Linansr. Bacturar.—The -late , ibialuun G. Thompson bee left two hdhdred thonamad dollars to charitable soCietiosit(this city. iiinong vhlch are the following:—. American Sibio Society American Tract Society i t American Ho eit Society Ti ow Yin- 1:9 to Colonisation Central Boar of Education American B. .F. Ilia:dons Deaf sad Dumb Institution ..'' Blind icatimition SCPrt AItONG iil9lll.loAll73.—Tbe follow lag.langlitable scene took place In Inn westein oily not loog since: The disciple! of Thespie -undertook to 110 up Jades Center. Young William 0. was to repre sent, Cites!. Ile did very well until he was brought, in on the bier unforamately then his bearernhappeoed to set him:with his feet but a few Inehes froni the hot stove. • The defunct Julius stOod fire like a martyr fora few miontes but he soon found the beat unbearable, and, in the middle of Brutus's speech began to haul its bin feet under the pall: The old folks smiled, and the damsels giggled-619310nd'Cesar drew up his ktoeS—the audience laughed—the corpse turned eion--the orator paused in •his harangue —the defect Jolins'then sprung up from his bier and turning to the bearers, with clenched Oats asked them if thiji calculated to roasthim alive One long and lotid burrs then went forth from ev ery throat in the ball, all except theresurrection Cinslr.,- Ile, after kicking over his bier and throwiOg hin robes at the bearers, gathered his citizen's attire;, end - left the schoolroom in high dudgeon.. • I ' • . • ' • . . IVEZTZEN ETIQII6II7—TIM Chicago Democrat cAys that the Yankee traveller who saw the live If °order' has - again •wri ttento his mother, milling bee his experience as folloks Western people are death en etiquette. You ain't tell a man here he lies, without fightin4 A few days ago, a man was telling two of his , ;. - *C-pakkhbors in my hearing a pretty large story. ilf;• • •i' 1 ; • SAY. r. "Stranger, that's a wopper." ....i , X.„2 , flays Ito , " Lay there stranger." - V•••••••'• 'Amj in the twinkling of an eye I found myself in .the ditch, a perfect quadruped. ;.'Upon another occasion, says I to a man I never :-•'• saw before. as a woman passed— " That laza a specimen of your Western wo. -men is itt".e • • • Says.lte, "You are afraid of fever and agile, 4 . stringer, ain't you`..'” Very much," says I. . • • tcplled he, "that was my wife, and if • you don'eappologise in two minutes, by the hen be of gerittenioxi,l swam that these two pis - '!.hich hail cocked in his hands, "shall „Arf ;;; 4' du et this disorder, entirely. •So don't njOrt!, - knelt down, and politely apologised. I "adtstr - • • • "Allis Western country much; bat darn me ISO mach etiquette; it always takes 4 Tnie Laicyer.- 2 Alexander Hamilton was - once - applied ions counsel by a man. having the :ruirdtahship of severatorphans, who would, of Xotulifs • age, succeed to a large and valuable_ .+ . eitile, of which there was a material defect in :48 title deed 4 known only to their guardian, who sntod to the estate vested to himself. Ham . Ham noted'dotin the fiithless executor's state ment, and then said to him, ...Settle with these • unhappy intents honorably to the lint cent, or I will hunt you from yeur akin like n hare.' The •clvice was'strielly followed, and,the man who gave it wan an ornament to the bar and the age lived M.—Sot:Mein Prim Gansu AucluxotoarcAt, Masers-rm.—Alex ander von Humboldt publishes in the Ggr.rtir de Spener, some.partieulars of his interesti§g die covety,Xit Atheni, of the Council Chamber where the Five flUndred held *their deliberations. At a-depth of one foot below the surface, he had cime upon s large mass of inscriptions, -Columns, ststutss, I etc:, , which forbid .a-dotbt that there . heel been the seat of that building. Tbq erplo rafions have not gone on as rapidly ea they might onsutra-Mt:of the expeise.' There kilter, doubt, however, that the discovery of extraordinary importance: UNDRIES-200 doz. Corn 13 . rvms; - • )Witt. WATT t co. rni , lITTER - -- - Finia - Irlo 1, in _LP br c. 231 I. n. cANPrEtn. fiIIEESE--500 boxes recd and for sale by 710 bbls. Lake. Trout; ' 3. D. C.LNIPLE IN. SEED OLL--10 bblA.Griswaldrobrand, Orr d. Ds 1. O. -CANFIELD. MO I SMREMMI • ‘7l lIIRTS RAWERS--504.) doz. Men's IAMIA Wow awl Ihswers, rned b_ L. A, MAALOX t CO. 'ILK YEW,' ,olora, now o•. CTS-20 pee. most desirable • ms to• A.A. MASON A CO. (MARX AMM NIA-2000 lbs. for sale by s. ' Ls. 11. FAILNESTOCK k Cu. Xlintritux 4 BURCHFIELD. have reed IVY MD morning , • y Eyyrase the following articlee— High otionet all wool De Leine, eterAon filch 'Luster' Dal hilts, *lt xylem • Brocade Deal De Sege. • • ' /Heck tyoreggillte: • ' Patin Bennet hibbottn • ' Long s D.harrit. nel4northeast eon Fourth and• Market six fIANARY SEED -50 bn. pripie Sicily ' in tf 'Lori gad fnr! . ale 00.3 I J. KIDD k CO.. CO Wool A.. 6PTS..TURPr r NTINE-50 bbl& prime, J. JUDD•CO. CR TA7AR--2000 tn:z,.. for CARB. SODA--6000 lba. Lee & CO., NesTaitie traw4 tut eala,br 7. IDD A CO. A Pi bbit,.. for taioby . SCII4OIOIA SFR. C CO. RTISTS MATERIALS, COLORS, AC. SOAP --100 14es No. 1 Rosin, for sale by SYRUP--15 bblg. for sale by - ' , AS'' SAMES A. ITOTCHISON A CO. - li t alcILL'REL-,500 bbla. Large No. 3, 3Lao j. togSeetion. 18.51, far ,J by . I/AMES A. MACH ItiON CO. - TRAS.K.'S 'Magnetic Ointment-100 . • J. KIDDt CO. WOODIRGRAVINGby...Tames IL Park; • John:ray Philo Ilan, 1 .tot, ever t 2 Prot OSlleck.3l etorT.. livrir of but 1, Terms modems.. it:A.II.I4NO SPONGF.-11 strings veryfine -UP foruae br - .1) KIICAINS(...R (X). VIAL CORKS-. 4 - bales long and abort , . • -,Yr .rot br ac ... .I.'YCUOOVvrayaft a CO. tat.. IfiIIOSPHOBUS-1.0 "f 1 bq. :Al, • • A.-SCII00:411AKEIL A CO. xl Rd': JApozota,- for , fanners'. use-1 frd, furests , tir aciT , 411onooxyr A K ER k jVATENikIP. 7 -1 614 aat Ameriata Pepper .Ic3r. ale EVEOGNII/SZER 111!-UTTER-50V1Atolidiltic D ic azttz ed; receiving co eivin . F gra tor sale . b ~, • by : tone in bhle and bze, fdr . • n. Rama:L.& CO. 1310 - 11, - 1 7- 11 7 STE: " BranA )„,,,al.lman rmulafin,"ll. E. Int RS. 9S PARE IN SHAIII:&;;A fine• as rortsotrit ot Trentlrezentlrietdoer trhadet kr rate at e end retail by re ' • 11. P111LL1113 . .'110.116 Market sr. trANTED SOON,--An active partna '-- town; eeeto mile, porn 1911Fnury ➢. Arounqq m.O ofgoad vim has knotrlottyx.of tbO:lnouldiog Inolorte Otto bpi. lOW WlLnlrt 13444/2.7. to SOCII 0000100) woof sod Rood , 741 5 •1 1 r t=tt i oi =7:gu'er e ilt h , ! .p j a ; Inttp r e: w pott , LooAstto to • l'OlutC iIARBIS, • ' 01ea1600oO0Thre,Digozionad. Atka. ry a IIUAR--5O 6hde prime, in Atorc and for 101ftle by , oaf k. DALZELL A CO. ]V4 QLASSES--200 bbliN. 0.,-50 do. S. II iT far 4°. 4Yr4P dc. IPVItZTICrig. " IibV4 at ANTIIAItIR-75 fresh, .))just mc•d •od kr pie by cc tl7 J. KIDD & CO. `ALT PETItE--50 bgo Crude now landing tO sad Ica ol• Lr matt L DIE♦ CO y 9NDON MUSTARD— . 5501b5. warranted wamati3 tor mact el J. EIDDa CO. • W HITE eitALK:--5000 lba. in store ind for tale trr . J. JUDD et CO. ACOMPLETe-act of Bucket Machinery [male by ictig • ' B DILWORIII t CO. GI POOL COTTON-10,000 doz. juet recd. 4thm-/;,4,00.'4 ("te •G AILIUMINarri TABLE SALT-500 bgs ground rock now booing •oo for sale by . IttALLII DICKEY It Co xcti . • .IVatrz and Enna Anew grIIIALK-5 tons for 'isle - by orl7 • •J. 80110011111•83C11. It Co. 130TASFf—Ureasks prime, for ralo b ocra ` k W. u+IRIIAui 1. Q,•.,11.-310LASSE bbb. for g. ocl3 - W:11/11111LIMIL' ir w EIRESE-,100 bout, W. IL, for mkt by ) A l 3 e. A . to.nenvolf. QTRAW:PA.PER---2000. bdls. superior; re -1,7 *.ceired per stesiner.l. 8.. Lladlrsy. sad for rsln by • " • • ' • 019 • orser of Peon sad nola st, C . rELAGE OIL Etat reed from the PkilllttvilleFactrt7, 400 k 74 4,6,and 6 UT "Lin tad Okund back /IBeni tikoW, Carristu Oil Cbatboutt:kit talc wholotic &Ltd tettil lso. lit Diatkot Wept ! • 1t013.1 YLULLIP73., 0 - un , opened at the Depot for choice Tens, - no.Z6 - Mren.y_Ftxret,-.• inalllot L t 11. 7. ' OItAVOZ PB)I9E ,TEI 'iernao - comes =a Tea 11E311 0 —.40 b4leti Xentßcicy and, brissonri AA 111J1'C731.607 q it CO. • ROCHE BRAWLS-4nst: Todd. 2 *lwo sziperior lexcebiElnArls A.1..11.03011 kOO :::. It1)7 YARN-4 tack for saL,cl&:l-Z, .~.. 5 ...~. , ~., E=l MJSCEL EOUS FLOOR CLOT o o rgeke. floor Wi 61. med ~t=roll Claki ill Valet - Weigl J. it -B.PLULLIPn. OUSSEL ' o .' LINTRIVALLED SHAVING CREiin IP 00W univentelly: e.eknovel.M.seii Fowler t o or, , Ceram in the Uo.llW...dlatee or. Amon.= delightfulThle LY and Dt+D~r~non le r'd rtg oo bred . e faro' Ambreelal Lreem , and miser ehttog monporttele..l , f o r ...levees Illent all by the emollient purr ro, tieleteriey of hs lather, which so eaten" the heard oe to Tender the viol plement'snd ewe; It hOolleasea root otranthEreaoser the ...Ported to hems tenthly brepanel nom th e beet motel-10e; with the genteel. Milli, and Is not unit the best. but oleo the ehrotetet article tot staving. Thelll oresllll= mho of this article dueling - Wm/Let moln rears. Cal the Walla gold and eater medal, nwuded lor it. ntteet the high eettemagen hell tit the retnninnity. Por Sale Wholesale and ratall-b, • ort • • . R. bi nblit.olW. Li•lftexl tt y, NGINE keet 2 inch 3 ply India Rubber liar, brought out expreni-1, - for 'lre lielnenoelm...e. minelte tbe Fire Department cf betb •eitles to till ugloin them. as they am lemrarinni to eland more pro/lure then nru leather home anufactured. all te l where they do not mini out as fooree•otell , the money ell i refunieJ or the Limo misted tlear LL PIII, 7 and e Wood et 530,000 80,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 :10ILE OlNTMENT—Warranted to cure the S. wnret ewes of Piles it it f.. dais, to Bale be • .1.09 - KKYSEI: & hlellUlll.LL, 14u Wood 0. VAVENDISII— , Exten fine Cavendish Te ..) bacro, fur W. by HYSt!ER t IteDOWEL, poptff 140 W.A., jt UTTER-1 bbl. and 24 kegs for sale by US soil WM. H. JOHNSTON. FLAX SEED OIL-10 bbls just resolved t‘r &. by ..1.24 R. rp SELLERS. I :1411(TRICE BALL--B'cusea Tor sato low by seii2.4 J. KIRXEiMARER i CO. ATINEGAR-97 bble. Cider, for,sele by sep3 ; WM. lI:JOLLK ill&IMICE MA, CI: ESTER GINGHAMS tA —Can always be (moil at the atom of one .IIUIOLIY t BURCIWIELD: FIFORS--) dot. in store and for sale by _L; ..p27 9. aW. I.IAIIIIdIJUIL UCKETS-50 dos. in store and for sale by Moe.: sttr.nennsaun 111(111 SILKS—A. A. Mason h CO., have 11,,,jant opoaed beaudfal lot of Tory ouperiar than bill., oar and riot ay 1614 , MP= I\~l AILS--800 kegs liss'd city brantia, on hod mad far sale By la CULBERTSON A CO aap2o • '16 , 51.14eri, ec SILKSPOPLINS--Beautifulgooda, just . reed •aar , arses. sit :gyro A. daIIAWN4. if 1 IGARS-50,000 Regalia, Principe, and 1,) (lama am% on hand and ttu ludo by_ • CULlingT2o)l CU. BEESWAX 2 asks Decor.: 34 racks Featnern Dotting and ISATAII DICKEY d ()U . win . Water and Front 14. CELAISIBP.RS—Very cbcap Walt Pa . per. wed cheap Doriere. he lieu of lelpterersah, for rale jeapliti W. P. X.&11.81.W.L. )LAIN RIBBON'S AND SILKS--11carily a • Laitcani. bare 4ert tilts morning eupply of, leshlortable goads. ' • rem: STAR CANDLES—In while and bf bxs for nSr D r Np= HARDY, JONXS t EAF TOBACCO—In bhda.p.nd boxis, for .W .l l I'rr4".l 11411DX, Josr.s [. co. I• INSEED Olt-5 bblo. recd. and for sale Dr B. S. W. WARD al.:0 11. iIiTINDOW GLASS-300 lus reed and V v los sale by sly= S. kW. lIARBAUGII 1 UNDRIES--5 bbla. Siil4ntuß; • CI 40 2 boats Reed LMf Totem.: -•• yOzne 67Tobetce; V. • .. ccibmon Na Tobacco: 4.0 seeks Met Haln• for tale by • eep2.2 11e1.P.512, JONE 2 0 CV. VRANBERRIES—Just rec'd' and for sale • by the quart or barbel, at MORRIS' Tea blert, in the Distaima mynt S 00Al2-44 hhds. prime N. 0., for sale by MET. MATTHEW A CO. OLASSES 7 324 bbls. N. O.; , 114 (oak ronoler;,) PeP2) ' killEY.lll.oll7/1113VS it CO. p bylG METAL-465 tons for sale t RILEY, MATTELEcia & CO. PPE.R LEATHER-4 Sides good heavy Ilyryer Leather. !Yr /SIP try 'y..10 1101.1 LION. UTTER t W., .14:, Liberty at. TRIESTN VERMILLION-2 eases formic AT 0161 J. PCBOOMIARKIt • GO. 5000 (moss S P. VIAL CORKS- Ja.rt maim! &ad for bble by ..rll ' .1. 111 D CO. CIIERSE--50 boxes W. R.; • - vu Crrsza r raIELL eAr vezal D foALZ QALEitATEIS---10 tone in boxes and bbls., 1.7 fm We by [vellaj IL DALZELL t IXl_ KFRJUTTE.II- 7 n. kogff l esh, for rle by . EADDOCR'S FIELD PLANK ROAD abates for de ai t laviri a. 0at.13 Sawa aliClitrixanarg PrArra. lINSEED.OII-30 bbls forsala by Bev= 3. 5C1100.‘1.1./32ER k 00,21 Foca Pt e LIVE OIL-10 baskets for ailells • lon= 3. ECTIOONILARELI:x.M. VARS. AMMONIA-2 czake for tulle by I_J nerAl J. KIICIONMAKER kW. or sblo by J. 2 f)A.IELD. BQRAX-10 comes for sole by ftoz.): J. BOIIOONII AK= k CO. f SI.IEFSE-77 boxes fox sale by_ wvia . MALI= DI s t CO 4,10 FT CRUSHED SUGAR—A serleuprx,i -° '''' Akkfrrr " - "" i ' s istrirmtZtA , r(;,. b ex Dlr. QbIOKED - SAI.3IONWiII be reed, thie 0 dr, by vrpr..4s, a israla rillteer d Ma/ e .0 • 11 -- OPS--Put up in 1 lb.. p pckngea. for am U 7 nee, Jvr rft , d sad for sal• br • WM. As. 51,-Ciblia neyl2 :36 FOR WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY aIT,Tng rgagSVig'&7lrdirj. RROW ROOT--5 bze. Berpuada; for aalc ar 1.001 J. LCHOONUAZEK t - CO. I LASS-100 boxes Window, for vole by mpl?.. S. A W. lIARDATIGII. GLUE -20 bbls. real and for sole by WEB roll • S. N. WICKSP.I.a. of Wad ain•LCUJJa sp. iiiisburgb, Cincinnati & Louisville Telco graph- • • T ICE STOVK of thin i'olaml i von oc led by .no cort.tlrar4ket ASH NET, for Mosquito Ban,' 12-4 iricle— , soo yards just icced, kr tile in la/ to nit septa . - SIINDRIES-- • 800 tags Rio Por.a: La DU. Osseo • DPI re.% 200 Sa • Es It'd Tolacca kga. Vls. Twirtsasi . . 20 hb15.P.8.&2420.0av!3 . 1 bk1•10,11,.5g1,..E1; . d 6.11. " nip _." 90 Ina W.U.Cbmer. . Icc•Lber with Madder:, Cl• KTIL JU/1N 20fin •LEp. REFINED BORAX—Jae ULF .17 received lord for ule IT J. KIDD at • • • 01 lEPSO2I bbLs. for Ala by S iUGAIt-75 bh4iTgfigi.??;,f wile by VOWDER—Alargezapply of Huard man J. abctura, alway. U.W aal far,' 21$1 at !avert VW. J. IS. DILIVOIITLI t Cl,. WINDOW BLIND , PAPER Glazed Green ind Nab. kr ply by repEs 1110 MAP PALMER. IJAPAR lIANGINGS—New style of Gold 64fragrat 1 A r 7'i'V I P 111Vnle. " 4 _DI9 845 Wrol $B. (g PERM. OIL-17 bbis. far sale by' 1,0 nrAlB WICK t lIXASUL KVA by Lts. 11.41t01110 rrANNEKS' OIL-20 bble. for sale by a aaaa " a. aW. tuauntaiu. LOUR-75 bbla. Seatt'a extra family, for We 07 1101311301 t. LITTLX* (k) 246 Libcrtr 0. A 0 fiEREL-240 bblo. No. 3, for rale by LY/_ od , _ WICK ItteANDLY*Ii. No.l Loko babel= balpoon bblb No. lb - No.l • • 20 Of.. No.l rA Obis. Large Na. a auan ,l : • 10 ht . • • b DI& No.l " rooolvirtor obol-lbo oda br • Doge) JOUN WATT & CO. . z,ENCIN.F. MEDICINAL PORT WINE, AA BRANDY, AND MADEIRA.WINE-1n Gl:4o.nd ..D.Pellitor sale by , . 40 w • IV KEISER A IIIeDOWELI. oul ..ATISI3-4.3 casks; 6Ybun Pole* for We Ity rii9 "'r RICH A . /kIoWLNDLE3S. ---, E ce NOLISII DAIRY CHEESE —=-59 boxes lietlep'e lebrated Nutmeg ' ea Durham Farm . belle, reed and Mr b. by • • • mug ' ' • WIDE It IDCAND LESS. Minnesota Copper Stook. g n SHARES of this Stock for sole 06 low el 11.1 rate bY of A. WILKINS 00, . • owner Market wad Mini sta. 1 4 -71(1 REBB BUTTER-2W bbljustrec'd anti for mar at 3110111118 . 2.01 Wart in thel Diamond. ASON'S BLACKING-20 .as asald 0...11 try neXirt. SWOON AEsa& CO. ALERATUS--5 casks ..MrATCHLESS BLAOKlNG—Thecelebm tea nada ., pls.., warranted Onperfor to aler . evx t to the pabl. •.t to Odd la .7 am., liwasdaatetrad ter llolalthears. t 00. I le dee.. ..5 xte. Mot ''''-'4 . '" W TP. ' Ie trleli.411)01 ' ' Veal atnetworner of nail,. TEA -45 44' AbeitaY.EL.; • 2.5 eat , ".4 4, Ji oe= J. 1. /I.'FLOYD° QOL MAULER-2N Sides ;N.' Y. for, realm oar .' • , J•it it• non: Die , 'D• Eand ASABIC-150 hr. very Similar. for cgs tev. elldatn.. MA3ITFILCTUREWTOBACCO-150 . dada bands, ca had agi_ta Web • otri - _ , Aouwar. it Op. -- -741 trwv MMNI DRY GOODS,•fec.. . NEW'sum. ' . . . IyHE.SITBSCRIBER having taken the store . • ' '.tio. SR rOGRTII STREET formerly ooMtpled by , FAL EATON, and having entirely reacted the imme, will or., on the tat day of hyp.mber, with a lug, ami nuperior mock of FANCY, STAPLE, 3101.11IMING A HOUSE FURNISHING i t ... DRY ODDS, . tocetber with a stack of T arsr.vas Axo FURNISH , 111i6 G00D.% ea complete heretofore kept by that well known and farorlte ...Uhl!. moat. Ile would re.pectfully inform Miner 14ra , gua .Ind Mourning anil Moore Furthhicit or Linen Cool that to hi, there they no Obtain a MaramonpleM dock Mum elee.. what.. ha the city,. he it, ild devoting particular atten tion to MO. C o ot, btaehes of ovine., Importing the main portion of the er him It. and dispoeitm, of them at karrann Palm. . J Align A. SleliNlllllT. .n o g MIORPTIY & BUR IIFIELI) inform their iillitii/Liliitii Viii litil k . genernlie that toy have , i.olir op.. them SF:CUM - 1 lii i , +imply o 5 Cool, or th. WI trad, and alt attentiou' I them unwordly full meson- LAW Tr , 011.1...MiluODS. in areal ',Mott; rich printed /h. Lane. P.M.., Cohort,, Yrough inerino, Mualin ill . , . . SiIAWLI. tuna .1 f . ...dnare.—Nos. style 13rocbe. Ter; handsome: Vaahmen• dm.: Wool do., plain on.l mar black and colored Tbl bet, An. Binh plaid Ribbons. blaek and half mournmg do.. sty!. Neck do. • They have al. rect , lswl • furthersupply of , ull. , Shirtlo 51uslin sod Irifh Linen., and Staple (ion& geo• erelly, and ILI sill be nold at law stk.". far Cho .11fair, .rch arb au. or., a ar.rA,l, oca tll uur holeeale rr. , rur. ', ara 1,21 - - j ILK WARP PA.RAIIIATTAS--Justree'd 13 at A. A. MASON 1:0..5, 62 and f. 4 ocl GLOVES A.ND LIOSIERY—A. A. Menus & Co. harenow on hand 700 don. nf Club Mere, 211 k, Fleooest..Kl.l. and other Glomrp. A1, ..1 . 117 dPSCrirti(lll of Hosiery. commis!, more than 1500 dozen DRESS GOODS—Opening dpilv nt A. A. AutPoN CO.'S. every style f Goole. ronsktMg s:f Silks Cmhoserek M LOA es. Nlrrinos, rerun:tett., Alpaca, to non QILKS! SILKS 11. Note opening at A. A. & Id Steers of veer fashionable Silk. some low ar 0 eontr, also, dm . :0 pieces rich t/loce also. 'lO do elegant Braman dn. oc7 ONNET RIBBONS—A. A. MASON & co. will exhibit this morning 1.13 aat.s of boa !.bons. ') I T ENT PLAID BONNET RIBBONS-Mur phy thsrebtield harp rem vedl fro4b runoir of M.. o :ova dosirabo, goo orS UPEIL BLACK ALPACCAS--Murphy Ilrehtlel4 have received foliaaornaent of above gwvla--acvne ia low aelV,Ve 141, yabl—and obrav!aper Mohair Alparesa. as 31,00 per pull- be 3 ARK MIXED DOESKINS-Murphy & Il arr-ktfiel.l hate rcociretl ttoevt or Doeskin HARK KT fancy oolct, whi ch they are wiling anper Eatk eurimeres and cloths, arld a 'art .,' of .tries ..rpecially adaptmllor tw,ya' wear. cwo XTEW GGGDSF NEW GOODS !-A..A. .LN MABON .4 CO. opem wiltun the next few days. tipward, of mix bemired revel aod pokey, of Forelre ed Domemlie Dry 0.18. to which the attmotlact of whnle meleant nrUal cervix:Leers le Invited. nee ARAMATTAS, LYONESE & COBUROS A. BIAF.ON k CO. will opoo 1414 Jar 30 coma of ria.TV.OOll. RENCfi ,MERLNOS & TILIBET CLOTHS —Now opeolog at A. A. MASON k )'t--A pieces of rich conl French Alerbion And Thibct Clothe.. oell lASIDIERES LXINES-- ILI .A. MASON CO. have Jose , evreirel Si eases of oqlet Croklarrr, sari oeo "THREE PIN IMPERIAL CARPETS— Now iKettentlt reeettion at F. aIoCLINTOCR'h Carp. Wikreltottle. No. K. 5 Fourth stmt. to width we W aite the attention of those within,: to Attatiett Motet or :tome e, wa we will mil lover than erg, fore to Mit kr t . net Rg ' E FOR SALT--A'roryAV ira-,,,. hie Kotula Rorrt[wariointwl eerfecti .kinti. Cal ...l ona. Enquire tot .1. SeliWN,llMplitl ool l .IW.. 3rELVET PILE ICARPETS-W. 3IcCuN• ,ocr. la now constant); receiving bls l stock 1 - , f RPETS. or the tichest a. nowast htylra. o which hr inane, ens attention of tatertmera. a b. la &len:natal 10 alit lower than ever b4feto offered in the, markrt , at the os cid tahllahed CarprtAVarettonwa Se. la Fourth at kal g iARRIAGE, CLOT' ~ W. 31c;CLANTOCE InThe, the ntlention of taarta.c* Mantafecturwri II hi. lan, stAxt of Hine and Drab -Clothe. Oil Cloth, and Trimming*. which we will eell at nalonad trite!. at the C'st,t tSarrt.nuar. 15 Voi=th at. 1,1 1 NOILLIN CAIIPETS—W. N TOOK lit now renatant I Li, fall stork of import, tar, trot ronnnon INfiKAIN td.tlil;lr6, of now rand rieh Idyl., at Taff rt.lvusd.trrts, lo',doh we invite the at. Unlion of chow artahinar to furnish blia.boata or Mow. litre na a raft at the Carr I I 1 No. as Tdrrth owl f W. 31e1;11:,11.) , Cli. BRUSSELS 31,..CLINTocc JJP ha• in Co a and for salt rrh and near •ty le, LUMP az..S. CA lad:Tl 4 . to abrh he halt... 111 a attco r to dy d of rut an be is dJrtnitted to Carer than ter ben this market. Call at the oideotablohol met War.. Lona, No. 64 Fourth at. rcl riIIAPESTRY CARPETS—New , Ind rich ry.l4 rap-etrr 11rton.t. Carp, Jun reed.. lb. Car: kT' l e tal t at " T.j 'd a art NEW GOODS. F FIE SUBSORIBER haling now received -aaa +auto mock of FALL AND WINTER WON., ' ll:lifita L E4=7,aUti.7l' at [Dula. tr•U le, 4tack of Fancy I.pou liantA romPtiaran iu pars -4 Chan* MIAs. tar aiming 6.7:.: stn.a error, In rich: Plain We ell A all pri1.4.2 and 4/14thr, Braoada Mark Heavy Waturoinalt. all shying /hunch Poplins. ~ • Muslin del tailtno; Freud, Morton and Cagitolenon Toanthar ailh trenek and EttalLehyrlnts.Lo andlaoa liar. lIOUSE.FURNISIIING coops: 114.124 and 134 Darnalay +4. 44 and 44 and tria/1 t irotttc 74, I.4.aud 1041,81. Dautaolot 14and 34 Diunaak.-Nan4lna and Dorn. • Lluckapack Ltapar and4lnah Towelllcura iiirh Printok Plano and Intia 4uPerb acad.; 3larsoillra 4011% Frrneb.. TurulturO.Runlty.Curtamatal Cortatu Matarlals, MOURNING DRY GOODS; Lc:ph:l'o Blank 31ou11In do Lain, 3.4 and 4.4 nl4, Black Cantnu Clod. Mart alphalr Wore., Silk It arp Thllaat 0.014: • Birk Chatte; Yreneh and ltallan Cram: 'Alcd• and (horn Valk_ Caxmiserlas and Reaves; Collars and ails 41041.. col llosirry; all of "bleb belt .14.1 -ono. art Sap for 101101. nerpls ' - • JA)lin A. He NIGHT. 1 1 , 1 OUSE DE LAI ; NES, in great ;zloty, of Tx atrlss. plain and printeli, trnro 11.14 ta tha crad4, An soorunont non °Pan at • Moos of MURPHY 11CHCI PLELD, setZ. North Eaatousuor 4111 and 31221411... Na.=EAT BARRED GINGIIAAIS-Marpby ilatehasld bays aposissd a obo:oo a)aortsatnst - of •lp lira ovamr. Also. =psi of rad Mu, shatter ono Lazo:woo tilogbanos; MVP__ PASLIMERES AND DF. L.4.IISTS-157ea -I_,l ten or the riche,: aryl. and onkel, jut: Trod a: EZ and 8,4 Market rt. lairpluf Al A. MAKIN 1. 1 A. MASON CO. iiive on hand, and • rrare dall trt meelpt or quaotiefew ot New Dens et aneh ea r dojo firlinal Satin, Largo anutiourta. De Warn all Of hiett they will glum.. In phra and natant, =shut :hit =tart' OIL CLOTH-5)O y 5, !'and 8 natrterijui ree'd from ibidg ards 3, B, iliNPUinr Fari tau. and for rate 51rolerala and ratan, at th• nerctunna. Nu. 7 Lod:. Wood rt. 1r ip2.l J. s di. PHILLIPS. lOW GOODS. DECEIVED THIS DAY and now opening DIGDIrI3O6I Librar Amt. pito:as= .e 4 blase Ceselmette, of Ltur users. epd most MAO. t0..111 • 60 Wes. male pa oieC Ctsths. of the most auporrict m Ylia largliet nod omit apleol:4 apt,rta , n; of Fenniea ever btovaht to .e.dIC. 60 dos. Usalentitta LW Drawers. • • 1000 b.. lrbulow4:ll.. 100 bbl No. I Itmln; Lo N. C. Tax; , . GO ti 'lleryri :Staittert.Whititig; ! tiu " Maar& Aluro: 11 ' gang Valer g'r'd AG bin.ilat'it & andiewkk: AO .14•1 Bret Leath, LO dos. Patent If ticket& AN temp4ll44ll breads. to Wag !niter, Alryite, tar rale by . WAIT A ea:Liberty at ' a h'" ndit arigairgi N'=toßaTbrr " alib C lte ' argartock STADE of the rongt ri ll La Wont Lila style, alway• on hand, rreafoitsona ttrelararat as:43=in Laablonable aorta of (foods. adapted Ror atittlattooga ff..., Iv aia neater . counter; all of which tha pnirolator Ie deform', •rd fo err aline rerr unrrat pylori for raab. Orders la the Tailoring Slut ea...rotor In the bad min nen and at tr. ehorint notlre. . argil New Fall Dry fio9d4. . A. MASON , CO., have ißceived and • are now nilulaw-4 mars Cue franah Merlin., a uuna ehadn. •dapted esuraraly row this m•st•t ; • In mots Alparwar and Unbar braver, rnabnuia pl•lu ilkwurp. Warr rord, (.14aulefeou •nd uf gnaw, 12 CO. Yaranaalnaa.Thlbet Clollo. and thlauwa. manner. ing faradar and qualifier. Vila*. Worst•J nrra , . trk and cy lalarr. the akar. goads we offer for faints Warn se are nuffkltn: ate unnrceedialt•dly It.. replo - NEW ii001:18 1 - EEW GOODS ! • ACCORDEON—A. splendid and varied. Inock of the bort brindm..fst reeelted. • LCITES—A - ver, 11411:ale eoectiton. wlth 1. 4, C. asJs keys, rtes want, the beg maker 4. rcr} yep, Inn LIYI'ARS—An exteiteve usl choice s4eck arrlicq. LlNll—bomn very' Eno old outs. stsl tete Of er.ry Tariety ef ecyle prlee. • , , lIAIIP STRINGS—A tut tl PO, fat (aat end " -Coronet', Tot., dogles,'llibooornos.l moot's. and ea. :411:71,1111`,72,111TV'rg,1r4,_`7'.rth' Moo, the rawest arid moot reO ,r our i bleor-,1“.. d itod. N. 11.-111," sawn, Inotrume nu aro warranted to DO co' , reet and per tot.' In ovary rerprea-dr fouad faulty the 1:60• coy wilt ra• rotarreO.r. 1/. K LEA KR, 101 Tidal ot. WOO I ETON QV 111 E 1"01.4)EN HARP, VAEPETS 1 CARPET* I—J*o'd this day X.,/ - try W. McCLINTOCK, nen sad rich Wile, Pepertaat tne, and Comm= '.I,..WICA.LN L'AiCiTt.S. *bleb nt aro prepared to aell tower tban end Carnotite-Jr before offered in Watt mean.' 'We rordiallt turtle the attention at friends and theca 'etching to purchase to.nite ne a ca 11... the Old Edathsbed "...Smut Wareham.,No. as Fourth st,' pep; W..3IcCLINTOCK. 1 4 11 4.1,L GOODS.—Jner roo'd, I,per "erprose, at A. A. MAION CO,R, 00 cartonsAonnet Ribbons. In r'',l l° .'lVP4 7 „ l l:a4rggrOt r p.,.'" areunr, a.r WissFri; 5 de...Ostrich Miles epend..c Ups • LEW DRESS COODS4Wo aro ,no* re calving, the tiara 0011 ityleird•Drees Gloodsouch as Qultincres, Poplins, Persian Ltd.,. Alpines, Pa. rornettes, French Merinos. and Tbilisi Clth. Used IMO pleura one open. frupdl A. CO. GOODS—A. A. • Alison & Co. • havo .i Pist reed 800 0 1. 6. 9.1te Goode,g i oristinspr I,4l.tal6447.lll;%;.k'stlr'uV•le. A and amortrasnt and 0007 skew sopa 0 hare Jut reed a I...snafu! sasartmilit. n ry deli h a pried and plaLo nick Hilts. The abort dastrabliistruts are well worth the attention of purrhaters. Ala% era superior Oro. de AM 0 00. raUo de Cho.: bduttrol Chau.. lIMEMMI 1 foviss AND JACKONET EDGINGS, &x. 1.7 —swam. a BIpICIINIELD ban, owned Wm moron= • lor on Std. Edgings and !wetting Jeckourt I * 6 7 , 44 " 7:argt ' or Z r trTh o. gl i rei,c l e " '74 :r d ln '"U MI ' ' ••• .• 7 pfeVi Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse, , No. 105 MARIS? STRUT, ''` El 11. BALKER offers for solo, at very istutaartots, a MI anartment of Straw and 2 , 11111,1- lonud i g ...41 Artpwksr p 410 and • t 7 Straw. Braid, talp. rtmlllest. Lple, 19, r Lora rate. , Ss , ~ Leg. ILITS-51.% Tonthe, and Bogs' Le c 05,1447. and re, ts ' ' I' Le n :hfrtrridl " , s trtTsVMP, l ' i rnP, L. .4 , 1 /41 b r: t j NW.' 011./..Janny 1.170, ma man Ana, In er..1 , 1r. sty of atm?. and alaria/. , 12JR80/1:9-111ch Bonnet and Start plan Blain and Tat UNA alt widths and rotors: fancy (hum anderapeCapa. LACES-I•Latt, and Sanaa tall., and tolonpd Silk and Otaton Netts. d n ' t.Cr y l22l . lo42l WS - 077 1 6Tanads,iNttoni;firaida, IP , Meknntdian.d.Acan iintga,banctus and M nd' ; ' 47" -h E II k it? A Wan TLYS-411.0, Grn, de Ha- Wth2,21.4t ill'.:°n o . sodt3l , wt7/ , W. assorted tid2 / 01.1- A..fta ..afts.i'aut cakes: ' - • 'i I.' Allo...llich sad low pridat now,* and thallndtas,_ . patat 1101.14 kn.*. • e • , ...a. are for sale by OORMAKER t (X). -- -~--~ lI=E=I USIC, &c • Cluckernag's Pianos: ‘2ELLERS' I3IPERIAL COUGH SYRUP TOILS H. MELLOR, Agent for • I 0 —We hoes used Oils medicine In oar family, and In 0 Chink/Prins', Plain., 0•5 Pittaburgb and Western Fentisplaania. No.BlWvalot.,, f vat ou ..f the year v s would forommendto every fan, At has yed•new and Ivry lame et.k ' Pt to amp bottle of it In their Lougee nia4T for use. aa rot PIANO FORTIES. from the manufactory of Chlekettar. mar moult.. We air. chi. 44 • mutter of adrlep .linatolt. conehtlno of 6. 6 X. um , 7 . , es. ntsrnod and from our atitai exoer.en, of th. oval qualitva of th. playa , : try‘oueliclne, Lot vvill our feeders conaider what wt say the light of nvommeodntion made without tar pali , t 4 a/i .4 k r, 11.7 , 1r1 .. pe of the deckle of whvb weatvak. Ir2Ayed and oold Lr R. N. SELLERS. 57 Wiasal et TPLORENCE WHITE—A beautiful L { o , B 11: white Faint. Chat ia unchanavable In any cantata. It h intended for parlor, ateigiolvvit arid chip cablus, fur - oily,. Or. With this erne'. ma he privinevi the highest Oar.. of Rauh In pure wade of any article known. being adriti,shin of • poll.L. it ',ulnal. after Cho tvmd meal, For val. br . KIDD Ca), Go W ad.t 'l4 , A ZIA'S FINE TOILET SOAPS--Mili • lbir. Po.pvl i,u. Oomph. Weriana. Stub,. amaudinv. Patrivollt. Row. ennui: Li, 1. Cocoa. Marebniallo , Spernianell. Thee. Sea, are prepared trout the best and purest ma. trfiale. awl u , uucqualled br WIN" in thel:nilvd :Rao, For .ale by tot to It. E. gELLER.S. 6i Wood at. F"'SALE—A second hand -- PIANO. octave, elr¢ent mabonan7- , - cue. msale h t mdr,,d ..j MIT dollars. on .Ii Month. rali4 •r th..ll.l.ldlsrount for caell; for pal,. 1. JOUN 11. !NI ItI,LOII. New Mutie I ~, • t:„ S , ONGS Funga by MISS ATEIARINI: liAl"ta: Cum harpere the we. Ilaf , b3 re isas, The that ouee through Tara'. hall, , e AUK , 0 ..'• ' ' 6: , ; , ,1. , 51i Ili JENN V LIND. AT HMI. CoNCEILTri . "bugs' [h•otiat. tl e It).- Iltilgrun !owl tree,. Auld llobiu tlray. Latle lied Ilk.Unc 1b.,, la Hume. eweet ha..., ken Irons the stun; The , korah, The Lora's I•ra,er. with new The Fieerealte, a we,. to thel ele by A Gloyer Cavalier. IA rarUuu tlytuu—" rkter .hlolla th,. harp ,curl). byi el , we all are part... • It ....thory-. /Mir ii i Ibmather Its nee fade' The 1.,. Heart: I with co'brul plate Sweet An,r of the Val, IForerhlltitlee, New, srhrt The umther'e ' , hug; Usti taut Bloomer 1,1/tue.• Olrafle • Aaltz. Blortoer, a, C., . t h ' Xr.:7l ' a u ut m e * .r ; aalo by JOHN li. MELLOW, hl Woe.] Assist - Double Reed Melodeon. subscriher has just opened a very One AP:raison, 5 netars, with doublet of reed.. ► made hy toe original invenbim. Outlands et. Nt se edhoos, This instrument It equal in power to any small organ. I nd moth lUpnillt to It 10 point orsweettovi 01 tone, ea pad, to stand In tona. and facility for tranoNrtion. it te CiOre.Pci, intsmis I fnr nes In church!, and oaring tofu. lon prier much preferable to one ,tbsrinetrumsnt. Thoao ...bins to purchase au iIIintIIMSTIL of the kino are reepset. fully invited to call awl examine the Awns , prerion. in It, tieing taken an. from the subscriber'. wiarvroom. haying boon onisred '''""*"l7. in this city EII, Moles r ts l tr. 2., toe the original makers, Carhardt a N.-edititta New Boom. JUST RECEIVED and far sale by J. L. 0 n. Read. IM 41.11 Forest Life amd Fommt Tree., comprMing . Wimham Cstap Lir. Among the lugger, uml mild Mood ammiturm with A‘mcnplions operstlonmtc. bi d. s.sienger. Rut< mod 51intfin of tin. English Ammicm by WII hemtom . • The Lily and tho 1f.., kla Analogue ..f the Crystal Pal ac., by S. Warren, P. It. S. author of Now and Then. At. A Pastier's Phetehra by Spew..., The First Things, • series n u: Lectures an the Great Facts and Moat Lee.sons firxt revealed to mankind, by Gardiner Soring,D.D. Tbe, Home Altar, an Appeal in-behalf of Family War. ship, with renders and hymnd, and calendar of lesson. frond Scripture, tor hunlly ure, C.F. Dee a ' Deado ..+l3ornes, ordring erttle and Chrl religion, designed In Illustrate the troth and pawer by It W. Clark. D. D. . The &boar. with many other, numerouo annicuo, and • treffn supplr of Mang Work i t 4 tannne,r) •riamg from th• lan. ce .11i -—_ • • CARD.—The magnificent NUNtis & .(1_ Cunt Cram' Piano being about to be remorafr.= LLLLLLgubsciibet• wareroran, hr. noticed rermirnion of the gentleman who nurch.d It to main it it coo dal Id order to afford thon, of run who hare not Oven this nntlTalled •pechnen of Atrwrican Hann, un oPPortanitr to call and examine lira tarot KLEItEII (V i ota daunt for Nouns k Clark. No. 101 Okl . e xt. Name Grand Pianos ! 1 UST 'RECEIVED, a splendid PIAN7 octare Homewood full fasel O. from thy, htntnry of Nunn. k elect, NI, Vora- This matroineent Instrument pesewe, nil the latent improvements, such hl' patent tn. Wag pit, felt hammer, nnd patent metallic !taws. Im pow, and volume of tons arn truly astonialilne. and woh rs the perfottlon of to Mschwialita As to rnataa the re ..r tO.I to pnwlnce the Fullest and evrettent V. 13. • Mama the IW of the wit pedal. The furniture is extremely rob and n good Lode, willow , that IntiMetonom, oAtoloAdjo,,,,, raxvcd wort. and gun, whlth. In a city l i ike•Pift•burgh. IA almoct res '" oKtf o ttlly ' ltVAl r t7c r e ' ll A T P" nZltt .l int halt uart,aaL mod 'lane below It leas-, th, nrem ises ef ento.crlher 11. liLEBEIt. lot Third,. oelti hot. Moot for Nunn, arid Clark: o.—Also recurred. • Ater fine gement a.e.ortment of Pianos. Ineludltig Louts XIV. style. A Ristory of Pittsburgh. BY ICBVILLE B. CRAIG, EFq.—A rite try of Pittsburgh, teem the cunt. teritit when it ism rioted by white down to the it of the hot reutury. with POW. of th e Bret establiatment of ram. of the important manufactortim met ' , moue mki lour not I.lprrn•larltd,inn Up to the penrnt M to which is uld• od rhapter upon the advantacey of our pneltion for num uticturing and epromerrial parent,. with • eummary of the wart.stata amount or business tranraeloll hers Girona% te upon oar firer, canal, and Atarkwater improrements Thor n Is on point in tine Vol.h , oeher, mall, Impoe taut etente occurretwiee of hintr,ttral ha,. Wien,otritpn-wed within no briiif • ...nod or time, .e in it , rnuntry stand the head cf the OLIo. To collect toorther sod exhibit Is hlstortral enter there various tondent, and to proclaim the wit mix,. of our position, as unlit, mrp.tyr cayllalt. to tooth. bore. lathe orjeel 01 toy per. pro.oil gliTti " o * S et T itf t si n or b' eargy JOLLY 11. Nt ';lEl.Ltift. neil.'al ceid • New Stock of Chickerints PianerFortes. I 01IN 11, 3IELLOR, SI IVOA,. t.le receirinc an entleelr ntw mock of PIANO from lb. eel brand manufactory or Chlekering. octuusting id Mt the varlet. now onanufacturvid IT: MC. me Invariably the woe ma Bretton. without a- , rliarce for M . ...Porta:Jou or tielt., Oil Name tales Is rant PO - Mtn , '3Olll SIELLOItz, ThehumaneTy—iti ust Perspire, Arent c" " th qr" -11* r " "" 0 SAYS NATURE, to have a healthy IT vierano, aiiia . perict. who du set ire , sr' hal, . 0 .4,3.114 .4tlrl IhmlW• j , , llat II ItUal. I CI. can.. • free prriitortion. and tbe soot sofiiins the voting it the , of an ntuit'. litbzum,! ;sores. arri , n rod t Thp 7 4t= " 1l sad IZtriirlintt4lt In Im, rieetileirr laMeio , 4 rneekk.e. or.ov.tlievtion main remelts mind of eore-bewl, teow . leo, and Po* beard: Itor It—amt ttwi le aceiln amine] would not rno 1 elf we ll it Mx the *bon s onkel I knew It to be MI I state: Themwhoa., liable to chaßod.cracked.or etiotwel But, will find Ude not only. aim s Ltd • prweentire; and 1 cid: sow tnly add. that any utie attlimad with any or the shoe, s or MEW.' diecure, anll End fhb al!. and Bros mt. tada • r•hii" In its lituPertll) tatatetate. ritr.hatt. reader. the Mama an &wird with atultatices. nd re one, row ask tor Jost' Iladiantitimahmil buy it one a In Plttribursh. bead ol tr i 0..! New Mule two col:tea:tin limblrroh. '4l. - The 13loomeres CalafICAL • 'tory pothotte wog ., • The Le., thoe se song by Gamine] of. co.rwca, vota!og home Immo' Cacbodno 1' Tv Thy tloralpeoto.t Retool. The bbfbil Moray. roompooed by Afiltin. , Tbo.rogoarroaorg Sloo—S comers] seiKtlpti of the most.pepulor owl 4,4. mnbin onme. tundra gad AM.lrtragta. U ELEUCK. lOt Third obeoel. be 3 Alois of Lb* 11014 en Ihry. . . . Sacred Elisio Boob. VANTICA LAUDIS, by Mason d:'Webb; N.) CARIIINA SACRA.. an do NEW CAIISIIZiA EACAA. do dr, THE tiLEE UWE. a new endralon of Glees .131 l'Art Smog, ...looted sod Arranged foe the toe of liodmi Coot' Aerdict.% Teibeidno' I odltutee, Add Mums of Ow H.q.. oLdr..o, of Atone, oy L0d..11 Moon A On J. Webb A lam. OotOder of Wes w. dr lt r , d oaf JOON 11:MELLOR...1 W..0l at . Obuionets. • • 911111 difficulty of obtaining a correct and goodenned Clarinet In this country., beteg tees. landed alertly. Felt by the Masi"' pariont. the sub...rt. be has had nude the, a their. sereether. ttriedr hate Jet arrisAl. They are le en the teem,. .r he tett rears In Europe, and are warranted artersea rr any.Clersonets erre offered boo eche—esst , west. Cl,. MeV @vertices.— A tarnionets-12 and if Kern Thee In cent of near peed CLarbutia v 4101,4 this ne thee. KLEIrCIL. Pel hen a the , Golden :roud C. New llluae. JOFIN li. 31}ILLOR, No. to Wood strew. . hem matted the tettereing ewe aril rnp!ler ole, iote,—e. c. Paster. Muth ftetet,t‘rte 11 , I"= " el'hlN:— . (i ' VV *4 FZ= btfeetheht Le Cleeplesc Vithem itnia L Bkhz We Doer meet pert: Wericle lair Quicktlte 11v:eve?, I L:te rittee,thels b •• . . Take gm home to 1k: i ble;tlty—r‘rmtl•mc ~ 1 watch we th ey. Conn lino zoo that a. 1.4 bolt. the IMO cod, 2. orlal Fatbee'a 11. T.: • I Tro: — o— i t..ll a tar: 22, Ilariln . 13/14... , me if oil eau,. 7t.• • • • ..- ' .. *I;FL ;,wit, marl , Is.' I 11.aric7131LITebcnrar: Dil lent Liam Catmelg Madam, tlyeelys. Aurari 1 11ver boll Waits..., ner. ay.. Ike Fly, J. 111. 1. 4vette, andllY ottle.7 ===M le NORATED ' PROMISSORY . NOTES & A IIItAITS.—A lark* ruietr of Notre wet Draft, ndsomely eturraved, !Bente tt W. O. 11AVEWO kLatlchrey Mart, eD3 ' OMter Market Kehl der wet ax. BLANK ta ß d O rORrS.e-tr-rW. . S. Elk Ml4.f th c l o s rner tint of'B k nk Ber e ve d r oLTer e tt hk th e • riry . — t etteO o. of Lnott, Jtvrn alt. Day (Woke, !Mout+ Denkr.etr., in et.- ery Ark. of Mean.. and at the leweet prier, 11.LANES. , FOR ATTORNEYS, ALDER /MN, AND ".IV ) TICItS OF TOO prAer..—Polln,, o e * tr g"r' oar.l4l:: . eo r r t grl t irf ' C l :oe i t ' ige r ie " Tie f.t=k k' eo n V Atirtimente, re. Inn, to.. to, Mr Otto y I • ' .: W. B_. DA V Eti 'e. Statfiktee, 'tel!! corner Abtrket ter) Ortrhol .s IM7 jri'Eß TILE WATERS NOW, If. Aran; IL, Min's MITI ht AttlArlCl: Idountain Dlllll. by Lrnl.y,• 3 w,w, happy two I 1.7.1 YOP: IP dIPPme 01 per,; CLAM th, w a y, with Manette; Loot Heart f 7 dell to thy Lap w ith'yl a y w ah, pioliy 107. 1000; Thy Jyrenstle, PT hehubero The LUNT Moue., by Itwwwll; Jody PhLeao to whip When the 10140 Marro MY Dwohlaw. doom: Home, Home I • Lave Thee. duette: The Wild 111 , 117600 Polly va7 ' Lady: 7:7lrohlti in hou oloh g—Twilight 07.7 010 CotPmbo, w oth Lk vv. the w...../Ailelle of ttly Tilluret Valet lirluish0 f t llO. y Waltz Non . outh WeILY, rprorll.7 Waltz Altatci Maltz blerli s Wat.: h 51100., ,, kdor, &mop M Me dietably' Polly., thy., Yolue—Lamalla, htwat,,, a . aw l Teutels, with at 07.1 yist ette, by Belot; i•w www l o h )1•11ida o th 0* mud' i•eth Tarnbomr—throd•7o PllO.l 2t r o G . eZ., l , 4 7gli:ird ' flz t a x ,t;;;;Xint 0) 3, Thistle of heetlavd. • geed and 107 wow to, ' • • revt. • .10110 11. MELUIIt, Al Mccd EW BO OK 91—The Stone e a n Mason t; of Faint Poin a Tillage Tale, M Pi.. Lamartlne. Translated (en the [tench. , Memoir of Iter.' Edward Blekendeth,lateßeetegof Wa• ton. IWO; by B.C. T. It. Dlr.. M. A,„ Rector ofirellsball, tarts; v. an Intend...xi by btepban p.Tyo., le D; II r01a.,12t00, 071.11. , om. •e- AntneoYa Roman Antlyulller: a dlanoal,of R Ildultles,altb :tomer MX thostrationn By Charles /I nth., .I.lght In the Dark Meech or Mosourtals of Cbristinn lo the Middle Attew. from the xerman of the IMO Anptto toe Tha Star of o. tbe *Mallen: a Onumbentair Porond Chsober of FL Mattbom by Richard Chromic. Prowls, B. yttemhidng Chaplain of lb. Lord bishop of 03foritit &missal from the London edition. lbruitius. bomb? Algebra-Ibn Elements of A lgebra. &Ouzel, for ' , Namur , . by KIWI Loomir. TI. A. Professor'of Moth. " rfla thmial field Bonk of the Itesoltatient Lissetne; Siidembo: No. of limper'. Now Mouthly 314-ortuo. • mit rued and kir V t i. by • MMI H 7 15 7luilltnu t Fourth el‘kiEW BOOKS!—Travels, in Oho United ' Mat., M.; during 160 Mad 1376: by Me Lady Brat no Stuart Wortley; l vol. thno n 75e. • • 1 The emery of the Ihdpresm/seephine; byJ. CabliotS with mutterings% I rot lemon fine. &for Attirtat. Appleton'. Mechanise' Magarine an BriginecteJournal. 15 Pictorial Yield Pooh of the ne.olnnnn . ' Nos. 35 and 66 ft/Minn/try of Mechanise, Engine Work cod itnal nee ring. Just reed and for tale by • J. 1.. BRAN 78 Apollo Buildings, soul . Fourth croon. J.ifRY PAL —M STAIs ACE, PRINTS. rue t Boacitnitur bozo jeer. resolved lot of rem', beautiful Pncllsh Prints, mails reprotriy eahintir an e i t the World'e Folt. to which tho otlonline t of o n , 1, I n . the *mai New Books, Just' Received. . • • YEAST: Problem; reprinted with corree .l t e em ieldidosur. bribe au th or el Allen Locke. • - Illetorr et Cleopeks. Q . of Egne. by4Senb Abbott IBnu ^ mw: Osleb Field; a Tale of the P¢r} emu. Iketbury; T. by And U. Demi...Mee of. Pliend• App r letonl . blee i btiVir:i ' eleise and Milken' Joel , Hall lba O. . , . , , IfyitOOO Dlotithror7 of lathbablo, Engirt, Wart and itio airworthy, tith..3l. and W..' • • . . . LthWorm Pictorial 11101,1 Book of theltorOlutioro N0..14: Pal a. Ito i tiznipbv and filblo illotory, w ith .y)Llth. ~amilic 411014 by '. IL Illbbord, of Foot noes Cont.: ew., edited by .i 11. #idlor. 12rn0., [ova ' - , '.: .For solo Ur • • J. L 118 AD, •. !. • . iirol ' ill Apollo Ithildbora Familia., n • - - - IMERICAN STATE PAPERS..--StatoP; ii i in„tinbOr GeVir=l u i , i t h d r a zut t grd tort=r7to t ntagarr=e 4 r "i r !Tx', wir.lll4%M.,:olitalangtacalli F i A &M. 424 toattim NOUCO MIA bleh.fectue paliarontonta: NTente °film Thaw nom /BM ;, • ; The igen tahuhle vete ter ale try • • • ,Joy as-nes:ax _ ____ • Er.,+*),qin.aty u.:‘,..rry in the World ma lA. ,a-rat Aral."un &ruddy fur Man and Bean! H. G. Farrell's cp , r.PRREITED ARABIAN LINIMENT. 11, G. FARRELL'S genuine Arabian rient u • mootevtraordinary medieine, the truth nt' tieh is pineed beyotid doubt by the sat naive of this article, and the Many cures being daily performed by it. which previonedy.had resisted all other medicines and the rail! of the hest phyFictens in the aorta. It I. camPo.i of balsam., extract+ anal gum. peculiar to Arabia tense. - sing. in • toneanteatml form, all their gain:minting, aitim dyne, penetrating. uncutounand revulsive pruparthat. sod the same which, area nro. acre ur.ed td the - gone of the De. , ert," with such miraculous thence, in raring the ,ils enaes of both man and beast.. Lead the fallowing remarkable cures, which ribald nt themeelves pin, 11. ii. Parrett's Arabian Liniment far b.- Tond any similar : . About om Tear and a half ago. • swelling appeared in no nik's etach. gradually increasing Innse until It be. rune as large as my fist. and so sore that she could tint the least pressure upon It with srising her extreme rain. 1 ac.t the advice , of our bent doctora.uld they dinar e.t epinionabont maw Kalil an Ague Cake, or ntarinmient of the Spleen: some. that it wee Enlarge munt 01 in. Ovatlem and others said it was &Tumor of the (harks, and could not be cured except la cutting). cut. In Oldscritlcal situation, I was refunded,. try ti. l'arrell'a Arabian Liniment upon lt, and, ntrange an It may apresr. upon the third application ahe began t o ico n to and ha. continued getting better daily, lentil now rain t• 1.• well as ever—enjoying etrell.nt health. NIeCON.NEI.I.. Peoria, Xlaren h. 1141. L. . I bohert hind,. postmaster, myth] Ono woman has used Cerestown. Pa-.llasrli'Ll, 1140. your Liniment with great surer. She had 10.1 m., the ton. of her legs fur thr. Year , thu cm"l' le mu ...r' an thial her 1.,,, were bentas much while sbandirm. n, Is oatunal foe the position of the 10, while tnll2oo. and she amid not bond themin the lout; but hr . nee et 11.0. Farrell'a Arabian Liniment, the le now able to walk with true, and has straight limb. hare found it a moat excellent nrmedy tar horse nest, Lb., rot ore,' thing whirh nnuires an external remedy. The opialoll elf an old. experienoed.auil scientific Farrier Washington, /ova, June VA, Iktit. From the apoody and permanent turn, both on man and is., which your Arabian Liniment hi performing. 1 do 'e hesitate to pronounce it the - timid Remedy of Or eal hate pru - tlned doctoring hnrses for tauntr rear. and hate tried all the VitrIOUP liniment, ointment, 4e. ,nitch puffedup lu the papers: but 1 ms ray dna 11 11. Sarrolr , Anti. Liniment exikkds any that 1 hare made une ot by its ate, 1 hatemarad SWetnr tipssin loin; atter thay had been pronounced inettrable, and 1 litre mr.nt than tub this awannit with >bur 1401 me.. einhnnong evert' shade of difor.Or, from scratch , sod bruises up tr...P.Vin. ring-Inn, and sweet,. also bear teatlmrinJ of its Imd elllrts en the human b, ten, WILP confined nearly all Inn wintbr Y nun, oh Rheumatism, and eniild get nothing to helpme un 1.1 I romnienced the u, of your Liniment, which entin-ly cured me. %Val. It. tillt>l Sun P mhisn Of Limmaain ten ye n a t rs' standing eurr.l by IL G. leo r. 11,. A , air. 11. ri. FARLELL—near Ebb. I had hewn aldiete.l with the Pain" tor the 4art tan years. and could vivage . ti, rell4 except by bleeding; but by lbw .01 of 11.1.1 Duren m A evhian Litutneut. applied over the trinplec about thrinct gmr Menem a day. It was eutiraT remoy,d, aml I b”.. fen Imblog of it aur.. Iwent into the stable one night, ' aPP I T it to a burew's are le„ and balm, rery lame hest.... Nei and fell against malting and bruising them wi 1.11, that bier [nailed an Mark as m - hat, tendering them '.,,wartime,. 1 &paned your Ignitm.nt, and Wig enough m n low dn.,. to go about lump as natal. I ale, mu shad my fin,r m a chocking magnet, by Imtuait . e bark-log 101 l up.lh bat your Liniment soon Imalod It on JOHN It VrlLeinct• Peoria Feb... itu.. cf Counfrriri:s. ouAur, AtiAltiST IMPOSITION READ TIM. VOL. LOWINI CARLFULIY. The i'oblit aro portleularly rat/Waled anion • 1t,.. IbLrob.en: which hoe La4ely mod, it, unworn., abb dararislirn (.311.1voeltual. t.rl eassAtllyeril ssrretits eumbluei:. render th.n. pectiiisSir I,rainientrrtns psis:ions:7 , l u Fes to the breast, mantissa fro, ykrvirsataal whocyinir, .iczn. and ta.relnains it.. variants netti sal,y disarm., in the Lisa) ,-lianadar curausii lasuni At a ninieds peTinr , ,, autsrard epylicata iseh kir GrkiTriCrathi by n 11 , ISiirs and reins in she tan) and sSle, rs , ittittaa ai dlst saes et the kith•ya. ..!;itY Otbrr ,r* kJ by exp+riryrra curs a.: raliat Inas this es. f T.Wtk stifles . yitti . r .o htil.l•l, salts. shear s.,tt del: ,x„ TENT 7, s ,, , .....,,,.. . . I. x . “..., ;., paßeit POI," ._•%.,., :. r ~..:. ng a I eattnful atter no Linen 3ltialina a ..,..,,,,,,,..„ ~, ~,-..,-, , . ,;. n me. and .1 lands.' feint.. its ant rNent , is- . i o Inv, ad berlav lb I hr. Linen, and dtart from sati. a., weds I.othing inf onous to dab. no . anT n n : 11e istill. IT we tang nu e felt the mein..., '' of such a ofiele. wiel on th their ext-ctotiou will be lag ly realises', •i• re . en-tdh li fearel after an Impartial 7. I% --tin. Co}, will .11i thl d'art et elothre. an as teas.. .t., nStil r n ithos• le. ' a . Er.... I 1.7, .edb. oe :P.. 0 \(..-y kt,itit tall dinort . . Fir .a.e S. 1 . M.... .. /..Ed.LI.,I.ILS, 67 Went -•- , PETE Md. OR BOOR 011, 'There are co .saws tro hear n and north.- 7 •• . - Than an, dre lof la phllon..ty.. . FrIE VIRTU of thik.rer, arkable rem* t , Jf. dv, end the eon :taut epolh.stil.lJ r R. to the p,nyee • ..tar. and risineed biro t4 , ,,ha,r, it put up i kettle., wilbAs \Lela and Igreettou, far Ilk Loretto( \lb ,, blie. The PLTItt)LbI.II is peramed froro e w I art Ole coca tg, at : depth of four buturnd fen, in, o , ...duller.. ~ ' Intartiele. without any elastaleal ehat iN e i .r. ur Jnef se It tswie frt. :Nature, Great Oblatory: Tb It cord.. .., \ I , IM'ai r 7 u " n n ee th ttaTle ' reV idl' oo n.' ilk , 1M ,..0.1. :- )' , i na et radon, what,. If kneels mlght hp id ii , , t In \alleviating suffering, tad rnumrivig the nigu bff t 7 - e health akd vastest. many a suffeker. is dieters ho um. 1 Lr , istoetlttprgbt of nutting it up h it Logi, t,iShad a ta. - .- - n fort hiteure on:left:au The rimetoot wad gall ' l L, %;,l l , ' l ' m nt ' il . " biltre ' SiTiel 7ff " ig, VrNO4 ' 7•74 ,\ i telit ' wale gonad egFitoatan itt the sure isidtomae. \ , \ 'Re on not hto make a lone par \A et peril -tee, ''. • t wear. autureleuathat the nombe ran ' , on wmk ft. 'a , Into the favor orgl,on. e sulfa, and whh to ter ~,,,, Whi t t we dn not hjairo Drum a ' &77.1 ' t=is n iVunntiii;l'a tl . ' !, , not ^ thearM br i b ‘ l \ -al d' net ltle inin,l4 . 111¢0, Mr., `VirIZTPI I E ' IIItt I /NCII , IS, , CONSUSIPI t 0 1 .6 (in De tatty ' ..--" ) nage.) dffTlidla, omit 0 ainnees ortbe atrilVr. 1.16. 11l C'O3IPLAINT, DVF .PFIA„ Darbda, Di of 111, 1 \ \ fifk. t. \ \, gladder mad Kidney: , l'a te it g the Dag. or g , Nem. \ Due., Pe tualMaeLlstsghonmatie Value, Good, Smatu ~\.. leaTettr.-Itlnetronna,. ltinu. Maid Bruhn.. qi,2 sores, V , . ' de. As. In ear r of dability7, malting from. e_oa- um, CT' lam tad protrarted cans Osaa, :hi* aedlet Wilt In Le[lrf It seal bet as a cfsrieral TON/4.1 and Tre ,\ , •. \ ' whole 114 :a ' = i'' brge7at ' a c , ' olieliV ' VelAdet . : --\ \ ' \ , onctions, Vetch mute diem and a Mot me rta e tk„,,.. .. , ,\ , \ er...1 givltnr tney•erspor{ and renettrd tmor,,, to all 0.... r.r...:•-• ' \ \ s of lige The proprietor knows of son. rllatX \ ~s, that restated erery other treatment, 4et : welt en.. tinned .. \ \ , of the PATH-01.1,0i far o abort limn, Tba senor nin •-•\ , . 'l , g" q:Vl * tren T ril r e==l l l7ll. "L \'''' ~ griturts : l a the \ \ gold by the proptietnt. • „ N: SE 1:16,1t, Oenal Dad ,_n ralar\le.-, i at \ . - - ' Also. by gh. 712.LLEIllt. 67,11nn0 ie., . - -:\ • , ' . - and iirrstac a NrtioW.V.I.L. '' - ',' \ earner Wood street =I Virgin AI led.. , , nov`dslly hi a 'regularly am:laded nMs \ ', -", PROCL&ILITION. \.. : ' lij' NOT; all noon ivlio ars ciPk and 41Iilictea - ' _ IX iTitb ha or the Illelder and filansla. all@ rhos • ' • , ..v. , - rap In hat ~. r lil..t,rtal ;Chair, out seres„remnlni Wren. sae, that they ran Is mined by toting. the PETS,. Llitlii. lou mat nit about ge bong o nostreanon lunch . a Mats It KS for wopmelama ri ' ti n t ' : ta h ev ' t ' ' ' 4 l a a n t this t,i.e d rt '' CALCIIInitT. that it ha1,..1k 6 • width are not contalmpl in any other rarinly. /B•lttali who ri rucked \ with vents and FaCalt. fro,nl ,....ra. Maj. \ . • • fr.( Tr) fell.. Ltt ITtlirt Irma Any of the //htienumeral gsaderi it pone very toga mmake s. tn.. This Yet. limn, La co mlxturn-un eatiround, pat up tar the pongees L . \ gd i TyVt . : r A , Tiilrdtrlt ' g " 2,t V tl7l. '.d np Y frnin Um bonim of ear mother earth. In Ito sca ld) , O ' tary, ara. of- . \ , fere to suffering humabity II reedy dy a nartaia-.6 . . 1 cured 1 ilmi. ager other reediest. hove tailed to ' ~., oder any telbt. 11-kaa oared lithnutallera„ of Ira . . a: 'l e i ll s r p e . d . . r tiligi4i t t o 3r.frbg7g, ' , '° . ' r . ,.! f=`="ll - .1; , red old rant of Iliarrhomain unteh rrrY.Other -ereedfl . I h eshero tiles raw!. . At .1:1,15%1 :ern In bunts aux \ - vyl.lno,rt LI know sbeter .m.y:calico' oneopounda or ointaleill tb. we of, II will eon chilblains and tn... fee e :\.., 1 rd tiTh .C :EL 'l l;; ', °,%,Ti k ,ll b e \ -- bgr=r4res, , - - 1 ing on 66.711 i al..- fal-kg,anlllautin, Perenth etneu or • [ either of tbe agent.. \ ' , i • ' Eieyeer di Ilelkwell; 0.411 t• i 4 Wcol /tree nut - .1 . 61 li. 1.. bellere. o,oil etreek D. A. Pilot. am 11.61 CisvrtiAlleglisor Fitt . , are the liments.`, IBTORTINT TO THE II) R - 1.0 , A ROSE' , z' s 3 z , C ,,., E , L , f :. B !I A 11. theri too. popular and bough I foraged of the leislunted hurrume Lungs. bit :Resting acute of Chronic d dent trf that eminent blayneLau, Dort. r graduate et the Unigeraty cf Pennaylva years sloe. I,se Tv., existed ItX . e be e ; t Tl;rour asd l h alie r l i S l en i ftl7lll6.lng tnt,il hie Prophybirtle, and other of Lis.. galued an isms iel eminence Ma red fatal 'maladies , nberrular Cre w.; :lTatthronl:tt:Za b if. " :2 " :lVl eves nocallar to female.. , Indeed. c cery I I. multhira under the nee of his nrcellle, to 1 bekr-not by the on of one emaryound la hamitaffeible with Phystaloglad Lao. 6-" Ids remedies mlayttml to, and yoregmt (gain of dinaeo. . N Its Hose'. Tonle Alterative Pill, wh bit arknewledged to b e anyvnor.. al ay. or Liver pill. Inamanc.ass. Lbw, 6 twat (nett= eortiveruom ea alrohle. Tagged. by the rulet., to pumeuepeeaffl o , dil to tentakdiniante but being. satigenk tit sufficient to estab li sh what hoe &teapot! the Theralffleted are Inv rL ited to raj( ppcsa`te aim Watts) one of the Dodoes pamhblel al unituat of melt re a Unsaid Ds 'sulk Am nes by rat follow agente v aswo girt. throughout the roe -7 t • \. Sr_hnowaskr t. Co. . 1 1 0[62.11 1. 61. Townsuml,Drug , iltarlut \ Tee A.. Beekhaseb . ere ct . Ilat J tlie p•eph Beerkle& \ aroglitally Dszli : 1. , t saga . ' T. gulag. Deaver. • • ci • ---- Rs•TTA.l...covetusyßo '1.••?. -• i ,ia 711 l :beer. •to twkw.igallawhlfWlNeiwiowtrVl • • ~., 1 \ 1J . ,11 - it• ii. twbild n'" T o‘l ".lll-ottxra ll arstou l':' "; \ • •- •1 ttltdeet lo taro Vonoutrtut Mg tutig . 'ordllt.i'?2, til e u,..4=.1.4; ,. ... A.A.,=,4n.,, h ....„.viwr.... •,\\,,, gw , w It to two of r terw i wciar4ort arawinowwwm,, \ \ cilllwnat Ltmes, =Alt Nur eTer til CLIZO titt \ ‘ l IWm tweauctoNted• It' - 151) . 1*-100., 4tt.... ' I ontootettekottly tooltAo. that, It lithe • t etrogh.M4titolr „I ma t has . tier en op; Os publk. - - , • ~. 3 ratert6sl333)lllliio . i ' t itittr eb.Udttot to trrtnntis ' : 'cough. Irlsetkilltry tn.,. cm , o4by at 4 et. baillowtihip Yrmwl oact $01.14 ..a . ,,... a U. ELTE , 12 , 1,....ii2:. , % 4 \ ' - • - - - __ ‘,3kIp.e.TENT 41EDICIVP, .i.4\ —A ltigo stock ... , _lit store; end tee. pie otr, the mass ilberel te !hr. _": `; 2.. hr. \\\ " rArr . t . 'll=6?.. k. ‘, , . i . *. ,Zfarestue.ihalt er thaleton de _Na - , f.d.zg.Er.„l4' l— :`,, Lik2t:'!''''!'" , " 1 tr Dir.°. DV: . 8,-wig'it,.." . ci*.f., . : fsr p:, a Ahti-Dremeriethe‘„ ele.,Byßk ie. ,:: /1 , 17,reTa,.. i •- rt 4, 1 r . ... 1. •, ..J., \ —b..k - •-- 1 - • -• . . ,-,., , la b . ; . -, .-, -- . _ " . Mee Ointment lar,Tet Eye Wean , ' hteeretre _eau Pleethnt AI aniente . ' a 1 ' Tnalhigt+VVVe n teei ' till e' T V ' Yet , hifet: ' A\ • Illel a . Worm Teh ,‘, . or ., 1 1 / 4 „,,, • At the Drug Sthri ,n, h. K. W 3, ' *DJ - N . : Ot,aer el Wood e., INY dracla N. 4 Ckdra.,•- hwd ~to o2t.E.,o,lbrlettorlor • A JOLLN ? \ l l 6 , bbl3•Ltri. iuniboik V 3 ioe•MUKS,- 4C--; •• • MO bap Rlo Call.; D , aattrmm 11 cben. Tr= , Au•aa LOA, 1' ". = • _3l\ ` l,7o=Xll4 " ! `di t ..,- = Lonuw.:l4l-17.5.t0x111 oral \ i r .tp. W11:101%018 - 1114' \ \ tit LITTER:-6 bblivimo \\\ \ ‘‘ 2V.trutiVi=ttictco;dl4b,c. ii-01YDER-400 JibiN3lustiot for isalttliPN molasagsakkif bble. Noodolet t-2;2717kb7\ RE,CONAXION Oak Div.1.52...1ittm vim! . T*As• bbLs N. 1 laV itc"'44.4l4 slllrDr i fri..ilissLK,' 1 2 1 .! 4 \ -11 Nr:COPALVARNINEW,•4OIf ads. aw5...,.1511i511 kvipd 554 % 1151 144 , • 435 . 4SCO.