p mE HATTERS. Anse AL. —The lion. Wm. !rein, United Eltitre Marshal for the Western District of Pennsylva is non in twirl", Hilt k stopping at the Mon- ! ongabeti !Huse —The ease of Gerrit Vanroeter of Va , vn 'Ur 1.. beta Mitchell of Indiana eounty,willbe [Het) :he present ter:n of the liutted Share ! Circuit Ira is at: setion brought to re- enter th.- “h3e of a shave alleged to have been harhor:4 by the &let:dant. At:ye-tad years up) A pent.:a of bre i,14.1.11.r.1 dollars ban already been :a 1:1- I 0•. h .ze Tier. njOh, Nupthsn 1 . 0.11, of olae I tiv,ths oill au the. nor .Lail WW Ith ~bout 0..1[111141e of next steel:, bearing tte trio! list in the Circuit Court. Ile will then leave toe Philo/lelptsto, to =IIICEIIM1vfl!!1!!1;1 Motto , : to t. N vo: Tx Inc—T6e ;owlet% for o tfttri , tI I L.. It tat ea.ot‘of It J Itentlet. a stage driver. a4l victe•htt it, last term of Ilir Udited Stated lust flat Cones: of robbing - I ne msil, wan yesterday argued hefore the lion Judge Irwiti The ficetstou tees postponed until nett Saturday, in ord.:- t i Aire lino• Id take iiojlo4iiioll3 on behalf -I the States, two prironers iu jail hariug a ur that they lotaril the peranu to whom Itenurt unntessed is prison, holding out 'indueen.e.ntr in eae hr uvula •wake a clean breast of at ALlfti,./...—Aidermou Me- Mssie, yciterbry held Wiltinm Dorm and Daniel toliatt, charged on oath of Jacob Green, witli7pot. The Minty occurred relative ;to a dispite, arie.itg Out of courlieting claims to the t007.417.50nt •r the booty of George that'll:le, who died in the house of Mr. ahoy, a colored man residing in the Eighth trued. The cruteading panne! wished to inter the ileceased In different grass 7 ants, one, it is said: preterting a Catho lic, and the other ea Protestant Cemetery . (tole AND rENNSVLS ANIA . LROAD. —The nunibe nr passengers earri;d over the Ohio and l'enueylvanta ruhrond, lant week, was two tli k ousand three hundred and eleven. ilrdmxtitsitaosti —The roils of this road will be relented in a few days from Wil kinshurg to Turtle Creek.. twelve miles from Pittsburgh It is expected that the whole route from Plnlade!phis to Pittsburgh, will he opened towarils.the dose of this month, or the beginning M . : next. with the exception of a distance of 20 miles, bi.114 . (•11 Turtle Creek and Chambers' Mills. The Company will, of course, usr the Portage Itailribud until their own road, avoid ing not in.:hued planes, m completed. Ltnebay:--Jennsi Itenner and John Russel We, yesterday committed to prison by Aldermen Gibson, or pine township. charged with larceny, to have been commuted in taking two bloke.. of hoots nod el oo HETI 11NEI. —Volk° I IlliCerSO% 1199 returned, -Imvidc; mccecdeel wdely lodging reetkra Jen kins. Alec matricide , . +en Nlet'allieeter, two leeettenced t. Ow' Lunatic Ateylum nt .Ilarri.elererg. iu that luellettitioli I • G.Vz N •CLIP, (Mows. Price and tLntsont nt' a knotting of .the eittzett., to inquire into—the fee e ihii,ty of gns works tn Allrgheny, boore goo , . to Stontßitrille for the purpose of nnt , kirig 01, 1 11iriCS relative In the' pis estohlikanent of ihnt place. As I SZTELLMFMT trrrxrss.—.t witness jester dll!, ill . 3 tippling nonce moo on trial in the Court of Quarter Sessions, was asked where she bought the liquor, and answered that she got it at the house of the defendant near Croghans ville, on the road to the Garrison: She tots then asked by Mr. Margin,. the prosecuting attorney, the technical question of whether or not that was iu Allegheny county, and towered no, that it was iu After reflecting some time. on being again asked, she declared that she was positive it was not in Alles,hray county, for that she koet it was in Pittsburgh_ ' Wl= STATES CIRCIIIT COITS.T. 'dos loir, November 10. E3nre•the E 17. I,rter, and the lion. Thomas Irwin. A number 1.1 decirinne were read, at the • opening of the Court yesterday °totting After i the transaction of some hu••inees of no general siniyorjence; the trial list was tshen up, and a jury coiled in the cave of hid:lain cc. Livingston, Itoggen A Co. This was no notion to recover damages for an alleged infringement of a patent Tight of the plaintiff, to a sash fa.•teuer. "Candlesa and Burke for plaintiff, Shaler, Stone ; ton, and. 3,lB:graw for defendants. The evidence offortui.viali of no general interest. ' r The else is not yet concluded. EKIURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS. November 10th. • , • Present the _Honorable William C. McClure, President Judge, and ,William Boggs' and T. L. t lysotiate Judges. The triat ef the case of the Commonwealth or Christina Keenan, was resumed. The defers dent attempted to prove that before she struck the prosecutor with the poker, he had put his 1 pipe in the fire, and after it hod become heated, had Ihrustit agaltisther cheek, and burned:her. After argument by the counsel, end the cha - rge the court, the jury retired nod returned a Ter " ' . -Cemtnenwealtk e' Thomas McGovern. In ' dictment:Osaoulr and- latterY, on oath of Peter 1 Keenan., - .Thlt prosecutor testified that he was going toofield to dig potatoes, When the-defen dant came up and struck him with a hoe, cutting bizonoverely -.mew,. the 'foci, The jury after a brief absence, returned a verdict of ,gutlty. Comjnonwenith vs Robert Burke. Indictment larceny, on oath of Francis home. The defen - f • dant plenied guilty to stealing a pair of ,boota, tin the rarity prison. • The reuse of •thellotononweattr no Thomas . McGovern, biformation, Surety of the Peace, ou otiftoof Christina Keenan, was taken upland af ter it trod heard, his boner, Judge McClure, di tooted ench party to pay his own costa: ' , McGovern, convicted of assault and . , battery. true sentenced to pay a fine of ten dot- .1 Lre.' Christina 'Keenan, convicted of the-name if fence, was also sentenced to pay fine of tin - _ • • i dollnrni Michaid Lippe, who had pleaded guilty of •i petit larceny to two indictments charging him 1 with grand larceny, -committed in stealiog oast amt sore other articles, was sentenced on one indintmeot to three months imprisonment '.. in. the Ilounty Prison. and on the other, to two monthil impihicument in the'satrie place. Cmm °llamado vd Lawrence Winebell, of, Sharps itorg, .Imlicted for selling liquor without . a Revue. The ' Court adjourned before the case was con - aloded r L. Art Ellsoo,l 41MBION. The riury Is the above : case, returned a verdict' of - kuiti)...: Cori heonwratth re. George Foster—lndiet mot, Joriecy. Jleg 1 to Imre been committed' of hoots. The defendant pltmdtl_ulns - tility. Toe trO4IPI were found under, the step, of house next to shot of Mr_ Foster,' 1e..114 not appear to he in any way connect ed trith -then,. The jury returned a verdict or -Lo. play." . Cotoo,nowealth vs. dames Clinton—lndict meat. keeping a tippling house. The jury after. a short ale,e4e, returned n verdict of guilty., The del . ..adopt writ sentenced to pay the costs of prosecOon, and' a Ito of thirty. dollars.- 1.11 def./1114:11C Tao committed to prison:where he h as a lready. remained for three "noodle - , not baying been able to procure bail. Comnt,owcalth vs. 80. Busby indictment, 'lntllido.l,l mischief, alleged to com mitted u. shooting orator Of turkies, the property of Hoary Cable, of Roes Six firer, killed; and cis were badly wounded. : The avid Alec wee clear audtanclusive, the out cage linving been a most dastardly and wanton one. t The jury returned a Verdict of guilty, and the defeinlaureras sentenced. to 'undergo nn . im. prieonnientig three unintlis in the county jail. CotntuottwOt ilottleib Itleysh. The de. tendlt "Ft.iince.u.T3 mischief, alleg. ni t o /h ave been committed in boating a horse's° - brats yas to break his- leg. The animal died next day.' t • .Thet_l.urt airourned.before the case was cod eluded., • FOREI.IIq rorrnr.—A hteryerycetorday in the , Coart: ut Quitter Se4sionn,.wlto was defending a. colored nnui accueedof moliciou4 miechief, end who we , cerlenily guilty, coneltuled addreee to the jury with the foliowinc - couplet: --,-'My-client hae a cohired Bonito innocent heart within! ine!: TO ran PrlnTVNTlAßY.—itobert econ clotc,i sr the previa. term of the Court, of larceny, cenninitteo in running a fill in Birmitir =" 1111.111, and sentenced to oneyear'a iniprjyonment .in theVestern Penitentiary, wni yeaterday ta ken oteribe lifjek by'bfe: -For.-the 'Jailer, afid• Tut in lie &Ij. lisanoatan A Desca.reu.--Joseph Zimmer man was committed to prison, yesterday. by Alderman Lewis. in default of hail, charged, on oath of Gottleih Arnold. with harboring a de serter from the United States truly, and with ranking away with uniform "' Scum, Am lei., lie learn Irani:the Token that-Mr. thorge Ltraticr. late ‘d the lihio Plain lug Nlill. in Allegheny ktity. v moo. severely wounded last 1 2 refay week. a l,ile engaged in snperintetelinw n plmulng machine, in Fall-Wu. Rea., co. thy eylltgler tent,' wink , revolving at the rate of over twenty live hutelrad revotu lions per Milan*, several et the purls fftrik lug hi—face, and intlirting 4Yveral gaahet+, while ah..lit forty 'pumas) stfuch him th+ thin h. in ter rihle w..L. I 11. w ItIS I , ; , hg by n physician . stso —ln the Coact Quarter Seminar yesterdny, n of malicious 111i,wilier was tried. colored man. the defendant, hall been secn tie mollle little boys in It school house iu [lds, Township. sit - siting nt a dock of domentic tot cry+ Thecounsel for the prisoner maintain-, oil that inasmuch as the children had morn tie ..r. f% / .,P trrndwr„there 411, a prole nlali ty of theit being mistaken. and that at any rat, looking out of n window, at a man shouting tut kie, was not the business for which they were sent to school Deputy Attorney Ilene& Finnegiu matte en amusing rejoinder to o defence which was prob ably only set . up owing to the desperate nature or the rase, observing that were it not for the well known reputation 01' his blend Jro sobriety, he would really heliese that he had lore° tooktos tht.aph a ablet, before he mode his speech, and that furthermore, the children in looking out at the colored man shuoting, were in the striet din charge of their duty, for was tot the •yo"nie idea' rut n, renoo7 led.", "haw AI I". A Loss From, —The Dispatch of yesterday. says that the deseendittik of Sill. sod Susan Long, (colored) deceased, residing in Elisabeth tearnship, reettutly held 0 jubilee at Nlctireix's tureen . ! They number eight. (tire of them It Ales) arid measure forty sin feet in length. av eraging five feet nine incites each the tallest nod oldest male beiug -ix feet seven inches tall, somewhat of 0 giant. nod well proportioned! Tito two heaviest, tone of them a woman,) weighing seven hundred nun fifty pountlii . Nu Iris that itrl-4,0, were present at thorn flute fOn tol , llolk RAILROAD-- The engineers have coMpleteil the survey of this work. eril different Inure have been run through our streets, but al yet the location of the depot has t Leon determined. distimate, of the expense or the various routes will he prepared and sub mitted to the hoard of director,, who will then decide the question. In making this deci,ion, rop(•at the hope expresieiThy us last week, that the directors will look colt ly to the inter cm, of the company, and the convenience of the general trade of the eity, without any tunas iii flavor of particular individual interests At the recent Obits election vote ante token Von %Vert. un the itheetion of that eounty•4 siihscribing title kla to to the stoek of the cowpony, and carried ben large nthjoe , ity Should the preeent strincetiet• in the motley market eubside, vo that the hued. f the cow pony could he Orgotialeit.woren.nn to doubt that the work tnity tie pot tinder contnict this winter. or early in the sprint; We do not dioitioir of heing note to coke a railroad trip to Philailelphili within three tenry trim thl. owe CINCINNAII. HA...LT.Oi AND DAYTON RAILATI, —The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton lailw.ty in an unfinished state Was partially opened on die 20th of Hoptember. It has been rtiti since that time Im its unfinished condition. by'two pas senger trains IL duy. No freight train has yet been placed on the 1 - 041.1, .111.1 tbere has been very little travel through from Sandusky The Imsiness done or. the line has been altogether local. The earnings of the road in this 1 1 00.11• .I.llorl for die Ten days in September were 1,d,.177 Total. one month and ton daft $19.176. Id 111 in income is hut nu ettrumft of what the rola will earn whet, in Lull operation, and it pee far to confirm the opinion heretofore exprevvoid that this road, when finished and put iu complete operation. will be one of the very duet paying monk in the l nitr,l s t m, _o n ,i„.„ NOTICES, &C. • - .11A1'ORALTV. , LIMN NI. S. .1"11, :If.,r nt the . Elhlhan. •neueet 4.44.4. n hz the Ana Nlshheno.• and Wit, Chnsent.nn rh•i" tr .jrj ,announc, through your pap, JANIP, MATTIIEWh. MA • rand;el.4te tor Ma‘nr,ulnect to the ho Mint/inn *1 he .11.4.i-MpanOntc sad WOl4 Cnnh nnlo te geir. MATORALTT.—Mr. F.. 1 ithtl, Please an tur. thut the friendm B. C. IA6Tu. slit sa-•••• clam- for trinninntann Car 113•Thr- ^nhieet Ue' . l e•msihs al the 11 big ennvenhon. Fnhtt, Wm.], nub., Prtranraon. Not. 4, 1,1. r 1 1 11 E IV es. ern Insurance Conetntc ot Nillk dA) ,I,,larnl a diraietal of Two Dal ban and Filly fiat. n, anal, on tha .Lek aub,,nl**l— dollarp.r lamas. la. paid ill aull an or at, Ita•Vall trot- and bitlan , .. I+,l, • radit,-, as a { , arcornt on•atart I , NI.. Fla.!, '4,, haat , toreetot.,n. N.., 4. hod. TIM President and Directors of this Bank have Ole day declared • dteldend of 4 pee rent. the, capital etoek •ter the la, eta =oath , Cat tdde ,^ the n eteekholdera three least rettreeetdadteee k0th 44,114, stem 11V01111.. l'aelster. 14Irett•aor. II•aa or Plaveauitoti. Nov. 4, 1141. •4,T a meeting of the Board of Directors, thtr day. the felloarlOtt nototatlon -teas adopted:. - I(e.olved. That • 111 - Wend of I per root on the ranitat hal. De hatd A the ettrkholden tot or after U1.14414...4 ea bjett to the 1. hue taa of IN; tudla for the Iwo ria month. a. P'grrTtVVlby the act "1 -1.1 b 41 1 :g 41 1111n r 1 i t l a i Ihrnatm., TIE DIRECTORS of the Culling Mining m!hrTav",. m . ' ;. ° ‘:re, of C.Dpanr. ono pxll payahl , on or 101,...1.0e :11th No. seniter. amt cab, tisk cm or Wore theoono 000 ,;‘!:" " cal" '0 M T 'FRIEND. Tret,• _• fica HE Merchant.' aud klanufacturers' Bank T Ottemrmh ha. [LOA tiar deelszed • thridepal of -4 . ..s . to c e k k ,l. l.l . ot the prolMl for the lIKNNY,CanLIer. WElrrtliN INFORANC6 COMPANY, . flntrehor•h.llelnher.ll.l.l•l 7 l Election for Thirteen Director. of thin wrv..l ! lstror the eroosiom ', 7 ll;f ' lrte n tlttilT .T:vroTl.:r "r o! b l;;Ct "."7. .uf o'cloek'Ad•l. awl 3 o'rloel P. M. hoot[ orMttil P M. OfMtiu PN, etee.r. NOTICE TO STOOKIIOLDEKS.—The'an anaI mretinn of the atoekboldery of the ` Allegheny nod Nhouneater Plank Road Ononan)... •111 be held. (to nair‘nonce of the Art ragolsting Tornalkt...l Plank Road 013 blornlay. the Sd day of Noventher. at the Gallo 1 4 the Fecretary and Tryagorer. l'No 7, Aran? moat. ittsho rah. at 3 o'clock. P. !.1. for tn..pgnf rhoon na officers IV. BAK EWELL, hyytar, OTIC E.—The person who took—it 10 ralgtakt--front [UT otore thaY, on En. ay evening, wark,d . .IVnt Yon. rays lb. E. nellera' s "1 111. OTICE is hereby givers that ail-assessment eR. , . Los been 1..y).A on ti, cao- Ntc...4 of the 'grunt:ay SlinlunCompaaj'of 1 aJalde al IL. ulhn• ICI IL. 1....1 , 11 . 7g0A13 the 5.515 L.( Sill.- It, order tif i ihr oollt 1,01.411. Tre...nrer Notice. 1.:2..11‘N. 111.. ur I.m..i.c..ii.Ortulwr 17. 1..1. A N Election hit. thirteen Director:- nl clue eor... dorm,- . 1 ; 1 IL{ tn. 14:4 mmi.i. the lI W day Wr orxt. trim.. Ibe llouro.t VA. DI J.ll' it. THOMAS It. [IOW E. Mreettmere Ihrca. Pittatrara. I.lrtoher 11, 11151, .111 HE Annual Election for Thirteen Direct-• or. , of NO Itanlt• wilt he 0,14 at the Ihsoktrig t. Ihahlay.thr 17th 4.1 . .1' Novethher heat, letween no. ht..i' of 0 n'eloelt A. IL and I . e'eleek W II LK.1,0. r a sh ler. 11,0. Prreeishuoih uetoVer 17.1,1. , N ELECTION for Thirteen 'Directors of Ihl. lank for I Ina tloor'.on s lrzleulng. r. . Y .; z e i r l i i n t-1.141,m t t, the he,atest (ne1.,114/ SNYlPlik'Z'a.eh.tr;'' House r of Refuge THE subscribers for the erection' of an Itonnt Of 1401, fut 11.1. by notthrtl that au e h, ttot•uty pot- t-tttl tto th - .ll.tyrtbattl h, each, ,• noniyed nttd ttt [lO. Tres.uttr, on or halm )1b day ttf tlttrttut, next 111 ord., of tha 110r1 lolfllyAr•NtoNttA elftf 111111 A 1 . ,Tru. I RON will he received in exchange (with a wary) for TWO BUILDINO 1.010 1 . 11. for Hiatt icsra. E41 , 1 01, ( 14 /.0 , 11 ,11A11.11, ATK/NRON A )KELV. A N Remedy for TOOT!! ACIIE, 1 - 1 Tarim' no tba Terttli t Fctollt( 11101 i num!, tot tatt c•ntat *alt. ta glit.tElt 11,1111WELLI, twalt/ 140 Woil Ktro.o ' LANKETS,-1 liNvo retxiveil my foil ale&f HER'S, eef the clillereht,iesaa hewn - treating he &Mart, will hall aeolpr ftea-k. . gt lIILDREN'S ZEPHYR WORS'4I)--100 ) Ilooda asol comfort., jet+, reed lel A. A NlAtiei 4 Sh/..ilarkot . 10 carOott Caraeus, ii4N,ltlanilla; j (arse. low hoeloer a ooLoicurnent.. lea artife I. SACK Ml' a cx, f it INN° N VELVET P A Pk: R X.) 1011 S, Fer Inerreetat Itmma, n.r.dr br .41 ._. ILY WHITE -20 groms t/1 various ntylnl , 2,i o d r rleaelojusitrocalregleamel far sala te, eaah Al We++) rt.. pTS. RPE Xi' L`.4E-=2.5 ILL, for Imlo by t.e.11 II A. VAll ti KiTe.Cti 0 CO. INSEED 04,-4 btAi.'pritne, toir onto by h. A. YeA r ilAe....Tee.:K CO . rigt ROCHE& SHAW invite the I of the leellna to.a lot of erre rill, hhawia, 4'" ' • corn, of &Salient aan..lu UEearth atapelea "".- • .° .innii- S ALEA A TUS-- n roirret: ro; t, • WICK It AIWA h lehree;.' itER.--30 cut; trash Butter; 41 • - tsidk bys. Bl TEL I •aiiis hare transpired Several honees Sr.- in cutting : the weather ie 111.VEIVED BY 'MR O'REILLY TI.LICORArn LINE, I i.g favorable Linkeed lid—Sales at ciallon—the former from eitnAL the latter from store. • I• in demand. iit Ibe market sa firm .• rrn, klolit•se: Ire.% au: our Sow olio, Nov Iti 1.111.1 i,..t%to.trav Fite Steam ship I anniln. pith date. from Lie Y r. " - ' l4 ` ereieil to the 20th ultimo arrivel id 4 oseleek I=l ARRIVAL OF THE STEAM SHIPS CANADA & 13 A 1.1'1( A NI , ttu the 'tth iumitott TLo ttletinter ItAttic. (nun Ltvert..rd. with Ante A. the 2ttlit, ttrrivittl at 7 „t Ittet, The .teltiter .rttlett (non tAtrriAtol .r I ',,rtt The re t ..., 1 t. ..Itl Newt rtt the :::ttit A.titrre or!3t r t.. 1.11. i rt.ttitrrtl Lang 'tightly ituttrrti he t'tottitt hrtng• patrteugert.. mod tLr littitte t 4 anhingtort hua !tot arriml to South ntopten 'nu the . . P . . It ie rer.rted that lurther en for Slr .10 1 / 1 1 Frunklio will be given up for the pr,eut l'itriptnieut i.§ 1.. prorogued on the of 1 . .Inuu.t) Theaccident to the Africa oreurreil night of the indenier fog . Sal- remained aground until late nextility - When the tide tell the woe 1; fret foam th.• PM, She returned to Liverpool rani) ou morning of the '.!7th The tool wee patched in bolinat. with the pausongerr and mails The Canada arrived at Liverpool oily forty hours pretiuns to the our of h, ilepart• ore Koosoth arrived at Nouthaintitna un the.2:td. and wilt received by the Mayor and an imitirn,e assemblage of hitilcus, with great enttontittani Ile was addresacal by the Mayor, la reply to which he spoke hrietly and appropriately Ile war waited upon, on Frttlay... by many dia. unguntinel gentleinent Ile went to London early ! on. Monday Ilia arrival waa unekttected, tool wan attended by no marked enthttaiacto Lord l'altneraton had made ktiowA ho. deolee b, ie eist, h. south unothmally The frigate Alisrisrippl, with u n til ..1 the Ilan gar! tna. -ailed from thlwaltar dt the l ilt of October, i'or New Turk. VitAscr: - I III: ac IS UINI,TRY The fullownog are the members. of lb.. near French tnini.lpy --M Corbin, Attorney Gone , NI Trtipt. 1 anolent peer oh Franco Min Teter of Forelgn niratnl, 'nap-net/4r; de t'4l44 , than,4. 1444teter of• Colo Gen;:it Armond, 41 War. 11. Fartoul, Minoner of the Marine . mat NI Mlondee, Nlntieler of Finance NI G4rnthl per form. the (unction.. of Nlante.ler of ..14,444-44iu the abeenre 4.f Nl' Corbin. rnM L INTELLIGENCE • Livrat,ol., i I,..4iher t'ottnn—The market bombe week ending on the showed a fair demand, but prices were weak, :Ind irregular liolders were pressing their stock., nu the market, and a deoline of !I , beennithmitted to Sea Island Pa erase... dearer The •.11111, of the week Wry,. hales, of w hick aipe - iialfktera aa d t . porters - OM The rules nn :Saturday, 11imins3, Tuesday and If ednesilni. anietinted to bates. The market wits ex treated dal 1, nod timi cm. tartlet , ' buyers Quutations are foie tit - IC., 41, lair Uplands ...id. Middling t.rl.•nn. I I 11:1 , 11111 , 14 414. irafen. s.diordibary :1, ni 4.1 preesut stock i• estimated titl halms, of which d:i4,tao.t are Atneriiian flgendrauffe - Wheat and thotrlomeileelitied per bushel for the former, and lid per bid for the Latter Good quality Baltimore toil Pliiiudel , tibia flour m quoted atwestnrii said 14!,,1'4 Gil per hhl Whim wheat was srlhne at rel ail, awl red do at b Lid :,•1 per tha F10:11111V Crirr,.. of cern taint ready sale on the spot, tint itis ruttier dull at :Ira for White, ICI for yellow, mud for rinsed. Pilot isinno—Beof IP iu Letter requo , d ors are preonoing, not I.uyer , aro cautious Iloot 4, rand. 'try nurhouged, tut lower hot.. declined (to.l per there« told woodorto p •rt. Got export, to quoted at and new 00 5:; (.; SS. ! Shoulder,. and how+ too dull and tower Lord otillo frrrry at 41.40 .49v for tine, and , 17(., 4 0, for igood Txllow—is Ira moderate Jetnwel at tower rate. We ,icto t te at tirwer,sl--I)i . -tighr the sale„ of it. I' ,re lonitekl at aerlitleoreigu,k," - - IttLd price. are utielyknged C. 41,, L. In ..I rr ,ittost, pnrc:ettlArly uti I vr/...+ .1, well telmohrt , t.rener err. I 1%•TI1111.1 104110, ttrr 1.11.1 prio Nr , Is .1,1'; limaiel demand, hod For d uality Car dntaand mle.tter demand tNI:I_,I'dA It k 1 7 .-T . American .tocks nrid—withrast change in value The return. of the Bank I,f England are highly favorulde Conaola are steady and ndrauctng: they touched tM .n the 2tith. r • Masducaran—There was 4,9 doing In goad. and yarur, and pares were toil, Buyer, me. strict pttreha%ern to their iromedtate Want, r, 14l neon & Strom quote ilror, on the 29th nt Liverpool follows—Wesfern Canal 1714 bd nnlfts ild; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In.; Uhin 1 9 (p2ns. and New Orleans, 18(1.19a hit._.. Superior brands are withheld, inferior do are withheld. nod tending downward Wheat wale in slow demand, and holders were retiring far ther ennrea.ion Provivionv were without change since I ridgy ; Baron was ninth wanted; Lard was nominal at .17s ; the minsnraption being cbeckeilby Our high rates AHRIVAE OF THE MISSISSIPPI The' I; States steam frigate which isalled torn Gibreitar on the !nth rif Oc toper, wrrived here tl.io morning. bringing the Ilunirailan refugee" lately raleasmi with FO4- Roth. LATER FROM lIAVANA Cusahnsms, (S. C ) hov. 9 i The brig Adel a, from Havana, arrived to day, h inging dates to the lot net. Mr Thrash er wu still confined in the fortress of Punta.— His brother hod been arrested on the :list. It is rumored that an autograph letter from Gene ral Lopez has been discovered in Mr. Thrasher's other, implicating his brother and others: nod to this the arrest of his brother is attribitted NEW YORE ELECTION NI,V Tong. Nov II) We learn by a special mevsengerjuat retarned from Delaware that the majority in that county to against Forsyth and Patterson, (Whigs,) for Seeretaay of State and Comptroller Chatfield, (dem 1 has 2200, and Mr. Alpine '2OOO. The Whigs'undoubtedly bare the Canal Ilnart.l: and that they hare both branches of the Legislatare, is nearly certain. THE AMERICAN PRISONERS. WAMIIII9TON, Nov. 10 It is rumored here to-day, that negotiations are pending between the Secretary of :Bate and toe Spanish Minister for the release of the Amer ican prisoner, now in Spain. Commodore Morrie has been appointed chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, mid Commodore Shillala Inspector of Ordnance. =1:11 New Yong, Nov 10. The steamer Union arrived to-day at I, o'clock, A M. in six days and Seventeen hours front New (Weans The reported misunderatandiug belWeen Kos suth and Capt. Long. of the frigate is said to he denied by Colt. Long. Mayor Ringsland has a letter front Kossuth, stating his intention to leave England on Saturday the Bth lust., for New York. NIASSACIIUSETTS ELECTION. Genf, Nov. 10 Governor and embers of the The election for Legislature took place to-day. The following is the result In thin city:—Winthrop, Whig, for Governor, 1,393; Boutwell, Gera., 3,09; Pal frey, Freelioil, 1,792. The Whig majority last year wan 2,9811. LORIFVII.I., Oct 10 On Saturday evening last, op residence Of James Febru was destroyed by lire. It woe Moored for Ap.,500 in the American often, Phil. adelphia. NEW WIRE MARKET. MOON REPORT. Now YORK. Nov. , 10. Cotton- - Tbe market is Inlet. with further sales n about 15,000 bales. Prices are but feebly maintained. Floor—Soles of 11,000 bbitt et $:1.75M 104 for State and Ohio, nod $1,1204,75 for South ern and pure Genesee. Groin—The aisrket for Wirrer. is uochengrd. Sales 30,000 bu Coro, at. 5861tilic for mixed. Provisions—dales 400 bbis pork at former rates. Oates 200 bhle Lord at klieSio. Rice—Sates 'Jo° cask. at $3,1*.qe3,07 'l 3 100 The. Cottee--Sales 400 bags Jaya, at 11c. Whiskey—The markets dull at 216)2ii. - 1;4 gallon. I CINtINNATI MARKET. CINCINNATI. 140 A. ,10. - . . . Flour—The market is dull ' , but w'ithout chance. Small sales (or city gifttsumption at $ 3 ?lad. Whiskey is in good demand, is66}o g allon. Cheese—Sales at Cie, with a gbod demand. Provisions only sale is :40 blibi No. 1 head lard, at Gin lb. • =EEO lIIIIIM= •ti 01,K Nor 10 hqu •.1”11: °hi, -old err 411 r , 1.1.1 moll '.ides m... pork 11,1, 1'• .1. I .looltder. •to LLordreo',rly . hovor• only ~flame for . io - low I. tt cy ihil LuLi.n•v...l .111 sale- M 1 .4. '2or 1, gull E I 11l /PP:AN PACK ETS. A MEN El. A . ~, _ ~.,. ia. 'en..l ai, , Steam Communication between New. York • and Glatigow. s L t r a t rl O ll -,.. : ... ' .. : -'. '' . '‘,. i ..'!', i s .\:::- S,,i• .:„..:.. .• ~--- McHenry Philadelphia er Liverpool Line of Packpts. tt +lii ~.. ~., ..1.~ 1 1 1.~ ~1..~~.i i~r~„r. iii i. r.,..~...i, .i.. '" ' ' • "' " • In, .4 It.. Grin. . . I •.•••soiriu • :•• STEAAI BUAT:. J cn.nt , nol I • Wheeling and Pittsburgh PaskeL FARE'REDUCEW—The mviti mionsnv .1 rnrote , %It, NI A . •pt utll l'lti I•urvb.A,rl-11•,4141 I , k 4 da V, frengt,y. an.l A M. , 16 , 4,13t01.41411,V ,•t] ' , Aro Nti MMBMMM Wheeling and PittabnrchPacket. VAttr. ItEid - ci „,„ -344 I].-111 b ..,11 • The \I IN. .r.. • • t.d.ury ". A. AI. r. r, r. . S i• lrochl .1.1, re, hneht. or fn . .1101,TIDINC. 11;07.fIlt c‘t A r r.. Nlna...trrot The SAtheberjer 1. ene el the hen. ever ren.rtue h•ej for Ue. reed. I . J.e,tvere anti p.m.,. ems "^ her runnin,” the trade reptilartj ee.:4 II) lAA' LA It PlTl'Sfil i 1W II A NI, ll lIEELIN./ I'6Cli rr —11,6;16n.14 nev vt ntentL.66 ti I : AL. Von wen. ca. ;6,l , 6tatti6 r , u l s ,,, .—C, Mu= er ntti , ;771 ., 161z1tn!,; :d 16 , 66=1 . 416 , 4 , 46cti ,,, 1t Yi n 'l . :•-61in.i . 666 1 ri J.lld 66.1nt 6 /. In PS/ 't•• troirlit •k; yknn nrj, 6,66.1.. a tn AI:61,11,01 , i 6 I 1,0:6611, A6•nt6 Th,. i•mrh, h.., 1,11.1 hull• ever ernt•truelet.l ler the trwle Itmttten gen. Mod, ehtg.te., ...t.tittutng 1.. 11. e thtl E(AULAR PA-CKET BE- J TN KEN 1 . 117,1:11kii II A llol•KINti. l'ln. 1 . 11.0 T eruno.ntnnwr. • 01 lens , I . la,burazinr tAlon.ltn, Ilnotan nod Iltn - tiAtv por{, pnn, nia} nt n'..ltort• rnturumn innvon' i ,1 .1.3 , 1 , 1 W)t , •litig And Int,nbarph. nv ory 'Mot - p..la, of nnAltnk, A 111. ami ntalr," nnn eprn.l .tpon thig Nett ruinnit.g. dorm./ tI4 101 • nt..r nnnsno. 'tidies!! Read This!!! N THE PRESS, :Ind will :iti.•rtly he rondy, L 'IIIK HANDMAID 10 PLAN, rhulhoOho. • lull slegerlptleu of the tneelletheses ol the suOrhillent, the sslefoste to wltteh Int to hle IslentC2lNl tu uunt , th the tuelte.l t.f rushed, soh eels tleh.t. .sestrurtln. lsne to keep the snetrutn:tst s. tnise II eP. Tr Anne. Every peresn halite N Pietas elsolitsl hate on, el 11111 bosk. Ns/ wesrls...l the ltuil lue serer lesissre been putsh•le est. st siapol• I. Ithrth 1,0 Out, ite phen--unotinll/Er; mud. untlein utl.er stltuUltiliee. It 1•111 elPrOsulO khan' ;se. tn. 1,1,01 /elle elsellell uweillthl thus r.. LA.IOO. and oststle.men 4n the shiers Pittebuork And Alleuhrts,..l..esels, curl tht./ee of the work. rep les Par tal-hol reelfeherelbv lexving the. sulsheess at Ilse sstn A ee I. r en, of the Ihtlellursils Ilevrtorhe pelesr l Is , al 11 / 1 faurteletore. et Weer. .lAhn %Oar. 11..4 eto,t. most Oen, 1101,1 .treet. By enn./inh hoe duller to the •11 . 5.1;5. at the 11111111 Of live. Ilittehls,llol4 , .ot tssrwarstecl. the of PlelAsts , th eh/ pert 01 the llsh l lesl eto. essissee IS, toe onl lure. A tilseral 111.,1111• 11.00. 11 hoe sleOere. eln Leeks.. las th.in el lhsrist In see.O.Asn _ • THE ,1114cri twr Int. In Vlore' and .40 - 11 at IeICA', a g.Jal ••••••timrta rd Airmen, C 010.,. pain .nJ h M antrad Mat, Jr 1..n.e, lanshn, nr Flan nel. I.lnsey. ChM.° 11.1101, 11111.1. etra nth, athl an lonit lJneth i l,nuee Itamlkerrhiet, (lent, Ora, ale. ilattmeth. Ctoratnere, Clothe. reel..,,Jran, d Drown and Itlearb. 0.111, hill, In 'lira a. Cord th.tra hoc, rmwlou. Canine, tnomellke. Ma, and tame. Net tinge, Cottnn, Unit,. and :jilt , tete, Itilaen, Linen lahle Giotto. la.nllen tiranlnet, hieve, Tliraade. Ilin.hogi. lineman Mao. bane ...Holy of to winch I Intst tempeetfulli matte the attention of meralinnta anti irallan. net , . I' Wpral .1 Lo Itlf. ottostp l' It.. Imr , 0 Itttt lit ''' ,o t''' V 4 '`in. , .00 0. I'. Two 0 I.F. it6er Flour, '2O cbef, Oolong ttn.l Clot 10 loa a:don't°, lan Toro 2 ttx• I•lastiraa. . tot.tlreen .ud 1.11.r[ do .!• 010 star I:smite, 10 kattlt• 0 0. Mag..: la M. titterm cho 20 £Ol. kat ittol rrurttetl to bat Itot I.l.thorttlato: • , ttuar. 51t.. tt•tnta and bromic4o 1.. ....:'W Tot wart: ]t• Itte 41ririta Wog, 'a) 01 Havates awl Cara a At. lona !Maud Slusetl l'it,arat 1 , 0 wk. boo tialfl ntitti - 75 1, kit, (Mt, 'Alias 1t1nt.b0,),.• 5 1 cal. ilat Iler. ". 4 01 : l ' jp,rl U itri n u ‘ Int; 1 ...ro•as solltt. . . . , MP bar 14• in :•••ap; j 14 c•rir, hotaAr. • 5 ha, Cutile du, . 16 hhh• •••• 1• :, Mackffeh 0 111,1 Patna .4 A Icinnil kl• - • 211 1,1.6 N If •I+ II Mob., 5 has lishbott's ',lmp I•wilr. .1 k g le !n] hpig—el . .• 1.1.. Ito N... h: 12 *ha 141 <'•M, S 13.“ horn Vtarrh: . 1 a a., horn II tiax; . • • •AIR, 0.11.. ts YAni, vinAuale .1. O. Nt.rthesag mriler W,....1and ITU • ••• . . English & Bennett. lIOLESAI.E ftOC ERS, enmminHion Morchente and dealtrs end Pittehurch AtannfartutrA—No.rt.theroud at.and lul £3l4.l..b.rtumn %coal and thwthileld a 4., Pittfinlnb. 1 . .. have on hand and nfil Hu. 4:Undv, uhUl. nth , lur Sale al thu ren-u— -(A lu.xtr men't ,1 :#11 hag. Rio Coif., lIA - 1I Alb lump. II" pkg. Young HT.. T. a, tO loge 1. taild'holmorn. - nrk. Imp. a 11.1'. Oh goon no. cut rlwaing do Wl hid. A 11. Hugs, vio r. tt dryemoting aoli 001.. 0.0 Mule., id 11 Heir rpAnielk elvtre, " 1000 41.• saluralue, LO Almond, maltro M.ddn, lielnuta Craam flanks Alum. nud(lrtuunt anti, ren.oaa Indigo. BA Wen* Kock 4.414 y. tuxes Itoun 4000, so nor. Tumato . CsOup. ml Pauoy 1,11 Pepper ben,. Atuald Ulu Canal. e U 501.1.111,0. NO Gbh, .0. - nteLero. ILO drum , DO bolus M. It. liaising, anon lb.. so.ll.:tnahmt Pllaur Oinund epics, luoaka-a pt. avntilh .014.11. I.osr noon, 14.1., It MY ,Whiting. Chalk. lo g s irate l oon 0.000. Batting. 1.1na. , Havana dlolotek lood 4 .%nioatiod. (JooronJ onor.l k3l )~y'O TREMONT ROUSE, 111/STUN. )1 r r i i, s l .•ll known ~uft lisbno-ot is .401 e..t, .. i,;.';~ . n- t PHILADELPHIA Shriver & McLean ti)N:•11A 'OEN ..1 lOH li id l' r. Insanity. It. ( I I .1 I: 11.11 ELL hal Iv, had hlntchless Blacking and Inks. TIII . n In our rau .. .l.uny .n. .f. IA I A a t. fp 1/41.011GH TO CBI( IN 4,8 I 1 n„ N 31,1 3 . 11,r. MON y. • • oono,onton, II tn. sr 1 • otooon- on lok•ilmm. at m 1 01,114 4 , ,tiF,11, oho-m.o. r .o ; l• k 11'oo111' \``, . 1 , Wat, to, ' , moll .• • ‘11,1,1•1 1 Ohio ann renusylvama Railros• .s..i •., W ANI, ;., Ohio and Pennsylvania Railriiad. 1 , 1:.)S1 14.41 NE\% 1;10,11.r., 28 MILZS. • NY-1, 1:5 . 4 k \ \ ' •\ I .1.\,r1 41 / 1.011 1 \ •r.kt l i \I 1.11 tr,•ut t tt ell. r 111.1,0 Itotior v•t•lNr• ••I I••• • I,J,t• •• • Z. VI, nr....0 tnl.• % 11. it".l I. 1, nt..l nn, n1N1.,1 , . n.. \ So n.z run k Ina , \ j „ .4, ,n;urtln• .•1 e rr .41 1.;nullot, •• wifl In. .0 {ln.l n.i I\nle 11/t.l, I , On. Nita ..... .:nbrltt tz....1,n1. I t. Z r. In, •11,. PENNSYLVANIA RAILRi Li n '1,1•114a. Tll ENTI MI .loHlNS7illt!, I Al,l \ \ CHANG! , O HOUR LO AN I/ Prll/106 , 1,/ , 1 Kr&egto - - : r ibl a 1 ' 1..7, •:. " . • • r r 1`!.11,4 , 1-11,1 10 WKS 11.4. 1,1-1.40r;,i1.., 1•Aq.r.,41E.10 SI. 1,1. Nqa .1 P 1101..11E , i! LEECH A. 1‘ FARE REDUCED! - ISS 1. MONONGAHELA 1101171: Rn.l I and NIORNINI; 10.)-.1t Is•n.ve, .t.v• !tr., •• .111 t , tmlovri.d wort r Pr, oiati ko v..wsltwr ow w I• I'LllwWl,,lrm. NoolnwoLl 1,44 I. tio,w nn G• 11. 114..‘0 Cut. 11.1..1.,0 , 11, ttio. boot nnoo.l.'wot • • ' ' PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. C,rspir , rd 211 E SI ISEIZS 1111 f, the ploa,tire to a t.• Irwmtma.“l tt.al Ir•. 0t1• 11,0g0,1 4 , I. .11..1 0.141111. •1.1 1,1 I: [Ol it ts , rnen, v. v,ial ior• 41.‘ •rok - nnt It IL. 1 , 41 , ult, os a ra,. ‘an lana Lant "V" , vll nat.l kat.. at/ A% at en. , nna't• • NkIM,YORK AND Ina; RAILROA_D. . 1 85 1. \'Kµ Ciri. To NE11" \VOlai CITY Enna! and tin. F:ne annnnenno attlt / rtegi nrn 00 Lain. Fay, Inlartak.t.lavelana. 'aannnso.lnarntana a a linahnuan. at,./ anti t moan Mon - n.l, , n 1 he Ana ,aa mars and tta• nlaa. [llama% and ta taan ”a"na \ Tit kiNn 11. Vt: VUNlillth An Fal.Wn """ 2 " Vll7 - • . " 72 " twa ne. la ran Fratt. annvf .10 fo„BAb k ‘ l, l'u„viAll 41 , 00r6 :- COALIIe,%'I, ' ..," \ • \ ' :: ..'' • , \ \ :hi. otlkisvw In worth twt twettn, wwblw, and thewl. A ortntwhtlttwttly tlinUpth— t ~ ut kw.. • Wriuwou .11117 I *ww willtrwewl with 3)II. ~ y rowtthwt of ttottlwl at oar, I wwuht non ww• Ult tttwoh;l„the „ \,. \ *„.. \.,• `.. s ••\ . ~ ~ . 1 ', ' • . \ \\ • • \ \.. • ' . \ .. . '' .\\ \ \ • ti , „ .„ - ..,Ai,.,. : • :. • \ ~ • 'O.l-n. I.ort-rrir.e.rrtNN lo it „ I ut , ntro , n, ,rur4.o'.rkrr ,• .. - ''''' rn"”- run. l " L 4 ,7 ' : . --. 1• ..' rt.! ' .ir .1 lA., . (nu t. nt .. " (n "" ''''''" -- SV ' „ . p-r ..,.1 , 1 ,, , , .. , P. 41 't nal .. rtropurri.,.. 'which ireei - , - '' .- .'T . nro4ll , - , 'inf', rrneyrNo v c tli f.routhrticortuf batktb 'o \ , •,"."- i \ ~ ' \ qr. rl,l, —On' .10'or.t. It rr tar. bed burunqs, step • ~. \ ~ ': \ ri,r.,' p.c.'', • ', \ ‘ ..:': '' \ . . . lot .I. .Lo 'rub mpurerlbri bit ~r rb o m. pl b, ue ltmo. * 0 rr,,,,0r. r ani to proor. 4 r.• t . , , ,:n6ra to rerrlSt kutoluto \ \ , '`. l t o, • ' •T blTm ,It rum sr,rrourreorill., Irtoor•h 14„yr 'ln n...... 1: az autbsore . \ - n , moor ..1 Lb.. uo, urnitortzmui,olnr'cro Wt. , n0 4 . 1, "..1iit. \ , . •'' ~ . , irr, alb, wig! 3,...ver 1,..• .I.n,or.unarl , 'r on this rvikrer \.; ,r, . ~,, , - I. 1 l ' t tr t',.n I, rto .. ,, i-r , .. , ••nrro6r 6h. ....1 ua -7 .', \..r.. — : '.\•%., 1..:.41,, 1 nn l- ~,...• vuln ...V.., no P.lrl,l\rd o. eao.r . b.onc ,-- .1 \' : r , " Di 1 -, ln uon.c,' nr•trurr.• r...."' s t r t. ltr,turtl", 1, . ~, ..,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,, r .,,,,, , , '...rrry iro4lcrr. , bowri!".t . ," j .. \,. \ rar.,....att. raw •r•:t•L'.. ino.r.iryerrost f 41.11., 10 ! \ \\ .. • • . . • . .11) , 1 1.0 uttoer,..,..t noo era'. min. ••I:bi. fc i. : L bot . :„ lb.. krfor.b , t.' ,, X rrnr , r`u... 4 .b.t '''. b"... : 1 ,, ' )'' '"' 1,,,.. on' ,.. ' „; r .. ~ nn ''rriwr.rilr, no/ to , ru*dr. burr:for hirlifeoo..,} .. . to \ ,'; '•, \ . „ ‘, tr It, sr° . dl ro4". ..olier tnorbi. . ~•• ~ . ',„\ ...: , .r -,. _, ,,, r • ,Nor.otteu, tr. ',kin', , . , ~ .e, Is : 4.. ... ' .i, A .... \., : ''..., ', - \ \ • \\\ '... 1 •,,, '1 *I 1 , 1 Fr 3.141.1,5. KEA 1.• TTiII:FOLLOWING: '' \ , N , ' ',- .4 \), \ \ ' .. \_• ~. , - lirr '•'• Db , , ,, u , • la - ' 4,,, int , Thtt TtuT : '. '' -, ".i . •, , • , V.'brort Do..tir .1,1 r,tramro.l..,irrrThrr, rrrticractiou 'v.. ' , '‘. : .. •,P ,'.. \ . . 4.4 , rt., 0.... t troublred crab attlieuir toettorualluzi„ sUfrl ', : , , - 'bo '''...,.... 1, - übar tr' hem tr,s. Yr. , bra bor. 11.41ter " s. \ . - "...Lai ' pros.gt.oo.l.ll.,bar, lo'crr lan,. 'Amor but by 1,1;""' ,:,„ \ ; , . , L . ad oar d.ncbte if \ .. ... .., 11...14 11,“ lI y Niltek• V vita. Doer: , uard .Irtztororarrllarrbrr vas '. ' • • . \ ~• . 1 , .. \ ro..l.lolr"rrortml. Sire uorr-.l.Trmu. norr'auri others wittui,' '\\ ~ ..• r ' , , ' " \ r r r 1. re tiro. ticur am . , , .. \ Irilla for toi lorirt.' :, - : \ r'. ‘.. ', \ Krysinolgorr sert , ' \' „. et bar , &mull' 'lllu, trivii : ~:, •', .. ',',, ; „ . srd Nattlro. .. ' . \ • S : : , ,\, . Aa went „ • . \ , • . '