The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 05, 1851, Image 4

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Pole, motionless, and silent.l4 ;
An infest on its bed,
,While op Its face a smile of peace,
" 4 - -A beauteous hale shed;
. 4...;0nd:0rt that We n mother gazed,
looks of had. despair,
Conscious that death's resistless hand
tiled Sled his signet there.
.84e saw alone the hastening hour
_When to hey fond caress,
more she might those ruby Iles
With .tenderest rapture press; •
lint este not in that placid emit°,
t- The brighter vision sealed,
Which on her darling's spirit broke
To her yetnnrevealed.
For near the couch as angel spread
His pare ethereal 'wings,
Impartitig tb that spotless soul
• Unutterable things;
And whistiered loft of anguish spared
Of bliss immortal given,
And all Its new-horn lenses filled
With dreams of arching heaven
• Kossorn AND ma FRE:MEL—M. GalHaslet
in - his regular letter to , the Courrier do Etats
Unis putd a very different face upon the behavior
of the French 'Ministry in relation to Kossuth.
While he ‘.loe'i s hot pretend to exculpate them
frinn'the Charge of meanness and ill manners,
he. 'thaws 'that the Hungarian might hove tra
versed France by a route indicated h the Pre
feel of Police. ire says: '
"For my part. believe our Government has
narr -minded considerations of po
', rslite, In raps' "g the former dictator of linnenry
oh , permission he craved. It was moved by the
very smallest spirit. A government ought to be
.more Magnanimous, and less addicted to 3118}51-
ei.m. But' it should be elated, in justice to the
Minister, that he did give permission to Kossuth
and hiScortege to land, if he would take the
route via Bourgee, and - not by the way of Lyons.
This Kossuth declined doing; and it has led to
the supposition that he had reckoned on an en
thusitmlic reception among the democrats of
Lyons, and or Saone-and-Loire."
• There would seem to be no necessity for hunt
' ing up r fresh Koniala - of-suspicion. when those
gratuitously suintd before-hand answered the
puypose SJ niftily. it wasenough that Kos
Stith woo refu,:s4 Liberty to go where he pleased
. mt. : French even supposine portion of the
Volliitaiou to he awaiting him with an cuthusi.
attic reception..—Xerr-Yort Time. •
Attovirrat 131P60VL1170T.—Tbe next) improve.
Mont. that our railroad people should make
should Consist of a —Saloon Car:" a mar where
people might*lk about and smoke, or sit down
and play whist. TO be squeezed up in tt chair,diboure is tedious enough, even when going
at 'the rate or 50 mites an hour. The N.
113 Till road is fixing op ono of their cars with
state•rooms; an arrangem ent that adds greatly
to the comfort of paise gers. In a year or two,
wo expect to see similar cars on every railroad
in `the counter.
• Iliirconftdently. expe'cled that the Railroad
between this city and Dunkirk will be in running
girder by the I at'of January next. We will, con
t.equently, after that period, enjoy moans of rapid
ond easy transit to and from the Eastern cities
—The only drawback will consist in the clunip•
of gunge nr the otote line; but shall hope for euch
nn adjustment as will ',make the track uniform,
ortording to the sir foot pave, an originatly intend.
td, thus securing to our ,immeditarc community
and the public at large every desirable cannon.
fence and benefit —Erie ' One.
SUNDRIES -L. 300 doz. Corn Bro , Jrns
roo Yids N T. Leather.
, .
20 pkb Loaf And Crwthed P,.,,,
forpAlg/r . 1 ,, a , 4) JOHN WATT ACO
ililiTTEß—Free.llgall, in bosef, reed daily
11.0 lir l.ctt7 I J. IL CAN YI Ei.D._
2 AIIEESE--500 boa recd and for aide Loy
II .1 ~.33 11 ; 4. u_. CAN - FULD.
riNISII-10 bbla. Lake Trout
al At .! r':
~ ~
N. INSEEI) 011.— 111 - b1,13. Grbarobrn brand
$ - J s;. by J. 11 CANFIELD
KJIEARL ASii-2S'OaskB for Sale by
a orz: J. B. CANYIEI.u.
il 'OO WOOD--60 bbls. on hand and for sals
N /by Del: .l MOD 0 ar -
L:IIIKTS & IMRAWERS-4505 din.. Men
10 Laub, Waal Ebtrls aa.l Dr r,. rj..e'4l
A. A. atasuN a G.)
QILK VELVETS-20 pea. MU SA Aleairable
oilars. now nenitg b . " A. A. MASON A 00.
11" ARIL AMIWNIA--2000 llos. for sale by r.. A. FAH:VP-ATOM( Co. -
Ibis morning be Rxpriee the following article.—
. _/4/gh colored. all wool De Lalnes..tdi.soc.
• itirh Lueter bleekzllke. all PrDe`:
Dromie Poult De Sol,
black fignwed Enke:
t on
Mid Dg
ebaw ean etle. tElbby.ter;
_* err. Fonetla Lod Mertet
ISANARY S'EED-50 bu. prime Sicily, i
eud foti sale by
eßld .1; KIDD* co., CD Wood #4.
QPTS. libb. prime,
for role by J. KIDD .1 CO.
TARTAR-2000 lbe. pure,
cAR.B. I r - SoT)A-6000 lbs. Lee
I r Ner Ceutle brand tor sale 14 . J. KIDD t Co.
~.ALUM--30rbbl.. far male by
, me: SGIII,O:OIAKVit • Cai
/IL A freab lot j et mina at the drat oarr
J. KIDD • Cm. Ou Wu .d 0.
GM L'—lUo
A 7
lJ In
tax's No. 1 Rosin, for sale to,
S. W. 11A1:11AC1111
11 - SYRUP-15 tails. for sale hi;
JAAIIS A. nurcnisos & ix, •
i l
f ,- - , ::' dy[ACKER. L--500 bbls. Large N 0.3, Mai—
'-',-- lii tia.ili.eetis nspeeKon. 1851, Ce• safe by
olt; JAMES A, lICTCIII.iiiIi a CO
_ _.
I kR. TRAlls is Magnetic Ointment-100
..15 doe. far eel, by . J KIDD 0 I,'
grlllitLlC---ili.,umas fur sale by
It" ,or • .1. giIIOoKIIAKEIt A i o.
toll 6.
O:CKSKB prime, m , % iA
fo i rla d l i c At %y „
fig IL ItIOL.-.SSES--50 bbls. for sale by
i 0 • oet3 3. A W. 11A nnAuou.
C 11 ,... F. , f; i .5E--1.00 bores 1v....., : ,,f,,,,.. itri n A t u 0 0 1 i , 7
faTILAW PAPER-2000 bills. superior, re
tJ aerie per. steamer J. IL Lindsay. and Air pale by
J. L. •
ocl3 , corner of Penn and Irwin SUCK,
:.. jr 1 Alia I AGE OIL CLOTH--Justrec'd from
-..- t.. 7 tbe Phllliperille Factory, 4 000 via. 4,1. and 6 s uer
try plaln and acarol look Patent Glareek Carriage Oil
Cloth, and Gm iue:irtsilnale and retail at No:118 Market
1,0141 J. 11. PIIILLIPre
UST opened at thu i DepotfOr choice Tens,
• No. Liberty Perect—a mall lot of SWKET PCKN•
iri,D 210
kIKANOP. PEKOE Tita, • ' , err Coe arKnla
Wkl. A. Met:LUPO A• 00.,
i0r.13 licieert nod Tel Dealers.
d'IODFISII44 casks for sale by
!.3 oet3 WICK A NteCANDLESS.
yMIP-60: bales Kentucky and Alisso ur
u Rutted, for polo br
orlo ' JAMAS A. /113TCIIISON t CO
11.11.0011 E SHAWLS—Just rcc'd, - L :age
Auperktt 17meLe Ehlorls A. A. lIABON 6 Co
eared' and 'rill exhibit far este-5 slid he
inbrAtie. loelli A. A. el&eltti A Ot.
'HALE OIL-775 galls. just reed and
ror Wx bY (0e) R. E. BELLIT.R.
ID PURE. far +ale b, loci) R. L. BELL Kits.
.V . 025.115H SPONGE-220 Ilm• of superio
nualitf. for ni. b 7 toeN R. E. SELLERS.
S. A\ 0, A-- ca+,l7Er e$
oe3 R. 1P...8ELL1:115
VASTII f E OAP-20boxus for sale by
N: 0.. for eslo by
,bls. for sale to close con
11 sum of money, which
br =Bine Ind describing sr
betsrrien Wood awl ficidadisid.
( N IALERATUS--101 . 1 bre. and 25 bills. lame
fur 4.1 .1
TOW YARN-1 sack for sale by
, . r "00 '
male r . 'KIDD r.C°.
ford's best, for ehy .1 J.
AN Infallible Rom - edy for TOOTH ACHE,
Tarter Taft, 4,91.7 Blimdlnyr Gum, for
ats. Sat Apal. 16.GICztEll a McIN)4I.
50t%130 Wcal meat.
- enye C rur foe
rt i k latalir i alzsu ut.B,
B AXLMS---170 do z. Corn, for sale by
ir(ol3.lCCO—Sett Virginia manufacted, for
yi. Nob, to . • J. IR. 01Alt
Pat up In ono and two pond CUM hnlatLiblir
.raknj—rtry . .no color. Oct owl. 0
-,•• - IVII. A. MoCLUILO ARO.,
--__ _
ItLANKETS.—I Imve reciived m
- ,to& of.OIINSCTS, tho..JllSennitx
#I.W.LWA Wataml"re. Mo,'
it t • A • . caseh ne
nom openiplg at A. A. MAPON
QL} Lsentrat--2uo siden heal' .
b for Egli by (.3) . W.I P.WI
MEANS—ltibblo. tiV6icc, for sale b 3
'-3D bake Batint riek
14, 61. .
it•V .%. cilLtmat i lt
15 cagy ure . foi ale b'
-dor. twill% Hectsad Oxiximthjost Ivet br
Tie t ro
. Acap—looo
I • gOOKS. MUSIC, &C. I . _
FLOOR OIL CLOTH- FIE LAINES--Now openiog, In 4:alio. rieh '. A Etistory of Pittsburgh. ' 1 Ts, ruut E.traordendry Ductrnrry en the World it
j: COO gar , de.4-4 Floor 011 Math:
.I_, , Xnted D. Lines nal Cadoter iusoN , co. •BY NEVI LLE B. CRAIG, Esq. A His- , the yr,* .4, - .l.sainth Remody for Man dn.! &art!
Q,LLK WARP PARANIATTAS-Jurit r e e'd ..I =L.:A P , ' ttif 1,...V.1 ' t, " 1 1 ,, " ",j!„,'",,V,1, " ,,.'", 1,!' . , ' H. G. Farrell's
lj it A- AdblAttOdi & (XL , trd add 6 4 I , ltarkatat. all eentury, with noticre of ' the he.d cotabllehmtut of aqua I CELEBRAT A.RAI3IAN LINIM_ENT.
dont reek! .ria to sale at oar Oil aoth Waren:own, 116 1 ' ''''• t thn important suatmfamwrien mid varlom ..As of I ter. ,
Market et. 1. 02 . 3 1 J.& IL PIIILLIP6. fli LOVES - AND lIOSIERY-A. A. AIAsoN , ~,,,,,„,,,-„,..„.„,,, „,.,„ the veceent tin, tu •hleh LA add. * 1 0 0. F HI ED HELL'S .mine Aro Lian Li in
.l. A 11... ALL , . L-LL* adronLbinw , of rm Position fur man..
II q . D§ . SE7I S U N Ita A 1.. L E
, I)
• Si..l. V: , IN el 1 lA ,
~.„. *a E p =7 . a tmd,,gv, r 4a ; ,...; ; 111:::
~c...„.4. 1 .I.OM-h. AILA ACMCLArAiaI pi,xiiill. with a summary or h , iN., ° :.,,,,_, 1' ","'".`„`,""'",'.".”•"“` " .",P'
1 . ,, ,. =LA , 641. - , t r. m , v , ; , ,, k i kt=.ll , =l . drac .... th, ,, tann or limier, oompriaing Mon• W.. lot. down. , T . .' T .. 3 .,„ .* J,„"F.1 . f ..-. 27;,,,, a ,, , , , :t , ‘7, - ,.. , .7. --- . L ;f : d. l -_..:-.2 , ?... 1. . e • etrele, ' 5t5.1 . 1.1..• tn. ' : • :.?, - ,. ' ;1 • ... " M: • .1 t••• ‘ ~..' •; ;.,' ,• • , „1 e. ....1 1 . .. • , • 3 3 .•
Thl•delmlitfUrpreparation I. uhrtynalle4 for purity: bran. , --- --- - * I ~.r.* I . mere., ,i, tt „ * °T. l* ** "` .T.T. w bleb
. prevuno.l3 liad rc.u.t., .1. colter 0...mcm ,,1 I.h non Itom in . Tm ° w • T" **. ...I * * *rd . ' • kill o ti. * ,* le s• ,de l ' • ./ • • A 1
ty, and fr.:ranee: though rocame hat anal:mous hr Guar j WESB GOODS-Opel:1111g, daily at A. A. ' .'^' < , "n .. .. , t !'''‘ , "" . '" * " ^f '''"'-''',.." ~..,',',. o ^.^ ' • h•I . • '''"••
' • • •'•
••''''.• '
lalign AndoeMial errant. VAL ether .lapse eqmpoundo It . , law. ... isirre.thi • al,ln re, briuf . ne.rtod of ~,, , t r , ~.„ ~* -*Tr.* ...T. '. *T., rum. l''' . ' T * w Am. , . 1..- .
~,,,,,..1 . ! . ..! „ 1 . .,* *1 0 , N n .. 1, , gel , ;SF , ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ; ~..o. d , ii t , c . * .li ef , • . ..*** n d t i l . le .n h ,r, ewd ,...i nl mi th , r ttlz.... T. ,
r,.. •,,,,,,,,.., : LA , 11t ,:, 1 , L1Z , ci ,, , i2 n rA n . 4 11 . 1}A .,, :•AL .t, 1 , 1 . 17. ,.. 1. , 1 n 1
. iL , „ . . , , L
~ ., A. , , , , ,, ,,1 , ...,,,, ,, ,..t .., ,,,,, ,,,, , ;
far Awn - 4., thew all by [bee-mono m paut : rtmetcleney • rulleM lAILLAItieI. .
Alit.. lath, which P. 3.1.114 the beard co to muter elta•
",' ut.d t..ymenton the ...titan.. of our VALIUM/. AA ALLIIAL.A.- : ',......' ~.1" ,% .* , t r ,'".1',1• .„ 'n,'• ••: • • • '••-. '' L '..'.'• • ,,,IL .• „'' ,' ' ''•
ring plea.. th.l ea.ty: it 1,0•14-LAA, great advamaw n w 0 .,... i Mtrandetb.....tommt ,
the Imported article • in being Mottle I nand trona the I 64 , 1 vli s r SILK.; , N,,,,.. „ r „.„i„,,,, A % ......, for datthalsaa to .ettle her, i.,,y„.,,,,,,
~,,,,. ~,,,, ,
b00, ...... ,,,, r , ; ... ., ....... n", . ... • ... .
Lett material, with ntesteat 1 , 101: net t to not nulr Me * e• *• '' • -'• t -- •-•6 •A.A. • ~ -,..t ...rt„
1.... d. but ahno the rheauert . t ri n .i., t.-., e t t a‘tu, *Ph, „, , 1 31AW11N ICO - ,1 ' ~.m.w 13, nth Dreamt Priew 111:2Z,. lieul the nAllmina reinutl..l• et..., .Ith th, ~..3 of
reetning Wm of thin ...LOW daring the Mot L.A.. t enr•. ' d' * l''''" . . , ~ *T fanltiomale Plaid f , llk•. th em .. L.,. ... , AI,•Alt.-I 4.1 1.1 .air laL -111144 1 , 1 1
, S 1 1 , 1 : 1- .1 1.. , , , , ,.. 1.... ' , b ,., • ,,,, m ,.F . ,:,:„7,1 ., , ' ,, r , ,,.. ,, 1 ,...,.: , 4.,, ,, ' ,, ,• • :' , r . :* .... :::::' ; : x i l ° : , °_* . ":*:* .
, :wr ,
and Wm soveral gold am( retiree titedala sum:dal 1.. r .t. • :***T'' . *•,* •1,w,. „
..lIALL.LIy eitteat the bitch ..dtimatlth In bleb UAL hold 1., •-,*. It . '" T ..., •. ;;17, “.,,•.•,••'• ' • wit., ...math urommlin inermein •.0 .
marommunity. P ar .adr• nut re.all lo '*.*. T T-w "' *" ...w• .•w M. ',
New Stock of Chickenng a Piano Fortes. ..,... , ~...',-... '' ''''' ""'' '''
, n-t and .... u, abut the in old u.. 1
DLO • it 5...1.13LE1L0. 47 W,...1 .i . IIN Nrr rittui, N -._ ‘ I ",t lo'.O\ & ,
'lt • ' .•-- ' : • • 1 4,luN 11. 3IELLOR, 7 , 1 w,,,,,i. , .or th.• oaw yre-nme .1. n o vat, ou .iin'inst Ler thte• ....
dm •
the ad..., o our Itho 4.... A- All 4 IL II .
. _ . . -_,
NGINE 110S111/ feet 2 'twit :', id) .
,i ' :: t . :: .. . , ' - 0 . 0. . g . .. m'' , .'0.: ,,,, ... ~,, -', Tw1 . 2 ... " , ...1! „ ...r ., ....t , ,,.v , Tre yr 1r n T r u- n an rr wtt .n ttri ,. . „ l , l .
~,. .i 7 - , '''::: „ L „,„
0 :
~ .p .2 . ,..
,0, 2 .. th,
1i ' ,....„„ ': ,, L , : ._
.. Ili Lopiniall ...I i . nom.. -o, tt AA. ' , Ague A I au-- .4
A India r a ,, :ditter limo, lamawlit mit ethrtn-.1, for lite -
,th e n
L1,zi.!„,..,,,,,,...;,,.,,,,,,,,t N E L W :1 . ❑:. ,_1 1 1 2 ,8 . ( b , N ,.. N r E , T , 1 . {..1 . 1i r f
. t . o , is; S'.. T .N2 I ,::: i .::i.- ,,,,,,,,,,
~,-,.,..- i . th : : ite t . nt...ti..r 1 nz .. ..1 . it ,n , tz u 5... ,,,,.,,,
,ii.,. 4 Ir .4 i , 1 4 .
4 : . ,
, f . id yl ,.
~ , , , . ..r,.....„ ,
~. ..;: t
~ ..t...i. . .,, , r m , n I ~.., ,„ ..„ : 4,, , , , ,L . : ~:
ntund moth bream, then anr lonaber howennauttmeturwl , . 1 ,„..T.V:,,, , „,: n , w*** =,: w • w• * . * "" 101: ' ... • 1 br , • - • ot• ***••TitiT IV thr Lem". at ild•mn. wrthout um ** .° ' O . Trt***''d ' l4 " , ~,, 1 ****, beremull.l to*t. 11
In all eneen where ttter do not turn out ne , tetnnweut,..l. • • ° . d olinrt. 1 t ts. , ,, , othillnu or rink. .. inn, o - Armin,. loom. m upon .t, mot. 'Lean.... * , ..11
, ILL 1.1.1. tA`en
Lh . ..... , sill I . L'LLLLL , . I .T T'.• 'k w ' T* B lT ''''' ' T.. "' , ki I i I'1: R. BLACK ALPAZTAS- -Murphy S . . - ." i wTT L W•T‘°•°*. mat .bmer• oldo* the Word nmdwati , u le benat,
.1 A 11 1.1 'LIPS. , ././lIN II \ll*l.lctit. , r ..... an 1 tire. nnotiouth web..., hrttet M.ll, Ant , LL A•
MAW. , . 7 .101 4 W.e.l et • t llorehtleld bare re-elm{ . bait ~,,,,,,,,,, or sr- 1 A, 3 ent tor the ....le 5 1 (111`loclerlote*.l . larthr 1„r ...tern P. M.. 4.,.. ... 1. .....r--.11.1.9,.ii etrellnnl 1...1th. •
...I. ...num an low andnLie net 3 iml-an I alw...orne nowt, Ar, • Llt 3101,M, ELI.
LILLE OINTM EN'F-Wurranted to cure the . ..i. ,. W° ll .ir T alo*eeo.. at gio. twr yawl ..41 ,
0,1 r""."
" " d' r • '''
' • 1 )•%I t K II ) - 1 : 1, DOESKINS-Murphy a . Now MUSIC . ~. I Robert Hoot, t....tinmnter, us, j
T HE GIPSY'S SUN( o ur i Mgllo BR nt Bark: ''''i ''' '""'' ' LA '''' Ll' i .:l77* ° ' * . ° '' '' ' ..T ' T• l' g ' lC l: reait 'l n l it l, ...M.
,y , ..* Kb gt.l,li • Mein. F. 1.1. 1.......1 -1
• • -,• - • , 14,1..1111.1d have rveriv...l au tooorttnent nt LAL....Litt '
f L Al EN DISII-Enra. fine Cavendish To- , 1d.....m0r0w are, and fun, thler.. whlrb the, are Letllng I an nung altb , none ou• .nisei.. 0... - 1.1 Jenny 1.10.1 It •4 ** • '•.. **'-' U. " "' * 11, 1,- *** l . o mow t ear, de , -4.
MALAILILLA ILA IL ita lli AL tAr ILA inwition of the t... , . .. to A
1 bite?, for sale hy 1111 SE h • 11tie
71 , .1 , 3 , 1 v 1LL, ,, ~
~.1:7-,,,,,.:1-,,,-..ty,.....,r,..,,,a,:;,ki:.1_:.1..,,,.„,,..,_,.,,,,,,...v,3.,,,t,..,t. a y, ~,,,..„.,. h ... ,,rr,1,: . :7.L . ,, , ,,,, . ,,,,,,i . ,;,z. ,. ::::::!,,,, , n;r,,,,,,,,...,,,,,yhtrp.,,,,i,..vii.,..,:t.,,,,,
~, i i
~ ,...r,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..7.,,,,,,,...,,,,.,,,,:._.,:,..
,r 1;
; x r..‘, GOODS '. N Ell GOODS .., -A. A.
ir uTTER- I bbl. anlil , l i ze i f . s . J . 7 . 1. r, , .. , a r, 1 , e , Ly
~1 *soy. .en ell .i.... ' , obi. it.; ....i 4...0 a * r , .- 1'...p.-.•tn.n..7. ' r °`""'
, ..1. t., nit al b ...A. and has e. ntrembt tont I Lave
i „,,,,
. . onward. . 1 els Miro/red ea.* and „dol.:men . 1 Fathom • , Ise .-innal Marrh. o hm
1.1 II glob,. . 1. mid It . mo.t e AL.11,1, temoly zot 111 rue tie,M .1.... for
• • 1 ai..l Is.mean.' Der Loot.. t.... 1.1.1, th• attention of wh.,le 1 rb. govauemenl Quadrilles, - j ... em Um", . hi. . rerporet. ur ent..rnal r• no-11
pLAX SEED OIL--I 0 LI,Is just receiv...i „,„ „ n ,,,, A ;,„„,,,,,, i. „,,.„, ~.-z : i1...--A :team.' ~.lemon .4 tho m o n, nnim i a ,. an , ,t,. 1 - ri.. ocoo , ..deed .11.,........-....i xn.lAcieriti, F A rrier
I •
a, -I tor ..1. by ..t.i , 1.1. SEl.l.lot£
rIII-1111' V 1n K 11 1 ,1 7:1 4 .,, ri 1L7:1 , 4 , 1 ,, T , h n i , rdinT: ,. . ,„ I t .,,, 3 1 7 . ",,t,.... 3 ,..; • ,, T ,1 ',: * : • ,„ d 7T, *.h ,L T: ' *1 ,.. 1 ,° ‘ *:*, ,, .. rows. :7, .. , .....! , 7 . " .. i 1 ;: m . ; ; , : ,, 1.: ..,.
i -
--- IQUORICE HALL-ileac ea.e. for sitle Lin - i 1 .-)
_ A A. ~,,,,, c , ,
A „,„ , A,, AA, A.O
A , • ,,,,,
.-. 1 _ „ • .4. !...., . re. th. - .n. e o the • **rent 1. 11.. .1, ..1 Ow
4by app3L, J. 90110 , 0 b M A Whit A g*l jt , a t,,,,,. , 3 ,„,,, .
Sacred Music Books.
'‘`• MSc: A R--97 1 - ohls. Lider for male by : ',TIES:I'II 31ERINCPS & TIII BET CI,OT BS I ifi A NTICA. LA IDI S, •by Maioin & Webb . 1., .1 1L i 1,:i i.1 . lI ii,I I I 1 , ' , 1 i 1 ..., 11 ii,: 11- "'
-I T -, ,:"" ` “'“ I • 'I
IF rno
" I 114 41'ii N 'MN • 1 I -No,. n', .t A A .I, O IIN A 12. •S-2.5.. ?”..,-, ' , l . I'AILMIN A :MCI,. do ••if 1 ALTArt L A AI.IAL: I.llg ' • 7 l3 • L ' 4.1. •7 1. '" ' T 1 11 ' "
. .. . . ..
' , l'M' C k 10.111.01 • A.C.ItA '',., T o * • ~...1.. 11.....‘ 11, It. uth. I hat -•,,,.7,,-1!:.;„. 1 ::;',., „,;',.;;;
' , III'', " " `"0" - "IIII ' ' ' '10111 " 11" I.
. 1,... ~n o.tion .1 . ...... i.ti...; ,' ^- "'.'"` 1- . 1 '..-. im******•T• l mcnea.le .... 1 **',.'
-ean alvra, he found at the th., of ( , 1511 111 RES a stout,. DE LA I NES- ...,.,,,.....,,,.1..0.,..r.„,,1f„. ~ „.,..„, ~„„„., ,„ , ......i ..,...., ,1i.,, hitt horn.. ~,,...t h „ nt ,„, „, . „,,,,
,AL A MONl'll'i A 111111C1IYIELb I ; A A 0.,,,,y, xgo have pod reeetthl dr* eaten , *.l ***nom.. lew her , I nttittth.e. root .1.,...,.. e , d n . 1,„:„.„ , n.eul. embr.eme erect thwie of dth.a.. Inm, w s r . .. hn•
AI , . I \ 1• ml ul Mune, hr Lowell thue, , , • 0.... J 11.1,L. I . I' . ** !***w' m . 1 ' ** ^tad lit• rm. , tom.. and , vowht t
. lIEESE---8 0 boxes prime W. R., for Aide 1 I- " 1. ' "II "' " '" h "'" * " "" I II " "`"'
Inc., quan•itt of : the ahme work .r.n.•.1 atn • l for mint, j ...* ****,•* Twww. "T* , . *d **. d.".• 1 .deer. .. tht tom.**.
.i to - %log a zoonsuLz..... : Fri llt EE PLY IMPERIAL CARPETS- I oeln .1.,11n. II t11.1.1,1t. nl 1% on iet •.. ' w• ' 'dm. , . 00, . 11 ts , s .otei ~ ml ondo
_ __ , . ~ It illommacem nod ..yid art moo.. •h. In mem,
, 11 4 13115--2 0 dos. ita More and for ii:de by „..,,,•'7,,;:, 00 1 . ,, ,. .Vr,, , ,....7,7 , 4^.. , ,,,,‘., :: . ,<;: i i ;, , ,, \ ,,T,,," , ,'",,,' ! Clarioneta." it! . muoner...., tLeA, Al Sour Inuit,. tt• • 11. „,
S. XW. lIARBAtiill I the the ...tenth. or Wow. .14111iG I. furni-b M , ••T I THE tiitrwulti, ~1 obtaining a eorreet and 1 ~„ i.,„„ „, ,„ ~,A , .,„ ~ A ~,,,A „,, w , ' , l. I'
, ~ movonbnata, an we ash tell lower ch.., ....r wroth in t ion . r 111 t 1 tone r. e
• BUCKETS -5o doz. in tore and for sum tty ,r,„,,, .•
~,,, , cutht coned chum... on Ow ...mow,. Lisa. LA•ALL • Arabian Luton.,, ' n - •
Sa II liAlt11.11:611 1 I lotor mot payer,' lel. 1.3 the lIILL. al into*, the .utwert * 1.„ 11 rt. y e aa.,... „b., ..,„ t „„, t m ut , ...,,
, OR:f t : 3 ,lm: SALE- -A i . ..ry de,ira-2",s__ . 1.,..i. too laid madu tor Ilmi_expro...l.. a holm e.l,th , n , ~,,....„„ ~,, •,,„„ in ' „,
n „,..
‘ ,70.,,. ,
~, -;
11 hell SILKS--A. A. )In .nn & CO4, have I 11 1 1 ~,, v.,r - a,n..,.........,-.....1 ~..if..a. kml... men ' .T " T w*T .** * w t • T d. "` .T . • T*****T* We Iddt.T l ..* : rellei e ~...3 1 td,....,,, :.,' t „'•, ', ~ *: .•
I, ioit opened a beautiful lot of 51,, mpermt dr.. I tor w.und boduto. of .1 rt'll*t*M M , A , K , 1• ,, a ,, t ,. .t. , t* .
~ a t ' n ri,. r r o Z,,',„ 3 ".4",'', ° ,,, w ,;,„..T w i 7;;;',..z._,1rr,. r .... ,, , 47 . .."" '' n.i.... L,..,...Z,..:,..;.. 10 .', ~:„.,;,'„:
boa.. new aud etek AL, lAA TAP: , , AAL I' tin nr el.. AIAIitILAIA,A- ,It ur Lliti.• a de,. o• o. ,threi, 1 her... ••
- - - - - •
AC AI LS-SIN i kes as.',l city Erund,, on lI'E L V ETZ PILE CA RP ET s--W. II et 1.1, i 0 M.r, n-12 and Id Key,. •
It 1 .0.11 dt to a loowd•vore low. ALAI Inen. vem lanie:C • ie•tum
-II hand awl for ....le lip A. CULBUTRItagg •• 1 . 0 i• V romi in „W., n'opetantly reeetvo,a 1.1. toll nnea ot . . 1.,...14m1 tell 1,014.1 nit ,•,-.. nruM.i...i.i..l tre,low th.n,
„ errs ' IVO Liberty , C \ 13Pgr.W, 14 the r inland end nue, .1.1 Me. to Minn 10. .
"3 • - . . of
athourlon nt a- L. woleterto,ond to them p. wort. 1 *thro , L'Ar LL ' IL ' .LL .. L " .L
ILK PI W 4 I N 5-Beautiful ,gooil., just 1 .A: barer than ....e le.l. re nllered M .0. iii.A.- . lIiA , Ti,,,....,, ~,,, ~, r ,,,, , , „ „,/ ,•,,,,,,, A. . l ii n.,, ~,, ~ A . ALLIL ,, A *n . Oa,. m w... 1..,,,,,,,, ~.,,,,,,
I. '•** * d b. , eantma. at .1 , 2 6 A. A Yl.ltw.d. XCo it. , obi ertnt.h.t..-1 turn. ...rebuild, , ... • woort, .t na ,„ ~„ ~ ~,,,, . ;non 7:1 *rd , li .r ,r, a thonlon., 1,,
• nel
i ' /CI A BS-50,000 Begali, Prito•ipe, and 1 - - -
, AAR lAGE 12 1.0111 &TR IM3II NGS- - ,itLA C K WOoD b,i. sepirni • C,,, I , ~,,I,t tit 1-` -.,.err, .14.1 i NIT LI., AL_
‘ ~, 11.A.ALIS gig., on hand and hie .1.11. y
wen.* A. LT 1.111,11,1.1. N A I'll 11. , . Ne i •LI Y.T*• E. am; e- the atm..'" •W • * •, 11„, 110t. , 11,, I It. rut, ,root, N.• ',.i TI 11. +trent, onto- •
- I n.untio.t or,. to Lb. Ism. nix , -.IL nI Hum aud Imal. , tot t•, th . 3 „, t ., , ~,,,.., •
_ . __-_ , _
BEESWAX & FEATHERS - oo i - 4.4. , . nod Trunnion, a loth.. wilt owl/ m cnnthewl I t ~,,,
, , • rine• at the t'amwt .atebmtw• •*. Iworth . ' eel AS EW BOUKS.-Trovels und A.ilvelitur.. ' II "
1 ~.k. 11...0raz: 3.4 natl. Feather.' lard,.
, o r e at, LT ILAIAII DICK 131 * a 1,,., 1 i NUR AI N CAR PETS-- W . Mc.Cll STOCK i,. '' " .• .' -n - +^ ~ "°T•d'ir 'W`w•T'd ~ 2 . * *AT m*... t 1.. 1 ono ,
int' •wmed nu tte , t, gonna an unwthot of the Mapner, A- • t.• I ... ,
.016 "'LT.' .', d .yenta TTT ;I L. now ronwantl3 re•mrlog ban WI 51..311 of •LitrArfAlA. . A t 111. ~. AD.. AL• \Vat IV t art.-oh, Into of then .Ar ,•• • ••
I hue. ant no:mono !NORA!, I *at gal'o. ut o .van .l 111 1 1 ~, I ~„ ,„,
A , 1 AA , A ,..,., •
nit vet, retheed prtin n. to vloni, .. Imo. th. at *s.,, , aua t ..., .1' Byrne'. Dirt -Lime, II Men-1,... 0- „. .....,,,. tun
* Icon.. of 11mne 1.A1•11),, LA iArt.,-1. nt• tunkot• or !loon*. .11,51 t.......t erwrinc est). by I I 110 11*
.1 Apollo Moldings, I , Airtli 7t. I..{3ILIAAA. H.
I.lo,: i ii 4 sill 11,. , ..,,...1 ....i.b. , .r.. 5i ... , \.i , `Y , , . , •0 h rtb . ' ~,,.._ .
_ .
Il II RUSSE LS 12-U(I . IT.'S-W. Mi•Cl,r,roi•S New Manic.
D ,
~, ,,,..n„ , ,, , „..,,
.„, ~ „,,, :
l i 01IN IL' NI ELLOIL N.... 1 1V,..i .411.1, • 7 . 7 0 ....-...• .
~,,, ~,I{Prl I. .1 wL he ine t••• I 11. Ai (Antit.a L.L [Alf . !ALA rLAAATA.III, lA:A... A new *let ,tular r** -- e - w,:ot • • • • •• ": • •••.:I r tin l*.
etowers. a. he ic ...wenn. L. mtl 1...., lb.. elm. Iwo., . , w.le-
L.., nomt. Ann.,
m tht• merr.m. is .11 m 4.5 ..1.1 ...WM-L., nacre: ....... Wm, J own-. C 1 toter. .M. 1 ,1. Deno 1 ~,da I. ~.1 „ , '
Leu... No an. iourth rt. mi * l ** ony.. ~,, ~. 0, ,, , Mel tii•• r 1, nn.t.nt A 1.1. A 11. AL
I . ....wwfut Nicht.--th....r ,1...* Mere,.
Mormligh , .. cleerdinc a ~....
1 1 • . ' . ' .1 • 1 .. ..1 “ .. ' n • r wow ' . bt. 1
11,..T00* ..TAR ..ter I Mit. inch., thou L... ~.. ,„„ i . ,„ :.,,„. .„
, twenty- varatintur
Iteo•ud Labe lor.d. net A r - •artstn
wth ll I
I re , grot • *-- * L. inmoto-Inw.elleo nu: ,';' .T '••••'`..* '' "'' .4. ' w "'"'*
bele,. adsot.
me it .1. th,..... :,•:•
Id •••
• •.*-
11....*•. t.. 3... t. AI, !
.1,1 ri ‘.. .. ,
,•1.,11, Uteri .. \ tithe., •crnn.l,.., L. J: It the..
6it l SAIN \",I - IA ICE. F.-, 1 . 1 „ 1,....,
blis; per. "i l .;, ° r:r t0"T",71;'117.11'!a7`..-'
• e thir morning rai.y.of
`TAR CANDLES—In whole and life hr..
for gale by
EAF TOBACCO—In hllg. and boxel. , , for
ale Lr 1.1,r2j /I AM', I:rt CO
I NSEED 014-5 tdds reed. and fur rule
hr = Ftr4 7 __ _ O. w
Vir DC , / B e
t r . G d
UNDRIES—Ii WAN. Salnratus,
177 ' 2 br , Ner f 44.1 lover
IRANBERRIES—Just reed and for sal,:
thr quart 110lial , T. Mar t, h.
Nl.llooli -
`CU alt-44ht.1.. via.. N. 0., 1, Sate I.{ -
OLASSES-324 bbls. N. 0 ;
111 •• 10. k .u.swrs,...
Av.," Ith EC, NI Al - 1111015 a 0;
JIG *ETA L-465 tone tor sale by
lISV ATTHE , isxro
t?t Ar . 6
OutilettN, CU_
rillilt.STE V EItNIILLII)S-2. case, f,r,ni.
I by f toeirl:.l .1.,EC1140N LI A K Cit ,r, cu
j oß ; oss ,,i ur.
t,V •"J
En A , , COliki.S--
rel7IA , ...
( . 1 1 HEESE--50 1,.v... W. 11..
, A 6 - Cr...*“ wr oide 1-,
.erl". /i. DA 1.21:1LL .1 CO
far rale by
( 4 g ALERATUS-10 az. k i I,bl, ,
11 ItALZI LL A e.t
I[Eli BUTTER—L 4 I,_p. fg;sl.l,lor -tile by
.11„V 1iAL7.1,11.
20 -Li t ho ba Sate at to,/ raw F.
A lt
AttiLt Sineli Itlitt.t. • t. Atm
lINSF,EO 01L-110 loldr. toy bale by
A ~21, .3 t.4.:II4KiNNIAIiF.It • , Cll.. 11 W... .4
O L . ll oo li OIL-10 bols . k ,4 7 , c4% , f , 0 5 0r ,.. .1.11 1 1 . ty ,
I lAIIB. AM NIONLI-2 eumks for UUIU toy
scrsi soloos itiER U Cl'
BORAX -10 ca..q L - a ode by
.13 , r. S. KIVA!: 1 , 1 A f. Lit A
VI - MESE-77 bores . fiu.le bi
''J ...V.,. • 1,4
`OFT CRUSHED p_7OAR-A very superi-
Ly or artirl- for prvownrl.4,
,W3l A. MeCIAlt... • 1,1
4.1316KED SALMON—WiII be reed. tiv4
SJ d.i ! by rvry erlor.f.-axal
';.l”l A 31.-.. up 1.1.1:c., • C.
OPS---Put. up in Oh. packages, Gar fam
ily adl 'tor ml.. 1.,
WM. A itt-CIATIK. 1: DJ.
r!r St‘01„N11.1.Z1:1,,J11
Itßow b:fl. Bermuda, for sal,
ilk by fpr01,.., SCIII,I\aIAKER At CO.
O.SiN ., -2.00
A I..LASSI(IO boitixWsnclow, for vole by
• it. 11A1t1111.1,11
I LUE— r al Ala. reed arta for vale by
• WICK 61t611,11.
reply _rarr , il Wno4 end Cloth %I}
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati-50k Louisville Tele
TIE STOCK of .this Company wanted by
A.. tdLl.l a s • C 1...
r.tork and Enhance Iltoter.
I,lreer Mark, and Tn..] Are...,
itt A Sit N ET, for Slobquito BarB, 12—I
T •Ll,--sfAt yar-d• puttncd, fur
tale ha Tni ht
It. .tao..
WM. hulli.l4. nl
6 1 , LINDH! ES
1, 360 burn Kitt Caller, ,1000 bha Windn• UV.
1:4 pkita.llreen a 1111 Tear.l 114 bblr. Mu. 2 Itueln,
'34 b.. tw abe It'd td, .. M C r ar.
MI kg.. VI?. Twagdautl Plug. 50 • Viv,,,a.r.
20 tea. treah Itlo, 'AI - Et.aa , go Whinny.
30 Ithdo.lP. It.. N. o.E.o.gar - . :L - haateru Alum.
10 hbla. Loaf, rd'd. yard .. I. " 0141.4 1. , ,,...1;
100 .. " o.llolutu, *, e , treoa• laham
SO - 0. 11. .. ta. blt.llat'd4l, Candlewick:
MI • Em . Ipo sae. lied Loath,.
50 bhutioeh. a u
Wit Cbe., 30 dos Pat.nt thickets:
WI doh Corn Broom?: tOO kern Malls city braada
Tog.ther with Mulder Clove, diager, Pepper. aho.,
Cinnamon, ac., on bandaud for ease by
seplll 40115 WAIT a CU , I.ll,•rtr sr.
2000 X
elvell and tor sale by
melt' I. £101) 1 co
PS Al SALTS-15 bbls.f7real eby
(IUOAIL-75 hhda. prime N. 0.,!‘ r so.? by
IOW DER--A large supply of Hazard mau
extant, ahnuraa bandana Int Fait at lowest rat.,
pY J. S. DILI, Wall t CO
a'd sepLS 1,011:0
113APAR HANGINGS—Nen style of Gold
i l tl.ret " irju u r:, " VP.Zi.t 'Pee.
soplg 0.5 Wood sl.
L YEIIIII OIL-17 bbli. for !Aide by
110110LASSES--50 N. 0., for gale by
t• . 11/11:11AUGII.
riIAIiNERS' 011,—;20,Lobls. for 0010 by
'LOUR—IS bblr. Scott's extra family, tar
sale by 11011120 N, LITTLE a CO..
aey2s '266 Liberty et
AdKEKEL— tibia. No. 3, for 4ale
I~lsep9 WICK a MeCANDIXSA. , ..
= bbl,. No. I bet.. Sorvinr Salmon:
lb No. I White F.b.
tY bbla. Large No. 3 .11.1vrel:
bbb,. No 1 julit reonr.4l
and fur eti• by p•b"1 RAIN WATCs CO
on dnoncht,Rit We by
seplb REISERA kb.DOW ELL. 140 Wood 0.
- . .
S ALERATUS - 13 co4s;
82 bosom Paled; for kale by
' Wlcac a McCANDLESS.
ethbratrd Nutmeg 'rod Durham Farm
nose% roe'd and for 4mle
mr,b WICH • MccANDLESe.
litionesota Copper Stock. .
mii SHARES of this S A tot i, li , Li k ir t‘ na , l;i • at , a low
..s . y ,,,, ;ste In wad Thir.. au.
g ‘01)FIS11-3 too. for rule by
• i .09 WICK a .11e.`A.NDLE.,.S.
•se bb4. for tel. by WICK a 11cCANDLES9.
tas W. 8.. Cheese, 105 do
LJ Craaso do.. reonlved and
W for_nala by
ICK ILBlceAtibLl6Bs.
DURHAM CIiESSt-60 tail highly eel
ttysted Cheats. Ma day nor.lrel and for M. by,
6025 , WIWI. t lITANDLL".9_
ItIYTTBR-18 kegs Fresh Butter received
iv and fur isle Or rer2Z. , WICK t ?IcCANDLI,6
FREBB. BUXTER-250 bbls just rued sua
en. .I. At 1101011.13' T. Mort to the Diamond
MASON'S BLACKING-20 gross Sas i td
s3vw, 07r way by sys 23 J. KIIMNitAKER. x CO.
sALERATUS-5 casks Run , for sale by
sox 3.9 C 00fillASISI
Q1:113A12 0 Wide N. O. just teed and for
ay.A. by .roW 'A vOLBERTISON *Co.
CiagESE: --50 bis W. LjuiCreed and for
hh by wy2o 01.D.BYREFON a OD.
, 'AYE sT it Y (2.‘ It PETS—Neu .tnd rich
1,1, 1 .
.14 uol• re..
, 11 , 11ESUBSCRIISF.It hal 1t 4 .•
I hi+ 1.1.1 AN,. A ,TEI:
~ ht. .h 1
hf For,
' , AI,. erer,n 4 •0,1 h
11IsrthA11 , 1 , :h•
I , rxrlwlll.k -
11.... 1% .1..1.1 4 01 .11.
..... .....
JA) yruna::. 'rub%
comm.l Ls. n.-.n::
40 racks . l4.r Bain La ma. by
11.1111,. t lv
1 e
cr.! , Q.;
1:1D 11.iotel e ct.l • •oiert.
Nlwreetll-.• ...te. I ',eel,
" V n.. -4
Etik•••• Lima, •
}ll Weirk Ti 416,1
black •
rre.. k eaT /tAlkozi M—l•nul' •i -
Ariia t ii
ItA•iiir , Ai: srli 4.,•LA A ill, grarrm.:••••l•J
...Ira , aka rtie, l• AAh •
I . '
1. , •. k • !111,
MI k/ . 1/1 I I k•
N.. 1 .111 kk-t:ktn, Slar‘m •to
1V EA 1.1 AltItEP NAiIiAAV,
1 . 1 . rown1•41:
CS11111:11EZ, , --IN 1 , E , 1....11Ny.5 .]::
. 15
60 M2I - Lvl FL .1
A. MASON & CO. imvo on hatoi..n;
.1 at • hich thy, v. , .
4,4”, MI.
LOW: OIL CL( II o, rd. 3. 1..,
t, It qv :1) , 1•111:1,1.........
•rol for
• -
EcEivEi) Tti is J! 4 \ and noa
t. .1 so! I-1 13,..ri .Itr ,
.r.,1 144,4 n(
att.! rsal.:oll,hlr putt.".}
111. arite, and LW.% ',len
brrAteta. In as.
:ro Cnder.birta
New Fall Dry Goode.
A. ~lASON re•evi ved 4.” I
A I.l,lhit.tzpir
` 44 .1!. ,1 . 1..1 . 1. 1 111 . 01 . 1 • 1 . 1 k tg.l. •4
114 r5...1 . ••14matt4...11111.-1 1111.1 1.1/11,41/1/ 1 . 1'
I.¢ qualici..: 141 r.r2L IS orAmt .
.164tal fanry t oltn , MI,. kat ..t
wire. o t . sr. r001i.1.01 at t . tmyr....41.ett.4.,1
"1 4 ' 4
B,CCUIt.DEONS—A F1)44144 , 1 and arleti
ytnek. the he..? 5041 4. yuott 1.4tety..1
.17ES—A .
4. Ilb I. 4 4..1
tkay..rtAnts .• 1 1. atltl nf next truxltry, y.ty 1t...
(PI TA/PS—AI .itertgla...l.l..tlr. 414 , 1 r ftrY,l4:4
VIOLIA y .mrs. nt.. ttl
DS, &e
11.1C; 4 1: FL
• • . . • -
dos. at, nod iiu,crlit,lort.
' A izr.o• ainii.rtineut ilno..tacolio.4.
to then with Itioßt.. , of lien;..
MAUI. ut.i.Pl if I Nti of Me •
on hand. tcrocittA One Oi ,nd
rind', .11 nir dy111.1..¢1.,1 • v. co.r. f,•
country: which Itio .rtici, itclorinii
.4 to nacroil tto• r t provi•
oot,. in ttii• cscctio .1 coati
nor. atot at tli. br.rtoo
• .
u. Tnlv. husk,. Trurn,. , ..o ,
cry van., and 1,51 1,1 ❑.
punterfLer baurelf. and ...Al at ..•rr loco r.n•.
• • • . .
Alm. the neleert and moot popular ,ost elwele , 4l
ll.—The above Inatrutuent. ere warranted`, be
netand perfret in every reehvet—if found faulty the n,.
net Le returned. 11. KLLIII•Ilt. rut third
rVu SION til/1.1/lIN 11.181 .
, AIiPETS! CAIiPETS riu..licv
k.) by to NIea:LINToCK, new And rlehetyle. buy•ortlne.
Inn, and Common sloe!, ye ere
preporrd eell lower time any Carpet. ever hehoreoller•O
In thi. mark, We non/lady loot!, the attention of
fr... 14 and thuee •lebilue to purcham to utr• u, a ca 11...
to.' Ind Estsbliened ll . ..rehouse, he ht. Fourth et
• - --
1 1 ALL GOODS.—Just ree'd, per exprehe,
at A. A. MAKIN' &C ann.-tone Mattel Ittbbone.
pewee( and moot Lashlllaille Jos.Tabe and Pare
Flowers. 10 pe, Ciro de Aftlutte, beautlful tutors. Z.O nee.
Mareellne, ale .bade.: do.t.thincb elletelee
NEW DRESS GOODS—We are Turn re•
eetrlnn the neweet nyilv of Oreeetsondkeurb
wive, llaahmerre. l'oPUnr. Perfllon
rrunettea, 'Prue/ Merino., end mida
tier. row 0,11. I ...p.ll A A NIABLIN •
WIIITE, GOODS—A. A. 3issuri &
,c,t 41,0 oryt
Indiaend pleld Janonettr. Minotplain and ul
India Lkuk Coln" Mull, Nanenok Mnolloa. 0e A
woortment and very cheap ernll
bars ,lon reed • beentlftil , safartment of :lel,
Nfured and plain Black Sill, Th.. a 1.., dentratrl• oarla
ere wall wont at.nuen of
anearior Gro. de Alden.. Saran lomuclful Chan,.
BURCHFIELD have opened Ilia
molting a Int of Ydiflng, atel Inwrllog I
v Jarknert
kwle.lnee and / ufertlno bro
. I.L/G. Edgithe, and naertlngs.
fished Edging+ and I.ernu,o, of new elyler end e-. 1.1
cheap. con 4
Malay; Bonnet and Hat Warehonae,
111 11. PALMER offers , for oak, at very
lighlow prices, a hill assortment of Straw sad Slillio
7aPtit-Foreign and Ampriosa Ago •
tuna,Braid. Chip. Wait, Milk.. Lace, Halt, Po ....Ae
x i r4O voutbe. and Bor.' Leahora, Baer d
plski (kaki. ticrow. ?mama, )(stalky and Palm Last In
4v4'. Lech., Wal. Straw, Chit,, (Amp, Lae, and link
gi ama was., drawl J i ll& and oLlist forms, lit great arl.
sty ßYHlPOS. 2 llll ' h a lloOnat and Scarf, 'Walk Patio and Tat
W Elt t 2.s .-1-4 PVll " Vrarti r = oo iitittramTiL l' a ß iact
Cotton Notts..
- • -
IVYRJAWLVGS—CortIe, Tussle, button, ilealas,
Pelorim.. ire lc
PLOVERS—French and American Sprigs. bunch.. au!
" WAWV ' Sr/ 4 r ' A r i/ r TI.V.9-61noe, Om e ,,, N a•
pt u liroje Floranne, and other stylo..••• •
3Al t rY.'l 2 AromTeel gnilJties mid onion.
Ato-rßi .. ctond low prieedPeraeole and Umbrella z :, pond
U0x ..41 ) !
C os4ntl r Inn s his Nixing NI.. or
- com D rlslo [ lo midst , following sartrthw .
• • • • ,
Extra Royal VPITCt Plle UtrpeL, do. dol ToPv.iry nr0 , .. -
aolr, do. do. =i n
pup,. 3 ply., oup.rflo. 3 ply;
do. ingrain: extra One dnd doe dod coon:ono d,..; rnitnndod
44,34, 5.41. and 24 tw111.4 Veoltlon, 44. j3-I, 5 , 8. and 1-4
plain dod 41.3-,54. sod 24 wool and rotton dn.
•,• • • •
ItUoti, • MATS. 011, LOTIIB, sc.
Extra Chenille Ilona, One doddo4 extra trifUnl do 7 doe
d.. da: onnotou Jo. Chenille Door Hata tufte.l do. do.;
sheep akin do.dn.; Adelaide dn. da; Thrum do. de,
%Crumb Clothe, Felting do, Boelfing 124 64, and 2-4
Al.—Sheet. (Al Cloth.. 001 to lit tmy Me hail or room.
04,74, 64. b 4, 44, and 34 Oilcloths.
Also—Stair R.Nh of all Mean Carpet Illrulino; List Car-
Pent DAkdo.,• 04.4-I.and tlattingti r nbleLinenA Oreall
and Diafar, lluekebuek Trearp tat WindoteStadea
Buff Window 11ollarala; Tertlttan DI , Ectletteedllano
Careen do. Table do.: do-014nd do: Crated Table do
Haring kaportal and intrebnand our stockdirect Dorn the
MOW celebrated notaries. befog of We latert and mon ap
pear,' Dyke aa/ colon, on ere proeno to tell to our
Wtt sod customers at Ai= 1,1) Du. te !hey am be jared•
And in dm, of the Aartern Ctlait
We cordially invite all to call and training our noel at
The Carpet %Voir-house, 85 Fourth street.
', NtiltA DTE PliONllSsOlil NOTES A.
A Di. I,- A lurw. v .41 Irr..
- II
t .1 ,r , ta.l La , t•lt. iitt,
•Itl•trlt ~,,, m eitt
ONIKON ART Ji ktjiN Al.,
r "41 torol I
ac.l r. :al.. 7.:11,1-4/, L.?. r •
mel.nrunt.. t 7.7•47 7,
1.17 .7 ir,,,a7,7 1.77 77,7,
.1 F.5•A.,01.
, Inrtnt
'Pi I . 31 . ‘ 1 1 1 E1. ARCHITECT I.
•Z apa Leon rut hot.
,J 41101.0.1,
.1 41114
.• •-r. M...., WO:ill It it rnm,
sul tt • t..ful •ergastr.o! I,r Et.
d kElt Tlf E WATERS NOW, br
.t., Wart.
J.. 1, NicLes,
I L.,s dot., Th.. Sr 0.1 01.1 .V...,
..• 1.14, .n*—Tw.ltght 114,1 .
15.,10 fret U. Jra wing togh, du.tte.
rt I:nt.a.r• 11•11 4.•.114cr0 ,- .a.. Kith ItActsro...l
gt.q, L. 1,41. 1.1”. NUR. Itrilhact.l.“
10••• • • i•v , irit.
Welt, •".1
I 11,•••• Alwr,t.o.ra
11.v...1. 'Abr. 1.. , 1 Prtst
"'' ,",-"t
E i; 0 0 K S ' —TI,O
-1 Nan, • 111i•II.
1'1.1.1t41, 1ra.,441 1/14-3 tbr
1i0n,44r 1;•• Hdrar4 111,*.t.1•111.1•1•11••1Ar 1/, H.r T It Hlrltr.l4 A .I:•.rir.: holl•h•lt
v. .Ifh cu lutn•luctlon 1.1 Stelll.4 fl r•t,.. I. I.
'lLtnuan AnU carte,. a 4 lonts4l 14.4• n
nuturr.4.4l ititrn4..lnr. I . r.•
L. I.
. .
thr Dort 1 . .., or V+ rnoruth I'l.rt•tran 1.
th- Agrr. Irrark th• nGuo , •1 tho yet. N.
•••Yl.• • C•ttnr.,,tattr, t.t th• t•tt—tt t
. . .
It*ol.nor*. I**o.J, %I .1 Prof
t•to*to - *.
I . tott 110•1 EWA of llw Romlotto, I***//ote
oat.. ,• . 11.ft...ex Now •Itotutno
J I.
to I - , Agnl, ommma. Your. *t
f . .‘‘ 1100 K —Trnvnim in the Unlii. , l
:•tatot /Ititlrot I'4o nn.l 1-wly Jo.
lt••• tlto*rt . %lortlert. r..l I . ltoo .
ot- ..f lb. /Intro*, Joooptl.n, •
•111, tono - log.. I rot Inmo.. Noe
rot titoltottnry Nltothaplnst. Emmett Wortt
111 Etitt in. rle., Jst•l otr'4l onti tor
J 7• A
VIIRYSTAL PALACE pitlyrs.--muß'-
I , ruuti[Jo Pave. pp.( Jeff...l,A • ••ry
I,.•utiful Eng .11 ['Tin. oxpn..l)
❑.l'•fur u. whir h •tu sition ILI
ir,S DUN LA DOR and the London Poor
4 1 =1 ' 41 1 1 1 1n,,k ni tbv Ilwroluttom No 16
. Dowt, 74 aro,
re. Pont offlo.. *on,"
New Books, Just Received
EAST. a Problem; reprinted-with corr.,
tlo•ro and ulAitinn, t 7 the math, vf Alton loft
0 tler,stra. t;u••n nr Fupl, t., .r.mb
limo. mug
(;k t Fl.l' T l ''" c n a ATLYISTr
d Fortunes." Fnp. wad mn.
A strtrie Sl.<hanlex'
Ur me'. Dtaton.r9 Ertylte Work and Non. hi and ti
rhild ilk i.f
Pal•ItIlle . Its iihnzniiihr and Lilian ilistory. with Sr hiti.
haraph lJl
Mai.{ D jor. hy F. P
of Ewa t.
hI .1. L.
New Books.
OD'FREY MALVERN or 11 , Lift, of an
lAnthar. P
bDT Thomas allller With twenty-Awe ll
lastratc,r, hil.
Travels In the United States. kc, dam, INO , and Isw.
hi the Lady Encznahnn
Nc I of (Amines Lahcc and the London
lb« above bona• nvn . n.r . d and fnt sale L . l
trw K. C STOCKTON. 4. Marken K.
- -----.
i nliw,
to le nme, a DnIZICFIii. Tale
Firmer. in the Life ut Mr e. sterniret ',laniard. of enn
n ',lido: written by hrreelf
iteeetral it 1101.11ES' Literary r.pot, op,x.en the I,
(ghee- e,,,:
- -
,- .
OOKS '.--No. 3.1 of Byrne'ri Dietionary . ..t
Slharnee engineering.
anq Enginng.
ec 7
of Applerxm • Irellanir• . :ilagezie. erel Even-ere
ruernal• •
large amortment of Claseinal Ltd .5:1400l fleet,
wt re -II for sale by J. L. HEAD, Agent.
Te Arelloll4lnm Fourth @tree,
N It—Hare i mien In exchange
. _
T%HE SPIRIT POLKA, composed by 11.
Kleber..antl dedlcatr.l to Eltrph. C. Intl.. thte
etly'e Wane, ammo, 1 4 - 11. glebe, of yl.. el by
H' tiVdr .. ll ' l, " . ttVragat r:77y t
!Miry lnnes n
with vailationf. by DUO.
The A 1... of .111 . Y. are. by Orono. Bartor
a fine, frl,tton of Forylfn Matte for Piano. 1 intr.
Vh.lin. Ur KLEI I LII.IOI.ThInI etreat.
of the Golden llern
—A opl..n.lkt 1., of new PIANOn now .11,1.ttng•
One 'fry good ma...:n. ortaeo Plano for sale
[Lo 5 t ln t . .:s
our the
!eta Tiel•
- 1 • 0 0-" , -
, , RroMrr..., ''Duel
-rarities!. Maratille-al, Er...antes!, M-
I It: t 1:71% . t.1 117;17 .." tc
and a
Csanta el the Times Irtut lb c.. "*"..
The sive r.ln.Lle wirkita for Mix by
147 C. C. FsTOCIETWJ. arkato
TILE FATE, a Tale of Stirring Times,
0. P.-1t i James, EMk—the Moat Intenr.tuag . 4 rk the
.othor ha• otrr written Alw—Littall's Livtas Aga,
7A1,--11111 ad lo.reotimg and undtd matt,
Pnr .lr at HOLMES' Lit,arr Depelt, Thinl
PoyttltHno. •
XI at 11 , 431/.1 , Worst,' 4. ,
ma,V. Yu. 74 Third at,a4
picEs--ano tunto 'Cassia:
0 2 Wt. 9nves:
mh• Nunae•-••—inr rile hr
.IO li • CO
—Re; cited and for gale by
WSI._A• MrC1.0(1,72
(1 ) 0ITSII-
QENERA OTETt (Parkengnirg,)-5
tmcc,, , erv,,le 114 616 Or
'JACKED BU3'.TER-25 bi,lo good, for
.10 Or J a 0 FLinii.
rk,b Round Church
'14.1 . es CreauJ;
Conammt—jun rrteir lns
as for pal. by JAMIN LaLZELL.
eel CI Wear Msg.
h ,
Ilts t , , 1
tnll. - • "
..r N o
Prxrtv .t.i k.
u' ..
. .
• • th. •
1.40:\ 51111 . .1,1t Jr.t.
`. -', t '
t •
au-..t .. • .1 ‘.. r, min t, Limo
Dfunfouud Syrup of Yellow Dock Row
ti" rltnk :1111 , fle 1,•
I.i l.t I .mlt~lal 1~1.l .. 1.. - 1 ~1.
chi 11 1
•...0 t~th. 11 fir..,, ~. 1 ~. 1,~ i .~
11 010 .1 •n
all tou - Lo a lb. rulu,•tm..l
echostotouo ut our tosu.r:ut.
anal bruir.ou duo: n :op:: ot:11.1:uuo I: purr!. 1.
ie. :to n:up...l:um. ~~ l an•t lit • u.1.1:::•1
g• lootau:oul. ntul meau
oa ss,rool:neli haretu:uuotool: tu
It ha.tent. , ....1 hat. LAltii
..1 (tic L• rani t... •
Cnnit 011.... n. I r•ttr-1.... mut Ln - rottlin, • Ludt c..r.inpuril
cup. votirrlt ts•u 1....; tti• •
IL Ilan 1..., in Linn, run,. .•1 11
rls.•llati..crai l•cnti cur, 1
thui whelp.. •LL etc, thni IL lo mod tu
111 (1.111'1.11.1 F- ...uncut. nil ntuitrucuutt.
111 c clrculattito. reuilwrinit 1.1., Iron. Awn., 44. i
thi It rctunc.-, i••ll..Lnlnit..l Its. 11mA, ant
•II MM. 11.LIttun. azi.l ot.. uu-1 it. all chnintan. .;
at all t tint 1 .1,
yrp preinar.l..s.l C I 1.'0., at 1%
• 1,•,11,,,, sod told. v
. .
,Puly 11•-•. n.
oco ‘t
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder
11' NC;
„ I:6 ; 1r IV
Iftuu •,4,
murfiox. r n I. .11F--rtit ti• t•I• t./.. • u •
quanlit.: of• uut, to • t1...0.. then ' 'At/ 1...!!1 '.".
froon1.11,•1 Mt. , unf• 1••,...(1••••• l•• •• • ttartf , o• 7! '
u., with thou , 41,, It 11.• uut, 11, 61.1
111 u I,l,lefr, &ad 1..,1 them tr.:, 111,11.11 N o ' 1,.
pr.." t dou st wolt tlo ...Caul!, no ' t
I •ottelont • - .•••1 u. ttra: a." 1, 11 uuf •••• U. •
to I foully Tls,•n rut. the dolt idu 1,, .2...
P. 7 r . fileto • thorouuh rioutux, at , ' glut I. ;u111,...11 ‘
N. If —Th.r. nn in tin. wzlt
t`, clnthn. enu
..eve An. 'ln. n1144r ,oet met. let $l.-.1
tn t-n n.r‘ e.
WeFrrel4,- . 1 not rn. Fr inJun FlFth...
Ilite is a l'owd.r W.t,- aril
Feet fatuliy $9ll Vont,
Inc-Fmo,firi.rne ”Fy as !part • nt
an, the Powder with .t.• th•tF •ey
thou add wtert. mid v.atr", ,utiteau.
t....,ther, and rF.t it Cry wb. , " It FF.. ^
11.11,4.1 it t will wart wril. end will unt vet the hand.
Fney, nur no. the eloth.• uFt.l with not 1.1 •
wstur. by tneklng the gA111:410Y 41011 .!t quert• •
twolv. Th. ?on Seel. I. eFelFe , h , r w..htng
.nd vonlhon .
Cold Irbnien.l. and. rot.ll FT
IL Y , 'ELLxxY
11 11,1041.1.....t0rf, hal.anute Ku.] town propert ten
rcteg.r. - rentler it lwr .uhertur 1..1.h:be A
the ohiih•rr th. ttniet mut tan,. An n .,
la, Mu lalter to thn - pertitat. Ktel then...4...44 It, tt.
Kreuter t. o tho pr0u5.t......1.1..nitne.• .101 he.ll
It et 111,14,hoontittende4 tudit.. for the onatontr7
dottu .4 the tott.t. .t. , 1 tor th •
pont:he...4 the Complex I. tin noht.l.oto pr.herth. u.
th e ht.., & n.' dr, the .4,11., nahl Inthmel h. It tt,
1b..1.14 , 0, • ft: tuttalt.K 0. and rtiltton t ,
the honplen, will 6 . llttt re heaanche in ft low
NoTfc}:-_The partnership heretofore es•
ht{lng ontlrr th• Om of A .1 WHIT', A trti , too
tn.. K., th55..1...4 nt mnhAl ttinnent.
mttl I, 11 51.1.N17.
( u :0 -PA b9Cri bet, 0.1'..rtrwr10, , ,,,,,1 tn.r2, t
A 1n.., OR., )411 ,CA I .
3ENNETT, BEURY 6: CO Luca no
, T27 . 1r n.vr cum, 1211.n7,1.2.17r
Greenwood Garden.
collection of
11.1.,. Ittopborr)..traw,...7, ;
Grape Vine., hardy Monthly 11,...? eed r-• pl4mt
entrar, urna.n,ut lards ownleur. ‘.Ol t•.• 1.-inA .1;
lir.-nvmal Norte, Au•owl.:1“.. thef
!dant. are! h rireetx.l•Gte:..4,h. +1 . 1.-1, hut( ht.G, 1..
lbw Garden to- Creavr. And ,her refreshment...Am...l tap
in-the ttalcx , n ,
ikrde,t ;Warw..' to the prot.netor, Nen!
)111., then, r uoty. Vs. will rect-cto vronlipt attonGor. •
31•11411_1 11. K
. .
I .Ifol , team. ani Straw rapptn: Pap..
' •
o la,uA t . Crown
f.ff " -
rta,../tor ProtPaper.
fur Daub.. Medium 21x:4 Printing Psf,r.
101, I nf ,rf al
Thealfa.,e. wlth a lot of ....fait... V..7 . ,Tavr . c.i. at
th. Invert provs.
rtattecier and Pap, healer.
I. f-orner ref !flari.rt and Iffe•oofol •lzfoota.
To Druggists and Painters.
FAARIS Gitg.EN "8" BRAND, Tax°mar
,EscalurVa Prrs.T. rewarded Is, the gold Medul of
e mertean 11314.1.. , th ,, r3mif manu
mit.. of abode Bud mans. mmufactur, ut the eta,e
Ytlnt Ina ptcd ndthe demo.n ma erode
of PA. Grata. Umt lapersment. wad that cm by irrcuai
without detriment In the Meal% m 4 h. ndun,l his pr05...015
s...015 sincsrring nniconnUr,
atnng bam eppmckl.4 mmt Le lb, •tis cif this
eriehrsLed I:4mnd of risits DuretaAnr,tall be sup
plkid at - swirled pd.. IL E. BELLY.II.S I ,
OT WoodErraL
- :
''.., 185 1 . , - , Pittsburgh Life lusUrritee Company.
- films I . o:tii'.iNl m, \ . : inoorylno . l iO,
LABE ERIE Alfp' MICRIQjN LIRE. I }•.' r . •-•: - • • '"—"'— 1 - , --' "4"-• a" " 4
CLARKE.. PARKS A A. Ilnelitaltt, lAcePtir,R.... ‘" - ..R' r'.'
rr II F: PROPRIETORS of this old norl 1011 ..,.11t.','.',i' , ':' ;! ' 4;;;Y. '- ;;V;:,:•:!:\:;;7:'.'::::,'p r ::X
~ ' 'i:::„!;•!„i.., w gi!,...':. ' S = • th ...Qll';!rh! .. ' T ' r ‘ e ' L n " '';'''/",'''' 7:::1;-: ', , : , ` , Y. ,- :\,,.:::.:••••.1 t; -,-;
-t r.....,-,n v i , re.,Lt rim) P. 7 ,11,.. . ,,. V k/Ir1• tll4 ~,...,,i,• 'l' .. .-. r , i ,, - L•t•. , • , .' " 7,. ' I ' . " • "•. ' ` ‘, " ',.' T h..u.
~...,..„..„ to , arr, t., all point: ..11`:1, .1 atleY.o.l . l -... • 1, ..PN ., ... ,,,,, .1. , - , 1r , ....., ,- ..4 , - , !` ‘.l.t
:. . ; ,.., , ,.1 ‘:.,. r.. . n. ..., O ru i , ... r,.., nt ......,. ,iz , v. j a K., , • ~,,,,
~ , i . .: . ... 71:, , , 1 , ,,7 , 1 ; • . • N?.• , •I‘ll . ‘i 7.• tt. 1. ~ \ r,lt, 11:11...1...!
anYk.l.'limir', To . r,retiv:l4,ll'.' . . n ' """% IL.- ~ .‘T, . V.,.... , L , f ,, ... , ..%........!. '. ~,,
Irk 0111,......, User‘r ' '.:ll,.L ' , ' ,,‘„ ` .'.; ' .. " ..,'.'•,•'Y,".l',,';„-. \ .!.' , .." - .,:i.0,.'i,',. - ..',P.n..,‘,..Y.,,r ,r,, l l,`_','„ 7,T;;,.:1 ,L ;;; 1 . - i':i..O.;;
;1. . ;
,o '' N ,'' l ' I'G'tVE"lE..‘
s .
. 'hrrF, I.',,•a[rt, nP=.earlu.:..‘ pre
le,r,lie t .
r, 11.1 ,
U. C " N(al.Cl E''' It: \ .t:':[ 4;;'' ;, ''" "
1 ,I ,
C il(rp.but 1 .1 01 ,
. I l tln ,l
Il ~,,,. .
11:,.. I,x.r. C..m.u.qurr.ll.. ,
• NI 1.......1.
. --- \
New Lake Superior \ Lize.-1851.
T i II: now groan], Nowil lEN ER. CApt. B. .1., , ~,, P..:,:: ~,, ~.., „.„,,
h•rmk , •••••,, .
i t. I . Vi 1
ti.r. ~,,,,,,11 P
Nt ',-,,, , '," ~,,-" ',• . ,
oorrror. w,... .e.t, on 1-1-1,,,.. Lho , „,,., , ; ••...` • • ' - 1 ' . k 't • " - •kdork.'
r.,IL • . ... ni., 0'01...1k,1. 31 . lot tbe •.ant okto. Nlar. k
I - •too.LL-r 1 1 Al lIA T)'lN. Capt 31...• Cal wettL. ,111 '''' • 4 n'. l l. 4 'ahno..l• , eki
M.,. forlho , '.n.,.. oi, Lak
Put ... the l of thorL. , .k.N ~,,,pn ...Aer..... ol r , , pl, up. Strip-, SI io , , .
• re4 , lla. weekly line. t he' ph th- on LLI . "• • • J.....uoraht- •• , P 1.• .•a ' ' . 'l , 1 , ' ' '' '.
......t..1 nod tho Cotopor.lii Ink, Mkneo. ` V , 0 ., "r" L • - •••"• 1 '• • 1-•
'l '
PETROLEUM . 1:',, , ,, ROU.II 13 - 11: - V
,• . 1' r • KV.. Pp,. rrketor. \ -e,...... I /....- ' 7..!1 1 T . :".• 1 T.7. ' Al 0tr0,..t.
1 .
;,ci, ; , ,T,7- ~,,,,. ~--,‘,2, , - „ ',--,: , , - Therr on• imp, th1r0, ,, .;u rat,. nntl earth, '4 ,,,,
1, ii, ~,..„,:„T IN PULL/AM% 1./1.74 to n 1„- hrodhor. ' }, r 6,...,-,h •-1,11., .. ;‘,;.:,,1p.... - I . . ‘ c • - ' ,71., ......, . • - 1 ban nee dr...opt of tp ph 1.,...1 ...• • X
• I' L '' ' ' ' ':• ' ';' ' '' ' . ' • .' n ' ot 'i o i orn t n l o ' 4; -- t h l ' •o " .. n t7l I. .,T•Vrn ur' l l ' ‘ ':, li . b iL rrl A '"; :.: :, ~,,;.„,,..5 , „,„, ~ ;,,\,,,,,,,'..,,,,, ' • I P„,viRTUES k, r , thin ‘IP.1:1.1 ; Pk - able Teo/c.0..”' CI ., Is \_
moll! ' ,IVNt. 111 , 01\111. I , \o , la, sdr, and the row... Pppllcatup lc r It. ' , the fclopla 11.
--- s \,_' ' ' 11 . 111 ' II S r, '- ' I
for tho 1.,,,,i nf t pi11.:4, -. •
Binghams' Transportation Line;' , F tali Teintnal Fire n u ance Conipany. 1 kI iL ' :. ' 1 1 41•1711,7i I . I 11 lor ppenre.t frn. .-,11 ..thi....
I- h'.' rn”r h"...'"" '^,— •"''.• ""°""'' • .
gic#l4-......./ 185 1.. e'- - .. - N.T,-,•.' ; ~,,.,::,',,, ~FF IA .1.;-1 , 47i, I SNlmirl ka.r , I'm NI.N,-: ; -..7,.; , `' . 7,.T. , 4 .., c!.. , !=i- --7- , ~., Jug ii ii 1
.1 urt . ikr•at LahraPork. 1t. ,11 . 1 .1 1 . ` c '.
lIETIV,,, ••
I• 1 17;11 ..,... ,
1 .. PoLote•rear.ll,- a noinatk, of d...1k0, 0 .. 11 RLL • ' I.
PITTSBURG,' k TII E". .1 STE R N *ATTE:\ ....,‘ r - - i .i'l ' P.". r a ..' ' .n ' ' T I'LIL "'••• ..' s .4 °"Lp " "''' .'" s a
• I'ti r. ovltl.otpli. ..: t ... pil k t•ter, ... 1. 1r k -•no o/ .k.oltite.vh , clt. If tnoLn. iniktht nn .o ,P.LL PiiefttP
, 11 1 11 F CANAL t , .. trir no , , 0p..., W.' me ro.rt-' •
„, t t..:,,,1.,F ,tt ., . , v ~, ,01,,,,,, , R ,t,,tt,,,i,,,,, skodl rt. :mg tho blouni oil
11 .1. P• no., and Pe..., , pron,dlo Pro - ol 11, •VI, , \.l J. /.. /3 • , 'VW : .1 , 1 . 0.1 , 1•• i.l / .-...1, th. Anntokf „ . , ' lik. •••/. ale' •.,, t. man a ontlor, 1• nc hofarn the pro-
I .. - ..l.alsokr. ea, rrul wret •, n ..,(r 1 ,1., ..the ..npnpap-1., ...a. tr.,. 11•1•4.4 I• 1, r .1 ..At PI putitu It up irk 11,1 ...11 Lpul a reploo.
; ...oh.. .1..• J • . lop , ' raLka oh kirz , l ,r. ~ T I•IMP . j 44 L.I •t• . n kIi.L. har.n.; 1,-Nto, 1.,. l'.'n. . ... 1.. r.. ~, • ••tkr th • , tire of 1:-..a.... Thr L.n.laot ardtlallr haLreal
1.,... 11, pa-I k....r. IPA,' k• ad In., ps'• ri• .1:.4•11J1 n.,. it.• top., ; ... ..l'o for iL and Lotoral ntruarltat.lo eures It haP, per:
Prk e 1.,. and Mon han.Lie Irt.. IP.rerelred and fora ordo 1• ni 'l...i•onor. vary. nll the prutektt! irska.,. •. 1 il, ” •••oL I• na a 0nr....1 1 .2 1 .0iL0n or . . n.1P••• p , , ,, ,lnzier u ,
...., v......t, vote, on •, 0ar...--1, forws.nlone , ...1 .al , t kind' k ' , el . , ' , L.. - Lor-• rd. r. ,0,n0r0., .‘,..,1. \ 0 n: 11 , %,p1.1 a..prn,n [h.. ore al t1fk..a..... '
o ....1.., fre.ol. , ..ninakelon. r•torncel. onn ~ar ••• 1 • • 0 ... 1 ......0f tcrilfea
~ .r• . f 1.-Llinbr furn..r.1...1, .....1 ad II ti.: n• flitl.l.lllp •,, pp
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Lo. I 1 • okop'ol 14.1.V11V1 0,1. flt/I••••rt `, ‘ •V. 44 j14 , ,i114 r• f ihn... x1...r./11.,. •Lkl ...lab to In heeled,
11 RI , . lAII d L.._ Cana! Bard, ~. 3, p Irrter
ter Libort, and.l., l'itteLurah ' k rn. tpn: \ •.: Pr......, optur...l . . . /, 1 r,•..4.. • , anhpoitallnpl• ray. that it. n number nl,
1111 , 111.411 1. Do .11.:, I, 1 1arapt ..t., ' bo. eornoal , o 'l L r ek.n...1,1...pir0d .P.:01:•.2 , On ' -'•
• 41' I ,I LLk`to , • . 1 .•• it L L'L - r , ‘" o, A'••••'LP L ' ,•, ILL7L.•
b-i..k.,.... k t i lfourtL,nll.l natl.. W.. - ... ;,,,,, .x.l I , nu:Ai-rt. -no .1,..,..0p pf tho wore,. trosueL. !Lin LA
~ i i.,.., .AL-oui 1 , 1114.1:1C .r..r•l 111 :is , . C0N:21731r I lON, (in its warty,
N 0 I-4 North Ilevard rip,. halt.ckix , n la ' , wired tom ITIXIOki,.. I .JC , • •ZT 1•• . 4 0 ...1. , .• r , 6, 4 r! IL 1
. ..p1 . .... ~ i erkaoN • I ill.. nirju,er LIN
, iO i. , niStNis 11. N., 1, , 1V,...t , -,,,,,,, ~ -LI: LONLI'L 1 01. P .pl.ll PIA. Dukrlik• a. lii•kao.Ls•Of lib , :
nkoh I .„,., ~,o, ". r , I , ~,,,,,,, 1 „, , ,,.,; ; .,. i . ok,e, i, ''• .1.1.,10r 1,1111 k il,. -,... Porno in the 11', or Fan. NerthtlB
- • ' ' ' - . 1. ,I. - a p,.1.., ,.1,.; . Pre., Nenr, 2N. NI , . Ilheninstic IN!ths,..likont, IN•rxip
I .•• .A.m. 'lett, low,. rm., num., Prothl., prui ot, Oil amp
ilga ,
V . 1 211 ..... ~ , 1., 1,. ' ' ' „:l F . l. .., " k l n . r k s .el, -.I
I k.'•.-.1 4 lopi, ....I ;tr.... ~-• .
.. ......... of .1,,u , ,', o El. kica. •• /1
Merchants' Transportation L,ine, i f
re, ~ , • ••,,
FOlla ~,0 , ,,T LVANI t. CANA Lkl AN lo RAI !APIA L,' l ~,,, „, ..,...,,„ ..,,,,,, ~, , r „,,, „ ana......,....,..1, , ..,.1
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lIIT i: r.sti rill Nt, t , t.. , •, ~,,,,, ~ t , t 1,0,,,, oarttodonol .11 ~... 1•1 haporop, In. of hfoo LI, proprio r nnLo pf 1•41•14.1,.: cur. , . P 11,14
A "'" Ty .'' ' l a.' ''" - Lo• ''''' ''LL ,tr.,' 1‘ . 4 1.. • . CI4 4.4! 1•X• 4 .11,1, /II IV 44.4 / 11,,r0 . iLnt realottof es. rk othe troprLoent. /Nei , •11 , •••• Ihelr ,
I. •, 414,1,
• 1 Sri tort\ 1 , I' t.• , Val Pp,. Pp al o - k - oet. Phil. ~,,, ,„ ,„., ~ . ...o, ~, , , n , n ,, , ~.. ~ t r,, r.... lan). per. leho atrr , It .
i II , . .. . „„,, , •-••••• Vo • hoalo.o.ntn . ..oor ./.411
1 1 1 1. ~,,,,,,,, , „ h,t, h, -it:rtainn... or.
.• a - . 1 o pp. .n ph .1, •• ..,•,.... to ~r.i.r......n.
p 11 h I Kit. (knit iaPkt i n......•
f ak •Lo 1 ' Lon.LL`ekh••••• '''.••••• .., L'•••••L• r.••• an. , '' a / 4u• . C.,: •I, i IP., I. 1.1•1;`, !..r:4 41411 .. 1-4 r 4
144 14 ' .
• Lud tr.f: ,k Nl'Pla, ELL,
Se. - • I-. rt , oleo-. ..• .1 noznrlo, .f •I -Lot, J , '44•14.4 Iby ' • v 1, 0t1.1./.M.h. 1 . ,... , P1et.t I 00-nor %rood Ftrem. uld l'lnau Alt,, el/
1 .1 r 1:1 - I” . ..errolor , , rp,. Ili "L LLLLIo.r.r aPpaditted Anat...
0p..; -.-
t ~t or,. II PJ. T• or. .. I tloonlifa tutor ...5.,, PROCLAAIA CN.
i4 -, , , ,e,. la. 0,,,, , rro La.., r .
• A " ' IS" r k r 4.
' S II‘I. ' ••• -- •- - •`• • ----' ' • ' o.•.”. L' ,` ...', •• L, Is 1111 ,11 ~, t• 111, ..r. t , , ,. k and afflict
.77 , ..! -,,, it . .. ~ , ...... • .... r ...N., .v I4W Ley, Litt. rh:\
' -, • L.A . .. ~,ko 1... tor 1..5t0....1 , .., t..t.liiam-L74 , Litsl
' ;0 Of PhilAtfa r,•,,! ., ~. .; V T.,,..,..,.;71,TV,54X'",,,.:A.,-,..r . .7.,... r ,..-1
. ~ •s, ~.,....• 1., ~,, ,—. no: tuato.4 N., lorro•pmellLLln
\tim , '' ) "r. to' • ,r. d.. pee ..i All ' '?" . l •-r .o ..Inky. 01,1 II In. Plll.ll,
;•• 7 - ..,..-. 1. I . ....„, I. Lo. .t ek Lano. 4ID an, other.rotpnly. The qp,r ,
~.,,,., ; j , ,,,,,, A ,. ~ 1,.. I ~,o, pr. r nufforinp
t •
ik .. k ~. ,jl. ~ , r..,( 1.. app Lf the 1 cnolanro.l
g• - 7 Z-- -7 1 S 51
Io Shippers of Met chf.Lthhe
E 1.1 ANI 'E lkiTTSIII:111311
enna Rail Road Co. teßtr,
reight received for all the Way Stations
on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad.
i 11++
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A h • 11A,\I
A.A. IL sr
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Agricultural Implemoutx
li VI.: JUST roceivoil tn. the E4t;t th.•
%1...1:w+, for
.. run. frnil, fr.r rf, at.,l
•rn..r h
an.l C. , rrt Stalk
sr - mi Chnin
and ...a..
I trr.......rve and H.
pr.r., lts.
111 trlantekrtur.l from cint , rte.r. raid iar
at r
•: an, pan, et,rorttiZtth Ink
,n td olt the thun• .nd ash
:•thaPtlottla, hate \
..therf...l •urlt ...tort,
• t.• fatty, 8.1 WoOld Al
t.. to •ur pnthethlhn. 11 ,
rn.nt a• st ell an en.
t• td 1 ru-t.ctstn,,
no he him-rhea, erat
n , mons, dt...e.....
t.. .r nalo, !runt
nit, LS II E.
,•I.I: , tut It ti, .th, to
•• 'I '' ' ' 'rl- , 'ft: trio /leaders o the Pi
5 )1;111,1c A rrEN IoN
L . ~,,..., . the folloslnK Toth,
I ' ' rf 0771 71 ' Z= i rIl ''ll l
, , , ~r a,r , Ito, this great reply ,
...I, h.. the relief arta our. \of
FI , '1‘1,:1,-i.N s S'i . , FVE.N.F.I . r ,,,, r,,.. - lit . '.- •,„,, „,4.. „,,,,,„
~.. ~,,,i,...,,,,..,:,. hnd thtele 1, . i utoheoort4l. will its areat fano, . tth ,
n.. ~. Air F rend. . • .th.rth Lenhedy. vlb.ritted in tt,' 1, .
11... to • •,t the p.,.t.,,t Tltitago....lamai.. t nt. ,,.•.,t. 1 I h. IDo oor.T ..1 et,,,-..ey that
he n.,lau smut
, thoh ho.. •, , hantto.....e ...I.nArklin t „ tt, . kn..... rat. ttn,z It t. nur dot, • .‘, 4,
..1 . ,,.. ~, ,• ,hn ...,1 hrnnic. port „to, Madeth... -1,. th, , tt, that ne •rate the truth-that we )
atht tptet,„t , 1... l• .1.1,1 ~., ..11,,,t0r0t..,....11ftidt I. ~1 to , 1•,-..i.rt, 1... , who nut tr.. , o•I* O P,
lOrrn,‘... :wt., ~..1 1,:t., , ,,n,1. t.1.t..„ .11l ..t•tt 1. ,L. , , •1•t P. to er ...a.m.., lhe „on on ju , tn. _
~ •elt, w1n.10,,.. or ro•ti vo the Itt.N , Ann-on••I• n r.... I Not bin, that prntranne relief front 'h. • Ann' nal
ht. ~in the p ...moor.. RI r ~. ...1.1, 4 ,01. , '.•ltt ...Ito. It. ! Ithtti . 1..• too Idithly or..uht to aunwer the *to( gull
.nt,atNatlno . taf ...• - .It /1,... tt, or
. \1...• hurabut„.-Lug FC.rte ttf thee, , Nnw, st• •,, dt , ..ire
t• ••:,.N•.: r. —i..,,,,, ~., , I„tt •r , • .\' . I I •tt nt.• ••• do tVre .. anl.* not, that tra. trolls i
,I.lon to
~t ht., i 1,,,,..• .. • ~. 1. V.• •••• nth, to \ e.N. tet.o. :ho poi reut . y a.ovld [A n tisld.= onler ht.-cure to t repp.
pnr....,1,•• here ‘", ten. tonna/v.4n,, ay Flu.. afttelo rrt the taa•. apted.
Aarth`oll,:hoh otphite.l tr.. ht •Nth• .thinr:te. 1t,.. ,• the • Inn llnt unTarni•ltod tact„--I.r. that.ay 1,, •t. ' bad S
....•ur Mt,' nd nelghl.n.rhon4, bear ample tenttuto , inf.
I ' " • \ • n.y, , ,f, the I . tylett.
tea . \.
Lewis's Patent Reversible Wnt'er pilter ' ,"„ 0 :, , ,, 4 r - i„,g d ' . fv e r,...„.,::1,Z , , ,- ;74;„r . ,..%.
.16; , N , , .) . W. , 4. :••. ~. CI. In 01 -.• , (11,1k 1,1 , t NI. • .i,a —.,., ~; I, mane., In the Ot.te td
barn P..
. \ ',
'2 ; "!'"." N'
' " VI ;,(',-, ''.--- ; •r f . ; l l. tif ''.','. tVl --:l2'l[ /7. ^o,"' x ' k g :f ' 7r l' t!,tl: " tr* * lT l
, .... , 1 1 4. ! ; ' - ', 1 ! • '.1' 1/- - 1'r .- T.. ' '.
'.' L tl , . s . - 0,5.. It'. ' t , ‘i ' '"' n't"." I. II r' ron"." . b. ''" d0... 4, tht• . \
s ,„ , ~,,,
~„, ',..„..;, . •;„ ~, N,... •,‘ . ~., 1...1 I t..... eau,. ern nun. after; the . t. [tulle,. a 1....„ \ ,
t/, rar,l.tit • ,• I htlede •••I h: Ph meta.; itop•lo, li t e t t rrol• um .m. „,,,,,, ~,
,• ~ !or 1 , ...i, - I'k( in n• t t ~,-„,. pe0r.,,,,, ~,,,,..... nthen tpeti neordto to ~ & roompt...-it,„,,i,,,, j,,,,,,,..9„;
I 31 I- rl
• \ I.utle. on, the co,. undo ewe Cy. , tin,tron. Tet,
• 1A.,...: o ..,, 'A.,. 1. ',LI.. , t 1t1n.1.1 Head, ps.nta In th bon. sad Jolhut vitt ar.s.l/1
pun •t•ar • ~1., it... I 1 . ......r...1.1. /1 to, Fsl , ~ r ;. 1,-: .. \
, 1; ,. int , ,,:n .., .11 „ ortions hi .I.lProtac . natnre, one to
„ , rg. , - , ?, ,i : ,. ? , ,
~ ,,L,.., . ..,',.,..., : 1, ! ,1 1 .,, , .:7. ' ,',',,1'. :;',' , !:•,', l !' - 't\ u. ,„,Ter a 1,1....that. 4 .4 the In -dder sod Kidnap.
li ii ,,, , ,4",,,,1„. ~,,.. „ ~,,x , „ ~,,,, - Ia \ hat -.I llnnia. Ex•onalh.thNlpples, thorn! an.' Bonit/A
, - 1•..r....t , tn. •It.pi, ••th. th. I pan, :t r . , . .taut 7. , .irT . 1.t),14.1.1,, and 1,4 boentthe4•
/1.-. est... o. ~.,11.,.. ~ -r,., ~,,..,..., .... h ot, , , 1U .111 A. }...• shams ,÷ca u3 , 10.11..• I , aat hear with that<
"'' ” '''''-' '''4 n-'''' '''' '''
- '..''',',': !' 'l l
'''3,'Lr''',...l'"':l Zr7r4rirtf,r". J t3 SlVltt 7 : 2 :4%% .' lt= ‘ `-
L= ,, ?.; ,1, ;• - •; ,,,, 4, , ..,.'Vn',. , ..; ,,,„ . ,„',, t,„ ~,, y ~,, .„p...&,,,,d,,,,h. A .,,,,.
e...notntetel n 1..... pt,,,, .1 ,1.:. 1 ,,, 1.LA11 ,. ....V . .111.
,1 , I• . 1 i t ,, 1 , , ,. .•
. I 1L, 1 ,1..”;%; 1 11'. ,...., th t'e d i , III IN,,,.• th. ' ,s ' f',
Th.- , I itthre to , •••rt...ntel to .P.... uut .1, t „o•:. htt , •.• , , 1,•! , ..“ t. , u na .. the PrOfthaion Or Lea.nniaa to no 11 ‘,
, tt t tn.. pearl e. Those who at MM. 010 . ti Oa VILA dotal t
~,, w
~,., , ~,.,
~,.. ~,,,e „ ,‘ „ , i., ~,- t„, ~ AtrOl uncor o annul:ll.. ate ' It Jun pralao an. `, \
thol a at, • tatnnr. .np v, L., ~ h tett. Atot o to.ll. 7.11 ' ,, ,, ,p i t t0 • jt.l . T i ll ,,ti lll:i s tter y ith ro,,. 7., 7,,,,,,j,...12:i1l I.
• .: t
~,,„., JA i'.l•l S t l , f un-1 cf.. Ter )or ea!; , _ •P • •
MP Inv . .p, A r-ht •th•-• 1... :ht., t .th tth ' YI PLEA: J. Ilebri•
SUPE.RIOR TILLS . .11..-I.•E. •11c , I . WC.0.1 nee
I EAD PIPE- -Gsu.•irs ithiproi.n 1 patent , t. , !.. , -.J.,. , pt , 1 ~., Alloghon, t
Pa( pp in Meal.' PackJ at EQ...0,11 l'r,,, l, 4 I,ot Pip- for II , .t,..., hr,er, o. Pl_ /, .4, cent[, Ituin.
:Lonral, an. 111.1. ta to rnek ! tha.
FrIlE rub,oril , ers unuld respeetfullvp., , :,,,.; ' r''''Jl"
L ton. th. .hf ..... 1 denier. ati..,l tl, drnn ito Items. ; f,,jlloliti,S . 1.,. 1 . )1I,In&L 1
t.-qt. tt their err, ous„rinr TE•p, pat up 10_,..,,,....„. •
n od r. ,, 11 1. .'.. 10 . 1-11 .• •• •. ^ ` lllll . ll ' Q 1.11 ' ..- " . " I All stanann ...I ..t tt .rrthtn t ....,,,,r, ,h 7 -ale diesp, eus to `tak.tana
..t. nod to ...... the T•n. ,thenly troth.
Ur •Lt `• rtri.ttlittl , th, • tlathur ern
11.. Inl•mittagen of T,... , put up in thl. way, for ret tnttnn. I malt:: at ~, kl , .01 •tr•• , . . Mr• 11. L. de:ie.-31y - Wan, /
1•1•TIon. Mkt a10..11 but Iftte'.• ,iltrulor.-.:. 1t..., - -,! - . ••• .. . . , f0r.,,,,, 1.. troutlrs..lar ca . . and loth., u 5........•-
,I,p, altrioth entlrol, otnerroded the I- ••• r,,,.. ' ~ . , remedies to Tsky little pox 1 eant.ndad triN ., •
Out arth.,not...prin 1 funiiti.• 1 ,, ,• r, tint.' 1... e. .n, i • Relit li,g and Ventilation, ,
It .taut, joys 14.111, N rup .. give it a, al, \ 4
—• It that •••• nr. conetatall b. , 1.1 - 11.10 ...,....Fts Los, W • O O. WE ARE NI ;;;. ‘ . K . LNG A pp A r L v its I , : ..,• It to /Su Of My - Dom Wt.... 7 dOUhto. , t.' , O , t4
• • tan enala. to ...ft .• 1.... to. 1... of Ilse Instil, it the 1 .• '• altderent U.., arni it has nee fyl.l to cure the.
e..t age All fen: , -,i,i hy ...Pt to-ht• er..reth,l,l to I ne.r lloanintp., P.., In i1t , t..1n,./tntltt..istn.levinro i . 1 LIT• mrototnendo-1 it to y hnighbors, and.. sPO•
~,,,,,.„ „,„, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, „, ~,,, „ t ., „,,, ,yeu t ,,, ~,,,,... , ins e. Ilmatlt Int•••. nh•t• '.l,,lnel•••••ll,••Pt...antlPtttl- .le
-(enrionth, that rt . tit, i.rxt cough Inediots.
~ ..). , „,„,,. , il, ~,..„., „f,,,,, 1 toe. ~ f ov. , roe.rnbta.n.„,bll.l.: ari.ll , rarnt... Atup 1.. h. 1,1.. La,. •• %I. 4' i....i. [-Mani tn. Una oblic.
.•1/7.ltht -t a t„ hne.....1„, rhoott that there onp.p.a. Idr . • 'nu th, , th„ . l , h , ,Fnn It.r . .:l,to•pt„r „ . hpr,, t . ,,, att. r "hater A.M... ‘,
odder Coo
;',.,at'.:'..'„d0r'a::::.1i:;.ti.1=',.14",';: . :.",:,,':','7,r,,":,;;;1‘,77,2;:1. - ..':,7,:;,e.',,,,',',11.,7,'.....7,;.',`,:',7':`.'•'"' - !h^" . ..,.A-T, ,, .-,-.:!„ ,. ..---..-- , !.t.r.. 10, 0 . „,
4. unal b ..r.t.. ..ut of
.• Pt nom t, ..htluting .annhf.• of ',nu.- PI.. for Vtentila.on: h, outorni or ht'r•••,l ,onto,, will t ~•;,'„,'„" ‘•
' ''
r , ''
r.4...t.1311,1 Po.ninpo•itten nf thin ktm. I„,pthttnaped etennTer • . ,
..•,.„ Ilint .Ter‘• puhsece rut up leus L. labelled . , th , uthin. , of OP\ Turin.. dr.,thiplion• Innotlnted an, '' ''tt \ g=t a n . ll)'•• \'
• ' ,l ' ••••tto . I , ' , no.'tnt l "" oThth .111 + ,41 / 11 / 1 5 , 4 1 -'1 b 1 1 ,111.6.• „Inn In Naalarn tow ~,,
I•e•pr:. r r...A., .... all gradtt .oti rh,o,, , , ..,.1,01,... • 0., , •-.llto mob,., ,n , ,',, erholentme. ontf.rnt lit.t: .1 et., . A'.' isigesteek
~,:.,. ~ 0... i.'“•111 1,1,1 ' r . .J4n , i t•ntho.rattt , ', nab ent/e. 1nt0.. , fn-.a o ..1, li . torave. vtz ..
, m t xi,tl .t I 11„ ie. Pen.r. , ' •n0•Ne...... Ittet .o .inotho..--. aryl nufel, from lot .
00 , ,:./1 htt,it, „re., ' , r4N 11, pt,,lE. ATIII,,St Is „ „i1.1.,h , 11 .
. IP'
i iSw!.IOO ,, PREPARED r odj , tN o _ 4 IO b„ . ,,,, 1, Copley's Pot Clay.
1, .. , ~ ' . THY sul , ..eriber. ',ire - ~.:, 1 \ . •,,
ic..t.. , W.. 1 o ' ' • ' - , - "Ovt •-•• t . . 1 I in.
o f J. Vor.lay it .4" , Y the sale of Meth l•t t,.., , .n
PEI1)1 01 L.- - -5 ervki, Dm, fin. s.3le, I, otli,l, of 71 , 111 .aids-kin 1, 1,0CAL10.11 for 11., Tomo 1,:or•
11 ,•,t , ,'.‘,. ~,,,,,,,,,, --, ~., ~.:„111:,,.....,•yr1th,R1.0..1 I`..b.;',St. 11 , 0 , nowit. on'on, •• It. e.n - r
. ~..e . ....... known, xtvf.•• •er• ‘,..,,,,0, h . .. , ..,1
Lail SHARES 01110 AND Pi - ANSA - I.VA- . - , pi. ,- 1 , N .,' , l 'i --- ‘,. •-, , ', I ..if
~41_11 ~ IA RA11.1:0.110 :WI: Sir nal,. at 5,4,1 ' i (.-. .... •-• ' \ t h.t, , -...A. ) 5, ll—,thtt vat). . ,
~ 4. „V,':,,q
.=I , F )r T P , . ..
Pi ' :! i'. . % r . 2 . 1 r, , r : ' '?*., , '. l
S.cic and Exchange broker, • stA, 1 n • uth•
ucll l ame.., Market ..mlllllnt .the•••• .1 1t..rh...J. , t %en... 4 .1 tor..h. tt, lt. ht• •e •I hn'i.P'•
1 : \ tha ware rho, t„ tee • W 'th` .l
1 1 i iorl• F.E -300 bagA Imath• nio, fur eat , . V,, 1 anpl ': all r1i11..111,
.. .._ -
It ./ 1 . 1 . 0 • .1 /oft- , Itit.L.Yi'l L. •.! fader rt.' iIL la ALL ii.liii,li- . -F re ,1i . ,,,, , n-tm..,r ,fur
S u r - Si. e i:VP - suu . ,A . ,—, lFl '„), !ki:. ' , t ft re , ' , 'd'nd t , , ,,!:67 , r,4` ..gz.. 7,,,-,‘ '.,':',.v.:;,.4' . \',: ,.. 1. -1 z;;L::
.pll ' 2, " . ..ttth , •''
T '
.\, Tllll,thit YA L s : I•II.
GLASSES—.ISII bbls. .N. 0 .; ...„,•;
, c,k, - Srmit . , : IVNIALIS.I.I I.Alli ' Ti‘m..;.:l.s. \ rb'i beta
i. ,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,, , , , ,,.., , r , , , ,,.. -- 4, 1. , , , e , , ii. , ' i
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Oel. : v. tad at 1 , .:. IIA". VIOL', PaPer nreht4. 4 .'
•• no= . iL D•v ,C, * op .
amts Mullet wad &wad its.
. , .
N A'l.
',Tn.,. .tror
Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish.
JA rEN VED, 26th. I,A. --For kriv , tig
I • .... gatlfts, ‘1,11%..
Linn .
rt the 14..1, .•
W...raw prevt•ut du:a tra•a•ttcl.l,, , •
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neut. t A. h •nutitern)
I: 4.7 ‘,‘ •.I
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.1 - 1 dour. 1.1 n.., rn*rly th.
',Willi - AA. • liete 9111 lAA 7, 77 7.. 7 70. 77 .7‘l 1.
1... ul4l ren.4. • .11.4. tt.e.r un.nun. I n
ter, d
..nd ge ...n•rtuleut 14•1“.44.ry.
Husk \ 144..4 lu•
loather It.
.u 7 u,t •1.1.u.nt tlvt•nl
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N nr,
I. .n 4 tml a/ly tnn•l
...n.hru,nt. •r • t .41vnn. •
' 7 " NnN ta g. n.•. 4 .tr—t
‘l . 001,---Ca...h pail for Wool by
V 404 multrav A 1.11(
AHAVE just reoryel NICA. York, ..t,•
Rl` I.PT rt, w istOw ofitsillts t
P l'T A I'L huft+
~ 8[ne1:...,34.4.4,w:3d Use U.
qu'ni/L3 von,l v.+4,eOlirt n: 1.1•1. m. Itt 1.1".
wrwil e II W. 1111,0,
7 .,,ra1wal ....I
1: U. N •
11 , 1 • Aorq•lit 11:ar,r
Anthracite Jon!.
30 TONS just :noised,superior artielr
• r,r 1 onn , lrr ^r tau,' atia Lr
tl n t1r,171,T1 t
r. r"+ , l Balm,
Copper Stooks.
% .Icl, 11 , tock x.:iri
•Uric "'"‘ r.
i I t. WiI,KINS• C. ,
Pure Brandy, for Diarrhcoa, &e.
131 EAI2 11‘, NI I Nl,! !wed ).
I) Br.", th. 6,111 La,1,1111 , obtatrl.J at ‘1111.71,1-'
'lra !art. tr, tl,- 14, ,nr•rd. II tr, ./ la r•
Ohio Latta tory. - •
•-• I;
l OW S() kV 9S 1110
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PrS Strength. "
oNS' f: 1.
Wiues and Liquors.
I 1 ,% rry , trar%,
Needles' Oelebiiited
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Fti tl;h
O ip Ina4leated pnunciAlhare Dean
th lmixte Re •
mon,. than teal:vs\ !ram NlOrflng ahl ,, !‘airne they bare
• enatnatee, nn t •
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^ , alnixnal• to to liana Innen.' male ~ ar a! nattarla
h. ilr ) :7,,n,enin, raral,nly '
Iry ai.akablea t
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...I-nat.! ..1 h. No fn,ner tn all otbera, aa • pluck, •
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R t.- ...linenn .41.,..1 1 0 / Nii,
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nn., ela entorttninv pror.l
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ct.l W. Inct., Th. h 5.1,, N.
Pr."' •,( i, .t.....rn1l
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