The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 05, 1851, Image 1
4 3 t. " ESTABLISHED IN '1786 • - Pei'TBBORGH GAZEITE - , :f oRLISILED MILT 'AND WIEIILY DY .; ; warial • 44-00. qicrr. I ' • burn =OM Dina ' 11 , 0111.. Z DOM TO WI iron am= fiArt•t« , .4.l . •.ioiture plyerde ball y.rll. Six 0.4.44 dellzr.• pre upleur.P.. Pe ad . .cep 4ZlPpliod 41. the r011'...,,,eere,40.°4 Stsreo nerikne per .11¢2.4—: s• • '• topes do flan packer Pvt. ea La ub to . t n nen tern% • and to ho rut tn•stiiitly 144,1,,11.- No Club lams mill NINO att.rtta. trltroqpiro. moutT : Ranupor,envsanzure. • ' ware Clo.ll4es of ipapstrlor Ig!) larrlw¢ '''''' is ;j ''' '?°*" owe .... 4 00 0 00 10 00—...... Do". !L'rct%lt'JTs -... . 12 00 .1.. , ' l'l4li;:9ticiiiii::::=:: 114 . 60 ~.' . St..,n li, It. Intel or lel, Per sattum—SS PO e - , ti m e Wharf.. awn reiditinnsi •... ,••, the dore.eiteniteahle at p ',MISR (pee - an al 4 ..7.. ini etclutive of' the per...—. .. ... .....7.5 CP to, ....,i t niditional einem, in rted one one month. and E ir each altitionail emir., toothed under the pearly late; .15.'Zr.,;....-0...........i,...i 1 equine. tuai not over fifteen Li.v, In ha charged al 8 •INUASO , sad 11. half. Pobli.ciers not neonantable to e /Mal teirotaletonettio fie ryndit.: =lowa charged bit thole publication.. Annoannon eatelidatee far onley to he chatted the tame . etother aleettleemente. •. . . . - adetrilannerra not sunned on the ropy. fora - spec-Stied aternlxr of loraertlora. - .111 bear:22lmm: tillforbili,and pal -1 • Tito privilege of sanual. ad...neon lo etrlttif Milted to awn h . :moils. booloree; and all sdrerthenunts for . the benont of other persons, utwoll ne all adrertiertnente not lannoliately conneet.lorith their a.n.hnelnexa. sal all • alu of aothertLeorgenie, in Length or othorwths. beyond thlethrtlta mgxoe.Lwill to charged at the omelette, For W then Lra..ent aLeattiolog, billet will be septhatelf Mini Derma= le elealred. malearelaernenta for charitable hannattenna fire cora ' Panka..ard toorsolotha and Otber pohtle meeting., and ca.v -- 11.1( tiarehn. midi/ In nt- ' . Marriage notices to ba < ar barred 60 oentli. Death notices bimetal ithant charge, note , airotoPe . Med br Portend invitation, or oliMuarr norm; and when , lo amompenled to di paid for. Regular WV..., and OH cabers ataidnin communime • along. er rem:drag maims daelgoeci rq mil snarl= to /air; Soirees. Concert;-tinr public entermirdnents, _ .he ohm. am mach for op edmatorice.....em re ti ogg of ori. magadationr—tererr norm desiirmid 16mil attention to ;wit enterprees. eakuisted or intended:to promote int- Id intent; ors only be inserted ern the understass4- ng the Nine bete be raid Mr. 10 breaded to be 10, , j arred in the lord column, the same 001 be at the rate or not lege then 10 tents per line. • Atop or Mill ie Verr - Norms to bmat, <barged triple prim. Taserciadoeone Id Neel liateteApe n& and Aottioneers . adanlisecienta not 1, Lobe demed under ramirrobea, but to be allowed • die- Mint ; Mint of =l.lMie affi moo third pr. .00 for. me 00000010(• i . .:. 0. -- 000, 1nr , 61 rareragtv_im istur ramo. /TM. eiteb additional has — a c rtgot2:::..- $' o A . • Onh liguari, ((0 Ilona O. inSortlon—.—.4o Coats. • . %Do. sub &Ultima' indertico-.....16 mots. 411 ttignisht admrtimnientsir be rall in sdraime. BUSINESS CARDS 11 - AMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law--Offica Ponartif et, between Feeltblejd and Grant, Pitta J 08; WEAVER, Attorney at Law, Fourth stmt. near the Mayor'. Ofttoo. littstOUXh. Po- CO eCiioll.o attended to promptly.- OUNLAIrr I.I..IMMILET•IIOI, (Late of Ihataatenna. Pa.)(Late of Lenilana. e.) ;,¢ALIPLIANT _& TAYLOR, Attorneys at 15 law -7012ee oh INme th street. N0.825‘, trtweea Wt rd WWWW !.k. co 1 WWI d sktrte, Pi tpburgh. b. Oliphant le onataheietier the Etat* of rk. • sello 4 - _COLLIEK Attorneys at-Law -1034h, inl north epees, above Prolth.&ld. J . ; W., P.. WHITE, Attorney , ' at Law—Of -7-ru''94.l'44°l"' I\3 .:} ) .". k G, L. B. ta YETTERSL&N, a •ay: at Lay 611.1 aral pg.atek Aaanta, !UT' 4th fetau KUlLN,,Attartkey at Law, Offi&l, •• • MIA. etitrrair nf Gran ktrret and 151=roal PRANG ISO:ELAN E 0 IN. AtiorneyntLaw 2fa 170 Tow% 0..4 Eltinburgh...,'_;: - • • , iTOWI& - " OirATSOitTiii,:iney::tl,a;•, I ID, Ilthrount; ateni,littahurnit. carms—Alexandar A Day; Jahn nultha., Pant Hll, th tro Noniron t Co. Wm. 11. l'user; Jahn flaming, Ac countant non. Scasakson,lntabann. 'ianDlT I/WARD P. JONES, Atturnay at Law: .(43.,. on 'Fourth rtrnet. bntween Wool and rmith- INSP,EII, E.:BRADY. Atthraay- at Law Na. 9i Vlttivarce.t. 11146,1711.11... JIIARRPON SEWEClL,Atwwwarit or Min fOrl•kieg J"en. timo. .1.11- I.w.l.lcolpett. I , j 114.4. rtr,t, .1.111 tantdils, 10.1: :tvt: : GE •ARNOLD CO., Bankara: Diihrra Exebeutie; Orin,' Dank N0t.... 1 . 4 tomtit urreettmt dent. to theittunt of Pittsburg • ,icClaiV it.efnDe auenZed trd met tim yr...mite remitted to .esty tout ot ' . WM. 11. -AVICLIAMS & CO., Baker. sad 2..relmnp Itrokm, North Fast torarr of Wool street% LhW arlctt All trumettora made on Mound Wm.% wad eollmtlens Ormnptir attordell to J.9:17 Ell: KING, Baiaker.and Exctianie Broker, Feta/Lain...rt. Dealer' In ' Conk Norma BIM or Fix sailld and &tom St O. bought and mid. Sba_higlinnit market prim paid in prenduno for Allltliefal Ralf DoUnrsoind Minima and Epacion 'Dollar), in par l bi: LARIIILER JR.;Bau[erand Broker, 7 ~ 4~o : td rtou[tißtheNwk otHttyban:h - WILKINS fc CO, Exchange Brokers, South Lot Coma of Tbled And Ilailut streets. All V*llOl,lllE5 & SON, Delilere Forniga 111 • ' sad Dcanckeette MIR a gzeharom Ceti:M.lft of zo `;11-'``kir0-01.',72i'4.1°-';'? Itn:kAZl2 Ugroug :be Unltrd Ptatga. RA IfER RAIDi° Bankers sit! , LI ,-I..ze trete= Molex, In Foreign' iod Zzelan on, Coratnom of Dopes:lk\ Peat Non,— EIZoo, corner of Third nod Wood ftrreto.ibrootlf °melts the St-Charles ItoteL .01M131138i011 3terchants Blllllvokres. No-111 Second Areee Peisenal 7 Zgatasiseuritles from WO to lIILDOQaPorare on hand ' TATERf MIME- -MOM ULMER,: MANNA & Suceessore to • . : Hum. ni.13:14 Etc.uaol &alas u of Deposit , Usuk Fonign no& Thu:lndio Esshan u a, Certif. tro nod t+pecie—Sorth We 4 onzon. of Wood o f t , {Thig fteseg 2r1 .1 1, 4 ,ll43r.r . oc = or d oi o 0 Dr rltalguripul 0eth.....,a at.,. 000 - Ther.tu A lusat greminza. 141.1 for tore:lgo and 1 - 2. W . .: TAYLOR., Commiasioner and Bill Ittokes, 1.1.11 &tend street- Etdet attentken nlll to given to all buena** entrusted to his earn FitZ.lnpvta tootosannated ortleleo &wars on hand or preetrred short notice. • • Notes. Bonds. Idottgagre, ko, negotiated on tyres able Donna Adeamxe madodf • WM- er - Kt 10:41m q.411(si:1:4:1:11 STOCKTON, late Johnston . Stock - 4 top, lkotagler, Phatiozer,Prfaisromg Birder. cm. of atarkagguithird strehtg, Pittsburgh. lAB. 110LMES' heap Literary Dept, Thini org.ten th 4 Mats tilko. Nev. Boors no od . rott Wl} br . CCM', FllberTill'afitlf. reCeiTPli WU' of •tde ticv..dtoS or fielfpopert. pobliflod ot pultll4l6eo L. READ, Hooka°llar and. Stationer, No: 'r Pnartb ntr"et. Apollo Bandlns. • '' CIMU= DEALER. Dluntifacturer wad Ira or Govt.,. 1111 Clot KO, Pte., Post Trim. a IMAcrw Shad., War.hottile.lio.Bl4 Yourth std 7D Wood Rt. Pitt.loanc.b. • , • • .60=SSION AND-FORWAILDIErG. W. I'OINDEXTER, cornerof Water and . 21k•totrooto. Pittsburgh,. CONICIESIDII A'SD For do awl for the ugh mot male of Flour, TV , 04 , 11,1 ProJnoo. Irms,:talis,Oloco.szolthe tosonfoctos.l vtioloo of rittoturgh dloo--Agoot For the race of IC , or & C-o-,uod I wn• -11 , 311 . ,,x1rbratr4 Rotlo* snot tie [. Folks, elPhl4delPkia prim: end:tanklest C 0.4 superior l.oko&T.O. • Wit IA : BioANULTr' CO—Transporterg, ; %J. nn , : Commission Msrohants. D. 1.4 Penn etara‘,PlUstonsh. • febls _r Awn:a woom r. WOODS & SON. , 'PRODUCE DEALERS ConnaLair. reFehinta; tio. Water Meet. i`afxotuth. - la! M U. JOHNSTON - Forwarding and Conuairafen !Cu. Secead stmt. IER..t JONES, 'Forward& and Com-' mataximx AtereEkints, Delalert . In au ..ndrlW wrg. Mnatifortured articl.,• Canal, Liorio, law &yeah ' mt. IAItDY, - JONTS - S Aumegourt to At irocdj Job. k CO.. dontmlmiob sad Tonnollog C.l /7 tit In rittqtar* 3lstintllbetured llmtr. Ylttt r.Tlvarm,- , iinwm.m LAW.= it co,rmsnomm-....e.......0iti Am, R. rm. AA A. MAbON &CO, -Wholesale and Retail. R. 1.. •FwV7 and StalAs D.r.r • - mobursb., • • MURPHY dr, BURCHFIELD, Witoctseii ..fa x , kw isWt b T"'"'. u ' 7*""h DENTISTS. R. It: HUNT, Dentist ; - doruer of Fourth prllll..e.tor st, W... Market awl forry . i I 4 i. 4400 L mExtolims M i tTRPIIY ec-LEE, Woot. Dreuits and CF:mlulptt 31trrhatta far the =l* of. A.fraditll A1en4.1.2 2 0.12A [ltrertritabltret. SMerchants, twilvra tll Flour 1 .PrNirm general], sa• vnl i lr 13%1 CocvaisErn Vlsap. 115 rind ! , tr..t. aft iSer- street, Itt , • I AN, WILSON & CO.,lmporters and Vitdosde Se nrch tkra 1 snarls . ..l.n mut Cutlery. So. 1.% , Pslsto - WU; • ; (ROBERT MORRIS, Tea and Wino :,M en „NA chum gut rile rt the rrilutonsl.llt .: trtitrAh , , , .. , _ • • ors. at tr ad ept Choke suents. lh .•1. ma Moll. Domini sat/ -WO .... _ . . . . . . ~ .. . ~ . . . . , ._ - THE . IIAIt. Y p A. FILINESTOCK .b CO., Wholesale ! * • --- ----:- .4 - ----'-- ---- Doctor G., Reiehhelra .D . a nengdidle, and mantexotnegrd of White Lead. 11.4 , Ihll.ithar n e, corner Wn4 and grant etree_te .. pits. 1 KISIVORNIS Ms friende and the public in gen _.l... • ...° I oral, that he inot removed hip taco. to Penn street, ", M. sea mw : c. n'mnett.t.. . next to St. !lair Hotel. • I - ' h . l l "S'E"fril McabIVELL, I buccessore to, P• s — P°t.Loo. iodo.t.‘i , o}lh• for • 1 ... th 01 . 11 . , m. iti. to Herr A He y Peri If ho hood e an 4 new! bra a and' 9 1 " 7 "1 1 ' "" I " "'"°'`2."'' _. '7 l''''. ..ieriplin.: , tr.,oorner of Wood ,tree( and Xirgth alley.. F. R. leoore,-11. D. - ,:,,,,,,„.., 01 ,,„.., 0 „.„,, e arefuti r encepondodr4 nintit and 1 . lay. 1 1 ti OMITOPATIIIe• PHYSICIAN, devotes Pews.; 101014111. to the treatment of dime.. of . m 11.21 and children, sad settle argues merthailY.. nod , •• chronic and nor g ical dimmers. Office on AP/ioll9tl etre.. tear the Hand Street itrid g o. atul next doge to the Plan ing 11111, Allegheny City. MBee hour. from 7 toe A. Al., from! to 3, and fr. 7 to 0 1:01. OOOO.O ____— Ir KIDD & CO., Wholesale Druggists: DeeJ ers In Paints, Oils, Dye Stnits, 0.1 leletrnmenng— ttnittetarr or Dr. IPLanee 01101010.0.1 Worm thweille. tr 00.1 Latmt oTtwni N.. GO, oartitw of WOO , l w.til Patirth Pitt.bargh. Onlern will be ....fully stht anwsolo.l with 1..) E. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in Druzs. Psints, Stuffs, (at, Varni,het, . 47 We WCwet, Pittsburoh, Goodti warrant..., S N. WICK ERSITAM,. Wholesale Druggia i‘t.Pr" arnt, corner of V[Lh. p, BARN REITER, Wholeente and Retail D corner of Liberty uoil eta. MD. • f SCEIOONMAKERd. CO., Wholeeale Deng !) Rt.% 24 Wood st.. Pittebumh. GROCERS 01 BLICILITOZN . . OLO 3440 , ' BLACKBURN & CO., Wholesale Gro lue. fem. Bast Funalabou. and Jule. sn Produce Ind POaburgh alsoutautunak Oil.. Puck auk Oakum abrayi mibatal at Watt Waratimma. 141 Wataturmt, l'llMbursh aatat".l . 6X1.11111.1504..14 ... - /11,1"CIS IMAM • 111 &f. WlLGGR:Wholesalo Grocers and rA;;;;I.T.IT. I II.,I=tr, ..Id°6l`?.:f .t,tb' '4l4' I L. SIIEE, Wholesale Groc . cer, Commission Mersbn sire.ter 10 Papa. and Radds,enener ct Penn and tramittaburan. {a.A.3II3[EL P. SIIRIVER, Wholesale Gro- Aj Proluee end Corotriltitiort .11etcliesits, sail Deal ers In Pittabstrrii Me110n...1 Article. Noe. 130 and 132 B..einal street. betireciri Wcol Pittiaitasti. JO.. 411....1 I[Ol.lN S. DILWORTH. & CO., Wholesale ejF groom. Pled.* and Coromtaelon Merchants, and acente tor Ilatanl Powder Co , of liaranirine. Conn., No. 0 Wool st. ritteburah. .11:1 ' 11.1MVEli Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchant* No.llB Rae acre.. and GO Fir. st.:.-r i ct, Piltstionch. 111E17; MAT ' HEWS & CO., Wholesol.2 rarer, Comm:ation and Forwarding Atertrarat, aid is far Dhahran (rattan Yarn, u, Water et, litiaburral , • - IOU& WATT .6r CO., Wholesale Grocers, Cmandssion Mccrhaots, and Deal.. ha Produce and Pataburgh Manufsetares, No. an Libertr ettr.t. Ph he burgh, Pls. o -E., CANFIELD; late of Warren, Ohio, Connahrion snA Foreardlng Merchant. sad Whole paleMadere ha Weaterci helper.. not es. _ Pot .ad Pearl Aah. sad Western Produce amendly. Water streit, betaseo Proldblehl sad Wood, Pittaburgh. 4.1 F. VON BONNEIORST & CO., Whole. 17 • *alio Grocer, Foimonflog and Commissions Moroto Prants,. DnAlers I o PlLt.bargfi Hanclactoors and {Wow. odo ?0.6. on - goor of i'ount stroo t ond Chaoary L000;' TittobL%ll." loSAIAH DICKEY CO., Whgleiale Gro cery. Commissiou Merchants, and Dealers in Cmdttor— . 541 Kerr, and 107 Frnnt strwet, Patrlmartttl: &NGLISII lIENNETT,- late 'English, 41.1*e., Ca, - Wlsolenalelrkara.Coolnismn and mg Merr-hanta, and Dealers in Prodnoe and Pitts butgh SlattuCLetur... Nn. 12233.. and and 121 PIM st., txl - veyn Wood and Snalthtlell. .rost xr.arz.L.....JA.aus — X74.._..-. - .1.-ru e. u.n. GILLS . fr, R , 1 1 :31 . ! ;. 111 , 1 . e . .. ea1z i • ( L i i i i i.:l rt e , rtk . an . t.i .11 . ttaburgh. . - ... aItOBERT MOORE, Wholesale orucer, Rectifying Distiller, dealer in Produce, PlttaLus• a riufacturea, arid all kinds of lioreira acid llonteette {Vines and Liquors, lin. 315 Liberty Meet On baud • Id 11 onougabela W Wake), r alt .r ia% ;10 ' 114% ?IV:A'. 110 BE & I esalo wl ,•hurghMaauftam. eLaut r.5 , 3aw.a l'l se N. L, ntre. I littabmg4 ROBERT A. CU NiNIIS RAM, Wholesale 1 1. 2 fl ikr, : i n 2 Jace0 , 1 ystains, samt Llnatab...ta lALetir street.T.Tvni,.7"'"b yr. r J.. n . mmua IHL BAGALEY S, CO.„ Wholesale vie+. Nra. li sad Wnal its t. I'f cktarrh. as n. nun ..... 2C04541.14,44 WICK iIeCANDLESS, succeasore co - Gov...nom. alo Wick. ts..lealcro WWl.lnnate Unxera. 'J•nt - wardLna loaoi.. Oat= and Uttunnub Manufacture+. car:mall, =an ut Woul and Rater Insneta. titulfurgh. (13.1414113;4, 4 - II CW444. CULBERTSON S CLOUSE, Wholesale a t-t uc . (Dorman.' (.ramaloelon Merchant, Ova,. In Pro a.sod PI antaburgh'llanutnetor..l at ten, IW. 4,144,44, Wert. Pltbltarg.b. • D. WILLIAMS & CO., inolande.atid 0 • Retail Pamir OtaatA. Forwanltnz awl encomia-Iv kurekantn, and DnalenginCoantry and ristAcrgh itanufaann., mime: Wcnd and ninth I , lttubstngtt ter.OSINNT44,-THil4t. 1.174a-- - .1414 - 4. i71;41.11.. ItOBINSON, LITTLE &. CO., No. 2. " :6 Liberty otreoLPlttanannb. Whalenle Onnteri, Pro um and (Inownlatinn Sirrnbaptc, and. tipsier. In Pltutar.-,t, Banattenwrna. • • Jon 'S i iiii i iii . Cinr-han. C Grocers, Con, Lmuch Callitno . frvnati' do sod Ps. .. LOcc , T. 'Scab TORN PARSER & CO., Wholesale Grocers: ts, Denim. In Praha, Forriert I.lsriorx. OM Sinn oinAnheln sa4 ItrrtiSe.l M1u.k.. 7 -74n. Cmatnerrixl .lthttabantli. DALZELL. Wholesale Grocer, Com =Links and Forwarding Merchant. sad tI ea', In Iron. sibs,lllam, Cotton 4 n r. and l'lttOurgh ManufmOnre. generally-\o.Watex and 74 Ftrlt et, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I OM: IL MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes, laasie. and Musical IsvtrumezAK, School Fk.ota. hualostery. &de agent Or Chiel.rinen Viso!. forte.. Wr 'western Petamtrrall--No. wpm rt. [ENRY &LEBER, Dealer in Ntu . sic, Mu skat Iturnmments. and lattortar or Italian Scrips , Mom, 11 = ILLINOS, WILSON CO., Si ufac- Rkftihrl lout ha R d hoe uedle; Coo. 6.4, and latblr.. dot al. and 2.1 blued radiate.. Sr- OtAce..I.I.PPENCOTr- CCU_ No. 1,18. 4T.t, taint, —uarn, 'IRON CITY TACK FACTORY.—The 11 .v bra martulattura and tarp eoltelantlr on bantEall alma of Tack, Brada,and Platnablea; fnihinn„ Clout" and flab Naltn nn. instal Flour Barrel and Lathing nail[. o .oPar Nall. and Tacky, BarraP Nr.thr, (nary[ and zinc Enna Salle; Pattern Makarr Pnintr, Manta, maarted dt, dr,' dr. . 4 , CAMPBELL, CILF.FS W. Waren.", Plttaburgb jIiENNEDY, CHILDS tic CO., Manufactu me of rery,fiturrerk4 Pena. Carpet Chill, mon Twine and Puling. 31111. Patobanik. Din SBUROIi LLKALI WORKS.—Ben m4tkrr7.ol., xunutunartra of &dm A.b, Blotch y. Fowlers, 31olistksod Wall/Male Woroberw. Water nt, Wow Y • wwnr- • PAPER HANGINGS Y i r i rLT iafi rt e. P liiiPt ßS polu n r Ai tsa e I e n W NA Arnelean Payer amd Bonier', litueles,,fire Hoard Iginte, ie. Also—Writing, Printiag. J. Wrepplag Pope, No. 65 Wo "Creel. between 'Mirth .aorl biareonit alley. Pletehisrgh. Pt. TRANSPORTATION AGENTS.' J,PIN A.-CAUGHEY, Agent for the Lake Elio tug Melligan Lime. to /leaver maul the earner or Wate azd H 1,3108.1.1 N. i I LEECH A: Trantrporters Cunt snd Vormallost 2 , le;ctiasat. eons, of P. Aviv% wad Um C.a. tTAMOMM•VidiII):t I A. BROWN would mostreopoetfully irifOrua IP the Public that Le toga on band atlas stand ontbarirest &deo( the Diamond. A ll egbeny ea), complete aswelowd of Vonitian 011rar, alto Veollian Shutter" ere made to i nine In the best t 10. sarnotoll. eqUal to any In the U rtud Pt... Elinds mo LAI remorCilwithout the al. of • ofdriver. 'laving purchamell the stovAlLPols, end road of the cabinet eriablubmsnt of Raw., t 3dcliallandol lato prepanat tolurvilllt tlorir old curicartere, v reli ka Um pub lic at lara.c . vrith every thtut In Weir Agency, t. Wood etrect. Pittsburgh. urill.:4l J. A. ntiosiN. PAPER RANGING AND FLAf3TEEILEW. J116561i• JOHNSTON, Perts fiesoiß .I•Ltatgaza—ltashichca, comer of third atroat ay East, N. 11.-I.ltar. Nand. Mortar, Lath, he.. ttr aala. cathatl y VETERINARY SURGEON DAM "'ARLIE,. Veterinary - Surgeotrj late XI. tenni,Edinburgh, boot/A.l, ninth! tniipnetrulii ea• taunt the public that he hes comm.. ad primal. In the sines pin to nail, lir rarebit. attention to whiihiiir ruin:LA.l to him. he hope. to Klee ptlefentiott. • in connoction mitti Jammu Hardie, • Horse Shoeloll and Inackenalthing to pineial mill ho eartird on. et the irnier etrint awl l'ennirlyanta Aeon.. _ ENGILAVING AND LITHOGRAPHING EVILLE JOIINSOII, Engraver on igood, Philo Dull, (tDird Marna l'lftgfulrgts,e..-1 - I*.e of Machlurry, Defrm*/ Tiourpoprrn. Yrouttsploreo, Larolregfor, Drug Lobo). to enlour. Mao Orr IttylotoUs. fru. ofrtios.arriAggorfations,_Doturn Strang, tho Dorf rrYlo or ort.Uud at tiro lower!. primal. • W)LLIAiI,SCIIUC[ MAN'S LAthogtaph, Third opmatte the l'ud I'lltat , on:ta. Mar., Landwaper, Ibrtralts, Nltow 0114 hr.d., lltalts, brad. Labelr. Are bitteta ral and Idia•bina Drawing., Ilunlavra and tilolting Wets, ke.„ angratnal Intwo 14tc., yrincval ratura Odd. In tn• ha. apprr.l 4tri, awl at tIvol•m•I 1 , ..•••• r 4•1•••• • aelr Wegner, Bnechner NEW LITHOORAPHIC ESTAIMISH3I,ENT. 1•11L' ABOVE FIRM mopeetfullyaniri.uncp thrs ra.naa and ta.. puLtleenuristli.l.het th..y prnoneLl' to expel., hp the tirat style of' their art, all ortlrre {of Chan Carl.. Ihno, Iht , kans.. Chmlrociirtsittna PrvresPlortal Carle, Slep, Chart., Lahea, te. .Tbrlr e•teAllAllta,at et N,s, . Nlnnt Lome. Thin! sod / , gorth .taro gerhlt.ll JEWELF.It2. W. WILSON, Watches, Jearelry, tiilcer Wart. aria 311112.7 Oen.ln,flarntr of 16401 and ti.l l .—Wat...lowanalCltiu. •....r.itirrarmir.... • - '1 IE I 9 M I L E MARBLE MOMS, (established 1.337 1, ,tr jaoso t ak WILMS, 'fin. Liberty et. ‘ . b.7iii n c=liesdn.6l= l lg44ll= ''Jßu giti AA stow on hood. ouiesoodo so criber, 34:4301F1100!!!eli15,7‘iffitSilitiflt ettrtatbiL- PHYSICIANS nit J. MYERS--Surgeon and Pivaioian. Thc z0L .. : 1 11 . .7.41'41Met.' 4 ,!'"" .. . No. Dr. Myers hal permanently bemted In littahurnh,• ad will attend to dn. duties of his .Protwolon. o .ao partieulae attention to Scameat ...4,1111i the dimmer , of women and children. apin,3ol dISCELLANEODS CARDS, &c. Wm. M. id-43116i JILL ire epecinl to tho Collet at L e n n . ti . o :l • ern 'ea./y.1144311a sod Fws tera Ohio. Pittsburgh, Ihn• or•Pweite the New Court How., • lieforwwww--..Tnhn Monirov, F.C. Fluwwiw D. N. Whit, Hoaw 11!ainant, and Wm. 51cOandle, 41:19. •• • J ONES k QUIGG, Manufacturers of Spring slut Hlistertartl. riourth 2.4%.1 Plouglo leach .M 1 P iptl eprlaO,, Pammero,l In &Litt, la Molleado CastUtop. Firs Facto.. Lamps, owl -Coub irraeralty.ooro.r of Ito and 'front I'.ittnburgh,l`. fiIeSAIIIIDICKEY & CO., Agents for Ai e -chanilron Wtirt.a. Enp nrattstenTlr on hand sad and Sheet LIRTar at . r Urn pr etpikes in. and,gn of eutteriar onallty lh , hat Jt & NOBLE—City Flouring V 5111 t, 0.. san Cheat cur cillatat l'itteburan. ,PllteilOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer, thangh.tan, and P141.10i1 Mng Agent. Mom! I, V . Vht , el NodaLs nor the Patent Oglee &plan, Machl• Mari:gr. 6/2C14 ritt/lIMUtt. tan.l.l.dle Ana., & CO., Wholesala and Retail :717,110.V" TifF t t ;4" -I tF . Lr ,' ;‘ . p., ' "'"",, .... zerh a, ; a :g t zttl , re ., 7 , i. ny 11 u n 1 1411; mad 1 , 21Z1 ". k ;to' IV M. DlG.liii , Merehnnt Tailor, Draper, 1 V und DivilerluttPuly Maio ClntLi., 11: Litorff r. , - . _ --- .. ~ C 0.,, - HONEG G E R it . lo.rortor , of Wipeo, 11. LIQUOTI. *pi Sgri.Cl.44, 0,1 F. 51.10,14 rt,..,t... M.,. V ilth an 4 k4vonth p• A:, MADEIRA, Agm f — or.l)c laware 91n comp. ' , L Wxcer I GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Frunklin et Vim adr.da.ttn.. Company. Dort),east on", nt Wond sod Third VirItI,GLENN. Boor. BIN mitt, Wood otreet, ...woad door from tho oortotr of Mot, wto.n. o prehartd to do every destmotioo a Madhya with torttrotw wad duredlity. 111•13 k I.lotats rulw totot , mt. , . ri bound solwtotiallr. 800. to numbei, or old lento bound boonrwro. or repoiml. Nam. puton gilt ;oar Shove who bindin non traltoti to roll. Itrloeslsar Stearaboat Agency, and General Commis -4 sion, Receiving and Forwarding. ALDIVIN, PLUAIEII 4 t -s; o have thiP dLy cuew , ciate4l with them Mr. ,Ynti Lao ton. and otter t ett rankue to tr l / 4 .4 PoOie.. StentnE.6l Agent.. ileovnli C.datawormi. and I,lllettlolaov, haler the .1,16 at BALD WIN, PLUIIKIt. 1, - ..ntir, April to 11,1. 142 Witham, Bow .pril=ts (MINTY LANDS—Carr. Que.. NAYLOR. Attocnes• Law. tt. len Thlrti et., corner of Cbarr, larittg butdo arrangement. far Po. Pbrfoo, renew. BOLL.. Lab& fur ctlficaro end Poklivrat their tottdoTo. cznll nbild.r* n. ant .111 attend to any 4that l,a Leto,-/..u . .biteetttl nitb the grotertment or any of It• Impart: asent.:ll4 .- Petision eltke. or tn.. Vaunt. at tb. eltj of Waghlouton • Dratiitig, Perspective, and Painting in OiL 't it. D. It. SMITH i s now prepared tn'pre alm:t rile en the a,e.r,.nl Erawrn.. Att wenn:* a,. building. Vint gUe tl.tteta..o ota% tentakt rt tottruebo., tram t el b' In his,..Chart. atel partlootr re rants 0. , •11 by talfinn laltiman , n) roam. Iteter to Pr. Oast= or Ih • tat.,ttr WALL PAPER. Fresh Assartanent of Spring Goods. riILIO3IAS PALMER in tinily receiving a idol. the • Lattero titter, at tam old Mu,. No. 55 Malign? SlittZT, Betaten Third and fourth strfets, rt:frtraeo, long per.tit. rt.. patttrbe mugie. ,cutaaly A.m.... 1..4 lb* nka A t.ta ,it usturfa,...l. tin. lo et-tat tax.rarAv. , To attraetere nit ot -.torn a nor, canto ttaltnnent tau Ito brawl r,ut.Z than dvatnirt.. , o. attlutton of enotebauta la r•serttt-t -fully Itiefted, met I' HUSSEY & SUSI CLALR, 8 to mge,Shipplag & ComixiLlan felprchant., IV .1160. L .t. strwz. 04.14, CA43 - 5d7,..r.4,a ;:irlmum , o4 Agetita km traeriLnaU acwl tb. r•rter Ha. to— to Wm. 11. Oti• & Cam., C1•74.•C 11. a. t Wheelor. I , lllfialc, T. )1 Howe, Co.tbi , r, I , ll4luarct, asyll.eo Rockingham and Domestic Aneensware. ViTOODWARIO, BLAKELY A CO., Ma.rvl V ft:attn.,. of Itoetlughain loot 1•Ilaw Can: V. an_ . can LAM !loom._ e 4.111.7 Sitql 110.11.41wrty (Rongllrniareh buililtnc., rocranor uea dmr t., Flay% tflollrlatefirom, Our este...ter Nat!. • natle ctr ro all Ord,.pr•l6,qj A muirrtmit drisg. to, en 1 Lotto, shir, Lie !rep parr nob At thr new and unprovnl r of lb. day. Watwt Ors.. t pitootts,{ . ..ehors, Fan, loyi,Drrrrtw flower Vase.. tioblata. Slant/el (t r oAva.nt.g. arylJou, and artwleall, doca—tur 11..111 vrat tar...ty oriel" mumValla. /ixtftd • n0.1,11..1 Alexander Bradley, No. 19 Rood dreet, botuoor rigt and &tend .14., (1101 OF Tlift GOLDEN ,10114,1 ' IVlt ezrrij , .l . e v ec ,r rlti:l Con, ao teal render L.l.wltaatntfactrot: k1:1,01i STOVE... 00.34 whleh nod 30000 t ti.rft'a relecrtaad toldtnar Parh.r 0 100..... e.toreaf Had/atom trankho fltorot. and Int, litaf. , •• tn wbteh le tnytte the allanthom of Loader.. Tea Krlo-.4 Solt°. Warw. Wurdt 801,10,/, to all of wide!! thr atteaton of deal., twforr ottrenaona rlsowtoor fflfl Pittsburgh Oas Pipe and i'ube Works. undersigned have j ant completed their the IRON TUBE WORKS, aaal ars raw awn:du-taring .all alua Gan • r IPIr. 1..0 re nod °the. Finer. and Mrs 61' ta- WRODUFI,T.=IRON TUBES, *bar, tr.., utter far ea• at Atka Tilers. lb, at. atm prepared to rza-ura arirtra to say. wttitoal Jo tar, PleiNG No. 91 and '•aar, faba2. Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Compl. GLOVER KIER & CO., PROPRICTORA. T" SURSCRILIF:R.B, haring been ap point.] Agent,. fur., atwrr ow:D.4 molt-re...AI k.e.y.u.itaatlyA.Otrata • uppl,at .lellrikted 1.6.11 t. Mire thiet.C.roriblehlre static. linattlaundlorralli Th., sty atm orepor...l rmrlrr for ras.t Prlct. to ho nt promadr es. in.l Alit* to satt porlmr•rt. .hell tr• Wed°not it neori•ary to 001.1 Eants...the Bolivar fir, Itricit pus,. sve bean offered for .et. .t. tiro I.7rmr,d rioritr.blorr knovtu to &throe • Ph, Brick. The oropriko. tiot'r•d• ayd Brick Omit lam nowt of tholr o'rerkrot that .to rt.l*.• shall br better thin they hove Irtr•toror. Lava thttablistrinent now orattetsrturlog klral man, Gael Elatlo, Save u I W. Dixon's London Patent ent. the many a+ met all uthere.bal ..itatea, tbelr map. 'II toemne eh., use rriklo.,l that the °vAble repatatteu, l '' Tee ' llt h rht V. 17 sck at Bnlivas I r k JONYA. PI t...bur.hi. • ver Watches, iin INttiftwh It o t street., in • firer %maw* 5 h Motel: &pinny, to any Walrner ItRICHARDSON, 81 Mn nols agent for lb. •Dorn, •• oflowing gartrantnnlr tassrbott to _....__... 1111.1. DIAON. Chro• King e0n.... , ing- Vikteltk. N 0..—.. IRine,..(l on N'Anh ..,....,n,r/le.l 44 11 ' )?.Lll A " ; t .. 117 kPwoltwarat to Ma Ad 03,11.1,1. ostmet.r and Watch' ManoLw , taret, . well R. 1.0 Loudon, that td. sect , mv.oYlo/1 •arrantoLly ma to WIN routpad 'tb rtrlcrir=r=rXtg Tr!, gotanunw• the Wwtr..h O. k avtnxk laracllon of am pureliewer. lIAVE FITTED DP, (on the Now York ."4 Ito fashionable parlor; war - hat. ot•lec 1.0t.t saaat antartinr atwortment .1 Battu De Lain, 1 , n,..tat0. Wrench and Unman Dantaak De W.% Dnallth Daraaok, Staroons,A:hlutan. Turkey Dad Yrtuava, tenure al avery Mod, Lace Cuatalua a nnuton and lain M.D., Hol land of diflentutarldtloa Utroleot of n dfilanent natn•rna and style% Loot alala..Witalan (Math DI hltamlao.Durialu Borth , . and DandaAtUrtaln Pint. T aandlaasol Conn. Bilk and Woratnl, Do ) Chlnate Pringen, Mar. telllen nun Latterly, quilts. Counter anot onlon.d Daman - W. alsintan, Dada and - Wanting All anima thankfully rneatard and nutty allad. arta WM. NOM.. .. Thlrd sttrof - , J. Wilisiin & Son. • WHOLESALE and retail uaanufactu-4 rers tout deider. in 131.te and IOW& Nn. PI i ti l Eallittyrbt, third drat Wes Dinntont Alloy. lithe bueett—.beta the, nett 111 full and re kW thee of lino and Capp end thee pen and tutern tun ufauture ut eters quality end etyle, hi whuieetto and re It end turtle the attention of their cnnenners and tits p ' 11., ensuring them thst they will/ell no the mt. reaoma , ln term... GEORGE S. AiLNO I & CO, BANKER . DIALZRI), IN EXIIII/INCLIC, COIN, ONE NOWA, W. NoI4 Futrr!A ntzl In hal, • ittunlovli. 0040 an. 1,1.0010 entlert an CI pa .1 [lto Union Monte nannbt and AMA tdninnmlolna JOIIT 11X111111 -WWI OMR.. 51117LEY A COLVIN, Cal illerchatitt, 3 imul 1)4 ; a "i"l tirec.r .s, Iron and Nail tr;rrwr Qr Visitant .1 re. 4ort tou Turnol,o REAL ESTATE AGENCY For heaver County, and adjacent COWIII6I, LiOCATFJJ IN THE 1141110111311 OF NEW BRIOIITON SUBSORIBIM, having been locdted mme an d ear pet mien bontirhing Boronali of bow Brignton reankel le than twelve rear , Peet In tbe rlcloitr of the um.. and Mng that time hie et. *motion Hu lawn Oleo larEtwt , V.linkrrely to Land taloa. glee For the .1,91:014.11.0 of the pittille /tenors' r, he. 11`40:7: 7 4 ,,t;:.. ft ,Tr.Tpt::!,;=1 trv,th.; raz,k 4 lbe put year, and hro • Bottle Brett,/ Oa entering' L... Lola or otiorr real eaten. for nab There ant now • number of valuable lots and tan dello,. In the liortingh and nelthig rbood, for nib et hn Wes, and term ailuutursou Titles allure 4,1 , 117 rurained Into, and no rue Peotr will be otforad OM., the title le Inditiostatitc Perrone delimit , . of porebuing will do well to enli cell manna. thr tbnoiiiivet BOND. 1.111/11401tn eteglar reiei Lolato Ar•nt Fine .Watches! - - A 'FOP very etiperiur Gold Potent Lever %Fettle, tee 4 by ett., eI..F. 'the, h tee vetenelltl J 141.4 Cletenetete..sf beet Wel teletit &tabye eased it etel% LtFlt y r, et earketsttatit):4;ii.,,,, PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1851 MISCELLANEOUS. =CHANGE AND BANXING HOME A. Wilkins & Co EkTI. acryE % f eet.= fund! aria...lly arnarrn trellis and Maryland. New Irk and New Fnl N ''' rnor Jernoy...- 12ala!rarn. ==EM womb at. .7 New 'York and [r bilwieluble ..... 111 'CHARD J. C. BOECKINO, Manufnetu r4tfgr'•,F,7:7,lF.eitt: rlttAtireb, oeiddif milt WARE. 5 AMUEL KROESEN'keepff ennonntly on hand iow,l ...eon... of 11"...1 and 106tti We“. Ellet,n or Won Bucket, Wooden Bowl, Churn.' Ilry 31rnoqrre. Ziuc and etor,r Wseb nod all Pt's., kindn of rare If, Moline. W. 1. 1 ,001, 11n,anir 10.11 , Fillb eirtoq. Pittehureh. Pa. Fall Fashions. JIATS, CAPS. AND LADIES' Fll4l 1 _WILSON & SON, No. 91.,1900,1 1 i -Ft t., 7 . V • (third door I.rlow Diamond alder.) would lo rite Lb., ',Meath:al of their re:emu:kora and the public to their larirr.Lthim h ,, h thi, 4ageo are now rerelelco to eir former emelt of Itinode Ti,,, rtromet emaelete in part of the new .trio HATS. lately introinue4. and with+ are rn rem. much admirrd tar their beanie and grotilit, toroth., with RiVal variety cr Mack, Drown and Drat, Memvan. Ilunaarlan. awl ether kitele of HATS. fn triPll and hurt hilt and llohmr PLUdll CM'S.; Cloth. 011.1;11t nod (Dared CAPS. of almalt all description, lam!, lIATS Led CAPS r,sl--..r.1 at nouermable prim., whet', sale , smi 1. Alo-I.ADIK , FURS. Mr: mut Natural Lynx. Fitch. Gannet no.l rtom.y N 11.41,1; Fited and hillie e ' , VICTI,P.INES CUP} FALL FASHION. TE . l T ' l: v or e li. ‘ :T ' l , , " L e h i 7lit t ,• h in i :tt .b r e tVb t t i te rU n i .4 ttru mit Mena. an.t the public geuen:ly. SiefOßD mr. Fifth anti Sl.l v., _ . - . Penn Glass Works. OREN 7. IG T 31. AN. (formerly of the Wm. !deed IN Manctfodurer. .11 L. of VIAL, BOITLIdI, and WINDOW OLASS. Windmr 000010 novida t.,r wWlar and I od,. oter3 C. WaFeine, Professor of Mule, BEG'S iNive t., inform the citizen. of Pats- . burgh and ' Alleubro,, ti" br will now gornawner lo gt. inntruunn• Ow I'IAN. FIlliTI. üb.l 1101.1 b. on w•nuuntble lon. " Fur furlbet pArllruls.• euqulp , 11 11. 111.EhK“ . s M.o.- corr., ,o, 101 Thivl 'to, 0 in tn. uoldrn Harp wll' New Chocolate Factory. N. GI A LION I CO. respe,tfully in- Pum thr. puld, that th, .ru outortfurturin; CIItWOLATE ol usury ,ultt, m. 0.1 [Aura. Ttm dun mutt other ...,I.llorr, ruresot.,l l+.. .w um ana homy of hour fluter. mu , pottp-p,out sod wh01e.... Sig. G.. Co.. brun propnetots of Out of thu halms Om-platy loam... Union to 141 y. LAW. the pohlte abet thor f oqual if cot, top. lieu to the host Importod. amt at lop" prior. It a. foe et Mr 601101.'5. (Mad. for.r. tailtirotro Sr, 11l Fourth .t up ' , Mr*, no..zt dour the Ilpynt's onertc34-km) • ST. CLAIR HOTEL, • • (Farl4er I s tho Exchange;) Corner of Penn and St. Clair 'Streets, PITTHBVEOII. • r 111. :pumioe ., central , anti mutt ei!iiiani wnt.,l.-41.-1 lissTT.L. issertez taase enraph4/y re shat. rJ LtA rersuraal absl hst She ess - sstusxhalatsats the ruhhr. The autterhshets. Isa,ussa .al prrscrielsns ot the IST: attlh. 1.1074,11., rseps,tfalls ftsa , rta Iss. (neva% and dm publics that be hmas fistobsbasl ss, star msaat eleinstst and essmshrtass .n 0 al ss TG-ke It equal Is. e n, hong. In she nnitstry . useS2 known rnts sal Ise-atinh the /loam, an.l tans assnashass ht araa.,,e131.. ra.lrreng It the arasserleesnes LW either us t..relen Cr Perman,ut fn. auhrit •hd Asspes lon is a laass,at 4sare pathnnaros: assi-htlf New Coach Factory—Ailegheny. , , Co would rp titeri. hain •r•ctni NMI/ ,14A11...] Aix.... an atm (hunt, •••• erttt , nnt • •nlvr , vs,/ .1.• - tint•nt nf Chun., 1 . 1.. t• tit. U. whlci.. in. then 1,4 tter.criunt• 11, p...t.t5..11, .1 :1•• . .n• •••lt, ttn• n. •,„,. •rtitt.t...l E. do ..+l4 .1 I,* f-rino inn. vatic., lint•no I in 1,114 ••rtrtilat t• .ktt nltt•-tict. • t •••1 h.rsu, ,u! tn, nit ttinitalit•it tit •••, • it,r• ant Or. tit•• llt- •T and tbe, moo ta.1,11 Grindstones ! Onndstonts ! - - lOGA\. WILSON A 't No. 129 W 44 •cr..“...1$ ru,ni4, at ~‘..t...1.•,..tarr • ttwe twttlail, ?Ott Teti t • .4. • rjriv,. 4 FALL FA‘4llO N; FM; 4 WiLsoz, SON. FILOIO.2,4ILLIIa 1.31.1 Inlb Al4lll • • Sims' ' Tire Pixxiferll - 1 having t•thst....-nt t, the law:. nes, m. beak/ f 1.1,1 turatt. :1. ta , ec• ~(11pr ,runa In .104, , t; , o.“e 8. r El S•clu 8 .. .t Allteh-ro : Orn,, 1. /7, • F.AeLF, MARBLE 'WORKS. 1.6,111,1161 a ht . T.:l, V ELM UN In • W 1 I.KIN N,, _3 Ltt,erty ~ I 5i , ....-.;•.u....".1 a:;1t!1 - .11.: ~ I? al., 11 ,,, ... I, ~:, aal . 1, A. i 1 .,. 4:1.z V.:;?' 7:',',: - i - :,'•:::; 1 '! - ;:‘ ~' 1.. r - . ) rt. P cr •1 .X.---- tr.... zt.o,. '1,7-;-. Denn, lion Jude. Wi11..., . J•.° • Jan fd. I tcti )t kn. t.n. 1111•bar11h 11 .4. J. H. .• 11.1, 3ter...11•••.. Y.. 111,, • llobrrt MrKnix %•, n+ • 1 , 0•14, Jint..lldini.E.C. Fiy. I.olna U T co . bun. kip.. • • a Lnt,rop. -a.,• fe.4. ano.t.nal Inr .n+ .1 ;.traps[. r•.• ninnwn tn en, L.v. lonl Largaq and pf...ntrnotn.l 1 ltd 1,1e.n.r - JA2tES IV. WO DWEL.L, f:'ABINET TURNITFIt lftetumr. %Var. r..n.. 1.7 k W. . W.n.op•Attud, informa hl kiartonarra 'hat 1,11 • me. •••trx tit. • ....dIIC•Pt cork of b n .u•vh.l.l fjr.' tbi.441 . .. L• to d•t•rnalt.o I .. vrerfl : a.moutut to/d0,.1. t•-• ft Ara 'deux` anal fr.m 110 • ..t.c.c . .. caatinfartkralk, lt. l• ....IA.A7 .... , toy, Om loartrt k•-• " - lie ear $.1•4 , 1•01 I-. kn.:, .• •., rriintnr•kt 'rah h!. ..en , n ...., alway: on baud dm ar-at.. , ..1/.1 fur:navy...lmm the ..b......0. •lal gaol and o,lllr . tam' ft h...........• futulat.ol from h,. at yr um onl.l. If. tto,cf. , ro 0-410I1• no In Wye cf lola ..labllfthro•ut Tuft, , artlrl.o. ma., m yart..l b... •,.. Y m tge . anal ht.. , mulo.l a.- ..1,... Parlor. drawing. 4... a. ftl.4 .A.. 1 r.ona •halrr. ad O , AI, ”Ybety, crukonluk of r , ......vrt,.1. ohabray...ay •13/1 walnut. Elaahrth.u. I:Ans.:y.o.a. ftn.l alks, I !Am" 0 , •aorf , Its 1 tilt loka, ',. 1...,04 I•t 0.1 ',any 0 tho Isl.*: Yreurb •..1 Arn•eikan ,ftrt•rn, ...b...... 1% hat-Not., .11.1 whop' parka Ii riling 100 ft• of 'a: (All t.lll/LC: at orb 11,1•10 s and fancy Inlaid ' , WA,. na,•LA +la dr, and hoblri, nalarldo RI,. ankh...gas,. ,000/...1 ..1..1 .lal ut ronar and onla, TO. Idea, e5ten.100.1....k 4.1.10, all •1:0•ui thy molt itopr , Yrd. and davadrdla the tAOt 1....1...01• yard. I'•ctlnok• ball and Pier tablAr. wardn.b.o, f•Art.a.t. a Ad eftAhrtft..l• a •aeh • 1..0 aasartmant. yodh.c ball bad kkalcr re o atdaAn dam., ott.manr sO.l ..t....1•. 0-Art Ift, On. .04 Afts•AA•l4, I.o.anir, navrcryakka, 01+01 rarkft. hftt man/.. anal misfile idlYdr, crib* and notft f... childot. l,oprr nanAllo. tobta an.l to Jul, mahogany. rmear...l.•rul Inla , l a.....n1 tftblek. R. Re le. Atay,: ft k• ...y..... of of 'll.l/111/11 / 1 11,1111, and Wihdrar ebafra ca a t k aAt ,kftft•y• Aucg.llol 1,11. 4.11..1,10r tri their 1111 r. .NIA.S Thin! fr1.n.14 y . 0,1.1 tn. • u.lit • IN ith end(.4l%, It. sarrapt, 14ra.1 I , teszotzat, and the. istionna cv.tke All onion prompair 1%9 . ,• The only real New York l'lnmbing Egatt lishment ....... .. ,lIERE worlt i. 4 done o] Su.ientitp Prm -1 V dyke. and • arraut.l l Tonne anal nttantbottt t Pluelltlup. In all ex Orttnt-1,, ny ttlen th 4 t . 1 et Yt tn - Itt. dnr" Hl.. ' ;l:r;T —' ''' '.!°':', , , line 'I net li, .. i . t. tit 4 - G. ..X•olt !land, r‘rnYb... -, • it , t. ~..4 ' 1 t ' i ` 7; t7C.,. '' [: ' . ;I ‘ .T.. .. '. ' 'g ,'; 4,7 Hydrant,. • . . 4 1 . ..1..ttt 2 ettor ettrapi. et tnntt I. • n.t . ly 1110 eye lianstrm. e.ttt I mu I.okt, ll axtiltrin Hot tt tr • Frnary, and Lnul hp, furnk•ohytl and toatertotetx it • eat pet,. fLH Yon, and 1. ,, 1111/11, 11, ;trate., heat.O.n. I. iyan band. and nut up at ato..1111•41, 11, thr•torettr, 1 R`Pir'" pun'. girr, ' .l " .nv l ,l ' 2,, i. - ...i„t . :: }1 11 t ln•lwttett 11 9 ,.1 } +tut Mariam ell. , i lI.AY A NI , 1 A'NURE FORKS-12:. dor:.% Ilan, t t...,',. rah bratro on, as,' mu"ar. 1.,., 00.1 from no taanntarqunr, i'httaklelpho, no rgurnin. meet and tut Ital. Itt . I t tV IntlNlteXTelt, II moor tee+ t ta F"r rrt•t o n n u ' rn " g r re ' r, ) : o nal ' ltt ' ltt ' rt i : ' •?: o l7l, A they •n 4 - I told. monk Swan. et... lute.lll.-Itt, . st - i-11 I t 1 - - 'WANTED, %Art:STERN BANK NOTES, !at lowest Y V market b ar I,l4lniat prail KI N G,d fur Intne• I ran Silver, In bar fund.. by 11. ft 011 Mantel A lettlto, Yount; at Paper. : • . lIIBINTINO. IV RITINtI, and WRAPPING 1.: PA Pell—tern n ram. lt4 by 24 by L+ At V reelun Pan., :le 1 1 - Yo ll 12 by 37 ll .. 6.00 - IX 1.1 24. 24 013.4 24 try t 4. 21 n, 41. It I, I.t. eta ... Ilion Enttory Illex-e I 1 - .4 1 0 All.. L .cluntile Crown nix.. Paint' 0 • X.ll •• ;I,ilyttu and on hand and elle Teo entlanternad ).etynn etneantly on hand and Int t•in Or Y 1011046 for !Ramp, • lara• and driteral attilatra..nt nt ItulAl t O ! A,. Lfttar, b 011..., and T., vat,r, tbiunet amen, Ar.,ttc. Alnt-t-I•lttort t.l all Mt., fur (.440 manufhettlear, mud.. 1 , 4,4•1 r mod. to ttylvt int •1401 . 117 . t . 144 1 - GM ' --.trner nI ext.n and trout es. Patent CaudlostiCks. 1 UST RECD, AT IL R [CIIARDSON'S, No. SI Maritat Wed. another Int of Pata nt Cnaatr link a. knot arUclo. at pre,ot murb t• anat....and u Oat luadlrerullt Du the atrie. 011101, the puLllc are rv ropeKnally Invited to roll ant ra aroma. 17Z l'ittsbnrgh, Cincinnati and Loamdie:Tale graph. A FEW SHAItEn of thin Stock - .rented at the itto.b.a• 01 11 11 A 1a ILKINS k 01. ITE:A 31 BO AT OFFERED. FOR Crick PROPLItTY.—A bargain arlitba aiartt traptgnataittat tat nutda Won to IRrIJ, • Ira L. 14 Porooll e. \ \ _i F ~..r.. i .... ii ... ~•. ~.-. '-.1.. ...:..,.. B .- ~` ? .• , . • .. 1 ._' . . \•. \, , ~ ~ N , . , E\ \ ,\R 111 \ , . \. •\ ,\ King, Pennock & Co., AGLE COTTON WORKS, W.RE 0086.- NO. W 2 W. , 01) Ftruxr, PITTS/it/11011. I 14 "UFACTUREAS of Cotton Yarns. „,67,1t , en,r:et Wnrsoa,Catullv .1 Ij - Alan lor aJ. tkf • Nl:flint ANL) k:IBToSE MEET- .11.77111.4 netaxxo. . 3.1 t I._ Avi l l lo ha m v . e rk. 7 . mor L ed ne. it: 2 i tr rt 7 . re h r . o n, om . :, loo. N .. o. , k..elf on an d a czompletomooortorterril Or erwrrelll r&Lol oar troy ra.ur , lnte of floor oil elath. erarriage curtain and turuium, of very 1 1 ,4 71SAtiPu , ifrul,4oulPiet.?."nl;h"P.lti3;n,.lin",2o odn °eoli:ln great rani:}'. lu alldloo to the aborn, v ken , t.utlj on b. , • roll nook India ItubLer mnehloo inR, 'um= Naha. tor , . riothittu, Indira au otlemou'a Munn. D^o, ts,audaln nod I.u.kut. of all %had. and every nth., tosjoafartured of I wile LLohhrr. Jrr tioodfrar'a pataol. allot' whith oflor at Immo tha ranoot all m p 1. ., toe.) .1 .t If. PIIILI.II'S. WALTER Sc CO., Flour and General Produce COMMISSION HOUSE. So. vi 111.7711 110 W ARO.; N FV,II<I3I,I)KE IL r, ' *11%11,T1)1011F. RAILROAD TRTO r l: TV FILE DOOR. 1==1M!! olth .n • T el ' ol:in: . .. " .e. " l " e f ehere, with quick ralw .nd quirk return., and lo.t market nth., Ire Would respeetfull, pan'omun , Refer l.— I ro3ideut and Conhier of Sior+banta• Bank; Chartiers CoaL CUARTIERS COAL COMPANY vioi; est..rtalre a1T1401.,01. elos , Oni on the Rhin lir,. . t th, harbor at •?1eKe. , 1•14.1k:L ,; .. xr ltut &Dore. for Inns In nhopment. or lontil furt,t tlao) az...qv/me rents pe• an Moat. 'Mar wilferll It the mann.; at their wharf alma. dPillr Unato. Lkastal tat Bolas, ae... for the Lake or Inw.a markets. A tou of ?PAO Ifs. mutable t/orfp bushels of Pittsburgh Goal. fairly Mr. , lrrti. Apply to the qr.& at lb. gt Rock.. or to Lb, Lagthspr. ELArtlPti , 11101lItI9. tb,Morkmags TIIOMAId :95Et4LAT.II, LIRI'IIY & iti ithi i'l ELI), Northeast ~1 Fourth and Mtaltrat tttna.ta. ham. reed :41 Mellen, blurt an i fart. a mien , : Cohura M. 40. t ettantpabl, Marino, ;Mark and ton. '' f 4 lg:Tl i tinT.l ' l4l4V.T . al ' AV 11::,. '' Ithamnat I.Jrlina Black and Fan, ho-.. Mika; latter platel a adman. •ht• Pran nillr. Lana mat Stuart. Wont and Itrearha Shatalc Naarfr. Ono tat Itlbtatuat ha , k Itiltboor. N mita Workal Calla+, Etat*, anti Ja.mort Ednioc, Throned. Ltd. t Vl4orla dn. Eltuare are tnattad to all .lid trnk at our Isrlia .4. k ihalatal• 1ta.... ua aaa,,n. senT, ....- . Splendid Inidnimente. lIE .übwiber Inu just reNrired inTtlien lora Tv, rhnin• .I,lnn r f Plano.. 1n...1. 1,1 Nl2lll. (Y. en.l On, C. Unnbitn. Nr. Tns It. d/nolit nth nnurnlncvnt rut! it so. werv..n :wt.,. G rand F.., d b .! i1 . ,1 " f:t k r. ' itl:anl. ' VIM i = tr " l * l. ' ;: r aTe7;7. nt 1 , 1 N... V., -it, tb• in.. tatnri.o4 most 1,. gitna,l P:annu - yel tannofncturni In It.!. ruuntr, .nreral auprrhl.dnyl• I•th, hnhinnatal. :, IS and On lunna nf ..crt sari.!,' , I .3'h . .. i f . i d isnr rf Its Gold,. II try. Nn 101. C 113,1 otnirt. • II Thr gbire ll'mung tannin* t•rrti I elortrvi t r b. nII.r trrAn tI., ontne ...tern Mart. mre •ranmnte4 .I.qinn/ ourrn r. t.,. nu, .r.r unnunbt r4ll irs ,,, __ _. NEW STORE. LIE SUBSCRIBEIt having t..k...n tila stare. NW 62 pt , tI:TII ..YrREET, Lm,...rt, , --ruptr.l Cr . IL IL %YON. a 4.4 trzwin.ratirel, ...v.! El, ..a.., on. ••.1 L. L.% dm, 41 . !....tator. .00.. larg• 4.4 I r itrolr.,4 TA. t APLE, MOIAINItiII • 1410. D,RY 000 DB, v " s to t . • . .I Inn la nto istteu• 11 Int—ort. • Nl , ace.l liorwo untet01....... l•• r.e. !iec se. law • tor. ,11 111 , 44.11• 11:11 , 1•P .7.1,•••••• • than oi.• orto 14 , LII. 1.. TwitesulAr alto, te. n c w +t .nc the nun Pall and Winter Stock . of Fancy and Staple iiitY (mow, ri • A A. MASON .tl> TVoll] , i pe resot- c -, 55.1c,545 c.c..", 5". 5,11 an/ • b, r intels... .11 . 55. h 5515 r r ma, l •55.5 •• Ilf‘tt `,5 • ha , . m1e..1 •5115,• t - a‘s. ftr55.5 1455•51,ai, 5.,1,,Etta5•4.555•5518555.,. I , e• 5.45 .5555•1 15.. 1.4 •• 5 . i nue• 15,551,51 55.5 5. F 5.5•55 kt. 51555 ,, 11 4 55.5551 %bite i, !..5.5•515•1544.1:•,155.5.54 tl IN% Vr.,•• " : ' ,415..„1:r .Voo r • ••5 11.5•5.15•4,4441555., 1554.• Vt.s••• :•••• 5.;55.5z5.115.. 55. 54.55 5•• I'm., 5 5 5115, 5.1 , 5, •55:•.55 1.7155r,t1 • C0..=1% . I . 514.55 A. 55 A 1455..5. 15 , 5 ••.• • 11 5554 55.5.5 rt..l 5....1• 5,55/55,15•455•55 64 •5,51 r.l N.rl.t .5 ..l 5 5 1 5 , NEW GOODS: vii%V. riltiltY hew, t.. 1.1..11t friends • ~ ..,11 Aka, • , ,„,. •, ••• 1,..41 , 1 A.ll, ie ..elroxtr,.... • lu.,Ast.i want...l .P; Lis i a tilt:rum.: t.t.:OPLE. that tr. . 11.• c t-rm I laol{. 11,.. L. 1•111.2. . .•••• • LI. 4 •••••• 14441.14 ,•• 104 kol ILMl.ltort.• .1 w .1 tLe lamas. r .01 ca614.4a :t 4..)4 ....II .. 4 44,14444, 14.3 Alt tt r 4 leg /11. 4 11,1%1 IL • ,• :.1.4(14 .STAR GLASS WORKS. 1:T IV I NTE It II Ir•Antle--No Mork, street, 1- 511 , 61 , , , 1A lb • N .7 11:!e:1 ifite, II r t;,.. tic havt• 1.7. - totl tti.lutrirely 4. 711. 11. tt'ittt.-fl A 111,71 t 1.457t.Tt7 • 4,7 II 71761111,1 IS Ja. rt.-, paw., 'Lat tur..l•l, artl.l., tn ato 7r.0atuf75,777...11rt •771 1,, lu,, t't 51,n7Str. It. d•. 71. tiotr77 I .trurn..., 14 , 1, t 10n4.1 clll.l r..r. %re prt.per.,l in .4 tl, with tel7tett tt,t, 1tt7.7k17,70 the 7 , 1011, In xtt.7 7 awn , p,..1 Drug Store for Sale. I,rdtcyled tho rootozo otrotod priro, mod or rery dr.oorirtlott tioint•rt, to thr torrd tl.. Soo -, oto.. tztOt lo utortund rard.ol. rddlou, dot 11, d..- .twirl.. t t. wt.. for ',ohne.. of id I. or, or Mr tAddort: DRUG STORE. FIXTURES. AXU :T.A.H m )11:01CI LA, in 0%1 Ist. loc. • • n,111 , ..a4 and ',10ft...1,...,1.nd ban,. ~,, F-u.lock the tuts.. innrn ls count-et"! with tnn entandelnnont nn,nrti. nr In It. hrnintrodun.r. k 13/4 C, VIM 1,11,1 nal,. • nu,lnat Welterneollege of If otocropathio Medicine CLCVV.LANA, 61111 . .. E 5t.....nd Annual Course ~1 Lectures in. I Mo....errsOr..—r n 1 lem 51 r.n.1,1.1 , erveu1.r1,1. 4.4 r.ll oar wok.. .1 iv.a, ehrdr 1..• Irmo adJod In tn. !Iseult? durina Ilia pout •u/nnor. an I II I. twln , r..l Um , hi,e larllitle• lot oir tatnlmt a therouiat lo•trnrio-n to •;...11,1 &len, al , not, Qn , ta....1 ny ~ -rho. La 1.111, courary, I, T. irrolty .4 . ;r“tructlon •rr as f. , 11 ,, a, orollol I:' I \A. 30. U, I'ml.of Alldvibr; and lll•rawr ol 1 1.1 .men, .4 Chll,lr,qa. , `1,1 1 A111.V., I/ MILLI ...M;. M 1., 1 , 1 1 .....r..1 Institut. " A411 . 1Y11Y. ' 1 1 1`;11.1g.. 4 .11. ii..Prol:an, SI l'ranclplet and 11 • P T....1 . 1. t1 LlFal).l;rii7o Ip'Solid.// . Pn:l.a,nr,4 11akra M,l. and MA//U l . ' I ;MITI/. A. NI., M I/• Pzel..or.lll"trtl"(lllrl:l''L'ffil'?/lII.LL. NI, D.. 1 . 2 . n1,...a.a. of PI l P l o.n . ' ..1t1i11 i f1rt . ..117;1,1111. A II , 1•r01.m..., of Ph Meal lA:AWES K. LUSA, M.. 1 ., , Drlnonatralot ol A , ...isil. 0....1.1 ./, elltlrm mar.. o 1 1..t0n.a... ...... ..... 7.55 ri,...a . nt.. of two frill ..... r....... In c. ..I,r VA111.....z....... . II) 5 I SI Almul..llnr. 1...., ...... .... .. ........ . I /1,11‘..p.r.t./ef //ant ino,rativo 1...11, 1., umlua,tlonp , . .. .. 5 . ti.a.lantion I. . 20 liradua.- 0 on fr.pretnble 1it.•11,/ .e. 11., we a isultto. , l ,01 t. , .r.." , .. Pa /11.....,. of li SC rieulation Pr only. . 1,.....1 It. ard. 1t0.1.1.11,1,, 1^ r..0.....,. .1 ha 1.1........” ha 01.- ‘a.tnal trim% 1.1..0 to $,..,,, ~, y, .5 ir.i1r2.11.1.•1 ,t....,,,1,,,.,. dime “ ~ ,1 .., trtl ultlittiro.l. 1 1...:.::1 , 11 1 , =?.....,,...,....1......1 for tiro •to.l ..f Sli ritt,lll.l.l, infurotallon a.l.lrve• 4, 3-p2b.1.,,,,,,, cy'. ,,,, . 4 r . ...!:.n t 1: 1 :!ATi1'h,!'...1:17,1'.°15,?,:r F"'"''''' .7o r ..IiTELAND MEDICAL COLLEGE. Vat: Atinktal Courro. of Loettirott in the ta.lleur, neoeeon, on Wed lerta.S4ll), hith a.I Nheen, her. nod ~ntinoe Altman Thu tottering eenticluen root,. the Faculty of In. structico. Jo.11Y: L l l:l4 , lifue, 01 11.. Yrefoca.c of fienerhi " I . 4 M'i .7 "l'il'at! , !',l';;;; - „"!,',t l ,Fl l l= b) - ,elr, land " er .tic of 11.111cloo . A.t 51'10 .tic of t + uracc).. juilN L FASeII.LS, 11 l'hue•gar or Alaterla Llerelc. Pharmary, end Hot) 6,t3lhhLok it 1 , Fn.fceoor of Chemistry and alediral Jurtyhrodence. .1£41011.1 Lot La %IA TER. 54 I , ,Prefeeeor of An.tonir sod Phyolnlegy The lee for the routirerCeir.i• nt Lreturce I. .... —460 alatriruleLeu fee. a 211 Whet , pructure, au hl. pa,ttolr In twelve kor au,* •Ean..l b wit!, w pereow iere. aJuataa, tane l.el'eac, rr il whlat, surber l o( wooer at Mr titan. .:ted,Call l ' tranusti a, ' ' o al:1 th,,,,e t. ter I.t waeltave attended two toll , ourao. ieeture, cue whielt'eaglet thls lustltu. . are outttle4 to , o free a1rn,...10w to the Lecture., b. tt.e 1 1.0 trulatl, tee out,. trlth rfann i llieg,;ta: fu;l ,4. r t art beyrueured "?.I",,t7 : l7.o ltria r t r Zi l latdtroi ' ra . t:b• nbtaltn4 at ino-1. Apnstinfluery enor.enf lenjoenn.lnwthall. Mairlentnett 1 lb Vane` k.prentatt. tu the nnunh.n.muu.nt ot tt.le regular and continuo hutll the uposint, ot the term. Prowi.non Ls tntwlo lot the nun' , ”tiun of nmste enstona, ou the term, ohnlque r o ll_rwrlvd with the Untl.nte, andel the .Itreellau Prnhseurs Inelsauater.lthrt ,,,„..riActio. In th., [twat..., Inf., tool ttninnt•nne re. prinente4. Is I.ellered to be 01,01 to any tho ' , own, T., J. L. CArtlkLl. Perretnr, nt the linneal bualt!... A OF.iliitil—AZiD Crl'ENl.llll7 A;SI.)H.TIII:NT oa , Wall Paper and Borders, for the Pall Bales. JUST RECEIVED. at tlko old , ceitablilbed .glad, 05 Market gtivet. Innu Most of the alabealccd Ens.= thatnalcca. a grant Sunny en*. of PA elCallAN.t. 1/.un eaurplieind suth • earieth of ark. *Da peace. da COO baldly WI Cu aredie Outages and neat ehe 'den Of Ma mat thaddluue and ronoconloal. TUDLAS PALII/rd. "r 1 EaCELLAYEOIIB • • Bank of Ila Ckonrneorial t F.Orrnors' H.nt TY.:ie~oe o: c~~t~ Fall Goods. r,aaartan nan 1 ran 'EWE frITSIM•4I7 41.41././Prtl... 8.1 1 N. 11 , ,L.NI Et. , . .4 St./NS, Itatxl.orn ..1... 0 c.t...,..... I ~ .rd and i1:-.1..14,... Pu1,,,, , t 1ZNN,11.3 111.1 Branch It Maa,,,Lai, Rank r:t IltiarntrAh.......-,ar;lrra nc h at 11 teeter.: . __ - i ' N n‘ritar,L, hunt 4 4. ,ar1i ,. 11 . .1i , t. •3 lean. de' e• 11 ani U.S et da . par Prawn at Vanua-Kea a— .1a Ilona .131.naneerrar.. ...par 'll4 !tant e llnetanata..— P.. bank at Nortts •noenea par Coancrneetal 1.11-lhoenalutillt. hank ~, Nartnal.Alarner yar PIIIIII.IM rnual, .. - la ran, at tTtanaityanta par Lafarette Ira*. ....... Mn`• P.n. T' 44 aAn.4 , .Aar ; trrth! U.% Ina a Trurn en do ILano. 0' Mr. I,nitsal Pt.... 1;111 r•torn Iterarro Paul Lit , C. 120.111111 Dank ..: ha . Inc Linn. ,f 11....,11,n, 'farmer , A 11.0........ Hi p0r1.......11 5t4.1., thm4 Doak . .....r. NEW 1,01 AN/. Idroologo ..1...., 0...• .a l l •air.all pa; •• . ~ 1 Z/ k"l'' ' ' •-• .' '.: ''''. '..:., , N ar. '"ill. .... I.e4r etalartr.i.tra• l'-rax par! la ~ .. I 3. 4 11!;, li•aa a - harts...a 4...Canal,' . Maria par! 1 .11,1,SVY • lokL;i'il anr: ' 1.A - 11,1 S I 1 I o.a .. , t Pool 1.. 1. . .1,1,n, .4 Ora 1,1., . . l a ; Lap.., i... 1 t-. ! L..ter ear Ilk -1 1 nnten. ...lawn., t a I Baal, :f uerannie•a - pas kn. liana, la, ',rt.., . .11 I I , nt!e..,!!!tt•.l..trLt. 1, /wrn,. r•alof 11r.,r • 1,, Nutt at Le rrinteaar . —Ol-e-hante• • Meet! Ike, 1, rlaa• •I Mal Iler -a a 1, 1.331! 11naterla 41,r. :. I, . 11. d 0.0.5.. ro. canna por. lisolob.• ... l, 11... A. ~1 ~.r...0d ion lod r St./ITII l'Alli .1 2. • . orlide 1....... I. ~ {Ls. 4 , 1., Year 2 1 Ce1 , 14114a If k. .1 1 , /as.r. i. , • pat e.k...5 al et '4." t ar-Alna . l , a,tren.a.,, 1..t.L ! ynr ! ,, r,ruerrial 61- \A Honor: I, V Larru,o I,at.a pazikte.rel.ann. Itana,!imateri. I 1,1 •OUTtI e ailtit.l \ 1 Ye, Pan, Farmer.' lit .4 Pala. crr• par Itit alleys 4 P t'araira,. 2 ~....,..., ni. -,11.a......1 ,ar;ltana!rt Arrull. id , arultua_ ~ I 2 tarn.r•'H•nk at Iteadinc Parirnn• at Cb.rranen •-•••:, 2 !rival lin 14. Isu, tk;11 Ca! par Niro ere A , I.anar.rea ,!. 1 Yar O Idor. 11 tr 00 . ,..., %., ~ se..a 11th1 / VroOloo I,ll..troad i ~ ..II%,:olyr 1 I.ot .1 V r.4 •an. :'„,.a50,... '•i. 1L.05.1 Pol TENSI,aI), 1 ""‘"."-'''..""!'n'. '"f!'" '' ''`;TR , l'lli: 3 . - ' 1............ I.obto • par TI woo , 11.41 rat 101......./... 1,1 PI n, nentuca4.Lrratainle ...4 Mouvaitati•la 0.11 par 111 of I , mo - 11w. Tlrunn.o % Word Ifronol. Lanl... . I,!Norttrern 11l at lianturdt, , a 1 I - , e p,,,,,, lia_Willeaka,-Prp l ; neurrata ht.( A•ntuelty 1, 11.18.101:111. s Mr, of Oboe .d 111taarrl.. .%. , 1111.. ILLINONL _ r,l Iro :nate lam 1 Inalo 11ant oal brancLao_. Pt, Itranar at Alrao Praurt, at A tl.ena ..pal 14 If•lkiNr , lN, !liana', at lirvlg•rourt JelNlartn• A Eire Ins ,4r, -ill!. r Pran..r, at , 1 , 11.1.4.• . do 111.C1110,1411 ~ Itraa.rh at Clevetan.l de famed. l. ',ante Boo:. A • Orroch at I'cle,la . . .. 4...0, rtna03 , •43151.•-k 11..1.4 , 1 Itran,th at H. in, .1, 1 . ..a10m10r Danl.. . . d 11....0..1. at 1001........ dolloaorouo. Comp.,. ~ .. 1 branch at Colunzbox. ;St.. Pack. • , C : Itrairth at 4.l,tabala 4,1 CANADA Itran4t, at ,latein . .... ..dailla ;411 N Arnerna,Terertant 1 Prane.h at lt.natret., 4•. Mn. ofthat...l4e, L ! Iltanah al ntple• _ do Rank al aloptreal ..._ . . , Punch at 41rreartat, ..1.1,1,ank ••I U Canada lomat. 4. . Inrach at e...0,,,t... .101 t011.1.1N 1.3.....11.A5.1.1: . Pronol.. J.. 11........0 0 t.0. .1..110 New Zork k ',eta)._ .. y ! Dranel. at C..?,, alv 11.11,11adt,pbla dn.-, . I. Brunet, at Lam-axle! , . ,Intrn Baltic:an. dr . y , liras!, at t...t.,,,,,,n. 0 111:LAT1[IIN 1 . :X1211,14it1l , „ Drat,t, at 111 leruen_......lo l etualottau .. . ..._ ... I l !!ranch .t Elyria., ..... n. L01.1&l..- ..... ......... ..,,, i .prin,..ftnld.. IiAiLD a N I , PECIN l' a 1.47 I, I l lrana ' Pl Viler...lra__ ....da;lndablant..r,panirl....-.14,0 Bruno/. al ro., ... . _de, do Poi riot • 11r,60 Allantb .1 Mt a r i l 1.. .4alka/la-rd.l.- .10,60 I Planed, at Zrunarrill.. .. 4,, Yuan!, nal, . Int* • Prapeh ar Net - Pala . “In!Fr....letieknrur• .. .. 1.10 I flrooch 111.14.41 ... ..dortoo Tholor. Itnolob a: Prottarnarrtn dolattittaa. .. 6,100 . irritriell al Elklou.. . . e.0 , Pf1y,,..... .. £.14 branch at km!!!noa. do,TanOulldent. }.lo r branch at Chillirnale-.....dolnlataclantm . . ... branch at Coyahoo. .4,11.151.. c1s Ilronot. id T,.1...1,... . .....1,.. 1 . ARRIVALS LAD DEPARTURES OF RAIL& Ins follow tow lint of arrlywil awl deperult...o'll.6.ll, now FtwiLl• mrtrct, to W. lotter. fart. tinonsburn, laaarttborabur, Ildintjlphts, :mu a4Lptern. Centre and Notthern ;arts of N. I..ra, !Mayer, Noon Joao, an d the eta . New b.rnrlond e /Aar Lttill.:ll Provlnnos .4 Lnw.o Canada, No.. Pcoti, and Neu lirunowiek..lafir. Arriers at.% a a.; Depart. at I r. a. Nuarni.aaana.—lip Mali-reale and llollidap.burn, - Ito, trio ovuonoo of Bradford. Calabria Centre, t.tan. ton, JonLata, I.revadna, Meßenn, Sutter, Pprry. ?top, etkil)ll. aid part of It oottonreltnnt,Tim Litorroo. Slurraysellio, Palen, i. Load,. New Alex.n , lnn, and indt a 7 n. ... at only Anil... dally, at 11 e . doparte Jai, at aa. . Coln, Pu., !driver, Crawford, and Jedternod counties, 14 rrterrs part a( New Yurk and upper Ihnada. ArilTali at U T. K.: and depute at . d a. Y. eornii Wroldnirturi. P. tin.cri, pal.of W.t.mOtelao.l..ty. irgtato, Mar, land, Italthuun., W.l,lng ton City, F.oulluuti and 11t +t ern parto ot (Thin and 11,41 W.. liPuturly. 11114.4., Alnlun., Mirolorii Arkamw, Numb. Cau. hua (1,‘,.. 5 i0, Louolana. F1r1.1.. and Texas. dulty. P.M.; and detwla at d a. at. drcum.MMuk., 0ut...-11) bayou., Ita.uun. Parlg, to., 11.411d/us Um., Va., Jathalon. thrri. AmCrrn . no, Holmes, aud Tuatara urns muntbu.bllliu.d.ll7 ite. at II dcparta .11 A... Nosy, gitsraMM.-11, Braver:V., .40,1 eleT10•04. BesTer Cm, Pa., Columbian, Trumbull, Portage, nrauua, Itc .h hl t' un b".l . '.l . 4l ra 'L' i k' n. 9' .. l. l. l 7n " 2. l t7 l nt u' ala, " Zli n t ' ,T . au * tru ' Pty% " ta . ..l',. autl Luna. niuutirp, knaio; thr •xtrmsu. northern' Auto... Mud,. luau". and 1111nuia, Including ill Minbt nu, Inds, sod Wbu,, dully Arrlvc. at 11 Rai LA al 1 a. N. K . ebvpsbun.ll'Oustou, tam, .Pinalort, Isittanetruz. Kulindultu, Artnotrtal., jut lon, and Clearfield onantlaa. dWT, ex,.ptuu , Msndar. Dr elva• at 4 A. N. and sl , parta at 7 r. 3111. a—By Perryaw 15ixtbrd. Zrliannplo, Portara stilt Itarlinoburw aat hem Lad.. Arriv. Tha2r,„ and batniitais. at Sr d parte. 'll d Wad ay, aral at la. w.. " . . . Iltstanrtz.l.S.—By t , tur...,..on's fislertills, sod kton. °nutshell. 01 - 7. Vrids) st 6lt .1... parts Wtaln...slays and Saturday, at ti a. se. Untto.T. - rers.—lly ttuntinstso, Steliet.p.wt, Coal VallsEluabotta.., - .. 14.stran.r, non, Cookethen, Psrr,ope.ll.. litwt Litssrty, Upwr 3114,11, ton, P. Attires bandsyr 14...1ne55.1.,e, at ./ NI 4. parts Slocts, so.l.ltlune3spe, to a,Y /1it415,11 . , PA —lcy IV•lker . .ltls tir,lllestons, t'sndir, 11.orguttelorro. Ono I.ltTol. ratty:N . Pstl..rsoo:. nail, a 141.11ssi, ,V. Am,.. Sunda,. 513.1 Thurnlsys, at et: dpye n ~Mon. Mon touts, Inv fort .91. r Pa, Esirri.v, Vs Amt... no Atd st o r autarts riatur , Lat t •I UII II y At,triza. NirU. 1.U...11.1 soak , P..AiriTos Weslnt,lsta, at 8 , on Stood., st 52 IC LIi.IICIKI.-13, Log '. Attire on )•14•T• 1 • 1 P. 114 dep•rt• Sahlhi•T, •• •• • 1 , •••••Pc.-11F Parry•cllhh 11,11=4 lire"ttleck, 414.1 e, p.ruqp,r. It Annum., 11 .mu •tul • 0 .4.41• muti•lt.• Amite trl-wookly . -I.l4ndar, ••••2••••••/. ••d r 6 4ir . .... a. •.• •• 6 Tuv.d•y. Tehrml.o.,4hul Patuhls,.•• qy Leth.6. tor teat midis Thum h. In th• Ofle• ow bolo befr.r• th•lr dmaztot, 1. A. sem Irrel.ll..alloreekl) .111, 1111l1P1 1. to Ih• 0111, c. bhut r heron. U. d..partur. • _ . _, ._..... ._ . __ __ • sTocxs, =Kum AND NALL'•!\ . I'r,TSBUR(,;(I - 1 GAZErrt l I TOO Wont CoNDITI OT CALITOII.SA. ilke ' ietomocronltoommni\ son cnoEFULLY.) ; - --- .- - - --- • . -,-- -•---., -7 1 following letter from Sin Trensico;alleett—sed ',,,,•- • -- \ , \ "r I Glyi te, N,....;),, Dal, Aor.,-11.0.. \ \I a clergyman ia Phlladelphla,reveale in e very.'" PRIM OF 8 itiwooTP.D' Fmt Tii,t: orrsnuit ii uszorrio Vo . .4 61tr‘t:Uropeou carrespondence brought PrniiPenta and whale of society. in California; and A. WILKINS \ co. \i by \OJE Europn, which arrived at llama orl, coming rmai 4 g e P tleM " °f 61 .gh iog* attain . paents. comMentbiloelf to tho\ 000fi& oce STOCK AND ENVIIANOOIROKERS,\ wed t e k 6 Y. W . ntk.r° ..... ° 1 V. 4 4 On following,a- ,-.. . - . -.. .. and . Oorestiotelotterfreati au American friend at Sfat... Twitter -emu or alt persons who like an interest ootsim or AlwitliET ASD TUT? STg, I ~. the welfare of thlit hopOrtant \State) of our . o, 'Nettles, forspevy \ eta \ honorable member Of Con- ' \ i•mrnlam..lll, 2. MI _ I kress, wltickgive; . l dome important information Ul" ?"' ' • ... '.,, ~ , ,\^..,, u, wlth regard to Kossuth, which throws consider- "The town (San Frinsico) is being rebuilt, .A.s.." s '!'. ' I able light ape* the `mystery now be inning tobc very ntipiilly, and much more substantially thou \, 1j .,, , ~m , „ ,`,;', , . ~.. jo ,, , i I Ili. ii,i74. - . l;i, I felt apncerning bin moramentit. \ , befOre, \ and business is beginning to anaume its Ps to. , , ... tut to i l! lop •tat. iota anti 1 It f pet-bans proper, for us to add that private ' wonted gait. I however intepded to drnw our ent , ? 1, ..1,.tr. ,, ::. tr: 1 56 --, ,, , i ,", , 1g t , i,.4 1 4 \ 1 4 . ,, g 1 T j lettersitherto,reciyec , l, entirely confirm the in. atterttion mare to the moral then to the Oldest, : when I commenced to write.' Probably 200,000 Aloinr 1,.. 6 . /...-.., ~ lue y 5 Ot: lot 31ny &A c e I timstiOlia se to ibe\feeling,Of the confirm is ti iignis la ect 1,.. ,c,te ~,, , . .wrc too IA 'a, L'" \\ , Ilungoriikp toward Copt: , Wing and the a, I people barnbee- It- l'",ft''''.' , . 1! , 9 - ' , \apnea. ' ;„,. ji ' s' ll ' ‘• ' ''g ...inners . mttitrot ..17;1 . . - ..`:, . iiii: 7. sf lot .I.os All. it of the .11,,ississipp; Thteh appears to L \ re „,, —a , 1., ; ,-, ;,,,,-. ~, ,?i, ~, „ , ;; , ,,,, , I\ o . immo t .tei, .tt,., \ he \ became auquainled ....rz— r . , - .L....c:,;64, , ,ii-i, „..;.,„ .., , . 4.4 i , . ‘ itti the fatit that hr , et , :miti not, consistently , ..e.a seucch \ , I Is) I%thit , ttuO, eoinpli„rich , ' 'ttit, wield to visit hank . fif l'lttehurgh. ‘.5 , 4 „ GA n.. nes lrr" sex , ral Europkan ports; on ''jit4iness under-) Merebant.4 !lintel It.t , ~, 445.,, d.. Ceeh.exe nook.. • , Nnn 0 d" 54001 to be 'conkreted with his 'lntpre projects. Mistress,• Rami e ...\ 0 , .., Thin .sioniti cleariy have heeii„a • dej*rturti from tetene s ... 51.oneshel. Find.. T., '',,,,,, ' 24,,..p.. , Ni.e tsc , i't their ocdess from*,.our Gorerrtr -- " ihi . ch we I et Clair et. Drell,. • ••• :Lt. :3,4, ... 4 .. ' ..,' n'' believe aired th ' s,.. vessel le. fixed nt lirtlse .. ...• $0 4 4 , ~ ' ' lrectly Northern• ••• .., f...t! :a% ", :',O . ' home.' \ tvittiamswit, Bride. , .., Innurnwv Cllimn,: lo.araniv Fir. • Co Pitt OA hi Phil , 4t, Q r .% , httoburs - h, a I,tirrilli• 6 4t 44 .in Lake Kn. l.z 51.4,114 411.11. A. 4' I'ltLbnryh 41•1'11 60 06 6454 0 , , , li. , k^mt G-tatal 11.4 , 1 ,1 89 uhi., I,.nu's. Itnil 'SAIL Er Woo 1.4,1 I,..W.11:11. It I. II; At4rin. K t.ul K. a. Kr. NI. • •• Fart). (7114. k l'lPakk Itivu) 20 "21 io Ail,* I•.m-1.1111.1'k tir•-•rt•Fg Turnpil..l4l elmrStrr. 01u. ...7 4 .1Pr tit Minticv.a • Pitsanurith A horton .. -- North Arm.nean .• North . Iron Clt, ....... . . I..ttaboryll a 111. Korai— Ohio 1.4.• It., al p,7. - uuglaa! llougt Mon Trao Ihok Ridge Collin,l7r.el itlMMiii ~~ \ PRICK OF COPPER STOCKS. It.port.,l LI I._3lluing ha.lllgenco Aorciatiort ant Ezehar.g. Etut.e ll.nn. Lac. scirratna, Kept I. Ar . . 1 2 ,0 Offen,l rk.l•3 14WIinstr4.1 1121tIr 3lIn•) 1124 , 4) 1111 Nernh Irt.n 33 00 42 W. 8144. 1 121 1 .0 0 00 1.•• t 0 ap 2,0 I CoPha 10 uu, Nurth Aturrarau . 'lll . I:i .0 1 1121/.... 12 .0, o u !..‘i) 0;1 ‘ 00i ,•,• 5 I i• oq•f ; 1,361.6. i,,,1 r; 11666614. n . 7 6.3 ; 6 631 ..nt1.r..6 . . P 666 ' '..... i 6 tdlr., . b 33 3 6 ,6. . 1% 6.61 ca• ~ , . ~ , „ • 3 6... 6 ;Fr ttum., 4 t... . ~ w, .la, • 000 I o On . : Namu•\ ow Vcri a m,t1,“,..,, , ~ 1. . I :. .1 ' ~ .. 066 , ..tata . 1 , . 3“.6, Trap Il6rl NkrviO, 1 WI 1.,.....u,,,,,„ iintlrnli•it , , I u 1113 ; VII 0tui.1.66.666 1`661136616 ' 7 ~. ! T .ail As , 11r... “Illctli ~ , • 1:1'11 Pt1•i1110, RATES OF DISCOUNT. , .. Copper Stock. • • lOU then , . 311unvota 51tolos Cossjan Ick - Peninsula lOU " tlitionnel , n. - . • . 10 9 " V"." , .. r: :: lOU " Collins. IZI ' Oa egn ldtt. 4bra " a:tt tab,. by. ti e - 4 u , l` .A tt»t, lt.mia.,:tr \ Marcsatttes, We reached,this plac&A few da Kossuth and hie party leftit, lit „quince h crimper. to have occasioned conailerablLeecite ment, nod . eierything (elating to hintitit re garded with inteniat athomC;,you will doubtlesa . he glad to receive acme partUulars oniceridne the brief vieit, whicfNare not likely to be,gette telly known. When tbeifrigatkilisaiseppi , arri c red here, Kossuth eltreeed aldeeire to leave , ., her, and.go to England through Prince, though he was unprovided with the necessiry passports required from all passengers or natellers. fin • neverthelees applied to the LI 9 co sal, (John L Hod se, Esq ),through Capt. Long of '4 frigate, to intercede in his behalf, audit his cancer re quest, Mr. Bodge obtained permission trim the prefect of the city, for him and all hie eolnpan panions 'to come ashore—upon making himself personally responsible (forthewboli,) that there should be no public demonstration. or disiurt , - , anon. Upon this pledge they were permitted come to the city; and Kossuth's request for, permission to travel through the country was communicated by telegreph to Paris, and re fused by letter from the klinister of the In terior. This refusal and the requirement thrugh Mr. Hodge of the pledge,'not to make any poptt • , ar excitement,appear the haveroueed to excite., e. temper of; the Hungarian to the highest . ' pi ta: and in a ,letter to the consol t.who had done everything in bin power to serve and oblige him hhocompleined bitterly, and denounced hie condtirt \ and that of Capt. Long—proverbially One of he most mild, conscientious,, and °blip ing officers in •the navy: and who, withal, has done everythingdn his power to make the voy age agreeable to the exiles: placing hid best apartments 'tt the service of their distinguished leader and his family. In thin letter he - sayst "I will leave the ship at the first port at which it will stop," which he justly supposes, will be Gibraltar ttl will then go, - he adds, "by /tome pri•nte conveyance, to the United States, and make my excuses for not haring profited by the hospitality of your Government 'elm, by the publication of this letter, of which I have the honor to send you anopy, and will confidert ty await the judgment ottle public opinonof the U. States." Sow, from all the restinietty I have been able to canter, ofter-vome eifortl,am confident that there in no just cause whatever,fer this extraor dinary complaint of the officers: s of the frigate, or of the consul; 'Red when the whole history of Kotemth'et conduct, since he cametinder thapro tection of our nag, comes to be known, it will, I am sure I.e found that he has no general to be di..saturfted to sarnething more. ' Itlnay go to • show that be never intended to go to the United blares, 8.. N it ie certain that be has repeatedly expressed his desire 'to au to England and re main there, with a view of perfecting his \ plans to 'effect a general rerolotion iu continental . \En rope,catel give freedom • to all people—whlet he sepia:ate, to be hiO,arytnoted miselon. Stoec• eral finhaariane sujoorniog here, tell me 11te , never intended to go to America, which in toe, .far removed froth the theatre of hie future op-; erations I Ile sent - the Afthisterial letter. refusing him a passisort, to.the edit-,r of ••Le - ectiple," an ultra red republican paper here, and it-was published with edttorlaPremarks of en exciting .• charac ter that the authoritin caused the whole edi . tion to be suppressed. ' This was amen the di rect violations of the American Consul's pledge, founded on liossuth's promises He also publish-, ed a proclamation ' "to the Democracy. of Mar. The fokt Ifollow ng, \t, l '''''"g LICIA,Che. \ L 1 ry Dep,artmeol\ I private letters fr, irises abfosd. adit what to damp the ,it euth At the. List advic . the kliseissipp,i wee at 1 Uthraltar , where one ill remain...till R 411,11 1 .1 1 .8 \ ipleasure 14 hnt\wn a. r . rds his comion' to this country,which +!\ emcee hugly doubtfel. Previous to hi+ embarkation at Cons4,lttitiople,noorreriyon deuce passed heti.e¢ him rind Commodore Mor i gan, in which the letter distinctly informed Keit- AU ia that his ordersd • Onot MI rise him to let the , i • vessel go to Southamitton,wher Kossuth' desired I, ____-__ Ito land, but that the O ' sders wee simpra s to af- • PetrOleMn I ' , tent him n postage tic thi9 country At Niemen- ~........_, lee,. the ship-won coostudly Burro a/ by twat, asmr - A ,110 ST RitiAnKANLL Cate or T4T4L . filled with an excited pophlace, and he s author• Rththszas CUsso. Pthertthas-We invite the allentloo N the talnkted and the while emathly, to thermancatat !ties Red toner all their exertions tobrevent \is rte - ', \ , , of Wm, flall, of thin city. The awe may be Peen hr any . NiDeimos who may Si siteon,i in 'Alamos to [b. Lathed.. t7np 0...f.ar0g eptreated 'Hussuth not to.pora- pea myth. ' P. SL KIER:\ prolnige c United States flag by issuing znatii- \"I had been thairted fear.' year+ with n therneeniof bath turk t tenth! and (lolling the people, But little om en- ties. which routinued to lucren4 until September. 1550, the Inlanunetion at Met time having 10 , 01,01 the Whole non. however, was paid to the re neat. Kometh makes tan .snrret of hie !uremi a being to rdiset 4'k'. membrane '''' both ^tee. tut , "Medi. the deeonts \ t fonds in England and France, for he purpose of` :o, ' „%, th r. kk ua fi a t''''`'hkl ,,,.. aa h t r a:, " o ,l " c i:L d ia 7 o y 'i; , ' ,. '-i , ‘ :.; ' , attacking Austria cod remolutionitnig Europe; an D a a ,n4u.. 0 4 nna ten .. to not bed ~c,,,i,,...' ~,,, b.. 107%... it war. this evowT \ l intention which induced the • this et.. , ,,, of the complatht I made !policed. io 0 00 e we . French autliorlti 9 to refuse him permission to ' ralet trik meet eminent mail men, who InfOrmal me \ puler Marseilles. tie assumes the Meld' e con. that.' ray ...mold never set welt' - Atthie time [mold , queror-not Of en exile 'N not distinguish any °hien. Brute advice of rule friend. ' P. The Mississippi Itj wait at Gibraltar till 1"°;!°`"4. the "" " the i''ut"'"'"°th i't""l'T -- " 4 " , Kottsuth is heard from ill England, when • if he t'i'4'ti,''A7'a,t"t4dg,Z,t'aht'rna'er,"o..te'L.edh'r'r ,iihdatee't7:-... 'desires, to come here. it will conv is y. him, and 1). ,Ily gegeral,banith law ccix ne s net, improved 10. the. '- if not, she will remain a her station. Ans Will l'e u tro l b. lt.:: . end w r , attri e b . n . te . M ir, ereeto ,i r: i n of 7:gilt to only visit this couotry, h e ver, to raise means for prosecuting hie r volutionary prrijtet. • nt" 0. f "... .. 4 " 6 ' '" \ 4. 0". r'4le4t''''''' l''''''''" lit d" ltlds_ h ll:l ' .:L ' l.. r • i'nd and not to make It his reside cis. , the \ . roe tale by Heiser a McDowell. 140 ITOod aboren IL }- • tandem..-Thin new !Ringo Ireviy populous `, 8 ;,,,,,,„: ' ,,,,' °°' ,,,...„' " C "'l ' 8'5!",......._"b°°-'''` Co, `"""` and flourishing, Ins risen up i • remarkithly ik„7,-°- s mut ''.".'''; D. . '''"'"• D . 0. R! , . . . alas, and U. P. , Cowarta.Allefabopy;a4ltha tiro. \ .... shortstime unt,is advancingwith v high speed- , aril', , ,0. lif, isr... -\ , It has now the teat of ju ice of Later I ii-iiiiither . • nlasTsio.siestitit or-Pittsburgh retitle count s , neck has added te the lements o ' *--- its hosittess and prqgrees, the the offici bush:meal gfikrit is truly tit . - niehing with wli t tit of the county ' • e question of remo g the piNtr and armee. ti. 1t.7 tetra Arabian. Mein* . has seats of Justice ol l ke county from 11;ngt on taken told of public. favor, re mo rams was •o all to Ironton, wits" sub stied to the vote uf the ~." L. ,:,..' "-; ( 4'°,"', ..%" . ` , :::,' , h , 1,.' 7 ..° : ‘ , r,' ", ' 1, ,," , 100 " .be r, ' \i', s ~ peolde at the fete electi , and a decided maigiity c ar et; • f .„, , i,„, ,„„ a ,:h , , ~„,,,a •i• ate., . . given in favor of a rem sal The qu esti is „a ho od; „ n o ca, o ',old ever • withWt It who had -- 4 settled- I routou advatic onward, and Burling-, witen,,ed li c e anic p vwer othr dime e and Ica wonderful - tint must suffer nod decay. The removal it tutu( potency In reneging gain. ' \ to add to the convenience o the people, and to\ Fee wthertosement. .' • \ ergs he more central in regard to t - tcrry, population ~ .d husinerm. than Burlington. he industry end \ \ „ ger Ds. .MeLang's I..trr a .Kii.m3.7-The business energy of the inbahitiatrV Ironton. in ...p k : o :!.„! ° ,l7,;,„f„ d ir es , "- .7 d e rn „, "h n, '" ,,„, : 1. 0 a n,. 1'atand",,.,..7,... -1 meeting its reward.-Cot. Ga,t men them to their neighbors. No one what ever sot. Economy in Omd/..--11 you at\ without' a 4',•4 r° T a . th i , ,, e , a Ll ,, r" ,,l„„, e° ,7, r „t i t, a ; o o ; ° :„: " 2o,. ' „ t • i y, * :1. 6 ,; - 1 4 rush-light, and would • born 11 candl all night, 1 ,r,L,',„„ ,ii,t . if 1., feted f , KIN a i thin ,\ .-.. Unless you use the following krecautio it iv ten ties ca r worked their own way into oopulonth 1 - dr, tO one on: ordinary candle s ; will gutter Way in IWl4 , lli}B{o, cons ,bleb they an every la., perform u. ' , "..k,,,,a, ~;Ti' . ' an hour or two sometime 4 tit the endange :rig the nrsd th•X'l wino "c.0..' .1' safety of the house. This. May be avoided by 1 ` \ ....-°°. c°4.. .'"'“ P"'' April ''''. Y 4... * .* 11 \ , Ilthars./. la A C6:-o.ntlemen. 1 sante to inform you' nn ns tonoh common wit, finely powd 'l' of `be benefit Iva receivel th em thecae a.. Ought:Ma's ' . as will reach frkun the tallow to Iho hocton of he ~,,,,..,,,,,_ i 6,1, ~„,,, ~,,,a, „,,,,,„,.,..,,,,,,„ - . - Ilack Part of the wick of n partly burnt cord i shoot foe • • num ' rof year, , sal have haw very much ' . ...4 which, if the same lie lit, will burn 'very slowl rellered by the ahoyntroal i 1411 Ism nnxbiut, to wee yielding sufficient light for a bedchamber: the more of them: as Ilh k they will offert an entire rum, -: 1 salt will mutually pink so the tallow I. consumed t .....w . .nde" Q.' , fwofell • ;MI Many *cute. , --- .i lthe melted tallow being cleatim, through the salt, . i . , r°°ol.gth`,t, zr.u. ::::I,7,oliUlTZSi.,:tyhtlcnr:i...lheire:i: \ .' -1 and consurnetPi a the wick.-Emnonusr., , I pm 0 ,„ ~..i mr ..,,. , ' . 4 ‘• • .(),.1, A Tatrip.--Th.ti's right,' said ' I to toy lorti r Complaint. , w.f . :. nu ILEIL .friend f±tropkine,Vie - baker, as the sickly look- 1, : ,.. sain_bl . s /. KIDD k CU tug widow of Harry Watkins went out of hie I ° t ° ,. 17_____ . • - ---- - shop door with a loaf of bread' which he bad i.citizen mice (.ti lts - given _ _ _ to nttsburgh given her- •.iluti's tight," Simpkins , I amglad Exco GE " 4t ( Ns., . , u ../. /.4 \ S.T IT UTIONS your ore helping the 'poor creator., for she his t Ont. o. 4I Water street in a - A.1...0(C* H. - a herd time of it sinem s llarry died, and her we I NT. \ health failed her." \ etlitt'ogpan "" e' Pro.thge. eued ~,i W. iers..-tv.y.., _ .. .. \ ••Ilard enough, sir, hi4,l enough . and I am iha sow% and to' u vessels, t om . lim'rth'""J" . 1 glad to help her, though 'Whet I glee her don't I itvg„k , „.„„.. s i tar . I t . thlllth , tra , d ,„ 14,071,44,ar.„4,t1,: \, cost much-may a trote„tEr..l:‘, vrtur are. ell , mum of Pittsburgh. wen i invonddr A . “How °Oen does s h e °MeV lutowu to the Comfou th fur their pmden , e, n•itureon, eol Infegthlr. \ * * \ -Only three times a week, I told her to lhazOroth-C. 11. ha y, Wm. flegaloy, Wm. !crime , . come oftener, if she needed io, but she says ''' Wmi " -8" '" °1, - " -1 ‘ D. K "‘C , ' l ' ''' ' . li ' .. " . * John lleyworth. P. II In wh. 5. Ite hien ". :Vett three loai es area plenty for heksind her tittle - ono, with what she gets li`y sowing,” , Pittsburgh Lilt) surance dompao . ,- ••And have fon any more sank customs .. ' CAPITA\ \ IqOO;OOO. -,, : Simpkins '" , .. .i.. , ' OFFICE, NO , 75 0 'I277I . STREE7'. •sndy two or three air." ~\ 1 . i \ , oyrrc , `.:. - Only two or three; why, it must b ' e; quite Id- Prosl4ent-lAnzs B. 1 . . ~ 4, • too upon your prosta !” N . . , rice Prealdent- .Ogren Mac , . ,4 1 N'' S. nree - 0 on, not so mach as you suppose : alto'gether - Seurstary.C. A. On.w. . , it , alnonota to only 0 1ri11 , .. " V. \ • ter - Sea advertisement in anot hd rpr.-" , I could not hit smile • aa my friend repeell - 'r . ' i--- ... .-•-- ,_,. ,' ' .. these word,, tint after I•lelt him, I fell to think'. Weiterti LlMllittlee Company \o 'criso,nrgh,, , 1 jog bow much good he la doing with 4 '011134i tense." lie supplies three or four familiis with , etietitent, P. IL ide . rdoo. flacavnthT.,4„ - - (~ A , 4l J'.l.Tell. $3OO 000. R. liki ;ER, ." We broad they eat from day tft dap; and though' I' ~,,' t w.. " '''''', aiu'Vitty odi71:=13;•" the'netual cost fora year shows but a steal' amia A Idatie lostilutioti-tositseed tr ne in doliars and cents, , the benefit:conferred jaw kennel. Ittlffm= t ri o V,,,,w' no means a =tall oner , A aiipence to a man ,_ CT.E.,......... n!, ev - 0-4--1-- nhe beesplenty to "eat red dfink,aud whererwith-. wood°, a l t o he 'clothed," is nothink, beets Something „.Iniss i t. i t r w. to one 011 thon verge of anarraioni And We/mOW lort,:i.,.ai-- not, how mu eh good we ire ,keie g ,ebee We give OM , "only a fres " . to a good'ohjeet: Tgoing woulif seem to corroborite the hich we 4d ito the frefeld of, chi have been, received at the :Na from Commodore Morgan, witli orh highly—respectable Amer hich are.calculated some- Ithut.iosro in behalf of gos- \ --- r - - - \VOLUME 1.,XV,--riIIIBER 71 _ _ _ —.o.neen, as i .y a convulsion of\ ink ride, suddenly , planted upon the\ shores of the Pacific; and amongst them I find \ myself,. 'ac cidentally, upoita voyage of disciiveny. Knowing what brought such a conglomerate of people, made rip from the Contribution of thewhole world to this point, that it was ' the thirst:, for , gold,g was prepared to meehtise broken merchant, the' rained spendthrift, the reckless gambler; the thief and the robber, with the dissolute oral ir reclaimable of both snare and nations—and I hare \not been disappointed. Butt mast alio pay that, in the midst' of enUtich refuse, I have found, as I believe, much "pure g01d.!.... I hare - been throbs into the family of a clergymen is a .: boarder" and I am amate4 to• Rail in this, which. we almost Inaba But euppoaea losi:pulatioiti.., a-very considerable number of Until gent; active," , ," ~ praying men-men of Christian lire d deport-: .4 meat—men who are no woraehitten qy the thirst •• - •;:ff for accumulation than .thousands left behind as ' ' 4 '. pillars in the church—men who con tenance the prayer meeting otiose!l cm the Church; rejoice in every,religions asitell aiphilatith' phie move nient—men who will act as well as etieve. Nor • is his Comet singular in this psrticlua . thave It from the betd sources that it is so in most h the town and also in the principal min I:gills - eta. True ibis, and‘there is no wish to co coal it, it the openly and : grossly -wicked are cry largely • in the majority, and that very man who came here with km-spotted characters, hot moral and religions, hove made - ead shipwreck. True it W , that in town,• the circus and the'Bre ch theatre , are open every Sundsy.evening; a d gaming ' \ houses through the week; and that en for next Sunday evening, public, notice is gi nln the . \ i re \ papers of aeparring match, by, I belielre, anottple, " 1 (rem New York; andthat the race- comae ''. . .• ged on everY.Sabbstb. • l' here never-. ` s . • ".. al fikuriehing\congregati ani`of dif- \ ', ferent, denominations, w: Irvices are' main . ed and melt ale , , need the • . pate are and norsini ii ; x mode- . • Lions in ~e Atlardic Stet "Of our own den\ mina , hot three ' clergymen in thli icemen o [whom may " \ ' be now addikil a fourib just, obtaine . - When. "\. therefore, your retleci:that a very c nsiderable \ portion of the \200,000 \here ore of P biertian ~.. ~re, extraction or teudenicee'you will at o cif erceire '... - \ ~,, what are the pressing wants olhhis population. • " ', Efforts bare been s ,,l k oade, Clielieve, to disciinrage the emigration of ' ergymedko thiyiegion- s a sort of imputation upon ,motives 1 4 . been held'hver `' their haslet° deter them, arefnet'without edect and yet, from all I Mkt seen, there tar no regiSn of country where ten ok ‘ fifteen or mere Presbyl . . tenon clergymen, of so and and intelli Ord minds and catholic views coal go to, \ifrith\ fairer • chalice of doing "good . to t an achl he efiting thearielves.. To infuriate an example. there • . is one single town here of \,. t ,000 inhabi ants, • \ where fade is no preadier OlAny &nom/no (on, and yet the people there express as 'sash:irks desire for a clergyman—a thasloortion, it th\y can get one, but any sort rither s t\au none, anit ' '' they are ready and willing to s givi-,him an amplk , and prompt support . And I am aisittredhy[menwho \ ‘, there are fully informed, th at aretwispry or thirty \ , such places more or lees inviting \w ere our \ clergymen would be hailed with joy, lAta \ l \ when \ you consider, as I can assure you, ihi a large portion of the miners come from secri . were \ they have been used to Sabbath sergcar, e . ad \ now feel quite lost during the day for arant f them, in their !delusions, and when I Am \ you I have myself converged with many • pikus • 1 _\,.... persons who have gone to the mines, and earnest ly desired that their religions inehructiou should : \ not be forgotten by a Christian worldyou w itl \ • .... ay, as I do, that God never designed that these people should be thrown away and forgotten by 11 - people; they are Seeds scattered by the' winds thi will yet tel due reason produce his harvest, \ aos ust not be neglected. Mayon will demand —esti it I wane• - And I aneFee- , -Proclaim \ -- these octal Encourage right-minded men at your'prd ession to come and tattle here. Herr • A is the"poi t from whence - to Christianise China: Nowhere, c mid a missionary, cap hoe of Ouch `mg in the Ghincse tongue, do as much good ns here. Drovof theist of these people, civil, polite, patient, willing to listen, :unions to be \ - . come acquaint with our laws, our form. of . Government, or sirocei and religious services; • all perhaps able, od believed to he Filling to read our tracts,,are here and meet coming. As • theso become prosperous, they return home— why c \\ not then Coke theta when absent:from . their own temple's, relieved fit. the influence of pred judice and the power of their priests and string- . •••••• • nut Gbverrunent, and teachhbem the pure truths of Christianity, and with the gold they dig, let damn carry home the true riches that neverperish. Ido not, my dear sir, expect you to perform any ' miracles, but your position is one of influence, and you have the power to make it subservient ".:. \ to this great end, and I respectfully call your : at tention to it, leaving to your own `better judg ment"what you should do.' Pittsburgh Lit) t:nuance Compat, cAPITA\ \ A!.OO;OOO. OFFICE,. NO. 75 0 12771 'STREET. \ • ` OrtlC \c• \ Vice Precident—bisotent MCCt. ftemeteri-C. A. c. , T adrertieement to so my, VlCiterpi /21/1/111IICCCompany\o • tt..014-gh,,, Q. I .U'LTAL ssoo,ooo. • R. 3{(t .ER, JR., Prnident, r. )L ( IV= tr ~juZ=ll ly ectJurewt seta: prom ' --7 A Ivetitutior,—tasmod IHrtr.tort t ec o p t , le t ti t .c ..d e=nl4p i. a= to efLj =Le seemed: se o - tebUtt tbo beet protection telbotie bamin to be Immo& tA.ltiler, JP, Gin. shag, J.vrautu,\ mi.., Jr, Wm. B. Uolosee. C. itutieen. Plea Wm. AVI,At Water street, On.rdua. BV-1;S ap teirs.)EittatrOntt6 . ,14.43 r •