The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 17, 1851, Image 4

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    Powomt As A women vowera-r-we have had
au opportunity of 'inspecting a model of a novel
and very curious machine, invented by Mr. Dag
gett, of Roxbury, well known for bin ingenious
and not altogether unanceemful attempts to oon
street a mscliine for tlying.or travelling in the air
.The present intention is an engine to produce
either stationary or locomotive power, without.
the cid of steam—the• propelling medium being
nothing but gunpowder, and a very emit quan
tity of that, acting by Concussion upon compres
sod air. The machine is very simple. consisting
of a large reservoir, constructed of iron, is the
feroi.of A steam engine boiler, with two explosive
ebstabere attached to it on one side A t the
i-counexien of these explosive cbatitbers with the
reservoir there are vale, which open into the
reservoir. against a spring
The redo, air heing.filled with atmospheric
ie giveu in one of the explosive !cham
bers. This shriek acts as a plunger to an air
pump, and forces a new supply of atmospheric
air from the explosive chamber Into the reservoir .
.The air in of coarse worked off from the MOP
like 'steam, operating upon a piston, and
giving the motive power When one explosive
cheinber as been discharged and the valve
• clotted, to it is instantly by the force of the
spring, the action of the machine is such as V.
.produce ati.milar discharge in the other chamber
thus a regular and constant fresh ate pply
,hif • elpfosplieric air is kept up. . The disch urge
'is effected bye hammer, moving backward. and
`forwards with the machine, and striking. in the
Ithe.manner of a gun-lock, upon the explosive
chambrs ealternately. The powder is supplied
by the movement of the machine, and in such
quantities as may be desired—the arrangement
being such as to admit of the application of more
or less, as greater or ices power of propulsion
. may be required. It in evident from the exper
iment made with - the model, that an astonishing.
ty small quantity of powder will be requisite
for any practical purpose to which the machine
may be applied. Chemists who have examined
It vary in their estimates Of the quantity which
will be required to propel an ordinary income
tire. Noun, however, act higher than half a
pound to the mile.
Mr. Daggett, we believe, has taken measures
to secure patents for his machioe, both In this
country andin Europe.—Roston Traveller.
ARD 01L-15 bblo. No. 1, (Winter,) for
ale by J. SCIIOOriiIAKKII. a C,
not 11"..1 stmt.
A IiROW ROOT-500 lbs: Am., for sac by
rx not J. KIDD &CO.
REAM TAIITAti,- 4 2.000 lbs. for sale by
col • J. KIDD it CO, CO Wool R.
VOD LIVER OlL—Rushton. Clark & Co.'s
Aj grunter. In balk or Itr the dorm or viers. ebr
5D dos. I:W*4M L 'lDlam for releirt
coo' ' JAISES veIANLI, 5S WsLtr
IQUORICE ROOT-2000 lbs. extrafres
fez ale J. KIDD t CO.
tro , mE MADE BLANKETS.--MueraT Sc
e . Blentsts, ve lure tble day reed. a large lot of sure •
%ref me etudry clump.
A Leo,-.1 merles home made FLAN fe ELS. Noetrao ut cot-
Orr cr Wourth our Market Sti, no/
• -
CREAM TARTAR-12 bbly.. pow'd, war
mated purr, for rale by
oa4 - IL A. ELIO ESTOCK. . CO.
SALAD OIL-50 basketa for sale by
QILVER SAND-15 bbls. for sale by
:oe.lo B. A. FAUN ESTOCK A W.
;TEN. RED-40 bbls. bright Eng., for bale
07 a A. FATiNEaroetr. & CU
.Q 1 E DtisrA —I 000 tbs. prime Alormudria, for
.0 di bl IL A. PAIINESIVCE co
' ITINEGAR-50 bbls. for mile by
-VANILLA KEA_NS--20 lbs. fresh, for std.
BURCLIVIELD sass just °p.m.] oak ass, Massa ,t 1
Blue, Unsnas aud drwers ti•sittUsl Elslttusis•
i4Vl. 4 stsecd sr the nortL‘ ot earner ca
Fors h *O4 ..yai
se .;10 NIIBPIib d blilteifFlELlA
.**,4 UNDRIES---1 . 0 doe.
~ ,C orn
. Brn , - , ,nis;
IV Pkt. Loaf sod Crushed L 4,10,
ler We 01 toe.; JOIIN %V AT!' & ,o.
RUTTER—Fresh Roll, in boxes, reed Andy
by' I oc: - .) J B. CANFIEI.O
CHEESE--SW boxed recd and for adla Lp
101S11-10 hblh. Lake Trout,
Ls sale by
J. B. Cali VIKLD.
Y. INSEED OIL-10 bbls.Griswobl's brand
_IA tar sale by J. U. CAVFIELD
EARL ASH-2.5 casks kg sale by
J. ; a. C YALU.
OGWOOD-0 bble. on hand and for sal
P ocl7
RAWERS--500 dos. Men'.
lambs Wwl Skirts bud Draven. rectl c •
ocez A. A- )11...0, tOO.
IaILK VELVETS-20 pc s, most desirable
colors, unw opening by A. A MASON A W.
.88. AMMONIA—a/00 lbs. fur sale by
or 9 B. A. FAISSEntICIL et Co.
Iy.; thia mbngny hr Ilzprees the following &redder—
colored wool De Lad0.,444e11r.
nigh Laster Deek Ca& 1.11 price&
Drroode route De Soi& •
Black limed U;
&h ad Bennet Ribbon&
oat At' north eta/ car. Fourth sod Markel ar.
VANARY SEED-50 bu. prime Sicily. it
Core &rektor male br l. 6IDD & Cl)., &I Irml Ft
SP -18. TURPENTINE.-50 bble. prime
fat •al• by p J. KIDDY CO.
• -
.1..) sale br
.OARB. SODA--6000 lbs. Lee &
Lir lii•Castle brnr.d. tot sea by J XIDD
A LUM--30.bbla. for sale by
Atvsh lot put opening at the drug more of -
J. KIDD 6 CU.. ,O Wood et.
OAP-100 boxes. No. 1 Rosin, for so
s. t W. RDAGO
fILA-RIFIED SYRUP—LS bblki. fur nth. by
1 ACK.EREL--500 tibia. Large No. 3, 3.1.5-etchuattAt.
etchuattAt. Impectlcrt. Is6i. tor oat' by'
Tilt:. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment-100
doz:kri nabs by 1.61 DD • c.o.
WOODX.NGRAVING 4:Janiea H. - Park,
4V, (swam= to Heeille Jobunon)
efssee, one the Poet Offen, dd nary. Vivre of buildings,
insebdinvy.. a., talons. Tema =Wormy, PAO.
ATILING SPONGE-11 sv ings"very fine.
I:Eu.O46'lT can J. ELTOONIIaraEIt a 01
VIAL CORK6—IS bales long and shprt,
w bf . ha; J. BCfIOONAFAILEIt a CO.
P . •• . ; 1.11.0
ERRA JAPONICA, for farmers' use—
tbo fin Pas by ocl7 J. ECHOONMAIJ.3I CO. k
CATENNE-1 bbl best American Pepper
_sr sot by orl7 J. butlyJninie.Katt Cu.
BOA -40 kgs solid packed "I•eceising
and far mala by «77DAL/L E. CO.
QALIERATUS-5 tons in bbls an bis, for
5...7 hr 's nnlT R- DALIT. Lk
lIJEBE PASTE " Eagle Br ctrid "
op boxer .L.Noo aNd.Pantils, for pa bi
meat of Irsosystent Window Shales fur esis at
- st Wesel. sa.lrvisirbT
J.e LI.PIILLLIII3. 118 Marko rt.
WANTED .SOON—An active partner in
• Le=eMaturfoundi7 mallm •Ml• In •bw
Sums town. prom mllvrt lU
rom omborg m
. A um; man
of goodensmoton wlle a .mall rapid of a 0 00 , ao 4
to In Almowledgo of the moulding: UMW.. ..
tow Int. sad machtaarr. t. 1.1.12 .00041,321 work and good
rums P. glmn/ And to • you mat nitll a ••lldi
capllAl a MIT iffultsble iltuatlon till be Om,. Plwo
taftber partkaalars to ISAAC &aunt&
wm , AVlzer And Inialllgenen 0111mDIsmond, Allm•
lIGAR=SO hhda - prime, in store end fo
"o 1 : R.DALZBLL&OU.
XVI:O.SES-200 bbls N: 0., 50 do. S. H
2%)d0..1yr . U1) do,ln oak MeJpets. s•le 1 , )
a DALZELL IJborty rt
free . i . ,& o t g r , !z'd ,
c a t ALT PETRE 7 -50ligs Crude now landing
a na W. by mile I. DIGEST CO
ONDON 11USTARD--550 lbs. warranted
!Ai =a fur e•lo Dr •J. KIDD • (XL
COMPLETE set a Bucket- Mad hinery
Iburabeti acid J. S DILWORTH A CO.
.Ca POOL COTTON-10,000 dos. jazz recd..
" .trortl9 " 6:444 "a
TABLE SALT—SOO bge ground rock now
L.3lllag And for sale b 7 MAILLI DICKEY A Cr.;
Den') • r w.4reat Dont strov.,'
CHALK -5 tone for, sale by
InIOTASII-10 casks?rp II
m. for sale by
CC 55 13 tW. ARBAUtd!._ -
:4 - 117Faii,Issi§—oo bbls. for saleEy
bozcg WI. E., for walo by
11, ) W. ItARBAUGIC.
- - • -
Sa l !i V r . PAll :', B .;7l 2° ,l2l. l4l , , :;dl i or P ZT
corm; d Penn sod Inds Sta.
CARRI.M. , E OIL CLOTH -Jags reed from
empramprrater.loclot L44. , .. h . 0 1:, 484 8 qua.
tu t t i .:d .Ld
Oqx-4,, ' WI at .VB. frrto l
amt.. .081.41_ J. 4 11.PLULL.188.
It lrliBT opened at the Depot for chow° Teas,
5a.1156 libeeityvtmlt—e omit lot c 4 EWE= BC1:17-
r.D ORDNGE FM/C.I , A, s Wry . atlas
WU. dattcCLUlLu a 00.
(Incas awl T.. Deblers. •
. ,
EMP-60 bides Kentucky and liisepuri
Appitocife - SHAWLS --just reed; 2 cum
V rataniorßroeho Enssrls A. A "MASON CO.
T ow YARN-1 tack for e4e c ta ylaD :
g m ftLEN OIL CLOTH-4mt receiTed from
c falp r ry b v a l s Ara {di GI warte
wrmlr ar00,3
• fro yafla 44 /loot Ull CbOc
:AO a 4
Just teed and tor e . la at our Oil oathll6
Mte et. [teal &
LE casiti In aoutinliterrally acknowledgettenperior
tutur Shaving Cream la the Called Staten or Lutotie.—
Thle delightful btypedalloa 1. ancqualle4 for punty.beste.
'tr. and (MM.; though ilitidoevhat aneltegoae in Su.r
anildonlal Cream. nod other similar
fed tar... them lob the emollient ha., rsineiehitery
Ite lather, +hien to tfteas the baud , . to tender Sea
eta& P 1.... ant Mgr, It alirantagea 00.
It-Import. article. is bring triele gr ly preened tram the
Lg.t materials, with the greatest skill, keel it not ogle the
Wet. heel. also the chee(eet article for tittering The lie
...big *al. 01 thle .rule daring the Its ...lee
and tt iirearali gold tug ettear medal) , awarded
etroa ly attest the high eelithatkin in it I.
the ro Inualty. For nal. wholende and retell
R. ELLEIte. S i Wool et .
Lel t GINE' liosE-51X1 fet inelc 3 ply
ilndle Subtler. Hoer. ibtriailhrriat etbri tirolre
Engine burp... :Ke Welt* the fire tituartment eat Lisilik
luee to tall and summa them, me they ato •sresOlsa
Saoil [more Priiiiiani the& sat leather hr. meouhortured.
all raw where they as oat turn nut rtipreeenteil.
the on. Well La retooled or the Ilooe molar. let aeci
J a U
mute. gandv Itu.l ee
OINTMENT—W arrauted w eure tlle
ont c.t.t. of Pile. be a fee days, for eale
KETSVIt t McDOW ELL. I.d K ncx_l At
C AV EN DISII =Extra fine euvenAish Tv
tor 664 AS Ktil'94:l4 6 414D0
wog: 140 .141.
I 7 UTTE R I bbl. and 24 kegs for sale soy
1 . .44 it m. m JOIINNTUN
- -
.114 . Q1..AX SEED OILLIO blils just received
I'' .1 ior mkt to .40:4 _ 1.1. E. SELLERS .
lioo - tiloij RALI,-4 caecafor sale low
inNEGAB-97 bbls. Cider, for sale by
Wu. U. Joitsaros•
I L A —Cala always be Kam! at tbe sto BURCHFIELD. oc 6 MURPHY & BU
rUBS-20 doz. in store and for sale liy
eopt:7 S. & W. 1111RBAU0ll.
BUCKETS ---5Q der. in store and for sale by
ICH I SILKS—A. A. Mason & have
or•ned a n beantlful lot of Ter, suprrlor dross
FR near and OA styles.
VI,AILS-800 kegs used - -city brands, on
.LN I hand and for sale by A- CULDT.3O:i • CO
reh7.6 . 195 lAbarty
ELK POPLINS--Bea'utiful•
goods, just
ye arhrt,si. 4F •.77 2,3 ,•• Za•WN ""•
i t ARS-50,000 Regalia, Principe, and
, ilLyana Cigars, on band and for n tor
+_. At make Deena:: M &ark, Frallorm, lamlingand
too W. 314 - ISAIAH LICK El A 1.V.,
multi Water and Erma rte. '
FOR CifiTtfliTlS--Very cheap Wall Pa
rer, and ebegtp florins, 1.1111. vbilbontab., for Fla*
tozato. have pea [We monolog a topply of
r fashion m able goods.
(.ITAR CANDLES—In *hole and hf. tus
lby sale by .(seij4l HARDY. JONES bcu
LEAF TOBACCO—In Lit& and bows, for
I " N k SE o bbls
br ED 01L— *P22 ' 1 ff : rec'd T i aI jZEsa co.
bs 5e.D . 27 0. cly, TIMID AOOll
I t4 NINDOW GLASS-300 bas reed and
for tab br forp27 e. t. K. lILIII , AtiaII
UNDRIES-5 bbla. Saleratus;
2 tom; 5...1 Leaf Tobaoo o ,
a. " prime s'• 10b...L.
24 -'-' common Ws Tobarro.
40 seeks Durr. Hair-. for Nab , LS
VRANIIKURIES--Jubt recd and fur ea le
• I bi lb* quart Urturkal. it ItORItIF Teallart.ith tar
Diu:mood *WO
CIGAR-44 hbeto:prime N. 0., fur sale by
MIEI. 2JA 01.)
OLASSES-32.4 bbls. N. 0.;
Lfl at la"
1110 51ET.1.1,--4Z tons for sale by
I_ urp:l9 lilitY, MATTHEW& &CV
p: PER IEATIIER4O Sides good heavy
se uspr Le.Uuc trove lo .
r.) Ru 111... &Int& a CO.. I.
&a.m . pl.
f • IRIESTE VERMILLION-2 eases for sak
t 11,451 .1 BCHOONNIA 6 ER s CO
U . J.t az/ tor ail
SE---50 bo.t.A W. R,;
AILATLIS-1U tons la 1...te.3 and Lb ,
sale 47 Iser,rij It LALZELL k GI.
BUTTER—IItI kegs fresh, for -ale by
DA17.13.1 2CO -
" 2a `4.a." • 0,,
”pl.l Stock ao4 Kachang s e kiratin
INSEED OIL-30 bbls. for Sala by
IA .p . .N.) J. SCI.IOOIOIAKYIL a cx)_. oc.l at
g . l . - TB. AMMONIA-2 casts for sale by r . .. Vt . : t r .',..; I 'i...l bm ""
.eist-ter arlt- "- ..'..-ct -........::1,- :not,. 41kajem.r.
1.../ str-V J.6CELOONKAGER OCO • riety.
it RAX-10 eases for sale by
secu. i aougr FUELNISIIINU outart.J
j. s"°°s""g a C ''' . " :43. 4 6 r .id A i il " T! ' "VVAY1;i11,,r1..,...:::
C I EESE-17 boxe - 41 for sale by
nva. ISAIAH DICKEY OCu . 1-1, 6-4 1031.1.0-1 'lrbil , Damukoc
64 and 'B4 Dsza...L.NayCir. and Pctl44
lludrabtet DUN: and Crull Trltelllta.
• . luct, Friraed 'll.c az I Tably tn.+. ..11-11. - L
V; IFT CRIJSITED SUGAII—A very super.- . ~,,„ Q „,,,,,,,. ~r u„ ,.... D . i , ,. 13 ,,,,, r , •
. .,
0 ...h . t" ' ''''."l" eli: — ..MißTlVitti ' M b'
' "''''" 'i lrl . 4itiilNG pay coops.
pl 2
4.1 OKED SAL"'
IOKKI , - SALMON—WiII be iee'; this , Lei.. t awk 112mb2212,
. ..
hy 4 br. 'rel.." ....U.q ri i . SM i nrl . .. -. ...„ c.nrism--' 1 - - . -44 --- -4
'''..--.'. ‘ ' . t . 1.222. Mohair 1.242... - ,
. 2 .112 Warp Tkl-wt C 1,112
121.2.1. Ctalle2
E 2211.2. Yrrach and 1121:22 Crapra.. M.J. 2,1 0t22.,
Vat.; C 22.12.22 and 21,22. - , Uollars 22.1 Calls, trios...
tn , ..., : d7i , nt li a 22,12 Gvais will b., 2-2:22..2,2 ,t
OR WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY-- .0.5 ''''' ''''''' J. 23122 2. 1121(NitillT.
'.1... 311)1211
Absof 22' pp mre old YURI WLSE.. et 2 i '
t - Un. ssle at 22011.1112 . 122 )1222.. to U.21422;221 ' %Al, OUSE DE LALNES, in great variet y
2211 1 ITN. sty 42. plato 2....1 prtnt.d. (ma 1.2 X cis 2 to •
------- - 7 - -: --" . 2.22•127221•• An 222ortturat • 2.22 st. [l5. sca P "
21Ulaitie 2 116101212:17 . 127 f
. North Eutcorve2 nit sod M 22221.6
fOPS--Put up in 1 lb.ackages, for fan,
zu.a.1041 recd and forMd sale by
. A.. IieCLIJ/14 a Ca.
42 2141 Llb,rtr
A IROW ROOT-5 for solo
, r i5l io*.
OSIN—WO bble. No. 1, for sale by
LL saiirt 9.1 W. ILLKIIII.IOII
]be. pare,
J ElloD aCO
LASS-100 bozos Window, for sale by
s ,ply 8. t R. ILO:BM:GIL
G LU.E-2XI bbls. reed and for sale by
eon cornea of Wood and 'Azt.b ets.
kiiisburgh, — aiieiiinati & Louisville Tele-,
T HE STOCK of this Company wanted by
' ,...6 , for:g ratala*Vidlgttt-
wASIf NET, for
r..-640 T.& /
260 bait. 120 CaSec 1000 Ors. WI2OO.
2.0 ?Ix ; Om 40112 '12.52 150 bbls. 1.5. 2 1102122
11 ,• 20 76 C. Trao
- 60 kg, 212 l ,Tialtand P/541 60 B V 221•27
1 , 52 252. treti 1160: p 22122 12121.1222
10 31772 g I t=r2 .
100 1,/ 1.12.1 - 61; es; I 2 eer 0.122%
§. U. liar 3 1..Y24/201 •
60 . DO. Oosh ro t W.R.Cateac '
00 dna Um. Brooms
Tag-akar Madder, Cla
Vinranson . at-, on hand and
readved km sale by j
SALTS-15 bbls. for sale by
UIiARL - 75 hhds : rime 26.0.;;i( , r sale by
YOWLER --Alan lozge supply of Hazard mon
ufactart,alwatecra band and Sot sate at Waren rat..
Orren sod Nato. for We % Imo
PAPAR ILANGINGS--New style of Gold
lr.f=dri:,oefgr:'bryP.''''''Jil?VAßY'ltint2 sod
•8818 85 V, 5,1 'en.
PNItIll 01L-17 Obis. for bole by
1,7 .2015 WICK o McCANDLF.St. r
OLASSES--50 bble. N. 0., -for tale by
INA . 0 1 B. Al W. LIMMAUOI.I.
jANNERS' 01L--20 bble. for rale by
FLOUR - 7 .75 bble. Scoter emu, family, for
Mt, br 1101116(..N.LITTLe a co_.
0wp3.1 05. RAM, a
A9SEREL-2 , 40 bbls. No. 3, for sale by
wick: a bIoCAM/L.:,
720 " bb - 10.ti0.. 1 Lao Eloyerbor Bslmoro
15. DIA.&"
' W 15 " rio / " welt. Fun.
00 !Alt. boilio Na , asolorol;
" Nu .1
soul for We by IeveIJOILI y gar'
milyntght, Adtsate by
teptil xeysrat a kIeDOWELL.I4O Wood .t. _
SALERATUS-43 casks;
IP2 bozo Puled; for f•le br _
wpo wum. MR7APIDLPBs.
110.10's colebrat.d htutmai; "azul Durham F. 03
h.*, reed 04 [We k 9/
Minnesota Copper Stock.
50 SHAMS of this htocie for salo at a low
rate hr A. lincrst , it CO..
ourZ roma Market sod Two ..,.
IieIiESEL I:RITTER-250 bbls Just reo tt and
'Mr rile at MOJLUtO' Tra Mart in_f_be Dionorrl
ASOp''S BLACKING-2U wogs agetd
, dm. for We hy 0rr7.0 J. ftOIIOOIO4AKER A Co.
61 ALEBATUS--5. sale by
Matchless Blacking, •acnddr.l c.Ocricq. m Vt 7
Ms - "7
177.47" c.
7'1444 "trii7trittilLA
Wood stmt. wand of Stith.
T EA 435 1L1f cheese Y. il.;
karts ba• O. P;
... 3
a :of lattat layortatiCa!,
Just reed and. Ibr sale by J a L. Furru:
p . ______.,
LLICKED GUM . ..±LIC.ABIC-150 lbs. very
imadaAmfotsaloo.s.. R.E.SELLEB.S.
,tkototawass.cas.biSalia4 fin .11). T.
.. , , ; A. CULBYJ,.TIf4R A CO;
. _ ..
• .
Chickeriik's Pianos . .
rjrIIESItSCRIBER having taken.the etore :II OILN.II. SIELLOR, Agent fur . .
.241 k 62 FOCR77I 3114E7. formerly onopOd by al Chi:A.llE4'v Flaw.. f r Pitt6bursth . ...........
T. IL EATON. .66 66rIns rntirbly , the envie, sn't Western Penntylvants. No. 61
Wuod.t.. .1 ,
wlll open. on the Ist tiny of t' Stem . with,. atm^ and b.. 11151 II•MITIli • Delt aml 6...rr htre nook ' I
...Peri. Oat of , ot PIANO 10077.5. from the insnufactot, of (hie...On:
FANCY. NTAPLE, 3600ENINO a 11,Pil EL RNISLUI NO 1 ' ,. ... ~ .- t tOnlt t .O 6 . *i. Of. Itod 7 oratr, 6,,,,..d ..4
DRY GOODS, . Vl . win . 0e,6
' " r.. /..T0 U". 00 ! o ' 6l 11.6 ''' cuttplet r e Via M be -Mi rvrfote -' lXt ' b r y t i T h t ‘ t - le f fl • I I 4'° ' !.'‘ ' '' ' ' ' ' .. i.;l. " .l.:: "e -,- : t'' ' ::::: l, : ' ; 6l6 il i o ' C " a " n l y .11...T7 . ....‘b.. -6.....
koner) eml favvrite eatablPhm.ot , uwt. Imult..l. 1...0 16. ItrtAlte Pm, ,0.... . t
ola ..0,61,1 re,,,...rtf011y t uba Thor. p t .1--Irin. l' 11 .. 1r " 1 .. 1 " 11 ' l ' 4l ' , ‘' n .., . n 1,1,11, 1 1
biourointgAtul lion.
or 1..m-tt 0.1, t,..i in ' 1t...t. ot th , ot. , ,Pbotaut tor rraht f, .4 L 1
Ids Auto they eau obtain a
e,abletr gook tb.o ..,a,.. .....31 Jollh II tl ttLlollt. •I n„..1 ,
sr Ite, In 0.. eity, 1.% 0, bna. I..niftflor
tun, P. thb. l l,l,n,lra b rl!ri . luor . ..i.
L ir:toArtlnd o th. matt. New Music.
r...Z.T,.1..tcL , " ° "' ....?:IF, A Itt ' AtNl i tiltl "." .'
i 1i,„ 4 .1:C1.16 :pug by 111.i,e, Ce,ol.lealt.k. Han,:
au,,lu 6. .7 Ction •hrp. tt, • meet aaphta. pan.
flo.. harp 0 . ~ G... thr , .u.rL T,tra . - hat:,
• . ,• •, , ,11 11 , ..1.1.1, IT AT fit:, 0,1:11
NIL: Rl'll 11 s
, BI A :FiCHFIEL n D tolorm , tbeir ,..,,,,,,;;,;,, . ~, y. ~,, • •
~...... lb- I .il.:Ct/NI) lat.,. ,aa
ppl, .1 ,i 004.11 S 1 Lat
o, th Al. j 11 , m5..v... I ta,l3, 11..1. h.,1 r... 1,, 11.<d ,
trz,l,. nc. , l a, al t,,,t,0n t.. 11,1 r kr:tun...11,1,111 a... . fit. ett,lt, !F , L LORI.I, Tr... - '-' th
mem. h,,,,ta... ~r I , ,_. . " '"
1.A1,11.,' DR e- ,, , titolli,. tLI area, , arh.s 5. 11 , t, P1101. , -.1 I 5 ',.• 411,
Dr Latill.•. Panne:... ~...hur,.. Ft..ach utrio.,-. Mut.. , -tr,.. J 1.,, i..,rt, ...rat,. t A 1 ; 82'0- "'''' -.
8.,. A, 1 1T,„,11n., . 1 ' .- " ... rattral
,14 h, ~.. ~ t t,,:arr Ito., fold ,
SHAWLS, Lana atsJ Squat, —::,.,..t, le 1.1r,,c1t,. vtr, 1, he L , , head,. 1 with , •,-,.1 Mat,.
LALl.a.) . fl; , i, ,, ti o a , , th . r
, t i lai , ta , f LVool th.., Out. a0..1 ',a, .t,lan, ~,,.., ..t. Ann.. ,S the %al. jP,,,..t. Ilrid, , , ii,,,,,, ~.,„„,
. ttbb .04 Moo., Polka,
1(1,1, plaid Ribbon, 1J164. aa.l half mouruit,A si, .to Call ma ~,t a.m., tilrafht 'A ski, Illtam,r, as
.51 kr ''''. 1 5 , ! a ' !T Klan 1,..1.11 a r.n 1 """'!!!'" ..1I " , .“. ''t jilll ,II , lELLOit,
her ,uppl, a •0( r .a.„ ,1 1VG,.1 otre..t
rthirlltta Si walla wad Insh Linea. apt 8 , 0. Ao..t , A.A .
erall, sod a), Inn 1..14 at low pri..a. for quail , '
5 .0022, Nlerehant, Ain 10v,1.J to rah 01205 wb.,:., , a1e
m. 0., MI •,irs. •h.rt. 0..,,,1tt are 001,10.
61ILK WARP PARAMATtAS--.J..qr ,' ‘ l
t2_ at A. A. NIAPON & Cl/ 'S tr. 5a.11.1 mn,.,., ~,_ ,oi ,
It JR & Co haveuovg hcaJ ::,.., clot or Lalte. , Laid.
awry, wi Ella. 1 , 1,...,1. /ill, .1 , 1 ottmr GI/vas its , . , rrt,
Jeaetlut, of llD.ier, ...Pr0. ,, , ,.
~, than 1,, ' ....L ,
• _
GOODS—Opening daily at A. A.
Li , MASON a CO.'S. eyerr tTic of evnirtisble
LgoJs, :tonsi raf. liftg of Csobraeres. Lanes..ll:7no...
i.arr..K.s! SILKS I—Now opening at A. A.
SO pieces of set, Lashio...We 1 . 1454 &Its. Irrme so k.
'1 - °-1,11r•
estent. roo
r ." r . x 7"
cu.. 111 exhibit this storming 00 ,Airtons of rtr.h
not ribbons.
pa;tagr:Vald b I. , etrwl frrAb sootily c0,r13.11e,
13 Durchfteld have received • fuli snort/Bent ot above
geol.—acute an low .4 DlVper yard-rand also soma , . 'sr
louwn Mohair Alra=.• at, MVO rer yard.
Durehfiehl have recolved au ossortmeut of Doeskin
tmerea. grey and fancy which they arc welling
our.r 6ark Clusiu,res and cloths. and
of eals•rially adapted ter b.,• °ea:
1 . 1 "MASON s CO. will open within th. nett few dare.
unwarde of six hundred eaeen nod pankagee of Ferelito
and Lorntstie bry limit. to which the etkotion of .hole
silt and retail vorthnsert le invit.4.
A. A. MASON A CO rlll opuo tide dny cu. of
trabove oco
f.Paiirlgt at A. A. MASON CO Omen
oVict cord French Merin. nod TlAbct Cloth, art
. A. A. MASON A CU. hatejos: A 5 canes of
beat atylaa CAahmeres ant 1.)Ioes es
.NA: 'rootAollr ....s
000 iring at W • 51
' f) o 7glerjo h tTO74 o
t o A '' ln
SteutobtAta, ..11 tor, toga .rev more In'tlat•
• ----
UORSE rOR SALE I =A very deeir
. t .
".u. Furlly vrarscutod nett t 1• kl
sound. Coquire of 1 SetfOONIIAREW
nel . 24 Woot
T'rocs lAnow rengtantl, rermbrin; Gls tell stork c:
C ETY. rf the rlchert and newert stTli. to *bull be
InTltrs the attentdon of rurrhsrerr. to
*AI irwer than evrr lArfore olrre.l in thir ninrCrt, at , thr
:Id otibilrhrd CArPrt Waroboner, Ict .5 Fr..irth et
v, )IcCLINIiJC6 tort... trt.• atteotion,l Carrtige
cud:tit...titre' , to hl. of Inns and Utah clott.e.
Jtl Clottte...utl Trittatilnee. • hirtt ore rill 411 at te.ltir..l
trim, at the tatter Viaret.on e .... es tQurtti et. ttel.
r'anii.A.ll\ CARPETS - W. 31cCLINTOCK
corotsuali Gip fall troelt.t.4 aurvrtre.
or.d c-tot sits n , • god rich
elylil. at ter, re.tured prtree. to hld. • rill lb. at
tctlttfOr. of (ht..- flntiLl, La font.), Strantitto•t• or Ilvoret
tliw to • call at lb.. Cart.. 11 Nu lourth tr
II tIrtAJNI,/th.
CARPETS -- W. NIA:Cue:Too.
ha. lunt.:..n l t..r reit, enl 10..tt1* GRI,
to whirl. be $4,14 li.. LattLillalL of 101
di.... am he II 1.1.-ra:iv...l to ..II 1•••1 that. eta: bort,
Llartet.Cali al Ili. ut.l estatii•L -
ed Larpet Were
house. No. nt• Fc,urtb at [el
t• Cmr,,,Lte tb• C.r•
w s :tat ' s
riltiE SUBSCRIBER buying noir reeviced
1 el. •cair. AIN %el , rib' l,410(*.
col.l troy
wt t.•• .; s.h••l.-
,41r. very 1.,.r
11. ea. to I.r, all ttapi.. you a. n.
of Ito:. pan--
44CP.* for t.tram: a c id strew. Teri
11 e
1314 00 lack Wk. .51116...,.a11:arr.• • , 111.1.:
e B
i klorchf4d ren•re.l • %.......rtalout :1
[too r a hinquall,r• • of , e+ ,
.linter awl
t,l, ASII.SIEItES ANL. Ph LA I N .V...t.--ln ['d
yes dt th e radxst In)lae awl ecicza. ..44t real at t'.
64 Market at iaep2l.l*, A. A. ilAktg , aCU -
. - -
A. MASON & CO. have on hand. and
otdallr to readd , 44 d.da 41 4 .9‘ 44 ja. r4....4 4 aD ,4 -e ,
l rash. .. ridt tgurad El", C•oll,lArrr, Ye La a...
all a( which dm, wi ll au...taxa in pnce aaal 4..40'
.gloat this nark... say:Ja
FI.OOR OIL CLOTH-500 yart. 3, 4, S.
6 and $ gastler. just 'red !rem the rEt.Opelllle re.
turf. and for .ate Irt.olol,l+ and retail. at the marernerus.
tins 7 sod 9 Mood sr. ,aqo'2 j 11.
Bars, 12-4
ree4l_, lur vole la lota
WM. NOBLY.. rbllll Pt-
.4ECEIVLD THIS DAY and now opening
at W)1:01011Y . E. 1.41 Liberty street.
=fr.Z/=rt.ltasslnterve, or Nn
64 Ore. 61. k .rtd rolcred ClY , the. rl the mut sopertor
lb. lamest and molt rVknit t tuntr , rtment of Westinv
er braught Md. dry
dor. Undrrdarts
. . ... ..
1.0.1 dOs. tine cud supornro• eylry. .
A lanav Assortracnt of ernvanc Iltrrobaelv ato
Whk l V,V ber valv el. ~,Y 1 as anck aaf H.E.An i
NAbit I.: lt.ti,uf tn.. cool tub oucblo ,tylo, ots,it a
au band, yr...Ms one of Me lorurot tol con.tjacblotutoo
Amity of Urcalc. adapted ter sonclecoen s vroats, in 0,
wartsin country, cal ut chic:, ast yaonnotot ta ttetev.. 3 •
ad to use: at tn. very Ityarect priest for mat.
Orders in the Ivilorlyny 111, eso..Atteol la tne kovt sun
nn. and at IL. abortAvt notice. aryl:,
Izr>s Z — es
AU Yatetit EMAketA,
Xelevo Ys.lli. eft, brands.
Scr We AT
WATT A 00., Lib Arty st.
. _
Now Fall. Dry Goods.
A. MASONS CO.. Lure received add
• ••• Ce.l4a j..y.
autro , adartml rrstrysely Pt Chi* mark.;
WWI Alarta• .1.1 Mohair Lustre., embnaeirtg plain L
ilt 9'.1 -7
,I. 4 fi c !cfra "de:d. of all frWrR
14 v..;.szuz
aad faudl lon- Ohs hors fr
is .a tf.r, bs
I wplo
It eCORDEONS—A splendid nod varied
Astock of tkts beet t rands, last wonted.
U143--A v.rt desirable ra.lectlon. kith 1, 4. 1, .1/1
k•P“ , ..nt wood. and of the beet makers, very elean,just
VIMAI S - - 4::: 4 17 10 111: 5 14 'b onlf, .an% l o . .r l :ll o :e ' ecT
'. .rA t .k.r i l t l 7 .4/A a l;:alcor salectbotr alu, Lr uub., and
Cotonets, Tubas, I.llbpadnos. Prutapete. end
goy Twisty or Pros. instruments, salectad and tiled by the
subscriber Idukeell, and sold arum lon rates. .
• Also. the newest... 4 roost popular thole, Just
be o
raot.. Unnrumerau ore varrauted to be cor
rect ssa porton Iseeeri t.. 4 fool One tno .
WO" .111 be rtturnad. 11 It Lt.flEtt, 101 Titled st
VARPETS I CARPETS !.. , ..-Rec'd this day
by w. iIIcOLINTOCK, nsw and rich st a les Stipertitie.
ir wend Catatoola LVURAIN CAIL.P674-.hleti we SIV
amazed to sell lower tban'itoi Canasta ever before eaeiwil
In Ws tr4tt.4 --lte-ixisdiaJla .Inelts•the aterition et
Mends aril Uwe* whibithe loyurehase to g ins us ft call. a.
Ms Old Established Sarre, Wahnisatee. E. ' , 4 riionli st-
Wipe ' W. aIeCLINIOCK.
VALL GOODS.—Just recd. per express;
at ft. A. aIAS./N CU.'S, GO cartons Donttatlth.tota,
tEI moat taahlostabl• attar. 125 dus.T•bs tad rata
..rlowars; le pm. Ur,, dr Al rique, t..uUlul Mora: 64) pct.
tdararline, that. 6 du.. U•Urh Phan., Oa ,
EW DRESS GOODS—We are now re
c•lTlnt the nearsd fal/ Mikan( Dross lloods.sorb w
baln, Cashew., Poplins. Persian Rol., Alpace,
(1.1•LIA611. /Wilda Merino, and Tbitaa (AWL. von 10.0
piens. now open. msap3j a. A. MACULA Cot
W lIITE 1100DS—A. A. MASON kt Co.
k Lod reed 800
. ve l . co.lsOne.d
. szuswt AluAllus,,le A ,a i n g l,te
Pl2.lro a dtt:Tilli4 . "
smorttevot sod .err cOssl,
havejust rec'd a beautiful anortinitit of .47 rich
figured and plalu Black g/t
The above dieat& goals
are well worth the attothou of puruhasont Also, ecru
superior Grp. dr Arduue. Oahu, de Chen, beautiful Chas,
- -
—MURPHY BORMIFLELD ..baro crowd thl•
toontlot • lot of Bldg+ Meng, d od looonlogo, daekonet
And lotoortlogo, Bobbing /Aglow; &ad loontinos.
Threod Edgbact and loodollogo. of aolr style. and odd
ohm.. food
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
No. 105 Ai /MIXT STILLT7,
L K ~• ff. PALMER aura for tale, at very
1„.„ a ion prlet s. a full ---,sortmont of Straw and Milli,
80P(NETS—Soeign M ill etn plain and • n-7
&raw, Braid. Ca ip. Ulm,. Ls,. Bair. PA Los ,
born to to.
JUTS—Muria, Toutbe. had Pay.' Leghorn, favor too
plain Braid. Straw, Yuma. Manilla, and Palm Leaf. In
la barn, Bread. rd... ChiP, tlimP, Lan,. and Ilair.
Mime 0 inaay, JamoL/And. and o ther forma, In Irma sari.
Itr a C ig t Aystl,,T.llll;, and Scarf, p r Btl
tater, erhith”tot color. Inior, dance: and Enna * Cap T a tt.
fadiMS--Idain and nennsi white and colored and
Cotton Nett,
MAW , 71/1101.1.N0.9-13urds. Tassels, flute... Braid&
ILO ised2l,—Fron,th and *Marlton Spring:h.:dm and
smash, rob had mural stylea.
HONNXT ZOLICS AWL , SettLYS—Glibct. tiro du Blr ,
plea. tinhdegdne, Plarenos, and otlttr Alyhos amork - d
f 0
Ahia—lideb and /cre ral ' 7had= a ols =Manes'
TIU subserilt, limo juel , openedv. ry
One blelndenn. e,tate•flit deuel. ni
ro,le bj to- orig.nat tuvyntr, Cetrlt.telt N
1 T!..t. inktrunivnt efinal .0 potter loan, onmil
touch superior to ft la polin of ..tufimt of test, en
partly to iota In tne. stn.l Le tranyporting
is ext.r.sel, inn:airl for nye in nhurehey,.l,l owing tuft,
lott,rice taut h pn:fereble to so r otherjnttructent Thav
sr.:flung to pun-La.-.n instrument of the kind are reypect.
fully 10,10,1 to Boil tad ...mine: the .1111, prerions to it..
twi. taken ...t Cr:. the 111.1b,ijiwr., h. r j a4
nt-en ortlered nt k oenen•tystlon In thly city.
It. ILLEBEit. t‘olt Agent
lb, original maklsHitrhanit k Ne:::thacri
B UST RECEIVED awl for sale by J. L.
Rood 78, lth street.
For Lite end F an Trees, comprising Western Canqi
Life among the legsten, and wild wood adventure, with
descriptions of lumbering operation!, Sc, by J. S. Sprineer.
Rule and Misrule of the English on Anp.rie, hr nab.
The idly
shod the Ike, et, Apologue of the CcyatalPal
ace, by S. Warren, Ir. it. S.. author of Now and Theo. to
A Past ,, r's Sketches, by Opencer .
The First Thing, a wries et Lectures on the Great
Facto sod Morel Dewone float re,..11.4 to mankind. by
Gaudin, errint, P.ll
The home Altar, an Appeal to behalf of Family Woo
shop, with prayers and hrmos. id calm:tar rtf I ,, ACGS
fr.. Scripture: fur family u,e. 1, C. F. DP , IIII,
RN Senn. , ord,ing with and without rellutur.
don.pul to Munro.. the truth and power or ChrinimattY•
OS.Lr Clark, D. 1,.
The einea will, many otter. tn. , numerousto .notince..
end Afresh supply shank Work an-I Statiototry miring
Irmo lb. Lead e . l o
, . .
CAll.l3 o .—Tlie mazniticent • Nrwas
CLAna Cncd Posen being anent to be rumored fern
ar'. nneerunm, he ha.
the gentleman who rurehssed it to retain ain 6. " fot dot
Inonvr, to order to afford thna , of one e d it
who horn
not seen this undiraLlsyl specimen of Amencou Plano, en
',portal:at". to call and examine the same
I , le Agent tor Nunes ♦ Clark, :le lint Oa street.
Grand Pianos !
I UST. RECEIVED, a splendid t7
VI 7 (NAIL., lloemrood fall elv-d ORA:in
NANO. (rum the faotorr N.m.d
.Nen York. Ml* matrolneunt Loll
Lb° lateat ImPnuenndenta, such •• vama
Ding On. felt hammers. nod psterd to.dallie taw.. its
power and volume c I ton are truly astouldnoin and surda
ta the prrfectSon iIA tuable the prr:or
roar to produee the onftket end ..wernad withodt the
aid of the tuft pedgl: The nunaltun• I. ••etretnely rich sod
In Komi mate. •Ittd•uh that todianitn , ull.,r.rkedlon .
..stood cork. whith. Ina city Ilk, PittabutZh. Is •lon 4,
Impossible to keep clean no In under The lune.
sod avntlemen nee reapootfully mrited to r.ll cod.tam-
Ohl* unrieulled Good Hero to It 1.r., tlnurcue
Iwo( the eublanibor K LEBER. lot Third
Agent for. Nunn. and Chat
13.—Also reeete,l. • ry non general aaanruneut
Plan..locludlngt joule eestole.
A History of Pittabluy,t.
lic p_ Y NEVILLE B. CRAIG, Esq.—A Me
t, cc, of hiDialrct, from tho otalloott pen , l when h
wOO ~,,,,1 by .t. IMO. lotto tn. tht ch. ~ I tho g...:
,la, j . wtth non,.. of thy blot ettahll•Oment el .0ut...1
t p, ltupt.runt moment:tort. LIO,I ettriou., work. of tutee
0.1 Itopmeenttat, up to thit pre,ntolltun. to whlett 1...11
41 . Autpter upon the atl•.ta,... of our potftlrn for wan
T: . ll " Z r t t ' r ' ela=tfet ' o7l7't!. r .t u t i o.....r ft l t :.lll7lT;t ' a r atT
‘ toprxwottennt
I:,fr.TT;r.f.'`,"ri:;,`,l°:::%*Ll2tit' - , 1 :r,:',.:; . ,—,.,,
, „..., WWI 010/11.111,..• -I htot , rtfltt toterect bar
en t•umpr..4 .II tu IV, flit, • pt.roul of title In tL
•.: tot‘t otrourt , l tht h., of the 001 t. To orifevt t0v.11..,
on artnthit In nhtturiral orJet throe 0.00, tto-ut.nt-.
obi %
tt, prk,twut the ..lettntak.. et t tti p..ttou. tt Induce
c.101.1E, ottpitittt.o t, oettl. h-re Is thr I t .ot of :u• or.
111: p•a. i - ta , • vow,
1,1.114.1 sod t•f. I•le At
. , • - . _
1 itle Yut.ll, .84 .-' i4..ilVii. liiii 7 ; , il 1: - ... ;I .... 1 A ..-.•\ ..1Y ODE Ce CI;11.E. \ \
~,„,,,,,,,L.:h. 0..17 0... &pron.-KJ, and . I
arliod Icaptmr :La mak.. a I•id Li Iynly. Anreu ''.., ''''''
' '''''"
1 '''''"'\
' \
Llmixdull nem.. d•rtgrmul fraud .4 M.. paha 4. ' Cana/ Ba.:ll::tPi.- a, Stml.,
to dread.. In au tdr laraare, thy- a.m. at ra'rr,ll,, Tbd•re • •",. ..: --
r artnr . .cm ny• ,e ten the . . . ,
'' ' P" " I'"‘ I 1.1 ' 1 it vAr • Yedoa. 801 l Boa Aeo.—Ceistral , Ball\li.osit
I inaurna. La unpr ye, dr...rr well tsar., . 4 , .
WP'" "'''"" "I''' '"" '''` ''''' ~" `"t.".l"*"'" " 4 , r i.,.. „4i,qeril.r 2v - baviug hei , ll'eapphinted ,
I. ,-If . .., P.m ,A 1 1 , ,a-ra 1.4 mon , -, • awl f Inrdo - ny
rdlappla ...mat. I - r oft. Penn.:dn./1a peContrNall
~..11,1,1....• qyre L. iten lett,. Ji Ed t« m.l , «yell , , . , ..),.. 4 , 44 a .„. ~,. yr ,. - r a,., 4 4 4 ,..
tur ,„, ...: 1, c ,, a , r . u . re. ,,, ...1: ,... , , r,
~,,t h;•, ,. .._u_itt
„ ,..en i y ,,. .,: c . ,.. .... „0... ,,,,... , \
.11 ! .. , .1 , ,Lut,,....r . e.,..1 ,,,v .
t y.., , . r, n ,...,, . „ ,.. „4„,
~ ,.. , .„,,,, , , 7, ,,,,, ,, ,;:,,,,,:
Lneanynd. f , ••
dm« be.,
II , IIN ti ~..1.1,i. a 4 ,.., y,,,,,, ~_, ..,,, •,,,y. Lola:. ray , yy ry ,..,,y.) .. \ •:,..yl . - :IN., -1.1.(11....1. „, 11;
, Sl or r
._ 1.1 ... 1 d t
... ,7
~ r ,..., 7,13,411. ., 21, ...., ,...t\,c
lb. CLINI SIM. A. 1. Va.-1. nadir ant nat,11.11..1 ell , •ll , ••••'•:; , '=•de1y,*; . 44 ,,,... 4 `IS, y •• , y
, r,
, yy,.., 4 „ 4 .,,, , , •.a..r u, 11. ei E.arre,, 1 . .. r.. Ii i .. - th ~ . -1 r.P.r. ti, ,„. •• • - 1 . . , r . ar,..4 , , \
._ •.< t.t eba.m.yer. whir le •
.1 4 y ,.,,,, ~-,. , 4 , 44 . 44 ,..,. , 4 ' , , ....Y.3. .0 •,..4117 04...3 rm4LVALt Yan r=sa4.42/
New Stock of Checkering s Piano Fortes. ~."..",',1:1,`...';', ~."',;T!•,7,° : .7 .,.`i.i:.•;•m•Ai.r, Cyr .1.: 4 .,....,, L k 4 / 4 . 0 i1.0.•1•4 11.41., [h..* 1.1.401.6. 3• 1.10-.4l4z.l2.l..thay,Cyfrybe.
~ 444 ,, y , . 1.. ,yry. trey. Yr.tb.r.. Purald, Inv.., ?I...dtafneY.
011 N 11. MELLOR, , 1 1V,,,..1 - Pr..-i*.n.ret. Mr m.o. cod mna Llall.,r to«al. i nnuddjury Am k. . , , \ ield.. IP ad 0 , 1" ,3 ,1
1 4 .1 I« equi ,
pil ..,..., , r•nee•lng an nryteely nem 1:, ...n., a•nrre; ~. garaUfweturnl LI II Le. 1.1.rmd..,.. : dfrlLL. , :e.9 \ unn , 1' , .,m•Nf r ";,.l..- ,,,P ' .• ••• •`,.., • r , ,,,,P• ,I
52 1ifir li
acre k 1 MILAN a MKT Lb. trnal 1.2.. nun- tree••ut , r turd yr«pt1et.,....1 lea brugpidl. •Le 1' b . f. .!7 4 ,.'•• ''"rl,b . .' Le''' - '`" , ..-'...."^' - 1r. 5 t°1,',.,,,, \
traled wawa...L.l-y of iLlakermg. Indrna. ll,an •u_ t, Penrta, 11l arml Mr rale nh. in..i.amt, raa...l a.. r , • . •,, aS• E. - 1, 4 , ‘ 4 ,
~ . 4 ,. V. ,. ., 4 „,., 4 , 4 , 4 ,4
w 00.01141, 4.1 all Mr rarl.tho en.. maaufienturnl Ih. :rnardate -,- vele. I, II L nhl.lll , b Lyn y . / . r Lay..., .., .44 .. ....p
I. arre tatananly tn.... kla•dan. •tra.«. .a, au.l IA er S• n.. 1, I‘•,....LhAt : T., , .. a...1 . ..bad , 4 s. dlio
d.ldir• ”b aabbPatatana or riot y..L., t, 1 , II t 1.,:a. I. A.• 3.1./.... 4 - 11/ , oh., 1: l 4 ,romr., f.e, ittea. AU/hz. I:ler/Ian C. •
Sul 1. Inn
0. Plum, talent ha Lars pall.lllllll.
0 • , • • .1.1 A LIALI.. .«..,
Jail!. II InIYLI,.. The Human Body Must Perspire, '. . ~.,,.., , ay. and WAte tam... I
A.Y O L- , tar arm .I Chiakertte.'• Pear., Mr 11 nem•ro .• .
LY fa.. 1.1 NATI' It E., t'' have a lit,lrhy• it t .' : " , ..t , • , ..., , ~ • , _ .... __
New Music.
rill' E (it ps vs soNo. ~, Sty I.l,illant 8,,k. ` k. ;'' .?'' ,,.... - ,4 1 : , '' ; ' ," ' ,, -: ', "' ,.1 ": ,:,?:?: '''' ,; ".. ;1 . '' ,: . 7,.,•; r :i1, 1' 45,. :: ; 1 '!„ 1: . 1q \:. --'..r o e n ig th hi eß cc e c rul iv s ed ylv i a o.i Ur all o i. ,:th eri ° Val. Way ße4r Sl :A ti d- cRS
1 ~ rut,. wai. rayturn. apnlati. , L, it -Llll, Lan I L• . • ;,, 4 ,,, e44 •, „,..,,,...k
Lnr ..ewort In Parrhur,,t, ,nar,, ralca. 4,-A •na---«. ma ant nal, L. -,1,-,1. ', , • Ilaelly a. ', )e.t nyt.t..... \
rt. Illomenrer Comula'ab. • eeal P.M..' .." 1 4 _....u../ 1., a. ...... ...../ 1-..uu : oty•ln , ok• . :'• ‘ nr* .1 , .. .. ~ M Moo.
rb, L o y., 4 ,.. , ..ygypr V,., 4 1,..rian 11, ,ya Amer,. ...L. .y•-• KM r... 11 raan", , ,end fared it uuteneirt,nn. te,Letur i .i . n: . L , • lyy...r«lia. ; ' d:•,l,ll:trrZl4.'l4l't. \ • '.••
Vgy '‘ CTV ' polt4tle -r fa l V Ca4''' U."'
e i r2:;,'; .. ar .Z.rit. ' n.7ll ' .l . .t e' lf,•4 " 2.l ' .:, ' r t ' lt•l ' t=ign.-' !' iznl t z'." , . ~- l• - & - Oi',, \ ,\ .
• Th. n/goall‘afelpr, 4.4 y 4. .,,,. • au. tyll a-1,11 ny.yr. I .- , ali euuramad. •L haen , IA 1 e rut« 1«. • .... , 1 4 , 4 4 4 4.1
'tlgtt i agg i am_ta k. LY the ir.r...1 MS • . .. ~.. - ~..1......44- ,01.4.1 n 04.4.4,1 I erauld u ,, Crld• , ii , ...11 ' 1 , y\ per", .a...A.,.
rail kt,..1 Am.:, me al.diaMlit 1, ta• el, ry, Lnly. 1 try, A/ in L. .11 I eta. \ y L y ..,...„ ' .•; ''•‘.
II KLEPEIL, lOlll.l.lstrret. - 11,Ye "'de , ea• liable by airef«..L rhan.-.1 b.L.‘• C-111.1iL1.4
.131. a nf the o..aka ClaPyr will nal 11,C11, a .lire. Ind a prerrev, and 1 c.. I.L.rriaburig
• • L - - --7 r - t. ~ ',Mr CM tt... BO 'L. 11.1111C1ffi •Ith any yr/le...nee , b urr yr . „,
Saci.ed Mimic Books. or almilurytananr, aral Gal star an.ania ,, , , a soar. lade , p e a- ' 4 , u y " 4 •
, ANT IC. LALD/S, by MaEon Lt Wel,l, `V.1.1.,, i ,t1g.,% 4 ;4`, 1 'a,`„ h ,7f' r ,:„ . .,..,'"*,;,,,„,... 1 ,,,,„, , \ ~ i1,,1r , ."7:;.°,7,,,,1\
rl .
C OW G IN. Jo ,ii-, add I« gut. )nu .1. far Jarri ItallanCbrmeaal aulep-is.
's key r , mrry :, 1 . .,
SACRA. de , I, hely a W i ly of WII. JACKIYON. rya, Arm oln Ilibr.agl . , `Yikplytnyt. ' I ..,
TUE o: 1111 . 4 e aver ynite.ndare n, •ii. , ..I p. begatl a( ii... 1. }Lill I ru,k.
..n.. relected and arron,../ 1.. r lb. u. cd &la.« e n:. «---
. a
.army.. Instancy. 1101.1.11.0, ILD.I 0.00. cf ill: Kann. Pearly' Whit', rttall. and Pure J.II ,, III• I-,
n...leva, .1 alarm. 7 Lowelc Slam,. • ,i,n, J temart;
n inn,. al, -• havo.,th.r. en , hntaba ' nbyter a•I i
A iarse unalarltr o 11. 41.t4001. work • teed anY rorman b, r,,,.. 4 f„, , f.,r,,,.,, - ;, „., ~,, , , I July lily, Inf,l- ..
~t r, J'.ll" , H YIELL , AII. , I LV•rol ,•1 4.44 .; :7 v• „ . .'.. '...' 'r ' . i '''. ' •----
t ~...., . .3 or yrana. an. nun.. wi th tang, ,
Clarioneta. tt...‘ • I-• arra Los ••I J 1.1.1% ball. Toylle Parl• nil mak • Agricolto.ittl T'
tan" 1...a4 .4 x iut, ... F.].. 201 t•lnremr,,a«iy '
lIIIE thfneulty of obtaining a eurr...r.T had r•'l,"
~ , c , , ,,L, ~ ~ , ,„ , ' IIAVB.OUST ream'
i ~....,.., Cl•monat in tlua •••••ertrr. Inaniad b..- ,7...',,: . c'' ' ''' - ' --...- '''''" "'.' - '"'" -I. ' ' "''''.• .IL. Inlln•my Ipapl.merda '..1, and Ica by the mu, •..1 van., lb , ma.. - y, \ au,l Mal. GI,: isynatt traents•Sdni.
er Lk. had mule in tam •Ipre..elr, • -bulne rrl.etn.n. „ ~7. - ,, • Farmer. ty , mil iald examine my
•bleh bra. Ju.a •rnr....1 Th., .re rnm. the baton . f A. S.,eutait: tlAir 1 way`, Ilentorcb AIL! 131•41,1 \ u r .,,,,,,. ~,,,,,,,,, ~ , .,,, , ,I,
din I.
maker la human,. and am ar.marand rnbratna l 1f.,.-Truel Inatti... 37,,, real.. TM. van Itar• use I \ Groh Drill, meat. rye. me
Lauf Clanonner sym oakr..l by . 0u.1.--yean yr +err UPS .. Goal flair Ilestorpr. kn., IL, est...H.o gnaliUrru- • CoruCubinuhrt , ,
Thy erneek eymprpen.- Um. •by 112 , 14. 110, 100 a...• 111.0 It to p.oolo tLe ran. - . \ l'oru t,heller. 11, tyre. mad t
A I.:Mrma.t.-12 and 13 bony. .10.1111. , -11 roll kme• an, hair to grow no any tai \ ntrav and /;era SiaddLCuttir
a cyan Inteaeled hart m yany, any. It fallen. PP; r V...tabl. /1.0.30 r 1.10401,
cy 45mIrua. •44.1 =Ake debt rut or aray 11.1 r g lOU do. ..and Caw Obala 1141
' " ' Inn remlnma. Ito It.ll a•fl •red rilLy, nothing Ck.t..Markinda and Ay* Syt
1,...-- lima.. a troll U.S. an.y. it a. l'a,ytmeel two. Oa.« am]. dm:
1 - 1-y ran In ...LA ..0 r•al/T G... 0.0 C.,...nent, .41 Pad an... d... 41, ily, re n .y ~...4 , ,y 4 ,..,-,. r y,,,,,,,...-.nry All meareuP,lnn. fr.M.Y.b. 1
r.. , ~,...". • II l. LE PL:R. bur . thiyteruP and reed 1,."41.,r
:«1 m.ez ra' 11.. e.olfro liana. b••, 1 .., p„Ly ~,,,,, . 4 µ I,
4 .. 4 ,4, 44 «,... 4 ,.,,,, y.O Lit. ••' n
n. ,•1 ib , ..i.,
New Music
. 1 ,.1
,nrs---l'y :.n, So emu, and al.
a i l
OLIN 11. MELLOIt, No.>;l ll',u..Ll Faro , /
h.. ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,.„ 5td ,,,, r „,„ . ,
~,„,,,, .; JONES' Sol uturn lit Jet, a 1.,,,,..a .
a Lau- Hsu Di. Mr Ihr ninangpyg • 1 will., ryI,LY ,I, • h.r.t.
Nary Jon.a-S, C Porter . .Iturh Iran Luma do I.en -....Le brown. or Mirk Jet er h-r. in • mar neln * ates
oh: Le, r. carry m• - iti.---41, merraonr. M „ +-r---bu ennir. ant, II
rearetul Nlghla-filoyer, real Mara. Imo Ly ladl. A ACI.I.IIN. .2-10 Llnarty rain, EY,I•4 ~ y .
klocall.ta luta...plug: Vahan. tamale:Zit. • P . a. , ur,ll
41'• an.. mart part, wurcl . .• Fkir Qau, say
Tb. Cavail•r. 1 tear. 1,11,.. thou bea.•
Take sale hum.. dee, • Idaauty-vartat,ony.
I ...Via In: thee. ;Camp. 'dna 1140 Lb. ea,. 11,1 t
1 , 1 kill.. Lb. 1n,...1 one. An.,l vuolre-earlall..a,«
1 eaber r brayer. 'lre 'lmmoin-Itanrellen ear
JO. h): ',Il.le•••e me if all tbs.. 4.
SI ley Sl u r ummer ra•ra tul. , 1 Jou lot youll.l{ rharma,
DlUgeut llnemen , quirk PA.MI
InAdem, leyerly'lk, num.?, and Fil vet !na Wa:YrYln.
Lily. Pency'r r.tun. Monate, Sharon; dire Fly, Jenaty
I.lro Pyrumae. L., ligd.u. C , oueu., 'Lur Call/
I 1-4.1i,441 . au.1.7
h lie d.o t:t74.—A4arn
~,,r , y of ~,... .nd braf,
W. 5. u 1.4 A VWF Statlon•rt ft - wt.
111 LANK BOOKS.— -W. S. lisrr_s+, corner
1 - 1 1 .. - t 31.11'.',7"a7V.,"7, - Z:.., b iun ,t 7. :V; t '' , .Z';.`,'
r.t . lAser....o.urnala. Day fink , , Mtuuce lam" De. sa er•
.tyl. , "f bloMna. &kat at [n. 1..C..[ pi... . %ea:7
-17E\.... AND 4DECTICE , : , Oti ?DE P.C.1.0.: —D
i•tZVz ' oak ratr ' sc. " . a. 13111 . ?., 74 ! ; a1:1;7,= . r i:= .
Attactatneott Ve• 11111.. ar.. at.. ter vela at . ..
41 a Ita ioaer.
1 a/p., corn, Market and ~....a.l.
Double Reed Melodeon
lOW 111181 C.
TIIE WATE ‘ FLS NOW, by U. Ryan:
J Erin's Child in America. Mountain haity.hy
arts hegpy ere I loved you, In dmazus of paaecl
the Wee, with eiguette, Loet Heart IN ehrel to thy Lat.
[lee. tetth Tlytheug: hell, Illy. Foatert The berthed.. bY
-teleuberg The Ilappy Chewy. by ItureelEJudY Mele-err •
Mamie wog: Wh We are .
Llama Homo. len
Love Thee bright .
dual°. Thy ‘V I/Jahlo
lid t
urd taela,
Dilly yea a Lady, Ermine omr—Tatillght Dere are
Weeping, Rome I feel is drawing high, due., ttouge of
the Blind Brother,. 11.11 Uolurobla. lath Baehr. of (ten.
Weallicg.t, I.a Belle of the Village . ..Vs/se Itrilliwg La ,
Welts It rlr'e Weer. Wu!. I . " l6.l ‘ . • t i gi. A ClV.
lerottly : , Ittlloag.. throe Poleae--Lautelia.. and
Teufel*. tbrokind vignette. by Her= Flutter Mchorttaln
Matta. SaLran sad Le. Petit Tambour—Rood. :den,
otar lialopt Ruggles Work :test, du-r• Medley hrhttit.
—Nu. 1, of Eugland; No.l.bltestraork of Ireland; ?lc
3. Thletie 01 Reed .ml gale bY
W BOOK Sl—The Stnuea -
Mum of :4111 Point; Village Talc, NI
Pi. De Laroartme. TranalaMd.hum the
Memoir of Rev. E.dward Blekersteth,lata to ot WC
ton, Hew; by Rev. It. Webb A.,ltee tor of
liens; with an introduction toy etehheu 11. Tyuc U It.
2r01a.. 12mo, mule
Autlum Wyma Autinultlea lanua, it,muu Ao.
Lult Ewalt hom n
er ono shuetratiou l s; by Cl.rly. ••01.1.
L U.
Light to the Oak Pine. or illemortale of Christian Lne
ID We :diddle Agree axon the ttertaao of the late Augus
to,. Reorder, leMp. i mue.
The nas of th• V 5 twill.]: • idcinnwrntsty oUthe bormeil
Cheoter of it. Matthew: by Richard Gerona Ft - smelt. B.
U.. Yyminldß of ul.hord Blelloga ateEEL
iterhted from the Loofa, edition.lBmo.,...
Loomis' Algebre.—Tbe Elemente of Algebra.
I t
fur tlegmmaL by Ell•P LOOMI,II. Proboan of Math.
" Itt. i Tt C b ietortal field N ' e e ad l i of the Iteroluttom Leong
~m[ recd wJ fur
78 Apollo Unildlog, fourth et
;s1E:1 1 / 2 ' BOOKS!—Travph4 ill the United
tly 11.0.1144
wi th` history of the Empreel Jbeeptilms, by J. Eshboll
ngravntn I Col Ibmo.,
au. •. Err August. At.hletou'e Mechanics' tilegtaig• ea!
Engineer.' Journal.
ho. lb Pictorial Yield 8./. of the ltorolution.
No, Oft Mid 36 Lbtiousry of Niechartics, Engine Work,vdpg. Jan Preal and lot by:
.1 I. REA 0, 78 Apollo Building:,
eepl Fourth ,Vat
‘,/ cur • 111:11.41f11.1n bale jolt. rerna...l • Int of very
New Books, Just Receitted.
I'EAST: a 'Problem; rqrinted with corre,j:
0./ end addition.: II the otahor of Afton 1..,x0t.
Illoterr of CloVefth. Queen Of EATIPO t T Jamb Abbot.
19mo,mos. X'
Web field; e Tale of the Pnritene. 29, rom b,
kasthlur Althe!!. pool's- —.•-. et °he,
an] oifurata." P. soil mug.
Applotou'a Mmbudra' Mapsaina Paznaere Jour
No.a._. . .
.. •
Ilyfue'd Dictiouarf of :qualm:4 , A lv•ic.• Wart and 1.,-
, L fo•••Ing; Nog. 31 god
LO•4101 Pietnri4 Bold Wok of the Revolution; No.
l'alatioe: 161 titogf•yl. r 111b1nf144,0 . • ith . 1•IJ Lstb.
ogmbic Map!, 11. •of
salt tionco•oanif,.
cocoa; NUM V. 'Udder. /2sup.
LttiLil , cam f. .
For mie by
7'3 Av3ll.
J 123
SIAS than l U lncluding Oroldentl.l P r ocozmots.
WIXOM Atom.: =Taal oln, l
. e llletcrmal.
Gocersphial. SoLlsalßool,Musilstleak
- I th
Ynnta of It. Um* how W nuL . ' 44 ' l "
Th, abaft flimsy* works Ica talc IT
sly IL. C. ,ITVlliTtni, 47 Vulcs:
XI EDIcAL. \, •
4 ..IELLERS' IbIPERIAL COUGH SYR() . '''t \• • • t ' 1 \ \ run mtrrvei.
h• - r , •:,
, -- 7 We hat, wad Vila ...heir. In our faruil - . and n ..-t..,--......•
e on i .its.n L on• of the 1.,.. prrpst.tion• 1... r nOthak \ •
cu whir. I.• ..-..r 1.-rn off. ..I to ti.• p.ilici, A \ ' \g,..8121.5.131 - RG: PA
1.1..... the year K. 1,...0•1 recommend (ii eant la.. LAKE EN if , AND NEXC GAN LEM i g E.stoN E,J . )“,i l lar 1, the safer v oid s'
ik• hi 1,,,..1,mthi uf it di doh' tr.vaes read"' fur 0,,,\ o ,i , I - IN Tff ' EXTENSI,O,N I . AN.AL lit .„. 10•0 ‘,. ann . pin ranital, tad adoids
fruni eiTir ' :rt.7reti•er ' ke r iTet '. . ,.. f Th l : ' ,..::.,t ' n ' itit t' i r •t n ke, "L o -I , ' , '' \CL LAN f:. l'An ••• ... C' • c- - r ,. . ', 0, - . e , -.- , er - ,, , ,,s • ~ , . .1....... e. of of rat..., aaftery and ac
n cite and' Nun., mere-hams. and ov
...beta, and .1., not • .11 •..ur made G. confider w i lt. !r' '' , THE pROPH "'Hi if S aiiia \aid :wal . wali ' ,1 ', „!, ' ,Ti1,„ . ': „„),,,,,,iated.,.. counts./ t•roperty.
pay ttnitilt Iv th. light ••f ....,i.inoridatkin mak
tri...t. Lin, ~, Id It.h.rin iiUl‘4, that that - at. , ' . ` \A. . oAllltlEt Acts.
`.l P .r '''' - ''' L "''''''''' • .' '''' "''''' 4 ' h ' -h
'... 'l .. ' n,Aiu °ter... f., LA.. f.frwerlt Mamoff.,s have mind.. ' ...!-: eratt'a tsts. r .‘iio. Se .tatttitteld ekt.Pltt
0.1 , 4,1 ~ r, n .•
Net's:ad and eoiil i., ii I: , ELLS IL, . - k , Wke.d ,- ~.' , ' V-, it' '''''''. ' , ..r r r,--' l fil ". l. l ' t P ' o7.-n n ' l l" . .. l -" a. 1 41 b . ' b d e 'La' . 7-,:'iV.
.cot s •.{ m'aeo'em... •i 'IA I,eist rat.. Our OIL., -Adam tuts - Orleans Ina C 4 Company.
'II. 4 I LORENCE IV II ITE--A broil t, fel i.,,l„g\ Lin, a- RI IT .....u.inty Si f.„ Ria Latilit,e. heltiff . hi - ~ .-,- CAITrAI44I6O.OO(k•
V •hlte Paint, that i, uurrhati,anle in ...I climate ..-h'o \ '' '\.°' ' n'r. ' ,71,41Mi c.tyi k ti, k
.‘ 0 ,:,, t , ~
i d J. .
i. II i11t , 10.... , b. ,. narldf....h.d. and abin aabitto. hto , , 11, .., ,- , r IA Ater ...1 Pviittink.' I ....INt. µ..., 1 - ... - ectirrn en accord2mre t..-i,71 the Gertertlf ff
' W"b
br- \ '' •
.1...1, of fAs‘State.
0 . •0 ..-.t. L.., . ~,,,,, ,„,,,,, ~, . 0 , ~,,, k „,,,,,,. ~,,,, \ •
~,, '...
' ..'
Si S..
'f.*. t . r. ,' , . , \. , \
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" " : lU ni ,..! .:ZP.: . :i ' : ' . ..‘"
\ . ‘4 . 10 nt .?r",.. 1 1, ,..Z .5 . ',‘' : ...". '\ \ I r FIL lt, and reef.
t.reale Ikt --• ' , .Hai titer rein
, '‘
W\ : ... ' , h.^. a ',„ , i:,:'
A Zlia 'J FIN F. 'II,II LET SOAPS-311 - \ + \ . l \ , ".I,.''.l`^i'.'sl., otika. cv -, vL
N , \ ,hr• • t ...., tir.dri,.. \ \ ' i.ta7 taa, , F4
.- n
il.d. li""r C' r '' ..-td. • S ' . " . r.a.-: ' A r b ' r s ' \k . Ttil. , , . I '' rt- ''''- ... t Vt U• .4
1 - .,...lniendiri... eatdoiiii. Noe. , , neinii 1 , ••: - .. tn., - b. '
~..5..1 t.....,... Mar...nal., .i....„.,,,
b "l id etifttt. .f r. titt
il i ,.. S.atiki are pruperrd min tile iv., and pnreet .D. ,, ~ h‘1i1.. 1. {1.1-1-1... 1.11 - ..'.. , 14. ti . \\ t' r __ r ~..-.•
'' l', ' ,,:;. ° Vb7 r""" ::•? l" • ,'"'"' I; ' i ' ,11Y.,.1.7,k .c (41, ' , ' : ' , ' ;; , • \ \ \‘• , r , . -- -- - • -•- 1,. \ yitt Mance T!ompan UUU
New : dkOnperior )ipe. -1851. . • y -.- \
\ ,itcorporat e ,l u
6'1.: 1.. n - ''''' "'"'""-- i M ti k\r id ' r t ' it4,l., \ O' NORTIIEN Copt..6.• I \ ,s. .rpii.. I ctollktor. too no.
t, . .or .:1 randth Reeled, for Nen nua, e,,,t •
9 .Sererr•bati , very' andrro hap . raiment 1.. x , rittf,t,e,
.1 et . MOW.,
H. O. Farrell' e • \\ ..,•• ...I • t, 'I . Clesikiand en I rttLer, (J3a 'A ,theJo Wet a,nd
" . t\sp• t, on it W.. \r ‘ itArtp-anil wieldy h env u ni ,,, ' VlL7. - "`''''':'"--; "°th
° \ 1 •
" .1 ' 1. 3 tIN o'ri 1, N10.f., the 4g., st.e..' ' Nf e, ' t" 1- J int Mort p . ). dui' rates ar•On•-thl ' lass th.
"- Int• Amer 51A, me,,,Nl C. pt.'. Jon. (..l,thn Id., alll th ., , bf IlutnalCompaadea, •14Flfteigtli!er Cent
ti II I , S.ItRELL'S conuin , AA : 1.4.101M-
. .,•:; - ..•,f,•„•i:V.. 1 . 0 j r ,,.‘• ••' , f it 1 gt. , • . 1'' , 4° , .. ,, , 0,t ,,, nt1=H leek, ... ii , f ,, , ,,.. z , g. ...,, , , v , ,= ,, tr, ,, , , 60,,,
1 . went la a sang ...ttrannlatry d' , " 1 / 4 ,V. a Ju n to, ee.kly lir. ', li,tpu utit thr ....., he vrern safrly -. uct * .ht Cempannts. TIN, irainotoot on th. 1.2--
~ ..,..., ~..-, tm.yolid doubt tit the cant iiato• oi \ie i.nevi , land . / nec ,-, , , r. e - ,1 hut 3lio, \ al pine I, ti base the combined swarmed raraisloat tit at
.etirle, and the many rut. below dallr Perfmnied 67..1, ... \ - A 'RN ER, Propr - Wra • :step or learaoca. and tbaCapttaland Surplus Fun : d : of
Atoll previously bid ruourted all other media:DO, .11.1 It Cietaland. Ch, April 2A. •' r - • no. Joint Stilt department- ' • _ \
ea:ll , d N. 1... n ..nein 1.. world It it. i .1.. t i - .- ---...--•,- t - ~
..i hairs., extrsiets and quit. teculiar to • Arabta ta....`. The Chaztetperraita the reauti , -' ' ' - 7tle on, in IL COLIN:11f ftleti ' , Ado, alI their seLmulatit . an,
c il i A , A ri, l ; R l E N si ,G \ i Ti 2( S„ , l , ' ,9 6 : 1t.. 1
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t I b la: ; • , in ,... o u. ve r cr u ßz io ra n,wr ine . i ..t udl o tt o a l
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eater &Atha
Li, came which , store aeo , siert. nor. hr tne - ,, t".. \ lt i n. wi.;. i . ~,, i t ... 0 4,4 1 .1i ,t, '" ' ..."' `ett. 51 Y,1,7 ~k g r j ‘{or u t .oo te• al
Proart." with aurb miraculous m e tier . In cur.; t ' h.
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~ ' . 00 1.. 4 , “ - .k-•" • fV , \.• . d . , th• 00 ,,, 00 0 , 0 0,0 0 , 0 , . -'5.4 : ".6'.
atn , . faith man and braat i 0 4 - 11 , ‘W \ BIM/HAIL
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th::rnti l ,l?,.... t ' lare ll°o lfle n. F r rer r !it k A ' ra u = 7!;. ' ,., " :. ' f ' iltc I s , Biugiwaat•ramtpc, ''u o .; , , Li ne • J= , ..1. 1 1 4 1 f , :. l' ,
&rune o.7ltuktm. ~ tt. \ \
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as,. a Year and a halt zed, a .welltux •Ple.anl l ,.d \i , Alyr_ii% Ik 5 \ E g fii . ; ,L. ~..,—,-. A. c 0.., ...--, ,„
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c,. gtadnally m. ..anti,, in ... until it b.
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P"'"'"'"/'""`"lth°"'''''" her
" ' IF ' ITT,SBURGii ,t ‘ \ ' • u ,'N . F. I VASI ..
,AITIES. i " z.
' ' ' ' '' Tl tt "° lo k . '
F ain. I gut the attire a our bast doctor. and the all er. ,
eat In uptown about It .1.. raid It Wlld .A . ( 4.. 0 i lIIEA.NAL brop•tnow op , oKehre rem
. niiir..met id' tbek-Nplifett: POLO, Ulla. if RBA!. Ell taro- , . . . ,
tssrut of th. 11fieji.f. and others said it was a Tumor or i ,o, dr :amis. and hrearl ra,crari .NI and , ..,, r
_dna. *S. •na. '\ \ \
ti,.. Ovaries and ai.uld not be cured except br ..cover it I ,Aoh, if , ''''-'t iL hd,.. , _%. • t, w.... %. a. all kiln, i/If i r:irtax) - , o f fp 414 , .
isut Iti tht ' s rntical situation. I was persuadtafto try a .tf "" ti ti " L ' ea t ''''''''". r 7 t !''''''"''' '. ~., th " l i t' ‘r i,, r‘l ,. ' , " 4.7.=er ok,lltinumit Ilso xan N rn
\ '
ii. }stroll's Arabian Liniment 111.3” it, and, ann. , aa tt / Llidy. 4 l L
LN ~
_,. ~_ \ ~, ~, ' d.... 5- ",,, dflie.,in t r'd . . KN.. Whelsa9t*dtnue ,
~,i, , apnea, open lI,M third application she began to Int-
~, ~_ ..,_,': `. ......"'''V K" .°1 '.......rit, '. sotactroni. ' .
pn ~, utel Las roatinued eettlue better dint, en. , ... '' , ,n . t7 w ""'"` t i lj ,. .." 'Lt .., '''' ..”' -\-A- Ilan. w. 1,, A. .leCaldne.. E•tr
m• ... wen so el.:--en.pymn est...tient hasith. i van , nit,. tom.. on. artittortgi, , ~
p, ~,,,,N,,,, i
~.t io l l=rdlagr7a.aledl Nit 4 aff„diractlono thri\if. \ asznlcst . \
1 . .,r1.. Maxh 5. la.!. ,
i Hobert Llinds, postmeater, tarsi \ \l, WM. 13I7g(RAKI * Co3Fauxi Badi \ ,‘". ..stem Ga.nand 111f1Siditcti. H. dd., \
Gerixtown. Pa.. 31areit 27, LS.PA, er to•orm mot Winn: r.iia Vitteburg ,t,' ,` . jeremtah ttreek..4. De 6 .. . 'r t. ' s ''' . a \
rine unman hui rood your Liniment with irreat onotiaa , \ N,lll.tidiEl AM A DOC; ,Ii I,iiit liAkket sc. \ ^,,, Jr
. KdadiCtnetn; PAW:ed./. , \
She bad ito.t the non of he 1,0 for thrwe lea. , the noV° ; toorceiren Fp_urth and illlttaa. hlladeintna \ . , '',,,
DLlnortb , ,,nl.l).,..dllnalthnedd atz,t, \
teem, rontracted m that her sign weir. bent as tnisah . h ,1a • ...a4t}IFIS WILSON.Atrth.. ... \ 1 / 2 . ~ ltobnrt Snyder. 61 \D.,. 103 YOUStb sttkest.
'cilm Crawl., .U.str tirSiztla Kra.'
tantine. ni Is natured for the paeltton of the 1e,., wlith • '
l' % '-', VE ""'''
''''''''""""'"' \ \ ' L .N a ' titit !ICE. Morn.' a, 1,.. tor Idetnre.r.t. '
111,1100. ard she mould not Lend them in Om least. but 11, 1 , , 2,t. , :, , , , : N011.Aa1.1 , , , 1,.ii It s. it, \ , , i , ,it
1ii . i,..r...1
L 4 \
0 „ 4,......,,,
the utw of 11. I/. Farrel ls Arabian Liniment, sbe . ow I it. "` .. ',. ,
able ta sat with nitow. and has a straight limb. I have . , 7° - , ,a t -----4 ,- A.777 fm ' . 12 o ' clock - , i \ 1,„ _., ,
(mad It • moat ex,llent remialy for horse th.b: aim, for 1 , , " ~....aarts, \ .\\
.. i , , ,\1 7, . z.... .7 8.. . 7.-, ,t.ri .". .t a c i .13 4....,„,,, ., \
.--...ty Mimi: whi.d. requirea wo estarnal rennalt•
TIN opini.on anti id] expanancal. and selantin- FarT - ler . .....
t;shington. lowa, Jurw,..:6, IWO. . ',. inerehanter partatieri\L ' ' . Fritiiiiin Fire lesiirage‘e Co. of tfhilada• \
w ,
}tom me area .04 P 5. acorn.
; ply rvrysr L o.ortn, \r i .,. , ..r. t r, ad, 'r FcligtioDs ) 111)VEPTORSi. ,hakce*. Banete.i. Gee.
talt,d, which iottr Arabian Liniment Is performinn. 1. IVi . • ta, • . • • ~ ,
not hesitate to °P` it the ”t/rnat Ile il.ty or the , cat R:tHILADE.a. II '1 DlREetw Tn . ,
_,..-hri r v. s .Tr ri Zji,,, d t . , \ Mr ,, 1 .L .D.,,,L.,,. -i 'L,.,,,,,,, 0 r .h. :
Aire " I hallprardireddottortter horao• ter t•ott• T... 1 , , , 0 ,..., ~ ,.N. , ,r , . .., .....,.. ..1 , .1 , . -, _ , ,
, . • ,v,.... r- 0• , _ , : J arc b R.,rmiln, slurps rassorsono A..,..,
''''' h " . ''''''' al th "" l °"' '''''"'"'''' ' ' ''
IIe . ANUITY •d - CO \Ns at ,ffddin. •Pse r , en L. cIiARLAS F. kart KElde } h a \
, much puffed up In the rarer,. but I mu•t v. o . a . a.t It 1 , „,,, e-. s. „. , „. \ , „ . _ .
q FrareiVil Arabian LJniment vareaal• ant titatiU bar , I ' '''''l`i., .! • . a , s‘ ~ , ~A . --- . A • 1„„ ~.,_, \-.
made use et liy Its use. I bare eunel Sento, and tdra•nd ~,A B s,En i , dlk 1,,, L • ie. , 17k. err... 4 ..,,t, . fitter Gambia). - o u aiiinuai, to m •
~ 4 ,,,,,,,,., ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,n , ,,,,,,,,,,,,f,h„ . dAihhia. '. \ i \ \k, ' `. A , i. t in,d, nil every description dd . rpottly In 101193 rift
ur.4 mar« than fin,' !Inn,. thin bernon with lr.ur 1 , .... n "" r gZ,Vl?''' '' ' I' rg , 0 , .v.. - - i t fru-t.r.,- - 1 , 1 .,,t, , ,--9.trY; .‘ r1. 3 ".".:,'=: .tht,=`lz,.:;';l,
- -,- .-tr-A-. ---, . hole of d , -..... fr om --1,7, . ',l4t. ~,,,i \ZIModiWI,4I 4 ,, , ~,U;tt:°.,,,,kin f,b-; `;;;Ein7 ..„, ir,...17......:_, ~,-...
vat hnihwei up to sparin. rind -gone, and .seen). 1,, , . ,_• ~ :. . a , . • : t 0, , i ..... ri.
~,,,,,,,,,,,: wth. .....,„
alaii bal. testimony ot Ito coral elh.t. on [la! human 0r , 4. I la'w tom!‘ntOrLin an/ Prwaiono oolnltin ,
tom. I urn nonOnail nearly ell Ison wtntar .cy root, ~ , Mi: ‘ , ' it,, , ..„.h. theroi.`ed s, rttrel tntlo„ .. P.9r.tdn't t ITI.I , neaebtad r,, WlP.PanTiolt •t0rt.1,72.. t- 42;,,,1,P,:t
.ith Ifilriltll.lol9 , and anvil,' wet nothin4 toltalp me an", i:' i aa , a3: : iin'""" . '"'•.` . '014 ., cr--ref -1, ~,, 4 1 , -1.,,r- , Ir.V . ,,the net et neenni ...;
cot 1 commetneet tio• WU of 'cur Lmimant. whet, ant-U . .4'1 .`"" boos. n ."twl .1. Pn "ht. ..A.M°O, , , 4. 0 ~.- ••, • twc-..... t
... ,.•0 •
...„,.___, , \ 111 ,ik t,..,
eured sue. IS -, 1, ~ md,s. I, P +nate w.ginget.oru •,,,,nirritilt..iulaw-a.on.,
,un l'aln of ten ylars' otandlng onrwl by II 0 Fartedee .1 1, ,,, "\ , C \ '‘ ‘, '1 6 ANN. , L.,,,T r . 1 4. .e .4 .. , \ ' , .. , , ,, 1 , fut1 ..r im0 r.„. . i..„ 7.44. : ;; \ ..... , ,. , ..... ... .. .. .. ... i N,
~,,,,, , ,,i.v ,
1 Arabian Liniment.
dna - Suu Vain . ler the-lv ten Tetra. and could re er net ,
, ,A m i n except by Iderittn4l but b, ttn, a.. of 11. li Fildnedi s ' ‘c \ 1. , ,!5; • , \ iT.:....,•
' A:4 Liniment. applied o• r the Olt, re , ~,, ' .
. ' PL . 4 4,: e , ,t!ke' , - lune , . \ t v. , tnnerpor 0,.. sqoA nf Yl yenta, hod
tout tatues a da,, it ras entlre ' ly removal..4J tiara &It iTO , pen of Iterek,cz 7 ,• , h,,,,,,..,, yeards of On Ellin. dux bin a
,tnitia of it sin,. I want tut,' the 'table oniet.igli , ogf , ~a ~,,ar t , “«,-....1,11. aims.. al: ii , r.r \a. .r.aa.. \ , dinioarii i- i 9i.i. \ Lir F L"' 4 .. .. , Y 11 . , 1,„1, ° ,f, ` ,1
', ! : 11 ' ..!• `, 1 ` 7, , ii h .,,, " •=rg " T.! ` ...::74=1,= arm i'A A
g u tt 1 : RELrANCE PI ' II.II3IJEOI T I Nt.N . POE - .. " Ytfen ' T:A j' AtTitre7mtag aft dinbili de
•••• hall; that they ,awed as black Ito utT bat. renal noun
t a, TA 'HON ' !NE% \\ , \ r. .‘\ J. U. , V,Waill;illfi r r.
' ILLt2II In :Wel,/ I applied your Liniment. and ell •t•
,nough at 5 tee .1.. v. ix, ~1...t.c.n . uraai. ',I, 11. - \ Al...Ls:eta co .. renrrsl,Orfa. Is ir... , arta , t c. an A\ ',..,..' . o " ' . \ °I'l" B " l ' ' '' ' ' " el .CV--x•d
=beer, ,cruet. ehtladelenlA•
ti h n ' •Vo l g ?all ai r Titt ' i r it7la:l 'th r.. r u ' , l l - .br.T. ' ,7,.. 1 i ' 41 ) 17::, ! ''' III..I.L. t caocrt - t. Ae•-eq..v.e, , .. c ,,, .. ;ilea - b \ Peiin Idutii4j , ile Insaall, ce C
,aaiN a. iftece ,,, , ••, JUL'. TA I Wow. A i` ,,, N • AUe t...' ',
'. * ,,E'c 1: IN; Xlcl'TSßUts,l , ll., R
' t.••••., r0,n0,.. Peerta,.. the Feb u, 1 , 4 N, -,,, are ptetALreq, en then ennu the knriaV an , _ \ . e .
' 'ne J. Fill.pto - dero,,in. 3 lolhertO 0 , ..5 ,
, i.,....1. h. r.ntArt .or Frfir,ht *kr Ikta ~.,, : .... 1. ; ~,, . 05 ,, . ~,,,...
~. ,Liy,ra 6., , mu daenetch and e..m KA :Nr Vt Ll* Lind, . , or \ tne ban e , \ r....r of gaff): n . , r . . .
lie,...aft of Cotettirfrar , . •bln. ,Inesed Inert or the eitydd aa... =it ndno tie tun. nt ,. .Nl
I_, dit. AUL AGALvbt IMIWITION, LEAD ILE 1,1 ‘.-- \ --1 1 \ Vt.' ID to .1, andl . . 'wo r d ' el,' at Stle' , sountnhd
' ''.. re. ''',' r\ ' I t 4 c , n ,, r e mater a One di . .e: Wood , ,sitnetddebertiall naeut
JONES' LILLY WlllTE.—Ludlow are rai.-\'
sawast tb. mtrauwavcrwred T 1
Cb• k_
n.‘ E,• trightaair i 0 1, 14
r.kin aCA+ra , ally
„r mares. Lac
ig rotiog i lvi l l_ 11,1.1.... It _
11, Ls ,rl4
anntacte., .„,i
t,. - - *II allele ,
ibt n h•ml
Cl.l'.ehi mud "so.
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Rooi i ,
()LeI:PUS tho front rank among the pp..'
Prl,otaor.7 olotein," rf tide tountzl for co le nt
caring Caul., telt ltb,um. Errelp•lara and all , r 0 r
fumy ,
arcing from an imyrre etate of the blood lb,
Lee. Limiplaint.Catarrit, bysperala ,, lleadachre, inst. ......
I ,
congiLg. S.tunp". nll.l Tight/h.. about the Chat. P 4
elate, .a. h,atratruora. dr, nrar. and • twain:ha repast% 0
shout the thruel; and In used with trupreredraed /0 4 ,4 . 1 . 41 4
In all ea.. 4,1 S. I
Polak Irrarrese and General Debtlicy
P.trangthening the weakened lad,. Arena PIT , Cth use '
earlous organ., ••4 irrrig•rating the entire ryltero.
It thereeticnuf of thousands of tieing wltneah/f. th
ell parte°, the r•untry • can be relied ntam, it team tar-,
Ir eft:teach,. In ettraig ell limner, and rentorlog.le fkitn.
led and hooter. down eanatiintlona. It 4, purely .eg.o;‘,
bra In Its comf•leition, and so erenretely combined In V 4.4
hen, etroca that the chemical, botanical. and medlciti rot \
parties of earh Ingredient harmonlottely unite to
Purify thu Blood.
' II hag ramose.] many chn.ellrdiweawte whirl. hare b .: ..4
ins ran! of Me h. r hystelana, and Kuala,' elan. Cauthr,
h.h. Itheum, km"lp.ll henhala. which hiareatharritit
e'en ye entirely hultalwa ste ;.: loaat Unpresatort uta:a.'\
It has bean tested In ca. of C.OOKICQUS 11 II
altritrl. The moat obst,nan• Cancer, hare hem lulled by
BILIOUSinr. IV* say that It la a valuably storliNh• In all
COMPLAIN O. It remove. all olddruqhme In
the circuital° a rendering the Liver free , active, e.O.l t e l i.
:V " ll;t l llnil iP ant ' ay 'r E: h tYsed i* Lf t. all ' gln r :lrril
at all wax. of the yrer
L. It - Fiat; JT . 1345 ---- -. P`' ,
It's ISITIIP is PreP•mi cnii t? L • ' .• • t•
fountain street. Proeulance. . . and .old' wholcamie a`ni
retail. by N. li WICErIiitSIIA-11. \.
uuly Aslant lot , treaterst Penneylriante l v.
my 1.4 Itiat•Lonae. corner Wood end ?lath ~ Pitt . l
B. T. Babbitt'o Celebrated Soap Powder. ,
W A , SU I . N . G ... ttp
0 0 0 u 1 t
1 1u 1 1 , r 4, r1 .
,m Warranted
n. n p
Dry,c4,4.4 4 ., roe Car —PlIt ,01 I clothe., in • eulliclarlt
4.tantily of enlil water to weer them. then add two to ter
of this Soap road,. . each sit quart, of sy•n \ r s
uwel with the elotheo. II the w ter la hard, add 0 4
the Powder. and 1,,•I th em test inutee; in the ratan 1 01%,
preaa them down alth AMIE, t eh put them In • tub end
add ettfilment 0.1.1 water...llb the, wlll no, b • ~,,, “.,
to handle. 01.. n rub thr dirty treata. or In Other Itnrdi,
ghee th•su • thorough 'loping. Apra that Is •u
wan Won dello.
N.B.—Thorp brint , no "Pin 0 ads .ioap. It Vitt 1,01
SOON do The entire met t material wed dohw no,
erbad too mint, mmyleto • wattling of ten parkin.—
Warranted not to rot or Injure be clothe..
This is • Powder that one e make twelve guarte
tyrofamily hob IiOAD ' \
Inarretoes rot Veg.—Tate. rMx quarto cf wateband
max the l'ordsr with it.. and n let it boll, tor Ara tater
ate., then add ate ? , uarte tdr.!tAii them Intnnat . Z
trett b ghtlte7l l lorerViti ' r u etel u w ice Alt t e ' Elta ", ra eutt
will weds won, and not the hands lite other Snit.
Soap. nor tot th• clothe. Ca Le wed with herd or mi a ;
water. hr Making the awa uto quart* Itrdrad og
anal... The Solt :hp lee , darted ft. waahlialC canoe
and neadlau erode
Bold wholeaele sod bowl to' It.
The highly unman,. halsainis and tnialt propertdos
o Vinegar. render it far superior to Cologne Wad&
t o , th e erelnary purr, of the toilet and bath, aurrieeh
log the latter in la perfume .11 cheetah's.. and Tolle
lmatar egteaer for the prtirontlon of el... Wine. and heettli.
11 Is highly tecortiniended to le.thei for the ordinary and
,i..heate /dap... el the toile. and for ptery.nloY the
!Pekin.. n 1 the eomplexien. Its aroollent prevent.. tem ,
Mreeshleh i ., end dr, the in. and inatart It en
eli the tumld.x ;s2l7ll?„lloy,..l7,l=n,,buiruiti,,it
Sold by It. h. SNLl.hlte. L. 7 %pod ad
10-PAILTNERSIIIP—The subscribers !fare.
j „„,,., 41 info o , l , cotorrotilpyntler tb! Arno of Seadfo t
fia , oooo A °Yeti. Al. H. KAIY?..
f fat JOlll4 11.OKELY.
ENNETT, BERRY & CO. hare ro.nored
to their r,r , Wamhouse,,m9rof Chum/17 yu . :lo
amt. J 124,1
To Bagging and Painters.
rARIS GREEN-" 8" BRAND, TntoDuar.
eavlninn'. Po . = remolded by th. Gold Medal of
_urirsit lurtitute. for poomming uuraming maid,
Mar of ntitulo sued min/ Tha crossalfortucercf the .bore
e , nt Imo produced the tlecpul and moot toildont article
, Greene that lo permanent. and that canl.around
cut detrimout to d/ elsle. and ban roducod Ma pro
unto/Tin. undOMOdt/.
been morolnted ado agent f tho sale of thy
clad hrand of Paris Green. purchnern be co
•trodursal K. E. likleLliltd.
R' Wee,. •11. r.
)TASH - 45 oasts pure for salo bF
Jame \
‘• a ”....7 \ -,
.C..croc ,
BeVuxtent's Patent Saich•Po '
koATENTED, July 26*, 1)01/.. -4),,r, g ring
.\ a begvatipl t.ll to Ltra.r . :Mu?.liu.s, C44nra, C..t.
:111;•=Mli:::n . ..1. a g,A7.itt. r :VZ - Lt`Wii,2
iinet l / 4 .1t...... rtta:pa nallin ,s ilkittri.a. ',
= '...'.l—t,ntlict: up.[
O t ri4.l)'." '' ,l' , b ''.^ ''' \'''' '
I.;itc.• ;:14 c.taii , y,Calca. N , ltl I.^.lrsala real 1.,
‘J* 3 . ..4 . \\_, _ R..!..1.1KLLEki:.:%.:,
' , , : k ‘velg)._i Nave romencd to'szky newstor't,
1 iitb4t7 e. r . l b .tirt;; t.T:):', ° 27ll. E " k s:'',
L'xf.:_ u lk.. ° 'l4=ortn.,.t v %ri;LVr; l =in ' kl.
.nou.s . ...rt;•.i 11.0- soi..c.s.mW.. Um. .4. Upsk Matt.= '
'''''''' I'''' 4 U 'l ' , l ,:tA ' k,LT., - 4,.. '''' 5 ` 4 ' ; ' r% . ,:
t. , untecr..l.6, 1.. i , \ ..., ''. 'Y, 'o' MA
\ iu
1 p: fit.
aliaoge7tne N:ltlit u d. . 7 01,1 g 4 . 2.,, ,
;1" ul t ,l .'% u lf.'olll.'Tll! rTI , .
..- \ ' .\,, . .
Wi .. .101.r- . ith\ktUd iile,ll b?‘
I‘i'dckr Tut an ., ..
~tiN. V l.7.iit t;ORNICE, a,l
' ',....... StAt‘S.VIBLi..
.44 40
- Ig••_
VAlui Loper &
Aildiplat,e,P(l{4l: -
.i.sts s r,r,4 ; iretl, \ sup - e,ri'6r urti , ks
\FOnkir , husqk , ui.F.=•.o \ T •••
\ h ,1411
ix ocIU
S.'k.'l - ,
•B A.O
11. this dik
O9ILS--13 bt
3 do wk.,
o•orees...a for do.
QoegnturkoEs-v.otil i1t,.161 9
\k $ UGAR fir..All- , 600 lbs'aforeale t)y` , ..„
OIL i 11.04N—,109 • A15. 'llianart.' -
Oih. ' ]
10 E1.1..4 ••.., \
.... .. ha. Y.licedir km gel 4 •
~,z ' lIIZIVA arra: a c '.'
O ..SES-10 1.1,V , ., N. o.,'for Hale by. '.
A. C14.1:1E/ITSIef A CO. 93 4 -
/LASSES & 604.0 EN 'SYR U l'-= 1‘
by \ A. CULnIiTFOS A C.)
AS Ikz boxee,
tbr sP. JonNivArr ktx.r.
ITIARTAkift: ACID-4.500 Ibk , for safTby
g %Kw= ' A. tATINZSVJCIi A (ki ; •
rNANNE 1.." I bb a. fur ~ cby
. 0,... , \ n. A. PAUSESTOCK'a CO
i rt.oßA.,aso,
',.......... ~.. ..,..—........... ~
_k... , \
------- --------- . \ 1 \
~\ C.C . , .: other
~ ~\ •N .. 7.
pATENT THA-2,ot.M.Rib9 Imported I ~,,,.:\ tt.; ,6,.. 4 , 11ap ,„
~„„,,, nvm,.b. vacti,r, anew mat, at wlca. %
l,Yt vurchaparp. \cl6 I! klllfiltliSiq . ,1.
•• . lah \ ' log M. ' IT,''i• 1".
I:Nsx'l:•{u—lo .....
i tor nal* ki
ceBlo, Wild Cherry Bra
WE are inattuct,a4 by the alyttelV 6 \ alape
oat Um fcl.luvlpit Oodsureduced rste‘ , l472
ID 0 , 4 PITTSBURtkIi STOCK—:`.O a h u.iti . ,o i, I... TC=ltyss:rA . ; r ; • \ \j
I ) .43t4.1 ,by f m 29 I \k. S. VITA% Cada a tio ., _ s t , , , on ,
„, , I.saiz.
~, .
', M. MOLASSES—.2O{bIs. Bat. gEound, \ N., 1 3',..ti,.. k ; t i.,,,,;3 '
~. ~ , \ \,
sr' iIT sX \ vgAnEs DAlgm t _ i , , i-; lexa, bl. .4, prat, '' ' , ,
a _LI ANBESTAT EUROPEk In .3. 3 - 10,,,,,, i _______!, . '.' ‘ RRPUT • Llt .
Lat , :r) , l , V , lld la.s.a. Ili /ult. ~,,r 1 i t c 4 REL__soo.4l,l..l \\ . : l, l „; „,
~.,,,......,„ e Ett'snmer c I \INA: ucluang.N.n.c en 1 iv, \ a Yoh.\\ \\. '. . \ s l ,
tu, 1,,,,,th 1 , : iv,,..,
.11: if,,,,,,, a,. lor. I vol. .ne 1 \ ,
.. = \•• -: it 1:. .6 rikl.hbyl IA i.,...
"i :' "U"34"FF'' -r th'
4'" kL 'l4 -4-----.. "94 ' 1\ .- N '.' -,, \_.`k 7 \ \
rrOBACCC7 - 714. 3. 10 Gc.d.'a No\ 1, la atora 3. 3 3.... '''
00 9D 8-- ..
L.' .d It/LIU* \. ..', JVISA kotiZELL, '‘. B, .... ,a - ‘ X.A rin'tdlarr, 15 1,2,,
. t lii ritlTyit:lol,l If Li 1, I
V e gt. ' lV,M . 9 112t6Z,t
kite met f'l;,A . t
NACAS dt , i.lekannually
, 41.tteburStis. tisu • ;.•1 0 , 5, j_,...7e
kidl , inn, "Fite,- ana \ d Tranaktatia/
4ii Ininik% \.. ..‘
11 E Ipstirate r e eau:loan Nona Atg , en , a,
I, p0 t k, a ,..,,,,,.,_ , ..„,,„,„, r , r , g , rt
; 1 . ,toll"lluoi L t3n.d‘lhlel"lr.l.4.'"tetts.t; ibis Mt Li
p. d . 7ll .. alcillea
,_al= rtT 47s7ellet\brin n lna , ..,....,.:,..
~,..,,, \
7" . \ N 4sscrcsd. .:
.V . ‘ " 4". Vt; r'''.. \
,I= s l . 4 'S! .. • . ..:.
\i'',,i''.:.,s4, K.
' `.., t='lb. . .. •
HeriUSI . F I . eraa. ' s, rrs.usia qui . ,
' . se.,:•cl \ . o, m ~... „N, ,r, ‘,
\ ~ i- l curlce Tylr. \\
\ 11 . : ,.., are i ,k t tk o tte. ~ , l
• ji=spEr&,.
\ :•.,21ortS.M.Llu, . B. D. 6 h.T.Td.'s 4 '. .L . 1•
rtisls the otOest msuttu .. , ins..Y.t.thOOPV..
!s;AVT-dtiteberi'RlNlFt=l7ticlisri.,.r. t
- • .. ^side-ec all M . hle security to‘trie Qutth
cat.. ht. -k• •- - . w tm, . JuNEs. A%
' feirmgt.2ln6al.B,9ll3WOurauce Coy
9 FFIA,. NORTil , ,, ts ROOM 0 QF' 'THE '
CllAt:`, Third 4rse PitaelptilB6,
~ Ist Lasi :kfi
t.t.x.--.Bushlirets ..„ tend a.
nd ooruitaztlt , inemzwo..—
those torFrO for Lip\
.a..m.rxs .-Wrir•T %. 4 tv- 1 .
1 0 1 ,.. .Dt
,12.1,itED Tic.uarc.rawax...-112e, 4.0%.,t5ca. a
.trlOs*orted Wirsr.4 1.1 rced 1141
rityrsa.,,d'Utes. on ha tads Lib Lenal.
/I,,N.s.b t _l/suokkAttbudet. , Johli
Imik. Abell Da 17,14 John Y. L'earoak,
U l
~ P s r o lti V F , trki r t
I n p t
1101, wilmortalum rotlJanag,
mot+, —Mar
Crat tiVv•;7l. ev , tlavr - 1,111.3011
X. J. ..j.JJ. s4e.74i.'lllcraia •
E:ro.Jr\ • 1.. \ \
rirMtno3-1). tierwar.. 4ugh
,Wll./kAtt '
'deartvoitik tar
stip CcaruarN Spar icre,t,sTltts
=la+. . s. Armt
_ ~ ~
\ , I
\ \Ohici.Labora .. • V\'s,
ir j _.. „,,-,„ ii.._,,.._„2. ,;, , , s, 11 1fii, t ,
,111111 I P!_iU 'l llll{ 1 U . , tar
illoir . ii k s ~.--c . 9 , ~ : . ! , ..E . e .„
\ \ 7 ' ' ..r Cents. tre,,ngth. \\ .
OVELL F2l t,CO., Ma . itiacta=
nn of AJX0111)1.4 PrtrelNArltafiTC.olollmqui4_)= .
tog r Ditillied\C ‘ apor Whiskey $1...) , . 2 77:
)L e,,,at.
44%"":'2\r4.1= 4 .hi-,,. ''''• dtpkd
...i. • Ett kat. prices ap I. .
rwil l / 4 1 5\ Patent Aqerniblia, Nr Filter
S WV. 1 , 4) be FieeVin. ope7ti at Wlkl.,
TA/f4 \(76. Z1.1 I '',& I ' 1 cta ' k I'ITZNY"'
. k. } 3 . ,24"4„tt..gekt.ra 'iTh,,,R0 1 1 ,..: ,: -..,i,A 1
I hletlarteetet the eaeriat. lbstitta q li.e7 Ica.
ertifte•be Iptet the Frangltrt Institu bf Atblladek
'Mt lttrtnlWthi ‘ let Ito eleall•lngyee wed alta
-Ver b ? OW *U4libelit.AFt .... WettlPhitt• I
e lgt°'
, C rte r rl.2etirtst•rekt 20th IVI.
.•C,Ih P I r447l t rkt "' VjVareAt ' ll " Wr!
\ \
Lewitt. Itemeti orl of there lb „.,\+„
Gvii, .v.,.......,,.. ,
`l' sbetti. /Web; Mb, lea. \
eLeittlea's4 . *lrr. Ilmitt•i th pr , \
. •114 t at •1 persart io nTl
vr.r etiot:b .r
t•X ttl • out! anise:mil Cr
\ ur,
ntrt. , . 44 "Zz,l'i;:ru ,-
r , ..v 30 ! '" 4 ‘ l,--- "'
itrilit4 dEDIA.I4,
' , verb . thetbi bb,
No. 0
• Go
ar,..hUh L
liytaea ..
rA.Parfate ere,
6..24 •
12. P r o rat 1
Fccaaa to tt •a.
amob mar =Loll ,
I ^Woo la Lb, aa t e r.
1;1' 10 4 ' ,
• aral,ll.oa,alloaLT ,-
'SAD' PlT*4Corhe 'a j'ipi-lly-d pa en rt 1
Lead Mae tra IlidrazdA \
• ' - ..P4XI" • \\ .•
,• ' \
` 4 lrlttat r . .‘:` \
a av Gard mai teltta i le4 lip :
dtald • •I'
.:,... •1 3 , [skeet_
eating anciglat *,
iVV -F U4. E
bi 1 1aT24 1 3 3 ! 4\l l, 7 lg G r.
dia. Rank a. StdredarelraVni ., add aid:
d ' • =7 " 4 "U'' s, VP l ifl " % airt '''''
tar, mama aleVla or Idredil 4••. 1 "4 . "‘•
P Tin* " b i l i 1 T U' r tl l \ed ', , • \ iPn
arbllea r emzed \ ~ ,
\ ::eln.,— .6.: , o.l6lo.,nytin• InestU6st ,
il t A " crias• • YeT:so t te.f ' , ' W u irk
I gki7l:4rlst,V . A*l:2l4::.lfAifilott ' \ fr ga- ' \
WAIVE.. Ailil2t,sl/% 014 LT . I
Coplcty's Pot cht T , \
4N now
1 ~,, ftA tß 1
,10?gfiTikr i 7
, , B ,114 ,0 Ae-:, It la ad. Draw of the c.N.,
4rlTotir...l \=B,lVe ' rl".l2l4 " : *. i 7 " t
- • slop, it ICK tw;
OIL .4.11.0 T —5 a
.adsU ku.a. r r;mts.. tat Wait.
anpartoj tar ternipyakriaclatfact aa ual.llpr that
" , taedn'd and tate, tam pik at Ord. at
b .° ~,,,a \ - 7 ° \ N , IL. PLittLIP.
v et ' . • • PER-rr* a:qortnaett
Itnii=rarVittiarql2g4= '
uo. • . Tirled\rwrd• er,
srp2.s \
Nli ISli 11 , 1: RARats.--eia.
Lo• • •ia r: • AAA er
can be lAA VS, 3.. AV 'N'ZrAlgrAr WlA*Vrrarr.
; r Ida teninAgrerAlA Ars.
0 14ble, for a 1 by
,RIED P laiES.lOO . for , ort)el*
Das r,?JoIsoN. • a co. ' \
L 3-500 ot , asitd vises, for stklo'by ‘ .
j.. nos unix ego: I
pi ! , 112 ,,t t e r sic' .\ \ I
Lirrxc as : "o.\
'ES Jr. S i oo , •
\ 5.
100 bb ..n. Pl
2b bbas.ll. br; 'Annie b
0 ,15 \ ROM- . LITTEir 1. 1
\ 31 E D , I. C 1t.,1. • \s:
y ~..\\ \ ‘,... -- N ' t\ eecil ---= e; ll ael L ebril6l :--- \\, , ,, V
' 11 , 03 tqAt..:`, 111,31LQCK. „KASS.— \ \
~,, , 1 0 _ , ,,, , 1, 1 , ....ih n i i r p,„,..,,,,,,„......,.. \.,,,,,\
44.4 . . "Atis 7 • \ ••12:-.1 n' tll ' LllDT l .:l h tt ith . gt .1 ,2*17.1 \ \ \
~,p,,, , ernizatti 4 turh
s trentor Plaster •,..erotre. Air \ \\\ ~.\ \ \
• •ont or. t,..41 . • ~/ ..I.•••\ nlirtf
. .4.ltiyase. to wir7 . oroPnalt . \
\• \ at • stfollnii 'n. fOn ' li 1 -r i ' r!tt '' mm rlrr ag .- \ •\ • \
'Elah: t•qa i. 4.1. .% \ ;,• '. S l ''' . .
, P ..... , • ~ „I
•Nr..oilr-rnl ornl'ili.4. wod, hey, irco‘..tili li
aorarini ~
,persoortrudertna ri . pthor
.sr -y .4.,,..1., \ is
. •
.7 , r.Q. to . .b , ;
, .r.';',a),:sL,Tb , , ,, Pailita.lll thr 11i4Leatlaq
.. \!, v
.r.. ,, 4,'::i.,.,`,..11,..'' • 1 ";:t.' ` l' s ; n't.""at" :\* • •\\ `
, -7,.,'A.'''."' , tlail;: ll.l . -..h ..So '..- ..•'4,
lir r Lai% riths ed. "W
marble 1 . , -, •l' . i . '..' 7 '..'' 'l LY' r raitirilit 51,....k •Ind elaritotira ' \\ „ . 0 ,
Anon. or •'• • • ..... ...- .i 0.1 its- dtraseelif thr rids7s All Or so -‘
o r th r iy r..... ,d, ~. r sit othor plashlts Las hrer. saps , ist hl
la r , ro . • 1... in l• •-.1.• LA. csperioncert ctirert I reho a ttsot 1,, .\ \
, 1 \
Meta_ , -1- ri , f , ,0..-ti ....roder. , ill: rairiatisas• la,
r... ,,54
\ • \
sth .i th• d • er........0 ih rw r ill t• hos * ' •,'--\ \
ii,.. - E.lll - :4,' ..!•, i ,- ‘: , r!.1tr . .... -- VIVT NI I'''\ . \
t 1 JI
l ila c , r ‘.. lo„ . .
.‘,.: s &tit rIcA •
, -.l•
Ls. , r .i r r • -i1 .... '1 ' --C"'. ''
•`) \.
L i. ~,,!..„.z:- .. ...- .7,.. ).:,.....'7`ll..Fopi'f-.,.. . .1 \
liV ::‘ , c . ' \ . : l. .. ', i . ' ,. ; , .: f,. r5 , ; , , 1 ,: i F ,, ... , . " i1 ., 1..t - i , ; .!.. tir -
\\ k if I
1 fa ,,.. ..
~. ..t:, ,, , thir \ c doe. . i f el as \or •. i , .
..1, , , per r.,-,. Eachenake. ith i a 1 •
4 1
F, 'err ,' t 0..• ta \h. L. ailLarillaW
\ \
•'.44 s ePtrireatore chino in hl.for aiiiirth. i •
.an are drearopt o} i t phllorrohy.' , , \' \ \
\I 7 II.I:\AIRTVES of la rewarbto rem, ~.
XlOaligin:=lPit ?l ,. t . ..1 : :'1 1 1.1.s. th in" 4 "th I. ‘ .\ \
o \s
1 %`ei. i 4ria t Obili h r VlT4 t rrn;i b :l3.; tolsecroaL
ty.igt . .. depth SlVir boaltrd fret. a pa udne.'
tod ,„ Xticle, with say etwatlcal c ...wolf-just at It
'Jo from Great Lotman i 11 It:manias
go ni tegt re5chd , w... , , ,, 0 wife, of di - s tto i r t gic •
trala cf batons rbl4, •• If •1171.13. fiitla r' g \ rsaiNseg s
new In ilierlatlng Ifilloring. rod resto e tatlOne Of
braltaana vicor to aMT • sulPrer. L.r‘o thaw,. • .
Otter thottalt of putPAG it up ill broth s rep tier • "
, 000 for the'vare of dirrieS4 • Thy c 00..., t hoesi or lia . '
sin. call. Posit. and serrhathrumarkable re it
forum!, Is. rue. India** ed lir futurePolartla aai . \
'YU. nproad ariplitiatLx. tit tho t of'd' la '\' .1
Wo do niit r frt. to rival eon.olralad, tor:lamas. ...;.
re ronacioratlant the 4..414n0 can a•-prort. ItaV l,
- intothe lac, of 411.3 whoa:Jar\ and re Pi tie heatedl'''y . , . ,
• rry l t r ierre d .;:e r t br glit 'l ctTie ' t ' 'i o
kr t=i:s " • \ ~. '•
amides I)Lowees hems Ism, I, \am char auftia •
Wooroeratirl--all dif.,,,f, of the,rolocOspeoce. nett ar. \
N,F r a ° .i 4 ll l 7l i gren r ia T .rifittXot g r a ' ear:raar ". . s itit r -; \ ,
tal c uZ i r'4 , ;E:P,: : 'o;f,gl:•,,MA -I tr, A" ` 4 ` \.
Litertmes.K.oraltris rull i Khauf m tiAr.vout. BMW- 1 . -
l.:later, Plat-worsts units ! , s; Oki sant ~ . .., • ,
ac..t. In err; of thrall ... rsoltno ta \ eiM.t. • •• .. l , 1 - \
lona rod rot fed' caw-e G. 41.41150. la Ettatia V . , •
, r4Artf;,.4lflrel TO, tad, 41. 0 731 . .., \ ...., _
whet. 4.a er,
ring obotrycLktnt orl...Zrasiirs. ~, ~ •,,
• • alone:which rat* dlworl'entit ~.s. 1.....4 t . " . " ! • N ‘ l .,
• • ' .l..'l.l V''' '''.4"z -...' 'w1" %7 ' \
ofr I Tar proptieto barks afserricr- a . - ,, A. .• , ,
k .,, ~,,,,,,.,. y . r t, try my r ,,,, a t. mg t iwo tliCore , \ ••\
• PETROLEVII fo a ehort,hiaa r --I: 7 , v
.I , t. • .0rp , :r.7.b0 mi.l. ir,\ \
Non rooms, without the atottarate tie \ . . , . 1
I ' "er .W. Tin r c , . 1 Lio \ lo Ts " tei_"ora \A • ' ( N ,
Alre. 07 IL ' RELLKIILI: Weer:a- ', \ •,
and Ef.0...1 , • • t .e.arvir4.l,
~ -. \
roc, Wood street and ViroLllerVens \ \ . '\ ' •
' l
‘ Toc2cll7 his rtrulaVy opldiwt Ai . o . toto. - \ \ N
• 1
••• 1 \.\
NOW a I .mezttrho axv si,cad •riftlictel \ i , \ \
SA. th diet , lof the Madder raid Nays, rittithei , •\ _\ \
matr 0. in hr , /tulles stiff Papthirariarannial ' \ \
Ns ,
utrora -., that the roc he yterel bp too .114 fal;k0). \
116 i'll,
~,,...1 on /nap •.th about fix LecuipoatvaLatrittell \ •
~. b., U.. dres - net mete th afro Kota , •- ,
f'fiou r ,Lv l, r. 1 0.\ or on Id , rnincio 4nity, It has lion.
which ~,,. . 0 . 0, in. aoy tabards:ll. 'Tat Inatt
is twat with pa •-•• sal stilllora , dia 1.0.P.5a...\
Er to coots. ..t renof oar of I suaantate m , N\ •
ri ,.. d ,,... Ky , , ,„, „.„ 6 ~,,,,,,,,, . w . t bi i Noy., \ '
str f u i rkle no mix ri-to, Co -. mind. pop for Ant. ,
triaen tl .ailt tr . . tut i. recced7 ash , * , • ,
\ ind 14 ihe piaster endik
ati r t, ' • u rtio '' fliVe!)=4• l•rr' •sisittl\
'lrrogi of our moth c •I
Prato euffrring la potty a' • 7 /cob • . 77 . e.. =I • , .
'lc as c0r..1 riles fin ots , melte e hare falsoata
ratoph any tril.-f ,d, It 'has Nth Illoiatain, of loos A,, , \
et. IV. and of the re tr and • pilif charater. ilt
Las t rod Meilen Nati - t, hy ottli. 040, ii•AO \ \ ' •
~,,,,, ~.0 , fo r t,i., in r, . • fl-rothes Attima.t.
ha. bee 'of toisraii. Ae 'it local , 4••• )In ..hairra Asa. , •. • ,
•acedds. i tittsttir Pun ynaelkalN teiror Otanthala s, S .
that To pa. 0 - „ It WI ourmhi k lb .• . red feet. ; •\ •. . .
to • frr applications lin -oh arti • t.1411 t , ... • \
4of the truth odAtrlne..l tl abotha -hF Orio• • ,
lairs OSAIIIII. Af. KIEII. 'an BataraTa th larrect, ot •-, . \
'U trisi r- r ' jrT3l l : i ar .'- 01. corno '•of iforetr*,' ' d \ Vra . . \ la I . , '.'
alter:' IL' E. Sellyris . s7,ltoot e h.P. /11144 . .i. Q. Id. ."--, •\" '''-r-• -
I inic7.. \ lib - thee; intr, rot' the .ors. F. \
„.. ..... .-
p,. .:.Ii.OSE'S.CF.LEBILAV REM t i ' , •\ '
• Ilit r aytoe Rost. th e &on-Ansi Polo WOW-4
0 . ere
. meat popolAr riot heorticialyclicitera aka, so
the Iseetiliareff.tba esleForiost Irt4riirlar loootiath •
d "r' relidll.Vir C;t r. p ' r.7Z - ta r iVr . I l t. - 71;1=14r;
gnii ' utriwsf the u.i7ty rf l'or , :•.koPutfo , tvg •,. \
~.......yeurempineel7arouczonorafo4ll.eaoiciattm Gf \\\\
...• ThrotAltre ose of tAsinerting teln con ectiotirlta 1 ' , s , '
.154 Prophythiciar hyrpo.h)..od <Rime rirt . erairiliwVaOrr \
' artrf r atttiliVil l eV " lll=l7;Vo ' sti;•474ra• 4• l N..
aaltlat r ee . .4tp k V . ltsittr d en - J h al ... . \\ \ \ \
' rant =tit i fer " llir . V.Tbto l =h r tiirtt.h a littatan: \ A\ \ \
trls ' acir-not el. W... cf ort• aCtlond ..17 11. Shat
\ A . \
i. inmff k r.,tit.,h, .s.t.t,by.k.ilogiAl 14, bee bt ... rtsiKllf .., \ - \---
his italera, adapp44, and pria y at for. rech peculiar
I Wado It s et \ ral . re Pas ' 3 iimat. Lee hrrartit\ • \ ••\1 .
‘% ft :lnet‘ r riledari toIOrSOT At/34%0 o ottrair . \ 1
•Xl; r f r r es r , '
. 44Ia r r ri . os i t ' llteer " at.s h ga, trier,.. 7,,.; \ ,
Ll . ltked y lire...fra_ll . 7. ra woors-r-----...-ass•e! n-.•
-• • am. a t, 1:2,14•
to etva I.ll3.'srbat..?
raap !gratis Olizat.lla \ \ Doctoea'
ettarraualbo. naaltaam ,iy;pra?
u,1, 7454 0 \ egel
3: ` \ °;2.l
01;;;A k..\\.....\;".;,,
TO tVe ReaderoiltliiillittabFitt r'. due,
1\110.4,1C 'TTNNTION \is ronet •
,iii- \ \ \
\j, , vk th-th tz.o.x traba,eet fora,' maiden n emp \ \
Hof elsetheer I tuft rmedl7 ,or irsderes Mime ' \ \
,PET; \al/0311 , 0 MX4 Ulle It.tenot real Oat ,•• • ,
MS. .F 3,l *.li f tri• riieVrtie i tetlbro . a
\ et v
tafa=r.Li tai:= l -ii74--Tgrib• \ \ \\ .
enethanity, •••,, ...ape tast am ongve IT is rri thli \ \
fte IsMeorpnd%• WU roe SLe'retir \.‘ ,
ear or* day, g0r416, or the sool2opueente.of raking realm` \
bat a entp.„l7 wen Ira eennetee, wlllsaintinV 1= via% - s '
Iktt i t ' giTtaP•o , ll 2 ,=, kV•iti2''rtit,'""driitai of ate •eallt •• - . '`,
7 : s parer and ssT6e7 Cat laual; to rant al htinttPl
r,, , V1n . .,;1:=2 4 4L:ft;r4-fr;teeff-gr'.. \ \
, :-.0.--- , 40- .04 " ..4 """e• tki-r .4eo . p l it care ,
,aenaii,in ee meats, \ IhiCalek ate 'liiier•litja Web. a
=I'M int,,,,A=. i ti=e ' Air olelto n r VT- \ ,
tag ck hkmbu geke, reset ear. t6ere. 6oer:riew♦do ii•t derire . . •
W 4' * A;:bnr/} ". cr i bi ' r ie. truth
Igt b"' I.
ffirtNeeZ tik ylop i lilhae ant' len , f;t& '
ira VI. nararraetaat fate--Tata tb•t rat lad
4 ' . 1...11 : 1 " gor g c h . b.b..1. 5. '''''!* turfs
, :: . .. .A.
. \
Istthin Nost bre.27e6s6l: tdp et 'stir ern' elan:ay ,
4 ‘ '‘U'.4 ' 1 1 "' a••• ''''' '''''''" r
. . \
f eral el k,l 1401../. 17. __, nes, a Obie, are 4
euteil .0 tali eautanarritlexae' ain Delve: Smut •.‘
\ " 47 9 " =ft% r„ggt b,&;,',;,.,,t1714,..taxei , , '
fb:jr 4‘l'. `jterft i l m iciet l e bmp
..iv .-• . \ , \
\TE,„„=-a , ,.. 0p:1.,. it ptldra ' ar%.Eitn. ' \ ...0 ,1
rinlies en the Ilea, it t ME•PAy•rt . =y r -iv., -- k \ -.,
kt .. r.Azivh=„roWt., =-,t.7,-Tm \ ~, \ -
~.,„ - „,..=-1 . f.,„ =nul ..,. , ..P.-- \ . \ \ •.,
-mnis.Fd . ,,, ;= o., r.%.1 er enfXidalirs, \
Cht vii i,
...k,e.e . t=ariea,es."l..i , ' ,.. tniat.
...,. • \
I.I%SeA 6(4 .A 74 dimes. tin e Tar n"ai ttu \ , a \
molt phteet masts. Cealliota t• • l • astatifeh etz• in - i le ~
tbe liana; et the prapaietcr,ebt•t(l9 ake pl?ittir•Sta • \ , a .. \•,
Iscii=* Ttlgl'c'.2, -4h ..`";o7,tiir 4a).-..'h.. :\ \. \ \
. th o,,, th „,th , , , , , ~ , , , 1,,,,,:0_,4 tii• s a•••••,. l'aystatt• , .., ~ \ \
af b2th = gli'th V r"F'""' ''' I .4 "'fiA.F".l I ~ \ '
u , ..:„A, . Tbo. eito 1,0 . c . ,
... \
~4.1,4..,,,,,,%.,;ta.,44 7. =t - v,, , y,„. „ .,,,,,,,, . \ ~ \
VpaValla tte•ananlidgraet ob•romtim. arms . ~,. \
.. t
b easpitieVer it a t i llgt i
s f g v ire ,i t ,z w. v .t.f . \•,,,. \
. a .14e ll ers, oPAT;sI.I , 7k Ciarre'•o4 41
Eli- t, Jetieeb•tionriat• a OO 7 IS. Ai o th be 4 ,10• • \ - \
Fi.., a. 00. BaElt, Gant leth.: 7enth. al
r/ sisi 11. A), , ' \thneel it tin; art •Pi,o ' r,. ti,vi \ \ \ .
igE ,ERS' IZPEllif,9 l ? liii X, ••f . \ . -` • - : I \ \''
kJ —lt cheap, eaii la t
ttu 1.. ,, , tea
.C[trith -,airrel l g. . . e , ,, \ \
~ al. E. S. Iletn-14 claillre‘L i ti i k .
‘ c• Len i tia t , , \' \ - • ,
' ',, , lMr . jo r' ,.. bi nrk • gb ",w• • • , Porls 111. broft.r \ '>,: ,
4.1,111: aeon 1.',.%',,,,,11:117,;75.14:111'..i , \ \ \ \ \ '
-4„, \
e•-7 n";: t, •. , e :1 • 4'14;', ••• y t ' •lt V tgentlitt:• ' it.,A ' fo r i,:r •:=1 •- ' , \ \
Mo t UL 'd ever i bers c sled so t
I ly, D.tal , \ ' ' : , ,
\ /tilt+ should =aft:nit aide afaire. states '\ , \
\ . v.
eanipaliken their LlsT b• eare4,ol • .Zo bottles at : ,t \ N ,
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