.411a110P.--80En• vocalists have no sam ples to repast In all th irprogratimee the same 'cavatinas, hallads, &0., tint this great artiste on' the contrary, la slave on the qui vice to offer to htradmirers; choice end new pieces. , We learn that totne,of her - splendid costumes bad not arrived let evening_ in consennence of which. the concert will Turprdstponerl till to-morrow (Thursday) - evening. _ Mums° oi . Tat Eke --An adjourned meet , ing of the members of the bar was heldyeaterday in the room of the District Court,. liVtileott ''Ate- Ciusdleds. Esq., it.thb CLait. After retharki he Messrs. 'Hampton, Shinn, Bloc t, Dunlop, Darregh, sod others, the follow- Jog resolutions, itxprestace of the feelings of all prosent.• were, co motion of Mr. Hampton, . untinittsonely carSiedi ..t Itemised, Thd.t we putt with Judge Hepburn, late Preeiiing Judge of the District Court of this Connty, with. feelings of earnest re,spect, &free- Sion, and admirition. - His demosnorla the denahlhis ability, leant• ::,.."1.01;;;:and scrum:dons fairness, justify us in en s--.r%ptsteisitig the opinion that he woe, in all re .. moats, a modellndge. .7 , , -Resolved; .ThSt the Chairman select n Com mittee, to present these resolutions to Judge Hepburn, in testimo ny ofour high opinion*, that the Committee ho instructed to -deader him on behtilf of the bar, it public clin . • . . ' • Choler, BUrte, and Hampton, were appointed on the above Committee, and on mo tion, the: Chairman of the meeting and Dr. Hays. theProtionotary, were added to it. °emotion, the meeting adjourned. Onto AN.D . PCNESTINANIA BAILAOAD.—The fol lowing Is a statement of tie ,freirpi_t carried on the between this. city adA - tearer, from Octo_bws 19th to October "10th, 1851; fastairr‘Abs. Weidw44l. 266,R12, Esshi . a' ; 253,256 Finz.-r-The alarm last night, was caused by a fire which broke out in an unoccupied building Tho flames quickly communicated to the house nextit, and they were both burned to the ground. The soda ash warehouse of Wit lined McCully Co., was also destrOed. The buildings were old and the toes is not very heavy. The fire is sold to have been the work of an incendiary. , PLass Roan ELconox,,An election for offi cers of the LontFencerille cod Sharpsburgh plankrmad company, held' on Monday, requited in the 1111311101( Ile choice oftdte following g&itle men to serve daring tlie,eriquiligyenr. President—James Blakely Trensurer—Geo. L'Arnold. Managers—Wilson McCandiess,Thomaa Wal- Lane, Dr. Wm. Werneburg, Richard L. Ewalt_ W 45. Leslie. . Peaarsvtm,n l'f.ss'n ROAD. —An election for officers of 'the above company, was held-by the ''stockholders at tolehangh's tavern, on the plank road, oti Monday, and melted as follows: President—S. S. Shields. Treasurer—John IL Stewart. Managers—Thomas Gibson, Geo: P. Hamilton George Ledlie, James Mc,Alear, John Scott. • Woare pleased to learn that this company is in a flomdshing condition, and that they will be enabled in a short time to pay a dividend of two dollars per !hare of twenty-five dollars. COURT OF QUAIME3OII:ESIONS. Befoie the Ron. Wm. D. McClure, President Janke, and Wm. Boggs, and T. L. McMillan, Associate Judges. • The jury in the case of Thomas Reynolds, l and. James Magee, indictment malicious mischief, returned a verdict of guilty this morning Commonwealth se David Clark, indictment assault and battery, on oath of James Magee.— The battery arose from ',quarrel which origina ted relative - to a cow -which Clark alleged to hare been shot by Magee. The defendant threw s two pcupadTweight at the prosecutor which struck bison the arm, and then ran. lie wan pursued by'llfages, and by Thomas Reynolds, but not overtaken. The Odes occupied the whole of the morning session, at the close of which the jury retired. errinmoos stssiax. ' The jury in the case tried in.the morning, re ' itarned a Tenliot of guilty against David Clark, the defendant. I • , f ,. • Another of the interminable nits arising from 4 wound received by an old co , was an indict meat for riot, againvt Sant el Clark, Oliver t', Clark. Robert Clark, David Clark, and Thom. . Magill. The alleged riot took place is Alderman ',Evans' office, in McKeesport, where the parties, together with the prosecutors, were attending to a cute of assault and. battery. ' "Fists were shaken," and other heinous enormities commit. ted, but no blows were struck, the parties con tenting themselves with a wordy war, tu`the Contempt of the. aforesaid Alderman's Court, and the fibhcrrence of ail good citiiens of Pena syliania. , The ciso was not concluded when the Court adjourned. • . . Issimaser,—We coil the attention of our rea ders to the card of Meseta. Ryan & 'McKee in another column, thanking the Howind & Hudson Itirer iueurancu company,. for the prompt man ner in which the theoretic? on the looses sustain ed by them at the fire, on the 12th of Septem ber, was paid by • Mr. Janie? Tarheth, 'Wood street, agent for the company. Fran.—A fire which is supposed to hiere been kindled by an incendiary, was discovered at an early hour on - Non Flay morning, in the store of Mr Jolin Gibson, of Rebecca street, Allegheny city. The family were nearly suffocated by • smoke, before they were aroused. The flames were extinguished by the neighbors before they had done much damage. Rdansar.—The - store of Thomas Applebee, at the corner-of Wylie and Tunnel street, was en. tered on Saturday night, and some silver taken froents delk: . Pine Hard..HDertor Keely will deliver pub lic: Irettires at Philo flaTI, on this and Saturday encamp. Private Kale 13gs at 7. terloc on Thursday and Friday even ..Ten Smear., three paysenge Pennsylvania 4.l).—Four hundred and sixty were carried over th e Ohio and ilroad; oa 31onday. -- For the Geeette. D BUTZ.= PLAN% ' ROAD CO . D. • wing gentlemen wore elected ce •mpany at an election held at the Ed inst.; to "serve for one . i..01-.-The Col officersof thin 'Unicorn on learn • --, .Prraident.--S. 31. Lane. Irsrtur:gerr.—,-C F. Spaag, T. W: Shaw, T. A. . - Lyton, Wm. Campbell, Darid Walker. . . - Treaturer.Danlap MoGlanghlin. It may be ?slumbered that during the last few weeks severed articles 'appeared in the Ga zette reflect:lig I evenly on the managers for b ootleg the road in, what was called the Pine a t, areeli. valley rote. lt !tiptoes from the result of the election et the articles alluded to have failed to convi et Ale stockholders that the Iliad has not been located on the best route, and it must be grat:ing to the managers to he so titidsomely sus lued. ;TATE NITTUAL . FIRE IN•trliguf;k,OMPANY. enx , TIESIGNEDI only 14 the safer elassee of 411 4 71f h gn ?PR! '4 , 4/ 4 ,:44 . 11 4 "Tg lel ar a pmen of wano, , V11171rIN T : ot2l VailthEleld st.,l'ittpLuegh ---- J Company. -- IP.' 11 ' .13/50,000. .. &trial '65 the 0416.31 lotevrahee he State. • 1 1 1.114 'Oll9 . .nnd responsible ' Camas tied with the rinuisilini. r, law of la. r Luning halides 4 their divot on U. ith ._ -ere., ennatelent with pru deries and whir. . . U. lltiriON, President. LI.ll.llelaJLI.Uld. %Whiter,. Mike, lia let amittillehl et, PlUstarah. „ weiZ r i.: • a. CalthltP....Auent. A. . --- e -,--- 7. - . ----- = - - , - ''' --- - Trees,'Plnnts Qcc. .... , ...A .. ,. „li . The subscriber afteroj fior sale a 4 am eftortment or neer and valuable MPlftts, Tree. ancl Flower limn relorteat reneinefts from the most celebrated grow. wee en alio wag. reitulating Ise part or boar( Pear Tem, cue • new pradtiftwe btftweberrive. Crinuans Cane, Burr's new ri.., t h,,, , i, u ,,,,,, w ,...1,,, tr , ft wLiedi loft awarded the premium of 110 for Ks *oft in sanuation, Use Ohio itetillate, oi. /elms. nes ktowie, tionathergs ec e,,,.. ~g , t,,, itaspberree. War* e Ice!, e re of all--artft ~ ,,,,d,, Tn., Finest pliwts,. mere and II ?lower P.M taPPieil Plantlow.` uft Peones', Germain E Tellftiftasee Cronin Orden arms./ ft Pftstruiule Poet Oillse, as left at oar Maud on marketalb, Barr, All be otTartalKaturuted to. • oc234lGrlrP. - 1` -.. . JAlllift WARDROP. V. INE4.ll°° i 4 1s. for sale by acs - ^ ; E . CULBlll[2ftif Op, . . . , . BY ,TEL J EGRAPI-1. 1113C11119 UT ?111 O'UUILLT TMLIGILAPII LINN AXD REPORTED 10a Till PlTThtltatoll GAZETTE. FROM BUENOS AYRES. Hems. Nov. 4 By an arrival this morning from Buenas Ayres, we have advice, to the 12th of Septem ber, being two days later than the previous or. rivraof the Store ship Oral's, at New York. Gen, Orabo had made a,second application to the English nod - Freaoh admirals to take him. seltand troops away. Be says that if he can dispose of his prppertyq be will resign ands 6 to Europe. The Years thak had beep enterutugo of a hloeltade had subsided. NIR RIVES' RECALL. W'ntmi+orow, Nor. 4. The Republic denies the truth of tho rumor. that Mr. Rives hoe been reellled, or that he ie •zpected to return. I Mr. Graham, Secretary of the Navy, returned last night, after four weeks absence in North Carolina. PROFESSOR KINKEL. • • CINVINNATL, Nov. 4. 'Professor Kinkel was honored with a grand torch light procession last night Nsw YORK, Nay. 4. The steamer Empire City arrived with dates to the 30th. • The Ohio arrived at Havana from Chagres, with dates to the 30th. The riot at Chagros had been quelled, and peace restored. NEW YORE LEGISLATURE . , The Legislature organized to-day. The Rouse elected J r ndge Robin, Whig, Speaker. The Governor s message 'red. FIRE IN _.iBURG. GRENNSIII7IIO, Nor. 4. The stable of the Westmoreland. Hotel, owned by Col. FrederiokA. Rohrer of this place was entirely consumed this evening. No insurance. The Hotel and adjoining buildings were hut little damaged. The cause of the firi is un known. NEW YORK MARKET Nor Form.. Nov. 4. Cotton—The market is steady. Flour—Sales 4.500 bbis 'at ..$3,75€i54 for State and Western, and 1 ,3 ,124a.4,18i , f0r pure. Genesee brands. Grain—Sales 5.000 bu prime Ohio white veheat at 82e: 1800 bu rye at 7:3@..7dc, and 0000 bu mixed western corn ut 57 c. Provisions are in moderate demand. Sales Mess Beef at sB@slo, and prime do at tit.4(2o. $5 per bbl. Lard is inactive. . . Groceries--Sales 200 bags Java Coffee at 10i @lie. Sales 100 bza Porto Rico Sugar at 5€4 54c per lb. • Oils are in fai • demand, with salei 2,000 gals linseed at 70c p.r Rice—Silas t 0 tes nt he per lb. Whiskey—Saes of Ohio nt 22 . @2he per gal. Stocks—The - market is doll. Rendmg has de clined i; Erie I; Morris f: have advanced i; sales of Ohie; ti's, 1874, at 100 c. EVE.EI NO REPORT. Nrw-Nov. 4. Cotton—Sales 1500 bale., at 84 to for Mid dling Orlearo. Flour-is unchanged, with further sales of 10, 060 bbls. Grain Salesl2oo bu Genesee White Wheat at 9Ge. • • Prorisions—Sales 500 bbls •Pork at $15,15.4 Tor Mess, and $8,50@5,:,8 per hbl. Tobacco—Sales 100 hhds lientucky4q.9c. Cafes—Sales 400 hugs Jac, at.l lr The Niagara, which sales to-morrow far Liv erpool, takes oat $1,000,000 in specie. CINCINNATI MARKET CINCINN,Ap. Nor 4. Flour—The market is dull, with =lea (30 bids extra aaL413,245. November Buckwheat Flour—Salea 2;000 the at *2 per 1C.0.. Whiokay is dull and without sales of itopor. tsince. Cheese is buoyant, w Gic, and ZOO dn. at fiic GrsceSies—: Rosiness firm at i c Csfree is 8 10iMt. • - The river 6,, then t at Boort-- The',vreather ie aka Floor—This article nothing. doing except in a 101 l et :Hedison was oily • t TndilkeT—:-.Continues • cheese—ls in good d. Provisions—Nothing Codes—Soles of SOO Cotton Terns—Sales Sc ¢ tb. Freight]--Whiskey to pound freight to St. Loi Hogs—There were 8,( The river has river weather is favorable. .The 13oatoil Whig pap publicitiong, to which attached. Pazetnr,Nriat. Cosves ed, believing that the tim. I sachusetts should give expression of opinion in f ed Statesman, and fend fore the people ofthe Vol.] foett all others, is bast • strengthen that Union, fellow citizens, who ogre. ion, that Dann. Wane ,t President of these United veotion at Faneail Hall, day of 'November next, fo log such measures as ma this result. And the fri in every city and town o are requestad to send del tion [WPM'S OF , Dwelling houses in the • Families in the State While nudes White females Coloreql Colored females Total popnlatio , Deaths during the year Farina in cultivation Manufacturing establish., annually $6OO and a Pdrcze-rtos or Ctrr - s - :! Cleveland just taken, for doutitedly an .accurate pulation of our city, and one thoneand one hundred First Ward Second, Third, ‘, Fourth, The census of 1850 sholieB a po pulation of only, . 17,03-1 Making the gain since 1850 —Cleveland Berraid. Tae ADMINISTICATIOII.-If the present Admin istration have nor manifested an honest desire to , do their duty to their own country and for eign nations, then there have never been magis trates who did. They used the Means under their command to prevent the invnsion of Cuha, irwhen their good intentions were defeated the connivance of the collector at New ()r -oans, they turned him out of the office he had betrayed. They strenuously, at a critical moment; held up the shield of power to defend the Constitution, and have ever since, without flinching,maintain e/ a bold and frank position in the maimainnuce of the law passed in loyalty to that leaden:metal bqnd of Union. For the sincerity of .theiura faimions.of a firm determination to execute the laws, they have also given a pledge:in the ele, lotion to the Supreme , Bench of Mr. (Attila, in the room ofJustioe Wdodbnry. Thus have they exhibited the impartiality bf an uptight tracy, which looks at right and Justine In the ex ercise of official trusts, without computing how they may affect thelanaticism of -'the North or the machinations of tbe South. —Neoitrk (N. J.) Advent:eel. TI 'he Vicksburg "True lane" stets) that the Hon. Henry 13. Foote has resigned hia seat in the Senate of the United States, to take effect on the Elth of January. i . Vfo hare already mentioned that the Hon Jef ferson Loris, the other Senator from 'Alississippi, had also resigned his seat in tho body; Col. Da vie had a full term of six yearn to terse, having been re-elected only at the last sesSiou of the Legislature. Falllzapntation of ilaraware, Cutlery, dco. LOGAN, WILSON W., No. 129 Wood Street. Define to rail Ma attiintiop of Much.t, others their Lenin ,rile[ of v. • )v,z,KION AND DOWD:ilk • • HARDWARE; curLERN, &Zi%, IMPORTED BE RECENT PACK'T& And ARRA :bey .re nv i m li . ,font ,rice pri Anglinpir A fall.F4. anornandof MANN'S e.I• brat.% O. P. A.E.EB shw a on tu - - IrALL FASIIIONS--Ju.st receivedw kh tZo;fto o re . :l VII. A. LEECII i i , 7.9IIIh st h Fr:day of thiA week r ...Trio yornorTl fin ' ir: tut aaa,rtmaot of an entire navr style of o f Fill, eatio .1 Velvet 'Minuet, and Trimming); of earl° o kind, suitabla for theaesaan. P. S. Clilldreu's unnota. Ladles' C.. And 11. ~.ini:vev, a*. of u-h achl beautiful otylex otf Wilkinsburg Academy. 9 ./0 anJ F , nale Ehsdish and Claavita; School. NU F111.•11., JAMEN HUSTON, A. M., NUM, L Fyn. IS_INSTITUTION will be Dpen for the ynnAnuon plt ,11. mil, and Inninlo) .. , ,tunt 4 Int. 11.- nf euMpti•e. .11 It, brawl.. [Aunt, i t it,,, in.A.llnatrat..... 1.111 1.. alvno 0..11 h.......•sulstnttiun of Ihnln The Senn. urnvond xith ext , ll.l•P dud Pht1...10,n1. Inn no 1 . d A•tr....1.1,1 Ay ulnr.. ehnuunin.t 1411, Aug.) 11. 1,31 --I nueln,lninl,3n, are in4trueted by the owners to done v v al rt,lored nrht Int.shln hme. Inr ,n.l note, 3 'welllll. s .k Illaoket (Nunn.; hipwrir • 1 1 1.. t.... Orbit,/ I.ltt, gra, ds24 MUILPLIY ♦ LEE IVIACK EItEL-50 No. 3 Large; vt..ovii. ILK SIJAWLS AND DRESS GOODS— owning llAllf.Al A A. M AL , enne• and packager of Silk nlianin and tiro.n,OnoJA n'2l , . . ISGLISH BREAKFAST TEA-2.1 half 1.4 0i1.... Linn broakfaAt &Inchon,- To. onn ned WICK A slreANl.l.lll_ PrEA--43 - 5 hlf chests F. li.; •• 111nrk: 2.1.-siftv b.. IL I': . . , Intent inaportapon.. jton rod'A andfar .J. I LOlll/ New YooK, Nov 4 6:OLE LEATHER--200 Sides \.V. for •,..1,! by .22 .1. s 11. FLOVII. A ROMAT IC STAGG TOBACCO-10 ease., rt, en. mite by WICK .e hICANLI.F.SE urrim-5 hl.ls. Premb Roll, ti,r OOle by -z.l Willi 0 51/12‘NDL/I,S. enekß for sale Ifd- WICK 1 I NSEEIi 0 1L--41 ) b1.11B. for .de or - 23 B. A. IiAIf:CFSTOCK A PTS. TURPENTINE--25 Ws: for Hale I,v o,zs It A. FAIINIISTOCK A rIPANNERS' QIL-40 for Rale lov - EL A. PALINEFIVCK ttl • - - - -• • - 'ELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP. r have Info rnedlclno in nu farad,. and in otrr opinion, It iff td the heft rep...tit - dm for eundlm, ,old.. Ae frbirh ho. ever bren offered to the publm At t fen nn of the year Ire. vonld twommend to every ram fly to keep a bottle of it In Llmlf imuw-fe ready for tt.. . of:end-ion may rentn.... Wu give thk a. • matter of admne, torn imr betual tuneoence a the tad quald:v-, of the mcdfmne, and do nr,h onr ronder. con.ider • •af Pimply In U,, Debt of rm-onam-ndamm nymle Illiont .dnv parld , ul.4novflodire oT the artie,- of Irlnelf ppv. —Ffitsfafruf. ('On-ruc.le. l'reparml and Fold by Id F. SELL/MS. L 7 Wood ‘l. oc2-1 NOON REPORT iRINISON VELVET PAPER lIANU MIS. for Dr.stroor ro" ." 0 " b' or2l WALTER I' MAR,II.‘I.I. ILY WIIITE—'2O gross of various styles jl Ayi 1.3.1 .yu nrbl for by I I: t. New Boom. jusT REt4:IVED and t.r salt- by J. L. el .. 401 aro., Fore 1.41 e mod F orret Trerr. We•tern Cabin Lifrwnowig the I.4gor*, and wild wood adrenture, .. de.ribbon. of lumbering operation, . by. J. 9 9prin4er Il wn ule nod ]l nod 1:11,;119h .111,rin. bro . The 1:0, and the Bee... 46,310 nt Gm Cr, rill Pa 1..., ..., hr S. Warren, r. I: au t Pot a,l row .04 1 . 222 A rwA , e, , ,ketrht, by bane. 'l'h Flro Thing, .a aerie. oi ,lieeturen on the iirear Facie nod Moral Ler•ion. 141..2,1,1 in ma kind. Gardiner Epring. 12. the nom. Apnea, In lo•balf of lantilf II or shin, with bra, er..)lrid hymn... ralendar ,d ieseon. from Scrloturo, lor roo C Derltn• benth irenio, or d, inx with and ghoul o derigned I luvirote ibe truths .1 lo I , W Clara, r , 1 , . rh. above, with many other tooaonouno9. and athe freeh East aubrlr or blank Wt. or ir , airmar i to, 11T.14 Card. II BURCIIF :LD iutorEn their 1,71, cuMbiner• and ha", gib lb., Wier hame new 0r... SECIINII Int ire tho rade. and .4 attention it/ Gorr unproall. lOU a.kri tuna. LADLE,' PRESS literttn. {1 (flat %.rietr; e. Penmen., tnlturp, r.c..1. llndiu tt. /tee, Pe Itrog ntni nottant.—New et, le flrnrt,e. vett Isandernet caehrurrr do., Wool nla,n ales cat ott, lee Wart and "Armed Tinter, Pr !Lich plaid •blerk ant Ball mourning nee style Peck dn. rrceirril a further of tuvr blurting itu•liu and I rip Line", a. ....A. gen emit): arnt a' I will boron! al low rrtree in quaint enuntry 3terrhante are turned to nail in on, • r.ctror• up stair, where liretde are ~Id In. nett! FAcIIUR E I) TO B i A COO— I .5‘ d. nu baud and A V1.i1 ‘ ..1111.1,24N a C.l fit sales or 250 boies at per lb it lively Molasses is .carce and in demand at HPIIY d RCRCEIBJELI itre 4,444nt0g 4144 i) • :art,otryl, uf 4.f nolr •••• runtt yrehalum fur .t• 1•11—• r 414444 , , tut 444 1 4 441 ioh4, Ive 4u n4l I . 44rotau t:14404, 4 uttutz. 4.1 Nour 1•144 Itmrhu : 4 .4.... inug ••41 Nuar44.4 44,44 ito• [or.. ltuuntr ruurrlistatt Irtuluntt to r0t414,44.1t aro itt•ltd o. rat! 4.4 lu inches sieve yostenie, g , OFFE:.-78 bags prim. j . ,, R ,i i , 0, ,, a;r4- A inA ,r ind J I) UTTER—IOW lbs. prime liairy Packed, for Awl, bf Jolts. WATT a • j : : :, i , s ,i, ;6t S 4 r,u g ., far LieES—A. A. Siseds CV Rai opeu thi• usurn.l.o.t blast afitl Cis/cm:lnn, NOT. 4. renaine inactive, with 2 6171611 Way. ti small • d on change at 90 01l at Itlic Z 7 gall. !wand at Wa.t;Ac. ags 4.. 410 tit 94(4 , 1 .1 15,1).)0 dal air, 7 and _ - I IS: DIGO- 3 come, beet S. F., 2 hints Mad.. 1_ Inc nal. it !lalVlo I ICE- tee frieill Carolina '.,. OSIER Y—A. A. Mneosi /r.. CO. have reeld it,' :Ina ChAnurre. Lauabc oan. Alparca,Filn. Ilea'ull. ccauprfiting thh. hung: at,wk than Lave ars, yhiluted. which thry 1..11 at inuth laa• usual. I Pstvlburg4 ) hogs packed' so day three inches. The re hare the . following It UTTER-8 bbla. Packed, for Bale by ,21 W. e E W11..50N.1111 Samna! at . B UTTER-6 MALI. prime r2l 'h ' i2rth (Wilding IIOWDER-1,00 kegs Blaming, for eale by t<2l J fl VLol Is 6; 11. MOLASSES—.2O hf. bids. Ooodale'. .innairoi:r aala ey J S. DILWORTH c 1,, npitECORATION PAPER HANGINGS -- Oat I.earatanna and Saionarr, Or Italia and Tao,. es. fur salt , WALTER P. MA/OW.4EL. ni-21 Wnial ,tram ARD OIL-2.0 bhls No. I land ing per S. ` A U. Cernplant.r, ant ror we br Ivo, a, lbe Prat OD ENGRAVI NG ,iJ . anr h s . P r ttiaal, ov Office. 3d wiry. I owa of Machine. y. Ae.. taken. lertin rundanile. calla. HATHING SPONGE-11 mlinirm vers . tine JIJP for Am, by oil: J. PC:IOW:MAKER i Iv triAL CORKS—is Wen hill, y for sale by J L merous siguaturee ere 'tot.—The undersign. has arrived when Mas i strong concentrated tsar of her distinguish• present his fame be n as the man, who, he • tile to preserve and ,• hereby- invite their. with them in the °Fin n' should he' the next States t.o,tneet is con es Tuesday: the 2-sth the purpose of adopt beat tend tio produce nds of this movement, the Commonwealth, gates to said Conven- 13HOSPHORCS--10 cans for sale be 1 or]: 0. reII(YONMAKEII a cYr T ERRA JAPONICA, fur fanners' nee-I too ferrate by 1..17 J SCHUONMAISKIt Ai EN NE---1 lild hest American Pepper r,r nlr to ar J. renowiiiiiKee. A Co. PUTTER-50 kgs solid packed, receiving sad for sat. by cel: K OALZELL t CO AL2ERATUS---5 tons in bhls and bar, for ko 'ale IYAY.ZIGLL t CO JUJUBE PASTE —"Eagle Brand " 7 V"'"'' for ea. E. SELLERS. mit 6.644 )0,460 846,104 I 2,766 2,610 6,366 ;ruts producing wards OIL PEPPE.R • 3IINT—IniI lbs. pure for rah. 14 It E SELLERS . - CtißEEt‘i OIL CLOTH--Just received from Fat - Wry—GOO yanis OUT and CT< Quarto!" On .en Oil orb fur window Wind, for walii whoiriiale and retail! at Nn. 1111 Mar., et. or LS, J. • I'HILLI.I,!. TABLE COVERS-30 dozen UII Cloth Ta ble. Stand, and Burrito Corresi—illtromint Arse—hr pa r by the quantity or mall et orIS J. C 11. PHILLIPS'. Ca. 116 Market rt TRANSPARENT SIIAvES—A fine MY tort:tient of Trani-parrot Window bbsoisie h.r +air •t an 4 retell by oelb J. • 11. 1 . 1111.1.11.8. No. 116 Market of. iTANILLA BEANS-24) the. fresh, for sale to. 11. 1. FAIINESTOCK lean.—The census of -chciol purposes is on •nmeration of the po , he ante total is twenty d folly. as follows : 6,263 3,398 4,344 5,136 • . WANTED SOON—An itctire partner in large strum funndrr and martian.. Any, In • Airier+ Inv, servo roller from I'D...burgh A young man g.rylcnaract•r. grab a small capital , d 1300 b. $5OO and who has • knemelnlgn of th. , moulding Immine.s land hol low wan and nnachin•rr. to Audi rot:imam. work arid 0”o4 wage. will I.Niro., 00.1 to tunn y yonng man will, Amon capital a rry prolltoble Aituotl..n ll Im apply for further narLiculars U. ISA AC IIAE111::. Agency and lotelllannre Ming 4.IUGAR-50 hhde prime, in store and for t 7 ale he .017 It. DALZELL MOLASSESL2OO Ibis N. (1,50 do. S. 11., ze do. Ir raD do, In oak nooperage, fur role by aai It. DALZOLI, CD.. I.lt.mri ~ er 7 ANTLIARID-75 ILI. fresh, just reed and for sale be m 1 •17 J. KIDD A C(I. • ALT PETHE--50 togs Crudo now landing 1.0 and km role hr odtlfi I. DICKEY A Cij . LONDON JIUSTAIID-550 lbs. warranted par, and for sale by' , .1 11 IDD C.A. • • WHITE CIIA LK-5000 lbs, in store and for rale by .17 J KIDD A 1301.. A COMPLETE vet of Bucket Machinery toruue .110 J. S DILWORTH A Cil. I POOL COTTON-10,000 don. just reed. 77 M. Eng/a.d. and for gale 14 pain C. rrABLE SALT-500 Innti fround.rock now I.rulthY •. by ties AU DICKEY C , Wodor and Yenta Om.. “REEN COPAL VARNISII-20 blf bithi Ifi Puna., 15 In .01 1 111,117.meh, for .1.. r 1f u.tl3 1 1111.3011 CO. I NI/RIO- 1 ctioon Caracus, 2 kgs ' 6- In ' Meg rs moo I(10.1.0 nal. prime Carolina, for hale by ma/ JAMES A. IllfrelliSoN a a, L EAD -550 lags Galena; EIIW ,hahn for (light bane) for omir br eclo JAMES A. lIIITCHISON A CO. L 11. SIOLASSES-20 b i lk. prime St. Loa - iILYS i t. " n°Y. ir 7.I'INS A. 11U TCllle3 , A C, rIIQBACCO-263 kge a's, and 111 . 8. tide day 1-he'd awl for .tetl' WICK A lIrCANDLES,+. bbla Sperm Oil, 31 do. extra do, 13 do. Weetoris Bleached do. a.l .In Taneare do. dr cetved WICK. A 11eCANDLES.9. ArLap:orment of .. itmtoStarltermY.for..2e%lmtoo U n tiY yTib by e A.M... aclu JAMER A. iItiTVLIISON • co. • EUROPEAN PACKETS. 4 4. 4. 1 d, BLAIaLI E ur „ l „,„ ' • Ltne nrntenm•ht, Lott n t.rt nu I I.lr Tad '4lll, or. the • 1...1 n4.l' ~ • • • , 110. 1.41.,• Ihr .New L' a sall• cy• or3ll, Irc, ...1 • • • ,•• and Glasgow. • THE sgetv mid N. Verk tl.. , uartthelitrtr • ' .. l7tt.` “e'd um. puuer, N r 18.• n u anl atuumnnil-, ‘. u• , au mua t , t. $ll Walurk. n 0.," P. ,, ,tuF. MONEY. 1'4,4 Cal,•n to..wanl • 1•—• . ................ 11,1,1 I.••• •5a,..1 Frvicht ~( . .. , . ,„., N,W ki/iIK Wl , l , The Nt\,l:ll 1" 1.1ft•11.:, -2,, In elmanet the far a .. r:e 4HOINIH , a l i H eh e a y nir „,,. Idellenry's Philadelphia &Liverpool '. Line , '''' of Packets. Matchless Blacking and Inks. ..,„,,,,, k ..... SHiiiilg Irittn Phi lt.litlpti in tin thi , ,'-'• t 9 .11}: I-` E Lit:IIII A 'l' El l”NI.1T C II LE 1 ., : 4 Ml.t.kil•llk. A11,11.11,,,i Hll tlio 1.1 0 ..,01taanth .304.1 ' 1 . /• 14. a ; , ... — .. , ....l rPta r . .. ,•• I+ l lr Crl 'lllr , 11. r. 14 11 /.111 PLEAPANTP, h It, Irea,”no,,llarl..: 't, th , pu.da , epel I. , P , rtei in nn, rum,. alaputieturea - S/IT.:CANIPIAII. 111,. I. trardiner. Mame, . !Wpm. I \•.l,\ •Or lju,,r, ...pet Hour Nk,OILL I Mel.' FUIPiPP., N•thanie, lisme. Maeler. xp _ _ ; PC.` Onpulelph,... V. .71.11.1 N. A Ifnel I. ,nltP. Mardi, PH atIIANIANIIN. foe,/ V; W. t‘eetgAlaatep ; THOMAS IV 1111'E. BONNET MAN Li rlitt Pla;ve Phtte; .r.' ~.. . th;;; , " . .. •.. luPal PL. , / . FM:TIME/I, Nu. 111 Pauth Spean,.l htreet (shoe. rautarmla, alp! are mate4l Ipr the rapahlr et 11,0, pa... 0, ' Oe.tnut, ea-, aid., 1110..44110P • Itit.ls i tl,ey are Punt up ali] all Isl. at itypra, tar l, are rat thoreuarbly lentilated, mai at, paeurpa-eloor Plaele•e• ; irn. 11.1,, JOHN a nair.a•vie ,aumar a ,a,nr a r ~,,,1 l oh", and A,/ .r. /1.. a...., aY. H 4 •.. AA, irl..Pir ..11, rfir, are cou. , •ad;a l O ~mom a; , "••; 41,,,, ..1 talent, • 1,0 13 AL:ALM , 1 VOLUM , A Iti , ti. Co., W h uv urenualliA Ipr their eq.-n..0., HI 11 , ....a.,..t e.erepa; aale tlrervre :, =1 Mart., et, Plathalalphia leal Pen°. &can. nr nr.taina I.lr Ir...ha- Iron, 1, 111.1 e..nittr) ran alaaan rrrtnels... ..1 parsec.. a I.lrl. a .11 Iry , A r pci•l‘oa • row aat• Mr., ix..l I, ..wht ruppthe. aud our a.rent• in I, is an.l Par 1 ir C 1 1,klilltl, .... - . -. A . tit, I' IL tirit.titi ',tit it,nii , itt ti. ttit .li , , 11,. tint.-'r tti , rit.ittt-it tt , til t II EA Lll, BUCK NOR ti CO., Toitr.co ~. ,i„. ,„,„,„„„„,„ t„ ,„.,..„... r . I. t.. , ..,,, „, A .2 l,llllmralr n Nlerellante, Se 41 ~ .rtli Irater ~t rpot, •uirl :t ." o7l, ' :rtt ' •:,:i ''L .a .' ll7,lf ' arZe r ta . ;ll " l ' ... ' r " ..7....7. !''.?..','.: ; L '' ' ' In ' 7 " ' " ' .".... '''' ''''' ''' ' the Panke etr 10. L Mawr In 11.. 1 ntira ii anrl..l:, _ iil . cortnic.n. •11,1 b—I ....al,' r ~ .14/11, In a, tar. r ".' NEW YORK. Urn, reek tau. 11.11..a1u s ...pelt, ..11 1, tutn.L.d , • To Dealers in Liquors, ece Ilea Da. Joa t..., a tn. 50u1.., •1. •..r 1 iN non, '.. lb tut.. , -."....1 1 11 . foot , Ines , 1 `.,.al- -1 er , e ' , .II J. CI.NITE. French Iteetifier. ',e.„ Eighth I, i.r. mettae. 1 It perk. fue , 1ea.n.....„. r-snd s tn. • . • ,:r.„. NI .A lIII.K. non tuo Inatalloe 1.. full o n . r .. , a , "P`l Ir.. •Ie 4'''''' ' 4 ,',`,r,•`r,f,`",4, ',."',., ',,r.,4,•' •• • .... la r Ila• to.,...Detti. , tat, Alrotati,nPaira ,en•. ,„ ~ „.,,,..,,, „ r „.,.,,,, L .,,,,,. , ~,,,.,,,,,!,;,., Irran.l..sbn Ito. • Nora, cLiarra. 11,... 11....Atitult.. •• ~ 5 ,,,,, „. Iris , 1 Tio• , /1,11.1% und rim ... ca. 1.11, Imo, A. , tar •••••••1• of I.an, .r.l. if ..ruor -.loth nn 1 A..... ID., t o ruh t rr,;`,;',•;,,r::,,',',.`,.,7_• . ,',::, , , '•,,.. , •''' Z. ',„ „ , „ ~,., '1::..3.1;;?-elItt.-.1k..:',1I1 an * l 1 / . 1`... 1 , 1 ,,T .1. ,c, \N i . l , :, , i'` , S , ~!.1,1,,F,..,N.,41:.,/,'liii,F.:- i ... . 71.. , ' :) , ? ' ; . ; L 17 . 1 ." .. " ;r:•1 t . a.ru ...r I 1.4 r „ rty. 1.. tie..., ~,,, ~, ~.. ~..,,, ,„ u „ , ,.. 1, A , „ , , ~.,,,,,,,, ~, ,_.,,.. , , a , ... , : ..,, r. , + . . a „.! • I I. m, 11„.}. , nate 1, .111 ...i.e.tenul .• 1 , ”n t.L.ttat draa., linat Pau,. a 3 1 1,1...1 .......... It.u.• l ' - "lr 4 .".•'4444' 'h''' 4 r‘'r .'•'`''''''' “ ••'''' 4 • ' New York India Rubber Warehouse, a a.,,, or,. \ s Nre 11-.1. ..., ot 1..!-. ,„a , ..,“ia t'.PlaDt..,,eli .V.. 27 iflet, J me, Wl4 .1" , ! •;“ .14..../u seer,/, "''''''" "!" n'' " -'7 .;;;T'jV . ': " ''' '',.7 ' i Ir. , ~r t., fr..tr.),..., ~...t.,,, !I. i!‘„ 0. '..."." ."'. '''' ' m ''' ."' 11r. Lush. : TII E SUiI:"C RI HE It. Pro 1 , 1,1, „1 thta fan- An. l An, n .rt ot th.. A. •• , t..1e., ....11. 0.. • ..1.1, Ira : . ivii.. fr tn ho. S'l . 1... Alll BI IA'I'S. R.,,,,a,, IL —.,• it,•1•• ne „ ae. l a.a. r. . r the Pail I reta. no 1 tfr In ••an, 1r......a. rai tr• -a, on Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet. , a '...,- -• ''.' aa' -.a., .., , r' ~,--, VARE ItEI , FVEIr —TI, rift.. , , „ ~, ~ Pre..1...,,.•.e. Oil.: t., g i 1,1 il .. ,I..ilik. 1 rnno, 1 ..... ‘,..r ~.e, t JADE- '• LI, 1b...At..0n l a •tla • •••••I.• .. L atta, rairno• 17,111 n Ir., 41,11 , 11011. I 1,1111.• la Oa I' •D• uret/ er, 1 ne.ll, 'I ~..1, L..• at r l 1 •••• ,.. . , m I,turntoe L.."... e I ...le, .... lioud., A-,, .11 1 1011.1 •- . nut ..• k. 1.1 .0 4 , 11e.r.11 •.1..- J. ICI I, fr.. 1,1 , t.,......1,..,.. - er.n, 1,..zr 0u.1.1...• I '''''• '''''''r - ...-- - - ,, - - ". , ~. • ..". v ..-. r.•I r • lu. 1.e... 0,..1 boat. ay, /1111 A ....nate •• -.Diu .. •rt Dr- I /loan, .1.., to • o ... , Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet. .. i ".1.1t.P. ltillin 'LI r - Tito •tr ift .. ..... , , n , r , ..0 .: %or, or. 1..-1:.e.e..., ,1111 Yolir. i lrnan,a„.. toot, ' '•,' il. iPun hot to r 1 ou„.111 (a., Ilatna, uya I. • f arlhor ton. oa•• • • ...1. ,, - ", ',.-, . AN A that slititu, „1;r..5.; . :', - ..,..:_ „.., ~. ,„.„,„ .„•.„;,.., , „.,- „., J , ... ••• . 1.• t•T 1 b .1.1 , t.Phil ...1,,,,. Lm ~,,,,,,, Shawls! Cloaks ! Mantillas' ii,.. e i sinr-tt I . , ~ • 1., I . N.,r, a., bur risti if:l - A ! tr, end • orttettleUt 1 , ,,,,,,,,/, ....e, n.. ... 1.1 or-, ... I eta.... Al .. I • ..: MI 1 [,.,, Ni. 3, 1 ~, ,C ~..I,t Nl' -a: 1 '''•'.'s' s '' ".,- •' • •• ‘, A \I II L.11....D., , Great Bargain! ~,„.„...., I FIIF.I.TV :•.'T I'I“riLl1T1" 1 , all ' , ALE. .7 ',!," V,.: ~, ,„...„.. .„,..„ „, I. ..,, „, ,„ oalllA arul l • na, CI a, lta al , 111 I. kr• ••• 1.• 1... t gA- r b. MA • \ 1.. 11. 1 'l. n. ,I. lopf la• II II t a . o In, runu.sa, in tlao tree r-ouls,„ rri ,• t 1..• .1. input.-, n. no,r-1 -.re., a... a .., .1. 11. Tel .• ot t oo I • tn. • Anol 1,,n • •nd aDoining ' 1 t E ::„ 1 ,. L ,',, H ,, P !..1 . ,. 1. ',!.„" . i r i .i t , -. ) ./ •: ‘ ,, , N ,!: '''' , " rrr ..:lir.. r d . .. r,......• ••• ra •.. • .....„,..„.....• a•ri •:„ L r.,.. „.•..„. •• •s• .... r. r ", ..„,- ' ••„7 • „„•.,.,:. ' fr.i • „ • I ' ' -.-• r -rl '' ,. .'''• L., ' ' - 'O I . , I '' ••-'-', "„ • ,•I ' -^, • r''''' •ir ' . "" r; ' ' 1 / 1 , .. 1 •7 -" a .'" ' '''" ' ` ''''''" '''''''' iil.2, ' -r: ~ I r •-• • •“ • - :•..„ ' „:i.: ..I j .t . •i.Z.„:: ' .r ii A •• ~..,...t. •:i •od • .al r .... I .1...11. --ow, 1'..0 I.- ,e_ ' 4 . , ,_ , , , „,..,.,t , 14143- 1 . •ii.A. ,1 1.1,- , a 1 tutu., 4 , m." 'Pr.."' 4 , 4 getor .n., ' r•'•' ' .. 4 '.4 4 .4. '''''' 4 - '''` ". • '`•' 41 ‘' I, '''''''''4•4 , I 11.... i. An, ataati.l, tr..... ...„ „• r ..1 Ir IA und .• ,ta a Private Residence for Sale. Ire ...rt. ... t i..t tr.tgla i tc ~ /,...,eo l I t ' . ball. no to . AYAI4 , ,, • ...e, IL ....1. To the Public. T HE PH , OI'ERTY le olTerr•l eiveedieg- r.V ; "...?-' Ih. Dian,. P. „b. •Leet la at and ... n, ~I [Le..., ,1.• a u I nit tee, Scoornronlatln g Urn , it Ef.2 I NEW Ti ,leat aat• -vet rum..., a , 11 , r 'b. tt.l• 1,.......t, I INDI .1 II I ' ILIII.Ii SHOES -Anir utte l lticlre I. loc., . 1 1, ,1 / 1 1 . , ..4132 ...cid! , 111r. , ••..r0r. ~..• . „I .„••,•„,.. „„ 1.•-•,1 .., 0. , ..... ....t.u..,.. , j, to . 1..1,1 .on • 1 , ta.rou. a t 1r• 11..,..111.... Of MI./than. Tlo. •itualion. unnor m t to D., ...tutu . 1 , ,; 51 , , , „,..„.., tr. 11, • '`• at 1•-• 11 ...I rf .10 ~.. 1.1 .3.1 . anora,l...g • toe, pir..... • ot D., city of Puss o • . - e•lil ' l'A / P`. Pltrultllr.ll • ,i, I- 1.... , il k ? ' 1., ..L... ta, ...• .1.. • L a.. ' t••••1 oollnotit .1•••,- te. e1a,....• ea t av l , too ~ .n,,,,,,,,,, i Duck, .fill cand.,„ ~, no t , ritt•Lur gh fru al L.-, .. •at i,.., ... 111 .o.lr, i • .11,... r.., dr„.„ . • „rim- In D. fru.. oto tYtan,..f Abe.. one Londe.' .., ..„, ~...• ...,,,, ...„ ,,. . n. I,•r un , t...., h. " .V.ellort ....„...1 will, , -rt a r La u tlu.. It I.- riu g ~•,t ~,...1,,,,,, •- I F.. b e , ,1.1 . .., e• ....• nr. le• Ft .1.1 2 •s 1 - I I•el i nss II '/. 4+ 1.r..• 1 uot "am.,. •• 1.., . 1.-.1 11,. 11,1.1 M •ri Ole, 5.... •h e a, 1re,,,,,, mid I eery e ll ... 11,,J, ur • u cu., • s i .........• tr. I 'to u t., , ur ..,,,... 0 . ..1 sr,t ... •.rn. nu P.. , r.^ , ..,., ~,,,..-, ..• i••• ,•' man.. 1r.,: .r. ~ t '.. ,, J , ......03. \ I A, `e] ... a........ 1 0,, lau at 11,,..t. t.•Aaaasta, Joran o PI- Ay, Al,ta, ,ro a 11. La, I_, tee • ..., ~ ........ ,r. •• t., tint. . ..: ......1 ...•ir .3r.1 -stir ...LI ..J., yob 111• IN 1.1 \ Vl' 111.:N it THK. .I , 3FOLLOW I k \\ ~ • „..... n ., ar a ,,,,. ictauta. l / 4 . „evaded./ r dant:Herr ior Inu a Lt ..t taw s , 't ub , .r, L,or 1 - ....I a . ',Dart .3oar . arr.,- • I. liorn.ner t . 1 , 1 , 1 , V.10 . : ‘ ,, inek 1r othertllars se of IN. Us ; Ladies !! Read This ur ....,, az , ,„,,,.. ..: : aa, ~,.. r,..., ....., a., a.•- 4 1 t ......,1 ~ an ~.,,,,,,,, . t n . pro,- tartar I %111 Tr., ..., ~ hlpa. wher a p s ,ern ae ra r u n : 2_4 . , - ....,,..... o . t... a ~,a , n,.....1,0c a t , ur. Ir.. ir. ....ral o . (11 .... Ihr ur... I -.. , 1 ,1,.- ....! e ., "e• 1, 1 re. - rnen , •rrlnnir in 1,.., tsJaCtsll4 'erred. i IN THE PILF.Ns, ar•LI ii •II „„ , rII . , 1.. r•••, II "r- ''...;,',..•,'';'',•; ,',' : '"';,, ,'',,','"'".,,, I 71 • :" - ' :'-'•' •'" "'''''• ' ' 4 • 4 '4,7 ":, 4 " 44 ,",4, - .1.44'44.4 ' '' ' .4 '''•'*"' 44 4. '"''''''" 'Au k . .''''' . h , d.... , .1, , ! re , elTina. , -A.• , tha 1 -Tn? IR. '" ‘ II ' 1 ' ' lII ' I I ' '.' '"" I ' III ' " •,": 1 ' . '. ... ; •/-,.... 5 . .,1 '...: ', .r I..ur ........c...1 , .....•.f1, 1.e ' .,. ~r 1. : , .;.C..; .,, r.._;t11;:t,e, ' "" .i. i T,.. 1.,,,,,, 13,,1.: ant eaule apuo arae„ Dun Strk nt 1. 44 ' ''''• 4 ' . • .. 444 ~,,,,,,, , ~,,, s. ~, ~...,,,,n , ,,,„ , ~ , ..:,,,,‘,.,,,,,,,\ ~ ,, , t.. ....: r. ,, ,, , ,,V ,....., - . : , 015c , ::: ,, L. ,:, th :n 1 . 4., ,, : c4 ra1 k,:„..... ,. l a ,\sto, l l , :l ( \F4,,... 0 , , ,,, 1 .,,,,...., 'V ''''''''''";.',,,'" '7". .',:' ;,,'' '''.. !;'"'' ,i' ' ‘',.-,,,,, •,, ~ --.,--' • ,-,-,,,- ~, ~,...,,,,,-, - , -,-, • 41..10.1:: r0ne.1,„.... ar, dar:.7t :' , ..1 - 1,...tr..r.er„ L. aL. 1 i , '.'; . .:.."• - 1. - a;3 . •.'!:„ .. ..' . ."''''' ' '''' "' ''' '"' " r Real Estate. ,> . L.. 1.1-11 I ...... Lao, ..,3., kurri, \ Sa F Zenner: -Dn. , kr, the ...Duni. , •I` , ` • s'• '.' r'' H 4. 444r' I •-•,.b10g 11.. •Nr.... Ureic nt. ' , l• ~ '.. r I'4 FOR ~. tLE . r It L I' • I''' . '''' •." '' '-`,. "' • ''' ""`" ' • „•••• „ . 111 t.l 4 r al. ,or 1---a c- oa nt .no 1.. .41.. ur , , ...,.,,, romul,N, A No,. \ • 'll en Stanton, ailing of t12%.,1n 11.41 1 .kr 11 IF 1 1t1.1.1-. Il a ' 1.- . r • C , .. _. , ~ , , , ,_..., ..,, ~, ,r " I . ~,, nikr lot-nab .attr I 'kr I nid to ,Lt e k The itaute : L.I . ,Ab, y m id,. a n " a b TL. .1 , nm...re,. . intro., •A•ra la ton tun. l • , , prtre-unr dollar wet /...T... r i 1., 01....n,..-. .1 ~,, .„, 4 5 ;';',.,.! I ',.i',..:';',!`t":,'„.l,' - ',r,';'''' . , .. ,-,.., r ,...,,,..!...:, ,',,.,,',',-. a, ,- 1,;.-,,',... -` - ""- ''' "',•‘-'•-•.' ..4... , • ,- ..r , ‘" , a ~a S. 1 h a L p ..., a J„,,... l• „Dor .1. 1. •13, tr./1.-TUN. 14 Mork V, • ' - ' 4 . 4 ' ."' ,2" • _ 1 eleTtu.ll 4 snarl ; Au 11.01,1., "L., , ~, ......,,,....• y . 4 J .l •1 a ran • 1.1.1 1.. null ay nr,i4..ri nn . n: ~, , and .o.ar la. en..eeete 1 toa•111.1 woe. . 1.1.11. 0 C o 'rt./ THAN SIN iliTl.lls, r . IIM m is,irrN ,n, '",',.. - , l , "'' ' '-' 'i that 1,4 1 „ iii•cs.„ pr . r „ i„o„4, • i. „ 4••• 41.4.1 a.ntl.ru.• .n Ik, ....., i 1 , 10. , .......,/ ~. ~ , .„, , , „, ~ , t ~... '‘.• I Aran.. ~I, I. 11 , truent,.1. g .• lu g f u ll par.,- \ • rvn .. I .halo al. let. 11A NI •- I r tala -.salow. • I- • ......, Ito lb. I 1,, • err. In ~ ., , rt eIA Also, Yea \ '"' ul " , • • ••Z'''; ....11 '"''' J . I la ,, !:,', • , 1 ' .. ,, , V:,..,;' , ,V4::!•if:,7 . , ,•. , ,:';' . .•4 ! . . , ' . ..,2,:::7; ..),•,..,. Sl a p.' or Mach Writing and Copying ink. ' ..... :7 . i5.....1‘a.1 1, .... , , .....m., ,, , , .. , i . ..,. : . ..,,.. ~,,a,a. ~, , '.. , ,,-,, ,v , , • I ,lee m • Not. HUpt, se , i 444•P' ". 4 '••`4 . • ' I''' n 4 ''• '• 1 `.• 4 •'''''`''' 4`. r Ikl \ I ' I'Al PI /IL INN. • 7 N •••••1:1 rr„••••r. „ ....r ..; ‘ , ' lr... i . . , •••• " „ ....„'.'• ,•'•,,'. ' 11.r.0...t.Tr • ' ...ii, ' „ . " ..::„ ` L, ' r ~,„' ' ',.' '" .'"- '''."\ ''"'''''``• ~ i!;,L ,, r• ' a V 0 ii Dent, hire,. 1 turd .1.,.., pt. 1/.. t.... 1 . 31..1 of 1.. at. D. .o. 11... Ilwro 43,01. W E ST.,E R N .- 'lB5l. ' Ity aruaditsr n- dollar to I/.....te0r. of the °ant. .of , 10•4 ' „ , . _ _ • .„ . Ma • _ .... . ru..... 1 r 0u , t 5., , b,ti n fh , „ .. ...a. , , ,, , , 5,11,1 ,,, ,, ;. 3...„4,3 ‘ 1. : 1 ,, f , ,...... ,.: 1 r 1` . .D.. ,s . ~,c ,11, ..„. ~,,._ , „ ' ;,,•',,t, , . „.. ,„ , • ~ ~ „ ' t I • • Voarl n ' nJ r "' • ' 7l ' aa . ; U r. 7 4 1 r r"' ' r. ' ' ' ' '. - r r '. r. ' .• 'r rrr. r " ' " r ' r 1. r r T HANSEN' iRTAT I4N ~ .I)M. P A NY. '; \ r •••-: •, I .Dro, emu", of I. • ,r 1 1 ,1411 1 ., IS {lls e l n - n , nny • , tr. LEECH Sr CC'S. LINE. ''. '• N : ...., no, la nn tutu, approproana a ,••••rat that A t..t.1. on an a,... I Matt \ \ l .hi I htel .13. I , Daa.l., a ., 5 •1L,14 - o runt ,. ma, to a /ad, 1/13, • •ogo • • al••• 1., a 'lll , a• Ino 0uant0..,.... 0 ter, feud,- I gi,..1... ri, \ ~..,,. r0c1 ,,, 111 , 11 1 ~, 1 lue For 8 , ,1e , ritt li B . J . .'';:r.:' , '.'...."• , : - ..:L7:1r.:7r. - ,..::'L',',,:!",,r,;',"14 - A LARGE I "' '''' l '''C ' “f g r' '' ' '' d ''''''''''' in RAI L ROAD LED\ ,CA NA L \ ;'''''' Milt: wubs..,lLer Ior„ In niter , an. .r oll,r- ut I t.• yr,. • ......1.,.,tne......$ A 1,..... c . . , 1eur,.........c • 8,4..1 [,,, i , ..:t....1 , ~ 5 1 , 0 , , . ., ,. ., 2 1,, .,,, t:,,, ,,r .1. ,, , , , r , .t.,!:,.......,,,...f/ s•itt..bnren. fe.nre, . t[f , . ; I\ 4 , ein , .....1 llnur-1 \ lon , dr I•une, t . .. 0......, ..... Plat. IL r...,•u a 1...1 i. „......,..„, t.. 1.. .L., I. IL.' Dad " „ i....,,, r1 it,.. • I 1.3. ~;• ,-.. ' - :..! .. .?it..1'.1 k h z 7'....1,'...r.: ‘, i'l P r's BC ,NI111C:11Ilii.. \‘,YiNliil,LlNlEV.Pvlitpll,ll. BA , T'LI- " k , wl. Lin., (Intern el.unale 1 La+, 1-zta mit e .0., 4 , .. a D.. iL r .....• .., L. g , .. ~ ....n1, 1 , t . .1 tL. at" 3. ..,, ~ d ~..„,, ~, „ „., , ~„ , , ~,,,, ~, ~,,, a for et, l rn on g ehava In., ID,. Puna,. Han 11,.i. t✓te • I.a. ,•,.„.., ,“„ . g... I , .! , t ,, ..... , +• ~ .•1 a. ahl var. , , ! 4 . , , , , „ ,', . ',. ! :' ', ". ' ' ' ‘''' brown „rid P1e..1.4 V..11n, Drill,. 13.1,.... '.,rd II (...to u, L., .re • q.t., irr „ ~, ~,,, ~, a . 11 1.e. : , /...-• ..','' ' ... .... 1 ' ....1 a' "rDluhlr P 44 ricITE Ctllial being in rrood or•frr, we ar„,, .ell Le, Psadie g tainia, 1 u.barlia. tatool tool ntalto ••01. lilt:alloy.. I ENI ' •A-re , "rt L- o••••ulan at• ono ur 0... t........,• ~. ~ fre a .,--1 to tran•purl, arnalu, s a d mhaelisodDratn't l a DUES Cotton, lAlion an• ..11. 1... a Lt.., u• LA.,. lat.. Cloth.. AN0.11.1 Co.: Sr, In •.b 1 b . ‘..., •• In n.. 1. ••• • .: ' ." -4. ' !,. , -,'," f • I • "„:2,' ... •. • ' 1 . ..Dr.-Dn. Our, ul Lau d us, .... hatlayleo an n rt••,„ll .1 "n• ' l '+' , , b' nlanall• a•tlaol all 'h.. lutroft rurr5.c. , ..... ' li ,•,./...et. ....um) t., 1..n.1 ....1 le.. ~, . , \ 11-.tte. •-.. ur , na, - .....ta ....,a.a. 11,..\,......ai . buidlng" Buie na al. a oar, faro I I ..I •••••• • ei, I, ' ~I .11 /. a A Al.', •11, at La u t' " Pre . k Ord .....4 ..-Ptualni 1., tar fivi.r••%••\ cm. , '',.' • „••-• ••,.....•„•••, „.•••• ••,„ ..„•...4 ..4,...,44 Professor Alex. E. harry's Tricophereus, '''', l.',;', ~,,, u „ ,„„„ ~,,,..., , • ..,,,, rent...nutted rod rata instriart .k. preUIPCI,Y rot' ; •41 ' di. " ''.." "‘""" • '' " " "'" I ' . i IP' NlK , "c.vi , 1 'O"PuuND. ,-, .- 1:,:"01 - i' REN't I 1„. I 1n . ..11114r, N„. L'.•:• \ ' •:'-• ''',.::•'•:•„.. , ...„1 1r.,. \ \ \ [IC Sundries. a ~.., ,r.,...,-..as. e i 1-.... to o t h e bait,. tulle. ~, _ „,, .„.1,,,„„,,,, u d ~..„, ~„,,, t„„ • ,.., , f tt,„ - N i n . Thlrl Atr.....t. u.r ,m. 11.1, -e. • , -,e, to the a '' '''`irr r•Jr. . 11 a'. gil BLACK. t . n.l l ll.torA \ 1 NO 1011. ctn., 1. al . lon s ,. . 1,1, 11.takeo • i••••••• , :.,,„'„,„ „... „,,„.., t „„ ,„,:,,..,,,,, t,,,,,,, „„i„,„, ,• ,t, near tuck L,.1.0n g 11, TA.. pointlito Anal oto•Allto ••••,;•••••''' • eau, Ila,on Peon u ptel- D.Alsburph. ln sod il P few 1..„ I. a...-. re....-1 I , ...,.. boo . n o . uh ., a b .,,, ...,,,,„ oi , -- (13o •utrre 1....... I. outs e t., 11, 1-4 'l.• I. ./. lb', • , DM"' • IrEWII• l'rrprknm \\. i • , ~„ ~,,,,,,,, ~,..,,,.,,, ~, „„ . ,•,„,„,,,, ~, Ir,, .v.„l.d ts.„.. b..... • NW, r 0... net •Iti. Lot nod rut' ' 4...... " 4.4 i ' 4 • 4 ' '''' , : ,.. .: 15 4: ,,, ;1 0he th; . : 1 ; .i . t. :3 0,. 1- . \:.. 1 . 11 = ohnie Ouloo s and CL 1., 1., ..tereau e . lan Tea. la• easlaes. •1irt....1.- 4,1 the bursa atut .11 lb.. • nebal 11 , e.,.1..tr. 11,. ~. .t• w .... - .• •I' -.I fl ' il " : " i r litV:l. D 6T.:.ll.? : ..! ' , 1 ' .7.1 1 5 . . h"'' '. .' DI lanai lion, land 01,1 do- ID taa ulna. cand... 1 Dos nig le. .t tuout,... Frier tr. fn., hum .d• ..i •tutear A l ".. Ihe ...... •Durnr , .., at .V..1 , ..A;;in.,, , .; , .., , ;‘ ,.t........,.. ‘, lo bled. NI 0 Sc..er lA, 6.,.• ,•rtre ,t, 21r be. luso .a/ l ornolo, • 111161. N. 1 t boar..., ' "I''''' 4 .,''' ... r• - ''' '''''• •I''' ''"• ' 4 T -44 '''”'"4. .„,,, •, I 0rti..,,, Lear w0,..1 • ' N, 1 ..„. ~...„ ~.,.. :u ‘ a ., ?.. ,, ...te r izt1..el 1., rehl...h . , ...1.1 1, 1..- ertu. te•T• , ‘ ~./‘ Ne, . ‘‘..t•trert.Nra 1 rat 4 40 01, ...Id Tulsa., I ~ 1,, Alraas. Wog. For Sale or ,Perpetual Lease, - \ \ ' \ '...ti HOURS TO - CLEVELAND. . I 20 al Lases.. and • olal I , I," lama 1 .15.1 MOT 1 1, ~ t art,- laat 'it I I.,:rt ''" ''' . .l'• ' - i ''''' ' ~, . . , • ' . • ' ..“'-d •.- ''''' i 0111 11 MLLE 141 , 11.I•I NI i Lirl'S, lard Cigar. I . • •. Al tor •lalrr 1,11 ... .. rut tt a, .1 .. .... .4 • er./....t , u.r..te.,1 ,bc t r 1 74. b a . Ito Cat,. 1 '`'r L'... ' , Or.. Mr'. , ~.1., "„ .„ th„ 1„..„ rrr„...„ ~.........„.• durin g rt. r...„„0 ' "" "...", 'L I s '• -''' ,I, I '''' '''''',..., '''•'' ", I t • . ‘" •- r' /al E T` L'4 ' '.....-' 145 L IdEdi-a I V, bps Lagoa"... 1 41. Mulder. ~,,, „,,, „„, ~,,,,,, ~, ..,,,,,,.,,,, ~,,. „,,,,„ ~,,,, „, ~,,,,,, ,ot 111a g lion, It ur 111., It, to.D, a: le. oi It. Lea a •tnerftod - .r. 1... ID l u , old tior J•wat 1 r.otaatr I iult a l . ~.,.., •td au,. tried all ILe a... e.t.a,. Lit t 1„ na. ...I I ''. Br'rr 4 "," HI ' II'sIIII liG II ANO CLEVELAND - \ ' „„ hx....ltcnln map t /0 ...... ' . L . 4 . 1 . 1 .' 0... .144 t , tan. S'. , Ia 1 ...13... 'a ""• '';',7,,',7,4,,4, '0' 4 ,', m 'gr, 1 ',...,'''"';",',,., 1 ,,,, 44 ,•„• 1 :1*,.,,1 1 u.r• tot on 11, 11,11. •-•1.1.1Z74-11 u. 'li t ., err.-t . Eq. , \. , P.(zotri and Raiirood Lott to Clentlemd, N ' . hs. valor A n,m , ,n / do. , ~1.. ~ liA u II nor,. , ' ~....-r t ... .tu to, 'uor r pre...3.l g ~.ifirsta.n. Lanka inpulf ; ''''".''''...' " I "''''V' '''' • 3, bx• NUN.. Con, l'. ]r'. rui k g . Drool", Sp., , ,„,.,,,,,, ~,,,,, ~,„ „„,,,,h, , A ,„,., ~,,,, ~,, 0 i,,,,,,,, ~, ,t , .. tur tonno, la .• la yin ol %It a 1 . ,. / ., 1 , ..P. • N 1.• a-• , ' /Pi ' ‘'...15. , t3 V.IZB l'.'". carer morning at 9 i Loa dr, 1 aft.t dr. 112 ... 1.,1 an,. Deord. that . Danes I •Ito+ too Atoll,' latlntl tho pr0w1..., yr ol o „pot , rtl, r , .• 1.1. other. :. 1..1 1 . r.,`. .1 elesinka k t to Hoar.. then, by arkprees n Lon Cc., 1..re1, 1 1.. da , 1 or• 1i ,, .... Ilea,rtarilly. Dn., sioal Isu - in\ trl ll\ Iten- en., lhan, by PattatuAghand Dirre Ala,. Natl.. Dia, A hue Lead. Craton I.rti. • Irobsal. 11., tfuluou'gas i a'arte"t.."lrr. l ar l O n . • inn ; ',' " l ';:' ''''''''' 11 Itila 0 I All HI arl a , ' I •4 4 4`"rurlV Iell , "141.4 And rotnil. L a J I, A ILLIA.Ie • OD. . _ *.-D.I. t I,,dand. SA,. - . NorTheut ...roar 41.4 .tul {Me .. A Good Bargain is now Offered, 1 ,,, , ,, .. , ....k.'1,,,,-.. •In , ttr u lLr pours IF . IF APPLIc.t . rioN ill : 1A DE SOON.— 1 . 1. ir n , 1, 7,' ,! • • • ; - ..„\r„r„ach to "4.0, I .11e7i Pro m Thu.. . Fun, AVItEe. t o 1,,,,,,,,,,,, 1L,,,,,i, : \.\ Ili CI N NATI, . • ~, . 1 1 ,, :r ylnlul-.... Itio•pre t uivra t• 31 g oawl tan iard, Ila C. Innobt. tat I 1 outs, Ay Cleveland and Culelnuatl . • bu11.1in.... A: \ the proPettg nuoi le .I.ee • i5i1...1. And tau, lob,. and aold at n ../1 1 ' 1.....11. .11,... , 1 ) 1.,..u.. for IN • tnitt, Chant s . end Arlausukae. Isaac to tau, . a n. . gu .l, to II kIRLI 'anon,',lßVl 1 Cle..,land rt., ..rolnct •at eta o'lock, by the •pleptald .1 , .1:. , 11l d.L I e,...t00r. of Me Irt,,\Li.ntral ' , sem.' Co. ! he [Nave. I then, la Th, o dock.. Mo+ l, Ilatlcood to Now Nuffsha. United States Patent Office, t nitl 7 lZT:C a n U tl';'7;a u trl-14: h . :1 7 47 i b bl.: l : . :7'' .:i44ln , 1it . u 4 1. , :t r. L0 . z1: 4 30n .., 31 , 1 1 1. 3:3 . trill Le found nlurh plucker, ' CLAR I.: 71 . •;:itkr , i, N., ri .., , -',..„2',.."r. r r' I+, t,c..0 or In ,1 p u l, I o . .1.11. A C.41,(3,111a1 , A g ent. 11./P eta., nu-t i ar Id a:LON/LI and W i tter Ide , et,.. opy,nte the\ll..nougal,la Doom. /el, 1•ITTP11111bill l'Bs UNION. LINE 1 ' O , n the Pehrkeylvehli and Okto Canals. PHOPPIETIpRnI • I • CLAthe., l'AhKe . C 1.,. ',. ... haarga. PA I I 11...44111•1:1.0. I 'HAN{ villa Agri., CLA. .L. 0... 0 I Fl , II IS well km ,n - n Lino it,'!, now 110 .nred CU I t .n .... I In. 4 1.1 an d pr.-r og er, Dna PM NllOlll4l/ .3/.1 I 17.1.1 . 1,1'..• .1.. I. u : u nint on th u Canal .os Laker - 11... I,,,reititq .q tt.. 'a., e.urea.....e . 04 uum .qual e ' • •tod , arakal .., Ikea., tenure....x La r taluw oil re ': . 73i'.. 'IL:It= ~,,A,..b, T 4 I .11"•"1.=,,Tr l,r n, v, c 4 p 11,..'.7er,:"81Z.;,1. r;1A..4•21 e rl and Wd., ankh. teEr L•le, • , , (.1./SHIGNIZei \ , \ . C Pr 1et.... It•renns.\.l, , • 1...". I, • Ca, Ralrrn n ...a d . • , • 14..1.1. linnuel.• Cra. I n • nlriln, •,„ ' Il s A roller. c I,ll a . . A Ault.a, s„ • I' l l' i ' •`N li " t e ''. ' '' l‘ a.. \ '' '`.. l :77t u nt: Eal I r l ' a '. • 1 . 11rInler•u, • Peat re...lu., C.. 7 0_ ~,, 1'.....10 5 r e . , ...T01ti0. 04 le. 11• • 11.ma • Co, Perart•it..3lrwan: I ' I n......• IN.. Nallignukle, Vial • \ 3.,.. k 1,11.1.• A tkr., CUD... e. ‘. '''''''''''ll.4.l)`r.f...'il4.4l/111IP\v Acet: ~,,.,.. ~..,.. Kure and 5inith11,•1•1.....1, ExelirSlOllTlCket..l to Beaver, 2..cen FrII E !me inveomger steamers ' , i t 11. and 311CIII0AN No. ....' Rill .. .e. malr landing,. al Pitutbursh and 1 • 1 ..,, qi) .tilt ntrlnkr.eseepted.,..yoD„.,\_, . leao•e :; .l ; ..z e ll loggh at 1/ ••••••• Itneheater VS' S,. 1.72:,. ...WU bo /On JO liene'er'..it ionct el• t ..4rr n Ikk....ts a. IL...he/l er and Lark fa Pluabura,h. Ins :,0 ta l o n l bona a... 1 Inc dru e n one day slinl Up the Drab • ' - .Ar h, T . .k n eb,...71.1,,. 433 . Ind lbw ateunbost. - DtatTeej 6 \ at 11 roPic e of \ JDI/N A. CAVOIIEY.UIkut, .00rc or ,l. W S uor • eudthfkeld sta,Plttan k tr ia b, Arravement Bride to Forward Freight TX) LiALTIAIORE IN FIVE DAYS, ••• Al. T S i * ( ll , l ., k RATES PENNSyLVANIA - RAI • 1.1 COMPAN y Tat o l z r z l'illeati., 05' Iy3l ! knottier Palm \ lunta wane, its,. lino 0. -a_ 'l' WO CO_ L FLATS-AYor eale.by, \ -a. ..V 22 \ \J. NCILO:OIO44R a lab. g• W ood r .. \ More. MEM --- - , Notr I osr. lint.. 10,0. / d Dm:, r- NI; lOarliir—Ata•to to.. rottranoo ut; Itnit• ono.. • • ot a ;moat Moat, Ott tux howl a., moot, arllletod En 11x11 deßennett. . , ~..,,,,tr I wt., 1. , 1il tr• a frivol to Ir, I 011 r 'I ro. phar• • ono. 41. I dhl wt. nod to tot' todooohmot. tot Idot ww• IV HOLESA LE (7 HOC EliS, l ' ortmli.ion . Otnor rootol. asol nll the .Inthir oil honot-wool. w• tho II T I,dianto and dostory in Pre.luoe rod Yttratturgl, ll'' , . ' w ,L 1 b •11:.... ,,., / I•I:II" .., I , • • Mno utarturof—.s„ ITY1•••••••rol et.nrl lif hint .l Iwtwoots y or.orool t oorr d lino,/ and rhnotbhoid .r., Por•burdt. 1 . 4. has. ht. 1t...A , ''' J S T'ltt/All111:LL•11,.. BrOwlanr• nod will ro•at•To t h•• /. 11, .1•Illr. 1,1., 1. lord] th, off, o r •I F.; 11 , 1, 6 / ...I'm.. dIo./. tho allllonltoitt ••/ Ito' Fol.. nt tit. dowto troarkot noon -- al. to. It, will otnt.o. call nt r'n•fet. A d Ito, • h, I. Iwroa aura 'I Tobarot h ~.• 1...111•1111o, . Is: Urowinny. New 1 ork, bor./1...01 prod..; tit. or,: I /5•• - t'a. S't a 'bin., IH. ,1... V N.ni, 11,4111 Tel, n . 5 !Loop ..rut Totarro, -• 'hi k, 1011 , A/ll' - . , ...,,,,,,,, ..,„, ~ ~,,..„. 0 It 4. am. 0110 cot chow to: tin ho Ithd • a t I ototor. Itot - out A ,jr; ,itthote, ~•• td•IF !. tt Nlolnaw'r. 11,0.. la oh rood. t•r •do pelivAta,l our; o:I lot ••• 4011 Halt :hots., t , , , , '. -'' l ' - ! •./ • as-oliho .1 tle• tt.11,161 Ul/elll/1, U' Inn i• •ted .•• l•rfort, .• -ilo• h, Nea nFa'iod •,,,, 11,.. ~,,,inrt t ; • ettoj,d Iv tho alit..., kneoro to Ph , . otor 45 " Harrod. ; dw too.- Fr 10 Wall lilno,. Darr/ • I rtoododdoa• t./ • Iol•owt• •I • tottlonishi It tt o,a• IN , •• C..Wrnut. - 1....1 11. : . .7.1.11.. ,l 1 W., )11.0.1., Fri1..11,..,11. - 1.. nr,, Nlathld, , r!,,,11,:r,.,;;?....“:..tr7;,',10Z111111.',1,'1,','14,,1;•,,`.;;;1,..,.`„0',..,.:',....17..,..,i V. IValltuto Croton not, ••••• Fo.h a nior th the h.t. •h.l tho• rho:pd.-. iln odor", • ~,,,j h n h t, ,y,. . °1....1 ' I ' I “'• ' '.'".' in." '" • it doottot a tho .Iwit•lrul/ an I•• nre•l notkos LI o 4 b°" ' l" ' " "" • " • ''' E " . "" . ''''' ''' . tr.; ......1 ~,i,.., II .111 ~, ~ .1 1i ' ..;.... , .1 thr warp, So en... Turns, Cntos, ." ' Foot, " ~,,, ,, u ~.. .....I. . ..i•Ei r . So tt o... 0 ,, , ,, , , m 0 ,, ,, , , ,, , r , k ,, ,...... .,.,,,....,,,, :,,,:,,,q.,; ~.,,,ILolir.tl,tonw,w,zo...u. , :/t . d , 3 ,4 V a. t . ttr ,.... 11 0., •n0;/•7. 4.. y. F 0 . J ... ttortsallod It ut :odd Ili las. bottl, priro 2,Funtit, at No. 100 bone. Si h. Ilsoota, +too. Ito •••• I I ...hod Soto, . Ito:win •y, and at I LA LOrtotuiFte ttoto wit • Moot/ hoot 10 " I it PIIIIPI Fvin,. 1,1, pit., ,1 rind qf Flink. 'lnll/rultunna.t.andeatoulw ~,It oaf 3•10 tordoCarylw. do 1•1•1. I•alf huonr. , PII lotroa Wlitto Pito,, corpor, VI Ititiord'Clotik• . Its t ro 11 lot, Ilrayti ruoar•oottoo I aro.. It. :L NOV. • Ilatana • dlowtoo atol Oot too •;hatn. a.; I.lnum.l rf, I Boarding. THOMAS HALE, Fr 00% AItDING & COMMIS:110N NIERI7II ANT, rilliVO SMALL FAMILIE., .11011 be neenue CIIIILAinu I 1./.INUIn. flrtr. ' it ‘ ttr ' ll t r w uN , ,,,V l. o . riVri I t7ii ' :l ‘ .. ' ..;. ^ n n t :71 ;:%t " it . .. ' ;;;;• . 11 1 g i ()NIA NOES 1,,,, ~,,,,I 1, , ,1iii,,,, L, r, , ,,,iva at tho rornor or(' 'Illr•I nll.l ilium or, k,... ~ k Vi411.0..1•412 .11 .1 . p.....z., i,,,, in, m.ii-Ininilmin JORON will hr reeeivt:d ill ecebtalgo (Wilk 4 irt . ;if. ' lati-otiil ill,. 1111 Z T; tje ' bi • l. ' n ' il ' lnTi•r ''' " "'"'" rinoll anrouol • i usonor fur 111,, ' DU I I.lllNil I, f'.. lir :or. ~,,, ft—Moron. Limit : nt ' orlitur Ain : • ~ Selo!: 0 •ru ' Uiquiro ' , ul , it. ~ . Juno. A krill.. • 14,11 nel I FICA Tk I NOON e ,, KEL 1 '•• Mr. John N Cauvhoy. aut. Ons Wm. H. Raskin, Allegheny 1 Railroad.' (Li ENERAL'CuMSIISSION MERCHANT IN pliTstiiincii of the direetinfie of an art o f , AND , AUCTION 01 , 0. No .• It :riot otter!, i•E0111 A, Ar•rinbly of It, 4ir• or A 1.r.17. atof , uotrlr•rovt , 1.. .. r . thou.. or tiro I , th of A ruil. In•il • 4.111111.1 .. .Illi itel far Ilor t• - . • '' . ..1...t , n . Critoirriudon tror•Inoot• ann.., r i tZTornriiiiiu of rho , Poi... Lori. Kt:loaning sou IS urn... ._ _ _________ _ I tromunan r: 10x... olli I•••• I. or-I ....' . .'''.l" . ' ' 1 . .• tiro ratrital Atork of • aid 0.n.0....A IU . el. A• Ur •' S I • LA /IjIS & ST JOSEPH hod...ado, Notorolo, 1911. 121.,/, Al {I.-14. V.lr 11. r. • - ..-_ - • lel, in rho city of l'ittArurril., in ' , taint. opon Irmo dor t.• In oor•uno tiro rhort, ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. II A RAI AI: DENNY. :IVNI. Ili iIIINSON, Jr.. MtI)I , LE'IoN, 'ULM & M'ciEE, J. 11. bnatmaaman. ,11 1)100 OK. WIIITE. nieo.l !DAHL, NciTob. ~. 01i . ••• ORAL (Lin/ilk 0. / c '''''''''. 4. ' 0n " ..* " . ". o ' . '''''' ...Ths . M " ..- " .. ' "" ".' , I,lon, St. J•ororil, M., ' , RANCID, II ARNO. ' Ili 0011111, IN, Jr.. 1100:t riNtrtt DEN. Ili F.ONtie.'lAl IiKN. lufTr Ti iiki5„,,,,,,„,„ n. .,,, L i,,,,„.. ~,,,r hn, ~, „.. ' 1'11,.1.,, 4.,:h. .1,•,...20111 -I.'L-R, ,tttortley at7,:a ' tV, /tottEler toltit, , , AII T kb 101/111. , JoILN II lii •.”,. 6 U.VINOTUrN. • ; ' ;..1 1 .[ L 0 1 . ' i . .ii i. .01 1 ,1t1.. • ibilli4 IlUTtllihkEN Ell A M 11E1, . ri: It, r tor I • no.ri•onra, nu Lortiro Nico• MIDI:Iff 0001:1t, ' . :A •urninsinintitionn Drorrit`tr Ilir/IN o 11.1'1N, - _ r swot-ono : 1 II HUY NiILIIS, ' _oerlltilikiirld:T ' ' JOHN 11. RANKIN, Attarnev and Cann . . rollor al In and Vortioo•utruor fa 0,- :t...[.. .. To Printers. ...1,,,,24,,,n1t.,...1...ir,,uiri. Mir.., ,, trai f of l'ittorroturli • fAPRINTING OPFICE, amply 50i,i,1i, , ,1 111 ' 1.5, 1 1Z ' out i ll ' o L ro < rt'iTur':... l ',,,,, t ' r7Vir ' . " r::!:- . IT. A .iut all .K.,..., ~..• ~ ,..L. vr ...,,, . Or, orio ......• 41.'"..'° •or , I . bb awl job Buninr•o, el ail. oil,. avioli, re t. ilor iiir— , 0... t. ' , l.^ or tha too/Liam., p;rl.l wilt. to, ill ' horror or. Time Bills i,..d for ealo. no nyaio t u a ir aro rill or G•od 451x55 1' ON CINCINNATI, 11, - .. , 01 1.., and an lb. ono. , ass orig., in othr. tn.. tri,u, oull tu fold Tory much baton troor riot,. arooni• LOVIV11.1.1:, . inixlatlrk, wrini , Yboi akin. pn....... an r•ornitirr nlotll ' Nit INI Louie, . ~,,' , " .^, a , . . v ,, r P.MirethaN apylr at tirk r a.,... . NAnIIVILLIU, airol7 , lUnittrf 1.0.71LV1T v. OLDEN SYRUP-10 bble. Goodale's eu- ! Wit poreaved at tatoratas raw, b Prlior, tn. W. by J.s. DILWORTK IW. I .., A.. Nil: CUL% ELAND. ILK Ina a IX/, nthh.r, I.tho Inn" Non Ind: on tho I•L l ^th. It th. ntni arot !non hoomm IM• hnh. Oinntnn t, I-1 and n!•nohmonth loam T k the r. 111... of U.. aruptr. I,othorut. rl,lll '... ll Trulluir In Ow 1, ~I ent....le vuls to rot tit., Irwin,. In anr nurt U aturtuent. 1.. buo l gl.ll out ny Ole •1 Awhich rt., Intl!, urea. 31..r.1.•nt furor...l.nm, 1 1 war of 1A , 11.1f,, or lihrunur rulhur of otrin h t ... ..rur...llrntrs Steam Communication between New York BOSTON • \ 1 HOUSES, FAIL, &q., . . . _,__..... TREMONT HOUSE, To Let .\ 4. aor,roN, NIA!, , TIIIE extensive C 0... .!lirrin,x . of the lij y l 1 11 i S well known estiihl I 41111. is tle kin ...II- ' a " inn. . Ca. r .a '• '' '...a ‘g• VT . '''. V,. i l 'l l•l '''' '. tha . .'TI too*.s. l o '• 11. 51. N .• , --n T l"e ' enYtlis:Trie.t rtV,;, ',° ;:4 " :l 7f g . ::;"it . 1 -Z.-i7-1:..:;?::,,,,.. „„,rai : ~,,i , I.soan I •ftsuellote ot ere. $,,A5 , .... 0. rv0:11114.11- { ~,,.. th......,,. ~,,,,,.... mr.,,,,1,". [4,111/1,• •lev-110, '.• '''''•..,.'.'".. ." ".• ',...:',' .... i. `""" '•. '.. Ile. A caned r a trndllesc from Alesatoln• to estrobere•rol. " a ' '" a ' ! ” - 7.7'7,.. ' a rer , •? 1 ''••• '' '' .'"' " a '"''''' ,tre.l thr ' , ltem., red OFer Haar - tout from 114.1tlett re to the. I, ''17,:;;;;,,-"i 6 ,..`..., ..,`.: of thr tOOO or J5. , ..1 I Tstek,., . k . k.„. •,::::",..!111.'11.,,Z,,,,,,,..,.,,,b,,b, ,!,,,,..ita....:,,,,,,,,,,,,..„. long en Ilse lerod or el, r•t solretenereo, Ito rotreestre iu,,,, 11,,...„.„„,...„,,, „ L 4 „,.,,,,,,,„,,, ~. , -.1..- ' A '' ''''' . '" ,, sn- ,. I n ..,,,0,1 ..0 , ‘,- r, " . ' 4,-. ~., atookrytereeri 1t0..000 ten, b•Yr Look ntlorol. eratit to tont o. eke,. rietkr.fis Altos tss hi- re,-osuerr " • [e sod well trrtn there wine, Irately the laret Rot, and ...1.-Yerale-Iltre 511 i 11, YAkeli IT . [re " ' ' •• 'toot..? toter rre'resst, nook.. largo leolditton.ktooterle ~ :Zee ' re i P " l'L r +. '' on ' r ""' ' .l , l ' re ' : V1g 'i ..:: b rz.:;t1,.....,7 .... ~.....L,.,,...z :.., z.i, ~. ~..n.....,,... • • —.- A-i"-- , ,t..4 q.v.irv.P..-, ... . _5., ..., i... :1 1 1...erost r I. lArtraoir e Desirable Property tqr t NUMBER ,II ver? xon-i r , In b. the , oet., log., ot t Pr .,, n, 11 .)1x,,nr0 " A, 0 A...re5.., re t. el I'IIILAIsYI.Is II I A ' Ileslroasl. 11.1 ro 1 , 1.1,14 15r.1...11 Alfei Jut (40 N Sit i N ` , I E NTS oi } Lot; li an ci jr. ''' .1.t A ), ' 7 ' ,,t,7,.. ". ,:, ' ',',4, „„ ~n ~, , ,• u, ~,,,,, . ,r,t; r..., ‘.. ~,,,,,, .r , ro.ta, with ••ely nal Faros, •trreor. !tote 11 eentoketrkes r 1., enAr ~Sr: tr• I,irA .te-fart..n ,it.t . : . .r.-5•13.6.1, ors 1:1 ,, I .ih.rt.1.,;11.1.•,,L1.;1.,1 ~,::,::::;,,,7::::::.l.,::::•,:::::•:11Ltti...g., ol 11111. esf.i.otet, • loot el te....5 , ...., n,l 1.....t0r,. mons,: bort os •-kAerso .1.1,3 Oro, te.-11,r.• Ileum.. 11ellre lOst.e.s.rwo. 51r Prato.. 0 It•elre • • Sir Al, lo.teghlos. ' he ' , a.- s - s•t ' s ea r n' 11 r fan, l'. elerererr or ~ Y • treskirro rylr. skeol ereotarn• rts rookie, . Alor-A !rano or 2:..1,•,... to I...re.nrl,ouea ft' Ale7e-lek ‘ eres. 6 ls Irene, . c.o. e re,: i Ins-amity. 1 1 lil (• I i .1111. ES S'l' ILW ELI.. li•iv In g had ! pry., r, , ,rr ram' n. r.,.r... .I.nro ~ .• r ko. Ito ar ss th.. I 1.10.4,,n1..-. LIMO, ,ila.l i thrAtt..ror - r• ur I re. , ort 1.,. F•en oo Ise: t seurtle.trert • ts I t Lil tiro srooresso. eeor er t ', tell .. lesorter rtrreent I • Pequett Farm at Public ~, S•rth r -r. tools 1 . 1•1111, fel - .1.1•111.1. ' •er.,... los ,kN - w El iN,sl- . N . ,,,.., ,,. Clegg's Perfumery and Fancy Soaps. 1 1.1 ...; .... ~ PoMee . lr. 'h' 'ere' 'ree Farm' to :snls•oters tote re•hsto • 1 . ...eur• , , 11:111>/: •rel)sso 1.1 oftle•le, ref Pertoinery. ~ ..., '.., roelr• 1t... the. l'ron•e ltaos n. , nk., n), II „, ,„,„,, k . kk. , nk. ~, ~,,, lenrk•leurels. rontrons, 11. Art. soot Ills e Lst I It - leetr. s res.nert Al..toe t. e. Pr.,. 1:.• • I • ',AI, rre..l ; '''rr 1 ..., ~ r.. Lr. , oras oble's Ise' "'Ur era, on Fraertil Ftreet. to 1..0.t 'somas e s. Chen . - e• 1 elsrt, cleell .essel rt ht.{ ~1,, I ' , X7 . 7 . ,.;:1 . 'V ,, . ,'• . 1.,E hIJ .k.r.losoir . e. oe, •rr nesy where ore 15... mute z 1 .11 toolrle reeler; fo.1.1•. 'rote ea net oregahela 800, they may s !rove thr llooototaltertt `..41 ., ' -W n loot •t,.1 I'sl, lore r..k5..1 lon.e, ueol Whet.. ,t5 ,• • • • , , 0 77 . 1 1 . 0 . .....1 , , ..1 n eery ., ;e50t j: lr r eeke‘ , ee , e , l ,, ter l Loes ••or•kr. :Iseevere Cr....t0. 11... r 15.... t I ..... 11 eke... F., ~„, •,. . i s• ro role s Ie • moor,. , I r•rt• tor thr lekorlkeerr herr., 1..: Mr.. r.•. stror'. to!. I, e . ' - '' t.ne , " Pert 'ere , ' te•ese. serro Po t,rl 1,5.11, t 4 bet. rit.e,. Else Lat•lr•t elsor teekteerne•e.. . 1 ' ~• r . n i .'''. ba. '."...° ,” , b...... 0. II istr .1.. nth eo). 4 A.... Ar• . , rr., urAr...mtrr,•l •nel Ir ! ' lll4 ''''' sa a '' '." OP.'" T) " ..1. ' • 1 , ie. els.. tor. eel the berme r he., •rr Lereee at, ke ._ . ..ere ea sei• O..!''''''lt'!hlii;'‘:rn::l.•.:7:4sl;;UFA:lhrt''.:tsC,T":'hYri::llin'bo:7: •.r , r , . r . • 1..,- ..r...r ,- In, 1.4,1 thr , .ftnnltol4, and 11, hilt, ote.ser • le, een.l isreetstAletr rearseer- • le cheese, ra Prenro s , utol I lki.lltl,l. ~,..,...,,, n, . r ~, nkn, 1i..,..,.... ink,.k.nn, , h ivh.„..,,,,kk.,., 0 2 1 :744 . ... 1 , r5 , 7 ,, er n e , 0 , r :. .. „ 1 ,, 1re01e0ft \ 1r e • eetr i N.,. lielOtrre, ret L. Martel ntre re. Ir..* ',I. 1•1111stelsopLe• I i ,, , „.., k ~ it • 'sr .100 • f-eOet '.. ekerse e`• 'la. l'''''''''' ' .e n t ' seesr%tretolo r . '' ef e r r 111er '' Ot7te ',ho, No . . '' f ' .., .1 .. ' h ,lableesee---e r•r,l 'oth'l 1 'lle onte. ro rte Itexel'y 1 1,estelrktorr a''''' ' ' '''''''' '' "a ' '''' " s i .. s .k . r, ' " ! 111t1,er,/,;.,%,5ere.,1.7b J ., 1er1trt , .... !‘ . n 1e . , 7 , 1,: , 5 .. •ke . ...... n r ,,. 5.:ki : 1 7:, e : rg . , kkk ,,.. \ .„ , .: \ ' x l. N ."•vi PA '' lc "• ~ \ Teel., Akerot ' 11r11.... a.. As thers.l.lou . Orrer. ssoi r ;si en Ms • sr .1 11J41,-, pRiTyLyANI A lit ATT it OAD. nr.r. • 011 , •Ter rrAlvArrirA.-.. x • •.: , A .. kek •o e i u•,..e. e e bre., tiers - ,..r r, ts. th.. keurrrep ‘ feler I II s EN •Ti, .1 \ lO 'li . Plj TWERWY\ ?iIALES WEST rol foonseeen .r.• 01,A , A rr- ~,.... -.3. , A , A'r . ~.. `V' ! ' \ \(li . j iiNSTOWN. .: 11' 11 , 61, 11, 1.t.0.... .111s.ro, ler ' ' essure , elk Ism. us nn , '.ir to• s - ro la•• r l k ''':'• ' a lt; ' '. e, k.;;;4k,k " k f1 i ' ,..2:k . ,T kek . ,. ‘ ,; ' ,. ".'" ,,V; . ",.1'.." . " . ." . '".' " " ''. I , ' 5 L i A LEv. ERA XGE3IENT. \ ' ,ItISI Sro, .1,0,1 troth ere Tls• tereekleleorhool . thlctslt 'retlrd• •rol "bore eets• le URA RH\ 0, H 0 U R." ilt1,11• ...I ~nr, 4 lone , tutilall.c.i” Ti,. ' I, lll , ..elertr tietosr3 1 \ TINY ItKletreAlf \ A le RP ED inceneinN sel, • poll. more, Ateel • Iso•I other .eurt esO lb. Oster Teo. above a• well kiss •re as. one. of the e- re 'fret fr Pa V a ti la r'n'a \ k ailrn a‘d f'0 4.1 ' '••••( i ...-. . . .... PHILADELPHIA Shriver & McLean 1111IMINIM AND PEORIA an Lunn:tate art a tett. 11, borax, atrt,al rand Itanrutt nr arrornd rstr.not Itealltra nnt• . uantriatotrlat.,l. ~n 3nry. te 'don. szthin turn iv 1111 1 4 nr talarlatt,ltalttra. =lt haat snit er, 11111 1 4,1 4 1 / 1 1 111,1 111141 14.11,1 ar• n enuntry saes, It tntrtalleti lay rtr, It. 11• put. taa..rtty rat., retnral 11 11 ti,. prop .tra tf riantarr K. ft, I..tna plant, nr Itt raw i. tor:tau, . Latromut. noural, re•I:21, Land and Lots. 14 1 $1: LE, on rho Ponnsy ivonin Contd. f•rohtturn m. al ion— ./ I a - Ith a Tklts.,l/ 01111,..4 1/.. • I...atiou xuan/.1.0i kart,/ [Mt •n “/”.1.//u/./1 1/1/. •uf./1 , / •,‘ •11.1 rb. r•ltni if urr nml in lumr - Fr the reemaker ue, 11 will Ire lind utit In lute •rel ••••1.1 utinnn M utr purehu , eri ronni nrultrui lue lotr ova, ,•, rur liturier a, tn Thr 1111.0,11.1. •••.ternut• soda 11"ur• flvw •n •it ••• Mll,ll.ie Fol{ SALE -1,1..1 in, tern, eppl• 11. 1 N1.11•Iiie r Mor i , . ner.l, rrunt Private Residence for S iiirt t I r•iee ulr.u.t I.„r inns ne ..t l'itter.urnit.e 4 ;•.et run. '.1 , 1. F N ul umuund. r MO, tut , ' ul mill, el e 11 ellli.unle torueiniuml nod Tim• elpi..l ,1•••-efii•imr, 1 . • 1 mettle lanai.ue / uutore ..1 111.1 Ni. In Ii 111111 To Let. 71 ' 1 ' ; 1.1.1::In";!:III: %11.1,1111.‘4111'. s Ls- It Is as,avyr l• t-s•rs•ss isrslpsss. • 1 ssr,,ss pas -ss • stls t.sl • 111,T IsAl ‘I ssol.enisr•••ll: th - rokaa ti, InLl CIS tint lietitiiin of NI. iklrel, of Puri, Xi, (Fran,. pre, Inv tur the e11...10n. • hatrnt ur•nt rd to fer tavllll.. le wl otort In. no•I or oxbtatiou tot rn eant. tr. no the e, elan. nt Bald patent. tr to. I; nta., tnt rrvrtul. J. of Ihr 11‘,1 It onlavol that thr mut prflll.'n tn. heanl at ltu Itit• ent'olll, 81 no :vaunt,. Ik. nth nt beeetnte t. ea N irtlne xlet .11 ..... • ar.• nrftr...l t...twar and roue, II nut they h• re. • It, aaut I,euttou ;mato dot tb let irnantrol. Prouttotrot or pod., rstrorkno ;or.- ;rut...rite filr .n the Patent OM, tbooir rtorrthet....,..nrokl!, owl torth von /mtn,nue. !Pan twornq Liao Olay ocl hvannu. oolt n'unrpied by party Ut u,' e,l at the blearing. at bn'tAken by tell11• 1 11111.tett to at , unlanne will; Ile mien ,1 11 18• tolltre,4l.,en , a,tl furntshett •pulteattnu u ~trer. ;au Ven mTlJ«mall 111. N.. awl: hail, AJ.rr orlon, fly; tun, Vlnn•, t ' an itn' t ettAi. Onntnteeetal 111 , 41.1,.. New orlo., a. arr Iltncletorotto tonoeritr. Pennr,llatba. ;knee a arrk Inr throw furernoln• • roa • In Ihn Ala; du, Lfer•taker next 111.18 hit 1 1 51 1 .1 i,. oI rlUola•TI/h Coloustnaloner ot l'al•nta Kentucky Muttal Lite Insurance Company. GUARANTY FUND, $lOO,OOO. \ rl 11l is CUM PAN Y offers to the ionored it. Per urn) .d I.l.lvant•gy•uf tbr Slut nal and Jam\ Stuck Plan. (ru.l...rrtnfurroppllool.o muolcluml.tororly: Le, rat" nrcncluta; an annual faun. in ,ftel. 01 the to'' , nultaxv noquit.•l for the onoUttßant rek bt the 'ear, an tUietitta, but not eare•nt provlan.o 11,, the luta, ""u. onruelorn. bre tertn 111, 0111; au ennit• tot..reat the acrorclulat.... ns.: r•0ur...1 t. sne.brn, paystolr cloeatt, thr t'n l ;ntn - I • elearatoto fund dratene.l 4nl the partunnent aernett, eh, t 011,1, 121.111,, •11.1 10.- the tu."....? trt the ot bolo. hum ..1 111, arr'l 111. thr 11.11. rt Ic l tr tun, who, non.. 1 nnuonnta nont • tale req,oreet, nbt Ord. rut, a provt.lonfror atatuntly ;newts:dux ereotot; 'lntlon tund,. (tor tutor...runt, II n e , aet pr01e...0, , thr , mount of tou•tr• azt , Ittnre,ton rt., le, "". ‘;tta, in dt., the l' 1 .” tl .s. ted forof II" Conefratiy. 11, ..u. te , tt l- • fur motor:at" rev...1.11u Faxe Itibwortit. Medleal •,annone, .Wl n ly(l., UN DRIES— , t n.kr Winter -.tram, 111..,1e lUt ; ;• teph•ot harked tV lode ;JO: ; brown Invit, tn . t, • I.ao 1.••• pruur float." 551,L rtorstr 1 11 r,. •• Tim. 15 and Leon, retro. lin, 1, weal, :5 t001...a e't Inharroo, rind,. brand, lV I a. 0.9 tiern L un n yo. acre s Ltd r . l a Co , bni Yex an cl U . e vß.,lAsnCdlilniips 6,rCoVul f b • , TRANSPORTATI I N, --- THROUGH' TO CINCIENNkI iN \ -4-K HOURS. tIN N apd after MONDAY, OCTOBE 13t1t, I the *Cleveland and Cincinnati Malin.' CO 7" il arm] cut fr. , na Cleveland an Ranrem eta rya, ten lin, . ~ ..eba-li.. arrillor .13 Clt,innati at It/ c'eb,ck . ext \''“'"'"'" '" . I) SA .' et. " e:Tl: 'claV h A .:,.r it.R"L'Wil to . - eumer of Water Ltd I,mltntleldlit, \ t.e. J . I . I ESKIMEN. Moneneahela tinny, \ Olno and Pennsylvania Railroad. _t. th.%., ell ANOK 1 \ T 1.•.: dot STAIiTINI., ---- s ci‘ 8,1,1r.,,,r1 nei\ , tree, i'antV z i,,, , .7,a, au]. na1ir,,,,,. \.. ~ . ....Ia roller al. ra_ar. nor, i r l,lo \ 0.111‘,1 MICTO atil.r tarn 400 \ PHIL. DELP lIIX BA LTI.IOR ' NEW YOME, c Two Bally y Line Ex!) \ re7 Paqcot Boa ' \ ith-*IsE. re \ i Y.XI.. J.E , ,ITP.LI TOli 11,41r.NG/.11S;.) On and ‘i.fter rtioni;:y, 'Ailguet —sth. the 10.r1.01. t 4 thi• lee.r 1011 I. r.. Parikl.oo:¢b for\ bockpnrs ~, ,,norntntr al 1 "'der, ..0 r 1 ,07 0 0 . , 4 0 .1r 0,3 1:d.t; :` , :; . .- -2, f;:7.7 , ; , ':.T'V'`io""`"'" l ?l'""'" I T'' .... iatdkr anor..th r *my* I di r mg , r (00141.4,bm - ..... 5, rle , Tin, I 0000. I rril..olr:\ . V,,t,hi.: ..11\ao ri a,rir.Vrn , trin•lorer.. 44 , 11 .0,6 hilt, ! ' r ' nal tra';.l.j‘ooo',l'..r.:.; Tr'ol"o'o'a.r‘rl7:7'.7.:ifa!trtitalZ, r „,....— i , e , i. ;‘,.. t..ri...i1yie..... \ \ \ , ri/y/N0F.131.1 "101 lIALTtIIOBI . \ 1.1.. it r 1 , 0. k am! k`omLreliand Itailroaa, at 111crla circ.. 1 / 1 -tan.rriuht, eq. mho, \in, yoult I, oora , Parr ro / . 11iIrdett.LI., lIIL4' ur to lialrl s mnr r . 10.7 .1. , I.Aorarirrilarn•lor. UM.. I i ~..1 ii.fl, rl.ello.trArrltv, AO cninfortal.,llolo dal., .......or, 1.0.. r tirl....n. 01 10r‘Tirket OVlca .0 1or0,00, 11..0 flt .1. I'.,IIOLNES, Agettt. \ 1 4 . LEECII k co., \, . Caps! 13, ..ikTriari rtree _ _ , FARE REMIOKM \ 1 Itl2 1851 . sgi-4541143. ‘1 MONONGAHELA aoFrs. , Via Brownsville and Cgmberlanid, to Baltimore l and Plillintelphin ' i , rititiE :11011NING BuAl' leareit the IVharf I 1 .t..... coo 1401ar Jolt,, at 0 0 rlnet {0 , .. , V i 1r1T.. 00. , '"'1,b41... t. ', P i i 4, ... '" 1 1 . ! .:i ‘ r. ',11 =7. 7 4.,. ' ,7,1 ° .1,, ' , - .r) ~ ..0..r0. nrinar..oo..,ito tn. r-arn at Curoberl:nd riex r rn, thr .owli tat 1,1 ~- iii•ors rwv °nix IP. • 1.2 T./... tr.r., at, f.... 10.0j4.•1014. 40 Amu, Yarr - 0019.110 I . 1... Na 00 unlAtn 0 . 0 107000" gnat. 0 . 00100 .^ , . IN wan On c.„„.h.,1,k10,0 41'010,111a .0 0 4 .1 .;00Arrlsad. .ahlria mit.- it..• ,1...01..11, Itr.v.lr•‘ rowr .:..., 0.% :7 '"4'll4jiiviVitli/Mirr'll'el:Mll.44, ..a... _ PENNSYLVANIA B ATimOAD, \ Ce.rupler.(l,i 4p .r 2ll .ldrAveAd . ,- ) . Johnnoern. I TIRO REL/I'crl/ %NO ,I•Fro ri l ll . F. SUBSCRIBERS have the pleasure \to II ...nun,. tr. their Irierida mut patrotir f the 'Perm, .441 trentitt Fi in It DAY.' [nlah 11e r. azo rier greet tr. rte., r anti filrirrnrlaxiit nuqf l‘ v r . I r tatter, o. nriiittirßre*. Frr?ißir t • I , I ent•ttern. uriitilitte. Fruit, 1 1-trrenteir. tad , • ; t r - i, B r •Br . . ....... lOU I , 1111.11,,I; , \ \ .% , ',>.s . . , . AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL.'4., . , -.., • los Tux cuss or 'OOI3OIIS, COLE , BOA/MUNE/3S, lISONCITI- ' ' • -,, TIS, wHOOPING.COUGIT, ,CROUP , ASTHMA CONSUMPTION. • „• I N \ offering - to tits community this iusui celebratini remedy for peat. of the NlMat agul Inns; It le nofontr wish to bide with the Ilin ter'kwidth of the eialoiwl• b. , frenhly to Lay &lore theta the , olldnlons 01 Is e tinguisbed men and some 'this eldences , ce Ma aura ' • from s4liCh Mgr ON itteliti7 \ Oksinsalve4, Wanly. ceiNly pledge \ourselves to make n wild usertkin i. lyrrfalest , i ,'' statements of sts efficacy. nor will h old out . 7 tq t . ~... sufferNg humahlty which facia will of I.OOE\ M '' i . an prtqfs Ike here. given, and Wit solicit. in 117/ -, from th publle Into all we publish. fro Inn ...id . i i • all Mol ens 7. ,7 . , 417 nillable,MNl thet WIICInSIi 7 • ...' their bett y diadems. nod patrons.. • .. Ili , m ihe d . . tanned Prifesuor of Ch and Alai , 1 co MediM, Boyd°. College. , lAN Sta 7 I stayed answering the receiP Y„fyii_if,T._ o 9". \ , ,- Peration. anti) had N opportoultY tir wirting `..." 1 e. 11.. In my , own o ne or in the families of ELtistril. . 1 i I bare no done with • high deg.of 1 -i to rate bo th of AVM and children 7 ". i I here found li, Nlngredlenn New, a pure item'. \ oil . for mid. kiltla ald rflIEZIMial, diseases. . • . . . PARKER CLRAVELAND. hi. • i Brunswick, !lea k E. 5. 1i.47 " - Ifrom an Orem., hay yamilton Mille, in th is City. i \ 141: L i t...trla .' her; n cure , dof the p lcawt coldd, LaS , Inever tail. whet! I Il ia are b angst:ly of ' reoinnmenting it n fitlisre• , Your , i' (fully i. , . Lowell, Aug lui lea r \ •Lk 1). EMERSON. ' __ .. 7 .... . . XT. Bad the hillowmg, and If this nualleine le worth • trial. This patient had tocceol, so, feeble, and the el- . ect of the medicine wee unmistakeably distinct:— C• Si Morita essayoui SsaminiJuly 6.1849. Dr 4. C. AlM—Siri Iha e neon blitlcted lb putaal -'-- - the lun, and'all rock. ypto .n re of settled _ , Memo.: than aye 1 .ina m eula r. m•• ...h.l ......h m., ........ until I commenced the • berry Pectoral, which gate nui Md. , ' fw" . • L.'s. MicadilY gaining my ire gth milli ell nigh restored. Whllenl ' ilniryogy mei . .• 3e irralintratiou id curing with it my raver Truman. ot.tiumptet Dinh - int. who had from boa,aonial duties by a ren, at - . . doe L pie ***** in Certifying make oii , 'a, i ' '4'"' illiWrllift/.!Militi \ Carol \ '-:'''''''.;:".l','; , IP. V: ,s -ii''lseeio,_ it was one of th e wont of monk Whlcti Om ':::•-' . - i*i4"........ci1.' :. „friend. thought to to Incurable nostrum, •. , -.7 - ,-rf-^ .;- • ... . ~,„,,__ \ ~... c..,.. Pe. ann.: 2 .194G -i i-Y . .-• L. 0, Arta—alt. I was taken with • terrible conigh, brought cooi a .i.. , In the Ink:inning of lam Fisheye! .y cnd windned 1 coy died for snore Nan t n toniitha. Coughing ince...anti right and Miy, 1 becaTue glimoly \ end gel, my eye/ were -linker. and gluey...rid my breath very short Indeed. I an espidly failing , and in stiebril• Ire*. liir ?death Net Go hula hope of my twoorery to be ontertalnol While i thleAtuatinn, a friend of tile hoe John hailer. of kin illettindirt Church.)o7. y\ noi o bottle 01 pour Cherry \Pectoral. is hi,li I tried ;; . ..p , '" , t , gt i o ,ol,ll 4 7r llT , ' „ ', l .7..lT.Pgt.'No'."l'llw.T,' , tan found toy health m u imprfivedi Now in . irat 111. I N. 113 Well .rod 0.1.142. lad rut attribute my only . your great medicine. N IL thedeeyost grant YOU., dr.. YaklEn tiOldrllf ittparra Ito mold by JAMES C. A TEN. Practical( PI, Lowell, Mips. • k • N AVCVE P P(V., r ; 'h oiI7f. b MPWAIi t . 4 07 D. A. j1,04.1tiit.,,,,,ter2ti,;:il u..p_.'iic..,. ll WAßT_Z_,.and_ . J. ONDAY, the tith inst" '.:sts Ns. llnizttlea 13,6 .er.et. sti 'No t PA irector. 1 1.1(1:., Ttet.t lizards Railroad. TU RIGHTON do f . 01 1 .711 lIAY, AUGUST 4ch, A SlLashl I P. M. 10 A 4 , 11,1 p. M. PER MILS- J .__ . :74:7.:, hal PO"' pitle, , 30. cta. 35 .. Brig. ... it : Brighton. - 4 ld ar radct.l rata:\ Jebtar, tu arty otatioti a ii , chio.'.;:d . b.:a; v " °. \ . ... 41.2).. , ..n Sunday but kxactralat la agx-I Cr Ctn. reurn nit, N.. , .......r.c. e1.5.11.F.S it bap. ta•rlornic . .l. Ili, orig. nonifa of- tik which are i e un/....1",5h , n of , he. promiot ' , MM,. Lb l• Or the dnly frue'undl,mmad artier, bir, ni.alleine, when,ani somr.ling to dirottlena. , WILL CURE \ WITHOUT FAIL. 9.rrnfuli. or Klu E• 11, Cancvx's. ';uxubrd. LY-uptions oCkl.e. Htfct, Eryalpelna.Cbrlnd s neon• Fr, inwaorna or Triton, Neabrlirad. \ Kb Cam. Psi. in lb. Wm. or Join.. Id korea and Ule . ..t.4l , velllng of the. tiltual Andkilli, Dmope..a, Salt,llbecua , r114.• , 13 the Kidneys, L0.+.1 of Appnita. Dbleu;a Ann Min tbo or. of !ter ' cooly, n in the Side'a and . • :.bould. 000,01 Debilliy. • , Dlopa Lumbago. Jaud. dimmi Coati, , . ''.. -VED/eI.VE A:A*oo3l \ liktreu tr.. Irenular Nleniltru noontinunra of Iltipa and are curr-Vbv Dr. Wong, nra., IF hi ch glom ion• undation of health a i bail Anzac.. at h thraction to all I i e If ...., \MIA: BEST FEJCA L ansildt cc...any.. B atico.l.ocerrhea: or Whiter, arn-rarfltramr ante of nand, n - act 4( TOnne trnr.,t- and Str 9 , l , ute Wirt by - rrnewinyr the , tra:ngth--t•e ' bjeod. It nontrsi, unrr tural iecrrOonr. an e.." h ri Let ell.who i‘rtah‘to puma the bland -a the imyuriti a.trul,rd from the tr. indolence of tppetitedttr' the ...nay, and to nrrparn the orig.= r.dat int , nidetnlr ‘ renort dee to he ''• ----- •'- r linet of tn., no .ierssparilnl ..1.,t,, ~.madan ofSihe moot .l. 11. Ono. erne. for I gar I, tin. pub li c kb h irver , on. tr , x, It founded n r to wank of La \ n ...nherAlla Spun 'as don: ThriVl%ow tutu r npr,111.,, .... our nun I. ,re,,,, I retort, ho e , rusdnu s n in bralt, It`ant othcrs, k 'ont ontiy under Inn twor • ,o. rOX phydenl're Ile , s wan. in ii neljellow r* \ peritil end a, ,Ot tF iiVe h..7:e fr,ei soon uarttoln ''''' . • \lle ',\ \ 3\ 4 , 4..,.....24 ItAlt in FOLaakm ,\ Nro4r...N.r.‘Jariiter arca. ritila cirr earl \dict tartkeman it .n. ‘rath \diffienit aunt...Grua In inn. S o. Ehlimi 1:10t ra , e foivoluon non, but book\ and Serriratilla, ' N1.11.14 . - anther.. 'lminid eon 4ught I 1„ E. TOIPP , * CO ut74 Alsa . . Ip, A Abort timl • Willa for Oar i• O Eryrlpeloa , A It Boa tire. it haineerk ?wood bottle teal COLlikh2l ,roold .e. of Xyle.l . l..eurri pilatvota olklbe Heart, lltarintio ... ot the Ext , millas....l Numline ,i !,,...., 0.11 , !.a, agilely by tiny., .... Lux. Co.. Note L, Pa . r/.. 2. ,, ,--Zoon happy to inform lea of anys.ott's Yiitm• 'Ank oml bare.p t of you. hurt beeraho mean., tinder lb otl Prottdmone., of rei t , tme.... .m,. to health t. vn of Ufa. .‘ , en I mtootetam.,l ttiont,tbe V,ellor I&.ck, ia.\l oral truly In • covet 'fi.obl. , ooniticoi 1, i,..1,,,./ with Palpluttlon a. the Howl. &tufa : . r.. . 4 7 1:2 1 ;::,,,i1 .. ' , - . ..,.. ,. . „, . w a di bbi _.:.. , ..::::„... ,,,,.. 4 14 :5ic,, b.' tke r. t. : ::: tiu 0 61 1 1,: g....4, .. 60: ~,,i,, , , 11 :. : v o been „, reel s, e 4, , :.: r ~i i :, I T 1:1 . r .11: 1,,s . 1 . , 4 r w many yawn ka ,r . I,,e u : ..t, till . .. , l .. ,, o bti . t . , roulLlge S t . i.‘2 ,b re:ie: m fioso4ni th. r prelim., I t,," lyt k io:ya. L. \ .11 uii Dock and , eorsofornll6, , toy attoNome 1mpr0.,..1, A rontiilned to .10 -) .util all of my \ TlneOtiult , ,m-, 44 to tner \entirely\ remot,..l. '4ll , Loa 21,1301• Pink, n s .,l fr., trolo,palo. ni; anon andlraa azo y d red 10 r.si: ,e( lIIIII,VOIV, my ektactuitielt Ate norm beakby, 4 • web. aro moult., 9,1 I fret il./01 sr k44.hysitml..\ .. ~ J a e'ne•rated p.n. I hnee given real tinne rant, \ ~,, lot 41. .irk soil onotle \Any your,ttryyoltl4 Jt , ''i . \ 11613 lb., Y,lli.r \11,...A. am; a,,,..p.Au, and 1,0 \ na,a ~ 4.4. kyot.tly robot.' by 11..Nantl ext.telo , their bettrjfalt litoti 431.. , I'ourt. trtil,,y, - V \ :RCVS grAtll.l/141, NOM. genuine ci. \lle. ou on in lartto . i.Ot4,.. I,lp tali. A a r0t,,,. and num. , uf t .. Syrup Itioipo,,v 11; 0h0...! aritli.4l,O \ writt,.o I,ignaturN AP. Am/nal, .1(13 lb. l ‘ : bo , ' ll .t• D. PARE, Clue/Anal, o\o, nort.beigirerenor \ of 1..4tti1. Th a d Vi'adnin inireeLi, entrou7lValoot,i , trt. \ i 00 at.. 111, ; k lijIJS , A . U..d. to inareeeLt. . ..1. /WA k Co- IL . A., Valttont6r.E e C.,J. A. Jootio\ w,,,,+.,,,, , 1.ittadr0b- \ Lee A. ttrekbara.4ll.gbmuy atlt,.% , L. T.i . ltut,t4. Weehinetoni L iit, l4 .min..loiniontotto.4l \ - Welt . timort...\yrG 8e KAonta.s,,nie , ra. t., ~...,, o kt a un.,,,,,,,\ DM ft. 1: Iteent a . ....11outknKst , 4, Mt • °”, M F'"T"'"rt , ',\ , 1111Jeratid A Co. 1ne.... , .. ' .0 s 'nobt. litabtallutr: ,',,, \ \ litano A Co. firtAtill, ion, 15 o mo,bug \ •\ ~,... 11aarabad A C.. ;it. I &rt. Grablini a fork% • 'ell, N'.ll. not:\ N lei b. - to:1.11th Hoover: , t i ton., V. 4am - \ ' n. Joust.. COulottlior , ..' . trill, kr \ iliville., for ' fiLs \ . I Price—s 1 i otolit...laollilT indd's 11,ed Ocir- \ • ''s, rA I I.II:4,ARTieI Arr iimily use, A \ , ~,„„iap tArne,Nia 4 evert IL in Lee iniiiii .11.1 . Ntoln aidere in lenielen dank,' el .Thug ,„ ii i eir eerneie ifireueli MW.en4 enil • iaLrail- e les nee . • ill MN lla, okt.tma to w , l/1•. T. noble to enm, ono an, o lair trloi vill eamial. r r loots. .`, zinrh'tort mat '' .L. 4 '• •',.,. ~,.4 „..X., Tiny .,. ...!;., J.„:71,....&....7LTA bar......,•,' t .. "" ......... , 11e.seto 1 ynneld 4 Comp. 1111.11,1thoorn, Lork p , ' c oral 11,1.1.1