5 5 . 533 '5-15543054•54-•3410.53e,01,5500.5 , 1*-,....4.5•3rvarte-5 5 - -. • 4-5 , ..ar- , • • • ( r-. • • - 4/ , .1 . - , .., ..,.... 1350—„,„. . 5 1 i ‘., igi s I t 777. i WI !.; F 1 7 . 1 . 1 '- " - a , ..z - . , ...= ! 3 1 0 1 ~ -1 ..• •-- 1f'41.%., , ; • 'A.f, 1 z till 1::;1 trs'i ;,,,,-:.; ;::: Arrn4 s ron 7 21011 2472 2VA 21 1 , _905 ~.. 1 1 1.1,, , ,, , - 1...2 1:9 1.2 11SL 19.5 194" 1., 1,9329. - 51 .1. ' , ,i , t . ~. %, 7...4 , 377; 2700 .1 . 2 , 0 3 , 115,14 , 4 'll 191 4.54 _911... 40 , ..ni 4.1 J 4.., 841" N, -......n, _,. , ..1 719 =DI L•ls ",- "' 52,5 7 ..1 5147; ..,3 5 , 1 5.5 1 851 ' 55, - ' 3732 -77 1 21411 13141 2.4 - • Mgr, -- - t '''M , - , 1754 72 53 1 15 n 4 ' 2 1 Ciroorla, • 1570 17., 1152 1776 1167 e rs- ' 455 2. .1 7 557 12741 773' 117.4 1 74 Centre,- 1553, 2744 15131 ....n.50 1 , 1007 Ch.ter. - I 435[4 7,1 , 31 305C2 =Ol 9.577 i. C449i44.-- 13511 211531 1320 2%91 1143 • • Clearw.... ir Beld 26. 15704 ; 937 1340 .•57 I ahv , mI 1".!75 1049 11371 983 Columl,ia, 1924; 21141 1510 19377 1017 Cr: wfori,-1 2431 71192 2574 =751 7335 c0...N.,r5. , a,t5, , 3111, .1 ,, ,z 31.13, 11(21 1 • irk..0,99._1 P'3o, , van ml9l ra.l74' VW 1 • Delu•am,_; 21471 1741 ; 2305 15931 2.1631 i 1 E34 -1 -1 1341 .f.m, 140 1 43'-' 131 'Tai.,_ .".._j =to: 31101 36321 21211 5142 5 , ia-..15 26"51' 3179 Z 453 1172• 7 , 121 Tranbl ' n ,1 7342.! n.7..4 0 0ra..., 1...,1 37,...,i • Fahon - 1 7 , 1 WA 709, 530 ROI timene,-. 1272 . ..:.4' 1=...1 2132 11.37' 100.19en1, 24.33 i M2ll 2440 1979; 2411 4 Iso , lana•- 2.5491 1757' ...10 , 1 1575 1 2:548 ~ 1.. .usr.... _ lan' 1340 534 1035 15 1 01 Joni:la,, 11433 MG, 11.111 1 7 371 11411 • 1,,,,,...t e ,' 145341 it., •• 430 110ra, 7'144 54 ; 111 7.4,4355, 1137 ; 19175 a 4 9 11; 19 5 51 2045 3., 7.4.13. ,-, 1 7... ,, L" . 4• 1 11 Mr. IV6II 2,44,1 2,74 _ Lebleb... 1 all(' 324 :,- . ..W 3 1- 3 , -7 ,- .2 F 1 9,:-,7„, ' I,yrtalin. • •,l '2•071 •71 .01 ..-x‘ri ; 134. - arere, _I 31711 191 :nal 4751• 34371 - 3r12....... , 405 ; .4 "3.7 . 71 4471 3551 - 5 f5 , -4 4 ; 17731 ...43 2,531 .27191 2103 Main-, ~; 111 5 1.71 14231 1063 1411 1t00r,,,,_, 4231 2'07 7 , O.CAW 340 It.arm . „-i , >ea' 1`,.. , i, 0711 _1491 1171 ~.4_ 1 . 19411.1041 5, 49511 5'42. 4420. 5753 3545 15 4 1 r5h50n.1 '-37.51 4 7+3 1 • 2449; 2971 =3.• 7, 0104134141.11 . 1025, 142/ - 1r271 457 1 2 / 5 .2 • ' , 1' ,4 14415 , 1 . 129141 ~.. .rr. . t i g ,.. 4 ,.. 1 ~,I rr 1 13911 „ 177-1 '. :::' - p” -4 a - 116 1 152 1 ; ' 7991 152; Tater. -. a 0:11 474 lE 5131 492; • Votolaiklll,l 43fts 4? 39V, 47071 4X41 •+gx . .....4 , =NI I . a -75; 10391 551.4J1 505•ntlaan' 517537 - 0 19371 .1759 13521 ; • km.... _1 :tn. *..1 1 , 4. 4 5 4 215 1 " 11 3 11 4 .. ' 145 , 3 0741 134 19051 134 e. i 1. onat ..' 2517 i9l' , . .779.? 15961 2316 N•ltso . r.. I 11 - 4:, 11'40', icas ' -`iTn7, loal ' Wa -•• 11:2,1242` 1119, 11437, 10701 i sa.h'ton 1 4512, *lr. lezd i...r.] SSC2I '• 14.1 nrt, 3 1540; 019... 06,. 21'.5 0571 1 W 5 -551 . 115 ; alsk, Intli 90 5 .2 4 3110 Wyoming_ 01 . 2, p3t , S 1 1; - 1137 790 1 i T 99 5. - - 47-1 4735 47' 9 0 530 4743 --.- 1-1- - 13 5.4_ - 17503111 cr{',1754441i5-ux.'2'47719.74 !35,•314,3 Vora.-!'or Cleaver ban GO In . 9. earl3,s In Cumter 144,70 In. Dounbln 1 In Jul ' - 5111 Ind 9 , 1 to Northu berland-145 all 1.3715, so 9 ; 4rheor 4'W Arrn3cro g .1., llsaver 117, Berke 1 1 ' pbto 1,a11,_35a5h1ng63_,-11 -In all 1110 134499.504 ' i •, - *1.5111...T.4te_ 751 Vii , INtSrPtHEF an error in I 7 -- ____ - -•_lll)sll‘_AriviTlßs. , -------- • - PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION RETURNS . • ... • I- . . 1 7 V ati, :tar Governer, Crud Cosand .toner and gnpreme J.:ldg.. rr.ta 0r3311111...Z 179V1e.T. ; 19 I 1 I ; 5' ''' 1 :74 ' . ' 7 V ' 2 : ' 1 • . 5 ; 8 l ! , . i 5 1 ' ii e: : =9 ' • •!! - ! t 24.9 - 7! 53.. 24 . 61 1.4..2, 1.1 — 1,•7 I,ZII 111 . 1, 11 ., 14 8922, bl4li 4g:. -..11. e. 6 ,,,, r.;22 owl ' tan,, tut.". 3 Ma; 2017. 20, ~..,1' ,17.4 zsie 2.1., 23 , 0 232 , 1 1,4,, 1+ , ::1 I j., 4 iv. , l . ,r,e . .2,,, 20.'4 190 19:.1 3.2 , 0 v. , -ii 31., ..24,. 4.72 ~......7' nu, ,Rl.:' Alt] Z. , 13! 2-1: , 2:=14 .!',.. 4 1 2214 . ,1.. 2212' =I .7213 5131! 51151 515". 5114 :.y.9 8.491 8,2• .. ....22 43,84 273 4 1 3747' 3.2,4. 2732 2.,1 2,4,1 2,41, 28,07 2,.41 212,0!. 2211' . .: , . , 0 2230 1: 17110 1715 19k. 1711 12471 12L OPP 11771 170)" 1741' 1743 1 - . 49! 1 , ...85 741! 784 7851 7811 1.373! 1373 1:;7:: 13'.'8", 13:4 IK.V. 1,441 11037 Is 2:, 1.35V,.1 Vl{ 2721 2 , 39 , 3791 4281! GM 49751 1240. 5449 5414 Z,29; ~. 4.,,, , 1321: 1211 51'1 13071 2949' N 49! 3433 Y..,12 an, Sof - .3' 9.11 ,`ofir . ..121 16.-'7 1637 li,1:. 1627. 14;2, 911" l ',2 1 , ,1 , VSII 1162. 11t13 , . 1149 11:,2 1 1137 . 101:i, 11'47 101.11 1002' 19e prq;, 1917. 1 , 49,' 17 , 7 zw. till 2773 4 3779. 3180 7 3181. :11,1 31011 3173 2371_ 241 8 29371 2 , 411 31721 :410 . , 3137' 32,j 2934 30:5 3124 3C.7., , ,1 .1111 ::7351 2747 . 27 ll' Sod. •,,,,,,44 211 : 11 • - ,,, 51 1 10 1 2,4, 1 61 41 1 ,, W 1.110: lfilul 151,4 1221 131 :13 - ,,,, 17.7 A ' 42.1 4'20. 431; 4311 4',4 1 5144, :4471 '1.19 1 33401 21031 1a , 9`4 , . ..V9. , 211 0 [ .3104 I 2.ViAI 2180 :1597 1 3571 , 51651 3177 3143 3193, 3191 I 34491 3757 747,! ‘7:59 32241 3334 31,.. :C.17 3104 1 7(1 . 2", 732 ' 1,43 701 4'421 x 37 b 32 , +32 "32 ! 11131 1109 • 1 luri 1103 2.471 a , 44, 240. J4,2i 21,37 1 24211 2429 2421: 2409 '474141 arol . .9,061 211 I. 1974 '' ,. . ,1 1 ~5 4 41 . M.SZi 23.1 17 . .. t: 172, , 1714 , 17011 leall 1 e' 7o ! W. , . :'. 3 . 8 9 111 9 ; 109‘: lir: - 100 101 , . 1133! 1132, 11:34 111 1.45, 134,1. 1343 13.1,,' 1334 10 , 0 ,, 110511 1141'X 101,17 onni .121, !,73 ,441 147, am 1,9., ,lat: ...Yarl 2.k.., 111 , t, 1,..1 10971 19 , 17 ! 2 , 74! 2 , 74 1 ',MG! 1. ,4 701 100., 3015 195 , 4 19601 1949 1 1 , 1 : :::: , ,,„ _"+17,1 _iii 2 , ./Ni 2014 :r.C.71 3371 .L 1 ,1 7, .1724 3 . 14.4 I .l ‘ I:oe,i : 101 43 . 1 ,'1 . .t.:. •:',-`r,:i ';',`.], T,' , '..' . - - :' , .i . f4' 2 , .3,4 1 ~.Z.4 , !,S4; 351 41.1 441 1 461 , 4143 4,1 1 2.15.'1 21911 .250.11 2504 2792, 27,3 , 2764 i 2:70t 271,1 1 14011 1,..1 13341 - 1-7.5-1' row I:..1 1 , 46 1,7.3; 1647 348! 34,' '14.1j 3.52 , . .)J79 , . ..1/79, ..,)791 1.1179; 1.114 , I 5.2 , : 110 , 1 .231 ,13: 141,, ' 1401. 1.119 i 14.41 1112 , 4771; 44:,71 4741! 47,2 8752, '57751 57. 5774 5461 . 21749 2'3;2' 33841 .93 , 381 3494, 3190. 3 , 90' 3 , 040. 2542 1745', 111,1 1c2.1 1 2:19 ,. , 2412 23041 ::194' 1715 11 13721 1377 11141 13: :,70, 111 2232.1 =1! 22.3.!, 2231 i 1,210 1 211145 14074 ~i. 5 :412 :, ,,,, 215131 212,4 , 2113... 214. W, 17 , 13 :1 150 147 15.9 1091 8221 82., 414; 8371 7194 .1 4941 495 492 493 569. 7.0.1 7,11 '4.91 5. 9ziir. 3999, 39. 397, 4sloo. 4.4,6 4.171 452 9 9 4 , .2 1 2 . 613 2.11; 2,,..,5 211, 1679 1 1et:.1079, 1.4.,1! 1076 ~ i lee) 1 , 711 1551 1373 . .1 , 271 2 8 :17 3773,' 3.3..", ...949 1 !I 214 21fii 21f,. Zr 2 44,51 Co,. 44,1 4:',7 i 4,1 1 11"21 1.41 13791 1347, 1 , 1.11 Ive., ' 1941, 1, , ,C1 1934 21.40 3.1721 3,3341 . ..1.4. 1484. 11.8,5 1951„ 1914, 111 10'n, .1019,' 102 f i r, Iwlt. 1721' 171 4 . 171411 171,, 1711 'I 1074, 1.374. 19771 10741 1237 1334' 1224:1235! 1233 I .M4o', 3.47 5151, 3774 1 3998 399. 1 39701 11441210141 955,K - .6' 9831 0:4 3182 2105 1 .3133! 23‘..41 3145 1 33501 !' 0 , 116 7.4.C . 11 1 , ....1.31 4973 i 4935 , 4973; 4937, 4544 824, 824 S2ll 74 , 1• 10 , 4 1132. 1129. 11:441 11!,..: 40v,61 4,159' 4725; 42131 E7nr.,, 5715, 1,17 G. 471 ~ • ,12 —l-I—i—,_____,_l____ 174431 , 173770;17:301 1 17173311 i1,46411e.,92 , 1 , 53 , 5 , 11 , 1411 1 17.: 1 9 3 Allrathrnv. 21 In Armstrong. 105 In Beaver, 4 131 Fort., 2 in Junlat .A. 50 In Philadelphia, b in 0y01(00991, oln 14110y1 so for as naturard. Sl'Donald, far Canal entaml4l , Merr. Alle 4, Carbon 2. Cumberland :,, Dauphin 70, Juniata 1. Philadel. .012--D, Elder received 53 vote.; in L4l•Cittirt mcintv, fm 00, ax.—This - rnost excellent institution, which has one, and is still doine so . mach - des luiffering humanity, is ectiOwterifilitient - ripe (s:k Contributions of the lienevolintforits mei :of doing good. It en- Ir. Jaye, is a higla-13 thn- confidence and good will of thee .dottununity, another evidence of which m giticitla4ef set that a number of bc-, neve cut ladle!) dare pr-ipos.ing to give a fatival, • sometime rarer the close of the year, in aid of its Nude. Iferr is an opportunity presented to • the benevolent of alt Masses lo aid this noble I • charity in a very pleur , lnt way—first by the COD tribui4n of articles imitable either for the table, I or to,.hehroade IT into 'useful or ornamental work to be 'initiated of an the eccaoinn and neat b by utiending time festival, varthking of the gootl ..thirtgeliiiiiifed; - iii - diurqbasing liberally of the histoya% - ofonr kind-hearted friends, who are thihraost in. every good This is the ! *ay to cultivate ail the erect charities or life, iand of once enjoy !Lel - 14117 of-social intereoa_rae I and of doing good. - - - TA-YOBAMA :OF TAO GAIDIIe r EDik:—This . " - work of art, whichwilrbe on exhibition in this city, on to-morrow evening la of an erden_supe c :iota-these - which ususlly claim public paticip -1 have seen autogitii litters Cruse ea ; tioastlielinguithed persons, pxofessors and sycak• of this work in "the highest yt trims Itin 4 fine painting; interesting from ',,f.=its artistic sacrits„as wells, theme:Al and mit . 4 oral sublimitytaf the scones which jt exhibits.. A Iles!astir. •' of - Feiyfirrilifid, original il- Instrations of Milton's description of Paradise : and its inhabitant.; and Its peculiar merit con :'. tests in the chairaia.v-Ceme6o . i`tl3ns nod the char ' la - ttotexWo truthfulness of all the. parcel' Professor Silliman says it forms . rt fine study i• of• 0 atura utory _or readers sit% iiiiiiiiicrin - presume, soon see end judge eel Mac Carrre.--The circu‘ le drawing crowded - Catccitti.:—The last concert of Madame Anon Bishqi in this city, will take place this e•eniag, attitfal'etttitatl,.wliLennientirely new programme I willbeprenented - .:We need searely advise our re..- . ernto embrace , the preeent opportunity, since the world wide reputation of this charming Y 5114115; Fill be eufficient to assemble toeither n nrnli ' brie. gar -leas her merits tleeet _ . . ..... Beno i t - m . u - no —We are pleased to learn that the little daughter of Absalom Morris, who was eis severely burned a few days ago ls in a fair way oftrosery. • ,--- - 1 --s. -. ..... _ - - ;bur readers will remem bee that .a fair - foetha benefit of the Presbyterian Church, of Birmingham; will be held in the pub .-njoYichool honer, of that borough„on - dds and .to morrow afternoon an‘i evening. Admission, ten cents. We 'tenet that the rooms will be crowd ed.Omnibutres will run from the corner of Fourth and 31arket streets. . Foca liquen Brusnmos.—The new poor house buildings Will be folly completed, and in active operatieu, "in the course 'of three weeks. The iprvtv - nt, baildivg is quite too small, aid being 'insufficient to accomodate the number of per ,. eons' entitled to admittance, the Guardians of the Pooxsia-Atteed_ to expend money in out of Aocr.gertaff - Talviit , p`ortion of which they might otherwise have saved. ` Eatcnos.Lin election was held by the Guar" (Beim; of the Poor, on Tnearlaz,4_.o supply th aaceaci _o+s'c - ifsioned Ciihrie s aignatiolk of Jared .. Benah;.fsq., Clerk of the Board. The Hon:: ortble Harmer Demi was . in the chair and Jared af: Brush acted as Secretor]. swdrot,- the eotes - etood • "Fii. Ti omen Scott,sizth Ward, 11 votes. eorga Porton., Second 2 •• .i . l.lnseph W Lewis, Third 4 . 2 4., - .,.Mr.!!T r lyomse Scott woo then dechired only Da rman .— We understand" that Madame Anna piAtop and troe will lease for CinCil, nail to•marrov, . sathat iirtunily which will be afforded our citizens of hitariog this charming cantatrlce. . . : ykwou.-2.James Manning, the Joan man who was injuredtat last Sunday averting, by the Nep tune reel running over bin, it not dead, as boa tarsi erroneously announced in one own and the other. papers of this city. • .A3SAtI. I pat , DATTZET.—John Kelly was yes!rettlay,tommitted .to prison by Alderman 111‘104 on (barge Of ass suit and battery. ,Laaccac..--.Thomas Bogue vita yesterday cons ! coittedby hie honor Mayor Fleming, charged, on oath of A. poricocr, with larceny. . Hartascur,--13tmjainin Jenkins, the. until oilie;end John McCollister, who committed bur glory, both' whom were acquitted on the grounds of ins#ity, were on Tuesday sentenced to he Confined in the Lunatic Asylnm of Morris ! built. Theiwill accordingly be taken on by Of- Ater fox, the jailor, to-day or t;-morrow. 2 .13111KILOT,T...—Thortiam dlogne was yesterday `committed to prison by Meyer Fleming, cherg : tkt, on firth of three different perm> with bur -3 • e A ry, lielie;msr . triedat the last term o the Coart , an eeverid indictments for the 51[110 offence, bet alwari4leimiced. The e.i,botee Against him is, strong- ENoWI .bad Saito a heavy enow yester p, day, whiciOuwaver' in the vicinity of this city, melted Al 151)012:93 itfell. trt.. _ - At.tbie liresent - wtiting, awl for some time be fore, coil; to probably will I,e, for. some time af ter, the eireumambient air it (lied with Dhow. The whole void -;-the TF , Et !pare ;wooed tied be. yowl ns, it , mass of . frigidity falling fast,envel eping,Jite. earth and. .heicae. .;Thervie biggestainit,,seeritituaeceodtatat snow;. bet&- 7 .lnarieds. The storm elltided. to is over, } . nAh ~ " . ' -~"~"' f ."."'.'" t. !=ltil [OPFICI AL.[ the i t Dam.. COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS. Preseat the Honorable William B. McClure, President Judge, and William Boggs and T L Anoobiate Judges. The trial of the case of the Commonwealth vs. Samuel Clark, Oliver Clark, Robert Clark, David Clark, and. Thos Magill, indictment riot, woe re sumed this morning, and 'dragged its slow length' along, ull day, It went to the jury a short time before the Court adjourned. A common case of assault and battery was taken up next. THE CITY hundred and nixteen persons axe .now in the Poor House. This in a moth smaller number than is usual at this era eon of the year. ZELLING 1.1t1:08 bones' LICC.NsC —W. V. Smiley was held to bail yesterday by his honor, Mayor Fleming, on a .charge of selling liquor without license. He was oleo fined three dollars for telling intoxicating:liquors to a minor. Ptrrs TEllETlNG:—Wee.,lsyretlic - c-rowd. gath ered around the door of M r - George - Arthur, on Smithfield street yesterday, and on enquiring the cause, we found that Mr. A. had detected a hoy=uf. about nine....Leara of tige:Tia the act, of stealing Various small articles, which were ex , posed to view at the entrance of the store. The little fellovi begged heed to be let off, and after reigittening bun, and getting him to promise never again tastes!, Mr. Arthur, loosed hi, hold and the bey ran off at the top of. his speed. We learn that the number of these juvenile thieves about the city is very great, and that the grocers and Stint:re in dry goals, stiffer con siderably from their depredations. - StEAT PREACIII.NO Can.—The street preach- Aug case, in which Mr. Kirkland appealed from the deci4lon of Mayor Guthrie, who•.6oed him for Mocking up the streets, contrary, as is al leged. to law, will come up for trial this week. ACCIDENT.---Vmen named Jaints Hughes, in rrmrpiag from the tire on Tuesday night, fell', tinter, and the reel of the Washington lire eon,. pony passed over him. He was not seriously injured. SE3TENCED , THE PEFITENTIART.—John Grimage, a colored man. who Ira, convicted du ring the present term of the Court, of larceny, committed in stealing a purse from Mr. Clarke, editor of the Free Preabyterian, Mercer, has been sentenced to one year's imprisonment in rho Western Penitentiary • Braden SENTENCED. dames Banks, who was covicted of burglary, committed in breaking into2houve in Ross towneleip, vat, on Tuesday, Heonte3ced to two years imprmonment in the I'Weet'en Penitentiary THE Fittn.--Tc less °tensioned by the fkre in Sligo, an Tomb.. night . , is only about three buu deed dollars, "'knot: us covered by Insurance It veis undoubtedly the work of an incendiary persona charged with heing . s.%iiicerned in 1,1 riot al mile ferry.--were arrested on Tuesday by Mayor Guthrie's policei , and held to bail for a farther hearing AnClD6ni wave ESIPllll;,niaTE—A ' CLosi Sdnvz.—At noon to-day the Empire State CisMc , up from Buffalo, and notwithstanding the fresh Northwester and the heavy sea, rounded to hand somely. and was within.s hundred-feet of the pier, when striking thebaimbtirefused to newer her helm, and struck hertow on the end of the east pier, tearing away her stem and making a hole in her bow largq enough to admit the p`s.. sage of a horse and cart- The boat struck just at the junction of the mason 60(1 timber work of the pier, separating them &width of four feet. ' Boni HAZARD backed We boat, roun;led to sad 'made the entrance of. tholiatbor in fine style. This was one of the most masterly minoeuvrer we ever saw, ;The Empire State on coming in had three feet ut water inside, bat was run aground on the Ohio ICity side and the water pumped out. t She will be able to leave her present birth by liTednesday, and will be in tanning order in a 'week, °vied. fortunate which few who saw her strike the pier anticipated.—Clrorland Herald Suppose that the viral, instead of being as it I is, tarnished merely with the essential materi als for man's comfort, which his skill and activ ity ehould shape iota - conveniences for his. use— snppose it bad been furnished with houses, sub. ' staritially - and . conveniently built; and these had beensitrrounded with fruitful Gelds and highly cultivated tarps, stocked with growing fruit trees, -and bearing abundantnrops; and there had been roads ready built, and even railroads, crossing the earth in all convenient and desirable dlree tions, and the ocean...lad been furnished with current., in bear one ,ship. to remote regions, I and othervio. _brigethem back to our share again;,-supplifai-disocarth had come from the hand of God to manin this state—would it have been better for man?—Would it have been as well? Would not man have elished to alter and accommodate things to his own taste? Would man have been newell eatiariecl with houses ready made to his own hand a. with those which he • should constrict after his own design, and agree ably to his own iaste!—Was it not better for man Velure the materials merely furnished, while he j was left free . to arrange them to his own taste-. Children attest had too much done for them; and they were less contented and far more unhappy, i. than though less had been doneto minister to I their happiness, and they had been lef t more to their own efforts. do it might base been with man. For-God to have done more for him in fit ting up the materiel universe, might have detract ed from bin happiness, rather than added to it. ALL FASHIONS--.Just received th. mere of Mt,. A LEI:CU. N 0.9 Fifth tL ' ' ) .. et h y 11 11t.=L r .l. ' arT - t " .rq Tll -1 . i°l„7,V. Cu! I.solsoßnt of 10 mEm uow at,lo ufollk. Salle 11111 Itonto.t., And Trlmum,a. of rwrinto llsul+. P. S. Cbddreo , law and rad [Awe.. of deb .14 I.f.A.utifulsty“.... .<11.:1A Wilkingbarg Academy. mak and Festal, Enqii.vh and Classlcal ." C% - hoot. sit.ll.TFOreo, unr,, rt. .i.A.IIIES HUSTON, A. M., PRINCIPAL. THISptLiNLCIT, U . :T .( 1 . 0 4 N .m gill con lor th e .4,ICMAGE t7ficiarjiira . ; en o l=11; ton bnnrbe. tvaght the Arademl.•• nJ rimatm. non. Ithortast.lnns bv!zinE, in mamitlinp E2.= pal•stm-77Var eirPll.....rOntalning Mil wilco crs and reterrne, cbo-Plincipsa. -- wall:10 1 nm ...beton 14. - ii'LltSON VELVET PAPER 'LINO ; ISO% for DrarriAtr o o o m%ro , r br cc= . • WALTER Y.:WARMALL - ILY AILITE-20 gross of various styles yyiyaCjayt rytelYbd sal toy ..le by . 34E. BELLEII.q.. ST Wm.% sob fiz. PTS. TURPENTINE '25 bble.for eale by ocz a. A. ratnartOCJi 400. BY "TELEGRAPH HUMMED BY TIM o'Rsru.r TZLEOPLAPII Llllll, AND REPORTED tog TRR PITTABORGR O.4rETTE. LAMS PROM CALIFORNIA. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP OHIO Niw YORK, Nov. 5. The rtektmoihit, Ohio itto . arriretl, with dotes to the 31st loot. The Prometheus, with four days later from California. had arrived at Hanna, tier none po.se+ses but hoe interest The Boston and Son Franri.co Booking House of Wells ffi Co., had suspended at San Francisco on the ith, in consequence of losses by the late fire. The Ohio brings $30,000 in gold, and about 100 passengers. LATER FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. Ness ORLEANS, Nov. 3. Liter intelligence from North Mexico states that the Insurgents on the 13th, gained posses sion of the greater portion of Matamoros; but General Alaaras still held out on the Nara with eight pieces of artillery. Alvaras was wounded. The Mexican loss is -- t.tated to he I'no killed and wounded: The Insurgents lied only 30 killed and wounded. , It i+ toppo,ed that General Airmen, cannot hold out lonic tulles,' reinforced. hates-from the city of Mexico to the 166, state that the British Minister hod mt official in• tet,tew with General Arista. and demanded a final answer to Lord Palmerston', dispatches. It is reported that unte, aleatisfactory answer he lives, the British eroolehlork.le the Mcsd .oslll ports N114:1116 N ELECTIGN • Drrnotr, Nov 5 The Dertioersto . rnojority for Governor, in the city of Detroit, iv ',At,. In Aun Arbor. McClelland. Dem.. bas,lo ma • to Genesee -rounty, Flint, Whig, ban' n ma jority of 13. In Monroe county, McClellan-I hns a major ity a 380. In Kalamazoo county. McClelland's majority is 23. lo Plymouth comity, the Democratic major ity is it In Centre eonWfy. die Demorrata have a ma jority of 4b In Lavinia, the Whig majority for Governor IP 12. In Ytisylantie, the Whig majority is 26 In Sinclair, the Whig majority is 27_ In Port Huron, McClelland has MI majority. In ..dly - onac, the Democratic majority is 10. Untilley gives a Democratic majority of 6. Saginaw gives it Democratic majority of 40. In Pin Saginaw. there is a Whig majority of 15. . Goodrich county gives a Whig majority of 60. . Pontiac County gives a Democratic majority cif 45 Bloomfield, there ' ll. a Democratic major ity of 44. November b. k Tho,,prohable result i,..that Men Minna. the DemoCratic candidate, ha. from 6.040 to ' , MO majority NEW YORK ELECTION.. Ni'. - Fogs. Nor 5 The election in Ohio city yesterday, resulted in a largely increased Democratic note. The elec tion of Democratic Aldermen in fifteen of the nineteen wards, and a Demorrasic majority of frc:na - '2,000 to 3.000. Kings county gives a Democratic majority of and Dutchees county '209 Albany givee a Democratic majority, bleeting a Democratic Mayor and Recorder by SOO majority. We have also the :following reported and pro bable Whig majorities .—Erie 2 1.10: (Monroe ..500: Mdntgomery 31A) : Oneida 2011. .l'iaga• ea SW ; (Orleans 300, Oetvego 2011'; Broome 100; ch.t,, u g ue 1,500 ; Schenectady 100: Richmond 200; and Ontario SOU. The following counties give Detnovratic inn jcrities :—Westchester 250; Ononilsgus 500. flee kiiner Jefferson 7W: l'utokm 'AN/ Ai nod Chemunk 600 Trbi , re.Htgriktis,far as reeeired from Botches., Niagara, Munroe, Lieingitton, Erie, ehatanque. Wyoming, Broome, Herkimer raid Montgomery show a Whig winjorty of over the Itiso, and a Whig gain of 1,0,18 .9oattering: returns from about Hi cunties, cities and towns, short a Whig gain 2.f unties, New look, Nov r, - The Whigs hove probably rlected 20 Senators 010 , 1 the Democrats 13. roe returns from New York city complete give the following result. Far Comptroller, Petterwou, Whig. '1,1?..1 Wright, Dern., tS,Ylti. _ For Secretory cif State. ,Forsyth, Whig ~ ; 2 9: 1 Itano%ll. Dern 9,040 For Atiorney General, Whig note n.sfii. that field, For Treaiiiirer, Cnok, Whig. Dem., F,2Bii There have been elected to the Aaaemhly, nc far a 4 heard from, 20 Whigs and lc Democrats The return, from the Northern COLIOIiP4 thte morning ore regarded an decidedly favornhle for the Whien The returns from a number of the city wards are incomplete The revolt in the city it, that the portions of the Whig State ticket supported by the Unionists, ore in is minority of from 11,0 toAIII). Thkreet of the ticket are beaten by from 2500 tte 3000. The Whig county and Judicial candidate+ are defeated by frbm 1500 to 11000 There are 17 Whig Senator, nod 12 Democrat,. elected—three being doubtful. The AtNembly, ite tar a, ascertained stands 62 Whir and d 9 iternocrate-27 being doubtful • Sr. L 0.1115. SO, ri All the riven, lapie are falling rapidly The weather io cloudy and cord.. • I A I%e ateamer Ben COUrilill departed to day for • i ltsburgh, j The election yesferd4 ehotra a large majority in favor of thrttanking Leer . NEW TURK MARKET MOO, REPORT.. Flour—Salr_s 5,000 bbls State and Indiana at $1,75a113,117, and pare Genesee at $4,0.1(it 4,12 per ha. Grain—Wheat is steady.. Sales three cargoes Genesee at 90c Corn is advancing, with sales 13,000 tin roiled at 5801:59e per bu. Provisions Pork is inactive. Sales 2710 bbln Mese Beef at:4lShiilo per bbl. Lard in dull at o#C 3 lBlc. WhiskSy—Bales Ohio at 21:1c per gallon. Groceries—The market is Improving Sa les 200 bags Java Coffee at !lc, 250 hhds Cuba Su gar at 4i(Oke per lb Tobacco Sales 17 Wads Kentucky at 9Se, pnr pound. . Linseed Oil--Sales 1200 gallons at 70 per gal The Niagara ended to-day, with $945,29Et in ppecic. New rnak, Nov 5 Cotton--The market is steady at yesterday's rates, with sales 2500 bales. Flour—The market is unchanged. with sale. 9,000 bbla at $3,74 for State and Western, and $4,124®4,25 for pure Genesee. Grain—Sales 511,000 hu pure Genesee White Wheat at She per ho, and IO,WO hu klichignu at ti7c. Sales 6,000 be mined Western Corn at 07 , c per hu. an,io—galea 500 bbla at $1,30551,40 per Ski CINCINNATI MARKET.. Flour—The market is unchanged, with sales 100 ',bin at s3(m3 05, and 100 do choice extra at Meg .10 II lit& Nothing fs doing for shipment. Whiskey—The mar.k.et is further depressed, with sales bbls at tic - 0 gal Cheese—There it an active demand in the market, with sales 000 boxes at i, and 300 do at GI lb. Groceries—Molasses is firm at Sic, with vales 300 Mils. Holders of coffee now ask the, with small salesr—stoeks are light. Butter—ln firm and in demand. Sales prime roll at 15c. Cranberries--Sales in small lots at ,14ti(d,ti 50 for prime to choice. :Apples—Are retailing at from $2 to 342 50 1 0 bbl. The river has risen 5 inches since last evening It is now raining NEW ORLEANS MARKET. New OFILCANS, Nov. 3 The election excitement has rendered 15111.113C5S doll. Cotton.-Sales :1.000 bales at formes prices. Groceries—Sides miles bhls molasses at Provielons--Pork is firmer with sales Flat Ohio mess at $l4. Sales 500 bids lard at 'Tic for No. 2 and ke for prime. Sales 200 tge prime at 105. Nlela beef is selling at $l4 50. WKoo rides are dull, at'lolc. Flour—The market is dull ; with no ex port dehiani). Ohio is nominal at '1 4 3 50.: -e• Cam—bales et "tsl hu . Colhae-,tituall oubles el Rio at 0(5.84e to lb. Buttur—Vlesters is selling st from 12 to lbo lb. i -dies ales at 1.41 f!. , ;§E141) OIL-40 bbls.:prime, for sale by 'eb _ . u. A. FAVINESTOCH & CO. EUROPEAN PACKETS . . • •..., I AMES BLAKELY, Enropennz,,,4 TREMONT HOUSE II Agent and Degler In Forrtign I.:xelleng.. IllthTliS, MAN , . te nero tgont rnr the following Packet Lino.. , „ THIS WON known rstabli- h molt is Frikt ~.:•ti Pi,..., Line of Straok.hir... l, ...'ry . l ' rk " r " '' 'r ducted In tin name 111wp 1,, 1r 1..• ~1%. , • ,4. TI.. erpol. hvalror 'fedi line. —tiling Mum er • Vort etot Lisrr ‘ , cry ,, ttr . .g r t m n 0 n 4, .X ., e1z . ,, ,, e ,. i: 1 u u nf i 1 . 0r, ,, .. , Lt . t;;. 5 1g . , , ...-- , I. :‘ , e u .;hryl- Cor.l en the 6:h and net of 1 von . t0...0h .. en. Liar lonveg Nrer York on tl.. 'Yoh. sn.l Llrerl.re , • . ~un t.. the ten..., um the Ilth ur overt month. Ned etar hno, to n , g , ~,„ ~,,,, out 1,,,. 11th, ~,,,, user- I , lnvt . ng , i .. ), ` ?a , rze e . f . the thul .,, of . .10h n u . L ., T ,.. u0 . t0 . r „,.. A ~ toga on the 2.lth of vseh month ' 'in. It ' ' '•'"" ..""'""'" • " r " ut tl ' on " 11 . ..1 Z Line htlls Vett, n month from 41 , rhs.l mu l New P , ..4. , . `e.t,rrrr l Y.r.... m. , .... 1 .' r l ' ^ • York le tteo •rheln Ilan I" isl , ourtoo,r, Ihe London L0a..., l'arkot• .nll, !mut Now York on the retnt I.ettion \l'}l. II i • Alt ki Eli 1, 'Oh. 1r , h. ill/d 2ith..0..1 from London on the 1.10., 13th. ~1,. go t .4,1,,.! err,. ,o.uth The C., do I !no ot tilurgon Peekrt• Nall ft.. St., York mot 1; him,* Ott the 1.1 sot I,th otonoll clench A Weekly 1 oar .1 ..reet• trout 1,1,g-h.—l to N,, Or- I. „,,.. Irnii, Litu. f.r ront •rantr. In n. Nrw. '1,.10. 1, 'wan, . ' 1..3 ' "nr".'• '”' 0 -4 0.1.1 and natlwoi. lo 1 1 111.1.0401 . . Shriver & McLean, IW-a.nurr. will nweivw aver, auenll-11. and I , tru... vu,.• ..n rilw-rfo 11, at Ow 0n... of Iv Tawwntt a C., lab n Pau:, Product end l 'orur - .1.,j. ,, 1 .10 n,. Dublin. and :..t Owns.). llulhllng, LitrrlN.N.l. W a J l' Ta,wornt a Co.. , o; ....al. rfreet Nrw Y0ri.....r al NO. :./ F... 111. MoTia ...”,11 the. urn w of Ow atlvertnwr. Nwnrr of .. 1 ; al. and L. ,, .7 1 . 111LN111,1.4.111 1 1 nrqr. PO Whorek. }wow.. ra4,H,,, , th, c,,,,, , t „,,,. , c t ,, ,/,„ ' ( IONSIGN 0 1 l', S'r, ..f I , LOUR Riot Pro I I ....qui for their Orland. In auy part of Englund, ' . durr pr.....ran.. w 111 rurn ... wi 1 .1. , .. 1 ' .111, ' ,1 . 1111 lan , . m and. ur Wain, ,11.1 ntakr Ow nornaaar, or. . our !awl ...1w0 . .., to ~ r.. •atwarlwo .t...... nia.1.1... rwournwnw wa I , , apolrannu to the. wel...rOar. awl barn ' rerwpl ol 11. II• 1.1 I:a.llna. vban W...., th-111 I.rought nut au, ol thr /0.4./. iarrrifr :lin. ..1 n it-'. to--1........ Ilamplon A MM., lun•lulr_O lark., Or Inrli rang.. funn 1.1.011 Um 2..0101.411 worthun. , vr 1 . .) brat rlaw. Slawhant .11., ..1 favoraLlo trrmr. I. 1 ,Ir air. La.:llll,w - way of I.wortwol. Lawn. of 1 .11‘../I.R. Thou . lralnr...l _ 1.. ''' '''''' ' ''''''' of raillni., prawlutler Eh. ow...milt, of de/, rrn . r. 11 1 1 ..... , .- allo, Ire rweurod row. L10wr1... 1 11. Nu. ‘wiranr• nal.rw'r.• r ' Insanity. Hilladolphia. Ilwano. eltarle:anu. and .Navnat. Inr.wl ! .1,11 - It., .1 I i It. CI I A 111. ES ST I.W F.LI.. h . •. h ..l runtnlaorer in -wall or hour allluk. a. 0.1. lo : tx•ZI .1.111F.5 . 111. A K EI.I ' ..,1, www ..wwrlrlow U/ pul.o. awl prlw.t. 10.,11. now L. Ow lounu. u. 11.. 1 ntorl r wt.-. I- ea.iftwi. aod Steam Communication between New York 0... ii...., :...,..... - , ih..,—,-- ~..,, . ..... ~....,- •.I th.. and Glasgow. ,b• h,..k. h , 1 the unwow../u, KI.LI Mat , , .11..1 1,1 , f-it TII F. Gla..g..w hn.l Net Y,,k INtU II 111 0 , tt.... - 1. 1 ., ..i..1 Ir.m. L .: WI:. Nit Ow .....1.11. L" . . :: al 2.. North ...........i1..0. P1111.A111r.1,1 . 111 A ~.. 111. .{..lahlt. r . .... 1 . 411.1 a noarrful new „ 1. 1 1F.1.111{1 Iw ' P t.,.. • ,00 c,::::;11 ' l i lr.. ' r l . .: ,`,.. ~.,... , t.,.. :2, ;1: :.' , .". Clegg ' s. Perfumery and Fancy Soaps .r.1.,,...."--, ,"..,....,.... . ,-,,,-. ... 1 ~,,,,,, ~.. N'" . rvii ES r. , olporior lirhol. ,, of P.0.i.10q v York air..., loz ...ihwanw, nu n..ntra, tt...A... lwrutnlwr nett.. t_•, ..10rt.., noon r I.li • WII I, .. 0141. : A1a...., 1 . . 0...., 11...... 1...1 lk 1.11.1 .. . ... ... I.lotir, Ne , •.•-rA, rL.. Lr TIL .LLI v .rILLL, h l.l •ntl., S , L I, LugILLI.L I. Llera -L L e rin. reLL 1 "r ` wt i j"" "" TI,. NEW 1011 K, ,lILLL TLLILLL. .11,1 1.1 LILL,— reLw..r. NLILL.LrL lb.' “I.f woLL I *lll ILL,. ILL L -LL.L rlr oe'4l • MeHenry's Philadelphia & Liverpool Line' of Packets. Matchless Blacking and Inks. Nailing from l'lniladelpli ' m oa ilia :".„ - 44r'IIF .er • LEH ti A .-MATt' II 1.1. 1- ana the rstewhtintoth • 33 1.1 1. 1 . 3 r ... • ' nolnhtnl •••13 , t, • 0 3 •• • th , o,ltr MAIL I . I.ERSANTr, tt. %neon., Ihnter nfl EN A S 1 , 0.511, 11 an. n Cinnliner, thoter ,• hi 310 1 01 , 11:41 , • /.5/ 31.- ••• r tor 3,17111t1rE, Nathan,/ F. , 14111,...1 Otte. 1 ., • I tEllt.lN. Alfred l'-nit, Mao., nltrit'hANl aNt l a,inete.) is Morn,. ritIONIAs WHITE, Bus s "' ^t , ` , “.•^, 1 rnort fall, II ...Jun, to3nals, and ..t- net., ter tit , . rarelay / thew ro-naVec • I re nut. en. , /eh, ~ 1,11.11 •1 0. th e ,. t n re,olte, „te wito all Into, toton.venretrt•, an. onnt 7. T•1111!."1„ and n, own/tn., I. Ito tr , • .. L. ..ha/ow ter No•••••nt qn,/ Ittot , or, 1. L. • • I. ‘' . " ° • they,re room neled IM•U a4...M .. ...14-,111.1..fa, rho I AG A I.EI, W(.1 1 .11.5V A 1111 A: t!, , Wl,Ol, ; /or-ere, •:,1 . 1.rhIeloh•• Vernet, L deotrrol , ell./lot:Ina the, 1,013. ono, the 01 Country ean •r1•1+3111 , el grnsonge, h. 501, trill i • Koran en • ann., 1.1“11.. , ••r ..1.•11t mut .o• ••••••w • 1wr..1 t •in 1•••• 1) FALL), BUCK NOI: 1,. lo.trortiro. re,tior in the, letnrlnr.• I'• , •„ Merrhaota, 41 ahr •Iret. Ver the nolventetten nl o'l , oos , te 3rOi no , pi tr. t ti 2 • au , No in horth •e, •Lty L. net volthoot ,l/ohmot.l •t o, .111 d ao3 et 11, Hoot/ or 1,, IlMee 0o the Volt, Kro h nhrto 4,1,3 - Wow supollnl pantencor- r,noing tea nt I•toer I IN ENV YORK . vont Ihe following oupoton nal 13,1 tnnitnonl • era.l/ praon•n t ,.. /oh, el nee and ~ er 11a 11 , bre,. 1 To Dealers in Liquors, &c. .2 the n0n.... ••re ten, 1, ltn tannest..., Ire. .0 r, I oth nett, ••• 11 ` o.on , a 1 ••••••tol 1 11 `• 30 °.' 1 .' . • .1 • J. COMTE, Fr 2.21.12 Pr22tifirt. 3C22. F4'12112 11., ./r4. allrre nn war, 3,1,1 tin-pn.a ,„.„„.„ 2222,,,222.2122211 nle,aor3 trarnittrar aurl onrlnon, Inr- „ • "" , """ , "L 112, 7 ,111 '. .. I W.., t'1try."....l 0.. aleol /trent. het.. onoto.t.t • ht.'°•° , 3. l t.o. Itatern. •Re Tb.. Brno., nod nto are caretolll one., re t , a al, 1.1.01 n, 10. t.• the ro, receipt. nohl to the r• 1,5 • none 31 3 . n•rOor3n;l o 3 an•l • 11111•1•11r d 1 at.t:llt. , innti, ,11.41 . (1.. r•La . I E :11 ITTAN EN II '‘ N IRE IA .551/....:OThAa -J ay, Ohara IT. • he. el At o,ore.t. S EAT 50/533. ••••• h nor I- or. .1.11, Istre of the arm 41 Illatoit tlo, n 1 I ootroon te to. toght drafts no rtreat ttntaro n.l !relent. nlon, / nionr • " . (1.1 • ! New York India Rubber Warehouse, thhteon..corn nr•• lt,nroln) n.ro, . • rrh/111 /tre-rn, httlat.or6l, 27 .t1422/r22 /.2222r. .20 No ",". hrenttent Ter h,r / ,11. 1e • .11. no, - II ESC C BEI:, tills 242. orerrthhoor re i n. rnraln, that he 13 Ana, In le 1. • 5141,431 BOA'I'S. ' , .t.k. s tilt ZA'NESVILLE ll.' tine •o•Per , ase°. 11. In, mreh rnet 0, I , I -••• nner ,rerort nor , •41,• smrert o,tnee 3.311/ Er,t'os.to 33.t0r ..•11 learnklEe r •Itent ••/i , Thll/01/ ,••• 17 , 1// h • 1 . ••Iy/.h.• in.rpri,diate thex tunr , rt thturntnielyrtnn• ,11. .1/Lt.. rTlnet. • Irett• • ro•To•-•3 ihr eal, are n3r , hose,. 3'er trotl, nr 33.aratte. , 101•1,.. l .nnl. o .v - , hea,i-Ttrel 3t.tent Oh the f./..0 .o•nr VIII. It Kiri{ e SAT lAN I , WU. - 1,311.41,-The tit I t1. L. 5 . 1 A _11.3173 3 ,LI. , nrlAlf LOCH, I I,IIT, • A t /Is. Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet. F ARR REDI;i2F.LO 'tire sups tote rorrorog. 3•• • • 3. In-noir V r ll 4.-e101: I oretlonha, ‘3,1- 1/1,-1/ if . a,oratre The 3.3A333••• •••,' 2.0,2 T , to-Iht it, In un.l r•tur Int. 0h• A • /„ .I ,4nr / 3 •,11 13, r no.: to,-1 n•rt• . 1 11 returnir,. lahron n he, o h ..0-• •I.3rroJ 110., reecion: Tat . wort r 31 tint,/ white uhr •••••• teor r 1-ra3‘oh"•l•'' Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas! C-rtht ,h 1 ••• \ W heeling and Pittsburgh Packet. r • -;; F ARE RF. hI'1•!-U' Th.. "::•1; EP. ierv,, for the a 1.... ;Au., •I; A ., •.; • ; ur• I robot *o i rp „ o , rnto•.l.: r;•-• s• • ; ...Lc rm.( 1;;;••• l'I•r•Ko •1 A! , I 1E.,. SA;• ,jk...11* ..,,,,,••••1 .1, lou, ~,••af.ottsoot Ir.tto 1 . •.',A put Intoorroultaro ;- URV, •t• ...k• • I a 4,41161 Stter.ll4 4 ~,,, further ; ..ro Alroollact• A. oho,. A. t;.; A to.l uo VA I NOW-TER. I •pt t.... I* 1•••• ; ~,,, ',au', 0,4 „., , a . \l r . n rotarranz, W),.•;;;;;. ro• , Tolny Mt, ,•,. or ;:m o . •ot • ro•,. 1, • A Al vor tromot 1...0ng• Itar. Lo.; ;. ; !a uoi odof 1 ,•• • •.; h ;r1 •... ; rol P.;il p• .; • . • r1.r.0: ti trulet r-kok!ar'. 1 II Ei;I'LAIt Prrrsituit. 711 ANN, [l.• ill 101 A I. r.og to, I , ,tal•rtrs.•.-1, Ito .1. ME= 1.1..1;1e44 .n.l ID .1,, 1 w " ~1.1. -" 1 , •ple • IMEEIT=I v.►E;tiU I.A It PACK A TV. I.IN 1•11 - 1 4 111 PIM .tcr --lb. Pll.Ol V. ....' st 111..••• 11.,101,“..01 111... A , TlOO.l, • u ..1.0.0K1 4,4110- 1., ruunli r •Vr, Ladies !! Re: T I N 1111-. PIIESS, wt I jl t!ii it . - , :f ( - v.-dying , r inftrof . . . 'w...y, twrawi itaving • Plan.. , •trniii.ll.ltr. • ''..1 ., •.' '','• I ti......a V.. wnrt..if ttir •ital hi:Jr...air . ...Yin. twwn put.it•h• j . Th. inairrn•ttwri If ml. tr iwirt4 ton titan, viii 1.,w--.1. dna.. an..l. 461 , •111I °Mar aii••netaiw. it wtil ''' ,•- •tralli anawl iiin Yrwat btirttii r.mi Wt.,. it.. 11.4 by 6 „. un t 'L l u l n .rVatTra r :rittrr. in . tlto.itw nt l'lttrliirrwit aryl All. •trin• ly cwt.... r Iti• ...e liir tiiril ....if ,Al.l • , .1. Ay iiiiiving ttieir ..trai. al Mr .111,•• ..1 any .1 the itt•taratt MI,I:11a a pa,r., or wt. th• ' launr ,leowr of .1... rt .1..1in II Moi,.. li .. .1 •1r...t . *tot Ilan, til•hwr. 'I 1.11 •trart it,U. I, ',di,. sit tbi mle Pit01,11.1(11. 141/ (rm., m-MM gmM ni l. ny, Mre i• no mom appninniste mi ii.nti•am , era i•usaii Mimit to • hid, than • au. 1., nd n your °M...' "an Ileti TIE subscriber has in store and offers at In. prise, • gritel eskiiirtnisui id Alva., (Minsk,. pi•in and ngnr..l Isunes. I, tot, I is. uel i Linssr, Cnikun WI., and lgook sti tang PI-v.3,lmA li n, lkingss Cray... Cliplhe. I v.... 15, J.'011.. Brown and nisei/Led Musl, Drill, risking. Cul 11 Cuu, lin, Caornes. in. hi..; end lag. Ne, tinge. Colin, Linen. and ,111, Less. hail..., Lit en Talks Clothe, real.,. Cutultiris. Wove, noels, Tlimmts, Binds Nn_ linining rile.. later vcruly of gieJe i •Eicli pug! 10,11. the uf ts•disig. , irls C anxi Ot • Sundries, hlf. them r. 11, 1mp.,1 c ha. Ikerlfore owl nP. ; rtheAl.. tA•loug ntsJ Chu Salrratu.. lan I , A, Ipx. lolnglatir SO toy, iirryti..l Plat, Jn,l 213 Al, 10 A. U. Aultar; 10 230 btols los( 14,1 rru.hed 10 la• An 1 Chnenhtle, PugAr, . _.• Ike.. la Tohno,ro. u tsar C, , ns and 1tr..... . La t, lan African Uill,, , M II.„p. an., cub. ri LII Ltawl•I•ool N1. , t , 11 Ct., II wlt• fine tlnlry im ,11.. "H. bwit kin C.lft, :0/ bir C 1..., r.. Leguayrw. a. bg• il.l .Inr• InJ hen Rota, !out, . 1.... Caatiln Jo; 1:7;111•1•• Nn I a 3 Ntnekerel. I.a. P.lto t Almond do, •1140.1 n N I. a 111 Ittl•et. • hat Italatitan :lona ate•la: orntztol Las :•••to to•rt'l,, :• dot Gan Itrootne. A 1..,. NC!, Moe, White Leaf. Cotton l'nro, who, evl tool ertntl. J 11.1.1 A %II Sortb.aet man, .eel .03 VIII!. Ate. 110LESAI.F.: GROCE r ILS, .ontiNsion v v. 'Merchant. •nd 1,..1u0e.0l I . l.botah ktr.t ...I,t•non Ft P., 111•1P11,1 /I. lolvn hand anal offoo .or Anle LDArk. IMI"MI . ............. .... ... ... .....,.. • 6,. ••• • H,I•o”.. la. p 1.,. 1. Hug Ily.n 1.... 1.0 ,rt., en.. rul r1.......0 .1.. :,.. 1.I..I• 1.. .1 IH.I - •uI o f dr, An..,....Hz .Im. M... I. to 11..1......., .Si HMI •Imal..t. t....enr, :... - •II - • 4.. 11•••• ...1.......1...1 Amen. 1 1.5 - Hat H.• - .1•114,.......10.4 lot II 61. t.., I. • 1'a.n.....r. •• H...., 11... Sater•Hu.. . ba1.... A 1en..n.1.. 1.111... e...,..... • ...mt.,. N1...11,. • I. H•11.1H• ........u. thut• .., •.1.... ilum. Olti Nose. 110. I. Iwoo. o '21.1 1:/ 0...., 1,1 • Mote,. DOOO eat, leo olmm. 1.0 twoloo. 16.11,11.. Awnno rri.11••1 dsr n.. n o. toblot bus, bit. 1 11... , ' ' lll ' k • 511 toowc. II hit.. IttalllSosant.coottooto Intnw. 10 , 111140. C. ll 111 hootoos • /los•vonos Moo,. naool • •oor,ll •I.loottonoot won., ' Boarding. • FINIVO SMA I.L FA1%111.11•:',. n necolte wall pica...ant lend nh furtothel ....furnene., ...A ',WU', APO)" et dn. l'lnr.l and drunt inien Rt/tS. Wlii teeelVed 111 I , X eirtitre I Itlth n. / I I.lAu lb. NW. Waei •.r soul 1 ..1.1,11.1 . coUldi f. -2%4 •.or 24111i11.. Isloi nu ruldo. sr • shell hsr rt., the 1nd.... At n nf sr-sot/Id In rt., Inn. .1, t! , \..ti buttl...l It 111 their h read. Int ortutlnn InSt tminirr It rut... the. n• a lust,. Ivan oar actual raurr.ru...• utrrl ..I the nenitrtnr. and do they woo. nor trailer, to runedet tSt •CF. ..sy amply In the Ilahl trr...nuennlstints nent4 adhont Inl.Zlrt,,lsT.ttS , , , llLlzdige • the Arne, nf wh.d. 1 I - La J'nper• , l and sdd /1 1.:1•1•Ial.S.. id it dud d. sr= S'l'. Ll/UIS_ & Si'. J()SEI'II.".-,' .. ''',! - ;7; , . 1.•......."',.......:,:,;.„,.;;;,.,.; T. JOSEPH , MISSOURI . r • L' , - "t h t . " . .` , ,i,. - .:::...j 4 ," s • ~.,,;::: 1 111.1.1.ETUN. RILEY A. NI GER. ;K\ 111! U. TuT.ILE. A II,•I 111 . . al I..atv, I 1 . ,`,..,1'i1.,.. 1 ty ~ , , ..tura.l., net lac 1, “.., ,,,,, , - I: I••••••'• P ''“ ' i QIN 11. RANKIN NR ri 01 11 , / ( I 'on- ' %•,•••,' ,•,. 1.••••• ....I l 6 •1:01:7.2lI . t.: (4 ' I , ..",. I ,lA.,ttanta.,”: i.,....,1.. 0.1-.4 iNt.t.:l.g,r,7. ,' , . ~,,.. „ , ~. „ L.. ~,, ~ . ,: - • -.,,... laq.roluaa•-•/ • ,‘•autet. 1101, , I .q..,,, Ilmul , ,Al A , .4,, ~ wcwAii—• A N1,,,,,-. J ha I_ llatlo, la a, ra • , 0.,,•1e. , 1••Lanl a la. • ~,,II I, • Tune , Bala ' l''., ...,a • a . 113 ~1 ./nll,b f r d lit . t,s :,:i ,I y Iva; .ON CINCINNATI, t, laNr• Ya l'..l•area, chal, trallr. •,. butter ILL) AINT 111.11, •, .. .. . • , A.,ii 1 I LLE.• i li r : ' "lu - ' : \ 91 1 ANNERS' 01L---40bbls. for mole by - 1 JI. 0f...'3 . H. A. FAUN/C.I7OCH a ou.. l'' lltj ' ti • 4 '''• i t• ' tbrer:kl:ll ' , 13 \ .e: , 1".1..V.1.), 1 • .1, . ~,,,, :. F4 „ .. 1.,,, , , m ;,..,... • .„. , iI2.OLDEN wy RUP — LIO bble. Goodale's mu- Wit ..=- 1 ..... 1 ..t U . .n`ble r.e. t. ' lfi prior. tor sale by J.S.DILIVINATH A CU. • 1.. 111.608 *O.' i oei U. Oldeica.lLLS 8 th). -'' ' i \'' • ' \ 1 : 1 ' . - . .. A LASS-800 bores \Vitt, u.. usn'd se tor .ala JulIN WATT a CO 91AR TA.ll.le ARIL--1.500 lbs. fur sale by a 73 6 A. FAIINLSTUCK tOO. r m.1.'11111 I ay- NI. F. (~.! • 14-t1 I 1,, • ,•• :•1-. N ,•• trulAy, And burrAnf AA..I . A T 15 E - I iokift t•liFrat ~i,~ rn„h~rci . :.ter ~ ~.~ ~€ ~ir r ,~ n~. I ' I”ret bc rrlntnd,y. . ,ignaout. t• 1,7 .4 11,11111,r -- r I,ar, I L A k r..t* r; '~ 1. .: English & Bennett BOSTON PHILADELPI - 10. To the Puhhc. o N,1 , 1 1:1 . 1031 , Ft -41 , 4,' utt.oti,.n .u6l. 1 . 1 0161:1,1‘. i. THE NI ..61.6, 111 le, Sownor black Writing anti Copying Ink. FNIPIRF: INh. -7 N 1-.11/ 1 r.0r...q. .1 .% • 1$ ),,11.. Yrofesiar "Alex. C. Barry's Tricopheraus, .1 ki; ,M,CDICATED I'oMI•t,W.NI), r .tttkt tt,ntittette Mt. hair tkf.. urt It/IA ixtt.lrtatt. tottt rum. It t t , ittglotrnt. thitt er. 11' 1 1/.6 1 011,11.• p.i • 4 ,...r. ..1 mr, - 1101 u..muluml tlii,•l••en i C.' • um. mu tr..tu •imollar '•" '"' N• +.1,1 1•In , LAM. ,-- I I.••. E n oh • nu n•l, Lb- I••t ~.•r• •ztS th•P period 11.11• •dzle. ni maul. ~,,,,,,, phyd •011,••• •Il lb. prnparntlnz• knr nzwl I •Lin u..• • utoro. •lihnta the insaCtnennnt- I ••• , •3•Inall • Irlet..l tr, I ,npin,,Lin J• 1 n• • 1,. 11.n.prt. APJ. to 717 our prln• •nal 4tratifin•tlot, 1.140 111T•nil Kboiif (Iry t 1,0.111. SUfh the vi 01..., ..1 lb* Mut I 111,114 a v :,1 1 E1.1 I' frail' thivrobis S I'll,. .1,1 •••11 slid 2, Le.l Ir. sots, strl, .1.51,11,11 I tr..o. L.,1 tr aso I I.N m u+11. , • 1.... ,•• Ilrin ..11 .1 the. .....lrott " r‘"1""' .n,.•Ato 11,111 1. 11,. Alk11,•1111f . 11 / 0.1. 1 10 ...11 r A 1.17 /111—./1.1,1•1. A.. 1 ork. who, hr y.ll/ Mttttrwrttll, 11,N1 rt 112,r, Sltalttlttetl tattik. 1111.1 , 11 I* el ~,,, 11... tipper t.i runt tuttttt t tit xitito-t elt.r) tu the mutt It I. tt—,l ttfrAt rt,tl, - It. ttrtteloi ..1 Ittittl It ttut.ttrt. —watt., lb. - Lt., ttittl Om , I.r.tutt4. titt tat•tottt • t uttrlotttlt tottr Ittor mlttl kttlkt, It 0111.'11 elf Ott r u“..,nnt. tlteUtittod •- tatt....ttolCaut.itt tf uincli(a) AND PEORIA THOMAS BALE 1 . .10% CONINIIII , I , IN H %NT rwc.u0..161.1 NIA-. , USTI NU ES 111, usuar facilities ree,•i vc Ow ui, , s ' l,•ne ~ • •11..., 1 lima:. ‘l, A Wm. H. 1.1.111r0Nt./.1:, ' 1 • - H()USES, h'ARNIS, &c. .• To Let, TreUE extilthive Cent MINES of the ISIN sry u,ud Mipm, Cotutionr. actuated in Aii.'iranY mon , ' 1a Is 1b.,. min... are an c..nrrall, tht 1.1.1:111114•11, nol •.f any in Arnertr.a. the enAera market, or reareely to repair. ar1. ,6 1' 'anal estrinlan: tr,m Alexandria torißanta-rlonil. and it. italltimr-r and i thin hotirr-nd Irom Baltimore nut,. • aitt. the Nlirylond l'qm r :too n.wi Iron Curnrwriatui to the one mi urn.ait tartlio-, for rona, iatirin it. mart.t which arr ...twerp..., Inn... tow hoer intne-I. welt to mar krt. nial tn.ni UMW , oatloit the 1a.4 atal the Ant.tin3 I , ner it . , lame ...I.lltinos , flea for aett:n., not r..0l irl mat, r.e. mon, rr.nlr.te with e, err ''‘'n 7 i . nien``L"l n mr 4N•i , r ;..filer toot paid, in I It I . A• 41.21,. t 1. 1 •1., :I 1.1•1$•lil • 1,061•{1{•. Nen 1n.,. Desirable Property for Sale. vt•ry:loll blr Building • p ir7.1.1.11, 111. 1 . /a....r, vli 11, v l l erk I. Ino3l Irt,N-- rLI c I Apt. low Rod ../. ./11, Knquore • Pequea Farm at Public Sate. x..-"." u.. Land and Lots 114 , r . I ~ 1 ;; : 1:1 , 1.1 'ln n 11)F.S1k1lil.F. HA; ;5.11,E VIT , ‘ ur Private Residence for Sale 1: r d. ornnu.lll, elf hllll 'PH E Wrti 1, E.\ 61.1: I •0.11111111'r,),1 I I 1.... L ~,. u."a . ri..r ~. ~~ jJ..I 1 Great Bargain! pr,,pERTI yok i. ~ , , I•••• ,•• .t I. t...n-1..pt.,. I ... ..4.•• 10. ho.rh. ; Private Residence for Sale T HE I . II‘IPERI ”irtq..,l ~ i.:..~„~ z ~. ~. ~.. \'h 1 Illi AS I illi.l,llC o, , I roll' LawllleLLis e ailar ti 11.... ...Ma d.1.1...ab1er wui troubled , 11, .liditint in Trait. at L ' , clock 1 Libor J toe... herullor ti. her wet Si... ' re.iiilat tueti.tru. dnwhar,e La a 10, t fr w he w .. ra ,,,,,,,,...,,,,, , ',the al Dr till, aotts. lelnia bet. wiol ..,..r -Train. art-mita in Nea -: Ntroltrall, cured. hbe um, 'I arni•,,,l, ai I ) ""'"' .... ' : "' ''.''‘...: •hevirlity the •livlrte.ite.nest IL. li., on. ~. I. wo •••••I:le..:ltt MO I Irlt Is. train leaves Ittinilorli at , N a .No U..' "..i' 'L.."' I i, Stift. Car .. atfarbed In It. Train to ' \ iliatiaLia.taa. thor - e.... , tint, ,1 , .: ' • .I.i. 1 , ai 1,....,.. and lacr. . , I. .4, h: Bennett -Pear :Lt. I ioir..-hitaot, a rL,rt nos a. r •,. L. le it.. 10.11, T. N.,. 1•r P• lher , ndbswe • . ~..,,,,,, ,„„ r y ~,,,,,, ji.,,, an d har,awarilia lor my - ix to I . • ' i • i. , wt.....kiN Ilve •00 , 5 ~ rel., gie tio. wa...1 ior Ser ....plaint. L'..,welai a 1, eaLri,, , ,, Felllus of IlrelVoni L. ae.. and ILL. rah, ,••• IN ; ..... L ' : •••'...." ' 1,,-77:, ' ,.1,,....r4t, n,= a . ' ° ~,,.4 i a ., . 001, 1, '",, °tab. ' , '''' , " l- ` 1 ' : '”'" 1 ' ~,,. n , .„, ....„. ~, Ii „. ~„,, whrtslh3 .1 ,:a....k. ethrte.l a cute - I L. e L i a rh.proohr....l a ~,0.,i 5,.. t i 'o e • ,IL hal 11,,, , .11 1..• eq. ,n ...nil:111..0 ill • ' awl , rti.ltrl,l4 firs. the •11,,r1N tlie tors., feel`,erhi..l. I 'il i TH. 1\ SC , ,b CI b , . . 0 ,01 Al 1: . ...1 .., .'.. . 1 ~..., yo, ~ . .100d,,,,, girl., Vparticir i '-h.rr 'r 'r-dt."'U'r ' r'r."'" rur' '' Mt.,. I'4 ...- . • .\...... .....n...1., ••• t t'l. 't , In pr... i t ateurt.t... th, e. 1" ~ org, , ),ry restw,tulii. ' N COPP l*. lit., 311:`,..ir.T. ' • , I "•• ''' ":.. ' . '''' ... ' '''. ' '. ' s '' .' \. ." - , - N 1851. '. ' " WESTERN \lB5l. ' t. , ~.f p. , TRANSPORT.ATICIN CONI PANT:\ dlar.u. onaul , bud,wi hi..., Va,. ure . ....f Liver Coir.we, : Ylui.lttn oi ibn Heart. lura...-.1., ti- luoa. _ .. .• D. LEECH A.. COS LINE. \ . Lir... the Extrentlite, at, NI/lir/A t i 114 1...41 r. t . eala stood:nit. awl*, hi iiiii7li • 1,10-0 it For Sr‘le. 'go -,,,,,,,,,, . ,-...- ~..m 4. , arukhareauari, in Eat, ILL .e....ulerr lli.. , • I 7 - ' 10111 °÷ 010 " --, J. D ' i . tzr, /...Ini,-1 ain happy to inlotriAiett that .1 A LA Ili:C. 10h,,, 1. h ,, Igr ~,,,,I .6, ~,,, , RAIL • R OAD AND CANA L \W w-. ~roi u,..51t , l'elinW Vie , end S'er...ralvli ' i Ll\ i -vverl ' 14 iiiil. el r led„ liavd" been Ili , loiraive. Under Ibiable' I I . - ~. ri. I' . • i , . ,••. • •• . •“, .141.,.. PITT:X : IIT li . t) N, PllO , r.r ,11 411, BAT LI- 11., . 10,01 Pr " t a ltra '' ' • I'' I. " a ' ata . a ''' ' ' tt " .."‘t t. Id , IR h. AN oleN. , Jove... 'q., I ti,dizoent ad wine, Ills 1.11. It Mr, order, we are 1 ~,,, 1 .... tea o, :a.m. /00101.....V10rtt1.M. Mi MM . M 4 MMUM . M t 13. a. r Lel wlthWaltillatiou ;4 ow Lloart , a 1.\ ,4,. 'r l ' T .L . .. 0. 1.Z.1.. , , ir ,., ~:uoLoriatialt value In the tart athl '• a . ~ ;.. ,:,111, prounetn, bill. , 1.11.-th 11.01.1vd arta? liallanr., 117. LIM 1:11.1.1., .tt ItM I .11.,.. t-. , to, • . low V . ': ' ' , ' :' •L' , l L t, a toittiltowl uom , utoututlr at- 1 attretuttl k a. and ntiutbnaAalt - 1 - 01) - UN. aLLI alt, 1: \ • • . . ye., baL been wicetirt. 1 Lava tor Luau I.itt . I , K BEN t_ Fa,. ia, ~ o 1,,,,, \ ~. I ,r, ...?•: ,A,,. ' ''. '',' ^l. \ . ' - '1, • ,,, , L „ . ,,,,,, , ~,,,,,,,,,,, ~ , ,,,,,,,ou: ~ .0. a 'la wieJloiii rt. co 0.1. l • ~L 1 'Le. l• lola , , 111i. ,1 / 2 al .' '. u• 1.' . .? ... ! \ ..... ' ',..--/ialsal Ilaw.o \ Una . .4... Vittahumb. l in Hada., 1 t Id ,(St tin rehel :tom tic, r W. lark Su, at i il.e itolt,to, an . tite.no.: Li ' , ,„":"' ` u "” ' Pr "P''''' ... 'l, is •re alio, tchwl a uteatjarwt, LI Paull, L ori • r r ' P e literiul:l;eie , t, P i ct at:, rho, , little lir tn. . nerve_ /lad, tbe bun iswea ihr iSiNI a 111 alit•lrlel u. Aoeuto. %allow 11,..... • 1 Su - P.14;11 , 0. ~.r ",..,,,, 1 1i,...1-.• t, .......: a• .ro . •o. row I,o,wir. , ~., :L.s.Nortli rt.. litilLimora. ~" ....,,,,,,,,,, •,„ , v „,i , , • ii ii A . ...,,r, ~ \ r u PrAlti:ll, A 4.1 1 , ., ~ . • id 11 • 1 ' 7 •N J • It ~,, i . i .„,.. N -,, i t . Lou., were eau , rem.' , 3 am% - • ~. L i and tree from piiioni aruiA . tid 1.,,, ere ,e , For Sale or Perpetual ease,. • 28 130IIRS TO CLEVNL ABM. ... I trot .......itiveneu. tu ealtriuift,lie am s: aro. Foicry-iiittEE ItC lI.DIN. t . oTS kid ,-- ... .. \ t.....b.er. reall.i awl I twit all we, '''' ''' ". ' Ls ' -"• ' "*. ' '''''' '''" - th* ' :'“ &AI 1e . :5 - ts 1 . i i ," I.\V " '' 0, . ' r , ..-4 iI, a renor..,l tutu. 1 Lave JlrAti , i..„, I , rrTs al: Itti II AN ,t) CU:II:LANG \ , ~, .. ,. ..... k ::" u. ' bit 5 "” ':'". `"•' t h., Urnot foi one ol mut. , ',at., ~,,' r , e lite iL ll.t. t . ). d , , . Wein, ttot lielli, lio , li lid ilarraioirin, nut Jut . tha 11 , .,. ...14.1,41th.r Irs, I . 1.t.1.... •It v1....i.1. ' ?" tt ' P.M t t'' , t' Mi Rt M l '"X d 1 tt. ' i k - C . ''' . t t . • 1 t. t . t .,,,,, n y0 r .,..1 sr M. ...1 eq.,.. ~,, reentiled an Ai I,.it,re I, t • •._ 11.0.% SS 1: , li ( ' q`S Il•.V. "' v ery aa ' t 'a in g at 9 ',,-, Mud., You. troiy. ' ,l , ii.II,TU 5r h.r toms. ae , ~,,iki - ~i 11. ~ Or I.: 1 , 111. A: I. 0..x.r • rorl. Li oetirriboat to 'll.. theure \ 0 eatirena ;s r. , .• ,„ ~ , lli,„ t "'P .m.. ' `'` ''' ' i ''' "“::•''''''' "‘ '.- L' n ' e l : ''''' " • ra.e., i,ei,..t. tj Havanna, then.,.1,3 Pittabutubsrand in,v, 1 ' , G , • ... , -..'n. - - 4.11 street. hitt.lt.r,r6. I '.... " : ' ..r.t . .L . ' ...' ': ' h " ' ,n l. IL I,Lf ~ ~,,,,,., ~ , u ,, , . , 1ai,.1 I‘ilwd 11, eh. viand \ , ibir ivrelo I Wieland. S-1 en , .1.i.., udb die writ:et. nal.. n. , .. nia-n- A Good Bargain is now ,Offered, \ , ' ' 0,- ' ,4o f; , ' ,L., \• T. l ..tA M ' l. s iri r , , 0u,4,1...tii. IIAPP I 1l (11l ~,, ilk NI .k CLI ;.0 J. ,„ ?.. 1 rtli thrt..o,L an , 'a, ! r, ,,, 1 tir ~ li r AUK, CiormnaL d,- oWIL-ir. ha ',CINCIN N A T I , ', • • 1 0, rou , ,t . 0, a. OOO - 0,0 ..... 0 - • •. a 1 1 . 00 ,1 , ~.... o.„.„ , ~,,,,...,,, 0, , ~..,,,„. ~. „ ..„.,,, ,„„ ,„,, \ s, , 0-,,,,,,,,Lue ao.I denia.di, I lel eland \And eibvinnarl , LA eb.iid all nedere rant/ lei airin , 1,1/ . .i.ad ‘, Jid inv. len. vbil ...1.1 el . in., I, Id I i .. •.'l. - .inl•ve. , fa . •,..dlirrnt 11nr l/errnit, 12115 0 r.,. anti Mir's anti!, lv•Ve ,. .a ~ ~,..„,,,,,,,,„ ~.., . ii.,„,•,,,,, ;,. ‘,„..,,,,, .; li All,l. 1 tON ~ V...., larol evot, ere.. al i'. l .^..P.:.dia . , , i ia ~,, L ii` 1.,. . 1 r. • othw A.anieholid Alirliwari Ileuttahltnoriewl I:w. 'for 1.0 mit, ,L. 'I. It • la' l . • - . Wow. 1.LY , 1, ilclpek, A. At . 1,1.31..4 1., hOw Burl., I ority, titerinll'utal ll i5f'.. 1 ..1'..i.j , 1 , ' : '•'l "•,'' L\. ' ; . l7.a r Tot .' 4i . .. Lr U n iT!. r illile lr t r Ce ' r ' . tt r la r r. r t r iV( r Utn;ln- ' '' .. ."" ra ' ir ` .. " ''' 'r: " ‘" "r4d ' r "'''''. r. :', ~ „\\ Iliolabraud a 'I)o.. I.llitua J h Au•l , /.. ~,, ( V't Lima. atal iialena, .11 1,.. round iiiivbiriololts, , , , , ~, I ~, , N , .. „„,,..„ 1,-\L ...LI tl.,...uter, lb. inq 1 11ber . r'....u. a to, .virtu le. A 1 wow .. ..... . CLARK r : ' ' AU ''' . ''''''' . " l " . Alefittalnj a Co. .% Va.11...1.... ,i. .1 , ,1..- I' ni, k t" MOrLtitlli.k. ka.. , hoe, tiretistn a iota, XL coo - . ...i.,. • 1,11, Co: ...I for tAr.•" ' a t ''''''n .l n t r i ' lllt ' ; ' , ' i !‘ l.l'V Ilil . AiiLiL ,I. oruttli.,llrawee , , .1, i.i.0r.,,, ; , t i., 1 , Ltri -, La li (t A ..l. "‘ ':' r " . "' ''. 5mi1...." .ltd "1.......1r.i. LI. Joue,CouderstwattP ene,Ler .it..li.wuhritl- .. wt.... the Morioniudiria uouniF iturp,,,,,_,4ti ,i,„ .11,01,.. .„„ 1i0,a44 t, , . 10.. 19ITSIllIlukI a et ilikdaii , l. \ Judd' 6 Medicated Liquid Outtele I: 1)'. 10 1 LINE . \ ri• lIC I It. ANT LE les\iiitentit , i lot IIIIL.I. lir , . On, , the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. • ji l t,. ~,- ~,,,, ma-t.,- t,,, , ~ yi• 11... if 1...”4.4.` thrhuot al,. ill. ove 11 ,v .. ~. \ ‘, \ Ilitil'ale.rol , Atli L. h AILS: L.. 1 Ls, i.. ~ . 1i , ..1.aia., . th. Li then. 1 1 lit iot, a coal J . is 111...., Oil ItilltiL:, LILA...a , ili t‘i.. ,I ..r. rt1..0.., 4, ~,,,,,,,..: r I 'll I' ', \ ',' di ko.' , Ap, Lin",,„'„ 4 „'w, r1'`,`,,1,;;,' „.I,t, :,',.;.` 41 ',.`, 1 '5,‘,',7;',!;„ . ,inZ.".',.1?:,...',,,` , .:, t:' \ 11 ; ~r , ,,‘,, , . ..." "",r -- ii' - Canal an..l . Laßew\- utter. L NlerattiS 1 e...1d ....LP, MILII. 1- , ~ i•. ' • LI ' ' rr.' ' ' r 'rrr ,err' ''' ' ''' ' K 1 in uouitatt uLI.. altvrllit /1 uwelnobwill it tri tru Urntet-iLL. , • i "' .., . ":" , 1 .,""'.' . 'C',.'..7,'.. " :,."' " ,:i c.. 0.10., .i 5 rr, ~0 .oiai ,oto./.1.1. I.t .../bAe \I la , l oi -, •il: it • ei , , I`. , • •'' ''....::`...''- : - Lunt, NA* Kahl, bi in*, atal,ll kluidi, i 1.../ Lw., .11 0 ,i , ' .el A i.ir 4I ~,,,,,,r ,, ..„,, c,„ ~,,i ~.0,,,,,,,,ip, ale.. CU ho e ltifillowe:io t ie.sill, totaqui,uni ",... '''' ." . !Jur ...I . ' teoniLowt. I•etweet. PITT, Is, Liisaliatu WiluliVrA,l:o. , I ~.. li i 1,1.11 ..1 li Lit IM. NUd.. int.., hr. riga, steamboat. i \ 1 WM\ IL CAUt•h 51. 1,, 10. ..e..er aul ..wo , 1. , or , :he L ten I , U. liallltlti/h. i, . .' W .10iLWIli I, V. li,‘: t \kilStitt,...trt 11/041140h blik.lllsli.ki L , ELLL.I4VIiIIi 1it.411., Ni.'LL, ist l• M 1 , Tn. ,r 11arivii t, .o ' Coanalaing all ttic Lta.4l4ust th,altinno 'Title 1., A it hbll,llltrtore. t: Pre ,,,! 7 ,1, •kri".`:::;„,"'• . ,;\, Cox onie by It A lcallhalVit'L a L',., . it ' loi, A ON, hunuel a \C., I , 4nah,t, ir . 1, ii r l:A illtiler. L\i,.l,.. i t• raile.to '' s I I ' , la , C 6511 A INT \ , l 5,e ',:,,...' , it• 1, k.;r - I..nt Pero .t." 2,11.1..1, Cif,. 0.. 1.11 n•oi kau , i b • o ,, ay th , L \ . . •• 1,6 , tit r.11:1•IL • p. par .ill. a i . ...,,1r.111e.t0te 1 ARING, \I iv ii Lan •lb ~ 1 1 alardia It, M..), t Mr M. I: N WI,- it I te4 , A Lila., 10..1211v,,,, ill., i, 1 op...ma your Lil et. Th. mu. (I.e. C1i0..., li. , • wllwrever nieti di Lay I . Jillib A." 1: I,IIIEY, Autint. I Ind/iiii•lra 111 1, ,...,." 4 " , i •t I len 11., and ono I, hiile....ltialtitirab e. otllili ....MM. _, --- - t- - - I CIO ..M. i wart rig that 1 Excursion Tickets to Ba \ err 25 cents. ~..--....-=--,...., 1 I et i ritaLluul naatly . '.° I 1. 1. 1 l A ', ii i i l l r' ..l..i " NlTA; n lK. e A r N ':,•%, 7. t k ' veTll . a m t .''' . i " l ' ? . . ' lAl%. ' e ' l , . '- '" ,'n 4 A, „ ~, at 011... . httbural, LI , I ri wy b wii , Lrait , ..z . a.i . ie./71 , ~ VIL ...rit. r . er ' : . l . ;, ` , ' ..n ' :r `l :4 ' .; ‘''''''''.'''' ''''''''-.--` ,u1<.:`..!',:r0. , L„,., 1 il a. is !Vie er,Gt A Sill I ..,,,.. ,rraverid trtr t. ‘i...11121.11. It. tit. 3, w \ d it • 11. ..ttten- •:”Ltrntr . 11-Iterr ..... Ltirrn. w a:•,, t wai \ bp V r ,,7,,,Z,.,: ~, sk.,. i v . t., 10e , 11....7 .54 Lack . PiLtabotAh.l bil eatitiL , ' , !.,ti :,..„' q, ~.... da .ad --, ~ , : 6,ortetr. atiyiL on Wahl the identiolaiatit \ - Irwaret."nr , ~.. - s A L} . . \ C , w rsir. tbe on!, nt s \' Ipltimr ../1....z... • 1,, ... JoIIN A CAUtILIEr, Acliut, \ ILO'. OR MKIIII L.:or 14 bar a Iltuithllvid Lir , Illt\el,dp-' ler the rem.. , -,•••• OrthttAltriZe, - ArrlrmOnt blade to Forward F- t zisditiatailCit.X. , Vowel...Lir tea. \ 4C \I;7.LTINIORE IN El VII 'DAY ter elem. of llie to .b boxer, waos Lit e . I.- • the Ist, lt Al lined X.. ME - KATES PENNSYL% 1.1P,1 . l iAU CON, rANI ~....te. . ~, Plailade AT. ~., It In:wt. el rtertGles 114,g:talon' I Cot 1./I/E a (AIL be datermff and ...it'll \i," \ wornet Yenii at. la •1r no la, 11 It Villoireall wortutendrt IWO co I,..ELATS—For auk by eta... veil et • , r, -••• bottles: rep= ‘,.1 ecakcsabaliaN 5 CO, A \\\ \‘,.‘ • Re .1 Edats, !J- 1.. United States Patent Office, , tutprt ttt , tt•t , .""` Ott' rtottt r to.ttitt, st r t:tor: t.tt tltt tt 1 n• ntr.l. I— i.. in,J n 1 t I, r o t •,, / I , • r wl i• 11,1•. In .rro t.1.1.L111..r...11. i 1 •t•..4,r1. t•rmv 011, • I. tl. ~,„ i n ,L,, Kentucky Mutual Lite Insil,rane mpany. \ kNil I CONI P.% :\ , •th•r• i•• • ins4l,l 1111 I Li.. • THROUGH TO CINCINNATI . • \ IN 4 , 4 HOURS. I ,N t a- ( 1.,gt5, , ,r MO N . I , A Y . .ni. OCTOBER u 1 .it a.. 1 out frun, t) out an Lao,. tralucvery. It, at t o'rlock. ktclvtok to Cincionatl at 10 o'clock ''''. m" J t i r :fir ,tYI.I!TITI?I' In Ajz . ; T t i : " .411 . 1 ' ; . d ' i,ts la ' "IrT, "t ,r y , ^ . r r siT.,.iN; ` ,: ; •;! ' ~ - , , Molumusbrla 1:10.4o. \Ohio and Perituiania Railroad, CIIANI,E IN TIN ' 0E Y.TARTINti , ~, A . h,\\ \ % DAFT E k 'NI N DAY , the ; e.a.h last., ~'•17..4,1',.c,1T.7,:',..:,V,,';:',.,',11:1EZ..7‘,.."",`'1'J.;',1' t l' N, 'II, rdor oI Board of I , ‘'nc ca. - .t ti El I OA fkii/N. T3cart A.,,0t. Ohio d Pennsylvan* Railroad. --- FROM PITTS URGII TQ NEW RIGHTON: 1 ~, t 28 MILES. ' - ( )N ,.. a.n,l ,, Mter . MTON DA rain iI Y,, ,,n AIitIIST 4th, ; I \ Li AVE I I Hitt TON et YI.: A NI end • . l'. M. I.NiAI'E I'IITIIIIrIIII /a 11/ A NI. mAY I'. M. WAY FARE, • C'Es. PER 11 1 IX, ' l'hildren under twelv. yeare of .at t l . ll. RT ll lp., here. ,•u l'ittoburKh anti Ma wr111... Flay, bli eta. ILit 'Abe,. • - ' 1 ' Raub' - " " Ilohext,L ... " %N • 4, 1.,enc, ,, u 14,04e/111 le. on Tit ut r•duned rale , 1,4,..... I•lll..but,li end Roehrters to sal) .lAtitn 6, . I W . b.t.,....n Init.burie I, rull Non Ilrndib end bark, 4lsr - T 1 • rrwiu • 11l lot run eu ,nu,. •. ..... but E .. umon le, •b. 1.•‘....1 eu n.turd my *lll 1, good Ile returntriP Intnalab-•• s.sl b• et the berbt. bn F.,.\,1 Wert.. to 1 .' 1, •.., 1..0—u, , Inndine firr• nuy erb•re .12 the mut. n.. 111 11, End, 1e 11, Ilouon¢aluds Ileu , the, /niy , Hee.... , nutln”....- eon .1, l•air blu. 11; i gah•ls , Ileab.e 111.1....dip10i. :.r.vim.l,lll, Ireyiul, of 4/E.1 . , b I I 1 MI . ...1.,.... 1 0; 1 , 4 eg•r. I. tb• DepotNuar, u hf lbw n \,,,:, me, I.non. Iletel. th. ,1 • burl, .b .b, Fifth ot b. Indu . " 1::: . 1.?ri '' ... ‘ , ' ,1 “ .?......r " . ' ' ,l..l l . ' .. ' it r i ;I,. 7 ILEI„Lt, [71 " 1..! I Ib• ll.,;neel t. .1. I, ..11endel 1.,41.1 New Bright .1 1 1 ....1 . 1/. 1 borbe.l.l , 1., 11, nnl, n 1 1.1.• 14..t.r.1 el 111reelbre. ~ Y.,..1://ti 1,1111 IN, ',oyes.: IS Tlrb, Agent. . PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 1 S.F N TO LOrK Pi 'ET, TW ESTI' MILES WEST I 111' ./lIIINSTIIWN. 1 51. FALL ARRANGEMENT. 17,51 CHANG-E OF HOUR. •. YI:DI'CEI, ANI 1 , 1 . %5D Prnn.yhonra Railroad and Aprras Packet Lin. PH ILA DELPHI& BALTIMORE NEW YORK Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats, 044- On and aft, Ni4,ndxy, Augunt nth, the l'oc1.1• ot 0. Lit,. will lent - . l'ittmkurgb ha Lockport coot, coot ccd cit o clock. orol cry evencoo at. 2 o'clock, i1 r 072: 7 2 ,-, c . ;;;;Z 1 . )1 , 110 , 1 , 04.. 21.2 - Too. roukch. ions II our!..- ps......nger• vo thmugh SIX 11 , IS I.lt than ent, tu der lebs E!MMEMEiIiMI tt I.•rk kis I t'utukerliatml ItkArrutl, kt llarktkburC, k•ur mat.. Tim, VI tl'lt hnurk. • ae , sl , ‘ Fan. t.. nalusuon, ~. fa Ju Ilarri•Lorpc I I In...ling and rumfortubir an-vtanno 1n.1.,11, li.. FARE REDUCED! • ISSI. gigg49 NOMONGEZELA ROUTE. Via Brownsiille and Cumberland, to Baltimore and Philadelphia. ri , ltE MORNING BOAT leaves the Wharf 1. at praeta.ly. run. n— t. ear, Cuinle•rian,l pest xnnralag Itnat, leart— daily I.lcopt uttay . earning) a. • nasu,liax ith rare at Cunkirrland oast 1 , tn- thr•act. l,lrtor.. 3 . 2 Lour , barr only 19, • I thr •gh l'attlyi.ivina, ht.ure ear. alai eta 11, .tannt itegal \ on. zno.l I,aulactun 00 with 1a.., Irrai.,ll., awl Cumbarlawd, •alau 'lf Aa*.nt. n llonnoashrlall PENNS YLVAIII RAILROAD. Ef t E i • - . - - r, ,, ,,, , k,ed f," 1.,,kiwrt.20 mile w.nt of Jobatntrn. rl k ,i I. hE L , l „ F.I, .1,, I. bl'et. INCTLEASF.D. CiIIIE\STBSCIti HERS has the pleasure to i ~,,c.. r, ,,, t 5 ,41,.., frlood, au.l ~,,,, ~,, „ ti, Peola • . n I. „a.m.,. Ow ••A ls , A c...cy1,„ , ro,l tra ,.. h 1 1 , 1 ,„,, , ,Ari awl nut „,,, ~, ..,., /, 11, .10, , ,,,, ,t, E.,1 11 - DAY:t. ..,.,:.;,,,..I',..7"%::',;;T''''''" d "'"...'“AnZt .., ;.4.!, , I, , iM wettp.Vg. 1 " .., ~, fll, , vrtr, 1... of I've', ~\ % ::r t .;..t11Z:r,,4 .' '... 4 L1 \ \ 1 :,, , • r -, ur-• • ••• ,•• • ~.. .... .......... sl \ ok, t. :e.i.X,I, .11. LA,,i , --1ta1.1%, .„-, ~,lecuri,,tre tim. ‘rm. 1' , „,,, , . 1..,,,, , it,. 01„,.,L. , .0.,,,, 0„, lAy. Fin,. Tirs,,,ti, ~ 1 other„.iram r4.MI/.. I p 1111 P.1. ,, 4,,, , \,• , ,q, 1,,r.,,.1..t.t.r. , La.r , 1. Lard , „I. 1..,14,-,-,. 1..1. LA , freAl 511,,,,, \lrall, ..a..1 \ O lll., &Ott, N.I ~,,,..,, . , A, 10, I „.1.1, ,, ,n.i , -rulsoelx, \: ".r ii&a " . l' f . j e , A , 119 , a I',lL.E....Koutp. er'r,s Ptr 0.1 W•rn" TLS NEW YORE AND ERth BAILEOAD. !S5 I . -1851. 1.,%1. I:01 'r Ty NEW ORK city via 1.. ~ opnor,ting ort. :,••t 1.r,. NI).-11,..u.J „ k„. I'vrtabta'arL. • 'lrv, m k.l 0, 1.4.1ta rw 1•11 k CE VA\ •,artdro !Irv, I r,,1 is I spr. t.• .10k , i. 74.11 MEIN \ ." isiors sii , '" , , • NSPORTATION, J. P. HOLMES, Agent, O. LEECH & CO., . Cun.t. L.wn. 1..13 In=mt, EMI , AYER'I3 CEO .1 PECTORAL • • lOR TOE Nifat OF . /08, COLDS, HOASENESS, BRO,IA._ •10.• TIO, WHOOPING-COHGH,. etuiut . :\ - ~ \ ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION g offenng to the coma nice this jio.Hy . celehrated'erly for dr•e**,....of e etruat noJ :,1[171., It rant ono whi ro trifle with the Iredr k ~r health (.1 tr.., enr\ nit but frankly to lay betore ri the tathloo• of dutingarshod men and some of the evid les, of .... - cews. frond which they eau judge tor them* lve• rarefy 0..4.4 e0e.,... te mole no wild t. ...meta, oil 2 k etricaoy. nor will *. bold nu • surfer li, to ity which tear* will nett wart, .t Merry pooyfb s aTe here giver.. and we •ohott ...,o from the public s koly nil we publith. feering seat ' will not thorn peVectly milord., and the med.:rine I their best eunfidenee rol patro. , n Wet. the dixtrurourth Yrnfewor or t'berut.trr .m. `. tart. Lodi Rowdoin 01-1 e,.. Do. Ent, I delayed a.tywer'asp the r , .., re! . 0 Your 1 potation, until I had eta, , l.fortuut , of seito.-r•ut te.. r. '''. to mY own family .ur \:, the fow., .4 11, srsc ul Thal I hove vow done lett • truth de0.....f ....,sracti.ro. in ea., both of odultaand e 11.1ret, I have round it , an ith inetwlreoteft..w. • powortul renr edy for cold, cough, oral tilld, r ' di... a,.. )IH.Krlt, ' '7l , NFL ,LI 15. r. I.lrunawlea, lie., ieb. ' !.. 1a...7. '‘ 'L A `r . A' . . tai, , i VI. , an I.Vrersiver in Ilan llarrilltrip a, in int. l'it.l Dr. J. C. Amu I have boom cured I the ,nrs: rouis 1 ever had In my llfib by your -co lit 1,17,, 1.3 '"."'.. '.l. .h.. 1 b. , '" iitittinittinity rrirvircitornl.ii it to others. Yours, nispeotriaoi. Lowell, Aug. 10; IMO r li riMr,ittily, ' i \ftrar !MAIL, lollowing.trol nor it IL.n ‘lnnne it ir ,1,/i trial. Thin patient hal become eery ferl'r. aibl vhr et. ,orq ol the marine ••• unniittaikr•bly .litivirit , ~ it\ i, \ ti e. HOTEL. ~ .1, 1 i• :011. , 14, Joiki a. it..•l \ DA, J. C. Arran —Siri I have been taliirint tin n.r•iiilni onva on of the lung[. and all the symptom,. \t-ttli.l n it, plion, for 61., than • tour. I rotild Oi. Io • in, \ thriar Lat would rii•eb mi r•o. until 1 c.vvirin ...i, tire iir i nir Cherry Pertmi. r, v , not i ry. o rii l l'l7oUtl i s ' i. ".. .Jrn . :. "' rVi i t ' ?4 . . ln N y tiriPnrn A' i . i '. ! nr. Li, I the viratirbti....,l eurtn• .10, .i •. • r • end iriencl. Mr Train., oi r.tirorter ...trio. ..1, , , biesti un,. n 1 inni lit. ii•r0e1...1.1‘1,.,., r, ... , . tn.. of hnry, tn. 1 hi,. rt•n•ure in et, i,,,r. , r . tar.. "" yo " ' " '''. 7'1;!....-... \\ \ Tbr foilnwinv iee OPP of th e it cirri oi rip., nbteli try iiiiye,riiini owl tr.. obi 11.0...ibt le or noitirri.... bi-ovii two ;-- • \ on 1.,,,b . I '!. 7'. a . My Y, •a at a . J C Att.- aar.'l a.. tab. n %nab ... I.trba6le naui 7, u/tkat 4tbaa.. , ,t. , T... , 1 7 :4,11;.; ‘., 4,,ru , .. , , ,,. Jabal, loryntar we aly t 1/1 .t.l4ti tlrl. I t...7.1,,,,111 'tt NO , 111, cyan n. au I.al aaa.l.abn .t •ay lanbau ~ rimanal l' lob. la. al.. +i:. ul . • t. m, ralocat trulurna m.n0.b5151... u .1". alba .1 us). health' mu m. ch u. zaanta an, al .I.rnt arrll slut atroug, and an.ala ra butt. b..,..r.• • arra, abetlinnr 11111. ba abaYAnaa :rattan:4, '011...- 1,1./1.0. wad by J-A SI I•:.9 C. AI 'II, lat. at.culth•re - ~ g i s .J.VV I'. I. ' Ylll.t 1V.:4A1. 'I •by ILI' laal.11la: 4ki . ...la d POI!. a Itla,uerralla .... a 1;.....,..ra . a ... F::: , ;:.... ,•- :::,,44:::;.... t iiikTX . f•-"G'01 5 7. „...,-`::::\ -.-, c--"_'-: - .- 4 , t , - . ,1,'. , .. • '' -,; -;'.7. ,, " 0 c, --.::: .' '-‘,i .: . 4:4: 4. L150 1 ,9-- -- ; , 4N- i tl-:(: , .,i . .40 ...:4,. - .._,,,;,-\ r .,.., ,, ty w y,.. . :I.= t ~.,,,J4,t,...r.:,,.1. `sib 4 ~ r4 1 , * 4••”, . • . 4 4 e 4 r. , t tn; , , . ..1.311......1. \ . • :6. ll:uar .., \ . . / I; a • a 1 . .\, 41 IJer g-" .. I won fa..., outh. I .66, ” ur Irt Lmurlf, Mar, ,r , a11.1 l'atsbu NKSTOCK 6 co., l'i R. G UYSOTT'S 1 m't,r.. V.l YELL.W DOCK AN T. , A'N, put up to the lar,zt rilf-I l'ortl, to 1.. tr., LEST SA N.V.,. PA VI. 1.. , by the wonderful l'Uttfiri it hiu prrtroifirtr• cuplffe of which ar. in Ow norf..f.f.nl ‘. , Itemeuftfrr. tLfe I. the only irtfr .f.fi ere u\, Thlf Purlitnne, when fixed arr.rftfnc Inf,lir WILL f:UP.).: WITIWIYI FAIN, • :ferefulf. or %jure. Krit. ~ ', kruptiro• of "tiff. Skin ' ./iryripelaff.Chrftf: Ne.re If.yrs, .Itir.ororat or "Off 1t..T.,‘T,-.13 11....4.. \\\ Itheutpatins. 1 . .. r. in fe Ron-. ur ' Jotots. tA,I Aar...mt. C Icrr ~..:r.., .., the littaris. kph.... It, tfpr f fr. ff....Pl:fur, llon.f.a of thy. lifflney.,', In.. f. ...,,..11, 1ft.0..,t arivittli trnr. it , ' , ff . I .q .. 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Irnut the luldla..taa tl4atqa..t.,,,Ultig the .100, and to ,roper , the 00,20. t'.4 ‘ r 4umlut: (.I.leuv arg., raaort ugly aid,aptee Kiev, Pratt. and :gat - Par...rill*. *llOOlO g 1 ot , lvUgtaa4 , far meat of the moat rualivaant .Iga..aaost' tgg. and Lig, .121 alaappogat. , 4, gl, tha uublze Iftlth haa uavar a ag lqr ou exp. rleuca Iti Aberfaulapuilauacutaµ.uwa. ~untha Thal from IMiti-1.4 00.1r3.1 v aaak eg , tram thla pu - ralaneoffJblf he! 4ratanol.wn in 1,10210 004 4, tutuself gaud otlfara.lat ta. on, I-9.2 auß 002.111120n1y unskaltalfl that lUI hr.p. ntuflaloft Ilaa alone to 0,1, rt \ arid SArvapanlln. 0.0 ,W 0,111,2. h c. h. 7 I tiT it. awl vie ha•. no heattatigaf :c Stool rafr.4o/1200 1¢ lawalth. 4 4 a N" l'eM /ASS. TUE yot.t. Nr Annult--N'. t.trpioaaur. ul e• Yallou bark auJ uaraal.anila tarry mar, HEE
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