The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 11, 1851, Image 4

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The telegraph from Independenoce- brings us
important intelligence from the new Territory of
Utah. With the meagre details before no, 'tie
hird - to cuiderstandlhe causes which have viiiia-
ally dieolved the Government constituted for that •
Territory, but there seems to have been bad faith
on part of the Governer in the disbursement of ,
the public funds, and the Judicial of f icers, suffer-.
ial such treatment as compelled them to leave ;
for tee States. Therein, we believe, no military
pdlst within that Territory,- and no appeal could
Ile had en that 'direction, or to the few perimee' ;
doing business there and not belonging to the i
Mormon Church, for protection. Gov. Young ix
head of that church, and unqueste.chly Lae; .
great influence, for good or for evil, among them I i
We had hoped, as the President had placed so
Much confidence in him as to give him the chief
office in the Territorial Goverunieut, that he ,
•would discharge his duties in an acceptable man-,
ner, both to the people and the Government. -
This he seems not to have dune, and it may be-
Ittlnne necessary to put men there who will re
";i,-,-iptiet laws and protect the people. As soon as
Aliotiadlizt received, we shall have, we presume,
_ .li,..tuu . .olotio. of all the difficulties which have
..,..±..,..inken place, and be better prepared to suggest a
,-*. emedy,
c''r-s..:lptc,,territory of Utah rood that of New Mexico,
.'it'lelli be 'found, require peculiar legislation.
- `Those are in an anomalous condition. Utah ter ,
ritory is populated almost exclusively by Mor
mons, and their religious faith attache,. them
eteongly to their leaderain the Church. One of the
prucipal reesoos for the appointment of Brig
ham Young as Governor, it may he presumed,
consisted .111 the confidence which the people
seemed to repose in Lim, and assurances that h
would exercise his influence to give them n go d
government, no far rut the execution of the laws,
was connecte In this expected., if the news
which we: have received be true, he has direr ,
pointed the appointing power, and ether melte
tires will leave to he resotred to, to preserve the
nuthuriti of the United Staten there. Vongress
sill, noldoebt, advise some plan for this fur
pase at an early day, s
But the Territory of New Mexico is in even n
worms condition. There two recent murder
te eve been eiimmitted by Mexicans upon Amer,
e..,0 eititelk under eirdninetancee of great tare
city. It is charged, licit the Gormor hue taken
p try with the Mexicans, and that in the rev at
e•cetion he exercised all — his influence to ,ellte
.11,0 success of his candidate, and that he did cot
perforce Its duty when informed of the fire( mar
•Irr, and manifested still greeter and culpable
holiffermice when told of the last outrage. Wo
da not know how to reconcile each thing- with
the conditet-of - s gond citizen, and when such de
reliction of duty is charged npon the chief officer
of the Territory, it demands investigation ~ It
may be, that theform of government is not adapt
eti to the peculiar condition of New Me:Mr.—the'
it is too much in advance of the social condition
of the native population, and that additional re
eirictione ought to he derived. As the matter
tow stuudA, the native population , -with bute
education. and accustomed to rely upon partic
ular individuals for their guidetme in political.
.;,:e - A.w.stell as other matters—Love :timely disco,
e '.F.'ered , tlie extent of their power, and they have in
2 ' I"`_
rnittileases, so fir exercised it as to put no Mex
,...-.:..l.ltiniv''.itt office. It. is net likely that they will
f.iregli . the exercise of his power, and bad corn
.:' - ;f'liii.fl , alirays be found to avail themselves of it
~. .,, ,.% , . -'<:-X,Kiiritl, yr this condition of things is producing the
_ .
Warif. fruits, in the array of the Americans, who
are the weaker party in number, against the
_i11...1r . ..., Mexicans h war of castes is always to be avoid ,
, ed; and hence it is our opinion that Congres..
._Should see about adapting its legislation to th,
peculiar condition of the people of New Mexico
Both classes of population should be protected
in their rights and their persons; but this, it is
• found cannot bedone, unless tome radical change
- • is made in the existing Government.—Si. Lou,
•" s M
ttlti doz. Corn Brooms:
at.. N. 1. Leather.
T ..,
.: . ,...- :,. .; . •,g,p .. 1,, _ J
1 t p. Ltut t. c r.-. J?
iiv-Tor isle hi 10,4: .14IN n.‘ rf A ,
..iir: , lil.tTT El—FreBl Roll. in Laic,. reed
d• 4
g a a i r l
' t
I lIEESE-500 boxes recd and for titt:-
,1 ,t,rl .I It tANFIKI D.
gL I 'ISII-14.1 bbLk. Lake Troth
I • ao LIE
I INSEED OIL — 4 lo bide. Orisaold's brand
IA for rlde br J.S CANFIELD,
LI EARL for rtait• try
ll ore J D. ltAtsitELD.
I OGIVOOD--60 illll2. on bond and for Ault ,
I_ll br ocl7 J KIDD 1
,',IQ4/11:TS DRAWERS--50'J dor. Tilen'm
KJ , LaSult, Wonl Shirt, atul Draymrs. nett by
A. A. NI Attt IN 2 CO
7‘ , ILIK , VELVETS-2.0 pea. most desirable,
I j iotsiii - oirs Opening by A.A. 515:014,5
'ARIL AMMON lA--2.0.10 lbs. for sale by
have reed
Hatt runrniutt hr Expre.s the followinu
. fllgh all ...t1 Ire Lai., 41140000
hlnek tilk.. •11
Hn,astle l'oolt IM Sot,
Itlnrk fi t tuml
11.4 Donner Itibbt.rm
Lont, Shawl,
ncll Al rwrtb ra.t Mlr. Fourth and t1.rtg...1
g I AN - AliY SEEI)--50 tm. prime Siedy, in
so- sus for rat, by
5111115 CII a'«.l.[ .
1,.„ for ,d• by J - KIDD a co.
d r REAM TARTAR-2tol I j lis E a .. ore ed. for
t/tab. by
11.111 CARR. SODA --61/111.1 lb, Ire tt..
IS,.l2.aatle brood, for to. , by J KIM. A ,"
A LUM-30 Mils'. for sale by
A IntJult opening at the AfrO ltnr. of
0,10 J. KIDD a car. ro
LOAF—ILNA boxes No. I Rosin, fax sale by
1.3 0 , 13 S. A IF: 11A0itAlttill
'!LARIVIED S3iROP--15 Mils. for male by
‘../ 0 , 10 OOOl5O A. HUTCHISON 2 Or.
NV (MEM:L-500MA, Large N.
10.51, for rah. by
cin JAMES A. 110TCJII:tON a CO
IJR. 'MASK'S MllXTlette Ointment—litt
WOOETGRAVING by James 11. Park
• v (toctrettior to Tie-rtlle Johltmat.) Philo REII.
itttettt, ov.r Lhe Pam Ogle, 11 'tory. gf lkoodingt
1111166.10 , T. !v.. taken. Term. 131(40,10, ortl6.
SPONGE,-11 HU trig, very fin
for man Ty , or 3 J. SCIWUNSIAK ER • 00
Ik r CORKS—IS bales long anal xhor
for may by cel7 J. ScIIOONFIARYIK
VIHOSPHORIIS-10 cans fiTrae by
TERRA JAPONICA, for farmers use-1
11_ bo forage by orl7 J. PCIIOO:4IIAKER s ell
VAIIINNE-1 bbl beet American Pepper
lJ ter rat* by oar J. PCIIOUNMAKEI: aCO
OTTER--54kge solid packed, receiving
UP and for rale by SIT IfALZP.LI. • Cu. •
(.I,ALA RATIJS-5 tons in tiblo and Vag,
i,:th.try oa, • IL DALZELL •CO
I UJUBE PASTE —" Eagle Brand "
d boxer Lemon and Vanill. kt sole by
yortmemt of Transparent Modem Shades for rale
wle•ae mad [Mall by
orlB PHILLIIII. No. 116 Morkrt
ANTEU SOON—An active partner in
v a large atm= foundry and machine ahoy. in a roue
einem town, wren relies from tilteburOb. A young non
airealanaracter. with a mall capital of $3OO to $OOO, and
alto htet a knowledge of the H oran mouldi lucre and Ind
l o w wan and naactunrry, to each co ork and good
Angel will be darn, and ...Tounn man with a *mail
- capital a eery profitable situation will be given. Pleas
anal. for further particulars to ISAAC BARRIS.
.0 Agate, and Intelligance Ofkra, Diasonni.
SUGAA- , --50 khan prime, in' store and for
Kale by • Otl7 R. ha LZFLL tCO
MOLASSES-200 bbln H
00 do. Syr,* do. in ook cooperv.o.. tar Data hi
ANTHARID-75 lbs. fresh, just reed C
awl for Ns by «Yr 1. KIDD k 00.
I (gALT PETlthe.—' 50 bgs
•agl br ash, by. calf;
ONDONVISTARD-550 flm. warranted
• ILA Dn.. And for eats by J.;KIDD A CO
WHITECHALK --5000 ] be . in more and.
for 0.17 EIDD t CO.
A _dOMPl i ETir. eet of bucket .llllaehinery
hr ortln J. ti DILWO/711 ACO
4.1 POOL COTTON-10,000 doz. loot reed.
t 7 from Amelia], and for male by
T ABLE SALT-5W roc k now.
gis groun
landltzx sad for sal, by isorita DICKEY •lb
octl6 Wat.r J FkA & E on!, areete,
CHALK tons for sale by l
nen J. SC1100:1111.
TIPOTASEI- 7 10 casks prime, for sole by
orl3 e.O W.:11•11BAUlill
4.1 H. MOLASSES -50 tibia. for sole by
• con ,.__ la w..ibtansiniti.
ifiIIEESE--,100 boxes W. R. for sa
11, orl3 FL • w-11Ak BA miff.
(1, TikAW PAPER-2000 bills. superior, re
-7 irr ort.e•mer J. IL [Ads.., tatri ti shby
cornor of Pont arul Irwin sta.
IARRIAGE OIL CLOTH--Justreifil from
Isl.lllp4,l)lB,Fart ml zr= Ldft. 4, b i, Kod: .2 .ly i
t r o ta..47:l c r i nfruboleasto and 114415 t No larnt . /16 Auk;
. J. A 11. PM LLIIM
I US I T opecied at th f e DeplforT
oela Grocri. a!ul To* Deal !
11_1EMP--6 0 bales Kentucky and Missouri
sn ' a for Ti e Si b
10 IS A.111:1T,0116ON & gr.!
ROCHE SHAWLS—Just reo'd, 2 eases
•rksr &maw Shavrle A. A. MASON
, 7 , ol ,l :bible for ollefyade...x.Sat.
-100 bra. and 25 bble. pore,
h for pale by
' • - J. u. an.
;Oa'/a-d, floor 01 . 1
- 34
th Warerwm 1111
. 111, t " P d C
Market !oel3l
cue.. 1, nue I n the
to nu > Yhortv Cream In th e Uhlt tte er.l :qt.. or 11a
ar yte
'''r tru M lf " aat
err.stixt, 4 aat EtOer
ter nuNr'• then, .11 by I.lew idialullient betty enonketeery
edleus [he beard. to reuder ohs
eant end it poweense. great lelvtott‘ee neer
the nave/fed •ettelr. In be l Otrir , hlYtmred fretu the
text ...nal...with lb. areateet ALB!, ~.I not ot the
but elm/ the cheat...a attach. for nhavlug. Thou
of (tn .tle.le dorhatt lii. hut teelye
nutttoo-Yen.' Iml4 of ellter medal, a*nrded for it.
orongly attest the blob plain), tru lu which tt la halt 1 •Y
the rbr0 1 . 11 . 11 .1 FUT rate •htllnule sal 01i511 b,
NOINE UONE-560 feet 2 Ind. it -Fly
■ -lain Rubber KA, hratuttt,init tor tire
Lt4 — aan ";.!;‘4:;1,.. ' ",
ntand Wow prearurn that an leather lA.. roanulanturad
lo all -a r c* where they In not tuna out •A r. t ireneddid,
stiourr will I, refunded or the Lk.tol/11.&.& 1 , 1
Dore J. & it. Mutes,
to, ta 7 and Woad at
til LE OlNTMENT—Warranted to cure the
• woret mane of ritio in. few darn, for wale by
rpla It EA FR V a mAttru ELL.
g H AVEN I)lBll—Extra title CaVetidisit o
il for nap t o Mein. r.L..
• UTTE LW. atnl 24 kegs for taut i_ty
14LAX SEED 01 L. 11l bids juet received
• &0111.1. /nat. by ...ISA it. r . belt Y.lle
;I QU olt ICI; y lt ALL --$ etteee tole Pale low
J. n(111011NMAKKII A CO
Ilk; Eil , A It—St bids. C l o r t i r,fo j r oi sAe T, lt
It M - tan .Twa t - Lion.' at the Moire of
ani 'lOllll A I.II.IIteIIFIELD
r , „31
--1 doz. it, store and fur stile bit
. 8, a W
B ECK. ETS- -- at dui.' in gore and for stile by
Itllll SILKS—A. A. Maaoa it: Co., have
m at i n ieund n annutiftal bit nt Indy 7ure•rinr
unw nd en, ttylr-
IN:I LS-- , 0 , 1 Li city brands, on
j. liatid her A.I. ti o A. (11.114ILItTAON ACO
141. Litnirt i It
SILK POPLlNS—lleautaul gdds, jum
itegalla. Principe, and,Ar., on IlAnd nonl forALI.. by
A CULItI.II I,IN t. 9 .0
It EENIX ., A X i, . F E AI . II t;
lilin 1,1 A 0..
, A ^tor And !rant rtA
r !'llK CHAMBER B—Very Cheap Wall Pa
( nnA rhenp Borthrtn., 111 2.11 Li. 106 Fla!
I A ln.acarJru. nten rrnirntnc
no.h.nnAblr CANDLES—In whole and 14. la,.
I 7 for •wlr Ia 1.,11 HARDY. JuNlt., A I.
I E.U . ' TUBACCP—In hh in. and bjles, for
ialr II All La. A co
I INS EE D OIL-3 lads , n o'd. and for sole
b, s
INDOW ; GLASS-311 11 ,, hr.. r0,; , ',1 ,, :L.,1
Fir ealr
bra Imo P
ze .Taba•ra:
ramman Talmo,
its 'mat, Mo.r !lair. lor oily , 1,
Jul: a A, rt.
IRAN BER RI E:.;—. l ust reed and for sole
bi tea. qu.n or atoll.). at, MonniF To. Mart. In lb.
SUG AR-44 Lids. prime N. 0., for solo I.y
"i"4 bids N. 0
a II ET. MATTO EM a • Ct.
pit; SIETA L-465 tons for sole by
I'PER Sides cowl hoory
t_ Lay, I... Wier, for aalr by
itolilSON. LITTLE A Cr). 25) laboati rt
500(1 P1...,-1
Al 2. CORKS-
J 16111,2 01
‘IiKESE—W boxes W.
*ale br
l• 11
4,,ALERATUS-10 tons in Isis, and
17 h•r aal• tej t ney,4l 0 PAI.ZEI.I. 10 ,
I•2 , j 7,, BUTTER--'2.5 keg I by
it RA I , 1.X./C K.'S FIELD PLANK !WAD --
phsr.• for We 1.2 14. 1 r%e i ti ,,,.
.eylj auj ktrbattio
LINSEED OIL-30 bide. for sale by
xer.. J PI2IIOOSMAKER W.. 2.1 P0 . c.J.1 .
I_IILIVE 011,--10 baskets for sole by
pepat J ti. t lU
casks for cab'-by
potORLK-10 cases fur sale by
HEESE-77 boxes for ;ale by
1,0011 IfICKI:f
'`'OFT CRUSHED SUGAR—A very superi
-7 or axt3ele Or yrenemng, bbl.. justrlK- 1 1 ,
KM. A. ecLI: P.'S 0.
4,011/KED SALMON—WiII be recd, this
1 '"r""'
Hl)PS—Put up in 110. packages. for font
"." i 1,11.0201 10,
0.56101. arty
m. 0.. of )1201.016' pre old PORT WINE.. SI
per 041.2 e, o.le 31012 .00' Tex Sl.rt. ft. the Disra. , rfl
oeyl I 4 1i •
RROW ROOT-5 boo. Bermuda, f, sob•
USIN—L.aal bbl,. No. 1, for sale by
dt LASS-101. 1 boars Window, for sale by
d LUE—_U bide. reed and for sale by
mote, of 22.4 Ptstb eta
Pittsburgh, - Cincinnati & Louisville Tele
THE STOCK of. this Company', wanted
A. WILKIN. , a CU-.
iined and Rarbatuie Dn.ler, I
e^rA corn., ot 32../mmt and Third never.
N)1. 0011L4. ( .rdnlurt , .ea, for rule
.1. -
sem m.o. l 0 twl., 1000 bin. 7'44:.••
ft.Tct ,.
' 5 , Vt kt ho rs. V tr. Twist and Plea
1010*. (matt 01w :To what..
30 hbde. P It, N. O. agar. " Pa, tern Alum.
1.151. Loaf. et . d. pttPd 10 " chspet.fLntrerood:
100 " V. Moieeeec ceroone Eldir.
E. IL 00 k Candlewick:
NTrup 2. , 0 Red Leath.,
:0 bra Gosh W.R.Chneae, 50 doa. Patent bucket,
Stet coon L . -ore Ilmantr. Vol 4 11,kIM Nlll4,
oil, Lr.ndC
Tr.tetber amt. Madder, Ulnae, limper, ,Pella. , MN."...
C141.13.1(10. se.. on band and for eta, by
JOHN N Al? .tLiberty 4t.
rmmmimme and tur gala by
PSOM SALTS-15 Chit. for sale by
--m‘m J. KLDD a CO.
hhdß. prime N. 0., It r male by
0 - 3 a. 4.4 PCDDRIDOE t IN° 11.411.
Vow DER--A large supply of ifaxstrd mar,
arta., alwaymon bawl and for ol pe et
meet rate,
vomen and Platt, for Pale br
Ys yet Bord ers. for eels by APAR HANGINGS—New style of Gold
Pepe,. Hangings. for Parlors
W. P. SIALI,IIALL. , elegant Gold and
mealy . 01 Wood rt
S,PERM OIL—l 7 bbls. for sale by
1,7 ieplh WICK A McCANDLP.Se.
OLASSES-40 bbls. N. 0., for sale by
ivA_ mpl B. A W. ILARBAUtiII.
r !PANNIERS' OIL-2.0 Gbh,. for mate by
aool3 A. a W. HARDAII(111.
• .—.-
VLOUR—TS bbls. Scott's extra family, for
salMoro e by 00011100. Lines a Cu.,
200 Liberty at.
IV AOKEREL-240 bbls. Na. 3, for sale by
rept/ WICK a iteCANDLE,A.
F isll—
Dbl.. No. I Lake Sup!tior
It Nn. 1o Witt. flab.
bu hL
bbla Loan. No, 3 Mackerel:
bbl.. " No. I - jnot rec. bloc
and for aale by (eepell JOHN werr k CO
LIRANDIi, AND MADKULA WINE—lu bottles suld
ou dn' for
11 9 0 V
eeyollo " IKIO a MoDOWZI.L, ISO Wool at.
A- s:
I" llll o lrPtift.rr l it b IYEAS.,
p , NO LISH DAIRY CHEESE — C 9 boxes
Herbuje celebrated bluttney and Durltam Pam
'boot, reed and for wie by
rudenow landing
Minnesota Copper Stock.
50 SIItRES of this stlrgo K r u szl: o at ) ll low
~.t urner Market sad Third am
. _
BUTTER-250 bble just ree'd and
4 . * kr ads at MditttlV Tew Mart In dm DlStowni. _
b LA . OKI
J. eUt7OCM6IABI:a s Cu.
QALERATUS- 1 4 p ,:oslie pure for mile by
IN tad Matchless Illaeldna. warranted superior to wd
f k g .. w u C t a u t , Z , b lta uc laar. to nand In any climate.
arawyekst rved dal for sale, wholesale, by
oaf Word sword noddy of 'Addy
T EA --65 hlf chests Y. 11.;
. ..1.. k: catty ban U n.. .
P - . k:
3., .. Y. II.; a tabula importation,
MO Oed and itrr ma* by 0r.1 . 2 J. a It. FLOYD.
L.l OLE LEATHER-200 Sides N. Y. for
1.1 sal; bl b.ZI J.! R. FLOYD.
PICKED QUM ARABIO-150 Ibei. very
bsodrome, Ibr We by R. E. SZLLEIIIL
chaoe blues, on tam %aw n % a
IN. San
iamb a. on.
TTIE SUBSCRIBER having taken the shire
X. ft FOCI! TIP 5277 ET, fonurrly nmunird
Y. EATCC.V. and baring 4.a:direly rrntle..l thv mune,
111 op..n, an the In day a t , ptemhrr. woh • largeand
auperlor strek of
nether with a op? T LVP.INUS A Y 1)
I A , as rcAmplete ar Itrt.t by that well
known and lavcw r.tublirhmrnt.
lie w0n . .1 rr.t.rtfull, Inform thnar ,rern..l-wlring
Mourntna and 11..., FurnlAlng or Linen 0..4-, that ou
his rum.. tbr, ran obiafn • rinr.. ronlOrtr •rurt th.o,
wh.r. in thr rity. he Intrnit. dev0t.n.,...-1 ,, 11.r
to. to thus. Itrunrb. , ..f In, , rtinn:thr noun
I . BUItCIIFIELD inform theirlTw..l buyrrn aeu.r.llr 1.11,
tur. , : 1 1,11. 1 1 , 11 1,, ouppl) Pa . the WI
u.l eok 011,nti..1) 11, the,. utJusually lull u..ut
F, rlth rrna,l
1., Fr. 11,1 M, ca., Mualiu J.
, ae.
I.IW, —Nru At', [troche,
haud l wme. Clubm,... .
an.l colorwl
Rich ItIbL,E., blur,
b. and half niOurutng Ja., u,••
1 . 1,e! tat, rp,n • fur t ther Kupply
sb.,/...r Muni. mud 1,15111.1 mm, •nd 11,x, loqi
..a.l all till 1.. ...“1 Itm
Lcar, Marolien\ are tvrell it”ur 111101 , as ,
11,1: WARP PA RAM .kTTAS---.11,t rya
7 PII A A. ‘IA6AIN 42 and Cal Alaska,'
d I LO \ ES AND IItiSIEEI . A. A. ht.k. ,
m, InaTo now 010 limo! .loz CoA.
0100 Flevood.. KO. nnonn .Norot Moo. el. r,
domorlooso 1,( Ito.aer, too, Th an Isuro
k KESS .I.IOOIIS -011,0111r. at A.. 1.
Ay, MA,C.N a Co., 1.1 1...L%.1...614. 1.r.•
OttoLIA. r..t0.1 , 1.1na 4.. Ceshmer,... Menu..
sponinlZ nt A. A
1 / 4 1ILKS! SILKS!
y YlAhL'%k
,0 or vory In.hionnt.lo 11..1 Slit., +orto. a•
70 rent, 31-o.
'll rooorp rieh
In Ilrrons.ll
BONis.ET I{l BlioNS--A. A. MASON
...• thir tuttruinta Istltturuttiv Itttlt Itott
0 la, A ilur,hts-I,i ,uonir
7,t• a...imp.. goal+
4.1 Li PER. IIt , ACR A LPACCAS—lurpliv
1l Ilurcht.l , l hmr,a , m55,51 a lull amorMornt ot:
Ica .0 5 ra -, l—ama 55,m0 •555.5
.555, Mama Alsarra., .55 }law 5 .55 cant
)A 11K ,,. N11 ,: 5...L.:D . L10E5 , K . 1 . 5 . 5. , -21urflly k &
A...1m , , cmi nn,lls.nry tarh ....alma
Itra no , l mrt
.5 .7 .51. •515,1.51. 5.55'
E I V 1314. , 1D 4 NEW D0(11 !—A. A.
1 . 1 %%Am.,. d f 0 .111 epee mutton the feu .Ixya.
upward.. ..f art huu•lnd row. mud yanks., Ku
and Dem.., Dry u..1.1e1, the anent lun ..t ludo+
add. and retail rilyvtlx..r. I. melted
t) COM] hOS
—A A. AIA. A CO tir ~ , of
_.„. ~nlllO at A - 10,11 N
och r‘,l rruch Mvrow. 00l T1•11.,1 (loch.
A 1 az z , z ozz & z tzar.. Jual rzrzttiv,
. z'ozalzazz•rz— au I Izzt Lain,
I N..x tot...miltr.v
ti vinc M-1.1 riC K,
No Ftturi pint,. iv vi,.t
Inv Wit otittn•itto it , vrittltioo furvitth vo
•11,1113. 1 a1P. Aril lower thou vr..r itvittry to Ito.
ointittit .
(I , liS v i.;
Env.“, J hlt A lA ,
oe t
. .
y now t-tantli receiving, hi. Ixll 'tneß .
CARP r.Th. Af the rwlewt usta ht which h..
Inettee the. Itentittn of purtbsAere. , b.t.rmined
et, hwer thAn lwfore “Iterwl (hi. me, ei. •At the
t .ht e tq A tAtta t tAl t'Arh., No. AS Fourth et.
-11 IS 31,L1 STICK tL.. rt•rrte,
4 "
INGRAIN k. A it4 , E•ts- - yki•LINTocK
r , tt•tuutir rutu..•llllt 1.1• •tt•-1 .r •tt,,rflut.
or. unit uuntin..:l I Stilt t llt l' tt's ..1 mrt.l
•t 1.. r, m.. T.1k1.11 • t'
toutlon tt.t.u• •1:11nd ittrut•lt utrututl•ut•. r ll.ur•r•
!Mu u• ut •t
or' II 1,, I ST 4 .,
Ia ' SSELS CA it PE 1 1.
La. nutr• au I r tru.l I !Mt
.t. I `+. at A.ak: t t 1.1 "
I" ET : 4 - 7 . , N t i.w . r , t
redt..,1, , ,...
I IN ri.Ch
St P.St•SISES Imv:11 g m 4,1
1 L.-.T.E.r. 141.1. A , 0 11 ,TEI, 41 , 01,
1.1.14 Li 114 , 17.1. n.• u, , r•
I L-prnpol•- , 1 • I hi• • t".,
4-4 Chew. •i/ La el
44 Itrue.6.l.
. • .
Plun klui. Nil., el,
Ilturad.. Mix, P.A. •
li•Aj, , xusntsilt.
Moriur, and CaAlautrx*:
Tmethwr with linthrh and
1ta411.11 firitits. todi.4-1,-
114. 114 sad 1.1.1 'haunt, :5tk....h.:,
434,4 anti (.4 - anal kith Listriar.
14.154 sad 104 ishle liattlytw.
1.41.11 34 ithizuwi4 12.111..5,
Cruh Tow
larb Prukstnil Nano aokl Tat.
ltukh.... Furniturk..'lrkunt. ar..l
Sti,URSINIJ I , RI tii of IDS
111 Art Calmar Cloth..
Marx Mob air loralms,
11 ar, T 11.1.4
Ithati.h. *mucharra Italian I rap,: •Ii• 1• atal Cr.!..
• Chalsattea marl olo,•••: am]
aria all al 'M
A. ach o... Lath Ire m0n0... g...“ 1
"'"d" claaaP
"'""' JAII4 A. .1e1( MOUT.
1.11.1•t1.; /
P•mr , North tmor roan, .11h am/ Marital •ta
F.AT BARREL I Nil liASlS—Nlntphy
II Ilamita•l.l La,rr• - •e•••1 . rho., marartomart
• '10..1, tme yuxllty. Akrxr. • .arralt ram Mar.
raraMr •mrl Larr , a•le,muatratno
m. ra-Mr.r. otrar• sml enlor, tor, ro , •I
arul Ft ,
ve 1 ,A 11A, iN a no
A. MASON & Ob. ha on hand, and
A l a aro .I.sor racarpt of imago quarrttra. au N••
• /413.41 v nrlt I,Furred ‘...11cu.r..%.
•11 of orbroll {UPI IFIII rruarmtmar. In •a• 1. g al
aaalast. tar,. mark., ,
1 4 1 LOU R OIL CL01 . 11500 yardb 3, .1,
n •4,1 tunder. r..'l frdu thr rtinnyrvilln•Ju
t.dr, nod fnr Anan. rad.ronalr and rrrt.ri. at Er.
NEW 000103
t E . C ,
11 1..) ; now c, pen n
. 110, twary and [dant (avian-tee.. the nese n and
meet .)
Piehlonshls Patiaon•
60 poor. Wart and oiltiswii Cloth... the nowt •a l C•ciiir
Phi, haze. WA Pao. rplen 0.1 n 1 Viotloc•
ever ro
hucht 1100 017
iko linder•hirts and I'M...T.
60 drs nor and iiugiairtne diairts
/if Ore mort hub lovable a - •
no hand. lre•iiiute non th•
1.10fk.1.,01 linnet, adapted air tillen • wear. Ili Lhe
wiotein remoter, all iil which lb . proprietor , I•Lerlian.
tr, off, air real sow.. Wena inr rank
oder, in the Tailoring Ilu• iiseriated in the host man.
par. and at the ihincleet
New Fall Dry Good's,
A. MASON A CO., have reeeived and
Mul e
now 0petd0,..5 car. O French %entice.,
aka.Jul r Abed, h 0.0.1 eapnrsely fur thi. park, hi
t r igmeray. 504 Mohair Luetres. arotoracine Pl. hr , ..
taa Chat:orient. and Med. of grade ,
12 Mibel. PiramatThlbet Cloth., and Cr.burKe,
log .41 abed. sad .Lunlillea. 100 pee Worsted rem, hr opri .
and fancy ' , dors ' 1 ha 'ha.* Fonda we eller tor at
Price. whirl, we are oontident aro Fora
CCORDEONS—A lipleudid and varied
stock of the hest brands, Jun no-rived.
VTES—A very desirable oeleetion. with 1. 4,5, end 8
keys, eneoa wood, and of the host tuatara re, cheat, just
GUITARS—A. exterimite and choice stall nrriTil.r.
170/./.14.0--Fame ler" hoe odd em e
s. and nw of every
variety ef style sad Dr. ,
114 RP STRINGS—A tine Nitration, elan, furl/104r and
Ca tonna l'uhaa. Bugle% Illhorcorone:Trumprts. and el..
err variety a Brae, Inrtrumenta. eeleeted and trod I , lolr
sub...Mbar hlntself, and sold at Ter, low rale,
Also, the newest and tonal pordlar Muria, just waived.
N. o.—The store Instrument, are warranted to be dor
"r"''d tot
itin r tiftter "
nor will returned.
00.10 i PION OF MK 001.100 114141'.
(OAItPETS I CARPETS I—Ree'd this day
by W:MeCLINTOCK. new sod rkh styles tureartna
I , Ito, and Maroon LW; RA IS CA R.P.ET.4, width we are
repan..l 10 aril !near then any Carpet• ever before offered
In Odarket.. We c ordially Waite the attention of
frfraudsen ma d Clowe Hehln. In purchase to give us • cell. a.
the Old Eetabllrhed Wasehouee. No. 45 Fourth pt.
1114." ALL GOODS.—.loot reed, por express '
at A. A. aIAPON 01%4, &0.-aeons Bonnet Itlations.
...tont and 4.1.061 faphinuabln ely lea 12f. dry. Taw and Yam
Flowers: 10 pea. On , de Altatur, beautiful cobra, LO per
Mareelica, ale shades: t, dos. 0,0401 Haines, aloud.. tint.
Xt i nV DRESS GOODS—We are now re
'sines the tweets! fall ety lea of Demo Good...gond) am
na Cashmeres. Poplins. Persian Robe, A1p..., Fa
ratoettaa. Vretieli alerlaue. and Ildhet Cloth. Over lOtal
p.n., now open. lardidj A.. A. 812:11) A W .
• -- •
have pat rued IMO Whit,tkad.n. conslating of
plait. and plael Jaeoontte, MullA Pyrim, plaits mud fad
India book Swint Mull, Mamma Muslin, ae. A runqdete
eaadrtment and Men' .004
1j bore 'an need a aaeornnent" of very Orb
llguri.d and plain Mack Siltsb eautiful. 'The above deeirable g ond.
am wall worth khe atteutkin of purchawera se m
operior Oro. de Afrioue. babe de Chau, lwatitiful Cham.
.1100., u.
--)IORPHY k BUUCIII/ELD hove opened thin
womb:m.lot of Owns Malt:law and Itionlinge, Jaelonet
T Edg m in a g :s Eangdn In g t • e rtnidn i , n ll oe o r b lanntk. PAIAnw
otyi n nrture o andl
and Gold
cheat,. -
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
PALMER offora for sale, at very
lA ,. low pritis. a Pall manament of Strap and Munn
"/IMMForrlgn and Adnerican plain and F. y
Straw, kinld,Clilp, Gimp, Ninon, Late, flair. Pa. ...s
-horn te a tr.
11.1T.9.-Plerek Yoult.', mJ Bola' Legho rn, Poor Imo
Wn Br
OL"rejd=killrl p alm
L Z•l 't / 1 1 7.
thyam;Jenny Lind, dot otn.r forms, In prat vari.
My of ebar...l mMorial.
RILIBONS.IIIeb Bonnet and Pearl, plain Patin and Tat
later yll widths and oolorG in Gaud ariderarl
LALlL9—Plaln and figured Phlt• and adond KIP and
Cbtton Net..
BTRA W TRULVEYGS---Cords, Panels. Butbans.GraldlN
P.lerinr. tr y te.
17.olfleRty--French and Berin. bunebar and
" Mir tfr/(7.7.1411 , 11.1173—G1ada.• .1*
Fl iro. de ilhmr. )'!onus. tad Mbar sty a tg amorled
onallß.e and Bola
SATINS-1.41.1 quail ard colara.
Aljo—iell lad kr• pritedi l araaola an4llmbtallaa,
Baser. ie.
Cbickering's Pianos.
10iLis; H. MELLOR, Agent for
eyCßlek. ring . • Puns, Li I . )l.l?burgh
1 . 14 W"ernt 1,1 1.1 1 1./ . lwanv.:Str. l . l 1 A reel st..,
h I lust rwrotered s pew mud sere las, -L '
PIANrI 1 1 011Tk.S. fr. Ilre ltle,nt,i4.-‘,,tl Chietertu,.
&otos, earwoolirws rrf 6, IS‘‘, alts w:tare-. eawr...l .ltd
Plu u..; onesle ers:
INE SA LF: A : , ltd .
es, tussle 11, 1..u1 A 11r.thers l•
loirwlrwrl nut LW et+ 46.61 i,
I rest', es the wed, .11rwourrt. for rastr. 1. r woe I .
JOlll , 11. ‘11,1.1,11_ Wresl rt 1 4 ' 1. 4 .I;EN (F. 111111
New Music.
• c II.• i l ' 7r..r r s .
Th y .!rasp 11w, etc. llrroush TPw . as
1.4 ,1 rtr- ,r 1 , I I.INIr. AT 111'11 r oAt•r . 111-. • IiAZIN - 1• 1 FINK :I LET v. 31:1
a~LtL~l`` j,
vas .pi .i,..:
CmII we Luttarr,
Double Reed Melodeon.7.:
T ilt: AII bsvriller ha- just ~I„urd
rh,• to,truttitttst t , tit,ttal ttt t• 41,
eel mot tttapt tt• tti 11/ 1.•• 11 / / I,l ' .• 1 /
1. 11.1.1 111 titut•. nattl buttlit, trAtt, , rtm. It ,
I t. ttrtrtimot t terabit. ltt tt t tti tntrtmot ill I Ittt.,
Itt put ttitstat • All In, rum..1.C61 11.. mutt 311 r•--)...1•1
1111 1./1 tt , ettll nittl esmlttittt R. ...Mt. 41.1i-1.. 1- r
qt. 1, .,.
niterLL. I, L. t”. • 1,
New Books
UST It EC VE.II y .1. 1..
*I an, kin,
1.11; mo 4 Vtarr, : „
1. and ul.l.
J.—;iptp;;;.• 1 Spr;el;.„ ,
Rule ‘1,r;;;;; 11„• 1,110„;11 . 11; t, 11;4; ;;.
14,.,t, 11"
nrr..ti, V. It utabor of and
llatotoor , ch
koott, lot ',our o
loarlhoor Sprlott, L. 10.
Ih. lion.. Altar. •to tor•a: Ito holoall tots
tolloo. • oth torto oo.rt gaol Ito tool r.kloottolkoofilOot Itoto-000
how oloro plot, to.r 141,0 0., by , 1 , ...un
I , .111 ,ot •no oor o 010 0 , tor ttlo ah.l I. 111,1
olettkaoal o woo, Ito, to ooth to.o•too I
1.1 lo lark to 0
~ ral;n.-ri,
nmenifirellt \
,utleinnll 11.• hro.-4
11 1.1'11E.11
fvt. Nutal• N., 1..1 ;dr., 1
• Num' Grand Pianos! ' 4
j UST REC El V ED, it itletidid
`lAVrtrmn tar r .1•111.11• i‘r •
• -
Tozh Th. umom...nt
A History of Pittsburgh.
:s;EV I 1.1.1: Ii
p r , of frrlff 111. f..r0•1 .
• aft, .50. tf...• of ll• tfr.t ....t.,,,1ftf.•41 .1
inof.f . taf,t 1.11•11$411•••,•firt. 1./.1 • ••
. /1“.•
.11\ II L.,
New Stock of Chickerun; a Piano Forte.
oIIN II NIE1,1,01;, d
elv e d=
•.I PI %S • rn nt i
New Mune
11111, ffirSy'S 6ioNl ,Mvli..lhlot
,„ ,
1, Calsariao • , 1 ~,,
...,, , Sl
kuatx.grtnent .4,3.01111 v,
II K LABEI, Jul tligni
,1 Ilary
Sacred Music, Books.
A N'FICA LAMAS. by Mnn..n A Wvl.l
1101 IN A •n .
AIR A 1+...11./1..
111.1.3: III! K. n..• 1.11.1 I'
T IIE thilwolty of "la:lining ,r.•t
mitArtt 1.••• T
tfo , i•-+A wafer in Eurr,. •
Rear Music
1 11011 N 31ELLOR, N. 11",..“1
C Cost;r %larch fr.. I u,,.
Sltt-titltaltt !Ilerptne. VIII., tort
ttt ...It t./tatelt. ,
ti n'
I watt It h . .? thotrt ,fttini Oct. rm. t GNI
t.+ let . • kr0kr.......
nta.n•ny, Bycrl, n.aurvra.. and an•or 11,111464,n
Lill. Nancy • imam, nl oorne•.Nban.n /II J..cs
L i N1;1110'El , PRONIIS!.4 rli 1 N.)TES
laga, Journal., In, 14...ka 4...3 •
et, •I n/ Idaallna. and th. 1,,...; pr •
JU YS, A.1.1 , EK,
/Loa. faa.laraitta,
tlutqarnst. aatnant.o.. af Oat. arta - a-at cr,aa, ed.
ttarlaunida a - fat art.,.
II AI ElVtd rdaltoddf
aart,r rl.rr.r ,:•
I a. happy ere 1 hired s , u. In ln Amrrlrlu
dream, ot 11.1 ' 1J Li
th. Wave, wlth vignette. boit Heart. is at... 1 0, li,y Lai
tiro. nal/ vignette. Noll, Itly.
'". U,lll'4llir, 1t,1.-.11. J 21,
W. 1 • ~t
Sell; • Lady; livvning Dry, a...
‘ lir r Ulln ‘ d ilco in Trier i v
belle Ohltb . P . l 1 . 11•15, firatlani.
7:'ll2.l}VVltt ;1 ,1 7' t l re ' ; l Zt " .lll . 7 l .
Maas!a tVahrut end :Peva aranour—Roudiwi raver
3, Thistle of Firotlatul. Itee'd and for b o y
soon JOHN II Mt:LIS/B. Wooest.
NEW BOO'K Sl—The Stone4.l#
Maeon of 2.4131 Liman • •
I Wage Tel, "
y Lerti.tint Translated front the
Memoir of lie. E.lnard Ilickereteth, lido hestor of Ws:
fi c T kt. larks,Rector of
with .5 intnehittion by stophen Tyne. ii ii.
2 of 12m0.,
A taboo, Itom.o An a 51aunal of Wiow. An.
tlquitle.,with numerous illuetration, by (hail.) Autl,u,
light In the Dark Places - . ur Memorials ol Christian LI
the Middle As.. from the tiermsu of the late Align.
N o n i ter,
The etar of the W 1. Men, • Commentary 2...1.1
Cl...pram of Ct. Matthew. loi Lichen! Chit:wilt 14
1/, Chaplain of the Lonl Undoup of Oxford, C.
bevhied from the tom+. edition. Brno-roue
Loomis' Algehru -.The Elements of Algeb.,
rot I§..oopellg by 011. lsasitln SI A., Prof..or Ilath
" IMUSlnrial Yield Bonk of the Itiorolutloni Loam,:
Worsil . pyMAitatne
nep2 7b Apollo L Pouttb 'et
EW 1300K81-I'nlvelm in the Lirlifsil
ONHlalee Ac., during 1.512 and I 4511; Id the 1..51y
Handl Worth,. 1 vol. 12trio„ 75c.
TM Ilistory of the /Sabre. dorephltin; 14J. II Cabbedt
erith engravlngtC I vol limo.,
0, fur Augdref. Appleton'. Mechanics' Mag.lll.• &DJ
Eriglll.lll, ' Jourruil.
bin 15 Pictorial P 1.14 Rook of the Itilrl l llAloll.
St.. 35 and Xti Dictionary of Mechanic, Engine Work
and Hug Insert.. Just nod for .11. lo
J L It/tab.:a pullo Buildings.
npl Voneth•troot
riff A limucttrixto plat eneelyed • int of eery
beautiful I..nglish Print, made expressly for exhibition et
the W00.1'00.1, to whieh the attention ol the hall. lo in
vile 14.11
- Netv Books, Just Received: •
`YEAST: a Problem; rei7intell with coryeg..
u ann ..1 nddltion, by thn author ol Alton I.4wka.
rii , torr 0. of Egrypts Or Jbenh
18m, room
Caleb riot& n Tan a lb. Mum.. mum.
' , inborn s Tale: by Anna P n. Tkittry. author nr..Yrb.n.b.
and Yortunaa." raP. mu..
Appitaan's Mechanic.' Hannan. and Fncinears . Jour
nal: NO. B .
Byrn. , McCort.: of Hathanin. Engine Work nod Ln
ftlinwring. Nos. 11 mud
Lcatninn's Pictorial Plaid Book a the 14.yolutlom
,y, a ,ua n , Inn (lawny and Ibl.l , lllstori. ich . Jt I.lth.
°pliable Maya by F. 11. Hibbard. id Hart
not: edited by Daniel 1.. Kidder. Irma.
Yoe este by J L ItHAII.
110 f K Afollo Du ildbout. Fourth et.
rit..MERICAN STATE i'APERS.—,Sutte Pa.
pen tad Public Document" of the United tem.,
11301 the Acceeslou of tleorn m e Wallington to rho ItoolJett.
g t . ertilit b et U gltittlf tgletta l al ' f..!ut.VV "'.."^m
ty tkeer Warne Ranoreca. on/Wuhan Poll tarot. IlettorteaL
Oeo repLical, lichtutttical, ntatteticaL
t au te n.
~,,,,,,bkkl Ikteunteutt, know, mei Fatle, Tnonher WWI
NM.e of the Arta end Manufacture, en,{ a lineoril a the
' E'en'.4 lh. vl T ra . b . le em2 &kr tale by
Sr a l
M O. STOUNTIJN. 47 Market irk
H. U. F.•rrell'R •
. 1 ! "" . .‘ 3 V.' I ;*
III: 1.11.1.
The Hutuiiit Body Must Perspire,
;i~., ' gsr \II I.fh,, •
- 1 / 4 - 7 •
li /'l. . Ita .'LJ..I.
,•."` -----
rat., thno -t.t.
1.," II sus, SVM ink. t
A N-letzut.• I MI I l•
•, " 'u,....
ila r I,
mu ~..,... ~. '~i, i,. ~ii i.~u
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root
jr, t:f t. P , l
rtirtr, ,xll ii.l •.,, 3,1 .11 41.,..J
Frmair (:.n.-n! I o, i,it/v.
nclbt.n.uu gst t
It ht i ;z01 , , , ,. .11 lawtotoft. I
t,t1,11,....! trtrrY:e'n,lMul."whi:l7l:::m‘o::::.,g;
r,rupt ati, to mato Iva.
It 100 t0.h,1 lo 4.11.1 —o I . Nel 11.1 1 1 1 1
thlo %%ro, Mot it o •alhohlt. 00010-11...,1, oil
tv.II . I.AINT, r0nh , ...• to , n•
Ihr virrulnOnn. re/Idol - hag Mr 141,1,, oh.l
thy It rithlovo, 1,44..t0t,5 , 1 Ihtart. and
all c0...a 14 A.M.., oh,l way tr us , . LIE all rhhostr.,
at .11 ...ow • , 1 Yor . ,
Thi• e,rup torypsr.l only C • t . ].. rat 102
Footmen] ratty... I . o bylyrawly soy, tra • 100.]1,11•,1.
Inltr /1/fool kg• Il.nt.rn Prom, Irunm.
ml '+r 'miaow.. rt rnor ..4•1 mi,•l -firth
B. T. Babbitt:a Celebrated Soap Powder
ill A SHIM.: withobt labor' IVarrtilt,l
In lake. IL.ot 1,, 11411,1 SIMI 111,
1.1nr. - noxk 'on l'rc —Put I , • , m 1.1
quanta r wmm• .k , rrr t1...n.. t.t.1.-
rrmrktru)•..f 0115 ~ 0 1,,k ',Ude, ..n..11 •• .3 , 1/at •ol •
nith du. el.roar, tc ter. kter I* IJarl. tuor•.
the n• end tlart. pm, aumutor, 11,.
rltriodlop.knil n 011. k, pia It
1 ,, n
sad PUlllnent ku.r. IlskL th, .1 11 not too 1.,
to,...•. Tio.n t lir .11rt) InI•, orb, w..n1..
Orr • thomukb rlnkl.. .1.1 that ..utrk.l.,.‘
make than "Irmo.
ll.—There Iwlngno rosin lo this It sr .11 leave
thecloth, very Whit, on boil oil, 'Men,
rt., tbs. The enlow rwwt the lostlenal tow , tn... 41...
en-rwl two rentrslaseoutislen... 11,41,11114 of leis perw•it
W. ,
fie 1.. owder Iltsl ~,, • paper •sll
IM kw!. Solt Soso
1iar5."1...01 r n Lou sloarr.t.t *sitter mod
wit the Isnwiler with tinsl Ilion let I•oil...1 11,. iron
ul.ll, then sitotrie enlit saute, nth . thein
felher .
itot It ewe, whore It will not irwin.
inu..,lt.t will yen Illieß ostni eller Mote Swap, not
will 161:111 woll. mud will lost ..nt louni• oilwr Swsit
µnap, nor •rot (11n clothe.. Vstsi lw Sim hard ••r welt
wain r, isr llie einulitr into rt. quarts.
twelve. /.0111,1 h.,: wtwlitio. cativo
xnA ws.llon
. .
Mold .ml ,1 It. E
. .
,L A It°. A:l' It:
•:, V , I N ;
01 is I inrgar. rred.far..diro•rdd u•
d *1 WI
r or 11.. ordinary purga - ar. of 11, 1..11.1 and aurraa...
int Lim PM, in 11. prrfurnr and and to
praler forthr promotion of tlranlineaml hnnith.
hlgl,llrrnmlnd.ndatt mad, Ihr al-minim' and
deli rata mirror,. of Or tolt. .1.1 Mr or...erring
frrahoran of dm dompiraian. tarmonrld id01...rm....
per 'dm Prat and dr, lira: 01 IP, alkim to i
huller nt Impart mit ao
lnnv .t
aap:. Mid ht II E
1. - 1, 1 0-PA ERSII I P—The 4uhtteribers have
lnwonti .1 4 n 0 1 . 41).-Partm•rahlt ,. . , tildv t i t t l i 4f , r . of "''00.1..
jaal - JOHN !II IIIiELI.
lENNETT, CU. r ,.
t :0 11 . krir voo %;:sr.•
TO Druggists and Painters.
? APIS OREL'N "fr BRAND, Tir„,,,,,
*Wirral - es l'criter. re... 1 4 ,4 I, the „1
t e Aulenren Inehtute. for teeee , eahh unts4-
ity nf ohnde elet ham.. The umnutartheee of the petnee
Paint Ilse rehlureet the deep,t wet nu. brxlimot •ruele
ot l'hrle .treen. that le he to heel timer.. he hrhithat
without iletruhent to the 'had, an.. bee .4.1 - hee.l the Ora.
yea to unvarrlog
1.41 . [11. fnr Lilt. *Wit. 01 Mlle
celebrmant br,tid et I'v..+lfreer.. t lt b r
rhea Id reduced hrreee.h.o
ijOtASII---i6 casks pure, for sale by
cos 4.• K. If LAND.
' •
L t.
I S I • rI I:
.n I Fn II •
..* • ' : : • "-\„^
New Lake Superior - 1851,
Frit M•1;111
• • ••• • , , r2rr. . r, r - V r :L r -; , : r\ ‘ ' !;',-2,it r ' r\
irh.• r \ r • 4 1. 14
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' ,. ; , 1' , ..'' , 4:g-'...' , ..iV ,. ".:;;.; T,!:?.c; ‘ ,
\,,r4. k.. ',cal. , I•ArY 1.1.4•N•U•13.1,411 . hd.1
T '4 ... . '1 1 -1 '... .1 i•Vil ' 1111:;4,
;••1•4 rrir 1. 4‘' ,;• ' 1•11 .." i ' :;' It.). MO. ri. ./1154'.., l•.•
I 1.,..4A1,1154.11 . y. I . l! ! •, , ittrr 1...,.. , 4, , M..4r1
. . , .:::.. ' i. I , I , :XFI:-.. ' 4\ . 1.7:: 1 ..'11 . .N ' Nk r , '' l';.T.t .
....... ..i rty ..--I. \T. Ilr.rwa ' 111411 l. mut! '
1t d 1.{.,:k. 1 \•••14. vry s ti, • li, . b. k . 1.114
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.llntl., .Ao 1. Am... 4,
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I, .4 I'Lmelrt ~
1,. A. Elliot. nn I. M. 1
'.ED O
1,%'' , :11;
1I 1, 0 . r1u
ff l ly
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. . .
• "
1 .lu. and
11.11,11.{./ , , , ...I coatrifewot fi r
lulu. .. In e , qui,. ram .1 I nrona,a...eteeee ,, ,
dent id Ili. , 111...”, 44 ..-1 , 1.11.. tt.s. I' I.t.ri.
101.11114! .4 ,I 1 I. nlem,tr ..1 Pent I not. and
~,,r1...11., 1,. et, ennan , a in Q.., to .d..atit
T. and the apy, ..non of,remel.e. l4i ,to
Irointh th. ile, 4 ilia it:hating lid,. oaneettonsdh
L. rr7plirlactlc to p,an.rother of h , , r. oilier. Ite Ilea
:wood tth unt,arad,
.1 Suainetwe Ineon t/ 4 oe a . n-V-1 1 / 1 1
.„,, ~,,,, . a h0y,,, , ,, rulereu r , t coritrophk, I ,weikra,
r, rule, Ulu iintatieto a..ttona Fever amPA...Mr. keret..
all 'mods. rbr,due br,, ..larl al all 11.0., ~ , , , jltt,l6. A\ ,
...,•• ~..r,11".. 1,. (-not. Incl., . et.r, stole , ' diemay, .
• aLlehea under the nor e boo remielte, to I.latelOunven
t , 1 , , belt—net b, the', t one ~..ppLutel nal, ,aitor that \ .',
icio•mpatli.i , ultl, P 14. 1, ev.eal Lka . but lit 11,.,0, pr ~
bp r. , p,...1.e.. eulapt...l'to:eu or...crated for, mach prkulist \
I..ra. td M.....
Pr. Kane., TonleA Iterath e Ila, wh,\ md, ere fro ~
my ,kg,...1,1,,,1 to be aupen r to ell Athenr. Me PoMar
use tsr It!, pill. Insomuch an Le,' hale the hmels •
bed/ IrreVrom ceativenes, ia i bi, tloNlenlllLawn.
itte.l• tit th , facility, to pow. . either twidertie,„ Asia •
tea to roman, al.earea, but trim, e bled that a harem - tar,.
P. mai:newt. la e•tabiLth what h.. le. . eaid, slr the soloPor a a •
ti \
1 ;if.:lnit . ,.PaA l. lorited la call tikoti hes, anale.... A
rm. (grate) one tf Ow boetner. pled h. , A . clri c s tlMmult• \'
eelvora,unt . eack re o di, and . h Hon. \ , •
.y. r he th e ...It, agen.. a. I rbyco rt antra
M. throughout the co 11. 4 . ,
, 01, tioonmaXer a', 1 cadet.. Iht .t. an
„.,... ~ , ..7=, l ri c , re cc. ;; : , 1 , 1 a.r , ,ket r e 0 ct \0 k .A.,,,,,,, .\.,
ov• , 10 . . .
Jneeph Lathier, Garb ra ConntY\a\ \
\ .4.htartt..:tr :: ....._ • , \ \ , ,
........ s.
\\ \ ,
To, the; Roo-tiers of thwia ~e . P . .i . 7 . .b , ,org h, .l :l„ .a.e ktert , \. '
~ \
E l li t , o Li o, C thin' 'I , I' ,. .ENION is ,re , tro In - \ ', \
ne,..f 'de, Inc,et aoriant_remeanat nt nude n men! \- •
• v4.114•Lf..1'Al PI: K11CK...011.: It la.unt n ,re than • s ‘,
\ .
year Aa Oae tins `, am.. 6.rnady wv. broom ghettos i\ \ ',
pbltr, ( h at,e relief 'en,l cure of 41.4 as, 1. Icko.t polo . .
hreal. t Kin. Ihr[l, 1. ,, 01i, WU , \ r44 , -.A , 4t, , 4 NI \ ' \
rat,tounity' s . and we allege that the longer - id Isaltte•l the \ , , s
mare eertain will de great Lune pread. It is not 'cite rem. ' • ~..,
jr ora day .arnt np for kn. r.,to ymrPole of n_takinu m3l ' \
but. one. whe h we coorrlce. wal rantiouela 1.• use
'all ottlnortrunta hare lea, fe.rgotten. The Petrol. le
beta I Kennaly, elaborated in the depth, of thy ' , '. \' a \
a p., r end agency that isoolis to ecyrn all by
laun,-titidn. It taour duty% h., we
about • mOr.l \ \
N 0,.. that we write the truth—tlust we NS lathing
• `. \ \
lt4ed to deMlre the...nut., usay truth our word or put eon \ . , 1
donee in cw Lannuents. the tort en. awry apt to retch a ~ \
V4 h e t' 4' ' le r ay m :r 7 .li n atr f t. ' n ' c ' e.rrt i r ' rotoViT.F.T. \ %
\ \
\ '
Ing clb um! lt, col n.- I them how, we Jo not aerate
our re 1 ohnu le told, to order tr; ercurr Melt a repo.
tution 12 1u ho
a, single article in the materls med• \ ,
4... P annum. el factr--farti that may bernecertaltual
le, our tit sand nem. lertad, bear aninle teatinton, In le. \
rer of the ",troleum.
la ithio t e put t months, two of our own hiatu s ' ‘l.
who wed, h, lei blind bare hen n.aurtal tr. sighL Per. a\ it , •
era) nue.. reithmlne.,ln the SW,. Of Obiw hare tern \ \
carrel And.adAo. the camoragentlerdanto Bearer C. 131 y. . li.
,' h., Cr.• 011e.ra,,, hat L 11,4,17, raw , aear home, and [AI • i \
he r,lerred to by.any pe a who her.. doubti cm the en. '•• \ ,
Pet. \Thee• rw•e'vrere rut alter they Inel laan abandon.
V 4 1 ,1 ,03 'I , IND, 1,, , 11,W11, She Petroleum atilt rare. \
hen oaed tr,,ofikr tr. dirt one— Ularrboa. hysenter,
Pplev.ltheurnalAL,ll4.l.l. Neo.laltas. I t1,1‘10,1, nu thert.M., —
1' nee: on the ten., P,hre,= , the. Ky.-. Pa.:worm, 'letter.
ilc tl , ll Z:,,%!tTc:Zr th l:;mih ' ; Ls I gittr=a U' g2
Pu otlar, alfecuoirt of a chrome It All,. tenting to pr, .
hurry and newt.. dtee> l , of the \ dder and Kidneree -
\ .114,,.
\ \ \ k .
Chap Ilards., krenriatial Nipple.. Corns and Bunion,
In fan. la edenive vvreav,+l. arntart..and has. tern •air,l •
In Mt.St 0 1.1. e oho. doreou , •aylthin tlea,„pcsb. year with the •
tout perfe t 'fume., Certatici,tes that alil-salontsb art It . .
tho Land, ,t they ropmetur,whaaill likenleaeltre In Rho,: '
p.l \
ft TVe ' r ' eiVtleVt ' r k" ''''
'h'" 4 l l ''''' \ '‘
mar rep al t their Imettlehter, hbe -
1\421316.091L\ tkO .174,1,1. IGinedAof the tut. Phystclaim
of lonh'etantllng to the ry•orwaitaNue to rue it
In their Practice\ Those who at enitiooked orawith dool.t . ~
and untertatnty.aare ' , Vilna to awAnd it durreprater and
,4,.4.1141,..D. IlejOIN . 103.1 , 1.11,"r pro rNla rottedi will he
et :impelled to ukrway ledge that the Petroleum la • great.
*I valid. ever dive— --- "'. - " - a-.. land ten •
La . K'
.44 1sT -14, - 11. Pel l' &1:41%i
Elllls:4, Doug b by INT*
Mien% P. Bd. KIK garret. tte•
la n. te ', and 11 A. I+ al Yrou 4141
• v• .
4, , ELLERS" f 4.
to —ltle: cheap. tea
amnions. \ 1
, .v, b 47. .
Mr. It. I , .. ' te . Ilene-3.0- ...........-.., . ~.....m a t have been "a
,Ilttovv-t to lacubleedme rough, and leaving to;ed different a i
e.m,,he, to fie, hula `pivezvev.. 1 •vem , 2 . ..4L i tt ve ,,,
tesements about your teumn :soap l'a a... ‘.. ... • \ 1
1111: ' ' ' ' . 'l'. :4 l t ' l italVAt fTil ' ,ll . ? , \ .. " or ' n 4 4% . ' '+' - . ;, •
I ban, recommended It ao \ ray netrill a, and 41 . • too. ,
conrctencionsi) trellere . 14/411 , 5 U..... , , A rt .l/1:h reCtlieilia, ; \
that h. ever fore n n
‘ puto;: i.,
PILI , ,Uta should [toi ‘- iLtd: torn t. , sutler.
';ugh. • hen they mat la. tie of, t
r l tn.
erevand and Is by :LLI. ` s . .
nat. •2.7 V' sat g fI,IIY.
ipteTENT 11IED 1. lorgeotock\
n entre, and for rai terror,' •ir, \
uakilen theta:tont t ' t...e: \ \
L'T" Vt i mtial Pelt Wm
Nerve artAltone\ /dram 'or of Iteaktc \
1/mdell Steerlr
Kulmotuar Unlearn t.( Kathie,
PIII., Antritilions, ,
Lee's . • ,
Anders r.e. a on, for the
" \ lloope t. Kenai
. ---••
, Dr
lly mbarketv
71111 r
• .. Quinine
Towdere, ter. •
NI., Olotmenl, tar Tatter
Ptlangtbentnyt Plasters \
Tartlet:looi Balsam s
lo ermlloge ,
Worm Tea •
At tbe lung evert. -.(
asi ore..
..% k
a-- I mi ,•:.;
~..;4t. ! .-
• 1:,. t 7
.• (th.,•--
....• Ilf,:lir7s,
It'd' "..2';17; ''''
,i0d,,,, .e.,....,•"‘ \; ' \
=Tr u th., •. \ -\ ,
4'z.;;1gitrA. 1 ...4 '`:\
F lBl4— lootqa, Lugo Na." ' ll.l.ent \ f• 1
drUxpeN..t.".'iLt4. •
. - Ift, !Ale, LPlueilup.rlPc-fl,Llmnn and Whltelfh: \
''.., fp fluckl order and fv, Aale . br . . ,
, .1?111% 1% ;TT A (o.,.Libertr of.
iSil•—• \
1.1L1414.f.Lar0 f.. 3 31st keret ' - -,-..
La at - 00. a. i
.., la IF , f):' , I'LTITLE ft OM ',..,' ..: I
G 6cfauEs. Ac , ..-
hf. h. Tra, .Jahan
i t .44,.,=r, ~. .. .
_ b f , I. n . Coft•P', -- i. , ' , 4 , ". 1: 6 rw7 I, . . • I . • ~.*, i
...• tu ~/. eltw. L
\, ''l'' '' 'I
i AM. Vs,INT4:, ' .. 1" i 74'11rr117.1%/: ,_ ;
li ‘6,
..: ..,,,...n. .t . Inalim . kr? bf.g. 'Apes, tilrofie/4'..... , I
lu U .T ' ' '.4 \ , : • ' 1.111i11:; ' " 1 , 44 r. ktli. ' ..
' UTTKltj\ryr PaCi:P(I, foTle b' ,• , 1
4 u.I IIIIER Itbln. prime Itoll; \
“frch ''
c illflPf., ' '..... 1
I,g, for sale bi k : •:...,,
.s a. FLON D. _ \ ',lr r. f.
Iffl7.3iooale ' S':\ .:
fORTH a 04.1,.. —!,,,.... ,.. r .
,Ailoriilfgf..— '. --; 'i,' 1
f "'tilt; V.
'' i
NJ . __ . ~
PW- b, bbls
odic- • 4 1 ° .!P at /Ft. d 4, 1 bbt tor a r m
• MS%
\ \
\ ,
\ \
\ _ \
\ \
riding \