The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 06, 1851, Image 2
PITTSBIJ - RGli GAYE, 'DTE EMMMEIMI TErO*DAY MORNING, NOV. 6, 1861 al"10.4•1PING MATTER:WILL BE FOUND 01yRACII PAGE OF THIS PAPER. “Retrespact” shall have place to morrow.— ma reminiscences are both instructive and emu TIM :0118NLL-AND 10. 7 HAMPTON. On Tuesday morning we ttenittrthe Journal's charges 'against Mr. ifampto, in the following article: I The lournal of, yesterday,: in a long article to .which we hare referred iu another place, has the following paragraph: T} temper of the attack on ne may be guessed nt, when we say now, when our motives cannot be setspected, thsti Mr. Hampton did prafer the support of himself and friends to Judge Ireptaers." The Wo/ii.s are the Journal's. We are author iced by Mr. Haar:row to nay, that this state- meals Iholly untrue. No ouch pledge woe iFter made by Mr. Hampton, either for himself . 2 'or his foierids The Journal is required . principle of honor and justice to prove its statement, or retract it. i'he fallowing statement of the Journal is equally antrn e A few diva before the ce t e,tion, knowing that Moses Hampton had autha 'sod the declaration to Judge Hepburn, the opponent of Mr. For• ward; that the,' Mr. Hampton, tand,his friends, would do all they could, for him,' (dodge Hep burn,) we thoaght proper to speak of the fact in strong tams, looping to weaken the eicheme " Ws are authorised and requested, Iby Mr. Hampton - to say, that the ; editor's knowledge in entirely at fault, Mr. Hampton never author ise:l44y' inch declaration to Judge Hepburn. _ and hn' refers to that gentleman for proof. We • learCHallonrnal to explain. -- The Journal of Wednesday has the following paragraphs in explanation: The subjoined paragraphs were writtenandsent into oar composing room,on Monday sOthiion,for publication yesterday, but, by mme unexplained ruischande, between our foreman nen hip hands, did not appear. The point of time at which this nine was made, in importint to the weightaf the fact we have advanced. Incur article of yesterday, in reply to the Ga. zitte, the following remark occurs : °Mr. Hampton did proffer the 'rapport of hie, retold hi, friends to Add' 110pburri." rim:mini; the disposition, in a CertainlAnarter, 'to circumlocution and evasion, we think it well to lose no time in specifying thin this °proffer' was not made directly to Judge Hepburn in per eon, bat made through immediate friends ofeMr. lianipten, to friends of Judge Hepburn.; This is :what our langnage iabove purports, but a cor nered eausiet might, in default of this' explana tion, find and avenue of escape, in a very rigid Interpretation of our phrase. .. Our allusions to Mr. Hampton covered speci fic allegations, and these are entitled td categor ical answers, if any at all. The. Gazette, assu ming to answer for Mr. Hampton, proposes an escape for him, in which, ai the article above sins forth, we had anticipated and intercepted him. We shall inquire reference to more, and other persons, than J tinge Hepburn, before we are half done with him. Wheti`we venture tomake allegations, it mast be only when we can sustain them, and we have 'mado none lightly against Mr. Hampton." `We leave the public to judge whether the Journal's efforts to explain, or defend itself, have pliced it in , an honorable position. Alt the charges it made again 4 Mr. Hampton were sie .% cilteatly and categorically denied ; and that Je- alai is now, reiterated, and in that position we Inuit leave it Instil it brings ssomething more than - bare assertions to maintain its declare- aiGLAHD, FTIMICE, AND C1.711,—A telegraph ie. despatch to the New York Herald, doted Washingbatv November I, states that 'it is as certaintal beyond doubt, that Mr. Crampton, the British Charge (ad inryrim) here, presented to Ibis government s despatch, in which it is stated that the . Stench and British Governments had issued orders, in ease of the Bailing of any far therliarties to invade Cuba, to search all vessels of - a auspicious character, whether uniting undtr the United States or any other flag. it is cup _ posed: that Mr. Webster bar; already answered this communication, and there is no reason to suppose that has not indignantly rienied the right of ,any nation to search a vessel sailing . tinder oar flag. It is a fortunate matter for the 'peace of the world thal the threatened ~ ..opurse was not put in practice, ns but one re sult`tould have followed. Congress will of course - oil' for this correspondence at an early flay, and, it being contrary to usage to make it public till asked for by Congress. we must only wait patiently." Movesstevra os Tux Rio °assoc.—The ru ' - woe which prevailed a few days since that the Lturargcnts had captured Mittamnrau is not con -I:4:7sftruted. ' It now appears that an attack was da . n . pon it by a body of five hundred Texans, but who were driven back with the loss of three - in s ets, atter having slain a great number of their opponents. Gen..Peralfer F. Smith, commanding the Tee an division of the army, has received orders to prevent all American expeditions froin joining tdie revelationists on the opposite of the Rio Grande. It is eail that the Genial intends to effect a. complete change in the method of deal ing with the hostile Indians on the frontier. 34ghaee copied to-day, from the Philadelphia Noith American, a roost interesting communica tion in reference to the " Pennsylvania Rail road and its connections." The article is sign ed "T.,' and fthm that, fact, and the official cha ratter of its tone. we presume it is from the pen of the Chief Engineer, Jeffs ELICAR Tuonesos, Esq. It gives theohthring information that the Central road will be finished to Latrobe, in Went maximal conaty,vrithin three weeks, and within the same time, from Pittsburgh to Turtle Creek, leaving less than thirty miles of staging between Pitteburgh and Philadelphia—that the entire road, withthe exception of the mountain section, Will Ito August next, and that the Somme:of 1853 will see the whide of the work completed, ;hen the company will be able to tarry between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh the highest' class goods at GO cents per 100 pounds, and the lowest class at from 25 to 30 cents. All histhisiaquite cheering, and shows that a better time incoming. The miter pays a just tribute to Gen. Robin .; end 8. W.,Roberts, Esq., and speak of the Ohio and. Pennsylvania Railroad se its taerite deserve. The writer advocates oar fay . erite, the .eircum beitdibue but we. deem it but fair to say, that the late report of th; Engineers of the Pitts. burgh and Steubenville direct route, gives a more prcorusing view of the expense and gradients thaw d been generally entertained. The New York Express is informed that we do not . keep a' file of that paper, and cannot turn to the evidence to prove that it predicted Gov. Jahuston'e defeat. If the editor will, hoe ova., turn to the numbers of his paper publish ed iminediately after Gov. Johnston's culmina tion at Lancaeter, he will find eufficient to jus tify our statement; and farther, that It turned the cold shoulder to the ticket regularly nomina ted by the Whigs of Pennsylvania, and by to doing, &afar as :It had any inficurace, contribu ted to its defeat, A neighborly set, truly' Extract from the'Nno York Correroondesee of the 11'11146Ra! Intolligtorro: Sim Year., Oct. 9; 1850. Continuing my descriptive catalogue of things of most general utility, I mention neat in my that J. It. Tillinghurst from Moigs County, Ohio, exhibit. a churn of novel construction, patented on the 10th of June 1849.. In the fall : of October, 1880 it took the premium in the Ohio State fair. It is extremely simple in constroo-' ton and economical in. cost. This , morning it was tested in presence of a large crowd and made excellent butter from" cream which was not of of.. best quality to 'richness). in _the abortat ~, s pstee of six' and a half Agnates -,leitaessed this Vest. A child of, tett yosrs of.egnesoerork as as a grown person. In few tords h lmdet Justice writethat it is pretest butter ✓ -tnakint arrangement I ever saw; and, r am; amt. 4ttuitly seeking opportunities to rearm ail I coin of the principles Act..:on width snots waxes' sit! etrunted by viriotm makers: , I dfinot belles° that chi:Mast:mu were made on say citherplezi to ;turn out as well made batter In double_the tin* andmith thottpPlication of doable thi afzenglit, from Cream as was lased In the case of the ctpecttei4t With this Mll4 MIMS seferttitlio.. ALLEGE:MIT VALLEY RAILROAD. On' the ith of April, 1837, an act win passed by the Legislature "for the incorporation' of the pidsbtargA, Kittanning, and Torras Railroad Co." Ifio steps were taken, we belies°, to organizether company as constituted under that act. " On the , 15th of. April last, a aupplemant to the original act of incorporation was enacted, which omits i Warren as a point, and anthorises the company to extend their road to the State line, by any route north of liittenning which may, upourl examination, be found best adapted to the great object of the 'enterprise. The legal name of the Company, therefore, diners from the popular name, whiult is the one plaecd at the llead of ! this article, although it is sometimes called the "Pittsburgh and Rochester Railroad. - from the fact that the people of Rochester hose made a I noble wove towards the object of uniting their city with this city, by authorising a corporate subscription of half a million of dollars towards the furtherance of the object.. At or near Oleao, a towtt on the Allegheny river, a ahon distance from Ilse rennaylvania line, the Allegheny Valley road will meet the great New York and Erie Road, of which the one in contemplation will be the most important bninch. From Olean it is but a short distance to ithe head. waters of the Genesee, down the valley of which the Pittsburgh and Rochester • road will be tattled", This last mentioned road between Olean and Rochester—whether made by -w,separate company or combined with ours—is a most important extension, as. it will bring not only Pitiaburgh and Rochester, but all westertt Pennsylvansa and western New York into direct communication, to the Smut . mutual advantage of both. But it will do moreit.,will be a direct avenue of intercourse between the south western and the north . eastern states and Canada. The reader will find In this paper the proceed ings of a meeting of the people of Jefferson :meaty, on the eubject of this road. They are going to work the right way, as it will be seen that they raised fonds on the spot to defray the expenses of an examination of the route from the month of Mahoning to Ridgeway, the only part of the !ante presenting any difficulties.— Theieport of this exasnlnation will be interest ing. whether that rsub he Illtimaiely chosen or not. The Jefferson people make a good remark in one of their resolution?, when they any that .• the stork Fould be more 'readily taken if made near the etraight line, on no other public highway passes to carry off Mr products of that section of the country." But we must let the people of Armstrong Clarion. Jefferson, Forrest, Elk. and McKean ket:Lfw that they are - threataned with competition (rim another quarter. The following article from the letter Argus will explain what we From then.grl araoz, .l (Leo ilk. ANortire. Idatinnau,-The project C: 4 Bli r-tad from Pitts&argil to the New York !ler, tanking Rochester the Northern point, by way of the Allegheny River, has been revived, in' a wanner to give some expectation of the early commencement of the work. GOT: Johnston in spoken of as Pretirient of the Company about to Le organized, and certainly a butter cannot be had it, the State., The route proposed is clang the bank of the Allegheny River, following all its einuosities, until the line of the New York nod -Erie Railroad is reached, in Cattaraugus county. if Allegheny, Armstrong and Clarion czuntles design to furnish the means for the construction of this Railroad. they will have the right to give it such location es play suit them , bat if other sections tire;.to Le contr:hum., the capitalists and merchants of New York, for in , stance, they may melt foc a reconnoissance of the whole region, stud the bent route adopted for a groat and important thoroughfare, looking a. well to comparative cset as to distance -- Fittsburghers wall know that a nearer...tad to Franklin. up the 41 1 eAshy, is dos, the Oho and up the Beaver, as a ref„.ent:,o to rho State mop will clearly indicate. This is not only the near est route,. but it is roach more favorable for the, emstruction of a Railroad, in regard to C7CCIT, tiou, masonry and cementer. Further, tA,ent• e codes of (Ma route are new cm/ph/ea cod /a tits ; extending over the most expensive part of the whole line. Further. still, another line is tinder contract, running Some twenty-five or thirty mil. ira nearly a direct line In Fr^tddin : thus in fact coreri,og tabra then hail the entire distance between Pittsburgh amljFauklict. In deed, it will be necessary .to . Ken only from Franklin to Mercer, or midway between the lat ter and New Castle, to make a complete New York anii_Pittsburgh [connection. This Would save at once a ntuzott or nott.sat—nn small consideration, we imagine,- whilst the route would he traversed iu much less time than by that of the Allegheny River. These facts are worthy of consideration, mad doubtlefei they will have thefr weight when a corps or Enginesrs are . employed by a Cempony to make a reconnoisance and survey. We do not regret this proxabiLtp of competi tion, as it Will arouse our friends up the 4.11, gheny, and induce the'rn to put forth their ener gies to secure their own route by liberal cub ecriptiuns; for where there are so many choices of no doubt the most money will carry the road. The Argus is iu error, kinivever, in lie premises, wherein it says •• the rent. proposed is along the bank of tee Allegheny river, st• vfillOn . ,oB, until the line of the Sew York and Erie railrosal,is reached, in Cattarangus county." Were this at, its arguments would he well nigh Irresistible: but let any one examine a good map, and he will see that the month of the Ma hoeing, in Armstrong county, is almost directly on a straight line between Pittsburgh and Mean, and also between Pittsburgh and Rochester. Franklin, on the other band, is far to the west of this line. Below lialioning the Tiler is not as sinuous as a railroad would necessaiii La if carried through each a country as the Argus proposes ; the road ordinarily travelled between this city and that point' being no .shorter than the river. The difference in length between line to Olean, which should leave the river at the mouth of the Mahoning, and one which should follow all the sinuosities of the river, would be little-short of one hundred miles in favor of the formir ; anti the country along the straight line is, we believe, quite an favorable as the one pro posed by the Argue. But the great'argument in fewer of the route via. Kittanning, 6.c., is the fact that it will hive no competition in the carrying trade of the great iron and lumber region through which it will pass—a business quite large enough to-warrant the construction of the road, were there nothing to come or go from beyond its northeastern ter mination. Were the editor of the Argos to see the crowds of people Who leave this city daily on the steamboats which ply, on tbo Allegheny du ring the season of navigation, he would be con-. vinceil that if fat dividends are desirable, the route op the Allegheny is the one to get them The route proposedaby the Argue passei for the most part through a country already well supplied with avenues of communication, pro jected and completed, whereas that up the Alle• gheny is altogether destitute of any mearts'of carrying either persons or property, except what is afforded by the precarious navigation of the river, and, common roads. The completion of this road will be a new era the history of the Allegheny valley. It will cause that fine, but hitherto neglected, regiorito 611 up rapidly with population, and greatly en hance the valve of property. Even its prospect. Lee effect upon property will Le very great, and enable the people along the route to contribute Largely towards its construction. We have no doubt bat that those who own large bodies of land will sill parts of their possessions and in vest the proceeds in the stock of the company, thereby not only seaming to themselves hand some dividends, but rendering the remainder of their property more valuable than the whole is now. It will be borne in mind that the books ere to be opened kit, this city on ibe 19th instant, when we hope to see en nuspiciOns commencement made. OHIO MUTUAL brAtIPLANCE COMPAIIT.—This Columbus Company ban eettgtd tatting risks, and is winding up its business- 'its loses daring the past year have been very heavy, amounting in ten months to $ll/7,000,- being more than the aggregate ,of looses for four preceding yearn It is estimated that from $60,000 to 70,000 of the the pant year's lows have been owing to incend iaries. The receipts during the paotten months were $38,900, making a clear loss in ten months bunlneas of about $67,000. The actual payments, Inelndhig, of course, their surplus on hind at the commencement ofithe year, exceed seventy two thousand dollars, - and they ravened on one hundred and eleven thousand dollars, about $3,0001)44, with few expentior/S, forty per emit , of the amount. Thee ontatandin,g risks of the Company are stated at $5,400,000, not Including the losses yet unpaid. The condition of the company bi decidedly bad—aleveZenditataid. From the Jethrioo Star• RAILROAD KEATING In pursuance of a call, the citizens of Clarion and Jefferson counties met at the house of John J. T. Thompson, Corsica, Jefferson county, for the plarpose of expressing the views of this see- tioff:Of the State in reference to constructing a railroad from Pittsburgh to Olean Point. On j motion, 'Philip Corbet was elected President, ! Daniel Aaron, J. M. Fleming, John Sloan and John Brinker, Vice Presidenta,and Joseph Brown and C. y Item.; Secretaries. i On motion, Mr. John Sloan stated • the object or the meeting, viz: to aim into consideration the construetion of a railroad, according to the I peorisions of an act of Asiembly, from Pitts ; tairgle to /lean, via Kittanning, also to connect with a C.ltillllons road to, Rochester, New York A circular from a committee in Pittsburgh W. , read, asking action upon the matter by the cit . irate along the contemplated route On motion of Patrick Kerr, a committee of seven were appointed by the chair to confer and oorredpond with other committees throughout the eountfy—Patriok Kerr, John Sloan, John J V. Thompson, John M. Fleming, Adam Ropier. Samuel Wilson, Thomas R. Patton. A commit tee to draft resolutions vas appointed, sit: Patrick Kerr. John P. Brown, Wm. King. jr., Joules Sloan, Geo. Katz. The committee nn res olutions reported the following, which were untinimously adopted: Resolved. That we most cheerfully concur with the suggestions eyeteeth by the committee of correspondence who were appointed at a con. Maioll held at Pittebeirgh DO the lath of :Sep tember last, for the purpose of furthering the proje.e. of a railroad from Pittsburgh to ()lean. Kayaked, That we believe if maid rand woo mule, it would be second to none other of the kind in importance. not only to Pittsburgh and New Pork, but the whole northwestern Pennsyl vania Ic deeply interested in inch project, pov sessing se she does, the vast SCSOUXCCS of miner al, mil, timber, be Oft' conceive the country through which said road wnnld Pass would be much heneft ted by opening a new market for their pr,yluer Resolved, That ere think no other road of the ;'.kind made in the State, is or could he made nearer a straight line than the one now in eon• templction, es the draft of the Olean and Kit tanning road would show by having reference thereto. We conuive too that the stock would more readily he taken if made near the straight line as no other public highway pacers to carry off the products of that section of country. Resolvers. That Patrick Kerr, John Sloan, jr., John .1 F Thempson„Jehn kl. Fleming. Adam Hepler, Sand. Wilson. (Strata mite) Thomas R. Patton. be a committee to con fee with other corn. minces of the kind for the grape.° of furthering this great object. titier.otion is!' Patrick Kerr, Resolved. That the chair a ppoint a committee of three to be exiled a-committee of finance, au• thorized to embloy proper persons to make ex aminations and surrey of the route from the mutt of Nishoning to Ridgeway. and report the amino to the corresponding committee. The chair appointed Daniel Aaron, James Sloan and Joseph R Brown, committee of 6= trance. floe hundred dollars WO., subscribed by the citizens present to be expended in examining the route frank the month of Mahoning to Ridgeway, and surveyors were employed to make examine• tions immediately pIOSE. MOODS. COMFORTS, D OPERATIONfi CIV THE V. P. ItTIPT A 'HEAVY ' • I C..tutr rt, . . . , COIRACii.. : „ We are indebted to I. C Dale. iisii . for the i i i - ,- . •• , t AtAtt 111,1 - t M Illal.Lii , :-. -2 iiniu, for -ale liv following official information It will be seen' _ , t 1•111 ril, I. that the coinage for the moth of October has , . . , ~ been eery Leavy, amounting in the aggregate iii t ( -,„.-,,, • ' tAS Nl.lll. Rh er. I A:sirsl S, 1. r -150 yr, :,,,- I ~ ,,,,,,i., i 4 5.2t03,3; i.,. CIIITIII.t starts nine -POINALIEF ell •,,•006G. s4 S W .LS ' 'ill A" L''' - N , F• 1. 01 ‘ , ..i: at Go: 4 ."(1.,.t. L m.::';1.:,:, : ',1.` 1. " r,-; "'''''''''",'...","''' 906.511 dounte eaclev ' • tiiVt..110.,220 uti .ANKETS' -Silt- on hunt oVet 2.51 1 ~,, .1.i.01 . 10 eagle , - i , e 0 . 600 00 , B ',,,,„,,,, ~..._., ir,,,,, , ..0...,....,1.,..‘..•....) . 44,096 ll'alfeeile, 2 . 20450 ou q, 1, .. tall trill, ttortvla ...I u , ..ttl It- sultlttal Al,. • 114,1M4 quarter riigiev ..!,,,,,i,r2u 041 tat , . to ••-i.rivi. u_' I 1 . .. , s t ri/ A l.: 1 , 14 , ...; 4, 11n7:: . i:5i3.699 gold dully, tibiii.o9 00 i wa: - , • ic a. a l t.rlo •L —, i It l'T PINS' -.t IletVl and i Met! at... 1 It t1t11.174 i11,,,C . ,, 35.2'3 1 . 0 10 00 111 ii,..iii tl ~..... ttl. a/ult.., ILI, rtt I , tla, • II ttt l• 11t1 , ,• . . 30,0011 half di:lllva I:0%0w 00 1 d I E.ti r s iirEAsT PINS' - A tin,- ',eh., i37,01:00 dinies ' 1.5,700 (JO ' ‘ir .•",, 1,...,4- init.,. 1kut..,.. ...”.. T., , It 1'1i . 1101.11,-,,t 40 OW hair dimes 1 14)0 00 . . :. , 00,200 three cent pieces • 1rt,407 00 I • . • - Tt!Engin:inn Premium Churn_ 1,:193,97-1 piece: ..,,----- • • - -.,- - I)ATF.NTI:It, Jun,. 19.1. , 19 Great Euttn - .93,2,9, / -,., 1.0.1 I . . ni! :n 1 - ,an- and Lal•nr - Th. un,ronun.ll ar• wan (.•I utv-Zurtn, :n. n , -,.. t_netn. 4 1.., en:hata 11. r• x:ni I ;t;Lo.Uo., ,e, ~ . 5 ,. .C..Zie 1., , ,) a-- ~,-• .... nr ...- nl .1.-in vra-.111-tn. rnrunr a r a, I tl-, - 1, r-• rt.. , nuria ha. IIOLYIT, I b.' ‘4,1,11' t tnc ~- ttut• ht.lts• , t• 2,(6h.974 piece: bold helium deposite , l for comut4e from 1, In. ,t• SDSI A 00. 1 , ...,4,1.1,1 the 21et Oec., lesl, iurlutioo — tlopley'a ?Ire Ba ..c i 14,1,70,1n10 1.0 1 ,1'... LE.I - r :: CO., non,' 16m-inning. I. m... - 7.5,000 0 0 0 ~. u.o.d • f...• t1....1-And f U./. LNICIT...: .•....1.....s '—'-- -- ' i'''' ' '' ..7 'l. 7a. ' " jrat IV:.•l2:l... h .tn "'''" ' ''' SZ.t 745 600 00 ..“ . f . f lv e . e."-mtio r iiii. t, P io.iiiiiirriii... rot c..,.. ~,, ~i... .. . , Silser bullion deposited in Fame . nolnafartnt. r. a.,..1 •..1,•r• J ,CII./.,N VIA JIJ , It J.,., . ‘11,..•d•tr..e.t..5e ....i. •crt.t• f. r 1N... la•t IN•u••.I att1...1. .., time $12,500 00 I ~,,, E. r DALE, Treasurer of the Mint ! From California From other rources [Phil. P 'LIE Western Insuranc.o Ccuipany of Pitts, burgh 'LI. r Atistr..l dirviusul of 1, , Mr, lArr, r.b.l Fitly C•l4 uu Ahar. on the ostrok mskurruuul The moat remunerative rsaav it oli'Gerratiny, sam e - ti l t—A..r st nu nr tbr l!ri ana probably in Europe, is the railway from Forth to Nuremberg Gn 11)irririo) it it. at the , same time, the shortest and oldest line in Ger- ' ty4 , Ol:A , ASI e ore t rerred tairintract ,mony. Its length is one league 9J tin:arum ((French.) nud the cost of the construction am- ruscnt mok,t roan ounteil to 200.000 florin), ( 00,000 francs.) The gees. receipts in 1850 were.sB,ooo forms. The I working expenaes were 31,37.1 florins leaving • Executors' Notice. \, (ITICE is her. by oven that Lettcn Tes- n net profit of 26,861 'florins, or at tne tote of If36)por cent on die capital invested This rail way has been optn for traffic fifteen years, during winch time no lower Wag 7,000,0Q0 passengers , emcoi. krteht, sr, tr , snkk.,A, hare travelled by it. and not a ail le pcooetiger "'"""r ".' MMN CLAN El lbsitirsu tc hoc met with the slightest accident. . n u 11,0 N, Mork.: .1 , etr-ttrr •43cuirl Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup, Petroleum De - A M05,r...v0 rmony.r. C. or TOTAL • [,FOR TIIE CURE OF COUGHS, coLirs . Bunhtt.• Cry. ar Prrxr.houvi,—,. myth. W. attyhonn r it. Brant.. and tbA firt.,t••11...A.••• ot the ...- .I .nd p to thy my+ they. • tlarr urpran, IV4+. MY• h•AT C. ....I, by A. , , th. cr•ftaln Yth-rt•aar reray.. , PY iltertval . tr. u.• InAtt I.em xf at,. eryr It k• n At‘mblnytyrn •.1 tytty.l.l.• t.• mr } th•• I.trrn..l a run. tn had het. neltr..o ACY•risJ lt I.a. Ati <harrymt tzt.. the whirs. e...tit.. In incto,e unlf. no. :n L...., It thy•A nr, thA thy Intlatruistlon et that thy. Ihrolrtyl • the ..rnarh. • fa.. .114/Uk, tnerAnt. of and thy drptvot. nt • [Mph Pim. ntelly•.)..l oct.r. b.i mth•nu• an.l riasna atteh.l Vatan•llo 911 hrnneh, th. thuherang tronvyyl,wlth-tt , .a ,, m00, • , ;thtm.: off,/ In ullym, hyyhh, py. ...I m, • entylltion 1 ,, rt too row , In • prlett, nt trf the eon. tales I Yna....lleattnn Ln •Aw.. yyr.“ 'ram •t•I .11,13 unb.nderl wncryg.. . rat of tr., tur,4 emirient inediral mua, who tnf , rtned lo well to keen, ronDly that 'my errs would nee., get are::. At thla Moe I noui'd 1'.`,;,..„, 1 ,. 'i . .t . , 1 n ,7":; , V:Y n t i 1h , ! 0 4 , 4• ,, ;4 . tt win never tail to not dirtiugulrli toy tdruech---Ry the aie. , roToe fruro 4 ll Carr of thee:lo4f Cough. ht., be;11 brought I,d the me of Lb., Petroleum. !rah Int,maity her,. the nat., yrunrietor, •ul hem been eared and held:, node, ,hick my oyes have impnai dell, un- o . • 4 ,lheaßet medlrlael UI ro I . In rep In halt pint ee at 50 ,nteerw.),. the urea . nt time. and I have ren.vrmi my ...gilt entire.. „ , 4. sty ' , sen d ;.„. a tti, a a a e a r, much ..prorod by the For sal.. wholentle at.. remit. by KEY 4 VII t 01,0 , i0 • Petroleum. and I I.V/11mA/I the rourrealon of MY Bight to E T' . I.° yo.. metle at No. f.erond atm, In ml, city, and GEYSER'S HAIR FLUID, , stabs ud."""li'D In nlati4n pmy I For listinera. Scurf. Dandruff. and the Tenon. 1., sr.. 1 1 . / 1 •L/A) , HALL" st n,- aralp--r , arlalawrided by the I r, tt.horgt,l'pa, Care For ral- by Kerr., I 4,1 1 ,14.4 atir-LIR. K. merrial Journal, 1"..11.1141C Trihune Chun I,reabori arnla boners, Wood omen 11 0. Fahn.,.th.t. a Co. wren . I find u.J smut err.-tr. U It a Elbott.- I, aerb t.,,ria nit ' . rendering the hair toft eltboof 7:MI Deafly.. an) 11. P. rrhaarte, Al,,ten, user ty ar pro- ; th• clothe/ with pea. : 4 al. KI KR, !AN INFALLIBLE TOOTH ACHE REMEDY, ; arrant,' cure [h. akett caw./ of Itenli Arne lu s t, Falllnaportation of liaraware, Cutlery, &c. - -" LOC;.AN WILSON CO 2 CASES PURE(7OD LIVER OIL, , •t- In Quart and Pint Itoltlel. Prepared by hangtnu Bost ben /i1:1. 129 Wood Street, ; et nentt...Z.:s and V.r. Upper T bun. /meet, London. [11:1 , h I.O.IMIII(.1,14.4 by phy mien. of the au Deena to can Mr attention of Merchant. and other. to thorlty-,,e a valuable r-medy C011.111..1t113, tiorofula, atetr Lade t` ch,..l, Pneumonia. !thrums:bra, Lictetr. Ceti.. of 0.. Bun, gwelliug..Ueneral Debtlny, c. Liver },,,zEIGN *an . , on I' high wvAu ly Front ni,ended bn. yi. In WILI.I )1 h HARDWARE, CL` - '!l_,ERl(.::‘:;,.,c, I.IIPORTED lit Pi:CENT PACKET AOJ able, lb., aresawprepared to utter at a' 4 , 1 . ",'._the : no , C.11:11:10 , Pie... , Fur rale by It IA SEA i Mein,. ELI., 10 Wood etre, air al full aseortinant of MANN'h relebrated sr. AXE, : FitPtrurah non,' al wayron hand. 'rug!, 111,(1 or l'lmaanton, Nov. 4, 1 7 , 7 .1.. - - Slar Ott. .7.',/..ANE ' S Liven riNHE President'and I)ireetors of this Bank PlLLS,—'flee great and in0rC14 , ..5 demand for these Is the surest bate thle day declared dtridedl r.f pr. mat. on trots -.r excoUrnce. Petrale ibom and mann.. tL.,"ldert r . Aa b bje uh n, the •-, their neigb.rx. No one who bar over oaf. i•• their legal !WIN aNYlridt, Ce,har • I.ltor tomphont, or from any Of Inc die aaaes aro !a dl..r.llgrad of Meeting . of the Huard of, In toblall ..hef It he triad br.llcPmeaPlllr, sod , IhU 44 pe hare tr. . • their own tray PoPoiarilY by the I lerolverlT'Yhat s dirldttnl of I par cent.,u the ns, attonlrbing co', they are - reel d•r perfurmitaw. stork be paid to the rtorkholdem en or en s , .1, IltL lust. Reed the tolluarin.: ...Wed to the State us of tarot:ell!. fur Ilia 1.4 LL,mouths. provide.' by the act of the tOth of Aprll !Pt.)" Mittengen, Centre. , Pa, April =th. I h4l .he pr--ltd JAME:: 11 Mll KRA), Coahler Merr, P,h1.1 k ..ertlecien. I write to Inform you thrteacnoe. Om_ 1,1,51 Liter Yllle. I have Lees re ' , MI/ off l, od Wray e,sp., or liulm. bare g a l, day made en ore of ale I b. , . mow. f lT ' T r E DIRECTORS of the Collin Mining plaint tor • number 05 yee, nt..l nay • te,..1 sere ID 11 -la it bits mole oil earl. share l the capital et.. 1.. '.O , so I d Coropam, inc half payable oil or befOrn 2oth !So mme of them. as I think they en, dot - . utter eurl . ;Oel` oWeir ;;;. ?7, 0.3/%1, eta,: end I ani.moddent that I rut. reit, goal meat I thsco iif,I4IEDY T FateNto ne or • mine. •t: ; * E Merelmnts' anti Msanu"lrtu'rthe'rsll'ltt ank llllLlConeurnptioo. o f Pillolillrek to' this , I , a ,: y . . l l i erl i arr EN d , a , . , ll: a l..l b eLi../d 4 or hrver Complaint . W. I/. BUTLER- , ' l n k. uo the COO. I stork, ot the prohl. ' f, the our h, 2. KIM, demand nola10111•101 Nu_llo Woal 11 (11" r Eft —Frem. Roll :mil Ciin Butter Citizen's Instil-mice Company of Pittsburgh iv • holevele and 'oat reed. ud for .ale h NCOURAGE ,HOME ' INSTITUTIONS I u. LAKE C. No. 41 Beier etre...4 in the warehouse ofC 11. Mannair Building, Filth street. c.T L ll.ll,agr, Prerldent........A. 51 roc s Thie 'copra y lino+ prenatal to I...areal' rarrobtallar lv atom, and lii trigssisia, kc. Au erupt.. guaranty fur the ghillty and Integrity of Ohs Institution. la alfordesl At the tharsAter of the paw..., who are aft entail,* or vu.burgh. end fai.reablY known to the ./timuirlty for their amateur, Intelltgente, and Integrity. lluraey, I FM. ilaa•lrr, Pittsburgh Lire Insurance Company. CAPITAL, 8100,000. OFFICE.; NO. 75 FO,LIRTII STREET. OFFICERS • Peraident—.Laren F. Maus. Vine Presolent—,ant4l.lleCtsaean. nanuns—Joser,ff i l .l.rern. A. Coma. Alit - tier advent/rem...Pt In another part .pit mem, 0r22 Western Insurance Company ofPittiburgh. (ICAPITAL 8800,000. R. MILLER, ,la., Prealdent. F. 11. nordob. Pecoatary. al insure against all 41a4 Of deka. Fire and Mute.. All lame. Will be IlberallY erd/Oated sod promply paid. A horse iuseitutiou—mewed by Directory who are wen known in the commordiy, and who ana,leterrolned by eb- Tao; tatnigttb° ,twrieter whirl who dalne to ta Ineured. .Dl.Crolle-111 Miller, Jr, OMMath, r./. W. Butler. N. 'torero. Jr., Km. D. Holmes. C. Ihrauest, 010. W..155-troa Wm. Ja.... 1 ./14.1licott Glarus Dun* Jaren arl , Alger. Alex. Maack, no.. brute. Wster vertvt, (wwrehowee of Systur Co, Op orals) Pittaborgh.. autidly Sixth Ward Temperance Association. REGULAR , Meeting of the Society will he hold th Sloth Ward &bad lions* thfs*Tea .at I o'clock. EL 1111LTAZ ii is ... cags p ac t at t t : the sis4ing. The dame alta itirlt its truly astonishing With what ra pl)lo7 and llrmner a IL a. Far,:ell's Arabian Liniment ha, talon hold of pu'ulle favor.. A pew month.. awn, and W th - at et. known of It wax that a mutt powerful medkina of Antic nriiin had made Int appearance. No, there Is hardly • fmnii, In hr found that down not keep It Ottani en band: aull aoae would ever be without It who had maa ,e power over Mart, and Ito wonderful Kleney in relieving pain. Sow advertibemo.r, oc3 LAFAYETTE HALL. New Programme of MADAME ANNA BISHOP'S ::'CitNO AND iter. I. I" R 1 c' TF.R TA II 31 R .I^T, Partly IA CuAllio,r, ,ntiltur 14, 11 1 will 1141, OW, This E4etung, Thursday. November Bth. PROGRAMME. Peyueur Nipiro, Plarente HUPJaiI, I I. Eent " Comvagni'' ['aroma—•• t r e r = • StlV u .l.V.;r.l ' ! apelen—f, the relit, on the admlenl Quarleftt• and • I,llareo from Itelllnt'. I l!Eritant. Vieux Temp.. I-iIINIIKINA Levier, t IlAnt•mi I 3 Intl, reeeiJ.- Ilsot t l s tir 01,47 . Titran I • •rsztien inn'••76 JtotoniaLli. !bolt Jettof , 4 The Lament of tbx (fish Em . lgrant--5 1 1 ,112.1- , I'm msHop French I'hotneonnene-- - Je SILO LaliaTaelere.v,,,.. flaelyene ANNA I+7.tilluP. An-orvpai. t in, letieeil Tambenne INTEIEVINeiON or TEN MINUTES. 1{1•14:ItTO DEVER El, Ily Madame lifSllol . iu th , olfr,tor of 40 , 2 r.11z(1.(ottl. of 1 . 4141ant1, ( . 11ogx1 AMT. ) Soil, for Iflo Flutc. uu In , ,???, thous.. Vurstrfin. UM. !cuts 5,55 t. 3 11, I..r•nrm•rl: , ncrinalnbulLln trovn, sr, r pooller uwn L • SONIN AIIBIJ LA. thr. ...Le It•n.ln Ah n•n otunar.,' aud Tanwunn, rong.Ly f utL•r torelisl Lut Aunt Illrhnt , ....... lif•rlarnt NSA ta ol'. 1. Itinu.n,Lranzs di Ancrolt--I,*.A.i. 1.,! .tt. Awing • prrpular Nrn., 1 ..10..13 . And IL• •-/Mir , d f•rrantels Ly A 11.111., Stoxo•lna 1.••1•4 BANDMI. AMERICAN ALLEIRIIIICAL SCENE, In •hirL 11101101.. attlnd kr O. c.: Liberty. will ring the National Air. *llOll. CrILIIM'DIA." =I3tZIMEI ... • . 1111..1..1 a• tttn •n.l In.t knxn. If node, nr.Jtht. Inter ay-Re v:mai Faa TWO PiELARX Itch, to .0 •ul nt lb. Mitt. ,t,re, Mee.. 11. I( antt Il M F . 1.0 torttere dirrits of Q. Mall malt o. teen. . ttmt tai taint,: Pro...lnm, In,. of the So i. o 1 ;1 4 . rrn 4..tlttrtt of Illtt"t ;PM ItATIC ,CMN n'tet ante writer with 111 - nratittinn. 0n . hal nt M.riaqer Dstretor . e 11•WIleA. Lye. LetteTtmryseyrt 4. rammer,. at • e'elrale J+• etAn : tera,ll ATHENAEUM. GREAT ATTRACTION 4 IN FRIDAY EVENING, Novemb, 7th f. .r u (.r nply, p.“ ( 1, e./..,rtnal PA NORA MA 0 EDEN 111noroise -f &Au.. 11. tth tbr.• gr.. of I.tam •.1 Eve. M... I 1., ,qtx.lll.l, 11n1/.:i i 1 .11 Itinorwo 1 1 ...rawa at 71.. A. 11131 ., 0011,11 Childr.l ball prt. Chickering's Pianos, OILS H. MELLOR inr Azre!l,uno.j!:..i.t. No .1 Itio.TlTi_:, nt N:t: . 311 .. $ \,e4rl.o:d. s uxintt Es 1, L, F 4,111•1111 11 " w.t.q Ind frunt . . tt l i o, IS L IiN , S— 50 bxa l !T i n i, e , i i i i tre . , ,, f A. or sale Watat tad Pratt. TUBA Cei)-80 boxes Va. sr. and Ws, good brand.. frr .41 , . by ISAILA 1 DICKEY RPO il sOFFEE--500 bogs Rio, fo• sole by 1,, n,y, IRAIAI UICKE? i Cu. rIIEA —5O id. ghosts 'V. 11., or sale by I. i,,,, ii•shiii bicass kCo II'III:ESE-7 Boxes Cream; II J . 10 .. Common : 41 - Eoglula Dairy; • 4 .. '. ~ .. iconrl.l, • Lublins; aril 137 U\ i• by 1. /21CliEt A Co.. ob IVO•r au ~1 Yrovt mut eu StIGAR-43 iihdii. for mare 'lr ....... ENGLI &. nos Srco LlS nd, %ta ß d 151 lint la , 11EESE-490 !sixes for sole loin by noL ENOLISII t 10INNNTT. 1./UCKETS,-40 doz. for sale by I_ll bob ENGLISB t BENNETT. NAILS -300 kegs. for sale low by ooS ENGLIS I 0: BE, YOT ASH-6 cub foe mile by oDS Milan st BENNETT ')EARL ASH-10 tone Ibi sale loir by 1. nos . FL:WWII a nzles err. ._ DOLL BUTTER-1 MI for sale by aer . must/ a szmirrr. . lloareadvoml PROGRANNE Samuel Gray, IffiERCHANT TAILOR, nT. tZl.k Irt 11111111\his: 1 ‘1i::! is 11/ „‘.- I ynt r ,..l th-ro r, the l . r. ,lerr, y• • in arLialt. I,,arled ban rual,r.l Yors.[l. ar a 4,1,14 ins num....nun tru.n4l• sad , wits grlting ,r.rmerit.'rt :11 a ..S3 grtti,h 1011 V W KIEL L, )131tufacturer of • I'ATE,T. ^v1.11) and lIIZAZED BOX nr/ .01 attofr. r II hl.l l r. I-rrt V. In a Exelumpe Livery Stable, and Furnishing Office, r , jl . e. Penn elr Tio. -tii•- Plle,/ ••,-1 1 .,-r. :hank . • • - .•• - - OF THE TWELVE.LECTURES which ttr. F. It. VIONI/3 In.nd• m tlelteer to the French language...pee a reek, on the foliowloo puhjeets. to/melee get Loin. Lid to carry no the relintou• 'Pere lee. Phleh he otalue on the Nabbatla. lo the pato. 4totuee , 01 0 0 ettattcrc-1. oat protects hi, pollklr 2 Which are the people nf 3 1014 of the people of Ord. 4. Poolellopat of the Pollitle of GP.I l. S Hope of the peP , ple of Cprrootlon of the peon]. of et . Ppm:nohow. of the iepple of 11,1 k Repo:Mot:lce of thp p•oPle of P Church the ppople of 11.1. 10. flegeoaration of the people of (Pei 11. Atuboeoplare of the 1 4 • 444 Pi1r ii Out. ((tm for., of rkt , t4ro.l.. of Gpol Prtt, wlll be taken in the It.oke Anbeeriounue rov er ea et the upple So 101 Third •trPet no I at 11. o• t.o. feeler L.P,turee. The Dr wtit omen, -,tl h, ha, - ~ en, „ ouc h p, ,o...arenee.. end 4 4 4 E11 ,4 0114,, !,,rl...clipr:o hp., the Fre.. Pp 41 4 Pert, n sjeotill, Prl"ttee; or to API I- the eatue, evatwelizaPon I, Ct I. inn vetoun ur 10000 h•dire.,..l, r tat men. .tai n0t1up1....• r.P•tho, al • ~r.pri atom, p, • ..p. t o pu1.11.11 thr mane. , th. • se.ertle.r. h. it etch the mu. taut nt their o tho. 4,4 not /0.4 A Festival and Fair, N behalf of the First Rrephyteriarrtinrelt, in larrTnrocharm, , herd at the lbs ',brad M..... Irlirrninabrun. on Thumb, and rrrtar ritr.rannutt• awl err,aino. tare tith and 7r h 1.0 brrer...o 1.0 rte. rtr,anlntraa,e aill run iron the rrrr nat. of Forth Markel atriret• /wing the afbrrnrenre •orl rrven ,• ncr,at J. M. JUN} Cc American °and European Amphitheatre! IV, 1.. !:t PERFORNI 1\ PITT~RI'lual, in Norrtntr r and n.O opr.n gar w r •L .r 1 o Anatinetivn n otr.A of thi. A , n..n.nAc •.f nnnA enn.nranAl FR F: \','N ', ,, VPF.,1 ,mAI . performwri. tnnua Eno grozateaA trAorn in-111 4 Inn nn•Ar nth. A ILI, I .to th.. 1.0111.1, Int n.rnal.• rnign Irano, Talun....n. 111.1111 T/1111.1/111 )1 ra..n. Lamm, Artn..l,ton nan.1.11,1,1•1AN . 1 LAND. Ow grnan..t Ana. rn • . • .111 romprt, .w.ry •. o•I 1.41 r V. , C 11.1 IN EUTA N ENT •. L 11,••1 ,tudin. tra.tar•.. . 7.. 01111,), neVt. 01,:P • 1.1 . , 11 kilrn,•• nua H. Hepburn, TIOItNEY AT LAW—()fher . 9 . . F,11,111 tako thiq oirtr,hod of rPtorning "tit. thnvik. znih- /Invt. awl . . It.rl" nn.i.l tu•urr.l Si Mom ..n •Img on, un,,, , 1na,1 "` br. o.n Sopi..n.h., 1..1 an.l lop rut, prumpen..• u .11 nut nut 31113111 ,11 , 11. 4 1 •11. 13, 3. 111.4, 3 1,,16...11i,131,11/31111/... L. lll flxlllll,l on ••ur , 11. .1 'IA Klll.ll. .1,55 to , tit , A tool I, ISO rltl l AZOI{S!—Thp Wat•,lll, tie. Ihr the weir the T.1..1,1,1.1 it It I-I I:A2 , th, lIATT ;:treu .T ITAA cAttelAch.,, , Af stc, berchAA, rtAAA,.. eu,l vII,OJ •I.r•eA'rr intrTtloTAl. r, TinA ArA,,,, roA - ta•terAT, Arc pr,11..."1t.r/I , iiil 3) 1.• , 5. and -.cur- thAct utelal tcy rvichlact ,h 1 Mani, C.AA-ThT bort tell,. •,,c, for rAIT AI,. ...A. , • IA W IV I I-4,•:• ‘larkee Vt..urtb •t UST roe'd 111 N.) 256 Likwriy pu , up It. fAt, , , 1. tA , Prs Frr.h Citrna '• theme, Ac. Iw Fl,l, . Au, All r.t.tueu AtuiUna , raPp , 1111 A 11,1 L1:/tA. A C.,p. ow I,e•. , er. ptul lou.l•Pg LEA\K OIL--C; 1201, 1,, W[t n MI t51.Y..." t ROMATI("10BACCO fr, STON E - I Altl. l OIL--I"_ I. I ng4 NI, lotLI.Vi.l TANN I.:RS' 01 1.1.1. t•Jr 1,1.2. Li L'UtAii A M(.l. A ..q.S. 1- , 1.11.70:I.I. I- t:K El S& TC HS ►lt IT ISFI k r., I X Es •t p . art r A S A FIETI 4-t , IL. prik , . 1 . ... 4. 1 , I, I Mi r iElt 1 , 4. It , 441 I . lt 1 ,4 . I I 1 . ,.1 • AL. I , I ro‘e. k I , IJCIIINE A I' I:. I, FILL: P UTT • t E 4" " " " LiLkx_ltoo'll, rt. ( .' unu,,, , ;,, V S " t‘• -21 , “ 5,11,. Lx • ‘t 111111 \iA r IA ERI : 1-- 1 . 2 0 ibiA I, ma 1, by li-A r. a S. ;11,1:1{10.1. 1 11 i n . 'l7C -- :2 , 10 bbi, N. , . I f,, •alv I.l* riot i'llAl.)-1611).Y., Silerw., ,, , '' • A• , i 1 P ,I{ . '''!'" S'"' ' ' ..17 ' .71 ' \ , A i T 4 . .. . . il itooms_soo ;1.'1.. b, 4:11.. by - A ,A 11 . 0:11AUAil _Tomc _ H ___ • _ ___ .._ ss , lit:mir. .. a ,i, AIR INN 11;01t \c., U• at th. Aro. Inv s wit KhitsitA,,, noz rVIIE I , ,povit 111 I v rnll I h , at p 1•••Ier, . Hair ' 1 ' 224- j u ' rr: iLMA. przt - • 1 y . Vatrun: 1.1- er . .l awl pul .1 n r•slg, Ctinark! • bra Cru f.. , r .25 &taw dr:t bovro Choml r ,tr: • .tar • I tt. agn! ICEIM=! Vont, Lnnttau l'untlua And &gut-, nal •Artnutt ttt.lnurn.t. an I Intratn ttentonnil nnertett at A 51.-C to thu s Se. 1 nrit. un...1 rt. prlwille übt.n. tunntr ununuallnl t tnnAttorgb 1.11. A ai Littert• , , 01) FIS.II--5 clrurnm for sal.. by •, nokl NICK t mconh Dives 1 ' I 'ERRING-1 1 N) bx, for rule by 1 WICK a Wre3::141..1:50. - - - - - AVA COFFEE--2 , 1 bags for sale ht 0,3 WICK ANDI.KSe i.; VGA R LEAD-,41 0 11110. Whit.% for title b k tJ J KI DO K rkr tt. J.r LIQUORICE ROUT --21100 lbe. extra fr,Qh. for rialo .1. KIDD .a nue ACID— .1.111 lir, for 0,0 0 try n. J 11,1110 (sr. . 0 .; 11 ,. 3 , 1 , / , 1 . , RE : 13 ,, LA , nrrAolst• m amll ule Iliszket, r 410 y Alrro. 4-4 vrhltrk brava ma, i LAN 3. t. Lk • .4,, _pet of Fourth Nlarkrrt stk 1 AR I) OlL—lb bblo (Winter,)for I .1 01 by J kk:11.10.313 OW. OCr , 0 ...1 ktkrkt AA RROW ROOT-5011h ,, Am , for sale by not J. 1( MIA A Co . . . ‘I,EA:4I TARTAR-2WU lb, bar ~nh, by .• and J KIDD CO.. I,{ .IVER OlL—Rushton, Clark & voula, le bulk or I.; tho dovol Or onwo. nel J K IIaIA 01 • V L Aiik FLANNELS.--.M F.PIII 1,3 DU ROIIEIEII/ burr 'opt wporand nu a... 4 rtop-nt Ursa,. nod Orr., 110.11101; 44 I % : il i sTrs LEAF hurt rwJ" .ca•PU MURPIII A 1- IREAM TARTAR-12 blabs. 'polv'tl, war t) 1 0011 0 .1!Oar ,sl. lay (ALAI) bavkete for male by ..ew 11 A FAIINEEToII, I.OIR SA ND-15 Lbl.. far mule by w,::11 I , A PAIINENTOCK ILY RED-40 bbls. bright Eng., for ; .a l , 7 ILA FAIL ESTo;;/i Co, QENNA — I 000 lbs. prime Alexandria. for sole It A EARNEST...II AI, . . L' , LANSEED-1 0 hbls. boo Hale lay r 0,31 11 0 1 P oI IIlyb)l bbl UTTER --. 1 a. Fresh Roll, for male he lJ cat) pp BA.MI Cl, I' 011E1 II VINEGAR-501411, for sale by 0,4 SAMUEL I' 1 . 11111.1 0 1:11 tj LANK ETS—A. A. MAsos S Cu. z irou,,n- UP oyalinit'lAlo pwsr, w0...4 - twd 111.00/4... rLAID RIBBONS—A. A. M o no', A Co bow, now no hood 1.11 0.1100• nob wohl Platl anw. duENTS* KID GLOVES— Saw "peeing At LA A. A. MASON • C.V.'S, 61: awl Mart, 4tr,t—lt. AlfleollVl . 7 . best Kkl Moves. ILK FRINGES—A. pi. Mar,: Ca. h, ,, n-A 21 inann•Sllt Fri.,. 1,1,0 Ana oss 501,r.. IPOTTED FLANK E I,S art received :it A. A MAYAN A end .4 Marl., a 1,01 , supply of 5pat...111,1, Is. Ins. .11.1,4 0 moss. _ 1.1 UTTER-2a kg... fresh, read and 16r role Li.sq. WICK a Me :AN Small White. 0311 . by WICK ICES:,IrCAN :D A A N - 5-7 15 1 e 5 n Lop. Carl., for .d.• by 0 WICK A Met A NI/IJ,, `ALT, PKTRE-12 k v. uen "VABLE SALT-1n boxer, for role l/ ref; tt'ICKA if erNuf 0 117 .) bbl... pur . e u La i, n , rl i ze' ; 1 1 ,.. .0=1 4 0 m. hy lOE:Jlififieres beet, for rah by .Au BCH/MIME 2 IN(.11111A11. *LASSES—SOGoodnIe; r. - Jasn, " roe e•lis DUILIIRIDCrt • INCSIIKAH. j OAF SUGAR-45 We. it'd N. that La Mt Gromid Ilefirmr7: - 60 bbIL L aTUNO6. Lafayette 116160 err: 60 - LoYninebli ftlmbed: toy ,a/e by eoeb b ULU/DUE ALIWILBAN. WOW St. d m !. I:r h.rn , dr .. I ii~6.n ' r L ro /1,. .•trii• T rtr.l htri•r...• r i trotre.••rirn •.1 , isr rirriritar•h•or nur .1.. 01 , An. rinr thin. hir To r irn.. with not. ins. .1.1111.. 51A 1-TrlEWi' NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! 1.1'1.:4A11Y DEPOT. Nn. 74 noor In I' It •• I lrrl•il, r• • Pop.l alto ppi .r p•I Er.. 11 rl ,prpp—a pp, rjr. orr Dor Mrrrtkr rr. Alcor, r Orr I..p.rp 11,-bh Yu.. p mppp. rrol,r, r Ilr. i.:. ~ I N.tnr Cll 4 )lrE HOLLAND X1:4%.,11V.1 Store New Geode. .111E' .1. X,1.6'2 Fourth st., • 1., • • F..,,h_U 'V 11t...Z.1. •..V - .111. `.l I , It • I .6`. \lt 1,: , .1,111 "! t 1 t rt 1, r, nu, t - _ I 'l-1 I I' • I l • F .\ I{l , h , • .u•t r• ••%1 :41).J for • I tz ;ty . PT ft I N :\I .0 I: , • t]y I I.A li LEA! , • t i. r;.: d ~,140‘; 111;1,1,1I Igt N! \ -ry I'l' F.I V F: • '• • • Etr, ,, , •• 1, 4 . II , 1..1 A .EN - I I. • \V"'''\'' • I I ~.1% - 1 4 . , Mil. trt 41,1 N: 1 . 11 r:qsl ,h„... • II eir \olrl, Vi r. I LIT. „, , • :• k r ' . N... I. I: •, 01t,/,11 I. 1 11 Eli— i hi., E- I-. IS in ['l.: A .40.1, 0nr10.• I ,10 • kik , N.O I}l , l. KWIIE.AI f„r t 1111IIIANI ...A: - , b-.'. t 0. , ,1 t.r.5.4 ( .11 EI.:SE:L.6O 1.,, t'r.,, ' ET:1;,,...•:'.:. , .1... •.‘,., I: ,"" r-:' ,•..l ''' 't l'''H A ' \tr ,.. A . 91.1, 6.; .kI.F.IIATI'S—'2 ..,,k- , _1 , Y. , 1tn.1: • , .. r. • ,Ir. . t. ,,,: 1n ( , ifficoL.krE—PN , 1., ,r.... 1, r,.."., , . ,1 for Ii A/12111,EN.: 141. A! } 11. 1 Nt, —Th, oNet.r, t t..-1 lint, 0...... Illtrinkm: a ntnnntr.o..,3,-nrn , : p. ny kr.u r .:l ' n•Z ' on':; '"11.':;;' .. ~I''l '.'."'"' '-'"' ' U t c "' n !.. NV iili .I:PUAu. riiri...‘ N CAYENNE PE i'f'Ell---.` , . , ' 11 , s, it A ,Aii:SE: OUCH t. 01 111 11. I: .11. PE l'y E1173,01.i5i....h,1”,r, C. _o• A ' , ' " " ":,_ . C ANA RI SEE 0 D --'.2 , I. 0 Ibis, for \a I e b) .AILNE,TAII.) . A (...., 'l.l . BI.:1: , Al:I-10 lads. 4r - ...1e by( 0 Al.olloooft'ili ill ~. _ A. i f ' oSi I IJ; sUA P-15 1,...yes for toilo bF 1 ..:. . BA FAIIINE,I,OB,? n 1 1 .11:1 F.l; A'l El) SI/AP-50 hsq. lon.tal by 1 • O A FAII0001'01:0 Itstr.r. I )1..A.P.1.; 13 e,..c1,i fcr ,•aly by ~‘ I: 1: .4 )fccnxnuti , ,: li I:t )I'llEl SHAW LS' -- We : nvi te the :lA II ) tentnna . r tr, .a.ll, to u 0A . I[lo3 le ,tatt•n,...ort cntors. Intnlf. , ...01 mi. Rl'llY n. 1 11l la: HELL. Aurn•r .f Marl....t .41 F. , 11 Arr.'', IT ,sl 1, 1..,t,. 0.,...... , ,,,,,,. r =linen etrynitetsic In ...nrl onler ILf, 0 r •nrr I, ~„,i t, A', , , CU. Lit.: , ll \ %. • a . i.: 1i I. I. n r., ' . r, 'leek. -f \ k ~. •• • 7. ..,...1 • For rate 1111111 S. /0. LITTLE AOr , .. .1. o 3000 \ 411 ,21;1O/ '.;;;;... 10/ aa ' cr . preg.r'ntgat. a jiff' Monet r. \ • ' • rg. it $ l'l . Alidilyrentrel en the I eggt \ ' ' '''% IV. t 5. tVI t,gg \ 1851 \ \ ,Hops. it X ke l. ALES of Firo*trt Eastern 3 ndyes, 1,. l/ 4104.64 / nuar . recelc•k n fgdatal for apahr GO, tgIIITII. I It< torert !ruble Beei*plodeon. ';' 1 FIIIIE .uh. •vi Ler litt. ' kt ..pened a yeryl 1, tg.. M. agi u. 5 14-4AVIO, 411 .lodf In ael of male. ' , 11, b y ~ :.1.. , gg , g t.... eggcl al frgent.d. t.. r .all a jstwiltatl/1 4 N. 1 1 o tn., me In gagual In tag r 112/432 1 •1 4 1:121. I neon. gggt of elnag,yl tpne., .II I .11/11 ///11 , 4 2•' •'. ''. f'''' ~ ~,\ ~.4\ fu:,,,, a, \ 'Ag t 2 : ' ::..... ' -gt . =,1..1 ' re I ItTglr4,, "26 . " 1 I . ...tro ' c ' t= h tralTt ‘ g ' !L - lay. "'-n ettttf . g : Pqrl:l.t*e?; \ f.. 11, igg•gted to e... 1 yun tang ne th• egume.sprv•vitv to gta ' ?. ' t ' s . gt ‘.. !!.l l 7raMta tb ., " gUtt r tlgt...e7.r 4 g,. t r '' , ' g I LILVBEIt. , 6IOI v z.. fur the ortgina . l „ Le, Ca .. 2l_, .ieflt .1 , t;......17a. 1 . ENUINE WEL ‘ St FLANNE ., -- , ilt 1 .r.. r the al. to Ont., poreta...l f tb. injs, t. ,, ..N.lal bsing the .m,« aTI that NA gt:rett vrt., I. at..l.,r.ut , ~.. a,io ~ 1,,,, ..” . •tnn In r , ureastnelers ervt A ., , re...4...wq 4.ri r:. i. 1,4 , .1:;:. . ' i Ml ' 7;, 4 " ,:r . Vin . t% ' .l; ' rl n k ' a . Ul 4 4 u ;V l ' i: }V;ell= i ntl..tog Flannels. t, ,'''!"' ~,j,h , t ' ::,' "4,.. '' - ~ \ ~..„, ~ ! ''''',3l::...''''''''' lIUKPII.RefiIIi.:LD. \ ' I - \ -- /tll - gheny 11.331r04 .- ' f t )11,k Itit •- ;/ \ — . i , : Htl.. ' L l' , :na , r.v.' oil; 1 N fair taknvv . tkl Oar diroctions\ll a act of ",.. ' ' "•'-'• '''; •,''' ~ 1 : !...,,‘..."...`it'. ) ; \V `h t.;l l , A iV,' , l s tt:r l V?„'T2.', , , _._ _ . gut, g‘ . ...1 Mat t f g__ , ~,,,,,r , „g grag ig gn o t.tgt let 6u n. Kittanning,: apt It ...en 1 %,11°LA 6 - ES -- "“ l ' hk. N- Q . • i '' ' 3IP b y '"t'r, "tc`f.. ` 7t , ' v 'i"" ' T.,"4,7" ) "":: r'NFOZ"V°III , ,„: , 4 11;1 121:1l1:://12/ 4 •/ 1 .1;/2/ 1 1 , 1 , 4 :., n 1,4 I n eedat, Nt t iber t i. ' at the fi t: . 1.- - ' ' of l' tkhurg In coat, ta da t , %te IL A1t) " 68136 4--I;°ll4 ' N sl I{llP .C; eill ' :::Wraar atst \ -n .berer hter to 1.. . .or ...I. 1., . 1;1:1.11,it' -.0. • g• . gt. Ake. igr the eharter. IAI gI:NNI, g StROIIEN•ON .1 1.17 RANDY-6 C114112F1 NV ild Cit., v ltraadv... .; 7, ,' ,, i i,,, &aviatca, , ~,,,,,,wg K. wgil.g.: 1, A l'l:gdtg.l.l...N AO. I rift, , grttg INgiTUN. * a I. , :Altbs, tiltAY..l,tar a . 1 /124 t. ladf , liNc, \ Jilittg MOUKI6 , )N. 1, IVA th:\ 'I TIIREAD—'.Inn. 1.1. A •port ,,, 11, / ..1 ,2` i't. 1111. EN. fliAlitp!:. taglft : . a 1..1t ,ang glg.. macula. tor. mei tnr male .t tgeg • It.gllu. "F\gflgt, ' l"ill t allINT le .0 .t fuggchageg • deg., .. thill.ll 'tug Jroll, \SI 1:11LINgg, - - J. lc 110.1' .1 Nid fUN. gthp•• - - - 1 -7, OttN STA - Hell-300 lho. , thoi... :mi. J,,,,,,ArNintkoN, I.I'A , i, ,) , - manufactured eat:l,gal,- tor , o a j \ t_tt.l Nigf a l , , r.".Z.7r,. " ,<''.."'.`',1 1 ,,',',;.1,„",":.',1:`;:,' ~. , .....2.lzdadaggla crongru. gruggita cake, porrgdae. ce '' ' - -- ' A Paelguggeo. it lull dictation. 0.1. ma J KIDD • Cl ' i PRINT 4: I NIALLIBLE YEAST PO I a , 0 'l, alltal l t , r ,!..1•Ja2,.i.-„f:,0.V.1..;15;i1.0.1;T:1;,,„t.'' ''''' \"..g7L-:..„ g,gnmanfai aseh parYeze. Yoe valr hy . ' 7 ,', ~ , ...„. .' ,25 .1 Ix tlat'X 0 2 l, : teo. en. „ _ ....., I. la 5014 V/NEGAIc--100 bbl Del l tt gal , , ap , ~ yi,,,1;,....i 4 ~,Dit7l \ \ \ \ \\ \ , \ N... d 1 RN:ERIE:4. , - 1. 1.1 I 15 NAcv• il,sstn• 1 A1.1,C , 1q %1..1d , 11n , In, ..-..r.mt15 1 imlteq 1.1,11., 11 • 1 1,111,AM., . A , IND:AIi ill 1,b1 , . Gar salr: • 1 r(l.. kIiIEI , ,TEACII 1 , 11. forvltile j 1,1111. 1 1 1 N. LITTI.I NCO N -s")k'" .4 DIG 110 rN 350 toot Creek Met 110111,1,. LITTLE r • OLAssEs ,:k• • ..;,.,.4',l.'l'.,Wi:z' . ~ ': ~ TOBACCO. . C 63131 E g kA . •,.. Fa ',eta., •• --,,1rtr,",..• ad trAbe,,Aptione ..• 'l,fr { , -Ap., r-,-.1.! , ,, ArAAI tore, 'A 4,1 f.. • ..,e, A zk e , fr,,,,,e - pirrsimmon nseasizer . \ \ rriell r.TTSCV:\ 8 ApAilk •. I Thurcria, mem - May . . P.: ' The weather yesterday was very,laelem\•ol. ~ ~Arel af,• runtel. wtth but e!lxtAintclen . %An \ .1 , oggtA.ut tit.' 4,4, Mi.. , . 5, . '''''''N''''''' \ ~{, , AI,- et e AienAl, anti LvAttfkie4 of intArtraltanna\ lailff to I , e x .11. tArospe , l !or e -,,Anev; m ak ~ erlitA.A.A.m. ll , Ant there rill JtnahjlA , 6 b. star.. ,\, A., 6'4re lb. anti A.),, f tit, fell tr•AIA \ /JAI' f.- AT/ .. 'orlost I- wri,,ut•n,, itA„ , •O3A-0 , 1 ,, i , 4AAre fu tg,,%rent , Art v_ tAbIA frniA, trt itAnd, et Pr ., . t,. , 11a1,..11 aLa ai iN. .Ad.l , IA f, • r! A. r-a.ri 2-A0 NW, i r nitret hand. , A , •4' N•AAA .-,t,..n,.- v. r , ,,rt tner. er,•kif,,elliA,wifh ..t.,en.A. Fila . Wh. AA • , . , A.0'.; , . IS, 1 , . Barley fAIHaASA. end \ .1 to 2:: , - , :` , t 1n n l ;`•S- , upnlisra nee fun ' yrally rukuratr, Ail , el, , (!nine) hunn,.. J.S.,na 11, .4. it light ‘,ln wunnlya • h a mulerata tatnineu, ,iXtu. .0, :=1,,,th1, , r, 4 , ,,, tdo nSir• ~ ,...n.:1014. nS4 Bola I , 4 4 ts. 'Pen\ Lori. an{lirm sp P t. S , ' \ • , , \ 10 TT Ele- We netn, • nutty u , YI nano , soand fur (real, ~.11.11, nth.. 15,, Kerr 14 '-, nn; '1,, , , n Parr xteras et ~.. muumr, act-rat:ant, 1 , 'nun ty frotnll.' In 1001, le \\\\ • .Y. Further osier 4 nor kek ut ars - the . 111T-11-lne market \in welceuu Inyl. nalh In,: nrl,- , . ~..,,,,,,, u.n.„,5 , ,,,,e:',P, cot. i•• . MI.. 41./ :am 01 I• 11 WHEAT Fl.Ol It --1, , n1.. hum .mt 1.• dr r 100 .nI , 1' nrl .in,l In , en, nt SI 1 - rank. II A .1 . 1:I: c1:111 , - tan. nr Yes nu at.. S. :Ai ~ 0 ", ,; 11-,a,,,.)..• ,, ,-to %I A 4,., 17, ~,,.. , ~ 11,111 . 1 -anle• 11 , 1.? , , , ,n I , sn at :1 • r reellrpl 'Ufa. •EV 11AT N It.. Is lIICIII6AN--71.0. t 'l , Pelu e , s i, ..prart n( a I: stor e (runt Junerville. 51Irhin U. 'WO , sTa•Yer 01- 'Th. time. in St ichsgan prodon, arp nap! ' , Skew h. n.. unkr 75. cr,,hr , from the lak«, hriugn .41kbor, -,. ",,,!,, ~.t• ~,, to t inan.pgrt t tivr% Fur 011.-11 at nu.-5r!,..., and the Nan., air te!rintainit munia• nt (4,1 1-`, 5 \ , ,, railer thah Pell thesr .heat Polatc,•b re ;Yu i.Ala . Winn.. they Pell at 24 Pci i bu, and it Inc a, , .. dunlettul Phethyr hero .01 he enuncl, for dra., ' ,l - 111 hra• and eons nen Inr lerneyatentiva thin?.nnoal .. hure rytu,rnal rery lame, hut It is a milthk, they n,.. net. yen, rh, leo Prier. nant. waken Pm, up Pr'hard 1 , hat , , I -The Ilalntann, American ni :Uhl sn...ays ••11 a • nn 151,neru 1,,,,,, ,, , in tau- deinnnd Rat Pur and pre.l,,yempt.. u. puhruut 10,711, Ind, 04,4 .1 IPferlcr , .n.l ~.. p n. I,4re 1 , .5,41 neuleehul 10.Naley tenth innut pu ... 1,1•1•. •I I /MI I la,S,rmer range ur Prima. wb)rh we htup,e. ea -tnuted 5554 , 1 10. itrnmor SA Aror-iyoul ~,.5 01 5n0.5. hp,in PI .14,1 50. nu , l nur do {,40.- si,,, r..'nud am) mund lob lan,un 11( rump fp more 1 1 , p,d -,,..., are mnkin, at PI •i.: :,,, t .r rnferiur h. rnyt The yr...4.0t ',yen Erie.heen Pry tavnr•b:r torthin 1,-- Pr , ..•• 1 n1 I ne .1. nrnaniSm.. '0 Intl, Junin and ol'! n.. 1 '44.11(. , 111;0,, , ,p u I,en rlte u ;1er...1 thll w T 1...,..,, urn, renortm) no , a_.Pers him. nrfpn;cled at lAA h .. er.nlyn h, mer urtut.,:inn , --snter,ur ihyl common Ohio 14 , s:, au , , nammon 1.10.101,un ' 'y'll rip,n, good sad Cue r..,1 I y. 4,. liou wryntn.ry 1.11,15, .71,;‘1 i s 42 . lnir - annifle,:::- 11,,, , 5. ,uun. um., , I, kientneky. Putnin hunh.nunnnu .., .15 nlynnne in .uher market.. 14l•40• burr 'shine to ; nt tortnot itAtoo tate, The in otiotto or ..k rylt oniiitiri, 4171 Ithilto Nor, InaJ, tOI • nail 11 L'outoolty --totst tn 1.145: tz tat 'tow thik ontiouut 't 7 , lit,lttt to trod tut ftor: FLOUR .417.1) URAL-IMAM:ETES. 11c4r,... Oct. 31. A .--4 , t0ti0u5,...., sod u ligpl O as. dstossol CV Its, J. toe inds. s od m.,lrrntrly to/osol. batesl(o/ r 1.. r cu.:ow. ',I c015...1 nu.Kbt •d thou nod 3l:chl4no, sod 43 IS; for (so, 3 . I IeSIIMII vth.lru taps in IA oct 41..10 • .4in trod mililug i[Olot4S -1 41. 4 st,re the tless zu.4,11,4 tut-to,. ins. at, I. oitrs, Inge akAl I4r choice—Ls,' Ims Ntrcl•Vuo nt. :3 0o out [us atol to 1;1.4 danalsl •u No skit ..o4 Int on P.n.s Henry Richardson, Jeweler, 1 I ' ,, l, s iN p' T.,T.,.., 1 1',', - ,,..: w ., re , ~T,.r." El i , r,, ..r.,, with a Ina atatrYthent . . rt In, If tt F I Itl. anl ! Ahll ...loin. r , I , Ir atteul, ufl o frntolustartnytother• to LP. .: u .rtr u he St Rh by- will la tottuf tb• -.lout dra .a), u r th.. ..t. 9h . ..I Itt,t ... lie eh • sins. I I 01 \ • tha u, rft,..• Rm.. 1--r It -5. Ilthran • tut 1 ...y I 'fame ion, fa it Matr a r . t t•`l . Ir. r. r. rely eurtett, Linn', i full I I r ••• e ur I ttf 1 ....•4/11//s hi usetttl An, 1. I 4 , •It NIT LI 1 r i; ' t •kLI - 1 .etimd numl ,w. .. , .allueml \ a r' in T. !-torff a - iill\ •1.10 1 1 r , II I.nultal trr r. , for nal,. he i i • Jolla. II MY ;4,14 b,4 \Vont Li. , • Letter Copying pressed.l ~ I t i \\, ii Ililie Lot rr 1., k It, r op 3 me , (Volk Dt.t.rtl la to er 4 no, useht. la . •tr I 11, 14, 434•11, maene .ra - un 1/ 1 111 , p• no,: nth . t , art, riethke.l al t. taNa - • .r. ;t., AIA , rII•A• A . eat m h e \ I Tl ' r ti.,f ‘ l ''. . ve .U ' ltt . t ' l " ;‘::; ‘; t .4 . l •' r r o " V fr l irte L preutt„. tlt It Y 14,1, n, ,/ - al nueb nark, thaw Iy ow ut h. hr I r=ata.. r, akar order •TI - on, at_ r_tbl t loasylanture Ihr tf P I rush. on Nell r .. Ye, -I. I stem: 41/ II •• trouble tun I sit)• au, I u•al to Vet 11//1/Thhl-e with an) 41 il r .11/ tu ow ad F -ha P1tr1 0, • ,,,111 .. ,4 ., ' . I - a.. luta ri Orphrum . Co 1t I •1 \AI I..uti Ortit 4/ ~/ tz 111) / , •eu - li, NI • 1 V / 4 /,/ , le. 1 ue eP• t , AI 1 141 / 4 .11/ hV/ rt leY t • orn. f facie. It rreluy 4,... , II a , ... It Lh t`IYAlt Irtli A. - Orphans - `Court Sale. 1)1 1 , •1 12, i\ In•r of the Or hang' 2 , ~ nn i t I-01 1. I,i n. .1. h. exp.-ad \,. rale. h I tut rf t :I. A ot lterotter \ h t...,1 II e t nrt lino.. I,h loa est sal h., Mtn. .1i tha tr..r. \„ ta n 1.. 1 t rra. 4 ..,ntro our, 10 the Clty of lat aburgh. I t r • st\. on whieb t• en.nfry r• k. fr Ar n to, I. nzo ... I, Th at ;lea rfhoo) ry ar .•1 , uhtl 1.... a i . f thr tt•te of Jmet Niel- I I. ktfr PALMER Lots and Turnpike\ Stock\ (or Sale - *A rr.d. th otreredlt \ tiThh.: 'Hula, itk the i V 4 / / / 411,1 11/ t,.. , is, y the ;lb ot Novena ;I. I /1/ r. t. 1 rata. ion th. 11-to.taNi . ttort To Pd , Ihr" , In et th tr rob, 9.! h•, no linh fl t.• 1+ an old` , r r to uar tow tlt ee, t 10 1.1 a Irlor.lng and f f Ito• rt o Ism a Itt- .o. Itre shore to a Illch is., te Ia ma \ .I- .. th• ...a ltme and p aen—l. fI" t ..1 ey i art utuyrill-Tunapitre alock \T. nos a 1 IL) fi 8.1.111, .1 b 110V.1.T Ata • 11/v/A / 4 1 lotrutortYleltono To the l'oblic! r .knuermitin ti, 11 Lung taken t etnre a S rl Mark.-t street, lataly cloture! by A.M. A. • ht. 11r trt u eve, "tug Ursa .m m 4 auPPIr f 1 t 1•11 •• 1 n 'mut tolfli , .onfrathe . part as folk, ‘, 1. n roplea aaarrtmeat of hlarl. 11 5 1 taper Dia.... , ~, 1.. h • t ~., mo.r, De Iwo e, Al,. eh ..etk rik,D. D,e . 4.u. an. I Nun, ,tlAl\l,-, roll lynu .hatr,s 01.., I;,.,nit • 0 Lint, Cott, Itlbbmat Mon. at.tit, . •r . • t try. n r •tr•-k 1 MOIS.GNIYA) frth./D.9. and tit, or e fhtrtAha lor h re • -• I tin I, tent • .h 1 the pub!, are mei ' t a 14, LI arhYt hat .11111 \ HATER a Ltl -- N. it_ r, - Ihe p. r,tl nhn took—it it A .“. ..-1 I. tu +la \ .---Itol. ml 'store tra En L' 4 h 4 / 41 4 '''',/,/ i- 44 . \ IN .t. ter. It f ...ellen ^in -etr • . 1, r. 'un It a.• t. ...anat. are valthtbl.oolr to t rt .1, - \ t• 2' I._ F - . at LlT:llit, 57 Wood ft ,•• • H\ I r I 1.11..11 11110 - -- - New Mimic k;". ONG S sikr:g.: - .1,) :11iss do4l:lAarsa Heir:: k 7,1 , ...,. -1,4,. the •,,,...t ' , plow:tn.. I h• 1,• , 1•11v.1 on, through Tau! balls- t. ' - ' , -IiVr . .)F.N'S V LIND. AT ' ItER CONCF.DT: 4 : 0,4.1,, t l l ,, t.:l. Me . fty , 111 1 .7tiza laml • foreTer: ~,, ~,t„,, 1;r,,, 1_ 'Little llkt limliog 11001, 10 Im, • ...-; 6,,m,. '. kvn from thy •ttrr; `,. Th Lord'. PrOj , ..r. with mu- h “ I,ak.. n.- qu.-1 tot I,l' .k by I • 010 ol • . .61,., r- lO paTIIII/2 limp— , Sigter+ th.- harp y-ntll. by erw w.,_•611 6. 160tt , d , ” ll , urT, WO,- do I,:umuterltawo Culel X 11,-ert. , -.nth' rooted blo .of lA. Vol , . iFore4t,Bri.l.-4, 6106,1,,y6,1,0t ,01 0 , . 0 . : 1 tlsh and Illonmer Mat. \ , 4:11 , . ty o. m. rtlittplt V ~ t. lil re om, /I c. Id I t 4OE- tt. NIELIAIIi, . tiond ttrettt. \ iTCIIES, or kliek,c,,t kikg- - \\- pad fien, tuntufatturen, now \ 1 1 0 von , : ~ -to , l at \ Ter" - I6w \ 61,16, Gr 11.... ... siloo to $40.00 - -- . _,.. _ 6N 4, ).1 ) tp 160.00 ORT OP\ PrrfSIRJRGh - - ityr” , -Thert 99.• 3 49.‘ 9 i ucbe, In chant. tnalL al duo)" lan ee•tuirlq and esp. ''• ' AltiqED. \J i . , Slefiar.liretdrickaan,ll:K...,, "'. ,:", i,K atlantlr: Pa ltia. 13,r,„,,,ti, ,--, 'An. attianr.-ItaiVrlVvt. Vavrlonn. .x, , sere."-Elinit. evt Newton. Bakna la.nn...llrnornsoiSh. ..,-; - trigATat i'" .43=l : N Entcon-ao.Cna. - tirnex•lnt. w,,,t, Of mr..'nlok.ln, . , ~,,,ii a01crta.:.3.51...11nn \ s igancie . th lKoi. " o t. 21 \ Tatin r.:-.. i. \ , pi:POT:Kb. \ ' \ \ I ' '4.. i VilliriCVer7.l4...., , ' : • ~,,, ,briv.r. Valk... Iry N.,. t• ~ k..,,, , NO. :::eot Non ( vo \ \ :,,tr, Cwrlcts. 1 . 1.r.f. ,,, 1. Ila.let. s pro - innati. , \ , , rna , . 4 "..... ,, 11.N A -a. Kmno,. a. , Al,lll, k 1“,1 , i.h A till. I, I . ...rum Packei .I.w .1 tit foln . .1 , • - e-hta.r. \ • • s ‘ r \ .l \ , • \ _ . • • . . • \ (0 . , tv i1t:56.1N. \ m Ect4 , ,- \INCI,: , NATI—N . Ftip,AN V ILLY: Fnikl.l, , n, , vra.-lAt C.v. , . V 31,illin.\ will k 4, ,k., \ nu , itvu<o.l)) V hrr el . on th\siVri 1 ttnn rsetll,l ~ : - N r\ „ l: ,, li\ .l ll6il i s i Tt:Y,' ' '7 " . ;.' ;' l :: ,, io 'il i c,,li i, \ ,9 'L1'...;7.' i1 l g. I k bbt• flour \ Bell 4 L lIEELINO—Pra 1166. 0., n (Ina It'c,..^.; 6 Asece P :+VlTer.\ll.l \ hip! prr 16 ..;5174.5 1' gh.=; ', ;. ,' v , , - do 1,7 tNur 't.. lgrci .d : 7l :' ,l' , " j t•{,lNl'' vg...,, ~,..11. .At, I c 11.066zA.. , 1E46 .i . r " : 1 0 j je h' lt..l . f l l ' :. ' ..n 'n . ' '\' iXit;. h t..\ Ng ~. not toy 4 Os. 4_o bht- J1,v1;,11.4,..c.b 41, tlO4, .111 a ey 1 :_ lckPlire: ul .60 It 5010\ \ , .‘ ' .\ 1 .0 •,. • OT CES, &c. •\. --_-_,'..,..' --\ \ \ ~\\ Zte .. .MAY011... , T1: e .: :1 ,, r 50 . r. .E . :1 b i j ti: : : :,, P ,, 1e ,,,, i:::: .i4,7 ,; 7 1 1 ,1\ - V ~,, Atom that the fr... ,I, of C, ....1WI:Elt will p,)k,,, bl,, '• \• , \ ~ Clt. CF. ...031.f.1.,T, ' , . ,h,*kol, : er . .!), Ikl. i i . ~ ) k .... %C ., n1 5 1aa1 ,, t(14 . , i. 04 - 41. , 1 . 1 , \ ~-, .. : h ‘. tr f the\nt t anY• ho bne ....a : 4 „I..,Teen thurn, I. kilitii,S.e.ol 1 Laic Notice. -. \ .. 4 - \ \ , \ . \ A lIAVE Teta the - Practice o La r ' \\ '„ , mad a ill dyvot toy nbole cite.. th,l ritt 'eNh to I , \ . ~\ \ r pnr...rehlta wh I, furrnerW exiatrd heir ..e,,i: A- Li , - D lttler. t.,.. aud tor. I f . was dte...1,..1. , nte. ek_nro!.. ~. ma tont , Oneon . L. I ay.. 4())1N if li.A. ffi N.. , \ \\:\ ke, .'krito pat°, nirip. Mho: on initrA : ll , ,,w i l x,, tT d \ . ~.. %I. U , ...1.—in01 , 1a c. 5 \ ' Noce. Ezroaser BA of Wtrterrsatt\ 0T.1k.,1.11. ', \ , „ ill,: accordance with &vequirentents of Qt.. \ •,:t. regulatea.4.lhlOyt." th 141litre a genera] eaeekt. , . ~- of the, . tockhdder.t‘of this \Bank, tt th. itanNon . • 11,12,.. on lu ...,ity, So. outer .Itt. et 19 e:c1r,e, , .....4.. Si. \ . \\ .\,,, - .. ul.2t .1101.E,', h V11.4.1.A1,1,,bier.,. VOT ICE is hereby gi \en th ta n asec ' e c itr,. \ \ r C., ot • te, ihanattuie.led aL 0 1;', ital ,e'ea. r,f the 'lron Cur 31nlYt.TIkun ny of MI Innal. t a Fahtet at the .411, et the t.nuot‘any Io ' c :it, or ~ ..5...- . . ......- \ burgh, ~t 1 Mouda,. Derctutx.r 1,4,1651. • , NY tn , ler of the Bumf of 1 I ~001 \ b.! :t. ‘ W. PSA.NtEn,Vreanurer. . , . ' r rill; SEWING SOCIE'lli l / 4 0.:onrIllpted.witti\ ‘ ~ , ' \ ,, a. ti,. Fir 4 t re,h)terim Chorctillftnitighaln, tat ` . \ ,‘. ,s. to bola A.F V.STI VAL lo aid of t •Cbur<9. early ta i s '' , , , ' 1;:r:tI F .121N;I ' i i ;i r ar . : I:i1M: r' Cr i : d g'4 74, % i l d '' '' . l . .' \\ \ ' - \ 1 V \ 'ln" 's l r Tr ' d .'"" ' ll '. ' i 'Vr""'"*.t. '''""n. '‘ ' V' 1 !'Dash b y '" al ' o n t•f,7l7 l he ree r Tle; ' ec ' el d 4=to.7 it, la - hTe - a ' re. \ . NRF. N. X. 1,,,, 1i t n 4 LP ' \ „ \ nrestder... Notice. Eirnanct MOM oi. Prrriet nail. akin '. \ ‘ A N Election for t4irteen Direct• ' - 't,ee.7, l ti: . 7.;.:eelf . ] l oa de r. the \ . \ \ , t,.,_ ~e.., 1....4..0 the h.%,:`,4 cLi. 3t_t:r. s • ~, scese'st, LIU, \ . - ,;., Sitnena,r.\.TNlanofantranee Pittst. 'ch. 9t , tober In, 1' rirllE Ahnnal Elect. ,r for Thirte Air i, c , . \ \ ' sr, of Ulla Bonk , 111 ha l e nd et the P II c \ i ' t. ' .;!.r:,:l * L3 ;i ' r i i " ..e'VT 11!a o ld ' g ' 4,..'Zrt r Il ' ;1. '''' l'' , , `\ r Bit. a or Prt - rnt — n - 7 - 4/1.0.c1a1. , er 17. m.o. ' t I N EJ.ECTIoN for Thilteen Directors o. ..\\ , .. this Itant. for rho enrulnn yenr\sill be hertLat the I, ,1, - ma lino.. on Moodar. the Leven wnth day of Novel,. \ I 1.., nest \ (.4.ln.dtd) . Jolt:, . NYDF.l4.Caelater. 1 -, . . \House of .Refug --- rilliE subscribers for the err two of an .; 't!, 1 Boner of 11,eft. for Western Pen tylTnnia, are ~, 13,,by nottn...l chaa an too.resnnent c I tven 1,01. ernt. on th.• onount aubeeril, ho, each. la n otrted o'x. raid to • tt,.. Trevor", OD 0 ..1 f before the 15th day November. .. n,01.. By enter o},the /Imtrd of..ltiree,ort.. . e3Zetf ' \ .11.15111.5 A 11ANNA, leas CARP.—ThC\ magnificent Fu. s ti. .4'l. cuße. Crawl Plano la,los *bent IA he fen:myeV ' - tn.. enbarriheet warernona.‘he ha• rervi'red rtraa.hs . V... gentleman who i.orehnn,d it-to retain tt - for i lonc..r. In order to affr.rd thneopf f IR. Micros fan, ' o ' t ",, o77n n o ' l i t ' ) -' tn . :l/I . IIV ~' ''MP t' l ' e la '''''''''''' h"' 1(or• . "' e a. ii.ium vle A.,,nt Nunn, 4 Clark., NO 1 1 11 rd street , oc3t $ fo. Dominatiot U.\ Whig Conv..ati.. WKFITLIIN . N P,lr'ction for Tiii\ 111.1111 . < C. 11 1 ,11., will of the vflop t thr Eh, L, dey of,te , yr f 10 ,•tluell. 4, 31. sod 3 o'cloct OTECE TO STOCKH L Elk —The; do ousl . mretfisg of ttr Stockhn e. of th and 31:mote:dee Ph‘ok Road Compatky. porsuan, of \the fok re.ohoting lortlio and ank.ROad \ cocopiol.,) np Monday. thP :Ada, of , yozo • .at the . . s s . oho L . thr Bet t art sod TzveAurer. lAr xtrino , 4l \ l'atsborgh, 10,1 o'clock. VI, the iota • Oro c. ,, 0rl 1.111 , r , rdt.lJ ff. BAK Int'J 1, . ror• 4;S Os, nl whtch Li made •nlnt ' • of nl!",\-itterri* , ,oe !nius, S : I,sr,t Sale. of the Orpha.' , ',al., 1, 11. ISL.. at 10 lams 1314 ..m,uud a:Ella. In J.,111.. 11.1 rarocia Lot lota Ica 1.3 tram- Lowe. pl g.urd d. Term. FIRE INSURANCE EQ3IPAIi 21A.RRIS11CRG, PA.\ 111 - IESIGNED Only or the snfer Maas JUF pron..rty• nns an ample capital, and'a.liords SO, In point of ellespurs.. Feely fed amoral dation. cc city, end cnnwtrr merchants. Kul owner dwellings, And isolsted I.r country gropertc. A. A. (1.(111lIX,C. Art,. ru...:7 Nn.“ krnithbelast.,,littid f N Orleani. Insurance Company ALBION, N. r • CAPITAL, $160,000. &curd in accordance with thi C? tot /mum Law of the State. • T" above prosperous and respor las Meat ,a 1 Silo most favorable Warns. sne.ataut wig dan« arab raLfatT. . 0. - NICPILE9trN, Perak 11.9 NIeCOLLUSI. Sreretarr.. 011ise. No. it Smlthgabl Pirtaburs A. A. CARRIER. At • TL ST It N EC,EI; ED, a d fiplertd . \ V/ 7 Lae. Roeego.l foil ,dud , 11L4-N" . PIAN,L rum the fig Legg of Nunn, g Clerk, , N... Yo This main:agent instrument I the tutee{ laaproaemetan, meta •aa intent tu•, ', n g i pin, elt hammers. and octant. raetallre tube,: Its \ . \ po t e and ngdonfe of tone are trtgrattchhhing, and each Is , Veif ..on - of it* My<billlEal as I enable the forlor- 1 ri r o. tiVaalt the al ' Wll4/1 ' 1747:1; tX ' enel " Tfell a? ‘ 4' i \ Inter tante, [bent thaN;tina a ovatTpainag of. . eaeed ea. nr eh. ins 1 ,1 . r l t l P , V4h, ... na.nat \ hapnaaib •to L clean \I good orate, The ladles , . S Laza/men • reepeetfu I,\ i , iteal tot a l and wawa- ...i , , ' It,. thin u ealltel rand PlanTa i n, 1 t . ve" dm leen a the heerlte 11.. • Sg 10 'I, Thinlat. ', mll . - so le Agenlik• Nunn{ and Clark.. `, N. 11.—Al rioali - a verr Um' rat astortaenl O r I‘ , . -- - - 'lan. incl.! g Lonla Wifile, .. \ • patenS • ' \ \. . /VIE StiliciZ s pride of `.., Vnri!, Pine, Ai.:l, 4 .l. C i t 4tt; ithnii‘Vinfingilgrie, lit' ' hingie\ \. . fig i .g c liiii ' pr Zi: eent I ‘" [ "' d ',r ,'i.„ r * s t u, th UM° hat. ethi llllthe 10,4/Akan:l% g dm?, I ' .1,0 Moat, of any kind et Umber that grow a lath ul,, , 16,.. 0 , further infortnatien Is awned. 111 CIO , 7 e eube , , , ' her, at . Wearer's 11141. corner . o Fouv s be.e 're,thße,:, : Pittsburgh. \ P.131, . .... P. Ant' 14. 1 . a . ' ‘.. ITIAZIN'S \FINE ,TD...,i,..1' . .T \S . CAI - l' s Lib\ ''''' flew, Poqiiiit. Cirramitan, Kt myti Vertslya. 'A bienbt .. A m . ee ith e , pateeeilt, t huse. ruin iluners,..l tr: " 1 / 4 ' . i \ a' 4ll:i.e e'. 4.: ' *!t - i ' itZteil L eut " trt n atist ad viers:in:l ' ' \ ! ' l''''..'l'" u ' lr 'd b* VEELTiri i . 'l" e ' ' '' ' • , ter sal • , t ___,S. ~__, •-• i trsi„2l- 'Wt , • , awe NK.Dit AND EXCIIA.N . GE Dl' - 11:DR \ , t, , SON la the highest market ' i !or snit N nes bought and Ald. i, , i;::harilte%ii the Ea. red West bough gad :gm. • i \ runts right and rata enLumitintsstua. i, i \ 1 New Maftde c ina TFreeptast 'sil t w o , 74 ~ gIEICII9 WILKINS, in aciditi n tii i hni, ''\ u. ,. .4 ,1" .: " 4..;11t1tt t 0r1i!ti. ' ,..% Tilia • k . „. r \ -:' \ 1 wkiiii,,,i to the Clegestert ute, were. lie tuatittl . tree: r \ ' lll:Ml, ' ":l4l , ; ' l ,r 2g,:.," 2 'i l a=reV",:'? .;,1:,,A,,,':' \ NIA E.`4"i r. S'r t' '''7 , 1 , 14 "i'11 , ...... FTtnriu‘ hi - 'a gl , tf,irteb!nhiini t . thg o.thletl enjOevethent tO lie \ , ` , 1 la. - i l , w7 -1 .:x.,_=1;',‘ i ..7.v.7th.4," - :,t, = ', ' \ atireietit egat. mash h etutu.s. so libergUr extended. . , \, . \ 1 /8 IQ. Sni.:lll,' )1111iner, from N. \ i ' \ ' l\ \ , fi, • ii '' N' ' .7 = \1'.1 , 1; . ...41. " '1i! . remake[, ', \ nui‘itipi , l ,- .n'i gauger all older. at the &bona t no \ U . .ii Mit tillinli uia tlaidrrubt Oath rig made in tlie. ‘.\ \, \ 9!_5_ 4. 2b \• ` , \..-....._ . . 4 l °' '\' . ' `' O IIISI"T,S, , I A AT T: ceuHE N., .....s. \ ' \ . \ s ... \ ' X s . . \ , . .., \ , , \\\ , \ S, \ . t\ \ . 1 \ \ \ \ s. , s, ..I I , • \ZI like \PAIHT,S, , i? NIVI,Ijus. 1:gi.124}-2,l,%a:EicEomiT I. hewark:.,N. . - \ \ , la theist , . Le 0 , 2.4 \ faradh la 'aptly oft Tx real, \•\ `, Z V,C NTS ri,,,c't, c:,..., . ~,.,i, 41.2 keieras p.a..' trsal, both sn yo . and the 1. , teytate...\ te reada tb.r.r retched euts .d \PreWthae Mettlea I \ , , , er ro any other IL. t , h. " T " . \ th AF 'A. 191/TE \ 'ZINC \6IN . T . , , IN r.o ltari Ilial , ' , ,of 7.l*. s and La warranted free from all , V:o"t'n ll‘V.ZtVfaiteil;hl.M:X..T.Tir4='. brie, 11 ° .=:4 4 4"LrT,. 1 111i.,„._"' "'"''''"'''' - 'he ' iT, ILL N T rktitN T %LOW , :. Rhea etldildSh ha or\ thet.hdl eadWahit , ".... - len whets it , ato irli i 2 21:214. 1.. outalde pedal. I • ..Latandi a ,here dbinate and lt. w..adLer owlet. . any O th er: ttal bea gable to to chalky or \to ! -n Lie and reb edt.. It be 41.011{2,1 Ithany roh?!.. . .a= i tk s .d . ,7lthht*e sab,e s h.., 02, the cele.) li t I‘pli ANIt 151,01",,t) Zl s lcC AINTS..:4,. , \*Pre fistallahhd• ha1aw,,a0e , ...1 was .donbtadd; sh 14%. and 'heat , Anta mat mark* fur .Nlllr. i °tab.:gm-4 ralor ..). ti.aed ger `,* V .2„,_tod, brick. tad, , t ,„\l‘ j ou. aa el •ea , h._ VOXAI:kit!. " 1) F ,.. .1 , . h . F. rtf .411 1 . -r 1 ‘ 7 ": ' 't,',. 'Tin. ) Ttit? ;:iV. 1' 4,11 to Uteri/ 1\ ii Vollit.t.. •Fa 11 &rut „ du ri.. 11 ampaay EMLUED2I . 1 VE:I4. L f fly ntrw ~. ~~,