The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 04, 1851, Image 3

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    tatzartso-o, rill Bea.— A !meeting of the BILL
r AIA callett , yes . terdai in the room of the DinMict
&part for the parpoie of taking measpres to ex
.;'.-ess the feelings of ;approbation whichits mem-
C.-ta--entertaiie relative io the meaner in which
t)o BOMA able flopeWell 11 4 burn has discharg
ta the onerous [MUe6 incident to his office.
;, 1Y ilerin McCandless, Esq., was called to the
gbaiq sad J. J. Kuhn, Esq., was appointed Sec-
On motion of E. W. Black, .Eeg., it wad renolv -
that a; Committee of Thirteen by appointed
the viriod. of preparing resolotione to be
libmitt,..l far to a meeting.
14,esir. Jam.” , Daman. 8. W. Black, E. M.
W. Lnomi , , D. Itrdeg, T. M. Mar
., C. Darragh, IV, IV. Irwin, . 1 41111111 S-Craft,
B,.4lagraw, George S. Haiailpu, J. J. Kuhn,
Od Wilson , IleCandiere, were appointed on said
,t 4 atamittee.
p'On motion, the meeting adjourned.
Si Men.ttte
BltiloP4l CONCERT, last evening, 'was
• r
u:tended by a large and fashionable audience.
lthongh the expectation of the public were
Creatly excited, yet they werefolly answered.
.Eiome sweet:home " in the first part, 'and the
pene from the Opera of Lucia di Lammermoor,
ri the second,were either of them Worth the cost
!the entertainment. The latter, especially,
as given with thrilling effect. Among the at
-I,act ons of the evening was else little violinist,
letruly a prodigy of grace and musical tal-•
k4t. Another of these charming Lyric entertain
entevseill be given on tednesdaitveniug.
4' MoirorO Accznawr.—A little girl; a daughter
Mr..ftincitiom Morris of Market street, was
bry seveYnlikin*l by her clo th es taking fire,
11 Smiley afternoon. The child, wishing. to
?pee something from the mantel piece, stood on
she fender, when her clothes caught fire. - The
ames were ultimately extinguished by wrapping
er iu apiece of !curpeting, 'belt the poor little
Merer was no seierely burned that her recovery
. l - almost impossible.
' !
4 ADNITTED.—Tkie Hon. Hopewell Hepburn was
esterdny: admitted to practice to the Court,of
Anarter Seeeione.r
De AD. --James ,'Morning, who wss ran over by
e Neptune reel on Booday, as noticed yes
rilay, died tit eleven o'clock, on Monday toorn
rin from the effects of the injariefirhish he was-
' ed.
' Arinn - ED.,—The iron. Walter Forward bar or
. !veil in town,.
ACCMCST—.A Iry had his nisti h:iikeu while
Paying on n band car on the Central railroad,
t Sabbath.
SZLLING alcAlation,4if the
.enrtliiTard, Allegheny, vas yesterday held to
Sill by his honor, hlayorreming, on n charge of
slling liquor without license..
ATITXPTED ROLtlarl named Mary
,nderson, attempted to commit suicide'on Sun
ay, by. tekittgarsonic. Fortunately her store
eh would not retain it, and she will probably
prover. She was taken to the watch howl
there she it at present. - •
':as yesterday committed 'to prison by Alderman
'‘nolly, on a charge of asaault and battery:
i -
&sense To et Itetteiro.—tlenjemin Jenkins,
No, our readers trill reraember, murdered his
tether in Birmingham sometime ego, of install-
Wes yesterday Tethered from the Allegheny
Puor Rouse, where he has been confined, to
is Couuty Prison. He will be sent to the La
tie Asylum at Ilarriclinrgh.•
1 •
copra. OF (area= SESSIONS.
November 3.
''.; Before the Hon.. Wm. B. McClure, President
, rrige, u4 d Wm, Boggs, arid I'. L. •
... lissaziatlaudges. . •
... .
The jury. to thd rase of the commonwealth re.
Evans, iecturnel A Fttniict of guilty.
Wstai-asilif!l, COmmoiliwealth vs. Jae MeMath, indietment; -
.insult and batteiy. .t young lad named Alex.
-- • : ' - •psichie w prosecutor.
. -..•••••-, • I The its ultarp.ic out of a d i spute between the •
.- '-- • iroseoute a, Mother sod the defendant, relative
.- •' - • 'o the jam erof cows which the former pent to.a
. &stun% tad trout the latter.
' I The jury retsina ed'a verdict of Dot, guilty and
at the county pay the owls.,
';'..' . 2 :- ' COMMOOralltti vs- Thomas. Ileyunlits, James
,Reynolds_ owl James Magee. ! indictment mall
: ilous tofisclief, , alleged to have been coMmltted
• 1 '
a skiootin; a cow, the property of-Samuel
•,- ."- ;Nark . T, is parties reside in
.. I-. i A nuttiber of -witnesses testified' that the de
readmits admittal that they had shot the cow.
.' •." , Fhey hal'i mviouely hada quarrel with the pros
. - - ?cease. The Court adjourned When the jury re
' ale 4-. - - - '
' a GAS MX onto.—A :number of the citizens of
. ' !:,11kglaenir, coare.ted in the Council ' Chamber
' kesterday evening for the purpose of taking
" !:neasures t. *apply the City with gas..
1 The Honorable H. S. Fleming was called to
hitrite Chair, d Doctor pale, appointed Snore.
.1 Th e C rman read the call for the meeting,
.. and made a few.remarks which he concluded by
'l. -- ,oping that the meeting would not end in talk,
: - but In Aar. -.
••'. i Mr. Price moved that a committee bo appoint
-psi for the purpose of ascertaining the mist of the
- 'fraction of.gas works.
Dr.-Dale seconded the motion, and thought
~hat ati.additional committee ahouldhe appoint
. .sed to ascertain bow many persons would use the
. ' 1 -pa i , and whether the number would be stutfici
.. am, t to warrant the formation of a company.
4 The motion was carried, and Mears. J. Price,
, - 'Oran. 11. Mowry, 'Thomas Mont. A Watson,
.. "and George R. Riddle were, ,Appointed on said
3 co' mutittee.
... 3 Mr. Lindsay moved that a committee of three
~., ibe appointed for the purpose of procuring infor
'' onation relative to the number of pitiocne in A 1..-.
..-. ilegheny desirous of using gas.
• I The motion -was canted, and Messrs. L. R.
v, A. 'C. Alexander, and.H. P:Callow op
- !'.• • intea on said. Committer.
Mr. Callan made some observation's retrain
-, Ito, the Pittsburghtjas Works. Re stated that
ithat 'company charged nearly twice as much, for:
• ..- 'gas as. the- gas companies of Cincinnati, and'
.7.• lPhiladelPhia which places received their coal
• from . Pittsburgh, still he thought that it, would
the advisable to ascertain at what rate they would
- the willing to supply Allegheny with gas.
•' i Dr. Dais made some very interesting remarks
~ oratative to a new invention of 3ioneintrldillard,
' is Frenchman, who had patented' a procen for
' 'tanning hydrogen gas, by surrounding the bur
. tier mita platinum wire; by which means a very
. strong light was ottained. A large establish
tient in Paris was lighted by it, and it was, need
..- for heating;, as well at culinary purposes. Doc
tor D. Lad understoodhat a plitent had been
samredlor it in the Milled States.. • ,
Mr. Bryant was of the' inpiession , that the
Pittsburgh gas company was willing to supply
Allegheny at a moderate cost.
.A gentleman whose name we did not learn,
.. :stated that in the towns in Scotland the houses
!of the labhring pert:on of the community were
`lighted at a half penny a night. •
A village opposite Dundee, containing four
- teen buedred , ithabilents had a gas works, which
was hind to be profitable. . .
. .
The meeting, after some farther. observations
' by Mr., Callau,.adjourned, to reassemble at' the
call-of the committee appointed to a ascert a i n
the cost of erecting an establishment for tha
manufacture of gas, which committee, it is fur
ther cuiderstoinl, l ie to learn the terms on which
the Pittsburgh gas company will supply them.
Potaaatso:—The' Enterprise of , yesterday
' "We are called upon again to record another
cue of poisoning in cur city. Tesderday morn
big, a young Irish girl, servant at the house or
Mr. Reinhart, on squat; below the
Canal,' went to the cupboard, where she .discor.
ered s small bottle containing corrosive sublimate
and labelled .pbilam.' Not beteg able to read,
of canine she gads ignorant of what It was, and
chink it down, hollering it. to be liniser. She
had' not- taten it long till it began to operate,
when she made hereose known, and Mrs. Rein-
hart immediately administered to her als emetic
of isnalartewhich fortunately eared
.IsCr life.—
Drs. Gi:sato and 'Crawford were called in, who
pronounced her octet danger. •Thje wonting
she is steltand going about." •
Fall Ira partition of linraware, Cutlery, dm.
No. 129 'Wood- Street,
Desire to thin attention of Merrhant• other, to
their L.. not of
4c.,:„130N AND DOMESTIc
Ani • nhirh they are now prcEmnd to offer at such rtiows
camot fwl
ZGTA •fimortszala of MANN'S a Jptmlr tC. T. AXE,'
44.n0n on Anna.
ii,t,ACKEREL-50 Ltoge; -
I R. b
New bag. Nov. 2.
• The steamship Franklin arrived here to-day
from Bremen and Southampton. She left :Havre
on the morning of the 22d Oct., and Cowrie at 6
o'9loek on the same evening. She brings 180
parteengerti, !tad Peer (lay, later advicerifriTm all
parts of Europe.
The itfrict arrived 'at Liverpool on Sunday
Morning, the 19th ult., the Baltic on Tueeday,
the 2iet, mad the propellor S. S. Low* from
Boston, on the someday.
Liviaroox, Oct 21.
Cotton—Tito market was depressed. Prices
favored buyers, with a continual pressure, of
stocks upon the market. Salim on Monday, 20th,
of 0,000 bales; 1,000 for export. No speculative
Breadstuffs—Flour is leas active, and prices a
shade lower. For floating cargoes of corn there
is a good enquiry, with better prices de
Prorisions--lies( and pork are moderate at
previous rates. Lard is dull,
Oroceries--Sugar is inactive. Prices have
suffered no decline. Coffee is firm and a fair
business is doing.
Losnosi, Oct. 21.
The money market is easy; consols advanced
a Tnesday, and closed at 97.}(d)97f.
Trade bathe manufacturing districts was cill,
ml prices declined.
The most interesting noes contained in the
English papers, is in reference to gold discoveries
in Australia.
The ritish troops, at the Cape, met with a
moeere repulse on the let of Sept. The English
papers freely admit that the career of Sir Henry
Smith was far from proinieing any speedy or
favorable issue, in the contest raging between the
conquerors and conquered.
• Prince Albert had written autograph letters
of thanks to each of the Foreign Commission
Kosauth had not arrived at Southampton
when tho Franklin sailed. Public 'enthusiasm
in reference to him was cooling perceptibly.
Lectures on Bloommism, and illustrated by
ladies in the full Bloonier costume were all the
rage throughout England.
The business of removing the goods from the
Crystal palace, was proceeding with extraordi
nary rapidity.
The Siinisterini crisis in 'Prance remains the
same as last week. Nothing is known or done,
excepting some very limited excitements, in
some provinces which are affected br.the pres
ent crisis. •Paris and the surrounding country
remain profnundly tranquil.
The King of Hanover is seriously HI. but little
hopes al entertained of his recovery
Accourks from Vienna state that the Austrian
Minister ist London. received instructions from
his Government to break or all diplomatic inter- ,
course if Lord Palmerston dliould grant audience
to Kossurh.
Tho polit4cal difficultiem which threatened to
'prevent tile' construction of the Railroad be
tween Alexandria, Cairo. and Luer, have finally
Been removed by the mutual moderstanding be
titeen the Sultan sad Abbas Pachi
The vote for Governor New
and Congressmen in
Califorhia is as follows: Bigler, (Dem.) for Gov
ernor, 22,476; Reading, (Whig) 21.331. .11ar
shall, (dem.) for Congress; 23.325 ; Kuwen,
(whig) 20,361; Moore, (whig,) 18,895.
Both branches of the Legislature are largely
In the political world, the great point of -inte
rest is who will be the next C. S. Senstur.
Among ties candidates are CoL Wino, T. J Rem
ly, Col. Weller, Hon. David C. Broderick, and
Lion. N. Bennett.
The capital of the state . has been removed, by
order of the Governor, from Valego to pan Jose,
the former seat of governMentj It was done in
consequence of The noncompliance with bonds
of Gen. Vslego.
The Vigilance committee has disbanded, leav
ing in organixotims the executiie committee, who
are authorized to call together the members,
upon any ' mergency that nay arise.
The bu rn t
district in San Francisco ie built
up. again; trade is reviving, anti prospects aro
encouraging. Society is undergoing gratifying
change.. Every steamer brings an accession to
the number of American ladies. School houses
and romping children bare already ceased to be
In theline of amosetneuts, Theatres are dull.
Eights and foot races are the order of the day.
The mining intelligence, from ell the diggings,
is in the highest degree epeCuraging A very
rich elver mine7ms been discovered fifte u miles
from Sonora, on Stealslens river .
The Indians in the northerrp Asti of the State,
are exceedingly ti•oubleeomo end dangerous.
The riot at Chagreo on the 22/1 and 2:3d of Oc
tober, was caused by an attempt on the part of
the American boatmen to prevent the native
boatmen from carrying passengers to and from
the steamers in the habor, because they some
times carried at far less than the rate, fixed by
the Boat Club. On the 22d, a native boat man
was attacked on the American side of the river—
, the natives occupying one side, and the Anieri
cans the other. The native population to rued
out, armed with gun., and crossing the river,
drove, the American boatmen to the woods.
The Americana held a meeting that night, and
many of the California passengers very utaiver
eely participated. The next morning, aria num
ber of the native boatmen were crossing ; they
were fired upon by the Americans, and many of
'them, it tens sepposed were killed. The natives
became exasperated against the Califontia pas
&rgers, as well as the American boatmen, and
commenced an indiscriminate attack upon aIL
They got possession of aeveral old piece. of ord
nance from the fort, and kept up a can stant fir
ing during the day across the river, 'which was
returned by the Americans with muskets.
The natives attacked all the California pawn
gen arho came in their way, and many of them
were very badly beaten and cut with eabresiand
thehousea in which they took refuge Isere threat
ened with demolition. ...
The excitement continued up to tie sailing of
the Cherokee, on the evening of the 23d. Such
passengers as were on the native side of the
river, bad to be taken off to the steamer in boats
to the British steamer Medways, road oleo a large
amount of gold. Of the number killed on the
American aide nothing is known. Twelve or fif
teen natives were killed by the rifles of the A
mericans- Five or six of the Americans who
were on the native side, were also killed by the
The American Consul, Mr. Gleason, is strong
ly censured for having taken part with the A
merican boatmen—owning, himself, it is said,
number of boats.
In the U., States Circuit Court, this morning,
Judge Kane delivered his dimleion in the Tele
graph care of Morse re. Rune, deciding all the
points in favor of Morse: and that he is entitled
to the art of recording at a distance.
Ills rumored that Chevalier Hulnman, the
Aintrian Minister has informed Mr. Webster,
that be has received. orders from hls government
to withdrawn as soon. as Kossuth is received as
• guest of our government and people.
Mr. Rhea, the American Minister to France
has been recalled.
Now - 081.CANs, Nov. 3.
Tho steamer Fanny, from Brazos Santiago,
has arrived. with dates front Niatamoras to the
50th ult. The insurgents had obtained poseur
sion of the'westerrn portion of the city, within
four blockauf the main Plata.,
The Government troops were well provided
With artille+Y, and would hold out until 'Tiniest.
They were daily expecting reinforcements„ The
loss of the Mexicans is 150 killed and woitried.
Gen. Avalon wan among the latter. The fans of
the insurgents are three killed and 15 wounded
—among the Jitter Capt. Font of the Texan
Bangers. Mr. Woodwell, the American consul,
was also wounded; and Mr. Longatreen, en
American merchant killed during the akinnisb.
Two Tory disastrioas fires had occurred la the
city, destroying the custom house with its con
tents. Other storm; and buildings were oleo de
stroyed. The lose is estimated RE several hun
dred thousand dollars.
The steamer Isabel al rived ix, 12 .;clock on
Saturday night. with Havana dotty to the 10th,
and like dates from Key West
'",.We learn that Mr. Thrasher, lata editor-of Fa
‘\,lndasttiet, Was, 'en the 28th committed to the
fortress at' Punta, and placed in a damp, une
I healthy dungeon, in solitary confinement. He . EUROPEAN PACKETS BOSTON. 1 HOUSEs, FARMS, ') LISPORTATION4 ax:, ' \
is charged with.recevin g letters in cyphek, and ; ..=-,, .. _
____ .._ .--• ' _
... _ . . . _ _ _. _
_\_.. .
. __ . _ _ ___ _
.e 1 ,A., , ,,,,,,,,,..,E..A,K r ,E 2 ...,,,.....,, 2 :,,,,,,.,.„ . e....n„.„,
. ._ ____.__________
with being connected with the late invaaion. He 1
Te i nles all knowledge of the lettere. It is cot I
• BosTOS, MASS. I riPME extensive CoAL Nltrirs of tht
\IN 48 HOURS. ; kort TIM 1.1/be, of \
redly' reported at Havana, that he had been 1 . Mv. • ger, In, the follnal. Packet 1.104 P
HIS well known tot
eat is still ono- , 4 1 -bulg "4 40, 1 copra., entalvVl If A,,Hr...-11,
oneer Liar of rtmameht* I..twon New I'm. and 1 iv- .
tried, cotid!mtied. and IleatenCed to the tenter , ; ere.' '" - T dacte . j I,t, t 4• : am. tn.., a 1a.... , .... torn thh j foe the'ute-rt Fit''''utaltu •n at . ..." , al'afi'i'a7rit - A r tar:: and atter. HON LAY, OCTOBER 13th.
The,flaeanah Republican contains letters from
sestio• 7,0 hie. •Mlira Ir. 111 Www I\lll. and L.e.t• ! m On: utn P.....initantion ut il, him.. , tumommutr I hl. a... emu.. mark... ar ...reel, . re n nin • 1 .
0 n . C t 1.. 40 . m 1. k i a m l Citamocat t Railroad Comm.," T18,141106•LNO-C du non.,
„, , -,
nu the Mt sal 21. ,et ... sum.. arnmkeduenth, tad Lt. 91.1411•191. • 141 11.91114. 9. 9 : ~,• „...,., , .
U34 4 / 1 •940.1 A Yaw, r train er rye....
Mr. Owen, the late Consul at BoVatia, Stating Nea L.- 1., . Nea Turl... di. 1.101.. mot ld•e m emi 'f:"Und ram, comb.. I.• iander , .L....b1e and ',leant, • 4' ma fru. Alesandriato Cur
''..l We iiff l aut . r. A. , ' fflao Railroad from Balmy id.... attiring in C 1 119144.11. at IU u•clad t nest v AS \ THNIA\ CONS LON. -•
' A. 011.1 tl. the 114,91419
'''' ' YLV'A b .'" , (flG'Zi b / h it e r n' . "'""" i r '''
that be had received no official notice of his-re- nee.,r,1,,1:1.v,',..1et-r• ...A
"....- ,-. Turk on the I Ith sad L err then. been our id ta. hr . , y„,,„ L. y 0,,,„. p i „ . t *,:::::',l.Z. ,, Z i at r i g, i , l ß t j, the ii i , b y jaaii y e
TN kering to tat eon.. niFin justiy
. . a t.tuensinyi
call. He requested the public not to ink. v. Prett '... hi , ithit. of ea 1......, '• ' ... J.. 0 ....• ....LI . th e en. hlt*hme.t. ttee rehrfritrr 1 tural:h Imanlt• • for t attu r ett i on't'n 7u m n,r4', curtsy. of o l: , ater . and Otalthtelct A, 1, ndebtated tek(edy Int Alweavraor hg and Innira,
hint Until fully, heard. He nabs nothing on the y,,4 . ,.. 4.'4 two • loofah boot 1.1..0.0.1 foot 3 4 4 1 .'''''''`A h t ....1t ...1 ' .1.. ".• '''''''.' l '.... 9 . ''• 9491 ''.'''' 19 4 " . 11111.41131•444.1 190.1,141rt0n. bar. b..° 411914.9 7.,.. ,AI kohl Itby
Ghio - an. cl - FeMui ' ylvania Itailv4a.- - el"'""'"r•te" L'Clei'd7.Lb . , k l X Tr t" : . 'i
\ k100na 44 1,,,jj n o It lir not oureish ta tele. \PA Etta bvS4* tsWitt, or tai
t. g ave .1 tution tt. b.. .
"P, 11 it I•AltliEle. ' i t ''''. 44 ' ''''' '''''' ' 4 '" 444 ." 4441 4 414 ' l '" " •
score of mercy, and conceives that he has a right '''rbs 1......5.s Imie a Pavan! m i nt n.,.. N-4 0.... on the •elf-t i4diiti.
I Id, hth I. la utal etc. nud fen I minim a thriith,C.L
I dlatingutahed tn . I \ l 41 •
to jttatiCe.
21. t. aahl 2mh. . reew ansuila '‘ " ' ‘'
- ' mand Them mine. nre not et wit me s.:
The Imabela reports the U. A ship CfaSS at . Inv .. .le I ... , !thu,. trout Nair Aon -
• ''' •- ' 4 ,7 1 : : :::: :: '' .7 "7, - T•,: 2 : , ,1.T,1,3 1 n y' 1, ,r.7 ,, ,T,t ‘ F: , ',.."Ld,•,.i . c-di.:::,'7 0 `.: . ,
... , ! , ` Ni ?.. , ".' , .: T . E . R, ..,,'!.. 6 .'1„ 1 :r. A L.. th t e V e : 1 1: 1 \ :: 4 . i fn.7l7.llTnPallish‘ IttehillJd2lhtT)\l4:7l::l,l"4::".;:Uh.l7 :W.
- •
and t. 1 . ,:......• tla• I •Lt tn,11:.1/a ..r...1. mou th PHILAI)ELPH lA.
Bavaria. and all well
• 1 A ....1,1, I .....1 1'....14 term I.lm m •ail tr. N. w Or. _ _ ___
af ermon train will 16pre ri... H 0.... At l h ,' 1 ....We Oka , filoatY•' , / ,, vfll ' arahoov iln N.V. to
~,‘„,. ,
nally 14,, fur ma/grata., from aro 1 orl. L. Ste-an J mic Li •. i.e.*. . qt.., a A .491
- "---' , . 1' CO R it o er nf Rant 'II Directurr
ivene Radom* eolltiTM;ltigulry
boat. itmien.l. or •
1.• Canal end Ilmlorl. to 1.611-burga Sl i th er a t McLean, ; Desirable Property tor Sale. 1 oc.” t• or.. 1 • AllKIN, near! AaPea, '1"I. Pn'l c.. 6 "* " . „_,, a.,._,,,,,. , •
Pa.Anat.r... ill tare.. esers muntlota and .1..• ttlf
, • r ---.-- --, fn. the puot. IMO • wa D... .4.di
.en l/remit/I. . LI, utlic.n..) . T.....dt OCo . E.t.a n,,,,. p, a „,, ~,,I ('' ,, m0t...., if, sl ..Int • NUMBER of v. ry valu , sble B , nildin' , Oidtd \I t I Pennsylvania ad. \ will find thion pureetfeinablf, and ttl enedlefas \ r
a . f..ifn. nude 1........ 111. Id. 4. Ll•ert, I W
'l l . u .l'T''T'at.,.... Cu.. hat km., :‘,.. 4 t . ' N o ., 1 ,,Z,; . , 2.... 34 1, 9.711 11 AA ererre ' Proo m l rams It au tromi. in Allen latr: it '' IL l j'a . .t.t.''' t• \ gap in • ''''''''''''. 4r"Ta.-. .-•'-- 4 ' - ''T 4- ii'''.4 \ '''"' '''''' ''''''''''''''' P ' Ltr 'N'''" 4' .
• Italln.n d . 14411 •11 Fr.oklin, M.l 4.11 ..1 . ..,,,..,..t.t\ j „ . ..1...... , ......--......---amm*".....-. ra.m.,-..- In k in th• durtingulebre tor of,Cberalntry and s ril
W. ofti, or 1.1,.. Advent..., .. ....IL “1" ' :4.0 .14.1 Ls1;r11 , - 1 lIILAI,KI.I'III,I
vt,rt.tA, 1'au1.,,,..;11.
, , and on Alle g heny
.. 141 144 A 1 1 41104 W 4111114 1.40110 N \
Pomo,. I - 494141W 14 thr Coital Mat, or alio CONSIGN \ I ENTS of PEOC It an d t - ro Al..- A miva/drunamormed Lot. on the roma, .4 1;14 ,
..I.h to aend fur the. .10.1. in nay part r.r duostid. 4 j d 0,•,. ~..rall3. .11i ,oc. v. protunnty.ntlon watt, i otts and Farn, ~,.... ntl, nard. ..,,,....1, ta . t,.,6 , 28, NILES. s
, 4 p' tintt%lll,l"l,ritg ",, :171,,,,,,,,,, " 1 " ,:ft,,.
Italian, Smatatul, or .nl, ~.. ansk• U.
and ar . our i.e.brelearou tualvendutartina AL ..,,, •mmie on 1 man Cartiolte Church... 44.11rma on L./ l a m 3 • u 9 1
91 1 . 1•. 9 4,1 \ •4;
.." 1 g , and at bdr , .. ONDAY, ACO4I T 4th, ktt.vytt b rx. fantilY.nt n • Camilla* orNmy tnende.
v.......... eo tern. n 1 to the .M.Joriber. and . 11.194 ' reeript n 1 Rill. of Luling when Mom ut der t , on Factory run.. ha. w enria. . r .,
them bniught nut to *y nt 9t h a 1.,. Mmulte lin, ‘.l . it,er tu-11,... Hampton A X 111199 l'amhurgh 61.--.... three mo m Ilnrk 1...,11t.,,, Ilieu. ma 1.114 1 '1•„ ' '11 ' 1 . 1 1 ' A 1....* 1 4 . '.\'" "”. ~, 4 , ... uth
o tr Z r , d t e z i ll i i ,t lith almra.,,r
,tv....-4...; \
I , cekota: (whlell range fen. 1,... .., 2.... tons hurthen.! . Mr Fraumetl- Batley :.,Jinn m.o th e a 1.., llar I. I,in g M T e m (row 'by ' 'hi-li'. ••*". 1.4 111 TON .1 ' , N. A. 61 acid 4PH. - I hate band It, :I •• ed 741.4 1411.11reim- ,
or hy lint rhuf Merchant altip, 94 n enntla ter... t u t Mr Al •
lauuld/Mi ) .
of. nf, Liverpool. Loma.. to- Ma... Th• Ir tra t nenr. Mr hatall P. *lsrly. •.
Insanity: to, re.,dep Tb. bon.. a. barn. s. 9 411194.041. A4lll, • I,r. kit l'lrth EC kelk ljt In A. . an.l 4P 51 ee. ,. ~;,, , ,,,t,,.,..„,,,„ vr , , " \ ,,.....i.-
„..._„,,, malera • M le. nod contain. elrren run. ' '
I•A{lny:H CD
.111. prerlude. thr tmulhilem of dela , Pa ... r a
• Alm- • Eartn of :if. ...eft by Laarrn, unt .. mile' i ' 1 .1.,14, e , ma d , twedr..:V m .ef a g e elf pt •i ' ..fird..‘II...IIM.Z.IMEL
re, to •••clar,d_ rf om 114,4,9 in\ me li 14. ae, ll'lhn''t u‘ r. '
from New i ....
AI \ r in n - .cant, ' cf ..r. . ea \ em. n o 4 u "''...1," `lV:7"tvb Ll.' tivrtkvlA-• 14 14 , .t.:," "I II 91701 an\the r met,Am It IJI •11 ;till. i ' 1
I.l.lmielphla. Olostno;.2barle.tora, ntulZave n tioal‘ In'rect
remi.anern in .mall or 1.,, • mum , , azi L u d ni n t L i a L LL,
I/ 411 ( . 11 : 1 . R .,., 1 , ...!: ,, 5 ,.m., 5T ,n 1L r N ,, V 0, E ,0 1J... n:,
,lnitt,,l,l,:tiud evite,. 4 .4-,,, ,. ,, , , ,, z,, , , nr,7 . n ., , „. „, ..
~,,-: • . .. if i t,,,, , ,.. ‘ k4., , ..
. •,, 'A. .v...... ban trrn minTof fp'. arrest coup ' / ' \
. hr . r....4,i,, ii .,, l i r, •.' 7. 4 .1 t. hf, br roar "nktra.sran,Faars._taet ",`•
. ett
Jhe Imam. ta the I mad ewe, hugland. au.l t L /I ry.rt alit ,
- ~. 1 ~orter fae xOl 7 hale n p aj
ir . nii , r ,.. t N,,,,„, of Mandl it lt
Stearn Communication between New YOrk ' i... ” ; ' , ' .. ' :ttan..,., in- launnertnent.., the 4 . ''4"t . '',.,',1,,,• 1.4,•,,' „ 4. 0°,1...,'",4' .. ..1 4 t4',..,, t ,, , . .
.. R.,... r hOe n t p * .
.. . ~,,,,, i,l, , Loaajj. ticn ,, ,i p, p
____ . ,444T 4
..., ,„ ~,,,,...„,.. \ \
tied Gasgom, ' Hour 1 , , meat but on ...I .a, mt.,. 1,, tia. mann., ....LW
I th. branch rt fir. pr....... Hann anr , r baillul from -
\ i
0 IMIE Olampw and NNW York . t tot at io tn. andnun g . atal tr da *.O• in th. ere., r equea Farm at Public Sale •, \ ' .•`,,f-t;'"i4t;;.°,• ' ! ". ..l:di.L.• " i ` :••F `," •• " , "' llia •i, 1 4,P ' R '''' \'''` ,H " ~. .'n4 ‘ I
nee la melt e i wntth • . • \
1 . , ,t,...otatr, i.,frarar ~ ~,....e,,i ~,.,, iricitit ,at .!1, 'intln ~. .nth *. _ R lilt* 0, h 1.111 4 4.•. '" '. jkNIVhiIIVP SD A Y, Novt.mber 12t1 \,,,,11\i, „,, , ,.,...•..k...,,tb,..„7 . , , •• , , ,, , ,y ,,,,
~,d .
. r . „ ,
,' ..... .• al Iff .4 44144 i. Mfr.. ' 4 . , 4 1,1 b...." ' 1/.1.,1 ' .
ete.m.hl t . GLAM.... 1.. T.: tune and 4..0 ' .-...,
' and imik, \ . "-",-. ~ th, a,` - '\ ~, '.,• \. . . \
ttorre r ue, N mean.. .1.1. of the Cu wegg's Perfumery and Fancy Soaps. 1 1.-/ ... v." v h."' i.t. • ~' ..,, I.r, f`' ll W , VA"' , \ aa..... dan • \ a, ~ ',, \ ... c. „ .., `P la. utal , aV.l . tanne.
kart. . , " 4, ... 9 .4 , 9 •mht• LitTtin , ' '47 ' ,'. e. I ' Sis- The Tram ;It at ran en VI t E eu• -
••311 steamer, rumnasn ler. IL najranted ro.ali 'rot,. N.,. . . wart ~..•••
I ntic , hr.rt tor LI turow MISC./9,, 1 1.4 oiti, o, L a.,. i h er 1 r 11 1 . i I Yot•r *lino rto r unlit!, .1 Pori it wory. *if 'T.** • 4.' writ I , hna 'be, hr. , . l•imm tantoa at . \„,.,„ ~,,, ~,,
~,,,, i - „T,,..... • , .-...- 4,t ,c f•rg1111:'11,1,,°..t,,.',,,,,A,t :. , ZO• 1 ~ .\ ,
karat. at 12 u•e1.... 11491/
111711.11011 44;0.1,4 441441.44,41, ',.. .‘,, . o.. ' . '' i r i. : . T . : I !XV I LZ7 ' ...:Irt A ar ". ” ' =..h.T.! ":‘"l"'Z'rs:',..'‘,l ""''''''''
t lat t hat turn aga ve of the lapiteXand ♦
all Man iampte m • of be
II i .I,lu. tut, nnal Alrheder P..att, 1 .u... T.mlls •t r l ~,,,,,„„ ~, tr ,,,.. ,
,; j ,L,,,,, .
~,•,.. i , , ti.,l • m aah mm ....,,, . jjr j ... 00
ri \ , .„. p , L ainak e n t inc h Mr chersqban 'var. , J* renttend to \ • ' .
PAY.... lION'Er
" I 1.../... Chau. -.J.. sm, Chmi Nan nth, tipprmol . 4 ,, d .„, j „ ~,,,,, , d ,,, 60 11, ~,,,h,,,,.,.,,„,. ~ 4 f ffor.f.t I off...up,. 1 1 / 1 3 Tarr mi • •L ' . the route ' 1 ,t,.‘2 4 ,,n4.1.1.,t4 0 ,...t.' Tip'_„,__,. , • i'''' **,!,,i,t. ,lll :l**llMeneed It - • - \ •
End Orlon (...tanCe 1.- incladul./ .. /./ .....,,,,,,,..
tiira n* n\rom \the lir., to ae ,nht 11 .
... • that. - P.m. t ita L., j. n o r ~,,, ~,,, Imm the.w est. mad ..., .... L .., ....... melt ml.nt . Ikea, ImuirMadel• erektumfute .• I I 4 , - -1 1 ~„, ~,., . . i„. x,...,, .i.b , ,A.,,.. , Whit. n•iite•YMlg fte n \
1 LoMe mites Unlade ,r, lat not wia....jr lU m e ':. i':-.11".j...1:•:.'1.n'''.'15'';:"....m0.' "11" . s tr ' ;: 1: :•t i •ni ' t 7 i ' '* ' :^1: '''''''' init;f;;r:T.'!'"..,',l.;::lfr!ifi'itie:.;::::';':',..,'":l•le.'i'l":.ji"l.:;;Frr7-',l".iii , ;` , t d "r4 : 4 1 ,, \ :: i .": ;;;;‘, 1 ,', 7 1 . p . ; :" .1 . , 44" ;;, :' :::: : ,R,i1 thn ; ':. •,, 4n a s f - r Ub , - 1 r 1. :: , 41 ,,,` ' i e'a l drn7T•tlic: .6V41'd6,•;771;'1.'476•:4;4t1,*•)"'":7.'"*.1.411:,41;11:4"..! : ''' \ \ -- \
ohich m in be Iced on temnl. az mule... prt,. I'a r. p .., ~ j.„,- th e r,....4•„,,,,,.. 1 , tor quire,. hear'. int t m . • 1
ram a ito.. Marra, `,. per eent
1.0 l'uniwle. In.. iirt.,.1../ 1.0 Lu•tral 11.1 r Reelntal.... , , p „.. j i o .,
~ ~,.. ',,,r ,, 11. , 'a mt . ,. :!6..thin,...,,ye1r0„...,,,, • , 0 ,. ~, \..,,,.,. N, ,, t r Irak tu 'ail nem, At p.m.
,t i t,,h,ity,t , T, 061 i t i fte,Plt4 l . l **l4: , 47 Da et .• . \ . , \
En freight or parenge a n al, to
J Veil AIL, il krona w a y mr.,t ' 1!*,.,,th.. Ph.l."'""'• '•'• ' • vrlT?,llt i leT,l i l . ;,obl , ,1„ ........ W. N'ea r..- .1. 1.,........ guar.,. .ad ':,'.,7, '',, o " 4 , 4 ' P ''' ' '' ' '' '' n " th*t 4 44. 4 4,• 44 , tT i hj . t . l 'a n d \ . .I,: a , ni e %,..V.:l' ''' j r' l.4 ‘ \kJ... , \ \v`k ,
-,.., ~,,, - ',. - . Perham, Niel Caramel, lills. whet, • Imre. and t profonldr hums., . don. T 1 ' t 'iune"rw' In, .n...,,,, , j ,.„p4 -• \ 1 L •\ ~, .,. ., . /...u..t.5.r=bc...,; \ \ \ \ \
Tbe NEW 1..t1i 21, ado., and 4,1 horn. Imait . / 1., 11.rkot rt.... Ofot.• . 21, ehllfoloothio There are tour lenant I 0n..., P hark..., WhArlwrioht 1 thr .'. •t M i .. huh.. rt.', . I' ? '''' ' '''''' ''' 4 \ 3 •;.' 4 '''' ! r yrlw i • . or the wrest on \\ \ '-i,-. \
....let krt.' Itr. m r•w. wall .an ill. Let. .... .•el. ar •I a ~,,,, d ,..,,,,, 0 .. i „,,, , jj r .„ 00 , ej ,.,,,, ~. th • „ 0 . 0 ,,..., and Calun.Lmalt.r .1,.... w1.1,,,b to: - .11 , ff, off/ •tonf lw , . „i v , , th . ,, ) , r , ~ „ „.,.„,„, \
1 1,1 ."
n ci, ' " \ ,, tielue7l;l3l ' Ccru bk ' 4'
\,. ' \
•j•rino ,d 1 • • .., j ~,,,, „,,,,,,,,,,.. m a d ,, r , t ., ~,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, . 419999. AAA. All2h. fan.. hunt,. tam ~, ,,put e r I
,F 04.1 I'Alithl6. • -..' -"'"n 44 T '' ' ''' '''''''''' ' , i,',. ' '''''''' l "
.., • in•the Lou ardor ih. Para, It , : ,r f i :mt. •31 I\ll3/ I ~,.• 44 1
. - .
McHenry's Ph il adelphia dr Liverpool Ltne ' '''' •,•.. 0,,,....- ii.• • .. •• 4•,, ••• , ,.c•r•.• , .., - s. a ~,,• -• ‘ ' , . ' 'l'd*. ..... ,, 1•1 E.'. -. • \
• I
a • 1 ! • • Ca.-rat; 4. Atilt- =. Igie :, \ t
PROSXLVANTA- \B4ROAD. .'' ''' . ' t ,
~. ' \ '
„a. •J. l Alr4 elf, ,'a vakrti . wi t h tip Web!, ccia g e., \ \
of Packets. I , _ . .. .
Matchless Blacking and Inks. Cr. •ltn. 11..10... tr e , tom.. 19 Mr,
ne, mit rreri ...1....•
..„L Sailing trorn Philadelphia on the
...,.,,,,,* ; iIIHE tn.:LEHR.% TED - 3r,k 'rc II LI: SS A dam ears ~,to r ...bori too,- ~,,.., o, to, ~ ~,,,folo . OVEN T 1 / \ll'l, PORT, TIVENTYV LEA WE5T,1\,%71, h 2, ° , ° .,4?,,,,,' '''!; l 2‘,, s. ° : \ c „+",b•ivst r e n. . i ,.qt4
I ti m “iwt .• oo.ntxre T r: \\,,, , . '. ' '
\_ . •
o a o , letn. •
- 14 •4 4 .-f,,V iA ttn 1.4..;•..**' 1 '.. t he i'l fff . ..- }, the
' 'el 01. AI, Ow -w.rraated rularrualt!..... rot ntler al l';:r;',o,.','. s'''' an, th,* 4 ,*th r fri , '".. l l,4 - • , 1
-tar' it)IINBTOWN 4 1
ni IEN
, A 6 Ititil.'lllM.kiLltUatllu'7,V..i' HI'IIIICIUTZ:a.I il'"'''',.''.:4',':t'r'.':":',',......&l'l'Urr7lH44t.'4,'7',;'''l'l'7;l' i',7, ' ,..''',.',!'“7':::" . ja ' .7 n .7,... ' „ .." „l .. k.11.•.. f-T \ ' *'•-r" - 'MaT,' -M-.•-• a :Jas. ... s • • •13: :c 1 ; 4 ..''; 17 n ; li tr rik i tl r T d. rj.. T .1•10q1 i r liolra . ''' ••
• LUltuPt. NW.. I C Ilarriwkl.ter INL Pha......... P • i
-"um , - a• amu-r- - 17ammT.--.• . z ......,.- 16. l i . I. hreath thMidit ag. Irk, ofareivertrecntla
" `MILAN. Allied 1 Malta, Nta•rttr
h tereaumai. It 0 0 ut k , ..irtim. .yrail of M.lne,•
''il \
, aIIAVE.AMANUN,Ine•, / 11 W We., Mart, Tllo3l.iti IV iirrE BONNET MAN P• , ' , V,,,",.",',.2, - ,,„'`,%;`„,,''',', - ,V t ',;','„`„',.',',"'„7,.,.,,,\:,. 1 .; ,;,;„„... 1 , ',',.... " .51. 'I.kI. NA 111IANGSZIENT. k i , lASI. • tss' . , JO.. lielleri:Of the Ne ...lott uireh‘4bridaght . , .
lho ale:Jr...l'o. .., 1.111 of the bret atul must runty FACTUabIt. N• 41 *math 1i...61 dt..... tale.. ~,,,,, ... 1 , • ajjh „re I CHA I.E\ldt HOUR. \ ~,,,,,,,,,,,„,„”r ~„„, 1 ,,i 0r , Ce}p, m l. ,ahs.l, \i• triad More t
. gate, ht. tam, et 4. er4cton . ' abfat m ati g ea, '• . ‘: \ ',. \t • \
material, an Ime Laded for the npolir j of Item e.........,,, , „...,,„,,..,,„, ,•.,.. A.,,,,,,,,,„u,, ...n. 0 Tn. rt,io,,,bono in 1131,1ar ...W.f.} ,orff} W.. , . 1- i \
they .... Mud ni. with.. 1... impru........ arr mod 1 -1- - •
n ti,:l rofinymillno it, I. 111.
torm. 4 l•l• moult:mut ..ri I iir. muurramill for their au a. aunt. . . . r m ....... j`i'tir'T•t*. T.' , ' 4 '............T .4.4 T \r• ...Mt. TO , 4 BROM- ift44' *R.R. t 4 R 4 '.6.41\ 're f ' "l i'''llTd''''ta . ';ftltii . ' - •••• 'onur6.... v..i.. t- .i. _„.,,a .
rimant.littem. for .•-,..n.i M.. ....1 A"....rn, ihrter.,Tr *. .' r...tru uto UM' 1. , •44 , • TB. ntor i aril • .111..... it th Mare i l ‘/ R i 44 ~.., F
~. 1 ., ~ ~ ,_'"": 5 4 m) J..' . '''' - ' \ . , ' .
, en A/ ran., if( ~r t, .rpr . .A. frte •
tam .t. ontammut, 41 meont 4.4 a0•t-lrel 1-41.1...h0 ,II AGA LEy, W0(1.1.W. ARD Or Co. Whole- to t:.-1,";.,", ': ,, Zi',..?1 . .iir.'it",,:',.% ''', 3, ii . ...W,!..•`1',',';,....'. a.i ei il'tl I \
... 63 tullaiCamtie d
, ,
tit . * 4.4.i.9 4 ** t' ' 4 *. i*.T.T• 4 ":' '4 .t* 4 .' 4.l **Tvini t ...I. 1114AT19 l'in ... Market •I, Platl•felPhia apt! mat,. •nd beauty 'of tbe •
g.' de:' .rtre 'l/.4.lthe ' ' " ''' r '''''' • •
Perm. drain.. oh anum. their Mond. iron,. Mt,l a
- ne. of 11, umghlmniu.l. th. Ke.r,... W. \ ~. ..a rem . no, ra m 4w, km! Lairro... an*, co
, 1
Count, ran obt.en ~rtittran .of mum... whin. ? 111 he . . ; ...mina. , _ en.. 11(.11.91.
PAIL .10ELpil lA, 13.-1.41 , 10 RE ,t NtIS YORL„.
Root for mat mouth, mei mar agrati lu In bald war Lir I n. c tre.tatom ... .. . y • wat•e• 7''• l ,fder h '''..".* :',17 , r,.. l :'::,'.:V.:',P.'''''.; ,„°,;",r,‘'''..- - ...".• "7.'7
eq-^1 , ~- i., th , -", "., .--,-, ~ ..--“, i n •,. • 9 F.ALII. BUCKNOR Er. CO., Tonne,. ,Y. 1;.,, '1,7 r.. - ~ , , Two Gaily Lines ess Packet Boats, - \ \
\ .
, .
iammartano r•lettr. to them M manure.
p r the „ r „„ rar .„„. „, j ,..„,,,,,,„ „,,,,,,,,,, ~, „,.., . 0 , I . e ,,,, ~,.„,,an 11e.hame, No 41 *mth lEnt•t Mtn.. tint ' , LI , It.i. luttlelu. mom, cuto- r• r an ma to,. k o o ...,,,_ ;L....,
44mruly drade. int El .t.rtin.c .I..ltana ant, pare, co No 1., earth libarem. Pada:inch. oil et, if denr.l A - ,
\ aillkeßi• '
'Wert s e. eulamil, r iI th- Mac..., P "
*A M g t. nal.. doundrat. able. c t ll !-'embed t j aa r of I
Pta . 1.....,-.... onunr, , 1 /laf f 4.l.hlVßL) MLitt ' , •\EENiiidito./
1.. flauto nr 1 . ,:t irk,. In tt, Cnind 6 acid. _,
sp•pm.l..nor ruppluel m....,•,, ming fn.. Ida, 1 'Nl 4 ',ll , ' YORK. .
. stir HA Vitt 111 ol• ' Ob and after Mouday \ 1.1141t0t Sfith, the
ta . o,,, ii d Lou . ‘. A
, 1....... or .... 'to.. ..1)...,. Inr teark j airt \
twery wuk Um tadlowine •atptee mw la rarnint...l . - •
, rer . aannilaal6 1 1,1, 4......1. I Lei n xt lcie , ock,
1:a t ...4 ~.....,,,, 91 11 . .. , ears .f wi,' awl war :„.. It. nn-.a.
FOS S..t LE. 1111 I , l ‘ f. PeroirvlN and Canill, I • recoal.-- - -thria LP,. the Care of Itr ••••\ =amt.. \
1 rue. 2 t•• • It. 01,1941.81. 4 1, 11 AA! 119 dour.
lad winin g the soot Mm•lllf* at Tnrnattm I ...rat a u nt ' 'h. unmetli•reli •ff• tet e •.•11 di.
t. 11amm.,..1 a JI! pro. Under 12 d e..., wr e 4
TM... Acre. , i •tri, malt .......1..., pit ilea! ,t - ' t ~ ,-, Nuoiotadt
to. 0....... t,,,, I .1. pdri, full tallooftn,ff a...xi/tot frlo•
b rit )) m-r•-• of want. at Th. o n m er m !re II mut• I ii, ? „ kar.i.mi c ~...he lon y 114,6 Tk \ \,. .
...wan I halt .0e • .., of tea Au: ar etel mut....
Jet In . n..., a. luramat 1., rtaanat. ,, ,urls • nau • 1 th” ra.. arran , ,,,: . rat ptu•ongerm a gli 616
• ,
i•i/ 11.111610 4 t,
p , .. , --• cmttn.lfi, 1..1 i4ar... aan .n f,. v., I , '. il-4 m *tNEI , than •re.l.l,.tutng f i•teolil le,.
,te T 'N •.•• at •t m. I.leu Fem..l. • Itiallmil i blo.
WM. 11,111, pp „ r ,„, , j .I ...1 ft. .....• tern, r r,,, ...-,,, ~,,. e5.............,0,,,, , .„,„ a, arrival ;a1 . ,/ d.hl, to,
Pri.....e K . to Sew Int 6 i . fa, ~ ! ,
b lutl . ine, f.ta and ..a.l h..E L tthu l e L _
if not 01 /n lamp laf r.ltta. nr, of l'orrant. rr. t 1 . ...11 , t,Getta 'foe DALTlllofili \\ e \
lainiurr.o:CES 'lO ENOLANII. IRE- . 7i,i,!t i i,.,1, , .., , .. -..T. , ; - --- - , 1 h. ~.... - T•k. th. Ydrt oti ce.sylt... itoined.., thk t al.,N r a
vreeter-. e- ato ft .PI Let fur mi. ~ ,„ d .. .
I Ili L1.N0., Oft 1 , 1, AND ITO., -1.." Fitts ,v.
.`i.,...,,, f:„...• L....1a..., ,I ro• 1a.i....* ~n( blkt in o. '' '' 'L , ' '' ''
m ' \'''''' tot.
'''''" ,
f... ~, tt,, ntn. ,-; 104..1, t lu 4.41,11119,' 19 4.4•44
14.211.41,.4 ro.n•te ! i th. wa1..., nfen . nem W.,. . tr ' , "”ni*inhtit. 4' •• I 'erT.l.Ritiatt , • 1 .: ,
oiata rat,. ~a f.t , o li of, c• •,,d I,land, al, on Franco
ni•Tat,on , ....tor av ,n. Ilarrubotx &lye , '.
•- 1 •:' t • .... 1 J. "'"" 1 V I\ j La .... • ne. trarehud "li l l k ii rmalortable aron mune
aand lierinam I/1119. with Itud.ard IS ak-ly • Cn.
\ •\ \ ,
1 1 441 4 11•0114914. I,•re Rom. , ',En,. I Ll...m a ....1 it.).
I) ES IRAIt LE PRI )pElify FOR 511 ..,N,.. ~
~,,, z . : .,
~, \lur . eta. \k L ...t. Mo w , lono/N ti , i i
tre.. Pt t-ho m h
_I 1 let IL a -I, mM ...Meg Pa 1-, ca. i ran' Ore t t. 'N •1\ \ J. it iii\ C ALEs Ige . t. \•\ \.,
L \ \ l,
pamei...., „.v. tn., tb. ot I !nun., •944891141.. n ILe
in! .1. r rim_ ./e • n-ai 6, u lora a• I ot.hurgli. .r„. r .V.t n nee Zut'Ve 'i'J' ". , ° .7; „ T ;',7,. -. 7p., , ".,',:" ti ) . \ •. . • -
\ ~
....., „,,r, .4 tar 11••••1 twi.
;L:1111wi -t 4 4,711, 110 ; T " " ''''
1 r et \\ l. LEECH \k. C 0.,. • •1. , :
' '
e 1 10N1... , 11,1•*f t.T.43 ndu , F.,: - 1.• r. .. , N
\ • -
REDUCE]} '"" I I . k". IL P^..... " ...
\ \ \
•. . \
'... . ' ! . . h. '' ~- FABB .! ,
' \
• Private Residence for Sale. . \
, \ ,
VIIIIE an1,..•r34., fll n. p„ ~.,. 'Z.,
.. 4.......\ I c 1 .
igairt. ,
1 c'il•LTI.l rlll. edam.. •ott - .10 'f .. . . 5 •
neer, .1.•ot Om: nau• au ar oa.. ~ . ..t I liniments ! 1
\ '
i i goNowb4u.F.LA RourE.\ -
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\ \
ortteareta. •. le.. Ttt •• , f 'an-. f , 2 'n'T.idh. t - '% \ tout Phila.lelphia. v 1
Ilty manta cisM ..., I u.tur. of lltA,t• .. 1111.1.1 ~
. th.....h...... of M.-, a nil?, 1 4 ~.. Nus.t r f ilit ' ,,)lolklNG IldrAT leaves tir Wharf \
Latest, ~
•.-I I de, • j I ni....... aka •• ... ~,a, N ..'elne . k.nreela.ti Cnn-
• -• --\'\ • 44,411' WOW," ' U ' 94 d l' '
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raLe J.-envied I, ~ , 411.9 1., 4 1 9 19.49,1, 91.4444.
11144 41... , 11 4 1 ..,... Amts. Fan. only PIO*. i.,
• 1 ill Nat mrael talAl44 9,14
"Ab'''et g o vitt 1 ‘ ..
Ih. lac a., 90 411111.9114,91 111 .4 . r.. o ae j urem.l
r;znf IM ...taw • ...nun iZh th .. 11,,j,V,::7,,t,47,,;,.;t1"s ."'''' " "Ab ''''* "" l ' ‘
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te , tu, ' - *.-I '' vtd, ;st nf ✓.. 1 4 , 91001,1. CI!
. 1 .04 1. .",,..• ” ~. th- ffneffrall.tof .o. ..." f .l 1 1 - t. \ nag Net, f iii AND CEED NCREA ' \ ?an
pnemut orma t ant dorm. lb. lona of 1.. )tn...4.
„ „ ~',.„, ‘ i„ , "-A C 11.
tilt I,
rot Penh., ht.., tm• en time . thr ' , to ,r ' VIIIIE AM-, n for..rus ,srtV, rile lasi/sue\ t.. A
fatal- A , A I.traEue .. ' \•
..- not Ina ouotach. .r. vtll make a
• .unun, tu them r\ria.l• 46.1 patehmn of the Plin ! r
reoZ , ...a No.. mar 11.1 et . Platoletpt, , ~.j . p . ,, j ,,, , ,,..,,,,„ ~,,,, 0 ,,,,,, te ., r ., ,von , ~..v q d I ,
it pur. rt.
TO LET - A l'tri=" o ' l ""nyrtur'n ' t'F'4 I 1. , 1 L A7,11:7iri- f ar "Mid '‘i ' "" '4 " . ` 4t ' ''''''
II ta c
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...1 -,....t.mi I . ~.. r 1 ` 4, .... ' ..I turret, the•!..
of.l . f
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. at the fa ll• /mug rat, of frelglti. ‘ ! uk t Milemmlas6lloll.l
Great Bar ! I FIRAT Cl,Atq..-In 3 cmcd..,ll.te.. oma, !P i m, i „,
BE i.'TY Si PROPERTY FOR S.tLE 8'"'"`", titter, I.llafeniquory. Fr o m, d r
, i.
, d . , .
~. . , ' , amber,. urn MI. 111 A., 1.1914141.99 :90. '.
_A -11, MAN.M. 1 I I 1 rt. A l, .... b yfi I. N dlerY, a^ te
I. ~... loth , rtn• L . -. . 4.... . "44. \it. f fin. tio. 6`LimanChtice-11.alu m , 4 roka ''' sl7° ''''''''''' I 240 '
J ',,,,,,,,1; n f :::. ixi5 tiq .+ 47 ,, • '..,.
NCO 11et.1.-1., 044.911194 9 .11., 1...nal Ite,*uid get 1 , -,. t .. , j ..,• , we ,.. J .... u . p i n e ,- 4 r°A.l 4 'l
i ,... , i ,
apJ• to lo\wk ay.; '- I. of th. Pear Wenn. I.•llrumrPmera g er htuo - ' , . I,l ..lltrikil.i.t•'ta, n•4' r orae.' \
zurition-bm mat I Wr r sl.6 d ,i j - r t rer-heu . pampee. of In. , 1 ,I. 6, d ~
~ ..... ... g ......7 . ....... . lr• • .
m A ,...,- .Fr in Ue• r0. ,. .1., - Min ato` cf. R r T 11 11 1,11 ......-11,•11. I trk.ltut.r. Lure'. Lard brptan . 1
~ a u. bow,eTar kwatuann
S F .ral fft.. Aliticroomr. re It eftatellLLl. ,f .7.,t0t..4. 1.4[..c.0rt.-.. Talk, lira* m ut '• ,
Liberty at, 1 oth t. Adqaterr.inr• of d r mi.. of I I A.. .. ~.2,, . - j .,... ....., ti,.! hue t•• 1 4 '.... 11 9. C 0 ,.." ee .4.4" '1 64" tikiht.7.ll . /.
Thou.. hair. n. deed J.,. Lim . poet 11 Ch.M.-Atm, ManUeirtagni.a'ar. "•., 1 the \ alien only unlEyotatul that.. . hopo,f pum re , '• .
• -- •'' ' 1 Illeft 1',4•14.1,Cm501yxy.1innfm4,113,n2.4g..., •\ , storat i on Ile alune in fi L ty•otti. E4.rt /..( let l a c Duck
Private Residence for Sale. \ '
,r"l am i , c o L.E.V.... ', ‘‘ ~.... ~.,,,,..,. balm ba•Nifoe'' tar to
rilllE PROPERTY i s offertA ereeedin't. 7 - ts- . . "" •.- "'''''' V 4-... -1 4.44 4 '''' '..._____"•" 4 ' 44 ' 4 -_,._' t,ity IL, 4.149 we a, no lumata' taco ,n r van. lila
ta l ciinet:r.f,l,,,'.:,,v,r7 o ',=:,77t,T* 4 , 61. .'t r. 1 NEW RR ANG".ERIE .AGAD. 1 ,` ••.••••iv• ...I. a.b. ~.
I/9930C . It, 4 . 44
... 1\
se \ • a v w .
I Altai,. Tlo. mt... n.• usimarmuum .r. the .. \1 ,t I 1.. t•-• , 4 . 8 '• '' i
L uniciamonn g • nam p1..m.., .1. orr th. ea, .I i • 1 ' 4.1.1 4 \ \ • 51 \ '...,
.\ ,_ ~" ,
, . ..•.„ ~ I NC Ell ItaTt TO N'W YORK \CIII ',vi a \\\ FiniALPSNII CAD cltk: VOLLOSSViG, ,\ ' \
eminent i 1.,... 919 smug, nf I. . no+. 494,9441.1 •• 1.,
.1.11,,..rk •V tan I ,i n i • Itvro.4 ehmArtta c kwitla \ ••.,
d h. ~,,
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~.„,„..,,,,, ~,,,,,,,, d„,..,,,,,, , p 0 ,„, 1 . • 5,-e r .a. Loma ! .e. Lna Er,
„he maticati.Vhaud. t u. \tenure -.., 't •n PletiME'd. to ,DP
rne Intadra.l wadi mt hut taint. rumalh g 1 od, , • huh. t a dmaluz....l Lan Jana.. 1 1 , ...1• I nl and Pitub h. lord • \
It ,l pd tnl re- , .• St .a,,,..,..i • . ~.. t ' \,u 2 l..• ~ ~ ease h 1e...14, .ar ...........s.. dae.l '''''''' * 4 444 4 . 44 4 .' 14 t'''''' 44 '. "RT.°. 4 \
r,, . t , t relt tualt w to.rtern .•
~. r d a he, i • .-Lni 5hee...... , ci ren. .nd Che Ohio. inibelli a%....,Tt.-.*,
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mate I. and might len LI, Ind Wenn, a.m., . mu, P. Irant., ...., . .. , . \. s A v., 'phiMactable gen tem'. in.t m ell teat big ''
eonvenu r., that ..I an.i. •no !..11 r uld mac..L • alh , , 'TEAR, 1.1.111. PENtllth AtiIitLILAVN • \ , 0 „,,,,,,,..v,,.. 00 .,..,
~,,,,,,d oojr •,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;, d , j,
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hire In .b. rt. di,....ahutt met atsmitagr.• Ti. eir •
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. t p a .,. w j „, to , ink ,. , j ,...,,,,, 0 , a 0 er ,.„ ~,,,,n , t , i rt. ~.. cony at_c-rde. . youlat i f a , I 01-Muitatien • 11•1, tbn Mr.; i m ,d , neal 11j1 N 6 , ,..L .
T i i tidn ,i. l.l:l o . , t. ,;. r die
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lan It . • rim. t•tier h.. - runt.. deiglatul N... .`1 \ t.' t'a a . .. . ;
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d. 0 ,0. or r,.. , b....,a ~.clatnna , : I 1., Ip, m i re,sthr na...1 I 4.1,11 , Aram a , wa,,4,,,,,...
1 .,
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"If".. ' 4 ' 1 tilt ':'''' • \4u .;'. \ '''''''"' l r0Y....t . tl:•:11"Itv:ir ''
Tr ''' ''' •: •li m e ....1,14, ir "ev,,,......... 1 , 'et mljni e ja . ' A . i.
Real Estate. \' ' .. '4:.-‘ r\ s, i , a ,,,, A4 Vs S*. `i 'T.. ti. i• - i•iiiki I C.f. ' bottl e N.. Y 110c \ .p.,.V cl •4. 7 . , - \.,, ' ':,.
po i rt .,
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~,' el\ . 1., - :''! i !,..''s.T .;...7,4 1 17,.,,, , ,..., r .; ~,,,... ‘,,,,
,„.., wilt' Ilta wet L, M - renesplalta. Eytd , hu liad
at t .et-ono n LiLe mj rt., and ... oth r -., 1. \‘,..nn.l'ire,co N.. Vork, s \\t. 1 W,akn ra ,
\ lax of, Ilitak•umea, J.c....4. haike/rewly , :' t .
' • il
' '61;,-A pmee .1 Ih2. (Art et ..0 ...1,-,. a ''' ' 1 1 '" ;;k:',.., " ,.7,.: r ti' . °. \ .. " . ..' \ TO ,. \ *par 1 Lelpelt. roar much 06,1, E n e r sru r t lose 'ly \ `
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mm 1. en Poruer• et an n um .1 Ai 1.11,1. .1 '''' \ L '.\,
~,%„,, \ ~.,,, , r , j j .„,',T• N .J o l,r.V . o. 9ttt i . l tr i . ellectol ' A te re. ./ hare Jarti • iurehme4 Jr tul Mr. \
r.tram roof i a . AA: an. r
‘. .... i, p a , ~,k,,,,,u , ,5 , „,, ''.. aual yud.diu. fron t the effort itALLar fanner, ha , cnu ,nt . '' '\, .. '
'vie- , tr
. I tllnliSlill IN ', '' '''' \ ' , a.. ..I « ~..,„\,,..rt„,,u r, ,, t .
, ~... uhl 61injihnia./. AA a art., .
I da.•••1/. MERCIIA S -I'm l. n u numnum i. • • iX: . ....\ da. Ik, .r rrto a. a- t,. t s Inv " "tt"ruunt'• \k\ '' c n ittlLN• '',
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re, .3,, ~,, be, on rant', 'All \.• j
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ar g o n the l'en. and Mtn 1..... j
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the la m ed. mot ...endin g I ak. to th • \ , WE *R N ',„ -, 1A,51 ~,‘
~ ~i,
- 4ii " r r • 'kr 0 '
, ,
by llrdia. the area,. 144 . 11/9, IA
13..44 auld 1 . ' 1:r. I.„rar\Viver Coroelator,
Ilin Railroad GI - rs.ul
_, ' :I A., 41 iz.i.,yl4.klN; O:43RANy, , tVi l umtion of he Ile t Dim, . UV., itl. . \
Fty lernuei m atire id I) elifkiKri t i, ,_ • 0 \ kti.M. , .4• R... te , *tid ' 4 44th h.t t. , n. 6.1 ,o, •
or al the lariketnr..,t
' \\ . • •• . • •''• Mit' \ ... r i '.•,:t* . ...i, * / t atteky td t , a)\urVitma Dort ..
aurl. onruerwl
For Sala ! .....--, \ ' v,,. \ ai• \ 7 2 , W::::_• , \\,}:7N . :::;.:\rr.-z,...,-,:;,„ • .
• .!!..1 ., ,r.. ,- , - ,::[;;L..1,,-,..,-,-.,........,....._ s v. LARGE lot " Cl t n " '' l ' R . . 14 8 . , ~ AN ' 9ANA\L toattleatt,oatt's Vel 4 , ItNaLLI nit, .6.11., wha t
~ ,
the ha k la W.... 1 a 11. rlii of
, I ta1.t0tf,444,04.,.h.0a t f \ e n% end, th. L\e . ta g s ot ' 11
, L,1.1,1 for the Moll ten .
~, , ' mut lo a.l nn Fulton Oren aril \ \ \ "krlA,‘" \ \ ,
113.t0 health n (been.
• t a
,d...,....d I. yr...dn....rah, ...L. .1 ,, •••• 4 .Cruaront ' str•et 11.• pro f en; 1.."
'''‘.' . itILY,OELPH . I.4, BAT,-J, t ,: 0 k '''!! .. \4 4. 4 4 1 4 ....• .1 . - " , .
, or 0„ e ,.. , ...m a tt.. at the Awl'. VAT 11.19 OW •ad la the • %intl. ..'
m. P., OM*, •ud de4mTed I. anY Fart r th. lat• 1., 119441, ,49 1.913 1 4lt ..l \./. NV : IV- Yfittki. I ' i itll. rir \ - vaned unn,A,.. \I ,lid lbek a ..Nrrap• \- -1
•-• Nna , ata• fdr .... **tint. II Lam.. by an:t ray:, tt
I (qr . I. g tt i ,„.i 0 ,-4 . 4, we :, \ i' i e.., 49311,1 19.'04 ' 4 14 a moat fA, . condition: I w li,re, t"
le ihor r, the vorCon nr tore or fa - .
MIEUI.JI:2. 1.E.2. 1*
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~,,c . iI! altt ,.. ict.: batt4illpitatton ,_ of I' Ileart. and .1 li..
. a... ma or •icht imaller ten... Lt.
J. , ''''
ht. lictildnice. . yer..-.1. third In hut I co-, Ile
: ..4 Lace.t ze UOW . 4..4144 41 Ito k and .ides. we ?
,LEK ! aannuat pm.... noun.: hy hnut •
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a. I ..,t1 No :1. ,
\ '''. \ \ .•;;" '''.7 . " '...' 4 ,...\:,;1' . ". ' .a , . • \gfer )e \r• bee '4 ., ~
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p r i,,, - 3,... ? ,_-,,„,. .., .0 . 4,b.‘,., 1 nt Arelier fr.* leprororiptiwai. ...A ‘,
elEtililt i Ar.-a.r. , .• t f 1 ,,, 0 , da , .., . k ~,,\?,,,„, t „,.„,,,
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• ctsvt., a1k.,,,,., ', , lteava hark und bat. p rlirti. lay
pap 't
•ipuptorad; tk.
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fLENI , , , maI . if, a tee rdtatlr Cara, .11, .att, 14eiltce waran an I 4.,
. m y v.. l' e gub., and i *O,ll re n ame . a ..eal. • -
; I\ . • 1p• *Jotted u. / hare gra I.4eitral i m .pt,
ci.lA't NAND \ ' d '''t '' , '"'''''" ‘ 7 4 Wg ' " '1" " . • i '/L"rl. "M " h ." s
• 1 attlar.loo lola, ' book and 6•lrs. ..141.1. and WI • • .i \'•' ''...-
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~ Itth,t,tn aka Lim, ° s •
•• \ I tignme • 4 441 4 ail. namo CI 11119
\ \ \ 4. .
, , \ , tal z with, t e emit. M....,
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T.., tt ar .N,r \ oatti • vat. \
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, ,a J 1‘,11,1, 1'c,„1,, . y Wive lat A
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~ T.AN , ',..M . ',"e l.l l Td" -I rt l 1F hoe.:
.''' ' k'''' A \\ . c '
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\ l ' 9l
.nti,..i 0,11,... het:wt.\ VT IT Gr.. •'ltvr. S. Naal t re;*ko w .
V' t 4 1 ..1;i...1. \ 1 u•.tivr•u•,., •••.11‘..ti.a•..)±.;
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\ \ ,
ii , , 4 . ,.., , ,;, - ` i r lLL , Alotlfv„,.!••",v i \ \ \ . A il. vit. cowp.i.. tisa s ti drop arist lad- '
‘ \ ~,,,;,„ 4 Nti,;,;,,t,,,,,,,,,,,,-„, ,A. i , x. 4 inetorod Le uornlir mane.' nn1,,,, veonif e ..-
' ''
I ‘Vi• l t'l'i m ,..: .. .7 . ‘ . .X''''' -o . .''Aijr h , \ '''i,''' ' ' .l 1 1 -L 4 j . ..., 1 10, 4 1:1'..A'0tt'• Ut i c., l i . • i6JI, \fr.
V.' , '',l''''ght.e'it'ri \‘ ' '..i''''''j,‘ll7. 'f \ \
Nil. Less 11., ease 111. ~ rt m E. lf lotirre-f•no 4iv t 1 . 1, 14 , 44,,A100 1 r'ah\
\ roe E. j lir Ltrar , l4lol„,, irt, Ift.,l;,....ffacrartta
\ ,1,11. X. 4 , 1:01.i EY, AA t ' l `;ftlf ~ T. , t`X,1,.T,.`,.\,, hn . T.:nt,„7.i,\,',l',,^lTA
..,,, ‘„
~,,,„,..r . n d n mid ,i,,,,',.., th p,m Mina, M 121 4114 ati,,Oct,nr,,,t./,‘ b.:4110..1;
. 4. tor
\ F:XCIATAO ' lelteb.9 to - rer,,,26n-- is: - ' ^'PL"`;:!‘•:;1 41:'''1\7;''.t!''''''''''''''!t.:1'''141
\,,,., , I 1,. \ ~,., 0
p i, „,,,,,,,,,ge,
, i\ .
~ z. N .....,i•e:0 ' , 41, , , n n •.%. Tx , .. 7.7. 1 . .,..•, ,N,i , , , :.:::.::
~ .i y i , IA:
N i 9/ •114111 \t}, 31.111UAN NV3... 4111 P Rt ~." . 4.'4 A. '''' S f )9 ' . ... \ l l ' l ' Al•A‘ ' ' ''' ' '\ ''''''''' . 4 . ' 1 ''''.•
NA.. their ha, a • 1. ...,1...1 6 1 c 1L! . ' .A* l .4' d 4."". 44 0 "" ill''' .i. ' r 4'' '''
19 •o . ,ery .... (IV a,...NNO.Itai . faj tja , e _. • 1 turret. rh, o pfulood boat to ... • • \ ao ot / .., tot 11,14
• A 49.1,4144 1' 9 09114 AV 4 M.. ....,., ....1 . 1 6-4. At 0,, .tr , %.„
...1 hll/711. , ''
j' , ''l'i ir . t\ id t : ' 11eav•;,....• .are E.'.....tre'lhia\h, rititi't'lllnN:lA%'' '.'-'l... ° J'''''t'',lWlC '''''''
1,,1 e 4h. Iluto.or Au, bt. tr I*.thohu 1., tor No eon.. R . 4 1n V.1.,A r l ': 4 •1„, ,;.:,.,..:,'r' e, t ,n.:J.....p. - .'‘;\
I - a I L.l \ eund tor Morn. n Ml} uml up thr 44 41.
.I.9ol.l4ll.;.*l.''l;}l',il2;l7''''''‘''''''' '''.
' /11-,r 4 _4tAXXV. B. lilll.s Tit ty. , .PLIE-• \
'-.._. \ .. r.T. P 9.ll•l \ A:'' ' ' ' 9,Cl' j , t l, l . l 7 ./. ‘ irq. ..r.h. ~., .I;',...V..g.:%.=Virtt ' !" , ; . i;;;; ' ,. ( 4X . ..;;;J;;:;:!.",: r \
\ \
\•\ ..! - • ~ • .'"V,.P At ''''\ -•'
\Arrangement Made\ tiz Forward Bieight ..4.,..,t'. ' 14:=,,,,,,,1,,,,„. IL:,
1 o Astmitoitn'9l4, FIVE DA YP5:\ , %. ‘,'. r:L=,r,';',W,3„."l='
I 5,011'.. 'RATES ItI,EN N.SI LV 4, A t =V.' it it. t p,tvv 4, al+ r 0..,
""'''‘)\, ''''''''''"' n t7(lki/ITE'll'iiV.F..`N ," 1. , g , ,iz .1.,=... a g1,'..X.T.121
Ao' N rtr re m! tad .V. rte,l?ttet. N . yi t a.,... ,, 1. 11 e=.ll4,,r,=.4atii
ii.:A.T .F. r liie by *.-.- \l\ ,Ile „."...,,, , JT:•., 't.ti%V.,V• "Ikto
\ relotalas a LH e 1 . ,,... MI Hu e d st.'
.‘ , 7 '3,1, , - 0 '.
- . • •
The motile from Salt Lake had been.received at
Independence on the 20th ult. IL•Page, Indian
Agent, and Measns &lion and Young, are ex
pected here, having been forced to leave the
territory in consequence of the seditious send. ,
merits of Brigham Young, the Governor.
The $20,000 appropriated by Congress bad
been squandered by Young. An attempt had
been made to'talto $20,000 from the Secretary,
but be'vroald not comply, an injunction6f the
Court having some to his relief.
ci.evectse, Nov. 3.
The Empire State, in coming in to day, struck
the east pier, and is now lying ashore on thr
Ohio aide, with sin feet water in her hold.
Damon.. November :I'
By the Engineer of this steamer, we have the
following particulars:
During the gale on Lake Heron, on loot Wed
nesday night, the propeller St* Joseph wont
ashore, near Thunder Bay Island. She is on n
sandy shore, and does not leak: nor is she yet
much damaged. She is insured in the Buffalo
Insurance company.
Noon agent:?.
Cotton--The market is less firm Yana, Nor. 3
flour—ls drooping, with sales of common,
,state, and Western brands at .$3,840 - 3',.51, and
pure Genesee at $4,0Ge4.18i t 1 bbl.
Grain—Sales 10,000 bushels mixed western
corn at 57.1.
Provisio4—bales mess beef nt 1. 4 8(i , i:10. and
prime at $1,25€.5,25 ti bbl. Sales bbls
lard at BkeaB4e V lb.
Grooeriese4tales 250 bags Rio coffee at Sir..
Bic: and 300 boxes Ilarana and Matanzas sugar
at Ciensi V lb.
Oils—Are steady, with sales 130t1 gallotr. lin
seed at 70c V gallon.
Whiskey—Sales at 21c V gallon, for prison
Wool—The market is more active.
To Dealers in Liquors, &n.
I J. COMTE. French Reetilier. 360 Ei g h th
to . ..m.I. NEW 1 ..N. ha. fin..
DIAN.. In full op,-
;11ranlljj'..jij::.1jr.jejjljjoli'l l 7 i je tTt j ij r ; 3 ; - . A . l . ‘j 4j j n j t j t j j 7 A . n - j ' ae j T j .
:stub and 1411 are careful. maule ite ,
ompilng . the twat ...031. toed In the South of Fran.
and Ilona., the ...lay httial to ant of tho imp,.
taps fn. thh, rountrl, Deal,. are al
.001 and
lue.ijj';ll(jaht%Sjnal.j e j t jj7W lNV=k! ' , ,l il ' ..3;:r.i . .. n . ' „ l' .!.. ` 4,i; Itn
Nticitiirk India Rubber Watehouse.
..i - ,, 27 ..Ifitirien Lane, and ..1"v to .1 - vs•qp ',freq.
Find corn., in.rn Broadway Fart,: 111 tout 341 h sa
riniE SM.:SCRIBER. Proprietor of th in un-
I•j tat I, , htunnt, nould infrrnf hi,. ..1.1 on•tino.r. and
, merear. a rurpoit . 111.1 h. I. dwily r...ipm g 3 (.. hi•
tartar a unturgallt lug. and rvreltent alort, of Indla
Ilithh, 004. twin asedu,d earemly f , r thi. Fulani nale,
a! whs.., trtm 1nn...1,0 ...arm) tn• I in,
an,..v..m..,t- 11. roc 030 - ta. ail ona.eitto,
3 I.- feel , .-33.i...1.n. rhant fail 45111 V p..., .are ion .
1 .11;:31Aluje.ljaajjj1aajr.1711Nlje; Fjtjtj'ellst.!:;,:il'.:Ygl.
to.L, n-i to ~ .-I inr Imo, ('he dr.,. ar. rur.olll, .1,00
trom the two 13.030. and anneal with th. hoe. aut. whi. li
, ..Les equal tr. .44.i1l t-ltb..r 11.. alan ma ...turn
' thn aNaairsna left..
14 414415 ra.rtant unproamani 0-
3 ..It durwaer, hp whi, Iti. Hod. 1. mut. to 1...... an
extol raresiblan, to 544415.441, lb. plan Onto!
........1 rat! co 0.33.1 00.. ol LI ape,ft tha w nor
• 1 1 1.., -A .4. 3 1 or.. ..( all th. differat irk.'
and earn., in.. 116.1.... , ..1 Pa. Dna,. to ta re
~...i . ..,,, , aneointaohibon. I north, Parrytt.l tin...-. vadrar,.. 1t0.,'., It ow,* and -
, 'III RIF) 1 111 , SIN , : .tats • f1.t1,,u . 11,.1., M. 0... shpt's mol ~,lunt. 11 , no d e
Market ar., i Vit...l and loud laubla.r. 4.
Do J. we Proraa m et. .1 3 the .... V 1 A notupat. mnoorttortit of Iran tAlowltot nlwar. 3.n awl .
..,,,.., a r .L. in c .,. (.....,.. and ucip„.... n d.. i Mai1i.......a.C00p. Can,. I uneh.... P..... 1-(..1, .... a
pond au dr, rualuij tw the Ina. ..cga Prom( Glow,. 11,......1uin 11. 1 ang J•pata, t kV, 1.5,,
. -
gnia. f a1w....3 Mallet, Plato, Itat,..ll,pit..l.o.ertmo.
Wheeling and Pittsburg)) Packet. . a,.r. Cu... 11 1.0.410.,.. l inly . ..etratal.........3theulj •
ter Dr., Pap., Ilia., au Nan., boll., an i a 1,,,,...
ARE REDUCED ..- The awift tn,dli. r .111.. T., the,
j iptlon of Ituhher to
-.. , .... ,
e arl" 1 , I , CMs. i r 3.1. a, au-tuter 1 ulrainred Metall. Lola, De,
3 cli, t... an tle. lore a„.l ail .nt,rraml, I .Pf.‘,; , ,f' . 4 ,.;,r"-* "" 4. ..'' 1 '....'
~.. .0. I.• tdund a itiv.v ndlson rot. and
. jodt• Yin naornln..., IC, ....1., 45,444 J
a, Vauellux c v., 3 anti. a Chapped Had, Gamma( them and 10.... ma
Dia mohair tor.
Lto tam white iin.l ...ft
NEW diRLEANti MARKET Nara. La...4re . . , j Puhr . ll2.ger C.ment fer Hatter. we .
I, Ilult,ti 5,.
' lt ter sol r. , n , .1-•• not lon eln , urh. are will mak. • . " '2r
Now Otthoess, Nov 1 , 1:?: , ,,,rg ,, ,FM" , ,
... ,
a 1 1,..... will war,. 1 Shawls! Cloaks ! Mantillas, •
Cotton- The morke: i r stendy, with *.rgir 100 ft Pi t ., kit, u r r r .. J , .. , .. , p .,, r ,, , l i o i led a j, :; 3l , ti .. 1 %;;; ... 131 1 , • w j : , 133 , 11 , , V . , w , 1 ;!: ' s l j j. T . l j E S ,lIILLS, N.l 6 , otht ~ I . N Dore,
bales at -Tine :,n.
......L., - ...1 pn.n.. ~ .. o . non • ~kn: at la Sband nt at, o 1.1 tret,
Otwerles--Salo. 7,000 hhtte new sugar ' Fir fr, i,
•. w•. t ar - euitotatona, 1 MO. 3.f /al nod 0 lui. r ;II %. +...,,,, ~,,, 44 4 t• 4,1, 45 .
, 4..5 ,-,11 *el lennralo Kohl Long ban Is, top-ih, with 3 3
DI 4i for fair. oral oc for prime. nod .illO hhis .sort. . , hoax. •... .
all A1 , T1,•,... c nti7.l:l, ACO . Arn o 3 a (nil + ++-+++.,+++ + , I F+ , .. ,,, t +++++ ~,++++. `ln•r• .n 1 1... '
Volnaaes et 2 , 5 c. il gal.
ti,,,,,,,,,..,,, V.:n.41.. hawk .4 1,527 CrSlir
P.55/4i416.5.-..541 5 . 4 5 4 ,.. 4 ~,,i.k ~ $l;3 ;,) - .4 bbi ; To, 11 .h.t.. at...r .....• ~1 tn. larant tau. ea, ann.,- . dia.h. 4 514.54411 4 . 444.4 of (..t.nrc., , lrrino tl•in-i eat,'
, . i ~„,,,,,,,.„,.,,,,,„„ ~ . ., , ,,,,,,..„,,,,,,,,„...,.,,„,1 h „ Pat., and V nit. 1.1... A 1e.., dIAN'TILLA...AI hh. in, ol
Preeeat stock amounts to 8000 bble. urr rota,. In Inn trade reit - Warp • ,2. an, rh• i n, and atrt..... mnnalutur,t tr., Pars. put.
Ls.d-Hag declined IcV lb silk eaten t;00 I itEi; if LA it I, l . iffsßut ,,,, ii A ND , i 117,,-1,..°,,'-'"'' ''r^"-''‘"-- ""'-'`.' ".' l ""."'r P.'
bhlo prime at BEr'.,B4p ',4 bhl. • nll LE 1.1 Pit P. ALT -The rylada I it. ..,rim. th• .1.0-tal 40,013, at Leath. rn and Vie,
... vlereihau. Le the ...a., a 0., .0. fat an lona , I
Wh.oliry-if an declined to 1 / 4 (.i.181n lid gal- , new rad - ivrdtre.,...or id, I, NAL,rcusell. to
' 114.44 ./i Sill.ll•' r ad rwaly-made( (rat. fin . Ids lir, wont, ,
lon, 1
t;,'l:,"nrt.O:fr'lt'ta'n rea'sts.,!-'l4r;llZ-ZrkntGrISITIA:Zi I -.•.r , -."1 m. 6 -.1 .
it,- .uyen, WIS.: lIIICIii ,r ANDS. tr ,Idlutdruir
I r , cf " I ''''''.! , • ''''''"'lnl ..-. l ''' l sf • •'' 1•11.r.j.131 . i Huai. unt Mannll. .1.3.0 in... eaorel I nnt al
1... u. M tunlii, ..., ..1. and and Eatur , ll7, j , ,
~, j,
~, ~
~,,, ,„ ..,
~2.1 If
- A , NIS , TotoSiI • t I.4ZEIt Antra..
- To the Public. •
3 / 3 1. lilurrot! la • 0.. wheel Lea and 1.1.3. :nab. Pont
end ta.....• N... ~., ~ ..,..,....:•.1 r.., th.. 0.1. Pa men INDIA RUBBER SD.OESOur attention
;•r , %.” I UN. , . ^nn 1. 1.^;. , .I , . ,; , n'ile .L t.„.. 11 , II 1., ralled to •n ...1.,...c by Ilona. 11. bap.
3 c..... 13,31 In On Sew fort Ik/whin( Ill„ .lilt, ISZL al
• •__. _ i . _ .
1 .1 E r .t. ,
, te % . 1 .,, 1 n. ;
. !; , , 1 .. 1 . ii iV ., 11 :I . . I,
alt'.. ..'• 1 , "L.;;'',','' . 'r-,7`1 . , . 1 . - .1T'i r :.',..,':.;':;,"1..!,';',, '.".r.. t .',": h :1..17. '
I r -rtto piton . so t. Ah c ran., muter. 33
. 7.,j.3373j.j.1,j.L"Zjjc,11.7„j."2411!;:hjj..:.jt"j•j•jj111031.1
• 3011 brave hut•hor,l, tot n 11, 'nod Cannna .1 Ilonnint. j f, - ,tv, n riond,srass ta . ..1., ,n ,Is tr•ano'nvetn,•,7,ll,T,
port. brave
'Tue.!, at V .3, 3 dee tt,lt , rntundur 1 . j di, 1..• , tornhavnt our Moon:.: for th , ...of
1 ,, .1cr0rl lot cant., n ~...u., l i owbiar.tb. es 1 Ira. Natl. r Nu,. clad., ......1..... reran!
er, Ihnr .1•.. , o ' , lne. + v i'.... , and 4 ..t.t...r. t.,..e. andaraa dalll pa. 1144 4 41.11i5 ar Ili. namead
.44 .444444 upon thd, tent' rnnt,l, nstuharlt 'him, tb. 1 .rir ~ ,,,n r r* rant, =oh , nay..ton , fh b, n . ...tava‘lln
: do ..,,. ram, than rim. upon Ina erve. alrnta. R.
lor fr.,:ht :Jr ti.,ane.anuln v.,. Leant .., .1 , thtuk It um, plat to Inurrhann nicht. to a,. • valld pip
Dna 11. a h. Inf nage It. Mr Day haettia L.,n prek.en.3l,
-- • - j ukroxiolgol .1,0,u. riph.. :ad. 5 ortl.nunt. and
Ladies ' ! Rea& This!!! .•,..-.. •n , n , •”•• no! .• 1 1 ,1 +++...1.+•+.+++,+. Ili- ....,++
~,,..,.,:, ~„+ .1, ~ + ,, ......+4,,,,,,,. wt to In..
I N ' FILE PRESS, and will oltortly halo ready. ' """"^. *t.. h ' l., . I • 1 ... , 313wa td 011 . 1 wo I ,,, rnhannl
_,,,,,,,, ii ~,,,,,, „ i; ~,, 1 .,,, 1 , i, ,,,, ,
. .,,,„,,,,,,,, j ,
~ 1 , ot .....,,, .W non 50 , r,.. ownr Mr., an;l Iwo
11r Day. 11.1 3 .301. aud that .uergar own altnature., with
. 0 1 1 . 3.3 r1M-. 3 . 11 1 3 1 do . ( . 31341 •Plall 331 3 h 133 iw.ll3wi www l 3 ‘3 133 Lirstan nra.o 1...1, ear'. Paarnta, in the eunnutulu, .4 .
del.,. to urhrd, tt . nale cal Pot Miu . num., the „
j .jj j , j , 3 „, h „, „
, 333 ,3„, j „. „, , ccj . p „,
jc „
j ,, j j - .. j ,
j , .
metlnd of rented Ling . 0i1i.1.1.3t. land itartruetinua how le 1 „ j „...,„ rhccc 3,.. 3 , 3.3, who a, ...,,,,,...., with Llm in or. •
krep the tatrument allay. ill tun, - /3, - I 0 T 55.141, , ~.„„.x
~,,,,,..,, ~
~,,,....4 . ..,,,,, „, ~..”...
• dhto .1l11.• idon , rute.l /
dlol.tct, I .. cd , d , h•• 3l we • I ' , •w , -hr"'''' lame, `N ., ' 141 ' I "jjj
I CAN DEL. - ,
.3.1 Th. oilmoistign It /nth.. . Prd - 0 , taw . l•• ita
Iddr•--Oue do Lr: .st .1. ,, ... that adi , intna,... 3. aril': 1/IL ' l j . trl.-Itli'l'lj3ljljj{f Wt1133Il'Vr11";".flo,
.0,0011, .cuard v a. iron hp., law. i'ual. Voitrall I
ii Ilurrl.menn. l'r.a..irna.
ualtlllful Int.,.
Pi iltli a
lad!, and ,ntivino.n ,e, one rine. of Pitt-burgh •nd 1 ~,,., , „ ~,,,, ~.,J ~,,,
'r ll,llot
All.ghnn). dv.,rl or nvirl. nun... , of the nor, run dr fur j •* I ' - - -
1•11 , ..1 at Ittetr ...Jew, to . apring their aditre, at the 3
. nr ,
j , ~,L , „,,,,,, , ,
jjj , j „„„. jj.
or , „.. StlpE.l A o'r Black Writing and Copying Ink,
, i- , o- .. , •nn il ° Z1 , ..`...- ~ . ......t, . .-t ..-. . it .NE'S E:3ll`ltiE INK, el 7 Nattes,lll ntreet,
11..n0 Kiel..., Third orvo
Dv eroding ern- dollar to - th. anthor. .1 th- Of i till' nu r..,:1d, • •.01. ,
Ir., Pht.t.en Kn, a eepv will tal lorwant..d. fr, of pet.* .
10 ay part rd 03.• I.3.ol.tatea wir ram., iit nv. 4.4 4 ' .. '.... 1. ' st '' w 3 O I , 31 , ..
harp A 11101,1 , 11•VOInt to Doha rot Iv, an 11l uo, &Alan. ' l.ll
no re o ti., more arrrotal.o.. ro •.,,, , b. • . 3311. 3 6.•11 ' "j
on driiirlit. ra ' r ' qati..n . . .et
.an a. to 3, 1..13 than • ..p, •,f tlii• 1...1i
So., paw ..hiera. ~,c ,
jj . cp . fe.• in live beet lar.teir ravoutarture.i It lone frenly
, ____
___ 111 INK -a°. nil/ not so - lde. mould,
F I NIS stlborril.or ha to Qture and offer. at ' ;':,',,.t.''''',:',,,:N;:fi,„,"-V,r, ~T,',71:";,,‘,';,.3.'",.1'u11i-::„7,M
low par.., • .a... 1 .. rtm..nt • ; Ad's.", Cohort', ' rulval,l; ad.,.1..1 for the :atoll I,
noun 1 , .1 emu( I Motu. de Loon, 1 1 ,1... I, Int( PI. , 31. u.......a., 14 rr,...1.ed..n. tuna to t 1.... trade *I.
zul. alas, CM.. an..l , T bib,- Pt. olla, and Ural. Ur. Mt ..tent or home , onaugipttcan. at tee atm,. ~y
~, long nhan• 1,1.111.1. n 145/444 Daullerchiat..ilent 3. . aro,. put hp. D, on., chore.hrered In any part
Cravats. :anima
Cad.. lanai., Jean.. lit Duro, free nt ebs.., No for rs••• tlarr.l.l
liroveiat ci....L..d , in•ii Do Toliang. Col'd Cain 3 ar tneu.,•• -I,orn, - •ra ••.• nett nont
~., ~,,,,, 4 wt, It, L u....i.a. IL a a and a hoe Nei ,
THEL./Itt)112. I.k.Nr
.... Coteti, Linen. 4141 `I i. /4.44 51444 n., lean Tahoe 1 3 %us.. at. Lon knildletaa
Cloth, IV.. lan Cent.... Wes-. Mho... T1i.. 1 ... te • 1
.11j0,13 Lost
Ilinlipoa liotirdin al-r. a i war •nt 3, .a gi.... to val.
I K. r„p.atfiolv n 0.., • ah...., of ...tun. and Professor Alex. C. Barry ' s Trieopherans,
p...llarn , 3ALMTIII,I 3 an 11 ood vi ,
- - , -- , d ! It 3IEDICATED COMPOUND. for re -
.1 ..
J ;tona. ....nting ad .....tirvlng flu balruradka
W till rhea. 1 /I . In!' 1 a /,.. Ileeke. * Laalna. ' jjj'• j•jjj" jjj•j
3j•""n' j''' • 'jj"jj'. dj••••'•°1 th•j.jj''
' etan. nad wt. , Da. ...ea. ea.. brui.. arralns, rt.. It
and ii. P Taa. • 4.10 iil.4. 51,, 1158 L. 4 avartair.val t,.1 aanertment. that Harr) .• Trfroph.
,c. Oolong and Chu 1 ill loi• ...I.Tatu.
, .1,., ~a• pr.d.b.l law ...• taut in coaritut dlansuca of am
la Tea. 3 to , lacutc..
, .(1u.... 'I thn hot., ant all Ihr annual klnplmn. The
50 1144 051.44 and lilark .13- lfi to, riwr Laud.. 1 Imanina trona nbila. selected fn.. bualreda of nadlsr
lit bhda N 0 .13. In La" pp,. ilia
j ajw V3U` in., owls. . 1 ' 34 3 j3l J ' •• '..• I J -1313113.1.J. ' panjij.j....jitjjjel•tri'.(ifijuj :r n ti j j ' eh j i j ria , ;.% h il . 1..013 Ittni.'jj'arbonlijanarje
... hrs I oroa .L 1 IIndo• j „ ._., j , ~, ;
U.l 14a ay. 1,1 doh., rr. • , her Alrlexn 1/Inonc , •*" - ' *
St.. rolln. :4454 Z.:. P 4541
30 SI Havana and Can.
.33,.. lt, , _lfl . ( 34. , l .l_ , ,aid s_ Pl_ii . .. ,1 ' c p,„. h„,,,,, _op. . 0 _ I p a , a , h.., agyol c o alth a or,
..., by, “ y con,. ...; b......,.;:,,,Z1.4„." tar , ,,,uldnai 01 Ilir. peal, ef a ant 4trraraterl 444,
i 5541, 1414 4.154415. year d dunag-that period
2. 1. Lauun,... I ea Molder.
. lute had il, v.lO, of ann. of t 0 ,41455 .nuorot Aired.
~ bu, 'old iror Java I c.r.- vu 1e....
qt.,. awl hoar triad MI Dm preparath.P 755 Mr bour, ad
Lit 11... tee. lbrad. Ili ear, euta
1 raid L. , . known. •ithout the leant 'moon I •as alrlrad
Ca... du. j 11. labia No Ira 3 3 1.k..1. h e
...,, c .p t o i. four Taiint i firma lAI a •
6b. PalmaAlni., do. 1 2., ..6. N OA3I 11 .lulu,_ I art . 33 ,1 3., iglyurp.... 33 j r c j3 - fir,,,,,n, r o '.. ,„,, f
& lAA Nahum'. ~.“.. P•rdr. A; ~,•. ...r.....1 !'n l-. .. , real In " ...0 .11..traiontha L' lllnelp lira the rinLaurt a the
Lan do 3 -at .1 i 13 .1. lad Lord,
I dlaand,r th. al Mee. I Irt. parnally blind
t i...• ,rn , t.r..1,. ..h,t Corn 1......
/lbw, Na11 , ....1..L.W101. Lead, Cotton Yarn, aria, tale I jj.j'j•-jj'll'3 "'I, L...... 3 . 3.-„, tt c h ,j3.,;1 3333
and J 1. 0 ILLIAJIIS A t.NI,
ix. I.ol,rapt r-rner Mud and 111th ft. j
`lra' lona, out 0, Iv.o
„., , „„, 1 la.,, Idnar no -About two year, tiao no ha „ a.. a pie. .1..a1, *nd my tu.k.l v. tuna amicted
English & Bennett. ' L
_l wit. datolTull I and told 10, a (neta La try TOurrnnnyhato
I ..... mot I lid Po, aud to any nottonlatunonl, my hour
the IV 1 4 0 ., L b E 5. .5 t f , t ,, 1 n . , F: , t1i. , 0 . 42 ft , ii, ,. Cooi , misoion I ; , ; . ;e.. n r... , .iv.... , :r r t 111 r.. dandruff dt , atnr.....l. . the
lanut,k ntr.....-..n. 12 1 2 P•ww.titl O. and 141 listen jrlre j fit h i 3 ' " 13 1,, 1131 'Wre , i
" "jj
j 'Ph i'lj j Ea j taVeLL, ee , . 0r0.J. , ,.;
and Ltulthh,l op. Pitt-bur :h. Pa here ..n and II
and ,ii r,....i,.. th, following n..... whol. 11.31 anew I n I'II any hut ar tualrinan doubt. the anlbrutraly OT tt 4
r 414 tit lilt. 14144 4I tarhet rat,- 3.1.3 Ti IL. , will 44454 can at 1 i mt,..4, A C Barr)'. off, ,
111, tx.x. • matird Thine., .1.5 haw. liar C.d., 1 IX; Drew la.. .0., York, whern• be tri
111' 3 I;., I. i 11. lulimn.lL, pta. I . ur. Ilya b.. ll mean, the , I. n Tea. nal la
Ji. Ina. 0 twlo Taare... - - {:lrk. 1., Aol' " , -
t.r, roll rod elo. lost I. fa. 4441. , II 544,4, iFrini. the Military and .i.oral Argun. c ur o, 1, - rut • dr, •anddlo, .1, W.I. d. 11 5 1 , ,1ande,. j Theo, la no Ttonn4 InT th. unman,' cur. of ba• • inn
3. 11 II . 1 1 , ,.1.1, t_ 1., at -w II - . and due... of tat era. u, ndl, , :ha, ..* r.,,, r ,:
du •• Idinn.t.• ~,, I, .• ~.../... 1...1 ~... , 1.. ~nolant) ..“11,1 1., in, art.,. kn.., ~,, ~,,,,,,,,,,
4.3 - Havanaalliia 101.1 1 11..... Barry .. TriuVw.n..... ~ Molleatol Crapound. It ix na•
If. • 3 Ciarigia - tom. It 4 4, ll4rxtflo. .n.zrely .;•,. 5, Oar (lan. elan., of th. rommunityi In
Mt Luau A hanodc. Li1....3 gni - i Ina. 31adder, alga,. e 5.33, nuriery in the Wei 11 I. 104.4 i In
L Wain... C.a. nui• Mr ...Pa Alum • Other unlit, wt the klnd It unbar. vig, , ...... mt.. 4
and "round tint, I trona.. In./Ism I th. ha., 441 i tn.. prnmot..... it. vn.vth •
o a k , dr
.l., laze. Hut Lana,. 311, 1,.. /anon reap ' e r ,.. 3 it 1... tn,• the dada!! and ...., and mak, the
lA, nu, Tomato C. 003. la 31
E A . , ' " ' ilia. 1., and (1 , 30 It wth en. all &tea, a th. walla.
(333° j l 'l'l' r "..." ~' '' %In id'a 14 Candler . aueti or Kati.. mi. ,1.•. .arm. athl other Minna,. dun
n - hicturrire
: .1..r....1 In, Ain. In 0b.......,... L• 1,11 metneacy. it a..
Itni dram. do,•. unrlvallod I, 1 , ... , 1J d, larn. Utah, pri, teems. at Nc,
1.0 le.p. 11 1. IlalPin•. • ..... IL. Po I Crualled Votgar 1. 1114435/ 45. ad . the 1 /Tutjund , ,,..,,,,,de. Ihroon Ind.
1..... ' - “c"td ,, l 'Pl.+, Du p 1,... lot ...lg , ri54.44. th•Uulerd tat••••;,.ff Canada. 10,21.1
:Aar sna.l.aa,za
,get. . . ..
• - -
:.0 1.. a... Whit. PIM- Cllier... M ailing.
Ala,MO bag• White Bruit Puhar.l l .3ot, 1 arn.. /1.1114. Ca ( jiiicA(,;() AND PEORIA,
%fa • Havana .• .11..... A lad tarp( , Nlaan.
7 ;Journl rot.,
New Yoga. Nos
Cotton—The market is steady, with sales of
800 bales at former prices.
Flour—The market in without change, with
further %dean/ 'll,OOO MN at y;, 084.(4 , 5.1 for
common State and Western, and $4 14 far pure
Grain—Sales! 27.thoti cu, wired iVearern Cern
at 574 e
PrVvieikin.--Furtber hbli pork at
1 , 15 for Mess. and $l3 .0 for prime Lend
is dull.
Whiskey-3.4...400 bbla Ohio at 2•2 t t 7,0
. CINCINNATI :11.11iliET
Flour—The market is dull and unchanged
Whiskey—ls steady. 8 , 111 , 3 4,000 bids at 11 ,
Ciroceriea—cheese is firm at 6}€46} Batter
is in good demand. sake 20 kegs fair to gond at
114)14, and 30 kegs at 84171.10 e. Sales 70 Mid+
fair to good fair Sugar at t{ - 1 640. Molasses are
firm at 37r Sa lea 200 bag; good Rio Coffee to
arrive. at Ilic 14. lb.
Crnoberrtes--,Sal es 00 blils prime at $0 Zit,
Apples--Are doll at *2 to S 3
The river has vises one inch in the past 40
The weather is cold and cloudy
Numerous aplications having beet made to
this Department for the allowance of incl l / 1 1. , 011
COMMiRSiOO3 to tio . stmasters, authorized under
certain conditions by the sloth section of An
act to reduce and modify the rate. of po4tage in
the United States, and for other purposes," ap
proved March ild, 1851; and it having been clear
ly shown that, in most cones, the labor. of post
masters hare been intrersed and their commis-
Mons reduced by the operation of said act—
It is ordered that, whenevet: the Auditor o (the
Treasury tor the Post Office Department shall
have satisfactory proof, by affidavit or otherwise,
that the labors of any postmaster have been in•
creased and his cominiesions reduced as provi•
drd for by said net, he shall allow and credit
sect) postmasters with commissions according to,
the following roles, to wit
, . .
F 11. Where the commissions of such postmaster
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1851, did
ritt exceed fifty dollars, the sane amount of ront
,nssion allowed for that year, with twenty per
+t added thereto, shall be allowed end credited
t o the postmaster for the fiscal year ending June
30, 1852:'
2. Where the commissions of such postmaster
foe the fiscal year ending June 30, 185 , 1, exceed-
Ls~ fifty dollars, and did not exceed one hundred
d4l .
liars, the same amount of commtsnons allow 4
fo that year, with fifteen per cent. added
thereto, shall he allowed and credited to the
pFtmaster for Idle fiscal year ending June 30.
1 52.
r. Where the commission° of ouch postmaster
fo the fiscal year ending June 30,1851, exceeded
owe hundred and:did note:xceed flee hundred doh
tors, Me same amount of commissions alloassi fee
that varr, with twelve and a half per cent added
thireto, shall he allowed and credited to the!
pokmaater for the fiscal year ending June 30, :1
Where the commissions of such postmaster
for, the fiscal year eridingJane 30, 1851. exceed
edifine hundred dollars, the same amount of tom
canon., allowed for that year, with ten per cent.
added thereto, shall be allowed and credited to
the postmaster for the fiscal year ending June
Provided, always, that the comMissioas to be
al9wed at any poet office (other than a distrib
uting office) shall not exceed the postages col
leoted at such office during the period for which
each allowance is made : provided, also, that a
special application for a farther allowance to
any' distributing office may be made whenever
the L lAuditor shall certify that the Aommissieos
au prized to be showed under this order are in
sofffeient to pay the actual and necessary ex
penses of such office, including the compensa
tionlof the postmaster: and provided, further.
that there shall not be allowed at any office
where the compensation of the postmaster is
law limited to . ii fixed orilary or compensation
any I greater sum shall be required to pay each
salary or compensation, and the actual end ue
cessery expenses of Lis °thee -
The rate of allowance after the Present fiscal
yeat is reserved for futiMe consideration, and
will ibe determined upon utter the accounts for
the drat three quarters of the present fiscal year
shall have been adjusted by the Auditor.
N. E. BALL. Postmaster General..
Petroleum I
a:21" - A Most lILMAItGABLE Coat or TOTAL
I 11LetortaY COlazo nT Palootacw—tso write the atumtinn
of tlit LIU/0W and the paid, nen:rally. to the trrtlticate
or 1 , 1 - m. Llall, of ttils <it,. The ear, may Le seen by art
, paraon who may be akentlmi m relation to the facia hare
set 10111. • H. M. 01011.
- I had been afflicted aosarel years with lisorrnessof both
ere.. :Wtdch continued to lacresAe until Feptember, IMO.
ton Inflammation at that 1111111 beano; Involved the whole
,nln, membnun. of loth eyea, and ended lu lb. datanite
or a galet fllm, whirl, wholly deatioy.l my sisht. I but
all Oyeranno performed, and the thickening rtnint.l, whieb
men felon:tad end left me In . Lad a rt.:1,101oz it, belote.
iAt tell. stage of the complaint I mode aPP III- . 1 . 1 nn ..".'"
ral ofithu writ endrient ut•-Ji•ail man, who informed toe
that 1 1111 Y ales would Dater get wall." At too , . two/ I could
not dlarlogulati , uay °Wert 11l the wild, of emur frond.
I oontinenorvi the nse of the Petroleum. both intenuall
end Inca, 11 )". ander which toy eyes have itoprortal daily un
til Eno preßnt time; and I bae..rue,reeed .nr .:.iot en.r..
ly. My general health wao Ter; much improced by the
I , trolouto, 4141 111.[IlilAlle the teitorilli,llJ of to: . 101,1 o•
Ito net I resident 1`:, 102 be,ind tt.t.tet... thin co,. nod
I will be happy to give any inlormati6o In rt.letwts le my ,
pee. ICIL.IANI [told," '
e'er tale by Key," a Meluesell, 14. It marl .1001111. a i . •
IVllani, 07 Word street: It. a Yabo, , ,u.,a, a C.., ..,,ner
14"ood and Front str.tet, I/ 4 tju,, i,, ..,. ,t0,,,,.t.e.e5k
Douglass. and 11. P. r•lia art, Allezlietu: at.. 1., rho pm-
prlett•. - 0. "4. h 11,1, ,
4 .,", 5r , e".anet na....0.10uth et.. re 1 1
sak - lt is truly astoutsTung wall what ra
pitUr nod rlrsoneeslll.ll. lar,ell's Arabian I.L.iment baa
taken Mold of public favor. A f+w I.IMIII. am, and all
that wits known of It woo that • mcwn powerful medicine
of Ayablc cciteM,had mode It. apprari Now, re u. ow, the I
hardly', a family lobs Bawd that doe, r.c loop 0 alwaysl
1, band', 4..1 no out would ever Le • iiimut it who had
witnentwd Ile Ataxic pelts er 01 . 111.11kwa./ :to•I n., wnrolorful
poynr'y ill ITIIPTitI. I.m.
S.! , .11.6•111.14,211411..
S 5.,.
OpeoSme A. MASON CIE'S. ens, end
package! , or talk Ahamlm awl I:Nyire OoodA. .43
Sr LOtri, Nov. 3.
S' I' EA 'AI II( /A TS.
i --
Wheelin g And Pittsburgh Piicksit.
FAlit: Rl:tiri:Ei , !--The ,A - ifr jiti.
r.... , ~,-..•,...., P. ,, •,. , A,i11.• :al- - -'
V . : r r ' ll l t l' • r l n ' : " I".
" "II"
I '1.1.1'
• , •
lat.-I - LA..lml, v.',
14-, l'••••, . .
Th. JAM I.• :: e A . -.1 , A• C•pr •.1 1. •••• 1,11.
I,lr4 r•turnl•c. 11•••, , , Tu...d• 11
ar , Im,, •osl i - •into•,, •I /0 ,
A - ,•••• It It•eln,,, .1-o, NltAut.... SA•lsr.
i., •:.-1 kr,,....a
_ .
1 • Boarding.
„„;,„ h o ~„„,,,,,_ , Foals' .t it Bl N ti . a ir co „ .m 7i i i i i L s i s a : ,, s m Eat; ii a NT,
list,. rt that' furolbl'rtVt'tn . r"ill'r r oZter r t "":r i',, n tt " ''''''' . ( I ()Nil S u Es hi, ii,tui . l iaeili . ties to reeeive
•t the cra s rti Third and tiraut ~,. ' 4L. c- 4 .°T
be k t3 . / . stor t ate, Sale, sod Trardhlptutut, all blerchandl e a
~,,b . -.,, - .
~, ' attt, q tta Sus. Wale leave hie dock daily for all points
HON wit! Itt, recetved in exchang e
„ Stellil a or, thc Lova and tha /Slows C a nal and Ulna/
rotall lat....n uut rt tools, t tot 't IVO lIC UN. t. LOTS. , Soo/bocci—Mr/Ark Lrena, Hurling . Cu.,
,fa 'hr Sixth Wart, En q uire of Ilcc.ra. J0n,,0 It Qul t tgl
be t oll
sCAltk, ATHINStIN A usieiv
Allegheny Railroad. . . llr Julio A. Caudttcy.•
Wm. H. Haskill,
PtIrSUILIISII of the direetinn m of an net of . UR At,it ALVIIONEEII, Ns ti Water atn.ct, l'EtlltlA.
I A.s,ottlyl, st thc 11!.. r kW. /0,7.. 0 I foluSlsotsht ' "•L
tl,sl/...t tt, I Alt 1.1 A ; dd. ltd., coott.. h -.t o Act p, c 0 ,, It. s crlai atteStlon to Cantmiation buil:lnaba
Incorporbtiso st 11,• itst.hur. d t. Stitbnan d alsi trarrcu
' ,. .S'lleZ.Wll',..'.\ - ' s w:.;!;:ta l . t . .' M.. :1 ‘ , ' . .'ral''%l' t il l ,; s' l % LA )Ijl S & S'l': JOSEPH,
~ . l,s rir, .4 I•dtbhur a tt. ts , , I ruin thtt, tt•
dny till a tol.i, at bowls/ or -liars. ssay I. buiscrlts.l ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI.
Vt tt,tint tit,. awl. t
11447.104 SENSV,
.1k 11. IttiiIINNON..I,_ . : 411)DLETOti, itiLi:y •A, M'OEE,
~. H . sljoSS SKIS/ Eli. "Et Mit II h. WHITE.
HEN. , ~,,,•,,,.
~, 1 3 ,,,, ~,, A ~. , r,,,,,,, ,
~,.„ , I, .111,-.,. Csoduissittu.a ud ' , marlin g klbrrhatits, . the
' YUAN t'ltl li A it,S, ;Jolt", IlitllltllloN. ' Lorca, Mt Joec u lt. 010.
OAs 111,1 estts sitst. ItiholtlJE Mild:S. . ,Ilbtcr to •.1.••••n r tionion. and Lorena. Stcrlind A Co..
IttilikllT °its. 1,531 Uhl. BAJO, Sst-islsds.
. . • apltly
JtIIIN klkellLlNit, ,SIIILI I. 1i SCHLINS, • 1 hAV.IIk , C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
JJO:, BUFFIIIIITt IN, ' ALS . 0/131 . ELL.
UllO' If ItTCIIISOS, ,CII 111 ItElts ugh, Ly at, ...tutassiune r for Scouttyltattla. or 1...,,,t Mt..
Ittltir IZT SITES. f.1 , 111,if1./.1::. ti. ,tuinuniratinu, manful- •••.cleo ~.,,o,
.; „. .
it iteesoma+.
• cedlslAietd T WIN IL RANKIN, Attorney and Caen.
- „... ._ .
etcllhr at Law,
Lout 1 tur I. it..
To Printers. i. St. Lout 1 • . •
V l , tt'rb i lt . t.Lltltdl„A- 1 1 - 1 ‘ l l'."' r . sw"..r.'""i"
FBINTING OFFICE, iiirmly supplied mu,. a was." i slc , (llt?rs n. Ph, I. -I. ''''''l' .
dArub au to.-...r rocer to. ttor dr,..1. • • top: ran . 6 ..4 ,, Ad-2 4 r C. • •°. • - '' ' ''•ttie l l'r •
1t....1t bud Job Bostic, ia Ode city. ts c calter with Us. un- ' ' ' - --"' ' -
ba pqrsl Icase "I MI mulls, 0.4 wlll, tc, la
he finre•-.Bilis
e '. .!: -t.,-7,r i . .t. 2 . ,l Tirs , :,,"3.'s"r t ,',"L' k ;,r d i e 07it'.1,`,4' , g IN CINCINNATI,
nt,n, xt ill I. ...Id 1,, Mufti thbtr value,on arm.. NJ - LOUISVILLE.
Ittubladn. .ruit 'fhb skills; prreents au upend. which • . SAINT LOUIS;
.b.i.sbontsrliff. Sur rammer. applr at thlbtatlce. ,
brolldta.trlT . I
~ lIVTIOAT adu
- - -likbbf , ll - 1 - .30 - udoltic - s — ti'. 1 , Win IA laticfoot4tfare n o•i• 1a...,
X. S. D/LWINITII 4 ai. ' .421 . 'A. lktl.kitSS di CO.
d lOU - 41N SYRUP
LA perk% for Ad. by
•rr,„.7- •
" 4 lUR IiENT—
TIAN •rnw sr en.
nr: . Leek !wilding sa.,l Chrp.l ""
tle DZI,e how• romplrtn,
recnod tltnn bas t.ltunu
ut 11
uqu tt 1 orilt
FPar Sale or Perpotth
off it nut , t• , I
Al/rql,n., ~ n ut •
ou It~uk Lao.
outtn kk"'
Yu term, un.
A Good Bargain is no ,
Fran Tim, to lota ACIIKS.It
near Ilort . e I , rltat—en , the rerun..
apply to It
I United States Poi
tw-tor b. U N the
lc the petitiou .t . M. ,orel, , i
nlt Fhn ranc, pre, Jou for th e extenoun el n pup ont 1.2
eu tor en mo danom n od e s
.ment tod f
en, 'reorlJua
alert &nen rust er oot et, t in,n the
h i,
esti,. ot nod -nabob eke, 2 - Ue,.•rober. 1' "v tt , no nit ,
.. 9 or 11,1
It l• onierd,kkat the sod pt... to heard at the '
eut uthee •PIO bard,. th e qth et the e a
„ l. •
aro, 11 etel eel I oernen „ bre robbol to h ar and.,
cause. It •nt they ha,. e la, .0 nes... nog. bet ..b
Penton.. oppaing th e oaten/non are ;.tubed lq hie . the
Patent tem thesr . he-ellen.. •i-i'meen; tot forth AL • r,
t us, sbleot twentt d•t • tonne 110. Ja.
hear., el
ILlimony nt-d i., ;11102 tam to be tned et 110 hearing,
tonal be taken end [omen. of .4 nee , dsuee nub On
rules el tha tali,. ninon twill to furonbed otrlicabeu.
ordered. alto, that Ow
Manse to 001,11 , 0 IL Ow Nn
tinned lotelligeurei. betohne, and I mon. ol 11 orlanatto,
U. t: t Goo., 21,0 Lonuder. Nee 1 orb, Penznylenuia la•
quire, Pcnadelplns . Pat.., leo., Preel. nee %alms!.
Ernsidence. Illuele haat.. Dahl .I.l.l.'enner. Ike. , Also
esclmeetts. Co:outer...o bulletin. New oriel., Lottielann
sod Pittsburgh nate., Pntelqugh. Pe 11t,i , •...... NrLi , a
Ytet;ll " be r r7:l7 '."”" " "."
coliklantfX lbnutrorTuer of Patents \
Kentucky Mutual Lire Iniuratkce Company ~,
TiiiS COMPANid, to the \ insured all
Y a
Ilte peewit,' nod advantages of the Mutval anal Jond
l•tuck Plans lotberetofbre•pplioll nombitel.7l,r Lott
rate* of prentibra: an 2115041 return 111 rash 0 the yr
centags required for the rout...of:fin; oi ti lear. so
olequate, - but try no zcsosiveprovoLlOn for the fu tire seek/-
far ot inenthore for e ehrle terru of ule. trilbu equine
hie Interest In am arcumulstlng fund nevuroi t oacti I
member., payable at death, by ckedlt2 not. their Alb.,
a guarani., motel designed fur the berms... ontatt) 0 1
lo ' r ' ra ' arintt qt . i ()Ill. '" "".
..."" N ' .4
fi^This it the oily .0 .21 Life Inebranre emu Aq
•Itone roes of 1.1114111/ An• loot e: e tor ro•loe,1 osta.
ITtilqu'o4fhtlFdrilVolluYtrtetteteTt7M7•=rf=Z \
the amount of hualtion and the i11er“..12 . .1. Iran ad
v .
u o dolt
tunqe i ' n re btdh e mem torn.
W ,opla., true.. nr, grvit:
detail t/ l
for ilt of ,lber o r mpny. M 0... gem., ,1 ran...hy
I:, 11
J end staetA l. ll en th..isltnoOmen., linhel lln e h'ur ' l, In \n
iilßliiiiES T
b bbie ” Ileebed
11,..0 ‘ 7, ' t"'
lbli loge priunto.. '
it, 1a...n0n 2 /1 Teo.
•• - In. ••
IS " " i
Powthong Tr.
12 and 0 D. . 1.0..., ...lta hoe., r laomilt, ute.
23 bOsen VoTobarect. rho:,.. irr•Wis: ''
- • _ 14 uereeettkr,
',. IV btax.1..71,0,0 t d bolter,
„,) 2 'l ” Mt
" 3 tl...r dr:tireV . ;lt„ . b'