lANK 01L—V27 bbls. for sale by
AROMATIC TOBACCO-10 cases 31vers'
ror ule 'WICK It McCANDLEI , I+.
QTONE PIPtIS-200 boxes for sale by
not • wick' McCANDLES9.
d iIiEESE--500 boxes for sale by
AHD OIL—!! bbla. No. 1, for solo by
rrANNERS' ill.—bp bbls. for sale by
IL noi . : JAIIY.i DA LZELI.
-91 Idol.. N.O. Suva:. bblr. N.O F1;11 r.
For ALI , US • • ' JA.M.F.B
SIILUSTRE-2 capes for sale'lly
uP ass IL E. BELLEEE, Ll Wood et.
'DILL BOXES-80 papers for pale by
10.1 0. E. SELLERS.
ASA . I 4 :(ETIDA-480 prlm E e, s o L r t ta i. ll by
MBER-1000 lbs= for solo by
VIAL CORKS—WOO gro. long and short,
Ise We be O. 0. SELLEICS.
MADDER -2 crake for rale 4 , 3 ,
fIOCHINEAL-170 lbs. prime Honduras
ole by n. E tIELLEHS.
n OSE PINK-2 bbls. Eng. sup., for solo by
lA. 1.4 IL 8 iELLEIM
UTTEIt-1.0 Fresh. recd and for sale
yr. (.4) 14, a W. IteßitexOtt.
V }MESE-100 boxes Cream, for sale by
, o 4 . t W.ELAROAD3II
VLAX-1000 sale by
1:.col a.k lIARDAUGH
SOAP -200 boxes Roiin, for sale by
23c4. • A! W. 11AIMAt4111.
ACILEUEL-42 0 ibis. for sale by
no 4 11. t K. ILARBAUOIL
1, for Rule by
s.t W. 11,11MM/till.
spectfully call ibe
sod Przaillec
Os'lN —2OO bbfr.
no 4
TfIIE subscribers rce
tendon of Dealers. Ilon
t Imp awl select Mirk of
Mob they offer on the most (storable terms. romprielna
pegs. Utter, k Mm 'k To It boo., smarted lirMea
every lerwle and rangy: 12 " " Ne!chnpa
30 bare prime 100 Coffer, 5n - l'nuerrol irons.
IA" oul Jon e 10 .. IWO.: .
" 1 . 2 1( 8 (f. '' 50 11 and 28 Ins. /talsinv:
12 Ithds. prune I.U. Boar, 8 hooey Mtrorn
88 LW., red .04 Pad .. ~ ZD cask,. Currants.
20 be.. Pro. Scam 2 cm, Proven:
15 - (arm) •• 25 drum , 0100 •
to " Id t dpiCawlleiv 21 bona Chocolate:
Li - star A etero - to - hlsevaronn
C• 0,1,131,11711. 'ermfrelM Ac.
Alio, London Inetlestarl.florev, sod various (orenru
Na na
.08 tarinee. rem:molly selected by Wm. A.
MeC.. In the citiv, or Neer Cork. Moladelphia 50.1 Balti
more. coraroleing altogether so sseornnent unequallea In
Mttiourgh. WM: A. )(MUM) A Co..
n 7 Zli Latenir 55
ATOR. to prevent Hada •w and tiros Hair. m ,'rte
hit. when tt hos fallen •AT or terome thin, acd u,core
offeetoolly Sang or Dandruff..
6 Erasing, reed and tor sole br the darn or gook ba
th, at the drug gar of S. N. WICKERSHAM. •
rog Wood goat. ran, of Oath.
EititiNG—wo bas. for sale by
11 w 3 WICK t !Ark:it:DU:SR.
TAVA COFFEE-2e bav for onle by
noo osocKY .MPCANDLL.S.
LESD--900,11;.Ifidia1 - e by
J. KIDD & Ca. C0W7,?..1
TrOBA,CCO-100 boxes Sherwood's A's and
Vo, ere maslinmeat ead for mak by
od{ _;.JOUR WATT .11 CO.
ILMLICKU UT THE &HULLS itl-1:01Lell'H 1.1:12
The steamer Daniel Webster from San Juan
Nicaraugua, arrived yesterday evening. She
twinge dates from San Francisco to the 16th of
October, a n d cl,,out 400 ptuu+eugere Sbe,otiro
bring, I;.,tato o zold ut. freight, and V... 00-
”On m the Laude of pa,srugers.
The Webster sailed from San Juin on the oth
of Nuvenber, with a number of passengers from
San Francisco brought down by the steamers In
dependence and North America. She made the
passage, with the steamer Centr, America in
tow, from New York to San Juan in 124 days
The mining intelligence, by this arrival is of
the moat satisfactory character. The weather
had been unusually favorable, and the yield of
gold from the different sections of the mining
regions is steadily on the increase .
Since the sailing of the last steamer, the mar
ket has been very quiet, and the demand for
goods of all descriptions limited.
Breadstults—No large sales of flour could be
effected at the present 'asking prices. °allegro
brands are held at $lOOll, and Chili at sll@
12 it bbl. Corn is selling at 3to dm and Oats
at 4(45c: and Barley :1en5.1
Dry Goods—There is a large amount of goods
going into store with the expectation of high
price, on the ground that shipments must short
ly-cease in a great measure.
Clothing—There is no demand for clothing ex
cept for woolen descriptions.
Building Materials—Are steady. American
planed hoards sell at $130(17.5 It M. Brick sell
at $20@26
Hardware—The market is poorly- supplied
with hardware and wooden ware.
Coal—ls soiling at $20(2)22 as ton for Audit,
cite, and $l6 for Cumberland.
eaudlea—Sales of adamantine at. 32G06, and
sperm at 42®46c "t 4 tb.
The steamer California sailed from San Fran
eisco, on the Vith of October, for Panama, with
the mails end $1,900,000 in gold no frright, and
about 20a0 passeugera 11lesarO &.
shipped upward* of hnlf a million of gold by the
Since the cessation from duty of the Vigilance
Committee, San Francisco boa become crowded
with numerous hand, of desperate characters,and
seine of the papers are strongly and earnestly
appealing to the Committee to commence their
work again.
The project of steam communication between
San Francisco and the Sandwich Islands limn
likely very soon to he carried not. The Hon.
Salim K. Woodworth was spoken of as the com.,
mender of the first ship.
The C. Su.tes, sloop of war Vincennea, Capt.
W L timbre. Irft San Franch.eo on the ISth
of October tor a cruise to the Southward, and to
the Sandwich•Nouds
The steamer Miner acs (aimed near Sacra
memo on the 14th of October. Ajar. Clark and
one of the firemen' were,badly burned: and a
paiiatinger name/ I) Brown woo hnrned to death
The mail steamer Columbia arrived at San
- Francisco from Oregon. uu the 14th, bringtog
:524,000 in gold, nod 4u passengers.
The Indians were continuing their nicprodo.
tions upon the emigrant trains and frontler:set•
nen:lents. and much exeltoineut and alarm pre
roiled. Jeremiah Ryan, of Maryland, with em
others had been murdered by the Port itrford
Indian, • •
IL has been deteimined by the President and
Cabinet to givea gr../ thplonint,e Dinner to
F..ssuth. Lbealier flulvemwu re
presentative, will be invited.
ranwnc wwwwwncer 1,;111.w.
AR. lwa‘.• tcr tt
wt. nln• unroinc. a. w :lowa www. wlr
flor N6.cnvv .
-1-“ll.1'.1".• Nor 1 7' ; ICTI.. ‘ . .r.ww ‘ l,. a a
The Kentucky Legislature h.:nutted to-day , leetht ,
foe U S. Senator oe.. annert.on.
telsitn, A. Dant and K. 11...raisali, •ette d WV 01,
(.1. Butler. Democrat. were 1 - t.ttd ter. hut
without a cheice.
it:al -Ti..,•04,
TRIAL OF FAIRBANhet , ~' we 1 - .l.,:tat bo4. Iwwt ..,,n4ttmw
tEa tpo. rawa whlkt•wc• can RI , l`c l
Lot mill.La Now. 1 - , 1110 ,11,1•1l1
FAlrtcaliks was tned to day f o e kidnap_ Eli UL.tli PITTSBURGH AM)
ping Marc, and held to heti .rt 1 1, 5,01/0, to un- 6Firllti.l
own the charge of felony, in default of which '-re're7,:.V=iie.7l;;;;tireetnets:tween
he was remanded to prieon , err I 'j...troth xi It, o'clock Sloculay. 1 1 ”,14cla1 in.tert nAtacau a .
4.m.wcalAbww:irts wren Tasewla) Thar ,clay and balar.ll7.
.«a. ."
The Diurnal lc a wide lwAt.
arc! lawten Ixasla ww, rwucarat.d ltwt lwalw Pan.,
N'ew Y.K. Nov. 17 , gen. slot ehloort eot.t tittoted b. , ' ".tmote. to the
Cotton—The market ie uct,Allc.d.. and sales o--.f
Flour—Sales 4W) hhis. at 5i.‘5,61(<1 ; 54 far
common State ind Western, and X 4 1,1`.:(ini.,25
for Genesee.
Grain:—.l cargo oLlieneete wheat cold at 97e
Rye in held at 7.2 e mixed Corn at GO(o,Cde
bathe), which is generally above the rtes. .f
'Provisions—ales meet park at *l5. and of
prime at $173;62,} per barrel. beef is with
sot demand .Salem 7io i.bla prime 'old Lard .
at IS}c pl•ib
Whilkey-sal , a of Ohio at Sic.
Gr tee—Sales !'
drocera —Sale* 150 Fags Rio Coffee at Biei
and of 100 laid* Porto Rioo Sop, at hi for
tine. Rice is Korea. pith *air* of 110 neretra at
$3.311? 100.
Tototeco.—Sales 150 Etbda Kentucky. nt Vatlife
New Tons_ N0r. , 17.
Flour—Further males of 11,000 Ohio at $3 94
oc for Ohio brands.
Grain—Soles 2500 bushels Michigan wheat at
88u, and 2000 bushels Genetics white do at 97c.
Sales 29,000 his mixed corn at 60}c.
Provisions—The market is without change.
Sales 100 bble lard at Pie.
Hemp—Sales 50 hales's, $l2O per don..
Cotton—The sales are 800 hales, at former
Turpentine—le held at $3 per Ibl
Flour—Salea 1,400 bbla, at $3g8,02 bbl.
Whiskey—Sales at 1 . 6@.,16te V gall.
Cheese—Sales 1800 boxes at Gi ®Gic 1? lb. '
• Provin—More is doing in the market.
Sale. 1000 new bacon hams at Sc 11 lb. Green
hams are selling at qe id lb
flogs=—Sales 1000 bead at $4,25 V 100, for
light. and $4,40®4 ; 50 for heavy.
Oroceilea-Bales new rugar at Gig Ib, and
of new Malmo+es at3Be gall.
Neeronhassa, Nov. 15.
Cotton—Sales 2000 bales this morning at
attady prices—tair N 8 11
Provisions—Mess Pork is doll at $l4
Flour—ls dull at $3 4003 50 tl hbl.
Corn—Small sales at 450t148e Ld brisheL'xitis
light receipts.
Lard—Sales of prime in bbls at se: and in
kegs at 07f@l0c.
Molasses—Sales-prime at 24c 14 aids
Law Notice
jHAVE reaumckLtiat Practice oL.the Law,
and will den°, my •lu , la,6lPC u oil attention tc It
pirtllverehtp which, dormorlyaalFted
an Igtweru A. 11.
d m
*as dlived, rn • tit. M.,
by mutual conmut. - 1 La., taken Moll,: 11, lIAktYI'UN•
Awl., Into partnerrhit, 0111 m Fourth. alb , . houtheeld
Ont 31. 1351.—1 nobtlatr?.to . F! •'' ,
BROOMS -50U doz. f0r 1 416 by 1 - -,
ass 0.4. X. t o
I_l by 'exprese. onn raw of ebolee Ifolland 'Flower Rome,
nonaprle/ng Hyacinth !ant C•brlnn,. , (.1' tbn burst-titrirton or
flor..ndMtn aulteb
001 Ie CO flowering in , elanws, far
drug the
003 ' '4 lanalun-Wwd rt... nor. of ninth.
I.IILK ..4. SATIN I;IO — NINETS—Ws bare re-
J celvd and will xhlblt fur nt.b.--.6 doe. bilk end Ent.
n Ilontwtt. !veil j A. A. MASON A 0.1.
H . U'll'Ett--:i bbls. Fresh Roll, fbr 01010 by
IP ce3o
Q ALEICATUS-100 boo. and :15 bbls. pure,
I. for wan b 0 J. II CANYIKL7I
BUTTER -20 logs. fresh, reed and for sale
by ocja.! met( A .11cCANDLUS.
13's----15 bags Small A Vhite, for only by
_!tea , / WICK b .11cS1NDLE5lt..
I%,, , UCKEREL-101/ kits Mackerel;
101 bbla. No.?
auJ AL AA4 .
15' M,'
ICII < MCUANfiI. k:tl+.
fIOCOLATK--'25 boxes fresh, tor fedi, by
I,J °cm II HAM.
UTTEIL--50 kegs No. 1; • .
jort trr'd and for Ash. or.
4 N Infallible Remedy for TooTu AcitE,
.I'..trr on th. Trrtb,l 4 porg.l t filet:dint yirro, o.r
wolf., for rata atr:V rat . !F 01!W 1-.1.1,
Idu Were eser , t.
SIL MOLASSES-30 bbln. (ivotlnle's lief
ht. Jzne•
FM. 71.1 , . by 11C11.1 , 11111f11.: INtillitAXl.
• Nun.
t OAF SUGAR--75 u.,t; 41 uN. hi aL
Ei tie jinn:tea ItcOnerr
bble emr'd Nvo ladayotte 11 , 9&• , 111
CO "Ft. June& "
:11t Lor•rine• & fur SIC, hi
0,-04 11.11111.1 N. 116 Witter At.
U POTTED FLANNEL,S—.Juet received ut
10 A.... MASON 6 Ct 1.13, and G 3 Market al, • UAW .
imuly of t potted Flannel, far clatrmix walr. caa;
11.1,-25 bide. pure Tanners!, for-sule by ,
, x , :k DUaDIUDIM s DfaUKAIL
1. g.o A t m
the ss
t t a ll •
ow e
togP a,copL iEe.b.o,„,-
Noose, Us, of Ateuculdn , b.tvoen York ." 1 L"'
tiwallow Tell Hp, ..aning [rata Kew York mid 'Liver.
hewn toe etkerid 21.
on IL. 1 1 f i t tgo o l f =4.New u l t ic: . rk on the and Liverpool
It. d Mar leave. Nevi York ou the 1115. and Liver
"iced of the Mith or mirk month.
I. Lit. rallytwit, ot month from Liveriimi end time
I.(T.bsote. iz c h t li:oi h( L (hd mr
2r n ( f h l:st („ l ‘ r h . r(„( ta, ( ll( .o. f u re d a .„. .. , :( zw (b l:‘ ,, T r t. h. On u th th e .
mtol .oath, _ I.lno tfitu.koo faa Itom , York
onA. I. l lirwor OW lit otod lOth roach twatV orßly Low. ol .Iroto
to Ni.
01117 Li. tur ~ .3ahrreteta, 111. Nr% I..rk. to A , e 4 .
hr Cappoi lAEA linilewl, to
Yn n.qtßon nlll r.,eiv. over,'stg..ntion.
eip app. nen:. at lb- .klll,-.., a %I. Top-....t Eleti
4121/. !whim. raidlV
J r rter st
th. ollve or the advert..., onner M Ntal +LA 1.11 - nrtY
.Irv... httriburah.
Enranno tn the
:lams or Canada. atm
ariali to for their rends I te n
any port of England
Irelan Snitland, or %Voles, min make thy venerarr art
aPPlmatiott to the and hay,.
!Lem brought out by any of the eine.. lartirife !inn. of
eaeßetr. (which range from 1,002 to 2 2 , 2 2 , ( 00 ,L borthou.)
r by tint Hera Merchant 'Mit, on Mrorobia tarm., hr
of Liverpool, London, or tilaagow. fboir Iregunnci
Hof noting Pse •in tinaPlidlite of delay. can
o ....ti m lar.rpnol tir. Near Orlean% Baltimore.
linaton. elnarle4nn, and Savannah. Direct
roruittiinees Ia noall or loegn sumo, aananal, to • • -
Steam Communeation between Sew York
and Glasgow.
- -
9111 E Glasgow- and Now Ynrk
1_ Keamehlr , Cutup:any. powerful new
walnthip tll.4BtiOlV," Loud' true and 400
Lm o pow., N. Stewart, Ilid.. n( the Co. _________nant etrankera.) commander. Le appointed Wean rem. haw
Vork direr. Cr tilamwnw. nu Sem:NUT...loath ot D.weculwir
nedt, at 1 . : n'elo , k. norm.
PASSAGE idnNer. •
'First Ca . bin (etewanl'e f , .. Indhuled)
.....-- ............ --ISO.
.Sound Cabin - .. - . .. 5d...
Nn xiaerage gwesruzer , taken.
Theo., :wt.. prorl•kr., but tint Via/. Ilq
will Y. .18141f0 bniad. Al modem.. price. OAI
Surp.., roLat ofr yoclr.. l :4 . por cnnt
J. 33 Oroulln ky -
" NtlW 101(4.. °
ltio.Henrfs Philadelphia cz Liverpool Lino
of Packets.
' from l'hihidelphin on the „4:44A
..-1 - 51h..and.Liverpool on thr Irt of ese,h month..
~1 1, . ..INA T il.Xi t t17.`; ,1 t. IL Dev,one, Mutor,
1.:131t01'. I , :it A heniul ttarri+, Muter.
;WILLIS, Alfred V. :mitt, Man...r.
FIIACK A , IANON, (nes.) W. W. Wont. Alagter.
abore rhino ere ball( of the tn,t nud man runty
tunnertnis, and arc utast ter tbe rnpkittr of their na.nntwes:
Ws, aro Mad up with all Istr‘t I[II,39TIMrI). NY, WOK
ewntitate.i. 50.1 'nre unFurpweed fro their ..-
,totutnistinu4 for N.-mm.l Oh. and ih,ernceen
the,, are enturnandant own of arknowted,e,l the who
nre aurouniled far their. expnieni , In the packet
t h e
rem.. denim. of I.rlogiut. their friend 4 from the 011
~ntrr too
vhtntn rertthenteo of Num:we. which will I .
go.l tor ad. nod our We
in and Lie
er,,,,01 .111 furniet, ti,rtt with We proper Inionnation •nd
in4tru , LiouP relntive u. their d, partner
Vnr tho euurouleuce nt panrenwer• alrhlne tu'roul too
ner, oupply drop. tur SI .nd urn - nr , l rntahl
t , lght enth,,nt ,l,wount, • 1,,h 1.111 ra6l,^o .or .
itanka or Pn,,t the Iltuted Kingdom.
4srl'rorhoune tv.ta La .r
11, ( 11.(rlusr sur.plieg v(111 farlaPhed
we!, Kg. •(.1 e,rr. bruad.
It/.. . , i to (.4t07 , 1.11. •att. 1 lb. now,
y c(0i,. , ,r, anu 1 IF. po.t. 17 (per. el ftge, 5
Tre.lrtufl., 1 IL pork. 4 r gni Ttn•
aver, 12.11 t05..12; Pa and
N, ,r.ut •tmet. 6.1... PlailadrlJJAr.
P . minor i.i71.1s ftr..l
- •
EmuTAN(7l,:s TO E NGLAND, [RE-
A Ltsi,,seorLASP
In Tr of Itr nun of 100,1, +a .W 1 to {ague
.1,31. t at, Gr est li•mork
and 1/erman, .r 11,..ritard 1.:41.L./ A .
Warr nth
r,tr., Elbert, awl `,.35114
Va..encrn. w una sr:,u. unle ,ngagoct
it134,1,a rm.: . 1,1
tdapy the cot '4Z"
ST EA Al Bi )Al's
Wheeling and.PitiAburgh Packet.
-Tt" : sWift
tt' " ut
art,. tor Iti• rtii pri acri altiintrorarrlit
rit • prltt• tht•
beritrri rottratinp. Pt art rtai - twir
Pre- Vi
Ire JANIEtt Cart •It•tas. twrit irate tat,
I.lir.rtt Trotrilai Th..-Plat. anti patriot., 0(
U. Ur•lratit
Int . art, I l•r. t •
Pro trairlti •.r 'it'll.. •01
•itrty tir • ti Ira riit/ Salta". Agri , .
)liartpt matt ,
•Orpti 1, Opt triprr ha.rortgric• ...I 41,ra...fa , an J.
itt•rpt or 1:. r roaring to 0.•
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet.
r Et: L:T. Alt P A KE T 11E
Itt:II ! HOCK ItiU
••• A. S. t.
!sill trays l'ithshurqL Sir II
YI ~
Ivy Thursilhy a und
oistn this Isis! run izs rsitiilasl) Ihrtna tho
aphis thhhi
1.4 1 0 R SAINT 1.01 . 15--Tli,.
tut steamer I'ARIh. ihss hi 1 ti!iort i,
I "l'o r g VIII ti •" 4 " :1 It AI
Enr fnlzilit hi - 1(10, 1:1.1
- S
i .I.trorr "'roan.
nine on Tetra, , the
o pen
or fr-O g ht .or pssrage op e n on briooL or in
n.. 17 si ('ii
SAINT LOUIS.--Th.• tine
no t, and aphntli.l etre., PAI. ,
ea-, J;
A..DERS.uN. Copt t will loess..
above. on Ttieelss the et 4 t...eltd.. M
ior frei g ht or passage. tool) on term' - n0 , 7
t, PACKET, CINCINNATI, Ca r ta.. John
tronsn r hato. Thss aplondid tete ressLullt by
the owner, of the steamerlhur 7reertoo. And others. L r
the finnan.' anti Pitt burgh Part, teed, sal will learn
every Irriltioela t for einem:lath
oar (might Jr, Passage. aPPII oh ).:anti. or n
not: ti. 11 MILTENIMItOEVArent,
for VEMONT. Carl.
rare for the shore ssol ell intortneillass points
on 'lankier. the I ,, th at 4 o'clock V. V.
For freight or 1,16414 g, apply on board. .17
.1 and splendid etranarr DIADEM. I prbrxn.
ennmssider. wnl lease for whore and latin
mediate landin g s on Tavola,. At 4 • rh-L
For freight or aven g e. apply on hoard. vor
I•01:1). ass, and light drau g ht stormier
NT Capt. Fission. vill
A a irate for the
oboe. l: and 1[1.3 . 111e41.{. ports on Ture dart.
laY. at 10 o'ock.
For freight or p.m.. apply on ward. 0,17
lOlt ZAN ESVILLE —The fine .
stormier ESIPTIE-dV.Con.inacirr.mlll lease
abore4ol.l Intermediate ports on this
day. at 4 o'clock.
/tor freight or passage, apply on hoard. norit
VOR N4SEIVILLE—The spien- •
.114 new micalner LUELLA, IV J liounts.
rozuman,Vr -. ..;w111 11. r the louvr and in.
trrlnvlkalat pGrta on Snowlay. a Inq •at 4P. NI
For freight or pa...a.aya apish' uu IKntrd. .11
:4 hit chist. 0 H.. hap.. I bat 11..ekr's Fianna:
gni 0:1'. T.. 3 Ise Hire ' , lout
no r ., . 01, 94. 1 . 1 4: and Chu Id Las balerattur I
lan T.a; .. '2 la. 1.140.10A/n ,
so ba. CI rVoqi and Mark du at boa 1,1,0ar Cacdow.
10 bhdot Nl4, BMi.. /0 1,11,0 -- . 41.
2,1 11,10 Mal on 4 , r 1.1,1,4 , 10 1, r No 1 ChneoloVn
Hogg,: l shas Coonand Bri.IMIN
0,1 bxs ma id Tabu., O. boo African 111ng,
....0 31 Havana 401 I. ol,a 11 boo 1..1.1a10nd 31001'd:
Cigar.. ' ,11,0 p.ko flu. dein' pelt;
71, bon 110 LiJITe... 1 fill Izza god.. rio,
boo Lagosyr. 1 cok Madderr,
it ,
, 14.001 d lior Jona: , 1 err, n lOdlgo:
00 La, 1:zolo toxin 1 to 1010 vottuh.
D Gal tattle Out 1 I. 11)1, No 1 A 3 Metkesol.
5 boo Palm • Almond dm 2d bola N 1i a 0 /1 \Hs*:
I Its llabldtre roop I . wdr, :el 11. 1 - 1, 0111 , 1 "p1c:..: 1
11 boo I. 1,040 do, IS .1.1 1..11 Cont.:
0 Lao Corn S.tamh, 7, dna CAl(l2l.roomq
0100. Nash, 91... White. find. Vullon born. vhnletilo
01..1 r-taLl.i,, J. 1 W 311.1,1310 a C4l.
0r22 NortLe.ol..rnrr 110.,1 And Vlll.ll of..
English & Bennett
Wb E . !A . d
31moufarturne—No.1z214 , rotd1 st. end 15l Firot 44.4\40.,TA
ialer! In pmanr..ed l'ltteburl:h
Wood tad Sralthfio.l.l htteborgt., Po.. hove on bspi
aml srill no' •r W A 511 0 401. .I.l..b . they offer for
male at the .na, st matitct Ist..e
ISO bare .ml%l Tobarro, 3Lo ham. Rio Coffee, '
hit " g'el It, lond., 110 rltds Ina. Hyman le,
1:5 kegs b trot Totten,, nrk. tr. D .S "
110, stop, bbe Got eboe:nd do 3o hbd. N urddar.
nut .4 dry mankind 2.0 lohle N 0. 3lrdama.d.
1,0 31 C
nponteh elders, LO x.II
0.1 " Prlvaito•
Mb normal. 4101 boa. Noll, cueted cite,
.• :11 bode? Salo.l 1011 d
1a "C• .• 11).000 Lierstue.
LO bahie Almond, Ftlh.rtm.,::(,4 4 , Ombra 31.4d0r.
WolauOt ;ream st, .1 4414411 Alum.
dad around ant, 4 rents. lodide.
30 Lose. 11.0..1 IL:mody. 1.1,0 weer Roam mop,
50 ,osem Tama. Catnip. 60 •• Floc,
20 :ail,. Mould A Dip Condlea
o . m
Lt.,to rte bolt
druta lot. Gbh. ereekerx,
0, Herald tilt,,.
110 Lazes 31.11. Roltdru, 5.000 Ibe NO. I 4.444b0d Pugar
/.541 UNIYIII4 tpla., 41,0 OCAS pL apd yCYluia,
300 toots Coemlo. 41 bbl. lost, Nugar,
61) box,. White Pipe, Onpred*A. IA biting, Chalk.
GO bag, What , Brazil duaar,C,ttor. Yoram. Botha], Ls.
01 hones 11•7.• .11.rerick and Caraet Clown.
cc: [Journal fur , V ,
SALERATU:,---22 c.k.s Clevalod;
2.: box, rulrrrlvd: Ibr rale bfi
Ll' MAR. BLUE-8 boxes for sale by
fv:l9 J. %it:ll,O , 3lAM+ /
9 1 01) FISII-5 drums for gale by
N./ ne.r. WICK
tP LAN K A. :11 ARus Jr. C... are
I OP.rling WO ran.
LANKETS.—I have received my Cell
ntnr.k M I , IANICLIN W thn .111Intrut ,isow
nslLlt.g Rial.k..lA will and u, our
Vitt DitES;'S zisi'llYH W
lJ tlnc. 2 , lw.nerrw, Hurl. end etnntrt.o.4 recd ,
cml7 A.. 1 te
3iA,N a W., horooLA.
INPIGO---1 serous Cartoons. Y. legs
.for we inx took,. • ohoLvomnimo
petit t. hicKhti •
`" b "'""irAIgatIVIRBIIALb.
c. 421
Ed SALE—A first rate FAMILN.IIII. ` T ABLE COVERS--ZO'dozen Oil Cloth Ta
6171(_\albt. whirl eau be wen st JACIULAY Gk traml. and Damn covers--1116•rent star—lar
CUM.% /rim street. . Ss •bY grksalty or retell at
- . - tale d.YH Fi.41LIP8:119.110 iSsast
BOSTON, 31,14
"PH IS well known establisimient is still eon
, 1. ducted in the male menu , . ha, ala a,.
rentr•l SO4 plee.nt liitUpjjou „f j,,,L14. ,
YU. ...rmiferoent. end it, and t., tr
found there. eural.ine u rrnd, ,1
• swum to the
I fl .g al awing
the Wed ot t tG.
art,i r t•,,,
pledgee LM heel raertions all, LI it. r , put.t...,
tt give retlafAetion to WI CUIEWCIIe r..
F.,?.t(endr::¢, I'ottft Rini
rjri :+uperiur amok, of l'alinnery,
abl , h are et...m.111,A It., ,ustly eels brated
Li y Whit.. Oriental Alabaster. Pear, IttAlse. Teeth and
Toilet l'o•J-rt. Chinese Vets, Chalk. mud ells<r aNdostel
Wan.--11atout antl Extra hot' nand Otroau ko.l Whit.
Winn., It tuanotr, Palm. atm.., tar, and Tonut
Sotart. Ottastuu Crtuun. thu. C-loin' Wan..., Ea.
(tarts for the I in 3inzr.,s,
tal 'I% 11. t. article, Eau Ltourat Hatt 10..turatit..
Hair Philmont., to. Or, dry !manufactured soul lit
nat. by .1011 T CLEW.,
Porton., awl latattant,
Markrt La
2,1. Ithltadriptits
141,11orchaut, don't fury. that Ci.`An .,
and count'osir.totattura^tort hi On rill till, him
.1 e. 21,11,
Public Sale
N_P nenlaT morning. 1.1. tr 20(1,1151. at 0 6.1.1. will
to avi d at huldlc tale. cot tr. prrral,,.., II i,u ter. J..
lb. ex ton.s rt.and to nal.l. 1 1AI:111N Flll t m rt:stng on.
to blrho rcisto, Steam F.MOtto and Moto: , e 0np1.t..,11n0 , 11-
ell In n thp.otor manner. two new n 1 or hott , r :'room
ltnalocs. horizontal. ono to Mrto•natrOl *. II toPrr`Or
Enable Enrol Laths. (mot 4 ro +ll. 1 .hr to, and tiring
ty.rta o to 24 ihebec I. 11,i., 5111 Ia 250 t, 0 lett lng: t ow
and large PuneLit, Itivott,g. ontl tholuma Harhotes.
Plimlon disdituor. orirdirdt tharltr.t ur: Pormhl. P.N.',
Potinis47i Bol:..n. 14,11, codothor Icon. Trot.
labhing .n.l Ser.w.cuttinn )fitehht.rtt Slid. liotht . . '
log Tcnio. 111 .clottottle Tool,: Duller 41"• Tools: ! . ono.
dr, foolc ett lira. and small Vit... (Aleut, r Sows. Woot
Muni= Milainerr. Inau itml Vi0..1 Purchau. I.llurke.
Larcelt.ll. Largo crane.. 60u fuot Tuth.ol Waugh Iron
fr, t utht, largecollretinn of now anti valuallle Patterns,
Mliwtslpoenno Tool,. it..
Thiratot. I. :10 1,4 , 4 ant on.: r . ', nt of
Tatts 110.10 f titat. A p .rhon • i ti..,:, ha, Ott.,
u..• 1
T.b. lrbolr r
will b. sal^ Ithnut prorri.tors
A. lh
tiny in rsurarn. taw • rrt. rrrrlau• •• .l...1(11 Cala
chirp ma, 1w had uu arph 3.t.unu rtu: Aurtnn
Utrambosta run tour!) In 11 Li i1,1111;11 1 •11,11i, •
3!. T irMAS Auvu .rovr.
not lull • 93 Wall.m.
Shrivel. & McLean,
Flo , Produce and r —nzian'un Mercitunf.y.
110. al Barn WATE4 writtrr.
-I_,) du, nettermil,, rr, pr. 4,1 4(14011 , [1. with
our hen ruxlrer, tcgtra ...atlpfact Lon A4..0n.s mad.. on
rw...lpt it 11111. LegLuit whn ,
11..tur to—Mn r Il*z
pl on 4. -
111 pr, Pituthurnn:
Mr. A m , Laughlin.
Mt. banal. P. rhn , r.
Matchless Blacking and Inks.
lILACELINI:.—wvntat.e/ rata nor to au) , at Ala..,
to ehn puhlir. and to stood lu any etuuste Mmoursa.turad
to LIOD./KIN:+ON A CU.. On., .1444,
Phtladelyhtn. Pa.
rerllosl4S BONNET MANU
YACTUII33I, Z".n. 11 South- tta.., - .1 81.r.aet, alon,
b.Attnut. sort side., 1.1111.4..1,km. fahlb:lr
Inc 'U44121 -1.71 cleionara.
n 4.11, a•nalar.
irmle Orcntn. =1 Itartot or.. Obil..tvlotua ar4l
, EA_L ,. NOR •3. CO ; , Tobacco
li a llo SWth titif ' r.. ' :l:7.llll ' ..ltl:l.7 " ''•ugl
Shawls ! Cloaks ! Mantilla;'
S N. ( Cortland( -t.. N York,
VA • 0 (•:• 1.,1L atrio t.,••• .4
• .Ipi 17 t • 4 . 11
I,Lmo Ale 11.n1 L...14 . : 111b0r ,-;!11.1, with
Al,. eta Ibnt. rt.rk (.:Aur,/,3t.rin,l'hil.i
aud CI.6A
• .t) Roc,
it IA 11WflatiL.J... ...or.vpyi LI, 1—
1... r..
tvr, u 7 It}: M 1 0W .Id
L ' I ' 4111 1 0ill ' e::;1 . 1 1" "
To the Public.
NULL RUlitlElt SIIOEs.- (4 r ItttAntitAD
tou. !gnu , al/.41 t .uAlvett...suent 1,1 lIAA.A.e 11. but
ruhgAhut ha the Nny Yurlt flsr.m et 11 sh, 1, 1131. awl
mud EtkpAlter A.l .an, gut.. Au %la.!, af4t
•e. h uuu. t ritat of ,Aat ettrAgo , t Jugu , u.
te u•Aurte that.. d.?!• urt luta lirith 0.4
.•uniet our hull Aug,. us! that 4. 4,... thA
Au Dug:. rlA.l,..r . 44'ears:. Au gAza gtartun Ale ..4 • Inn,
A hae- tun-t0.u.1 Afte hrAnu• OA.. thauulAnuo
[AAA., a uA•A. A..A ututer * AAA , v.i4
than I...lltrilar ‘ f:it tut Aug touurtourrutAL
.tea lelgut thuAlq,ae . A rtAJAht. aguie a hutlnueat- a.l
grad Au tunas ult. igtriuge hatentu ogre
.tuguAting. 110101117 te tail to hug.
0111.1 T.. .60 hag. Int A tar, curteirtaratiou.. purchased
cut h.rnage and uhe Van. and charga
11. Das. 1.A.A.117. e", 04 , r oar tuir r.uu ehtl.
AAgen —AAA • lulnitu th. rueuuluttuno
tue • high cg.Artug pu mut Iry gie.
.41, that he 001 .1 • In an was. 1.3 n torug.
A. •
ut:nro.lleig .la:mit:D.le Au nuatA...., maid Pah
I Au! MALI..
• try N gg. A hueltlngluga. ire...urge
THE",NEWARIA. 1441413 NU )11.11.00
IL Pusid.tAt.
rear Jr 7 ,, ,c
~ .Sttpenor Black Writing and Copying
PINE'S 1.3111.111: INK. r 7 Nit.riall
.7 N., I Ault
In dexublv.. me ..... ..•..
Thl.. Issi arnele menufae.urri It 6 . .0, freely—
. tN.ll . T . Thti INK will ..t mould,
-o,oents re pones.s.•ll tl. nuelitle. rryttlr.
sl lue mins Ink. euttal , tbe yutlL. essi
CI 1,4 14.Japt.. , 1 the'Strrl
The asslsrs.nan ii pr,aml 4turniab is the treats el.
- • - hom. rune...Amu. at the tars
rut up per anba. 5tr4,41.11..nb.1 iu any part
ri N 0 rhesus b 0 rnr• Bartels
•••••• ruseesd sr,.
111rUI.S1114. 1.1151.
n buildtans.
u . LLa SPti'
Professor Alex. Barty' . Trieopherou,
II IF.DIc.t.TEI) CO:bIPoUND, I, re
e...rrettur 4nlbssotatlni the hale calla
tins sr., 4101 dandruff. and cork. the skin,
~lusod m01..1. tn... tout-.,, sprain,. ete. It
es.wrtalo.l by expunturot. that 114, TY' 4 TrknI1-
55 .- suoJurral Its. nabs eltal in taring dlernes
sl. rt. 01 the 100. s. and ell the sulltnal klnsdnan The
tesslanmislis teleste4 from lonvirsd• of stonier
' I
t/i 'k i r n ‘ ... s t- i t l L ' all!.;
a a trial
Nu• Yana. 2.2.
barb E.Mer—Deer Sib—l hare L...• arllct..l with • em
tansruenyrtlrd - uf the scaly. of • me. , einsTar talsd
aster, to: se the last natran and dunng that verbal
burr had the nlsir. of the cun.t eminent bhp.
rzun.. eel here tried 311 U. preparatluar for the hair and
F lo non tunen, without the least Bonen!. I n. e5.L...1
by • Irisul to try Tura' Teienpherm. 1 dist mo. lta • Int
rrsort. and. to my mrprtee andi ob gyatstrallon. found sn " the yebll
g . ; -1 );
yburs, u 1461'1:L1E,
140 enlumbla strest,
4 • - t • I•i
• Na. 21 11.:0.
Ittawy—ifi.DearEl Alr.ul two y earn ago m hake
.-atte oat • Fret .4.l my held was mud, anlim.ll
with den.truft. I was told by a friend to tr: yourlti.opbet.
Imu. and I did so, and
they aotordahment. my hair was
&sole rooted. all damlrull dteartwanwi, as the
head [lna. allows tor Steel,.
.Ith texpeet. I ma ytlur obedl
Jut TitaiADWI.:I.L. 643 tmad - .T.
If any lady or ,utleman doubts the 14.0.11 , •illiCII) of the
they will plraro rate et Profeawr A C Darera otbre
1.3", New, wham he will Frahm, the arias .
1 h t . .7nth , e ,,, ! . .1 ,
,b i .. dtarT and Naial Ara,. Nor G. lags I
ad, We the permanent err: ..1 Laldnees
. ~,
o anoint.. 4r...wildly hat ha
the V't . "lar' , l" rw.lotrd br the articl.. known P n' rua ."' ne
41 „ ..11 . 2 , - *:: , trt:stegt...., or atoda-atial Cotuponol It na•
an,t1.11.1, Lunwr7 U t iti=r ' 1127 2 n t r' re "7'
in n
el u t . he kind. It imparts rigor ar itn7..ota '
tt plomou. it. growth .-akartabl
re ,
_ n ll n dri . .l.• the dandruff and ...ea and tnakes " th ".
t!!:j . r. dow it ra. 4SO di...n.1 of the acalr,
,:stent other fibnoxiona Moor.
dor, of the salty. In chns
unneatle4 It la add in ftripa n" ka . " tra. "'_ alr " staid.
iltosnin ay :Ind at the a,ruggls ' gralorm . I . v.7th n . e; ' : . k t
1 tONTII(LIES hit , usual facilities to roc , ;le
:..ravv. cial, au I iraunlitwnat.L. all Merch....
Eelemoes—Hean. tents., bt,rlstig 1 Lu;
e” la.. Jon., a Quiz,.
Mr. John A.Caughoy.
Wm. H.
I_ AND AU:nolo:Eß, he 3 Water Ktrect, PEORIA.
JOSEPH, 11118801:111.1.
Ptretwe. COl4/11101j4.11.eud Fonennllu e !herelmam, en the
Ler., et. J 00 . 14/.
ilefor to Ale&hoJer Gordon,nna Lhren, Stoning a Co..
ththihurgh. at,lat
kAVID C. TU'rrLE, Attorney ot Law,
cud CAdnenieeioner for Pennsylvania. of Lunt., hlo
comtoutucetione eet2ll.l,
OLIN 11. RANKIN, Attorney anti Chl111:,
benne at Law, and Cenno.le.ioner tot the State u
I 11:Ve l e'n;"qlli!Sna ut r , t t . 'IL.,. ' . 1 11oV2 L 'V r ar' & 1-',1'.11' .) Hampton S
51illor, 31...andloee & atehlure h John G. hut, Diem Ito
lloCont & Cu. mhgl4..lT
More New 'Goods
j ARIES A. ,NIuK.NIGLIT. N 0.62 Fourth st.,
t t ts µwood ttottpty of F.ll and Wtoter
1.. >d%, tits tottJttrt,i of which Ita.tott hero purellottul al
Fllte WY , atittp , o sale% iv the ett-trro ottite. elurttut the
Ernela% Lint Ter)
StolYr.• Bisnwls: 11A y MAW , . mayoufaciurre•
PrITR: Freorh Nytmos caul Caiglymyruc
, I,ul ltry+aa yr ry dy•lnyhly.
- Cloak. (Ylvalduly2.•l... to.
ICEC`ii at JAS. A. McKNIOIII."g,
n L7l, " : " b .
a a 4
I u , lilov tr. ac , •cul nay.Fe lu eer y
.I.l!rll7antai.pplled at very low mkt
Time Bills
IVil ratalmtd at favonkble 'rues kr CLENI,LAND
, ,_ , . .
For Sale, \ \ ‘,', \ 91:11)1( T
.MgERN .\.. ~ ymmtßaisit.
-\.uli. ‘.4,%7 - - * 4
' -
- .kcp , i 1 , .
g 'SE. El [INDEED & FOR MAC ACit , ES \OF , \ , , ',
IN . •Po q
(.14, *, .. n, . \'. iy?.nt , rur co.
iur roAL. nttoatrd In Third nu., *a.,ance.i. rkr
b itsi ad, aWk r MOO N‘ ,.... T0R 13 , 'Cuucii?, ' . 1,1):1, III)ABS.
Two vetun..l Coal erg tinsorPeentd in 41nalit, uadtd•en
tecen. f..,. 111 m., and equal to am be oh the rivr \ , • th ,,,,7,, , ' ,, 1 1„,,,„''' .1- ‘,.„,, , „ . 1 '..,'... A. , 4, .... 1 7.,, , ' h. 1 ,,.... , ' , -. 4 ::. , .,,,, \ PlEtkix; i...4)11.,N0..C0U
Alkin-Orin third undivided yuut of nut , h.„,nodikki, wnti,, mom
e , .. 0..710c ' n-I g to . .,Cln,..i.esei aid. o'c ' ln hest k AC , Tirkqi,t. C' IL
Woe,' Lcr.... dirortly oPnoe ,, e Mnnurtn•in'l, ti_, , itt• e= -,I inornzh, coati 'I , h. n., tltiota,,,:h • I-4k • pplXttn,
„, t \
,A °Nall
kW d.. ,, rnna or the ntorwt , Y , tet , Tr A lt, s tKrg f..,t,.‘ . i. '1; A it. NA t kl.'inliKy.,'#,getet, (iNi:gferrn't A. otfering ~ to r..!l\ cOLUII/11
~ W e t, A lkiinti.O.L ll ..t.t , \ , en:eta-Mad tki, Aneatneeof
;14 A /BB kI B. - ll'c have also foirfale ,ani '! \ ~1 \ \ 's \ ~,, J', ''qr.l. l l=?.. .. '. • 'll inn"\ . 4
••••tt ...nimbi..
my Lotg, nolreble'tnrp . n,,,, \\- "_ ~,„ _ _ \
, V. 5 , ,, 4, Mtn., \ ILL t.uor It . ten tWit with Ln,,
rH0idr0...... In Allegt.rny Vlty Alno. unintrk s tw''' ' '''"A Obili
nultebln fin- hu,in... nrandn tar tn.rticulerg,eppty ~, • , aim 1 i .534171111,48\ &a, 41.1 if LteLt torn a y ik:I• ot\llie 411.
.b.orn T", , ,! . 1,',,, A ' CI N AN ' k l \ N I " \ V . ' .- f ‘ R ' ' <'':'•,‘ A '' ' hkb th e, \ t'' , t .4 '' .'* n i.
. . _ . .
Desirable Property tor' 501 e.... \.,,. , r g.)S AIN, 1t.,..4 FT Et„ ,310Np.A,Y, ttit , ft:qt./11; k t.. \''''''''\ . ''''''''''
\t, k k-' llll ' l 4. ict a (nt7
Built{ , ' i v. th r infit,,,ou Irmo ~. ...1 lrait Nkw \tirt,,,e, , ,, it statavat t ato rya el/hacy,
. 7 f h •
~,,I . M BER ~ f eery
, ? , r , r1..,,....1 I.tnr . niug. , , .. 1.d., , ,,,, 'lrr A .,. 5..,t,„ ~1 •at• r ih t , , h.. wn.ity which fag .Iy , tit ,of wet,
, L• e ,. r.;. , ; ;;;:p;;; ,„ ;: ,,,,,,,,, v , ; .„.,. 71 .,. ; ,,,,.. n r.,,,,, ; ,,,t,,,, n ,,,,,,,,....., , ,,,,
..,..,:,,„.,,--,,,, - f,.,.pt r , , ,„., , ,,„ , ~,„\ ..,, r ,,,,, \ r .. 0.7 aio - o .., , d,V5. ,, , , i,
ited ,, ml. end on tran'll.,, it1awni?..d . .14.14”, ... w oe, , " 't.. , - - A - . kk -, -. 'k; \ N ' ''',,,:. frt. '..IN P4.....te tr. td• we P.,
.`‘., • ... .i•
4 ilelalVl, 10 , Ijll, , \' 1 lituo. and F - . , •yly: . a Radrt . k d. \ \ .ro, 6,..,, ik0rt . 01. 10, 4. d ~,... '''.n.r.
Itn.k--11 .nluslor unurunr..vrd 1... ou ihr ....rnn`r .:I 1.1,; . 4 a l l ' , ~.„_ , _ ...„,......
.. 1. ~,,I, ~,(, , ,,,.k4,1,. ,{,d ,g 1491111., ~ \ .i. '
1 • rt. clo l Fe-tor, ntr.-rt,
lath Nerd. ti,1 ,, ,.. khn in.' , ' ' .n 1 :-, "“ w,..-....- " -- w " - •':,.... - ...., '',.‘,
1 4..nnewt ,lir thonvt. •.so to,. trawl ..t, L.bori,. ... I:. 1. , '.• '''"" • '" www ' .. 7 - ....•-" , . , •-•• , T- - .ins , I n.....h...ili.a.iigAnd rmAin*rd . . ''''',..l . .
,i,..,, . 1...n0g . innrann .11.1 _k ~ "E„.110,S; 1:11'1'3.13C111:i :1' P.P.'S 'IN\ B RIG TON, \ " \.. ~ ‘‘ ..1. k ,i ' 4, ;" . s° . s
Nie - 7 , 1 - 4111ared ikvewerlng the ...dn. n Fn.
it-- b. thr.......r, Urn., IN elhtht 1i0u.....n Litn.erti k \ k ......'
e t.
,fff 11.. i...,-, Ilie iol trAng L,4 fn't In•tik , hi ' 28 Ma.t.8.8!, s \ , vhotortott. urn/11'1.4 ankepportunity rd\ witneka •
Inv ...1. er r vb.. b,.,... ~..,, ..1..5.„,,,..t. ip.Aii. ( t • N ap,i. ht ter M. :kf!A V:. -t.T:tfisT .Achy, Vt . ;',',, / '''''' 64°'11• N:T.' ''''' ' ll." *l7 4. 'C'
141 :',!.. b....0 , r , .op; ,, ip , v ,l l.t•po• .*- , la cni•o both of at tnand !Wren,
ot.n.rn t , .r. Sad ....10.111n .I.•rti 1•+.11.- , 1 A • ..... •,..• 1.1...t . .111, A -1.1,1/171, IR
tram A !c i r '' ( I ` . = " '''
. 4
' L''''''','''"'' " '''N 't, I . I..AVU h).liftitkill 'N'net\,,N. A , ...M Lpa! P. xi \ , I batr . - I nd ft ses . twittilndientsalnim, ,poreen d . k
V I i 4``.1"IWIFIL:1:4111 at , lb tll *hi .1 , P.11.' k,,,,n m ,' I„, - 1.... to
A1.0.--,Fitrron In Brevet ~ .,.nil .•, i!".1,, ~,... en.y. I. "1. '' , -.. ' ", , • l \ rdn NV lk, mug . Awt, ,, orta A rM AD 7 , i,
Mier.. Isom WO ern,,lown cAr V,AKE , . CTnl'. PER With.
' U u4n kM• 1 - 1. A 1 41." C ' A \ ,- D.
. D \
Fr, vain low end nu iwksonauod . ..irg 1 ., , ,,..upg.k Euguirn nf chti l drak tai l dsr twel - n ynet.).l ki, "t...t , kw. • , r , • • •--• *• • ''' ' ..
~,,,,,,,•,.,‘ , 1 , ,,,t, "„ A ' , ~,,,A s , 7 , ..j . q, 1 ,;%1 , , ,, . 1 0 . 7, • ‘ .. 4 , t .t t.. X! 1 ",...1 d '', ) ,Tar\ ‘,.'"'• 3 ' . " !! - ! t.f 0 6:1 \ 0 .E.Cer 14 ml 31114'.. ill hllll eltr.l
,-,.. n' Nu 10';,... l'utte , •uf;h • `," .'' \• •*" ye.,.......,..' , .'„
•• ~ - • . \r. J.o\ A 1.• I har...t en ru of the atrestroutirt /
', • s • „ '',./, fh • ar h . , • • e , -.1 T. 4 in'"my ilk. br "'mar •C r ram,wkl, n .L.4
Land and Lots . -, '. \‘;'.. ', \ A '''" l '" °- ' \'•• 'N: 1..,.. 2 .. i trn " tiig' ! h' .. ° '."
° "e..j i h,ll . , I '' ' ....7...., g "
FOR SALE, On tee . Rerinrylvtatin\Ciitnal, ,", -\ \ - --,pi.., Etrl ' irliton., , N, 1 , !.• ‘Lowitll A Attg.lll. ' ll•L ' lT \\ * D..ENfntalkyNn . ,
nd touting the N„Ill.1 1t011.13S nt Terer.rum:, , "41'* f "'"A' 'f,"" ""'"""'"''''''" 4 " . • • -- K" -_,.
Fah-, Arr... of throi. Wial • Witiluthln c... 1 priNu..Vn of firtworil \itN.L.ltni au: . oehreu,r, to elks, ntetAit c : a , ',IF. eed thA h\lowing.end...ivtf thin= lett. w •
uhr.ut forty net,- , ,f tN'tni c..... 1 Thin urnywn, 1.'., , ,,,1 .4ii,. tori.l,L,•••uartJar . . ... .... . ....1 1 .o, ; . hil Tioh. pinuk,kt l a. N.:me \ rerr far szuf , th..1."-,
rtl •• ••• rt rnnpro. n. a location for men0d.,,,,,,, ,),,,,.. 1tetw....0 Tirtnbur4 •
en N firiniiou and'fierin.`k , I .rt nt theinedletne.;o. unmet, 7r .t..- ' ' 2 - \
o,...nuillrlont ground far huilthugn.vrltin I,n Ingnhot ttl ' thr . 4 W. ‘_ l #.; ~• \ • ••• n. ...... - ' ...... -- , ...k--. 41 4 , . I . 1, ~m. y . ~ ~ 1 .. 0 ,, g._, i ~ ,1 64,kk '
ht. ...Mr .4 rowi• ....I th• ^.... 1 .nd tivk,'lka rran V- I
The r.,d. !cid dot rudi : la, Sunday. bur,ltaenr•itin : ~,,,,,,,,,, .. „. .!, • riarit .... .
T. _ . A \ ,
•I n. 'link.... In
do hattuklky ..111 , te grk..l for , orki‘trgo I •. 4 , - , • .T. ,, .... ; ha, tr,en tpec.d iorl • MM., \
.r nn, ~.e,14 in lump Wore the hr.° or IN4 - str ne '\i , on Mood., \ ' ...\ ks . , I tiff-cti of the langkl. , I all the F .. mptortts mitti \ \ ,
It rid h.• .lo
nutty lotA and told on torro,n.l I guinntk tktunibun..........11,1,at llkey ' et• on F.drral ginnt.." {4 1 T'' , .. 4.4 ..,...oreth n e ' , I , UsFtuld 50.550 , .. , \'
ti,.. [u .nit ',incl....Tn. many hero - applo.4 lArt , uilding, ronv-r r.a.. f mr.taxidi v ir err o•sr iritrni oli iiiir i'diliiiit, ;,17,1.,
Zj ' ,Y4,.7;.%. 1. 4 `,.1T . •1 ° ,' ........ .„,..,,.,
Ime ...r,ng 3. , lln gr. , nt dorunnd for Lour. at,,,i INc nth- 1 02 th.. ftri,..g, t0k,1,.-Olonnn'aVa Eton, the/ MeT i ~',", ~,,,,li '„,,,1„ , „ ~ ~,,;,"i i
,A ,„ itt,'15,......-„. „, A
irum.dikir vittottY ~ r .. ~,. .., 1, - .. 2 . I, V r• , or . • u."" 0 ..b. , .' 0 ' ,,,, 0• 1 . , l'. ,1 " 0 ' '''.",l. /,1 i7,ll . nigh'tr•Piel‘:l IVga7 Tir g I r l;',1,- .... '• \
I ve•1L.4... I T.lolAni W.I. N ‘.I ,n,.,......,:Lintt,..V.e,X,,„,q,,,,,,,,,,,he,.1.tav„.„„01,it It s i - h A ,V. , :,,' , N, ,1. IL'
Du.4.llk.l.Mit:LOrA ' \'‘'
...^ r .."" . .
i ll ESI ILA li LE Pltol'E ItT I F01i,4,4 I) , ! 11, hant:' Mt.' rh.. sn, eh ti....,,,,r,,,, ktt.i, .tr..,t, ~,, A
~ ,
~,,,,, It. ' s
.., ,
d,..... r . ,.... ,...,.,. .
A ~,, ,
~,.,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,o w ~, ~, „„ L ,,,,4,,, 1 irt 1., a...Ng 't• ~ . lalt ottet. At at* . Innnt, .'";.' r . , i ,'
nm ruuniun lZi Met In Lanai 2 ho. moperly tk bu ; •Irtor hr rout, nn‘tt.g.,, , ...N tude thettnnzhow, m‘d hy , MA , wk.rt 'n rtt\l'ying three. ,\ A •..
nhort diniattnn fn. thr .lern., of tin .Ij ,, au. PnneV.) , . , ' ''''.7.TA ,,i 4cit;"..: ;lII,' ~ ~,,,,,,,,,', ~.,,,,,,,, '3,4,
. Dri , : ,,,,. „i \ ''''
\ ,''.' ''''' ' r . ttiii,Citittlista. '• \ ''S .t \
Itaticoail. For trrron. apply to
:i.F ION ikONNII..ittiT A Cil....N•andW,Frong., Ow ' . 1, ,, t ntertinnhiAl ,' . 47,, 1 \ ~•ihi, . ...1 1.4. khieh tai .. \•••.
l'atnburah•Pg. ', , 'Au', Nrurr .. ii. , ktiokni ur filtrt,,,,.`i„,, 1.,"., ~.,„3,„ „
s , it}.((hl.}. F it73, , 1 \ is, .r. ''''' \--
\PE 4..O' I3.YLVAIicIA It ATT.110 , 10: . .! • t'. \ CII \ I: torrible c',N.g.g,h,
P• pi \PA KPOItT. tWENTV3III.,E:q iii,E,St 1.,, ...ta *L t - 011. t FebnUri, - \
\ . \ \R.iniiNswTows.
~,, ~,
. , \ nd r,d, M. me g tuktkl . 4\
Nendrnytre.s.l ''
,- g;;:., - .., .. ' ....;t .. ..... "' '::;'", ''
1 . -. r n ' n IZ.'ren ,'rid tn./101th,,
' ~ r try cLuits •.,
r \ ' 17,11 , i,. , .'rn i' ::t..,:11 ''. \\ A "•..
, :•"Itr‘;‘'
11 , 51. \ \ l \ N L ,i.t,i NG EC.VIENI'. 1,4,,t, ~t;
\ 'I6 L '. A , co fil 'o F Erb II B.'.
h . so,• • h.• W.
,' ' l . %' ''‘'. , \,.
. ( 1,
\ s TIVIR gra, n LO Un AIN,N artiFtil3SCße•acßi t., •
Peditty(rtiridt .R nqd qtie( Erprcss Packet Lino "
301 , gallet. Railroad .\ . ... 1 5 ,.i,.... -\r mtilr• cams'.
5.1429 - 1",,M,11121 milf,AXE* FOiti/1.04 14. , [r2t TO
\ .Two Daily L ' s ines 't'l rig "acket Boats,
~,.,. iiialtiti
\ (Excicsi
101.1 10 • rAs.i ..,..,fr:ic,. \ 1.
01 and titer Moods A upAket. 25k the
I.., A k t .r t 0, ,h,,, tturn 'rift hht/ •Pitub , ortitllot
..„r k f ort
.7.'•'l 4 :•Tt i tif 'h.itl'h d ith'ra' Ail . '''• V'' . 2 I' '*s
ai . t.,,,t,1 tste.v7;... v..f.,....1.4..7v,', ~ {j h r
\T. . ‘'''''...-'''''' Al ''' . r '' 4 * \ .
ft, (II e , , r.) " ti r F.i i' g1 ' a:1 4 .4 ,' 4 ' , , litt ` i I.°,l`tv,Kri.4
\ s
ti, tre.,.1,) rnaithng thnto nn Aral Lh..k.lntpl.L.,tn‘
~,,,,,,„, ~,,, ~,Nrw York Xi 1...: \
r..,pcNoi:e. PM. ALTlikey \
I. l, Ztttl!';. •:,i ' l ' ty! ' [ 'a ti ‘. .nri , . “ .: ri l'rro l ,!!,t!l t t ' llk ' dirr ' . ''' Z.
F• t. N. 1 . 1,d,,,001, all, letrol4,l , 3lddird,.., N i
, il ..k r.,.
~1 ., .. .,, 5.n . r ;rt : „ . ..
1. 1 ,.. .1 ,,,. ......2 ,,, , =,, ,, t ‘ r ; .. , !,,, ,...
,i.„,,... ~ , ,nn n. :doer ko in •: the Tirs . 4 arZ\ille A.,
..-.l_ . tIOLNV:tge.O? . ., -
_it- ~1 t.. EECII &•••(2.c . . , - ,
FOE lICED !\: \ '
• u .., . ls
MONOI•BitHELA 01TSE. : It ‘ \ l•
r ' , ale 88d 'l\wa it
bert nd, to .iiiiz!oi
~..t P1.4,14,101;4.
1 NINO 110.1,1 Ird'i -N the M ha T f .
n.3,...1tdi3. •FP r' , lss rr,st-Ir. trig
..t Ci , lrli•ettadd win t.rttla3. \ - 1 .
1 l 7;.;lt?Zt'..' .`:),`,"4';.:'.14';.;.,:tf1 I
lliliOft. J. Lour.. Fars 'r 4 1,,
"ha elplkia. to tonik karn only 110.'
n.•,.. ~t0...1 11...nductwA\m , .011
villr at.d Caralitriand ' 41.
It:, n tl, , ,...l,,ulvagsl.tleito • '
''''.. - •=4:,- - : '..+1 , -,...... , --- ,- .17:\ ''"
To Let.
9IIIE Bell known EAGLE 110TEL,,N,
NORTII Tlll 111tF.ET.
now rd.eupted br Cal 110, S 1Y Ettit,
itarat Itou. ohut.
T1.b.1•r,, and rnintordleu• lir o-I—.lola rang 11074.111 A
01 nein+. a gent , . to. ns. barb., bo ~..t 1301
garb r and rditzar,. grtvoo. •qh eV
c dining r... 11. :; I,,
tbq no \
medmte tdult, of i 3. it . •1•••••••
-n the well known /..low at g - ChEi.. a
b• had at a rewsoruhie rent trorn and tier the
FINE. -r DAY 11E APIIIL NEXT, when it•nrei—n en
I , nt , Imo.. expire,
Al.. lintel win. ridently emeted upon the tatted ituJ cot
In.ortnad style. No other n•-outmendolloo. bovre,
a/timid be needed, than the unparalleled •ite.eng n 1
gr•ment .octipant during the term of bka
Fur further paridcglare enquire of the owner,DAyNxicElt,
. ,
•eDDim hew, nt., Third •t .. Yhtl~ddDmia
0 LET--A Inr't• mud convenitnt2i
Jt WAll.l4llolin, A,l between Wced ":
r alt ‘ Foilthihdd kaquin.
Private Residence for Sale.
ered excoetling
ly nrel nn •r, ornm..fattna tern.. 13
la nahat icested to the 3 . 3 311 O f, ".
Of 3fhirte - nl . Th. 11 , lau.urgaw..ol to the auu
t:: rommazeting: meat 31••/.11.3 'lee or the /It):
Eurgl, and three rover. •r • ,fau, teeth. te•ing hpu
went, P. the Imam-. ..I'Patahnryth at.uohlttro3W
etulnant dear- the ..31.” et le it: lowa and Von
The Int l• embrlelter arr. of 3r.),
one hundr.el up) lilt. re, trent. runntnn haek
dnel and Pity feet te allor The itnpro•ern
new : the hettua tmrlk. rualt suedern xtyle,
rhstert•l. 1.13.1 .n r eat 13.0 h., Le
mneenlehea ;hat gusi tuateer.3 4111 ar..:3 ant
,-ard to 1 here ta ...II :3 ex::
boner ,In
st•hlin3. • aartehr ..hti
err rh,t, rta I , ll.lU.Uti nA
.11 rern.3.3 1., au raw:sq....hen •3 are prem.., rien , ra
men wieL:h3 to hurrhaae are 11.,1.3 to rah thr newer
twirl tate pl.-Laura .y..t03 ever, ithrma
Oh. It • rare .harey .. 3 ...eurln: • 3tl.3hrthr rret
to purat...e. nt•th r.
1.3 t th 3 113 k
Real Estate.
J 4 li.A .
Nat L}: wo 1.
T 100...., mid lad. it. tli,4.
r, .
tam . LI, • • Ur co Littt.rtt it,. i. •na the otklut :n '
kltre-A poko ot ,round. I,lcet . h 4 ..1 , •11: :4{M.1., T.I
3 tect tut ..Nrmer. rt • lr r irlrr 10 1: 1.11-rt, et.
Kore,Mlll ..lourrtal e..,ey , ,
1 lIuth•Ell MIA, 11A %I o -.t Cr..'. .., ~,,t nn,
mu t tem, klitlll very r01u01.1.1,1,. ko.V tllhhntt -"
vet s% socket en Bank Lone. Ail, It., rol, tud front
log ott the Penn. nod Ono hiltal,./. I gr. 111 /4 ogyetr cl
It, 10.p0t. , .4 ea...rot/or octet. hi the l'ao+l 1,0.,. tb•rt
u 0 .oanart..i :.;ikE... l r .nt rots
roe 'frt. roquer. nt Is I ~ , ,IChloN. kilta it;
0: .1 the ?tuck•tore nt
- ouglf• ka., , r ct Uneket auk ILI 1
1,4'01i 11E3.1 . I 6« 1)u - tilling., No. IS'
l'hiol tmt. neat Froththidi-o• ...a, sr the
row book build.: and Or statutuar iiiiil paiiio - un 01
the entire Lour... rixlll,lol,o Ihr 1.4 rhornher on t
,t ool 0.,. ha. • hrth rt., 4,3 w-hod. trah Lot .ad oz
yotet. voter , inort, ,
Air , -the You. adl• 1.100, .t • 3:Rulers. rent- Eniuter
au,. if _ Fcnrth ktr....1. near Wald.
. . .
For Sale or Perpetual Lease,
I. 4 "ORTY-TilltEll flUnilllbiC.l LOTS. laid '
IF :.a iu ~,t :,..... :',. In tt, othilhAl Oat. of !I, n• •
. AtivOtent hootutk on both ri.ln. of Itelort.oto•ehouti •
. Lane.
AL, tor rent for Lae moo, 'eon, th. reohlue of int I
out lot no idai It eaterollou Lock In 1.1,1ze .trot. ItUctlt
revuoled as r; nuodure 1, , t
For terms, ire.. .t. , tutts ~I tor. •IlttIES bit:LAND, nt-.1 , 1
the prem., or al the ruh•crtl.••:. ot his ;Mr, On, 161 I'
lib ativia. l'iusburab.
ylmt . • tt ...
A (Mod Bargain is now Offered,,
Pr,. Mtn. r.ur ACRES. to Itit.tanta• Iktrotta.
t. , itt. Urn , . Island—en the protplArt It It , ar.l t.n tap', r
•,Lb arentsary I.ollttlosr, tr. 7E, plvt• y tot ttl
.IN Into L , 4. and mid 1.1 a p.. 1 prtllll. 1' miuu dtenc,l
otrzha.t •111 eqq+l, w PAULI)
Jrzs • 11 inroad 41.
'United States Patent Office.•of it:n.6o/14 I.angdoli,
MIA V, prat tug for 111 , extra/Inn /./ gue.nt
granted In lam en the gtL lament,. (et itugrn.
aa , nt in marl.luo lor alaGlaa plant et-tg , In , /. 1 .% ter j
...wen ',ate/tom the, pingt. , a mad tegent... Lich ,
plane tha :untid January.
Itar‘lored that ea,/ petition ta• beer,l at the gat.
•nt d in an the 7th dalea/ Januarf. 15 , 2. at I) a s, 1
atat 441 ger. , n tlll,l loaglear and Owe teinee,
tf our thq het , . ghr .t ,tat - ng ought not to IR a t an ,
rataair ..‘44 :Ina the .4aten44o are re/Juin-J . 4 , 61,1h the
Patent "thee them etg.rtiatta, epe-theslll eat / a
tine. at ledel toasty day* hefore the , tai .eartne; all ,
ieetnnon, nle4 by either pan, in baiai0i 41,1114 :. 14 :16 4.4 4:i
ona p;4:144 1444 talo4 aral Ma:l4.lllN attantotace the.
ruin. no Mr 4 , 111 e., .pleb li t lutatatoml upplica:
106,41 4 4 al, that this name le. polihehtel In the N.
ilenal Intel/met:eel. 1:4,111411,a.] Uniou. IMm111:104..144/.
Eapra.m, N. I.: Alban, 614144, akma, Albany. N. 1.
124‘cavorts.41 Atlrertle, V. Pr . ..llene, ;Int,
nat. ginehlen., It I; Adeettteer. Meee
gentuyißanla Inquires. I'LL/Wm:4.a, /a. and Pitaat4:ll,:l4
thug., guanine, ..n.,• ,, uere, 4•44444 1444. /arm.. anamait.
gerke prey WU, Lathe •040011 a., 0 January. ISfeg.
11108 to HANK.
;ant:l.4l/3r Ceenteleeioner of Pateute.
United States Patent Office, o ,kN the petition Latugdon, 'Of
aulteh. 5.. Lurk. re.ymg br ths•aheonum of
¢rantesltry mm DO/ Januar3.l.lehha..nitn
proveßt.-ckt ihtut.:lauelor Ow% ebloKlera.
from the expiration td - :ant patont. ernieh taken {dace nu
the 9th day or January, 1 , 11,..
It Is ordered diet the end petition In beard at the Pai•
ant udfw on the 7th day of J11M11L1,18.52,, be 12 cieltek, 31.,
and an yertone en notified to ItyPtlr and shun new., If .
ani they hare, Ti.; eau petition ought mot to be granted.
crane os•poelng the extet..itio hr. tile lotto.
Ps,teut Mt. theft objection., epee - Inc:idly set Cohn lu irri•
nog. at least tecuty nays beta. the lona of hearing: ell ,
reetAntony bled by either pan). ie . "... at itesaid •
log, mart tee taken In acrettuir. with the rule. of the e f.
nee, • Inch cid iv furnished ou Alvin - anon.
..irdered. alto. that this Once be publish. in the:sant:3
M Intelligence, tlopubLe and Union, Ilaohington. ,
Expreas, Albany Ware Itcgish.r. bath. Cotonterrial Ad ProrldrunaJournal, Prtreidettre,/t. hoe
Inn Pally Vnirertle-r, Boston, NUN, Penney/ea:4a Inoue.
ter, Phiutdolpida, ano ratebondi tiasetle,P,tt•Lorgb.
Pa— epee. nee. use three ,uer. too,
S tye revious to Li,
7th day ml January. (bee
'llion. .11 DANIS.
Counnuoioner of Patents.
United States Patent Mee, 1
Ocioura 4 lASI. j .
ON We petition of M. Sorel, of Pariu,
can pniylng tor the extention of • patent punt
eel to bent tor an Unproved maul. of preecrrine iron Kiri
steel trout flirt or oxidation for seem:, ran from the rape
rationsaid patent. whith takes pier. on the seventh
darot oi
• it , 4 7 .. - r - d - enZi . h;llbe maid picalou 1* heard at the
en( t ou Saturday, the tdh of lretvolUer, liwl, t 12
o'cluelc. and all ta•rauus are tt..., app,4rand shoo
rauee. if say they hate, •hy auhl pell4.uu ought 5211 u t.
- "Nrenle uppnessig the exten.lun are is.sairsd t.. Mein the
Patent toillce their sh,estio..... sel l tint
Una, at laud testa% das . ben.. the U.
testimony 111,1 Us was) to he used ai the heannk.
must be
tam,d transmit...l In lu:suntans.. with the !
rules of the whist. sill Le tut - rushed un synth:shun
tordered. also, flat this net.ce putdisbed IP ale ..
(tonal Intelligences, Republic. end Uniun, Washingt...
U. C.: Courier and Snows,. New Volk. Penns, llama in .
gulrer, PlaLladelphis. Prima, i• 1111111, Providence Jone,. '
Providenr, Rhule Island; Daily
'2 .et hasten, alas
sactittestts. Commercisl Duncan. Nest Orirstis,Lounieue..
and Pittsburgh °netts. Pittsburgh. Pent:L.o,lmi, OD, &
week tor three etirmlunes week. previous Ise the sixth da, I
or December nest. US.RWIJA.7IE.
oellStawtts. (. I .l ll ro l uainner el Puente.
Kentucky Mutual Lite Insurance Company. 1
lIIS COMPANY offers to the insured all
Saoy and advantiores of the Mutual sad Joint,
wet feet applied) oombilsed, namely: Low
rates of prnaltitk annbal tarn In cash of•ths per
containe required kg the contingent risk of lbo Pn: ao
adeluate. but not emewiales pro•ision for the future semi- •
tit, of members for the whole term of Ilk, wtlh an eNulta
bier- Interest in the aernmemung fund serum! roeh ,
members, payable et drath, emu'. op.:, their :
A - guaranty fund Oesignvil for the bormanent recant, I
short tarot mounters, and al. for the mains ioeunty
Worm tor the whole tette of the.
I. the only Mutual Llfe Insuranee Compune
whoa. Mt. Of premium are Baal a: a fair reduced snuoi
ant, with a provielonfor an annuall, incb.a,ing aeuumu. I
.ta u of lun y (for future '<moray/ ha exact PropoetiOn to
the amount of Loathe_t awl the incmasing rink from al
r ant nun among the membera.
Pampibleta, tracts. ae., Airing In detail the plan and
rotas of We Company, turniatted,gralle, end Applicata°. I
fur ansunume rot:mead by J. rutoorrr,
L., Wood street, litUburgh. I
DrtwonTU, 31,,1ical Examiner.
caeka Wrater Et rained 011:
6 !kis. .• Hacked Uhale
3 brown Tkuneri: 03,
150 6 .11 , 1,.m Collet
25 111 eLest. %11. •
15 Pove,shueli
U Imp.
awl 6 D. biaen. ext. Ilan, for latollY
boxes s . .. Tobacco, etioice brandr,
lU 1 lb. Lumps,
16 tlarees
bblo.L Nutrar:
21 • !Loft ed •
tut lauding 1.1.1 for alt. b 3
DI. RN C.•
OX.A.IaIC7AVID-3110 lbs. to , :
t:l op . bya,.
....r ktuttiv.z.
• 1.0 Cuudlewlelt; for sale by
001 1 • a. CU LltEtel,k/1 1 a Li).
kIL PEPPERMINT — IOU Irno, pus, for
'Li , Md.. by t0c1.5/
LAIL RIBBONS—A. A. 31.m0n Co.
0.,0 )»).1 /LI) tow Orli .14».1.1,1)) 11.1 bi
IN E.° 11b1/1. fur &Tie by
(11)1.11/illTL))01 1100.
MORN STARCH-4100 lbs. ° a clsice_arti
ux.ulaztureil, 101.111e11.0 Lod e1 11 1)01.7 .
Yurpuem It a u/Ail tiwith SAILIIire3
itk nix prams-woo Ol 1) 0 4u1 11 1 , 1 1 ) Pleu“). l / 11 )11;
cueLsAIN griddle imker., pi..rndue, le- but ➢
up um 1 wuuu
1)11)))/ys, with lull du...Lk.. my Lbw Jur by
et . l4 J. KIDD .s IXL. fa Wadi sL „
rUSS: BLUR-7 boxer best, foe Bate by
J. SCIII/ I )Xliakil, AC*.
IRON will be received in ladling. (with a
=al animators...Ll rot TWO BULL/Mio LOTS,
tea &Till Wan!. .thuwar• U• •
• acr k urg, *Timms
„ \ \
•,.. \'• , • \ \ ,
• ti , ',, I,\ °\
k ' ' \
• , „ ..• „ ' - , , \ •
,\\‘. , , \ , .0 , ' • \
‘ '':
\\ • ' \\
. \ ''i •—\,,' , \ ' \ ‘, \
\'‘, \',.\
\ \ • '
\ ' , ' \ \ ' \\., \''''..... . ' ~, \ '''
• ---'''-----' ' — ' 's ' • . '•
\ , '
' \
•\,. \ , ,
• , .
\\ '-‘, ~ - , 1., \ •
• ‘\ \A \ .. \ \
• • 1 / 4 ,..
\ ,
~.„0,:.• ii;b. b ` ~ ,
...11 they a , lad , - lAA
itiat=t7"4".‘ \
s -‘
4 seliktint ''' -
Pau taw r '''', .
.13 \ht ter Y • = ‘,„ N ‘,
. , .
' ',. . 1.,
'',..-,, ,
AU ,'
\ \,
4:, , •
' V
\ .". 1 ` . ` - 1
tf..toi . ttouf k bl• ta t the cod, mu,
1 .....b. leriu, , ,veher. w.f . ,.
\ I 'II.C , BDRE 11'1% , 11
ft . sl% ,.
\ • Cal•ar .„. ll, Tuniado,
\ , • , ptiOto of io , lzklo,
, te. Pi qt.:V.:slue dah:Elt
Vie Brow
Itait4y4nt or trite., dcslll lid+
, , 11fetudatim• Pai,-itt tho A t olars
C \. ". in 01.1 don. anClerrourvellln
\ thy \ i s and......Yptin I.s t .parria,:sk,RL
t. „...., I, ...• *opt tha Bid 5a \Ler. of Adpett
."... \ \ • d -,\ Palo in l ,:\ Older do:. e . t
.1 s ' 111 Alders, Coda,. I betaiitY. t
.1 \ o 4.. y. Lt: la . ..tuurt
11, fuee .1 0141 ..\ . •
\ .!•,',°"• \ \
tp, a t. , . '
..„..4 \ on Va . . •,i . •.4i. n e.• .11"/11,• Cii RN ouw .
1,c.0 1 ,... • Autry. is , ki•Trtallnal. 'rountlar blauttru.
15 ': 7 s'' • PENNBYIV7 ,
/ma, hvoorrh .url 'h .I.lnrontttN of tlrint \air&
• the • • • .R :
nor al Wittl•Friew. general ,toor.y Ik . 0.. .. kk,...., - .. d
, Dr. PlittleV .
he s so, t ft'., - --•• ', .\ ~ Ltroo, e,,rl - 01,.., • • ~„,,,,,,, ..k, o ft i, j .
""" ' Csonirted to fk.apoel, t_ I B 'a fh•;,treof of JoAri...t7, \ ...11.... re .' by t trwuN Inundation il t hrelth
,• . :
I- Eniluel. Tlll6 kal /1 \Cal , AND \ 51 . /Y1 INCREAsED. : \ ' 4,4 th - th ...I \IS n et tat. Ir.' It pro. MOP' •
YON.uli to sal rtlone:. nd at to helllthr ...illotlho tat tehti , \
lao-rd, •II F. SIJ BSCIt I BLIIS' .),,,ve te Id k!agore i. t - . \ \ \
annaurew to thesis ft to - ndif .. P•t: ife . 4 'She Ceoh• - Lit . 1 trbo wt t to. par a the‘l.l.. term th Litt •,,
I , ~, an..ll.orsad, let w• L., ordamen . froidgarthw ~,,,. ~* * d d. atm.,. 1,-,ontse dc le appo to
.. Itut --.-\•':,
rs. 1,,i,t . . .. 1.44 ' ' 4. ' l s `th. 4. '.Br . lrtu t ls 4 ts . d fr'''et.t. Is .
, t , t,
„, .
,t ct I t, . Phlladrlrlala tp 01 I, t4.ita:
„„„,,.„,, .
~,1 . .,
\ ‘•,•, , . ,, ni d ta .ti t . . i li o r , ti cs mj i, - , k r7 ,, , Eint ,, , , 1 . 4.. : t 5t r t, t; , i ,,. .Y15 . 1zyt ils t i t t I . t%•not:r. leaort etc. Dr. nyeott's,%t 4 Z or„ ',., 1
. ,la and t araaparill •Led, Cnr , •itin 1..11. 1.1.11 t \ , \
Ble .0 thr i . A .th...,,,,.. ~f ~,. nd .1,1,vc , ,J\ he uott 'lnaba-non loiroluv artlphlali
..,,, ' ,
or, tabor , tM•-Dry °nod.. trot, thcv.i. Wain', , to. an. they II noror\w dumpy, tad t. 4 it , 8 4 . 1 hl . t \ . I\
. . Cutlery. l'onfartlhery. &4WD..
'..';'',;.T;l'l 'urttiturr. Idona...lledwine., owl. - . tit la ialihe th ea• nt . ter waset/iner l / 4 arnacrt \ ~_ ,
. . 'pate I.'l. Its, ' tor,ll. i-a., - \riii,d-as rx.pern,uct, L jtual lona ono fita‘h u ...
''...... \ LItur•tfarf..lrOt in. other ao etart,. r conanundals fit tlett on ekrwrieni - 4, - .A ' \
, •PS .' . ;
1 ~, ~...` ,. .L. .; ;, : ;:t. ,-, ,,,....thri, c\
~ Too, Iff tr. ' nate el onetbac• to c...• • here. Ilf,u,anftt \ \
4\ :,.. ..... ...--.......14............ A.. r I at, from lily chi,: vo.tert • teatedr; ittefare, hs.k . wAtur I, ' . u
DO 5: t ..,,_. I ..,,af...........,-, kilos*, buth.r.'Lari. Last .. \ . ' brokso
Illu ' broltl ar..l sr Var. lionanq Mall:mar to ~, ~.\
~„,„,„0,. )- - ' ' ( 17 .....:"... , 4,..., ....,...:‘,.. .. and .2.9. la; la ,1 OM N/NUL N atil . , of• hid‘re•dovery lot ,V. .. 4 1 ,
tan yard.' 7 - 11,;{,i,,..”,4,f4.1,. -• ! • pattent unit odere. 41 t.l.n\ . hurt: ~ l 'lphyrtioa --•. s, . - :-.....\
3 bt. d , '
',:k o•Dones.B•ooOh•SM. , ' •i, ratisto Itea aloha In iluo iC. 'stntel , of rdtlow Doo U
dtenorri , , , ,
IN, , t• I ,O DL. d lOlL , Ortlra , . lau rurntrarlti t a, s a teens eldrifite bi• libi . XeLltn. 14 - '' • , i ‘
ad .0. , . •P ' .. " 4 '' ,. . 1.. .,` ` 4. "‘"' '
--, - and no have h hoods ' no daulirtlnr. tdrafreetty .
fAce- .. ' N• -. 851. 1, , ;
~, ;\
~,,, ~ \
k , A,, qf •
~,,0.0, , ,1 ' YORK Cl' Y Tin! i lIALKeI. RA , - 211E.PPLIAW1NO: •. \ ',. • ' 4- ' l'.
with I 4, ... \ .N: da January 2.5., \
Muer, fur i 1 Mil-hla.f. " ..4l7intais..l ; .kr lAnzr .-We take id 'eat. lia Mtn that ;Sa ',. V.
,cli taks.l
4 ....1 P ,, ,. .."...htt5h ,, ,, „ t h. ,
~ I VOluer 1/xk .1 daruarorcha trui, arta ittlahoticrt hA
the 1,11. ' • k 1.0. Xll4l • 4\sa.ll I ' ...TX ' .1 .• X '
...dal, I
N N 1 A Ltlds tOuper. Lla acultemlit, inforuivl 0 that his \ " •
...ore, , I LLOWS: \ . ' .1. j. ig, ' '
..,... , dn.., ..,- w...0u .1..1 w•th 4 en toenstrok,n, and \ .. I .
le In th• ',TI -k. I deo ddaaft, dee. rto hut ial. eel had haft:had bet \
„ a , + ,~ttFFF , .1 mina: niunittuald
y •harae for • luiµ tin.: lidi.,lo the . \„. . \\".., .It
ma, ail , ..\,,.. ,;,, ,a- of De. 11 ,ortedee h.. & and rsailla le nu& , - -.. .' '
~- ; ',..",,,,,7; i 'ta.l.•ally cur. , :he u i Towneeill; . en t , tharo withou
rod, rho. I.oirtioure i rect , n,•,- the ightort h.. .61. Ltd a 4 lut daujatter dl. ' , . y- t
kat .
th• O. a ~,,,,,. alt. ‘,a t. a r , i4oe N Lila. L ' Till PJr CO. , ,
' 4 ,. 1 ,47r, ',. 11.. waMeldta, iowero e•-'atity:. en It4f '
0... r... ),
\ . :.... ,%. .n... 14- ,at On., I , urrhatad.‘• 1/11T1 lJnoe ego, ' - ',!
~ Jour-
ILA-a_ i 0v... 5 hot
L . ttl •otel'ed ~ .r Dock.. rat•aparßha torlfto rid, '
of.Orali . Wd white !he ,load tor her es Plaint. 117aiyala. and ' \ ' l t
*,,,,,,,, ,
, tt....a.,.4., i boil of be , V••ub, c„. 1,;,.• to
b•• alreaktf
, :t.
• ' 110,1 bee ver. 1;14;1, tit fl,o Er irelsa it \ `head e r . 4 ','
' eareso turps. liay• at purl rd • aettivd dadsle. \'• . ,` \
and 1u11,; fro • thr,ed. fof the fa er. feel Itfthliart A ./..IeI A - - -'• I
k, o 'oil rdlUet a •rfeet e re. • \ , 'f...1 . ., . A ., •...
,ytt 111
to of a ' , fshtdr t'.• tf•ft -1 . 1 .dr. ... Lal/LCII:\
~,,,...ta,.....' •.1 ..
f / e•t• ' • ' il l' \
\ • I .• ' a ,
' ',
. 7 \ 0 - • 4 '• • -•-•
."0". Lif,sl. . WESTERN \ .-
1851. Mr-,, iraol‘lin \•uf Yr ,I'.', , c n 4 nr unr •,n, ' 'Ill" ' . :, 4
a '
lt . Pas , ' TRANSPORTATION CONLI I / 4 1NY , haPi ~. q ,:,• d • ' ..i •• or Lb ...a, cad. . .'4. , .
k 31., . n.u../ .. Or Eau tank , . • d . tau anew sf t t rote of -
If . D. LEECH .4 CO'S. LINE. ~ . leu hell ..• nt.h.ling. owle. -t, .4 -.v.'s k 1. w Dick
k rt. l
Ltited. I
\ '
u '" 1:1!;:. a1,..2 . , -'--" 1 - j_ Ty,
," j r ,". f.,,,,i. ~,,, pJ ..till
24),.., bypp UNI XL: , you ro t,
at ell , ,
RAIL ROAD AND CANA L , -1 ., - '''''''' v r '''' '`" '14 . 1.. Ik'k
• ' ''''''
die.f. I ~ I -: I ect,nf 'you, Ls .. been‘fl - to mean • u r t tte ,8; '
V' -4 s Ithl l'f\sf , h•ef: sl nna,n o p. , ... . 1 alt. and the
111013- • PITTSBEROa. PIIILADELPI.III, DATt I- 1 jora,,, f l'oe og ht.. , '.' • . .
1)., , , .
I Ad• MORE, AND NEW YORE. • ~ , WINCCM 4..\1103 , 0C A a4.c.;\ • le Vella • . 4- . k
j t ParoanA , : \
.1 1 ,, 7 „ f r , ELIE Cnnal being iti good cfrder, ..31'd . kt,e I r 4 i t . i , 4," ., 7 1 1, , t, . ' ,„ , 4 ,::! . e,' Lu i' : 7:tr:
.1,....,17 . . \ '"'
, ~..
drab. prepared to trahatatrt breather, and •neerebandble to , , •‘, Y \ . \ - , r ,
•,,,,, n r ht. Si,. ahnre :Alio, •t th• lowre-t eurtent rah. Cl , . fon.t terrutie...lns run It. tho hoick and. was , ,
f efebt, with pleu.istuee. sod citerab,L. The Ante neta •,, tott.:l; ttoubldst vikh dirat au, ih\thdhattltatld • the \ . . .I •
. cm, ate, owned Val cart:tolled by thY ..11 , 1W1,COTT,. EMS ,
, , 1,., ~...r .. .., , ,,,, ,i 1 , ~,,,,,,,,,1„,,, ~,,,,,,,,,, , I.l.2lr•taittet, 91 n hsr*. f tarter - 6a and left•,, 1 or , ~, .
Feuded L. . , A' , , \earl. but a Lee,, tor manta I Init:a tit soway'yo... ~. ' - ,
it t Apply to, or adiltri lAy,s ..
L . ,,,,r , ,,... i cdp-oltlng the mot b. tue,llcul tria , n in LW, wette.• u 1._..,• 1...,1
~.k, ,;.,,,.. ~,,,, , ~,,.. ~,,,.. 1 10 . .ett141.3, bg , t could qt iftrebcf , rolgtkietrprekript, ... '.
- ionytu, 11 u,:cii. pth,./..10y a . I horn ula* toted a greet arlety 'I, fatally ronlielnolort i. - •
tn. , . -,1i,,,,,n n , 11,yot. dor. 13 a Is, Math .1a tu, Atha , ay.'', or no atiocrauy. Buttlii. n ~.* t 6,,t 1 took Ca * ' : •5t....t
and Drliretina Depot..dock - t.,YlOlla. •i' d k d 'if • ' '
auntf+Nlllll & I'd 41011delltt,'Arotota• '''',„ l.. . ,°. ..,, .r . ... r 5 1 _,? 4 ! , 1• ,.. t ' .. "." - i•
' 10 ,. 15. hone st....duiltlmore. , , aLa urtptall, 10‘1.1.0 al Uti au otspr intlng VAC., I.: .. .
• . .... T. IL I . l . Alted, Arro.L. . Onto. werlientlrely . iondoe ' !IT tor.dr . lld tow strove•
. ift
, ~, .
7 . XX ,. . 111, ` . .nr4N 4, Y"X' • atal Ova tiara tato, my atm, 44 len.Oito reoh.reltto id, . '
, . . , , .
loot . 28 HOOKS
i cLEvELAND . , . .....kk0.0,.... tar ratrstualoa aro war. irtl hettdly. ' .
*la .
. , ' ' al.l to a.::4arr lead., ual 1 toel rya all reineelfrillyslcoo , ' 1 • '
~, ,e ..: . ' a :__ , '*-7 185 i. i iti a. ,, .. , ~,....,,,0.,...
_. ila\e glaereverstl ris,r 1.‘ , 44 \ v.• .!
od e
, I PIT SBURGII AND CLEVF:LAND ,1' It 0,.. v,i,,,,, u.-,,,,, ~..1 ~,,,,,,,,in„, , t ,,,i itifi\ , \
~,_ i
qt.: l Ex t r.orsa l'arket and Boifroad b.:, ID C Zel , eland. I 1.•, - , ',;,reell, 'rddiread t;•,. It. htri earrasa their hultirtfalt \ , \' , \..,
‘,„ 4 ” , lIASSENOERS lease eTnr.) , onintineat 9 ! ..atitua.,. - Yonra tnoty. 31 AIteIId.,SPABLIOCI. t...\ ,
...:, fL. cp c 1.1.. hy otrall.mat lo XI •les the, h , f'lltret• ' sdre' ,, tasto ilsholtta unte , l D Illf tn Ittlf - • Lottltutu'lu*,,..\ , ; • 4.,
rens, thendi. hits ittrltuf ah f:r.d Clot, ' LOG., 0 , us.. pd ussoe ...i tt, Strop Worn Gutie ' k i ~ .
''. : i.:rn d ir.o ' tlll If; i g.,,oLod. . N k,,,,,, ~,,i ,1, n .n,,,, „,,,,i nce , .q, P. inn,...n. on f..t \.', ', 1 \ •
. . \
"' i ''' lit.if:j'..,.".ith''' .tr, It 3 , boom. . f . -hsste .trld.sto . \ , • • • :'~.
I.l.lcat,co. CO 'l, .., ..1.1 , -, J. v.l - Altii‘Clliotuall, Ohio, h0t1.....0 tasnor \ •
t su
i 7,, , Tlstrta , &Iran Ulm...Lb to ,
OINCINNATI,\ • , Ir roof th ....I . b •luotefreet, volt...we oz. 0., .... r_4 ,
~:„. , ~,. ,-,,,
boo.. all ,N sm.. be , twlltneeol
Vin...e....lutabo. and' Aenta, by. Cirselnteiveo.l Clefelonfti '' • . ' . •• • I : • , , •,, ,
• • J. 'Kati 4 CO-11., kahuez4...<l • C0.,.1. A. jsy,,, j, -
Rallnad. • t N
y. I ltunuarer• tor Detroit, Cele..., and..liilwaull.., hate IB J. it', . attLorals, tow A. Isolthano, Allugluevy c - ei ;.. • . , ~. , \
C. 4.4...1 .. ' .14 . ` .44.4 .4 " 1 4'6.c. • 'kU th.. P ...ll, 1 L.. 2. Itutoeu. llutatiaufd; L.. 11.11artio. Cr - fratowS.,ll - ' • ' - of Niclitaasu Lculral tanned Lo4r ututtutt„. • . .
tII olly. , rrerntlldrat d...inunta.S4onn.-t: rt.. d at,in,:a.,„ - . . \
al - ..1i o'clock A. M., br Railroad to :. dr Itullalt,
di ! 1t7P,..:,,,,,,, ..,.....;,,th,,,..„, ma ce ,. h,. a b,, * , - I 13..11.40. Mod & e... ft,..n.,,, loa;Mto../re. 11 - allord•rdado
. , - Durlnt low water in we I.ollu Byer, this roan:dol. - Ruin. i 0 1 1,10d, a ,d a f. 1.,;., ludja,,,, j. g. dryi,,, „ ~,,,,.„, . . , „_. .
w f nail, SI Loulscand Oaten. aid Le found hturlicfl.otur. I kVA., TI L. Illookailleu A. Willioti• i, hen. I.'art.4l.earg 1 '.• . A • . •
l's ' 5 .''. 1 ' . . 5 ... 4 ~...4'. ' "r' ' '. .' . " l .' th'' ' '' Buo ' ' • /11/o:araind & Co, ..t.. entlenuer. blewleilte; Dol. a co
. ; . , LLARItI. a AR hd. pnotort. ,
Rocuriare.B.A 1 dfrae:fflrtilana 2 Forker, BarreLl Jaatts Bell, 1 Co, Put. I. : ;
. .
For tickets or information of rir to , - ' ' t h n - ff, , ,iralcl. than., J. O. i...umte.riku Warta.: iL. a t.:
.10111, A, CAUOULI, Agent. I . .t . 4.. ~,,,. I pCr...-, ' .
, (up stairs) net of Nalth6eM and Water atrettu fS. esa -1 . I -,,, anrrnrt. ~,,,!,Jr: . .l.ltoworet.le.• , _ •, . .
cl . I Dynamite the \ Bonsonithel• /food. ‘ \ !'r i te - Prirr-ili per .13 , f1i,,....* Boffba fee I.*. .:., - , , . „. \
~/ I 30:15 I•II . 2dBUROJIA , .
\ -.
,•_,.. ' o
I irlirrat 1851\7_ , . i f ig t -4- 1 '. Judd ' s Medicated Liquid ,Caticle;
. I
i'- - UNION LIsNE ~. I \ rl l lllS A 1tT1421.1. Is intended tni,latnily une, .- r• . \
~ '.: , I ..,,,1 rhould IN:mend to the restatead. ad alai y tam. . - .
Li , on the penneyivintet an d uhi o C anals . • I h, in 11.4 Lind 1.1.thit0i,... •L. oar iti'fsto /out danyur ry t .
.f , \ •
a I Pitt/PRIETO/Id: \ nuput, to Moir 141..1. 0..4.01 taadult at. unalLs tr..1...1. • ..,
lor hr tworra low. t nIl., • 111 hurt llY t ait tu la to 1 ult. , ~ - 1 \
1 `CLANKS, dAyllid ACV . 11 , caraten. P. i ual•le , to tou., .to aro: u f•lt tale: will or:fa:da yet th A,,,. .„..- r, ..
_J •
f Lll.4,3li!Entsy., L RAU 1 Op.D. et1.%)...,-ltat rum , ,a. rt jud,....... , 5 t r; .,
... ,.. u.
~ , u,. ..,,, j...4,,.._ •` .0 i,.., , , , „ .,
..,,... it. t ...•. i
' , III b well Icnilil i•M la DOW rf tutrdd to [ It.
I r l i ...,,,,,,yr,o,, 0af,..........-, fr,,., ivrt , ,Butmil , ..:', o l)P'te:,:r:','„ - :‘, 4 4,V1P21',; , ..',`J„.",,,'„,1.7 ...:-. • .1 - -\
.., CLEVVLA:iIf. to .3 - lolut tau the Crawl end Laker.- I, 14,,,4`,..,th.,1,-,,,,,,,,:0,,,•,,t,' i1 ' ,.,, , , , ,, A ,!,i7,' ,1 ,.;',,„:;, - ;a, a , i, „ --- j j a a
The facilities uf the Lana eret unrutto.. 44 „ A lst h *F .... n . i.lf I au eatai:rst INlnalual td :de., :i5..., ii, di re
Ity. auftranantr DI D 0... erloort•hss. of ` ... ....t,: , ...• .` I turn.. alma, Kato, St ut-us, arittall'kintlsoi
no Sta s , •.:- .;,•Y
Iraq oft 4Arnt• •
\ \
Ono Boa( I . Plttobutut.....Al o..,einna ttaalylnenotte; I -'''''' '' '''''. '''''' ".' ' " "" .4... q ... "‘ .1. • ~ ---.-• L,
N , Cl/AdLr.d Vllllttl/W All, M.D., \ . ~ -.i '
In munaetlon ell a Lln• of otratotavra traidrieen \ PLITT.- 1
NS di. U. CASI: X, IL D.. . \
}WIWI! synll3l:AV'Elt, and a Lino of tryt,iaa,4‘..•\.L•La,,,,i • .
N,iNU.4.ll•l4tit) laral) Oa I[l4 Laker. t ‘ D. Itrull.blalf:,' 11. D. .._ ~ . :, .-.. ,
\ F. 111.101.00, dr:Olt U.
t. 11
CONSIONLEA: ' BASH LIO3 1 , 11 , 111 V 111. hf.ll ' '. ~/.-• '. ,:'' 1 • ' • \
Peril& Co.. Yolonnatown. U 4
31. B. Ta y tor, Warren. O.; I ' • Eta, HI/Kill Wilt!, /I. b . , te.tar.k.‘. •- -
Camprlalsur laf.ti,, , reset:mug Idtlaitflud. th 11...0 L'lty 0, .. \
s. a. YU Utah, .I‘..toq • ail. 04 ; 111.1d1o1.•n. •
I C. tare nn, Itaraua. 0; ' - \ In t 14.•ie, br - U /I; A PA IL 10.1 . 1X1i a Cu,
' • ' ..t . ,
ib”b. Lk , "..... , t .. • t Je2) ~ \ carver Woos/ so 41 , r•etrtol. •
~ _ •, \ - .t
Kent. tinnnel a en, ifran tin, ,I. ; , -., yyy -, -
I 11. A. Unlit-, Coralaws Vail:- 1...., ; \I tall; C(.Lit;LA . I..I!:I. of file earn' eland- '''.''' \ \ .: , 1
), Irldrelnr,LeW & Co, Akron, II.; i
Ilandorvotreßettilaoma,nan.lioar ear. ii-
.1 !Agsfsi]..'ill.t.! V.l l, :•!.A.7'etAVillL'l l ? ?4 " .. " 7 \ '''‘' , \
I \ drake.. &Scott, Toledo, U: •
U. Wit:lama & Op- 1 1 etrnIt, Malan-sly •
I ~,,,,,,,A , ~A,
,t,th.„,,,,,kj. , wi,, , , . 1 L
.. i•, IL. ,; ( ca1,../, -/.O. t, It w. atth sh•it , uto / sr.'.
Oro. A. Gibbs& ik., Chiron, 11d: , rraAtarhetay uur Mart 1 .11,, • nu. h hal e ra. t Ctrl tout., '. . , . \ \ „ -
• TL. a• X1a111,.4.1 ., 111. • • ',tau. r tA...0 uf aur 3 utl id th.,tsustri. Jlasys: hr . ,, s
! \ 'MIN Jk... u.tua Flay, AF ,,,,,,.. , • 1 ustfatflud... , ll - iire ured IL., ....1 futt ‘ ufl asar....llratrat, ~ , ~,,
•t, oat. %Gator oruj, j,atth r u a kj. t ...1.,F, , ,,,,,a,. eut uttlits i,t..l,ll.Usta• anehtinneuelkelalicl. , N. , ~ , , , t ,a, T , \ ,
. Inytoll 1 :au ray that 11..1ra natal ...rad.res,anttr . :
,s,.S .
.P.Ze ton Tickets 'to teaver, 2,5, cents. , i I "`" ''''e "'"''''''''''''' 1 " T ' ' l ''-`l.' - ,'-':.'. , ' ',':',';'",*- . \ !,-- . •
r , - 1 . 0.W./a uctirly.•nra - y • oar a and ...
r l: . 1 I tl . l . i l l :Litl s gefX \'' t, tea f. erB „, '''.. I I,'!i,LZ :11=.4... 'lntP=l N.l''':47' l :.", • i \ .., •
....,,... kL,IJ andlnwr at ditioharYg . ..hd i ' . l ' ' , l ' "''
"'lth" '' '' r .4‘ ,;i: t...!;:.1; '\ , 11 .. \ t \
‘ .
. . the:C. sae. not:anent: Thrtia la ,Il a aaS \ -
NlioN . ler. ovary da), ti t uutiat•ordadotodui fllow*-,
t i,„„„ ."
larej. tear, a dadaburghat U ....v. Roeheuher aku. V ' N '.. al,. 11,44, .• J. A l f I. ' ".3. ' 44 ,., h. ds ,e a. at. I i , ,,,.... ' ,,,,0 t 1i1l r•unnoiNr :nit ali V1.“.-1:.,a - U.,
rem*. wiibl 'to no to ISetacr tint rocar• Barttr-fsn 1.,,,,, ,,,L 1t,. ' t stoat yrrant u, 11.1.. eLkaltr, r.c.. ~ *• .' '',. \ •
ttl Itoeles sad buck 1... Litt,burgb, ler SO raj i,'W . trl,, " , Of,. cohturattcat: c: twotrat•taraa \ t.ll.
`C . i. Mut gout Mob n 000 day and odd.. lora t. = ,' .. ~- ..--, • - ,...=\ - ' - ---7- ---
't. r ' -
'','' 0....t.. /VY ..4.4 IL " .In ‘ s h i t'sa \ . . * * l '" , "ss I ----,
intiF• t 1 LL u.lsAltitl ' S .- I.lflCOrdlE.
9.10. - higanrio.....o I the tam of ' •
, .1111LN .4.'.CAU.11141;,,, xr . , ' ' I 17 - nO - a. flu . 01,31 e Ar l k .. , C ,; ' .-4,it....- I , u H' :-T '`„`,,"! ^ „',,, i _7.;
.. ,
ons , I. Water* ernithroda ft,lll,4turna- I et artly al the W.l.\ E ar . ~.. ~,„.b.,i th . i A . - • - • • , \ __ \' s •
\ - -----.,--- \- 4 -, --7.•11...en..,' . 4. l,:ilahaateutraleor Ba • ' III ' . -V
. .'
Arrangement :Kittle to . Forward eight.i.=/7:, r bat:f„.c.,mi:p.... /t....1...11:' 4 ,..,,,?6 ‘ ..1\ \
T , O BALTIDIORB IN FIVE DA,IB, i _ ..,-.. of Tar .....', of a , ..., ,,,, r... p. , 0„.,..... \ ,
~1 ,
AT - SAME! - RATES PENNsYIN lA. 17: ' ,7g:r ir1.:3...,.. ..A.tbr.:;,,T.1.1"'".....=:_-• .-- .. :1' '. ‘,. ~
~RAII,R taD. : Lymp,,Niz i ,i,,,, , phbajalph to . ~,,,,,,proni=r- L l y . s l,lo , NraetNlllo deptau it doo- '..' A
,_ . L , ~
COTODR-V coLr_,... LI ... 0 ,..1+1, , ~trou edtLithoartnurvi. . .'' ' •
`. ' ;WM t. wine . ..Po - AU Wain... dlisrai. alterY.• .r• w- msw frte4l ro ot ta.LtheOrat t rv.haafeild'l. - '. . . .
,„,„, „, siontuanflothesSudasikftlallts flitls ll ,
, ..„
~,,,,,,,,,,,urat.lNa7.ll.lllansVlNlX 1 11 111 e.:111111t41 . 4iat 1 - X • 4,
u .9:4 r 4, ' ,, * •,, • rri; .., ar,11.4 . , 4,.." ( i..,., . . .
. -
xiMIE Ntil
" iWqVta L. :h . 4llal
tlm.hro.ol Phlia
C a ro bvt•
. ill t.
•1 lA. for\
Flue' el.
S \
TII :11D I:LeI:N.7-i
Plied/ to.lirromai
•o 0
1851. ‘,
- - - -
v ROU7'I: TO
,Ituotirli ~ and the Erie , 14
,tr. M in eiin-nsari
".nod d
P . ons alui iads Panorg. rm n
\ LEAI . < IP m
I , ..4lridny•..senptml,)
ttoronaz lexprwrn Tr.° .1
..1 ke.nine •
St, Moot Train .inpw
timp 1n.., and MI, MI arr
I' , .ka. t matins tlirwli
hr ,Insdn•Lt.' •
Exorem. 1 rri.:ld and INlttle TIAio teat,. P,
I A. da.k. Ca{ it attaphmt to this
m-,Tonmmt.a. N :iv 14.mon,rensorl I°l , Tel,
..•• Ind,. booklrl, m NO lora- P.
Ypres lm pr•o /1. a In. ,111,\•
SLIP emsnpany • orrt.rml Wlransimrs Mrs s \ fitselt.,
1-matit. of all Find. t. And from sit • icd.•
Paro, Atte:2LO° Telll maid.; to .Th. FILO,
1 --Pia 6 kyr wad., Ors., this roungreat mt . ritotie•o•m
t...rm , gnu, Itnilmul• In tin. tran,puriatiorno( ,
am-.1,1,11t10n,P ie°l pii‘ In mantitimdein in •
short \
I Moixlit IN3II/. 111 lY ,Its‘nbiamt,irrlon7 (WI rallica.
hr. Po secs .1 thmr.rlmm Freicht- As i,on CP they tmn
I.pnyarmi. CIIAS. OT,
J M 71 7 713111.11 , ham, Piiirtirt • Ltll2Sdai:
'S—Par , eale
%IE L)k