The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 08, 1851, Image 1

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" 3 • • - • D•r 'O.ll tri - y
410. 1,11,
l'S " e4triZA.A .1.:
. . .. .. ... . .
rt.. ist. ,t a t r.r. • ,I, . tut, tc,.tp ,, ....1.11.—...1 tn •ne 1" , 5.' ,,, ,
gat 3 . ... pot uA mrlslay to p..dt tt, -, S., 12,11. 1,,, ,I 1
trt H. efl•• Co Tra: r51'.. , ... u."" t h ° ''''".... '. —. ''
XArliy OP AirTEIIIISIIit 1 .
(lu but 1,4.•1
...In, .
I.r Anmiu4•l ID,-
I 1.1
.r.r . ort• 1.,41ti,.
„ t ,
4nr.•••,,trioF r tr• 1,••• ehargn•l
• A ~111..,f1iF C r
11l u lb rn• •
• nr.u. t C•rUI v sr
at.nual ..Iverlu•rr ouirt I r trnrr
:Lela •••, tn.!nr•l‘.l.• tutouv.•• nu rivrttler•zarca. 1.
the I.' 6:her t
tu•Ln eq.! rqour , t , 1 111 1r lot.istr.• nn4 .11
.1t1214 , 1, writ 1.• emu .e.rl L.... 1
.4! .1,1 ...Lai...a wit. rtsrll, 1 4 1 1 , teul
roolnr•-1,,W4 prtnael I. de.u••••1
All • IfOrtim,4l.4l. 1 1 .1. u..t.tuuonn. •urti
it.. co be eleAr., tuef ,f.••••• 4 6 , 4 . 0 1 `..•
n"'"'"'"'d wbru
. . .
selvi /toe i.. ion! ethe:. ..11./1114 ehiounteti
t re/tatar inittei•i tlienene.l etteiltniu
trhiire,:tarte• it., sante tor .vlnoltatn e—a.l tii tier. tit pm
rule s.iinciatinti•—vsery 4-00..1 ••11 atteutinti ttt
•Vrlvothiiinterpri•-•.o.sleitrueillU4l4l ntetwt. -An only itti-trhel I.itty tho
.et thnt the same le tioetide.l I, in.
irrtnd in the .S,;1111,0. •311, %fail 4 5
rat./ of nitt 1,4 than 1J °rot. I•ir line
Itirhop /14- Notter• to be elitirtenl triple price
Tatero IZI-i RM. Z 2 ....h.
R•ml.F.:etzto Atteutt and t a ..11
inhe e r t e linte•l ittulet ,ettri, rat., I, I. •110 0 .4 • 0 ,
•ount iif thirty the.. /end ode 1.1i1.4 per mint tow
ft,* . .
rech uldltioual
d9t4~l:.OldT Iv sc+-cg.v.
6,ttfit Ll n t . :{ ,"
All 2
p %NIES F. K F., A ttorney at Law-015 oe
I"..rth n sod Orw,4 Pitt•
. _
B .4.
}; A V ER, .1 ¢rcnrr a Law. Fourth
oi;r.4{, two- tit.. "Mr., I . l..burzlk. NI r: .I
1 , ..m1Lt1/• nA,l2l..ttc
• /1111,641r11/13T,
(Lt. a MaililltoWo. Pa 1 I..ate• Inthana. Pa.)
( bLIPII.4iI & TAYLOR, Att,,nor, :a
—olllrr un Fourth erred. No, Unn 'd
::r.:.:., Pa.
-.4. 0. A.J:irtamt 'ner ror Me Frau , ot
11,N N Cl) Ll.lEit, Attorney, at Law—
n I,.arth AtoiZbakhalluel.l
F. warm., Attorney at Law --01-
0 near rourt, in Arthur, 1461.1
VP. & 11. L. I II:WE131A N,
I'l • 4.- 1/00 , on:1 }lg Into 1 1,1,14. No i. - Itll
ASIE:..: J. KU EIN, - Attc.rmi at Law, off.-e,
:in Tilelm...ll Ilan, cortwr ~t (a.m. ,treet run: Diatrudv.l
itr. Ilth.lig...fb. Jalarelly
Vii.kicjl.SC; g_LACELii., Attornryat . Law,
L Nel.troraess.b.rrrr. PitiPinirwh
~.5 1.trIVE- & :- A it.I:Litt, , , r tieyr, at Law,
• Nn.llo ottrt.E Asa 4 eiti. , , llarxl..
• lire.. :--,klmantin - lt , t , ; Jf.l...7‘nyder, Esp.; li,r.
- 6A,7, MEM - lc Co.;' WEK , It Vt,....- Joh° Fitt:Ong. ,^
' •ottaLut - en W.,l•lrtsbuye..4l. Artl:l - ,
e k; UVAILD P. J.O - N - 1. - s - . Attorney at Law::
IIC.A. ,w Foarts stn., I.*.tmi,tl IVothmul Sportk.
I , . . ~..
,lAI4 IW-Fri. 1..11.i 4• 11)1,• Attorney at - Law,
No,FOh—.— ,n,.1..
S v. El.l.4_iflunia§y at Law,
• gyp o t eon
% - 3r T:1 Vtttborg -
and proceed. rotoittott to
:tertian, 1-
full ) - t
J .:Forted to au the
W:3I.LIAAIS iel)o.. Rankers North East ccznxr ot.Wocal
and tbi,..ljdred... I•itt,tbargt.
All CrSsuort.ion‘istade oo liYral arms. and rolled:inu
rromrtirtr4r.r,4,l, pair •
11 • D. Ranker and •Exchange Broker.
...L. Fourth A.Teet. Dealer in Ilnnk Notes, BM, of
alxan.. , kild and sihor. Stock& pongbt end Bold.
mark. 1.31 , tn prVelinln for Amntnn
mu an.l Stesica, and 6pardott Dollete.
♦% T M. LAItl JI E IC, JIL, Banker end
Ohm,. aatoistiag tb. Dank cf_llttan.g.
L.lV't iirk:l N E - &" -- CO, - Exchange Btoken.,
, Attlth t'a.t. Corn, of Thltd and Itaikotetr,.. All
-lion:. at n0.41.111,, , t2:111,. ._ .
.1T IHsJimi... § ta .- 1)N; -- T o rs l)6 in Trirvign.
• ..0 ..••:.;-• Pui•_ 01 ELctsanalt, iterrrecal.t 4 . 1,-
M1,17;.".t.5ti.`1,7,7a.5ar; ;':. V ?1,1:`,7=7,.. Pitt..
Van:nuts...A. [I.. l•nited St..- _ 2 .,..,
-- Banker. aud Ex
--- F L ur=2;:t 4 = r at ;„ DIVk Nntes.,
Ofteo,nrner of Third amt. W.t.,4 opp, •
CAP,. I I 1, Y.... A. tr.VIS
litAU lia..l.lHoVilfj..,Coz...iinimion March:tn..
A.i.l rill nr - , 1 - 7 - A s s - . 711 1 5 - .7.i.d. ,a,..t- r.r....i .1
1.1 Ltr.MIA oecuria. - rr 11...) La Sy:4oo,4lcup ,11‘,11,4
C'o., Suocessura
• su 1.1.11“ n end , K•zrhsTrra.,
or De, sit. Dank. :spv-elt•-- - "Nont. 11,•sa sr.ns r
Wind :-111Thiri eur,nt Money on /or
vale, sal esollertiong Ihn.leresu n- - .n
• IT ‘ZilliCor the Uni.l Stakls.
The i•iest re,asinsul , .6 - 1 forrital and;•b isuerst‘rf
A4•4t,....stuadooue , a.s , umentz.of ?Mane',
nII Ilbstr.l term,.
1A 1 1.0 bomraismoner and Bill
tocter. 113 ~oroct Krort. Striot ottontlon will to
m.ton- rat _bottno ou
oo truatod to his: ear,. Illt‘
unnt , 'Llt - ron"rirtmlo/tolwortam baba of Pn , tnrwl nt Abort
Irtiro n0,a110.4.1 on twoor
ot:lo for , os. mwlo. It rownth,ol. -
- - •
. .
11 k - ". STUCtiI'ON. lato Johnston it Stock
rt Stntkm.r. rrln,r, and Innder,,
gael •n,I
.ri - : , . B. 114.0.N1E:,' t!hteti , !Liti:rary Depot,
II .V.,1,1.,,,1.. ~,,,,,,,, ito: 1 . ...,11.):4.... NPir ILorn re
n , re , 1...t.i1, by ..spr , -.. , ;.-..o.,reotlour. rrcelvrd tonn,' ..
for N1 ,, ,...z....r, r.r 5 , ..•., ,, ,: .1 . .. v 11 1 ,1 1 ,01.1 at Eh, publiFh ,
love. ~,,,,,.
, 11_,_REA.I.), thwk•eller nd' Ntatioui7
• . No.:1 , r,. nrt 11 ',Aroot. .t 1. , .b , Baluttna.
IV-C 1.3 . . 7 T 7 1 . 1 it rer
..porLer,f tttl Mo th s, &ram Boat Trim t
mtnAl f . 7..httem ie., A, • IVitrttiv t urx. Nn.F.S revrth
eo:laissroN AND FORW-ARDWO.
*A • Nit i itiklTE It, corner of Waterand
hco,batith. Uf..
was.; 41,1 t ,, r the
_puyrbv.atll pole ~r Fhur
cKroter., / WWI. manUfanstrind
trtirk , ilit.intrA
c‘rahr .0..c.f 11,17.' a
ron's Ntarttcr, ntal 11.-frrtc-a
fl},-, VV./ ;41. ,, t1trit Ca.'o , mt.:Aar
,1411 nowt. Pautmrgb- frb's
•-; •-• T —-- — 7 . .Atm
)A2l tr , ndialisa, !Unimak tia GI Vrat,r
tg. It. JOIMSTON, Forwarding and
Cm... Wk. Ifirch222, N. 112 2.^321
Fttaa :72. •
K 2; & JUNE'S, f'ortrazaing and OM,
= Man M'etclatat, 1...1.r. Piucla , r lad Pirt. ,
burg ilantactana artioks. Canal Banta, aft, ferrenth
Falun. Vateburcb.
. tax JONESI , CO., Succe.tAor. to At
,NrsTlPtar, k Cznrimirolon bid Yoregardleg %I, 'Jr.
Ook,larn la llttibuitrb Itanarsetmed Gaols.
barab. Ida..
4 — rirmcn.l4. ..... , Tnr.l..
V7....:MASON Lt-01,31111/lehnie and Ret
_ 4 /der. le - r - .. fEr OtoIN Cl blartrt
- •
o on . s.k . s.t
epit;rtzrt. VicAtnrt.
. _
_ -
L12. 7 6:11UNT, lhotti4t, CorneraFourth
■ L. t Lantana et-, Ilatrean Narkat and P.M •n+4.
1,: It "'II 1: k.,' .L EE, WOOL DEALERS and
copardl.t.ku '.‘l , dthanta fo" t.h. tale 'of Admiral,
onion,-I.k,nda. Nn. 1...19 LI hertz at, Pittatonrat.
SVir: flA11.11i1:3011. Wool Merchant%
Sraltra 'I r Fl,nt and ere:dolly, and in,.
.....di,,..., Odundia:into Me r4danata, N.. ltd IF,r, dreed.,
ltd 116 dronml nr.o P1e.Tbur...11...-__:-. • -
: WILSON CO:, Importers And
tinkraas :"..alwrk in kl•rt,!ar....lo2l.lery. No. 129
Pittr.hurala . .•
.- • -
OIIERT MORRIS, 'Pea and Wine Ater
littlt.2• 4 444 at ri!t•bdegh.
• 1 .• Dftfera.-1: .L.karty ttreet.. - 61:••• ra Z I
317 , ers i scuit of
t f h o t/1a t i .roe.:2 , Awaliirtypnouri.l.4 6146;t7t4;6•47
F.ll N .
,•*(11,..r• , Led
4.? ,1 Nicillll% ELL, ,
j I Di , . beui
4.4 In-truulrm....—
SE LE I'o I 1,..1er
hi N. 551 U Ii EtiSHA H. 51 t0.1e,i1,. Drural,t
N. • . IrA ,•"! ..t
E) l'N .t REITER.
ftl/ i.ltl•
MXK W 11 , IF-31^ 1,,, f
Ili mt•. -t
(,ROCEIt lit, h\.l. ,1.1.• ;Ir..
• , fts •.. ''r •I"'''
- .
4.0 • 'it ,tut • ...W. , •nd
• . . .
t,h;), Elt. Wll.ll,ale lin,-
. . nrs.l 1,••••1
31, '41.,1 trur,..l nu.l
r .
•, • ,1 , .41.11.41. I'ltt.l.lll,:b.
~ ..A! At.. I'mAt .rot
. .
•. - (......11....
, . r ~.....•...
i, V. iCi.liti 1.4.i.F. N. 1:s:1;I:AlIANI. 'A twle3air
1. , 1 1 i1:11' 1 . 1 E: NV , S..t.CA)., W11 .; ,1.7 L i ;
1. fnr Itritchttm tlnttou i'lttatt,ure,
.1• , I1,6 Art t 0
I l)I I N Art' N. 1.'0.. W1.11, • lle
ftp and
I,t, I.u.
iB. CAN 818 1 , , late .51 \V urr...r.,
0 . f,,rardinc h.l. ••
,T 1 Ch., Itutu r.
_ _ _
F. VON BON NI I oitsT CU.. 196 .,L•-
t .n +t t,
1.1t41.“ rqlt
\ll DICKEY 11 . 1.1.•ea1f. iir,
04,1.. r. rr.,e«.
t nn ; .n I I%T.te
• urzti N , , 1.1
lit , ‘;iLLN RUE. It
Li Eltl MOORE. .LL' h. I.,er.
Amltarture. etrrl .11 145.1, Forrx,.., sod 1,,c“...11.
usd ./1:,,.
•huth • 111 tow h.r
4_) OW RT 1.) ALZE LL ,t •C. I , e hclo.lo
t Vocanix.ot , 51+,1 ...Iv Produe ,
htubur, , tanni,tan.
)111EK NN CS 1 - 1
A )1. IVb 4 •ICSIL]
rtlat, flikdiM ,nraufsetu”,
Lawrty scre., Ptetsburah.
lir3l. !SAO .1. LEI & CO., Wh011.,:d.• U.
- -
/V 1 , 1:1\ .,
1-o-ttont Ittorts. it..
tt-truer 11to , J ett, Wt.ter st,o-to, Vltcottoratt
,• - , ,
t C1.13E.1(1:• ~.,,, cLot,s}. IS I,ole , Ale
, • *IA ,li.rcharan 17: I -
l'it , hurkti.. Ii
IP. WILLIAMS s NVhoie•:,l,
• itnnul F•=ill- foTannlis...; am, I...unlcui
21.•rnttans.... and rat...t.,.:n
.nut.;tur.n. ,rn. i U LA:. At... Van
LITTLE: .. a .6r11.3 . .t.....
attOBISSON, co.. No. :25t,
!Alert! Pltunarnh. nolenale 011 ,,, CT. n
Ornnmnnrinn M..rck.nutr. zeal In l'itt.t.ur,
Nlnnufrrtyren. . _ .
g & P.. n
FLOYD, Wt.°leekalo
. miactun Merrhaut, awl Prmln , ...-1“, ,, ,1
fr , ll,n. on I.l6Trty. NVo<af . nut S.,th
OLIN PARK ER & CO., IVltninnninOT • ont.rn:
0 Unninn. in I"rni FarldM
mmhtda WMM, —N M.•
did,,rt, l'ituid,rdl‘
- -
AS. DALZ holtealt;iroeer,•COTl,
ntiaolhia Fornnhlung hnnt. and ,h.alth in /to,
Nat., i.huh.. Cahn] Tlnnuta,n‘h- ,
nruerzhy—Nin t Nintnr ct.. szvi i , F.r .1 •c. Inty,,thun
OliN :sIELLOit, Dealer im Piano Forte,
0- !twirl:lZ A160.7%.1 acel
ZAntiOnrry. avq3t for etttekertaL'• rtrato hater. tar
Wreapert reutteriestert—ale a$ 'ea ot
. _ .
. . .
-- • -
111:tittli K . LEIIER. Liraler u, Music, Mu
1 . lt,trum•in, awl las, , ,
rr n , 1 ,,, n r , ring .
,1... g. tor N.toarin It ClarF's grfto•l an.l Plano ,
,cn COinIIIII3 , . V.olren Attarltnebt. Air... k, I,a.h.a.u.
)3 I LLINII S, WILSON & ,)lauufac
torcry of all sire, Whin, tarn and omp Lich, cigar
chair, and liningclout. hut, ah , l
r hoe nail, flour ban, whd dd.: win, awl
Wilt •at LIITRAY,ITT W., hr.. IP., ft.,
m‘r4ii J• 7
.rt. , : I c, wpm, rum. , 11t5.Vi1,1.17.
011 . 1tiV, zsatuucautt'arir Imo t.-t,cunxiapt I y 'sad all
Tneko. Itrisln,tal,parablea
11. 1. Nal . , hoe P. 81,1 Plmir lathing Sa o ..
pia Nail. sal Tre-k., Barrel Nnt. Coln* , a. ,
Patt , rn )later:' Point., Ili *OA. toward
Jr., dr. ' CAMPBELL, eIIE,S a C 41.,
• ROW, Warehnille, sver I,tl,l , urch.
NEDY, CHILDS .t CU., Ms:nation,
11,x_ ..f..A.ry Anp..rit , t 'farr , Ehaa ,
C.ln.• and BAL.,: Penn Mill. Pitutlar,rl,.
- • -
i_ .t. 11.1,7 A . Co., Man...tun,. of Sods Ash, fil.volo
Monate Atol , And.. %Var....bow,
..,. Atos: holow
ill T ALTER P. •MA RSILA LL,....Sueet•Asor to
Pummel C. 11111—lnpnr.r , Votnrii
A 61,1•11111 IL,rdorr. Wnidovr
olinirr, Yin. 11,,N1 Prin.. kr. Alio—Writing. Printing,
WriiPinnir Pap,. No otil trnirenn Finirth
and DIaoMM all,. I'i rut...o, I,
01IN A. CAUL:a EY, Agent for the Lake
tI thie end 311claga.s, kkavet atts,l the Laken.—
the rorner of .ttnstlaf.eld
'LEECI.I CO., Traneportern by Canal
.115w1 Ilars.linit firrelmnts. ~, r!ner of Penn otmet
zutl tLeCnniLL
vELsic Buns.
k A. 1.11:011 . N would mtiiit reapoetfully inform
ey thy public that hand nt hi+ A,Uli OD the wool
t.s.lof the Diamond. city. s e-nutri,te
uf Limas; sho enitisa Shutter. ate made in ender
lu Lert irty Icarrent,l «vial in any .n lb* United
Ills Blinds ton rev:log..l nil-Lout the aid of s.
leitlget r 4
(4rpkti-thati ru.tmers.s. Lb.. pub-
Pe 3t , SISIII,Er, , U OW. One.
t• Wl.l 1rt7.44 rittsf,r,C
J A.
O 11-,UP.Y.ll—LexLterrnr...uru,..lThintrtrft nvd Eftert
0,371.4, o-n
S. 11.—L1 1111.g1 210. Mortu, 1,111. (t
M , 1,4 1,
DAM 11...L.RD1E. Yetorinary Suigeolt,
Ilbopule that 1, . prvi, n dn
,ar , 11.11 adentiorl. vrtiataTet I/
Gun, h., livrn ln givonaltrfartn.n.
r/Jnnectiz , n uitb Jaanta llanlia, name sawing .11
of IlbuLnl u r l/ onrr ti
awl rn e r i a n l ry A l eou
dip oronr
EXI - LLF,' JOHNSON, Engraver on IV
11.11, (third atnri.i , hurfth, ra--Vlews of
I..a.f.laufw. !du-Liner, Mewl, Nuferp,...r.. roddspirees.
lotvg rador, for ffirbdof,
fir.. 7l "
of lb.. lnurfrt pen, .
1LL.1.401 SeIIUCILSIA - 111 S Lithograph-
Thlol oPro./Lo. POr 4
10,0, rood.. M.,. I..rolnotry.s.
Lato.l‘..lrolkitoctor.. l sari Moat..
nrol V o•itio.4 1,111111, orsareoto.l
in rf.loro, Link]. iron.. , oso , norm., mt to],ar tho
Wegner:Thiechner tineller's
lIKAIIOVE FIRM respectfullytumognee
A. ;to ILL, (mu& .4 Oa, public causally, that dal
ar....m1,41,...,--ear^ato, Or. Ilrat atsla of thatr art, all
larriMt.x•Ofa9 Cards, Vane, lAplrraiv;
said ran'esaloria/ Card, Nap, (I,.rta, ar.
itair tathaliratuata In at No. fa, Mart, betwean
Th,ra awl Emoglt atafr.
1017 W..WILSCIN, Watches, Jewelry, Silver
V v • -Arta", suid ;maul , Ooalh - ,,,riner of Marls...t and
otulttqrte4P.rat.l.ll,,, ,•
rof,tl, tbnA.l,••• •
: Is3.4)by gJarivarnm, yaLKI e NS, No. 1.4 Litwm• sc.,
ow ng -Wood DM:snar aloauroanD 4 Burial
Tonto, ilwastoore, to.; ]l ~
tel Di tagsa Centrs gni
raw Topa. alarm on bawl. and auga In ardor.
1.1411. •• attoas releation of Drawings on bang. Dan
Doctor G. Retchhelm
SFORMt,hn irtolo.l. 3.1 the pul.lic i n: ...1
ta.:, that h. he- taah. tt tat , atth, Penh tut-, "
h 1, 11,ni
F R utm-.L';
it ~Si.r.~~i•~l'ill~.' I'III.~ICL~\
,~~. ~~
,r, ~,, ~;;,,,,,, , ~ , ~ '~~
11141. J. 11Y F;11S--,Surg••••1111uki FllyrlEEEli s EE
P 0.7,
tEr. MEE lEEE , EEE.rnlEttE•lEtt; Er. ',NI Er I•EIE...Er:E. EEEE,
EEE Eit:El rIEEEEirotE
Wni:M. McKnight •
, glV , l•:•pkt:iii s, l:ll , l,lll.ll , sli ,
e rr ,Thl o .y Irk! and
tn. N.,
I,l“har.rh. v.,
N hpr:lLL'
Amt r I•KIAL •,
t.. 1,• Cwwwo. Fu , I.uvu,l
a I I. u ‘,
It r i
I.\ 11
li.llll/LAz , \ I.\
lor.tiw.b,••rap, ntul •,1; ,••••
.intughte•ot 5,1,1. kr th , I,•[..ut tc
r 3 Lir 51.57, •V. ter , 11., • •
) , iti • (i) 1‘ th 1,. 1..: Ii
li+l rD i t n,
• a .11 AD I rF ut
, .1 !rut th. it•uusu rt mud ut.t.
O ,, NEUIiER ,
11) A.. MA PEI 11.\. A , zont for lirlawa,
GAIWINER COFFIN, Agent foi. Prnni.llll
Vti' M. N. BOOK ligNigcr, \V ood en. at
g .-rggrg.l 144 .., orr 44, 441 :44‘ . .4144, r.-.
, 14,..a.tirt, 14..414 , rtriol Arry 4.0.444 . 1..
4 4 :4.. odotatatal, 8001, 44 14. t . er 4
J 4 .44 .11
Steamboat Agency, and General Commis
sion, Receiving and Forwarding .
IN, I'LL h,,,,
s f L 143 a. , , 1.,111111, thrtu Mr • 1-, -on. ~.,1..f11.-
1i 1 .•rit al. Apr, 1 1 1 1. IM,
111 U A
t N N i f C T
l ' „ ' n q t . „ C U ;;;:.., ; ‘ ,, r t, ' , ' „ R ;
11: to, 1 , r,"•
prorL.R. 14.0 Lan. 1., , m •_ tt r+.l.llrm.
th.. gorercirn.nt , sr . nto
Jet- , ti:
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil.
,t i , t. n .5 t 3111 .. 11 now prir,i
ttglttittl rt ' ott
gwrittt-t rt-t.t • fins • tArttr:tt:ttt tat tr , tot tt• unti
tt , t.• 1, 1 LA,. • ,r.. 1 t, Itttrt olrt mt. I ,
ltzrnr ,tlllO4 otfternt•on nt ttot r.tttm••tr t • Itr tivLutrt ttr Itr ,ttcl.• r.
,Fresh Assortment of Spring GoudaPALMSIt .s [1....v ,er.ll
,rnta , • ,
• - - • • -
Between Thttri .tnd ft:•••rt.
wwl , l,prvoont oy ooro
P 1 %N., hot b. n{:tworro If: ...r t•t
. .
rm.... tl art; w .t: tw.r.
• at. andl
Aarta, I
I nL AI 4 Cuhl.r Pat•Luag , -
at, 14.atv
Rockingham and Domestic Uneensware.
ELYa) ,
lA. AA, td...
AIL•Yr.r. rcronr ar.l 1.114
burel, roahrin,.; t .1 0 ^ , • 6
trinr rstrtr../••• .11,, tn (alit lit. v.' ir , lAr,
A ..I.,..trrnt rlt,cra• r I , ltr. outtAtiti,
s eb
tAr Arr., Aura. wah tht n.
. Ar.litr4orril rlvlr
rirot er
Anuti Jar, Ure. 10 Civ • Art. t r •
Alexander Bradley,
e. 19 street, broce,n hint and Seron.l
ANUFACTUIthit ni every descr,ption
61 COOKING sinrYS. of tbs. saprrtel
tern,. en I , alrit .111 reader the Imera etaltlartaal
41,, —l, MAW. among le Each NW be leant
.1e...e1: a ,'s - cclepraltel holding dreg . Parlor
hallatara ranklln Moves: plain
.bleblame the alleatten hasldera ie.
Were: lVa.pal . W L 11.4 oLlels Ire luelle
a:fentmu W dealer. tatory; eirevl,ere
Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tribe Works.
riiiiE tireleptigned lotve just completed their
•13,1tvanufactnnve all /1141, . 0/1.5 IA
nemollve and othrr.Pluro.z.l all
rhieh they nfli; fir sale wl the lowest priren They Ar•
very:ay...A cunt,te anY es , e...Sthou ,
fetet Sin
Bolivar Fire Brick BianufacturingCom'y
OLOVER. KIER re CO., enorizzer..a,,
rellE SUBSCIU KRRS Luring 1,0” n ay
" toolohnt Aken. for th. &Mtn. namnd nannorn. wok
ron-lant I on band n morph nf the r-lehratwl
Flew urnam 11...1aw:4 Ina V,.
theyrnwparen In eir. orin, tnr
mann Is ..Im. and 4.ane to sant yonlawnro.
nhnuptty 1,11.+1.
..tu taht deem It ....maw , / to wnwhn•rwha Owl
rovatatrr• th• Fir.. Itnek over allotlnnw,hmt
hat. hero ..G.,nl tor awls IL IVIP IMII,I SUL a. the,. •11,..
I.eitut 11.11 knnwn to sltnatt .11 par. .n. .nn own
LlStiek. Thn prontwlars ha,. drtrmaln.wl that. h. , '
Britt lone onno t., tlnwl nrrnnnt nnwinhl.- rnp•natlnt.,
and that or rrtwnw. Alai! Ow rnatwl to•make i d nswn
bnttnr than they hay. Inwntornrw lent. Thi. 0 0 4 1
estahllahnn-nt nnw L1A11.6 , 1 ming Vim !trill. at 11...11vat
KIM-A.3OS Et+.
rich; Inoto.tlnweenth 4..Pitt•hurnh.
auperwr to any I mr .f[rni t • Ihttont,L.
RICIIAILDSON, HI Murkot litrtet, Ia
MAltlrn A gTi . lt. ' nm "' h:Pi c a a ' ttse ' l,4ltVet l l ' ; ' Wstr, ‘ O
; flyappointment to Lho Admiralty, IY3I. TAXON. Chro.
laomyter trot Watfh klanulactur , r. 45 11oo
vm11 Itnoyl, London
• nth. orxtllet that thy ...coo:manila,: Watch. No.--. 1•
warrant-111 me to by of my manumeturo. an.l no Wt•P•h
with my niano upon It is •onnin • un10..... - ..oinpantokl by
• c.rtlhaaty , beartan,my altmaturp.
t•flArtr:Vt7,r th , r " .titt . !; ' ,
apla t '
HAVE' PITTED UP. (on the Now York
Ono.) a very vurrior, for the roue of l'or
nr,..Citrtniti Materials. end eVery thing appertaining to
the fa...hicnahle parlor. end hare ae1e.t...41 the Itrwest and
YMolt nuneriar n.a...ortn.ent uf Bath. Lather., lirt.,tela,
Fr-uclo and tiertuan Dattueak De Lain., En.zln.ll 1 , .,,y.
Niaroono. Chintzes, Turkey lied ()nod, .frtnuer. Om, ,
every kind, La.,Curtains, figured full pilau Muni., Hol
land of dtderent Ridth. Cernivut of 3tl ditierent
. Mann. Window 14110.1• and Shade...enrinau
V.l . ol .. t i !r % ‘ nd
lunl.. ilknod worded, Chlutres otul Fring.... Sine
...ilk , and Larvaster Quilt,. Counn•runno• and .%.1Jr...1
Onturr.cts, }llama., fled. nrul Ileddinit•
Alioordern thankfully received andrxtunptly nnod
unit (V.I. NOBLE. Thlrd street
J. Wilson & Son.
lIOLESALE atel retail manufactu
y 1 ter. &nil dealorn In Itran and Cain.. No. VI
door Wow Diamond Ailed. lUw
Tani!h—w they ollor lint. roulploto 'Lock of II.•
al. of them b•di end rn panufarturo. otaro
nalitr and Ay bo
hr wlroala and rstalL•and Iti•th. to
t. r
at.ntirn, of their evattnromt and the publi...aunna thin,
that th, oath tall nt. !be mon te(11111
Na I'4 N,lrrfli at.. next In 1010 Pitta•nsrifi.
Nolan o.'l Craft ,Iforte.l all yam, 01 M.. Union , -
1.1t ,,, 1ia bought 0r,1,11 nn fel+l . l.tlrT
anN.ll, J.lta
(MITLEY k COLVIN, Cor.l Merchnnts
1J and iirnial,a, Iron and Nail
Walnut or., ....W.W.11 lke Nat
For Ikarr.r : 03ungy, and adjacent anodic. s. •
MBE SUBSCIIiTEIL,)Invintr, been Topiti,d
-i. for moll, (WO to thstanurashinnDornnßla rd .
:yen Brighton, and reealod h r m gym. than twat . , rear. Pa' ,
in the ricaultr of the rain, and dor3un that tame hi. at.
todlon hat bin siren .111,1111 t YA.C111111,17 in Land
Ir.. For the armmnnoliation of the public sonnrally,
ha• ripened au u 0 1 ,« da the% 0,121q351 tornirrh (ritsansl on
Dr.nrisay inv.,. near the rents. of the town, aartha the
osst 'car, and Rosso. Piddle Itryrlatt, tor entenus
Loa. sr othkr real estate A, rale.
Thor,art nos a notate, of valuable lots sod fine rel.,-
dance. In the Itomush and neighborhood. fur rale at Ins
rate, sod tetras raltantastsnis.
Title. stray. etrterly ..ord Into. andlno Prnßerir
bo ollrred unless the titlei.lndiaputatds.
Bereoun deetrone or porehuins •ill do well to all add
,Sariaann ror tino.lres BRNJ. ItUt4ll BRADFORD.
Ben" , Aten,__
Fine Watches!
4 FEW verve doperior t) 14f Patent
Wsureat. rAe.l -14 e.
ai.tch at. oplcwild
Pot Chroumptt.,
tiful eased . lll2.g;
t t; of ~asiave et rgrori )toeut
A. Wilkins & Co
N.,er I.trl xtul
)1 , 11.‘81..J. 11OECK INI,;,
A. 31 t' EI. li lit ;I..SEN tt,ltr ,
Fall Fashions.
11 .,
111, rt «d
kV, .41
. 44
Venn Giese Works.
4 4 \ t t h e,
• .t.-. .i 1 t.I
C. W. Peale, Professor of Mum:
.I I iva,•• 1.. int,. the 1.1t.04.
Hr-u• Chucnlve Fartor3
N. \
k Y-rn,rly the E1,1,1,n 4 , c )
Corner of Penn and St. Clthr Streets,
Pr nod ...i"
. ~, 0.~....~
New CoacL Famory—Allegheny
`~.iH. ' l~. Id.
Grinditones.! Qruidstonrs!
I ()SAN. )% I LSO:\ eh . l 11, N
N 1 I 1., IN A "4'0..
Suns' Fire Piga Alumna Pa
T II hr,,,r0:. , .rrtf , 1-,0,1
.1“,- •
• !V.I N , .. I.a.•rtv sc.,
12.4 d
1.-cy Fiilf CE
Ilwrinar_Wo.l ' .
Ilrm. ‘‘ll,r, • J-rrat
.rr, I:NI
J rtr. r. • 0..1
1,•,11 ♦ ,n,•r.
Robert MiKarer!-., “m ltrrmor, A 1:n
. .
W fm. thr 111—rni L , rr"
mly•ti El,. ril , , 1...10g .411 tt,
tau, •111-fult,wo.r ?..011.r
kom. L tIkII7T I:1 ?r.,
ur ,ko•.kof ,omurkk 1..1
kurrls t0u,1.0..1f st c.,l r l ak
f. roe', 11.
Ss - 11rIsss most - vs tls
saws ss /1%., I
/ 3.111, {dr,. th. 'N. ,
ILION, 01 rot. e.nn thr
tdrn.turr. frun. tkuu tit tu
&mut and . thrt / ~,,, rrr
luroubt..l truns tor. ..1 tr
unterU... Ow
NI, t..... , 011 cal...
Is “Iti
isswiiks, dlront. aotl ',also atm:, •. 1 •. , r1
rarlet.a, •sr u5.100m . .., .utl on•no..
Kl.satlwttisn. oos. rvason-a nu,
struotltoa, Cuslay.lna asts tba
a3al Mossisam s•i ten". and
Ia I.
rari, Wlritlust of snrlotio ks., ork ni .
must fisosa .1.1 .Sands. counts at.o. RIP/ 1J••1,1c1 ns.rl,l.
istscao, . *sato
es,ipoon d0.0.d n.fl tlr r
sts‘,l do r01...‘1, Os .1 ..0.1,9an,P. ess.l.l . ..rnbn As. 1..11 .1,
ars, wool - Moog: .4, , 1,11 and r• — •
tin. Nen.", towel rinks. alatoda, and moms •I,- . •
. . • . -
and lur rt6l.lre • n:
mabowan,, raaaw..-:. and ,wattl
The only real How York 'Plumbing Fatal
NLY HERE Ivurk dune•.'.,•iontiti,• Pr al
V civic. Nod • arrit...
11.1, an.l cle•utt•usi •II
anh 111/01.11`Eg.
I:Hal,tll.-,1 tip %all w ,
. M•ter
Trat P. 11. - 4
Atid Vii{ .V { th..
but. no,l lora Itum,
l'lt WILII, 12!, Elva n
, t 1 _.
tv...n 11.11Iti.
!lAN' •ANI , 51ANURE Folt-125
1.1 1,
.. . . . .. , . .. .
Y,,t iitat...i. (II 6. . pli n.t.l it .Is. k.. value.. 1b..... I,,ttp
rylinot L. 1ur5,...1..”.111,. • In• , ~
id. 114.111 t lisxuro Etwlr !Mr , .Itir. on nVl+..l,
11/ ESTE It :, I:AN li. NOTES, ;a 10w...q
, T tuark.r rut., u 1..1 LILL... pr.Ln L ,L pa:.l 11,r Arnett
rsol lver. ku par 11.L.P. 1.1 i. D It OM.
p.ll IL.nk., A 1,,,,r. I , ,,urth n 1
- 2 )•.11.1.11..—.)rvalux, I.y :•ro=an.
,17er 2 - 4 I,
1.11.. ML,,,
1..1 Gndw rr,ng n Rue.
TT. nacre t" 111 1 . 1 . 1 "
or ~r.bang.• i..r . Ar. , l g-n.n0.1 tu.ortn.rnt ..!
Cay, Latv.r. 11:,Iwurr.
'Want, Al. &r,
A I.,—Veltt rq r.( .01 m
Prtutin..; 1 1 4, , er 'awl^ to ..tort n,nsfe.
Patent Candlesticks.
itEd'o, AT IL itieliAtti)sus's,
or No. Si ilarket omoth.r 4 Vondin
ouch*. • row artic.i • ot ‘TVIIr
unprovanwat on U. , .1,1, tddi U.-4.W ,, 05 " 5 '
opatallJ ITlted. snd .
Pittsburgh, Cinchmata and Louisville Tele
AFEW SHARES of this Stock wanted nt• EV.lsiauni Mary .4
PROPILICEL—A butscalo v l 1:1 giPd. II "
be Redone= te waxy
IT2h • 114 bowel AS •
Western Insurance Cum pany of Pittsburgh
A Prr A L 8300,000 MII LEM .Is.
aat Vje.lll+. a.:l•ltlet r.l, L't
r:2 it , l/;11111, . 001 Oti.
. tlw It t llrr
t tt 51 I 'tot-Jett.. tt
F' IFi F.. IHT L' h N 1' N
N.i hKnbl 1,
Orleans Insuranci , Coutpatiy,
i. , 114,
King. Pennock de Co
VS r Y
...Id 1.1.111.• an I
nlll. hnml , •,
..„ 11,1,1. ,
folf •. la
nI nn.r nn. nn 14.111„,
1 .'t:'
t ,51041 . , 1.111.1nr I „
W iIA r: I
Flour and General F'rocluee tt,
roMM!S t tt N II a 1' • F.
1,11 I.
1; 1 I. 711// , /:/ . j
rilA , Kin rue
• ,
11.trIn: , ,t -.,u/I n/1,,nt.0.• •n 1 ~,n PRICE OF COPPER "'TOOLS.
~ . '
' I
, • t-....“ ~. t 1 5i.,..
Chartiers Coal
THE \i:i coal, 1,011'.0,1
~,~.... .
111.01 L I.•
r 4.•
Fall Goods.
- tilt .
, tao
. 1,. 1'.,.1_: ;
Bur no, ,••,1
21) N 1
Splendid Ini.i.iLmentn
! F .,:
f•tirth3rn r
trist .1 •
1. t.
ail dm el 1..
to,. Made. of wart, • .nai
I. I. I.'111:1(
ri F. St , liSt L.,. the At.
Sr I , II t/I t-rat..ri •
Fall and Winter Stock of Fann l y and Staple
PRI t;111 , 11 ,
\ I \ (
41. b,
IT 151 . .r , 111k. THE tqat
s 4,,
it i; it NV INTE II
I OBELI' ~.r E
ti t ., 1nt.... .nil Clip tr. trrt.rtr-ti . • t:
rirtiootor prant o
Drug Store for Sale. '
A: 4t•nt.aleat fun ..t t•ti•ttnat ,t 1 • pr,-antl ,li tion
taly rut. ,
attnr tt•• t••• ate,. tooth tr.. raltta ,,, ••• , • r. 11,,•
.1 a pre•htal.l.• It , it, 1410 tiet•trotta ••I t•itexatltC
tit A. Yttr parttr•ttlar• Adam, 11. 4,. .Ittlt rtati
T m fl"ltAnnual ,t 1 In the
1 `10v.e...5t.1 .111 rkzr..ll
o. •••
, I rn
tkilManz t pixt
4,011,1. I , l' !WIN, I•
J. 3 ell.l NIATEIt. NI IP knat..s
111 , .413
mattirul.h , rt .... ..... ....
1..5 j. 431.1,
In•e 31,1,. 01f/1.1,1RA/1, wtilrh tur -
li•. 1‘.... .11...1.41 er.,
fun t.f
rt tar , s hot
f . 1 4 1.4110
p 3, tn..
r•*.nnlitllct. 31. tool, .an
$1.31•.• ,r
i. 3 t 3•15 m.O obsalnp,l•ll3.3l.
bEflextitmr, eoutaerd tree,. ell }latrleaket•
s tn ai.
mat., tte dtr. et .... ..f vroa•—ers Le•lretat,r. a.”
ie the num., • at eq, PM." LS,'
rooseatael, betialed ..,uat to pia tip.. . copper stock. \
.1 I. Ca e,LIA. lila ahem. 1111.w...a aiming COSalso ,
7r!:"31 Feeretsry ‘4 the iled;reL
AIIE:UAL& L :ANN, ha TAN., I 1 I I)i , t , • - '
Wall Paper and Borden, for the •\
UST ItECEI V ED, at the all established
vtstst, , :. alarket street. Irma - moat 0 the r.lebrated ; oat
E I 2. tan ateeL, A \
l',oii and littlnUTS. mtpTit: 3 o y s( Peel; ' ;‘ ', .e. ' lVe - tr li of et'y "
sa d prime m can hardly teal to eratilr the taa. atallneet e..kadgotttent.; and Sat gale.
tbe 'ewe of the ancat lastidlerea sod eouneaateal.d.lYll,66 l atoekt
• orj,TF \aldatt. the, tntenttatt
STOCKS, CITRILENCY, AND MAILS. p I 'I" l' SBU RC, H (iA1...4 .• , .. , . t t,,,,, ,
1 w.." t0 ,,,t—, „
~•i11..11.i. t,til 1,A1i1.1 AN i. 1 AI.KH i.i.t ..m-.---.
W4e C. 0 , ,,,,,
. k A:... , Lit at , I Ilk ii 14,11,4 . / . 1.. ,, . 4 - ,
~ ,,, \ ie t r j..'
'be; e hdatel- which hare Iteeotue an t•ltjeet •
ot tern oral) adereto. tl , 111/' C111,11:19 word, it,,,•4,.,
Idler they wete reelattned lii.,;; atran -ante Ity
tae meletew\ca
the tutors ot ananarter, And •t`,111,1 1,,, , ro ,
the torn ih,"
diva: independent , I•y at. pan' 1 rete•dtoa , ot
England Pratte, and the L °tied Lildte, are rap , the
Idly prop . ..wait* in cirtlirdi V. Th.u arc t•K eare nett
trotted to roman an area or ail thouratel 4,1 ttf• and twe
attles. wtih II l'OpaiNtio,U ••fahout turd, \\,, ' I
re ,".•
... In a cum. - ten.. i , 0i1,7 •\t t'n
••• atready tery cw,dier ' ~;\ '\ ' rt .' o 7 ,‘ , .'
h the ativtwee nt the ,ri•k,,,1,1r
dry and art., e They . ...
-.,..,,,,,, to e 1 i.. '.”'
-• ,
I slap N ' ltt
r° l ° i , }t1,1.., *,,t
. ,
Ilenvoracy of Berl. County. at Readi, on
Alokday, Nok ember - ilk I b. 1,1, at I o'clock,
P NI , question of the tundtic.ition of lift 'Barb(
0n . .„ they may dona,ex,ked "
ron .
Thto calf toautiscrilied llk the •'Sbindlog l'unt
mitten - nod the rennon tutvigned (i.e fixing the
tar 'tutted above, iv, that 'Totally a 4totoci 01
call, no assemblage of the fig 1.....ry will, tans
iola•e unit, bent tuguitr - o_ all n r.oruirrass roil; _
probably bare ad,...•urne , h , 'And the particular
reason liar making 11,,. Inoreinan \ i- 'that ' the
tam it, Oen., Jerald et ast lt, Comuirmee have see, wilt regici,\ o attempt
Lir Ar,r, q ,f el 111:, .aft. , 1,11 1 ,p,l 4 ' If'obi node in come quarter. to repre..oritto recent -
Sotto, .., - . 'toi l ' , I .... o , 1., ,1„1,14,. and glortous triumph of the I temcernoy ot the Rote-.. -
an a free trade rt. ton •`" It ts no 1•. p \ t t to. .
purpose to rDateD to 15... of to 1411 C C), lit a-..
We have just lecture I the following tnriltl.
a but we do undertishe to 431 team Ito:width'''.
.--,,,-..," of lh '' deetrur6en 01 the whale '""‘P laid down by 11. lleadtag, Cktik•tatan Oil.
Ann Aievander, Capt..lohn FDeblois, of New i „,,„,,,,,1 I:A ii., a l oo, „,„; st , ,, ~ ..„. ei ,,,,,.,,,,, '.
Iledfor I, by a large ..perm whale, fro? the ,•p' d,,h,,,,,,,,. : o f ti„. n0mineea, ,, ,,,,,,,, .i te L,,,,\
A Ow l .pt an 111.11.t1f. Wlts arrived im the cttA erotic party, or the e.entry bar!. I just right la .
Iron Pail, nn I,lttility In-t, in the echo,,ner •Ivitie t our triumph in it,,., .... t trkctntlir .,
Prorate., 4 t sunilar circumstance ha, timer to ti of lie idol of la4G, and ••,1 \le trail. , sit
been known to °sr. but once in the wholo his i „,.„ . . we meat ,cry we ll t h ei
, ii , iii i ,
ihe .
Inc) of clinic fishing, and. that was the do,true- goguev, ' ,../dug . kadvaitinge o 1 the Ad s nct ia ~ . , ,
toe Of the ship Essel - • eomr " r ent) * or twentY - Whig adminietration an• iii power. by conceal. - k, • \ -..
fire years ago, and which many of oar rieolers lug rhe a act Oki, the Itentocuncri ma retire in
d 0"......- \
. k , ,
,s s, .• 0 ;,,,, , Lolly remember , We proceed to the narrate tlmagre con: lied legishitod stets lce the
wt... i
. oo• 1 ot oil .: I a. furnished as by leapt.Deblois, and whlet. elect um d rien e ai 'l' n y or, re pf e,on 1,,A, , in . the „ r
' .-„ „"„ It VIII, autbetuirmosil by nine 111 the crew in a , 0,a ...f 0 , 0 , „ eme; ~..„ at i r t, t h,,, 0,,„, w h ip 1 ,, th i, ,, \ , ~,
protect under the of the U. 0 Conmel, don 'notated e pl.alget iti tailing t i modify the .....- • ''
0 s ; ...,', ,
;;,' „' ' Ruder. Jr .at Patti le, nod ;That the ttnt 'h ate, of amends.. o. ' t
I ' ''' j The ship A. Alux,i.ler, Capt. S behlkos, through the not of tit Donna - racy and the el -
I oo ! ..., t railed from New It, .'ford, Maui . June I,t ISO°, Lionel Col. Bigler. , ' nt rho deception.A-pipt , _
i , o
."' 1 I for a crulse • to the th Sou Poodle fur sperm whale aced disadvantageouslyto W
the hik arnusiFicl i
' o 0 t • tool l flaring taken about :100 barrels of nil in the ft.., port,, olar locos., so. we have •Ilndatlttl,
::: i
Atlantscithe 'hi° procoedol'otrher voyage to the dot that , the °pp...toot ca „Itslocte profited be it.
on , Am .1 Pacific -- Nothlng of ,untitual Merest occurred, will hardly I. " e m e ki , fn. lout.',' leafs •'•
~, . ~ .
' ' '''' until when passing Cape Horn, tine of the men, the Ludt, and a coalmen wi k .timid and ho , s 1\
. ;.• ' - o . named Ja,•krot. Vali:et, of Newpurt, N 11 , IXIIM at, lotion follower,. togett,r tth the expediet.• t st \
I lost merit. tied h.', ttormA (tench to the Pacific at a eretan in ookuu riteed and inployo.l by ti • , , ' i \ .
._. . ''''''' '_ 'll . ' •). ' ''._!' '''''''' ' 1 ,be Came Up the coast .kindrropped at Valtliaia. ll ~,,, notion oi Judge I kelp:. ;1. ecurel toe t .
tik, RATES OF DISCOUNT • i mast of Chill, for treat. pro s elsiout, ad on the soh °vet' which Peons) IValion air airy - moat, •
I -flat of Alay hitt, the called at Fait , for the In the address et the L.:standing onontto.,
armor , atit r irr.l,l=ll otsmr. D, ,
a ll' It, al t.a; st os,c , g e - hh e , \\ ; purpose of slisiding a man . I\e vessel rioted they profees to be governed by the t inuiplc. ,t tt
I oil en her ..,5.1 to to the South I ncific the Ttollt of Itlik, nod eel ad - roc:tic \ measure •
` 0
; \
1.,. • ... ~., • , , al „cl, 0 111,..i11 , , '4. \On the altli lif A iteUSI 1,1 ..11 . reactie , who of relief wbol . y iticonai•teut
. that ',IA-14ra
'.... . ; ~.......11,1. I ~11t.1..,1. al .4 I, ~,,,r well k nown /„, all w h e l em i ,„ o„.etif S „ r e lion Pri•k.iiig over iii it..- .10.,,,......g I. rhiap
o o so, 1 s .1, Ito rtrito.ust. 0 Ara., toso is ~ tis r ound,' in lat. itodeg 611 MI. Scluth ion 1.1: by which th e y 'eeb to re . '"netatit e •c e 0,,, ioipe, ,„ i ,„ \
o . t,,, linria,Litwil atti ,i.. I ~,,, wo , ni in ih i n morning of iiinf\: i ny. n , ni i t ,,,,itiu,,,, outdo cacti, Cie tneukure stobict \thh3
.„,..„...,.,,, ..; \
~.,,- rantrastrom w h y. r0g,,,,,d -, . - s,
~...,. ' .• I ~•,' ••• I.r Vrwr,Rl,r, Taw, 1..1 'n ti..loCk, whale. rote discovered in 'T neig - claim f i ° b e Il r t'll, , '"Q. ' 4. brlb.: inclndid ii s erA - ....1 s - \
~.• . .41, 11.41.., o, 1,,,,,,,,. ~..... a . 1 ' ; hartt6(l and ninon noon, the mune ay. she . the realm. priumplo V{ the net r.l In46,lePwa-1 , ,,, , ., ^ -,,,, ' . I
nita.l .....41.... I.' , ~., 1 , ....r, 11 . 41, , r ....A.O le
trilmebing fk.l Mob , Vwii ligiun had roe what they frortically recommend, Ifere -•t•l\irerir:f.4•47.-, \
""'"" I• •'' l ''''' ' ''' II " '''' n '•" I • I ‘ l ""'"`''' ''' I • f - ` the lals th . larboard an I thestnr. here ownn langliag. ' Y. ' . TI - .. - ;ee'tifO t! i. ' : \
~",.. I.^ , , f" ,, ; , :ilNli t 1.0ar , 1, •Ig\ former commanded by the firer 'Tate, 1 A modicatior of the ;aril! eon now lie effects, 1 ,‘.. - A - '',,,.."." 3 4 ' t ,
'''•'''',. " '..,‘" ow oli•o ,, • ,, ~•,.• • \ • \ ~,,„i the'; ., , h,t, a ,,, , 1, e h1 , ,,,, , Th. w h a l e ~,..t ah ed, rather by adding to the pe- cent go OD iron, . ' •
I ..
' 1 ' '
1, , , , 1- '''..'a I" , ', ~ .yr • they had \t ,pr,. way harp° oed by the lartionsl‘i
not k it t,....... s up to the revenue. standard, or
~ ,
~,, i \ . boat Aftertmug Some time, the whale turn ' . \by fixing: unchangeably the ad roioren.
, . •t, ..t... i .....
~.- ti 111101 i the f, t, and rushing at it with trerueny n t e Pe c ent e ge elm' , b e ee'ne en s i I f J. \ '
i. - ,...;;.ii , , •11t.I.AD a i ' .`l -. I ! d . violeincek, \lifted open Ile enormous )cwt,
lie tise high . enough, :•,) per ern, ..
.a.,,,, ~ ..., ....• ~ 1. ,' 11, .. , IN.t.t I.Nnk , , N. an taking ttoeh\at in, actually crushed it into , r il.- er . . \
11..1..4 {
~,,,,,,,,,, , ~,,,,„ , . fr,i, ei.,,,, , :1,,j.,1,1 ~,,, ~, common y,.,f note ,, ,r0 all 1 tents andsontrge.e., this p. A
~.k ~. , .I. -I.r ~. I, ,I I tn,....A. 1.,\11., , 0 , 1 '., 'iapt \pllhoin imtnehintely struck fur the scone t if , woll b. poi or of ` tome valuation i
Iv I toth ... t trio, haa1..• , 1 1 rr,,,,... ~
.Intitiatt With the PO\ :lard 1,001, and succeeded ell lest g the ,1,1 ,I . rt, principl
to oo. o °'. - '-'• Is "•" I l Lso 1 v• s h I l es , , mike..., 101 expectuno In rescuing the whole et in li‘i-ern? en 'y e S el n u: r n fi. e t" eve
know n\ or oug t to 1:111 ,\., a tariff
' • I• ' •
I \'" . " fl ' "•\ !„.",/ Itaa,errno \ °l the 14. at-e-tune in number.
I ii • t.., i itt.o . vote ti hmt , ot.:\ , 11 . '• • • ••14 II men in the...larboard I b y the S il n , Y " ire . f b r ' in. r loYiokt
, ~ ~., f
...10ud... LA i, ..,..,,,,..,,r /IN ~ i,t .. N T.,,,,,,,, `,„ I I , o,l, , eon r .aug of the t t ptaiit, the brat mule,; mdi ei b bnfi it !' en enten ne i " i'l eg ni I
'"'' ' ''''''''''''' '1 " \ 5 "...... "' n'' ''' i amt 11,‘ crests °floret] brom.. The frtgotabil doe I sail.' of, tbr imps 11 F . 1.11 the prig
. •,. • , .1 ill k sop!, i _i s avier h 4.1 beeo,,, , witnerved ofr ul the ship. and the l ported ,, ,tro e t r l , \lll , lS.lft
„ ir ,, - , 1.:1 per i won
,1; ~„ ' ~,1 4 t i ''',V_ ',';',:',,, ' , ' ,"..„ - ,.: i c, i', v i',`,',,i'",' il v vraste bo l t ra.s. r \ called ‘ Into ve darns nod sent to I the I . ' e li ' P er 41 IIY , e'Recia ,
rt• LI ' \.n., of am the ship tr.. i every sent+. tit s 'T the ter ,by what vAr co
"..." '' ' ' ''' ' ''
''',' ''''' ' ' '"
"'' l'" ' about to lii le, \%.1 sun on th w...te boat or- uaine politic - 61r might lease to cnl . l
Vr.. , , , ,,,1.1.-. ~ ..1 ~,, ,t. /..,, 1 A.,..,,,,,ta it,.. 11..t\toC \ .o ItyWil, the .-I\v , ..v. , I”,k , i• 'N. aw, deter- itself . I We hare\ long 1 'en, owl al
..„ , : e 1 , ...t. ,
, t r " ,. :...„,... ; ..z
„... iiiiii ,,q , i „ wii , ii ,„ i h e a i „,,, ,ihe „...h a l a, ad make ~,,.. cantapions or chit , pulii . ) IleCll.lae,' I
. i - 1 ,.. tt 'at , . t s ether 17.ek upon hill Arcorkfut ly they •,•p- modera i dnod jour, ,though rlotrary .
t."l a , ;;; ,,, , ka •rated and tor cee.le ;at 601.4. 01 twice frou., , coureigoneut wilt tiot,..oly ,c , provide
Ai i ..... i., ~, v.._ k.. . • a dir .1 1.• ..11 A. 1 . 1.... ilt Al. A. inch oth,,.w isettllon....wil occos ona atter ; m ee t: indunlrY; hilVic . tai .gy.
'''''' '' ''' - ''''' " ..1 t;: ' ,„ ' .'..;! " ,Z, ',...i ' !,. ' : ' ,....V, '. Ohl' whales\aln asrtti ,• theY exile Pto Min , rerenue Can s tl k.k.A •fa tardy stim di
ik, ' ;;,.!: ' ,.1 ' ...1 - . '' .7....1... ,, .,.....,....t.....4...i I, atm.., '
at cci ‘ 6,0,1 prep% ea 1 ,, ' , C It , , h e 't i te Tl' ""ll'' ' ' '''r '''''
~,,,,i...,\ ur
.._,.. , I,ot,
ene ,,,h, l `m ed ~Xt a e , as t m at , a ,,,,, a ; 0. i Tar conimittee whicA' Frosts% '
no, I a , tt.
tottl‘ots j Nal\ C. AN !UNA ne it, cabal strewed t e it, Guyon which We kere been , comm.
T ri; '...' ',. , . i 5 ...'1,':e'h.".;i . " . „ . ,..;, , .., , : , . ,..,, ." --1 75 , K ou-etioe beirlg mad ttffi l fi im . b, s tfistle los taint wall fippeafillg to thi, kitor ni
i• , a ick„..‘,."; i c
s t . , smldeaktl. and m tliga't-eMendonsd sh .of the. own poluteal frtend, pti nut
.'"'„:'','' ; ',,;;;;;;,'„' I,o '' '' '' N ` ' / ' ; ',F; l / ,1 e . , - ,'' 't tea I ~, ;;„ „,,,, s ~,,a g q -,, „„,/, h,„ • ,, ,t,„,,,,,. \ „,, / J ae ,to fulnitnate /site charges .. , ins( the
id do .. ,'.•• lo . li li ;' tn . ."... t loin.) k and t o
it itMst at all.' in the Ini.. map ,h.• :Ten by thetollowing c kati..
1 .a.t.., to.. an, ..• i -4.,n,...1.. liaoti , betel ti to escavet hie retikenticuhj the - oleos: \ -' .A large p.m.. of ..h. , • Deuce rote p., ty..a:
rata i.., 1 , ..,,. ~ . ~....•,,,,,,, i Wl ,ll • ' thenlintiv iota the ocean . \
sb ''e
\hough defeated in I 5;4 14 . recentlytpropo- , such
1.1.1.,.. .1.1 ; 5 , 5 ,, , , i , ere ow e V ii i, ege i l i h S eeen eg e peeitoue cr,,,. 1 ..,,Ilio , llfieofioit 4.1 , was conceded Itythg iro , it,
toe , lo st 0 00 , ..... Or.. :!I ... Al . n..n. r..1 . c.n.J.te.!. i di t i,,,. \ „40 \m ,„ , ~ ‘ t i ,‘ ,. r ,,..k hi ~,,,Ik t j,,,‘ ~,, I teteAtk to s he adequate to itte preseumerge cy.
! '!
'-'-'''!' l7 ''!''''-'' ';' name futeNiire , cted his bkAot to knatentto chi, t ee , :i atiord`,Suthotent - relief s ,' , ltiey w e
t oot ;1?
''..;';',!, ;!: ~,, ;;,1 ;, I ',! .. \ • ,: • ;.,!, \ . ,:1 ak i, ~,;`4. . i . - 1 rerne. A ondlin a short tuire.miceeelled ito\savirtg, ,at that tune ; single-handed; \to carryt out.-
co, ~A, , . ~., , them all s tropa ',Ade: k it, ',We he. it \ dle, thnn . The\litlogs, as n party, ,refusekl their id, at,
„,. i,. ......1,.. f. , . a, . i i i t., f risi .,, . w i i ro i 4, 7 h„d i' aa l ee ~, . „ad, „. 1 the project fal through ', ' _
riot 1. , /t A . ft. , :,'pal Ile thttal ‘4 , dereil the \boat, to\put s ' sfor No+9 ab , perfectly notorious 41 . 0 tile, gin!,,
~ .• i.. i,o. o .ir tatvano.' , \ 'a i t h e ~,,,i „ . ~,,pailyNny., p0,,,,,,b1 , , , ,,nd an prlol caUtlkt or the kat Langres, whoiti Caine in with
tole_‘ • i I
i.e.. I F.' . ;;,. ~1,1 la an, . ... and the order he ' Ns. thon \ \Lh„y dtaa„,, , , t the inaugurate° el Lien Taylor, on in 't ht ,
' it:::.;, .., 4.7,..,.. '" 1.1,.,1i1 ‘'‘l. t r,!::tr ‘ A \*'. ell the monster of heel making,towarria \l ' theko,_. \tc ' l iiin , da the , llentocratic forty , it, both b..,
bro., to m 1 e , 01.. •Ir , 1,..,P.1. .. , Rith lit. Jaw, wadely (*ended Aorta., sly. Am n. Mrs m, go, lien Taylor urged n moth
ik„,„, ,
roll „,-„,„,,„, ...,0.... , .. 1 , .. .o t h e taa , seree „ an , /tp . ‘a dv aaee d ths , ...y a . a a t t:r t , ..t ion o !Ike TartlL as demanded by the !test
I taterr•tv o the country. Bin recommendnti.
0..., k t.' , .:••••.•:,. ,„,,,•, 7 .._..„ t+tancot The boat, tliNa made her*y to thiz
„,,,„,, i , ~, i „,,. e. ,„ e „, : i ,,,„„,,,,,,_
,_ .
.„s ip end diet onk,,boaril iu 811104:y7 , ts'i• tromo WI , contempt bY Ihe preraillog tiiii-
bream" ~, i.i..... t•.... •.•-•,io• \ , ...1 \ (ter ...00hing the ehtliat boat wan of
jorlites. Prksident Fillmore renewed the op
liro.,eit ~ 1..,•.....•
11,0.0 .1.,,,,,,,..-.0„ 1,„ ..,....4, \ , ~ , ,i , (Or he oars, of the demoliebed boats, v.nt`kit no i .ettlk\klud In a\ most persuasive matilir argaed
Lit •„ilera. toed to ouroue the shale with tikoebip, 1 1 fornr of nool \moderate change, w ich coat! \
. 1 .... , sAtto n . 'bk estildAyshed p unknently, as the po ' ' ey'of tile,
• Arr. Se anti
\ „7
~.\,And h s , appostious were igt 'Art \ \
.lie ifulifferedAe '.
Idr ' , one .0e 1.-tot ...lent- iet le„rior•-ni mu luelip w ,„, ihr„teo therOda anoth r chaper in the hug • of •
.\• , ;:dri, which •s yet to be writte 'qr., • ..,
(.lira_, -sti. tit...n.4 ~r, lA, ~,,ar,,, 1111130,•r. b y b ile elN't„
',.... tr, r.,,, , nt. t r f”.rt, fu.rt• al N. rt. that the who
/ Of 6 ,' (ptesther, 1850, Mr. Toomb. ' ..
0., ~, . .. o .1.. 0 .,•..0,10.,.1N N vr Imql.thl ~Nt...
/ It , 1ir,,,, I ~.1,1,,,, A ,.1 i.e., ..1.. ~ N.,. entoom. aail came up nee c s .
s hy It Dam ratio. majority ot i
la. tot . ~ -. .Jet, .N.t1,4.1.1 ‘, 4.. •., Dtrart. at Iv ,tt eufiere4 the teeter *Apt and deans. from which I
a .14 • °va -1,1 insorstils mst nllia.p.hrg It , " \ ~n i i . - ,
~,, !ail.", it, ...non, al 11nultortl, i'll., l'oentra, Co a /t . y passe •, therstrA molt 0171111Z(N . to report I 's
„.,, .t,,,„„,, i ‘,....,,,,,,, 11,11110. Drat, , (tatter. recta, kf , c k him a; on , 4 ;wing it to b inexpedient to nt \ I
nett., t 4.......5ta , ithrts, N., N1, , .* In, nlkl Ina,. ` ',
t h e l ou any lekislation altering the duties on \ .
•,,,,, 0, , ii-• •.•,.1,01,... ii I a Jr •rts 1.11 NI th t win .... HO F ' S , followed 11 , ,A1r- Vinton-the
cur ce of t
....,,,-- tis 0011., 1,-, mere., rostoni. 4 Jkaeiwan / 'ig
''''i t t* t f tt d a! : ( tTl: r t M6 th:Z r o f intic;C eb b:
....i., D. tier,. i ',nal arm fork` ral,upperlN, tate., dew they . )1. 1 5 IL edi . •
~,.., 4 , r Id .114 oletrrnost e . 1 echo rep t bill ailli,isiug all foreign
Captain I
...1111,1 11. , ' , Mtn -11,1, Wtt\ortea, 0 , t. , u. t h e . ;g „ he :air, and ,orebandise the
it., iioi.i ii..,i.,....,.. u o•iaolort\n CO, ~ , ,ttairn tilt , n`it in hand, red oto,ltet rat , e\kt ., l the,principsti ports
. rif
7; '`' ' at:t.!oT, ' , l ,!. "l ; ' , " :.! s irrie L io ' . 1 . , ./. 1" 1:1 N "':;::- blow An Id
led Sloes dur ,the year 1811i,,n0 stva
°Lidera\ valusti a ;
1 ,, • . , , • , Ne., 1, , r,,, vv. 1 , 1,0 , , 4 e rr... •• .iotiy...‘ 4.,1 fire gant,i,
he .liec.overt
'at us.. r . Earl dee:tr. itt aa. 0. ores pre bialy a almost lite ly' FUON , \
~,... „,.... ~ 14,..ti. \ Lat. item. h l ' .4
wition nAsthe Be County Catalonia,' - ~. ,
I e10rr,,,,. 1a.rt•,1'...11..1111.,,n ''. , .k , c,.., i. -rn., 11., the rain Or
ertaril. 11..10..... nod Tuaxiaal w. bona. siltori.'4.o . ioii,iee stn S AO how ait treated - 1' Ow the ` - , , ',l
11 r a., .1,..rn , at i , • a.
h ye. I.ol'ney , - journal of the
.;siee - t.. i csktni,.., - Itt Keever ite., , , ed c1000k,1,91,,,_ Once. shalt, flt retentAtes slt., tat tipe motion .
. ave , r,., .11..1 W.W.1.... Item mll„ Ih.OrIZI.:. unto.", ,'iiivert,' , , - \\
1.1,1..i1a -i ti kJ, • , is. ,in1i1....t . “0..i,...ei.. 00..1,, , ‘OC by ...writ
... Arcs retell, nod .
Ito ~to t. Lou.. um - a. Into., kr., adralow, a....d,, bad Mt, r Item critic begsntAbo ke Penn...ilea. \
end 1,,,,,,,,00....., oh,. the .ism meow. untie., et, y i h e y e ei
elf 11.. 5t.t.... I I 'what, nud 111 ..... ... tuvha,llp4 ~Ii 1., b - ~ , 't e ga ` tion, rise !'t 'tms. lh a 0 It., Alarm, I
o. Der, .1.,1 it ~ . ..1...ti1...011) Ail rin* al 1,1 A d.... tO . natl .
11D11,,nlit . 5.:11,C.-:klated t. e ,00portritil •
: li:rt 1..1, 1,, 11,,,,...1.ur, - ;, ilnaolet.,Sprtit'l,l no ' 7 ' \ to
iskit,l"ent. If - tho•\hiid, • ro e . c at the al- '
I tuo. i A.. pert. ',Manta', hitllltalatt... Arun la, CI r- anrelnk !Ake
ten...n.1 4 Irartiei, ~ .113.0..K. 41411).., ,L. hy1b,14,( , •. A ,i i . e l y g.if,,,, e lite paup Whin w• 11 her . . ucarri. _ , )
, rt... ,i . "..oil del,,, m_: I' a. mapitriry of \fire, AL t ttit . I'. i Itwould . ___
1 4,,,,r.--11r 1, , ,,,111, As:teal, Tonsuaris. Potters water i • ttr et?
•11,... H...., ..d ,1,..., , 64,, Artlan. Tank., , ni.,,i4i, •ti mddilked on that low 11,1 t e Vete. ,
T1,,,,....1,-, and i.atat,1,, , ,,, at .r. 11(.. dapari. N 1,,,,%, i a notjority\i ' li oths ' s„ , Senate 1 ,11 t",CO ~ %led, '.
. ,
I Ni... 11,. 4:1, ,, .04 ) , ..1.,•••s , 71 • D. ' . cit away he
littliallt.u. - lit ata-.'!'\'i. 11.11, VittlayrDlo., rod AI p• . ~rd in k,:i 4 tLas •ery‘probable, with t. bleb' ~
'tol- \ , .
1 „_,,,„ I ~, Aria, • T., a, V. 1.1.1,1 a•. al 1, VAi ..1' , the 1' ileac;, in tha ,14ary, n 1 oo
pat , . 0n , 11,.-I.q. au.1, , ,,tur,1,.t0. at i 1 4. 111. P b ge gnat
LNIt , II - ...11 -11 i 11,0'llatot, nitw it Hun. alcKway,,t, , 1
thin the msktA nue...evuect in rattevirtg l!III1y 0/4C -.T. - . \''''' \ ' l ' .d il l " .. V l W ak. all , f. . ', . , c 0' • ;.c'
tom tulle, Laist.l.l.l,l. , wa, 0atn1.1.... Illitnaver. Bel re, '
notootsot - teen. i'orri, , ltn . t. Libety. Litita(Mallle- iiinchiand IDIN LI C tlea r r, thlii.ol.ll4, baring been 1: 11 ..i ,„. "' I , ll , le co 8; e l 1 r 4 4I , ll i . f
• ; ,, a r ty
excar,,i, , , u ..,.. 01 \,
' r , '1:;,:1. ,,, r ,! 7, .?l ' 'lti ',- .: 1 :i " : ,t . ‘..C 1 ., , '" , "1" . "'". 4 ' 6 V", k,'" - tie
'C'l. . \iiTa t th ' aant , 'at ‘ll•l \ N't , ,on•it Propir•ithsn
11,1•1‘4•41. 1 4 -Ily Inert mil, tattoootern, Oan.lrw. tiltirt tun Mg ropt,..y.„ -e Aram o 0 , . , , ~ , , ,
,„. , ,
1, 84. ,8 '...",Cr"..1 0 ''''' '' l 'nii.‘"'" .. " D '""' P.- .' titan, , eDgre ho \fdetut three fort of M s et ; lie,. ! Whitg., , torty h two eriptiee4, rate. klr,rl. , , 1 , s A:
" / " .' " ,',.7 r i,,",% ` ,, ` ",„ " ret ' ,.l; ' ,.n . , / ,"",7'''' '''' ''' `. m - ' h „„N„ eticcetsle/110 ptoioringAchr traet.or i „Warrog exit!, Conti. epreterttatio. cklIA . \
I ~......t.! t ' t.--11 ' , i, iiaten."l , ;lllW),, , lll , -. m00n...a . m . I ~,,,` mi.lbars. , Arotong ;be t deg he or.. twoautttte, sol,f as th4f refaA to it ill lit t . , \
bvs c 4.
' ,',,!, - , ''- t ...`'-r' V„;' i' i ' t% \' ,l. - ."'""
1r rad t e tan to to be cleared away, an Mo. get 1 party, we toy 10.0stoecutoki to ••1 ,1 ,_ ‘• , ' \ `,,
~,. ..,, l • - ‘, , r11" 8 ,- N0r , , ,, , 0 '8 4, ' 8 ,0"..,•,.:j. 4 3 =`, , Water at lotions, iUt s the ship was I?onting lor illSltro ^u'l fl,t , lV 71` , r , ell," . lia,t'll,t , ' . \ , . \ 3
!-...;!•- . .'n ----•-• eP-.... 7 .' over. II ropii desiirroled to the eaten, hot ti, e : erted trc en ,Itit„th
. w.otltfigittnon . yypert i t ty , „ 1 „ \
I Isis .... -11 l 1.... , ' 1"1 .”".",,, V0 4., 0' 1 l ' water ernsCrusbing in \to rapidly that he 4)4, t.. - Is "llerno yiaf\netoka County \dikringi„the \\ . •,\ , \ ~ 11
r..,az'::::,TyAL.';;;',:vg. '1,',..',.... .4..0,, I ' ll w. 1 procure nit \I-lo Om woe - upon deek, t,,•\ hest Congrcen tm, the prosperittu;kllic ' \ , \ , \
~t .
l'o•-‘,.. , i, iii.,,,, , 0 o. t0...x.1 3zu L00, , ;•=4,1 , 1 . 7. 4 1 . ;,1 „ 1 „,,d all hoe e into thiboats„tind Watt the laWr t progres. of Pe ylrenit are pariimotarltto:\ill • • \ ", \ ‘',,l
,1,:::,',`,,;','„, •1',',,:,", , T,; - 4 7 0 .,,J,T. ~,,,troo . Tatirtal./. :sti himself to Ica the
‘ ship,'whielt, bodid by throw. , ,Ather cormittentleral whatiiver.'poilAohu , D , ' \ ' \i \ ... • ••3
0 00d....,..1 , .., 4IC " i.o. ing himself int the aes and swimming to the; eNtrid in their wa ..1t shwittio . d • isrdodykf 0 ' \ ' \
~ , ."r ..- ,. .- , , , 1,, " . , ':;,'„,'",,t,,,"'•',,,1 , ',,1.- , "1,,,\ ) 1 i n , ,t h0 % !,„7,:i4,0,„, .. .b 2 i! „,,,,,,t k oe t,! I, e , ship k 0, a ,... 0a ,j je L 0 „...,,4 , sAur voice C.lll p irit•l, \We ore tepared ntol •• 'I `. \ ,
~. , l' •••"''"r•-tli l''''ll` '"'l ..`ljb"''''''''''''''''7"' her top-gallant yek,de under r, \writer, They throa t pox sus to take thew likriff\ utte \ •tio out •Ir e \ , , , -..ii
to.i.••• ,t....• ii..i...rwir•
.............---- Ammar! pushed off some diatom:le from s the ship,, expect. ' politl. arena, ticcau . kettitrects he fete.[ wn, .
, • I•I \ mg her to sink in a \reißr abort time': Upon antindoehi rd: the whaled op .. , i SR old bega t .
,\ : exemiaation of the stores they 110 been-able to regulated as to psrmsto,
• \ .ass, be dieoorered. that. \they had , ,ooT i t!e l ee , titoothet, \ e
. e 17 ,\ P °t 7 cting " , ,' \...._ • -:
' worm of water, and not's mouthfni,of Prtkrisione IoVar friedda is theilscC es Nrif 1 coati \ •, \ ....
\ , ' ~ 0 any khan \ The boate4driptined \eleven Map 1 feeda 4P°'iti" tot t . '‘bic i th e :\
\mc\ i
\ " .-4. ll. o w b eg lige * cl ie to llV eiTth i etent ' ‘g gi rt i fo g kee 'li ptk h er\ Y .rl.- ' wi i killibrlllPTAl"lrii"P"m:4l°°ti` or) fr, to ' ie ka t: ..
i Nelt i . day, at liett,ilhey ' turned, tg 6 trigue*; ,, fm=tt
ihip, o one'dszing eantitro Aimed tkoalli. , #o
I • ,
~~. d .
•r• , l ‘lxtors.
.X. ‘‘. iLki & C(1.
I.:x(11A NGF. BROKER,.
••• , K.• •.r ‘1,10: o 111i1,1k
St, N,
low latato br
Sac bansokbrols
,t wad whirs
• •
, Y :4i..
LI. L,Ls. I
view, their importu.t)v.
.Me, tind tr increasitig , wtir
AM% And m: the ititere-tr of Ithlo
410 k Ne tintive ;111.1,itrint
pant. tLe acooual, that intro rev-lied u; 411 11
the for ott ul,ulute.lStote
rbarnatt, to milord eheQ geuNue plul•ohtbrop.
it, man •t sere
. pittaxure, auk the Turufruii
extruelr:l trout the I . ,i2,hesian, \uol 1.0,11 he
furul.ll, a truly gratifying proof
ot iu
itrovetueut i•rra.ttenty in all tul l fkortout ,1
et ‘1.4,1111.,". It rein, to.; great.
InUdt held ;a the 9a,t.1 allFFFeHuy
vorwto lecutobty ot prcitin\ul
tho Loo u
lcle.lße au.l prarte •urtulhg
uul tleulture, allay Well 1‘,10,11 . ...1 005 , V
rrilect, °lmo the curupurrt:sely recent ititrot
tion tam papa, ret, rn Ita• haa,
nud mfuctuallon ~f l'hrlstiom coo l
ttocks, , f the articles shoplAyed
Exhinixtbri 11, , piper , i uoten say-.
-The \vat, .if the smelt. iegeintiles. .oil
-mid, ii.x ilioteil, to n r i sniit ing, ii.illimibili ,i
wbat it more full ilereioprinent will nrcoulOish
Wheat, oats, .weer ..k. Irish potato,. corn, sktar
coue,mitiee.coem in, onions, carrots,beets, parsly,
r ,,,ii,a os , halo, pens truips. grapes. figs, an p
`.ple. ri peach, r otes, Tinter melons, giro ,
wnoilo i roil, al it, butter, eggs, sugar.
Tolen cloth, k rather, boots and xhoi,,,
werr exhibited, linens the iitnelt, hors ~
rattly. 'keep, ii +lrons swine (mine in ft r
'''' ' , see of -be 'tint tr t\
fuli`(plinrci of attention, .1 few henutiful
pier, grnced tile onllection While we di
1101 mtlelppt to di...Monte iiirery art icl of intore9t
which wevoineirl. we tomcat retimin from
tying the I\l t tent. corn. Turity \ figs., pomouranato...
caots, rap i.hen. pens, tormitn nod troth rota
unnitually Ime Apecittle4S. W her such
run ho produced, there b 11.11.11 I doarth: our
trtUir, rhouir lye iihintiMotic complied. an.i came
1,, Imre to our rumnuourq •• Vo,rh
V( P. I, X -
_1 MIEN 74
\ z
lanvh.,l t'
rivtutr. her
NI P•tit,
the P. S.: ortyuhile. , whlch vrn..: 4 \nult,,,,llll,nlNl s s
hy \ the office, and -.cotton.
11rt rinse al, the , 11 ,, otter
4,",•..t of the crew hftvlhg• outward
"me' v,,eel. e. ..; Nail!.
Szokth, t•tr,l.l , 1,10, ,11- s •eotr: ./as
Rile coh ler. .1., I+, .701,n Stritth, , y Reiet wad Chas F, Rooth, penm en. 'fro 17///,;•ticips,c N,retk Ay/wog-on.
We tied hyon the outvi•le pegs' of yevterday'r
/',/,tp'edroOkK/-,nrhkveottipohool by ;toy •nlitotto!
cornmeal,— n• s eall ••Mof. Meeting of . the
. \ 1 1. %1
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