;11"I'ItU111:11 G.:.IZEITE ?ITTtiIItIELOH TUtISDAY s . lnittiiNG, tioV. I. Issl . . ae-REA MN!: MA 17E7? WILL BE F. , UN/ iN i. 71 P. 4 EHP THIS PAVER: ,I.—This distingui.be.l Ilunr urpvt..l awl IL, ith marked .I..4innelriti.4 !E= r,pre;and hu • it of the ilitteretti,, if any. nt h,. C•onituntler att.l iitticur• • IVe think that tt tilt,troht , conduet of hir 1f it wan tr. ••! , ,Itt li•g-t-t•tt the Me4,1.-ippi probable that comintrioto, arcor,lll 't. American rudlut, to w+ I , ••rn "nigh...ally it mar 1.1., I by the It i. un f , .ir to Judge hum by the etutuett.. Ntatelt ,houl.il.o VI- I rirtunl teglings mutt . 1 . 11 - 410111 , 1 ‘ of t• vtggt:ruted, let ter 'writer+ rules of 01 lowed fnr I. tho EttAg) . n.r r, -burst of Jong p the terrible feria in his on by the friend. , , 1 e. nod touch noire to the out tint up tooling+, intetvoily alive, wrongs of Littpcon de,liiitc, mut rePr..111.1.3 Ins own country, and f liberty througnotit Europe -- , at locution of retiutrkuhle emi • te,orld, a-, the repriotranittive of mint of Europe, nod it iioureely 4t in the. Western World nt our annent of the lurgeet liberty, to dy the conduct of a Rl3ll olio up net up to 'do o grout wort. --3 ilc may It.. to xecotopli-i h+ d.• t own and otherr onttot I' o. U, ,r the ' ,OIL heel ,'t deloiti,to occup . I!= I 111.eral reu in the en jc ig, t,o hem pr or, to Lr r work. we hove liverahre rf h rt pc , from Ilts A telegraphs. ileaphate'n tn. Sew \ arl, 1,1 eolutra ±totes t tut thr )1:+•;•v p pl. Will, • th , rt,iitii,tem of ii•is,utlk, Amy.- I vi 0,11 put jegtordv. Anyther Jeq.stch -t.tii.. that Cho Lung, denies thial there e.- 31,y ort-onderstiknd • toojetrteeti him and Ko.qotn, that the la, 1.•• i. now on the,vo;.“, 'Li+ is grlair)lrig Tar. New l'ont..F.s.twrion.—The rrar.en. of. the Whig ticker at the Dote election ia N... York, Phew+ tloar the pet, praciaimedbe tweet, the two wings PI the Whip party there, to he disturbed. Both parties complain —the "Silver Gray. - of the -Woolly H en an, - 1-i,, s noel the latter of dole forth, The di+tarhoor _ inner. its this, an it ear!y every el•anion in the ....try. can be found in the exiArnee of slavery 'rbrinterfereties of the self.conetit ate.] nud ir awl ...nfety Committee - of orb. Iris Clone much to fah the nlnnont conk.er+ of the go enrol+ ,wife. and the srft of ate,conl are likely to 1 , 11111 no. brightly on 'Mvot,..+The effect of these dirreusion+ uo one can loot they &agar liadiy for the tin tealee at oho eouhtry. ~r the feeling whirb prevail- on oo silo ere copily the following el...Lig ceumuent of on article an thy. I.lk . election - fram the . t 1 i it er whirh exert.; n maa pow rirl.rl inflame , in All the Northern Ststrii of Olt r'ff r our owe part, livitig wlthi."the very •letfl o !tlif. temple wherein the god eott.,a is wet Ie.I.OLL Pl' defy the prie-te who lllot.tte at 111, time I their worst. Re tell them that Ir fii the depth, of oar souls we lone end abhor lii' fot Slavery, and every i t tatitaltion. kt.' or tl.lp. toot poor and feeble are rocked an lash ed le make them mint:der to the pomp tool lux ,wealthy and powerful ti •• tell tlosof ...,i',7cSitiltak.W.e.flecl that the well we tread it , broathe pollutril by I he odium.. which an ill.cont.iflerod coturit.', 01.• our fathers were t ifeno.elve,, virtual ly cotopela no not to by any Other slk4.ral resi,tAnce. We tell it ent t hut we dtge 111, le imtrufaettial fireiru: a Info bon tboot who have escaped titeroi roof Mit whole we • noalfl di,uatle all from molent re.i.twit , to rLl3y lege! mandate. we will ouritei Yes rhoerfolly oto proom or hear any penalty whielt fttle re g li.-nl , • may invoke, rather than ail le rotas tau .111 anent fellow being to perpetual bondage. e .f....;ln,lt.them that a very large proportitto ut our tel 'ClettriAtitene shnit. our convictioul and emulole oni.deinetninatifm; and that the time is not die" tent when Di) man (Pad much Vess w woman) can be bunted like a beast of prey through States, when known to he guilty of no tarcri I u that of loving liberty . to g uilty of n d Safely tlomtnitter ! if yob mean to silence y . al,l utterance adverse m Oluecry and Slavehold ing in the Free State, .your tn.k tinnily yet COAL FLU Lucovirives—An interesting stale• men!. of an experiment tw test the enllnt.lene•s of Pittsburgh cowl, a tool (or lacdia.dive.., trill be .found in thi: riper, which is, klu alp ton niched by eltd.wooti Mount*. Eel., Engineer of the Chartierilrond. The experiment wo• highly -ucces4ul This to n owingnmsot point gained in the r;Ceitom,i'ot-thti. hind of convey once. unit will moterislly leaaln the expense • running freight trains at lesst Fier passenger trains we suppose the hens; black smoke of coal would be objectionable 'though it wrothd he free from the atneytmee el sparks. We once Pow coke used on an eastern 'road for the conveyance of a passenger train, I..tnd it certainly performed well. It isiiterfectly, free from both smoke end sparks.: and f the for OURS of loromotires could lee adapted to its one --nod we are no great difficulty in .I—it would be greatly preferable to wood, in point of com• fort to passengers, an well as in emurenty to the proprietors. Ile that as it may, the experiment on the Chartiererailread has demonstrated that coal may be advantageously OribOtitilled for wood in the working of freight trains. Could smoke consumers be introduced into Ince. motives, raw coal could he used to great advan tage. We do not undertake to pronepree upon the practicability of doing so, hot W think it is not impossible. • A few years - age wood was used os fuel upon all the steamboats that plyed upon these risers Notr,titey never think of shipping wood here., 4batever they may do lower down. And no, doubtless, it will be, by and by. with locomo tives.. . The travelling public is referred I. the adver tisement of G• M. Horton, Esq., .in * reference to the fall ttntl winter arrangements of the Cleve laud and Pittsburgh, Railroad. Every thing on thi:l line; we have, no doubt, will he conducted in the manner best calculated to eecure the com fort and convenience of passengers, and the route will present no agreeable variety of steam hoVe ;stage, and Railroad transportation There is an interesting article on the fourth page relative to the affairs of Utah and New ' Monico. to bulb there exists a ve:l7 , had elate ‘,l things ItISINICSR.—Since the opening of the New York and Erie artilrOWl, gre numbere d fat hogs have been transported alive .to slaughter boasts recently established on the !Nilson, near New York In the neighborhood of this city a gond deal of the same business is going on. , This in a revolution in business of very consblerable importance • • Tut POIMAL DCPARTHCHT.—Th'o Washiugton Telegraph states that the Peatmaeler General hoe transferred' the duties of First Assistant Postmaster General from the bands of Geo.' S. ', •D. Jacobs, of Tennessei, the incumbent of that office, to Col. Fits Henry Warren, of lowa, the \ very able Second AEnistaot ltcostmluder General, \ and that General Jacobs hasjheen transferred to the deek-of Sect. Assistant, lately occupied by ~„. „ .• Col. Warren. The Telegraph ethic however en . that "the-okfcial title of KotaKotathese gentlem remains unchanged. - • Now Wino Fsron.--The Norfolk deacon made Its oppesrarme on Tuesday, in a new dress, . and with the Whig banner thrown widely to the breeze. • Heretofore the Beacon hoe maintained • scrietly nentral_ground:though its senior editor, William E. Cuitnnieghain, Egg., bee, nines the "."-ka-organizatioil, of the party in 1832, been a firm • consistent_Whig. A • t CITY RAIT:IIIDAD.-,A propositiou is before • ••• ' New York City Councils to My dowa a rail • rock and ran care through South ktreet, i....street, Chatham greet, East Broadway, tteet, Division street, Allen street, First • • —':.lsCOlld strea, Second Avenue, .and - Nth street, commencing and ending sod being designed altogeth - .! ''ty,.trovel. A - petto.on , is before r,l,:iernien, signed by.a witaber . of V ••is, Baking permission to on.' 11 . 3 ,, txt..tt RA ,,, o o.—We publish the last \ hundred Omit:v.l o li dollars In their poChets, .d 1 ge. DR. )1.-LAN F.'s Lisa PILL/S.—The report of Mr. Eller tu-clay It in mit dtfficult a ~. nti..ati.'h . 1 the golden rePort , Ib‘i , '''''' gr"...d ~,T aa".4 d4...a.al for nu,. 1 . 11, or t h, to our the reason of the delay in placing the received by the tar mad In the streets the . othi,nar tie, e1,...11,. 1 . 6. , .T. , .. tr• 111.111 and orort, . Leff la preilitai3g o good etieet otyl the .1:i .vwt them , •h• 00r,r ,,, -. , N. , wir 10,,,, r t section between the Monongahela rifer and tireensburgh under contract Philadelphia will 7segnt:rtiofede:,,in,.t7h:itinhget:".'tree'T t0hre,4,.:,,,,,,,,:;:r,„1:::,0,1 ! '::::"..7:-.'7t1-7;,,,.,...,..i,..1t,o,.‘,:.:ytrita,,:,,,,,„:,,,,,,,..,,,„„d be expo to furnish money for that end of the unfavorable : d°M a. 1... ...no I, b. trke.l l r nsh o ns.ihn.....l thaw : ow, h... 0..r.r.t 10.,r • woo war lui, e,otarn, I, thw road Supp, Philadelphio should conclude to Anotherline of nCI./Ltl ,teatner.: let+ 1,000 can. ! r•t ort.‘oog ~ 0 0r.- a, 0: •..,: 1, a,- r ,, • , , ,lar 14,1. ,1111 g. reacted for to ply between this port and Nlobile: I Itetal thr f o llowao,..erarr“.. tel her spare meaus to the Steubenville pro. r. ..• s completing the steam connection of .N 131( I ,0f.,. b., I heti Those having charge of the ' Fork with coveydomestic,ty of the 1e ,,, hot ,. .0......1 I.:: • - Steul.enrille route rlowilat watch these 11100 - to on , osthi„g o f the eetttt ,,, re i:o oilier I the oil work!. Statiaties are no longer useful ol e. I tdnatt. the ',ogre— , o New 0 0,00 or the re • p‘o-I‘e hotel yr:, to clo own criterion, MI./ • rapid ,I, we advance that we only forget ,•ur ! ‘r.•ll ler 111 the itol.r.vetnent, we tn,ke, 11 thr tlo, 01 Ill`N events anti new charn:er, I hat throw the i:1•1 into ourognOwanre t' The 01001 reet,i tlitelli,renre`root the l'acitie ' • ' • USE OF PITTSBURGH COAL. IN LOCOMOTIVF. FROM WABMINOTpN IS n oth s \„v. 1.1 I give. re3ma to b. , pv thni tt.r rum.ingl) scheme fur It.inellt..l% 1.1 ,IlV,ilO CIOIfOr(11.11. not reouit 10 any pritd‘cal.movi.tneni, lite ill n.—li acing 11.10 to get tc - igether a convention order to ttemt for 'im , time using carry out the plans of the sticesiaanista, 1, 4 41 ..... n l'Oti'httrc t i t'tmt‘l in working the coal joeitooneil from tittle to time motet eirenniciticti • • tr..' Iti't" t t fttt " It""eri over the rhartiere ecis which render it pi...tactile that It tvitil I given I ` 4 t l t.t. t • ' l,l Yon for information „1, before ,„ 1 the followiiig statement from the Engineer Of Ow tie to ment equally unneees.ary.tneoett not to tet'ot l tot l ve V. - tnillit)itil in the work th ,me ' ,cirri., ha. hr halt " The amount of real require!! for the gropitl ,„„ i o e are saiit t of this I'n ton freight vingtne hits enly in Oregon. whore the V•14 , 1111,' 01 N 1C,rt11...4 tt preject for the division • ttt./t'i "it. , n..: 11 the grown? rate- dl ii-at lit tit,- nicirket, therefore. the eicit i.f toil p• r %mule ran he may he redo. cit. hr using. Pittsburg] d that territory by the Colon,hot river, and the orgottetntion of ittodh, territorial goiernment on n the ndrth vole ll'C'eent denititt,•he.. front'thitl Vlarnhal alhvit that the popuhmion of Oregon in I awl the boll; of it in Within n •lay•n ride ,lot ore, 'iill either i•f the moor NIA 11:...1,11•1) moth 1,1 It it, 1.11 0110 bank an the other •of t onne, tberelnre, the far reeing pa- It-1.,m and ntivienruen of that future empire, who, ,II the name of ropin of the terrd_try, have Leen holding meeting', drartng up inetooriale I:oting la; tug otf, new count., are i v.turdig gentlemen,' who have it ntrong .t.diviettott Mot they would till the pate of gov ernor, secretary, marnhall:thtlgen. etc.. eta •ler the new governmmtt. witil dignity and profit.t mat the Caine principle, we ought to have half, more terrltorial government:tin the des erts hciwert, be florky Mountain, and the Ml.l - ,It in n htme renterkable that in Own prin.:o.l.lg nothing . 10 saidthough: hoot the. emetinion or rentrmtion of 'merry. That we 'hail hare It Fwd deal oT ditfienlty with the atogithir net of tietithenA, imposter. and iitinthat, who compost the Ilttruntett vortimonity. Lifer wheel' 1. temutonal gurerutneui woo este , Imbed loot year. in due and legal fttrio I fear there can now he tiO doubt It appeal, that . they have totit.mdered all the money they could net under.elintlng appropriation lawn front the Coiled Stale" treanctry,ot have mrtually et - poled the eivil officer , Ol a the titmernment not of come own al.tmtl I ndloirlinionn creed in eel,- glci.—lf that can he called reitgido which in tltuAlly a tleno.l of all truly and rathittol t, r% il ft, ti lire-tient. urn:in updu the best tatortuntwu hr .indi obtain. npitointed as n.irrrutir Dr Utah. the n. w terrir.ryls . called. our itrighato ' Tut, uctinotibte to the I.triltrru. tud agninzr altuu unthing Could at that tnur tie alleged. I Itduk tif di, appoint silent w. e gehel It Wla an rsitzrjueut, which it wt neer,ary try. theyljert,, Clint4l vat. I k ertuin . ..nether titr=e prol.le would, under I's. leader:4.p tad ottiDial guiduuar It our of Le, uaniher• deport theni,elee , on peAve II 310.1 orderly eillltll. The etpertment hs. t ilr.l,•nn , l it seem, to lie lie iu the close the., pr"l,l, , 11 , / 11/ Jrno,l4, who Lnny 0111, of the r•ar[t thrta un.l riifor ivaveruilieut over them 1 oraug, it I pt_itt. has.. 1.5 Le removal, ri.,l Lev Miley ip I.e •ri once bard with a firm 1.1 alai• moo. who re r 4er,ran That Nlaticauelaris, f,re worslitp• per+. Irielator , and himtheis , of 51 rvirt , Le taleriirterl in any part or oar rouriir, in the itr.ttremon owl f, s ettee oft Iu r rettetot, 1,11 l lotllttent. I.at that the) have the-nibs to eet op istiuct political systems within our territory,. :qt coMeded, We Alan have to suppress po deal Mormonisin I hold oiot to he quite dear. have not heard ',tont the President has decided ,t appoint a. Young's successor Charter W Marsh, Esti , a friend and the hi igrapher of the Secretary o,f State, has publish •.l u letter relative to the amed correspon dence of the attorney General, i ssun Mr Webster's nicience, with the British nod French Govern ments on the Cuban question Mr Marsh's , statements are no doubt movie no Mr Wchsters ...thorny Uc says that a note ws. presented to this Government jointly by France said Eng laud, affirming that advice" had been issued by those powers[hair cruiser, to capture vessels engaged in any piratical expedition against Cu whether tuning .from ports of the United Ptatea nr from any other ports. This is n very ddlrrent thing front threatening to renew the claim to teiZe nod search American - "veseela which wan the rumor circulated through the lel aml which I contradicted through your oolunius. Our own CII.I7.UDr , have ninalar orders mil reference to piratical vessels under our own 11.44 or that of any other power; and it is to b. hoped they will he rigidly enforced on all octs ,ioto. Mr Marsh, also. states that when Mr Nteh,ter received information of this joint note at him home in Mn.tiachnsetta, be declared the an attempt to put into practice upon American -hips the pretended right to search American Chips, would produce toiniediate war, and that this declaration was immediately trunstnitted to Downing strest, where Mr. M. supiosas it hod most salutary and tranquilizing effect. upon councils. memo, Corr-Toedenem of the 11. burgh Now boon, Nov. ti, 1851. You know ere this that the whigs hate been beaten, horse, foot, and dragoons, in the city, with o very flattering prospect of a similar Ow ,ns in the rural districts, thanks to the ••Union Safety Committee," who have foisted upon the whig party men notorious for the agitation of slivery discussions,aa well se`opposed to the ca nal policy, for which New York whip have no wen:musty labored. Nothing hilt the pride of being in the ascendency has brought our whip out at this last battle, and this lost, no one need count 011 New York among the states sore for llie•Whige, st.the'oext Presidential election. The 'English steamer took out nearly a million of specie yesterday, but it has canoed little re mark i u monetary circles, and We lose in borne with that cheerfulness - we can afford to feel upon the receipt of six :millions of dollars monthly from the mines. Money is very plenty, and cheap enough to suit the most - needy borrowers. Present appearancee indicate ,tower rale of in terest, abundance of Capital, and a more spec,: Maw winter than the one of 1850-51. An Pittsburgh is just at the commencement of I her railroad existence, that of tither cities moot tie of interest, in order that all improvements may be adopted, and errors avoided, The Erie roll], the model road of the Union, has, at its new q uarters, made preparations to print and hind every [species of book,-ticket, or printed :natter whatever, used on the road, thus effect big a saving not easily to lio estimated, except y the printer, or those who pay the bills They have also formed a depot of the nupplies daily coosomed on a railroad, either in running it,or M the workshops, and will thus reduce the cost of working and .construction accounts to a poiut sin to reached try a rued which practices ,the wasteful plan of purchasing, by retail, through any employee who fancies nn article needed.— Everything on this read hint been arranged with regard to trite economy and stria reeponsibilityc. sad no one.conneated with a railway company should commence his labors without examining this concern. A revolution has commenced in the fool used Upon the lakes, and to the coal fields of Penn sylvania they will soon look for a supply. The salt boilers of New York, too, will osek this 'boundless souroe of fuel, as well as the people of Central and Western New York cities. On Saturday last., a train rot ears arrived at Ithios, from Scrautou, I'., over the Ligget'e Oap road, bolded with one hundred and twentyfive tons of a nthracite coal, the commencement of a traffic that must annually increase, until the oonemmp- Sou is told by millions of tone, and throws into the back ground the present 'exports of caul from Philadelphia, by the coasters of New Eng land and New York. 'What folly to talk about the danger of the 'Union, when Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York are thus bound together, not only:l,3y iron bands, but by the attraction of com mercial interesta,w high - no political convulsion can 'slistter,lotioh lees sever. Let Ma have a rail road connection with Pittsburgh via the Erie road, end the then' leading states of the Union become one in all things, cave the regulation of W , feer load affairs.' . . . The Prometheus is in this seaming, with 'airmen - of returned CallfortaisiwOrith, till Mr. thy tir,l MOP .1 i.e . ! toVi. th , it Pitt burgh ouul hris I.,•¢n 11..1 111 stieceos Ino been eonsrlete Very re.p,iitolv r IFMEN ' T lIF 1;11 . 11MOTIVE siotnerrc Arrll.ll - It ,1111r,II. Aii/. i h L;..,..1 I -dgree..l , ly to your in:dn.-ton, I welch ed upon my tender 1..0. weeli la . - ...or or tallos.l. eh. of ,1111. Iran the Chortler , . Min.. , I'd...burgh coal, and tp.ing at few rillp• of wood for ligh.log the tire only I run the Baldwin Engine rirolp•on. iredch. , Ifirer , connect r. 1,1 with the till I.n.helo a.f •cdal, a linen. di,. lion., of a.O toils, drowit , g the urual lart.Wover nu: ar.ole of I lo feet per mile and rorres of ,Val feet radio-. :lima! op -rpm.... time, Thu quantity of rnxl wns horned in Long up. running. Rua coder steam, while i.or fornsing the iiluirr .111 , 111111, el •.il miler • Pill -burgh the :ender. 1 hod Ili, coal niuk , n very true. hut, and rumukenhir f,ro r•r}' true rr rerpe,tulry, EDMioND NI.IIIIINV. Knirnierr re OHIO !LAD PRNPSYLVAIIIA RAILROAD. 1A,•1 IS Gazette t• 1 htlt Nt. 111,,11 . .. nAt nn artncle ft , nu the 11x-tot:I •+. nets mr north to your num. rou- !er- .t... Nrr:, 11.1 . 011 y mt. 101 l .b. tot c , pc nny ptl,-perov , the A StorklpOdcr. I if prt,... IC with )“ur • you fav, reply le 2trtt 9,.‘141..u. it.' it .4.l•eirel su the •v!..0 Sew+ .1 the t,r, tt ).•tlr -ee that. ,11.411 a 3 ler , !, If the purer. e0n,...r0r•1 mu:, charge. .111 W.,. .o,r 0.1100, 01 ll:art.:l , y, 11,3 Ism.e whz..ll tw+C.-10 41ds4- over 111,, 1.1 ilitgo, tllO , there inn) ter 300.0• I ary •tatlon hwy.+ nal z • tl.alter by ?Jr ~trxnvhsn nu , l tho ...Wm of lii iOn•II. .1.15.1 lb. New though bavtwg bepun Om, down !be IL ,put , rdi Olult It appetrs It me that me pe't's r thr ea...paper, ...I ern , thot 11 a bent 11.,1 North .ti.: on. .•r. not tit and -proper t.. he dta.mysel, then soy todiiing ithoot LL But to the noon. of juin, and CO DlOlOll hots esty, 11110 l take op one tide nod giro •IP , epitig 41euune:aliuu, and theta shot Lbwu the sate, like the Maaailton News. You will nee by that paper of the let instiat, (though my communication i• not given in f 1.1 that I otter to sotimit the matter in cootroveri.y jrtat os klr. Stratighon proposes except that I don't allow Into to chootte all the referees. I certainly wish that our railroad may prove to be all that has been clamed for it I lips r p_ not emoplaitied:of personal wrong. from the gyms . petty in a pun matirmr. Not NW Straintho, hating dragged that ...obi...a into the cotitto•vvrey, I should like t 0 explain if I could gm a ht./wing., WhICIII .10 not hope for. . If you will puhlteh this. I will trouble you on more outcry c all-,l out S Far. Canton. 10th Nomotthyr, Straughlm PROM YEW YORK. I.LL‘kolt)ll NI,IIIItIS. I ,2" 3 ,"'" "" Ft, Ir nem,lr on. .1, (.1,1 1 , ntr• n 1 411,11 , 6 , 1p11 4 rr 1 , r.; ,ter•-• =NZ None Hi EDITOII.—We give Mr Froy' . , , letter. he requestit, hut have not by us the copy of he Nlaspillon News containing hot reply to Mr N krr YORKMONIVe NIAIII,..T.—WP take the following from an editorial article in the hew York Courier and F.oginrer, of laid Friday The review of our Money Market. in almost every particular, present, a gratifying chart.- ter. Down to within the past fortnight, the ten dency was to n monetary estate: and hod it not been for the interposition of strengthening causes. this undoubtedly would have beep the result. Prom the first of July last ‘o the first of October,. our bank returns show, Idans and discounts receded or diminished almost ten per cent., and until a better feeling übthined In the I market, these accommodations had even farther declined. The improvement since about the 20th ult.. has been 'Dable throughout. and every day still adds to the relief This feeling, in the absence of thlions fluctuations, would indicate that the signs-in the market are not temporary, but permanent. The stringency with the banks, caused in part by the immense drainage of gold and silver for e.rportntion, having give n place to a wholesnmer condition, they manifest a prompt willingneee to discount more largely, tintwith ' standing the calls upon them, as money becomes plenty, will he le. fr«pent. than had the stein. gency prevailed. Relaxations, of this character open an encouraging prospect for the country producers, who thus- may ho enabled to find a market for their provisions and brextlsinffs, and in turn be able to meet their obligations at home, on the immediate probability of which, the banks in the interior predicate corresponding hopes of of relief. Country hanks, as wo•remark in the course of business, are the lirat - to become ten sible of deptheions on :Change , or sudden•con tractions.of credit, and the last to recover from such blown They must, however, Mon feel the influence of returning confidence here. and ex ert an equal influence within the sphere of their coal operations. -- • - Fall Importation of Ilarawar4, Cutlery. &c LOGAN, WILSON &I CO., No. 129 Wood Street, I.lrom to All tiro allootirot , of M•rlMpt• anti other to them YWt• •roe.'• of ,;.- PION AND DOMESTIC DA RDW ARE, CUTLERY,' 8,1 r., IM l'llla KO UV 111:1:1•INT FACE Crl. .41.1 wlO , ll 11., .:::::.t,feay.:ll,:. MI., et •ur li 1, ,, r. 44,11u1i assortwent DI SIA ti N . 'ere1a1,mt.1 . 1: . :; ,, A , N.F.... alvr.,.. bawl. Petroleum 1 £I A Most ItollAn gA OLP Coat or Tor/it. Diann...Au rnnun or l•rt.i.sont —lle 1551te attention uf the .minim and W. nutill , aen.rall r. of Wni Mill, of this oily. The ram. tout to men LI .01 unit h. tlirtitiral In minlh , o In Iteu furl, tn., Dirlh N 111 I Ett. - I linttuieu Itrllirteri several rent , . niin • n'tuniti'inf •bleili rontlnund to Inerreuir until all nor i nnnintton •t that nine tinting ...Arm! hhiVOr taring mernbmite.id both ere.. and ended in in.. ii ul • thick film, whlrli wholly iletrniuil nt7 I 1 .0 ont.rstlun hr union ryturtied and left me ip . balsa ...rod Ilion se helot«. At thin stage of the eons:plaint I Winds avid...lnn ...sev ral id the MIA{ 0011111,(11 me, who tunneled me then •my erns would irever get well: At. Lbw time frould not distinguish any ohne,. By the...lel , of some friends I I crommeneed the nee of the Petroleum, both Internally and density. under which my eyn hay.; iturnoreal daily lln. VI the present time, ann I haver reenviiryd my ly. fdy genet.' health w. very morh Impoeved by the Petroleturt..and I attribute the restoration of my sight to Ito non. 1 rerilde at No. n 0 &nand etreet, In this city, and 11l to happy to give any latarovtion In relation In my caw, WILLIASIIIAL)." Sot sale by Leiner k McDowell, I4u Wool street: It- L qrllere. AI Wood street P. A. rahnentnek, k Un, forney Wow) apl Front streets; li. St. Curry, P. A. Adduct, Joseph Donglue.and 11. eechwatts..tllegirenri aso by lie trietor. a lso. I( I Olt, ...insikveT !tenni tla.ln. Seventh FL. Pinnh nth. ifiridy wife had the 11103 nnainnt far 20 reap. Adele, that time ituffering sorb revery pole In ev. or, par; of her Only that she multi not sleep wittudit td. king large dowse.( opium: haring no appetite, she wan rsetuned to almost • ekeleton; evory joint was P 111.1411 greatly. nod betide. knees and newt covered with large lumps: the cord. were hard and contracted, to that her arms. legs •nd body were en traded am) drawn that who was obliged to lie to bed r e netnotly. During 2it Tanya. 010 got nothing to girt nor Internam-at relief WI the tried U. Fermin. Arabian Liniment of thin she need bra hot. ties u( the dollar size, and the nweltingehavonllgone, the pain has marbly left, she Amps norindly.la mom Peal than aver she wins in her Me, and moms and onm• If .7 one doubts this ortdanm. he ran nail at our nnit &um, throe cane. from Peorin.lll., and Ult To antis/loth BaIdn.RISON. Om id no 7 I Citizen's lusurauce Couimtuy or Pittsburgh 11.1NIt. C.N.SrVIUTI.INS nut I C II ei. • Ilu, 11 L. J• I 11%. rt. - ki Pittsburgh Lite Insurance :Company. cA pi . r.k t.. 6100,000. ' , Vt . /4'i... 7/4 41 , 14 - 1.11 , I. I k akr......1rerti..1,11t .tt.. r I,' parr r Dancing School. 10 INN AFFt I .,pectfktilv mform4 . •11 , 1 t t: • . tV 16111 Bali" • t 1.1,. tl , t , •/.. f • 1,. 11 ill, ri11.1,.. I li 11. f 1,1 .41 - 4,4 . . To ttie Ladies. . M BON N FrOS Information W anted .7‘VM AGEII, ,litter. I rout , • a, tin, .outttr, .t • I 311:i t” . . , 1:t1.1t:t . 11. , - ;1 ... N1e . r „ t -tt,r. n tt.ot • /85/. ~‘N %k. 11.1( Ahil C.:ULM:NT t • IN n.%% BETWEEN CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH. " , Nil ,rllVuL St; I )1.: , 1 , 10 - 0, It 1., 1. , 1 ,r..: , It ,_ 1 1 I 1. , lz ~ IL .., 1 . ~. It 1N . ,, 1 3 ;: i .1 . . „ ~ . 4, ~,., , ts i KI LO% 11 ,14 .1 211 , 1 11,, k, „.... 11, ~,,„ , I I, .....1 t , ~ . . .11 . .. : ,on 1 , ~• 1: 11 . \ Wl' h lok.ilitii: , J OO OI • 11..t0 t 1 . I L INI . Altlrlf,rlt, '2 . 1_1) ,. ... I , .r •:I: lA, t,., . it. ~ ... .4 4-4- I. r •1... hi iII 1,41 - , JkMI a„ II Isl. Hi. 101 flor i ~..4 ~,, ,I th 1. 11 n iw,• •. WC 0.1) - lit 0 11. Fn' , E h n i . 1 4 ,1 .. 1 , ,, , r ,. ..11. 1 I , (,:"I"_}..'l' 44" Lou, run . Crv'm l'l'"..' I , I'li v I'LA Ik II NI rd t sk t, .....1 .1 1., kI ES . h. . --al pi. 24 Err. . ~..,........ I 10r we I , n/, IS 'lra tart lacoi o . ,a ''t -111 ' r '''''' " '' 'dun ' '" • LEX ' , ENNA — ISO Ihn prime for aril. by Itl, l'Ti It. 11 , i.bl. , e , 011.1 packed, . A ~,, J KIIIII t n , , , . , 11',...t 1.1 ...Or I, n, II It .1 Y. lIA o. her KAU l'Airl.lll— Ladle 111.1 ver , , heave, . 4 _ IN V'I'CES ---5,»,1.1... re , .1 and for t i , ' ''''''' hr "" 1 "7 - 24 , ;;;',1!;`,1,7,1`,;"1 -, ' , ' ,, '" '''' i• 11 „.... 1fr; :,,, ~ ~ -. • w w.,,,,,,uww _ ~.. .1 \4 1..1 •I eif 0 r ~i , I',U 1,..re. Cream lor sale 1, , illlthr , -- 1, Imle. tor rde 1,5 N'.. 1; ' .si 114/111,11,•11 ( r... I , •i. 11.1..1 $11441 111 1 , 11 Ell --:2 )4,1,14.811!11,1,,5 h.. , . tre.ll roll i S Al. 'II 11 .1 . t - -, , tak , ,r ,. . , .. 4 1 , ,- , 1., ,,,,,,,,,,, • r is II %la./611111 i , %ILAN% AI SEED -- 1 rink lor •file by i l " LA 11 , n it . cil 111,i. .PUO? A i a , 1:11 , 1? ;. 1 , :r „ . . 11 ' l i e by 1 ,„ , r ' , I n lektball aar IQUORIOE }Una -1 bale ("I . , nl,. I.\ 1,11. is M 111,A I I . 1,1)1 g—iou I, tgr , hulled. I, ,„„ R • 111‘ 1,16.k.11 01 t: " 1: "'" ''''''''.. '''' +4 14 11111141 011 . .I 1141)01110E PAST F- - 2 ..1. ,. , I • rim , • ~ .1 1 1 i A o p : tt , ,...frr ....ibr u ~.., .•„. , t 1V,Y1 , , ,, 1 , 1 . 1 1. 1 ,,, 11 1'11 11 ' '''" l't i"r ."'1‘..,. I ; 3' n 1141,1141 ,11 , ~_ ~,, , , ~, 0,, ~ „ 1 IWN El{ \h ANTED—For In 1.11. of ',le I 1111 Pl... Wilt. -,,, , •ne , ,- ' n `i - rto .thrt I. 't , .t , r. 1.1 ~?•:!..., W , : h1::. , 'O , I 7: l . ""' 7;i7; ',?.,;',.',.:;,,.,„,, , ...., l i , Lop it _240 Has S. F i kw Silt W ANTED- ior Pon F i r, 11r,,- k, " 4 "". ter 4 . .tt .co , 1 , ."..'br.1,:"4.71,..T, ,`.'„:,'",.." "'",,' - `,;.:', 4 ,r;-7P , `.: 1 " . '`" .. .... .1.0..1.'4. Cr. tu• , toi A I n not I ... Viii I LA I). SYKUPS-I,,,vering:A Phiinkr.i. • '"'""• ''' 6 " . ": , %•711. A. Ilrel,l'ii4 A lA, ~ mat drArrre And Towl••••1. , ii --- FLIT' 1. EA !-..-1 I.bl. English Split , Pew , ' ." .4 : . "" 4 ." r "' \VAI.'i IIceLVILU •0, nr.ll r and T. 4 I wd.r.. CLEGG'S PERFUMERN' FANCY SOAPS: TI ESE nupf:riirr artiel ~f Perfumery, , ate eivimentied hit_jurtil Tyntis y Oriental Alst.sateriy...l. and T. 11.. Chitty.. Vt. ret, anti titer . s..testl Sot, —Wsloot snzt Extra rine Sssztl prnro . szsl Vy_ tfV Winds,. I 1,..141, Pa's, .i_1carAn1 . .. ,,, F571_..7 - , I , TsZ).S . Soar. z,lis•Zuf Chain. Ilizir , 14;, Lrryl • Fisirlts 4 l • .0 • ors •L , P••”'""1•1•4‘1.77r5:',".1',1"..•.1'. ars I susfs„ „ ,l Ind Or Ilhlr it r. • • -40 • 117 i T plAzziZt. Psituguer so..lChsznist. SS Market strrst. Iss) , •• TI. zzhllsclolphz• arSisrrizsuls furs. that C i ies , s , ts (17 , 41ra w izSst ., szt I vas , z.stenziv• sasszurartsr, zsz eall _ Public Sale. Tnommi o SONS, AUCTIONEERS . T „ J Mama , and Mohler, Jim Aims, re PLundees. Amu Nur worn, ON.. I LOUCESTER IRON WORKS, Oloucem % .e. 11. IL the immediate pongtit....l of Phlla delphmExtensive Marbitto Shorn. Iron Ponn In lb. R. aril he nohl, at put... rale. at the Plll LAW: 1.. PII I A I.:\ I II AN. Y., the (gnawing dmerilml Mnpertr . the u r lalhtbiew ext•orlee and rubetanh tr al bnelt build aral the' of tbereunto .trvet: Mercer Ira n tune ae y elee., In* l ' or •AM feet on 1111,..,..177d0r le. the north h. and MT prs. um, or 1... im thy *with 11ue. amour ull •he fon. herr... tlna the wharrtl I.nreloaft. dewer...l. There i• hmg• atel f o eu t ln wo rh.r. brink Marl." Phop. sh eel.. with alrle. and ihrlat mod dolnmentenh—beatml In all AL. I, Mos.. Itatlnn nawmolr• In the attic., am pl e thrausb.t the bulldlna bruit gularming Ore. Al.....onnected therewith. • Inielt Inn M by :MO fret, treml art • Yorel. and Boller M.p.e..re won, It fora. ruppl wl with MI. Alah • heat butldluk L. by tin te.c. r0 , .0d”. .101 lug. co r"...117.•,-"ur; l 2 Pattern Arrant. abed, A•fera v V t m o . bnek tkmlll.4llll I fitted up..M.I In etrenu from the hml er• all the ornermartrlmildtme art.l natmenieure. Inrarrrlast WI WO rrstxualVe t3.1141-nr, -remade of empl. log e : c• hand• 1 pro p ertyhe ...raer and nee,. e e d deeenb.l pro go 71. the of • palm.. ver., lor mar., dram, Is . over Mouir We within nenerileal propertr• 1 1 11 irow ...LI II m t h e ,noet in MI. ...a.ethrm The Imild.n. are all 01 Um umo taut.. •ku e j,,,,m, red nat. eta.. ...I •arellaul order A plan ul '7lb." .1.7",°,72..7;t111'irii:7-.:,A;',l'::l”f„`;;ro..- 11.. R.,•, Delaware. and ....MR. Pert And ..t 11116 leel *WI • plat 1.6 Inn wide an 167 (.1 le.. '[he WIWI le bath ,r, a eubelantini manner, •n 11 thhee le • nUlte.ll of water ri..d..„, .h.. w 1 m h... e. to I t ointnnir fr, the ablptrient of marl, •e., 1r arra .1 1111.1 per an lit. plot. L., 3 , and • ninntan LOT; 6.. trintte —All Om 7 ~ol I tour valusni.• ront" 11 A nta rlpilnism the role' nn the Routh are the erten.. „. 11,, ael.ington , and on the north Petnhhalituent, to able!, .• add. I+r• 111,111.. Itallwik, A 1,,. Me/KM. and DM. 71 orlm eon.ln. aboutVl4 , 1...14, 1...11nur1, ernumunhm thm •ith 1 1 1111Alelphin by errata lemta Dont Almon...Meet Whart The 11.1 helate ma, 1,. .i.ed an. appliralinu P. the A0..M0m. , heraliow of the above Male./ la eurminered equal 111 Lm ra rr MS lentur l.. ing of any deeMlplann Terula 4.ll,thirti taxa.. N Jere, .1. tem 1101,t, add. the Le .1. of M. ext• 7 l.llothment •M. THOM Art A Pages, Auctioneer", 93 M. el eteret 1 1 biliulnlehm irr a reThe minable ..I .el. Mork of flrhlne, Tobbhgteam Pnglne. 11l 1.. .401 out. p 1.1014 ~1 the telimalng morning. 1 Wirdnerul., hloyetutwe 'BUM 11. 1 ,p e rnek. le. •Imeed Me week previous to sale 10 nolt:It . Public , Bale. ThOMAS & SONS, AUCTIONEtattI. I LOUCESTER IRON NVOItIi.S.-013 eti- CT newts,. roorstn• . lo 1.111 a1..1 al par pp on the premiere. Inouresier, N. J.. loe o a and valuable al ACII 11, kill rout prLpin pone Go bona. power Ntearo Itnoine .14 Iluiterneoutpletw.folialt ni in a .uperlor musner. two ow. b burn. power Vitals. n. lonisootal: one no. perpondi..ni.e. Engine (looted Lotto, Inon 0 ton) feet 'bear.. an.) to Iran to lo hart town to A vneiraing, iii , P l l o l4, and Handing Slaahin, Pi tong Ilarldnon titindiut sit e- Portank• rotors: orlaielowl ll4,1lora; Botler othe - n, Trln Ilaralprr , ahldtly 11? y yhßana k•AA oua drr'l "6' tai . larse 111:1 ainall Ice: . . r n , manlier,. Iron and %Vocal Pottlisro /11.10, tarp. Fat, Ursa... 600 feel turned Wrounti Iron rollnctiou of urn not valuable Patti. /Puemllaitenum Tools. to. roe store is the hest and most ompleta assortment Of Tswls the elate portion of (nom have hero oani Thu Whole •111 b. sold without reserve, the proprietors tbe Mtrs. m a r oss essealoed one Went prowtohm to 'MI, with Cala. w oo ll, -Which le had op applirattou W thu Portion . arra. 15trainl.ta rota Poorly to atoll's= Oloneester. THOIII.B • SONA.Portlonwers, sa Walnut at, Plaladelphla. SUNDR to barr, .aihol , HS H F:1 1 FLANNEL.—.4mano Intau,7.l Itura,r,:er vq, Ii,HN :1' A Cli UNDON VICK LEN AN I) ~\ 1.1„, Oh, as•, o A Choice New Teaa and Foreign Fruit. \ \ Nit It.1:1 , Th.% 1,11: 4 11: ,11( 111. i. - -Ro ad Not ce • 1 rY\\rrl.l Flllll,ll ol 11,11.1.41 ..1 I N " 10, 11, I ih• ..trrk 111 jilt 1.11111..SEll• New Goods- Third Supply for the Season. , L a i- K piiv A RI . 11(11F1 ,1 I T.nn 1 . 11110 , 1 . 1.1 t• 4sll Ptoki NM 1,/ Soda Ash. i (10 :1 . 1 11 11.4\. 1 1 11 1 1• 1 .1 11471 i t,..1 , 1 1 .0 ,11, :1 1 1 1 In pt. re. hrt.l tor 11 NI 1 11.,11!.,1:1,11t.IV,. 130,060 Bushels Coal Wanted. A Lt:l. PRONISAL! , w,111... lb. 1.. 1.0, 4 i.til.l • E.. , 1 nt ••••.1 ...r1•1111, / nI tlt, the T 1' For Sale )SEutil:,Nl,ll{Fill„;:t'.4,l.l,(TY.,,Ail(ESi PF LIAM! , II:1, & I liV I N Imvi• ttls, I.lr .tili• p Im.tuper.r..l .u.l, •r• B 1 1.1 I=lll ,11E1.::%.4:. 1••• Ir• 0,1111 NI • 'ti f, -.tl' In ,VI. • K A 4: • Lit.), t I rug h ‘t : sot.r 11 '41111: t..r I.) ;.1.. m • k'S .t. I 0 EA l• V 1.4 l' -10 i t o s l nud 1• 111~'n .1 110 "" „ T"" ; " . 1:" 1. 1" ;; " II 1 , N , 11 , .% II I . \ N V F 4 FRUITS -IN MIIMI 1e..• I;roc.r. a Ton llenlert + nll W. RUT E It. Attorney at 14 . fr u V . . — .,,, C0 , 11 11 :; nfililfll7l7f.T.lttqr:trt,"t, Do:: I n t l;',11- itT the Annii4l Mooting of the Allegheny "V ' i,... n.1 !: .. .‘g5 r 1e.t.17 ' ,... ", 1T 1°,1 ; e 'r S :s•or rn ua:• t rr?.u.P• YeAT l're.ldent—TuPKA. lIAP Vl;!trlt:".".^. I ' ,A+u j r.r—rWm Itakrw .11 • BUTTEfi—FreAlt Roll, in boxes, re'd daily "'" A ' And "J Itt',\\(lAl.V p rr ,7 ASll- 25 °h as for s;ile n ILIA. for sale by I up: J II CA S FIELD (COTCII PLAID DE LAINES—Non• 1.1 " PIT I n A A MAP ON A 01 I i ,ACK „IiI.LIKI.,S-51.) ‘,ll3rii,esli,ln d hi F l POSE 11001 1 S ,;, Z •-• chLV. nd , invt l lOr l ' •• NV 0.1.41 mj. 11""It5Art"tiftVITN, • . • I 1' NI BREW•'' - vn,es for, bide I.v L. A Nnnll%o l . ASSISIKKE S CASS, - 150 pv t . sAI• C 1111111/111‘ , .1 SHAW LS!-, openirg 1 14 1, LANK rrs --Now ”n 11..nd "v. r S5ll p AL/Art-Iran. Item 11. or A. 1.14 I. 12 A. . pinus gua.l of Ir •m And I' rA.II u1111..1 0,A,Ag.1..4......rtinAn1a. , A. A. MAAIIN.A 01. awl Al Alarl.,A 4, d Itnor new and enried '""` ." • A I ENT'S BREAST PINS! -A fil, pe VI 1.11.111010, fc 11. lIICIIAIII,IIN, Tillinghurst's Premium Churn. - DATEUTED, d title I‘J, I tlreat 11: may in lime eu..l Labor.— TO underrhaell are Ins ute.etunea tte abet. , Omer, of Ilneklogloatu ore. Jat t s Ingltute, lorg. terAi WOODNI Ant). 01./11(13.1 a Col Q01)A ASlle are prepared to e • l i t tra 1.-3 fiu with Olson Ilanufarturers the geuers/ ef 24,1% ~A sh, dliring the tel l,h .r. t " _ . ' Executors' ?iotiec. i 4 hereby given tho betters T. "" oo• l . totoPod. AI: d Wall. the th m.oitt r•latn ot rp.pirolod to prow. ' 000ttesnottt, sta.ltbo oo tolobtol .ore noplooloit Mall, moot to olthor of tho roloctibors. JOIIN CLANEY llohlw to W. W. W I LOON : W. Market.. mon, of Fru. . . PROGRAMME /AV TILE TwEi.vr. LEcTuitEs which Dr E. 11. V lONIS Intend. In deliver in the kr..neh lanitOttin. ono. • nkeit. on thr tn l,o • 4 ott •dL., in order . 0 . e r . 2 11 on tit...religious were lees whleh A^ make' , nn the Sahloth, In the tame lanartsaw, at Union are the 3. forty of the trod. • r. Fonlehment of the people of 0.4. .0. 11000 of au , ratogsle of in 4. Oorrnption of the word. of Out 7. l'unielonent of the noonle of 11.4. N.ltepentanre of the people of 11d1. u. Untirrh of the nevi& of, Uod • . _ Iter,enzt,l,eo nr the people •or God tr; ' „ltier i e t f h; ' renp ctl i rf nIU talien In the hoop of Ilona. • Subwriptione remlvert at the matte vtore of 11. Kleber. N.lOl Third etre. , and at Wu rur the twelve .1,01. 4 . The Irr ounitivenon mon tilltAire 0011';:sUra'rITItifteitt:Ig i'iewP;=Fn•nrlTl:.4 ngZer7,4llt b ni 71.1T0 gePr'fite'4ll%.l6s'l'u'e A:ra; wnage, will our ruing bultui, or this lthea. or our getit e,e, ta/ ntntioelnea in reading this programme! via .n4ll Init. with o f the \ eit=ne. tt trier notc.qras tp OLL BUTTR- 1 bbl. fur mile by 3306 ElitiLbili a BIINMELR. Di:'r-eyfie,r's Pectoral Syrup 'IITE t)p 1 . 1 RE ..1; .1,1% rt.i; IFrl It ' • ' „ ,_,~; 001 TF \ ,: ~..„•_ r •th 4 1 ) ,, r .‘,ll —1.1... !P.:\ •t -t : - L. 3 M TUNE k co 's American and European Amph \ I I\ , I I t I , . 1' ••.1.;,1. :: e;~„ ‘‘ . .l' ;„ I lb.\ /.11j.. 11. 11 r. 4,i,N1 1 .~. ~.. .: t 7 ur'q • N ib~ ~. r rt • .1 .1 \ •-•• - 2/4 , 4:147:ect5• " " • " 2;:• • •,:„ 1.• • • it ANK IttINI.VI It: i s .1 Nj, E PI PE:, • t, 11, LI EEsi 1.4 .alc ‘ltlo N, I. 1.1.1-. SSES-- t , N. I Ch ET:, A 11 11 , - 4 • ''''J Olt- NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! T i l!i i )LNI ES: 1 : 1TElt ; . 1; 1 .„ 1 1 , E: )11'. , ,N" Ir.S.w Nlnteito, Mr...nvlist. I.•••rDst.,•r.•l • -ts,l-, Irekr. I. )1.d.•1 Ambilem.... S. , I. • •41. i Ail?, ratter. n 1 at ATI:II2 ,, tW llnctor Ti. ''‘onnsn, • 1t... nt4nl Innrronin hal 11• •• ••thr. tnr •trtoltrr, ,tn ••••••11.4. IT•rht•hlturt•l taht t`ohlwatnr. I •r Ot•tol•T ' • Ttn• 1.01 .43.1 thr Bee. thantrel torrch U. to sitter , rk .4 tft• ittlerno••• .4 lite ot IL.? NI l'htt vot•••te att,l Itn• nintrr na••rn• I'stnrat The Inc.. .1 Ihr Unto Ile. Ty (Wm?, Ntru•••rh— ••1 • Phi •Ityrt. I. hum., ll•rrt thattltron. • Isle nt the m. t. It.vnlttp 1.• Antud.l or the Ittaltrieui ttl L I•rahlt atrinttrh. rht— Ilto I.t• Pro 41 1 , 11,4, 01 the Ite44.rart•ts.44 -1 11.• Al. ottrrior 'n r k 4.• Ltruturrtn. •1•111.1• hountiattrrn.. • repthl tn 11 xrhua• S• 11 Itt•••44lnt. or • St tht• Ihrwr • Arthur 13tune, t•r 3tarner In the TT•te• • 10. • tetle of the Uldert lurte. nnr 3 ont ethernse Without or the nehel of Iturebe3tort. neal Masts. , of be lierolut N ov iu i'sroltom The Cuureeeor. an Ilirtertt•sl el. nunnverret and 2•1 - ttItter,j•r lutle .01 lnorrutur The ate. •Tale etn3V7lnit, 331311. . 11411be,1. • Th. t•oulp Matter, u tele t‘f3l•t ' The tope, Chun,b, 11 31 Itutlar o . or the Clohl of ur the Battle V tali. R11..41T1511 (not, tor UP pi LI. lit).SES—!-A414 1 4:410.4-, tor rttle I.N 44,11 It I: :',EI.I.EISS SA I , A - I. prime. for 431 , - A_l. E SELLE I R, I 7 AIR 1.:1A-- its, tor rule u 0.4 -11NM1 Ltro. ra.rks (tor r 4410. 17 , 1 11,4. prin.. 110441144 I , ar Aaiv 1 11)S n, 1: i . Nli Eng. urr F.II —III 110$. Fro rtl. and tor 1 441 i 445. 11 ti..‘ \S. II \ II6ESE-1 0 0 1.00P4 4:,011411. to. 1.11,11 , A • 1141:1144,11 llli, LA N --loot! Ito. for .1,. L,) .. • A AO lIARUAI4.I `t S , IA I'--1,,114 I bolt, 1(07.1. 1 1! , 5 . , !10 ,, 1;,' ,„„ '‘ ''',. NI A ( 'li i:l[l.:L —l2l I IL iL) ,I i t ;r ,, 51:1:; , 1 , ,i) , • , 110 .S , I , N • - . 20t I 1,1.15. , N 0. , I . lor ~,, ~, i n d it .l y . , ,..,, rruitA(co—toti bo‘, 5i,,,, , ..r,:, r..., , IL e' , i, on ovnOgroomot 6n.1 for nin . .11 ot .IIN WATT A I , IIlt,,'„1,)" `,ll4) ‘l"' r" ; ' n d o I " &II:8...1'011 (' , III 1 . 1,C . E .. 111()1a1,A N l' h illti i S„--;It:ot rt. , ' , l Nonirtn,, I r i . ,..liat ' La In LJ ;',.1.‘ or Iho .:o.: ',....rf..C.:','0 m.lor, nod Oar, rll. r 11,1114 li ) t iiniiiirinii in 51x••.., I. r "."" n"."r"""d '....o'"r ; " ;i WICKEIIIqIAM. „on 161..11 06 W.... 1 •I .0d of , oath 1 hg ei1E3141),11, lIA IR IN i ' lla/11. /7 AlAill, In provent 11411n0.r 0r251 .10, Ila Ar. It) r....1r. the hair *Ural it bzka fallrn 01l or t 5.0.0• 'lon. Aud,torocr li I...eta:oly ewrff or Ilaudrult g T OA., Juan rorr'd nod lot male 1.1. the 4.0, or .Ibui`t twA. Ile, 1.1 the drug raorr. 01 , . r , N. , A IClitat,lLA,Alt, no.) IS nr.l Orwrt. corner 11 z.N.,tit, . „ ri,liik subseribena r‘aveat tally 01011 blip Si,' I, lend. of Ifro4lffig,lllilel lives , ers nod Iltsolliok, 01 4 : ." l"'-'11111A1V14173'ef „. AN Il TTA,. ie t ne h the, 4tfer 00 the vn.os avorslar ...rum romp:l , M% lOU Pluse.,,po , u A lll's . 1. , 1T., Id luArs non., t.:l 1.1c14ro: :sr 1Z4rpt:""inor'17V1!:01:.:1' I d l ... ~,.....,,,:.r;,:ory,, Is, - otil J sr* - IL, - Untrin. i , ~.,,,,,,,,, .. SO S 1,1.1 S, 1.7. n. HAiFinK 1 . 2 Abdp. prgme \.ll. lAugur box.. latryn; , bbla.rfd awl PO. - I'‘ '' ,,, k• eocrtuts; ‘, :5. t.5..1 honer ' - 0 gOm -i.r. 3 ....0, % Ilya' mob, IS ri m 10 " el, t A L 4144041,41: 'lt toopsllo , rolate: , ; 6 " ' 400 ,1:,?;:a,,,, " .: I .',.' rm . :',! m r...''''''' \ Apo, 1.01000 180.1 re .4 tr..u.,, ang vairitm, Porno POW* in. end Ituritio.., tom nallylevied In 15 tu ASI I.lcll, in the eltli• 01 01....1.1., Vit.l.l4ll.h.i.nd hair ` , moin. cl. p,ieltuj allogelher rib •aportturlat una.qualird in rittnimenh. WM. A. W1,11.01:11.1. , -, 101 l •• ..18 L11.,11 . . -. .„, , toil) 1 , 1511 - 5 drums for sqle 1N Li 12,,i 00101 e. 8 Slet)EVliLEiiii UP . ifitP/C.--100 bxs. fur Sale by wici: a blee.eNlol.lll‘.."l l . JAVA COFFEE - 2 0 bac forsala br , . , ...) . , , .. L.... ,. WU. it If e( ANDL : I .le. au - 6AR LEAD-90 0 lbs.ll' bite, tar stv,la by 1103 J. KILDD 80J., CO Wixrd et. -;\ • \ - \\\ .11, Hepthar4..\ )Lii;i\,, ‘ 1: \RN F:Y\ \l' 141 V-0 0 : , \ It k ,., 99 ‘i';!•111 1,,, \ I i‘‘ OP} 1 - ,k f . netr 'Kittt,nno t , .. h:itt vN t o .'......'t ~.i...• . ..'' \','",,' ''''' v, ' \ WE it N ri ifT 'r/LOR, 2,, \ ~ \, - \ • 10k.,..•, o k .,..•, ~:‘;\ •F\ \ • 1 . , N , ; , N.\ N. At t.l 11, .t..alult•i• of 11l %., •\ 1 . II . .' .: 1 \ , N , A , -,, '\' ' ' 1 \" 1 ,7i.P.'r ' : l'l',.:' '..\ t\ .:. . \...'' ,T: h :. W., ~,...,,..,\.`..',,,',., I;sc \i ha , ng \ , e . '... Ltve , fy :6.i. ,able \1),•I\I FuVu,n' l', pg Offica ,N. \ rr fe\ ,. : : ,,,5;, I.iii, --. ~.,,,,:',';'''r:,,',.c.\„',,: k .' ';'7.!!'; ' ° , ri‘',..‘L.,:".';' I. ,i„",', "'":;:;', A - ',;::, \.„,,,.,, \V HMS .v1..1 frN, _ , , F I 1 \ I d • \ ~.. 'i.. ..t:: . 1, V, ,;,i rI 61 "I, ,e v ) A ~t. M.,1:, 0111" S. \ --) ~.- nierehatitn-uppli...l at Irrt 1., ten ',hill ii LI, \ ', A.— N,iw iivt.IIIII ilt II nrn.A Ai .1 1.. 2 t.. 1 IA IlArni-I,lrin.t oil . 1 . . :' liiN , IF '- . 1 ' II "' .' C's l'".. t u,t rt, ~ HI kit,' •1 1 1 -11. 13 r .t..: ..1V b,r ,:111 , by' \t , by LA., • A •,.. Awl F , V, It n A F s \ 1 t. tF.. : 1ti.).11 \ ilt. t F • ,V It a. A 51,1,11 • 0 TICI;=I2 koz,. 1,,r McCANF , I. _ _ EFIA-IS .1 I. V- -1 n fur sllo,lk AI I 1 1 1 I.la, purr 'fanriei.', or 111Flant11 , OK t ir.oFFHA . 1! , I tie,. IFA. , t, tale Loy \ )101,A module's 7' il • Oki- '417 X 1:—. Jsm I r r ii. a Coil., A 1 uivarired for ..wl.. by I i I al 11... t. 1,12 111 11.. 11., at - k Ath. LB El.-1 , 0 . ,..: t kLt . 4 '1 , 1 „ .. , t•ker ... td. , ..n.l til Obi. rioi .t. Si If 6 n A V , C As La.k ..:. , - . 'I 111.1 I , LA I 1,—•.1.1i ia..‘e.•• (re..l‘, for role by I , , w Io a a 1.11.01. A 15.1111,V11 I ll\ 1 I 1,41—'0) ke,:s Nu 1. p \ - 111 r.•lt 00l riiii'l sod for . 5 1,1, otaal.l6l. I. -LOKI , 6al i .s It iJ —A lad,. fist reed and for • , :kli. by .AMI li.L I' .111.11 VII. .1 A , \ 1 ,, Sr\ t; ""— I : t ' I s 'i t . t t t lr ar le b , - bleat et. Z‘l N C PAI N T fa, xi XN U F A s U TI , E ED RI 'TEE FEIN' IT* Jr 1 I. , V lAA 1 4.1' I So. OD all'.l‘al COMPAVT io Se.nra, ", J • I hi. Coo i• tii‘ iii , ii , ' i. I iNi f' PAINTS, - Oilarli lio, la., Woo I Moo.. ral fraia , Uhl. both La kora.• soil tlit I timid tau. to r0t0.13 [Lea vaginal ....n, soil orotol se or pi Oa, aiiaierior fo r othor l aiai o I soy. r lhor M iiii I, .I'. N e PAINT \ 1 1 1 „, r ..1, ~,, u„.4.,. As, A 11 1 wan...owl in , from all cooliiii.i. it oo • iloiiiiroi .h Ora.. r. it c. , Yrn• well. a I atool mi.. zu.l 1.• • non Ir.. • from the purr,roulail {:-;',V4”' „I:o:`;:"`„'t7t7.,';' . ",:.' t " . "'"'" — ' tn * \ \ IT V. ILL NOT 'II EN YELLOW O lo ,i\o r.o...ll.lauliiliroio •.t oie lair exhAKala.a, or : .4al•NnP u .: Z i aN• n . ' nl tlar[l.Z. • '" wal ..I . 7t. L Ve '' t,..e. rett 111 n ao i n ix not Ia oar ilobio to v i irai oiiiino i f ‘w "u". "" ' al. od, " '". ..1 .. 1. ', . ' a * :.lv b vniw " = . ',1::.7`,..`",,t,1, - :;. — "'" • BLACK AND COLORED r /JN PAINTS. lb,. art t../t ta.Johl ot ato pr.mand are.winahrwall ll . ....., I .01 . 1x,1 p 411.1.. lii air cloak. (Jr ...wl roof. i It 11, • thou.., pew.m1. , .., °run) • pr..' fur t ~.. . t • a.. Lrii . Uri, or tr0u..... Ebel am hunk \ 11. bAI I Elt AX b FIRE PROOE. "r „ { . , eri,..iali.• , tot aarti olmrl.” , Llo.ble.)W• tbs., ins . .” ‘,. a,v. ..,s ai 1' .1.1.1r01y prelent quill 11 It / Ilt. tr quo all laiJl having a war,meant , . \c. , 71 , ... 1 ant /. . • • 1 1 10, inaio 4, the .Ro hl. r 01.11121 • Ili I, \ 11..1 r ...,, awl . a i,‘ , . rat term.. t.- tat a,oataar Lo no wi• . , , ~„&t „v . \ 1. \ at, a harL, Ira wielplaw...\ 1851 liop. L ....... B k Lb` . ..it First Sort Eastern and Woo (10 , •'a , (Ka, now twviNal awl for wkle to .. or 10. ' I.IEO 11 , , ANIITII Pitt Anwt. tb k. A.K CAIRN NE PEPPER---xls: lbs B ~, isr. sous. r‘s ., .us 4f 7 It A e 0115 lil+ool, K A CO i N , l , liiii.. e 1 i . I 'h. I: , P k r. k v ,„ -- ,,, .. , K. , 11. , 1 , 12:7 , 1 , •, , r ,, 51ai. , ,INA li 1 NKK il-11l Ills. tor sale by - . - IL J 1 1 AIINESTOCK Jr W . Al 'Wiz SALTS--1U 1,1,1, for ..ud„,, by Y It.l. .0 AII , riffi.laka A Cl. , ... I LL Sll \ i'-7.. lar.s tar sale by I. A 1,1,15, , 1aCK.AL . 0 IA 1 F.D SOX P-5 1 1 has. far sale by Si.A CALINICSTOCE A, ca. - I:: : twi., for sale s- by_ ‘,„ U ict: 4 NLeaNni.ess. W.I. Roll, •,.1 1I kw, Packw.t. arrillaa J A AO . 1i.11.1C KU.. I'ol lista:. t.tyww.. NI % r 1 i - 1.,11.1 tl.l. I 0' • ti ' ) S 1,114 N II I OIL-, 41/t1 1. 11)1,AILILS L.A. 8.1.. 1. EN. RE1 , — . 2 11 1 F P. SA LTS-t-'lO b feN L. .1 111.1S:i. RLUE-7 boxe J. son. ). pI LT. M if LP o,—y bo. - o-2. I J. deliti,JA A , tY EN. Ithl oazdis (EP*) 0, J. seilaluAli . - Id d ry jf N NO. for .40 1.1. 0 , 9 J.LT,Ii,3ONAJA6'EIc Illy. imilwo()v---, 100 bbbi. for aK by e SCLIO,INILAKILit k 1. More Goode. a f1U . R ,,,, C11 0 1. , 14:L1L . a l m a, n w , 1 1,, 1 4:1:.rd;i:t0.f.dt0,10t.01 pima Itarnik., 50.0 mink..l sud Persia.. Cloth. I.lebiaron wad New 515 in orocbc kluoris. Oak, wad kLinikke,i k p uh • kh. rskortokk toen•hnt. trir.hink to ~:ealkh. their „x elkitk ' l4 JIFFY F--S tutow rime Rio, orri • ' ‘l' .10115 . 1V ATP:a/ an . d J.,;,;,,51)%t lA'lT,:uwek. e d , *VW bble. 11. Syrup. too IV I ' ul OOT JUAN WAIT* t',J, 311 Lllf.ll SILK. 1113floon I llco ry , n umnroug 10 tart.k . sl black Bilk OW, arki dew..ok-01, . .1.1:i i, NI Ni 11416 7 ., ; g s .. do. 6,,,, .1,91,..1 '4 lit ICE-.-10.th , i fresh Carolihs i llic i f Tagle . ~. \ • , Ms sox •,is Co 'have rco'd tit S t. t ,To. ' tl t .ne' p. A ...1A.t . ,. Iv 001.A11.0... SUVA.' wirr Ify , i.n. 'compriliTlß the mod enaoetn stmk lb., WI. ervhitoitei; *Writ they will ..ell id Intwh LI. VAN I A BE 4 11,120 lbs. fresh; for gist br ' M ..11( I kI. • I,•trtu.' tor 'hi. \iSl 0 V E httS \ k'qS \‘‘,, Or TUC smat l'•• 0.1. I. INIIr. I \l'Ey IX \\r. tto 1 . .111, • . ten ; el \ '‘.'lll...kA,','li‘...t.:;:.'•‘..'i I , \ ' , ' ..rl, I I 1,4.1 t 1.,i , 1. r 11. i.re , Z, tr.ii Ile,. \ i c! r '-Nti',. ‘ , r. 1 4 r ‘ l 4 \ l 11,'1:.'"N,1 t , ~ r .k;"a,', I. rI t \ ; I : 1.1...,.1J ~, ... t"'l\".l''''W'. N li,l . ~ $.. r 11.. t. All : a.l te I ,e;3.,,..L.:iitr , e e till rirlee •I•te,t, fil,ii ' Tti En :, .Its , ATI ,N,. ei , i,tiler ' ' I I,' the tarn .1 , 4 • I Cur.,.;: the[ `I •rioesel it, I, ~ evnlpi I , le ri kill it A Let i e ,^ LA ItARK . 1 1. i , 'Sun. .2.. Is hu 's S-011m IWO ne. 1' a. .until odes trdna tm r at-o , S L t 7rla:b ., :'...:d r 1 .t .: ,., r‘, ..::: CATTLF. NIA FtI4 . F.T , B•111/1./IC. Nam \ l'astliOrThnt\ WOO an InCreseed supply at , i...,i, 4, ai04.14, ov,,r that ol thy Onrnmog Stott.tr• la anat Nt;:e .garage ram rol.. yadnething later . Thr .111..nn,. rne...tAtl:A i w ko bent, of Lich .t' srLert, ro , ~,, ing,imrs. I. Io twit.... 100 log ' , Ter. and rerddOe• LIN en I S,Oltiltglolpttla. . N.... Vaugml gnat 1, dl. to 4SO •on ll o tort equal to St 41. 7J net, ..n.larrragsod Id 62!• • gr.da , 1 " at - . - .! ' sg%• " :; '' ,ro ads '"' Tgl ' ar : 4 7•:.[ .. n i nte7t7t r ZI ‘ t!g ' tro ' g rn : . 'l l ha r . ' re r ... n"''lc r . ,• 's . .'n S e,' general arta, Joanne. ga r ameg to , s ir, •dlttrr at oar t r tao .liderent p.m,. in tbe a...VA./SDK .161. W. td unfairontlActoros Thetetn te•eaturr. redr. Inm t °attund to he rtntable, and am.. Igo. 1.. lgdot t•derahlS mtive The .40,, •e la , 1a.v . :4 ,, 1ta le.ots In lot \ thr ernaml. II equine ar thr h r rtg mitt:urn Issl Sd•to nOa --, Amrtrau. \ \ l'intstdtenta. Nor. h. At toartet ths rex. about . ..noh herd beet cattJa. Wein dat, am§ ,Iro et.Sto 'Sm. Xrra, and stl left utoold. 3.0 .....1 1.,1l KIT, 'Vo,, and I.M. Sign,' and Langs... Ogt. .... Keel ratrt bTrre .10.1.1, derlia.d betng nOngig a S.b :Rano id "ts It. s. `nos and Cali.- -rrorh (animal Slim 1,... Strrinnamlll .2 •'4. and dr, mg. •. reBr 1: 8. 88 . to ll. .--che market .1.1, , antiron , wort. xale arm mate at gk 0‘ag:111 Igo Cae. `I Sher . • nd Latnlm-:ale‘aof the fanner at SI Etl V) 3 .. and 1 ,. .. earsat St song, dart, a.rordom to on. ~ - . . _N t Itmms. Nor. J. I' Ignr- Ihnnand the nag go - loos bean to.mentilin' '...n.‘".1',..\•:11n0nt ttni tn. , ..„ alrlasognin‘prinea agnew.,....._ gar I• t a Vr Doors steta•tes coalmen graidia at S/ I'd S t-.• tdne, it . g, d 7 ~. 4 ttra St Slan.S.gn. Olga and Silehlgan ' .-•:::tre ' l ! t; 1.:2:1, ' :.: ' ,1 14 - i ' lettY:Ll " } 7l l ', .;tl;t b a l i ' i:t . t. . tT:: l'lpotr-u. n ^ ''''...- "131 • :gm', S 1.-d-l• mg nd ht el at F:.• ~ .., 2` , i, Pottanr Ona. NirT. - ,E several, Wen •p st there ha bOell SOXne I, I. tn n•Tg•nd• tr. nt‘l\dtrum rant doe en the I , an yth lost. vgm tr, rmsln dealer,. hat period o• morV and it [ hue -Imam] he en.re oOnruCT of , ex gmtero. . ransulgt of l'lghtele ta,only tango-- g gontllunag t e week, u that a liner amount, ner la v . :AT, d A n n t alum to amt aosugh !ter at .4 . o I peent neslttrh. Th • Irs,r suyidie.v a d' gold or‘g \ trim'. *Med the great tontractin in :..,",,°"-.; ~f,r2;..rf.1.T4 th- 1 ,_." I-srgn On•Vadind .4 . eOld aril s ta. reeetr nNt ..13‘1.ch'rIT:'gT httn7;: " 7,3 l n4 h e:X U ttNt. taelgur ne,l lorlstaining `lt tom lb . ;11arl. rhem rennin , . unll r esreed by tom of.b hod tor rhionmut tat turrokr.• , \ ,ORT OF \PrrißUi _ _ _ Jaw,. Iil'I(111:1IM1i 111.1,. ;1,5 . .1 NOS. li:tt• , \l, la T rbera aaa .55ra. N: rhea 'a Olson ro tit t Walt, la. raaulag . and ai \ a aaral• ' A . 111'...\• :U. , \ mc ,„„ . ll,„„d r i , AicK,a,,ajcal.. • \ ' 1. " 1 • : ri 1.' 1.9171:?i, " t r , :a",,1i . . " 1 . 1 ; 5 ia0 11;ait .sauet bedk t-Goa \ oti -, . liAsv -Gordo. Learnt. • ' al aica .r . . • Wt rta ter 51nore.WhealitteA Jar. • la alc.olaWheellna. %, Ova: \a, 131kina. 51. laouta• • \\ . ' \ I.IEPARTI:IS. i ‘ Atlantle Natio...on. Brovorrilla. Italtic.l3.sno s stt. Browttaille. 0 J. M.N....A11/ -o irk n, ag alai...ama Thos, , hrtyr. miry. Wept s.an, '., )ococaee. Balk) West INetaun. • Itaaver.lionla. aver. al)elli,ottt. 11. , , tat. , Diurnal. Gm 11. Whneßac.. - • Alleahany hall \No 2. Cincinnati • tia•lx, ww,tuaes I--\ - • BOATS LBANiVi Tllls', D/ 11)11 PUILADBLPIL4 ND BALI le Leech a Co, I,:sennar 1....51,:t ......4 da %D, Ma \ ‘a iIEELING—ITMLbeat O A: \ , , WHEELING - JoNeWn. , N \ • VINCINNATI—baIsa. \ ST Lol.lls•—•Gen Gana".'‘• , 115,AVE11.-51ornina but V A . \ :Tatting boat 3 r IatOWAVILLI PA6LI • 115C.W. , ./StiLLE. 5 a. A. atals,o r. i•ml v. forhish • •uppli of th....ft Fos ClNCTNNAn.—Theopiendid KA er Irene, Mill Tease for Cineiniisti, and sul.ititertuncliste' ports, this day et 10 o'clock, A. M.• Ater se commodatiuta are superb. FOR Sr. Lol3l.—The Sete ateame Claims, Capt. Cope, sill leave, Its ahoy. The Gaines Is a goodboat, tend her ►o. tions are excellent. ripma BY RIVE 3. 'CINCINNATI—PPS ticArrs-2S bbl. whisks) '2 , 5 do Lambert P:107 do IS Ilicsars:s2 ssk t S , 7l; :s gii , do.a.ro I,*ch £z. 1 d t ejs.kes It T. “ Les;b: Ito ' L stiO :.12plursomods 11 Vold; /b: l.; b sted nods rope 'A K Ler. BEATER--Pre Burn-2 cto 10 k[, 2 . 0. cbrereß a W !Urbane.; do nott.e, • ..11 DB.010; lu 40 Wirt t Mer:eudlre, pesrls4.o.llnamin l Nov krl; 6.4 bzwelm Old i:drt Vl k u= 1.1cianwP4...1% 1 .1 Done.. 1311c.1 br batter 200 cbre. ...oghpr: lb bir butt. 294 40 rbeeTel ll } lll rd:o;bl;olintelY'Zo".--b-.1! 90 7 Pre e. 1, 0 8 Blerlier- 1 3 4 PL. Boar 88. o; 31 Inadre• rr 01. copper T 41.1101.,2e Ia 'Khmer, W HEELING—On4.Hu-198 AA 44.. x. W buish. Cu; In ss Las barbby A A A crsuu. AruoHoox A Crru4r . ' j • Fiesh' Teas. Ju. rec . it at the PEKIS TE.4 STOKE. 500 ll ?' c A! I D E ,i s a s e . . (I IRA - 9 RE •t. The •twee e•t m ks retial by the serlber treat the late tans ld Sew Vol yaw all the ddlareet R!'•dt" id the merit. Ina th. dater.' - •' -" ALSO '--t!it "OTTER.: XACHC.i. bk. (Eng.) knne, Ibr palp- R 1.: SELLMIR. ' I, for oak by tcnnaN,Nritiiinic 410,9... _ I‘. I T \ WO. 11ARICR & C , .&` Lest, for erkle by \ m MAKER k CO. \ es. for pale by s Amu; a co. or slue by tiec h aw., fin - o, t r ckr ,It l Ct/ - wn)o7l:best SAP., 2 badehlad or.l r- J. .a h. rwvo. • \ • •\ \ • ,ithoUt. .Ik-o:revel). th,l'utmrsi Lour.`. imen nt..l Newor, .nW Prcuwzi .11...1 , Sae, roe. elirt, at VI SO "j 4 ace lo ti 1:0111 , 4 of ronr-. ttr'utit.tatkont 4k Iv. Nothitta Itu.k nt I \l4 , tatett ;+11,4. at St ..ty *corr.\ alai nre tst th trot tpple. Lae tiatooplind at ,• i.tott•••l\rattent. et \\\ \ OM., wait is uVA~ wOwrt, wt'~lY [~ tu.Li 14.1 , 4 - 62){* lbaliQl) ly, ct - ild awsical .. coon s\. Pl. JA, 1 ns. -- .. Ps N o u n s . ~Filivo. will btuOilen for die 11_end rsa.4 fen.Al.l . ln kIOsAAA .-......1110... I.tructlon pwwfiw.. l, 111,. 1........ seonee.s.r.4 3emls.- nr4. ut.t...--- .... .., In all I.l.lnele. naciAtlns la intl. lh.. khoorn. .1i:(0.111.1 . •10. na w imi k iw t s . :* ...Wahl. Pbilogolblell. I, ena .i lAnd A.stronO.Wc. 1. oast*. For .Clreulars, cum nil toll I.l , kuiz.L.T 4 it 1cret1e.....1.111A tbe 1....11A1. . 14.111..1.13.v. AnAu.al4. 1....1. AU1191.1.11.3. 111 \ \ ' ' , Law IicBOLL ' . .' 1 LIAVE red the Prac co of 'the Law' between J.,\•...1 will .1...r0t.e . i0r .eel.. 'IA.. .1 Waal.. tr.,IL 11.. partnrn.L.p veldt* furnarrly oil between A. IL. t i t(ta gs. ." oa -7*, *.".z.li - .':,1rit..., ~:hirm,..,, ....)....up,A.p.i.,ZIA. ;An...n 1.....11.... ......akal... -., sitiout- ' . 31. 11...11 . 11.11. , _ "14149.74. t4' 1a. !: . ..° 5 ._.._-_ - ._ .__ ....._. -_..---.._ \ WOR 4.I.E — A - fi rsi \ rate YA,B Y ~ .. . 11011.11., 1.1,161. an t...1{,41a ot JAUKILI. 'l' \ rnln 41.....1. - ' e "....V± bi !.,-- ' 'NlBore instructed bylho owners to close- witch. teens/ red, et l er7, , • ere. " 1.. U., IA 1. 0 . 1 . a... TlAt.‘ nog Glark. lAtlkAlp.eUnc . \ 1.1 j,. ..b .. A1 t an \.. ta. („litate ) ),011.T . , kirc i gib; -40 i_ ..... . -, : bb Nu. al:Arfis; .2 4 '1 1 " •••• \NA 1 \ . ta.A.IIIAT'. - i i - I \ , MS GOOD.Y-- \ .ox (..v.T.' , 1,..: ..4. ?, ,„ , 1 7 / . A - 7 :—.' " CAMAi r ", :Tres, d. ne4, bY , 44;e1r41 . lien' , ` 'ffisaKid. Lum. QUA. 3.IIAAVILS Ah 0P..1.1 daily lt A. A. M M. , lt•Mmt. or milt Amities tau • VA Aim Bre:AN Cowl__ • • Wier. • .KEEN OIL °Lent-412 g Nfi r.;•210 gigsialr 242v-tiv22. Clulb Am window Wird. totaals emAe AA DA Matte% sr, toelb \J. • BEE \ .