EH►ltE 11 All' FIRS JINNI LiNI; 10 P/1111101011.--.TIC proprietors of the Panorama of Eden have invited Jenny Lind t•e Viol thts beantisul exhibition at the Athena , UM 1611 Chic evening, .4 have good yea non to evpect her suite still accompany her firm 4 men with ',mire their neat. eiirly. inehorre itrolohiiied ly he 1,.•-ent Cor I . IAJt GRIN, MA TVII. —The nn ornd inxich:r.f 113 r \ll•!rbroy l'r.onty Agrioullorki Aq!!!..cialltsio, took yr 4 lerd.S. in a Iii!!! !".!!!! vale Ilhove Sheyrpeltorgh Th.! torn 1111,0 ! 11,411 i i,. 11. rl ,41!(.‘1,11 . ci iwenit I=l Ire plivw bed, the vrry g..,0d or der At uhoul hull pout ten n'eleek, the ploughmen, having re awl alone pre l lininarr ite•truetions from 1.4.1 McCabe. the Pre.olent el the Mount of Il.lanagerii, repaired to the Wet! • Twenty one pertains entered their plougoil a nd leant:, and when lb, i•ignal un. tyvett. ronintencest Orr, Boni. The Prime, from the rlill 01 . 311 the ploughmen, anil the ittrereAt taken in their rue as. by - I lour frieirl,, a. wit 19 the farmers, from nut forte at the enmity, wa V,3 exciting, and it Miloll heeatne I:violent that. -loch was the elrel lens- of limo,t oil the voinpolilors; the task cof the judgeco weal.' be tin :cone:ore. The ploughmen' pr0em...1,1 Sivldily nu erilh their work, anti we heard several gentlemen who attended the State Pair at Ilarrit.burg, .y that they by far surpion4ej the ploughiug done there. At the a.tal dinner hour, the company, with the exceptuni of the ploughmen, retired to the Ca nal packet hoot Louisiana, the it, of which had been kithlly tendered to the agricultural society by %letters Hays and Black., of Pittsburgh, and in which Ntr fleagy bud serve.' Of nu excellent dinner 1 hr retorniog to the Geld after tlitmer,we found that ths ploughmen orsrly completed (heir labor.. tine of the plonglt. ue.n mhs h il plhngh which Ihid not been for co o. pviitioo • hot merely tor exhiltitioli It was frhm the mom., fsciory of Crtrry, Ind we heord ninny scien tific met. vest: in high fem.. 015 It' , merits. It certainly did its work well, and !tolling up the Roil ties•ly and effectually completely covered the no d tloc of the TOntigho had one kindle. and op. pearel very inconvenieut,notwithmouding which, Mr Jet., Gamin!, its own'er, contrived to make heutifur work with it. • The retnnining ploughs were from the mono factories of Nit,.les. Hall Speer, and tbibert J. 11511.' After the ploughing hod been comple ted, the ploughs were removed from the held. from which the epeetwtors retired The judges, Messrs. William :Morten of Manchester, John Boyd, of intlihnn; and John Niefselvy, of Wil kins, came on the ground to nttewl to their du tiee. They hod not been in the field at all,dur- ing the inne tint the ploughing was going on un.l of course were wholly ignorant {k, to wh. had ploughed a ['Articular piece of land. The crowd the . l2_reti . ted In the hulks of the Canal, nod Iteneral Wiliotta linrinier 4,f l'ittr- Iturgii, oaring been called on, u.Lirot.sed the thence in an able no.l iinpre,ore ,peerh. He vinspres.9ed hi• gratiticntion at holing that the farmer. toot: snob intereet in that, the thin( annual ploughing much of the All'eghenylonn• ty Agriunitural Society. a latt could not bat he pro.loctirepf tooth pleasure to all the frietel3 of agriculture totionot our inhabitannt Lit . ritner then made remarks un the im portant eutiject Agriculture, which proved that's 'Kip:mini:Mr, with it was not merely theoretical, hot practical, since tt ...gained in the rough school of experience. lie then pro ceeded with much frankness, eine.. he claimed to be tine. ; of themeclvett.--to have breved an appren ticeship tu the iilough, 10 Q,l,lltill the pointa with regard to which lair farmers required im provemmt, no well //11 those in which they were well worthy'of commendation One thing rich oil wtild - hear te•dimony, was, that th ngricoltorol etonnittnity was the most honest iu the whale world. The letup!, (jaw to which they were ,thjected, removed uo they were from the vanities et this life, might, as woo alleged, have something to do with this, hut still, he contended, that the very tilling of the doll, a custom almost tut old as time itself, bail a great deal lo do with it. Whether Wert engaged in other hail becomecorrupted, or not, it was very cc min that in this, most o!' them had preli'erve intact the character of honent men Oen.' L. then nllnde dintibAoislik men wh farmer, and quoted vo BCriptrueem, no well no in support of his pneii' t,n large number of bad been educnted ua paKongeo of the Holy urral lesser authorities; no. He then traced the sok: to. the earliest ages, terms, to the passage in beating of plough;harea are into pruning hooks. tat ancient city, on the Id in accordance with n llongh, which turned up tme midst of the tur :lt, in the lapse of time, chum did the Senators to eincionatus, who' woe Igh, to settle the battles after hr had done en,re. turned-In his beloved finds' history of the plough nod referred, in elegy into awordp, and of- r The wall,. of ROMP, yellow Tiber had beeu trench, described by a farrow around it. I moil sal Confusion, wh attended that city, on call, in an emergency? nummone , l from the pl of his country, and orb The speaker:then allu led to the irnprovemen . ts perceptible in ngrienit•ral, itaplemenie within tho few yew,: Al the lighta thrown pion the trobjeet by ago , of e perienee—elk the phi!! 414 micletnical:nei'ence.ll,olhern etheuoted upon themotiol they were no • uritil the mighty pow er of the intellect of msliti: created by bin bloke, perfect ntiovi; all other) living things, had bees exerted to improve theth—perfect The occupa tion of a former wee now pleases; compared with the lot of those wli l tilleit the soil when he, too, ehared their labo:vie. The deficiencies in . t their ploughs, their htlYrows, then barns, their iferif ideas, were now re y evident. Within the past ten o r fifteen years, the whole face . of the county had , ren changed=Railrovide had crovsrsl . it—linesf telegraph had flashed across it with almost thp rapidity of the !villainy they Conveyed, bearing inetantaneously from one cad of this broad c ntinent to the other, the newt of . what was t i nspiring Thousands of miles away. The in ch of the human mind Was onwards and spore is, not confined strictly, to the nirchonirs alone,- ,ut applicable and applied equally to the West of 11 human occupations, .the tilling of the soil, h which the first of man kind earivultheir bread in accordance with the committal of their Cr tnr, ""by the sweat of their brow." • - In thin agC of improvement, moo could disba liens nothing. ito many wondrous discoveries had been made, and carried into practice of late, that it almost repaired a granter stretch. of the • human, imagination to presume any broad as sertion to itn false, than true. At the rate Man kind was goittg on, they would noon lance only to command the elements to do their work. First let his auditors dream of the manner in which their fathers thiaahed their grain.. and then look on a modern thrashing machine! NowailayS they 'could see the grain put in at one end, awl, corning out, nicely separated from the straw, ohd Winnowed at the other. The next improvement of which they would hear, was that it would he ground anal bolted on the -geld no whieleit was reaped. • 1-• Let them- not he dimppointml if they noon reechoing fenm,hill to valley, that the 'floirr,grottritl on the fields where the- grain grew, 'inatnedintely after it was reaped, was baked, batten:id, and devoured with a ravenous appe tite by their children, he would not nay their grandchildren. ; • It struck the eloquent speaker, nevertheless, that with all oursirantagei, the farmers of the ;'present day did not secure. to themselves, that :tiOnotint of comfort to which they were justly en and which they could easily obtain. Ile wan sorry to say, yet he mentioned it for the good Of all, and with atrial sense of lie impor tance An truth, that the fanners of ronnoyiva were a little too slovenly an regarded their agrieultora; as well as many of their opinions. They reminded him of the pung nian who went t.(he inlll. when asked why he put bin bushel of end of his sack, and balanced it with's tinge stone in the other, he said Una his father lidd dime eo, anO he vroold do no too.. • L e t. them keep pipe thO ••• improvements,: and progreqa of the ago, and look not elan their own inter?-ts, hat to the wants of their neighbor Fortunately, in thin favored illvtrint of the Union, teittirty was not prevalent, bill .till they should, nt all Pniev, when it wax pes• virile coercive the holy practice of charity Cain Larimer, afterit hritif iintodoti to the Worlirti Fair. ilt.clareil it, it the eitirett , of tile ;ien) I wont> rittini.i Iryl LtiatzLl to the Skil, got.f tho Arriiiniturni ieiy7.r the exertion , they had to tiromi.te tool encourage the good can, in which they al,' iingitee I Tiniy hail done I lit, and le-cruel tilt:thank , of all I n, t !Mt he ol.hg• totitho whirl, h., ittonlolthorritent .11 ty .1, II•Ii 14, ‘ til I • 'II lIM=I Jude . • rmurnr 1, when !be follcwlrm h. of premium. wn. awarded Fir. premium.. it NI:h•mll.1 .ilver my, I Il,obr J Hoyle.lintm Town. 11:01 4: Speer", lit tent Iro4 'elare 11,Eigla Plough preiniam. John Nloi 'mum 11.11,& Speer, •Fhlr.l prruouto. lobo Niecoliimtel., l Nall & Speer, do Fourth ptetuiuto..l liarrord Itutit Fifth f.rmninm • Totor 1111 piirrit iron co•raredranebi plough \lr. Doyle. Will took the first premium, le it yang man only eirlitecii year. of lige Ile hail: the first premium, n stmta time ago. at the 'midi, an town ship ploughing match %lies the pre nll.ll. hait!been which were not, such m ere the difficulties of Jets-lout het weer the re. reepoviive competitor,. until a late hour the aftelmion, those who were present+ .Ileperseil. highly please.' with . the manner in whirl: thec had -pint the del, Idlelt Ncus ,There was no I .... n 1 news 01 the slightest aupertum he picked up at the mimes el the various Aldermen in this city, yrs- FIRST ATTACK ON MATAMORAS The New Oriente+ l'irnothe give. the •+.lllheneti hlrtieuint, of the er•: attnek open Mntataerit, 01 which we have tatfore had a brief 1011:rapt,' at.rount It will be'rententhere.l that we had a rtsport three or (our dart , ago of a •teerttl anti utrtre nueetootinl attael: upon the same place. winch repre,entell the tnourrertterverts as hay ing thrtuvelve- of a part of the town, wad el havinß burnt theeat.tont-hote.e, 1 wa or three day.- must elapse betere the brunt.. or throw. events can reach te• From the S. ,I,lle. he “ne ..e t EMCEE BY the arri yeti itps morning of the schooner Major . finrhottr i Cilia Arne% feint the Kitt Grande, we hare =portant Intelligence• from the theatre of war takthe Mexican frontier up Friday • • We have DO papers by tin , ftrriv,until the in formatton whirl , we have received 1- •iiinewhat irichoherent, though intereating It appears that the revolutionary longs under Carvajal limit attacked Matamoros, and after a desperate fight sne:estiled in entering Merit). but having learn e I that v mmoll American .termer plying on the Ilio lirande, was coming up with the Meilenti troop?, a body of the rr volntloil,.. eini.isting of ntiont two hundred Tecans, ails ilettiehed ft an the main force and proeeediol to attack her with the intention of capturing the %lexical, and ettiving too pieces I.: artillery whirl. nen on Wart The e mmander of the steamer has gig oldain ed information el tins m o r o ine ii , i.niedi a ti , ,y pot aliout, and proceeding to the Truro. placed the creole sod two piece. of artillery on latol the 4exiean war steamer Nvputa, There then , remained 4 when Capt. ffnet left the Bra; . it ..n t ought that thc:troops were anxious to i on the evolntionists . The diversion of the 1 . 1,61:0 from Carvajal caused n suspension of the attack upon Mani MOMS. Ma the revolutionary l e ad e r te ,, I) l s . xpecting trinfortements from the direction o - latunrgo, mild. when rejoined the two loin uttack was to lie reoutued with vigor. There min he little doubt Mot Nl.inuno roe fell into Ilitohnorits of Corvord on Friday or t.t itnrilsy . Frt. tt•rh.ll rer.rtes FP ie..rn that nutny of Vutted on the t11 , 1 , ..r 11110 113V1I d. rvrd.l and jotne.ll'etrsuil.l %1r br.nt ILur tl.lirulc li. 11.eto. I...eri ret.r.c...l here ft.r more ra h. the hryt vflack upon Matvm• t 0... r. that the revolutionary (err, 01113. three men it. killed, but the mortality on the aide of the Mexicans was udirh greater ibe have no par ticulars as to the number 01 troops un ler lien Aral., lint his men' are mot to have feught rit tie great bravery Wheal:apt. Arnet left the Ilraros the Neptuno was ready coaled, and it was supposed would make for a ports 1:.0 miles sonth. The commander of the Mexicans asked permission to march through the rotted States territory, in order In reach Mammon, but thin was ra t timed. Thuappearanee of the Texans probably prevented him (rem going up on the Mexican side :Insane v, the re,trai Rati,u.l Fri.lay night, %Ist - attire°, nays the savannah tieorgian, some peroan sir rather demon, ploeed a bar , , of iron morn, the' roil, near the I to mile nation, by which the f-right train coming down ma. the coal was thrown off the track. two or three of the ears completely smashed and the locomo tive much injured. The road we_s torn up • abort distance. The accident caused the delay of both passenger trains on Saturday—hut wr learn from a gentleman who came down yester day, that the r is fully repaired. and free from all obstruction, Nu pernon was serious ly injured by the accident . Vtunint• Coslorcrvirmst —The new Constitu tion of Virginia idupts the principle of univers al suffrage in all elections, Limited, however, white male eititens who ant twenty ono year. of aye, and who have resided two yen', in the State and one year in the country in which they vote Persons in the. Mira or military series Of the United States are not to he deemed rendents in the State by reittion of being stationed therein . Nn person will have the meta to Tale who la Of unsound mind, or a pauper. or a non Cnintnissioi - ed officer, soldier, seaman. or marine in the err rice of the tinned States, or who Inn been con victed of bribeey in an electionj or-of any in famous offence. : In all elections votes Bra re quired .to be given openly Ilea ewe, and not by ballot, except that dumb pelnoin+ entii.l to Intl. frage may rote by ballot. . . Under the new Constitution, the Governor Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General are be cleated bythe people. These officers for the ensuing tettn, as well me members of the Senate and Hoes,. of Itepreseeticee, are to be chosen on the Sth day of December next The seats of all members of the General Asamobly already elected 'milt be from that date vocated by the effect of Sto new Constitution • Judge Min, of Alabama, who.° baud troy ampotatml in c AVM/tient° of a wound received by etrikitigChaneeller Clarke in tbe.muutli, ban aim bad to oulatiit to amputation of thu arm in order Locate him Sures MINK. PI:WOK/INK!. IN !ramie en. —The ,I Maysville, i Mo.) Poet Boy says: We understand from reliable a thority that, nn extennlre and productivistnin Of silver ore ban been ilinenvered on the lands of tr. Wm born, in Bracken coun ty. ( Mo.) It id now being worked with great careers under ;be supervision of Mr Norton, who shares the ,roceedo with Mr. H. Advices from the Sandwich Islands to the '22.1 August, mention the fact of renewed eruptions in the great volcano of Nlituualon. A letter from Milo, under date of August 1:!th, aayn— ..The great crater on Manualon. that WWI generally thought to be quite, extinct, •in nowlin action.—Fora few days a heavy dire', having the appearance, of smoke, has been observed to hover over the 01151131 it of the mountains. Last night the mountain stood out in hold relief, un obstructed by Clouds or inlet, and presented. a sublime and awfully grand appearance, belching forth flames and cinders that again fell in show• ern at a distance. The heavy, bank of smoke that lowered over its top preheated the appear ascent themountain itself, poised upon its apex. It in possible that another eruption may take place like that of 1848, and liquid lava be seen [lowing doted its siden." In his account of the doings of the American Exploring Expedition, Captain Winans hoe fur nished aroma interesting and graphic description of this very renforkntile volcano. 1.1 LAN K ETS—A. A. Mnsi. Co. nr,now . ,) nlnninu 'Jai oar* ..,W Man kr Y. PLAID RI A. , Mmius r, Co. .111 Te 110 , 1• "11 apt rAtirms* r . .tJ.• r 1,4 More New Goode. AMES A. MeKNI(IIIT, I,eJ the lards suction !le ca . ..n. d ed....a, '‘ d r t,; 1 ~,..„1,,,, hls Itrowl.• Long 141 marls. very Clint,; pl a i n ehaalrc Bay Mate', coanufacdon., s. Vrench Almon. and Cash:Der p an . ry ey Plaid Dress ellks. very des/raids. elnakums, A , A,. ' awl yUST !if:C . l) at JAS. A. M.KNIGIIT'S, Wa fall amortUdeut of Infanta' and Youths' art,. Wool (Alt., lino& and Cads. Also, n new .p.l full stock of Hosiery. t7lorrn. ki...acall'rannnot, in ea., variety of style and Drfea' N. o.—Country Idaradt.ta .40° 1 " , dt7 Id. rates. ca, BY TEI l'ilE SYRACUSE IiESCUE C.IBF: =IEEE United Suter Itoitriiit Court opened it ..lino to •Ixr, .Io•li;e Conkiin on the 6t n(11 The Syracinie •Love rescue c•.oon woo taken up alai the 'wanton, I , \TM. AFFRAI DvrnolT NOT. I I The iitimmer Souther net. jort from the t . ZIIIII. and Sinekinor. reports that while at Slarkitme. a fla.,llZl, On hoard the steamer Glebe, which atm lying 11l port, •titlitoal the ',mold engineer th,.1;,..1. e in the groin. Lally wounding him rh, pit—miger then sprang upon Sir Itottinson, the first engineer, and swabbed Linn to the heart, killing Lim The eau, of the fatal art WKS Vial/P.lllll colty between the engineer And the pitio.enger. IN KEI. AT I'ISVEI.ANP.- , Nov I I , . . I • Kinkel. tient,vt patriot, arrived in tin ereninvt. frcan Cincinnati Ile will ni rt., our tattren,tnrinn the present week THE GIU: N Your. Nov I I • Injthe I S Irk.friet 'von 111,11i1,0. ouse of the M E Church South M E Church North, \vas decided hy Judge Inver the South. , 111.INli i)r I'HE 1111111 Nraii Inu 6, Nor II The stesniship ithio sailed toolsy f Nii,y Piny, with passengers for Vold...thin M Ss WiII'SETTS ELECTIoN =MEM The retorts front the whole rltato are nearly complete, and give the follevrinE . resnits ott the vote for Governor —Wittilirop, rwhi g , ltontwell, ttlem l'alfrey I N. rt `c; The whit: gain over the vote of. last year 7,f012 the tletoocratic gain 7,O:ct, tile free !toilers 1t.".7 The coalition elect, pro ably, It. Senators. the whigv II tie choiceEsse. county, t which five Representatives t t it. Berl, shire I, Itristol Norfolk - inaLing w total of I'2 r tar whits have Representonsys the eal ttitionm, I I.:, arol I I no clues =MEM The river 0 1.1.. +We tht• rlty 1.1 •1.. w In with 7 fret on the ptlelp , 4l I , 4rv. 1 . 31 r t, The Nlwvoitiri river very• tving feet al the nit 0:1iS The upper falltog .01, the war wtth ! feet nu the lower rrpnJ. llte II ltnnt, .race, with (feet a dom.& The P1eetw.....1 dcpirted ISr Loott.,:rt• N 1:W I . OF:k - 71 AIZINFI r you, ti% 14 Comm S in .111 311101110 for n'll.l , litnv. 1 - le4r;-, no.l • itinrket elr.lllC flour- 7 4 ,1, I:: $.l. 10.6yf ,tate will " I I'_l 4 klor G rneser I • tirain , SAir , '2'...1. km. Moberm ‘‘. h.., , Lt ~. 1., :13. 1. 0 1...... int ~I Corn J., .., io , . In, S'll.: ,\,I ~.. 1.114 Rye at 71 -;$ 1... r'' 11 )43,10- S&P , .1 , 11 1.1 k,.. ~, 1.1 ~, ~, ~,.:'''' mAt:ht:r fl,kl', :t II N I ' ll .1 hurt. but nu . •lt . n:uft.l • : 11.1. ht.!. :oil It , it 1.2 - r , !,I, ut . • liropme- Nuitunt. Wheeling ilutte p lt. notri,:t IF brut Ai • , 11.1 I. rut,. I ni n,rriver tin. !fillet, 111 , r, ~..1 nii•t • $1 lihEr I : •0 I f .014. SI iirSlll-- `• with. ": •: * 7. 14 )1.. al 11..111 7 , 4 . 17..1.t/ 1 . 1.11 ..zottot at '4l , 101, 111 p, I n m 0b16,.1 1.. 11.. 6 w tra , le 3.1 a few co,,t order , novertlt.« o.mNtjrll 1 A Lt. I:I 1 , 1 I I. . . 04. - nrm.ll .LI PI, Leg -Prone .hotti I. I It. OA: 'St 12 ,, I I • r Fi..ur 1,P,;, •., f i t , : 00 ton ',ll •I• 1. • •• t.,11 It let.. bre!‘ rsitkiug bore morninc Lee - My 'rite lin.l the 1:11.toti gt 6.111 1.. r 11 I Li:l I. ,it . - 1 ars pa up: •....04,1•11 .1 r.ll, tl,l tr“..l II Citizen); illittrallet) Combluzi f Pittsburgh Nt'tri:CAl:P. MAU., I r ill' it • 41 CC • 144,44 444444, 4• •1444 - .1.441 .44 44, • 1144.14 44, 441 44444 1.4444,.r0 4.444 , •44 r 44•4414144144414 41.4'44 4 ,44 4 . 4 . " 4 ' 4, 4' 4 ." 1 4 4.4 - 4 , 44.44 4' II H 0..., Wei 14444,4144,. 444 4.44:4444444 Jr., 4m., 1,4. 114,4 jims 4.1•444 -, 1 414,444, .4444444 11%.w..44414. nu 1 1}6,1.00. • >I k 4, .4444,44 NOTICES, & MA YOIOLTY tor I.l.lPrs 11i1JS .1.111,. 1..1 cao•lsdat, I r rktr - thrl.lZii pll' pap 'l' JA Arrn F 4% a nn.141.1. n,t ‘iay.a nti Mat.r.nie Wtatal , o.• tkarM V•sit I.TV. Mr. Editor Plefow nu 0.0?) , • lt,st Ito of It l• SA. VEI4 will for norniu•tinn 1.. r tl. irr. •ulurrl 1, 111.. Nl.lel'+,n+•ntl•m MILITM W.ll. ll,or or 114,, non, ,4.... 4,14.• I I r I fl Pre4ident and Dirvvi,, rrt this Rank • wr, .L 1 .14e1.4,41 ot 4 ye , eent the ent......1 .1.4.4 - for the I.A n01trt10...t.41.1e , t0 "'"" I"" L 4.4 et lern•.ir eon. Nor 4. In, kT a it...t411,4! the Itosaro, 241 . 4 V./174V " 4..1 ' 7 '" ; " : 174 - 14...1 to trot etcr.khol.leto. on or alter the I 40. 044.1 to 414.14t414. .4 44 two mill. (or the lam eta moult, I, it. 3,1 a 11, mtb • .IANI Ito II 141 i Hit DIRECTORS of tho 0111ing Cmogia, MinlturAti. tiny. thin din, zilo,in iif fat, liniutit on ...ill nliar...f the nod Cmp.,. cot, loaf payNid. (.1‘ In twine, N di. eanin nnxt, mitt 4•, •iftliin SNRI/V T VRIF:XI). N0V.11.1. CIY. rir I E Alerehante' and lanufinttsintre' Rank entxtorels let , nor al, tirelsr-d n nepnn.l of I profit , . for Itw too. t if 11. DENY.? V,l2yohlor WEATERN INNITRANCE City ',Ky. I . rltuLnru L, fP•Poly, Intl. I N Elnetion fee Thirteen Directors tAhis Inouraner Company, P. ...ore. ..I wane the etymon, , loy a l Al,)h at the Intro. of the Cowpony. on Tuer yoy. Mr 110.10 i, of Novo:a:Per twat. 1...1 wren tin- Lou F 11. CORDON, Sm., N()TICE TO STOOK HOLDERS.- • l'lle an ~,.0 innet(nK or 11... $ tarr. klmbh.r. v.( elle .. A lirithrii 1 I anti Alnholirninr Plant itovi Frimpinny... .111 I.til, Q. Pio - rumor. of Ito Art rrpu Wing luraPikr itnd PIP i ff'w npnirinstinn i ) .o,3l(lmin'. the .41 a.) of horninlinr, t tin iihrr iif Ow finrrntal - p-afill Trennornr. Pl. ifi liriiii( It Ihttnhuruli i et a orlprii i 'V. M.. fnr Ow purpionn of rhinain , Alien.• I nrifil W. BAK iiitt FAA, hinnrnhin • OTICE.—TIio person who took—it I riwinnwil lo inintakai—frohi pip iron. il ..... on Fri i nP.) i nvniiiiiit i -Win n Pont. rant 11. L. tinliorn,' , I riniurninit tri rottirn it. nn Pa renal...An arn nal onipin old,' h Urn own,. itnniii I L I I.E. tilf I.L.Fillit i 47 %nod nti ' OTICE is hereby given that an nsßessmem , .4 yin, that. prr .ear. hin Ann/ irnint oh MAT . Pilntrink of ilin - Iron City Wiping Comptnr of Wiriiiirii h psi niiln mit. the other nf thn Cowpony In ttin City of Pi t limp's. Monday, Itnnentbrr Int. l'itil. Ity oriler of tin. Mimi of Dirnrinrr - n 01.7 t W. ',wag°, Trnainwnr. 1 Etr.volt Il&sit or Plrmerman. October 17: I Va. A lr•,•tinn r t h te . e . n 1 , / , Lret , z) . r: 1 11 ,. 1 , 11 , " :?n; 7:2 1 :7:114 'l4'l 1.111"4.N"'"' ==== • . Mn. ARO 3111NITAMT&T . 11 MAX. OrtnlAT IN, 1 1 / 4 M. FINIE Annual Election for Tbirtetto Direct ttil. 'lank, *lll 1.. twirl st th. Banking Um! , Al , ,urlay.thr lith Any a November Ag.‘l., between rt hAlin,..l A. M. and V cielork P W. 11. DENNY, Hom PmFnumit, Ortolow 1., Ml ' ~N ELECTION for Thirteen Directors , wt. Bank for Ihn onsutritt Par. will lo Woo log Ilnu. no Monday. llooioronuoosth day ot Novo (0 , 1!..1t.1) JUIltl S11101:µ. Caolder. House of Refoge enliceriliers fur the erection' of IF)nwof 'Woo , ' Sr Weetern Penneylraola. beteby notified that an seeeement of tereothper ceot. the =noon< pub...raw! by earh.le teeptired be pdg the Treanor, before the' 16th day of-No ead next Or enterof the Lloyd of Direetey. 0c7.0.11 JOSHUA HANNA. Tres, EU.I2( iI'EA N PACKETS. BOSTON. IH( /USES, FA R 3 Is, &r. 1 Ara i \ IF- , t;LAKI:I,), r„,..., ,„ , .., TREMONT ROUSE. T.:: Lct. , 1, , ,T,FN. NIA-, F i l l 111 - : . tton4iVe Coil. SIINE9 t)I thp M,,rv. pi, ~ ,..,.. ,4. ,, , u- , , r., r iIIIIS w.• ilk ti owtal.ll.ld7t..nt ....nil . -rt• , •t, 1 Ni1t,,,t,..,,,, ,111,..1,11 k1,..m., ~ ullir pt I i . 1.11,,•it . 1 tIl i 2, • litl . .....„:,...,,...:...„:;;,.!:..':" • .::::' .. !':‘.;:z... "`-' .' I 1- ) cii.‘l:i.E, STILWELL. haring had ... .., ..,.... Ste Comm am Comune-anon between New York :::::''' ''' ': n ''''• : ""''' ''l.' ''" ~ 1 ,, '":::.';'•''`;';'''''::::''''''''' and Glangow. r llGlt ft. t.J . a . -..t....a ., ..,.. I N , , , •A: ‘ . 5 . .. , I , . . 4 , .. ~ ,I. Sr., ..i1..1 . 1 . 1111.,1“ 11'1111 .....1... . :il L e. t i hi at chless Blncktng and,lnkn. ~..: blelleury'g Plutadelphtu A Liv,rl,o“l lane of Packets. Sailing Irmo 1 9 / 1 13,;t t 11.• sllas To Dealers in Liquors, &c. .1 I'OM'IT Fro•ireli IL.IiG. r . ::1L 1 la i I t I • • 4 •••• " 4 ' ' • " New York ludin Robber Warehouse, r1 , 111..,1 I th,. IJIE.NIII \O, Ilk 1 tN1,,•.11,1, h.~r,~.~]n ir,G I'M 1 IN 11, • " Par e I 1. , .11 %%I . -.1 I 1 I: I.: A 11.0 AEAPAIJE llTts 1,0 • 41 , ..1-• f• .„ „„_,..... r". F rreh r if )0 111.. clll,l I , I. ri Ladies!: Read This'!! 1.1 s‘,ll I N Tilt. I '11,11,0.01141P I ',;~`~ ‘I • .-r I. cm mon. Avg r. , f• rumke. 14. • I•jy ,„ 55 5 „ 1 111 F: -15151,515, 15: 3n.1 1.•1 r ~n nuitt ..e ulrwo. " I $..• Crsr•ln. • ••••111 Dv," ...I Ma.•l4 1:11illaR. 1,41- r. tu.. e 1... , II hog. rnl4 414 rtatl 11,1 n , • ',ln tand Nom. - t t 1,412. 1.1+.1.111.,1 C. 1.1. i Al-L No I A , 11, 0 , I tam Palm A Ailll l .lo j 1 it II M.. 1 ., , n •tr• Orvoni • I.rn j•lerrli. I 7, 1......\A,1•. 1.1. m, {l'I,I1.• I•rn. .1 ;• 1 , 11.1.1 AM, t...rtheart .140 , 1 111.4 .n.l 1,111, ot• • • EiSgLish '& Bennett. orin, r,. :ma!, . ... ... Al a I,ulll , to 1,1 Fl, • . I s Fen 1,/k1 awl , burr I,uml vl,ll r , ....” e lie IF 1110, 11., 1.. at 11,,. i 4,1•41 01,4 r kl•l,iltlF. , - • AI bp natin . l .1 Toittv,,, I~+le. WV( a 11. 101111, 4 " r kg* . 11 111 t T" , Yen 0 0.14 - • -111 . k, /1011• x 11 " rOO. •11,11..vving'olo i.O hh.l. V.l :woo. 100 o•ul. At.. 10 r010.1.‘11. :200 Id.. N.ll kiln nix, 1 m 11 11.11 r 11 1 1 por1,0 •• • 1122 keg; Noelr. Ilavntot 1011, W... 11/0 •• li•E000.4 /0.000 HuStraw, • 141 1..1, Altuttutli, totttltntltt.r. 4. IPnluutn t nttti 1.43 Alum. sod illittotttl ft /111 V. inix•R 114.4 1.411..V . 14.11114111l . 1.1•ON rla - r 3 Pip ettutlitit I.t,ttorict.. /tie idiot .1 ruitt tp•r• - ••• Him 'Vit. 1414, n. x 1 tit,. Nit I Critittail Palm' Ilittund itorm. Pio Ott,' pt. tot.' .It. VlnAte, rattittrootia. Sulotr. • sti host.. Whitt. V, Chalk, 4. La, Wlittaittruallitucar,Cott.4, thtttluit. Inn ;Ulnsn 14iantt lilt WO Cttttiti. u."l I.httiritttl . I Wilkinsburg Academy. Ad , and Agnate Enyt..h and . 11 10(01.111, ALLVIII.II I,VIVIT, =all=M pins INSTITUTION will lie open for tha roooptinn eil pupil+ (Intik owl ninon.) on Fn.-trout. The rounio cif inotrnotion onnitio.o , oil tiv linoirites taii.lit in lb. t Ainoirrnion e.llliOM -6...• Illuntnneur . 11 1 in all admitting of them Th. P.oliool 4 priori:lin' With ur.r4mtir. tool et" AAlninnut-JI AP PArialvoi. For eimilar, ooninining Intl partionloro ond irtiloronoo. oi!itreox o Aniturt my Law Notice. [IAA: regained the Practice of the Law, and will d,ron , mr whole timeand In it. I'a tn.nhip whu h' fortm.rly 4t..1 A. 11. kn. and anywi4 was rod. time rime, by mutual ronelut. I liavo tnk.n JOIIIN 11. lIAMI7ON. 114.4.. into vartnrrahip. Olfire on Fourth, abovakmilhewid 11, II rruN 'Oct 1861:-4Detbsavr2.8 PHILAIIII,I'IIIA Shriver & McLeau 1 1 11\ \I ENT." , I rI E H j: n 1.,, tir F,llll, ri ~l,ll. it r Alv, Sntul Insanity. a 11( I I ,„ \ 1% /(11/%k A RD p , l .loll•4l..lphiet nI.I 111 :.\ Ili 1:1 . 11s .A CI I rs. NENV 1 U ►N!~ ~. ,A",' ,k,I. :.1, Shawls' Cloaks' Mantilla To' the PubLc • - I 41 ,, Al - . 0 fl %.4. I• Sapruor Black Writing and Copying ink ji , Ml'lllE INK. -7 Prui.-gsor Alt.% C ithrry's Tricopherous. I: MEW. 1' , 011.,,1 NI. t., re. t• - • , ..1 ttt t• 11 °r Iti tl.•, I ".""TIO Mr* • wtt r%. 1,. • Mo.. • mu- About... tto.i• out r oot too m ma, bout moo- not. h .0111r1..1 tro 1 Irma I mar told to Immul Ir trc tur Trio.ploo to. I :mut tn. rrionmt ..... ust. I.tor uu. •ILKII.. s• st...sztark 11.. a.dltentwtr ..I lb. .. • tisrs Ire r1111os•la.- 4.. orlui. It rt. the alt hlef I et. Nat. Arc., t, 1 1 ,.. I Aral ^ rallt that It. t.tetteti 1.1 e; ; It, 11.; at Profeuttr bars N V •;t tlttlteatett It tt . el/ tltt , • ; •lettee of ..tuttsteisoly. Ito alto•t•rett tutr.f %It It.. Intel it Is ...I In prefertt.4. nth. ,rte the kin ituteart• • t.a. Ito. ...eel n. It dettrit t •to .lashlrolf - nual thot.iev ttte htte neel ...., I I ft. .I.enette aUm wait, •• ../ ilt;ltalle e 1 lm t . f N I e lte a n t .th. at. t•nulh I . t . l 4iltetarteat.; .lt attl t InlN4tFllLlelllll tO .M a I lt th t lortitf 01.4.11, 0, , I, altth. ll, Vn.hat.ta. tto2a 1 ANI) THOMAS HALE. pi CI IN1311:4:+lcIN MEReil f, ('ION TI N iti4 l'oeilitiek to reeeire / • all )1,1,1.1.'1,11,w fL , - .1.- illium• Al !G..— klaskill, I ENEIIAL MERCIIANT I_lll Al , ll - is,, a W. 11., 1.,011.1A. I .11,1t1t.:4 1/, I oinitsigq..n I t, ST. LOUIS A: ST. JOSEPH ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. Mi Ool;P:ToN, I:ILEY S WOKE, t:nuantl.nttt, wt.) totra nttlant tinrchnut, • n the nh Jonnith. - 51n 11,, In Aln tam), tinnt ..... anal Lorna, I)nt•lttatt h ) A 1 . 11 , 1 , I v + , Imm~+Ymrr Ainnuttuntuststtnint prnothtly nntntt.n..l ltt.l it 11011.% 11. RANKIN, Att o rney hnd ontin er tn.ttrte 1 Lnn atni Omttni•-tnner Int the I , lnltt n t.nnt, hnuts. ot l'ittnikuruh ) Itehtntsrt..—•nittltur t tln lint, a Vorttront llnnnntnn A Shin, NlVantlnntn a Meehan., It 111)..114 A aunt", Time Bills ON CINCINNATI, I•AI\1 1..1C1A IPETIcuIT AND CLEVELAND, WO norrhaard st larnrahlw yarn k.1)11.11INS A CO. C AN It I..FAV I CI( = ttbo halra Baffin. i'ansiboOck; for Palo by be, A. COLIIIiiabON A CO fill ABLE COVERS - 30 dozen Oil Cloth Ta lA. Maud. awl Morn. Covers—Oltferra .5' 115 Ihl' queenly ^r null el Ile Market at. 11)11' PEPI'IIItIIIINT-100 lbs. pure fur sub. by (urIR) IL It dtmlatllli. 4 . - oiftT SThRCU- 300 lbs., a choice atti -4-1 `l" ' 6."" • 'l4".4" i":t r a f t:iv d` .: " l::::l. c:111:, 1 yur1 anel L artit t Craldla rater, porridge t C . P" P'o Duuud pultagerorlth follAttrrotloori for aro. Yor br 0 ,25 j.ltlDllll 0!). 1:0 New Desirable Property tar Sale, NI NI ry a111:11,1.• 11 % Pequea Farni at Public Sale. (I N W El. N E51..1 . N., 12:1i, will "!" 't• • ..t: I - -fl.- I-. i i , .111 • 11.1-. 1 )1 , 11:A111.E ,Al,l Private Residence for Sale. \ rill F. iii,. . 1. 7- ,:kr.• rl l lll. • 1 rtt Immt ,1,1 14.1 Private Itt-siderice far Sale TI I F WLICUI 411, nt • ~ 1 15,." -- , ;;', ',"::: „::: • '.:.;', La at ..... ." I I - trl4.--.' • 14,t, t F. tt r eid ,, . ~~ ~,,;i~~..a ~w .... rrt 'I 1;t1 t , 0011SSI“N A I it,. mud tr , lot •••.1,1.1•,11, ,1.. iii.. 1.1 r• tl,•, •I.s, r ....I lt 4 I": L.t ..r . I in . I 111. •.. I ..... V Lv A ,1 / ...I 1. .AI A. T. e .AlA•iN._ I,itt 1 4 1 1.1 i. ht. N, . I Sr, I 11.1r.1 Awl Ind n ILI . mf, st , It ••,I , lsir thni `'" ' I " l It .110 If L. urllt .Ir., ....I For Bale or Perpetual Lease, 1•01tT 1 '1'11}61; 111;11.1)1Ni: !MTS litid .4n .41 In lb. origlnal 1 , 0..1 lowle ni tromling .r 7 14111 .Ij. 4.4 .'n AID t• 1.11 ti. Ilill. ratohthste letet Ith:•• lute, pneta, lot ). , f term, otattotre of Mr Motet, 11ttr.1...,1t, Nr the hi the hilto. No lel Ith Ittltetturttla It I tt II III:AIII II ii.Kise A Good Barga i n is now .offered, 11. AI'I'LICATIoN BE MAI)E titioN, Vrtnn to 11,nr ACM,. in 011nUe.tle I , r4.zev 11,, Intol---on ttn. tnn ntd, • I •tt nn , Itn tkn,rt, to• .1 , 4 nto Int.. nint nt ntn•l prnnt dt•lnn• d I'"'-1n..4.111 ntotdr ItAlltit • Itin JY.r. 14 n.n.nnt •t Crated States Patent Office, t OtT,lttit ~/ N petition of M. Sorel, of Pilria. 4„) tranfe. pr.inti tin lb+ ..... 0 pat.. yr.. I.i lou t tb t Itannitrit mat 0.1 ol ntioni. tro t tam ..1 tour rn no or otalaUon ror arr.. ot, ..... tn. rt. ratan, ot rt 1.4 taart plan. oo tn. arvirillt ula, tat I It Itonly.. prin. , .l. I'. 0.01 at lb. I, wil t , ranar. II ant tilt, burr. al, and tints...nob! not In la. , hirrour airta ratenalon atai r , .lttlnd to 111..1 Mr rati-tit into, tlior iitittirtninti, ...bratty nitlb Ita an. na. at kir tarot y du, r toe ant •il lo•anul all liatnnont nail lit part) to tin tired the brarinti, 110,4 he I het. and tratattultird itortirtlant , 11.1 1.10. itl onirr, ball **ll 10 11 3/11,t1,1 1 101ahhittItthat. I atm, thal tint 1.00 too nutilltliol the Na• tout. I ulellinrunr, tanublit, and otoott.rf atlinnit ..... It V. Conti, .10! Eth,tior,. Yen Pr tut. lt,tl, I . tt 11464141 M “ant, Purl attn.,ll In , Dolly ALI. rrtirnr. M. tarlossrila Conon. mai aria Cohan, ot:lna' and l'ithfttlf,ll thltettr, 1.1 ,1 11 1,1t1t. /Il.llll,lrauta, iiner 1•1 for Itirre tuireo,lo, tiro - lona the ri alb ilnt o f Inatruilitir neat 11 lint. KWIIANK, 00tumiontitter of Patent. Kentucky Mutual Life Insurance Company. dOUARANTI: FUND, $lOO,OOO. /pills 12051PANY olTerA to the inithred all tbr intrunty anal inlyantaatatt ins .1.1 and Joint Fltolc Plat. 1. boratufora nouiel y. Lou rater of presuittra; 04111 . 11 111 1,01 Itt the r routago required tor Itlr routinarut rtak Oar tr - , an siteauat.o, but not ....Oro laion tor •ibe future ai Ott III) et noimliert fur tbr *bola tom of Ina., with an rip.... tilo.tnterrat In tha arrutrotballtot Inuit oteurtiil to ph nvirobera. pay ablr at ilia., 1,j....di1a upon tltrir ta.ltrata t !mut dr-iatuat nor the pottuanont on.intt of rbort trrnt nit mat• itir iinatint arrow t of duo, lid lA. whole. 4irtii ot llet . htm le the auly 111.14,11/Imh. I nounan, (Am Deny arla,em rate... premium a, lia.•l a: a nut tattund.otand. nt. vol. arnahmultior mu manually surramang N¢uu. baton of !maim (kw fulu, marunty) tn ram, anqamtlon ta taTann im a ng W. antmount of anti the aaamberm laanuema awl the Innraulun nmk Inun l'atophlr., glywg In detail thc rates the Company, rurniAb. • insturwaro rre.elTeal ly J Agria. 121. ntrrel. Vit.burKtt Sammt. 0110/./11. N.tumn•r Ira:I, la./ SUNDILIES— Intrr Strnin..llVl.sle :11,1;t1n. 11.1