MIN • • i!rivrsl3lJß.GH Gi,AZErrE,_7. p,llTrii3traott litAßA'r . .mon,Ntriof Issl 4,27 . -'Reel ING .4 ATTER:WM-I,BH FOUND ' ON EACH• PAGE OF THIS PAPER. .nrPost seems to he quite ig° out beesuse . • - .we r - will not gise 4 full credit for minceritk,in recant professions of. friendship for protec tion.! Weplend in rxteneuition the well-terttcrn t t.t r 1544. We would also refer the rood of • - taittirn Of that p4er to the refreshing retninis cruces. of our correspondent "'Retrospect," in this. paper. Do• flee readers of that paper suppose that we, or Way other intelligent man, can • give them credit for obcurity, after their oft-repated ra tions onthis subject ? 'The idea is preposterous. 'lV:like :their 'recent arguments Very It rt: tuse they are lb the main true; but as for their :oloceritl,, or reliability, that it a very different tjaelfflon. For cool, impudence their article of yesterlsy is unsurpassed. . We have an interesting article this morning from the Lake. Superior Journal, op the opera tions Ptifie sereral Popper mines of that region.. Many of them net doing lint the Cliff Mine, in which, Pittsburgh is deeply interested, la still ahead. ;She editor otthe.Wheeting Gazette tries to he bi. witty at oar expense, in relation to our re marks concerning the Wbeelink Bridge. Will it AenYtit.7l. - tbe grade of the bridge is 211 feet to I:: . ths, toile! - Is there tiny thing strange in the fact tluda tiridge too low for steamboats, tiay bane grrles too high Per railroads! • The Cincinnati, Wiluaingt.au, and Zanesville `Railroad is going ahead. The Chief Engineer • litteissaed proposals for gi-ading bridging, etc °tat that . part of the line between Morrow, in Warren county, and Lancaster, in Fairfield coun ' adistance of eighty-nine miles. At Morrow, tbe' line connect% with,the Little Rail :veal. There remains the part between Lanese ler and Zanesville,' a diitance of about fifty miles, to he let, when the whole work will be tinder , 'contract The Southern part of Ohio bide faired bo as well supplied with Railroads as the Northern "`- • Magazine for November contains a very good article on the subject of cheap pollt age.. The writer points out several obnoxious "features in'the present law regulating portages both an letters and newspapers. Of the latter ho awn • t•The present rotes of postage on newspa . "{ors are so complicated that few postmasters can tell what they are, and those on transient news -papers; and printed matter .generally, are so .enormous as to amount ton prohibition. ,:iieon of this law in rendered indispensaltile." recommends that lelr postage he reduced ? " - tell,rtiiiforna rate of neo cerlo,-pre.paid. la this think he is going too fast. ,_ The present rate of three centsisjow , foi.. a country so extent-ire as this, and as compared 'with former rates, is very low. . Doubtless in time, the increase of population and of correspondence, will justify a •' still further reduction. Hem is a euggeitien in welch we heartily ro • it:wide:: s . I . s•OeMinpostage in enormous soil burdensome, i . ; rapChisily 'upon that chasi of persons which is ; leant able to bear it. It hits been computed by " •- those -trite are competent t'judge, that about • tbries-imartent of the Mali; le tees ore written by ' emigrants, and ore letters of rieridship and 'Lifer. G am -The greater portion of hem are from per eons in, poor circumstances, a atoms - them with twiiityyeas or twenty-nine. cm for a single let .. _ ter is cruel. To send a letter and receive .an answer will cost iteeriant girl ,alf a week's la . geS, and a poor man In the co. ntry will base to • • ' work a:day to earn the value o the postage of a , . letter:to and learnt& friends I. Europe. Were - the postage reduced to 'a low rate, ten• letters •-- ;Would be written where one no is, and the rev . tine in a -short period would be greater than under the present high rates. During the last - twelve tutintbs,thestMocuat` .•elved-forstransat lantio, pottage, was not less an a million of Jolla,", and three-fourths of his cum has been paid by the laboring classes n - letters relating . •• . to their domestic relations am friend - ship." • • "Of • e franking privilege, e uses the follows ...1,..x-...drig atrong language: _,..„7,nte.•franklng privilege should be wholly • 'ti''..-o.ssiiitiolisheid., This has been s. much abused that 1••• , ? ~,,,,, 'people have loudly comp lined hf it, and rd . 'Meet every Postmaster Gene .1 for rho last ten Tears has recommended its olition. Instead, however, of diminishing or pealing it, it has beet increased, en that twos to of metobertisan . now exorcise, t, and the Cu t loads of frdnked ' • . matter sentt from Washingto. chow that it is a • • deadweight upon the Depot. merit. At the lout : session ono member bad tyre ty-eight large can .• • .vise bags of ' franked matt weighing not leas ' :As Ihowandpoitnds I To os nothing of the east ' expense of printing andbindi . g irakllious of &mu ' merits and: speeches which re never read, the • •.- 'bneden,sthe labor, awl coat t tbo post office are incalculable. When newsp pees were few it, ' • number,' there might have I en a necessity to 'i-0.i,.,, -.,ssitind -out speeches and doer. ente; but as news- V -- f-4,l4lXpere are published in all .arts of the Union, -:::iieveryiraportarit repokt and . ech is published ' ' f " and read long before it can t • printed and seta from'-Washington. Let the members of Call , grew be furnished with a efficient number of '• stamps to cover ibrir postage, nod these he paid .._ for as the other expenses of Congress. The • frank was. wholly abolished in Great Ilritain when the cheap system was adopted, so that Queen Victoria herself cannot now frank a let - ter!" - , lie suggests that the postage , be paid entirely by stamps, which woad save an immense amount of labarlotli to thu general post .office, and the local offices, as it would do away with the neeessitOT post bills. lie also recommends the establishmentaf a mown/ order office. •'This," he says, ownuld not only be a great convenience to the people, especially to the poorer clips, but it would oleo prove a source of revenue to the post,office. During the last year there were gent through the money order other of Great Drittiin upwards of forty million. of dollars. When it is reeollected that each order is limited to tedratylive dollars; the cumber of letters ear .lrylog these orders must be very large, adding to the receipts of the posi. office. The some results would 'follow a similar establishment in the United Shstes. There being no guaranty for the safe delivery of money transmitted by the mails, such letters are now sent by private ea presses, for, which ehey receive a remunerating eempensation." Pisces in Wasrunovon, Ps.— On Friday last, ltbOut noon, the stabling attached to Fulton's ..ikfineriesnlfotel was burned. By great exertions She fire was prevented from spreading to the ad joining property. ANOTSIER.—Abovit 9 o'clock on the evening of .the same clay, fire woo communicated to astable - at the-lower end of the town, which quickly spread until seven other stables were destroyed. Attu TES •AorliNn —On Monday look shout 2 o'clock, two more stables, iu the central pert , _ the town. were burned, and the adjoining boil-, dings saved with great difficulty, These lir I wort no doubt muted by incendiaries Oreat excitement prevails in that community. num wAsmxincia Norresp.odenee of WASIIINOTON, NOV. 3d, I'Bsl. The story that lion. Wm. C. Risen, our Min lotesntParia, has been recalled or has resigned, i3,ll—Atbriaatioa made oat of whole cloth. There la not a word of truth in it, nor o particle of founda,tioulor it. It l 3 non definitely ascertained that the ru mor, c‘ncerning,the spirited "rebuff" o r " o fficial gtilipr.' administered to the British Ministry by by Mr. drittenden, while acting Becrttary of Atain Was a pure . invention. There has been , no interterence by the British government with , bur own, on account of the late Cohan • affairs. ' • Astuth2r scary which is equally devoid of truth — . _j, the assertion that *Chevalier Ilulsoman, the - ..., .- 7diuitter, has informed I.fr. 'Webster of his in lie, ----- ' - timis to ask for his passport and leave the case Kossuth be - re4eived hero and ~--.'_ -..... tett, as we would receive and protect any , other Istinguished politic/111;4e, who hut sof . fered in the cause of repubbeani,m. ,pit,it is !I. pity that something should not brini to a close our diplonistle intercourse with the -wretched '.` *waist:ciliary toot of Russia,the mother of den, ~ ictteta, whom Ilultenaln represents . Although r'' ' ii was opposed to the clap-trap .resoldtions of i . .44.tette....tases, having that end in view, two peens y,rs.- ago, yeti thatthought, and do now, that the adtolniStiation elenald quietlyllase pat the brand of reprobation o pus the treacherous oppressors Of linogary aid' the maurderer of Hungrian pa triota, .by recalling our charge and declining to appoint another. There in a . foolish report that the British sec retary, ut legation end temporary charge doe of :Taira, Mr. Craroptou. has notified Mr.'Webster that s hooltinnother political expedition is sue from our ports for the Inviasiou of biotin, British cro6eri will be edatione'd ?hug our coast with . hie:ructions to detain and isareit all AlllO6Oll vessels. which they may deem suviciot.. That . is a coinage pot forth to the Mere Iteetontlem. of impunity. To assert that EtsSatet would se..li to revive at this day her earbsded and abandon ed'claint to -he right of cearch i s ridicntons I t o-morrow, will take place, an election in Nevi l'!ork, involving important State irises, het 1 of4ery little consequence as regrads national qaistions. I think I may safely say that nor, salt, which can possibly take place, will indicate any thing whatever Of the sentiments of 'the State upon' slavery, the tariff or any other set, ject of 'controversy which interocts the nation at 'large. As between the distinct party organ izations, I think the honors will he divided: piney it it likely that of thc ten or a demo candidates . . . .•__ _._ _ for offices in the State adinintscration, some Whigs and some Democrats will he elected. I am reasonably confident that a Whig Legislature will be chosen, nnr would there be any well founded • doubt of a compiet; Whig triumph, hat for the treacherous intrigues and 06,at0119 "isterrucildling of the Castle Garden anion safely commikee. This in y body of wild tradesmen, who are afraid of losing their commissions; and whn, rather than run any risk of keeping their goods on hand, would sell their principles, their country, end their goul. , if they have any: of tricky _diapers who ;seer dreamt of either union or constitution unconnected with a foe bill: and of despicable political hangers on upon soy party or faction which eon give them brood or pay. Three impudent charlatans hoed every means within their power to defeat Qv:. John' non, and OpenlPrrejOieed over the Slleeeeg of tng antagonip, on the pretext which none knew to i be false better than themselves, that the former was an abolitionist. They have mode up a mom grel ticket of candide4cs from both parties. heirs are the national, union candidates, os ensility favorable to the compromise, and pa,— ,rolarlfr the fugitive slave law, at the north, and the continued agitation of slavery extension , e :striarr projects, at the Zontla. But . r .. r , in ; ujon terns out that their Whigs ace Yvovml anti ne instances promioe7 4 p al yr Seward Whics,and their 6a7` .,1-5t4, " ging Free Soil. and even Abolition Ltartiburne:" . Tilt they exhibit a well defined and eager purpose in all their operations tc weaken and prostrate the Whig party in the Stale. The oh• t mate design,- beyond question, w in break Ire both parties, and to form on their rains a or sagehrs on the Castle Gorden plan, As they hove (demi' Free Soil Whigs and Demo crats to °permit with, it may be expected toot they will be in me degree stircessful is this eloctirin, as the voters out of the city cannot well rennidiate, at this time. thoss candidates who accept a Castle Gorden nomination It they had in good faith taken out) , hunker s to form their ticket, then the people of the inte r would hare scratched off these noises and insetted those of liberal and true men: and next year the will be done, if this insolent .theme i it city dictation coadinne.s. Should retry one of their candidates he elected to morrow. not the slightest apprehension need I.S felt that their iti• Silence will he felt itgaia. Measures will to convince them their bread and bettor are core imperiled by their interference in politico ban in letting ,things take their own rontwe, ind their putriottam h.,. only upon bread and n concluaion, my opinion is that a Whie Leg into will be chosen. to rramist, 1 will nor say Union loving men: for, .Ihtuninnisto, if they lot, are not tent to the Legitlature, in the north,but of wand conaerratortl of i•pre , n.,l liber ty. public improvement,. ood !Mate tatil, and better friend, to the Union than most bellow ing advocates of Onion will prove to he when the day of trial to the Union come. if ever it tthail. icatra Fin- (.44 , Gavti A PROTECTIVE TARIFF. Mn. EIJITOR.;--I do not intend to stultify my self, or insult the Intelligence of your reader hr entering, at this day, into an argument to prove the benefits of a Protective Tariff to the manufacturing interest,, and through them to the country.at large. But rending the exults tions of the Democratic press at the result of the recent election, I was forcibly struck with the facility with which the Democratic party 51 this emte can be made to dump its poaitiqn on :ley question at the beck of its leader, flaw that shish see day thee do etch s. To prove this let us take op the • Moraine Po•t,' the organ of the Democratic party in this roomy, and see what we can find in its col umns, for a few years bark, on the sobjeet of tank—yea. aprotects, tariff. In 1442. with a p aig national administration of the government, a tariff bill affordiag ample protection to all branches of industry was enacted Darine its exiitence the country CojoYed unexampled pros perity: labor found constant employment nt re- munerative prices. and the farmer a ready and profitable market for are fraicts of his fiehla- Sochlwas the cm:am-table state cf things, that the Democrats of this State, in the Presidential canvass of 1844, claimed to he ,the penliar friends of the tariff of '42 '• Polk, ItalLs, and the Tariff of '4^_•' was their bottle cry, nod. cn this groom], they succeeded in giving the electo ral vote 01 . the State to Mr. Polk,. one of the first measures of whose administer. [ton was an effort, unfortunately a successful one. to modify or repeal this very tariff, urged in an elabo rate report of his' Secretary of the 'treasury, Mr. IVrtlker. So sudden an isdicatic mofa so widtly different policy, in the face of o till echo ing professions to the contrary, was Inc much, at (irk, even for Pennsylvania Dernom mts, and serious apprehensions were entertain rd, then and after the paseago of the act of IFi 4t, that they would kick out of the traces, v will be noon by the following extracts from the Post of September '2l, IMO. PXNSSYLVASTS, HES DUTY AND nag PROSPECT , —lt were useless to disguise the fact thud much feeling exists in the Democratic ranks of Penn sylvania in regard to the lots tariff act (1846). The vital 'interests arid leading occupations of her citizens have not received that care and con sideration,in that hill,to which their importance entitled them' But shall we, then, throw our selves into the hands of our enemies,. corn-oder imig not only this, tprotection) hat every other (measure for which we are contendin r , into ho rtile hands" Every feeling of the t run Demo crat revolts at such 'Mealier! PelitlA Xlvanin will come before Congress, asking a modi-ficovion of itpe preeieut tariff (1846), in the ipipo emit arti- Sof coat and iron. She asks that; Ite , e hard , 'earned products of her mountains shall placed further above competition wit It similar .foreign 'products than they now are. Where shall she look for this act of aimphe justice ' She will rely with confidence nu thellentocrat , e party. She will remember diet in 1812, the Democrats saved the tariff trom the furious wisaults of Adams. Hotta, Archer land others. The Democrats of Penney beanie have, wit h nn flinching consistency, !ordained the tariff i.olicy. (boy have been eminently true and faithful to it; they stood ny it in 184'j, they stood by it in 18.12, and they will stand by the true policy now, un til they obtain the modification they requite. To prove thin un'ilinching devotion to the doc trine of protection claimed fur the DernOCCOm , the Post republished rut address del jeered by Col. McCandless before the Board of Trade, it, 1843, in which ho says. Let 118 adhere to the tariff with the same zeal and con uneucy as the ancient Hebrews did to the Ark Of the Covenant, and . carry it round the Jericho of Southern prejudices and misguided opposi tion until the walls fall down." He confines: —•' A relaxation of this admirable system (protection to manufactures) has flooded our country with fabrics of foreign climes, stopped our engines, closed our workshops, beggared oat population, and drained the United States Of the precious Metals. This moat be the case if we adopt the principle of imposts for revenue only and norfreprofection. So far from affecting itipitrfouslY t e agricultural interests, a high ta riff W0111(1'104 11. new impulse. to that ancient • and honorable calling." leithe celebrated Clarion letter, pßblishell and landed Ist the Post, the Colonel also says : "Yon ha.ve properly appreciated the importance of the I that gentleman is at the present time absent on proitertire procipir to the success of the manufao. 1 the inquiry. The disco very which has called ttiring and agricultural interests of Penneyl- forth thee "'Mk' to one whic h h.' been made by Mr. Joshua Holden, of Sonora. The follow , ing is the communication,we have received on Here also in the Post of the 28th of July, t h e subject. It is authentic, and nisi, we be ;-:11341., we have the proceedings of a Democratic i liove, be relied upon: tariff meeting, held in the Marliet square, on "Sosoun, September 2i, 1951. the 29th of the same month, at 'which lion. Itits ' "Mr Heiden het discovered n very extensive IVlLwies presided, and Judge libeler, and other adrrr 1 . 7 w e e c h o p e rr n , t r p ' f ,fi r rk;:z 7 r,r .i p.zo t i, prominent men of the potty ma i l" 4 ddre B " . " essociatit metals. It the noise t ' rovesso Amongst the resolutions we find the follow- . rich as stir prospect, it will La worth all the goad mine+ in the southern district. 'Ti• morrow Mr. IL and p.trty will start out for the purpose of comment:mg regular mining I hose 50. u piece .if the on., ...hien it,. cies rer'ile-t I ever saw. Resolved—That during the last years of rho i icomprothise tariff, the business of this whole onetitry was in a state of unparalleled de re, siau; L.tair fiord no adequate reward, capital no iqqi.irtiiiiity or profitable inve-umeut, and the en! r.nr•y was ilernoziid ton degree berm, oil. • a n w a our litstiit) since the policy of the comp...llse law was repudiated, this unfortimatecomlstion of affairs has beg reversed; during the lasi tour years labor has bad ample employment. and sure nod liberal entupensation; capital has been freely. usefully and profitably invested, and the - currency has assumed a healthful and sound entidiiion. At thin moment, a prosperity an inoversal me former depression pervades the whole extent of oar e.ountry'' ••Resolved further. That n IWirpretertire tariff, hr -the enrouragetneut it gi.t, to capitalists to enamel: in manufacturing enterprise,, flforelt to mqn the' highen reward for lit, Int , r,ond ar: 0,7,41 ortll nithirt: An Ammer:ea Litel Doecnerst4 we alpiwx to l a:nefrtive tarlif for the ern Gen of the free nod independent ritmetet of .Uneven, against the starving wages, 1.30 by the eapitalists of England. - • No, Mr. h.litor7 after all these effort, to prove dint the Democracy of Pennsylvania ware in f r of . o prob:bee WA/. we find the - Poet and Ito party whipped Into the support of free trade .iActrines 1 bare. however, already oc copie.l too' much ,pace, and will now only point to some of the remark, in the Prot, since the re sult of the Into election nos known. to ,how flint it has nloindoned its whilom tavorite doe ' !Tit, of protection • SC , T, .1011!;•TON. AND TIM TAIIITI or 11 4 42 —Theaci were the watchwords of the Federal party in this county before the election. Every street corner, bar-room, mill-door. and black smith ' , hop woe pl .•tered over with huge hand bilb+, on which the above names were printed in chi ring ; capitate I tur opponents pre ;ieuted the liable, wet the Democrats met them in a fair tight -The Tariff of 42. with all its gilded charms. caulk the fanatic Johnston from defeat. Whic4 who are cppomett to humlingging the peo ple wilit the Twill hobby it every election. re lo;er pt the reimilt. - r rejoice because the Whig party with iv: peculiar doctrine by been , defeated . of the, Jactriuea the most radical it I the If.tricTi,, MI commerce. mitt - tamed tirottic. tine t Amerman in.lovtry Vine. Johnvion has made n pamecnte tarty the burtheo of every ad ;dr, te the pe •tile. en far a- wr ran learn. from tha tproing of ihe context to the close, and et c apatiget. who has al% hi- election, ha. In the tame :drain The (democratic p ar ty. tram 1:11: liielcr down to the tni..st utipre temhog ”periker,littve roc!,iiniv -1 the heterodoxy of amerelfprotective tartil This lame then made hy the Whigs ou 211 or ravianai has by the reside beendlecidrd ottaniat tvia:2 Whilid Fine Joloartmn the it; . wars a ,: ...1 Ow-ad-L, iiocreme of F .-4,cm, Col 'Wittier did I out in any manlier, MI preference fel ; the Neill et' IS4tluver airs , that prear4o , l it Now. rir, 'look pri th , octrire,theti en (hi,. Sec whirr n , itterence in If o( the:Vert. in rtglri to the cite-trine .rfprolfTllon. 410 I , "ik winirnr , tratlen. which it belt‘e4 to Irring tr. pGFu, quack it , frir^ r,te. so it pre...Lard. the it--tectrte tnrat '4:2 Pro, Warp rne,ttnprchetrtible rill, ere toe iuY P. dry with lite rejoicing at the r,nll 01 the rerent woo pruned. we eve inn i.f. the euppo,.. It.; hi psxty roty ontoinder existing eirettmvtanze , abi• ,d try rhe State Si the Pre,hlenti , l con text.) about r • la-come s -uophcnnt for the very pritir.pie over the ...lefe4t 01 which he haii be. ..suiting. True, he nay!, we li.COS7; rittl:l tt no right, nor get hoe Congreo• nny right t.• yit; mill, t..ottusittll i for the . re• •Ineetottle nod worthy nynnrsty. t Ma' really for ten: of thy c•in,tvomord , r 4 .pyriy might properly do that which he 'where. to he wrong, nod which he ho. labored In prove Cal, Kr. , tin' no right to In • What an n ontahle ohMt the Pont tons proved ltiltelt to 10. no bun quentiott of protection. nott'whnt or:famous flog hetry in t in et.ittar : RRnooctet EROS CALIFORNIA The following pummwry of events for the fort night rme re.fing , from li,. Sanyrittunwro Poia til , ',l• l of Otther the sailing of the Ma; mail 'learner, the email e f the recent State Congressional election ht. been an far ascertained a 'to snore the etti,tim of the entire Democratic State ticket, and the two Itemogratie <odulates for Coupe., The Itenmerata claim no o n vernge majority ex-- reeling One thousand, hut we do nnt thsok it will reach that tignre The Legislature forge ly Democratic. From all parts of the State we have the moat encouraging. intelligroce of the 'mere, of tile miners, and we hazard nothing M .4y.ng that the present y,eld of the Mines exceed. , that of any former period. The ocanon so far has been very (ovorable to the success of the, rarnitm item I inn companies throughout the State, and the re• suit hoe loon, lark., yields In that department iif • mining, The prospects for the approaching rainy reason are still more-xneouraginir lour ing the dry amts.., great numbed - .of mitten, who have not been operating along the beds of ereeka and river., hate been engaged in raising dirt in the •Iry digging. to wash when the rain. afford them the requisite supply of water a stently business is now being prosecuted by the , various quartz eMnpaniet., itneticuinfly in the rt.' einiq,f • Nevado city and along the tributaries of the San Joaquin These companies will I.e able to proseeute their labors as well in the rainy am in the dry seaman It may he well to remark that the quart: business appear. to lie that wh#, to aconsidernhle extent, Di attracting the attention of capatoilists a. a seuTre of invest mend. The extentive ontlay for costly mach., ery,in order to penstente this branch of mining r ucceasfillly, necessarily limit. it to those w ho, • have accumulated the reqoisite capital by nthrr and cheaper moil, of mining, and tv those other capitalists who are ready to make-envy love. me a. Is a ppear- to h. a matter of debate among ;mitten es to the comparative richness of lb, northern and southern quartz vein The cam panic, however, established in either unction, upon an ectinomical basis are doing so far an we can ascertain, at Well OS the mcsdsanguine could desire. Malay fail of entrees from the ward of I a prim ical acquaintance with thin mode of min ing. From what we hear, we are led to expect foe the approaching limiter a very large increase upon the yield of the last. 'The common round of California incidents will ! be found in other columns. Robberies are go. ing on as usual throughout the mining ilistrietn, dint then there appears to be no more of such I outrages than heretofore_ Duelling hoe herrine ridiculously fashionable, and men pout and shoot at each other with as :moth coolness is admissible under the eirctini. o t an nos., We have hail five or six cases in San ,s ean ciam,. within the month. but na yet no one seriously injured. The yield in the northern miner is fully pro portionate to that in the southern, and it in , not estravntsant to n aythat gold mining i lea ear tee , t h an eamm e.need in California. From the first of limitary, Ififil• to the corresponding Jule not yo ,„ t h e p en di t e, of the mines will not be leas than seventy millinhe of dnllarn, ond it too; ea reach to eighty millions :leery month our nii net. learn s omething, and, euich ogees. of expe• nence nibla to the flood of gold that flows bruin nur port to the , atlantic Suites If we could Ina arrest this timid and torn it to the ranching of oar own tend, the people of California would not labor no they now do solely for the benefit of others. SILVER NINE& om rhr AI la r,r/ifortna, (Mob, 1. There seems to be but little doubt es to thee,' istence of valuable silver mines in California We have from time to time heard of discoveies in various parts of the southern country: put the f o llowing accounts, which we take front a come. what lengthy article in the Stockton Ripe him", is sufficient to settle the question: Early in the present yearthe exploring expedition left Stock ton, and, we believe, resulted in nothing magi although IL W. Wallis, egg.. of this city, showed us specimens from the region of the Pour Creeks, where deposits were found in in-. calculable amounts. indeed, this is the form in which„ -it appears to us, silver is must frequent t'y found fn California. It is a kind of black cal P finret of silver, blackish, brittle, cellular, af fm ding globules of silver at the blowpipe. The Spa Miarda call it negrillo; and it is found in large toss, t o in Pero Find Mexico. The specimens we n o ,7ve seen hays been of different degrees of rishriats, the amount of silver varying from 10 -to fifty in .100, in various specimens. The speci men, t,-might down by Mr. Wallis were analyzed by ? d a tum t Co., with the following result Silver, (in a ton weight of the ore) $2OO 40 Gold, 27 00 /WWI, " • 1,59 p lbs. Some four weeks ago Mr, C. D. Gibbps, who Itasheen purveying halhe neighborhood of Mount . Distrito, informs us that he had disoverad bra- I cee of saver in- that neighborhood, though in what forsawe could ascertain. We believe,t.hat IMPORTANT FROM THE ISTHMUS 0.: Cr nil, ANL , LU,• or Lirr. A enrrevotplent ni , the New AfNek giro', ate foltitgring rtecount of n moot diitostrotv , riot at Chogreo The letter i. tinned Chogro, On our arrival at Panama, in the Oregon on the 18th of October, we learned that a few days before a .lifliculty hod occurred at ellagree.ho twten the native and foreign boatmen, imogt whom were Americans,) in which several hire wounded on both sides. This had arisen oat of' ' an arrogant attempt on the pert of the foreigo boatmen to prevent the natives 'rem carrying pas sengers to and from the steamers iu the harbor, because they sometimes transported them at less price than the tariff fixed by the foreign'' boatmen. All appeared to Le quiet again, however, on our arrival at Chagresou the evening of the 21st, and as the American side of the river IV mitt ly crowded with passengers, our party, consist ing op h some fourteen or fifteen gentlemen, and ladies. took lodgings on the other side, at allow' kept by a native of the country, while waiting for the mails and treasure to arrive for the Cher okee The nest day. Ft little after twelve o'clock, a native boatman w attached and severely beaten by come or th e others on the American side, and ireniedietely an learning it, the great en excitement prevailed on oar aide of the river The whole population of native, Carthaßeniana and Jamaica nerroev, turned out, armed with vaerte, -vet lintel every deveription, of Iv-Popov, and crovnot thr river in a body Most of the roman boatmen tied to the woods hut -corral :411114 were fired by the amendlants, mud. as nearly we could lease, three of the foreigner• wore wounded No violence wa. fifforiol to T....ensue-, the no. tires ;nod nrg-rnee constantly declaring that their quarrel arse only with the Loom., real il i •t they wchlil do no harm to the Californians, through whom they earned their hvelilion.l -- Shots were tired. however..rt the office all lb. , Connul, , All Glen-ym, ogaitict whom the) were greatly exharernted, on he i- the owner et areenil !writs htwac:f. and it ifias understood ilia , he tool' port with and ruatained the foreign bort:urn in their unjust tis,urnptiau , h, reefitance bring offered them. they icerioieo.l the river . rind al ter wveral apeetdoes worn :node in Spolifili and p o ot.th, the general tenor of which W. It, re CAW!) , Itai good order and rare not In eOilf.fiih.l Ibd ptc-engers with the boatmen. all nzata la. tau , poet on tie, pole Outing the night. however. it teeing that a meeting nuns held by the boatmen on the American sole, at which o number el posrenger , were pre,yitt, and it w ,. eeolyrd chat it nhy unit or IrnAtl Cro,•••I 11, rice; ,r; the morning to intern' peeschger , ti. the Cherykec .ilientoilshrol treleine hartug arcked) t h e y ,linald he fired in, Thie tit/called tor ~ ,n1 ettirindent interference by passenger. in a .;otir• ref which they had no beaus - •a to iiitetlntol.fle with. n,sti.t the 'val . , Wtli:11 thus far tinal,lll.l - 1..1 , he right rii :twit sole rod in oppoeition really 1.. their own interest., way thin sutoied, t ocrt •e of Ow low , of in ...y ilvi.e. and of convert nh. r,,t,i feeling entertaiced by the hativec : inwFa..!,hr Californian , inio I .10,..113 nnini,,,ity I .r,in., di lnicticchs no trotter whoa : The 1.1,1 tuoroint all Wa. pri:eztl; ,, ir , ... the 44, r44-1..01.., rod It obit, eight ; o'clock ; lor t rc tirodjar :.' notiec ...le had icro,a3 ithle-1 ritir. inivitttitiolott. , 4 sny Jentter. to , 41H off I pk-,..t.i,e1, in the stelnlor • .1, , ,ti.", ,, 1 :1.14..1 . 1 wr.re 1% , ,d with leaven:re end their lo. r epgr. when rnildenly repo - 111.s of the safety ..1 ; 0a...t. : ...I. a murderou. tire was opened tiro,. them. : w i th gni, and revolver., by the Ainericauiti-At. into. n.vetie.l hv mane t,7 ' l ip CAlti.‘rnitittt he r:re .•rh• , ,TIP I and. in a lew tionnti ...,..e.: —• .-I; boa, ...pt., c.l tin,- nor -splints, wore', se., .In i drifting out te sea Row mane peer ti 11 6 ,1 Cr ! .Iwne.i toitt it vt iiittiotoCtl , le t? nay. TIT,- of i thin rativel who escaped the fire. which was enn- i tonne , ' eo lone Ai a hart belonging . theta was i within rocieb, paddled back to their own vole. the ere, where tli • moot trorfir •xcitenient avow I yr.:ailed. It woe known that others ‘4.4 4' 4, 44. oratmen had paritnipated In the ottuir juai made, j and a irboatt Ceclitig of hostility against lll th., 1 , countrymen yr.. nor: tittpir: l l l ll4 sod. , pie-' drools were again throne - ea - titan, in 1 redonbled runibera. and deadtier ; 'ins 4:+n, I cane woe shonlod from every ;power Ai eeri terve' firiag up,. the Alter silo wan Con , nknr , l! olotitt the hetet, atol the most turn,. crie• of rengraticr filled the air The ;loot , r.n.l +hatters ; . o f our horni Iv., ..1 , 3•••1 nod rewient-1. Enir irn media. party litieg ail fortonately within , title time, and all retired to ii largo room iandhe ak;ond floor, which, hoeing wind ow. opening on 1 a etreet both in fr., on I rear. and hi, rivingle naow stairway, was j.lgrol moat defensible The rr wintiowe were liitmeatle - i with our trunk. An I totiltre..es, 'ma., al the whole party iliere . wore only five id- sin pistols, and no other an,... the lee. of the cot bedeteado, and ouch other or tielee a.. would shere for clot., ware nit”tery I tot , cornice forth it purpoi. tlcantline.l:roucti the Venitinti !find' which i: our wiiptow.. I we could Ace the hint. lorded with p,oiong.r4 ha-stening oft to the ...gulf, iron, thr 010 , .1 le end hear the n.nsitli4ls.llll r.f the crow.(. oho tiled the •,rrnts on ~ h site of a, . . P/a•mtly the, 7/4i -, err n; • A, ele•,fie and hundreds of them burned up tne hil"-. to the old fort Powder was precnred, and some ono of the smaller of the old muss thorn was mount ed on the wall in a manner to hone Up. , n the American town, nod tiring was commenced, ap pareotly with round shot .tin. boor er eo later. another gee opened also, from the fort. and not long after, another . still won dragged down to the rsihar../idero. and commenced tiring' a< 'us, the ricer thir tantllard, a fine young follow, who nppeare.l to tot mile') reverted in the town, and who. esidentlr for the sake of preserving his influence with his - countrymen. !tad armed himself, and "rue nut with them. lodked in upon on. from time in time. end entreated lls lo av,iid attracting - observation mare than rould 'roc Tidy be tel as, he said. it repiirril all, and per haps more than all. the intliititnro h. , ,•ould elem. to prevent them from attacking hinhouse Thts we hno• to i.e a fact. from the repeate4 propo• ninon, we heard. from the ,treew to enrartienre nu annanlt upon II!. and the probability ; of curb an an:current , grew stronger anti villager as day grew alder, from the fact that to the feeling of vcogenier , which seemed -to animate nearly all, was toils added the excitement of ihtoziea riot About this time, we paw two Americans. whom we 0011111 refognite as passengers/with us on board the Oregon, surrounded by . Crowd of native., who were mining at them with neliren in the mast savage manner, while two or three. among wham was the brother of our landlord., weer apparently endeavoring to shiel I them They were finally thrust into a boom. no d the door cloned. One of theta we afterwards sow at the office of the British Mail Conipany'S Agent. dreadfully cut to pieces, but still living. The nth, nothing nimbi be bean! of at thekitue we get away. and from the nature of Ih.. , wounds be must have rereived, there can be little bolt of his death. . Shortly after thin, it great crowd gathered around ii'llounc a few rods above that in which Wr were Awl pp. and from the Floods. we could learn that they were in pursuit of an American, who wan neon to he there A few tooth of leeward. they appnerril, with rouge yells. drag ging the body of a white man by the It.rols, with It dreadful wand in his side, from which lox bowels were protruding, and this body was 'if- Zerwarils seen tied to the how of a boat. and hanging in the water. at the nttlturt,i,, , ' At o bi s l on e, with these Fergiee hetore our eyes the 'inns/taw cry of ••rou h rrto a I. Af11e..11,,,” in nor earl, with fromrotten In our company, with out taint , Of any eonnequerice, anti °Veil bad we possessed' them. powerless against ouch number , 'Should they on,e commence an rittnek upon nue house, our situation was, to say the leant, a t wonknotoonant one. Than far owe landlord, aided by a few of those in t,a appeared dispo..d to discriminate between h , o ,,, ii i a s and Iletilrelle, had nuceeaded in prevent ;„, ii . i .l, on attack: but the increasing excite „,,,,. „ 1 the cantle, owing to the occat.inuel shooting ~,, „„,„ o f f: . :411 number by Mlle shuts from the other side, and .'be Knwing . tet".-ic .- , ti wof most of th-tn, rendered it certain tit”: this restraint c)duld not much ion:et he axe,'! °bled. Bortunately, about thin time,. oast with, are English flag was seen coming up the river,. which was known to belong to the English steam - ! er, anti soon after.it landed at the nat.rced , o, I on our side of the river. A brief note, Aencrl• I , Bing our situation, 'was written by one of our °amber to the officer conimnndiug the beat. re-' i questing him to aid us if he could, of, at leant, to get the ladies off to his ship, if pomade, and I Wan despatched by our young host. goon after. Captain tlymombi, the commander of the Aled way, aocompanird by another officer in uniform, and a few of the Jamaica aegroen whom he had' apparently enlisted on his side, appeared at the house. are, hurriedly as possible, tgok all the ladies away under his charge, and Ave bad the pleasure, in a 'short time altor, of 'seeing the boat in which tliey were, pulling outlet the riv er,, unharmed. i i i t Captain pyre ads said that theft; Would noon be two more be ta from hie ehip, 'gni of which, as we learned erwards, wall iniWiltd to take off the trearatre intended for the Oberohec, and that, if it were possible, be would Thin carry off the remainder. of our party. flomeltwo hours afterwards, the boats strived, and, taking illiVell-I g a A SSIME RE .4. CAASSI SET-150 pr.s , f,or , tags of r. panic which had driven most of the 1 1 - .3.t. hr C s nittertr.sor. of the town, ca people from that partt ii llAWLS' StfAWl.li .l —N.in omit, at used by I the intelligence that a cannon procured from i . A A Ai i ..,, A ,,. ~ ,;.,..../ tt... etAi.l.ane stA,.. the Cherokee, had been planted on the other i 'l "'illlse! so.! e.re.•te o!!!! , ! - • ''':' polo of the river, we sailed forth with Captain I lef LANRETSI—NoIc on 'hand seer terdt`pi, Symonds, and with all our baggage, were scum 11, 1 5e....0c.i. •., -. ... i V T ... L. .., I I.:1 11, igt•.l on hisbont.l I ....,%.M.1"..‘,rt1t7::U''...'i,;!,1,.:,7,4'a,'.:11r.=:":- 's• 1 Mr. J. C. Hackett, of Ilerfurd &Co's. Express, ' •• A 51A" , 15 1 I, . who wits of our party, got all his prkages safely ' """ !.......nli. .i.eket nt 1 seerem on the beach amenß the lam., to , , r,,FE 1 , !.., , : ,-,- : -,.3.,,,,, , , , ,, , . , ,,..1 . , ; !, ~,, , ,,,,i,.,,, .cas t :.- see the luggage all on scant the boat. It was „,::"' ''' ' !', ' it ~ ..'t1n111.,..a • bens a° " a "° young r°'" before . °k°° °l '" ( I ENT'sliftEA S9' PINS! -.1 hi, ...leo. .I badly wounded, and the writer takes pleasure . 1 ~„ „ t ,,,.„„,„,,, ~,„,,,, ~i „ ,.. ii ,,,,,,,,, ~,,,‘„ in recording an Oct of generous liberahly on ..! t Ow ! A. u•,.- ..,...111ne at II 1•It'llA111,•N ` part of his fellow townsman, Capt.. l' 11 Ala • . rondray, of the house of Maeundray .t. co , SA Tillinghurst's Premium Churn. Francisco_ who left with the llntich Moll "...1111 a , r I.:\ TED, dune VI, 1.4' , tireat Eeen rue itgent. Mr. Cowan, a draft for lire tioteir , ,i . U .... o rue. 'nu Lot. • 1 - 1. ~..1..t... e. t A r . m ,, .1 liar- tor the n.aistn nee of rhos 1.1...11.1...1 no,a, I, , ...., ~ .r 'al..: 11. ir , A ..h. •4.r ~ r..., I•n.1 ci,li otto!ra as sight a tterwall . I,: ! ~,, I ~,, ! , ;-•!tt ,l!;!:::: „ , 1 , , : :,!•11:.. , ;7! , • - t t:aut...!.. who nee•led aid Tbi. 111Ao,loat.tip..or. net om an , , k ,...,, ,„, ~ ~,,,,, ~..,1, v . ; .l' ,: : : ; ',1,.. iZ;. ' t in knit'''. known only to one ...I- two at too- time, is; °!' ~n,!. ' ''... 11.•"".'',;•, , ,\,r,:zi ~,.,,,,,..,„ ,:,,, only another proof Of now welt l'apl Alocondray ' has deemed the univbrral ettteein in which he is held in the oity of - his present residence Here we found the treasure on beard the En glish launch, mud it is proper to state that )jr Clifton, the mate, and Mr Boyce, the purser of the Cherokee, who had gone over the river after it in the morning, just before the firing coin• meseed on the Atnerielit side, hod, by dint of great exertions, aided by the conductor of the train, Mr. Follett, succeeded in getting it rill, (shoot $2,600,000) out of the launches in which it came down the river, into the English specie vault; in which they, with the boats crew under their charge, were compelled to look themselves up for safety during the heat of the excite ment. They state that from the loop holes in tho vault they raw six or seven of the 11/11.I•eS shot nt the cannon, by ritles.from the American ride flow ninny were killed in all it is difficult to say—probably shout twelve nr fifteen nnti torn, es. elneive of those drowned, if any were. and two Americans that we know of, and flye or ail dawns that we heard of on the :Spanish nide. Of the number killed or hurt on the American aide by the cannou the writer has no means of judg ing. Probably not merit damage .was done, ne tlei town appeared to he deserted when the fire nrainl (rem the fort. We pulled off on hoard the English atiorner, the natives hummer i•o . the English flog an we' ;omen! the fort, it brine underotood that we wore peewee°ra a or Engine.] thence we went on board the Chendrio., when• ten errived about five P now n foe wurd• Is• in the couduct ofl than' who Gilioni and nciodon• ° , l the loon of to many live- It i• perfectly ear. tein that no .\ 1114.6,. 1 ,,,, n g0r wou ld been blamed., plao..lfitly properly by the had it wit been • for the p and 1 reprehensible miptier in which some of them joined in the nutragwous attack 4,1 that morning It w aso quarrel el which they had no Idennes ,-, participafe, one in whichithow with whom they took part were abominnnly in the wrong. in I even lint they us regard for rich', n, wren!, then even len, Rennie them who knew there re. Anserirons on the other •i•lw:whose liv mild. he the forint, t oo. indeed, oorne them nrdtr r taste heir 'hosting .Infeende— tn thi if naught CI., ationldlinve rertrained the ee m fat if their enwlert wa• reprehca•ible, how touch to I.a. enieleinned Oro the I' yonl at Chows, who, ao for from doled , aucht to pie nod the outrage perporeted that morning. Cr....,. rein, in have given it In. entilitreolire Wet •ny• lir tech oldrolly knee It the iiiret.e bent the night before. 95 it woo ribrileir 1,1,1%, en Clint F•mrr Th , 1 FRANCE Ity in , 1.11,1 v....0i1, fr..nl of 14 ntitit , r, I ~ T tg I I •talegl wr; I tn.: re.lnt..l }on t. put Gish in what the 4.10 1 1 1. 1 11.1ttntiveruptur. '.•f the uonnesktaon. wtth \I Ittllault for tho form .ntl VII -...nred on the n. 01, he went lc, tint 1 in Ann .E • fr..h e.mtereo.. w;th th , re. nit .Ithn. t. .011'11 4. I'. '1,•1 10 the h..pe n 1 \I 11110.4 s.c.t.t.iin • ni the tat..inn pr.pmted t, hint. ntnl in Lrtn4- :h• 111r11111.1111L1 !utter The ni‘e. the 1 . .. i I•• 1. Fir 1.0.1 p hrl .- 11,ilmu I . .rre•lgil , I;etterwl 14,11 - jolly %%tar l'eangt.r, lutes Food 011 " I It r.`,41 Ito tie tem.! ,het the iwW - •t• CT hay , eeitnily the ea.:11i...51 comure -etiti te ',newer nelther he, it:11 eit til• post aii ' Pri i.• .1 I I - he letertniiiiiitio 1,13 i• - with p-eiat appreLiew•iiin 111 Viehritithatthe inorther ti. imeenti Laktige •ei whe . eniatii - in on the F,cneh ',utter Wit than e ror those eniirte iv. well n• Cr, P.q.e Lou iltteria•ng a French gnrron, cri4 the i • if c tnl ete rhiange ot p•iliey The rvtiiru t•i uniser , ti int& *C I / I .` , I In fart, the urijiir,t) hy whit the reietrirtique were m a , wee now thorotichtly eetitini i••• If they 'oppn.,l. VI, hoot the • •iti,ir vete. Le , Prii•e•lent . o. n , •• r • ei n4cl. [night iii•ier I i• wen betsinieu me pow reti,•l I • ..1 ant-tient .Nest in encoring it• rein g.-/Y - Ny xsair had Ow Rh.atroat..ta I •I 0% , , rtrmn .h.• :1,-1 II (r-nn it. 4 NIASONIC HILL! MADAME ANNA BISHOP nvid.r 'on,. 31,1...11,119 in lior 641111. nun t, ertvq. HO' I=lll 110/tI.. eNb IAINITI EI 1 IDE 1.1. I DEA NI • - 11811: F.V T 11 TAI NMEN T, nem, r..l.wtvl •.1 !•-•,..14,1 pul ar ..tao..•. A .Ik, tt ,„, 1104.•11-.1. I N ha -r'.l ,7•lt Fresh Teas. • AIESTS O}' 5()0 ( 4 , A !VI) . L tuet ter .) ut rF.Ai.N NrrPti :r.et •, few. wer.....1..c.e.1 ; i. L e rerit.er tram ;lie late .arK ...le- %At L ~Al ull thu Itgereut market...Ad 0.1 ,A)1.1 wholersh 1.14 retKII ,ur)4 lb puetage. I.) I. elle), Krt.))l are AltAr.l ) . Asa drer,. qualttme• II 'AI — . Kt 0•I lA% I,IFFF ) be,. )ts PEAI . III,I n); ill e 1./ • 1.1111 A an l .i l ' e..—Kukeigell • • 11)))1.11n, )I,•ni tl.e ),,1 Au Pittsburgh and Coal Hill Turnpike Co: Eleetiliti mill b. , bold im the 11 1 , ioNt. II 1. t.,,..., , , it, ..t•i• F. 1 i T tia: .Annual M-etina .•1 tlw Allvglwny ,1. - l. :'..:.•1'r.';',',.'71';',',.';.7;`,','.`,.',`,71.'::',?:!7,::•),; t,',',1.:.:,,1;?:, .Ifllerto fro 0, eLounkp ..al I•noa.6.nt—Orow ,l6 . l .r a. J ., tu,0....1 Juin Atu60....p. j. 11. Noll, ri r ,,,,,......r—1,w 1-6160n.11 ETTEIt.--EresL 11.,11, in h0,xt,r,•,:'.1 ihtilv 0.1 J II ~ANFIF-1.1) 110 I ASH-2 , ea.k,r for ~t 1.11: by I '' J It.e0:11E1-1, i TALLOW -6 6615. for ,Le by .1 1, I'INFIEI,II ‘4COTC/1 MAW DE I. A INES—S , ,, ot, / no; IoI A A %IA? , I ill lILACK SILK) -_'111 reti..4 rich :to. TT.!•m ,, .. 'or co.. hr A A 11.6+.40..t Ito 1 lki UTICF:.—The partnership 11,41.01.,,. 1 , 1 111„!:', 1 / 4 4i tkir,:.”1•'.'ti,:.."1.7.`,r'.ii..:::1.V.1`,",:21 :,":.',', , 7.,.zu:tt,., fot4to-10. 11611 6 •43‘1W , 1 ) 1 , 71 ,, t;! ... !: „ 1 ,, , ,, trnrs, _ - ATHENAEUM. GREAT ATTEAUTIONH ON"'DAY EVENING, Novena', TO:, on4i for • Jr, creole.. 0n1y...111 1...e.51•0t...1 ()rept Ongenui P.4SORA.VA of FirlE.V. Ntilti•o'm Paisau.e. rn.P......nt1m; the , of the °lobe, with I.la 4e grono. l.= h:•.,of 116, ,4* 11.c4. 1 z. 01l ml A'•Vr7l.',.lo: • tt. chickerag'.7' Pianog. JOLIN 11 . NIELLOIL Agent for chtd,lini: 6 'rt.. , for l'it.tst , uNh WeAtero l'eutirlraciln. Nit. bl h „„r”erecxoredsne• .14,1 weer large IMIITIF.S, from tbemolometorr of enoterur, llolton• ronsioide. of 0, 110, 64,0,17 0ct.v....,....ed-mul p 1•411. m+s, OSE, 1100DS, COMFORTS, H 'W a ne. Allatn .04 Cuhmere • • " Vorat.cd 0.1-etinto;Wo t. m .; r re•• V r S and for 'de. 1(011 AIICTIINOT U MBRELLAS-- 3 caeca - nve C.A/1.111111130T. Atill.--We are prim; ry:l t.,..nni.ravt .ith li4n./fartts , t• r, suppl, E , l A-11. , larlaz , r Ult., at n.Nrl,l prim , It • wartnnt A.I. ritml iro,tt. BE! , .t Executors' Notice IL7 ()TICK is hereby girth that Letter. TrF.- ilAli f• it., r.iitlY itosinrl L 1... raid ...Ali ti• Aturn lot nt Ic rill]. r rf rn It ri,stAiriii CIA Nl,l 11,414. win W. W 1c11,17, •."." Slhrk.t • . rnroor Dr. Beyeer'a Pectoral Syrup, FOR THE CI 7 RE OF COLDIIS, COLDS. .N.5.5i.,[1 , 1110: IV , ,rlv Urnup. BrAwhitl.. ,n,l ftf Mo. p:itc., ttritun , mitt nf mottt nt.rtato anti nib...tont r,motiter V. tit-A:n. of t 0h..? intitnt.onn, tttynt, •ni-nr dint onno It o It t nntalttettotttn nr otrr o• rnunt.tl,l , mnot in sttrnt t :tyritn. to emit, to ?Att.. 1!. pada, I.I. • It hut no tttotrttly tiltitontnt In. an) Lot the. Ottitzlt ,Inti trine. nor in tn.-. 0. It don- rt.. n.ll , 4lp\ltC . l.b• Itounkt tit, tndo , . ttint nnt, nt hn InNt to, tnottnn Gtottlt 11ottnn ht. tntnlntiy tliAttotrett L. or'rnt,nndot.t Ltrrn,la nnt nonnto. tott, rstirwro trlttrh nottntt t nitotrlt, tot 1 Befo . , ajltnOtonn. nntl .tttiti.st ntlnto tn mint tut , ti•-kn Q. 'Vitt prototninr beat Itt-od Ito. tl . l t, tn.. in wltOintt tt tt ,r.. 1 nod stab unt-tatutt,, , not Itounntnnotott.), nt. w1:1 I,s• r Int, • I I put up m i.. 1, ; t 1•414.. , , tt • , rrol r :r, II KiN •I Ir Ilrrhole * I, ',ter Itrylk P.l ICES SE! II .'.I a FLP.D.. 1.. r .11 .11.1 10-111.1111 AN. INFALLIBLV et :NIFIn cASE ,4 PrRE 1 , 110 4IVER (kIL. . lql , l•.tptt A•'• t• Ltt• ,- ••‘, • t • •ttttot•tt P ,11.11tme, m ;.i %;,,.. . Ityn.Nr, 55 / • 1.. .n i.. 1 - -Fr ItOli I:Utt'r. iii 1 ri 1;7. st NE,PII 1 1,IISAct, !,1, NLII,I ki ( Hi' .itF; ~ ,~~ I.f =EMI ( II I ,I. ! . .1 1 .„.• ,v .• A, , \AST )1 . , %.1:1. 1 1.1 I. 1. PROGRA.biIitE . . . ' t,„.:\ ~ 1,1. NC: : FLA:CA 1.4. , --3klUl:l`6, \ I . P I• ti,i lEI A 1.,. in. nip.iii.) '4 PA LM I..F.AF CHINTZ A 'FIGI'lli 1. _ _ i \ ;t: \\l X.k•IIT-4 1 ' -1 I b l, Paw \I , w' , : ' '""1 ` \' 'X 1 1 PA TIN V.iiT, it not'ol -,. , ' A 001, 1)11,-41) i,.. ' i,.4,c, for aleg by ... •.,,\\ \ It A \ PA UN Esr.wii , co. - S I 1.1 . kalt SAN) 'ar-1-5 tt,t l s. tor toilo by ..„. . M11,1% , T0t I, A 17,11 't . , 11 . I. S' tt . , P —III hit,'. laigtit. Eng., for sale ! \) Gi.„l i iAiNFPl'sn'): { Co. ' Ci,,!FN:\ \—\s' l ! It). ftyinat 2111.x:taloa. (or i Cl. ;. ',. • •• ) )...)0•,•STOl.0i A- hi 4'1,,,i . ....5P1.1)=1; , ',M. 'far sa,t , by .1 , 11. El. P Falai rr.r. lb I .r.i Ei•— '. I•t, ... , :r, ,, i,atoti. lar . astlc , by •Amitro. r VIC.I I Ea % IN !. (..' Al: "tt , to) ,: for •;',1,10 by ‘, S t,lttEtt , I' 7;0):1 xt:rt 1., IP 1..\\KK1'....--A. A. NI A.:1,04 Co.sztrr, noce ; ; .....1, - ak, :g•in v., ',P., thank,!. ' wit, ... El )I.A I II it 30,13 ONS—A. A. :SrAsoN Vt.: Co. 3 M JOKE .0 COB ' I_ 1,,, it vr .It ;.iiii.l .i• cert. i; nen 4...1. 1L1,..1 Hap i '''' '''. , American and European Amphitheatre ! , -- -. ;., .. ,- . IN' 11.1. , l' , F'. 1t , F , C , )8 r .'5 , 1 ,., 1 , :', r . I , T,.r.,.:,,,,i1.,1.....,1,R,,i,i,:! 1 .,,i,:.-.... Atore New Goads. _ I ABE'. A. Nlriqlf; in, NAG- Nurth Fa., ion) , I in I - iiiinii-.1-7 , ' 7 7 it, - 7' "•77 , .. 1).1 hai p.iii,-.1 r... inNni.l •iii.in, of \Full ;hO Wt .; • il, i i,pint, of .I,,Vn Iftriuu bAin rurafil at p:n r; ;pp., 'Pm 'in.:inn. , --int nii).o,•;), - Finn.. • i 1 . • . !1, •.P. t ".. lit. nuul ) 111 particui3P,ptuildipin to , I ii Ili 1,,...) ,), -: ..., ; „ ,• : 1,1.,), . P.. i', err. I, Lona Plininl, piry \brup; Mime ..3Alalail\.e ...P..; - ....1,1 I 1..., i , pru n s 'tr..urli Itrnnu) nu Cv7hunPre.P. riiu• s I, itat.ll , 1 t,l ti.ett rill .. t , tt,tlrabl, . i, , r - I n ai.- • Pi) , .inpri-.)•)ri i an. i ; , 1.0 Pp '\ • i Inui, Cipnliingi. err. \or•-7,i :., ..),, , nr. ioirnii tp w vilpi,p , u77 ,, i.-.•` . .""imi.' 11 I. 1 REA. U:at .1 AS. A. .IcliN IC , tut's. 1 ~.. „ ~„ •, ~, . a Yu, - ,-;..,,, .11..) • 0 ~, \ , k ~,,,,,„,„,,,, ~,,,,,w • ~t , .., ~..„.„, ~,,,,,,„ Card. . pciat• pul„,iutp)). 11.,),....1 t..., \ Ai., % VON alll. ~, •.•. -0 I.ji•ttit, 't ,•14 t. 3; . nul 7rlroulitun in Pron.,- AN. f. ,. I i , i..• I h . i, a , o t r il.y , o i l' , lt , tir , ))n)t. , ..a.r . to• V „.,. ;,, i i,.,,,1 i pp, , 1 i ! . .; , ii.7... , .n,,,.,,..4 ~, ‘ ts,,,:r kv., m,e... lin iiuu 'in , 1 7 . , i , , u . , '`i :VI ..::,%:::!!':, T' g,INTs\ K ID ti LOA F . . , —ist'Nrper.ilg,.. - ITt ••' `'`.` 7.!"..;'',,7,r,'.„T" ) ;4'',;) ~: H ., ..„,, • 1 11,1 A t il.ii!i: &Co P •.. auil ii.l ‘lnrkutAtritet—ltiO ~, ~...• , • , i t, , ,, 7 , - , : ...; ' ,.. ^ . .. „, , ,, V..7 , ,ni'r,,.' - ',..M.,',...!.,.r . .,,.' . 7";',:, , S \ IL.R . , , F ,, 1; , 1 r, N ,,,, 1E ,,,,,, „ A n ....? ,. . , tii k 5:::: , - , ,..6. 4 1. ,, 11 ,, c . 5 ., N . , ot t. a K).F. Un l \ TED FL 1 • 'i.„;;T NN ELS—Just rereitirid at Iti,, 4 " ,nr ß ''', - . , 1 - 1 , 1 ;;, 1 , t ,.:., 1 `, iti ,` .1 . ; ', " , " , f , ' , ' ; ' :, 'r‘ , , ~,T 7 „:.,,,. ';‘,'."k,' taF,;:t':if' , Vl'lliillg!LlT'kli ' f ro: 5 :; - .... • , ...T. , . , r" , '''' .., '' I.'• ''''."''' '''''''' l , 111 1 11,i'n*i{.—.2i) kg. fro•lt, ree'Ll and for NA L.\ -WICI: a ) c.12.V4,111,F,5. t , ... ,, • , ' , .^ 1 .. , • • ~\ -lo_A . p.l ;Pim no. ili EA\ • 7 1.0 141,-A SOW Wili , (or tatle t. 41 ,to? '..:,‘,... sa) s• ) . ).•I ' r leas MK. Lti.sS 't7' nini u ntienn, ,' (/ lA--I a -3 , ks aop. 'arb., for Isde l hp . 4 , \ north .t. 1.-- , ~ ; W I -t . 1. SIeCANIII.E., , :i., ' 4.; ALT Pt Tli--.1'2 keg,' \for a 0 la. br I. 1 ne,i; WICK.. Si iIN td.r.ss. TABLE SA 1.1 .1 1 \ n n 0,., hi...,1 0 -by 0 lith a 5110 %IS IiLEPP'. . I )11. ,: - ; :2ri, , Iiiiin. tot,r2iol;tillint.w' A it.,,,,rur),,altom.tty I{ " ... F.:72" 6e"' 1 17 . 11 .p f.' l 'r ia% ' . l l . l l . 3 : - una „ . ~, Ai. \ WI,. \ ..;,! , ,f,',S-311 4,,k, tioodale's Bel ' -i • v • M. /un , . - Milt iii,l n)): a INI:IIIIA.M. I ~.\ F Ni'li.\ H-75 1,1.1... r0. , ' , 1 Non. Bat a 4 1., t.,11101,1 lientlott. 11 tll4ll 1,1! , .••• 1443,14. 1,11. u. 3-. ,: I ":i . i r r:if‘!'i27,!:;l. " „ l ill. ' ,Bi " il ' o ', r;t: ',% : ' .ICK Elilih—loo' , 36l+ Mark4,el: . .. ... .. .. . ~, ,:., ~,•;: ~ - ...~. % il ' ' 1 I A Festival aid rain I Fir -t 1•1 , -4,7Nprian CLn A Int 11, r s " 1. m I ..,. ,\ I 1 1 ''.;l: rm . ' ITO N... •2•,t; (~i,;,, , , ;",,,,,_ .:.,..;.:;...;:.! . ...,...N,T..:''''' .‘.- • .5.,... ~i 1 111 1, • CO, • ' - •.:."' 1.i.t.;. 1, ..V. } , , - .. ~,, r •\ I , I ... ,s'vt \ ' ' '.l. . • i 1.7. . . .) .t ,i. • OAI N 1 i )01c I'lll In t, ~.. _ VAh i~,FI ~~ ~. i moTATic rilit.kerq--lo.\ S Ti IN EPI PF:S--D. 1,,,A, 1 - , •Ni..l, , I 1I;It oil,- •I.! 1.1.1, N. I I, 01 4,1,1., -, ', 1..., tNI tt. , i; to t t., 1,,. ( '.- ri I , A NNERS' 011.-- -,, 144 3,0 3;3 •by }\ i „ I u ," 1,3133 1,1 tit ,,, \ .. • 6:10;.\ it •i 11.11,A551.33 '',, '',.. „,,:'N - , s u ',..," 0 "" ^- i, .. , 1 • W BOOKS.Z ta 111 % N UT A c T;::':i;, , ,2) I. pnv,, ~ foenteh • rapply of thew "L.'” \ ZINC , AINTS, 1 ,, p,\ ~ ;,,,,,,,h,ao Gana pity p.....rel years' tend, toth In' o • anti ltl, , T 1211,4 rakattya. to retain their nelatOal . . e,,,t, ae. [lva pronerea attpenor to Oar other .. .a ota y Their WIJITE 7.1.-XO z PAINT ” Yttontorot of an Ara ,o,e; rt. , 1., oret,- o tYpily ol I:ino.an4,it arrantetl free from all rig:;,„..,,,, ~ ~,, u...,1 t., ualo, ',,,i.it, ~...,. . ',I/a Voruril, what, - ,30. 11 433v3-, 0.11, is In. , mti v op. ho,00Iu , • I'.o ;P -3 0.? lAD ••T• •4, ' ts,. ~. tow I, 11,4, ,4,4 in onttryly , per Troto the i.totattna llortteu nor', aoy itolnyalor , r tt-Ittla. \ 0, , ,trt;.• o over cat plant, 4 \ 1L•11,M1. 4 to the It . Lt. , no., the 11, ... he esti?. I tt tont, \ It ~ti, ol aaltl et, ho their faioIlio; IY;n got •,.t. and 1.14 No., 4, ot a 1.,. ~ TURN YELLOW 4'l rl \ ,I. .Ipotael to •-'. r,„ - •11.11, ..I tot ttaollo, Ity , 1t0..., . ;t• n 'Oen ;One a Ity ~ m . 0..... t ; . a. 1,, if yys Ituronato. a tale of ;hv Antoo n It. et lotion \ It . .”% . . nI .tn Ut• r. ,, . e; 4 rotol or lb. Itaima,l oi lot..`' ""'” t '" et other ;;11:1, ' ~,,,,, hotelolalt. or rune, in tit, 10t... a A, , 4, I'll, A,. ''/.... , 2 . ~ ~..._, 11,1. r, I.t fllo . Iteatotatton ot ;I, . too. Ity to t , t•oo \ ~ , , , , , , , , :, ; . . .;, - ; :„. . .r...1,- L .,,,, by A , ,Q.ll. thoar.rer., a argot; to %%antra. , \ ItLACE\AND C 1 ~i 1D .,,,,..... 0, ‘ lii4(4, -UT t 1... 8010 y n ;team earl , \ Th .„,., 6 . ,,..,,,,,, . . ayon,l the vt,rapaat and lent y I Arthur Craw,. o - '' ,. ena , ti, t 0 Irmo. , roh lenelna. 33300,80 , 3-3.‘ I . \ ..1 so , al,l,rick, tit. 10 tel. r.r 1.1... Olden Yap , . i.; 0a; too. F a; prune Welton, ar tlta n. Y.; ; 11 trelt n e:taa..to II •• ~ w EATH El , toricai )lontartoartrthe 11•033030 , - , 03 Car3 , l3 13,0330e3r0r, an IltatariataVorel , ~ , f,, \rvh nurto - 30,00 aleah,e ch ' U . ' "'" ''' "."''' "."1. Tl '" ; " b a ",‘ . r. :,.... 1 ',..r:" 4 , i - , ,„ „..t v Th. y.,.. , lain c 0 C1.0319!1 rae . • 3 I • .:,.‘, ~,..., ~,.., . 13.31ph itutherl33rJ• a 3 3 . late. • tale et Breathe,. ' 1113333 3 , .' ~ ..1 , , „ L. /I tirri, 0. W. a. it,,polas Dealer; appolietl co The --' lild of the Battle It lOC a Tale, of Water- I ch. 31 .3 3- Mabel. or the 0 o 9 .13,1a. 3- ‘ 33 03, loc. Jetil., NEW BOOESI 11.111 , ..R.11{ ‘ c, Internet.. , ne: Nlweeanle. ler Ne , rtelL e,11.. , in ',lnlet. 1 , 5 I . 1,11.10 f. Jette,...ler (Plots, , E.• \ :\ H. Hepburn, 4l , TTORYEY AT LAW--,Offree 93 Fourth , oomette Me, eo4,:w Copley s Fire \Brick copi,Ey eo., near Kittanning, have teG „ .•11 hon.l tPotpmn.l VTIIE \ PRICK of o r .t., moy , olth JEsull Copley.. the, PM ven. 1'.••,01,11111.• pa/m.011,w, Po,. , C 114.1,1. fer: kr. Ag.`ll , for th,Ls. nom , ' ',Miele. . 'lt LUSTFUL:, oaf es for solo by : 111, SELI.tiltS, Wood I,:krerri H f.• , ! - sale sr l4 s r(ET pri1314.• for nolo by \ K , E.1.1.1,1:F. 5 +.:±litEß—looo Ib for mkt!, by ' A 10:01-ms -1600 rro. 'NUE and =hart. lo I. It. I 111:11-2 en.k., for sale:4'• R. 1.-.4oir.r.v.ns L-k• 01` II IN \ 1(1 prime (.I.n.lnrai, I \ lISN. P I NE.. --2 111,1 Q. En'. pup., fiirtuile by a 4,it. E , ,--- i D 1 1 1"1 . F . . U..- til fru,. Fresh. reed and FerrFsule 8 ) 'I ' o, l ' '\ , r. rr a' , 11 , 1 HltaniMl , \____ _ -_ ---, - I 11.1.t.5E-- if 111 i 6XCA Cream, far sale by , ', S. a IT. HAHEAUGII. 14 1 LA X , w ail 11.*:..10T sale by ' A, n , ...4 ' \ ., , ,...5. AW. HAIHIAI.I3II. Qid A P --- -A' , boxer' Itlvil - r; for sale, Iry .„„, L \ .-' ...%, Ji itutAl;tili II AcK ER/M-121i !Ads\ fur sale` I . .._:\ A 'kr ...1r A rara L nart _ ' a , ) ) cislN __:2,11t1,14,. No' h'hl..'4le b y : ' I II . .4. , S dkli ‘4iie it tua:(111 r gIOLLACCO s -..11 boarS Stit7l n 5 s und ~ NtasilLtannist and lIT ule - t,e ,„ ......:1 Jtalri IV VT a Co 4 • I 1:0031S--5 0 0 ddu. for sale tiP \ , \ Li ) : „,4 , i a tt.ll3tL:Ltorai. , ~ Samuel\ Gray, • \ , -MERCHANT\TAIL-011; '`,,,' T. CLAIR ,ttritumns, #ri. CLAIR STRISR`k, _ . R. 1 , I A\ . 11 i:;,...1 , i i'LL‘,,,,,,t;r:ter:kivnefdc\itAhlTed.,,al,Rzt,si(illrf \\h,t,l r... , T1M.E. , .. ,,- , A. yet • parlsl. atsklcthrto to polo, la t%s , ~. . a..11...0«1......tA1e an.l wt ths slcirtegoolim . r - ,••!! .; , .. additlno 1.. 111,11QII K..* t.sii, hsAsszac \,'" ` T r"." .•• J so ssl3-TlAmlsi rac•TcA l , LutteLfroto Ow' . • ....i '...l ' orkbier...Mr/TS.. , " 1 ".. ,^1.," \ 1,1..1 , town, SATSlltally• ( L .' urt , lng gitmloo 4 made to \N -r 41 . iv... as A •t,1...4 Well ovoaot I,, ,•tiAl•A!" - "L 'V a l , ... J , s ,. t . ,.... , : r t , it e, l'Aro. th,. cant ya•l,loo,.•ble . C o ax a ,too , E)tc.ltange LiVery Stable. 'antl - ittraishlii ‘,l. 7- i'snn st;sYr. s e . e r . (It :,',. Clal.• • % Hotel. c... .... 7-• , Thr. fllvieri ~ tank---4. - - \ ~., f ,r1.,:, .•- ra ~, tb.. paLlle T., the. lit...cal '''' - \ ...,.. , s. I. IS 11. Imp beret..l, , en......l.liutoLat thrro i s . ~,,, •.•acts..l lA,. (INDS:ALIA/AN, ',Lo. In sna,tc.l.,.. tl. Ls . LIVIIRI rm•ine.... nod wilt sttny•J to II rc.....1,1. - wrat• to au, so the cat . • "Aal 1 . ...11 MS ,t thluu t. , AL a. Li• I.ro, Om mar iils, n. a , \ e J A)IF • MATTHEWS. ~ . . - .. , IVIICF. hi. ,I.AND BIT I,LtS.-111t ree'll, lann • •41111, II .1,,c1.111,,n.1 Arv•eu• of no, tme.rt sarteti” . ..l ... A L.,.. r..1..,.1.1e nA; ttm.,,nn., in ~,1 ..... , Is t, ''''' '''. \'''" ''''.; '' 'S t` 'CI 1.:R.11A , ', .: „,, .N. N o E;;;w„. ,-,. f ,. : u, 'So xtli. ~ ,„,; - ro: 1:: , . eiiONeAL 11 1 :1 1 1R INV 16011. 2 r -, A (1)I. I . pn0,..01. 4.,11kn,..,. Al . tiras llsir,.(..crolvor 9.. h•A ~ .‘I,I. A I'a.: ~, I so IL ~r ..nee thias.ATottocare . f 1... , 4,, aro . ..t banticaV. .;V:..1-.,.r'.'',..1‘‘!, lol\ :t !!' ''' Wliik '' .W. ,. l l lll ' . l."'' \ I' i i ,., , , ..4.;1:1ATL'A; r t 5 ,.. i fZto . . , . , I.L .., A . 1 „. 11 . y C ..,4 al e i e .eni le e.. .l , t; . i 11..10 .•lI.A CHU \ *NH 1 EJO. ), ' ,; ', r. ‘ ; '.'' 7 ,r . ' . " 1 ,1',. . 1 " ,!:.... t El '' - ' t . ..! . .Tr7: ' ..11T , Ti r,, , ' . n0 - 1, , , - -, Pr , A , ‘,. C.• ', !J'. -- Er......, -.A Fruit. ‘; ii 1, , - , . 11 . • \ . ',11,' . I s •ml `i tA... I,I•1} ~.N . N . ....m.n'\:,P.:,..,.:.....\\•,..;:-:; , f,,;.,...:i...;,N7.,‘ , ..-.? ,1 . , ,C. ' S.!. •. A ..,...•• S' ' .a . s . AAhstaJelptits.val UAW V ". n "\l / 2 \\TlVl. ' Ett ‘ g ' . 'n . " ‘" '\L' . \ , ... \,! , FtJ•Zi . .--.0 A rtittrO.,:T h ....\,) , .C(/ ., V , i' ,,. 1 . Al A • , ' -..ylis\., \ NI/I.I:SS \ e l I, ' \ I I lAT. i . '- ' 2 , 11, t:_.:%6 - ,r,;:.c17 .,,, \,, , . \ 4. • I I, \ I: I, ~\l\- - , . .1 1 11 IL': %% t., Lot.s:de Lt' Ih/l' ,, l:l‘.'‘. rivr-- . 2: , ...)t. , : ,xtrafreAh, It..s , • \ 3 IDE 9,4., A i x : ,i.i, .I, 1,1 , - \,, It, Cr 241, 1, - ,A J I.IOH A L. t ‘ i 'II E `.1.1 I , F I , L.A.K , ET5....!-Areerrr & K A . • s 4,,it, La.. O- A• r. , ..1 a !sr,- 1 / 4 ., ..L,AFe. ,\ , . s hit. t, Mm. m..J. , h...,,N L.A.,. A,. J A,..1,,.. Ir. Mors.. ,L.,, nut , • _ . .. .....-__, t AAD 011.-15 bids. Str 1, (Wrnierr,)l 5 /r . , - o tits,. that A 00..) ,Li izitl , 0 ,:Our'—;1111 lb.. Ara.. i'er r ranr\by, I lb. a (..NN .. . i 'REA M. .t ItTAII.-2an , ' if s. ...- salt its\ A, J. t , i El , i t....... , • , t - t. \` g ' ill !,11 tit 1/1 L - -Frurda.ar. Ch. - ' ir , ft, .1..,11, ,ato 1Ct .... 0A5 1, L t. \ \ ' '1 ~r, t• V I I . ~v:.. 5..1 1 II 1.1.. No 1 1 , 1 . 1111r2 , 1,11,.\ 'l' K-1 1 ..(., hexer , fre.rt, hirNoode by 11171‘1011111.,.. key N. I: I. I{MI 11u. 1 riext .m 1 for A. hr I. emus' Kx\. , pst ree'lf and 1 . v krt. bbk. lor'sd le by it srbc.}:iti.. 1.7 1,111,1,.t. C PAINTS, It 11 131 TUE NEW 4,10,1 AM/ COMN.NY, 1111•1 • s•:.• EHC rerilomc knied A A I UEL 'l3 gt Z-In 4. A %!' tn . Uti n X o.i va o 1.1 CO 'AI IV 11.1.11110ar, I !do Dare, ao44l't oe rtrrsfaraos Orncg • 1711 The market yesterday, fl. nothicat nmotor. trail. , , coil et , t.u.t.b ., oxilt tot.out +am , FLUL7:-.Tho rwelp.t.t wen limped ".. !wt.. blibr ,trillell.ll7 4 bbl, from eters 141 7, 1, 1. and ..ztri. to r 1-.1% i I EAsT FLOUR—S.I.O t.l I 1. LT uoturnou spa tZt. crab ne,11,31 ov..t i'n-nt • ek, 113 tumi • [inn: Cral4l,liellre =ll EMM 01. .I:4l2May I.t. quotra al 0.1.3 .ed at V.. N pilau. ItrorfEll—Sales...lo Ots !Yetis roil ..14 ft E.. K.—.. 1 a1o•' . 1. 1 1. 1 1br,. ICA.. S . Willogr.Y--Salt4OOLUl;at 116-v22,br marital. GE.o.'llltlF.S—Tto. 'market. contioues •teolt at iurmet' rate, Salt , . 5 !Old. Sugar at o,li4Glia on time , Sal. UM 31,da,05, in tor, et lac IA gallon. Cc iiree :hauled tots at D . X0 , ...:e, and 14ce clltEg A i`PLES—ltertinta 4nne , issw , st .1. , w1Y. with vu1..11 sales at LI "fi bid FTIIEELS---SuppliM are ~iMuyirattr light, with 3,Ie. RA small lets trnta %ton: sat Si miti We mar aner e ' , trona Aral handa ai . t ic Lb.• FIBII=-,The market L. 4 with-slat any pert,t-b. Shang. bat nrier4 , are fully rnsintaimni. The (chewing may be smren pre Sot rvllug ran, with lair gsn.ral aalea— Niaskerel SS,3 IT, No 2014 9 50. he I SY: L bbl. Tba fuYeld Shad It over, the last pal. were at St Late Saiwrinr Whit. , \llrdi. new, $9. Lake BnPerbs t ltooo, No Y s 110,,2ierring, inuestion) a. 5 00 bbt. We have no VA... of Salmon tis,repurt. I:4lflph is felting at 14 lgtk , FltUITS—The tblkowing one the preasta soling aria' , on,ter MI, head • • , Intiaina. newcrop do old Airtkunde Yep Zentewouranta •• enwm \Nt., •• y.nstiklawahanta Filbert , \ angl LeMODI • ,nr) VANDLES—\ There la a me the xsarket at Nil s prin.. sac \ for Pittsburgh .Mancfact,mreil =eta , mnabi s tan.. /410%. and. aiMmon dipped at t o o. t naphfileture6 are dning r a sr thane rate, Iltwoulton. Nil, 3 • ', WOOL- , We ..g."1\•.1. n: col t •hat or Omit /town' tram klifktroot aottire, h Ar at o there wlolkt he nd: nrrin the clipc , f thi%ManPao .- olth lag eitt;e,t [bon ntate.l, We now glee -zaternent.ot ghipme by "thy Nunn canal or t. N,oe . tke 'earn 'lO 641.51, lo 4) ......... \ .......... ...... which obow, a felhnit off from 11i.. .I .140,,,4 Ihi, eta from In tO, •,t e. ; lb.. .1000110 rf wnol loft at 00th Mater..lV. 1 . I front the - I.n, 'of not cation to the'ith or9etub Int. , . the Soar. 1 4 40. end '7l, waiao hallows . \ Cons, oponoll 1.1 mar,lo,l7kohr .1 . 11 April. 1910_ .... -11.1131, , 50 Da tbe ountwlt> . at 00.10 water P. , 1,4 ill 1951. Op to Ow :Itt of 11otobao. 1.110.1605% than up to hma to 1 00, mati. out r - ,7t.3'44 lent than On 140. The higly prine of woof' In the 'toginninc of the ~ .on ,onr, will, the great rompetttiort, atnotim woult. , we euppo.e. 10.0, tee. .40-.1 in thew t than the two reoetling 1 0 . 00 . \pattOOltaat~• Hue- Z. Tho.,nratexed ntatetneot Flows tI reJ,eipta for nt the Cuetuyn Ih.vro. In thlt titr. th.rUlatitti ortator. and 1.. r tt O. year. oaupared,with , tvt tog pooodn 1a.,. \ Doti... on Itnf.rta r`' .4 ved , \‘‘.\ 0 $ 3,W,:1,11, 41. 0: , .703 14.361.941‘ 3,053r04 43 \ . . In In 1.4 e‘. , ~ The collections. at nu om.o of tilsEhlitole. ,I ph-, .....1 4,lntubta Ihml rau4 ixt tbie 443 . 7 e 7 7 he,m 4 M 4 iV 0 e-Ger, and ha thol'enr. lbflee been to follnlee. ' s, nedont ae 7 , he , 4 " 4, ' 5Z14.4.57 th'',, do mouth endi, nr.../... At.t, Ihrel. 42.7 ,41 4 7 s, _A 4 '4.11 12 1:,51(41 \ • inereore The flank Tentiet. , ee. Which is owed twek, n,•ntr.dlid tin: nt.it., hi in • vet, dinirkbinir condition ' 4 , ralog to Niwitville Banner. it h•• made and paid , Ar•-o ih. T.. .0 within the tart tiro year, • not pr-ri 141.. ,4 n .tn actual c•pi:>l 11...rireutittyin • I the S. 111.:67 .10 4 i arid tbe mph OS ' 4 •, The bank d ole lamely in ItarlvK turni•hi. within two year. , $4,2i0.5.1'..5. • The folfolriog is n hot of the proposed spb- , ,r,r.\10.. , .1 the !3.line roadt to the qeiht rood: ! trtany liti`ra and Seben , clinly, .?rritctilii , and Vtiew. Ki.rticanir ood il.ehe\!terml Niaintr• \N hole •o••nnt •••turt Inet _ ... .503.00(li , , The om s buot .or gold duet shipped at San Fran , ~...-.... and oleand at the Custems Mae, trout Jssssa7 to peotember. inclusive, was 3.37,401.3 in all of which. watt the excetaeon of 4150082, was shipped 160 Palma.,i ' -liatritir 'the Inat -week in September the yeti ' _ Iseensum of f tiaILIWU in 1,6. , reacbed Enadand (ran thw Au to and :liar ports ant i C.MOrnin. ta this suns 05 , - ~ou wip la silver. smarty .11 trom the :tooth India; yls. mama. The Hall amount of swede exioated tramßow • I e I,lsat week wai. 1347 M.—1 5. Amerman. '' BALTIMORE MARKET., upwrgoelr. nor.. _ Attie—There Ira., an itior.onied mtpply of lee roe,. er that of last Yelin.lay,and :he average rate rut- - .1 ...Jabots, lower. 7... A c omme reaehod =a tout. et amen umber 5.,0 wen sold..ln ear butchers. 150 to packers, 100 left roar, , al r...mate amen) to Philadelphia. Prove rats e ced nem S 2 In to lei fel on Lbw toot. meal to y+ 'awn , 75 v.t. and averamuc. 03 b•tie. RINWS. \ ‘,..--Thei supply to dm. 'way fair. Tie quote at St to .. V tt \ Flo rWe iilie wins to day el' 565 hl.!. llowardreet at '. 16 11 e add.. MI,Vf ...,7)93. Alta, car lulls, lour at Ws-Tet— a .lien an nem \at ihts rate. time— re vats serf Mae wheat at market to day. \- Th.., ossie o weni to Peime reds wore at ii 3, 17533T 3 m white 7wieO, nod calls than, wisajtS,23f Pa, . min]] sale. .:d Cornet 5141 me tor 'nut., and GO (or 11. • low New IL rn In good emalition for shipping, fells at 3..433 , for whl • and \ I wile. , ' r...n , 0. , . .r. ...J. 4.5.4i0e. Wa au to Ilarylnei Rye at 70e, thsta sail at aS , , • \ , • s. I Provisions... The actuNfew baton sbonldera continena \ I hut ..• C.,. absence . f sloe , ilea:mods eannnt 1..1160.1. 11111 1 , descriptions (Anna tone, are moving' iti straiheallT `,' at urationcel qbetatle,ne. \ ~.. •. Whlstief—The , densaud o,lU:ea:pd. Sales 04 Pena, Maw ' C.. 1011., to be made at . :4;• tpee,iscut hhda at pits fp =a- \ Dwain:l4v bble sell,at .... .--iatnerican. '\ s ITEWTSTI.N IT kTER —'the 4...i^einnati this etP 1.11. Da mat. rare: . \ ' - The rives at this matt haa Inn tint n 1 incite. ahoy: the loweit unrk for theannosa. The shah,. of water OA - mite tree navigation to th.• a no Iles mat e The levee uo Settuolay morumf paceented. an hinted spensele. Lust quantities. of in•ntpusdise,hich use bematorcaland in this traewet. iml stored or better water, seen upon the ' levee fOr shipment" In refereneeto the condition2,..c;tlAa Mti4iraippi and Its upper tribulariese d 31 m Lewis qublicein, of the :nth alt s n \ ye:— . s . ..flan outajast vemlornkly report,. lie. trantpts Owl • , coollnuance SC two n 3.00 weather 11,4 VI: vandal], Landed to chemh operations open the tern. tad 1, - . .k4 ,- . g'... 1- ly In. Irma doll. , A .'A \ A The weather tantinueitsool. hut lap Prnenst. 3 ... hew'. been Inc fromaciew'pr soy material fretting In our stnate. The river, epwae to this vty 'continues to re-‘, '..ec• le slowly. end from 05.6 p01at to C airo elionleerrom.7)(e. V., h Vet water nn the principal ban. Out fast eta. hew \ th;learal steamers with fair ffelaht. Reeeht art-Ivan from ‘, he Ohio inform us that. betel* the falls, on tjte principal '. is, there la *cent 3 feat .water. The terPlrr ,altaalniPPl e. tiny. to rend, and on tbetlower Mid. tiara it Spoof 4 &water. Inves' rte Bllnotal Neer cur Leteat union re redhe river nap. slowly, sad to et Jews Kt tberPla ' wan Ainelyea. The Illinois Is 'reported Valli trflowlre . ,et •an informed that from 3.,,t0 3,0 Indio re r..... on ptipoihal t hen .. • Th. otkiltnu M t upper risers beaver, roecndally aßeeted to pea of zanier, and eonsequeotlrdeoroso.. o t opera toriloa the levee. From tea', latest. kutorotanos too: oo Tolo4n obi oto obtain, we tear thsa nanfation will te• ea, truitakhy Ice befort the buyk of pttalace now, , , in wan,. syllse fomented to inorett. . \ L. 1 -- . p()ItT Oki PITTSBURGH.\ \ Ilzeme..—There \ ..Ili. 8 hellinco etumelyy :illetal, \ \ J. 5feKe.,1141,4t: L1). . \ s; .).t<En.yort. ' . et{'anti'. Puiticar.. lirownsyiLio, , Lb. Shrive, silo.). West flewtsan. • -:. ' .ienese, Ml* SI a=4.!i'avton. .., Baltk.ll.enttt.tZtopi,lle ‘... , Iws,r, tionlon, ,i 4, , ,I.llchlcan. I,itA. L\ . \ ' ' '% . `Weltmle- Ctairkr.,l4ldirtret., 11 i.r. ^1. '''' ^w '''' . V h "‘ " 'X' . • Ar u . • \troo, fnnn . , W.llnilo% • DEPAOFP. 7 . Atl.tir. INaticor,nr,rniinv. 11•113,1enartL Drown `llk. i, J. MeNea,lleultm,,ll,Kver.x -ri sn.silhrrp'r.,. 1411.1. -% b V a t Ptin,tN., .r t tom V, . 1101ey. ... Nuslta. \ ilordu. 3 c` \ SlleTgat4l°lrs.ll;tr. e 1T N. ..1 n5 1r.- „ onoriat.llur 14:Ct i e. . ' MAT'S LEAVIND IRIS I, i `4 .. F(AI. PIIILAPIMPIIIA AND DALVIMoitiP. P L....Ai A Co% l'iuNenignt , l'actet lozrer dull; at a alin •• ym. ..I . '4 ZANESVILL —I -nriet... • 4, \ ~... Wii4:ElaNti— it.. ~41, IIT LOVlS—.l.a\.k . ,. Oww%ail.t.e tat? • T Tr III'OWSqVILLV. L. a,. mod 6 w+. , .. Yva Yrucattaat'llo. gideodll Mi.. , 4 m , Olwrwa , C•pt Coowtll. will leave for ittp,ollrs. awl all ll.lnt.r- • lli'llia. Dalwta till , marstioa at Ithiclncl. . i \ . . TSI-1-t—Tb. toe light draught Alr ntar.m.a. .ANTJ Ix. 1. . r. .norm dar, ofkri a• Er" 0, for .hipper - •.d rate. ugora• • IMPORTS BY RIVER. %, 11iY1,[1.1NO—VcrAav,a-1:•7 bbla four 015:moor t. Co: Dv do U !Iclieug lb bge barley 1/ Daw.a: 1: cral... 2 rk. ware cd•olo • Cole. ' l\ , 'MIDGE ,IRT—row Weluent.-1 0 Illyds lob 114 bbla Maur lb Pm ha. 111 do r". I 1 1 I.tg.Lo, CO do Clark A .0 4 ,...100 do 'Flyer. 11 do IN IlagaloY • 1,,, .. 101 * / ...• ...e.. Covode' Coley 3 krt. timothy peed 1. t.ar ley Ido bna. 1111, 2.: d . 11 - do oats moo., Pra Wvornati,l.—.l pkgmono. .I.orodyslar I CO: 14 1,, bark y ownery;.ll,l , l,lls apploa a TIM W.f. a I.l.zer, 24 1... e...... 4 Drown I `hot ratl.k: 22 do f... 1 ' , tuff I‘ , (' lgo- K., .t. ndls loatt,er 6 'kg wrap , toote-r. 'll NI +DPI,. FallLmpqtation Hardware,'Clitlgy, LOGAN, WILSON & Co, N. 129 Wo od Strut, to call the attetitiou 3letti.sot. 81.1 otter, their übar,Froilvl miEIGN DOKESTIC • HAREMARE, CUTLERY, &c., 1.1111)ItTED. DI PLECE.SX , VACfiLTS,4 ILL.I whicin tlreyroatgrt,==tr•t at tris ptieft /WA f/illiisortowat of ILA-^l:l'd olkt.lltoll C: S. etEIX 'm.,* co Wald. • " • ac41,13:y 'T4r 91i. 61. 544 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers