The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 14, 1851, Image 4

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:DOUOLAAiff ":0,71 , , , MD, FOR Maiet's OLlTza.
d. WfuthlttgtOb COie4ilandelli of the Herald, tells'
story of theta gentlemen. which isworth copy
ing. it would keens that being the recent fair,
at Roottestev, ',number gentlecarn met, at a.
dinner-party; and Atliong the' 'platy of bright.
particolar stars was the diatingniabed CrratOf of
the day. Douglase, and the ex Secretary of
War. The wit end wine towed apace; and at.
length, Marty, with one Album knowing looks
of Lis , prase, end propeied "the health of Mr.
pouting, the able ettatortkiiin Illinois—may be
nontitiuwfor- the nett...eix yeara to ill hi. place
Dhhe Senate, which he has already no mach
- The meaning of the sally way evident.
and kfaray's eyes twinkled with satisfaction at
the "hit." Nowise abashed, however, ~ the lit
tie giant", straightened himself oil.-and after
returningthanks, concluded by giving "the tie
thigulaked ei-fintetary of War, Governor Marcy,
with not ;kapok en his character, and hot one
patch on his breeches."-- .
Diameeds,- : The London Morning Chronicle
indnlgestina following speculations, to which .
certain recenCenemical discoveries have given
It would - be ciccedingly curious if, at some
future exhibition, diamonds .rivalling the Koh
i-lioar should be considered nf less value than
the glass models shin& by Mr. APsloy Pellatt,
and ebonid be produced at even leas cost. But
if the.result:of curtain investigations which have
been communicated to us be correct, onr precon
ceived notions Mothiskoobject will bo readily con
troverted. Hitherto - we have been told by ahem
iota that this glittering atOnais pure , carbon, and
that wemay well , try to produce original mat
' ter as this substance. But some Investigation.;
into the laws of chemical oombinations.and affi-.
• nitiee,. - onnducteil by-Chi.Mier Clattmen, have,
within.thn last few days, led him to believe that
the existing notion Of the diamond being com
posed of the . pure clement of carbon is err -
peons. Instead of being pore carbon, he states
....that it is a compound of carbon and carbonic
fact, a carbonate of carbon; and he is
also of otiniett that carbon itself is not an ele.
rdenteirybody, as he thinks, he has succeeded in
dissolving and analyzing. it. We bare not had
en opportrinity of verifying the experiments re
ferred to,.but we are informed Mat several mi.
-- .Tent chemists:ate' at present - engaged in that
ARD bbIR. No. 1, (Winter,) for
„LA CO.,
Wopl great
Rgow novr=„soo lbs. Am., for sale by
o bt
(1.01) LIVEIVOIL=Rushtoa, Clark dE Cea
malaioaraaa or br rho anti O or cox, Croak by
B UCKETS &20.133----.
dor. rackets:" a doz Taker far sale br
not DA.LZELL, 68 %rater la.
IQUORIOE ROOT--ei.)00111d. extra fresh
!Omni br 9 • I. KIDD cu.
lar -
- Beedertete have lids day reed a !are., he of fur ,
itaw toady Melaka, vvry
Aloo.44lvhite Lamle avadd FLANNETA. Northeast roe.
vati of fourth and Market at, -
. nel C =
TARTA.B-12 bbln pow'd, war.
'rented pure; far vett
R ler
aed.l3 . A. FAIINFATOCE t CO.
Q ALAD .014-50 basktts lot sale by
VEN. RED 40 . LGLv. bright'Eng., fur Sale
bf , . A. PA LIN TO::`.K CO.
Q.ENNA--1000 lbs. prime Alexandria, for
silo by • " B. et. t CO,
ATINEGAIC-50 bbls. Ter saleby
- assfisti. SUM
'VANILLA BEANS=2.O lbs. fresh, for sa!e
• by B.A. FAIINESTOCK k 120.
BITBCLITIBLD bark - 311.1 r roperteJ assretmeot of
Blue,Ortokt and Breen Barkam . kumelp.
x VB
and il i ..V r riy z ikk t tklkejmnitikek r.mer
okßk. BiIiCLIFIEI.D.
UNDRIE93OO doz.,Corn Brooms:,
.•¢O Shirt N. I% Leather;.
watt Cre.sheaLhocar.
Ti'Llt=Fresh Roll, in boxes, reed doily
'by bne3l J.ll CANYTEL
. . .
'CILEESE-100 boxes ree'd and forsalo by
S,H-10,bb1a: Lake Trout'
fall br
L u4B
gED OIL-L-10 bble.Grissielkra
EARL ASH-25 r.asiri far hale
0GW00.160 bble. on band and for tafe
QUIRTS k DRAWERS-500.d0z. Uen's
Leta. Wool Skirts and IThmere. reed Iv_
of= - • . bl &SON CO.
QILIC VELVETS---20 pea. most deairallo
.morso.D.vazdAg A. A. MASON t CO.
ARILAMMONW- , -3100 Ilr3; for stile by
MUEPHY-..& BURCHFIELD have rce'll
this atorniug Viveist=ol=ieles—
. • ' lin tuner tasert %Ilk., ail
' •
• .
XIUC 8.11.
.13 '"At totnlt east cr. Fount, nut Malta .1..
VANARY SEED--50 prime Sicily, in
XJ• eters and ler sale by
- rata" KIDD k CO., CO Wood et.
- IPT&-.TURPENTINE---50 bbl& prime,
AM -TARTAR-2000 ture, for
CARB.,SODA-:-.64)00 lbs... Lee & Co;;
- 1.11 Frir Goths Irratcl. Pr sale trr J. KIDD CO.
-Lubf-40 bble. for sale by
[• ~t~i~S~.•
•• CJ `o. • sin, or B. eby
PAARIFIED - BYRIJP--15 bbla. for sale by
ILJ celti - JAMES . /Z.IIPTC111130:4 tW.
ACKEREL-500 bbls. Large N 0.3, Ma&
AN-IL inneftt.C - 1.1351, f yes by
D . P.NORAYINGbp Jameslf. Park,
(aireesso . to Norville Jobeiroxi.) Yttllo aai 1.1
'fit att. over the Pmt (Moe: 341 OtOrT.. tow cf butidlops,
, enzehinamlte-. taken: , .Tortzto =Worst. ,oetlo.
110tAIIIING SPONGE-11. still:lgs' very fine
tar tale by col: CO.
VIAL -CORKS-15.-bales long and short,
fa We by . ncIT -J. SCIIOONMAKELB. tW.
pIiOSPIIORUS-10 cans for sale by
MERU. JAPONICA, . for formers'...use—rl
ton Ibt age by ;. cal J. SCIIOONNA.S.U.
CAYENNE --1 bbl beat American Pepper
•3::; Corm& by ben J. SCIIOObIikKER -
R UTTER=-50 kgs solid packed, receiying
ind for bble br oeU bt /MIZELL kW..
ALARATIJS-5 tone in bblo and big, for
tJ br ' *gxl7" DALZYLL t CO.
VUJOBE "PASTE --:" Eagle . Brand=
boos Letani?'azul Vanll4, far raFe
t. , m , of Trinsparezt Mod., Bludqs for ralcal
149 .'
lI:PHILLIPS: Nn. 11'6 14itet si.
WANTED- SOON-An Active partur in
- . lat. Ova. fir.dry and maenad Waco. la • bu-
Slaaa , 0/ 2 Troio rittlburgh . y
„ . 4 cllng 011 n
Vcdcallaseter; with •11
tan:pall capital of vata , itoo, ard
who has • knoshalgy of Oa .moaldlos bnetaires and IloP
jow.wara audtaarinuary. aramtant wart Sal 5.V.4
, Traiej'lrilt Pa glyen, and 4o spoon, mart with • small
- I • Tapp proatlblo altaation will b. glum Hew
rt. Para. partlealm :ISAAC UAHIII9:
pall eds.. , 1•1•113geon • Mae. Dtamosal. •/leg.
Lb& 'prime, in store end Tor
A 7 -. sat by • ,oelt IL. DALZYLL to;
Akit OJ:A SSES—M bbl! N. 0., 50 d0...5. 11
jut lora& sym fa o‘k feruletor.
. oar. - DALZISII4* Ca. Lawny .t
lANTHARIP . -75 lbe. freth, just rend
NIL by — roeLl: • J. MD It CO..
ALT PETRE:-40 hp Crude now landing
-4.7 ad tar sale by oN6 1. DICERV SU)
0 IiDON USTARD-550 warrant°,
ran. , wd forh4Dr . J. KIDD -CO.,
AA COMPLETE rset,i,f BUcket Itachinery
cormau bY oel 6 S DUAV g a f4 k _
POOL COTTON-10iAciiiiloi. just recd.
.!. 410,. 41.,!!ar re4e
TABLE SALT--. 50 0. b , . ound zpok n:Ar
(111.Ant;-5 . One' forsde Uq
att.. , " - 6431.003MAX1M : 1t Ca
1100TAS117-10 casks prime; For sale by
«t :
11.'MOLASSES-00 bblo for folio b
C HEESE -L-100 bares -, for salc by
Q:ERAW.PAPER-2000,24e. 4uperior, re
retard pea ode tiara .t..lL:l4fadmar. and far Pair br
cel3 earner at Pratt at: . idiraria rta. . 4
• B
rbllliptallkiPad zerbask AJOGO- r“d=s. * .a
ra tall for 11 affi %l rasle iitrniall . at fia.-7:lirgi t . ,
11 - ÜBT .. 26etted se the Depot for , chnie r o T lTekta;
11 EMP-40-bulea , Keat?tekrand
b 7 —- . ./ Am.p.23A.numtrsas a , oh
• • .- err
'h OW :;L each
1 foil b
;A PE avkw o .1 1 CM:9 4
Just r eed and for awls at our QSI dth Wannonts. 118
1.01 Chß ksi IF now universally acknowled g ed superior
Fi r phasing Cream ht the Milted States or F0t0 ) ...
Juhndelishttul Cram
Lt gitedAnried the IrotitT.sentei
FT g o d yre g rsoce i though somewlsonnwele g ous to du,
Aribitwiel Cresco. and Mime Vitals/ comiSsumln, It
grorr u7., s t.l=l4l. ,, y4s = mr , llZp o rt=r s2
plea Font and east IL vommee srkett kOsutagen ewer
the Imported undo. In 'being freshly treiwited t
noel matertale, with the arestest skill. lend le not nine
lea, hot. Wm the chestiest article Mr allowing the to
fi r :MU .. e" , s l "eritl L oYd"sg7lVAPg• O ak=l l :4l' in :74
ortronsly attest the Indh•entholst/nrcht which it mheM 04
.the comintreoCp for wal wiscland• andwreedl
nod IL V. •' V. rir
rSGINE 110 SE SOC , Seer 2111011 3 ply
indnahobber Hope brought 'ditt psi nJely eke
4 , 00 , Pu11.....A.Tiu• the r 1,,, Irepetareurw bed.
turf to (311 and Inc them. us they are wernoted to
'Mod more pressure out BAIr loather hems taanntottund
la oil mete where they do oa t turnout se represented.
the money will let nifoniedthelloar replaced by new
us..e. J end 0 Hoed at.
DILE OINTMENT--Warranted to cure the
.ontt twee of Pan in • few day', fir sale by
Kkinnlt s MeDOWELL, Monad TO
VAVENDISII—Extra fine Cavendish Te-
X) btor4 for ode br KEYS!:![ t 11DOWEI.g,
U UTTER—I bbl. and 24 keg" for sale by
IN .0 .0, TVId. JULItibTON.
VLAX SEED OIL-10 bbis just received
anf lor We ..1.2 , 5 r RL. PrELLEUS.
LIQUORICE BALL-8 caws for silo low
1r1t1 3 '.G#E 77 97
kft —Cut 4.lstass be fauna et the shoe of
riltißS-20 doz. in More and for aale by
ary27 — C. a W. 11AILUAUu IL
BIICKETS-.40 doz. in more and for Bale by
D ICII SILKS=A IA Mason & Co., have
'Arias 'owneda be ot .sap superior dress
.Pulu. Derr and rick scrAi
:NJ - AILS-800 kers;ass'd city brands, on
7,A hand tdt EsULT iA. CULBERTS LI ON 4 . C
, • be
Q s ILK. POPLLlllieitutifu s, just
10 reed it eniiis, it igd A M.SkON a Meg.
iIIGARS-40,000 Regalia, Principe, and
ki LIU 0134., on baid mut for este by
'1.434114444.: 34 ticts re411:1434 . 1.61. end
tr.r Rae . IBAL ATI DICKEY (3).,
.416 W. 44. 1 Frout sta.
j I - 1011 CLIADIBP.RS , —Very cheap Mall Pa
r,aal etn,sp Sailers , , Het, or for.te
041 , 117 I . W. A. itAILBLIALI..
' a linear= have open thla mania.; a inapply of
calms.. ha:tamable goods. Pap.,
G' AR CANDLES—In whole and hf. bse.,
tJ Jab bv [iteD.Ul . HARM JONES L Cu.
LEAF TOBACCO—In hhds. and boxes, for
ate 1 ,, b.b21 [TARDY, JONM (X).
iI INSEED OIL-5 bbls rso'd. and for sale
I V INDOIV ()LASS—SOO hss reel and
V T for rah. br fry= W. HARD/X.3U
S UNDRIES bbla.i Saleratus;
g box.. beed,Lear Tobimr.
•TU !;e Mbar. •
ttatmou s'a Tobacco;
69 nets,prer. Hair: for sale by
rel.= • • ITARDY,...IOSES t CO.
iIiANBERBIES-44usilrea'cLuiLl for safe
ter the punt o, hnsb*l st ItOßltlti . Tea Rath 4`e ttiataoh.l. tap.lo
UGA.R,-44 hb.ds. prime N. 0., - for sale by
sop t2 7 _ . 1 /MEL MATTUEncs Cr)
GLASSES--324 bbls. N. O
ll ni
DIG bIgTAL-465 tubs for sale by
.p 29 ll/IEY, MATTIIEWB a CO.
I T PPE R LEATHER-i 0 Sides good heavy.
lJ UDIN-C Lcath,er far 'ale try- • • ,
y^ .J ues, LITTLE x OtY. Llbertr st.
184410 _•
.5 0 0 tr i".B3- SUP.
j"t r* F d !' d " 11 - r! '
-‘- 1 1111)D k 04.
ILLION-2 caw for eale
dri lIEESE-50 box e 3 W. R.;
V .D= " IVY.OIk
. • ••
ALERATUS--10 t o ng in boxes and bblo
fur sale hr re 0.21 DALZELL
EGPUT TER-25ke q f i ir t IS
.e freak,
aLurr for stk./ slomrstobr
t Wet sad kr.r.totto „Ilsoktro.
IN SEED OIL-30 bbis. for sale by
sco2o J. SCllOO2llll.l= t CO., 24 Roods
t)LI.YE 0.1 - 4--10.bnakets for italo by
nrea : a.t.cilOosrm A t 03.
ifl ARB. AMMONIA-2. casks for auto by
xr'a] • J. 13c1P)0•11AXLS a CO.
OR ik X —lO cues for kale by
etp2o ECIIO(M)LtEEIL t CO.
for'iale br' '
, i•V•lo: • MOSBY a co,
SOFT °BUSHEL) SUG4B-:—TA.v!rysaperi
of article for,atverrimg Jun reed T.
.74:1 Cv3i.A.Atel;Lilnu a. co.
010Ktr.SALMON—Wilf rec'd, this
_,J gri by airoresa. s =slat : 7 . riarar i Trr
NOPS- ,, -Put up in
.1 l b . pukages, for fam
or uN.IoR reed And _
t t I , l'bL A, bI.CLUO a CO..
.12 234 Liberty 4.
. I- Try vomeer Ilollitlr_pure old POET WIND, at ri
knttle, for sale at .MORELY Tea Mete in the Diamond.
A BROW ROOT-5 bas. Bermuda, for tale
ts. Dpeyl.s] .7. NCTIOONMAKIK CO:
11l 031 N-200 bblo. No. 1 for sale by
Jut ..1,32 8.,* V:. IJ Pr, kuoil
/11LASS-100 boxes Window, for sale by
L U —2 0 bble. ree';:l t tp24 l for sal
corw.g . of * Wood awl 01.11hihr
Pittsburgh, Cbichuikti-42,4uisville Tele-
bTop.4. of this
... ?itos a ardt ' wanted by
Stock and Knehanor Broke
corner or Market and =rd street&
WASH .14ET, , fat ,Moisquito Bare, 12-4
viste4oo rardi just reed; for 'sale In lots to tuit.
scot° - NOELC... Thud st.
§IINDRIES-. 7 - •
800 1.0 /00
90 M2tirea l ribli
20 flesh
1001 A. 11.10:0 U.Scipr
33 bbla.l.oo. <'l; sknr4
100 "J.O. l!dolaweg
1000 bis. inod , inr Olasr.
160 06 . 13.110. Veada;
•=% " bitirtr .
rarLern• Alma;
Cblrir.Lt Lokorol:
' 2 &prewar InaLrer,
W Irs'lr s:.utle ro Irk:
200 Wm , L. 4 I .*.t-htn •
. 60 &IL, Patera Bucket , .
bW krro .21 WA, dry trarar.
U N.
ALrra ,
tor N U .
Lr .
.WA Tt CO. LArrir aL
bla Goat, W-11.414ear:
WO dal.. Corn Ilmoor. ,
Tcloktber witb Aladder. CID
elnatmon, am, on aamiuki
sevlsl JORN,
2000 L. 139.. REFINED BORAX--J us
received and fer rale by •
1 4 1 A PSOII SALTS iS 121?18, for a .Ia b 9
Sutr -75 hbda ia ri s z ai ?ra t 'ale
IDOWDE.II,-Alargesupplipf ilasard man
, nsetupe.alwayacra band spa ode at !ren mina
Orem sail FWD, ea ..b trE •
111111APAR I.IANGINW-Now. style of Gold
tararAft:r7 P "-V- I PIIMAkir °4
S. " ' Wc44
41, PERM 011,-,-17 tor'iide by
OLASSEbbIi. N. 0., ,for sato 1?3,
'ANNSRS' OIL -20=bbI .'for by
F LOUR--75bble. Scott's extra family, for
' . ._zomfam.
MAOKE,REL--24u:b615:110. 3, for saloty
eV) - - 4 -WICK IdeCANDLNBb.
ht " 1 •
• • •. : •CO bbls. Lam Nal btsetreeb . •
I : b ' s s;le.b 6 r b" .. “ ii761 "4 0. ilitll4.4ll4Tati
(A BRANDY...I.ND =DEIHL. Witilt—do. battle. and
an tirmaft. far ma* br
2•Pitt HEISER.* AleDOwsu..itoWoodist.
. • - -
SALERATUS-43 cilake;:: •- • •
• ri.botrw Pulfd; far sal. by
mpg "..., ....WOE A aIcCA.NDLESS.
NGLISII• DisrattifEtSE , 49 boxes
• •
Minnesota Coon , Stok
50 SHARES of this Kock for s c alo at a low
rate by • A.lrruccis a 00,
earner3larksiandSbird au.
!OREM BUTTER-2.50 bblejtuat rec'd and
ter 44 it. MORRIS' % AS Mut ha the Mamma. -
ASON!S . BLACKING-41)gram . aap'td
for oat br. ir2B 100NW.KEI;* CO.
SALEItAnIS.-4 . casks .nre for sale b
, tad Idatehlesatlnstklug..M.l.4.P.dar to
i z et . g d at . ri b tpearlie, and to *land In .7 . ellettitt
PTIL4' • —65 Jilf.chceep. ,
Itr • •
~32a •
b r T. • . - il. LOYD.
SOLE LEATITEW4 "i'.4 for
-Oa= , ; kII:71.011).
DICKEWOUNI.MDLBIe-150 lbs, very
troxtromesfn Nam t SULU&
. 7 47KWAC23N1 117 .
'iv,. dada , briaL4 al .1* am.
DRY, GOODS,' &c.
"IrIE { TH ltsvinEthe, Aare.
NA. sod hoof., eadoilTre r ftrtodor
will °pouf-von. Ist dor of lloOffsob.o ofith o Ism =I
oapesiot WO of • • ,
: tairptloir elinelr. of TRLIVAtrAWS AND PrßNlth.
LW GE)Ora.or ootoolote as komotoforo kept bythat
• know o and Ihyorite rotabll,bolent.
MotrlZLrlEZlNgilMfg, 27t0r 1 / 7 41t, d* E ' Vo r ilit
.ttg. 11,7x;'.
t 151 3. to [boo. ',rancho. of bOAfn, ippar_ting fho mold
bi'" )
EP:7,1%7 1 01r or
not Zo.ltf
BURCIEFIELDi itiferm their
huytrs generally , that they have
tvan thter SEWN - 1i lingo atipplyol fheosla tor the fall
ntul aek attention In their unusually full assert.
.A IM FL , DlikkadOOOLQ• in great ',gate; rl' h printed
Ca Lcdoee, Pari.ivor. Coltrwe. French vierinoe,llltislin de
Bake. ae.
PHAITLB, Lone and F.duare.'--New etyle Ilroche, very
hand:done' Catchup.. do.: Week plain aul gar atyke
black and colored Tfiltat, lc.
Pith Plaid Ribbons, black and half mournlngdo., new
at de Neck do.
They bare altoreceived a further supplt at enter
Shirting PI aelln and lath Linen,. and lin*. Oade Wg .
craggy; and al I will he mold at low prime torPI43II , T.
Country Menitente are Invited Weal{ in our admit:male
onto.. on plain : where lintels areaold L ._ oc2l.
1,7 et A. A. STANCIN n CO.'S, Cana 04 Marketeg.
VI t Co. hisre.nosr on bond ih3 dor. of Wt.' Cub.
nem Silk. Oletord, - Kiill. and arbor (Flores. Also. ercry
derorlyllon of Hosiery, suroprlting morn thaw ISCO dosen
!PRESS GOODS--Opening daily at A. A.
BLIPON A CO.'S. ',sem wtyle of fanalowable Prow
omba eon.Mtios of Plias, Col:motets, De Gaines. Merit.,
Farm:metes, Alpwww, te. oeS
QA,Ks r SLLll—Nott. opening at A.A.
k._7 .11.11?:ON d C 02.---
fal pit,a of sem &Atonable. Plaid V! iik oL some as low as
70 eentgs alen,
.3) ;C,. Zia tilsea dm also, „.
10 do elec.% Brocade do. oe't
co,rui exhibit Ltd, mottang Wm-tons of deb 1:1212-
phy & Barchuuld reeeli'ed afresh utopir of the
a , dettrablo on 3
Burehtlald Mao melted .-fall &mart:Jamnt of sbore
,od•—leone to low as IlMe per rarl—and .100 Name paper
OM. Mohair AJpatras.. 51,00 p•r rarS. 43,3
. Burettelrk) bare rewired - se ageortmentof Does%
awns. greywnd Luny agars, which the nig g
inw—w6loo roper black a.ralmeree awl elotbjang •L '
ety of etylee agape...4or beryl.' war.
MASON .k CO. will open :within the next (...days.
satT " , o fte l tr .` j=j, '" ;74.L ' eturrt=fif F : r b ' eri
"le nod retail purchaser, is inelted. , •
MASON it CO. 0 11101 0 10 , b 1.401 30 .000 01
: t Oct, . ; 000.
I:6<IT'ZIP7P Vritlilo`Wtote='
dr. A s H 51 ,
j e. A. 5429CiN 1 - 00. hart just received 25 pies o
I bog styles Cashiceree mai Vic
Now conAtantlr rervirlosc At W.' IIeCLINTQC.N.B
Carpet to. b 5 Fourth inrret, to which we In
rite the Attention of those within 's to tarnish House. or
learohosts, to we will sell lower then tree before in this
RSE FOR SALE—A. very deaira-
ri=llr nom. warrintri d pecfeetlr
L s 4 tputro ONMA u Ii wR.II
T Is now coastal:all receiving his fall stock o
CARPIX3. of the richest and userseit styles. to which be
'writes the attention or purctweere, we he is determined:*
wit lower [how ever before *Mewl in this markmarket, k, ea the
sod sioolishoi etinet Warehouse, No. 64 Vottrth FL
crel. •
-I,J K. ANCLINTOCK Invites the attention of Cando.
till Cloths,
and Tri tollsmming., whic taro, stoottif h
Blue and Drab Cloth.,
rico. at the Carpet Warehouse, hi Fourth CL ocl
1 It now ad/nanny ottielne Edo fall stock of sohortlet.
tioe, and outnion INOItAI N eit}tlitild, of new and rkti
ctdOs, at trey redorod pretest, vi
s, to which we Invite th e at-
Nation of Moe irtthing to turnith Staintioata or Roo,
(ilea os a tall at the Carpet Warrbouwo No. lbFourth..
U t jib BgEg6.iftPktV
I_ll/ h. In atomand for sale cith and new Atte 'BRUN
t.r.i.S Rpm h. which tot (Delt a s the attenuonot per.
cht,ers, he t‘ &termitic:l to sal fcworthan errs before
this motto, Call at the Old estatalshed house, Catot,lcare-
No. N 5 Vocal tit. ocl
rgIARESTRY CARPETS—New nwii • rich
L vie Tapestry iltr,Au!els COW- :MA Rea Oa
Invit• a b ais 6 :C ir ' ltel an' i rarl r . '"
THE SUBSCRIBER•bniini now received
,nur. - oza. a FALL AND PINTER GOOD?.
7 . 111,1== IN=FVOT,
sate or etall, at sicy low pricool
Ile Iv. ILI Drl oots all dip laplo, is as a lupe
steok of Fairy Dow (tools. toospridoi
..l .
ii Miro 401IuN fur orellog. &Ltd Itirt diva.. vb. - 4 . rich;
llroculs Fat, • ,
Plain Blatt PAP" all prol•-is s-O4 widths: •
Brootslottlsek •• N'
bilk, all sbador.
toroth to, •N
Muslin Lalsiit •`.
Tmether wit; 1 127. id I;..eb.".trit:r.tieullensm
114.134 tad 134 Darrallernassincq •
44.64 and 04 4.o4lriab PIM* Minus
4011 10.4 7141 e Damsatx
awl 34 Ikarawk 01.02/Jo2.l Dollies
fluttabrk Diaper :44 Court T01400142S
Rich 1.400e.1.1 . 1.0 404 241.10 Cmue s superb good.
ts N 1 10..4440004.
0.0410. ke Fryneb. Am:atm, Dlaoty. Cuttalo mad
Blsek L'Ao ‘ s u ob i r T i el dr..
blast - Cans Zl4.h,e!. •
Mara Mobalr Lustre,.
81 . 7 k aallestCledpo
Prinoth ater Cral/ode arid Cra
(.2occolseltee awl llleesses Collarpesos abd Curbs Glare.
mod Beer,: all of whirl UoW.s will be ararraraed al ad
color. and r.bsap*.a tiu.sUir• •.1.) , •
.41516 , A• .1194 MaCNICHIT.
VI OUSE DE LA 'NES, in great varlet - MS
.1 3 .7 0 .V47.. Dig amd t zeia4l, trtak etc op t 4 the
M gal; 71M411117.14' -
. 1 ,25 Norm k;urt carver ith alai Mato* sia.
BArchfield tmvs stosived • elate* assortalsat of
N. goof •of • firs•qn•Litr. Also, • stusfilT s•ssl
thrster lossa 1.• ouster 'Aut..: vosas
tbs siebsst styles cod colon, inn awed az E. 2
ana. CA Males st. seylli) A. A_ &LOON OO.
. i.r . A:. MASON a CO. have n hind, kid
• a. delly taw/apt enter* oteotlliee ot New Deem
u soett se rich egund &U w e Heebomeee4lile /abet
ll: which the/ win guarantee 7o visa queHIP
-ifiLQOll. OIL. CLOTII--660 yams 3,9, e/;
0 seet $ ourzer. Jut he'd tztea thevbßnovfllle ne
ver, sad ler Woolhole/ale tod retail. et the wereecomea,
Not. I en,l 9 t' 'IeITH•I -, J. •IL PHILLIPS.
WCER - Lb THIS DAY and nor'. opening,
at WM. morn_ 081 Liberty snort. .
. genes far end bleu. untsbnares.ottb• nearest and s 1
mcatpl a i= r=li !Sod cloths. ol Lila mat superior
TN hugest nod most spiels MI satiotßulint of Vesting.
rer,bropplit to th is city
.ii6o do °dorsi:iris and Onion. : .
AA dimities and etthernieei bidet.
Alsa i rlant of Cravat. 11watt:thick a o.' 1
If ether wi th th e very Ives Stook of ItP.A.DI
MALY ti MO. of the most tailionable soil a l : . 11:
on band ; yrarenta one of the largest and mod
stock* of things, adapted fa 070t4 , 4.13 . 0 Rev, In th e 1
. ..tarn country; an of .bleb the proprietor le iletannini ,
ad toter at the inniiiiinstslicies fizr natt.
. •Ctrderand a a t th
In the
lie Tailoring W line executed In tine best min
raw e etyten.
. . Now Fail Dry Oa*.
.A. MASON . CO., lave . roceirell and
o aro now opening—a especgro Proorti Pilgrim, of
upfol ihadm ociaptni expressly far TM mta% Pr
met Alpaccaa and Mohair Lurtree, rrobrwria
ti k "Mr.: IT. I ; 4 f elilrtfirnecegdarg, ni l egatilw
i lVt li t Ti ',4 rrwoO7W W : " Oty .41 1. 1411 ,
'prim which wo ore rinitkloat Pro 11.11;;L:eleuted4 19w,
VCORDEONS—A 11e r ttaid.:and varied
etewk a viers 4 brands, ...`reeelved..
OTE3-4adrablo /fa eetlonorlth 1;
bait, moos w? W, aral Ltla ban mat , " vemetkeeDAnn
GUITARII.:An ezianalve and choke Stork
V/OLLY,9—botor very dna ohl my, sod na• of every
y and pita.
srßzsas—A Lne selettlota slat; htrOaliar and
thanmets, Tuba; Benties, Illtextmu, Timone% and er
Iry misty of llemlnstrianlvats,selectal and tried by tha
enbeerthar hltosalf, and sold at my tblis rate.
• - Alto, tb. num and most torn tar allude, turtrecalred.
N. 11.--Thir above Inetramvata aro Warranted to to ems
rect and perteq. to respect—lf Mond Malty tbe tno.
hey .01 be retuned. 11. russi4-30/' Mot ft.
~ 0000 01017 OF TUC 1101.14 N
CARPETS I CARPETS 1-11.43e'd ibis .day
Li w. BIeRLTITTOOK. new and rleh etyks Snseitir.
JX61144V CAI2IIM, which we les
10 well IoWew thestrair tlirseflerer betarecarrsd
riltiirmener. We Yordlany Will. the siently° of
friando thaw Wlsitlns VOMAillill.0:11.10 ne s s
-4/•01111 Warstnnnw,:llo.llB Smith if,
yALL GOODS.—Just roo'dipor exprels,
IsIAPON CO.T.; eartias BoanetMbhotia,
octet tad moat faabloasbla style( 12.5 das.Tabtand.noe
flower,: 10 Iva. Ora 44 [Mkt., beautiful aka%W pea
Allareellar, Atladuel do amide., Ilya.
DBES'S GOODS—We are. now're-
L the newer: fall stllee of Dna Cliata.raeh'u
us, men.. PopUm IVvisaliobal, Alwasi,
most.. Xterrcb Ithalcas, Illbet 1.111:011i. trrar
pidca DIM own.. isask3.l A. 711.1201 t OU,
IWILITE, GOODS--A.- A. 'Manor, Co..
TT, rPe'd 1301 /pas, Widle Good', c0:2,44W
rtt r uimeti munutzt.a.l.
. , •
PLENDID SILKS-.-A. A. Kum/ & Co.
10 bat* iota reed • beralrol essortresta. rich
gored end plebe Black BUM The Ater &rbit geode
weU 119M6 Ow attention of porehrenr.' Alto, tar
superior Oro. de Matra Rahn de Cher. breathe! Chest.
),0 —MUItPLIT k DUELCILYIELD , taw opined Nb
inoming a lo of BWIS. Kdsinga and bunting; Jukonet•
I , 4o..ratai nnertlngs, bobbing kilging* and Insmtmga,
Ttrrmd kdaimrs and inatining. of row AVlra aoid,
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
- No. IQS Maim &tun,
itH. PALMER offers fee _sale, At very
to r. irpro., la .at Atnk• and MU 110-
iONIV/44rarrIgn and APaniessu 4132 az4l ;.•
Saw Unid. COIN Gimp, 34/11/ . 2.4,1447.Pr Ler Youth.% and nay r_qtem. gmer tl a
I:ft:. m ettgrirdan="".
mow onmer. imatg a ni.i.l4 t !grit
wpm 411 1,1411 is .24 coiorg Gsus• wad 0111spo CO.
Ilt!tred whitcs;Toolpnagar.fpl
rr 4wnaitusziod.Antk*.po iil-1;„..h A..a.
risi 4* Kr
Jou. P
Attu. - norm" and' ottutr ..issarad
W 44 "" lrlaill=d 4[16.)11;1:1146V0i;s . :' ; :
loor sliced Pismols Patthitlii=raa
BOOKS, MUSIC,: &c. .
-- Chickering's Pia Os. •
10111 , 1 IL mya,Lon, Agezit Cor
Cblepwing's Piano, C.r Piasburgh "",
and Western Peonsylvants.P. 8 1Woode..‘ . •
bas lug received snot slut vary lupe wtoct
Ot P •FORT KB. in. the I.l:Wart.). of CU•P<PIUir.
of G., 614, 6X. mid 7 octane., tamed and
FOR SALE—A second hand
TIAN°. n oro,v, elroot mihosrany
or [Le nsnal'abccoat ID cuttg ado'
0.31 JOIIN 11. NIKLLOB, h 1 Wood it.
that sweet
The harp ohne the
.1! Aug P. tne. ,
th.ount, the Nye: Pilgrim land timer,
Aukl Lear: tattle Ited Inane 'food. ta-
Home, sweet bntoo: • 'tan from the story;
The o..ealiert The bortre•Prayeptaritts mtr•
Ti.. Keepsake, a eequel to the ate be P. Ulmer:
Caruhen A parting Densts— . • suer.
:trite the harp untie. he w tee "e are parted,"
I„4l.niry. hemmer Roses tad.
The lA.I. Dean: r chit mtoend plate.
Pweet Anna of the Vale: .• Foristatridas, plower, Shop
The' s •
soma: tilt. and Dimmer Polkas.
Call me not hams, Wren., Walt, Simmer, to
Pemlee axle be JOHN /I. lIKLLOIt,
/--- - - - • hl Wood street
if4ICATqdjUNE 11ASE9
Doable Reed Melodeon.
THE subscriber has just opened' o very
Ilelodeon. n octave. iiith double Needham. reed,.
n-• e br tho original 'grantor& Otrhardt a. N.
Y. Th u rga i mot to la lr. .gal In power wany mall organ.
parlor to .t.o7t. too., .orfnity'To7=lll l l:: Tt.
to arrawsty Intend, l for ILO In ; hma. and owlnlttoita
I, mire moor preferable to on otherlostrament Thoer
...thing to porch.. Instrument of the kind are renwl
f ineited to rall and examine, the atom, pronoun to It,
being taken 11.7 from the robeatiber's weremora baring
Leon ordered by congregation in We dty.
r 11.
WADER, Pole &gent
d.., for .10 original mate., Qatar,. 2 Needham.
New Boors
- LUST RECEIVED and for sale by S. L.
40 Read. iS. Ith street
Forest Llts and Forest Tren, comprising Irestena Corny
LID among the logreu, and wild wood adventure, with
deonintlon • arlumbering operati e us. ke, by Sdineer,
Rule and Mirrule of the koglish In America. by Hal t
The Ells and the Bee. ut Anolekneet Duet-petal Pct..
'4 l
Pletlr ) : ttrltmetehit,l4Bgrri',t4f.' Ot to,. o'd
The Sleet Thin ga, • eerie. of * Lecturce on the Oust
Faun and Moral Leutatu rustled to
Gardiner Spring. D.
The lime Atm;s u n
Appa.l'tn bantf of FamDP WOO.
hip. with PraTers and Damns,and Wender of :lemma
trambar Wally nee, by C.l. Desna.
• Death Dui Bunn. ortlying with and without relit:ion,
dedgoed to Illustrate the troth and Power of Cnnutenint
by .W. Mark. it LA
T D he aliwas. with many oiling Ice onmenme to maattnea.
end • Daub rupl lr of Blank Work and Stettin:un- tutelar
from the Fact or .18
18CARD.—Tha magnificent Numbs &
Cunt Brand Piano being alanat to be renaortal from
subscribegs werecoom hu in:Heed
the iperdlenten who purctia.:l It retnnt =nig
longer, in order to afford thaw of cur eitisene wbo bare
not ennoble unrivalled epecimen of Americen Pianos, en
opponcungs to call and examine the
I same,
role Agent fut . BM., A Clerk, No. 101 street,
Muuuricriztd Pianos! • 7.
JUST RECEIVED, la Applendid :
11 1 =gy r :Prit.70, 2117,
New York. Th le meat:Liam. Instrument
pomerses all the Wen inimmorments, such as , patent tu
ning Pine. felt hammers, and patentbo“allie Maws. Its
power and volume nf lenewee truly artnniehinni and eneh
is the perfection of Its mini:Lanham as to eneble the proton
mer to peat um the sonAst and neestast tones without the
ski of the left weds!. The furniture le extremely deb and
In good taste. without that inillimitotriate OTdrlolllllng of
C.IZTV.i work. which, In trolly like intnirgh,le almort
hiapouttile to keep clean and In gOOll attn.. The ledler
ed gentlemen are respectfully milted In aid and exam.
ilee title mirtrailed Grand P{lllo before It learns the peen,
lees of lSs subactibor IL ALIKBER. 101 Third It. oel3 Sole Agent for tinning and tiled,
ref•ITNI, a very hue general amortment of
Manes Including Wile NIT. style.
A History of Pittsbitrgti.
re tort), •ith mates of the fun ectehlhthroent of tome
the Iroportmt Oranuthntorico au: tone works of Inter
Out ionuoteutent, op to the preload Mire: to wrath ht adJ
cl • chapter upon the advantages of ow•puittort fur non.
ofecturion sad courtmercixt porouita. with • ouromary of
the mimeo - ate maount of banorne tntoracted hue tumour.
If apes) our rivers, canals. and Ms/Avatar froprorernente.
Then Is no mint in the, Cubu where so mousy Irnpot
' tont 0,114 ana OCCUrte.. l . of Wineries) tutored'. hate
been tootprersod • Ith in 8/0 brief • orriod of LIMO, u in lyre
country around the bead of the Obi. To collect tonothre
and exhibit In hirtorics) enter Lhasa variene holdout,
end tune:elan:a the advantage, of our weldor); as Indoc-•
111ela torreoltallete to settle here, lath, objrct aloe or,
pearl work.
312 rani:m.l2 mu bound. /41.11.11
Publiabcd tor ndo bf • JOHN 11. MELLO)),
, • 01 Wood Arcot.
New Stock Of Chicket'ing's Slime Forte&
ionic H. SIELLOR, , 61 Wood- -
0 Air.; In reverter an entirely new
entek ri; PIANO PORTE-I, front trio:tele-,
tasted titarintentorpef Cbleterinr, Wenn. '
consirting Mall tee Tatirthis now tnenuferturrd. The
Driwrii ern invatiably the Lama LS at Dratorti, withent eh:
charge for traneportation or rick
, Uld Plano taken in part payment.
'JHN LLoa.
•nent fur the =lief Chleterinu O er PL OO4 a fa r Welters Pe.
New 4tislc.
TILE GIPSY'S SONG, or My GallantThtrk;
as anewwith, rsOulau4aym:shoe.OT Jemmy Lind, et
tor comfort lo Pltuborgh. /
The Illowneet CatoohOot • *VT loitiodk eu L df
The lotury . Our; as dung by Cetoarthe Daft la Azoefio.
Ile 11 wmlvg bac. moo OT Cotbarlogy 1111.,
frb. . •
The Unexpected Woad. •
prowl Menlo mar bT .
P=Veo g rettn tit the . PIM
Arablemock. nt= and droorbout. 11" " ' •
or 9
ICIALIV2. - 101Third stfoet. Elan of the (kid.
Etazredllusic - Booki: • .-' .-
CNTICA LAUDIS, by Mason-k Webb;
NEW chilttUf.t OACRN, do.
TUR GLEE WEE. new tolloeti. of Oleos sal Part
Sootre, selected am] Wane.' for the am of 51oWent Con-
Tearberf Instituter, and Cu.., of th;
A.S.. of Muir. Df Loorell lux.* Geo. J. Webb.
large 11af0NtT of the above wort reed o,rl 4n edrt T
.15 JOILX IL If ELLOIt. bl Wool eL
prmr , '"
T HE difficulty of obtaining a correct and
loft:At:V:4% i c tlr'bi l la i ;‘,.7,l7ep.itzt
b.,. bar bad made for raraverly,. • eh wlectloo,
which la•r• Jon armed /147
e n from tb• factor - 7 of
tb• kos so•kar In itorope. awl me nktrwated Error..
arti.Clarloorta ever offered Ear rair—ross or wwit.
The dock
114=7 . and 12. /Crm
Moos W want of noilr good Cliztons*.r. end this •
faro chants. IL hIMIXIt.
ocl Kan of au tloldon Buy. N.lOl. Thini
New Now.
11011. N . IL MELLOR, No, 81 Wood street,
b metres( th• fidtsertass new And P•Fsasss lA•e•A A
wire_ s .
bale y r
Jolter& L Faster Much Fs= lam* d• I.
ti 11=1 , 24222 , =• am=
Er.,, , lieggp=i- 4tre4a...,
T ake :mer; 1 ss.s deism Shots h‘st
T sae harm tosll , -. 1 teasst—vartatlords
1 rata Ice thsers . Come tine me that tweet •St
a. kinatta the, .
Naihrell Prayer; ,s, wr•rsolo—ltoeswllset. T.:
Jed Llardn 6•11••• zoo or .1! thaw •ti•
Wbr do summer ram WO &suing young d,srtss;
btossst toss lb tpackAter,
tad, 7:24:',...4 . =:r:=Nivyliy-f., ~..„
Way. C.X.E.• thrkrei 4X.O.etta. ILIN WZ
.DILMITS.--•• lam satiety of Now assl Drat,.
IT snitst.l., Los sals at
W. 3.llAVENnsrsßkas,
• rots. akaand Be „ a.
1111/ANK BOOKS.-I#. S. llAvz.v; corner
Mukst and &wad wrests. has BB the lama
storlSof Blank Beaks am alland to QM sitr—amuraw:
of isslSW.J.lltaahl. D.l BOA.. Ylam. Bmi a, to. In sr.
as:raves M blzsthass. tad at U. lomat prom san3
AorlLAiAl.lrs FOR - b.TTORNEYR,' ALDER- .
rsc .vin itlBllcli TUB I'EACES—D«Ist
• kilesa.Monds, Dtslanatntuvlndansonte. Itssentloss4
A tt ab
~. Arti l :let s of Ann...most.
• - BIID
W. B. &V . ; roNtatirt;
• sekS • : amass klaskat
. , . Zinni
Ay Use, chud I. Ametira4, Afenmtda Doisf.lf Or:
I ww. harry an I 10%1 ro , h dm= of pent etilla et
lbw Ware, with vihnetiel Lett Meru 01 ant to:by Lat
tice, whit rbrawith Ntlif Bly,rtor yb.
yabobaih The Happy Mame, iihhielb ',hay a...T.
wr. Whoa Mt Bilyht A1..4 ywhig duo.;
Home. " Flome. I Love Tbaeotivdtvlbli Will Ord it 0015
Near vs. , * ual: 011:2 ,1 11 . 41 jaug,-/willitt Dr*. are
tI w Et AA z i lltal el llF l. l 4 llll ts l
4 ,3
0.01 Nlak u i t
ky.41' 1
Tna r Pease. ito`
.1* ..areo
ail, with lob:Ina. thb Wyatt Ilintiith
! I f t hrw orw tlatrran 2 al zls k tz a
li= woaboor xklpiz ail w rir
TOM/. of heed and tor wale by I
mph ' • JOll2lll. WILIAIIi.III Waal it.
EW BOOKS!—The Stone nn,
Moron of Paint Poion a Tillter•Tele.
De laitoartine. Translated from the
nierroir of Edward likkerstetle.latellectorof Web
Lon. Bert; by iter T. R. Blrks.3l A.Paciorof Kellabalf.
Hart; vita IlitrodacMS br now p 4
2 role. IZno taus
'Anthem . * Barren Andouille; a Mutual tif Rouen An.
tignitia, with ntwerqus ilwatratiow 4
even. by Critarirs Aragon.
Light la the Dark Pleven or bleinorlabt of Christi. Life
In the alkidle Aver fro. Ilse Games of the Law AISCLS.
Ws thowdsr: WOW
The roar of the D ee m .
b7 Coninmeutsry on the fecund
P.,=rgoliin h a tt grr =t i .t (TrforTA l t.
3 =ta i tii l fly9ftelita l trifil " de4yned
ro, >sinter; by WWI boil; hi A. Prof= of wadi.
I.E . V.Taktorlal need Book or the ambition; /mein/.
61=r1trtga.,rrylf- noutymmt7
in Apollo Building. South Ft.
itir BOOKS I--Trarels in - the I.llTlited
br th. 1 " T
1.. Weimer of the Empress Joseyadem C.bbott
Eta, ' tt;r 0. "
No lb Pictorial Wield Book of tile Renclulina.
Noe. 33 and ISO Dictionary of iderhardoe, Rostra Work
*r4 M4l°"‘lng' l.t.TEZ4.l7lolritanir,
WM Buret= haveklturt neattett's lot of tap.
beutiful Etc fish PrintaiinexpHyly for am:obi:Jou at
the Wetid'a }air. to able the ;T4 , 21113.10 the Wire take.
Hew Books, Jot Received. .
VEAST: a, Problem;' ropinted 'with corroCr-
X, te.a. sad outaitlbstg by the suttee er ,Allre
Cl.4. l, 4Quebli Arrk . .4,±obAbbbt
n=r,g . ..,
id 1 2m0. ma 4
xrartbruy: br Allll/111...arra L i
WU ; .ksp.ssul uo. : . • , .
dyyio Wes !decimal.' btbFbotbb.ball piglioerr• /TA ,
Urrodo Dletlonarr.of lito4F4Ftlef, Ebel, sad irloweritur, N0a.151.14111.- - •
Pictorial nerl Doer of tbolerelattoe:No.;..
.I.Blootiolc Ito Oboirrabbritattlable Ella with 211-atb.
10.1)1 ,, 9J5.11/
.bord. tut Gonoo. Conk,
1171: r. _ • , ra! , rr , •••
- 71%0 -
sine .Patioixeanmd. tyr maw ebbs;
1:041110., lo the Pinkie.
'lns a cantos of our . .v.1.t.102.1411.1.
uts:ding Demme!
.Nnse WM= Aratants;" tautening INdloau. Wirth/
jrcarwiTi~mmTilf —MArla ;Z84:7 +at
i fC L
10.—We hare mod this medic:toe in our family, and In
our oinio w h ich hoe
of the best utettarsUous ittt roue.,
odds, de, hoe over been offered to the public!. at,
Ude meow of the year we would recommend warm farce
tly to keep a,bottle of it in their boasts reedy for use, ea
o u r timy require. We dire this at smatter of adelre,
from actual eel:write:me of the gotal qualities of the
medicine, end do tint wish our molars to cot:alder what we
0.7 simp ly in the 11 ht of recoonuraulathtn road. with: r ut
k rZukuNkuoVt;:ittef the artie‘eof which ...peak.
Prepend end add by It. E. SELLERS,47 Wood st.
NL ORE NC E WHITE—A beautiful gloae
white Paint. that le unehthimable in thy Math,.
It • intended foe pules, steamboatand drip cabby, ru e .
0tt0,,, So. 1811 h this article ma be produord the hitthest
state of finish in pun rehab of any article known, thing
altuisselds of e pullet. If monies!. after the men mode.
for sale by. J. KIDD tCO 60 Wood st
thranst Cavan., Nmomit Tellena. Amulet ,
•11 1 . 1 Aandine. vatehthly, Rose. OphOg } them. Jenny
Lind, Coms, Alushozellow, rimetti.
1 bes. Vona are prepared tont the best mid purest nab
tonal, atare nom' Idled byany in the United theirs
s ue u ll• by oet R SELLERII. 67 Pituad
Ti. moat Ealrthr irtdry pgr.Of try in thr :frorid is
tAr grrot Arab an Bernsdyfor Han and Beall
. G. Farrell's,
G. FARRELL ' Stgenuine Arabian Lini
t most ertmordlnary medicine , the truth
.7 :Lien ln n pl b a ' s:d beyond doubt by Gm 0001 sites of th e
blearticle. and the nathy turn being daily performer,' la it,
ep preriocaly bed tanned all other Medina. NIA the
akin of the beet phynelthe In the world. It is composed
Of balsams, ulnas and gums peculiar to Arabia, purees
Man. In a concentrated brut dl their slinaulatottg, '
dna, penetrating.nneutous end nortilsire ploperths, the
the moth with egeS ego. Were used by the ,Sons of the
therm,. with such miraculous ih ...a lb. Ow
mum of both man wad been
Reed the following remarkable cores, which should of
themaelem oboe D. G. FarroU's Arabian Liniment tar be
ythd any similar moody
About a for and hall ego, • melling thbothof th, 7
erife's stomach, gradually locrculas in nee man 1, .. -
C b«.T: tr. I:l7 = a tfp%=it ' a . :Ti gt4 h a " ::: l =
I got the is 01 our bust dock., sod they differ
od In opinion shout th ...said re enee Ague Cake, or
...tenement of [hello's= OreSo.4 that it was an Enlarge.
tent of the Gmarith thd others add it wen • Tumor of
the Grubs. and could noir.. rum' theapt by =Mut It
Olth Mb critical eatuuktn. I way persuaded to try it
larrelfs Afabian Liniment upon it. IWO. etraum as it
may appear, upon oneird andicatkna she Meth to im
prove, owl bas megettlng better daily: antil oow
th. is as well se ores-ordering mmllent health.
peons, March 6.1841. D. iIoCONN I'LL.'
libthert Mids. puttnaster,saml
Cement:nen. Pa, Bluth 27, 1649.
One woman boo need your Liniment with greet thaws.
She had lon the um of ho lege for thus, years, the cords
being contracted so that. her trio were ben tas mud, while
needing,. is natured for the position Of the legs whit"
-sitting. and oh. amid not bind them In the leut. but h,
the use of it G. Farrell's Arabian Liniment,she le now
able to Walt with mee, and has • straight limb. 1 hove
found it most excellent remade Par home Craig also. for
emery thing Which madmen external remedy.
Tho Opinion of thold, ecientiflo farrier
Werhington, lowa, June th, /141.
From the steed, - and patutthent cams, both an oath and
Mast which your Arabian Liniment Is performing. I do
got hesitate to pronounce g the `Greet Remedy of the
Age.. 1 ham practiced doctoring berme for twenty . Teem.
Wand butt tried all the onions Withrow; ointments. Ma.
to mach putted up in the papers bat I mum say t hat R.
Varrelre Arabian Liniment stherd• thy thef heth
thug use of. by Its me, l humoured liweeny end Pparin
'lona alter they had been mames' incurable, hots
sum' com m
e than Oily barbs this season with your Lint.
moots thubtthiuft mer 7 shade of disease. from serstelas
non cruises up to oparin, ring-bone, mei weeny. I too.
elm beet twatimmw of its goad effects matte human sys.
rem: 'I w. confined nearly tact winterm my norm
nth Rheumatism, end mull get nothing Lithely me ore
1 the roar Linimentwhic li}i9. h itntimir
eared me. W M. V-
Sun Path of ten year,' .tending yawl by 0. 0. Fathwii . e
...Arabian Linhneut
, 'Hr., 11. 0. Fsaloss—Dear Sir: 1 had been total/led with
the ',nn Pain' for the last to and could Borer g.t
rebel tempt by bleedin but y the um of 11.1.1
Arabian Ltnizarnt. applied QV. the tempies about threw,
four time, s day, It eae entirely removed, and I have felt
Heating 01 It fence. 1 went late the stable one night, to
bled ly,/ e r i hor . s j e r 'starel?g, and be t ilig veqhmas sea.
ao LW!, th.eite, h b aZZlerf.'7,
.them I applied your Lent and was welt
neoligb It • few daye an about again as lanai. I .100
erutbed LIY
in • Linimentner by lettipir
bath-log tall upon it but year monbealvd
.101111 blelitEl
La Babe Pnvelnet Peoria ye. 111 ., Feb. O,lblS.
• •
Beucre H of CounterfeilJ.
no. PubUn vs putlettlartr catitlnoed •A'ainst • Ba.e
Om/skein! vehltb hat lately =We HA to aml ..
ma by the Invoker erbom•••• It .. ViVrltn. II 'a Ant,
mtalment." TE L to deseerous Inati mud m li•b...
to deceive from ILIA ' tem.: - I. ' m be name tit' Varna Tbete.
Atm be temlietOtty wary local) for it 0 the stmet..7.rrell't
fitgat," by ....I.Obtty . ledde t tn. VII Im b pom ai th• m AXl ;
o". -2(.74 R tO jr,...`27 .',..l'Ln z....1.P...rt, 4 711v 1 ;.0111,
es the tretmine cheap hat the lettere/I. Ci.bere orrai 1 , .
hie as.. uatare Is &let. gle e ;
the 00111 e or - atop..., al Ole .
words blown It. tbe glees tottl•— , fl. G. /b.ydre-etnteme,
binuelett4 /bona"
Atcra.gaukdlu every Tenn, Vinare mai Hamlet In
thc Illtat States, In irkkh 'ono Is not ectabllahvd. Apy:l
by letft.lo IL O. Farrell, Peoria 111., watt cued relereme
as tocbangtat, martaslblllty, Lc.
Call. no tbe agent lebo real furnlett Flyleaf Charge,
book coutenuag much valuable Maymation for every eta.
Pus ;3rvnte,
LO coots, nog 0r..0 dollar por tortio.
emlv :entane Is xsoattlActurorby
tattoo, 34/1 pro r, tad wholosalo gniggOo.. No. 17
31co Meet, Peoria, Ill.: and grr nide logoleaglo si nogg uI
trtegrietneo wire by b. b. .SIKLLYIO.4.
abtb , biw:6 tio. IT Wud
gold Or L. IT. CURRY. dillosttgag UV.
The Haman Body Must Perspire,
. .
4.10 SAYS NATVRE, to have a healthy al
tV.:"="7:„-`,l'3 v"I",X.V° Flo r'r-ZI;
Visio , uml Soap amass a trio perspiration, assi at theta tae
tuse raullifeo Warm. the raja, awing is the IS: •
at as mast',
t7ore7, Nalt Rheum, and honk ate ont only boded.
tared by rte rue, aa at lust 7 ohydefua N. York an
1:°:11..211,Th 0.1 tad I ,llll4 l l=s, ''''. l. .11
it . ssartettlkst I. ess w Oodus. to ad oostrun. it
t o will mote. 1 moll emus , at hurt ahrhly
isersou ell red or nu hut. sore legs, aul vs, ea buhL
if ay it-4ml the ruder It again usuresl I would trams
tly glom unkul I 'hum It to to all I .rata.
Throe she Ueda to otatul. oraekut. or oh ayiksd Out.
anll end this not only • cure, but a yosereuttnu sott um
ant Only mot' d:that aof any atalet,l with any of th • alert a
at OT ,- se dlseauk dad this and oust CM" lad. •
labs Ita ptuuttate.
na' airllot. goadu. N i the Amu ato &Wed arlth lmllailen
beaW atm you uk far Josue Italian Cbeuleal Foso—asi
I UR ft ujy of If 11. JACitSUS. sally k menu lo 71:tetrarob.
hood of Wrod.
Pearly White Teeth, sad Parc Breath, to
lk he-i ter 0.5 oiwiten-riceou• who blew ether. AIN/ Moine
bly satturol that if their tatiati le OMIT to tout or their
domed. dorli or rellow, an 4 *nerbated tiirWir e
that •25 trot t ox of Joilts' Amber Tooth Peale mak•
the baitti Y white as maw. Awl th• both iWicriterwer , r
overt. •
. Sold
Woc4. snit as JACKSON'S EtEton, 2:s LlDv(t st.. bud 71
A &domino Flair Tonic, Restorer and Beau
Itoti/at,_ to. Thom win tare ow d
forts' Wm] /fair Rancor know U. ...limit pall/law—
throw who ham wit. wit annum it to potoato not Iblloaina
ilwalltlw—lt will form the hair to wrow ow spy maiwbotr
oakum lotaciol four to cm, stop it Sonia, oA elution:l
of &mina, and ;take hob , . ted. a kraT hairictuw data
tot t,ultaing M. bait win awl eilly, oottilnit can atm,'
tblo,lt maw truly beautiful, sot keep it .o It it. is
deed, Oa molt toluotaloal—yet suptrtat—artitie to. It.
'fluid arils st ;VW JACEI.4):PS Sta.. SW Idbruty Mum!
bad of WWI, Pittsburgh. .
eastst . oo units. end fl.
JONES Solution of Jct. a Liquid Iliniooo
Half Dr.. tot tb. g viblu, red, or aro, MM. 0 I
Semalful brow. arlibak sot IsCs.sis minutes.Pilms—as rants. sad fl.
Sold JACISSUS,24O Liberty Mask kmd or LS ter.L
rtuor tugb.
JONES' LILLY WHlTE.—Ladies aro ti111;-
I.loaed santatt Using the conutem permed Chalk. They
sr. not swan bow h
o. triethair int atious it Is to the slate
hey taro. hoer rough, Whet. yellow, nog untwaltt y
the Wan sppetre ettet using pretend Quilt ..Iletidet,ll •
thkrbas ooo i rt e lweejuentity
itad ,
W. Way. e beau al 1 , /frtablesna.r.wttleh.•
all Janet' apettlett 1.1117 Whit. •
It is poStetly hureutut btintegad of ell deleterious
aglitter, and It lowans to the netureb healthy. 41-
Wetet 01. 1 •4 itrlng white to num time acting es et e.
throb en the We. matins It .oft Ana onerth.
be.lhn Aunt, WM. .1 AMOR/h. -WM terse sweet
heel 4 Wool. Ibuthurste Prlete cant
gem:gee/re •
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root,
OCCUPIES the front rank among the pro
prlatorynordlolnas of Ode roontri. for entoplotoly
Curtail Quaker, tall Ilium. trialnelas, mood all ottur die
tlasos arising frt. an Llnputa state of Um Wok". Ala , .
I.lrof Ocanolalnt.tiaticrrlbilarfroda,fleadaaboo.Mfl...•
tkatals., Sorness and IiZIALIVIO I , llAllt flu Mast; Bono
<nitrs, or hparameas. ttnrom4 and a %lotting an sansatirn
'bo ut Qs Unost; and Is tug with Itniusuodnd • .¢ o , .
mall rano of
Female Westneez and General Den7i4r.
threngthenhatt the - neatened body. giving to. to the
various organe.aatt invigorating lb. entire *Wan.
If the tettiadroy ot thousandt ot vitrooes, from
all parittot the .natty, een 0.11.1 ems, It I. Moguls,
if llDadoollin tllling ilaesort, .ad resinelai
Cal and brat% darn constlnatione. It to wifely Testi,.
Lie to Ito ossoptaidoo, and en accurately ocaottisohl 10 11.
proportioas. that 1.0 tri ,, sad meant Ivo- settle._ 01 .
the B lad e
It •
It has nenierred many ehtoniedleettnie wh hitte Lntad
Ma Old of the ticabrendatie.sad banal. cured Cant. .r
Bait Mama. I:rid ea end croful, ankh
tlyrups iddirely to maks thy leant I:9,lvalve um,.
It hue been tterted In want . cams of CAltdkiltoUB lltt.
11048. The moat obetinate Conon* hay ts been curet
utedtchts. Ws eey tool It le eivaloablenotliclo• MI
Ot/hIPLAIhTIi. It moot. all obstructlo.
tha cirouls/Joa. Bea l the loiter sat
e ,t+
or. It menu Palpitation of the Beak sad relievin
all cans of Asthma. and mat he need in all clioantea, and
at all enema of the per.
Tide Syrup i• preparrd volt btlzaoudsssao..jlM
reunited street. Ptroildeate, It. atol mold it hoittale tad
h 1 • O. X. W1CK.11481.1101,
ildeat for Western Pennsylvania,
mytkr . :Watotionse, cornet Wood' snit Eixtti ate. blot g.
IL T. Babbitt'[ Celebrated Soap Powder. -
irASIIING without labini Warranted
to tuts the Aetna out Ot• table lhamit sad 1.4 , -
Drawn:in rot illis-I'¢t your clothes In - a sufficient
°nuttily of odd water to carer them. then add two table.
spool:Willett this Soap Powder, to each 4s waste of water
suesal with the ...hen If the water Is bard, WA More of
the Powder. sod boll them ten pennies: , In the mum SIM*
M.. them down with a etlek, then put them to • tub end
odd inefficient cold water , en that they will not be too Sat
in handle. Then rub the dirty street ad ha other words,
um them • tharoosti sinslos. and that L milfleisnt is
make them slew, •
N. B.—There being nee !Min In thle Soap. it will leave
th e dem...eeryWats; sod to bed ea - es Mho
pep. do. The entire cold of she ma al need does net
unwed two , cents, to complete • Woolling of ten pumps—
.Warrentednot to Mt or Injure the clothes.
This 4. Yowdlir ihst ottetolMO will Make bridle WOW/
test badly' Bolt deep: .. . •
Preconoses you Pa.—TON Fey els onsets of water sod
Elie the Pomba Wilh it, and then Ist It boll. Ley Oril cam
Ora then add eds nuarte and
water. elle them in simalel
ret h erlAi n r ble trifttrell White heap, cod•
will wash well ,:and edu r not eat lbw bands like other 0016
beep, nor rid the clothes. Can be weed with bard or salt
water, by mums the (=thy lido els quarts Instead of
Medea. The Solt Soap is hut adapted for washing taller,
sod woollen gpodc • •
hold re holdeele and retell ley • • R. E.
.ie7114/17. Wool et
( 4 )U55E , 1.45. AROMATIC VINEGAR.—
The highly yearstarr,b4mmleind tonic properths
render le far impedes to (blow¢a
ihr the ordinary purpose. of the toilet sad belts, sutga
sos the latter In IN perfume sad gumption, and ) p
f i r t ag t e r tfOr the VlMlTollpit elmam. gya
oadril to ladles for the swellintr,
des... pummel of the toll.. sad lin Wropen.l, o
tambours of torritpl , esiOn. th tte e tniollenkmpip . „ ,
r . fet:hl b ertleudlegr //Vieth o k s 4, l4VtidV!:
t h e 0,14" it will remore he
In • few... , •
, Bold by If...II.BELLEILIS.
• entered Into Do•rartnenblA yodel ,
A roan At Olotr. • : Wm. B.
• • Removed.
ENIVEtt, BE ttRY k et
to **rater W a rebOuss, soros* _
• ' To, - Alliggisl2 and oft ,.
ecawarts Man *noted b)
AMON= ingiltUti. VOillOtgan.
Seer of shad o and cola; Thy man
twat has peoloost aka deepen at* to
of Paris tlreati. that herataosatt awl
- without &Ulnas so no dredo.esee .
_bded Unssennt onforenre.
Pss ted sole snot.
agss i a=2ls 4 l7skle Orons..xen.
stMWd.r. l 7 . :. m•;./
„ s ols • •
• ,
AIMEE) . 1 , 851. u, \lag
CLARKE. PARKS • 4.l)...lit.girerte.:PkortUrroid.
'FITE PROPRIETORS hit this old and \ well
1 known We would infirm rho rattle that they are
al~to.w operation for the ',resent maven, and have commen
cul reneertna Freitt n r i nt „ ! . lV o n n ge th el.4•hiz i hltr d w k w . fr .. lp .
ptey at ~d to i
the lowest rates. Or re the honor et tots
Lige will be conetantly at Ore landlnti below thr elmem
athela Bridge, to rereire frelAht. ,
JOU:, CA CO Lig ag1.124
°thee. roe. Water awl ZoiltAlle'd egg.. Pltatharg b.
W Cunnhaktuun,*.e.C'e.efi•APlL:
i ii Mather Pulavkl. •
J. A . Eharpebut4 - .
tent. Act. • L.',.,Orvenvill•
W m. Henry. Martetown: \ •
Wm. Power. Coaneantvillet ;
C 31. Reed, Erie,
10 B. Walthrldce. lsPnio, ?kV. er
. •
• New Lake Superior Liti‘u.-1851.
irsllE new steamer NORTLIENER, Oajit. B.
O. gwerr. haring creep modern irriprorrsment, rot
nty and comfort. will leave Clereland on•Thday. the
Or May oral, on her teat trip—and weeklyMberestice.on
Friday, at 133NVAsk a 1. 1. 11 . . 4 1 ,u t the Neat Itta..,Mari•
nave Snot Ma. Marie, for the IFlWrandtrig n eltiatke
• ogerlor, on the arrival rat thesteamer tiorthernag making ,1
regular weekly line. throughout the eesentg, between
oveland and the Copper and Iron Minna ,
H. C A. TURNER. Progrittpre. •
Cleveland. 0.. April =, lasl.—tf
, TERM IN BINGHAM'S LINE.\b, m5 GE BINGHAM. the buslness at Pittsburgh artll here
b. b. transacted under tho style 'll'm. Illinghari,&
r- mobil %TM. umniell
Bingham' Travonintalion Lin . e, \
18 -51 9. w'
THE CANAL being now open k we are if.,a , -
• dr
to ' , Tetra and forward prorn , cl)\ P , w 1 .1.,.\ , - 1 -
nhand's., east mut sr Mt. •
L f 7 . luhn. &lava at lowan redo hanged hronsiln
Praluce and Merchandlua willbt 'recited an forwanl,i)
cam and wan. without nor chum for fora un or .. 4 •S 1
rMcina• fralght. commission. or storage. •
Hills of Lading forwarded, and all limminus calthcaNr \ 1
attumiud to. Addrns or apnly_to ' \
WM. BINGHAM is CO.. Canal Bade;
Corm' 1.16..-tr. and Warns 5t"., , , Pittsburgh.
BINGHAM A DOCK, /./M Market A-,
.. .
between aod_ifinnsta..l'htladelnbla.
1 ',Amur.
No. pH North 'lnward street__lnGthnore
' nada
---- . New\ Uric
stiaa 1851 Wier
merchants' Transportation Line l
IhttrburgA. IVAN ULTY A OP.. Canal Basta 40 , 1 Penn street\
ORACLE.° RAYNOR, Central Block. toad ctroet. Phila
R e are pregnant V - waive a large ainon nb merchant'',
and krodtow to ship . the opening of the Cllolli, to 1%114-
e/o..and all Itirmetltße places at lower rates. and )12 .
lime time than In any prorions season.
N. H. The Incrimaed tintidwr of Tens provided by
the Canal Cocondwitoners for. rarrying our boat. on the
Ptate Railroads will leveret any poiisibility of dela, - et
Johnetowni Rolidayahurp cm Colombia. Chia PtA.313. , ,
(chid Canal Basin.
185 i
To Bhippera of Marchatdike, Produce, &c.,
ATEL'II d CO., Proprietnrs, 227 Mutat, and 01
Counnerre ewt, Phidelphia.
DELL L n IOOETT. Ia Um., Canal Dash, Pittsburgh,
JOY. TAYLOR I PON. Agent., llahinnore.
We are prepared, on the opening el the Penniylrana
Canal. tn contract Pm Freight aa a. lot ,rstaa, and 'giro
shipper. as much dearatela and care an y,other Lint.
COVODR ek . COLE., •
iiitmccayore to, Mat Wen I Coral,"
Canal /Main, Pent Shred.
Penn Rail Road Co.--beatral Rail Road'
r SHE subscribers haring bean appointtd
•; ? "' ilr af,"' h. p ° 4 c ' u 'la
eeitt any amount of memhanuan Or I.4inre , ler lope,
(lands via this routs itbe carried through in a... d via
and all conaigneal to us trill by forgarded Om or eomm:. ,
alidi or rnarge for alrancea
um or VI[NW WTVZ[2I P1111ADC1.32.64111>
Ihl Gole, Kate. acce. Becks, Station.r, Cutlory.(len!. o•
//ovary, Fruits, Yenthers. Yurentstre e Dn.. Modleint s
• e.ldlorie na. a , • 5.1,..0'N Its C , .
Iladnware. are. Groceries, Paints/ Dye Atone, 01.1 e.
Le•alLer. Clover. Flex, Timothy and =other Ors. R i vets.
Woo/..te. 6.111,
I B.f, Pork, Brater, Lard, Lard ehl. Tobae, lea(. COL ~
Tallow, eiralea and H..Ny - • • 'AS 'f. I.
Mhos. 11.bla (rough) Tar. rites. Roses, Gorman K. T.
Hones. Inloan. t.. V 100
00V0T/L a 001. n. '
PUS/A/rah, J uly to. 1,51 --{ ITV and Wayne her.te. •
•, • '
• .
Freight received for all the Way Statical
L' - '6l the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. •
0,01 ..Am ,
ti .„0/1.1 j. Wine.. ; , '
Mill.; ' cods... North. ', • • , \
• Lawintown, . - Jana. MlntkeeL ',
Mount lianas '. ": J. D.Y.bler... ,
W.Min. r k. • ."
3. %,
\ .
it. ken.
' 14111....1ecr.h. F. A. t.... • • : -,, •.• -. 1
1A1.,-41 - er,
eollunbles /11/1171re11 ' .1 1 kantelt. \ 1
- ' '• J. Watiower Anon. •
fennete . Pfat . ' richer, M.can• n C
. .
Mil/endow. Jose Bearer:
Me.' Jor“..
rm,;rill., ti,.f.: P eon.
1... t ligetod.
Maphnon. Jot, Donalds.
11111 Owen. Kesler A Drat/earn
Cotton.. Jahn May ett. \ •
t , eIeVQI.I: k VOLE.
comer of Fenn and Ws) Se etteeta.
' Jult.l6th.lnee.'l.
Agricultural Implei*iitil',.
1 IL&VE JUST received from the te.eohe
fallowing traplensents, all of lbw bet snanufwguse
rat livrl u rerar c luvr,t4o r st
. 1111 ...Id barite r r ll
Drlll Machines. fre oar. I.IM, beat. turnips. an.:\
Oran Uri% for Mum, re: oats, and barley:
(girt. Sheller, for hOnt .13d hand polar. .
rtraw and Carts Sta/k Cuttind Ross.
I ‘ .;Vi=gr (..1.% 11a2t;rs.
Castalsel Grans and lArant Myth., and flora
Coasts* two. Wee and th.. Inns, grim
MI irtaanbetnled from Or ban materialh and lbr We
al the Irrug and ['wog Star, of
mar:: ' Cann of Woad end Math stmts.
Beauniont's Patent Starclaolish.
"DATIDIcTF.D, July 2.Ctb, 1850.-FOt
.• Immeeeful Woo to Limos.' Aluallos. blot' abr•-•,
Ehtet, lc, and • atm entente' tbe ‘ ltott frtLo
Whet - Lug to Lteett, to., and entente duet tram atlckle• to '
Lk• ma contains nottang
Dinetlene—Put • Meet dm STU ,of • pea H art of
north wham WM= I= 'mbar/7. • • . \
Prim, /2)1 elute C•ke. bald ttbeleesLs •nd r• IET
383 BkLLKItS. 13 Wood V. ••,
A0A....4 hive remota to tri3i now 5[02,,
Mt. doom , newly omponits the
Maumee, ' , bawl Elleglol to me my frtotais and
lo• oft/sen.. Mkt O.OINIOO • as. of .their mum— I .111
keep • veer Letreuttortmett of ll_ Dt roletem, fledmodl.k4 2
dinft,Coteel tilt. Verlag, Mow ttenet en d Mr.
oL, Fatten Dela, Debtor& tad iiunketaQuiltp,
Cfo•otetemon and Cendoeta; Window Shad., of seem' te. •
mem Awe Mate. amt etery lettlete ostottly Mood In tLe
moat Wendt* estebiletimmits oflleklnd. theeremareet.
•ottateil antl most proaptl y 1101 e& • -
Viet. MMUS. Third newet...
WOOL—Cash paid for Wool by
Vornices. —"
- I
HAVF just:rewired from Now York, CM ,
- 1 P E 0 TA LES I—We have a complete
13 'stook of Gokt. Slyer era Reel klekterlek e.
tleeltif of annex wee county Giese.. We Et ehe :etasetee to:
10M vatietrof IiIi0E • accord le x to Ilts beelprioelphotof
A 'ic;Td.
POpi.DEXThit Wafer etlees,,
1712 keentforllanee k Co. .
Anthractte Coal::;
TONS just r6ceited, 'a qiiptrioi artk:lti•
my Ate raacuai u ae, tr r p• 1\
ICE-10 prime Carolina,; fur Paleliy,
LEAD--550.piga Galena;
6000 'poupds nu,Nibs 17. ,
.0010 I JAILLEA iilltallau:4 tW, 1,1
MOLASSES—:2O bbla:
SBear,al7. DrWel , •
rIOBACCO2O3 kge §'i, and ityi
reel ma flir eallo -
.._.. . .
tyLS-2.3 bbls blierm 0i1;31. do. extri s dfi, —• • , -11eatink and reaoutatunt.:.
13 do, Weffern bleached do.. 40 do Tannore . do \ro• 1 11,171 . AR.B . M Si ING.: „up/ L imns 't ee
red sod for anl4 , .by '_ ' - ' .L. '/ V V Ilealloit b‘y Steam In LintedagegrtlloonaLnetn4
totlll .. . ... ' WICa a bleeaNtle.o.i. flame. Bank umm,f4totnafactorient. tiorpitala and bulbl-
A.EFINND SUOARS-An assortment: , I !rA 0 1,,r7,.1,,..ra m .......rti0a.r,..ar1.."ir Lat rriT.d. A1../.M.
Curbed. Clartrod, rulreeind and foe Bum feint" 5 t. m ..i:if t .t.,,,.7 1 7.11,A1 0 .7 jr=2 l -:=
. L L.,. Roan, boor 11.3neofi fur We of. MO N/
,•=na tiogluntiend Is uil t0_11.....___ . ." ~.-
boon br to. A.13M.. - • ''
ot,lo ' ' A t UfltS A. 1113TeEllbo31 At of
_,'... I* fate,! whaetol k t=t... .7- `77' !°5'.."! :"'"'
GENUINE ._. WELSH : FLANNEJSII-4 newoe ,,„..., w h. gi eed d all, 6 ll=V ".
impply of tbei &bow 'vole,' tgnebtsedV" 4, ll ,, „_•• • !rt- ils , ,the ine th ol11:41320 Verbolenceno. tr_olfortaleoat. at mei
p er w, ee e w ee th. meet vttelo it.- by, - ..."." , ..4... e ,0 1 it t i empoostnri;. wftb' 'wales Gall
• rt. 1.1 ...t.
iiitlitatial us our ct..., fiereturov.,, , ''. ' '— ' ',, i 4 k .",- ~' ~,,,t ,rd.f Mat fete* aro ,''
oel'ecd--trent =ha up to tone qualitt, - • . "" , ....--je,...a .• • ~. • 1' ‘Pfe a Olfat_7-- , ''
I ish and dmieriesul Ittathilakable WX r.--„.
fuLl nuartlettnt of faelanA Danney, . .
' ,
kiL P '•si'
** 1Y \\
\\ \ - ' •
\\ \ 1,, ,
~ . \ \ . \\ \
\ , - \ ‘,, •' \
\ \
1 ,
, \
"?.. \ ':' ` .'\ •,‘\ \, \ ' • aN\ \ ' ' - \0 a '' 1, \ 'IL.: ' • --. \
\\ \''
s \ ''' \ V \ \ :-.\ •\ ‘.
.. \ -..
. „. \
\ livsußA,N4s. \
- —— E
FIRS I. ,t3URANC,t CO I".A.Nik. •
.11AltRISBUIG,V4, •
- 1" ESItNED \ only for the. safer`cliissee sati
11 t , tvittorty.l.A. Ito'•Al *Eva .turt ,
0 ,
.r advantages 111 polAt of t r y ettloty tAtimeotttto,
Jatnn. to vatt.oal atott.rr marehano. And OAners
troiet of coaxal,. protttrty.
,A. A. CARRIER. lettArT. •
Aranch Oak: No•6lEmattsel4...littottuoßkt
Orleans Fns mace Company.
CLITZAL, $150,000. '
• \ ,
,in accord4ce tcl h !lie Gelcrals4isuranre
'Latk.of t State.
PTIE prdapen4 s and responsible.
.cany; bastter ampliecrorlth the ropwiettlabe or
toe bo r.bro w o.c BMW. is wow irem.lbs policies by., their
Went w th e roost raworatal termit witteT,
rteoenee and... Wets, \ b144.148/Jti, Smokiest
S UFO/LA.Oi, Soe.ttSr•
So,,th-r s
Westernlnsurance Comisa ----' 3rofhttsburgli
cAPITAL 8300,000. \R. 511. LIER, JR,
/ Vreeldect,W. oObbw. SeseOtwr• \
.1.1143....r0 u rran all kustr of
rbaLtre ..a
15311.1 , eel Morelli Ibitsurd Dt. 5 0 1 / P 6 ' t
A home Ins tion—mowberd lw row r* wr ,
~ " ‘"'E tu s lu 'e eset h.r ii— 'ml Ytc.h g l , rtibo: tin
he best OM...MS/110 than
wbo desire. to tw 'newest. \_
mobs-mos—l Miller, Jr., (Se a t Block, J. W. Maks, b.
liobaws, Jr., Weti. B. Hobbes, St. lbso,ww, 000. W._Joe . ka?p,
Wm. V. L.T1M‘4.4,1 &rot 'ore.] botto.Job: ,
obstairs,) Ilttsbursh.
, ~.._
Fittsbnrgh Life IteuranCii Company...
THIS 'COMPANY `a4B -ineolporitted in
I'ehrttar7. Mill , 16th aPerbetital ebart.r. 100 t,..*
costuneupd impinges On a. capital cirlloooMil....
.. \ , '.
The Company does Initsbaeas both n th e Jcl2 4 bloat and
thy the Joint Mock plan mii woe stro onikhlrd loasAr
[hove eharipd by Mututil'ectusuiew4 rite/. Per 11l
leiter than the roma mold Mock tociat
\ Mutual MUM 111. th• lallila KS thOile 114Optedhr Mho
tatty condaeled Corn... Pei. - Thine *unmet! Ph th a mutt •
al Unneitils have the hanbintdoccurititaftutdated by ttuq c
fr stem of instipace, and the Capital ohdhrkriditi!! . ..,:i . .
-I.?:.`Nag.r 6met kr ptaltatlt L grAntin or ins . uhy'ned . oll`dllN
in every font, Including the riitti g t or wi thildreA‘Pe
rente. ogatiotos. Moods or eroottors—toosore the =e ch
then( theirpenereitudve benelltrdryable +Putt,
`or upon the rattles attiring akthe pp 00 ,60, hiii, ei or (i,
''' k th' " "th"'""4. . . . \ \ \
5. , ii..6 cirt ..4t. , \\ : ~, . ‘
~ thasonel hielliurtaa,, tire t A ....
\ \ Joseph. 8. Leech, Treasurer;
, Charles et-Co/ton, &cretin.. . „ ,
\ dupes 8. Noon, acooph e. ,
Johtt S. Dilwartil, \' Charles A.Coltrid.
Setittil Mclitirktuy
. . ,
, . \ ECU. or rm.=
lion. {ill /ati Wilkins'. lam of at
m 8. ,,, , ord. I.t.
'lion. Wtilq lo of Ban k:. .
Jahn ilnyd,t, Boot Cashier of. Pitta Bank . ...
hialtolut lot i.l. tea N Miami. tinter.
Hen. A. A”, 1...1.1i, \ . AL it Molati 4 MN. \\
1:11:1 1 `irgi.. k. - fr \ - ' t!Ti.T.l'.l t.:11...8." ''
\ IVA' erg=ll.° l li.,l'aFtige" r d outs`,
\John Crawford, M. It, TV Sixth:Amt. • . '
Mot war, Morgat i lt, Ih, lid Liberty street ....
LXlworth will !Attu \ atteud.ce at the °Oleo, crery
4y tl2 oloek. ,\ . \ ..
of the Contrattr. hics.`"it Fourth street
J.l 3P1A...: . \ C. 4.1.33LT0N, Peer.'
Priiiikkn" . Fire a Co. of Philad'n•
IfRE_OTORS: - ChaTios IT: L lituaelcur, Goa.
V. Mithorda L Thit<Mart,Sir , /eiciii p. Luta...lw.
,„,11 , PI " o'rri:k=l'''\ ("'* , ,D.via '... pt—,.
tr xe
', -, - • m curourr.e, o'. - Airr4.4.E.o/, Pretithp.
CUtztp 13. II Trtrit, 8.1'0.1 ,
1 , \ .
or ' iPc=ft'l'in ."' 414 . 1 * =. of Pri . 7 4" ll P lu ' :7l.l
nte rr eatni= ha • gercerVq.., - ir.,ecoithig.ot Lod.
which. with their Co ital and Prruitumuour turotuL,
untud maple broteetioh to the .iorured. ~ .. .. \..: t, '
Ili tied LM. U retl e fttiTtg . i ' fl:LTl74 l. 4Ci . rTittlt u teZ
' . tal t ffrte ' t 7 .... ... , :=7::::: 11g,!4 -
a'=".f..%".."f" - :: ' - '7 .--- ,=,(ii . , -
Ca•h, fc . c. '.. \ ' 64,341 63 '
n , $1, — ..6
Rna their incorptitn, a ..' od of 21 mire, \th
hare pald upeurd• of Oar hunk& Your littadred.Thmaind
Dollar, lames, by Fire, dhyreby rdlng . eridenewof lbp,
adrantagre of inrarancd, st• well their ability and due ,
poaltiou to Meet with preat i ttre u bi h rt
A . ' L . `,..
.40 ri/i,,.....M. coiner o Wood Lilt... , ,‘
Penn /ileitis' Life Jammu) ce Philtid'a.
(yin J. rinuey,jr., dePnuaida No./63 betty ttreet. •
60 the bettor contender. CI 'persona reMdlnyr in the
lover cart Mao city, the , agent \ may also be Pun/ dab',
Prclioo=rl tor, ' 2l . :il s .M 6 otY; L ettetNte ' Mr=
aaty tnierstatlen 'lithe peen and cotemuuicatie prompt.
ly atiestird tu. Partuchicts olulairilnd, ttui 1p and
betudita of Lilo lutuhuiice,...l, Liu* forms fa htt
. ',lnte Mock am 131 , 0,00 i) oral mutually tat ress -
Po.nta divided annually amongst thaw insured Mr Ul
Putaburuh. Jan. 30. 1661—.34 •. . \
:arine; Fire, and bland Traniportatia
ly_ ILE lzukirszteegompany of North 'America,
113hatelehia—Chartere3 - 1794. Capital $.103,00. Astett
Mal, a1hU1,214 , 60. Well make linceraace 011,
buitlatira soil gleir. <outvote, in thiecity and eitialtr„ also
ea prOperly OVCI7 def{7l=ll3lll,Fl Per buota
and other Teasel, el thee be trataryottatklet Oran the
e 1
Joneo. Job. 8- Koff".
r0j0...0d ' \ - 11.1thard Irood.
\A r. .
o. lsh.
13.z010l Brok" , 8. Anoll fs o
\ Jos TTlor, Woo.. kJ. Iloorott.
I ,00t. IL Mora. -
.‘ JAM"
s;.arartstialau IL IL Bboosort Poof 7. • . \
oldeos/naironco l'coopozytothe
sod from f 4 'huh elassdlooL loaf ample moms,
sod noldincoll
,llsko of an flitrlf character : , It
msl ma e oeconitr to the smith.
" °11..r 4-11,LIAil JONL 4 +, AseoL
Delaware liatnal Rafeti Iluc . rtilmeeComp'y
ILIF.C.L4INGN. Tided street, PhLhadeipbbs. •
Pi¢t , , , a , ,,,,--B. ll . ll, 4,l,llprehlrdist, and 'other
property in town' and manta, Intureal against loam or
J*Cllaire by Ern at Du loaned rare of penal.. •
Manna lannaasoz,--TheY shoo inlay* Newel-4 (*Vat
end foreign= comorwlea, ander cyan or aped
;choice, 80 1.1..%1203 C 11.0 3. deed:,
TICOMMIZTamr.—Tbey afro lIIU.TO llerchandise
unweaned by Daemon }tall road cam 4.Dnal he and
_team There and lakes, on the most tenon
Intracoscpb eleal,..Ndmand.A. header, John C.
Da Robert Darien. lobo H. renzneo;. Samuel Edwards.
heoene C. Lelyer,lTbrard Darlinston,issaa IL Dana; lVib
.11arn Indwell. John Newlin, Dr. H. M. littaton, Jame. C.
'land, Thropthl. Paulding.; H. Jona. Droolca tinny -
Sloan, Duch Craft, Ueerge Derrill, apencet
Cita:lee Kohy, J. U. Jul.., 1/rs. Nay, Dr. S. Inapt.
Jana beldam 11 - ...e1y0. Jr. .
• Munn= ae Trnwatnan—D. T.. Iferran. 'Una end/.
)laards,,Draealeat. Ives, C.' Liana, Tice Dee*
dent. denten NY. baleen, heoretarr.
b i - arDlMlOc_r4ike.c7opanr. Wear street, Pt.
\ a , ItADtiIBA ,AD
Ohio Laboratory. ~~
:I - ;T 80: 'varr NTT"
1 %.r
"* . r - 85 - -99:-
,_•• Per cellt—‘§kre-agth- _
jaOWELL FLETCHER & CO., Manigacta
nr. ALCHOL:.42IIOO*Ib fa Coloas sad 13n4".
er. o =pg f * 1: 7 . 1 . 11= ,
tr i f .d g; /"./Pite.nnrsn .
Lewis's •Patf.nt Revanulga'Fater Filter
SNOW fm:be 'leen in'opeitUoirat
TASZ. Gli"floYlaraltome stvat4to..
frera lorry and iriy.Sto,agoi UMW It
o. ld Mutat Geri. Vlabon,ll.. IWO; has rondwal,
• Gold }fatal from Gra Ain* Institute ortiew Yorh, ‘.
and a Crithratas%wo bt,lxdoititto of Philo:lel
lira, for na sore to prkpartlet and sleo
ratigetats hoot thaw Getz than ln inlitiladeloblo,
of,which the following to. v./amplest
• • Pnititotaram, Muth 23thelgOL
It gireime gnat gleam" thclortra of
goer dear water, the Zateot Maier:Gbh Water Illtero, fir
mart by Mr. L 4•13, ltatingibted owe them hts
M . '"!thNl `,
.ganardasint, March Vith, o.l.
un ti l IL Ifitter Ylltorer, brrotroi by ale. ,
Brunel IL: tused by the for soon =CCU at to
sorrow: miderow, is all that any parson could /
therefore oonalday a privilege to hart it in my powee to
fewordreend ltto (h o
• • o. nantey greet.'
.• Th tan 'Pittard wari•utod". to B tate B o at •h) ism which erat , s,rboa tram dronoiread oWmatmr regefew
, matter in the warm. They •n . 41.1.42144 to last two
loam and with manors . ear, will Jut tow to.l rtmo ,
onlygo La trent* be ItlMPßOdtari• ' •
- 711iyIktf • • TYld Arch str•ot Philadelphia. I
rI PlPESComell's impioied atent
dilomt PIT. for H
£LyLetbn band .111 i arrl tor nal. bd2 '• ,
• 'l2.ohrlis: , • • . •la hoar OtrAt,
.• : .
. . .
." • • •
• .....
\..••., •
. „
.• • _ •
. . .
.• . .
.• - • - •. •
~ .1 111 . E bfc4,1.\.,
"Needbi' Oelebraied
, o 4Lti high', inedleated piasters be ,, barci,m*lx.„.,
vore then 1 fee., rears. during ntikh• terne they Mg.
p e t, • permenent repotettim.. the moat elganin. • .
ilbenntitnie , nhd , , irengLesning Fleeter ...seed:bred. \ Pikr
IiCiJOIS Gl.t MP \ billibell 491111e11M, to win= the... peek .
tnm be.borrosu bmitted. hare given the tarot Dance's{
41....u5e1s lode their neterder tine, over all other pt. , ' "
ter. sold. '.. \ .
Llhe Inn - resiletitt el' ildir eo.reettien„ very caredblly end
vive r tiy cotohlovd• rendre them peenderls. effillesble \
peso., ratheir.e.eith pre1..... .... e , - - -
For pains Inothe bre.
uid , t, resifting fro. protrocted.coldn
Tis h 2TlniWiesly. tZell. Vt',..rl'en'g:P,"...'%..'s:::l';'g':'4.:.!
goesifen nr Sop... Aft a enavd, in inailnhe. there% .... \ -
pre e nty en., sit oulnerei opplieral.,, .orb as tiolente-n. .t • •
he.. tent.. folly torn/L..1-rd Le the I ..Yeeer. edirenete \
- 1.. e iii.e.nose and pal. In theit.o-ntni hide, essdalting \
..t.• stra l ns. discs.. of the tide. yv, Yr., their In \
'Tv.. get
dvr all other plasters hos b. la shiplf, luted. er - - \
1.....• i. fit, here expenonne4 almond telicl - reva the.
~• V ,
enticeLene, To cue... anger ritte,rbwhotle pal. three
0 , ,,,,,,,, .o. ~„,,,o4,t heatre ~. en the ...dent ...nee
theftie ir tva,:ial. elvel will le. lout . TITI" derided.
1. '; ' ,...... 4 \ le. E. ed.LLLIB, hi . trades. , •\ .
^II .1 3— CTI;
p ,,,,,..,t,R,.,.... i ,I'ENT tiTARL.
1,11, v„ .v g.t:n... 0 I'.s 1, .tatil ak.. , o L 1.... Mdia;
Is. f recent. ••• ivon tn. adhering. tto Lineebtindgeeet • - , • \
trc' \ 'ic' ' '4 ' ''
'''';'".. ''"
`s l '""", `'
of f , teepee:. 71,;141.. bevel.... t. bre me r e erdeer.' .s - ! \ \
euch, an ortic sz4 in this theaf es PeetstiOn ni..llbefeeP .. ;T. ,
11 . Z , a1e‘e..1.• it.. n . 4i...vtlen ii. .1 . tsop
h. V ''‘er , C. " leillin mitt, dire. of ekthni. in ne \
fr.,}:....Jr,' r ts per Cate_ Each Cate with taUdlred s - ',.
r '" *,,t..2.e.. \ -..., S. Si , Lin t ' \ :: ' r '' •
• _.--,-..,
• ! .. ,
i •
. ,
. ,‘
. \
.../liaie war LIV. tt1 1 .4 4 ). ;ramp.. and <rib. , \
"[hap ere drilanatt of IA hhhorortiy. _
VT, 1 /ftgiltS of ,th.ta remarka b le rem
, and thh A/aslant erracation foal; to the prank \
etas, has induced fi lm to hare it yina up in bottlee, with Ia
Labial:at dlreetiotialor the bOOO tot the pohllA . , ' . •,, .
\ft PtTIIOLI I/Cram - am% from a welt to WS TOWN
LT, at a depth of foci, hundred feet,a7a a yorai unadnitida•
r , "ck , , 11tb00t....7 aiu , olool•ohahau. htit pat man
0.. troto_riature'e kituar•••LabreLiary: I Thud madam d
pappartlan reaching .n Milan. of Mars la Widow •
molter of ureettandr. Thera eani rainy in the are ;••
mit of cntor, widdr:l£..konien, roinkr be flat Wet* 0 , .
t , l i d , l4:l .. al! k erialii , ntout Aig A lei r l . Lueleiag b4b.. Atio
u ttra , Of i
rehear thod r et of rottioalt oh in bottlimait had a Taranto. Y:
Lion for the cored dine., .The etrosrunt sad da/ 1 /4 , 40 - •
log cells for IL no . 4f i ererst reeterkobla corn It
• medals a sure cation Of Its future rupurairity noel.:
aide errand spell Lion in thee... of dineann, • •
L , Ve do not arid. th make a lobe parade of eartllltudea . ,- ..
iro are cotuuloon th
reethe theta
000 Loon *et Its
. w i
ink, the farad of th oho soffOr. arid ulnb .tai be h 1
~,, not eltioa far It a utilferial apraliUdion In en ~
err, . , lee unhositalardrir sa , k laid , ia a swarm at •• -
Co=eaLer l e It Is, irogreLl
th . , 4toong t.hiranzga o . e , ~...
' W . d 6 ea r ia i . s .4 ,• A k el l i!P l' atr. "' litt.r, ' r . ......... - 11\ 4 .; .
Blelder mid likluoya Feint. In Liu like or Edda, Sienna. '
Ohnlinni,liatiralgin, Pd, y, ltherosttalle taLos., dont, 0411:13.
OW Tetter,Alufra, cram, Barns, Scalda." Old Wpm.
k et ee id it. k mea oj ti delAitt7,, f 7:Wee frae 6 =ltra . \Le:
briffa . retlei r" lnall ztr. a o euer:rl . ollo and - ALIA - ~
ATIVII In na all
irrlpi......lis and —warn to tn.
uholefrauta, Imploring Oa (Toni= the resionfesi - '
~ \
\ fell:loam* which <intro illseue arid a trot. onneakiaina,, , ,
arilsrriusinereioma mad maorm energy to 01 , ./..* i ‘ i . i
t‘ , oie....lidoraietor Yuma of aereard curio ar PIT.Iii
\ tht k i h "".4 ''''''C other "' . "'''''ke . , • 91 .^A. , th e o ar ,
of a rET,HOLI; "Id for a emit dm, no • Tar yen al , . ' i
Von. Kau Cahoot. the iirsiattual of the
,3 "ol a l . ir= 0.4 . . ni - alieir.ll ~ :, -, . ,- '''
oho dHlnw it \
\ ' Aldo, bin. x. ext. 07 Wools .. '
\ . \ \.,,Lom,xxxerar. a IDOWELis ,
i earner naval Arent and Viraiu Allay,
aoy•— . 4) , A s \ bin hatularly arrnalAkat Av.*. \
4N01:, \ 41,1 aim are,Ricle-argi
with Reiss. of,tho 01.4,41 and Ellaide. vith rhea,
palsa t lll . l - , Ack , on?4a , hati ,., ff ,d jo t l ,,, nt;h 4L i t grimnbut .
Logi. ka it'cti Ir.:NT/11 4 0mA as being a mistiecin,asso.ll '
Ls you please. but Ili ladonosiot mate PG;
In the face ofeu . i . sreommanitr, that It 6...1115C1AN
which aro not • o
il In say o th er MannlT_a, Ina
maul with in, .ad ruß,uio.. hum
for S.O mute. get eo stout airy of the
Roeder! It coets ni`make • trial. 111 e,
leum le mixture—em compound. Vat up kr the wpm •
1.1.6. R.. boCit for rezedraltbor.' •
led 14 the master baud a nature:x.l bobbles up from the,
facto of our mother earth, in Its brisitsuil purity, osul
fan to Suffering huinsulty . • re,a47 7.1p.d.r. .c,r4ip. say;
nixed ellen otbe., bare Liblled. to
staler soy relish It bee cured Ith'euristkoi; of
lons :
standing, Lad of the worst and toad pabatal chancier. ill
owed Cholera lilorbus, be one, or two dam. It eau'-
mind old ohs or
000. in rblda orres7 other awed, •
bee beta of no avail. As loud mood/ In bunts nmil
ecalds. It Is bettexthanudmediealoompoundsOr kilidasen' s
theta, tnoo of. °aro dillbhusis and frosted feet.
In few applleutiotio undoubted testimony osa be it, rto
ea of th e tru th contained In the .torn statimamt. tlx ma/o
q ou SAIIUt:L HD.% Cs.nel Basin. &Tenth etseen: at:
e , I L MeDoirelL'etaiaer, of Wood stink
c o Vl*, it
`ober, IL 01. &Hem. Wool semen IL A,. Mika. cod to,
Cd M• An.h "' •" t ''• ' LT " tk.. e . " - A
Eons, the glanworar and sole prinniensrA
.0 thole Out popular wed behrlkial modlioest, and wlli.
the lllTillitOr of the retaliated instrument- for ingatlng the •
singe, tpp efeettlir • sure of Croak dierasen, was re lin.
dui of than
su eroln r ut ohreiciard Doctor Pht., and
audosto Universi flimsy kuithand
pears allier.han l i en en g aged
lb Ihe hung:Wofnor I d
• caw, awl ttie application of react/fee thong. •
Through the twe of his Inflating keratin ocashentiont
ltio ProphyinZre, and other Of rentedios, h
awined art nu kd eminence In Curing due d mew
and fatal mak& Tubercular Couliaption, Conwer:,
=ail ; B c teg a
c ut hut, e - 4nd =no d u
ons* peculiar te,.ferE als;end ell
s. lurked, liver Run attaining
ankh. under tluse his remedies, which bunion
L. tratroot by e nog of one ones,
only, for OW
Incomutible wl l'hologfulii Law, bug bran war; Dr
bligenedieL - adetlieg ond Pulitlid uql Rarwltr
- "AtriTtalte
selpgrelednad to be uperUr all hew; ito fft•ga'
hur °Nivea- rat, loweerlich sag,thlie leave the pen
Ilithe kw. frun ortatirenest as ...ko h i Golden Pinson ads
rdb4 -i 20, 1 1" pftpatim Nth,
tad to o dhows:At being vitiated Ltut ban tria
fe entraelearro establish w has barn add. In iltratolndar
• The en anolthlted to t ealialt i ,•ttlint; its 4
rna (MAO 01 IttaiDostor'f ningseko ,
atonnutof twos dr. ann ts_
, J.schooromter*Co. Wad
J rennisend„ g Inroad _ •
\ Los Dichblig, •• 3 r Poi .;1.411.01!;
J obg - •
To. the .Readers of the PittehergiAlakgtte.. '' , ..'.i
,it.a ta the folk:mi. UNtlealt fort In rela ~ to i
- " I, ra h (PIAVI i $ /IV& i,ZI ii tr n i.tre u 74. , ' _ !
.. ate es. tole strat matedymen brought hem
palls, Inr the relief and outs of azes. Its great ki
to heel. have. am then, become fjf r plonetated thn ', \. \ :
analoolty. and 'mall., t ore,
.It 1e,...
_ths . \ i
Vraem oertaiantlLLMettLfg.nor k -or JlZ:toe..= \ ~, r
I O L?, d' ♦
,ra ..; , P= d 3b.,.. 12 ,. .
a other noarrame have bren Foramen. . Petro la • ,
a Nabors! Hamedy.
to adelabora In the al ahn.-.1, 1
br • weer and agency atlerarhe to• saa%
c ane,. ..
' It le oar duty, when we 'Mae nada. 4
elm, thm We write the tro th—that we say 31 . Maps. , • '
rated to deceive those who may troll =VW= 67 1. 1 ...... 1
dente In or statements. the doh am rem aPt to rata . i
moyehtnet that pramisee relief from awe. \ A StOMZ . • 1
lunar to tco h4ldyvmmat to Omer She ohl..„eU F. I. i
Jaren antleam... some of them. Now. ow donot, •-, ;
to d= we an attonson t lilan It , : trattrllarlarn te , f '
Van far LeoedlnaroMety le ergots ha e i.rtra ahlit k e ='-'
lee: - Praha turvernithed Ihernmfaete thatmayheaseardamet. v i
In our Dry lusol neighborhood, beer anda,neadereMV.R"-,,
the roame r two- al non smio
i r w lnhod. here b.. , mt." k .r gi - i, , ' \ I
oral coon of h nem. In the State of Ohle.. vs toiaa, , \
cored. And,slets the emote gent/manta - I
Them smothers teatimes. ma mu? hams saftintm ' s I
be referred to try any pea. who have dbt.. the ma 1
lea - Una en as sem sued Aar they b e .
shealdose, . I.s.
...1 by amt.= ae hope rejVhe iveMenmiMa n otes r
when Mood wrath. to ltiarrhata; a '
pl?ommatnen. ant.ltentarte,amarename tn. nay ,
Phn an the bre, Marne ham lye., amwortn."fettar, I
Heed: palm In as bones andyalute, arm. Wm. ..
am, AseesChnaols lanato. detht. BrnechtUe„end All 2 •••-
LlNhasmary aeatione of . a "lona marts, tersn t0,,r,..,:,
Ldoe Btir== ‘ 44l• . C.i tb• i4,4lie .A
EVUI L OV . GUIS '''' IMITZLSAL .V.I h 2till ' itT. l irbr a bLI UT r . O4 4 . .
In of the shaman.. within the .d. year wlth the?
most perfeel Samtlt. ' C4lll.lllfttea that. wW . &WAWA are to
Mebane Oftln. proprlelnr.nbo .1 is. Vasa. In Idliwt \
Mesh= to the sta.% ix 'her fr1emu1._,... ,... „ ....,...,, ', , I Q : , ,
whatever ,others: tar WV .bout char'
Ratan= lath. Beady of the aftstondsdnos=, 't
igigt"'"g .21171nitrkotaVlir5i. •
°,l=, .... Id ' jog to award, Mane Mlle • , •
l' oormaktatea, ''' u, Before aratterr rev .vile nand, all
_be,- .
...paw , . asassaisus th at the Penvanm le merrniale •
rer Ud'" 7 . ll,Vr a lp.a . it tfeniVa - V "' :. War eirL ' .
~:._T ..n, 0„ , Swam, Fir W ord eteel:- . D. • Canu . D: ...e . ;
.Izuwit,J a ni.i
Ki Datt.6 . .ll.ll.= . o4Artg ... AT
St..uot 13. - A.Salneabook a a".,;wiais tad: ricea do- 4 -
- "dt Is dun.. tou.And 1,4 atao
amQrr. tdsrdo 14411:122. .
obildres. Ms Mhos; biiir
=Ws= to usable:miss sad hrOsio and ddiresa,
re o ou t d e is 62Oierr
o = o ownl
o s d y us g o a 2 gisosto stout
= 2 l s 3 i'gi isrSorrtgotd . otileiiymroe,
2 him voccomoadol it tolarstolgbborooktid
.easselozodonstrbaten that It the boot emit,
Paregaorbasid soeDsrfoltlhdr eighhsS ....offq , PW
mush. lam 2tor atsr bccared
PreSessd and mid bz,
Meta): • Wood sa,l Droninicaoszslir,
AUNT MEDIGINES, *c.--:klarge itoc"li
J i a th
v w " :*na t tm, "" °*"z6 "ebtiP u !'" ir
4, ~,: er" , l itsboomie.l4.* , t. 4
11 - E"'"U ftlt V=4latgehl m ai;
~. kr.l 7 ; , ' r 4 nr tiT le.Lbi I
\: ' 2.1dit.1). " IX VTII h aZ 4 44 l , 17 ,
r,.. , \ r...,:-.6pep,—... ! .:.
, {A.txtztvi, ... '.,,gort—,--„
L.. • ,
Po,4cs.e. \;,..
" 1 rtifrArt tor ten.: 11. Wik't 'me 1J
u mur th. fti . ---,-*Z.'.---"%-s?'