The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 15, 1851, Image 3

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    A Buoyant Itwersasn is advertised ter sale
or rent in our paper this morning,'hy Gen. Rob
ert Orr, Iris one of those handsome houses on
the ieeold eank; overlooking the canal, in Al
legheni,'which never fail to attract the utter-.
tiara OY"the. passer by, for tho beauty both of
their deign and situation.
C,IIVCSE ,DIDICATIOIT.---We are pleased to rat
that the new English Lathe= church in Bir
mingliaro, erected bye few friends of
nod religion,.-is to be opened for the public wor
ship of God—on Sunday—(to-morrow). There
the'morning at 10} o'clock--iu
the afternoon at 3,-and ut 7in the evening.—
Tills enterprise is - truly - a . woithy oar, and de
serves well of it generous Public, inasmuch,
as It is a 0110bion church, around which a con
gregstion Is yet to be gathered:-
PAISFLIT Jenny Losn.—in amusing oc
nurfaltee..4olc place en Thoraday, which well
exemplifies the motive of many of .those who
offer presents to Jenny. Lind. It nee= that, on
that day:e ve4.gentlemanly looking and at,
- Parelally respectable man:called:oh a teather of
Modern •Laugunges in this city, it - Tubing him to
',mita& letter to Jenny Lind, in the Gemini len
gauge; perfect, in point of style and composition,
requeeting that lady to accept h pain of bracer
litta, studded-with diamfmtla, at the same - time
inti Mating that • alight krivakc in return would
not be Ufused, -.The wishes of pis flitrintereit
ed bully/dual; were folly complied with, and he,
promising:to give anample cgmkensition to his
latter Writer. When the scribe Lad completed
his Diet, he read the letter to hifj'employer, who
declared hinumli.-kiighly grabbed, and snatching
the litter from hie hand, thrust a 'small coin into
it, aidrubing to the door, agaia expressed his
0980 the deepobligntion, towards his friend,
vader which be labored, at the same time, rush
ing down stairs, hemlleas of the cry - of nstop,
etop,,you - here not paid . ute." Determined that
hie employer should not escape, our friend pur
sued hint, bat when be caught up, was accosted,
with regard to-his reaaoriable demand of a trifle,
u a cempekkation for hie trouble, in a most
ontragiains manner, the . admirer of Jenny Liod
threatening to-commit an assault and, battery
upon Min, and every other evil that flesh is heir
to, unlees he took his departafre in an indefinite
ly of time.
Oar liberal - friend, as soon as possible, sent
his pile of bracelets to Jenny Lind, but received
an answer, (which we saw,) decliningthe proffer
ed holier, and desisting that sbe never received
presenin from . gentlemen. The giver, thus re
ceiving the - bracelets back, bed lost nothfng hut
what he h - ad paid for the letter, and. was in a
..mugh . better e.ondition thin if illidemoiselle Lind
had kept his preseot, without giving him o "quid
pro quo.':
' In the mean time the gentleman who had
written the letter, feeling that his services had
not been adequately recompenged, paid Alder
man Lewis, of Fifth street, a. visit, and inquired
" of hie honor, whether or not he could have any
redress. A. capia.s for tresspass was finally is
ened, and our friend of the bracelets having
beett..arrested,confit:tseil to the constable the
whole "history of the bracelets," apparently
• without fearing that any evil eonseqfiences could
grow out of it lie was brought before Alder
man , - Lewis, and the case was regularly tried,
our Mena faking it all as a very good joke. Ile
11118 annvittod, and sentenced to pay a fine of
five dollars, and between six and seven dollars,
the costs of prosecation. The three hundred
dollar law, howeyer, he appeared to think, would
be a shield to protect him, and in a very good
Maine, he - Went out, into Fifth street, closely
accompanied by a constable. They walked to
gether upto Smithfield street, talldng very so
tiially,•wheti our friend manifesting a disposition
to turn into
.Smithfield, the constable very go
litelratdrett hint to take him by the 'arm; and
intlinitod.bia readiness to proceed with him up
1_ Fifth - etreet."
In 'great cieserernation, the prisoner inquired
_pf tali captor where he was going to tate him,
Sad on being told "to jail," entreted him to go
back to the Alderman'e *Zee, where he paid all
the darnel& against him, and took his ilspar
lure, ?viola:al, wepresumf to let other Persons
- hereafter, giveyourros to ' fenny Lind.
MITZDZA.—Our readers will find below At 'sy
nopsis of the tmiumony taken before the Mayor,
it the examination' hell yesterday morniogr'uf
all; ithO could', found; that.-were in any way
connected with the death. ofJames Mooney, who
was so foully murdered on Thursday evening.—
A vary alight suspicion ie. all which, at present
to connected with any person, hut we trust that
the tnniairer will yet be discovered. A few
months ago,we pli - bliithed an account elan Dal
ian; whose name we: do not now recollect, who
was stabbed in the same manner, and instants-
Daottely killed, In the Sixth Wird; No one was
muted charged with that offence—nothing con
,.turning 11.4 as ever, known--the victim of a no:'
meat's paselon washaried;and there the matter
,In !order that the present case may
not terminate in the same way, a heavy reward
'mad. wo think, be uttered for the iletecrtion of
.alitimardirer, the more especially whets we re
inciter thar r he was not the sole victim on that
day, bui thai Henry liosack, who had been en
gaged on the previous Tuesday in a quarrel,
died on Thursday morning, from the effect of hie
wounds, remised in an unlawful combat.
Wm. Thomas, sworn—l board at Simons,' on
the corner or Webster and High Biretta; enly
knew deceased by eight, and had no particular
acquaintance with him; don't know where be
loarded. - Saw-him on Thursday evening. about
dusk, walking with Morgan and Martin, away
trim the boardinghouse of Mr. Simmons; about
half an hour after • they left the house; word
eatne, that .Mooney. bad been knocked down,
when Morrie, McGraw and witness walked to
the place 'where Mooney was lying, in a h01m...
Managhan brought word down to our house that
adottney had been knocked down, and said they
had met - somefellows who struck Martin, and
knocked him down; think he said three men met
theam.Alattin wore a white overcoat and bat.
' Andrew Johnston; sworn-Liver at Sellers'
drug:store; was comink down 7th - street, Thurs
day evening about 7 o'elock,. and sawn man ly
ing on the pavement: opposite side from Me
e:quell wagon ahagassisted to lift him up, and
found that be was dead; came up just no
vitiate reached deceased,. tunl assisted lu luting
"the dead man up; learned afterwards that de
tattled's name was James Mooney; the man that
assiate to tiftlim "said that Mooney had been
main the back; did not examine the wound, but
caw blood relining through his coat, pantaloons,
alativest;•vhin witness trot saw decease!, there,
'wera two or three women and a boy standing at
an open au opening in the alq--lbe boy uP
...:'-'"-..,,c,4„,4‘,...‘„,taa,14 or Id years of age,: with a light
had come front Wash
, 2 . 7c 1 •!-- -1- " , usatmitit streets,
•': • -
In help to do e.mething for him; nobody touched
him, and witness started across the street, but
looked beck, and saw two men lift the body up ;
he then went into his own h once; did not go,
hank to the body; would not know the men; did
not see any mi n there with a white conk did
not see any b odyabout nor any fuss, before be
saw the body lying on the pavement; Mre. Shaf
fer told him 4at ehe heard a cry of .'watch"
hbfore she eawdhe dead man. ; ••
William Thonas, and Monaghan, mentioned
above, were held over - for - ruideer examination..
• Fatuav,. - Nov. 14. I
Before the 800. B. C. Grier. and the lion.
Thi f 4i Irwin.
Ay whole Jay was occupied in the trial of the
eaSe of GarretNamineter, vs. Ltri. Mitchell, of
Indiana county, an action to recover the value
of a fugitive slave, alleged to have been harbor
by the defendant. The jury after having
been addreased by the Counsel and chaleoged by
his honor Judge Grier, retired, but had return
ed no verdict when the Court adjourned.
Present the Honorable William B. bleClare
President Judge, and William Bow and T. L.
McMillan, Associate Judges.
After the production of soma farther evidence
on behalf of. - the proiiecution, a man named
{','ampler, was called on behalf of the defence.
Objected to on the ground - that he was not a
competent witness, having been convicted of
adultery and iMprieoned. Objection overruled.
The witness wan sworn, and testified' that af
ter the expiration of his sentence, he had been
employed by Mr. Fox, the jailor, no turukey.--,
lle several conversations with Bowman rel
ative to the crime fur which ho was imprisoned.
Ho said he forged the bill of exchange, but did
not tell where he made it. Ile said he was
making more money, by being in the prison that
winter, then if he were out. He said he would
have 60111 C $2,000 off the prosecutors of he got
out. said he would rather than $5OO that Dowes
RAM brought into prison at that time, so that he
could see him—that he was ',rich, and that we
could make from 2 to $3,000 out of him.
George Robinsoo sworn—Ato acquainted with
John A. Bowman. Have had conversations with
him, relative to the forgery of the bill of ex
change, and—So . sepli Howes. .We had come-con
versation relative to his getting out of prison for
the express purpose of convicting Howes. He
said that the forged note ,uoe drawn ea genuine
bell, in Cincinnati, he had done it himself in a
broker's office, in Cincinnati. He said he was make money by the operation of get
ting released from prison, since he •'would get
toe •Dowse catched." Bowman showed me
money at that time, both gold, silver and paper;
said he got iffrom Best.
- .
Cross.r.romined—Saw Bowman at the bare.
Was there to see my brother Jim. W. in my
self ter assault -and battery, and larceny.
Bout know how long I Rita in jail for the larce
ny. Was in for about three hours. WAS also
in for running away with a wife. There
was a charge of larceny accompanying it, hit
no oath was made. Never had any conversa
tion with Mr. MP.. Never had the chance.
Mr. Foi Watched every person liken hawk, who
went to see anything about this case. Have
talked on this case to several parsons. Have
seen one of the counsel of Mr. Doves, (Mr.
Snowden,) his office.• My evidence is writ
ten down then,.
Mr. Magraw, did you write it! No. Did
you see it volition r No. Did you dictate it!
No. How do you know it is written! If it
isn't I am mightily mistaken.
William M. Shinn, Um. swarm—Was one of
the counselor Stark Simons, when he wan tried.
James Teasley and John 4. Bowman made infor
mations against him. Was frequently is the
'habit at
. going to see Troy client. He was in
prison from June to November. Heard Bow
man complain that Sinions thought hardly of
him, and that be could not satiety him as to the
causes which led to his arrest. tie told me
that Simons was an innocent man, and that he
had had him arrested for his (Simon's) awn pro
tection. Asked him how that could be. He
said that he was a rascal, and admitted it,
.hut-was not lit to hold _a candle to James Tas
sty, who, he 4 alleged, hid urged him to ~ make
an information against Simone, although he had
told him that he was innocent. lie farthersaid
that a counterfeiter hod told him that Tiesey
had employed him to put counterfeit money iu
Simon's carpet bag, while he wait absent from
his room, and then he was to swear that Si
mons had passed n counterfeit note upon him—
have him arrested, and bin carpet bag searched.
Bowman alleged that when he found out this
trick against Simons, knowing him to be iLMO
ciart, he determined to prevent it, and he made
the information, in order to prevent Tassey
from suspecting that be knew the trick agoinst
Simons. He admitted that bia affidavit was all
false, and offered to go into Court, and swear
to the facts jast narrated_
Wm. H. Williams, Esq., sworn—l assisted in
the defence of Stark Simons; I called on him
,two or three times; thinkl metßownian but once
after be came out of .prison; he gave me the
whole history of the draft, and spoke of both
Simone and Dawes; he said that the latter was
nobody; that every thing of a keen nature was
thibe by himself; I would not believe Bowman on
hit' oath were hit.:evidense not corroborated.
Ei'•Sheritf Forsyth. trworn--I saw Bowman in
jail at Cleveland about six weeks ago. Under
:stood 'ho rras Somthitted by the name of 'But
irent tattoo hica, and callea him 'Bow
man." said, Putnam you mean. Re was in
jail when I was Sheriff; his character is not
good; I would not believe him on oath.
Andrew Mitchell, (engineer of thejail,) sworn,
—I am 'acquainted with Bowman; always believ
ed from his conversation that he was a rascal;
this in the general impression, and I would not
believe him en oath; have heard him say that he
'lrould swear any man he did'nt like, over the
-James Mitchell, (County Commissioner,)
aw . orn—KnoWßowman, and have knowtelaim ev
er einem October, 1E149. Would not believe him
on oath.
Alar,cas McCune swom—Know John A. Bow
man; ids chamcter is not good; would not be=
Neve him on oath; am employed as watchman
about the Conrt,Efouse. '
• Thomas Fox, awom on behalf of the prosecu
tion—Know George Robinson; have Been 'him
convene with Bowes at the bars. • '
Cron e:siunined by defence—Am intimatley ac
quainted with Robinson; have seen RobisMon
frequently 'talking with Dowes at the bare; asw
kino conversing with him the day before the
trial commenced.
Michael O'Halloran sworn—Know George
Robinson; hive even hint in the jail, in company
With Dowel. ._
Cross examinod— , Was in jail at the time ana
prisoner: was committed,for assault and battery
and was in tweiro months; never was in, on any
other charge.
Andrew Mitchell recalled—Bare ;leen Robin
son in the jail yard during the evening; Dawes
was there else; Madmen was intimate with kir.
Fox and son; have Mien him eat there.
B. V. Van Brochter, ewarn on the behalf of
the defenee—Reside Detioit, Michigan; knew
Bowman in the State's prison; his character in
general ie bad; would not believe bins on oath.
The testimony on both aides, was closed here.
CorneDus Darragh, Esq., addressed the Jury an
befUdf of the prosecution, and George P. llamil
ton for the defence.
,TIPPLINO flousm—Dmine was yesterday sew
."4--..0E1y a fine of fifty dollars and the c . dats
• : ." - manicsas. He was committed in
- " -, pompany,
- 40,
Ritertven BY TUN o'aimir TZLZOIIaII CM,
•?0 lIIPOITID /OIL TUN prrisetrlGH .A=rlT..
.•. , •
The steamer Cambria, Capt. Leitch, arrived
at x o'clock this morning. Her mails left at 8
o'clock for the South. '
Baring'a Circular says that American stocks
have been inactive; U States nixes, lIN2 are
quoted. ut Mi(;100 3 ; U. Statee bowie 10.130.
1064; U. Sentra sixes 1111;7 and '6li,
Con pun brute, INNS, II 1 6,112: N Volk lives,
92005; l'enna fiver tt(iiih2; Indiana fives (BC',
70; N. Orleans City aixen . 6l; - Maryland fives.
The Colennial and foreign produce markets
had been very ileill,throughout the week, and im•
porters had made concessiona to affect sales.
Money was abundant, silver was in demand for
India, and hdadvanced I.
~._„,...': ENCLAND•
_E.ossiat6;lais family, and suite, had accepted
the offer of a free passage on boardiheiteamer-
Washington to the United States, and would
leave Southampton ou the Idth for New York:
Mr. Croskey, the American Consul, had delayed
the Washington, to afford Kossuth the upportu•
oily of being prevent at t h e Polish and Sono
rian hall at Southampton on the evening of the
Kossuth was received most flatteringly at the
Guild Hall, in London. The corporation address
was read to him by the City Clerk. His pas
sage through the city was a continuous tri
In the evening, a large crowd hail gathered
around the Times Office, and burned xeveral co
pies of that sheet
Extensive preparation. were being made at
Liverpool for the reception of Kossuth. Lord
Dudley Stuart would present the address
Paris, Thursday.—The Globe corresponden
is confident that there will be a compromise he
tweeu the president and a majority of the As
Business was dull and gloomy, , and nearly all
the orders is the hands of Manufacturers had
been nivended.
The Democratic fl.ialisti ere•turious against
KomMith, but are afraid to give full expression
to their sentiments least they should injure tbei
Paris, Friday.—M.Corbin refuses to accept
the office of Minister The New Cabinet given
-great dissatisfaction, and it is expected that the
Ministers will retire befoae,.the meeting of the
Assembly. •
General Aurand, Mini Mer of War, had issued
the fell Owing order of thh deg--" Soldiers, The
'President of the Republic calls me to your head
The honor is great, and the tuck.will be easy, if
you but remain aa•you,lare—united under the
law of duty, and strong by your discipline in
every part where the order is weakened—in ev
ery pert where the public peace is menaced
The honest people tom their eyes and verb you
Never was a cause more sacred entrusted to men
more worthy to defend it. Forget not that iu
difficult times, the Army prevents by mere ener
gy of attitude, the disorders which it would
repress by employing force. Let us carry mili
tary honor no high that, in the midst of the ele
ments of dissoltitiou which foment about us, it
may appear as a means of safety to meuneed
Accounts from Port Philip to the Oth of July
represent still farther gold discovaries, but af
ford no definite information as to their extent or
Adrices from !Labatt state that the French
Consul had received orders to embark all the
French residents at that place, as the French
fleet are about to bombard the WWI of 1-lalee,
-a reprisal against the Emperor for refusing com
pensation for the pillage of the French merchant
vessels wrecked on the coast of Morocco.
The Republic of this morning contains a note
from Capt. Long, of the steamer Alissilaippi, to.
gether with an extract of a letter to him from
Kossoth.!Capt Long amens that none but the
marl pleasant ineereotime passed between thew
Thqetter from Kossuth is molt euthilsiMitical-
Iy expressive of gratitude, and concludes 05 fol..
lows—••Alay the blessing of God and prosperity
and happiness attend you and your gallaut,idis
rem and crew, wherever they gu."
Wanumirros, Not 14
Instructions have bees seat to Judge Shar
key to proceed immediately to Havana to tot
action upon the Cl.O of Alr. Thrasher, and to de
mend his immediate release , or his trial as e
American cilia.).
pa s rag, Nov. 14.
The following are the respective tems o
service determined by dot 2 years
Laurin, 11 years; Gibson, 9 years; LOrrie, 12
and Coulter 15 years. ,
EXCCOTORS.—The Boa. Hopewell (lepton,
W. Addison pad 11. Uradr Wilkitle, EN, we
nfiderstatal, are the exeentore of the estate of
the late Colonel Jame, ROM.
CHAnclirrolc, S. C..) Nov. 13.
The Legislature of Georgia yesterday elected
Hon. Robert Toombs U. 8. Senator in plate of
-Judge Berrien, In the evening, Mr. Toombs
made kapecch to a large concourse, ot-the State
Howse, in whieh he 'declared ifiat the constitu-
Gann] - Union party of Georgia would,. maintain
its separate organisation, and that'the some
would send delegates to neither of the Nation
al Conventions to nominate candidates for the
Preitidency, but would wait the action of both,
and then unite with whatever party they see
proper; and that either, to secure the support
of the Union party of Georgia, most hdnpt the
compromise part of the Union platform.
BurrAt.o, Nov. 14
The steam boiler in Whites'a edge tool factory
exploded to-day. Pour men - were wound-d,
two of which are not expected to recover.
PORTLAND. (Me.) Nov. 14.
'There was a large meeting iu thin city, last
evening, in favor of the liberation of ihe. Irish
patriots: The Mayor presided, and quite a
number of eloquent speeches were made.
ZilaaCtillaritt, (N. H.) Nor. 'l4.
Kate Poole, on unmarried mother, WILb ar
rested to-day for the murkier of her infant child,
by throwing it out of the car window, while the
train was in motion.
Nsw Vous, Nov 19
Cotton—The market Is quiet.
Flour—Sal. 3000, bbls at $ 3 ,01 for common
State and western, and $3,9.100,00 for Indiana.
Orain—Wbeat arinactivo. Sales of a cargo of
rye at 70e bu. Sales of cora at Glc for
western mixed.
Provialonn—Pork drill. Sales 125 libla
beef at fanner num Lard 51 nominated at Ado
11 pound. .
Groceries-The market is heavy. Balea 100
boxes Cuba sugar at dio 1/1 lb.
loinseetloil,—flales 12,01./0 gallons at I,l6@liie
• New Yuen. Nov. 14.
Cotton—The market is steady with Wes 800
bales at full prices.
Flonr—Fartner males 10,000 barrels at $3 81
®3 94 for common State and Ohio; $3.94(Fi14
for southern, and $4(x34 25 for prime Genesee.
Grain—Sales 2,500 bosh Michigan wheat at
EMI; 30,000 bush mixed corn at 60061, and
22,0001:a5h rye at 700 bush.
i ons—Sales 400 bble pork at $1614 for
`--e=t! $l3 62 for prime. Not much doing
' , lOO biles dew rotted at $l2O 13
tr sales 3,006pd1e at 660,
' , le Kentucky of 4ell,
Rio Coffee, at sea
) bxe Muscova.'
it ,go, TAMES BLAKELi. European,
tirren \.* York and LIT-
line, //idling IremYork mud Liver.
nth and 18Ipt or every mouth
...New NeW York on the mud Liverpool
on Elie ith every month. •
,tar Nievi York on the Mb. and Liver
{exit ,pn tam .41, a month.
ynZrkLilie month from Liverpool Anil
I .T. h . ," 11 1 :. ' 1 ' ..;Ti
11, l ls ‘.1.. I h„rPact., rul tr . t.E. lorlt
'11' : 2!7 . 11.1! :•411 1 1/11T„Tt l i=l i' tk. New ur.
11, Lim. for emigr m ant, 'nun NI-. orl. 6, Straw,
lwa ,l 6t. Itoluo.. or 6, I'm! and ailowl. Mt6burgl,
I,• , •liggr. .111 no,te rrrr nuelitm. •,61 wlriro inw
mu11,.l 1 1...11i,0, of 11. Tao , . • Cu-. 14 ,.",•
qua,. loshl./.. aml InssTling ,ll,l, l4wau• ••
g J T Topowtt so, mmth N,or 1 orl. or ot
the ult., the advent., rurner of Nigth and latwo - 11
Peroom r•onling in the 1 1 1aleg nr l'anwt,
pl, to w 0 , 1 for lbolr In 114, p•rt of England.
Iretnna. or Will, ran [nuke Ilse nt-o/am ar.
rw l - 1 . 1 . 11,11, 1 . 11 wlMlimsto n to th. “thurnt.or. and bare
them bmugLa out to au,
.of the abor,murite Ito,. of
iwtoth mug, I.uoo lon. bur - limn./
or 1,, Ora rlaw. tolarormildr term, br
wo., - lareroool. Lotolim, of Upomow. trequ.rmY
nltie, mo•i6il/1, of tido,. I,IeM4M
n, Liverrool 1.,,N0rr Whom, 11•111 Mom,
1 1 1illadelphIa. Br ran
uton, CharlgoLon. amtnavannah Diroct
Mtnitlaare. f n 'wall or Mr, oum, IVO Ip.l.
Steam Communication betty 77 e
en New York
awl Glasgow.
'FILE Oluogow und .Ninr irk
Mll,l Cmp.a I,ln o
pmweo rfauml
.3 go llooth 11oL
bor.. power. N Nterrart, Ilate th•ANt.
nanl gtramer, r 6 tniammlrr. p appoultol MD 111111
y„ r g din g 1 for 611a,0n0,0n Mount/tr. 6.1.,1111 16wember
at Al o'rlo&Y. uo6n.
l'aSitAGE I.loNallf
4 4. 0 pareerurere taken.
' Chem. rater iiielude pniviei..ur, 141(13aeaur
Mnd, mill to: eupplied nu hard, at moderate prier,. ass.
e • rtureieral. reiaht ode-cle per reut
tivurht ar paoefute applr 4,: .
• .1 Meulditia rl 11,014,1wur street,
NaW 10141 i .,
l'he NEW VOllO. :21. tow, and 4,4 i lidreo owe
rll rI a
etdieort to the tilaturow.i wilt In 1.11 p
rtiriud• tedidier
ifollenry'o Philadelptua is Liverpool Line
of Packets..., •
S , l ,, tillog from I'Mlodelphia on th
t e ,
filti AN titian. 11 an. It. tirdiurr, waster.
44 Elfittraa. Nathaniel 0. Hartle, Stash,
4 4 .titiltl.lN. Alfred F. Smith Mune,
44 • itiIACK MA.NtiN, fnear,):W. W. Wert, Master.
Vhe above chive are hulk of the twct and num( runty
[nat.:nal., and are nithel for the their luoteawra.
the, ore Wet,' uu with all lateet Improver:teed, saw utoet
thonuiality %outdated, arid an. uneurlavard fur their i.e.
.r rower thineand dierrii, 11.10mr,.;
flier AT eumutanded Id - 121141W ae a kuowitalard taleut, who
are uurttualied tar their the peek.' purrice
Pernona dercroun of tinnatna their d.`lron ttie Uld
Cpulicl, can oblalu patuaue, hirh will he
gill , ' tar rlal4l months. sod ours geotA end Lir
r,,i4.1 furulah thew •1111 the proper lutoratatuin and
hutr0.110.4.4 relative to their departure.
F u r W e vol t, of paserugerti trichina to pent run
o r
dratts tur et,ling 4440 upward, pable
at eidl,l without digieount, whirl, will te: Nestled tit not 0
U. Cho/Rear hat °dices in the Unthel lt.ndu
airr 4 l 4 rorrsion, rupplitel paraenuere eorriina [rum Liver
Ermr. wt... Orr. trllormlnir supplier,. will he furni.her.l
rr ot 12 yr... rrl' arr .endorer, 2!. rarl
rr z t 1 . •nrrar r I lb. flour,
% rutrlark,r.. and r.,, I lA. pur. Una., Irr 'v.v. or .rrnr,
11,. 1,1.0.101,1 it, pork, frrillallowans, of •.irrr ernd
rr: 11.1011 rtruer. berm. l'hil.delntrurr
1111. Fl-1111,
°corn, rr.1.11. road Wnorl r 4.. l'itu,lnoruh.
.LAND,50,0...0“,, &AO WALKS
1111.6.1 r 4 Co., vill anitsoux lluc ti
fight dnR xu lirrat trulazut. al., on France
iirronoti •tI/1 Cu..
R.K.tur.) corner of L.l.rly nod Stalk
1,....nms ...I Irmo EL. ‘4.1 rountrT •0in, , ..10.1 it.
fAronblr I. 111.11 i inoni A.w Yu.. lu l'ill.dhum h.
Part M1.1..1%,..1.
11 4 1 01 t ST. LOUIS.—The splendid
a pg..ongrratraLurr A.1A.C.,,A. J. F. Kurd,
a . .ffla
11 Iva... tor choabove. arid all Intermediate
tho Jay, tlo. lAtt, sru.t., at to o'clu.k, Al SI.
For nvlght Pa•gago avi , l, be Loan!, or to
J. FLACK. Agent.
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet
ltkllTickin—l'he enift
noon paagugar parket AN RA ?in,
10at.., (or Lb. , •a1..., and all lut..nuedi
port+ (og nabruang. at to o'rlck
For ........... ........... ......._. .... Au,
Wenn...hal. p.rtg
Ti... JAAINA NEI.N..N. Caw_ !Anoka, I..arg
1 urgn Tua.dar. an.! taturlay. •t
ti ; loo.hug ore, .1... -
-d.". mud eriJag. uA. L.
..• , . .
• or treich , or ;waste, heeler an perior eeeetentodellette,
ta to ti It KI:11 , 1 NI
TL. Juan , Nelsen la eon n 1 the feett,t boa. tenon.
nu..twl for tho Itsdr •tel nhiepers ea, de
/ ea let mete,. la the "%d..
Wheeling and Pittsburgh Pack;
11 1 1 ARE REDUCED!— hoswift
"vr• : , vti;fr ; ,uiss. &do's p r ",,,i,
11 lrn
P. , `" , " •
trnt luw ...nth. tuhke a
1:1.1 A MA, 11. 110ama, vo oil late
I'll lul Turnlay. Thus -Aar. and ',Mud.", a 10
M rrlismang. AVtim lint. LA., Mouday.
10 law. A. As - lAA, AL A. Al.
nl E,.r fr..l:b 4 oard. yr 1.03 • Lay iu, ..AvtialAcJallatta
AI3I,TIZONII, ccoin: i CU. Agtii.
}bares •
Thu Winch...l.r to one of the fs.dc.t it hroet.
b ., h.. , U..' .1 4 e I nwengsr. wo4 otilriosero ma depend tua
h. r runolna .n the truly re.
11 E :1 ' 1 jl'lli'lliriZBlltr Ul.ril2l
; RN .4 L. Onus, u,
h.r, is noon perinrualtag her r..Jular tnn e srown
Stas,iry and Whoelin, lesrtng at teetocit
wtcrr Mhalsy, Wednroday .aJ awl turning,
less!. ;very 'Tuesday. Murals, 4n.lkstarday.
In each w..L
The Diurnal la a AU snd to ir.nittin fineol
snd lapleot lams, err" ennstrzwiJ.l PIT the train, ',Pr..
Sal shifters rat. maul na mritfutsing In the
I P khortb f
drlor ne, (Y
4 U r u
t wed ux
r Thureday o'doek.,, Pwencerx nod idap,
depend upon One boat runsdna regularly darns, the
low water 1.44.1013.
freneht or p.m., &noir on board. red
Fresh Tea&
5 6() [IF.
reed at the PEKI.V.TEA STORE. Fifth
ntrrt, Ihe above lest rata
norther from the late noun tale. in Now York. and ritut
all the .1111..rtot grade. in the mute,. and Will be,
whole/tar. end ',tad in ti di l ed patt., t , or by the
half rhot.t. arneere are i in rail and ottun.
Dm the kliff , rvnt
A Lit , l—t,i tun.. I .1 JA t.t tS)FFE
10 dia te•ttlre Froth 1'FIA11111:ti
no7 - .1.11:1•11:i4 A. JA YNEti.n Filth at.
Ladles!! Read Thin!!!
T N THE PRESS, and will xhartly be ready,
TEE 1RM1L.)1411., TO TfIE eutoprittur
tut) .t...-riptaott of tho - oarehaaim of the lantrometat, the
defrct.. U..hirh It lo itablo (*Mot :Nis tottat.t), the
k,o e N t p
v he o tfo rrt:mo.c 4 voaot ,a e l. e atr e i o
eeh owtat P. tUoo,T Witrf o
TO Every
petaon hawing a I'ismo ohoold hay', a 0077 of tlilt
hr.!t. No worn of the Lind ham arl.t. bettors twvot , obhrt, •
ed. Th . .. tot..rtnattou tt Impart. ho worth ten timer 11/I
doll,,: amt. atootia alba,, lt 111
OL.eloally good 100 hart. 70.10 ht.
ust.,lllllLit tuner..
Ladies and gentleumn In the ntie..d I . .ltaburgh and
A IMyhony, devring .td.m. a lila wink. ran tar lar.
ui 4,4 at retalemla by *erring Omit .ddrna the
..ffica. id any of the hittoburah moruinapapa, CT at lbw
$44llliF 'roma a lima.. JOiln %toad alreet. and
Henry Filcher. Third atm.. •
. •
.ear our dollar to ltio• author, at lb.. (larstra Of.
rittAbo, rb. sooty sill bo forward.d. fr..e of ra.tag...
to any part of the Urittrd N 1445. Ma n.pica fur rm. dol
lats. A Hbaral dircolant l link fel lore auJ &Ink dealer..
'hen , to ho more approprlato pn•orof that a "polio:clan
050 eosin. to holy fluiu a copy Ml* tc..k.
0.4.4 in your ont..rat on2l,lrn
THE subscriber has in - store and otters lit
low prtem• good asmortartent of Alpaca.. Cotnwe,
to Miner,
to loom, Pow., Ilsottlierrblefa. tlent'.
Crotetu, eatitsetw. CwwinserstS Cloth.. Twee.)...
lino.. and I.3leaelid Tleklng,
brie, Primo., Lanesse, Ilustrefles, blank moll white Net.
Wows,•n, Linen. and litlk Lin.] Table
Ctotlik, Cotuluete, lliwirty. Thread,
!Wading, Buttotue glow • Jorge v•rlill of .nolo, to which
I snow rem•elfully lovite W. attention of toerehnota and
Weilmro. twit. C. AIIEIUTIINOT, OS Wood et
Sundries.' •
60 hlf. chmalg Y. It, inY.: shra Harker'. rgainc
and 1/. P. In;3 tow ILK.. Floor; •
20 rhetta Oolong and Chu 10 too nalanalun
lan I.lnadann
00 hag Orenu and Black dr, 20 bag :Oar Caodien
Brl/11+ N. O. eimar; 10 ham epo 4.4
a/ 1/1.1. Ina( and era/abed 10 iiIR N. rna I
Chorolan... •
.. nustar: 6 too Cocoa and Bronain
an I.x. als'ld Yulduan; L. hie AfrOan alittan.r.
20 1 Brows and Cuba Ii ha, 1.11111: leLand 51uaYth
11./lararo 150 %V Mae dairy Ball; .•
70 has 1110.1.541er; 1.0 bag Clothe. nog
No Inanayra; ' 1 1 1 eak Ileddra7 y'
has Old ../0r J.,
_t . rgrann .IndOnn
60 tor (loon 00a0; e+.. Mlseln
6 has Caatin. do, IS hide No 1 a 3 Illankerrh
5 log Vann a Almond do/ 1.6./ I.blaN 0 a rill Molan,
4 has 1 41401111110ap1,411 II kg. 01 .....Ye1dnn/
2. bus du ''rant do; 12 due Bid Conlar
6 la. Corn March' 74 doss Corn Ilruomg
Ale, Sable, Mara, iVh..../....... 0 . 114 n Va. , / n
nd nalall, by J. 10. I YILLIAIIIB /0110. •
nc . ...2 Nor/bout corner 000od and 101111 els/
English & Bennett.
Iderebauta and drilla. in Produce wed Plttabunih
Llano facture.—N o. I':2Wroond stsuad 11l Viral et, betworat
W cad and Nattlitlell nr. , Pittabiargb, Pa, Para on bend
and will rorrire follcarlux which °liar 1 0 1.011. at the lumen puckat rat,-
14.0 basso man'(d Tobacco. :24.1 taus Rio Coif,
IW " x, lb leap, 140 pito Young Ilraon Teti •
kega tulatrullasco, • 1111,1 mp. At (11l •• •
DU grata One cut chewing do 60 IA& N O. Sucv , -
100 cut /6 dry Hooking LIXI bbla N.O. llotasees,
60 11 Ilalr purdah Cluars, Lu" 11.10 • "
dl " Palacio° " 400 kegs aaa'led Macs.
Havana 10 , 0 boxes aslo 1061201.0 0
100 ••eommou " 111,11ai lb. Patent..
balre Almond*, 6'lllwrta.2 taa, " °mkt, atadder,
C. Walnuts Cream outs yl sake Alm,
boyarlund tuna
10 Rock Ilandi, '
G..- Tartish, Caws', 60 "
441 &um, atu Idould Aldlp
6 ° Llutiorlee, ltaa bbls Cracker;
160 drums also. al tierce. like.
lao boxes Ill.& Ilaldut6 4.001.11b a tc0.1 Cruato4 (100. r
Oceundlplou, 1110 fo Loa( Nugv.
IN boon Wilds Pipes, Copperas., Chalk.
10 baus•Wblte Brazil Pupur,Cottuu Warns. Batting. Curr
PP lanes " /Uvula dlevicla and Carpet (:hale:eel" {Journal
STARCI.I---300 lbs., a choicealti
d.....autatafta , a - PasAy for metre andeolMary
se. It le szteturrel ) used lOW vtry numb admiral
...MM. Of DbMoMem, blase manse. pies. oak.,
seuldle pored.. Se. at poun d Yttb tall Wreaksa my see. For .111. , by
.1. /EMU • 00.. tit Wood al.
Lutce beat, for sato by
- casic's - bies;oCria;
;Tarr= Itti
US—s boxem. for Bale by
3.0000 &
MS tor sale by
`l in exchange. (with a
46r TWO DUI-114242 LOTS.
AmmisoN a only.
;for TOOTH
'nib titestittV?".
lio woos stmt.
well known establ ebment is still eon
' dartftl ia same manner it t• 14 War. ta.n. Th.
crntral aral plexurant aansarm of the how., romn.ll
- arnl lb. romlort• and lza"... 0.1.
found there;rozahine. tn render it agrrraide and
rho traveler.
fl •
aying tern ono of the firm of John L. Trier •
Nv long el the hoed of therocaLfulttnrot. the rolveriLer
rio.ign• hie best exertionA to LIIM41•111 Ito roputation, nod
to 'are oetifte•rtion to hh,todotorr..
p.n . = (.11.nt TOM. ff. PAItIiKIL
TESP. superior articles id Perfumery;
• d amonc•l .loth ..notrwra,l hi. tgwdl, rolot.rat.-.1
i Whit,. in - 6141M Alaldodwr. Pow., Itottoo. T.. 114 sod
Tot. rowdy., Chinww. Velvet, etealk. sod other •Dtd , ' , .. l
—Walnut and Extra Fine ,fttolPrOV•ll and Whit.,
If nise, Plc.attug, Palm. Almodud, )arlo, Tollot
Saint dbaxittg ern.. Ilmr Dv.. (:donneWaters, Ex
tracs fur lb, I.:smitten-Med, Mx Morrow.'.11 Cr)..
IV O. ow. articlrd F:a.o LuMral (bur 14.stotatgx...
Dam; id.. Ilwlowwww, dr, , ac. aro tnatmlfacturr4 awl C.;
.ale JOHN T. CL}Till.
Portutwrr and Chomlot.
lJ Marktt ftrewl.. below 'M. Philadelphia
Si - MercLantw don't forget Mod Clefa• I. the , chcalwad
sod moat extetwav, twanutartory in tho eit,. Mire him a
Public Sale.
Way ta.ratn, N., ;:ath. 1:551, at lo ersl
eolcl at publle rale. on Ilse prenstre, tiloster.ier, N J.
the extenot awl vaNtalle aell I N fat V. ram prootot ofU ts
hone potter St.ssa aflame .151 Hotter, elanpl,l,.. Warts . -
laa ' 14aq-in, m•tmer. tau new a taora,paarer Steam
Nateinr,. horazatstaa one do parpetalleular. .10 •5,,,,5ur
kuatnr ileans4 Laths. ,fromlo 011 6., nhran.mod •••1.4
!rota 51 to a 5 Wets, 5 15,riag llill. 25, la lu Net lova; are,
l'uneloug, Riveting. •tal attach. 51aeltsura
plaaloa Mills.,.:r, Ilrlnditoe Ilaaliture, rota.,
ua110151.51 Boiler. boll, awl sale. iron: Trsp Ilarameng
Slablrlng Alk.l strevveuttitat 51aehinery; $l5l , Rent.: Tura-
Itiaeltamithe' Boiler klakern' Tuala.Foun
dry egad.; all lame awl anvil Vleyr; Circular Nava Siam
Masai, slachluery. Iris and W.,141 l'urettue Bluets,
Large /Aran Untara, Nal feet Tamed Itirougla Irno
tAsattlag. large renlleetion of new arat raluatle Patterto.
aliaallaarou, Ttwle, Ar . .
. .
• .
Th.. &Lon. th e tw.t and mart octor•i•••• Amton.en , •
.1 . ..11N In Lb. Mat.. A i•••rtitai of LL.m have nri,r o*.
. .
The whui. will lin bold without rew,rt, the pruprix,
d..,.h.1wg the 1,01 w,,
Mn to ..latulard onoeek prow km,. auk. wills Cala
lullsrlarh map Lu hat•upbe,tgon to th. AUCIIOO
tUrstula.ata run hourly to null from filnue.rutr.
M. 'MOW AS a JONS. Aucttaneura,
aIKI Walnut at. Philadelphia.
e•uun b mono a P..111..8AN
Shriner & McLean,
Roar, Frau, and Commission Merchants,
No. 31 tlooni Warta ern n,
Pill LAVA Lane.
) duce giinersll,, will rec.. va prompt attention. with
intr beat endearina Waive antlefeetiAn Aileen...
made on
n itit Bill. of Lid.. when aleeired. •
eti.r ti..--11t.aere. Hampton • 11111,. Pitteburah:
Mr. liraucie U.
llr Ales. Laughlin.
lir. P. tittritier,
. •
Matchless Blacking and Inks.
BLACK INCr—ararrautatt superior to an> ref otte» )1
Iv th• pp hlie, aial to (laud la an) etiolate. Alstnaholured
hr 110laill I NPON St Olt.. Quarry etrevt. beer North t hint,
It. .Plitiadelplata, 1.. ta , tdr.u)
V.t(7l.lltlM, ho. Al South &wood Ptrrat, (ahoy.
.h.atuut. tut side.) Philadelphia
lora..110!•11.41 -MUM 11.
01:) =.
13. A.
EtEA ID, BUCKNOk A. .. -.I
CO., Tubaceo
(latut..lort blerrlatitta. No. 41 North Hater tared )
u. IL Kurth Wham.), Ploladelphl)). awtl
Shawla Cloaks I, Mantillas!
S. UILL3, No. 6 Cortlandt mt.. N. York.
. no• opening at hie Shawl Marabou, • fregh
the, of Finland %ander viA WL.4,eottalatlng of all aitylto
oi /a.4e11 mod Domenic %loot Long Shawl.. ti.rettler arltlf
• lull fialomment of Frtmeh and %lent. Mn•ro nag Long
Ilrocho SlastrLa of every grade.
a an •xtenalve stork of Coburg, hlortno. Mk.
Patin, and %chat ttlata MANTILLA., Maeliti. dr. il . of
f art.. •Itapor , and at rho, manufactured from Part, pat
eat ot hia oo,wn Importattons. rreeirtd tato,monttflr pry
Ile' loaf. the apecial attentlmt of Southern and Went.
ern Illaraltattla to the above. a• they .111 fad an atone,
meta of Nhawiff. - mtd ...armada 01011. for Ladle, wear,
din,L....J..11a Um riff
ettpenor Win If MOW STA f.a exhlLltlng
atm. ttreaftal in ere, tolored Print and
Comb.. at lit and 15 each. le2-laf
To the Public
ha. ',en railed to an advrttaietto.nt Cy flora, IL NW.
publohoil 10 tin New Xorli Herald of 11th Julyrl. and
et.uriar and Enqulrer a nine date. In arb h, aftar
Into h 111112/WTI.I shore of our attorney. W..du KIN .
La a...rt. that re dare n,rt ellargaLian with piratic., Good
year'. Patent under oor own tonne, and that he du. not
0111 . 0 LEI ttPLTl.lAVlllritlitoiltis4,o.
...11(111111•-• Wr thn ntariulanure
Ind... ItiiLLrr undo ...Ka/year's Paton', and p. 1.1
our A....T , arid so. daily pai tariff L.. the WIL/AW/ std any perant_might to,dou< tLait dtapotied to
1. s. ratio, "Lan pirate titan litodyeara Pan... We
think ff. loofa jun purehaar a right. to u,.. ridld pie
int.., it. Ilr bay l'arnia
thaal) . eves right.,.de • and
an tutu,. tyt lc. infringe hi. patrata Us la awn
attempting, ite. only to lulllng. .44 p 1144,11., tut Wiwi..
ourarlrao, on
no • rg conaidaration ...rebated
litt.lll.. and now .or. Isaler aaa are elms..
Ili. Pay, direetly, and that /W/44 . iota owls elitiatut, arab
...ratan nix. lino...nee Patent, lu the niatiatactuni
0.• aldrh It i.. - (h: - (1":"7paLlie" and Rive
oak,' Lint he and ail atio aro etureroi:lvritti
..Lasitor tr vending. Lk allow, toad. thAation nu Pat.
ant 1 , 1.:1.4.1ci1l foe praaecutol.
• •
.•h Win. A. Oltanabain. Treasure,.
24.11410( INDIA 11.1.16116 U kiru. co.
Machina.. Prealdent.
alas Ver.L.,...filly 121 h. 1 1 11.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink
'ONE'S EMPIRE INK. Naseau Rtraet,
eyFun LUWliutt, u.• Yort. ' •
v." TE.113:11 TO Ira TT...
4 3'4.66 wr :0 6 ca. 60
T 3
T4in4 MY Reti'aruem ntaattactui;u: It tura hear—
LI • 10 . ..41 exlrami
_ViNti rill not eorrtele, mould,
nne•witine orloctr. and poen.. all the guanine regale - .
NI Cr a a,,c414 ming Int, mutable for the Vital. and ant
mirehly adapted for the Tied Pea • .
'fbe orinerelinted is prepared Co frintieb to the trade al
titer r..r etport or hone ronsiamytion. at the above eery
ice fete, pot epee per order. and deliver/el In any part
etthe tit true of thugs. No etursa for cwt.. barrels
or kee• ere charmed tiara at nett 0005.'
1131.3 Nate. el" nun flauldiuok
Professor . Ales. C Barry's Tricopherons,
tll et.nring:rnwerring and hteutifylow the hsir,aretilic•-
. " :1;t
and dandruff, alai tun., jaelell.l4, the sltin,
er, hot ortionsti lb. Amu. etket ettrivic dlteaacaolgto
.10. of
t h e
exit all the from
klettplatn. TIN
folltwiwt tretistogibels, eoleetal from Minden:trot mitstilwr
Impart. will oar.. In show thevalue. of the preparaska.
Idkl the ettltasticw ha which It is 444 Or Wow, who hare
vtu it a grist .
Nrw `Cask.
Duar—Drai Sir-1 hare roma alkial with • co.
ta oruptiba of Ms walk, of a morn ski:rant...l char.
ar uotwa , tor nut hart .elatoon rev., tat duriatl that period
lato hwl W•. Aar icar tome of tlw runt toadront phyla.
.ri•to• hay. trie tho u lbw torpantloar for Um h•lt ant
alio wow kuown, wit th• But boutekt. I ...sundial
to • Monk to try- your TrifOftli•PlALS- I 41.1 to. u • Inn
sou, to m 1 furonn and krenkcallow.Llll/k1 taros!?
tarot In stout two mouttu, Nutt au, th• 'Blotto* of Ur
tloorler Met at nowt I no ptuttallr Mott.
Pk, oYluswhi• strret. Brooklyn.
• Nrw VON.. Oct.=, .
Pl. al 11.11.7.-41 T near eir., (WO y0u0.1.4. my Sr
mum out • areal 441. sod my betel um lamb ardtorod
with Jamtruro t elm told Dr e frtamlto try tomfiriropha ,
OW. and did Pat, •••1 to my aroordchattnct.
S t.e •••
air rooted. -sal Na daudrud dhappearrol. a the
head nu llama for Ittadt.
With nopatet; J aro yrom ebed't teret
• - J 8 TRICLIAVELL, truedway.
If any lady or arothooso doobb autbrotlcity of IL
'tem they will at Proem.- AM burr
Boutlway, limy tort, than be •111 produce th•
Pal lettere ..
[Pram tho hfilltary and !Papal Atom, Nor. P. 1891.1
Thern In no remintr tor limy/mammal earn of Wawa
sod damn... of the cranium -amerally. I bat bani macho!
rhx PaPaint Marla" by rhr article know. on Pirohimar
knnttarry mu, nyldnitirsted tlocuarianil: It to' son
U by the UNUrelanfire of thn nomattinlty:
al wont mcry clammy la theta/al It la wed In prilscarwe
than a/Ile/Pi of to kind. It lattaartn Parer Un malsof
thn hal,' promotat ant:math • araartabla
Ersr;s62„,,'lTl, iltrneilt
1.5 o
midi an Maid neat:dew worm. aad Wm, liboost ma dime
dm, of tin Mini in an oilmen it ntanda
an It Wok' la Ms. Wttka. prim Pdartitn, at No.
linoid any. nail at tlin throurhont
lhalitaltritatatoaartill.Usila antitYlt
VONTINTJES his usual facilities to icor i re
on Stumm. Mat e end omah!patent, ell Mena Aim..
nonalgeed Lite. l.v•
d.k dor for pont.
Use leans end len llllnoie L'enel and *liver.
edeuene.-31neene Lome, enerllne Ced
eson. Janos quigy;
Ole.l John A. Caugher. 5p6:6131
Wm. a Haskill,
AND AUCTIONEER, tin. 1 Water Weal, PIORIA,
IL •
&peels! .Dalai. to C 00021.400 business. auelter
Prolunt. Lleoatoelno. mad linroaohng Iterchonte. 91 the
Loves, Ht. Joseph, Ala
Rut, en Atereader (Jordon. oat horsey . illerlino a Co..
Pittsburgh. apaly
1 'AVID 0. TUTTLE,' Attorney at Law,
1.1 Ana llotrunietioner tut Pentarlreale. ht. Louts, Mo.
All.-omototOestione promptly answered. oet.L.llry
1011 N H. RANICIN, Attorney and Coun
ter 1
1 Clunnalendaner for dos Elate o
P"lt=r". otrith.lll'va,`V=trt )
Miller, ll'Outahos steClun., Jo h n Puce, Biwa, a
&mole. McCord& euglaly
• -
More New Goode.
I AMES A. McKNIGIIT, No. 02Fourth st.,
rft - t , ”d or All arid Whiter
wade, the toeueeity of width haring been cnchae:it at
the lame auction. melee In the <askew cities, dorms the
Brosha Loos khakis. 'very abeam HALM Cashmere
, &inaln kesehr. flay Maass, et maeufaciereee
French Merinos end Cashmere; Fee.
•ty Ptak( Wm . Kiley very destrable; i
Cloakk Cloaldrers. et. le.
,tall nunrtineiri et Infanta' and Noutta . Merin°
nnirle. Wool Mailer. Maude ...Viral. Also, neer ell/
fall seek at Hoeiery, (Mores, 4 awl Trisemings in every
artery of etrie and prior. •
11.--Mounizi, Ilereliantarsupplfeei at irry low rates.
Tyne Bills
, .
- LUNT 40018 ' -'• ,
' BANIIVILLE._ . 1 -
DiZtliurr arm
Wit Vitallatal at favolabla nos Iv CLIVEIAND '
FIVABLE COVEBS--3G dozenOll - Cloth Ta
Nt:ad. a r taa Da.rev Covero—dittorent d+n-loc
""ar 7.IrII7rAtLIPS , .'T. Yo: 110 ithiart It. : :
• . . .
• •
For Sale,
: gUr coo 4 aitualni In Third Dam, Monongahela nava
Tr° ion. a Coal arm unsurpassed in Quality and admin.
Matt for mining, and dual In tbe Mt nn the river. •
Al...—iine third undivided part of one hundred firol
Meet, arras, optmsite Monongahela City. For w
lull .I••=rription of the property, Lomat And price. aly to
nor tu BAIRD A' 'HAIN pp
114 AIR') .h IRVIN have also for sale some
JUIP very deeirahle niipmred Lots. nultable for private
oodenive. Allegheny City. Alto. unimproved bole,
imitable Inv hualuriA %land% For parttrulart wPPIF
lame. tiolo
Desirable Property for Sale.
;4' very valimble
I. wilrowd. and hu Peetlin. t Indwell. mid Quint 'reo.•
mid on Alleizlien. mmo.
A r•ltialde hot. on the eof Tier nf
evilsts.l Faelorp .tree-., lilt), %Ward. .p1.—. 1
the iier•
swan Cwtholir 0..., in bet trout iii Lifer!,, Don a,.
Jeep cif. lartori, running I.weli 4vina
Alnie--Ate thee. eior, I.velling Hun* in Liberty
street. iidionsing IL. above. the Im being' 90 feet front 47
mod oo e
l feet deep Tag
he Imo.. ie ilevenme .Tile o.. ..h.ent. /Ault in
rn et, laii mmtwaie e 'omit.
Alto—A F , ara lk , of =if were. ID Lawieuee roman nal.
from New Cattle
Abe—Yvan, in Bearer ....only. of various airs, anti
privet. friminoo .err.
For rule law and on areimaintelating L.rsot Flaplire
N. r ttl.l, li
Atlnrnry• 4 Laarond Heal hit4e Am-Tit.,
or:LIM No ith Furth wee, Pittahurah. li
Land and Lots
VOlt SALE., on the rennoylvanin Canal,
11' loit , Oht the flatt PVOIIOO at Tema..
Fate.en Sense ot Land. with • valuible eeta Dealt., of
ale ut forty acre. of reel enal This nrutsam- le well
an eve 'walnut fee I . ll Plart.PH pa
pi round for Inaldlnv, wag, en inealmnai
ht. aupply of enal, end the ma.] riva fer temls,sa
If ts,l &obi in lump twasn. the last Ileember nem,
It will be land out In lota ml ould on term,. aunt In num.t
ties tumult purchnerse. ee m•ny hem. UPPlbet !madam'
lots "wt.( to the urrut ...Pi for honer, snit lobs 10 the
Immediate vicinity of lLe ettenelve N. 15orlot no. In
A lot of ground ne feet on t•rah;
atm mutant; PM fret to Caual property Is but
pleat datenrefrons'the dew of the Utah met Penneylrana
For moan, •IWyly N,
S.F. VON BoNN 00.,5s us! 00 Freest et,
rrlllE well known EAGLE 110TELli
NOUTIOf STRELT, 1 1 111.A1 , XLVIII.t,
uow °erupted Al (4.1. I M. I 1 EBB, funn.rl y
. .
This and simniod 11. tel—sontiotting upsiants
of 11,0 mime gsulletu. 11, parlor 1,1 'fit lost, I. 11.111,4
Parlor mil online, I prom- pnrlors with lent os.ion
Imbed. I.sqn teet lb. it
rordute rldrittp of the largest arhuteente honer, neatly
unpin.« the well known hones 13.`1l El., A
C iVllP; f lht; ' SO 11.1 i
pant, lease explrin
T, Hotel wan recently rreetnl upon the latent and most
Improved idyl., No, other raentumend•tton. however.
Mould be rimiled. than the unparalleled glumness of th•
prevent orrupant during the terns of ht. lenr.e.
For .
napt..7it3nt near third nt..
T 0 LET—A large and convenient 2
%VARY:III)MR. i.n Feeen lit rewl, 10.t.44,13 throb
tituinield. Itnnuire of
Private Residence for Bale.
vlif PROi'ERTI" in gireretl exceeding-2
14 kw, and .adory arrimminlatnig terms of it
Is moat nth:tidy loc la the rapidly Im p
Ina City
."ilthen,. The ettuatlon Ie uneurpaesed 111 thn neon.
IT: roninitanding • most pleasing view of the eil, 01
hurgh end three rtm t• at a giant., Il i. issni: Cos ,
nand to the hustnein tot es Pittalnitah; in.mhintng in..
eminent •InglYsr the ail rmitag el bulb town and eountrp.
lot Is 1111.1 gs, •11.16SSSIMS, near lin Mtn. Of Kr 0131.11 .1.
one hundred and fif foot trent, Pluming bank two hum
he any feet 1., an Inlet Ths• MISISqO•PRIVIIts are
newl — the lion., brisk. built In modern idyl., of the beet
eneial. mod du I.h•+l la the best anner. hastng eeert
eoosenlr,tor Mat ainsl tune and skill rnuld pit
due re. n tanl rentoar. Therm te • well id exi+llent w.-
bows.terat door, Stlll 14,es Mr hydrant water Ilarruige
and atidiling, • rark.l, ehoicemd ehruls. I
her,. In
stsd host, its rit minim and advantages ran only he
bp an examination of the prealieen °nutle
t:len aappre
riildna to idartharie are invited to roll on tba under
signed. who will tale pleasure ID Inn every Ina.nna
Wu. It in • raro sham,. r delighttul two
‘.7 'urrh.'". I I IITITTIIR.ViN. 11l Serand
Real Fatale.
SALE—Teo Hinnies and Lots in the•
flab I/ ant— o ne ro lb. rtt penvt, and Mr WI, in
gleo--A ;in of ground. Ws feet on Webeter etre,. hr
300 fent on Somers st. Enuulre nt ;t ilbertr st
marai:lt 'Journal eery.,
. -..
tilllkattf. IIKIICIIANTS.—Vor bale an artotunele
-1::f o:l7::i:LuAn'el:Lli'llt,'",..`;',:."(V:,`'.7tug.i!
'tr.': 1' , `: 12 . 4 . ) 1 '.'t, ..r`..:.•Tli` 4 4 k t'2';."::":V.: ggi i ii:,.i:;',"•=2
by ntrunilug the grentent haggle,. lem shipment 14- either
O Hallo.] or Canel.
i4lor term. esoitare .4 le. C STOCKTON. Allexheur Car;
St tbe lanokstare of K. C. STOCIITON.
augn err.. of Market andqhird eta
. . _.
'OR RENT—The Dwelling, No. 1552
Ihnn/ dramdram. new anattneld—se soon an the
n Leek bullOing eon the Panama mat anguria. Of
• entire hotar to , atopietrel. Tim .1.411 chamber on the
..mod (nor hue a bath ne. *Madge,. gal hat rand rollrater, water <1.4, to k.
Aim—the 1101.41 .1j611:112114. • a ruocrrn te rent. glare
4 41
earth eft - ark gear Waal.
_ .
For Sale or Fen:lethal Lease,
Inn at lot No In the ortnAtal ol dm town
oi Altramnr, tronUnw no Loth ehlwe at 11..lunr nreet. and
on Rank Lune.
rent for one or wort T the
cut lot the 1011, exteultug baitrues,
14Jue rein no of tlo
ax • rmoture lot
For larftun runulr• of Or. 11011 LAN , near
ltlt ' or a ntt o s r bu o tt a .aaaL"aa' at
Jr rtf hItAbiTVILKIN:L\
r. now Offered \
A Good Bargain is now Offered,
From Throe h, Year ACKES, lu Lueluillus Uorough
'war 111111.1-1...11. Wsg . t.; 4 l2 rJ nl,
.1 . 41 b ,:t?
In purchase will apph La BAIRD II I
4 &cowl at,.
United States Patent Office. `. ,
tN the petition of Burabai Langdon; of,
gue Hala N.
fee the mten of • patent
granted totem) mint the Oa Jentwry. forau Niteroi.,
meat in mietim for planing plant and otter lumbar, Lyr,
me. Tame hum the expirathal el - mid patent, whirr. Mime,
place on theth day of 4poary,l'd
It I. otdererl that the said petition be heard et the Pat- •
eat Pew ou Ito day of January. te.s4 .1 12 o'clock,
114 and all are neaßed to appear and obtireatue,
If any they re r t * Zr ' hy said Dobbins ought not to be gran.
Penum oPrawing ti,ot treo,de ere reitaryd WEN lu the
natant Mee trim objections, eposlbeolly sat forth In wet.
boa. et hoot meaty dare Let:molt., d.r of 1 cennal all
;Muttony Mod by either patty to he need at the geld bear.
Ling met be taken end transmitted In montane. with the
• 'mks or the ogle, which will ha lurnistred on application.
Ordered, also, that tine melee he published in the No
!Real 1101ton:dor, Republic, sod Linton; iteshlng•ton.b.
C 4 gaprem N. 4 AIL., plate ltreister, illbany,
y ti rr wt ". „7ll ' l„ . Tur. L ate ' s a r :,
Pearmirania enquirer. Peueuelplit,„ !Zane pateenyjn
Ilaseue, Pittsburgh,...., MOO week for threw" umwelre
weeks previous to the seventh ear of January. /b 52„
c _ 2/.100. NW RANK.
w Girnmesierwr oi ‘ listunLL
Uriited States PatentAtfice.
/RN the 'petition of Itarnahio
.LanOon, of
eLp , pew, New lark . praying tor the extension of •
pagan granted to lam on the oth aulau"lta, Reap it..
inurement In madam for plehlugsbingtee,for wrens; atm
trom the inni
ation of geld miasma.
,wnleb,takes el", on
the lath day of Jmittery. - 18512 ' \
late aniseed Mettle. SW retain. bol broil et tto4et:
cut Oglee On the rat day of YeSlltOrTelS , 'rtat t'o *sorter
mad ell P•I pow, ant simnel to epees, and show came
sot NUT have, why .nut potaton ought not In he grant 4,
Perm. oppoeing the o %Maim are feu elm:flab. in the
Potont (Asa theis oloections, epacitically pet fPetb to p.,tt
tug. et Inset twenty Jaya before tea hoer of heaths,. all ••
testutisany hlwl by caber party to be med at Me ere mer.
ing, most be Laken le monism:et with the nate of the of
' bre,e blob milli" lisculebed on appheetion, \
Itorthe,, Mu this Mice Le published in the Naha,
e laillfet.T. Republic, and bmeot, lb Manic., WC.:
GoPcm• Alban,- Mete Reskster, Pedalo 111mmental
User, N. T. ettretdenosJournal, Prot Mete, 14 1 2 IRS.
ton Duly Adrenirter, Booms, Mau, Pinnityltamo luqu
Pr, Pluiedel phis, PC: and Pi Itaberati Ossetteaittaburg It,
a.„ tom a week fur three etteceesivo weeks pi et loofa to toe
7111 day of Jeep., THU". MBANK,
Comnissionrr Yr Petrutc`,
United Stater litint.OSice, ‘ };
, ternine
lAN the petition tot dII. Sorel, of Paris;
et., Prang, praying ter the extetaion CI • patent grant ,
to hint tior au improved method of kenning don nod
del from rust or filidethin for wren yens fnito. the calor
eratitin nt end panixt. wrigh ink. vine OA eevezah
da of December. lea:,'
St Is urOouo that Petition Pe heard et the Pon.
exit un dateirdey, the too of her, hill, at 12
°clock-M.: and all person are notified alupaatalla renew
Loif aft they hare. •hr tell p ought norm be
oted. -
Know appoint; the extension an on:mirk' to fano
Patent Oftire their contious.`opecilleally vet rortkit
Uuw T pine al nether blysf the
eoti of
and be nine and o tranimitn& acconlexin with die
noun Intelligence', *pub*, auddlnion of Washinotto*
D. 1.1.1 Courier :in hnotirer o he* Yen; l'runey Mona 10.
Vnilai D e Vottsiterlill ' lMoTr " tiletratt=
b ; Cowmen:la/ itulletin. hew 'Odium., tontine:
and 1• C ur linnet* Pitheburgh.Telourylents, ones
vent three nennire iireeknorenone to the Anti der
of Lierember next. THUS, '
' ‘ l`
oeltolarodln mumiesiotn of, Patents.
gentile/glint:4lWe cecompany.
GUARANTY FUND,, itiloo 009
'MIS COMPANY (Afore to the Itienred
A she oecurity auWadrantone ofXbefiluttni end.10:10
/dock Plans no henitotore applied/ Low
ran of premium; an mutual returolluhanh Of the per
online required Mr the contlogent no of throned: an
ai nquete, but on exceeds* proneloodur the futureneu
rity ut Dinneen for the whole term of lift, •Ith nod.-
Me interest In the accumulating fund enured 1.1 nob,
members. payable at death, by credits upon their pdMl y,
a guarenty hind deemocil for the permanent security 16f
Mort term members, arid Wan for the preeent oecurirco l,
Mon for the whole term of tile.
aterThte le the only Mutual Llf.4 Inouratiot Oonstiit
whose rain of premium are tined shy fair rotund ota ,
areawith • on:flak. for an moonily '4. ncreliolug'sectuutt=,
teflon of Inds (for future enmity) in e ‘ tan. PrOteidtton to
the amount of *Moen and the. turrening rink. hi* ad
re...4 ege nand the member. t o
Pamoblte, trans, ar., giving in &MN the oleo, and
retie if Om fiominor, furnintel grain. net erotica*.
for Ineurance rearm by J TURBETT, itrt,\ZW tr' l •fnnf DLWORTI. ddijl
Je44:// (41
Winter Stratum] Whokl \
out Oil:
Racked W ooldd:
brown Tnnene 0111
160 bag. prime 800 Oaf,
2.9 ht done T. 11. Tee,
10 tinµ
16 ^ POnhong Tee;
12 box a s. bona entre awe, for Issedir
12. boxes 611 Tobacco. choine brew*
1 J
nanool~ b. Lump;
' 16 tierces in
:'A bole. Orushed Pusan
411 - eon - oust lending br
_obi ti. &Lk/
Wilkinstrurg Acadetny.
Mal. and female Enylish and classical ScXoal.
JAMES HUSTON, 'A. M., Parweirwr- •
on tt for t
..,tiona of pup* loon. end fionite) 31 . 07.11
TOM= lot. The mutt of ronnnie
the brenchn taught lq the beet Arldellme .111
ties.' Illustrations will be giveum La all 111.nd:toed:pin ing
of tr. The School Isrldiel with au . 04
yid. we Philiwypt,kal, Chemical, and Astrontieal . ll
. 11
pats a For Pirtulars, containing full Pntor. tine no
referent, addrrn the PrinelpeL _
11 itnintitird august li,liar.--fahtlpaleoda9
hiIX i A ;a LIO ACID:-300 lbs.'fol
KW i!alo p ii;y eo - :
200 tales Ilattl.a; , \
- LO " Cantllvriek - rut Ws bj
• ong - A.CIII/IkLas 1I 0 CO.
IL PEPPERMINT-100 ILE. puro for.
mle by (aLS) R. SI EELLERS•
rqem RIBBONS—A. A. MA'isos .47F0T:0. 1
uve na. OD law IQ canons rich iqle Plakt uiA
IN GAR-400 bbls. for sale • r
.1) A• Ci g a . AM!'
IN 4kpotms.
gN and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th,
\he -- t'lefreland and efiffinnall Railroad onapanY"
etorall f at from Clerelfuni at?
S Oti s'lcoa. aortrand in Vl*-itnytt dfl pan
r ',lf,"zw)"'"
\ --"r"d,';',.r.\7lzr4m,am
Ohio alio Pennsylvania 4Eulroad.
citAN ?I , : IN TIME OF STA Nff
N AND A 'TER MONDAY. tet.ith
Rho afternoon In ardi lahle Self Ertahlon at 1 , .
P li [Sc
~...nrrd 1•311-. Faderal .r ,mat
boa., a td . Dowto,
11E41 PARKIN. Tiv at
and Pennsylvania Itailro
ig IN and alter MONDAY, ALIO DST 4 th ,
15.1. a 4 . 454en1104 1011111 MO ow faiowor
LEAFY. NM HILIOIITON at .4. d and 1 lAI
LEAVE. VITTStiLIi , III. at hi \,.t .1 and 1 I' 11 .
'via num. 3 C11'; PER WILE.
Children under terelye.years of air,lt price.
Between Pittsburgh and :Met.
sf,r P•SM111.11111 tickets Will be told al redo rate..
Bet we..r, Pittsburgh and llocherter, to iuty .01 non
lurk. the ammo day . . .... .. .....
litter... Pittsburgh atui New Dription and teick
the same day ..... . •
sir Tim Train will not run no dutglae. bul - ne r lclon
Tickets issiped on Saturday. will be good fur the.tu trip
on Moult,
loanibosueo will be et the Depot. on Fnlormi etre.. ds
tn.., paw...ogres leading then. any where,. the run
from C 1... Bridge. to the lIICILK/llgOwls House, the, 1311fi,
Ouse.. leers the 110111:10.1theilL
lieu.. Itort.llate/ y prey lona to tbe leaving of the Car. for
the ark.* peseetigers 1.. the Depot .passi DI beam
Sterrhat.,. 11044. the M. Charlet, along Fifth edreet, Item
Wol.l to Market, and along Of. Clair street. At aneiPOILC
alt.. the rm.., tm....ertoees eon hail the Omnibus, end be
entire,. to Thoth...
The Railroad will estendol beyond New Brighton at
the ..arileat nreetirtable dal •
Br enter of the Board of Director.
aug7.3f Ticket Agent.
rumr,iumveEn AND entro INONZAAND!
PronsyloamO Railroad rood Ewers Packtf Li?
tollne ILNDInNad
!WM, 01431 . MA." AIM OOKMITI2I.B San. fo
Two. Daily Lines &taco; Packet Beate,
On and after Monday, August 25th, the
Packet, 01 rho! Linewill. leave Pittsburgh for Lockport
n pry cowman at a o'clock, and every evrtilng at lio'clock.
\Wtallrod Lich hue. 10, alla4lr aline thxlr+velvet) dl.
Wet for Philadelphia.
fir Tome tlinwch. Pont Mural - int
Ey his near arniacentent o re, tbroOo
NOE Muth FR Out, heretofore, Owing twent) IL
moat tray. Ll...blink them on marital M P1011.1.10..Lit0
Pro.. -, t O , New Turk at once
Tale the York and Cumberland Ilailhuid. at Ilarriaburn
-.lOstatib,.4.latit,.lnur mine. Tune. YOUR hours.
Van, ton'hiladalphis. 110. Faro tobialtintorn, $0,76.
kanninter sR do ilarrionurn San.
If you de ens rhea trarellng mid comfortable...notate
date., nactite your tielicheat the Ticket Mee, 31onotime
J. P. HOLMES, Agent,
LEECh it CO.,
Canal Baum. Pena anat.
atut 1851. atitg:i .
Via Brownsville and X.,'amberland, to Baltimore
and Philadelphia.
MLLE MORNINGBOAT leaveof tho Wharf
atar.. the Bridge dolly. an Pi o'cloek precieelboOn
aredug loth the can at Cumberland cell mondial,
Illvenlng Boat hum.. dallr ('WMt nntobil
at o o'cick. cow:Laming with the cask at Cumberlatat am
ereolog Ili o'ciock.
Tito. through to Baltimore, boom, Farr only 441.
Than throonh to Philadelphia. 40 bola* Fare only RIO.
The N Howl la nowiktiutucton no with
the Cowbes betmwo Prowassllhe and Cumberlind. whttli
tuakra Ihle deindallt the beet route For.. \
J. al ESILLSIMN, Agent.'
ntrel Otica la j the MoncogitheLa Nome.
att r glinEWll
compt,r,d to Lotiport, 2U milts tore of John ;fount.
IIE SIIBSCRIBERK have the pleasure to
omminow to their (nem:brand patrom of th e P..
' 11`41, 1 !::!!. - .: 1 . ,e=1%,17' . ... per " 7. " l:::7V,lgt
gad 111111 Philadelphia in ro uh O ,,A
e are now 'inquired to rewire and lorw .1%11m1 . ..0at
the following niter. of fraight: • '
I BAT CI.AOO-1007 (lonia Hata khoes.
P ' gra "' in C nt=
ke 1e 311410 u Ina
Sit TR.ccA.,..l::Ti;;;;;ii=l;,-.7.-d;;;-
eerie!, Paints. nye Botha "ilk brattier. Ow ,
re, Flat. Timothy mid other Orme newts.
1t not, \ .
Tlll ChAne—Beet Pork:Motto, La.o lanl
kaa l Sga .. .. cc
twat, loara, : TW WC . Uratztand .6,, \
eo•llarbtolrtrrrhl,h'ar. \.
ettela. ll . ll,o, FrumuC.T....,ndie.d4la
nsg'.D oner of Peon Wain, :
1841. gifigigAig ":1851.
litiallrk auk the \Pate Ral/rmul, connacting with
C L lltltt Z;rdit=rtattAtVe/ta ' AN . 47:.l ° llgl
rlamluoky mai Clnemotal Ihallroada and Mamma. on Um
tobto and Mtsohnipw4 tirers.\ and Me Ohlo,',lmilana and
Pennektrania\ Canal.
(deoulAnexceptat) ,
Ist Mote fag 14ml. Train at
1 d o'clock. • '
Evenlau EM.. 3Si
'The Tnin 4, 47 hr Elizilra. s .wheLa paincnseks
1 1 ;11E - Lt`nrtt ti=i7d''
Thu Eames. ilocichi'and Cattle Train, karts Dunkirk at
A. M. drub.; ‘le Faveruker Car is attached thla Train to
50M04.2.15t., War Inkaancers andltrarers.
WV Pact NUM Munklra.,to New York, Pi, Pecond ChM
pr 01111. Ewan Iva few ram
Thix Company. aro nrepaied, tranopurt Bre stuck and ‘,
fr. bins of all kinds to mitl, ,from lb • rotk.
holletaLar 014e1,1099 \ The rano
kt. 104 ...ot wide, wires thEit rotas, grcat
awn, guano ilmirwela In thedraufiportation of
Trail. will in, pot In comarton in
vc, mt. MM..
Fre Ist Tariffs will kw diatntatud. IO reg•rst to U, of Preliitit, Ouon r CALO
p,R Dull arnev
repated ' An MINOT. Bop
I J. NOTTINGHAM. AGMS, Dunkirk. . nttrua
Inciplaut Comurupt...llarran.ra, Irregular Mourtrt„
alio. Lucorrhes. or White, I um otinentoollrlo., and
, smleral gloomy .tata • of Mind, am moll LT Dr. Carmtfa
EATraee id Frlldne Ma a...T0...1r0n/AL whioli,Cfrm hio • -
otatiats. relief by remark.. the Om - .Hum of haalth 'a.'
rtnioll-the bloid. ,11 mutrailsm rid hutuirroL oh* ' ...
unnatOral sorretlom, aul tore. to-MILY ...Hon to MI MB.. ".•
vital powen. •
1 at all.who wldi to NUM.. tlia blood from thOltaznirltir. • •
coutrorted from the Imo inflirlaTorn of rho aryaßtardurilis
\ tha .00, aod to oretra. H. matan. to 'rah% Harain t ir
.o.drom m , omort .0. to Ur, CormtN. Koran of lalloNo
Hork and 'to paring, whirl. le oroyina it..lf .aothlotie
fur many of ttnyt.t noiliaoaLl dinar. Milt ila sit irluir, , •
.am they wit sorer -M. dimoooiniol: for in MIA morn'' • •
.. , .
dr Ura public hot Am nover raorroct-torror tool frovo . f,. -• \
1.0 141^Munded ori riimrirun.,joN m their, want at rune.'' ••
• 11...ther Mat foUtioliTrompontlda . ONION.' m l iTI - TratiMi.... - 1.
Thar WY 8.. rain.Mo Mom.. 1,4. k hoo., lira,..d Ma I.
or from thia norammOO.ol4. itoo,l, tco
lbogog t 0 .w 0 04 '
01. Man down 10 Itimlthimil apirsta, howarar haoli...tor to
hirmailf mid other., Li . op:. dov.poil a hiT naroTeolo late
tto pialvikt Ottir.otolefutat9 thailiis Low .d oh, aival re. ..
mantimatho alum. to tiuMmea BTrnot of 0.11., task
aml Ematiparilla, mod permaila hina s eLr bin 1010', gab., to -
• try it. arid we Lam.. MOM.. In timilictiog Ms staiaaly
' .
i ''' 4 . •' 1 ';',•• 1 4:_ :3 4: - -,,'
\ /I.IIALTZ. furlo TDB • FOLLO NO: • '.
i Nintraxt. N.J. .oary Z. •
Mr Borneiti-We takat ' plomittra ha.talltM that your
Yellow Bork and NarraparilhiLlam great ..14,0 ortion m
ormy cam-
A, Tory impartable ,Nentkamii infoimed tor_ tBM ~"
Miughtor war troubled with dfitionit r.tiatrusti aral =•'
other &rases prouliat to berms :\ Alia had .0 IT
reaolar menstrual cliirhar a m for i Bug Ham: but hr •
um of Dr.Hoyaott's tollow I/ork andilatimparilMithe w
raduAllr cored. Tarromtad'Amol atom Itlllomi
toceillog 14nst./Mt...1 taoati. Ili, Lad"ooNtlaughtar di.
Morn the Mum moon. \ .I. it TRIPP A - CM:.. , •••
• ' . Illowarimury, fl wain. wooer. Mar: INT. ".
S. F. Houma i.-Bear Sir, \I purthamd, a r_hmt tima aiNa '
• bottle of your Tallow Borkloilllarlfilamilli s far Mr
„whiah rho has natal tor tier \ compLiiot. kirridool.i_...d .
iltralmess, lalliaa of thn Writ., Co.. amd it b s io,..r. m ir
Ballad GM very mutt. or Oh. ‘ Tirralmilto it haa ...Hi: .
...mad • cure: I h.,. Jost FortztAsed a• mem..o„LotHe:
'OO.l jud e laN troco Ma eloct of tli.i . „furroar leaf conYMON-
I 0
.\ - 0
.:., 0„'
that It Iti ill MINT ji perfmt our. \
Your. very re 007 7 4011 y, , \N. OilliHßlT..'''• • '
" .. ..
1651. •W
REITZ 4 ISI\, .18M. _
, , • E.n. a. To.uhlina,ot Itrie.N.Lo.orril of Li Ter • C.m.hlothit. •\
TRANSPORTATI9N C O )4PANY. . \ Naloimtiou of tho Heart, Hari.. of tlt.: l lcm.Vold. '
m. ot Um Naomi 6666 sod A luilatiem o• t .et Lath,..;',,r .
D. LEM &CO B . Mt. , , t.,,n i wit
amt.., ...lair by rilOsott'a 4 01. N Blia •
\ ...,. s''
and rarosportilo: ..•
• Kam, Pa. 'NoyetO • brr\Tll - IB
‘ 4 l •MgE j .„.l. .„
' '-' '‘"... ' laaaa \J.D • /tiri, AA.O4--1 &to imppy tOiti . forilv;o it,Pt 11,, '. ;,: ' •
RAIL 'R OAD ADD\ CANA \ I, : *4 _,."°` u ''''", _'''''''' D ' t " . `" i 2 '" ii " iln `,
I ~- of 70u, lot. ore, the troolllt.v.o4l. the alio.
sal. Provo:aloe of retorin . MO 10 hoonli an,rn
PITT, SBII RE IL P.IIILADELPIILA, BAT LI- ii„,..,.•,,u o t 1..... . .. - . •
\\ MORE, AND NEW YORK. ''',. a• no' I voriiiiiimend mlyig the Veil. Irma mall
"AV . Canal being' !n • onkr, we ' \art, anfi. i unruly Itta inort lorble OOOditio0; Iwo
• . to
bate 'j
p ......4 .....p.....11...L.., IT OHM., with Palpitation of the lleortt mid all
\u fro he abate <AR, at, M. lowwat euromt rat. \ot moat aarrnostins MHO. in 1100 tart a. MITT •
it \
Traight.A. h oromptnera madlstmloti. • Tim \ hoax and p.m a t, troot4d wlth ilimllims in Ire. fowl, • oil
t K L,w
,',. o''W.
me am awned and notttrolloll, the proorietia‘ to. 1011.
0r„......., \ ......t0,,,,L ...a .11 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,oir ~,...\ 1.11.0,1011.0, .10,1 numbness.( my or 0 10 10 lom,
• trialed In "
„yr.. hem Mau very rostirial I.m. tar maio rely , .
NOW to. araddrem . \ *molting tlin Mart aldo umlioil 00...4.10 thie. troclL 41,
\ \ HATS At BLACK. PropHotors. • .
, 0 e.„O L,..,,, r,„,,,,„.„,.,,,,„„.. 1 ,
,fo Uutlato, hot .wld mtaorahof from their tromrlolt
\ \ • ~ \ HARBIN a LBLCH.ProprtertmL • 1 ham also tried irgreat Variety of /.111)Madlaiiwy. ,
0 \ 118 mITIniiNl4:? L 8 0 ..13 a 18 . ONOth 3 . 1 ...1itita , halo or NO stiem.a. But Mr Mai „MTh Mat 1 imit
. \ •.. i Collratiny, Depot s lowa st,Thlta. -
\\ . BIITII A WRANCINCIM, Ageto.L. 3,11,,. .aaa- -...." harMIA.N. Tar M.P.. IMPIT
\ \ .„ : , „Yu - .5 North at, 11.1..00 0 0041 OHolomal to do To until ali Or MT tormortlimi,
i'. ~ \ . ...,,` ~:t. a, .
~..A.L T I., ~,,.... plaiirtn•wero nal/L.4y totuored. ,My Ica IC n0w..010
\ •"..
__ -•\ - ' •.. "*"
.. t. ..", ....„. 004 tree\ Irmo polo,,MY , MO 0...1 IrMattraNlNlood ti.
1 ,26 IL milk eL . Einwar D \ foot rehalLycliM. toy a:Hamill.. al. warna nila eal
• • / 8 5 : • . my bow.. am Mallar mut 1 feel in all to.yard s tail a
„ly a rautraftd M.. I Isar:„, My. to Mend iaiiirra.
LLOt torTe rtMaatol unabla tabor your Tarr, Talmbia
I'InSEUEUIL 41) CLEVELAN,I) . dk„,, , it ,•.,•;(k,,, - 3,A k „, ~.,,,willk. end ail?
.E 'F'' , " \Nara -4 , 1 Bail..d .Line to Cl...ellnd. b.,`, vastly nos,ww.3 hi• a. and roprear. thoirl.j.l
p A SStkiiiii.r . V . HAVBNCVCry..M.HI/11,g 14 9. Smillodo; Vomit MOH'. .", MAOCUS ANNULI/IN.
'rlook,„ By Or . tta ihrom„ thrum by expo.. ' (bl - Yoh. pholli. 0h1... NM up in larita la' l2-8 /. •
gi:::lmitta tity r e . o b t, tpenc, to- ratatourult.d 4 , .7.25,1 - 4..k ry ,, yu.,r4 5 ,4,1 n,..i.:,icibi,'si.p b1..a0-mC
• „,„ \ olam, 'with the writ co sigusturv; B-Altricie:L . or.
i Ad•Ftre to C1.T.0.d. Sr \ . -
To (4 .land. TO Loom To Etrirmit,To boom \ . 'lmMalq ' , MOM.. \ '-•". . • , • ...
• ; .
.. , .
• 'Am.', IM \'' ' OHM.. HI '' \ \ bold by d'oo. ABSB. nainuatl. Chit, Mirtlirliat.rooro,--• f,
Tletam roam !Broach 10. N .... \ -\ ' ty.i,rd, .P 4 W.Lurit MM.... r °Hat , . oo Wolo " l ' l P '.l ...'' .'\
el Ne iTTAT • . . ~`: twin.a 'Yhlarnituaillar \ adlxTekal: ..
-"•• • • ••
. . . , . . ~
Vla Columbus and AMita., by C1001a.04 and ClOdrenau‘ ''''' ' " \ '
J. ir t ol.l 1-1.10.,N. A. IlahorstoM a Ca. J: .t ',/0.101...1: : .• _
l'amoncera for Ile it ChirstNo arol Illc„ \ rau kin, hiar. \ BrikroLfr. l'ittihurgh:lmi XL Backhata..llo.L.oTCNT.l.
Clas Ha. every rresolm \at a. \n'clock.H. throplandid L. T. IM..ol...Wiabiltallutißil; Bowl. : C0a....... u. C. ' •- .
maarion. oyidlrbla. Fa y Itadocad Co. for INtrolt. "... Th . ,i,„„,,b,,,,i1105t0tz, ` larrot MM. a;fii1r.0....) ,
tbeloor ot .I. °duet, A. ILOby Railroad. to NNW . !wawa. • ' •
\mid mrirlos mum imenluk at ChirtMo tirsteamboal . Board; Rod a : 1 / 4 •12, On a it.Ofo ,3 tratirr,liolii.isiol;ord ,
. Dialog low water ha the Chit, n• Ti„, Milo mufti to o.lm Llddrlatioea Co.. folfatto; d.. 1:. Wright, b,lttani.lot ..
natl, BL Lot.. and (IL1.41•41 ha Mund unicitulokirr. , p,..... - ., O,L'hmorMIN.Y....WM.o. •A You, AVM madom
', l " . "'" r ''' 'Pl. '"'"Li r ilti ikittzt.4ls.l7(li,, Prirptiatars.. '.
MoNarahol a - 00. N. Callaoder, 4 1' .. , A4 , 111.08itrihe..4 , • '
•\ \ I nNTO. /* ' • cote: thahato a BMA.. *vs .cola BellyA. Co; 80% ,
Tor s etketa Or Informatlon apOl2o o , ... \ . 1,, p,pmuh. Deaner; J. o.s.4 , au•noa• Warn.lY.l.•,,A al •
. JOHN A. Atitlll 'Y,Liiteut a
1 1 • 14 Halm) crcart of Borah and Wpterstmets: IL A.. , Coodarrf 8 -cf. NI T ,,,,4 . 4, . 5' ,,,,, • ~.• •• -.
• oPOONH Ma . 1 . 1 7ita101. , 1100N0 \ ifitrfill. \ ,trta,Bolfi A54".1f,00/10/...(0 , , • ,-TXL.
rt ,, C'F'n*
1851. \ iiiii - Judd's' Ittediai€titLii .. , if . Oti \ tiite.::j , .•. -.
INE - , an is ARTO;LE in limeade .finelnintly tisi;
• .. .
\On the Pe' tennis and OtOtte•l 'th. Mu laraL Iloalmogra „rh air lo tomootAlloorral ' ~.. •
\ \ pftopmaTuarti ~ • H. l''...'Poall'rlathruasfriTri.....V.r.filiirlit 111:?..i.arrOVN-.7"Yre..41-
enaaan.. PARK A CO.- -..-... Mfrs. Si. • .00 , 0 t .n , me. , ...I .. 11 . • 1•41 ".•. 1 . 222 r.." 4 ", o. toNtra • "
GILLIINKALIN. C CO ..................RO.
1at....0.87 O. a tairoabiN „ ..,_
.. ,, „ ,
.., .„ . . \ . „,. , ~ .. „..
. 74,
r il: // / S • well kil°°° Lin° 6 now l 'i'a 'red g° , .T.Liglf,„"-,,V.-"'.r.,..1.,;A1..,",,t,n1==e0,- '
- v . :mg. - L(l,4am .4 p.....x.„._*.r•••,,_.,1r Erf_Vton ..,4,..,a LA'lisr... 1 A Woo, "1iim0r......; L .;,47 - _
an, CLAM ALAND. to .r.Solt '0t....' - 88 ; :1 , 1 ;F- 8 :1 chmtfollYroLm..a.t tt to tau 14.,1N.,.....011,re1tal eel
Thai farilitiMof Um Lim .0 unt.o•Nowl ....... 4 -, .4. eacelleilt milmituts kw adhrove - Owl,. lii Are.alOß,
ff.aud ...mitt of Boats, irap.Hatow M.-. 7..•, s \ • , tayna, 44.eralda, 0d... ault allkinamd.hmti woatipl.l . ,
• 6 1 " ) 411 , M4 El tt;b.rg".l Chrt..".il
1 . 9 r en, ''''ek' ''''
h".4.. ... PP Till , frit d 3riltl ', u,r \,.\ '. \
Vaal'mare ll tl i dnllti h Allt. antrallit. of firatoMmbwta
MmarriroMmta, ‘. \\ ''
•'. 1 8 1 1 fitt i al,%1L.111. 1, ta. 'T ..,:, i. , \ \
Ithomllor and iimils)trOfb. WT. • \ • \.. ... • • '•••
' ' s .„ , „ N. 1.11,11.ame, si. ig, •,,\ ~ ° .: \,. \
~ \ •\ \ k. HAMILTON MUM AN.11:01,.' .._ • , •
\ \ Puts 1,00.4 Toroundowir.o: . , . ' , . `, ~ - ... ra.Lmktatru nuita, m. D., k‘cna•44 , ... \
. \ .43 , n , Kniaa. all 1.M. Morin.. in Ma kily Le .\ '
‘•, 1 1 .11, 8 6,Z$L W Itroe/ i. 4.70., . '. . midai..o
&a., : , ••• , '. ,
..,..,s,- •
\‘‘ C. PraitialLammus. _. „ \ A • Or MI akr ~ .
.',. .*JIIINEATOCK AH00.,‘,..,-• \
\ \ U"rt"" " 4 "" 1.... '“ ):T1 ‘• . -.,\\ • .i....- , -,..r.- .1 42' . " . !--=2.2tt'.!..1! •
mmt,tirineHTL,... T ., . 22.4
,M. A. v. i r . e . 7 . . tp ,..., .
.. . ;114 . k.V.E1t to3lP.L.Alh!rer fice)thai'fii rant( ' \ .
L '
' • 11.4.*1111j2tehre'rkfi.4''. (I.'
r r.
7 , , 1141,..-crl,Pf ..1..b14'i4"1 ' "%e‘ _bolt
\ .. . ,lur cnorll b tiring tha rni leall,r.r.r tree cs:e.' cor, ' ‘. ‘,'
`.. 0.1 Marto t 00, _ t e kids., . Mr. ‘..E. Neltera-la•ari4.o',lJ4lei,kl,'".ll.,
„„ 4 r i . b t . I , ltg ,, Ul s l& . ukOo. tn. : : , \ - ....,.,.... ....,.,.... yo., Li,.
iißlrit time idtertto 1.04 J.,
1 2 , \Th ..i.,,,.,,, r , - \ ~ ~,0,,,,v.„„.„....,„,.„f.... O.OHI 131.1 or ....,,-
leo it. No. How IC Mc :Imo • . .
M.l. \ cot. JUAN
aud A CIM '-' llfilll i st r .:lAftaTima . ti . , ' °l°. NU -8, 1 I . 4 N I oNIN 88 1r 84 Y. 0 . 04 Br iolio -80 :Na. .M Be \
If le. Mir that there he Imo a that '„..
E zoomoi:ol T i t a to ever . 25 oen u . , timdonenia roMorti goOd.' I,lnorhorsaLtlo,l.4 wolli lar•
tuNivii, , but: In a in; al Mat I.hatot of tray to. r 1.... a; :.
r/ II F, fiLo nas nnges.'
kit - ' \ • ".
''''""""...VA """'"'
d '''''''
1. IM:08B8 \ad. nitrmi mo L .rin , 72;114,:i',.'1"..:=1A11,1::::";,.*''3'
r..r. thel\
. 4 0
.p ~, ran , • • , . t Mommormommolol HAM la ail who f 3 GA .......j. .;
6.. ,... t ew, every .. L 4004. 70011, 0 uk.,,....., . , , d .,......., ii ,,
..,,,„ ~. _ , . .
~ ,
it.Ter. I. . mbar. 1 0 ... ai,
' 4.8 ' 8 . 8. B'4 i. 8° • " \f 8 ' .• 88 . 8 B. __,__ Fllrcloorni will ratOrpte_r Mal all 1'i110f0110,1 . 4. - T,.. ' -
MTN.. wlth nu. :im to Bra or moo' . r - ........ , ' tilt' othry lb. thim'OrTINTII.I I.t. 11. YL14.1 - oN' ' • •
Tick*. toltortmalor od tarok . PlustorTsh. to 00 bouts, at ikocal wort. am coMitirs or liare morationa. • '.••• 1,"• r
~% \ 1 ,...„,.
_TI•BOI. gaol tor down mda7 lop thallort... .
-..--i„ ' , •
Foy ',Mon apolr
.. board the aaraboaU tllcarity." ON .7 - T --
. Ihalipal tia 4.^ or tett,. imus o • '\ ‘ , • ..1 4 • • 011.10 F.. ALEYCC; 0411..R.VS_Thlt.:OPZE:-..
..,9 ,\ . Q.:Li l t:s' e A akitesiya .11, N. 4 ,1),..1.. 'L - n"8•011"D" 911 1 410 4 . 7 1 "'" =IL cr''''''' . •
, '....;-.,-..''''.-... ....',. S . ' • rzardy fr. tho =1 . 1h , , b..idd.” rf NoTas.aor. - -_
Arrangement to Folkorcl. *Wig 14 :...,<T) .4 bker-l=tki. '11..6 ...kr0t..... B.,;',WLIZ--
TO BALT - I/10K IN FIVE, LIAM \ - 1 . :17.•tipty.stniunian.aroa..A.1,,uxn-or,tii ~•-t_.,1,...
A. !I • E ', RAW ' PENNS ylNAllik !INT 18' tholaN 8 18 iB.l4l 4.. B.4 :4 l 4ititVir=f4n
21., AILILBOAD 001117 ANT r ~.......,,, „,,,,,,,k,,,,,„,,,,r,e.....,,„„i.,,,„,....,,,, •
• • li n .•' .. , • tanut Pan a_ ... Wsra• ma.. , _PirD a.-._, , k. r' . .. 0 4 , .
.n.,,. i .„ 2 ~,,,,,....,.. k. ,.,•
vr y , w % Tr !: „ t‘r .,,, k,:=
••,T• Leacl, ifivw wor_u_.._an4 mei btac...astnronn•ri,,lthrOOM
'a „IVirt.M. ri c 74B=j - .. 4l .at.x.o. : ll,roirailed, Nit
‘ " 01 8 88 '“•" . .:' • ~1431.4111.1.14Lifi.
491 4 190 . 1.VALVLATS--1 4 4. sibs by N,
JL 'aroXi• J. Immo co, ww.
1 511 , 1,1 ) 11 GAI,•• - . • ':.,',1,-L.:-\
,-, _-.- - s - _-.
\ v----r-,---J_
1 Y I.CICERRY I,ECT(RyiLD--- , \
\ ,
Pig TIN Cllglf ittg ' .....".....",!.' y, '. ' ', \
. COUGyk. CO DR, I(O.iIii3EIIESH; 811.0ta,11/.- ' 0 , , \
- .T113;1911t PINCI•COLT6II, VitOlir f : . ' \
\A 111 % . 00FtFltrAIPTION I '
.•- . .
.N offor •, t to', a community tiny )6 , 10
weletuutod mly for \t/ige....of th. riingit Aral long..
.. ,
it Is not our 'oa t tying With the 1ie.... bowlii, i.f Ina - \
Ilfinfral. Intl (rant! to lay bon,. thmo - the ilia/nit,. al
dbatinatilahnl nom \ nro) am. I the evWeums of it. ma. ~
re., from ',bleb their ' aim Jag tor It. lie ola-
tereli Oral. ounway. migo \no wil.l...t.oria os. fol.
rte.:not. of its em or vflar buLl oat •ny 4.440 In
,*. .. .
Mffering humanity who'll egtOrikl not Wasn't, 4 _
. . .. .
Slimy proofs ten here ifilion, and oomlmit on I Mieg
from IL , pubil. into all wo ;,t/Y,, )I,ltese Aosurrai
a 111 Cud them perfortly r.ll .k.l mot ti,r mralirthe wOrtirl_ ••• - . _
thrir twet vontlion. mai pstrOalt, \ \ . -
s ,
i V.m lb. diMnattiebral Pron-telk Of Clitgalrtry .1n4711.
aria Modica. liotrilormlaglano.l ,
Da. Slit I delay.' 1uu....1n1f lb. i'mala .470. , t ,... ”
Pntalum, until / had an, Vr n - iftnOennii n i:4 ,-, .
U. , , ICI my own limily.or sa th. tmuilks of toy./ mi. "' - ' •
~ This I bar. no. ~1.,,, with • high dog., of rattnqilcti...
In ... both of strum and hire- \ ."\ \ '
1 bar.. tona! R. an its Ing - rnhonta alfor.`a pow,orjal gala. ,
for roLl.. moths. and pulmonary Jife , tieat. ~ l' ' • .
Aftlit:h CL.CA 1, 11th. nI•
rtmotwirk, 11, gob. a, 1.7.
lIMA ams A l arrnan'ln Una liemiltosiglill., la Ogg CltY• c -;
." ' ' 'l:'l', lit..ZY k yT ' u t i`Ug L t .. l 7 :4l. "' " b
1: 1 1:1,11," hen I bay, opportunity of ...:ortnar . ar. it
lour., morrartfully,
Lwoll Aug. ID. Igiu. • g DARIN i.'.
.-- \
ad- him tlo. rollout., mot or if list, oiratimr.l. w b
• •11 patient EMI Irmoe yory fra-blitAmol lid' ' ' '
eel of the tu lei. w. unoiratAlimbly thatin -- ' \
. IL . Illyta,fiattrnkla grams. July , %big \
far. J. C. Ayr Sir 1 Imo bram Antiviral with natal./ \
nitration a the 1 a., nrol .11 Ito, 'moon. o aottlral • ,.
ranfantilfitftn. tar than a re.. ..1
annld fi ano- ~, a'r
do that. would ourtt my ...ft-, non, 1 maiimmgest tho \\ ''
\ \
tot- of tour ebsrry , g - tor.l, whirl. mit. rue ...I ;141 ,
11. f. Aml 1 1,... town bm , llly goiltina.., .inm n in ill
, •
air botaith .1.41 W. rertt....l.. It nil. Urtng youetimo ''.:\ ''''
ki n ,. pe,,,,y In a anni atlnn of flaring witrl tt Mr ir‘cr. '\\ ).
,i ,i,4A.
• I Irtimd. Al. 1 rtimh. ol Suutplor fa.tnet, who 14.1 . A '...'
.., simp,dal /nun totagrato, WAS:lntim to 8 ,.......r..:114- - \ , ±
ui. I buy pt.utor I
r! ' ''''' and
'.' 3,10 ,r 1i 3 A '" li.o n' tl47.: ti, 'l ?ati tbirrim... \
Tto. , Ilowirm Irma mot of Itig. worst g 4 c.a.. ;YAM the , A -
z,hy-.,. .. And friends ilonigi,X, Le turntable rarommi, . • S it • ',.-
Cnawytif. Ili„ tor ..• Itirt:',. \'" ~,.,
J. C. AY a—Sir. I ar. talon AA, a tortilAra
• :
brought ton • a rcld. In Ow brain sr o tort A.Lro.yr , ,
.yot w., .... .1 lo my 1,4 I, .. il Ito two amotira. - •
ituablna tura anti,. oight A./ gai.44,
Ylmotir , ' \
anJ psi, my oy • w.n, maim ~.4 4, . f. amt., brouth
bon in, 4;1 winognkoliy,f.soi. hi o mei, dm c'\,.'
frt.. Mr tel but lit arg r , ... , ..1-1 mu,l . - ,
1,. maerMitimt it , to it. MO , 1ti0.,,,, •r u v 4.4 +l' lalur,
I IL. Ilov,\Jolinli.l r,gf IL. Itotioatoo fl •• lbr,ofl , \
nitt n Witt. of roar ~,,rry I, fo.t. , i , - , .. ..3 mr...
irof. " lll , = elf= =11:7„".Z.:-: `:"77. 2 ':.:; ;
, ~,,,
I ouon rond Cur bolidth tow!, itopm..i. , ..: r.r.
month , f a un ad , IttoiolitiKia, no - ,,/ . " ... /'f '''''''.c...`. .1 \\
only to you, a rut meg., +. %ems it , .. • 44,
.!4.'.'.. - r ''''''' .r... -
17 . .ikate+1 Ante .1d by .A. - ' •
, \
... ,
\\S \
\ \
\ t
\ .
l': c
* : i
tI - cc
' ' ' '.•.; !
..1 .
\ ,
\ ~ ~}.:~