The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 17, 1851, Image 3

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Ciwartorrs.- c eOnr readers will perceive by
an advisement - ia iu -- aother colamn, that ten
canal to are wanted by the Cbarttera Coal
Cowper:to carry coal to Erie, Pennsylvania.
Aprilean U to be made to Ellwood Morris,
tal., Engtheer, at the Monongahela
Haase, 'anti:race of the Company, McKees'
Ou Saturday night Jas. Criswell,'
tavern lier near the court house, had paid a
visit •to .r jury on the Dowei case, to know
whit thiwuuld take ( * or ;upper, IFbea gJiag
dosintlitour steps, leading out by the book
entrancela feat, as is supposed, slipped from
wider hind he fell, the hack of his head com
ing in c . lact with the ! i t t e, 'The violence of
thelati hisser! and he was conveyed,
in aitate Insensibility, to hie 'house. Dr Wai
ters, 'Thais called in decree Lie recovers' very
November 11.
Before * Hon, R. C.---Grier, and tho Hon
Themes Ust.
The jury the case of Garret Vsnmeter, vs.
Dr. Mimi:trot Indiana county, an action to re
cover the toe cf a slave, the de
fendant, rimed a.verdidtof. fifty 'dollars and
eoetalor tkolnintiff.
: . November 15th
Present o Honorable William D. McClure,
Prealdenthe, end WUhiam Dona and T. L.
MoMilian aociate Judges.
Theaiitiday u n til a late hear of the after
noon, was Copied-in the trial of the ease of
Commfrealth es. Joseph. Dawes. reported
list twook. Mr. Darragh bad concluded his
speech on Etsy, and G. I'. Gam:lion 00=01-
cod kit. Meonelnded on Satin-day morning,
-when the Jr wan addreseed 6y Mr:Barka far
the defence. „Mr. 'Megrim clesed for the pros
ecution. 7:speeches were the best -we hers
heard dnritthepresentlession; and were well
worthj , of t fipite of the eloquent gentlemen
who deliterthem.
The jury re out all the night on Saturday,
widhetweeidne and ten o'clock, on Sunday
Esernitv, *led with a. verdict of "guilty of
forgery," winse Joseph Dawes, Lae prison
er, who woamanded to custody..
Tserscan ides.-011ser Maim, John White,
Joseph GSM and Joseph Zimmerman Isere
committed Ipricess from Court. charged wit}
keeping tippg houses, on Saturday. '
Comurrro-Michael Monaghan was commit
ted to prisoon Hatnrdsy by Mayor Guthrie,
chased; cash of William Thomas, with the
similar of Ites Mooney. '• • -
...William Da was also committed as a wit
zees in the are case, haring been unable to
give bail fort appearance.
Scum onm Pracr--Michaer Mallen Was
committed tprison on Sstarday• by Mayor
flaming; abaci, on oath of Elizabeth Mallen,
with sure a peace.
Acenwr.-..nie wagon of Mr: Samuel
Wray;:was arturned, towards the beginning
Of last week,iar.East,Liberty; and one of his
'children; see months old, killed. Another
was so badlylured that its recovery is deemed
GAS ix itniont—The committee who visited
Wheeling andteuberivilie, to inquire into the
success or thew works there. and the feasibil
ity of erectinp similar establishment in Atli
gheny, will rert towards the dose or the pres
i rant week. Tk were well receive at both places
Itaufes. Panos. man named. George
Charles Keen,as committed to prison an Sat
urday; by 'Airman Hartz of Birmingham,
charted with emitting a most brutal outrage
nposn's little #, twelve years of age, the child
of a citizen °tooth Pittsburgh.
Ilan Ore.s-horee attached M a wagon, ran
14 dawn Feld stmet,.in Allegheny on Satur
day; andfthe4on . came in contazt with two
befotaQnnaderow, breaking them down,
. .
4.4,lll___Linjr,z_vr_p_s darn
saxd cacs, „
*either hares or'sri.
Eassuarin Rosersv.--d young man named
Guortu-L-Knight,'who liad acted as clerk for
the Ftereiend T.lsfullen,ii Rennin Catholic priest
of Johturtown, robbed his employer, a short time
, itgo, of :$4,800 Ls gold, and fled. This money
wsa the property of a large number of laborers
on the line-of the Central Railroad, who bad de..
positia it with the Reverend gentleman for safe
'keeping.: The rascal, it was ascertained, had
left-Johnstown on a canal boatj'and going to
:Warren; bought a horse,.cti which be came to
this - city, Which We left on Friday evening, and
Went . four miles out the Washington road, to
Sansbary's tavern, where be put up for the
Ile was arrested by Constable Hague,
and $4,672. found in his possession. Hiabor se,
gold watch, and other articles which he bad with
-"him, will fatly cover the loss.
-,TLeenteci 'Ffories.-11 , obart Carlin of the &et
Wrdtaigheny; .was. committed to prison on
y by his benor Mayor Fleming, in
.'derault, of bail, on a charge of keeping
SIIDDIN Ds.s.ea.—.A young DWI named Robert
'...‘;')Etteith, dropped dead on Fourth street, on Satur
.'';f'day tttorning. It is supposed that hip disease
iras the npoplaiy.
eissf—The value of coal which is stowed in
ebtlbobtslying above the dam in tho blot:longs
hali.rher, is said to be foto hundred thousand
- •
'ltucitut.'--An old man named Salmon Austin
Allegheutgity on Fridsy, from the elects
auantity of laudanum, which be bad taken
oa:Mondsy-aight The decesied had twice be.
faira!Airtriged to commit salaide, and was la-
Icrring under a depression of spirits, occasioned
It haeing been accused of counterfeiting.
Triifijitignmor Duszi.--One readers will see
idiertispnent,' that the proprietors ob
panorama, will exhibit It fora few
Alpt!ongee,ht the.Atheeenim. We treat that
pie.oitts .will fail to it, for it in a beautiful
i,-.1F0r.k..0f art. The dinett e s of all ' the public
; -- eallohi in the titbit - int Pittsburgh; should.make
, •arnitszeinents tut their• pupils see it, - which
doss& reasonable rata. Oae thousand
- ---, oltridren visited the iithettatitu on Saturday.
„ .
Fairistcrrn Sniff or Sro•nra.—The following
.siztansire sole of stooks took plaio at P. al. Da
risk +=mica rooms; on Friday evening:
IltilireS FastuMge`Bank Stock, 861;26
2'• 66 .do do do 51,12:1
10 do mei*. & , 7-tech: do 54,50
•26 do B'k of Pittsburgh do = 54,75
'5 do Alleg'y Sar-B'k do 174,50
5 do • ity Deposit Irk do, 19,75
9 do Pittsb'gb Gas Co do 50,00 .
100 do' Eureka Copped .do ” 8,3711
100 do Bluff do: do
75 do N West do do 7,00
• 26 ado Cliff do do 99,87 i
80 do Monongoa Bridge do ". 21,75
...1) do Braddooks FP R do 19,00
.18 do Ao do do 18,75
10' do .
PO Pc Ll'elegraph do 15,76 .
88 do do do do 45,50
'5O do • 0 &Pa It do 37,00
tO .do Ass'd Yin Ins 7. do 7,00
20 do Western do do . 15,75
40 do do do 'do 15,50
20 ,do ~Citizen' do do 12,00
$l . OOO Erie Canal Bonds 36'5,00.
•Tha Spates Isooirozoi Co. was void mitli the
A Bean:runt Dynamo is advertised for isle
r • or rent in ror papertbis morning, by Gm. Rob
rri-LI: I. is one of tilos° hindsotne notises on
the ionand bank, Overlooking tins canal, in
legteeey, which nerir 'fill to attract the atten
-.)—tion.of 'the pence by, for the betray both of
theli . deeign ett4 eitostion. ' '
• -- • • •Ladies ! 'Read. This I!! •
N . TILE PRESS; and will ebortly be ready,'
• .DEG 11611D111.1.111 TO TILE ?W O: eompilsies •
deannylten of the meelsatem of the instrument, the
: rati I n a ruaseu elerapt in tooe.” :By Y. B. Too..
eon. - ... • - . •
Everrienik basis( &Plano ghoul! have • <ewe els
boot.' :ho vote of the Rind has em Wore t.erisi publish
ed. The-lelefaati on It Impart. Is vont, 100 times its
rice—map mug other edeuttliges. it will
e=j , you nom haling your Phuso spotted by
Lave gettienern In the cities of Iltieburgh wed
Allegheny. des'atest eae/y aolees et th ewe. an Or Mr
shard at Wee rteddences bT lesebag their' eddress at the
of the Pilule:ashmerellstlePme. of la th .
-` -- se stem of Mews. Jahn A. idsliee,w.d meet, and
. _ .
Dr_malintr cm dollar to Om author. at the Ossetia Of
„, semi...lll be Somas:M. tree of potac,
•• - mai ptrt 01 tagrUcutect Statra. - 21t. snits rye Col
11.4 no dr , ...PD8. , k,:2:4%.1itt51e dn./era
.DISk• IA • Lady ' A '' , wry of tide Doot.
619d1.0 RAT 014.11 U tc2llte
• . -, . .
. anhacribes hai in store mantras at
...---Egrem traws.namt - ct .m., '.....>,,50bt, t ,
k r.
Wass'Mn atta l l i tha '''''',, 4 4. ,
.."-;•;.': az mbi.s,inm uotaNnw.lundkern4o;
..tionnen., cu.... cw.,.. T.
, .%,. t ' MI 8110.1.1 klualns. Drill*, liek.r, c4.4iv....
,;,,, Canvass, Cm brrllss,.ll,lset +MU, 5 et,
and Silk Lam Itibon. Lhasa
• , w c.www; - loves. Lioa . r. nava*,
BattonocialanS Una vssirt7 of =s ,,, vrbiet,
- Mpalithatly. Mita tits. Wenn. of t..t .
... ' - : ',. nalb '...,0. AnnygnsKrr. 14 n',x4 .L•.
A7W alipoaTZD /on. Tin PITTN prllrin aucIT.Z.
ST. Lout. No, 13
Farewell, (whip) has a majority of '2OOO for
Governor. .It is supposed that the whip have
carried the Legislature,,but the mull is not pow,
Direly knchrn
The question of the introduction of the bank
ing system has been carried by a largemajority
The Wisconsin Democrat says that foar-fifths of
the members are in favor of mine kinds of bank
ing system
The Democrats base carried &Nary thing It
to regarded as strictly ri Cass tratyaph.
Lllt i clnit.E.. Nov. lb.
The notorious Calvin asrbaobe, who wan
. pardoned a few year, ago by Gun Crittenden,
for kiduepping negroes with Deliah Webster, has
a zain been arrested for stealing and running oil
wit • negro woman belonging to Alexander
bhotwell of this city.
Naar Yoar., NOT. 16.
Tho steam ship Franklin, for Sonthamfiton,
wiled at noon to-cley, with 4r., passengers„ond
$541,546 in spode.
Ex-Governor James C. Jones, (Whig,) eras
elected U. S. Senator to-day, by the Tennessee
Legislature. The vote stood--Jones 55, Trolls
dale, (Dem ,) 1; Nlcholson, (Dem..) 1.
Flour—Sales to-day of 3000 bbls at $3 81®
8 94 for state and western: $4 for Indiana, and
$4 12 far Mira °mamma.
Grain--Miles 3000 bush tieYesee white wheat
st We. Sales 8001.11ituditait8d corn at 40®41c
per bushel.
Cotton:—The market is steady, but the heavy
receipts at the southern ports prevent prices
trams advancing, and sales to-day - were at yeller
day'a quotation..
Provisions—Nothing is doing in previsions.
Lard in inactive, with lades at Bfc per lb.
Linseed gallons at 05 ®,6oc.
which is a further decline.
Tobacco—Sales 75 fibds Kentucky, at 4qaBi-.3
per lb.._
Whiskey--Sales at 21E4211c.
Nrw Tour., Nov. 15
Flour—Further sales of 7000 bhls at $3 81q;
8 94 for state. and western, and $3 94@4 06 for
Grain--Sales 3500 bushels Michigan wheat at
86087 c per bushel. Sales 14,000 bushels mixed
corn at 60661 c.
Provisions—Pork is dull and prices nominal.
Sales I'6o bbls mess beet at $7 50 ()VS per bbl.
Lard is quiet, with sales 200 bbla at Sic per lb.
Naval Stores—Sales 500 bbls rosin at $1 35,
and 300 do turpentine at $3 per bbl
Freights—To Liverpool, id per It, fcif cotton,
and' is per bbl for tlour.
Siooks—Are firm to-day.
Flour—Etas advanced to $.3®3 05 per bbl.
Wl:tinker—There is a good demand at I6c per
gallon, with miles of 600 bbla.
Provisions—The only sale is 66 bbls prlme
lard at 7c per lb
Cheese—Sales 300 boxes at Glee per lb.
Groceries—Are'steady. The fret lot of new
sugar arrived to-day. At thntrade sale of Teas.
900 half chests sold at 39®70c for Gunpowder,
36068 for Imperial, 32&56 for Young Hyson.
and 18@30 for Black. All the lower grades sold
very low.
The liver is stationary. The weather is cold
hr. F. U. VIONIS intends to deliver in the , rears
one. a wont on the following tol.osts, to
•e gat some all to era,on the religions sera Icon which
he make. on the Sabbath. iliac same lahguage, of n
04 - 5.11073-1. Gat protects his people.
N ti , th are the_penoto of God.
Rue of thelpronie of, Goa.
0. Punhdanulat of toe people of God
o Here of the eerie of "on.
0. Carnal:dna, of the pcorie 01 Gal.
kepenl 7 Ponnehment of the Rennie of
of the perthe of 0.1
O. Cll
hurch ,1 the poorde of God.
1, ii.Vir•ar•nuati et the people of
yie,noe , .. of the peopl e Gnf
•-- • ° '
3 , l‘,Haiptioll3 ;oestrial at t nanaia rtnre r em
s, 101 Tairl ittint, and at thla Annan. 44 in silvan.
.. • •
the rtrelen ,
The Dr. Ural conwenee n mu rob/ xlll Wen solvoni.
tlow enough total the urTeunood•h3 Knuertdott lortort
Butuark: Whether to hear the rzenctuloneotaiN ook/
o'native of Part. sciesur. - .lnod.Pronirel eot/AL
to aid to the rouse otreaonelisatima m the/French la.
Tin ow Town/ or our holies, or our gent/
st,r motionlegs an reltffior tins prtptuntae2
We /WU tnablio th e nanwtotthe eatueribwo CO IL
the amount of their ettbsoriPtiow , thr, do not or ••
no 4
130,000 Bushels Coal Wanted.
EAL ED PROPOSALS 'gill be received by
io the - tit. Louis Gles Light Co.. until the gat. Norms,
bet, lam, Pr fan:titbit= latooo bushels bent duality
of Pittsburgh CoaL oultottio for motion ths; to be defle
cted at the station cons of said MenanT dutdug th.
spring arm summer moan of 15:n. • part Item ten than
Z0(10 barbels) to Le delivered on net/eft - re the Ist of April
and the whole amount by Ist of Novell:Om, Par
melt, to in. made on daltreryln paresis of tot ien then
20.000 bushels. The mumtlty to hr assert...deed by mesr
emergent or by neighing at dt. Lout, in the.rduree of do
Irrery. such portion as May to demord ni.e..soary to !wor
ts* by average the whole amount deg.-mit
dlytiN D. DAI;OrrT,
.•-... . . -
St- Len!. Nar. Ist. 1951.—{.19910,2 yr
iIAIRD & IRVlN.hare a few F. hures "Ohio
.33 and Pennsylvsa , a itialried P", Jr." - Exchange 9•Lnic
9 , 906 * .99 "kb. 9‘0 , 9,. for ..le. ArVir...ll. 12010
' 4 LAX-10 sacks for sale by
o°lo WICK *-31cCANDLMS_
UCKIVIIEAT FLOUR-25 sacks for seo
CHOCOLATE -100 brs fresh re 'd and fur
iniehr WICK k 14cCANDLE.K.3.
for gale Irl WICK t If eCS3DLES9.
DLL. for sal. by WICK Jk IIeCANDLESS.
10 IRON-16 tans for role by
-notO wrcg, a McatiDLEFS.
txn~ , ~ i~ira~l~t~a±~arrn~J
LRROW ROOT-260 lbs. genuine Bermu
.da, (1951) , for rah! bT KIDD kCa
- • ----
• : • m .8. ree , or
gale Irr J. KIDD CO.
(11331 CAMEIfIOI9 bble. for sale by
.1 II nolo ' J. KIDD & 00.
RED-300),1b5. prime Eng., for Bale
J. KIDD 00.
DIIESIVE PLASTER-500 yards fres
.Lll , for vale to J. KIDD 'CO.
SifiNA-750 lbs. prime, for ea e y
Don J.4CILD I al. tO Weals
STRAW PAPER—Largo and very heavy,
suitable tor 1444,14.7 ckr i atq A p i t s ck i typ ,0 4::r sal*
24 Wool ost.
ORKS6 bales for sale by
caAL SODA-3 casks for le by
ar.9 P. :T sa .
CARAWAY SEED-1 etwk for sato by
!QM/RICE ROOT—ltale for sale by
,ac 8. ti. WI CHERSIIAIL
IIQUOR ICE 4 PASTE— cases pima small
IJ stick, tor sal. by 11. .
Wood corner ofWICSERSHAM bi,xtb.
FLAXSEED -1O tibia-for salelly
OWNER WANTED—For 19 ,belle. of Sole,
14sthrr, left 10 story by to Itfonolurithelx,,Wltaff
Yo r. vdtb T. WOODS SO S
61W Ktft
OWNER WANTS)—For 1900 Fire "ek,
banded Freeman.'' le6 with us by th. 110-
nunashels What Master. T. WOODS t BON,
61 Water rt..
so bons New 2...1 . 1114;
s CIO; L
2 " .or. a. em. Peel:
5 kep Malaga Grape,
Jukt re'd end for ul. bp
Groats t Tea Dealers.
n LACK SILKS-50 pca. of rich and high
lastrar. fortes by A. A. MASON .t CO.
° .3E, HOOPS; . COMFORTS, &c-- ,
6 H O
• do:Alpaca awl flerlinarre flue:
• Children's Wonted : ••
• .1' Urea. OW.
. 10 Wo . o .. leck Ooratartea
• - lluodG recd awl for ..le .
I ptr2ELLAS ,-2
. ClLBf)ff rOjABAltgo'T.
i pASSIMERE CASSINET-150 pee. for
chBAWLS! SHAWLS!—Nom opening at
A. A. MASON k Cu.',A Gem , . Flo Ftstakkg Eliavls
rilliark Anil pcncamemt colon. c.a.
uLANKETS I—Now on hand over 850 yrs.
compute yyWo t.strtirmat Cno * nad Casella lirlsalLets.
- .A.../I.2d.AbON
ca and 04 Market 00.
C'PINS I—A now and varied sussort
-1..) meta of Reel, Jet, sad 0 elel. jut! rinrl et"
ms - • 11. ILICILIRD9ONI4.
1.1443 of Dixotool4.ophsts, Itallgwo3o44WTotrat.
pow mains*/ • • :IL ItICIIDAPPWS.
stoe •
• Tilhughurrns Premium Churn.
- PATENTED. dare 19,1849. Great Ecort-
A. 0.1 in Time and Labon,-21.* undenlaned mann
taCt9.lllll2 tte oar. am.. Of Roadtst.t Watt' and
they are row for sale at the , ward:owe. Caner of cunt
and Liberte.ttlenta. "Etna Dirannhaa the Dn. ,
Fair rte » fthu hnn ea
rt4 argiß i te4a:g u r i l o aa
at Amnia. Insidtany Near York.
nno WOODWARD. SfdßELri W.
11„)A1811i* . •••-6 1 ) bxs batch in 'store; for sale
QOLA ASH --Vie are prepared to contract
I.:" -lib MILO Muluttctureta ind Liar trade. generally
p th
t t
fur '
their pr ar Soda Ash. during thr winter, at
Tn:Crtrqed ri . We IFT!r.. 117:ttl a i W)".'' Co
BUTTER—Fresh Roll and Can Butter,
graoirnala aod retail, Just reed cud fur rale t, „.
U. M. LI alt 0t 00,,
no alarrJale 13uildina, at , th rttart.
lo °1.C.:;..b.7.
4 ix Ewoit-,tx: arriving Lad t.r oak bi
I,llAll DICKEY di 0),
%Ca. awl Front Aa.
'll‘ol/ACCO-80 boxes Va. fi's and Ws, good
1,,,0a..14. tar sal. tor ISAIO K DICKEI a Cll..
COFFEE -40 ha& Rio, for nape by
;NEESE. —7 boxes Cremn;
iFulo Co : )
Laudirui and fur .le br 1A
. .. . . . _..,
nay . Water and Frcat street..
TEA-5u td. etke.sts Y. 11., tor Side by
I 1.5 1611.e1i DICS.Ia / (..i)
S I.loAlt-43 bade. .for sale by
ENC 4.15311 Ar BEISSETT,
.5 Nos. i.2.1i. , ,.. i,;a. and 151Firrt bt.t
a 'I3IESE-400 boxes for sale low by ,
,L) no 3 ENULtili a BENr — '
BUCKETS --10 doz. for sale by
INAILS -300 kegs for bale low by
POT ASII—G casks for sale by
PEARL ASH-10 tons for sale low by
AZCIRS!—T tic Waterville Manufacturing
Contany have vets hlished
NT. at the store at
Die übstnber, for the eels of the celebrated I.III,OIIILIST
ItAZORS. 'these Razors have given the hest satlefsction
of WIT Introduc e d ade. and CAJOt 611 tllatiVlllloll ..111111
whereve kvery Baer being wmat u nr
the money returned. customers Rif protected trum any
lie. sod
be cmc of the most useful items (or personal
comfort and beauty.
the best nT ~01•B •lro for sale. Alto, Gentlemen's
not Cases. ie. W. W. EON ,
not IL carper Market and Fourth •n.
'JUST reed at No. 256 Liberty street,-
04 boxes Prosh Hooey;
lo •• Csoston Prrserred se
1 cese Jellies and Jesus. pst up itansy Pots. FI
Giniterpool L Co, Boston;
• •5 boors Froth [Strom
Lemon sad ("range P.l. caolled;
1 •• oonseberries '
Cherries. Mums. Se.;
1 Sphssi Lobsters;
100 Fresh Ooroa Coo;
All choice goods, Rod for sale at to rota by
1051. A. lloCl.llllo A CO,
no.; °noon , sod Fos Dealers..
B ANK 01L-27 bbls. fur sale by
WICK. d ItcAsDLEss.
A 11031ATIC TOBACCO-10 cases Myers'
for male by ' WICKS 3IrCANDLEg.
`TONE PIPES-200 boxes for sale by
i NLIEESE--500 boxes for Rile by
LARD 01L-12 bble. No. 1, for sale by
PANNERS' OIL-50 bbls, for sale by
m beds. N. 0 Sugar; 0 51.olufes:
For rAle er . J AMEN ALZKLL.
u RITISII LUSTRE-2 cases Or sale by
no 4 H. E. SELLERF, 5"(01.1..
DILL BOXES-EOO papers for tale by
5 not aisabbaks ,
A . SAFCETIDA-48.0 lbs. prime for sale by
d TUBER—]WO lbs. fur sale b
tot , R. F. YELL/At:2.
r.IAL CORKS-10W gro. long and short,
tarmac It E. CELLI.IIb
99 ADDER , DER-2 casks for sal , E
lOCHINEA L-170 lbs. prime Madams,
for MOO by E
OSE PINE-2 bbS. Eng. cap., for Sale by
• g. L tqa.u:Rs.
BUTTER -10 ',XS. Fresh. reed and for sale
la I a , •4 Y. 6 K. 1100.140011
'AIIEESE-100 boxes Cream, for sale by
• u,.t a A . 01411.5A0011.
FLAX—LOUD lbs. for sale by
ani ' b. a K. 11/../tBAL/00.
QOAP-2N boxes Rosin. for sale by
not lIAR/1.01011
X,l ACKEREL-120 bbls. tor solo by:
“.11. a ' di ll' liAlTlOahlil.
n OSIN —21)0 bbl.r. NO. 1, for rile by
IJL uo4 5 a W. HA Ittleal4l II
rtiOBACCO--100 boxer Slierwootlb ..
6 . 5.11,1
!...,r, r.u v 13.11111.1.114•111 M 0 for pale 1 4' -
11110031S-61A1 doz. for pale
Wlitt , llll
11010 E :- 11()LLAND BULBS.--JUbt rve'd
an hoam flcver Hoo,s,
•1:4; d Cu'Cmeof [tan em., whri•ts••
a, 1 s.rwr t.tsg tuit.l , l, I tre , orent“, ;0 r
th. unl •vr.l
IfiW''sriT 3 ' ,g,Z
. A and prur...}.l tenlvoi aud kr rak t'T
lore,d al.
PTS. TURPENTINE--2-5 bbls. for xttle by
l U d. EdtINEHTOCK d CO.
I IN SEED 011,-40 bbls. prime. for sale by
- 4 L. s. TAIINF.:•MCK CO
8 8. , 0 C ILE r A th SIII).....W t, L
cerner of
Markrt and Fourth arvet,
11 081 N - W his. N .r o c i iilit s;s al a c a l t ) ; Y s
LOGWOOD-100 bbls. for sale, by
• NJ re. 7 d K11041N31
A - 31. GINGER-5 bbls. for sale by
ren.. tiELLEB.Z. Hood
:;"`" d. eu"'". .yiy by ll. AAAIINT-.TOCK.I CO
BUTTER-4 bbls. Roll;
" uta 3 ke. Pasant, assistail
saral aa4 tn. sale 00 0001000 DALT.KLL.
gice Ri W•ter str.L.
``'-ILK FRINGES—A. A. 3Ltsdx & Cu. have
re--*J 20 cartons Silk Fringe, thirA and a.. 4 mint,.
(POTTED FLANNELS—Just received at
tj. A. A. SIASON k oko4 foi Market Ft- • furtt!
er supply nr 1.14”0.4 Flannels. for dbildreno. you. . 040
g — k IL-25 bbls. pure Tanners', for sato by
R ICE -20 dens b n e t s i t , , B l; t or s111:11:70,3„
. 1 0 3'We. GoTille r s Ref.
icy .. vle by BUFLBRINIE a IMAII/A3.1
LOAF SUGAR-7S ase'd Noe. 134'
tle Grollud ltetEuErt,
60 Ms. ..'d Not ,L4t Setts 1146nery:
•. 20 •• lberttode Cruebrd t for '666 , bY
oc.lo titatUKIDGE 100110A11. 116 Wu, et.
a: and hf. bbls. ao.l
I I rt :es reth, or side by
B UTTER -50 kegs No. 1:
3 Roll: plot reed end fti'Pale by
.34-Z N.LSIIIP.L P.91111.11E11-
ATEN. RED-15 ranks (En g.) for ink by
V oev J. 801100 - N MAKEIt •W.
. .
I . llT i r —1(10 I!b s l v el. p l o lr s und it flnA . for
chests tine Dresktiat Eostrboag iust reed 1 , 0
cad {VICK MetANDLL , tt
. ,
D—A nmall sum of money, which '
the cwt.. etc ha , . ter mnm d doemdb.ii It cc
Eerre.nd Wood and titrabliehl.
hyde N.•o A .kitta.l . ' so d
N ap A d . for
CHEESE --40 biz W. R. just reed and for
Nal• by are 26 A. A CO.
"P"'',Vg. V.110z1,1 Mb!
FrOBACCO—Bost Virginia madafacted, fo
&ale by J. < R. FLOYD
PLAID DE LAINES---1 eases noir style
now opeowa rt A. A. MASON A COB.
{i2OLE LESTliklit--200 ifitiCA hemlock tan
bad. for We br I (.3) W. j E
BEANS -10 b Whin, fo
le. Whir Halo by
orb . A. 0171,11F.ItTSON t CO.
WIIALE 0114-775 galls. just reel and
(or We by Oa) ft. E. SELLERS.
F.L/ PERE. fnr baby (oen) IL. E. SELLERA.
GOARBE SPONGE—?2Oof supenor
k . ./ ( « 11)I. C. sELLntui.
VASTILE SOAP-20 boxes fur solo bY
t../ a p IL E. sr.ustu
QUEidlit-30 hhcb. X 7.0.. for ealo by
k,kt tad Thin' iqreet..
0. K. C0.A.113.11.12., Principal. and Vinton... or toe Pol
o of Accounts , .
Juno Memo. AS2o‘lllte ln Boat Keeping Depertmem.
ad Loon.. on Mercantile defence.
J. M. Pallltra, umtractor ar Mercantile Campanula. and
Atitlmoti, •
D. WPM.,Prormaor of Pennanship.
MWIII.OS. tip. ta Lecturer on Commercial Lae.
ii. L
Bjowr.Maatater In Commercial Lan
g. Pl. hem. Prat rof blifthematic• Ought notion.)
Prof of Mechankal Drsoi.g.
• This institution has been emeriti y ImPrumilPu , rfaufVf
eh find non employ% eight Pruhten and Tambora b.
four epoch,. mom% conveniently sneaked And elegantly
furnlabel. and an extensive Library embracing all We
doeuPult the antrlects of Comment. Law ..
aecsatile Comae hmet.overy emit 1 7 boll. ,
non toot ow pocubly ..tear In business..
In WAitlon to regular Loom. an Comma.. L. by
Mr. Mem". K. IL ntoge. Esq., oleo member of th e Plea
burgh itar. boo Lam. employed to glee inetrnetiona (by •
serim of oreelies ant evamlnanana). upon all points con
nected with tote very thaportt nu teact Ttu. desirous
of obtainlng ti Mercantil* E ducation. are enured that
there is cm 1111rtilatinti In WM Amnon of the country pot*
ershig eqUal win.n qualifying roans mesa tor the
T•r100.11 pursuits of trade
Conaranniesecna whetted to O. E. tUANBEALLE
reap, prompt %Meant.. m. 13. 3
' Willanalmrg Academy.
Math and Enslint and Clanica &haat
nnavratan. Ananmnrs canner. r..
- JAMS -HUSTON, A. et.,• ipanectrax..
THIS INSTITUTION .e4ll be open' for the
.oeiticaa ors.rit. onala and female) on KOsnef,
crewman Mae coarse of inetrusnanotw=ll=l
the brast,hes (await In the beet Medea= aindb....l=
inantaataas will be given to all =a= le =dining
4,/t .i te,l4 Xr__ll±4,4l3=Led. ta=sl i z i
w et:
11orGirgdaf....nsenblylle I bn bllf,igFWt l l 4
&tent 4 Dealt,. Foreign gachange...laide BOSTON, MASS.
14tunt. forth. Ibllnarinw Packet LitilliP•
Poditetd Line or B ..natom between New York and LIP.
iinctd the manner t ha, ;due% v been The
rwutrat and {O*MM. nOnall. of $l, 1 ed,
HIS well known establibtlinent is sail eou
eoao,:. Tail line. sidling hum ve• Turk and Liver ; . h. le.
, ode arratigionent,Na et.
Jr ar.mmirlY
IL. dtti and list of ever, tunhil.
New York vu the ',Mb. end Liverkdoi " eaand
gentle to the avel , r
uu the 11th ur, ever, month.
ail Jot,/ wra.. 1
lted liar. leer., Now Vora At the 111 k. and tivec.
the ,ul.d.ner
part .1. the •Jidt, of each month. t
l arkea.). tat,. a p e w ; r o ted o g y ea . 4.l7 , l r e .. ist io e . seLtl t o u ti:zz l x , u r tair. it, rebut.... awl
The Loudon Line of Padtete end tram Nes Yuri the
I -I. htl., Idt at.' 24ihr, ant tra.m iwndun w lA. urn, 130..
.Ism, and 2111,,..1 ..very
The, oat, Liu, of IllaJgda Packet, Fad from New 1 art
amt tibted.dr the lw ant Ibth each.muctl,
A tow ot PAM.. from,ol to New Or
Wale Line fur emigrant, Irma •Nra Y.dt. Pprni•
telat. kedrcard. Sr by Canal and Pastoit. to Pitt-burgh
r. xlll re , eive erJry attenticw unv•
en Ya•se u mull, at of W. Tapedwt A Co, 1,1,1
Duultru and Pr. I ;.nrge's Budding, Liv.rodwl, W.
J Tiapwott a hwuth Oro., Yee Luta. or at
the nflite ot the tutvertieer. artner of Platt, and Lilwrt;
etreete. Pirtahnewh.
.i t e m
reubitrig in the bat ptat,,,, or caned.. who
wieh to send for their Imenda In KIT pan ot,r.o.daud.
Irelattd. Seotl.d, or Wales. ran make the necewary ar.
rump:menu. on application In the suiewriber. and hero
them out by any of the abort, tavoriM himet, of
rackets. Witch range trnm 1.000 to ?JAWtune burrhen.l
or by heat elate Merchant shipt. nn favorable term, by
war of Ltrerruol, London, or Olawrow. Their Ire., nenel
of pr odd, the puesibllity of delay Para.. MD
Imo h.manic. Lem LiTerrool In N., Orleans, Baltimore.
Philadelphia. floc., Chart...ow and Pave.. Direct'
remittent.. in ,mall or large sum.. sensual. to
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow.
TILE Glasgow and New York
Ftmonehlp Company. powerful trtr
ably eLI°UUN', 1,9U2 'toe end 410 , 1
harm N. flowext, (la. of the Cu -•-•
Yand otoemore..) totoonsadtr. is appointed so from
ork dlroct or Gioernno. on Eatnrdef. flak of 11 , -.4.611xr
noxt. at 12 o'clock, noon.
Firrt Ent. (sttward'a ..... • ..... SVO
No storrnor rnr,ortrr tweet]
Thew. Mtn , inrhOln PrOrl.loon. but nut win, or lloporn
which will he supplied nn boar', ensicente onto*. Coe.
n. n Surpron. Eteinht ' , Peel , Pee cent
r o - 17,°F.4'6T,N, 3h Ihnwdway strlwt
NEW 01 , 1 i
Th. NEW YORK. 2100 tuna, and .450 horse l rm.'. to
coneort to the tllvegow.) will Ire en thy stolen early next
McHenry's Philadelphia te Liverpool Line
of Packets.
Spiting from Philndelphiehn tho
ISt], and Listrpool cm the Ist of eseh
i•bin NARY PLE.S.SANTB, it. It Demeons, Muds,
,f i nalgfrAD : =. N i fAnt i:,. P i . °online,. Master.
iartia Mattel.
" ERLIN. Mfr.] F. Smith,.
hiIACKIISXON.Inew,) best Wrst. Master.
The afeiso s hi ps are built of the mid nowt meetly
materials. and ern noted far the rap idity of their Canoga
they tie dthel no with all latest immorements, are most
thoroughly renttimist. and Si, tuisomiamod for their at
commando,. top .Secosal Chinn and &wen, ihreengert;
the; are commaed by men of acknowledged talent, who
are otwonalled tor Moir exporienoe in the ;sicked nserrim
Persona desirous of turns., their friend. from the UM
Country =a obtain certilicales of passam. which will be
mail Ire eight swathe, and our agents information Mr
envoi furrdsh t he
ths ymmer information awl
irectructloas eslidire to thou
For the couscuinie. on remearmert tithing no '
drat to El payable
um a ay elE a li t t t ge.t d..." - r
thenooks or Post (Mese ill i11:W.14 "'
passengers coming from furs
Erg,. caret tbn following rubbibfr vin be fnfbabbbi
ent.ll puberty, of 12 years of .ao Ortr: lb. bread,
2 liar. riot.% or-. tea. 5 lb.. oramval. 1y lb.rugar. I lb.llnta.
ego- cad ball
17 11 alcut Nio*SecontfpltrtVa . •
1.16.21 corner Sloth and Nona rt., Pittsburgh.
A.tti m N I D I :3C' A OTCAND, AND TVALL/ , --.l ' An ' cr 14.
mat tire flrak 131.keY ft Co ~.11/ .ntinub to Lour
Sight Lratta on Great itritain and IreleJ: alto. on France
and Urrayany._ Ibler wilt Woolwarl. Blakel Co..
,Queensware W. 1 .0 Rooms.) et.rner of Liberty .o 1 Sixth
Pas...angers ta .ml tram tbent.l ronbtry ongsrre4 on the
Ann. favorbble wow. trbta Now York to liturbarL-IL
*Warty. fart et the Mr.t orl.
Wheeling end Pittaburgh Packet
ARE REDUCEIP.—Thi, swift
running ya.amsttez pocket JAMES NEL
k,t tbe toy• mad all tuterzonif
ale port. this morning. at to 0c.1...c precisely.
The JAMES NEL.tON. Capt Mn.. bwra .
hunrh aver, Tueviar. lhurclar, and ...-aturdal, at 1U A.
M_ retairolnu. Icaery Whrellug erery Monday. Wattles.
I.s. laud riklitt. et S A SI.
or Iralght ..r pa.asr.e. L. 111.7 ...pen., arr,rumalallohs.
03.011 a lIINNINtIy
Market Kreet.
Th. lent. Nel.rno atwee the belest taatta veer e*n.
..tzucted far lb. =Jo. Jx.gae.n Lad-ablOrara an de.
01:01 on L. r naming/ lo 11..• trade. ally
Wheeling land Pittsburgh Packet
BARE REDucEw—The swift paueuarer wk. ITINCIIE. ,
N. far thy: ahoTs ar..l all trueranti
ate pun+ thin northing. at lu u'eluetz,rcrimely.
Far Wbe..ha. -
iwewswe ..
th• •bee• rata, xi,: twn ley euou•h. we w:11 make •
furtlwr reduetlov
T.lao t art
. . .. .
, . . .
t. SI .. r,rtiaram,,, t...,re. *1....e11ng every Moods. W.... 1
fats, agnt irKS ay. 0 !' A %
F., trvicbt ~ 1,..a...4.,- . .. ha . ,1rtg...14{...rn,r ar- , rmicdsticvs,
V{.l, or. 1.”0 - ..1..,r ~
,*RMyrdn::6.CRCIZER d etle.lats
Market attret.
kt m. I. rat et the faMert wrcr. cattatra,
.r r Pke.eizera and salt-Perk tatll drPerkl ell
r runnin, tka maeln reaularlt tet'S
i L.,..< F«.l-..y...~.._...~...~-.d...~
, .• .
La- 10 CIZIr r(21111:121.001.1 . Irr ' lr L -wet: 7 botere••
tld• ..,:ty arpl,Wksrltasd, leard4r.Fillatailgn in e.i,ii.
1,,y . 41 . 4.A..1. if t 14.61. 3. 1.1 itiiiii. . luttualedr.
ireperWtaelltaz <Teri TuAlsdaT, Tlrut.l.l' ula ils.tedrd•ye
''''' .'"'
. Va
r"lll,7,Ktrn If E V Till. AV;, 2:. 07
The Iliarttal la • eite wheel brat. and lo cneof theft/.
cn.l IseceAt brddr ere,. conetrurtri :or 'le trade 1'
gni rhinrer• can d.pend ~0 her erourullnir In dm
rrrele. 0,01
1 4 : . 1 1 1 .1 441.FII K Ai k i;! :B rr;..1gai
VILOT h0.2.h5.-Vra,e,nassr.
•111 leitzsbungh for Wise Captins end iheshhht•
*..ry , 1%1041, az i:cloels P. ssz n. , ..1 , 41 hest's .,
[l-.-kingpert lillecilng and hitt•burgtt, es
ery Thumlay .t /I o'clock. • a. INLemehgera and ship - pen
derscsul `upon this Ant running s,ulsrie , Jurtny the
luv •ascr eve.son.
..For tr.abt or rammer. aryl,. • n boar , nor
um Acetamer twrore IC. litl.rt,
mama, •11.1 leave for the alwr and all inter
moat. port., tat the I,ti, laser. at P. M.
For frelabt or paaaae •pirly on nal:
1: AND MOFTGUMERV. Au.—Thr pr• kat
.n.I itpleuktld st.mtner 01,081)10, s 5.,11.
•111. 1.2. veter the Abure and Intcrlntaista
puns on Tueodx>, the 14Ib
.or fi S eigill rPr l ' on•Wre ;DOT on bowl. or to
no/7 41' 31 6A17 4 LEY 2 C.)
tars, yew, and iipleadid iiteamer. PAUL
AMiEFLION, Capt. N. C. GUT, will lea,e an
above, on Tamlai. the hid, at 4.3 cli , L. P II
Yor freight nr plunge. aril,' on iiiradd ^o,7
F t"A ° C A CI t N CINCI N NATI, ta S In E) lobo
iroalognatit this splendid but was (bah r. try
the owners of the amines Isaac Newton, arid others, (Cr
the aneninall Pittebarch Parket trade, and will leave
every Wednesday Par Cincinnati.
Yoe Weight or io on Snarl or to
0 .- -tr.°DI.THILTEIIiF.FLGER. Arent.
Meamer Cibt. Reale.. will
rave tor the above an VEßMONT, doillintrravediatepoivo
eh Taetay. the lath fwd., 0 4 o'clock l' M.
Ear freight or gunge, aPtlt on board. nol7
and eplendid rtcamer DIADEM. Cochran.
commando, will Dare for above and inter
mediatr limullnam on Theclay. at 4 o'clook.
For freight or summer, apply on hoard. nol7
LOR LOU IS VI LLt.—The splen-zs a
did, nin, and light draught 010.00 ! TFORD, Capt. Mule., will Dare for the
atone and intertorellau ports on Tuesday. at 10 o'clock,
For height or paasage, apply on board. nab i
FOR ZANESVILLE -The tine J aff a
Winner ENlPREnS,nn,inuter, loin Ivan
VAr above and mtermehole ports on tbio
" ini d trean:PAsoone. Imply on bwrJ.. not
j- did new ;restore LUELLA. W. J. Koontz.
vomni.der. will lease Yoe the stove and io
tern:Lei:lisle ports Tuesday. the lath I ort,it 4P. NI.
n 01.7
For freight or peerage manly on board.
LO MP anon. Y. U. Imp., 5 Ina lleeker's /mina:
and U. P. Tea: 5 hiu like Flour .
23 ohms, Oolong and Chu 10 La naleratue
lain Tea: 2 07.. laingisene
isi We Green and Illaelt dm 564 M. Mae Camlire
10 000 s N. 0. Sugars 10 hem epersa dm
.0 bbl. Mai and crushed 10 bee Pso 1 Chocolate: -
bug., 6 he. °COM 444 11406141
40 bm meld Tolima°, 4 hes Allrieau ohm,
:0 61 and Cuba 0,04. Lend Wand lilu.s'ili
Cigar, 160 jam nue dales do h :
:6 bd. 1110 Coe, GO ha. Clothe. New
25 og. L. lyre: lal Madder,
feel 00 Old (Me /1111.1 1 nom. iodide;
EU bas ituein neap; Its siee. 0044.01
b Imo 0444144 dn. 16 001,a8o 11 7 bisseameli
5 1.0.• Palm ,t Almond eotf a) 1.04 N (,) 4 ti II llelass ,
5 Int halniitt'a Soap Isedr,l 10 kg. I.lruund 0014441
41 ha. do 'Yeast dml2 due lied Curds:
6 lim Corn Starch; 115 doo Coro 010001111
Ala, 1 1 4111, 01. e.. White 1,0.0, Cotton Yarn, arbalevals,
804,1.41,L. J. U. 4,1001/1318 k 00,
oirl Northeast eermr Wend and 011th Pti,
English & Bennett.
ah.aligenuen—No. ICI eercmil ' , Laud ISI first M.. between
Woad awl limathlegld ate.. IllteLuretk, l'a.. bays an hand
tad will nim,i'm marketinX gdeda whirk th , r off. ' 100
sole at the lowa. rater—. 14 .
. . . .
. . ,
It "b m. t.. "' lo'7.t 'd
lb lump, . ZW
III) pTc.,V s ui, , C4 b :Fir,3l.l7
• 25 Pecs II trim Tobacco.
A 00 lgolt N. , r.....
.0.. 0n... goo out chc.l.4 - 0
~•,_ v. , ~,,,..0 , .
100 •• cot it dry amolang .., olr f. L.
—. ..
to )1 Half . p.0 , 1.k , C1.'.,. o t , e‘ ...',41,., A .0.,
" ?ri'd'''
. . 4
- k 9 10.110:12 01a1...
"'!: -L."..
lOU - Comm.., !“ 1;370°71U .I*-4.t,1::
FA Usk. Almond, l'ilberV,lLOuo .. thabre bladder,
IL WaMau Crews ulna V.I wan lum,
and GrOund nal, , 1 moon. Indian.
An bole. bock umar, 234 154 .."E° 4 t?P' •
GO eases Tusnato Cat.up, no " • Pam,'
64 " Paln , sa.a. tva _ . mo.ta & DID C.. 4.
6 " Lniourk4, 144 b bl. Crackers, I
100 donna 7 igs. Al thanes him
ltar boxes Al. h. 11.0.1.,, LOW Ina Inn I emitted linear
164 " Unpund dyknro, 190 pkga i ttnd AL 14.. kt•
SW toataCupla. &labia hag.
20 Inaca White Pip..., Ooppe 'lntine. Chalk.
40 bung White Itrantl hugar.Cotton Yams. .14 , (4.K. 107.
X bones " nirvana " dieniek and Carytt C u
oei Posrual 0007.1
S ALERATUS-22 cache Cleveland;
22 dries Pulverised: Los sale
0c27 WICK a risCaNDLESW
ULT. MAIL BLUE-8 boxes for sale by
/POD FISH-5 drums for sale by
003 WICK & itCANDLF.
BLANKETS—A. A. ItlesoN k Co. aroj
Il mndr.x LOO *Ts snorkel Blanket.
ALANKETS.—I have received my Sal
- Ltock-oLRLANKETFL of Mir =mat Aug
'Lodz:to Dlsaketa v1111:41 Lod Leo mu
dos. Epeuenns, Jim& soul ousdbes. just sled 14
non MAKIN .1 4.704 Markl4
r....aeas, 2 kge MeAUT
INDIOO--ICetoon Caraas, 2 kge Mai
lbr oak lay tOck. • nobslgnmeot. try •
IL) INGS.'for prming Roams, for •Mejy__
°al - • WAIMEA P. mAuz
41 v 2
.Fox SALE—A first. rate r..tat+
rt. sofa 03.JAC1.M.1
• 111.1 ESL' superior st Perfumery.
Toilet Powders, Chlnew Vetrot. Cb•lit .nd r.ther 9,440.0k1
Snaps —Wmluta sad Extra Vivo eand limn , . and Wlnt ,
lTtnixor. Part, Fan, and Vol,
Shavlng ern.. Rater,. Ex
trans for the baodkent,..l,, Us ?dam,. 14...r5 , q1. 01 ,
MI Pomade. 'am, tatirl..? Eau La.tral Mar Ilertorariv,
Hair Otis. Phi 10..., wan ufa.,ured and Lr
'ale by TI CLEO“,
tPerfume . , • •• ,
r and Chem..
53 3larket itret.l. below 3d. 11,11.1elphla
Sar 3l , rchants don't I.,eg'et lent Clegg's Is the elo•t•.l
anl meet OX{Crail, manufleh,re I tshe , lt, line him •
call ,en:oly.
Public Sale.
-I_,n morninc. Nor 26th. P6l. at lUo'clock.,•nl
by VIA at public title; on the Ltionemn.... J..
the ext,nti re 903 TiAuable fIIN ER V. not
IQ borne power rt.. Fogsn. an.l cnotplete.nnoll
ott If. • ..upArlor ln•uner IRO nen i cocci...wt SteAm
Engine& Loritoninl: one dc perr..n.imular. ;In ”1,11 , 4
groin. (Intr.' Lath, from ;I. V. t and ...nun
11,to ato Mi mein& &mina, 31111.2 . t,. AO 100 Kai, Le:
rod l•rno Punclun,, and Ben Ina
Planing lincluner. l/rindinc liaeldne...: Paul& 1 , ...tnc..
unnniel.ed Boiler and other Iron ; Tin. Hamm rc
El•bLing end Psralmoultlng 31.whinery: het.; m t rn.
ins t.TIC Fliaelunnltha took. node: tlakerle Toole: Foun
dry Incir,_oo lupe and son• 11 Tice, Circolnr {.
Planittg 51mhInetry, Iron rd Wood Purchme Bina&
terve Fall. Wry.. Prso.o. 00 0 foot Turned Wrongh Iron
filmftliw. term. collection of n.t. and minable Pattern&
ili.n.ellenfon6 Tonle. AC
. • • .
Ttt, sin, So the 1,,t Earl um*, ma:OA , . ....met , 0,
Tool. in the SMIP A p rtio rt 4.1 than haTe never hem
Tba <hots ¢ll without rt sets, the proolotors
iisehatna the business.
May to anal:Mood one work pontoon sal,. witL Cats
I.4nes, which ma; LIA vo .pplkutloo to the Suet ons
..0141 - St Wkluut at. Philaoulohis.
afatzt s. shunts 02010 z W. Ani/..N.
Shriver & McLean,
Flour, Product and Communion Merchants,
ki duct gonorally. reoe ro pmnot arzenl.lon. with
our twon endeavors to eivo oath , Cortina on
receipt or Ulna of I.4.ina, when ..t.wirtql.
Her, to—Meart Hampton itzlier, Pirtohorgh:
Mr. rranel. tl lsnley.
Mr. .
N Alexl. P. 2 . Lau hr ghlin,
tatchlean Blackingg and Inks.
IILetCE lltU"—a - atrantad autttrtor to sot' tat ottototl
o public. bud U. ttattat our climate Sktnutacturtd
byI.IOWILINtoS d W., Quarry atrect, Lou OtOrd.
St.. rhiladelyhaa. Pa. oca4tistt
-I,ACTITILNEL. .4c. al ..iuth nrect, te,,re
111.1 nut: rtubolclohla. fetab 1 y
Ajk 1M . Pbibd JDho .41
a. J. MGC.OII. . L1A.311). LLF.II.I).
v. Jk1 . C..3p11
Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas!
„ L' I S. MILLS, No. 6 Cortlandt et., N. York,
Fall °pealing at hi. gbant aribb.d.s. • fisati
slot cf Fall mud 'Winter hi1AWL.1.0.1244P1i...1 all Orb,
of :Se-itch mud Indoettic Wool Lans Flu. le. tod.tbor with
Btoll usortonsot of frendh AAA I s wans Noah. sod Lou•
rut,' Shawl, of gra,34 ,
All., to sideway... Met of Coburg Mani, Thihat,
Selo, and %slset CLOAKS. 31.1-‘TILLth de- cl
r•rions and 'styles, dimiufs , torsit * ft,. hub, bat.
toms or his own imrortatitins, rs,ssird sviat g.“ Alta,
❑ luvlW the special atNialo4 Gr .....ut.lkeyn Wysi
ern Met , hanta to the Stan.. S. tbr, bni eaeormi
ceut 40.1 L. 1,1,••• Irvar,
11,,,em-1.1. Ilia cit.
anparicir 141I1E AMU" f.l f,r e,tbittvg
114“ , 111ta. 11/ e .on.llllsl any
Coa.k, at Wand I!, •••413 tf
To the Public,
POttilllA. RUBBER attention
Itu tom callcd to an advert-IP...Lent by Homo. 11. pay.
lirlord in In.. Nor lore Herald of Ii tit July. 1 , 61. end
br Courier end Ewan of .ca. dot, to oiler
urn unturzaerl al , no• nf attrturl• W_ tot J0.10 , n.
tieee la (bet we ..I•so net rh•rnr tuna with torkUna.
W. nave purdu....l our Ilrrner, frt . tu•nuf..tos...f
India Itunber Mom unis tit.rol,rar's l'atrnt., nod putt
ont Hr.., and orr doll/ • tariff tor 11.1...auk5.
en. otbo• person latabt Date don, the ken,, to
dh no. estbrr than pont. upon Lee. Yetrato. We
think It none It. ourobe.e • tinny. to a relit pa
tent. than to tufrek, It Mr fret bellow
.orkanalad.rod 11‘..-.1, ear's H 0... • ...Ilion:rat ant
Woord In Attu, or to ,ntriner 1.1• tat.. It. to nor
a/Waring, tvu unhaella*leitue totid raqu.l.ut tr. bun:,
1; '" - ' . .. - lith4bVelr:11lits --. i
ro t
be sal ad
arirronrrrcv 1111Vb•ftibitt
rt.ark..tror.vorenner ktpalgelaaaaLleta.ceD tar 1
1:7 Wm. Norßlnsitain. Tr:mum,
TUE Nt.W ARK Id A /lb ("3-
[tut-t: cure. l'retdrcL
Irratit x CO.
Nur Toni. Jnly Mk. 131
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
JONE'S EMPIRE INS, e , 7 street.
per . d
. . n*. •
Thla la the Lestarnunn mrtlt, a
010 cosnufseturod II Boat frroly—
le a k,el INR—srol till not onofedo,
t o
al d nf,oOtt s W e ....l r 4 i 3da ln pmeuot all
e h quolle
Lad adj
ourshlt sdapted fir the gtrol I•en.
The oath/re:10,1 Ii ' , roosted to furo4so to the trod. eh
Mal al . eZl.Klrlot hotno nonenemption, •
st sto-de tart
kir pnros. put up as per oriel. sod dellerred In sue part
of the zit, tre. of 0b.,. No charge for oLood llarrels
or to, are rhots,l Brits at nett root
111E0401kt ET.
Nadasu *I. tun huthlings.
Professor Liar: C. Barry's Trieopherotut,
nil: MEDD:ATI:I) COMPOUND, for re
<tn9LIA 1
tn¢4•ll produced tb. e apn ileed run t
ni arm.
k I etc aOA her, and .11 Ow anitul kingdom Tbr
restimmmlx, .r 11,1.4.1 from bumf's/J. of slinll..,
str. , • it a trial
Nal . Yong, Sept. 72.1540.
Floe Cal.—Dear Pir—l has. 1...5n adlithrd with a su.
tane•as eruption of the main. of • moat ago - ratan.] char ,
vter. for last mots. years, arid dating that perked
tam had the aariesof none of the most annorot phyel.
clans. sal hats triad all the proparathas for the hair and
*kin now know. without the Ira. North I was adrisoi
by • friend to try your Inermbrrous 1 did a,, ea a hot
roan , . and. to y 'uise and gratification. found iorinil
Need In about two m month. Serb was the riniante of the
dnonter that at times I was partially blind.
fienvounily, team, ti V St hsfalLt.g.
lad Columbia strut, hrooklyn.
Now VAX. Oct. 23.
Yhor Behar—Mr Dear.bir—Abouttym '<motto. my hair
ohm. Cul great deal, and cur heal Ir. curb Wined
watt dandruff I hue told by•• friend to try yourThroyhm.
out, and! ILL u.r. arid to my astoniehmuut, my hair en.
rooted. hod al/ the dandruff dthappemed, the
bead now .news tor it«lt.
%fah reepeet. I am Tow °Nell ...ref,
.1 3 TILKALIVELL, 643 lirualwaT.
If any lady or gentleman doubt. the aulhentiellf of the
ahoy.. Miry will plea.. tall at YM•r•or A V Barry • calor.
Broadway. New York. where he will andure the °rig ,
fYrem the kiiiirsry and basal argue, hos k. Lu:se.j
Then is noremedy Mr the permanent sure usWlJmw
J doe:zees ut the cranium penerah,, h. reached
the Muted by the attic!. knout. as rule...a
Ideso'sDnoOlhatuur. Stedicatud Coustssind it Ls es.
bottle mad. the upper shoses of the eununualty; In
stutoet evert num., lu the laud it in uerd in pr.e.o. lu
other winkles of the kind. It Imparts .Wee ~ ..tauf
the hair, and thus rums. heir... , • • ...4f.kable t
em. it destroys d.drulf and ...sin. and mak. e
Laird. and elks.. it will en eft ut the scalp,
Ouch .Seeld deVe ssel other dieor.
dere of the skim In ebeepnase I• 4 estilleacy, at sta.pdo
unrivalled. it isasid infarge bottles. prise Zoe.. at No.
itnaulway, slid at the Druggists generalls, thesuehout
thOlhatedfitatee sates... awASttf
cuic4oo; ILLINOIS.
101iTINUES hie wool facilities to reer ire
ea Strange. Eat., and Transhltionent, aIl Memnon oe
cone/A.:ad Lion. Boats learn hie dock daily t.lo al.
on the Latex and the Ilinanio Omni and llterr
Soarennee— M Mr r o .. : J e ihj Lo n in e t , a c.: , c. tLe h. rtl .,,,,,, nn Co.;
Wm. A. Haakill.
AND •UCTIONEhat, No. Z.' 11.Icr I•Lolt1A,
fr..pecial aturainn ro Comnilnyien busialsoft. ~glDy
Pr.luce. Comm Mon. and Jore/ardlnp MerchantE, Um
Leen, Bt. Joeerh, Mo.
ll.frr to Ah 1.111341117 Oarlock. and Lorna, Sterling * Co.,
l'ittOookoh. efrkly_
ATtAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
aandOotrualstdomer far Penuryhauls. EL Loma, Mo.
motoorleatioos promptly =wend. 0 , 00:17_
tiOLIN 11. ItANKIN, Attorney and Conn.
mum... aml
_Oar raltrioner for the State
e l orkeylvonla. Et Louts. Mo., late of Pirtatkozglo
Kaareoorty—Pltabkorgh. IP. Yorwarl, 0a...W0 a
MUndleee t McClure, John ff. EVE.. Shells
Semple. McOold C Co. antlitly
More New Cicada.
JAIRS A. McKNIGLIT, No. G 2 Fourth it.,
Las revived ble eeemad 'ohm, of Yell and Winter
uccets, th e romtnts of which having been hurthated at
the lane anetlo h n e In theo f ux. during the
Fr i mrece7l7ree. /le would tail =gala r o =rl rat
llrosba lo=g weri asap: Plain Clubmen
Square bhawir. her Mates. et manufacturer's
prim* Such Me:Moe QM Cuts:meow Fan
cy 1?I‘L pran hest Try tsirsblm
JUST ILEC'D at JAS. A. McKl4lOlilC'S,
a. AU llMOrt=ellt of Infants' and Youths' Mien°
bort, Wool Uglier& floats and iduas. Also a new and
full stock a Millen. 0101.11, ar-, and Trimmings In eT.T
7g . 112=7 " 1=t461[41 . 1)110d at TOT low totes.
Time Bills
jA)l42 k ilLr- ittaap iND
Wil pordused ei Amsrable r.te. V ax i ta
FIIABLE COVER: 0 • • • 01101. •
;a eer....;;Pvire--7......
Za irrituashwitumigsageit.
For Bale,
COAL. tu int in flint Dun. 3tonolioyabota riyier„
Tvo sign. fif&ran sineuurnseseal in quality .nit ailiruie
(swift for nainin, slid equal to the best au the river \
Alno---Cue third wutivided part of owe tinniiriel
.err, 3booatigaliols City Viir"a
tub denerirtion of the property...rt....Lod brfr , ! AO , In
41.4-11t1i I , llt lb ,
Anil , it IRVIN hare oho, for aale some
LP• veri Yeewitile niiiinproe,t tot...nimble tor brill.,
eeidence.. rid
CM' Aboiof proT
vuitatile for Awing... ...Dal For toirtkol... *Dr,
Desirable Property for Bale
NUMBER .4 very valuuble •
1,.....1.t00ning go. • .un. 1...n0t of tni,
l'enne,ds nonsuoti... Alio:two) of . .0. Una on ', to"
ft Le
Inanoll. an d Juunds
•rl on All,lon.•
' AIw
ttnl• .
unble a...nous,' Lot. on the ottonte of Ls),
nnJ nI/r,.. Firth silty the unit
R/1•L Catinshr Chute). 'to toot front on Later", tr.) lint feet
L tF
inet.tro. rnousue taw 1: is. roman 414 I
tort— tostr, Itan, lowellin,4llonne ontLatert7
It, Gt. .1...) It tare. not) rot r.utant. Opilejn
1:1,11`111 et) lo ttat) eetettntn• en-yett rt•ton•
onto -A t non, ttt ot re. to Lee - rent, -ount).
:rota N•t• Cull,
Ain—Vann. in 1,i,, out sit iirinunn size. anJ
pnens. 1 . 4,1 , 1 r.n
nc=.n.f Nn Fourth Pittsburgh
Land and Lota.
t'Olt :,ALE, tine rennsylvania Canal,
..licallna the JC/IJA WORKS at 'Unmet=
ittevn Acraii.if Land. with a valukble coal,prirth.ate of
al ut lort) art... of wood coal. Thi4 lirniairtY cntt
in eve, r,cct Ya• a location
r.--.l3lll,tvnt around I:, tinildhnin. with an hlma.hausti
bl cuppl, n 1 anal. and the Vat and river knAran-yor
sr not cold lamp WI, re tot cert.
.t wli bn lud out in lota and nold ott tarmn and In kuanti.
Oct to Anil purchaceri, an many bate applied for bni/dlll4
lota caving u. the arcal demand toe hon.. , and lota th the
Immedlnic vielott I id We VIle11111•0 Worka neer in
cneration I t so• TlitiM at al
lir A Int nf r,und !rntiu. feet nn Cmg
and ruuningt tOt fent to Canal ibis property to but
short dn.., trem the .tapot of the Ohio and l'vnue,lyana•
latlrm or .rm.. .
I 4'il I.
VON HttNNlli.liSra CO-43 and 9,5 Front et..
oca Plttaburgh,
To LeL
well known EAGLE 110 TEL,
Mw ocoupiri WEBB, formerly of
~.tllnn. Ohio •
This 1.. r, hu.l,mtoodlcUll 11•Uet—..cutalnIng upwurd.
of lu vcol, ••'
t su.,, • with te. , 11,11:11l
r , us , w.r—ltusted it, I
medlste •iciulty ihe whoic...lo urarlY
opposite the well knnwn house .4 heti FL. R.SIOI.IGt. o
rents lcuse
The 11001 nu recently erected upon the lateat and I.ooa,
Itapro‘el style i,n utLet reeolcanendattop. borever,'
should In nactl,al, thno
he ungukrulleled ou.esu 0 1 111 ,
Preclent occupant , turtu• the 10r0. 0. Me leave.
For further perm...has enquire
AN N lb. owner,
scy..Wf.,u3 New. ucar Thinl PhlLldelphi•
0 LET—A large and ennvardenti
AREIIOI/t.E.,. ErcoaJ otrert,betvrem Wood
:r W t
Eciu. , at
orpl 34 11. JtiIINSTOS
,Private Residence for Sale.
PRI WERTY is offered \xceeding_2
IL It Ina. and At rem- a..-,.mmolattre.,tertna. "..
moat elisribly leeated In the raphlly Inv lying City
of Allratten) Thu attuatton uneurpa. In thn route
ty, cmanding II Ellf , ll plmsitea nag at lb city or Pllth
burg om h e thrre A l en at a ghat., helf.lo. la!lng
nient to bu.e.stri.a part nt Yittal.nrgh: pin ming hi au
eminent aircrAe 1t..1 • tares ofloll !oat. drountrj.
Th. Int ts ..tuhr.e.tniz near en aere
one hundrrd Mt, teet treat. runutusr on hun
drd and Lily Ir..t to an alley The tmpmeeln.l.tata are
oe . o. the honor firuck. built to modern Lb. beat
maten.d. and nul.f.ed In the tont manner. hartnit`ovury
muvenlen, that taate and .till susmigt.pith
rr.gard toy There Is a sell of excelkalsoa.
rat the Ucc.r, and t.iiva laid for hydrant water. liamitura
brut.,and onablintr, a vezety of 1b.... fruit and ihrteh
her, etort. i Intl.{lo4 and sit ...aye. , em ono
apt.rvaated ...1.41,11/iILL thr pretatar. ..ieutitrN
men wnhins to arch.. e are invited tat call lb* undtr
atarnol. oho wil l take rtenaurs in *lrmo , era rT ,ot , ruik
ocu. it JO • rarr I, ....corm,. delightful nolo \
drum, or to purt,haar Iroculatlon.
tap_ KAIOIII MAIN. U 4 Second at.
Real Estate.
FOR SA LE— 'lwo ousee And Lute in the
VIAL it or..l—t.he I.4terty str+l, ettol the other to
pleve nt 0rr,...1. 1/.5 (..e. ro %etAlvr *treat. by
3E4 wet on Seam. it Vrioutry at 317 1.115..rty 4t.
^.PY ,
kilitX!) , :it 111:111.11.AN7. acrotamola.
teinta FOUR try viluarde each (youth:4
tr.{ Fi( lucheo and firm,
111,1 , 11 m and Pro. ohln Inthin ~11$131. nl
and Lark to th, Ratio dux+
Ih. km1.1..t Mr 11,11.• f',..lll4.mput ellber
For term, rrtg1.“r....1 Allegheny Clt,
err at th. r... 1 it C
Kutrl , ,rnr ct .11 , tritel sal Third alh
FOit T—The Dwellmg, No. 1552
11,1 prn.vt. torsr Stu l chd.. l l—ass...m sr. the . 16
d on
-,., dot, hint both :tort atcw.h.. with t.e.lm4J mid
at • moderk.t. rel..' Inuaitr
mug. ti F ant. etre.. orat Hail .
Far Sale or Perpetual Lease,
r , Oill'Y-TliftEE BUILDING LOTS, laid
n 0 n out lot N.-. T... firm PL. tu , L".
Lt Aor,hert). hoth li
01 ,t.nw../t.m.t..J
ou //auk Lard.
Alau. for reqt to on 4 4 tuvre Tear.. the reiblue of the
ee hit on tb. 11111. extentim, back to bid,. street. 11.1 T
ar. a Talton., lct
ITr ter., A... .:I,,,arb 1.1 Mr MOLES 11.1111.A.ND . , new
thy prec.t.
ababu .or MI *aln.
-K:. at hit of ce, ho. 11.1
.It.nrot. l'rsh
I 1,
A Good Bargain La.uow Offered,
lcl intt 'gut /..4.1+4 - .TrorAr
, v 13,4 . 0 ...111 apply U. , t IRVIN
&mod sl.
United States Patent (Mee.
IIN the petition of Banialia3 Langdon, of
ILJr 1.. oral ing for the eateneirm tif • patent
Canted I. hint en the nth Januar,. 108, for an Improve.
lo.htoe pluritnr plan• and other lumbar. far
r.n re6l9 tr. in
pir•u,avf sallpareut, wlaish tak.d
ru the nuat. Airy a J..... 7.1•62.
It I. that thr toad mtitton b. beazi at the Pat.
ru 4 , tr. VC. th 4. Tto der January, at it o'cloch,
31_. t and all pr re.or an, a... Mimi to appear and *hot catte,
tr ~•1 the, ha t ..b) ..r.l veteran ought Pat to be gran
nrsocang Iha extencton are rchutral intik. to the I
Patent fdoa, .lacctiona. cp....111,01r act farth La wrs.
t,n, at tram, data Minn, the day of ....ring: all
Icatimoor rilcd by eithc, Act, ./ ne. at (ha ataht hear'
Wat the Vh d thr:;;;lt .. " Zal m iatVra ' r p e
ardarcd. slam. 1511] liii/ (101.1 , 4 , INC pittAlAhed II) Lim N 4.
Intallt,cuccr, khcpublio. and twon, Wukdoirtothlh
IP Expreoct. h Albany Slav Hcarnther. Allchar.
timunercial cial•ertlwr , hurrah,. S S Prhablenee Jour
nah Proctiance , It. 1. Pasty .11veruaer. BOston. Mao.:
l'ehnsylrenla lamusrer. Phth,telplat, Isa; am! l'
to2le{lx, Phrobalgth ea. ones.. Drab gar thrac • u:ecealac
vrecl,a rcrytn..• to thc aarchth as January,
MOB. Eat 11A.Nli,
t:nmtniaxioper of. Patent,
United States Patent' Office:
A the petition of Burnabms Lungdon, of
Ncl. York. preylng for th. tltOrtfi.. 01 It
retcrl granted an him on the 015 Janctry:la3h, tOr an stn.
proven:olt m machine An' riahlag shingle", (
takern yee.•
from the axplrataon of eahl pal•nt, 1.; Writ plafe
the 9th day Id January. tryi::
. .
It le ordered that the add telttlon be , hcard at the Pat
ent trtnee on the 7th.lay of January, ,ISSf., at .120 clock,
and all perm... are notttled to app. ar au,t show eau.. If
my they hare. why au,: petaloo ought not to be granlaq,
l'ttaone onnoattig the hoodoo are required to the tu gnu
Patent (.Iffleu Lheir oluectlone, apeethrally eel forth th ern.
ring, at le. twenty data before the hour t 4 hearing; ull
tuttroony filed by either party to be 0.10 at tt • said near.
tug. mutt ttkeo In accordance lth the robot of th<up
tow. which will he furnish...l oh atatlration. •
utdered. that thieoutier be publuhal in the Nation
al Intelhoeocer, RA-public. and 111110 , 1,' , 11 nnitintitunt, U. l'.;
Exproma. alt., Slate Neon., Buffalo Commercial Ad
reran.... N. Pn.retdenceJournel. Proentence. U. 1., boa
tun hally /taverna,. 13,et00. Penturivaula
v. Pluladclohla pw End Pllt.frurkn llanottn, Pittsburgh.
Po. ow, • Ivrea per thr..e.o..,eveve weeks pgettowe
7th day 01 Jahns, , 11100. al% NAN
nor:A.l.3w Co4ooil.watt 01 Patents.
United States Patent Office,. t
um.= 0, 'Nal. •
11N the petition of M. Sorel, of Paris,
Prance, praytug orl the 'Att... Of a patentor.,
1 - 1 1 u Imo for
rust or
method preterving Iron sal
eteel front rust or oaldatsm for M.rnn Inn trooa the nap..
ration ut said patent. v. bleb take. Place on the aeeenth
to of Ike - ember. DOI
It lw•ordervil that the veld petttlan be lewd at the Pat
out toOler eat eaten.,. diet 11111 Of December, at 14.
'clock. al., end all pera , , re ne a notin.. show
appear and ow
rause. If .1 . (bet bal., eh., rail pettlintt ought not to be
grouted. ,
Pervous °pot/slog the ettvusloo ary requir/leW Mato the
paver 011aew their abo-cuous. nueinenly wet forth It/ vol
tam,. at IT tweota day. Lehr, thy day of hearing-, all
taellmotlY 1 .4 by vithor Party to used at the
must Le I keg and tranotnated lu areorlauce ulth the
rules of the whoa, at • ill ev f4rmshod oat application.
l a P l i g 7 il „" O7 t lt! li mUll ' ; " ll b Utru b u li ,tTile.Tha e tti/ . : . .
la C.; Co er sod hoduaor. mew bort. hemasylvaulado
gaffer P sulelrbla, l'entu)loanuo Prorldruev Journal.
Prordeuee, Rhode Island: Daily Ads c 011.., Bono. Ilar
asubmwttsa Aloramerclal Balkh/4 paw Udearts.Ladlatamao
ofd Pittabalogh tiatette. Pittsburgh. Pouttrylesoia, etow •
week for tt4ee auccenive weeks previous to the Anis day
of Dosvintalt urn. They . YAShA N K, •
actirlavn lommtassoner Psttamtv.
ileum Mutual Lite Itururance ComPanY•
11IS 051P L
ANI offers to the insured all
the security and adrardaues myth, Mutual andJolot
Ipck Plans for u lare . to u ttre amtl:lL/fa n nlgued=l2;
*adage required for tb/i cout/tgewt ask of the rear: Itaa
adequate, but tat excessiv•prortnon for the future set -
r* of ausambeta for the whole term hf Ida, with am equitav
014 interest In the ,oSuraulatlng tuna ica-unal to tools'
end d
ahlort term members. ' a nd alto for th reaopt a/Tont! A
thlw• for whole torm of life. P
Th Is the only Blutval Life losuranoe Compare
wham/ rates of premium are Sled al a filo oeduted staod•
soli. with•• provision for ao ardyually locreartaccurou
latlon of lands soar futtta- sveontr) to vattat Orolnrhott to
We amount at busmen and the in.uandttug nes from ea.
age among the mem ben. remduet., trat., giothip detail ff. pi. gad
rates the Cumtpamy, forodsbed gosAls. nal ...{.044M.
fur Lan:dunce retellAd by J. lintliErr Ara.
1- Eva
smartfhluoata, has/ulcer.
• . ... .
jy21:16 06)
• nuts !Winter , rainta W 1.6.16 011;
•"" •-• I•3lephant OIL
.6 bbl.. , -t• Its Whale WI:
`3 - brown Tam. • OIL
150 be. p0m6,1146 4.•
115 ht ; eberia Y.lll Tu.
1 , 2, :. : !T : \
Is - Powction( Trr.
111 and 6 10..bozna. extra th..l/. me fanalp war
. /.11 Loxes s's Tykes, eboirtileandr,
19 " . 1 ID. Lump.
/ ems 3 , 1 • \
15 ticrocs Ilk,
11) WA. Crothed Purs,:
in andtbr .101
- 2.'n.
- 6uAACKINILti ). '
J'di IiXALIC ACID-300 lb. for oste by ,
NJ , _ 6 , +0 J. KIDD a Co.
• _
230 baies Baiting: N
oia ''''
C'''al. /(111Z1Z , * C O.
O -----
IL PEPPERMINT-100 i 6. pure , for
ow by (Alb) IL Et,. 86LLE14.
. 1 ..)LAID RIBBONS—A. A. 111.:hpN ... .1 CO.
L hand LO cartons rich Ritat ..
VINEOAIi.-100 bbls. for role by \
T ocZ A. cul,BEinua s co.
manufactured can...dr fun ttittn.... , ..b.PlZ
Incr. 01. ant:nzlizttzVerl MU . na m act
cast piddle mike* pantidiat An rea r UP
Puu , LX. eirla tull directions mr use. For de by •
J. KIDD 01. CP. Weed at.,. •
"DRUBS. BLUE-7 boxes bait, for sale by
.29 . J.iCllaoiMAHga 5W
d in exchoiage (mitt •
man mount oat tr TWO BUIQUO AIM
the atzttfftra.
QN and after . ONDAT, OCTOBER 13th,
I.l \v,
tbr "CleTyland J Can/I.W RALlIzt.4 cacapaar
. po , n4 out frOcrt U.. au Liao.. t -
Itu, .4 o clock. .11vm. Cittei..J a
'''''''. — ', Wrir i - m: hb ....",°,1
'7 — o '4 ,1 SPLIT
Ohio anu Yennsyl a .1
t- itAMM I , 'UNE OF T.Li
i IN AND AFTER :MOND Y. the Calk amt.,
it F the Allem lon rain Will Ir.. . brio .= at 11{
ua l a , It ~yn t rcturntng leo. 1.. ter. ter, I , tatlou at, 4
I 11. It, order cl lilo.ard of kr•ctor.
1.. l'Alth t, Tkkvi A¢..
Ohio and Pennsylv ania ' ad.
v ro
8 112LE5..:.
d :,and,tftar 310NDAY: AU G US
rI Y.l.a Patwenerr Train aft) run.a• rollout:
LEAVE. NEW 1111101ITON at 7). A N. and 1 P.
lelill. at Iv .4. WTI • P.
Children under metre T•... or hpe ' belt
Yerevan Pftracburgh nod anymillc. • Arc 30
• hlrononay,
• ..
.: Ilochccshm,
Nre thogbton. ss
ritig:Rseutolon treltetv sill be told at raloced most
Berwyn) Pittsburgh and Rochettor, to any outton
b.ok. teen tame la.rcivert• Pituborgh an'd New Brig/Two agall tetok, •
ga..Tha Town mall not run Suoday, but hthruzion
Tiegotriavited on Ratuzday will be good far the returatilP
ou Mond.
Oronlityares will be at the Depot. on Federal street. 1g
mor e., payeattra Ithdingahere any whet" the tau
trout the w to .the Yonongabola Bosse, they guys
ehoose. Wird ,uncs will al. leave the Honotagthola'
li r gye a i.meattately previous to the leaving of thee... for
the conveyance ot Mateo gore to the Depot. Daring by the
hierchapta hotel:. the St. Charley. along Fifth ' , Met, Item
Wood tb slvtet, trod along IL Clair ,trot. At any point
along the route,syersoancero can ball the Omnibuo, and be
conveyed to the Cork
The Railroad will be extended beyond Now Brighton at
'4,'"."`."l7;praetl>Aq tat.
.erticr of N
Ticket Agent.
OF /10118.
TIME ilttotiClD AND SPRllijNellirdliDi
Pennsylvania,Railroad and Eoses Packet Lino,
301 mit. Rai4...4. , .....
I.ICYT. ace !ItitIAVI £33 °monk= maitre To
Two Daily Dues Express Packe d Boats,
i s kii4o ..L :k
On and after 111*nday, August 2..4t .h, th e
Packets of due lane wail/aro Pittsburgh for Lockport
every Talon at 9 o'clock:9.d weary wr .na . at 2o'clock.
i=a - g,'rerif ggf.12:?;14::`.%'l l .l7jr.
rect for PLlLadelphla. l , \ \ .
• ir/7mo through. titer I.lorglic i '
Hi tilt' new arrangement Owens/as sm throcyb lIIX
LIOUK9 $ WIN Mt thin Mrenderwtheing taunt - pint'. lira
on enabling than On ittliTal at Philadelphia to
Pr•weed on to :law look at wroc l •
Lake thetorn, aril Cumberland Hatlroad. at Ilarrtreurg.
Distancr. dal:U.4o= mile,. Taoe. YOUR boors.
Fria to Philadelphia. 010. Faro tolbalthaorc. $2.11..
do Litman. It do Ilarriaborg 10.00.
daLio n ou t dnnrtee ,
pckewl m t
s M ana
T com fL rt t ab * le ,
11 u g o
bola llout., or ~
\ J. P. HOLNIES, \ Agatit. .
Or. O
of ,tl \ LEECH de CO . i, e..
' saos , N Canal Basin, P,olr , ttrect.
1851 , ,
'\ "7 - B - ' 4 ROUTE .
Via `Brewn r svill and Cumberland, to BaltT
\ and Philadelphia.
Tilt MORNING BOAT leaves the Mali
i show. the amine daily. at 9 decks k Masa), gOn
arching withcart at Cumberland nets murales.
The Event Bost lea...daily (except Sunday ceeningj,
at d o'clock acting with the cart at Cumberlsod nett ..
eeellizty at 7 0 :o' c k.
Thriehhcsugh t Baltimore. 32 boort. Pare t,uly 50. \
Tigre thrniigh to‘Philaidelphia, in hour, Ram may .RIII.
Tb:, hallo ti Rokl le now g Md. eantlaCtore so with
the Owchee betwecolirdmustillr and Cumberland. which
matte ado decidedly _tka best rooMad- xus. ,.. .
rijhT6 . l4. iri ' ll• IlorionstahalaViio.
Completed ro Loapo,t,2o coaca tow of Johns for,
_ I
TEE SEESCRIBERS hare the pleasure tu
11.12IInutic, to th e ir friend, auk patrons of the Penni
ay rm is Railroad, that we hare coNnanced tranahinnlor
'at Lot tient, and eenbilontly "ape: to deliver freight to e.
and fn. Plilladalphla In PUCE DAI ..
We are now priyareJ to rown e a and fnrward .yallagUltt I
of nteachatidlw o. dace within our S
PER' I'E EE, whitti 1.4 1
qt th e following rate. S of AND
freight: , •
FERSES:unb--Dri Garda. Hat, Shoe* B o oks,
= - „, - ..iiL'2V,L , Mr4:l - 7.LZ421:
•ir,q,,,a,,.... \ • . . ._ 41 ti toe re
ruou lILAS- 9 ,
ring. Paints. Eqc Striffr. i 91t, Lowther. Clo. \
rer. Pl.. Tmtothy sou n .... Or.. E.o.dh k
Wtat at- . .. ... ...... . ... .... bt)e.‘
... ult ma. ri.A . lii7":4. rfre.thiti,,, i.s.ei.liiie
. .
I.X.MODIC a to?.
corZer Venn wl Warne adv.,*
1851. afILV :1851'
NEwuj d .
Crst elan r
and mra on Lake t the Etic
he Nilehlna ,n eleVelsad:
CAmodb. ClnehatatL Ciereland and Pittsburgh. nod
tandneky and Cineinnan liallreade, and steamer. on Um
utile and M 1,461.171 rti , l7 , and, the opio. lalana and
'''''' VR7.II " .NB Ua LL ' VE F0...L0W:
. ,
- (?undars excepted) .
Ist Mond.; 'lazy.. Train at
1 6 o'clew...k.
.3.1 Enuring .I.:sprese " 3 3f '1
The Triun stops et Elmira, where pasaentstre can
sleep 7 hours, and take the CarraseTraltuarrieinglaNeW
York twit' merntna at 9 &dock. making whole dida.nce
by day-light. • ' • \
Thu Kaaren Freight and-Cattle Train leay.Dunklrk
A. 31 daily; a Pewsenger ear is attached to this Trwin
wweromodate Way Passengers and Drvvers.
(Sale F.o. from Dunkirk to New Text. sr. lieeorwdclaal
whims will be given In a few dor..
LThls Company are prepared to traneport UTO atoeleand
feelahts of all kinds it/ and Ds= New York. I
Particular alto:dam wlO be pawl to buck. Thu caalig
bolus 0 het wide., glees this route great advantages over
uarrow grange Raiirroda In the transportation Of Bleck..
dd.-Additional 'frusta will be put In onstonlasioh In s
eery sltort time.
drehrbt Tariffs will be dUtributod, glrtag rail parrlstr
lads in regard to the prim of freighL KO mad tisercatl
he prepared. . , hup't-
J. NOITINGRAIII , Dunkixt. MlNOTnaltixo
1851. • WRESTRIVA ' 1851.
. 8c COB.
T MIE Canal being in good order, we are
an teeprep...4 frevlart procince and maretiandlae
m thy algae rale.. al 'the t o current rates td
freight. elan prompter. acid &evade. The teats eV
ce wned and controlled by thy proprietors...BWe
01luting transmitted, and .11 Instruction. promptirab
tended Ite.
Apply bane add... .
UAI3 A BLACK. Proprietor.
C. Baehr, Penn ,trret,Pittibursh.
11ARRIti LEECH. Pruror.
Retiring Detour, tic.:l3 13, South M e t , PhD.
I.l.llloring Depot. Dock at. Ph
3111111 A SIIASCISLX3, Agent.
o. 75. North ot., Baltlroota.
T. U. PE.II. I UP...tIr3hL
No.:, Men striet.Naw.lorrry
1851. MEM
Erpress Parket and Railroad lane to Cleveland.,
IJIASSENUF.IIS leave every marnitig at 9
E. o'clock, by near/Ow. to . thence by epproo
meal packets. to Ravenna, then, be I . l.olllyhlitid Cleye
lanJ Rsotroed to Cleveluad
akar - gore to CieTelltad. 54,00.
To Clavelaal e PO Omni, To Erell,ll. 00 . b 01.1.11 -
buffalo, 36 , " Chicago. 60 . 0 '
TlelsuU glees thrcugh in
Columbus and Xelaia, by Cleveland and
• Railroad
Patosengere Pr Detroit. Chlrego and Allleraultie. leaass
Cleveland every demised set o'cloc,t, by the eplasoled
/ovum., of Madden Central Iledlroad Co. for Detzeit.
thence at Pla o'clock, A. M., Oils...Oma Nave bufltalo.,
and AI/MU, came At Chicago b
ros e.*P boat
Putted los water In the Ohio river. th tes to Clore.,
naU,Sie baulk and Galena, sill be found mode Oakes: ,
alossPer. and premean c luen any other:.
RE a PARSE. Proprietor..
for ifeksts or Informationtly to . ' .
(Hp ftaits) arrun . of Pail thtald . and WAter ellet4
oppoOts the ilcoongidolt House:
ft 2.5 PJIIIS.I3UHOIf,
iraisii2l . 4851. ~ l .
On e Pennsyhqui* and Ohio Canals:
CLARK], pease , * c0,.,......._ ..... ii....... PA.
Clldbilit LIN, cwaroar, a co-...tun...5at0.:
THIS w Le4known Line is now trxrd to,
•Z cLoria.. to 007 'the Cone itan LT.41 1 !
Thu WWI. of Una so c' unnUronro.l ua numbar.filal-
Ity, ma capacity Boon. ortte'ir." , \ A',C . T U.h., .. 1' .1. 1'
Corey of Agent...
Ono Boat loaves bnrth ipa Clerolnad flOnr.ruisinfl
In roneunttnn .111‘ o no of neambrlnta. bet... PIM.
Eltiloll and BEAT ' sra a Lau ot ettroinso Rena:boob.
f propeller and rorrnlC rho ,
.11 : 1).;n6L a or , W , =, z, Aut...6.,
C. trrntlsr. I 1
arstAr.o4 , \ A
Marlon 0 Co., Har;o. 0: ‘
lioll,thimla • Co., Frantlin:o4 \ ••
H. A: Altller. Ca tab ram; 0.;
Whorl.. Len t I". A non. 04 \
florderson 0 Irrttlborrcidurlrt s Citr,o4 \
Poctbarn't mss, Tol 04 ~ • '
a. if LULL= a Clo,Dotrol
~m l s
boom.. • Co 4 billwant if 0.: ~ •
tien. A. 0 Ibbn • blo..Chlort b. 1114 \ .
Th'11:1" ih tgn.q l .l l ol3)4T A t•er,
enr. Water nod Ilaritntsl4 .:.' Plttablnvb
ilcuirsion Tu.ketz.o.Bever, go
11 4 14 E Sue passenger Ateam „ Z i & . ia
tOtlx landlnots u Pttutbargt, Ind
otmtkr,•ittory day. (Sooduo ctottrted.) so *Nevi— •
tut.. mosso st 9A, . Itoottostet,34. to. •
Mlchlvta do do • 3 t. M. do 9. 1.
• 9ontota *talus to go to Beam osa =core RktottWa'
lictots to Itotheotor sad boa to Pittsburgh. lot LOprott.
Tietou Road for dorm so. dor sad '
..m,!l.4 aus 5 .1 7 .,V1 otaso4oolo "Be. wrgi:
,•• •
0009 Q. RAW k Oadtbitold sia. E.:Leaman
Arrangemixtsslllado to forraid Freizht
sa. ILIELRO.AD comvarr wa ß t ro Plallsdcrb7
90 , D1C CO
'War. 1114.F1
exma Pem
a. scanktainslX4 lr°4
►~~ 0.,
~, .... _
rob TUE (ILDF. \ •
COUOlid, COLDS, D.O.III.dENF.O, dilO3i4 1'
IN offering to thecommunitN flat
oandralati rome.l, tot a:.rark.,nrkh,„ tlocat aol long% 't
it is not cur wish to trine with the trio . or health the
allot.. but thodly to tat , . them std. quo.* 4'
diadnunahod men awl ammo ot du/ 0r1.1t.. of It..
,ors. from which they can Jodi: , themado.a.
• ly Wady, °oracle. to make no wild idaiDy. SO. •
to al ita ROT !Ulna:mid outdny Lotwit
bumf.. which factawillititwam.t.
s,6an.b.xa even, and wy ectitit ol\ frothier
iroont he public into all at letdll6ll. N-thoq aleseitd them
wool t$ hem perfectly reliable, and the boadlolneWly'eby
ft:wort:oat c0ntd....1 DaMonage. .
tiro. tba dlattnratihed Prober, cf C1um61.7 au t . . •
\ torts Moth, Bov4in Coder„.l
but. doe: 1 deldrol anowydntiNth• rood. at nor yr
0.... wail 1 had an ollawhenft, of Its et.
t .
00. in my ram badly. In the Wallas Cl• err giro.yht• 1 kayo now don* with a hlghtiody.of
in came both.or adnlta mod children.%
. ton;oY.•
• dy for *old. I,..2Earcapir
aronmetok, da. Fob. 6 lar •
[From ait theileei•l the I.aton UAL,. 16da Ott]
1)y. l'hay• Leon our d of the Ikorr mu I ' •
fror had he my 116,hr-rm.,a and '
er 611. or . pd.
\ c. TlO3lOllll.
rr , .hth. ll of the sun,
Errep4vetannic Sore
ithatnotisisa. Valais In the Bones of
Joint, old Sorra and Meer.. Strolling of
the dial:tilt Salt Rhona,
lon.. of the Kiddiii Loao of itimetiSt,
blianites arising Mara the we of liar
my, Vain to alto Sane and •
hbouldere, flehAal . •
dire and Cogan , - e' •
locitiont Conootiption.lialYontia. grnigniorliloinotra
IGO. INCOrrh... of Whits. Inoontiihmeo of UhhNt. an/
nasal gioomy shad of mipd, are erlar ,, , , t 6.11/114 . 2.
=rue Ar 1110•2 PC4 an.r.SartatpoidDi.. *tat gine hie
h.lhate rellef by rettooriag the ionteitttigt of Imolai aild
,rrostb—ctit blood. • It. neutralises had hOhn.• COY
antiont tat saftlions. and Stoat! health agtheit te ail the
Idol piston. 7
Let oil oho hto pers . . the bkrod from tbrahousiritioa
cvintnewl from Imo inclulgene4nt m e ogiattlte Shying
iho .1040. and ni Crenate tin. olgtent 10 resist stonthey
epidatnice, resort ob e y to Dr. atirootgo Extroat of Yolow
Weiland duneabarlibt., which laprooDfit Itself so atifioto
fia man, of the tuatoynalignaitt'dittostoto that Stab lh heir
tn. and they aill tined*. ditoti fainted ;'gb.r In thie into
d, the lieddie faith byh...r oitit ttavve.,
that It will effsct • perteaL care. ' • ' ' V. •'.•• ••\
:• , iL . .' , 7' , ,./ .
t. em ,
Inon, felt. • • .N. commix- -
E , ' ' ‘'. ''-' ."
S \• . 'sliok
kltheue f andante of Ern., 'Pg.:cured ot Lien Contithijny. • , \ -
P•lpltatian os tim Haul, I.Bmineat of the,,P••• Celd , . . \
lotla of the Ennead; Pia cod Likinobnemella•Litobt•O ''. \
Mu .)e•rs . stantfing, eelely by .ynyrat.'• lthUrter Pa th \\, \ ',,
mth,aarinnettlai • ' , '
' ' Eau, Pt., Nothatherlik.l647., \ :
J. D. NarP L E.egc-1 utt lunar trandorin you that thine
i .
bottleent lth;rt.'s Ye Ilan'Dock and Samaparilla,\ ninth
. ,
I cot of" you, ex beet. thekneths, ender the bleminne at .
• kid Penthleem, of ecthirtu.. m• to health and tli \in. . •,
nii manic ot Bin \ '
, .
Whet, 0 tomnictisnl wins the • Telltkr Dock coot
• •
arillx.l nu Lynly I .most 'ethic condldint; I via ienre- •
It attheted kthtli Nit. Ma. of ttt• • ilesrte cad wILB kin
moat 004r0cuixiig .Isl the nut sad eldte. 7 ems \ . •
much lmatled With as to the Bred.ooldnemof,th• '
extr•ontici, end dinatin of m 7 arms aid letm, thadtce \
roam LAM been ToithastletL I bat. to Mutt 7•ckm Veen' \ ' i
..mina the mmt.thde medbad men to. th 4 monad.. .4 , • 4
in BuiLdo, Mitcould gthaore ef from thelriatienottoon
a trill
I hg Lind a ethPath
.iel of Wet
ally th
\ ts,
. • '
tattle or no tiicoem: liiii\ the t rock Mu 1 tooVthe .
yew... 'poet and Synapaiio.l. ',mann. isonnatnli
„ T \
t,,,, i
and cautioned m do to Iraiii,4ll my tomentlug ...Al- . .
picalts went exititiA, sysiirrixt; \ My is mis stinee
mal the trim p 4.111, my arms and legnithe fottored to pie. •
fret em.itticoem• my extieennaiente itanaend /Auld,/ . • .
my towel. am rededth,'and I feel In allkilyiioai. •
r .
ty • rewiat.lataxi.:./ have eit..m m fiat al wcr•peopl•
that Worm Wk. IMO Iluabla to Dar yew la . Ta1t..14, me.
Mane, the hillow. Doet thdammpardls. kala all lime
Loma ideally iellerril for It. coda
ea/Mal. &h ad heartfelt • ' '
mrantude; 'Yours trait. ' IIIidCIIO'PPANSLIBii. • . ,
44-None ,enimilio tulleu pia op in Iltite b . itikea . ....—: . •': •
I.,lpHig a osurt, and mane of the Itynan'Llovenkm. tia• • ••• - ,
s, ii At.
glass, Rh < written eiZaataill.,4 r. Betiiie.:l,lo,lht/, ~ •
. . .. , , .
°lsi is sissil , s. - ' • ' yard, " '72 ''
DOW i., J. U. PAY..4.‘lateaDalt. Ohla, aaft, r te . 5,,,,,.. . '
of Poulin sod WainutsiMas.intrettee en 11 - thend IP L. • " . 5. '
..., •lI,M. at: adirs moot Le niartmmt. • ', L‘'',••l - :
J. kid! a Ca.. B, A. Penneetock a 'Co, J. ,s,„ Jew., I.
- I . •
d•Rok \ \
Wilmt. Jr, Pineal - 43n Lee ..,. Beck ham. A Iklbthd.tlitr; i
L. 7. 1... u. w.sti.eto.:l , . Li•Ba'... lißi'allth*LOi. ••
Welty, ilmenthater cl. Ithiantn domenst: !inn Alinterme. ,
Bedtard; Seed A don, Linntinglaraltre.thr,llCiLithyeatni
atu a b ra nd a Lk., tuillanin..l, a. WMALk; 3 . 1, 4tt8di.. . .
Barth A Co. Broonettls, A. Wilma A.Sori a Vithathaied a
Idefar•lnd A.C•a'N. Callendix. li•ideille; Damon dt. Co
Lehr. Unita. A Umket, Sletair, Junk; SellY d Ca. 80, • ~.
kr; 3, mknut. Bunn J. o.S.rataneitca.W nrentil . L 4 L/ ' „•• ,\ \
ti.. 1•4, iioudmernn P. Creckar.Jr, Itnenneeibia, ~, " . .1 . ,.. ,.
air; liyiee , --11 ; prr ; B;uk; Si.l l eathi.. - .A. 4' -ii:‘
- -
Tudiledicatid LiqUM.Cid 1. -, '' ' • -.'
riII I S MITICLE is intendod 'for rainailinoe,
end .b: • Id be found la•the pnanank a id ataxy far,
y is; It. - laud'. \AI adLaoics 0 boars la caastaaa a atarr at
Injury b. ibeds_perarba lbraaßb aaaldlalt , a'al U.'" bablel , • •
es at <allot... aaa al [rule. v ill Cad tide arbeto bytayavay
amble to,theya, and anar a bar trial aid cowl:Jar • tt'llalia•
p/usa y ld . a.
Thi..y. menu that Ira, the undecaipod, lotalia ire.
queutly ,ate
la Jya/.l's Yieditatad LivialCullele, pa, \ '
rated by alcem. trabadd it Camp, Nbaliotoaa. c,..6,, \ '
c hc ad liaily nnetllls=ll it Id, oar brofasaimal bylahren, as, ",
an raccllcar rabatltala tdr adbtarra planter, la dmratrx '
barna. <ll4 , scalds. la Istra, acht 6U kludo of aveh aroma Gal
also, rd l'aa* la'Padal. a I mu... 1 ansa U mile 4.
. \
.. . r.r.llol.H.Lslli ALL
• . usintreuN 'alma, :AD, • '
IS ',Lb WUIIIII SU Eh. U. lA t IKA6.Iv, . ..
Ektopfights allth s rezelleiti o.prit I...Zl6'k:it/ -c .
.311 , 1616tava.
For tale by • 11. at. PALMS ?...'
Pal- t L armor - Weal b1:11 1, . tads.
. INER CO.MPLAM'T of 'tic 3 eAre .ir.m. ,
a lb* artftscl, on 4 • tsar • rt rest.
iti5t.f.111.1,1.17 / yrerarrd Ly /t. E.FE.U.S.krt •
'.. • rtsalso,lrisshinatto r 0,0... Coro Ir %I.
.. )Ir. R. E. ttellaro—Dear Yu, A. ulth rlerntre I Oast
recommend yoar beer Plus. Itoh w Ism rafts y tr/. / I s rs
Is hercrar used In on? r art *trio ,arlatlTy. 'l4.r. t ror
as/abbots Lass aged th en , and ksandtnats at lb s /, sat.
sits utility In blliona allections. alrlttosratets, sc. .. fcr
air ml4l can sat that there nays: has/how+ ttlealtltss .- st
pee Cote at Po ant C.II toed. I b.. het. aft/cm,. vltly r •
*I Complaint nearly nr a years, and hate tr. o T#S;U.B.r..
monks, but in rela• at /wt./Jr:ant of ps/r Cl og l'ais,
Irb:ris bars of:recto:et/Ai Aft/ n.prs n sap, sr/ I trlty
V elltcon. rrasraerathnt that 1 am not torrectty
I thestAnc recommend theca to tal 1100 ate arrass7 .11,),
, • Tony - crateful friend, \ • ._. r CEITII. ' ,'!,/:.
V Paralasers win re.sclbel'eat all )111r - .INA
Sr than that yrspartsl Cr ro 1.. c/CLIXII.), .1 • 7
r/ l irocd star t. ars conato - Itstr or Immo il.ltAtirna. ...,./.:r
.- )
Itota. - car MEDICATAID 13031POUNit—Theee
eemloll.t the tonter-rat owe glf tolitteee eticilotes,e
the crAhaa va.raiir. that hut feeohol the pt - tlentr
memt tcy the ult. Lumn se itofutoor trty4 itueph- ,
\ nowt efeliothfd CoohPouthl- ltU W... star foto! by
14,..eprer Otttw of the emoachty: twain:ton retry truy
gej7 Mt the le. It Se awl la MAW.* ti.”sthr: 4:Jakll
tvw.ho:ll, tame Il u gor to the yr ca - h t erl.
IteoWand to4=l4 ' lhe ' Vellii=
ferAigtelgtrof. rttle=ab"
ciZere t =7; c if par r s ttaslte i ffot,....
2,01 ASaltdit4 oat:a .
\ \