The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 14, 1851, Image 3

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Tam COMMIT, WA night, was attended by
: immense audience—every seat being taken, an.
very mattype ooas tfie.appointerl, Jenny Lin
of course, was . the great attntcVion of the even
andwit should. judge, ftilly met the ercite,
expectaeihna.'-pf het...delighted audience. Sh
! improves. : one acquaintance, this concert givin
more pleasure than the Brat one in this. city
She in truly without n Heal in thel realms a.
song. We are glad to any that the most perfect
order prevailed.
itivertea.,—Veatcrisy evening; at about'usven
o'clack, - the body of it man wee found lying on
'the ground, at the :bead of Seventh street, with
a deep wound upon_ ltiv left. brt.ost. Ile had
apparently died - Without a sttvggie, and is sup
postal to have been assassinated.
• f Coroner ilithurs auttuisoned a jury, and it vas
,Jlfteortialned . that the name of the deceased was
11 Jamee,fitoeney,late a letterer upon section No.
44 (IHetvt:Ty e ts) of the Central Railroad. He
has been two or three dlys in Pittshurgh, an •
1 took Battle Of Itiaszeals gat Iturph3's tavern, on
Peen street, bet did not sleep Ahern Nothing
, 1 1, was found in !his pockets but an old handker
. i f chief and a rater:
11 Deafer Shaw' made a post mortetu
struinatioti of the botiv and found a wound
one ine€ - and a half long, externally, on the left
1 side oC thik a Cheit, betvreenthe sixth and seventh
riba, eik - ert npwai4lB, and penetrating the
apex :4116 heart. This, &pi of horror is
shrouded in,myelery , o no . noise or confusion as
VP a actrille,;having : been heard .prior to findipg
the bodyl - -"k -Mau - named Thomas Jone,s - said
that he unit seen the; deceased during the day,
in corepany. : with two other \ persons, and the
1 i• Mayor .deemed it his 'all to 'detain him for
1 - Anther examination. to-day. Ne eln e rely trust
that the perpetrato rt of this atrocious crime,
will note cope detection.
Farat, Arrier.—A • fight took place on
Tuesday ;tight, att brick - yard oa Troy Hill,
near the reservoir; which has - terminated in the
; death if /teary tiosick, - one of the combetants.
1 a ' a a d
The won , wenn err commenced an
tack 'upon nmentiamedSweeny, whilein a state
of intosict4ion. The qaarrel woo settled for a
time but ; afterwards was recommenced, when
licsack, draining a knife, was about plunging it
Mato the hardy of his opponent, upon which the
lattei strunk him on the head witha club, felling
him to thenarth. He was carried, in a stem of
hissusibility,:to the firvot the brick kiln, near
which he weapleeed, and remained there until
Wednesday morning., when he was coned home,
Mill insensible,. and a phyricina called in. • It
; wasifoo .I.that his feet were blistered, - by the
heat of a fire near which he bad been plaad,
• and :at o'clock, yesterday morning, he died.
bare %Ur. Arthora' was 'called to hold on in
!, queit'on the body,- and after the examinstion of
sere* ittiesses, the jury returned a rardict to
f the effee that the said Henry H . O9llC' came %re
hie . .. by• blow with tie club, inflicted by
rina* DWELLING is advertised &tittle
sour paper this morning, by Goa. Itoh
t is one of- thoss-handioute houses on
I bank, -overlooking the canal, itiAl •
dilettlicver foil to attract the attett
.'t o .pisser -by, for tho beauty both of
E tand situation:
' A:81A
or rcnt 1n
I ert Orr.
the vero9.
1 their des!:
'fished thl.
'wws.—The. speech of Kossuth, pub
moiling, excludes with local news.
as—We understand that Jalopy Linii
ill'leave tot:mita : 44, en route for
. - Dma?
eiglit pers.
:1:80/11 , ..—Three h mill red ita4
tidyelled over - the Obio antl - Pe.m-
I lioad:ori Taeaday. -; :
, •
Arno Crepany.=lterabeo
. Maier, Wm. Lyon. Christian Theo-
Seett4lexooder Nimielr, Geo. Black.
hones rAtiley, George
thaniel'oo ll riewr44. LiPinior9tt and ,
were elected , yesterday ,. Directore
jr, Jobn
ow, Thos.
W. IL Sw
of the Wm
-lime .
Bet'arer. Emu C. H
• Orter,.end the en.
'Ti naulariit Genet Vaumeter ye. Dr. Mitchell,
octaE the entire day. No reediet hes ye t beta
. , ,
?resent :thei=llenorable Williain B. McClure
:v. OPfeeldentJadge, and William Boggs, and T. L.
• ,T.iirolnitiOn of J:-.A.:.,Bowmeri rearmed—l en
: • .-. donna:ll4e bill of exclaim(' *l. Dowse'. Dawes
luididsOA lett - aril credit drawn by - Amos Gore;
-. • far 153,600.
.11e, wan engaged in some Baits here,
. relatleito'itiatentchnrn. They were between
hint; andu men , named Calvet: • Stark Simon!
stopped at the Exchange HoteL - . lie - was hero
:;-• - hereto - tis;"and left an the third . of
,March, on
ths:itteimberts.llambargh. Dowes and .I went
-4: ,on board together, ;end saw hint. After I got
.. • tiCinelithati,:l telegraphed Dawes ''that it was
~ . all tight,' to gOaltead.' , ' ' • '- •
. \ , Crosi-examined—lcreeide -In - Pittsburgh.,-
Toleitt here since February 1842; with acme
' le'lexcePtiOns.- Bove -no occupation. Am
' ylng with Mr. Fox, the Jailor. " I ate eon- 1
, Wend have private apartments. • leame to
his liouinfen,:fliturday. last from Cleveland.,
: I Was ettgaged : ht - no businesi there. ' l' was nr-;
1 I rested. in cifirelluid on the 28th of) July, on, a'
.! I atmrge* of havingentinterfeit money/in my pas,'
seiiiion,; . . , ,tir .tie purpose of , side.' .Dir.. Bak!
+ brought. from Cleveland. I was tried on that
1 charge andaminitted,• bid another true hill was
itltulliMi_ oPhlertos,ohergbig tie, 'jointly ;with
another man, with Jansing, a coruderfeit fire
thdlartiOte. - In Clevethad ',registered My, mote 1
as l'atiani, end was arrested under:that name.
_ Afterwards, give my' trrie 'mate, John.** Bow man- I paned in Michigan sometimes, by the
• mans of JesephM.,C . ratte. , • I have : boll:10 ether
names., In travelling L alwiys put my name
dawn something else:. Was. not brought up to
any trade... Have . worked 'at many businesses. .
Itearnetto - Write so good a hand," when I - was
studying law in Vermont. Hive beans. book
keeper. ht Boston; In the establishment of Hen
ry:B: -Bowen. - Bane been a clerk aline then; at
' Ann 'Arbor, . hitchigna;' and also' New . York: -, I
rurpotacatenned here, by agreement 'between
: / 2 / 4 Vid the Prosecndog Attorney,ln order that
DoweaMight be brought here, and -I appear as
alrithees agagliud him.' The Court told me that
I bad bent in JERI 'Ai , long Ws they' would
• hue sentenced' me to . confinement, , and ! I.
was ,therefonti . discharged on- my own . bill..
Multi. the agreement witlilldr. Magraw...l ins
tlymi to understand that I was a material wit , .
netit Id the case, ..1 told simnel that, if -I were
eallod upon the Stand, my evidence would be ma
tedat::,.. It was Oat - Geo of the conditions In the
- agreement, that I ehould Implicate fttark fitmoni.
I ends 1111 Information 'against bite:. - lie came •
to see me at the jail andiold me he came to do
stone business in regard to a patent chum,
audition that ha was doing some business for a ,
steamboat; , In the •course of the asene'day Cr
the miit, I. ascertained that .that: was not his
..„4",-... , ;:‘" - ."-..v.,1----- hot that he wan taking some ath
We perceive in some of Dui Northern exchanges
an announcement that WAlLlair./ the „Second
Assistant Postmaster General, has been appoint
ed First Assistant, that -Sir. JACOBS; First, As
eistant, has been 'aPpointed Second Assistant.
This statement, we understand, has no founda
tion in fact. We learn, hOwever, that, on a rev
felon of the regulations of Ida Department - . the
Postmaster General has determined to change
the duties of his Assistant& On the 15th instant
the First *insistent will be transferred from the
CONTRACT -to the APPOISTRINS office, and. the
Second Assistant from the Appointment to the
Contract office. Tlte change k. to be one of
duties, not of officers. -
Those editors who have copied the announce
ment eboverreferred to. are requested to make
this correction, as the erroneous statement, If
suffered to pant uncontrodictod, will lead to
confusion and irregularibit in the idle-nes. of let
ters relating to the business of the Department
STASES Govranweer for the quarter ending Sept.
3d, are published as follow. by the Washington
papers. Receipts from customs, $14,764,909 34;
hinds, $581,89282; loan of 1857 (treasury -notes
funded) $l3, 150; miscellaneous sources, $249,
627 25; total, $15,599,57931. The expenditures
miscellaneous and foreign Inter
course, $3,560,8`2919; on 'amount of ltidiandep
artment, $ 8 82,873 92, pensions, $92,3,002 51;
army, &e., $3957,904 65; fortifications, $110,343
37; navy, .V2,70.;308 34; :interest, Ste., on public
debt and treasury-notes, $8,597 94: redemption
of stook issued forfourth . and fifth installments
of filexicen indemnity, $287,596 76; reimburse
ment of treasury-notes, $13,550; front which
deduct repaymeots on Recount of interest on
Public debt, $12,898 ; 17; total, $11,101,805 91,
L ont-L ' Surrii , --dudge Vance, of , thetßutler
'district, • according to the Intelligeneer, has in
ittitnted 'suit against the former and present edit
ors of the Ilamil6sti Telegraph, foil $5,000 dam
ttgCS, each, for hasibg charged hintlyhrough the
columns of that paper, with r e ceiving Are. of
$lO, while Prosecuting Attorney of Butter coon.
ty,for entering a nolleprorepeti. And as a rebut.
er, C. L. Weller, one of the editors, has tbrought
snit against Judge Vance, and others, for $6,-
000, for divers charges and allusions to him, in
the late "Miami Democrat," claimed to be libel-
Oils, they being charged as the reponsible
publishers of that paper..
.14mtmm.—The continued flight from the west
to the further west is thus noticed by the :4thlone
°The number of people •who pass through this
town daily on their way do America is indeed
surprising, and proves that the tide of emigration
is vastly on the increase. On Tuesday.not less
than 50 well-dressed 'and comfortable looking
persons of the farming classes left by the rail
wai, destined, for the New Worlfl. They were
chiefly from the county of Leitrim. The small
farmers in-the county of Itosiorrueion aro dispos
ing of their crops secretly, and preparing to
emigrate in partien. In fact the aelf-expatriation
of the people is unabated, and it isimpossible to
say when or where it will cease."
As • Auxtraces Denessramos is Loi
The Americans the present industrial ye
distingaihed - Wen:retires In ararioty of - a
the eyes of the mother country, and in ho
the - American gentlemen' who wore con
with the Exhibition in the Crystal Pal
George Peabody, the princely Banker or L
gave, on. the 27th of October,- a parting
by way of patriotic celebration. Speeche
made by Mr. Abott Lawrence, the the Am
Alinister, Sir Henry Salver, Earl Gram - ill
Charles Fox, Sir Joseph Paxton, the Desi
the great edifice, M. Riddell, the Awe
COmmissioner, and - Hobert J. Walker, th
Secretary of the Treasury . •
Sir Henry Ilalwer, as usual, was excess 'f ely
happy in his efforts; an also was the Earl Gran.
elite, who hen made himself highly popular of
late bybis kind and 'pointed acts of hospitality
toward the Americans sbrosd. Among the
guests were Sir Edward" Lytton - [Mister, Mr.
Bank: Hickey, the President. of. the Ban of Eng and,
Baron de Spetti, Dlr. Corbitiof 'Virginia,.riat.
Stansbury, the Commissioner appointed b the
President of the United. Stites, Qui. Wallbridge,
of New York,' Mr. Chickering, of Boston j' Mr.
Davis,' SecretarY of Legation, . Henry Howard
Paul, the Editor "The Amerman Magazine,'.'
:Martin Eartinhar, Tupper, Hobbs, the celebrated
pick lock, anchtome hundred and sixty others,
tn.ostly American gentlemen, directly interested
In - the business Of the late Exhibition. The Whole
affair pushed off with great enthusiasm, and this-
Internharge of national feeling will lead to hippy
and important results.—,London Mona 1
• I
ba7itly trite had the Rheumatism for 20
ieca. during that time miming such seven. pain Li ev
r:, ranof bee body that eh* mold occ sleep without to
Rises butte 'don. Of wolulu: tearing ltewinfieliffcsltereCis
retuned pa almost a ' , nekton; army joint aim swollen
greatly. OA bands. twos and neck sorest with iota,
Ace cards were 'bud and contrasted, so that, her
.arms. .leis and body were so tainted and drawn that she
wan obliged to Ile In bed constantly. Doting 9) tware;ebs
...thing teoHeasoy Permanent relief tell she H.
IL Farrell's Liniment: ,this ohs used it hot
' ties of the dollar An', and the swellings hare all . the
rein has entirely left, she dectw eomdlr . 11 more herby
than ever she was to bar lif., nod spin and sews all dal.
if sat arm doubts this OVIIIMM. he CLII Mai u toy red
deuce. three miles from Poona, lIL, read be satisfied.
Petroleum I
_ .
' Bthintiai . Comm it PamoutlE— W e' the attention
of,the &Mimed sad the pnhlM gtherally, to the ceilfteite
of Wm. of tills dry. , Themte may be men by any
MM.. who may be therfteal lureclatlon to the - facie hem
met Meth: EL 11. HIER. '
.1 halbeen alftirted mania yew. with atone:tamer bith
er., which continual to Inereme until September. 19 O,
the thilacnnatlon at that tloie haring Involved the whole
lilting membrane of both esea..acul ended In the Mrposite
of a thick ' Slm, which wholly cliatthysel my plat I bail
• an or cratlotilmmegiall4thiet.bkkeninglemoyeal s whirls
lams tetumml and left mein la bad • top:ltem as beoWt.
At Mai stile of thoMniplalnt I Mad. application to ome
n! of the most einthenElMAlMlToen.. who ineitme4 nee
that •my eyee would mrer get well.' At this Eno I amid
not distitignieh antobion:nr the aileicsi of tome hinds
• I mm the use of Ifte-Petroleuns. both internally
thil.localltennder which myWwes Itsie Improved dallyme
tft the prethrit ThaTepeopemal toB eight entire;
Ili:;l4l.ginenal health WU only mach Improved by. tbi
Petrol:aim, Mid atitibute Li:Ca PlAneallon of m 7 tight to
Ire nee: I reddest No. too 130, , c0il tato 0r...a
.111 bo hePPY. to 41 ,, att7lnformatton b mlatlon.te my
, _....
, for tale 6r Zepar WcDcmall , 110 Wood 6traU IL Z.
&Hera. 6: Wood strum B. A. 7 / 6 .l.eriock.k (1.3„ corm { Wpol sad Front slave* D. M. Cam, Elika.,jmeph
Diagluo.,l“l.l:. P. Schnixtr., Allegheny: also by Wu pro
pri.tor, • K. DC. KISS,
Zwl6.llnren:b at. PW.w.b
ler..Lrossao -s: Jonss is a canilidato for
Motor - at the neat CUT Election, soldect to the Ideation of
the Anti. Masonic and Mfg 00IIIrdritiOn. 1301030
gerPleaseun . nounce through your paper
J.d.IIE.S MATT/12M M se • eststidals for Illandr, radon
to the loontostlas of du doll-Ilssaide and Whit Coutes.
zerMoyoo.ivry.—Mr. Editor, Please op
-mama thot the friends of B. C. SAIVITC will prerr bl
<Lams for nomlnattott for .5 1 4yor.oulitrot to Mr.:Wirt...A'
et. Whig Cotrrrotton. ' Poona Mum.
&5ae...4 Iwi or flrrasclou, Noe. 4 7 1861;
A 7 . meeting of the Board of DlfeChofll ,
thin day the alto toy toisolution era. adopted
toed. (fiefdom' of plt amt. on the otaltal
buck be paid to be oloxkboldars an or atter the lath Wet,
'subject to the State to of Imo collie far theillStAlS tataiths,
As pro - viand by, the act of the Ilith of.Aprfl, ISSO."
flora:al JA11122, B. IflifthAY, (ladder.
Mammon, 0e1.18,1861.`
rpRE DIRECTORS of the Calling Mining
IL Comp.? of Ylkialtp% bore this day =di an smear
.ou•nt of tiny ants' osolintunr , of eapltal 20 th
00 4 Com Poor, half Dayablo color Lefors th e 20th No.
'resuber, and mouthy? Ulf on Or drfore tb•27 l / I Dfoopper
Inm o st I.lpolr onto In Mt: citti ur ~
' - tiovotata et!, 1851.
qpitE Merchant? and Manufactarera'Bank
I. of rlttahorob au this day declared a dlrldiod of I
per cent on the capital elect, ant of the protda for the
last Idx menthe, payable on demand. •
noe - tr. Lt. DLYNY,,Okabler.
mreUng of the Modchold.rt.of th:o -
. .
•ND:Hr.PORilin 70R me Plrreannian Gersi7ll.
New Tong, Nov. 13.
The Steamer Cambria arrived at Halifax yes
terday at eight o'clock, A. M.
She brings forty three through paaveugers.
- -
There had been a large businestololng for the
week ending the let, and the market unsettled.
Owing to .the eagerness of holders to sell, all
qualities, except fair, which is about i lower,
remain as formerly. Bales of 46,000 . bales of
which MOO-_ were taken for export, and 2,000
by ipeculluora.
The Corn Market is doll and prices are in fa
vor of buyers.
Breadstuffs—The corn market is dull, and
prices in,some instances hare been in favor of
buyers. 's There in a moderate demand for flour,
but prices are rather firmer. Western canal is
quoted 11 . t. 16®17, lid, to 18®191 per bbl. Corn
and corn meal are without change, IVbect is
fluctuating, and. some sorts are a penny dearer,
Provisions—There is a brisk demand in the
tuarket,.and higher terms bade been obtained
for bacon, mid new finds ready buyers wt- ex
tzeme juices. '-Lard -ban receded 28 ql 100.
There io eo American pork in first b.ands.
Grackles—Sugar is in good demand, with a
decline of 100. Teas are inactive, and
common Congos at Bi€B. 9d 7t-7 lb.' The 'sales of
Coffee of all kinds are small, with no change in
price. Sales GO tierces Carolina rice at 17s 6d
re 700.
Most Market —The market is easy, and
money. al:mail:it Discounts are easy at 311
cent. Funds have fluctuated owing to an appre
herision With regard to French affairs.—French
funds having shown some' depression. Consols
bid fallen off on the 28th, one quarter, being
97.1(:)04 for money and mount. On the 30th
they.were done at 911 and cloaca on the 31st at
971307. f, Foreign stocks,, particularly Ameri
can, remain-inactive.
. .
The s j iate of trade in the , mcnotacturing die.
tricta hap undergone no change. A fair huffiness
Was doing by the cotton manufactories, but the
accountireceived are regarded •s unfavorable
for good's.
A poilacript to JEfollirighead, Felty S Co.'s
circularil states that the cotton market was rather
dearer at the close—the demand being good,
with-tioi4o many cohere. Upland Middling was
quoted 4:1; fair at sd; Mobile Middllng at
4 9-IGddi fair do 6d; Orleans fair middling 4;d,
and fair,do it 51 per lb:
The Htiglish people were paying marked at
tention fo Koasuth. He made a public visit to
the city'of London on the 30th att., idol was
reciivediWith great honor, and much enthusiasm.
He will mire for Southampton, with his family,
on the lffth hitt, in the steamer Washington,
for the Hnited States.
The gilind banquet to Kossuth at Southamp
ton had passed off very brilliantly.
The London Times continues its attacks on
Kossuthiind has, to 801110 extent, affected the
public opinion among the mere cautions climes,
and Mos+ who are jealous of their reputation,
as affected by their associations.
, have
• ye in
• or of
• acted
• • • •
Ladyreclaim has made an urgent appeal to
the Admyralty, to send out a powerful steamer,
for the purpose-of exploring the passage which
Capt. Penny believed to exist, aed which, ityis
thought Me John _Franklin has taken. This
peal is errantly seconded by a number of the
London dip:muds, and many persons of influence.
The Prefect has notified 'the citizens of Paris
that he needs their services in the cause of or
der, and desires them to hold themselves in
readiness to act at a -moments notice.
Judge Cole, oleo of the. Judger of the Uuited
Stntra Vietriet Court, died at Camden, Milne,
There is no truth in the reports which have
been sent from this city, about the Spaniah,Min
ister threatening to demand his passports.
Mr. Webster has received a beautiful letter
from Kossuth, in reference to the famous
man correspondence.
Neer Tom, Nov. ,13.
Cotton—The market continues firm:-
• Flour—Sales 4000 bales at $3 81.(a3 04 for
State imsd Indlaza, and $4 0C44 7K for pate
Grain—Sales 270 bap ryo nt 700, 'and 10,000
boa corn at 60e611 Vbn.
Prorisions--Are 41111, especially Bee and
Ports. lianas &maestro with oaks 43 bblancst
ern at $l4 25 ^e bbl. Lard is selling at 803.1
Tobacco=Sales 1000 lifids Ktntntky at 8®
9c according to quality. . •
Nee }'oar, Nos. 13.
Cotton—Salta to day amount to 1800 bales, at
yesterday's quotations. •
none—Sales of 2500 bbls at $3 75 .G 3 82 for
common State and Western, and $3 81e$4. lot
Grain—Salve of 6000 bus Afichigan Wheat at
86@ Ks Saks of 20,000 bus corn at-69€.61e
for mixed. Rye 69®79e. •
Prosisione—Sales of 500 bbls pork at $l6 for
mess, and $13.62 for prime, with additional sales
of old prime at $l2 60, and now cured mesa nt
$l4 60. Lard remains unchanged.
Orocerles—Sales 100 tee Carolina rice at $3,
25 '/1 cat. Sales of 309 bags JOTS Coffee at 11,
and 200 bags Rio at 8f G9o.
Tobacco-1e firm, and prices are maintaizedl,
Stocka—Are steady. Salem Ohio re at 100;
Ky. G's, 106.
l o t OTTER-3 bbla. Fresh Roll, for sale by
1=a:0 EAAIIIEL P. 81/11ing.
ALEItAT US-100 Lie. and a., bble. pure;
1. Wrly by J. U. CANYIELL.
n XTRACT LOGWOOD-2,00.1 1119: Sin
nutm boo for rale Dr 017 11111 D I.XI ,
B UTTER-30 canefresh Butter;
leo do do—bust. by _
rTTF.II-20 ]tom, fresh, recd end for sae
by t0c . 30 WICK • 11•KILNI.
BEANS-15 hap Small White, for sale
L 4 .ENTS' KID GLOVES—Now opening ut
A-4711ASON 11:111 , .'n said 84 /Iv ket teat-100
du.. Alessadero• belt KW lihyrn. ce.7.0
ILK FRINGES—A. a Malox & Co. have
ttJJ r.'4 9D carteere flak Move, black end ored eolore. •
A. A.: A1t.9011 A 00,9. o °ref rle . afaqtet et.. forth.
eapply Ylatuale. 1,••
(111,;—.25 bbls. prim Tanners% for sills b,
tieres best, for sale by '1 •
CZIL IdOLASSES-5 bble. Goodale's Ref
L°Al' SUOAR-75-,s'd Noe. Bat
bbll.asyV.Pios. Lafayette Wainer,: .
- tit.Jaztes
tea. L U tv tl ie l s l DCO. b I toPllttriud6W a w ist t i by
N M a te. ele l ; r.
VI(OCOLATE---23 boxes free!), for stile by
nUTTER-*-56.1re g s No. 1;
bb4.1.fi0u..1 ned =id tar v ra!ll7
""-, LS crake (Eng.) for sale by
bble. -dry Enid fine, for
.140. I; for rale by
for sale by
"r43I•ELCB 00.• •
AlkiES BLAKELY, European,4l4
Agent al:di/valet FOreign 'Exchange.
re alto Agent for the.followlegr Parket Liam
Pioneer Llkto of Bleentablpe.between New York and Lir.
allow TAI I line, telling from. Now York and 0 1.brer.
Prot on rim Get and 10 of erste month. 0 .
bee Line Nw.York on the 100,11, ono Liverpool
on the I ith of every toontb.'
Red Star line, lea,. New York on the Ilth. and Liver.
pot on the 02tIth of each month.'
Lino W b twice a month film Liverpool and N'ow
The lowinn.Linn of Parkete gaile from New York ontbn
lat. tith. letly nod Batt, and (row Lomita, ou the 00, 1.011,
'l.ll i..nttl b il;;;, - ;( 0 1 r ill::= 0 1;xrket0 front !raw York
ant tilasJorr on the 100.04 dblbrafearit month.
A Weekly Line of Paagete from Liverpool to New Or
loallr Line for emigrant, fronv firat York. by Steam
°^°.. 00 .- 110 . 0110 • or hY a Crnd and lirelload. to Pith.burnit
tagengere will reeler every attentlon. tml wlrow
en cheerfully at the vale.. of W. l'apßout lb, Mon
Soar. Dublin. and St. 4.0.0rge . s Buildtotta. I.lvorpo.l. W.
A.O 1. Itinerant 1 C.v., .oath *trod, Now look. or at
the °thee of the ealrertiaer, earner of oinkt. and Liberty
etre... Pittsburgh. •
r . f.° oo . rre;J 001 10 to the IlfiltedNtateg or Canada, who
i.L t, ~pd fur their ITirada Iv ony Part laud, or "t
r angetne make the tern cart
uta on aPpliration'to.the stilewriber. and hare,
tbom brought out by any of the above favorite lines
packet, (which ran. from 1.000 to 2.600 tort
or by Bret clam Marcliant ehlur , on tarorablo term.. rtf
way of
il Liverpool. London, or Olte.gow. Thellr frequency
hrerlmlee thr r..ibilicr of delay. Puny;. een
alto be ..eutal from Liverpool to Naga/riven Bellmore.
Philadelphia. 10 0atOn. Charlatan. and Maranualt. Direct
renall.tancee irCetnall or large sum, as ueual. to
Steam Comaxunioation between New York
and Glasgow,
rvIlE Olasgow and New York
s a t
.1 0 teamehip Companye powerinl new
etensnahlp ULAISOOII. 1.002 a ”,l
hang power. N. etewarr. (tato of the Cu.
eteamerv.) rommateler. eon tram New
look dir - .000 for olasuww. on Se:order. thotath of December
nea. et NoUlock. noon.
pesneoe. MONEY
First Cabtta
strYrAce hooeuxere taken.
Th,lo , rents I oelnde provision, but not whoa or Hauer,
which grill be supplied on board, et melons., prier, C.-
rife , • Surgeon. Arrleht pe.eic, rent
Far Inexht *WV,"
J. 5:e..1X10N, linvidwalyoser
The NEW 0011 g. 2tou tons, and lao " l'ex ; , evrei%
wOO to Nr tiii,rowo• will he an the atatitm e.rly next
eyrie. ,
Elclfenry'e Philadelpina 'Liverpool Line
of Padketa.
leSoiling from.Philadolphin on tie AI&
ts. and lAverpool nu the 15t, of em'll mouth.
tic al AK V PLEALIAIITC, Devon*, IlActer.
•• lIENAOI/(1.011. Woo. I'. tt.di nor, Meru,
L. •100100 E, Nelluuthl C. Hurl., XI eater,
,7EIIIAN. Alfred P. habh,Mareer.
SILACKAIIIAXON, I nev i ) I,f Wert. Mag.,
The above ahlpa are bell. 0f the bed and nowt cocliT
le Hata. and are heed tor the vot their vaeursoe.
,r, r , Are Ail e d up efth All isnot itoproveuirede, are meet
thiunutihly re:dilated, and an, nocurpareed for their ar
mum:dello. tor :Second ( Wan and &n-a-ay 141.werti
they Are commanded teen anknowlechnel Went. who
an, unequalled tor their experience In Ile peel.pee uervire
Fern°. deelneio of bringing thdr friend, iIVII3 the Ohl
Country ran obtain certain.. of 1.111.0 which will be
re , xl tar Nicht Inonthe, and r aconite In irrland and Lily
...peed will fundell these will. the proper A4 , rnalton and
M a / 1 ,110. t+ . 1.,. 're LO their departure. '
For the cOuventence pronencen, trichina to rent nto
ye; nem/m.4 dratta tur . Xreutrlisnt and •upeanl, payable
~fe h r td*Whoa i - eui. which. wtll be hr en, al
the Snots Oslter.ln the United glued.,
IF,J`Prneteirms paceienc Ars menlocr frau Liver
Errol wewk th. fonowMe tuppliwi .in b. furolobod
oath mu...roger of 12 .I**r. auto .21,1 of or: 21k lb.. brewk
IN,. 2 or. m., lloouulmood.,k, bnuear. ll f limit.,
4 lb. =Woe, ~11 lb. pork; 11m1“r roars a lye.
lb.. bn•wtxtufbk i l lb. pork, allowouno of waWr oaf la.
el., and bolt • ,rlraraw orvz,,wleirtomtelt,i24Aree,
Et , ltk At CO..
e: Walnut /frock !wiry Proud. Phtladrijkllk,
IV3I. 1.0111,
jololf mower Ilion, awl StWal .... Pitrokyrwli.
ate Cl tho urm Illokr, .1 Co., will Male]. tel Wm.
right drags.. throw. Britain slut Irelowl;won Prance
arid Gerntour. •ttlA Woodwork Blakely W.,
lkluernrwrre Worn Room,/ curvet. of Liberty end Eirth
nt littAkurgh.
Pa...moon to and from thr CIA taunt., to od the
trula (*Tumble tormw klsk trout New York to Pittsburgh
ow/any put fit Or Wert or•Pl
>'I'EAM BOA'I'~.
FOR ST. LOITIS.—The pplendid
paavervevrotetruer ArlA.Cart. J. Y. Iturrt
1..11 leave fur thr above atvl WI Intelmm.lW .
rutty cu Frahr, tb• 1411 W.I. at 10 o'rlork. A. 11. •
For frtipta or NW,. artily on boor:rot to
-.. J. 13ACK. Avint.
L41,118.‘-rho for rtalaner TIIIICAII Mil
A. ..,
. 11. Young, will lemma r.a th. 10:01 and
/111.r616diatt Yon. thir day, at 10 o'clock.
Soy freight or Ittetage apply - out uanl or to
morn .111 , K1.141+, Arent
11.4 1011.76 ENCINNATI—Thesplen-
tliJ rtive sad light draught gleam boat
h EN g. Cortaro lo.hlocou. stall leave . ll
the above aall inters...Dant pointy. on thirt'dan thr
' 11th. at 10 o'clOck A. M.
For height or patrago ayttly on board, or to
noll • J. NEWTON JONF.A. Agent.
jr .e.teer 0s N xv A, 11111,1na,tonstor.
di havo for thaaboreatullntrrinvliatego
on this dor. the lath inst.. at 4 V. At.
fur frrighdor Damage. •In4Loa kn.& or to
U. rwILKI.Ia, and
c,oll . -.- hillr.lllIIFF A BINNING. lei
Wheeling-Packe t.
ARE 1 EDUCED.!—.IIIe swift
f , 41d rever.uger IooketJ.CFEN
Woe, ler the akh• Ante/meth
air vrtvUlltuog, at lU , test . gereeNt ,.
Isaleek oiele heat.: ,
tut,'" ~ e,, Thu reds
sod ha.h.lay, at
e 0 0.
tetorolog.. lua.,iee Wheeling e ,, e/' We.. '
Jon - sol ',Way, al 0. H.
ter freight he pawn, haring soicrine
re. . , u.
atofy nn_Neaokor to 1111 g 11l f
The IMO, NeLoott la ooaof the Sane. twat. aver en.
lane:lad for the trade. hatsenrer. and ehIPP.. nan
;eon en her running in Oa trade.
ee 0e,.5
Whling and Pittsburgh Packet • ;
eat. P.EDUCF:D!—The swift
Da.rager 1.4/.1 winno.
inn. Ow the above am! all
alo Meta laialean'hann. at 10 o clock precloely. .
If ee
fortbeeo.lnetlen. •' . I
•• .
Ills MAI Ar11:11, Carr. OVI. )lon a [. 'gni) learn
Pirt.trarcb wr.-rr TArday, ThurAlAr...l AttarAar. Al IA
A. M. retarnlac . Yarn Wh.rling o'er, Monday. Wril.
War, 1110(1 frida.r. at 8 A. )1.
Far finger or A.m., bar teA mperlrr accraaaml•lkro.
apply as bow* er to.
ARNETT:ON% cftiiZ):lt t Ca„ipt.
Market claret.
The Winehrster le one alba fuetert butte 41Tt construe.
tr,l fur lII° try!, l'agungers and CAPPen esa dricna ua
her running In the trent realties oecgt
818 WirSELING PACKET—The splenali
nen ;meet gnaw. DltillYl AL, Cungc
ter, le now yurfcrmlug bet regular trlyreeklr het..n
thin city mot
Wh.cling, leaving Potieburgn :sr ,10 o'clock
tinny Mornay, Ifni... Jay gild Irtzley, and returning,
leaves Wheeling every Turn-lay, Thurrney and naturJuy,
In earl P,k. Via freight or ramp., spplr bo.o&. or to
Altfleriugi.l a ,11 , n. Agents.
The Monet to • ride ',hoer bust, end is manf Gulf/nest
and KIWI boats ever eanxtrarted far Ina hada. I•aelletp
grr• end Alp:4ov tan depend no bar runtlnnlng In Um
: 4r 'LW k: N ILUCKING...kiat
—Ti... glair Les."' A.3...hgascausetoc;
will leWse. Pittsburgh torikbseince.C•Shas sad liookluk .
port. every Tuceday at 3 o"clockt. sto returislng learn
llocklngpsrt far hapitna. and Yltroburiel. re
eky Thursday at f o'clock. .gaessustro an 4 chippero
ca w
. deyeudm an
Lost runn i ng ftgularly duxtur Lb ,
lo water oors.
Yor (nub t or passage. anpl) Gh !Nowa.
Fresh Tea&
50Q "F . ~!I,EI:I',,s.KOTIF:AS°,IIEEN 1 t ft.
Just see at the PLAIN TEA BRINE. 04 pm
street The sloth Tom were selected by the sub
scriber froen the lath rerun sole. In N.,. V nth. and tem.
lalso ell the different grades In 10. toark..l. and will be
eold "%amain arid retail th. cm pthlmas.os hr ths
half choir . /retail semen are' %Tiled arid VMS,
the the differcut miettim.
AI.S.)--3 , ./ tars Ott JAYA COWPER!
In dos bottles truth PEACHES. • •
triLtlitholugA. JAlikka. 39 Pith
LadiesTh I Bead This HIT:
ELTIIE PRESS, and will eltort4 la, ready,
lIANDMAID Li/ SIIK PIANO comprbiltur
u description of the merhanieur of Ihr Illetrommus the
mdfect. to ',lrish it Is liable %bout :Ma io mambos% the
tocel of remedying 0.011 Mtect, sod lastructlaua how to
keep tho ineteuramth Plume ita tu Ily P. It. Trutt.
gretyperson haring • Piano Acuff., bare .spy of thts
kook. No troth of the kind has ever ' helm beau publish
ed. The Informallon It impute ist uotth tan timer Ito
price—aft dollar: mud, throokOther.aavisntagres 3 .111
hall used raa,Wml hoelog too, am by
ana . n.
gentlemsn'to ate titles of illtstmrkti and
Allegheny. desiring mirly Mpg, of the stork, can be fin -
cashed at their residences by leaving their address or the
oak% of .rof tho Pdtehrirsh lemming papers. or at the'
maths stares of Meters. John It Mellor. Ward /throat, sat
Ltenry Klebmittard strulA • . ' •• c
My sending Proo dollar to the author. at the Gazette Of.
.13%, Plitstnaish. 00,9 grill be tbruanfed. free of pcutakr.
to any port at the Ued States. MU mass for timasbil
lens ..S. liberal discount to kook ostlers and Allude deslen.
There Is no moth appropriate present Out • pollen/au
tan mats to a lady M. copy of cola lelo4 .. •. •
amid In your olden: • •. .• •
. ..
MLLE eubncriber bat in attire and offers at
X low prima, &Awl Assortment id Altana, Coburg&
wam sad ZirIWO Mouse de loins, Poplins, to tuba Irlata
mt. Linor, Cotts4 Flastislr Tlilbst. ntrallll6, mil Wool
en long linawl, tenth Linea, Ponges 11millisrehlefs. tholes
Craven., Patients, C 014.1171.0. Cluttl4, Tercels, Jeans.
Brown sad Blembtil 1111.11TP. Irrilb, Ttekinw,' Cold Cm.
MitePridding.C•l3ll/A Utobrollas. bisek end sitdm tle4
eiroft's.Citilite tfe „ VY , Vd, "l ear. ' ittVb.Yari .
Bindings. Eutrous; elAr a large muddy el goods:o4l6k ~
1 we
rreusalfully turtle the atiention or itiorthmtt AO
024,..:,..._....,__. •........c..,..2a!!'Un..-IY-V-IleV•
~ Sundriii.
_:sgi ' . '-',-;,.,,
60 Mr. dolit• 0, IL, /nip., 6bm !lathier. Paslun t• - • , ,
cad aa, t.. C o, . il tas Biro Flour; • ''
Ili ebesis Uolowe and Chu 111 lall Maiillatlin .l. -
lair Tea: , 2
boa lailairee • . .
90 bap U emu and Alark die 3, boa dint Candice, '.
M h air 7 14a e f . tit ' T ' ;i . usbeil It. 1 1 ' . ' x ' s ' .4if e l l' Cbottlatisl
40 tes ai.etd
anio n;o . ' t E.:: irAdi tili cod t r i! .. .l 7 :
Mt II Mavens Cab. G
L.Plit / 44314 I
Qom: . 1130 sets Line dairy Fan: .
7fr bee silo Collet: •I Pi brui (Mhos Pins; ~.
20 bus Lesmonn i. 1 mk3l4ldcr7 . _
J! bet Old tlor Jaye: 1 certadi Indicts
W boa 4016 bonze 10 tarns Pothdli ' - '
6 boo Cull). do; . .141,bis No 1a 3 Mcke:eh
• 6 bet Palm 0 Almond dealldd nbloli OA4 11 blolass4
by ijs
6 by &any Pirdm motes ()round Nplonr,
1-bat. do Fred. do: . Ili dos Deal:orb: i
. .
6 bay Com litareln. 76 did Wm broore4
A 1,,, MOM, Wass, Whlts Lead, (httou Tut, stiolesels
and 'stall, by • J. 1). IYILLIAIIa 4 liti,
oalm ; laortbesst cornet lewd mil /716 ets, ''
.. . ..._ ,
English 4 - Binnett.
IiIrIIOLESALE GROdERS, Vom ` 's iot.
iterebtifit tad dealsra 14Prodo Firmae
.uuliatturee-11 (0.40011 between'
Id and Finithitoid_slin:lifitainital l i Pe.. Mrs - on. baud
411144"qm the Following . troari, width Met ollsr for
to lowest matted toisit.-, • . .
's rosailidltbritran 3601 44.41iki Cnllm, l ess _
lb /amp, 140 nags Ymou Upon Tou.
lstrotiatto i re• . lirkamo. 4id P •••
m cut stamina - do 60 tdril N. flume. ' '
‘. k drt...l,lorMo tibis . N.(rAiwi.4.; . I,
, itddi vier.. • W -...," 0:11 .''' '
•• . e trult:TaAalltltitltrut.
.. . • i 0...... 1 . ,„, 'g„,...u., .• .
Is, I'llbettr,2 000 - • thettreo 3141d0t.
:team aids Mi tasks Alum, 1 '.•
• iits. • ,
....4 mnotis /tidico,l
$141 . p . ;.... , d2l4...seei boalo tet, i
M, 10)0
ii• di l otailklll Candles .
'. '" • ' I ' M all ' e slfi '''''' ' ' • ''' .
bor. 8 . 00 6144 . 656.17.4 ad, 4 Si/Mt
~..,„'''''', . Itairraarg!tr".
se• - •••;• - '''
IMtildaMS: Vobitho .11461ka
4 . ll 3Wee,cotitoon kattir. lki 1
s 0
41•446 ulewltk Mapand.lduludini. i
Late Notice.
fumed the Practiee of the
rtlit 7 tOt i :rtMiattrea ° l 6 .
'Wu dimatrol. Mrblee,
4.: 1 haver ta1.13 MIN 11. non,
• -
.mills well knowntstablishment is still eon
s ducted in Ula Saxes Mariner It bar always Lem Thai
central and pleasant eltuation of the bow.. It. cummodi
fritr Irteisi=lnd;:inagnt'il, l'e!rr:.;Ttf.S'ir‘rr''•e..rlleiii”ln'tilirl;:on::
" rirrgi i r l re:: " l! " ‘ r 'S
In long at the hilt of
elrlTld'irid:!t!'ur Co
Sledges ins bear amnions to taidotaitZ reparation. and
to give satisfaction to UM customer.
semt— d (ccelMlso Wll.ll. PARK Ell'.
Public Sale. •
Nfine•day morning, NOT. 'MB. 1851. at 1U o'clock..lll
re.sold stpubilo Sal.on lb* premise. Olounester. N.J.
th• ilMentive and vaittable )lACIIIN PRY. coionneing on.
bona br, power 010010 Palrl. sod Rollers couiPtote•Gotsh.
In a superior manner: two new 6 horse power Steam
}login,,.. horimtintO one dn. perpendicular. 30 supenor
Engine lleared Latkoo from 4 to PO fort shear, and swing
Irons Gto alert:lam 6 Boring 3 1111.31 d to 10 itt long: gew
J jar, Puncblog. IllecUng; and flooding machine.
[lnning Machinen Blinding Machin, Portable Verger,
unguithrd Boiler. Boiler and other 1ton: Trip Hammers.
Slabbing sod Pegew.monitla Alsohinery; Plid• itean,
log 1 , 01.: Blacksmiths' Took Boller 3lakers' Tool.t Coon.
ded Tool, Ca/ large nod small nth, Circular Sans. Wool
Plsnioi Machinery, Irond Wood Purchase Blocks.
Wart t!ran teat Tu[oM Ibroogh Iron
lunge lliamilauton Tools. de. •
TIM shore 1. lite best and moot completo aesnrtment of
Tc.l. In the nat.. A portion ~r them hada never been
The, whale will he sold without reserve, the propriotors
declining the bu•inees.
Afar be •xentined one cob previous iu sale. with Cate•
lognes. wlikh Mar he bad on application to the Auction
'l“."bn." Inn
Ir. ' T r Yo‘l.
not) at..
03 Walobt •I, Philadelput.
SS. as host 4.lsOntralt. ......... .... armee 0.
• • • .
Shrivel. & McLean.
17our Produce and Conemierion dlerehante,
40. 31 Ponu Rana nun,
due. irenrcolly ., lyre lynAnpyynettion. with
our litortrelexwory to RIX* satlylketion. Aornotes mode co
11,,eXcl oh. &Area.
Ile. Alex. Latorldlo, r•
tie. Vxml. P. ehileyr . - or :
. • • or
Matchless Blackincarul Inks.
1 1 LAC1iIN.Y . —ven.ted auparior to *O7 tut offerod
tolo public., and to stand fn.]. cdfonte. Manufactured
CO' god/ NI met, w W
near North 1 M ;
Et— Nola& I plua. oc3:dtito
ItleTIIRElt No. 41 Pooth &wood Otroot (olov
Loa. root p0.11111144110h1a. 44111:14
Vat H. -
AGALEY,. TV - OOiSW.A.RD & Co., Whole
sa I* Gement No. Ul Ilorket 4t, P6ll44lelphlo. orl)
a. J. 11“21101t.
.14 lec•xxox.. .......... 4. 444.4.11..
WALD. Biloc.l4lsii: re co., Tobacco
OunialWon Alerthant., Ng. {1 Multi Water garret,
• .16 Numb WO•rrea.„Phil•delpbla. augl
Ll S. MILLS, No. 6 Oortl4rolt et., N. York,
x,F,A.,:tio nod li"lo4r . at i Lltfiletarl Warebouvo. • fre.h
of ttenteh Loon
a full aotertment of french and 1 anal N.2124/411 ' abDp;
"Aglttltgl,`,..7l; T`if "Tbibe,rrik.
50.0,..00 Velvet Coeu.teta. AlANTltte.oh. onCkLY. el
IItTIM, mansfaethget fr om P..
ter. of Neag
t1,41.1.11111.h Impottations, roceirol eenthloonthlY
47 , I
Ito tow per
hee U.
anent., of floothern anal Woot
en, Merchant. to the above, an thew trill And an own.
mental Na.),, and ready-made good. for Ladles' ow,
unnott.aeett in the. Cl)y.
f titlLam) 4' Itillth ttlf Mg STAND.. ghthighg
e l etal Amalie", dnot.l In oetirT ;‘ ,l, 44 " rriotoor
gtostb, at fel mot SO each. 1 tet.4:if
To the Public.
.111.NDIA RUBBER SHOES.Our . attention
too torn shed to to ad wettlremeo t Honor Jl.Day.
wit Imbed In the Nov York Hiram or 0110 Jolly, VOL pad
Courior and Endulrwr of mane dal.. whhh. oar.
north almoner! ahuol of our attortury.Wor.Jucou,D,...
ha wrarro that we tlart• hot donor hloymithydratlngOoral.
fargaclent,unVoourgrurtath:7„,:d that par
Ha pwrehared our hrwtkw• fort toan
1010 e tlartnro:i
trObbry nom undo. tiortlyrat , Zl Dumb.. and had
cos roorwy.and on dolly pay*, a afar Ow aaJor and
any 0f1=.400 orlyht havidene thwowww, If dl
do so, than pDwao up. Goofy ear . ?wont*. We
' think It mare hot to purr . hare right, ore a 'Old ra.
Nut, than to 101111001 IL. Mr. Da a y
barmy (no ph.rwortol,
arknonladyed licolyaar'a rights. load* • ...Ohm" rot. and
arrowd In future na b Infringe 714 70,sent., Ito I. no.
411.144004 .10417 00 lam. 0441)04.0, bat 10 injure I
00.0.414. who 10000, to 10 tangs, rothotrist.r r . ywohawal
. and now wort tool., Ow. sod wh drama
i',.. 7 ,llireeti r , and that aloe two ono - .La cure., watt
10twOng towat.Goodyou'a Datanta, la tho " tuanntatturt
Ow abort Irtalt ha la Llterlarg to lbw 7141,1 and vra
- natlrw thatila - rahl all who 0o chummed •11.11 Alm 00 wuy.
chwaruvr yoadlwy hi. tdn
elown_roada In vlolatiuo othOdkaw
L. cA 00, I
001 Mc 00, frl/1
• TIIS PLIM It/NV/ 0 214 vlik.Thirj"tirth)
//. llyrtehlnwh..Prorklort.
/Ow Ytwx. July 12th. Mal.
tiporior Block Writing and Copying Ink.
1 ONE'S EMPIRE , INK, 87 Ntutsau street,
Ijs Mon inane,. Yea York.
mat Varna en its elm.
O . oota, per Ont.:yr bO
On elranitrPer mita.
Otre tbe ree. atll., rovemarwavred, It door froely
-41. —vud un.corrode: grondel:
nreenonan, or dorey. sod endees a/I the oualtbee rotor.
ed 10 a am. Writing lak es tbe bull!, and adj
[Drably adapted no the Yteel
`The to farnieb to the trade ei-
ther on extort CO boar ronentaptkon. at the above very
trarrg . ..7 pit st, o sad N orberto) ire.. la icy part
r ovan... tor tslet. Set Tel•
or !Poo sr. shamed extra St Sett eni!!-___ _
111SoD011I LEAP.
LT Me..V .K tir r H o ttAlkinna,
Professor Ales. C. Pirry's Trieopherotts,
31EDICATED - COUPOUND, for , re-
L,V I : , t`ri n ,L , l=n 4 , rad %Telt
e i rdw. elts, brale epradop t Ma.' Lt .
Ma* biw produced. the arrrelteet l o f t
tia.ww. of the bor.. and tdl it. animal innedica.
tentlnannlale. ...dented from band.. of amid.
import. will wt. to ahem the wal w tif the
and thWeentrculka In which It 1•401.1 by Ow. wt. 4.7 a
even ft • trial: • • • • ' •
Y. Venn.
ea. GdurigNear Mr -1 hare lawn artil with . cu.
1.... erg.. it Ma scalp. of • ninat ...Wel char
hter. the lain hat... yearn and donna that denied
are bad Ibe ad., of semen/ Ida mat einiang
els., and hat. trial all U., preparatlo. tLe hair and
nilin now L.... without u. lame,c I war
by *frond to try your Tiirothewine. I did an. as a Lot
yew., 6.1. tis MU Mies:sand diratillestion. found tay.ll
evled In about two ownltui. Such was the nand. nf the
dliurder that at thane I was partlallifillad . .
U*P"anT.7llool atmUtUlF L l:tii
Nsfr 0•1-'..A, l. ! ao,. Da Ante Mt—About two 'ninny elf - hair
rmeout • mat dm). and 07 114.4 IRS to saleltil
with dandruff. I t i rl tri.d Wl* Tourrrictinhet•
die an, torietwalatusorut, air bah was
maul, meted, and 'ao the dandruff dlimproiated, as the
head nos Ahoy. tor Itself..
With flivitet, Ism }}on. abed'.
JO TakkliWEL.L.B•3 rdoradiry.
If any Ltd) or mailman doubts latiantbent4of the -
they mill Pb.. teill at Probate. AII 0 oft.,
UT Broadway, Neer %frt. where tie trill predate e 00 1 / 1 4
nal lettere.
[From the .1111. mid Naval Arsms, Nov . 11. IMO.)
There M no rezi tor the permsomit core of Mid...
and deems. of ((toealara wriwrally, thartm muted
the SdPuttt r ALtddoled by the article known astroltmor
T mu or litediceted Corupoorst -II L. es.'
terldrely by the tipper clamed - of the rotatoustlty;
•1133nrto, ell nursery lb the Lend It is bed In preit.B.l2.ol
elbrr %elides of the klrel. It Losparta Mime to. the motaof
the talc, awl thos promotes Mier:anti ..markehle de
sww, It Montoya the dendroff mid ',erg, and makes the
bolt floe .01 Pima,. It will to.eW dlmaste of Atte scalp,
sorb 0. weld MAO; dew worm. cad orldrr obootkims dime
dtm of the stud In clamors. as soil mellimey, It otsadS
unrivalled. it L. mold to large kettle., price demote, at No:
It thowlotty. sod at the Dro ggistett_emtattrt thfocdbltdd
thellisitedlitstemadCwowls. - 1."-mmemt
ill ONT/NUES hiLusnal faci li t i es to reogtve
oton.go, Polo, soolTrastablpiagrnt, oil 3I•mt000lla.
"" t " Vjo a TiO4 i t k l ' e ' t l l= C" rgitl4T,,,'!"'`lPt!'
144: "".`" ° 11.81rirn.. e,..,,..: ..
He Jobs caUtuir . - ...' 3O :L.
1 . ' WM. -11..114 .
AND Amerman, No. a, Wake otzoot, PEORIA,
Esiecoa ottontion to Cototaloskitt touintsa. totille-7
Votangeeton. and Yoretedlit a llerrkente, en the
Lerea - nt.Joreh .
lta tealesender ilandatcand Lorene, nterlhis k
Jr jAVIDC.IIJITLE, Attorney at Latr,
and Conanneteare kr Pepaylvinge, bk. Lanle,lla.
"7!!!". .!7 ,1 7
OLIN 11. ItANILIN, Attorney* and Coat
ihelor et Lae, end tkontlealaner ke the ktete a
...Oven* Bt. Loa% Blu e (latexr Mubarak)
Ketemees—l'ltabsnan nose. IS. , Parentni. ilempton A
miller. 11Undless * If eOlars e John /1, 1%b . ineselke
&mete, lleiked a Oa. • • , analkie
More Now Goods. • .
JAMES A. ttioKNIOIIT, N0.6'2 Potirth
tree m.fred bi aaoud .opoir or vat .4 Winter
toa,de. the majority Of which harlot, beau purthwrod at
the lwrg• wocilqw mho In the mato= calm aurae the
Iput Otto weeks, holf enabled to avow of Whoa at growl:
t 'Wooed prim. Be would <All Idetootwr Ilttahttoo
• Brochs fame Shavele, very cheap; Phan Caahmet9
• ,dttnan Ehawlfg Bay Ittetew, at. towwwfwaturcri
Jule.; Wrench Marinas wad Cashtueryx fur
ey klahl Dian diltw. vary deslrsblor -
Clout.. Mating., a. , •
44 a full aoloitmetit of Infants. aid Too th .' Harl on WTl" Wail umbra. lloodoond Lbuts. Abo, • lbw and
wt Plua cf. IluslerrAlovrs, ob.lThumaloliukla overt
" I l lEANTßargacretubbulnled at,rrr [Cm, riga.
-: . . . • , . Time Bills - :,, •: ,
1 " -- 'IIIIMO-61, .: .
V" ""4"."4" 67-, -t r. vtb. it:. 6. -
60 . ilaattlenriCk• lb.
ry • LE COVERS-. 30 dozen Oil OlOth.TA-
Lk. Nand. Au 4 Onniu Coven-41frarebt El: As=42
• •by MA 1111.1.111 y 07 rslslllll
wle J. k rummer, mi. no Market N.
Ul7. PEPPERSIIIYT=IW-:lbe pnio foe
ali br • • OW) "
Ar" tORN..STARCII=IOO ]he ;'''a' choice anti?
Li W. manauctand el@t 71 ft.
DDarOoKL " 1{ laverir.l7 N,84 Ten much
at.ittAwt➢ia -4 r U tilt Ll=
tor q". AO al. by -
-L._ it PLO IT,
TS7-vt:Avizi d op: =mow
ikidn 'aorta zwuute: :a= -
tnaln itIBBOINIS--4Ar ! Nasos.'dc CO.
have Dow on lumt SO 'aro= lighlias Plaid BM
- •
_ •
For 94e, \CC
ur COAL mw.t.ll. Third Dam IlotonT•helo
To, veins of C0a1... n.roorpa.ed elosbtr sod MR. -
fut.tultiint. and Noel by the beet on the risen
Aleo—ons third Embelded ptlet of ‘ one hundred and
olnety acres , directly opposite Idonoropthels City.\ For •
toll description of the propertl. tem.. sod I.°3 s , " I T to
meth BAIRD lEVi.. -
YE AIR') & hire also for sale some
.verr desirable unimproved Lot, eultalde for
..dewy, In Allegheny City. AL, unimproved Lots,
soltehle for bovines. stand, For partlettle.l aro,. a..
, nolo
Desirable Property for Sale . 7..
ANtrliftltit of very vattiable Building
Lot; adjokaug the toter Depot of th e Ohio:nod
lert vanla / 1 •47 . 1 d, Al:lithely fronttig °rite
nod no Al4l`T 'a" • •"'".
Alu.—A Valuable üblieptpred Lot, on the 'cooler Lit,'
rrtp end Fawn,. streeL, Fifth 11'0‘1,- oppmtle the Um , '
men Catlin& Church. 30 feet fronton Weal, b.)
deep on Fatten, rotation Lark to Ppriust
•loo—tio. three story Prirk Dwelling Linn. op Liberty
rtrvet. ading the •nove, the lot Woe rod rroat by
100 feet deep. The house terns: r oa m, !Tinto
Modern at, le, and runtalos olev n,
Alen—A l Farm '
x!'2.01 acres county.
from New Cutts.
,tds.—Form in 8.,. county, Of , atiotls els. nod I
I.74....2.l.eultf:*erd'o*o_deryor".ninturelattny tenue," Enquire
N.l; a U. L. 11, FATTRIbIAts,
Attorneys at Lou, Hod Estate Agente4
0r23.1t No. 'UT Fourth stns.. Pitteburgh, of
Laud and Lots.
FOR SALMI, on Lon reriniprania Canal,
altolning the MOD.• WORKS at arantuno
rel4ra Acres of Land, with •• •sluable coal trtivile of ge of
alrotVorty respect( good r.L This propertt is well snit.
',Lowry re an d a f loeation for coasinfacturing pur•
tat it
willo Fold In Pump before the 1104 of Decembey nett,
It be laid out ha lots and sold on terms and In u11.121.}.
ties to suit purob•aers. deman d hare applied for building
lot. owing to the great tor houses and lota nathe
immediate ritinltyof this extenstra Soda Work. lone In
operation. lorIStItoi•I THOHAP MELLON\
A lot of ground 'ranting Pt , Act en Cragg. ttreoL *
rnaDing 120 feet to Canal. This property IA 1101 a
abort &thane., from the depot of the Ohio and Peuncylrana
Railroad. For term,, apply to
C.F. VON IiONAIItiRST kettufalandialEnuttst.,
net Patsbargh. Pa
To Let.
TilE well known EAGLE HOTEL, G„
now ccupird by Co). THOS. WEED, formerly at
Maud o lin, Ohio.
TI it largo and erautroallou• Hoot —,ocaluip.
Lai rooms, a gentlemen's parlor 2ii by .1i a I t ali a . ,
Warier so ordinary, J pirate Failure with Led
tactad.. ,lining room 25 Ls eo Oet--situated Otto im.
median, VlCltillf 41 MO largest a twleaale tiriuLs,
opposite the Well known Louse of ECKEL. ItAIOULL
CO.. ran Ira had at a resooroads not trom and after the
DIIIST DAF OF APRIL NEXT, when it. prrsent
pant, leaw explow.
The Hotel was nioently erected Yron the listed and moot
luipmved style. No other rocommendatlon. bower,,
should ho needed. than the unparalleled ,meccas nt the
Croons °entrant during the term of file lose. -
For further particolus enquire of the 011111,T,
aep22rAto New, twat Third sr, Philadelphia
• .
aTO LET--A largo and convenient
WAREH . OUSE. Second street a tet Warn Wood
hmithfloid. Enquire of
- . .
Wll. H. if)IINSTON.
Private Residence for Sale.
.1111 E -PROPERTY is offered exceeding -2
IT Wv. and on eery ancommodating 'term/. It
le mt. eligibly lowed in the rapidly thltlthtinuatr
of Allegheny. TL, elevation Is unman... 4 in the cone.
IT; ammandinu a moat pleadmetlew of the alo( Mee
burgh end three rivers at a glan.g beside, hewn tante.
elect the buelneen 1 - .01 of Pletalunght combining Wan
eminent degree the adr.tages of lath lthenuml
The lot Is !mgr., embracing near on sere of ground. tar
one hundred *al Mt)
Iran; running tack two hun
dred and refry feet to an allay. The kutproermenta Ara
newt the honer , Lent. built In modern mole, of the test
material. and bulshed In the beer inumer. herring every
that goal taste end skill mild thwart. with
due regard to economy. There lea well of excellent wan
ter at the -icor, and pipe. held forbydrant water. In
hoe.. and nistwa
stabling, a variety of choke freehand shrub
bery. la abort, ten situation sod alrantentat eau only be
nahriviencd by an exmaination of the panels.. Gentle
men ornbing lulu:rata. era Incited to call on the under ,
oho will take Ideas., In giving weary
OPT, it a rant charier for see-mann a delightful real
de area or parties.. spculation.
.srpl.. loAtML .eltVlN.llf Second et.
Real Estate. • '
EOR RALE—'l`wt, Rouses and Late in 'the
fifth AVArtl—one Llberty street. and the other th
Also—Apleas of gronsol. 1,5 feet on Webste
Joumatr stmt. by,
300 feet on footers so *Spears at 211 Llberty Pt.
• .arztrd
SIDOCCR DERCIIANTO.—Ifor gals nn assommola-
Ig =fs °ll4l3 Zifi ' llt h dl e le i ,i c ai *c t h 9 y. f anttg
log on Lb* Pennsp mot Okiki (aka= a Mime of
EhDela , o) and mending bask to It... Lanai &satin. there
, at:fording the Irreiltret facilities PA . shipment br either
the IDillroad or Canal.
For terms enquire of D.C. elocsTos. Allegheny Cl4l
or at the Doskstor• of
astal.s corner at Me
and Thiri sta.
For Sole.
J LARGE irit or piece of ground situate in
• the r 1 SlatttiC. of the CIO' of Pittsburgh:Rooth,"
ut Sp fret 00 t on,: armt, and extending bark ..—fost
Craufted street. This proyerty twatoi
the Old Basin. and In the vicinity of the taint. rondo.,
of the late_ O. kletra:f.• EM, and tho aroma of
A. W. Loyal., kau, and eau be wed 00 ruar,bie arou
either for th e cordials 01 one or two Width, d eatinthm nd
some t
ermtiledth s o ig l o u . o n om m
Wally be Ore equal
thuMl folootote. .mood by howl and mortme.. -
ATON.F. 4 TV AMON. etre. at Lam
ho 110 Fourth urea.
WH RENT—The Dwelling, No. 155
I: Thin! otrort. nese thodtheald--ao soon so Woe
nov book bolldln. and U. the
and parading oda
Wm entire tonne cronhlotod. The tad chamber on Oho
Nomad floor Ws bath ttnm sttachal, With hot and told
W ator, Wader clooot.
hlo—thb /loon witch:Aar, at TotrierotT MIL Entrain
sue. tl F , utth otrart, ar. Wool.
For Sale or Perpetual Lease,
it Al ff
g h . n . t rn/2 on ho ld el h naw a i Dtimr stint, Wwn
on Hank Lane.
. Alma, (or root !or am or more Tyr", reddoe of oho.
ann lot on Wu aztsultnit bath to kidgyatreat,
M 6
the or :I' a.. .1..4g IfSlor.oliki.w.-,n,
A Opal Bargain is nom Offered,
_ From Throb to Your ACHES. Itt'Dahniute lloratiph.
altar litres lalotil—nn the prenthwo Is a gaol tan yard.
with tetvadary building; ao. M. Otal hO dial
do/ tats toe. an 4 aold at a gaol pro= Forams &wool
to porihaft will apply to BAND a nivpi. • •
Jra - .• .
• 114 Sosool
• United States Patent (Mae.
fiN the petition of Barnabas Langdon: of ,
IL) Aullolo, f. tr:.vraottr for the ettenoltio of hatonal
grantor ta hint on the pth January, 1.3.5., bar at: IlarrOrom
wont to aelthai roe planing plank and other limber, Air
aeven pitta ItOr •••• 'opt:olio/a of Raid pgaatorbleh take
platoon the f
It lo orJor rot Joanaryeliar2
• oald oetlUou hosiol at the fah
oat Ortire tor of Janneali - lalt, at 12 ireroot,
al: and all srovined to appaar operand oho,' awn,
if any they' said hoollos ought not to be gran:
w• nth day
hied that lb.
nu • 7tb da:
' vb.
•iP the.
•h• ebtvetl
twit tray dal
51 b Caw.:
.b. t y
awl to
bet , which •
. that ttd.
I.llllway. Jitpu
•fe 4,
widch . R. 1' I
yawls, tidal/or:I'
United - thaw
titian -"
10. • or rut)
Stud'o him c.
L Ulttl • we too
mini two 01 •
17;4 ' 1 . 5 1 Vta
*Wu. n. wont
Wag. by end
/Me 1.0
I it tw •ty day
]iatb :iihe
will • NV
oats°. I UV
beat •it.
ibis, Pa,
Ills 1.,11
T. .
pe *tiol
• log t
F r •
a • tk
dab 1
hit the ha.
Moth tit
•ty •
41 by tit
, t 1 d
Mtg. wt
:I if ,
'o'll • ti.•
•• .1
l'oroono op
Patera (Moo
tho. ai trool
4.104.07 al
lag mon bo
Moo of Mo.
, tarenehan arerranlyed tank In the
, lattolltietPenhoilly set a/labia art.
dap before day of a earl= all
Mr party to be runlet the maid hear
11 tufo. ined ereerthuiee ulth the
Leh nth be randahed an applicant.%
thle mile* be pnhhalted la tint hin
pbe, aid . 3! s o.YVr nr. t . f y 11Aiate
; batty Adverther, Hotted. Xsoo .
Philadelphia. re ; and rittsbarsh
...Min a week for three •tannal re,
#'ll7llll .TVilltW " N •
Cdeurnarioner of Patents..
Altatei; Patent Office. \
or‘llkrosbas Langdoir
ttp:la , eatr i f . :
f°rPptattltat car
rOultit.mairren leant
•Istrla me plane,
sell petal. be heanl OS the-Pet
y Cif . 1 411.0 - 01802. 10,124.6“*.W4
A 11,41 to sawv and slum noose, It
id petition °ugh; toot to be wanted.
tteinfee ant niqinsedtotilein the
eam., spenneellynet forth in aver
tot Infant the hour of bearing; all
or petty to Le need
ae odd Ikelf
ageordarine with thefulite of the of
t .' lll 't rt a th ' it?t!:=lTai the
still; and Ueda i n Washington. L a V;
jleghtter. Buffalo C l otninetalal
Hinton. thud rouruirieaid- •--
tabutirf "
elonal lel W il
Esp ctrtal reo
Ougaso u,
I - IN the
IL, Metal
Patent grant
gllrg '
the oth d lt I. ord.
"rth 1 hat
Patent °eke
MI!, at IV .
muAS .
&Ma l atya
A:4 , MA Alta
.rtlaaa. N. 1.
too Pally Ad.
var. PhdaJely
Pa., au. •.t.
th day of J.
e 4 him Itcr
inteel'froci• •.4
LT the
oral method of comerma hum
Atm for mum yam Mum tbss
i. srlstoll tile. plum . the hiealli
he mist ps UP. be nem ot
I. the [lb of Deuembef, /141, at
dam um notifuol b Mspaal mod.**
se, why Old Wu*. ought oat tow
o. eat<d.tot
Tgri a :",dt° 6 l. l b**.
days vaLl
firiZsto Has tl .u.
• be furulshul ooupplimpa.
t Ude muse 1.4 published lo the Bar
New , owl thalon.oMienhinigh...
Boons, hi %hwy..
ehtileytranic Brovldenne Jointhl.
dead: hilly AdverUhr, Boa.. Ilea
del Bulletin. hen uric., Lumen.;
=i e l=rlfll. Peatieribe f t,
allth day
Chcominikanror Bateau.:
Kentucluida LifelasurattaeCampati.
Dll TT FUND, 41100,000. • -
HIS COMPANY offers to tho leisured all
the renzitinini /him him Lbilifahosi ati4Johat
it lime (am berhofort notated) notoburd. namely: lons
est. rot proroloto.,: sianuaJ ntorp to cult ot Me her
WOW. Minitel war the r b . ontin= het of the yam dm
:1 1 17=o:rnitro, hor " rono of life. with A tili he
ble Interest in lb aerahnittine feed owned Which
.acootooo, payable t neatta, by chintz %WM their poillilian
grunr.t7 forathitepernianentehnifitY \
Ihlhle rilitne rn' r sena or us. 1 "" * :. . "1 1 4 t!
ils tbe ly fintoe4 lesumsee Otmluus)
whosVoof um ens Gml as hip Mooed road
ispi; pmts.. for -et ahauttly 100m5... mom
lotkut of fond. (MO ftstum mof/17) sszum proportmato
the oniontit of bonnie. and the linbratalog r 1•11 !Ma •••
%MOANS NM • , •.4 . the m
Ponabblebe, thew a. jMe=bevings
la dotal the Pion inn
Mu of th e iJoinpony. Itanisbeil jt•IL,
Ibr iII.1•11.0t0 remmut by PILUIsTr,
\ 129 ate
liPooduldmt. 11 nth.
• earenDarroom. rod ktormloor • ,
041:11C1o). •
en:oa 011 •
o'cloek, AL; a
ea... If
Pate nt WI.
moat be t ak e
re of thcol
Og rrak
who... Doan
kraraborkk U
week for too. toc i
ot December ben.
• colt:claws!.
lakit i N --- DiiiE ~ . -' '' --\
I..7WV= wasiLoik tm \ \
ine°2l V T. 7... \ •.. . ' ' N
ui, -- . -
itT: \L
Mayeltoag oaa:
12 sad 0 b• tom. mar Os& 40 .- bually 1202
23 b0u1a12.1202•202, pole kalaaa
lo " 110.2.2 . 1. : ..
2 ens. Yrew Mak.'" . •
20 bids. I.:naiad
st soft Jur: \
fz. ibral.l4:l
' Wilkhatrarg Assam • .
YaL atid Armpi t BYt9and Verviipet Scheel..
ALLAIEVT On - m.pls, •
/MIES BUSTCOI4..A, Al...PeteetP:
yINSTITUTIO,N grill be ope Ter the
ieteram at_paplla 'aa4 &male) an
tarrareleu . tu?;:lrart:ai L' AL,Pa tr' T,4. " '" 7 1.
slap. illorizzuca. t. 41 ba etrrs La ailAcassbal • •
orthem. IP. &boo iscrigrttli =tenor
valaabla PllLloaapakg. and .a.gasomay
Wats= • Par ClinaJar plAppql.lp4gy,
c : 011011 TO'CIIICINNA%
IN 48 HOURS. — . ' . ' • •
- Qstkd after MONDAY; OCTOBE R 3th,'
clin B ßleveland and Cincinnati Itallnieil am
• at
terom Cleveland an Exianw. Grain weeTT4WBB
- lug at 6 o'c , arriving in Cincinnati .10 o'cloer Dart
morning in k 48 honrs ths i Tgb Fur ticket. apply to
° A °A° Ol 8; ciZest Pak u atalrs.) . \
curvier or Water am! ad Id eta:
Or, 0. 1116881,1 ME.
LT' ll •• \ \
_litoninagahal; Bowie.
Ohio aaa\i' narylvaaa Railroad. I
\ ClliNtli \I. MLR OF !MARTINO.
11N \ siND A FIT MONDAY, thee:al in s et.,
thehtternoon Ulan M leave New Brighton . I
o'c X, arid returning, I a Fader. etre. Stall. at ri
P.\ll,c order or Boar'orlilrectorv. •
nu •tt \ OEM FANNIN, Tick. kgrnt.
.___ .
i tdo d wainPi/tailroad .
\ , \sa Lim,
ft \ kls i T gs trd . Ottr:AkiOND Tram AY .. ; . 4 O r iLIT 4th,
bENTS . NEI77I.itruT at 11l 1 1 l % s and 1 P. ht.
LxA'yz rirrstkunoy . t 10 A . N. and 4 P. kb
Children undailirelv r ._. T... or age el re.
Fi ttslimilh a l d ralll'in's' s. . g° If
. z=r . , .1, ...
'• \ I su -
s.. .. \ : ;
typ ;
.. A :
a., Ercanion Mk.. 010 le old ...Wood rater: \
Between Pittsburgh and II eater, jo any station 4, , •
Wrenn. 4 1 " r Via N---kliTiii , a.raar sl4
• 1 \
rkti4e.Th%:94Ad ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Ouiniburara will be at %Depot. or: Federal street, i t :
74 : ` In P . " irtr. "001 ' " ittlio:ZfIt'sILLtallgt: 7 7 4/
change. Bmniburon will .bp tkaTe . Lll,c. lionongahela
House immediately. previous to .ma leaviticof M.P... Gar
on, convevanoe Dr waawitigers toxha DelwitAlrelialrbY thy
libirrhume hotel, the it Chula, along F street, from
Wood to Mark.. and along 9t. Clair rtrecti stt any kulat
along die mule, Gamey gere can ball Mr Oninit,r, arid be
• C° \l74 T t a h l:ill be extend...B beim' Net B htort \ I
N ...Hart prxlicable der.
.Br order or th e baaril or Direr:tors. \
' coirl.ttf '• ' licker Age°
____.__ _
\ or 4TNerOwN• ‘,.,
, _ ..._...- ..--
1851. FALL •ARHOOEIHEN T. 1051.
. '
. \ TIMM IRDUCRO Alt a Ill'in ISCR.irna.D I • '
'Pennsylvania Railroad nd ETress Pads( Line
;' aormn.iwicom.. \ ...'...-. , ........,....i5mi*C a n a 1.
*arum, moor mat.. cormaitarra mt. To
Twol,!itily Linea :si Pi4et Bcii4s, •
\ ' •
is • E ‘KINEEE
. . (EXCLIIBI,EL ' //Old NORMA, _
. '.
On and - eta' Monday, August 2.5 a, the
hakes of :Ida Litut trill hare ttebale An Zak=
1111= ari r -Vl Ta=g l Thell ' alalf " arninNer " Moils
natiroad (ankh Matti immedlaraly altar Malt airgali di•
"0"" Ph legig i sibrouttb. F o eFF R B or - lki
allorscw`rinT'urirgUr=acge l ig
canal tan!.) enabilua them on wall at P liadelphla to .
fa:x.4 on to Now loot atom e. .
pAssr.Noras olt•B.u. pia
iake th e York and Own land Railroad, at art4strtirs;
Liatanom alabry•Loar ogler, Time, FOL.l . 4l)nna,
\ F d a i ta to Plilladoltpla, V , Pr o to u
b orl4,Nta : .
.10 you data cheap trace lair:lad oraillbrtaaiaerectmo
dattour, meatus your date , -at the Picket fltralk Matioriga
heliflitot ..of
J. P HOLMES, Aggi, \
D. L ECH & CO., \
c... 1 Darin, Perm -'
S 1
re lua
"• Eell
oath ' Canal Be
185 - i. -
moNoNG&Tiv , & EOUTE.
Via Brownsville and Cumberland,. ta.Baltimore
'and Philadelphia. •
rrEfE MORNING BOAT haves. the 'Wharf.
A above the Bridge dallg. at 8 eg , ir i kgraclaa7...
ltree d eue eg
c a n a t Ihmetbertoulnal
Y 6 o'clock, croomatug with can at Ihnobealatat nest
arming at 0 els-talc , • , •
Time tbrongb to Baltlm 92 him:. Pare only 69.
note through to Phlladrip 0 boom Pate only 910.
The National Mud is . Conductors go with
the Cooed. between B sad Cumberland, which
masa thls, decidedly- the bee route Put .
J. 112811.1111/12f, Agent.
mr27 • - . 011ai itt the lilonommhal Bosse
Not Eked to,kciefrixrt,gotnika.ware -1-04#7,7
hi l
' THE, SUBSCRIBER have the pleasure to
. announce to their and pain. or Oh. Kan ,
la yani k t Rare" tbag i vo i lA o ammo
.= tannotinrieg _
.as"tro` a Dort. ZIA% arin ii,Entr - '..... "ht. to
- No an now/prepared to mall or.d foriard air amount
of merchandise...praline 'enema our caricir, which I. -
et the
aolkning• Dues of 'fidget: ." '- , ' ' \,
WIEST OLAS , S—Dry Eked; Itate.Eacon. Doan.
Statlareo7. OcalorT, _OonforDpurn., Frans,
retinue, tircletten =Wei?... 22 f. • , W" . . ' ..•
SAliataizilzw teGr.7l.;,-0107S':°"
Me.. Dollar, Dye Mids. Oi Ina4ii. eke • „
. rDd. Theathr =ld ether Oran Seel,
Tl nea iffu t. relitt+i-rnief.
_yore. bitter. lant.Lail
OE, Tabor. laraf. andeo, Tallow, Omit and
TOUltillCEdg—AehoratarbleocioW;Tan ! '
Pitch,ll.2lraGortaanClardkoreAßearnAnbie. !.' . -'
I - • .•, DION ODE 2 COLE, Agents)
' I Wier if. Pam ail Wart. Waste:
18 51. inagiMg • - .1851.
111 Bmiark• ...a th.-e.i. suai...a,\-.......d.. "dill
OM alma augara on Leta Erie,
_the ilialkulll e
Canaan and CmelenatliCaraand ad rittaburals. and
strrinvr.avrztr.,.R-i1,‘'.,.',A., -ttafr.,=2,l
P -- virdpiaelfrairEDiumiix As YOL L OWo. '..
Wands. e.
: if,'“°''' .•
The Mail Tale' Flap •A rind., ull.n, 1...... gr.,,..•
V= '. ''''''' ‘1" 1 4:`,11 T:1 nrtrakli*Alria!dtriii7el
br 'ibe r Exreav Preabiarel Clatie Trite lama Dl;alark it
4 ./k. 11. dalv• a Paamager ila la artartala this Train to
~ . , ,, ,......„„r , ..........„,,„.,..
\ay- rare rrom ronnak Co Mew Tart: SY, (Easy
Priem will ba Etna Pa a rag tin l , -A , k „
nil OA:agar; anymarel to temport Zak ...a
treerbra aal bade to and front gee Tort \ k . ,
Palar att.:lion lan to, 'pa/ d ur Maki 'Tlie glaaa
bins' leer 1 , 6115, giro lac mate great again:44a aver
..arms ilalltteda ln.tbe branapartationeg av e r
1 DirAnillkmajTrana EU be put 14.0.1341d;1iA•'
r arg ahem visue .1
.., i reegt,i 'Taiga *lll be astribilte4. giving tall ae
lan In mai to iba Nick:llor freight... Kea . ry
b' 4 l .l 7 .MNri mot Aaixr..r=V!!" ) 7l;74'..
4851.. x - \!! WESTERN-L.! -- `.. :4851.
...,. .
D iir **a.' LIR!. 'L, ;
„ .
• • ----•-•- ---- ----
THE Canal •Leing Irk good order, we are
Rrltttt. lilt Orveire trIMIROIe 4.1 ma
Rata Ike" about rifle; al tberlOWast. current. rues at
1.114, tuarialzird, arrd all Wilma:roar promptly .1.•
APPIy oroMemio• s •4. . •
• • Basin, Pena t Ulna, Mubarak.
rir”frlkre Deyoti Nor:l3 a IL,' Wank at,
')L ;ißtrra, a r ialiacM " l , 6A.
'J et" • • 4a• If mt attria. Ilit 1111€:
. 28 Hordis - TO:. .
.. • V . : 7 .
licagig.l .11-leWiNg
pn-rssußow A ND: LIiVELANLY
'Llprisit tacksraid' Basiriad 'e to Clisgfala
ADASSENGERS•Ieste. every morning ut 9
\ L o'clock, by steamboat I. bos .\ throe try akploop
coal', yockoto colovanao,llkeervo by M l ... a •
and t...v0.
Lat , Y ttalltood lo Uooolaad. • '., . •
\ ' arrsze to ovv.ivee. v 4.00.: ,' ~ •• • ;k' . : , . \
\.. \ efovolacut, 26 Low; • • •'S Ulna, tm- c'
• ~ ,,r,k. a 5,..... . ~.!-!... , • . .
. \ \ i'a••ol.hcrinr&ii,•• x:....:
ill . a. 9, : lricu sacllan i t. by Clovellta4 wad
•Jta- Dotrott. Claleofo and lilloclualla. boa..
o Ci",ooo ttlF h aitizl e llalWeV. to llol 4 ti.
ch.* atift dole. A. 1t.... tz t =cl ta, Nor iso„Calo.
.ad smolt" Inato arualas at
_tfy moat boaL_
,\ -
loaettits4r Oturp la the Was now, Ma coals Calmat.-
:AU, 81. *any ego.. orl.ll to hand aalq .
h.. P . Tmla 1: , 1 , lira tapgar. • " k I \
: 41)111/VC/13 . ."
, . ali laalco) ":. 'of baal . tbitta ortgloircivicts t.
• to Monougab pm lloano '.
,'• • cob
..,„, .. ..rrrneuliol\
- -------
. ,
.....•,.. . ; . • ~51 —
. ' lifign
\, ~-. UNION. LI NE -.
On the Pennsylvanhk end Ohio Canals.
, , \ • reormarfois:
SiiiViltup slcbii-ii",,,,'•• Pa.
.3 : rillitS Win LIIIORD Liwit,leamor plp_pored to
4 `mal t"DVey "..'titl'''' Banos
A Tba Steil Us of U. Lkseatir 1 0 = 4".. ..16 '
~: le z. a 4f espael a as Basis. aspatimao at caltairo. and aS .
Ow BastalCvs. PltUbasib sad Chneli% dal Ihrtm ateir
• Tart 'a al k dILV:ll 4 , tat tsTo tbt . ra itra=gt
au. Sad Tomb) Cr. Z.L. Wu.
V, '• • ' \ ocmstaxua \ .
*.. ' 171 .1 , t;C=1.°',.. , ,
Lai. Awn. ans.
.I:7=bl ..,'ltir._ ~°4 0.. •' , • \. % ',\ ' -'.• • '
• \\\ as h 1 .111.1ei *Os, mak.11. 04 - L'l ....., .", i.
,1 411=141, MeV ` 4lll cu r—. 4 %, \•\ 1
. r..4Lkui... ?
i ttn. qidd i '...- ,
i 0.3 1k2,-ca:•V.,.::,.. i ., • )
\ .. : Th,s 'trahlet'rbiLliii li - • ' \ % i 'I
Vzotil2tets to Bsavee
TIVIE Atm ii4gefiger gteothoi\l •
zot%Uti o nn s hwill
e•Ootor .. .Wer o tar, Lol \ \str....t.. ) so Wows— •
toz h loo r pt
Yerooos sort to so . 00n ploennollor t 4Ol
71cloto lontutotoo and Wok \to rautonnob. nor NJ
%idiots goonfoor don. ono <tac the nos
• . Itoo loam tont on wood sloooolonto Lionvor..
N* " .i t' EMT; *.
Garr! An:tat* ow. • • , •
4tzulitoomecArado to P. •
111 E DiC•A i
coualls, COLDS, 11 0A.BSENE88, 'BRONCHI.; ?
IN offering to the community this justly
sa•tesra tr. mma asid long.
t brut onr .rah to trifla with Um item or imaith of Moo
alilletted, but fnuakly to lay bran, them the oplalont of
dod meta and Mho of tho onion.. of tin sea
oestra b
m which that ma /mita to themaelres. W. enta
osralYeyketp onnwirca to =aka no wild amertkom cr Wm ' '
stahmaltata of Its 01.7. am will we Mid out any bomb,
saderinghtunanity which facts will not warrant
soy pmentb are bane Montt gad wartAktit m Inanity
My PALM Into all Ira yob/M. bell ammo:labor
w I d ad Mean perteetly rallabio. and tha a worthy
U. hod coalidanoe and gatronane.
t L ob."Utar°44stat'le'irtiles!.'Bos'''lrdoillaColirdaej ' \ "'d "
PM* ht. : 1 dslayal szuwating Ut. t0..-'" •
paantioa. until I had an opportnnitt t
teas la my own family, or In Ma taml
} C RAM Immo now Matra with a high&
IP both of adahlglat Witham
_ . ./1 have mood It, a lts 1600di..13 .1...•
v . ' tot °Ad , mutt.. wadputmonaarTyJ din
pranzwiet, 1110, lob. 5.`1({37.
Orteraeur In the Ltuallton 11111
J. Arta. I hare Ivan toted of tau
et had ha my Ilfe., by your . Cattut
tf 4°4 ' h. . I ham olMottng , of o
wall, gut Id. i Ttag. r"1"'
Rend the following. antimalf this t
• g Thla peleat had iamb ray he
*et f the tosdkana was maittakaably th.
U. IA Cot' Kum Aram .
.4' .. han j. C. e oe i th m— e Ina'om, land."ll.l"rb:lt'Arg
Alco a
phut,. fora ore thantE MK, reilt
Mel _ thatmath gpta
0,,,L, :_myi:
ra i 31 I r e air atm = ga„gt*
mg alth la well Mats metamg. whit..
akin . / bad Cut youtilmthan et nous •
end end. lir. 'lmam, of Panytet ,
ba. n auspended Ikon Ma yarrattial date
tack f broncleldg 1 haft Mamma In a.
b rb '' : 1 7 :1 1... , *'d:.2:!
th Ll:l:l7 . r Mal tst , no '
ghm.julatel And fohod, thonah - t to bk . 1
thett -•
mum.. rs,
4. 1 t; Arta—Plr , 1 was taken with r
uiltrt't ta',.."dotit:lttl'lry " altPt i'S ;ktfat — two.Joial
logt au motesantly bight and day, vn I
oacatta thadi
\ snd , toy mos wore tuna. oral übesty,snd ma Much
ary arc indoe.l. i 'mamba/2y fallenteand mtheln• '
t €l , l r breath that but little hope of my reuttrery omit •
hasoaterhunal. W Mla In this. ettnatlan, a Mond of Mina.
g i k
I Ink Ile r. John Kellar of the ?I ethoettal Ca web.) bronalit \
toe • NAO. of tour (lent /beat. ) . whit! , I gilled too .
' \
to drug,- him than from nay meetation ot obtalsnagra. \
lot Ma good oLouta moored ma t to continue its tut%nd •
I soon Mond my beach moth Ittoproted. Now in {t han.
months loato well and .soy{, sad. MO attlib9l43ll). hall
Oar tO 3 - <1 irllrli medic:lnn. It nit thedeeyestmatilaulo, ,
loan. g JA Its GObVill.Y. ,
ktararnl al soli by \JAMES C. Atifil. Yra - traltlham , -
1 1c•i '" 1"Ir 4"
_it.. witolards and Mttile brn•r*
&foal/ . i lsrl.,, .1. IL TOWICISCI D.
in Allattionj WY. by C. KR:MUM. mid J.
GLAK: and by vmsaista sumnallr. seolMtiormam.
.......Li.i. I. ca d '4.
/ .. 'kk IR th e ienrnt Mod \ Mtn.. and 1. etbwowlsdsed ,
to tie the azsr,TAZSAPARILLA mete, , as I. ontilittl 2 7
br the ...Into poßra it. hut perfcnncd the Mahn] -
copies of which ms, la the Inman:a of O. proprietor. 5
Sessentbm thl. a the only t.,,,, and errofft4 .Md.
Thi. medicine. whets sued according. to dtractiona,
crarroc Thaw..
Lb .l . o: h ttes. "' Ord da sth7ltoptguresPand'UL',
ab.. ..70 .a, ‘ \ ' \, i
Dilute of the 1 / 1 4non. Lou 'Of appetite, \ -
Dina.. endue foot the We of /dm\ .
Ehouldsra General Debllltr. \ .
'Omar. Lambrar.Jrar. \ ' \ • \
din eml \
THE B FZMALX awl:Akan% Ea - PiaTr • -\
Incirdoot (kn. Teint.lhe aneXteber kt..moon ' 5O
atlas. Lumen:on. Wham/emu of litiere. awl \
penal. theta; ot ..* b.Pr• acoFtei\ '
r_rwa , ar rruca, ara nr.a, videk en44..0. t _ •
mediate wie by r. for,, of 1, .. 1 Th et4..'
anoints—the blood. rune had hunon. ars; \
unturtnal feast/am lisirn <nth/ et'lset to -4 /Llnk ,, •
.—Le '"L rall ' sr m- ho Nth to •-•
hou Unita ' porltles \\
\ . ..t.„
entaraend Ana Dutra Ind nose o tin erupt. &Mtn \ •0„
; tap .condor, ...1 to 10.4... P. read aneunee ~ 6 ' ''',
endemic.. re.ort now to Dr. 0 et's strut oflellow, t" , \
Docketed Enrsaxartlls. .11th n fan dOte 2
.... „1
fos natty q thunannulltuunt at thentlihdr4 .. .,: „ .. &.. , '.4
IN sad thry will eV. dluDind ode amts reme....._',..,i...%-,il
dyl the public faith nun R . or tan erarc;c.. c'''''',n,en.Z.l
x t r..,
id it I. (vended oa, num./us& u wtot at War ' s . ' , l - ',"."',_ \
in other el:downtimes mond. la on iradee, ss --- i - \
Th.r fir Ann netnuel =Murat P ,,,,,, .R /Woad* \
..,rh,q \
Wok.. do.. La'7l:: o
QuaradaDoa ba•thr . t.i. ''
aarrair ara othana let Ca o one dem& of ireUr la. •
th.lntteat cony tnnentsad that Its hose of Msdo,...t 3
minnow lie. shun Jo U argon's Extract af Dot - 0 .
ersd Barnparifle, and pentad. hava. for his We' to
nth, nal we hare en /mull. la ortelleenne Di'. 7 '''
restoration to health. \ \ '.
i 4 4 4 \ . , , 4 4 4 ,
`.llw Iktateat:—R• Wm pli‘emt• lo Annus thayosta% s
Yellow Dock sad Eunnerule‘eiree Out uthnottou M '
i,.\.4..7'..„._.• \''‘-'-'''\-• \
A ram nolentable antlemakt bionsmi 1 tkall4cc.
4 Metter was troubled with dillboult innestmentou,
other dlsuao peculiar to her me. El pad not had her
snerater mustrstal Dachau. for • tott;lnt. hy the \
rT u rLDr.Guy.tte'. rellOw Dock and E alsona• \ ' ,
17 coraL Pb, wed Turnsend's othenwithos \
nentrlsta the all,chteet beanie- Ila hen danghter ella \ '
R. .t' ........ TIR. TB 'e 9°. ' ' '''
lowa tztu.
I S. s .F N krear:—Deer her, / porelMen a Atins* ay.. ,' \ .1 .
Lane ocnou Yellow Dock aostSanneneht =I .if.• '
\lhar..b cla 6.1 wed In bee mettalehiL,Enn Ud,...g. \ \ - .1 - ' „ i \
Itennee.Otalling at tar Womb, 1c...1 It has r .
h.low t.: rery Kutch. Of Gt. DeTtnPulete it bun Fr .. \
effeend ama I bare Just porrhued a aelon4 r, }. ,1 \
load rude= x therogett of tk• k , rtEcr• 64 ..Wt. 'ft \
whoop will e&A.L perfect etre. ••- 4 - . . .\_ ,_ 4
so , *
o.ii \: \ ii # \\\ A ,
read of \
vp. v .„..,,,.. , ,, , ,,,, , ,,,ii t i zz i 1 ,,,,,,,,,,.. \\,,\,
~... of gal. Estrouttles, and Ittanbante et ffes thn:a\ • N
\ , i \
. izzi:Altp.r \ ours,
honeh'i."6' 7 '."9741P' \ ' '
\ \
fur:, .
jr,,, L
..,:eb t, r rt , ~
u lf=1:111 0 : r u , : lo th t.; . . \ S.L. , v \
LO .k,at a.m....Y*110v ',1.1411, ant EarashartilletLirtdch)- . \ 5 ' _ ' '',...
I tot ol\rou. hue been th• =lnt. AAR. the Rimless. ht -\ \ 1. , '
....I.4lNsinichnohott restoek..`l.,.th I".R.R kkalkkl '‘S \ ‘`..\ I
'° 7l7 ) lon li ts =en vent 1:to Y ‘ xllo; DO..kluXl7liii.4. . \ , s -
Min. / stwe 'Wulf lte • Mon Rohl. 4adtLlnti . 1 unite, C ... -\-1 \
ly allianat \Eta Snottation .or th: \ 141.,n, ...I ~ .it.b. Mt \ , `, 4\ v
act as.,..rltitta kaiak la tka.kaatt cries l‘cia, \ \..` , c 1 \ '‘..
much lamb ark itte dlntoeU In the her . „ collead brat
_.. \ ..i , , , ' ~,
kalscaltica tad isuabacas at air arms 4 , 4 tags. anCl'for.„ '' \ . \ ' \N.
pears hare 1,..k q t r ....4., I ni... k.l. w. 4- 'feu. hewn , \\ \ \ . \ ''. \
tuAwulißni th e ebbs nealsal row. inth*uotl44 nod \
..., .. \
lo Hahn. hot .01;t7c.....u5r voint.tArifea.totkr.:, \ \„\
r , " A
1 lear..ho tried a uarlettaf_familynaD4raxweitee , L. \
lade or no mecum \ But the Ant. en& attliVEß4k A:A \
Yellow Boa AAA Nuatakkailla. my araaaacak Ilakr ' ',AA
continued to do ISt 1111.. rd all Of oar tonne*
„tD4hot,ae? '' \ \
14antes i0n1111.1.7 ‘1 , 4 , 0 , " ,I. /.1.7 - back Li arm ',par ''''' s s.„‘ ‘
lon to
Ant wunotesenes..lll. entiontl Alb 14129,..1a-iaahltit, \
, mr Wuhan, runt., end/ India all rungs Onset:, \ •..
ly • renoretnt sun. d bere o Clren to .msral rot , V01.C ., a • \ \ \ ,
Mel Vprzer 010 r. nod coed!, to iny ooze axy 1/1411atkietRit'itl.
klirse, W. Dd.. Dock mod Aasupertile, inn all hone ` . .s \..,/: ki , \
been sootily relined by lt. .do Upham thelebtre.ddi ' :.'w 1,.."' , \
aralltade, Tons tnely. 31AELD,AEPAULDISG: tt \., t 4. g
, Kr . 211,44 gluons woken Potteithe top. bonlexx , a.. 'SI
t 0......, aaan. 014 swap of the \lca p kkara ka
.. w , a , '\ tL.,. \
alma. •Ika the, written alvilitiTt, : ,F..: 4 : ‘, 7 ... ' • "k , ‘ • \ 4
, Dui ar J. D. PAR.Chichittiti. 0k5144 St 00,11.1 e
nf Potash en/ Walout.trests. entrance otl.tita et 114,4, ~,, - $ ...,
A , whoa. ill ardareasuala aaJzsaad... . * ‘c N !` i, v • 1 `'... ' Vti
,a. aria a th... la A. falmestra A C5...1.'4X 44 . ftkv.t, " ' c 0 .,, .... "a
-wg,,,,,ra1.t,,,,,A, Lee A. Loa lan, 111 4beel'f g l' t 3": ^-'. ''', 't
IL. 1. flawsell. Truhin-., L D.SC.* c..a.,,v . ~ „. 4
L WODY.Gnnenheong IL 4. , I . 6 okanc k Eton A , SL . ' ' 5 . 4 -
Betio:1. Rara a Boca Jk .... tack.Drs-t)ww.liollidir • se, . s .\
=Maud I Co...lodietn, J. S. Welyk.L, Sitt4d4 : \ 1, .
Eters a C...unx.k.1134 .1. ti,1.21. A ,EGA, Ws, ' '1 \
Erie; utataka k forkerdaercer: .h.urco , Knit 4 tin Rlt. S \ ''',
Nem IL 0.1360 nm J. o.Bounierboo. WurstnE.Lra ,'‘, % X,,.., ' : v \
~.,10„„.0.,„,,,..t. IN cmka.4....:1c....wd0.‘,".,'- .c.- , \ ~.,. ‘)
eralliirene6-41Bouk: k s, ... , Auit'4 4 'r-7, -, \ \ ' ' \ N
..•. . . ,
- • •• • 's../fedias-ted 'llea& cutjcll4 .• •
.*.,. ' , •
XII rIC,A,g ill intended for family aie., • • t
414 141 te.eldig In U. wpureco. [I evea Ow
ys I , w .)Sorlavelm mt. an Lb cu....lant oll.s.artr lit ' . , t
/..I.qi 4. i Iltnota ital Tab beefilrol. and Ile*.
et Si 41.1 irldi• re el Uftlik,•(l.ll•lltOts arm. ti, 01.1.,•.1 . . ,
aL1.14 llwss,r4 Inn Atts4.l *Fin anutkr ir tots.%
II ' AL L MV.T "I4. 6" .h i s:J % sljecratt ttnt: ± 1: - . \ • . - •
.. z°
org id ge k uMlt a. 2,µ7M, 1' •\\
41.41 k. • Way ilk Ea tar alba.ol4axeroin - clas4
borluzres. , Wys.a. red alf Vnabln:lgusg •.. ,' • .
• • P ttir 411.4 hta4 .. , \
.\ . ~;...'... s.. ‘ l.llol6a li irki a , n •t.f e j
.. ; ... ..
. ..,
• : ' :., :5 .. .. - tilentorcu sums: :it."- r is.4Lko„ - ~. '. .
'' ,6 4,b. \ P..?llkil wq..1*,"04'! 9 1 ,•i• - . .•
ttjtVie.:•;,...,-;,'•.*•:•italiuikpfr:., V. ..
.. ,
~ • mtie Wood W 4-1,11.111
triktomnAiNT . iicaiiiit4oo4l:lo- . 1
`4....41,431 eau tb: .v.e.,... 4 ,,,A...N.i t 0• . . .
.... II Lk 1•41./.b, wayrbuyd by sy. It. bp: Ikpla-.....,
• , • ~• • 1...401 b•b Ike. MAP .• NIT , 1 • 1 0Y 1 +
1/•. : IL; /../bOlky•-uns Ar, It a • abb ileralmit . J
bbkillkyrbil Jobe lain c,i.. black bary'sCyabl • •
VA ray . tba It . tire4lf . t d b , ~ L .:17 x 4 ,14 1.1 r s ..
\ it wady t s c rtiteta awaits*, Ala boollse&.. be, 1aiii0",..2.
lb} salt bean bby Ibbtlkrby. yon .1 bullb.y.y • bllibglyl \ ~.
bu .14.. we 10,1•OebAbd. I to. lees. kfl . % It .
.. .;
lahr i ar iMtol aL lin ttatlz4
. \ b••• bileettd• U 4 awn - boy- Is, biO4 yob, . y , ,
re= gyagioralk:in u bt:l4l..,, , == . \;...
=y=s,..u. kO s Z;.7•' •'
••- •.. idfriiik- :
• 4 ' 7 1t......uh-lb•La111:11. wilt .
./04t...utactls Is ot "mound kr ht. k..F.k . b„. •.. N. ,
01 lon,.. I.lttitti% . ...
_ ___....L.illowius,itstarzocatiird,74-72!* **GI L • - .
M . "`: . ..sirssa2pa.c“ bu Mt: MA \ A
.0.7.1 a. c.....intr:l= J r '
=4... Ay.. of thik tottutrultu. It iltatst TY:4II
yyTy-uatio lamt Pa on* la I,ooklM*lo clbtfla.4by
•k• Ibbd.' • lt Logan, mat& the locum ttwy Lats
. unrys".4=4l. kbbsysktkitai Aunt 3.1.4 -
• . 13,11/14rta• wa r... 1 . 4,..........,..„.
.....„....,.,, , , t . v ......
t ,
mu .... 41;7 . v .... k , tLivii -.,;....
- .:....9t6ii.;.......'15:N141 \ 21411f1irti1att;7:',..:.
•- . .'.i . . k s .•:,\ " 7..x....N.., ~ -,.."9., • _• -
tr.; ,,,, ,..• •:,..:',.: • .....;.• k s .
• • '.''• V . .
-; •.. \ ‘. \
- - . : • s \ •
2 , A .• • •••( . : '‘, \
. . .-- ..„
.. -..:
....„) . ' • •\,
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