PITTSII6ROH GAZETTE. . Dwarit lit 1 1 / 1 1,TBLIAIRAPH CA - 101 —The form ofethe dgree ,to .Ire entered in favor of the ptv prletoreZt the Wee line of telegiaph against those of the WO line was settled b 7 Judge' Bane, in the .11.13 Cirent. Nett et Plnladelphle. on It is ardetoVidjulged, And deCreei I. That the patents granted t oe. F. B. Morse Are valid, and tltht the complainant thereby, and by the imigiunents in, the bill allaged are vested with the exclusive right there by granted 2. That the defendants. have infringed upon - the' complainants' rights, and must pay over ,thigprot:r such sums as th e courts may 401:I n caverable upon the account to be master. a writer injenetion be issued restrain ing the defendants, their agents °recreants, from using the inventions or improvements of Morse diming the terms of the respective patents. If the defendants, however, give bond with suffi cient anieties lathe sum of $15,000, conditioned that tlosji•will answer and account to the com plainantsfor all profits on their line of telegraph metal in the interim; the leaning of the writ is to be stayed until the final entering of the .„ A brautifal and interesting young lady was brutally murdered recently by some Inhuman wretches in the neighborhood of Sandy Creek, in the parish of Baton Rouge, LS. A negro named Riley, and a young negress, about, fourteen or giteenyears . of age, Were taken up, tried, routes sod the crime, and sentenced to be hung onlifon. day.• The negroes, in their confeaeion, tut two white men, as being the Instigators of the. bloody deed.. 'lle report is, that one.of the white men acctieFd was enamored - of the young lady, who refused to marry him, whereupon be determined to wreak upon - her fiendish revenge, and, by threats and promises, prevailed upon his negroes to waylay her, as she was passing from her home to a neighbor's, near the Creek, where her mangled corpse was found eubmerged nexteath the weight of a heavy log, with the a pron of the ,candetoned negroes about her neck, which had been used to strangle her. The white menaccused have left the parish, although they imiziot be condemned on negro , evidence, yy AND OIL-15 bbl 4. No. 1, (Winter,) for Md. by J. SCLIDONWAK ER a CO. not • • 24. Wood Street- KROW .I BOOT-500 lbs. Am., for sale by • J. KIDD AI CO. ""TARTAR-2000 lbs. for sale by o 1 - J. KIDD d CO, tA Wood at loop LIVER OIL--Ruabtan, Clark & Cu.'a Ntal, Stanmairta. Ist tali or by tba dozen] timas. far tale by frol VIA) & CI). BUCKETS k TUBS-- 1,0 doz. B odor. 6 dos. Tatm for ode by' too JAMES DALZELL. CS Water at. IQUORIOE ROOT-2000 The. extra fresh, 1,1 :fur sal* bT J. KIDD t DO. AO ,.. MR MADE BLANKETS.—MuRrxri a. Somali= bey, thin de? reed a Inge lot of tape t i'... 1. =MU 11lantetit yam...beep. ' • aLat-1. white home cadet ballet ELS.' Norbbetat cot , nor or Fourn, and Mann nt. ; • on inREAM TARTAR-12 bbl 'poled, war y,/ ranted pare, for tale by - • onel H. A. FAIINESTOCE a CO. • GLAD OIL--61) basket for sale by 0 .30 IL A. IMILNK3TOCE A CO. QILVER. SAND-15 bblo for solo by 4.7 WO PAIIXESTOCK & Co. RED 10bbla. brightleq., for sale br B. A. FAEII:EN/0Z.% t CO. liiliNA-1000 lbs. prime Alexandria, for Dr ' D. A. PALLYESTIX CO. ITINEGAR=SO bble. filr sale by cK.3O I'.I.IIIIINEW 1 1K,T.ANILIA BEANS-20 lbs. fresh. for gale TT by B. A: FAUNSZTOCK c CO: QAOKING FLANNELS.-MURPIIY & BURCHFIELD base just openedan amoebae= of Pink, Bleu, Oman asal Breen Ea-king Flannels. odo 4 4 M% ‘ll LEAF CHINTZ & FIGURED j th az4 Jut . ree d at the northeast corner of o ISURPLLY a OURCILVIELD. QUN,DRIES-300 dos. Corn Brame; . MO Elden N. T. Leiner, 81 OH. Lad and Crenhed Bus.: JON WATT At CO. UTTER--Fresh Roll, in boxes, rec'd daily J. H. CANYIEL D. CHEESE --500 boxes ree'd abd for eels by J. B. csratar.o. 4 I S/1 - 740 bblo. Lake Trout; " J. aft!ill UM. INSEED OIL-10 bble.Griewold's brand, tv sal* br J. D. CANFIELD. . . PEARL ASII-25 casks for sato by as J. 13: 0 ANVIEL 00WOOD--60 bble. on hand end fox sale by oer J. ICIDD k CO QUIRTS Is DRAIVEILS-500 doz. Men's kJ limbs Wool £41.114 and Doer, reed by . A.. A. MASON #CO. ILK. VELVETS-20 pal: most desirable .ttaine Ss A.A. MASON it CO. ABB. AMMONIA , -2000 lbs. for Edo by J D. a. rAriamsrooK. a 00. • Al uitzEty & BURCHFIELD herorec'd this morning try Drpows the following articles— . II igh rolorol all watt De Leine. 44450 u • • nigh Mutes bleak Wks. all priam Brocade Paull De Sole: • Black Assured gilts: . • , Plaid Smut hibbonA stogis Ehaerbe. ogle'. F • At north east cm Fourth =I Market N. CANARY SEED-50 bu. prime Sicily, in oedstcre and lb: sale by J. KIDD t CO.. Co Wool at 4 PTS. TURPENTINE-50 bbls. . prime, tzr Nal by J. KIDD ic CO. REAM TAR AR-2000 lba. pare, saletrr J. KIDD L. CO. .1 - 04.11B:SODA-6000 lbs. Lee & Co., Siew Qat bruall. Syr mak by _J. KIDD 00. ALUI4-30 bblo. for sale by J:I3CIRX) A RTISTS MATERIALS ; COLORS, &c. jx, treeh lotjust opening at the drug store of od3 J. JUDD t OM, to Woul st. S9AP-100 boxes No. 1 Rosily for sale by S. W. ILIJIMOG Irt_LiRIFIED SYRUP—LS bbls. for sale by oda • HAITCILTSON CO. :161 , 1 ITI , . R• TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment-100 do. !bide br - J. KIDD a W. IaTOOD ENGRAVING by James H. Park, jj r tae vo g o Neril . l a e d Johasoa t i rtas 11. %34 msegmey. tam. Terms mocierrsTe a r" buirtdtlo." AMINO SPONGE—lletringe very fine for sala J. SCHOONKAMEIL a CO. O' : es ong an , aort, for sal* oer/ .1. SCHOONktaliEll a CO. ITOSPHORU3=IO cane for sale by .17-.- J. eOIIOONALISSIt k CO. TERRA JAPONICA, far farmers' use-1 too Ott nle by bell J. BCl.loolflieliZE & CO. intkiENNE-1 bbl beet American Pepper L/ !Sr gal. by oat HCISCIONSU.B6II 4t. L. UTTEB.--50 Irgs solid pocked, receiving =JO* babe by °sir. DALZELL CO. AT. XIR CIUS,:-5, tons in bbla and his, for au.lr .1 DaIMI. Co. JUJUBE PASTE -- " Eagle Brand"— bawd Lemon axed Vanilda, axage la -edE.dYi 1 9R4 TRANSPARENT. SHADES—A fine as szennent et Tra+.lsl;..,matlTiadow Shades lta ads at esallpaadestall • .celtr. J./. IL PHILLIPS. N 0.116 Market et. :c.WANTED SOON—An active partner in Zoe tg`Ts. =it qr,n, tifurbilf' hop /e be. r•''' of eowitherseter. with a =all caret:riff /80 0 to svuu bl,la e t • wasow,will be elven to , awl a young IMO with mail eawital sell profitably ell:lntim will be sine. Pit ue " VIZ irretreMrgriy....ur QUOAR-50 hhds prime; in store and for 1..,J Ada bY • ..„ E. DALZILI. a CO. Ty. • ,s—= Ivo b . I 'Efida Errol, do, La oat nxpermo, for Ws by t 17 DALZELL & 00, Llbortr it ADAN'i r 75 pe.,.froelplutkrf,g.'d SALTTETNE-50 bgli Crude now landing .wa tor wow • octlG CO • MUSTARD-550 lbs. warranted eera• l'ip ti N sirnis - ar 1. KUM t CO. `C:/.7 t in storean. -lariat ty. I '«i7 J. KIDD A COMPLETE set et Bucket Machinery in. sonde by. wilt' J. 8 DILROBVEI & CO. POOL COTTON-10 000. doz. jut reed. trosn Enzlasul, mad tax sal• br anis emintynNoris I . • R . 3 bektrnun. roc now boadlogalut lbr nlo by ikaAlLll DICK= it Co °QUI Water sad Front stzem. MmFaiemmM VIOTALS -- prime, for 8010 by . ce.l3 w.runriotrutt. MOLA2SES--0 bble. Atria; by S. .13 8. R. near vall: tiffEESS-100 boxes W. R., for s • a by ) «Et . D. a w.RAIIBAU°M---- - (bITILAW PAPER-2000 bat. stTßrior, re. Lj agaves - pregsmer.i.n.LtrAmr, and for rale by • J. 1.6 SLICE. 0c3.3 - comer of Amu obi lnrin PARIII w AGE m. OIL OLOTII-4art t reo'd from ra i - ILL,r4b. ..11sor)ivcr1 Ell &dug plata l% fur =ad We ra . tnol at lick.thket I . l: 2 l i S e T z rned at the - Dmit f k 'g r choico Teas, rat utiaxa l l i Vor sht. I .7 th av i eric seEN• -1113111 P-40 bales Kentucky and Malawi .4 " 6 " Dew l'; ' 4'44. tat 5t.11% a trorcateas t ocr. ROCHE t 3.11 A.W L S at reed,. 2 mien =Mier Bead* Marls 4.1111,1305* 00. YARIY-71. milk for bale - ENOLISEUBREAKITAV TEA—'M hal! '...dustaltrotimabst Zawhosizroanwr ed giLEEN OIL CLOTH IT ralls jud fivt..,.....aturterzl mail iau Oil C misda'Aft(iiii:'y 'l' FDDOR OIL'OLOTH' ' • • too Ft.Ls 44 Floor 0; Clallw , 64 - : “::. /net reed antl.far sale at our Oil Oath Warm:coma 116 htertet et. fc clll ll. PHILLIPS: 0 °IJSSEL'S UNRIVALLED. 'SHAVING 06P..19 is ts 41n .1 r o,zz 1„hun pre= is uncinallea for purity. ' ll4;l l :im (re6 bro r tlri. ma. and o soo ther Vl=Tot3o W ou U diTt lar toriw9we w h ichl by the emollient postynunnscd7 Ita lather, so eaftens thwtreenl W noel, sha ving loleasela tr. 4 run It proasues groat tint/WT.Ow the laiport<4 artiels„ i c being lushly 01.00.04 f ro l. the best but with grwatest skill, and is tot onlythe beet, but also the cheapest article for sharing. The W -00040106 salon( this article &lurk 6 the last twelsc and the aceeral•awild and allror medals awspiel for It. strolorly ettest the 4480 - retlmation fa Istdet. It Is boll by the rooaarmity. for sale wholesale and Malt by .oc9 • . it. E. SELLY.IO„. of Mond at. t:Rill/fp.NOINE 110SE-500' feet 2 inch' 3 Ply Indiarya/1 Rubb M er Ue,ite tawnie Fire Depa st 'out express ent a ly fn lr 11 th re . Wet W the rtm ritlel to rail and examine them, as they are Im:ranted to stand mom pressure than anyleather twee manufactured. in MI cues where they do not turn out as represented. the money will be refunded or the Ursa replaced hr nee ones. J. l Il e ?HILLIS% and 9 Wood At .PILE OlNTMENT—Warranted to cure the 1 worst eases of 11164 14, • few d 441. for sale_l42y bepl{l KEYSER • 114140w1.14. 140 Wood .1- el AV ENDISH—Extra fine Caven.lish To- IL) Inero, for We by HEYSEIL t MeDOWEL, 1 0014:17 140 Wood at II OTTER-1 bbl. sod 24 kegs for sale by 111 ~W ITM. M. I. JOIIN STUN. FLAX SEED OIL-10!bbis just received an] m... 3. by 44143 H. E. PIELLEIiff. TIC/IJORICT. BALL---8,2 cues for sale low by eepVl J. POEIOONIIAKKI . 1& CO 'VINEGAR-97 bbls. Ciller, for sale by W3l. ff. JULINVOS. ENUINE MANCHESTERCINGIIAMS LA aiNS.T• to found at tbe sto BURCHFIELD. • MURPHY BU -•-• frUBS-20 doz. in store and for sale by J. 6027 e.♦ W. HARBAUtitI. BUCKETS--50doi. in store and for sale by 60:1 8. IV. ICiI SILKS—A. 1. 'Mason 8 Co., have I. opened •Imauttful lot of very superior drsn Wu. 1.1. widest. styles,: soot,/ AILS-800 kegsfase'd city brands, on Nhaul and fat sal. ` A .COLBetTISON t oillls Liberty st. POPLIfIS---Beautiful 'goos, just mec vvr express , at spat A. A. AI ASON A CU'3. VIOARS-50,000 Regalia, Principe, and 11 'Uvula Ctgus, an tuna awl bj 14026 J . LU or LBEHTSON A CO. BEESWAX FEA'illE RS Men e 2 ," 4 " E "`"''-' tITAVIM'a wd septa ' . 15' &kr and Flynt eta. rOR CRAMBERS—Very cheap Wall Pa- Zee. siztuaf Borders, in liv . ovilzma L t r. sale LAID RIBIIIiNSAND SlLKS—Ali:war buxcimia. bees open this mooning o supply of ?boss fashionable nossis. stpl7 STAR CANDLES—In whole Old hf. hme for r.sl4. by [yey=j naopY, JONES a CO. EAF TOBACCO—In bhde.and boxes, for we by (Yey=l JO E$ 2 Lb. INSEED 01L—,5 bblo reed. sad for ouio or rootr trINDOW GLASS--300 bza reo'd and v for sale in 3027 B. IV. IiARBAIIOII SUNDRIES -4 bbls. Saleratus; boxes Seed Leaf Tobacco: 411) prime b't Tobarect 2.3 common 6 Tobasvoc SO tacks Deer Daly. for oak by coo= JIMMY, JONES a CO. ARANBERRLES—Just reed and for sale DJ r oi t . he quart or pashal. .t MOWN S' Ma Mara to the aapzo' 4.1 UGAR-44 hhde. prime N. 0 . -, for . sale by 10 'ara EY, I.IATTLIEW t CO. MOLASSES— -324 bbls.N. 0.; 114 t (me mown.) ..N9iurniew s a co. DIG METAL-465 tons for sale by 0,149 ' IJAVITITEITDt 00. FT PPER LEATHER-40 Sides good heavy Caper Lesther, tbr ter by erp. LITTLE Ji CO., 2.5.5 Liberty at. lIPRIE STE VERMILLION-2 cases for sale by ryepl6l ' J. SCHOONILAK ER a CO. 5000 GROSS SUP. CORKs- Pel7 J. ZIDD k 00 CHIESE--50 boxes W. R.; so " Crrucr; for Inde byp .14".1 IL DALZELL 2 et). QA.LERATIIS-1.0 tons in boxes and bbld. kJ for sale by .rp2) R. DALZELL t CO. K EG BUTTER-25 kryna fresh, far 'ale by _ R. DALZE,LI. t CO. jttNADDOCK'S FIELD PLANK ROAD— ", '2,) absres far sal. at • toy pa. t. IV/ "8 t CO, 913 Stock and Ex - lllokesso RAINSEED - oIL-30 bble. for WO by gel= J.Eouocorimeiczat oa_ 21 Wow!. LIRE OIL-10 baskets for salo by- JIKV3) J. BCIIOONII.IHEB. * CO. CARB. AMMONIA-2 casks for sale by MA2O J. 601100NNAIMI 4 CO. BORAX -10 cases for sale by rep2o J.:W=OEII467K 4 CO. CEESE-77 boxes fur sale by .cpz) ; WAR DICKEY A CO. ' QOFT CRUSHED SUGAR-Avery enaperi k7 ...Ala. Or Dreisiaarblt b y deplrVltv (010KED 82.1310 N—CH be reo'dthi; 1.7 M day, by. dryads.. a malt& Idri t okr u tr i fisr by PPS—Put up in 1 lb. packages, for fain ' LA R7 " 61 -AI. ICLURG I CO.. ary]Y Zei Memo 4 FOR WEAKNESS AND DEI3ILITY- Try .0011 pt 31011111/P dor. old PORT WOE. at $1 per kills, Lir rain el PIORR.UpTen Mart, in thelnainann. pipit RROW ROOT-5 bxs. Bermuda, for sale It by . [1101.51 ' J. BeIIOONMAKZE CO. 11.110SIN-200 bble. No. 1, for sale by SAL .a/2 13. IL18114.1)011. (! LASS-100boxes Window,r sale by sn.l2 B. I W. iLiktBAUGH. G LUE -20 bbls. reed and for sale 8. N. WICKBAS , sehil earner NLIVord oind 8 at. Pittsburgh,Okuctanati Ilt Louisville Tele- KraPhi VIESTOOK of this Ccunpany wanted by Btorl a E W M N ighiar . mg corner orb het and i Bird Mirth. Virli,SH NET, for Itio quito Bare, 12-4 TT rt4e—dirt rude Nutrert_ , tor arta la 10(.• lb 1111iL reolO WIC NOBLE, Third l. SULIERLES— IX Ogee: - cat. rt i g.p i =. 60 kg*. Ur. Twig and floc . SI "" 11'.51'47 Wtt . Most TO '. Chiplogsroods S essooss DO Ws. d i p / .. trallos la; 6661 slaw 1.60.6d5; 60 dos. go= Bookodd 600 kat"; NAIL, sit/ res, 016,ser. Pope; ibr. g , 6= ads CO. ATT A 00 Liberty et. O. e.g.; YO bbl. Loaf. a '4. pure. - O. ktolsairm =NEI rj Ins. Cice' r W.R .Cturesc Taglther Nigh NwMi. Clo Cisioamaol ceo 6.4 JOHN and eepl9 2000 LBS. REFINED BORAX—.rue retina amt Say ftle by • E P50,3 . 1 SALTS-15 bbl s. for sale S UGAR-75"dg aluz2 r alla by leN j i iia POWDER—A larp supply o Hazard mu m_ assture, always on haul 0.121 HT We al limpet mt. • sera " 7. & DILWORTH CO. ViTINDOW BLIND , 'APBR Grazed' r"" 4 "'"" 1110.11 AS rouse APAR IL&NGINGS--Nois , style of Gold .PAgrgrttA','"WittiVtat" mpl9 - 86 Wood at. SPERM OIL-17 bills. for sale by molt WICK t IdaCANDLESa. •ItAI GLASSES— SO bblo. N. 0., for rale by INA mol B. tW. IAKBAUGII. 'ANNEBS' 011.-20 bblo. for sale by &:&w. LIMISAUGLL .LILOOK-75 bbls. Scott's extra family, for by " 11.0111110 N, unia to.. 4074 266 Lanny a. A/A .n.9 OIIERE L-240 bble. No. 3, for sale by WICK * Mee/ACLU*. 97 bbls. No. 1 Loko Superior Samoa 2 ; bt. " NO.l bbl 6. Na 2 " • 16 " Na. 1 44 Whits Rm. 20 '•No. 1 .4 " " • 6 bbla. 0 So. 1 moolving mod br 67 1.561 JOHN WATT CO. GENUINE MEDICINAL PORT - WINE, MUNDY, AND MADEIRA WlNE—in botthw and oa Aranight, fa ale by ospl9 KICYBI6I MeDOWELL. 140 Woal QALERATUS--43 cubs; * i s 7 82 ham Palv'd; far sale by “se • •NCICE't MeCANDLIMS. NGLISH DAIRY CHEESE-59 boxes 1.1.110's celebrated Named axul Durham Farm -. ea, reed sad Wr ea/e by area • -. • • WIWI & IfeCAiiDLZEIS. Xinnesota Cqper Stock. 50 "V'''S of this lock for able low Muer Market sad Third ou.iL FRESHBUTTER-25V bblajwit, reel and at ate ntlioB.ll/13' Ses Mut In the Dlannul, ANN'S BLS.OKING--20 gross world firm for rale by WIC a. SOLIOOLPHAKER k CO. VIALERA.T63=4S casks pore for sale .028 - J.6OII.OONMAX.ER -11AATCHLESS BLACKING—The.ceI rebra ivt,tta lutchk. ntdans. nizm.a.,T nul L o. stan y Lauda as grouJnxt rced.imi for We .Wilemaa' ne27 'Wood rneet canna of 8151. r A__,.: blfoh este Y. H. • "ustri.imn.rtatton., ed Lualiiist• * - F. F. FLOYD, Sides N. Y. for kibon. oL~ sera ex= - Dliisbf eea'._ lOILED Otnet .21.RABIC---150 lbs: ie'ry handsaw. for Aar - ' •R. Z. SELLERS. VIANUFACT I ' Jr TODAOOO-4150bi s ; 04 a ebola ana,:cl,..ardluslkic,:t DRY GOODS, !kr..c EITO Eus SUBSCRIBER having taken the store NO. 'ES POURIN STREET, Werly oemded by r. P. H. EATON. and having entirety refitted the same. will open. on theist day of Eeptember, with a lan. sad superior Voce or • • IM 01 r. STAITE. 1011Ift.5INCI t LIOUSE ITESTSCHNO ~ DRY GOODS, together wllh • eieck of TIiLIatLYGS AND PURNISII LNG cparis, seL sompletn to! heretother kept or gat known and feetrito rehablithneent Ile teinthil reeneetrull} inform dime persons iliedrins Mourning and Ilnitee Furniehlbe or Lite, Gentle, that in .ton tbeyeau,obtalri MINI, Malipinte stock than she. where in the tity.sts he Wend, devoting whom.. dull to thew brsochne of buelneest Importing the 'mein M c l All c kenc. c if Fit them at auledititf • _ • _ • Card. A l lif.llll 11U11C1IFIELD inform their coatc.morl buyer> geocraily that tbry bale ativir thtor .CS) t h e n. ly a lioode toe th. rea.. ottonhon to uhumally full ...I MMO, " .44 4 41.1. Lona and SQuars.—Nser otyle Brodie my ry,odeme cashretre de: Wool do.. plain so.l ear styles: black and colored Rich 0%1 Ribbons, Mark and half mourning do., non " Yrie'ylav:. also reschred a further sup,dy of sum Shirting Muslin and Irish Lines., and Otani.. Goods gets until); arid el will be sold at loss prim for qualiti. Country Iderchants are inrit.d to call An our wholesale nsous. uo stairs. ells% Goods annuli! low. 0021 I LK WARP PARAMATTAS—Just rec'd ej at A. A. MASON a cure. dtand ra ." 11 - 1 LOVES ANL) lIOSIERY-A. A. Atm& k Co. hays not on hand 76.0 dos. or Lull ' Mere, Fleeewl, - . Kid, and other OTOTNI. Alai; ever? . descrinlicin Iluniery, coruprfeloa moo, than boo dozen. orb t r— ESS GOODS—Opening — ' daily at A. A. .11.1.90 ti t t.N.)..t, eveh oTi. or fooDkoooblo Wen co , ls, eouviaing of bilks, etshroeres, Do Loinet.2derirvos. 4 et.o. Altscota, to odl 1 MKS I SILKS!—Iow opening at A. A. V MASON a CO.'t— plereo of ver l tublnuablo Plaid !Ate. tome a 1 lon .0 YO coact to. Per,. rbh U h lu. do; dn. 1 do oluvult Bromle do. Oet. ONNET RIBBONS—A. A. ALA-SON co. will exhibit ibis morning W curio. of rich bon: ribbon!, oci I EW PLAID BONNET RIBRONSMurt phi A Burchfield have rerelvial fresh ouoßli of fl• r. denirahie good., • QUIT It BLACK ALPACCASz-ld urphy Burchfield bare recelvlel . hall amortiaeot of above grallia—votoe se low. ltiMr per j•rd—and eau. ezr sure, Mohair Alparclut e al 11,00 per, yarg ." PARK MTYED DOESKINS-4.lllctriThy Burchfield have rervilved.l.l3 aaaorniaeat of Doeilen atimeres, gray and fancy color, which ther an toll'. Fen.-,a..0 lower black Buettner. ani clothe. and a eary ety of et Flu especially adapted for lade' wee) con NEW GOODS! NEW 000DS1—A. A. 51Anilbi CO will oyez within the next few days. upwarde of ell hundred ease.and packages of reerelan l/ld be meatie Dry Unoilth to which the attention of whole ado and retail pureharen la Waited -L PA RA3IATTAS, LYONESE & COBURRS —A, A. MASON CO. sill open OA. dal . 30 news of ft owe good, Wen tFRENCIJ MERINOS & TIIIBET CLOTELS. —No. tlprolow at A A. MASON a CO pierra ich lord French Airrinoe a nd Tint. ClotbA. mil VASIIMERES & MOUS. DE LAINES-- g_i 4.. A. MASON ft CO. two Just twelve.] ZA fade of twin .o p t Caahnwres .4 Po Lnirtes. pod r c r v illi g PLY IMPERIAL CARPETS— No. ear PLY receiving at 1V : IfcCLINTOCICB t Ward:tow, N 0.16 roof* pipet. to which we in. 'rite the attention of than Irlslog to furojett Itouwror ftssiotooo4, an Wu Will full lower that; ever beton. in thfn market.oc't onsr, FOR S4.II,E—A very desira-.... 1,11114.41 T liarae. +nal . ..lmA swcti , AE --00f-tipAttx , nal 7 ELVET PILE CARPETS— W. McCuri- TOCIE m now constantly reeeivintr hts fall stork of CXRPLIII. of she rlcheen mot newest Ptylen. to which hr MT 1. the attmaticm of purchuera. as he mark et. ined to well lower than weer before oh'ared In this at the rid estabilshed Carpet Warehmme. No. 85 Pourth et. tIARRIAGE CLOTH 'h Tlith~HtNO blr-CLINTOCK invitee the attention of Carriage mnufacturer. to his large week of Blue seal Drab Clothe. Oil a Cloths, tovl Trimming, iableh Ire will fell st redureil vices. at the Carrel W iirehouae. .5 Fourth rt. tx) INORAI - CARPETS—W. MoCLINTOCK now constantly reoitring hi. fell nook of PO pert no. and coalmen INGBAIN Calt11:1 - N, vl cwie and rich “tiat at very minced prin., th which no Invite the at. .s pin a of those pg to furnbli Ett emlbsta or Housia shotw a W i at Ow Carpel Warebotoe. No. ..6 Fourth et eel 11. - 01.1biTiWile - . _ ttuSSELS'CA_HPETS-W. hlcCiiNrocs by in Allltf , aal for sale rob sod pee stile pRUN cas-B CeiL7igWls. toe hich he'luvitte tloi attention of pnr. rhaetes, so he Is determiteri to sell loner than ever Mtge In this market. Coll at the old catatabled Carper Ware house. No. 00 Fourth st. eel 'TAPESTRY CARPETS—New and rich Tap.tr, liragrels Carpet...nut reed th • ( ar ( .2t Wrebotoon, No. -V+ kourtl, street, at rotttrol prlra tra goat°, witpang w praoltmon toiv Del W MrCLINTOCh. HEW GOODS. VPIE SUBSCRIBER hming now recuived km entire neck a FALL AND WINTSR GOol/S. could reepootfully We l.l only .t WM. JAlllaoNls Blom 240 Liberty stenel' bond of Wool, Pittsburyb. LO cent/. awl 111. JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Hamm, halt Dye, gar the clunking of white, rN or may Intr. to a beaattfal Mora or Mask Jot &tot, la a bar tomutet. Prices—Oa mato. mat $l. 8014 by WM. J allKliON,24o Liberty moot. beak 4 Pima/ arch. JONES' LE E.LT WEElTE.—Lailioa are eau -0400 1 wenn" uslaa gammon weaved Chalk. rho, ala . 0 7 ...at boo ltiabtially littuptotta JCL to th e olth halo warm, boo mutt, how oalimr, nal utawalt U. Alit ablatata. altar mlac impareul ch.a, it a ' l Vo L trirkreyarW. tthth'g .wall Juan' Eyelash Lilly W 6eau hite. It lo puforUy Sanomot, betas batitled all %talcum co quahog and It taparta tho okut • hatarak haaltkt, ob moatoaor orn e Ml.w a.k1. M 1,1 . 0 m 0 1 n o y l y 4 I at o Msk aWt as 7thb. atta¢ m rm Nal bLao ak NU. 408Wlm14hayUhl Wood. be moborah. pr W. 00 0.0 aortaB..ll,B MORSE'S Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, OCCUPIES thefront rank among the pro prietorredicines of this country for imunieteh m curing Canker, h alt Rheum, 'Erysipelas, and all ocher d o t, eyes axislue from lmo tate of the tilncd. Als o fderr llornplaint,l;slarth,Dyspepds., Ckongkis. horthess mid Ugh harm about Ilia Slosh Iltun. shims, or booneness, drysteht. mid h tickling onnsiotton Wind th e thrush and Is MoM withlonurscedentel lore,. In all cases of . Female Weakness and General Debility. .BFrenetkenina mateurd gr. at ring tone t* the mriOns onnans.and invigorating tatter system. If the malmsey of thousamts of tg 'fitment. heat tall parts of Me country, cut be relied upon, it is singfular ly etbmtions tuned ilmems, and restosinpt deto. o and braes &nen constitution.. It is purely Ve ts. Me in Cr tomposttion, and so accurately combined t ree proect.. Mat the chemical. botanical, and medical prit peril.* of each nomedient harmoniously unite to Purify the Blood It has rearmed manyettroulaiseases which hats MOM tbs MU of the beg pbmictan. and hassles cored Canker: Salt Rheum. fry as and &snubs. lebirb Sarsapartlla Orrapo entirely Mind to make the least impremim tuns. It has , qns tested In assay curs of CANCEROUS. M- I t i V i l a lit. .1 most obstinate Canto, bate been cured by t midi 12, Weser that it la •ealnabletnelleine to all OUtl 001IPLLInT& 'it remove* all obstructions In the.eirculaticm, reptile tbe %err. nchm, and /ret ire s 1 =4 l = t a ;Lit =ll4 at all smart. of the year. ds lean retell, by S. WICILRhSUA.II. CoIISLUM for Western rennsyltanl. asyfty Warbous. comer Wool and Meth ato,Pittl. B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder. -WASHING without labor! . Warrantad totem. the status out of table Emma end nap. Uncoils's rot: liar.—Put your clothes In a sufficient mlactity of cold water to corer them. then add two told, tZ.Viiitoilitttltag.lll27WiTtittgeroid of 'n4. re 01 the Powder. and ball them ton in In the mean time Drees them down with a stick then put them In • tub and add sufficient mid water. gh. t i nt Mier will not be too hot to handle. Then rub the distr . aMeake t or ha other wet*. glee them them a thoro clean.ugh rinsing, and that le raffish= to make - N. EThere w hite. o man In ltd. Bap, It as lava the clothes Teri and no bad oily mall. as lora soape do. Thisentke met of • e wini ng metals! wed does not a.red km emu, to complete a washing of ten person— Warranted not to rot. or Injure the clo th e. • ltd. Is a Yonder that OM papa will make tmly. pane tat Wally Bort Soap. Untscrion. 000 000.—Take, ear ala Quart. of alter ml ads the Bondsman It, and then let It boll, say are 'min. t 0 41111601..13 5 0 . I:44 k. Lrattpr a t u r the= I f =sata r z r. Ake be very Shia and Wee White Boap, and ro rrt ll il ei. " OrtNe i4 =t a t tater. by mak_usis the gait's, into els smuts Instead of valve. The 3011 Beep kr bat alapted,for ...gang callm . and woollen gooia Bold wholesale and retell by IL E. BELLIES. - Nor 67, Word st. 11008SEL'S AROMATIO. VINEGAR. -1 The highly ma/LLCM tultadal. and Mmeinnpattlei la Vinegar, rondo it far anparlor to Cologne Watet tor thi, ordinary lintD of the toilet and bath. an tag ttor tatter ho perrante and thcapnota,.and fa lto Mosey fortbentormotion or dna:Muds and hodtb: L rliTtighly reemenaoded to ladleall. the . in and gAasta mimeos or the tollot. and for praterrlior fisabads of as intoplexion. Itaessollont propertles It Der the hoot atal dopier of the skin. and impart to it an elutidty. by inhaling it, and robbing It on the tempt , * It will resole headache In • few tolnuas. .05 Bold hi , IL It sELLERs. 87 Wood a7L'' C:I:I:ARTICEIIS.IIIP—The sobeeriben , .'" totem: Into tk.Putumbl4rt . kr gala 7._ & OlrotT. AME& &THIN', .4 3 / JOAN kt. Wir t Removed. • To Druggists atui! yARTS GREEN "s" r • Branralat's Przsre..nnrs• tally of &kW and U tt Thr ghat roxlmed tb• without dr! at to l. trog r WM 10 11111 " ;121212131114, ditt= 7W drOv ' PEW st redFor!l plum ' IEIKI' II 'AI3II ... — 7 15 calf TR' =7 - 4, f : 7 7=-7=4. ~4_=_ &OEM . 18 ~ ; ka t 1 \ 11" L's 4 . . LAX mut \ Asp lIIIINIGAN LIN'N, --(I.N THE EXTENSION% CAN L. \‘‘ e.t.A.P44:. eARES a 00... thlgtgrAdt.. la \ TIIE sIBOPRIETORS of thh old nd well' troop }clue. would : lnk= the pa no they era now' in oreaUht. for the present sewn, hare tomer, awl ea.:erring \ Fteistitt aml Pararattens,7hia they fully LTlZAZ,Zral.,}getre'..Mi'es'.'kshe'entriarrste ." trill . ~,\ Lltra will to otetatintt et the, lending, teltar,thr M u.,, (etude lida , 0 nr" 5AT.V2.:CA11011.1.3. 41.. Ottee, tor, Wider end Smith:l6'l eta, Fitt,.. - 'ONSIONEErg 'l, it W. Cann rte... hew Growl, Pa.; , \ I), C. Mathew' a. eulaeli, Isa w. rr al, .n, h , tteron. , . a . nun. nharrrburgb; t \ j . tn. delay a l'U, .Ir...tater, t . : '': t: z . :=l°, . C. SI, surd. F.t.e.l%.: - - Y . ' u ISOVelibraig, Blench., h. T. . Now Wm - Super Lime-4851. • THE new eitner NORTHENER;,Copt, B. U Sway, Marl ng every tundra atuvrovarnent kr y and mu.. aplll ker....Ch., pd on Friday, the ls] of Slay oett, . bey, dm trla-endvreeehly rh, sera yk aeor , Friday. at das h'slock.'e, al . loot he Itkut St, Marie. The resent, MANHATTAN, tlapL ',Sone (74.1.11, Will have our At.. Mario. Ihr the . l lllerentklemling• on Lake hater., au the artivel oT,th e idealiser tirtrhernets reeking • regul.letw Coalr line , . Ittrlns Ludt the teem, between Orr . ..lend alai lbe ps, etAl 1 .. Sllner.o S. &A. TI/ 11 .\ER, , ,Proprieters. 1 AVING DISPOSEYi OF ii-ALR,MY IN TEUENT IN 81NG11.4.31 , ,V. LINA to nig. brother, ;insist. lllNlillatd, the bunnersket PitaburtriFralll here alter-Be trencern,l under the Graf .f . .lano..Biturhaut a I et./ I _____ \ Sa IL Rklatill'4ll. Binghaios' Transportii'gan ilin4;. \''‘,' anass7 '-18 I'\.; Fn'TsBPRON & \ THE EASTERN OPPES': \ . riff E CANAL Imng now 4en, 'we ere Tea= J ..tirwarelt earl wo to red.:ate .d Yorward pratrlY. Truclunr rd erek Freight. , elweiu. at lowest rate a gherg,l b y..waysukla Lines Fault.. and MA....11. 11 be greolved and ihrwarden ILAI ..1 ',LA \ Wilbtalt RD) .11trim for fetwerniiku gr.'. BM. f ' lab. .allarrelon. aftl . nrage. \ ' BM. of r tatity forwarder] , all dire.' or faithfully .trended to \ A clrertio e. l i ,, ,ppWa \ \ WM. BIN LIAM a \Op, Canal noun. \ 00.41 \ !..Alarq ad Wltur •I. i Pittelkurgh. \ lehreall, Fe rtli'llnlllig . , ' Vrlthla \ , WI EreiVl Lah,rri, agent. I, I's '' L \ % N' XliproNflit • V , i,`,'.l„PT,T ° ,° - tothl 1 . ~. \ .'__ 1 ' \ Ig * Las York liiethants^ \ Tyollsporkation 41.ine, 5.,.. ( gla PEIVIATLFAISI k eWddra.LS . kqo Liailoens,l FOR PIALADELPI44 DIII,ECT--IsWITLI . oLtitz-agas.o:- . G. A. Meat Uhri O co. .p.i. ~ ., 0 1, r r.o.,„itr., 011 A II .I', HAS 'oh, nenrralanlt.. :toad etreetr? , l4.ll. den.b. \ ~ We are prepared rens.. i large Ath le and prod.: , to ehip On the openlakot wee le to Phitir &apt.. end ell son pleSewet I s . 4S '‘, s ' l ‘!"., 1 'b 0t1. '..':;.` i 'i6, 1 1.1" , ,.:;,';:;!.;5. 1 'p0'',..7n.,- . - Tr ? ' t•Vo' ' tt " .111 4 121\ State " itetlroada 4 / 1 1 here... any 'Aitcl tar 'ft n n at ‘, Johann... 7layrionar.lw rwlmnl, Gus m "ke. Ik_ale.tatiLTX,r(X). (oblo \ \llia , To Shippers ollierchsLiist, Piot4r k e, c„\ \ IV &IVO .I,llk t tam:gnat; h1114..1,1.12,0(P1LL 1....,,,f011 , RELIANCE PITTSBURO4I TRAN S \ TATION,LIN.E. ATISE , a On, Propretots.7,llo. ; 11 . , k.5, ,'..,. 0 oammrre..t.net.Vhlndrnattle.. , /MLA. a LIGGETT. AM*, Cal.! in, Fittabarrin:\ \ 1.5. TAYLOR tlt ON, Astro., henite ms ' ~‘ \ ' N. ere M. en . the apeolltuarf ttke Fenner - Ina. ' C 0....!. lo contract far \ Freight:et ark low tat, wad, girds, culpher. as much derueteh endlreze 0.... any \Saler Line. \ , \ I. \ • febllttlatt \ --,' —A- --,-- ' , ~,,,,--= \ • , P. CDLL cov,ptg„ & coa. : • , • • Otueetworio An 3.l„cradriAll Cer \ l,ndr.l /IM ~ Canal O, .pt 4. Serra. Penna. Rail Road - \tCentral Rail, Road' vrtiE subscnbers iiiiilg bokLu iippoiii tea I ghlppiny ettrent6 for th6.-Penntylvarditur Central Ball f 1.64. unorm tie rahiir Ihat4 alt. 11 nor broporoo to re rear. 113 WlO.ll. ON:Larch& .4 delpralne I - r rOlprpe t wol. „ N, 'tinctia v. illi• rOUt:l , ,lliSi b• carrlagnarattakln 6e. aitya •nd •11 coustoncd ta u66t11 16, 14tratard tree itf ertno6, „ 1,41 Or Ch.M., fur .I.lrager... , ~ , 6ttas ur rsstost, Ityrra66 PlilLittarla ,4111.1 ratinaroon.. tt, Outdo, Hate. dl.. B.i . nt , Stathinarjt,Cutlentof t 6- tinvary. Frult. i'vaLltri6;\ Furnitnitn. Drum 31 16ine6. \ 61.60 , 1 '6 , 1 . 16r. Ilardtrase, QU..P.Mje. Ori,Arks, tilt, Lry r Stulikthlt. Leather.Cl,ter, Ms, Tlxii,t6„by and Itther.„ , :rats gredt„ 11,ra. se -\ s .„. 11-t Port, Butter, Lard. Larkoll. Tobtrrn Iv Co Talk', °rain and ni.,..,' , k .. - to, i, i. , .LeLto Marble trou6lA. Tar. Pit6h. Rnritt'AtettLan C./. Motor, Baton. kr . . 'l,.. t k, •-.,, 61 6,3 1 100 '.. 1 L. ODE ktt.'OLc, A. 1 , 1114..0, J.tit 1X. ' 7411i I 2ri`;:l:,-, 4 w "T".'"' Freight received for 'all the Way gdationa on the PenturylvainaTentrni Railii%' mi. 1141ey, l Java J. WAlLtr a . 3110111 i. \ Jan,. North; ' .t . , L.wrlrtrwn ' \ Juni. Illilliltelt. Monet Unica:, \ J. D.Y.ethler.... _ \ .I,lttatin=it \•. :,'.' 1111 1 1 17.1 . ...;. .. 'Fr \', Z . . 31.466. ~‘ . .‘ L:1/1.1a 4 rabur11. '. . .L. Scott V aostri, L's ~... 1 1. Moderia6U. _, ~.X'... : . Colombo., 1 . ‘ Moderarell*KartlD*. ' E u arrtnburit. ', % J. Wallora,,dt .1613. ~ \ . eLtr o ' n, .„ -6=6 4e 3.l6r9tnet Cr t t. blaterwtown, \ \Jlerver Jonri \ t '.'• LTrat .. Q. D. nosapooio. ~ • 1, ',. Mapletn. ' Vt..V.l4=N 01,11 Creek. "el/der 6 Brothers,. F 0.4011.1. j• Mt o o7lto C. 04, ~n6rner .1" 1 1 :\nn and Warn...ire., . July 130, 1661. \`. . .. Agricultural ImpteMents. 1I lIAVE JUST Okeeired fr/iM the EWA am following implements, 01 of - Inatinfaetnika end the meet neon% Invetijoaa. end / Invita ati • Farmer" to call and exaegioNtny stock. \ Ikiinug Milehlnea, farmr#le.ra. la.: auenl 0 run Drill. r.e.h.s.t. b. ,tt., el.: yia. . Corn Cobernshara. Corn kiballer. for horse tad hind 9.0.. and Corn Stalk Cutting Doge.a. Vegetable boot Cotter. \ \ Ox loge. and Cow Quin \ • Cast/ilea' groin and Gram brat.* and Rote. \ Casteteal two. threw and EMI . tenon Alt manufactured from the ',tea rilaterlati, 1/1 bier sale as the fern: and Peed eitora' nY wicaintsusx,r; ray= Corner of w0.r...a Stith App..? 7 •_ Beaumont's PatentßtarO4 Polish:\ \ ATENTED, July 2fah . , 1856,-Fer gir,w ' •• • Pn beautiful (Ross to - Lino:m.l Iftelina.':Canatirs. • ...tains nothing 1.1413,10111. \ 11:14,1.4111.1,•t • place the six* a pee t,R . • gwt of \ earth when bollie: iron beioJr. , • t on 121( cents yet Cake. Pot wholtealla wad mtall by It. E aELLIIII,B t _ t. - CAR.D.-I hare removedto`py r newstoie, doors belOwil . nearly obyeetiti at Beak of Pi burgh, where .1 will be glad to sew my Wanda and lee' dem ellitens, and revolve a ahoy of tbelg carton/. 1.111 keep.. ~oy large smarter mkt liphoLetary, Baband Beat 4104,,Carled litdr, , epriag, Ala.:4.4[ton MI Musk Alatros oire; eaatnar nada, bout., and killowk Blankets, elate, .ConfltelTain., e.ey Cansiforts; Window Shades, of every wi thin 000 r and. every ankh, oanally found lathe moat exteinale vetablialanents of tilvekind. Oblerareasiect. fully wideited.and mad mean ell Ailed ; \ ant . N/1111.1i. .'bled , anroat. WOOL—Cash paid for*Too)p ..k s„ ...k. • let Cornices reveiyed from Now FLA yE w -pow COIL ALlVASl 3. lMi l li t n. a fe " We low. &IP EGT C have iC6rdplete anivi oft:mid. Film sad Strt4 rqvatactecior • thb.t qualltr 'maw: and concave Wading. Re ti g 4 over/ vartatf a victor', according !Atha beat tin pia cf ftIItINV- I WWI 'W. W I LSOI. • I 1 ANURE AND lIAY FORKS--4io t e ly o r o t . oLlLLarp ... l ciit4l , : o ragd 1 tag ti IL W. etem.l4l . Eltirttai ttre7g: r `, /7/2 •'Arv ,, ; Ilona* #.llthracitiqoal, \ , Qii TONS jtbt receiredAsoperior article yr r.. r Eaunds7 tr faAilr Eue.'fbA , AA. Ar 4 . A. E. J. 13 M % i „ \ C. —' 4 .ITI A AICE --10 tea. prime Carol 4 for eale by c. 0.) • JAMES A. MUTdII.IEOI.I A CO. 11.—EAD-550 pigs Galena; • . i ' l 1 o soon ° ": 4ll7%. " 'lit'VZ ' o \ ''.Z.:"eo \ . 7 ,x . . -- -7 \------,- ja 11. SIOLASSES-20 bble. Flop St.Loil 7 ' j :c111 Ra'"Y. fur 'AVIS A. utireme(4,a .c\a. rpOBACCO-203 kg Pe, s'e, S'a, akd 1 .3 . 1 21 a day mod and for ule DICOAND4EIS:! . ' `Copley' P ut t pa* eenttiirberi. e nissllleren,; of Ohm Pork bstanc in' Perbs• Infusible sues km awllaussed erosions Xs strin .k o'n• ti l r B 4. l :% 4W' ELs ,-- A 1‘,.,......5 3 .5 , \ G ENUINE sullnf the share gal ureh NN -- —7 trb . J .— •''\ ' ' ,4:, p or .4 wog, its sag, articio r thst.bS Oren no 4 ,1: " C': Wit , to our customers berstofore. has jim . 2,n ~,,.fro . gu. us. to Bum alutiltle. -/ile , • • '. \ 1133, iusd lwerlcau unshrinkable Whiu, .11., \\" •:, full *smith :wit of Backlog tittnos \ , , l of ' " stURI'IIY i \ ____•• \ \ Q,OCOWNE , A-TsOZS- , ' I—) IEIILS-23 bhls SperniOil,.3l du. - extri, do 13' do. Western %moiled do,, 40 do Tanner.' do \ • and kr 'sale by oetlo WICK . * bIOCANDLES- • dRE FIN ED SUGARS—Aik neeortment Of endfied, Clarified, tultexitsd otad Loaf Sams, (mar • a Louis awe Bazar Ilatarrom lac ul• r•drirag .nowth• 46— , JAMES A. ITUTCEITEION SUGAR LRA.D.I" OIL ,Sc ROSIN t 0 _ \ \ \ \ \\ „.=CE. . , \\ 1 N - - '\ - :- - -s - ii - firs - c -------- ---7-- rk \ --- - '.- ''' .--” ) V - ---. \ . ... 'ebratv F TEEN,' Its traca OBIPA.. Y. I\ronpOvNp 1n . .. 4 0 , ,K ,LAsTra. _ ' \ HRRisscre4, 11 - IESIGNED. only for\ tbil, et . afer doss Of {}h a tt7f.,e4s.r wi toct— in1 7 ......4"."'" ndirly they Mee _l_, propertj.tmeen ample ealynald +. l / 4 _ , edemas en r/- rd It. Penn.reli. neynt47. / . ~ ey •th. meat yd.e....., . rumor .4,,,,,,,,,/....ren t t or eneepuies. cony end /10,c,. ennui. anyt atreuttthetaln / hp ter eryr elyerey, plue . :, to ray end roma& nierchanta.Lo.o.l tr• l turre er e Inne.ey.the delsirth, eeinench, t e nyyley LW" egyypede, --• \ de:el/Inge, and leottted,nrrlnr2AZlTl44 L • \I Lldn 1. , A . , , ~,,,. Inlned. hetet the Incerfletterber . ... \ •I •11 rb Pir/ce:,.../o. Li Sadt.ll4 rt\gMigh. I=l7. "." T ."" '7 ' .7. " r LU.*l.r viar L._5••..:•_ ^ I• I . \ yhrordreyytentnof tt te,ramt•lnien, ry reirfully jog.. OenvellTreenhen.l. alma Leen /y apylirebre •v .`• rernenentffettr•Oritt. ill ‘ 1L.,„1„ • re , Per. f/l}re ad eel.. h,„...y, ;Awl. and 1...1 Lal in tidy ran es neon/. 44,,, ,, ,p /L. .final_. thelr 'neLriel eye.rarScr L• I.y . • eln• nlnr.ekalepute Av.& re , lits..l donhi, Lrel.• • t r.,tte"alf,l,4l=<" y tne "..,%,"..".t...;—,; F, weatnera Ent d = „ lo th Inr:/eLlei..hotrultl/ frry...,..r. andtv... ''' th•l elLiderTolte„.tnor • n4V: . VA NalriAb:: r•,44.1014'1(1%V ,uppl.l,i,n. T. wart ...die er)Lb tihnid.,4a ms . 0,... A ..., .„ „„,,,tyythrnet e d, all. [Lek vundent. Neat nut thelr 1 .....Lir refill hidenirVty Lel, .1.• ,/ end - . N ~,L,/,„ . •4 L. bhtd.F.Ln e• Troatk. • 'dries/is' hainputce Colpplgix, • \ \ ciarrA.3..,\auso,ooo:,, aenirdaiscetrai the Genriifllluinargiv /I), above prospe,rila‘ an t d rekpobsit;le Comfatif. baling ootoptifi b oftntsitioof Of fot of.t.lp Btta, 110 if IsA of polities :Of, fluff \ Ulf food tat orabl. tormiff wlth Mae •110 Safctr, 7. H. 8. ttotk.tl,UN. twortuf. . t. 1115.0, No. Ng BmittteN ft. MUNl:ugh. • - .A. A. CAYILIEII, Agent. \ rrttsbinli Insuranci(Complily.., ,r, wna' inoolporated. e i tzirati OD and end he nt Thy DOrtlener bt= tent, i t=loinlatock tuba Mttel! Phut. \ o , ,,, iltVoint b S y toklizrt w ari the Mee anemia:4 ,e Itrtgr t itten the rues Of motrearact lketeporn i l ee. o rate. on ate nate ea those adopted breaker IV Akk W` A L'AAPOPA. Ode trained ou the Mutu al P ciPlthare the combined artarltiee tarnished Dr Lida 77 km taT :14 , C4 \ 8"*" 4 *f The elarttor.Ptcante the wrnotl p of in.orinto - on` in every (mart In the rig t of wirt, childretc,t. relate, relations:Meade or crodlto to insure the life or omit. for tbenown osoloonli Lea par able etter death, or upon the partite erterhan etthe bf Lb, 66; Cet, or 66., et the opUoa of the , In bitlat Junes &Et Prot/dean \ hemnel Pt tartan. Pict Panelled. tp • Leech. Thenearen \ • 6 herh7.oA. Catlett. bicreterr \ Jenne* P. Moore., d wealth. beech. Ant 8. Dilworth, , Citarle., thibp, ' Hamad 2dcedarka Wra Mart. .• Witiere WILMA., lent heer w tazof Wna • Han. Welt. Fonntrd I_, ste Boer of Ineestirre , :John &eider, Wen: Whim of rah Xisak: s, O LAI cAI. Wk .AA W/Ag • How. A.W. iraaiith r \ h• WrationimieEee.' c ., , ,,, ,a ltA w k!Pit i gg=4 . • `etoteph Gnertita, M DN , 11 lila= dedirtaL.ll.:D.. , .lerrtebh brook, Al.. \ Mad:4lM kL D na:et:6 Dilworth ht.'LL. 801.11 irnycler. to Finull etratt,, , A Jabb Crawford, . Zt Blith Amer, Wore.. AL D.,..lpPLitarty stePat. Dilworth will he in, etbesclince et the oglae, amp . , (Aft theoCatopear.Thtrtirth amt. rn \ Xikvr3 Franklin:`, Bide Inittranfi,'Co, of Philad'a• Charletf.W: ' llaticket, Oeo. LA Bkoa. o Sdees/ Lowbb TOl4o r 4etbr. A kh r ad rbarriVreole \ rwl b. Brol4Jeeob IL , Bodta. /do Pron: CidILES Y:lTfU_4;.,Pddent l. ‘ or T gl ( berre T e:WW "4" W of I ht "..6°" herty be r'" r h l ' ntry, room as /ow /wore eandetentwlth The I.lomperly bore 'moed a lane 'contleggeot fond. tdeb, elthAbeln e/W1 Preatiorey laresbel. areplebrotectlem to tbkoesorwL • , C . \\y,\.3 \ \ , ei„bem s s • ~542, v 2,70il Itrairdatir bicqrsention l a rertotr,•.or 13 year., they have upwatdjk of Quo Illou Your ilundred Th Dollars' •• bYllre, thereby ode weklanee ordare Njolraellaath of loattronev e se well as LW bU /ability end 143F.\ Arent. \\ apl6 _Pre. EL orner of Week/ and ad it. 'enn Istal 140,Inanrance Co.,Thilad'a. 4 CkENT i ' P17 . 4.13URG11, W:11.1)AVIS, Itpl. J. ni1...r.ir;dei,....) No. 383 tsbeA , ..reet. eox tit,' better s senteenje ts . of pentane reseldnelt in 1./. fek , nt at i ti t lY i, Ti o Wat :rr h. .!..x mun w b , aovli 5=;',ST - 641 ; l itee=7= 4 , l ,= k. 4.10. PaninOLote .4EOOm; tn. Me c e Tad tat. I ltunttelkra sainsh,!#nk forme tot . fro Nal ette*, °Ter 8214900.ansteottently 91,, , senior ettuninet the:Mt.:mood for Wet s, 'XI Ourehl9 en. 91. 1 4 , 1,,,•..9.1,5 . 4; \. \ \ '' li . I!, Dead Inland.Vinnirportatka ~, yHp Compiit, y.of Arth Americl, l'hU fphia4.ll:7%Llyitat4soo.ooo. Aneett, motley \1911951,111%6 &O. W auk . /neuranoe on ar ose &WU:telt con nts. ln thl9 _Of) , luta, ettinityl all on orognte et r 140.00,ippoi pet nem Wall Losizther ',we oltneo [l . lnl Da au prir the , Arthur (I'. CO Pro't, 4 TbonuseP:l3ope. Vs \ \ =f4k4,,- , !- \. \ .I=ll.i. \, ' , \Joint A. 1 / 4 14 \ \ , "Milparo WOA , % ' 1.12:2;41., \ ''. , MY= \ ' , Charles TaTlat, 's ' \lit:NIL Boveno . •,' , niabroee it Inte• ', tetra/Mani% J slob IL Thomae, \ ' b. Marti, 'Wain. s \ ,14 r k 21berreed,tneety. I\ UPman '"V ire itratti. 44714 , 1 4 74 1.7. "I VIT "'' , atulsevoisnian sn rlttesof lot ' tee` I•nonts gntlet., le s nut, to ocanoleten ea oil , is to tho A,,eu. r li =W . A rettst !ss * / --4,--4,-1s Delaware *at - nal Safe n Conll4 ' (EVIVE, NORTiI ROOM - OVi TII4): aaaaaa; had 4.4 Thll4cl hie- i, -\ \ slaenaser--Bolls1Inte; 11 other 0z,.6111,,,...., tam. u, ...r. : Z ei r V a. , 1 . ,oF \ , MM. /114WWWW.),4177 .1. Yau r..., sad Enlabt.. Oneir... , ......t.,...-..e..14 OWN.. r° Bt m' e 't we,. 1 . Ineltotuntot ne Wl, - . 4...4.111101nnn on, Canal .4 5 =,. 2+4,.. "...4 1 11e . 4 11. . 4 'arul u f l'tAt n ti=f. u..,..D".4% i''p.tetiposMrstd*"pailuton,l'"'nZilrbalittt r=l.• " TlV L .vil i flt ' Pgia....?rii.a:')li. ou ittant'l,'"Vlt'i: trx. tS; crif_;=k?larfir: ABM' t Uslotni nolturs, tVot. Zete.Sl r. •, • •1,. ,- ' It . T uts • Yretuscasitt 7 D. T. Mogan. iluntn,thulte, 4.ll'll•l•=ent kreeltleitt. TAX. C.ll.llen. VlCA'reel. \ s.tin 4ir t. s J ,,,7 ose.. i ltt ,, NV ‘lt. . b 0. 7%./. tr s takjs .„.... .. w0,1...n.A t t,.., , t 1.• ktliAD9.lllll. ts S \ 311,ScELLANEOUS. \ Ohio Laborat4ry. \ \ --- \ 7 6 \v 9l 4 __.... % 4 • all. \ , 4111 - lini ., "„) , • ),.-i,-• !fini_2, i UPI I U ve . nin1_,....• lir 14 , 11 R t ill i 1 klo. — 8 \ ,, e• • 9 q.. ‘...-,:—, • Pa x cent. fitrength. tu.. T own Ala \ ' L FLETOILE4 & CO., nd= &41 nose: fd,Looln.q . d . Pains teep,.f*SlUm r (gr rl taiWr wr==L mark. ,! , Q4lh . seereeffin a L ' eaxiit's Pattitit Reverliblejgger Filter S, NOW to t seen in operation at Wit[. tea it CO.'B4otaberf. So. 10 Fourth etreetqlo arena Ferry and Li y ota., and, se 111.401 t 1. WILL lio. c la:r a k te. id Anne, ittobunth. Tido Nand liaareeely • a nodal Qom the Ennertran Institutifoo( li en York, and* to from tin Frank li n lnottunttof Model. =l ib' con i .. "" r il lilitue ' IbTlrem r'ff and " "kb ..IttaaTlll =n , 0 ... P. \ .• \ ' ~ 1 Pnytelinpaloalatchßdure.llbil. /team the int...lnman rotoramend to teed Imre of seee. Clear ill . tae Patent learersibl• Water STlVrel.ln. ioted by MI u.a. us,iiiefosi one of them tar Wren .1 month& I am enabled E to i todg che i zztr,....N . .,x , '` , .?" l P rr atat t g a. Tb• PateatlfAerylble AS ear pa cr, /taunted brafro; Eamvel LL Levis; and WWI VT Lti 7.01.i....tb.**4_ print r''',,,,,nd`rl 9iVultettlf4r7r, iff l ttg r 'N ' r e.ti tf/110.. %lie. JOsod PFd eoe • n is, l, '' ''''' M ' r \ r 1; ae . etie..t.^ ''.. nine 1 ilt an are lenreanoni to takeout any smolt or tone ' , bleb nay orb* Irma deem/mod Mmal or enrol. blo roster In tlat ertaldel They aro enrnantol bi last too mem and with %dinar); ewe .111Pit ban and \ ripr..eda only to be aeon LC. t. appreciated. L \ \ • ~ N, - SUM% 4 •41ILDIN, ,t •., 721 AICU =nit Pnlinnelabli. lEAD PRE==-Coria's improv p*it 4 Led Flpo for lig:at% \ \ , , %a:l4w. i \ shar mtr en bann s •12Q t.oll*Atl ba aivi. \'‘ ➢ nr et \ ReaUng andTentriati4 \ Wg AR E ii, Ai OAP AP MS fat II b 7 lllna. In HotnlnCrnrl 1..1.am* VRaoul, Batg 0 00, feteneoel= ne07 , 1 . 7 .. 11: ao g rantrytri= rd. su pargocr . may: • inrntnret= t oLlon, L. inltnn• On limo i i ll ' lt,T woo .b I sis=e t foipt, r-- 4 ea of nut endow ell, , cd i ak . no . e l " VI mottled cache Aoliloacao. n 0,,, nteleS tinawasura., earth .nub •• onarbekonaLordaropoesii, and Wady i null. SWUM. ATKINBON 7 --- 0 7 :k , -- 11f1. ' TCES Ind - \ 1 LV. \ \ AII,NIQ ptkuvir\s',F4a o Li 1 t zli nw Ph nm mi.* wailing to tirtLlB.4.lUil doh, eIL7 cvntaisfe. - totttllkk leorierso •es lott tip anymne k The ladies htes'llsom two SolLthe Sesommal ot,oruch an'Artlelo, sr.,' in all t k eie nAk..lllki.l.bq s seSlize.L.\so sa,etsco ‘ poditiosk zs (mod snse.ip bpia rt ime U.1 .V1:, - Ottel.okirill 'do iblitT ot elohrat. fatruly icitivnit,it,. IZ‘S per cake, Cskss`4.4_ll.pollsoci Fes. sus be, It. K. 11,v,t1, 4' . Wad , PETROLIMm. \OR ROCK OLL : \ irTheriire au" tillage al, beaten aicluarthi ''• trrltman are dnuirtrt at la phiknorty." \ ' \ . tar, VIRTULk., of thierentarkable re*. , dr, and the easstent appli•Wloo fork, tdtheinal; ' eon, has indtiord hint to We I . t o pon at .. .a Isige* cab 6 %. P 1. d 44 .ROLEMIns a rned t gOL rell la Illds '' .Z ia "nagcr hu-At.P:11....,Zgar,41.1;,. Zoos „ 4 4 .tir i tnet teg b. ,l4• t ratoryil ~ ..r .. ..j aintsbar -',, cutter ot onocanty ' l \ Throe liais=itur la b• : ..: .." Ottilmi• OCR. 4 f1.a,.,\ tnatab., ran w.. SS ill allirriattnnit• *ad , tutoring r ‘ the bloom of nealth antipicic many, a nehmet. Lou, t e e the the ncer Watt : Via:Mor t attic! lye litlincl., It irg l a Mate. sir/ ails torlt, :ad:l=l " Norn n. L i t= ,kgrltl.,, p G p r tte l atto~ tat , Znla .‘.---4.7 , _r \ .• ... ....„.. •of a.. awn. i ‘., wera consalons that tbeatedialos can lo•ra *cm* tif emir \ ' RV( Wrd7 AV.' '4 Ta4lrr u tr. - 1\ , Mi l. m.th R. muthiseluhji nr, mu tall ' amage Chcomic Doesstia jqls urarted a. .kifigotarps augtbe \ \ '13110).10NCRITIS. CONSUMRIOrtTIi7e4 , 1136.11flat t i l l t , ' lll3, l ilrp. -th rar, I git . r• l : ; e•Ro• • •• ot i t:',.., 1=1: ai i tt•ii . •yar riu t• ..e or ~T .4. \ _ 1 / 4trd / I :l ',U rs . =r .. hr. notl i fist ~,,,..7. 4 . - s, ' long and manatee aces of &cum, . atine erUI \ Mil feller. It will act as a buena RUA , and LI,TE4 • ifflelnti.elMci= 'rprtilVtiiiVis:/m• fonstlons; which poise Mime Card • melba `aesscaftos• and grlnAlnarralid, aild resteneitenerin \ to al/ Ile! .. orrnfc, of u.tol • proprietor knave of MTV. =MC that radian'...lT other treatmenim get well era .' tor\ of th e PETROLEUM Uhr • abort tint.. T irmi VL r AT . gn 5ii , , ,,,a, m c n tm a ~, vz : LA ~ , il. , 1 %.. ,, , , °, ur Koratis4 4 E... `i, h.,',., , , • Also. by IL N. PhiLLEV IT Wan \ \ .. Rand KEYSER Azmi., : l ato 'bot,.„, his tegalarly alli•inaltm. .__ _ \ -,...`- PROCLAMATION: \ i[V9W a ll men who 'aro tick`nn i I With disease of taw Dladdifitad Eldneys.ll ma a pigns ILI beak or Wirt*, othrOaint., old nom. _ . .... ii _ r , , tita B Vafi b a ta " yllribrarra i lA r ig a i '''' •rn.4 ' rattl . ' liIn! Pc . • Vaun,b .. otrils4 t ose not ataltac a for t tircheop,,,, ~ \ bel are not\ omataqac ' d In ati;othrleraitied), \ Thurman ' '' 7Alr'r''''''''f"Citt l ' A.ti 'd •gy ff rg WpFla ti ::::= ~ \ . MILO It colti; ' t T;iittie to 'Blatt II tr ig. 'Thls\ Mtn. '' I . fra '=t",l,,+—' 717, ',"bti"l'tl:o.llbde 'la= \• Oa ,by the muter band action., and hobbles ap r iicsalhe , Malan af our math., earth. Ili Its original Amur nn \ a \ cante, , norynaz hwaerr • r , alr . m.o. fa,rlaa \ nul • \ d' lM "'" elirea. flles.‘"nor other toclitions lIM titled \ ' rrer \ poi relief. It hue nowt Rheormathan.icil Joni \ ''''' ''''''t fare Cr '''d '''''' P''''''"'"'"l'r\ hy 01.,,,,i cholera il at, lry crne or two en. A lit lia. • oared phi cues of' InarrZef, In which errerry i atbar lisedr ~, !tl-:givwrlii..,„4...= -..,:g.a..twi; ,\ that we kMairaL It win careschllblants and frosted *et. .• \ to Ol'ariNrttll sTaln ' etll b ltrbur U == b t r l•Te fr eti \ • j etti:::f A theTr:ti Ku ; R ' C4 t l \ B"I., ''''''''h " 'e o I ltlys i e t. rt 11 1 2.. i n cliall, w mer . 4 . 0% 4‘golar n e l t t ailaii2\ , .. ,s "' ,Alleirbettr4,,‘ • are Ute acmti. \ EMPORTOT TO THE, - AFFLIODID. ~.pR. ROSE'SCELEBRATf. tI'ABBIE'DIES.- .. \ \-\ ._Dit.J.X.BLina..,thiftig., e ' , V4s , LoPiAtheeo7. ~. . ''''\ :V, sha g.. onf ‘ olatt — nSte — d -, lnstrnis6nt Sort nilast — , the ' . t, , li.lni..l:7=,..xe ni ot a ltroid ,, : t i or iteem , .. k er . • ...... - . V s. ',.‘ \ `geld just. of the Unison* Pettimiratin. vat for thirtir ' ' . \ .i :‘, \ yeernsinoe bas been en (WU* innistodun, of diso < nese. end the eoptleaUon o remedies theregn. ' 1\ .. .A < ~, Thrbeh 1.14.1 or, of Ills intittinghtibie l. Lti moneen..wei s . . . \ n - lz4 - , , ,trpuot.-gee..1,66.. \ -. ,;, .., ,Inaladine, Tuterenlar. Constunielost. Censure, , \ ,<, MZa tttle a rt7erels.l":Pilt L ' lse i ka =b= " l7l: '., \ en . sz t =r , ta temsle . s t . tread, To . r h ol i Tamale .:, ~ 1... ly Is beir—oht bylk ‘ we '" use of one ersupnad .4 4 ....- .4. • \ \ is Ineompattbk. t adhyekdogied Isar. bat by thews. el , . ' -, • ids reinediee. tideoto. and preectilted 10r, each negnilet. \ \ Dr. Hones Toad !Manlike* Pills, vbedused. en insnrite . ', hir Selnowledra, to. On impair to ell *WM. es A, mme., iv . - . 4" " li"""'"'""b " th %ii "" 'l"w." -"- '' ' \ • teeNLeree igui=estru , aa also Golden num.* - -,. fid L tLjde!dleeseets• bur= eatisted r itareft: A . , \ ' , is entiolutt to establiSti what has been IWO. la the udistisOf .;;• .`, ‘n• Ennnunt a''''`d'" o r mull *IX' tt""g 7IL L IFIX 7' ' • \ nip, one or e 'Doctor'. inatephb u ze rr ~ \ .....;• ' ; • 'oleos.= or eta rem ay, and te VD h - ''-, '- \ . \ . gtl pinr=se edlow • .N. agents. sie well es , oret4wit - \, \ , ~, \ .7. \teri7B7T7.74:thl)l4' --, lll l fttnget" C . litic;,• \.- . --. . • % I VinVirkkjlsiir •-•,. '. , enZwr4lT4 ',, -‘ • N I A . .k b %. 10 116 • \': ',. L''....'. ,1., • . - ' ..' \ • ' \ \ .lagrA.• \ \' \ \ ir o thecltiguier of the) Pittsburgh' Gazottei: \ \ . II , AT4NTION is respectfol7 'ik:. ' ,"•,,, • \,. . ;lir* 6.4 . Ibuotua inaLlegr sn'.:.. td-- A. ; 3 / 4. 3 / 4 '''‘;=,4,,,„01:20-10k1r011:11 it - b...P.M..ii.. - \ \ • \ ~..,;(....ago ei t toreextte s il wan brn i nght belt. thst.„ ~, . , T. I , :te4,hlre. dote 'darn, Won. , t r S . ,; . 1, .N, \__ `F.......4 . rt i v aler a r: DU calet ti lt.A „.t. the .. i,‘ \ ondly, got nrth.. sole c‘toakiii meal'. .. ' .- 1 ... . • , t noh oneosideb ire agieem,,, tin entre sued whoa , . I, l' . i ,. 9 i eetWitertedy.7 " ba the deg '=" " esg a,,,, r. 4._.„ --, bre Power end egeney t Ueda:* to 5p,..n11. hnigen . ,,, f '...-.......„ =eonipelilloti. ~ It is one d4l4l„4rt,enxwe woo= sunny " -'t 1 :•,, 5.,,e , - re itellnntrcee who may trust ' : le l ti orediS 4 dr rhilLig"tbitxt=e-Vgan. "1 r 44 ''''' `. • ! '''''; -\\ \'' 4 ......, : th1y.,y.1120404 ManntaickEinentr thlk elnarll, . • ' I. . I.Tr4Firantigr=24" , J2. I I:IVtatTeIIRII, , \ ' eaf t.. , 01ild to4.told.a yy tord4rt‘ounr..llLll.. 7:.:‘, i • \ : In our cltr lea PI.I. ra=knOpiced. beer ‘tlht" or or tae g e lli=ki. - .=• - \ ' If. wen t ' Mr to o lit a rr gen" We lO ' Siil•si Wk. •I • - .•nd came ot b in the Eton on ,•,. . ye. tentST , to Andodso,* rano( a gentletnaul,leerseuisigog.-, • p i ae re aberg trot thew tr. me. nesu. e n and sway ~-• \! ; .. ' bet to by am .. .DP:lons who hared cat thr.ents , ~ : , • igt ir T t h a eI e ty4,4maeLete=l a,ttertheLlttestegx . i. '..... i \ }:when Rh eamon to ellmtionettote, ......... 7 7..' . • \ \ , P i lliosr the&b*enthsh"g4"r, L' : - SiAT.M " YirMO, "" Tgl e t?t . \'. \ \ • - C.,l4ll74='lldelgb'r=an,"b"'".ThHl'W \\ \ \ . L .i , l l ghnonary sifeetionli of 0 olFonte nett" tendisus to, ern ' P, \ ‘,.. , i th , T i TA ne u, 4 6, s. e r.: = 01,41 .... ba 1 , z. . , .. s , , saw tanaUx awd \ \ \ ~ IV 0, riA gl fr a .1'; abused' within ibis Put Man Eib t lt \ ' .: , \• \ Me=rf fro n' °eftt=. 4 /114 ' 7 11"t'd'h ni. ". f t, :\• •••\' \ *tin= to the Meted or emir frien4S. . ..... ...• '. __ \ '' ' ' . Wanderer ettsal Ms/ ay nbotit their sonosetnes....tais, -, \ , , - Pen•olennkls thwinnetest RetnedlrOf_ fine Ste. Yhynlanow , .. ' ,of high itandiug In the gmteselon'em n.`10 ,,,, O; In.* 11. \ ' ,‘ In their preetiee. Those who at, Una !minden with doubt s ' • Ltd uneertantny, are willing tn. award: te . doe paha =4 < sonsideratinn, Zeit. another year roils 00000. all will Ur . s \ .. eon= edtesesdedri the:. tretrolsntaba sng,, .. . , , \ , est eqrw .eoveend. For a ode, w • ty . \ - , \ LElghlt t kieDORrLI.; ISO 'Wood et...: . < 1 .. ... < 11..E.I.ellery 67 Wood street t. D. ,11 00%.17.m. L. . . ' nor. L . eall. i tsanll 9 ,g;ital i r : =, Fra • . , . sad .....l.hhhnestott a 4, tram and non side: , . , . QI R 1 JAIR ' ', I4Ik.ERLiL COUGH SYILUE.;... —:l l .l.swit. , ..l4l , talrao.sad hiZy th egpavkak RIX flolitt - F - 21=1; othen. A lorn aniVett tN , tronblotom cowls. adi4l.arlazrZzik: Nimmons al= yogiartp•op: Ova Italia. • .C . ;• wo It tattoo of ow bon. sod to taidoughtoroom . 4 =mon =I Whom rover foiloi to ouro ;boa • 1 tom recomooradott.it to. sty neighbors; and do Itlo. • tolien'Aitat• It is t.¢ltooot ooyoh footpopm. \bat boo inn don alCorock tooth* patio. • , o ilool&jato1 . p.Oricat ttiti.l= to,ondoo latortmo ftoto cotoao\whoot Mamma]. to lung SI Z ot.'pottlo Of ate Ptoosoid 00,r..,Aa try_ • „ \ notta) AVOW ot4loot ihorotertsonotollr:.—? I~ 9' :~= -\- .1 , \ , \ \V , \ ‘k\‘ •'\ \l•\ • • , \ \\•, \• ,- - \ A \ . \\ .., ; - • ',\ '\ p, • \ \\ , \‘''„ ,\ „ \-- \- . - ..d& largo stca: Ifterala=s;tha' le.i.q<,t • \,,\. \\ \\ \ , \' 1 , : -