The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 13, 1851, Image 3

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    110{1IE illArl'EßS. I dent hem been throw tried at law, and decided in
his favor—twice by the Supreme Court of Penn•
.L. 4 . INNID11•10 TO run Nasii.—The stereotyped ' sylvania. and once by this Court. , i/CDIirTUD BY TDB 0 ...a"
platen of the "Handmaid to the Piano" have ar- '-' 1 - l i e e auee the judgment of the k7 l uPeeme ! AND ageourtii roa run prrirsttertou DAZE,
Court of Pennsylvania
de affirmin the title of corn-
rived, and the work is expected to be ready by piainant. and adjudging the eed under which i
Wasntorria, Nov 1.
Monday next. It is,to he printed on the finest , plaintiffs claim to he ivoid, hoe hor n '''''.de the I The Republic of this morning attars that,
kind of riaper, and elegantly bound. (m t . to wn ,- i foundation of a settlement in changerYi and its ' official inforco„ti on i n reference to Mr. Thog
man, N . S linden , i, t h e printer ant every enereetuess acknowledged by the grantor of such ; et. Ma. Keen re„iy,t I. the ti o ,ernm en t r
void title, and Itts pretended ...tenets,
body know, that his wort cannot be camdled
whom respondent Hair., U ' der : has any'compiaibt liven made in his behalf
xd Because such granter, by the proceedings his friectils. gs
is estopp e d from setting up eny claim to '
the land no his own, or atTirming the validity of . NI ISSISS IP P I El. ECT li IN.
the title to hitn. and the respondent in getting , .
„p such el,it„.
n, making a f r „„ d „ ien , .„..,
or I tfty.four counties Ittt Jacket...,
se heen It . }ova I I
heard from.
r „ ti ,„ , th „, e
„,- n „ e„tgn,„e„t ~,,
~,„ ! which Foote . 101 about a I hOUNBIDi ahead of i TILT
. r, them , in ..lich f..r„l it to show Ilia ' , their re ''' . '"'`''''''' ere 3 ' l tole'oe tram 111 ''
''fre`' Paid, had itii el iim to this property, awl Lint swan ''''''''' '' ele 'ledi '''''''''' ''',''''''
Aunty to.—Fifteen 1n4in,,,,, thirteent
3 1, Bad- twe—lemxie%,. arrived here yeaterrlaj to
charge of Moj. htzrettriek of the U Army. I.
the step.., A eaptuur Boyd. They are
a 'delegatir 9. appointed hr the Tanana trrhae
whom they, r Trade viari the: 'lire,
Father - at Wra,hir.gra l ri,„r c ,ii,
relative 1,. v arratt s ti e.- , atara • ; Lag to traa r r
Two interpreters nceoairalls. thr alai they
eounint...ftine Sioux, th e ca •ayenne, three \
patmen, had four Intone: They left la I hi. Frawn.
Tine boat, during the aftertnnm
SLAVE Case.—The of liarrel VlL‘nueler.of
Virgioiu, W.. 1)r, Ito l :t — Mitellell ~f lt.thatet 0000
ty, en action broughtl.. ,loe +I
fugitive slave, belonging I, I he I.l.tinftl, awl al
leged to have been harhored hp Ina
de n•od ant,
same yeara ago, vr.
the Circuit Court of the 15.10 :ital.. The
case was not concluded when the Char. ml
tlttont,dtt, Not 12
"Wore the lion It• C :Ind the lion
Thoqsas I rit in.
The jury, in the cove McClain
etou, Roggen LS: Co , an 'tenon to recover dam
ages for no ylege I infringement Or 11 palplit
Te1:1;1VP 10 a mach tacteiler, to belong
TO the plaintiff, yesterday returnedveriliet.
giVing tiralloliwre damages In Ile piaintiff
ject, iIOITTPTT, to tile -itecivirin tiT ,. Turi. 34
to the validity of the patent
November I Ilth.
• .
PrMent the flenerable, WOlimo ll Met lure.
President Judge, and Waikato Hoge+ and T I.
• McMillan, Associate 3 ii•lge•
The cave of the Commonwealth VF .I,,:eph Pone.
was taken up. The 'KIM/dant I. chargol with
forging and
forging of exchange Mr tw o
thousand &flare, by ni , oto. of stoat to• defroi.-
ded Tai,sey fii - Best. of this eity The indict
ment contained mix count, The firm eliarged
him with forgery. The second with littering
the forged draft The third, with bovine, forged
acceptances of debt. Swarey a Co . of iium/-
. watt, in his posser.sion. with intent to pas. the
enureThe fourth with having la•sed the s ome
, I r The fifth with conspiracy, committed in agreeing_
With John A. Bolt - nom, and itarf Sitliona, to I
defraud Menses. Tninity ..i. 14,1, inn. whole•ol
grocers of ibis city, by .can, of 11 forge,! 1.111
of exchange ! The sixth ensioreharged the ,f,, - .'
fondant with conspiracy generally
Messrs,. Macrae , and tinrrngh argemool for
the prorecutinn
Messrs Hamilton. Snowden and Yorke for
the defence..
Mr. Magma opened the once, miring that, in
,February, 1849, the defendant, in ••ompany with
the twb per - eons named in the indict - Mein. cam.
to Pittsburgh under the pretence .1 selling the
patent right to Colver'.. patent churn
Dove/ had in hi, po—emoon a geouine bill lit
Cxchange, drawn by a lie Hone, of Cincinnati,
-to the orderiof Juoeph Dowel, and aceecti••l 1• • ••
fhruey f‘ Co., of the emne place A mounter
felt bill had been written upon!, blank bill, mid
that forged note, pa,..ed 111,00 Tarsey .3 Best o(
this city by Bowman, through the instrumental
ity of Dawes, who received gond , to the arnottut
of $1,609, and a cheek on .Neoax.. Kramer .t
M for three hundred sod twenty dollars i
he balance, amounting to about eighty dollars, •
the difference °Cr:chance between Birts•
urgh and Cincinnati.,
The main evidence in the ease, Mr. Magma
stated, would bar that derived from John A. Bow
man, an accomplice :of Bowes, who had been
convicted,• but wag still, leg'illy, a competent
witness.. The• prosecution hoped to be able to
corroborate his testimony, by such a train of
oiremnstanees, as to I ' are nn doubt, whatever,
of the prisoner's guilt
John A. Bowman w s called on behalf of the
The Muniini on beh. If of the defendant, oh
:jetted to hid testimony, on the ground that, t....
ing a convict, he was incompetent A Ion:; dim
•Ctuntion ensued on bath stile t , ,
A pardon from Gor. Barry. of Mioltigkit. was
produced by the inan+ for the prnseeutmo, •li..
charging Joseph M. tltne foliar John a Bow
man)Trom the peuiterry
The objections to Bo TOSPI . A admissibility were
overruled, '
The counsel for tlie lefendant, then objezte,
to the pardon iteelf, on the ground that that pa
per contained eeveral snare.;, and interline,
Lions, and further that. t wnr grunted during th
month October, of e prevent rear, seven
yearsnihre the neaten of Crane, alias Bow
man, whose - term of imprisonment had expire,
of itself, einee he wan only sentenced to tar,
year's oonfinement
The Court decided that the witness was com
John A. &menu sworn—l came to Pitts.
burgh in the month of March, 1849. 1 woo i a
compaby with Joseph Bowes. Miss Wilson was
with so, accompanying ; Howes. I stopped at
the /taint Chivies; llotel r nerl Deems at the Mon
ongahela Rowe.
- Ttia fored dral- wa.j here shown to witneq,
I firat new this a. the Saint Charles Hotel. I
• soadivit. Dowen was t en present in my room.
I was not nnthormed to draw it hyeither Hove
or Swarey, whoseinames it hears: I rtuitle it to
sell. Dawes had the genuine draft in his oiw,
session. Dowes futaislied me with the blank.
The genuine draft was from the same platens
the blank. :I passed It on Tosser n. Best, and
, got offer nineteen hundreoldollars for it. I got
;.part in money, awl, part in naila,--and other or
, Cleft. Got three hundred and twenty dollars in
a cheek pu Kramer and Rohm. L_took the pro
dace to eincinnati; Miff iold it. The money I
gave to. Dimes. Took the produce down on the
steamboat Hibernia. II went down on the eteam
boat Isaac Newton, - on the 4th day of March.
The goods were shinned on 'the :Id. Sold the
articles in Cincinnati; to various individuals.
Hot not for from thiiteen hundred dollars for
,them. I deposited ; five littered dollars in
Enead's Bunk. I kett three hundred dolla r? ,
myself- The balance I gave to Mr. Lowes' wife,
in Cincinnati.. I have been acquainted - with
• Dawes for seven or eight years, and have known
him.intimately, four yrnr3.. ~
Two lettere, dated February 28, .1849, were
predated, written by Amos Gore, drawer of the
drafti• One to Joseph Jordan, Pittshurgh, a n d
the other to Ripley & Omit!". They were in
the possession of Dawes when I Graz raw them
I introduced myself at Jordan's shlio a. Joseph
Devrea r ivith the consent of the latter, Ind not
see Deploy & Smith. They were letter. of in.
!reduction, and I personated Dowel.:
The forged bill of exchange was next - offered
In evidence, and the Court adjourned.
Ti'ESDAT, November 11-:
—` Beforo
. ,
the Hon. R. C. Grier, amt. the Hon
Thoilas Irwin.
James S. Craft, Esq., of Pennsylvania, com
plait:utak ye. Jededial H. Lethrop. of Virginia, re,
spondent. , In Equity. Bill of Peace, praying
Injunction, &e. •
, The Bill recites the title and possevion sine,
1E34, of ono hundred and fifty acres of land
part of the City District of Pittshrirgb, conveyed
. to Craft by Jamee Rose, Elf) ; the intlitation of
en ejectment in 1842, by JoebPayne end Sarah
hie wife, (shebeing one of the daughters of Steel
Semple, Esq., dec'd,) in which, yerdiet and judg.
• meet for said Craft were affirmed by the Supreme
Court, (VII. Watts .4 scret. 168,) who held
that the title of Steel . Semple had been fully
• vested In said Rosy by Shriff . 9 Sale, and in said
Craft, his vendee. '
Also, n second ejectment by said Payne awl s
wife, and Williams, at al., the co-heirs of said
Semple, brought in 1847, in the same Court and
with the name result, and a second affirmauce
by the Supreme Court, in which the Sheriff's
We , under which - plaintiffs claimed, was pro
nounced legally fraudulent and void.
Third. A third ejectment in ISIS, in the Cir.
cult Court U. 8., on the same title, transferred
ta'Jedeaiah H. Lathrop, (the present respond--
ent,) In whioh, after a toll trial before Judge
Grier, and iheetprebsion of his opinion adverse
the claim of the plaintiff, he suffered sunsuit.
Fourth. A fourth ejectment in 1860, in the
same Court now pending,.complainant prayed that
said fourth ejectment he stayed and the prose.
nation of it,. or of any other, perpetually enjoin-
ed, dm.
The defence Oct op woe, that there has been
but one verdict nod judgment tinder the Statute
of Panay'ratio.
'Too opinion of the Coon,-pronounced by W.
Justice tirier, held that the inquiry, should he
not whet seemly existed in Pennsylvania for the
complainant, or whether he had shown sat:dote
biar against the cloitn, (for if he hail, be need
not reach to nceurt of equity,) hot whether he
hen ahoWn messy 'entitling him to relief from
oitott of chancery; having fall poorer to whoin
inter equity.'
Ilse the compleinenteb eatiifact.iity est - ohlish ;
ed Lie titte . at Jaw. Ato iorsks aid of this
Court to sopp , ress and prevent farther litigation
of toe - eiimkquestiOn t: '
The Conritteetred this inquiry in'the affirms- ,
tiro. having inveotifmt”,l the . ll:story and grounds
tt,p im i ons ciecistorts, and determined Unit
the complainant is entitled to the relief prayed
Becrueli4 title u againBt the
Isl, .+n.1114•1 Itur.telf a. truneferrittg ails
tut Bet-mime at, court fully Concur iu the
ettrreettte.- f tbetlerimena al law on the title to
The Court .1.. therefore order, adjudge and Ile
'flat the ejectment n,iir pending on the law
rile,l th e , t'ottrtilie enjoined. and proceeding,
therein •to red, at respondenta omits. and that he
commencing any other eject
ment against mid complainant S , under any
tit I, vtoiteil a him at the Ilion of bringing said
.11111 2111,1
That said reiipntnient deliver into thi. Court
to Sr oancelleil all the ilerila under which he ha.
se' up any title
That he roleame to said Craft all the title to
witielt he pretends under the deeds demeriluel
within thirty dace, nr in default thereof, that
Acorn vpn,id, E..ptire, he appotnteti mater and
eittomieminner Cnort t,. make the maid
deed, wittel t is t o 1,, dory renortled, and all the
cue!, of the. auk, and of maid releatte,, and
cording, in he paid by re:Torok:it
',.unmel.for Complainant, A IV Loomis, Esq..
Cnon-el for inespnutiont. Thou.. Ritehie and
Ilintn, Eatirs
lid riott —All the tickets for the Voncert of
./..,it- Lind, whieb will take - place to-night at
Alasoto. , vivre ~,Id yesterday.
_Jo••ph Hort, of Shorp%burg. was on
Tne.olov tined nne bunolrr,l dollar. for keeping ot
tnipiing honor
.17 r7 . 7tt 70. I tie I:KN....SM.—We underntAnti
that no - 1110,11W WA+ made, in the beginning of
th, eek. to nor fire to the stlthle of Mr. ilreen.
I,lthr oft the E int Comtbou,
1,1!..PV1 —William Parker and .34;h0 Snyder
veers ...minified to prison yesterday, by Aliler,
oroln Ilarsliky, on a charge of Ihreen3, allegeol to
hove been eon/nutted in stealing a Poe pee hook,
sooruiroing , o k small amount of money. the prop.
er ,•1 Miles 11ard. on the 110 M of Mr Mc.
Alin.r, of Pereykrille
EWAPED l'nmcmcn ftro ommyrrim —A from
tot cool Ikvid Nlct•lelltm i Ttirttett. who eeenited
from the I 'ottnty pm:on...where he 1,11.1 confined
„ , ,h,,: re of l arconnylB4n. wa, re commit
te I on Ines any, by A Ideerman Itrfittoton. nn
,tolor charge
Werv.,—.l. A Bowman. the main wit
nr.. in the Dowes net. yea. brought here rn
eltody a hi, ball, from Cleveland. for the pur
po+e. of giving te,timeny Fie had been eon.,
111/11IPil io (11,, j/11/1i i•ti n c harge of p,,,,vin g eon.-
to I'6: money
‘3117,11,1.,. —The exnmination of the mru
..t,'..liege.will O ,OIIIOOCP 0.
ink axe! C.mtiuue three dap
Vi it a ISllk —A large quantity 01 flour. mr
here ah iht the lOhto nod Penn
4.11,11101 milroa.l. hieh wa. tmmedu,rely
hhr the kh,t 011 the Canal I,oot 111,,
F.tll Importation of Hardware, Cutlery, &c.
I.OUA,Z, • WILSON & (20.,
No. 129 Wood Street,
nau 11.. attn.,. or Morrharar sal ellnrir
thnr tax. ant., En
41. a whinh aro tkllet at ourlt
tar ..‘ 41.11
1e..!411=:.1"141e.1nt 1.111110
?I,lri nlrbratorll “ '!; .. ,
ttile had the IChetimutisth for .231
1. or, , Inrtln that hat , nattrnala nanh rrn , ra Ilan
pnrl .1 1., tool, that al, nnald ant •Inh ittarat la,
mn.l rontract•4l, Cl! ijMI
utt tn. r.,...1 II
•ntiroit lott. Id]rwpd dd•Ullf 41(Wr Mesh,
an a‘ -r .1..• as- it la, atal quo. , W4d all
11 .1 •.1.• art.ten., cal. at 41
Omar auk, IIL, ...t0.1,1
Piir" Mu, RltanilitA tat CART or Tor...
aihnion "tan tit Pantatcv —lVe 1n tr the narntion
1 ' " 1 .. nt 1111,1 . 1 . 11 3 1 Ihe en
tn lb. r.rtmr..
(.: ttm 11,1.4 tht. onT. The ru•m.Tu invu LT an,
prroora •R ',lira In relatain to the fart. ho,,
• t bras. n E11:11
I hail allatt.l yrs." •
v. ft rtir.nronof both
• o. ivntintint .frti, anti: niintenaluir.
h.- "illuminator! a ant 1 inriilnnl the vb. , *
na.tulitiar. or both -13.1.1 lbr ihinvati
ihi.k him. whap shorty itrotniii-i1 mt right I hod
nuernitiennierilirnvol.•nd Ito thirnruisa rrunitril. whirl
-oon return...l and 101 l roe In ea MA a etindanni
tha than. of the initiiiiinatt I nail. an ti•
nil rit turn. tor
ait • toy .ser wonl.l iirr.r vita' an. tan. I could
not tin y 11r tho oar,. a innino frands
I ....mtnrize...l air un. nt th. Prtnilintivivivith int•ruali,
unda flirt, ml
1.1 *nil I ha, no:or/aril toy ...lava.,
1 1 .toniirld h.. 111.1.114 err, naafi Wintry.. ht. lb.
in ',holm. unit I attribute. air tratynhon Alt nit
I reinil7st no lirf ntionatil arr., in an. rite'an.l
oar Ivy, in gar any infrirrantrin in rrlntitio 1" my
It 11.1.1A111.HA1.1. -
f ail. by it.yvir A .101M0..11. /in anal at ..101.. R.
..ii.fs, 'CY Wont rtr..t. 11 A. laltniniti.l. unman
114..1 and It. Curry, lh A Elle., Joon&
uklaax,wuJ 11 P. Sr . lowartz. ulun Li it, pi,
if•rhitanill. livanantavnai rt
gee - LEON AMU S. .1.,11". Jo a nand nlaCit for
brynrst n,. upr Cay Eli. tn., oun,ot tt.o tlool•ana
n.. La
Anil luma mad Whig CnnTratlnn online
ree - Pleige , announce through your paper
M . Arriigtve. a, a ...Wain, PIT !flay!, an tn. ,
tn. !In alual,on of IL. A nt,Sinn,pl, ann Whin 012 won.
LTY. — Mr. Editor. Pleam, an
•uorr Mal the fr1,p1,9( I:. C Ea will pr... hi,
n3+ farta for Nla.rwr.:lWlO.`: 1. , lb. III . ..". ol
Cony, ' 0 ". W ...
no:eting of Ow Beard of I)irecton,
41af.1.13 ftdintrinit rtltt,:uttort t•tuffrpt,.._
••reva.l That • ds••lentl .11 t•t I,tt thr r7trall
tnet. pa•l tturkh”laert nit th. lAth
..byet tn th. t.‘ Ista.millf fnr the I•tt tt•• ••t tb t ,
•• pfuetto.t t, the set ,f that 1.4t1 nt
.aaJAME, It. LII RR 41. Cauthit.r.
Prr•tutenn. 10.1.
DIRECTORS of ilii• Coiling Mining
Canftnny Mit - Am-an. bare 041+n. matt. •El
ttt nf fitly •nt• oat tar. shot, Itf r•mtal •toel nf
n.l letup-.n%; nu, 601 tftt Oil rm .ttlt ft,
v..natt.t..n4 eV., half the ,Tlttt fluxutto,
rum E erehan [a' and : 11 anutacturere' Bank
I .1 Ila• day .1 , 1ar,1 a .11,1 Thad M
ym,/,1 •ut the mat.* Mr lb.
amrsth.. •1.1.• M.marel
IV. W. OK-NNl.Carlil.
I I omo n0,t0,“ ot ltm Ail,lmOr
31zmu.,W. Plank 1:.....10.¢µmuy," ha he.t nu of Um Act regulating Turumlw. and 1 . 11.11 E
Womb, Mm 1,1 Noymuipm. al We
YUry. Scerytm, and Irv/our., 5., 75 Um. el,.
1 . /M.Moryl... 3I" York. P. fur ll. , purpmtvarmyrt . lo k .
• Inwl IV. BAK EWELL. M.emtarY.
AT tyricE.—T per,on aho took—it it,
/ , onsmen iu my •0 ,, . 1t.,, Fri•
murk.,l - Wm. ...yr., It. K. Pollen , : a
~1 r~
mtrn 000,,,L. no.
th.. Y....H.14:1:8. .
ETl . llll,lr 110.74 e. or Pirr-eht.mi °clot., 17.
N Kiiii•tion for thirteen Directors of this
Bank. tanere donne the euetans: be Lehi
at t haul:lug lion.. on slooday lb. I. day of Novell,
her next. betr,o the boar n 1.5/ A. 31. and 1.1•. dl.
TIIONIAb 31.110 WE. Coeeh . r.
. .
Illencuthrre A, alicithaertthr, Hasa,
l'ittaor c h. tictotivr lasl -
9:11E Annual Election for Thb-tern Direct
et. of Info batik. will 10, hold at the flanking flown
nihda r . o,l:th day of ninventher neat, bedle.on tbe
hour. nl n ,thir•li. A. 11. and creurlk b. 11.
W. Itith NV, Cashier.
ortoher li, 1101.
N ELECTION for "florteen Directors of
Rant Orr the enaction FP. all ne d
" j7l7g=l:tr.'thUhier
House of Refuge. -
011111 F, sullseritiers for the erection of an
1i... nf Indu c e for WoN:tern Pennsylvania,
th".nl,l t an aa
h y east, at.
byreby oon t l hat at,onoutt, t of twenty pot rent. on
a re q uired to pith! In
tho Trealiror, on br befor the 1,..dh day of Novenibor
nest. ti t order of :tie &ba r d o f liiroetoni.
lIANNA. Treas.
! 1 ARD Mil.. No. 1, (Winter,) for
A tale by J. wllol..thlf AKKR 1
11 W.ood atreet.
latOW ROOT-500 lb, A n t f or anic by
J. h inn L
L,IREAM TARTAR--• 2000 lb.. for mole by
""1 a K Wrod
g mUII . LIVER Of L—liusliton, Clark it Co.'s
Ll g(uutut. in Intik or by the dra m et nthaa,futrale by
J 1(11th fe
nunettrietn bate yuot ownedan tuabrtruent of
Pink, lithe, thane.. and firovn Saloo n
VEIN K'ff3. that teed at the uorbbaut mruer of
mural and blathet
- lentos, NOV 19.
Thr eiertions yemtertlay. m thedistriem who.
Mare had been no elnee. resulted in the elr
'j ou of f. tP toio and ; Coalitionist, The preve.
Irhig representative majority iv ?t,, with la r
1 1 01. TON, Nay. 12.
Robert Morrin, thr culored
for pa: 1, 61.141g in thn 81.1.drArli Tr.rur, w
thin morning acquilletl
The steamer Europa ',tied Co day tin 12
pool, with ltrl peteeenger4 and $17 , . IMO 4per!
Tlik: \ ItIAN I:EFUGEE:,
The Ilungartiin reliage,i'vlAite.l the Mayor
the rity !101l to•any, and Were ru,o4
welcomed, The Nlayorioliirrated them, nud
lterretrilti mad e n speech it. reply, truttering hi
thanks for the humpiiiilitles of thecity deli,
proporotionit ore on foot r ! , r the reception n
Knt.ont.h, who noty he elptlete.l nn Ti , oloy o.
Weiluesilit, next lie 1 iirpose, renviining tiery
about three noinri,
,•iilorril per.ons wero ,rented here
dmrgeol with.
committed iii 1 , 50. tl,, ftictii of
rover io
Pita! AT .11111. \ Loss oy
PHI,. Nor I
The eiten,ve emton (marry of Iles,.
0:1 111110/thot street, near Fairtroolor
tleatroted I.y tire about 7 o'clock this et,
The operati,re were attilemployeol the I tr
aehen the fire broke "Ili, and •VVI-1 , 0 Itre. •
lato, det , tly templet, Seven hudiem are sat,
have been already Ittkon from then ut,. ch.
.1111.1 u nrecaunizahle, I netJooq f ro .,
fourth sandow, and nate Lined by the
rtu latoory woe one of the most sulotan
in thr tart The ha, t eettmattal m s•li/,‘
'otton—The market is fir m
firrairtritit N. I
hales at !•ii for and hi [for mi.1.11:1,
piour_s,aka indul Mtla at i.d; a: (4, c.ana
stair 'and irrstern, and s:',.,ltd•ddlt.
Grain—Sales 60uo bushels 'llt . tu t ran loth
at S7e V bushel Sales /Bseb
Provisi,ns—The market 1. itti'ady still
:ti I
ai tads pork at :tit:. for }thine Not .intiett
thong in lard Beer ri in poor ileinand
:Nat I lin at Z.ll . 1 4 it ,
and dull
I' , .tfee 841,4 : 1 1 111 bag..Inru nt. I 14.,nnd
into Rio al Ala 1 , 11 , .
Tobseeu— SOP.. /1 , M.& Kentucky a 1 141,
Hemp—Sal,. IU bsles rtitt«.l pit Vl4)
t o ton
VES'I tdryli r liil
Cutton—The Rules to-4)ly wereV
full priers.
Flour—Sales 12,000 hltlu !
for common •tate to Western, Intl `..0. ' , I ft
• Sale.. 2.T.011
al hobo Snit, 30. , 00 1m.h.1 •
ed corn And verond .sunlit 10 mix
,•ou Menl—:+relt-a I St) nr.ll fran•ln w.u.•
;Al I , bl
1111 -Snie. •I 4.7(
nt f i r
I, "r , if •
p „ r i,
form, r3te. SAlel .100
Pour—The market i. tlepre...e
101 l rt.le at 2 rtn.l 110
I 5 per hbl.
'orn - us 2500 ba9hets new
16at at I .
Whin{cry-. linlen nt lA', Inc
User decline.
Cheese—The market is firm at
Salt—Satre I WM. hags Turk'. le
Tobnetto—Salon 100 ttnzes corn
rnattufarturtni nt I - r ,
Al Sc re It,, ennb
3(HP Imes fair to p
fee at aAhi,!tir 1-,!+
gotter—Halee lOU tirktns ream
ter at 1140hItte th
It boo heen raining bete'lhe
the day. The nrer Le otatioaary.
ALLRIVAL OP 0110 —Th e New lnrk
Times hays—
— The 5i steamer Mississippi It rrivod nt this
port this morning. from the tiihmitar,
haring on tinned the exiled ilungarinne miff their
• •We understand that Capt. Long and the
cern of the Minsienippi in general, disavow eu
' tarely the sentiments exprmised, no if an their he.
half, hr the artarlo., whose letter we published
come days since. (In the contrary all speak 111
the highest term, of Kossuth and his min,
pinions. There ix no truth in the PiNtrOlerllS
that lime been so widely circulated of tfilirrr.olo,
between the officers and the II tingorians
"the learn from those who have hail persofuil
tote:course with the Hungarians since their O r
rival here, that they express, in the ItiONT co;'
dial and earnest manner, their gratitude toe the
uniform kindness they have experienced on board
the lilissinnippi.
Th. N.,- l National Convention— Where •4al;
b. Held'— The Wevtern papers, we nee, are quite
earnestly discusning the question of the next Whig
Netionel Cenvention,-1/01 the political or party
questions involved; but the place where the dele
gates elm!! sit. , Our friends (hie nide of the Al
leghenies naturally prefer Baltimore. Philadel-,
phie,or tome other city in that region. The Whigs
of the North Went have 'ln-bend in favor of Cat
chianti, or Rome, other Western city, and the
not Louisville Cencier strikes out manfully for
that place an the mutt suitable point for bolding
the Convention. The Memphis Eagle thinks
that the Convention should be held somewhere
in Tenney... The editor, however, saps that if
Memphis it it not bit upon, Louisville, in Kentuc •
ykby all means,fehould the place. After the Mein
phis and Charleston Railroad is completed, at it
will be before Iteig, with branch. running to
Mobile, Peansacoll, Savanah, Charleston, Nor.
folk, Philadelphia, New lork, Louisville, Cincin
nati and Cleveland, the editor very reasonably
expecte °Tery fienvention to t o held there, and
'Memphis will become emphatically. as it hat xi
ready 'been called, ..The Convention City.' —.V
HEAVY LAW Surr.—A null is reported to•have
bean instituted in the U. 8. Circuit court, by the
Cfianteaus, heirs of M. Dubuque, to recover the
whole of the land lying along the Mississippi river
above and below Dubuque, for eighteen
and runniogback nine mike, in which boundary
is included the city, the whole mineral, region,
and a number of the heat improved farms in the
State. The heirs claim under a title in Dubuque,
prior to the pootblity orally title venting in I;on
JAVA Correa--we learn from the Ifiltom(N. C.)
Chronicle—has been successfully grown near
that town. It was prttilleed bye shrub only two
year:. old, which sprouted from n grain of ear.
fee planted on the north side of the house, awl
the fruit in described an looking in all respects
like the imported article.
f I REAM TARTAR—I 2 bids. war
j rafolnl rdr , foor aala 1,,
o,, ff If A. FAIING.uTIKIEI& GO.
t i ,.; ALAI) 01L-51.1 ba.kebt for sale by
1.1 11. A. F.AIINESTOCK A 0.
611 . 1.•VEI: SAND—IS bhtt. for salt/ by
ocao It A. FAUN LliTfteli A JO.
` , EN. RED—iO bbls. bright Eng., for sale
y by 'LI •F• ESTIAAir a co,
i..2ENN A —lO l lO lbs. prime Alexandria, for
saletr /I A. FLUME:S7OCE A Cu.
15E4A21.--50 bbls. for sale by •
PA al DEL P. [ollllt'Elt.
BEANS-20 11... fresh, for salts
* by IL A. VA lIN EnToCk A CO.
& TUBS:—
10 dos. Hooka's; s.lgn. Tutor. for sal.. by
004 JASINS DALZELI. on la star al.
I IIItIORICE IitOUT-- - .Nriii) I ho. extra tro,h,
JlLAawe by .I hIUU set,.
Rua. ato bare thle Jay maid a Jar,. lot of •ufn
.4 nOIZIO =bag Blaialletn. Tory rt. o.
A150..4-toblle boa. made FLANNELP. Ziortbaut tour
aver of Fourth and Martell.. aol
NI. Von , Nov 12
.1 ial -
\ I. I
rich rsle. of
hhlr nxtrn I'
1 Ac per i
and at Plc ri
on Kentucky
k.go •I Is
1)E G-1 I.Alt ITI"1:•1111:4:11.1N11,
it , r
r.....0ar 'rt....,
I)61.; r I:I% 1,1 ti
I,i i`gl 1.1.11 I I t..t
..... •nr ,
Fresh Teas.
5110 (q.
enter flirt cif
J. 11 • • I
Ladies!! Read This!!!
1,4 ry wrr.r.z. ha 11114 I . .ntsr.
11.4, let.r. had 11,-1
By Or. I. •1.11,r. 4: Ow ....en
roc.. hi1.)..•01 • en, ir• •
•F., ,31
rirtiE =ob.. r:1.1. 1.4 nivi "If , r,
Cras• .
I lro•el )1 1r.., ' (.114.z1,41.1,,
1 ,,.••••. I wt.....
11:•114,.r.. •
.14. • imp... wloch
••••1 lc •• l4.•xj
!../ Elf...lig-61, V •
Tor, illl. I.lnur.
Iw kw/ 1111 1.. nal
Id., ,„.„
I 1:Z: rA!ri4x~nll ' llr I ron:
r. I 1•10 f•t 1 ,, 110 1- 131ori‘iort .
;''• ':::;t1!!121...:"".
•j 1 I.iti ..../ .I,V• I
t•S4 Ca•l, if 4;, I S
Jr ; 31.34.. r
1.31 m Alns.old • 0 /1
•.' , 7 .1.,
M. 1 24 .1
, J
rI r, %HY:
. r .1.4 51 1 VI Ith.t•
English & Bennett.
1 17 1 , 1 , 0 Eti A L Ito C Ifs, Cominiprim
Prlnutlfnelureo-1,0.111,;474.71T 3, :d 4 P1:71 , 1 .‘ : 1.1w0,0
I 110/.1 0,0111011114/," 1d.... 00 130ru
00.1 0011
vDo . lllllot 011, P.
Isl. 1.10,1.40-ot !Burke,
/.,0, maser 1,104.0-oue- 1110 1,11.0..
160 k luusp. I pkg.. 1 mina Ilyron Tex.
.. nu.
tvr 61.
!ISt e Tob
il urrn, - l
O.rli, u dur.
ua. A ti./.
yr. .W.11.4 do illlO,
Al' rl, , dr, •00.1,10 c } , 11.1.1. 01
/1•11,0001411•Figgl, r
•• Pruu-ipu
.100 01,1111110,1,1.10.,
11111 • 1.1/1 nulrrutl/..
50 bal., 1'111.0......0uu ,0
• nut., Mudd.,
,1,41• Is n. Alma
awl /111-,
It, A saw,
I:ai. •• Cuftl
4run• 04
11,11/1,,1111`11...W1 Irk,
11 0 ',OA'',
r 0 °ll ~,,, vtd P, d • I ,gadll Yla.An, xr
Au Led. I.uut
r rt 1.110..111.01k.
I Notice.
A V Law E reeeeteil the Practiee of the Law,
not will dovoto tot o l.t au.. on.l ottuttUtan It.
n0,,,rtn,t1,10 1.1.10 n, onort, "‘''''tt k4 '.'." ": .q V o 7
lute nattntrettio Miro on fourth. olorwttretthiteld
N. 11A-111 ITON.
' 'ITItI)I)EAN lIA('KEI'S. , -
1 11(/1 , SES. F.kl-151S, &e ," • •TRANSPI/RIATI()N,
„,,,,,. 1..k31F.:, BLAKELY E.., ~ .••
.V.' . 11111 1,..011 rah/ ILekleh th"/ . . rA.un I- • l ' uh ' • '.g,,in.,k' TREMONT ROUSE.
ti,..7. IS, II A .. I For Sale. /
, d 'NY. HUNDRED A. in IRTy At' 1/Es OF
„....., 1.,,,, . r ..r r r 1..,... 4....,.,.... ...,..,.,, TN, ~,Il k..,,,,-11,11-1.... e• ^l.ll -,- 1 1 . . ~ i , • `LI ~1 I I 11.- 1 P.. , A•tx• ,, nie r
, 1 ~„, ,
..I.: ../ . ..
- IN 4., 110trES. 1I Ay-RR
N nd after Mov DA Y OCTOBFR nth, lout 16.
• •AL Are i• tr. art.w.o.•l in Ltis ,ILLA i I w ,,, w 1( 11 • - . , , ,
the eswhenl •h llhoin nal r 1 1 .01rin.1 C. - Tatman - 1
n''' • ' ' • ...- R.. • • . I.” . ...1 I•i• I L " 1 " , •- ii . r. P ,,,,P.•1 i • .. L i . ' rSL
"" :1 ' .711 \'' i 'a l ..1 P . 1r 1 . 1i V1. 4 - " '''''
' .i (t - ..liN,i,
.1 Li 1, •inl. ••• 1 r STIIM.A CON. USIPT/ N.
.'..,...,...t 11, . : ; : ` ,71 ". : '"''
' IT ' X effer ..L. , , 1,, th; eona unity hi
, . ,1 tr... IA o rh•.l ..a. I •••• 1" •t• - • 1 . • 1 -.1 Ai. th . ..•re*. La LL. IL r eil 1.1. • L.r. 1 Ili A lid , .r IEI IN Sal et , ,, I +., i ILI' WILli• ••••1116. 1 ~r . i ~,...,,,irvg.", ~,- i. I relnbrute.l eni..l, 1.. r .!........-*. .0.1, d ,
1 ...
) -
,1 „,„,,,,,, iic.,,, OIA 00.0 ,Lir •10 t 4 Lrt,o lirkL the 13,... on hel,'
0 il It 1
AllbetAil. hut fru. I i IL .6* l'whau It\ •tn (Le u)
m ••••................. i
• .„. „... • ~,,,.. t , ~.,,,,i i .„
, i ,,,,, „.. i Ohio all Yennsylvannt Railroad
...1,, i'll.ktiLt W. IN 2 1111, LI ti IIWII N. 1 , riALA. fti , u. wili. hth Arai judu fur 1h wetve•
• nt ‘
DEI .I 1. 1 i i •i
I I kN: ,,, A , N , I , ArEElt SIRN [IA y . ti,,, 6,1, ~,.,, , ~,,,,, r',..1,...1,,,•• ~,. .4" `.. c" ,, .`.
, ii .. y ...k,
n, „,,,,,,,„ . r , ~.... ~. ~,,,k , , ,,,
~ ~ ormr.,,,r r ur rif It. etnewe will in, haLl it lan
' Sale.
i, 'I N
~,,,r,..,; uni\i:.,,,1,1i.,,,1.:..1..0-,..!: u ie. L •tAn. A. AL 1 *L.Oll.Oli, 111 . 1 1PARIt 1 a 11l ~.-u ... , A,,,,,. • ..
nE , 'fa., 1., ~,,,, ~,,„, , , 8 ,, , ~•• . . ,+.• k..... , r0.,8, n
I , ,% 11111,,,E1
‘ • PUILLI. hit,. •Il u. .1 .. .
`Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. 1. ' : r "' , .;,,',', ~,,,, twetwiii r. - 1:! C .R1.....
.i 11'1
i i i 1 i li "
• s
I igio Mm .
....... .a.,....,-, ,A.v•r. 1., . 01.1110 n, Kt, I iit
... .. .., .
...MiSiLL.A.-,4".."-nel'..- ' I. rmL I 10tit .h • 'nei
filiti INi PITTS!: Eitidi ,Tu NEW PEW/11'4 oN • '' ' - t.. , 1. ' ‘i.- i' s 'l ,.. ' 50.,, ,
I. r... ,
SS MILES. , heir ....* I Let, ear Anewennit
- hi. te-r int, 1 r
• L. • until 1 i ,nit.
N 11l J M ter 3IUN DA Y A I - i ;I: s• - r
Ilk , ;...:,:`,„ 10% o.or, taus Lh. f.t. I.
, „_„,, ,
' 'SI. • l'n.Aiwu'l. ,, rt.. .01 run J... till, ie * 1. L. I LiAve LL, tene ir hiwlt i •
'• ' ''''' ''' "1 " 1./ ARII !. hIR 11111011110 N •
At 11,, .1 it ww ,t L hi i in ewe-. ie tl„ , „•,„;,..,,,,b,,,,,,
An , ler
1.., r „e. huhu,.
.... .i. /....,.. A.,.. .. ~,,„ „„ L,i i h. i .l l7hltVlloll .1 l'• •V. "r" 1 ' 4 4 .*II, 1 ti 7 ;;.1 . .t "' " r '-'''""h.."*.d'o
utri Li
MA r r i ItC. 3 1 1 T, hnl: Rill!. •
. ' " ".
, , .—„,. —„
1 Lildren tin,* hint sr 'ear* ehwur 1..1 i nkw, hi Que. L. R• Rte. tel. f. 1, -
i •
, *..„ „ 1
11wtir eer, Pitu.hurch and Ila,illl, in... 0, 0,0,
.. ~
„..., .
~ , r x .. ., I . ' .3 . "...,r 11, t,...'/I;lllfiita ii4l o , II
,1 10
. .
4 '0 (1. • S. 60 i• . o rPr lowl It, n , P 4.1- -40 , th r -
•• tieiAliiin. ' A
- het er •11. • her. 1 P'..„ •
' l ,, r''' . """‘"."
,n be
e,....,..., .. ,,,..e. 1'1", "‘,`..M:ii
• ~. ,- - •“., ....., .o, ~-,- ~ • . , ,0: ~. %1 r
- i ir firliti Inn. ..... 1. /A •el . .110.. 10 L.O, i .
• 1 liu 'inn • •rl• i. ~ i 1.. ' „, i e .:, ;,..,', ;,'„, ~ 1 1 1 • •
s w , } S.-1. M.. trekoh. • Urn: rOk lal 1•0 011P,I, MI., '
, i N
111 .7..,, Pao h., b bud hue/I-Ate, LL. an, A 1 ..- "Au. 11, Renew irtu,in.,...... h tw,
L.. R. 1i ,, . 001, dor . ,
kwe i .,.. ~,
, in L.,- ir 1' !h iiii.l New lirtali tun mud lw, tt,
~ el the nro.liein.. .
4.0 rhA rtuan .1* net fink Lin ntillilik Inn niuuriton I. • Hut, *ihii..„ ~,'„,
~.k . , , ~. I:1. tit., ~,, , gO.l I r e 1, return thin L '" ,' • it..., I Ls. i A 1.., R m.,
ol , ttun of 11, 1.0., wri.l sl , Itie e t
1 , i .
. L. i. „..„ ~ ,„ L
,„ L , , „ 1 , ~.,
„,,, , ~,
„.,,,, I instill/hue, well lw •I. the hilw.h en heLlAnkl At. ei. I, th ' ',,",!'"."'"Li•";•"•
, 1, , , i1i" , 11 • An • eh., t
".• I" 1 ii• •i • ' in. , . ~ , g‘P' . , ~.. ...Wm, 1 ,0.,05. till
0 , 0001,1, liunl, nit tiler, a, bere ..0 the niinte• ' l "..• '". 4 "‘• 1 ••• ' , A II tnt , ••, • u,
' •ii• .. ' 1 e.r• * 1 ........ I t... I ,kl-. , ,111.1 , E,ll Ihp ', 1 , 111 Ith Ilehlin. 1- th. Ilunwnwsliele. lint,. Ihur •NA3' 1 "•-• ''' .l ir l 4 " A lin•l• u hiAIL .
,•• 1. •LAn - ••14 Rl rli LL, ii R 1i...0.. iinitnl... e well AI.. huive the llonralushols I '''''.,.."! !"A '••• '!" n t.... 4 1 1, u*LO.lOO L
II h .Rll. h ELIA . flt.e i untie., lel, hr. ie, I the. len iinu nuns 11,l'are. tun! .", " e• •'" "-"`'" " l w" ri•• •'..'l Whll
cult \'' . ..k 1.I':• I Vi4....)=72‘.''.71::1'. it7t...o"l,'lLeile...t.chr l ' il i tr*l ' ;ett,irt' ' . , . i ni .l n" '", 'l
roin ii i ' '.." 1
", • hiiinte.
• -, ,
~.i r i .t. *l.l • 1..., hi CIA, ..R , r. i Als, . r,,,,,7, 1 !wi, ... AIL- nIA I , Lll I. • t..r.• It ill i t
i........,..t• L.., huLt l. "Lund., wr.l le . •UNI. *I 1, n. 1,, 1 heir. pleu•inre lii
\ ; I I. le, 1 , a r• , et, .i I , .... .I).‘ .00. eir. r•iii h. nveett•
1 Aut., u ill 1.. Ai. 1,001 Inen.l new Ittu.ltton wt 1 ' I I h 11.111.1 ~ ra
t, t...:-7, r
L ''' "L• tr , , 1ite . 1ie.,1.111%,
1l •• Ina wa,* one Lithe urßt ,
T, "''
I''''"". 1 , 1 .."11.1. 1
' Rilti 1 i s. ' tin, -,Anoi -ro.l tri•nd• thunirh w
t Li. twoi,
, , 5n,,,,. , ~,, ,%.•1, Roth if
, d , E'• To EV(' hI 4 *T. TW ENT% NI 11.1". Wi:sT 1r • "•'' ' 1.4 t " '"•'''' ''' '''' '''''''''''""
.111 IRS •
111 N ' .j I ' , ...1,1,... I 4. • 1,0 n... 1 .1•,,
' ''
" I ' ' • l '" l ' • t' r
11 '.
J 4
„X inS • c•••-4'"'"''7.- --:: •.....W' i....
WI. '
i h,.'l f• A 1.1..,A RII Al!,i iI. )1 I:N1 1 nr,l . ~ •
Th!).t . Ithliht•thr s <.., IL ,01:000 Inett3l.4 PR,'
P.-nr,yll•Apra R , lslrow( .m 4 Ails.. PurArt 1,,,•
, nine. Ivilltnel ~
, .
Two Dailyiaties Expcess Packet Boats, ,
4k \ ei.retep.% Foe e.e,v,xmiee;‘,.)
' ..
' ' " ''''
I 115ri e , ..- 1 : i .:• '•Ler"iii,,!'ti.t.:,\.:‘ lill,i;"l',.',,b,';".l,ll2..ou•St.t.hielttt!'t
••Ar 1' .n. , r1,11, *\ ~ 4).., mid • i ri G.
run, et:: n'eln• k,
n'!. . L . 7 ii.n..lLXl -1 ..t. "".
• 4 A , ti t ., \'• 71 J.
1,,, .1 0, ti, 0 L,/it„ I. en: i linurn "ii•O '
t i ' L7 ri4 L.. 'LE l ; ' i rl = l ;. ! ; ' oNALZ L r i i : i " ,: ' ,.gi;.,,,!!,,',„! k ,
eat, I rI•10 1., I IiiPIL, 011 V1r11 xi NI 1.1111,.1.?,01,1i4
l iniklUta:lttl rot li./,11.111.0a.
TO, IL. 1..., 440 Vann berlnu.l luiilrtu e . at liarTlintata
i,10,10, et.rl . ol. Lunt nil,. 'rift,. Ftil 11 hour. •
1. ia. tw 1• 1 , 0‘.1.1. hut. ill. h•tvw u•thilttionr.., th,..,
,1. ',l•Anewtir hu .1•\ ti,Arnil.,,u ..1..
, ... L s , w., re e tnitellnu*n ennitruhl.. Reinn,
r 'lel., ii ltsp lekehltn,, Inn, MI. 1 leo, 4/
J. P. LIOLMI:S. '. lgent,
• I, !AEI ' IIIV \CO ..
C•nol Iln.unt l'ert ethwe
' • ' 't,
18 c i
Public Sale.
~f,,%1 \:' .. ~N,:: A i 1 1 1,..4,1 . 1:,-.
~ 4; I 1 . ,. “ 1 .1. , 11-.1: 11 :..NI‘111:1,- ..,.1%...
'....'l : 7' ' ''' ' '•
1.....'1'1,.......”:••1"....•.'.11'....".•:••••' 1 4• ;..r ••
11•,1 ' ,. • . , .• ...,...t ....; ' i ' • ••• '' ' A 2 1 . • • • I '' '''
":1 : 1 ' . .. 4 'r•
'" I '• ':••; Tt• 1
4:7; • '171V.'1..1'7 t1 1" . • Ar ' • •• A ' 1.:• •' 1 '' !: ''.
I '' ‘11•1''. .‘' ..."' •
AV . 1 •
11A .;7 • ; 11.11...1/... '1•/1 /•1 ../ 1 ..."\1:.1.11.....- 1.4'1.1.1. • 1 ' ....A.....A1 1 '''''• ? "' AA.. 'AA
" 1 7,121. . ..;'..... '
1 ' ...!.
A1t..11, 1.r... A „ ~..., 1 . / 1
. AA 1 •11,4•4 1..... 4'l r
I ''"", !. ''''. ' '"'
r ''
''. l
VVl; ' - " „;, Is i. 1.1 :'',7!" rai ‘ ; '.11 1; ' n '.. : " 1,....:: ',...‘,!.;., r:,T, '.. ::„ ' :, ' ,. ' ,.; i -
Steam Communication bOtween New York ;;;:r.'..';':::,;. 2 .. • i.:.:.:.".,', ' " "'" ''''' ''''''''' ''''''''' „.,
• 1. r .' ."..."
. '.." ''';‘' :-"''';'.',; T , '.':' . 'i..:2;:.','';.',.,.. 1 I t "I'
and Glasgow,
rill! f; (;,1.,.. c .,,, :,..i N.,, 1'.., I__
'7,:, - . • '..
'T : '..;...,',:.:;,.',..s
i Shriver & McLean, aem
• . I ) 1•1:i)i , HrI 1 FoR
• - ,11.\ KNT.S t.I i• 1,4 /I It :tad l ' lto I • 1 1., 1••••1
McHenry'', Phtlailelpnm Laver-pool rAllf• •
of Packet..
11,•ne 19.11•tot,irhilk
Matchless Blacking and Inks.
• ‘l,.t r 1 II I.
e ,ZEIt Aul
• . 11. 1, 1.1.1 rort I.
1.111 7!„
t 11: ••• 11.1:.• 'ls,. 11. It, t‘l t`t.l.. in IL,. 1
..„ t„. s.. I„n. ii.....1, t : 1„:. .... ...I „.:
if Allt•Itli..11 11',
I .Inu ti Plilindeipilin ' •
". I rum F. MORN IN1; BOAT leavo.5;1111. IV/our
:..:','.“.',, t '`,:::7,p,;;;:,,
„:;;;.,;,;,',,: - .7; ;!•' l'" I.l:. ‘ s, ` l ''' l ' l , l '; l ': \ • '."' 1- ' l ' f k‘ ' t I .!..),',1,"`:';,,'";,,.""'!".:, it ,', ' ,. l'..r. , ""''Z'',77" • "
~.",.. :;:,,.,.,.',::;'„..,..!: .;?:7:", r ". , r,", ~7 : ''...,':•':;:- '''''.
':L ':
' '' ' ' ' ^' ... \ ': '.:l-. I : ': l '"4•:i ' '''''' '''l''. '''"...ii•dit.'/:`.!'"''' 4'''''''l'''"'"%.
'...- . :, : . ' ,. ..::1; • "''',..^,',,..,,, !...,-,--- 1 ,,, ::.;:,1". r..„': ''''''. !"." ' i 1,1:. ':„ '. :'714,!, I , 4.„ 4 .•I ij:T'..•••':"" ":" ''' ."` ." ''
.• •., ~.• ••• /4- , ‘.• P.m..... . m.. , . •••• ••. .1 .... •',' ~. ~.,,"... '. '. ...I'a\ ' .'"' '... ' '.... '''. ' ' : .... :akt t. .... i t',.:;!''"‘l. .t'',:ittf-17.7,M4',1:;
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.k.MF.S. A. MoK N li;111'. N. 1.62 F..tirth
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rirA BLitt:o V Eitti.--30 dozen Oil Clntli Ta-
Ylr. mw. stud Ilurrau l't ler.—‘llllerent:Yfrur.-1,
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, Prullut 1,1,1 1 PEW, asaorted Blaalteas,_l ae3o
?LAIL A. 111. ,, /
• have rsisw , oa hand 50 cartons rich w
Desirable , Droperty tor Sale.
t AI NI REI: ,•r% ‘nitiable
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Land and-Lola.
To Let., ~..
11114,;...-„:1 i..t..,,,. f: k4;I,F, 11,,1E1....z.:\
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lista. rii 'PRO 1 . 1 “..111, air". /whirr t fir ill, rvi Iry Anna; all
tr.tuittrvi hi, t , • I tit. r party try la. ti..... 1 at t lir. lantirt.
Vul. tal,tt anal trirvi•tutt .1 to: .Nati. ai Ith Ow
t, r rvt t hi' i Irv. ... . Pilch •
111 I. 11 .11,1,1 01.. aptilicattrvo
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.I ..n th,ar. 11•••1 I 111, 1:1111.1SK.
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I'rvratti.`rorvrvr 'ry Pa....,
Kentucky Mutual late Meantime Compituy.
~ .3 U.I ILA NTY FUND, $1141,001).
Tills et ol PA N 1 offers ro ti,. ine.u7ll
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r• imago' e., ult. lirr ilk, 46.11 triti, 111 11•11.1 that path,. ay
ad, tort, last mit liar., s r hrinrirtiin Ihr. the (alum 0,11.
rry r .il rtiirvit,r• tor Mir alt., tom iil lir, • alt ary ',nil.
hle int. i., in thry arvrviorvistal Int Ittn I V.... 1 11 . .1 lii irviell
urv i ralhr., ha, ahtry al 4: nth. lii .t• ~ it-rt tl,tr Mt.'s.,
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..1 t't ILK. Es„,-,-1 •nt tenet., to iufarn, ,nu that .121 , 1'
L., td i: t: r ull's 1. ellow Dock and 2 ereaparl% *bad, -
, \ urt••:•1 ..1 ~u. I. been the nteArd:. under the blinfOrtge'ra
. j, PITT:JIM IL C. IL, I'll IL A DELPIII.‘, PAT L.l- I ~„',.,„',',.,",',",..,''. " r"'"''''
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1" ei • head ~ en Ter, Ml,ll re. I hare tor Nisi, end. le,ell
a nnl I tn. er Lid,.
mannlrlan, :. \ WO" able OIeAIICALI Owl; 111 LIII. OOrto p.a.{
~,,. 1 ,1, ,i 1 ;Zit.T.."‘ . .1 1h ,,,,..,,r " ,n.1. 4 . . 1. : 4. ., ,,\ In 11.11.10. I , u •Aonl,l got...relief f n duthelrnhaurlntl"ne. ,
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„, rt. N or ., ~,.. j/,,,,,,,,. , 'n. eon nuoul . iA, ur, uutyll-nr in, torinerdruAre.t.4.
• i TIL PFAntd., .1,0 , 1, ' del roun.r. l ?,rvinnerd. II / Art ts now ...
1", 7 Wu., •troet, Neer tort, ' , A • . :.• - '..
..• a Iron. fulit, nntarnoAlp lei,n Are
26 HOODS TO CLEV D. • : ''' '''' 4 ''''"". ''' V ..0 '1 . • ......r.. " b ,
- / - .4 - 01_ -...-----. 185 i. -
1 : \ ,11INIAPI , IO.19 - , ,'
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4.l, , erer 1 deka mitt\ Itntlrootol I, tn.. do ' , Flrr,rlnn•L 1 Wen .r, - ... ity Llieved by il.• led nip their IttiAlrea... '• •
IPA SSENCEILS 4,, .., , rLy nuirni ; ., .t. 9 ,,,,,,..t... Ny , truJy. $ 'AN 1, 01.411: .
....I.Llt, ty ,ratul....\ n ll•urur. 1 hen, 1., err,.. An- 1 , e n iu:. nulnerLned in fiv,, tutther..rea;.7.•. , ' '•• ' ''‘,.
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rend... . - leann, ,•••• •.-
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i d l'eurt I, eul WA.I, at e nsde.entriuilen 1 01 , 11 , Litnt tr t, - 1.;'....- \ -
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, . Cle,rim,,l rrrr, oAollittli 111 o' A .., A . O, ~ I lAIo I , l.ndul. 'L 1 ~, ..', IA AAA •t/An- df.., , er - /eI I,:u ' nfnalii , .-
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' . t:I.A It Kr, a 1 - f 1111, 1 , P\rd•rh.t s • ' Alai.'aralnd u, N 'LI ales, I Jr. k , 1,,n
\ • . nnen. r. r.. , 1 Irin, ‘le':l•Arn Fork . an., te ~.11,, ,
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d, %tilled& 1.1 N. CP.4I .rltll lA/„.d.CrAvid.S. , , :
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(If, Inns ware. Plttattateand le, dally.ruti, \ ' \,,,,,,[%, L,utr ~1 .... I ‘,„, . ,--
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ter:tuner And ve.e.ho on thustenteu \ \,.
Z ., •, :, - toubt,t,- V, IL U. ", ft ' " •
la/icer 'I . `, ~. 441/L1 OIL HII.EWEIt, M't F. , '
tetnan, t, .
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•he,,, , r ad 1- Inuntiuri. ( the\ . 4 1•• \\ * JJ.J:t \\•+ nei ,
ITJ llia,,i ',,t,,,,,,t. re Li" 11 , 41.1,110111. 10 N,Il Mrs, .V. tle. :Lat.
L st•l 0i1 . % 1n h wua atf , Atleatud,..‘A... .br
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• ~lii, have 'edlrcted\ Mr neuf link , AVIAIA .4..r.1.;.A: I+.ll,
011tfq ..'
'''l j' A ' l P VF;O!::rAteet ' o\ \ljp f O-- .4A4 -,„ ;, ,•‘ \ ,
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dralre , rt.F.l . --;*. \ \ ''''''' 1 , ,,R, ~,,nifg./ . 1. 1 ' . J. {•
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ekatenta -1!.... 'rur'' ----- 7
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'.: i iplinism Anent ',-\ i , Roun, thAtAILDICATELVIIIPerai./, h , I)
:Afield fitt.
.. i . 4 ,' . : ---1 '.... , _ roar .1. the beAm,antut Lure A . :hl, t.....4 1 ..A
L 'l ‘, ..nnt irehtn - '4 l l. , - ,11,, 1 . 1 `• ttittbn LILLI,4
7 1011 V Phig . - ' 41.;) 4 \ bk We , JeWLI , 444 . 4 n. t: ... ,.. 04.4)N ...,,,,, .
IN FIFE ;:18, ..,,, O'r'''''VL47,.."ntniirt=',l,lZ l A .!-' l, l ''''
;\PEN t NEY 'ANIA n..... ,, ,1i.,!, , .4.,, , tr.,...... 5 .... 07 .,
~.. 4,, ,
..... • t_. Phi Wt La. by iL,, t ' •1 • • tat cbt.•bb to attairtbk•U•L kit tt; , •
b' i t PRIX • <AI -
toot ....I. 1,11.1 D salatacvn, ndlnakreithuha, Cp.
a and apts...., if .
,half.. ; 1 1' .
. 7. d ... . VR„.44•''.., .11... 01 1 , ...... 1 1 .,. ...t1er , 1{41 ,,, prn .. 1 .. ' ,
4 1
_\... \- ic, : i'atile br ' s \ A in • . 12 an Eft , itianatt lant.t4\ it
' 4 'yk - e04 , 4,4 1 4 - c0 ,...4 1 ,i \ . amid a, \ I•aolak aaiK r ..L, ~L.-. \,.
.writ- I , sil humor, .ti
otoottio rat rerittintot. am; Kiveß L.ahlOtirtion to MIA
.i 1 ,ho widit oviturge. hlood Rom tboiroporitiom
, ttotitt,,,tl Irom LA, frootiolO t i t oc,lti be appottiotioirmg
xto onto, lottlt‘ort.itart. •ti. , ni in moist tuocruito,
Or. uo, oir- 0m.••••,,t0r-roIlio•
*Z.ittfi.iirill which i• tnitott tioUdit(e
Ito moo. ttf iti.tto .a 4h
onO lb., ooy. thoiOitotnflil for thin ritim
tli to, ttoldt, Wi t h t o, , , , , tiov , ri , l-‘—,n, t , r tom tratt.titt
tt otonlol 'to vi
ttit 1 •ou
in lir, awl
, lio lAA AN tiwakm howori,
tit • . • ally otiM -Tan \
al.ra ono ,tI‘ALOI.. , •f nianw 14 wit
and namailOillta. orr•tiaila InuAlor \, To
in, O. awl i, fix,. DA to czww,n lintirio 10 4 VT.,'
{ .
. .
0 , ; y•+ ; t ;
' rkIIALI , , , , NEAt , TUE FoLLOW,INII:
J., .Nnrata„ 2g.
• At- , ra , rattenr—liA , tali, .oloarautra. .131 statoi IVlgt your
t\ k„
i Yellow
. 1.,e1f .n.l , rat\raspairallra air.. groat 'aft actron Iv
''l".3,77rottraert•lde ~ c ritlreitan interim...l no ad hlra
draught., rata, trnuhled nlih ditl , n ,, nutn-ttru.iin .0.1
ethor atm.... rectal..., ta f\er ...ra tlho h. 4 not b • hot'
Nuptial- tuenratrnal diooharstra for a kng time; It hy ho
w<..l 1.? tiy • rmll'o V., low i , , , ck .0 , ~k , ,00 0 . , ,, sh• . •
ralrelly,cur•al ,10. or. T. , ,1.11,1'. at. 61. b.• 111..., tho ollghtoot 1...t..M.: 11 , 1,1 Ope da, btu tn.
~ I g-TRZIT &CO.
lt,a..,,rnt,a. o raveg,rnunty o . 1,1• g, lOrattra.
, r notrarelt —fi re r 1 oureharodratt 'her, that. ay.
• )o , ttle ~ I ~.or 1, I<, Ihm-1 toad ~ ..rgot.rilit, ~,t Mr tr ,, r.
•hraol t Cho ha. tgraral for her ty.nsohtlut, Ityarelan and
wo.knoora, 5.111,' et t. 1!.. it'ergh, at... iratid tt , ptot glnerad." , '
here her very much. 01 th. Errras,lara It orntir
rarlortod • euro I nave .11151 numb/toed 0 Fete. t 0 tattle. •
Atel tutlan, front tn. rife, ad tit. 101..., ,0.1 tide.
that it attl ollrara,t a trauloit rut,.
Yeti,. tory tootrao.ttull,, .1
rn. , auldtug,..l , trie.l'• ,rurgalt.f leve .0
r CotOldralt , .
I . •ipiltttett et the Ile., Deanna.. orttnailead.COk,
etA Irarat , nntue, trang ake Licata, ,
Iran , tandt.:. oolotr 1., t , utrartratt'ra 1, 41°0 Dot*
t., ratter. nr:lla
. . ~ •
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).. .
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