flf E MATTERS • • COUP, taaer.ar SCPPCIL —A complimentary eitiiker we. even by -Ike compoeitong of doe Moreihg Putt . to Jot. Layton, Ceti., late one of the Ftrot.riente, ,0 the of retiring from to: ! papor, vh.on took place at rho Nation al Hour- t!n Tlstttenlay nilht We tail the plea cur, ! , IT_.. at ri Were vei l tnuc6l 'l t ' Iwttieb pre pie .If. i I Vail< 1.y.1e 1.10 tr thrv,r 21=11111Iffill= lErilli= Ins ..A ~:~i.~~r•. :.nd Mr L.:, 131111=111111 WU , •.. f, and the eveitthe .1.3.4,r0i v* nT in Ebo tresteet hto t t..l hetet, en , ' 'tYtt reg;et that w 1.40 . 0 LO: remit it, a tell ttt:ettitt: ef the but cat.. fo. t• otlr plea/tort A: ~ 1,21,4 err l \ r 1.4 y nor 1.0.111,ng wi.i a. who were pretient. IEI the Opinion ve.:l who liven woritm the V.ls .o—own 1.. mince he kind, and ..ourteou., in all WiW veLeen he tron a! t enamel, and is an upri;ht and 13.73,10,1 r 11, coritially, in the ilin7itage ' 14, of tn.• trust that proeperify way wtend inns n• ya time, and au dir all etic iispiiarscaa Ltxt, —Wt• tent .lerwy Liul will give ,evettil curict.rblwrr. next wrek at the Ma- Po,onga A. —A iccr . s*.ying w. , en the panoram a of the Otrt.bn of Eden, which is new on ex hibition at the Atbleneate, no . ...lien; agree With the follortuc extract from the Boston Tran script: . _ 'A Pasostalla ut —The lover" of the bean - n[4lM , , not otoen enjoyed ".ore than 'did a Eighty rePprelante awl, cure, last evening, at the exhinition of Mr 11. C PnAtt's need ma of the Garden oJan, Wa,hington Haitt,2l:' Washington Street The painting is a triumpt of art. A an,l'a for the firs nine ',aid woods, and stream., and flo,tary meads, could acarcey he more Sdiciously entr,wing. Toe opening is in mountain scenery at.tones, Oil f .rest tree, and the Outer view, in wl , ich our own superb white lily, the br . ...t of the EU., floated beside the Egytian arum, were pictures to lira in memory, and give joy forever. Nature in vegetation never represented with more trUtbfutriers and beauty. Each gnarled trunk, and branch. and Ludt of foliage, ..ad waving vin-, displayed Ito native character. Enure, of art never mimick ed natures toots perfectly, and htrit more ofe llko ttevcr foiled their pinion= to rest on canvas. Of the "principt.l fyuros, earth's first pair, we can only say to Jay, that those wh, would find fault with them, run.; be at least defoiroctl im their own tnetarhy.tu, We are proud to know that Mr. Pratt Is it tt. - iston artist, and teel aisur edthat our citizens will gratefully pet.] him a substantial patronage an thin brat of a series of illustration,. of Milton. Alter having seea the shore, we can only with for one iL'.ng, anti WI.: ie Elva it warmer MM.- phero rchiir locking ut it. Assn 131stI,P LIND. or , xt hurl,f.ly evenip,, ear tr-,gat—JENN 11.XPZILT or ILIDIANA 10.(N3Itit . PLOUCIIIN6 lirrcn.--Nov. day being exceedingly favorable. the Farmers ntsciebled _.•,ith their teams in. fine order, in o field of W. C Denny: Very superior piece of ground beiog Fe:ected, and the best of order was c:beerved. both by the ploughmen and breetnturs. The whrk was . compieted in the best a style, mid after the ploughs and the crowd were re moved from the field the following gentlemen were briought furword no iJenjamin3iel ly, JelmiThompeon. wad Jonathon 'lethal, when the follnWing premiums were awiaoied: Robt:;J. 13.41 e, lac premium; plough. Hall Speer, centre draught, No. 10. Jan DleCrutu, 2nd premium; 1. ugh, Hell 5: Speer, °era csiratight, No. .IU. .J. F. Oa rani, 34 premium; plouglr, Robert Hall. --P. Who, th premium; plough, Hall it Speer, centre draught. No. 10. John C,k sth premium; .pitigh, Flobort. Joim barrr;rti, oth premium: plaugb. Robert l'arry, ith premium; plough, J. C. 'Par- . ry dr. Cci, After'ili; •pieugbint, km :deletes of eab-soll ploughs were pret.oated by J. (.4 Parry Er Co., the ploughmen attached their hoines to diem for reeulted is general catidfaction to all ifartles. D. BOYD, President 3. - Bort. j , 7 Secretary MANCIELEBTLIL PLANK the netiattl meeting of the Allegheny and Manchester Plank Road Combasly, held .0 Monday, November ad, the following gentlemen wore elected tificerd for the ensitiggyear: Pra,ldent, 7homee Banewe ; Dixedrtors, John 2. Loggia, Wm. iingaley, Jeatken Sehoonmaker. Jdntos Anderson, sod John libnt -41; Treasurer, Wm. alleevrell.. PLO/WHS.—The Patent one hone plomehe of Mews. Hell Speer, took the first preedium el the Pecaeylvania fOate Sair. ..Thie is a greet complimeat, the more especially when .e .coa eider that they have taken the, premium both et oar CotuitylFalr, and elsewhere. . underetand that hit Bochea, manager otAlieconcertsof-Madanieltnna.Hiehop, selected the piano, which he need in Pittsburgh, out of tho stock of Hr. Henry Kleber, in Third street. It was one of the lintel instruments, inaztufacttued by the Jleser'e Norms and Clark; Net. York. POISCL Navel.—lberc waa not a tangle com mitment tojedi yeaterd.y for .any offence of • grade higher than orunkentiess or sterancy. OUST OF QUARTIOI 81:3510113. November 7 ,Present the Henorable William B. McClure, l'resideatJadge, end William Diggs-Land T. L. McMillan, Associate Thdjuey In the case of the Commonwealth vs. James McDonald and Bridget Dunn, indictment assault and battery with intent to kill, on oath of Mrs. McDonald, returned a.serdiet of guilty simple assault and battery. Ccrmmonwesitli no. Thomas Brownlee. ' Indict ment assault and battery, on oath of Jacob Col baugh; - The preeecater Is proprietor of a house of entertainment on the Perrysville plank road, in lieu Township. The defendant is a drover wheetopped•at Mr. C.,lbanah's home, cisd pas tured his cattle in his fields. Some dispute en sued relative to the price of the pasturage, in the - coarse of which Brownlee struck him in theface wittj a whip. On the part of the defendant; it was testified that the prosecutor bad first of nil raised-a. chain to strike Brownlee. rhociidence was cot concluded when the Court adjourped for dinner. • ArTZILXOOS EZIIBIOIA In the cane of the Comp:matronlth en. Themie Brownlee, indictment, =auk and battery,. the - jury returned a verdict of sot guilty, and that the prosecutor boy the cOtta. Cummuttwealth vs. Itelberf p Henry, indictment, larceny, alleged to have' ecit committed in stealing come notes from the till of Mr. Orman, of BotaltilltiburgS. Itappeare thmt the prinner and another per m:m.oone iota the proaccater'e store, and ilbked hadke eny goad butter. The other person end prosecutor went down into the cellar, to examine It %While:they were down, the prisoner etole the cote .+ and the prosecutor when be caret, up, sewlis drawer open, and pursuing overtook the defelitfint, who gsve back the notes, and sal&that he was drank at the time he took them. ' The:jury. returned verdict, of guilty. CbmniOnwesith is Jeffereen.linox, Indictment, larceny, ononth of George StOope. The defen dantheil'etolen ei watch, and pleading guilty to petit, latceoy, was sentenced to ids nsunt he Um , prisonmeht indteCounty Prison. Communwealth es. eMstins Keenan, Indict ment, voesnit and battdry ,ori oath of Thomas isi McGovern T,assault Weis'committed in bower 13t. Clair township, and 'prosecutor testified that the defewhaut vernal hint several times upon the head and arum with a Polier,..eplittimg his upper lip, fame:dug out his front teeth, and otherwise, itdaring •hini. The case:; was Oat concluded, alien the Court adjourned Picabarzh Life insurance Company :CA-Pl'l.o.L. 8100,000. • OFFICA ,NO. 75 11)671771 STREET. anrs nee en. 4ent—eart.e. at.n.taitan • '2remanner—Xant Aeratarr--t)..a. • iir'Xwadcartimaawnt to an , thar Fart :b. Moe. 1851 'Hops. K , 111,14.5 of First Sort Ev.stenrand Wei! u obltarnoitE, aor 141e11, - kr awribrbdi bl' ilittainot. IT,LEGRAPII TIT TitT n FRILLY Tel 1,11.,11 1.15 T •WL lIKPCPFTV.Ir ran TAR vrri'Graun 41AZIrrTY. MIN= 1:11111!=i1 it is iii.cierio•—.l i t letter. tcceivroi di, cit!. from lig•an., 1111 1,...n ill which Sir Thrw,hrr eq. t- in hioh 110 man CA, -ttrt tvt , l'hey chitrze (b., Sir /wt." Foie., t i'tiorgo• ,tte C. 0.1 u estthernl Si, lltr,her on,rtting [lint ht. had uttrpetrat.! imn. with n n. pr.t•-trt. ti • th; 1 4,-ttlate „ ,r, i,i •ii.pft,h, it. e. i,rru re • tt, t•. her flair wt :Sea tht• heir, • 11. e ,me neat t free ps 1... Ch. Pr...dent ha. trctelvt• ncoeptnnr, r nipotittownt x. ['tried St‘t, of II arnuz. IIIM11111:1119 Hai I tiriuoru•k. tur In.linn l'rraty grourri. Amu Ln r..ute I II u•bingtoo, with a nirteZnl.l. , ll.)f four ludiou A!fr..uquin.. s. Ttu.rr are thirteruebler-. Kul two Nuaw, NEW I . oIIIC-1;44;12T1, We hove "ancient tent", drum the whole Stitt: U determine Imditt otirmiitt:i the catction of Fttresth for itieeretary of Slate, I:li tnitn for Atiorne) Idenerol. Cook I,r State Ir., autl Fitzhugh for Ulu;: t r r. — uli‘Vhlge. The oulance, hi the .lute neket ure JohlJtful MA RI IaNI. • nA1..111 , 10. Nur I:,e n turn., trOnf the rd. Lhee not all horn reretted yet. out ./11',:toot khotett to doter throe that the whoteot the nettlicratic delegates me elected. l'• from I.:!tat to I...tat utaiority tl,t. otter Itemecrtute tie'tegitter , in the rite at elected by from '2...dt to nett ta ,,j,,,,ty 1' F Thomas, ,!lee. I for Croutttroiler. not hare it majonty of .•,rr i_ota , is the edy. while Thor, •It Stuart, t Item for Lottery l'• ntmudoon .er. and dame, Murr., Dein , fir Cornmiaanoter 'tilt : Laud office. have a .majosity.dt_no;yr_d.thht, and are thmtttleat -elected. We•have return:, th,!ading the e:ty del - for the Legi.!athr, 01 winch '2l, Ikre I,etnoarate. and 3 Whig, Dln a eueratie SQ fa- the Senate to Whi7 Too t(cocr is d0te...1111 LLINOI,, ELIA. TI . =MEM Lasalle countyo4) mrti nn ti.r the Bank hill Grutiili county gitve 35 miijorliy, and Lev coon:; 300 majority eglinet the linuk. Chicago gave majority et in favor at the Brink Snap.. :OH Ion) for the Bank, atal Cimsttana 120 for tt, I; ttst: Wtit oounty ce 3 0 0 zuqj for anti tit,on county 173 agaatat the Bank Jer.tey county ,ace maj, t it. ag,,,t the liank WIs , CON..,IIN ELEI TION Sv Loi. Nov Noihino reliable has been rocrive.l fr:nn enronn Theonly .ntrtligenry thnt ,here tv ltttie , lauht Fareore::, Wr:g. 1. , 1 erlnT El= 13=LE=111 Tc+grll:lllc drapaiono- from rt.Lto tL.t in 71 rnuntice heard from, F. , .• , fn end 01' Dawif , 2.100, which h,clratoit be y ond r. 11:1Ubt STE ANI BOAT At'n SENT Sr L. i.. \n. rne stecmer Jame,turs.. A.l. I for New I , r, lets... encountered it ;math and so reurehhe to, the water ant feutur 'Making . It. at Into the htld tßefore the eould run atnore: there were from tit/et te der fr et water in the hold The deck. lead was eared, the hull cer t :o wan ntarl.7 a I .1.1.17.gr1 r , hc at .. .13 lent' pr.nei• pally with flaw EMM!CMI Cotten—The marketrtOlay, With Auk. Boo bake at hiehai yawed Flour—Si.des 50(00 hhle fit I•ta M 7.1 1 ,4,061 fur State and wi,tern. Olt; lA9 for prune. Geneeee. firm with =sire 1.3,00. i mixed weo.i•re at 3M. Proeleioui.—The market ir tree heel lit ID, prim'. R. $ l, . there'. Groceries—Sales 200 bap. J., codes at 12e. Sales 20i) bones Matanzas sugar at 64 111 It. Turpentine and Itosin—Sales Sot bbl. tur pcatiae and 509 Is resin at •i , 1.314 barrel Wtus steviy 21;(4:22c • 9:12 - clu—Sake S Intrl, at 11:1”4 .and Ohio Exei, ISO 1 nt OcA irw YOCK. 5.7 ;. Cotton— Tbe m9rke: it quiet, via fqrthEcrtisles of (APO hale. • Fkur—Bairn 9(ui bbl 3 nt zi , 3,701.1 for Oho, $3.44(#.4 for eouthcrn. and $4.1 - 01t(il 4.21 i for Genr.er. ilowos—Sale+ , 03,1,15 whop NEchigwn wheat wt. hiLe 25.000 Lu,n.ls ~orn at SS(a a4e:: and 2.5.0f.51hu9he1l ryr • - - - • i'lonelone---Ziale. 4 4UO ht.'? pork nt fj TJ, IZi f'r mess, nod $13.:0 . f0r prlme. Sale, Flirt bble Vlitol per It. Cnffett— Sales ftlKl,bags Java nt Ilc per It, • Itice--futles :SO teak/. nt I.er 100 NEW 011LEA . ,V NIARKET. New Ontsmqs, N-7 Cotton—Only a small quantity 1.3. offering The salts this morning were 1:11,#.1 b a l es at l ast quotation, Groceries Sales common sugar at .14c 1,1 lb. sales 700 b LS molasses at 2fic 1.4 gallon Provision I,ls Pork is improv.ug, with sales at $14,25® '14,50 bhl. Lard is dual, with sales or prime in hbl. at Sin and in kegs at lOC IL. Sales 2110 hags filo coffee at - t4 lb. Bacon sides 10(m10f, shoulders b lb. Fiour—la gull bus - prices are unchanged. Corn—Sales 1464 . 1 bushels at 300 c .14c bu. Rice—liasideclined tni36r3ic I+.tb Tallow—Sales at hie tt NEW ORLEANS MARKET • NrwLiu:as, Nov 7 Cotton—Cotton is quiet, but firm, strictly mid dlinte-is quoted at 7i. The sales of the week are 31,000; the reeeipts this year nre 247,000 bale. against' 158,000 la.t year. The stpck to. day amounteito 127,000 bole,, against 104,000 same period last year. Puna—Has Improved, and mess is quoted at $l4 60®14 75 14 bbl. Flour—The market is unchanged, St. Louis superfine brands are 'telling at $3 70, and extra at $4 .2504 , 50 lio WA. Corn—Sales at 42ext43c fur prime white Ohio. Orate--Baleo 6t 2860.1.1 e ho. Bacon--Selen.of rides at lOganio, sod s h o ok. don 804 td It. Moloooes--Sales of prime at 2ilic Itt gai Whlskoyiiis dull st•lBia,l9o 11 gal. --- DR. hfCLAns'e LEVER PI L Le..T he great a.ct! to In demand tn. there Pills Ls the snient evidence of lb r exactions. Peon.e trr thaw amt ream,. mend them to their neighbor.. No coe who nu ever suf fered from , Liver Complaint, or from tEny of the dia mu te aritin • disordered elate of that ore., fdtol Is obtnining r lief If he tried Lr.filcLene's MI, sod 1b. , . they hare wt Rol their own war iE.AO nonnEmitr bp the mlooldaing term which the! see sneer dar Performing, Read the following certificate: Mltreateco, Centre b.. P. 3h,4 2,.. J. likld 1 Co:--(//mtletcwo. I lent. to two:. 400 •A' ti... b.nrll7 Haw roVei,..l from the u. of Dr. AleLnr, , a Lintz' Pllll. I eve boon vveret r nillieted .IN Liver Centro plx.lta fora amber of pm, and i.e. bore very much ,tenured I, . Aar. , named PSI. I no. samloun 4. 1.1110 morn of them,.. I think the; will *IR, no entlie oare: end I am cosUent lila , ' osa. rail e po"1 Mal, of ;horn A yourat 1.40. ea 10-quaint...co a.tel ono or two dorm of them. &rut ral I the, rrlie , . l 4. , ..." th ... nal' pill she haA bettr u.t. She Is afflicted frith Coneutop , :oa. or_Ltver ti.m6Plnia— %I" , 1. DUTLEI, tor ....lelbyJ. 1..11.1J a CO. 11111,Mt.itli . .10 f4l 0.04 AL I,WilkingThillrg Academy. Male and rental, English: and, Classical School. tIJWfIzqAILLOC.MT coma, rl . . JAMES fIUSTON, A. M., PRINCIPAL. THIS INSTITUTION will be open for the ruerehtiUn of pupils (mar. ..t1 female, 91_1 nos., Itry.eu. The courme uf lag - ruction eoun the branch . .Abt the tura ArA4ruiluA .4 Pr.]. Mu* Atlvuowlil be Os.. by.ch..mitting of Ulu. Pehool Ir 2rn.llel rxurn:le , Anul nluubla Phliuunyhlesi, Chusulesul• and A~wnwnleN AP mr.. Pa, lulu fl lull rw , ..:= 1 +^...l fer.tu e 4,11,4 the Principal "..Ak,...)y.• A uu.414. 11 —lau4l4Aro:~3ri~+ 'DOW. AF. CAT. PEPPER- 8 casks pure, 66 for luau be R. P. BELLY:PS. vEN. 6 EIJ-2.0 Willi. (Eng.) prime, Cr attic by anuAnts. P. SALTS-20 WAN. for 43.10 by ' SCIitN.N3IAKPR a CO. LUM-30 bbk. for 5111431, J. 2.1:1100 . • RUSS. BLUK—L7 boxes iie:st,joreiile by Ar_29 PCII.X.NMAKFR 2 CO ULT. MAR. BLUE-8 boxablor ',ale by J. E r RILD2I9I4KEIt k W. YEN. RED--15 catlLl c eßgo K carde by w Pbtida:lfine•irT -30 bbla. No. 1,. nal. b) bOIIOONMAKER • CO. ji,thwoop--100. to*. for sato 17 - AV ,;./.110110,0• 53 LAKEI , a C 6 - Ei.I((tPEA:N i A('KETS. • &.13 - MAroltAl.rr.—Mr. Editor. AM '••,.11,1,' , A 1,11(0. that the Inentle..r h. C. thAtt 1 . 1.1 t " ryi ' • fl •• the WI.: ,otstenth.o NOTICES, &t T it F: 1l rearm In.uralwe `mni.t n) •, , t . I at. hn‘ " '"•• • ”m• I . hisy.ank .1. Ili I 1 (lie .14. 'rl•.i r atter Ow lith Itk.L • 'rill: R.Ecrults .4 the Ni”lw g I I . 110...1 4 , 11,1• Z ill. hal. :141..1.• .k... 11 4 ••...'"“hwll {IT 0 , , ..r the ••• •• • • 11, 1,1 Er owl Mal,faellirers . liAnk , Steam Commulacation between New York •.' tto•1 1,...1 1 1 0 I and Glasgow. th". 'V I I F.l I \ ,‘ it•Nt 5: , I)tri,tors tht , e ill vturnau lite ••••• ..1111r. •,1 ntnt Inv on fun- I kn•l • 1. , I . It. TO : . .101 . 10101.1 , E MS -Thy . . oml.ut• •1; .11i..1 .1, rtl th. It • V11,17\71:71.7.;:,;;;'''' AL' OT 1 tie 1..r...,11 win 1 took - t , ti ..r•ttittir. tt.mrk, •t. -arr. tr t,ttrtr- • rtt- or: •r • It E .1 • Law SOtice. , HA\ ri,utito,t the • m , 1111.. /.0.1 .01../1),•11 I 11, r-hu. tr, 1,1 •t^ltuttu .rxt rt L.. e n takar Il II ,n. t rt ‘,• r tel II 114 , 11gt,t4 that an twimrs:.n)4ll untr, t. A .1 , ~.1 1 •:\_ 0n,,, LI, Ile, • Notice.arlC • Ex - I-Iv,a nee. or I . l . ree. rkee..oe:. - ,, 17, 1411 PF • Elo,•tton for thirtevn 14,44. 4 thi, i nno,l E. 1.1•141 f..r "I hill, .• I.lrrel r. O. Punk. all. Iv hvid the I: ne.NNI N FLFI"I it • TI +t , I • . .„ ~,• r I 11..r4 r ‘ r ' ;;l l l ' . 7l ' ... ' r n r wt. 1,! • \ 1 " 1 ., 1 ,‘ . House of Refuge; r i lllE 1.. r 111 , , ()-111 4 114,,4 Henry Richardson. Jeweler, 11A VI -.., it, Jot atot r tn." an, : n 1•../ liZ ,•,Il I •44•1•,... • all Ito •••••, ' I.--1 •mr• .1 4... cu. • • t•••l: s.lt•Kl ^ :l r•I••• Letter Copying Press 6. NN'S L , v, !..•-it••r ikum.,•,•r • I. r mot, ...r.nz mactor... I h.•al „. I IN , K , p••• 1:.n...41. 1..••.. 6n. „.., . :A • . 1r...t.: r ll,nro. • IF$ 4 aycl 2,Ertr—rar, crxtrer tr. )i.r , r , 111..1 S^• 11 , 1 .1. Orphans' Court Sale. 1.11 / • I. 1 . 11 . 3‘. 7 itS AN T nu Ord. tt o 0749 n 7 1 , ci Aml. Sr.r. , r,.•r A r .1 10 • J." - r N . I Ei .1 LA fl l I 1 , 1.14...._1 . 1; trl • Orphans' Court Sale. .111 7 19UA Tto an , )rd, the Orpitanit' s ; ddtd•l• t iourt et Adt.b.-ay Ctortd, ndi N. p. e. • r, o the toe' and lat.: Idd te• ad that cot . „. tam Ito or tow , . drounddl , date 101 l e Cd, ..f PdTaldtrzt - r aforo-al.d. Cartovud , hteh tretkos r'. trot (rattle t—loe we tddoot haat la. othl dradshod drovhd hrIT.4 • c-rt nt the e.t.d.. , f'• leff. • ll f 1) Eli l' LA itmit.r.r I' httlat • -- • - • • -- Patent Shingles. •• 'FIFE SHINGLES ma.1,...f Witinlo. . .adc - I..rnot. with Wm... Ft'hirt.•• N.. 11• - ••••• , •••••••' T0. , .1• , .1 tn. Ana precrlus• . JI• la. •• r••• • • • • t Inn , . • '•••• M•••••• ,,, "'• %.••mar, 11•. tr. ohlnalro pnr . ,•I•eta. r••r trrjgAr • r ! . i .' ..1.71;1 L it...17..: 'Anther ihnt - grips:;in ant ' , onto, Ittf'i 1 • 1 •••--- otber rtorrnau..n re /fantod. Ytewe eon ott tto o'beort ley, et It tt ...re,. hotel. canner of Yy.ii/th aml tirspost •op. . Laditis ! ' ...;,,,,t, . -33; i'' D. 111.781,F.1.1. I \ THE. PRE , ' 4 . , ' H., D. King, , a --rooi 1,,,0,,,,,D • LI AXE Eli AND EXCHANGE fIROK Elf. ; ' ,`.;!,;.. t:7 - . '' .1:7,;. ' ,; ' ' ' ,.. ' ;; T; 1 1k boy. MAN nt the tiMbext merlot moo. I I IV...tern 11.ok .1. ken bought mad ....41 wP Esettang. on the I.lart aryl Welt bought and inost htoct.• taught and wit.; on CoMmixoon. ...I V.mtry.reou helm,: • 1 ...., s..eri, 4 the .. New Marble and Freeport Stone Works. '..; Mo. totioisti„i. i 1.)51UN IL) WILKINS, in addition to his' tii.,oiiiii; 4 ,ii'ri '''.. UA oil establixbroent ti Merit etreeL 1/out of uo-totl'ol toate , It ...I. has open..l a braneti , w h et gag,. mart,. 30,. 0 a.; 1.0.11•• alisi nlen... tolt•mott to thee...too-Yves, h, li. m g. e. Atte:li-, Yeiortn. ano l', t en of Morton mot Froeport Stone, mg. 11rinionono, n1.1....1 et their trot 1...• t nolo., Yoniti Stow, 11..5.17, ho or kl•rhle: Curbing 'O.'''. ''t 01 t 0 01 210 l"'• awl aeneoig for Cemetery Ipta. Ae .co • 'report t 00...-. . moo. •tore..., M. 0., 0, r•ry d0r.... materiel Bring I:ionten .n....nvement to Ito. 11,... h. hi. 1... Moot .to t•-miitery. he I. prep./v.l to eseent• maim •011. to t0,.....- I "ta ""''' 't•'t'er ' tade. mid an the loweat lerrus.-.021 tiop•-• far. rontaatt • th e. , ttottn• g is. • "'qt. • lle• of the natotomge hentl.pfore eri titienilly extended ,to .1 P.. , the tteil 1. Inia AI. hertl hoo.utit r .. . . . ... 'flir. Ino more KIT, t . ALL • FASHIONS—Iost received i iiiiri pact. to • lioly tf.... , at Out glom of 3lr• A.. LEY:CII. , V rtlflk et. ' •-.111 . _±." ' n '''''' '''''''..''' • tel. •211 hoop.. for inspertion on Thomas,' mut 7, ' rilitE , u t„,.,„F, or , 1, roil., of fhb. week. where you .all Iltol • hound.. - tot moonornant of ma entr,roieyity le of not, MI:. apart., 1 -• ' fl. r''''''' • 7 -4 utei Velvet Bonnets. nytd_Trtraittailig-, 4 v•ettOtektofe. , tal:Vihit; ' . ' t'i ' it ' il n " lt u irtitil tufa Me Jur thaweamoy, - . ,-._- . i gr ,,,,,, gh . , ,,,,,, L ,,,.. . P. 0, f hildren'o itttnekt. lgolle. Cepa aint 11 .sal Drew , . ~-,...,.,‘ 4 .,„,,,...1 e•, of ti'lt ." b".dr 41' 4 ". - .._ To the Public ! '-"' - _ -..-_:„:_r n 'ci. , :' , r,•!?, , n l, ,c- ,, -- I ~.•••,..."• an , 1116 lindersigne4 having taken the etore l' i lver. .:—,,,, e . 'mtt' • No GI Mutat atreet, lately mmoneil by :Agra A , , gg , 1 ,Z'f.:;:!..V . , , ,AN, 7 ;,- ;; , , NNS, ItTo no. rentielog their neomul eopyli t.f 1,11, podlio, - oet , ' an 1 4V ta.r'l)ool/S. eoullietio• In part as follow, ...... -- A complete -r .. 11. in black and fumy 11111.85 , . FILKT-Cuhm.-ree. I*. Lome, 0.n.0.. Scott.. read.. ' ... Ilmch.s.. LOO,, .0 Fofiotre fIAWL. I I, Plald Inns Shawls. . 31, hp. Oben. I 1t . IMP.. - tc • Chemip.ttr, Collars, Cuffa,gibbons, Glove+. •e. ail i 3 P To, i ' it Alto---A ouper. inr irtmarof SOCII.NINO 1100115; and the I .k.t cant. Oolong .. 1 Cho 10 neveet etyle of 0406 fit, lon Tea. The .amen elf-lb. late Inn anti O. prank •re Intl .60 to, tirewn anil fttaeh Jo. , U, to