The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 14, 1851, Image 2

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4:U1:L1 15 4 1 :LO uv witTrx a Co
We occupy a large .
LOaCe this morning with
the speech of Kossuth, at the banquet at the
!thirst of the mayor of Southamptotb, near Win
chester. We desire to speak soberly of that
speech When we say that we regent it as one of
the most extraordinary productions. of these ex
traordinary times. It was spoken in the En
glieh language t wod was taken down by.4iitferent
„reporters:ll4am the lips of the . epetilter. We
have two or thrve different reports before us—
They sir). soniewhat in phraseology, but the
Went are the same in all, therefore the speech
was not nntile for hint. What struck us as as
tonishing Is the profundity of Kossuth's 'lowa .
as a statesesshis intimate acquaintance with
tin: great principles of humarbfreedom las illus.
fe ted'in - thee political roystems et tb; United
Great Elates and Britain. In this pain of view
his aildreas iv highly instructive. Ills narrative
t i
'of the greet ruggle in which be Lore so con
spicuous a p tis thrillingly interesting.
But that w ich will strike Inc American mind
most agrees y is the tone of calmness and mod-
eration which characteriths the speech from be
ginning to cud, and ItS freedom from estrava
gatiCe of every kind. There is great forms and
beauty of expression, but little of thaVoriental
tee which characterises all Lis productions which
wren epoken or written in his native Magyar.
A letter from London says:
"Kotianth has attired. life admirable dis
course at Southampton, which in in the Time. of
.iblianortiing,.bas produced to-day an immense
s ieianittion. There may he some feeling
in America on account of Konsuth coming tirst
to. Southampton: but long befori the Mississippi
VAS sent,lie had made arrangements for putting
hie Children to school here, Mr. Cobden hating
kindly offered to take charge of his daughter.—
It ' , 11:4B to settle Ms wife and children, no he bad
all along proposed to do, that ho wished to touch
• at Southampton, and one would suppose that the
publio feeling of the. United States would Ceti
aura either the captain, who refused to bring
him here and wait three days for bito, or the
Secretary of thir Nary, If this act were caused
by.thes*ringent instructions to the Captain.—
Wilkes, who is here, blames the
Carla& much, declaring that England, by her
efforts, had done-enough, - (apart from considera
tions of his family,) to justify Kossuth in stop
_ ping here a few days on his way to America.—
No proposee n r ovr to remain ten days and then
take ono of the packet steamers. •
• •-i go in a week to France. The change of
ministry there-will Mad to a repeal of the low
restricting the suffrage. 'So will perish all the
work of the 'reaction."
The. New York papers ore filled with the in
tenting details of the reception of Kossuth in
England.. Tbo greatest enthusiasm preyailed
ausoni all classes. Many of the more comer
retire. people of Southampton, who.had at first
regarded him as a dangerous agitator, when they
be a rd his addresses, became as enthusinstio -as
the wildest among them. Bat we most defer
any farther extracts till tomorrow.
Farms or. ?Asa Tnsun—We base jest been
looking erne a long list of property advertised
forthe Sheriff of Clarion county. ft
. fills -nearly three columns, and . comprehends
twenty eight truth of land, three town lots, and
sir fencers. These properties ere to be sold on
Monday thcrfirst day of December,. Here is a
'chaneeThr capitalists to speculate. These els
furnaces may now he purcbssed for a less sum
than would be required to build two. Locofocts
love poor men, for we eee e that thiy have been
very successful in their efforts to increase their
npmber. They wish to hare classes well de
fined—the ,rich very rich; the poor very poor;
and they-have anteceded admirabl,th their ob.
.Yourc Etectios.:-The /fewTime . s,
43ei l d
‘iteg. , Qb4senat
corrected by ttre' . l9l3sta
turn. indicate the probable election of leglibile
and 14 Damocmtle members to the Senate; and
66 Whigs and -
GS Democrats to the Assembly; a
Whig rnajorityl of 4in the former, , and 3 in the
The State Officers are etill in doubt,, bet there
is a fair chance of the Whig penal Coitartizeioa
er,,Trepanrer, and Attorney General.
eareaapinhluee of the Pitrehtrah NUT Gareth.)
Wen:Herron, Nov. 10, 1851.
It 'anew generally believed that Mr. Webster
has resigned, and that be will leave the Cabinet
'scrim:ou after the meeting of Congress. I have
paid: no attention to the innumerable rumors
Thich hare formed the staple of gossip concern
!, ing the
. Secretary of State for the past nit
I:omila, , blot I bare now Informatioit from a
_ source - entitled to perfect aspect. Mr. Webster
will Soon retire, and it is considered probable
that Hon. Edward Everett will be invited to fill
hie place. But there. is another conjecture that
Mr: Crittenden wiG be prometed to the chief
post inthe Cabinet, and that Ron. Raise Choate;
of Massachusetts, will.becoine Attorney General.
. The Secretary of State gave 71. dinner party last
Saturday'evenbig, at which the Frtsident was a
guest, which is sald'to haie been intendeilas a
parting entertainment to his colleagues to ;ad-
The threatening 'manifesto from Austria on
the. national civilities paid to Kossuth and hie
'Proposed reception, hai ditiadled down into a
_ despatch from the Emperor ;and his ministers Ito
'the effect thatthey- would Consider such . treat
meat of the illustrious exile an unneighiArly
act; net consistent - with the good understanding
which -Ought to prevail between this reptiblic
and taida'= amiable; faith ceptag;nad humane
government As that of Anapria. Mr. ; Websteris
• Id' - bare listened to the g
resdin of this note
~k„4 . -itt44ithe Chevalier ,licascmint with the patience
which became him, and thin to
Zindited a learned and . able-rep ly ;. it,
j will - stand timing our diplomatic records
• .1. end triumphant vindication of the poll
the Butted States in protecting the Martyrs
tj', freedom liom wbateter Tarts of the world
/they may come, or from the' fangs of whatever
I- tyrants they. may have fled. If he hie written
'-, any thing 9 the enbject, it, in no doubt a need!-
) - :•The Count de la Barka his also made a de
• ' minstrel:ion against the dell- quietude of our
condition here at tho Capital. Old Spain coeme
to ho bristling , up in moot belligerent style.—
Rumor i - cf Stine that the bland and polished old
.gentleinen but presented an ultimatum:of a
dedly bellicose ohazacter. He has informed ldr.
Webster that Spain requires no to make full and
huMble acknowledgment of contrition for the
insult to her:Conseil 'at New. Orleans; to being
him back ina nationatriesel; to raise and salute
the Spanish flag * Zn the .very fac:es, eyes,- and
ears ot the repentant populacerrhich put him
in ouch fear and peril, to pay for all the proper
ty destroyed; and generally to place Spanish
embjecte and interests on the. footing they held
„ • —.provicm to the riots. If these demands are re
pasopoete. The matter wss discussed' in the
Cabinet; and she representativenf Spain was in
. formed that mono of hie reqteetai old be -
.ol,'and it is sappeeed that beispreparina totak e
his leave of our territory.. • .
The town is beginning tofill ripe little. Four
Ssrettoraare aimuirdi bare, end moral member,
, -of the Beau: Many of the members are hiring
houses; end 'tome are, buying them. Senator
Donglaan has - bought a • pretty-suburban villa
lii - alett of the Capitol,: 'and is furnishing it
handsome style.' Dr. Owiene, of California, has
betight an aristocratic residence, recently erect.
ed by a gentleman-who hes gained much suit
- stance fromprofitabler contracts. for a good could
price. All these things -show the progress of
the ration In M'orldly prosperity. '
Ito. VIII poorAncers.,-Soreral cotemporaties
allege that Mir prohibiting negroes and mulat
toes from eudgriting to and residu; in Oregou
has been decided to be maid and - .constitutional
by. Chief Judea Nelson: in a-cued /n=4l . 7'
brought before him. ' The defendant in the date
ins ordered to leerethe territory,withiti:thilik
from the date of the decree. . Where 'Mal
the poor Animators& for use and freedonir.
we trill.gire the mituunitted bomb:Ma no freer:
donee home upon our own eon,kt M at ,lestet - do
all that's is one poster . ss a people; to elpeditti
tderemorli tothe laud irionme his fore: tath..
Imre vinitatlyjtakesa
- -!'
The Mayor of Southampton gave t o M. Kos
suth ea alegant,entertainment on Saturday the
20th, eels country house„at which were pres
ent among others, Mr. Crotkey, the Amercian
!Count, Lord Dudley Stuart; Mr. Cobden and M.
p o r t a ) . The room wan crowded. Tho usual
,„„„ to t o the Queen and PrittheAlbertirere drank,
followed by others to the .[Tgesidnot orthe (Jolt
ed Suites,” and the "Sultan.-of Turkey." The
Mayor then rase to propose the health of their
illustrious guest, whose presence among them
was a enures of rejoicing to the, whole English
people. He was delighted to see the unanimity
with which he was welcomed, as the champion
of Constitutional liber(y; Hod he trusted these
demonstrationa would have effect in the proper
quarter. ; Thetrens, which we-Lthe leading lend
most powerful agent in all'reformi, would, belvp
- ed, be uneaimous on this subject, He would not
dilate totheeo on the claims which - Kiinsoth hod
upon all the friends of freedom- Ile had. as one
or his first acts of power, emancipated . 4,000,000
of Bert', who could inner be enthralled again,
and the day was not, he hoped far dintent, when
he would have the power to emancipate eight
millions more. [Laud Cheera.] Without further
preface, he weald give them, "The health of loaf.
Kossuth, and prosprrity If; his undertaings,"
[Loud Cheers.]
, M. Kossuth then rose, and in excellent English
proceeded to address the assemblage as follows:
lila. Moron AND UIVITLSIMEN: In riling to
thank you moat sincerely for the noble, kind, and
generous sentiments which have bean an well ex
premed, and so heartily responded to, I experi
ence emotions far too suing to permit of any
display of eloquence. Besides, 1 was quite un
prepared to meet sodistinguished antooremblage
an that which I have the honor of addressing.
Not muck accustomed to address public assem
blies in my own language, I fear I shell hare
great difficulty in addressing you in English, and
they fore moot In the first instance claim your'
patience andgeneroon indulgence. (Hear, hear.)
I believe I may attribute the geoeroua sentiments'
of which I am the object to nothing else than that.
sympathy with a struggle for freedom which so
well befits the free Englishman, and to the fact
that the cause of Hungary ins just cause, strong
ly and intimately connected with the =tinter', '
once of the principles of freedom all over the
world. (Loud cheery.) Now, instead of any vain
attempt to give yOu an eloquent speech, perhaps
the better way will be to give you in a plain no
varnished manner some information respecting
'the great cause which I have so deeply at heart
[Hear, hear.]
I wish the people of England to know the true
nature of the pant troubles in Hungary, in order
that we may preserve the generous eentiments
alreadythsplayed towards us, and I believe that
that can in no way be so well done as by a plain
:statement of facts, without any other unneces
sary flourish or artificial pomp of words. (Hoar,
henea To understand folly the Itungeriau goes
tion; it will be necessary to say a few words
about Hungarian institutions. Fen all know
that Hungary woe for more than 1)00 yearn a
constitutional monarchy, and that alone. Is no
smell indication as to the elements of strength
°sitting in my nation. (Hear, hear.) When!
you reflect on the geographical position of Hun-
ga'r, and reflect that the-Stagger race are Ani- '
atic people, men thrust into the middle of Euro
pean races, without friends and without kindred, 1
yon must give us credit for the firmness and in-1
hermit strength that maintained the national-in
stitutions for so long anetiod. We were, in fact,
surrounded by despotic powers. On the one aide i
was Turkey encroaching on us for centuries, and' '
against which wo bad for ages been considered
the bulwark of Europe—not only of ite civiliza
tion, but of its Christianity—and on another was
Russia, a power which, not for the benefit of
mankind, has grown prodigiously in influence
during the last century. (Hear.) On the third
side was Auntie, not the large empire it now is,
but the proper dominions of the House of Haps
burg, not one of the eons of which, if history
speaks troth, was ever the friend of political
f. eedom One. of them, 'Cis true, Joseph 11..
wan the friend of religious freedom. and of the
social freedom of the peasantry. But even he,
the best of the Austrian dynasty, was strenn.
unsay opposed to any extension of political grist
, loges. Such won our position then, surrounded
by Turkey; Russia, and the dominions of the
Rouse of Hapthorg, and besides alt that, we had
on internal state of things which has always been
considered a bar to national greatness, namely,
' that the people of the country were excluded'
from political privileges.', Still; with all these',
difficultiee, the Magyars preserved not only-their' .
notional life but their national institution,
(Hear, hear.)' , Am d not then justified [nearing
that in ouch to nation there are elements of a
future, and that such 0 nation deserres to have
rightel (laird' cheers.) I have 'thready stated
• , . r. . , zeolit_ctilm_t, illxr_._.._'' ro haul a
a a .
nt L 1 C ...
4;054 . 1. 5i1 ., ..
of Hungary was aristocratic, but en aristocratic
coastitution in Hungary was somewhat different
from the meaning which is attached to the word
in England. In Hungary the word is not synany.
mons with power and wealth, but simply means
position obtained by birth, so that if a man were
born noble; all his children and children's child
ren would be noble also. What was the conse-
queues! Nations, like Individuals, aro subject
to many changes, and the descendents of the old'!
nobles of Hungary did not remain great and
powerful, but became eo propagated and diffused
as to be nearly the people themselves, and poor
than the peasantry, because the noble, had
the ambition not to work, an if labor were not
the highest honor of humanity. (Load cheers.)
Therefore, we found that this
Ins u -t only in the ocradition of tbe people, but
actually poorer, because not so industrious. But
one prominent feature in-these facts ie, that our
aristocracy was not so opposed to the extension
of constitutional rights as even the other aris
tocracies pf the middle ages, and as was for- ,
merly tha aristocratysof this country. I say was,
because I confess that the aristocracy of England
bare known how to meet the exigencies of the
time, to share their privileges with the people.
and to bear with the latter their.proper share in
the public burdens of the country. And they I
have had their 'reward, for the aristocracy of
England has remained firm. while other *ring-
cronies bare been scattered to the winds. But
in Hungary the nobles were diffused among the
people, mere agriculturists, landlords, or maou•
factnrers and laborers, and therefore the word in
one yule must be taken with a meaning different
from • its acceptation In other countries, and I
most add that although the people were not by
the ancient coaatltution allowed to speak for
themselves, still we always found among the aria;
tceraey generobs and valiant men, ready to stand
forth as tbo chimpions of their country, and of ]
the rights of 'humanity. [Cheers.] To enable '
them to do ad, they had framed two institutions'
—one was what I may colt the parliament of
Hungary, and the other was the county munici
' Pal inatitutionn; which latter, more than the par ,
Bement, were the safeguards of the rights of the
people.! Besides thesis county institutions.were !
so framed that they could be the only media
through which the government could convey or
ders to the magistrates and other officers. These
county meetings were composed of noblemen'who
resided in the counties, and in: some counties
amounted to twenty-five or thirty thousand,. eV
.ery one of whom bad the right of voting at elec.!
Lions for magistrates who were the only execu
tive power of the country. If the government
wanted any order executed; It Mint be done by
the municipal Magistrate; but he could not come •-•
into immediate contact with the government, who
most send their orders in the first instance to
the county meeting. Such meetings tad fright
to discuss the !orders of govennment, and more'.
than one case has occurred, in which the order
was not forwarded to the magistrate for excels.
Hon, bat a rethonstrance sent to the government
for sending it. They formed thus a strong bar- •
rier against the encroachments of the govern-I
menk and no country has needed such a barrier
more than Hungary;. for, for mere than three
centuries, tho House of Hapebergh has not had at
its bead a mart who woe a friend to political free
dom. , [Loud cheers.] Now, the House of Haps
burg has ruled in Hungary for these three cen
turies, not by conquest, but by the free choice of
the nation; not without conditions, but firmly
bound' , by treaties,: the chief feature of which
was; that when the King was admitted to power
in the order of his lineal succession, he was to
rule and govern by means of its Own public in
stitutions, and, according to its own laws, be
swore solemnly to do so, and prayed to the Ete,.
nal God to bless him and his race, as he wan true
to his oath. • Thirteen Biggs we have had of this'
dynasty, end no - man can charge the with exist; .
gentian, when I spy thatl the rule of these thir
teen Kings has been. .1 continuous perjury.
[G rekt , sensation,e ald by the '; wonderful
energy whichlti: Koala threw into the delis
, ery of this sentence.] ' Yee,•perjary, that Is the
word. (Renewed cheer*. . Gentlemen, lam
a plain man, and call legs by' their right
b ,
names.. (Cheers an ter.) ,' .
Now, when the lineman nation elected the
head of the house of lierisburgh as .her sover
eign, the countrylcontahred upwards 4:14,000 1
German geogrspldad square miles, which. I.
MO Informed, is equal to about 100.000 Zn
glish square miles, and 15 millions otpeople, no
small or Insignificant .realm, as you will admit;
(Hear, hear.) At that: time, too, the house of
Hapsborgh.Taled constitirtiorusily in all their
other provinces, but subsequently those .prOvin
us lost their rights; ritudJ through the whale of
the three eetiOries, the . on of the ambition
of the house Of Hapsburg as been to obtain n..
disputed sheolate domi 12 - oler all their terri
tories. Shortly before Pesth struggle there
vu not a ail igla_pw .. rin eof the Austrian err i ced
pica that had a conatitnit 11; the ambition of the
house of Hapsbtirgh: barg absorbed the - e opts ,
stinxtional rights of , . Cog CoutitutiOnall
rights were notalmorbed, because we did not be.:'
long to the Austrian empire, nor 'takers susyCois:' ,
melon W)th.ikUcepteeh as that of Hamden
with this country with eitiptlritt;that the
1 1 ,1ds
lisp ot suceendon tinn. et lintifed in Wits*
manner. - We :tulirdnistered a AClOntittil oath,
tutting forth:that thertivine to be no • noniestiort
.. . •
. . .
betWee4 Hpligary ancloulY other province, and
that,whilekre acknowlitlged the !Arlie sovereign,
Our rights Were to beiripreserved, end we were
to be governed solely by our own laws and ens
tams. "(Neer, bear,) Wer 'also provided that, in
case thu sovereignty alinuld, in the lino of sue.
cession, fall into the hinds of a child, the same
coune,should not be liiiopted In in the case of
'Austrian. Is finch a contingency the regent of
Austria would be tome elder member of the roy
al family; but we provikled that a Hur.garieu
palatine should be apPoiritheil, so as that our eon.
stitutional rights should nat. be alstorbed. These
rights were also pratehted by oar municipal in•
stitutione, which, with an inherent strength that
never could completely broken, steadily re
el.ted the encroactatints of the crown. Perhaps
I may illustrate the defensive etrength - of these
institutions by alluding to the siege of Serape
.. by Napoleou. When Napoleon had battered
dowu the walls, he was no far from success as
ever, because he had to fight single battles with
We citizens in every street So it was iu Hung
ary with her municipal institutions. (Cheer!.)
remember an occasion when the house of ilopo
burgh, in defiance of the parliament,:leviel troops
and raised the tares from one to two-and-a-half
times as much as they were before, and when the
majority of over fifty-two of our counties, influ
enced by terror and every other means at the dis
posal of the government, • submitted to the en
croachment At that time there were only ten
or twelve comitats that resisted, and the resist
ance of even these few was as effective as that of
the people of Saragossa. (Loud cheers.) By these
meson we preserved through' all enahroach
mauls some shadow of independence, but the
Austrian government having obtained absolute
power la tbeir other provinces, took every means
from open violence to the most insidious frauds,
to overthrow our municipal institutions. They
.fomited our quarrels, underminded our nation
al character, impOverishetour country, and cor
rupted our nobles'. .
Our perliumenwhich ouglit to be convened
once iu three yens, was not convened in twenty
and so arbitrary government went on, until at
last we became aware that from 300,000 tohoo,-
000 nobles would not be sufficient to defend the
rights of the country from the despotic tenden
cies of Austria. From this point dates our
struggles, which have now lasted for about 28
years. We decided that our best safeguard
would be to inspire all the people with the sent
iments of patriotism, by giving all an equal in
terest in constitutional rights. (Loud cheers.)
That was the direction of public opinion in Hun
gary in 1826. We felt the necessity the more,
because, although we hod a hoard or council of
government which by law was responsible to the
country, and were bound not to carry into exe
cution any order' even of the sovereign, which
Woe contrary to out laws- still we knew that
there was no real responsibility in this council,
because no corrupt body can be made to feel re
sponsibility. Individuals may he made respon
sible, but when the government becomes collec
tive responsibility vanishes. We saw, therefore,
that our rights and-privileges were vanishing
under the machinations of the Austrian govern.
ment, in which Sletternich was then all in all ;
and feeling that 600,000 nobles could not effec
tually resist such encroachment+, we , proposed
to give to the whole fifteen millions of our peo•
pie an interest in constitutional rights, and a
motive for ilefendik them. The peasantry must
form au important consideration in every coun
try, but doubly so in Hungary, which was and
is chiefly an agricultural country. The canal
-flan of our peasantry became then the first topic
with our reformers, who felt that our country,
so highly gifted by nature, could never he made
the earthly paradise it ought to be except by
free laborers enjoying constitutional rights : and
seeing that oar peasant had to work for his
landlord 104 days in the year, to which must be
added Sundays, festivals, and winter, and Lad
to give the ninth of his preduce to the seigneur,
tho tenth to the bishop, we felt that this was a
condition contrary to human rights and the
principles of justice. (load cries of "Hear."]
The first thing, then, we did was to eman c ipate
the , geople. (Loud cheers.] The reform, how
ever, was only effected by stow degrees. n the
Long Parliament, which oat from 1832 to 1836,
it was proposed in the lower home, which con
sists wholly of elected members, that every
peasant should have the right to make himself
free' of his feudal and seignorial , burdens by
paying off the capital of his dare At first we
proposed that that this power should be inde
pendent of the will of the landlord, but were
opposed by the House of Lords, until at last, by
the influence of government, it was reduced to
the privilege, of purchasing freedom with the
consent of the landlord. That modified meas
ure was carried by the Commons and Lords, but
, was refused by the Regent, who was thus at is
sue with the people on this great question in
183 b. 1. should state. that the members of the
Commons voted as they +sere Instructed by•tho
' L er guTrie
principally directed. They could not cameo
them by mean' of the Coot Palatine, who be
ing by office President of the ilomie of Lords,
could not intrigue with , the county meet
ings, and therefore other persons were se
lected to carry into the county meetings
every species of corruption. [Hear, hear.]
They appointed an administrotor in every
county, who should never leave the county, but
tie present at every meeting, control every act,
and corrupt every troublesome member, in order
Mat the comitats might become at last the mere
instruments and tools of governitent It was
this system we opposed with all our strength of
mind and body, but with no narrow view to the
privileges of our own time. We wanted therm
institutions to be independent in order that we
might reform our.system for the benefit of the
entire people. [Loud cheers.] lint the more
we developed our views of reform, the more ac•
Lively the government net their administrators to
work throughOut.thecountry. and that was our
condition up to the diet: of October or tioienaber,
1847, a year or so before the French Revolution,
I wish to chow that in Hungary we were. not
revolutionists—l am not blaming revolutions--
but the Hungarians were engaged in no secret
conspiracy but at public meetings, and ,in an
open and constitutional way, struggled manfully
for their rights. [Hear, hear.] I myself had
the honor to be elected a member of this parlia
ment of 1847, for the. metropolitan county of
Pesch; when the Goiernment of the day did ev
erything.poesible to' prevent my election. The
'good setae of the nobles, howeVer, carried me
in triumph. [Cheers.] The first question I
proposed, according, to the instructions I,had
received from my constituent's, was that our mu
nicipal inatitntioni should be restored to their
original purity, that the system of administra
tors should be abolished, and that until these
Measures should be earned, no taxes should be
I voted. The Houses of Lords and Commons
were at issue on this question, discussing it for
upwards of two months, and remained in disa
greement I shooldinention that It was name
airy that both houses should agree upon a meas
ure before it woe laid before the gingbuttherewas
no limit to the communication 'between the two
houses. The measure had not a majority In the
Lords, because dt contained so many function
aries appointed by Government, and persons as
piring to be functionaries, but still I have. the
gratification of knowing that it Was !supported
by many of the most independent el the lords
.of Hungary, among whom was my lamented and '1
' onfoitunate MeridoLouis Batliyany. Still cor-
ruption went on; and I felt at last that our only
counewas to apply ourselves at once to the
chief source of evil. On the head of the King
of Hungary rests two crowns, the one constitu
tional and the other abs,olute, and ! these two
could never agree together. Which s ultimately
preinits in the straggle history tells in many
dark page. .
.I propase4, therefore, that, as the
house of Hapsburg declined 'to restore the rights
of Hungary out of deference to the people of
:Vienna, it was oar duty, as the elder brother in
the national family, that the people of -Vienna
should also get franchisee.
I believe that no just man will say I was
wrong in that proposition, which was rinivensil
lyiaccepted, I was not planning a resolution;
that is an accusation which I know will find no
echo in the breast of any just or generous man.
[Loud cheere[ hiy speech on the subject was
read in all the coffee houses of Vienna, news
of the French revolution arrived, and the Vien
nese rose. That was the Austrian revolution,
and I must frankly.Cwn that I immediately de-.
cided not to be carried away by the excitement
of the time, but to take the reins of .GOVern.
meut Into my own hands, and to avail myself "of
the opportunity that God had given,not Hungary
made. [Cheers:] The first, thing I proposed
was the emancipation of the peasantry, and, of
course, under the chentastances, &wart carried
unanimously by both houses. [Hear, hear:]—
E3Ol was .2.01i0118 not to hurt the Interests of
any person, but rather to spore those who, al
though not quite !national in: their origin, had
yet in course of time become interlacedd with thel
the fortunes of a greet many people. IL prropo
sed, sad my proposal was adopted, that pees;
ants.should be free from ell dutbm.—fleus without
paying—liberty is not s thing to be paid for,--
[Cheers.] But I proposedat the same time that
the seigneurs should get • indemnification, not
from the peUsant, but from the land: Our
country has large resources, which by good man
sgentent would be more than enough to glee full
and entire compensation to the nobles. I engaged
my hosier and my oath to give this indemnifica
tion, end it was carried In Parliament. 4Hemr.]
As:lebited,belbre,the poor people had every duty
bat no rights, and I proposed that righti should.
at once be conceded, and that . every man .11011-.
seising the franchise • shonld, , sceording. to his
means, contribute to the public necessities. This
was carried imanienously.:...The third plan vie,
that the people should be admit , * imuiedlately
midi rights of franchise, not to the els
ton of the members of Paiiismant, but ;also
for magistrates and other . public i.frutetlniosries.
But now, when aU theLpeoplerweiselutitteCto
the franchise, half,
,a minion 7of persons -could
no t:, bo,'Aonsuked': , tr',uter sad: then,:
fore litrepiiisk *Wirier - ..tsomrettisity:iikicittA
eekits-ferson,torepresest'll74riiii Then were
Pl# o 4/ 614 LO* ol .]:. •
_ .
I madams encroaeluttent 011 men's tights, eith-
Ace in their family, Pr in Communities., I wished
that the government should be sufficiently pow
erful for the public necessity, and to enforce
obedience to the law, bat not to Interfere with
the weird or municipal rights of men. We pro
posed further that as councils- or Government
could not be mode responsible, the executive
should be managed by members responsible to
Parliament. These. were the proposals which
were carried out, with eeveral others, with the
details of which I will not detain you. We es
tablished a responsible ministry, emancipated
the peasantry, ordained that the nobles Oa: mid
participate with the peasantry in all public du
ties, and that all should have the franthiseibuth
fiirj members of Parliament and for county tneet
leen. These laws were brought by a deputation
headed by the Archduke Palatine. up to Vienna
ire asked, in the name of the future of Hungary,
and of the peace of Austria, that these . terms
Olinda be granted. We were ordered to bring
our claims before the Emperor of Austria, and
and also to ask him to -give to our fettered
brethren of Austria their rights. At that
time there was doubt and hesitation in ev
ery country except this, which, baring made one
glorious revolu ion, finds the principles then es
tablished sufficient to carry out every ttecessary
change. Here, then, everything was quiet,
while on the continent all woo movernenti The
government hesitated to concede theme just
claims. I went myself to the Imperial Palace,
nod told the Emperor that if be persisted, I could
not guarantee what would he the consequence,
with these movements in Europe, and when the
people of Hungary saw Weir just claims resisted.
They told me the claims would be conceded if
Vienna could only be kept quiet, and •that it
should not appear as if the House of Hapsburg
had been compelled to be just. It wits one of
those curious examples of the vicissitudes of hu
man life, io which myself, an bumble son of
modest Hungary, was in a position to hold the
• destinies of the House of Hapsburg and all its
crowns in these hands. [hl. Kossuth here made
a powerful impression by the energy of his man
ner. stretching out both hands no he finished the
sentence.] I said, "lie just to my fatherland,
and I will give peace and tranquillity to Vienna."
They promised to be just, and before twenty
four hours I gave peace and tranquility to Vien
na-1100d cheera . )---and before the Eternal God,
who will make responsible my soul—before his
tory, the independent judge of events—l ham .
a right to say that the House of Hapsburg owes
its existence as a dynasty to me. [Tremendous
At last the sanction of Government was given
to these laws; bat while we were receiving the
promises of the Emperor in one room, the Arch
duchess Sophie, the mother of the present King,
and sister of the last, was in another, plotting
with Metternich how to get rid of these prom
hies. [Hear, hear.] • In a few weeks the King
came Presburg, when I was first Minister, - an
office which I was forced to accept; for I can
appeal to the politic knowledge of my nature, of
my enemies, and of my friends; that I always
considered power as a burden. Before we went
to Vienna for sanction to the law appointing re
sponsible ministers, I addressed the people of
Presbarg. I took my poor friend, Louis
aoy—i M. Kossuth Was here affected to rearel—
by the hand and said to the people, "Don't cheer
me, he must be the first president of Hungary."
He declined unless I would enter office with him,
and thus I was forced to enter. [Hear, bear.]
In a few days after the Serbs revolted, stirred
Op as it appeared by the Camarillo of Vienna.
They took for 'pretext that by ancient diplomas,
that part of Hungary which they occupied to
the amount of two or three hundred thousand
people, had been given to them. Nobody de
nied this. bat they insisted that it should be
politically eeperated from Hungary, and form a
separate leant. Now, although tide banst in
in which they heed containell,lloo,ooo people,
the Serbs number only 300,000, who speak the
Wellachlan tongue, the thmainder of the people
speaktug German. The Goeernment, of which I
was a member, seeing that there must be come
plot in all this, considered that we were hound
to euppress this revolt Besides, I should state
that one of the chief political 0.13 , e.T.1 of Met
ternich, was to oppress one linden by means of
another. Our army was drawn drawn out of
the land, part in Bohemia and part in Italy,
while we had in Hungary, Germans, Create,
Polee. and WeHacks. At
.the heed of this re
volt was the Ran of Cryan., and they finished
by declaring their independence. We, the Hun
garian ministers, entreated the King to give his
consent to convoke the Parliament, in onier that
means might be obtained to euppreas the revolt.
I, the minister of Hungary, nominated by the
King, stood beside the Archduke Palatine when
he gave the order.!, [Hear, hear.] The King
Sod to Inrpruck,ktid a deputation went there,
inviting him tltoine to Buda, and rely on the
loyalty of the people: . We' prominent to defend
ie the world—and the Henget*.
';.l.rtri - ed ,CTl•rrrs-ert
promised to defend. [Cheers.]
I also wood beside the Archduke Palatine
when be rend the solemn edict of the king, con
demning the machinationeof the Create end
and etating that he bad given orders to
his minietere In Hungary to put down the re
volt. In the aunt edict be called upon his faith-,
, fol parliament in Hungary to levy an army, and'
to provide means to carry on the war. lit wail
who proposed it to parliament, but I had hardly.
said a few words when t was • stopped in my
speech, nod Ibeetipplies granted at once. While
these matfett were going on, oe,ws arrived from
holy that the battle of Costansa'had been wou
pod that the government of Vleana were now
in n position to consider the means of emsking
Hungary. A prxhimation was lamed asking
Jellachich, who had been proclaimed a traitor
by the king, to go against Hungary, milling him
• .
• friend. Surely there is not nei honest man in
the world who will not condemn that.. [firer;
beer. 3 Jellachicta came on with 30,000 men;
but we beat biro, taking two armies and one gen
eral, our only . force being the undisciplined peo
ple armed with scythes. Ile then asked for a
truce; and two days wore given hint, and in the
mean time be broke his word and escaped.. We
followed him. I was then President of the
Council, the ministry having resigned in corne-.
queisee of the dissolution. of parliament before
the, orramment of the budget, which was
against the constitution, which provided' that
the parliament should not separate without ar
rouging the budget. In addition to this viola;
lion alf—eonsiltutionel rights the King makes his
an? o, giving to him the poWer to govern Hun-.
gory, of Jellachleh, the man whom he had pro-S
claimed Le a traitor. We said that we would
not take the traitor as governor, and that the
parliament could not be disiolved. because it
had voted no budget.'
We declared that the order for dissolution bed
not been signed by the reeponsible officer,
that, therefore, the Parlieut must Bit. I. had
thee. the boner to be president of the provision
al Govermnent, and 1 ordered Jellachlett who
had escaped • _towards Vienna, to be followed.-
When be came to the frontiers f Austria, .I sent
commissioners to the govern ent, demanding
from the general of th e Austri m:St/mit they
should reepeot the laws of n Sty towards us,
and not give any sh elter to the revolted. But
they! not only protected him,but permitted him
to join in the operldlom of halides. of Vienna.
;These two armies cams to Hungary under Win
'dischgratz calling ne, rebels and slaves. Wo
straggled and fought battles-history tells bow.
[Load cheers)
But Still one thing I must ado, that although
we were victors, defeating the' imperial armies
in several battles-although the Emperor of Aus
tria bad tuned a proclamation on the 4th Maids,
1849, which relying on the false report of a gen
eral:of victory that never occurred, be declared
by a single ecratcb of his pen that the national
ity of Hungary was blotted out, that its coast!:
!titian was to be torn , up, ,and that henceforth
Hungary was to be incorporated with the Aus
trian empire to be ruled by hie, good will and
pleasure—noiwithettindlng lathes, I say; still
we "did not proclaim s rupture with the House of
Hapsbough, until I had received certain Intelli
gence that the Hooka intervention had boon de
cided upon and accepted. [Hear, hear.] And, I
am Berry to add, that we also got information
that against this invention we lad 110 help to ex
expect anywhere. (H. Kossuth wee here deeply
affected, and burst into tears.) Then I consider
ed the matter in my concience, and camo to the
concluelon that either my nation must submit to
overthrow; and to attend of itellfe, without even
trying to ease onrselvea, or, It we were not cow
arde and base enough to commit rich 'suicide,
some reward wan necessary to'jnetify the strng
' glee and sacrifices of the people.,
1 And I proposed that if we were to coo
-1 tend against two great enapiree—H Mere was
nobody to help us, nobody to prevent- Puke =
witeeb, as he had promised, trending on the
neck of Hungary—if we were to straggle for
our liberties, as we had once el:toggled tor the
Christian liberties of Europe,/ then I proposed:
sis,e, reward, the Independence of Hungary, and
my proposal was accepted. [Loud ebeera]—
That le a statement of what occurred; end you
all know what was the result flow we fared
list me not eay ; it laboo deep a matter for sor
ry*. This much only will I say, that although
forsaken by the whole world 1 am to this day
confident that wo would have been a Match for
the combined forces of the two despotle powers,
but Lt.'s my fault and my weakness that as Gov
ernor of Hungary, having the lead is this great
movement; I had not art enough to tight with
equal arms the duplicity of R 115111; you_'knew
how he introduced treason' into , our conned's.—
fled I only been prepared 'for this treason, all
would certainly not bare failed. • [Heer; hear.]
Bat the result of what has occurred it that tho
house of Hapsburg, se a- dytourty, nate ho .
more. It Merely vegetates at the whieinl the
might,' Cur' - (a 11, 44) - -to Whim it his *tome
the obedient-mutant [near, hear. 7 ibieff the
people of Ragland , only - decided fleet :Rands
should not set her foot on the pooh offor:
if tho7vicill of3Wrefolva 'Melly 416 . ':ta
8 6144,-. 14 . 4 041 13• • Mors; Wit*fght; lkiat
hippy. ' Haogarriionld Imre kabillottgo, i fosPl•
OthUn, loyalty, and P uma" ,enough to 4 0 .1 41 .
of Iva him &whiff. =Mow is 1t : 10'94 om'
. ‘..::e' . • . ... • . ;',',N-4...
clip right of every nation to do.' [Hear, hear.]
And now, gentlemen, I trust you will excuse
me if I have not answered your expectations—if
I have tired You. (No, no.) My intention was
to show you.that the cause of my poor country
is worthy of your generous sympathy, because
we hate struggled for a national existence, which,
when once lost, there is no resurrection anymore
for a people. This is the. cisties for which I oak
your generous sympathy, and which am ena
bled to lay before you here through the generous
hospitality of the Mayor of Southampton. He
has acted the part of a kind and . generous
friend to one so undeservingas myself. He was
a father to the unfortunate; and the protector of
suffering humanity. Happy the realm where
such a man can rise from the people by his own'
perseverance, his own integrity, his own energy.
It is the glory of England that such a man, ris
ing in each a manner, can enjoy the honor and
confidence of hie countrymen. Let me then,
while ,expressing my humble and everlasting
thanks for the kind sentiments entertained to
. me, propose to you, with the deepest af
fation, the health of the Mayor of Southampton.
The AlayOr returned thanks and gave the
healths of Lord Dudley &Mt, Mr. Cobden, ,and
other liberal Members of Parliament.
M. Kossuth interrupted the proceedings fop a
moment to explain that in Hungary there was no
aristocracy of race, but simply one of birth
The Mogy,srs, who numbered about eight mil
lions, had noblemen, manufacturer, and peasants
among them, the same as the other races.
Lord Dudley Stuart returned thanks for the
cot l ,
plimeut paid him, and spoke of the delight
- wit which he saw the illusions Hungarian
am ng them.
Tr. Cobden said that he was acids country
res dene when he beard of Kossu th 's arrival,
an be mentioned this as an excuse for not
being on the spot to'receive him. He had seen
an attempt in England to destroy his character.
2nd he had.determined to be present to show his
ciulamniators that they could only reach Kossuth
through them as his 'friends. He dtd not intend
th speak of the internal affairs of Hungary; hut
Kossuth brought the credentials ore whole notion
indorsed by the suffrages of the people, as his
title to a welcome in England. The majority of
tho people of England would giver him a cordial
reception. Mr. Cobden said thiimieeption given
to Kossuth would ahem how far the aspirations
-of Europe go with his cause, and how far they
may expect the support of Englishmen or Ameri
cans in their future proceedings. He was op
posed to the intervention of one nation in the.
affairs of another, and he could not, therefore,
but regret that the invasion of Hungary by Rus
sia, the greatest scandal to civilization in our
day. should have been allowed to pass without
an angry protest from this country. I stated,
he said, that en long as the dispute lay between
Austria and Hungary, we should not go further
than express our sympathy with right; but from
the moment that Russia interferrod, it became
a changed question. Here was •semi-barbarous
power coming down with its horde. to crush a
mars civilized country, and a strong protest from
the Government and people of this country would
have been of immense advantage. But what
were the flute Other States were in the toils
of reaction, but the leading newspapers of-this
country' not only uttered no protest, but actually
expressed opinions in favor of the Russian cause.
[Hear. hear.] Well, then, I say that werepublic
opinion so far enlightened that newspapers would
not dare to falsify it by taking sides with Russia,
it would not require many words from an Eng
lish foreign minister to make that opinion have
weight.with foreign despots. [Hear, bear.) lie
west 00 to say that the Hungarian movement
was not a democratic movement; bat • move
ment of the people to.uiaintain their national
instittitions He thought that Ksssouth, there
fore, should be received by the nation at largo
as the champion of a nation that is identified
with constitutional institutions.
commend the result of recent elections in
Illinois end Wirconsin, • to the attention of the
Ohio anti-bank '•herds"
By the Constitution of these States' banking
was prohibited, bet experience compelled the
amendment of the Cotuititutloh, and gave the
people a chance to rota aye or no, an a General
Banking Law. In both these Locofoco Stites,
the majorities in foyer of the law are large, and
in Chicago only reeentynine persons TOW against
it. The Locofocas of Ohio occupy the ground
which their brethern in the West have abandoned
from necessity, and yet they call themselves
Ohio Locofoeos! Close order! Advance back
sra rd I—Ore./rood Afraid. •
Fall Importation of Hardware, Cutlery, &c.:
LOGAlsi r t WILSON & CO,
No. in Wood Street,
AL!. to
Ant whleh they are Hare prepared to offer at myth pike.
ao enont fan to glean,
c it hand. amorogion t
of MANE'S celebrated C. S. AIM
ala are t an hay
111111t411.—Arermg the hno.lreile of lefts.. ermil atm and
attire muffed by the proprietom of We ot Inc. tbe
julowind is ..!.Aped to show Ita thwarter. uvd • tCroct
of It. Ole la. tilAttasst part of the Welt. The Menus. Col
ton ere diy gond* merchant, but an Mtn Wolf for the
yele of the choice. median..
Wfsevneta, Ind.. Sept. 1 0 4 0 .
0144 4 Co.:—We b.ep.nr7l to got a /LI of SI,
Lana, Tern:drug. lart opens, prepared by yenned's,. So
soon at Um Termifuge way Introduced in our annommity,
the demand necome eo great for It that our Mock Tamen
toilet...di It him mutton,/ tha brat effect when.. .zit Dan
11.4 In thin motion and it VAT/ Mimi. MOMilf our
people. We are dmirons of obtaining the medtdoe here
to or direct from youreelve, at It yells more rapidly than
atm other medicine we hoop. Pim. mod Oit 01mg
mellately. 11. J. a J. W. COLTON.
J. KIDD a CO..
No. 6U Want rt.
for de br
Citizen's Insurance - Comnezy el Pittsburgh
4143, NO. 41 Water stmt. In they... Lou. oft. U.
C. O. Preeldant.---..A. W.Ahates.
Tots Company hoar yreparni, Laura all chercharalha
In .ore. sal In traavitu. rehab., ac.
An ample guaranty for as ANUS/ .41.1 U 11401,7 of lb.
lahltattlea, I. affardal. ta the character of vh. ULM/0M
.40 are all chit...of Pittsburgh. well awl favorably
Conan l o the aatuaanlty Cu than prudeaca I.l.lllAeavva
sof lafra.vity.
lAarmAve—C. U. Ramey. Wm. Bariey, Wm. Larlsoir.
Jr.. Walter Bryant, Iloah D. King, Edward Ileasletota
John hay - worth. A. Ilarbaush. A. Wet. sahcif
Pittsburgh Lite Insuranee Company
rAPITAL, 8100,000.
fieutlent—Jedua P. nowt
Vise Preeldent--Sennutlethmthear.
Thissiurer—ethrun 8. Luca.
nersetam—li. A:Comon.
STS. advertisement In another pan the paper.
Great Sale of Towu Lots in Wellsville, 0.
. QN the 34 of Deeeta' bee, IBM, at 10 o'clock
. M.. op the premises, will be sold • tanPt
of MLitt/NU LOTS. Favorably located for busiu Pat•
parrs, bolus ow, both Wee of the Pallroad aced &Usual
sopa. - Tato hullepatstle. Terms at sale.
_ Pittsburgh. Ps.
For Sale or Bent.
I OFFER for Sale or Rent the House in
*Web t [tow reside, le Alleghent Citrfor.mir
uwßel.d D 7 Judo Omer. •Poaseation cur b. had at
woo. for terms wait' to 11. .1
of rno
"'teal"' 'awn Lb. IIOIIBAT our,'
,ILETTERS Testamentary to the estate oL
Janie. Roan, latwor lodlyna towattdp,Oorinty or Al
eutian: i doo'd, ha. been trraatod to tbo subwribarc all
yenuoit'llatioir elaftny against odd 'estate will, prewar
them duly &alba:Masted ilor saultawsit to
. .
U. SHADY w esuNs.
nol4:(law)C4.- ' ', . gyeanitura .'
AYPLESLBO reo'd on consignment
awl for We by T. WOODS • SON..
null 61 'Maur .t.
BROOMS -50 doz. for Ode by
nal. T. WOODS At 56N, 51 Water
' UN COVERS-2 dos. India Rubber Gun
Air Covers, of sit the different length, Just reed and
for Ital. at No. 110 Market area.
•aoll J. At H. PLIILLITB.
1 . „4 Life Preservers and Jacket of all the difFereat kinds
matintactorett, fa ale at the !tubber Doted, 110 Market et.
vole .1. a Id. PHILLIPS.
BORAX -1 case for sale by
ocal4 KEYSER a IIeDOWELL, 140 WOOd et.
L i .rrr" glall'slkA b LowELL, 1m wood rt.
piRESH FRlllTlfeutka Zanto Currants;
• 6 3( A
buds Raising 1.61416 c
4 cos
yo, sale br : J. D. WILLIAMS ail.
mI4 ' 116 Wocd area.
81krISEL BOARDS-50 dos: Holmes! Yat:
• mat Mao, fOr !ale by
nol4 • J. D. WILLIAMS A Cu.
BLACKING -HO dos. Mason's Challenge
f ar ter . J. D. WILLIAMS It CO.
8 T ABIE-10 casks for sale by
. eat J. D. WILLI& & CO.
OROOMS-175 doz. Corn, for sal be
sem WICK it Afro•
B UTTER—Fresh Rolljust reed, , r sale by
soli WItIK • 144 ums. •
WASH BOARDS-40 doz. Zin. for sale
y r molt hIeCANDtXBA.
CHEESE -40 boxes extra Cream D. IL F.,
I)UHHAM CHEESE-400 trxe. Hezlep'e
celebrated Durham soulliatmeig Mama: Ms 4:44. to
red am for WA ;
ifieTT -- CELEEBE-400 boxes for wale tcy
nou Wl= IfeCABDLESS.
FISH--In bble. and hf. bble. for
If. lib br r ; slot akmismuss. ;
ITABLE SLLT—Itt boxes, foveae ,
nol4 : WIGS& BIeMiNDLOS.
ri rfli Tte arti '
cle for Bole 1:1,
.: - _ -WICK ‘ maummiiiit,.
LAI4:ES McGIIFFEYm,um, (tutcessor tolohma
. m wboutum s.s . deiaer /a MN,
Dre-ShdK,... da Zia wa ,
wood strost:aus
=bed scdadt andwadd Wa la.
Pa.= • VW( si!es Ft
isahavVidrwont _ . wsi
Pennsylvarga Railroad.
717ne Rttlewd to 2 Beers;
(IN and after the let o December next,
NJ , pa...1,1,A will hr carried b,- to Peonarleatonltati.
road Col:ppm, hetweet. I•blia.lelphlsr Pitutotegit • In
24 hours vlth eel, miles of S4sgin oSrf an .....164
!an. • • . be •o,
TWA la thr ehortell mod tmeg ruh, beta , the tire.,
Went and the Atlentle ettlen. ml the acredo,m attune ere
...B r "" *.e ' e " the hi"e ! ' 'he .
PrinAS . L.h,
nol2-3m Agent Peeteallakinou.oo Iran,
I)R. h KE , B , LI: n i b TAU , PI a C tu I ., 73A 11 . - 1. 1 c ,, 11 . e... ,
er..toohn. et ;N. o'. 1o , •0 Anriom boor. 24ielV 41,
ea , h 41 a ,
IV OTlCE. — Whereaa, my wire .ord s til .4
,7,',.7-,h,..,':,., 4 7.;f'..0 ~,Y.4-,,-,1,.-tr,..i.,b-,—, - 5r..q,...
„:„,co b arber or asst her no m, ar,nunt, le I t ' too.‘oe
ren,orseible for nor , 4 her debt..
DANIEL aneuxu . '‘• Econoth,. Dwyer ...0M IL_ ,
21, n rk. Feathery. , .1 necks (lirof or:\
Landina and for sale I, loAlAll DICKF.I. 4 CO
man Water and Frout ihn. ,
INTER GLOVES—Now in store, a .ozn
y~ eirte vourtment. roropriehm every sanetr. •..
1, , ,e. to S 5 Per Ps. A. A MASON a GO_
non 02 wed ..1 Mark. 4 etroat.
1..,7 haw on enusisUrtMat • larg, lot of ~,,,
which we will ..ell under the cost eflassoltsetur..
• nol3 A. A. MASON a CV.
4 Officers' Coat.. lame; \ I
IA !Wit; Cap.,. with alerrer. \I
24 pair Pants;
. 45 " Lana Lentaloga:
..I, .... Shen: , 1
24 Reefing Jecitel, 1
With a coMplele straw-lawn .of dilDrent 'Avian of Stole and I.
Cepa to cult . 0. all. PHILLII' 4
nol2 No ; 116 Illarkct.s.
J NDIA RUBBER Sit s ES—Just re4'd, 20
.s'. Indbk Bub
~ L.11.0f lb. newent ettyl.a . The rub e
are invlted to call .01.1 vxambie
lmetalqll ottYk.
he ITll: l 7uVbe ' lql:gf..l:. - N%. •
cml3 J. Pl1111.1,!,8
PS--2;0(40„000 fon w ile I
r it r eliS lo S o l gi N \ li. A. FAIINATOCK C r
• AMP BLACR.-=p bble. in, fliTeri, 11.5,ed;
• 1111;4: \ I
Wl,lb,GermanolvOr. for nat. br I
R. EnCe..l; 1 CU.
MINCED SIEAT—Pnt. up in Jam
.01 1 . br faultily n.e. for ••1 , ..12)\
Vr..d.A. 3IrCLURG, t:,l.
. _
i 1 A.ROLI NA GRITTS--aust ree'd ‘ 256
Vv (Ahem Ftruat. and far male b
mill KM. A.\IeCLI.IRO a ,
Put up in 56 ,
- ,ILI and iilli lb. sacks. fin fair by.
irm. A..3leC\ UR° k CO.. \ s
nol3 °neon anajra li)Palera.,
lehronlcle copr.l \
/ lIILORIDE OF LIME—Ot thd \best quai
l' j ii,..,natently on hand and for ntk
,13.1 , 62itiNTC-11E111: ' k 0 ,
nnl3 . \ Front et-. De 31 tet-
OIL-1D libbi. With Lard Oi L ding
and far pal.. Ay • O. PLACKIKIR." . T .
nota . \
, lIEESE--500 prime Shipping:
gi / me Urvato:
:.r o Connnon: reel,sn.l for Kale 1,
note .I.I:ttNFIKI.I
APPLES -70 bbls. for sale by \
0 boxes prime 011, just rec'.
redß. CAS FIELD. \
PEARL ASH-10 toria'No. 1,
II .13
B ROOMS --50 doz. for z - 11}0 op
nol3 X: IL CAN
F ISH-20 bbls. and 10 bf. bbls.lnt
5 Whit, Fill: ered, and for VII by
vol 3 J-11. VAYFIE
• • - -••- •
r; MIS EVENING. November 12:. ,\
b....lbibilpd PRATT'S grettoriktlGG Pl4l
01 DEN, Gino tray reintif ton 'e Parkilier,\ regreeenti ;
the Lbtany or the Globe. eritly throe groups Of Adam end
Eve, the rue of life. erquieiloir Oniebed oil„colore, and
Admit-elan Z. root*. tmlldern bed mire
of Engligh Laid Papers. espylol . pe..t f ntred
Statlonergra Paper Dealer, `,
noll. corner of Marti:tend derowl etriodie.
11RINTINII PAPER-LO rearm Double
Iledium. Printing Piper. riame Imp. fie!
I rioting Payer.....:lsigl, for 1.2141 by W. ti
0012 Paper &site. ear. Mark , t .od
REEK APPLE It bbl. for sole by
J. I,
twig 'eorn.t . Pinn nod lroin ea.
tiaUGAR-24 hhda. for sale by
tj nor.: It DA I.IEL L *roc t.
I‘IO.LASSES--1:41 bh . b. Plahttt i t i ton; -
• oy ram Fcr 14le br
nold G. I.\ 4ZIII.Le. et.
ivirß ,,,, EL.tftc.lllTEC , Tio. 5, for No
' ' 'onitirator, far Nore t m . ber
Ladies' .Natiorial llagegine, for Doreonber
tiedired maul for vele UOLMES' A . tterras7 DeFot. N
14 Third "Mold. namonito the Poggiollieso:.
rAID ""--
SILKS-Ire havd atiland 31)pes.
Plaid Cita, brirtrani agars
A. A. MASON I Markat •
OURNINO open l~ . thiv mar-zing 2 came or plain bisek •24 vrblia and
bullMoral:One' Loop bbaals.
con A. A. MASON A . CO.. 14.rkat vb.
PTS. TURPENTINETObbIe - Wteae, for
s..b, by ' D. e. FAIIICESMCK4 1 , 11
30Qbbls. hery, for rle by
y non b. A.. PALINV--;qOCIC
5tf0 v 17 ,70.,,,crE
(a IX TWIST 'TOBACCO-11A leeks No. 1,
110 PIO well On C01.40.61ent and for Salt
oolt IIAiLLY-JONIL3 ietts
Try.Morris' 50e. Tea.
.ORRIS bas
ibr an
nlwrtA .lie . nis ib so b ld ,. .tl . i , e . b i es . t ,„ Te i a , ll in
5I doliclouo Onions( Too
Inem . lll , ll m lsg-Br i rtfoot `ll-.
-. 71.• 11orj I. ro the I ron ilsonoord. amend moor no.
1 alloy. 0.n12
!:ESE-500 boxes pin* Cream Cheese;
Su doowod IT /1
pand for ado LT.
11. DILLZELL \ ik CO.. Melly
FOR TRATIM \ • • •
• •
the Cleveland and Pdtidoursh
evelsod to emotes Station.... ....... .. : ...
snorer to Wellsville. by mi e n.
Wellsville to Pitteborgb by the nee *ad Buten.
did Mesmer FOREST UlT1". ' • -
nirsuient to sandlots until the lst 3thus.ll3
the Owe will run from u i.T
. Cleveland to w.nk, 02.
Express Train of Can will leave
Mand aallY thandajsearephel) at 046
nivel of the night Train fnom Cmelan.H, aniv
mmi etation at 1235 P. 11.. and at Weltering at
• d st P
rland ittsburgtstrie same erosion
• • g winless. Pittsburgh daily at T.
6 P. In imams to semisoft with the
• Trela to I.la4nnatls and with Swans Boat* Flint
t until the close of laregatioa. • ••
. ritubargh to Cleveland, 15:. hoot to Clods.
ter the
lox •t I
. t•
Ir.; •
Freda .1
gal lY
natl. 36
eigt./1114 t.AXK to Cioclnnatl, MAO.
.C. PRENTISS, PresidanL
are. k Pitt, R. R. Co.. Ravenna, Nor.
tat aPpt7 to U. al. UARToN, Aceut.
2touongabela Ileum Pitteburah.
oes— •
udis, by A. newt Choir Morns Hook:
• ble. Mar Idneleate •
Ina Seers, Writnery Clue Book;
• •• .1 Pang Hook;' Tompsnuts• Melodeon:
°Wastes; Übe litre. by A. gluon;
3 of tbe Rehoolsoora; lleantles at Catedarda, ,
Wel °OW Boot°,'Union, Tentreann. &nit
he Albatrese. a eery pretty tter. .one. Word. by
Wag, copy by Alm Ernset; ,
Peeve, nee eent bY
tk De Aes, saw° quartette: .
se Millie* 3.4311 g;
133W0 03 , 131 . plair1C. . b
Wee!' aftncomptete. For sale I. ;
11at.°10.0., 101 nal street. \ •
Sign at the Uolden Unrp.
Iwo c
The , Blpo
ER-10 Ws. solia,packtN do I 1 4
ur • 23 ron
im APPLES-50 bbl Fr. rne'd and fo
br- tkoll W:liAliaktalL
: . ,
ITER-2 bbl and 5 boxes fret& roll
receiral ua far w
" waly o
B-50 e family;foi:'l3alc , by
pi 13. W.
In I
I KIVIE *l t oloo — u - 1e
Um,anfor'4l ~k%atuok,
DRI PEACILE:t3L-270 bush Is received on'
pot Q,yYANDOO(ORDOS X lB{ Froat at
FIAIOR-99 bbls- S. F.;
osh " ' 4° Ri ".ioltits CO.
.I. SYMNS- r -Loyering's
. Grocers and Tea biate.
I PLIT PEAS-1 bbl. Egg'lab Split •ene
. o tt ure****.* Tea Dealers.
10 barrels 3. H, MO-lasers:
• - NJ!, do , •do Syrnor, • •
• IN koNoTwally Nutter; forsolelow by
Noll • .TORN WATTS 00. -
4EI) FLANNELS,4 cases, manufactured
at tboi No. Hope rietorT. Nemo CNNAII, 1.. by
npil Rwaborger L On Jost reeNvodand Norse, 1000 AY
-.• \ L JOHN WATT tt CO.
rsoelnAt at Lib.AtT At.e., A lot of Crop,
Airmar• onlabrated Load= Moue. and Suilles....-
risitur-.. V
Ileum bertino, Watiesioactry-Bza
p ca
31 uthsvote .8.44 2 kap, Waloit Keich . wi, •
/Atonal= sad liArdllol.'nitems, put up ju r.„, Dot ,.
- non ' 11. A. ItIeCLUIM t Oa
Choice. New !re
J UST suidgruTC
.110 k S' TEA
cheete tad belf thereof tyla Oen kin& el' Green and
/C IO O dram. Thik. 7 " r • • \ \ •
/0 A, !Trench Onus. <
Also, Zeal. C t M e Oben WI, o
ran r ne . i en " d'a
Vtre u rnehrer " lare. d witie ne
• ,
New Goode—Thisdlupplyforthefleason:
fiAItfEtPLIT ib , BURORFIELII'commnce
' 4 °"thut . Poir r?; 11 / 0 EU/TLY•
,t r i riwtritXrilitosaklea.a, settee'
EruGg. smt radoas atria Oeolo boop_mk todaT.' •
Ifirnenbesia ecoryar of Paw* sod 'war. stelito. • '
pROO : . ..1..E.
Dr.'lntend. to d i eliriarha the i li . t. o rts i t ., 4
I' 'Te g ct :11:1 .."4" 7. t i1;n17.4 " ACTS.. nhfrh
toi aoo tdorl=l,dA Ilp same antinsitr, at Union
\ \
' ''''''‘
'-'-'1 . , " ?aig uu— a=f2 ', ~. \
, \ ... Ducr of the DeoPie of 00.1.
• . 4. Plumbous's% cf•the psong d Of Dial. \
\\ ' ' i ' ' . S C...l4 43 ;ip a tietroriVlA of' On.t. 'l4
- ' \ •i. rimusnment of e peoiof tint '. \
\ ' •N. fieDentestoe of thr Dialt
• \g \ Church of, the wove of DOI a pt. \ 1 4. ,tfir47T ' s :I - =Pt & DI: \ '
\ 11 . 2.atiortness of the liet . iple of UM. ,
1 , 4- ; ,.-4... iaill be 'poem
~,I \ ID., k l.i r ,, s , s 4 ' ,tt\i , (tetier.'
N,:lol= " 4trust'lLul at this O m Mt.... 12,1 n ail an, Gm
tr. 'Melva Lawon*. '
Tho'Dr. wild commence room vitie=re hiarfP
toirti=Pwls,Thlrt tr4T. ' ,41.,b 1.6.*=,4M.
nufloc of PSrta. eiscienttriral an it practic! iiettoDirT
\io to ...I to theca.. oDerussefiration in ital. nmoch t faii .
"r . . it Wm , . Orour ladies, or ‘Olr Ire t
; U . " .:7XY a
adiniklbm D.P.. \
k ‘ ' ; ' h . " ' La' lub Dm Lin.* of the au tmerthertniths
itAatilcirem P or ' thrir 1 subserjytions,',it 'dory do 12. opre
\'430,000 Bushels\ coil, 'Wanted. I••
~...:W.L.1.:0 PRQPOSAL . S, will De reeeir v y s
4. rtil , St. Lolls Das Light Co t* until dm 2.5 th Norio;
her. ins . fur fun:Lithium 1743.Utin b.bein toot anal
t I' t tstot.ra C.O. Imitable for making OM, to beam. , :
lunal l ifsta 1747 'k :4111V ' irl m' ne u r 'S clts
linabelsVne delft . ..zed nor o ho-mottos
of April
sad thlt hole atattint e r bra Noreniber. Dar
olio pane on delivery lo parrots of 00 Yu than
bustiels.` i Th. quantity to he ascertained try mow
- or''.7 0N,t4.. at SI- i d aoVlil , ; o ll3 MO col of de ,
c e b P* o tbeNrls ' oT: r .ll.ll ' d ' ,ll:.7,C r \ .
.1 7: —.,,,_ Jultti D. DAGGIMI, Se4Nr. , ;
N 11AR51..—.[ L oollk2w
. kRVIE have itfew share. - 01 - 11" fiS
Yltanialtallroad Snick,'" 4. Eseb.neßant.
SVok.^,Dir stile. Apply won. t old ,d,
P - -- -i.\,..- - , c —i :aka fc-i
W i sale be
A\n \ l3 . .
bi 1...1,u1
ki k :R d ? .
3.u. • saht.l)
40 bbl ft thr oioe,br
G IRON=-16 ton 1( IWO
(1S51). for sale by
tNIPER BERRIEIOOO;I..Fre sh,f o t g a l•
bole.f UN CAMPEEOR— fats\
nolo \ J. KIDI
VEN. RE 000 lbs. rortme,Eri
for sale In .r.,likDD &CA
LEN. SEND( — 5O lbs. pri,foiialely
nollo , KIDD& Co,4+-I,K-colot.
t - PAPER— and 0,4 heni7,'
'table frlr hardware, or rich t )) Tarkarr.r.\ for
J. EC 0 • MAKE We
El Wood at.
A-3 casks for 41e by
t'l ARAWAY "SEED—t, tack or saleby *,
) zmb ‘ a. '2t. a ratisi_mr.
\,- IQUORICH,ROOT-1 bale fo`; sale by .
A nog % _ 8 N. WICKF4IBIII.M.
IQUORICE ' CSTE--2 eases per&Lsi --- xusll
ikek, fn weer w b N. MUSE I,
oo 1 Ana .3 &alb.
IPtio by
SEED-10 ,bls. for sali by \
`g - M7 - 4147rE
ft tit etor
\ brut ol%* WAN TEL,— ! r 1900 Fire Briekl
elod T.' , Frekresn." awl ' ft lab us by the Mo.
ilk'\Ta b '''' ''\' ii'"'"'' T.
V°°W 6ltart.
'"EW FRI '
, 1"g-- - 7
\ \ \a) bos..ks Nyse skink \ s„'.
\„ , ..!4 ) 1 , .: 1, . ' , .
, s r ! '' - :: \ Vr. A.... P.,t:
~, , '., keys Malsgit Gni., \ •
"'N , k.d f" ,,0
‘ `t_ . _ \ Umbers 41 T• i
PLAT 1) LAINES. 7 -N on
\A 6. SIASON a
NS 0 of rich aid high
br A. MASON CO. \
osE, e 3 AS, COy h eo ..
11 \ dos.. Al 'lr niwtom
- Grnisa
\ 9 L aye.
11111.1BIELLAS—' ,, eases s. L
i t
--1411 E
I to , 1 •' lk ,'N0w , ,0.. , . ...•,,
1 \ ,, ,, ,t ij. t.,Bit' so r zsegoz i , c g io, '8.5g.T....g . a . r...
" 1..±.\ -- FLF.7...—•No* on h. it ovlBso pt
11 \ 6
_Elvis., and m od h - • 4, 1 12.4
[ el. V4Vg=i t.7lVanctV Mk s AL '
lURE PINS!,—A naw and ied assaort
mrtt oNteel. J. an 4 GOd it .ni t lart a :soN,s
4,X 1nc4443,1444. 041 , .414. pkirdidtv; n . r.P.A
.444 " -
Tilll4M:wet's Premium Churn. •
VATtNTED;:.June 13,1&19 \ G reat E
4. rya Slatkand Lab .—The asteesitmed are •
above Churn.•orSockbagbiam Ware, a n d
they art\ fa r mac at their warehouse, corner of tilltia
"4 titaltr.tareet t ible Churn bee received th e . tirae\
ow at ern,. tate Cotner Pairoehert. twee ex
hibited. and lttrecen r took the prentlecia at the Nair of
the Arricricers Id:Mutat New Yore,. \ \
LI ODA ASIII--Wil,are prepaied to'contract
17 with Glawl
IZZLIiii:76MiIirZVA;II7 - rlio — sie — sinitceiraTor
.09ent. 1011 throe Indebt-d ore nu Ord tormaltetul
meat Weather of the sub.erthert. \ \
JOHN crANL Baldwin tp.;\
uoe." ' 'C7 Market st. of Fourth.
OLL BUTTER-1 bIL r anio by
a no.. =LUM BANNZTT.
BUTTER—Ficsit Roll 'unit Clail,'Butter,
rlkolsralo .ad Wall. .10t reed in%l . tor We
11, DA,SX s co. .
DO& 'Armonk 1 - Scllding. Villb Wort.
' • . ta..Beral i nilm far Web],
I.IwAISINB-50 bxs bunch in store, , r sole,
low br • ItAldli DICKEY t 04.
9110BACCO-80 boxes Va. s'a and B's; load
bread, for rat, by ISAIAH DIIYILET Irtc.
, COUEE-500
, IrT to, for golubj
\ iplIEE§C-7 boxes Cream; .
`‘ ) .\\R ttas -
N go, \
utKuoi .444 D;ciuk 9.3 a Co..
nos - Water sad Ynakt street&
lkfit—,so 117:thesis Y. IL, for rate by \
' , sot \S ISALLEI DICK= 2 CO. \
SUGAR -43 4da. for solo by
cias •- Nat. I 2 &mad; and 151 Fins as:
I.IIEESE-4130boxes for sale leivr-by
UOSFTS 4O dos for sal e
A LLS-3 00 legs foe sale low b
N. are—. . , • - =lawn s. maraca,.
1111007,A511-6 casket fors;ile by • '
‘aan \ ENGLISH a azzairrr.
-)EARLASH-10 tons for eal—elow
AZOR3I.-The Waterline ftiariufactariag
.arb Comluny have intabileind a Depot, at the more or
sobentiber. for the oak of the celebrated GLICEMLST
1tA2.01.. Them Names bate gieen the bon eatlstectlon
.7, bendokne Made. and 1111307 an unrivalled one
Vbenver innnntlllNA. • bvery Timor belay areedenned.or
the money tem... =nom.; are promoted tn..
Ides. and enure one of, the most neataL , items to! •
,comfart and beauty
4.l,The beat EITIPAIrd sits k, role. Alto. Genttenients
Dn..; Cases, a. ', W. W. WILBONA •
. 0... Market and Fn.. see.
j,USR - tee'd at No. 256 Liberty steeet,= , ,:, \
—rt~ • C.f. Preeereel tn_ann
rlkaee del
orr lima od nd:lamai a
ta. t Op Infancy Pon. tr
2, • =a exileY*l'o4 Mak*
. • -4 : A i L .;„ 41'41 •
eholoesmed,• folln at ion ,
. a. atcrobo sM.
lab'. Oecemnnallm Deafen.
ANK ' bbia. for sale by '• • '
Ik 1 • wiox*akeis-ociall. •
iggitaigi., ••• ' I cases er.
STONE PIPESI 7 33O be:eerier Bale byy
no 4 , \ NICK & ItcOANDLI3.
eiIE,SF,-500 bore'
LAS 011--12 bble., No. 1, for sale by
TAICNE,IS" OLL-501ib4 for rale by .
•'; OrbbLieV.-
I •IJ v i m ipm4a
_ .
Ift.B . ons- 7 00 puperea r ta 1:79,
A %IO3TIDA--480 \ bY
U K II 11 7 11:100 far-aaj it t 2 ""
viAL oomw--looo , f m bztvind slid K
fIOCHINEAy.-170: I.londutt!c,,
4 - it. 1.1121.134116.
Z — ----,---',,----.
;_=...7 7 9 IVI\SIE T
811,131.11, Millt . Itifi—A:ve
• Ibl. J tot
.VSl't.,_ \
i . Y . Z.Y . \( la i
DAYS Op sitLika TO AN 3
\ a \cof a t
CITY .11' til.4.YllolY. , tedtch,
,NlAllAlt.A.l.o..trt.. t. , , , r;t.\ Tor
k r,it ` RlYl: ' l ‘ ..itt.t r r Von:::
I:INMAN. IVOttoo. (7,91 1
tt,TI . .. C. up.toet,. r , .*:, AN;I
nunk TillArltt
AA\ \IA.., frt. NI York. . ~
....TLAIITIC. Nr.... In.= t. I.;
A ..I:KIC.Ct Sho.nmoo• from
mtl4 pes.,
! 11.4(tebt by
te tbn lbsre\i ;
benve6 lms], btm , lelfbarktr nll/31 ,
s •re by caber Lin/ Z:
Mtwid hvbbe
Inland conk be bd./
ten the'a entof Eoror
, Pi BURGH 1112(41;IELT.
\ , % Omar P dlcgaintlY I '
, Friday morns kl\ iktir. li. 1 -, 'l it.
Owing to tho . linitast rain whlc ,feif \ througli-. . \
oo ta do raaro•r, bo s siness woe 1312.kii0.1.1 . 1/4 1114, ' ....
lot .and scarcely avirthi7 worthy of nofridawnsoirad • -,,:" -
f 1,0. id.,-Beenints b: NZ er were. malt, auu_ . ounoitso* ,', •,",
locietoo • k ‘ of the weather: vela lial. \was brott if: Or -
wagon. .* rata did clot Cneead 200 bbis, which rintsast. '
principal SO . 4 : a bbi. .6 - inalitlots wane' oditt a foto r - ,r '
store go sit ur, at $ S 37.163 irW'fOlior s4ererie sit- - -
,i',6 broods. \ :' %.,-- ' • V- A. - •\ ' •
i t
OR&IN—No ...g was dcins w A h srobs. - Thikil ' t ft_ .
' fog raa of the .. : taro-- 60(16:k' Rye: : Ihr \
Jot 27. and .'lrin 12 69 4,i0 gi whet from t ltandin ‘ '
IkAoOlt-ftocks si bora are wen \ilatited.ond 6 lath ..
Is doing. Balsa ST Ow ahoulders at \ ge. 1.960 llsOddeit at \
9 061 0 s: and ni6.o Int. ' - is iota, at Eke-0b; L A,.. .
\ BUITEE—We gold- sloe: dinned gooq droladd nu\ ban- ',. . ' \ ,
t \II with far ales of ro et ItV 69 16a. IV t o YaUltr:ri•
04.... it ocalw ab. -. ' ' -:
. \.-- I \ • •'... \ :
EELS/I.—Salta 53 boo i 6 Q. - 6.X 69 fdillk . ! It. , .24.1 .' S . ''‘.
. 1 / 4
..,, , _ , \,..
0,-,,'Elt.'"lP.9"""'-17:11ave no - act:alai to nottro in I. -
Sugar far invert at 6.1 g RC e, to hi:de and for b : A. ,
Maass.. e lino at 374.19.10 a.. a lots for Ricl - cogee 9 ~ : \ \
.I.about o roan prior 8010 I Elba
t4%' Of*. •,- ' '., '1- \
• CATTLE MAE ' TS. ' - • . ' ... \ '''‘,
fludlocas, cos. O. ' \
\ Cattle--T n supply of beere4\ at the ocalento • '‘ '
'd o } was got ao fat qe as oer lest Mondanlsot lbw stoek wea -: .*
eu . - ou infoiior qwa tr. a nd paws eiightik declined.' ' \ \ \
14/ offerlogs reached 1600 head, of la:lc:LIZ were mold - , \
to \aj butchers. 10e to packets, ICO lett onnTiod 016 \ - , \
driss do Philadelphia. : . ' - \ - -•--,... ~
p,..\„,1,, ge d Irmo Ird 5 ti, 325 on the iraf.. oval to . \ \
ki 6(46:23 net. and arkrlging SO 66 I. '.' ....
,„ \
\ Hogs- - the deioand is \ tar. We goons froto - tdi to 96 s . ,
.„, ,
-stAmericip. -
...„....__- -.. " \\-\\ , \ . .
..., . ----:---,,,, akcwairt any. li. • \
: \ flogs avd Onttio—The Them err bogs :adult sad boy- i' , •
V ' , ~'" ld''''''l.7.. 4 •P"' : co o perate
OTal'lL.ttrte tr . L'•
' \ •
wilt evonoende on, sionitar. g Norarly wIl tbs tudn: Ural,. \
hardbren and are befog cat we tall red. ' - v• " \
Carkle—We oortit4g sale of 100 k cad. sr's:igloo 60 lbw at:
tt sit 100 Its net T re. were ober, eaten •during tba Ida -
robe days of about. head : ass g 6 tokoillbsat ifur'' - ' ,,
73 ost-dOeselle. .
Tiii f....\KS'IiTEAIfE BUCKEYE TT.-;.Thn Clenis, - - :', .
\ ' . \
laud Herald \ of the Ilail l. titan that It Bookep: Mate ,
while tying' al bir dock, f;*,t of Comm* inn, Para, \ ' \
k aro to thj bold, and oo.*ltlistanallag li g :zartkas of \. ,
tra Buffalo flawaeo. was ooliwivad frt. tO Itankrottlaw "' \
b being sentadd arsl gook - la \ about 12 font ate: - no, . '
Ati tio broughbovluer passea.vra. Tix lotto! don, : \
ag• ato the Edelen we bare\ not leaned-
' PORT • ' OF PITTSBURGH; , . . '; \
„ .
.. .
. ..
l• .. _
... . ..
, .
. „
~ .
• -.
• ..
Nakuine Be
—Fos 19 bdbi. of solo
i L tLe Idoroarabala
61 Water W.
Eli fu.- eras 3 Lire 9 Nebo In ettionel by metal
ienev,et Mesh, Wt evening, end riving • • -i•
'k -- '
‘ situate. rathum. upoinisults. :
\Mery Ebeivr, DAIL"). West Newthop.. • -
s Balite. Deepen.. Beenrarellle,
\ beaver, Gertilue, Duvet. ,
Michigan. &dee. Beaver. .'"
i • ,
3, Harked t Peebles, Elvabeth. , . , •
• Diurnal. Onnerell, Wheeling . .
ticksanier, Ellsiefelte.Clnelluisti. .
Colgnibien, Cintiernati. • . -
lore \City., linedocti. Wellevills ~ ..
Atlantlei.Pertineney Brainseille..
eepiendele Ideal:tett: Brognireillet... -- -
•• • bw beinz. &ellen West Newton..
li Wean, Bias. Weaver;
.. • P= nni.ii=s„-Nithiblth , . -
, Jae
,lean,'ldoe .--
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4 bus homin
u s Bev; 14 441, teiAttem W Ilatglat4l4 \ \
Looob Or, ioc. bbIU *111447 I Ski...c k e...derww taw. \
41.44tham a.C0,25 dor D 114.1 d do j lt...
romm lddo Dilwor , ll Co. \l5 do gALo,L, \!.260 , ,‘,
EEAT6It tuviti.:4\lll,)v•
Avg.* 4 A Couglooq; 17 ots oil. 4 dor tereatodo klookboC4 .
1 ologlAd 4RilbblalT
4? wo. tarl9 . J Beck;',7,l , rolls 174 . 92,er.,,.-
!tetlA r bra r ft , t 0 . 4 !t 4 -` I I A;AY-LV.P.T-'46.
K . ,:\
..riiVe•i k ifii7VslacWsTibii;;;;Orqa.i...
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i11i.",11 \ 11,..t.......mbe., , t5e11a Ii
bx thees, F. Dtaox 78 ,to, I 1,4 m & 20,40.
La - i___ ‘; •A'Z \ i '
W=.l.4—Txx . .All.lbc. • bbls 3lc batter D L
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. 1 3r tlAiL t nitI ii ril VaWnl4l, la \ : \I
sellE 17 44 tour J'.Gsselaer; E. waxes I est win Car - ~.
cob, 11 bco torley,l 1:1411; lA, olobtoy ins Itheg i bbitbaw• IR \ .
c e ..:rtict b 4b lx le bxa
ather J Jig d•re47.- ' ‘ .. ‘'. .. 4 .- , . Zt-7 ' , . \
cniceikkal—ftzeoWausg 7 l6.lna . srueZ ~ \
II Until CC 3 boats sensoirsills. Wm A C.:24.;
rolls lea th er. Wafter l/ryanx .6 bbd. Warm, ii &11,0yar\
'II tat. taw"—. I box samples . A llardsa :ZS roll. •
114xd7.104 , 44 • 133: 1 1.11h4., *ammo, J.Cilion 3 bow,. sidle,.
J Dieu). &Cm bbd tobsca , '...& Runt; 4 burp clxt
Z Flu toSbcrs,* 1.ea1,.4 Co; 4,4 ks gicong, 6 moL . :•
wax. Leech a Cce.4 lads tobsceo,,l .box, &unpin. 0 8b 4: \ .
2 Wu ',cot, 0 - I . llcassa; 30. k. Pothers; Om aggLA 11;5 , -,<\
Kxhatt; 31 bbla lime, same.... , \ . ~...,;,., ; • ..,. , „. ~..
\ ' ZS ‘. V TAX NTS; ;-::.- . - - .: - '.ll\, * 1
lt4 110
AN11FA.0.147 RED It THE NEW \ \
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"Mal& \ Wa Um Saind ofterseeveral rintretrlii, , b4 It . \ •
IP.oie- 4, nd the United Stately to retain . thetr. myna , ,
brre Mad , protective varetine to ' , ..”s ot.lort, ,
..\ - \WRITE - ZINC ' PAINT .-\--..,,—,\
Is pdre4tOsile of Zlne. dla nrniated tree tram all
ad end lotpurtl7 n o. -K ebeeseereit, be.
bens „r Tbdte; end la exittnely
tru,"47 4 =dirlitglitfl I#s! \
\ - i -wii4,.NOT;TURN 1 WW2' ,
Wk.,* Pisilphurous'lmtovad ' .
trigt=Zenttr ' era l '4 =2=l 4' 4 Vr . • ' -
:than an/ otter, not IV , l tig ut ,.. lJoble to to au, of t o
ennobte end roe off. Is be varied whit
soi tare,: %,
tritb wake Dtat4Dmm arni bin. re urntnlb . do#,lttr ...VP. l •
, Timm or
l, stilow prids,,Vid aro Vishts4l3o ..
the amoral , sad btu paints I. tbe 'muted' 00 , 414 .\ -
4.31 . 0t h 1nV 4 1,3. , ientre= b" l“a,...42 °.( MAll 9 "7 ',. . \
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Ira, Ina =lkea they' oil tuitnenlevirtalnablibea ' ; 1-
tarea a mama rooneetion„ ortbesulrele - trrevont. =Kr \
boo, the, 4/7
alt :
torso borbUrt;ura roottilis
do not plmtalr calal tie tono7 ot , ccett.ll, mina neby, • .
th."". kod bernY ' .
.. Deakry enp - pt on .11 troma th e, arch. oribe; \ ,
.4 . 42,p_ - - ,ri South Wit Itlisdelvials.' :.:
C/ I] , TIS . Not boresCmu! l : s r , / . info.
1 "mel
,QOAP-200 boxes Eosin fax AO@ by -A
0 na , 1.1 W. ItatßAllea
AOKFAREL 7 -1p) bbls.forstle ,
.4 as WA(
11091 N--200 bbh.No.l forride
AOBACI.OO--100 . boxes Sbtrwolx rp. fel
rok'onioarigmarat 664 kr rak br • • -
I 100513,410 465. (or wile
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Le ~ , as w. 183881003 •.
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tnolos.poiLAND .liUdiat4glig4 nil& '
jby aspfta. Ou citial ot choice Hailatit Now ,: • : ,
cncapridni hyacinth anti crocsoctba.intat tcarfortlea .. ,
o . ; ,4 , , k;s it ata.g& rz...44 4 . 44 , , i . 7
• • ~ &X. WICISSIISII.AM. •-' _ \ ••
• \ 1 .4' V., lnt anft,i Rocttac . . t at,ar W..
.C.LIEMIOAL - Ithili: itilita '• .
U. lute mbee in 8•8 flat. ea; 88 . 1.8 . 88 . 8,988 7 B.BBl*iparro. •. t
etentrally ilectrf 88118,11802. •,.. \ ... . ...
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S tiej 'ATO rkit it• te ,'S P...Bl/ EaMimis and tiny itdr.'o,,oo* ,•• ~ .
688.8 tbB Bl W 'tan a -•, .'10.v .41 ai d-
zubwribors reipectf4r-t sl.rther ~.... . \
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whirl thef WI. oath. yeatat fasnattla g ; MI
10, 9.:1- n. 8 .8111.4•88. 15 Box:
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...1). .'• . 88 . 111401e1.18!ii , 181.= eraaw Moeda. -. \,.
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10 142. Frmiti:. no. Bnll fox fate . \
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