PITTSBURGH. GAZEATE [ • ei 3 OLISIIED DAILY A:4l 4'g.1:61.Y DY Man on;, T, 01..11 . OMR 1,00. TT) TR. ISO *ma. 7 name. aitT,4l:Z7.;;V;ilV:;"`?:;22,'"' "" ‘7 . 0.011:rn r ier ' our. , . noir ura 1 . 1 1 , b. , th, NO], Wnf t. Twenty re.ier 20 00 [lse v.717.rt fer rub Club br be aeldeuviul to one Per.% aesi Irrhe ha. invariably. a1t.... Chrb Pah.. will be seat after the Year ext.., nub. , the tanner eern lbr • hrueral. • HiLTS6 or ADVEETIBLNO. • • _ ifnar•llo hrou orPlouporell or, tom Do. each utlitioual insertion.. u . 1. illo, thno work•-....--.. ...... ... 4 (1 , 1 twee. 000 6 l. 1 ,, , thrrnoritha.........--. POO f ' . ~,, ! iy, ' -, ....„,„ , , put tirowt.l . pi .....1....--_ 101 q :L ik ' t ' : , •igt,;::::::= 14 F. 2 • . . ; , - , cltirtyla,filrota,(6 lin. or 1.0, p r annum-36 00 ll,' - lh.".ol.ilar loPeorit Allitlonel lino ' " ~'' j• it. to n x, rlianzoetste et pltaeure (P-t iiii -•T,I , . -.t b on, Aralaelre of lb., payer. ---,61 00 p r,r°:::;:ol,r2::::'.l';:,;,t'T:;o'l'.f.gr:.ll'.;",t,7",%.,°;PA`g i t" 1 1 /If.qil ' ...nointe otreohoo a „ lam e.. u 4 not oror fin.. n i f ' /nee, -1 hr rhat.,l Li O pas., ftild 4. half. Plaid; hors not arsountablii for kwid'advertlaamen. he , Yowl the,oonouut chirgrd AM (3,..1 I ptii.licittiott. Anotiancitig orwilidater tor 0.i.... to he charred the alma •l, 1 iie an.. iduirthwasenlaj Adyrrtitements not marked ..11' the to trr a rpecltal trtm r.rf ot'in.rtlono, will he non tinne l till f0r06.1. and Pa, ‘' , went ctootii.l ao.rdj ax j,., The iPitile're otanotial'aisertirore Is etrictly limited w, • thelrow la Imanllate boett..o and ail aclrwilAttnilltlA OW the ternent of other pertorm.st toll 44.1 yircrtleementa not . Immaliattly connected watt. their own biotin.... and el I e1a...-04,aelvertiermanlo, In Imtrth or otherebe Leyond the limitArn.lagol. will ho rturz i ped at the moral rale.. For . .' all enter , trandent .Wltertioitr, 1.111, rail to separat. ly i c adore/. we 'prompt parlor nt pi .I.irod. All aluertleemonte for ttharitablu In gitutlone, firs tom . peal., want, township,d other marl. ntratinsa. owl Ruth hko,tn be rtrarryd hal an f inf., pershle nee.; to rib I . Alwriaith! Wilk, to be clarinet 60 rents. -,' - toroth naglog, 10v.rt....1 witAont rheraa, mile. woompa ' ; 010,1 by faturalturitetoone or ohituery wdmee. arid when en arrompanlyl to it paid fw. .. 3 !teen!. advent.... and all ottows pen.lina community , *Joni% or rsilxiiint: ilotire, le,ig'enl to roil attention to IPalm Poireea, Conc.-roe, or any public I.otertaiuments, , Viler, .t.11.•12, an 11124: for admithow..'—ey, a0t,,,,,e, o f pd. lewe Youriatlone—ertry nf , ticr, ArAlgo,l wean attention to ~,, irritate enterimior, aalonletul or int.:led to promote Intl - -4016.1 intertort. een only ha let,Tl,l‘6'. loh thel nodurrlartd , -.a that the salvo le to be paid far. If lofty:id 'to bc in. -, arted In the loul uililtml, the MC. Will to , ellni.*4l It the rate of not lora then 10 orate per line. , . thettopor 444- Notion to beehanyel ( lipid pre.. . i ' Tarot" Llecroo 00 01Pciating PI wt., ; Itall Eatatir d AuntlonrorY adl'eTtlfointlats . l lobe duritiVuoler )'vi - , nit.. Out to bt allow. S die 1 • count of thirty three and owl third Mt ern t (Wm the not ( amount of 0111 a. ; • . , .waxxxx On ribwr.satr re runs ...rasa. Rue Squaw, thn. f0rert10ne........--. . . ........ Al 40 . • . 4 Ito. I ;Plot additional Inarrtion .. - . -. Aji ' ,• ' APRItIVICIRICIII 17. REM POCR. ,jj.. Ono Sena% (10 11noA) new insertion..... --60 cent.. , ' V-• 610. l.- rich additional op mute. f -,' ' Ali tranaliztadrerttecnents to 04.1 In adranco. 1. , , 1 : ' -' ' FIUSINSS CARDS. . I . . ATTORNEYS .pp 18IPS F. KERR, Atturney at Law—Offtre tourth tr,t - ercn Smitbll..ld and cry, Pit.. 191173.VE1t, Attorney at Law, Fourth • C) toe,, tirat the Stayer's (Mee, i'ittebarah. Pa. Ca ,- .7tioas attetwl,d te promptly: a,il2:taka r.. , tmeasrortiqtaer. ALIEJLICPCI Tarte. Ilaleotasie, 1..) I (Lateof tratiana. TAYLOR. ,1 Attorney, at Go Fourth street. Yio,B2.la..borven SlAithrlol,l ,tots.lhttsl.4.7ll, P. ' L.,. - 41(Ipaant i= tiamtei(siaher for the State el LL. o ; . t :IN ". COLLIER, Attorneys at.Law— i • Featth stmt. Attorey-Law-47W (4) • AP , ca , irsaitxtr..t. r.car rourth, /olArthur: Batt • Pittsburch: useto:l, ! ' FE'I`TERMAN, Att, r- Enato . 4A..sl.ESJ.i , fli.U.Ei.Y,'Attnrney otriee, ritUrarti Creet 71111rul CV.i.:A7NEGIN:Attorney at Law, a_ :in 170 IkAirth ntt.vt. rictsburgb. InfiriN tr. PTOn Alla Y. 111,1,... t'OWE Ii WATSON, Atf.OnleyB at Law. No.llo Toprth stmnt.rittrbursh. , i mMrcen —Alemandrr .L. Dm: John Eny,ler, Ea.J., l, !ca. _lntrirrat L Co.; Wm. It. kn.), John Flemmg, Ar ranntAnt; Urn. W...JacMork,l'ltirbute). . _, mally k il DIVA/ED P. JONES, 'Attu' ~..., 4- m&tc• ari ;Fourth armor. b.hrnrnl , - I.ASPER, _F....BRADY, Attorney at Lnnr, of 'N r e, 43 Fifth sft,i. rittAboxv.h. ih ♦1 LIARIUSOXSE)VEL4 Atton . p at. Law, if Mao Stat4ipanttl.tqw.for Ming tintvg. n , •t• 0111."—yo rtrort. lams awFho.;er.. mr4AIWT ':7h:vii:ckW.lwpslP:l:l6):o3:4:l • 12EORGE1•1. A:KNOW Bankeiv ‘..1 Palm to katlatzt,C , • - •ht, &Auk Not... do, N 0.1 1 ,17 Fo.ttit telt d.or to.tlnt Notak of Pittaborgb. Uol tretiOns earfalry ottroded tho - repls ...Medi to 007 li.trt of tbotOolost. • - ' • ••• • Gtr ]6 4a. cor W m. M. IL WILIAAMS . & CO, Bankers mut Err-hang., Errikeri, North Erin corner of Wood soil 'third abets., Pittsburgh. • All trunractkihe mule on liberal hermit; and collections prompt& attrnited to. K LNG, Banker-rind Exchange Broker, • F.nrth strewt, D;nler fn Bank tic., 6ille ai CT l*TlV.llt.ltheieVargerrp. Ntnrkt ' gl ‘ m t lt ' s! ItteDoliate. wad 31.7. h; eeme,t, Doll.rn •In rr fond"- . ___ • • VITAL LA:AMER, JR.,..Ranker and Brok;i:, T athatret, , Zio.6bAholohan the Bank of Pittebureh WILKINS 8 CO, Exchange Broker=. :bothl.• Jinn Corner of Third and Mallet street. All f t raltesetloas at. molt lih.ral rare. 1V" 11001 ES & SON, Palen in Forcis;n 1.1 • 'ond. Do=tool , : Bills of klootio)loo, Cortiboot,, of 1,0-ppr~uu:intr-, ppr~uu:intr-, mod Eqwele, Nati," Market strt.t. " "" """' Irit.UlVit it Ali 51, '"MI-3(1"TIX .1 47Yrran ' t ' t . :1 7 :21tr r t " t i . Dove rnn..T et te l sna lenna strwt. ulm tl k y op o picn the:. Canal.? Motet. : B AIIID '..`;; IRVIN Cornmeal= Merchant:, 11011 , r040.r5.. N 0.114 1.4,410.1 etntet. Perionsl and sloq to 510.000 slwa,s w 1t0.>.1 wraolour, 1,41Art.."4,1,0511VA ar.:era... -Om 5. +Jinn ' VA7O/Fitt, .ILAICKA4 44 CO. .Succesilors woo,' Hanna r.r a1.5.F.5. 4 6t610. ant dolor. in Von+lgn no.tDomertir Parham, Certirlo+tr, nr Drvoit. Inknk Not.. and :+tori,-+Nortb Wort mon, Lt Wont nod Third Otero.. Current )lorno re,sirell on ro..- roolt. fribt.Choct3+ I+o onto, Sad colloctionorniutoon nor. • ir nal +no Pr..CIPSI Wutr of the 11011.1 Stites, Oold.Th++.llignitt.t o , mgal:a Told for Fore!. and Amonnai A+lrnneor'roOlecnionslartmonniot Proonno,ohippool on iloorai term, LOR,4amifißiorter Ilrokcr,* 112 Selnontl C. 'aria aztautiaa lx g,ren.: to .2.11 b nutrn to his oar, PitC.borch I.llll44Cirli.i artlel m always on hr.ad or praemre4 arr.l.l 3fort , p . r . t u c ti. ,:rrn , tisbd 7c.l.Lrar• BOOECSKIALERS AfTD STATIONERS. :41 , TifOOKTOST. late Johnston Stork ft c t.' tub. hoobsaller. Stationer. Printer. and Itin•lar, •••Or• noi• blorksiS sod 'Mini ',gets. Pittsburgh. • fol'1; B.' HOLMES' Cheap Literary llepd, • . Tura .t4'.st.ormet« the. l'ot brim Nor ItohL , re -"ggLlVTX:r;,:i.ilZApi,Vxr.73:;Ularbreg Jowl Pt., ' -- I ' ,L. READ; -7- I.o — ok.ellcr .B.l7HFgtaifnnPr.. ON 4 X. 1$ Ftorth ' , troth Arollo Bonding. ratITVITZTATI: li'CLlNTOCK.ltantrfatturcrand y I c rrro . br s....,-;0., C'Atbs, ,fumt Trim rgrll;;V::47t.:lltl:l4,74.:l, -'t!'_! l4 .. 'F'""rth ,OOZNISSION AND FORWARDING. 6:OCiTER cornerof Water nn t s trr.l4:Piumm . rxh i, Ccutrunn .m A of wo n y . u, ... trl:lP . dr., ...a the maim lirturel A . rtir.:., 11114vit t unr„.... . Aljr— Uk"t.'4l Manure 4 tiro :d JUT Forks: a t- P . att . ef l won •• aniAlroklno* ODA no renor pecke4T . ---.... i t , A.. !MeANULTY & CO—Tranerrteri, Forlordloa rad Conmakdou Natebsots. Dap= fd.ls cz~ worm WOODS ik SON, PRODUCE DEALERS 00J1 O.:MA:LW.] ...terolocoto. No. o"1 Water elm 11,i JOHNSTON, Forwarding y C,mcolooSoo Merr.hant, No. 1124‘oconel & JONF,S, Forwradine • And Coni -54,,h=0. Leah,. in Priiiiare 101 d Pit. 6arta lit.n.f.t.nd liiitides. Canal Buda, near Sevi•sitp sure:. hi:Wm:matt. 3.1 t DY,. JONES aTiii Join l CO. omumiz nu...won to At & iletkiero itl Yittntourgb Menalle "'l tzubl Y' = " Z 4 Plrtt burrh: Pow DRY GOODS Egb.ciatris AI.C4 N. trITSCLT../C—. ... C. L ANIVCCTI Soto, R. tuko. AV A. 31 . .A0N &. holeask and Reco i l 111;.:tuklero irk Fahey fora CO., , StoPlo Th7t3oorto. C Marirt erz ..... ot.l.tttaburoh._ Wunimin — cs e~yßetail Dr F hforehnoto. corr. of Fourth en .40,4 rhos.to. Ihttaburah. . • DENTISTS. 1 ) Li: RUNT, DontiAt, Ooraer of Fourth At, d.. I Neatur. bccic.rom Fficrket and FiRl7 otro.tc. 1 WOOL MERCHANTS U LEY LEE, Wool. DEatuts and ILputsisulo Murtha:au fur Sher gide of !assert.= . ist ,it (ho ur ds. No o . life Worts. +L. Pittsburgh. lIARBAUGII, Wool. Merchnot9, •Dualers an i lissulitus gullg. gat For lino sod Cuumitsion .IPutioiusg, rh y , nit It. 1....unrul strut. Pittsburgh. Na.. _ HARD V A ltE AtIffiCHANTS. I,AN, WILSON CO., Importers and rbolesalo. ilsravam sad :D. 1211 I Pit tAho 1,41 TSA DRAT:RR-9 OBERT 14011JUS, Tea, and Wina Mer • chant Cut stile ITLine WM . , or.l.3 and 2-4n.,,LlAffgr ytort hat, !dwarf oa daa , l vla vr.rtnwar ef dhm-e It sad Ft. Ten , . At...--YrrMiro /Mita Sita Wboyi 11 retAL Ombra airipPUmloa the krwaitt _ . • • Tli-E 'OAILY PITTS 11 A. FA II S.ESTOCK. ' & CO., W hele..dr, __.,. Doctor G. Reichhelm kJ. , • nr, , ,,0.0..ac0l mu - twist-tures. er [slow 1.„..,, , ~, , :. , , , 1 i ,. 1, , , ,.! .‘ L;thar,., e. l, f l :e'r W'xr , a. , t iro '' ,.. ": , , b r ,1, ' • 1 NFOII.M.S hie friends and the public in ,r , t, ' a er•l. that h., haw re.me , .., le. ether to Vont, elreet . Ir. ,r. . U . 1,11,11. c h' . .• 1 , 11 1.• Si. Claer !fool. . V s EYSF-It k :11cDOW ELL, (Succegeorri 1..., • V, , , — , 11-7...n. ire1 . ..14e1 . 10 lem far • bcfl 4' th f Vy,) , ;•:.. r . .. ~ ,rn ~.i. 741 i. x. , 7••••-•uv - r4‘.. RAT., 01. in 1,•,1 a ....r., o Whelwrale on.l IL.'t..: crag el , 1 ' ' .... n" ''''''' ":.".'.''''''''' " . ' Virgin.. nA alrm - Inn ' d !. . ....' .1 w riptea. mere eerwrr of Worel airy, IMII 1 Cr,..111.. • F. R. Moore, 31. D., N., 1'0r1.7 a trA New 1 .1 ,13c..1 -..- ... ~. 1 1 , -' l V e liOP ATI [IC PHYSICIAN, devote, Gtelaw an. ... • - • • • ' • r a•.l. . i 1; „ 11)1) &CO Wh,,i, , ,,,d, D r , •. . De 1 • ere.. Ina eluLtren. aret neut.. dirrewee geuerallr.. wwll w. ' rxemi•e, • ,,,,a g,gllter: .1 - , ,„,,, m. , „,,, ‘,,,,,.„,, ~,,,,,..„. ~,,,,, ~,,, ~r , ,,,r . „,„ „,.., I New lark mad l'hihwllliobia... . ..... a-1,1 0 • , . •-• , . 1. •. . • , • , 1, 5 ,,, .. , .ri 1. , u......e, ,..., it,. Ilan.l nreer 11r , ,e ••.1 next. door to the Pro.- i 1,,, ..firP .. .... .... ... .. . .. ..,, r ,„„ nth ~ s ~ ~ .. . . .. . . ,n, . hu. m1i...:1,..., c.n., ..e , - Inn , . ,^". , '•• ' 3 " • IDDA 1 A RI) J. C. 'MEC K:ING, 31:inufactu 1. fur, and ,•••• ~ 7'1, 1C 1 Ne. ''' , . - . 1 • 11 er 1 . 1 5 , .... 1 11.1 ftein ilb cl. 1•14,1 In., '1 le a r c NI re rl-. .rail atreeta, I'llt,hurah. 11 wIer. arllllre , waviullr twe , . - - - ; Ell, rer of I..wkinw Maar and Ileture Frames. arid Desl• ..1. mrt.l f..rar•Mrd us:halal - we:el. : Jill iiiii. J. :11 IF:RS—Surgeon 1111.1 Physklan. ! ~,,n, ./1 I.:. SELLEAS, W holosale. Dealer in i ...!,..!Zt . 1 ,"". , k '.. , • , . 1, - , !.... N. 71, Thir‘l .met. 1•hao not, , .11.4. • awl .Iwelllel. et.reer of liarlin•luo ..rou, Nr. ! Pm ,.... P P . • P. _ ii ~,, , ,,,,,r „ „ 5n ..,,.. , 4 ,,,,,,,,„ . 4 , 4. ~ ~ 111,1 •treel ~ n n awl - abovr. rwerlilleli al i PINE AND CEDAR WARE 5 ,,,, 1 ~,,,, ~,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,„,,0 , . ~,. ~,,,..,, w __ - Isr M. r• haa ~..rrewerell, locato•I ,o 1 .11.1.ur.rh. and s , , ~, ~ ~ ~ „.,,, a -11 a 1,. .. 1 .:l atteud 1.. the Mali. , ei k.ll Protean:cal Ile wall knrr ! AM, 1 . ..1. t• 1•0k...bt.,11i k,ve ~,,,tantly on . i eat beela argentien he Se• e • •,,,,...... • •,1 ihr .11...rw- .., . L ha ad • F..... 1 aa....rtmenl et Sloth an! Troth tar e : !...I X: WICKERSLIA.II, W holeNule I , rugai,..t `'""." .." I '" ld4r. ' " • ~ . "I''' , A" .. "' .n .""" wr 'r'"fl.‘ i?re"..."ll'rlyearrlntj'Z'lnprrru.lkl7lrr'y. 11. xl: IL I ' . ll J., ,„„i 11,1 c, In, Swni• and Akzareltdr...l In.plenew.l... miscuLADEcus CARDS, &o. 1 ...1,11..un1, Aril all other kitela of u aro itrlaL, Hee. Nes. IGiutl , liri '0 00l atm, mruer ~r . .. - .A.:1,. n arenren. 1ia,....e.. ILLII. Fllll. 4 rwet.llltHerM4l. ". 11= rgt.K.S. Ma, RAUN & REITER, AVIL - dt,,do and Nt 1.i.. sq - llooN co., li. holcvnl.• Drug. No. ',I YT..t t.. Pit t+huruh. • ...... ••• • • B LAC IC [MBA' a: Cu., Wholo,tl, Gro • mr.t. ktou awl•and ilmwar g t. st.ual,tures. aa.l./ 4.4alka g• htW•Lrt'h -el Pat 4tuar F! • ,1 P. V I LSI. !X, 11' Itolp.ale I; rtlerni 3.1 lor .wl.• nr P . 1.0 I xiAtl I I: I.r.kaot ~ t o L. ill EL, IV tt01e,,..1 , Ut.,;•,, commission lop . Venn hriti 1.1 d..IIUEL P. Sll 111 V Eit. Wh:deaalu (11,. Prulta, ual :I.rchautn, Isouls, on II Pilt , burr4 Nlenufnclur.t :‘,..17.i "'tn.! tot 0.-13 17,3 and mnalineld. hur,J OLIN S. DILWoRni 1. i'o., Wholt-ittio aml Cotamis , ,. `lvrehr6Lis, a. F. 1.1...[. I r holtiest* /)C ..1 1E WiOs Lip tiryk,rnand Oornmi. , iou N, 1.1 , 1 tree:, pod VA, 0.,e1.1.1[1:1ur0. Tyro.,• ,l'Otsinar:l4 10 .0. 1 N W WA, ATT a' Cl)., 1 1 I ; •M.rv..ant..i, I. burgh Alsnnfv-rtin.a, No . Pa.. • • - B. CA.NFIELIi, late of Warren, Wilt), . Connuiwou sad l'orwiar.J.,, w.l {V . au.l r Sinaldiold F. VON IiONN lIORST k:y• oak. 11 rv,r, C , m..a.+lno ant, is Mt:Lurch µ..,..r,. Prldu , e, l'rnt LI., JSAIAII • DICKEY Gr. ‘l•4rlllara Mid;. and 107 tr:ni 1...1nar, & BEN N Engll.4, Galloother A Itt•lttrat.Um..-t-o.,,,,Ml`ttt•ttt ttrtwanittb, Itt.tott, fa mine nut, Pit, Mt.rtutartirttt It: •t t. 11-41 ‘lt . ttl.t t.tt.ll Id. p kir ole.. GILLsk ROE, Wh.ale Gr, ov oprs aro; eituou Ni.stschs,ll ,- . N.. ss. nh 4..VItE c Wholesal . ” D vmex.na Liquorx. Ns: al l. , Llosrt, rse, ttsi ni sk.L. ui.uyent, , issouhcs.t.ris. IV l: , which u be 5'41.1 low Is, rwssr‘ Olt F,' itr lIA I.ZE LL s CO., IV 11 : 1) A. 1 isi A Prod,. Von.ur ilpq. Awl c 1340, end Ural, 11, I`4ll.uur,il '" Ll4wrt, htlabur.b. Iv M. B.Aq.ILEY & 1 a,"1, 1,1 , • Jr.( . V V o.rs. Nams.? aed 04r., Jurim r , , 5rivi,.;....... ..... ... ~ . ..r...m. J1,J,4‘....., IVICK ...: NIeCANIAA' 3 .SS, .1,,, , 4,,.r • t• 1_ a. J D. %Viet. WitOlee , al6 u•ns,r, 1.r.,..z. 4.4 C , l, 1121/V.lOll Alo,rhantt,4l.ol.ro, tu I rm.. ..• lb ~ i.., Cettnt Varnr, umi I.oJ•ditirgh Ithvia..-t...n. ....,..,..,; corn, a ivt..l mll Wat., erretr.. l'lpplkt.t..li • racy at Mw: War-i and amen NCULBEItI'SON a. CLOUSE ‘51,01...a1e . 1.4.... v. an.l Commismaal l.,trt.ata..., 1 , ...1;,...t..., a 1 Pl...burgh Maz.C.7l Arriel., 1.I• !.r,4 E, qv..L. PlLL ,, burcb. /...... • , a i+^ IiAD. WILLIAMS a CO., Me1.0,10-401e and • 1 6 .1 FarAiy Gr5.....n. Forwavling and ( . 4mralArtnr. avhants,fund Dealora,n evtry l'rodur...a..ai 111u...h.:rt.: flavufacturrx mrrer a Wr , ...l eln and Filth ~.. 1nit.i...r..1 . tts AM. aninr,...-...111.,.. urrLE.... sAYI-n, a u 4OBINSON, LITTLE a. CO., . 0. - 2.55 Libeity tflt. ritt.tbutszb.. Whniewle Orr .v.. 1.,- .131.1 Coaatainsinn More_hwota, and ...1.,. an 1,11..1•ur...t. Mar.ufmtur.s. I Cc it. FLOYI), 0r••••erF, Can . 51<,,'h-Ant.. nn,l r. 1.,. In L.norekt Itutl.fincr. tranunc r.n I it•-•rty • 1 1'o-1 -• •tt I.ll,kurc.t. .1.14 011 N PARKER s CO., WhoieNak I ;T., wer, Dvsl.rnl Prolurv. I,.nico I.t.tu.r, th t - nngshola c.nd Itrebt.-ItN taLtrty JAS. DALZELL, IVltnkrtttle mintlon and ronranitnu in h..n 1,101,111 am, Cottnn own, and l'ittahez,t4 [st. r•nrraii,—Nn tart and 7 , Fir -I v - MUSICAL ENSTRUALENI'S. • JOUN FI. 211.ELLOIL, Dealer in l'i:ninFerteß, Mame. and e Alusural Inslrutoel.a. School 4.1 bt...10.,rPy. n Star , 1.140.x111:.., I -I lre.rn n., 111 ENItY KLEBED,Ier iu 3lneir , , Mu rieal Innraraenrs and tre l . rwr ,•, 111.,[0. int Nunck,k ,rund 1.1.1 letttslrruoix .V.olva. Al.. !or NANITFACITIMIS. it I L LINOS, WILSON & CO. , :11 an LP orr, a all ttl,-4 lA/Lt• mut Atte.t , txkt. Itoz, rhale, d Itnlt. 11111,4114 i .• .Itut . tir,l ..zt hoe tia.l, floor LAtrr, attl latlllt,J Jo., at , AI ..r. 2,1 blutAlAt- 7 ar. , 0111 co at LIPP.E.hCAITT A CO „ L it, ljt. burah. 1 RON CITY TACK FACTliRl'.—Thr .41,•• ttnibnr.. Inman factunt ad net, t•tnAnnt I .tr ttu tbin l:trn nt an. xtf T.setn, itrads.atnil tlntrntst-n. Futt•ltint. It:ttt.., end Ntaint to 1.111,1 }lot"- Itant-ri .trol WI 4. I'ol. tuttn, IVtarnltnun..., tot Icntt.t . l'att.t.ttre et K ENNED 1, Cu.. .Nlanti t:u•tt, • • ,ott.i•noiro:•it?.ll72.ll.sfouu:'l.",:3llll. ilITTSBUI1(311 ALKALI WORKS.—BPn I. 11,. Mantatsch,r. of A xn. 111.,,1a. .11ders, Ilunattc and ,ulrburi.l P.m PAPER ELAIiGIAtiS IVALTER P. MARSHALL Junrnxx.r v, :W nel C. 11111-I=jr.r 5at1.4.3.1.r In Fr..nrtt Am.rican Pap,r llangin., ss.d. Yin, &Art] Prints, kc. salWrppins. Pop,. No. h,`, .nral Diamond all,. Pir.htrrnh. Ps. • _ • TRANSPOILTATION AGENTS. JOILN A. CAUCILEY, Agent for the Lrke ft, an.t Mttt ß .n Llu, to Br.arcr an , l thn rorevr of Water and ~ m 1th14..1.,t. b LEECH & CO, Trasuiportun. hy eitnal 3 . 1 , 7,4 ant• ~ r ner I'vral TEM:DIAN BLENDS I A. BROWN woli r ld In• , ,tre,r,, , trillil7 inform tu• paLtle azb. rwlewt thelasnwed, Alt+ tw.a, ..1, www.rtorht ml Verrtheo blin.lw; Mat. tthuttwr. pater tr. hrirt Ilte hert. OtTlw, mkt - met...l wotna/ ah, Mato. ills m,rwmotwri wthitwel tee. kut strew th Hewing wit, .wwl the tlilrli,“.ol4 0/ eatkiact ...tabluthawnt 1,111.1• S v I r MO prrparwl turni, awn . tr.l.uxurdwrt.lo,ll , l , .4' Elle heat lartte orwb e•wr, thw, th., PAPER HANOI:NG AND PLASTERINU. OSEPII JOHNSTON, Ps -Eta HAN,:o.“ u11.01.•-•f ht. I LvErnanu. A I lexhrny. —l.onw, ,101. 410rfax.1..111.., LA' VETERINARY SURGEON. - -- • ‘DA3I lIARIiIE, Veterinary ;.,urgr. mita Naitland. woad raalair fully aii• quint the puhlir that hi. tiat uaramhnOial ',urn h l/.4. 1406,44i,i12, hurhful attiminu iintruataid to hint. In , hap • ti• ap•ii ratufactiani lu enunafitt.in via; Jatorn Huhlia. init Ruh BlaulUnnithinu •ill carrinil uu. al t rorner of to airsiot and Pennariaania rtypnoe, ENGRAVING AND LITHOOR RING - - - - EITI L LE JOHNSON, Engravers' 11 Philo Rail. fthlril dui,/ Piffahatiefi 0,--VU" . nizahlinuta, )I.4 , l4unfry.lttioila of Ziawnyapura. Lat,lauit t aa, irho,t fiatitlii. in coliat, erala tot liiatuha. fah MEMMERNM ,VILLIA3I SellUCllMAN'S.Lith%.rnph- T v EirthtliAncient, Third •trwt, 0rf. ,14., c0r , Pltunurgh. May, Landn.ra,n, loLbela. Arehit,tural told Mar!.lne 1,wing7.1.101 , 34 and Vl.nlnrt Orvd*. cc.,uprrAv..,l or , Int , nr enc, ein3 prian,l in Ifrons, III.: tr, kirl %. n- Wegner, Bneehner & Mueller's NEB' LITROWIAPHIC ESTABLIBIi3IENT. rpnE ABOVE FIRM resp,xtfullynnt.uner tbtlr Iriftnd, end th.• pubbemnrrelly, tn.! itt..) ar. trepar,l to in the 11,,,,m,1-1, Tl,l, ~ nil crlors for blintreerto, 11111, I/10.mi, 11/elrryd , a,lorhaTot te at Marker Thsnt end ',loth nl•r, I I PIaVIDIN:43I 41" 1128 5 {.12 . 1 a Ltc , lLe: „ .J: r w I . r . L i t I nnl . 7 .0 4 m:tz. 1'41.11 h •r,delv ACME MARBLE WOR.ICS, (eatablirthOl In . r2kbr EDMUND WILR.INti, no rat Lin.rty n., cnal Ott Wonl garret. antlalu.nn. Olnourarno, Burt& , 1:10610. To 11:C.I4ACIIIM CrlArt 411,1 eier Top. alanm on hued, nod anda to order. N. IL A obalm ooloosion of Dlowloo oo bud. 1.10 DRUGGISTS Fall Fashions. Wm. M. McKnight • ,TB. CAPS, .%Nfl LADIES' FURS. rro Itt-ntrivlrtottts 1111 to. 1 /tiro in . Tlll.lant • •tt urn Neu 11.4 , , 1I W I I.SON A SON, No. 91 Wool' mt.. i n t • obo.i-ttatr 10/Invr %Mimi i Ignstla tn• n ' • •• rEt ntr tr 11trtn, t.k. It I ..o.d• rn, oton-tlett. In •. • l,l l ll : ,trt It.. 1.. ii.trs. nttrittlllr/.l.3ll.llrhirtr 1. 1 : 1 .1,,S 41: Itia, larolia.•turer Spnoy pi .1; 1 1 1•-•,It Ittt•r ,t/, t.rtott 51rTIWIt . • t:tt,ll.• 51.1‘,.. ast , l 10tt.0-ttitttk. 00.1 t• 50.../ ttt.i. .1" 11.N1 1 . rtir•tnott 1.1.11.-othlt. AN:l,m,-. V..-- 1,4, . 101 ttttr Otld 1.1.1 eit I . l.•th.titl.Slll( t kr 01 tildr.ll..- 1.,. S.A I All I)ll.lir.V.A 1:0., Aloolt, for N Fl it... MuchNittl Salta - 01 I.yn•r. .1 tr- t• ts•—•. , kll-t ot 1 tt hula' ,ttti FIN+. t .tt I t 1 t4..., M1 , 1 1 1`.. Fit . .l Kt, rho-.no. d •n ,11 1 11 t 1 'lll OROCERS ILNI.MTII No 111.1.- (~,, • Iclltll. k , VI% C,vd And Ntel.. M. au, I. I".i . /11 , r••, ••• M art. r; “..1. htl ‘burgn ‘V11,11,6 , 410 Mind 1 , , M4111 u!I 1141., Fut.. ke •If tn.! slll.l .11 A/1 , 1111• 11. [ll+ll - . tml..mer. nod r0r , r....r. veDok tiott tb, ' t! I t:r INF:it:IAI' :•1•1•1 211,/ enth llrl i 1\ New 1;kuloolate Factory. kA. MADEIRA. -1.g,,01 lli N A Ruh I CI) 1 'A"" , ' , '" • 4 ' " ` t r'""_ 11 1) A lIDI NElt 12OFFIN, n lti 3'l, Vonleio, .... r•-• 1 • 1. •—1 1 lo••• •• ••....: t.l har. tr . ne• i tr. d /tr .t• ••,,t• [I, • 1...111/ /I ill for, t. in om , i•r ST. CL. ROTEL, ean•lto,•,,ir oo..,••••1 op, ro t: `o .11 exit 1.e... /.. • .1 , 1. '••1•• , “1 , 1 r .• r tbo eqn , e , l of Penn and St. Clair Streets. Steamboat Agency, and General Commis- Cornerl rrsa ORME. pion, Receiving and Forwarding F ri:, MU+, , ntl/r / d. xnd IN, P , tos • l". 1 r.men t. P „ ,L. „,„ /.1•/ 1 , •,.../• 1 21,.1 , n.j/t . - • I t/". I lotl 1,, 1,1 /I/ I. 1, /r• " /.. ,• lie. I IA /• „ t‘ ,„ I/ d/ t..• ilo• too , t .I.l..naf,rtas n. , •11 IT. I•rrlut,././zy.t/r.. N.,. the t o o, New Coach Factory — A,llegheny. M. A. NI t'o „ o ld ks= et; • rortroN. tt.. Lh. s , ( d'lil IrANIPLi•A.'.III. NAVlrfijA, w.krr- anti %.111.11..nfl r Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil R. 0. It. SMITH w tur vmparol t. I , ;Tivr Iv .tru,t,n 1: w•• 1,14111, 1:11. •• t. ..11k 01 )1,-4 • ',4.11. Ml=Milii Fresh Assortment ut Spru4 Um& TilkotAs LM da:ih 111JSSEY do SINCLA IR, S tarage, S hippi Lig Commission Id erch tP. 1101.F.:',ALK tivaier• tn eirt, A 11,-,•,..cmhler. i.m,hnrwr. Rockiughatu and Domestic Queenswo re v kr( o ',ill, •• I i....rVJ1tt.1”.1. gtit 11, \l.t.rl'rn~. ~r•~~~o. l t~.r.isit.:~ -. I• Fn arrwt, het wet', 4rret,i OF 1114 (1,,1,Dr , 1 , , E.) %A AN U FACTU HER of every de,rii.i . Ti . vri is nieces, of the J• reletralnd Inlilete• . .14•••zure. tee, a•nnw. llntfre. .. Freed. w• 0.11 Al l n re, ri,lelt we turtle lbw nttette‘u ...oaoae re. I a Ilellnw It are, W.,n.0, ...ea, .11 a •ti• tu• rho aeanu denier,. lequen. faunae, ...when. tarn, • Pittsburgh Gat Pipe and Tube Works. underFigned ho;, tot e..pleted their KW"; T111:1-: N OHKS, a umnutuntrit, nrs •oe, A tta • nu.• at 1 tiliter Floe, and • e, n •a.. m.. i. rn~~ . ~.n Bolivar Fire Brick lilimufacturuagComp'y L6l E::. K I Ed t CO., Pitorrtytnr E SL' BSC P.I „•• I , • - ••••••III I CO/ • • M'l Ie 1. 1 •• .171 .ZI and %lan f"r 111Irti •••'” '''.••••• • "•-•• . nr.t it i • tbe tins n.• for .41. r ti '""'".' . 1." t .r.. er. ''l„ rbr II 1a... I .41•11 tor ir "t'" I.crsanfart. ' s""' ... • • " " W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches 1 raij iirlll7.o/\ ' thr. . . WO, Ada:lntl', 11'M 1.1-XI,N. Ch.,. t111.4-tl.llanufarturr. lIAVI. FIT" El, 1 1., I II the Nt.s, York MIEME . . I r., V... 1,11, •ir te.tutro 4 1, W111.41.0w 1:1:m1.• ni1'eh...A..11...0 tAc i - fr Sill. nevi • ,fl!. r.H,r4 ttor,ltslly lwrir, aro prmorth II II Thal LE aro! 1 .. manisfaero- '7 4 W0.r.1 third door All. 111.. 41 4 ,q,—.111, 11.11 ..romf.l4 uti.l ea,A then OW .-.1.401. nod on. , A11 , f111 , 171 raot !he 11.4.4 n .1.. t,,1t r.... 1 form. Nnlce bon. hi n.. 1.1 QMITLEY & COLVIN, Coml Merctinnta re.u. .- . • F., /I'm., 0.72.1 v, r,d adju;,,, ot:ATI:11 IN 11l N I,IV 111:1$.111` ,, N IIifE,SUBSCII IiER, 41.1 Vin;; by•On 11 Ur.Mnu. n than In Om roinitr .413, .1. I .I.lrimr Ili I,- .1 t.nt.n t. en ,sreq. ahm, lAnd nrnin-d an nth. , .n nr,r • th, it..., 'Mar. 31 . 0 onte a.l Int.. and tun re a .1. ir..l', 11,1.1.0. u.:l tnrin... Tt0...1.,,• 4 ‘ri , tiT Into. mrd vnll Ir , .I}.rni 1/31.... the tail• , f Innohv,ng 11 inn.L. for thrm...o—. Itli:;11 a l A L F r.W .. ver , y .. ~ 1 1,..0, 1 - , i or:li , , id . PatZi , t 4. , mr,,Al fsn op d le o olll ex.ed te t l n t at o t n u .m .n -t i.vr.A. o i a f 4 .n Trot mt•le nb. '''''' Z d. OX "4'" V.ZIZILTALITANV Mar kg t at /r . PHYSICIANS WALL PAPER M=MMMII Alexander Bradley MMUMEMM J. WiLwm & Son. GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO. , 13A IN 1:E It S. Plnt , -.llh All Ins REAL ESTATE AGENCY MEd= Fine Watches! 11118CRLIAlifE0136. EXCTIANG.E. AND BANXTI4O3 HOUSE A. Wilkins & Co - FALL. FASHION 11' t: n.,,.• ittal et, rlt rti Lins 1,40 Ili tt 14 T •1 % 1.. lIIAI ta t t art•Feh , invite the •1 ten ir... stet tlie pottlie o ito rad t ~ „,, 0 , 10:0 A C., ror holt tool 0 reel or Perin Olms Works. I 1 UItEN /. A t% Ili HTM AN, (h.rmerly ,I the x A Irta rt ola Mr., ir aCr 5 11,11 a. turete of all t PoJe .5 1 I A 1., 1 , 11 . 1.1,. :0.1 it I t`. 0t10" it LASt.t. vt al, not' Itt I etol rttro, Ilttlel•tat 5. I, N 0 —Vert...C.-at ettra.o.4. ~.. I ut t. 1 ,1 ..e• of 0 itelst, to r r. an C. W. ~.....,...1, ni .• ~,t, .. l/r. KS) I i tat. hi a 15.1 t Feine. Professor of Mume, ID 1.:1;• i..,,, , • to no,, r. to, , •it,,,n. ~1 ht..- .nJ .ale. tr , t, , .1, l I lir ,It D... n•ntat ir /1411 E SUBSCRII3EII having takett by. .t..rn .vt. nY yorirrii srirEEr. t..rrit•rit •-..mp.-t IVI I CAM:, mmi ..Itttrt-tt rt.... I ttt. F•sylt. - fiNINO • itot.,• 11 1,1 , 111,,t DRY 000.-DS, •Irtt..tr • Tr, mu l'.; • ena... Ilia.` I,ll.tmt• tut. t• t,t: t. ..1,41.n • .•nd 0 - .11 l. rth ;.~ Grindstones! 0 undlton,. s ! Oc.AN 11,soN t• i., t2t, . . 0 n i :. 5...? , : r .5 . 1 , r- , 5 , ...i0 is i, .. , l• L r , ...... ,, .• „. .1 . 7 .. . , ,s i r . 1.r . .„:„....,... .• _ ... • /41. F. 11,1. FA ,liil , N FOIE 1,51 4 , . ."""''''' t'"'"" ..."' '-".... ..r"' , "'''''''•• ri .01.• SI I• ornoto.roll Lorr so, sossor.or Mons, IV lI,SoN s: ',TUN, F'AmniiiNnit,ll 4 r T ri ii i Imo •• To- L ,lss I 10. s.- 1,40. J 1.4...... Sr! o -,.• ol ........ otro. I. rr. 01.1 r..,...-...,,,, , r ,,,,,,.. 1 1:-........ .10, /1 a•l.no. . 1 .. 4 . 4 .: . 5 . .. , 1 , ... , ....... , .. 4 .c . 0•41. ,. :T0 ,: 1 . 1 J 01 II *Tr. aW. 1i0... 0— ........0 tir ...corn - olur.lorr. . I ' ! '"'''' ...^.fl ''''• lll ' . ' ''. `' '•.' ''..-.••• .„ s i Jost - ,01.....: ! 0. 1 ,0.ri511,...r1 ..144 .s. .10. - ..01 Nal.. Cl , tlo, 1.0 ,rl,lk-1 , ' , tr. I ...r.. Sines' Fire Proof Auroral Paint. riptlF: -iii..i•ri her, In VS. s!, ,0.11 . 1.1ete1l him e , - . boo ,- q..rtino C 1..,.. , .-....... t ...t, r.., Jr, A ~.1“.1& a. or ..4 Mi. sos ro. 0.. r... Orr s.bovo how 11 r•••••• pen • prd Li..., f It. , .Ir, Woo. Ir.. I - . 3 ... r• •`, 1 . 1 ... 1 " 1 . 4 . r rr..oarrnl rs tor- .13 •• I 0r5..1.....1 Jrator.l :low. • - 0..............0rt.4 , sro:sh k 1 U1r..0,t. , , -0, - ...... rotbro dr. or Toorrawr with or,- 0r.,.. ons,l. :. ...I rt. •1r 17. ' 43 .n .10 . ' J . . e• c‘, . 11l 3 ....... PI 1I r 2 ,r ,I , ACC's,. : . - 1 J s ,11... r Irrocos •I J ro rorr 4it .r.i ...sr. os.l 4, 1 NEW GOODS. . • 0.. 1,.., •I 1 . , ri. , r , ... , . 1 W NI. DIG 111 her r,, mi•.4-o, hr, fii,ti EAGLE MARBLE WORKS. E.,TA 1.1.,0 4, I tcr 1,0.1 R Ni WILINS 24:;1:11...rty L. .111, ',lll • , 1 7 P".". "o l/ttV..,.1 . • Elon J,..1.1, +“•., , " "' '''.''''' '.',. t " I . "'L r , .1. - le 1 ./'11,',,,,,,,,; P''' 1.ill":•••' J. II , t , ••-• , ,1--,, , •• r.. 1 'V"' "'-'"'''''''•!‘' ~. It 1 . r,v. I„ ` ; .1•,• Mr ni.„.l,t. P.,. .cto, ~._,.„. tr‘rn 11.41.r0p. f , 3' 2: “. .•%:1 " :•:1::„ ' 11::T1 '" •• •7 t , or I~ •. rn a ft, JAMES W. WOOD g , Al;iNEl' ITIINITCRE A I.,tur-r. araa,•atio av .1 II 11 r,,,ttall, raf.rrt. It lical.ahal.l liAti4,l“.. X... 11 ...ft.- y ..r.. 1/0 ij" NI - •i . . -caw r.. 1 , trris,hr4l frr.u. h.. , tr..r, • r rirr.leo rorr,l-1 parr. r 1 • .1,-1. I'm, Inc, ilrawt •‘,. ; Vtr itt in'll::V.",r,,, : f;;;T.."'„•. 1 ;;:i t 7 . v,;•,- ,,: •'.r." , i 1- t , : 7, ": -, ; , ; Ilat; I p. a Z, 7:,7,",;!,..—r,'„,::. m • , ,'"•"' 1 - • . .. , .. , . „,, ,i v ;,, , I,nl r,... al, .1.,. iwor to • , , f I he me.. unpf... 4 l'reil,l,,ta• 1..11 nu, .fla•trhd• ot ••arlf , Alf,. Kft.l tom 1•••)•. 1.11.1,. .e.. 1 1k ••1•1 p•. ,tritzthr.f.. t , ll. r"rm.ll , l The only real New York P ;nmbing 'Est:Lb- lishnleUt ‘ 11th. WfIrk 11 ••• 1 •.urntratt I,3cobto • “,.lk I .I 1;•: 6:111. I • MEE= tg, 41 /.•14/1., .4 i 1.1:4 •L, 1 .,4 ANI , .10 ,Innor. lon. 41,.1 Tr '"''''"'"'L."W''':::!l'":(4."o,,-i:T!" . Loarpr.•••••.l LertLl I I. ' . Lt: IL tILLLL WANTEP, "ESTERS BANI FF.S, at honrob Paper. lIRINTp; I,ITI N , I, lc RA PP) NG PAVIA: 21 ..it tk kiln • 3itt, v.l yl. Cr/mu ';" ""' "..• rf 014 Z., 11, ~,,, I -1111.. ~r..., r.•na.Sm Ito o Patent Candlesticks. • 11 UST IZEU'D, AT ILL cr• .. rtr,t„ • Nelb T,'l , ,r.t much 0. lr 0 rho whic h Us. ~olhe 4 11 • Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Louisville Tele- h.gra FEW SITAREt, ot p Stock w.titt.Nl .0 Iv a.« EN , NNn...taro..t,t on A WILK . .. , J. 0 , • TEAIIBOAI OFFER:at FOR raortatry.—N m ba t mLin I be made won to an ttoreorui et. I URGH G . . , - .. ar , .. a., , • \ \ , • • . . . . 1 NIS CELL ANEOIrs. ,• STOCKS, GURRINCY, 40 /MLA\ \IITI'S/I,lltkir)4Aj % ' I \ 1 tr T _‘ \\ • Tay King, Pennock & Co., trunitLLTLl, ILINULARLI A \ NU t. AL :YL L ' L \ lx \ :, \. I EAGLE COTTON WORKS, PRICES OF STOCKS. • \ \ r ;:„ . „ \ N u . -, T l'sCs II , REIILIUSE-Nti......, t 1, ,. ,lo Slab:Ll, IT/TiLII- R. II A ,/,,RTED imli, rim plyr t qw wilt otIZITE in . \ • \ ANUFACTUREItS DI OIL LOti Yarn.. ' Tttelollowin, I TWIIIO/ elll.l. %%UT / 1 . "0//1/4 1 0rn.14 arpr.l and:. A. I , l'' 11. K I NS' , ,S,t Go \ n \ , • ,, , ,,, :J! ,, ; , ‘ , ....1 , ! , •' , r1 4 :',..116 , 11 .: :: 1 1 11 1 1, 1. , : 5 , „ 1 , 1 , 1,1 ,,, , , 1 1 ; 1,, '0 : C .,, 1 , i ,,,, : :,,,, 1C : 1 ,,,, , .1 ,,,,,, X ,, C ,,,,, [ :, 1 , :5; ., ( i i , E. :., 8 ,,, ft b 0: T t1i k. E27. IC , ‘; N ' ll, p i t ~,T, :.° ' A Card. 1 /F. has removed to our wareroor.L SO 1 oirt:kkein).fct V. ‘411 \ 4,. m b 2 4 ,, h 47.. a n i ; :1 - , klark.o :tr., neat 101wr1.,. who,. ~. u ,,,,,, tu wu on h and a ylola ...krt own 101 1/11/10811 Alt/1 /Or 1! , 1 1 :5 ; 1 w l: i i 1/ 11; ..: :// :/1: 1 :1: - / - 7 :01/ t: ' , l :I t ? .::: 4 7 : IT' : I t ::: , cur anufar an al /,uor nilr,l4, rarnako rurt. ~,, kua c n ~.,, ~,,,,,.., fur 11orw 01l ul . v rr, .1 w ru.toot truurpabt. ',„, ~ luu 10., /IC Int.. fou a AttiAi OLtielltie 0r... ~I I cloab .13.1 bulT litwa. ',udo. Woolk snd tilt , ,„„„,,.. n ,„, lw. ito.. 104 Ito,. t Juis .. t , 4 ,morn romplote, tri:h Eukltrit nml 6..rufun 4,11 rkolt. lu i , !,, jut w. o. Int E.I , it AuLt ,-,_ ~,,, r:full rt k4l 1., to ilul.lwr mart.... Iwlt. r . 1....... ...at. ~, ....,. tr.. 1,, ... 1:.: , .kle, \4:l7l.loncy; :*.I ..N.'-..,:;:t: .V.i1 ", : , t1n " . , r:h 4 t,i:,,.%, " ,,,;"::::,%Ti,: r . • ' 7;;!''''''',.` L ,',..,' ~, 1;' .' 'I 1 "' A "'"."' ).. \ motttb 4 that ehiN , T \ nrtulo 111.00 lurlikrn! ot Intila Rulilk r. utkler 11 wf• .ofr, ~,,,,,, ~j, 0.. " . l'w ," k . ; ,1 . ,1• ' : . , '.beg44 loth." 'a ' pak.til. 01l ut whiolf aw rotor at prow. that ram. t feu! 11. . 5, ~,„ „,,, ~,, tho „o % „, .• th Pi-r fuel/ I . WALT ER & Cll., Vank o. '5[1.1.11r4h. fat ~. tur lot, kl• f. banter. %No al Dank , . / Flow, and General Produce 1.w1w1.,.. Haut, . bo 1.1.,, I 1 tirotaw, 1 1 01 1/0 1 1 1 "" (10MMH.S1.1111N HOUSE, . NI/ Cr 1/10ril AIM AI: 1.. `./..511. lIALTI roll! s.ll,F.rr. 'l%"' , ~ . .1,; ~ i„ UAL 771101;1 Ilard r lo rrlhe O r l . lir , lP 1 i,,1, hTo itn Ntlliavoi..,.° - - •• -- 1.1.1 , tt at /1 tl , Affi-En llkuk oti I oNotr:Uff r 4,1 ,tarn, , jj , TE . A • 1 . o,..,\kvz American „V k r 6..01i. t . 0 V /3 A TIRO AND It\ —\---- -- Thi V \ NNcrlon\r. .\:, - \ \ it ' ...tettra . 047:4--The Pen sylv. ma Rail] ii I \ ' • • now in use to Leek - port, on be C . , etnau 'l \ er, \ :300 rm es Atom Philadelphia:: and , I eourae of the'nextr , e works `tt. will h e . i led tathe new to o f Latrobcc ...the I,hahua, Thich is elm an 40 =lett Ittito , , hurgh he we e rn eti will at' the earn II rompl ed to riot la, sal Turtle ting lea. an th y in'lett of staging i teen, tea I bet nt is city and oath The •nole ro .1. ere t3O Ilea atilt \ \ `will. Wivisinn—w ich is mils oder coat `will ht`a finished in all Au um n i But rtage Railroad will, be used tit the •or r the"tnountniti „\ comp eted, t ere w tle t at W. it cantinuot t i t nia (ram titselt n, \ , to`pi bo o r leit noire Nf win -h only ill errup ed hyiucitned plaitta 1•5 hen t i .\ \ .kt alpha ed, philadelphia may xpect en eof e prbuustsl vivant:ices rem thi• , u rtakin "Until. however, tit s whole 4 from , Harris urgro Pittsburgh is r Bleed u a om, 'n anage eat,' neither large pr fits to t e atocith Idea 4 n greit advantage to th cite r .0 ear ted , , c 'nt d means are turn jeli ro :' ; p eh the ork`o t.l completion. this an bc ` a •ompian d durre thr 9IIIIIIIIec . of 185 r; The '' Dir ctore 1 , 1 th4t e \notified irk redueit; the', ie • rate _ of fru ht frT Philadefithia to Phial) rg ,s, \ s \to 50 le - per , (S) lh . r int. highest class •et n , „ find stmt 2:, s : , ,b ‘ c ate rte, IN\ II A for the low t ' 4 ted 'class— tits vein 11, willc s o ferre Cincinnati Ire ' ` 1 i l" l' or ' tn i d kt ' a l t 6 ci t. ' l r t,t g :Nt ' 7d7 .l ll ' a l irr t e:ra It% c ~\ ". wlttrit,must t ,mog %Tn . alLk ,t hit; tramtporta s " ...11 thkottch hdtel t I fret \ •, efore, the P invlrs de lta . d is . Oni:6o to Ittsburgh, avers with the aid \ . 00 d Portag e . , \l \ roe , , there will be a Cfnl(llo,Wa s,rt direct line 'l tit r'didnad fccln tint pinef- 1.,),1 . 1,11A1 Mi, by the .`, . . Ohio n\all, ea R r ailro , ! , ; I. A lii h is the `,, only writ la at state of unto nese at will i enable us co draw our sheet" of tile Irart,l and , • . , . - transportation from the 'Ora, West • 'for Ome ' . ,' _ .., . lean . - se route o `this re nd has een moot admire ten ton , umplish the hjreta in clew, by ' and .u.lefotigal4 \:" Chief Engineer, • ..,,g 'she s, Eslt, ft n t only occupies ` ` .:'•. a for , i ape.t railroad nd the West, . ~,. ibcomparably ' , that can be ', . . ~ .• of' e Oin s -, . . ~, e • due.', pet s}• ibled ...enc., . 's .:' 4 mi.\ over I at, Mir p•sint, , salthy counties i,,. 1 new in use be t i, 'where it ter ` I sr.& ,loin the .*, • , tlitence to niter ) 4it f , s be eatended nantis Firm, h. I he imme- I ~ description, ia matte 'ln pit:, to no. Second, it to matte stronger. la. m ote direct t lit wil l last for aces Fourth, it is form ere a- n cry ielahil and I .: an , d b , eautiful in its appearance Fifth, it viiil , ~,,71 leaving the . st b s h o wustistt, and brushed. and clearilseiEs t , oil Pen 5y?....,,..... ..... ...—ssionville. 'e3" • -• . E IrldiOut taking nil the polish or the finish, niece sit, lqi Mount e'huon, which will educe he \ , `'" ,' by a new in the colors and paintings. and lista en from j'iwA,K, riN rineinn ti to , a • ''''" '"' giidtoO , and enamei and pearl, tire all set no don . VCruilre, nAki v the whole ilitit ce frog . . \l '' ' , 1 f ,'",,: krmly , that, unlike other points anti gilding., ph Inds, 'bin to r tll is . r. city IS l l l miles . „ , .s, they ow he 17.1:1ed without iningy. Stx , th, this er. INA o the rthlrredo pare th of , , en age of art and taste, and altpeopl of taste ali l• fro . 'which a etgual item edition c _ n be. - - '.! ..,,..„ , are now anxi ous tolger things whi 1 1,L 1 are . ("anti- mained ..weep p ladelph'a ed her no th :;: l ".."' ' ,7 -', ful „ well OP Iltfefill and the obi dace f the ern ri la ‘.' •Vn se gtn he ; , ...thentot t :::•,• ' • 7 "..- Romans-I,dr cum dtacc—h„ at not een CO rieil nilifins d,r tes per tfsjle. the wit le of , '' Z • . out , and we hare begun to discover that he through ,Irel .`nil man 'brtation ha they e s•• • t , oit 2 fi"l !Liman wit. right When he laid down, eighte.ri cootrol. hundred year rig •, that beautiful prineiple 1 The Ohio and \maTtaia t Railr d` ill IA- . . so,• ciretretion, that In domestic life, in seeking the (Ord:, throug die . Pittshuheib and I hind \ ' i s ,s. ; wi • . vi , useful, we should contemplate the beautiful \rtinal,N,which i cinte Pits at sl i liance, short \ \ .. , Let us 1111n011Ift, for any - intent a hone fure.ll- ''‘ , ll . Off went of l / 4 ,Sage a rent ' tuts Ma *frne '\, \ , ,•/ ,A• 'el with iron torniture The .teps and mil% \ t t P taburghto Cleve' ti, on Lai, \Vic, 135 1 \ A-, ~. r „, / , ,„,/ i ov!3f• which we pant to the home are made fin 1 7Ftbs•11 or Akre .! )he je . \re thi. , .i "''", , \ \ lid 1 iv, F iron, and they may be made to imitate any wood, l alio 4teß oNe fro ti lelPhtg,' t he 1 r ' . ri, stone, 0i) rett.tancea from the gayly tallored nrerlkse sitert,„ tl t tete,. N York ma,. • , t too Iso , poras . olain chub.. to fi at stone enlunan e of the enkrek - .7 l re\infreinr ft iss 'red a \nnoorterN, . t \ s 1,....re . ii - ma...titre ......, tttrt I Quinv granite and the marble districts. We t t place 3\` \ \ • ..t. ' 3,, \ : _ e , . , .. ' . l foutel•,lo the Ftiar the handsome. mantel-piece he utretotatslerstr . f the , lerkriset , \ \ N.. RATES OF DISCOUNT -, er iron, rued,: to imitatitin of Italian etattiary •nr hovesbeen ver\atily :it. dby its;Freai- 3 ~ , ~..,,, '''''-'" ""' ''''' ''''' ''''''''"'" . l Marble \ l'ansitigu. door of on iron-furnisbed dent, den. obinsOn, who. "li "se - ely a\tklar , ~, 1 N Ili tl, \IL: , & SONS. flanker. . 1 . house , we should find the 'hat and umbrella. in, his mum at tho ottfol4t,•\ 01. of il, n ,- '•, \ , I ''' ''.. ."'',.."''''''''''' ' - '""''''" 4 '''''"•''''" '''''"f°• 4 '",.. / .... a n a l workrd in•o a beautiful form, with a mir- terprise,wileb 'erect! afar tit un g wintetie s' \ ' n e „,,,'„',';',"L',,, L ,'..;,"' e „.1=1; ",,', ,t,'.' 4 ',!;:" .. \,_;!, roe near themp, growing up partly like a (nun- travel ale of ilroOl nsperta 'o from thie t ",, _ \ s -dans- liana .4.1, ear Brandt. at teat, ,So t a l n tt l ta l br auc hi„,, i; , ,,, ~ tree, u „adi tt , 0 „',.. t „ . :, oily to lb e eten oli, 44 Rd, en\ ra *dad the'k, ' \ ''' a ds mit., d. tdarlitrdnah . I onnitainas s in ' ~ ' ' • , ° r ~..............,.. ~,,,,,,,, 5.„,,,,,,,,„„,, ~,,. ~re,. s., a to, invite the peat.. to leave their means tierce ary t 'instate he rap ire nose • o „ \ , iiisos st c•ru, t i ,..,,,, ~, e ,,,,„,,,,, ,„ ~,„,.„,,i.ir , hat., nmbrellas, renes, and c lo a k,, and =eke the whole r ad, p rfoimin his ato task \ its as siNarllt ul.t,nr,-, aw YrAnkho mud . . tts i tv.i. or snip. in, ~.....•i„,,,,. asos .. An 1 themrel M Sod ittittle. P ass, on under an iron seithout calnit n . satijii. , No , • t ' , ..'•relgr esti o re bit- la. • ' , gig , • ~ I bump, and dweeping by an ' , iron railing up the The isilvaatta'„ vise tat•sition n this ro ~\ i' ' ll " csa ''', .qtn. " .l " l".• " "e i t4.= ‘ ll:Ztt " _'''' ' :, .. 'at i .utiriegY. fio , , hod \ like PerOelele. or gaW or toil rlkrOalle° g irleel.4 °.'Z s c"'' r e'i trt "` ° ' \ '6 " Lr ''''"' • ""`""'"' " ° "'s'.. l ' \ ''‘‘' . 1.7.. ''' I marble, or any of the beautifel`woode we enter It, in darntaininn, decid \he nest pr if, \ ifinoll a u as. .-,- .- ... par, alto ,il..a.rdr `, , \ , -roiror.o , o‘ •.... • Pa. 11•111 nnlvt.n, get•A• l ' l'''.','.:... ' %.... "'"" es . i•st ~,, t ttt , ,' tel a ^ rich a. go .1, mkt restinjalmost nothing hue beyond Bearer ilk Located rt.a best i ,„_ es, • \ ''f,, : ; compered with dye t sc flew heing enld of tira...e. comtundate the Northere cnuntie of 0hi0,2,. , - '' " '''''' ~.„, the - room in lighted There ars a 116dre.1 /tn.l, Ity g branch fylam RCaver to Velille, u ~\:\, „, ~. • is.sot . ~ htty. h. t tp,.. e t trim rhaira th choose ft'ant sofa. thence' lir the st outs tiering, 4 ell w Cree \ : '' ` ''' '' ' "“" "' - and .ttees, with reritt IllI•t \ SI de tabh74-- pt,ri,, , through central ohln, thAriiitilin,ca obtain its\ ....1 ~ ,7,. a • ~..• ~. 1 •t k an'll mantel ornatnents Jf every de...tiro : tan ; idol / too t favorable outlet T 1 N... line ventiltlm'ampcto \\ , • 1 ' ,..: - ;',..'t - .."Y.. .Is, • -, ' ' ‘'.: '' Z'- ' i; ' . '' .; , .:: ' 7..i..r ~,,,, t.., ' I b;‘ , : rem sno ' gest e. A, r.: iterontpanj•ity for- I With the proposed Ibtlahi t h an d ste t m,,q,,ili , \ nnta ! ,c . ar• ..1 t. l t r f••••• .,, , •,..N . • - f it. , .. O I miner, :oat hs finished. lilt 'i fire-plree looks 'road, which, if praettedlde a rt reasnnahln Mat, \ "e .:',.rc , i',.2. 5 ,„„.:.",', ,:.7.7,„,,-7 ,, ,i;:,,,-r,.,:,: ‘,.. 1 like one elstrined up froin chnos by the lamp o f i seould altord a connselien wit that regidit •,i at ' \ „,„, , ~,.„ . „ .. , ~,,,•vq,..,r, W..) .`, jAI id L'A lip fawn..., WO lit. from it :sp. / would he &trifle shorter Rut t e surface \d`, c c \ ..., tat) . tn.' u r.'"'“' , • . 1 ' i ' A . '; ' ;Otft ' •al......n.l ,A, 0../ftrill•AlfAi t t NA , eration ro velment.... • • country to be In . ..er re d Wolll.l Or in to f)Whi4 ihe- s , \ ..\ ,, p . . ''''. '' . .,Pr ' .... ..-1 ..' rhe burrtpeann are Proud of 4 r 1,1 t . ,,,i, m ., „•.t hope that Pilch , A route cosh! be ' bmitted with ,‘ \ . ~,.. ...totons 0.. A Ilr •,:ni . •-, ea ).t .. O I, frnifh• ~ , 1 , 1 "i"'");:”; ' ' r;,.., r''; ., :; . Tz .-, ! - ..„ , . , .2 ,, 4.1,- , ~ , ::?,: , ,...;:' ,. :! , , , 1, '-'. ,":' 1 :„, " ',. -1 ,, ' ,, re ,`;: , ,, 5 ' "' e l.,- ~e , .7,d .n . '„ , t \ V*3 ' e ' uta gr .u ' ll d rer nt i ' u e ' rot i i . eg u The l' i , ,li c a ) a ' n7l l' ll i t h oL t \ ' , sti s.,t rii tau re lee • .. 1 3 ' \ t 0... -t . f Cat on. 11 ths other rele of the water, are mad dri l latic . alte I 'alCsheln renters, err rt , llll,,tt with fh, lernnsylva-\,, \ I f,;;;;;:',' l'ot, '.; I'.';;;':.,', :,,,;...,;., ~..,„„...,.... _.,..., 1 , - : : ~,,,,,., rehte.) nhi,, It. ,a. raa,t\ pin it, '', \''.. 's ~.,,,,. „„, , .. .... „, beautiful, nn .1 they are 'rectified by the roeia• : . , . . 0 h _ ;„ _ ' ~, , r 1 \ ,r,. .b,; • F.,,,, ~.,.•4- tit...s•its sodirtasdeo 4 ,••••.to• - • l'" Y. i bon • nr aoressedstig generations and Veto A "" ''' , , m r''''''' w ' '‘ ''' '' "" ''' ''- '"" " ',',, ' ' ''` ''' t , ti t ';, I ' ''' " ''"' t fiirlid of ,our , tells us that 'lie ginest hiece of i iOrc , gOtret . and witting , such enttnectioß• sny .' • VAIIIIIAIII, 1•1, AA. !•••Awn no )4Affol, If, A ihttarnt • n 1 , ft Art•ftt.),V t•• , ..O, ot of` 1 ado3ta 2 ' orkinensht .to hut fanc •in tin. Wr Hifi' , Fair , 1e . ..M .0 ' 6 m' with mho " 11 ' r"'"" w"" 1 • 1 '••• hope- `-ii ~,,.....„. 0 „,, t ,, , ~,...„,,,. , WV, ate i rso bed-tend representmg it hu t,.ttg i . scene, on which the ireu t er. mot' throw Isitneelf\' This remaintng western connection of I.la.nt Itoto. , a . Kt Mt-1,1, f a r Cl. . •- • • ... \ 1: r 00t...3 habil Railro gi IA 1111. Ilempfield road,l. r" ,- .5 oa t ,. 1,a1...1 Vnti s ..t, h, CA ..• -.tar ~ ,pIIi,NTAI.. 1., lor re po +r aI 1 nfOtp trent It - trough on, own ,- stood...so. it.., trt•r 1 . 1.4 I ; LIT I ,•,;R : 11 . : :, 411: . , , /1111\AFArIll forest. tt .I tastes, 1.,0t i \ ,hlch wilfsliverge to firetgisburg,. and el , terid \ ‘ , 7-, l t c - 7,„,,1. ' s tg Wheeling; g diMane , '" nr ' lB , o' le ss -- tottro , t' '7'7 .iA St •11., , rnt• .• . a'nf I . .. - f Ill': 'o ' t\b.Nl,l, is' 1.; Another !hum In the li.`t of iron articles'strock c ' • '''''""'" ' \ 'i' . , 1.,..„,p,, t ' ' . '". ,' the wltrge distatiee from Philadelphia to Wheel, \ , ' • oyes risot • • I f groat lorry ire a , , tnn riling in I doting . . \ 19""''''''/'tl,VaN ' '''' ' ;:to w a ' Itreadway window, We taw a centre. table itT„ pal 40 11 miles--only twenty miles mo re than . ,:r i .. .. , , ,, , , ... ,, , r . rt ,, f ,. • , 0 , ,, , \ 0, ,, 7 ,1., , , i . hrt, ,, •, ,,,,, c1 ,.. ),..A , ..t.4 ,, ~,,h , „, epexi, ,„,,,, h. , h leohuht oh 5ih ,,, e „, , , ,...d. r fr o htu TlVimore to the soros placistitinn which • e gradient , ' 4'lll. feet ssdr it ATP laefl, ..awl, At 11, no, \I • SA 1.l , Ai•l, el: , , IN blebs ojterSente•l one of the meat magiettL cenes ' l \ I i ist... oi het t.:nto-1 'l. hArtn, Allal' • Cr NIA .. i 4.41, II AI I V•II•,11, \ I I 11.1111/th . , •on th- rerth-sl.nla Bella , in the midst of Lake agairt.t W arp f rode • frgrie t he' west. This mean! . f'l,,lnnel, . .11 . rm.., ,Innhan .. lah, • Maggtore, in the north of Italy ‘, It is a nate.. Z' d P,' : ; l " I .`"':''" f "" . 4e \ " % 4ir " fi ''''' l of '''' ' ' i 'l' . ..""',. \''' ' and hanging garden built of mi , chio aal arPr -' '_ • ''i t '" t "'"," ""' , e P"' ""''''' , ~,,, „. ~„ . , , „ f „,„, i„,,,, , ~. , t • contrart`a.ring it Is intent uto lecldri orandi To 1,..r0• li , •-•"•111,,,•• \ AI aduvre.l wah most superb tig•getatton.. The r„,,,,,,, the A ,,\ te o , , b ,„ se ,, tl • „', tie., of Itanch AI l , .11,111 ~IA , 11,,1, 11,. el, . .. \ nova!, at a•otalstia , do/ t 0,A1,0 .{.l, - alt f,rro • an island that was buißin tbit bike i ..`„ .. , , ~'''''\''"" 1} tie . Onto, :rid snit pennon,- I irni the s orteat nne litonst. at -n.etn ~ a 'lit 111 O tinni tot 1, A. / 11,1•11 l At vt or ~,, . ..y triilliona The eel ring Irotn 1 oa- o rt, .t dait n 11, aa i / •,. a-V...et...Dine,. I , i ih , „ h . . , , . , • from Philadeilphia\ to Cineinnati A'enad may _, _ 1 is was rept.. Waa otayagot to ntsentin -1 ',/,,;,,..t,a'. i '' /,': . :nod' : ' , 'l,l ; ' ; ''' ' ` '‘ - ' ' ' s: . : 2 ;". 1 '. , .... , 1 t l'it l C El 1 Lester. our late elfted and oleo be built von of S. E bulk of the (min ' lose ...:., t.iot'ci..i. '.. it s tA, .•, \ , 1.. \ l ILAN./ I'7'• C. ' ",'''''., „ - , from Wheeling, 'fit o the Sfate of KentnOty, by rtrwlt• It at Iva "..1.-1 o • told. saa fni. • Aam i ), _ Fattlol ,Otalll et ltell6ll nOW t uts prOF, is which the travel and ode of that regliin key be titre, ...eh' ; o tA „. f. .• 1 ..• ass. sic''. greg.s . " '7 - . ' heel .'.'.' 1 Oreinch At n........n.ti1.• ..". ) '. 1 ' 1.::.. " 1 " 1..1 . , ‘ : :, ' l ' ll.l, ' , a ' • Itri'r lre C i 1M; il:l•:rd"; y 7n'iCo.h gt; ill b " . 7 . d tt ' e r i t o i F i l i i i (; f .l 1 ibirlr'gi" to ridi'delPh\'' without "'"i' the ' t ‘ to. 14 4 .0. 4: , II , ern, I, ,1 4 14,,n. Ono", , • \.' , , i' on tip and ble of the gla.s., an exqui.i ft ` c ef• Cron, -• ....ark 1., 100i4,4,1. , ,In addition to these Western conneetions hi . ilro n I. .• O f ra - , t AA , • At . •, \: - filet in r.rmItN. L I, wide tubs tandard or pe 1,,, it ' it . i , 1 , ,,. , pi 'l, ' .1 I Hewitt , . , gto.ereitt e . 4 'o' Itroodt• st 4.d•-tta• • 1 •• 1,10 • • • - •••• ' l .`"l -1 ' l''•••'• ' a , within the State, may here "Ter be undertake° liiritrst,-.7.t it, is 4 r ko-o-,4 . 1,..,. irou In fact, be time has come when wt. • own • Th,...,, „upon..., of „he,e, ~, ~T,,,,, fly,. Lr, r:::i ';,' i.: ` ,,...,7:.."' ` :',::',.../,',.. - ' ~.. . le , Pitl ''Rl of' du , where it sriginally belonged trobo ti \I ('o and inntown he :Ift • 'I I 41 N0r4,14 4 'l. .. \ ~ 4 4 Irs • .30 The Vulcan age , coming 7n 'This- iseekna to 1 „. ~„ a a ~a ereattut—Willen Wlll pass taro gn some of co. s' ,••i "' • be a fir all the r retest id die itwew ter .il ho , 7 :,,, 1. , :; , tr ,,, r , d• n ooven i t. , : 1 .... ..1 , • , 1. ; •-.,,,•,, . , 1i,:,,, : : :: . : , ,,, ,,, , ‘..1,7: : :•11:7 , ,,,c .k, , ;,, eery ~,,,,ee.-e, ~,,, , . go 1 rn, t fertile lands of the State Ano th er IMO ‘' hitercsuggented passing from, the omit of ch.. limn, I t .it ssonna 4. 1 ,....it1ert. - • ",-.., and t erm ICIf/ Atll A ke \hl/r railed hereon r ,the. , it hat i „air d• .1. , - . 1p...., .. N. Give ~ gold ~,, . ~,,,,, Alleghenies to the Allegheny- river• nt \ . the month \' of tke`Little Mation,ing, ho'h's- Brady o Pend, nn i‘grodigh. aud we will no\ ctimplain of the orlot- s A • -. . . 4- roi 'r n ' l l :l; ; f tr rl:lti r LFt ‘ 4 l‘ ;ii r p 'l ttrai l r he a:l ' 7 l ;7. 'l ; l anra Y s. 1 ' third ' s' Redford.'' ' tor ..tr ass. that aboundsan gPeat •Inwat i ties every 1 trunk nn Th e s e oincffitia lealnell must . •ser.)lC6 /0 the Main A ., Et1 , 11 , V A .,, L ,, 3 , . A ,,, N , AND ~,D RP, ,,,,A R. ~,T URES, , ~,,,,,,,! , F . ,1 7, ,A .1, ,,L 13, ,.. , ,,. , , , a ‘e ri\a it, h r g ,, la rr da s u ,, t t tr4rl ,, s , 7 m or o t l a;l i n o n , , , w r h ol ld , e n d tz.si 0, -.le, used -nattr s , • hsatharsurs, en dialsiphia, ' w 'l' . , ,at the same, time give: mple, retarns to the, \ , , pi. II inserted 11, tifoin,• I•n.) wt...., , war lOtniOla.. Onn, ~,,t, ~,I IlL'er.C‘O.,ll4'Or'rC•ifu'v4°,"7l4,r,2l7l g •e 'r o de w r rier b e nw f7r!i : ' , ' ,., ' , k et t : ' ,., l , kr' ' l''r their " ir I in ito\r '' \ . . 1,,, \ fA A , 1tr,,,,1, ~lALI.I r res.... , s .• . octet , . m-s moire llos begonia espese to he action of . , us... . s'. It, M..r..1)t.. mol i1010 , 14,, , 1,041: 4 1.4 . , iii. ' ittliin:••••• num... ••• tiradtoni l'attarl,Cnnit.,(Wlt, , the weak,. iron has been fsall tn be the ' gt, aan ,,,, 4 ... 1,41, [ t ie , nn - Ths 'mat llointeeil t i• ft. .twn.t. ' •nwfno• "“..t , q'K''''''• ''''''.• l''''l , only durabig nr ecntiemical,m mrin, We hare i c ountr y whip has tollowittc.paragrafh en st o t.eis. -.cm st ..7 .o . satunts- and Iten-,t seen the m,ht beautiful rus'tjc v ehauie e lounge., ' the All t9ect or the I ropos,. ettension of the so" • ••••••• ••••••''''''• .. l • •"" ' . l '‘''''''• "•'' ••''t , settee , etc •Nui.hed in oil the verion‘kinds of ,' Akron branch of the flavelnr..l nn.l Pittahergh 21 \ 7‘, A. Ai Kitir -11, H o tta. va n Ot•ta.t. Crarriwo, and Jetierro o ,',RoOd. allti thUrUry eta eedoes . 7 nrchlend sittensll....rotast d Now A wit ...I tfoo.-rlOtta.i, tw:i iail to thio neella ft) loc t e Fre-0 ,4 1. rib- : The %big say.• tr. Irr... at i, r a . oorl . r 4r44. at '1 4. 4i. left of the era-in modern cisdlitation ~ The The °urn:trees on the Akron lind Alidereburg ena Ilia, on. , LATAL • -4, ~ .hilarrnn. 1.n., .ireco, . , ' small to Milleraliorg\ It [onto like coingsahrtittl.' ',en., ~,,rtt, tttot tt lt ....At...14,1.1,m0, 1 0,..., a , aineOen clock p er ,l h angootte by ,TA ~,,,p,, ~,t Rat leol.L hare completed the r efi t. „.!:, i :: ::: , W,.::, , , ,: :: : ,‘,%• : ; :. .,:::;4 . .",, , ,,, : ;`::!!,' , :" , ri.. r t.::' : thavirou clocks we're brought mu, that,niankit f ar a s I f 41.5 place A's soon s - • rho refit is mode lin.:.sts tis r5.,..5. ,1,.....,,r, 111.,,0pt0. taana, :ant: Car, , ivorofOO eliseld disapßeared• red to Our 'utmi-3• out ondanhmittetl In the Roar) r,r i.i Mere,. the ~,. ..t's 1...77 , •'- l''' t.."-• . 9 ”' `s , ''''' a "'s. sarprisa, the other dk., on tnquiring'llid pri-i. work of ouneying wilt hr roffc•nwonnn . " l , r` word at sil a r it, and ....ear,. at is A Al • , I nrat olown.li, .lin --I:, fl i nt,. 1,,,,,,, , A ,..„...,,,,,, I 111 one of these iron AIW", fillighlq iII,?, pearl. Coshocton. '•' ___ -• 1 '.l 4 '''', F....... '"'„ A ." l r i l:llll : 7 . S l 'i s l ol' l T : tr : " : l ; l* . \4"'"' ."""'' ' ''''''ln'''' ' ' ' ''''''''''' __••• ° 3 .l ::th i e t' t? r e:; 'l n ' t ' e n ta " l f ii " 6 " in\rt e e r ta il t 'i t Z . t S' en j o f° l•7 711 1 a b "vn e' b e e r' eti l c r x=e J ' , l.' ::n717- i' sa g io ' n ' arc ' 4 ll 7l7C h i ' AZ; t!*"..,.• I, A , 11A11..-1') I'A•II , A , PII-.l4l , :leralatol. Ohio.- ' made. it wises:tidy six , tolls a. 11 watt worth lire a d upon [heir merits. arraveretnents avid? be 'si s ta - Viis '7,, :dt ( .t.t m'''l' sfi l n . ..Ts ' Tsta ll ' , ; C e.' '' . l , '"' acri ' m ' tt,"l,, u ft.`"., '.in fur opinion to lank at ii. 'ef that, in s ‘PACE, \ilA• \ rna, for letttng the work tie blue Lscsio, trurstr, litta“, I.no, 0,,h,,,,,,,-,. go.. one that I bought 5n.,..1 me p • nly eight I"trk.' ' :Vitt ' : ."'S rs[ 2 .... " N ' iTillist .. .:Vi s ia 'r jeT.''ta`crniii,Z,,T,tgr shillin g s. and it was all e I taltAy Hock, at i hat, ll7. 7regit fem. ",,,, —Tow:regal , lintel, ....lg. , -e'l '`.•''. ..... 'rel 'M.S.. ''' i '''. ''. I. - one thing numt not be, nverlC,oked. and ,ihni , "'", • '"N ' 1 ""'" 1 ""' " " dr '''"" th"frir "' l'i • °sc.. s• s. . ~ • . . ‘. ister ot. le Treasur:.. at `Washington, ,for the nireialsi -If, rho. - pr.hurf , ,l,lnt”ton,S;rlo,4+l.l,.lat a n. ' is tne rano. Tornio into which ikattiltry far t he ) t -r rt \l e .,l4mteig the duties el the re strict ' um . '' ' '''''T"'*""""'"' '`'`''''''""" l " . • • •`"'"`""'l . " 8 ° worked . in iron_ The finest mat* ever made O,'" 1- ' , . too, one l' nor, ' I ^tun... Iwl, • •,,,,,,, 0A...4 44. ~ ' - Jo go.lop Penn.ylVallin which be has Brost • by I lenftlint,i Praxiteles, AlichaelC,„Angeld or •• i - , E , . g lt „ t , - m `''''''` . -I" n ' ' '''''' '' ' ''' '''''' L ': " '"'"'' '''''''" ' nis i itothasnor e sos 0... Laic., .1.0,3 tuasis t io • ('annex can t. • • • taon in that SIV. The retirement or Mr, Vedic. i rett;te.ts t s. so 4 !Taranto) a. at o$ iJ• . „pt. e m00n... rooking c atove and as •Igickly It centric knish .a, _ a • , _ W•01t5..4.14”a an Frl•lasitat - 4 IA onivshota 'it/ Aro , '" 1n0+0.1.. l•I•I4.,. . 6 r a, 'I , ,it will lost longer than any otatne roes itioffea or litsa t srta a a.-li t 5 t0r ..,,, it a it, r,,,,,,,,,.„, ~,.., ,ai in imitation ,if the tinevt Parian marple. and kwiho'dhr,,',7 and erasion "Thenvt',:::::,lPrh°,'",lofoleltoi;! AIAALA A% ,1t,...1.), and , atordai... . t• ,11 ~..,...,,,, 1 .,„,,, ..„,,,,,,, i if . c0m .,,,,: i i1 v .,, , h , Officer 4 and der in the Iflstsattnent The latuffto,4 -it, Ow lan., ntanr, lion. Itch r- , 41.01.t., 1 seer • .. • o f 4_ President has appo •ttiol NI ti•la, t Norway,. Es 4, , 00. tree, t ittsnstitu.s, Wawa, ..., ItaWrownr, isensor made fora very 'mall ...elfin th e COSt Of ellittl , , , , ~ pai.OA•lat,wn. arcao.lto tast Idha-ts, Orr 0.1.111. alt flitmusferia exactly, and it is no\ at it 'g" l " '''• '''''''''' \ \ \ • .., ria Arrireatvindlare and 11•OLooria,... at aAA J• , " s , -, , are rugs Mott Inn ~I . I tar....aa t R. al .., a. x ' ell Ilo ilo Ii ties occidento which h ave bregen rt.4 ' i r itiF. '"" a " A n . ' " g . .: ~`• ‘',..: a lk a 4 . , .. ' , l . l? in n .; ;: ri s t ` t : l t' is' l r : T, m' at .d i el t7. l : -' : {, l ,, n , '' t': ;T:::: .. a , lZ i . ea li a tall ' it t3 O t rth7 .lr Va i t ' ..L e al i . ' - ' o7t. 'l' rf• -• • i i i 7 r, ' , Cl :::: :a Y th " F , Cu° ,, l ::F re :: f uT : 7‘ : u 4 ' , l ' h f o r But • ' l2 ' i ;" ''' ' ' ' ' 7 7" l " 7' c? .° \ d" ft , Tr,l i Z l- ; "," _.V ,` „ l ::: ' ,L . : - . 1 .. 3 ,i,.;‘,, ' 4!;in- uor,e. nen e 10urr,,,,„ thon.and ancient marbles., there ,n -, fir in C diro i. Thh .,, T tour, Irankl , Ol nalt.,,, eft., r•caleu r. t cwt.. ... , 4VPiree., - ri... that in Oat torriken If the ancient ` l le ' r " ' ; Fran. t • al . , I•ontrtfa,patonla • , ~. a Any In London for one, ra.....1,-b, Antout, Nook. IA ...h.-, T. .1.1 Ap.111.. 10.86,01. , Lad only conceived of this idea, their' 1 .,. d i th h.,,,,,d of hi rs Arm... t• Watneala• st "e a . ' , dr. , ' '•' `l•doltd works, which now exist only in scattered frac. ,'"," 7 '• ' '`' , • . • merits would hare been multiplied, and made '''''"'"'"") l '''' '-''' b ' P "'"7 ''' ' '''''"'-l'' l ' L L'"'' '' '''''''' "'7 " ."' " r " — " ' l '. . h . earth itself . , ei , - ,PfNe° York. ''. ^r " r a depart...la amnia, at o s,, ~:. : :• ;: ,r . 5 , ...a " ,..an t - , , , , P a . , . ...../ , ',,, ,, r , :,:i. ." : 1 , , ,, . ., L S ,t ' 4' . .,;( , ,,ai l : a , ' t , .iv ,, ..‘E!'!" . di " . i ‘ t ' : . • . : I lfe t h " :1::,I.::• „, 1 , 11: e s ' t , 11 . : , .. , t c ile , iti ..b ri e n ,,, L „, o ,,, o r ly w a e p r, pr b o ii ac t h ; ' „T„,7 g' , s t h e e ... °l o „, 2 7 th ' 7,, rn s , " l t t r, . „.._, L . • II manufacturers and Witter. will 'lie no indulcd , ' oilc• i ,, , ,\,,, a , Am ," '..... ' ' '' - fn t'"''' .^". "'"" '''' " ' '' - n. with seidiments or the heantiful, that the Inn of !,''' ' ' ''''' ---,„ s ' s , ~..1 5... I, in , •,i. un...1 I- 0, •••- W.' , t. n'. '^` ' Ott Allintlg as will grow into 11 rllti, end that . \ -I'. , " 011' ,• „ , , ..............,_,,...„,....e....,,,,,.....................„..„.„. oar country homes and vi..11, - ." s f)a n n i s .„„,„ . 1,., ~.1 anti, all the, beautiful works et hchhave come: k,s w i n d, V t . • Copper Stock. .lowu from post ages, muctitied by d‘tt :rein. , I,,,A roug h t, li e , that hatattdorntal the Trotll VOltroreP. ltoilYi ' nearly two arN AND FOI AN: Ili. }1 , ,,,,. I ,11. .1' ~, 11•• • •• .4111 “4 t •, VI , AN. ; t h e e*con, wla and Borders, for the Fall Sales. i::: • ~„ -,. • - , \ . day precious, nt , 'EI r ED. at lii s old estsbbsbed 'L '-,-',":„ . A lot of smuggled diamonds, valued at4l ' Acconlidg to the arks Wr.n.t. tarsi to, s, l its -tehrsist 'no man - star, semi. at the New York post office, atircut 'at Philadel,phiat ~ s ste. mot. r‘....r. nt r tet.r. lIANia- ..,..n . Inn, `,.... - tisha.routhrlaid a asset, s 1 starts of Wf t , ..' " , W''... - " a venr ago, not having been claimed. by tn , and e• quo r l e " m l' o ' fo' " n.: . l4 " to ' ',,,' 'f,,,'",,"',.','.',„„'",,",„'„1""'' "''-' ''' ,, ' W " Tga n Ts, " ,: ` .., - ',? ,, ,,' ' , ' ,.' ,,,,, ',„„':::, tt. , • 5t1 , "t i i . ,', ,, ,`,, ,k `,: tt %„',: , , , , ,, ,, Lrer,... , ,,.. I i u ts l :t r er ,„ . ~,,,a r. ye to a b t e w s .,,, ol h d , , n t g b i e ,,,,, procceds to go ant I wi t h ober. - 'Wk. " t this can't' '1 . 11,11t1/14, lot ...T. . aolZ T. 7IIE ~ ad 1.1, ydnal kkvrrnldt, in Yrnrelln,r,'"'n any nth, ynnykyt nil na •-n I-•tnl. a ;unto/ v.— , iln ann., wilti not, naln ,l and nap, rwlsirn... at Y In-k ndynt nod 'a•Lsiny of Nlnn•han , flank. 1:: ' •• Ilant. id Ilalntnnnn ==2IIIMI Ip-Wm Clartiers Coal. IF: CH \ It'llElt! , .:1).% I, COMTANY :,..r.... I, 1. lona, • rtnr..rnnl• , .I,ppin,, th. r 'hi. /I+ r• 1 the h.rl,r ~t -, 1.1..,,,,, ~." ...pan. 1 ,, J-Inv mr ria. hart., ~,,t, ila, . ,11.• 1 ,7 C.a..' 11, 1.., 111 1 ,1,11• , , , . ar tunr,l larrh , , o rran, ...para. p rttli -ell, n th. vaunt, al llprir eharf at aw.,./., . all pa ti.a 1,...11, tralr oar, warr”n• . Garupany lin. p•eallar Wilitroa rot I,l,Drlc 'taxa, l atarl lin. •. Lint Baal., S. . , IP. 1L h . ' ,, i....,. lb Of ,230 rnotain , meth, m... et. .1 to C oftn, R -lAN. or eueer. 11,1%4w° I:1,. liinnqtr.'lyn. p.,1,1111 a . 1'11.1 , 1.1y 1,-.1.10t0 C • Fall Goods. • p... 11 • firm: 1011.• Pre-- ,11x.. ftn.l •r...1",•41 c411111.111-•It .t Spldndid Ingtrnments, J b. ts. tLnuu Inca li_yv- ,t• hul.eriber ht.junt ierr•ire.l r,s,, Stork ,br rm., choir,. I Nal.n• A tlark, 41.14.1nbat. by myrnt.ernt. full my. I j „, ul l^bt Clark 11., r New .w r • "" • ul Inn., I • Ar...T. .1 ,1.. N.. N. , . I: NEW STORE Fall and Winter Stock of Fancy and Stapl • Dity A A. MASi;k: C,. wor. hi 01 .. • ,i/1 AI %VI 4. '1.,~r. 1~,..~,.. li. •.I i.,..l .it'l~.. F.El' I'l Itr,F01:1-: WI E. th " .1 " - "- STAR OLASS WORKS. I{ (1 It I: WINTE , I 7 Poix6vrqA kir,KRT w INTER kci I ! ltvine. th• mArup•rt,r• 1,11.1• nt,mlNeturing iluf w+ g . IIA PAGNEo. AN!, DEIRAI .Lill..st 11... lir”..). Drug Store fur Sale. ; X'l . I N . l) .r /..t. 0• a. r. Western College of Horn reopatli lc Medicine „ r „ F. •%i in A Ln•m - rhun tin. I n thu! tuin.n ••••I tin° 2n 11...1/ t.. , or- n. 2 , ut wl3, .n tn.- .-mtnr. Th. I ar , •ll/ In•trum/on urn un VA). - In•n •rr l 1.111.1/I,n Ilrm.enrull. A 111'11L'It 111,,K1.1. 1 , . nr. 0 , - -.11 1 1 .nu,.1..uand 1,:u11/. I - 11111111 •',l 1 :11 tl. A Il l,', I Fit. ‘, l , I t 111.1.1. 1.1 11 . 1'r..f..a.r . ,.1 Ph,Lnlf , •ii.l lit. Elf ji. .1$ . IG. II. I. 11/ A, /I. . i ,nl2 I ! o 1 I, tun of•lull twur.r.4 nun, e==l •.. //, „ ou . u ,, „ .1,.~~~ 1 .r ni1 . ..041 , (1.1 Int l.l/.. 1,1 . 1.501., Inform/o,m 0 11' 11.1,1 ‘l, 11 0 0001 a 11, /Iry ultt 1 /1 I. 111//,(.0,1. CLEVELAND MEDICAL COLLEGE. r 1 1111: Annual rune. , et Leer ore• in the 00.1 ( ..lt 4(11 ;«/...1 It ...I , /1 , (1 .1, (col /(1,. ,t. 11 1( L. ,11 , ..4 ipc .1111.1 r, fl mn lb. Is ~ .r• „I in- NI ATI'IL. 11 I'.. • M I I vr.l I,tll at•.l 1 l • r••11, r me•rfi , tn. l•• 1 1 . 1! ' 1 ..‘ 111:1 1 1 ' .L1:. n ,1 gt, llrgran, •••,,,11 11 1.. I r1.1.•••.or 1,1.111 1111. 11 ••1 Anatomy lor tto m.r•ts.itrwr *I Lerltirr• $l.ll L. 1t 1...tr”.1. • in . ..nip-5, in .6. C.: prs., Prn". Iv ry TM. lilt i.) 111 , 1 •••• • I tloi •r. t 11ast ra ar gri r•-••• 1 ,••• •-11114. art,.1.1 J. tl” nst.t.er ..• I /311,11.•1 i•III ••11. 1.1 0 1,1111 vb.. La 1144.• I.,eaa I,nar lIIIMIII 1-S .illl Wall Pape UST It F tun I. tete 3 lartorl I en/ BON, .111 r •.."‘ zof tb . N .~. i,•nr Iru ~. I'.. i rr. 11 1 .. x,~ rit..l Y tntu~.rr,~li i t• 1, , ,:rn .• En. Ira At.nnt ?., n 'A., 2., • .. 1. u 1 1.1 t. tomt I ••"'.`" A 1 lanr, PRICE OF COPPER STOCK Ic. r A S/S!! Oho , Trap Itt., • I 1•In 1.•.. =ME • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ S‘ \\\ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ 'l‘.. \‘'S ' \ \ \ \ \ \\‘ \ \ A \ \ ' N • ' .., .A. .AO. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers