H I "i'- ,0 .;110.if GAZEITE.I V." 111. 1 ,11 , 1 . 1 . 1.1 1% 1111 Y. a CO. • I•; 1 i...i. PITTSBURGH. , W 4, 1 1111 ,1, , ON, SO ,1 . I gll. 1 WEI)Nr.SI).II MORNING, NOV. li. 1,h51, —I- It re reported that Home additional evidence has been lately receive'! from California, rela- ' P'tri' .l: - .191 A . " I rli Trgg Win' BE F'il . A .l ' ti, to the GAnitner Claim, and tending to show r , \ Pli'M P'l , •;P rd.' THIS I' I l'l''ll 114 i nvalidity Upon iiiquiry, I find that, the , ,mawmaiworwmileanwiwiiiwil. ' Torpor reqt+ opo. a report, that a petaoli mid .beau Liao --T)lis ilistinetirdoid :mil nviet ,_, g i „ 5,, F ca nci,ii, and claiming to have been i a partner of lir. Gardiner, lots written a letter' in which he sap+ that hr had a claim to a large tonoorit moctl better foillideil thno dhat of Or ' it. whirl , the board am oot think proper in !Il ion, and therefore he otri•O• 14, the award I. I== ;urrrl✓ ;It ,li' e‘eni,T. Ii .! prices which wil! hear 1.013 Rere tirturd prorliegt. ~11 her pre regard by, ikr ... 4 .Attatz..ll in tht, re.ppct, ‘4,11 , • I,t, priantc character and it,eltt4ll Itenetm talc., is 3itflVl, criticiarn St. •Ltablln without a rival to t a vacalbtt, by a n t apnatnnetat, and mt. bought and uuprejtlice.l deciainn nt I:arope and .Anterica.. It w-ro 4 wn-te nt word, to Ray, foie, Her programme for to morrow everting lo an inviting one. We have heard mnat opera Anarne of late, tha , may hail the air, "tin , l eibthly pens," froth the lirsitorio of the Crew rue, M..0T011 by Jenny 1,41.1, nu t, unqualified Among the 0011110.- well7llre the llltisey song, the twin. song, and 'Home, sweet liome: all of which horn univerealle rervired with the most tin ts. ikrtgant doliglfr wherever the far,fimeil Swede Ivie appeared before nit audience. The •Eidiii S mg' is comp triean the moot m a rvel+ lo.r+ wonder of the human noire, 'VI I it iilwars produces thrilling sensations Th— wa+leit gin • en no her previd . us visit t his city We had the plerisure of hearing It in Sew York, and olrall never forgot it, 0:,111 subduing melody, a nd' it+ magical elect upon the feeling, We are neap bee gives only one rot, Vrl. n. 'or foal many will 11wpm:rated fr.en heirriti,r her; w wt ib totlo no, for want of room Maram.—Autouitint the great, wen of Europe, whit tetportan tle republican I,W, n.. 111. 1 .1 1 .1 0 .1• Lirglier tlegeon of itiontiilenee than makes but little h oi•e, hst movins fsrnrsr.l wilt, his !highly arraneentiipt..P. Oily tentatieally, itithattlEan, it 1t...14i 311,:1.ty .411111.111tItwA to million. of doll., Ile i•tic ciiir re , primieoco with all the reptililiran leitilere of the c i ontinehl; and it is to him, more Win t l t iithrr titan In: Europe, that the deep lint 1 , 0ri111,011, 11'011 tlf:iife pint p..:11 . Ills, 1., an rant, a In sion)iter enlittnn vtai hitt. pitrts .1 I ...ielantation fon ntrl..l} (Thtil.i -ctro ot his you YQ:l3;en. and .nto Vrenr.bawn •In I .;.,,a311. , I. pawl, ;tut e el .).0111, of :h.. ~.111 n.,1 their 34+111it EXTRAORDINARY DOCUMENT boll otoi tlotermine.l erg- heen t Le, py raol Itt hn •rholite4l hetelA of the elll-1 Itetetlo.-- party 0; (tile.—ini , tzing n prneintnation whirl opoh warning of another general Ithrolo tion in Itlorope Thi+ proclamation earl , op", 4lnlinnx u• it , . prertrotl for n .intoltanhon• in attrftetiott. oil the. rrinelplh , .on ,f ritthethog'Oin the tirto - .1g.,. of th to.ttott;el.l tlotottntort o ill tlootttle— g..... 1 ..tool of ottontion. not 'soil too, t .o it is of n witorii wholly ontirece tented, hilt t.i• iextt, known char,otor tel pro,' plot * of lie in,n from whom it C opy of the "\lanifesln n inor,,rr 11. It to i t! tho 'lnosrnsgts, pnblisho.l in the • i•• , ..r -"; Popolo, — of futon, of (let. 13th lietranslate it f, t . p n , s;;;;; os *hioh otorre to show tho spirit. of • the whole. It in doted London, Se; t. :tOth, mud nitnttl by Gweeppe. Mantni A. Sniff. no 1 M .4-j:',..,, , ..., -. 'trim...Warms. l'The ., .practical Bea," of 'the Italians teaches them that the vi al condi:l:tone thhimeeess of their enterprise i unity of'furr'ce and cOinmand - Lori :us. us truta to a is, and we shall not he deceiV. • ,ed .' T:.c ,i.i11e,.i.,n t., the Committee s Program me from too first. has teen sn•mtaneon , quick nod extensive. in all the - province, of Italy. The active roirtion of all the national elements is with or. The act. of the Committee hare been sent remit, the only part of Italy where printing is -free, by the rjon.le.dine press. by thousand, into the other provinces. and found an echo of fraternal WPlktlllle. from the extremity of . horn hardy to Sicily. - ' 4 The Natiottal loan. the symbol of unity, has been favorably met in every part of Italy. . Through the lot u- Prunes e‘ertel by the events of I r 149. an d by t h e strength of the national element, represented by the question of •Liberty of Coll,ielle, • which MilAt he established in Rome. and hy the for. cigu enemy' whom, Italy is called to oppose. the NotirMaleornmittee has obtained great Colltidence with oar brethren of foreign countrie, '-A society called the "Friends of Libtrty has been founded in England, to .collect enntri• bUtiona for one cause,.and to promote our tri umph by the press, pohlfemeeting+. portion-ion tarynntion. and all otherWonscientiou. means It is increasing daily, and promises important results. ^ -4, There Wu, wanting to the free notion of the elements which comtarie with the Committee to dig the grave of empire, the infinenee of a titan who embodies in himself the aspirntion, of a free people c Ens-uth ilt now nt liberty . and open ly nor brother. ! . • - tilimag in our rights; and in growing concur renctof all whoatiffer'oprearion in Italy, and In a de=ign embraced by the nation. who have with un common suffering, hupe, and a firm resole tion to fight, tee are proceeding rapidly on to -starlit anational insurrection, of which the move menta of 181$ gave a solemn promise.- We do pat speak - of years, but probably of months It it time to say it, and resolutely to wait for the event, and to Maderstand each other, concerning ' elm modes of instructing opinions, and the ways which only will guide to a certain and speedy trimnph. ~ v . c ' 7 "Monarchy and aristocracy liner no life in history; as, .national elements. Italy. therefore is essentially republican." Italy will Thie anti conquer. In the people of Italy, alone it the power of victory: and to the penile only it belongs to enjoy lin ft-Mts. Let , therefore a people's banner he the signallof hat- . ..,..,tle, and a government of the people he the pledge ',of victl.ry. Tine Republic in our duty, right, ' ' , Want, cool, and only means of safety. The rev - tlotion'in Italy then mutt be Repub lean.— -, -,From the-find tionicades of the insurre lion the ~ P 'ory of i'Virr to 11.-publuci will say-to th enemy, ''.lion hare hefore you' no princes unde. hied, di. .sided,' unskillful and foitbles,; but th Italinn people in ihcir powerful unity." , —#. And that cry .-.(let. no one deceive hitntelf i will lie the cry .of the whale country:: 4 ' ''The insUrrection will lie republican. . . •It will bosocial.' 4 qt. Rill he religions.' Italy will have, not intolerance, but liberty of eonsciencek not a Pope,hat a Church—anation•er believers. not dnivfeetation of lawn tisurped nt the will of a rew„ . ,itr of one, hot entrusted by the people to tho.Wishst and . most virtu..., aunt bypncriny of • faith; but faith,: ' ' . • , - llthe.to are the first lines aft the future: and it -- important- that: all who* appear with ns -she. them. comment upon them to the r-4c.7 . . ..rAr ~,,,;i:0, it a command of insurrection: mans it we recognisf only, as our yudges, tied, tie ~.onscience. and the eoontry, which will or • will not respiind to our call. • •Whoever shall seize on insurrWelinnary fine . ought to wavyt foe all, in the name of 11, and recognise , as flint Ikuntlitries of his duties and rights only ilielhoundariet' of Dal?. • Whenever shall hernisell a banner of federal ism, or of-way prince or state, which shall tend to localize or dismember the insurrection into many lamps; the insurrection must fail. An in surtectionar¢. government, one for the whole country, inintransume the direction of the move mild WlrMherit LS to consist of- fifty. ten. or five Men, it .:nn important question, which de serves free, {rank. and fraternal examination ',• * - 11. Rot itjmust be one." . • [V, deCtllhellt then, goes on mellow, nt length that their deSign is nOi to introduce .diSorgani • sea terror, prescriptioh, or systematic suspicion ' Or entire clit;scs; not anarchy, subversion of social Conshterations, nor the proptigatinn of foreign, ciclusire, imperfect, and tyrannical avitcmin * . * No hope In 'foreign govern . ' mentg. no secret cabinet diplomacy, enchain im posed upon-active war by anterior treaties.'] I •• War, constituency; unity, and concentration I of powers in an insurrectionary, government, in the ittermeiliete state,—tbese are, more. than ever, theprogramine of the National Committee and contain tie !curate( 'victory." • _ [The plocinmaion.conclades with one of Mat . ~ zini'a, eloquent appeals.) • - When Gen. Titift.larri'ml.l't Pensacola the oliteritiy.a fewltif the b'hoys of the place . . sew fit to, give him a , clutrioari for the benefit:or the peer t it he Place. The .6eneral promptl,j, .:' handed over the amount demandekslo9,.Which ~. num was immediately _distributed to the weedy, . . . yHOH WASHINGTON. Cormrpozplener th. 111.[Ahurial 11 llardiner must trace tareu obtained npon °mwn. factored rtidette. Evrry other •atialle..ea.inl claimant err the board probably preferred In, own ergin to any in which he was not int,- estod • and ry dissatisfied that it was lint fairly acted .1 Mr !lemon hag one to Nlismuri lit will propose himself to the Hard.: of St. Louis as a candidate for Congress at the next election, and there is n good chairs 0i his success. If he gets into the House he will make it desperate etlort for the speskership. -Truly, the ail war rior has an indomitable will, and if he perish in harness, as there is the greatest probahility • that lie will. his t cry 1.11, ought to he wrapped in a hulls hide and carried at the head of the host in every campaign against the Stilts and or, if sutTereil to repose after death, , he bar never done no life, his epitaph should i, • , ' S. t rt,oirn el Hortronrunr 1, after the style of that which the stern old Edward let of England requested forilit, self Itenton's colleague, Atchison, said of in. more expressively than elegantly,„:• the -- I old Rip' he's got enough in lino to make r lire Roman tyrants.— Traie whigs will lied sonietilieg in of the New I irk elretion, to Alie nate their iihogrin :at the failure to secure victor) which wits within their Nothing tint the treitebery of menupoti whom !lie \% hig party Ina rouble , ' tta IligheNt rtlrowsge in. rlven the hennoernlA any fatly IN= t t., the e‘ttite wl4 e:th., for the whole of tiny gene atneliekrt Which could have been put in .4.111 . 01,11.01. liy nett thoitiotail majority IVtoi tin leruuur.l awl finally ilestroyeil this over Ong ;liaatrilp • It was not etVerais,U4 assaalts ..1 estern gl to.. Thr mtluences null many of he ihilrilinent, were iilentheil with the,. shteit d..tteil the iltift.it cif flier The Mon hi, with ittliou their lips, have aeattereil loot •hinders upon the people of the north. and itirreil up v4,li, lino upon •I.nrrrvun,ltf ibe notiohin, of the part . l which nar o eel 'mil fostered than The moot pestilent io krIINIArr themselves, they phi weapons Into the ocri. oilier , . w lurk theyihred not tree Tim-, hore the Whig Convention hod pet the trio•t rim to 01 nil vealii upon elarery ilmeu;sion rind mitention. by preserving Ti perfect and most mienee upon eveiting h. ,are men. enning thermark, W Engl. 'rho hn•l for Itu•J.n t Iwo year: ,nlpll.lroily prnrbum •tte nni s ioroy ..f WhLr party. and indeed of pnrt,e4. zn the en t.,,nge.l the Inrututton "Union Safety - [irk. v.hteh they knew cotti.l only sintiee the Whigs I 3 'el !run 11141 some of Ow-, ..rg.n4 raw hal !,ern LelnLma ftatl: vharge, ME= pre,/tote.l the drlyd of the lfings. on Peon -ylranoy nod red ,ieed over it when it wn, -- who had n fremlom of tboucht, thouch goanie.l hr Itpn, n crime .n 1111.4 pAtrtuti•qu awl mornlit —who 1120 given 1.111111,, t ake.tMe eneonrogerueot to every riotoliou of the compronore. not proccetting from [hilt north -itrctetcleti, on the eve of the election. to .le -1.1.,re, the - . Onion riatelt - ortmotiontion, tzol to trive whigs to vote for whip. But even if this eleventh hour repentance hail been it ...Id only have evinced a stupidity equal to the menti ' ness of their previous course . If tho whip of Pentivylvanie. t thi , sod New York, mnpof theoelty, bad been disunioniste, ag- Ireton and incendiaries up to that elm.. they were so still, and the movement of the Castle i;arden petritite was necersaiy and in perfect ac ' corjance With their sacred character of saviors lor the Union. The men who had been so long maligning their countrymen awl disorganising I their party could not unmake what they had heed two years in making The chief more, in these overt nets of teen ' chery were person , ' whose only politics are &Il and cents, men who vote with the Whig party when they think its conservatism_ nrces s iry to protect their 'awry 's, but who have a tiXtural proclivity for a secret attachment to the opposite party. The organ of these reptiles In New York 'city is the Journal "of Commerce, print which, I venture to say, has done more to e-,eite and continue agitation-upon sectional to rts, by exasperating the feelings of northern people against the south, nod by enforcing in the name of the south principles, doctrines and claims more despotic and debaeing than the tooth ever dreamed of ma r king; than all th avowed abolition journals ever published .The ItiliP9 of this print saw the advantage which they ha I gained; they pointed to the , .denunciations against whigs of the interior as disunionist., and disguised traitors, and then to the fact that the whig cmer:dim) had refused to say anything about slavery p, or v on They also directed at tention to the feet that to called whig organs were congratulating the country upon the defeat very truly muid, were flc good ►o the whip of New York. It woo sufficient. They formed mongrel ticket, partly of democratic free soils !sin& of anti-nlaveTy whiO, and partly of Nur kers,,and that ticket got thp rotes of shoot thee thonsand whin merchants and lawyers. Rot n ,'•onion safety" or Castle (lirden democrat rot or n whig on that tickk, not one; nor was it s intended. The vote for the free soil and hunker democrat. off the cotton ticket shows the full party strength, while that for the whigs not on the ticket shows a falling off h$ Just the extent of the defection of whip from their regular party organization. Now who gains in this result! Does any Whig profit by it whether a Whig without qualifies lion or a "notional Whigr certainly not, for they are both equally Obnoxious to the Demo crats, who thus gain power. Does the cause of cninproinine gain by it? Assuredly not; for the Whigs in their convention acquiexced in the compromise, and the men taken up by the •'II nion Safety Committee" from the opposite party hail not acqiiiesced, hut were well known ? peonies of the administration which in. susta' ..., ing • the 'itdimpromise. flat what does gain' wy ... in the first place agitation gains; proalo• ry Al - Potion of the compromise gains. The "Union Safety' men were plainly agitators They wa get war upon the quiet and harmony on the min very topic which the Whig convention and a general agreement in the party had decreed should prevail. They, therefore, raised and re newed agitation. Particularly did they revive a warm and probably implacable hostility to the, odious fugitive act. The Secessionintn at the South are strengthened, for they nee that they have allies at the North who will not let the con troversy sleep. There will be retaliation and revenge There will be an organization against the insolence of cotton and tutgar, and the men who have abandoned their party and linked their political 'fortunes with the dealers in those re spective linen, must abide by their election. Let' them henceforth he content with the offices and salaries they can get from the cotton and roger trade, they will get nothing more from Whip. one word more, and I close. .' A new doctrine has been started in our elections: ' It is that the South, per se, meaning not the Southern states and their people, but the institution t Slavery, has a right not only to direct and control the general government, but to dictate who shall fill the darn under those of the free states. Now, to vote fir a man in Maine whore political coat has not been cut for him in Alabama, and im ported direct by the quickest route, is to nuult the South. Can cringing servility on one side find a lower deep l or Imperious tyranny on the other soar to a loftier height f , The very men thin of no degrading a coailition to the exercise of bin rights ought to mike k freeman blush.— And Yet it 1 ri, purity ttieb...1446a1 to be bound byl.t irhickges mated tbe.:4ereatßt itat triage in iieit Votti-itid Nit:4** .::' ; Jutatia. FROM. NEW YORK. inJIJjLL,wm._I Nww YORK, NOV The returns from the election come ntrag gling in by saintl iiirtalments, nirl it is entirely It 'tomer of conjecture which iiekelelected, though the probabilities trilltsvor, f(ir the limn, of the Whiz-, thus set-wring the Chnot Poled, nn desietthle. Since the eleetton the Journal of Commerce. which hue vll tilong run toil Ii i th.tt 'llO count eerttileute low is All un. ...ay....1i0n.; net, mune, out and 1 „ dilly argue.. in f:“., of It enlargement of the canal-, 1.1 Ow L0r0f...e.., if the• are VilCted. MIL] th, the Constitution had better Lr The true 1111•111 ut thralikrtue.l torrehant-, :on! as rite .1.11113,1 all, with ••I he people' Nearly a mpecie gm. by the I'-weal , to .h.v: l.ut ii raw., little remark. V i hare entered the period of time when paymeht. for good?, ihmintch and the Milk of filvortif inertia:of, and the feeling is general that the coin of the country will soon become atotionery among - wa Money to very alintidont at legal ratoo ord. ode paper, and not dear upon the iridial assortment of tidies uoutilly on colt. in 1% all Street A new banking honor has voile into t 11 , 114 mil here under the name of 1 , 11111,11, S11,01:111 .1. Do The Mr Done tii ta very wealth) mull. from Ithole Island the Shertmut %atts Sher man, an old Alltany caahler. of much repute lion and experience II whimgo uuutiuituti dr four millions of dollars. they ae in. small. addition Itt the force of 10101 Street. r and will he a vain able nil to merchants They have made merlo, mecum with eminent howies abroad. auJ n.w 111 stn.d of a defter of credit. one ham only luu ruunit bun funds with the new hem, and take a sivlit draft upon hanks fmnital in twenty cities of Datrope Si,. tow with local trade A nor chant ran guu tothem ntol at mice notes he arty have, instead of subjecting has roper to Thee petty inquisition of a Intik parlor, perhaps t „ Issue l il y note thrown out there to be sham! itt the start by a director. Rumor hen. In bony with OW 11,111, of n president mid director who greenfly threw upon their b o ny_, mars which thify had personally shared, and o.rty that as geresstlent 11/1.1 directors they had counted them. after the make,. ..r the notes were lemkrupt A taminieuemonot Into been 'nude upon th new city railroad tbruulugh uuri u uur street, OW turroul ItruuliJorut) null the line of dm 11114.011 I, V er road, f and we are soon to hale n roust to liar lets far live s u eritut care ktu nitphration lot. al.• been made for v ratlnvol Isom Fulton Derr,. di fount of communication between \ 1,1. nt,c Dtrooklyit the greatest 611uutuutuglefisre luu o rk, n ot excepttuag Ilroadwat Should hum granted, people can reach the upper part of 1,1, with a (mitten ainmst nor %colons .l•••••• and t-hrnpner. Th . & intenttun Inc me.... 001. with ninrrow mod lichn end Thi• nig "Tole ironnlilernme no nny ..trect. light 'Lel elegolit corn. thnin. nr in fact. . oniniloc • no rank TII-1111,7116. reparatnotr• .;ro to I.i. wo.lo colehriac the north ' row l ' nnne, awl it 1..1 111111 1 , of regret to In. finen.l . . (lint ttio 11, ohle to hncelhrerceno.ny ..n tine rinlnlinth, mot Ho, in their onn cowling, ropr4! infv , ...• nt t v , life by n den...cr./non..f the Sabl.nth A 'periling hail recently Leon held here by energy Intoof ey'rnone. crec.l.., to tote gcnoni.lerini.oli the propriety .4 org;tioriog n regular corp• of prenotior;int,en ,u•or.lor that !6e error KllT, ' nov. throng lIIIr in ,•I of eL nn imi m. nine In. tntsght TIP' .h. - • no." ;Nn4 the Ira' who .014., tt thi• I,ritltrin• 4. the the tidtne• 01 ..#l..ther an 4 heti. r 1,14. mu, i.• 121111. i ttrlC the Gr.-at4..1 ttot 144, fitlJuirtog 1'1 , 40 rt, - wbo 14u-sne- , - heclo, to 0r , .• ~t •b..mr •illl/1 , 1. .tl(4/ , Sidl,.l.lst.ry .kre en ~ u .,,h left Inl11110.• merrhmit, 401 th.,l r•tl.l thf.l.u.lne... of Ur: .Pl,Oll us - learn from the 1 inerttnes Indian a tette. that Judge Denning oiln the core of n negro rer'ntly hrought Itetnre nun tt.x 64:ulna -love o r t i.l hotteno ttorpn.t. decided titot the lon f!I , two...tong pr•tpertywas ntt.ottelitothotol. :WI theret„, 41,clinrcrd the -opt - y...1 rnnoway Altotth titentent has !teen ocrxsione I hyt this oil:lvan , •tisciaton MCETI. 111 ISO/ •as call for a public meeting, to he held at the county seat et 'Henry county, It14111(1S, on the titb mot , favoro ble to_the nomination - of- Millied Fillmore la Pre-Plent of the United F.later, aPleipu. , ll , y 11 P 1111 3 ,,, of the leading citizens, .4 that co unty, appear-. in the Indianapntle Sentynel of ?b.. '47lh 1 , 41: The 'frlikte linzette ha• n letter (roux Velnre. w hall -ny. The otlier tuneutne. ;Omni ten o clock. Ike eel tsrnte.l W:t• !waled ..t brenkfnm, when Iris coleagne coffin'. the Ifritone, entered. .11.1 shook hank to the stood friendly way . After 3 short conversation. Collini nudilenly drew a sti letto from his coat, and plunged it three times in the heart of Frnschini, who of course fell dead on the-spot The' murderer tit once sprang alto Coach and succeeded in tanking his e,expe The luckless victim of the knife was manned and the Lather of four children The whole strict ly Italian in its character TIOt 1:114,11ANA T11111..w ut5.11.17-mtnthl that the Grand Jury in ittLenJaliCi , 00 the United state., Court in Philadelphia, hove retitrneil "true bill," thirty indictment", sgatnat the Chirsti anti Rioters The bills; charge them prlt, with obstructing the iillicera io veemting the fugtti•eit. wood, with the rescuing the fugitive". third, with atlrmpleny to rtwite the fugitive, /oigeti, with aiding the fugitives to escape. redid, with harboring and concealing the fugitives , xti., with -obstructing Edward tiorauch in arresting the fugitive', nod lavatA with aiding the fotrittve" to escape front ['Award garsoch. No bill for transon was returned 'wanted nay of the prisoners, nod the Gram! .lury therefore Jitter with the Judge as to the laws of , treason given to then, in the charge by him. ORAND FAREWELL CONCERT. • M'LLE JENNY 1, I N D um, the honor to annotmeh that mho will riv ONE GRAND CONCERT IN MASONIC HALL, On Thursday Evening, November 13, 185 simion SALVI, MR uTTo GOLDSCIIMIDT, RIUNOIt E BELLETTI, MR. JOA lOURKk PROGE.A.MME. . • Tlsemmt of nola Sh. A 111, l ',try e !1• ...jpktiana , liiVrealil.n)lllTlon. r°n°l442-1. larnistr of Mnr•snerl. .Thalbrrir nu), yort, Mr. off° 01dsr4olnd/ "" ' PT,. ` lat.: : ,' '' l.7:7 ,' • • ""ni . • 11..8,14 On Tn , .m.•s (non Lnereos Baron 1 , .1'A! In Ci•fl. 4. lir. 0' Be., .I,,'—.TL.UID^•S No-ri. N'l Orato.--Yot Luz! J,J:sunormotr I. 01100 . • . 0;;;/ IlulLtd— ma., Mwrrt Ilwar .1 11, 0 , nr .1/ 11. 44/.I:V 1' Cl'.",, . . VII.. 'F.% Al I.IAP (s.reulnrrr 51r 001.1,1011511111 aliwthr.rwirr or iletetrlla• I*ll and 5151,5.1.nd 52. Errli tiekrr will fr. arrniprowl Li nunilwr wlrrlwrit.. Win wrurr. n•rna.L le will hu •slr It 10 ...clerk on 15.0nw•lmr morning. Nov 120,101/w .rlorn unarr Slawu, 11101 51151( - 5.-110 1 in Um only irk, awl Mr Hush nrll W thr only authonrsql Annul for Oir ralr Ts. kr for Align Linn , 1,05551. L'lrro rOl no .1 o , tion 8,-11nnkn,onlriulug th. words n 1 tlw Ilummln, rale • tilz n,rning lLn ~,,, Prire. 15 /rot wwn plautt nporti al 05 erkrk. Cnorrrt In romuleore el 7 ATHENAEUM. ~ ON THIS- EVENIND, November 12,t, will w v 114161 1 ,4 l'iltirn+ R , o ,,, nriginol Illuotrative of Mlltnn'o pre..../ tbx TMiony of tbn ill/Ar...Os Om or Ad.:. • Ow ...of tipisbail in 141 ergo, pi {or:Moen...l by .11—thr bent Pan , Aams In the world. nyen •t is Ponnroins nine. ia h, n'el•wk. Admieokun rents. Children boll prl.r wnr. ENOLLSII LAID PAPERS—A choice I of English l,olJ Toper.. coy on? v foi . rinV, •. Ntatinaer Payer I.ler, toner of Illarßet and o..e.roarl• --• -HINTING PAPER-50 reams Double g Printing Paper...4t=: !u ITIWIR Inlygrial I .. tth i n " Vg in ner..l:- . 14 . 2. far gale by \t.o. 'Wilt, nnl2 Par? Di•algy. mg. Martel girl 31 Oa BEEN APPLES--6S bbls. fur sole by MIKE, .12- curt, Penn .11 Irmlo Mb, for Rale by 1.7 unl2 it. 0012 ELL K 00. Liberty rt. . B P p. la n o s to l tiso; rap. For male by 0n72 ItALZSLL • M. Liberty at. •- - Ivir DEL All2ll , lT et FCT, i tio, 5, for Nov'r; r. uttivatsy. itd nnrnrult oy-Prle, Ladles' National Mullins, ter Deeetober. Iteceivad sod lor aide at HOLMES' Literary puot. No. 74 Third greet. owed. 114 Poet Miles nol2 PLAIDP . till KS— htiv on hand 30 pee. Maid bilks rolors nol2 A. A. MASON A CO, NU-Aloe yOUßNiNa 911AWLS—WO will open Able mongol R eon. M Phan idsat tad oldio.sao Mosyntor Imur B MASON . • A. A. MASON I CO, Market rL • I • Assignees Bale. : . 185 L vi Y . 1 L. L , BE S 4 IL i b. f t. , ll ,, i . .T , orning, At IF) ll ' . PALL ARD WI IT T ? ~ .‘, ...1 1 1 1t A N 1. F . : NI ENT it y . cuN, i . , . 011 , , , ,, _ , .. ,.. .„ , n ...,..,, ~ .., ri;i g....t..!!,..,: , ......1 1t..., ....0-,tau, rd Corte-. 1 , 1‘... rux.r. m.,i,......... 1..4,, ' '''"?.“'''''''' Bk. - 1 wAABI CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH ' '',' ''', r i "",',^ . liq 'h• (...,,I ...I 1', , ,, , , , , , 1.', , ..' , .. , J ~. t- It ' ' ''' V I' ' ‘.' ' F Flan .x ,51 . t: 1i,.. F..- r.,1...1, SPT , S , .. Tl' H.P . E . :c i I N i E n m7.:,1,,1,,1,..,pri.nte,.f0r ' " "-'-.- 1 ‘l ' Ituri NI; .111 st 1.1.1.. I,e,t dry. for ,ale I.N• li I. F5ll 0 Ff . , 0 , .. Is ' A I, • t 1.1 M 1.1,1, 1, .:11, It A F A 11 , 1,5"1,'1t A t'.l Al1:11 , II F • A • it Try . Morris' 50c. Tea.. Farm at a Bargain. 11, 1 1 1.1 . 1..1: , 0n1.1.1 Stray Cow. Kt 1K E Ow ....los., of Ill. ' = . . ..n lirr hand part. awl -mad ❑.lun~nii _~ n~-t rr i q~ . i u... L. in Tavern Stand for Rent. T IIE 11., I;.r . rout 1,1, ‘‘ , ll2l g l I,l•l.lrultgLytt .111 b, Itt•• .1•5 ..t ALF, F A J. 1.% Executor's Notice. (5T tivrel.v thiti Letiv, 'frA 14mmolarr the J..k. IN. 111111.• I 11 , 11 . 1• , •• ..11 I.4me. Adminlstrator's Notice N , United States Patent Office 4 EME United States Patent Office 4 \ t,,. .t 1; aloe ,midry Iran ,•• L u••••• • i^it•t..r.t 14. WilhArti WK., •.: 11... N.,rti...rn I A.Lr, . c. tti OA. 41" tol tat,l uAril in (L. it. is, .4 br /0. ..0w... , itoutl, vliarb tt to /11X • i 1,1.1 .11 1. T.. i.rf .1..'1 J.. 1,. II•r,, h• 0wn...wt...., .1, • •••••.., •hinst,,th t ..1.•• 11 !h. 1.•,t• hy 1... at,•l r tuut ut tr, -tutu: tits taw ('I •t ••••• 1 ~,,, 1.• `h.ausplo as. th• 1.. , lAA .ht navt hub I-1 •-..1 uli•tit•tit.. h. I. •t 1.,, ~ 1.4 h Jul. A 0 , 1/•••1 an I lA.. al 111. . I.t,n 11..11 - ••• It•vol-o. 1.1 h 1 11.1....1 all 11, (A...a - tog pii....l g 14.11.4. 1.4114 t ad 1, mara..l, „ to 1 , 1. ~1 11,n,oglisus. I.lu of,l awl rd.. 1 I.'• I...giiintat "kat 1.,. 11, ..t al.zar 111agliatot ....11, A ft , niA.l arott. ortuA, 7.. I.—l. st.l ',trail./ trills iliniil'acat KAI. Hs v.lll. 11.4 pia.. A 111. 1..1 I.' ..... ..1 •11.411 1,14.4.4 M 11... SI, 01,11. 101/ rt.....r.tiA /114,1... • it. 1,, 111. „ ,„ rwit..l I . rata !'411.•1 awl Islets in a , ..1 .111,1 i Oral., al ..1 and . . Alt Iltot . certain Pt, lot• venuni •Iltiale 1n the Fifth 11ot •tly .1 Pitttl , liroll. lan, 10. Not. 1. 1,. atel , lo Me Oa. al h, 111.1 out 1,, tall • Pounded and Arterefool et , to , ate ortll lel+ i Itt taol Slastan, 1 , Aa C nt.l y Ittowl I, plat; of lote 1•1.1 out lo allerteu. oel the Seal It I,y ullottrt alit, nod on -, ler provn, el .Intutot Oro, aval le, altataia. M u 11,alley l.otellter with all Yet t , roptr, eot , rae.ti tallltm above houralarlet Sloatot tatrp , seru tool at 11te propert fit 11 Oleo, A I 11uptw. • at llot tol d 14•.1•11, A LSI, All l i,l r ,t ~n I,. n r ons 113.1 part or party. ol all that trart ail laud, irdiod - Harden op /swim; Oloit 110, - :on. touitotitin rit snout tr. on Ili, haul ol " n7l I N .: m fot. '" tl ' i t,' lrr . 7; land fornirrly iliver 0n.,. North 'ia liitror.. East .ori p ot s.... to 4 po.t and suFar too': them'. other 1.1 r,,.. 0 „.0, 0 , ,an Stith :ii sogrne.. Kest Ithi n Inn black then, by land. .tom. ol Chas South 1 .2 pirates to • black oat. and Knuth 34 deoron, et), petehts isi !vitae tn.. and Isms trini f tialt:l ron. thence thr rams h. p..hr. to the ;tin,. ot ring than.. 1.11 of lanai... Lod to WO' ' letiar „n -inont 14nti and thho slib Atosilles nto It by demi hearing ilmtothirlith an, of Stem bor. Mei end ri , oril.l Aileitto-ny Count, In ctrl. 1 4i f ...thing 4th arr.. and I'.l parr., mat sit.. the *Oil Hlrl,enl Rundle. 111 ht. rill, dated rte . day of Fidireinry. A. 11.. 1 1 131. reststvrril 11,11.4.1p0, atithottard Lin Kt.. noir idenner A Smith. Ero ..fn. .11-iiharicoli a. osi rut. by the. itroh dla.' Court drip.* tli t inty thd thnithe Rune .11 atil inre l J ll es tits. diforstion shall nnlitorr. AI., all Moss sr,. 69 lots of ortiond. in Orena's plan of lot. In th. Iltonnith of Hirlhtn¢hon,nn Par tiLJ In the tyrtibati.Conth of Allethruy In priwoid 1; ,n ths brirs of tram , ,.tin'no.st Aof 41. March l'ortit A. 1) 1 , 1., to writ. Nos. G. 11. 1:,5. Its :1 1. 173 . , 1•74 1 1 . Z0: 347. 3, .1.1,294..1, a nd Abs. ifi,„ 1, 12.11. 'IA, I A .11, Ai% 57. 14. 67, 13 3 70. &Vrirtlit i ll t ! " ;l7gt. Aivits in Ms !Mitotic of East Itirtninglioni.allidtrit Id in. '*l4 11, Sandi K Kit,',.. in ths partition altoresal.l. I, ri4srsure then.. trill 111,11, hilly and at Isrpe apywar.to otier with all ntol singular the buildluita sad imply. 0..., Anon, Inc {...1.11”ft.01, 1 1 ,4. arr, via, ...so.. Illoodiss, listeilltanten. tud stiptirtsntir... whatiniiirsr,th - ern - dlit belinorlng, - or In .n. appertain.. and tb. revaftious artd thrtnof rinlssil and tali. in ...dn. thn tu g , it 1 , Eaton 4,1 Sarah E. Eaton (late tirioth.) stile suit id Oliver Ornisby 'lrene hir us, of Itnisirt id A II rwr A. Arthur 1 1 1411uut and tn lot. I, t by CARTEII CEIKKIrk. ,I,..Ha L •l)llle, Nor It. Dancing Salk RON N A 1 , FON resport Mrt informs slit rt. patnotn Plasburob and All,'bruy (Itc. and other-. that be will open Ins Prinod 1111.111311 AV tnd nATIIIII,IO. Nov. p e n and T.nl. 3 ...clock, P. Al tor 1,301/g Lath«, n for Monter, and ' a for .t/entlemen et tin. LAFAYTTE duels In Whoa nnroet. No notwill Is' admitted g •robonl Wanton except pa. lon.. and the, are partieularlr incited at all thnen. quadrlllr no the Improvement of hie puptlner.ll take plea , unual. of which due notion will be Om of Ito, nest Itoferroceo from ...fp, sill be ivonlnol. No ...darn taken fur Ind. IL o e lio.. per .trek. Hui lorens end particuln aPP r l r t A. U. , dwolllng. Jh Market etnat .1011111 -- To the Ladies. AADAME ISONNAFFON intend ofen- W I NTRII NI I N Thurman,' ne it the ;,th tort , o N. 45 Martel. street. Also, an one° t•eot elegont Fiend, Clooke, Corts, WO Menem . .. " 0, Von, Goods Information Wanted (kr WM. AGEIt, n Miner, from S ur Alen England. Ile saylvid In One coma to yy n y e nyra. Any Inn , rmalion reepecilog him w Zl , ll 4 fzen..;yel . p tr l. V .p ter, MAHE 11Aller.a, CONFIDENTIAL and catabindied chin:nor this can Pik* wen silk% unsaid* - even , vipagn ma •••• ----__ 4ng viz , z 6 1 andl l, l: ;. uttr .. ;e:o t r t rbgt .ut riminn, or purely*. narks. Perrone bseloit rre ' 17: rilr,Lr will •pply by letter to rag tbber, nor 2 - . obi . . intIEESE--500 boxes prime Cream C -Yr , Alio sal far tar ky r '• . , . , h. DALY:6II epo., mean; .114 tt,•141,11 t th.• .roknt:;meoltlt.• ArltTni • he 11k 111 , 111 i, I st, t : . t I:,tArntn- • ';:v.l::„L2.l‘n;.l'r"!. I„,\ , 'l:EP MI 11(pl. siN,;IN4 11 Ph, I 10, 0 II T•inth,. 11111.1 e b• Sire hr...., in.* -01,64 II h1..1.1tK1:. 1.11 11,..1.1r...r. I,f 11 1.11./E1.1,d I II 2 E A , II AI:11AI 1 4 1 1..t , 1 . ' , li ' 2 O I 1 ,1• rxtrtt I: 11 , 0 hull, I IA: 1.,r ) ' FL , ft . it S, 4 wlt I;=f, ri.•4 an.l htV. I IP •. I I /St,. .I'O,.NIF , IKTS, A , I,o.lleis i • • -• - I.v 1 )1111..11. :-os A W. II I. A 1,1 t spt, VAN('Y . T m:sv. arti,le• Public Sale TB,.‘i As rTI..Nkt LI'I,'EsTER IRI,N 1 1 ~r~.. 1 1 l ~. t. I si.snFa).' I t El. FLA N NEL , 1,,.., in .11,il ~,..,,..1 „AI .IHIO. V. Arlai , . ON i. , N l'iCK LE' A NI. 'AI cES —10,4 a r...”..1 '"" 1 ! .. ' .1.-1 , .t.... „ 1 , H .1.. u.. Pit.. 111.1. 11,3.1 ~ ... in KH-11... r .*HHH .I , h or, ' ''''' t. m rl '' '''' "''' ' 1.. ' ,;tri ' ‘tal! . l'l7l rt l ''' Choice New Teas said Foreign ruit, It . sT RECEIVED AT N101:111.. TEA In 1I 1 HT. IS THY 11 \ ‘I., H . 1Y. , . T. 1.-. ~. •• 1.. , .. carrant• 1.. irurn+ Turk., Dor ruok Vrvur. r.luzu• Road Notice. Iporn en.r of the position 4.t 444twiry cal 44,4 4.1 rot f.. 4 CIS. I tat. to an.i.amt a La.ar .m.. 1 I - m 1.1..• *l-.tnt turusuka ta•ar tav•au ro• ra p. • I.awer • ra, app.art:ed. szal LAsr • .. • . ;et (:.••••• l•r • .04 1 . 041. • win ..1 , •I quarter i••••• ""'.'""""." In fill, lit New Goode---Thera Supply for the Season. BURCHFIELD conlitlence 11n 4,t1/14 lb. zu..ruing 11.. n TIIIII.I. :11'1'1.1 ..1 f,4 EA.. Fall and Wlor,r, .t, ..•r lA•ttnt•rn, trivet..Yd Soda Ash I (10) NIVSPRATT'S high t,Nt and risl. ASII, In nto, MITVIIELTKEE. 130,000 Bushels Coal Wanted. EA LED PROPOSALS will be reveivO by 'f • lb. - "ft Lotaof if.. Light f•o• • fotil tho foofook too, nut . I,lfoffif loftfol. to ~ fooff, of Ifft.loarx tor safetlffoe tiff,. L. Ifo dolt, orofl fflatioo Sort. , of 4.1 mango., durlng to. *onto: am) ..111.111., -rn. I,:f. jun "lot lee. thou 31 of. lof•Ifelf f I, fielif erfol or beforo tho of kW, . - •thol , ..rthn , unt , I.t ,1 :;.., qta " „t7 . l, orrut.nt ..• Ir..lllne to Inv n,0r....1 1,,r, ...0 a 6, war I..lwruN oprew.try l. """ ''''' ,t Lan., Nu• 1 , 1.1N51 ue.10,,r For Sale ()N . E pIINDREI) „ ,k. t'UltTl' ACRES OF' Ta. ['gal a .ry onaur,vo.-.1 in duality and &draft. tade- misnna. and ..qual 1..1.10. deal on U. rla, Ahao---100. undivi.l...l part 01 w- Ilundnal and nintd arr.d. chnelly flnnnnaalo.la 10., 11.11 fd tho propartr, term. and 1. aDVIT u.OlO BAIRD 1111 IN •aattesd. Ift A11,:b.00 Mau, unlmproarS lo 1,-. audal.K 1, bufallana atandn For csldkolara 1 1Pid1 I-IAI RI) & IRVIN have it few nharem "(Ihio up and Pannoylranm Il.llrnrl Snalc,... - Eavliana,. Bank 5.1 -11c.StD[It..' tor mg., . Appl, aaon J) . I.IIIIIANI ( . 11EESE-21K1 Lan, rrlebraloll/urhaw and Nutunlf Chrrao. I , ' ,tired and for rale 10 zn,IV WICK 1 I~u rr ER—Fresh Roll just recd, for sale by p only WICK k NIKIAIIIII4III/1. I lEESE-143 boxes Cream Cheese, Just ( 1 " r b ' WICK k el' A N 8 120 dos. C , ` ,l :l, l l z r ,o sa t L b eb , L , DOT casks for sale by I m oo WICK a 110ethl/I.l.ll+ri. 111 I I ITE FISII-15 bids. for sale by V Imm WICK et &WA:11114:11S. LILA X-10 sacks f6r sale by 31 , 10 WICK & .110-CANIII./111 liUCK W AT FLOUR-25 sacks for stile to WICK • SIrCASIII.III.I d lIOCO LATE-100 las fresh recd and for ) nab. by WICK .1 II,C/LIU/LS.II. ROMATIC STALIO TOBACCO-10 casr ti fia. &kir WICK a MrCANI,LrAS. I.; NIIII kt I A pl b SIIIOK W I I, N K O . ;! 1 ' , 0 eb 134(19 4 I 1)10 IRON-16 tons for sale by null WICK et McCANDI.E9,. I . I ECK ER'S FARINA-250 lbs. for sale by l nolo J. K 110 CO.. 0.11 Ww&l a. ARROW ROOT-200 lbs. ge , n b ai i n b e b Repau- LI. ..1. by JUN I PER BERRIES-1000 lb 4. Fresh, for mi. by 4. ma a co I UM CAM PllClfi-9 for sale by nolo .1 611111 VEN. RED=3OOO lbs. prime Eng for sale hr J. Kl , ll h t CO. 'i . ll/lIESIVE PLASTER-500 yards fresh, 11 !anal. hy J. h TOD k LEX - . ,ENNA-75014. prime, for sale by nolo J. 111110* 1.41. 110 W,4 nl TRAW PAPER --Large Kid very heavy, IJ Cr nmptwar j a o ,, r e ral s l Ai pttrit o to: tale hI ,nY Wood Ft .• C.)IiOICE lIOLLAND BULltti.—Juet rid by ..y,,,,, bb .,,... b r etence li, lkod Flow., fl,•,t,i, r"..norhdog Hyacinth and 104, 1 / 2 ,..t of the nowt varirts.% on r.. 1., and la.rat. 7,, , , , 4 , 4 t, , , ,t,, vN i5 n0.,,,,„, „. g t.,.., r , fl' "' Lb" ,l' "' :1, " q11 111 K ELSIIA 51. az,3 124 and Ila: 11,4.1 .t...v0 , ~f ,sth Sl 'YORK'S CLI 1.11111cA1..1 , t1 I lt , lNV , ltiUlt. : Lb- halt ; :en Whas fall:u ' od ,4,1. , ,,, , 0 r 1111 4 u. ;null 7:. A/T, edeetoall; :knell ut 11audrult L, , fl yr°. Jukt reed sod tor Kalo helha In, en or .Inch. hot. tie, at the drug 'door. of :,.. N.. 11'1 1:11141b111. e 3 Wool sze..o. roa , e , o 1 ,I!I11._ TliE sulmeribert. iesFeetfutcv AI, 1 the at tention of I.slern, Holv ,Ereper.,and ' va11i , ... In t en' lame and 001e..t eturk of \ CHOICE ti114,CE11.110 , 1 AND I 'At?. which thvy alier on thr meat fev*abla t. IN ancinu mu eta, tirern a 1114. Tv...15 boVict. 1 P %., every grade sad rarely : VI .. - ii,,, u p,. an hane prime ILLS Coffee; Al .. Peen.ry 1 Pen 2., - onl Java . 46 .. yak ur . \ \ 1 lo " Litinyn. '' 50 1 i .rhl . • liar. l' .11,5 12 ',ha. prune 1.0. SUlty - a bozo. Us n: , 3.", 11111.. rd'd and pord 3 toga Cu un \ 1 311 heave Btu 101 . 1 y. ; eaapi. Pru : 15 .. fancy V *.:, dtl/10. /lan ~ e euld a dpteannlesq 14 Nara Choroate, 1. , - el.& op'to ' 10 - ‘)larear all oleo., Brom verwareih: s xe \ \ Al.,' London Heal. au Sauer, an , t vation. Vorvlgn Defter.. and Wattle!, 11. andly wit 0, \ ICtn. A Mee In the eltl.• of Npar et, Phibule hta and 11.111 tot , tt. mnaptlvlng altos:ether I , l(senetment , unequalled il Pitteburxh. 11.' . A. 111.3,111111 a (.s\ , . . 1:al toJertr t:., it 101) FISII-5 drums l'or,onle by \ . ' v . ) uu3 - \ , WICK\ aleCaNalle, HERRING -100 b:i l t - , , 1 ,,, 5,, , ~,, \ V ICE , , C - iNPLE. , F A VA CO — ii'E - It v J ` no 3 X 4 F.VI)---10 bbld. for , sale by j e.lO , Q, UGAIILEAD9 r EAMHEL P. BIIRITICE. iIJ tan 3 :- I lORKS-1; Mika for pale by nr.l S. N. WICKERSHAM. QAL SODA-3 casks for mile by IC) en. P. N. MICKYRSHAIS. IARAWAY ,SEED-1 sack for sale by Li so. P. N. WICKERSHAM. I4IQUORICE ROOT-1 bale for sale by nun S. N. WICKRILSHAM. Liguonic PASTE-2 eases prime mai for sale by s. N. NV..? PROGRAMME • 4I F TIIE TWE V E E, •I, • Tr-1, n.,/ a, • tt, • 11 I • I I I .\ F., 1. , 5..! „„. • W.. r.t "R NEI( .% El) jr, =MEM (..r.r EI: Vr,• , 11 11)01' ASII ca.k.fikr by i n .: v,Vt , 111.1 , TA1.1,01% G LLI.. i.,r,3l.\ Lv A t_ll'4 , PLA I.A C \ Loi p, 1t:1.111IN. , 1 S 11 1 1, 4 N • 11,,, Lod ..kr1...1 4 ENT ., ISLE 1•T Tillinghurst's Pretmum Churn. )vr EvrEl. .1., •I • tim. ,•11 ... ~ Ull. Toni ,Executors' NQtlcei Irf lrF 1~..~..1.~. f " ttt 1 - 1 El; I I Nil NNI• • I) 11..!1\ ‘' 11l 11.11,r; I 11 • ‘.;l MEM .tt „. :- II; AI sl:. s “ t•,-1. 1 ~,.-1. . ), .., ~...., • .1P .... 4 wvv1.„,.,.}:. -,"1.„,.,:,„.,,,r ~,1.. hr 1%11 1.111,q l p• 1 .1 , 1.1,1 ',I to. 01....tp ) ll_ It, todt. I.y I: ,111: 01. 1,11 A i , I iF.I . :SF. - 7 1:0x...... 1'1..1.1. , !..4 1 • 1, .. 1 l It 4.: 1:tol... lor -AI , tty iN•pl.l-11 I. 4.4 - ,r Yr. „ . 1, , 11.1-.11 , 111,, ril . I I 1',..K 4 . ."4: ., - 1 , 1 TII , T 4.4 -.al, 1,4 . ...11• \ ns,.. A. :,..1 k••„. b.1.,...,1, 1..„ ~, 1,P.1.1 , 11 a 111'.S \ I,N , l' . 1,0 Yr Asil •-,-4; , ask, 1., . t .. 1., itt,,.s.l.- i Alla ‘N1 . 11. , . 1 bi:,s, Ftl. ASII.--.111 t..tt% 1.. r .. \.,.: i..,, 1., La,,,. 1,n1.1-11. 111a , ,11 I I AMlltS' Tip, AN:itort 111.• NI.Nal: torov , ....1.,' Rod Irrau r l li' ll 111 1, r\. n0.,P.:. r.r %lark., Nrt,11 , .. , ,r11, A: . 11 I'ST ree'.l at N. ::TISII lobTtrty ..trt.ot— -4.• - m r,too h.. T-I IPrl 1 -': r t, . 1..,,,..t, 0 Ornri., 1'...1. ,, ,,.1.-1 . 1. Fro, i',.. , ,4 Nut• 110 01L—'27 n,•l 11 . 1 i ItOMATIC"11/11ACC. STONE PIPES-20(i ( t I.IE I NSI.- f,tio 6, x ,,,\,,, i , L , , ,i ; , : ), ,:. ,.. 4 rz,...6 I All) 0I L —P.! lAA, Il\. L , b;r 4 si . tb• I i 4 0..1 , ..11 . 1, . 1.1.1.L1. TA IN , NERS \Ol L—,Jl./ 1,145. f or SAb` by .110 t.. PAL/AAA. ASSES-- tor; U ".., A , 1 „ t „t ,„ 1 J',„,„, .- :,,. bht N.o N1..1., .1111 Y, A LZEI,I.. 11 KIT I tilf LUSTRE—_ e:...+ to R!tle by U ooi 11 \ x.. s v. 1.1.101,, n, 1 ..1 •t I)I LL 110SiES--`IOU 7e rs for .401 0": 0 0 ,13.1. .+ A S, , TET 1i) A —4,(1 II .. pr i i t tn a, e :s t , lr L m E. !4. by \- I 'M.IiEli-11 1 00 lbs. ibr Al n e by . 1,._ . . no! . k SELLER; yIA I. CORKS— :H H' 4 , 7 11 ' . , :541 k .i. d ,,r, 1 . ,‘" .4 . ‘ V 11, •sib. 1., - Nr i .1 ),,,,- 2 cask fpr side 1 . % . Hic i.. MLI.f.IIN. . % I 0 1 %'11! N b . l;: A L-17 , lAA. Fll‘ ,.. .e , tn E d n l . -rw, 11681 1::. PINK —2lsl4s. En E. rt . k.,. \, fi?: , ;1 ,. .: by I.III I TTEE— i.4 I, , i ~ s. Fr \ftb. r , )..k.' , .4.l ., x i t t li , l n fvtn.. s ..ab. ' . d 111 IE ESE-100 boars 1, 4 `re11, n 4 '4:r:•: n le by • 1 , 104 k ANIII 1 4 , LAN.-10t 1 11 lbs for imlo ‘ \ \ i• ~,,4 . :, .44 II Al: Ullll s OA .. T-'2llO boxes Rosi , rt l l l 'ej ;,,. l in l ., l li .I, \ Ni AelplifF. - 1,-120, , 1 . ,1 ,. ..124 ; I w or n t;t n A L I 1 . \ HO S ,. I u N . -200 bbls. Ist, n l :, fi ll , I F l ll , l i t. , ` ,,L i A ) ; ~, rrOBACCO---1W boxes ,Siltrw , od'A r. , „,„i I, ••. 4,0 ~,,,,,..... .0.1 i,... ",,,k,. 14 . Mao .1011 N MATT k 0,0. , I) ROOMS--5W 42. for a:tin by UP no 4 , .S. aW. flAltlOlOill. • ('(►11 )1 Ell(' I L 1 ERVIEW OF THE PITTSBURGH MAR ET. . . c the Itmrl; •• rverlpt, Fluor uuJ linun nti.l\l tr, in ilt d.uCry 114ve r nu.. vo..ri t.: r ....r to. .• (h.n...k. 1 ne nu% Ist, n • ti Is elu. tra., rlt, rn.ln :I a...4,44410Y .an.. no..- r .11. I. Sl+ n. , aiLrratiam \ln Ale,— 1 • 0-1 LI 11, r FIA4 •14.evirto bate soc•••11 ,,, I. •.1. \ y ' \ _A.: ~,. ,Iv • -lII', i iO, .A rut•P.itro.ll4l.llll.lllW,lfed ~iu.~..N A fr..;. .I• 1.1: -uslnd th. n o,jo - 1\ 0,1.4-104,1 t•,- iNtt 11.111.grCuro",14 0,4 rot,: • _ ; , t.. ~ EBBE 11.. 0,4 \l4 r o ..3 .40 1.04 11, al ll.' '.4. - I 5 . • 4.04- 41 V m 4 I Al f.“ l / 4 7. an.l st 8 , 4 , 4 0-,•11.4r. ,40 , 0100. nr , ok.or.l' nt ,umnil WA , 1,14 furllo, 4,14 A nu o.ltdrl .Arr 00 .1 0301,11, . I xt 1.4.21 - 0,1•:...30 a. • - 11,E 1.r...1 4uwt. Gor n..rtaar t. 111 f. 4.1 SO ••• ; -mall Into at SA or , . • `.a 11....r.0r N 14.1.; 11-1, T 0.141 $7 in MA. awl 74 \ll, { ,, renni,n , a. . , .. ,1 . 41'. It ,olar .aty. , ,fn.n, 1C.... 14 . 2.141 V II toni i1.4 . 11N1 %Id ha.,. \ 4,„„ t j ‘., no 4.k.. t, , ,,n ~ t e n •nt allt , ”...t.. Inkmn.allnst ii .N 444 7., „1.01 ' , tit ,sk ..u.11.., .....e iAIS brands. a 1,, 0 13, 10 kr It 1. ..",. In II sl It t..4, , ;xitry brand. neralli, sell at 11 11.... 1..., Us:lnca, 1.. a .1, 1.E.11 , -I , 1, a ,aular, , ,lt to nod In the market, at \ 5, ;0, ant .. ,f, bar. s , , ~....„ ~,,_. , ,,n1 raugit,,Erters is 76olie,taLnaril V11 , , , 11 i.r,t,-.11 War ...1.../... t,4, , \lly th, sh , rt. Ll' 7o 1 It M. ala.t.“ll. 11 liiVi. 1.,.- i'Ll red l• r'ljitl, IN S - 4. and :.‘., lat , • . 9.e: t.l ' at.. -1 1 , m , •I ~ .111 o, ' 1 1 NS , at 0 ..0 14 , ..'s ~,,%at,,, n a oath ore s , ~,, t o.l ttil 4 22 , New' lee\Ve X 7l e.. 01r 1 . -,I , ... ..Liu. •-r, 11im1. , 1, a 110 sales of 0., i,,,,,. trart,nr ,l . 1.,.1 t t:t. ,, it , - „., 111 4,,, , ,r, t0 . ark ,,,,, ,..t .., s Ar r.. fat d r ..... l7 . s fr tipp .4 ,.. . , 117 . ~ alanalm'4ll.,oo tard a, thug .o 123 7 S.: 50 \ 4. 11% . . ~ .31% TO.• recnlar current ra f' the market 1if , .\1;5, 01 , 1) et, I toli,_}- 1 hav'e la, Int that chanki ta notice In Oils., i. \ \ Yro.lh tah,ro , lonr ohlbe I . o.llonnit( r .•-lanser4 15. No I 1....rdkr1K.:06,1 1. • .4, at tete !I mahap . . 0011 MAI -..1eaMN:,14“:e.,W. and Laditkik .Inith . • ILifie hoed, 1.0 La , 4,4\u , talk( quentlliee..,st 1,75; and h 1 6110. 4 , ,.. ak SA, - '4.1..N.. J 11:ket,t. !lock Po al $3,1230 1.% , ' ''.. '''' 'Ol ''''' '' . ' n ' toll '" na 0 I. Penni, ha\re tran -. ' , , ,,., 1 . 1 , 11 ,.. 1 i t , ..1:0 ,0 1. , %...: . 5 . 10: ,, 5 , ! , :: ..0.,, ....• il, 6. ~.,.., p..Lo 1.4 \ L • \ "\ \ 4 • 7 1 1:We5 4 1 0 '0F.... , J. IT c 1 at.2A3lc for itit.:br IA ..Ft (0 1... N , ..honlA,ltl. ILOV-Ita: , 0, ‘r44.11 . ...e . \in.. , !' ri , ....1... ‘ '.i ‘ .1 a sad Nutaud 1 . \ - 1:1:1.,, , --Eroni 11,1, Intadi w Ox.e. ' , 9 able clovor at 2.5`0 T.,13,,i11y A!2 Z. 5 and I , ltx .....1 11. • 12 . `41P1m.hel \ Att. rr -.wk.. -.31,4t41i:. li k ~ &Sly Ice.. • ~ ,11tIT., I o . lt I . ENTIN) , ;--Saleas tp bhp , at if. /1 MII .1-1, 1 ,. .,.-.11.11,11,rt. arc Ilte'm%rieni ter for spire. i ''" .l ... V, ..e, l! ' b '''' l:lt-tt .. -•• ',..': .to P.: , ..1 CIS kr,,,,1, ko I.•ar• u,m\ls Pi,54,.. . .. { r l7.. ' ti f ,N7or Cl, ' ---- rX •• 11.0 ..5.,1,4 in a regal 1% $3 , Oh.- remalorly plabladted TIN 11.21 TE-rib, roll. 001;4..0 14 I.k. I lun..-50t• \elk. at . ...4i4e21-. ontiro. Tor: AO.C•I-46.,., 0,, n ' 01 \ urtnalvlnnell tolmern, f,ll,,arlng vial 1.. Or 1' r nla martuLtrOt,d 2 3, Intl, plug Kr 1 1,1 r., ' Leif\ 1a.,.,. ...In ar. 0 , 1, at 20., , .V , 1 , ..14 I . t . - , lal. ' III:rki 1 -f.‘les 11. Tyt ~. f ok.• ireclth,..l. and To, I. ~,5..1. ii,,, h.. 1....., .nj , e. !n. Itogatie , .. 'ree t• attic[ , rr lir raud„trta pnera of wont In inun I cA tit , prl en'sal,,e .tern tparkelo. at We latest dater- \ The Melo, 40, s sasort qZloier.l ire generally for toe Sat.'s.), th,lole,r\cittk's for comm. to 4 hlmal. *---.- \ 4ATTIX hIARKETS.',. I \ Ai.l.raincei,, Not. 10. The offerings at the a lea yanteidai \were not sn fall, 401..141,, stiniment fo the cletnana. Veleta were i,o,rally • st ile low,r, and t most that oreTlfeend we, losaid Prprr..—Almilt 300 !r ad ware 41 SZj2 51.,roint,Iral c \sck., So lii 100 tha, net oreicht, ... ttralr.,of altnnt'2ss head at 2514 175 IS ht 1. II t ..-Males 0 head steS4 501,1 (11 . vit.. C.. 4 . 1- ..-.*ll.ll,aloutahe ere 0001 at Sthasi \041:2:., orb . . 1141 61.t1e,- , ,There wan an increnae ply of 1:••••t. rnt klondor. o r Mot 01 Ow\ prt, r , Y. .00 the ave , raa.. rat. ruhl ttiltrtlv..lotker. . :, „ \ \7. \ Ib. otrerinmt 'orrn•bed '' . ..110 It ,of slrhktt.or !rota it . ' : ' sVt ' o M at=ltl:. . t.rN 1 '''. - ' \'' \ • 1'.1 . 1 , 5a rano...l4mm El ^to 4 5 t Soo ea .9 S 4 51kfat 75 net, antl, milrerns s 262 laoa.-4.Tha weelOtarhgt aYe :k.j,, lantana, moo ea oar hew. .'. V "\4 l ‘ .: , ' \ ' ZI.I to a a NrN, r S t •••• ' .7 . l ''' ' 7: • I \ .r la:h lA, . ~, , ,~_ t 111.11,43, \ t•i3111... hum, t. , in Jll. -rru ...1 Lb, I a1rr.1131.: r/ter-Vrarirrlr rr'r. trri rrn..l r,orlritur• trql„ 11,0 , 4 Hued I ,rrr tl.rr Irsrl rt 1111,1. 1.4 r ourr.tkl r.. • nr.• t". I. •of lora,' r tro,,•• lortro lour •turi% r• too•oolo I,orto toot o•oortruorortu.l torltrto• ort ,, kh a: Io• • I'l,l, or, 1•11.1, ..an•l torrts allot oNotrro,. gal. • •ILI/111 n... SI la 1, SI wrokl SI at. ,wall ed SI - nvalo I.ln. yrer knbt ,Ioek- t. Me tunrket, tn nay ..I Annt Ct. - WA. In nn nt n's et r 1... puma 0 0,410•. fol.w in IIM!!!1=11 P V ~rrl • .1:1. E t - Imnx I A 1,011, 4uaur. ~„ to- tveerktd... and no.•lntill. sts.ll 1.. b ten.rn nt. ~,, .~,. ..4" 0‘ .• . • • ..• 1i...• met .1 %Witt! tl••••\1.... vith .... on 1.. t.. at ‘ . 7ta."... pr•••••tv \I y at tiy• ham. il, . 1, 0, . 0 ,,. •1 0 ••••\• 10 . 1 ) h. , . tiyclopire s ei at .1 . 41,•.Er ••• ttr. r•-• 00. atstik . ..,l Wltent: s tor aili•••••• .440 00••••.1 , , , I.:It lE, —rile t,,, , \,,,,,,,\.r the 1..1 N.... 1 0 4 b". . • .10, , pri• - •••• u•••••, - .4 lug, 1••••••• wisll ,u0t.11.... \ I. 4,••••••• it ••• •••et•.• .: s o,• Ithk•.11! 14,L, ...t dY.VAIS— iti 1.1,.• a• • , 1.4.7.• ti It •, %1•. \••••••••• .1 •••••.r.t.1.4.0. la,. ••••111..alt, ..t 1 . 4,10,1•1•1••• 10., ...Tr 1, I.llt. .Ac..115.,1.1•••. at . ttlj., ' • htch.r s twei 1.1 , \ :„.,.... -N in •••••• ••• - ••••••••41• . ..1,ct . ...,•••• time. IM . 1.. ••• t. • ,h,..••1•1. t , •••.11 '.i••••••••• 1ttc,...0. tL. •••••••••• •1kt,......rt. to .4/1 lA, Ay \ 01.1.•••• . .. rh i \ I l• • 1.,... 1•.•.,',••••••••••••• upon wia .. L . .6 f01.•,m1.. e.lrect .., _._ I. awl we blew e rev, (teem ter . >.. t ..s22 t?..t . t. : ::AtN.:%tt:r:4r.tr ' t:tl7o...Ttt:;i l rt.: ~ct I. o• • . ~-.• 0 00r,nto, . htt. to.” ttto t tv.tr.t 1 , ,110. .ittut,ll‘t tt t\ O.'. .. t t t t' tol ant .Vll 1..) to to O ,a.., ttut.Mr.st. 1 ' n'... %: ' . * . 7' . \ g. '''' T.. "‘ .",!l .' Ltt l i7:!! ."' . ",, \ 44 .......... ~,1,),-,.. ,r 4 v..1.,,.5i..,6\e,g0 ,;.“ ,•' ~..., ... , -trzr 4-1..,..1 \r r or, ir,N,6l t.....•. , :ti'v\....1 1 ,1 - , ~ „,, -T. t" \\\ ''' \ , \ \ l 1 t (;, . I.T .\ U, \`' \ :. V.; ‘ ',..,.,,, mc:..,,, ~ .n,.... \ . . '• ' 'F'• .. \\. '- ..'; .. ' Vn. ‘ V • Vs ' ll! '; ' ...\\ ::, -, ..i;,;,kN....,1_, -, ::.:::.,\: .. ... : ,.., 70 ,, : , : . 7.1.77 . ::; • • ••,. \ \ , , rs.J.,' ml , sp... ~;1.1.,e0 1.•,. ..n.r. , • ~;.1,; IA 00, for ‘.. ........ .. „. .; .11. I; n.i wail ,„. ;,,. ~0„0 . 1,..5 i ,!( ~.. tbr'.; ..k., 3 NI . tr 11 to. \ ....,i.tr t ,olvg . . It 1. not tor t.l.lvro att i . rt..... to 4,MM.. Its the Itmtk Imnlitt, 1., root , that 4 ‘. \ , .It.t . ,ttotltol, to valrixtel "mu.tilr. I , M. Ow.. lo • , , ..13+11.011‘ otypt.rhere. to ttltalott . law" 11 k.1.:1.1 Pie ~. t\ \ tat . ro. , T , tt.llltlll., 610 la. 5 .114 Elle ..1,, , .. Ntl/0., 03 t • \ , M 11, \ • ... • . • . . •‘ \\') )11T 0 P I TTS I ; • 4011.,-- rho, we. Att., ti t Its Otis tt alit k. last •••••• tag anti Istlltot 'iy.Aleti, INAlrirki. llartl3., I,9.nnm.n. .CI.. .113.1..v.N t0 w ..., 1411.0. 11 , str. I.A•er. Hole, , IlLurniAl. \II.A.ItI J X1,x_11.411 n.Sleher \ DEPARTED t Atl.ta,Nrlunnem. Hrosu , val , ItottuV, 1401.1,01.. Tbn, 11,t 1., kr. Onnik.ll;sls tn , a.i tiv, In. h 4 h, ~., , „ • ' . % \ .., \ - . \ ,\, • \ NI ta , , •• . \ . \ • - \ • , . \ \ . '.• .. - \ . • • .. . , . . \ ' \ • \ , '--,:' ~., \ • \•4 , Wa . RPTER. Attorney earr Lacr.—CdtteA - . . ... ~ - 1.. fleas kW Cooveyaeritmitilb allemlea la. ~ .., 1 - • • I,,7l , alkelorrll's INII,IIncn. tint. Weer, ”ear the Cm ot \ \ . - .• . • . . , . • \ . , tnn crrteita and rliefttdlVlll.4llr. \ \ ..• . • . •,,,-t and rqtlmatiary ogn! crer d , .... : tTn. :: Nei 4t It \ . tt,ly I t tit (rem. any of the T, Y. It tit Yr. twt rott•lipato \ the - • \ \ . ' . . e 1 of 11, stonarh, „ A fault T. t„ . ‘ . . . • . , a . Ones: 4.. pan a erp L.A,. A Ca; 4 de For., tli k Co: 1,41.4.1. .1 ..lo pca ;lump an d ley Ir. de whoAr, t.'. :l de d. 1 kr tn.,. Wallingford A Co. agN I.tolo butter R9 llin.4kant a lAA.flour Clark,: Tla do Ball A loacetk 101 10 Br,nn iilrkloatrick; 7la rate.. lora, .1 111.41eiep. Mil. near P 4 Lind,. 0141 In \y4 tart' A -444 J MIL 10-el boat in ram.. ImpiLipelap. 1% 11KE1.1 , ..--Bra 14 Larano,...--t e.I. nli - ka Baker Vora, •kr. wed Leech t Co. 401.4.11 deur Ai Woralaard: , ,loßlida la., .4,1.1. p SI Bale, 4a do Nur '2 tee I...ttar Meßoonell . .Faa 800r.1.. mac,' oc. board WELL! , ILLE—Pwa —4l LIOP dour oartter; 8.4 do Brown x litrapalr. - k..8.. tonne.. Lonu 1.041 k CPaN do tl. tar ”orner, 1.1 1 4 a 44 Ilittfinußbvet leo ' \ ' , H. ~ epbttni. 'A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, p .:} Fourth', Drs Keyser's Pectoral lyrap, ~, . , I,lort Tin CURE OF COUGHS, COLDS. • c,,Nw3.tr.rtoN in it, early .tazet,WhonpiturCongti. Crhp, Itranchi I , i, v.. , the variety:. illness. of the pultme '. 11.1.7. "' ne ' \ t0r T .1.,... ' • of th i \ooyere \ It k n , ' , l i. ,.. OW. I the .nu of a , tel ' i . Ntei " Vh.ll " ... ' l ' : . ; ' \ r , .adure 'le r, b' ri7iZn ' :i'n " l , otiali Afilli 'a . rh, re ..ionalven t ... Vl7lNirri t ., 1 . 47..n0. h th u -t \ c s, !" :777j - et . rtr d ia '" Tetl.Tll ' . 1 ' r l . ,^',.., "m sus ..AA...\ - , \ , 'outry Kt tepere wouldd ~. , thia mean, etmktardir on haml. ''. ;..47 h ::Ptrti‘tutVl i i:t ' ree ' n r itra COll, *Lave bent brousht Lefons the not, of ~ Vropro.r, a he been run..l io a vet, Wart time It .1.1 one EX the Lwspred medicine.. \ 1.11 , ,11. It ni put up i half mu[ butt \at 50 nat.-each. or r: ottle. far Mir. For nit, what...n.1.3 aentail, by pn• Kin s ipt A AltlitllT- L lA. Ito Wood etrukt. I . WtFgh• , ' ' \ KEYSER'S IlAit FLUID, 'For hniduens, Senri. Damigtff il lud the tai i. dims.. of the ...alp—recommended I . ll.ltburgh Wt. eon , - , tuen,alJournaL'Enuldu Tri.,Chambenbutg Anti. k x, m.l. unl other noun", an O a btarattielenLanVor thw ahoy+ purpo. e y an welt am nu el •autty perfutnal N ure; thin tor rendering the hair au ft a\l r.hy without Rink the clothe , with grew., , AN INFALLIBLE TOOT,II ACRE REMEDI‘ . \ W•rrantwl L. eure the worq n ., /if T.itli Ater in e , s s. key , 41... amhinetantliko \ \ 2 CASES PUB 701) ii%T.:11.„ \ I. tfuart. and Pint Dottie, prepared • y haiurtA.nroterro 01 , r0u., raf. and - 2.."4 Upper Them _ atT lakidna: .'". tutlrh re